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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 473 KB, 2149x3035, FRWOeIwVcAAJAF5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23503666 No.23503666 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)





Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

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NijiEN song playlist:
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Nijisanji chat log:

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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>23499443

>> No.23503695
File: 2.33 MB, 1274x1258, 1644878199708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd love!

>> No.23503707

Did Shu just burp

>> No.23503722
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503785

wuca wuca!

happy birthday shu!

>> No.23503731


>> No.23503735
File: 1.56 MB, 1441x2048, EdaA6uIWsAEuuzv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503990

I LOVE THIS FREAKY GHOST MAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.23503739


>> No.23503743

enter luca

>> No.23503744
Quoted by: >>23503826

>Fulgur still hasn't unbanned Todd from his chat

>> No.23503745


>> No.23503748
File: 470 KB, 1536x2280, 1648686725192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504121

>> No.23503750

LUCAAAAAAA I love you…

>> No.23503751
File: 337 KB, 1536x2048, @leonas416_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AH he's with Shu. Fuuchan LOVE!

>> No.23503754
File: 331 KB, 1663x1450, 1651248176229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503762
File: 1.17 MB, 2595x4096, FRsLRpoVcAMn1iQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503769
Quoted by: >>23504619

It's fine bro, Todd is gonna bring over a pack of Budlight, and a 50 dollar Arby's gift card for Shu later.
He just likes birthday wishes to be more personal instead of everyone screaming over eachother.
He'll also bring a bowl and some good hash for the 2 to go through while they watch The Office for the 20th time this month

>> No.23503772
Quoted by: >>23503937

I missed a lot of threads and streams today what is with this Todd shitposting?

>> No.23503773


>> No.23503775
File: 142 KB, 1200x1200, 563910231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byebye Mysta!
Mysta love!

>> No.23503777


>> No.23503785
File: 151 KB, 2010x2048, 20220418_064550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503856


>> No.23503786
File: 44 KB, 888x727, babyshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Shu!

>> No.23503795
Quoted by: >>23504211

Are Todd and Chuuni-kun in the same wave? Are they friends or do they hate eachother?

>> No.23503801

So many people playing...!

>> No.23503816
File: 188 KB, 1431x2048, FRGPaM6VsAAJ4n5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23503866

Even though no extra Twitch stream from Mysta today, I'm so happy he showed up to Shu's stream... Shusta love

>> No.23503826

Shouldn't have called him a fat faggot during that amogus collab, Todd had it coming

>> No.23503830

Fulgur is destroying Luca's balls.

>> No.23503835

We get to see live shupport.... the type that happens off-stream before everyone goes live....

>> No.23503845

yugo ruining the collab like usual...

>> No.23503847
File: 27 KB, 459x275, Nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23503852

I love the robo choker fuuchan has, it’s very sex

>> No.23503853
File: 952 KB, 746x618, 1651297813263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Rosemi-sama will show up to congratulate Shu

>> No.23503856


>> No.23503864
Quoted by: >>23503916

i cant stay awake for this happy birthday shu goodnight

>> No.23503866
File: 370 KB, 1618x2048, 1179E5A5-AE2B-4FB6-A334-F2A56BF43467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So proud of him..! Shusta Love!

>> No.23503868

Uki, don't look...

>> No.23503871

>Pomu's laugh

>> No.23503873
Quoted by: >>23503913

what is up with pomus voice sound

>> No.23503892
Quoted by: >>23503970

Vox is always getting out of the shower...

>> No.23503894
Quoted by: >>23503970

Vox needs to dry his hair because he just got out of the shower....

>> No.23503898
Quoted by: >>23503936


>> No.23503913

she had both discord mic and in-game mic activated at the same time

>> No.23503916
File: 260 KB, 2048x2048, a shumimir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23503936


>> No.23503937
Quoted by: >>23503995

Anons were talking about brotubers some threads back and it devolved into creating Todd the perfect brotuber.

>> No.23503938
File: 390 KB, 1536x2048, 1650906054844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504000


>> No.23503943
File: 918 KB, 1794x1346, 1650798399457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.23503970
File: 548 KB, 1444x2048, 1650113841960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just got done having sex in the shower

>> No.23503971

Mysta entered the VC at this hour?

>> No.23503974

jap luca and vox fangirls are coping and seething because their oshis showed up but yugo is still there "ruining" it for them kek

>> No.23503973
File: 227 KB, 2307x1179, 20220430_080124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss petra...

>> No.23503990


>> No.23503995

Yeah I just looked at the archives this shit is pretty stupid desu

>> No.23503999
Quoted by: >>23504026

nobody here cares about the japs

>> No.23504000

imagine the sex

>> No.23504011
Quoted by: >>23504082

He dropped in to tell Shu happy bday before everyone else joined, it was really cute.

>> No.23504010

Reimu go back to the fucking game

>> No.23504014

Get fucked japs

>> No.23504026
Quoted by: >>23504089

you replied :)

>> No.23504027
Quoted by: >>23504076

kek, where are they complaining?

>> No.23504033
Quoted by: >>23504137

>project winter
>1 pov
ehhhh I'll take it

>> No.23504039

Had to drop by and wish his beloved brother that he fucked everynight a birthday wish

>> No.23504044


>> No.23504051

Fuck off dumb sukikirai fag

>> No.23504062
File: 145 KB, 579x128, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't tryhard this game I don't play much

>> No.23504066
Quoted by: >>23504104

Reimu is a swallower

>> No.23504073

>swallow before you eat

>> No.23504075

>giving a shit about japs
rumao even

>> No.23504076

In his imagination

>> No.23504078

What was Lam on when he made Vox

>> No.23504082

Just that? Oh, well, I guess it's fine.

>> No.23504083

holy kek

>> No.23504085
File: 276 KB, 480x480, FNzHsY5aQAU9hgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fulgur, bitch!
I ain't ever gonna stop loving Fulgur, bitch!

Fuuchan is at Shu's channel, bitch!

>> No.23504089

To make them seethe, cross-post my message to 5ch please

>> No.23504099


>> No.23504104

But with cum swapping.

>> No.23504106
File: 54 KB, 591x489, 1651109517216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504109
File: 87 KB, 488x484, 1647939697343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glass bottles filled by my emotions~

>> No.23504110

exit Pomu...

>> No.23504115

Pomu and Vox left...

>> No.23504112

Uh, rrats?

>> No.23504116


>> No.23504117


>> No.23504119

enter ike
exit pomu and vox (meeting?)

>> No.23504121

hot as fuck

>> No.23504123

Vox and Pomu, huh? what are they doing? maybe it's related to the special stream?

>> No.23504124

Pomu and Vox have to leave due to an emergency slack notif... FUCK... MY SHUVOX............ IT'S HIS FUCKING BIRTHDAY NOOR YOU FAGGOT

>> No.23504132

>Pomu and Vox have a meeting together

>> No.23504137
Quoted by: >>23504226

This might be a unpopular and frowned upon thing to say
but Nina is also streaming but on twitch

>> No.23504149


>> No.23504152
File: 989 KB, 686x835, 1624027411772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504157

Todd loves the Fourth of July, he also likes to play Chicken with m60's and hold them until seconds before they explode.
It's his favorite drunk game to do!

>> No.23504162
File: 22 KB, 598x257, Figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Pomu's slip up about a special stream and Elira clearly visiting Enna, again, kinda does lend to there being an off collab given the coincidental week breaks 4 people took, Enna not included.

>> No.23504173

Pomu and Vox have a meeting right now... No...

>> No.23504174

They will be the hosts for the new wave debut relay.

>> No.23504177

Special stream? What did I miss

>> No.23504180

thats 10k + hours, what am I missing

>> No.23504191
File: 132 KB, 1200x933, 1629152364052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504195

I wish someone would actually prove this one day. For all I know, someone started a rumor and it has stuck.

>> No.23504196


>> No.23504198

>Most important girl and most important boy
It makes sense

>> No.23504197

That's what I thought immediately too.

>> No.23504203

>one time finana said she was coming later and she never came
nina is based

>> No.23504204

plausible rrat, actually
but isn't it too early for another wave

>> No.23504211

Chuuni hates Todd for constantly doxxing him, but is drawn into Todd's orbit by loneliness

>> No.23504215

Does this game have a different timescale? Because there's no way Shu's put 10k hours into this game, r-right...?

>> No.23504216

If a new wave comes by and Vox and Pomu are the hosts of the event i'll kneel really hard

>> No.23504225
File: 127 KB, 354x408, Towen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23504226

actually thank you, niji mado hasn't added nina's twitch yet

>> No.23504231

>The first thing Todd does is hit on Noor
>"Hey I know indian girls can't eat cows or somethin', but how about chicken? Cause I got a big cock in my pants for you babe"

>> No.23504233

You missed Uki’s leaked debut practice stream....

>> No.23504235

Anon. It's been proven with the noctyx pre-debut stream links, it had her roommates name in the chat talking to the guys.

>> No.23504237

It was confirmed when her PL was in the test stream of Uki

>> No.23504238

Wait what I looked away and Vox and Pomu were in the collab and now they are gone?

>> No.23504248

fucking kek

>> No.23504250

Pomu is going to bilibili too. That's what her special stream is.

>> No.23504258
Quoted by: >>23506958

the proof is literally in ukis pre-debut debut stream, as if the months prior of talks mentioning noor on and off weren't proof enough for your dumb ass?

>> No.23504264

scroll up

>> No.23504281

If Nina ever says anythibg bad about Finana ever again I swear to God she's DEAD

>> No.23504283

>no alban pov
>no luca pov
but the trolls...

>> No.23504297

They have an urgent meeting. Pomu started panicking a little bit and telling Vox to check Slack and they both had to leave suddenly.

>> No.23504301
Quoted by: >>23504416

The topic came up on Elira's stream earlier so it might just be referencing that.

>> No.23504304

Todd used his money from cashiering to put Subwoofers in his Dodge.
Now everyone can listen to his rap!
It's not annoying, he's just sharing the newest 2view soundcloud rapper with everyone!

>> No.23504309

Is Todd secretly gay? I'm getting a suspicious vibe from him today

>> No.23504308

Uki's on break, get ready for part 2

>> No.23504313
File: 43 KB, 244x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wide boys

>> No.23504316

based todd

>> No.23504319

It's literally the final step of the audition

>> No.23504323
Quoted by: >>23504370

Mysta has Sunday scribbled out of his schedule. I assumed that was him canceling a stream, but maybe it’s wave 6?

