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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 701 KB, 3072x4096, __irys_gloom_and_bloom_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_chyraliss__cd77944e95f9719c62b82ea90751f0c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32777938 No.32777938 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.32777964
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, bigface[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmti81x.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biggg face

>> No.32777968

Beware the floor shark

>> No.32777973
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1608653175489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778208

I love Ina!

>> No.32777979
File: 300 KB, 1589x2000, 1634508264424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick Gura's gills

>> No.32777985
File: 911 KB, 640x360, Boneitis[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fn0clzo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely this thread will be better

>> No.32777991
File: 214 KB, 1200x1812, 1631163449075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Kronii

>> No.32777990
File: 865 KB, 687x706, 1662509869819820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please no shes hot garbage at every game she touches

>> No.32777995

IRyS ate Watame

>> No.32777996
File: 3.66 MB, 1500x1821, 1661778637832695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.32777998

that watamate that was eaten? me

>> No.32778001

Sweaty Gamer Dream Team!

>> No.32778002
File: 214 KB, 463x453, 1641494559584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread will be better

>> No.32778007

>can I please play your game
Fauna no you're going to get permissions denied to you personally

>> No.32778013
File: 272 KB, 1700x2000, 1641021549950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tryhard plateup arc

>> No.32778016
File: 2.02 MB, 2500x2500, 1620957582005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute

>> No.32778014
File: 434 KB, 2020x2048, 1641803465825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pretty husband towasama...

>> No.32778023

>IRyS forced watame to eat ghengis khan

>> No.32778022
File: 82 KB, 224x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778054


>> No.32778026

, says the nousagi for the third week in a row

>> No.32778025
File: 724 KB, 1280x1000, 89096447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is cute!

>> No.32778030

IRyS turned Watame into a cannibal

>> No.32778031
File: 337 KB, 486x637, file(5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori!

>> No.32778033
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, towa_hello[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fuuvlkw.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778427

>> No.32778038

I havent watched any mori rust but i heard they were pretty cringe. Do you think she will reign in her autism when she's with ina?

>> No.32778052
File: 241 KB, 550x463, 1632656356749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homo's seem cool, fuck homobeggars though. No one likes you guys including Homofags, so go kill yourself or something.

>> No.32778054

I laughed

>> No.32778059

shell sleep for 20 hours when her batteries run out then do it all over again dont worry

>> No.32778061
File: 1.30 MB, 2000x1900, 1651546603628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is stopping Choco from marrying and reproducing?

>> No.32778062


>> No.32778063

Yogscast permissions onegai...

>> No.32778065


>> No.32778069


>> No.32778071

>hasn't seen ame play mario
She's easily the gamer of hololive

>> No.32778075


>> No.32778078

Give me a rundown on plateup

>> No.32778086


>> No.32778087
File: 68 KB, 463x453, 1660910174641273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irys heard WTM having a bad dream

>> No.32778096

The untimely passing of Shinzo Abe

>> No.32778101

Why does Watame sound so cute even in IRyS retelling of her having nightmares

>> No.32778108

>watame going uuuuuuu in her sleep
God I wish I was IRyS

>> No.32778111
Quoted by: >>32778315

No, Ina loves that shit

>> No.32778121
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, Amelia Watson Quote [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fddiclp.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to play xenoblade 3 for like 48 hours since I figured all the tempus nonsense would make /hlgg/ really bad

Is there any female hololive english related news I should catch up on, or go back to playing?

>> No.32778126
Quoted by: >>32778204

Can i get a headcount of who we know is in rust right now?

>> No.32778131
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, 1657511788357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame dreamed of us having sex for 5 seconds

>> No.32778134

No it won't IRyS threads are never good

>> No.32778135
File: 541 KB, 2310x4072, 20220908_185517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child Suityan

>> No.32778141
File: 1.17 MB, 4043x3763, 1659412278310091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumdum...

>> No.32778140

Watame was a shogun in a past life

>> No.32778142


>> No.32778145

lol Watame

>> No.32778146
Quoted by: >>32778187

Never made it before, if you don't think some people in Gura's massive fanbase won't get disappointed by the lack of streams while going dark on twitter I dunno what to tell you.

>> No.32778152

>watame dreams about being a shogun

>> No.32778153
File: 879 KB, 297x277, 1637633246298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever heard Choco's dating stories that last one date. She only get's men that are legit crazy people or werido's.

>> No.32778155

>I will not be in Ame's Worms Tournament

>> No.32778156
File: 525 KB, 2067x2756, 1650496857713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb sheep. i want to have sex with her so much.

>> No.32778157

>I will not be in Ame's worm tournament next week

>> No.32778163
File: 172 KB, 320x310, 1603064422012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I have cool dreams like that?

>> No.32778164
File: 125 KB, 928x1120, 1658334638593020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irys slept with Watame

>> No.32778172

She does that sheriff voice.

>> No.32778176
File: 1.29 MB, 828x811, 1629819676723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778295

There's no nousagi here, we camp in /#/ most of the time

>> No.32778178

post the smug Watame shogun image

>> No.32778179
Quoted by: >>32778332

Go play some more unless you wanna tune in to IRyS and hear her talk about the Watame vacation.

>> No.32778187

Not my fault that over the past 3-4 hours I've seen that exact post made several times

>> No.32778186

queen ded

>> No.32778193

>japanese people really dream about being a shogun and dying to arrows
i guess that makes sense, sometimes i dream about rowing across the potomac and shooting at soldiers on the shore

>> No.32778202
File: 189 KB, 1066x1200, 1662680331005678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream I was making out with Mumei last night

>> No.32778204

IRyS, Chocosen, Kanataso. But IRyS said when she logged in there were already 3-4 people.

>> No.32778206
Quoted by: >>32778449

>went to play xenoblade 3 for like 48 hours
So you're 1/5 of the way through the game?

>> No.32778208
File: 476 KB, 1440x1920, 1653276848820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.32778207

Japanese men are trash

>> No.32778213

Fauna's cat is wearing a bandana to keep food out of his fur. He hates it.

>> No.32778217
Quoted by: >>32778314

mythtards timelooping hours are so fucking boring

>> No.32778230

She WILL overdo the Goofy voice and Ina WILL laugh

>> No.32778237
File: 542 KB, 1100x1005, 1653431142942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Time was supposed to be a Sex PRIME duo... What could've been...

>> No.32778240
Quoted by: >>32778280

The gamer of rage quitting.

>> No.32778239

queen of bongs is dead

>> No.32778244

Can she not do the sheriff voice?

>> No.32778245
Quoted by: >>32778558

I wonder how actual texans feel when they hear her attempts.

>> No.32778247
File: 110 KB, 800x600, 1655428348409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will not be in Ame's worm tournament next week

>> No.32778253

did they get perms?

>> No.32778257
Quoted by: >>32778311

IRyS is going to be on Ame's worms collab

>> No.32778265
File: 890 KB, 2160x3840, 1662551757284252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778756


>> No.32778277
File: 221 KB, 1189x1682, FcITUOLakAAWB6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778280

She finishes all of the Mario's tho?

>> No.32778282
File: 108 KB, 382x390, 1662685062287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey shitposters, it's me.

>> No.32778283

>taxi driver fell in love with IRyS
how does she do it? why does everyone fall in love with her?

>> No.32778293
File: 197 KB, 1183x900, 1652753734198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically Ui stopped that from ever happening.

>> No.32778295
Quoted by: >>32778378

theres really no point trying to discuss pekora here. during jp primetime everyones just arguing about ame gura and homos or discussing other JP's

>> No.32778298

A pickme taxi driver

>> No.32778300 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 1080x1380, Screenshot_20220908-175748-432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778303
File: 1001 KB, 1102x1870, 1645580581450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child Botan.

>> No.32778306

why is that little boy crossdressing

>> No.32778309

*changes major again*

>> No.32778311

Where does this even come from? All we know is that there are ten people confirmed and that there are two slots that can still be filled, not that they will be filled.

>> No.32778313

How new are you?

>> No.32778314
File: 74 KB, 227x222, 1621902700027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778337

The thread is actually going ok so far-

>> No.32778315
Quoted by: >>32778455

Is there anyone that doesn't like it? I know Gura is at least annoyed enough by her Shrek Sandler stuff to make fun of her about it, but that's a different thing.

>> No.32778316
File: 212 KB, 1920x1080, 1649533059078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778575

I wish I had dreams like that.

>> No.32778317
File: 25 KB, 633x633, FB_IMG_1662188034148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep properly you dumbass

>> No.32778318
File: 1.10 MB, 3508x2480, 0i91qwsh87d71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778584

>> No.32778321
Quoted by: >>32778642

irys called the jav taxi

>> No.32778320

what's the problem with Ame's worms tournament?

>> No.32778325

I made this post.

>> No.32778326

IRyS has lust for a tax driver man...oh no your'e all kek'd

>> No.32778332
File: 3.23 MB, 2144x3110, SexRyS coundown[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff26lz6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an AmeRyS schizo so I will absolutely tune into that.

Has IryS shared any cute watame stories yet?

>> No.32778330

Is called having charisma nerd

>> No.32778334
File: 296 KB, 902x2048, DE0680C9-740C-4910-94B5-B54491CBA45F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778336
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1625075101171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very nice old man

why IRyS is like this

>> No.32778335

imagine being her sound engineer or manager...

>> No.32778337

maybe next thread

>> No.32778340


>> No.32778343

Kronii is better than her when it comes to platforming

>> No.32778346
File: 189 KB, 500x500, FRcozJXXEAIyTVy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778382

>> No.32778349

Based. I kneel.

>> No.32778352
Quoted by: >>32778516

Ina finds that stuff hilarious and mori always puts the eenjoyment of whonshe is playing with over viewers which is fine.

>> No.32778354

Cute ojisan

>> No.32778357
Quoted by: >>32778479

>called the ojisan cute
Irys stealing Shiokkos now?

>> No.32778366


>> No.32778368

we don't want him

>> No.32778370
Quoted by: >>32778529

Does Ollie have a cute butt?

>> No.32778377

Wtf don't dox me...

>> No.32778378
Quoted by: >>32778430

/#/ actually discuss Pekora stream more than number whenever she stream. That's why I just go there to discuss her stream in particular

>> No.32778382
File: 276 KB, 533x475, watame[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgerlyk.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778444


>> No.32778385

Holy Based

>> No.32778397

That Ojiisan? Me

>> No.32778395

Tempiss and Mori are in it

>> No.32778396

most of the girls suck at worms

>> No.32778400
Quoted by: >>32778451

A little bit. She's just bringing stuff up idly as she plays Rust. Be on the lookout, though, she's gonna be posting a vacation video thing after some editing.

>> No.32778409
Quoted by: >>32778466

Time for the thread to take a nosedive

>> No.32778410

based saplins

>> No.32778415
File: 1.76 MB, 546x482, 1641012614011.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahead looms a calamity. Ahead looms collabs, expunging all form and life. Twin dooms only you can forestall. Only you.

>> No.32778418

What the fuck is a Worm?

>> No.32778425

I'm gonna tell Fauna that she sings/plays Happy Birthday incorrectly

>> No.32778427
File: 1.21 MB, 264x282, chu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F42beez.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778430

same yea, numbers is also consistently better during JP 3d lives than this thread too

>> No.32778435
File: 160 KB, 512x512, taxidriver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related was their taxi driver.

>> No.32778436

How does Kaela do her member streams? Are they crazy long like her regular streams or is it only like 2 hours?

>> No.32778438


>> No.32778444

I hear you're a racist now, Watame

>> No.32778445
Quoted by: >>32778502

Real saplings love homos and i'm not even baiting

>> No.32778449

Not true, the game is like 60-80 hours for the main story depending on how much extra you do. I think I did all the hero and ascension quests and still beat the game at around 80

>> No.32778450

so what did irys and watame record in hokkaido?

>> No.32778451

its going to be on watames channel

>> No.32778452

Speaking of TFT, Kaela only streamed League TFT once which is a shame cause it's fun to watch.

>> No.32778457
File: 1.17 MB, 1426x1754, 1651125273251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778846

It's a fucking shame

>> No.32778455

Gura is a fucking brat that goes out of her way to make her do it so she can make fun of her
Remember that it's HER fault that we had to watch 8 Crazy Nights

>> No.32778458

Anya bullied Mori about being a peace larper on the final day of season 2. Anya straight up told her "that's not the point of this game" and " I don't think anybody will visit your fortress of peace". One would hope that would be enough to convince her to play the game normally but we all know she won't.

>> No.32778459

I didnt know I had 2 youtube accounts

>> No.32778461

I have never wanted to be an ojisan taxi driver more in my life

>> No.32778462
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1633515801100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coworkers just caught me watching IRyS in my office.

>> No.32778466

Already did buddy

>> No.32778475

she and watame fucked all night long

>> No.32778477

Pls delete, stop exposing me

>> No.32778479
File: 214 KB, 997x1500, 1660758859046212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ngl, as one of the last remaining shiokkos, IRyS is pretty neat

>> No.32778481


>> No.32778483
File: 22 KB, 117x136, 1647124251651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778749

choco cooks all her homecooked meals in some weird as shit japanese steamer microwave
i cant get over that

>> No.32778487

I'm a whore and i should graduate

>> No.32778486

Based I kneel. Call out those pathetic cuckmates and their whore oshi who is lusting for another man's dick, king

>> No.32778500
File: 3.66 MB, 3816x2072, ollie SEX[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftyx9tl.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomby sex

>> No.32778501
Quoted by: >>32780382

Multiple player turn base game are boring

>> No.32778502 [DELETED] 

Stop projecting, cuckmate

>> No.32778505

do teamates just go around searching for comments to seethe at?

>> No.32778509
File: 124 KB, 1185x1074, Fb5sK5RWQAAI-BG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Fauna

>> No.32778510

6 hours straight of JOI and earlicking asmr

>> No.32778511

Interstellar was so promising

>> No.32778516
Quoted by: >>32779538

I would be ok with the cowboy voice if Mori made Ina do it too.

>> No.32778518

Still waiting for that LoR stream kaela…

>> No.32778519

I was the taxi driver oji, by the way. Watame had her face in IRyS' armpit the entire time which was sort of strange, but otherwise they were very nice girls that learned a thing or two about history

>> No.32778520
File: 145 KB, 303x336, 1658361539668148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does carrot cake provide any nutritional benefit vs standard cake?

Does stevia actually fuck up your metabolism?

What's a good price for a 40" OLED TV these days?

Are squats a good exercise if your knees make crackle noises?

Has IRyS shared any good watame stories?

>> No.32778521

in games that properly trigger her autism(rhythm games) gura's pretty tryhard

>> No.32778528

Did you get a promotion?

>> No.32778529
File: 353 KB, 1824x1300, 9D2956D2-6838-49E6-AEF5-8D2AD8E03AB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She do, but fan artists don’t draw it that often.

>> No.32778531

Wow, Teamates really are the worst fanbase.

>> No.32778541
File: 394 KB, 2115x2876, DakIRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let all the male shitposting distract you form the fact that IRyS SEXUALLY HARASSED HER FANS AT DOKOMI

>> No.32778544

Japanese Adult Video

>> No.32778550

Somebody's getting promoted!

>> No.32778557
File: 77 KB, 1000x1000, 1616212024125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2-4 hours usually, she also makes some quick 1 min shitposts videos every now and then.

>> No.32778558

I don't watch her anymore, but when i did, her trying to make it a persona was a little grating for me. I find it as annoying as any other over the top accent she does.

>> No.32778562

she went almost the entire time with Ame and Kiara without doing it so yeah

>> No.32778564
File: 65 KB, 799x799, cute!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meimei a cute!

>> No.32778566
Quoted by: >>32778754

WTF is Choco building? She already has a house.

>> No.32778570

It's a shame we have no unironic LoL Holo. The game is shit but it always manages to generate autism and rage.

>> No.32778575

she's not even my oshi too, which is even weirder..

>> No.32778581

Holy based

>> No.32778584

Does anyone have the Watamate rap one?

>> No.32778587


>> No.32778595

So saplings are our enemy now?

