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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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25953411 No.25953411 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>25953469

Previous: >>25937122

>> No.25953455
File: 1.10 MB, 1040x1471, 4238c8eaf9408f9bd721bf3c40061404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.25953469

I'm not a feet guy

>> No.25953482

>mumei spikes to 9k then loses 2k

>> No.25953509

So early for the # ?

>> No.25953545

Only cucks preface everything they say with "This is just my opinion". I have the opinion I do because it's right, it's your job to prove it wrong girlyboy

>> No.25953565

Opinions are reflective of your perception of reality, and all people think their perception is factual because thinking otherwise would be the same as questioning your own sanity.

>> No.25953617

>youtube see twitch icon
>Susan is not happy

>> No.25953624
File: 517 KB, 1440x959, 1606069810753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25953823

Name a bigger wasted potential

>> No.25953626

People seeing if she had anything interesting to say, probably went back to Kronii or went to sleep.

>> No.25953634
Quoted by: >>25953848

>I have a Twitc-
>stream dies
I swear the AI is picking this shit up

>> No.25953648
File: 370 KB, 1250x1600, FU5EHSWaIAAbu2m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25953717


>78,179: Salome (Nijisanji)
>73,014: Hololive (Hololive)
>67,077: Ryushen (Nijisanji)
>61,486: Ryushen (Nijisanji)
>48,242: Momo (Nijisanji)
>45,341: Lui (Hololive)
>24,106: Subaru (Hololive)
>23,575: Gura (Hololive)
>19,388: Alban (Nijisanji)
>18,752: Shu (Nijisanji)
>18,409: Shion (Hololive)
>17,563: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>13,943: Watame (Hololive)
>13,811: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>13,797: Laplus (Hololive)
>13,670: Kobo (Hololive)
>13,450: Sana (Hololive)
>13,427: Ange (Nijisanji)
>13,384: Mysta (Nijisanji)
>13,311: Vox (Nijisanji)
>12,583: Gatchman (Indie)
>12,418: Koyori (Hololive)
>12,261: Lisa (VSPO)
>12,169: Lui (Hololive)
>10,850: Reid (Neo Porte)
>10,087: Kanae (Nijisanji)

>> No.25953711

Connection dropped.

>> No.25953717
File: 1.25 MB, 2951x4096, FU5ZNdjVIAAWXTZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25953942

1) Salome (Nijisanji) - 97,905 - Resident Evil 7
2) Haachama (Hololive) - 46,696 - 4th anniversary totsumachi
3) Salome (Nijisanji) - 96,226 - GTA V
4) Salome (Nijisanji) - 94,165 - Resident Evil 7
5) Salome (Nijisanji) - 102,804 - Resident Evil 7
6) Watame (Hololive) - 77,793 - 3D birthday live
7) Mio (Hololive) - 46,701 - 1 million subs karaoke
8) Salome (Nijisanji) - 114,132 - 1 million subs celebration yakiniku
9) Iroha (Hololive) - 124,349 - 3D debut
10) Salome (Nijisanji) - 71,690 - English study
11) Salome (Nijisanji) - 78,179 - Resident Evil 7

7x: Nijisanji
4x: Hololive

7x: Salome
1x: Haachama, Iroha, Mio, Watame

2022 GOLDS
107x: Hololive
46x: Nijisanji
6x: Neo Porte
2x: Indie
1x: Kizuna AI Inc.

17x: Pekora
16x: Aqua
12x: Miko
11x: Kuzuha, Salome
7x: Subaru
6x: Hal
5x: Kanata, Marine
4x: Mio, Suisei, Toya
3x: Choco, Gura, Hololive, Okayu
2x: Ange, Chloe, Flare, Fuwa, Korone, Mysta, Nijisanji, Polka, Towa
1x: AI, Aki, Axia, Ayame, Botan, Calli, Chronoir, Haachama, Hayase, Hoshikawa, Iroha, Kaida, Koyori, Lui, Mel, Melissa, Mikeneko, Mito, Nagao, Nene, Roboco, Rushia, Sora, Sukoya, Ui, Vox, Watame, Yashiro, Yorumi, Zeta

>> No.25953746
Quoted by: >>25953913

susan killed it

>> No.25953761

About HoloALT, I have no qualms of it being popular due to the box but I want to iterate that the only reason why Genshin was super popular in its first few months was that it was shilled/advertised heavily and still does so now. Not sure if most of their budget is put into their marketing campaign, but I believe so.

>> No.25953790
Quoted by: >>25953936

Why does that elf tranny in Niji have like 35k?

>> No.25953817

>mumei gets lag
>views drops natuarrlly and start recovering after a while

>nijien gets lag
>gets a new ccv peak

>> No.25953823

Kek i had to

>> No.25953848

>Spend millions on Ludwig
>Kneecap vtubers who regularly get 3x his audience every single day and over 20x his audience combined over all streams

>> No.25953901

Hololive has free marketing, they just play it onstream. Obvious you can go beyond that, but it significantly alleviates marketing costs to have such a built in advantage. If they want to be really cheeky they can give other vtubers permission to play it as well.

>> No.25953913

Specifically, Mumei just announced her twitch channel, and then Susan immediately bonks her

>>bans them from playing Rust when its the hottest thing in the JP streamer scene
Moomers just revealed they recently got Rust perms

>> No.25953936

if you haven't noticed nijijp has been doing a 24h relay, that's why they had all those entries yesterday and today

>> No.25953942
Quoted by: >>25955482

>Salomi getting gold again
OH NO WHAT DO WE DO HOLOBROS she no longer botting and still owning the shit outta the idols !!!

>> No.25953950

Google has gone for shiny new things over established things in its own ecosystem for a long time now

>> No.25953982
Quoted by: >>25954144

Yeah YouTube Gaming is retarded, they should have just went all in on Vtubers instead of spending money signing mid tier Twitch streamers.

>> No.25953985
Quoted by: >>25954267

The question is can they join that big streamer discord server and vc?

>> No.25953992
File: 156 KB, 962x566, 200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filian got into the top 200.

>> No.25954022

Nijibros, how does it feel that your IPO will get less money than Susan will shill out to get Sykkuno streaming on Youtube?

>> No.25954036

What are they doing a relay of, singing? Would be kind of cool if Holos did this, instead of just doing it by branch, have it stretch across everyone so you can fill in the time. Is Niji EN part of the Niji one?

>> No.25954103
Quoted by: >>25954557

I thought that wasn't a vtuber.

>> No.25954110
Quoted by: >>25954388

it's just variety shows as far as i've seen

>> No.25954130

>323k subs
istfg are japs really that allergic to subscribe button?

>> No.25954144

Hololive and Nijisanji aren't going anywhere. Youtube wants a piece of the Twitch pie. Maybe if Holo and Niji threatened to move then YouTube might do something, but they literally never will. Hololive and Nijisanji have too much non gaming and music content.

>> No.25954160

she mentioned streaming on twitch and susan immediately killed the stream
didn't Z like normal just a slight spike that's hidden by how quick the stream came back

>> No.25954173

That Susan is retarded (and I say that as a holofan)

>> No.25954176
Quoted by: >>25954274

Hololive as the algorithm by the fucking balls, it can go trending whenever the fuck it wants. Their Genshin clone will have a marketing budget a fraction of Genshin's and probably still manage to become a serious rival if its just not total dogshit

>> No.25954224

Mumei back to 9k, nice.

>> No.25954267

Definitely not, they don't want to risk someone saying else nigger and causing an epic yab for their company.

>> No.25954271

Ponpoko is a special case, she and Peanuts are host type vtubers who only get massive views when they host giant events and collabs.

>> No.25954274

>if its just not total dogshit
That's the big question tho
Making a decent genshin (or rather craftopia) clone is no easy task

>> No.25954279
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25954297

Rust perms are pointless without being able to interact with more popular streamers, nijisanji will incline heavily in Japan because of server perms while holos are going to be left behind yet again

>> No.25954304

Last time they did a relay Susan decided to cripple their views to 25%

>> No.25954324

best way to explain it is, imagine if holo did the mikkorone 24h stream but did every hour on a different channel
i have no idea about nijien

>> No.25954368
Quoted by: >>25954415


>> No.25954388

What, like prerecorded content or is it live skits? Honestly this seems like something hololive could easily replicate

>> No.25954408

The paper bag emote is cute, but the facial expression is too small for the chat

>> No.25954415
Quoted by: >>25954506

number bunny comes back straight into a funnel

>> No.25954472
Quoted by: >>25954511

Kronii 15k

>> No.25954473
Quoted by: >>25954511

Kronners 15k get

>> No.25954499

this relay is made by the ex seeds guys (niji's former variety streamer branch) not really the whole of jp

>> No.25954506

You think that's a coincidence?

>> No.25954511

people really wanted Minecraft Kronii

>> No.25954539
File: 1.15 MB, 1107x422, 16547322159565665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variety streams. Singing, cooking, quizes, etc. Most stuff on 3D. It's a mix of streams and premieres too which helps

>Is Niji EN part of the Niji one?
No. The relay is for SEEDs 4th anniversary. SEEDs is a separate group on Niji (the ones on pic related)

>> No.25954557

/lig/ VTuber.