>> No.23504330
File: 545 KB, 1448x2048, 7AF8CE7A-C432-4333-AC85-48BD190104D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504386

Pomu & Elira love, my favorite ship

>> No.23504343

that scream..wtf

>> No.23504352

God damn it, Nina's scream....

>> No.23504362
Quoted by: >>23504440

Is this real?

>> No.23504363

Bet they're announcing the next wave together

>> No.23504370

Nah, he always does that for his days off.

>> No.23504378

Yugo just can't into tech

>> No.23504379
Quoted by: >>23504420

Rosemi getting spitroasted by m*les

>> No.23504386
File: 163 KB, 1920x856, 1651077156685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23504393

What is with all these meetings

>> No.23504395

I hope not because I’m not signing up on bilibili to watch her

>> No.23504398

fucking hell Todd

>> No.23504400

I can't believe Pomu just grabbed Vox and went into another room right in front of everyone.

>> No.23504401


>> No.23504406

JWU did anons collectively made a tulpa and called him todd?

>> No.23504416

Elira denied meeting up with Millie but I still have my doubts tbdesu

>> No.23504421

YUGO youre such a retard

>> No.23504420

why would moles do this to her, she's been nothing but kind to rodents

>> No.23504424


>> No.23504428
File: 61 KB, 238x190, 1633999621284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504494

>Vox was just in the shower when he joined in

>> No.23504440

Yes, it was leaked by Alban, that's why his gf is mad at him, he came back home smelling like curry after the final step of the audition

>> No.23504446
Quoted by: >>23504534

>No Vox
>No Pomu
I'm actually depressed. Why did they have to do this on Shu's bday? They can't wait for a few fucking hours? This was scheduled in advance.

>> No.23504448


>> No.23504452
File: 234 KB, 1051x1471, EzuegbJVIAM-6Y4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504691


>> No.23504458

>Reimu's gremlin laugh
She's so cute even without the pov...

>> No.23504471

Pogman.......Reimu.......Man of sex.......

>> No.23504482

Why would they fly to Japan when pomu already lives there?

>> No.23504485

Shu taught him this

>> No.23504489

I swear we always say this in this thread and then it actually drops somehow...

>> No.23504488

>believing Eliera
lmao even

>> No.23504493

Pomu gave up on her idol dreams and is now working for the Chinese. The Pomchurian Candidate.

>> No.23504494
Quoted by: >>23504622

>>Vox was just in the shower when he joined in
>left with Pomu to finish the business
Elira cucked
Kiara cucked
Reimu cucked
Shoto cucked

>> No.23504501


>> No.23504506

People gonna learn to stop listening to these girls at face value, they're bad at keeping secrets except when its kayfabe related, then it's kinda sad when you know they're bad at lying.

>> No.23504507
File: 330 KB, 524x720, 1640494328515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck do we mail to bitch about their new management?
Seriously why the fuck are they asking them to join all these fucking meetings? It's ridiculous, how incompetent are they that they need so many?
And what's up with these random meetings whenever they feel like it? Making them drop from collabs that they have planned it's fucking bullshit and the livers are the ones that get egged by that.

>> No.23504531
Quoted by: >>23504567

Why would Pomu need to fly to a country she's already in?

>> No.23504533

Reimu just killed Nina in front of everyone

>> No.23504534

I wonder why managment keeps having all of these meetings, Is NijiJP lile this too?

>> No.23504536

Shut up Aria

>> No.23504541

Seeing Vox right out of the shower was too much for her

>> No.23504560

>I'm not sus I just wanted to kill someone
KEK I love Reimu

>> No.23504561
Quoted by: >>23504714

wait is ike in the game or just sitting alone in the deafened vc...

>> No.23504563

They have meetings but they don’t seem as frequent as EN

>> No.23504567

I know this is bait but what even started this pomu is japanese and pomu is in japan shit? She hasn't been in Japan since her homestay.

>> No.23504572

I'm so sorry Shu, gotta stop watching... Nina's screeches are actually killing my ears

>> No.23504577

What the fuck why is there a banshee in the vc

>> No.23504591

is todd a hayabusabro or a wr500bro

>> No.23504594

You are not wrong. They talk about being in meetings quite a lot and even stopping them from streaming seems pretty retarded.

>> No.23504612

Pomu and Vox hosting something for the anniversary maybe?

>> No.23504614

it's just an inversion of the PWNBJ meme

>> No.23504615

Pomu knew about the meeting though. She talked about it on Minecraft that she wouldn't be in Shu's stream for too long because of the meeting.

>> No.23504618

No it isn't, not in the absolute slightest. Their managers are more like side staff who help them at the studio or make sure they submit things on time. They have meetings but they're never worrying about them on stream or being summoned in the middle of a fucking collab.

>> No.23504619
Quoted by: >>23504681

>leave thread for a few days
>see this
who is Todd?

>> No.23504622

Luca cucked
Finana cucked
Selen cucked
Uki cucked

>> No.23504637
Quoted by: >>23504759

Vox was literally just out of the shower, she's fucking had enough of this point, if NOBODY will give her the seggs, then she'll take it herself.

>> No.23504640
Quoted by: >>23504785

This thread is schizophrenic when it comes to management, half the time complaining they do nothing, half the time complaining they do too much.

>> No.23504653

i'm suspecting a new wave after pomu's slip up

>> No.23504659

shu and yugo should collab

>> No.23504661

Why is Yugo's mic so muffled

>> No.23504670

Maybe they got the time wrong

>> No.23504671

This collab would be fucking kino if Nina didnt screech into my ears every 2 seconds this is literally insane how can anyone stand to watch her

And i dont usually hate on her either but holy fuck

>> No.23504673

they're preparing for a battle royale, only 5 current nijien members will make it to the second year

>> No.23504678

Rosemi gave her members letters to Luca instead

>> No.23504681

shitty unfunny /vt/ meme
a conceptual brotuber

>> No.23504691

I miss her desu her design was sex and was funny

>> No.23504695

New wave

>> No.23504700

It's just a joke about how much of a weeb Pomu is.
You're supposed to read it as if Pomu herself wrote the post.

>> No.23504703
File: 69 KB, 720x894, 1648561993245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu and Vox hosting something for the anniversary maybe?



>> No.23504708

God...Pls STFU nina

>> No.23504710

Todd is the funniest member of NijiEN

>> No.23504714

I think Ike and Luca are getting the game so they can join the next round

>> No.23504718

Todd SEX

>> No.23504725
File: 151 KB, 1080x492, 1651450921109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck why is this so fucking funny to me i am fucking dying hahahahahaha

>> No.23504727

People too busy just trying to fit anything together into the narrative they want to peddle or pretending to be upset over non issues to actually care about reality.

>> No.23504734

I love Shu

>> No.23504745

Kinda? If we go by audition time. Yes. If we go by wave time, no. This month will be 4 months since noctyx debuted which is about the time between lazulight and ethyria

>> No.23504753
File: 90 KB, 243x194, 1650893578768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504872


>> No.23504755
File: 47 KB, 500x500, 1636772479308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504905

Pomu is literally Amaterasu's descendant, of course she is Japan. She's living in the Imperial Palace.

>> No.23504759

Good on her, would have done the same if I was in her shoes.

>> No.23504780
Quoted by: >>23505019

>4 months
2 months

>> No.23504785

Not enough when it comes to things like getting out outfits, including EN in big collabs and clips for advertising, too much when it comes to micromanaging the streamers over metrics and crap like that. Not really contradictory to feel this way about both things.

>> No.23504788

Reimu got killed by Alban...

>> No.23504789

WHORE UPDATE: he's awake

>> No.23504798

They'll announce the new wave at the end of the anniversary stream. No need for rrats I'm right

>> No.23504804
Quoted by: >>23504942

Did KR and ID ever debut waves this quick? Feels like they’re trying to debut a bunch frequently like JP

>> No.23504809

Yes, but she said she will still have time to play a few games. It seems like the meeting's time got moved to earlier for some reason. Also she didn't mention Vox at all during the stream, but what she said during Shu's makes it obvious it's a meeting for something that has both of them, maybe even more people.

>> No.23504813

Shu is so soft and gentle while helping Yugo and outside Nina and Reimu are screeching and killing each other

>> No.23504823
File: 49 KB, 363x396, 1646588114974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504995

I miss Elira

>> No.23504830
File: 221 KB, 353x662, 1651451058268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23504872


>> No.23504831
File: 844 KB, 634x638, 1651109075290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it

>> No.23504832

>they already had another male wave prepared
>the march auditions were for the mixed 7th wave

>> No.23504838

Shu is acting so motherly today.

>> No.23504845

Nina nooooooooo

>> No.23504848

Join call!

>> No.23504852

I want to eat Hari's shit. God I love her so much

>> No.23504853
Quoted by: >>23504898

They wouldn't need Vox for that, only Lazulight.

>> No.23504856

Ovulating on his birthday..

>> No.23504860
Quoted by: >>23504913

>unfunny /vt/ meme
how do you watch the thread, yet still not understand what the thread is doing at the same time...

>> No.23504865
Quoted by: >>23504911


>> No.23504870

he got preggers for his birthday

>> No.23504872
File: 396 KB, 2048x1270, 1651412891456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505040


>> No.23504886

Shu and Alban are traitor. They lead Nina away to kill her.

>> No.23504890
Quoted by: >>23505078

There were only ~2 months between Ethyria, Luxiem and Noctyx so I wouldn't be surprised if a new wave was dropping

>> No.23504898
Quoted by: >>23504972

Probably emcee meeting

>> No.23504902
Quoted by: >>23504962

>Pomu's slip

>> No.23504905
File: 444 KB, 554x522, D6972214-417F-464A-8243-9A20B725F094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505047

My goddess Pomu…

>> No.23504911

Ok I'll tell him but let me suck his dick real quick first

>> No.23504910
Quoted by: >>23504941

bro we're watching the stream

>> No.23504913

the trick is I skimmed the archives to learn about it because hanging around /vt/ or any vtuber community at all is cringe

>> No.23504917
Quoted by: >>23505039

He's ovulating. One of the others needs to have birthday sex with him.

