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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 342 KB, 716x481, 1644645910770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22646898 No.22646898 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide : https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Google Doc of Assets and Resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQHyRDZ3nxlIINfZz_wWCbgQ9gR4OgbTFhyGwq45DseUixkJJKbUmhPjnkWcmh7dOCDdxObAZXv_zti/pubhtml

Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous Thread: >>22612663

>> No.22647024
Quoted by: >>22669808


I made a google doc for collab idea sign-ups/pitching and vtuber networking. The rest is up to you, /asp/.

>> No.22647221

female(female) /asp/ie collab!

>> No.22647251 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>22658376

Gonna go live in about 15 minutes.

>> No.22647324
Quoted by: >>22669816

Female (male) x Male (female) collab?

>> No.22647358

Let’s just let this one die.

>> No.22647439
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, piiiiiiidrive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please keep it nice.
Report and ignore bait and people trying to fan fires.

>> No.22647781
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Any ideas for car-themed streams? I plan to get a GoPro someday, one of my friends suggested the idea of meeting up halfway while streaming the journey live on each of our ends. Sounds pretty cute and funny!

>> No.22648352
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Not being a pos who drives and distracts himself while doing so

>> No.22648673

I agree with Mumei. I’m also not sure who would watch that stream

>> No.22649096

Are you doing twitter correctly today /asp/ chuubas?

>> No.22649191


>> No.22649296
Quoted by: >>22649404

please leave that shit in the dead thread. don't bring it here.

>> No.22649404
Quoted by: >>22649485

Why should they? It’s pretty relevant.
Read the digital marketing guide in the OP if you haven’t, guys. Spend a little time on vtuber twitter and get a feel for what gets engagement on there. Don’t be afraid to make the kind of stuff that gets attention on there if you intend to use Twitter to grow your audience.

>> No.22649485

>Read the digital marketing guide in the OP if you haven’t, guys.
i've raised an issue with the digital marketing guide in the past. it's a really board and vague e-learning course by google. it doesn't give you specific things you can do or change. honestly it reads like it geared for small businesses than individuals.

>> No.22649999
File: 189 KB, 1125x1003, photo_2022-04-17 17.47.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22650050

should I temporarily get the jenny model for streaming? it allows recolors so I could make it a little unqiue..

>> No.22650091
Quoted by: >>22652601

My father died in a car crash when I was a child.
Sounds cute and funny.

>> No.22650275


>> No.22650482

>i succeeded back in 2008 when making videos was still pretty new and the field wasn't saturated why can't you just copy me and make it like i did?

>> No.22650555
File: 279 KB, 500x375, 1635004859793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22651701

I kinda burnt out on making stuff after working on my cover/MV and participating throughout all of Singing March so I've been taking it a bit easy, and some life things have gotten a bit in the way
I've been slacking on clip editing (which i used to do like 1-2 times a week) and model shitposts because i haven't had any ideas or had trouble translating them into the vroid modeler
that bar is really low lmao you could look at some of the people on /wvt/ for better male role models
someone mentioned Lex earlier and he was someone who blew up primarily off his twitter content back in september and used that momentum to build his following on twitch following

>> No.22650767

hello!! it is babi-converter anon from a few threads back... my friend used the new male design i made for him as a png...! i'm really happy right now :'D

>> No.22650878
File: 603 KB, 1280x720, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22652814

I'm actually really happy with how this thumbnail turned out.


in one hour

>> No.22650905

Good shit, converter anon. Hope he sticks with it

>> No.22650933

doing god's work anon

>> No.22651004

Hell yes.

>> No.22651605

Fuck you. I just want to fuck my bros, no homo.

>> No.22651659

How good/bad am I doing at Twitter so far?
Spoilers: Not that great?

>> No.22651701
File: 397 KB, 1569x1583, 11EE9502-664E-4FB9-B786-5A68223D9601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to hear that you're burnt out!! i am scared to message you on twitter but i hope that this little doodle can be well recieved here. good luck!

>> No.22651970

That angry person keep calling people go make meme or shitposting so in his vision I guess it's indeed not that great.
But I think posting something non-retween is fine enough even if it just words(and yours comes with picture mostly so that's a plus).

>> No.22652041

Would it be a good idea to get a cheap model from Nizima to do reps before getting a comissioned one?

>> No.22652181

Certainly doesn’t sound like a bad idea. The best time to start streaming is right now

>> No.22652245
File: 1.83 MB, 498x498, Takodance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please remember to keep your reference sheet somewhere easy to find.

>> No.22652311
Quoted by: >>22652722

that's very kind of you, thank you for this!
i think the coming week off is gonna be nice for me since i'll have the house to myself
also i know you were scared to message but my dms are open if you ever need to reach out for anything!

>> No.22652314

They/You're the most successful /m/ale /asp/ies i remembered at the time of making the post

>> No.22652478
Quoted by: >>22660792

Very meh. Its mostly just text telling people to see your stream. You want other content in there. Retweet art that you like thats on-theme. Easy pictures with added elements ans a simple message go a long way. Its easter; where is your bunny ears post saying "some-bunny loves you!"? Is it cheap pandering? Yes, but it works, and fans enjoy it. They want to see more of you than just stream announcements.

>> No.22652601

nta but this is the second time i've seen people sperg out over someone wanting to do a car stream, the last guy literally streams in his parked car because hes too poor to have a proper set up at home or some shit

what the fuck is up with aspies and car related trauma this shit is so oddly specific

>> No.22652722

Maybe this thread isn't so bad after all

>> No.22652750
Quoted by: >>22653538

The last guy literally lives in his car, but has a full stream setup with a goxlr mini even. Can't remember his name tho

>> No.22652814

>10 waiting

>> No.22652881
File: 3.98 MB, 4608x3456, 20220416_093433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get traumatized from crashing your car and motorcycle and then you become obsessed with reliving it with a different outcome as with any trauma, so yeah.

pic taken for /o/ so fuck off about the reflection.

>> No.22653282

based helmet wearer anon. $80 can save you and your family from having to make the terrible decision to unplug you from life support when you turn into a vegetable after a crash.

>> No.22653302

nta but a friend of mine was turned into paste on the highway by a drunk driver when she was pulled over in the breakdown lane, so i hate drunk and distracted drivers with my whole heart, fuck off with your selfish bullshit way of living

streaming from a parked car is fine, just kinda sad

>> No.22653320

If the car is parked and stationary, I don't care what he does in it. Simple as.

>> No.22653538

motorcycle a bit different tho, thats a literal suicide vehicle designed to fucking kill you


he made a pretty strong impression on me so i subbed

>> No.22653646
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Live now ogey

>> No.22653819
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>> No.22655376
Quoted by: >>22655492

Thinking of buying an adoptable and going from there, any tips?

>> No.22655492
Quoted by: >>22655528

i bought an adoptable. there's not really much to do with it. i commissioned a reference sheet after that and ordered my model after that was done. it just cuts the time from you designing the character and possibly getting an idea that would be better than what you would come up with.

>> No.22655528
Quoted by: >>22655804

Where did you buy it?

>> No.22655571
Quoted by: >>22671522

first stream back and he's hired a slave already jesus christ

>> No.22655804

an artist advertised one on twitter. people also sell adoptables all the time in the L2D market discord server

>> No.22656433
Quoted by: >>22657278

I just finished a 48 Hour Stream. I don't feel too bad in all seriousness, and the experience was very fun overall.
If you nerds ever feel like doing something like this too, I'd highly recommend gauging your energy with long streams from 12, to 24, then 48 hours, with some time to sleep in between. That, and eating/drinking healthy! Health and mental stability comes first, then the content. Common sense, really. If you have any questions about it, I'm all ears.

>> No.22656483
File: 148 KB, 585x564, 1648634123507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22656852

I don't often come to these threads, so apologies if it's been gone over before.
But how often does anyone here get hit with false copyright claims? Does it happen more or less depending on platform (youtube/twitch).
What can you do to properly dispute it, and does it get resolved? Apparently this "copyright holder" is known for doing this (Warner Chappell)
I started up a youtube channel just for a laugh at the start of the year and just now have run into this. I'm not making any money, but I know if I wanted to, this will be a problem.
Thanks in advance.

