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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30002650 No.30002650 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>29960551
What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!


Interactive map:

Introductory blurb for new anons (Test version, subject to change):

- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents
- Vote on /vtl/ roster soon

- Maps!
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1
>LazuLight: !Ju8511RBaI, !VPFshGyIyE

Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.30002684
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP

>> No.30002735
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Quoted by: >>30030076

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/otafy (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.30002807
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Our team's caretaker also started a straw poll to decide the roster, vote here: >>29961510

Last but not least, an anon stepped up and wanted to do a quick tourist's guide for the various nations of Vitubia! (>>29911443) If you are up for it please submit a short text that introduce your nation by replying to this post. More details in the rentry below.

>> No.30002870
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>Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this post.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://youtu.be/V83JR2IoI8k (embed)

>> No.30002908
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>Anchor post for Ocean, Sea, and Continent naming discussion.
Post your maps here so we can see them and talk about them!

>> No.30002987
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>No Pippants
>No Pippanties

>> No.30003288
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No biggie if youre attracted to them. It's not up to me to tell others what to get off to. considering we both enjoy gore and abuse...
It's just my personal view that those groups deserve to be turned into itl wentli, stripped of human status, treated like recreational sex toys, and their meat and bones processed into food

>> No.30003460
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If only the actual UN gensec is like you.

>> No.30003569

Good morning!
Of course. Infinitum is happy to aid their partners in defense wherever they need it. It presents a lot of opportunity to grow closer too, with common enemies in schizos. Our own shores are sometimes assailed by our own raiders.

As for /meat/, I'll see if I can get them to stop attacking Moriji altogether...

>> No.30003624
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posting separately for more visibility

--> https://strawpoll.com/polls/e6Z2eKP8EgN <--

Hurry up and get in here to vote! What are you waiting for? So far our four medalists
War-Anon - Meta
Holy Ghost - /morig/
/meat/ Stealth Thread - /meat/
are already locked in, with 19 other spots remaining. Details such as the player name are not necessarily final, so choose the player ideas you like best. Good luck to all our candidates!

>> No.30004070

Twitter wouldve called you a chud for saying that. But theyre just /meat/phobes

>> No.30004074
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>> No.30004444
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For archival

I added the signatures to the document, and changed the title. Otherwise it is unchanged.

As for the designated trade league cities of nasfaqg, every Republic held city is open, but I recommend Aggaya the most, as the city is located in a very advantageous position at the mouth of the eastern strait.

pic rel

>> No.30004596
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>> No.30004664

Good morning, Founder-kun!

>> No.30004821
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>> No.30004852

personally, i think most trannies and femboys in modern society are trend-chasing social parasites, they deserve a worse fate than scaphism for all i care, but there is a small fraction of them that are genuinely just retarded and helping them through their retardation can help them be productive members of society. if they are trying and improving their situation, i think it's fine.
with that said, i think society should bring back bullying. the efforts to stop it have done nothing but encourage a slave-ethic by getting people to rely on other people to solve all their problems, while not only not stopping bullying at all, but creating a situation where the authority figures can punish someone because a cry-bully told a simple lie. now kids are indoctrinated to be either the kinds of weak, pathetic retards that couldn't defend themselves or their ideals if it would save their lives, and the kinds of social parasites that, if not defended against, would ruin whole communities from the ground up by infiltrating whatever trend-setting institution they can find and turning it into a cesspool for their own purposes.
that is to say, trannies and femboys are a product of a deeper, more visceral problem that threatens much of society if left unchecked. leave slave-ethics for the slaves, and if they keep multiplying, make an industry around their suffering. do this, and your society may prosper, still. thank you for attending my ted talk.

>> No.30004870

Damn. A regular /pol/tard would just say
>femboys & trannies deserve the rope
But founderkun just one up with
>femboys & trannies are food

>> No.30004888
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Extremely based as always paragraphssenpai!!!!

>> No.30004922

>/meat/ hornyposts
>everything goes to hell
Business as usual

>> No.30004985
Quoted by: >>30005073

/vtwbg/: /pol/ edition.

>> No.30005073
Quoted by: >>30005572

i think this thread is a combination of /pol/ and lefty /pol/ unironically knowing some of the posters.

>> No.30005104
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hey paragraphsanon, been hard at work on the /meat/ mycological report. when you have the time/if you want can you read the https://rentry.org/meat-mycology#stereum-sp-ostrea-the-tree-pathogen section and advise me on any /meat/ lore changes I should make to the story

trying my best but as with esoteric cannibalistic religions I might not get everything right so feel free to correct my language. also couldn't copy/paste the meatlang font into rentry so used generic runes, I'll fix that later on when I'm done with report.

>> No.30005572
File: 906 KB, 220x224, gonshern.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are all /meat/heads esoteric totalitarianists?

>> No.30005843

we actually seem to be mostly authoritarian in terms of our cult, and otherwise pretty hands off until more extreme circumstances arise. esoteric fundamentalism i think the term was. don't quote me on this, though, i only remember a few conversations we had on the matter.
i'll see what i can find. ty for writing it.

>> No.30005928

Dunno about the esoteric part but I'm religious and support federative systems. Maybe a bit of absolutism on my bad days hahaga

>> No.30006060
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>> No.30006085
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I am a genuine supporter of Technocracy in real-life. Not the wishy-washy modern definition you see in the news these days. Like actual, Technocracy INC with a capital T, type of technocracy.
>Thermoeconomics and energy-standard currency
>24 hours services, maximum 4 hour work shifts
>Borders based on watergates and resource management

>> No.30006121

Unfathomably based. and sort of same

>> No.30006479
File: 1.59 MB, 1000x1000, ohboyohboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>30006085 (me)
Correction; Watersheds. Not watergates.
Imagine the peak farming, welfare, and development efficiency if we try to follow what nature had laid out instead of forcing straight line borders all over the continent!

>> No.30006928

Nerd. jk jk
I didnt expect you to be this authoritarian actually

>> No.30006996
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Quoted by: >>30007482

Gentlemen and fertile females.
>Retrobro chapter coming up today
>Edit to hooman story to make more fucking sense
>More fucking research on grapeyards
>A bit of shit on climates and natural food resources that risuners would have access to.

Luckily the laterite stuff seemed to stick in my head better than anything. Still if anyone wishes to tell me of any details I should know about natural resources and foods then by all means. Anyway work in the morning but I'll be back soon enough. Later you horny lot.

>> No.30007139
Quoted by: >>30007302

Poor Albus, getting a bit out of his depth. :(
Makes me curious how he wound up taking a post at the /meat/ location in the first place.

>> No.30007302
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Quoted by: >>30007781

Well the idea behind Albus being out of his depth is the time period this is in. The contract with /meat/ to start foraying was signed in 1101 VTE and I'm not super up to date with Babel lore but I assumed (maybe incorrectly) that the office would be fairly new at this point considering /meat/ was raiding other countries a lot more before this point.

Been with terps before in some shitty situations in a previous life, they often end up out of their depth by no fault of their own.

>> No.30007482
File: 12 KB, 283x178, marchkibbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother! i am still doing research. here are what i think Risuner modernists should be like!
a soft blend of traditional life and modern aesthetics

>> No.30007563
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I will see it after work brother. I AM OFF!

>> No.30007740
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Quoted by: >>30007865

>Kibbo Kift
AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I know about those guys!

>> No.30007781
Quoted by: >>30007887

Fair enough. I don't have a lot of dates nailed down yet, so I'm not sure when they would have opened up there either.

>> No.30007865
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at this rate Id be surprised if you dont know about something

>> No.30007887
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I do feel a bit bad for writing Albus into these situations though. Have to give gravity to the grotesque nature of what they're seeing somehow though, and I'm not a great guro writer or writer in general.

>> No.30008029

It's all good. Hopefully he can take these experiences in stride and use them to grow.

>> No.30008069
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>I'm not a great guro writer or writer in general
It's not a downside really. We've been so attuned to grotesque media that we can no longer write normal human responses. Even when I wrote those lewd guro greentexts I get stuck figuring out reactions.

>> No.30008357
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Quoted by: >>30028104

a short overview of /mans/, or at least it's past. I've tried to keep it sorta open ended for future expansion on certain parts and to make it not too tied down to location. Any criticisms and suggestions you might have are warmly welcome.

>> No.30008595

hey guys, should i post some concentrated, dumbass autism on what /meat/bro posted or should i just stick to worldbuilding thread btw?
i read it. you described some rituals that might happen in /meat/. they sound interesting, but there isn't enough detail on what they are doing for me to really know what they are trying to do. maybe you could help me a bit with that.

>> No.30008667
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Quoted by: >>30009033

>on what /meat/bro posted
Which one?

>> No.30008966
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Word cloud for last bread.

>> No.30009033
Quoted by: >>30009154

technocrasy stuff.
i haven't read all of it, and the vast majority of what i have read i completely agree with so far, but i'm reading a bit of http://technocracytechnicalalliance.blogspot.com/2011/06/technocracy-information-in-english.html and i find places where i disagree, at least with the framing of some things. if you want, we can discuss this in the /meat/ thread, but if we decide to have that discussion, it will definitely last for a while, though it will probably end in us agreeing on the things we agree on, but whether i should do it, let alone if i should do it here, is something i am contemplating.

>> No.30009154
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Quoted by: >>30009338

Ah. Perhaps not.
Politics is a writhing can of tribalist worms.
Let us just stick to, you know, fictional politics.
Like Founder-kun's organisation proposal.

>> No.30009338
Quoted by: >>30009563

well, i only really disagree on the characterization of something, and i was kind of interested to see if you might be able to clarify some things on your philosophy, but ok then.

>> No.30009563
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I feel your enthusiasm but as much as I want to engage into heavy philosophy stuff, I do not want a repeat of the previous worldbuilding project I have been in.

>> No.30009628
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Quoted by: >>30009903

NTA but I know that feeling

>> No.30009895
Quoted by: >>30010084

what happened?

>> No.30009903

Are worldbuilding projects always this depressing?

>> No.30010084

I kinda talked about it before.
Serious, pretentious, political/philosophical/theorycel types ruining the mood.

>> No.30010236

I think /who/ rep talked about being in a project that wanted an overly detailed datasheet for every participant. Including GFP, population, down to the very atom

>> No.30010343
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Quoted by: >>30011221

the birth of 'concepts'

>> No.30010572

This is the most uplifting and enjoyable worldbuilding project I've been in. I think >>>tg/85517985 has a point about having a common interest serving as the world's basis helps mitigate some of the worst soapboxes map-painting behaviours. Having the world anchored in something beyond our control (this board's state) probably also helps.

>> No.30010808

i'm not sure if you'd think of me as a serious type, but i would never shun you for having different ideas. i'd like to believe that my willingness to find ways to allow people to have their preferred magic system, even when i want chuubanite to be physical, and rule based, shows that i can be flexible with people who hold different ideas of how things should work. if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but i hope you, and everyone else always feel free to have whatever different ideas you want to in this project, and i'm sorry that you had to go through something like that in those other projects. hopefully nothing like that ever happens here.