>> No.25954561
Quoted by: >>25954629

Elira's karaoke seems to have done decent (for a female) but the peak is like a 2k Z.

>> No.25954609

Kronii is back, huh. Taking her rightful place as a 15k steamer.

>> No.25954611

yashiro looks so funny in the middle of that

>> No.25954629

If you remove the raid 10k is probably what she would get naturarlly.

>> No.25954638
Quoted by: >>25954808

Mumei took away her gifted tier?

>> No.25954670


>> No.25954679
Quoted by: >>25954738

>Stacking 4th anniversary, endurance/relay, variety stream, Collab, and 3D buffs all at the same time

And it STILL loses to Salome's RE 7

>> No.25954698
Quoted by: >>25954759

>Being the most promising member of Council
>Start streaming regularly
>Start streaming decent games
>Get good numbers
color me surprised

>> No.25954738
Quoted by: >>25954816

even after getting shilled by her on twitter

>> No.25954759

Kronii really didn't want to be the biggest member of council. She was probably banking hard on Mumei taking it from her

>> No.25954768
Quoted by: >>25955387

Just a reminder to everyone that Kronii has hit 10k 6 streams in a row and 3 of those were fucking cuphead and megaman. People seriously love Kronii

>> No.25954770

>mumei is going to change her timeslot

>> No.25954808

Yes, I got a gifted sub the other day and I can watch member videos

>> No.25954816
Quoted by: >>25959881

Her tourists are worse than useless for the industry.

>> No.25954839
File: 425 KB, 662x938, currently streaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25954892


>> No.25954897

Elira 10k

>> No.25954907


>> No.25954922

Earlier than usual?

>> No.25954971

yes, she wants to have a bedtime and reliable routine for her Animal.

>> No.25954979

Morning streams please

>> No.25955009

It's not the whole JP. It's exSEEDS 1, the first wave of SEEDS when the branch existed before being merged into JP. They are doing a 24 hours stream in commemoration of 4 years of their group.

>> No.25955027

Just look at the time anon. Its not that hard.

>> No.25955071
Quoted by: >>25955268

She wasn't specific (or I missed it), but she wants to stream earlier. I just hope she doesn't try to take Gura's timeslot, those who tried that didn't do well.

>> No.25955073

>didn't want to be the biggest....
Not that again. EN really needs some leaders who can accept the 'burden' of being the fan-favorite

>> No.25955080

its not even on the same timeslot
why are you so stupid?

>> No.25955111

ponpoko still doing the short video meta. they get 100-300k vod views on those most of the time. they stream like twice a month at most. and occasionally they do the big collabs that gets them high ccv.

>> No.25955213

unfortunate part for that is I just think Mumei is somehow more bland than Kronii with a worse voice to boot.

>> No.25955237
Quoted by: >>25955293

pippa incline

>> No.25955268
Quoted by: >>25955423

>I just hope she doesn't try to take Gura's timeslot, those who tried that didn't do well.
On the other hand, nobody tries to fill Gura's timeslot when she is missing because of that

>> No.25955278
Quoted by: >>25955370

>Mumei losing to Fauna
oh how the tides have turned in Council

>> No.25955293
Quoted by: >>25955411

pretty sure everytime ive seen her reco'd to me in past few months shes always 400~ range. is that really an incline

>> No.25955370

>Kronii, Gura, Mumei stop doing Karaokes...
Its like they dont want numbers

>> No.25955387

Kronii has a fantastic model and is easily the most natural entertainer out of all of HoloEN. She would be able to make it as a meat tuber quite easily with her comedic timing and sense of humor as long as she isn't hideous.

>> No.25955411

50 person increase is big if they can keep it.

>> No.25955423
Quoted by: >>25955634

Well, Fauna did that today and got 12k, pretty good. The problem is when Gura is actually streaming.

>> No.25955462
File: 422 KB, 1200x675, 1654931801492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25955482

>she no longer botting
Kek. Ever watched her en pandering stream?

>> No.25955496
Quoted by: >>25955585

didnt they just publicly execute one of their girls

>> No.25955524

I'm worried. EN3 is just around the corner, this shit will get crushed

>> No.25955585

She was leaving anyway.

>> No.25955634

Fauna is inclining on borrowed time. When Ina comes back she's going to go back to getting overlapped again. It's a tough spot between Ina at 5 and Gura at 8 plus Ame randomly sometimes in that window too.

>> No.25955656

thats an audition anon, not a debut

>> No.25955668

This is the audition, they're at least several months out. Also, despite how dumb /#/ can be, predictions of approximately when the next gen drops haven't been too far off the mark. Lots of people guessed Nov for Gen6 and around Holofes for ID3. I'm going to second the thought that EN3 is gonna drop late June/Early July.

>> No.25955680
File: 1016 KB, 848x1200, 1625127482117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will EN ever have anyone with as much drive to succeed and get big numbers as Koyori?

>> No.25955695
File: 3.64 MB, 1500x2632, 1654982926841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25955740


- 11-Jun
> 20,477 : Ine (KR Isegye Idol)
> 17,396 : VIichan (KR Isegye Idol)
> 12,567 : Shoto (EN Indie)
> 9,666 : Jingburger (KR Isegye Idol)
> 9,058 : Lilpa (KR Isegye Idol)
> 8,192 : Ratna Petit (JP Nijisanji)
> 8,137 : zrush (CN Indie)
> 7,397 : RPR (EN SCARZ)
> 6,760 : Shylily (EN Indie)
> 6,172 : maoruya (KR Indie)
> 5,621 : Nachoneko (JP Indie)
> 5,019 : Kaga Sumire (JP VSPO)
> 4,041 : Zentreya (EN VShojo)
> 4,041 : KSP (CN Indie)

Comments here

>> No.25955703

The same 100 people that watch the others will watch these, Holo wouldn't effect it. Also if they're just now doing auditions that lag time will put them months after Hololive En3/Niji wave En 18 or whatever

>> No.25955707

What is going on with Ame? I managed to catch a couple of Elden ring streams at work recently and the views seemed really low. Is that game just not popular enough anymore?

>> No.25955720
File: 615 KB, 1003x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25955918

wtf is this?!!! i bet they're gonna tell the sponsor that they legitimately got 7k on her stream.

>> No.25955740
File: 1.58 MB, 5827x7524, 1654982999186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1) VIichan (Isegye Idol) - 15,498 - Vocaloid WC React, Naver catchup
2) Gosegu (Isegye Idol) - 14,571 - VR Chat - tween model showcase
3) Ine (Isegye Idol) - 14,343 - Zatsu, React - Naver and clips catchup
4) Lilpa (Isegye Idol) - 16,556 - Zatsu, React - Naver and clips catchup
5) Kris Yim (Board of Trustees) - 19,915 - Black Mesa (Twitch main page)
6) Jingburger (Isegye Idol) - 15,804 - Voting in anime OST championship
7) Shoto (Indie) - 12,513 - Playing Unpacking
8) Ine (Isegye Idol) - 22,248 - Zatsu, React - Naver and clips catchup + The Spike
9) Gosegu (Isegye Idol) - 14,832 - Poolside VR Chat
10) Nimu (Indie) - 21,050 - Among Us, Zatsu (7,501 before Raid)
11) Ine (Isegye Idol) - 20,477 - Zatsu, React - Naver and clips catchup

8x: Isegye Idol
2x: Indie
1x: Board of Trustees

3x: Ine
2x: Gosegu
1x: Jingburger, Kris Yim, Lilpa, Nimu, VIichan

>> No.25955745
Quoted by: >>25956069

No, ambition and "tryharding" seems frowned upon on the western streaming scene.

>> No.25955765

She's boring and sperges out at her chat trying to get her to do anything interesting because it's "backseating" when your viewers tell you to stop doing majorly boring shit for hours at a time

>> No.25955796

Streams too erratically and all different time slots to build a consistent audience.

>> No.25955798

shes on part 900 of a game most holos have played out and she never plays it at a single timeslot so anyone who wants to keep up with her run needs to both catch it at primetime or ass end of the night for NA because fuck consistency.

>> No.25955812

Elden ring has run its course yea. Everyone's not only finished the game, but everyone and their mother has watched someone finish the game at this point.

>> No.25955826 [DELETED] 

can albitch birthday beat chicken birthday?

>> No.25955862
Quoted by: >>25956037

Stream monsters shouldn't hard to find, right? Scout for 2views with the most consistent streams and the most amount of hours?

>> No.25955868
Quoted by: >>25956406

Amelia is a lost cause. As long as she's bringing in enough membership money to buy her weed she's happy getting blitzed and streaming garbage

>> No.25955901

can albitch birthday beat chicken outfit?

>> No.25955916


>> No.25955918
Quoted by: >>25956021

What happened on this?

>> No.25955940


>> No.25955969
Quoted by: >>25956027

qrd why'd Kiara make a german channel? just for german content? will it get views

>> No.25955976

I'll be real with you, you fags here would hate having a Koyori if y'all get this mad about minor overlaps

>> No.25955986


>> No.25956008

Wasn't that Twitch's fuckup since they misspelled his name as Sukkuno in an official e-mail?