>> No.32778603

Ayame exist

>> No.32778608

I am not a fan of hostile fans

>> No.32778617
File: 333 KB, 601x720, 1648075836499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ggg/ is posting porn again...

>> No.32778623

I've had that with Ina, it's a really strange feeling

>> No.32778627

Her Bikini Beach Brawl wrestling match with Watame.

>> No.32778641

Fauna lost the custom mii perms...

>> No.32778640
File: 161 KB, 1235x1150, FQEtF8bakAIIQBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778716

team wood is literally just 5 dudes working on a game, the email probably just got buried

>> No.32778642

Should have called the taxi that gives out drinks laces with diuretics and then doesn't pull over until you piss yourself.

>> No.32778645

It's not weird at all, you've just been infected by the Mumei brainworm.

>> No.32778648

same desu wa

>> No.32778651


>> No.32778657


>> No.32778659

>Does carrot cake provide any nutritional benefit vs standard cake?
It has carrots and those are good for you
>Does stevia actually fuck up your metabolism?
Artificial sweeteners are bad
>What's a good price for a 40" OLED TV these days?
I don't know ~1-2k maybe
>Are squats a good exercise if your knees make crackle noises?
Get your knees checked at a sports doc
>Has IRyS shared any good watame stories?
She made her eat lamb

>> No.32778669
File: 34 KB, 227x222, 1645413860332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778672

more like dan dan cheekedup mumei am i right sheesh i want to be mumeis chair ong frfr

>> No.32778677

What's going on with Miitopia? It's not Sana

>> No.32778686

Watame had a nightmare about being a shogun in olden times and her castle being attacked

>> No.32778685

She lost Sana perms

>> No.32778689

Thank god we don't. That game stopped being good long ago. I don't play dota anymore but I atleast respect it unlike league.

>> No.32778696

uuuhhhh can you ummm link the posts haha...

>> No.32778697
File: 1.33 MB, 1244x568, 1652498754866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778704

100% broscience
200+/- dollarydoos

>> No.32778709

Please do Mori

>> No.32778710

they tell her not to include someone? I blanked out for a sec

>> No.32778716

You'd normally follow up after months of radio silence manager-chama. Do your fucking job.

>> No.32778719
Quoted by: >>32778851

Atleast they aren't grooming another underage 1view.

>> No.32778720

Fauna had to quit miitopia because of the trio she made with Matsuri and Luna

>> No.32778724

Miitopia rrats?

>> No.32778733

you just like me bro fr fr

>> No.32778735
File: 128 KB, 1280x1280, 1638371061792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778771

Wow, Anya is pretty based.

>> No.32778737

Unbelievably based. I'm kinda inspired to do the same now

>> No.32778738
File: 389 KB, 600x703, PROMOTED!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778739

>Does carrot cake provide any nutritional benefit vs standard cake?
Technically but it's probably either very minor or completely overwritten by the fact that you're eating cake. It's still delicious, however.
>Does stevia actually fuck up your metabolism?
No idea, my dad who is a hypochondriac uses it a lot on his doctor's orders. I avoid artificial sweeteners on a principle basis and I am killing myself if I ever become diabetic.
>What's a good price for a 40" OLED TV these days?
No idea
>Are squats a good exercise if your knees make crackle noises?
Visit an orthopedic
>Has IRyS shared any good watame stories?

>> No.32778744

And dont forget mori told anya to mind her own business

>> No.32778749
File: 308 KB, 1920x1080, 1640059210025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get over how good they look despite that

>> No.32778751

This happened to me but I was watching Mumei and she was a niji fangirl, she stopped talking and eating lunch with me.

>> No.32778754

Building for the sake of building

>> No.32778756 [DELETED] 
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, E02599B7-3818-4589-B32F-540B55118736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778761

its an orgy with tempiss disguised as a worms tourney basically

>> No.32778763
File: 279 KB, 1200x1697, Owl displaying her chicken wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779636

Cute and sexy.

>> No.32778767
File: 408 KB, 1024x1024, GatahCry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778817


>> No.32778772
File: 179 KB, 480x480, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778771
Quoted by: >>32778827


>> No.32778775
File: 203 KB, 1080x1640, FcGbFDIWAAA5DyE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778780
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, nakunai[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fq7bgwc.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this bgm so much and i love my oshi so much its unreal

>> No.32778790

feel dat bro

>> No.32778794
File: 110 KB, 1449x696, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778797

It generates autism and rage PRECISELY because it's shit, anon.

>> No.32778801
File: 888 KB, 3681x3729, 1646794897652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, with the members/channel comments posting becoming such (You) bait...

...Have we 180'd on the whole "containment breaking" thing? Is it a good/encouraged thing now? It used to be frowned upon now but any time you post a single comment from someone's channel you get 100 "based" replies now

>> No.32778807
File: 153 KB, 900x1200, 1660498842166848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778808
File: 111 KB, 617x433, 1649222973471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778835

I miss Ina...

>> No.32778815

Sorry to be a bother but since there appears to be choco fans in the thread, choco did like a 360 3D asmr video in the past correct? Was that deleted because I can’t find it.

>> No.32778817



>> No.32778821

frfr ong broh

>> No.32778820


>> No.32778825
File: 288 KB, 1347x1941, 99109247-93E2-4285-B119-31CD69CF28EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779175


>> No.32778827
File: 122 KB, 512x512, 1656868920987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better.

>> No.32778826
File: 254 KB, 1535x2048, 1662685535814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778835
File: 116 KB, 1920x1080, 1652410201599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778926


>> No.32778838

Fuck off

>> No.32778841


>> No.32778846
File: 762 KB, 2449x3995, 1656674669298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779105


>> No.32778849
Quoted by: >>32779001

these arent the same posters as back then retard

>> No.32778851


>> No.32778858
File: 3.38 MB, 400x300, 1231231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781480

>These replies
>Totally not being raided

>> No.32778859

>female coworker was a female nijifan
Bullet fucking dodged there anon.

>> No.32778860
Quoted by: >>32779202

might be on her sub channel

>> No.32778868

Still frowned upon no matter how much a faggot samefags or calls for his raiding discord buddies

>> No.32778870


>> No.32778871

so it is just a deadbeat false flagging? anything new?

>> No.32778874

Watch the knees over toes guy crunchy knee having nerd

>> No.32778875

Essentially this https://youtu.be/043Q0vVw6SI?t=9986

>> No.32778877


>> No.32778879
File: 343 KB, 2522x2981, 1623313345361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anons, one of my coworkers got caught jerking off to some anime girl moaning and playing video games on the work computer, so i'm getting a promotion

>> No.32778881
File: 502 KB, 1440x1920, 98045992_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778987

What will be at the top of Choccy tower?

>> No.32778884
File: 132 KB, 1039x609, A FUCKING MONKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778892

actually mental illness

>> No.32778894
File: 391 KB, 2048x2048, 1642801534341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778897
File: 265 KB, 640x492, 2344324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were bitching the entire stream in their split, the fuck happened to saplings?

>> No.32778901
Quoted by: >>32778981

Is it possible to "permanently" trap someone in Rust inside a building that only you have building permissions for? Like, obviously they could suicide, but if they had a lot of good shit would they be better served to live in servitude than die and lose their shit?

>> No.32778912
Quoted by: >>32778971

This site is shit, it only tracks Kiara’s and Mori’s chats from EN. Believe me, I’d love the chance to shit on KFP but that site just doesn’t work.

>> No.32778918

I'm a medfag and the nurses look at me funny ever since they caught me watching her too. As far as I know the gossip never extended to the rest of the hospital staff I talk with.

>> No.32778920
File: 324 KB, 1798x2400, 3219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32778953

the fuck how do you even pull up this page?

>> No.32778923
File: 15 KB, 709x565, 1645232901314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32778926


>> No.32778928

My god, Pekora... she bought a MONKEY.

>> No.32778934
File: 1.42 MB, 1024x831, 1635673237189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32778937
Quoted by: >>32779202

check her sub channel

>> No.32778938

Is Ame the new Mori who was the new Kiara?

>> No.32778940
File: 2.50 MB, 920x844, Towa dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready to admit Towa is the sexiest holo?

>> No.32778943

ChumplingFPrystocratmans keeps winning

>> No.32778946

this board has been raided to death recently and the meidos have given up

>> No.32778953

on mobile it displays other recent comments on this channel if you tap their profile in the comments

>> No.32778955

Use this guys >>32778877 I missed the first bit of it while scrubbing through

>> No.32778958
File: 259 KB, 640x427, 157896563215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, do you remember that baseball colab hololive jp did last year? is it going to happen again?
that match with korone and kanata was peak comfykino

>> No.32778963
File: 2.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1637960498560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let this thread distract you to the fact Kanata is trying to fuck someone's mom.

>> No.32778971


>> No.32778979

Smol Ame hasn’t collabed with a male yet, has she? That would get me to stop watching HoloEN.

>> No.32778981

If they don't have the resources to break free then it should be possible

>> No.32778984
File: 3.53 MB, 8026x4255, 1657617174991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779737


>> No.32778987


>> No.32778985

wtf Anya is based

>> No.32778989


>> No.32778992


>> No.32778994
Quoted by: >>32779230

If she was really bonked, prolly next week

>> No.32778993
File: 102 KB, 300x300, 1656475348348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must've went for a piss during this part because I missed this entire exchange.

>> No.32778998

>Nijifag put off by Mumei’s presence

>> No.32779000
Quoted by: >>32779058

>watame brushes her teeth for 10 minutes
>i brush my teeth for 10 minutes

>> No.32779001
File: 313 KB, 470x542, 1658364478352131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779194

So you're saying everyone here is new now? Where'd the old folks go?

>> No.32779002

Just like Haachama

>> No.32779004
Quoted by: >>32779193

>we will never get sundial kino again due to timezones

>> No.32779016

it really wasn't as hostile as people making it to be. Anya just saw the worst of mankind that day

>> No.32779019


>> No.32779022

Honestly I don't care about mori trying to be peaceful but her trying to force the others to do it is cringe as hell. (Timestamp completely unrelated btw)

>> No.32779029

>watame "brushed her teeth" for 10 minutes every time

>> No.32779032

Fauna should play League TFT, it is not a toxic game

>> No.32779030

Not true, they showed up to try and ban the /meat/ posters that tried to fight back against the drama tourists

>> No.32779033

>there are people who unironically put their toothbrush on idle mid brushing for more than 15mins for no reason

>> No.32779053

t. kromie

>> No.32779055

recap me on Irys's stream

>> No.32779060
File: 401 KB, 500x500, 1656747285633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't make me your enemy, I am emotionally fragile and I think your oshi is pretty cool, too.

>> No.32779058

I do it too

>> No.32779064

>4/50 online
Okay who is it?

>> No.32779067
File: 216 KB, 800x796, snowbama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779505

>> No.32779069

If you where there when Council first came to be you'd know a good chunk of Sapling are former Teamates anyway. Dude is just hate watching his former oshi at this point.

>> No.32779074

I would too if I encountered Rurundo desu

>> No.32779096

>IRyS 7k
>Fauna 4k
How the turntables

>> No.32779099

have to thank tourists for that and meidos being compliant with their faggotry while selectively banning the most mundane shit

>> No.32779101


>> No.32779105
File: 2.67 MB, 3508x2480, 1632805090275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779178

Maybe EN3or 4 will have a black/white ship where they do raceplay sex

>> No.32779109

me and my 3 sissy sapling gfs

>> No.32779112
File: 1.22 MB, 2077x4096, 20220720_201431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And pretty...

>> No.32779115
File: 389 KB, 1080x1071, 1662369193583956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should let me be a mod on god

>> No.32779117
File: 504 KB, 1280x720, 1657438210044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779118

i dislike you

>> No.32779138

Anya is pretty based.

>> No.32779144

Kanata, Choco, IRyS and someone else.

>> No.32779145
File: 1.40 MB, 560x560, po.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779150

Well as long as We’re blatantly lying, Towa is the most important member of Hololive, even more important than Sora!

>> No.32779153


>> No.32779159

You just know it's some sort of tourist raid when it started getting spammed like crazy, but none of it is the ogey edits. Like we went from anons forgetting what he really looks like and calling him lil nigga, to the normal picture getting posted all the time, and him being called Pekora's monkey

>> No.32779163
Quoted by: >>32779204

shouldn't irys hide the menu?

>> No.32779164
File: 67 KB, 332x271, 1656630724226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rudely burps in your face*

>> No.32779170

Choco, LargeShark, Ame, and amanekanatach subscribe yoroshiku

>> No.32779175


>> No.32779178
Quoted by: >>32779217

someone post the fauna soundpost where she says *know your place, you filthy monkey*

>> No.32779187

how many girls has mumei rejected

>> No.32779193

Timezones aren't an issue it's the North American Holo's sleep schedule

>> No.32779194

nta but I don't even post here much anymore except when kiara is streaming.

>> No.32779195


>> No.32779196

IRyS, your new toilet has a bidet...

>> No.32779199


>> No.32779201

Irys that's a sink

>> No.32779204


>> No.32779202

Found it, thanks. I want to use it test these shitty cardboard goggles I made.

>> No.32779206
File: 3.15 MB, 772x772, 1632805383412.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779208

Holocure patch drop in less than 3 hours

>> No.32779209
File: 119 KB, 703x709, 1625970096250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, IRyS is so stupid...

>> No.32779215
Quoted by: >>32779324

>IRyS has never seen a bidet before
holy shit imagine the stains on her anus...

>> No.32779217

Pekora's house?

>> No.32779216

>Bid dept

>> No.32779223

irys.. that's a bidet..

>> No.32779229
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, 1614268132135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779624

Oh yeah, the new rules means she can't make a indestructible fortress filled with turrets. They should also add hardcore mode so she can't hide in safe zones anymore.

>> No.32779230

Anon if big brain is this Saturday she'll be there.

>> No.32779232

>IRyS doesn't know what a bidet is
Bidetbros, we lost...

>> No.32779231
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1662658569741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this gay?

>> No.32779234

>I don't know what a bidet looks like
IRyS crusty ass...

>> No.32779242

>What do you use a bidet for

>> No.32779243

IRyS needs her ass cleaned
I can save her

>> No.32779247
File: 4 KB, 299x37, 1661539215611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779322

>> No.32779248

So uh is IRyS for real

>> No.32779249

>a bidette
Euros are absolutely seething rn, I love her

>> No.32779255

How does Irys not know what a bidet is, I thought thats a common feature in Japan?

>> No.32779257

kiara in her sleep

>> No.32779259

She had a prime opportunity to actually be interesting during that trade with Pekora but she decided to be boring af.

>> No.32779270
File: 5 KB, 328x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779322

>> No.32779275

Imagine the smell of IRyS's unwashed ass

>> No.32779276

How the fuck are you Japanese, in Japan, and have never seen or used a bidet
It was in every fucking establishment I went to including every hotel I've been in

>> No.32779277 [DELETED] 

Is IRyS retarded?

>> No.32779283
File: 420 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's talking about this style of bidet

>> No.32779284
File: 100 KB, 247x329, 1649058880632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan doesn't have bidets
holy fucking third world, worse than the F*ench

>> No.32779288
File: 364 KB, 578x603, 1647990157387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara still awake

>> No.32779293
Quoted by: >>32779422

>IRyS has never used a bidet
>I have never used a bidet

>> No.32779308

>iyrs takes it up the ass

>> No.32779310
File: 25 KB, 202x212, Braindamaged Mumei[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fawd0u0.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Mumie think's she's dumb.

>> No.32779312
File: 347 KB, 1000x562, 8bd914b0-744f-43fe-9904-2564e9d7e15c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779313
File: 862 KB, 1075x1500, Fb6TQF0UcAAHGYP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779314

bidets are disgusting and you can't convince me otherwise

>> No.32779317
File: 348 KB, 597x588, 1612586315482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779321

I love it when IRyS learns shit like this on stream.

>> No.32779322
File: 2.58 MB, 498x498, 1640682153944.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Moom? Moomstream?