>> No.22656775

A new week is starting. This time I WILL progress on my rig

>> No.22656839
Quoted by: >>22671522

Still waiting on that female dub.

>> No.22656852

>But how often does anyone here get hit with false copyright claims?
on twitch it doesn't matter as long as you delete your vod as soon as the stream is done. don't try to dispute it, you'll never win and worst case risk losing your account.

>> No.22657005

Car stream is fine just have some auto TTS bot read out all your messages so you don't have to read chat

>> No.22657247

that's sad. I do want to leave an archive, but I guess that's off the table now.
Thanks Susan, I'll go be a 2view on twitch or something.

>> No.22657278
Quoted by: >>22660222

Are you Showtan?

>> No.22657540

dumb advice, know the company i lost literally hundreds of thousands to hasbro and others, until we actually just started disputing. as long as there's an argument for fair use you a lot of times have the claims released. Its slow and you should never do more then two at a time but still

>> No.22658376 [SPOILER] 
File: 139 KB, 400x381, CHAR_Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22678216

Thank you for anyone who showed to strem.
I am extremely motivated to finish this project so that I can start another one.

>> No.22658849
File: 55 KB, 173x178, unknown (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like /asp/ies to talk about anything that's on your mind. >>22653646

I do care about you guys, yknow.

>> No.22659755
Quoted by: >>22662951

my design is heavily inspired by tomoko

>> No.22659986

aspies will only accept your advice if you can give them a guaranteed contract written in blood that they'll instantly become successful with a single tweet. if you can't, they'll scream about how they're so special that content creation won't work for them.

>> No.22660222
Quoted by: >>22660710

Specifically Reshii. It's only been a year but I still swing by here to see how others are tacking their ambitions.
I should be asleep by now.

>> No.22660259

At least Yellow Cat can sing better than me...

>> No.22660710
Quoted by: >>22661235

I'm actually kinda happy to see you here since I used to lurk in chat a bit, and it's one of the reasons I was motivated to actually try being a chuuba myself instead of fantasizing. Though I still don't really know what I'm doing
I especially liked drunk Reshii streams

>> No.22660757

>OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV

So I feel that points 1, 2.5 and 6 are far too overkill.

I'm not a vtuber, nor do I aspire to be one, but I've been using an identify online for years and the real identity has never been found out.

For (1), if you're posting your own address online yourself then you're just an idiot. But yes, know that EXIF data exists and that some websites strip it for you (imgur, discord). Turn the location data off on your phone's camera too.

>> No.22660792
Quoted by: >>22665767

>Very meh. Its mostly just text telling people to see your stream. You want other content in there. Retweet art that you like thats on-theme.
I'm presuming that this would be any art, not just other chuubas?
>Easy pictures with added elements ans a simple message go a long way. Its easter; where is your bunny ears post saying "some-bunny loves you!"? Is it cheap pandering? Yes, but it works, and fans enjoy it. They want to see more of you than just stream announcements.
Of course, my sketches would count (for now)? Since I still don't have an actual model.
...I need to make one of the (at least) two streams this week a ref art drawing stream. Maybe make it the Tuesday stream, game Friday. Either MK8DX or Minecraft, or both? Maybe adding a third stream somewhere might be good too...

>> No.22660802

Is it worth it buying a model that other people have access to?

>> No.22660824

For (2), you really don't need to use a 2nd browser if you're not stupid. Turn off auto-fill or saving passwords in your browser's settings. If you're streaming while logged into a personal account, then you're an idiot. Browsers also have different profiles these days so you can create 2 profiles for your IRL self, and vtuber self. Firefox also has containers to keep cookies seperated too.

For (6), For windows, just call your user account something random (like "Admin"), you don't really need to make a whole new windows account. Plus, if you go to C:\Users, you will get a list of the users on the system anyway.

>> No.22661235

There's a reason why we're all here, anon! Take everything here into careful consideration, and don't run before you walk. You got this.
I will champ again soon.

>> No.22661279
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testing out apex legends for a bit

>> No.22661464

just got my first Live2D wip and it looks BAD. rendering is missing so I hope it's because of that. the sketch looked so much better.

>> No.22661511
File: 80 KB, 214x188, Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 11.37.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cannot unsee... oh nyo

>> No.22661667
Quoted by: >>22661829

Have you seen finished works from that artist?

>> No.22661785

Have you been talling the artist your thoughts and inputs with every update? Remember that you need to let them know what you want as often as possible so as not to stray from the desired product. This scenario almost happened with my model when the touch up draft had proportions that were straying fom the rough sketches.

>> No.22661829

yes. they are talented. that's the only thing keeping me from going full menhera because I will throw myself out of a window if I wasted $2300 on bad art

>> No.22661919

Kinda the same happened to me. Sketches from my model and alt outfit looked better than the end result, but I was too autistic to complain.
If you're not, maybe try pointing it out to the artist.

>> No.22662101
Quoted by: >>22662306

Happened to me, comment about it immediately if it's that price because I'm menhera about it at half of the cost, I don't want you to go double menhera at 2300$.

>> No.22662202
File: 130 KB, 1212x1370, Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at 11.49.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use StreamElements loyalty features on stream?

>> No.22662306
Quoted by: >>22662896

welp I guess it's time to pull out my ipad and draw over their work

>> No.22662311

please don't take the bait

>> No.22662602


>> No.22662645
Quoted by: >>22662743

You say that, but I'm still supporting the notion of changing the opsec guide to https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166

>> No.22662743
Quoted by: >>22662772

Doesn't really hurt anyone if we just had both.

>> No.22662772
Quoted by: >>22662822

no, aspies need to know their place and worship Mau's superiority.

>> No.22662822


>> No.22662896
Quoted by: >>22664536

Make sure that doesn't go against their TOS. I think they would find that more offensive than directly telling them to change something.

>> No.22662951
Quoted by: >>22663597


>> No.22663009
Quoted by: >>22663955

But what you don't like about it? the lineart?

>> No.22663103

I need a mesugaki please I am begging to you I'm on my knees I need one now.
Alternatively just any chuuba that is happy to be rude to their audience.

>> No.22663597

I only have my design, I'm further away from a being Vtuber than a Vtweeter but I'm working on it anonchama..

>> No.22663955
Quoted by: >>22664094

I think it's mainly that some of the proportions are off and I'm not sure how rude it is to tell them that

>> No.22663959
Quoted by: >>22664409

You could stream using it as a png. Better get your streaming reps while have the time for it.

>> No.22664033
File: 280 KB, 452x710, 1641439370352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking about becoming a neo Nazi vtuber, (not actually a Nazi) I just like the design I have already commissioned my model and I'm wondering if twitch will ban me for it. Note I won't be saying racist things or offensive but I will throw in some red pills. I will also have a black sun logo on my chest as a medal. Thoughts guys?

>> No.22664082

What current gen /asp/ies do you think could have potential to be a great content creator but just need a good push or two to get them going in the right direction?

>> No.22664094

Just tell the artist, that sort of stuff is easy to fix early in the process, the longer you wait the hard it will be to fix.

Just mention it like "I was checking the sketch and I feel the proportions are off, could you tweak them a bit?"

>> No.22664131

>potential to be a great content creator
none of them. they're all hobbyist tier at best. vtweeter at worst.

>> No.22664170
Quoted by: >>22664240

I wouldn't risk it, twitch is very sensitive with that sort of shit. Maybe try to do a modified version of the symbology so you can get away with it.

>> No.22664203


>> No.22664240

Okay that's cool, I guess I'll let my artist know to remove the logos and stuff I still do wanna keep the uniform though and the armband with no logo, that might be safe

>> No.22664320

None of them. I don't mean that to be mean, genuinely none of them. I don't even think anyone that openly posts here is interested in that. They just want to stream to a few content creators. I genuinely believe that anyone who is serious about growing past a few dozen viewers is not in these threads. They don't need a single piece of information these threads have to offer because it's available elsewhere

>> No.22664360

you will be blacklisted instantly. are you retarded? you're prob a fat amerimut who knows less about history than a 5th grader, which is probably your preferred age for the girls you stalk outside of Walmart changing rooms

>> No.22664409

what >>22663959 said, i am simply using my design as a png as i'm waiting for my model for reps

>> No.22664412
Quoted by: >>22665022

Me. except I refuse to learn your weeb terms,

>> No.22664536

now that I think about it they don't have TOS at all. they don't advertise commissions or take them usually so maybe that's why. but they told me to draw on their art if it helps explaining so I will be fine!