>> No.25956015

If someone in EN3 tries to bring back Reddit Meme review, will it help them or ruin them?

>> No.25956016

probably Nijimale audience for anything that isnt a standard stream is like 500% increase in audience turn out plus multipliers for whoever shows up and since its a birthday thats probably going to be almost everyone if not all of nijiEN

>> No.25956021
Quoted by: >>25957650

Two pretty big (for nijiEN) streams raided at almost the same time
So now it is the biggest NijiEN shill stream lol

>> No.25956027

stealth anitisemitism of course

>> No.25956037

>stream like crazy because it's the only way to make a living at it
>almost burn yourself out but keep going because you're starting to incline
>apply for Hololive, get noticed because of your hard work and upward trend
>start streaming as a Holo, instantly make a fuck ton of money
>do all the stuff you wanted to like move, go on vacation, medical procedures ect but couldn't because you were poor
>offered a bunch of non-streaming opportunities like con attendance and music production
>streaming declines dramatically

The circle of life.

>> No.25956049

>Chicken releases a Renai Circulation cover
>Gets mogged the next day by Gura and Shion
Chicken can't catch a break


>> No.25956069
Quoted by: >>25956185

Find and easterner with good English

>> No.25956085
Quoted by: >>25956126

that's why you go for the ones that stream a lot because they're slightly menhera and starved of attention, aka failure hags

>> No.25956116

Help, if they actually stick to it. Meme reviews are consistently popular but everyone is too lazy to do it weekly or even monthly. Ame and Haachama were literally the worst two people to pass the torch to, in terms of honoring commitments, and Kiara already has her own show.

>> No.25956126

Hags seem to be the ones putting in those long hours

>> No.25956136
Quoted by: >>25956214

An HoloEN explicit numberfag would be the most hated vtuber out there
Kiara is still hated for a few times
Mysta is hated even tho now one gives a shit about NijiEN

>> No.25956137
Quoted by: >>25956213

I think the real solution here is to live stream the house hunting, vacations and surgeries.

>> No.25956155

shut up shut up shut up!
Let a man dream damnit.

>> No.25956163

who the fuck is albitch? ike is the one with birthday today

>> No.25956182

That's why you go for Idolfags who have a childish dream of being loved and worshiped by thousands of people, Idolfags will learn harder into the Hololive image than anyone else because they they have autism

>> No.25956185

Doesn't exist. If they do it's because they're American and just live in Japan (i.e. IRyS type people).

>> No.25956213

>I think the real solution here is to live stream the house hunting, vacations
Luxiem is already ahead of you..

>> No.25956214

Kiara is hated because she has a nasty personality, not because she's a numberfagger.

>> No.25956228
File: 49 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25956278

>Mumei's animation ended up getting a lot more views than her streams
Some VTubers are just better suited for short uploads than streaming. I mean that's how she got big in the first place, but they decided to just hire her as a streamer for some reason.

>> No.25956238

the only problem with hags with autism is that they're not that popular, they tend to filter people more than not

>> No.25956278

That's how Gura got famous but she's a perfectly fine streamer most of the time.

>> No.25956406

>Numberfag calling other people "lost cause"

>> No.25956462
Quoted by: >>25956590

Where are there non-hag stream monsters?

>> No.25956485

>offered a bunch of non-streaming opportunities like con attendance and music production
They can just say no, you know ...

>> No.25956514

The actual perfect sweet spot for passing Hololive auditions is being an aspiring Idol that failed to get into the game before slightly aging out of the range where you could hope to get accepted, as well as having streaming experience with vocaloid covers and minecraft gameplay.

Try to refute me.

>> No.25956553

Ame is autistic and has no idea how to say no

>> No.25956590

i dunno, most brats tend to just be awful with stamina and scheduling, hilariously gura is actually the closest you're getting, and you see how much people complain about her breaks

>> No.25956603

>The actual perfect sweet spot for passing Hololive auditions
is someone that has overprepared

>> No.25956613

reddit meme review only worked because of Coco and JP dynamic with dogshit memes back then since half the fun was Coco trying to explain really really fucking bad "memes" to JPs, a new one would probably have to be formatted differently.

>> No.25956622

so Gura and her "I wanna be Miku" autism then

>> No.25956646
Quoted by: >>25956725

Korone and Fubuki are two of the most subbed JPs? Marine is ascending to hag status this year too

>> No.25956648

not a lot of people who fit that

>> No.25956711
Quoted by: >>25957264

5 Koyos

>> No.25956725
Quoted by: >>25956907

Not to mention Botan is the most popular Gen 5 and also the haggiest by far

>> No.25956893
File: 385 KB, 901x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25956992

fucking twice

>> No.25956907

Also, Coco and Rushia

>> No.25956992

So is the Z caused by a sudden drop in viewers? Or is it the thing that causes a sudden drop in viewers?

>> No.25957079
Quoted by: >>25957193

A bunch of smaller channels that accelerated in growth recently have begun to slow down again.
The reasons are pretty much:
Nijisanji ex-KR Seffyna - Hasn't uploaded a Mechaffyna short in a while
Nijisanji ex-KR Nari Yang - Already finished her big drawing with all the Nijisanji members
Neo-Porte's Minase - Hasn't done another collab with ENs since the first one with Shu and Shoto

>> No.25957115

the Z as far as we can tell it's caused by lag, and it's the latter, the Z causes viewers to bleed out for a couple of mins until it fixes itself

>> No.25957162

It's a thing on YouTube's end that results in the word Z spike.
If you get lagged because YT servers are having a fit(sometimes unnoticed) it causes whatever algo they use to calculate CCV to FLIP THE FUCK OUT and give you the Z.

>> No.25957166

is there a magical girl holo?

>> No.25957193
Quoted by: >>25957249

Nari was never going to keep her views, they were straight up tourists wanting to see the nijis being drawn.

> until it fixes itself
Niji literally never recovers their views though which is strange

>> No.25957197

She popped off when she sang chandelier and massive amount of views came in and quickly left

>> No.25957204

The hype for Hololive this weekend is quite massive, do you think it will translate to another week of incline in viewership for the girls?

>> No.25957212
Quoted by: >>25957337

It's an N

>> No.25957213


>> No.25957239
Quoted by: >>25957295

Moris rm can pull in over 40k for a con appearance before merch sales and attendance fees.

>> No.25957249

whoops second half was meant to quote >>25957115

>> No.25957264

You'll get 5 Sanas and enjoy it.

>> No.25957295
Quoted by: >>25957394

Yeah, but she WANTS to do that
What I mean is that Holo girls can just opt for streaming and not doing anything else (See: Early Peko)

>> No.25957301

Not in the sense of >Ordinary Schoolgirl/person who transforms no. Shion is a straight up dark magician so it's not quite standard magical girl fare.

>> No.25957322

>an unannounced upload of a recording from a live performance vs a fully produced cover

>> No.25957323

They aren't done yet. This just wait for Chloe in 3D, then the rest of HoloX over the rest of the month. There will be more announcements. Things are accelerating towards a big event and then another massive announcement, you can tell

>> No.25957336

Speaking of hype, Hololive new PV is actually spreading to many non-vtuber web communities, I’m actually surprised

>> No.25957337

Z and N are essentially the same shape at different angles anyway.

>> No.25957373
Quoted by: >>25957463

For example?

>> No.25957394

Perhaps. But doing events is good for the box. If you acted like early peko, you would end up with a fanbase like Nousagis

>> No.25957445

Why did Ghost City Tokyo blow up the way it did?

>> No.25957446

It's basically anime, and it has people who can actually sing this time.
Like, show it to some random anime fan and they'd probably ask "Cool, when is it coming out and is it 1 cour or two?"

>> No.25957463
Quoted by: >>25957545

You can go on Twitter to see, I saw a few tweets saying that they don’t watch vtubers but the PV looks good. Most are from EOPs though since I can’t read Japs.

>> No.25957471


>> No.25957497
File: 209 KB, 371x368, 1653095287292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing people babbling about EN3. Are they really just around the corner? Or is it just horseshit rumors?

>> No.25957514

i think nene is the closest you're gonna get

>> No.25957533

released at the same time as Yoasobi's new song

>> No.25957539

Same shit was happening with ID3

>> No.25957545

For example?

>> No.25957569

it's just people overdosing on copium

>> No.25957574

>Released on the same Day as YOASOBI released a new song and got tweeted out by Ayase showing both songs
>Ghost City Tokyo is pretty popular
>Suisei's cover is pretty good

>> No.25957579
Quoted by: >>25958050

ame going on break usually means new gen debut
it might be stars en instead of en3

>> No.25957601

Cover doesn't so official gen recruitment announcements anymore so who knows. They have a 24/7 application open so they will just pick 5 talents at any given moment and debut them.

>> No.25957630

If you actually had a visual timeline of hololive new generations releases and other events, you'll see they use a certain cycle for these kinds of announcements, and EN3 would logically be the next big one. ID3 came even though that branch were borderline 3views, there's no way EN won't get a third generation

>> No.25957636

It will mog fever night isn't it...

