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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23675351 No.23675351 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>23565979

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Interactive map:


>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.

>/∞/: !XcNdwMsONs, !np2UIvxwi. (backup)
>/pcclg/?: !!S9vZSg00/Br
>/meat/: !!J7IsvbPoQE1

Ocean Currents
Weather Systems
Climate Analysis
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces



>> No.23675384
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Anchor post for any additions to the map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP!

>> No.23675454
File: 1.87 MB, 1800x2739, FRySBrEXwAENmku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
>Vote post archive

>> No.23675575
File: 797 KB, 2056x2740, FRe4U81acAAWps8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23680119

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

What does the average Joe wear daily? Any formal dress impacted by tradition/culture? Is fashion being split by class or regional differences? Climate or other fantastical wackery making certain attire a necessity? Paint us a clearer picture of who you'll see walking through the streets!
What crops do your people grow for consumption? What about the food you import, and from where? Do you have unique delicacies? What are the common snacks or meals for the working class, or the rich and powerful? Any food reserved for ritual purposes? How about etiquette when eating? Any special practices during mealtime?
What kinds of entertainment is popular for your people? How important are they seen as part of life? Do different class people have sufficiently different tastes? How much do the chuuba gods play a role in these entertainments?
What religious rituals does your nation have to worship its deities? What's the religious structure look like? What's the official stance on other faiths?
>Alcohol and Drink
what do your people drink and what's is it made from? what sort of culture is there around drinking in your split?
What are your nation's current goals now? What are you trying to aim for in your development? Would said development make your people happy?
>Funeral Rites
How do your people observe the death of one of their own? What kind of ceremonies are held? How are their belongings handled?
What kind of musical instruments/music does your nation make/use?

>> No.23675800

Every time I leave my laptop and pace around my room all these ideas for lore and stories come flooding in but the moment I sit down to write and see the blank paper head goes empty and I'm left feeling anxious

>> No.23676308
Quoted by: >>23680119

Spill your raw, unpolished ideas here then. Maybe sharing them with anons will inspire you.

>> No.23677026
Quoted by: >>23680119

I know that feeling anon, I'm struggling to make chapter 4 of my story, but I think the /vtwbg/ folks will like the worldbuilding in it. Try to relax, I'll come to you eventually.

>> No.23680119
File: 22 KB, 665x603, I'll probably head to sleep after posting this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've written part 1 of chapter 1 already but then when I re-read what I wrote the next morning (yesterday) I hated all of it and now I'm trying to rewrite it.
Sorry for venting but this is all making me feel very frustrated.

In addition to above, I have been thinking of how to answer the prompts in >>23675575 for my thread /nasfaqg/, and I have some rudimentary ideas but I'm having trouble turning these vague ideas into words and well-thought-out paragraphs.

I do not have many ideas other than the prominence of hats, especially large, silly, and/or expensive hats in the nasfaqgian culture. Hats are an extremely important status symbol to the natives of the Serene Republic, to the point where some even stack hats on top of hats in order to show others their wealth. An average trader is willing to pay exorbitant prices for a hat they fancy, an average hat going for around $500,00.00 to $1,000,000 .00 local currency in the auction house.
This also means that the act of gifting one's peer a fine hat would likely be seen as a sign of close friendship or even as a confession of love

Tomatoes are a controversial topic. Violent fights between anti-tomato factions and pro-tomato factions would not be unheard of. You can get stabbed if you publicly eat tomatoes in the wrong part of a town.
Due to some thread events, I'd imagine the Serene republic of /nasfaqg/ would have a rich baking tradition, especially for baking of bread. Thus I would imagine that grains are grown locally.

Gambling, Drinking, and Mahjong sometimes all 3 simultaneously would be some of the most popular pasttimes in the nation.

The Serene republic is a state of religious tolerance, where practitioners of any religions are welcome. I would imagine there are no state-run temples of churches outside of a single grand temple dedicated to the holopantheon and some related goddesses, where anyone is free to come pray and make sacrifices/offerings of material wealth. Most places of worship would be private shrines.

Outside of this, there is the pseudo-religious concept of "Flow".
"Flow" would be some sort of a force or energy one can either have or not have. "Flow" is mostly used in the context of gambling and mahjong, but some also extend "Flow" to apply to everything else, most importantly the market. Those who have strong "Flow" are thought to be able to predict unpredictable things, to see patterns where others would not, and to have an uncanny ability to succeed in risky ventures. The higher the loss were they fail, the better chances they have to succeed.

However, "Flow" is a fickle thing. One moment one may have strong "Flow" and a minute after it may all be gone. Some have powerful "Flow" for weeks on end before they lose it all for months or years. This leads to many trying to manifest "Flow" for themselves through weird and sometimes dangerous means, such as the consumption of psychedelic substances, or by following elaborate rituals or habits obsessively.
Those who often have strong "Flow" are also often various types of menhera. This also sort of ties in with some earlier ideas of advanced nasfaqg tech being something that cannot be replicated, as the most advanced pieces of technology would often be illogical contraptions built by borderline madmen during episodes of insane genius. The architect himself may not understand his own creation once the episode passes, outside of how they are used.

Also had an idea for the Cult of Mahjong, a sort of lovercraft-esque cult who worship dark gods such as "Nyagtheleb, the cat with no yaku" or "Mahjong Demons" in hopes of attaining "Flow" for themselves. Whether these deities are real or not doesn't matter, some belief in them would exist either way. It would be worthy to note that mahjong itself is a controversial topic in the nation with some being strongly against it.

>Alcohol and drink
no ideas really, except that drinking is common.

>Funeral Rites
There is the Abayo, a ritual way of committing suicide. Those who have chosen to commit Abayo may go on pilgrimages to their "homelands" a nasfaqgian fandead would travel to the Rushia wasteland, for example, , spending most of their wealth along the way in lavish celebrations and donations to whomever they meet along the way in a very Mansa Musa sort of manner. The ritual of Abayo would usually end in one last massive offering to the trader's chosen deity, followed either by the trader killing themselves, the trader going into self-imposed exile to live in poverty for the rest of their life,, or the trader burning down everything they still owned before killing themselves.

These are some of the raw, unpolished ideas, and they have not been run through /nasfaqg/ or our rep, so i don think they should be considered canon as they are.

>> No.23680452

I'll finish the next part of the /nasa/ rentry posted last thread soon. Tonight I'm going to be busy with a lot of things.

>> No.23680550
Quoted by: >>23681476

i found that my anxiety goes away when i stop thinking of how stupid i sound. i know it sounds obvious but i literally just started writing without trying to steer my words in a certain direction and the ideas flow, since i'm not thinking about how to articulate them anymore. this also ends up sounding better because it more accurately reflects how i think, and i know i'm just gonna revise it later anyways
tl;dr freewriting good

>> No.23681476

Have you tried imagining characters with other voices?

>> No.23681571

Thank you for the post, it was nice to read!
Not everything has to be ran by the rep, you know.

>> No.23684307
Quoted by: >>23702631

I know the feeling, sometimes I just learn to plough through and never look back again. That said, the prompt answers are pretty good! You don't necessarily have to go through the thread for it to be canon, although it's probably good practice if there are other contributors from your thread.

That's just how /meat/ rolls...
Feel free to skip the more gruesome part of the lore, though. They aren't really necessary even if the entire country's built around that concept.

>> No.23686377

Can't find much information on mushroom distribution between ecoregions, but /meat/'s open to importing mushroom that /risu/ has and /meat/ doesn't, and vice versa.

>> No.23686475
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Gentlemen. How is everyone?

>> No.23686875

Looking into the almost oxymoronic idea of a vegetarian diet in /meat/, so all fine and good!

>> No.23687026
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Quoted by: >>23687697

Also thinking about Rolis as basically small cunny Rosemis. Pic related.

>> No.23687398 [SPOILER] 
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Part 4 is up.
We hit the payoff. Kind of a season finale. Hope you like the worldbulding in this one /vtwbg/ folks!


>> No.23687697
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Quoted by: >>23687866

we will give them our nuts

>> No.23687866
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Quoted by: >>23687949

As long as you fulfill their one desire afterwards.

>> No.23687949
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Quoted by: >>23688181

which would be?

>> No.23688181
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Kill them. Use the body as fertilizer for the seed, so it may grow up happy and healthy.

>> No.23688824
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i mean. We still could but then we would feel really bad afterwards. Shame they cant be nutted in multiple times but I guess thats just how it is.

>> No.23688974

We're on the telly!
I must say it's quite an engaging read, and glad to see it works out well for the two. The doctor's pretty based, and nice tattoo as well. I wonder if it has any functions?

Now we're interested as well... We can actually exchange notes on how to do that if you want to!

>Shame they cant be nutted in multiple times
You just need some help. It's not shameful to take supplements for your performance, after all!

>> No.23689203
Quoted by: >>23689391

Pretty sure they can literally be nutted in once and thats what fertilizes them. after that its just pointless. Although I could be wrong.
>supplements for your performance
BRUH. Risuners are probably the most experienced in the world.

>> No.23689391
Quoted by: >>23689516

Sometimes it's its own reward

>> No.23689516

Well it could be possible risuners have to find that out. Maybe in my next captains log? So many ideas and i cant believe im actually spending a night thinking of how to fuck flower people

>> No.23689604
Quoted by: >>23689706

Thanks for the kind words.

The doctor is up for adoption if you want it, I think it could be an interesting character in the hands of better writers.

>> No.23689706
Quoted by: >>23690274

I would say you're among our roster of better writers, so that's that. I do want to see the doctor being featured in future works, though.

>> No.23689815
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Quoted by: >>23689875

I write cuz its fun. Might not be the best writer but I like encouraging people with the back and forth of my captain log stories. I hope people here really like those because I intend to keep making them.

>> No.23689875

I like them! You might not have the best prose, but I think you have good ideas to bring to the table, which is arguably more important than proses and lexicons.

>> No.23689918
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I mean, you can nut multiple times. Since it'll be her first and last time, it's only fitting to make it as good as possible. It's just that everything's gotta be done in that one session, if you don't kill her afterwards you'll break her heart.
Since this is how Sunwalkers have bred for generations they're pretty knowledgeable on it, so sharing notes could be fun to do. Although while some do find pleasure in the act of killing their partner after/during sex, most only see it as part of the ritual they have to perform.

>> No.23690246
Quoted by: >>23690509

Well risuners DEFINITELY dont wanna do that. Ill think about it in my next log story. Wont come out for some time though cuz I want to write the one for visiting /meat/ and probably gonna do the first one for /who/. But I LOVE the ones for /rose/ theyre probably my favorite to do desu so far.

>> No.23690274

High praise, I don't think I deserve it but thanks.

The doc will show one more time at least, that is the plan. Ah, and about the tattoo question I didn't answer before, I really didn't think about it, but if the story ask for it maybe I'll do it.

>> No.23690325
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Quoted by: >>23690509

>while some do find pleasure in the act of killing their partner after/during sex, most only see it as part of the ritual they have to perform.
We can share notes in that regards as well...

>> No.23690400
Quoted by: >>23690451

Unironically is there any meat tubers that are just cuddly and comfy without any bones breaking? Im vanilla and just want an oshi that will not make me spit out blood.

