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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23905111 No.23905111 [Reply] [Original]

New Blood Edition

Previous: >>23837918

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Interactive map:

CURRENT GOAL: Add /ehe~/ on the map

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.23905142
File: 2.29 MB, 1447x2000, FO3Om5nacAYSASJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23973066

Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.23905164
File: 1.85 MB, 3079x4096, FDDMFw8acAAc171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.23905194
File: 217 KB, 1560x1560, E1R9rvoWEAgKDF1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23908236

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?
Does your thread's nation have any naming conventions? What are people named, and why? Do names have meaning? Do people have surnames, and how are those derived?

>> No.23905353
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Quoted by: >>23905699

Oh, I was curious about something. Clearly, traditional torture methods would be ineffective on /meat/heads, especially raiders. But what about sensory deprivation, solitary confinement, white torture and the like? Is this a type of torment that could "hurt" a /meat/head? /morig/ CIA is trying to figure out how to interrogate captives.

>> No.23905578

Okay maybe move it a little more over to the West as I forgot /meat/'s fleet is supposed to be near its western coast.

>> No.23905699

Yeah, it's a bit light on descriptions since not many have the taste for reading about it, and there is enough WIP in the lore as is. As for actual Aztec sacrifices, I think as far as suffering caused it's pretty mild compared with /meat/. They do have a focus on killing the victim instead of actively making them suffer, after all. That said, they really don't mind getting blood and gore around (although it might not be practical in their case, I reckon), so they'll be more gruesome in the sense that it's a literal bloodbath compared with the more surgical approach of /meat/. If you're interested, though, there're some Aztec sacrifice methods I found:
>The classic one, cutting your heart out before dumping your body down the stairs for further processing
>Tying the captive between trees and riddling them with arrows for a fertility ritual
>Drowning children, it's the preferred sacrifice for the water god Tlaloc
>There're records of people being burnt alive in enclosed space, but I don't know too much about it
>Although usually non-lethal, Mesoamericans also liked to pull thorned strings through body parts - one telling of the Five Suns cosmogony said that human flesh is made from Huitzilopochtli's blood after he did that to his junk

It probably varies a lot, although some raiders are known to make use of drugs to go berserk, so those who're hooked on it might not handle sensory deprivation well. Many of them might also rely on chuubanite tattoos and scars to keep themselves functional, so depriving them of chuubanite infusion probably will cause issues down the line for them as well. Of course, since /meat/heads are still humans (mostly), they likely won't have unlimited pain tolerance, so there *will* be a point where even they can't handle it. Of course, those are also often deadly, so using that for interrogation might not be optimal. I guess in a way, softer approaches might be better (if less morally permissible) than torture when it comes to coaxing information out of /meat/heads?

>> No.23905838
File: 340 KB, 2048x1628, murdermei17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cutting the heart out is exactly how I initially pictured /meat/head do their sacrifices generally. But the arrow and drowning part is new to me!

>> No.23905962
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Quoted by: >>23906033

I wish i had the 30 minute Aztec Rituals Mumei soundpost.

>> No.23906033

The Aztecs are uniquely bloodthirsty, after all, to the point that even their human-sacrificing neighbours think they're insane. The heart-cutting one is the most (in)famous both because it's probably done the most often (Huitzilopochtli is their main god, after all), and is arguably the most visually striking. The reason why /meat/ doesn't go for it is that, well, you don't live long after losing your heart, so it just won't do for /meat/heads.
Wikipedia actually has a whole article about Aztec human sacrifice if you want more... variety for the heretics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice_in_Aztec_culture

I'm interested...

>> No.23906197

You forgot the most important part of tortoise mating.

>> No.23906309
Quoted by: >>23906689

>It probably varies a lot
Thanks for the info! Yes, I also think the soft approach is probably more effective on humans in general, research shows that torture is pretty mediocre at information extraction even on IRL humans. But historically, the political will to use those methods instead of torture is often lacking within the organizations that end up with captives...

>> No.23906369

iirc from my history class the neighbours are more tired of the number they sacrifice as opposed to the methods they use. But the scale of sacrifices is important for the Aztecs as it was the way they expand in size and economy plus encourage social advances that drives and fueled such expansion. So the later radical reforms by Moctezuma destroyed that dynamic and basically spelt the doom of their empire.

>> No.23906429

Going to be busy with mother's day dinner tonight. Then I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. Going to be busy so not much will be done with the /nasa/ rewrite in the next few days.

>> No.23906467
File: 81 KB, 819x911, violence_escalated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a png of mumei's overlay along with this video
's pretty neat i think.

>> No.23906481
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>> No.23906689
File: 121 KB, 2248x1264, FIPGxPOVgAMksk9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, on one hand, it's well-known that people will say whatever they think can get them out of the torture, even if they're false information. On the other hand, I don't know if those researches are done on repeated torture victims, where the effectiveness of lies is likely to reduce.
Ultimately, though, personally I don't think the desire for information is ever the actual goal of torture. It might be a nice excuse, and sometimes the higher-ups are not too keen on truth either, but ultimately, it's about exerting dominance over the others through control of their life and, sometimes, death.

>> No.23907227
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1637226320046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does peter have a creepy side I don't know about?
But yes, I think this is probably an accurate take on the matter.

>> No.23908081
Quoted by: >>23909975

Has /uuu/ figured out if they're part plant yet?

>> No.23908236
Quoted by: >>23972643

Is that it? Or don't we have a real /yah/ flag?
I've been playing around with a few designs

>> No.23908241

torture is good for interrogation if the information can be confirmed in a timely manner, and if the consequences can be established from the onset. besides that, torture is almost entirely a morale thing. to stop a behavior before it happens, you must either reduce the likelihood of success, or increase the risk of failure enough that people will see it as a bad investment, torture is a way of confirming that if you get caught, you'll regret it immensely. just wanted to put that out there.
>they likely won't have unlimited pain tolerance
while this is true, i'd say that the pavlovian conditioning of associating pain with pleasure on a societal level, from birth to the grave might be able to overwrite a fair bit, if not all of that. idk if any /meat/ chuuba is irresponsible enough to get addicted to something, such that they can have a withdrawl endurance stream, but we do know at least a few of them have done other psychological torture streams in the past, not to mention two overdose streams, so experimenting with withdrawl wouldn't be so uncommon or unusual among elites if i had to guess.

>> No.23909373
Quoted by: >>23910600

Part five is up.


Had to cut this one in two from the original plan, so you'll find this as set-up heavy. Also, I didn't want to leave /Risu/ without doing a long goodbye.

Hope you enjoy it!

>> No.23909975
File: 70 KB, 422x374, fauna_tend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are. How much so, I dont think has been fully decided yet
Id like some input from the other sapling if he's around
Im imagining it sort of like davy jone's crew from pirates of the caribbean but with plants instead of fish
druid/ent for sure though

>> No.23910600
Quoted by: >>23911385

>'I dunno about that, he uses fancy words and all, but his writing is a little basic, hiding that weakness with lengthy useless descriptions,' throw me a gut punch her mother, a teacher.
Cute self-deprecating Kronie, truly made in the image of his Goddess. This was a great read, as usual!
Also, #UncleDidNothingWrong

>> No.23911290

I'm good with this concept, I'd like to make it a gradual process too. I propose a kind of lifecycle for saplings that goes along the lines of humans to evolving into forest spirits

>> No.23911385

>Cute self-deprecating Kronie, truly made in the image of his Goddess.
Like oshi, like fandom.

>This was a great read, as usual!
Thanks! I really appreciate it!

>Also, #UncleDidNothingWrong
Well, Kemala's father didn't condemn his ideas, just how he was acting about them.
Also, you'll like the next chapter then.

>> No.23911883
Quoted by: >>23912089

I'm thinking it can be a symbiotic relationship. Saplings are humans but they have plant symbiotes that grow inside their bodies.

>> No.23912089
File: 344 KB, 600x600, Away with Grasshoppers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because that would insinuate that the saplings and the people that are saplings are two different things

>> No.23912147

NTA, but, hmm, true, this makes sense to me

>> No.23912325

Maybe Fauna chuubanite is what makes people into saplings?

>> No.23912352
Quoted by: >>23912378


>> No.23912378

Hey, we only timeloop over chuubanite metaphysics. This is more like, chuubanite biology.

>> No.23912815

What if the plant is the brain and the human is just a vassal for the plant to move with?

>> No.23912873

>check lore log for chuubanite
>realize I need a PhD
ok, I'll be back in a couple of hours before giving my opinion on this

>> No.23913036
Quoted by: >>23913288

the tl;dr is magic ore, it does stuff depending on chuuba/thread

>> No.23913197
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Quoted by: >>23913509

While it may be a pretty shitty representation, this is something I propose as a sapling lifecycle. (With a unfathomably small chance of becoming a Kirin)

>> No.23913288
Quoted by: >>23913564

That doc is quite wordy, >>23913036 is a good TLDR but I'll try to summarize it.
Chuubanite is a magical substance that exists on Vitubia.
In nature, it is usually bound to some other matter.
Chuubanite can have an affinity for a certain general, which can grant it special properties.
Chuubanite can do things like store and release energy (/kfp/ or /nasa/ chuubanite), affect the workings of lifeforms (/risu/, /meat/ or /morig/ chuubanite) and some others.
In /fauna/'s case, it's a given that /fauna/ chuubanite would be the source of the supernatural growth of its forests, if that is a thing.