>> No.32779323

it's 7/50

>> No.32779327

Holy shit based Anya. Fuck the landwhale

>> No.32779324

I mean japan has built in modern bidets as a norm even for poorfags

>> No.32779328

Seriously though, sink style bidets make no fucking sense. Japanese-style like she's familiar with are obviously way better

>> No.32779330

The first time I saw one of these, I didn't know what the fuck it was either

>> No.32779334

irys please I can smell this conversation

>> No.32779335

Nigga their bidets are built in their toilets. Separate bidets are foreign to them.

>> No.32779339

Get on and the first stream that popped up on the feed is Irys. Shes talking about toilets excessively

>> No.32779340

Why is Irys like this....

>> No.32779342

it's only 3am

>> No.32779350


>> No.32779352
Quoted by: >>32779385

bidets are retarded eurotrash

>> No.32779353

That's what the bidet at my grandparent's was like

>> No.32779354
File: 342 KB, 1000x1123, 1621882099928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you dont use a bidet your ass is dirty
do you guys not take showers?

>> No.32779356 [DELETED] 

a whore retweeting a whore nice

>> No.32779358
File: 815 KB, 1913x3000, FcKhAK5XgAAEB-W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779359

I like how she says tush

>> No.32779361
Quoted by: >>32779451

Aren't bidets really popular in Japan? How could she not have seen them?

>> No.32779366
Quoted by: >>32779453

uhhhh IRyStocrats? your oshi is dirty?

>> No.32779370

do you like... bend over and open your ass? i know how to use a normal bidet but that seems way uncomfortable

>> No.32779382 [DELETED] 
File: 2.94 MB, 720x720, OH SHIT A RRAT(even faster)[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fie231n.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are bidets good for you if your butt bleeds occasionally when you poo?

And no I can't see a doctor I'm a burger

>> No.32779386
Quoted by: >>32779482


>> No.32779385
Quoted by: >>32779437

Nigga your ass stinks

>> No.32779388

Irys laughing at a bidet is now making me laugh. This is retarded.

>> No.32779391
File: 379 KB, 937x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have fancy attached bidets

>> No.32779394

That’s because they’re advanced enough to integrate them into toilets anon

>> No.32779408

IRyS has a stinky ass

>> No.32779413

I mean I do but a bidet seems more efficient

>> No.32779416

Thatt's not Mori retweeting Bae though

>> No.32779418
Quoted by: >>32779543

I use baby wipes

>> No.32779422

she literally has one in her home toilet, and like 90% of fucking public toilets have them, they're just built in not separate

>> No.32779425

I assume most people here have horrible diets and their shits are massive and runny.

>> No.32779428

This whole board has been raided by CIA glowies working for cover. Yagoo has spent every yen of his profits to make stars EN work.

>> No.32779430
Quoted by: >>32779464

What if the water misses

>> No.32779432
File: 104 KB, 282x316, 1646968485323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate IRyS's intelligence on a scale of 1 to 10.

>> No.32779433

irys has a DIRTY BUTT

>> No.32779435

>people attacking IRyS when watame, a certified japanese living in japan also did not know
shut the FUCK up

>> No.32779436


>> No.32779437

>Toilet paper

>> No.32779440

>And no I can't see a doctor I'm a burger
Then perish

>> No.32779439
File: 34 KB, 537x601, roca-washbasin-watercloset-w+w-31-537x601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im pretty sure she is describing a recycle water sink something like pic related

>> No.32779441

Choco just shit her pants!

>> No.32779443

is that Peko?

>> No.32779444

Japanese toilets are a sink, shitter, bidet, and office water cooler at the same time

>> No.32779448

if the bleeding is from hemorrhoids, yes since you won't be irritating them by wiping

>> No.32779451

Built-in ones, not the separate ones.

>> No.32779450

Anya is fucking based

>> No.32779453

the fuck you mean. every toilet in jpland has that fancy button pressed bidet on their regular toilets.
the separate old style bidets are ancient

>> No.32779454

They have add-on bidets that actually make sense instead of weird reverse-straddle ass sinks like E*ros

>> No.32779455

I'm American too and I can go see a doctor right now and it'll cost me 25 dollars max
get a job

>> No.32779459

Somewhere between Aqua and Haachama

>> No.32779464

You scoot around

>> No.32779463
Quoted by: >>32779509

Can you drink that water?

>> No.32779466
Quoted by: >>32779609

>i thought it's a face washer

>> No.32779467
Quoted by: >>32779741

No one here showers anon they all think is a waste of time

>> No.32779469
File: 672 KB, 640x1006, eibx9svjsp971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you don't give your horny oshi the dick.

>> No.32779477

thongs arent sexy

>> No.32779482
Quoted by: >>32779602

There’s people who know how to use the three seashells?

>> No.32779487

if the blood is bright red you shouldn't worry about it could be just the wiping so a bidet is good
if the blood is dark/black you're dying

>> No.32779488
File: 360 KB, 660x654, 1651003016128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Irys' pubes so dense that they reach all the way to her butt hole?

>> No.32779491
File: 383 KB, 392x390, 1656917933210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At first I thought it might be a face washer

>> No.32779500

Infinitely approaching 1

>> No.32779505

>Nobody replies "unsolicited" to snowbama posts anymore

>> No.32779504


>> No.32779509

It comes from the tank behind the toilet no?

>> No.32779514

what the fuck is this trash??
completely false

>> No.32779516

thats normal for any asian woman, you see their asshole they got a ring of hair

>> No.32779518

totalbiscuit it then

>> No.32779520

Your mother RT's >>32777990's mothers' tweets???

>> No.32779521
File: 393 KB, 1524x2048, F20B33AF-EF2D-45FB-87BA-D1FE131ED7F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779530
File: 96 KB, 710x751, buttpainpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if anyone even remembers who this is

>> No.32779538

You're welcome

>> No.32779543

This, baby wipes works wonders

>> No.32779549

or she just has a hairy asshole

>> No.32779550

>IRyS and Watame had unwashed assholes during their trip together because they didn't understand the separate bidet
conceptualize the aroma

>> No.32779555

truly the end times

>> No.32779556

>eating a dense cheesecake
>then immediately sleeping after
uhh architectbros

>> No.32779559
File: 115 KB, 500x500, WatRyS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to install a bidet, but doesn't the little squirter thing get dirty since it's like right there?
Sounds like a pain to clean

>> No.32779566
File: 1.19 MB, 2111x3399, 78801985_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779567

I have hololive on a full screen monitor in front of my boss. I watch all the hololive girls on it. Have for years.

>> No.32779574

She has a hairy butthole, it's normal

>> No.32779578

I have solicited it.

>> No.32779582

Atahuta is good.

>> No.32779585


>> No.32779590

That's why I said that anon.

>> No.32779595

Nothing touch my asshole, not gay, i jusst take a shit and put the clothes on

>> No.32779598

Goes to show how dire things are.

>> No.32779602

Tf are the 3 Seashells?

>> No.32779601
Quoted by: >>32779647

>LARP as a cowboy

>> No.32779609
Quoted by: >>32779819

Well, in her defense it looks like a face washer

>> No.32779610

no it retracts and most of them that are powered have auto cleaners if it does get dirty

>> No.32779613

It retracts into a housing when not in use. And many of them come with a little dookie shield to further protect it.

>> No.32779614
File: 192 KB, 623x450, ata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779681

draw more mio

>> No.32779620
File: 490 KB, 700x700, 1662061633580426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takobro moved on from ina to kronii
>she barely streams then embraces homos
I wonder what that guy even does anymore, maybe he just moved on to a different hobby?

>> No.32779624

Wait, what new rules?

>> No.32779625

whats wrong with burgers and why is it so frequent for them to have a bleeding ass. like most stories from friends and family too

>> No.32779627

So where did IRYS build her base?

>> No.32779631

I blame the Towafaggots.

>> No.32779636
File: 2.49 MB, 1876x3838, IMG_20220722_090011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779641

Stop wiping so hard you dickhead

>> No.32779647

I mean, yeah

>> No.32779650


>> No.32779656

0.116 more points than Aqua

>> No.32779663


>> No.32779666

Do women have a taint? Or is that a man-only thing?

>> No.32779670
File: 504 KB, 794x664, 1660973719254309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.32779675
Quoted by: >>32779768

He shows up in /hfz/ whenever OP streams (so never)

>> No.32779674
File: 1.44 MB, 1271x716, 1655961179300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779677

Specifically 40"? No clue. LG C1 has been hitting a sale price of about $800-900 for the 48", though. I should add that if you're asking about a good price, that means price is a concern, and OLED is still definitely a screen that WILL visibly slowly die on you. I'm retarded and don't care about money despite not having any so I bit the bullet, and can attest that it's fucking gorgeous, but you might wanna consider a good QLED instead.

>> No.32779678
File: 226 KB, 2000x2000, IMG_20220909_030108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the compliment, Meimei.

>> No.32779679

plenty of people remember damascus, i am sure

>> No.32779681

Anal with mio is one of my life long dreams

>> No.32779685

>he doesn’t know about the three seashells

>> No.32779684

which holo has the dirtiest anus and anus hair due to not showering

>> No.32779689

I asked for it with my mind powers

>> No.32779698

Bottom right, close to chloe

>> No.32779699

Did you forget him making OC during Pizzapapa 3D debut? Most of the drawfags have no issue with homos.

>> No.32779701
Quoted by: >>32779825

limit on number of turrets you can have in your base and how far you can reinforce your base.

>> No.32779702
Quoted by: >>32779845

Anon what the FUCK
You don't use the 3 seashells? So you just walk around with a stanky ass?

>> No.32779706
File: 389 KB, 761x1200, 1661858957724848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.32779707

New Rust rules for S3
>You can't upgrade to metal bases
>You can't make bases on islands
>A third thing that was actually not really relevant

>> No.32779710
File: 259 KB, 850x1220, 1660115206420429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780614

Ahahuta is nice when their art isn't covered with 90% fat hairy old man

Dude likes to draw ugly ojisans a little too much

>> No.32779712
File: 2.92 MB, 818x784, 1632577624774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779713

last I heard he was in the holofights threads

>> No.32779715

most have a self cleaning function, so between that and normally cleaning your toilet they're not bad

>> No.32779718

All thread celebrities watch homos

>> No.32779722

nousagis dont let them make fun of you at least wipe your ass with baby wipes!

>> No.32779727


>> No.32779735

It's just very tiny on women, so much so it can tear during childbirth

>> No.32779737
File: 691 KB, 2222x3110, 1656990738756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest!

>> No.32779741

But showers are comfy. And with a bluetooth speaker or wireless waterproof earbuds, you can even listen to streams in the shower.

>> No.32779743

yes a woman's publc area is called the taint as well, their bush can also overtake their pussy lips and extend backwards

>> No.32779746

>He doesn't know about the 3 seashells

>> No.32779751
File: 152 KB, 1500x1500, 1661685392907988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779910

The cutest

>> No.32779755
File: 565 KB, 2407x1694, pizza mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a wild 3d it was...

>> No.32779768

>Every oshi he moves onto streams less and less
Truly a cursed existence

>> No.32779780
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 1651597253025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32779821

Ok guys what I want is a rank of the dumbest Holo's from dumbest to smartest. Just give me the top 5 most retarded girls in order.

>> No.32779785

himitsu dayo

>> No.32779795
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 34680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.32779798

>there are people here who unironically just use dry toilet paper
when you got shit on the other parts of your skin so you're fine just using dry tp then?

>> No.32779811
File: 131 KB, 694x1007, 1647905535155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irys gets ambushed by a bear
>panics but fights back and even kills it
>Watson gets attacked any wildlife
>runs away and dies most of the time
Season 3 is off to a weird start.

>> No.32779814
File: 1.30 MB, 1352x2020, 1654035050483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The prettiest!

>> No.32779817
File: 296 KB, 1500x1087, 1660753907990405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779819

at knee-height tho?

>> No.32779821


>> No.32779823
Quoted by: >>32782063

Metal is ok, armored not

>> No.32779825
File: 289 KB, 700x434, 1656988442230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. Kinda weird, but okay, then.

>> No.32779826

Well you're the only one who answered correctly

>> No.32779833
File: 163 KB, 887x1109, 1659473414288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread finally stops talking about drama for the first time in 24
>thread is now talking about bidets, bleeding assholes and smelly shit
you niggers are truly something else

>> No.32779835

Anon Pekora is already claiming an island as her own

>> No.32779837

>talks about yawning

>> No.32779840

It's almost like they're mostly normal people...

>> No.32779841

The ESL in this post really isn't surprising

>> No.32779843
Quoted by: >>32779969

artist name?

>> No.32779845

Is that supposed to be a shower system? I use a one lever fits all system, turn right for cold turn left for warm, turn it down to turn it off

>> No.32779846

>OCfags are more based than the average mentally ill 5'4" SEAfag

>> No.32779848

shut up normalfag, I've heard that line a million times already

>> No.32779849
File: 683 KB, 1251x704, 7819D0B1-5A61-49C6-934A-8B05D9692164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779855
Quoted by: >>32779881

how do you even get shit on other parts of your body?

>> No.32779854
File: 8 KB, 308x60, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779863
Quoted by: >>32779942

>doesn't even know
many such cases

>> No.32779868
File: 50 KB, 622x622, 1659996407643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779873

t. me

>> No.32779875

I love this retarded place

>> No.32779876

that, shouldn't be happening

>> No.32779877

I hit it with a baby wipe for now but I'm buying a tushy thing next week

>> No.32779878

Hey guys, is loving Ina and Ame's mom legal yet?

>> No.32779881


>> No.32779882
Quoted by: >>32779937

Damn Mori that is one lewd thumbnail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mteqCgJKFcM

>> No.32779885
Quoted by: >>32779989

Lesbian retweeting a fellow lesbian*

>> No.32779899
File: 899 KB, 2040x2952, FaLoo6KakAEF9fu.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Zeta/Ame collab tonight?

>> No.32779901

What drama?

>> No.32779903
File: 282 KB, 2048x1979, 1638679559803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779906
Quoted by: >>32780001

Todo yo

>> No.32779910
File: 569 KB, 850x839, 1629698212251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779915

Uhh... what's happening to /ggg/?

>> No.32779928
File: 356 KB, 710x751, buttpainpeko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the good ol days

>> No.32779931
File: 151 KB, 1270x1270, 1661950697960677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32779933
Quoted by: >>32780001

como estas hermosa??? tengo 1m en mi cuenta bancaria como quieres que te los pase???

>> No.32779937

>i have a roommate now

>> No.32779942
Quoted by: >>32780481

Wtf why do you know I'm phone posting?!?!

>> No.32779944

>got shit on the other parts of your skin
Anon, stop eating shit

>> No.32779940
Quoted by: >>32779971

Pekora bought a fucking monkey

>> No.32779948
Quoted by: >>32780001


>> No.32779959

Did Rust get an update? The UI for some of the crafting menus look different now.

>> No.32779961

Anon is going to seven eleven so people are asking for stuff

>> No.32779969

the crunchy one

>> No.32779970

I didn't use protection with your mother...
I'm sorry...

>> No.32779971


>> No.32779972


>> No.32779975
File: 419 KB, 1780x2048, C6D62EA3-9601-43CF-8D01-C50519817906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32779976

they are banging your mom

>> No.32779989
File: 178 KB, 192x338, 1637701691007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a list of all lesbian holo's

>> No.32779994

It's updated every month, coinciding with server wipes

>> No.32780001

why are spics like this

>> No.32780006
Quoted by: >>32780173

I still want Holo IDrink.

>> No.32780014
File: 1.46 MB, 1300x954, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780089

Have you seen the bidet they make to wash your ass cheeks? Now this is wacky

>> No.32780016
File: 1.57 MB, 1225x2023, 1661947620942293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32780036
File: 399 KB, 2045x2048, 1662686640075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they smiling in this very dangerous life or death situation?

>> No.32780041
Quoted by: >>32780096


>> No.32780043
File: 135 KB, 304x405, am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780118

I'll never understand these gun pointing stand offs
Just pull the trigger and if you are still alive after, then you won

>> No.32780048

onions yo

>> No.32780051

in 2.5 hours

>> No.32780071
Quoted by: >>32780255

>/awat/ is mostly normal seeing that their one resident schizo went to sleep
>/ggg/ unironically melting down
Not quite what I expected.

