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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.40 MB, 800x800, globe_final_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26610100 No.26610100 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>26567634

Plant people LOVE edition

Interactive map:

- Maps!

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.26610127
File: 607 KB, 2194x3106, 8c73aaa1cce45f29ea6f6253b098d9dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.26610234
File: 394 KB, 1463x2048, 416fd73cbd9a677573ffa291f1c4c09f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.26610336
File: 932 KB, 2540x1586, 8bb6bc08bc1c37748bf1df5512e352d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26680212

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?
How does the balance of power look in your nation? who are the ruling/most powerful class? Who are they competing with?
What sort of superstitions/folklore do your nation's people have, as in, are there things that the people believe in or things they think they know to be real that are not real on a meta level? What are omens of good or bad fortune? What mythical monsters lurk in the forests, or in the depths of the sea? Do some foods or materials have to be prepared in a certain way before they are seen as fit to use?
We are making a /vtl/ team! Here are the current suggestions:
Feel free to suggest and add to it!

>> No.26611241


>> No.26612774
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26616437

I might have a nice dream about showing Sana Bowser the gentle mossback tortoise. Started hallucinating that when nodding off.

>> No.26616700
File: 1.53 MB, 1148x1080, 1647263617467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26617139
File: 910 KB, 2280x3643, 1655421258586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26618530

Converting to plant is all the rage these days. Hop on in a coma pod today! Head on down to /rose/ and become a plant!

>> No.26617807
File: 243 KB, 900x900, 1650044792443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26617928

Oh yea, sorry, that was my bad. Just clicked save and posted here, then turned the pc off without checking. In fact, the edit code was not capitalized. Whoops :P
It should be updated now.

>> No.26617928
Quoted by: >>26618097

lol i was drawing and when i went to turn off my pc last night i only checked to see if the drawing software had any unsaved work, rip 3 paragraphs

>> No.26618097
Quoted by: >>26618197

Ouch. Luckily everything I wrote saved, since I didn't close the tab, so all I had to do was just reenter the edit code.

>> No.26618197

my plight was fixed by rewriting it, normally disheartening but my secret is listening to the better call saul theme on a loop

>> No.26618207
File: 127 KB, 349x306, 1655790657140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26621629

Btw, any nation wanna lend me their land to play in Inkarnate some more? I'm in that map making mood again.

>> No.26618463

Plant people are submissive and breedable. Don't let the green fool you, plant people are built for cock.

>> No.26618530
Quoted by: >>26618935

Will they retain memories?

>> No.26618578
File: 101 KB, 850x1133, TryIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26618695

How much cock can they take though?

>> No.26618594
File: 22 KB, 320x240, Sunflower Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for cock confirmed

>> No.26618695

All of it. Plants can grow around it if cock is big. No matter the size, plant people will always be perfect for your cock.

>> No.26618930
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, Wassup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so since we are already talking about cock, I just wanna ask: Where is the line? Like, we already established that Sanallites have on average 12 inch cocks, but considering all our dog lore, would adding a knot on all that meat be too much or just right?

>> No.26618935
File: 321 KB, 977x1549, 1655405673845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the Rosies. Don't go trying to dick down a Boar, you'll find yourself outmatched.
They sure do! Mostly.

>> No.26619021

I veto it. Only white women are allowed to get knotted, sorry Sana.

>> No.26619049
File: 91 KB, 800x800, 1654121834051.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619251


>> No.26619079
File: 285 KB, 363x362, 1644785674444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619251

Aren't you guys humans? That's a pretty furry thing to add...

>> No.26619147
File: 6 KB, 276x259, saul goodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619251

wanna run that by me again?

>> No.26619214
Quoted by: >>26619408

I would say the process might take a bit longer in that case. Plants are made for humanoid cock so no knots or anything.

>> No.26619251
File: 96 KB, 900x900, HappyDays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We haven't delved into our own biology yet, but personally, I want to set us pretty far away from just a regular human. We are from the other side of the galaxy afterall, and us being from the Sol system can just be a coincidence in naming.

I want to add a knot to our 12 inch dongs.

>> No.26619408
File: 19 KB, 182x171, IMG_1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are... Are you a Sapling? I didn't expect Saplings to talk about taking dicks, so this is a bit peculiar.
That's fair, then. A knot would be pretty weird, but I'm not a Sanalite so that's up to you guys. Rosebutas still beat you all in length though, 28 INCHES IS CANON TO MY THREAD BABY WOO!

>> No.26619425
Quoted by: >>26619739

You really enjoy taking advantage of your poor rep's sleep schedule.

>> No.26619515
File: 12 KB, 368x377, saul goodman for when OP doubles down and elaborates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26619524 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 500x404, 1631719611665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619675

Yeah, yeah where's the girth at though?

>> No.26619675
File: 871 KB, 385x475, 1644268423012.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619722

I did not want to see that.
Also we have a decent amount of girth because no one would ever want a thread for a penis.

>> No.26619722

>ywn be lassoed by a plant penis

>> No.26619739
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, Average Sanallite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26619850

Of course I do! You wouldn't'?

>> No.26619850
File: 203 KB, 620x509, 1644246467773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26620069

Sometimes I'm saddened by the fact that I'm the only bud in /rose/ that's interested in this thread. You make me grateful I'm the only one.

>> No.26620069

>Rosebutas still beat you all in length though, 28 INCHES IS CANON TO MY THREAD BABY WOO
Yea, imagine the embarrasment if other roseanons saw you flaunting your fetishes like this.

>> No.26620137
File: 8 KB, 236x177, 1629397435527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26620227
File: 158 KB, 512x512, roseLaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you right. Honestly I'd be a lot more reserved if it wasn't for the Risuners. They've pulled out a lot of my horny side.

>> No.26620254

wtf I visit this thread because I remember seeing it once on /rose/...

>> No.26620327
File: 89 KB, 363x362, 1650976179603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what? Where did you come from? Are you an actual Rosebud?

>> No.26620371
File: 590 KB, 720x866, UUUUUU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26620386
Quoted by: >>26620521

day 1 bud... I remember seeing the different types of rosebuds. there were like androgynous ones and like really buff ones right?

>> No.26620472
Quoted by: >>26620692

So about those 28 inch dicks of yours...

>> No.26620521
File: 118 KB, 443x391, 1642291945587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you've got them right. You can check the lore doc and scroll down to /rose/ to see what I've been working on.

>> No.26620623
File: 38 KB, 483x561, TheMightySteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh, all in a day's work.

>> No.26620692
File: 501 KB, 517x737, 1655872747162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26620859

You're a fool if you think I'd back down so easily. Just the emergence of another bud won't stop me from indulging in my sins with speculative biology!

>> No.26620790
Quoted by: >>26620875

the rosies might have micropenises, but they are huge cunt-heads.

>> No.26620859
File: 70 KB, 850x669, The great maw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit!

>> No.26620875
File: 67 KB, 193x184, 1646356835573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, that's good. I actually wheezed.

>> No.26621456
File: 516 KB, 576x961, 1654873773916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26621623

Messenger bird communications are the backbone of the Black Fleet intelligence network. They allow the Admiralty on Mori's island to be made aware of events in the Holoempire's capital in /hlgg/ in two weeks or less, by sending the messages over carrier birds through a complex mesh of relay stations, across thousands of kilometers.

This feat is a miracle of logistics and of cross-national collaboration, but credit is due to the creatures who shoulder the burden of actually carrying those messages. The Kustori Buzzard may be occasionally observed all over the Holosea coast, but is found in greatest numbers on Moriji, where the species nests.

Mori-type chuubanite affects animals in a variety of ways, but a notable effect is a pronounced densification of the skeleton, and its mineralization through iron-based goethite. The result of this is that animals displaying those adaptations are universally unable to fly, being too heavy. The kustori buzzard's evolution found an interesting path around this issue. Mori-type chuubanite tends to accumulate in hard and tough materials, the harder, the more effectively it draws the chuubanite in. Thus, the buzzard's kidneys evolved to intentionally develop extremely hard, crystallized kidney stones which remain in the body until saturated with chuubanite. Once it reaches this point, the kidney stone is expelled through the cloaca. Through this process, the chuubanite absorbed by the bird which would normally accumulate in its skeleton is cycled through these stones and removed from the body, preventing the adaptation from occurring, and allowing the bird to continue flying.

Since most native fauna is unable to fly, and any foreign birds would have to cross hundreds of kilometers of ocean to reach the island, the buzzard can nest on the island in relative safety. Thus, the buzzard presence on the island and its ability to cross vast swathes of ocean quickly made it a natural choice for the Black Fleet.

Discussed a while back, but not put down on paper until now.

Anchor https://rentry.org/morig-fauna as a replacement for the current Fauna lore rentry for /morig/, thank you.

>> No.26621544


>> No.26621596

I'm the risuner kek

>> No.26621623
File: 423 KB, 500x600, GoGoGo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26621978

Wooo, I remember us talking about this like a month ago? or was it two? Anyway, nice to see you got to finally write about them!

>> No.26621629

You can do a port city in /who/ if you want. Because we are planning to do it ourselves after the final version of the world map is out a city map would still stand a decent chance of being used after that. Since i
kinda feel bad if your work has a high chance of being scrapped even though I do know it's just for messing around
But I don't know if you are using the free or paid version. Does the free version even have a tool for drawing city maps?

>> No.26621694
File: 478 KB, 768x1152, 1650081141760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26621956
File: 9 KB, 346x339, 1651744071818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what Rosebutas think about Saplings? When have we ever mentioned being horny?

>> No.26621962
File: 394 KB, 2048x1947, Even more smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PayPal is kinda fucked atm, so i'm still on the free version, sadly. Might be able to cook something up. Any additional info you could give me about it or can I have complete freedom? Also, don't feel bad, like, at all. As you said, this is purely me just messing around having fun, so even if it gets scrapped, like the /ggg/ map did, it doesn't affect me. I got my fun out of it, if it ends up being used that's just a plus and some work off of other people's backs.

>> No.26621978

God, that long already? Time flies. Thank you for helping me with this back then. The Lunaito expedition has kept me busy, I'm glad I finally got around to writing this tidbit out.
Also, since this is the thread topic, I feel the need to mention it: Deadbeat men do not have mandingo penises, nor do they have knots in it, but they do have the hardest, most unbreakable dicks on the planet.

>> No.26622207
File: 501 KB, 900x900, 1654038286415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all, I was only joking because you guys are the only other plant species. Rosebutas hold Saplings in fairly high regard actually.

>> No.26622268
File: 490 KB, 250x320, squeeb[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftivhlk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your opposition to squeebing makes teasing you on the topic entertaining.

>> No.26622314
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1000, tsubomumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's a city map then yeah we could probably use it easily, if not we can always move around buildings via paint. Also, don't expect me to finish the documents regarding goverment today, or tomorrow, I've been somewhat more busy these days than the previous weeks, so please wait patiently for those.
You know the city of Chiba from Japan? You could use that as an example since it's sort of in a similar position to the port city, being in the same part of the peninsula, althought I guess our peninsula is bigger due to map proportions. You could use Hull from Britain as an inspiration too. Do take in consideration what my fellow hooman might mention since it was his idea.

>> No.26622381
Quoted by: >>26622841

How the fuck can saplings not be horny when fauna has such a SEX body. Bruh I would pump 5 loads inside her.