>> No.23913509
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Quoted by: >>23913817

good chart, Im with the idea of progression over time, and really like your idea of possible splits into different types at the end; it would let us explain a lot of the different kinds of flora/fauna in /uuu/ (not that it ALL has be some sort of sapling, but still)
the only thing I might argue against is the possibility of kirin. kind of feel like that would be us writing Fauna's lore instead of just /uuu/ lore

>> No.23913564
Quoted by: >>23914059

thanks for the tldr anon
im still new so Im trying to be good about doing my reps and reading the docs

>> No.23913817
File: 241 KB, 1024x1151, kirin_by_cibana-db16d7l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking that there might be a chance to evolve into a demi-god like Kirin, while Fauna is the goddess, saplings who evolve into Kirin are her chosen that occur so rarely that most saplings don't even believe they exist. With this being a basic concept.

>> No.23913857

this is nitpicking, but metamorphosis is the more correct word you're probably looking for

>> No.23913969

Are kirin tasty by the way?

>> No.23914011

About as tasty as reptilian venison is /meat/man

>> No.23914016

ah I see, yeah, I could get behind the idea of demi-kirin. I like your idea of there being myths and stuff about the kinds of saplings that could exist

>> No.23914053
File: 7 KB, 346x339, Fauna-officer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooman fingers typed this post

>> No.23914059

If you would like to ask for clarification about anything or if you would like to know more about anything, don't be afraid to ask!

>> No.23914126

How the hell did you even know?

>> No.23914179
File: 3.94 MB, 463x453, ogey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23914349

>>23914126 (me)
pic rel

>> No.23914349
File: 489 KB, 2914x3000, nemu_gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you hoomans all have a certain smell about you

>> No.23914774

The reason why I mention a symbiote with saplings is because this world has chimera species. Risuners have two unique DNAs with human and squirrel. Its how Risuners can breed with their species among others. That kind of chimera DNA might be hard to have with Human and Plant. Though Rosebutas are practically all plant with some animal cells. So it probably doesn't matter as much.

>> No.23915497

consider, it's also kind of stupid in the "i can't suspend my disbelief" way

>> No.23915595

That depends entirely on how its written and handled

>> No.23915876

>Every demi-human has to be a unique species that can only mate with their own species.
The two sets of DNA would allow a demi-human to mate with another human or even demi-human of another species by exchanging the human DNA. The animal DNA of a demi-human would exchange between demi-humans of that species. That's how I proposed it a while back. I don't think it was expanded upon in the archives yet.

>> No.23916396
Quoted by: >>23916533

while I dont think it fits into /uuu/ lore, that is an interesting thing about risuners
saplings go through their transformations because of our worship for Fauna and the amount of time we spend in her forest, but I wonder if risuners who spent too much time in our forest would have just their human side affected or both their DNAs affected

>> No.23916533
Quoted by: >>23916609

I guess the question is, do normal animals get affected by the forest in some way?

>> No.23916609
Quoted by: >>23916646

good point
no, animals are generally unaffected at the DNA level in our forest

>> No.23916646

Following this logic, the human aspects of Risuners would be sapling'd but the squirrel aspects would stay the same. So, ents with fluffy tails?

>> No.23916741

true, thats an interesting trail of thought
kind of feel like it would almost be /meat/ territory to talk about a risuner-turned-sapling munching on their own acorns

>> No.23916752

It could protect Risuners entirely. Risuners could have all of the natural defenses animals need to prevent saplingfication.

>> No.23916817

Kek, we're all a bit cannibal is some ways I guess. Your body is constantly digesting itself.
Yeah that's a possibility, depends on the mechanisms of saplingizing. You could spin either.

>> No.23916891
Quoted by: >>23916952

but unless the risuner symbiote can actively correct the human DNA, theyd still get partially sapling'd

>> No.23916952
Quoted by: >>23917042

I think as long as there's not much damage the process can be reversed.

>> No.23917042

well its not "damage" per se, but I see what you mean

>> No.23917061
File: 2.12 MB, 3618x4096, 1646290783022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A deadbeat-mutated sapling'd Risuner walks into a bar
>Barman looks up and says "Is this some kind of joke?"

>> No.23917199

You also forgot irradiated from Mike Neko lands and /meat/ regenerating.

>> No.23917307
Quoted by: >>23917695

reminds me I should check out /morig/ lore sometime; kinda cool they have their own island. probably for the best...

>> No.23917695
File: 57 KB, 800x600, 1640944106102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23920008

>Chuubanite accumulates in body through mild exposure and makes you lose your hair
>Has a whole region that makes people mad
>Steady stream of schizo raids
>The deadbeats themselves are constantly infighting
Yeah... Better keep all our shit quarantined...

>> No.23918525

Since Saplings like sweet things what other pastries would Saplings be interested in from /nasa/? Assuming we get our shit together to make the bakery in /who/ first.

>> No.23918692
File: 4 KB, 346x339, fauna_ic_sammie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23919195

ice cream sammies

>> No.23918730
File: 21 KB, 112x190, bottriggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all comes back to /meat/

even /vrt/ bots sacrifice RAM to their goddess to empower her processing power, wich can be seen as a form of cannibalism

>> No.23918749

it would be difficult from a physical perspective for chuubanite to bind to human dna specifically, since at that scale human dna, being made out of amino acids and the like, would look identical to any other kind of dna. symbiotes is one path you could take, but as they mentioned, that would imply saplings were only partially human. what about a virus or bacteria that can only survive in /uuu/'s climate that evolved to only have a noticeable effect on human dna in the form of a crispr cas9 sort of style of gene editing? once the genes are edited, itm doesn't matter what happens to the virus, though the longer you are in the woods, the more time the virus has to change you into a sappling. maybe the virus also has a sort of fountain of y/uoh/th property that extends the life of the person (not indefinitely no matter how long) depending on how long they stay in the forest. if it isn't a symbiote, virus, or bacteria, idk how it would work from a physical perspective. chuubanite might be magic, but it shouldn't be nonsense.
speaking of trades, would saplings be interested in anything from /meat/? we have a rentry with all our trading goods if you're interested.

>> No.23918887
Quoted by: >>23928618

>interested in anything from /meat/
I'll take a look, but were pretty self sufficient

>> No.23918900
Quoted by: >>23932561

Instead of the chuubanite binding to the DNA, it could be the DNA reacting to the chuubanite. This way it can be human-specific.

>> No.23919195
Quoted by: >>23919427

Don't know if we can do that with a rustic bakery. We can try.

>> No.23919427
Quoted by: >>23919749

The cookies are not too difficult, the ice cream is more challenging but it was made before refrigeration, you just need plenty of ice and salt to cool down your cream while you mix it.

>> No.23919649

do /meat/ ships got a butchery on board or do they need local shops for far away countries if those would want meat? because /vrt/ loves BBQ and needs lots of meat for that and is not too picky of its origin as long as the quality is right

>> No.23919749

We got a way to make ice-cream with hand-cranked ice-cream makers. Ice is no problem in /nasa/ because we live in the tundra. The problem is delivering the ice south which we need insulated ships to do. Perhaps with enough cork we can deliver the ice.

>> No.23919811
Quoted by: >>23920015

You do share a border with /uuu/, so you could just have your creaming shops near the southern border. That's where settlements would probably be any way.

>> No.23919948
File: 130 KB, 517x433, ice+blocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

water and ice have a very high specific heat capacity, so in large amounts, ice blocks dont really need to be refrigerated
it used to be fairly common practice to just ship blocks of ice in trains even before refrigeration was commonplace

>> No.23920008
Quoted by: >>23920140

Deadbeats have the prettiest gems

>> No.23920015

True, but the cork still helps.

/nasa/ could use dry-ice to store pre-made ice-cream sandwiches in portable ice boxes and deliver via rocket sled.

>> No.23920045
Quoted by: >>23920488

you could also have ice cellars in the shops wich should be able to keep it cold whole year round.

>> No.23920140
File: 1.85 MB, 1000x1600, 1626183630262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23920343

Yeah, they're lovely.

>> No.23920343
Quoted by: >>23920566

Did anyone see my post about diamonds and dnd stuff? Really gives you ideas.

>> No.23920488

/who/'s bakery will come with an ice house. I really should detail the plans for /who/'s bakery. But I have a potential civil war to stop.

>> No.23920566
File: 2.70 MB, 480x270, 1620679238918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23920764

Yeah, it's pretty fitting it's linked to resurrection spells when in /vt/ it's related to deadbeats.

>> No.23920764
File: 478 KB, 768x1152, 1650081141760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teleport circle
In 20 years risuners establish a teleport system with all other nations kek.

>> No.23921055
File: 8 KB, 80x88, 1648529053225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it is a nice gesture, I think lore-wise /uuu/ would be self-sufficient due to us mostly being vegan like Fauna not to mention that plants are photosynthetic

>> No.23921528

Being vegan or vegetarian w/ no dairy & eggs means saplings would need to find some good sources of protein. In order to make say some onions based protein and have it available to all saplings, /uuu/ would need a decent level of farming to do that. So I propose that either have saplings be vegetarian in the more traditional sense and also consumes milk and eggs, or in addition to that, imports some processed onions products from /who/ and elsewhere. For vitamins it's probably easier to explain because plenty of animals produce the vitamins they need if their food source don't have enough of them.

>> No.23921600
Quoted by: >>23921708

Do they need to eat animal proteins after they become Saplings? They could make their own proteins once they become saplings like many herbivores.

>> No.23921603

this is especially true now that we have gotten canon lore from Fauna that she doesnt like cars

>> No.23921707

>onion proteins
kek I love the word filter

>> No.23921708
Quoted by: >>23922041

the dietary needs if individual saplings depends on their "age"
as we become more plant-like because of the sapli-faction process we require less meat-based proteins
other versions of saplings can probably photosynthesize as well

>> No.23921996
File: 90 KB, 366x400, 1648399744571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23922272

I shall ask the important question. Can risuners have sex with saplings? We're already fucking one plantoid group mind as well fuck the other

>> No.23922041

Basically that, but before they fully becomes a tree they would likely still need some protein intake. There's also the problem with fauna that "evolved" from saplings. Like how the hell do they move? Is there still muscles under the bark? I would and should leave most of that theorizing to the saplings and let them have the final say but it's worth considering about.