>> No.23504919
Quoted by: >>23504961

Elira won't be in any of Shu's stream for his birthday because of her break?.....pain

>> No.23504923

>Todd wears "UNIVERSITY OF X" shirts and has 2 bumper stickers despite never actually attending University
>Todd is also one of those weirdos heavily invested in High School and College football for some reason

>> No.23504931

Why is it that that there are some voices that annoy me somewhat, like Alban’s and Yugo’s, but Nina’s in particular grates on my ears horribly? I think her voice is nice when she’s sleepy though

>> No.23504941
File: 120 KB, 1541x1326, FRp2W40VEAA3fc8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know but no one is talking about it so I will...

>> No.23504942
Quoted by: >>23507512

Nijisanji debuts waves very quickly. ID and KR were fast but EN seems just as fast as JP because there's over 45,000 entries per auditions based on AC's press release. They have PLENTY of people to sort through/nepotism in 3-6 at a time on the EN side.

>> No.23504951

Yugo sounded so defeated and greeted happy bday as he died

>> No.23504957

yugo kek

>> No.23504960


>> No.23504961

shes hanging out with enna and millie

>> No.23504962
Quoted by: >>23505032

No you just want to carrier pigeon post in the catalog about it obviously.

>> No.23504967

???? legit speechless on this one

>> No.23504972

That's my rrat too. Vox and Pomu are most likely presenting the next wave's debut program.

>> No.23504980
File: 253 KB, 1425x2048, FRFnjJWUYAAYc1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23504984

go back...? i'm confused

>> No.23504988

>Shu-senpai happy birthday
>Alban....FUCK YOU
lmao Yugo

>> No.23504994
Quoted by: >>23505136

Rats: the teaser for OBSYDIA's new outfit will be released

>> No.23504995
File: 146 KB, 850x1058, 1997FC20-BF46-4E04-AB83-84A36DEC7B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Elira laugh and her comfy zatsudans for a whole week… I don’t think I’m gonna make it bros.

>> No.23504996
File: 84 KB, 226x266, 1651402307082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505029

Hop on Project Winter Sonny!

>> No.23504998

God fuck I need to have sex with Elira, Enna and Selen's dads

>> No.23505010

Finana's in the vc

>> No.23505013

why does yugo sounds more feminine right now

>> No.23505019

Oh sorry I meant luxiem not noctyx

>> No.23505021


>> No.23505029

Hopcon my dick

>> No.23505032

What? It was on her metal gear stream or in minecraft?

>> No.23505033
Quoted by: >>23505061


>> No.23505039

He should go join Vox and Pomu during his "washroom break"

>> No.23505040
File: 510 KB, 1080x849, 1651451330658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically would be kino if they do this for EN, the board meltdown alone will be hilarious

>> No.23505047
File: 739 KB, 520x863, 1633131144263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505050

Finana is joining!
Shu is going to go unload his healthy Japanese pee tinged with the scent of green tea into a lucky toilet while Finana sets up.

>> No.23505055
Quoted by: >>23505123

what the fuck...
todd's only existed for 2 threads now lmao why were you archive diving

>> No.23505058

Idk but I like it

>> No.23505060

nina please focus on your stream

>> No.23505061

Into my mouth

>> No.23505063
Quoted by: >>23505244

This thread sometimes. The slightest thing happens and there is an explosion of "well clearly this is definitive proof that X is definitely going to happen" and then people even start arguing over the thing that is being speculated about happening and if its good or bad as if its confirmed.

>> No.23505067
File: 1 KB, 125x125, 1649983827147s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505104

[awkward silence]

>> No.23505072

Todd is too powerful bros...

>> No.23505078

Because all three of those were taken from the same set of auditions that were kicked off in July

>> No.23505089


>> No.23505098
Quoted by: >>23505177

>NijiEN fans hate management for being too proactive while at the same time being too hands off
>HoloEN fans hate management for being too lazy while at the same time being too controlling
I think I'd take Niji's managers any day, the constant meetings are annoying but they're presumably for projects that the talents came up with and want to be working on. Especially since it's Pomu if she actually didn't wanna go to these meetings she'd be pretty vocal about it like she was for Mario Kart.

>> No.23505100
Quoted by: >>23505183

what is luca and ike doing

>> No.23505104
Quoted by: >>23505201

Everyone is trying to hear shu pissing

>> No.23505105

Finana almost said nigger on stream

>> No.23505110
File: 265 KB, 392x673, 1651451410691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505123
Quoted by: >>23505239

I'm literally a tourist

>> No.23505125
Quoted by: >>23505299

Would be really kino if they did something the majority of the girls fans would dislike to celebrate their anniversaries yeah! Fuck the members and their fans as long as we get at laugh at the board.

>> No.23505134

Jap autism, please understand.

>> No.23505136

Obsydia is being shortchanged now despite the fact they are part of Lightsydia in reality, and Selen worked hard for months to grow the branch's momentum at a critical point. Now they can't even get their fucking outfits.

>> No.23505144

Only 2 of these ships are still floating. And

>> No.23505153

There aren't enough slots in the game for everyone in the call...

>> No.23505154
File: 39 KB, 334x334, 1640461161599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sussy baka game

>> No.23505159

Kek I posted the bottom one!

>> No.23505167
File: 292 KB, 863x752, 1651451397264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505230

Another wave is coming, lads. Trust in Uncle Riku's plan for total Nijification.

>> No.23505168
Quoted by: >>23505245


>> No.23505177

Most managements are shit but NijiEN management is one of the less shitty ones

>> No.23505181
Quoted by: >>23505245


>> No.23505183

oh and ike is gone

>> No.23505185

Why didn't Shu invite Todd...

>> No.23505192
File: 18 KB, 202x250, 1651451526569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-Mom? Is that you?

>> No.23505193

I posted the middle one

>> No.23505195

2 girls and 1 boy please riku

>> No.23505201

I wanna hear Shu pee so bad

>> No.23505209

this is so awkward

>> No.23505212
File: 59 KB, 282x141, 1620862306393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu already leaked a new wave coming today so...

>> No.23505214

would be more fun if management just coupled them together with no real research into their preferences aka Shu with Reimu, Selen and Mysta, Enna and Luca, Millie and Ike, Yugo and Nina, Pomu and Uki, Petra and Fulgur, etc

>> No.23505217

i want another male wave now before the mixed one please that would be fucking kino

i need acceleration and more distraction from real world

>> No.23505223


>> No.23505226
Quoted by: >>23505327

shu HATES todd
just like me! frfr

>> No.23505231

>Selen worked hard for months to grow the branch's momentum
Spot the fagoon

>> No.23505230
File: 41 KB, 393x441, 1649435475165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recent indie graduation tips? who's /in/??

>> No.23505232

My favorites left :(

>> No.23505239
Quoted by: >>23505255

>actually doing his reps despite hating it

>> No.23505240

why is this awkward all of a sudden...

>> No.23505244

I mean...do you want the real answer or..
Ironically enough, the people who speculate using common sense (3-4 people taking a break the SAME week) tend to end up right more oftan than not when they aren't being retarded (meeting up to have sex!)

>> No.23505245

He knew too much.

>> No.23505248

Oh right I forgot about her teasing it near the end of the Minecraft stream kek

>> No.23505251

Why didn't Shu just made a normal totsu? Or at least picked a game with without a player limit?

>> No.23505255

it's for the gains you have to understand

>> No.23505258

We don't know shit about why the outfits haven't come yet. Why not wait and see what happens before jumping to conclusions.

>> No.23505265

i still love that shu is still throwing shade at Finana. it's so unexpected but it hits so much of a punch.

>> No.23505268

Fuuchan awkwardly offering to leave so Ike can play...

>> No.23505273

He is still streaming his court case anon but he said they‘ll be done soon so maybe he can hop on afterwards

>> No.23505276

@ me when Ike and Luca join next game

>> No.23505279

I'm finna boutta unleash a male wave between your legs

>> No.23505285


>> No.23505290

Maybe they’ll let Chimon out of the basement now

>> No.23505292

It's Luca.
Don't @ me

>> No.23505294

>Makes fun of brotuber concept.
>Makes brotuber sound infinitely more appealing than most of NijiEN's talent in the process.
Do sisters really?

>> No.23505297


>> No.23505299

I mean that was basically what happened with the Pomu-Finana offcollab

>> No.23505301
Quoted by: >>23505479

hes gonna have a totsu later, its a scuffed stream

>> No.23505307
File: 1.00 MB, 744x869, 1638145712657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505310
Quoted by: >>23505408

you could just watch the guys in the hypothetical mixed wave you know

>> No.23505312
Quoted by: >>23505372

actually this could be a good idea, instead of pairing with friends they get paired up with people they almost never talked with

>> No.23505319
Quoted by: >>23505348

many such cases

>> No.23505322

>t. butthurt threadwatcher
It's ok anon, you don't watch streams so you've never heard them say how hard Petra, Ike, Shu and Selen work behind the scenes.

>> No.23505325
File: 228 KB, 564x444, 1646808444266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505327

extremely unbased anon

>> No.23505336
File: 31 KB, 615x615, 1649810163558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23505342

>shu doxxing Luca

>> No.23505346

Truth is the femanons just projected their dads and boyfriends into Todd and unwillingly fell in love with the idea.

>> No.23505348
Quoted by: >>23505444

Todd is dogshit and Im glad he will never be a thing

>> No.23505368

Anon, that was a joke

>> No.23505371
Quoted by: >>23505416

Why the fuck did Shu have one of his planned scuffed collabs in the middle of his birthday stream?

>> No.23505372

shit you're right, that could honestly be a lot of fun especially if they make it like a team-building exercise kind of thing... now I'm depressed because this will never happen...

>> No.23505388


>> No.23505401
Quoted by: >>23505480

I can make fun of actual brotuber begging faggots, and contribute to toddposting greentexts.
the only thing is I keep imagining him looking like Bethesda Todd

>> No.23505408

NTA but nah, just toss another 4-5 males at us. Mixed waves could probably fail because the girls are, sadly, the under performers compared to the boys now. And as a business, what would you focus on?

>> No.23505416
Quoted by: >>23505504

pretty sure he was relying on pomu and vox to carry most of it but they left

>> No.23505419

Rosemi and Sonny would have been a kino team.

>> No.23505420
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 1644598952423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505433

moenaomii a femboy vtuber graduated recently.