>> No.22664608

Market is over saturated lmao, there are like billions of vtubers out there and just like furry commissions it's mostly them making friends with another vtuber and become each others audiences, essentially the vtuber community is one big ponzi scheme essentially. I kinda wanna Collab with some guys on here but I think they're just looking for viewership which is kinda cringe, since I wanna make friends.

>> No.22664632
Quoted by: >>22668227

So after messing around with avatar generators, I think I'm ready to commission an artist.
What makes a decent character sheet that is legible for artist commissions? Would a few pictures assembled in picrew and listing down design notes on a notepad enough for the artist?
What would make their lives easier?

>> No.22664633

Hey guys. I'm thinking of becoming the first Hitler vtuber. Like y'know, brown uniform, Charlie Chaplin mustache, Roman salute; the works. I already commissioned my avatar. My angle is that I'll be a redpilled brostreamer with the added gimmick of my crippling pervitin addiction that I maintain via audible insufflation during my streams. Also, I'm HIV positive. Thoughts guys?

>> No.22664666

eye contact fellatio?

>> No.22664681
Quoted by: >>22664968

oversaturation is a meme and not real. the existence of 1 million trash streamers with 0 viewers has zero impact on your personal responsibility to network and put out good content.

>> No.22664742
File: 121 KB, 1024x906, 1_ubz_INRNZx5x7sNG1QVNpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're like taking out your personal grudges on me cause I like a design?
Really high end fashion designers made the officer uniforms, but I guess I'm the one with knowledge of a 5th grader lmao. I'm not even a Nazi, it's literally the best officer uniform out there.

>> No.22664756
File: 2.34 MB, 4800x3018, 164594731514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well obviously no swatstikas. You can get away with basically anything else.

>> No.22664761

I think mostly all of them except the babis are pretty stacked and appealing and they could all make it if they do their reps and don't treat it like a casual hobby. Kaiser is the only babi that feels like he is genuinely passionate.

>> No.22664772
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1646219559796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22665206

I am cackling anon

>> No.22664813

yellow cat, unironically. he's like a Dr. K but broken inside.

>> No.22664881
File: 302 KB, 445x406, 266pcme5sxr81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody loves Nazi anime girls. See Prinz Eugen from Azur Lane.

>> No.22664899

that's not even the good ones, shit taste. you also talked about dropping red pills with the black sun design. bro just say you're an incel and move on.

>> No.22664906
Quoted by: >>22665206


>> No.22664946
Quoted by: >>22665130

I think it's too early to tell, aspies are barely doing their streaming reps. If they keep at it we could see their skill and audience growth. That's why reps are important.
>you will be blacklisted instantly
Not really, it depends on how his final art looks, his lore and how he acts on stream. Anything works with anime if you give it the proper spin.
>peek at yellow cat stream.
>my life a shit, i'm crippled, i almost suicided by cop, etc.
Is there are market for this sort of content though? I thought people watched steams to distract themselves from depressing shit, not get depressed.

>> No.22664956

this isn't even close, some fucking drugged out sack of shit doesn't have anything close to the credentials and tact that Dr K has, and also for the record you are yellow cat. This is how you want to view yourself, and you aren't anywhere close to fulfilling your own vision.

>> No.22664968

Content doesn't matter really, you can put out good content for 2 years straight and not get anything due to the over saturation of streaming/video platforms in general. You're taking a niche market in an already large pool of content creators who's only real difference is having an over glorified logo on their stream. Your content doesn't really matter til you get, your lucky shot at the algorithms paying attention to you. The content is important but only when you get noticed to retain an audience. You seem to have a dilusional idea of this works and probably just started streaming or making videos.

>> No.22665022
Quoted by: >>22665079

pony hooves typed this

>> No.22665042
Quoted by: >>22666422

>due to the over saturation of streaming/video platforms in general
again, saturation is a meme. it does not matter how many people are streaming. your network reps are your responsibility. you're a retard if you blame "oversaturation" while doing nothing but tweeting out your twitch link to you 20 follower twitter page and hoping to go viral that way.

>> No.22665079

watashi wa pony desu nya~

>> No.22665123

Wheres the masterlist of the current /asp/ies that have selfposted here Ill watch their vods and make a tier list

>> No.22665130
Quoted by: >>22665311

there's no way to have a black sun and drop "red pills" and not get banned instantly lol

>> No.22665157


>> No.22665171
Quoted by: >>22665379

I know it's you because you always come at it from this "heheh weeb" slant lmao. And it's just funny to me, because you're a brony in 2022. Genuinely why do you lurk here? You have 200k+ subs

>> No.22665206

Thanks bros.

>> No.22665241
File: 813 KB, 1089x663, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this feet licking retard.

>> No.22665280

I actually try my darnedest not to look at him but he's in /asp/ nearly every time I read it.

>> No.22665311
Quoted by: >>22665454

Depends on what he means by redpills, if he goes on a rant about the jews, yeah, but in current year +7 you can call a redpill anything that goes against mainstream narratives and that's not necessarily ban worthy.

>> No.22665370

I know a few vtubers that just started just a few months ago with absolutely no history of content creation, no social media presence and no experience and they've already hit partner and are still growing.

It absolutely isnt saturated at all.

>> No.22665374

Hey guys. I'm thinking of becoming the first double Hitler vtuber. I'm going to stream from outside the constraints of time and kill a live animal during every stream. Also, get this, I have AIDS. What do you guys think?

>> No.22665379

because the mods on mlp are cringe, and I joke but I do learn a lot of the lingo like babi and stuff and I use some of the resources in the op.

>> No.22665446
Quoted by: >>22665751

This is a difficult question. If you're asking if current gen could be good entertainers, I think any of them could grow into decent ones if they actually tried to refine their skill.

As for if any of them could pull numbers to make this anything more than a hobby? Not as they are. I haven't seen any aspie really sweat to properly market themselves.

>> No.22665454

you really think that's what he means when he can't hide his power level enough to not put a black sun on his design? it's just not a good look. it's ngmi

>> No.22665537
Quoted by: >>22665637

WHAT SHOULD I (or someone else)DRAW

>> No.22665637

some lewd headpatting

>> No.22665650

That's why he's coming here asking for feedback. Even if he's just shitposting other anons can read the replies and get something out of it so I rather give honest advice than just dismiss the idea altogether.

>> No.22665666

me except less obvious I will be a cute little sister and slowly indoctrinate my viewers

>> No.22665744

>devil trips

indoctrinate how, tell us about your larping fantasy about red pilling the incel following you'll garner.

>> No.22665751
Quoted by: >>22666294

>I haven't seen any aspie really sweat to properly market themselves.
what does "properly market themselves" look like or mean?

>> No.22665757
Quoted by: >>22665927

This is about right. Success is a combination of luck and consistent effort in equal measure. It's a marathon, not a sprint so make sure you're enjoying what you're doing.

>> No.22665767

>I'm presuming that this would be any art, not just other chuubas?
Yep! Anything that fits your theme or just genuine art you like. I personally prefer for the art I retweet to not be of other 'tubers unless you manage to find a decent mutual that you can build a "friendship" with.

And yes, sketches are totally fine. Literally a free asset of bunny ears slapped on your page would be fine. Maybe a colored sketch if you have the time. Just post here and there so people are reminded of you/your streams when you pop up on their feed.

>> No.22665802

witnessed, this little sis babi is /asp/'s chosen one

>> No.22665927

>in equal measure

>> No.22665949

Any small victories you wanna share /asp/?

>> No.22665992
Quoted by: >>22666034

Yeah! I've completely stopped taking /asp/ seriously and I'm focusing on better advice that's found elsewhere. Going to lap all these motherfuckers

>> No.22666034

That's what's up.

>> No.22666126

you can make the design "dictator" esque but not have direct symbolism. think tanya the evil or lelouch for inspiration.

