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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 285 KB, 938x1564, @mkzk_116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
27425026 No.27425026 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtuber units, Luxiem and Noctyx!



Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers. Fujoposting is encouraged.

Previous thread: >>27359713

>> No.27425121
File: 225 KB, 1258x1279, 1631376091010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE!

>> No.27425135
File: 279 KB, 1302x2048, @san_kukki_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan LOVE!

>> No.27425169
File: 1.58 MB, 3723x3950, 1652291130049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luxiem hako oshi!

>> No.27425170
File: 402 KB, 2048x1469, @chidiancha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife!

>> No.27425257
File: 225 KB, 2048x1152, 1629925279701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noctyx love!

>> No.27425283
File: 479 KB, 1500x1902, FWvUVblUIAA1eWO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca love!

>> No.27425371
File: 282 KB, 1406x2048, 1641934485580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu love!

>> No.27425491
File: 37 KB, 540x304, FWqZXmfaIAEM-VU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27425579

Ah, beat me to making a new thread lol. I was going to use this pic but I think it's too small anyway

>> No.27425509
File: 228 KB, 1760x2048, FP-0VcWXEAQ285S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mysta love! Hope his fall didn't cause anything actually major like a hip fracture and it's just a bad bruise.

>> No.27425579

Comfydants fast (I'm assuming op is one based on filename).

>> No.27425695

Well this is a rare pairing if I do say so myself

>> No.27425733
Quoted by: >>27425809

oh wow, I don't think I've ever seen this ship before

>> No.27425750
File: 208 KB, 1200x846, FWwHNn9agAEsRxg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord LOVE! I'm so excited to be able to stay home and wake up to his asmr tomorrow!

>> No.27425777

this is an interesting pairing

>> No.27425809
File: 242 KB, 800x760, 1628831587479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27426552


>> No.27425868
File: 577 KB, 847x1475, FRlpVBnaAAEVAvY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catboy rape!


>> No.27425883

I hope this Eki stream means the boys are gonna do more lore/rp, I love that stuff and a lot of the boys have interesting lore they can lean into.

>> No.27426008
File: 192 KB, 1249x1431, FSUGxQXaMAAL8Ky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alban seme and Sonny uke!


>> No.27426151

I'm the aloupeep from the previous thread. Sorry, was busy watching Pomu. I'm not the one who posted the irl crushing on main, but it was what triggered my fascination, and why I want to write it out of my system. I don't have any interest in actually watching or doing that irl.

>> No.27426435

I’m excited for his ASMR as well! Vox Love!

>> No.27426552
File: 102 KB, 891x972, 1626594651334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27427070


>> No.27426597

This art is so nice, thank you.

>> No.27426682
File: 35 KB, 584x438, 1632475020876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27426780
File: 418 KB, 1520x2048, @pogeSK_15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the chances fuuchan's next vp is legatus being non-conned? if only ^q^

>> No.27426832
Quoted by: >>27426912

It honestly already sounds like that's what happened to him. We know he was tortured by future!Alban but it's not like he described it in detail, and given the sounds he made in that VP...

>> No.27426912
File: 203 KB, 2048x1590, @sushisushi_iiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't wrench a reaction from Legatus through pain since he's so used to it, but he's hyper sensitive to pleasure... Fuck, that's such a hot scenario to imagine.

>> No.27426914
File: 509 KB, 1527x2048, 1656890180703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am listening to Sonny's ASMR now while fully awake and the violent part at the end...holy shit. He's genuinely unhinged and his gap moe is going to have me hooked forever. Now I just have to figure out how to fucking archive it, jesus.

>> No.27427002
Quoted by: >>27427111

I feel like that's pretty much exactly what we already got. I can't imagine Fulgur would make something similar any time soon.

>> No.27427035
Quoted by: >>27427870

Go back a few threads, there's a few ytarchive guides that have what you need.

>> No.27427070

Yugo looks so cute in a big hoodie

Don't worry you're fine, Aloufriend. I think we just have some twitter tourists, we don't all think people are into the same things IRL as they are in fictio and we don't judge an entire fanbase by an individual here except maybe Briskadets

>> No.27427111
Quoted by: >>27427819

>I can't imagine Fulgur would make something similar any time soon.
I can, if he asked for feedback I'm sure he has more ideas for content like this

>> No.27427307

Don't worry, Comfydants make up a pretty big portion of this thread's posters at these hours and they are almost all amputee fetishists with some guro/ryona/cannibalism sisters thrown in there too, yet nobody ever gives them shit in here. It's common courtesy to warn people before you post graphic content with extreme fetishes, but likewise, for the people who don't like it it's common courtesy to just hide it instead of unnecessarily shitting up the thread.

>> No.27427349

I want Vox to impregnate me and rub my pregnant belly!

>> No.27427449
File: 2.19 MB, 4092x2893, 007024736_43hQ4jj9I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27427690
File: 407 KB, 1448x2048, 1637357133560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27434114


>> No.27427819

I meant similar as in making audio of Legatus getting non-conned...again. It seems more likely that he'd want to explore different scenes and moods.

>> No.27427827
File: 781 KB, 1720x2428, FVmTJezUsAAv-3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becoming a part of Vox's pregnancy harem and he rubs each of our big round pregnant bellies!!!

>> No.27427858
File: 291 KB, 834x2093, FWs0JGYVsAA1-1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27427870
Quoted by: >>27432695

I found them, I'm just retarded.

>> No.27428308
File: 17 KB, 290x291, 20220703_174244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello! I hope you're having a good day. I'm all out of writing juice after posting that earlier or I'd join you

>> No.27428381
File: 1.98 MB, 2583x2479, 5BAE423A-8B08-4A5F-8E5D-EB8BB3E1798B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27429554

Me too!! Getting pampered right alongside all my sisters in the harem who were knocked up the same time as I was and helping each other through the muscle aches and pains that come with pregnancy!

>> No.27428425

If Vox had a (fictional) pregnancy harem, I would bet there would be a decent amount of other people in there in with us. Being with the other members of the harem! Rubbing each other’s pregnant bellies!

>> No.27428869
Quoted by: >>27432210

>but he's hyper sensitive to pleasure...
God I love that so much.
He thinks he’s going to get the usual torture and then realizes what’s actually going to happen...

>> No.27428971

I want to mindbreak legatus

>> No.27428978
File: 657 KB, 595x842, 714F4A65-6188-45BB-B40A-F63BDDD87D19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i woke up and the first thing i thought about was sonny calling me a freak. amen. great asmr 10/10 recc

>> No.27429055
File: 143 KB, 500x500, 1653373137960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.27429234
Quoted by: >>27429283

haha wouldn't it be funny to make him cum just from playing with his nipples haha...

>> No.27429283
Quoted by: >>27430375

Isn't that Luca?