>> No.23505442
File: 32 KB, 824x132, 1650867484110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505444
Quoted by: >>23505493

>he doesnt know

>> No.23505445


>> No.23505454

Imagine if Shu made everyone play Pogostuck

>> No.23505453

don't try and play businessman when the japanese branch's most successful are males too and they still get female and mixed waves

>> No.23505460

anyone knows who's the traitor this round?

>> No.23505466

I just realized that even If i get my wave 6 brown loli, she will eventually suffer the same fate as my nijien oshi... she will collab with the boring homos from noctyx...

>> No.23505477

If we actually get another all male wave instead of a mixed wave I'm boycotting all the males until they release a female wave.
It's been over 6 months since Ethyria GIVE ME CUTE GIRLS NOOR

>> No.23505478
File: 21 KB, 339x147, Screenshot (4722).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505479
Quoted by: >>23505529

so this one isnt totsu? how many totsus hes gonna have?

>> No.23505480
Quoted by: >>23505633

>make fun of brotuber beggars by giving them what they want and having fun with them
cute...? shitty and bitchy female anon cute...?

>> No.23505487
File: 21 KB, 338x358, 4f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate all of you

>> No.23505490
Quoted by: >>23505586

yeah, shu really poorly planned this out. he went directly into collab instead of giving time for people to totsu and then go into collab (like what vox did).
furthermore, it's weird because it's not even his birthday and there's gonna be a stream tomorrow anyway for his birthday, so it's like is this the true totsu or not?
it felt such a shame that mysta and ike had to leave early because they felt a bit awkward not playing the game and don't want to be just lying around. if shu delayed the gaming section for at least another hour we could've had more luxiem kino and some more rare shu mysta interactions.

>> No.23505493

Todd WILL get into NijiEN and fuck your oshi male (no homo) or female

>> No.23505504

Nah Vox didn't even know it was going on. He was doing one of the Fulgur/Pomu/Finana/Fulgur/Alban type big collab and choose to do it in the middle of his birthday stream.

>> No.23505509


>> No.23505516

Oh that person. He(?) was actually a pretty good artist

>> No.23505521
File: 589 KB, 1704x2048, 6b1d2411c2fa49a0879734c67707d578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't all of you already have an oshi?
Why do you want a new wave so badly?

>> No.23505529

he planned this collab, he just expected vox and pomu to be there then they left.

>> No.23505528


>> No.23505546

I have an Oshi in every wave anon and I want more Oshis

>> No.23505552

anon you should know by now people here are a bunch of ADHD WHORES

>> No.23505555

In vtubers more is better

>> No.23505559

I’m tired of my oshi. I need a new shiny one

>> No.23505560

checked and based

>> No.23505564

Moe is a male who prefers to be considered as such, not a femboy. He just has voice acting ability, the only reason people cared for him to begin with, since he rode in on Gura's coattails like Shartemis, only actually did shit.

>> No.23505566
File: 117 KB, 300x293, 1651451979028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We toddposting now? NijiEn is a crazy fucking place bro

>> No.23505569
File: 335 KB, 2047x1776, 1651442330003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont want a new wave.

>> No.23505572

Nta but
Even if you're not a dragoon, which I'm not, you can't deny that selen probably did the most amount of heavy lifting. She constantly shilled the en branch to other people by collabing with members of the other branches which drew some of their audience in here most likely.
It wasn't until post ethyria that most members of en started to accept that maybe it was okay to accept JP invites from time to time but Selen was already inviting JP KR and ID members to collab with her along with popular twitch streamers.
She also was responsible for nearly the entirety of the VR stuff that we saw.

Selen kinda did a lot more work than a lot of people give her credit for. Especially since it was around that time that people started the

>> No.23505574


>> No.23505575
File: 780 KB, 1500x1080, 1639452892406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is full of poly sluts

>> No.23505583
Quoted by: >>23505706

people drop their old oshis the instant a new wave is announced

>> No.23505586

or could just do the birthay only stream
the countdown should have happened like 1hrs before the time with only him talking and maybe singing some nijisongs and then have the real birthday tomorrow.

>> No.23505588
Quoted by: >>23505662

Only Pomu was in the planned collab. This was supposed to be the usual clique +Noctyx collab for some reason in the middle of a totsu so people would have to get kicked out.

>> No.23505599

I miss Rosemi's rivalry with Todd, that was one of her better arcs

>> No.23505604
Quoted by: >>23505687

the nijisanji mindset has truly infected us now... we've accelerated too far bros...

>> No.23505615
Quoted by: >>23505745

So he was actually born male?

>> No.23505622
File: 292 KB, 657x462, ShuShake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505690

>> No.23505627
File: 1.08 MB, 3000x4000, 1621977492791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23505691

Did Pomu and Rosemi-sama join already?

>> No.23505633

I can have fun with words while knowing that no male here will watch a male vtuber. You all yap like dogs when actual 'brotubers' exist but you'd rather watch our guys and bitch all day in here about how they're not bro enough

>> No.23505634

Vox reappeared in the vc again for a second

>> No.23505636

pomu was expected to be there, but vox wasn't. he was just a last moment fill-in (like directly when he joined the call Shu recruited him) for Finana because Shu fully expected that she wouldn't wake up in time, which actually did end up happening

>> No.23505635
Quoted by: >>23506187


>> No.23505639

>Shu collecting berries to make a pie
truly my malewife...

>> No.23505644
Quoted by: >>23505675

noctyx is boring

>> No.23505654

I'm fucking sick and tired of you fucks acting like Luxiem/Noctyx success is due to them being some god prodigy vtubers. The real red pill to swallow is that they are only as popular as they are BECAUSE and ONLY BECAUSE they tapped into a new market, and that is the bug people, unironic homos, and fujos.
Think about this simple fact the next time you start talking shit about Lazulight and Obsydia, don't put down the girls because they had to compete against literally every other vtuber indie and corpo vtuber on the planet. There would be no luxiem/noctyx if lazulight/obsydia didn't pull their own weight, the managers would have ditched the whole english nijisanji vtubers concept if Elira, Finana and Pomu flopped. I hate you ungrateful fucks .

>> No.23505662
Quoted by: >>23505715

this entire totsu section makes no sense then

>> No.23505675

… b-but my depressed unity wave

>> No.23505687

its all according to riku tazumi's plans

>> No.23505688

>Todd thinks Skyrim was the best Elder Scrolls game because it has the least amount of fantasy and isn't nerd shit
Coincidentally he also likes Fallout 76 because theres no Roleplay just shooting

>> No.23505690

Who made this gif. Poor child

>> No.23505691

Pomu did and then left with Vox like 20 minutes later.

>> No.23505698

new pasta dropped use it wisely

>> No.23505706
Quoted by: >>23505793

EN viewers do, you mean. There's a reason why JP viewers and even vtubers ask why "foreign/overseas fans" jump between girls so much. There's niggas in JP who's oshi debut'd in 2016 - 2018 that's still their oshi even when they graduated/stopped vtubing.

>> No.23505711

this copypasta shitpost again

>> No.23505716
File: 77 KB, 1894x208, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click this

>> No.23505715
Quoted by: >>23505870

I don't know why Shu needed to put his collab clique autism into his birthday stream. Did he think no one would come?

>> No.23505731
File: 90 KB, 854x1062, 1623481792106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505742

It's true, but no use trying to convince the sisters

>> No.23505745
Quoted by: >>23505825


>> No.23505755

Based and truthpilled.

>> No.23505761

This was a great stream. I hope the ENs do something similar

>> No.23505769

anon take your meds no one here was saying shit about the girls while lifting up the guys or whatever you are implying
the femanons here get such a bad rep but all of you guys are about twice as autistic about your waifus

also you are absolutely not wrong and we are all aware most of the guys success comes from their novelty, doesnt change that they are still enjoyable to watch now get lost

>> No.23505773

There was also a semi popular Indonesian vtuber who graduated recently as well. I don't remember their name personally but they spoke English mainly and with the ID branch no longer being a thing, there's a good chance we'll see them in EN.
If I'm being honest with you, as much as anons would absolutely throw a fit, Mika, Hana, Bobon, Hyona and a few others who I'm probably forgetting. All would be fairly successful in EN

>> No.23505777

I've seen no proof that he's actually male. That is not a voice a biological male can pull off.

>> No.23505778

>and then left with Vox like 20 minutes later.
Uhhh pomucorns??????????????????

>> No.23505789

Todd posting genuinely hurts...
because my name was Todd and I acted exactly like this until I was 25, realized nobody liked me, I had minimal education, and was going nowhere fast

>> No.23505793
Quoted by: >>23505890

i dont know why, you can have multiple oshis cant you without dropping one for another

>> No.23505801


>> No.23505805

Please give me a good female streamer or maybe a bro streamer in JP primetime...

>> No.23505806
File: 897 KB, 3035x2150, FL9QGtyVIAAf_fA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox and Pomu are fucking

>> No.23505809
Quoted by: >>23506031

i dont care if its pasta the boys were the ones that reached that market is entirely their own work that made the girls incline. People should be more thankful to them

>> No.23505816

voice changer

>> No.23505824

I'm tired of fucking you like Luxiem/Noctyx is getting success, because you're some baby uterine prodigy. The real red pill to swallow is that they are popular because and only because they entered a new market and bug people, SLR gays and fujos.
Next time you're starting to talk about Lazulight and Obsydia, think about this simple fact and don't despise these girls because they compete with almost every other indie baby and body on the planet. If the slothful/self-reliant guards are not, there will be no daylight; I hate you ungrateful bastards.

>> No.23505825

How do you know

>> No.23505827

Sorry I forgot no one is allowed to praise their oshis in here.

>> No.23505833

Doesn't sound like a voice changer to me.

>> No.23505836
Quoted by: >>23505922

why didn't you tell me that pentomos werr this cute...

>> No.23505840


>> No.23505841

Todd you can become our actual Todd and be the Todd you were always meant to be

>> No.23505843

future Todd...

>> No.23505868
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, yugo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be going full schizophrenic but I can't take it anymore so I have to ask, am I the only one who sees the WTC burning in Yugo's eye?

>> No.23505869
Quoted by: >>23506057

>That is not a voice a biological male can pull off.
I have only watched a little when I heard about the graduation but it sounds like a voice changer to me. The mannerisms/inflection feel distinctly like female socialization though.

>> No.23505870

My wife is introverted and said before that he doesn’t like hosting totsus….

