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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 197 KB, 981x1200, EX43MK6UMAUYoJt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3002327 No.3002327 [Reply] [Original]

Hoshimachi Suisei Thread

Original Songs
Next Color Planet
Now on Space (Acoustic Version)
Now on Space (Trio Version)


Upcoming Stream:
MC Collab with Shiranui Flare at 21:00 JST

>> No.3002411
File: 2.21 MB, 1372x1920, EtDlaP6U4AADrNr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3016467

Previous threads:


>> No.3002611
File: 3.77 MB, 223x240, suityan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3011620 >>3016604


>> No.3002949
Quoted by: >>3004960

Top tier Hoshiyomi...

>> No.3003294
File: 1.65 MB, 1050x1050, 1612916577811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a dream about being married to Suisei and raising children together
How do I cope?

>> No.3003676
Quoted by: >>3011106

do your original songs reps list

>> No.3003877

you don't and live with frustration like the rest of us

>> No.3004960
File: 50 KB, 1080x392, Screenshot_20210427-143543__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3005669


>> No.3005042
Quoted by: >>3005079

Comet love!

>> No.3005079
File: 83 KB, 680x680, ExM4jSKVoAcxIHU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comet is okay with you back!

>> No.3005489
Quoted by: >>3005851

I love her Duolingo stream. It reminds my time in Kindergarden.

>> No.3005669

I remember she was in the Tsukino Yakata chat too.

>> No.3005851

Same. Also if you love kindergarten, you'll love Watame's streams.

>> No.3006219

suisei is inclining

>> No.3007884

This suityan is too cute.

>> No.3008239 [DELETED] 

>Minecraft with Flare
I hope they end up doing something that requires them to stand around and wait so that we might get an impromptu song from them.

>> No.3008287
Quoted by: >>3009372

So GHOST is about Suisei wanting her roommate to be famous too?

>> No.3009372
Quoted by: >>3022551

GHOST is about VTubers and her current self, not her roommate

>> No.3009556

I think we need the Spotify link too.

>> No.3011106

Don't forget your company reps. Your oshi is wagie now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4PT1phuM9M

>> No.3011620
File: 875 KB, 256x256, 1600993651539.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaaa kyou mo kawaii!!

>> No.3012183
Quoted by: >>3012733

why don't Watame and Suisei collab more..

>> No.3012733
Quoted by: >>3014001

bro they hate each other, can't you tell?

>> No.3013773
Quoted by: >>3013913

>Suisei isn't my oshi, but I like her singing and think she's cute
>was watching her duo lingo stream a couple days ago because I saw she was live
>oh haha these duo lingo stories are so goofy, Suisei's so cute, especially the way she says "Hi Honey!" and repeats the lines from the stories
>close the stream, don't think about it afterwards
>a couple days later, every fucking vchuuba is hopping on this HI HONEY meme

So weird to witness history and not even realize you saw something "important" live until after the fact.

>> No.3013913

vtubers aren't hopping on it, annoying people are superchatting them to say hi honey

>> No.3014001

Which Holos legitimately have bad blood? Aside from CN of course? Pekora and Miko?

>> No.3015056
Quoted by: >>3015951 >>3018160

What is she gonna do with Flare? Just screwing around?

>> No.3015951
Quoted by: >>3016259

No guarantees, but probably it's the trial run for Shiranui Kensetsu, she's gonna be introduced into the workplace and given a few tasks

>> No.3016259
Quoted by: >>3016657 >>3017891

Sui-chan is pretty shit at Minecraft, I don't think this will end well.

>> No.3016467

Anyone got that gif of Suisei sitting down, looking out into the distance and then she quickly turns around and gives the viewers a wave?

>> No.3016604

It's the second reply to this thread

>> No.3016618
File: 1.12 MB, 280x540, 1615870838755.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3016631 >>3016719


>> No.3016631


>> No.3016657

Being shit at something isn't necessarily not entertaining. It'll probably be fun at least

>> No.3016719
Quoted by: >>3016742

Where was this from btw?

>> No.3016742

Cosmic Flower XR

>> No.3017759

Do your reps

>> No.3017891

I like her new house as a seasoned cube game player.

>> No.3018146

when suisei say Sneed?

>> No.3018160
Quoted by: >>3018285

Hopefully immersion therapy for her phobias. Just drop her right into the enderman farm and get that sorted out.

>> No.3018224 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is the max HR now

>> No.3018285

Does she have a phobia of seeing black people?

>> No.3018392
Quoted by: >>3018422

Not specifically. She also freaked out in Pekora's snowman trap, so she probably has issues with crowds.

>> No.3018422
Quoted by: >>3018485

Anyone got a timestamp of this?

>> No.3018436

I hear all humans have a fear of things coming closer to them. Enderman is designed to exploit that. Also Suityan always plays the black girl in Apex so I don't think she's raycis.

>> No.3018485

Just search Pekora trap house, there are probably timestamps in the comments/description

>> No.3018857
Quoted by: >>3019059

She is afraid of everything in minecraft. I love her screaming with nothing.

