Matsuri is cute and lovely!
kill yourselves hoomans
cute esl kiara
shellfish of a rough stone
I love Ina!
I miss Fauna...
I love Mori!
is this based on one of Huke's prototypes for the Empress outfit?
wut happen?
>>OPI love Mori!Kiara is nice but I don't love her as much as Mori
I love the clock and the snake!
What the fuck is Kiara even talking about?The longer this stream goes the more insane she sounds
Ame post
Meimei a cute!
>mori streaming>kiara streaming>2 collabs going on>thread still dies pre-1k posts
why are the threads so dogshit right now?
hehmori cute kiara cute
>>22049646breeding thoughts
>>22049632It's based on a translation of an old Japanese idiom or something
>>22049612>broccoli hair
>>OPLore art is best art.>>22049611Me too!
These last few threads have been a little bioluminescent.
moom post
Gura cute
>>22049650it didn't die, it got killed. i assume meidos didn't want to clean it up
>>22049612Why is it always some pussyboy twink faggot? Is being a /fit/chad just a meme?
Do you think she'll use it?
>>22049650No Gura or Ame stream, Fauna too sometimesNo good thread
>>22049654Because of one miraculously stupid individual.
>>22049654EUhoursthe same thing happened yesterday
Gura cute Gura cute!
*prepares a spell*
>>22049690>it got killedno, it died. page 11 bump off
Guwa babu
I love Reine!
alright thread sucks post cunnyI will accept hornyposting your oshi as well
>>22049684This actually made me chuckle. Fuck.
Rainforest Halo...
>>22049641I love Mumei!!!Can't wait for Mumei's amazing collab with Bae today!
>>22049717it was page 10 when it got archived
WILL finish Yakuza this week for sure
>no more yakuza next week no matter whatbros...
>>22049650someone's bumping dead threads again, the last thread right now has a post from 30 minutes agoi
>>22049646Mating press thoughts
>>22049695That just looks like she's spreading her legs
>>22049709Why yes.
>Finishing yakuza no matter what
>>22049694women prefer pretty boys over gayass muscle faggots
I love lean!
>>22049654A certain burger woke up
I just want all HoloENs to reveal their boyfriends, so schizos will just lose their purpose in life.Not like it's gonna affect the girls that much, most normie viewers don't care anyways.
>>22049654civilization's oldest menace - the hun
they gotta give the plushies a cavity search
>>22049672your soundpost is broken, the soundpost part of the filename should be[][]
>>22049714what the fuck my pp is hard all of the sudden
Love my mori
>>22049641The cutest!
>>22049637And more love
>>22049735Same desu
That was a great collab, Nene is one of the best at getting Mel to loosen up and let loose.
Why did Gura not tweet out that her collab with Bae was moved to last night? Now when Gura doesn't stream today everyone will be confused.
>>22049737that's just a glitch that sometimes occurs when a thread gets bumped off before your browser refreshes to show it on page 11
Watame my beloved.
She doesn't care about you....
>>22049637KIARA MILK
>>22049774None of the HoloEN chuubas have canon boyfriends. Roommates are irrelevant.
>>22049766you just hate americans
Kiara calling out newfags...
how come no one's talking about mori's stream lately? did we actually bully the deadbeats out? why aren't they washing away the schizo?
>>22049779>the hunMarineschizo?
>>22049796mori belongs to the bottle
>>22049798She is.
>>22049774bruh if Gura reveals her bf this board will go insane
>>22049714Lady Melfissa of the Hyakuman Subs will take care of this
>that questionWHAT A FUCKING CLOWN
>>22049774we know you do. that's why we don't want you around. go back to where you came from.
>>22049739>She will finish Yakuza this week no matter whatFIFY
>>22049586you have good taste
>>22049835Nah, just the ones everyone hates and this guy in particular.
ouch"Hoocuck" is not a mem...
based Kiara
Kiara is rather cute, innit?
>>22049844Mori elden ring is by far the worst one in EN
It's a "maybe" for twitch it seemsKiara comfy here
I don't really give a fuck if theres the occasional Twitch stream, but that is a bit of a dumb reason.
i love kiaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>>22049841Mori would copyright strike Kiara
>>22049641Cute and sexy.
>>22049888what makes you think hes american then? hes a NEET with a fucked up sleep schedule so its impossible to tell
>>22049844I'm too busy farming Kirby Gacha to post
>>OPI play way too much elden ring because I thought this was Malenia artwork
>Getting cucked by a shitskinI'd kill myself if I was a Hooman
>>22049851There were like 2 concurrent threads at a time and a mass fucking supporting flashmob after the Ruhsia's "yab". And /vt/ promised me mass scuicides. No one cares.
>>22049774yeah me
>>22049902didn't she have the biggest CCV for the first stream in EN?
>kiara can numberfag all she wants on stream because of the businesslady kayfabei... i kneel
>Kiara doesn't watch streamsKFP EXPLAIN?
>>22049901And so is Mumei!
>kitbogaSIR DO NOT
DO NOT REDEEEEM>>22049940Me on the right
>>22049844Mori's stream of it is genuinely boring. I actually cannot tell you why either.Still watching it but I'm not paying much attention anymore.
You think management is grooming mumei to be council’s gura? >we all know council underperformed and Kronii who they probably thought would be a hit just fell of a cliff and underdelivered the most. Supporting mumei might just give council its push as a whole
KITBOGA of all people
>>22049940right for me
>before Hololive I didn't used to watch streamsBased and same, honestly.
>This is Kiara's oshi
I love Kiara! I love Baelz!I love IRyS!I love Fauna!I love Gura!I love Amelia Wwwwwwatsonnnnn!I love Sanner!I love Kroner!I love Moomer!Yep, I even love Mori!UNITY FOR LIFE
What did Mumei do to make that shizo tilt out for three threads?t. ako
>>22049969Nope that was Gura
kitboga deez nuts
>>22049974You can't claim to be Japanese without numberfagging.