>> No.27429554
File: 109 KB, 850x711, 98EE2A7C-C42A-4382-B89C-B9727332318A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27430646

>>27428381 (me)
Just woke up from an impromptu (and alcohol-induced) nap so my brain is a little fuzzy but I keep thinking about the pregnancy cult under the context of the VTWBG depiction of it… imagine that once it’s been confirmed you’re pregnant (I imagine that, even without modern-day pregnancy tests, there are ways to tell— missing a period, morning sickness, all that stuff) you’re dressed in different attire than the rest of the villagers to denote your status. It’s an honor to be chosen personally by Vox to be a part of his concubine harem, and it deserves to be shown off! Maybe the rest of the villagers wear more muted or neutral tones like tans, whites, and grays but the pregnant concubines get rich reds and crimsons with other bright colors like purples and blues to denote your status. A sort of unofficial class system within the cult based on who’s a part of Vox’s concubines and who isn’t. I’m sure some jealousy is to be expected from the others who aren’t part of the harem, but if they are jealous, they don’t show it because that’s not part of Vox’s vision for his followers. I imagine the kingdom to feel all happy and dandy 24/7 because that’s what makes something cult like in my mind: the refusal to acknowledge disparities, unfairness, and other negative feelings like jealousy and greed. Your fellow concubine sisters are genuinely happy for you once it’s been confirmed you’re pregnant, but ofc nobody is happier than Vox himself— he knew he chose you for a reason.

>> No.27429621
File: 229 KB, 407x445, 1650151396259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27430735

here's some lewds
https://poipiku.com/827351/7059891.html (ffvix psyborg/bottom uki)
https://poipiku.com/5390258/7057367.html ( ? x fuuchan)

last one was posted already but it's too SEX to not post again

>> No.27429940


>> No.27430005
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, FWuiUduaQAAwjgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's gonna end up taking an extra day off...luca "one more" kaneshiro

>> No.27430088
File: 47 KB, 652x652, IMG_20220424_225533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw that from a mile away, poor luca ;_; i hope he takes more than one day off this week to rest his voice

>> No.27430375

also applies to legatus in this context

>> No.27430646
File: 9 KB, 239x230, FWL9UUeVEAA3nh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27431586

Oh my god this is just a fantasy that I can't stop thinking about now. This is so great, your ideas are so great. Thank you for sharing this with us I really love the idea of the harem members wearing different colors. I also imagine that the sisters also help make those clothes to welcome the new addition! A sort of gift that says "you're one of us now!"

>> No.27430735

I love that second link, what a cute penis!

>> No.27430904

Legend has it that he's still singing....

>> No.27431025
File: 430 KB, 1602x2048, FWwR-CtUcAESReU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here comes the wave of Eki fan art!!

>> No.27431586
File: 245 KB, 2048x1152, 07D05CC5-66D2-47AA-B311-8BDFCF309A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for enjoying them!! I’m always happy to share and knowing I have readers who like what I put out is great. I absolutely love the idea of the clothes being made by the other harem members— along with what I mentioned about feelings and overall tone/mood in my original post, the other thing that really makes a cult feel like a cult is a sense of community. In this case, it’s sisterhood, which is both more specific and possibly even closer than the idea of community. Vox adores his concubines for always being helpful, dutiful, kind, and pliant, and seeing them help each other out makes him smile. It reassures him that he made the right choice and that he knew his girls and boys (I haven’t forgotten about you, male briskadet who talked about being bred by Vox!) are just the greatest in the world. A small swarm of sisters very excitedly taking your measurements and drafting up ideas for gowns and accessories for you once it’s been confirmed you’re pregnant— they’ll leave enough space in the midsection, hips, and bust to account for a rounding belly, widening hips, and growing tits (if applicable), but other than that it’s tailored to you just perfectly. Everyone takes care of each other!

>> No.27431944

Eki Love!

>> No.27432210
File: 189 KB, 1694x1200, @4shifeng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clink. It hasn't worked any of the previous times, yet Legatus can't help but to test the chains holding him once more. They don’t give, of course. Not when he has such poor leverage – legs splayed and feet held off the ground, single remaining arm trapped behind the back of the chair. Legatus lets out a frustrated huff. Maybe he could break free still, if he could get his damned limbs to cooperate, but he can’t muster more than a slow twitch of the fingers. Legatus supposes he’s still fortunate. With the Netjack in hand, Alban could have disabled a lot more than just his motor functions. His sight. His hearing. Even total sensory deprivation… But of course, that would’ve been counterproductive, wouldn’t it? The shallow cuts – forming almost whimsical patterns – across the entirety of Legatus’s pale torso would not have been as fun to make if he couldn’t feel them. Legatus lets out a low, pained hiss as his movements cause one of the belts keeping him strapped to the chair to dig into a freshly-healed wound. The thin scab tears, fresh blood welling up to stain his ruined shirt. That damned sadistic cat. From somewhere out of Legatus’s line of sight comes the creak of rusty hinges and the loud screech of metal-against-metal. Speak of the devil. Legatus stills, his face going blank. He’s not green enough to show any weakness in the face of torture.

“Good morning!” comes Alban’s voice, incongruently cheerful. “Did you miss me?” He saunters over casually, leaning over Legatus’s shoulder almost playfully to get a look at the man’s face. It’s empty, the agent’s gaze locked unerringly on some middle-distance. The thief taps at Legatus’s face with the wrench end of the Netjack, and then threateningly trails it down to the agent’s throa2. It sparks ominously, wanting to make a connection to the open port, left bare after Alban stripped off the cover when he’d first captured the agent. Still, no response. Alban sighs, twirling the Netjack absentmindedly. He’s been slowly growing more and more frustrated by the lack of a reaction.

“Come on, puppy, how can I make you bark for me?” he wonders aloud. No response. Of course. “You howled so prettily when this arm came off,” Alban muses, free hand almost lovingly caressing the mess of mutilated flesh and stripped cables where he’d slowly, agonizingly torn Legatus’s cybernetic left arm from its socket. Without warning, he flexes his fingers, digging artificial claws into the vulnerable flesh – but again, there’s no response. Legatus’s muscles tensed, but his expression is blank as ever. There’s nobody home behind those empty eyes. Scowling now, Alban circles around to stand in front of the agent. “Maybe I should take the rest of these off?” he muses, hand coming to rest atop Legatus’s thigh, “You might be more cooperative then.” Alban clips the Netjack back on to his belt, flipping open a switchblade instead. In a single, smooth movement, he slices vertically through the fabric of Legatus’s right pant leg. The fabric falls away to expose gleaming red metal and pale flesh. Legatus tenses again. “Look at these pretty thighs,” the thief teases, “almost like a girl’s!” Pulling his glove off with his teeth, Alban reaches down to touch. “Woah! So smooth!” he remarks. Genuinely surprised, he kneads at the surprisingly soft flesh, caressing the line where metal kisses skin-

“Ah!” Legatus jerks, a soft gasp escapes him. Surprised, Alban glances up. Legatus has already schooled his expression back into one of unconcerned stoicism, and perhaps someone less attentive would have been fooled – but not Alban. No, Alban knows Legatus too well, after the thief’s many run-ins with the government’s hounds, Legatus always leading the pack. Learning to read this man was a matter of life or death. So someone else might have missed it, but Alban can see it: the quiet tension. Legatus’s eyes are bright with panic, that glassy haze of dissociation gone. His jaw is clenched, his breathing carefully even. A single bead of sweat rolls down the side of his face. Alban smirks. Oh, this might be fun after all...