>> No.26622565
Quoted by: >>26623060

If you want to see your map being kept, then do a northern port. It'd be smaller and the purpose would mostly be for fishing and whaling. Generally cities especially newer ones would have quite straight, planned avenues in the main, hub areas. There are the occasional public buildings dotted about that have a bit more space between them and other buildings. Police stations that are built like fortresses would be present too. It's not meant to be a major city so go nuts. But the idea of "defensibility" would be a central theme of most cities.

Was pretty busy in the last few weeks too. To the point where I had to skip a few streams. Take your time.

>> No.26622841
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1484, 97f8d11e352b3ffc2cb49741c2bc1e78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon, would you do your own mother?

>> No.26623060
Quoted by: >>26623156

Yea, sorry owl friends, but imma have to throw in the towel after I checked the stuff I have to work with. Unlike world maps, city maps would rely a lot more on premade stickers (like houses, fields, docks,...) and the free version just absolutely fucking sucks for that. You would get docks, a church, houses and thin walls at most. Oh and some trees, and maybe a hill. That's about it. for comparison, the free version has 170 assets to choose from. Pro version has 6071. I just don't feel like doing what I would consider a halfass job because I can't access all the assets, specially on what would be my first city map.

>> No.26623156
File: 2.71 MB, 6000x3000, 9o32xl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries. You can still play around with our map if you want. The Islands to the North of the peninsula should be fun to make.

>> No.26623335

>Would you do your own mother
Nah but I would bang a few of my friends mom's if given permission to

>> No.26624738

I would do yours

>> No.26625745


>> No.26626764


>> No.26626852

I would if she were Fauna

>> No.26628092


>> No.26630126


>> No.26631507


>> No.26633217


>> No.26634274
File: 258 KB, 2000x2000, Siege of Atalanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26634896

Siege of Atalanta is going to be epic. Put a lot of time into maps and prep for this. Truly an Epic Siege that will test the willpower of Pomerlane and Opimius.

>> No.26634896
Quoted by: >>26635153

Really cool. Reminds me of actual hand drawn maps of generals and commanders even though I'm pretty sure you just used mc paint kek. Looking forward to it

>> No.26635059
File: 2.45 MB, 2521x5040, SizeComparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644528

If anyone wants a scale on how big their country actually is, here
Both are the same projections.

>> No.26635153
File: 262 KB, 2000x2000, Siege of Atalanta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26651746

Just ignore me messing up north and south, I fixed it after I realized I had rotated the map when I first made it. LMAO,

>> No.26637419


>> No.26637716
File: 63 KB, 392x500, f6879404672cc5fb36b7842c770c15b8--explosions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638367
Quoted by: >>26638794


>> No.26638413
File: 739 KB, 2460x3372, 1648646456253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638794
File: 344 KB, 286x416, GoodMorning[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuy53jy.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639091
File: 363 KB, 1299x1482, e55042d7a3cc675257eecf8d03e23b61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POMERLANE CHAPTER XIII: Prelude to Pappenheim

>> No.26639230
File: 94 KB, 625x661, 1649429016569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile pomerchad just pumping out stories faster than risuners can pump hooman women with nuts

>> No.26640220
File: 854 KB, 1686x3000, FS5ofqFVUAA8w30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26651746


Some notes on how I intend to implement streams into the lore:
- Oracles as high-ranking priests, consumes chuubanite-infused hopium as "hallucinogen", able to peer into the heavenly realm and receive divination from the nameless one. (Oracles as a common form of religious activity in Vitubia?)
- Very early oracles uses hallucinogens with too much hopium, leads to inaccurate divinations or false ones, later only uses small amount, much more reproducible/common divinations (i.e. accurate)
- Hopium still used, but the results are not treated seriously.
- Divinations, after being cross-referenced and confirmed by the first temple would be published, principally through newspapers (Weekly Owl) and criers.
- Celebration of divination would be in the form of a festival, lasting from weeks to months. Though not all days are holidays, games, performances and special markets are traditionally a part of it.
- Festivals/holidays other than in celebration of divination exist.
- To accommodate some periods where divinations are closely packed, fairgrounds, circuses and stadiums are established in cities
- Criers/Oracles that received divination would shout "It's time" to the public

*:(Don't really intend for stuff to exactly mirror the irl-VTE time scale.)

If any of ya have more suggestions on how to implement it, feel free. It's kinda a hard thing to do but I guess it had to be done at some time anyways.

>> No.26640434
Quoted by: >>26652674

Do you plan to add knots via surgery? Because Space Aussies are isekai'd humans raised in low gravity. Do you have an evolutionary advantage to cock knots?

>> No.26640755
File: 1.60 MB, 940x1080, 7F28703E-9307-4CA7-93C2-C8A303D3D877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized something. I gave a plague doctor design to the Sunwalkers, but hoomans also have some plague doctor stuff going on with them if I remember right. Do you think convergent evolution has a clause somewhere to allow this?

>> No.26641457
Quoted by: >>26644690

Does it offend rosebuds if I say I want to have tea and snacks with Rosemei?

>> No.26641796
File: 739 KB, 1832x2000, Battle of Fort Pappenheim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26642502

You have to read this one, it is the most epic piece of Pomerlane yet and I worked my ass off on it all morning. HERE IS CHAPTER XIV: The Battle of Fort Pappenheim.
Let me know what you think about the battle, characters and events.

>> No.26641905
Quoted by: >>26644690

Now that you mention it, I wouldn't be surprised if doctors/apothecaries in /who/ were dressed like plague doctors. Fits in with other public servants covering their head as well (albeit the others doing so with more bag-like masks). In the end it might just be a curious similarity, or a design based off of a tale a hooman once heard while traveling the lands about the (to them) strange creatures in the far south.

>> No.26642502

here's some feedback. You continue to make enemy commanders look like idiot and Pomerlane always right as if he is god himself. How the fuck would he even know about the composition of the fleet? How does he get men to magically blow up the magazine in an enemy city? how does he magically strike a deal with a foreign King who wanted to kill him? How does he magically marry this Empress the Empire? He's a mary sue and you are a shit writer.

>> No.26642687
File: 177 KB, 1157x1400, 70d8ea3dea21b0d2e6fb1b54c1112910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26644690

Since she mentioned Black death before and played surgeon simulator with a plague doctor's mask there are some art that depict her in a plague doctor outfit. Otherwise, plague doctor really isn't that big of a thing for /who/ or Mumei. While masks that look like the typical plague doctor masks should exist in Vitubia, /who/'s plague(?) masks and /rose/'s SAP mask would look a bit different I guess. Since /rose/'s mask probably has a bit more stuff that makes them work as an olfaction enhancer, the beak's likely less curved and thicker to accommodate their snout and the mask's mechanism. /who/'s masks (if we have them) should look more like an owl's head so the beak is less pronounced and shaped more like modern gas masks. Decorations/ornaments should be different too.

>> No.26643112
File: 287 KB, 1832x2000, Siege of Atalanta, Fort Victoria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapter XV: The beginning of the end

>> No.26643336
Quoted by: >>26644655

Does your country have fiction? /nasa/ has quite a bit of fiction left over from our reconstructed library of Alexandria. We also have new stories as well. When you wander through space you get very bored. So you make up games and stories to pass the time. Its sort of like how Moby Dick is entertaining boredom until the end.

>> No.26644125
File: 238 KB, 1200x675, alaric-938606538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26662257

Chapter XVI: Fall of a Republic and a City

>> No.26644528
File: 44 KB, 341x403, 1650594794008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/rose/ is eerily similar in appearance and size to the middle east now that I look at it.

>> No.26644546
File: 120 KB, 334x299, poorpommers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice to know the schizo likes my story...
I'd like some feedback because IRL is awful right now for me. Doesn't matter if its positive or not.

>> No.26644655

> library of Alexandria
Make it Library of Atalanta considering what I just did to this city.

>> No.26644690
File: 178 KB, 796x1024, 1655865879230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26645302

Yeah I guess it's fine. I mean, they really don't care what you say about her as long as you don't slander her.
That would be a pretty cool detail.
Ah, makes sense then. The SAP mask is a bit different in appearance, and the actual outfit is definitely different, I just thought it was a neat similarity. I should really get to drawing the uniform for Degenerats...

>> No.26644913
Quoted by: >>26645048

Not schizo but your story is boring. Nothing subverts expectations like Game of Thrones does. I know he will win the siege because its so obvious at this point. Why not have dragons cause issues? Why not plague? Why no rebellions?

>> No.26645048

It took 5 whole years for this siege, anon. I didnt say this but diesease killed 30,000 of his men over this time. I am not writing Game of Thrones. I am writing Pomerlane. Its not my job to subvert your expectations, its my job to write a story that makes sense. Sorry you dont like it.

>> No.26645253

I'll have to defend Pomerlane anon here. It's a saga based on a historical event so it's less about the twists and turns and more on the morals and character of the cast. It's technically something new that we didn't have before and it should count, technically as an in-universe text written by someone in Vitubia.

>> No.26645286
File: 50 KB, 456x449, 1646887422117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright everyone. I have been thinking a lot about this. The risuner navy (if you can even call it that) has risuners trained with /meat/ tactics and design but with deadbeat equipment for the most part. So big ass guns on ships that normally would not carry big ass guns. I will have a surprise for you all. As well as the ending to the /meat/ story with Diana.

>> No.26645302

Is tea and snacks offensive to rosebuds?

>> No.26645362

Problem is his characters feel hollow, without personality. I feel like everyone is the same person. Its just not good.

>> No.26645460

>big ass guns on ships that normally wouldnt carry them.
Sounds like Physics will give you a rude awakening, see this as an example https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courageous-class_battlecruiser

>> No.26645670

Game of Thrones is basically what you just said but does everything better because characters have depth to them.

>> No.26645783

The character interactions are a bit meh and can feel like talking heads sometimes but what they act like in terms of their tactics and strategy do reflect their personality. I do agree there are some areas Pomerlane anon can improve but the story itself is fine for the most part. In classical histories there are a lot of tidbits that add to a person's character, for example, Polybius's account of how Hannibal disguises himself around camp to illustrate his character as a general.

>> No.26645930
File: 114 KB, 1200x732, p_5_7_2_8_5728-HMS-Terror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking more of a bomb ketch but it would be very funny if risuners went against the instructions, mounted a gun that's too heavy that they sunk the ship after firing a shot.

>> No.26646052
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1263, javanese cetbang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah risuners are inexperienced with advanced navy shit. Combine that with the fact that the boats they all make are basically luxury yacts technically way too ahead for the time. But I obviously wouldnt say its an actual IRL pinisi, probably a different version that makes sense with the time.

Now I need to know the max weight of pinisi and how much cannons weigh and then do math. Unless I want to say they would use cetbang cannons but those aren't made to blow up ships. They're basically like latanka in terms of power I believe. Apparantely there was 5 barreled cetbang which sounds really fucking cool even if they are not anti ship guns. Pic related for a double barrel.

>> No.26646133
Quoted by: >>26646334

I cannot write Dialogue, I know this. Thats why I stay away from that. The thing is I try to make character more full by their actions. Maybe someday I will do character write ups and have more dialogue based discussions but I honestly dont know what to do better with some characters like the posh Empress or King of Selenium because thats how they should act. If anything, all I ask is for someone to run down each major character and tell me what they think of them. Honestly, some dont have enough space to show themselves.

>> No.26646196

If you want big guns on a smaller ship, use Carronades. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carronade

>> No.26646281

Well, Pomerlane himself does stuff like that, he is extremely perceptive and can judge a situation probably better than anyone else. Like his idea for spec ops came to him because of just watching stuff.