>> No.3019059

The best part of that is if she just fell in the trap she would see that it was a fakeout and didn't actually have any way to kill her. Instead, by avoiding it she walks away thinking "Wow, I narrowly avoided death".

>> No.3019125 [DELETED] 


>> No.3019258

Duolingo streams giving good ROI, hope she keeps milking them

>> No.3020906
File: 1.97 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare tweet on the upcoming collab

>> No.3021319

Niconico watchalong of Penguindrum with Suisei on 05/05 19:00 JST (Frame opens at 18:45 JST)

>> No.3021695
File: 343 KB, 800x488, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Japan and NND haha

>> No.3022551
Quoted by: >>3023485

So she wants vtubers to be more popular so she can be a real celebrity?

>> No.3023260


>> No.3023485
Quoted by: >>3025744

I don't know how "real" she wants to be. I know she wants to be seiyuu and maybe she doesn't drop the current name after she becomes one. Also, she wants VTubers to be mainstream at least in Japan and that's mainly the theme of the song

>> No.3024286

1.25M GHOST. do your reps

>> No.3024320


>> No.3024460
File: 3.89 MB, 436x401, 1614982120551.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch this if you haven't, Brilliant anime. Music is solid too.

>> No.3024622

She sang the OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUuJuT30flc

>> No.3024711

I hope so

>> No.3025018

nice, i've always wanted to watch penguindrum but vtubers ruined my schedule, now i can watch it together with my oshi

>> No.3025744

>maybe she doesn't drop the current name
if she didn't drop "the current name" when she joined cover she won't now

>> No.3025913

I don't wanna go down that path again

>> No.3026146
Quoted by: >>3027667

collab with Flare

>> No.3027661
File: 2.92 MB, 286x229, suityan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3027712 >>3027793


>> No.3027667
Quoted by: >>3027685

I hate the cat ears.

>> No.3027685

I miss the elf. I liked her first design but she doesn't.

>> No.3027712
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, bakadane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY cute suityan jumping at moderate speeds

>> No.3027780

dork suityan kawaii

>> No.3027793

>buying 6 bamboo sticks and a piece of string for a diamond and an emerald

>> No.3027953
Quoted by: >>3027989

Tokomachi Radio (Special edition)!

>> No.3027989

GW special? maybe it's going to be an off-collab or something they're probably going to play ensemble stars

>> No.3028430
File: 1.02 MB, 2000x1250, E0DuBpWVgAYfVO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3028596

Tokomachi LOVE!

>> No.3028542

Do your reps before the stream

>> No.3028596

Tokomachi kawaii

>> No.3028660


>> No.3031361

I cant believe suisei is dead

>> No.3031568
File: 134 KB, 500x420, 1616210209518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3032057


>> No.3031750
Quoted by: >>3035986

stuck in the end kek

>> No.3032057


>> No.3032063
Quoted by: >>3032157

Suisei and Flare planning on other games to play in the meantime while Suisei is stuck at the end, GTA with Mikochi and Kanata or maybe MonHun

>> No.3032157
File: 147 KB, 265x308, 1611830101102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata and Suisei hate each other narrative slain

>> No.3032245

suityan screaming at the end. good stream.

>> No.3032300
File: 239 KB, 1280x1000, 1611665824525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they talked about inviting Kanata during the last two GTA collab and still hasn't happened

>> No.3032322
Quoted by: >>3032515

>Suisei and Kanata were meant to go on an End Date together
>Suisei instead goes to the end with Furea

>> No.3032515

Sad, but they probably forgot about it already. The same with Tsuki no Yakata.

>> No.3033118

I'm waiting for the GTA collab. hurry

>> No.3033611

Do your reps https://youtu.be/IKKar5SS29E

>> No.3035986

Yeah, that’s typically how the first day of an internship goes.

>> No.3037966

kinda dumb question. What's the differences between Sui-chan and Suityan?

>> No.3038003
Quoted by: >>3038059

One is commonly used by non-Japs and the other is used by Japs

>> No.3038059
Quoted by: >>3038080 >>3038101

which one is commonly used among oversea people?

>> No.3038080


>> No.3038101
Quoted by: >>3041119

i mean, apart from the obvious that
Sui-chan has the honourific at the end and Suityan does not

>> No.3038139

Depends on how cute you're feeling at the moment.

>> No.3038204
File: 23 KB, 115x160, suityan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's same as hoshimachi-hosimati

>> No.3038296

Why is she so smug?

>> No.3040023

Because the eyes were perfect.

>> No.3041119
Quoted by: >>3042350

> Sui-chan has the honourific at the end and Suityan does not
The "tyan" in "suityan" *is* the honorific. It's literally the same as "chan", but with a different kind of romanization that reflects the way Japanese actually works more closely but is harder to understand for overseas people.

