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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 435 KB, 4096x2953, 126363761728364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29782323 No.29782323 [Reply] [Original]

Lightning MagQueen edition

Last thread: >>29768808

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #ScholArt
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>> No.29782353
File: 163 KB, 400x400, 1658308410334309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29782368

this one

>> No.29782386

Lmao, this one please.

>> No.29782404
File: 82 KB, 640x480, 879D920E-CC4C-4ED9-8975-EC8619647503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785972

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.29782417
File: 887 KB, 1768x385, 1658403521370955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29782465
File: 919 KB, 2096x3000, maidni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29782473
File: 255 KB, 1920x2048, FZEYToTXgAMdyJ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this one will do.

>> No.29782479

What does it mean if you want to fuck this?

>> No.29782487
File: 538 KB, 498x498, 1658799628958498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29782524

Luv me boys
Luv me boyfriend omega
'Ate burnout
Simple as

>> No.29782516
File: 184 KB, 1125x1125, 1658896795668526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29782551


>> No.29782524
Quoted by: >>29782840


>> No.29782539
File: 57 KB, 524x680, 20220801_110939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck your bro?

>> No.29782551
File: 124 KB, 1080x1492, 3DEBA3F6-7A42-4C08-BFE2-A581F686AFFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29787990

demon lord love...

>> No.29782554

Catching up on Nowa's zombie stream.
>He's a prepped but for tea
This man is like my spiritual animal, I have frozen tons of homemade chicken stock.

>> No.29782563
File: 178 KB, 556x556, CANT LAST ONE MORE HOUR[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5utn3k.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29782565

after the gender bending potion wears off sure

>> No.29782602
File: 93 KB, 1232x654, 20220728_152457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it Axel you dumb dog you make too many threads.

>> No.29782612

Both Hlgg and NijiEN are in shamble, can I stay here for a little while?

>> No.29782615
File: 343 KB, 512x712, FYhp207XoAM7ldT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 hours till next stream
guess I'll just go back to playing xenoblade 3...
This game has way too many forced tutorials

>> No.29782621
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1658834641995270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/, more like /CARS/

>> No.29782623

i'd mating press my bro

>> No.29782645
File: 270 KB, 515x438, Regis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel is probably gonna do ranked soon.

>> No.29782647

if you talk about tempus, yes

>> No.29782655

just like the previousg ames then

>> No.29782676

Of course. Just try not to mention anything related to them. There seem to be a lot of tourists in this thread right now.

>> No.29782710
File: 114 KB, 422x437, 1659139698159676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the genderbent versions of Magni. That nigga is as far from feminine as it is possible. He's just a manly fag
And no, "that" certain photo doesn't count. It was probably just done for laughs, like when buff guys cosplay sailormoon

>> No.29782721

Damn all four of the boys is literally telling you to self improve.
>Axel: You didn't do it? Try harder? Still didn't do it, try harderer.
>Nowa: Never stop learning, keep learning.
>Altare: Never stop improving yourself, don't become stagnant.
Has Magni said anything so far?

>> No.29782722
File: 311 KB, 1555x1100, FY7yKHSagAASrUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streams today were kino and it was nice learning more about Axel and Regis. Looking forward to the Mario collab to watch the bloodbath.

>> No.29782731

>"Magnation, what was that potion?"
>"Why are you guys getting so close? Did I do something wrong?

>> No.29782733
File: 260 KB, 1602x1893, A5E0CE3A-3CE6-4B8F-A95C-04B18B09CC5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29782923

I want to comfort this cute schizo after he has an autism meltdown...

>> No.29782769

>That nigga is as far from feminine as it is possible. He's just a manly fag

>> No.29782780
File: 2.50 MB, 500x448, 1658720127271978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course anon. Don't listen to the retarded gatekeepers

>> No.29782798
Quoted by: >>29783091

it's okay to be attracted to him, anon

>> No.29782823
File: 178 KB, 437x288, 1659120363252297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see where everyone in /MANS/ will be in the one year anni. I'm already feeling extremely motivated watching them. I wanna see people in here achieve their goals.

>> No.29782822
File: 931 KB, 846x571, 20220802_000955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it on topics

>> No.29782825

It’s done because why not?

>> No.29782834
File: 200 KB, 1200x1050, 1659326912663681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does atlus bonk you no matter what game you want to play without perms? i legit want to watch tempus play etrian odyssey

>> No.29782840
File: 1.67 MB, 900x900, angryomega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29782926

There is a correct answer

>> No.29782852

Sure, go ahead bro

>> No.29782918

Their worldbuilding is immaculate

>> No.29782923
File: 627 KB, 1484x1248, FZFP1zAacAA57b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he was having a redemption arc this whole time

>> No.29782926

the correct answer is abstaining from this poal because who gives a fuck

>> No.29782934
Quoted by: >>29782993

that's the whole point about permissions
99% of the time you are unlikely to trip up someone's autism, but because of that 1% and it happened with the holocaust they are incredibly overprotective of it now

>> No.29782936

>I don't get the genderbent versions of Magni. That nigga is as far from feminine as it is possible. He's just a manly fag
its ok man you don't have to deny you like it anon

>> No.29782949
File: 25 KB, 107x107, DDD1C8E2-BBDB-46C3-8769-793873640B97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29782952
File: 88 KB, 838x579, 9B65C8FD-424B-4C61-BD22-28C373709105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29783022

I am tired of all the crossdressing and genderswapping, I am here to watch MEN.

>> No.29782974

I just magged holy shit

>> No.29782976

That part still seems unclear for now. The bigger hurdle than getting EO perms though is getting a 3DS capture card.
Streaming via CFW like NTR/Snickerstream probably isn't allowed, but even if it is the video quality from that is terrible, with dropped frames and a tendency to drop entirely.

>> No.29782984
Quoted by: >>29783939


>> No.29782985

I'm halfway through Altare's gungeon stream. Holy fuck how much mental darkness does this man have.

>> No.29782993

darn it RIP i guess

>> No.29782997

dang, imagine if our world was like this

>> No.29783004

Cars 1 is a good movie

>> No.29783017

a normal amount

>> No.29783022
File: 1.33 MB, 2220x3106, 1659006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29783071

There's not even that much of the genderbend art, anon. The lads still get normal art

>> No.29783071
Quoted by: >>29784588

Male vagina bones ToT

>> No.29783090

I think they called where the other 3 are "western Elysium". I'm not sure where southern Elysium is, but they mentioned it.

>> No.29783091
File: 89 KB, 218x227, 1658895498998073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you straight female typed that opinion. Now what

>> No.29783115

StarsJP got persona perms but that's probably because of Shinove, not sure if EN will get any from Atlus

>> No.29783132
File: 262 KB, 509x483, 1604756527520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29783733

Cars 1 is a masterpiece, unlike Cars 2 which is garbage

>> No.29783134


>> No.29783142

Are they the true Idol™ Experience? The one where you watch chuuba to see them improve themselves. The one where you observe progress they made over their time performing. The one where you cheer on them to accomplish their goals. Are they the true Idols™?

>> No.29783143
File: 88 KB, 716x900, 20220801_112129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29783146

it's okay to be attracted to him, straight female anon

>> No.29783179
File: 285 KB, 528x383, 1658876288109210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's korean and not a doctor/engineer. So a lot

>> No.29783239

>How Magni sees himself on any given day

>> No.29783240
File: 247 KB, 1732x2048, 20220802_001841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you lewd my bro like this.

>> No.29783241
Quoted by: >>29783277

>Magni isn't a skinny ass loser
Fake and unrealistic

>> No.29783271

Enough to go outside using rope made out of belts at 3AM just to dance

>> No.29783277

Nigger post

>> No.29783285
File: 84 KB, 478x642, 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29783768


>> No.29783296
File: 159 KB, 545x480, 1636946858308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, don't look at /catalog/

>> No.29783309
Quoted by: >>29783914

>regis's talks about being an insomniac that dances through the streets at night are because he's a hikkikomori that stays isolated at all other times (when not with the boys)
i want to heal him...

>> No.29783311


>> No.29783323
Quoted by: >>29783588

Based and has a great soundtrack

>> No.29783370

it's a scary place... stay here in MANS instead...

>> No.29783374
File: 237 KB, 850x1027, 1658897602849151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a paralel world he would have used this fanart as stream thumbnail for SA2 and the mod bonked hard

>> No.29783389
Quoted by: >>29783453

is this what Maglord thinks he looks like?