>> No.32780074

Because that’s Foreplay.

>> No.32780078
File: 74 KB, 865x1199, 1662234192185660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32780089
Quoted by: >>32780168

das for yo eyes stoopid

>> No.32780098
File: 381 KB, 900x352, 1600224577316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, my memory is fading but I recall a lot of the original /hlgg/ threads back on /jp/ were anons sharing how much they were absolute freakshows. Also remember some air traffic controller almost killing a plane of people because of Towa.

It was like that, right?

>> No.32780096
Quoted by: >>32780154

Towa might bring in the lesbians, but she isn't one

>> No.32780104
Quoted by: >>32780170

Get at least one thing straight no matter what anyone else tells you, Reine is Dyke Prime

>> No.32780105
File: 1.15 MB, 1272x719, 1655960900400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32780109

IRyS is gonna eat all the cake ever

>> No.32780115
File: 848 KB, 800x600, flip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to twitter, femoids

>> No.32780118

It's about suspense anon no matter how true that is

>> No.32780137

Architect bros, how does it feel to win so hard?

>> No.32780150

If your oshi is straight, she thinks about cocks (not yours) an average of 10 times a day.

>> No.32780154

well she's bi so she's halfway there

>> No.32780156



>> No.32780162

>1deags a deer almost to the end of the horizon

>> No.32780168
Quoted by: >>32780278

Maybe he sees from his ass

>> No.32780170

Isn't that Laplus at this point?

>> No.32780174

I thought plane guy was a chumbud?

>> No.32780175

I don't even shower daily bro

>> No.32780173

I legit thought that was just part of my imagination for a long time

>> No.32780195


>> No.32780199
File: 422 KB, 71x71, 1631016443081.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of mental do you need to have to dream about being a shogun charging through a rain of arrows?

>> No.32780197
Quoted by: >>32780407


>> No.32780208

>Mori infected her with the MY FRIENDS virus...

>> No.32780214

Good thing I'm not a cuckbeat

>> No.32780217
File: 127 KB, 450x400, 1655213440447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stay single until I find a girl who looks like IRyS or will I die single? Is having standards good?

>> No.32780221

Japanese idolize Oda Nobunaga

>> No.32780222
File: 126 KB, 1080x988, Screenshot_2022-09-08-19-07-17-71_4d38fce200f96aeac5e860e739312e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Players online

>> No.32780224
Quoted by: >>32780445

>I do wanna do a dude

>> No.32780226

Anon... every girl is straight, lesbians are a myth created by jews

>> No.32780230
Quoted by: >>32780407


>> No.32780232
File: 275 KB, 658x907, 1660619015263984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780407

aw ye

>> No.32780235

The girls are being bitches, Ame invented everyone for a worm collab and only Reina show up and she cancelled it. Ame then make another worms collab but with the boys.

>> No.32780236

probably have an extended conversation about being a shogun 8 hours prior to that

>> No.32780237

it was a lie watame will never admit her dream

>> No.32780252

Remember the truck schizo KFP and how he slowly revealed he was a stalker over the course of months?

>> No.32780254

basado, le re comeria el culo a IRyS

>> No.32780255
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1226, 1662604379756783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do you always report what splits are doing?

Why the fuck DO YOU ALWAYS LIE when you do it? Do you even read the splits? you're so fucking annoying dude, how are you so determined to do this every day?


There, see, they're literally just talking about junk food and cunny. are you happy? Are you EVER Going to stop doing this?

>> No.32780258
File: 311 KB, 444x524, 1656647971841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780407


>> No.32780263
Quoted by: >>32780407


>> No.32780265
File: 558 KB, 916x1200, IMG_20220906_061248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should kiss.

>> No.32780270
Quoted by: >>32780407

Post this full image please my dick demands it

>> No.32780277
Quoted by: >>32780407

Kiara seething

>> No.32780278

maybe I could take a look

>> No.32780282

I think you're gonna have a hard time finding a girl with horns.

>> No.32780290
Quoted by: >>32780609

>I was requested to keep the chat to members only! Thank you for your understanding!
Oh Ina

>> No.32780297
Quoted by: >>32780407

Ina I love you but I don't know if I'll be able to stand Mori

>> No.32780296


>> No.32780295
File: 244 KB, 900x900, 1630725122404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do we call Pekora's Iron Curtain?

>> No.32780298
File: 334 KB, 413x490, 1658361618350968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could become IRyS-like and I could take you in

>> No.32780307

pull the trigger Choco

>> No.32780309
Quoted by: >>32780407

Ok i will watch now

>> No.32780311
File: 170 KB, 479x456, 1601389606738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame invented everyone
Damn right she did.

>> No.32780312


>> No.32780317
File: 97 KB, 818x561, takobunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780407

Finally I can WAH and leave this shithole

>> No.32780319
Quoted by: >>32780407


>> No.32780327
Quoted by: >>32780407

Ame is going to drive Mori and Ina to the MCR concert!!!

>> No.32780329

Kronies should stop pushing their whore on Mumei, go back to Altare

>> No.32780334
File: 169 KB, 462x403, 1649831480138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is so absent from streaming that Chumbuds are creating AI-generated Guras and talking about snacks
My fucking sides holy shit

>> No.32780345

Not a lot of girls have floating gemstones, horns, wings, pink hair, pink/blue heterochromia and absolute 0 IQ

>> No.32780346
Quoted by: >>32780439

and now he's never going to stop because it makes you mad. smart play.

>> No.32780355

Isn't she doing a joke for that one emo song?

>> No.32780360 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 6D4548EA-9BC1-424D-BB72-6D5FDB3D56E9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I wanted to be roomies with Ina…

>> No.32780364

This but Mumei only because Im not a whore

>> No.32780371

How come no one was playing yesterday when Ame was playing? They really are leaving her out, huh?

>> No.32780372
File: 10 KB, 235x235, dzXVwwJLPwiZeXOnf7YxorqVEEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no please, enjoy all the cake you'd like, IRyS. I insist.

>> No.32780374
Quoted by: >>32780407

Watch Ina mog Mori's CCV kek

>> No.32780382


>> No.32780384

Someone should HMG IRyS's house to each her a lesson about twig

>> No.32780385

just a reminder Kronmei shippers are WOMEN, and they are not welcomed here, they self insert as Mumei and want their own Kronii to be happy with

>> No.32780388

Who's Choco fighting?

>> No.32780392
Quoted by: >>32780523

I like Ina's light novel style stream titles

>> No.32780398
File: 358 KB, 1262x2048, 1662686940359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780402
File: 78 KB, 214x213, 1659358120016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, shit. I just noticed Mumei showed up in IRyS' chat.

>> No.32780406

>I was requested to keep chat members only
>Mori was told by management to make chat members only
Rust really brings out the fucking rabid faggots doesnt it

>> No.32780407 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 880x799, 113929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>32780197 >>32780208 >>32780230 >>32780232 >>32780258 >>32780263 >>32780270 >>32780277 >>32780297 >>32780309 >>32780317 >>32780319 >>32780327 >>32780360 >>32780374
don't forget Ina hate her fans

>> No.32780413

Just room up with reine

>> No.32780419

Can't wait for Mori, Ame and ID to ruin Rust season 3

>> No.32780427
File: 900 KB, 2894x4093, FbKSy8xVEAEKx9k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately i personally believe that in this case, you will have to start to take fate into your own hands like i have

>> No.32780426
File: 205 KB, 1080x1643, Screenshot_2022-09-08-20-27-49-37_4d38fce200f96aeac5e860e739312e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image that was the last one, there's a lot of people online right now

>> No.32780428

>Anon isn't creating an AI army of his oshi
Ok, fag

>> No.32780433

>Ina stream
Finally, the thread will have stream discussion.

>> No.32780439
File: 69 KB, 729x410, FVvXMW1XsAE11Dn.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780525

it doesn't matter, the last 7 times he did it no one replied to him, the usual "ignore it and they go away" shit that people always preach here (as usual) doesn't work.

>> No.32780440

Speak English

>> No.32780441
File: 3.79 MB, 1898x1400, NousagiResume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780517

/hlgg/ both in /jp/ and early /vt/ was wild

>> No.32780442

The AI is making cunny a bit too good there..

>> No.32780445

Yeah, me.

>> No.32780446

That’s fine I’m just here to shit on Kiara

>> No.32780448
Quoted by: >>32780487

I'm sure rust is the problem here lol

>> No.32780449

What is this???

>> No.32780451

I don't think that's true.

>> No.32780455

I get Mori, but why Ame and ID?

>> No.32780456
File: 691 KB, 823x1265, FQS18ZxUYAM9eUC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco takin shots!

>> No.32780464

>Ame invented everyone

>> No.32780475
Quoted by: >>32780521

Every stream should be members only

>> No.32780479
Quoted by: >>32780779

I will, patience

>> No.32780481

nice public info bruv

>> No.32780487

You can admit to not watching any Rust streams, we already know you don't watch streams in general

>> No.32780488
File: 538 KB, 1200x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out he's going to fly

>> No.32780491
File: 293 KB, 497x514, 1629441871160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780779

You could have said "Stream soon Moom" and I it would have been cute...

>> No.32780496

Engurish bery gud!

>> No.32780500

Improving herself

>> No.32780499
File: 232 KB, 607x615, 1656705106074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780678

Good CCV numbers bahahaha

>> No.32780506

Chocosen shooting at amanekanatach?

>> No.32780508

It's better than grooming actual children just because they sound like gura

>> No.32780510


>> No.32780515
File: 619 KB, 2508x3541, 1638036532323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been the only good split report

>> No.32780516

grayniggers should hang themsleves out of shame

>> No.32780517

Things were truly better back then before the tourist invasions and sharkmeido abandoned us

>> No.32780521

you will be hated as usual for this post but you are 100% correct

>> No.32780523
Quoted by: >>32780569

it's a song reference

>> No.32780525

>add more shit onto the pile
>it doesn't matter
keep biting bait, retard.

>> No.32780526
File: 13 KB, 377x188, 1657461365257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>19 fucking hours

>> No.32780533

But Ame already had kino moments with the JPs.

>> No.32780546

That's a silly hoodie

>> No.32780548

Wow, I didn't know Flare made wingsuit merch

>> No.32780558


>> No.32780566

Elfriends got drip

>> No.32780568
Quoted by: >>32780629

>deleted instantly
oh I guess there are meidos around

>> No.32780569

yeah I just got it whoops

>> No.32780589
File: 121 KB, 1200x1006, AmeRyS in bed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32780595
Quoted by: >>32780713

>Mori RUST is far and away the mot obnoxious and unfun way to experience Hololive RUST
>If you tell Mori you don't like X she will do it even more just to spite you
Is there any way to get Mori to cut it out? I'm honestly hoping IRyS manages to avoid the two of them completely today because the sheriff larp has just gotten so tired and annoying.

>> No.32780597
File: 729 KB, 1280x720, 1662360307333945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that first one


>> No.32780600
File: 24 KB, 656x564, 1650759148570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780659

>> No.32780603
Quoted by: >>32780659

Ame... The car business isn't that serious...

>> No.32780605


>> No.32780609

by who? takos?

>> No.32780613

Ame already made her "W" of shops?

>> No.32780614


>> No.32780615
File: 32 KB, 137x161, 1648532334129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's an interesting jacket... I'm definitely getting it now

>> No.32780618
File: 12 KB, 278x48, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780622
Quoted by: >>32780715


>> No.32780627

Yes, me.

>> No.32780629

Kind of weird Ina bait doesn't get deleted that quick or at all most days.

>> No.32780638
File: 201 KB, 828x422, 1657647134741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780673

>> No.32780640

Slava Ukraini

>> No.32780645
Quoted by: >>32780697


>> No.32780654

>Rust News
IRYS may visit Ame's place to buy a car.
>Other news
Ame has been playing Rust without streaming.

>> No.32780659


>> No.32780660

You're terrible at it kek. Get your hits in schizo. You'll contemplate killing yourself when she has Rust kino just like last time

>> No.32780662

what the fuck is this?

>> No.32780664
Quoted by: >>32780726

more likely he caught a ban for something else and just happened to post that at the same time.

>> No.32780667

or any Gura bait either, It's always Kiara stuff that instantly gets deleted.

>> No.32780671

yeah, atashi

>> No.32780669

Flare already doing tributes to Pekora's monke

>> No.32780673


>> No.32780676 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 700x788, death-of-gurame[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F00q0wv.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is far too peaceful for me

>> No.32780678

Ame invented CCV.

>> No.32780687

IRyS doesn't have members only chat on retard. Management understands that some ENs are too dumb to be civil with their own audience and is enforcing members only to protect them from their own stupidity.

>> No.32780692

literally every holo plays rust without streaming

>> No.32780697
File: 501 KB, 1057x1500, SCATMAN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fb4an08.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780707


>> No.32780713
Quoted by: >>32780790

It's so odd that even the most inoffensive shit like playing a game how the rest are playing it is too much for Mori. She never did grow out of that contrarian phase like most people do after their teenage years.

>> No.32780715

sorry I'm watching a different off topic streamer

>> No.32780717
Quoted by: >>32780793

wdsdib pt.2

>> No.32780724

Didn't she say she wasn't going to play the new season of Rust?

>> No.32780726

I was thinking maybe because Mori will be with her since anti for Mori go heavy with dox.

>> No.32780728
File: 1.11 MB, 344x332, JEEPERS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc4qsq5.mp3].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780730

She did not invent Pippa orisong, I like it more than most Holo music

>> No.32780731

Second thing isn't news, Ame made a members post talking about it.

>> No.32780735

Yeah no shit? She was literally dreaming of it last night and had plans outlined.

>> No.32780745
Quoted by: >>32780793


>> No.32780746

Risu merch

>> No.32780756
Quoted by: >>32780840

I genuinely wonder what was going through her head

>> No.32780758


>> No.32780764

>my money sense is telling me i'm gonna be a rich person this life

>> No.32780766
File: 368 KB, 4000x4000, 1643847596732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pull down your oshi's panties and see she doesn't wipe properly
deal breaker?

>> No.32780770

>Updated News
IRYS hates Ame and is going to buy a horse and go gambling instead.

>> No.32780774

it's recommended to everyone, even the jps, because of greys constantly stream sniping.

>> No.32780779
File: 103 KB, 407x407, 1651324174717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780780

more like meal maker

>> No.32780784
File: 2.30 MB, 1280x720, WDSDIB [sound=https%3A%2F%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzfhuou.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780786
File: 441 KB, 1500x1146, 1650232484344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780788


Bae and Mori at Australia CRX

>> No.32780790

>Mori never grew out of her contrarian phase
>Ame never grew out of her contrarian phase

>> No.32780793
File: 373 KB, 1354x2048, 1619332806706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32780835

>the first WDSDIB moment Gura was the antagonist
>the second moment Ame was


>> No.32780800

>posts the girl who doesn’t wear panties

>> No.32780801

I'd help her

>> No.32780804
File: 144 KB, 287x268, 1655361100853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually watched this movie and I legit lost it when they walked into the house and it had wallpaper of a guy getting a blowjob from a fish and no one ever commented on it all movie.

>> No.32780806
Quoted by: >>32780861

>IRyS' carry ons are over 7kg
So big...

>> No.32780810

How ya doing today?

>> No.32780811
File: 2.62 MB, 960x852, 1642937734128.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781061

>> No.32780827
Quoted by: >>32780850


>> No.32780832

Ame disrespected Gura by inviting her to the worms collab with males, Ame was in the wrong, not Gura.

>> No.32780836

it took two years but we're finally seeing the downfall of ame

>> No.32780835

>Ame was
Ame booba

>> No.32780840
Quoted by: >>32780875

>16 hours straight of streaming
>tired as fuck
Not hard to understand

>> No.32780850

That's not very nice...

>> No.32780858
File: 189 KB, 559x765, 1660696669885590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i jwu

>> No.32780861

I'd carry her carry ons if you know what I mean (I am talking about handling her breasts)

>> No.32780862

Ame does it if people constantly nag her to do something.
Mori does it without being prompted.