>> No.22666229
File: 78 KB, 324x283, flexing_usagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any anon need their model rigged? I could use some rigging practice.

>> No.22666245

Getting more lurking netdeckers clicking on my link. They don't stay too long, but the fact they even came in the first place makes me happy. Can probably hit affiliate if i keep up the streams

>> No.22666261
Quoted by: >>22666288

Give it top me straight. What are my chances of getting into HolostarsEN if I
A) have never streamed before,
B) have only made like a dozen short, commentary-less youtube videos in the past 8 years,
C) can only draw MS paint tier doodles,
D) am not a very confident singer with a weak voice.
E) can only speak a few words internet meme japanese
F) don't actually watch any holostars, not even clips

I do not want to join just to get closer to the girls, for the record.

>> No.22666288
Quoted by: >>22666402

>What are my chances of getting into HolostarsEN

>> No.22666294

I'm not going to make a habit of posting him but I genuinely believe his lecture on basic advertising is more practically useful than anything you would see in this thread.


>> No.22666295
Quoted by: >>22666442

Yes, actually. Any examples of your past projects?

>> No.22666355

>another jusagi type

>> No.22666374
Quoted by: >>22666442

I have a rigged model if you'd like to make it a little more advanced! I can pay you too if you'd like

>> No.22666402
Quoted by: >>22666425

okay, the dreaded male/mixed hololiveEN gen3 then

>> No.22666422
File: 22 KB, 1306x178, unknown-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen man I've been doing this for 5 years, first as a regular guy, then as a vtuber. you can believe whatever the hell you want but I've see many dilusional retards like you, and you guys are all the same really. I'm not gonna spoon-feed you but you guys are a dime a dozen, you're not special and have a unique perspective on something, you have an over inflated ego which probably makes you unbarable to watch really. But that being said GOOD LUCK, you're gonna need it. Posting my numbers for the week, I do this as a hobby tho.

>> No.22666425


>> No.22666442
Quoted by: >>22666866

You can find it here https://marburg.uwu.ai
Sure, I can take a look at it.

>> No.22666544

Damn man, nearly 20 hours a week for a hobby. Where do you find the time?

>> No.22666638

no that anon but if you stream around 3hrs a day you can get those numbers.

>> No.22666673
Quoted by: >>22669617

There is a guy on Twitch who does drag-strip coverage called Murda. Maybe see if you've got something similar nearby. That said, how would that work with a Vsona? https://www.twitch.tv/murda

>> No.22666677

>Thinking 20 hrs is a lot
Yea definitely ngmi
Like I said it's a hobby you probably have 6000 hours on some faggy game.

>> No.22666700

>5 years
>this is all he has to show
>cherry picks 7 days because he's on a slight incline last week

>> No.22666776
Quoted by: >>22666891

I don't, I genuinely just posted that to both get a rise out of you and an honest answer.

>> No.22666866
File: 15 KB, 196x182, 20220414_170044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22667218

I might have you do my rigging desu. you're really familiar with my characters, and i love supporting your work

>> No.22666891
Quoted by: >>22667048

I mean, I was giving legit advice the entire time either way doesn't make a difference it is what it is

>> No.22666917

no 20 hours is a lot on top of a full time job

>> No.22666936

If I only stream on Friday nights and weekends ami I ngmi

>> No.22666964
File: 2.24 MB, 640x640, giga-chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went from not drawing for over a year to drawing for a few hours a day. i fucking broke the cycle

>> No.22667041


>> No.22667042

that's the most competitive desu going to be hard but better then only streaming on weekdays I guess

>> No.22667047

Proud of you, anon!

>> No.22667048

I know man, I just wanted that interaction to maybe set an example for anybody who might be reading.
It sure is, but it's probably worth it. I haven't managed to stream that much in a week yet myself but it clearly has its advantages.

>> No.22667058
Quoted by: >>22667308

Depends I work 4 hrs a day and probably 30 minute round trip commute. If you work at a non career job like mc wagie or something then it's probably 8 hrs which doesn't give much time, so I could barely stream when I was younger.

>> No.22667069

probably, but if you enjoy it then it's fine.

>> No.22667086

>/asp/'s best chuuba is someone who barely breaks 40 CCV after 5 years

>> No.22667138
Quoted by: >>22667183

Wrong. /asp/'s best chuuba is ME.

>> No.22667183
Quoted by: >>22667233

Hmm strange! I don't remember typing this. I might have a carbon monoxide leak in my apar

>> No.22667218

I would love to work on your model desu, I love your characters' lore and how fluffy they look.
That's weird, I had a full time job and still had 3hrs or more to waste per day. I can understand if you're too tired to do anything after working hrs though.
Nice anon! Now make an habit out of it and you're golden.

>> No.22667233

Rest in peace

>> No.22667308

that's really low hours actually. i do have a career I'm just upper, so I work from home and can even sleep some days. i only did 13.2 hours this week though

>> No.22667349

i mean lex and lumi are still doing better than that but 40ccv is nice to have

>> No.22667355

i stream for about 2.5 to 3 hours every day? that's only about 17 - 18 hours a week senpai.

>> No.22667376

>Nice anon! Now make an habit out of it and you're golden.
That's exactly what I want.

>> No.22667606
File: 385 KB, 1125x462, D60A2B64-9B6D-40DD-AD8B-7A37908DF0EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even do this as a hobby. I make a new account every time I stream and go on a 24 hour long autistic rant without taking breaks then disappear until my next rant. I have a small but dedicated fanbase that traces me down every single time.

>> No.22667644

This is a troll right

>> No.22667685
Quoted by: >>22667732

then how do you have previous streams where you have slightly low numbers lol

>> No.22667692
Quoted by: >>22667747

obviously. the stats show he had a previous stream. so he streams at least twice on his account before making a new one.

>> No.22667700

No, they're serious. That's triple Hitler

>> No.22667732

welp I keep the account for however the manic episode lasts

>> No.22667746
File: 160 KB, 343x551, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only recently started doing this stuff but is every single /asp/ really this negative? I thought you'd guys wouldn't be a bucket of crabs.

>> No.22667747

Oh thank god, given what I had seen today I thought it might have been real

Holy crap, that is too much for me

>> No.22667824

Fucking hell I wasn't expecting the triple hitler

>> No.22667873

Yeah, mostly. It is almost always a bucket full of crabs over here for the last several months. As long as you ask honest questions and aren't throwing your ego around you're much less likely to be on the receiving end of it, though.
But like another anon said, there are better places to get advice. This shouldn't be your main source of input on your streaming endeavors.

>> No.22667875

this thread honestly wasn't nearly as bad this time last week, something happened.

>> No.22667892

you're not a new IP but in case you're genuine.

this has been a problem with /asp/ and even back in /auds/. there's no reputable place to talk about how to be a content creator because everyone has sealed lips and afraid of being copied or having their ideas stolen. so anons come here to 4chan for it. unfortunately the anonymous nature of the site also makes it very easy for tourists to come in and derail every thread with bait. if you're genuine about starting in asp you need to teach yourself how to filter through the bait and trash.

take what advice you can then leave this place asap because the infighting, shitposting and baiting will take a toll on your psyche.

>> No.22667893

Welcome to /asp/. Best way to approach this thread is to drop questions, take the answers with a grain of salt, and fuck right off. Most people here are not serious about vtubing.
I still feel bad for the guy who got piled on because his advice involved spending some money.

>> No.22667950

There tends to be someone who comes into /asp/ and shits on everyone once every week or so, dont worry about it.

>> No.22667952

>the guy who got piled on because his advice involved spending some money.
that was dumb as fuck because if you have the money you can only boost yourself by spending it on good equipment and model before you get started.

>> No.22667958

>you're not a new IP
I talked about the anon who wanted to drive and stream earlier

>> No.22668002

>I thought you'd guys wouldn't be a bucket of crabs.
it's bizarre too because most of the people here have done nothing to even start so they're not even competing, but want to demotivate the competition

>> No.22668036

I think I've already replied to you in agreement about this in a previous thread, but that really was astounding.
A poster or two immediately called him "a /biz/ retard" because they must eat, sleep and breathe on this website or something. He gave sound advice and someone called him a moron for "approaching everything like a business."