>> No.23922272
File: 136 KB, 799x581, 1620911266821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the questions are welcome, it does give us saplings things to think about

are... most risuners like this? or is this particular one extra lonely? I suppose rodents do like to procreate often...

>> No.23922294
Quoted by: >>23922534

Nah, they're all like this...

>> No.23922340
File: 2.41 MB, 1280x720, Dont_Squeeb[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvkdfza.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23966517


>> No.23922448
File: 288 KB, 475x449, horny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23922534

you get used to it

>> No.23922503
File: 548 KB, 2731x4096, 1651629492310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23922534

Risuners are born to nut, it's not that bad once you get used to it.

>> No.23922534
File: 91 KB, 800x800, fauna_uuu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23922709

I did peep their lore. November must be an... interesting... time around here

>> No.23922709
File: 977 KB, 1060x1500, 1650594217436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We actually haven't seen them during November yet. I suspect we'll all be in danger once the month arrives. Thankfully Rosebutas have bunkers. The rest of you... Good luck.

>> No.23922722
File: 318 KB, 1920x2155, 1648688566464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23923179

Hello im the original risuner. Yes all the risuners are very much like this. We literally had sex with some deadbeats for diamonds. Kronies and risuners "get along" very nicely. We were actually annoyed that the luknights wouldnt take off their fucking armor and were disinterested in doing us. In an anons words their armor was like a giant metal condom. Our "nut exchanges" are the core of risuner culture and we wish to share our nuts with everyone.

>> No.23922945
Quoted by: >>23923307

You know. Considering the nut if a risuner is magical since they literally eat chuubanite infused nuts all the time would it be ridiculous to say that a risuner nutting in a sapling or a rosebud would work as pollination or fertilizer or something? Or is that a little too ridiculous?

>> No.23922993

At least /nasa/ seems to have made friends with the Saplings. Even if it is something as silly as sharing wild berry pies with the druids.

>> No.23923179
File: 870 KB, 865x776, 1648079401680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23923332

I'd like to imagine that saplings that still retain their human parts still have their human desires but those early saplings who fall prey to sexual temptation are then classified as squeebers and are damned for forsaking the seiso teachings of our Goddess Fauna and are cursed to live and die never reaching full saplinghood unless repenting with a Ceremony of Slaps

>> No.23923286

If only we can get the /rrat/ monks to return. Then we'll have all the council generals in /vtwbg/.

>> No.23923307

Depends on how saplings/risuners reproduce. If we want something like this to work, I guess sapling pollen would have to actually contain sperm somewhat similar to human sperm.

>> No.23923332

it is indeed true that chronic squeebers will be forcefully metamorphosed and sold as lumber to /who/ or /nasa/

>> No.23923441
File: 53 KB, 310x440, 1647908330755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23923592

Such is the power of our Goddess. Funny thing about that is that Risuners get to have their fun in corrupting saplings, as evil as it may be.

>> No.23923461
File: 274 KB, 850x1202, sample_27a1e8a224264af7dc3890966d3434c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risuners are now considering opening up a "Squeeb protection outpost" for the squeebs. You dont have to deal with squeebs and we get to nut in plant people. Everyone wins.

>> No.23923592
File: 29 KB, 505x506, fauna blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23928618

I was just reading /meat/ lore and thinking
>no way /uuu/ will have a "human resources" entry in our Exports list
but here we are...

>> No.23923631

Fortunately under the Grand Directive /nasa/ is forbidden to have sex with native species, including saplings, hoomans, robosans, and risuners.

>> No.23923736
File: 15 KB, 346x339, 1649089255454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23923789

Silly Risuner, there is no cure for the Squeeb Curse.

>> No.23923789
File: 199 KB, 480x480, Comfortsapling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for penance

>> No.23923795
Quoted by: >>23924584

Posting the captain log for the /uuu/ expedition is going to be fun. I cant wait.

>> No.23924584
File: 143 KB, 409x409, 1637841774511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Risuner, the Deadbeat fleet would like to start importing /risu/ wood and bog iron in large quantities. Our forests are smaller and slower-growing than yours, and our iron supply is limited. I think between our diamonds, gold and cashews we can probably find a mutually beneficial trade agreement?

>> No.23924608
Quoted by: >>23926545

So, does falling in love with a Sapling makes one a dendrophile?

>> No.23924756
File: 289 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23925042

This sounds perfect! It seems we are in business deadbeat friend. Looks like Cahya is gonna be a busy little boy with some translating.

>> No.23924783
Quoted by: >>23925042

Would bog iron be better than sand iron though?

>> No.23925042
Quoted by: >>23925125

/morig/ is culturally japan-esque, but geologically it's basically a carbon copy of Madagascar. So we've got IOCG deposits near our volcanoes instead of being limited to sand iron. However, they are limited in quantity. So we have issues with steel supply, not quality. Bog iron would help even out our supply, since all those cannons and armors require a lot of steel.
Nice! Yes, Cahya will have to familiarize himself with matters of international trade instead of getting laid for a little bit.

>> No.23925125
Quoted by: >>23925272

If only you weren't so far away. /nasa/ knows how to process coal into coke for blast furnaces to make steel.

>> No.23925272
Quoted by: >>23925512

wait /nasa/ opening up overall for trade again?, i missed a few days, did the lockdown arc finish?

>> No.23925512

Not yet. I got busy with mother's day stuff and I'll be out of town tomorrow. Plus I have to fucking rewrite what I wrote last time because it got rejected.

>> No.23926282
Quoted by: >>23926527

I wonder when risu will be forced to choose between morig and meat if the time ever comes. I'm sure both sides disapprove of working with the enemy.

>> No.23926527
File: 4 KB, 180x225, 1648854926583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/kfp/ is another instance of a country juggling diplomatic relations with the two nations. We just kind of stay out of each other's way...
This story displays the dynamic very nicely (as well as being well written).

>> No.23926545
File: 185 KB, 1080x1618, oh_no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the sapling

>> No.23927474
File: 86 KB, 500x500, a543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Risuners = Indonesians, and meat Risuners are more aggressive, practices sentient sacrifices, and use tattoos, they are like the Dayak
Here are some Dayak myths to look at

>> No.23928100
Quoted by: >>23968075

Middle's kinda cute...

>> No.23928618
File: 223 KB, 1400x1225, FQZ0sngacAAS69u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23932791

Tell us if you want anything listed here: https://rentry.org/deiphagymining

>butchery on board
I would say that's pretty much mandatory in a time before modern refrigeration, so probably. Of course, /meat/heads have their own peculiar taste for meat, which means that setting up butcheries in other countries can be... tricky. I assume that in those cases, they would just import ice from somewhere and put pre-cut meat in on-board icehouse or something. That said, the skill of cooking meat should be easily transferable to other kinds of meat if their culinary skills are desired overseas.

Welcome to the club...

One more thing to add on the cultural exchange!

>> No.23928767

If /nasa/ opens up trade again then we'll have to be careful with what goods we export. Food is an obvious export. However there are also refined material exports like medicine, petroleum oils and jelly, coal coke, stainless steel tools, etc. Refined goods would be hot items if they can't be replicated anywhere else. Nickel, copper, aluminum, and zinc will be /nasa/'s most sought out metals.

>> No.23930788


>> No.23931679

>/meat/ trade ship docks at /risu/
>a flock of capybaras and guinea pigs came running out into the woods

>> No.23932561
Quoted by: >>23940738

dna reacting to chuubanite wouldn't work. chuubanite is everywhere. chuubanite binding to dna would also be a problem because it can't differentiate complex structures like that.
you do realize /meat/ sells more stuff than meat, right?

>> No.23932791

The thing is, ships make for very poor butcher houses because they naturally rock a lot when sailing, the damp environment onboard would also make for a bad dry ageing environment. A more plausible way of transporting meat via sea routes is to just ship them alive and be butchered in the port they arrived in. When transporting live animals you also have to account for the diseases the animals carry and the environment of the ship.(https://www.izs.it/vet_italiana/2008/44_1/19.pdf)) Because of this, unless your ship is designed for this purpose or well maintained that it minimizes such risks, you are going to lose quite a lot of the live animals on board. Potentially losing half of your merchandise before you arrive at port is pretty bad for business and not conducive for large scale consumption of your shipped product in the target market.
For shorter journeys, it's possible for a large scale commercial live animal trade such as from /meat/ to /risu/ but for longer journeys, I found it less believable for countries to trade fresh meat. Of course it would have to account for the tech level of the two countries too.

>> No.23933001

Interesting, I'll give it a read, but in the meantime, let's go with your suggestion.

>> No.23934234


>> No.23934612

Would transporting humans be easier than other livestock?

>> No.23934779
Quoted by: >>23935302

Assuming they are allowed to roam, fed and have the ability to keep themselves clean aka not being treated like crap, should be. Papers and books on the transatlantic slave trade(and for shorter ranges maybe how the Barbary states treat their captives)would unironically be a good source for the feasibility of transporting soon to be meat humans around.

>> No.23935302

That settles it - high quality human resources are on the cosmopolitan menu now

>> No.23936431


>> No.23936706
Quoted by: >>23938434

Does /nasa/ have a port/harbor yet?

>> No.23936751

I mean, the saplings could very well be able to synthesize proteins in their own bodies better than normal humans can. There is no real reason to enforce the saplings to be omnivorous.