>> No.32780865

If only there was another Australian Holo...

>> No.32780872
Quoted by: >>32780895

Is anyone else streaming Rust besides Choco and IRyS at this moment in time?

>> No.32780875
Quoted by: >>32781297

I'm talking about gura

>> No.32780876
Quoted by: >>32781035

wait what

>> No.32780879

>Your oshi
>Should they always have members only mode turned on

>> No.32780880

It's a pity collab. Look at that lineup. It screams "They're the only ones who responded to my collab request". The collab also still has 2 open slots left which means they can't find anyone else.

>> No.32780895


>> No.32780899
Quoted by: >>32781050

Yes, my seething hatred of greys can only be matched by chumbuds

>> No.32780901

>it should've been two 'strayans

>> No.32780912

Gura has become the very kusogaki she swore to destroy….

>> No.32780919
Quoted by: >>32781050

Yes. Faunatics are kinda creepy with how "wholesome" they try to be, but they at least know how to not bother Fauna.

>> No.32780927

It's about Queen Elizabeth

>> No.32780932
File: 111 KB, 802x931, FcKWI0GaMAE7JiB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32780935

Her members are as retarded as greys so it wouldn't really help

>> No.32780937
Quoted by: >>32781050


>> No.32780943

>she swore to destroy….
She's been a brat since day 1.

>> No.32780952
File: 1.82 MB, 1414x2000, choco138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this choco sensei

>> No.32780955
Quoted by: >>32781050

No. Chat is too busy baiting for a GSH instead of backseating.

>> No.32780957
Quoted by: >>32780988

So is this worms collab the first time we are seeing the split caused by tempus?

>> No.32780969

This but Mori

>> No.32780975

the only destroying of kusogaki gura wants to do is the sexual kind.

>> No.32780973

>replying to early surveyposts

>> No.32780981
Quoted by: >>32781031

Is this kind of hoodie a thing these days or is it unique to Flare?
Either way I'm tempted to get one just because of the WTF factor

>> No.32780984
Quoted by: >>32781093

I decided last week to change my life and have a job interview later. Watching IRyS now and I dont feel like going for the interview anymore

>> No.32780988

No, but I did see your mother do a standing split for a guy that gave her fifty bucks

>> No.32780993

IRyS lives off her chat so I don't think she will do member only anyway

>> No.32780994

Oh you poor retarded dramabaiting chumbud or teamate or nousagi or whatever the fuck you are. I just decided to go back and find the timestamp because of how fucking stupid you people continue to be, time and time again, and how you always fail to post this every time without including the context that Luna, yes, Luna, marked Ame as a KoS enemy for their entire group a few minutes earlier. https://youtu.be/PYYS-xu2uxY?t=12838 It always makes me laugh that no EOPs ever bring this up when they post this 10 times a thread.

>> No.32780995
File: 118 KB, 1272x352, 1639122225036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, crazy to think how much things can change in just a couple months.
I remember even tearing up here.

>> No.32780997

play some Total War Shogun 2, it's great

>> No.32781007

Her chat is pretty chill even without it.

>> No.32781008

Get rekt

>> No.32781015

She seems like a nice housewife, I am sure she is already married.

>> No.32781017

Consider: Fauna with twintails and a big poofy dress

>> No.32781016
File: 527 KB, 916x788, 1590803186558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in actual real love with my oshi but I'm also not a schizo so I know this love will forever be unrequited. It's a painful existence.

>> No.32781024
Quoted by: >>32781034

Mumei should collab with Towa again

>> No.32781029
Quoted by: >>32781088


>> No.32781028
File: 535 KB, 859x795, 1659287489901446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32781030

does the worms colalb have a date yet

>> No.32781031
Quoted by: >>32781367

I see stuff like that skiing

>> No.32781034


>> No.32781035
File: 477 KB, 727x720, 1636361571542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods might ban me if I for real posted it, but yes I was very distracted when I seen it.

>> No.32781036

we have to cull the non-fafner voters

>> No.32781038

I am a clean freak.

My favorite JRPG is suikoden 2, but I also like fromsoft games.

I am specifically attracted to 3d renders of world of warcraft or overwatch women being made overweight with comical-sized breasts

I work in IT.

I am 31 and a lonely wizard.

Please select a JP and EN oshi for me!

>> No.32781043
Quoted by: >>32781129

used and discarded

>> No.32781042
Quoted by: >>32781141

Ame is truly an angel on Earth, can't wait to see what she does for this next anniversary

>> No.32781045

imagine being selfless when people will drop you on a whim for the stupidest reasons

>> No.32781050

braindead faggots

>> No.32781054
File: 525 KB, 748x779, 1647338025608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781299

I just noticed IRyS' "Cutie" hairpin. That's adorable.

>> No.32781061
File: 2.61 MB, 960x960, 1648655414471.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her tits are so fucking cute

>> No.32781066

all me

>> No.32781071

all me

>> No.32781079 [SPOILER] 
File: 400 KB, 1055x735, animegadaisuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781214

>> No.32781087

it's just a joke relax

>> No.32781088

Nevermind, it's Kanata without her sleepy voice.

>> No.32781091
File: 382 KB, 1280x1280, 1658677063839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32781092
Quoted by: >>32781135

There's so many bases in the area around Choco

>> No.32781093
Quoted by: >>32781305

Do it anon. Dunno know if you're NEET but I am and have a job interview next week. We're gonna make it.

>> No.32781096

idk about jp and en but Moona for your overweight boob dreams

>> No.32781106


>> No.32781109

Himemori Luna.

>> No.32781115
File: 93 KB, 372x372, 1648634046089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watching VOD with Yagoo and Sora
>Yagoo talks about Gura attracting lots of older men into Hololive
I didn't know you could say that out loud.

>> No.32781119


>> No.32781120

Ame lusting after homos doesnt make her past contributions null

>> No.32781123

Damn Kronies look like THIS now??

>> No.32781127

Watch streams you nigger, no shortcuts

>> No.32781129

they arent dropping her they are just not playing with males, there is a myth collab in a few days and all of them will be there. Considering Ame's history of people not seeing her collab requests you would think she might change the way she asks

>> No.32781130

anya, towa

>> No.32781135

The urban Japanese don't feel comfortable without at least 5 other houses in sight.

>> No.32781137

all them

>> No.32781140
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, Matsuri laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6bw8xf.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the watchalong reactions

>> No.32781141

angels don't lust for dicks.

>> No.32781144

Uhhhhhh BigFish bros? Care to explain?

>> No.32781145

all me

>> No.32781151

This is just Kiara's opinion, the other girls aren't the same

>> No.32781152

You're off-topic in this thread...

>> No.32781161
File: 141 KB, 512x512, 1640813153701.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's pure of heart, unlike you

>> No.32781171

I will potty train Mumei

>> No.32781173
File: 416 KB, 496x377, 4e1f3d73d890118c438bf4d48521740c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32781172
File: 69 KB, 800x1200, 1653431096587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781909

Kronii gf...

>> No.32781178

korone and gura

>> No.32781177
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1650913173770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking way this is real

>> No.32781188
Quoted by: >>32781311

are you saying the other girls don't appreciate what ame does to support them behind the scenes?

>> No.32781194
File: 473 KB, 1400x2024, 1661261035590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is an ojisan tamer

>> No.32781197
File: 146 KB, 281x321, 2930940324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do shit like this
>ALL 9 MEMBERS of hololive english ignore your request for a worms collab
>Anons have to speculate "w-well she probably didnt @everyone"

Still not gonna watch that homo collab, but I did feel some sympathy for Ame there.

>> No.32781203

wtf is wrong with the tits in the pink pants pic

>> No.32781205

Yeah, council also did a huge "thank youuuu Ame" during their anniversary.

>> No.32781214


>> No.32781225

>Ame says it was recommended that she use members-only chat
>IRyS streaming with normal chat
>Ina and Mori were "requested" to have members-only
They were clearly happy to set it despite grey and green were both spamming shit.

>> No.32781226
File: 983 KB, 1000x1963, 1654388839897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is she releasing her statement on the death of Queen Elizabeth? It looks bad on the Candy Kingdom to not acknowledge the death of another ruler.

>> No.32781232

>IRyS is a girl

>> No.32781235

>there is a myth collab in a few days and all of them will be there
My poor Ina...

>> No.32781243
File: 471 KB, 640x360, It's real[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6wtm04.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32781251

It was some serious conversation, but I literally could not pay attention to anything they said in that room.

>> No.32781259

yeah, mine

>> No.32781261

no, she's a cosplayer cosplaying latest fads

>> No.32781262

>drop you on a whim
watch them crawl back and act like nothing happened during the anniv, then go right back to shitposting when it ends

>> No.32781275

Luna recognizes no other monarchs as legitimate.

>> No.32781281

hokkaido's bootleg aquariums...

>> No.32781287

my oshi loves sea turtles so much

>> No.32781296

>Check out Choco's stream
>Global chat is going nuts
IRyS you fucked up your settings again...

>> No.32781297
Quoted by: >>32781380

PVP game on last day before reset = shoot people.

>> No.32781299

>La goblina wants to be cute

>> No.32781300

Or she could play with her fellow holos from JP and ID if ENs dont want to play and not homos. That would be nice

>> No.32781304

Kiara was still collabing normally with Mori even after all the retarded shit Mori, why do you think Kiara would suddenly drop Ame just because she's collabing with Tempus?
This goes for Gura too

>> No.32781305

thanks anon

>> No.32781310
File: 190 KB, 463x453, 1621934350903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think...
Do you think that maybe Luna...

>> No.32781309
File: 77 KB, 520x252, 1659725830890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna knows nothing nor cares about other "monarchs"

>> No.32781311

No. Gura, Ina, Mori, Irys didn't.

>> No.32781319
File: 78 KB, 1457x910, 1637038582193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781454

Who would comment on the wallpaper and who would try to ignore it?

>> No.32781322

I'm okay

>> No.32781336

>Open IRyS stream
>Kill a bear with a Nail gun
>I love sea turtles
I don't want context desu

>> No.32781338
File: 740 KB, 690x532, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS and Watame confirmed gay!

>> No.32781342

>I am 31 and a lonely wizard

>> No.32781343
Quoted by: >>32781385

collabing with JP is difficult.

>> No.32781352
File: 295 KB, 587x530, pippa monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781406


>> No.32781359

>The camera starts with a full view of the fucking wallpaper
What the literal fuck

>> No.32781367
Quoted by: >>32781491

Do you have any idea what its called or what I need to search to see more?

>> No.32781380
Quoted by: >>32781428

then shouldn't she have blown away all those girls down at the stage like 2 mins later?

>> No.32781381 [DELETED] 

I guess Ame was right in calling Gura a bitch.

>> No.32781385

collab with towa

>> No.32781395
Quoted by: >>32781683

Since when has cosplay of a girl means fans? Or was that explosion of gender bent Bowser cosplay really into the deep lore?

>> No.32781401
File: 1.95 MB, 498x498, 1659673055835105.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura obeys Luna's commands

>> No.32781402

Does IRyS have global chat disabled?

>> No.32781404

S3 RUST changes
>You can't upgrade your base using HQ metal fragments
>You can't build your base on an island
>Bases now decay at a much slower rate
>Drop rates are now exponentially higher
>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
>You cannot build nearby the supermarket or gas station or obstruct players from going to those locations

>> No.32781407


>> No.32781406

The hell is wrong with rabbit chuuba? All of them are autistic

>> No.32781418 [DELETED] 
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, its me [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgtss05.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter, it will keep getting reposted when you're not around to set the record straight. Enjoy never having a peaceful Ame thread again!

>> No.32781419
Quoted by: >>32781453

this is such a shitty picture i'm inclined to believe it's real

>> No.32781425

thats a shower curtain

>> No.32781428
Quoted by: >>32781694

see >>32780994

>> No.32781435
File: 369 KB, 543x467, 1644459481972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781512

What the actual fuck

>> No.32781438

Gura is the most anti-unity holo. never likes or retweets shit from other holo girls

>> No.32781454

I dont know if anyone could ignore it
It would definitely get at least a chuckle out of everyone

>> No.32781453

Look at the other pics anon

>> No.32781459
Quoted by: >>32781493

Please post 5ch reacting to the queen dying. Did they blame it on Kari

>> No.32781466

She contribute nothing to Gura

>> No.32781470

Holy shit those rules suck. This is going to turn off a lot of people from playing Rust going forward.

>> No.32781472
File: 230 KB, 968x654, 1659238602493062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dingo confirms there will be ''more'' collabs in the future
>says he won't decline any invite to collab (with Hololive)
>wants to organize song collabs (not just with homos)

>> No.32781475
Quoted by: >>32781519

You can do that? What's happening in chat anyway?

>> No.32781477

She did invite ID though

>> No.32781480

>everything is a raid
see >>32768650
the faster you accept the easier it will be to cope

>> No.32781483
Quoted by: >>32782257

Kiara hasn’t asked Mori to collab with her in a year.

>> No.32781487
File: 2.72 MB, 2192x3110, 1658858342108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781733

She did probably @everyone, but that doesn't work for shit. I remember Marine talked about this before where some people have stuff muted or just are afraid to reply to collabs even when people @everyone, so she makes sure to private DM each person and ask them instead since she said it's the best way to trad wrangle people.

>> No.32781491
Quoted by: >>32781804

I actually asked a guy on the ski lift about it and he said it was a squirrel sweater but that's probably very localized slang so I'm not sure the actual name

>> No.32781492

The Ame threads yesterday are literally the most peaceful hlgg has been for the past 24 hours

>> No.32781493


>> No.32781498

no one is still seething about it except trannies. it's just a videogame, it's not that serious.

>> No.32781500
Quoted by: >>32781601

Probably. Feels like she somehow turns it off every time she plays.

>> No.32781499

>ame is enemy
Luna knew about the homo collab all along.

>> No.32781502
Quoted by: >>32781611

The post doesn't say anything about Kiara dropping Ame.
In that moment Ame was pretty much universally loved and this thread's messiah, which is weird compared to post improvegate /vt/.

>> No.32781510
Quoted by: >>32781545

that's fine, she's literally the top chuuba, there's no need for her to care about those beneath her

>> No.32781511

Gura owed her a favor since she accidentally headshotted her...

>> No.32781512
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 43784623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781608

Why the fuck is this so shocking to you?

>> No.32781517

Gura shows appreciation in discord sex, ina showed appreciation at the off collab when ina exploded in a lustful rage and had violent sex with ame, mori and irys showed appreciation when irys caught mori fisting herself to ame pictures so she decided to buy a blonde wig and have passionate sex with her while playing an ame moan compilation in the background

>> No.32781519
File: 367 KB, 416x670, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781577


>> No.32781524
Quoted by: >>32782900

People will bitch about the voice chat rule but it's actually good. It encourages interesting interactions instead of blind murder, RDM is fucking boring

>> No.32781535

>Where are we without Amelia Watson?

>> No.32781545
Quoted by: >>32781604

further proving the point she's a bitch that doesn't help others.

>> No.32781553

Drop rates decay rate and metal upgrade changes are based, everything else is stupid and cringe

>> No.32781558

I guess these rules make it more fun and fair for everyone.
>>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
This is a bit too much coddling, though.

>> No.32781563
Quoted by: >>32781760

Kiara already confirmed she’s not playing because of the rules, so they do have their benefits too.

>> No.32781565
Quoted by: >>32782900

>You cannot build nearby the supermarket or gas station or obstruct players from going to those locations
This seems like it was based on a single encounter over the entire season. I bet it's the same manager that complained to Kiara when Suisei died in the hole in MC.

>> No.32781570
Quoted by: >>32781752

he did not name any names to who he's organizing song collabs right? Therefore that person is mori.

>> No.32781575
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, 56935466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781982

>Zoomers only know the Disturbed cover of that song

>> No.32781577


>> No.32781579

Decaying and drop rates, ok. Why everything else.

>> No.32781595
File: 2.52 MB, 960x854, 1635123028932.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32781601


>> No.32781604
File: 1.34 MB, 2200x2200, 1647707028420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting upset over your own imagination?