>>22049993>council underperformedgo back
>>22049942>I am Kiara, the blade of Calliope, and I have never known the feet.
>>22049969She was like one of the first to play it
The arm's position seems a bit strange in Kiara's drawing, is it just me?
>>22049937well he might get his west coast mobile network banned again, but it does look like he's deep in on this proxy and pass stuff now
>>22050019>implying anything has to happennewfag
>>22049646>Casual outfit>OG shoes and tightsI don't understand
>>22050015nice gyno
Where's my clussy?
>>22050019Superiority makes 2views jealous
>>22050020ina is a DORK
>>22050017Ina Ina Inaaa...
I ate burritos today
>Mori is still doing the funny bong accent
>>22050036>A L L O U T W A R
>>22050017Why does Ame get special treatmenat?
>>22049969Secondmost, because she hyped her Souls experience by far the most out of all of EN. Gura still beat her with raw numbers though, but Gura does that to everyone all the time. Mori's numbers tanked the hardest on Elden Ring because she's neither new nor good
>>22049930I don't see anything wrong with it
>>22050020WAH HA HA
>>22049844I'm enjoying it. I just don't really feel the need to post about it.
>>22050091Don't Kiara Dot Dot Dot me!.webm
>>22050019three threads? He's been doing this for like three days at this point.
>he pays for hiromoot's condoms
>>22050019isn't it just more of the same like yesterday?
Did she run out of stuff to stream that she needed to return to something she dropped
>>22049994Some guy that scams indian scammers. You know those "please purchase 100 dollars in amazon gift cards for us to unlock your computer" shits? Yeah, he fucks with them
>>22049982I hope they don't take too long to make their song together.
The APEX scrimmage continue on with all the teams going over the things they did wrong and right on the multitude of maps as well as what they feel they can improve to make sure they score really high on certain maps...unless you're Matsuri's team then you just talk about how cute Hoshikawa is, and how much Apex coins to buy. The next scrimmage match is going to be a real scary one, prepare for a true slobberknocker /hlgg/!Matsuri: the help of Zeta and Kaela, Kobo has managed to not end up as chum bait for the rest of this comfy and hilarious Raft collab that ID3 have find themselves into. With their new found power, they can now build up their boat to greater heights and search barren islands for some cool stuff and maybe face off against wild Haatons.Kobo:'s got a lust for power and battle as she beats the shit out of big catdog things with swords and sweeps, searching the lands for where she needs to go in order to grab a Mimic Tear so that there can be TWO Moris on the same screen which might cause some people to pop in frustration. is still having one of the comfiest streams of the day as she works on her new daughter Kobo's picture that she's been working on for 3 hours now. She's also bringing up marshmallows to answer whatever questions you've got to ask her. for sure enjoyed their oshi's movie watchalong and now get to inhale all of the prime Miko dust as she closes them off with some light zatsudan and movie review. Quests are being accepted by Uyu and his powerful Lalafell as the FFXIV gaming doesn't stop for anybody. Now that you can log on to the game, you've gotta make the best out of the situation and find out exactly what's going on in the main story.'s still glued to his screen right now, playing and really enjoying Omori and is already lost in his thoughts about the story and certain twists presented to him. The depression arc is really going to hit him hard once he reaches certain parts with how close he's paying attention to things. look like you could use a super cool and suave demon general to help you relax your weary thoughts on this rough shitposting filled day. Lucky for you, Oga's zatsudan stream is in ASMR form and his soothing voice will calm your raging soul licketedy split.>Songs ReleasedToday we've got Shion and Hoshikawa teaming up to deliver this cover of the song Magical Girl and Chocolate. A very high energy and fun song to listen to, when these two brats sing together, the harmonies are absolutely insane. It's a really addictive song to listen to and you should go give it a stream if you haven't yet.
Kiara will never love me as much as she loves Koreans...
Kiara really wants that tiny gook dick
>>22050089Are implying it is not funny? because then you'd be wrong.
>>22049480taking a bit of a break from this fucking shithole. Just thought it would be better if I go here less, honestly, I have never seen more pathetic displays of utter faggotry in any other place on the internet
>>22050004Cringe doxschizo but I will not lie. He is UGLY lmao.
But why Mumei tho? leave her and leave us cucks aloneGo for Fauna PLEASE
Mori has insulted, angered, and offended the entire Black community
>Kiara watches kitboga>fauna northernlion >gura alluding to vinesauce a few times
G-guys... I think that I love Hololive
Which is the Lego Star Wars of the From Soft games?
>>22050160didnt ask nigger
>>22050099I always think that speedline on the left is cum in the thumbnail.
>Shouldn't have made it anonymous
she demands ye doxx yourself
>>22050108enjoy your dui mugshot in the near future
HoloENs with current boyfriends:>Fauna>Mumei>Ina
>>22050015that guy is lowkey pretty racist
>>22050139Moom very cute! Hope they have fun with it.
KorFP is pretty incredible
>kiara trying to doxx kfpsAND KFP ARE OKAY WITH THAT??
>>22050161wait fr? gura based??
>>22050161>Kiara watches kitbogaBased.He's doing the lords work, I've actually ben subbed to him for like a year even if I don't watch him frequently.
>korean kfp that would go to germany to see kiaraI'm both happy and concerned for Kiara...
>>22049611Hey, me too!
>>22050144You're late. This will be deducted from your pay
>>22050064fuck off /fit/ I left you long agofuck you, I lauged
>>22050004This shitskin fucks Mumei every night while Hoocucks pay for his condoms
>>22050159Seethe :D
>>22050197And she won't even learn Korean for them...