>> No.26646334
Quoted by: >>26646411

Read some classical histories or some Medieval sagas on how they describe the characters to get ideas I'd say since it's what you are writing basically.

>> No.26646372
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Possibly a good idea. However the dnd play in me is screaming to use what makes sense. IRL stuff is good to go by but we have enough lore and timelines to make our own shit. And risuners are probably going to be in a tough position. Diana back in /meat/ will probably get some /meat/ sailing training while the rest of /risu/ is gonna learn the hard way that giant fucking guns aren't meant to go on pinisi. Either that or deadbeats would recommend making a new type of ship that is designed to carry such big guns.

>> No.26646411

I do. But the thing is I want someone to critique my characters right now. I already have some more plans but I need outside looks at what I have.

>> No.26646531

Risuners are using /meat/ naval tactics though, so it'd be more akin to how irl Maritime Southeast Asia warships are built and fight. A longer-ranged gun would be better.

>> No.26646577
Quoted by: >>26646706

I just need someone willing to help me with this because i have AS and this shit turns cringe because I SUCK at social cues and shit.

>> No.26646624
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Quoted by: >>26646985

Okay, so. I'm no war tactician and I have no idea how battle formations work or anything like that. But I did give that fight a read and tried to make sense of it as best as I could. I don't think it was a bad fight, but I admittedly wasn't really blown away by it either. I'll be speaking in terms of entertaining the reader, instead of how accurate it would be to a historical fight. Best to speak on the things I'm more knowledgeable on, I feel.
The enemy never felt cunning nor powerful, so it was difficult to read it with the belief that Pomerlane could lose this fight at all. Now, of course, I'm not saying this because Pomerlane is overpowered in any way. If he was a perfectly mediocre warlord my perception of the fight wouldn't really change. The enemy is just too flat in nature and, in a few cases, just disappointing.
Donabella's group being wiped out right away was simply... There. I don't have any complaints, but there's not many compliments I can give either. It was just something that happened during the fight.
Labienius's charge was actually quite nice. It was good to see Pomerlane on his toes. Supposedly. My issue with this is that we're just told that Pomerlane was surprised. There wasn't any danger to it. It wasn't like his lack of presence at the dam would cause an issue, so him moving to counter Labienius just felt like it was an obvious move. Just pop this other guy in charge while you go take care of that mess.
Cursor's fleet was when I first started to feel really iffy on things. Like with Donabella's group, he was simply taken out. It felt like there was very little resistance on his side, they simply threw some fireboats at him and then filled his fleet with grapeshots. I think it would've been more interesting if the fleet hadn't gone into hysteria, but instead actually listened to Cursor's instructions and stayed in formation.
Labienius on land was somewhat impressive, but still didn't feel right. Pomerlane losing his eye doesn't feel very warranted, as we haven't seen the enemy do anything really powerful yet. We're told in a line or two that he supposedly defeated an entire group, but we're just told that. Labienius is written as a powerful man, but we're given no proof to back up his strength. Pomerlane's our protag, an injury like that should be built up to with some suspense or action.
Labienius's death was nice. I don't really have any issues with it, Pomerlane bested him in combat and that was that. Cutting off his head was a good move and I can believe it demoralized all who saw it.
I'm not sure if it was great to have the whole army essentially given up at that point, though. Some would flee or surrender, but the way it is written leads me to believe that this is the entire army that's finished. Wouldn't there be some groups still willing to fight until the bitter end? Some leaders to quickly jump up and rally some men to fight back?
The ending of the naval fight was just... Expected. They stood no chance, it felt as if it was a total wipeout. A clean sweep with near zero casualties on Pomerlane's side.
Overall I would say it was a straightforward fight. Pomerlane simply either saw through the enemy's plans beforehand or was smart enough to outwit them on the spot. Ryuguards being the people of Finana, I would have expected them to have a much stronger navy. An impressive, proud navy that would be able to crush most opposition. This was not the case, as made evidence by how they were easily beatable. Labienius was perhaps the most interesting segment, yet it still didn't feel as if Pomerlane's strategy was tested. Everything went more or less according to plan. That's my point of view as someone without much knowledge of historical combat, at least.

>> No.26646655
Quoted by: >>26647671

NTA, for me it's hard to critique your characters because they don't feel like characters. They are essentially set pieces that only exist to set up battles. What is Pomerlane's personality supposed to be aside from "good at war?" Likewise, enemy commanders seem to exist only to lose battles. Perhaps if you gave us an idea of what the characters personalities are like, we could give you ideas of how to show them off better?

>> No.26646706
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Ankylosing spondylitis?
I feel you anon... Can't imagine how much those knee joints hurt...

>> No.26646845

Have you tried looking into writing body language? In my writing Sanalites have to be expressive with body language due to limited communication with their space suits.

>> No.26646956

alright i just got home from work and all i wanna say first is FUCK YOU POMERLANE ANON!

>I have not recieved my 80 cannons yet nor war elephants in time so the deal is off.

first you arrogant prick want to be historical with your stories and then you want 80 cannons for a single fucking sword like the arrogant asshoel that you are because of course you deserve such a "real and fair" trade that totally would have happened in the history you base your shit on. but besides that.
the fuck you mean? we made a deal and agreed upon it, what, want me to send you a rentry with "and then they gave pomerlane 80 guns and a herd of elephants." or some 5 chapter story of how a ship brought it?

if you had wanted anything "lorewise" for it you could have fucking said so when we made the deal because than i could have told you to feel free to write /vrt/ side of the deal since i would not have the time myself between work and writing my own stories.

even less so if appaerintly you decide to make a fucking deadline for it yourself in your head with not even any fucking warning at all.

but fine if you wanna be that way you arrogant asshole than keep your shit because i don't want anything to do with you anymore personally or the retroreich and your shit in lore

>> No.26646985
Quoted by: >>26647173

Honestly, problem with the Ryuguard navy and well this whole battle was this was a battle that was impossible for them to win. Look at the map of where the gun batteries are on land. The little things that look like forts are filled with them. I will end up re writing this down the line since I wanted to get the gest of it now. As for Fireships, well, read up on them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fire_ship .

>> No.26647012
File: 335 KB, 2000x2000, 1646927658658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the way I see it risuners will come up with 2 possible ideas.

1. Build a new much bigger boat for deadbeat cannons to fit properly

2. Build a bunch of smaller cannons (cetbang) and rely on anti personnel shooting and precision

Risuners are not interested in a navy (yet). They know many allies will protect them. I mean they got resources for fucking days why would you not? So it's a bit tricky to think of which option would make the most sense. I think time will tell what they would need. They would definitely go for bigger boats if a big attack were to ever come to them. But right now they have unarmed diplomat ships and that mostly seems to be working out for them.

>> No.26647034
Quoted by: >>26647127

>I have not recieved my 80 cannons yet nor war elephants in time so the deal is off.
I never said that. When was this said?

>> No.26647085

Great, now I have some asshole falseflagging as me.

>> No.26647127
Quoted by: >>26647183



>> No.26647168

Few big ones for both prestige points and because everyone else is making them. Most are cetbang or slightly bigger ships that mostly patrol the coastal waters. Depending on the size of the guns mounted on your smaller ships it can't penetrate the hull of bigger ones so you'd still want some big ships. Though that needs is of course partly addressed by all your allies.

>> No.26647173

See this is part of why people have stopped bothering to critique your stories. Every time someone says something your response is that, akshually, history says you are totally right! Feels kind of pointless giving you concrit when you clearly don't want it.

>> No.26647183
Quoted by: >>26647469

That's not me. I didn't write the deal into the story because this is a history so far and deals less with that. I just had it happen off screen in chapter 5.

>> No.26647247

>. I will end up re writing this down the line
Did you miss this part? I actually did look over what you said. I was merely trying to explain my own thought process behind it when it wrote it.

>> No.26647250
File: 505 KB, 1638x2048, 1655473411038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My man Pomerlane anon did nothing wrong, damn...

>> No.26647292

yeah what the fuck

>> No.26647305
Quoted by: >>26647415

he says shit and then suddenly "its falseflagging". Bullshit.

>> No.26647364

not even him but Seriously? You admitted yourself that you don't understand military shit that well, all he did was show you how effective Fireships could be IRL and he even said he will re write it.

>> No.26647375
Quoted by: >>26647717

??????? how the fuck is wanting historical stories arrogance? No where has pomerlane anon ever shown even a hint of arrogance, I am baffled by your irrational hatred for the dude

>> No.26647403

I'm seriously pissed if you actually think that falseflagger bullshit was me when I wrote my shit before that.

>> No.26647415
File: 290 KB, 455x455, 1651020823596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe him. We have someone who keeps falseflagging as him in the nijien threads and trying to start shit there too. There are some legitimate criticisms of his writing in this thread but I also think he's being followed by a schizo who hates him specifically and wants to ruin his reputation.

>> No.26647469
Quoted by: >>26647597

well alright then if that was not you than please ignore my angry rant

and if you want to exchange some of the loot for other stuff feel free to trade with us again, while we are after "retro stuff" with zeal we also do trade normally.

>> No.26647476
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As far as im concerned SEA didn't really have much for big ships even after they were influenced by european powers. Nothing compared to a galleo at least. Now china, THOSE FUCKERS HAD SOME BIG BOATS! I will determine what the risuners would logically do later. Right now I think it's time to get some lunch then finish off some stories.

>> No.26647477
File: 248 KB, 480x480, 1648527041584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I just hit a huge node of inspiration. Feeling good about my new sapling lore including a named centerpiece character in Sleeping Giants Ridge and lore surrounding a Great Fire (a reference to when Fauna set the forest on fire in Minecraft) that gives a glint into an age when the forest was still relatively new. I'll be working on a rough draft as long as there isn't any objection to the purposed ideas.

>> No.26647523
File: 307 KB, 463x453, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fixvwto.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow the increase of Niji anons in this thread has increased the number of schizos and shitposters... Is Niji really a shitposting magnet...?

>> No.26647524
Quoted by: >>26647876

If I am honest, I feel like when I write stuff that I draw from historical pieces that many don't understand it (It's nobodys fault that we have this perception about battles and wars being different that they actually were). Quite honestly, That's my fault. I need to write notes at the bottom of my chapters now so it is understood why things happen a certain way.

>> No.26647527
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, 1648279555875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST IN TIME!? we get to show you our nuts in just 2 days sapling.

>> No.26647557

Naturally, look at the catalog.

>> No.26647597

Just understand that unless I specifically say something (Which I would have said retrobro for), Don't believe its me.

>> No.26647598
File: 372 KB, 890x653, 1647047338954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26647672

Just the mention of Niji is enough to send some people into a crazed frenzy, unfortunately.

>> No.26647671

Fair point, I am going to start writing little character interaction pieces from now on. Even if they are total shit, I'll try.

>> No.26647672
File: 856 KB, 1024x576, d3b20e51b7f80db24188a8c50fbe59b7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just the mention of Niji is enough to send some people into a crazed frenzy, unfortunately.
Niji continent is the eye of terror of vitubia...

>> No.26647717
Quoted by: >>26647822

i actually have no issues with the storys at all and since it was not pomerlane anon that wrote the "deal is off" thing, wich i do believe him, it matters not

but when we made the deal he first wanted 80 cannons for a single sword wich is not exactly what one would call a realistic and fair trade and did come across a bit like "holier than you"

but again, was not him, angry rant is void.