>> No.25957650

Smart. Sponsors care about numbers the most but most of them don't have time to look deep into numbers for shilling streams, so this is a good way to give them incentives to sponsor more streams

>> No.25957665
Quoted by: >>25957870

Timing attacks anon, TIMING ATTACKS!
To be clear, its more like the signs are there like they were for ID3 and Gen6, and the timeframe fits. If EN3 isn't coming out within the next month, the next realistic timeframe to debut them won't be until much, much, MUCH later in the month with how cluttered August and September get.

>> No.25957672
Quoted by: >>25957862

Has any Holo post Sankisei discussed their reactions to getting into Hololive?

>> No.25957724
File: 96 KB, 262x360, 165417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25957870

EN3 is likely in next 3 to 4 weeks ill say otherwise only other logical spot it could go is last week of July. If its not that then it could be as far out as the last week of September at the earliest if not those dates.

>> No.25957797
File: 409 KB, 498x278, hololive-ayame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if HoloEN3 and waveEN6 happen at the same time
how will be you reaction?

>> No.25957854
File: 76 KB, 557x447, copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25957993

EN3 is coming guys... I can feel it...
it's g-gonna save holoEN!!

>> No.25957862

Amelia talked about her interview once, she said she was talking about how she didnt know how to sing or speak japanese or something and interviewer basically told her she has alot of time to learn how to do that stuff later which basically confirmed her getting in. I dont remember much about how she reacted though since it was so god damn long ago.

>> No.25957870

You know I think you guys are right. I just never thought about it till now but everything would make sense for July.

>> No.25957873
Quoted by: >>25957987

Is mostly because council does literally nothing so the wait feels longer and people go ''Well...it's about time don't you think? EN3 when?'', when myth was having multiple unity collabs and EN projects the fandom wasn't this impatient

>> No.25957880
Quoted by: >>25957943

how will you be reaction (?)

>> No.25957898
Quoted by: >>25957934

Probably because Anime Expo is right around the corner and right after HoloX finishes their 3D debuts.

>> No.25957934
Quoted by: >>25958011

that would be godlike timing

>> No.25957941
File: 660 KB, 498x431, 1636173111399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will member all of them as soon as possible no matter the flaws. I just want something new.

>> No.25957943

my reaction be will ok

>> No.25957987

>Is mostly because council does literally nothing
Council has streamed more than anyone not named Ame in the past 3 weeks.

>> No.25957993

I know Ina is still dead tako but its time to move on

>> No.25957994

Twitter profile jumped from 6.5k followers when I last saw her, to 40.5k overnight

>> No.25958010

Depends if Wave6EN is mixed (most likely and what the split is.
Like, if it's a 4/1 Male/Female then it comes down to if it's another Lain situation or if the lone female can hold her own.
Also depends if they're another batch of English Speaking (North America(CN)) or not.

>> No.25958011

No, it would be strategic timing that should be expected from whoever does the planning over at cover. There are people who's entire jobs are to think of shit like this years ahead

>> No.25958050

lol, people actually think Ame has anything to do with new gens? What is she going to pay people in her discord to recruit for Cover or something?

>> No.25958061

Depends if Wave 6 are all girls or all males

>> No.25958118

no it's just the pattern so far. she always goes on leave when there's debuts

>> No.25958126

just a shitty meme since she goes on breaks and stuff sometimes happens when she does. Council debut'd during her break. I think HoloX did aswell and Rushia got executed during another one.

>> No.25958142

10 kusoges per week doesn't leave a mark in their ''hololive journey'', it's been almost 1 year and council is just original songs and anniversaries

>> No.25958196

More like masterful planning to take the funnel from a huge 3d

>> No.25958240
Quoted by: >>25958332

That's because there's no EN office and they can't go to Japan. If an EN office is set up then suddenly that shit becomes a lot more viable

>> No.25958275

The fact that you think that EN3 will suddenly change that is absolutely adorable, honestly. The only reason why Myth did any of those stupid ass VR streams was because their desperation for 3D. Every single thing they've done was desperation for 3D, and the only reason they could get anywhere was because of Ame who has been doing this shit for longer than any of them combined. The best you'll get is a carbon copy of something myth already did as a base, and then you'll whine that it's not unique enough. Because apparently the April fools council wasn't unique enough for you either.

You fucking retard.

>> No.25958310

what can council do, they dont have someone to push VR shit like Ame. No music holo like Mori. Ina has art but like thats her defining trait which Sana could have leaned into but didnt. Council is literally just a bunch of Guras but not as viral.

>> No.25958332
Quoted by: >>25958349

it's not about 3d. Myth had new stream ideas, Council doesn't, that's all people are complaining about.

>> No.25958349
Quoted by: >>25958405

>Ministry and the April Fools wasn't a new idea (for EN)
Nah fuck off idiot.

>> No.25958361
Quoted by: >>25958617

>EN Office
Is this a new form of cope? I've seen this brought up before, how would that help at all?

>> No.25958401

Is there any viable career plan for Melissa beside trying to do the same thing Suisei did?

>> No.25958405
Quoted by: >>25958425

2 ideas after a year lol

>> No.25958410

i mean, fauna funnily enough is the one that gets to have her own thing, specializing in asmr and all

>> No.25958425

And Myth only fucking had VR after a year.

>> No.25958448

Join Hololive

>> No.25958543

How would that solve the issue that made her leave Nijisanji?

>> No.25958565

Key, why would Melissa settle for a 2nd rate company?

>> No.25958569

Actually I'll take this back, I forgot about their first April Fools with the shitty Walfie models. So 2 for 2. Except Myth has done nothing new except abuse VR the entire time since.

>> No.25958603
Quoted by: >>25958794

Anon, the reason why Melissa left Nijisanji is because of her selfish needs instead of understanding the nature of the work. No one in the industry will care for her.

>> No.25958617
Quoted by: >>25958930

First of all, main channel content, which expands and reinforces the holobox. 3D Shorts gives another form of content for all the talents. It also lets them do concerts and other events easier.

Really, a surge of EN concerts/game shows/popular shorts would basically make the whole branch experience another wave of growth, especially on the back of a new generation bringing in fresh interest

>> No.25958657

Mori had the fan contest right after debut.

>> No.25958709

Because your "first rate" conpany didnt give a shit about her smartass

>> No.25958791
Quoted by: >>25958836

holy fucking shit, Elira has been holding 10k for a 3 hour karaoke that's still going

>> No.25958794

She left because Nijisanji were a black company which has no respect for their talents. Cover will make deals and compromises unlike Anykara, she might actually be able to negotiate something.

>> No.25958807

Chloe is going to use the new raid function to send her 3D live viewers straight over to Pekora. Easy 100k+ peak for two streams.

>> No.25958836
Quoted by: >>25958889

This isn't me coping, because if it's real I'm happy for her, but I don't even know if it's legitimate or if Youtube knows what it's doing with her stream anymore

>> No.25958839

lol imagine holojp raiding anyone

>> No.25958845

God, that would be fucking hilarious. Can you imagine the seething

>> No.25958889

it seems pretty legitimate, it's just that she got raided twice and her karaokes are HoloEN level

>> No.25958914
Quoted by: >>25958948

>she got raided twice
She got raided once.

>> No.25958918

Being in Cover
>you get the rights and big cuts from your songs
>you'll get the budget from Cover and support from industry connections
> your co workers would help you promote your songs
>being in Hololive also means getting collabs with Suisei and Mori
>After you graduate, you'll get a sizeable number of fans who would remember and support your
I dunno, being in Hololive seems better, they get to keep all the money for OGs without being signed to a label

>> No.25958930

Do ENfags really give a fuck about concerts

>> No.25958948

oh, I mistook a Z for a raid

>> No.25959017

NTA, doesn't it depend on how much you pay for your own productions? If you pay 80% of the cost you get 80% of the profit? iirc that's how it's been talked about by the talents themselves, they pay for these things out of their own pockets

>> No.25959029

Quality of singing doesnt matter at all for how many viewers your karaokes will get

>> No.25959057
Quoted by: >>25959225

Overall EN needs more holos to create interesting cliques within to keep people watching. Council may have a lack of talent but I don't think Cover would make the same mistake twice. Look at Holox to what Gen5 was. They went hard in the paint to make sure they didn't get another flop. Everything is on time and punctual for HoloX to succeed.

>> No.25959081
Quoted by: >>25959186

The Holos have some clauses where they can own their crafts. Hasn't Polka tried to sell her weekly program right to Cover?

>> No.25959103

nice website hiro

>> No.25959106

I know for some like Noel and Ame, people tune in for SOVL but explain Miko and Pekora?

>> No.25959109

Yeah it does, there's a reason Ame/Fauna/Kiara don't get great karaoke numbers, or Moona get 10k and Ollie gets 1.5k. It's not the only factor, but it's a factor.

>> No.25959115
File: 554 KB, 1500x2294, 1654511093462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does salome stand a chance tonight desuwabros?

>> No.25959143
Quoted by: >>25959216

t.enfag that watches the JP Lives, bought tickets for Aqua and Suisei's Lives and Holofes

>> No.25959144

True, that's why she left Nijisanji.

>> No.25959175

What's she doing? I don't think she can beat a 3D.