>> No.3041309
Quoted by: >>3043007 >>3043977

I want Suisex

>> No.3042338
File: 3.78 MB, 273x296, suityan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3042350
Quoted by: >>3042464

Ooh, they are exactly the same then

>> No.3042464
Quoted by: >>3043537 >>3050136

This brings up another question like, why I've only heard of this from Suisei?

>> No.3043007

I want Suihugs

>> No.3043537

So, you wanna know the truth?

>> No.3043635

Isn't her pronunciation perfect?

>> No.3043871
File: 51 KB, 341x408, 1612772603128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>perfect ok thank you yes eh

>> No.3043977
File: 3.95 MB, 296x358, 1619123575133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, brother.

>> No.3044586

Pieces calming ver.

>> No.3044795
File: 78 KB, 422x622, IMG_20201123_150730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question is not why but how

>> No.3045099

That's better pronunciation than most native English speakers.

>> No.3045101
File: 34 KB, 427x300, d59thgc-4ae760ca-7936-4ee4-a786-90ca72d955d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suichan's deep sexy voice

>> No.3046049
File: 241 KB, 1040x1856, 1619520745050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've stopped having dreams about Suichan lately. What does it mean?

>> No.3046698
File: 3.60 MB, 2048x1152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upcoming Streams for 04/29:
Tokomachi Radio at 23:00 JST (No frame up yet)

>> No.3046741
Quoted by: >>3046766


>> No.3046766

Don't know yet, it's a special edition allegedly so maybe we have a guest they're keeping secret

>> No.3046816
Quoted by: >>3047017

What kind of questions do you even send to shows like this?

>> No.3047017

Anything and everything under the sun. Some people ask for romantic advice, some people just ask whatever they feel like.

>> No.3049057

You can send about the 4th live. I forgot about it.

>> No.3049305
Quoted by: >>3061230

>ywn be cutely interrogated by Suityan in her sleepy morning voice

>> No.3050136
File: 340 KB, 1920x1080, suicyan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3050305

Don't forget Suicyan

>> No.3050217
Quoted by: >>3051877 >>3052071

do your today's GHOST reps

>> No.3050305

The name is starting to look like Susan

>> No.3050324 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>3051687

Is the collab with Nene still going to happen sometime?

>> No.3051687

She said it'll be held in May. Earlier than I thought.

>> No.3051877

Almost 1.3M, hope it reach 2M soon.

>> No.3052071


>> No.3055022
File: 73 KB, 853x552, crushing sound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3055196


>> No.3055196
File: 6 KB, 420x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3056139 >>3060645

>130k views on NND
>21k views on YT
How does Suisei find these?

>> No.3056139

I guess she usually liked the singer Himawari and NioP.

>> No.3056905
File: 73 KB, 1254x732, IMG_20210429_133151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3057598
File: 157 KB, 848x1199, rxkyscsg7dr51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3064791

You dream an average of 3-4 times a day, you just don't remember them. It could be that your recent dreams with her have gotten so horrible that your mind is repressing them.

>> No.3058722

Post your favorite Suisei covers.


>> No.3058965


Listening to it right now, actually. There's a few more but this one stands out.

>> No.3059070
Quoted by: >>3071390


>> No.3059208


>> No.3059341

the stand by me tv sized cover behind membership

>> No.3059384
Quoted by: >>3059474 >>3062111


>> No.3059474
Quoted by: >>3062111

I really like Suisei's Kakusei cover too but I can't just unhear the original version especially that final high note.


>> No.3059572


>> No.3059617

I hope it's Azki or Polka

>> No.3060009
Quoted by: >>3060025 >>3060804

Is suisei used goods?

>> No.3060025
Quoted by: >>3060043

What are you on about

>> No.3060043

Do not respond to the new IP bait my friend

>> No.3060127


>> No.3060645

she came from nnd, its no surprise she knows obscure producers and singers

>> No.3060772
Quoted by: >>3060978

> that notification at 0:05
> something something "silver league"
> Ko'one profile picture
N1 bros, what does it mean?

>> No.3060804

Your brains clearly aren't.

>> No.3060978
Quoted by: >>3061101

It's just a fan saying "nice" using Korone's picture

>> No.3061101
File: 142 KB, 217x235, 1607553397261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3061267

Is that twitter?

>> No.3061230

Does that also include Suityan's sleepy morning breath?

>> No.3061267
File: 547 KB, 1912x1080, Screenshot_20210429-175657_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, but it happens sometimes. And actually it says "~~ gave you a high five"

>> No.3061877
File: 110 KB, 316x275, 1616421555032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3061897

I read it again, fuck
its a terrible day for rain

>> No.3062111

This is my favourite too.
Superfly's pretty good so I can understand. Love White Light.

>> No.3062244
File: 1.24 MB, 1043x611, 1608123902444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3062623
File: 275 KB, 2048x1208, EbgozICUwAAtb4U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3062784 >>3071390

My personal favorite and one song that will always be soulful
It's like she's singing with her entire heart

>> No.3062784
Quoted by: >>3062813

Yeah, I love this one too.
This was during her model remake reveal right?