>> No.30011057
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Quoted by: >>30011221

Thanks! No worries about me getting shunned. Since I'm still here after writing like, 7-8 tales and 2 proposals, for you guys that means I'm still enthusiastic about this project!
Well it's late over here. I'll see you guys tomorrow!

>> No.30011221

Huh. I never knew people would go this far over fictional maps
Youre not wrong. if >>30010343 is actually you Im already seeing development in how you handle issues.

>> No.30011499

>I never knew people would go this far over fictional maps
"I will keep this brief..."

>> No.30011565
Quoted by: >>30012014

ya, that's me. what kind of development did you see?

>> No.30011621
Quoted by: >>30013309

Phoneposting because going to bed soon. The point of the ritual (whether it works or is just superstition) is to achieve some sort of foresight on whether it is safe to travel. With this being a mountainous village weather conditions can be quite extreme and put hunters and foragers in danger easily, plus it's hard to raise human livestock when there's barely enough food to go around anyways so it might just be an excuse for them to eat human meat as a tradition before winter comes.

I made it vague because the characters wouldn't understand the significance of the ritual, I just want to make sure the concept isn't wrong.

>> No.30012014
Quoted by: >>30013309

More idea exchanges to be frank.
A few months ago you'd be carrying the entire magic discussion on your shoulders.
now youre exchanging ideas with comfyanon and nasfaqronie. you also helped meatbro with his Catalog realm proposal

>> No.30012890
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aaaaaaa! bump

>> No.30013309
Quoted by: >>30013537

well, i designed it to be flexible, but people didn't understand the proposal until we started organizing things more, so that's to be expected. what i was saying was that there have been a few ideas that would have otherwise been difficult to replicate, usually due to complexity, that i was able to find a way to make possible without needing to change the rules of the system. with that said...
depending on what kind of foresight, it might be possible. maybe the mushrooms combine /meat/ chuubanite with some kind of unique chemistry that sends signals into the eyes and give them senses. the questions of how it knows how to send the signals to the right places, and what kind of signals it sends can be left vague for story reasons, but any information they gain from the conceptual realm is likely to be inherent to the concept of something.
/who/ was asking about a chuubanite ability related to history and culture that let someone think of concepts related to an area, and i said it was possible with a few changed but i guess they gave up on it for some reason. giving my own faction abilities like that feels a bit wrong though, so if i disagreed on anything, it would be giving /meat/ more potentially overpowered abilities. i'll see if the rest of the thread has any problems with that before giving my opinion, but since you're the one who would give us that ability, i figure you can assume that if nobody responds, you're free to do as you please. not like you can't just make it uncertain as to what degree it works.

>> No.30013537
Quoted by: >>30013646

paragraphsanon please pee in my mouth ~

>> No.30013646

i am flattered that you involve me in your sexual fantasies, but please go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.30013816
File: 191 KB, 957x675, mori kronii kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Morig reps around? Ive got some questions regarding the Trade League.

1. There should be a city designated as the HQ of the trade league. The purpose of the HQ is simply to be the place where the Overseer Council would meet up to make decisions, and where any new member would sign their agreement to join the League (unless special circumstances make this unfeasible).

I propose Aggaya, the designated city in nasfaqg, as nasfaqg proposed the foundation of the deal to begin with, and Aggaya is one of the designated league trade cities.

2. Can we agree that Holodhennet is used as the primary language of trade for the league?

3. https://files.catbox.moe/xz008q.png
Could you please mark to this map the designated league trade cities for moriji (so, cities where land has been reserved for the league), and any independent municipality city that is open to all the league members? Could you also mark the zone the Black Fleet considers under their jurisdiction for the purposes of protecting merchants from pirates and schizos? Infinity zone may be changed later.

https://rentry.org/Ailivian_Trade_League (WIP)
Also check the rentry for the league and tell me what to add or change.

>> No.30014042 [DELETED] 

nasfaqg kronie please pee in my mouth ~

>> No.30014229
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Quoted by: >>30016425

Not this again...

>> No.30014722
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Quoted by: >>30016057

Updated Tsushima, tell me what you think

>> No.30015288
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PPsenpai, if you are here, i would like to discuss naval affairs with you regarding LazuLight in the light of recent world developmens. Same thing with KRrep because I think we all share common ground regarding naval affairs right now...

>> No.30015379

I am alarmed too. This is a clear threat to our sovereignty regardless of what they say to us in my estimation. I am trying to get the other two to get into somekind of agreement... What did you want to discuss alice?

>> No.30015417
File: 103 KB, 1193x936, D9ECCA00-CBBF-424B-995B-963DBF73769F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who does this island belong to?

>> No.30015701
Quoted by: >>30016108

It hasn’t been claimed

>> No.30015788
File: 147 KB, 833x833, kronfused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colonizes nations all over the globe
>Releases an ancient evil spirit that wants to conquer the world

>Is alarmed when a few nations set up a tariffs-free zone for trade
If something, you should see this as an opportunity, and not a threat to your sovereignty. For 2434 it certainly is as they already have a trade deal with nasfaqg.

Set aside as no-mans land, I suppose for future threads.

>> No.30015839

Well, it is obvious I need to increase the size of our fleet, and we need to invest into your protection more....i do not like the idea of two of the largest navies and a moderate size navy threatening our entire trade network by this league....the fact that they did not seek to even discuss a potential agreement with me leads our merchants and navy to agree that this is clearly a threat to the sovereignty of us, and the rest of Anykaria.... This upsets the balance of power we had and we must denounce this league in response as the black fleet itself is the paramilitary army of Moriji and thus we consider this the start of a future alliance between Infinity, the Serene Republic and Moriji.

>> No.30015845

>>30015788 (me)
... for 2343 it is an opportunity, not a threat

>> No.30015962
File: 13 KB, 240x240, nagi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not how things go, Nasfaq. Setting up a trade league is the first step towards military cooperation and an alliance, which threatens our sovereignty. /2434/ has helped us recover from a near collapse and is our friend. Mechaffyna is actually our doing and is more of a story point she is using We see this for what this truly is, an attempt to ruin our nation and we will react accordingly.

>> No.30016057
File: 60 KB, 680x680, FZIughNaUAA-2ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you make such good maps??????!! It looks great!!!!

Alice where do you make your flags???? I want to expand my lore a bit and I want to add some more depth into it!!!!!!

>> No.30016093
File: 26 KB, 405x443, 1659596814386000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my research in preparations to create a reformed /ag/ lore document (watching Hawaiian history, old islander food videos, and reading dungeon meshi) I've begun to consider things like, post colonial history, agricultural and horticultural practices, and animal husbandry. I did a little work in my highschool days as a member of the Future Farmers of America and grew up partially on a farm, but I still want to know if anybody in the thread has a particular flare for these subjects. I feel like I can make something quite nice already but as the way of architecture demands, More is Better.
Also, I think there should be two factions of Architects. The New Age industrially inclined architects and the Traditionalist more rural architects.

>> No.30016108

Ok, then I formally declare this territory Pettan island, /vsj+/. We will be investing a lot of money in helping Nazutans lollipoppu who are escaping /rumina/ while it’s under pressure from all the sorrounding holo generals, i will additionally update the Rentry page and add a segment about Pettan Island

>> No.30016118
Quoted by: >>30016156

I was just going to lurk and read lore but I do agree with you, not from a meta point, but from the point of view of Pomerlane, who dislikes Nasfaq and is alarmed by this. The Syrenian and Pomeranian Fleets will thus increase in size as a response to this clear attempt to upset the balance of power in the Golden Sea.

>> No.30016156
File: 262 KB, 768x768, kroHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30016226

I see, it is unfortunate you feel alarmed.
Well either way, for as long as you do not declare yourselves enemies of the Serene Republic by words or actions, the straits and markets remain open for any and all merchants with good intentions, and the shipyards remain open for your ships to stop at for repair and resupply as well.

>> No.30016173
Quoted by: >>30016603

I used Paint.net to make my flags!!!! Would you like me to make you a flag????

>> No.30016226
Quoted by: >>30016305

>enemies of the Serene Republic by words or actions
KR definitely does not meet this, thus you should absolutely know why this is a threat to us.

>> No.30016288
Quoted by: >>30016603

I just used paint and used the tools on it over a couple hours.

>> No.30016305
Quoted by: >>30016543

I thought KR was actually multiple kingdoms with only some of them practicing piracy?

>> No.30016342

The retro reich is interested in dealings regarding the eastern ocean, while mojiri are considered friends of ours, infinitum and nasfaqg have ignored diplomats of ours in the past and are thus seen as less favorable thus increased activities of theirs due to their alliance is worrisome in regards to our own trade with /2434/ for example

>> No.30016363

Just to avoid the hassle, that Island belongs to /ringo/ I don't know why no one told you this either. Sorry.

>> No.30016425
File: 39 KB, 299x304, 1659631134675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello again my beloved secretary general

>> No.30016468
Quoted by: >>30016785

I am too... The Heavenly Sea is one of our most prosperous trade regions and their refusal to even discuss anything with us or reach out is extremely alarming. I think that we may need to form some kind of league of our own involving both of us, LazuLight and KR for that reason.

>> No.30016474
File: 166 KB, 480x480, krosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30016872

I asked you what sort of thing you are interested to invest in and you never responded...

>> No.30016543

From my understanding, we all practice piracy. Vnug has said as much to me (we have no indie writer but they will too. It's not just us.

>> No.30016603
File: 61 KB, 680x680, FZPw8axaUAEfv2O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30016674

All of that on paint.net???? You're so good at it!!! Yes I would want a flag please!!! Originally I plan to maybe make 4 or 5 flags but those can wait!!! Could you please make one for Selenium????!!

Okay!!!! It's really well done!!! I'm phoneposting 99% of the time but I'll try to make something with it when I can!!!!

>> No.30016674
Quoted by: >>30017237

OK!! I will get it done soon, I am in the middle of a geopolitcal crisis that others have forced upon the whole region.

>> No.30016785
Quoted by: >>30016970

If /risu/ and meat agree i would propose the potentiol if the old trade alliance being absirbed into this, while i know that /2434/ hascsomeccaution in regards to /meat/ we would offer to act as middleman for dealings between the two

>> No.30016872

I said companies of any kind, upstarts preferred, that are interested in onobots as investors

>> No.30016970

KR, I plan on introducing even more powerful fortifications for you on Tsushima featuring cutting edge guns and plan to fully introduce you to some our naval tech advancements as well. the KAG is the most alarmed by this and has plans of their own, which I do not know yet.

PPsenpai, I have the same plans for you, introducing our naval tech to you and help you get better drydocks as well to help grow your fleet with the great lumber that Pomerania makes.

>le of a geopolitcal crisis that others have forced upon the whole region.
I will agree to something with meat out of necessity because this gives them problems too, but I do not expect Risu, who is dominated by both of them to accept anything.
Although this is more of new Trade League and Defensive Pact than what the Trade Alliance ever was.....