Imagine how much better the threads would be if we get rid of ONE guy
luv streamin'luv elden ring
remember a couple days ago when Kiara said she made her KFP merch bright orange so it would be easier for her to avoid KFP in public
>>22050195So is Kiara
>>22049928kek good one anon
>>22050191all of them are me, btw
Will Kiara let me inside to fill her hole?
>/ggg/ still complaining about the collabhow does one even cope with being a chumbud when they're like this?
>>22050051Someone got all of Verizon banned for a while
>>22050160>he types from his mudhut
>>22050161>watches kitbogaUsed to.
fucking hell I wish I could go...
>>22050234will Reine get Kiara back into Elden Ring
>>22050227basedfuck k*rea
>>22050108I can't do this. When I was a kid, I saw an article where someone drank directly from a bottle of green tea. After they left it in the fridge overnight and poured it out, it formed a spherical bacterial mass that floated in it because of their saliva and the sugar. Definitely can't stand the idea of sipping from a drink and then letting it fester for the whole day.
>>22050224Cucklings stop falseflagging with MumeiGo for Kiara she cucks her fans too
>>22050144>You look like you could use a super cool and suave demon general to help you relax your weary thoughts on this rough shitposting filled day. Lucky for you, Oga's zatsudan stream is in ASMR form and his soothing voice will calm your raging soul licketedy split.More like I could Oga's gigantic demon cock to licketedy-split my body in half
Kiara thinks covid restrictions are bullshit
>>22050212As long as it's before 300 posts, it's not late. Also stop dying so fast then.
>>22050229Don't let it get you down.
>>22050222Would fuck that Ina, ngl
>>22049902I enjoy her Bloodborne streams more. She feels lukewarm when playing ER, like she's just playing it because friends are.
>>22050229I'm just fascinated that he seems to be going even harder than usual these past few days without even mixing up his bit. Guess nijispamming got old or something.
Just... forcefully conscript him to his local Military, Hoomans
>>22050239No, she told them to wear it in public so she can recognize them so she doesn't approach them and distract them from protecting her
>>22050195so he's based?
>>22050195Go back you niggerfaggot
>>22050222Femboy InaFemboy Ina
I wish I could fly to Germany and see Kiara
Kiara really overlooks the fact that her non-German fans just wanna see her.
jesus kiara loves kfp way too much, this isnt healthy
>>22050234Reine please I want to watch your Papers Please stream and catch up on Raocow.
>>22050301>stop dying so fast thenI-I wish I could, friend...
>>22049902ina > mori > irys > kiara > bowsonin terms of enjoyment and not being shitters
>>22050229I don't care about him because i don't like mumei
>>22050313He got a get yesterday with his epic falseflag so now he's gonna do this for another 2 years...
Kiara is a really good tsunFuck
>>22050161Gooruh pls plae dee em cee too it is da bess gaem eva
>>22050229reminder that yesterday he got assblasted because the meidos kept instantly deleting his posts and took a comfort break for a few hours, and yes the threads were a hundred times better
>>22050191Yes, Ina is indeed my girlfriend.
>>22050239>Fuck. That's clever.
>>22050315nigga is not even a mumei anti, just the regular hlgg anti
>>22050340I think its more the fact that she doesn't expect for non-germans to care so much to travel to a different country just for her
[Sheep News] Watame wishes she could rerecord some parts of Aimai Chocolate as she feels her tension does not match the lyrics in some places. Ollie ogey?
>>22050303I just wanna talk about Hololive, and if burning this kid's house down is gonna allow me to enjoy talking about Hololive better, so be it. it's not like they'll catch me
How is Ame getting more viewers in Elden Ring that Mori when she is supposed to be way more popular than her?, she is also supposed to be the Souls veteran and Ame is better than her, what happened deadbeats?
>>22050343>kiara >loves kfpThe only thing she loves are black cocks
>>22049988she's not completely new to the series and difficult action games in general like kiara so her responses to the usual bullshit that soulslikes throw at you are boring, she doesn't have the learning capacity of ina so you don't get a sense of progress from her learning the mechanics and getting better at the game, and she doesn't have the raw skill and reflexes that irys displays to win her fights while undergeared and ame despite starting late approaches the game differently from the other ENs and has the usual #ameway producing unintentional kino. mori just kinda... plays the game.
>>22050343yeah well it's mutual. I'd easily blow 2k just to see her if I could
>>22050363Well the good news is he's uncreative so filtering him is easy as fuck.
>>22050017where the fuck is Ina?
Hag steam
>>22050340Kiara has low self-esteem issues more news at 9.
The fact that Mori keeps showing me things about this game that I still haven't found is both exciting and terrifying
I want to try currywurst, it looks good
>>22050384good, means we can all do this together
how do these conventions even work. I feel like only weird people go there that have no shame in being disgusting and rude
>>22050402Stop using my oshi to shitpost, deadbeat
>>22050402timezones, ame streamed later
>>22050406I didn't know they could look like thatIt's weird
the Myth social autism...
>>22050161they're probably clipfags, i reference the same 6 xqc clips with my internet brainrot brother despite the fact that i have watched nothing outside of those 6 or so clips
Guys, I am watching Takanashi Kiara draw Kobo, and I have to say, I love Kiara.
>Let's collab!>No deliveryWhat is this?
>>22050402the last like seven streams mori did of ER was done late as fuck at night or incredibly early in the morning
We are doing a /hlgg/ meetup at Dokomi, right? is probably the image Mori was talking about.
That's exactly how the Anima Crossing arc died. And how the Minecraft arc will also not start again.