>> No.3062813
File: 200 KB, 1107x1806, 1603437380119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3062988

Yep. Noone really made clips of it, but a kind anon from before translated the gist of the stream.
>Nari made 3 designs, and this one was the one she chose
>from the initial design, Suisei gave her feedbacks and requested some changes to Nari, like making the skirt more frilly, adding "stylish frills", asymmetric design for her legwear, etc
>she has a gloves and hand fetish so she insisted on wearing gloves on her new outfit
>the stars on her necktie and her skirt ribbon are inspired by konpeito (star-shaped candies)
>she was happy that Nari wrote "konpeito star" on the sheet because that's something only people would get if they watch her stream
>she was also happy because she thinks the her sidetail + ribbon combo on her new design was inspired from her past one
>also very happy that there's stars on her shoes
>her crown is a queen's tiara but also has a king's crown inside it, and her interpretation of that is "I can be a queen, but I can also be a king"
>she requested the ribbon on her back because she was inspired by outfits from derem@s with ribbons on the back which she loves a lot
>got surprised when FBK sent her a 12K akasupa saying "welcome to hololive!! you're very cute!! you're the the number one star!!! (comet emoji) <- karaage (referring to how the comet emoji on iOS looks like karaage)"
>its not on her design sheet, but she also has blue earrings which she showed on-screen then gushed about how cute she looks
>no matter how much her design changed, she has always worn a beret ever since her very first outfit, so she also requested to have one on her new design
>the checkered pattern gives off an "idol-like" image so she was also glad about that
>she really loves her shoes and the ribbon on her back
>she also likes the black frilly thing hanging from her hat (she described it as "something like an ornament on the christmas tree")
>told everyone to check out Nari's other stuff and thanked him a lot
>FBK, RBC, shion, aqua, and choco dropped by to congratulate her
>she's very grateful for everyone in hololive including the management for accepting her
>choked and cried in the middle of singing kimi no shiranai monogatari

It's like an anime in real life

>> No.3062988
Quoted by: >>3063033

>she was happy that Nari wrote "konpeito star" on the sheet because that's something only people would get if they watch her stream

Did viewers tease her that her star ornament on her old model looked like a konpeito?

>> No.3063033

It's really just based on the konpeitou

>> No.3063280

I have too many, so from the new one.

>> No.3064203




>> No.3064791
Quoted by: >>3067629 >>3068007

I don't know how you retards manage to dream about her. Reminder that she won't even respond to you unless you make more than she does. A safe estimate would be at least 300k a year

>> No.3064976

Do your reps before Tokomachi.

>> No.3065392
File: 417 KB, 887x1759, 120540998_2697173547191534_2444491986822063770_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3066214

Ridiculous that she gained 20,000 subs in one week.

>> No.3065745

Tokomachi waiting room when?

>> No.3066214

fucking memes man, they are free advertisement

>> No.3066709

Tokomachi from 1AM JST

>> No.3066825
Quoted by: >>3066886

I recently noticed that Hololive is also somewhat popular on Instagram and TikTok.
Her memes have spread out those places as well as youtube and Reddit, so she could have gotten a lot of subs.
Of course, ghost had a good influence on her account.

>> No.3066886

she couldn't have asked for a better timing for the "hi honey" meme. People will be curious and see her channel and look at her music

>> No.3067629
File: 84 KB, 280x215, 1616591373607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3068007

300k yen?
suichan is not that easy, you bastard.

>> No.3067747

frame up

>> No.3068007

Money isn't the be-all end-all for Suisei. She's not gonna check you out just because you throw money at her

>> No.3068122
File: 54 KB, 592x680, 1617914207395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously, also i'm probably too old for her anyway.

>> No.3068728
File: 402 KB, 1277x1308, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-pRAbmb3bcp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3068913

Woah, that's totally me. I should start walking my dog around her house once a week!

>> No.3069002

Who wants to marry a poor guy? lmao

>> No.3069107

Just being rich isn't the ticket to Suisei's heart, but of course you can't be poor either

>> No.3069233
File: 2.92 MB, 410x720, suieieieiei.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3069254

GHOST reps time before Tokomachi radio.

>> No.3069296

If you're poor, there's no chance.
Even if you're rich, no way you can buy her heart.
Pretty hard huh?

>> No.3069420
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, 1613572936395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3069867

Poor is even worse than small penis. If the guy has a small penis you just have to pretend to enjoy it for a few minutes, you can't do that with poverty.

>> No.3069610


Tokomachi starting.

>> No.3069612

Tokomachi start

>> No.3069784
Quoted by: >>3069820

>Tokomachi offline
Are they gonna sing together?

>> No.3069820
Quoted by: >>3069923

off collab?

What have they been talking about so far? I've done absolutely 0 nip reps.

>> No.3069867

t. small pp guy

>> No.3069923

They're talking about suityan's 3rd anniversary now.