>> No.30017046

I don't know why that greentext happened. My mistake...

>> No.30017155
File: 47 KB, 820x600, cm5dy44by6i31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30017583

Oh the irony of those denouncing the PIO and 2434 causing more problems due to their own greed. There was a reason I told you to stay out of Phase. Anyways, back to work.

>> No.30017181
File: 179 KB, 500x500, krosweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, those sorts of companies are sure to exist. I've been very overwhelmed with chuubanite and other stuff so I do not think im able to make the companies for you to invest in any time soon, but if you have the energy and willpower you could make a few small (level 2 to 3 maybe) companies the onobots are investing into and I could canonize them.

Its not a defensive pact, its a free trade zone where the members agree to protect each other's merchants against pirates and schizos.
I do not want to make it a military alliance so I really dont like the escalation here...

>> No.30017237
Quoted by: >>30017518

Sure!!!! Good luck!!!!!

>> No.30017290
Quoted by: >>30022119

Yeah, I will probably set up the navies soon enough
That's not how Pomerania or the rest of LazuLight see it at all. Rather, this being the first step to a threat upon our sovereignty by foreign merchants and bankers.

>> No.30017386
Quoted by: >>30017521

Which when you lay it out and from previous interactions, is KR.

>> No.30017452

Remember that you should think of the trade league through the eyes of your own nation and that the way others may see it might not be what it truly is.

>> No.30017518

Oh Dragonbro, how eager are Selen's Fighters to serve as mercenaries for friends??? We love your service to our nation and would love to use you more in our armies.

>> No.30017521
Quoted by: >>30017628

So, what this means is that there is a little bit higher chance you'll encounter resistance when doing pirating. Neither the black fleet nor the Republic Navy are omnipresent so you are still going to be able to raid ships without getting whacked for it.

>> No.30017583
Quoted by: >>30018468

what did he mean by this?

>> No.30017628

No but the mere fact that you have combined both fleets into anti-piracy activities is alarming to us. We truthfully do not know how effective this is, but consider this. The Black Fleet is Either 1a or 1b in terms of Naval Power. Nasfaq is in the top three as well. Why wouldn't we be alarmed?

>> No.30017884
File: 674 KB, 812x650, yummyronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30018290

KR i understand but the reaction from the others is what baffles me, especially 2434's, since we already have an extensive trade deal with them and I thought the idea was that we have some historical cooperation too, especially regarding anti-piracy action.

>> No.30017963
File: 19 KB, 377x351, letsmakeaddeal2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retrosenpai... I have an offer you cannot refuse
>We at 2434 would like to invest heavily into Onobot Industries in light of recent events along with the Research Institute you have proposed.

>> No.30018290

Ok, I will meta you on why we are alarmed friend. You never sought us out on this or sought our opinion, which alarms the Navy. We have been having problems with Tri-Point already with the PIO and this has cooled our relations with Nasfaq as a whole. This upsets the traditional balance of power within the region because it is ultimately cooperation between Inf and Morig. Morig we have a traditional friendship with but Inf since they came out of isolation alarms us. This threatens the trade of both of our companies, the KAG and the PIO by its existence. Furthermore, KR (NijiKR) is our vassal and a central point of the KAG, the threat to them threatens the balance of power in the region which was between Nasfaq and them alone. Now Morig is in it with Inf too. Does this make sense? Not everything is logical when it comes to reactions because I try not to meta reactions.

>> No.30018468
Quoted by: >>30022119

>Nasfaq has smuggled weapons and terrorism in to Syndeoneia for profit.
>We have denounced Nasfaq for this.
>The Future Emperor comes from the Pomerlane school of thought, he does not like Nasfaq or foreign traders.
>Seeing this and him being currently with Pomerlane leads to this reaction.
That's what I meant.

>> No.30018634

I dont think Tripoint has ever been in any contact with the PIO

>> No.30018668
File: 124 KB, 512x512, kropain2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's everything I do start international incidents

>> No.30018696
Quoted by: >>30018862

Yes, they have. They imported weapons illegally into Syndeoneia and threatened us with a trade war over it.

>> No.30018763
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The clocks' international reputation is just that bad

>> No.30018829
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Aggaya is a fine choice for this. With nasfaqg being in the middle between Morig and Infinitum, it's sensible that it would be the meeting point.
Yes, Holodhennet is the most appropriate shared language.
Picrel! This is the space where the Black Fleet actively patrols and makes an effort to clear out all illegal activities. Note that a buffer to this zone is added to the coasts of /ggg/ and /hirys/ whenever we go to war with them...
Our installations in /nasfaqg/ allow us to project power there pretty well, so in actuality there is a strong Black Fleet presence in the North of /nasfaqg/'s zone.. I don't know if the zones should be exclusionary. For the purposes of this deal we can say this overlap zone is under /nasfaqg/'s jurisdiction, though Black Fleet vessels will continue to patrol it.
The designated trade cities are Oppia to the North, Acheron to the South, and Gehenna to the East. At this time, the municipalities will adopt a wait and see approach to the trade league. They do fiercely prize their sovereignty.
Rentry looks good!
niji continents shaking in their boots
Based! I'm already happy to have agreed to this!

>> No.30018862

Afaik, that was all meta discussion on what could happen, if all the participants agreed to it. There were no in-universe threats of any kind.

>> No.30018901
Quoted by: >>30018972

Moriji! Hello!
Lovely day for diplomacy isn't it

>> No.30018943

>In response to the geopolitical and economical threat that the recently founded Ailivian Trade League has brought to the region, the Mononobe Shogunate plans on founding the League of Mercurius. While details need to be fleshed out, we sent out invitations to the Retro Reich, the Kingdom of Pomerania, the Archduchy of Eliria, the Grand Principality of Syrenia, the Kingdom of Selenium, and the Three Kingdoms of /kr/.

>> No.30018972
File: 1.91 MB, 4096x4096, 1651844876777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30019512

Thanks anon! Basically, I started by sculpting pic related in Houdini. All my other maps have been me editing and modifying that heightmap. The population density map was actually one of the easier ones, since those tend to be more "blurry" and less detailed than say, biome or hydro maps.
Ah, it really is.

>> No.30019030

That ended why I removed the "Good Faith" clause to all nations but Nasfaq as a result of that discussion, which Sol and I both agreed meant Nasfaq did cause problems.

>> No.30019094

But Retro Reich I mean...

>> No.30019119
Quoted by: >>30019270

Uh, i dont quite undertand your post. What good faith clause?

>> No.30019163

>LazuLight joins this League.

>> No.30019270
Quoted by: >>30019459

The "Good Faith Clause" was that any nations we had trade deals with were not to be inspected by the Imperial Navy per Article 7 of the Treaty of Westphasia. Retro Reich (and likely LazuLight) still retain this good faith clause. Nasfaq had it thanks to Chronobanks until this event happened.

>> No.30019356

>The Indie Confederation and Kingdom of Mujigae join this league.

>> No.30019459
File: 27 KB, 112x112, FYXnlqqUUAAQIoq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm as the PhaseRep. Triangle was the one who caused this, citing Free Trade and the demand as the reasons for actions which i advised against. Naturally, 2434 had every right to do this.

>> No.30019512
File: 53 KB, 600x670, 600px-Look_What_They_Need_To_Mimic_A_Fraction_Of_Our_Power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This union will have very interesting results, I can tell

>> No.30019540

so much for not seeing the project as a strategy game eh

>> No.30019627

The nations that joined the rival league have clear reasons for doing so, especially KR and to a lesser extent 2434 considering both of them are hurt the most by this.

>> No.30019753
Quoted by: >>30019828

>Kronies and deadbeats just want to be friends and strengthen trade
>Nijis freak the fuck out and start arming pirates with modern weapons

>> No.30019827
File: 198 KB, 480x480, crying on the flooreronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30019908

I just fear the other league ends up as some sort of a closed trade bloc or an actual military alliance, both of these reactions being very disproportional
And then that would lead to further alienation between the nations, and we end up in an unending expansion and arms race, which would make the project not only extremely stressful, but also very un-fun.

Im an autist and i struggle to differentiate between in character animosity and ooc animosity, so im feeling very confused.

>> No.30019828

Eh... LazuLight is not a fan of seeing Nasfaq's power grow by this, which is how we see it. Syrenian Merchants and Pomeranian bankers in particular see this as a problem.
>Two Rival Nations, through Nasfaq grow closer together and act like this will have no consequences
>The Natural response is received.
Shocking. This is similar to the diplomatic revolution.

>> No.30019908
File: 108 KB, 243x233, noranekoconcern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have no reason to make a military alliance yet unless things escalate...

>> No.30019920

>Two Rival Nations,
I thought infintum was friends with Alice! She even said we're much nicer and less threatening than she thought after she and I did dealings. Hell, she and I (and Chronobanks) are even part of this bloc in her story regarding some rebels.

>> No.30020135

I was also under the impression that Nasfaqg was on friendly terms, at least with the KAG, since we even have https://rentry.org/2repw

>> No.30020141
Quoted by: >>30020307

Kroniesenpai... its not our relationship, but morig and you, that concerns us. our nation is divided into two factions that are split against each other regarding inf and morig. traditionalists support morig while accelerationists support inf. In general, our position was to be the third party in the balance of power but because of what we see as relations getting closer between you and morig, our reaction is to be alarmed. Does that make sense to you??? I am not doing this for strategy gaming or anything but roleplaying my nation.

>> No.30020282
Quoted by: >>30020492

KAG is not the same as the PIO.... I really wish you guys thought to involve me in this discuss to at least understand our position.... and the talk about us in Risu as a threat in that light was seen as negative...

>> No.30020307
File: 114 KB, 1832x289, unknown-229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30020536

Arming pirates to attack your trade partners Infintum and Chronobanks and their interests, that's a little more than just "alarmed", Alice...

>> No.30020492
File: 47 KB, 432x571, Deep Pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30020673

getting the KAG involved in the tariff-free trade was something i was thinking i'd try to do after the league is established, using the trade agreement as the doorway in.

I dont remember any talk about you being a threat in /risu/

>> No.30020536
File: 115 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blame Triangle, not Alice nor Kroniefaq for this. He was the one who soured relations between Nasfaq and 2434 in Phase.

>> No.30020664

New to this worldbuilding part of vt, but it's pretty interesting. One thing I've been trying to figure out, what the hell is /meat/?

>> No.30020673

why didnt you just tell us??? that would have prevented everything.... unless I am misremembering, there was talk from someone that said we were making Risu into a banana republic with our evil company.

>> No.30020675
Quoted by: >>30020936

Triangle has done nothing wrong, he merely discussed the meta level things. You cant punish someone in-universe for discussing things out of universe.