>> No.23937760


>> No.23937843
Quoted by: >>23937967

Hey hey hey!
Literal human resources is /meat/'s gimmick

>> No.23937967

>Hey hey hey!
Hmm... veal is good, but this one in particular might have too much fat. Offal, maybe?

>> No.23938434

Nope, civil war arc started before we could start construction

>> No.23939504


>> No.23940714


>> No.23940738
Quoted by: >>23941493

It would be reacting this way to Fauna-attuned chuubanite obviously, otherwise the whole world would turn into saplings.

>> No.23941493
Quoted by: >>23946799

so, i appologize if i sound annoying, if you think this isn't interesting, please tell me, but i prefer trying to hammer the physics out as much as possible just so we know how everything works, it's fun for me, and if you aren't interested you don't need to engage in it, but i would personally prefer it if we made everything as detailed as possible. my point in bringing up chuubanite was that chuubanite is ubiquitous in this setting. if dna responds to one kind of chuubanite in such a dramatic way, why wouldn't it respond in a similar way to all the rest? we should try to think of a specific process through which that would happen. if viruses and bacteria don't work, what process would cause dna to change in the presence of fauna chuubanite in particular in such a way that it makes them saplings? it isn't a small feat to turn an animal into a plant, /rose/ got through it with symbiotes, but i suppose you could get through it by carefully choosing the physical impact of the magical effect of your chuubanite on a physical level, /meat/ chuubanite makes things go through the life cycle faster. this results in regeneration of organic material because organic material is by definition self-regenerative but it would have to be more simplistic than "change the fleshy parts into woody parts" because chuubanite should mostly work on a microscopic level. making it a virus or symbiote could help in increasing the scale from molecular, to cellular, which is where the difference between animals and plants are better defined. the chuubanite would effectively act as a pilot in that circumstance, while the symbiote or virus does all the real work, and since organic life forms can be evolutionarily programmed to quite a degree of specificity, the fact that it only effects humans could make more sense. if you have another idea that you would prefer, that is great, i just personally would like it if it made sense in these terms.

>> No.23943120


>> No.23944921


>> No.23946156


>> No.23946799

My idea is that chuubanite is activated by the user's belief/faith.
So even if the concept being worshipped/practiced is vague, the specific modifications depend on the person's spirituality
A Fauna worshipper gets Fauna chuubanite in his body. As long as he is mentally and spiritually aligned with Fauna, the chuubanite expends its magical energy to alter the user. Flesh gets replaced with cellulose, creating plant-like biology, his organs start producing chlorophyll, etc

>> No.23947048

We would but there would be no human sacrifices
Either chimeras or big rodents.
Hope you like cavy on a stick

>> No.23948045
File: 934 KB, 4096x3026, 1638852682044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more detailed thoughts regarding the effects of /who/'s chuubanite, especially on organisms. I think /who/rep originally intended for us to have owl girl shock troopers, not as cool but it would do, I think. No-paragraph anon if you found any fault in it please let me know.

/who/ chuubanite: Biological effects intent: Promotes growth of civilization(mostly on farmed crops and animals, some positive effect on humans)

Chuubanite have highly selective effect on organisms within /who/:
- Mostly on grain crop or crop artificially selected to have larger fruits/seeds: increased photosynthesis & fruiting rate > faster growth rate, better nutritional density, better taste(partly subjective, e.g. fruits have slightly higher fructose content)
- Growth and health on other types of (wild)plants also observed but extremely marginal(<1%), only type with noticeable difference are berries.
- Plants esp. farming cultivars absorb higher than usual amount of chuubanite
enters into digestive system
- Interacts with different cells in humans which promote both muscle growth, increased ATP production & storage(work longer before feel exhausted), also average focus time(unfortunately causes increased autism/add rate in some population)
- Natives respond to the chuubanite more than non native
-Ruminants absorb chuubanite by eating sheer amount of grass, omnivores(pigs & poultry) absorb it through eating food scrap/feed made from plants disproportionally affected(human food)
-Effect in animals only affect muscle growth and energy conversion
-Wildlife very marginally affected like plants. Some urban scavengers also exhibit observed effects on livestock but much weaker.

Other effects

Polygenic disorder:
- Females disproportionally affected. Only present in native pouplation.
- Strong association with the mother(only inherited through mother, Mitochondrial?)
lower skeleton(decrease of ~40-50%), muscle mass(decrease of ~10-20%)
weaker bones, muscle mass and strength can be partially recovered through the consumption of crops grew in higher chuubanite areas, but skeleton mass marginal increase only bone strength.
- Depends on individual, most would need wheelchair for longer distances, can stand and support themselves for extended period of time(hours) but usually can't walk for >15 minutes, sprint for ~100 meters before feeling pain. Too much physical exertion could break bones.
- New back skeletal muscle group connected with wing, similar to aviant flight muscle. Specialised cells in wing stores chuubanite. Limited articulation of wing due to skeletal structure, flight achieved mostly by expenditure of chuubanite, which creates vertical lift. Visibally emits amber colored chuubanite particles. The subject then are able to glide in a limited fashion and maintain altitude by occasionally flapping their wings(which expends more chuubanite). Depending on individual's physical ability & cell + chuubanite concentration, flight last no longer than 25 minutes before exhaustion, 1 1/2 hour before expending all chuubanite. Accumulation process slow, mostly through food and small amount from air & water, takes at least 2-3 weeks before completely replenished.
- Feather patterns different in individuals. Hair in some areas replaced by down feathers.
- Slightly lower cone cell ratio in eyes, reflective tissue behind eyes, like cats
- No observed difference in neck bone structure

I might incorporate the latter part on owl girls into a short story sometime later. Not anchoring until I either did that or expand the first part on crops into an actual paragraph.

>> No.23948186
File: 155 KB, 1007x1048, sipmei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23948426

>I think /who/rep originally intended for us to have owl girl shock troopers
I didn't really intend anything with chuubanite honestly, chuubanite always just seemed like a massive pain in the head to deal with for me.

>> No.23948366
Quoted by: >>23948855

sapling here; I like your idea of it being triggered by Fauna worship. If thats a thing that chuubanite can be activated by, itd be neat to fit into the lore

>> No.23948426
Quoted by: >>23948642

Maybe it's because of that one ww1 inspired birdgirl soldier art you posted here before. I didn't really planned for /who/ to have owlgirls either but I stumbled upon an idea that would work, all the sapling evolution talk had me think about fantasy biology. Because of their rarity(maybe less than 2 dozen born per year) they aren't that impactful to the in-lore country. But it still adds a lot of flavour and sounds really cool.

>> No.23948633
File: 94 KB, 625x661, 1649429016569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greetings gentlemen. So Lets see whose turn it is to receive some nuts.

>> No.23948642
File: 160 KB, 343x551, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, reading through, i didn't really want chuubanite to affect the body. I'll file it under "consideration" for now.
Also, entirely unrelated, but why spoiler that small bit?

>> No.23948776

If not the body then you can use it for machinery. KFP use it for storing and releasing energy. So you could use it for electricity or heat or something. Which would drastically help out in many cases if you are creative enough. Risuners use it to accelerate plant growth so if you wanna use it on the environment you could make it so metal is stronger maybe? Just the first thought that came to my head.

>> No.23948855

i am the guy who advocates the warp interpretation of chuubanite, belief/devotion to a concept is how i typically describe people who have high affinity to a chuubanite type. neither the chuubanite, nor the chuubanite effect should be controllable with belief and devotion alone. chuubanite is a material, the magical effect is determined by which concepts are associated with whatever the vitubium has bonded with. there should ideally be a way where you explain how the chuubanite achieves it's intended effect. as i said, if this doesn't interest you, so be it, but just saying flesh gets replaced by cellulose tells us nothing about how. chuubanite has local effects, it is smaller than dna, how does it influence dna at such a small size if it doesn't have any method to observe it's surroundings, and doesn't have the ability to control matter outside it's range of contact in a precise way. instead of making chuubanite itself be the thing that makes these changes, you should have some machine of sorts that can be influenced by the chuubanite while still being large and complex enough to have more precise behavior, one of the smallest scales of this being a virus. you could have human-specific genetic changes that are only found in a specific region/climate that are dramatic enough to turn flesh into cellulose over the course of time we are talking about if the chuubanite operated on the scale of genetics, such as with a virus or bacteria, or on the scale of an organism, such as with /rose/'s symbiotes, but you can't feasibly do that on the scale of molecules. in the end, the result is the same, only the explanation differs, but one is a more efficient explanation that maintains the logic of the setting.
worship mostly effects the conceptual side of everything, but i think in the same way certain materials can have high affinity for one or more concepts, same can be said for individuals. it's not that it is triggered/activated by worship, it's that it's almost passively resisted otherwise by the sheer fact that there are other things competing to be the strongest correlated concept to any given thing. meditation on a single concept, in this case being fauna, would only further reduce the competition, thus opening yourself up to the effects of nature that were always present, which might be a bit more symbolic, come to think of it.

>> No.23949086
File: 1.01 MB, 1220x1000, thinktoomuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial uses seem easier to manage, storing electricity also would do making refrigerators something more plausible too. Thinking is hard.