>> No.3070509
File: 464 KB, 1162x656, Fried chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3071127

>> No.3070658
Quoted by: >>3071252

tokomachi says if you want to achieve a dream or a goal, don't stop at just thinking "but i'm already [x]" years old, just keep on working towards it because there's no other good chance to do it but now

>> No.3071041
Quoted by: >>3071067

No Ensta talk... What happened...

>> No.3071067

That's the special part

>> No.3071127
File: 420 KB, 1800x1477, Famima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I thought Famichiki is just her favourite fast food, not her actual favourite food.

>> No.3071252

Hag mentality.

>> No.3071282
Quoted by: >>3071450 >>3071565

Didn't she say that after Choco said she like rich people?

>> No.3071390

you guys all have good taste

maximum soul & feels

>> No.3071414
Quoted by: >>3071794 >>3072114

>The thing I often do when I go "Damn, I'm really getting sleepy", is ... the toilet. I sleep on the toilet seat.

>> No.3071450
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yes.

>> No.3071526

that's me, ignoring that I rate myself around the same as an earthworm or a cockroach

>> No.3071565

It applies to all women. None of them would respect a man who earns less than they do

>> No.3071606
Quoted by: >>3071887

I really love this suityan going crazy.

>> No.3071794

I’ll copy this over to the other Suisei thread.

>> No.3071887

Usually it's Matsuri who gets on the creepy side of other holos, but Suisei has just the right amount of insanity that even Matsuri gets on guard

>> No.3072114

She went from "an idol who never uses the bathroom" to "an idol who uses the bathroom to sleep".

>> No.3073105
File: 1.46 MB, 450x347, tokomachi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3073388


>> No.3073388
Quoted by: >>3074765

Toko's outfit is very cute, not as cute as Suichan but still cute.

>> No.3074765
File: 1.75 MB, 1240x1754, EvnvapXVkAQ_jVO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3077274

Suisei's outfit is a work of art, after all.

>> No.3076456
File: 385 KB, 1446x2048, EtC349EU0AAG-Fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3076699

>> No.3076699
Quoted by: >>3076978


>> No.3076978
File: 32 KB, 397x242, 1615310057219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then Sui-chan woke up

>> No.3077274
Quoted by: >>3078962

Always disappointed when artists forget to draw the stars in her eyes.

>> No.3077668
Quoted by: >>3078941

Suisei's maternal grandmother is Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia who escaped the execution of the rest of the Romanov Family. In a display of cunning, she chose to remain in Sibera, as it was the last place her enemies would ever look, assuming she would flee. She married and gave birth to Suisei's mother, who she raised to speak English natively, so as to further allay suspicion, for nobody would assume a native English speaker would be part of the Romanov bloodline. After she died, the Kremlin got word that the Romanovs might still be alive and Suisei's mother fled to Japan where she married an unassuming salaryman. There she gave birth to Anemachi and Suisei. Suisei is fluent in Japanese and English. She speaks English natively from her mother and Japanese natively from her father. Suisei's newfound fame is of great concern to her mother and that is why Anemachi must always live with Suisei no matter where she goes, inclduing her most recent move to the Holohouse. She's there to keep an eye on Suisei. Her mother watches all of Suisei's streams just to make sure that Suisei never slips up and reveals her heritage.

Some examples of Suisei accidentally revealing herself include:
>Revealed she was Russian on her roommate's twitter
>Very proficient at Tetris, a Russian game loved by Russians
>Very proficient at Project Winter because it reminds her of her ancestral homeland of Sibera
>Always wears an Ushanka (Russian Fur Hat) in Among Us
>Occasionally slips and pronounces something correctly in English
Additionally, Anemachi will report back to their mother on Suisei, that is why people have seen her "talking" to stuffed animals, it's really a stuffed animal with a hidden radio inside
[2:49 PM]
Further proof
>Anemachi cannot be seperated from Suisei

>Anemachi "talks to stuffed animals" really making her reports to their mother

>Suisei holding her own against the #2 Tetris player worldwide

>Her mother even joined her membership so she could watch those streams and make sure Suisei doesn't revel anything. Also listen to how Suisei pronounces member when she imitates her mother, thus outing them both as native English speakers.

>Suisei pronouncing fuck like a native English speaker

>Suisei acting out her desire for revenge on her family's enemies in the frozen wastelands of Sibera in Project Winter.

>> No.3078892
Quoted by: >>3082700

I think this new cover is underrated. Suisei's voice is so good.

>> No.3078941
Quoted by: >>3079398

You can also add "Twitter" from Holotalk and this duolingo clip >>3043635 as proof of her being a native speaker.

>> No.3078962

same, something I always look for in her art

>> No.3079398

Maybe you should watch a little more than just clips, rrachama.

>> No.3079566

Do your reps in the dark.

>> No.3079617

Most obscure Sui-chan english translated clips

>> No.3079722

Not really obscure here but still under 10k views

>> No.3079731

I translated a clip, but I'm never going to upload it. As such, it has 1 view and is thus the most obscure Suityan clip.