>> No.29783403

Internet rule number 86

For every character, a genderbent version of it shall be made.

>> No.29783407
Quoted by: >>29783466

post balls

>> No.29783453
Quoted by: >>29783579

Wdym? He looks like that

>> No.29783466

Only if you post your tits

>> No.29783488
File: 740 KB, 1337x1080, 80BCD793-AA2D-41E9-81B5-2BEC97FD05C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omega somehow feels like the missing fifth member to me fr fr

>> No.29783493

So far we have
>Altare: bullied during childhood for lisp and stuttering, His friends abandoned him after he grinded fps to the top because of his toxicity and his must win mentality.
>Magni: Can of worms. Has some issues with his family which was never resolves, cannot find solstice in it even after all this time.
>Nowa: Has alluded to at least 20 times in the past he would change if he had the power to change something in the past. Also mentioned a long streak of unfortunate events before something good happened, a very private person so probably will not share details.
>Axel: Too stupid for school, failing grades etc. Has a shit ton of stories that might be too much for the viewers. Probably moves on from any trauma though and not likely to dwell or think on it. Happy with where he is at and would not change anything.
>All of them feel like they don't deserve it, that they are lucky and the weakest link in Tempus. That they need to work harder and improve.

>> No.29783519

Post proof or YWNBAW

>> No.29783520

You stupid zoomer!
You imbecile zoomer!
That's not fucking rule 86, that's rule 64!

>> No.29783572
File: 795 KB, 932x589, 1658879668034774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been such a mess since Sana graduated. I was literally counting the hours until uncle nowa's stream. And boy, he did cheer me up some

>> No.29783576
Quoted by: >>29783809

Yagoo being a saviorfag really isn't a meme, huh...

>> No.29783579
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, FYmQPbQXwAQJY0H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your right, my bad

>> No.29783586

At least, I'm glad that the chance of the boys collabing with Nijis are more unlikely now

>> No.29783587
Quoted by: >>29783646

No thats rule 69 noIcE WHolesome NiggA eleMao

>> No.29783588
Quoted by: >>29783691


>> No.29783638

At the end of the day Holostars is just Yagoo's house of broken boys

>> No.29783643
Quoted by: >>29783694

fools, it's 63

>> No.29783646

Always funny to me that those rules are so fucking old that half of them only apply exclusively to old 4chan

>> No.29783667
File: 353 KB, 1654x2047, BFEBBE3D-5B3F-46A2-9AE5-518C1B0A3F67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this autistic hero...

>> No.29783674
File: 257 KB, 736x734, Littlevespi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose to believe that Uncle Noir made a big mistake, and divorced like me.

>> No.29783691

I want either Regis or Axel to sing some of the Cars 1 songs for karaoke.

>> No.29783694
Quoted by: >>29784244


>> No.29783712

I don't see anything different. Just a normal day of shitposting and baiting there

>> No.29783733
Quoted by: >>29783778

I think only toy story 2 and 3 have been the only pixar sequels I've enjoyed
there is no toy story 4

>> No.29783750
File: 158 KB, 545x480, ca324200_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of them deserve a hug fr

>> No.29783767

Magni is asian but bisexual. That's the can of worms itself

>> No.29783768

I wish he could contain his fat fetish for women.

>> No.29783778
Quoted by: >>29783944

What about the best Toy Story sequel

>> No.29783790
File: 92 KB, 256x421, nopulloutgamegang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29783809
Quoted by: >>29790343

It's hiring people who need the job and therefor will but time and energy into it. The lack of that need and drive is what gave en2 such a rocky start.

>> No.29783852
File: 579 KB, 1418x2048, On the Edge of Burnout[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxq98tk.opus].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29783931


>> No.29783873
File: 132 KB, 902x1600, 20220318_171630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have over 5 tempus vids in the backlog now
Oh no guys...I'm not gonna make it
im burning out...

>> No.29783914
File: 210 KB, 1200x732, FYZmZFKUIAApS4L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is healing though...he has his bros.

>> No.29783931

Dammit anon now I want an Existence cover. I guess that would work if he can't do Tarou's songs.

>> No.29783934
File: 770 KB, 1280x720, 1659031349102079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope that omega posting wont stop, its a fun part of these threads

>> No.29783939


>> No.29783944
Quoted by: >>29784069

I saw it and it was like the textbook definition of a made by committee corporate movie.
the voice acting and animation was good.
But the script was awful
the plot was stupid
I honestly glad it seems to have lost money.

>> No.29783949

You can only watch 1 hour of content a day before burning out, you better pray for a few days off to catch up

>> No.29783956
Quoted by: >>29784054

Jusr finished the Vesper vod. It was fucking awesome but again, like two of the best moments in the entire stream happen in the last 15 minutes and then he has to end.
Time to watch the collab.

>> No.29784005

I want Axel to cover Coldrainnnnnnn

>> No.29784054

I really can't wait for the 1 hour limiter to be removed, I'm not asking for 9 hour streams, but a good at least 3 hour stream would be nice.

>> No.29784057
File: 7 KB, 199x200, 1658563671010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saved a backlog too... all i have left to go through is uncle nowa. im ngmi

>> No.29784069

I know I was just baiting a response

>> No.29784091
File: 101 KB, 268x303, 1658306380547943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't notice anything towards the boys - you baiting?

>> No.29784098
File: 512 KB, 3000x1579, FYfYEJkUsAAenPt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their all good lads too and doing their best. It really got to me when Vesp mentioned how they felt like they didn't deserve to have 100k subs so quickly and how surprised they were at how nice everyone has been to them.

>> No.29784197

>Purple nails

>> No.29784200

i think one of them said something like "the five of us" at one point

>> No.29784224

I think I'm beginning to understand what it feels like to be a gachikoi... I want to support them and heal their pain and see them grow and improve themselves!!!!!!

>> No.29784233

I really hope they do a 4hr mario party and skirt around the rules by switching channels like they did with A Way Out...

>> No.29784244
File: 96 KB, 663x684, 1E3E55CB-4A73-4400-B1A6-F63C432E5CED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29784259
File: 57 KB, 543x475, FX6ZFoIagAE3jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone is missing

>> No.29784272


>> No.29784288
File: 484 KB, 1440x1440, 1636303800018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN boy just did the yab everyone was claiming Tempus would do
We will just leave it at that. End of discussion

>> No.29784290

Regis...what did you do...

>> No.29784295
Quoted by: >>29784504

service top axel, the puppy is eager to please!

>> No.29784323

don't be embarrassed, hero... a lot of us undersyand your pain too...

>> No.29784362


>> No.29784383


>> No.29784394

Imagine if behind the scenes during their initial meeting before their debut there were five of them. They all were happy to be each others guildmates and bonded for months. And than the YAB happened and they had to delete that member. The wound stays fresh to TEMPUS but they would not share such a weakness to the audience.

>> No.29784423

just go to catalog, don't wanna shit up this comfy thread

>> No.29784440

Literally go to the catalogue and find out yourself if you are so curious

>> No.29784460

why did he take all the underwear...?

>> No.29784472

ojisan perverted

>> No.29784473
File: 73 KB, 225x225, 1658419878044464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i don't really care - let the monkey throw shit at each other

>> No.29784476

>it fills me with determination
Brace yourselves, anons, I'm going full schizo
These past few days have been a Toby Fox psyop. He's closing in on acquiring the seat of heavenly overlord over Cover Corp. First Marine's song, now this? This is no coincidence. He's subconsciously grooming the audience. RESIST, YOU HAVE TO RESI-

>> No.29784498

Stopped bothering with JRPGs because of this. Got tired of Persona games for the same reason too.

>> No.29784501
File: 760 KB, 498x280, 1631682519575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa is isekai'd Kazuma

>> No.29784504
File: 441 KB, 1265x941, FZB8bFPXEAMRz7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But dog is the purest though?

>> No.29784506

I'll protect his smile

>> No.29784532

There's this, but where's Vesper in a stolen speedo?

>> No.29784541

He's a psychic vampire but he collects his power from panties

>> No.29784560

shut up

>> No.29784588

Tf are vagina bones?

>> No.29784598
Quoted by: >>29784683

Or we're getting a secret new member Irys style and he'll be the Vsinger/bard of the group with a tragic chuuni past for his lore

>> No.29784616

anon-chama, your reps...