>> No.23690451
Quoted by: >>23691186

Try Mai, despite the source material she's pretty comfy if you don't mind the occasional cultured art:

>> No.23690509
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Quoted by: >>23690747

Fair enough, seems Rolis won't be a good pairing for Risuners. Or one Risuner might end up in a messy scenario due to a difference in culture, that could be fun to see unfold.
Oh and on the flip side, as a warning, if you try to nut around with the male Sunwalkers you'll have to try and explain how they're not supposed to kill you afterwards. Otherwise, your time with him might just be your last.
I'm also really happy you're enjoying writing with me! I plan to knock out the next response soon enough, so look forward to it.
Makes sense, I'm sure some Sunwalkers would be happy to discuss such things with you guys.

>> No.23690747
File: 286 KB, 395x838, 1648748999935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yeah. Take your time I got other shit to do anyway myself. But yeah Im fucking excited particularly because there is so much potential things that can go on in /rose/. Risuners thought they were there just to get pretty gems but when they discover all the badass shit down below theyre gonna nut themselves. Well im gonna head off to sleep so GOODNIGHT EVERYONE

>> No.23691186

Fun fact. I read Mai's manga years ago. Probably the reason why my preference in hentai is always weird shit because I like "interesting plots".

>> No.23692817

After doing some research on Mesoamerican plants, I feel hungry now, but more importantly:
>Three Sisters (Maize, pinto beans, and squash) will be enough to keep you alive
>Tree spinach, jicama, potato, and fruits like avocado, guava, papaya, pineapple and tomato can make a pretty good salad
>Custard apple can be eaten raw, as well as used to make custard-like cream, which also goes well with vanilla
>Epazote is a nice addition to many dishes as long as you don't mind the bitter taste, it also helps reduce flatulence
Kind of funny how being a vegetarian in /meat/ might not be too bad a deal, as far as locally-sourced food is concerned

>> No.23694128 [SPOILER] 
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>>23692817 (Me)
Three Sisters, primarily maize, can be made into different dishes like atolli (gruel-like food/drink, apparently a common snack if you need a quick infusion of calorie), pozole (stew with lime-softened maize, often mixed with all kinds of plants and spice - it's actually featured in the /meat/ risuner story, although unnamed), and, of course, tortilla. Salt and chilli pepper are apparently ubiquitous as far as seasoning is concerned. mmmm, spicy

>> No.23694175
Quoted by: >>23694270

The cannibal stuff is religious
You dont eat wafers or drink red wine everyday do you?

>> No.23694270

>You dont eat wafers or drink red wine everyday do you?
Well, you're half correct...
Jokes aside, yeah, I know not everyone in /meat/land is a carnivore, it's just a funny observation.

>> No.23694578

Sanalites are very happy to eat something that isn't onions, lentils, or lab-grown meat for once. What the tundra lacks in vegetation it makes up for with game. Hell a lot of our NEETs who play hunting sims are happy they have real game to hunt. They have to be precise as ammo is limited.

That said, /nasa/ has seasons on which game to hunt. There are also some game that are off-limits like the endangered dragon tortoises and wooly mammoths.

>> No.23696335


>> No.23696352

>endangered dragon tortoises
Nah, mate. They aint endangered, the schizos did hunt them all.
The torts all escaped underground.
Deep underground

>> No.23696720

>the endangered dragon tortoises and wooly mammoths.
I can agree with the mammoths being off limits, due to their low, but steady population (they ain't endangered per say, as their numbers aren't declining, even if they are low, with only about a dozen or so family groups being spotted till now, with 20-30 mammoths per group) but dragon tortoises definitely aren't endangered. They would be something like an african buffalo of this world, where they would move in large groups of 50-200 individuals, which would grow up to thousands as they came together during the mating season.

Due to their size and the hard soil, I really can't imagine them burrowing underground. they would be around the size of the galapagos Tortoises after all.

>> No.23696782
Quoted by: >>23697277

You have to consider that before Sanalites arrived in the region, the only other sentient species there are schizos
Who knows how many have they hunted

>> No.23697042
Quoted by: >>23697389

Their numbers are still low enough that they're forbidden to hunt. Also the tortoises and mammoths are cute, even if they are dangerous regardless of what the farmers say.

>> No.23697277

True, but I also think they wouldn't really be able to overhunt them, since they are far from defenseless. The last thing I wanna get stuck on is thinking of them as just regular tortoises, when in reality, they are one in name only basically. While they would be fairly slow while on the move, to conserve energy, if attacked, they could exhibit speed, ferocity and coordination that you wouldn't normally expect from them. Again, think african buffalo (that thing can scare off a pack of lionesses alone sometimes), and since they travel in large groups, a small group of hunters can get overwhelmed quickly by tough claws and vicious bites, specially when in order to finish one off, you need to hit it quite accurately. Their only predators would be the OMNIVOROUS mammoths, the lone males of which would hunt them occasionally, schizos, as was already stated, and the rare northern coated dragons, which would hunt them quite regularly.

>> No.23697389
Quoted by: >>23698032

Well, if we are being completely honest, with the current Directive, hunting ANY game, endangered or not, is forbidden, as it could alter the habitat. Wink wink nudge nudge New Homeworld Directive ain't looking that bad, huh?

>> No.23697514
Quoted by: >>23709613

What a read, really nice. All those cultural intersections are a ton of fun. The doctor's backstory was especially interesting, that was an aspect of /meat/ culture I've pondered too.

>> No.23698032

Also consider that dragons have a breath weapon. For dragon tortoises it can be a quick drying concrete spray they spit out of their mouths. The concrete dries quickly encasing the prey in stone. And of course the tortoises have to have stone crushing jaws. Their shells would also be bullet proof. They wouldn't be fast but they are near indestructible.

Working on it. Gotta try to get some rest tonight first.

>> No.23698616

Again, try not to put limits on your thinking just because they are called dragon tortoises. Currently thinking of them as just normal animals, with absolutely no evolutionary connection to what would be considered a dragon. But if a breath attack is a must, then I have an idea, which would also tie into how they can exist in tundra in the first place. As chuubanite is everywhere, they would have organs placed around the body that would extract it from the vegetation they eat, and then use it's ability to release heat energy as a way to warm themselves, basically artificially making themselves warm blooded. In a last ditch effort (a really last choice they have, as it could potentially harm them as well by reducing the heat sources in their bodies) they could expell a fluid mixture of chemicals stored in those organs(which initiates the slow burning of chuubanite in the first place) and chuubanite in it, which would, when exposed to oxygen outside(or some other component of air, doesn't really matter) make the reaction go berserk. While inside of their body, the reaction would be stable, and the heat of the chuubanite would be somewhere in the 32°C- 38°C area, depending on the need, but when expelled with the attack, the heat of the chuubanie would rise up to 100-120°C or even higher, burning through the energy extremely quickly, causing severe burns on whatever it hits, specially if it's not a thick hide, like a mammoth's trunk or all of a schizo.

>> No.23698648
Quoted by: >>23699116

Also, for the story, take all the time you need. Anything will be better than what I wrote

>> No.23698888

I dunno about giving all tortoises a breath attack and impenetrable shells. Breathing concrete is relatively weak sure but I think only having a few older tortoises that are able to do it is a better idea especially if you want them to travel in big packs. While adult specimens should have hard shells that would bounce off musket balls from a distance away, point blank shots should still penetrate it. The elders in the pack are able to use breath weapons but they can't sprint well due to their heavy shells which grew extremely thick over the years so they took on a sort of guard duty to protect the pack by staying near the perimeter. The adult ones can still perform breath attack but because their chuubanite organ develope quite late in their life they often can only sustain it for a brief few seconds.

>> No.23699116
Quoted by: >>23699445

Its a solid premise though I do have a complaint with Alex throwing his position away willingly. Still I can make something work with what I got. And Alex will have his reasons to do what he did. But first before we do anything Alex has to hear the report.

>> No.23699423
Quoted by: >>23699675

So tortoises spit boiling hot water then? Scalding hot water can be an easy defense. Also "dragon" part does mean some intelligence. Tortoises will learn quickly that Sanalites aren't enemies.

You can still shoot their brains with a clean shot. While shells are bullet proof the head is still vulnerable. Hell the legs are vulnerable too if you have a strong enough weapon.

>> No.23699445

Oh, the breath attack wouldn't be something they would just use whenever, think of it like a last ditch effort to survive, like, the mammoth is holding it with it's trunk and preparing to slam it into the rocks below. It's much better to risk losing heat for a while until you can replenish your reserves than have your shell cracked open and your insides eaten. And as for the organs, they develop in the embryo, as the small tortoise hatchlings would otherwise freeze to death before reaching adulthood. And yea, shells will be hardly indestructible. They might fend of claw attacks, but something like an overhead hammer strike could still crack them relatively easily.

Well, his position as Principal was already taken from him at this point, the only power he still has is that the ship AI will still recognise him as such when the master code is activated. And since he realizes that were he go back himself violent conflict was inevitable, he would rather have Mac undertake it, as he might avoid it. Selfish, I know, but hey, whatever gets him the results he wants. And it's not like he is giving his position away or something, if the Sanallites want him to return, he would, but right now, he realizes he shouldn't play the role of the protagonist. Just my thinking on how to explain him giving the code to Mac.

>> No.23699588

thinking of rewriting/rebranding /ehe~/ from a ‘peasant republic’ to a ‘people’s council’, things will mostly remain the same (nominally democratic form of governance dominated by rain shamans). thoughts?

>> No.23699675
Quoted by: >>23699888

Something like that, yes. Imagine spilling a 2 dl glass. That would be the absolute extreme of what they can accomplish, but would put them basically days from death if chuubanite cannot be immediately replenished from vegetation. As for the dragon part, I would imagine that whoever named them (notice how in the story I chose the name Mossback, as Sanallites wouldn't make the connection with dragons at first) did so after witnessing their spit attack, and likening it to mythical dragons. It would have very little to do with actual intelligence. Again, no real connection to standard dragons, they split off very early in the evolutionary tree.

>> No.23699874

If not too much lore has been written yet (haven't really been following, sorry) then I say go for it. Specially if you think the change will positively affect the future of your lore writing. Instead of just a retcon though, I would rather see perhaps a short piece (could be something like an elder or a shaman writing the events that transpired down after the fact) about the transition of governance, but that's just the writerfag in me talking.

>> No.23699881

I mean, it's still a republic but without a single executive power, a council instead

>> No.23699888

How many "no's" is /nasa/ going to suffer? No dragons, no wormholes, no trade deals, no contacts with natives, no leaving the space station, and no fun. No wonder they're having a fucking civil war right now.

>> No.23699895
Quoted by: >>23700282

What's the difference between them?

>> No.23699984

No whining
Sorry I had to, nice trips

>> No.23700089
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Quoted by: >>23700310

>>23697277 (me)
>and the rare northern coated dragons
There are, they just aren't common, they shouldn't be. Think of them like tigers of our region. Highly teritorrial and solitary, they would only meet with one of their own for a mating session, before returning to their turf. Pic related, just without the wings.

>> No.23700282
Quoted by: >>23700361

>>23699588 (me)
dunno but the new name feels more fitting than the old one (since the country is neither a republic nor led by peasants)

>> No.23700310

That's in /kson/.

>> No.23700328
Quoted by: >>23700594

/kson/ would be the place that has true dragons, wings and cock included.

>> No.23700361

Well, if it's the same in function, then changing that shouldn't be an issue unless someone from your thread objects to it. It could very well be just a translation issue even

>> No.23700594
Quoted by: >>23700674

I thought cock was KFP.

>> No.23700666
File: 33 KB, 880x768, Poor lions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23700750

I know I used the example of tigers before, but here is a map of historical lion territory, another apex predator, like dragons would be here. And with how adaptable dragons could be, it stands to reason that at their prime, subspecies of them existed on basically every continent, even if they originated in the territory now known as /kson/. then, for various reasons, their numbers dwindled and territories shrunk, in certain places going completely extinct. what we are left with now are the last surviving branches of an otherwise diverse and old species.