>> No.22668098

Watching that Kongou guy's lecture streams. Good poiints, would recommend, but his laugh gets on my nerves after a while.

>> No.22668227

anyone? else I would be text dumping the artist

>> No.22668330

I text dumped my artist and they did a great job

>> No.22668335


>> No.22668359
Quoted by: >>22669399

Ideally you'd want to commission a character designer first to get a proper ref sheet, then move on to the l2d model, then rigging. A ref sheet is a good first step if you have the extra cash since it's gonna serve you well in the long run. If you want to skip that, some l2d artists can work with a rough idea, but expect to pay more (a lot more).

>> No.22668501

Glad to hear you're getting something out of it!

>> No.22668607

He seems pretty broken and unappealing on the outside too fwiw

>> No.22668640

I managed to get my schedule out before the new week started, now to recover from the brain damage the nightshifts gave me and hopefully rest up in time for later. I'll take this week to try to think about if i have any capability to create clips or other offline content and how it would tie into my personality. I've seen a couple chuubas genuinely enjoying creating shitposts for tiktok and clips and while I can't see myself do that that there must be something I'd enjoy doing. Afterall I've been making shitty videos since 09', should be able to come up with something.

Also be nice to each other, I don't understand how someone would enjoy being so confrontational... guess there's some merit in staying anonymous.

>> No.22668642
Quoted by: >>22669399

ask your artist if they offer design help but expect to pay a little extra

>> No.22668716

>be me
>make business paypal
>forget password
>realize it didn't autosave
>i can't recover password because i didn't confirm my email
>i can't confirm my email because i don't know my password

>> No.22668756

Nice try, yellow cat. The only one I've seen using that description for you is yourself

>> No.22668757
Quoted by: >>22669113

That's pretty epic

>> No.22668780
Quoted by: >>22669113


>> No.22668814
File: 319 KB, 1033x679, Kongou'sPass[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsqfo8m.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like his laugh but i get how it could get on other peoples' nerves

>> No.22669019
Quoted by: >>22669459

>you can put out good content for 2 years straight
Name someone putting out good content for 2 years straight and getting zero recognition for it.

>> No.22669027
Quoted by: >>22669113

Doesn't paypal send the mail confirmation automatically to your mail? Maybe you check your inbox to see if they sent you anything.

>> No.22669050

For a second I thought he has a snout.

>> No.22669077
Quoted by: >>22669138

I had to google what a Black Sun even is in all honesty. I've literally never seen that thing used before and I doubt most people have so he honestly might've gotten away with it for some time even if he included it

>> No.22669113
Quoted by: >>22669259

I'm rhubarbed purisu undastand
They did send an email confirmation, when i click the link it asks me to log in and i can't because idk the password and it doesn't autofill

>> No.22669138
Quoted by: >>22669276

That’s right. My favorite streamer, quadruple Hitler, has Black Suns for pupils and nobody has even said anything about it

>> No.22669259
Quoted by: >>22669518

Did you present your ID and all that shit already? maybe you could call paypal and ask for support if that's the case.

>> No.22669276

which corpo would quadruple hitler have the highest chance of getting in

>> No.22669296


>> No.22669334
Quoted by: >>22678479


>> No.22669399
Quoted by: >>22669487

Oh it's still for a png tho and I expect revisions, I guess I'm still on the character designing phase with my current artist then?

>> No.22669419

Weirdly enough. I'm hitting the CCV required for affiliate, but nowhere near the amount of followers. I'll have to work on it, but I think I'm doing good for just starting out with no prior experience.

>> No.22669459

There are some for sure. Not zero recognition but like only a few thousand views a video

>> No.22669487

If you want to make their easier make a word doc with all the design elements you want alongside some example pics.

>> No.22669518
Quoted by: >>22669630

Yeah, it's what i was planning to do, mostly wanted to vent as it's all i can do for now (Support line isn't 24/7, on the upside that means i can expect someone who isn't a pajeet to help me)

>> No.22669553

MissFushi is at 30k+ subscribers and has been vtubing for 6 years+. I'm pretty sure she's the biggest one by a longshot.

>> No.22669580

>/asp/'s best is someone who just stumbled onto the thread a month ago

>> No.22669617
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently this kind of outdoors full-body tracking setup is well into 3000$ range. But she rides and races all sorts of motorsport vehicles. Natori Sana has a similar setup and streams herself going around town.

Obviously you'd need a cameraman or a selfie stick I guess.

>> No.22669630
File: 371 KB, 600x338, hsg_tea.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22669988

Don't worry anon, I'm sure they will help you.
Here, have some tea.

>> No.22669642
Quoted by: >>22670337

yeah if you're using yt subs/twitch follows as a metric she's definitely the biggest in that regards but Lumi i think has consistently higher CCV
this numberfagging sucks though

>> No.22669808
Quoted by: >>22670423

Positions for L2D riggers are still open if you want essentially paid training. Nothing too pressurey or stressful, but I don't have anyone to send L2D rigger commissions to atm. You'd have full monopoly on commissions for a bit. Been meaning to contact that one /here/ thru Twitshit too.


Unless for some reason you want to keep it entirely anonymous and in-thread. If you want to add yourself as an open commissions artist (L2D) try >>22647024

>> No.22669816
Quoted by: >>22669921

>Male (female)
Does that mean babiniku, or the opposite?

>> No.22669921

think yugo from niji

>> No.22669988

Thanks anon!

>> No.22670162 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.99 MB, 600x356, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh neat. I wonder if she's using some of the stuff I helped dev. Then again my stuffs outdated and super DIY. I worked xsens for live mocap through unity, and made some 3d printed helmet mounts too. I fought with xsens for a bit too because of their price gouging. 5 figure suit that couldn't be used without an additional 2.7k a year subscription to them. Eventually after a long email exchange they announced the next day they would make it free and only charge for live mocap. Still not good enough and I'm sure I'm not even close to the only reason they changed, but it felt good. I was actually supposed to be a 3d vtuber when it was super new. But I got caught up in dev work and tweaking stuff to the point I never launched. I spent thousand and thousand and hundreds of hours writing code, translating documents etc, ultimately killing my normal career for the passion. I don't regret it though it was fun.

>> No.22670233
Quoted by: >>22670482

>Apparently this kind of outdoors full-body tracking setup is well into 3000$ range.
Isn't this just IRL footage with a tracked model edited over it? I've seen a few people do this with VRChat footage, you definitely don't need a 3K suit for this just basic Unity knowledge and editing.

>> No.22670337
File: 45 KB, 997x744, 045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the whole numberfagging thing is just grasping at straws to back up an argument or statement that is otherwise pointless for the most part. It's dehumanizing and a flawed focus. I'm not even saying this because my numbers are bad. There's not much worse feeling than criticizing yourself on your numbers and its dangerously counterproductive compared to streaming regardless of your numbers regularly.

"making it" as far as getting into Hololive or Niji is not something I think about period. I wouldn't encourage anyone to either unless they need motivation that badly, even then it's just not something to think about until you break 5 digits followers and have the formula for success down.

>> No.22670383

This is really only tangentially related to content creation in general, but how exactly do people find new music to listen to? Do they just type in genres or "artists similar to" into google and click through random tracks until they find something they like? I'm editing a video for a game that mutes its music while in menus (the clip is discussing something that's in a menu) so in this instance, I can just use a track from the game itself, but I'm curious how people tackle picking out background music for other things like zatsu screens on streams or in video essays.

>> No.22670423
Quoted by: >>22670600

Shit I only know one other person who works professionally in VR and this sorta stuff. Can I get your contact info for inquiries and possibly purchasing equipment if you have leftover stuff? If you'd rather opsec >>22669808

>> No.22670463

I just use whatever playlist other big streamers use to be honest. Animal crossing music, looped game music, etc

>> No.22670482
Quoted by: >>22670696

Interesting to know that there's an alternative. Seems like money will have to be spent either way. I really don't want to ride a motorcycle in 3000$ tracking gear either. These are my helmets lol >>22652881.

>> No.22670501
File: 62 KB, 560x548, IRLstreaming_pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22670972

I guess you could stream from your phone (if it's strong enough) using vtubesudio, a go pro and some sort tablet +software to combine both? I don't know enough about setups for IRL streaming but this is what I imagine could work.