>> No.32781605

gura is probably the one that relies on ame the most for technical support

>> No.32781608
Quoted by: >>32781713

It's suppose to be a serious horror movie, it's really really fucking strange to just randomly for no reason have a guy getting a blowjob from a fish in the background. Why do think this is normal?

>> No.32781611


>> No.32781619

You're forgetting the rule about not covering your base in turrets.

>> No.32781629

>Why everything else
Anya said management thought reinforced bases were too difficult to break through and that island bases were too difficult to approach.

>> No.32781628
File: 48 KB, 638x776, 1601415585188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru's lack of aim and leading is becoming apparent fighting Viper. Apparently she forgot Brute has homing rockets.

>> No.32781639
Quoted by: >>32782900

maybe Gura got in trouble for breaking rules in rust season 2

>> No.32781644

How's IRyS today?

>> No.32781650
Quoted by: >>32781750

I mean, they don't ever ask Ame for collabs. The last Gurame collab was the VR one and that was Ame's idea. Ina, Mori, and IRYS have never ask Ame for collabs.

>> No.32781665
Quoted by: >>32781727

couldn't yelling "yabadabadoo I'm going to kill you!" at some and waiting 5 seconds before you gun someone down still be considered legal

>> No.32781683
Quoted by: >>32781792

Well there is that teamate cosplayer, and those KFP women

>> No.32781684

she's dumb

>> No.32781686

yes and 100% she forgot to turn it on again

>> No.32781692
File: 825 KB, 878x888, 1660840187541859.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura loves her ojibuds

>> No.32781694

very well

>> No.32781696


>> No.32781701

Ame was very upset at Gura, plz undastand

>> No.32781706
File: 246 KB, 593x592, 1641866706281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco took potshots at somebody and murdered Anya when she was AFK

>> No.32781711

Dumb and horny

>> No.32781713
File: 933 KB, 220x220, 4437299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32781813

>The Bye Bye Man

>> No.32781717
File: 2.38 MB, 1346x753, 1634572760936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know Pekora will find a way to make her fortress invincible regardless
I fucking love my oshi BROS!!!

>> No.32781724

>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
Choco has violated this rule multiple times so I don't place much faith in this list

>> No.32781727

I think you can be quiet, you just have to have it on.

>> No.32781728


>> No.32781732


>> No.32781733
File: 794 KB, 607x839, 1640792317171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is probably one the best people in Hololive at talking to people. Well Ame is Ame and think's everything does will be a bother to people

>> No.32781737
Quoted by: >>32782900

>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
does this mean you must USE it, like declare yourself, or just have it enabled without push- to-talk?

>> No.32781740


>> No.32781738


>> No.32781742


>> No.32781748

I told you Kanata was online.

>> No.32781752

Yeah it probably is, he's also afraid of mentioning Gura despite his chat spamming her name he just mentions the very very cool jackal instead, dingo is the only male EN idol, shame Mori will corrupt him.

>> No.32781751


>> No.32781750

>The last Gurame collab was the VR one
watch streams

>> No.32781754
Quoted by: >>32781858

Yagoo didn't say that, the comedian did you retard

>> No.32781760

You're fucking retarded. She's playing on Sunday.

>> No.32781759

>IRyS can't fit in the hole
architect bros keep winning

>> No.32781766


>> No.32781763

already misses the hot steamy lesbian sex with watame

>> No.32781768


>> No.32781769

Kill her IRyS, let her taste death a second time

>> No.32781770

I hate this thread so much I downloaded clip studio paint and started drawing IRyS tits.

>> No.32781774

Holy shit it's Miko

>> No.32781773


>> No.32781775
Quoted by: >>32781881

Proof next thread, surely. I don't really care, anyone worrying about him in particular is beyond retarded.

>> No.32781776

Choco also apologized profusely and gave Anya so much extra stuff on top of the items she originally had that she wanted to get killed by Choco again.

>> No.32781781


>> No.32781786

as long as it doesnt include my oshi, it does not concern me
not posting my oshi for the purposes of not bringing attention to her

>> No.32781792
Quoted by: >>32781985

Yeah I can agree with those but people have weird disconnect where they know porn artists chase trends but assume cosplayers don't.

>> No.32781793
Quoted by: >>32782900

>>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days

>> No.32781795

>Anya said management
Pekora said she wouldn't use them again after it was so hard to break into her base.

>> No.32781803
File: 18 KB, 318x251, 45648156489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well you see

>> No.32781804
Quoted by: >>32781843

Huh well with that the only thing I find is this

>> No.32781811

She's such a social butterfly.

>> No.32781813

They 100% intended it to be a super serious movie as much as it's a joke. Go look at interviews about it.

>> No.32781830

>>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of the game?

>> No.32781840

shut the fuck up fandead schizo

>> No.32781843

Fuck I'd wear that skiing

>> No.32781844
Quoted by: >>32782153

i wish i could post about and talk about my oshi more without getting slammed with retarded replies but its just so tiring to have to deal with every time

>> No.32781847
Quoted by: >>32782143

But with increased drop rates, wouldn't gaining the mats be easier for explosives.

>> No.32781849

but you're oshi is a cute_

>> No.32781858
File: 94 KB, 360x300, 1644742718473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if you're being retarded on purpose or not.

>> No.32781868

It does. This means no more sniping people.

>> No.32781871
Quoted by: >>32781945

>7 people on the rust server

>> No.32781872

what happens if someone breaks a rule

>> No.32781881

just on his current minecra zatsu said he's excited for the Ame worms collab and he hopes that he can make people laugh and get funny clips out of it. and said Kobo and Altare are a good pairing ohnonono seacucks

>> No.32781888
Quoted by: >>32781999

t. Regular

>> No.32781898


>> No.32781904

Everyone explodes

>> No.32781909
File: 1.01 MB, 1150x770, kronii puff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy puffy

>> No.32781916
Quoted by: >>32782119

He's going to make Ame laugh and I have to watch...

>> No.32781920

This woman has 0 IQ.

>> No.32781922

rocks fall

>> No.32781923

Gura can just snipe outside voice chat range anyways lol

>> No.32781925

irys is making chyokosen wet

>> No.32781927

What's the purpose of the game? If it's just to be an asshole and kill each other it was already defeated with the raid rules last season.

>> No.32781933

Nothing. Half the players didn't even follow season 2's rules.

>> No.32781934

Naked dogeza

>> No.32781936

>Speaks Japanese half the time

>> No.32781938
File: 321 KB, 2893x4092, 1640758015948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zetame soon.

>> No.32781945

>7 people
There's actually 9. The menu doesn't update until she reconnects

>> No.32781946

Yeah, those two actually act like siblings.

>> No.32781950

Correction to anon

>> No.32781954
Quoted by: >>32782041

have you seen her fortress its a mass of high stone walls

>> No.32781958

>be an asshole and kill each other
Murder is the best part of Rust

>> No.32781957


>> No.32781964
Quoted by: >>32782107

>never likes or retweets shit from other holo girls
So are those likes of a tweet made by Shion (that doesn't mention her at all mind you) and Kronii's mafia cover from less than a month ago not real?
Or are you going to say that they don't count for whatever arbitrary reason?

>> No.32781965

Nothing immediately but they will be eventually stalked and hunted down by Botan.

>> No.32781980

Yes that is the main appeal of the game
Be like Pekora and kill everyone even for no reason. It's fun

>> No.32781982

It was better

>> No.32781985

Reminds me of when ecelebs would try to leech off holos, and greys would assume that they are fans.

>> No.32781988

fake nipples.

>> No.32781987

>choco senpai
>not choco sensei san

>> No.32781991

Raped to death by Luna

>> No.32781999
Quoted by: >>32782032

what do you mean regular?

>> No.32782000
Quoted by: >>32782042

Punished by having to have sex with me

>> No.32782001
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, 1649256748661.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782069

>> No.32782010

You guys keep calling eachother new then prove you are not:

>> No.32782011


>> No.32782014

>Matsuri, IRyS, Choco, Kanata
Who else

>> No.32782020

>hitting her shots

>> No.32782024

I feel that. I struggle to care about other people and their oshis if my oshi isn't involved. best thing we can do is pretend to care or just not talk.

>> No.32782032
Quoted by: >>32782097

That's Roberu's fanbase

>> No.32782036

>Botan finally appears, as a REAL sheriff
>One that would BTFO Mori
I'd enjoy that

>> No.32782037


>> No.32782041

Yes and it's a vertical maze inside

>> No.32782042

That's too cruel of a punishment anon...

>> No.32782046

>they arent dropping her

>> No.32782048
File: 2.64 MB, 1544x968, 1662688612820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32782050
File: 70 KB, 193x187, 1621037889188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe (You) faggots shouldn't have completely lost your shit when Gura shot Ame in the face.

>> No.32782053

Hey she hit some pretty nice ones during the finale

>> No.32782062
Quoted by: >>32782185

how do you have FAKE NIPPLES?

>> No.32782063

Makes sense with the 3x resource rate and slow decay rate. The game mechanics are no longer stopping someone from making a giant fuck you armored base.

>> No.32782069

Tenshi kinda cute.

>> No.32782070


>> No.32782080

look at the heft on those things...

>> No.32782085
File: 4 KB, 538x416, DIE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up

>> No.32782092

why does she say rookie like that

>> No.32782094

She sniped like a fucking champ during the finale

>> No.32782096

The horn of Gondor?

>> No.32782097

i got nothing against the boys at all, but i know next to nothing about most of them

>> No.32782099
File: 130 KB, 359x514, 1659417389913109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it's actually kinda nice in here for once.

>> No.32782103

I'm glad management sets firm guidelines towards how to play a videogame due to fan overreaction and completely ignores every other type of feedback.

>> No.32782102

You really don't want to give Pekora a legal reason to kill you over and over
Pekora literally only wait for a legit reason to start killing everyone for contents at any time

>> No.32782107
File: 636 KB, 1068x1913, IMG_20220908_205933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind him, this is her latest likes on Twitter

>> No.32782108

It was chumbuds that lost their shit when Ame called her a bitch though.

>> No.32782110

Those would fit my mouth perfectly

>> No.32782114
File: 652 KB, 800x800, 1638220635078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Gura should be more ruthless in S3

>> No.32782116

Gura was in voice range of Ame and blatantly ignored her. No one else was being violent anymore at that point.

>> No.32782118
File: 75 KB, 976x970, 1641829420664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me wonder why Deadbeats didn't give a single fuck when Gura and Mori were killing eachother, but the Ame thing was a bad thing apparently.

>> No.32782119

You literally dont have to watch

>> No.32782124

It'll all go to shit the minute Mori streams

>> No.32782130

Is Zeta the Marine of EN?

>> No.32782129

>and ID
zeta? reine? moona? all in the collab

>> No.32782136
File: 282 KB, 623x566, 1632893006215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782212

>pvp game
>limit the pvp they can do
>change it to a fucking huge map
why is management so fucking retarded? every SINGLE TIME

>> No.32782143


>> No.32782150
Quoted by: >>32782242

It's almost like there's context around the ame killing that you're ignoring.

>> No.32782153

do it anyway. you'll eventually build up a natural filter for the bullshit

>> No.32782159

They actually probably increased the amount of interactions now that most people will have to travel via the roads because of the mountains.

>> No.32782164

Teamates hate chumbuds and recent Gura.
Deadbeats and Chumbuds are true friends.

>> No.32782167

Anya doko?

>> No.32782171

>botan appears
>frags everyone on the map and c4s their bases
>logs off and never plays again

>> No.32782181
File: 101 KB, 1200x800, Dq2LIodWwAA1Hqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782281

botan joining the server just to enforce the rules

>> No.32782184
File: 899 KB, 1366x768, hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782281

If only Botan wasn't so worried about upsetting other fanbases we could've had an actual scary threat in the server.

>> No.32782185

stickers over real nipples to make them puffy.
that or the entire tits are fake

>> No.32782190

She sniped Bae, Choco, Aki, Anya, Luna, Pekora and Miko

>> No.32782194

because they just did. watch the "ametori" collab get cancelled 20 minutes before it start

>> No.32782207
File: 255 KB, 900x900, 1662569091924425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782264

Can't the overseas EN's just kill somebody and then speak afterwards blaming the ping for their voice being heard late?

>> No.32782212

maybe they're helping us out by helping kill the rust arc for once and all

>> No.32782211
Quoted by: >>32782315

Or how bout they accept her invitations instead of rejecting it? This would never have happened if they EN girls weren't such shitty coworkers. If they just said yes to her collab, tempus wouldn't had have to join to fill out the space.

>> No.32782213
Quoted by: >>32782267

I'm glad I don't have an oshi anymore. My mind feels liberated.

>> No.32782221
Quoted by: >>32782338

Teamates weren't the ones who raided the other streamer's comments section.

>> No.32782224

Turrets take only 3 HV rocket to destroy. Pretty dumb rule.

>> No.32782230

No, fuck you. Chumbuds turned on Mori during the off-collab arc.

>> No.32782236
File: 13 KB, 242x242, 1645174451311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats are actually chill as hell. Teamates are fucking schizos, just look at when a poal gets posted, they bot the fuck out of those to make Ame seem popular.

>> No.32782242
Quoted by: >>32782398

The context is that it's a PVP games in both cases. Stop crying.

>> No.32782245

>Moona stream delayed for 2 hours

>> No.32782246

>the pitch black horse is the fastest

>> No.32782253
File: 168 KB, 351x357, 1651486689145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32782257
Quoted by: >>32782378

Didn't she generally stopped asking for collabs because she's tired of being the one to invite people everytime?

>> No.32782262
File: 166 KB, 480x473, 1662089372562812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never in my life

>> No.32782264

no one is that tryhard and prone to lying except your oshi

>> No.32782266
File: 7 KB, 371x45, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened here?

>> No.32782267

Don't support a whore next time

>> No.32782270

Why would they do that? Are puffy nipples popular?

>> No.32782276

>Miko locks Ame in a cell while Suisei sits in a kiddie pool and watches
Man I want fanart of that.

>> No.32782275

you can't fool me, deadbeat

>> No.32782277

thanks a lot

>> No.32782278

Here is the context you're missing

>> No.32782281
Quoted by: >>32782389

>Implying management will let her

>> No.32782282

I just wish gura would use her damn words when she gave mori that gun and other stuff at the pool. She wanted to fight mori, but the way she went at it made it look like a gift.

>> No.32782286

I will actually learn Japanese, join the Russians and member hag lion if that happens

>> No.32782296

AoE2 delayed FOREVER.

>> No.32782302


>> No.32782305
File: 197 KB, 370x356, 1652498754867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32782306

>Are puffy nipples popular?

>> No.32782307

honestly if they had done it more often it wouldn't have been that big a deal

>> No.32782315

>men are gonna fill the holes ENs fail to

>> No.32782317

can you drive a tank in this map?

>> No.32782318

Why not

>> No.32782320


>> No.32782323
File: 473 KB, 1000x1013, Rustparty [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6i7tj0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain then how Deadbeats and Teamates can hang out with no issue?

>> No.32782325


>> No.32782330
File: 1.34 MB, 3072x4096, NMh02Choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32782336


>> No.32782339


>> No.32782338

chumbuds proving again and again that they are the worst fanbase.

>> No.32782341


>> No.32782343


>> No.32782346

got everyone including bug gens and some hidden ones

>> No.32782357

>ame still driving
God damn

>> No.32782358


>> No.32782369

>Why would they do that?
Because its hot anon why else

>> No.32782372

>Deadbeats and Chumbuds are true friends.
I'm not gonna befriend cucks

>> No.32782378
Quoted by: >>32782423

She’s asked Ame, Ina, IRyS, and all of Council to collab with her in the time since she last asked Mori to collab with her. Gura too if you count that one guerrilla collab.

>> No.32782375

>play rust for 14 hours straight
>stream 0 total hours of the game

>> No.32782377

It's "nice" because the catalog is literally a warzone.

Keep in mind with the catalog being more organized and outright encouraging raiding the girls chats/comment sections, this is only the beginning (to be fair /hlgg/ seems to be encouraging containment breaking too)

>> No.32782381

ENTER AME, probably

>> No.32782385
File: 10 KB, 180x200, 1638310605953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782431

Fucker I invited you to my birthday.