>> No.3081427
File: 494 KB, 677x615, すいせい3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love Suisei

>> No.3082697
Quoted by: >>3083337

Another not really obscure clip but it's old and doesn't have meme clip numbers. It's special to me because it's how I discovered Sui-chan and Hololive. I only knew of vtubers like Kizuna Ai or Fujima Sakura through their wacky clips so seeing a vtuber talk about "mature" things like real life was refreshing.

>> No.3082700

I don't think underrated is the correct word for it. It just what usually happens to her cover outside of her own channel.
Also listen to turing love

>> No.3082773

I wouldn't say it's my favorite but it's been stuck in my head

>> No.3083337

Man this is my first encounter with Suichan as well, although it was through the Twitter upload which was translated like months ahead of this one. This is pretty much what got me to check her out and Vtubers in general.

>> No.3083946


>> No.3084115
File: 1.31 MB, 850x595, aopza2g9a0b51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3084663


>> No.3084663

One of my favs. This and Aqua's "what is an idol" monologue in hologra really capture that ideal understanding of an idol.

>> No.3089368
File: 782 KB, 1170x1645, kkazllunnnv61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3090703
Quoted by: >>3092600

next live when?

>> No.3092600
File: 3.57 MB, 2006x2833, 1618321474894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3092664 >>3093039

At 1 million subs at the earliest,

>> No.3092664

Is that a...

>> No.3093039

I don't think anon referred to 3D live concert

>> No.3093992

Do your reps

>> No.3096066
Quoted by: >>3096088 >>3096233

Evens No stream
Odds No stream
0 or Dubs Maybe stream

>> No.3096088

it's better than No stream

>> No.3096233

I believe...

>> No.3096263

10k more views until 100k, come watch the strongest hoshiyomi and suisei sing together

>> No.3096829
File: 248 KB, 1080x1920, 1602021086281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3097356 >>3099289

Where can I find all of Suisei's artwork?

>> No.3097350

Post your favorite duet.

>> No.3097356
Quoted by: >>3098127 >>3102912

On her twitter and her pixiv, the latter of which you'll have to do some digging

>> No.3097381

Love this one to death.

>> No.3097522


>> No.3097667


>> No.3097831
File: 25 KB, 220x297, 1597245038150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wager she won't do a stream, She doesn't often do them too late and Miko has a 1 million endurance in 10 minutes so who knows.

>> No.3098127
Quoted by: >>3099823

I can't find her pixiv...

>> No.3099233
Quoted by: >>3099300 >>3099742

No stream for today and tomorrow

>> No.3099289
File: 290 KB, 1200x1600, DbYDJz-VwAAc86o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I loved all the duets she did with Anna, but I especially love this song.

You just have to dig through her Twitter. It seems that even between them no archive site has every single picture she did, which I find a bit odd given how obsessive people can be and are about her.

>> No.3099300

Hope she had fun with toko yesterday

>> No.3099498
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1440, 88943456_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3099686
File: 992 KB, 1002x802, 1602762499809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Suisei on a Saturday.

>> No.3099742

Well we know why she won't be streaming tomorrow...

>> No.3099823
Quoted by: >>3100725

Keep digging, hone your google skills, think about the words, you can do it youth.

>> No.3099975

Sui with Sex-chan!

>> No.3100725
Quoted by: >>3101756

I'm too old for this... I can't find it.

>> No.3100907

One of the best suisei pairings

>> No.3101478
File: 245 KB, 850x1190, 1612305276919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Looking up to the night sky alone, I saw a comet
>Though it burst open and disappeared in an instant
>When I think of you, my heart aches
>I want to see you right now, but I can't fly through the sky If I could turn into a comet
>I would go flying through the sky
>No matter what tomorrow is like, these feelings are strong
>So this comet will never break open When I complain about hating it when it rains
>Even now I still remember what you would say
>How, after the rain, stars will appear beautifully in the night sky
>When I think about that
>I think that I can grow to like the rain, too If I could turn into a comet
>I would shed my overflowing light
>As you look at the night sky when you're sad
>I want to shine more so that you will smile You're always fighting something by yourself
>Being by your side is all I can do If I could turn into a comet
>I would go flying through the sky, surely
>I would definitely reach you, with this single moment of light
>Lighting up your present and passing through the sky
>If I could turn into a comet
>I would certainly be by your side, at any time

thank you for being at my side, Suichan, just as I'll be beside yours
I'll smile, if not for myself, but for you
your light has at least reached me

>> No.3101624

One of my favorite duet.

>> No.3101756
Quoted by: >>3102401

You're probably not if you can't google. Unless you're an old guy who only got into the Internet or 4chan recently. Don't be like Towafags who couldn't even find the kenzoku discord when she appeared on there and resorted to just spamming the Hololive thread asking for a link.