Also, wouldnt this mean that you should be distrustful of Tripoint, not nasfaqg? The two are very separate

>> No.30020711
File: 211 KB, 850x765, 1632197314476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say, speaking for Moriji, that a military alliance with either /nasfaqg/ or /infinity/ is not on the table. We don't want to go fight whatever conflicts Infinitum ends up blundering into, and will not. And a military alliance with /nasfaqg/ just doesn't make sense, given its decentralized nature. Our priority is the security of the Holosea. This trade agreement just allows us to have a modicum of operative capability on the East coast of Risu and encourages trade.
Also, it is undeniable that /2434/'s drive to expand its sphere of influence has made the Moriji leadership more amenable to the idea of bonding with nations naturally aligned with them. From their point of view, /2434/ are the ones who are upsetting the balance of power.
this is fun, getting Entente Cordial vibes

>> No.30020798
File: 165 KB, 800x1200, 1654045698248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30021846

They're the ryona/guro thread, and really impressively talented worldbuilders. Check out their lore! It's all in the archive in the OP.

>> No.30020811
Quoted by: >>30021085

That was some schizo falseflagging as the OGsuner

>> No.30020856
Quoted by: >>30021085

The one who said that was neither myself nor Chronobanks rep

>> No.30020936
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he did, if not on purpose and I know because I told him not to at the time. It was regarding smuggling weapons and Alice, given her position with the PIO, naturally responded by removing the clause she talked about. Also, Tri-point is part of this at the end of the day considering Chronobanks is under the same megacorp. I think there is a misunderstanding that this is clearly seen as a trade threat to the nations in the other league and for KR, an major problem. Neither one of these are military alliances at all.

>> No.30020978
Quoted by: >>30021846

Aside from what the deadbeat alraedy told you, /meat/ is currently banned by the jannies so they are stuck in /trash/ for the meanwhile. /meat/ is relatively "famous" on /vt/ but depends on where and when do you visit the board you might have missed some mentions of them.

>> No.30021041

While Infintum is open to the idea, we respect that Moriji isn't at this time, and won't push it on them. As such, the Nijis really have nothing to fear in that regard.
>stubles upon

>> No.30021085
Quoted by: >>30021305

Let me check.... No I take back my statement about Risu yesterday as that was my ESL brain. but the trade league is still happening for reasons we already stated....

>> No.30021282
Quoted by: >>30021728

This reminds me more of the Diplomatic Revolution, when France and Austria were considering warmer relations and Britain, out of alarm, allied with Prussia. Things that may seem mundane have consequences beyond what they appear to be.

>> No.30021305

And arming the pirates against us? This is an openly hostile action! You're aiding people to attack Infinitum and Chronobanks, your own trade partners.

>> No.30021430

Those nations aren't entirely pirate nations. We aren't arming the pirates, we are arming their actual navies..... That is what is going on...

>> No.30021548

KR isn't Ahoy, they have Wokou but also their own fleets. The Governments have little say in what Wokou actually do, at least that's how it should work.

>> No.30021611

To attack us and our ships.
And even then, you know those weapons will find their way into pirate hands, right?

>> No.30021686

Was about to say this, the Royal Navy is not pirates at all. Vnug hasn't got that far yet but its lilkely the same.
No... That's not how it works. The Wokou operate from their own bases.

>> No.30021709

Ah, the Mujahideen->Al-Qaeda pipeline, it's happening! Hype!

>> No.30021728

Wait, thats a real thing? Lmao, gives this whole debacle a silver lining of kino.

>> No.30021731

>give weapons to Wokou
>Wokou are under no obligation to *not* attack other ships
>Wokou attack Infinity and Chronobanks
>/2434/ and KR get to wash their hands of this obvious set up
Real convenient.

>> No.30021820

I'm going back to work! This is fun and interesting to write about. I'm not mad or resentful of anyone, okay? It's all fun and games to me, so I hope there's no hard feelings! Byeee

>> No.30021846

I see thanks for the heads up. I'm a deadbeat and I was trying to figure out why these dudes were our enemy and why I hadn't heard of them. Any particular reason, or just for fun?

>> No.30021892
Quoted by: >>30022048

You do realize that the Wokou being non-government affiliated pirates gives you all the rights to attack them in turn?

>> No.30021895
Quoted by: >>30022175

Yeah, 2434 is responding like Britain.

>> No.30022048

KR rep.
I didn't know I needed to say that....They already attack 2434 anyways. The only thing safe is our own ships.

>> No.30022119
File: 453 KB, 756x713, mori free milk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahjongchads? Is it our time to solve piracy one ron at a time?
What is that about being unable to pursue trade in /nasfaqg/? /nasfaqg/ conducts its trade globally and locally.
/meat/ probably has surprisingly little presence in /nasfaqg/ due to practical reasons: culturally, /nasfaqg/ is a hyper-mutative environment, where everything becomes a quick fad, spawns four cultural descendants, and then dies with a tiny number of people who stick to it. /meat/'s cult would get 5 different heresies immediately that'd start proselytizing in other nations, carving away at their own networks. It's a 'cancer gets cancer' situation. A lot of major religions from other countries have some weird /nasfaqg/ offshoots.
/nasfaqg/ will not enter into a military cooperation/alliance outside of protecting trade, whatever it may take.
>threatens our sovereignty
You mean, your foreign invasions, state-funded piracy, and rampant imperailism? I don't see a tariff zone hurting anyone's sovereignty.
As Clocks said, there are a lot of companies like that in /nasfaqg/, you could set up an Onobot venture capital company in one of the /nasfaqg/ cities and probably write some companies into existence.
/2434/ and /nasfaqg/ have a trade agreement, and I didn't think /morig/ nor /infinity/ had major issues trading with you. Moreover, think of what the Nijilands have done in the past, and how that would have impacted the world if any thread took the extremely imperialistic and protectionist stance you have.
Piracy primarily relies in quick strikes, not open sea battles. The sea already has a lot of /ahoy/ pirates, /ahoy/-rented privateers, and also /vnug/ + /kr/ pirates. I don't think it's possible to eliminate piracy in full.
For the record, Tripoint had no involvement in /pcg/ since several years before the /2434/-/pcg/ war. I have suggested that there logically would be smugglers in the lands if it was profitable, at a small scale, to which suggestion /2434/ overreacted completely and retroactively closed off their ports, massively exacerbating the problem. >>30018468 is correct that if the trade is closed off in /pcg/, meaning that there is both free trade with /2434/ and closed ports in /pcg/, then some /nasfaqg/ merchants, primarily smaller companies and mercenaries, would massively profiteer for this, with larger companies getting involved if the deal was not retroactive and instead /nasfaqg/ was operating in those lands for a time before they were barred from their investments, then you'd have much larger companies conducting espionage and sabotage to get them back.

Moreover, I'd like to state that it was a purely hypothetical situation where I wanted to offer the Phase rep more tools to write the war, if he wanted.
Some people really, really need to chill out. Apparently even suggesting that smuggling would happen in trade-locked regions is a declaration of war now, to a very specific group of posters.
Refer to the above. a) Tripoint was not involved in phase, b) I suggested a perfectly natural consequence of the setup that was put in place, and I have downscaled/backed off it when it was clear that you as the /pcg/ rep did not want it involved.
Trying to conflate me with Tripoint, then Tripoint with /nasfaqg/ overall is plainly wrong.
I'd like to highlight the fact that Alice has instantly altered a deal on behalf of a thread because someone discussed a meta-thing without in-universe consequences.

I'll be real with you, I was supposed to be off and resting today, and having this stupid drama made ex nihilo isn't exactly ideal.

>> No.30022145
File: 141 KB, 1075x1518, 1651260215099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, couple reasons: their most sacred ritual is an elaborate human sacrifice. In Moriji, death is considered sacred, so human sacrifice for purely religious reasons is considered heresy. Also, Moriji prizes individual freedoms greatly, and /meat/ are big on slavery. Finally, /meat/head are raiders, and have historically raided the Holosea and Moriji, resulting in a lot of bad blood going back hundreds of years.
Also, glad to have another Deadbeat here! Feel free to lurk or start contributing however you'd like.

>> No.30022175

2434 is responding like powergaming faggots in a worldbuilding thread lmao

>> No.30022221
Quoted by: >>30022293

So.. Great Britain..

>> No.30022268
Quoted by: >>30022910

You are probably aware of the main goal of thisproject representing how boards and posters interact with each other on /vt/ in a fictional world. But there are cases where compleley unrelated threads can come into conflict on this fictional world of Vitubia. /morig/ and /meat/'s conflict mainly stemmed from two issues: their contrasting views on death, a competition for influence in the sea they share, as one is a nation that relies on trade and the other raiding and /motig/'s pro abolitionist idea vs /meat/'s whole institution and economy which relies on slaves.

>> No.30022293
Quoted by: >>30022514

Pretty sure it's inaccurate to say that britain metagamed or powergamed

>> No.30022436
File: 1.24 MB, 1951x1098, 1659078544550972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30022788

This isn't actually Drama friend... this is just world politics.... I thought the event actually happened anyways and had it implented into my plan FYI. This isn't calling you anything, just going off of what I and 2434 agreed did happen, even if it isn't you directly. Understand?

>> No.30022514
Quoted by: >>30022629

Then 2434 did nothing wrong since the reasons have already been outlined by 2434 as being down to numerous reasons that aren't "Well the META says". Indeed, this does not benefit them at all.

>> No.30022629

2434 is the new infinity, absolute massive ball of cancer in this thread

>> No.30022649
File: 65 KB, 560x600, myforest!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30022788

I am sorry if you think it was drama, but myself and phase thought that did happen.... (what you said made perfect sense anyways)
Our reaction is actually hurting us, not helping.

>> No.30022765
Quoted by: >>30022878

Fuck you, back off from /infinity/.

>> No.30022788
File: 416 KB, 1378x2039, mori hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why you called me out, specifically, by name, putting the blame on me and an uninvolved entity I'm writing about?
Acting patronizing here helps no one.
You thought what happened, again? Just so we can make this clear. I'm currently on the floor of a train, posting via a mobile-turned-3g-router, so let's set the record straight as quickly as possible.

>> No.30022799

I, for one, think neither side did anything wrong and this is just an interesting world building scenario that would develop.

>> No.30022878
File: 132 KB, 1194x834, 1647940473556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, I can't back off, their tits are too big...

>> No.30022910

we do trade, too, risu trades us their geese chamber prisoners, for example. and our higher quality slaves live like royalty until they die, with many of them even being self-conscripted slaves who consent to being slaves.

>> No.30022950
File: 1.26 MB, 2400x3458, CuteAnge!4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30023467

Please don't defend yourself. you did nothing wrong!!!!!! I am saying that it was likely some nasfaq company smuggled weapons, heck I WILL MAKE IT THAT. Please, you did nothing wrong and don't take personally.

>> No.30023125

I mentioned you solely because you were the one who we had he conversation with. No need to get defensive.
This, was a shitpost, also, since that's just the lowest way of describing what you said.
I will take back that it was Tri-Point too.

>> No.30023245
File: 11 KB, 300x289, 22222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30023467

I need to apologize to Triangle for what I said, but I am going to dip because this is just going to turn into fruitless discussion. Take care everyone.