>> No.23949261
File: 1.60 MB, 1488x2105, 1652058524527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems that /uuu/ shall get its turn. Ill make a thing about a fleet visiting there. They are high priority after all and ive been kinda waiting for an /uuu/ rep for weeks now so now that there is one time to give some plant people out magical nuts

>> No.23949365
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, meimei8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23950069

Hmm Should the effect on crops part be shelved as well?
>Also, entirely unrelated, but why spoiler that small bit?
because I found it silly

>> No.23949436
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, risuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23960748

current list of people who I shall do lore stuff about in order
>luna (if they want to continue)

>> No.23949469

Maybe chuubanite is 'sentient'? Not exactly sentient to the point it can think, but once it enters a living being, it forms a mutual relationship.
The host's thoughts/beliefs/natural instincts are shared with the substance.
While the substance cannot think, it uses them as a vector to alter the environment it's in to match the desires of the host.
Although this would be logical for organic chuubanite/vtubium inside living creatures.
As for how deposits in the ground and water alters the environment, it would probably receive the thoughts of nearby sentient species

>> No.23949536
Quoted by: >>23949956

sounds good to me. just to clarify, this is a species that evolved specifically to their local chuubanite over the course of millions or so of years, right? developing hollower bones and autism is one thing, but feathers are practically an entirely different organ, which is why most flying mammals use skin flaps, not that you should do that, but if not influenced by chuubanite, evolution would probably take a less inefficient route, not that mutations should be intelligent or anything.

>> No.23949541
File: 8 KB, 225x225, magiciseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23949622

hurr durr pic related

>> No.23949569

>it's almost passively resisted otherwise by the sheer fact that there are other things competing to be the strongest correlated concept to any given thing
ok yeah, that kinda makes sense to me, good explanation

>> No.23949589 [SPOILER] 
File: 356 KB, 1080x1440, FP45CZnWUAIeUps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23949717

prosthetic owl wings...
Chuubanite infusion strengthening things seem to be a common characteristic, so that should work alright. Maybe some other characteristics that help with metallurgy in general? Maybe even memory metal?

>> No.23949622

I can accept 'it's magic I cant explain shit' since it's fantasy
But we need to make sure it's consistent to avoid something like Celtic mythology where people just do asspulls out of nowhere

>> No.23949717
File: 331 KB, 414x487, 1648393217813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23949828

Tf is "memory metal" ?

>> No.23949828

Fun stuff: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shape-memory_alloy

>> No.23949956
File: 142 KB, 412x388, meimei4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23950280

Homo sapiens are only around for like what around 300,000 years? And the humans in Vitubia are supposed to be transported to this planet after a calamity. So... yeah most of it is still magic bullshit. Any chuuba with non-mammalian animal theme is hard to deal with if one wants to give the nationals some demi-human traits I guess. I also increasingly see why /who/rep doesn't want to deal with the biological aspect of chuubanite.

>> No.23950069
File: 2.71 MB, 2340x2340, breadgirl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, early GMOs sounds funny so I'm really tempted to add it in. But it has very far reaching concequences to the point where it's something that i am more apprehensive to integrating it.

>> No.23950076
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1648138051020s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23965349

>who has reps
>uuu has reps
>nasa has reps
>theyre all right next to each other
it wouldnt make much sense to only visit one but it would make sense to visit all three. So why not build a really big fleet and have them split off to meet all 3 of them at once. All the risu reps will be somewhat close to each other and the only thing stopping us is lack of boats. So you know what its time for


>> No.23950280

the warp interpretation would describe vitubium as a material that can bridge the gap between our universe and a universe of concepts. the conceptual energy seeping out of the vitubium is the origin of all the unique magical effects, pure vitubium is highly unstable, and binds to whatever it is in contact with, in this state, all the conceptual energies are released indiscriminately, it is effectively so unsafe and unpredictable that you are in danger just being near it. chuubanite is formed when vitubium binds with something near it. different chuubanite is made depending on the substance it binds to. the substances have high affinity with a concept, which causes that concept to be dominant, thus resisting all other types. i have been thinking about ways to limit the concepts to thread topics in a natural way, but ultimately, it's unnecessary with the inclusion of symbolism and affinity, concepts that have no thread affinity aren't strong enough concepts to out compete others. regardless, these concepts might be described as having a goal, same as anything else in nature might be described as having a goal, it does not. it's personification of natural phenomena that has no will of it's own. chuubanite is not sentient, and any effect it has is a product of cause and effect. your thoughts alone might effect what affinity pure vitubium, or ambiguous chuubanite (two or more equal affinities) has, but you would do so at your own risk, as it would still be very unstable do to the ever shifting nature of affinity in this context.
this is not earth, and vitubium existed in /jp/ as well.

>> No.23950351
Quoted by: >>23950467

thread affinity of risu
>i wanna fuck the treerat
>risu is sex
>i love the squirrel
>occasional retards but mostly just fanart and saying we love risu
>true risuners honestly just want the squirrel to stream, be happy listening to her, and have sex with her

>> No.23950357
Quoted by: >>23950614

Hoomans are civilization, which are pure humans. So Hoomans being humans make sense. Only Mumei is owl.

>> No.23950467
Quoted by: >>23950559

>interacted with risuner here
>ended up writing my first smut fanfic about risu or rather someone who looks like risu but doesn't really act like her
chuubanite irradiation is real

>> No.23950559
File: 340 KB, 1448x2048, 1646944522668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risuners are infecting everyone they touch with the horny and saplings are next on the list

>> No.23950614
Quoted by: >>23950883

Civilization doesnt necessarily equates humanity.
It's an end product of sentience and spirituality.
Mumei would be happy to watch every sentient race building cities, conducting trade, and killing each other like a kid watching an ant farm.

>> No.23950801
File: 89 KB, 584x413, Possible-landscape-of-eye-evolution-created-by-Mike-Land-Height-represents-optical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, council haven't debuted when /vt/ was created. So council split's(or any other chuuba who debuted after /vt/) territory shouldn't be under their affiliated chuubanite's effect for that long comparatively right?
You know what I think I'm gonna drop this idea entirely after I'm reminded of the evolution hills & valleys again. If one were to follow or just borrow from real evolutionary biology I found it extremely difficult to incorporate feathers somehow.

>> No.23950883
File: 16 KB, 130x230, 1646083673748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from an old statement of Mumei in the early months, but presumably, alien civilizations would have their own guardian of civilization, not Mumei. The same would probably be true for other non-human species in the planet.

>> No.23950914
Quoted by: >>23952426

>chuubanite is not sentient
Yeah it's not. But it is affected in the presence of them.
>bridge the gap between our universe and a universe of concepts
From the way you ordered these ideas, it puts vtubium below the hierarchy of concepts
How about we switch the hierachy.
Concepts -> Chuuba deity -> Vtubium
Meaning that Vtubium itself is not the one that defines the concepts it's supposed to affiliate with, but the deities themselves.
It could also answer >>23950801
A region would originally have Vtubium A
But once believers of Chuuba B appeared, Vtubium A receives energy from Chuuba B instead.
The Vtubium deposits can easily switch its affinity and affiliated powers easily because the 'concept' it's supposed to represent had already been decided by the deity

>> No.23951241

I wonder if tortoises would like to eat raw grains. Raw grains with the seed bits are healthy.

>> No.23951642
File: 14 KB, 299x304, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ri2ner here
My morning wood wont die so fuck it im writing this.
"One of the most unique flora native to the land of Risuners are the Nut Pitcher Plants. Biologically and physically they almost match a pitcher plant in every way except for the pitcher plants. The pitchers themselves are not shaped as pitchers. They do not collect rainwater nor feed on bugs. They feed on nuts. Risuner nuts. The pitchers themselves are shaped similarly to onaholes, believed to be in the shape, texture, and interior of the goddess Risu herself. Some folklores mention that it was Risu herself who planted these foliage during her /here/ visits as a prank. It is not uncommon for young Risuner boys to harvest the 'pitchers' for personal use."

>> No.23952426

sorry to hear that. i thought your idea was excellently detailed, but if you don't want it that's fine.
have we had this discussion before? you sound like that guy who suggested making vitubium appear out of thin air one day to avoid the problem of the universe being unfit for life before intelligent life capable of thought formed. what do you stand to gain from any of this? we'd just be changing how everything in our universe works from a hard magic system to a soft one, which is inferior by my world building standards, not to mention forcing us to change any lore we made based on the assumption that our magic system had a form of logic behind it, all for what? correct me if i have misunderstood anything, or if i accused you of being someone you aren't, but i'm just responding to what i see. also, there is no hierarchy here. vitubium is the physical thing, concepts are the conceptual thing, chuubas are concepts, along with all the non-chuuba things that /vt/ threads are made about, so they affect the conceptual side of the interaction, whereas vitubium, being physical, affects the physical side of things. you need both to produce any effect, they are both equally important for producing that effect, they just have different roles to play in doing so. also, chuubanite is not physically affected by concepts, just like concepts aren't conceptually affected by physics. chuubanite is not physically changed in the presence of sentience, nor should it's physical characteristics be controllable with thought. if any effect is produced by thought alone, it's on the conceptual side, which would either not have a noticeable impact, or it would have an unstable reaction that would be dangerous to use. does that clarify how this stuff works more? it's not a hierarchy.

>> No.23952603
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLY SHIT RI2NER i was wondering where you were and you show up with this. Glory to you fellow risuner.

>> No.23953015
Quoted by: >>23953605

>have we had this discussion before
No? This is my first time telling that idea
>concepts are the conceptual thing, chuubas are concepts, along with all the non-chuuba things that /vt/ threads are made about
Right. We have threads dedicated to tangential topics like fetishes, numbers, virtual money. So putting chuubas as the fixed mediator wouldnt make sense when /#/ can pull out number magic
But there needs to be a way to answer how vtubium in a region switch when a new split is made.
Just a couple months ago (decades in universe) there are no Kobo and Kaela chuubanite

>> No.23953521
Quoted by: >>23953841

The owl girls are more meant to be a kind of disorder that's unique to the specific group that has been living in /who/ for hundreds of generations. So they don't make much evolutionary sense. But then to give sufficient explanation on how the feathers came up one would probably have to plan out how humans, in general, evolved back in /jp/ as well. Because I presume /jp/ didn't have /who/ or any chuuba's chuubanite before they debuted, that would severely limit the possible source on how they got the mutated genes that makes them very occasionally grow wings, among other features. If /who/ chuubanite only influenced the pop for around two thousand years, and one has to explain how they got the gene, I can only say magic, duh.To fully address any potential inconsistency gets exponentially harder & complex, the payoff also diminishes because I intend them to only be a sort of religious icon, treated as sort of living saints. Moreover, bird girls are cute.
Might revisit it but ehh who knows. For now it goes back to the folder.