>> No.32782389
Quoted by: >>32782484

Botan can just ask Yakuza princess Lamy to take her side if she really wanted to.

>> No.32782392

>"Gura is, indeed, a fucking bitch"
Holy shit Ame is based

>> No.32782394

I wish I vould game as much as holos do...

>> No.32782398

this is a holo streamer server not some tryhard tourney, killing when everyone is taking pictures is retarded. you'd be malding if it happened to gura

>> No.32782402
File: 145 KB, 560x554, Ame_Drive[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbn6jsw.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32782403
File: 10 KB, 202x154, 1662680320541590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine's call?????????????????????? WTF?????????? PIC REL

>> No.32782408
File: 781 KB, 903x836, 1659045374783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me sad Botan doesn't want to play because she doesn't want to deal with drama from other fanbases.

>> No.32782422

one of this is not like the other

>> No.32782423
Quoted by: >>32782477

i guess they no longer. I don't mind one bit personally tho lol

>> No.32782431
File: 93 KB, 286x329, 1651868185030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782494

Ignore that one, he's having a manic breakdown since Gura hasn't been spotted for days.

>> No.32782439
Quoted by: >>32782529

jesus when will they get bored of this shit?

>> No.32782446


>> No.32782456
File: 799 KB, 1920x1080, towa_wtf[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fvcpvbo.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782499

the towa hate meme isnt even that funny anymore

>> No.32782467
Quoted by: >>32782536

oh ok. yeah I'm on Ame's side

>> No.32782470

Is there really someone that's been on for 19 hours on the rust server?

>> No.32782474
Quoted by: >>32782549

Moona... the totsu is tomorrow not today...

>> No.32782477

Me too, but it’s something to keep in mind whenever some kfphaggot bitches about Mori never inviting Kiara to collab.

>> No.32782481

I'll let it slide if she just plays another PvP game so I can watch her blast some fools. That or her trying out Assetto Corsa like Korone.

>> No.32782484
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1651665960088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have started to believe that more and more over time. Just look at her normal sitting pose.

>> No.32782494

how's /ggg/ been lately? are they still melting down?

>> No.32782497
Quoted by: >>32782597

Ame... you have a collab soon... you need to get your PoV ready...

>> No.32782499

Not since he became our husband at least

>> No.32782506
File: 1.43 MB, 662x514, 1656458963388.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how I feel about the catalog, the place for subhuman dramafags or whatever, becoming the pro-idol location of choice.

Not really sure what that says about /hlgg/, despite the post quality here being obviously much better

>> No.32782507

you fell for it
it was planned to be a homo collab from the start
how did all the anti-male ENs manage to dodge the collab and all the pro-male ENs got included?
why did kiara consider joining but decided she could always collab with girls some other time?

>> No.32782512


>> No.32782520
File: 229 KB, 1010x1492, 1661049456814488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 1 of ex-teamate self-improvement:
>went on a walk in the sunny streets of south philly
>visited an exotic pet store and took pictures of cool reptiles and frogs
>bought a burger
>enjoyed the morning delivery of my new oshi, hakui koyori

>> No.32782523
File: 12 KB, 256x256, 1642140624786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can I bang this without being destroyed~~

>> No.32782529

>when will they get bored of this shit

>> No.32782528

Why are the meidos so incompetent

>> No.32782530

That outfit is so good on her.

>> No.32782532

Choco's been playing RUST since Anya began thirteen hours ago

>> No.32782533


>> No.32782536
File: 361 KB, 3069x1726, oh nyo cringe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvmqzqn.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman lies
>I'm on her side now!

>> No.32782539


>> No.32782545


>> No.32782547
File: 330 KB, 4092x2893, 1662619333172034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eggs are really desperate for some angle of shitposting on Kiara, huh? Teamates don't blame anyone for not wanting to collab with homos.

>> No.32782549

I was wondering that, thought I was missing something.

>> No.32782563
File: 17 KB, 356x331, 1661933204829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782852

We were posting porn and using an AI to make Gura drawings. We're also killing the weak Chumbuds to leave room for only the strong ones.

>> No.32782566

This wheel isn't as comfy as the S2 one

>> No.32782573

Was ina streaming soon always on the schedule? I feel like i've completely blacked out this week

>> No.32782574
Quoted by: >>32782600

Gura is the only liar in HoloEN

>> No.32782576
File: 236 KB, 1400x1975, 1651994448886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32782578

Choco has problems

>> No.32782579

>a child
>tf i'm doing here

>> No.32782581
Quoted by: >>32782792

anon Ame has literally no reason to lie about that, and if you actually watched her streams lying about that isn't even her kind of angle

>> No.32782584

are there pictures?

>> No.32782587

holy shit why is this allowed

>> No.32782586
Quoted by: >>32782700

nene was great that whole stream. like a kid who can't sit still. adorable.

>> No.32782590


>> No.32782592

Koyori is amazing but somehow i doubt your genuinity

>> No.32782593

Anonchama, she was streaming
All that happened on stream

>> No.32782594

Where are these from?

>> No.32782595

The irony is that compared to other boards this is the one where the Generals are good and the Catalog is a circlejerk

>> No.32782596

Moona is the cute kind of esl

>> No.32782597

Nigga, there's no zeta pov either

>> No.32782600


>> No.32782601

nene is so fucking cute holy shit.

>> No.32782606

>Twap general thrown in there
Ok you got me

>> No.32782607
File: 993 KB, 728x410, You're a child[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz29jqh.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just really missing Gura, mainly

>> No.32782612
File: 97 KB, 638x595, 1661758399207973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, Nene's such a cute lil' goof.

>> No.32782613

Yeah doesn't Ina join anything if she doesn't have something planned?

>> No.32782622


>> No.32782623


>> No.32782624
Quoted by: >>32782656

>you'd be malding if it happened to gura
Stop projecting your fragility onto others.

>> No.32782625

it means most of the idol vs non idol posters are dramatourists trying to start shit
not saying everyone upset about tempus is but everyone in the catalog 100% is

>> No.32782636


>> No.32782637

I beleeb ame sorry brah

>> No.32782638
File: 72 KB, 350x350, 1629950841921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782733

irys has a toilet fixation...

>> No.32782645
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x4256, 1652219475445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Mel said Choco is very dangerous

>> No.32782644

Hope they enjoy spy party!

>> No.32782656

among us

>> No.32782659
Quoted by: >>32783025

are you actually going to make this ex-teamate journey your personality or something?

>> No.32782661
Quoted by: >>32782702

so you're going to ignore that chumbuds were the ones leaving comments seething on ame's comment section?

>> No.32782664

If I could speak Japanese Nene would 100% be my oshi

>> No.32782666
File: 92 KB, 2160x1078, 1643856059744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets a bunch of cars and fixes them up
>literally determines her base because of a tunnel she can drive through
>always involving her vehicles in things
Why does she have so much car autism?

>> No.32782681

Lamy has disgusting sticc legs

>> No.32782682

zetame my beloved!

>> No.32782689

She really liked Drive

>> No.32782690
File: 114 KB, 700x1305, 1660076359323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782858

You know Gura got killed multiple times by others and nobody in /ggg/ gave a shit. As a matter of fact, it's hot as hell when one of the big tiddy girls bullies her. Take your insecurities somewhere else.

>> No.32782700

I like that Lamy just straight up was acting like her mom telling her to sit still and sit like a lady. It made it funnier.

>> No.32782703

how common is a girl like nene in japan?

>> No.32782705

>your oshi
>what would she say if she knew you were shittalking her friends and coworkers?

>> No.32782702

Gura and chumbuds can do no wrong
We are the superior race

>> No.32782712

ryan gosling

>> No.32782714
Quoted by: >>32782804

Don't worry it'll come crawling back to push its Mori and Ina being roommates angle that somehow is bad on Kiara. Desperation is the egg's middle name.

>> No.32782715
File: 464 KB, 2100x2100, 1661878622441073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She drives.

>> No.32782721

Nene cute

>> No.32782723

she thinks she needs to have a gimmick

>> No.32782725

t.eamate, you're not fooling anyone. teamates have been shitting on everyone who isn't going to be there. you can't hide behind your fake unity anymore.

>> No.32782727


>> No.32782733
Quoted by: >>32782781

I am that toilet

>> No.32782736

>only knew artia from CN
i'm a filthy fucking newfag....

>> No.32782739

nene is a 10 year old

>> No.32782744

Ame or Mori and Ina?
I'm torn

>> No.32782741

>Deadbeats inflitrated Holostars
and you still wonder why it all went to shit.


>> No.32782749
Quoted by: >>32782854

She's like those guys who base their entire personality on a random Gosling character
she's just like me

>> No.32782752
File: 228 KB, 431x436, 14384832483294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the fact that this didn't explode into the catalog really made me realize that if clip channels didn't exist /vt/ would look way different

That's seriously all it was, if some clipfag nabbed this moment that would have been the next wave of catalog shitposting, but no one clipped it and boom, completely invisible.

>> No.32782753

Banana bread

>> No.32782754

ok this one got a chuckle out of me. kfp don't hate ame and teamates btw. all those posts are a raid and don't count

>> No.32782758

she should play horizon 2

>> No.32782761

go back

>> No.32782760
File: 288 KB, 1150x830, 1652846271924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782880


>> No.32782765
File: 660 KB, 900x900, 1662689444392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32782774

Proof next thread?

>> No.32782776
File: 206 KB, 220x224, 1662494649146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me about Wamy, why does she sit like a fucking princess as a roam sitting pose?

>> No.32782777

She grew on me really quickly and after the "improve yourself" marshmallow I decided that Koyo would be my backup oshi if Ame ever actually announced a homo collab. She did and I made the jump.

I'll probably never have the feelings for her that I did for Ame in 2020/2021, and I might be doing this at least partly out of spite, but Koyo is still amazing.

>> No.32782781

i made this post

>> No.32782780
Quoted by: >>32782873

Are there a set number of cars that spawn on the map? Could Ame theoretically have a car monopoly that she could set up and take advantage of?

>> No.32782792

what do you mean she has no reason to lie about it? it makes tempus seem useful because they want to collab when all the girls don't. she was pushing that tempus is good because there's more people to play with.
and ame lies about things all the time. she totally went to a spa after the off collab right?

>> No.32782794

Choco seems awfully suspicious of Matsuri

>> No.32782800
File: 3.91 MB, 191x289, 1654684705387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32782868

The worst thing I've said about a coworker of hers is that I find Mori's "sheriff" shtick to be an earsore so she'll probably just laugh it off.

>> No.32782802

i love towa

>> No.32782804
Quoted by: >>32782968

I mean it is kind of funny that the two girls she’s tried to shack up with dumped her and moved in with each other. If I were her I’d feel pretty shitty.

>> No.32782813
File: 365 KB, 2893x4092, FbPBnzgUUAE0KmX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32782818

She drives.
Just like that movie.

>> No.32782824
File: 2.82 MB, 228x250, YouDidIt [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fiespxq.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32782832

absolutely disgusting

>> No.32782838
File: 1.16 MB, 354x408, Nephilim Flip[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6z64k7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32783258


>> No.32782844


>> No.32782850


>> No.32782852

As long as you aren't grooming anyone that's fine

>> No.32782854


>> No.32782858
Quoted by: >>32783015

she never got killed after the ceasefire, faggot.

>> No.32782866

She'd hate me, luckily I don't do that because I'm not a woman

>> No.32782868

You two would probably have a funny conversation about that honestly

>> No.32782873
Quoted by: >>32782956

yes, same with horses

>> No.32782881

guys IRyS is gambling

>> No.32782880

>I had 5/6 of these as a kid
anons.... am I...

>> No.32782887

Are they the most tight knit gen of Hololive.

>> No.32782889
Quoted by: >>32783160

I don't, but she would be very hurt and sad if she knew a fan disliked people she cares about

>> No.32782890

>has car autism
>no license
many such cases

>> No.32782893

Reminder that Nyanners met some vtubers in the AX VIP that probably didn't want to be ID'd and that Ame came back from AX inspired.

>> No.32782900

You idiots don't even stop to ask yourself where this information could have come from that only this guy can see it? You just assume this is management posting the rules in this shithole before anywhere else?

>> No.32782917

>out of spite

>> No.32782922

>partly out of spite
pathetic, more Ame for me.

>> No.32782940
Quoted by: >>32783023

Nothing because I've never shitpost before. I just genuinely don't understand the appeal.

>> No.32782939

Jesus you're really trying to drag whatever you can think of into this huh?

>> No.32782941
Quoted by: >>32782994

I always thought it was Ritsu for some reason. and couldn't spell Kanata like a dumbass

>> No.32782948

I don't do that because I'm not a fag and actually like Hololive

>> No.32782953

Enjoy Tempus's sloppy fifths.

>> No.32782956

Based. That would actually be a good way to make money

>> No.32782957

>more Ame for me.
Is that how that works?

>> No.32782958

Matsuri is getting Choco wet

>> No.32782961

Out of sprite

>> No.32782968

It's a video game, you're autistic anon.

>> No.32782976

You do know Ame literally said on stream she went to AX right

>> No.32782975
Quoted by: >>32783329

Watch streams, Irys and others listed some of these out.

>> No.32782978
Quoted by: >>32783075

He's not genuine cause he shitposts his garbage on the catalog and needs to attentionfag every thread how he changed oshi's like a whore.

>> No.32782984

Antimony, you are embarrassing.

>> No.32782994
Quoted by: >>32783120

like in...ayunda ritsu?????

>> No.32782995


>> No.32782999

>your oshi
>do you think your oshi would like you?

>> No.32783005

64/64 7:59
the last one I managed to remember was IRyS when I literally have her on the background

>> No.32783007
Quoted by: >>32783329

>where this information could have come from that only this guy can see it
Probably from the streams I also watched today?

>> No.32783011

Bravo management, bravo why the FUCK is management making rules when it's the talents who are playing no them? Jesus Christ what retarded ass rules.

>> No.32783015

You lost, Ame is hated now.

>> No.32783021

Stop displaying your fetish anon.

>> No.32783023

>says they never shitpost
>makes obvious bait

>> No.32783025

it's all he has really

>> No.32783031

>hover mouse over embed
>scroll past

>> No.32783035

Proof next thread?

>> No.32783039

I will defend this

>> No.32783040
Quoted by: >>32783133

That's why I said Ame came back from AX, yes.

>> No.32783046

All I've said is I wish Gura streamed more privately and not to her so I think she's be fine.

>> No.32783045
Quoted by: >>32783329

I've heard at least some of those in the streams I've watched.

>> No.32783055

>You are The Driver from "Drive"
first try!

>> No.32783057


>> No.32783060

reads my messages in chat a lot so i would assume so

>> No.32783061

the only time I ever did that was obvious satire, I did it once, and then I felt bad about it and apologized to the thread
she'd probably think I'm a dummy and forgive me

>> No.32783063
Quoted by: >>32783157

>falling for catalog memes
your retarded ass doesn't deserve Ame, have fun with your new "oshi" you can even understand

>> No.32783067

>do you think anyone would like you?

>> No.32783075

Battered housewife mentality. If Ame betrays me I leave her. Simple as.

>> No.32783076

The best part about this is that it is genuinely a good song

>> No.32783080

I like Zeta but I don't like Amelia

now what

>> No.32783083
Quoted by: >>32783329

I'm watching IRyS and there's a lot of other streams going on so it might be someone somestream mentioning the rules and I either wasn't watching that stream or was too focused reading here to listen to the current stream

>> No.32783088

Fauna seems to like people with mental health issues and a good sense of humor, so definitely.

>> No.32783090

yes I hope more weakmates get filtered so I'm the last standing one.

>> No.32783098

It's not Rust, so I'll take it

>> No.32783115
Quoted by: >>32783164

From what Irys has said, it seems more like it was mostly the Holos that made these.

>> No.32783120

yes.. instead of Ayunda Risu which is really is.

>> No.32783124

Your oshi
Since it's clear that every single Holo is /here/, do you think you might have gotten into an arguement with her at some point?