>> No.23505872

ehh too ESL

>> No.23505879

they’re gone already, none left at this point

>> No.23505882

>Project Winter
>1 POV

>> No.23505888

this game sucks

>> No.23505890

You can support multiple, but idol culture runs stronger there, so 'oshi'/'kamioshi' is seen more as your "number 1" and you likely wear her mark somewhere.

>> No.23505900
File: 75 KB, 592x560, 1648103724412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23505898
Quoted by: >>23505964


luxiem is just male hololive, noctyx is male council

>> No.23505920


>> No.23505922
File: 285 KB, 838x939, 1645740891450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think we rape them all the time?

>> No.23505933

nina is streaming her POV in twitch

>> No.23505941

i don't

>> No.23505946

This was supposed to be the big group collab last week but Shu decided to do it in his birthday stream so we get 1 POV (plus Nina)

>> No.23505949

literally who?

>> No.23505956

youre gonna start the yugo did 9/11 rrats

>> No.23505960

>my name was Todd

>> No.23505964

>male hololive
>male council
anon? did myth slipped your mind ?

>> No.23505966

>Project Winter
>1 POV

>> No.23505970
Quoted by: >>23506029

>birthday stream

>> No.23505979

so only one pov

>> No.23505985

holy shit

>> No.23505986

i meant "is"

>> No.23505993

He used to be Todd, but now his name is anon

>> No.23505997


>> No.23506009


>> No.23506010

this shit is genuinely so cringe this makes me feel like chuba fandom is like the fucking kpop shit i was into 10 years ago
just watch and fantasize about all of them and reap the benefits (or at least a few)

>> No.23506016
Quoted by: >>23506168

the way alban yells fuuchan's name is so good

>> No.23506029

>birthday stream
>decide to play project winter
is still stupid

>> No.23506031
Quoted by: >>23506084

I am as someone who has my oshi in Ethyria. Still I fear that NijiEN outside Luxiem will be encouraged (coerced or forced) to stream in Bilibili and then get fired just for a simple slip up that might upset the Chinese market.

>> No.23506041


>> No.23506050

I aint watching that leech cuh

>> No.23506057

This is the sound of a female putting on a deep voice

>> No.23506062
Quoted by: >>23506155

poor job trying to devalue the original post by ESL-ifying it

>> No.23506068

Kill yourself then. This is vtubing from a Japanese company, not twitch where people hate weebs.

>> No.23506069

Timestamp on Pomu almost leaking something when someone brought up job interviews

>> No.23506080
Quoted by: >>23506134

Shuca died….

>> No.23506084

the girls are smarter than the boys, they will stay away from there.

>> No.23506097
File: 95 KB, 1157x772, 1633582410470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Shu and Luca

>> No.23506101
Quoted by: >>23506173

the idol company normalized idol culture in vtubing and we just have to live with it

>> No.23506105
File: 91 KB, 900x900, 1619989807102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506109

I want to watch my oshi but I hate listening to big collabs, someone’s always screaming unnecessarily and half of them don’t know how to play. Hopefully this one is better as it goes but I’m going to catch up on sleep reps for now.

>> No.23506112

>Shu and Luca died together

>> No.23506114


>> No.23506128

i just call them my oshis and my number one as my kamioshi

>> No.23506134

Shu deciding to die in the snowstorm with Luca

>> No.23506140


>> No.23506147

holy shit #ISREAL

>> No.23506150


>> No.23506152

yeah i have been watching big collabs less and less becasue of that.

>> No.23506155

Terrible job of trying to evaluate original posts by eslizing them

>> No.23506163

What about the vtubers have no borders event where only vtubers with connections to china or are friendly towards them were invited to the event like Lazulight?

>> No.23506161
Quoted by: >>23506224

>you guys will know soon
>related to job interviews
Yeah, it's a new wave.

>> No.23506165
Quoted by: >>23506257

kani made it in! KANI LOVE!

>> No.23506166


>> No.23506168


>> No.23506172
File: 483 KB, 540x503, 1627607669313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506173

People use oshi for things outside of idol-dom before vtubers even existed and Nijisanji has its fair share of idols. Not saying EN are idols but you have to be retardedly new to blame Hololive

>> No.23506182

just a fat woman putting up a voice ew

>> No.23506186
File: 37 KB, 683x660, 1650590527613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the term oshi ironically

e.g. Chef Gordon Ramsay is my oshi
Guy Fieri is my oshi
Jamie Oliver isn't my oshi

>> No.23506187

How so? Selen to date has the most amount of collabs with other branches despite not being fluent in any language.
She also did pay for the Nijiexpress entirely out of pocket with tournament winnings and birthday supas.
I love elira, pomu, Finana, Petra and Rosemi but none of them have done any sort of big projects to get the branch out there.

>> No.23506192

I can 100% see the moment of impact in Yugos eyes
I cant tell if you edited it, but if not it needs an edit cause thats fucking funny

>> No.23506194
File: 453 KB, 457x568, 1623130336896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu and Vox are the ones doing the interview
I would pass out

>> No.23506200
File: 139 KB, 308x348, Accelerate it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows too much.
Accelerate the next wave and then kill him.

>> No.23506203

whats with this silence that keeps coming up, its unlike nijien's usual big totsu/collab

>> No.23506216

this is so awkward i'm cringing

>> No.23506218

pomu back

>> No.23506222


>> No.23506224
Quoted by: >>23506268

>vox and pomu were just taken away because of staff
wait, so the next hosts are gonna be vox and pomu?

>> No.23506239


>> No.23506248
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x1080, 1644615761346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506306

They should've played gartic phone

>> No.23506252
Quoted by: >>23506367

Don’t they have to press a button to talk

>> No.23506255
Quoted by: >>23506367

Pomu and Vox aren't there so they have noone good at keeping dead air to minimum.

>> No.23506257
Quoted by: >>23506316

Kani would've announced her graduation by now if she were to debut next week

>> No.23506265
Quoted by: >>23506296

..is vox coming back then?

>> No.23506268

yo that'd be amazing.

>> No.23506273

same. i prefer smaller groups

>> No.23506277

rip ike

>> No.23506281

there is nothing to talk about
most of these poeple live streaming and have no irl stories to tell of have told them already.

>> No.23506296
Quoted by: >>23506369

No there isn't enough room because they are playing Project Winter for some reason.

>> No.23506307
File: 773 KB, 635x635, 1645893126590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506329

My oshi is Anonymous
They're pretty cool...

>> No.23506306

I don't know why they never want to play that game. It's so kino

>> No.23506316

FuuchanPL did not graduate.

>> No.23506330

>as if we didn't already know about this before

>> No.23506329

i love you wholesome dragoon

>> No.23506331

im so confused so he has people playing one game then leave?

>> No.23506353
Quoted by: >>23506401

Games like this just aren't the same without Enna fucking bitch whining

>> No.23506354

No hes kicking people out that weren't in the scheduled collab. F for Ike/Luca/Vox. Would have been nice to have Luxiem kino.

>> No.23506362

I wish, that way we wouldn't have to suffer the leechwhore's presence...

>> No.23506367
Quoted by: >>23506406

not in the lobby
usually fulgur, alban, and nina can carry the convo. but it is shu's bday otsu+collab

>> No.23506369
File: 21 KB, 379x379, 1649864816991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506440

shu.. my man.. why tf did he choose this game

>> No.23506382

This is the weirdest collab of all time

>> No.23506399
Quoted by: >>23506442

Just wait for the Valorant kino

>> No.23506401
File: 451 KB, 557x621, 1639397667683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506462


>> No.23506406

>usually fulgur, alban, and nina can carry the convo.
You mean they talk over the others.

>> No.23506418

>Mysta, Luca, Ike and Vox all available and could be in totsu
>kicked out because Shu has to do a stupid clique collab

>> No.23506425
Quoted by: >>23506568

did he just leave his channel without any updates or put something like he has hiatus on his description?

>> No.23506426

shu hates luxiem...

>> No.23506427
Quoted by: >>23506512

did yugo stop pretending to be a guy ? her voice in this stream is really different

>> No.23506437

only nina does that

>> No.23506438

Mysta left because it was 1am for him, not because of the game.

>> No.23506440
Quoted by: >>23506470

Fulgur want to play this game

>> No.23506442
Quoted by: >>23506746

Does he have a detailed time table?

>> No.23506444

He did graduate, but it was last minute. There could be people like him

>> No.23506452
Quoted by: >>23506485

shouldve played gartic phone...

>> No.23506453
File: 393 KB, 1125x1335, 44EDB1DC-0E71-4E09-A5C1-66DFB04D189A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506566

they are chasing aruban
hes gonna get raped

>> No.23506458

you know there's an actual scheduled totsu time later, right

>> No.23506462
File: 1.08 MB, 520x293, 1638332983417.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her already...

>> No.23506460
Quoted by: >>23506670

>It wasn't until post ethyria that most members of en started to accept that maybe it was okay to accept JP invites from time to time but Selen was already inviting JP KR and ID members to collab with her
Imagine being full of this much shit.
Elira was already doing a bunch of KR collabs, and Petra was already doing stuff with ID and JP.
The ones that weren't doing those kinds of collabs frequently? Like Pomu or Rosemi? Still doing them at the same frequency that they've always done it.
You're either new as fuck and didn't watch NijiEN back then, or you're outright fucking dumb.

>> No.23506470

Why is it in the middle of Shus birthday stream?

>> No.23506476
Quoted by: >>23506520

jesus christ pomu is annoying

>> No.23506484
Quoted by: >>23506642

The announcement is a new wave debut, not a new outfit of OBSYDIA? Damn it fuck you noor you bitch

>> No.23506485

He's planning to play multiple games. Maybe gartic would be a good idea indeed

>> No.23506490

Oh shit, Ike's cover in two days

>> No.23506496
Quoted by: >>23506542

anon your clique reps

>> No.23506510
Quoted by: >>23506672

Mysta went to sleep
Luca left because he had to do something
Vox left because a meeting he had (left with Pomu and he is returning, the game has an 8 players cap)
Ike idk, he just left

>> No.23506511
Quoted by: >>23506731

Does anyone have that edit of Shu with the pregnant wife, beautiful castle tweet? I can't find it

>> No.23506512

he's ovulating

>> No.23506513


>> No.23506516

Pomu is streaming on bilibili on saturday

>> No.23506520
Quoted by: >>23506627

honeyshart projecting

>> No.23506531
Quoted by: >>23506743

>todd posting
>youtube recommends me this video:

kek, sometimes the NSA is alright.