>> No.27432530
File: 328 KB, 1440x2048, @Candypaper_L_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27433970

oh yes!!! yes!! TOT this is so good anon! will there be more?

>> No.27432695
File: 175 KB, 1827x1118, 1656897292628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>27427870 (me)
I remain genuinely fucking retarded, but somehow managed to:
- download an mp4 video that was supposed to have audio but doesn't
- download a webm without audio
- download a webm that was definitely supposed to have audio but doesn't
- downloaded mp4 audio and then realized I can't combine it with webm video or the original mp4
- downloaded webm audio only
- used ffmpeg to combine the two webm files to make an mkv video
- used ffmpeg to convert mkv to mp4

I can't tell whether I hate Sonny Brisko or myself more right now, but I finally have a safe copy of his asmr should his manager decide that his graphically murderous turn was a no-no.

>> No.27432735
File: 216 KB, 1118x1500, @sstaranisee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27433970

you feed on my knovid hunger, thank you very much.

>> No.27432753
File: 349 KB, 2048x1501, FWxOcarUYAAwAGT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27433484

this is probably my favorite one so far

>> No.27432793

this is what happened to me but atleast you figured it out

>> No.27433267

The things we do for our oshi. Well done!

>> No.27433367
File: 63 KB, 1211x667, 1635491733202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously think I have a screw loose. I've just been playing Sonny's ASMR on repeat and I haven't slept and now I'm off to work. I need an intervention.

>> No.27433484
File: 568 KB, 2282x2738, FWJx_fnacAALyjY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27433667

Holy fucking SEX I LOVE art where the alter ego is trying to take over the normal persona aaaaghhhhhh I am gettin so fed with Luxiem's alter egos I love this I love this I love this I love this I love this

>> No.27433667

same! i absolutely love the fan art that's coming out now. this was also just posted and i just can't wait for more things like this. https://twitter.com/Zzzz_Pi/status/1543768212352876544?s=20&t=bM62wins4vL2QFmz_G9k7w

>> No.27433870

Oh my god I love when people make fan art of tweets like this. Agh damn I really love this fandom a lot


>> No.27433970
File: 187 KB, 1388x2048, @xiaogan_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27438974

You're welcome! Fuuchan's EX voicepack has filled my thoughts with this ship the past few days.
Maybe! I'd need suggestions for where to take it, though. I'm asexual and most of what I find appealing about this kind of thing is the fucked up power dynamic, so I haven't the slightest clue how to write smut in a way that's appealing to normal people. Given the premise of this one is overwhelming Legatus with pleasure it's quite a bit outside my usual work, hence why I cut it off right before anything actually sexy happened.

>> No.27433994

I suggest you remove the ? and everything after that in your twitter links.

>> No.27434114

>leaking mengen content in fanart
Is that normal?

>> No.27434186
Quoted by: >>27434269

It depends on the liver's stance on it. Some are really adamant about not leaking anything at all, but most are fine with references and allusions as long as you aren't actually sharing content like dialogue, clips or screenshots directly from it.

>> No.27434269
Quoted by: >>27434309

I hope he clarifies how much he’s okay with being discussed publicly

>> No.27434309

Someone should bring it up in chat when he streams

>> No.27434407
File: 155 KB, 1846x2048, 1632959265457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27434762

Here's another one I guess?

>> No.27434762
Quoted by: >>27435007

Did the tweets that originally shared this art say anything about it being based on a membership stream? If not I don't think it can really be considered a leak since it's just contextless art, especially since Sonny is already one of the chuubas that gets a lot of yandere art. The average person wouldn't think that it's from mengen unless someone else pointed it out.

>> No.27435007
File: 436 KB, 2216x2232, 1651600272021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27435376


They don't outright reference it.

>> No.27435376

and now Briskadets
The fanbases that have been killed by their oshi
Who's next....?

>> No.27435462
Quoted by: >>27435784

fuuchan shoots comfydants sometimes, but I don't think he would ever kill us

>> No.27435784
Quoted by: >>27435882

most of the time he aims the gun but doesn't take the shot. reminds me of that one time he recorded himself going "bang bang" on his goxlr and replayed it a bunch of times because he couldn't be bothered to download an actual gunshot sound effect. god that moment was so dumb and cute

>> No.27435882

he's so cute I LOVE MY WIFE

>> No.27436207
File: 327 KB, 2048x1430, 1646060029108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27436267

>> No.27436267
Quoted by: >>27436284

Hot. Source?

>> No.27436284


>> No.27436465

Yaminions are dead to their oshi, if that counts?

>> No.27436656
File: 489 KB, 793x1200, 1637208377782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are we getting a shota liver with cute knees bros. he doesn't even need to act like one he just needs the model like millie... its not fair...

>> No.27437492
File: 54 KB, 567x270, 1649283295716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27437494
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, FWyitUEakAAlFYd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it begins

>> No.27437791


>> No.27437829
Quoted by: >>27438236

Alban exists, anon.... you'll just have to be in constant denial on how he looks below his bust.

>> No.27437856

Lolicons love to complain about how oppressed they are but they still get a hell of a lot more than we do. Goddamn I want an EN shotatuber so bad. And I want them to be non-human too I'm an hair's length away from contacting Anycolor and telling them how in-demand a shota is right now

>> No.27437915

They make excuses about the rp not being there, but at least physically, they have Petra and Millie. Rosemi and Enna even.

>> No.27438043

Petra is a loli for me. Especially when she talks in Japanese. Even Amamya babies her

>> No.27438065

I feel like Rosemi and Ennaare moreso petite than loli types. Millie seems like the almost bratty gremlin type of personality, she could definitely pass as a loli better. Regardless, it's still a lot better than what we have.

>> No.27438236
File: 80 KB, 600x1200, 1643141985561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27440231

ill never forgive anykara for what they did to him

>> No.27438356

Keeping my fingers crossed he's one of the lucky ones who will get his height altered. I will anti Nina for giving me hope if he doesn't.

>> No.27438393
File: 323 KB, 1907x1684, BF2420C9-F84A-44B4-ACD5-7D996D732B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord LOVE!! Goodnight!

>> No.27438443
Quoted by: >>27456562

i know that they know it'll drum up too much controversy in the western sphere if they had an actual shota. but even just a shorter, cute model with an alban type face that could pass would be enough...

>> No.27438530
Quoted by: >>27439012


>> No.27438548


>> No.27438554
File: 229 KB, 1536x2048, FWwOergaIAAJSJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27438711

Goodnight sis, I'll be hitting the hay soon as well.

>> No.27438673
Quoted by: >>27438711

Vox love! Goodnight, hope you get some nice rest! I’m going to sleep as well!

>> No.27438711

goodnighty to both of you too!

>> No.27438974

If it's fucky power dynamics that do it for you, you could have Alban follow through with the threat to remove Legatus's limbs. Turn him into a living onahole and mindbreak him with unfamiliar sensations. Don't know if the Takaradachis would be into it though.