>> No.25959184

>Sunday debuff please understando
But if she wins gold it is not because she is superior but because your oshi sucks desuwa

>> No.25959186

no, just hologram circus
polden is just her having fun

>> No.25959215

Whatever how it works but it seems that songs are in favor of the talent themselves. If that's not the case they won't make a lot of songs.

>> No.25959216

You already watch vtubers you're not really the demographic they need for expansion. That guy was talking about concerts bringing in new people or lapsed fans and that's kind of debatable.

>> No.25959219

They're Miko and Pekora doing buff content.

>> No.25959225

>Kronii literally sitting on 15k viewers
>Fauna actually hitting 11k

'Council is a flop' Says Increasingly Nervous Man For The Tenth Time This Year.

>> No.25959240

I only watch EN for streaming content but tune into any Holo concert events and even bought holofes tickets this year.

>> No.25959258

They make songs as a vanity project, most of them lose money on it.

>> No.25959271
File: 125 KB, 298x288, 1629736388936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25959398

why does buff content get low views

>> No.25959273

This makes me wonder. Does Suisei straight up pay for all the shit she does in order to actually own the rights to it?

>> No.25959299

That's...fair, It appears I missed the point of the question.

>> No.25959300
Quoted by: >>25959348

Let's see Sana and Bae's numbers.

>> No.25959309
File: 97 KB, 285x255, 1651485802474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25959398


>> No.25959312

Cover gives a budget, the talent pays for the songs themselves but they're at least managed by a team who does their songs. Since the talent is paying for the most parts, they get to earn their keep and Cover earns a small cut from the revenue.

>> No.25959322

Suisei sold the rights to her character to Cover a while back

>> No.25959331

I'm sure it would at least help bring in tourists and lapsed fans. It would at least bring the whole EN Holobox together into one place, which is something sorely EN needs

>> No.25959345

I can't believe i have to say this for the xth time, but Suisei basically asks her manager to get X, Y, and Z for her songs and doesn't worry about the costs or budget for them nowadays.
Yes, she owns the rights to them.

>> No.25959348
Quoted by: >>25959506

Mori, Kiara, Ame?

>> No.25959349

>reading comprehension

I said Council lacked talent. Gen5 was a flop in terms of it being dead on arrival consisting of only 4 members.

>> No.25959357
File: 97 KB, 299x264, 1638411773807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25959365
Quoted by: >>25959438

Based on her behind the scene story about her album, nope.
Source on this?

>> No.25959384

That's just straight up a lie. You said this in a past thread and were called out on it then, you failed to prove it and you're stil saying it

>> No.25959394

Miko isn't a bad singer at all and her karaokes usually get 15-16k which is pretty good.

>> No.25959398
Quoted by: >>25959460

Not him, but how are these "low" when they are around their median?

>> No.25959416
Quoted by: >>25959454


>> No.25959426

>Miko isn't a bad singer at all

>> No.25959438
Quoted by: >>25959713

Ah shot, she talked about her album Costa and I missed it? Damn.

>> No.25959446

>Comparing archived karaoke to unarchived karaokes

>> No.25959454

It'll be a debuff if she loses. They'll say whatever is convenient to their narrative

>> No.25959456

Wrong vtuber. That was Kuzuha selling his character to AnyColor.

>> No.25959460
File: 33 KB, 512x62, 1647759137842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

around their median, when it's supposedly buff content?

>> No.25959464

So how can Anykara beat the hype of HoloALT, HoloEarth and Holo3D?

>> No.25959493

unarchiveds are extremely rare on holojp, it's why people always accuse them of always having the same setlists

>> No.25959506

Better than those two, except maybe some Kiara RPG streams vs Bae with no overlap (rare).

>> No.25959507

next you'll excuse is that everyday is a debuff

>> No.25959508
Quoted by: >>25959538

post some holojp unarchived you dumb fuck

>> No.25959519

Luxiem 3D

>> No.25959529

A yab

>> No.25959531

Salome 3d

>> No.25959532

Release 5 more waves. They just need to accelerate harder, do a big event to drive their stock price up, and then dump it after 6 months like they have always planned to do.

The company doesn't have a future after 6 months because by then Riku will be a rich man worth 300 million dollars

>> No.25959537
Quoted by: >>25959715

Yea, median is not a baseline. If you are getting above your baseline, then it's a buff. Some buffs are greater than others.

>> No.25959538
Quoted by: >>25959863

That's the fucking point. If it was unarchived it'd bring more numbers, but JPs don't fucking do them and it's the same fucking setlists so it's not really a buff content.

>> No.25959551

That's because they always have the same setlists. There must only exist about 60 songs in the Japanese language total.

>> No.25959588

They have to pay if they want to expand their song pool.

>> No.25959594

$11 X 10

>> No.25959604
Quoted by: >>25959620

how the fuck is kronii staying at 15k holy moly

>> No.25959620

That's the power of minecraft

>> No.25959627
Quoted by: >>25959715

This is not the median no? Its the average ccv no?

>> No.25959632
Quoted by: >>25959677

>EN branch
>getting 3D

Not until after they are sucked dry and begging for content upgrades 2 years from now.

>> No.25959667

that's why i love korosan, she always has weird shit, it's a shame she can't sing but you're there cause she's fun

>> No.25959677

Rosemi member stream said that the venue for NijiEN3D has bee decided.

>> No.25959694


>> No.25959706

>rosemi member stream
must be true then

>> No.25959713

Not directly but she said she asked for a budget increase to add brass instruments to one of her song.

>> No.25959715

yeah I think it's average ccv, but how is karaoke buff content for Miko and Pekora? I've never seen them get high numbers on it

>> No.25959732
Quoted by: >>25959772

To add to this, she will be doing a public blowjobs for the NijiJP male vtubers.

>> No.25959747

Mel is about to get her first million view cover song


>> No.25959768
Quoted by: >>25959789

so, nothing would stop Salome's gold today?

>> No.25959772

Okay, now I actually believe it. That sounds like something Rosemi would do

>> No.25959775
File: 29 KB, 185x180, 1603497485648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25959779
Quoted by: >>25960478

NijiFes 2022
Salome 3D
Luxiem 3D before Lazulight 3D will trigger a drama

>> No.25959789

man, you're really desperate for (you)s today, here, have a pity one, it's on the house

>> No.25959797
File: 604 KB, 968x534, nijig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25959837

>> No.25959806

I thought they killed the SEEDs branding after the merge.

>> No.25959831

How much would setting up a studio for 3D in the US cost actually? And do you think Gura has enough money by this point to front most of the cost by herself?

>> No.25959837

more like raidCN

>> No.25959863

>Towa getting 20k+
>Suisei getting 40k+

>> No.25959881

They help spread word of her out, which increases the chances of people staying to watch her.

>> No.25959892

Where's the real number thread and tally

>> No.25959936
File: 804 KB, 1120x636, holog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25959968
Quoted by: >>25960010

what happened to Mumei's stream? connection issues?

>> No.25959973
Quoted by: >>25960341

Superchat reading really tanks your numbers

>> No.25960009

A lot. No.

>> No.25960011
Quoted by: >>25961804

If that useless whore would've raided Mumei or even just ended her stream earlier Mumei would've hit 10k, but no she's a selfish bitch who holds 5k people hostage time and time again

>> No.25960010


>> No.25960047
Quoted by: >>25960203

Well, the location matters most. Everything else is how much they are willing to dedicate themselves to upkeep a studio. It's not cheap and probably not a viable option for them.

>> No.25960057

You could set up a shitty one for pretty cheap imo but no one in EN would have the technical or practical skills to do it

>> No.25960090

Reveal peak
Normal stream
Normal stream with late overlap and SC reading
Normal stream with disconnect and SC reading

>> No.25960104 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25960263

Off topic but since it's dead hours, do you guys know any good sites that provide free pdfs on learning skills like programming languages, microsoft office, mining data, math software etc? To make it relevant, I want to contribute in #s.

>> No.25960141

So now karaoke is not a buff for holojp and only a buff for holoen? When did this opinion form? I thought karaoke was a buff for all branches

>> No.25960158

Sana joins, will numbers go down?

>> No.25960160

not unless they know enough JP and are extroverted enough to invite multiple JPs.
Coco's show had the most shit tier memes but it was advertised that way and the laughs were mostly from JPs getting confused or laughing at cross language memes.

>> No.25960203
Quoted by: >>25960317

>Location + Building costs
>Having the people to help run things
>The equipment costs

>> No.25960217
Quoted by: >>25960259

i'd argue it's barely a buff for either unless you're known for being good at it

>> No.25960225

Depends on the location, the space and the room quality. You need to contract / hire some staffs, too, which is not cheap if you want them to perform at professional levels. The room itself costs around $40k / month.
You will need props also. $80k / month is a generous estimation. Annual cost would be around $1M.
Instead of setting things up, it's cheaper for now to just fly the girls to Japan or have them set a home 3D.

>> No.25960259
Quoted by: >>25960400

>being good at it
please explain this: >>25959029

>> No.25960263
Quoted by: >>25960294

but mostly stackexchange and yt

>> No.25960294


>> No.25960312

this cope again

>> No.25960317

For example, I'm almost certain Cover's studio most likely has 3-4 full-time associates running the place.