>> No.23506542

What do you mean? These are the same people in all the big streams.

>> No.23506545
Quoted by: >>23507109

you lying

>> No.23506547
Quoted by: >>23507433

I don't think the boys really got a chance to say "no" it was a management decision

>> No.23506557

at least they can make the convo and mood fun, shu's barely doing it

>> No.23506566
File: 809 KB, 2500x2000, 1646009084268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506568

not sure wtf this anon is smoking but legit Cu's last stream is "The Final Time. 2ha Readthrough concludes" and he ends his stream with the Elvis Pressly song "Can't Help Falling in Love"

>> No.23506577

Finana screaming like she’s about to die over in-game moose…

>> No.23506581
File: 59 KB, 435x525, 1650696644503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is giving me deja vu of tora's graduation stream

>> No.23506597

fucking bitch **na ruins everything again leech bitch

>> No.23506600

its still an enjoyable collab to watch, dont be doomposters

>> No.23506608

Only that it's Nina's and Alban's fault the others don't talk much. They're making every collab they're in awkward as fuck.-

>> No.23506618

thats why he likes it

>> No.23506620

Enna is not even in the collab...

>> No.23506624


>> No.23506627
Quoted by: >>23506703

nina's annoying too. finana too. i'm just sick of people screaming.

>> No.23506629
File: 81 KB, 381x300, FPJlPykagAEm0LJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking refuge under the edge of a mountain as the blistering winter wind rages around them, squinting against the tiny flecks of snow assaulting their faces as they press against the equally cold stone wall, the world outside them being reduced to only a few feet around them, Shu being the only thing Luca can see and Luca being the only thing Shu can see... After they catch their breath enough to speak, Luca cracks a joke about how if they don't make it, Shu can eat his body for sustenance, you know, like in those movies, but instead of laughing along to his dark joke, Shu silently wraps his arms around Luca's bundled body and presses his face into his chest... With the blizzard howling around them, it was almost too hard to make out the muttered words of "I don't want to die"... Whether it was from fear of their situation finally settling in, or the unrelenting freezing winds, Shu's knees buckled and Luca could only kneel down into the snow bank with him, clutching onto each other, as if Shu was his only tangible anchor to this Earth.

>> No.23506631

ayo don't do this bro

>> No.23506642
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 1626991295656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507213

Rosemi's mama is AWOL

>> No.23506651

How are they in any way similar? Nina talks 24/7 while Alban mostly laughs or reacts to other peoples statements

>> No.23506650

why does pomu always metagame (looking at chat, sussing impostors in other members chats, etc)

>> No.23506666
Quoted by: >>23506716

This is a pretty weirdly organized birthday stream

>> No.23506670

I remember Elira collabing with seffyna but not really anyone else and I don't think Petra collabed with JP pre ethyria. She did collab with Amicia two times I think? I honestly forgot about them because they were so low energy that I completely spaced them. They both got under 1k views iirc

>> No.23506672
Quoted by: >>23506729

>Luca left because he had to do something
That was a graceful way of leaving so Pomu could play

>> No.23506676


>> No.23506679


>> No.23506683

Because fuck you that's why :)

>> No.23506688
Quoted by: >>23507334

Selen's Apex shilling did nothing for the branch. It boosted her numbers and nobody else's. That much is demonstrable. EN was also already getting Twitch collabs without Selen being in the picture. She doesn't even signal boost EN projects or the like.
She never carried the branch at all. Not even close.

>> No.23506699
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1650254600563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is good

>> No.23506703
Quoted by: >>23506779

was gonna post the same thing why the fuck are women screaming so fucking annoying i dont wanna be that girl but jesus christ i am happy my voice isnt as high pitched as theirs

>> No.23506705

It's a little bit funny how a significant portion of the Hololive fanbase hates males and that's usually considered troon behaviour but Nijisanji has three major talents (one graduating) who exhibit troon logic and yet they don't exhibit troon exclusive behaviour. Just found that funny.

>> No.23506710
Quoted by: >>23506735

>why does *wild claim*
Because your dad touched you at night

>> No.23506711

selen made nijiexpress because she likes the idea, and not because she wants this to be a unity project for nijien
she doesn't even do vr collab that often
it's just her personal project that she shares with some of the en members

>> No.23506715
Quoted by: >>23506766

>They're making every collab they're in awkward as fuck
try taking alban and nina out of this collab rn, we'll be stuck with barely anyone talking

>> No.23506716
Quoted by: >>23506808

Shu was clearly not thinking of it as a birthday stream but a normal scheduled collab because hes kind of stupid.

>> No.23506723

>I don't think Petra collabed with JP pre ethyria

>> No.23506729


>> No.23506731
File: 483 KB, 719x722, 1643136798282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506769


>> No.23506735
Quoted by: >>23506866


>> No.23506739

Check it out, he's already moving goal posts

>> No.23506743


>> No.23506746
File: 7 KB, 389x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506790

valo collab isn't even today, it's tomorrow and it's his final stream before break.
curious on this mix though because shu obviously has dismissed gumi's advances, and most likely selen, fulgur, and shu are all gonna cheerleader / baby Rosemi

>> No.23506764

They should've played Pogostuck instead...

>> No.23506766

Which would make the collab infinitely better

>> No.23506769
Quoted by: >>23506932

Thank you. I can relax. I am blowing you a kiss.

>> No.23506772
Quoted by: >>23506798

Can you guys shut the fuck up and play nice for once it's Shu's birthday...

>> No.23506779
Quoted by: >>23506814

i cant stand the fucking high pitched squeak screaming it hurts my ears

>> No.23506783
File: 210 KB, 512x512, 1650096353021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506910

yooo wtf dont do this to me right now
can you.. write the whole thing please

>> No.23506785

don't even joke about it

>> No.23506790
Quoted by: >>23506817

>plans two collabs around his birthday that purposefully exclude Luxiem
Thanks Shu

>> No.23506798

isnt it technically tomorrow

>> No.23506800

This game is kinda sus

>> No.23506805


>> No.23506808
Quoted by: >>23506872

based on his title video and schedule, seems like he has different birthday stream

>> No.23506810

Definitely a newfag

>> No.23506814
Quoted by: >>23506880

projecting fujoshite

>> No.23506817 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23506908

Should’ve never treated him as a middle child during their first month.

>> No.23506818 [DELETED] 

>play pogostuck
>everyone enjoys it and has fun when Petra isn't there
how depressed do you think she'd be?

>> No.23506825

watches a collab and doesnt want people to talk, cant tell if autistic or troll

>> No.23506827
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1649861323800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to take your meds retard

>> No.23506835
File: 461 KB, 629x719, 1635956794251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23506866

>noooo you MUST reply to me
Thanks for the (You), faggot.

>> No.23506839

Yugo is laughing like a maniac after killing a moose

>> No.23506838

Yugo is unhinged...

>> No.23506841

Bros I can't take it anymore. go on without me. see you for the birthday stream

>> No.23506848

She'd probably kill herself.

>> No.23506861

Did you guys know they all have push to talk and proximity chat on

>> No.23506863
File: 23 KB, 314x314, 1647798276282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yugo is fucking crazy

>> No.23506866


>> No.23506869

>Yeah I ate Pomu's heart
in the most calm tone ever, wtf reimu

>> No.23506872

Seems so, but he should have titled this Project Winter or something instead of Birthday Countdown because its clear people went in thinking it was a birthday totsu and he had to awkwardly kick them out.

>> No.23506878

Yugo is so bad I love it

>> No.23506880
Quoted by: >>23506920

nta but finana and ninas high pitched screaming activates all of my fight or flight responses i could not stand having to play games with them and im happy i never will

>> No.23506884

Shut up Petra

>> No.23506885

Reimu ate Pomu's cooked heart

>> No.23506894

I think Elira collabed with Ban Hada in the first month they were able to collab outside of the branch. Then there was that world collab with Gartic phone, then there was Hana, Hada and that blue ID girl I forget the name of playing Mahjong, then Hada and Elira playing with I think Siska in Apex and Elira had that collab with Mayuzumi and Chigusa in it too.

>> No.23506899

I was told to go back to readit, how do I do that if no one posts there :(

Its very comfy here anyways I love Elira!

>> No.23506901
Quoted by: >>23506933

Pretty sure that game has been internally blacklisted

>> No.23506908

he treated himself that way, first month shu was bad but hes gotten better

>> No.23506910
Quoted by: >>23507057

I don't know how to begin or end fanfics and I'm kind of not coping with Elira vacation so no sorry...

>> No.23506913
Quoted by: >>23506957

suicide tier

>> No.23506914

>yugo doesn't ruin the collab
jops btfo

>> No.23506920

More like noone would ever want to play with you KEK

>> No.23506932
File: 60 KB, 240x240, 1649992783985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O-oh, thank you

>> No.23506933


>> No.23506951

re-enter pogdog

>> No.23506957
Quoted by: >>23507052

are you projecting?

>> No.23506958

Where can I go see this leaked practice debut stream?

>> No.23506969

>there are people defending Nina's screaming in here
What thread did I stumble into?

>> No.23506971
Quoted by: >>23507076

shu please let luca back in

>> No.23506982

wait wha streams is everne wating?222a8 whichh chanl?

>> No.23506985

I wish they played Worms instead...

>> No.23506986

SEA hours ended a while back KEKW

>> No.23506995
Quoted by: >>23507027

at least they didn't play the pogo game

>> No.23507002

thread is full of femcels right now

>> No.23507004
Quoted by: >>23507092

I would play with anon. I find them annoying too.

>> No.23507005
Quoted by: >>23507044

the maleanons are ovulating

>> No.23507012
Quoted by: >>23507462

archive reps. someone posted streamlab link for idk how many times

>> No.23507023

I wish they could play something everyone could join in on...

>> No.23507027

>people actually want the pogo game
im gonna guess is ironic humor

>> No.23507031
Quoted by: >>23507075

Is that Luca Kaneshiro? That nigga has been on my mind. No pog, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Brick Town Hotel. That shit had to be the tightest, pogest, wettest boy pussy I’ve ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy’s nuts while going fist deep into his bussy. I had Luca Kaneshiro poging in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Luca Kaneshiro and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for donations. If you’re gonna ask me how to “fuck” Luca Kaneshiro, I’ll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn’t play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. White skin, 8’6 is the minimum and I ain’t talking about height boy. That nigga Luca Kaneshiro stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.23507030

you good?