>holoEN is so weird, they're like "who wants to play this game", and then everyone is like "yes yes yes yes yes" and then nothing happens because no one takes initiative... Unless it's me.AUTISM HATE
>kiara thinks raft has better graphics than Minecraft
Fucking EN autists
>>22050438no, that's /here/
>>22050473What a coincidence, me too!
At least this year you only need a ticket? Last time you had to buy Kiara's merch to participate in the Meet & Greet I think
>>22050343no such thing as too much love
>>22049928>Unidentified special needs phoenix
>>22049844Her Fromsoft streams have been pretty soulless compared to the other holos from what i’ve heard. I mean she’s still using the cookie cutter weapon that isn’t uchigatana, and if she’s still using an “all rounder” build, i wouldn’t be surprised.
>>22050448To be fair raft is boring as fuck as a stream game, so I'm kind of thankful for Myth's feminine autism this one time
>>22050479Chiara Candy and grass ah ah ah ah
>NijiNiggers so butt blasted over Fulger dox that they target the most loved Holo:D
>>22050239Dont know how true that is but still. That's so fucking smart. Sasuga my oshi
>>22050229I think it's funny because hoomans are the worst posters on this board
>>22050499its true
>>22050485you'll have to sus em out like usual anon
>>22050506I can't judge you all by appearance here
>>22050499A fucking excel spreadsheet has better graphics than minecraft
>>22050518No. This is what I look like.
>>22050409>>22049988>mori just kinda... plays the game.Which would be fine, except all she talks about is the game too, just reacting to what is happening. It's just an endless stream of "die bitchboy, no sir stop, haha take that" etc.
>>22050543are you a child
Even Kiara knows she’s a narcissist.KWAB
>>22050529shut the fuck up
>>22050508Nice friend! I hope you are enjoying Kiara's stream!
It's weird how Apex tourneys end up where there are usually still 20 squads left by the final two circles. Battle royale tournaments are a mistake.
Well clipfags? Are you doing anything bad?
>>22050518I'm going to eat a watakek.>>22050433You should, it's fucking great
>>22050529I still believe the rrat that it is Fulger
>kiara only watches clips of herself>"maybe this is a little narcissistic"You can't make this shit up
>>22050406Literally me
>>22050488There's a billion pictures of Ranni with out of character size tits made by fotm fan artists though?
>>22050425I've watched my Ina's segment almost daily since fes. I love her so much and seeing her up there was amazing
[SERIOUS] Kiara admits to narcissism problem
>>22050595who the fuck is fulger
>>22050571No but he's the schizo
>>22050545She was checking Ranni's body because pictures of her she saw on Twitter were all stacked as fuck.
Kiara is saviourfagging imaginary scenarios
Kiara, Kobo isn't your actual child
I'm gonna dox Ranni
is kiara projecting?
>>22050555but honest answer is that you will get bounced so fucking fast from a convention ive witnessed it firsthand its hilarious to see IRL ejection
Kiara is making up narratives
bullying should be punished by death
>Elementary schoolTwT
>>22050376Stop giving him attention you're letting him win.
>>22050161ina used to watch fucking lolit's not good to judge people by what they watched when they were younger
Kiara forgot her meds today...
>>22050488There's a fuckton of images of Ranni with huge tits. It's like people ignore the moment she's shown without her puffy clothing.
[Kiara News]She is crying
Some of you all aren't bad, ya know... I like most of you. shame about the schizos...also Watame just sniffed me
>>22050144I don't know, apexfriend, I feel like *bleep*s make this song too annoying to listen to more than once.
>>22050622The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup
That deadbeat? Me
Kobo's sad backstory...
>>22050598What a fuckin bitch lmao
>>22050631she's just like me...
>Kiara is making up rrats of KoboKFPkeks, explain this.
>Kiara's believing her own rrats on streamThis gives credence to the fact that thread schizos are all women
>I'm getting sad about things which are not realme too Kiara, me too.
>>22050613>>22050651She follows this one because he's drawn Mori before.
>>22050595I believe it just because it's funny as fuck and I believe rrats on the basis on how funny they are.
Man, imagine making shit up to be mad at.That'd be crazy, good thing nobody here does that.
>Yeah I'm getting sad about things that aren't even realitySay it again
>>22050473Based me too
>there's so much hair!suityan...miosha...
>>22050568I think its mainly because unlike the others her roommate has most likely already beaten the game or gotten to the late game
>I'm getting sad about things which are not realSHE'S /HERE/
>>22050635Why are you white?
>>22050657Magical girls don't say swears so it had to be bleeped to protect everyone's innocence!
>>22050684SHE'S /HERE/
Kiara making rrats again
>making sad stories up just to be sadyou don't do it, anon, right?
now I wish i was on ps5 so Mori could see my messages
>I'm getting sad about things that aren't even realityI'M FUCKING DYING LMAOFUCKSOUNDPOST IT
>>22050665>[SERIOUS] Kobo's sad forgot the serious brackets
Kiara sure knows a lot about getting bullied and having people do mean things to your hair...I wonder why...
embrace it, Kiara
>>22050731Once again, Kiara provides a soundpost for every situation
Does Mori know that group passwords don't filter out non-group messages? Entering a group only highlights messages, bloodstains, and summoning signs of others in the group while providing 5% rune acquisition buffs whenever someone defeats a great enemy. They don't even make those things more likely to appear.
>>22050402>>22050651>implying a doll can't have adjustments or separate Breastplates for whatever she feels like "wearing" on occasion Not my fault you lack imagination
>>22050144i want to give you a slobberknocker
At last i am the last real poster...
>more wataimoTuT
>>22050765Good ol Kiara providing more soundposts
>>22050731I wonder what she thinks of our /u/ fanfiction about Mori
>>22050728I did it yesterday over some merch
Gura is pregnant.