>> No.32783126

why don't you like amelia

>> No.32783133
Quoted by: >>32783275

So what does a holo not wanting to be id'd at AX have to do with Ame

>> No.32783134

I like ina but not mori. Wanna switch?

>> No.32783135

Watching Choco right now is like one of those horror movies where the mother is pretty sure the child is a demon

>> No.32783138

it has always been like that for teamates newfagchama

>> No.32783143

>projecting his fetish
BASED cuck

>> No.32783145

wow this map really sucks ass

>> No.32783149

Kiara made it sound like the JP girls decided this.

>> No.32783151
Quoted by: >>32783205

>they know that their bait is so bad that they're bringing back AX rrats of all things
That's how you know that they're really desperate lmao

>> No.32783157

So Ame isn't collabing with Tempus and catalog just completely made it up?

>> No.32783158

>she's read quite a few of my chat messages, like a lot of random member post replies from me, AND liked a twitter post from me... but No, I don't think she would despite all that

>> No.32783160

fuck even thinking about kiara feeling betrayed by me or another dedicated fan gets at me.

>> No.32783164

Why are women allowed to make retarded rules then? might as well disable PVP then by that logic.

>> No.32783176

i like hololive

>> No.32783187
Quoted by: >>32783306

Maybe since my body is fucked and my growth was stunted so I look like a kid with a very girly baby face still.

>> No.32783188
Quoted by: >>32783342

This is a /jp/ shitter who has never watched the "EN whores" once in his life by the way, he's a regular in /#/.

>> No.32783195

Absolutely not

>> No.32783199

Only 2 of them are interested in ame

>> No.32783205

All the girls went to AX with me

>> No.32783210
Quoted by: >>32783342

You could do things silently instead of acting like a literal tripfag

>> No.32783218

Ame is my oshi but I want to have intense backbreaking sex with Zeta

now what

>> No.32783229
Quoted by: >>32783371

She doesn't even know I exist.
>what if
It wouldn't matter if she did or didnt like me. I will support her no matter what

>> No.32783230

yeah i think we'd get along

>> No.32783241

35% chance

>> No.32783242

She would hate it and tell me to stop.

>> No.32783243

Yes. This is why fans don't care about numbers. They're a bunch of weak tourists who will leave the moment our oshi hits a rough spot.

>> No.32783244

I made Sana laugh once and you guys will never be able to do that... haha...

>> No.32783245

Do I watch Zetame or TakoMori?
I like all 4 about equally but which one is the better pick for tonight?

>> No.32783247
Quoted by: >>32783525

You're acting like an abused wife, yeah.

>> No.32783252

>10 people on the server
>no one's killing each other

>> No.32783258


>> No.32783265

Reading this thread is funny considering everyone will be kneeling to Ame next week

>> No.32783270

>The Driver from Drive

>> No.32783272
Quoted by: >>32783320

The real yab is Ina dropping her ice cream while looking at giant rats at the zoo.

>> No.32783273

>I will jackhammer your body

>> No.32783275

Before AX she said she was going to the spa
after AX, someone asked about the spa and the way she responded she obviously did not go to the spa
some time later Ame talks about going to "Ame Expo" where she wanted to be the best "Ame"
Regardless, she will tell white lies if it helps her do whatever she wants without teamates interfering.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to go to AX, but it just goes to show she is willing to lie get her way.

>> No.32783277

She'd probably be intimidated by me. I just don't have a friendly look.

>> No.32783283

Yeah I can tell by the amount of estrogen coming from your posts

>> No.32783287

I unironically believe we are destined soulmates and perfect for each other

>> No.32783294


>> No.32783296

>horses can't climb cliffs
todd howard...

>> No.32783298
Quoted by: >>32783455

Rust is your make or break then. You like it watch the latter if you're apathetic watch the former

>> No.32783297

Apparently I made an offer on an ebay listing for Lamy's engagement ring a few weeks ago and I didn't even notice...

>> No.32783303

Rust obviously. Gotta find out if they hate Ame since neither wants to collab with her.

>> No.32783306


>> No.32783309

I'm starting to imagine my dick getting cartoonishly huge and evil looking

And I also think about fucking Amelia Watson so hard that my dick turns into basically a cum canon and I literally inflate her stomach with cum despite that obviously not being physically possible, so she looks semi-pregnant

Anyone else think like this?

>> No.32783320

What a dope

>> No.32783325

Holy threadreading

>> No.32783327

I ask myself this question often. not sure cuz I'm not ever intentionally mean but I'm really insensitive so I usually end up making a poor impression

>> No.32783329

>I heard some of these on stream! That means all of these are true!
So all of you are just underaged retards?

>> No.32783334

No because I knew a lot of her type during high school and for better or worse I really enjoyed teasing them.

>> No.32783336
Quoted by: >>32783387

ame is just going to commission somebody else to make a vrchat world they will walk around in again

>> No.32783339

The rules make it more interesting imo. Otherwise it will just be the same Holo like Matsuri, Pekora, Suisei playing the villain roles. New rules encourage fighting

>> No.32783342

take your meds homobeggar

My purpose is war against the homobeggars and their enablers. I want them to know how much happier and more productive I am with an oshi who cares about her fans.

>> No.32783350


>> No.32783353

This is why they should play Fallout 76 instead of Rust

>> No.32783356

Garbage fetish

>> No.32783358


>> No.32783360

eh, probably a strong indifference

>> No.32783361

Yeah I think so. I'm pretty normal looking and not all that weird outside if liking hololive. I like traveling so we'd probably do that a lot if we were close.

>> No.32783368

>You are The Driver from "Drive"
he's literally me...

>> No.32783371

that's a shit answer

>> No.32783372
Quoted by: >>32783458

Are people actually trying to timeloop anime expo, what the fuck

>> No.32783377

i think matsuri might be cute

>> No.32783376

Is this rigged? How do I always get the driver?

>> No.32783386

Considering her mama is as dorky as her, probably common. Probably taken too.

>> No.32783387

Coping already I see?

>> No.32783391


>> No.32783394

>Doesn't watch streams
>Gets angry when people watch streams

>> No.32783396


>> No.32783397

you can go to a spa and still go to AX, there's one not even 3 miles away from the LACC.

>> No.32783405
Quoted by: >>32783474

If you wasting this much time dogging them you should be being more productive.

>> No.32783411

y-you're really showing them anon, k-keep it up!

>> No.32783415

Choco has so much shit already, what the fuck

>> No.32783433
Quoted by: >>32783764

Do you have a timestamp for the second item?

>> No.32783436

i think those three are based as well, but having BOTH decay rate and drop rate changed is cringe. Go with one or the other or else it'll promote a "play once and then never again" meta.

>> No.32783435


>> No.32783437

I sure hope she would but I can never be sure. Although I am friends with a girl who isn't too different from Ame personality wise.

>> No.32783441

i like ame

>> No.32783443

If you're this stuck on having a "war" it's very obvious how unhappy you actually are.

>> No.32783448

Do it on the catalog since you love posting there

>> No.32783447

No, I'm not quite abomination ugly but I'm far from handsome, and my voice is cursed to be squeaky forever, I wouldn't want to be friends with me, I'd have killed myself already if I didn't have a nice family I didn't want to make cry.

>> No.32783450
Quoted by: >>32783519


>> No.32783453
Quoted by: >>32783749


>> No.32783455

Thanks, tired of watching Rust lately especially since I got my fill from IRyS so I'll check out zetame since it seems like a more rare combo as well.

>> No.32783458

It’s weird because anime expo was more of a big deal in the split, when everyone else was loosing their mind over the whole Ame rust inviting thing.

>> No.32783466

I'm really dreading mori asking ina to join the worms collab on the stream. Someone please tell me she wouldnt do that

>> No.32783468
Quoted by: >>32783566

how is that a cope when that is exactly what is going to happen again? ame is a one trick pony

>> No.32783470

I mean, what do you think they're gonna do?

>> No.32783474

yeah he really needs to improve himself

>> No.32783483
Quoted by: >>32783764

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about do you? Please just watch streams before reacting.

>> No.32783488

That's not threadreading, that's what happened. The most you could accuse him of is the spa part, and she did dodge the questions about is by just saying 'it was warm' until eventually saying she went to AX. The only time she could have gone was during the window of time that she was supposedly at the spa and she hasn't mentioned anything about it since, not so much as a facial(yeah mine).

>> No.32783492

Ame throwing some artist on Twitter a few bucks to make stuff for her isn't an accomplishment, and it's strange that people act like it is.

>> No.32783496
Quoted by: >>32783749

You okay buddy?

>> No.32783498
Quoted by: >>32783645

Don't make up shit next time, turbonigger.

>> No.32783510
Quoted by: >>32783749

this is the saddest cope I've ever seen

>> No.32783513
Quoted by: >>32783627

do horses even eat meat in real life?

>> No.32783519

I'll make Abe proud...

>> No.32783521

holy reddit spacing tourist
go back, you're trying too hard to fit in

>> No.32783523

My SC is ready, tako

>> No.32783526
Quoted by: >>32783749

Baffling post

>> No.32783525


>> No.32783527

I like to thing so. We have a similar sense of humor and a lot of times she makes the same joke im trying to type out before I can hit send.

>> No.32783530
Quoted by: >>32783749


>> No.32783539
Quoted by: >>32783749

This is what happens when you have hlgg as your oshi

>> No.32783549
Quoted by: >>32783594

she wouldn't do that
also you're retarded

>> No.32783557

She might think I'm dumb

>> No.32783556

This is like one of those people who posts online about "how much happier that they've moved on from an ex" while making it very obvious that they haven't moved on.

>> No.32783560

I wish /hlgg/ talked about IRyS more, she's so cute

>> No.32783563

>he doesn't know about the 360 stream

>> No.32783564

Some people just need to improve themselves, anon.

>> No.32783565

That's the fear we all have to go through when Mori collabs with our oshi. It is what it is. Just be strong.

>> No.32783566
Quoted by: >>32783598

Yes, immediately trying to downplay something that didn't even happen yet is a massive cope

>> No.32783569
Quoted by: >>32783596

I hate how big the map is. It was a terrible choice because most people will just hang out in their general vicinity instead of going exploring since there's no reason to.

>> No.32783590
Quoted by: >>32783619

talk about her

>> No.32783592
Quoted by: >>32783749

So you’re overage. Go start a life old man

>> No.32783594

If she does i get to fuck your ass while calling you a retard

>> No.32783595

I mean the faggot compared himself to an abused house wife so....

>> No.32783596

same desu, it kills the cute interactions and makes rust s3 way more boring for me

>> No.32783598

I'm just making an accurate prediction and you are getting mad about it. I wonder which one of us is actually coping anon

>> No.32783612

>Doesn't watch Ame
>Whines about Ame
Why would I listen to these people again?

>> No.32783614

Reminder to all the dramafags that you're literally the equivalent of an NPC normalfag who watches TMZ for celeb gossip

>> No.32783619

Idk I just lurk a lot, I'm not very creative, I can just shout IRYS CUTE I LOVE IRYS and post lewds of her I guess but that's not very classy

>> No.32783626

Chumtards keep posting ame bait. It's getting old. Let's talk about IRYS instead since no one has been doing it. I hope IRYS goes to micomet base.

>> No.32783627

They can and will eat small chicks and etc, but they much much prefer plants

>> No.32783631

Why would I want to share my wife with you filthy niggers

>> No.32783632

Be the change you wanna see, stoopid.

>> No.32783636
Quoted by: >>32783683

>until eventually saying she went to AX
You got a timestamp for when she said she went to AX?

>> No.32783638

Last night I had a dream about talking to IRyS and I woke up in the middle of the night with a raging boner and I really needed to pee but my boner would not go down and I had to angle my body to pee and I probably peed on the floor a little bit.

>> No.32783640

I hate Mori, but I still like some of her songs.
I can appreciate Ame's efforts a couple of times a year and then continue to shit on her in the thread after that.

>> No.32783645

>said on stream
>hurr don't make shit up
next time, how about you watch streams instead of having a spergout on /vt/ my nigs

>> No.32783662
Quoted by: >>32783710

I get genuine anxiety at the thought of hurtingy oshi

>> No.32783664
Quoted by: >>32783844

by this logic, marine's accomplishments aren't actually accomplishments because she just threw money at an artist to make a gorgeously animated PV for her.

>> No.32783678
Quoted by: >>32783711

enjoy your male collabs

>> No.32783681

Holy teacuck

>> No.32783680

I won't pretend it wasn't painless and I won't pretend it still isn't hard. But standing up for myself is ultimately better for me than rolling over and accepting HoloEN turning into NijiEN with fewer streams.

>> No.32783683

Do you think she actually went to Ame Expo over that weekend? Do you actually think Wattropolis is a place?

>> No.32783684

Choco stop suppling Matsuri with tools of death

>> No.32783696

I'm kind of the same way, I just build off short things my oshi mentions or pose questions related to what's happening on stream

>> No.32783699

If a hololive girl lies about not going to a con its for her own safety silly

>> No.32783698


>> No.32783700

She's so dumb it makes my dick hard.

>> No.32783707

>>You must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days
This is the weirdest decision ever. Why even?

>> No.32783710
Quoted by: >>32783785


>> No.32783711
Quoted by: >>32783745

I will, thanks!

>> No.32783712

KFP and Kiara talked about her today which was a surprise to me. Was nice to hear, I always get giddy when others talk positively about my oshi

>> No.32783713


>> No.32783724

you're among the lowest of the low hololive fans bro(barring twitter fags). it's not that deep

>> No.32783734
Quoted by: >>32783860

>NijiEN comparison
Ah so you're a nijinigger after all

>> No.32783741

do you think other holos didn't commission people to work on their projects too?

>> No.32783744
Quoted by: >>32783760


>> No.32783745


>> No.32783748


>> No.32783749

Come back here when you can provide a timestamp of literally anyone saying that "you must use voice chat before killing another player except on the last days" you braimdead fucking threadreader cancer

>> No.32783755

But horses CAN'T climb cliff??? Nobody fucking ride a horse to climb cliffs

>> No.32783757

She streams until 4 am normally

>> No.32783758

Encourages interaction I guess? The last day bit probably assumes everyone's on a killing spree.

>> No.32783760


>> No.32783761

If anon said she said she went to AX then surely that anon has a timestamp to prove she said it.

>> No.32783764
Quoted by: >>32783868

telling me to watch streams doesn't really work against me because I watched them all
Plans after off collab:
Spa review:
Ame expo:

>> No.32783773

You don't even know the context for that you retard. You literally just read it in the Catalog.

>> No.32783779

why doesn't anyone know what a quarry is?

>> No.32783781

they're too busy thinking about tempus dicks or something

>> No.32783785

>accidently hit the y
fuck you

>> No.32783786

Irys is being more ESL than usual

>> No.32783790

Fuck you

>> No.32783795
Quoted by: >>32783840

>tfw you have a quarry to settle

>> No.32783802
Quoted by: >>32783840

I've got a quarry to settle

>> No.32783806

Tempus isn't like NijiEN. I was severely disappointed when those fucks announced male vtubers only for them to pander to women exclusively. They don't even play Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.32783809

Teamates are having a melty right now sorry

>> No.32783816
Quoted by: >>32783866

You couldve accidentally hit y because of stroke

>> No.32783819

I think you need to take a break friend.

>> No.32783822


>> No.32783825

>i want to be spoonfed
You could’ve said so earlier anon…

>> No.32783829
Quoted by: >>32783870


>> No.32783836


>> No.32783840


>> No.32783844

I remember when Hololive JP just became Nijisanji because of Holostar collabs.

>> No.32783854

>doubled down

>> No.32783855

No shut up, no one should discuss IRyS.
She is mine and mine alone.

>> No.32783860

>comparing HoloEN to NijiEN, in a clearly negative way that implies that the former becoming the latter is a bad thing
>clearly this is a nijinigger
Reading comprehension reps, SEAbeggar

>> No.32783857

It's not real.

>> No.32783866


>> No.32783868

Anon, this was in context of her wanting to get better at streaming and apex.

>> No.32783870

Once is adequate.

>> No.32783872

>I get genuine anxiety at the thought of hurting oshi
esl or stroke?