>> No.29784625

I imagine it could be a standalone member added to ENStars kinda like how IRyS wasn't really part of a gen.
Or it'll just be a manga exclusive character.

>> No.29784623
Quoted by: >>29784669

How did the one with the gay furry model end up as the purest and straightest?

>> No.29784633

Magni basically said to not be a numberfag, so that sort of counts.

>> No.29784669

his brain is so smooth he can't collect negative thoughts

>> No.29784671
Quoted by: >>29784965

google vagina bones

>> No.29784683
Quoted by: >>29784858

>he'll be the Vsinger/bard of the group
But I thought Axel (and to a tiny bit of a lesser extent Altare) were the big singers of the group?

>> No.29784715

you can burn clothes, i think. and underwear is the lightest clothing.

>> No.29784716
File: 217 KB, 1202x1500, FY8LFAMakAAXdwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785036

Axel has them

>> No.29784740

It's his lucky charm.

>> No.29784786
File: 274 KB, 543x475, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29784981


>> No.29784817


>> No.29784858

Having more singers wouldn't hurt since Holostars does do a lot of music considering their still seen has an idol group

>> No.29784859
Quoted by: >>29784981

Cars was just okay. The last Pixar movie that made me fucking feel was Coco. That scene where the son is playing guitar and sparks her memory... I was a fucking mess. My own grandma had dementia and seeing her deteriorate was so fucking hard
Anyway, hope the streams tonight are comfy!

>> No.29784888
File: 569 KB, 585x603, 1656525284130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh they are too similar to some of the JPstars. They do really have the same hiring team wtf.

>> No.29784944 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 899x1000, 1653164598422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785077

those lines low on the abdomen making a V shape going down to the crotch

>> No.29784965

I'm scared to google anything this shit hellhole asked me to after someone told me to google blue waffle

>> No.29784981

Cute demon and Regis' gf is nice too

I hope for comfy streams too, anon

>> No.29785030
File: 58 KB, 310x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785848

The fifth member is Omegatranny xherself. But xher deleted xherself from the boys' memory because muh chunni lore

>> No.29785036
Quoted by: >>29785099

Uoh need more manspreading chad pose

>> No.29785077

I have them.....

>> No.29785099
File: 301 KB, 2020x2205, FYsWvJjaAAAd8AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Collecting lewd Axel pics is my hobby

>> No.29785122

You're supposed to be +18 to post here

>> No.29785148

yeah, everyone does. it's just part of the body
it's just a bit more prominent i guess on slender/fit bodies

>> No.29785170
Quoted by: >>29785210

No Uncle Nowa zatsudan today?

>> No.29785177

All people have them, they just don't show on many. They're not exclusive to women.
They're even usually called "Adonis belts", no?

>> No.29785188
File: 286 KB, 2000x2300, FZEB7YoUYAAEwHV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785326

>why did he take all the underwear...?

Apparently it's his RP concept? That a person in the zombie apocalypse having to survive day to day would have some kind of superstition or ritual that they perform and that nervous tic is stealing the underpants off of every kill

>> No.29785210

He said no zatsus on guild collab days

>> No.29785214

uncle nowa used to play snake at the arcade

>> No.29785240
Quoted by: >>29785365

>give the sweet and pure dog the most sex design
what did yagoo mean by this?

>> No.29785247

I can fix them

>> No.29785326
Quoted by: >>29785763

>Apparently it's his RP concept?
That's his excuse, you mean. He's just an underwear enthusiast, anon.

>> No.29785343
File: 49 KB, 680x680, dfbf4eee_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785972

I wish all MANScholars a fine sojourn in this temple of discourse known as /MANS/. Let us all partake in enlightening conversations about Tempus so we can grow stronger as individuals and as a general.

>> No.29785365
File: 247 KB, 2134x1485, FYg46zVUsAA1i93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29785425

For the sake of gap moe obviously

>> No.29785400
Quoted by: >>29785441

Did uncle noir forget to set up a stream for today? It's almost time for this zatsu

>> No.29785425
File: 65 KB, 643x643, 1632383797052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works, it works really well. himbo love

>> No.29785441
Quoted by: >>29785556

no ves on mondays

>> No.29785552
Quoted by: >>29785574

Imagine if Magni does an ASMR parody intro since he said he wanted to rest his throat. With the music still playing, of course.

>> No.29785556
File: 2 KB, 125x115, 1658894690475846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29785574

His intros are alreeady ASMR

>> No.29785593

Uoh anon tskr ToT

>> No.29785619
File: 130 KB, 1000x523, HolostarsUproar_FI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/stars/ anon. This time it's Uproar as a whole group. They'll be getting summer outfits soon, be on the lookout for that!
Being the first addition to Holostars after almost 2 years, it was a bit of a tense time seeing who we'd get in the group. Fortunately, they're all great and a fun, energetic bunch. Here's a fun little story they provided.
For the song, it's the cover that they released on debut, a mashup of KING and Envy Baby. It's a pretty good one to listen to, and the only place you can actually hear Gamma sing so far(which is a shame, he sounds like he has a great voice).
Discussion question: what's the first song you want to hear all of Tempus cover together?

>> No.29785726

Blessed /stars/ anon, thank you for your consistent posts

>> No.29785734

>stop visiting /vt/ for a week or so
Is this still THE place for discussing Tempus?

>> No.29785763

Excuse me, my uncle is a seiso idol, you heard him say it himself.

>> No.29785766

yeah welcome

>> No.29785764
File: 782 KB, 669x926, The Warden of MANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each and every VERMIN who attempts to taint this holy place known as /MANS/: SILENCE you irredeemable BUFFOONS. You will get no pity from this sacred den of UNDERSTANDING, this hallowed hall of PASSION, this CASTLE OF BASEDNESS. The purifying flames of /MANS/ will erase pointless and futile babbling and they WILL bring JUSTICE. Be CLEANSED in the fire of /MANS/, BEGONE and return from WHENCE THOU CAMEST. So the warden of /MANS/ has spoken. PREPARE YOURSELVES.

>> No.29785768

>what's the first song you want to hear all of Tempus cover together?
Only one I can think of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fndeDfaWCg

>> No.29785769

The best place for magni’s tempussy

>> No.29785774


>> No.29785805

Holy shit. Their getting summer outfits? I didn't know that. Cool, I'll drop by to see their streams for their new outfits since it's always a big deal for Stars.

I want them to cover this:

>> No.29785824
Quoted by: >>29785859

cringe and tribalpilled

>> No.29785848
File: 361 KB, 600x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>September 2022
>Omega anounced as the 5th member of Tempus, his debut is scheduled a week later
>It's Debut day baby!
>50k watching out of curiosity
>"Hello guys, I'm HoloEN's ex-manager and Tempus 5th member, Omega!"
>He sounds like an actual female
Oh oh...

>> No.29785850
Quoted by: >>29785888

we're the fastest general on the board so yes. it helps if you want to fuck them too

>> No.29785859

Here's your (You)

>> No.29785888
Quoted by: >>29785988

isn't that /hlgg/

>> No.29785904

holy based

>> No.29785905
File: 80 KB, 948x676, FYhiQJpVUAAC3hz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Welcome to /MANS/ as long as the topic is the Tempus boys themselves.

>> No.29785925

>>He sounds like an actual female
Yes pls

>> No.29785946
Quoted by: >>29785966

So another Yugo situation

>> No.29785966

god no

>> No.29785972
File: 810 KB, 1650x1430, The BASED Trinity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29785974
File: 177 KB, 1188x1396, 1659316392054624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29786127

Look at that waist, anon.

>> No.29785988

/hlgg/ isn't a general so he's right

>> No.29785989

Are any of the guys good with music/instruments at all?

>> No.29786016
File: 1.20 MB, 1200x630, 1659027990074888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sounds like an actual female

>> No.29786034
Quoted by: >>29789596

Altare plays the cello

>> No.29786060
Quoted by: >>29789596

Regis will do kino Studio Ghibli cello covers soon.

>> No.29786117

Said hi to a holo unprompted because roommates are friends

>> No.29786127
File: 519 KB, 815x775, SPOILER_unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29786660


>> No.29786130

From everything we hear about Altare (black belt in two different martial arts, plays classical music, is asian) I would have expected him to be the one with a bad relationship with his family due to them pushing him super hard and him becoming a streamer instead of a lawyer or a doctor or something, but apparently he's got a good relationship with his mom.
Meanwhile, Magni...