>>22050576Make me, NijiNigger. It's not our fault Fulgur is a hambeast. He's so hated that he has to target the most innocent and well liked EN Holo on this board.
>>22050774Yes she knows.
kiara wants to be a loli
>>22050558God I wish Hololive got into modpacks
>>22050774>They don't even make those things more likely to appearYou sure? I thought I read somewhere it did.
>>22050774she does, she's reacting to the signs that have the ring around them
>>22050655We like schizos here
>>22050804Yeah, with me
Kiara mentioned the Ark knight stream!
>>22050745It is because Mori could not stop talking about how she was bullied
Kiara confirmed bi!
I remember the waifu tier list stream. It was... awkward. Thank god takotori really took off later.
why do I feel like Kiara has a unhealthy and unkept lifestlye? am I wrong?
Hoocucks shitting this thread with their imaginary enemy
>>22050833You're probably mistaking it with the other multiplayer password thing which DOES filter out everything besides those using that password. Group passwords don't do that, and they even allow you to use 5 group passwords at once too.
>>22050613>>22050651>>22050693>>22050783>>22050538>>22050545>>22050628Why do doll have big tits
I'm going to order a pizza at noon and there's nothing you can do to stop me
>Loves Berryz Kobo>Loves Mumei>Loves KoboKiara, is a pedophile
>lost to the same shitty team again for the third timejesas aqua why do the same shit thrice
>>22050842honestly it depends on the schizos, just... seriously, some of them are fun and hilarious but some are just annoying
>>22050879Nah, she's probably more on the tidy/healthy side than most of the other ENs.
>>22050809stop giving him attention, you fucking retardare you new here? stop acting like you just arrived here last month
>>22050896Why does Robot have big ass?
>>22050841You have to be 18+ to post on this site.
>>22050903Pizza for lunch is ok? Why would there be a problem with that?
>>22050907and thats a good thing
>>22050728I wrote a post focusing on Mori's feelings about Kiara and I still think about it a lot
>>22050896FotM fanartists don't actually play videogames.
>>22050496Maybe EN just doesn't want to play those games and they're just saying yes to be polite?
>>22050890Yeah and I thought it would prioritize group 1 over 2 over 3 etc
>>22050920Do she have puss puss
>>22050529t. VShoHoe
>>22050918hes replying to himself newfag
>open thread>the whore is streaming and her mentally ill followers with no standarts are infesting the thread>close thread
>>22050883Hey, Selenposter, do you like military rations?
Kiara doesn't see rap as a skill...
>>22050928what the fucksaved
>>22050896People are afraid to draw flat girls
SameTori bros!
>>22050903can you you get me some hot wings?
Just one more day...
>>22050962Fubuki is not streaming, are you blind? And she is not a whore.
I hope niggas aren’t ACTUALLY paying for proxies… just get them free at least goddamn
>>22050896Ranni's original body was tall and did have booba and booty, she's just impersonating her small and flat mentor because she's in hiding.
>>22050962nice fbk cosplay bro
>>22050655>>220508427 years
>>22050879>lives off oreo shakes and fast food>actively refuses to do her physical exercises ordered by doctor out of sheer laziness>explicitly stated that she gave up on cleaning cat hair from her clothes
>>22051010hang in there, tako
>>22050986Does anyone have that comic with the deadbeat trying to pay for something with the cashier's SSN?
Kiara really likes getting praised by Gura. She's the cunny in that relationship sometimes kek.
>>22050962>keeps telling others they are mentally ill>literally some german incel seething day in day outI do love your commitment of wasting your life.
So easy to butter up Kiara>Kiara can you eat my pussy out? You give the best head...>Awww sure!
>>22050986Why the fuck did I laugh at this.
>>22050921I'm 43
>>22050989Gura made her so happy with the dance stuff too, she's such a sweet girl
>>22050962>standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts standarts
So are the new ID girls just hyper indonesian? Everytime Ive tried to tune into them its just nonstop whatever the fuck their language is.
Susan is fucking with IRyS vod....
>>22050974>>22050940>>22050896Because JRR are unable to make a book without attack other books
>>22051010I miss her so much
>>22051019Free proxies are much lower quality than paid ones.
>>22051020I wonder if we'll see pre-bbq Ranni in a DLC
Stop replying to the mentally ill schizo
>>22050409You also got Reine doing her dumb but effective playstyle with her new STR/FAI buildPizza dad is still my favorite playthrough
>>22050918Hooman... that IS him...
>>22050988>>22051011>>22051021>>22051034>>22051046kill yourselves, you fucking retards
>>22050962Nice cosplay but thats not really the purpose of this thread anon.
>>22051038I remember when you guys were the dominant demographic here and I was underage cancer
[Kiara News]: She is eating her donut
>>22051087We love you too!
>>22051063And also are all pretty much permabanned here.
Why is KFP seething again? Did their whore of an oshi cucked them again?
>>22051065Every Souls DLC has had at least some kind of time fuckery in it so I would not be surprised in the least.
>>22051032>>22051040Too bad Kiara is passive aggressive against Gura especially with that "if Gura can do it" comment
>>22051047Always the way early onGive them two months or so to see which regions akasupa
>>22051095Why are you replying
>>22051065"Miquella's Dreamworld based on pre-shattering Lands Between" is my best idea for a setting for DLC since it opens up so many options for characters and bosses.
>>22051010I miss her so much bro
this is why kiara is my oshi but I don't associate with KFP
>>22050962>didn't even summon ExodiaFaggot can't even shitpost properly baka
Kiara's thumbnail sense is cute, but she rarely incorperates anything memey or baity. Certainly hard to compete in the YT landsacpe.