>> No.23700674

kek, not that kind of cock anon

>> No.23700750
Quoted by: >>23701095

We'll stick with chuubanite tortoises as /nasa/ don't have mountain peaks dragons need to perch on.

>> No.23701034
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23701132


>> No.23701095
Quoted by: >>23701255

Do they have to? The species that would make their territories in /nasa/ would be wingless, so higher elevation would do next to nothing for them. And if it's nests we are talking about, plenty of small caves they can use, and further north they could even make nests in ice formations. Wonders of speculative zoology, we can think up anything we want!

Also, as a side note, our species would actually be kinda small? (Idk, we don't have previous records I think) for a dragon, adults actually being a just a meter or two taller than mammoths on average, so around 5-6m from horn to toe

>> No.23701132
File: 2.26 MB, 650x650, BreadDoggo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WARanon I missed you!

>> No.23701255
Quoted by: >>23701504

Wingless dragons are drakes, which are not true dragons. And at that point just slap a tortoise shell on them and call them dragon tortoises. Dragon tortoises would be more related to drakes than true dragons. Dragon turtles are a thing in myth. As are Chinese serpentine dragons. Sea horses are called dragons in Japan. There's a lot of deviations from European dragons with dragon in the name.

>> No.23701504
Quoted by: >>23701708

Aight then, they have wings, they are just small, vestigial remnants unfit for flight, but extensively used in mating rituals, when they can display a wide range of colours. And yes, if it wasn't apparent by now, unless you beat me to it and write an entry for them, I wanna keep the dragons and tortoises separate animals. MY IMAGINARY ANIMALS MY RULES GODDAMIT! jkjk I love the feedback

>> No.23701708
Quoted by: >>23702038

Humans and chimpanzees are seperate animals despite being genetically similar. Tortoises would share physiology with dragons, but are not dragons.

>> No.23702038
Quoted by: >>23702271

Oh yea, they would have had a common ancestor before a part split off to /kson/ to eventually evolve into true dragons and the other went to /uuu/ where they would evolve a hard shell. That species would then slowly inch north, probably trying to find a habitat without so many predators(or something else, causes are almost limitless!), and would pick up adaptations along the way, like the "heat sacks" I talked about earlier(which could even have been a vestigial organ by that point, but evolution did it's thing and it gained a function not to different from what it once might have had). And then, millions of years after, in the grassy plains that will become /nasa/ someday, they would come face to face with their distant cousins, which also made their own path and evolved in their own ways.

>> No.23702271
Quoted by: >>23703543

That's what I mean by the dragon family. There are many different species of animals that branched off from a common ancestor. Perhaps their ancestors were dinosaurs that kept the lizard traits instead of evolving into birds. This planet has a different evolutionary path than Earth as there is no mass extinction event. So one of these dinosaurs became the Prime Dragon, the ancestor to all dragons. And its offspring evolved and adapted into many different forms. Only true dragons kept the form of the prime dragon. The other dragons have evolved into different species with different bodies and brains.

>> No.23702631

Aside from me and the rep, I think there have been 2, but I dont know how interested they are in the project anymore or if they even come here at all anymore.

>> No.23703543
Quoted by: >>23704916

If I had the time, I would do one of those fancy evolutinary trees, but for now, I'll just put it into text. Where this story starts is with a lone scaly boi, your bog standard lizard. Through evolution, it would eventually develop corrosive poison sacs, the liquid in which would through mutations and natural selection (all it takes is females prefering the fiery spectacle more than weird fumes when it comes to mating shows) into one that would combust with a right trigger. This is the earliest our lovable Mossback ancestor would split off and do their own thing, although it could happen much later as well, of course.

It's cousins that decided they still want this trait would continually branch into different species, gaining more mass and becoming bigger (though exceptions do apply). These would be the wingless dragons we know today, or drakes, if you prefer that. If we rewind a bit though, there was that one weird guy in the family, uncle Jerry, that really liked jumping off branches and stuff. Always was weird, what with his 6 limbs and all.

Anyway, after becoming a flying squirrel for a few million years, uncle Jerry now sports an impressive pair of wings to call his own. Well, he can't fly yet, just sorta glide and maybe get some height if he flaps them hard enough at the right time, but the idea is there. This, my friends, is the ancestor of "true" dragons. He can still spit out liquid that can combust, albeit at a smaller scale than his big and bulky brothers, and slowly but surely, due to his niche of a flying predator, he is growing bigger and stronger by generation. He also learned to actually fly now, so that's nice.

And then an extinction event happened (yes it fuken did, because they are interesting, fuck you teehee) and most of his bigger brothers pulled the short end of the stick. But not Jerry, no no, he survived, and with relatively no competition, he was free to spread his wings (heh) and evolve bigger and better. There were some splits in the family tree of course, but we don't talk about those (cuz i want the threads that want dragons design them themselves).

And that's how "true" dragons came to be, as well as it's many different species. And since some of the Drake family of reptiles survived the extinction, they evolved further as well, though they fell a bit behind Jerry's kids, occupying different ecological niches. And somewhere in there is our Mossback. Slow and steady, he marches on, now with a sturdy shell on it's back, content with planting all 4 of his legs on the ground, unlike those wild distant cousins of his. Maniacs, all of them.

>> No.23704916

Some fine speculative biology you got there anon.

>> No.23705286
File: 66 KB, 850x785, UWAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23705425

Aww thank you! Always loved everything old, history, archeology and paleontology especially are my jam! I could get lost in wiki articles for hours on end reading about them, and ya know, you pick up some things after a while. And it's not a far stretch to then apply that to speculative biology.

>> No.23705425
File: 624 KB, 1417x1417, CinnamonRoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23705497

>>23705286 ˙(me)
Would honestly love nothing more than to develop all of this planet's animal kingdom and it's history, but I would also immensely enjoy entries by other anons regarding their fauna. There is hardly anything better than reading a good species review.

>> No.23705497

I know Risu has giant birds and /meat have giant capybaras. /ag/ has intelligent bears, /kfp/ has phoenixes, /who/ has owlbears, and /morig/ has skeleton sloths and lizards, and those generals have lore entries on those iirc. I'm sure I'm forgetting others.

>> No.23705701
File: 590 KB, 720x866, UUUUUU.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23705819

Yea, imma be honest, I haven't explored the archive much past /nasa/ and it's related entries, still gotta put a day aside for that, but all of that sounds fascinating! I do remember /rose/ making a thread about rosebutas that recieved plenty of praise a while back, so gotta check that as well.

Preexisting entries also give me a lot to work with connecting the dots when it comes to evolution (for example, /kfp/ phoenixes might just be sorta closely related to /kson/'s "true" dragons, since ya know, reptile to bird, and all that fire...) as well as including magical elements in it, like the skeletal sloths of /morig/. Like, are they really magical bones or is it just another evolutionary trait? And if they are, how did that happen? was it a sudden, one generation mutation, or a gradual, more evolution-like mutation? God, I'm getting restless just thinking about it!

>> No.23705819

All those questions and more, answered in the entry! https://rentry.org/ep273
TLDR It's a bit magic, but like deadbeats they're not literal skeletons, just somewhat skeletal.
I guess the deadbeat biology entry deals with speculative evolution in a roundabout way as well.

>> No.23706095

I'm the one who mentioned the giant capybara, but that's before I learnt of the existence of giant pacarana that was like bison-sized. I'll do my rep on the two kinds of animals before deciding on which one I use and if that matters. Regardless, they'll be used for meat (of course), and another thought I have is that their heads/skulls are preserved and enhanced to become helmets of sorts. In essence, a decked out /meat/ warrior, from a distance, will look like they have a head of giant rodent holding a human head (who may also wear a bloody human face).

>> No.23707844


>> No.23709613

>What a read, really nice.
>All those cultural intersections are a ton of fun.
Yeah, that has been always the point but I'd to create investment in the characters –I hope I did– in the previous chapters for the payoff to be effective. The idea is watching the /vtwbg/ culture clash and mesh in a 'real life', corporeal way.
>The doctor's backstory was especially interesting, that was an aspect of /meat/ culture I've pondered too.
I was happy that the /meat/anon liked it, I was afraid I was misrepresenting them, even if the character is an unorthodox /meat/head.

>Dragon classification and evolution speculation is a serious matter.
>Anon goes from wanting a giant capybara to a medium sized version of a related species.
>Plant and squirrel people trying to imagine their mating compatibility.
I love this thread.

>> No.23709870
File: 14 KB, 276x195, GdayCunts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23712252

>Dragon classification and evolution speculation is a serious matter.
You're goddamn right it is. It's my kind of autism and I'm ready to throw hands for it

>> No.23712252

I mean, we are lore writers, a certain level of autism is a requirement for the job.

>> No.23714051
Quoted by: >>23714683

>I was afraid I was misrepresenting them
It sounds about right to me. It's never meant to be a perfect country by any means (although that's complicated by the fact that we're all willing participants on this board, as opposed to the inhabitants of this fictional world), so there're bound to be unorthodox, heretical, nonbelievers in /meat/land.
We never really establish whether /meat/ cult enforces a blood tithe of sort upon its own population, but that seems likely given our Aztec inspiration (although perhaps not as bloodthirsty as them), so naturally people would not like the implication when their loved ones are on the slab. Even if the cult mandates only willing sacrifices from its own people are kosher, I can still imagine many reasons leading to what happened to the doctor's daughter despite that.
Not really related to this, but it's interesting to note that human sacrifice was pretty common in pre-Columbian mesoamerican, and it seems that while some Aztec sacrifices had to be dragged onto the altar, they were also not very happy about being released from sacrifice, so the unorthodox stance of the /meat/head doctor won't be unheard of either.
I guess what I meant to say is, don't be too worried about showing the less savoury side of /meat/ - we're still a cannibal cult of raiders, after all.

>> No.23714443

I really did not do anything regarding risus animals other than we would have lots of bees and chickens. And someone recommended elephant birds which i thought sounded cool so I just said fuck it.

>> No.23714683

>It sounds about right to me.
Thanks, that is a relief.
>It's never meant to be a perfect country by any means (...), so there're bound to be unorthodox, heretical, nonbelievers in /meat/land.
Yes, that's what I'm trying to do. As you can see, every character isn't the ideal image of the people of their land, and countries are static in their development. Or at least I try to convey that.
>I can still imagine many reasons leading to what happened to the doctor's daughter despite that.
I tried to make it clear in the story with the 'Maybe if I was born in other place-- even inside /meat/' that this is not an universal thing happening in /meat/.

>> No.23715342
File: 308 KB, 1668x2224, 1648263360785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dianas logs ch 1.
Almost time to head to /meat/

Well were finally here. The crew that will go and visit /meat/ has been assembled and we are making last minute preparations.

I have an extremely hard task ahead of me in regards to crew morale. Anyone who actually thinks we are just gonna forgive those raiders after years of kidnappings is out of their fucking minds and I know that most of the crew share this feeling. Officially, our mission is to officially put all of that behind us and start a real friendship.
I think a lot of my crew would rather fight them but at the same time they know for a fact even with our new iron weapons we are no match for their soldiers. So here I am, tasked with what is possibly the greatest challenge any risuner could ever ask for. Fixing up the relationship and convincing the crew that /meat/ is our friend.