>> No.26647735
File: 69 KB, 578x811, 1648185742717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like niji continent.....at least the risuners VERY MUCH enjoyed /rose/.

>> No.26647739
Quoted by: >>26648853

I had plans of the pinisi built in nasfaqg being built to fit 6 cannons ( 3 per side) and the ship being built in sabatangan being built to fit 8 cannons (4 per side).

However since the risuner didnt want cannons, only the ship in sabatangan would be equipped with any cannons (2 per side, so there would be space for 2 more per side).
If /morig/ agrees, these cannons would be purchased from them.

so for a total of 4 ships, 3 of them can fit 6 cannons but come with none, and 1 ship that can fit 8 cannons but comes with 4. If risuners want more cannons I suppose they should buy them from /morig/

What do you think? I havent yet even begun writing the shipyard reports kek

>> No.26647822
Quoted by: >>26648017

When we made the deal, I was tired and burnt out from work so my comprehension skills sucked then. I think I was trying to make a point about there being more than one item for whatever reason.

>> No.26647876
Quoted by: >>26648148

It's your lack of decription in your writing that's causing these misunderstandings, I think. Instead of just saying "x did y and the result was z," try describing how exactly these tactics and weapons work. Of course if you'd rather keep your stories as barebones psuedo historical accounts, just pasting notes at the bottom works too, but more detailed descriptions would make for less dry reading.

>> No.26648017
Quoted by: >>26648050

fair enough i will admit having had a shitty tiem at work atm made my immediate response just now a bit more spiteful than otherwise too

and negotations are part of trade, we did come to an agreement in the end.

>> No.26648050

Yeah, can relate. Just got fucked over by insurance so i am not in the best of moods either though I am trying to restrain myself.

>> No.26648148
Quoted by: >>26648334

Yeah, I am going to have to sit down and write something different before I pick up the story again. I might do more of a personal look at say Pomerlane, Magnus and Emylia.

>> No.26648179

I mean, if /risu/ is going to use /meat/ naval tactics, then blowing up ships shouldn't be your top priority to begin with. If we go with that assumption, the lighter anti-personnel cannons would actually be fairly fitting for the purpose, since /risu/ lacks the raw combat prowess and chuubanite weapons /meat/ has. If anything, /morig/ guns might be the odd one out there

>> No.26648242

anyway i am off to /hag/ and /ltg/ and relax a bit and then i will get to my side of the Co-Op stories so till later

>> No.26648287
Quoted by: >>26648334

That seems like a nice change of pace. Even if the characters turn out a bit stiff, I'm sure anons here would be willing to help you iron things out. That's the benefit of a collaborative project like this after all, there are other people to make up for your weaknesses.

>> No.26648320

Also, on shot weight and its interaction with ship hull:

>> No.26648334

This was meant for >>26648148 sorry for the mistag

>> No.26648379

For the record Pomerlane-Anon, my favourite chapter was the one with Pomerlane and Emylia interacting. Like you could feel the tense there well. Don't know if anyone agrees but it was nice.

>> No.26648658

Does the great fire involve lava? Also did you read my notes and suggestions about the /nasa/-/uuu/ story? Don't worry about the buggy.

In Greek history the dialogues between leaders is just as important as the battles. You can do some research on dialogues between leaders and see how it works for you.

>> No.26648853
File: 683 KB, 995x371, arquebus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice! Risuners originally didn't want cannons because they did not feel the need to have them. I like to think of the risuners like the Tau from warhammer 40k. Naive as fuck and thinking that everyone out there except for a few bad apples are ready to be friends with them. Risuners really do need to learn what the fuck is out there and be prepared for it and I think it will only be a matter of time before they figure it out.

I've been reading the history of the Majapahit empire which is to me FUCKING FASCINATING! It pretty much defines a lot of most modern indonesian borders and they had gunpowder as early as A.D. 1300 thanks to the chinese. They built their own guns and did a lot of fucking cool shit. Their cetbang could fire regular balls but some fired arrows tipped with explosives. I'm going on an autism binge especially since this is early as 1300 to 1600. They even had fucking firearms which is pic related.

There is simply so much to go off of once risuners learn how to make their own shit. And I finally found the closest thing to a galleon all of SEA ever produced. Of course it was most likely from the chinese but some say they were a Javanese creation.

>> No.26649479
Quoted by: >>26649554

I'm just going to listen to Plutarch's Parallel lives series. My ADD kills me ability to read half the time/

>> No.26649554
Quoted by: >>26649705

Good Idea, I see absolute brilliance in a lot of your writing but I feel like it is in bursts, like you are rushing.

>> No.26649699
File: 165 KB, 500x500, HmmTime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26650345

There is an option for /risu/ to build its own unique type of cannons.

From https://rentry.org/ppiqh :
>Grape agate- Weaponry. This is by far the most commonly used gem in /risu/ and so many gemtrees of it have been produced that it can be used fairly commonly despite its low expiration. These are used as weapons and are placed at the end of a staff like weapon. These "grape blasters" fire a small purple fireball like projectile at very fast speed. Only 10 shots can be fired before it has to be reloaded with another bead of grape agate. Top priority is placed on making sure nobody, not even outside risuners get their hands on these weapons.

Imagine a cannon that is basically an up-scaled version of that "wand". An ornate cannon that perhaps launches the grape agate at the enemy ship, where the magic of the gem is activated on impact (possibly by a glyph. A times activation? or a conditional one, as in, "after launched, when hit by a force, activate magical effect" glyph). I think it would be very cool and thematically fitting for the future /risu/ warships (assuming they ever build a fleet) to fire purple gems at the enemies which then explode into purple fireballs.

The obvious downside of such a weapon is the cost, shooting vitubium infused pretty gems at your enemies would quickly become very expensive, and there would also be the obvious downside of risuner enemies possibly gaining access to the weapons.

>> No.26649705

In a way, yes. I am trying to drive everything ahead solely because I know when I burn out its going to be a problem to be creative. Bare bones shit can be added to later. I wanted to get this part of the saga done so I can refine it and move to the next part.

>> No.26649986
File: 8 KB, 80x88, 1648529053225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26650472

Sorry, I'm the Sapling that worked on the prompts, I don't plan on getting involved in the /nasa/-/uuu/ story cause I'm sure that Sapling already has some plans for that story's direction

>> No.26650048
Quoted by: >>26650538

Pomerlane anon, just to ask so that you can think. What are you aiming for with Pomerlane in particular personality wise? What is he like? Why do people follow him?

>> No.26650281

The Nusantarans (Indos, Malays, Filipinos) are GOAT at maritime stuff. According to a tale, when a Srivijayan ship docked in China (forgot which era. maybe Tang) it was so huge it almost destroyed the port and the local junks.
Considering that the Nusantaran's ethnic cousins are the Polynesians, the whole Austronesian family are oceanic in nature

>> No.26650345
File: 1.77 MB, 1800x2400, 1647375853162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26650581

A very good idea except they would not do it because of the last point. Enemies obtaining gem magic is absolutely not an option for them. Even though it sounds really fucking cool god dammit.

>> No.26650472
Quoted by: >>26651889

So you're the Sammie Sapling. The Sapling that posts Fauna with ice cream sandwiches.

>> No.26650538
Quoted by: >>26650733

Really, I have him built with the cruelty of Agathocles and Tamerlane, the Bravery and Battlefield presence of Pyrrhus, and the Brilliance of Hannibal and Caesar. Personality wise, I am still figuring that out but I think unironically the way someone behaves as a commander tells us a lot about their character.

Pyrrhus, for example, was the type of man you'd want commanding you against the armies of hell itself and was considered to be second only to Alexander by Hannibal. But he lacked focus. Tamerlane was exceedingly cruel because he believed in the righteousness of his cause (restoring the Mongol Empire) and that his cruelty to some cities would make others surrender.

I'll be honest, I am growing tired of this character the way it is. I might want to restart because I have too many different personalities in one man. I'm probably going to restart with someone resembling Caesar and Pyrrhus less than Tamerlane and Agathocles.

What do you guys think?

>> No.26650581

Yeah, I thought so too. It could be justified with a slow cultural and political change as the risuners explore the world, but that would be ultimately up to you guys to write into the lore.

>> No.26650671
File: 16 KB, 480x360, aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanted to push out some new stuff today
>Sapped of all enthusiasm due to an irl hangout getting canceled due to coof

>> No.26650733
Quoted by: >>26650804

You're fucking nuts if you want to tear down everything you spent 20+ hours working on.
I like it.

>> No.26650804
Quoted by: >>26650980

I don't know if I am quitting it yet, but I am going to trying something different and see if that makes it work for me more. I started this without knowing what the world actually looked like. I can fix it.

>> No.26650980
Quoted by: >>26651039

I have an idea on how to redeem it
Assume that historical fact and myth syncretized with one another.
Like the Trojan Wars and Three Kingdoms

>> No.26651039
Quoted by: >>26651497

That's how it already is but I hate my character now.

>> No.26651181
File: 245 KB, 390x411, onobot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright back, could i ask the sanalite writing the space story with me about what place exactly the onobot got pushed in? i must admit that kind of stumps me about how to continue right now sicne its in a dark hole but he says he sees stars. i would assume the holo chamber is way further in and not near the entrance but i also cannot think of a place near the entrance fitting for what he said.

for meatanon, did my side you are free to go.

also since i seem to either miss him or nto recognize him but could i ask some questions to a local deadbeat since there is some stuff i want to clarify before i send someone to visit

also i missed my chance to say it but i am almost sad to hear that deadbeats going for blossoming would most likely not have their bones melted down in the process, because even if that would have taken way longer but had been possible i would have loved to see and try what would happen if an onobot attempts it.

noo, risuner, never figure it out, stay with onobots in blissful obliviousness

>> No.26651342

I think i've realized that I need to make a character that is an actual contradiction. Like implusive sometimes in his decision but other times calculating.

>> No.26651497

well i mean so far you wrote the story of a romanticed and ideal pomerlane as given tale by someone that obviously looked up to the man or the deeds, possibly even from someone who might not even have witnessed the events himself and only hrough secodn hadn reports himself.

so why not for a change of pace throw in a story outside of the grand battlefields from the perspective of pomerlane or someone close to him, the aftermath of one of these battles or a night out in town with his close retainers ect.

>> No.26651553

I'd hardly call someone who massacred an entire city romantic.

>> No.26651601

Good idea, Will probably set the timeline back 200 to 300 years.

>> No.26651746
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x1482, 1626489071318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JWU God damn, this thread actually is too fast now.
That's awesome, I kinda regretted not making a map for my raid story, would have made some explanations more straightforward.
Oracles are a common way to receive stream content I think, /morig/ clergy does something similar. Also, due ot the "speed of plot" thing, I don't think anyone will follow a rigid irl-VTE time scale. The hopium overdose reference kek, that's nostalgic.
I read the whole risuner cannon convo, and I just thought I'd say, Deadbeats have massive cannons on their ships-of-the-line, 65 pounders at the highest, but we also have frigates, corvettes, yachts and the merchant navy to arm, so our armament runs the whole gamut, we can just sell you smaller cannons kek.
I'd wanna add that while your sailing techniques come from /meat/, you naval combat techniques wouldn't, just due to the simple fact you're not pirates and raiders. You might want to have more stern-facing cannons for example, whereas some /meat/ vessels have bow-facing cannons.
The main reason that I suggested to Risuner that they be taught cannon-fabrication by /morig/ engineers is that there was some interest to build those massive djong ships earlier on, which had a lot of armament, but the smaller pinisi the Risu fleet currently certainly has less need for armament. But all countries should strive for military independence otherwise you end up with shit like NATO.
When nijis sends its people, they're not sending their best, they're bringing falseflagging, they're bringing trolling, they're schizos. And some, I assume, are Rosebud.
Not but really, sorry about that Pomerlane anon. With great success comes antis I guess, I'm kinda glad I get 1 (You) per piece now. I'll read the siege and comment on it once I'm caught up.