>> No.27439012
File: 27 KB, 347x347, 1643589648051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27439042

>Fu Chan’s ex voice
holy shit what kinky shit goes on in his ex voice

>> No.27439042
Quoted by: >>27439434

Did you not see the threads where Comfydants all lost their collective minds because it's apparently just 2 straight minutes of desperate moaning while he shouts Alban's name in distress?

>> No.27439194

I don't watch Noctyx but I'm curious about the precedent for the Alban/Fulgur ship. Have they always baited with it in their streams or anything?

>> No.27439247
Quoted by: >>27439349

All those "Noctyx is an orgy" posts aren't really jokes. They all shiptease with each other to some extent, with the exception of Yugo who used to completely disallow shipping. He eased up on that in fanwork but still doesn't do it on stream.

>> No.27439329
File: 175 KB, 1528x1240, @4aoo9XwsSognkYK_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they flirt here and there and their chemistry is really good

>> No.27439349

Can I get some Alban/Fulgur streams or timestamps please? Just want to get exposed to the ship so I can appreciate EX vp

>> No.27439434

caught a glimpse of it and i thought the alban part was a joke... shit, might just buy it myself if its still on sale kek

>> No.27439530

Here's probably one of the most famous examples: https://youtu.be/fQo_c0kixNE
You can check the timestamps for the round where Fulgur has to speak in his Legatus voice for the round. Their A Way Out collab streams also had lots of moments.

>> No.27439595

their A Way Out collab:

>> No.27439604

A Way Out was their only 1 on 1 collab so far. If you want interactions those VODs have plenty.

>> No.27439692
Quoted by: >>27440098

Fuuchan and Uki will be playing Phasmophobia this week with fish and gumi

>> No.27439709

ty anons, will check the vods and see if I enjoy them!

>> No.27439974

The "a way out" collab was also just super funny. I'd recommend it to anyone in general, they were both way more unhinged than usual.

>> No.27440015
File: 983 KB, 498x373, oh-my-how-dare-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a Yaminion but even I felt attacked.... +1

>> No.27440098

wow that's quick, i thought they will do it next week instead

>> No.27440231

long long man

>> No.27440246
File: 276 KB, 1200x1600, 37D44A08-BF7D-412E-8EED-F6380304FD61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27440389

what did they do this time? im out of the loop with shu

>> No.27440405
File: 373 KB, 1984x2553, @bata000b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love their dynamic because they're not constantly flirting like psyborg, instead they'd like to insult each other when together and then secretly praising each other when alone.

>> No.27440476

nothing, shu just doesnt feed us like the rest of luxiem does for their fans

>> No.27440516

Slow starvation, they can't even go to the VPs to get fed this time since he didn't make one.

>> No.27440707
File: 642 KB, 1144x1127, 1655571286793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuuchan takes 3 days off to "write"
>comes back sick
he's pregnant

>> No.27440967

who's the lucky father

>> No.27440999

luca or alban

>> No.27441030

we all know its alban, fuuchan released the ex-vp for evidence...

>> No.27441100

He mentions that he loves writing alone in the woods in his little mountain town like a disney princess that he is, i hope he gets raped by some mr werewolf or some other thing that goes bump in the night.

>> No.27441204

>fuuchan got knotted by a bara werewolf
lucky bastard

>> No.27441379

unfortunately the closest we can get to a bara werewolf is a twink cat phantom thief

>> No.27441734
File: 182 KB, 1444x2048, @FuuwaSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442238

unironically this

>> No.27441895

wait, alban is not the shortest? what the fuck

>> No.27441938
Quoted by: >>27443082

>twink cat with a barbed dick big enough to penetrate fuuchan's cervix and get him pregnant no matter what

>> No.27441969

Yugo of course

>> No.27442064

where have you been, alban being a tall boy is one of nijisanji's biggest sins

>> No.27442124
File: 926 KB, 4096x1082, 1650709999959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs to be updated with Millie's height though

>> No.27442210

i always forget mysta is actually tall

>> No.27442238
Quoted by: >>27442505

i think about this art so much... proper anthro models in the mainstream vtuber industry WHEN

>> No.27442371

Also have to fix Nina's height since she's now taller than Ike and Shu

>> No.27442505
File: 884 KB, 1000x1301, @pearl_mkmm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want it too....

>> No.27442587
File: 49 KB, 750x552, 72847292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27442915

sonny being an exploratory sadist is inexplicably cute to me. he has no idea what he's doing logistically, and simply acts on instinct when he takes what he wants from you. his eyes go wide and his breathing stops when he cuts you especially deep, or squeezes your wrists hard enough to fracture them. you get to witness him become overwhelmed by his own desires... paralysed by how desperately he wants to hurt you. my cute maladjusted freaky husband!

>> No.27442739

I miss my wife and his kettle laugh

>> No.27442915

The exhilaration he feels as the crack and snap of each bone he breaks... hearing his own blood pumping in his ears as he watches the blood flow from the uneven and random cuts he makes throughout your body... his affirmations that everything is okay, and that he loves you as you whimper and cry in pain... his smile and little giggles interspersed among all those sweet little words of affection...

>> No.27443014
File: 2.00 MB, 2048x1448, PNG image 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27443082
Quoted by: >>27443151

fuuchan has mentioned alban's barbed catboy dick twice on stream, once because alban heavily implied fuuchan deepthroated him and that's why his voice was all hoarse.

>> No.27443151
Quoted by: >>27443966

Oh fuck.
Writer comfydant please come back and write about Legatus being overwhelmed by Alban's huge barbed catboy dick.

>> No.27443230

Are kindred, and that one trad wife briskadet the only fanbase that actually want to get fucked by their oshi? Like be on the receiving end...

>> No.27443281
Quoted by: >>27443442

There are yumes for every fanbase, there were some Shu and Luca yumes talking about the sad lack of content made for them some number of threads ago.

>> No.27443293

My rrat is ohyo mama originally wanted alban to be a cute shota, but after Anycolor mandated height measurement (for 3D purposes) reveals that Alban is actually a tall boy, ohyo mama decided to Ctrl+T his body and stretch the boy.

>> No.27443355

>mandated height measurement (for 3D purposes)
This has been debunked already though.

>> No.27443402

no i want luca to fuck me

>> No.27443404

... i can actually believe this rrat... he does look stretched in an edited jpeg way

>> No.27443442
Quoted by: >>27443508

I feel like Luca has a lot of yume content though. Maybe not NSFW, but definitely a lot of mob hand/girl

>> No.27443508
Quoted by: >>27443612

he doesnt have a lot, not enough for it to be self insert worthy desu

>> No.27443522

Not sure if I'm a tradwife briskadet, but I exclusively want Sonny to fuck me since I'm a massive masochist

>> No.27443594

i want my luxiem oshi (luca) to fuck me

>> No.27443612
Quoted by: >>27443753

I think that's true for all of the boys honestly, but (at least from my twitter feed) Luca and Vox have the most yume centric art

>> No.27443753
Quoted by: >>27444514

fair, theyre the two in luxiem who do yume content during streams without it being p2w

>> No.27443966
Quoted by: >>27444276

nta and not confident enough in my chinese to do a full tl but i could give a detailed description of my favorite knovid smut fic where alban kidnaps and tazes fuuchan (legatus ver) then proceeds to mindbreak him. bonus: fuuchan has a cunt

>> No.27444276
Quoted by: >>27447265

cuntboy fuuchan... i'm frothing.