>> No.25960334
Quoted by: >>25960403

It's not that much of a buff for many of them. They do it a lot, it's always the same songs, there's a dozen of those streams, with same said songs, every week, and it's archived. None of the JPs get 2X their normal CCV like ENs for unarchived sets, except maybe Suisei.

>> No.25960341

that's what happened to whorca she had a lot of potential but she decided it wasted when she just went for milk gachikois

>> No.25960353

Karaoke's a buff, but the buff is highly variable on both how good of a singer you are and how well known you are for singing (be it for how SOVL you are or how good you are), and how often you do it.
Example: Noel is pure SOVL and is well known for it. She also doesn't do it very often so it's a pretty big buff for her.
For Miko and Pekora, they aren't really well known for being great singers, and they also aren't particularly -great- either, so not much of a buff.

>> No.25960359
Quoted by: >>25960450

real tally doko

>> No.25960400

It's bullshit, singing quality DOES matter, but it isn't the ONLY thing that matters.

>> No.25960403
Quoted by: >>25960461

so I guess numbers doesn't depend on quality of singing but the rarity of it?

>> No.25960413
File: 49 KB, 895x399, 1629866153099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the number of songs Suisei had sung on her karaoke including the genre breakdown.

>> No.25960416

did gura really hasn't at least retweet the AltPV that she's literally featured in? fucking how???

>> No.25960433

She's had like 20k members for over a year, plus her merch which accounts for far more money than superchats and members do, she's at least got a couple million dollars to burn. If she wants to set it up in some location with low prices, she probably could fund an EN office by herself.

But she would have to pick out somewhere like Alaska, because if she did it anywhere within California for example the price would shoot to absurd amounts. I just looked at a list of 'cost of living/value of 100$' across the US, California is the worst on both metrics, and Alaska has a major airport and is closer to Canada and easier to get to and from Japan. It's the ideal location imo

>> No.25960450
Quoted by: >>25960485

You lazy sack of shit, scroll up.

>> No.25960461

Nothing is ever just 1 factor. Rarity helps. Quality helps.

>> No.25960478
Quoted by: >>25960580

How come Niji special events sound so weak compared to Cover making a Hololive game?

>> No.25960485

I only see one that includes bots and some twitch one

>> No.25960488

it's a local server issue, multiple times the z has coincided with lag on stream for some people while others were fine.

>> No.25960505
File: 14 KB, 372x97, 1634375567353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike trending.

>> No.25960512
Quoted by: >>25960573

Oh fucking cope more you shitposting faggot.

>> No.25960534
Quoted by: >>25961900

How am I supposed to read this? 691 songs?

>> No.25960549

> vtuber
Those are her own songs, aren't they?

>> No.25960563
Quoted by: >>25960688

I find it funny with the raids being abused by NijiEN, their viewership is still low compared to HoloEN and HoloID.

>> No.25960573

Shut up newfag, if you were a numbers connoisseur you would have seen the test streams for the bots months ago and seen the predictions on how it would be used.

>> No.25960580

Because they haven't mastered the hype cycle and don't care about strengthening their IP

>> No.25960591

would be interesting to know if chunks of it are bots or spammers

>> No.25960603
Quoted by: >>25960642

Be the change you want to see.

>> No.25960642
Quoted by: >>25960744

It's been around for the last few days, I won't work if its easily done by other people either.

>> No.25960649
Quoted by: >>25960927

If I make a million dollars I don't want to waste it on something dumb. Rather pay a few thousands bucks to fly to Japan a few times a year.

>> No.25960657
File: 67 KB, 397x632, 1643475875406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEEDs at 4, HoloALT at 9

>> No.25960663
Quoted by: >>25960988

If they can get a partnership with Valve, they can use their office for 3D.

No one here gives a shit

>> No.25960674

Ike seems to be preparing for a sololive as well as an EP, expected to hit iTune top 50 soon.

>> No.25960681
Quoted by: >>25960740

fake? I saw nothing from the trend.

>> No.25960688

kobo isn't the whole branch

>> No.25960696

Niji stuff always trends, it's the topic thing they have.

>> No.25960710

>24 hours event
>acts surprised that it trended longer

>> No.25960714

you mean the relay that has been going on all day has more engagement than a 2 min pv, next you're gonna tell me longer streams get more SC and watch time or something

>> No.25960726
Quoted by: >>25960745

HoloAlt happened like a day ago and SEEDs is an ongoing stream. How the hell isn't SEEDs number 1?

>> No.25960740
File: 86 KB, 757x681, 1629986280668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25960744
Quoted by: >>25960848

Take the list, remove Salami, redo the numbers, repost it. There you go. Maybe you'll get 3-5 (yous) so it might be worth the 3 minutes of editing.

>> No.25960745

Not enough bots.

>> No.25960752

Polka used to do Karaokes pretty frequently and had god tier song selection in them

>> No.25960762

Nobody cares. They are the most hated group of vtubers on this thread. Stop talking about them.

>> No.25960777

Miko has improved a lot but she's still not on the level of top holos

>> No.25960782

Funniest joke of the day. He's someone who doesn't have any prior experience of performing or making official songs on top of not having a 3D.

>> No.25960786

Okay, that's a good one

>> No.25960795

~700 ccv waiting room Pekora

>30 hours ?

>> No.25960802

> third worlders

>> No.25960848

Again if someone else can do it, I won't.
Even as a kid I said to myself "why learn to clean up after myself when im just going to get a maid to do it as an adult"
I don't have a maid for obvious reasons but I live by the same logic.
Also, on a different note, seen a few mentions of raids, is that implemented on YT now?

>> No.25960853

Guaranteed 10k at least.

>> No.25960876

this confirms that nijiniggers are actually subhumans

>> No.25960912

funnel from holo main ch > orca 3D > peko, so at least 100k.

>> No.25960923
File: 999 KB, 1157x636, rust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice timing, Mori

>> No.25960927

It's really not cost effective anymore and it will become more impractical as the EN branch expands, especially if they want to do their own Main Channel content or more spontaneous 3D shit.

JP does 3D so much more often and so much more easily, just flying out to Japan every time you want to do a concert is part of why EN is so anemic imo. Granted that would be Cover paying the costs and doing the hiring, still should be done

>> No.25960928

Salome will join Ike's birthday so it's going to be fun

>> No.25960939


>I bet more than 471k coco

>> No.25960949

nice tits

>> No.25960961
Quoted by: >>25960995

Be a nigger elsewhere, faggot

>> No.25960969

>Again if someone else can do it, I won't.
Burden of prove.

>> No.25960979
File: 94 KB, 660x736, 1627341607670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to HoloALT trending

>> No.25960980

Kaela 4 streams on the 11th, working on her second one of today.

>> No.25960988

>Partnership with Valve
Where did this come from?

>> No.25960994
Quoted by: >>25961199

Pekora is reclining so maybe 20k

>> No.25960995

You mispelled king

>> No.25961016
Quoted by: >>25961544

I think the major issue is that Myth had a shitton of variety content throughout their first year, including all of Calli's songs, Kiara's Holotalk, Ina art streams, Ame's VR stuff (and her lived2D asset streams) and Gura's English singing + memes.
We also had Calli's TTRPG (RIP) which have a bunch of content from the CHARACTERS in the campaign, which was like having a temporary addition of 2-3 members (whose characters were different enough from their base and a few NPCs).
In comparison Council has so far only done the same things Myth has (songs, unarchived karaoke, other normal streams) and haven't really broken new grounds (closest is Fauna's Tierlist streams, and Kronii's VA stuff, but it doesn't have the same impact).

>> No.25961018
Quoted by: >>25961200

NA is just too big
unless they can all move to the same location it's always gonna be a nightmare to do 3D live

>> No.25961022
File: 68 KB, 668x541, 1645273502208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961096

compared to SEEDs trending

>> No.25961052
Quoted by: >>25961083

Guess HoloEN Rust collab? Expectation?

>> No.25961070
Quoted by: >>25961200

You can't do "spontaneous" 3D with people living randomly all over North America. It's a plane flight either way, just a few extra hours for Japan.

>> No.25961071

she's going on an irl journey apparently

>> No.25961081

Pretty much confirm the bot farm rumors

>> No.25961083

100k easy. Gura is popping off.

>> No.25961095
Quoted by: >>25961205

I don't get why she talks about disliking her tits and then uses art like that. I don't get it, but I do love it.

>> No.25961096

This is buggy, I'm from Canada and I saw Seeds trending this morning.

>> No.25961101

Largest pulls are HoloEN debuts. They got trending in EU and AU.

>> No.25961117

Looking at size of africa and SA again, why are they underdeveloped again?

>> No.25961124

do you follow vtubers? that's probably why

>> No.25961133

No Taiwan?

>> No.25961143

huh that explains why she left niji

>> No.25961145

Trending list or personalized trending? Those are different.

>> No.25961174

That's just your personal feed, chink leaf.