>> No.23507034

Frankly, I'm surprised you were able to enter the captcha

>> No.23507044

why don't femcels just be happy for once in their lives...?

why don't male anons just have sex?

>> No.23507051

we are literally the ones posting about nina being a useless screeching hag anon

>> No.23507052


>> No.23507056
Quoted by: >>23507239

I mean that kind of happened in the collab where you had Elira, Nina and Vox or Selen, Shu and Reimu. Pretty much random teams

>> No.23507057
Quoted by: >>23507103

stay strong pal, we have to be grateful it wont be 3 weeks

>> No.23507060
File: 564 KB, 3424x2856, 1629521523194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh. You don't have wood?
fucking hell Finana stop being horny

>> No.23507061

Worms is boring to watch, only reason that collab is highly regarded is because of the chuubas involved

>> No.23507065

Is this true?

>> No.23507071

drunk pentomo... please don't kill your liver while your liver is on break...

>> No.23507076

>fulgur: i can leave so others can play
>luca: i-i can leave too if they wanna play

>> No.23507075

>get on ya knees
so you sucked his dick too?

>> No.23507078

Yugo is like a little kid showing his mom gifts with Shu

>> No.23507080
Quoted by: >>23507165

i don't watch yugo exept in collabs and every time i see him he improve quite a bit i kind of understand what he says now and i don't have to transcript it and have some funny moment too

>> No.23507092
Quoted by: >>23507117

thank you sister
we shall have calm and screeching-free gameplay

>> No.23507096

Yugo sounds extra cute today..

>> No.23507098
Quoted by: >>23507136

Sweet boys.

>> No.23507103
Quoted by: >>23507176

But I love Enna too and watch her when Shu or Alban aren't on so I am doubly not coping...

>> No.23507108
File: 28 KB, 206x249, 1635732524826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507109

Did she really say it?

>> No.23507114

Wtf is wrong with Finana's and Pomu's mics? they both sound ear-grating

>> No.23507117
Quoted by: >>23507190

>calm and screeching-free gameplay

>> No.23507136

sweet boys that don't wanna play project winter

>> No.23507144
Quoted by: >>23507201


>> No.23507165
Quoted by: >>23507366

For some reason I’ve never had a problem understanding Yugo aside from when he has his Jap ESLisms like the Sonny bitch thing the other day (I think he was trying to say Sonny acts like a whore for Uki and Alban)

>> No.23507168
File: 97 KB, 315x363, 1627526343166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507170

Fulgur loves this game though

>> No.23507176

oh fuck, im sorry
may todd be with you

>> No.23507177

Aloucreeps, I've started ovulating. My cycle is synced with Enna's, so that means she's ovulating right now too. Do with this information what you will.

>> No.23507184

luca back

>> No.23507186

I think they do, but they know there aren't enough slots for everyone to play.

>> No.23507188

why only luca's fugi different?
also i just realized when mysta asks shu what ice cream he likes and shu answers ice cream cake and that's what luca had for valentine stream and his birthday..

Shu is really crushing on Luca.

>> No.23507190

you underestimate us on /here/ i sound like an actual milf hag because i smoke a pack a day so youll get no high pitched banshee nina noises from me

>> No.23507192
Quoted by: >>23507260

Vox didn’t join bitchboy

>> No.23507201
Quoted by: >>23507223


>> No.23507213
File: 2.12 MB, 2560x3622, 35c3d531006c57e2207922eb988bb7f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oppai Gosuloli? Leave it to me

>> No.23507215

This is the worst birthday stream yet.

>> No.23507223
Quoted by: >>23507309


>> No.23507239

>talking about NijiAnswer
reminds me, we never had a NijiEN wide collab with Noctyx in it despite having that huge meeting where everyone was crying like a month ago.

>> No.23507244
Quoted by: >>23507458

Holy keck I am not even an Aloucreep and I am also ovulating


>> No.23507251

He didn't set his fugi because he joined the vc after they started

>> No.23507253
File: 135 KB, 216x216, 1645389923121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507458

Enna ovulates around the 9th of every month, does it shift?
Thanks for the info though, I think it's hot that you're ovulating, if you were my wife I'd put a kid in you just for fun

>> No.23507257
File: 1.27 MB, 600x336, 1633727590045.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507277


>> No.23507258
Quoted by: >>23507277


>> No.23507260

Vox literally downloaded the game to play, but didn't come back after the meeting cause there wasn't room.

>> No.23507263

Yugo is fisting...

>> No.23507269
File: 11 KB, 720x720, 1643168320095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu's witch hag laugh is so perfect bros...

>> No.23507270
Quoted by: >>23507375

It isn't a birthday stream it's a badly timed collab

>> No.23507271

>now Alban doesn’t have to learn the game he can just screw around
Is Shu being passive aggressive again kek or am I autistic

>> No.23507276


>> No.23507278
File: 43 KB, 811x927, pogmu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its. Pogmu. For. Me.

>> No.23507277

pogmu mind

>> No.23507279
Quoted by: >>23507664

Petra had collab with Oliver and Mayuzumi pre ethyria.
Not that I disagree with you that Selen did that, but she pulled that down a lot lately in collabs with other branches, only coming back a bit with the minecraft tour stream. Petra has always been doing collabs with all other branches though, and she's the one who does it the most by far while still interacting with EN

>> No.23507284

Yugo erotic. I want to choke on his axe body spray sented manly vagina.

>> No.23507292

Shu is always passive aggressive its the Male Nip genes

>> No.23507300


>> No.23507305
File: 9 KB, 146x102, 1650312861485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507346

>> No.23507303

I imagined myself strangling Enna and started laughing really hard. She's so funny.

>> No.23507306
Quoted by: >>23507397


>> No.23507309
Quoted by: >>23507333


>> No.23507313


>> No.23507318

We probably will have one before the new wave comes

>> No.23507322
File: 268 KB, 1601x2130, 1621793505788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507383

he just wants to rape my sex cat. who wouldn't?

>> No.23507320

shu HATES alban

>> No.23507321
File: 296 KB, 2048x1127, 1632528584058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arknights shu

>> No.23507329
Quoted by: >>23507358

The joke is that Alban knows this game well and was pretending not to.

>> No.23507334
Quoted by: >>23507438

Here's what you're failing to understand, when a member of en has their numbers get larger after collabing with outside forces, it does mean that en got exposure to outside audiences. While it'd be nice if the others saw those numbers too, it's undeniable that even one person getting outside exposure means that at least a few more people are more aware of the existence of EN.
And as far as projects go, what projects have there been to shill? Cover songs and karaokes, shit half the girls don't even shill their own covers. When was the last time you heard Petra talk about the last cover she did, I get that the artist was a tracer but even then. Elira hasn't mentioned her cover since it came out, Millie and Enna don't need people to shill their covers, Identity is the biggest non Luxiem cover out there.
The only big project done by the en branch in recent memory is the NijiExpress which she shilled pretty heavily and paid for out of her pockets

>> No.23507333


>> No.23507340

ike's cover is in two days...

>> No.23507343
File: 239 KB, 303x315, 1646283206081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo you into impregnation play?

>> No.23507346

why can't i leave?

>> No.23507358

Oh okay

>> No.23507359

I keep having dreams of Luca getting raped in front of me while I'm tied up and unable to do anything or multiple Pomus holding me down and threatening him to Pomufy me if he resists sex and apparently it was Rosemi who drugged me and Luca because she was employed by Pomu and her payment was having her own Luca to play some Tekken, League, Yugioh and Rainbow 6S to play all day with because apparently her brother's dead and Luca's the replacement?
They were very strange dreams

>> No.23507366

either way he is improving and i find him less infuriating then before i wish him to stay on this path he also can be funny at times

>> No.23507372


>> No.23507375

>(Birthday Countdown pt. 2)

>> No.23507376

>disgusting bleeding creatures in the thread
this is literally why men are gay

>> No.23507383

OUR sexcat, we share around here, right?

>> No.23507386
Quoted by: >>23507452

Mind if I get a taste?

>> No.23507397
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, 1638389390291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swallow my cum

>> No.23507405

finana sounded like rosemi for a second

>> No.23507418
File: 332 KB, 400x432, 1650941731148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind fucking women but I can only date boys.

>> No.23507430
File: 131 KB, 227x222, 1622157419083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nina shitting on people on her chat going "lol pomu is tilted"


>> No.23507434

pomu is drunk

>> No.23507433

Ouch if true. This us why you don't pander to ccp

>> No.23507435

why are you gay anon

>> No.23507438
Quoted by: >>23507832

Only that NijiEN has been reclining between Obsydia's and Luxiem's debut. If it wasn't for the boys the decline would be such that Reimu's current numbers would look amazing instead of being runt of the litter.

>> No.23507440

Shu attacked Finana through the restroom door while she was pissing

>> No.23507452
Quoted by: >>23507500

she isnt bleeding yet. just extremely fertilr

>> No.23507458

I tend to find the onset has a wiggle room of a few days personally, not sure about anyone else, but it's generally consistent with Enna's so I try to keep the aloucreeps updated. I know the moment I start because I get a very distinct pain on one side. I know I'd want to know my oshi's menstrual cycle if he had one so I consider it a public service.

>> No.23507459

>Anon doesn't bleed

>> No.23507461

Bunker? I hardly even know 'er!
Kill me

>> No.23507462

I'm an idiot on mobile - is there a way to search the archive?

>> No.23507469

glad we can both agree on something for once

>> No.23507489
Quoted by: >>23507526

I am woman with bergina is does gross stuff give me (you).

do not give (you) you fucking idiot

>> No.23507490

start by going back xD

>> No.23507491

I'm pretty sure they don't even have a game to play
but who knows they might have a branchwide collab during the anniversary

>> No.23507493
Quoted by: >>23507525

Pomudachi I'm going to kys (kiss you softly)

>> No.23507499
File: 701 KB, 1383x775, 1650074535675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the boys did anything special that specifically caters to the chinese. The country (and asia in general) just happen to have a ton of fujoshi and they're a lot more open about it online than western fujos so they spread the word about them faster, thus making them more popular. Luxiem and even Noctyx would be just as popular in the west if western fujos weren't so repressed because of sjw culture, but no one /here/ knows about that because the majority of /vt/ doesn't even know what a fujoshi is or what it entails.

>> No.23507500

Right, so may I do a test run with you first?