>>22050944EN seems to have the issue where they don't want to play any games. Ame and Kiara seem find things that they find entertaining enough, and Ina and Mori have their moments where they get really invested in a series, but the other 7 seem to suffer from "water everywhere and not a drop to drink".And that's perfectly fine; not everyone is a gamer, and /most/ of them supplement the lack of game streams with other content.
>>22051079No, I like his posts
Uhh rratbros? >>22048402
I want a donut...
>>22051084All the time he moan about LOTR and how his last book haven't come out yet
>>22051023Wrong thread buddy
>>22051047Kaela speaks a lot of english in solo streams.
>>22051133It's bants austistchama.
>Glazed donuts
>>22050809I want to rape ars almal
Kiara should stop eating doughnuts They're bad for you
Kiara you bitch now I want a donut
fucking bingo
>>22051144I'd rather they add something to the existing world rather than make a whole new zone
>>22051080>Pizza dad is still my favorite playthroughHis playthrough really was quite kino
>>22051032wtf I thought they hate each other
quality thread as usual, yuros
>There's a hole in my donutKiara has gone full schizo
Does anyone have a soundpost of Ina saying No rapidly?
those noises...
Sorry Kiara, the message is "I'm gonna rim your hole"
I want to glaze Kiara's donut
uuuuuuuuuuu schizo meldown!
>>22051032Kiara really likes getting praised by anyone
>>22051087Imagine being a Uiposter
>>22050529>>22050953yes, good job, just point fingers at everyone. that'll show em
Kiara going schizo paranoid insert donut holesJust like me!
Kiara these noises... my cock...
>>22051167don't reply to him
Now this is a good stream
>>22050962I don't understand why this k**k*riki pretends to be an anti by posting cute pics of her and using shitty bait that makes the other antis look retarded
>>22051144honestly that would be great, interested in seeing more of Miquella and Godwyn
>>22051133Take your meds.
>eating donutsNO
>>22051080Aruru's playthrough is the best because he's like the best parts of every holo girl's playthroughs combined.>Unique builds>Good at the game>Utilizes new mechanics>Talks a LOT and interacts with chat>Obsessed with the lore of the game>Quickly recovers from his own mistakes>Played it regularly all the way to the endAnybody who loves ER streams would do well to watch his from the start if they haven't been.
>>22051211the simple lack of saplings is the only reason she isn't equally hated
>>22051170Ill give her try then.
I'm going to bed before another meltdown happens
do they have kirspy kreme in Europe?
>>22051166no me importa eso estaba hablando de tetas
>>22050944EN barely like playing games to begin with.Look how Ina acts when she actually finds a game she likes (Elden Ring).
>>22051020What the lore for being given a debuff from being given a hug
I will forever hate these fake eating noises
>>22051193>using the wrong image
>>22051065Doesn’t really make much sense, Ranni’s death was one of the catalysts for the Shattering. I can see us going back to the start of the Shattering but I can think of any reason for us to go back to before it started
>>22051257they'll be one waiting for you when you wake up
>>220511677 years Watacuck>>22051232Watacucks cant help themsleves.
alright:Good news, I found the schizo. Bad news: I'm on a static IP so I'm not gonna share it here
>An end>No colour yetJesas, makes me appreciate how quick Ina is at this stuff
>>22051267Fia takes a bit of your life force, to give someone else in the future.
>>22051236you literally just explained why.........................................
>>22051087all me long are you guys going to keep this up?
>>22051248fuck im already forgetting my /fit/ memeswas this the sleep more guy or the drink water guy?
>>22051296catbox it
>SEAniggers blaming it on yurusAre all Holofags bunch of SEAniggers?
I wish Kiara kept her pubes.
HoloEN should do a group singalong of Mr. Brightside.
>>22051267Sex makes you weaker
>>22051252Fauna and Kiara aren't hated though??
>>22051065uhhhh, bro?
>>22051296Do it
>>22051266>EN barely like playing games to begin with.And what's wrong with that exactly?
>>22051032Imagine Kiara having a loli modelImagine how much of saviorfag her fanbase would be then
>>22051267Oh, that's just Fia. She absorbs a bit of your health in exchange for a blessing. She can then use your vitality to revive warriors as undead or spirits by sleeping with their corpses.
ever since Towa started streaming late for her i haven't watched as much ENs live.i think i like her
>>22051300Reminds me of when council debuted and Ina cranked out fanart of every single one of the girls using their debut lengths as a time limit
I wish I kept Kiara's pubes
>>22051296You can always count on the deadbeats, eh?
>>22051296Oh nyo
Kiara is upset her pleasurable experience didn't last longer
>>22051031I'm looking for it but check the mega
>>22051337the chance that one of the jannies or meidos is with him (at least from /jp/) makes me not want to share anything here. I might go and deal with him on my own though
Ok my dick can't take this anymoreI'm going to compile all the times kiara has eaten on stream and compile it into one video's feets...
>this is behind your favorite orange womanDo KFP have a kink for ugly woman with annoying personality and voice?
anything under 6 donuts is not a donut
I've been watching Kiara with an erection for a good while and I don't know why it happened or how to stop it a way that doesn't involve jacking it while she stream
Kiara is onto the jews who sell donuts and donut holes separately.
>>22051324until the meidos grow some balls
>>22051250The best part is that he plays it like it's an anime, nobody else really plays into that angle despite all being anime streamers
It's a snack Kiara... It's supposed to be short and sweet... Just like sex with me.
>>22050529I don't know if she's the most loved but her branch mates and their fanbases seem to really like her!
>>22051387Godspeed, Kowkarot
>>22051356Because of collab autism (at least for myth).
Did every en holo get bullied in school?