There are a few ideas on how this can be done. Anyone that has any doubts about us can look at the weapons they hold in their hands. It doesn't take a genius to realize the importance of bog iron which the meat guys personally taught us. Half of these people are currently equipped with weapons which wouldnt exist if it werent for them. They were also present during some of our ship construction and even taught us a decent amount about operating at seas.
Of course we have contingency plans in case things do go wrong. If we do not return in a year then we expect all to be lost. Not a single risuner is to go out on their own under any circumstances and we will be conducting headcounts often to ensure that nobody suddenly goes missing.
Normally I wouldn't be a fan of such paranoia but sadly every single person that was willing to partake in this mission outright demanded it with no exceptions. So of course I had no reason but to comply.

We are building the last pinisi right now and within a few days we should be heading out. I can already feel the tension overflowing within the entire crew. They stash chitin armor and hide shields, for fucks sake we look more like an invasion force than a diplomatic party. Can't really say I would blame anyone for thinking were hostile seeing them like this.

The plan as of right now is very simple. We will land on their shores, and set up a camp similar to the shores. Part of the crew will stay near the boats in case we need to evacuate. We split the expedition in half and the half that I will guide will go deeper in the country and establish contact with whoever we can find. After that we can see what we can negotiate in terms of trading and if possible, reparations for past crimes. Though I dont want to be a dick so I wont push the reparation part too far.
We have packed of course our nuts and a few other trading commodities. An alchemist we have around is also ready to make potions if need be with a few of his ingredients stowed away. And our target will like always be any foreign nuts as well as pretty gems.

Last thing before I go do my thing with the crew is that I do have an interesting idea. I do not know if /meat/ knows about our geese chambers. We just toss any prisuners in there and let the geese eat them alive. Pretty brutal, something they might like. I dont want to tell this to the rest of the crew but I plan to inform these guys if they like flesh and blood so much that we have corpses that we just let rot since we have no use for them. Wouldnt be something we do often but its something that could satiate their bloodlust.

>> No.23715385


>> No.23715855

Don't worry risuner, I also always forget...

>> No.23716059
Quoted by: >>23716306

and i just realized that i forgot to edit stuff and some of the words are fucked up.......ill have to make a revised version later on

>> No.23716261

no one thinks ahead on 4channel, it's just the way it is

>> No.23716306

I use Open Office for drafts. Spell checker is okay. Then I use Notepad+ for rentry formatting.

>> No.23716460
File: 335 KB, 2000x2000, 1646927658658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah. i just use notepad. i dont even know if i have notepad+ but i used it before and it was nice. should probably get it desu.

>> No.23716696
File: 18 KB, 873x316, Screenshot (594).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notepad and txt files all the way baby. Eventually I'll have like fifty of these.

>> No.23716869
File: 33 KB, 667x337, Screenshot (145).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu. some of these should be renamed but yeah i do the same.

>> No.23716902
File: 483 KB, 3840x2160, FFAOXmzVgAAJ89v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23717169

We're on the telly again!
Nice stuff as always, I'll see if I can write up a response in between entries. Tell me if you have anything specific you want in my writing.
>I think a lot of my crew would rather fight them but at the same time they know for a fact even with our new iron weapons we are no match for their soldiers.
We can train you as well... in fact, based on >>23582623, if the training goes well enough, some of them might even be able to kill some old raiders, just like what they wanted. Of course, odds are that offer will creep out the risuners at least as much as the stories of the /meat/ raiders terrorising /risu/ shores of the past.
I kind of assume the reparation part would be discussed back when /meat/ helped with the bog iron and sailing training, although it's fine if we move it here instead. As for the geese chamber, /meat/'s always open to getting new meat! Although if they're rotting, their use might be more limited, but I guess waste not, want not. That said, /meat/ would probably offer to have people by the geese chamber to collect and process the corpses to help improve their state (and, if allowed, take notes on how it works, and maybe get some inspirations too). Not too sure how the risuners would feel about that, though, but I guess they probably won't care much about risuners sentenced to the geese chamber to begin with?

Notepad++ is better since, if nothing else, it has temporary saves, so you won't lost much progress if your computer crashed or something. With some tweaking, you should also be able to get rentry format highlight on it as well.

>> No.23716916

Very nice set-up! I'm curious about how native risuners will react to /meat/risuners, that was a piece of their lore I found pretty interesting when I was researching them.

>> No.23717169
File: 41 KB, 400x400, C_GwdVOC_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAh they wouldnt care. Hell i never actually mentioned where the geese chamber is. So perhaps ill work on that later today. I only mentioned potential reparations because the crew is in full paranoia mode which i did to include some tension, thought it made for good storytelling. The objective is of course to patch up anything and officially establish a friendship.
oh i have some good fucking plans for that one.

One more thing since ill be heading out is that ill do another log for actually showing up either tonight or tomorrow. since we didnt actually show up there yet. I wonder how meat would react to what looks like a risuner army at their shores.

>> No.23718018

Tell me more about what interests you! Same for the risuner as well, so that I know what to include.

Works for me. I don't think /meat/heads would mind more reparations, especially since the risuners bring gifts and ask nicely (in their mind, at least).
>I wonder how meat would react to what looks like a risuner army at their shores.
I guess it partially depends on the size, but from what I can tell about pinisi, odds are there won't be a lot more than 20 risuners on board. With no intentions to offend, I would say the /meat/heads probably don't register that to be an actual army to begin with. There'll probably be some confusion, especially if the risuners didn't tell /meat/heads they're visiting. Still, they'll probably be pretty chill and send a welcoming party (although telling them apart from war party can be difficult - both would likely armed and pretty cheerful) to greet them. Of course, if they want to fight, /meat/heads are always up for some sparring.
Assuming they landed near major cities (which seems likely given the current and wind direction - my guess is it would be somewhere near Atoyavik, plus good landing space in northeast /meat/ is pretty limited), some of the watchers probably can pick up/see risuners are on board, so the welcoming party will either have /meat/ risuners among them, or lead them to them soon enough (unless you have other plans).

>> No.23718091
Quoted by: >>23718852

>>23718018 (Me)
I should also ask if you want me to write about how /meat/ coast likely looks like for your next log

>> No.23718143
Quoted by: >>23718852

Hey risuner, I've got a bit of an idea germinating, for a story exploring Cahya learning some fighting from Deadbeats. I had some Q's.
Has Cahya ever been exposed to violence/war before?
Is he sharp-minded, or a bit of a airhead concerning things other than nut exchanges?

>> No.23718571
Quoted by: >>23719391

>Tell me more about what interests you!
Well, I don't want to intervene in the creative process, but it would be cool to see what /meat/ risuners think their native counterpart will think about them before the latter reach their costs. I'm guessing they know they've risuner blood, but they haven't interacted with mainland risuner much before, except watching a capture one being sacrificed in a ritual.

>> No.23718852
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Ehcag9oU0AAe0jJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aunt texts me saying she made dinner for me
>i show up
>oh i meant for sunday not today
>i go home.
>bruh moment intensifies
size of the expedition would be around 30-40 people. lets say 35. Risuner combat experience is more akin to hunting animal experience. They can thrust a spear into chickens and other animals but they dont know fancy techniques and stances for fighting other people, especially not trained warriors. Im doing this as if i dont know /meat/ risuners exist to keep things in character so they have no fucking idea.
If you would like it would be super helpful. I always love reading details. (i had to read up the rose stuff like 3 times which was pretty damn fun desu)
Cahya is more of an airhead and a horny fuckboy like i said earlier but he does have a passion for learning and will loyally do his job of learning and respecting the culture of /morig/ especially if his "urges" are satisfied. As for combat experience not really. Hes still a young adult and his interests lie in sex, nuts, and meeting other people. Essentially in a real life persons "party phase" before he learns to settle down. Im assuming its the morig cahya and not the kronii one.

>> No.23719206
Quoted by: >>23719235

>Im assuming its the morig cahya and not the kronii one.
I can change the name of my character if you want, so we avoid confusion. I just googled Indonesian names and liked that one, I could that again lol.

>> No.23719208

>Cahya is...
Great, thanks! That's right, it's the /morig/ one.

>> No.23719235
Quoted by: >>23719302

kek. no offense but yeah would be easier for people.

>> No.23719302

None taken. I'll do it when I'm at home, I don't have the password with me now kek.

>> No.23719391
Quoted by: >>23720310

Don't worry too much about it. As for /meat/ risuners, they likely know that they once come from a faraway land before being taken to /meat/ long ago, and there're some oral traditions on how their original homeland was like. Depending on the individuals, some might be more enamored by /risu/ than others, with Cipactli in the previous story being a more extreme case of wanting to suck up on /risu/ners.

Interesting, although I guess it still doesn't look big enough to cause /meat/ to be alarmed. The welcoming party would likely have about the same number of people, although odds are only the several members of the clergy will be doing the majority of the talking.
I'll write something up tonight if that's not too late, but if it is, the gist's that a good chunk of /meat/'s coast would be lined with mangrove trees, probably denser and more common than in /risu/ (especially if the crew comes from western /risu/), so odds are their landing spots would be limited. That said, risuners being risuners, the mangrove swamps might not be a big problem for them since they can just travel on the trees.

>> No.23720310
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23721780

well. time to look at meat stuff again. i think tomorrow will be when i write about actually visiting. As well as doing the lore revise which i started doing again.

>> No.23721066
Quoted by: >>23722770

Oi dont forget
Kronies are the ones who introduced meatheads into /risu/
If anything you guys should study with the Kronies who hired the vikings

>> No.23721392

Can tundra tortoises slide down snowy hills on their bellies like penguins?

>> No.23721634
Quoted by: >>23721780

Sailing in the tropical waters proved to be quite pleasant - at least that was what Diana and the rest of the crew were told. The water was a bright azure like the sky, the wind was fair and warm, and once the sails were pointed in the right direction, the steady wind kept the pinisi sailing towards the southeast at a remarkable speed - although some of the risuners might have wished there would be more time before they arrived at the faraway land of the cannibals.

Following the course charted, the risuners soon saw shores emerging at the horizon. Like their homeland to the east, the land was covered in a lush green forest, nurtured by the warm and wet air, and the blazing sun far above them. In the clear water, some of the sailors could see schools of fish swimming around them, likely fed and housed by the forested swamp in the distance. If not for its denizens, this foreign land might well be a paradise - at least, as close as lands not blessed with the magical forest could be. Of course, the dense woods also presented another problem: while the spry risuners had no troubles navigating through the dense canopy, the same could not be said of their ship, and moving some of the supplies they had with them might prove difficult as well.

Day turned to night as the pinisi skirted the coast, following what information they received to find a suitable place to land. Supposedly, at the northern edge of the land, "the land reached out to embrace the ocean" in a bay called Awamac, where the coast had been cleared by human activities - of course, that also meant their arrival would not be a surprise. For the ones standing watch at the night, though, they would not be alone in their shift. While the night sky was filled with sparkling stars, the coast also responded with dots of flickering lights deep in the woods. Lamplights, perhaps, or torches used by the locals to navigate under the veil of night. One of them, however, was noticeably larger.

As the ship continued to sail in the nightly breeze, the risuners could see a large building sitting on top of a small cape. It was a small, manmade hill, with even steps forming its jagged slopes. It appeared to be built with large, carved stones and covered in some kind of material. At its top, a bright fire danced erratically, casting strange shadows into the night. If the navigation charts were right, this was the mark of the Awamac Bay - or Awa's embrace in the local tongue. The stepped hill was apparently some kind of fortified shrine, dedicated to one of the goddesses of the land. Would they be as bloodthirsty as their followers were said to be?