>> No.23507508
File: 147 KB, 1080x1111, mint bruh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507509

honestly he said he had no idea about what to do about birthday stream so i expect nothing from him

>> No.23507512

EN never has been fast as JP. Idk why the fuck any of you believe in that when I brief research shows otherwise. JP debuted over 60 livers in 2018 and over 40 livers in 2019. No nijisanji branch including JP itself ever had this number of debuts, as jp slowed down after it.
EN debuts are much more similar to KR and ID which were about 2 months from each other.

>> No.23507525
File: 1.60 MB, 1322x889, 1651443056690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507562

B-But we're not even dating, Anon...

>> No.23507526
Quoted by: >>23507585

i am currently showing you my bleeding vagina anon and (you) cant stop me

>> No.23507533

Just search it...

>> No.23507536
Quoted by: >>23507586

>Idk why the fuck any of you believe in that
Because this thread is full of newfags, which would be fine if they didn't fucking lie all the time

>> No.23507553
Quoted by: >>23507640

>the majority of /vt/ doesn't even know what a fujoshi is or what it entails.
this never ceases to amaze me

>> No.23507562
Quoted by: >>23507631

We're going to start after our kissing.

>> No.23507564
File: 314 KB, 405x537, 1640115434190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but fucking men and dating girls instead

>> No.23507574
File: 3.86 MB, 423x519, 1647866575947.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm extremely horny and dangerously suicidal

>> No.23507572

Luxiem? I hardly even know "im!

>> No.23507584
File: 347 KB, 1776x2048, 20220314_171200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna is ovulating
>Shu is ovulating

>> No.23507585

I threw up the last time when I learned that in school as a kid
please don’t

>> No.23507586

I know, the fanbase overall is full of it. but they can correct that by just.. idk, even opening the english wikia to compare

>> No.23507598
Quoted by: >>23507651

How's the Pomu minecraft stream?

>> No.23507603

why does shus choices of games are always garbage ?

>> No.23507610
Quoted by: >>23507754

EN (20) was bigger than ID (19) before the latter was absorbed into the main branch. And EN hadn't even been around for a year yet.

>> No.23507624


>> No.23507631
File: 158 KB, 1168x1436, FBbwVgAWUAsmKFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be gentle, Anon... It's my first time...

>> No.23507632

Did Yugo just say he’s gonna go find some weed?

>> No.23507634
File: 193 KB, 990x1317, 1646263926512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23508083

They say animals that know they're going to die soon get a strong sense to breed.

>> No.23507640
Quoted by: >>23507696

The only board I've seen that understands fujoshi on a regular basis is /a/

>> No.23507651
Quoted by: >>23507693

She talked a bunch about the wider entertainment industry and was critical of how NijiEN has been doing things lately.

>> No.23507659
File: 370 KB, 730x730, 1643206364078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you literally me?

>> No.23507664
Quoted by: >>23507841

I did remember the Oliver collab after posting that. She collabed with him two times I think before they dropped the game? Iirc wasn't it also mainly on his channel?
Regardless I'll actually add to my statement by saying,
I don't think Petra really helped expose the branch really, because almost every time Petra did an outside collab, she got worse views than before. If she couldn't even maintain her average views I kinda doubt many people from overseas became that interested in what she had to offer.
Selens views on the other hand were fairly high during every single one of her collabs with ID, KR, and JP. They remained that way afterwards as well indicating that there are probably some people from those areas who were exposed to her and now watch her.
While I don't have the analytics to prove this necessarily, we have seen similar traits with Mika and Nina and to a lesser extent Bobon.

>> No.23507681
Quoted by: >>23507689

Period posting
Pomudachis sex RP

this thread is interesting

>> No.23507683
File: 522 KB, 900x833, 1650038081233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm way too fucking tired, I'm sorry Shu my lad, if only it wasn't nearly 2:30am
Please don't rape me in my sleep Pomudachis

>> No.23507688
File: 175 KB, 1080x1350, 1633865231558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shu's ny outfit looks pretty cool

>> No.23507689


>> No.23507693
Quoted by: >>23507746

>twisting words out of context again

>> No.23507696

So that's why it went to shit.

>> No.23507714

They could still blow up in the west. Given enough time. MDZS started with just Chinese/Chinese American fujos who used twitter and blew up 2 years later.

>> No.23507717


>> No.23507723
File: 8 KB, 1484x756, 20220321_053129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayo is thatart of my two oshis together

>> No.23507737
File: 199 KB, 360x345, 1631345029018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just kiss and cuddle for today cute pentomo

>> No.23507746

on /vt/ nooo way.
There is no way Anons here do such a thing

>> No.23507745

Oh damn that's nice

>> No.23507750

UOOOH i want to peel this off my sexy succubus malewifes‘ body and leave bitemarks all over his white skin before i let him fuck me and then we switch and i peg him

>> No.23507752

>Nina what the fuck?
>what if i kill you instead, Nina?
chill pomu...

>> No.23507754
Quoted by: >>23507795

Yes, I'm aware. Probably a result of the branch being more successful than both KR and ID together. But my point is that none of them are compared to JP, when EN, ID and KR together debuted less than JP just in 2018

>> No.23507780

every time Finana speaks I want to put my cock in her mouth

>> No.23507783

i hate newfags

>> No.23507795
Quoted by: >>23507897

Vtubing was a new market back in 2018, so it's somewhat understandable why they debut so many.
But now, it's saturated. They really can't apply the same logic now as they did then.

>> No.23507798
File: 195 KB, 480x480, 1648472691141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to molest you

>> No.23507804

Imagine if sonny wears this as he goes to a shrine for new years

>> No.23507818

>he thinks fujoshi are the problem (or even close to a problem)

>> No.23507822
File: 582 KB, 2896x4096, 1647980037202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's cuddle instead...

>> No.23507825

They just mad jelly that she gets to spend time actually interacting with their boy toys.

>> No.23507830
Quoted by: >>23507848

shu dont know how to be impsoter bruh

>> No.23507831

I had a dream about millie and she kept saying nigga on stream.

>> No.23507832

Truthfully? If so that's most likely due to the constant waves with little to offer with them. Merch for the en branch is very lackluster and the gacha aspects don't help much with that.
Branch wide collabs are practically non existent and have been since pre ethyria, and we still don't have 2.0 for any of the girls and everyone outside of lazulight is missing a second costume. We're practically getting the ID treatment despite being a raging success.

>> No.23507833

pentomo... you should know better by now. it makes me think maybe you enjoy making other anons horny enough to rape you...

>> No.23507841
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x900, petrabdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23507902

Selen is more popular than Petra so logically every time she had collabs, there would be more exposure. My argument is about Petra being the one more involved with other branches, which can be seen in her own birthday.

>> No.23507842

mixed wave
orc brother and sister
dwarf (male)
goblin (female)
drow (indeterminate)
Skeleton (flamboyantly gay, uki on watch)

>> No.23507844

There has never been an /a/ without fujos

>> No.23507846

>fujos ruining /a/
Unless you're a BNHA or JJK faggot then no, they don't do anything there other than stick to their areas.

>> No.23507848
Quoted by: >>23507875

he knows, he's just BMing

>> No.23507862

>Pomu and Nina kill Shu
Hags hate

>> No.23507872

pomu is HORNY

>> No.23507875
Quoted by: >>23507918

no he dont

>> No.23507891

Like oshi like fanbase

>> No.23507897

And they don't. That's why they never debuted 60 or 40 like in 2018 and 2019 in JP alone. It was 13 in 2020, 5 in 2021 and so far 3 in 2022, although I think at least more 3 will debut in the second half of the year.

>> No.23507902

Very true but her birthday was post obsydia. Wasn't it? Im fairly certain it was but my sense of time is all fucked up honestly.

>> No.23507907

Alban the only survivor

KEK godspeed to you catman

>> No.23507912


>> No.23507918


>> No.23507929

exit reimu

>> No.23507930
File: 820 KB, 665x611, E1w9s9PWUAEoqMd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want rape pentomos...

>> No.23507950
File: 273 KB, 1600x900, 1620583580913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507954
File: 555 KB, 4096x2958, FQ_efAeXsAIZNAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23507975

shu wants ike to play with him so badly

>> No.23507980

I think it takes time to get that stuff going and pre-Luxiem, they clearly had no plans to improve or promote EN. We're just starting to get birthday merch only because Luxiem would sell more than most of the main branch. They were ready to write the whole thing off.

>> No.23507987



>> No.23507989
File: 113 KB, 1080x1012, 1623238534157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I imagine every male pentomo

>> No.23507993


>> No.23507994

Ike enter?

>> No.23507996

ike enter!

>> No.23508002
File: 185 KB, 2048x1190, 1620376639365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's here!

>> No.23508003
Quoted by: >>23508081

>I'm not doing anything, I'm just killing animals
Yugo is just as unhinged as Sonny...

>> No.23508004

lol ID treatment pls anon. NijiEN even has birthday merch that only JP ever had. They have tons of sponsorships, have been already in many cons, have more merch than any branch except japan. All of that in less than a year in a branch where no one expected it to grow so much.

>> No.23508006

why is this so awkward i don't understand

>> No.23508013
File: 382 KB, 1200x675, 1640302880380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's adorable

>> No.23508015
File: 475 KB, 1611x1500, FRCKBpBaIAAL2Jb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENTER IKE (again)

>> No.23508025


>> No.23508041

Theyre using push to talk

>> No.23508046

I'm so glad this exists

>> No.23508054

Shu’s title is misleading

>> No.23508060

This needing to kick someone out to invite someone is so awkward shu whhhyyy

>> No.23508062

>shu accidentally invites froot
>froot DM's shu the next day asking if he'd want to Project Winter collab
the unexpected nijishojo collab???

>> No.23508063
Quoted by: >>23508098

>feel suicidal for 1 week
>wake up in a pool of my own blood
>sudenly don't feel like dying anymore
Fuck hormones

>> No.23508074

>The country (and asia in general) just happen to have a ton of fujoshi
A-Are asian fujoshi wife worthy? I'm willing to put up with even degenerate fujoshi if they'll accept the fact that I'm also a massive degenerate that works on literal hentai.

>> No.23508081

when yugo improve his english i wish for them to collab

>> No.23508083
File: 672 KB, 657x566, 1625270387782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23508098

This but I'm not a woman, so I guess I just have a chemical imbalance