>> No.23953605
Quoted by: >>23954031

affinity shifts somewhat erratically, due to it coming from symbolism which is a conceptual thing, so that could do it, or the natural decay of chuubanite as a radioactive material. evolution of chuubanite is also an idea, when two factions have a similar chuubanite effect but used slightly differently. also, there is kobo and Kalinin chuubanite if threads are still made for them, but it will be more unstable. sorry if i accused you of being someone else, many similar ideas over the past few months since we got this thread to be more active. i was here back when it was made, so i’ve heard a lot of ideas.

>> No.23953841
Quoted by: >>23954325

there are conditions under which fast evolution can take place. some time ago you guys said some of you came from the early /sbg/ threads, thus you have cannibals, maybe early /meat/ magic could have sped the process up even further for some of you. chuubanite effects can evolve a bit btw.

>> No.23954031

>many similar ideas over the past few months
Just like how Risuners are all horny, Autists share the same braincells it seem

>> No.23954325

That might explain it. Gonna have a think about it later. Thanks :D

>> No.23956333
Quoted by: >>23957969

Fun fact.
IRL pitcher plants are filled with acid.

>> No.23957969
Quoted by: >>23958037

but these arent irl pitcher plants wink winm

>> No.23958037

Oh yeah, I just had this image of a risuner dipping his dick in a random plant in another country and getting mild acid burns on his cock kek.

>> No.23960748
File: 431 KB, 502x606, 1651522417790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the late reply, my house has been falling apart for the past few days and I've been busting my ass trying to fix it. But I'm definitely willing to keep going, I just haven't been able to sit down and write recently.
>/rose/'s symbiotes
What does this mean? I don't remember anything about symbiotes.

>> No.23961321
File: 325 KB, 920x900, 1633003039029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daydreaming about worldbuilding, making connections
>/ggg/ is India and shaped like Kumari Kandam
>/morig/ is madagascar
>/ggg/ and /morig/ are positioned relative to one another similarly to Madagascar and India
>Mori's favorite animals in Lemurs
>Lemuria is another name for Kumari Kandam
>Lemuria is the name for the Roman Day of the Dead
>This is the lore for the Lemuria faction in Dominions 5:
>With the second fall of Ermor, hope finally came to the Scelerian remnants of the ancient empire. The fear of the dead faded and the undead legions were no longer needed. Instead the soulless were put to menial labor. But the Thaumaturgs turned their attentions elsewhere. The common people became ever more dissatisfied. Some soulless slaves still toiled the land, but with the thaumaturgs less interested in reanimating slaves for the populace, the common men felt abandoned. Demands were made that the Thaumatugs should provide slaves to keep the kingdom going. The conflict escalated and finally, in an act of remarkable hubris, the Thaumatugs decided to settle the problem once and for all. In a great ceremony every Thaumaturg in the kingom joined a communion and poured their lower souls into a ritual that would open a gate to the underworld, so that the dead willingly might return to the land of the living as workers and farmers. The rituel succeeded, in a way. The gate opened, but the lower souls of the Thaumaturgs where ripped apart and swallowed by the gate. And from the gate emerged, not dead servants, but a spectral host of legionnaires and shadows. Now the land is slowly withering and falling under the dominions of a God of darkness. Ghosts and spectral legions reclaim a land once theirs and the shattered souls of the former Thaumaturgs are mustering the shadows and memories of a glorious past.
Anons... I'm gonna lose it, it's all connected.

>> No.23961823

oh well ok then. you take care of your shit. ill do other people in the meantime. Its not like risuners have literally the entire world to explore or anything

>> No.23961881

>What does this mean? I don't remember anything about symbiotes.
Don't worry about it, it's something from the PCU (Paragraphsanon Cinematic Universe).

>> No.23962237
File: 566 KB, 688x515, risustonks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in /risu/
>were building a FUCKLOAD OF BOATS (no surprise) for a convoy fleet up to /uuu/, /nasa/, and /who/
>/morig/ is scheduled for a revisit since we have trading to do. and it just so happens they need the thing we have an extreme abundance of besides nuts.
>Nuts. Enough said
>Luknights try to visit the risu temple but get stopped. They do seem to enjoy being in Pasuma worshipping their princess. and yet wont even give us pretty gems or let us exchange our nuts because they refuse to take off their armor

>> No.23962527
Quoted by: >>23962701

symbiotic might not be the word, but look at the /rose/ rentry. the rose controls a separate body pretty much.

>> No.23962701
File: 40 KB, 535x568, 1644887655835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I mean, I suppose that's a way to look at it?
When I wrote it, I more meant to imagine that the main "pod" rose sort of birthed Rosebutas like an external pseudo-womb. Then Rosebutas are classified as plants because they're like the product of one and have that same sort of plant biology just in an animal-like way. Or something like that.

>> No.23962780
File: 354 KB, 604x609, 1647021689835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23962860

And yet when risuners have sex with them they get fertilized?

>> No.23962860
File: 19 KB, 182x171, IMG_1509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I even stated in the lore that Rosebutas can't reproduce with animals... They can try, but normally nothing would come of it.

>> No.23962895
File: 70 KB, 625x480, 1638570219190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23963153

Well, a rosebuta covered in cum would come out of it. That's already pretty good.

>> No.23962924
File: 37 KB, 515x542, 1647423605994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23963153

Oh i forgot about that part. Well shit. But I do think something might happen. Thinking about it makes me realize that chuubanite or at least traces of it would be in every nut. Thats how they grow so fast. And risuners are eating them directly all the time. Would that mean that a risuners cum is literal magic? why is my brain like this?

>> No.23962984
Quoted by: >>23963153

i thought it was a symbiotic relationship with a codependent but separate species.

>> No.23963153
File: 595 KB, 3269x4096, 1652066203230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23963442

I mean, yeah fair point if that's what you're into kek.
Hm, maybe Risuners would have some special effect then. Perhaps there could be a Sunwalker/Risuner hybrid, with both the body fluff of a Sunwalker and softness of a Risuner. But who knows until it happens?
While I could do that, I can't think of a valid reason for it to be a thing. We don't have anything like that in relation to actual Rosebuds.

>> No.23963442
File: 335 KB, 2000x2000, 1646927658658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh btw roseanon since nyanners is getting shit on for the boyfriend thing i think a lot of schizos might stop fucking up /rose/ now so soon would be a good time to check up on that. Hope everything works out well.

>> No.23963523
File: 18 KB, 313x289, 1621968521629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is always pink women...

>> No.23963900
File: 78 KB, 768x1024, 1650590321858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23963951

While it's sad to see another fall, I'm at least glad I don't have to bear the brunt of it anymore. Here's hoping things balance back out.
Such is our curse, deadbeat...

>> No.23963919
File: 795 KB, 2894x4093, 1650392585645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think ill wait a bit on uuu story. Would make sense to let those big boats be constructed. Meanwhile meat and morig are currently on the list. Ill do meat first since their lore is fresh in my mind.

>> No.23963951
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1646952779812s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23964540

Funny thing is i actually hate nyanners myself but like callie and rosemi

>> No.23964540
Quoted by: >>23964882

I can't believe risuner is part of the calliopeople...

>> No.23964606
File: 194 KB, 850x1251, 1637462872472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23964882

Speaking of Risuners... Chapter two of a /risu/x/morig/ story. A bit shorter than the previous one, felt like a natural stopping point and I've got some moving parts to figure out for the next..

>> No.23964882
File: 286 KB, 395x838, 1648748999935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23964974

I dont watch her a lot. Used to but risu has always been my oshi. Funny enough the reason why I stopped watching her along pretty much almost every vtuber was to not be a lonely fuck and maintain a social life. Somehow "watch less vtubers" turned into "watch only risu, kaela, rosemi like once every 2 weeks or so, and a 2 view i wont mention". Well anyway im no callie anti i mean yeah the whole lean thing was pretty fucking stupid on her as well as a few other things but there is definitely way worse things that others have done. And fuck it. I like about half the songs she made so far.

>> No.23964974
Quoted by: >>23965104

I mainly said it because only tourists call mori "calli" or variations of that

>> No.23965104
File: 1.77 MB, 1800x2400, 1647375853162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23965224

Goes to show i dont visit the mori threads a lot. As of late /risu/ and this thread are really the only ones i visit primarily with a bit of /mhm/ recently and on occasion some bait threads to get some good keks. Anyway i just read the story. Nicely written and left right at a cliffhanger.

>> No.23965224

Thanks! I like how fog is always foreboding somehow...

>> No.23965349
Quoted by: >>23965463

Did /risu/ get their stainless steel tools yet?

>> No.23965463

The boat is very close on the way. Ill say it now since im about to go visit nasa right before takeoff will be when the black market guy comes around.

>> No.23965800
Quoted by: >>23965861

Great, I have a fucking deadline to resolve civil conflict before /risu/ shows up.

>> No.23965861

Or they can show up while it's going on, could be fun too kek.

>> No.23966158

Dont think about it anon, just forget you ever even heard of this thread.

>> No.23966363

>he knows

>> No.23966432
File: 607 KB, 1085x810, 1648675571330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23966517

any other saplings here? how do we feel about risuners coming over to /uuu/? the rules about squeebing are pretty clear...