Soon, the rising sun dispersed the darkness as the pinisi sailed into the embrace. Indeed, while the tropical water and sky changed little, the risuners could see the coastal forests ended rather abruptly further inland, revealing the land covered some kind of tall, green-and-yellow grass. At the end of the bay sat a large city, one that would easily rival any settlements in /risu/ at least in terms of scale. With sharp eyes, they could see the same stepped buildings towering over the shorter houses, but all of them appeared to be painted in vibrant colours, and they could pick up the faint silhouette of exotic art among the facades of the taller buildings.

>> No.23721769

/nasa/ should map the stars and get a local calendar to improve navigation. Especially at sea.

>> No.23721780
File: 203 KB, 800x600, Mangroves,_Sian_Kaan_Biosphere_Reserve,_Yucatan_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23722188

I wrote the thing: >>23720310
I leave it open-ended so you can decide whether to land in the city's dock, or in the surrounding fields, if not the more accessible parts of the forest. If they arrive at the fields, they will find the tall grass being arranged in neat rows of small dirt mounds, with squash between the mounds and vines climbing up the grass. The tall grass could reach taller than the risuners, and some might already peel off to reveal their yellow corn.

>> No.23722188
File: 140 KB, 310x640, 1650521831820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23722238

fuck me. meatheads really going above and beyond for this. I kinda feel bad making you wait now XD. yeah tomorrow is gonna be a fun day. hell if i get out of work on time i might just do this tonight.

>> No.23722238
File: 36 KB, 128x128, 827846101281275909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23722382

Eh, don't worry too much about it. Just keep at your own pace and take your time. Also, tell me if you want anything else written/told on my side.
>fuck me

>> No.23722382
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, 1648279555875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23736388

i think i have all i need thank you.
>just be gentle

>> No.23722770
Quoted by: >>23723836

Umm, I mean, yeah are more technology advanced and our troops very organized in combat as clocks should be, but we may be lacking in the field experience /meat/heads have and improvisation skills.

If risuners are smart, they will take the best of both sides. And I'm pretty sure /∞/ already have joint military exercise with /meat/s as they've worked together in several stories.

>> No.23722906
File: 34 KB, 750x500, chicken_centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The animals of Yectic Teocuacayotl
1. Mustoya
Derivative: Mus (Norse for mouse) + Atoya (Nahua for river)
IRL animal: Capybara
The commonly seen animal of Matiyotl. Docile and friendly, can be seen lying around in the streets and rivers throughout the country. Groups are seen all over the riverside farmlands. The Matiyotl religion's practice of dumping sacrificial blood into the Blood River for centuries have made the local Mustoya species dyed reddish orange due to the high iron content in the water.
2. Litilmustoya
Derivative: Litil (Norse for small) + Mustoya
IRL animal: Cavy/Guinea Pig
Smaller capybaras living in the mountains of Matiyotl. Bred as food and source of fur.
3. Rangmustoya
Derivative: Rang (Norse for wrong) + Mustoya
IRL animal: Pacarana
The 'False Musatoya' as the locals call them. Smaller in size and nocturnal. Lives within the interior jungles. Because of their intelligent nature, these animals are the cat analogues. The Matiyotl temples can be seen harboring dozens of Rangmustoya as pets, fed on three-sisters fruits and leaves.
4. Mikilrangmustoya
Derivative: Mikil (Norse for great) + Rangmustoya
IRL animal: Josephoartigasia monesi
Literally a giant pacarana. The 'beast of burden' of Matiyotl. Docile beasts trained to pull ploughs, carry trade goods, pull wagons and carriages, and also bred as food.
Experiments of the goddess Akira as gifts to her worshippers.
1. Ficchu
IRL animal analogies: Frogfish, goosefish, mudskipper
Fishes with a pair of extended hind legs. Amphibious. Found plenty in the mangroves, rivers, and lakes of Matiyotl. Schools are regularly seen marching upstream during mating season. Large in size from consuming sacrificial nutrients in the Blood River.
2. Cocecco
IRL animal analogies: Chicken, african jacana
Chicken with multiple legs with a body plan similar to a jacana carrying its chicks. Acts just like a regular poultry animal and is consumed as such.
3. Boooooo
IRL animal analogies: Pig, cow
A pig with the size and body plan of a cow, with the diet of a cow, and the myriad of uses as a pig. Leather, fur, gelatin, it is the staple livestock animal. The benefit of both swine and cattle in one package. Thanks Akira.

>> No.23723836

this really makes me realize how much /risu/ is becoming the international hub of the world. kronies set up a whole road and 2 major cities, Luknights built an embassy on the beaches of silvanus, meatheads are places that i dont think were specified (ill say kenkerto for now) teaching the risuners about bog iron mining and were helping the road be built. I didnt specify at all desu and i feel a little bad about this because i just assumed that risuners and kronies would live together and learn from each other but never actually fleshed this out. I even didnt include a route for an exploratory fleet to /inf/ which risuners would love to visit (plus its close which is a reason we went to morig too). So feelsbadman but risuners are DEFINITELY not stupid enough to waste an opportunity about learning valuable skills from both sides (and the luknights).

>> No.23724051
File: 584 KB, 3072x2304, 1648698869431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23821157

About /risu/ animals. Well given that almost the entire area is decently thich rainforest it would be a lot of smaller ones. The elephant birds would be more on the western side. On the more dominant east where trees are more prevalent you would have in fact some pretty dangerous shit. Frogs, snakes, lizards, lots of birds, probably some monkeys, of course there would be squirrels too. In fact we would have a lot of poisonous fuckers like the snakes and probably spiders too desu. Bees would be a big thing as well. Risuners are of course used to this but for outsiders who arent used to it this environment would be a green hell. I dont have any plans to go all fantasy on the animals yet as I have plenty i'd like to do already. Mainly with captain logs but hey maybe ill come back to this topic at some point or if other risuners want to chime in.

>> No.23724143
Quoted by: >>23724329

It's more that the bigger contributors to inter-general lore are on the eastern side of the world, where /risu/ resides. Most other generals focus on inner affairs like /pcclg/ does.

>> No.23724320

Did /risu/ figure out how to get /nasa/'s stainless steel shipbuilding tools yet? Also for /risu/ being a hub its really the location. /risu/ and /ggg/ are in prime locales to be trading hubs.

>> No.23724329
File: 1.77 MB, 1800x2400, 1647375853162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23724484

good point /who/ and /nasa/ have been big here but they have no reason to visit risu. Well except for the black market trader of /nasa/. some hooman actually discussed with me earlier how it just wouldnt be feasible to have /risu/ as a partner except for very specific things due to distance. then theres rose all the way at the bottom

>> No.23724484

/nasa/ is just in a bad location to have any meaningful relationships with /risu/. All the action happens in the east Holo gulf. That's center of the world. /who/ and /nasa/ are way too far away from the action to have any meaningful impact in the world. Perhaps if we get /rrat/ and /uuu/ involved then west Holo continent may have some interesting stories. Until then /who/ and /nasa/ are mostly irrelevant to the world's main story.

>> No.23724804
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Quoted by: >>23724996

well until the tech level goes up and the world progresses. if /nasa/ had some fast travel then they could very easily be relevant, though their goal is to escape the planet i think. /who/ yeah theyre the same. kinda sucks really that you guys, vsj, rose, and a few others are just out there doing your own thing. Actually vsj isnt too far away from /inf/ now that i look at the map. I just hope that you all are having fun.

>> No.23724936
Quoted by: >>23725022

Well, to be fair, when I proposed the plan of our routes, the main goal was to have influence in that zone, /anya-petra/ and /mep/, because it seems the most relevant geographically and for lore (KIRA), /risu/ came along because kronies were interested in them too. That area having hub potential was always there, as some of the most active splits (/meat/, /nasq/, /rose/, /morig/ and /kfp/) are there, it needed someone like OGRisuner with his enthusiasm to ignite the flame.

I would have loved the risu/kronies relationship to grow more, but it is what it is as our output here disappeared. Someday /∞/ will rise and be relevant again, I hope.

>> No.23724996

With the right materials and factories /nasa/ can make jet airplanes right now. The problem is the lack of runways in other countries to land on.

>> No.23725022

bruh. that honestly made me happy AF to read that. feels fucking good man. Anyway im off to wageslave but tomorrow most likely risuners land on /meat/ shores. (i am OGsuner btw i just stopped saying that i am for some reason) im sure people here can tell when its me for the most part anyway

>> No.23725343
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Planes? Always remember we have aluminium in /who/

>> No.23725483
Quoted by: >>23725647

It's strange to me that given that Amelia has always threads up and a goldmine worth of potential, no-one from there has come here to rep that thread. That would be a good interesting ally for /nasa/, /kfp/ and /morig/. But alas, potential doesn't equal to happening.

>> No.23725647
File: 132 KB, 700x450, wamei13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've invited them before around february, they had a little interest but nothing came out of it.

>> No.23725666
Quoted by: >>23725843

/wah/ if they had interest would be good allies with /nasa/ as well. Anyway can't force threads to join if they have no interest.

>> No.23725843

>Anyway can't force threads to join if they have no interest.
Yeah, of course, I was just doing what-ifs.

>> No.23727663
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I suddenly crave cool weapons. I want a sword or a sickle or a glaive or anything super cool like that. I'm going to make cool weapons for Rosebutas and it's gonna be badass.

>> No.23727924
File: 3.48 MB, 2000x2000, 1633077263335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome home, fellow weaponfag. I will look forward to your developments.

>> No.23728867

Do any of you have some specific music or ambient tracks you use when getting in the mood for writing or worldbuilding for your thread?

>> No.23729095
Quoted by: >>23729151

Recently I've had a lot of Dungeon Synth in my playlist.
That, or Elden Ring streams.

>> No.23729151
Quoted by: >>23729294

for what scenes or ideas or which thread do you use this for? Or is it more a general bgm sort of thing?

>> No.23729294

Just general BGM, though I do also enjoy associating specific music with worldbuilding content.

>> No.23729503
File: 1.60 MB, 940x1080, 1651198333147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on the mood, I go for a pretty wide range of music. I've got a couple examples if you want to check em out. My taste might be sort of shit, as a warning. I don't usually share it.
I use this for more serious stuff.
This is for when I'm in a good mood writing about less serious or depressing stuff.
This is in general for more low energy writing.

>> No.23730377

What kind of magic would schizo shamans be able to use? Twisted versions of other nations' magic?

>> No.23732607

some people suggested something similar to that. i think that would be cool.

>> No.23734330


>> No.23735532


>> No.23736388

No problem. Something that I should note is that the weather description kind of implies that it's set during the hot season of /meat/, which also gives favourable wind condition to sail from /risu/, since it means the trade wind will be blowing southeast in the South Holo Sea. The season not being rainy probably helps with outdoor activities as well. Since /meat/ is in the southern hemisphere, it means the time of the story is likely around October~November (assuming it's based on northern hemisphere), meaning that the ship likely set sail around late summer~autumn for the risuners. I totally didn't forget I live in the northern hemisphere when thinking about the weather while I write

That looks pretty cool! Remind me to tidy it up a bit and add it to the lore rentry.

>not building seaplanes and flying boats

Won't the underground environment favours shorter weapons? Maybe something more defensive in nature? I imagine some kind of shield-integrated weapon would work well for them.

I don't, funnily enough. I usually just open a random stream and leave it as background noise while I write.

>> No.23736503
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>>not building seaplanes and flying boats
I was actually thinking about ground effect vehicles while /vtwbg/ing yesterday.