>> No.29786139
Quoted by: >>29786226


>> No.29786151

I wish I could be a seiso man like Noir.

>> No.29786199

>>He sounds like an actual female
fuckin DROPPED

>> No.29786216
File: 33 KB, 530x626, 1659105346235804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29787003

>He sounds like an actual female

>> No.29786226 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 457x270, zombo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29786321

Just play it yourself, anon

>> No.29786255

Would be kino

>> No.29786280

wtf why regis did a random live I didn't get to watch it, fuck him

>> No.29786291
File: 614 KB, 1011x2048, 293BE153-1E57-4439-9990-F21156100C05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tempus rpg
I’d try them all out but I’d probably be a Vesper main

>> No.29786310


not very high standards you're setting up for yourself anon but I'll root for you regardless

>> No.29786321
Quoted by: >>29786671

It's not the same without Nowa holding my hand...

>> No.29786336
File: 246 KB, 1090x1475, FYCzKoqUYAATX3V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regis seems to have a good relationship with his folks since these are things he likes and when he talks about them he's fine. Having lots of hobbies is good especially when your young, it's a shame about his rocky relationship with what happened to his old friends during his esports days. Magni will probably be fine, he at least seems kinda.....normal?

>> No.29786392
File: 614 KB, 580x923, 30B128A2-F25D-41B0-BDD1-5D26278E8A31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magni references Zyzz
>Nowa talks about GOMAD and is a prepper
>Axel Chad jock

Has Regis said anything about physical fitness? I wonder what all the bro’s lifts and PR’s are.

>> No.29786415


>> No.29786426
Quoted by: >>29786502

where's the nowa stream?

>> No.29786502
File: 131 KB, 821x597, FYwk8cOaMAAyunK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa don't stream on mondays, anon

>> No.29786517
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658686003842902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just study a lot. When you go through accelerated brain expansion as he did, carnal pleasures becomes uninteresting, curiosity becomes the main drive for everything

>> No.29786522


>> No.29786553

Regis did martial arts and apparently sports in high school

>> No.29786567
File: 236 KB, 1256x1080, 20220801_121352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29786584


>> No.29786591

>Has Regis said anything about physical fitness? I wonder what all the bro’s lifts and PR’s are.

He said he was like a second degree blackbelt in some Korean martial art

>> No.29786650

Thread's BGM

>> No.29786656
Quoted by: >>29787102

Oh shit nvm.

How did we get absolute /here/ chads for the EN Stars? Is Cover THAT good at picking up western bros?

>> No.29786660

>Forcing him to do a stream intro as he's being railed

>> No.29786671

Just do your first run listening to Nowa's advice in the background. It will also improve your enjoyment of the future streams, as you will know what he is talking about more in-depth, and be able to apply all his knowledge to your own experiences

>> No.29786678

regis has blackbelts in two different martial arts and is built enough to be able to scale a rope down from his bedroom window

>> No.29786724

Altare is a 2nd degree black belt in kumdo

>> No.29786750

Nowa is Garfield... You think he knows the old Garfielf FOTNS / DBZ parody youtube videos?

>> No.29786765

he's so prone to making unconscious noises as reactions too... it would be so hard for him to keep quiet......

>> No.29786809

>He sounds like an actual female
So this is Omega's masterplan to unify Stars and Live, huh...

>> No.29786931

It'd just be Omega coming out with this just being her personal harem or hot, muscly, emotionally available and needy men

>> No.29786940

at this point they should abandon omega as an a-chan thing and just give the model to someone in en3 or homoen2, say they were given the body or something and omega left for ayyylmao stuff
you already have ina and sana (rip) being weird cosmic beings

>> No.29786950
File: 179 KB, 1120x944, FZEY0zsagAAEvyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll be into it, anon

>> No.29786970

Everyone who ever watched Ina's streams knows how insufferable this faggot is. I'm glad it wasn't the case and I hope he never debuts in any shape or form

>> No.29787003
Quoted by: >>29787087

I can hear Magni ~~~ Desu nee. Just from this image.

>> No.29787028

So... Tamaki EN?

>> No.29787044

>you will never have Tempus as a personal harem
why live...

>> No.29787052

good kisser anon stop it my imagination is getting wild

>> No.29787087


>> No.29787102

I guess so. Otherwise, they'd have been dropped by like 90% of the audience already. Especially since them being bros was/is, no matter how small, a part of their hype train.

>> No.29787121

Imagine if she revealed her voice and it turns out she has a sex voice and suddenly people like it.

>> No.29787126

So guys... since EN always seems to bring FGO artists and Tempus will probably follow this futuristic D&D style for the next gens... Does anyone have an Illustrator + Class combo you'd like to see?

>> No.29787209
Quoted by: >>29787785

I really want to see a Raita vtuber. Maybe an Avenger character.

>> No.29787223

Give me Raita. His male designs are actually pretty good and it'd be kinda funny to see the seethe over him not designing a Hololive talent instead even if I also like his banana tits

>> No.29787237
File: 222 KB, 1600x1478, E9jgC4iVUAQNs1z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29787285


>> No.29787291
Quoted by: >>29787369

>following a consistent formula and theme between generations

>> No.29787296
Quoted by: >>29787785

I want Raita to design a boy for Tempus, any class is good but I want an assassin.

>> No.29787369
Quoted by: >>29787510

Idk, Tempus' formula is very comprehensive and guarantees a lot of creative freedom. Cover would be pretty stupid to give up on her so soon

>> No.29787411
File: 318 KB, 878x1000, 053fd2d81339a9565d759df4a06c0e78b97d3bbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover should hire Matataku as a HomoEN papa!

>> No.29787438

Kinda want Lack since he already has worked for Holostars and Hololive. Aru-san will get a new brother if it happens.

>> No.29787448

I'd really like to see a new vtuber from Pako... And something in a samurai aesthetic like FGO's Sakamoto Ryoma would be cool

>> No.29787504

i want the tempus boys as my personal harem too...

>> No.29787510

>cover would be pretty stupid to give up on her so soon
We said the same thing for myth before council sadly

>> No.29787521

Incredibly, unfathomably based.
Any boyband song will do, honestly.

>> No.29787525

Or... Maybe in August after the Orisong come out

>> No.29787581

Hello, could anyone tell me why Nowa isn't streaming right now?
I don't really follow their socials..

>> No.29787599
Quoted by: >>29787650

Mondays suck

>> No.29787622
Quoted by: >>29787650

He said mondays would be dedicated to collabs so he doesn't stream on them

>> No.29787650

Ah yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks.

>> No.29787662

Just watched the Gungeon VOD. Is Altare the all-around best at video games this gen? He's pretty consistently good at whatever he plays.

>> No.29787664

>This thread will rise above the anti-male-Holos shittiness of /hlgg/
>This thread hass succumed to another type of shittiness: anti-female-Holos.

>> No.29787711
File: 1.55 MB, 4096x3948, __reiley_miller_senjou_no_valkyria_and_1_more_drawn_by_honjou_raita__1c36c81848807fabd218660352cc768a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29787785

As the others said, I want to see Raita join in too.
He's capable of drawing normal females sometimes.

>> No.29787712
Quoted by: >>29788474

>September 2022
>Omega announced as the 5th member of Tempus, his debut is scheduled a week later.
>It's debut day, baby!
>200k watch out of pure lust
>"Sup guys, I'm Omega!"
>It's a dude
>Next stream reaches 20 viewers at its peak.
>Omega graduates, never to be heard of again.
>Nijisanji announced a new memember.
>It's Omega.
>They fire him a week later.
Oh oh...

>> No.29787737
File: 117 KB, 305x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Omega with an oneesan-like type of voice

>> No.29787750

> Discussion question: what's the first song you want to hear all of Tempus cover together?

Party x Party

>> No.29787755

If the girls don't collab with our boys after the ban, they deserve the hate, anon.

>> No.29787785

Realistically, if someone applied to Hololive and made it to the finish line, would they be able to request Raita and draw their own design to work off of?

>> No.29787788

Yeah, I like the general positive vibes for the boys but it gets into insane shitflinging whenever the girls get brought up. I was called a woman for suggesting the very radical idea that maybe being shitty to/about women makes is a bad look.

>> No.29787847
Quoted by: >>29787921

You don't get too much of an input on your model. In fact its probably done by the time you sign your contract.

>> No.29787905

They usually have the designs already done so I think when they're hiring they look for people who can "fit" a design.