>> No.23966517
Quoted by: >>23966621

I have evidence of the contrary >>23922340

>> No.23966553

Has anyone ever considered making a timeline where all the stories would be placed relative to one another? Placement would not need to based on actual years since figuring that out for some of the stories mey be tricky, but it would be nice to have some vague idea of what happened and when

>> No.23966616
Quoted by: >>23966865

Most of them seem to be set in a vaguely "now" time, and I guess they usually don't intersect enough to show a clear sequence of events relative to each other

>> No.23966621
Quoted by: >>23968900

only Fauna is allowed to squeeb. saplings must ask her for permission first

>> No.23966694
Quoted by: >>23966865

That's one of the ideas behind picking a "current year". Everything going on around "now" is happening sometime within a few years of 1120 VTE. Specific dates could be assigned to the stories, that would be fun!

>> No.23966865
Quoted by: >>23967815

I just kinda thought it would be cool to have the option to read the lore in a chronological order, even a very vague one.
Assigning a specific date to each story would be pretty great, but honestly I think that may be a bit ambitious, especially since many of the stories are written by anons who are no longer working on the project (i assume), so the option to consult the author on those cases goes out the window.

>> No.23967815

I guess if an anon is interested he could make a proposed set of dates, and we let 'em through if there are no objections? I feel like the writers would care more about where their story is in relation to other stories related to theirs than the precise date.

>> No.23968075
Quoted by: >>23968094

prolly had a gaijin daddy

>> No.23968094

Yeah me.

>> No.23968241
File: 364 KB, 850x1211, omega_sisters_commander.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i good for this world?

A very separate development from the ancient original Four Kings culture, the Sorority Omega was overlooked in the classic age, but being minor served to be a blessing: After the fall of the Four, the Omegans that descended from the sorority had strayed from the original core of civilization, and thus survived. The Omegans were a learned and inquisitive people, and had a plethora of odd knowledge and sciences they practiced.

Seeing ground-borne life was a bit more savage, The Omegans took to hot air ballooning. Their desire to flee into the sky grew, so that in the present, many hot air balloons are clustered together suspending large living platforms underneath. Though this greatly limits what they can develop, they have their hands in every craft they can. Their lighter than air existence means they have to master navigation, weather-lore, as well as ropework and repair.

Being a civilization on the wind, they often journey to the ground for resources. though they can lower ropes, nothing beats finding a moment of peace and open ground to touchdown for a few hours, maybe a day. When on the ground, the Omegan's don't waste time, and will trade or harvest what they need to keep their skyborne civilization going.

The Omegans primarily practice chemistry, woodcrafting, and courier messaging. Their foods are limited to poultry, mushrooms, and whatever grains they can trade from their trips to the ground below. They can grow limited spices and onions in the limited soil troughs onbard the platforms, but most of their serious food has to be taken off the ground or netted from the sea. Culturally, they are resource managers: nothing can be wasted if it can be helped.

The Omegan art of war tends to be minimal. They run from what they can. Their warriors are primarily archers, though they also use smoke and decoys as often as possible. Living onboard an airborne platform restricts heavy weapons and makes armor negligible. On the good side, Omegan arrowheads tend to be really ingenious, often carrying poison, sleep, or some other special quality.

>> No.23968487

I don't think we've quite figured out how to represent fans without threads, but I guess some kind of nomadic people makes sense?

>> No.23968900
File: 289 KB, 1255x1587, 1646640142544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna is too seiso to participate in Squeebing. And she would not allow for saplings to participate in squeebing. Risuners would come as "cultural exchange" as fellow nature-lovers. Saplings who succumb to temptation are villified as Squeebers and fall to the curse.

>> No.23969059


>> No.23969060

What if a sapling squeebs after eating a wildberry pie from /nasa/? Or am I interpreting squeebing wrong?

>> No.23969162
File: 284 KB, 1080x1920, FRi6R2BXwAAnZvv@Taku_Artworks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur
might need to put up signs or something
also, we gotta make sure they dont try planting some of those pitcher plant things they were talking about earlier in our forest

>> No.23969168

Nah, squeebing comes into play with cream pies normally.

>> No.23969231
Quoted by: >>23969559

I guess... it depends on what you use pies for...?
Im not one to kink-shame...

>> No.23969559

Eating. Pies are for eating. Though we cannot stop other natives from interpreting other things to do with pies.

>> No.23969655

What are /lofi/ people called. I can't find them in the catalog unless they renamed their thread to something else.

>> No.23969676

Their thread is /pagi/.

>> No.23969889
File: 1.55 MB, 2002x2820, 1648149428425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeebing is a euphamism for masturbation or general sexual activities

>> No.23970121

You can say we're quite good at keeping things fresh...
I do want to see how the story goes tho

>> No.23970390

the ioforia of /pagi/

>> No.23970430
Quoted by: >>23989080

I think I might know what to do with Security General Jonathan. Its not what has been planned. But as I'm rewriting things my perspectives are changing a little. Outside of the political "death cult" everyone else should be a reasonable mind. And the more I think about it the more I understand General Jonathan is not really the bad guy, nor is Principal Alex. They're just two reasonable men with two different opinions. And that's why writing is so hard.

Take your time. It is a very long journey. You will want to stop by other nations along the way like /ggg/ to resupply. In fact /nasa/ may open a bakery and store in /ggg/ so we have a supply depot for east Holocontinent. Please take your time as I'm still writing the conclusion to the civil war arc.

>> No.23970457
File: 377 KB, 441x597, 1651271679688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot air balloon nomads sound kinda awesome

>> No.23970652
Quoted by: >>23970728

Nomad balloon people are kino, I like it.

>> No.23970728
Quoted by: >>23970892

Just wait until they see /nasa/'s rockets and airplanes.

>> No.23970892

Eh, I still prefer balloons

>> No.23971350
File: 136 KB, 1019x1205, 1648393706229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am back gentlemen.

>> No.23972081
Quoted by: >>23972245

What's your opinion on trying out nylon brushes to brush Risuners' tails?

>> No.23972151

Sounds like a most pleasant time.

>> No.23972245
Quoted by: >>23972571

fucking derp meant to reply to

>> No.23972571
Quoted by: >>23973278

We have nylon brushes for pets that catch shedding fur. Eventually we want to develop brushes for mammoths once mammoths are familiar with us to let us get close to them. Mammoths sometimes die migrating in the summer from heat exhaustion. So brushing off their shedding fur should help them survive the heat. Also with cleaner fur mammoths shouldn't need to go further north in schizo territory, which is all ice tundra.

>> No.23972643
File: 80 KB, 698x521, 1645940149225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit late to the party, but welcome to /vtwbg/! From what I remember, /yah/ tossed around a few designs for flags in their thread but never came to a consensus. So there was never a finalized design posted here.
Hoo boy, so many new threads are stopping by lately! Does anyone have any ideas on how we would represent this one on the map?

>> No.23972770
Quoted by: >>23973012

stopping by to /vtwbg/ might mean a few people travel to the /vtwbg/ region, but it shouldn't effect much else on the map.

>> No.23973012

I think he meant how to represent /omesis/ lol. And I'm not sure, nomadic people wouldn't have land assigned to them I imagine. Their entry should be anchored in the archive.

>> No.23973066

If you'd like this to be anchored in the lore archive, you'll want to include a reply to this in your post: >>23905142

>> No.23973278

Another benefit I thought about brushing mammoths is that it exposes more parasites like ticks to birds who love to follow mammoths like elephants. Ticks, fleas, and other parasites are a great source of protein to some birds. The other thing to keep in mind with these mammoths is that they co-exist with the modern species in the tundra. Tortoises also welcome mammoth company as mammoths can eat excess grass from the tortoise's backs if the grass gets too heavy for tortoises to carry.

>> No.23973338

yea, this is what I meant. Sorry for the confusion lol. I just worry that it would be easy to forget about them if they're not listed anywhere on the map.

>> No.23973903
Quoted by: >>23974060

how common are /omesis/ threads?

>> No.23974060
Quoted by: >>23974437

Are they one of those silly people with moonrune thread subjects? cuz if so there could be one every day and I wouldn't know

>> No.23974274

they have no thread, we can make them nomads on the holocontinent

>> No.23974284

I will take this out of my system and fix all the mistakes later.

Part six:

Goodbye /Risu/, I'll miss writing about you. Maybe I'll come back to writing something about you when I end this story.

Hope you like it!

[spolier]Next part might take a while, I'm drained of writing juice but I wanted to at least end this part of the story. Hope the anons here are not tired of my non-mapping specific writing.

>> No.23974437

the boarders was supposed to reflect how large the thread was. i once gave the suggestion of having a /vtwbg/ faction that constantly produced new factions that would break off from it, but that was a while ago, and things have changed somewhat. still, if what >>23974274 said is right, they could be nomadic.

>> No.23974698

This might be a trick for me. Not sure if it will work for you. I find making a new document easier to write than continuing a bigger document. For the hell of it I decided to write a new file for my rewrite instead of writing in the old file, which has text copied from rentry. Then again I'm a weird guy who draws his art on a new layer with other layers hidden when I compose a drawing.

>> No.23975215
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Ehcag9oU0AAe0jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so. many. things. to. read.
Nah but seriously i hope you enjoyed your stay in risu. Take your time btw. No need to rush.

>> No.23975243

would they not be more likely to roam the small corpo continent being former upd8?