>> No.22670511
Quoted by: >>22670647

Unrelated but man what is it with people and "purple fox girl", it can't be all due to the old VRchat streamer. I feel like I've seen so many Vtubers and VRChat people that are purple foxes.

>> No.22670539

I use music compilation channels and just click on the videos with artwork that interests me, my go to are
xKito music
Miss hentai Music

>> No.22670544
File: 198 KB, 597x521, 23868882326491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would it be a good idea to get a cheap model from Nizima

Ended up finding a really cute one! Working on the rig right now.

>> No.22670569

>that orange stripe
Well it's very believable that a certain orange cat is crazy enough to ride motorcycles and crash them repeatedly.

>> No.22670600
Quoted by: >>22670655

Sorry I'm out of the game at this point. Sold a lot of my hardware to an up and coming vtuber who I can't name... not because they're famous but because I forgot lol. I do have some manus vr gloves and one helmet left but nothing great. Most of my advice and scripts etc are going to be out dated. They're on like gen 3 now. I worked gen 1. Now I just make pony porn. Life is good

>> No.22670647
Quoted by: >>22670711

Also anon... I did my stuff before kizuna was even out of the womb. These hoes jacking my style.

>> No.22670655

He just talked about how he'd ride them in wrong way traffic on drugs for kicks and you can see Chinese writing in that picture so yeah.

weebs, furries, and bronies rule the internet. god speed.

>> No.22670674
Quoted by: >>22671060


>> No.22670689

i have like 20 different genres of game ost in my head that i can use for all sorts of different situations. if its chill i think about BGM from games like persona, if its hype i think guilty gear or revengeance, if its serene then maybe dark souls, if its moody then maybe nier and etc

if we're talking royalty free shit then im fucked and i just find some random royalty free lofi thing

>> No.22670696

Yeah, no chance that person is using any mocap gear outside the home. Seems like she's just edited into scenes and the 3D footage is recorded in either a Unity scene or VRChat. If she was using a suit, she'd still be clearly visible in every single shot. It's just good editing, especially in some of the scenes of her directly "interacting" with things.

>> No.22670711
File: 17 KB, 276x183, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22670972

>an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone
Don't give up and stop now, anon.

>> No.22670745
Quoted by: >>22670859

Thanks for the insight.

>> No.22670859

If you're interested and can afford it, I'd definitely go for it. It can be done with around 1300 maximum if you're buying all the VR gear/trackers new. The rest would just be getting the hang of recording with the intent to put your model in and editing them in,

>> No.22670884
Quoted by: >>22671275

Eh, anon is never too late. If you still do 3d models you can make a shitload of cash doing that, you could even stream the process and get some followers from people wanting to learn as well.

>> No.22670972
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 8715d77ce214e500da9241189db1450f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually pretty easy to overlay the footage real time, I was doing it 3 or 4 years ago. But doing it outside? While moving? At a high speed from a tablet? No way lol
>Mfw I'm called a boomer and I'm only 24
I miss 2010 so bad anon...

>> No.22671060

Permanently drowsy female (female).

>> No.22671073
Quoted by: >>22671173

Okay you're dumb and have no clue what you're talking about. Xsens is litterally made for outside use and has on board recording. Esentially you wear the suit, and the face tracking and record everything. Then map the mocap data into your software of choice. Run cleanup and it's done. Please don't speak with such authority

>> No.22671090

Fantastic, I will gosling you.

>> No.22671122

>no dick
Ngmi roasty

>> No.22671173
Quoted by: >>22671495

I never said it wasn't possible, I've seen the Xsens before. I'm saying that's not what she's doing.

>> No.22671214
File: 154 KB, 1446x730, return_stream_numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 100 live views
>lots of familiar names came by to chat
Thanks /asp/, I needed this.

I promise to stop competing and arguing with that crazed anti-babi that keeps saying "kill yourself Michael Choi" and quasi-doxing/stalking me, for the thread's sake. He means well but I can't imagine what his daily existence is like. Must be about as sad as mine.

>> No.22671216

I was thinking that you could have a set up on the front of your bike to hold your phone and tablet so you can check chat during red lights or something. But I have no idea of what i'm talking about so I guess I'm just saying stupid shit lol.
Gl anon, have fun!

>> No.22671275
Quoted by: >>22671423

Nah too much work. Honestly I tried teaching people. I would rather shoot myself then do that again. I did do streams, they were super popular on my channel, I've been tempted to do it again but I'm having fun doing 2d stuff.

>> No.22671423
Quoted by: >>22671552

Stream your 2d stuff then, it's never too late anon!
lol you're still young.

>> No.22671495

Haven't seen the footage but it's not some crazy thing. And no what, you have no idea how editing for this stuff works which is fine. True some novice won't be able to rotoscope out stuff but hiring someone sure. Even then xsens still goes through unity, but if you're doing post production work then working through Maya with motion builder is way fucking easier. Spoon feed the video?

>> No.22671522

Please don't insinuate that I treat my friends like slaves even you despise me. You can talk to her (male) yourself if you're actually concerned.

>yellow cat's REAL voice is FEMALE? (LEAKED)

If you mean the hairband yeah, model update soon (tm).

yeah those are mine.

goodnight, /asp/. Good work on this weekend's streams! Keep it up and don't forget why you started streaming. (it's a workday tomorrow)

>> No.22671552

Oh I do, I'm the pony poster. I'm an old fag youtuber with quite a few channels. I've been getting into 2d vtube stuff the last 7 or 8 months. Been fun

>> No.22671587

nta, but the original anon.


What do you think is going on here? Appreciate your input.

>> No.22671630
Quoted by: >>22671872

Ganbare, yellow rrat.

>> No.22671689
Quoted by: >>22671872

nice thumbnail, move the "Live" up a bit though.

>> No.22671753
Quoted by: >>22672002

I know how it works (or one way it can work) because I've seen people do it before, just with footage from VRChat using their greenscreen camera filter and overlaying the footage on to IRL scenarios. It's really not that complex, at least not at the level that Vtuber is doing it at.

>> No.22671801

anon its literally just footage of her model overlayed on to IRL, stationary camera shots with a few edits that give some scenes more depth.


>> No.22671872
Quoted by: >>22671932


done and update pending, thanks.

gonna miss thumbnail autism when I work on Twitch. I don't think it has custom thumbnails like YT does it? Really trying to cheese the one-or-the-other-only-affiliate thing if it's really like that. If Dr. K can do it thru Twitch, I think I should too. YouTube is a clickbait/political platform.

>> No.22671885
Quoted by: >>22671990

IRL first person perspective footage with cute 3d girl overlapped on top it. When there a shot that shows her hand she overlaps it with her 3d model's hand to cover it. That's all there is to it.

>> No.22671932

I think VODs have thumbnails, have done enough research about it though.

>> No.22671950

Eh yeah probably just post production stuff with vive trackers. A dead give away is the wonky walking. Kind of disappointing but while xsens and other higher mocap stuff is made for outdoor use, I'd never have it near water.

>> No.22671988

Well shit, thanks. Video editing commissions added to my ever-growing list of expenses...

Any idea how would I go about setting up a GoPro to have an overlay that tracks my hands at least in first person though? I do want full body outdoor real time tracking someday. I'm absolutely broke though with a <200$ budget for the GoPro itself included lmao.

>> No.22671990
File: 232 KB, 454x454, 980517G9236575b-25d6-4dda-9d1a-fea07dbb97c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you don't know how it REALLY works!
>describes exactly how I said it works

>> No.22672002

I'm disappointed looking at this footage and my day is ruined. I was expecting her interacting with the bike etc. This is sad and now I just want to go to bed and pretend I didn't see it

>> No.22672037

good night, anon

>> No.22672043
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, Craftopia_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oyasumi anon, I'll make it actually happen someday.

night meds? thanks for the reminder to take mine.

>> No.22672075

I never said you didn't know how it works though?

>> No.22672106
Quoted by: >>22672341

This isn't really the hobby for the poor desu especially 3d. Maybe there's some new tech I'm aware but I don't believe there's a way to do that in real time. Post production you could just use a leap motion. But maybe I'm misunderstanding

>> No.22672133
File: 29 KB, 415x203, too_green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are you quoting?