>>22051356That their other content is either nonexistent or is shit, outside of karaoke
>>22051365>>22051345>>22051301So love is bad and kill is good
>>22051387Jimmy you horny fuck, you can't just make a "Kiara eating ASMR", she'll think it's weird
>>22051218it's actually adorable and I really want to spoil her
>>22051348That's not Ranni's face, that's Renna's, Ranni's master who she based the doll on. Ranni's actual body looks nothing like Melina.
>>22051348Melina is the body. Ranni is the soul is my handcannon.
>>22051389Reine feet...
>>22050568In fairness thats exactly what Ame does. Its not exactly abnormal as far as streams are concerned. The real difference is Mori doesn't really seem to care about progressing, and isn't all too invested in the game. The raid battle was just her running around on a horse going "Yeah, get him, get him guys, get him,power of friendship, wooo," basically in monotone.
>>22051252I'm here every day and you can try me again if you want faggot
If Kiara lived with me I would give her snacks all day and encourage her to make very loud eating noises.
>>22051348Why would you line up Renna's face with Melina?
>>22051198 one? sadly i dont have it in soundpost form
>>22051384Come on, don't be a coward and do the needfulThe FBI needs some tips about the CP posting anyway, be a good samaritan
>>22051409So that's what they mean by looking like a snack
>>22051384oh fuck off then
>>22051296"kfp thot patrol" Mumei is Sachimu, whose name is Tarah. She has a current and active boyfriend named Marcel.
>>22051387Based bro. Bring on the goods
How often do you guys snack?
>>22051435Oh ffs it's elden ring not Kingdom Hearts
small kiara was cute too. imagine protecting her in Japan so people couldn't be shitty to her without looking for their teeth.
>>22051446t. architect
>>22051347But anon, that guy's personal hatreds clearly apply to everyone.
>>22051435you can find Ranni's original body though and it looks nothing like Melina
imagine putting your dick through Kiara's donut and then giving the donut back to her
>>22051402Nice try, everyone knows it's the (((Poles))) who sell pączki to themselves and separate the holes for everyone else
>>22051454>>22051459I will fuck off, but i'll just say that for me at least the flight is easily affordable
>>22051296Do it >:D
I think >we should address the big elephant in the room.By this I mean the fact that Gura, despite being an active streamer on Hololive for almost 2 years now, has not yet been raped by the rest of the girls on Hololive.I think this is unacceptable and Yagoo should fix this issue immediately
>>22051393You calm yourself down and focus only on Kiara's stream and her words, cease any thought that comes up meanwhile, sexual or otherwiseWhy do you think KFP is so anti-thinking? It makes watching streams too hard
Kiara is keeping the booba to herself
>>220514701 pack of cookies every daythats it
>I drew her really flatAs all things should be. Amen
>>22051453Not really but this is good too.
>>22051296>>22051384You dont have it do you
>>22051488yeah because it was horribly burned, just like melina said her body was burned
>I drew her really flatAnd it's fantastic
>drinking milk gives you boobaNice rrat kiara
>>22051393Just give up and start gooning.
>>22050639>Tracing kemuri haku
>>22051490Imagine her eating the donut off your dick
>>22051508japan is open, don't worry
>>22051499cool larp bro
There's a surprising amount of futa kiara coming out recently
>>22051324Apparently they don't know how to stop biting bait
>>22051156Fauna has GOI, Kronii did a great SA2 series and hopefully can find some other edgy 2000s games to play (Shadow the Hedgehog would also be a great choice for her) but unfortunately doesn't stream that much, Sana gets invested in one cutesy Nintendo game and it's all she plays until she finishes it, which is fine I guess. Mumei and Bae I agree about though, and I like Mumei a lot as a streamer.
>>22051435That doesn't line up. Melina describes herself as bodiless, and Ranni's body can be found at the top of her tower. And besides, a body without a soul is what Godwyn is, and that is not remotely close to Melina.
>>22051435>>22051473>>22051488>>22051432>>22051522Don't forget it also linked to bloodborn and darksouls
>>22051473to be fair the game has a giant fish death aids half dead demigod
>>22051483I am indeed an architect, but I would probably give her healthy stuff like bell peppers so she can be alive for a long while
>>22051499nice larp
>>22051467 Thanks for being a fan.
>>22051420Then just find something EN would actually want to do.
Kiara wants her to be cunny
>>22051508They know her cunny is MINE
>>22051393I always edge myself to her streams
>>22051333>arm got chopped off?>GOOD>sleep 1 hour and work out 25 hours a day
If the meidos can hashban my censored lewds, why can't they do the same for doxxpics? It's the same images being posted over and over again.
hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, leather club's two blocks down
Wait Kobo is a water shaman. Why would she use an umbrella and raincoat to avoid the rain. She'd be like Quiet and go butt naked in the rain.
Some random 3D idol love!t. Kiara
>>22051425>He doesn't like Mumei's art streams and zatsudansThere's no accounting for taste I guess.
>kiara fangirls for ex-idolsbrainrot...
>>22051435melina is actually bodiless too, maybe ranni's soul was fragmented somehow and one came to inhabit the doll while the other became whatever melina is
>>22051522Melina doesn't have any of biological features of that the children of Radagon have though, for example the bold red hair
>>22051454>Jannie cleans up the doxx>Proceeds to go personally clean up the schizoThey do it for free... But they DO care!
>She does not even know I existShe is just like me
>>22051578Because banning mikoboat is more important than banning doxx websites.
>Kiara can't do anything for her favorite idol's birthday and she doesn't know she exists>I can't do anything for my favorite idol's birthday and she doesn't know I existWE ARE
>kiara's oshi doesn't know she existsPain chicken
Would she be a good Holo?