>> No.25961181

for some reason, the site doesn't have Taiwan/HK

>> No.25961188
File: 12 KB, 285x255, isleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's trending
ok, it is impr....
>in SEALands

>> No.25961198

Size doesn't help in that situation, was a recent thing that US created a working republic

>> No.25961200

But you wouldn't have to worry about international travel restrictions and you could still more easily coordinate group 3D and production of shorts and such if there were a second office.

>> No.25961199


+ 3 view / 1 second


>> No.25961205

she doesn't like her real tits. Her anime tits is a-okay.

>> No.25961203

Taiwan is already Niji territory, there is no love for Hololive tyere after the betrayal.

>> No.25961213

Taiwan and HK not a country confirmed.

>> No.25961222
Quoted by: >>25961290

What was the mikkorone CCV peak again?

>> No.25961226
Quoted by: >>25961309

Miko WWE 21JST

>> No.25961238

They were basically Neolithic societies until 500 years ago.

>> No.25961245

Baffling post

>> No.25961272

Gura's Reflect MV hit 4M views, around 81 days

>> No.25961275

>for some reason

>> No.25961290

48k in the middle of ccvid, looking at their vods it's probably around 80k-100k as it was comparable to Holo NYE the year before.

>> No.25961292

Salome playing God save the Queen

>> No.25961296
Quoted by: >>25961324

SA is actually rather sparse in terms of population density, a ton of those countries are small as shit, the biggest being brazil and they're like 2/3rds of the US
Africa is another story

>> No.25961297
Quoted by: >>25961462

>no taiwan
i thought hololive is their national culture?

>> No.25961309

Miko seems like she only stream buff content she even abandon ER.

>> No.25961324

Have I woken up in a different dimension again? Brazil is in Africa now?

>> No.25961340

HoloALT PV is approaching 2M views in less than 24 hours.

>> No.25961374
Quoted by: >>25961438

South America

>> No.25961400

黒ニー 16K get

>> No.25961406
Quoted by: >>25961543

Salome play minecraft in nxt game

>> No.25961423

SA is south america my dude

>> No.25961438

Right. SA is almost always South Africa. Americas is the common name for South America

>> No.25961451

She has sung Towa, Watame and Aqua's songs too

>> No.25961462

Ike's birthday is also trending there

>> No.25961489

Ok lol

>> No.25961543



>> No.25961541
Quoted by: >>25961610

>empty slot
>Luca having a hard time reaching 7k
>Kronii reached 16k

>> No.25961544 [DELETED] 

Gura's character introduction stream for the TTRPG is still one of my favorite Hololive streams ever. That really showed me just how quick witted, comedically smart, and creative she is. It made me a fan and I got her channel membership.

>> No.25961575
Quoted by: >>25961631

Shit, did Hololive lose the Taiwanese market already? What happened?

>> No.25961602
Quoted by: >>25961645

Will the Minecraft buff ever die?

>> No.25961610
Quoted by: >>25961695

Luca was their clear #3 since debut but he seems to have fallen off a lot recently behind Shu/Ike. Pog? Unpog?

>> No.25961618

Alaska you fucking retard haha are you going to have polar bears run the fucking thing?

Honestly as much as i fucking hate the place, somewhere like Austin TX would be good. Texas isn't terrible for cost of living, major hub, plus there's tons of tech people/jobs so you could actually attract talented people to work there.

Cover would totally do either LA/SF or maybe Seattle though just because west coast.

>> No.25961631

minecraft is a way of life. It's the eternal buff.

>> No.25961645
Quoted by: >>25961794

Someone would have to release a better autism simulator in which you can build a persistent interactive community, and that hasn't happened yet.

>> No.25961681
Quoted by: >>25961722

i don't want goobers to get shot by an AR-15 while buying her bread though.

>> No.25961695

Luca is a boring bastard who became nothing more than a twitch meme regurgitator machine. He also does nothing but Minecraft anymore. The #1 example of an untalented person being carried by a brand. At least Mysta and Vox are good at pandering. Luca isn't good at anything.

>> No.25961699
File: 1.15 MB, 4096x2147, FVBrjM5aUAUYh2Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should they make a vtuber out of this girl like how they did for Genshin MCs appearing in events as vtubers?

>> No.25961722

All she needs to do is stay out of gun free zones like schools and she will be safe

>> No.25961757

this girl is sex and needs rape correction

>> No.25961772

Yes just because she has full on pantyhose/tights. Not nearly enough Holos have that and they make any girl who wears them a million times more SEX.

>> No.25961795
Quoted by: >>25961945

Salome Killer

>> No.25961794

the hypixel guys, the people behind pretty much the biggest minecraft minigame server ever, tried to do that with a weird mc clone, dunno what happened to that

>> No.25961804

Mumei doesn't deserve to hit 10k with her boring ass content

>> No.25961812


>> No.25961829

Isn't she supposed to be a self-insert type? Wouldn't making her an actual streamer ruin the point?

>> No.25961867

who would voice her?

>> No.25961886

You'll see, Alaska will become huge in the future when the sea levels rise and the Bering Strait becomes one of the most important sea routes in the world

>> No.25961896
File: 386 KB, 744x377, 315135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Positioned her comeback to get the Chloe 3D funnel
She never changes. It's always about business.

>> No.25961900

691 different songs yes.
Not all of them for sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duaPOoTtx0A
That's really ambitious assuming he means an actual sololive not something like Enna labelling a karaoke stream as a concert. Sololive took a lot of time and resources not all NijiJP's singers got their own sololive.
Give IRyS this mode.

>> No.25961921
File: 143 KB, 463x453, kawaisoupeko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961926
File: 346 KB, 780x576, 1641106306937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961934
File: 1.21 MB, 850x1133, 1654731949746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is bassed

>> No.25961945

I want this numbers arc.

>> No.25961944

i mean, 9pm is her slot

>> No.25961990

hehe big chongus

>> No.25962053

> her first ever *1M video

>> No.25962081
Quoted by: >>25962152

too fat

>> No.25962152
Quoted by: >>25962204

I care about all numbers so I think it's not fat enough.

>> No.25962166

Did anyone talk about this chuuba graduating?

>> No.25962204
Quoted by: >>25962324

sorry pal, i'm gonna ratio cope on this one

>> No.25962212
File: 2.59 MB, 2205x3915, holobus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962354


>> No.25962226

Taiwan in a nutshell
>hololive talent mentioned their country
>massive backlash happened
>didn't mention one china policy on their apology tweet
>chinese seethe, threatened to delete their channels if they don't fire coco
>coco or us?
>hololive kneecapped their CN branch instead and completely abandoned the chinks
>chinks are so butthurt that they still trying to sabotage the company until now
Meanwhile Nijisanji
>Nijisanji continues to pander to chinks
>One of their talents blatantly favored CN fujos, getting a chink mod and uses TW art for his chinese pandering stream
>One of them said that Taiwan is part of china in their apology stream

>> No.25962243

is being a fubuki clone a curse?

>> No.25962324
Quoted by: >>25962465

That's ok since I don't know what that means

>> No.25962332
File: 1.58 MB, 1716x1108, 2M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25964303

2 million in less than a day. The power of a Gura thumbnail.

>> No.25962354


>> No.25962361

different audiences

>> No.25962370

Yeah several times during the past few days. She is hinting at reincarnation though.

>> No.25962380


>> No.25962407

anon, taiwanese males are the holo fanbase, females watch nijisanji and they also disproportionately use social media more

>> No.25962417

Yogiri deserved better

>> No.25962431
Quoted by: >>25962720

were there any ike bus posted? i haven't seen one today.

>> No.25962456

Are we going to have 2 songs from Gura this month on her channel?
It's hard to believe she's not going to release another original according her info in member stream.
Though in her Fish stream she mentioned her some birthday plan hit a curve ball and stressed her out

>> No.25962465
Quoted by: >>25962494

you don't know what ratio coping means on the numbers thread?

>> No.25962494
Quoted by: >>25962547

It sounds made up and just you acting like its some common thing makes it seem like you're new.

>> No.25962498

there will be more songs on her birthday
screenshot thjs

>> No.25962532

western women are so easy to get stressed out i really don't think it's that big of a deal.

>> No.25962547
File: 107 KB, 721x720, sui5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962564


>> No.25962564

You not explaining it just makes it seem even more so.
Perhaps you should go back to twitter or wherever it is that your ratio term came from.

>> No.25962573
Quoted by: >>25962659

comeback? It's not even a month yet
Is her throat gonna be ok?

>> No.25962580

That one cover with Shion and?

>> No.25962600
File: 104 KB, 364x282, Goomba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962795

>2M views in 20 hours

>> No.25962606
Quoted by: >>25962700

I will never understand nip autism and how can they get 31k playing shitty JRPG

>> No.25962622

>people don't know about the ratiocope

>> No.25962644

Probably overlapping of 4 million with her Birthday. She might have had plans for both but had to figure out what to do now that they're overlapping

>> No.25962653

An English idol song (most likely)

>> No.25962659

she recovered faster than expected according to her doctor

>> No.25962665

i think i'm just getting you farmed, don't worry, i'm kind of dizzy today

>> No.25962700

JRPG = Japanese RPG hence it is marketed towards the japanese, therefore it can appeal to nips and not foreign audiences, wakarimasu?