>> No.22672152

You wouldn't, basically, at least not on the go while moving around a bunch of camping AND streaming it. That's why your best bet is doing it in a video format. The problem is that it requires you to mentally frame things in a specific way. You wouldn't be sitting down in the chair with the cam pointed at you while you muse about some subject, you'd be doing it off cam and then trying to pantomime over that in "post" when you're recording the 3D model portion. That's why most of the segments with her are just her standing there, sitting there, laying there, or walking for a few seconds.

>> No.22672251
Quoted by: >>22672379

Just do this

Except take a pic of your room instead and then have an identically scaled replica in VR for you to interact with for full IMMERSION. Take a photo of the area you want to frame and then just stream as you normally would. For the shadow you'd just need to set your avatar up with a light source and shadow as part of the model since the camera doesn't capture them normally.

>> No.22672338

looks really good. nice choice.

>> No.22672341
File: 13 KB, 184x331, mmdbones.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22672572

How far are we from being able to put neon green sticker on our joints and assigning/synchronizing those to be 3D model bones? I always liked watching behind the scenes in movies.

I imagine the market has immense demand with extremely limited supply. I'm tired as fuck though so I might not be making much sense. Green screens always awed me, I figured it was some sort of software-end auto detect and remove like a real time magic wand tool.

>> No.22672379

told you furries rule the internet.


>> No.22672411

lemme smash, please

>> No.22672534

First time I've bookmarked a /asp/ thread for future reading. Thank you very much for the information.

>> No.22672572

So without needing out too much we've had that tech for a while. You could go buy it now. It's not green stickers but usually balls. You have at least a three camera set up, and it would be positioned to follow and track the movement of the nodes. This won't include finger or facial tracking. This is animated in post.

>> No.22672619
File: 333 KB, 541x406, 1642117413986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uooooooh Admiral your babi model...

>> No.22672943
File: 276 KB, 600x338, 400k_views.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22673315

Still waiting on yellow rrat and ainslie to go full on military aesthetic. Even as a babi it will sell itself.

>> No.22673315
File: 3.50 MB, 4608x3456, 20211219_224252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22673378

pic related.

money pls

>> No.22673378
Quoted by: >>22673482

not the babis but do you have a twitter?

>> No.22673419
File: 3.94 MB, 3456x4608, 1650264396655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22673482

youtube, discord, and steam only right now. twitch/twitter are wip.

yellow cat btw

>> No.22673543
Quoted by: >>22673686

Oh, never knew you can draw too. both T sites are very important tho. All the best

>> No.22673608
File: 3.27 MB, 3500x1500, reference_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've found sending edited images like pic related very effective when commissioning or outsourcing, would like to share that with /asp/ again due to importance. Verbally describing changes doesn't go very well, especially with language barriers.

>> No.22673674
Quoted by: >>22673954

Why do you have such a bad rap Mr yellow cat? Why do people not like you so much? Also drop your png I'm curious

>> No.22673686
File: 2.57 MB, 1308x1800, epic_old_man_by_swissed_toast_d6e7z1w-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I only draw about once a year or when hospitalized. Drawing streams will break the decade-long artist's block. I also had a tracing addiction where I'd resize and recolor/reshade but I'm well aware of the consequences of that now lol. Can't conceptualize onto paper without being overly critical.

>> No.22673954

To be honest I'm inherently combative because I'm addicted to adrenaline and being attacked. Where a healthier person would just ignore and not reply because someone is clearly not worth talking to I get this kind of "in case anyone can learn from my example of handling this" which means I just fall for the bait when that one specific guy ITT tries to start something with me. He has the same mentality apparently that his actions are for /asp/'s sake as a whole. I talked about the problem with this mentality in my stream just earlier. It's like starting a street fight with a drunk because he's sexually harassing your friends or something. It just scares your friends and shits up the thread. It's a turnoff and a misconception where you friends would've much preferred you comfort them and help them walk away and stay safe. I call it a "martyr" complex. I once attempted suicide by cop to try to garner attention to an actual pedophiliac sexual predator that was stalking me and my friends for years on this one game we played. Anyway it's mostly one guy with a few other crabs, people who like something just aren't vocal about it nowhere near the level of a schizo.

Does this suffice as a png?


I skipped the pngtuber phase. I started streaming with nothing whatsoever just screencapture as a means to talk to multiple people and game communities at once without explaining myself and reliving traumatic stories over and over and over. I was gifted a few models by friends, as Veibae said, it really does change your life.

>> No.22674010
File: 166 KB, 1494x832, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ever since I ""upgraded"" to windows 11 my audio settings have been dicked over. Come over and tell me how bad I sound.

>> No.22674043
Quoted by: >>22678631

>Avatar use: YES
>Violence: YES
>Sexual acts: YES
I will never get over this, kek.

>> No.22674141
Quoted by: >>22674218

ohey you changed your boots, didn't notice that at all despite that version having been around for months.

waist up really is all you need for vtubing isn't it. take that, designfags!

>> No.22674167
Quoted by: >>22674260

Oh that was you, I was the checkmark in your stream for a few min. Is that roast chicken on your panties lol

>> No.22674195
File: 143 KB, 612x586, fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many dicks around me I must suck them all!

>> No.22674218
Quoted by: >>22674330

Noooo what about our hecking extra 300 shekels for your legs, you can't just not show them !

>> No.22674260
File: 150 KB, 339x399, new_species2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my Mom likes to add details on her own. The chicken on panties/jacket and shark teeth were her idea actually. She's very based. The chiggens are something of a mascot amongst my community. I guess my equivalent of Gura's Bloop.

>> No.22674296


>> No.22674330
File: 1.40 MB, 365x498, cry-about-it-turkey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have an overlay of pic related someday. Probably as a follow notification.

God did you see Veibae's abomination of a lap? I don't think it'll ever appear on screen again beyond the 10 seconds it did during her new outfit reveal. Her feet will never reappear either probably.

>> No.22674354

o w o

>> No.22674389
Quoted by: >>22674464

return of fast-talking anon never


>> No.22674464
Quoted by: >>22674588

You mean the brazilian danganroopa guy? Didn't he say he was about to off himself some days ago?

>> No.22674573

It's nearly 4 am... no.

>> No.22674588
File: 493 KB, 1887x1831, aspie_legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/asp/ official legs ranking tier:
1. Miyo
2. Bodysuit Anon
3. Mashimyu
4. Yellow Rrat
5. Kaiser

reply today to be ranked.

no, this one.

>> No.22674707


>> No.22674736

Kaiser > Yellow Rrat. Mashimyu cunny is cheating.

>> No.22674760
Quoted by: >>22674794

I'd post my legs but then I get banned. Feels bad man

>> No.22674794
Quoted by: >>22674847

black out the testicles. I need more aspie legs.

>> No.22674824
File: 125 KB, 1378x1333, licks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Miyo a lesbian with the way she draws bodies?

>> No.22674847

I'm gr 15 sadly

>> No.22674925

It's been a while since we got voice rep posts. I'm too lazy to learn that song tho so good luck

>> No.22675035

what song?

>> No.22675070
File: 324 KB, 460x1077, leggies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22675104


>> No.22675264
File: 195 KB, 840x874, Screenshot 2022-04-18 175828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22675344

Rate my schedule (games and graphic design)

>> No.22675344

Looks solid. I'd personally put Monday on top but that's just taste.

>> No.22675508

T o T


>> No.22675550
File: 66 KB, 690x944, 1650269613002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22675671


>> No.22675628

superior to the babi legs. thanks!

>> No.22675671
Quoted by: >>22676698

god I fucking love self harm anon. Cute pigeon-toed and delicious cartooney curves. Top tier, getting hard to decide.

>> No.22675745
Quoted by: >>22675770

When deciding what name to use for your socials, do you typically go for the full name of your chuuba, a nickname that's loosely related or something else. like your chuubas first or last name. I also see a lot of indies with extra additions like Femboy vtuber, or X vtuber, or something like that.
The real question is, Should I stop over thinking this and just go with something that I like that's not too complicated

>> No.22675770


>> No.22675819
Quoted by: >>22675941

Yesterday my artist sent me my commisioned png, but my pc decided to shit itself.
Dark times ahead, frens.