>> No.23736526

The power to bend reality

>> No.23736563
Quoted by: >>23737284

Sea planes don't use get engines. They use propellers. I'm talking about making commercial jet air-liners to travel quickly through the continent in hours instead of days. Not saying sea planes are off the table. A sea plane between /infinity/ and /risu/ would be useful.

>> No.23737284
File: 1.79 MB, 2753x2068, dFMwWkR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sea planes don't use jet engines.
Not with that attitude!
What about the 1700 tech base, though?

>> No.23737338
File: 746 KB, 940x705, 1651310068204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are like baby, watch this

>> No.23737623
Quoted by: >>23737725

Guess we have those now. I'm fucking behind in the 90s/. I suppose it depends on how icy /nasa/ waters are for take off.

>> No.23737725
Quoted by: >>23737943

I thought you guys don't have your large-scale manufacturing infrastructure anymore

>> No.23737943
Quoted by: >>23739221

We don't. But that doesn't mean we can't plan for the future when we get manufacturing back. Eventually when /nasa/ rebuilds the tech I want to turn the ship building yard into an airplane building space as well. Then again that's not for 50 years if we're lucky.

>> No.23739221
Quoted by: >>23743465

I should continue, the biggest hinderance is the lack of computer chips. /nasa/ could make seaplanes with WWII tech. However we prefer to have computer chips to have more accurate instruments for safer and precise flights. But I digress. Still I'd like to know Risuner's opinion about spacemen arriving on flying boats.

>> No.23740012
Quoted by: >>23740073

Do Kronies have any particular physical features?

>> No.23740073
Quoted by: >>23740136


>> No.23740136

What about the guys? Don't say they have big clocks, I know that's false.

>> No.23740295
File: 258 KB, 1024x1024, meimei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Why? Actually, don't answer that

>> No.23740370
Quoted by: >>23741211

I guess they're Korean-English?

>> No.23741211

So koreans with bad teeth?

>> No.23741485
Quoted by: >>23766498

Well it also explains why their clocks are small.

>> No.23743367
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Quoted by: >>23758396

Have been working on the names, some tweaks probably should be made to fit the Norse/Nahuatl grammar better

>> No.23743465
Quoted by: >>23743588

Ekranoplans like the Lun are not true planes as they only "hover" around 10 meters or so above the sea surface. When they are not "flying" they move more like slow boats. Them flying in ground effect also means they are only good for calm seas/lakes like the Caspian.

Fly-by-wire and gyroscopic autopilot existed for decades before the first computer chip. Not as safe as modern digital systems but that's still a great improvement over all-manual flight.

>> No.23743588
Quoted by: >>23743975

>Ekranoplans like the Lun are not true planes as they only "hover" around 10 meters or so above the sea surface. When they are not "flying" they move more like slow boats. Them flying in ground effect also means they are only good for calm seas/lakes like the Caspian.
Good points all, but you fail consider this factor: They're based.
Also, the bigger they are, the farther from the sea you can fly due to the mechanics of ground effect, if you made a fuckhuge nuclear powered one it might be able to fly high enough to brave oceans.

>> No.23743975
File: 330 KB, 1600x911, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6h1zo1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Magic minerals
>People are already coming up with unconventional super weapons before they even have the tech
Vitubia is post-calamity Strange-real

>> No.23744723

I suppose the /jp/ split is a calamity.

>> No.23745640

>tfw came across this exact render while doing research

>> No.23748224
Quoted by: >>23750730

/nasa/ does have the tech though. theyre the exception to all of this

>> No.23750730

Akshually /nasa/ has blueprints. Tech is a far aways off as we lack personel and capital to make it happen.

>> No.23752359
Quoted by: >>23785156

A question for tortoise anon if he's here: Can tortoises slide on their bellies over ice and snowy hills? Also are their shells egg-shaped? Sana loves egg-shaped things.

>> No.23755706


>> No.23757456


>> No.23758396
Quoted by: >>23758651


>> No.23758651
File: 15 KB, 250x250, rotta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23758924


>> No.23758924

For me, it's Boooooo

>> No.23760559


>> No.23761778


>> No.23763385


>> No.23764880


>> No.23766007


>> No.23766498


>> No.23768094
File: 83 KB, 1600x2400, forma_de_ornimegalonyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wildlife of the Republic and surrounding regions

Flightless Strigeas
Standing 1 meter or so tall, and mostly seen in the lightly forested areas in the East, these omnivores are however not considered True Owls. Although they have a superficial resemblance to owls, they lack several features that define owls such as binocular vision. Suspected to have split off from the Strigeaform Clade long ago, they behave like prey more than predators. They use their flexible necks to survey their surroundings and make up their smaller vision cone with keen hearing. The giant but blunt talons are used for picking up fruits and small prey and delivering them to their protruded beak.
These strange birds live in loose packs of 5-6. Scaredy creatures, these land birds run and screech at the slightest movement of a suspected predator.
Unfortunately, they were often the target of hunters and even children armed with slingshots. These poor critters are originally the target of a popular children's game called "Church, bat, van", being chased around until they are batted by a participant. But their once dwindling number due to overhunting is, fortunately, rebounding due to hunting restrictions, rural depopulation and rule change of "Church, bat, van".

>> No.23769552


>> No.23770653

I will not bump the thread until you say that kronies' clocks are at least average size.

Damn it, I bumped the thread.

>> No.23770877
Quoted by: >>23771199

average for kronies

>> No.23771199
Quoted by: >>23771246

Yeah, our average equals to big in your scale ;)

>> No.23771246
File: 892 KB, 2894x4093, 1641806148807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some location & city names I came up with for /who/, likely placeholder until we get a proper Conlang:

Deltton: Port town in the North?
Rihter: River next to Capital(can also be a 2nd large river that flows through /who/, if so /uuu/ would have a different name for it)
Rihteford: Either town near upper Rihter river or Capital itself (Victory -> Rihte, yeah I know it's lame)

Porsfurous(Ports-fo-rus): Largest river, leads into the ocean
Pruliybebroug(Pru-ly-Be-broug): Largest steel manufacturing city & industrial center, near Upper Porsfurous
New Eulhaven(Yule-haven): Largest port city, next to the mouth of Porsfurous. Expanded from older Eulhaven at the West side of Porsfurous' mouth, integrated a few nearby townships.
Noctea(N-io-ti-a): Old capital(maybe, for a short period), likely oldest city, relatively close to Eulhaven

Byraria(By-A-ria): Penisular in the Southwest
Gulf of Byrathum(By-A-tum): Gulf formed by Byraria & mainland
Sirretus(Psy-Re-Tus): Islands north to Byraria

Strigic Sea: Sea directly West of the Republic's coast

Not anchoring for now.

>>23770653 >>23771199
From my experience, all of them are quite small in size, not more than a handful
t. have seen and touched some of /inf/'s pocket watches

>> No.23771382

>From my experience, all of them
So... you a kronie enjoyer. Good to know...
Sorry, I'm bored at work.

>> No.23771931
Quoted by: >>23772847

Tried to organise the writing a bit: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatdraft
Will fill in on the akimera later once I got some inspiration.

>> No.23772503
File: 34 KB, 467x270, theheck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something that'll have to be discussed later once we have the river map.
Stop this degeneracy!

>> No.23772630
Quoted by: >>23772838

If you're a Kronie, is saying they have Korean features sound accurate to you?

>> No.23772657
File: 160 KB, 343x551, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23772920

Nice, they'd be like small emus that look like owls right? no comment on my part.

>> No.23772838

Well, we've been talking about how there are a lot of asians in the kronies' rank... so that might be possible. But when I jointed the –then healthy– /∞/ lorebuilding the idea was we were English-like, given that the lore inspiration was Frostpunk.

tl;dr as far as I know, the anon who said English/Korean might be right, but that is just a guess.

>> No.23772847

Neat. Thanks!

>> No.23772920

Yeah basically that. Wrote it since there aren't any prey animals in the speculative biology section of the lore archive yet and I wanted to fill the "plot hole" so to speak of Church, Van, Bat (the bird weren't named or described in detail in that part of the rentry).

>> No.23773705
Quoted by: >>23774046

Alright, thank you, I can work with that.

>> No.23773714
File: 113 KB, 1200x675, rooftop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774046

So... when do we get rooftop Kronies?

>> No.23774046

Oh? We're getting some attention. It has been so long...
Convince my general to do some /map/autism and your wish my come true.

>> No.23775185


>> No.23777180


>> No.23779632

>When you find out why tortoises say "wow".
I should get back to writing.

>> No.23780018

Is /nasa/ station 3D model anon lurking somewhere? How's it going?

>> No.23782677
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>>23675384 Stories should be anchored too right?
After a few re-writes, here it is. My first proper story. Or the beginning of it.
I'm still kind of out of loop on some things that have happened in my absence, so I apologize if something I've written contradicts important canon.


Do note: As the story is written from the perspective of a character in-universe, the world will be painted in how this character sees it, to an extent. I fucking love you meat bros, your lore is amazing.

also, bump.

>> No.23783069

Your prose is super evocative anon, great work. Unloading your cargo as a slaver, always fun, I look forward to the next one.

>> No.23784822

the thread is deader than usual

>> No.23785156

Ey yo, sorry for going missing for a day, I slept like 16 hours. Got another shift in like half an hour, so can't go into detail rn, but will get to you in like 9 hours or so once I get home. Short answer, however, is no. Go figure since it's related to /nasa/

>> No.23785508
Quoted by: >>23787362

I love the details. Are we going to learn why the witch is pale-skinned?

>> No.23787362
Quoted by: >>23787483

Maybe? is it important? Honestly I dont have that much planned out yet, just a bunch of ideas and a general outline for the story

>> No.23787483

Iirc /meat/heads are darker skinned than not, so one of them being pale-skinned is of interest. Too much blood-letting? Too many sacrifices in dark temples without the sun? It's not important, it's just a fun detail I noted.

>> No.23787731
Quoted by: >>23788073

He isnt necessarily a /meat/head, although on a second thought I can see why one would assume so.

>> No.23787873
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>> No.23787898
Quoted by: >>23787931


>> No.23787931
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>> No.23788073
Quoted by: >>23794571

Hah yeah that was my second thought, weird white magic juice and tattoos is pretty /meat/y, but maybe a foreigner could learn their ways. Interesting hook either way.

>> No.23788127
File: 74 KB, 500x625, 1650862072018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23788167

Hello risuner

>> No.23788167
File: 1.38 MB, 1860x2631, 1648642233834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o shit waddup

>> No.23789632
Quoted by: >>23789862

/nasa/ finds a baby Kirin near /uuu/.


>> No.23789862

That's not the definition of put down I assumed it would be.

>> No.23792013

>tfw when you have inspiration in your head but you lack the time to write it down.
I always get inspiration at the most inconvenient times. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.23792256

For me is 'I get inspired when I'm tired, do I sleep or do I write?'.

>> No.23792448

I have inspiration whenever I'm not writing, or when im commuting or taking a walk outside.. The moment I come back home and sit in front of the laptop it all goes away and im left with an empty head and no thoughts.

>> No.23792623

If I get a great idea while out, I'll often write down just a single word about it in a note on my phone. But I haven't had to do that in while since I started working from home.

>> No.23793492

According to the /morig/ lore rentry, deadbeat-like adaptations are linked to exposure to mori chuubanite, those from other nations (and assuming ethnicities too) take on deadbeatish characteristics if exposed to high concentrations of mori chuubanite for a prolonged time.

Is the reverse also true? What happens to a deadbeat who is removed form the island and deprived of mori chuubanite for a prolonged time? Will they experience a de-deadbeatification?