>> No.30023332

Retro anon here, currently still at work so ibcan talk more in an hour but for us, all friendly relations to /inf/ were via trade alliance wich has been retconned and thus they are now strangers to us with a bad rep, and with /nasfaqg/ we had no dealings with either and attempts to establish connections seened to have sadly fallen flat due to communication issues, so strangers too. Bith now suddenly getting way mire active in waters we have a good amount of dealings in is worrisome(i learned rosebud) the league we would join would be in regards to trade tho and not militaristic

>> No.30023409
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30023621

that works very well for me

>> No.30023467
File: 139 KB, 254x265, mori glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30023621

I am not taking it personally or getting defensive, I am merely setting the record straight after straight-up lies are used to justify an incredibly baffling move.
>You thought what happened, again?
Let's make the whole timeline of events that did happen. Again. I've asked about it before, just so it's clear how and what went down, since I am not sure myself whether companies were allowed to operate in /pcg/ and then got barred after smuggling incidents, or the fear of smuggling barred corporations from there in the first place.
No need to apologize. I'm just frustrated that I have to deal with this right now.

>> No.30023545
File: 634 KB, 849x1200, 1645961819125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30023855

Retroanon, thoughts on >>29981441 >>29981758?
This sort of retconning has knock-on effects that makes some other events more inconsistent, I think Kronie might have misunderstood how important it was, and desu you weren't very diplomatic about it kek.

>> No.30023621

Yeah, lets make the timeline soon... I am sorry about everything as i am currently rather tired and mentally exhausted from IRL stuff. >>30023332
The league i am setting up is likely just trade and research based. Any military things will be outside the league.

>> No.30023749
Quoted by: >>30023891

No better time to make the timeline than right now! Just say the sequence of events you thought happened and I'll say if anything is objectionable.

>> No.30023855

Well thats a bit late, i already woke up earlier today and did the retcon in the originstory

>> No.30023891
Quoted by: >>30024092

fine... i am just not all here right now...
1105, phase cannot pay its debt and the CIO takes a lot of businesses
1108, restriction of trade into Syndeoneia has caused rebels to desire weapons and some company imports them. Bombings happen and so does terror. The result is the further closing of outside trade into phase.

The dates can be worked with, this is my general thinking as to what happened.

>> No.30023917
Quoted by: >>30024879

Ah, retroanon, your thread reps. Oh well.

>> No.30023944
Quoted by: >>30024730

Did you see this about the league????

>> No.30024092

That works for me. Is the company importing weapons a /nasfaqg/ company? I'm ambivalent on it, but there would be /nasfaqg/ companies that would do that. /pcg/ rep, do you want to add anything?

>> No.30024172
Quoted by: >>30024714

Yeah, other than my apologies (I honestly forget sometimes about the human element on this site and IRL gets me distracted.), I think if Pippabro wants to set up his terrorism with it (at a later date) this works for me.

>> No.30024642
File: 26 KB, 472x472, Mon_Akizuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Tsushima as a whole, Tell me what you think about this island that causes so much trouble.

>> No.30024691
Quoted by: >>30024714

If you would be ok, nasfaq would work since it makes sense to me why they would.

>> No.30024714
Quoted by: >>30024811

Pippabro, if you're reading this, I'd be willing to create some small /nasfaqg/ companies that'd fund/supply resistance to defend their own interests.

Here's what I think would happen, logically:
- Debt default would scare off safer investors, but would also bring in vulture investment companies that predate on debt, but also small individual fortune-seekers. Given how far /pcg/ is, I would assume that they were significant in numbers but not overwhelming or denting C.I.O.'s capital that much, mostly acting as local competition.
- After the trade close, those two groups would likely take different steps, and a new group will appear:
- Bigger companies that invested into those companies will be seeking to undermine C.I.O.'s operations by eroding their support in the homeland by covert means and dent its profits. Those would be arguably the biggest pain for C.I.O. to deal with.
- Smaller fortune-seekers have nothing to lose. They might turn their investments into mercenary bands, join the C.I.O. as private contractors, might leave the country, or might earnestly and genuinely support the freedom of locals, since /nasfaqg/ individuals sometimes see enforced monopolies as an abomination.
- The third group that appears are dedicated smuggling rings, since with more restrictions, doing it the illegal way is even more profitable. They'd likely get far bigger, especially if their presence hurts C.I.O., since the vulture companies would secretly support them.

That's roughly what I think. Remember that when writing for /nasfaqg/, there is essentially no government and that the companies are effectively separate entities, often supporting different sides although on some issues, like free trade or common interests you're likely to see most aligning with one option over the other.

>> No.30024730

I will respond from home
Well if kronieronie done his reps than this could have been dealt with different from the start

>> No.30024811

Yeah... That's what I thought would happen too... Sol does this make sense????

>> No.30024879
Quoted by: >>30025227

Ups, second part was for>>30023917

>> No.30024880

I'm only halfway through it, but this is well done! Nice map!

>> No.30024889

Well, no rush!!! I am mentally exhausted today and starting to get a migrane but I will think of something tomorrow.

>> No.30024990
Quoted by: >>30025155

Oh golly would you look at that, another possible spot to place /mans/ at!

>> No.30025071

Great work KRREP!!!!!!! GREAT MAP and very interesting!!!!!

>> No.30025155

I can confirm that the island indeed belongs to /ringo/. I did my best to use the color-coding to indicate who owned what, but maybe I didn't do a good enough job? All land is accounted for already with the exception of the grey bit of indie continent being reserved for an unknown future thread due to countries getting shunted around in that region.

>> No.30025227
Quoted by: >>30025275

Kronies and Onobots are both quick to action kek, not a good combo for diplomacy.

>> No.30025275
File: 46 KB, 732x732, 1658971563451732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30025325

2434 is too.

>> No.30025325
Quoted by: >>30025350

Yes... With similar drawbacks...

>> No.30025350


>> No.30025395

Glancing through the thread but it just sounds like everyone is getting scared that nijinations are gathering contracts, making deals, and trading lands to be more powerful.
Why don't detractors just also do that?

>> No.30025446

Back. What did I missed?

>> No.30025464
Quoted by: >>30025522

A Rival Trade League being set up.

>> No.30025484

That's... That's exactly what the Ailivian trade league is.

>> No.30025499
Quoted by: >>30025779

This time it was holonations making an alliance and niji retaliating out of fear.

>> No.30025522


>> No.30025529

Firstly, because it's not a powerbuilding strategy game, it's a worldbuilding thread where not everyone wants to have to write their thread like a pawn in a game of empires
Secondly, you can see the moment someone does, Nijis implode from their autism

>> No.30025562

So why am I sensing such discord? Is it just schizos acting schizo or did paragraph anon paragraph post?

>> No.30025589
Quoted by: >>30025779

Is that the continent name we're going with by the way?

>> No.30025677
Quoted by: >>30025738

I think some anons are misinterpreting the nijis' "absolutely shitting our pants at the sight of this based league" RP as actual displeasure. But I think all the writers are just having fun. R-right?

>> No.30025678
Quoted by: >>30025772

>Firstly, because it's not a powerbuilding strategy game, it's a worldbuilding thread where not everyone wants to have to write their thread like a pawn in a game of empires
Don't see that going on.
>Secondly, you can see the moment someone does, Nijis implode from their autism
A reaction merits an opposite reaction.

I've seen you act like this is somehow powergaming when in reality, this is just the sort of reaction that would happen IRL. But go on and tell us how 2434 is breaking le world like you always do.

>> No.30025738
File: 40 KB, 474x474, cuterena21!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting as if this isn't for fun
If it weren't fun, I wouldn't react and make my own league. From meta, I have no reason to react but my nation would react the way it has by making its own league.

>> No.30025751
Quoted by: >>30025863

Paragraphs is asleep right now
There there there.
Hey Nasfaqronie!

>> No.30025772
Quoted by: >>30025816

You wouldn't see a fire if your house was burning down suck more on Alice cock

>> No.30025779
File: 895 KB, 1984x2806, warm furs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please archive the rentry in >>30013816 sort of ironic that the HQ of the "Ailivian" trade league is located in Anykaria or whatever the continent gets named.

Looking pretty good. Well done KR!

Its... not really meant to be an alliance, its a tariff-free trade zone.

Please dont turn this into shitting on nijireps, the situation is already calming down.

If the continent's name gets changed, the trade league will change its name to fit canon. I named the league that because i liked that name the most.

>> No.30025816

There was miscomm over a discussion earlier about Triangle from weeks ago but that was cleared up.
Sweet Girl Cock.

>> No.30025862
Quoted by: >>30026255

OH NASFAQRONIE!!! What if Nijis called it Anykaria and you called it that??? That kind of is how this worked IRL for a lot of things...

>> No.30025863

no i'm not, but i haven't been posting here. idk what's going on though, so for all i know i might be the cause of something without knowing it.

>> No.30025970
File: 861 KB, 1280x922, p8e466vz53l81.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30026060

Just a reminder that I, KRrep, am the cause of all of this "discord" kek. All part of Mechaffyna's grand plan tm.

>> No.30026060
File: 46 KB, 386x600, CuteAlice!25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

evil!!!!! But I approve of your evilness my child....

>> No.30026174
File: 2 KB, 124x117, 1657963840027s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30026227

I'm back you sluts. What is this about two trade leagues? Fucking kek, I might have to kick the foreigners out now since this is going to be an issue.

>> No.30026207
File: 1.74 MB, 720x720, RIGGER LOVE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe2dp7r.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>purple rhombus
gawr rhombus?

>> No.30026227
Quoted by: >>30026270

Aww hell the squirrel falseflagger is back

>> No.30026255
Quoted by: >>30026314

that works but Ailivia was supposed to be for the holocontinent. Its named that because the 2 founders are from the holocontinent, and nasfaqg is culturally way more holo.

I'd need to come up with a name for what the niji + neutral continents that would be called in nasfaqg, but im really bad at coming up with names and I doubt ill be able to come up with something that sounds better than Anykaria / Anykagura. I really like the sound of that name but I'd just like to have some of the neutral nations identity in it too...

>> No.30026270
File: 2 KB, 105x125, 1657963539042s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30026450

I am shitposting, but this is concerning if this turns into issues for us.

>> No.30026314

Well.... I am not much help but maybe use google translate and find a latin word you like????

>> No.30026316
Quoted by: >>30026355

I'm sorry for implicating you, paragraph sama. Please except my humble apology.

>> No.30026355
Quoted by: >>30026415

>Please except my humble apology
Wait a minute

>> No.30026415
Quoted by: >>30026687

It sounds the same when you think read it so its fine.
Don't think about it.

>> No.30026428
File: 15 KB, 1880x111, paragraphscute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30026687

You did cause problems, by being CUTE!!!

>> No.30026450
Quoted by: >>30026508

Like the terror attacks on Saplings?