>> No.22675941

desu we've been talking about bulk ordering computer parts and putting together stream-oriented pcpartspicker price tiered builds.

can get stuff way cheaper if you order like 10 of them.

>> No.22676011

easy way to get doxxed

>> No.22676106
Quoted by: >>22676259

Yeah, I feel it wouldn't work, you just need a malicious retard to fuck you over.
It might work for a small corpo tho.

>> No.22676259
File: 80 KB, 827x639, SushiSwiss01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obviously amongst friends only, not even trying to sound like an elitist cunt. it's just teamwork, you can try it with your friends too, even with their own art commissions or buying computer parts from them. paypal always favors the buyer in a friends and family transaction.

>> No.22676334

>streams for 3 minutes without realizing it's a black screen and infinite echo
>commissions his friends to support them
lmao. I respect this guy's attitude sometimes. It takes a lot for a male to sing. Actually I don't know of any current /asp/ies who sing male or female besides this but I'm very new and ESL so the discussion is difficult for me.

>> No.22676370
Quoted by: >>22676544

seven minutes*

>> No.22676458

I'll admit he has personality. Even when he isn't talking the way he moves his mouse during games is like a crackhead and he's always trying to glitch or get himself killed. Could say he has too much personality for /asp/.

>> No.22676522

the nonstop voice command spam, drug use, and incessantly asking his viewers to play with him suits him very well.

>> No.22676544

t. yellow cat

>> No.22676582
File: 5 KB, 446x194, you_got_me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22676734

Well, we already established that I unironically talk to myself, usually when on drugs or in psychosis. Antipsychotic medication makes me sleep too much.

>> No.22676610


>> No.22676645
Quoted by: >>22676715

there's nothing unusual about a streamer talking to themselves on stream but go to sleep, yellow rrat. It's 5 am.

>> No.22676666

is it a good time to stream for murricans?

>> No.22676698
File: 167 KB, 1360x1225, 1650273202699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22678348

Now I need to find you and kill you. You left me no choice.

>> No.22676715
File: 695 B, 180x180, 1644105535577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22676734

If this isn't shopped that is very disturbing yet mildly endearing.

>> No.22676772
File: 1.34 MB, 840x932, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shillin friend's VTuber self introduccion

>> No.22676800

buy her a new mic

>> No.22676816


>> No.22676871

Me gusta

>> No.22676924

Not bad, but she's not passing as Japanese.

>> No.22676945

>Horrible mic

>> No.22676955

rate this rigger

>> No.22676977

Looks fine to me. Clothing is very stiff.

>> No.22677067
Quoted by: >>22677376

Did he forget to rig the mouth or what?

>> No.22677376
File: 62 KB, 784x1200, 1647858308876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22677383
Quoted by: >>22677405

Looking at freelance riggers made me realize how low effort niji's riggings are sometimes

>> No.22677405
File: 293 KB, 436x466, 1641494160015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22677425


>> No.22677425
File: 52 KB, 800x450, ah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't remind me

>> No.22677433
File: 242 KB, 565x565, 1647770904538 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22677477
Quoted by: >>22677643

Should've mentioned holo as well I guess

>> No.22677643
Quoted by: >>22677680

We are together in our pain, brother.

>> No.22677680

I'm not your brother, buddy.

>> No.22677813
Quoted by: >>22677909

He is my brother, impersonator anon.

>> No.22677847
Quoted by: >>22677909

It's Easter we are all brothers in Christ, brother.

>> No.22677909
File: 453 KB, 834x812, thumbs_up_ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I was just replying to myself in an amusing fashion. I'm touched though, y-you too.

Does that mean I can get a (You)?

>> No.22677991

Nope. Rape correction is needed.

>> No.22678216

Checking the vod. You got much more views than usual, didn't something particular happen?

>> No.22678275

>amerimut who knows less about history than a 5th grader
gas yourself

>> No.22678348

Self harm anon, you can only blush like that while I'm fucking your brains out, not at other anons praise. Rape correction is extremely needed in this case.

>> No.22678386

Does self harm anon stream?

>> No.22678407

So I don't like providing negative commentary, but I've done a quick run through of your profile, and here's feedback:

Your PFP and Header image are both pictures of you, with no background or meme potential. Stop that. Keep the PFP as you, and then switch the header to your background. You're an alien, so something like an alien landscape, a starscape, or a cartoon picture of a spaceship. On the other hand, I know you did some work on the model for coomer baiting, so your feet pic.

Your bio is good, short and snappy, link to twitch, gives your art tag. I don't understand the point of a going live tag, but you do you. There's no NSFW art tag, so I would assume you're not interested in getting any. Because I know you're a babi, I would strongly consider adding in your pronouns. I know, I know, woke brigade... But being a babi can filter out some of your viewers. If you add in he/him, then at least you avoid them getting pissy, and you also have a chance of pulling in other people who are into that.

Your following list is kind of lacking - you have a bunch of interests (Minecraft, NASA, CSA, etc), your rigger, and then a bunch of 100k+ accounts. Your primary growth early on will not tend to fans of minecraft, but other streamers who are fans of minecraft. You need to interact with people more. It might screw up your "ratio", which I know a LOT of people care about, but honestly, you have other things to worry about.

Which brings me to your postings.

You have a tweet from the 17th, which is a screenshot from Minecraft.
For the 16th - a link to your VOD, the art you did in the stream, a "I'm still live" post, and a "going live" post.
You then have nothing back to the 13th, with a random tweet, then a "stream's done", "live now" series.

You need to be posting more, and not just have it "I'm live/still live/ending". Probably one or two things minimum every day.

Tweets and replies has NOTHING else, likes is just to people replying to your posts. You're not interacting with anyone.
Dude, this looks awful. You've given me no reason to follow you on twitter - you won't interact with my posts, and all I'll see are the going live notifications. If I follow you on twitch, I already get those.

Fuck it, I've got some time. Anyone else want a check through their social?

>> No.22678411
File: 27 KB, 333x333, MASHIMALLOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22678540

I drew a little mashimallow yesteryday for sub badges

>> No.22678479

Fuck you got me.

>> No.22678518
Quoted by: >>22678554

we are literally the last thread on the catalouge.

do you guys want a chain thread? I'd make one right now no problem. I like to have the thread in a small window on auto in place of chat when im not streaming (or in the mood to talk on vocally). it's a don't care but thought I'd ask since someone mentioned waiting a few hours if the thread was slow or toxic.

>> No.22678540
Quoted by: >>22678575

oh good morning mashi. if you're going to stream soon I'll make the new thread so you can be first post if you want. that's how I got that one clip of yours to 100 views and the other to 80.

>> No.22678554
Quoted by: >>22678572

No one will complain about faster new threads

>> No.22678572
Quoted by: >>22678605

can I be a faggot and put my most recent thumbnail as op pic? It's a good one.

>> No.22678575

ehhhh really? that's very kind, thank you! I can stream, if anyone's around

>> No.22678605

I personally don't mind but angry anons will derail the thread instantly. I really feel for you. Play it safe and pick a generic pic

>> No.22678609

One of my favourite streamers is this really chill female artist. She's really cozy vibes, explains the process, and is great at talking with chat.
She's been coming to my streams for the last fortnight, because she really likes my voice. She's complimented me during her own stream as well.
And one of her whales followed her, then dumped 1000 bits and 10 gift subs on me for no reason during my last stream.

>> No.22678631

That's pretty standard stuff.
The real question is why don't you allow it with yours? If you ever incline to the point people want to do this to your avatar, then they'll just bootleg it. You can't escape this.

>> No.22678686

Mashi has objectively the best on this list.

>> No.22678690

>everyone has sealed lips and afraid of being copied or having their ideas stolen
This is a valid fear though.
I've posted twice, here and backfront, about an idea I had for a stream that someone else has then done before I could, and both times by someone bigger than me, so it'd look like I was chasing if I then followed through.
I've learned my lesson to not post specific streams I'm planning if they're more than a week out, which sucks, because I got some good feedback on some of the other ideas.