>> No.25962708

new orisong for her birthday, not 100% confirmed by her, but according to all the hints she has given it's nearly impossible that it isn't that

>> No.25962711
Quoted by: >>25962770

What are the other tags on the list about?

>> No.25962719

and yet some people will continue grinding even after becoming successful
see: pekomiko, kuzuha

>> No.25962720

oh yeah, if there's one it should've been shitposted in the catalog by now just like the Luca bus.

>> No.25962734
File: 33 KB, 225x350, 62615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No compromise

>> No.25962753
Quoted by: >>25963216

Literally no one is replying being like "oh yeah, that's a common thing we talk about"
I've been here for well over a year, it's never been uttered until today. Not going to pretend differently.

>> No.25962770
Quoted by: >>25962787


>> No.25962787
Quoted by: >>25963042

Which ones?

>> No.25962795

how fast is it compared to the 1st PV?

>> No.25962868

>Kronii has streamed for 5 hours
What's wrong with her?

>> No.25962885

i have no interest in explaining anything to a newfag tourist. people know what it is, just not replying

>> No.25962917

Love minecraft
Love Sana

>> No.25962930


>> No.25962944


>> No.25962962

Watching this SNEED stream i'm starting to feel bad about this bitch stuck on the TV by herself.

>> No.25962979
Quoted by: >>25963009

when it finally looked like she was doing the smart thing by keeping her head down. why not just have cover do a response instead?

>> No.25963001


>> No.25963009

i mean, this obviously looks passed by a manager

>> No.25963035
Quoted by: >>25963056

I don't get it, can you be molested in Rust or something?

>> No.25963042

1,2 - kpop
3 is jpop boy band
5 is an actor from a japanese drama
6 is super sentai
7 is also some japanese show
10 is some pokemon championships

>> No.25963057

Holy kek

>> No.25963056

no, but some niji can yell the n word without you being able to do anything about it

>> No.25963082

> Koyo Koyo Koyori dayo

>> No.25963083

what does it say?

>> No.25963089
Quoted by: >>25963115

>>25963056 (me)
and by n word, i mean nijisanji

>> No.25963094

Too bad top tier EN are not daily streamers like JP counterpart. For me they are like Sanbaka in NijiJP, both are strong but lacking consistency.

>> No.25963105

It's just an apology tweet for the nothingburger

>> No.25963115
Quoted by: >>25963206

Niggers or nijisanji it doesn't seem like a good enough reason

>> No.25963117

consistent 15k ccv in a fucking 5 hours stream is beyond impressive

>> No.25963125

Basically she doesn't pull a Rushia and it's just a nothingburger.

>> No.25963144

someone like her should be able to do 20k

>> No.25963148

management didn't know about her trying to get into the streamer server, they told her to quit it, she did and she's apologizing to the people concerned and the people from the server for causing them trouble

>> No.25963191
File: 206 KB, 803x383, 1632097984444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963206

It's a pretty good reason, that dramashit is poison for Hololive members who's brand is meant to be cleaner than Nijisanji's

>> No.25963216

> Nijicope #18 Ratiocope (>>5536896 <span class="deadlink">>>8648645 >>13972862 >>14457547 >>20388935)</span>
It's on the fucking list, Jesus Christ all these newfags.

>> No.25963256
File: 16 KB, 313x99, 1653925363076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963276

12 trending

>> No.25963276

Why now?

>> No.25963290

Mentioned 5 times since 2021, yeah it's not a thing.

>> No.25963306

the current working theory is that the Z happens when the servers verifying CCV fall out of sync and start counting people multiple times

>> No.25963332

Youtube couldn't find anything from Niji to put into trending so they, against their massive Niji bias, decided to let something from Hololive trend for once. That or Niji didn't pay the bribe money in time for youtube to keep it from trending.

>> No.25963342
Quoted by: >>25963449

why do you respond? that anon has only been here a week at most

>> No.25963344

this dude >25963290 is just you farming, he knows what it is, the ratio titan image was posted to death, he just thinks it's funny to make people mad by pretending to be retarded, like it's any different from being actually retarded

>> No.25963401
Quoted by: >>25963416


>> No.25963416
Quoted by: >>25963483

Screencap that shit at the 5 minute mark

>> No.25963431
File: 16 KB, 297x100, 1629314946888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963525

29th in Taiwan

>> No.25963449
File: 209 KB, 1726x968, Chumcope.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this numberfag image from august 2021.
The examples shown is literally proof it's not a thing.

>> No.25963457

probably the international views finally racked up enough to make it outside of main channel norm.

>> No.25963475

Because YT trending is retarded.

>> No.25963483
File: 15 KB, 324x197, 1654958420995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963520


>> No.25963520

So at least 50% culled still

>> No.25963521
Quoted by: >>25963668

>-53% decrease from last quarter
And we still have cumbuds here arguing Gooba didn't recline. Amazing.

>> No.25963525

State religion

>> No.25963668

Yeah I don't know why I was arguing with a chumbud though, must have been a simpler time

>> No.25963734

>Facebook Gaming in the key
>Nobody from Facebook Gaming on the graph

>> No.25963804

they don't know about facebook's funny numbers
it's even more inflated that twitch

>> No.25963830

Does the ash guy still big on twitch?

>> No.25963889

ash is a girl
i think she fell off after amogus and gta rp died off

>> No.25963918

The number of likes on the holoAlt 2nd teaser looks frankly too high for a 2M views MV imo, its now the fifth most liked video on the Holo Official channel with 210k likes.
Here's the top 5:
>Ochame Kinou
649k likes, 36M views, released 6Apr2020
>HoloAlt PV 1
454 likes, 8.7M views, released 21May2021
>Can you do the Hololive? Beyond the stage ver.
406k likes, 18.2M views, released 8Jan2021
>PekoMiko daisensou
220k likes, 8.6M views, released 16Nov2020
>HoloAlt PV 2
211k likes, 2M views, released 21 hours ago

Will the trend continue? Will this get something absurd like 10M views/1M Likes in the next 5-6 months?
Most liked Holo-related vod is Caligula's King at 730k/21M views iirc.

>> No.25963947

Makes it clear that Facebook streams are included, even if none of them made the chart, so you know that no Facebook streams were above that hours watched time.

>> No.25963958
File: 608 KB, 1107x833, sneeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25964006

>full niji podium today

>> No.25963959

actual cunny but anti-cunny

>> No.25963960
Quoted by: >>25964070

Oh yeah, that time StreamHatchet completely forgot Kuzuha was a vtuber.
Think he was 2nd just a bit over Hal.

>> No.25964006

half of them are premiers

>> No.25964037

I think it's from two factors:
It has non JPs mems in it and we're more likely to press like
It also has JP members that require more hardcore fan support and those fans are more accustomed to liking stuff.

>> No.25964046

Basically if IRyS can't get #1 this week she never will. No banger JP covers recently to compete.

>> No.25964069

is a girl and no, 2k average now,
i don't even bother keeping track of streams if you don't at least hit a 3k this month.

> 2,064 Aprli average
> 1,812 May average

>> No.25964070

You're right, I should change the filename to nijicope

>> No.25964083

There's Tricolage by Suisei

>> No.25964114

She gets #3 with Suisei getting #1 and #2

>> No.25964131
Quoted by: >>25964200

anon, i don't think it matched Suisei's 2 recent covers or Phony.

>> No.25964151

it has ID/EN fans watching it, who press like far more than JP fans

>> No.25964155


10k ?

>> No.25964200

She could beat Phony since she has more than 1 week worth of views

>> No.25964231
Quoted by: >>25964357

How many views did she get? Suisei's Tokyo Ghost City got 800k and Tricolage got 600k.

>> No.25964256
Quoted by: >>25964380

20k. Is 2042 still alive?

>> No.25964284
Quoted by: >>25964492

even the devs don't wanna work on this game anymore, why would botan play this shit?

>> No.25964303
Quoted by: >>25964596

previous one got 3 million in a day iirc

>> No.25964357
Quoted by: >>25964390


>> No.25964380
Quoted by: >>25964415

I'll say 5k, Botan and BF will bring up bad memories

>> No.25964390

#3 then

>> No.25964415
Quoted by: >>25964446

>Botan and BF will bring up bad memories

>> No.25964446

The tourney that made the ruskis abandon her

>> No.25964477
Quoted by: >>25964502

The current one in Ukraine?

>> No.25964488

I don't remember

>> No.25964492

because she can't play battlefield 4

>> No.25964502

Russia can still watch streams on youtube, they just stopped watching Botan because she collabed with a faggot

>> No.25964509


>> No.25964519


>> No.25964520
Quoted by: >>25964550

Anon what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.25964543


>> No.25964550

Why does it need explained any deeper, she had a tournament promoting BF2042 and it tanked her numbers long term

>> No.25964594

Who's the faggot you were talking about?

>> No.25964596

It didn't, in fact it wasn't even close to this

>> No.25964598

This is the most retarded thing I've seen today

>> No.25964599
Quoted by: >>25964615

Oh it's the fucking Gen 5 schizo. Of course. Just kys already and stop wasting my time

>> No.25964615

Cope, I was only ever called the Botanschizo for a few days until it became evident