>> No.30026508
File: 47 KB, 508x472, 1647436481312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i LOVE SAPLINGS. Nothing I did was a terrorist attack.

>> No.30026534
Quoted by: >>30026598

I dunno, they seemed pretty terrorized by it...

>> No.30026596

Jamie bring up the screenshots of posts containing scarred Saplings

>> No.30026598

They just don't know how true my love is for them. WORLDBUILDING THREAD BTW. Alice, Kronies, Morig or whoever, did you want me?

>> No.30026646
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1643023693501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always want you Risuner, your tail is so fluffy.

>> No.30026660
File: 661 KB, 1280x1024, 1658688848591276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30026761

You are imposter so I want nothing from you!!!!!

>> No.30026687
Quoted by: >>30028769

that's seen as cute? it's better than being seen as rude or pretentious, so i'll take it, but as someone who likes cute things, i wouldn't have expected anyone to view anything i said as cute.
there are a surprising amount of words that sound the same, yet mean totally different, and sometimes polar opposite things, it's strange.

>> No.30026729
File: 237 KB, 2048x1702, 1659033358819559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grey region?? Unclaimed territory?? You know what that means!!

>> No.30026732

Idea, the bigass Holofightz Arena island should be used as our version of The Hague when there are no battles going on.
It will be aesthetic af! Punishing supervillains in the largest arena in the world

>> No.30026761
File: 79 KB, 536x682, 1647442872859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am? Fucking kek, well since you brought it up, I am not ok with your presence in Risu because of that evil spirit. Get the fuck out.

>> No.30026791
Quoted by: >>30026884

Nothing *picks you up* now back to the schizo courtyard with you!

>> No.30026832

okay buddy I think Ri2ner has radicalized you. Which is hilarious in hindsight because all it took was one post

>> No.30026839
File: 1.36 MB, 600x338, 1658742787374108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30026884
Quoted by: >>30026987

Can I declare genocide on the Pentomos now?

>> No.30026899
Quoted by: >>30027081

Well I mean, Somebody lives there, we just don't know who yet.

>> No.30026907
File: 333 KB, 1568x2048, 1655562055070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, brat aside and ri2ner shit, I am going to write.

>> No.30026934
File: 40 KB, 126x144, takes a single med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30027081

Sorry to say friend, but that's indie land. As the commandments say, It is not of our concern.

>> No.30026972
File: 274 KB, 1742x2048, Kromei Stacked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I don't know if the zones should be exclusionary
The way I see it is that in those zones the protection of merchants is primarily the responsibility of the nation whose zone it is. The others can still patrol the area, and conduct anti-schizo and anti-pirate activities in those areas, but they just arent obliged to do so.

As for nasfaqg specificallly, we dont care who conducts anti piracy activities there, be it /who/, /morig/, /KR/, /2434/, or any other faction. The Republic Navy is very willing to cooperate with any force that helps keep trade routes of cordial entities that travel through the zone safe. I've mentioned before how the Republic Navy is like a male lion in this: A powerful but incredibly lazy beast that only does the absolute minimum necessary to complete its goals in a satisfactory manner, leaving the rest to his pride, which in this analogy would be the many companies of the Serene Republic. Dont get me wrong, the Republic Navy is an efficient and very competent entity, its just that the general "let the companies do whatever as long as they dont destroy everything" mentality of the Dev Council that has caused it to be hesitant to act.

>> No.30026987

If you can do it mid-flight, sure! *chucks you out the door*

>> No.30027081
File: 149 KB, 400x400, 1659434226110390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yea, and that somebody is /mans/.
Stfu vespieBro I'm having fun.

>> No.30027185 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 480x270, 18D6B708-CBAF-49F6-A76D-3729F6AD1B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its actually CIO land. Pic real

>> No.30027284
File: 317 KB, 500x523, 1625289158887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if that's how you really want it... Then I guess we can place you guys over there and forget the whole island idea. Let /wah/ keep their land and all that. Glad we could work everything out!

>> No.30027308

That seems like a win win option for everyone.

>> No.30027339

Wonderful, finally someone who sees my grand vision for /mans/! I am actually on board with that.

>> No.30027356

Im not from /wah/ but as a Holofag, i say Mans get the unclaimed indie land and that alone.

>> No.30027448
File: 265 KB, 600x600, 1659022464845173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That placement also serves the purpose of throwing away most of the hard work vespieBro did so far, so ya know, that's nice

>> No.30027554
File: 1.44 MB, 6000x3000, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30027700

Oh shit! Based mapanon made the change!

>> No.30027563
Quoted by: >>30027637

Even better!! We will follow the advise that one anon gave and wait till december to give you a spot on the map.

>> No.30027637
File: 937 KB, 2894x4093, 1659033472400363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30027685

You are talking to that anon rn. YOU THINK YOU HAVE ANY POWER OVER ME?! NAY I SAY!

>> No.30027658

Aaaand that's why vespieanon is the /mans/ rep.

>> No.30027685
File: 141 KB, 689x987, 1659462073658635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30027803

That's enough sass out of you. Come here, cunt

>> No.30027700
File: 37 KB, 680x378, 00c0bfd0_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based!! It even looks like a laughing face from the side, which is even better!!

>> No.30027704

alright got home

In regards to /inf/, yes i was not very diplomatic because after basicly getting told that i was ignored for weeks whenever i brought the trade alliance up and both our involvement in it as well as getting immeaditly told to jsut straight up retcon their involvement in it made me honestly pissed. This retcon basicly deletes any and all relations /vrt/ had with /inf/ and also voided all my friendly chats i had with the kronii that was aroudn when it was founded who i actually got along with nicely. all of that is now just gone due to that. i also had to retcon my origin story for this alliacne wich i had to do twice already before due to other events wich at this point has eaten up like 3/4 of the epilogue and other small bits here and there. something i am not too pleased with either sicne this was my first collaborate work with another anon. this alliacne also influenced decisionmaking of stuff that might have gone completly different if /inf/ was never in the trade alliance to begin with.

that he is suddenly fine with tweaking it instead of full on retconning their involvement by one statement from a different anon together with the above just shows to me that the /inf/ rep has zero interest in working with me to begin with.

that second part also happened after i went to sleep and i woke up a bit earlier before work so i can make the changes that he spoken to me about retconnign them, and then i went to work, i sadly do not have unlimited time to check if someone suddenly makes a whole 180° about this in the matter of a heartbeat.

as for /nasfaqg/, sadly some parts of the conversation seem to have gotten buried but from a lorepoint we simply do not have any relations with oen another. I would see it as messages sadly having gotten lsot somewhere in the buerocratic process or on the travel which sadly made a bad impression and with the new standing of relations between nations this now means the Retro Reich have to rethink their desire to invest withing /nasfaqg/. from a meta point the reason why i asked you if you got something i coudl ivnest in and not make up companies of my own ect is because i lack the proper skill to set up a neat company profile the likes of wich you guys got.

As for /2434/, the Research Agreement as we discussed yesterday is still of our desire and a new Trade League based upon the Old Trade Alliance, our Trade Agreement and the Interniji Agreements also is something we are interested in. We would need to work out some details however befor ei can fully agree to it. WE are not interested in a military alliance as of right now and we are also not looking for outside investers in our Nation at the moment, quite the opposite, we are lookign for places to ivnest ourselves.

In regards to Panon, all i can say in regards to current and past happenings and with how the possible future look is, hello

OGsuner, i am awaiting my story

that is all

>> No.30027724

warkop rep... I just want to say that our thread has nothing to do with nijiid hardly anymore at this point. I see more posts about id in NijiEN than Warkop.

>> No.30027775
Quoted by: >>30029560

you can invest in us!!!!! Lets work details out soon...

>> No.30027803 [SPOILER] 
File: 817 KB, 1500x1500, 1659020970432129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me you sexy fucker!

>> No.30027872
Quoted by: >>30028331

Also Cunt i am deeply offended by you fuck!!!!

i was informed by former Nasa rep that you did not have bolts send soem fo the surviving sanalites towards the Reich at all where they could have made a workshop for baking bread and even kept their fate to Sana.

>> No.30027909

Just to give a perspective, Kobo is mentioned 46 times in the current thread compared to like 10 posts about NijiID... Merging that thread in world was a giant mistake....

>> No.30027949

Please delete the bullshit I wrote for /warkop/ as I have to it all over.
t. warkop rep.

>> No.30027980
Quoted by: >>30029560

Didn't the Retro Reich already have a company set up with the template?
That's alright, if you want for us to come up with some companies, that's doable. Do you have any preferences as to the type of venture you'd want to invest into? Like, industry, type of company, individual running it, etc.

>> No.30028021
Quoted by: >>30028191

Warkop rep, do you have any desires regarding warkop you wish to discuss?

>> No.30028063
Quoted by: >>30029560

Retroanon, I just want to note that you have this habit of asking someone something without replying to one of their posts. While skimming the thread, most anons tend to only look at posts that reply to them, for obvious reasons. I noticed this is the second time you mention your requests on diplomatic channels being overlooked, I think this might have played into it.

>> No.30028104
File: 540 KB, 3508x2480, FZLhx00UIAAQdtC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30028621

No, the time for correction comes later. For now, what do you think about the basic setup I made >>30008357

>> No.30028191

Well... I would suggest moving us on the fucking map to around watamelon (I saw a proposal about them going to a hot desert.) or whatever to better represent how our thread is more of a mix of Niji, Holo and Indies at this point but I know that no one would want to do that for obvious reasons. We really don't have any lore and I want it all gone anyways to start over (the stub i had)

>> No.30028212
Quoted by: >>30029560

I apologize about that, I really do. But as someone else pointed out, without posts replying to me directly, I only tend to vaguely skim the thread. I wasn't ignoring you. Especially now that I work. Especially since I have a trip for a reason, I expect to be called upon specifically if in needed for negotiations. Sorry about that mess. Unfortunately I'm heading back to work, so we can talk later if you're interested.

>> No.30028227
File: 597 KB, 972x1080, 1658642558600477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drunkenly mating pressing cunt nanoraaaaaa

>> No.30028260
Quoted by: >>30028370

No we aren't moving you for niji expansion.

>> No.30028331
File: 263 KB, 1500x2102, 1658291690044269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30029560

Bolts is in our vents, nobody even knows he is on board. So why would anyone go to retro Reich? Specially since it's across the sea, we have no ports, and the only armed escorts we can provide across what we assume are now extremely hostile lands are luknights. Also, did we ever make the story canon? Does Bolts even exist?

>> No.30028349

I don't know if I'd even call that a stub, it's just two lines. Feel free to retcon it with a new document.
Prolly not gonna move though lol.

>> No.30028370

Wha? Did you not here me say the thread is more about Indies and HoloID than NijiID. Fuck there are 5 times as many posts about Kobo alone to any liver in that thread. Fuck man, I just wanted to make sense of the way the thread has became.

>> No.30028445
Quoted by: >>30028539

You're responding to the resident tribalist schizo. Ignore him.