>> No.3102032
Quoted by: >>3102514 >>3102659

i was reading old /vt/ Suisei-related threads and I read that she doesn't like chocolate, is that true? if so, how can I cope with the fact of having someone as oshi who doesn't like chocolate?

>> No.3102401
Quoted by: >>3102447

Are you sure she has a pixiv account? All I can find are stuff she did that was posted on booru sites.

>> No.3102447
Quoted by: >>3102535

Those will suffice

>> No.3102514


>> No.3102535

This. There's not much anyway.

>> No.3102644
Quoted by: >>3102938 >>3102945

my heart is slightly broken but I still love Sui-chan

>> No.3102659
File: 324 KB, 1000x1000, 1616970441352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how can I cope with the fact of having someone as oshi who doesn't like chocolate?

You need to stop worrying and learn to love fish eyeballs.

>> No.3102718
File: 115 KB, 800x800, Dcmda7CVMAEhHC-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3103655

Hotdamn, she made it! Lat congrats on the 1111 subs, Sui-chan!

>> No.3102912

Some not on pixiv anymore can still be found on tumblr.

>> No.3102938
Quoted by: >>3103115 >>3112213

>my heart is slightly broken
Why? My heart is healed by the idea of Sui-chan offering me her chocolate.

>> No.3102945

I googled her name, chocolate and dislike all in Japanese. I thought she disliked sweets in general.

>> No.3103115

this is how'll have to cope

>> No.3103655
Quoted by: >>3103833 >>3111845

>ywn be one of her early supporters

>> No.3103833
File: 5 KB, 401x85, old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3103960 >>3104304

There were a few back in the day.

>> No.3103947

no suichan today...

>> No.3103960
Quoted by: >>3104039 >>3111837

imagine the pride of old cometomos seeing her become brighter and brighter each year

>> No.3104039
File: 36 KB, 565x279, 1000hoursinpaint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3104304 >>3108340

Hopefully they still watch. We're all anons so we won't really know. Can't blame people for not caring about a rando indie when oyabun and 4-kings were running things.

>> No.3104304

Archive reps...

>> No.3104357

Do your reps. The number of vies are still increasing more than 50k a day.

>> No.3108312
File: 952 KB, 4000x2500, EzHjlwiVkAA1dFf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityan please, think of the oji-sans...


>> No.3108340

I was amazed just watching that "story of Suisei Hoshimachi" video, I can't imagine how amazing it would be to watch it happen live.

>> No.3111837

I see like a guy or two in the comments on her original songs, including the favorited comet one. I saw him comment on GHOST too but fuck it's been buried by the 1M comments. I also follow some indie era fans on Twitter and yeah they are really proud of her, they hate frog, and want Suisei to grow more and more.

>> No.3111845

Oh no, what happened to @fre10 bro...?

>> No.3112077
Quoted by: >>3112116

What frog?

>> No.3112116
Quoted by: >>3112128

INNK manager

>> No.3112128

Oh, right

>> No.3112213
File: 2.21 MB, 2160x3360, 87764749_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3112594


>> No.3112268
File: 843 KB, 1080x2400, sui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3112693

You can see their comments in the YT App, and feel happy to see the cometomos still being hoshiyomis.

>> No.3112594

It's strange hearing Suityan's old voice again
Still incredibly cute though

>> No.3112693

Never new the app had this feature, but yeah it's super nice to see that a lot of them are still around. Makes me happy when I watch some of her archives and see names there that I still see in her replies or hashtags or even the chat to this day.

>> No.3112973
Quoted by: >>3113480

Reading this is making me a little emotional, I really love Suityan and the fanbase she gathered

>> No.3113480

Yep, I really like Hoshiyomis (I think I like this bunch better than my oshi's fanbase). I especially love it when it's during 3D events or when she makes a special appearance somewhere or just special/celebration streams in general, etc. You can really tell that all they want for Suisei is to be known and be loved by a lot of people for who she is and what she does

>> No.3120921
File: 493 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20210430_004428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3120966

600k to 2M. do your reps.

>> No.3122556
Quoted by: >>3125008

the only girl who ever made me cry

>> No.3125008

Sui-chan is the only girl who ever made me cry with happiness, if that counts.

>> No.3125376

Sagajihen 500k for 10mln. We can make it before passing a year.

>> No.3126821
File: 189 KB, 399x372, 1609401605856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3127458

please announce the new date for Suisei Nene utawaku, Give us some hope.
They should do it in that 3D Karaoke room Suisei likes to do but it won't.

>> No.3127458
Quoted by: >>3127720

They probably can't really plan out a date until they know for certain when the current lockdown will end.

>> No.3127720

Didn't stop Suisei from having offcollab with Toko though.

>> No.3127752
File: 152 KB, 1000x1412, EyV3Qz2UYAIAOPR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, nobody compares to Toko

>> No.3128036
Quoted by: >>3130166 >>3130199

Man this is gonna really weird but does anyone else sometimes tear while watching or listening to Suisei? She's just so cool and inspirational that I don't I can handle it most of the time.