>> No.26651793

Don't! Please, keep it the way things are. It's FINE.

>> No.26651821
Quoted by: >>26652146

>they're not sending their best, they're bringing falseflagging, they're bringing trolling, they're schizos
ehh we've been through worse
remember the whole fiasco over Risu canal? ot the Borg Cube and Nuefag's betrayal?

>> No.26651889
File: 21 KB, 346x339, 1648078894723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this nickname

>> No.26651917
Quoted by: >>26651976

honestly it would be funny if pomerlane overall survives the tale to have a 20years later pomerlane see this tale about him being made and going all "HA, i wished it went this well."

>> No.26651976

I was unironically planning for him to just die of dysentery when he starts next campaign.

>> No.26652125
Quoted by: >>26652285

On the battle, I don't really see anything wrong with the way it went. It doesn't seem like Ryuguards had much a chance even if everything went right for them because of the problems of having that attack delayed by nearly a year thanks to Gunpowder (Yes, that is realistic imo). Some things can be just chalked up to "Well, I guess if our opponent was a moron it could have worked." A navy like that operating under the fire of all those forts would be torn to bits.

>> No.26652136

Kek. Famois warlords and leaders dying to mundane deaths has got to be my favourite historical trope

>> No.26652146
File: 4 KB, 180x225, 1635002446170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, these sagas were driven by extremely autistic individuals that at least seemed to think they were doing the right thing. These attacks on Pomerlane have the incoherent, thoughtless quality of the threadshitters we get on /morig/ whenever she does something. It's less existentially threatening to the thread though, just more annoying for the target.
>not syphilis
I guess he really isn't Alexander the Great kek. unless the dysentery is an assassination camouflaged as a disease, in which case he is very much Alexander the Great.

>> No.26652166
File: 125 KB, 500x500, Fluffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of it like in-between space between walls, since that's what it is. Cables and ventilations shafts mostly. Walls here ain't solid, it's all built on a frame on the inside. And him seeing stars is because A FULL FORKLIFT CRASHED INTO HIS FACE!

>> No.26652167

now that would be boring, got let the man fail in battle at least once with a rival that actually from there challenges pomerlane a bit

>> No.26652209
Quoted by: >>26652358

I've changed my mind because my mood has improved. Lmao, this is why I am right a Saga like an autist.

>> No.26652276

ohh... kek yeah okay i should have udnerstood that with the stars

>> No.26652285

Yeah... I don't get the criticism for that at all considering even Opimius himself said it was a long shot basically. Pomerlane is just unusual for many I think.

>> No.26652358

good, if he still lives in the current i might even send an onobot to him for tactical advise to withstand the battlefield of love.

>> No.26652372

If Pomerlane does get killed off, I have planned a successor for him anyways to pick up the pieces.

>> No.26652385
File: 354 KB, 604x609, 1647021689835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26652726

Makes a lot of sense. But why the back of the ship? Would it be because risuners would not want to engage in combat and would fire while running away?

>> No.26652398

Onobot, thread usage trick, if you reply to a post from the previous thread, it will still give a (You) to the anon you're replying to in the new thread, reducing the odds of you missing their post. That might be a 4chanX feature, I'm not sure, but everyone uses 4chanX anyway.

>> No.26652604

But having a famous general soldier warrior dying to something boring like a heart attack or malaria is a classic in our history
Napoleon had cancer, Zhukov had a stroke and so forth

>> No.26652620

NTA but I don't use 4chanX

>> No.26652669

Alright, I'm done being a schizo to myself today internally. Tomorrow, i will start Pomerlane from another perspective that is not part of the epic "The Secret Histories" where you get to see mudane shit like him and his first cousin flirting, him outdrinking any challenger, etc.

>> No.26652674
File: 14 KB, 276x195, SureBud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A'ight so I will fight you on this one.

I never liked that Isekai idea ever since it started appearing, since it just seems to add needless complexity to us. What's wrong with us just being an exploratory fleet that's about 300 light years from our nearest settled planet? At least we are still working under the same laws of physics, which wouldn't necessarily be the case if we got Isekai'd. To not even mention the biological threat to us, in the form of diseases. If we are still in the same universe, at least the little fuckers would work under the somewhat same rules that we are accustomed to, but would that be the case if we are in another fucking dimension? Could we even exist in our old forms in this dimension? This shit is a lot more complicated than Isekai anime would have you believe, and a lot more handwaves would have to happen than if we would just be in the same galaxy.

Also, you really wanna go with regular old boring humans? Not even a spec of creativity added into them?

>> No.26652726

Running away has negative connotations. I'd rather say that Risuner naval tactics would involve increasing the distance between its own ship and the opponent's, since a boarding action usually wouldn't be the objective for a risuner pinisi. You'd want to maintain a distance away from the assailant while shooting them to damage their rigging among other things, until they can't keep up with you. That would result in your target being in front of your stern more often than your bow.
Risuners shine in guerrilla combat in forested areas, where you can shoot a fucker from a branch, sneak up on him, do ambushes. When boarding, you don't get to make use of any of those tactics.

>> No.26652746
File: 169 KB, 723x1000, Pyrrhus-Epirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26652838

>Also, you really wanna go with regular old boring humans? Not even a spec of creativity added into them?
NTA but Yes, this dude who is famous only for his "victories" is much more interesting than anyone in fiction. Fight me!

>> No.26652838
File: 147 KB, 1526x1217, Let's get to it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing

>> No.26652921

Have you anons forgot we have magic?
Low grounded magic. it might not be high fantasy magic but it'll still be useful
Imagine having the equivalent of a radar in the 1300's
Or mind to mind telecommunication
Or using invisibility cloaks for stealth

>> No.26653063
Quoted by: >>26679603

I’m not incorporating that into Pomerlane because magic feels like a cop out. If i really wanted to, I could have had him invisibly send around 100 men to open the gates.

>> No.26653098
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1630205983737.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone took note of it in the thread, but I wrestled the schizo aura generated by trolls and shamans into being used for a schizo radar of sorts kek.

>> No.26653255
File: 18 KB, 101x112, ram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26653512

i never used 4chanX and Vanilla does not. (unless i really never had someone answer to a post of mine form an older thread.)

but good to know, honestly never been this active in a thread that actually warrants answering to posts this much into the past so i will try to keep that in mind

alright put something in, hope you don't mind me setting it up in a way for you to set up the environment sicne you would be more familiar with how the station should be

>> No.26653274

Yeah. You have nasty stuff in NijiEN schizo lands such as Falseflagging, which turns an entire army against each other, Doxing which makes you insecure about your Godess, and Schizos who alone can distract an entire army. (thread is particularly bad today desuwa)

>> No.26653319
File: 8 KB, 225x225, magiciseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26653512
File: 401 KB, 1500x2319, GLASSES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26653721

Honestly, it's just regular old sci-fi space station. Lots of nice and sleek geometry in the bigger rooms, and generally clean and sterile in the smaller corridors and rooms, but dirty like you would expect in the mechanic department and behind walls, where RR-9141 and Cass are right now.

Also, if you wanna check the response not giving you a (you), I responded to you from a previous thread in the beggining of this one.

>> No.26653571
Quoted by: >>26653957

>tying a bunch of wampa looking trolls together as a makeshift radar

>> No.26653721
Quoted by: >>26653937

yeah it does not

alright, if somethign feels a bit too out of place just feel free to edit it to fit better.

wich i also did with one of the onobots respones in your bit, just had to add the onobot thinking a space station is a station with space in it.

>> No.26653937
File: 513 KB, 2048x1152, WAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26654410

Just took a gander at it and YES YES YES!! I want this whole "And it's RR-9-" gag to come up as many times as it can!! Also, time to go to work, so see you cunts tommorow!

>> No.26653957

Kek, that would be counter-productive, as the auras of those trolls would make it difficult to notice anything else.
Basically, the idea of the schizo auras is that they're a sort of psychological pressure emanating from trolls and shaman artifacts (probably propagated through the quantic field). This pressure can break down the willpower of individuals, and proximity makes it worse. However, individuals with a lot of willpower and faith in their oshi can resist it.
Thus, naturally if the "strength" of this mental pressure varies depending on distance, you can use it to locate the source of the schizo aura by noting in which direction the aura gets stronger and how strong it is.
This is where I used it. https://rentry.org/cultural-exchange#chapter-8
The nice thing is that this can only be used against schizos, so it doesn't affect combat between splits.

>> No.26654012
Quoted by: >>26654304

Trying to imagine a small piece of a gunslinger in the Badlands of NijiEN. Sounds badass..

>> No.26654076

Technically yes we came from humans from Earth. However there's a huge difference between the time humans left Earth and the time we arrived here.
This means we may as well be a different species of human who adapted to low gravity. Knots in cocks could be an evolutionary advantage to allow us to properly nut in low gravity. Also not used to living under 1G means Sanalites are at a physical disadvantage. So we have to rely on machines for everything. Good news is I don't think we're too far evolved from modern humans. Which means we should be able to adapt to gravity again after a few thousand years.

>> No.26654171

>/nasa/ rep ceded on the knotted dicks before the isekai
What an unexpected development...

>> No.26654247

>Knots in cocks could be an evolutionary advantage to allow us to properly nut in low gravity
the fuck is this TITS level writing

>> No.26654304

I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle~

>> No.26654345

Do not actually give the sanallites knotted dicks.

>> No.26654410

alright see ya, might add a bit more then sicne there is one place i REALLY want him to stumble upon for a little fun sideshot. since we don't really have a timeframe for how long they have wandered around the walls i might have him fall in that room from an ventilation shaft.

>> No.26654481

Schizos need their own space for a Schizo nation with rrats.

>> No.26654527

They do anon, that's the schizo wasteland...

>> No.26654567

Nijien had that..

>> No.26654714
Quoted by: >>26654873

Post that story of a Janny judging a heretic before dumping them into the Schizo Wasteland

>> No.26654869
File: 2.27 MB, 6000x3000, 1655828098593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26654902

>inb4 Schizo Maelstorm

>> No.26654873
Quoted by: >>26654987

Need to make a piece about a Janny misclicking and sending someone to banworld by mistake

>> No.26654892
File: 60 KB, 600x600, nemu_smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26656673

Man these threads are moving so fast these days; I missed another sapling? or two? Prompt-sapling should know better than to be squeebing... there will be enough of that once the risuners come over this weekend

Sanalite, I got some inspiration today at the gym so I'll try to get the next section out tonight

>> No.26654902

Also known as: the catalog

>> No.26654987
Quoted by: >>26655037

Luckily in that story the people judged had their memories exposed to the Jannies. So the only thing you have to worry about is collateral damage when the Jannies do their thing
Like what happened to /meat/ on a weekly basis

>> No.26655037

Yeah I know, i got collateral damaged 3 timex yesterday in NijiEN general.