>> No.29787909

Dumb women don't deserve shit.
Actually, the moment any of Tempus collab with a HoloEN, I'll drop them.

>> No.29787914

Regis seems to be the one with the most experience but he has explained he doesn't want to be competitive due to his experience. He just wants to have fun now.

>> No.29787921

>In fact its probably done by the time you sign your contract.
There goes any desire for me to try applying myself, I can't stand not having a hand in my own design

>> No.29787968
Quoted by: >>29788015

It's a crowded market.
They don't need you.

>> No.29787969

If they want to keep away that's fine it's always been how hololive has operated.

>> No.29787974

Oh nice, it looks like catalog has seeped into this thread too. Remember to hide and move on folks

>> No.29787990
File: 18 KB, 306x268, ALTAREANIKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altare love!

>> No.29788004

Might as well drop em right now anon cause that’s happening.

>> No.29788007

That anon is talking out of his ass, you do get input.

>> No.29788013

I don't want whores near my boys. I'd rather they collab with their StarsJP senpaise first and if the girls don't bring any trouble their fine. The ID girls are good though.

>> No.29788015

Now I want to apply to spite you

>> No.29788044

when it comes down to action-based games yes 100% even with his suppressed power level

>> No.29788048

Get filtered then.

My oshi plays fun games and gives us fun zatsus and I can't wait for him to collab with (You)r whore of an oshi.

>> No.29788071

Myth explicitly said they got jack shit in terms of design control (gura wanted an ahoge but even that was declined) but given tempus and how alligned they are with their lore I would assume that has changed somewhat

>> No.29788121

I'd rather not have forced collabs either, where they only get collab beggars who only tune in once just to see their oshi and no one else.
Plus this is Holostars, management might be less stringent and could even allow collabs from outside of HoloPro.

>> No.29788126
Quoted by: >>29788198

I miss enma and badass katana art

>> No.29788138
Quoted by: >>29788245

Yeah. I mean, I Wouldn’t have a problem if they all collaborated because I’ve come to the realization that watching a male streamer is just better entertainment, though I sometimes will drop in on an Ame, or Fauna, Kiara, or Mumei stream.

Simply put: male streamers are just funnier to me, but if they collab with the women I wouldn’t shit fling about it.

>> No.29788141

You get "input" as in "you can voice your opinion", but that doesn't mean they'll pay any heed to it. Myth talked about it, almost everything they said was met with "no we can't do that".

>> No.29788147

Action and adjacent genres, yes.
Anything requiring more in depth thinking? No. But he'd probably still be second best.

>> No.29788150

I would rather them collab with fucking NijiEN andose homo-lust-baiting fuckers over there before they do anything with Myth or Council.

>> No.29788182

The omegafaggotry in this thread is starting to get obnoxious.

>> No.29788185

I was not expecting to like our sasuga leader so much but he really won me over...

>> No.29788198

that was probably my favorite era of EN

>> No.29788238

i still don't care for him much but at least he has great taste in games barring apex

>> No.29788245

>I wouldn’t shit fling about it.
That's where you're wrong, and why you're alway cucked by women.
Always staynvigilant against women, anon.

>> No.29788255

You're gettng heated, calm down so you don't burn up.

>> No.29788264

What sort of posts do you make and enjoy, anon? Just so that we can judge you all the same.
Fair's fair, right?

>> No.29788272
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, FYrkSzDaAAAqk8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best leader

>> No.29788297

This. the faggot isn't even a vtuber lmao

>> No.29788350
Quoted by: >>29791044

No shit Sherlock.
Myth did nothing to deserve their current sub numbers. They literally rode on the Vtuber novelty.
I unsubbed from Gamma after that colalb he did earlier with the Indo kid.

>> No.29788397
Quoted by: >>29788492

Leader wouldn't be very proud of you right now

>> No.29788406
Quoted by: >>29788492

Jesus fucking christ, stop larping and get over yourself.

>> No.29788418

What was your favorite moment from the collab?

>> No.29788474
Quoted by: >>29788635

Alternate #2
>September 2022
>EN3 is finally announced and Omega is part of their gen!
>"Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!"
>Their debut is scheduled a week later.
>It's debut day, baby!
>200k watch out of pure lust
>"Sup guys, I'm Omega!"
>It's a dude
Oh oh...

>> No.29788492
Quoted by: >>29788585

Hey can you all shut the fuck up already?
No I don't care who started it or who's in the right.
Just fuck off

>> No.29788498

I cheered when Sana graduated.
Soon, the Hololive viewers will lbe forced to watch Stars at last.

>> No.29788502
Quoted by: >>29788725

Which one? The Japanese learning one, I liked when Axel tried to teach the complexities of small phrases, it was actually quite interesting for someone like me with no experience in Japanese

>> No.29788516
File: 494 KB, 634x350, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29788854

What about Taiki? The artist that draws Merlin.

>> No.29788561
Quoted by: >>29788639

/MANS/ is going to get battered by tourists and numberfags who don't actually watch streams today, so don't bite bait. Just relax and love Tempus.

>> No.29788583
Quoted by: >>29788725

The Japanese learning one?
i enjoyed hearing Vesper talk about tea history, and Magni working out that cha meant tea

>> No.29788585
Quoted by: >>29788698

How about you actually try for once to be a real fan instead of just standing like a punching bag?

>> No.29788610
File: 267 KB, 1026x720, come back when you're a little more mag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys told me I would be safe from women here, I don't even want to think about them.

>> No.29788624

I really wish this general didn't also go down the route of mental illness. It was the one good place to discuss Tempus and it's being crowded out by unironic shitposters and screeching losers.

>> No.29788626

Hololive fans and Holostars fans mix as well as oil and water

>> No.29788635

Alternate numero three
>September 2022
>EN3 is finally announced, and Omega is part of their gen!
>It's debut day, baby!
>69k watch out of curiosity.
>It's a dude...
>He streams for 1hour and 0.001s
>He burns out and graduates right after.
Oh oh...

>> No.29788639

I love Tempus.
Tha's why I don't want them to collab with women.

>> No.29788684
File: 686 KB, 1280x711, 1659066549545329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29788685

>Every model comes with a *gets set on fire* mode switch that activates an hour in

>> No.29788696
Quoted by: >>29789017

It looks like /hlgg/ is actually more or less fine with posting males as long as it doesn't drown out the females when they are streaming, the days after the debut were full of people shitposting mag memes in /hlgg/ so they were absolutely ass blasted and didn't want to hear any of it. I think over here might be similar, we see scarle posted here sometimes and the response is mostly tame or some shit posting. No one here is actually anti-female-holos unironically r-right?

>> No.29788698

What the fuck are you even talking about? Just stop being obnoxious and off topic for no fucking reason. I don't give a shit about your retarded gender or culture war.

>> No.29788699
Quoted by: >>29788859

I'd rather they didn't collab with the girls, because the latter's fanbases would be pretty upset. The boys also work well together as is, so all they really need to do is just play more 4 player games like L4D2, DRG, Deathwing, etc, imo.
I understand the concern, though, I think most Anons are just pulling a "no girls allowed" joke, but
>any community that gets its kicks pretending to be retarded, will...
and it's entirely possible to start getting an influx of dudes who genuinely hate the girls, for just being girls, instead of at worst just finding them kinda boring compared to the guys

>> No.29788725

yeah those were nice, the whole thing was surprisingly informative.
Today we're gonna get complete chaos though, I'm looking forward to the banter.

>> No.29788734
File: 74 KB, 800x600, FZD4MJyaMAAeLw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel just explaining things he's seen and experienced in Japan. It was nice learning more about him and it's cool that he's so comfortable just being himself.

>> No.29788798


>> No.29788838
Quoted by: >>29788881

Turns out, incels can fall for both male and female vtubers.
Who knew?
Newfags act like this general is gonna be the exception rather than the norm.
It's still fucking 4chan

>> No.29788854

Idk If his artstyle would look good in a vtuber model desu

>> No.29788859
Quoted by: >>29789169

Sanest take in this thread

>> No.29788881
Quoted by: >>29788986

Go back

>> No.29788976

Why aren't they allowed to say the word gaslight? Management is fucking stupid

>> No.29788986

Lol no (You) go back.
I bet you're only here because of that /vt/ Twitter fucker.