>> No.27444514
Quoted by: >>27444665

bfe is gacha, and yaminions, and yuguys lose? mystakes get gfe so im not sure if that counts

>> No.27444600

if only but no, that's their artstyle

>> No.27444665
Quoted by: >>27444800

yaminions have been on a losing streak. idk abt yuguys, yugo tells them "i love you" and id say gfe counts

>> No.27444800

I feel like yugo is too much of a party bro chad to do bfe.. although I dont watch a lot of his content. He gives me the 'cute guy whole flirt with you in a club bit that's it' vibe

>> No.27444842

>>27444800 (ME)

>> No.27445153

yugo is actually really sweet to his chat, his bfe isnt anything like vox or luca but its like a guy you met at the club who cares about you in the weirdest ways??

>> No.27445250

I won't mind getting fucked by Shu but he's just too weak

>> No.27445425

Ike doesn't give BFE, Ike gives this specific "guardian/person you respect and has a slight crush on, but you know he's not interested in you romantically so you just admire him from afar--while he sometimes fluster you because he found out it's so easy to do so and your reactions is endearing". I don't know what to call it, though.

>> No.27445675
Quoted by: >>27447178

You mean stream Ike yeah?

>> No.27445801
File: 74 KB, 247x247, 1637926383512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27445889

Already got a good answer for this but crossposting here incase other lucubs have favourite zatsus >>27444967

>> No.27445889

not really a zatsu but his 300k stream is always a mood booster for me

>> No.27447178

Oh, yeah. You mean compared to his VP?

His VP is a different beast, it makes you feel like you're given a somewhat different treatment compared to how he behave to his stream chat... but not in the way that it's too jarring, and at least in my experience, still retains the feel of respectful distance.
Dangerous, dangerous. I love it.

>> No.27447265

source: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39006468

warnings (more like delicious, delicious tags): male futa, electrocution, removal of prosthetic limbs, lil bit of piss cherry on top

the fic features legatus but refers to him in-text as fulgur ovid so i will too.

There’s actually a bunch of buildup and a pretty interesting setting, but the gist of it is: Fulgur failed a mission and can only operate at 30% capacity while waiting for spare parts, holed up in the slums. Alban gives him some spiked food that Fulgur feeds to his pet sheep, the sheep dies, Fulgur goes to find Alban to exact revenge but gets knocked out instead.

Fulgur wakes up from the pain of being tased and finds himself tied up in a chair in his underwear. Alban taunts him about his dead pet saying the food was meant of him, silly, of course, a sheep would die from that amount of poison. Fulgur realizes Alban has connected electrodes to his spine and panics, he tries to convince Alban to remove it. Alban says, “I enjoyed your slutty moans when I electrocuted you earlier, so no.”

At this point, Fulgur is scared shitless because he’s actually pretty afraid of pain, but pain is such a big part of his daily life he’s learned to find pleasure in it. Before turning on the switch, Alban calls him a little slut and reassures him they’ll start off on the lowest setting.

Fulgur feels the current course through his entire body, since his limbs are tied all he can do is jerk against his restraints and bite down on his screams, tears gathering in his reddened eyes. Alban is very pleased with Fulgur’s reaction so he increases the power until Fulgur can’t hold back his moans anymore, his stomach trembling and his chest heaving. Alban calls him a slut again and asks him why he sounds like someone’s fucking him.

Alban turns the switch off and waits for Fulgur to catch his breath before he turns it on again on the highest power setting. Fulgur screams while Alban laughs at him, keeps laughing even after he turns it off again. Fulgur is slumped over and groggy from the pain. Alban walks over, grabs a fistful of Fulgur’s hair and jerks his head up so their eyes meet. Fulgur finally realizes how fucked he actually is and starts spiralling, thinking, What’s going to happen now? I don’t know, I don’t know, will someone come save me, please, someone come save me.

Alban slides his hand over Fulgur’s cock in his underwear, then further south, and sinks a finger into Fulgur’s wet cunt through the fabric. He degrades Fulgur some more for being so wet.

Fulgur desperately tries to explain that they gave him a cunt because of the falling birth rate, not because he wanted it, he starts crying from the shame, he refuses to believe he just came and pissed himself a little at the same time.

Alban takes his finger out, removes the electrodes and lifts Fulgur off the chair he just ruined with his bodily fluids into a soothing embrace. Alban starts comforting him. Fulgur’s last shrivel of self-confidence finally shatters, he clings onto Alban and sobs as Alban carries him upstairs and lays him onto the bed.

Fulgur doesn’t reject him when Alban moves to kiss him. Alban inspects in between Fulgur’s legs, underneath his cock is a cunt without a clitoris or an urethra, something installed solely for the purpose of impregnation. Fulgur tries to cover it with his hands out of shame but Alban slowly coaxes him to accept it as part of him, he also starts calling Fulgur “my poor little mommy”. He complains that Fulgur’s prosthetics are hurting him, so Fulgur tells him he can remove them. By now, Fulgur’s been rendered completely docile, his brain is too foggy to understand that he won’t be able to put himself back together without his arms. But that’s okay, because this man seems to love him a lot, as long as he makes this man happy, things should be fine, right?

Alban removes his underwear to reveal his dark, veiny cock, such a contrast to his cute face, and Fulgur thinks he might get fucked to death by that thing. Alban slides into Fulgur’s cunt without much resistance while rubbing his cock, telling him once more he should learn to accept this part of him. Alban lifts Fulgur with ease now that he’s missing his limbs and starts fucking him in earnest. He teases Fulgur, saying he’s so wet he’s about to drown them both. Fulgur’s lost the ability to think, at this point, and can only mumble and moan about how he’s about to break, Alban’s going to fuck his body into pieces.

Alban comes inside Fulgur then wonders aloud if Fulgur will get pregnant from it. Fulgur, face full of tear tracks, smiles and says, “I don’t know, I don’t know anymore, who cares.”

>> No.27447528
Quoted by: >>27447649

>Fulgur desperately tries to explain that they gave him a cunt because of the falling birth rate, not because he wanted it
Holy shit this is fucking hot. Legatus being government property to the extent he doesn't even have bodily autonomy anymore hits all my kinks. Thanks for the summary, anon.

>> No.27447649
Quoted by: >>27447681

glad you enjoyed it! my brain is fucking broken so it thought about shinzo abe when i originally got to that part and ruined my immersion

>> No.27447681

I feel bad but I actually chuckled reading that. RIP anon, thanks for your service.