>> No.26655235

>an entire host of Custodians (aka jannies) chasing a single heretic spreading forbidden knowledge in a capital city
>5000+ deaths
>4 blocks leveled
>a flaming crater where the orphanage used to be
>local canal clogged with cattle corpses
>heretic detained and sent for judgement
>Mission status: EXTREME SUCCESS!

>> No.26655424

POV: You are now at the North Pole aka Schizo Wasteland

>> No.26655650
File: 312 KB, 475x484, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finsihign my bit for the /vrt/-/nasa/ story i think i just realized my greatest weakness to story writing...

comign up with titles

all my storys are "an onobot visits/does a place/thing"

>> No.26655695

Name it "Onobot Hijinks in the land of the spacemen" like a tin tin book

>> No.26655852

No idea of the contents, but how about "of boxes and suits" (inspired by mice and men, amusing there's going to be some cat-and-mouse-tier shenanigance)

>> No.26656673
Quoted by: >>26658308

Just saying its possible. We'll need a good explaination before I approve it.

I'm looking forward to it. I named the other Sapling Sammie. Do you want a nick name?

>> No.26656796
File: 369 KB, 2110x1639, @buryooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just caught up with this thread. Worldbuilding bros...sorry we infected you with our schizos.

Speculative biology anons, would humans with chromatophores (like cephalopods tend to have) need any changes to their biology to make sense?

>> No.26657081

Off the top of my head, Id say if youre world building with it, at the very least start with picking between hormonal or neuronal control for it. Hormonal might require less changes in humans because were mostly already have some similar reactions (turning slight red when blushing, lighter color when scared, etc). Neuronal might be more complex since the only real neural receptors we have on our skin are for touch (pressure and temperature).

>> No.26657475
Quoted by: >>26657786

Assuming your people live on land, your chromatophores would probably be more similar to a chameleon's than a squid's. The latter would probably cause higher incidence of dry skin issues and sun burns.

>> No.26657500
File: 1.34 MB, 4096x3849, 1651974347757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's worth noting that chromatophore is a cold-blooded trait, not warm-blooded. Most chromatophores also fall under a single type of color. The reason creatures like chameleons can change into so many colors is because they have layers of skin dedicated to different colors. You'd have to adjust the human body accordingly. They'll have some thicker skin, but an injury might prevent that spot from changing color anymore if you rupture the right skin layer. For each layer, you've got to add a bit of complexity to the human brain. This is like adding a new limb. But you can just wave it by saying they've got weird brains. Also a lot more nerves. It'll take a much more complex nervous system to handle all of that. I think you could get around the cold-blooded part as well, if you want to. Overall it's possible and the external biology won't change, but internally it's a whole different beast. Could go on, but I don't want to confuse you if you aren't familiar with this kind of thing.

>> No.26657652
Quoted by: >>26657746

what >>26657500 said. I think that in terms of physiology, we should be pretty similar (other than the epidermis consisting of many chromatophores, making a skin burns a bit easier to get). there would likely need to be a psychological change too, perhaps a slightly larger portion of the brain, similar to how motor functions work. the precentral gyrus i assume would need some more room to work, perhaps a new section altogether depending on the fidelity of the images the chromatophores would produce, will it be simple color change or cuddle fish-level camouflage? this also might need some work on the cerebellum too, i would think.

>> No.26657706
File: 62 KB, 193x184, 1652897464176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26680444

Oh and for your sanity, it's worth noting that speculative biology is an art of bullshitting, not necessarily an art of science. If it makes enough sense that someone won't call you out on it being bullshit, you're in the clear. Extra work after that is completely up to you.

>> No.26657746
Quoted by: >>26657909

note that cuttlefishes not only have chromatophores, but also skin organs to change the skin's texture, so that's even more advanced.

>> No.26657786
File: 388 KB, 1200x1975, @fvfv_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26658093

They live by the coast but will need to be capable of land-based travel. I admit I have yet to give this any deep thought beyond "the official fan mascot is a cuttlefish" and "a warlike tribe that evolved the ability to naturally camouflage with the surroundings would be neat."
Please do go on, reading about this kind of stuff is fun.

>> No.26657909
Quoted by: >>26658093

yeah i know they can wrinkle their skin to look like coral and things like that, i was just wondering if they could do something like add a checkerboard pattern to their skin and not something as complex as this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8xJ13pAZNw

>> No.26658093
File: 476 KB, 423x473, 1647384918243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26658450

If that's the case, why not just full send an amphibian species? Humans are cool, but squid people could be cooler. And a checkerboard pattern should be pretty possible. If they're not changing texture, you don't have to worry about that layer of complexity.

>> No.26658308
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1649709058408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26658521

ok, new part is up!

>nick name
uhh... Is it procrastination sapling? kek

>> No.26658450

Mostly because I don't know shit about amphibians. With this level of biological change it seems I'd have to do just as much research regardless though, so I'll put some more thought into what I actually want to do with them. Thanks for the help, anons.

>> No.26658521
Quoted by: >>26658938

No, you're the nice sapling.

>> No.26658938
File: 103 KB, 323x215, fauna_shy_table.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26659228


>> No.26659228

I like you very much Sapling. I would be happy if we can be friends.

>> No.26660715
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill post things tonight. I got way too distracted looking at Indonesia naval history.

>> No.26661185 [SPOILER] 
File: 794 KB, 648x765, scheme[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2amyq6.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26680833

I just had a terrible, terrible idea. God, I've never done something like this before and it'll probably show. If only this idea didn't strike at midnight, guess I'll just have to plot it out to finish tomorrow.

>> No.26661304

To the Saplings, /nasa/ has updated the rentry document. I have Matre ask a question on why /nasa/'s leader cannot speak to them directly. I also had Matilda speak to Saplings about the Grand Directive. And what Sanalites will do to heal the lands after they're done with it.

>> No.26662257
File: 5 KB, 180x250, 1644116980226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>26651746 (me)
Okay, I just caught up. I really enjoyed it. I think on a purely objective feedback standpoint, your pieces would benefit from a re-read. Obviously 4chinz fiction doesn't need perfect grammar, far from it, but there's a couple sentences where a word was misplaced or missing and that kind of interrupts the flow of reading while the readers processes it as what you intended. A quick re-read to fix up those minor mistakes would help a lot I think.
I think your work with Pomerlane is a good representation of what someone who idolizes Pomerlane would write about him in-universe, and perhaps you gravitate towards that because a lot of historical texts you might be familiar with (Roman generals loved doing this) did this. In this respect, I think you are successful.
On the other hand, a modern reader can come into media with certain expectations, expectations which this type of story doesn't attempt to meet. After all, some very engaging stories are the ones where the hero's success is in question until the very end, suspense. If you write for historical realism, these two goals can sometimes be at odds with each other, since indeed in IRL battles, decisive, straightforward victories of one side over the other are a perfectly plausible occurrence. This is why novels often gloss over battles where the result is expected, and put more emphasis on fights that result in tension or character development. I don't think there is an easy way to reconcile those two aspects.
Anyway, long story short this is for sure a propaganda piece, a couple hundred cannons, forming the largest artillery battery in the world? Pffffft the Deadbeat fleets at that time had dozens of ships with over a hundred cannons each come at us Pomerlane we're waiting. I think you're doing really interesting work in this thread, and using this specific style of storytelling sets you apart and adds variety to our body of works. Based on the in-thread response, I think plenty of people enjoy it as well, and I would give no mind to your dedicated nijishitter.

>> No.26662300
Quoted by: >>26662862

Hey /risu/unders, is there anything akin to restaurants back home for you guys? I'm doing a little thing and I'm afraid I'm about to make one of you guys a bit too unfamiliar with what goes for regular city life in /who/tmm

>> No.26662580

>often gloss over battles
I wonder, would this particular battle had been better recieved if the Ryugard had a secret trick up their alley? Would have made for an interesting challenge for the warlord to show off his own cleverness. On the other hand, maybe putting emphasis on the logistcis of the battle would have left a better taste in the mouth, narratively, it is very satisfactory to see a characthers preparations be put in effect, but I don't know if others consider logistics of a particular battle as a sufficiently interesting topic to read about, specially if it's supposed to be some liberal interpretation or a propaganda piece.

>> No.26662862
File: 693 KB, 2560x2723, 1648257644372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taverns would be a thing but not specifically restaurants. more like bars or open markets.

>> No.26662944
File: 18 KB, 96x100, 1655680102708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coolio! Do they have menus and stuff carved into bark or something then? I don't imagine there's a particularly large paper industry.

>> No.26663051
Quoted by: >>26663874

Taverns were the first restauraunts. How's the pub grub? And do you have nut beer?

>> No.26663058
Quoted by: >>26663512

>due to the simple fact you're not pirates and raiders
inb4 they actually plan to be

>> No.26663512
Quoted by: >>26664474

I think perhaps in this instance, what happened is that the reader was explained Pomerlan's plan in great detail, and then saw it unfold more or less as he intended. I think narratively, the reader is more engaged if he either doesn't know the end point of the plan he is seeing unfold, or the plan he was seeing gets a wrench thrown into it and the protagonist has to scramble to adapt it. Basically, tension comes from uncertainty.
If you want more focus on logistics, I think then you'll want things to be more character driven, so it's not too dry, or maybe get a lot of engaging world-building involved. I think that would be a good way to go as well.
Also, it's feint, not feign, that really rustled my autism because the word comes up dozens of times kek
the corrupting touch of /meat/heads...

>> No.26663874
File: 308 KB, 1668x2224, 1648263360785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26664084

Not too much. Note all your food choices will be organic and have a lot of nuts used in some way. Risuners more or less live off the land.
If nut beer is not a thing IRL I will fucking invent it here.

>> No.26664084

A quick Google search says nuts are bad for beer because of low sugar and high fat. On the other hand there's beer nuts, which is a popular snack. That said nut liquor is a thing. For cheap alcohol you should stick to wines made from fruit.

>> No.26664337
Quoted by: >>26664532

Remember, this whole siege took 5 years to end. 2 of them spent battling over the dam. Thats staggering

>> No.26664362
File: 1.09 MB, 818x1082, 1655818219895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once the /NijiEN/ reps feel comfortable with their lore, I think I might make /rose/ officially reveal itself to the rest of the continent. I feel like unveiling an entire nation that's existed under their noses this whole time could be pretty darn fun.

>> No.26664474
Quoted by: >>26664823

Auto-Correct messed it up. XD>>26662257
You sort of nailed it, its written like a propaganda piece. As for the 100 gun battery, largest on land. Naval battles are different. I think Borodino had the largest gun battery of the Napoleonic wars at like 150 or so French guns lined up.

>> No.26664532

>5 years
I think that’s missed, you dont need to talk about logistics when the timeframe alone shows you that. At least I tried and I also tried to highlight all of the laborers needed.

>> No.26664823

Ah, the ol' Grand Battery. Yeah, transporting cannons on land is a whole other ball game, much easier to move them around when they're on a boat. Probably why shore bombardment increases in importance with time.

>> No.26665861
File: 100 KB, 600x500, mininaitos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26666168

Writer-naito OOC here.

Any kronies here to give me an idea of how they might react to lunaitos appearing in /risu/?

Also, deadbeats, are there any dangerous subterrean creatures in Moriji?

I'm going to be unable to make super involved posts the next few days due to a family trip, gomenanora...