>> No.23794571

The tattoos are a pure coincidence. I got the idea for the character shortly after rushia got terminated, way before I read the meat rentry. However, I am re-thinking him as a character a bit now.

>> No.23795166
File: 5 KB, 180x250, 1647791427659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great question! There are two aspects to deadbeatification: the anatomical adaptations, and the chuubanite accumulation. Given enough time, the chuubanite stored in the deadbeat's bones will decay completely. From there, some things would change faster, hair growth speed and melanin levels in the skin would be the quickest to return to normal, taking about a year or less. The other changes would take more time, the decalcification of the muscles would take a few years to be noticeable, and at least a decade to be complete, similar for the calcification of the inner organs. The skeleton itself goes through a slow cellular turnover, and would likely remain deadbeat-like for the lifetime of the person.
The decay of the chuubanite would also take a long time though. Crystallized into the deadbeat skeleton, its decay is pretty slow, deadbeats can spend a decades abroad without depleting it completely. Things like straining (or Death forbid, breaking) your skeleton would deplete your chuubanite reserves faster due to microfractures.
Thankfully, skeletal chuubanite can be replenished by simply eating /morig/ food, drinking /morig/ water, and breathing /morig/ air, so even a complete depletion can be treated in less than a year.
Children are particularly vulnerable to chuubanite deficiency, since their growing skeleton quickly depletes it. Thus, it's unadvisable to allow prolonged travel of youths outside of the island.

>> No.23795374
Quoted by: >>23796027

I see. Thanks for the answer Professorbeat, I was really curious to know.

>> No.23796027

You're welcome! Thinking about this kind of stuff is fun.

Please anchor the following in the /morig/ overview after the "###Hair and eyes of the Deadbeat" section.

### Mori Chuubanite Deficiency
Excerpt from a lecture by Professor Pelle Victrus:
> Professor, what would be the consequences of a long-term interruption in Mori-type chuubanite?
>Great question, Samuel! There are two aspects to deadbeatification: the anatomical adaptations, and the chuubanite accumulation. Given enough time, the chuubanite stored in a deadbeat's bones will decay completely. From there, some things would change faster, hair growth speed and melanin levels in the skin would be the quickest to return to normal, taking about a year or less. The other changes would require more time, the decalcification of the muscles would take a few years to be noticeable, and a decade to be complete, samewise for the calcification of the inner organs. The skeleton itself goes through a slow cellular turnover, and would likely remain deadbeat-like for the lifetime of the person.
>The decay of the chuubanite would also be a lengthy process, though. Crystallized into the deadbeat skeleton, its decay is quite slow, adult deadbeats can spend decades abroad without depleting it completely. Things like straining, or Death forbid, breaking your skeleton would deplete your chuubanite reserves faster due to microfractures.
>Thankfully, skeletal chuubanite can be replenished by simply eating /morig/ food, drinking /morig/ water, and breathing /morig/ air, so even a complete depletion can be treated in less than a year.
>Children are particularly vulnerable to chuubanite deficiency, since their growing skeleton quickly depletes it. Thus, it's unadvisable to allow prolonged travel of youths outside of the island. Keep this in mind when your little ones beg for trips to the continent!

>> No.23796046
Quoted by: >>23796508

I think there's also the question of genetic mutations. Deadbeats are the way they are because of tens of thousands of years of exposure. So some traits are just genetic.

>> No.23796508

Yes, even without any chuubanite exposure, deadbeats are likely lankier and paler than average people. The way I see it, the chuubanite is probably responsible for the more supernatural aspects of the mutations, like the goethite mineralization of the bones, or the calcification of soft tissues, while other aspects are reflected genetically, with stuff like increased odds of baldness, thinness, paleness and being encoded in their DNA.

>> No.23796992

Makes me wonder if /nasa/ still has human permutations in their DNA for children to eventually survive the atmosphere. We're lucky nobody has allergic reactions to chuubanite.

>> No.23797719
Quoted by: >>23798038

and what of that one risuner fuckboy?

>> No.23798038

If he sticks around for a decade, maybe his bones can grow strong enough to bear a priestess fucking him amazon-style without crushing his pelvis.
Mmm, he might start losing some tail hair though, probably not all but it'll be a bit less fluffy.

>> No.23800355


>> No.23801097
File: 127 KB, 880x902, nut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright bois. time to feed some chickens then to write the landing of /meat/

>> No.23801827
Quoted by: >>23803176

Has Risuners heard of the nut you can play outside?


>> No.23803176
Quoted by: >>23803399

um...ok i now know this exists

>> No.23803399

I thought about making a YouTube Poop about this commercial calling it "nut outside". But my laptop died at that time.

>> No.23806022


>> No.23807886

I have nothing to offer today but I'll bump the thread before oshi streams.

>> No.23808241

So what musical instruments would /morig/ and /who/ play? /risu/ says they like string instruments. I wonder what Indonesian string instruments would /risu/ use.

>> No.23808577
Quoted by: >>23809791

ill have to think of that. also this /meat/ story is taking a lot longer than i realized. not because of delays but because im actually making it less like a captain log and more like a real story. this shits gonna be good but ill finish it tomorrow.

>> No.23809791

/nasa/ will have to figure out how to make flying air-boats (or seaplanes). Also we need to figure out how to process and carry fuel. We can still use meteorite chuubanite to create an orbital engine, but we'll either need charged chuubanite or petrol to keep the engine going.

Of course before we do anything I need to write the next parts of the civil unrest arc. I have ideas for dialogue. I just need to fix my sleep schedule to wake up in the mornings again.

>> No.23809831
File: 2.16 MB, 1447x2047, FPfukLwUYAUciDN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23818427

The archive has a bit about it. But I guess aside from drums & cello the most popular ones are woodwind & brass instruments(marching related ones like bagpipes & cornets with some flutes due to influence from /uuu/ maybe?). Guitars should be pretty popular too outside of marching bands and opera houses.
Music styles would be mostly folky or very martial.

>> No.23810608

/nasa/ has keyboards and electronic instruments. We don't have the space nor materials to make a full orchestra. Instead we use MIDI and synthesized instruments to replicate traditional instruments. /nasa/ would have electric instruments like electric guitars, electric drums, and even electric violins. Turn tables are popular so genres like hip-hop are popular. That said /nasa/ would compose tracks with machines that would be near impossible to play by hand with traditional instruments. I think electric pop would be the most popular.


>inb4 Kirby music.

>> No.23811365
Quoted by: >>23811849

Kirby music.

>> No.23811702
Quoted by: >>23812321

Maybe not /nasa/, but /rbc/ definitely listen to music like Kraftwerk.

>> No.23811849
Quoted by: >>23812158

You were suppose to greentext and Wojak (optional).

>> No.23812158
Quoted by: >>23812321

>Kirby music

>> No.23812321
Quoted by: >>23812736

Now you know how to /v/.

Listening now. They got some funk. Wonder if Daft Punk would be interesting or overrated. I like Discovery.

>> No.23812736
Quoted by: >>23813102

>Daft Punk
Maybe the first album would be /rbc/ taste.

I'm pretty sure /nasa/ would be into DEVO though.

>> No.23813102
Quoted by: >>23813292

Discovery is such a great album. Homework is trash. There's only a few good songs in Human After All. Maybe Random Access Memories has some music, but its mostly meme disco.

>> No.23813292

Only albums I find weak from them are Human After All and the TRON ost, the rest all have their charm.

>> No.23814372
Quoted by: >>23814796

I wonder what instruments /infinity/ plays besides the skin flute.

>> No.23814796

>skin flute.
I believe instruments made of skin would be more a /meat/ thing.

>> No.23814939

kek, that's not what anon meant...

>> No.23815015
File: 569 KB, 1920x1080, meimei7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23815095

Anon... I think he's talking about the rod-like reproductive organ every male mammal has...

>> No.23815038
Quoted by: >>23815095

Shut up Beavis.

>> No.23815095
Quoted by: >>23815492

Anons... I was deflecting the joke...
I'm not stupid.

>> No.23815492
Quoted by: >>23815662

I was being Butthead from Beavis and Butthead.

>> No.23815662
Quoted by: >>23815820

I know, I grew up watching B&B. I'm pretty old anon, why do you think they call me Gramps?

>> No.23815820
Quoted by: >>23816053

Beavis and Butthead wind up in /infinity/, wut do?

>> No.23816053

Anon, you probably know our lore about priestess, you know what they would be doing...
That being said, Cornholio would be pretty normal for Infinity's menhera standards.

>> No.23816521

why are we whispering

>> No.23818019
Quoted by: >>23818177

Yes, I should probably make it clear that stories should be anchored too if I get to make the next bread
I quite like your prose, hope I can read more soon!
As for the canon, don't worry too much about it. It's fairly flexible at least as far as /meat/ goes, so there's always some wiggling room if the plot requires it. Feel free to ask if you're unsure, though!

Don't think it's mentioned very often (probably not helped by that anime aesthetic usually defaults to paler skin), but native /meat/heads probably have a skin colour similar to Mesoamericans due to having the same adaptations against the tropical sun. If we go by von Luschan/Fitzpatrick scale, it's probably somewhere in the middle of the spectrum (21-23/light type IV). According to the category, the skin "burns minimally (under UV light), always tans well", and is described as either "moderate brown" or "olive" depending on who you ask. You might also know it as the middle of the skin colour modifier for some emojis.

That's probably what /meat/heads mean, though... that would be one hell of a culture shock for anyone who try that in /meat/land. As for instruments, I don't think /meat/ has the right autist for that, but I imagine it's mostly a combination of wind and percussion instruments. They probably make flutes out of femur, although I haven't done the math to tell what kind of range would a human femur produce.

>> No.23818177
Quoted by: >>23818452

Because I cutted out of the story, I will tell you: the /meat/ doctor was going to make an ornament with the Risuner's forearm bones and give it to her as gift.

>> No.23818427
File: 158 KB, 1980x1080, familiar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23819067

Long day today.
That sounds about right, marching, military, and folk songs would be most popular, outside of that i'll spitball a little bit, maybe we could add in a proto-industrial music movement based on the military drums and cellos (we won't be getting bass guitars for a long time) used, this would be nascent with some sectors of the population, i also want to find a way to involve mumei's pop punk tastes in the lore but i haven't thought of anything yet.

>> No.23818452
Quoted by: >>23818890

Awww, that would be wholesome! Is that the intended emotion? Or am I just too /meat/ for that?

>> No.23818652
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1625665474837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23819089

A quick poll indicates that /morig/ would have a lot of wind instruments, such as flutes and brasses, including early saxophones. You'd also find xylophones; the clergy would have access to xylophones made of bones for ritual purposes, but more common would be metal xylophones.

>> No.23818890
Quoted by: >>23819089

I mean, when it was in the story the thing was that for the /meat/ doctor was a nice gesture, but for the risuner was haunting. I cutted it out because I didn't know how to make it work and also it felt like it didn't added nothing to the story. I'm cutting a lot of ideas, I don't want to bloat the story.

>> No.23819067
File: 325 KB, 576x705, 1641975114388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23820336

Not enough of a music autist to write anything concise about the subject but the Jazz and blues origins of rock music can probably be skipped. People started to experiment, combined high tempo drum beats and energy of the marching music with some folky guitar rhythms and created proto-rock like music or something like that idk.

>> No.23819089

>xylophones made of bones
I can't imagine I didn't think of that as well. Shared culture time again?

Yeah, that's fair. Sometimes I wish I can be more decisive when it comes to cutting unuseful ideas when writing as well.