>> No.29788988
File: 437 KB, 1625x2048, CF1B2C7F-5650-46A0-9DE1-2F8B42B1F5C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29789003
Quoted by: >>29789037

Noir, stream onegai. make these catalog raids stop

>> No.29789017
File: 232 KB, 1216x1352, FYrO0gHaIAApWbX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure anons are just shitposting about being anti-female since they still watch the Hologirls, but it's the fear of anything happening to the boys if they end up collabing with the girls that's understandable.

The StarsEN boys are walking a fine line and they do well on their own with their in-house collabs and possible JPstars collabs in the future, but the ENgirls have some schizos and I don't want dramafags to harass the boys or collab beggars to bother them.

>> No.29789037

Not today, sorry

>> No.29789051


>> No.29789065
File: 292 KB, 1821x2048, 672E376A-C6A9-4A5A-918E-96B1129669EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29789083
Quoted by: >>29789157

The nigger seething over
>Muh 4chan so horrible so misogynistic
>reee muh incels
is totally not the one that needs to fuck off, yeah.
And I don't even fucking know what the fuck you're talking about. The fact that you know about someone apparently sending people here is more suspect than anything else.

>> No.29789140


>> No.29789157
Quoted by: >>29789317

>And I don't even fucking know what the fuck you're talking about.
And that's how I know you're a newfag.
Newfags just cannot help exposing themselves to be newfags.

>> No.29789169

I'm somewhat sympathetic to the actual women haters here, because I used to be that way too. Probably the biggest thing I've come to understand is that I really don't know what's going on in these girls lives, and likely never truly will. There's a multitude of reasons for any one singular behavior anyone exhibits, and I'd rather just meet people where they are, than pretend like I can pin down the exact cause and reasoning behind their actions. Even the Anons in this thread who aren't just shitposting probably had something happen to them, to make them dislike girls inherently. Certainly was the case for me, and a lot of dudes I've known

>> No.29789196
File: 3.28 MB, 498x280, 162864CD-D17B-40E5-979C-CF83876CBF4A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El sexo

>> No.29789224

I want to be in Stars, bros.

>> No.29789258
Quoted by: >>29789377

Wrong thread
We don't watch HoloStars here.
Go back and keep on homobegging in /hlgg/

>> No.29789267

christ those moves....how can anyone in Stars even compete???

>> No.29789291
File: 243 KB, 847x777, D2967E20-EC99-4CA9-BD03-3DD0F828B8EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29789591


>> No.29789313
Quoted by: >>29791683

start vtubing, be a reasonable level headed dude who's still got personality, and then apply
Orcbro got in with like, 30 ccv or something, so Yagoo and the like clearly care more about quality over quantity here

>> No.29789312

It's not that i dislike Holo Myth or Council. I simply know any Tempus lad would have to hardcarry any Collab within that possibility, because HoloEN girls are boring and don't know how to be funny, only to make cute noises or "oh no I'm retarded!" moments. I don't want my lads to waste a Collab slot that way

>> No.29789314
Quoted by: >>29791683

Get started now
start streaming
start auditioning
start now

>> No.29789317
Quoted by: >>29792516

Oh yeah, the idiot crying about how horrible 4chan is and that is crying about muh incels is totally the oldfag.

>> No.29789330
Quoted by: >>29792312

I want the boys to be bros, not be gay or gay-baiting.
If I wish for that, I might as well just watch NijiEN males.

>> No.29789347

Every person in that crowd probably the lost their shit when they saw Astel dance.

>> No.29789377

>don't watch Holostars here
>literally Holostars EN branch
Anon....I don't know what to tell you...

>> No.29789417


>> No.29789423
Quoted by: >>29789484

>"oh no I'm retarded!"
So much of the girls do this I feel like more than half of them you can say, is retarded and you can list almost anyone.

>> No.29789484
Quoted by: >>29789539

Learn to type eigo first, ESL

>> No.29789539

I'm not ESL but perhaps I maybe retarded.

>> No.29789572

So which one of them will be the first to play Touhou game? In gungeon stream Regis seemed semi competent in dodging bullets, so maybe I should place my hopes in him

>> No.29789586
Quoted by: >>29789883

Not all HoloEN girls,there are some that are really bros at heart i have seen too many times some members holding back just because women social groups usually cant handle the kind of bant that happens in male social groups

>> No.29789591

I want to fucking buy some drinks with him and talk about PS2 games with him.

>> No.29789596

Regis plays instruments? jezas what can this man not do

>> No.29789599

>Turns out, /mans/ is just the other side of the coin with /hlgg/
Can't wait for this place to reverse-raid the HoloEN girls' chat for harass them in return.

>> No.29789605

i'm surprised he got to the sewers but he's probably played it before

>> No.29789648
Quoted by: >>29789728

I'd rather one of them play Synthetik. Maybe two of them in co-op

>> No.29789674

Not sure but I'm gonna say maybe Axel or Regis since they both seem pretty familiar these properties and bullet hells

>> No.29789721

Alternate 4
>September 2022
>Omega announced as the 5th member of Tempus, his debut is scheduled a week later.
>It's debut day, baby!
>200k watch out of curiosity.
>"Sup guys, I'm Omega and my dream is to unify Holopro! ~"
>It's a female with the hottest voice ever heard
>"My pronouns are..."
>200k.... 150k... 100k... 50k... 10k... 5k...
>Next stream reaches 10 viewers at its peak
>She burns out and graduates right after.
Oh oh...

>> No.29789726

Shitposters don’t define this thread, stop shitting mans up and leave please

>> No.29789728
Quoted by: >>29789792

Yes yes I know you watched the Szeth guy too. No need to make it that obvious.
>Hey hey people
Happy now?

>> No.29789761

>going into that female infested shithole
No thank you.

>> No.29789792

quit being a bitch and play the damn game, Magni

>> No.29789796

I feel like Vesper might at least know about it and consider telling the boys or streaming it himself.

>> No.29789838

Altare and Axel
on that note I would also like to see them play Ikaruga

>> No.29789846
Quoted by: >>29789920

Twitter actually work challenge 2022

>> No.29789851

I thought Axel may have been the one with the best reflex but after watching Regis' stream he seems to have been able to play the game almost perfectly while talking. So maybe he's even better? One thing is for sure and it is that Altare is definitely better at multi tasking than Axel.

>> No.29789863

Regis got scouted to play in the football team back in highschool, also black belt in some martial art

>> No.29789883

Goddamn, you're all newfags who only watch HoloEN clips huh?
No wonder /hlgg/ hate you. You're as bad as the Niji shitposters, dissing HoloEN even thought you barely watch them

>> No.29789894

Has any of them even express interest in touhou?
I will agree that from purely what i have seen so far base on raw skill Regis seem like he might do fine in Touhou.

>> No.29789920
File: 205 KB, 2000x1140, 165903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nowa wouldn't last half an hour, anon

>> No.29789926
File: 88 KB, 268x303, 1658421582854370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get bored when our husbands leave... Shitposting to pass time until uncle Nowa is back.

>> No.29789931

> your broshi
> your favorite dessert

>> No.29789969

>Pride in a new thing leading to hatred of the old thing
Everything is a fucking cliché.

>> No.29789976
Quoted by: >>29790242

Amazing how this thread can take a complete 180 from obvious bait. Half of you really are just tourists from /hlgg/

>> No.29789984

please disregard every post in this thread as they are all me and i can't stop replying to myself

>> No.29790010

Uncle Nowa
Apple pie

>> No.29790021

Nowa and Mag
Waffles with sour cream, strawberry jam, and a slice of caramel goat cheese.

>> No.29790049


>> No.29790050


>> No.29790054

God I hate you LGBT fags.
Why can't I just watch male chuuba in peace without being grouped in with the gays like you?

>> No.29790063


>> No.29790071

black licorice

>> No.29790094

What, afraid to suck cock? Faggot, lmao

>> No.29790105

I heard medication works well against that

>> No.29790116

Carrot cake

>> No.29790123

Thousand Leaves

>> No.29790170
File: 63 KB, 1096x1096, 1656698439999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man yall fuckers can't help but bait and be baited huh

>> No.29790201
Quoted by: >>29790310

I like responding to bait

>> No.29790231
Quoted by: >>29790350

Worst part is the cringe “fans” like you, too bad we can’t make you fuck off

>> No.29790242

If you're not from /hlgg/, you're from the splits, which are even worse.

>> No.29790247
Quoted by: >>29790310

Responding to bait, and baiting is my passion.