>> No.27447822

can you please share…i don’t have membership i need to hear what everyone is talking about

>> No.27447919
File: 130 KB, 715x917, 1627749580964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27447970
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>> No.27448073
File: 173 KB, 1428x2048, 1645885975458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27451445

>> No.27448098
File: 180 KB, 749x1077, F52FF9F6-CB51-4DC7-96ED-F74C43EB1A73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shota vox, what do we think sisters?

>> No.27448115
File: 500 KB, 1500x2086, FWqsVI7aAAA-NRW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448119
File: 317 KB, 1574x2048, 1633534008226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448157
File: 192 KB, 2048x1833, 1642144052526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448403

CUTE! Source?

>> No.27448162

ToT so tiny and cute

>> No.27448176
File: 210 KB, 1450x1802, 1646198767958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448243

>> No.27448213
File: 147 KB, 623x787, 1629748353537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448243

Does anyone have a screenshot of the tweet where Yugo says he got haagen daz but he doesn't have any spoons, so he ate it with a knife?

>> No.27448244

>Fulgur tries to cover it with his hands out of shame but Alban slowly coaxes him to accept it as part of him, he also starts calling Fulgur “my poor little mommy”
HOLY SEX. thank you for the summary... i owe you my life

>> No.27448247
File: 496 KB, 2048x1586, 1635194593023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448552

>> No.27448277
File: 701 KB, 2956x4096, 1639610133927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448283

>> No.27448283
Quoted by: >>27448314

Anon, is there a reason you're spamming images on cooldown?

>> No.27448308
File: 439 KB, 1232x2048, 1655371670957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27448314
Quoted by: >>27448335

theyre keeping the thread from dying, theyve bumped us from page 6 to page 1 now

>> No.27448335

You only have to post once to bump. Not 10 times.

>> No.27448397
File: 396 KB, 2000x2500, @CloiLOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any new cute fuuchan's amputee art? i feel like i've seen everything....

>> No.27448403
File: 351 KB, 2048x1322, B481DF84-C075-49D9-96F1-D99B027FFB01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27448429


>> No.27448429


>> No.27448552
File: 370 KB, 600x626, 1632808436135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy sex i haven't seen this one yet

>> No.27448839
File: 821 KB, 1158x1333, 1656919450075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27453511

Late night kindredsisters, I posted this in the last thread 12 hours ago, but this is for you. I'll work on the lucub yume thing from last night around this time next.

>> No.27449552
File: 474 KB, 1772x1487, FSWVVYWUYAAQXjB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27450037


>> No.27450037
Quoted by: >>27450138

Thanks for the hard work, bumpanon. Board's real fast today.

>> No.27450138
Quoted by: >>27450217

o7 doing it till i fall asleep

>> No.27450217
File: 539 KB, 786x1078, 1656922206208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service

>> No.27451359
File: 156 KB, 1080x788, Screenshot_20220704-174251_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27457139

>> No.27451374

bonk bump

>> No.27451445
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1654870639422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bite mysta's thighs

>> No.27452093


>> No.27452742
File: 131 KB, 790x936, FTXdl1yaQAEgY5z (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27452811
Quoted by: >>27452838

i'm re-listening to luca's binaural asmr and cooing over his shy giggles... he was so precious throughout the entire stream. i can't believe we got that for free.

>> No.27452838

ive gone back and listened to it just for his giggles ,hes so cute

>> No.27453133
File: 242 KB, 640x1169, 143CEF96-D57F-46F6-8593-66893FF86873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27453203

Did Shu moan today?

>> No.27453203

in my heart he did

>> No.27453511

This is soo good, thank you! I really like it when he calls us his sweet thing, I initially thought I just found it cute but I'm now certain it has something to do with being degraded and owned by him...

>> No.27453675

It's called "My type"
The groomer type. You described it perfectly, that's exactly it, thank you. It's him, you got it completely right, that's how I see him.

>> No.27453680
Quoted by: >>27453778

The first one, what. I've only seen the one with Vox but that's somehow even more sussy

>> No.27453778

its all from his 13 hour jump king vod, it was great

>> No.27453944
File: 147 KB, 807x1199, FWzjMxqaIAASynG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUCA LOVE! i miss my retarded son... i'm torn between wanting him to rest his voice more and wanting him to stream tomorrow ;__;

>> No.27454061
File: 1.59 MB, 3508x2480, 64DFA54E-55A2-4431-9108-B434A7562F64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning!! Milord LOVE!!

>> No.27454096

good morning!

>> No.27454168

>The groomer type
i love the way your mind works... i love those types...

>> No.27454170
File: 1.08 MB, 1350x1700, 1656929603402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning kindred! Enjoy the ASMR later!

>> No.27454270

he sounds like a slut, how can a male be this sexual...

>> No.27454333
Quoted by: >>27454693

for my fujo tendencies, id like shu's sounds mixed with luca's

>> No.27454493

Glad I'm not the only one getting that vibe from him.
"Groomer type", huh?
Thinking how I initially am afraid to speak on chat and still has strong feelings to not wanting to dissapoint him until today and... ....... ........ oh. I am now a changed person.

>> No.27454693
Quoted by: >>27454752

I actually mixed one but not sure whether to post it...

>> No.27454752

please post it..

>> No.27454765
Quoted by: >>27455203

Might be out of topic but are there any other streamers/anime characters with this feel? I need more...

>> No.27455203
File: 2.52 MB, 2480x3310, FWwS0qWUUAAe7VO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characters like that are usually background charas with not a lot of screen time or fans for that matter. I think the best shot you have at finding something similar in feel is the girl/monster mentor genre like "The girl from the other side" and similar. (Works even better if you like Ike's fanlore and would like to self-insert as a little girl). There's a really brief appearance of a similar character in Kino no Tabi, there's Aiden from Hello Charlotte that fits really well, also not completely human, and maybe if you reeeeally stretch the definition there's something similar in otome games like Ozmafia and TaishoxAlice (first that came to mind) but you do develop romantic feelings with those.
But it's not the same, at all. I don't think there is anything quite like the experience Ike provides in fiction that I know of. Honestly, I feel like I just get attached to gentle but distant parental-like figures and it gets twisted from there because of my own experience. Maybe this helps?

>> No.27455374

ever since i read that one 20k words shuca fic in ao3 (content warning: minors)

where shu is a virgin teenager with a huge horny puppycrush to his neighbor luca... that ends up in luca edging him and then railing him so hard he ruins him for other men... i am not the same person anymore.

Also, yaminions, you really want to see your oshi get wrecked super hard until he cries, huh? Oh you.... Where can I get more of these good stuff?