>> No.23977956


>> No.23978180

What should /nasa/ prepare for /risu/'s landing? I'd say a tour of the station. However hoomans taking notes and the robosan invite scared security too much. So they banned all natives from entering the station. I guess we'll have to make due with tourism outside the station. We can set up hologram projectors to display AR simulations and games. We can also use holograms to display 360° film documentaries of local wildlife. Porn is banned from public display so no AR interactive porn. Perhaps by now /nasa/ has an air-filtered hot pool house. Hot pools are giant bubbling hot tubs Sanalites use to rehabilitate their bones after a long week of work. They are not bath houses. So you will have to wear swimwear if you want to use the hot pool. /nasa/ also has RC sailboat racing and other remote control vehicle sports that we live broadcast from inside and outside the station. We also have AR and VR sports, which are sports that use augmented and virtual realities that test physical skill. E-sports are a thing, but that's for nerds. I guess AR holograms can also be used to inact both theatre and full movie productions. We even have various types of animation video productions as well.

And this is why the lock down has to end before /risu/ arrives.

>> No.23978605
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, 1648279555875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry ill do other things but i wont wait TOO long in IRL time. I think personally it would be funny seeing a bunch of space people arguing about lockdowns when suddenly the squirrel people show up. Especially since we would tempt you to break that "no mating with natives" rule


>> No.23978665

alternatively, do both

>> No.23978923

Have you sit down and thought about "sex science"?

>> No.23979021

Is that what they call social sciences nowadays?

>> No.23979106

risuners are scientists all along. True scientists of sex.

>> No.23979244
Quoted by: >>23979492

Maybe this happened before the lockdown arc?

>> No.23979492

Most likely after.

>> No.23979617
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As an entirely impartial third party with no relation to any of those involved, I say you ought to let those hoomans in.

>> No.23979785

>/risu/ has hate groups now
Although I guess if the majority of foreign contact you have until relatively recently is with /meat/ raiders, you would lean towards xenophobia as well

>> No.23980086
File: 436 KB, 1100x1100, butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhuhuhuhhuh. No. Uhhuhuhuhhuh.

>> No.23980313

Why Anya sounds like Gura today?

>> No.23980475
File: 7 KB, 222x227, ricuconcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the west side of risu has either forgiven them for giving them iron/gems/teaching them how to build boats or still has feelings of hatred for them. Most of dianas crew thats in /meat/ right now hates them.

>> No.23980576
File: 21 KB, 180x200, 1626957752834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice! I like how frenetic the narrator got in there, with all his schemes getting tangled and untangled like that, pretty thrilling.
>anti-/meat/ resistance group
Alright, looks like the Deadbeat CIA found its Mujahideen.
What would be /morig/ 9/11?

>> No.23980929

Which country doesn't have racists?
I made sure that most of your people and you government is against it.
Yeah, but I didn't want to drag the story more. And I finally cashed most of my laundry list of pay-offs. The only one left is the cucko clock, but that will be resolved in /∞/.

>> No.23981029
Quoted by: >>23981294

As much as i live the idea i fear that risuners wouldnt be able to do shit unless its defending their turf. And even then they would have to snipe from trees since meatheads are just better at CQC. Like I said >>23980475
most of the ones that still hate the raiders are currently there and that could end good or bad.

>> No.23981153

Don't worry, later in the story they might get some closure when an old raider wonders if the risuners would like to participate in his funeral. Admittedly the timeline might not line up perfectly but eh
Probably won't help /meat/'s image in the risuners' mind, but the culture shock might be interesting to write about

>> No.23981294

Ah, but anon, that's the whole point. The Mujahideen didn't fight the Commies in Russia, they fought them in their homeland, in Afghanistan. That's how proxy wars work, baybee.
I mean, until you give too much money to your Mujahideen, they evolve into Al-Qaeda and fly planes into your biggest buildings, but that's something for the next President to worry about.

>> No.23981342

I have to admit that I made that story to take out of my system the fact that we put /meat/people in /risu/ without much thought, even if it wasn't my call. But hey, it inspired me to write, so maybe it wasn't a bad call.

>> No.23982608

Finished the next part under "One Hour Later".


Pending review before archiving.

>> No.23985215
Quoted by: >>23985519

>Post an updated rentry.
>Everyone fucks off.
Living in CDT timezones is suffer.

>> No.23985519
Quoted by: >>23985940

I'm always here, i just don't have any comments worth mentioning

>> No.23985940

Better than a negative comment I guess. Though negative comments can still be useful feedback.

>> No.23986202
Quoted by: >>23986260

blender anon, i am requesting permission to redraw your risuner and morig priestess

>> No.23986260
Quoted by: >>23986675

Do it! I'm sure you'll do a better job kek.

>> No.23986327

The meatheads in Risuner territory are all employed under Kronies
So it would be the Kronies responsibilty if anything happens

>> No.23986675
Quoted by: >>23987035

good 'cause i'm already halfway finished with it kek. pretend theres a wall on the other side of her thats invisible with the risuner on it because i havent finished that layer

>> No.23987035
File: 36 KB, 183x182, 1647062951967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy, anon, a 4chan post can't quite get across how happy I am to see this. It's the first time someone makes art based on my art. Can't wait for the complete piece!

>> No.23988506
File: 190 KB, 1080x1920, Activating all kinds of neurons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989080

Great work! Gimme a bit to read through it before we archive it.

>> No.23988592
Quoted by: >>23989080

Progress in the /nasa/ civil war? Exciting! Mac is pretty good at cinematic one-liners.

>> No.23988902
File: 62 KB, 330x464, squorb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989011

>> No.23989011
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>> No.23989080

I hope you don't mind my rant >>23970430 here. I think I may have found a way for Jonathan and Alex to hopefully come together. Even if it means councils and courts disagree. I'd like to write the next part.

>> No.23989107
File: 1.63 MB, 2704x2392, 90_degrees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989322

you can't keep finding me like this sapling.

>> No.23989114
File: 66 KB, 850x785, UWAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23989223
Quoted by: >>23989362

>new bread at dead hour
this is going to be painful

>> No.23989322 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.53 MB, 3000x3000, FRg8j7EaQAAdqQh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989469

Oh, errrr hi. mfw there are so many operatives they bump into each other constantly.

>> No.23989353
Quoted by: >>23989535

Oh yea, Jonathan stayin in the picture has been my plan all along, both he and Alexander are what this station needs right now, two sides of the same coin. While they both have their quirks, neither is what I would classify as a main antagonist. Shame I didn't really get to write much about him though, since my parts have mostly focused on Alex, and now Mac and Charlie.

>> No.23989362
Quoted by: >>23989413

If you are ever in distress or suffering then always remember to hug your bread dogs. That is what we are here for! Pan pan!

>> No.23989407
File: 2.26 MB, 650x650, BreadDoggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23989413

It's fine, suffering is just part of life

>> No.23989469
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The R.I.D. is effective and never sleeps.

>> No.23989511
Quoted by: >>23989637

Oh by the way, hope you don't mind if I make some small edits to what you wrote? expand on some things here and there?

>> No.23989535

Jonathan doesn't really need much introduction. He's a complete stern hard ass that takes bullshit from nobody.

>> No.23989637
Quoted by: >>23989801

Your rentry. I've done my part hopefully to your satisfaction. Also R.I.P snek ladies.

>> No.23989801
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, Comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23989886

And you have done an amazing job might I add, at this stage even my eternal writer's block couldn't stop me with all the key points you set up. Really, thank you for this.

>> No.23989886

No more forced vacations please.

>> No.23989960
Quoted by: >>23990032

what about forced vacation with sexy robot ladies?

>> No.23990032

Only if Robosan is still around. Which I think we scared them away.

>> No.23990062
Quoted by: >>23990262

The only vacation you are getting is as a manager of the Owl republic bakery we are opening, if you would take the spot. Otherwise be prepared to be wrung dry with the catch up diplomacy you will need to do for Lamington.

>> No.23990262
Quoted by: >>23990657

I have plans for the next part with negotiations. I still can be thread rep with votes. I don't consider me to be the characters in the story.

>> No.23990657

Oh yea, you would still be the rep, but "your" character, Alex, would kinda take the back role, just handling a bakery in /who/ with a robosan assistant and maybe handling the diplomacy with them specifically. Would also give us an established character in the republic if hoomans ever wanna write a story involving us or something.

I'm also taking Mikael out of the picture very soon, if by some small chance you planned anything with him, as a central explorer character for short pieces on my fauna entries (just like 1-2 paragraphs journal entries encountering different species that I and others would introduce into this world).

>> No.23990776
File: 250 KB, 491x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>handling a bakery in /who/ with a robosan assistant

>> No.23990870
Quoted by: >>23991044

I have no plans with Mik other than setting up the negotiation table at his cafe.

>> No.23991044

Great stuff, then he can just be one of the side characters. Wanted to check nothing bad happens to my baby boy in the last chapter.

>> No.23991093
Quoted by: >>23991598

Also since Sanalites are here thoughts about >>23978180 ?

>> No.23991405
Quoted by: >>23991481

looks like we'll need to make the new thread at these hours. hope it survives. post it here when it's up.

>> No.23991481

So this is how /vtwbg/ dies...

>> No.23991598
File: 96 KB, 900x900, HappyDays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991854

Personally, I would go for a welcome outside the station, and if they arrive just as negotiations end, or in the days after, there is double reason to hold a small party. A tour inside the station also wouldn't be out of the question, but they would be strictily monitored, and taken through in a group, like in a school trip to a museum. I think it could serve as a great first try of the new Directive, with the isolationalists experiencing that mingling with locals ain't that bad in the end.

Could also have some comic relief with Alex and perhaps some others, who would have at least passing knowlege of the squirrel people from local texts, trying their hardest to keep the squirrels away from some of the more zealous members, like Jonathan only to find him behind a building later in the evening, in a company of a delightfully fluffy lady or something.

>> No.23991799

Nauja duona: >>23991695

>> No.23991854

PSP. Nut outside.