>> No.29790268

i used to be a chumtourist
it's all i know how to do

>> No.29790310

There are dozens of other places for you in the catalog
Tourists don’t have respect for generals

>> No.29790317


>> No.29790318

if regis plays the binding of isaac i will cum in my fucking pants

>> No.29790323


>> No.29790327

chocolate creme caramel

>> No.29790339

What are we /MANS/ bros supposed to do when they aren't streaming anyways? There isn't enough topics to go around.

>> No.29790343

I think this is partially true at best. It really only applies to Sana, she ultimately valued her artist career over her streaming one after all. But the rest of en girls?
>mumei: before monetization, purchasing games for streaming was a risk on her finances, could barely afford them
>kronii: was only recently able to afford to move out from her previous place
>fauna: possibly financially independent in the first place, yet is the most consistent streamer in en2
>bae: she tries too hard, the bombastic act fails to retain viewership in the long run.
>irys: dick all support from management

>> No.29790350


>> No.29790356

it's just too easy here sometimes when the boys aren't streaming

>> No.29790367

Ew, babbie-first roguelite.
That's as bad as being proud of playing modern COD.

>> No.29790399

Touch grass

>> No.29790415
File: 80 KB, 1200x675, FYTha8DWYAEiWAb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same anon. they're all good people. I can't help but root for their success

>> No.29790416

I don't know why people like isaac
sure it was ok when it came out but almost every single game like it afterwards is better and the dev actively shitting on it for several years certainly doesn't help either

>> No.29790434

do our reps like they would want

>> No.29790439

He will 125%
I couldn't help but see NL's disciple while watching Altare play enter the gungeon

>> No.29790445

>mumei: before monetization, purchasing games for streaming was a risk on her finances, could barely afford them
>kronii: was only recently able to afford to move out from her previous place
You're either baiting or being spoonfed fake news by the trolls.
t. paying Kronie and Hooman

>> No.29790469

when there isn't a stream i literally just go on a run outside until there is a stream
ever since tempus debuted i've lost like 7kg

>> No.29790503
Quoted by: >>29790570

>ever since tempus debuted i've lost like 7kg
Bro they debut a week ago.

>> No.29790510

>kronii: was only recently able to afford to move out from her previous place
Kek, propaganda DOES work.
Gaslighting DOES work.

>> No.29790515

>What are we /MANS/ bros supposed to do when they aren't streaming anyways?

Go outside, get some exercise and touch grass. It's what our bros would want.

>> No.29790525
File: 1.29 MB, 2340x2796, tempus battle form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29790538
File: 406 KB, 1611x2048, 0A4B4FAC-8B2C-4766-8289-18DC126ACED2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29790597

Smug sex

>> No.29790552

Only Vesp will remember how awesome these guys were.


>> No.29790570
Quoted by: >>29790603

im also dieting
OMAD + intermittent fasting
i've literally lost 7kg in a week

>> No.29790597

god this smug look just makes me want to rape him

>> No.29790603

Wtf is this.

>> No.29790630
Quoted by: >>29790974

start IMPROVING anon

>> No.29790633

It's either a typo of gomad or something else

>> No.29790635

Since there will only be the Mario Party Collab Stream later,you guys think they might circumvent the 1 hour limit by doing what they did for the way out collab?

>> No.29790639

one meal a day

>> No.29790682

he will do it, fun times ahead

>> No.29790706


>> No.29790763

>Nyooom! *popopopop*
leader... your autism....

>> No.29790792

i really hope so because there's 4 of them so that's at least 4 hours if they jump from channel to channel

>> No.29790845
File: 209 KB, 694x1062, 1658511617999188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29790850

chances are not zero
probably not for 4 hours though

>> No.29790923
File: 75 KB, 411x379, 1619286515583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29790980

>>This thread hass succumed to another type of shittiness: anti-female-Holos.
But we love the girls too? You motherfucker nigger trying to stir shit

>> No.29790938

Hey, I'm eagerly awaiting the inevitable Baexel stream. And wishing for a Magura Meme Review stream, will settle for Moomag. No real want for a Reggie or Vesp collab...lemme think. Regina is default although Regronii might be more interesting as a Korean thing. I honestly don't know who Vesp would work well with....Fauna? Reine?

>> No.29790940

Black & White cookies

>> No.29790974
Quoted by: >>29791289

>No aspiration or anything
>Regis starts telling me to never stop improving, don't be stagnant
>Still don't know what to start improving in
>Nowa tells me to start learning something new, always try to learn something new
>Have no clue what to do
>Axel comes out of nowhere and tells me not to give, and to try harder
>I don't know what I'm supposed to try harder in
>Axel starts punching me and tells me to try even harder, that i'm giving up too easily and that I'm just being lazy
>I tell him to stop but he keeps forcing me to improve.

>> No.29790980
Quoted by: >>29791081


>> No.29791027
Quoted by: >>29791081


>> No.29791044

Hey, Kobo's earning her numbers (i assume most of her subs are Indos).

>> No.29791067
Quoted by: >>29791370

at the very least they could talk about tea, dunno if she's into other boomer stuff

>> No.29791081
Quoted by: >>29791117

s-stop yelling you're going to make me cry

>> No.29791117

Kek there there anon we didn’t mean it

>> No.29791167
Quoted by: >>29791364

>regis got so toxic at overwatch that his friends told him they didn't want to play with him and he realized something was wrong with him
he really did have to learn emotions huh

>> No.29791177
File: 142 KB, 382x540, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underwear is important.

>> No.29791225
File: 491 KB, 1422x2048, 893A1D52-F9F2-4541-9202-1EA81F38CA48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29791256
Quoted by: >>29791427

Good morning I love women
Best regards from kazakhstan

>> No.29791289

Improve on your improving, loser!

>> No.29791364
File: 816 KB, 1149x1325, FYgdLCakAIUYUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going through a redemption arc

>> No.29791370

Honestly, the retro-est I've seen with the girls is fucking Kiara of all people. And that would be a weird combination. Maybe the best collabs with him would be movie watchalongs where he picks some 80s/90s comedy classics like Weird Science/Top Secret/Better Off Dead/Hot Shots and gets one of the younger girls (lol Mori) to watch for ymillennial/zoomzoom reactions.

>> No.29791397

magni and nowa

>> No.29791403

yeah we made too many jokes about it and the unironic retards thought that this was the place for them, it's better at different times of the day

>> No.29791400
File: 178 KB, 850x963, __ozymandias_and_moses_fate_and_2_more_drawn_by_nakahara_mu_tation__sample-b141c2bf81191a8b8854d12233578d6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nakahara (Fate/Prototype Illustrator)
> A Brawler would be awesome or maybe an archer. They need someone for long- distance combat in the Guild

>> No.29791427

great success

>> No.29791435
File: 521 KB, 653x608, 1636839391183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we being raided or some shit?

>> No.29791467


>> No.29791478
Quoted by: >>29791555

Probaly, there is no one streaming at this time. So raiders attack more

>> No.29791523

we are

>> No.29791533

I can't believe Mumei is fucking dead in Project Zomboid.

>> No.29791548

Why does Magni make everyone horny in every incarnation whether he is in female form, crossdressing, or just normal Magni?

>> No.29791551

Nakahara more like i want to nakadashi this delicious brown

>> No.29791553

I do core strengthening exercises because that's what my kami oshi would want me to do.

>> No.29791555
Quoted by: >>29791644

Look at the catalog and global. Both are unironically being spammed bt Niji. I wouldnt surprised if we are being targetted too. There was a doxx thread up for half an hour.

>> No.29791605

mans? No
the entire board? yea
got to do damage control for the gigayab

>> No.29791610

he's a bisexual slut that begs to be bred onstream

>> No.29791627
File: 707 KB, 2000x1430, 5D33628F-427F-44AF-BA87-BBF2D4159493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29791705


>> No.29791635
File: 297 KB, 800x533, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29791824


>> No.29791644

Doxx? Really? Are the jannys taking the day off today or what?

>> No.29791671
Quoted by: >>29791764


>> No.29791674

Go back

>> No.29791683

I have at least started. I started vtubing in spring and I love it! I'm applying as soon as I'm consistently pulling over 20 viewers. So, probably sometime next year.

>> No.29791705
Quoted by: >>29791759


>> No.29791719
Quoted by: >>29791863

>Women hate other women that are more popular/successful than them
What a shocker

>> No.29791724

>Are we being raided or some shit?