>> No.27455576
Quoted by: >>27456264

Please share

>> No.27456049
Quoted by: >>27456264

Is this a larp

>> No.27456153

which fic is this? asking for a friend

>> No.27456264

It's this https://archiveofourown.org/works/39793761
The gradual corruption (if you can call it that) is so well written, the world sure needs more shu contents like this lol

>> No.27456469

Oh this is really good, thanks anon

>> No.27456562

jwu but no they won't, please stop this doomposting about westerners. Pretty much all of EN is either very open about their love for loli/shota or not caring. Niji isn't a western company and they'll listen to fans, not a bunch of screeching teens on tiktok. We can ask for a shota and maybe all of 3 people will be angy about it and then realize they're outnumbered and go back to posting about genshin

>> No.27456577
File: 9 KB, 189x267, fulgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck and ravage Fulgur so bad,tampering his powersource only to the bare minimum to make him my personal sex toy. I’m gonna destroy his cyber dick with my wet ass pussy, disassemble it and turn it into my personal vibrator. As he hate fucks me for being a bad bitch in chat that got out of line, I will struggle and try to disassemble him as he plows my stinky wet cunny hard slowly getting his cum in my inside. HE WILL stare at me with contempt and disgust as he slowly realizes I screwed with his power supply and he will yell out obscenities as he tries to push me off but won’t ever succeed. I will disassemble the fucker and leave him with just his head and torso, and he will watch me with a disgusted look on his face as he watches the show with his disassembled dick set to vibrate in my filthy musk laden pussy.

>> No.27456645

little early to start falseflagging already

>> No.27456838
File: 1017 KB, 1064x1257, FWubrhGaIAAmnBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27456977

Gm, Vox LOVE! Butler asmr in a few hours, I wonder what he has in mind.

>> No.27456891

It’s a pasta
captcha: armas

>> No.27456977
File: 285 KB, 1536x2048, 7FC21245-E2A7-4FAB-AB27-B83E141BE7B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27457492

Good morning, I’m so excited!!! I’ll be watching from work as usual so hopefully it’s a slow day today…

>> No.27457139
Quoted by: >>27457522

It's so nice to see Suha in more art. I love cute innocent boys being broken into being more sadistic, that drinking stream was such a blessing

>> No.27457316

Morning! Vox Love! I’m excited for the asmr

>> No.27457410

Ah I miss this pasta, glad to see it again


>> No.27457492
File: 333 KB, 1000x1000, FWACil8aQAAUGH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27458549

If you also live in burgerland I hope today being the 4th makes it a slow and lazy so you can listen mostly uninterrupted! It's more of a treat for me today since I normally can't catch it like this due to timing on Sunday's plus work the next day, I'm so glad.

>> No.27457522

That drinking stream was one that I will think about for a while, whew

>> No.27457730
File: 374 KB, 829x832, wheeeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27458084

Been feeling quite a bit of anxiety last night and this morning for pretty much no reason, I'm looking forward to the ASMR stream to help calm me down. I hate my brain most of the time.

>> No.27458084
Quoted by: >>27458479

I hope butler Vox can make you feel a little better, kindred!

>> No.27458227
Quoted by: >>27461612

I'm watching milord's first guerilla stream after his debut and he's so cute what the fuck.
>I had a little bit of a think. Is that (that's my little girl) a little bit too much? Risqué? Provocative? Overwhelming?
Oh, milord. My sweet, lovely, lord...

>> No.27458479
Quoted by: >>27458632

I'm hoping he starts things off sweet and not lewd but knowing the underage chat that's not gonna happen. Really hoping he can ignore chat for a bit and be sweet

>> No.27458549
File: 265 KB, 860x1021, D6249FBF-F907-48E4-A24E-AEB901770ADB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27461612

Yep, I do! I’m holding out hope that it’ll be slow because of that… I’ve been here for about two hours now and it hasn’t been bad at all. Man I can’t wait to go home and do some VOD reps and hopefully watch a few more episodes of an anime I just picked up! I’m super glad to hear that Vox delaying the ASMR by a day worked out well in your favor; it’s like he knew!

>> No.27458632
Quoted by: >>27459104

I've been trying to chat more the past few ASMRs to hopefully show that there are viewers that would want fluffier situations. I doubt he can read it since the chat is so fast though. There's always the first hour, if anything

>> No.27459104

Yeah, I'll hope for the first hour at least. He has acknowledged that there are some people who want seiso scenarios so he does hear us! Hope he gets better at ignoring chat in certain situations, but he kind of only reads superchats anyways

>> No.27459372
File: 1.09 MB, 2480x3507, FLdAaPfXsAM2v2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm looking at prechat (I know, ugh) and it's funny how they're already prepared to give him superchats to make him "nya". As much as I want a soft seiso ASMR I find it funny that we're treating him like a whore that does whatever we want if we throw dollars at him. He's like a toy

>> No.27459704


>> No.27459957
File: 354 KB, 1284x1809, FWfbRSqVsAAuUIk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Yugo is streaming


>> No.27461593

Yugo's doing pretty well with this game I think

>> No.27461612
File: 75 KB, 300x300, 1655915075521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I started watching him a few weeks after debut but I still remember when he thought stuff like letting chat hear his heartbeat was gross and when he finally called us sluts hesitantly. So much has happened since then but debut milord is still so cute to listen back to too...
I'm glad to hear it hasn't been bad so far and that it stays like that! I hope you have an enjoyable day in general after work with Milord and the show you just picked up; and boy does it always feel like Milord knows just what I need at times...! It'd be even better if the asmrs were on a Saturday or something it I'm very thankful for just it being moved to today alone!

>> No.27462447
Quoted by: >>27463114

Milord looks so beautiful in thumbnail

>> No.27462782
File: 86 KB, 1080x1080, FQq1PbpUcAEF51J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15 more minutes! Anyone else watching Yugo while we wait?

>> No.27463114
File: 357 KB, 2048x1269, FWAJaHoUAAEWL2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27463756

There were lots of nice art made for this but I'm glad he chose this one, it's probably my favorite. Someone made a nsfw though that I thought was funny and now kind of wonder if he would have been tempted to use if he saw sooner: https://mobile.twitter.com/Nemo40021738/status/1543665866608222209

>> No.27463117

I hope i wake up to a sonny schedule tomorrow...

>> No.27463756
Quoted by: >>27464164

Vox using all of them on you back to back to back in one single evening… overstimulating you until you cry… oh yeah…

>> No.27463791
File: 113 KB, 480x480, 1650929215891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope he starts soon, I made pizza rolls and I don't want them to get cold

>> No.27463890
File: 206 KB, 1680x2048, FWx1olKXkAEsHpK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27463925
Quoted by: >>27463983

I don’t know why but I am feeling rather riled up today. I want Vox to impregnate me quite a bit!

>> No.27463983

Manifesting butler Vox creampie and marathon breeding session today! Making sure to knock his princess up no matter what!

>> No.27464072
Quoted by: >>27464117

What the fuck is happen

>> No.27464090
Quoted by: >>27464164


>> No.27464117

His mic wasn’t working

>> No.27464160


>> No.27464164
Quoted by: >>27464532

Oh man do I want this... Vox has gotten me really into wanting to be made into an oversimulated crying mess this is is all I need
It really went by so fast I didn't even realize

>> No.27464367

While we're waiting, did he mean to use the same warning sign as merman this time? I know there's sisters who would like yandere Vox or something but wasn't expecting this stream to have any gore or violence on it...

>> No.27464436

My guess is that he’ll just be using it every time from now on to be safe since it encapsulates both NSFW and Gore themes. That way he has a cover for every stream

>> No.27464474

He might as well have a generic one for all of them so he covers all the bases.