>> No.30028497
Quoted by: >>30028539

Do not respond to the schizo. Yes, we have those now.

>> No.30028539

sorry... I would like our thread moved if possible solely because it would make more sense for it.

>> No.30028610
Quoted by: >>30028802

What would happen to your old land? Is the NijiID thread back up now or something?

>> No.30028620

It will need to be voted on. Draw up a proposal and we'll see what the thread thinks, just be warned the thread is extremely against moving nations in general so it probably won't pass.

>> No.30028621

Oh I'll be correcting you alright...

Saw that, have the rentry open on another tab, gonna look over it when I'm on break, still kinda woozy since I slept the entire day. Blame cutiegoon....

>> No.30028692
Quoted by: >>30028802

Let's just say a bunch of HoloID people migrated to your country. /warkop/ feels like it has the most unstable thread dynamics on the board and I have no idea if what you're saying will still apply in like, a week kek.

>> No.30028769

We're past bump limit. I can finally say it. The way you've been super self conscious and shy lately is kind of cute. It's gap moe compared to how assertive you were before.

>> No.30028802

Good question, maybe give it to DSW. >>30028620
Yeah, well if that's the case idk. I kind of thought it would be nice to have Watamelon in that hot desrt in mep with the stars, v7 and hmh being there too.
on that aspect, better just make us a schizo wasteland then because that's a perfect representation.

>> No.30028924
Quoted by: >>30029384

Bump limit's 310 anon...

>> No.30028937

Are we? I know they are repless, but the notion to move stars and bakatare passed the vote easily, even if it was not implemented in the end(yet).

>> No.30029007

Well, stars and bakatare are pretty stable and steady threads. warkop goes through upheavals thrice a month.

>> No.30029027
Quoted by: >>30029267

That all passed but the mans thing has postponed that. I think the idea of moving Warkop to Watamelon and carving Meps hot desert into Watamelon makes sense if DSW takes Warkops spot. Fixes a lot of issues with the way threads are on the map.

>> No.30029140
Quoted by: >>30029254

Don't feel obligated for /warkop/ at all guys. I don't want to cause you problems just for the sake of lore writing.

>> No.30029254
Quoted by: >>30029456

If you want, I can just do some writing about the SEA peoples invasion that nearly drove NijiID into extinction. That could be fun.

>> No.30029267

I mean, I just solved the /mans/ problem in like *checks clock* 10 min after comin on. Looks OK, and it also upholds the unspoken """"rule"""" of not messing with repless nations.

>> No.30029384

I keep thinking it's 300 for some reason.

>> No.30029396
Quoted by: >>30029583

Let's make december into december 2023 instead. Really let things stabilize.

>> No.30029456

Yeah... I think that will be what happens solely because I know that HoloJP is protective of their threads being there and the matter that the stars/bakatare switch with v7 and mhmm generated problems means the idea of an ex-NijiID thread switching land with Watamelon will just cause drama here that I don't want to cause.

>> No.30029469

Honestly, I could see that placement working out. You guys would probably get along with the Retro Reich and we need more repped nations over there anyway.

>> No.30029522

Move warkop to the empty land and place DSW in warkops land. Problem solved.

>> No.30029560

yeah something potentially to look for in the future
i did one for the collective Onobot funds but that was 1. to show that they are an entity that can act independent from the retro reich if they want to and 2. because i wanted to try it out. but for me, my ability to properly build upon it felt severally lacking.
At this point it would be companies that would not participate in the ATL, industry is of no concern, upstarting companies with people in charge that seem earnest and potentially with a desire to better the world as a whole.
that is soemthing i did not take in mind i will admit, i personalyl try to at least get the gist of other posts even not adressed to me so that thought did not cross my mind.
i... honestly don't know what i want to say atm.
i liked writing it with you so to me its canon... and bolts is an Onobot so he would have a natural desire to help people, he would suggest to cass to send some over and since he being hidden all the time is mostly due to coincedence and not bolts actually trying to be sneaky he would even go out and tell sanalites themselves to go there, he also has some of his personal forces sitting in /who/ that wait for him that he can use to brign them over.

>> No.30029583
Quoted by: >>30029687

If we wait long enough, maybe the thread will merge with stars and we won't have to do anything!

>> No.30029606

i never meant to sound too abrasive. i saw myself as speaking in a "matter of fact" sort of way. i avoided mentioning any of what was going on in my mind because i saw it as not being relevant, but being able to talk about that does help me stay well, mentally speaking. i felt this way before but i wouldn't express it, but if expressing it makes me seem easier to talk to, i am happy for it. thank you.

>> No.30029663

Retroanon, what do you think of this idea?

>> No.30029687

Ah, now you're speaking my language. Inaction is the best course of action.

>> No.30029750

Paragraphsanon is for snuggles and chaste kisses on the forehead!!!

>> No.30029767

paragraphsanon character development has been the best part of /vtwbg/ for me. Godspeed.

>> No.30029791
Quoted by: >>30029874

As the /warkop/ rep, This works perfectly for me.

>> No.30029851

Good idea. If Retrobro is supportive, i will put this up for the vote.

>> No.30029861
Quoted by: >>30029922

Unironically that doesn't sound like a bad idea. /warkop/ is supposed to be for ID chuubas in general, right? Even if corpos get talked about the most it would make sense for them to be on the indie continent for that reason.

>> No.30029874
Quoted by: >>30029922

Not that we need to be super strict about zoning, but does /warkop/ primarily discuss indie id chuubas or what?

>> No.30029889
File: 43 KB, 500x500, FOOLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention! I am still cute!

>> No.30029922

ex-NijiID kind of are a bunch of wanderers at this point so i could write about how they fled their homeland
All ID chuubas.

>> No.30030012
Quoted by: >>30030076

Meh, I wouldn't bother moving warkop anywhere. They'll probably merge with another thread or split into warkopniji and warkopindie in a couple weeks or something.

>> No.30030033
Quoted by: >>30030168

Sorry sweetie, but that spot has already been claimed by /MANS/.

>> No.30030076

Warkop to take the Empty Land in the Indie Continent next to Retro. DSW takes Warkop's Old Land.
That keeps gettting said but NijiID and ID Indies cannot support a thread alone.

>> No.30030168

My dick claims /mans/. Your point?

>> No.30030207

One thing that kind of comes with hanging out on sites like 4ch is the tendency to confuse being blunt with being rude because it's how the majority of the posters tend to treat it, which I think was something you had problems with before. It's possible to be matter of fact about things without unnecessarily insulting people, and you've gotten a lot better at doing that lately. I can't judge you much because tbdesu I also fall into that trap a lot. I honestly kind of needed comfyanon's reminders about not needing to insult people when criticizing them myself... Maybe it's weird to imitate another anon but I have been trying to learn from watching the way he defuses arguments and I think it's helped.

>> No.30030213
Quoted by: >>30030331

>That keeps gettting said but NijiID and ID Indies cannot support a thread alone.
They used to. It changed once, it can change again. At the very least it sounds like Kobo being in the thread is causing tensions, which will cause the thread to go through yet more changes.

>> No.30030331

Here's the problem, This has been a problem for about a month now and they have repeatedly tried to maintain their own generals, even back when NijiID existed as its own thread but it was hard to keep alive. DSW needs land and this move not only makes sense give the nature of warkop but allows DSW to get on the map.

>> No.30030394

I repeated myself like crazy, holy shit.

>> No.30030441

hmm i do not want to give a flatout yes yet since i would need to actually understand /warkop/ better

but if i get the gist of it right that /warkop/ is for talkign about chuubas, regardless if corpo or indie, and it features enough talk about indies to not be some niji or holo or both stealth-thread than i see no issue sicne it would be the same concept as /vrt/ except exchange retro for ID

then again there can be an argument made that /vrt/ actually never should ahve been on that continent in the first palce since we should have been on the neutral continent with /meat/ and /vpso/ but that one is way too late

>> No.30030453

That's not a very logical location for /dsw/, seems like it should pop up closer to /2434/ instead of as far as possible while still on the same continent.

>> No.30030516

What about that stuff from last vote? Is that getting voted on again or something?

>> No.30030542
Quoted by: >>30030602

I would prefer to take the land next to retro, if that is ok when we vote, but if no one wants to do that, I will take the invasion arc too.
What do you suggest then for our old spot? Schizo wasteland?
The thread is just a general for all ID chuubas.

>> No.30030568
Quoted by: >>30030903

i would prefer if we revoted because i will admit that my vote was heavily influenced by thinking /mans/ as a whole wants to be in spot 4

>> No.30030591

Okay here is nazuna’s flag for her prefectural army. don’t know what to name it yet but i know that i made some fucking banger flags. Posting the two ones for the island regiment and the mainland regiment too
Guess we are having ourselves a china-taiwan situation.

>> No.30030602
Quoted by: >>30030826

>What do you suggest then for our old spot? Schizo wasteland?
I'd just leave warkop there. /kr/ is there and also discusses a variety of non-niji vtubers, they make sense being there together.

>> No.30030659
File: 79 KB, 800x800, C66D1529-88C7-4D27-88A7-6AE97C16B9E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel

>> No.30030674
Quoted by: >>30030903

Perhaps, albeit I think that the supermajorities for issues 2 and 3 should just be resolved quickly instead of a full-on vote. It wasn't like the practical split with Mans.

>> No.30030726
File: 113 KB, 800x800, 576E158F-718D-4CE9-A413-33FE4A782C3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the mainland regiment

>> No.30030744

This isn't how this thread works. Trust me as someone who has been down this path with the maps and having the entire thread shit on me at once for it. I once again advise for your own sake not to press on.

>> No.30030760

*starts dry humping you*

>> No.30030783
Quoted by: >>30033431

If anything, /meat/ would have been more properly zoned as indie, but they had an old claim to be there. vspo and hfz were then placed next to them since they're all similarly violent.
Poor /dsw/ is gonna be saddled with a tundra wasteland...

>> No.30030808
Quoted by: >>30030857

Here is the Pettan island regiment (officially the liberation regiment)

>> No.30030826

As the rep, am I not allowed to want to reconsider where our thread is? I remember this being an issue with mans but I also don't want to cause problems.

>> No.30030857
File: 216 KB, 800x800, 916BD02E-4E08-4DA5-93A8-18C2E33FA495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picrel again

>> No.30030882

Unironically, you do not post enough for me personally to want to change anything.

>> No.30030903

You know you can change your vote while it's ongoing, right?
How should it be resolved? I think many wanted it because of where they thought /mans/ would be, so maybe their placement needs to be resolved first. Or maybe combine it into one thing? idk

>> No.30030966

Combine 2 and 3 into one and vote. I do not see how they are seperate issues honestly.

>> No.30030983

Of course you are! That's why I plant a little kiss on your forhead before throwing you out every time.

>> No.30030988
Quoted by: >>30031149

You're allowed to consider anything you want anon, but warkop has no lore and no thread participation, and its placement has not been an issue for the many months since it has been decided. Its current position seems logical to me, and more appropriate threads may pop up that could use the unclaimed indie land. Also, big corpo discussion does feel like a big part of /warkop/, to be placed on the indie continent solely for company-related reasons.