Fans of a certain company with a large amount of Chinese fans who are used to false flagging online are doing damage control ATM, just ignore bait

>> No.29791753
Quoted by: >>29791813

If I make it in you guys are going to hear me talk about Touhou, DoDonPachi, Mushihimesama, Gradius, Parodius, Darius, R-Type. All that shit. I love to shoot things.

>> No.29791756
Quoted by: >>29791993

I can see this artstyle in a vtuber model perfectly. If the model have a good rigger too... it would be the ultimate Male vtuber model

>> No.29791759
File: 318 KB, 1220x1000, 52192BBF-79DD-438C-91E5-06F7C9867F9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29791764

ren zotto @mumei on twitter that's it

>> No.29791782
Quoted by: >>29791879

its because he makes noises on stream that makes me horny

>> No.29791784

I think everything Holo is being raided by whoever's doing the Moom-Niji thing.

>> No.29791804
File: 26 KB, 220x239, 1656138368448.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*clap clap*

>> No.29791813

godspeed anon, can't wait for you to start now

>> No.29791818
Quoted by: >>29792050


>> No.29791824
Quoted by: >>29792089

Pako getting a new son in StarsEN would be great. It'll be a whole before gen 2 though so I wonder if we'll get an opposing guild or villains as foils for the boys.

>> No.29791839
Quoted by: >>29791901

>Mags without the arms
what's the point?

>> No.29791863

I hate you fags for (you)ing shitposts and bringing more attention to it

>> No.29791879
File: 540 KB, 2976x3508, FY707XCUcAAj7sG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horny you say

>> No.29791901

dont care as long as its magni thats all that matters anon

>> No.29791926

I’d rather male magni boipucci

>> No.29791943
File: 134 KB, 291x290, 1659098437637843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your holostars EN oshi
>your hololive EN oshi

I'd like to see ho much overlap there is. That would be Nowa and Ina for me.

>> No.29791993

Nta, I wonder if they're really capable to bring such an artist to make a vtuber model for Cover

>> No.29792006

idm female magni but i like bottom men better

>> No.29792008

God that bare thigh is so erotic

>> No.29792019

uncle nowa

>> No.29792034

>regis had a lisp and stutter to the point where he was bullied in school, wasn't able to talk to anyone, would stutter the same word over and over

>> No.29792043
File: 328 KB, 1682x2048, 16147875444556677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the god of sex

>> No.29792045
Quoted by: >>29792102

Nowa mentioned playing Disgaea before
When am I getting my 10+ hour grinding stream?

>> No.29792050

Fuck, my sides anon. That was my exact reaction. This entire board is filled with effeminate gossiping cucks. Let's all just stay cozy in /mans/ and be autistic together.

>> No.29792089

> Villains
It would be a cool way to 2 gen

>> No.29792092

Why the fuck is everything holo related getting spammed right now

>> No.29792102

>grinding disgaea
Good memories

>> No.29792115


>> No.29792119
Quoted by: >>29792207

i want to CUM on his fucking BACK

>> No.29792144

that's it?? kek and it thought it was an actual yab

>> No.29792207

I want to lick his cute spine

>> No.29792211
Quoted by: >>29792344

and people learned that ren, his girlfriend, and mumei's RM all know eachother
That part is more the reason. At first it was just /#/s laughing at the retard and calling him a beggar.

>> No.29792230
File: 54 KB, 640x613, 99%.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking thigh slit

>> No.29792233

magni's back is so erotic uooooh ToT

>> No.29792312

Peak shounen stars

>> No.29792338


>> No.29792345



But that was out of nowhere... Has Mumei interacted with him before? Did she mention him or...? No RM stuff, on vtuber sphere

>> No.29792344

I hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.29792371
File: 1.55 MB, 2200x2200, 1655245664998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There nyo way you guys are actually sexually attracted to magni. I'm 100% convinced that magni horny posters are all in on some kind of psyop

>> No.29792430

i'm blind
soundpost doko?

>> No.29792439
Quoted by: >>29792676

Oh, cool... but why is this causing the catalog and so many threads to be raided?

>> No.29792440
File: 191 KB, 1049x1488, 78080AD7-BAFC-428E-9AB1-308BD10A1102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry anon, we want to rape this stupid bratty alchemist for real

>> No.29792443

Have you not heard him scream and shriek on stream? He needs to be corrected

>> No.29792447

you don't know how bad it is anon i can't think straight anymore when he screams and begs on stream, im beyond helping

>> No.29792489
File: 2.07 MB, 796x448, No Touching [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmpfre4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29792876

Here ya go m8

>> No.29792507
File: 179 KB, 545x480, 1658321789216026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont talk about it here pwease!!!

>> No.29792516

The newfag oldfag routine is especially funny on this board, of all places. Also being a newfag rules and always has.

>> No.29792541


>> No.29792576

>Altare straight up saying that he doesn't care about numbers and wants to stream Zelda because he loves playing it and wants to have fun
holy fuck leader i KNEEL

>> No.29792586


>> No.29792590

since thread is about to die ill just say it.
Ren has never interacted with her in public and then suddenly does this out of the blue. Looks like a massive retard until doxfags start blatantly posting Moom's RM account showing the RMs of ren and his girlfriend and it spirals out of control into a gossip cesspool

>> No.29792593


>> No.29792598
File: 286 KB, 1562x1099, Noir3MinutesAfterTheApocalypseHappens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29792876

And another edit from that stream from last night

>> No.29792617
File: 6 KB, 107x108, 1632585143882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to sleep for 2 hours and wake up to this
Is this the newest """drama""" of the day?

>> No.29792666

the last time any real drama ever happened in the hololive space was when rushia got deleted

>> No.29792670

They're really reaching for the bottom of the barrel right now

>> No.29792676

Idk, I'm still trying to understand what's so outrageous about it. Vtubers interacting with each other, where exactly is the problem?

>> No.29792682
File: 139 KB, 500x500, 1691928277728891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The love potion worked for real

>> No.29792684
Quoted by: >>29792809

>A tweet from a non Tempus member
>From a non Tempus member
>In a thread about Tempus

>> No.29792733

something similar happened to me i was watching bcs and this happened
the whole thing is really retarded

>> No.29792742

i'm an unironic homo and his body type is prferred plus the demeanor is nice

>> No.29792792
Quoted by: >>29792861

You got a full res of that pic?

>> No.29792793
File: 218 KB, 950x1050, 1659174096894375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry anon but he definitely got me.

>> No.29792802
File: 350 KB, 413x550, B5EBCE47-8C37-4541-9CAD-ED11DDB7909F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29792901

Unironically, I think I would enjoy an all EN collab of Project Zomboid with the girls and bros. Or at the very least, a stream where guerrilla collabs occur.

I know it will never happen cause I don’t think a lot of the girls would enjoy a game like Project Zomboid, but I think it’d be kind of funny.

>> No.29792809
Quoted by: >>29792855

Apparently this is why so many threads are being raided. so I went to confirm if it was true or just schizoposting from /vt/Apparently this is why so many threads are being raided. so I went to confirm if it was true or just schizoposting from /vt/

>> No.29792855
Quoted by: >>29792914


>> No.29792861

I think that is the full res

>> No.29792876

thank you!

>> No.29792895

Burger hours, amirite?

>> No.29792901
Quoted by: >>29793079

Is there proximity voice chat for Zomboid or is it all over discord or whatnot?

>> No.29792912

I hope they do a watchalong of 2nd act on october

>> No.29792914
Quoted by: >>29792941

It's a problem with the translator. sometimes duplicates the text. I'm ESL, so I usually use it to write more difficult texts

>> No.29792941

Ah, I see.

>> No.29792970
Quoted by: >>29793062

Regis Martyrs watchalong when?

>> No.29793042


>> No.29793062

That would be awesome, though unlikely.

>> No.29793079

Probably would have to be on discord. Though if there is proximity chat, than that would add to the chaos. It would be downright hilarious.

>> No.29793218
Quoted by: >>29793279

anon i regretfully have to tell you that i in fact am horny for magni
the way he screams and moans in his streams is driving me nuts and i want to fuck him bad man...

>> No.29793279


>> No.29793284

among us there are some people who specialize i-...
wait... FUCK!

>> No.29793314

Man I don't even care if Mumei doesn't want to interact with Tempus but this dude really put her on the spot here huh. It'll be a strange look if she interacts with him but not the people in her own company.