>> No.26666168
File: 900 KB, 1137x864, 1634029213669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo anon, I haven't written about it, but I've had this idea for a subterranean giant snake creature that is basically a mix of the god-devouring serpent from ER, the Great serpent from Sekiro and the Hydra from Hades. Basically a giant bony white snake, very rare, usually chills underground, loves magma. For the average deadbeat it's more of a legend, but it does exist, and more educated characters would know more about it.
Enjoy the trip Lunaito!

>> No.26666662
File: 367 KB, 422x629, cool rosemi[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6dfl89.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reject flesh, become plant.

>> No.26666751
Quoted by: >>26666837

Good evening and sorry Rosebutt, but sex just doesn't have the same appeal without flesh slapping against flesh

>> No.26666759

Meat tasty. Make Grug belly full. Unga bunga.

>> No.26666830

God I wish you had gotten those septs rosebud.

>> No.26666837
File: 318 KB, 1920x2155, 1648688566464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

risuners object to this. sex with plants is quite nice

>> No.26667334

I did another search for nut liquor. It seems most nut liquors are cocktails. Meaning nuts are used as an ingredient to give liquor flavor rather than using the nut to brew the liquor. This might be for the best. Nuts are high in oil but low in sugars. You'll need a fruit or grain high in sugar to produce alcohol via fermentation. If /risu/ has sugar cane, then they can make an acorn-rum cocktail.

>> No.26667440

>want to write silly thing
>1k words already and I'm still just in the setup

>> No.26667945
Quoted by: >>26668560

Im sure the luknights can provide >>26667334

>> No.26668560

I'm thinking /risu/'s got the climate to have some tropical crops. At least in the southern forest. I could be wrong though.

>> No.26668799
File: 676 KB, 2893x4092, 1648558644933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tropical crops
>tropical rainforest
makes sense to me

>> No.26669275

I should introduce Risuners to beer nuts. Luknights would love them too.

>> No.26669382
File: 41 KB, 400x400, C_GwdVOC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world NEEDS drunk risuners

>> No.26669584
File: 68 KB, 222x180, uncanny sapling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fauna help us please no

>> No.26669675

If you live in the arctic tundra then being drunk is necessary.

>> No.26669679
File: 1.60 MB, 1488x2105, 1652058524527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26670635

were coming for your butts. were gonna cum in your butts and eat your nuts.

>> No.26670635
Quoted by: >>26671127

I see that as an absolute win

I think I did an overview of /risu/ crops before, but basically yes, they would likely be able to grow things like sugarcane and citrus, which should allow them to brew alcohol easily (although I think some types of acorns have enough carbo to make it work). also, do you mean liqueur?

>> No.26670692

There's a reason Sanalite's gifts are ice cream sammies and not wheat beer.

>> No.26671127

Yeah, I meant liqueur. I found a recipe that uses vodka. https://www.buildthebottle.com/2019/12/17/acorn-liqueur-recipe/

>> No.26672543
File: 302 KB, 600x706, 1653774565624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking fuck. I forgot to finish both rose and meat stories. They are very nearly complete but I fell asleep so I will just release them tomorrow. Anyway goodnight gentlemen and sexy bitches.

>> No.26672654
Quoted by: >>26672728

The Indonesian/Malaysian people actually have their own native liqour.
Tapai, a type of rice wine

>> No.26672728

Would risuners farm though? Especially for something as labour-intensive as rice

>> No.26673113

Maybe for supplementary use instead of staple food. A couple of small farming plots near the river for each family. All of them are personal owned heirloom lands that has been worked on since the forefathers. Used for small personal use crops like wild rice, tapioca, herbs like longjack (you must look this up), whatever magical plant creature like a ginseng mandrake

>> No.26673172

I can see select key villages farm and grow rice. It wouldn't be a nation wide industry. Anyway if /risu/ needs flour then they can roast and grind acorns.

>> No.26674591

I'm hoping the part I wrote with Saplings wasn't too character stealing. I needed to answer questions for /nasa/. I wouldn't say Maytre hates Hoomans. She's just skeptical of them. I'm hoping the sky people being careful with nurturing their lands will ease the Saplings' worry.

>> No.26677676


>> No.26679603

our magic is less of a cop out than soft magic systems. you should really look into it. or at least give your enemies the ability to use it so that your victories seem more fulfilling. you need to explain how the magic works, though. this isn't a cop out, so don't use it in that way. ask the thread to help you with the worldbuilding element if need be.

>> No.26679762

After quite a long while, several drafts and roughly 22,000 characters later, Part 1 of the overview of the Ame general is done. Basing it off the singular lore entry regarding the Ame general in the lore doc. Right now it only covers the (complex) religion(s), but I plan to add over time stuff about the actual day-to-day life, culture, relations etc etc.
You can find it here: https://rentry.org/fzza5

Let me know if any questions, comments, concerns and all that. I'm just tired.

As for that anon who asked if I wanted to work on the current timeline: I'm not a chumbud but if I wanna represent a certain thread here I'll need to catch up on it, haven't watched the chuubas in a while

Anchor: >>26610127

>> No.26680133
File: 24 KB, 102x128, MateDidYouReally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright alright, fuck, no knots. Your loss, just sayin...

Ok, so wait, we were always a generational ship meant for colonizong a world? Where the fuck did we establish that? I am honestly curious. Because I was always writing under the impression that this was a one generation round trip(at least for the very young ones), and we have a homeworld to return to, that being Terra. If we spent enough time in low G to evolve ANYTHING, we are lightcenturies away at the least. Which means that no help is coming. Ever. Which means this Civil war arc is even more pointless than it already is. Which means we both spent the last what 2 months fucking around a problem which shouldn't have existed in the first place, unless Jonathan is a complete room temperature pajeet and thinks that Starfleet will come find them when they are centuries, of not a millenia away. AND IN ANOTHER FUCKING DIMENSION, WHICH DON'T THINK I FORGOT ABOUT. I am still, and will forever be against us being isekai'd. It just complicates things, and as I said, would need a lot more handwaving than us just being from the same galaxy or some shit, just to establish THAT WE AS AN ORGANISM CAN EVEN EXIST IN THIS REALITY UNDER THESE LAWS OF PHYSICS. I don't like it, and never will. Why can't we just say that we are an expeditionary fleet, on a mission to explore and document the galaxy, with the main focus of bringing back new and exotic ingredients to the homesystem? From the same dimension I should add! Then Jonathan actually has a concrete reason for believing that help might come. Cuz you know, THEY DON'T HAVE TO CROSS DIMENSIONS TO GET TO US?! And this whole Civil war actually has some, although they are shaky, legs to stand on. Oh, and with what a marvel of tech this space station would be, specially if it was meant as a multi-generational ship, and with how many of us it carried, it would have some artificial gravity generations, I would imagine...

Are you proud of me Paragraphanon?

>> No.26680206

no, you used those disgusting upper-case letters you filthy casual.
t. Not actually paragraphsanon.

>> No.26680212

Hows this for /vtwbg/'s main theme?

>> No.26680267

Dont forget the password I Love Ame

>> No.26680444
File: 413 KB, 1200x675, Absolute Fucking Chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK why is it that I always miss this type of talk!?

And yea, while the others gave detailed responses already, I am in complete agreement with >>26657706 Hell, I made tortoises live in arctic tundra by connecting their ancestries with dragons and drakes, and reporposing their flame sacks as just heat sacks that squeeze heat from Chuubanite they consume with their food.

>> No.26680454
Quoted by: >>26680585

For some reason I can't help but imagine a what-if scenario. What would happen to the post-apocalyptic land and its people if it was transported back in time before the apocalypse? Assuming we create a new timeline with a new history of course.

>> No.26680499

though cross-dimensional travel is possible in this setting with enough vitubium, it makes more sense for /nasa/ to be a /vt/ thing. so ya, i'm in agreement with you. not sure if i would say i'm proud that you had to clarify something like that, and ultimately, it's up to your thread to make those kinds of decisions, and the arguments of others are worth considering but i like your reasoning so far, so good on you.
t. paragraphsanon.

>> No.26680550

Started reading it, it's good stuff anon. It's fun to try to piece who the new name refers to in current times. Gonna read all of it before heading to bed.
Also, I was just referring to the fact that if you wanted to rep /ameg/ you'd have a direct active neighbour to mess around with. But do whatever catches your fancy, it's working well so far.

>> No.26680585

Maybe thats how you get all the endings?
Whenever a thread nation accomplishes their goal, the cycle starts over like it's a roguelike
But the fortunate part is that freewill still exists so each cycle is not a repeat of the last. A coin falling head last cycle will not land so in the next
Weather and choices are at the mercy of RNG

>> No.26680631

Hey my boy armando made it in, nice.

>> No.26680833
File: 15 KB, 276x195, HolyMoly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally had enough of wanking it in the corner watching people get it on and decided to join in the squirrel tree orgy? Disappointing... I thought you were one of us...

Oh fuck, he's actually trying to fuck the squirrels. Even taking them out to eat first...

>> No.26680939
File: 298 KB, 2048x2048, 1655759521669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started today on the Rosebud biology remaster, henceforth known as "Rosebutas: A Full Comprehension", and it's already twice the length of the original. This is going to be a hefty one boys, I hope you're ready for speculative biology autism on a whole new level.

>> No.26680997
File: 442 KB, 396x448, FASTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26681232

Is it even possible to not have a multi-generational trip without FTL? And the fleet was never meant to settle anything. It was suppose to probe out worlds without settling them. The reason why it is a colony convoy style fleet is because it has security and resources. /nasa/ was just one of the farms made to feed the fleet. It technically never was suppose to be a multi-generation colony ship. That was the center colony /nasa/ orbited.

I suppose if worse comes to worse I will reset /nasa/'s lore and start over again. Which I may as well be fired from /nasa/ because I wrote us into this hole. I resigned from the civil war arc because I kept doing rewrites. But if I have to rewrite the entire history of /nasa/ and change the government to strict navy command I may as well be fired because everything will become non-canon.

So we drop isekai. We're just space explorers. But we do have to support multi-generational trips because FTL is physically impossible. I still want some form of civilian government because there's too many non-combatants born. The crash can be salvaged. I think current history han be salvaged too. But if the past is the problem then it needs a rewrite. I made the past to make a government structure to answer a plot in the story that is now officially non-canon. Clearly that was a mistake. Which means I will have to rewrite the government structure again. Or not and I can be fired from writing /nasa/ lore and expelled from the project.

>> No.26681312
File: 171 KB, 880x880, 1648830734885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It cometh.

>> No.26681417

my body is ready

>> No.26681461
Quoted by: >>26681961

No need to fire anything, you can just have the core of the sanallite sphere of influence be really fucking far, and your multi-generation ship has been going off exploring for thousands of years, putting sufficient distance between us and them to explain their not having an active role in the story in the immediate future. While giving Vitubia enough time to naturally catch up technologically if they ever do end up having an active role, and explaining why the people of /nasa/ were mindful of Star Fleet during the events written so far.
desu I've read all the sanallite stories (they're good!) and I kinda didn't realize there was an isekai thing... I assumed the Star Fleet was just really far away...

>> No.26681489
File: 323 KB, 1565x2400, 80690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My name is Takeus Longclock. That is the first thing I know. I do not remember when I got here. I do not know where I am. I do not know how I got here.

Those memories, my most recent memories, I know they are still in there. Inside my head. Yet I cannot see them. Cannot reach them. A fog rolls within my mind. Casting a shadow and obfuscating my consciousness. My memories of getting here barely within reach. Someone did this to me. Someone who knows when, where, and how I got here. I need to find that someone...