>> No.30030998

i know, i have done it before but the mans mediator named his preference very late in the vote that i did not really had tiem to reconsider how i feel about it.

>> No.30031009

Personally your situation being so unstable makes me hesitant to make any major world changing decisions on your thread's behalf. As another anon said, how do we know you won't end up becoming a completely different thread again in another month?

>> No.30031019
File: 61 KB, 850x602, sample_f2f3540911ba1355539ce65ba1264f4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you actual sluts I am here. Retrobro forgive me for I completely fucking forgot about a wedding rehearsal I have to go to. Story tomorrow when I have the time. Although to be completely honest this wedding is going to drain up a lot of my time and I just hope I get some time to myself. I have about half an hour before I leave for all that shit. And that's enough life updates (i never really liked doing that but feel its necessary sometimes) WORLDBUILDING THREAD BTW!

I guess I can just use the half hour I have to try and finish up prompt questions. No way will I be able to force out a decent story in that timeframe. Oh and to saplings, I was wondering how you feel about me comforting the saplings in your threads. Im asking both from a world perspective and as a shitposter. I can stop if you like but in the world I want to have it as risuners being cuddly and nice but some of them take it too far and have anal sex with a few saplings...which results to tensions and shit.
Ok thats it out of me.

>> No.30031069

people rehearse weddings?

>> No.30031091
Quoted by: >>30031293

You can just say you have IRL commitments without going into detail about what those commitments are. You know that, right?

>> No.30031149

Then why hasn't any threads taken that spot? Put my shoes on, how the fuck I am supposed to explain why anyone would want to move to this wasteland.

>> No.30031188
Quoted by: >>30032972

as Panon has already mentioned, the island is officially part of /ringo/ and we are not in favour of just taking land away from threads that have to mediator in the thread for themselves or else people will quickly find all kinds of reasons as to why they totally should have this piece of land and that one too ect.

hehehehehehe there is something really funny about this

>> No.30031243

Not my issue, make do with it.

>> No.30031293
File: 331 KB, 414x487, 1648393217813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I would like to they already know my schedule and planned it ahead. They of course being my parents and my entire family so nobody would buy that bullshit. So no unfortunately I won't be able to skip it for worldbuilding my family is so obsessed with knowing everything about everyone that they see keeping location trackers on everyones phones as totally normal and when my mom asked me to put one in mine i had to tell her to fuck off

>> No.30031339
Quoted by: >>30031492

Anon. That was a response to
>And that's enough life updates (i never really liked doing that but feel its necessary sometimes)

>> No.30031352

Look, I hate to break it to you, but you cannot just move your thread because you feel like it. Everyone has to deal with the card they have, and you have to make due with it. Maybe if you posted more, we would be more willing to consider but you just sound like a niji rep crying that you lost your lands to holos

>> No.30031367
Quoted by: >>30031459

Maybe you have a shit-ton of gold? Most of your neighbour nations do, might as well. Your climate is a bit misleading, because for the north part of your country the assignment is due to elevation rather than how polar the country is. So it's not the tundra you imagine, it's more very mountainous and rocky. You'd unironically have lots of mining resources due to that. And the climate is continental on the East and West of the country, those can be the breadbaskets. As for moving there, beyond what I already said, running from persecution is a good classic, nijiID believer would not be welcome in the rest of the nijilands.

>> No.30031396
Quoted by: >>30031492

The more you reveal about your life, the more confused I got

>> No.30031459

fine panon, write for me how a bunch of kobofags invade our lands and fucked our nation.

>> No.30031492
File: 2.71 MB, 2480x3508, 1659433157323489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30031599

imma just STFU and answer prompts and start thinking/writing down shit for retrobro

>> No.30031489

Same, and I don't even live in the same state as them anymore.

>> No.30031545

I'm not panon kek.

>> No.30031577

Alright, I'll do it. Climatemeatbros? Can I get a sitrep on warkop.>>30030076
Voter anon, forget it. Map Autism strikes again naturally.

>> No.30031599
Quoted by: >>30031655

Also, it sounds like you feel strongly about those kobo migrants, maybe you could channel this passion into writing? Follow >>30031492 risuner's example.

>> No.30031655
Quoted by: >>30031710

I want to kill those niggers for flaming Siska like they did over a joke she made, but I cannot genocide them because it wouldn't represent our thread

>> No.30031710
Quoted by: >>30031828

Based. Kobo unfortunately, has become the Numberfags go to girl now.

>> No.30031828
Quoted by: >>30031915

Feel free to call them in particular SEAniggers or whatever in your invasion plan. I think everyone hates them in that thread anyways so them being that works fine for me.

>> No.30031915
Quoted by: >>30031973

NAH, I want to write this. Not calling on a specialist to write for me. Fuck it.

>> No.30031938
Quoted by: >>30032076

Writing a summary for /nasa/ in the tourist section:

Once upon a time people from the sky fell to Vitubia in a massive white boat. These people call themselves Sanalites. Their mission is to search the galaxy to find the best ingredients to bake the best bread in the universe for their goddess, Tsukumo Sana, the speaker of space. The spacemen established a base they called NASA, the National Alliance of Space Aussies. Although their time on Vitubia is short they won over their neighbors with delicious space food that never went bad, breads, and desserts. Sadly the Sanalites did not stay long. Sana announced her leave from Hololive Council ten months after NASA's establishment. Without a god the Sanalites were alone.

That was when the schizos of the northern wastelands attacked. Even with their superior space technology the Sanalites were no match for the schizo's numbers. Out of the five thousand Sanalites that landed only three hundred remained after the attack. The women and children were forced to flee NASA while the rest of the men stayed behind to fight schizos to the death. Who knows what happened to the last Sanalites of NASA. Some say the Sanalites' star ship is still around. Others say the ship took off to the sky and flew away. Even if the Sanalites are gone hopefully they will not be forgotten.

The Sanalites had a simple motto: work hard and party harder. Using their technology, machines, and education Sanalites were able to produce more food than they could eat. So Sanalites spent their spare time after harvest with other hobbies and competitions. Often times Sanalites created competition with their machines to create “augmented reality hologram worlds”. Sanalites used these holograms to show plays without real people. Sanalites also used these holograms to create interactive games where anything can happen. One game had a pink puff-ball who sucked up stuff and spitted them out at monsters.

Perhaps this was the Sanalites' downfall in the end. They were not prepared for the thousands of schizos who struck at their weakest hour. The spacemen where unprepared to fend off the endless schizo hordes. Nevertheless NASA will be remembered as a shining light in the darkest place in the world.


I can rewrite this if I have to. Turns out mom moved her second appointment to tomorrow because there's no way in hell we would have made it on time.

>> No.30031973
Quoted by: >>30032539

Based warkop lurker/rep will finally start Just Write, Niggering out of sheer hate for Kobofags, you love to see it.

>> No.30032076
Quoted by: >>30032340

Heartwarming. Nice piece nasarep. Don't forget to anchor it when you're happy with it. >>30002807

>> No.30032340

I think I need to revise some parts because Sanalites are shitposters. We almost caused a few wars from it. Still its suppose to read like an obituary or whatever its called. I want to see what Cunt says about it.

>> No.30032539

Just you read what I fucking wrote. https://rentry.org/kfq4q
Yeah, I don't care about how offensive the name is, fuck Koboniggers, this is the new intro to warkop.

>> No.30032690

Oh and I do like HoloID, so if Risu wants relations with warkop, we are open to it. I always love Nijisanji so I am on board with anything they propose. Albeit, plant people are fucking weird and schizophrenic. Will avoid them kek. KR is welcome to be friends with us but I think Koboniggers will start raiding you too.

>> No.30032773

Glad you did it yourself, I can feel the displeasure in your writing about your thread and that is great to see.

>> No.30032876
Quoted by: >>30032948

Ah, such emotion, such rawness, it's beautiful. Now I just want a kobofag from /warkop/ to join the thread and start writing from their POV.

>> No.30032948

A proper interthread civil war fueled by the writers' burning hatred of one another's fandoms would be pure kino

>> No.30032971


>> No.30032972
Quoted by: >>30033092

Sounds reasonable. I’ll remove all lore and alter all images containing it

>> No.30033011

Agreed, I'd love to see that...

>> No.30033070

>warkop gets invaded by kobofags
>meanwhile /vt/ UN
>lol lmao
this is the most useless alliance ever

>> No.30033092

Thank you for being understanding anon!

>> No.30033133

It's not an alliance, /vtwbg/ just a place to meet diplomats and shitpost, mostly.

>> No.30033178

bread doko?

>> No.30033186
File: 174 KB, 473x317, Warkop map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30033254

I made a fucking map for warkop. Will add cities and bullshit later. I'd rather not work with a Kobonigger honestly, would rather another HoloID writer work with me instead.

>> No.30033214

Of course we wont do anything
This UN is just /meat/'s laundering front after all heh

>> No.30033254

Anon, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your co-writers... /vtwbg/ anons tend to skew nice people, so I'm sure if he appeared you'd get along ehe.

>> No.30033269

I'll bake

>> No.30033431
File: 33 KB, 511x454, spam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30033699

pic rel.

>> No.30033496 [SPOILER] 
File: 763 KB, 915x1602, 1659618897420099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30033740

A little something while we wait for the next bread, as it is the perfect time to vent frustrations

>> No.30033544

Why is this thread so gay.

>> No.30033673

we will never be as gay as /fit/

>> No.30033699
Quoted by: >>30033913

/vrt/ and /meat/ certainly are similar as interest based threads with a whole bunch of chuubas unique to their thread

>> No.30033703


>> No.30033714
Quoted by: >>30033726

Alright, everything i made relating to pettan island is now removed

>> No.30033726

Thank you again for your understanding.

>> No.30033740
File: 237 KB, 90x90, SQUISH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont worry
Femboys and trannies deserve to be turned into food

>> No.30033913

you know, now that i think of it, i think we might be two of the handful of hybrid threads on the board. that's pretty cool, desu.

>> No.30033953
Quoted by: >>30034232

I hate supermarket bread.

>> No.30034080

scaphism is literally the most fitting punishment for trans-trender social parasites. milk and honey attract other parasites as they rot in their own filth. ever seen botched transitions? that's what they'll look like, but all over.

>> No.30034159
Quoted by: >>30034222

>He says while acting like a femboy
meat bro...

>> No.30034222

cannibalism fetish, btw.

>> No.30034232

Bake your own bread. idc.

>> No.30034799
File: 1.67 MB, 1166x1400, 1657885928392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30035213


>> No.30035055
Quoted by: >>30035189

Too bad Lunaito is cuter.

>> No.30035189

you have to give it to his that it's impressive when someone who openly admits to wanting to eat the flesh off of his enemies is seen as cute at all.

>> No.30035213

Boom de yada, boom de yada, boom de yada, boom de yada