>> No.27464532
Quoted by: >>27464677

IKR we got fed so well today, I like the part where he

>> No.27464677
Quoted by: >>27465017

I can't believe he got away with doing THAT on stream

>> No.27465017
Quoted by: >>27465355

I know right? I also really enjoyed the twist where it turns out he

>> No.27465192

I was hoping the general would be usable this time...

>> No.27465249

Why would you think that? People rarely talk about streams there anymore, and it gets raided all the time.

>> No.27465293
File: 19 KB, 148x160, 405423A9-F912-422C-8734-35989504318A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27465516

It never is anymore. I’ve kinda given up on it and am more than happy to just hang out with you guys here. I can only take so much infighting and number bullshit.

>> No.27465355

Holy SHIT the twitter trannies are gonna really cancel him for that one

>> No.27465425


>> No.27465430

Issue fixed

>> No.27465516
File: 169 KB, 865x623, FWMib7TUsAAqpfM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I love you guys and conversations here are way more productive than in general. I'll definitely be staying

>> No.27465525

even him testing the mic was really cute....

>> No.27465714


>> No.27465764

what the heck that's exactly what I was thinking but doubt would happen stop knowing what I want without me typing it milord

>> No.27465795
File: 222 KB, 480x480, 1656263021132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27466243

I can't believe Vox Akuma is /HERE/!!!

>> No.27465813
Quoted by: >>27466243

He knows the kindred too well..

>> No.27465820

i was expecting him to be cheekier somehow, this is so nice

>> No.27465936
Quoted by: >>27466243

He's here... Among us

>> No.27465940
File: 645 KB, 704x1038, 1646559302107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27466003
Quoted by: >>27466113

These little sound effects are nice... it suits his type of asmr

>> No.27466113
File: 527 KB, 603x571, 1656709281039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27466187

Yeah I love how he's adding these sound effects. Shows that he's really serious about ASMR and the scenarios. I love how much work he puts in for us!

>> No.27466187

He's come such a long way since the interrogation asmr with just a single belt for sfx...

>> No.27466243

I never even typed it out, however if he starts bringing out toys then I'll know for sure he's /here/...

>> No.27466259
File: 279 KB, 1494x2048, CDE6DAD2-F37E-4D12-87C5-C7F2761648EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s like he knows how much I love being mocked and demeaned… aaaaa

>> No.27466493

>When the master was younger
A-age gap?

>> No.27466499
File: 836 KB, 3368x3598, b6nldg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord just can't go a single stream without making an Incredibles reference. Sasuga, I love him so much

>> No.27466563
Quoted by: >>27466592


>> No.27466592

Gaslight yourself into thinking you still are

>> No.27466621
File: 11 KB, 470x54, Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 11.00.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27466749

if he doesnt say 'im simply one hell of a butler' at least once ill be very disappointed

>> No.27466804

Finally, the black butler rp

>> No.27466914

mibutler picked my clothes...

>> No.27466920
File: 270 KB, 1772x1772, EB391E12-65BF-4B61-A34C-697CAB0D0FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27467156

I might write some fanfic after work… my brain is THROBBING with ideas for butler Vox edging reader…

>> No.27467046
File: 31 KB, 676x182, Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 11.09.43 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27467156
Quoted by: >>27467297

Would love to see it if you write it!

>> No.27467261
Quoted by: >>27467331

oh for butler akuma to put you in a maid dress and indulge you in acting like a maid under her and playfully scolding and punishing you for your un maidlike behavior

>> No.27467297


I’ll absolutely post it here if I’m able to get it written as I hope to! Time to whip out a fic quicker than any other fic I’ve written before!

>> No.27467331

HIM* I don't know where that came from I'm not even phoneposting

>> No.27467487

Butler Vox spoiling us... picking out our clothes and helping us put it on even though we might be a bit too old for it...

>> No.27467519

Vox must be ovulating today, he keeps saying we can use him however we want. He keeps saying it a LOT....

>> No.27467534
Quoted by: >>27467594

Dollification kindred eating good today

>> No.27467594
File: 86 KB, 704x698, 729B9849-5EC4-4DAE-AA04-CB12021738D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27467751

You know it!! Oh my brain is melting between being doted on and dollified by Milord and him mocking me for being bad at chess…

>> No.27467751

My brain is melting quite a bit right now, it’s going to be a puddle soon, Vox is feeding us well!

>> No.27467792

lol the sounds, it really feels like he's struggling to get us in and out of the outfit. This is done so well

>> No.27467861

Would you guys watch a shota liver with a voice that sounds like an actual child?

>> No.27467866
File: 24 KB, 592x98, Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 11.28.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im dying ahahaha

>> No.27467927

>Shota model
>Voice that sounds like a child
Like, screechy? Nah. Higher pitch will be just fine.

>> No.27467999

I'll watch if he has similar voice to Yugo

>> No.27468096


>> No.27468101
File: 1.15 MB, 1394x976, Screen Shot 2022-07-04 at 11.34.51 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Milord what kind of bedroom is this???? It looks like an interrogation room

>> No.27468211

>It has been a while

>> No.27468276
Quoted by: >>27468330

My brain is empty

>> No.27468290

The knuckle cracking sound is giving me flashbacks
t. briskadet/kindred

>> No.27468303

Ah finally, the pains I got from being in that cramped office closet are finally relieved

>> No.27468330
Quoted by: >>27468424

nothing but vox's voice...

>> No.27468382

I'm happy he finally got to do the chiropractor asmr he was thinking about for a long time.

>> No.27468424

I’m having trouble thinking, no brain only Vox

>> No.27468612
Quoted by: >>27468706

This is so soft, thank you milord

>> No.27468706
File: 60 KB, 796x764, 1652457322360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just what I was hoping for. Nice calm comfy and soft ASMR. Thank you so much milord I love you

>> No.27468817
Quoted by: >>27468847

Didn't milord just rub oil on on the mic lmao I wonder what it tastes like now

>> No.27468847

let's hope it's coconut oil

>> No.27468885
Quoted by: >>27468943

I sure hope he won't forget that book...

>> No.27468943
Quoted by: >>27469236

Don't we have around 30mins left now... unless he goes a bit over this time than the normal 2 hours...

>> No.27469069

Marking tskr.. You gave me this fetish you dumb demon keep doing it

>> No.27469163
Quoted by: >>27469208

I wonder how his set-up is like, it sounds less muffled than the boyfriend asmr cuddling part

>> No.27469197

Hoping we'll get to serve him back too...

>> No.27469208

Given how much bigger his desk is compared to the old house, he definitely has more room to move around.

>> No.27469236
Quoted by: >>27469293

Hmm, yeah, I doubt he'd get to do it. I'm still hoping for some stroy-telling though

>> No.27469293
Quoted by: >>27469353

I'm ok with the role this one has, It's nice and relaxing with a cute scenario.

>> No.27469353

It's very comfy, I really like it~

>> No.27469376
File: 142 KB, 800x1066, @vidro_ura_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my cute wife

>> No.27469448