>> No.3128099
Quoted by: >>3129804

>Offcolab with Toko
No utawaku...
Seriously speaking, I don't know why music-focused vtubers rarely did a music collab aside from making a cover. I know it's difficult to do it over the internet, but shouldn't they try to promote their main activities? Monthly hololive music gathering will be a great stream.

>> No.3128137
Quoted by: >>3129804

SuiNene were planning to do the off collab at holo's studio. Toko was just there at Suisei's house.

>> No.3129753

I see

>> No.3129788
File: 457 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20210501_174443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3129835 >>3130096

Add this to the next event part of the next OP

>> No.3129804
Quoted by: >>3129971 >>3129985

>Toko was just there at Suisei's house.
Fucking hot.
>Seriously speaking, I don't know why music-focused vtubers rarely did a music collab aside from making a cover. I know it's difficult to do it over the internet, but shouldn't they try to promote their main activities? Monthly hololive music gathering will be a great stream.
Would love if Suisei could pull the best talent from the JP vtuber world and give them a spotlight on a regularly monthly rotation. Doesn't even have to include other Hololive members most of the time as incredibly salty that would make some people.

>> No.3129835
Quoted by: >>3129877 >>3129881

Suisei and Kyou? What exactly is TUBEOUT? I saw other holos with it too.

>> No.3129877

TUBEOUT! (チューバウト!) is a series of events where VTubers have "live" concerts using AR technology with support from SPWN, which is managed by Balus.


>> No.3129881

It's a mix of live talk and concert

>> No.3129923

What I find interesting is that Suisei really has the old Hololive spirit in how often she collabs with people from all over the vtuber world. Meanwhile, current Hololive is much more insulated from outsiders than it used to be, they mostly only collab with each other and occasionally do a big group event with a mixed crowd.

>> No.3129971

If i were hologra director i would make one music themed hologra per month, considering the idol theme of hololive itself
You can't really compare old gen holo with new gen holo for their ability to make connections. Old holo had to do it just to stay alive while new gen doesn't need to

>> No.3129980

Towa and Matsuri as well with their Apex streaming. And ID as a branch.

>> No.3129985

>Would love if Suisei could pull the best talent from the JP vtuber world and give them a spotlight on a regularly monthly rotation.
if she does this and finds another indie Suisei (not literally of course) I'm gonna view her as a saint

>> No.3130096

I bought it. Waiting for it now.

>> No.3130166

>Man this is gonna really weird but does anyone else sometimes tear while watching or listening to Suisei?
not at all, 4th live was the first piece of media to actually make me actually cry like a bitch

>> No.3130199

I don't think insulated is the correct word for your sentence. Isolated would sound better?

I tear up a often while listening to Suisei too.

>> No.3130284
Quoted by: >>3130687

1-2 days ago: Rushia was in a collab with Tamaki and others (its on Tamaki's channel), Okayu collabed with Shiina, Towa had the Overwatch collab with Niji/VSPO. There was a thread a month ago? or more where someone was talking about stuff like this but its just people don't remember/didn't care that much about the collabs. Various Among Us collabs (like the one that had Kanata, Anya, Rindou, Furen and more Holos/Nijis) and even that Mario Kart collab that had Ollie, Mel, Dola, Setomiya and others. Matsuri plays APEX with people outside of Hololive but I know most anons don't care for APEX. Collabs on non-Holo channels also don't get noticed as much like Matsuri on Sukoya's radio thing, etc.

>> No.3130354
Quoted by: >>3130687

I hope we can see suityan singing GHOST at TUBEOUT.

>> No.3130687

>Collabs on non-Holo channels also don't get noticed
Like this https://youtu.be/kodrpXssVl4 I don't think there's any EN subbed clips of it. At least I couldnt find any.
Getting to 1.5mn

>> No.3130843 [SPOILER] 
File: 884 KB, 821x674, 1619870410128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3130929

I want to hit you with a chair

>> No.3130932
Quoted by: >>3131104 >>3133010


>> No.3130940

I've never watched that movie...

>> No.3131087

Imagine putting your name on that art.

>> No.3131104
Quoted by: >>3131127 >>3131153

It’s part of a current artistic movement within the fandom.

>> No.3131127 [DELETED] 

that doesnt answer is question, anon...

>> No.3131153
Quoted by: >>3133010

That doesnt answer his question, anon...

>> No.3131231

Suisui on Mio's GW Special gyaku totsu.

>> No.3131282
File: 74 KB, 563x316, asamio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suityan your sleeping reps...

>> No.3133010

Why not?

>> No.3135157
File: 124 KB, 568x436, Img-1619881471969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3135205

Rate the sketch my oshi draw, she's gettin there be patient with her

>> No.3135205
Quoted by: >>3135275

who's your oshi?

>> No.3135275
Quoted by: >>3137272

Mori, she's drawin ur oshi for thanks of singing her song

>> No.3136268

Tokomachi live when.

>> No.3137272

okay I'll watch the archive