>> No.23819188
File: 34 KB, 127x128, 1644519112703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23819243

Ahhhhh niggerman save me the Flesh&Bone world conspiracy deepens every day and I'm going insaaaaane

>> No.23819243
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1650340071902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just embrace the insanity...

>> No.23819583

I tend to overwrite, what you end reading is like half of what I wrote originally. And I don't regret the cuts, my tangents tend to weaken the story's purpose. But it does hurt having to do it.

>> No.23820336
File: 1.53 MB, 2621x3000, punk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punk folk and proto-rock, i like that.

>> No.23821157
File: 96 KB, 2048x946, EternalWorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mornin' cunts! My shift's over and it's weekend baby! WOOOOO! So unless I get sucked into MH again (Kulve Taroth is a drug I tell you) I will start on our tortoise, dragon, mammoth and some other critters I might think up entries today.

I love you fuckers, fueling my addiction like that. At this point I might have to start learning to draw evolutionary trees and shit.

>> No.23821964

More fauna lore fuck yes, bring it.

>> No.23823200
File: 1.76 MB, 2725x3985, 86977540_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also expanded upon the /meat/ fauna a bit here: https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatdraft
I try to give the animals more character than "tastes good" to make them more interesting (not my forte, I know). That said, it could come in handy when I write about Ficchu, which has the distinction of being the only animal on the list that isn't pure herbivore. Do you know the Chinese character for savouriness is a combination of the parts "fish" and "sheep"?

>> No.23823354

Don't underestimate the power of "tastes bad"! It's another classic. Great entries, TIL about jacanas. Including hyperlinks to relevant IRL references is a good idea, I should start doing that with my entries.

>> No.23823405

Oh yea, saw that one! Must have missed it when searching for animal posts to reply to. Great stuff!

>> No.23824276


>> No.23826145


>> No.23827596


>> No.23828805

How does /meat/ get the big rats before /rrat/ did?

>> No.23829021

Fun fact!
There is actually a region where capybaras, pacaranas, and guinea pigs naturally live together.
East Peru, Ucayali

>> No.23830469


>> No.23831329
Quoted by: >>23832506


How do /meat/ conduct diplomacy with outsiders? How about trade? How would a trader or a diplomat who arrives to /meat/ to discuss politics or economic cooperation be treated? Where do they sleep? Do /meat/ have visitor houses or taverns? Do /meat/ have any rituals or ceremonies regarding the signing of agreements or forging of alliances?

How are the small /meat/ village governments organized? Who leads a village, how do they live, how does their diet differ from that of the common folk? Not just snacks or luxury foods such as chocolate, but the everyday food.

How does /meat/ villages get their water? Do they dig wells? Do they drink straight from the river? Are villages or cities commonly built around natural springs?

What does /meat/ use as a currency, do they have coinage? If yes, how are the coins valued in relation to one another and/or commodities such as gold or maize?

>> No.23831420
Quoted by: >>23831644

>The Nahuatl word for precious metal (teocuitlatl) comes from teo- (god, holy) and cuitlatl (excrement)
>literally holy shit
>The attestation for the word urine (axixtli) translates into: "If someone falls, striking himself, if perhaps he falls crashing or falls striking his chest, he should quickly drink hot urine and quickly ingest four ground, uncooked lizards, drinking them in the urine."
tfw the Aztecs are both /meat/ and /ringo/

>> No.23831556

Is there an in-universe languages archive anywhere?

>> No.23831644

It's the produce of Konma-sama after shoving a bunch of stuffs inside her cunny

>> No.23832506

Thanks for the questions!
>How do /meat/ conduct diplomacy with outsiders? How about trade?
Official diplomacy is usually conducted by dedicated members of the clergy, who have the confidence of the cult that runs the country, while likely trained to have enough diplomatic tacts to ensure smoother diplomacy. That said, /meat/ merchants who might not be an official part of the clergy will likely play a significant role in diplomatic interactions, especially once the relations have been established. They can often be entrusted by the clergy if they have something to deliver or discuss.
>How would a trader or a diplomat who arrives to /meat/ to discuss politics or economic cooperation be treated?
Like most cultures (especially premodern ones), /meat/ is big on sacred hospitality. People who arrive to discuss cooperation (or even just to visit) will be treated well as far as resources and circumstances allow. Of course, breaking said hospitality on either side is a big no-no. As they're assumed to be non-believers by default, they won't be required to participate in usual /meat/ rituals, although witnessing them is strongly encouraged.
>Where do they sleep? Do /meat/ have visitor houses or taverns?
Major cities will have dedicated visitor houses and taverns, and those important enough, or simply don't have other places to stay will be given shelter by the clergy in the churches, and in smaller settlements, longhouses can always house a few more travellers if they don't mind living alongside local commoners.
>Do /meat/ have any rituals or ceremonies regarding the signing of agreements or forging of alliances?
Nothing has been decided on that AFAIK, but we can always take a page from the ancient Chinese and have both sides bleed themselves into a bowl (alcohol, or other liquid-y edible mixture of significant value) and either drink them, or just smear their lips with it to seal the deal: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E6%AD%83%E8%A1%80%E7%82%BA%E7%9B%9F


>> No.23832536

>How are the small /meat/ village governments organized? Who leads a village, how do they live, how does their diet differ from that of the common folk? Not just snacks or luxury foods such as chocolate, but the everyday food.
/meat/ as a whole is a theocracy, which means that the /meat/ cult runs the place. As such, in smaller villages, the local clergy will likely be the one nominally in charge, who also communicate with the major cities for religious and administrative purposes. Of course, there will always be local village leaders who are seen as the de facto leaders, where the clergy will prefer to defer to them for easier management. Conflicts between the two groups sometimes happen, as while village elders can get things done, the clergy theoretically has the power to call the central government to put them down. How this conflict is resolved vary a lot depending on the actors involved.
>How does /meat/ villages get their water? Do they dig wells? Do they drink straight from the river? Are villages or cities commonly built around natural springs?
Both sources would likely be used, although rivers likely feeds more people due to the sheer amount of water compared with ground water sources, not to mention they also irrigate a lot of land, helped by all the nutrients /meat/ rituals dump into the river. I imagine wells are more common in the west due to a drier climate and lack of major rivers. I think the geology is also suitable for ground water storage? In the rainforested area far away from the river, settlements might also make use of water catchers for water.
>What does /meat/ use as a currency, do they have coinage? If yes, how are the coins valued in relation to one another and/or commodities such as gold or maize?
/meat/ uses coinage, as established in Takeus Longclock's story (https://rentry.org/8ddbh).). For the material of the coins, it will probably be bimetallic in nature, as /meat/ should have a sizeable gold and silver deposit. Whether it means both golden and silver coins are used, or that the coins are made of an alloy of gold and silver (known as electrum in nature, but /meat/ ones will likely be artificially made to ensure stable formula) is still pending.


>> No.23832828
Quoted by: >>23833719

>>23832536 (Me)
>how do they live, how does their diet differ from that of the common folk? Not just snacks or luxury foods such as chocolate, but the everyday food.
As usual, they'll likely live in relative luxury (although in small villages, the disparity will not be very significant). Elders likely have a bigger house, and the church building (where the priests will likely live in) is usually either the biggest, or be built with higher-quality material (as shown in https://rentry.org/longpork#by-strange-lights).).
The same also applies to food. They'll likely have better food where applicable, but the diet is generally the same as the commoner in parts due to a lack of long-term food preservation and transportation. Clergy (and warriors, for that matter) might have more meat in their diet due to religious reasons and, well, it tastes good, but usually the rest of the villages still get a cut from it.

(3/2 because I'm an idiot)

>> No.23833719

Holy shit a proper wall of text for an answer. Perfect! Thanks for your time and effort!
I hadn't actually read Takeus Longcock yet, I was trying to find the info from the main lore rentry.

I have understood that shortly after the rushia event, /meat/ held a ritual sacrifice of a girl who had been made to look like the deity. (as shown in https://rentry.org/rs3v6 ). Was this sacrifice an only of its kind, happening at Nacatlah, which i have come to understand is the religious capital of /meat/, or did similar events take place all over the nation, with each major, or minor, settlement holding their own sacrifices?
I'd imagine good quality sacrifices-to-be like the girl in the story are hard to come by, so if the latter is the case, what sort of people did the smaller settlements sacrifice? Or do /meat/ have a high enough number of slaves available to make sure that all sacrifice rituals, or at least the important ones like the ones "celebrating" the death of a deity, can be supplied with an appropriately high quality sacrifice?

Also, what happens at Geroberg? The main lore rentry doesnt mention the place at all, yet it is shown on the map.
Sorry for the wall of questions, curiosity has struck me. And I want to know more before I continue writing.

>> No.23834125
Quoted by: >>23834943

Major deiphage sacrifices are only held in the capital.
Local temples host small community event sacrifices. Either unwilling slaves or voluntary zealots

>> No.23834357

No problem, I know it's a lot to go through, so feel free to take your time or even focus on parts that interest you!
>the ritual
It's the ritual of deipahgy, which is considered among the most important rituals in /meat/ due to its core tenets against god(desses) who have "outlived their time", so to speak. Because getting the proper material for such a ritual is rather difficult (see https://rentry.org/vtwbg-meatlore#wentli)), and the ritual is so important, usually it's only done in the capital of Nacatlah or the neighbouring city of Nacatlan. However, if hypothetically there is a sudden surge of qualified victims, other major cities might get to host them as well. It might be more common several centuries ago, when /meat/ still host great raids to take a lot of sacrifices and had the ability to cut deep into other countries for more valuable sacrifices.
>smaller villages
There are a myriad of rituals and sacrifices done in /meat/, even if they're not considered as significant as the deiphagy ritual. I imagine that as a rule of thumb, the bigger a settlement is, the more likely it has the (human) resources to conduct more ritually important rituals. The more mundane ones are more doable, since they usually aren't deadly or even crippling - one I took from the Aztecs (also seen in https://rentry.org/longpork#by-strange-lights)) is pulling thorned vines through body parts and offering the resulting blood and bloody tools. The more mundane ones might lean more towards extreme BDSM practices, and can probably be considered the /meat/ equivalent of going to Sunday churches. That said, pretty much every settlement gets to do human sacrifice at least once in a while, as most funerals (for healthy people, at least) are basically human sacrifices done right before they kick the bucket. If a warrior get a good haul during raids, they might opt to give the captured victims (after the clergy takes its cut, of course) to their home villages for rituals.
It originally came from a greentext, and I happen to have an unnamed city, so I basically just threw it in. Not much has been written about it so far, although its location means it's the biggest city in /meat/ that is NOT in the tropical forest, instead being surrounded by mixed woods and grassland. It likely has a decent percentage of /meat/ risuners, and while it probably doesn't have a major shipbuilding industry (due to the aforementioned lack of wood), it probably has a major dyeing industry instead, in particular red from cacti cochineal and purple from rocksnails.

>> No.23834943

Thanks! I'll ask more if I have more questions, this satisfies me for now!

>> No.23835088
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, 2012 & The End Of The World 0-47 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23836806

>>23834357 (Me)
>took from the Aztecs
It's actually a general Mesoamerican thing, for those who're curious. The Mayas did that as well once we started deciphering their writing. In general, Mesoamericans were pretty big on human sacrifice, although the Aztec pantheon is still uniquely bloodthirsty in that regard.

>> No.23836806

True but the Mexicas are so bloodthisrty to the point their neighbours the Mayas and Purepachas thought they went too far

>> No.23837246
Quoted by: >>23838073

new bread doko?

>> No.23838073

New bread koko: >>23837918