The other thing I know; My mission. To study. To catalog. To share knowledge. I am an archivist. I am a scholar. I am an adventurer. I find myself here in this realm. Far from home. How far? Only the Kroniisiah would know. None of the locals fully understand my tongue nor appreciate it. Some would even shun me for speaking Holo-Imperial. Such an odd taboo.

Here I lie in front of a library, my eyes affixed on its architecture and design. History oozing from its very crevices. Both literally and figuratively, as the glowing pink moss and cracks are any indication of age. The name of the library carved above the doorframe written in the local tongue. My understanding of it is so far severely limited, leaving me no choice but to ask a passing scholar for its pronunciation. Condescendingly, I received my answer; Ayakkayoli Amoxcalli."

>> No.26681594

You can still be a space faring race just like the Ioforias.

>> No.26681663
Quoted by: >>26681908

Shit, what's my favorite clockfuck doing all the way in /pcclg/?

>> No.26681673

return of takeus after so long. but why is he amnesic? also, maybe not the best timing for his return. new bread doko?

>> No.26681729
File: 23 KB, 263x259, 1642651987769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26681908

Yes, clockfriend, you should repost it in the fresh thread.
Also, have you seen all the posts about us missing the Kronies?

>> No.26681908
File: 14 KB, 299x304, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a Kronie, just wanted to expand to write a cross-thread story in the meantime

>> No.26681961
Quoted by: >>26682263

Going to state my idea. The original plan of the Principal's lock down is to teach Sanalites a lesson. It was suppose to last for a few weeks to let Sanalites realize how suck it is to live the directive as absolute law. However this is a stupid decision by the principal because other space-fairing civilizations exist which made the lock downs moot. Originally my idea of what happens at the end was the government votes on making a new "star base". Principal then resigns and loses his citizenship because he made a mistake that costed the station their spring crop and damaged factories.

>>26681232 (me)
So it looks like we'll have to do a past lore rewrite. I was thinking of crossing dimensions because of how Vitubia was made as a split from /jp/. If we only existed in this dimension then so fucking be it. Where did we come from before crash landing? If we never originated in space then we'll have to be native born. Which at that point /nasa/ becomes /who/ with its technology limitations. We can drop the Terra references and just say we've been wandering space with no homeworld. And we don't want a homeworld because the goal is to find Sana.

Well unfortunately we have continuity errors that makes the civil war arc worthless. Which means two months will be wasted if our goal was to settle a world. Instead the goal should be to repair the ship, get back into space, and leave this planet behind. I kinda don't want to do this because it caps /nasa/'s population and limits production to be inside the station. Which stagnates development. Its also impossible to rebuild sections of the ship we need to get back into orbit inside the ship.

>> No.26682263
Quoted by: >>26682580

>Well unfortunately
So, not a Sanallite, but here is the "God of the gaps" understanding I have of the /nasa/ narrative.
/nasa/ is a generational ship who left the core of the Star Fleet hundreds to thousands of years ago and has been going from planet to planet to register them in a database, transmitting the data they're finding to Star Fleet all the while (the transmissions move at the speed of light though, so that does take thousands of years at this point).
You came in close to Vitubia and something went terribly wrong, causing the ship to crash.
The drives of the ship were fucking obliterated, and /nasa/ doesn't have the ability to repair them. A distress signal has been sent to Star Fleet, but it'll take thousands of years for it to be received and responded to (if they decide to respond at all).
Then, the goal of /nasa/ would be to try to repair the drives while interfering with the Grand Directive as little as possible.

From this point, all the events of the /nasa/ storyline pretty much make sense, I think. I'm not sure what continuity errors there are.

>> No.26682424

That was a fun read! I can't seem to figure out who Uruu refers to, I must either be missing Ame reps or I'm retarded, probably both.

>> No.26682580
Quoted by: >>26682809

The fact that /nasa/ is a civilian station when it should have been an exploration starship with a strict naval heirarchy is a huge fucking error. That's what I get for basing the station off of Pioneer 2 from Phantasy Star Online. As of right now /nasa/ is an orbital station. It was never meant to land on a planet. /nasa/'s main industry is agriculture. They exist to feed the rest of the floatilla, namely the central colony that /nasa/ orbits. /nasa/'s Starfleet is out there somewhere. They might be chasing us down right now.

>> No.26682755
Quoted by: >>26682809

I think in the end I'm going to have to restructure the lore to drop the orbital colony idea. /nasa/ is going to have to be a starship, not a space station, in order for me to make /nasa/ work. I can still keep the civilian government. However the military is going to be the be all end all of authority. Which makes the captain of the ship the principal's boss.

>> No.26682809
Quoted by: >>26683236

>It was never meant to land on a planet.
Well, you definitely can't say that, otherwise it wouldn't be able to support its own weight under the influence of the planet's gravity, and second it wouldn't have been able to liftoff to righten itself.
Second, any ship with as much population as /nasa/ would need to have a big capacity for agriculture, regardless of its precise role.
I'll be honest, I have never seen the /nasa/ ship as anything other than a starship, and I've been reading yall's lore since the start. If it was just a space station (which to me implies it doesn't move) how would it have moved itself close to Vitubia?
Basically, I think this'll be a pretty painless change and you don't need to worry about it.

>> No.26682894
Quoted by: >>26683236

Hey other Sanalite. We need a captain of the ship who is the supreme authority on everything.

>> No.26683119
File: 297 KB, 2064x1424, Inasanaty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate, it's alright, really. We can solve all this with very little edits. And you ain't fucking getting expelled from this project, I ain't gonna fill your shoes. If you go, I go. So let's go over the problems that we have atm, and try to think of a solution to each of them one by one, ok? Paragraphsanon, here I go again! Watch over me!

This I actually thought about this entire evening at work, and the answer will probably make no sense, BUT it will also be the first, and hopefully the last time I make use of Rule of Cool for /nasa/. Basically, for this I would make use of a now basically forgotten detail of Sana's lore. She's a herald of the ancient ones. So let's get some fucking occult shit in this bitch. I made a small mention of Starchildren in the last entry I made about death and burials, but I wanted to expand on them sooner or later so here's that. They are basically the closest thing Sanallites would have to 40k's Primarchs. Except unlike them, who are just demigods in general, these would be tools of Sana's will designed for a specific purpose. Nameless king, for example, was the only exception to this rule, being both undefeatable general as well as a wise ruler that lived for almost 300 years. Basically our Emperor of mankind (he did unify the entire planet, so it kinda fits). But aside from that rulebreaker, Starchildren always have specific purpose (I mean, he did as well, but he basically had to be a god for that, that's why San just maxed all the sliders when making him), Like the pope of the Holy See, whose job it is to maintain Sana's faith and be the eternal watcher over our civilization. To that end he is essentially immortal, being 4571 years old (he was the 2nd Starchild, born mere minutes after the Nameless king) and can heal from basically any wound, as well as heal others, and has an amazing, but not perfect, memory. In a fight, however, he is below average. Because fighting isn't his purpose, his purpose is to observe and teach. Needless to say, they are considered extremely important figures, and even holy on some planets.
Now that that is established, we can touch up on the occult part. There is a chamber (name pending) in the centre of the Station, the repairs on which are completely automated, and access to which is forbidden. This is our Jump reactor. It esentially enables FTL travel, by grabbing the space in front of the station and extending it (like you would a rubber band), basically making it so that the station only has to make really small movements to travel light years worth of distance. This has it's limits, however, and a maximum jump distance is somewhere in the 4-5 light years distance, with plenty of time in between the jumps, as it needs to charge back up. I KNOW I KNOW scienceanons, this probably made you cringe really really hard, but It's what I have, so sorry. Now why is it forbidden to access it and why only Cass (our AI) has the schematics and ability to fix it? Well, because it contains an artificial Starchild. A starchild whose entire purpose is to take large areas of space and move them around, playing with them like a child. This chamber is installed into every Exploratory ship, as well as every Military fleet carrier, and in Every Jump Ring (Imagine something like Halo arrays, but used for transport, not killing the entire galaxy). I hope I don't have to explain why this needs to be kept a secret of the highest order. Not even the principal is privy to this information. Hell, most of the government back home don't know about this. This is what enables our galactic civilization, and is our darkest and best kept secret. We have corrupted the greatest gift Sana has ever given us and enslaved it and used it for our own good. Oh and also, ours seems to have died. It was most likely during the crash, idk, haven't ironed out the details that far, but the main point is that it's dead. Just a lifeless, powerless body floating in a pool of liquid in that chamber, unknown to anyone but Cassandra.

>> No.26683162
File: 221 KB, 1911x2048, Sanamaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26683326

As for this, I have no objection to the Council and Senate you proposed (except can we maybe just condense it into just Council? They would be voted on by the people anyway) forming, morroring the type of government we have back in the home system. As for when we are in space, however, I would have went with something simpler. Namely, Principal at the top, supervising everything, with department leaders directly under him, each just doing their own thing for the most part, basically just giving reports on problems and the like to Principal. So if you were to ask some normal guy who is in charge most of the time, he would probably say his department head, not the Principal. The only department who is under Principal's direct control is the Navigators AKA the bridge. Now as for the future council I mainly wanted for the old department heads to be in it, with the exception of Principal and Security. They would get new faces, due to their leaders either resigning or being demoted, respectively. This is just how I would structure it, you are free to make it however you wish, JUST PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF SANA DON'T OVERCOMPLICATE IT. For your own good. You know what happens when you overcomplicate things.

I still stand with my "honeycomb" idea, where we had multiple stations joined together, and we simply dropped them off one after another over the course of the journey. It would also explain why we are this fucking far from our system. And as for government when they are together, the Principals basically make their own council, and sort the problems that might arise like that. So if one of the stations needs more repairs than others, they can allocate more resources to it from those that have a surplus.

This is would say are the 3 main problems we are facing right now, but if you think something else needs to be ironed out, just name it and I can Paragraphsanon it away again!


>> No.26683223
File: 175 KB, 844x1196, Galaxy flowerbed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to read the responses you typed while I was shitting this out and see what you overcomplicated again. What I tell you about that? It just eats at your nerves.

>> No.26683236
Quoted by: >>26683468

Another fuck up. Only the captain has the authority to issue lockdowns. FUCK!!!

>> No.26683326


>> No.26683351
Quoted by: >>26683571

>not learning about massive quantities of 40k lore at your leisure

>> No.26683428
File: 2.03 MB, 3720x2143, 1643134601895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people with the overpowered sci-fi stuff also has the most overpowered magic stuff
No no it's fine, carry on, Kronies have taught me to cope with this kind of seething.

>> No.26683468
File: 265 KB, 500x500, padumpadum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to god I will skin you alive if you say you fucked up once more! Look, if it helps anything, try to think about whether Sana would like what you wrote, or would she say she can't really understand it and it's too complicated for her space baby brain. Let's ignore the Spacetime watchalong collab, for the sake of the argument. Keep it nice and simple. Nice and simple. Once you have the simple draft that even a room temp. anons could understand, insert detail. But don't overdo it!

I want to keep the references few and far between, this is basically the only thing I took from that universe. But as the gigachad above me said, you really should take a gander at that universe's lore. Its fucking amazing. I personally watch every video Luetin09 cooks up, he sums up things nicely. And from that come the endless wiki dives. It's a really nice way to spend a free day.

>> No.26683571

Forgive me for being a country bumpkin who lived in a baptist hellhole town that banned DnD and Warhammer 40k.