>>22051582She's a shaman, not a rain elemental anonAlso transparent raincoats are top tier fetish
>multiple oshisKiara was an actual whore all along
Is there one (1) holo which doesn't have a small group of schizos who shit on her
>>22051582Because she's still young and hasn't learned how to dodge the droplets.
>>22051425Okay but I don't see how Raft collabs would fix that. If ENs content is shit then they should do something else.
Reine is going to be sleep deprived and halu as fuck for her collab with Irys.
>>22051578same, my cunny images...
At least I acknowledge your existence anon!
>one of my oshis>kamioshi/hlgg/ don't look
>>22051611I can relate
cute fangirl
Reminder that Melina fights with the Black Knives moveset, who Ranni collaborated with in the plot to steal the Death Rune.
I want Matuli to pop off and shit on this lobby just once bros...
>>22051391She's a solid high 8 nowadays fuck off
>>22051622No this just comes with being popular
kiara is going schizo...
>>22051571>3:00 AM Shit my pants>3:05 AM Throw my soiled underwear at my sleeping wife
>>22051621The Japanese have a different meaning of the word oshiThis just means Japanese otaku are all whores
>>22051644Kiara's a whore...
>>22051635its a learnin stream
>>22051644kiara is correct
>>22051622Ina ina inaaaa
>>22051622It's a sign of popularity so you can at least take that as a silver lining as you want.
>>22051617>Wants to begin the age of the starsShe promotes the homos
>>22051442I don't know about mori's ER streams but it doesn't seem she interacts with chat that much tho
Out of fucking nowhere she just hums the Indiana Jones theme kek
Which Holo would Harrison Ford tolerate?
>>22051499just fucking post it nigger use your phone's mobile data was the bully btw. Sasuga camwhore.
>>22051543The fabled KikkeriCOCK
indiana jones bros....
>>22051650And? Melina is Marika's daughter, she says her mother is inside the Erdtree. And the black knives are the same race as Marika (a Numen)
>>22051692korone is like chewbacca
>>22051296Go ahead and post the Fulgur image
After watching a lot of mumei I find the other EN streams to be Inadequate she’s on par with gura
>>22051622literally anya
>>22051633I never said a raft collab would fix that, the ID girls can play that game. Minecraft on the other hand....
>>22051622MarineShe just has a single REALLY dedicated one
Holy shit this place is going to hell in a hand basket
>>22051692whichever one you think smokes weed
>Haven't watch Indiana JonesHoly fuck, KFP get her to watch it.
Kobo singing this when?
>>22051697I always knew Noel was a snake, her “kind” act never fooled me.
>>22051662goddamn that shit still gets me
>>22051677is Ina the least popular Myth girl here?
>>22051622The most obscure Holos. As others have said, Anya fits this bill.
>>22051687she does a fair amount, but she does also get into just playing the game rather than streaming it if you get what I'm saying
>he’s also the watame schizoJesus Christ.
>>22051677>she hates her fans arc>depression arcSorry, but no. >>22051708>>22051724She used to, but they moved on to Ollie after Ollie's big indo rant.
>>22051734Isn't Indiana Jones full of Nazi imagery?
>>22051720being on par with gura is not a compliment
>ordered food>comfy kiara streamyep its a fridayno Ina though...
>>22051267Fia isn't a bad person. What she does is take some of your life in exchange for a blessing of endurance. By the time the blessing runs out, the life taken from you has recovered. She can then use what she's collected and transfer that to others or use it to summon shadows of the people she's collected.She's essentially collecting blood donations and you're receiving a cookie every time every time you go.
>Watch both Holos and nijis>Both threads are in a similar stateGuess I should have just stayed in that coma cause fuck, what is happening today, its all the schizos came out.
>>22051655yeah, anons always use old ass photos instead of recent ones
>>22051728its just the same guy as usual though
>>22051578Mods could do a lot of things like rangebanning image posting on phones or forcing /r9k/‘s unique system on this (or all) boards thus forcing phoneniggers to change and discouraging their spam completely…mikoboat is the real enemy
I don't think the 4th Indiana Jones was that bad outside of the fridge scene when compared to the other movies.
>3 hours>It's actually been 3 and a half hoursMY TIMEWARP TASUKETEEE
>>22051767The /jp/ watame schizo?
>>22051731Harrison smokes weed? He looks like he'd hate it.
I drew a Towa for you! :D
Temple of Doom > Holy Grail > Lost Ark >>> Shia Laboof and monke
>>22051773Soon tako. She'll be back soon
>>22051768He fights the nazis in the first movie
>>22051780Bros she's so pretty
>>22051692FBK because she WILL interview him for the new Indiana Jones movies.
>>22051751By far
What the fuck is up with Reine why is she awake again
god she's stunning; dont post it here though
>>22051778it's literally the one guy that always does this everyday, how new
>>22051728Its not like you can't filter like 4 words and maybe a few images and not see 99% of his posts. Half the time I'm not even aware he's still going until someone brings him up.
>>22051543I knew mori was lying about the 4 inches!
>>22051789Don’t some of the mods love the chaos? I thought that was one of the reasons why sharkmeido got executed.
>>22051803He and Carrie Fisher were absolutely destroyed during the filming of Empire Strikes Back
>>22051810The Infernal Machine >>>>>>>>>> movies
>>22051697>I don't want to be associated with someone who leaks information about us.RIP in piss Rushia.
>>22051708>>22051724NTA but for some reason Anya has a tiny group of retards who really hate her. They reside mostly in split threads though, so nobody really cares about them.
>>22051726So it's just about you wanting ENs to play Minecraft? But that still wouldn't do anything about their content mostly being shit in your eyes.
>>22051780my.. heart...
>>22051830This. Jerking it to 3D women is shameful
>>22051453You do realise if you post a youtube link like that you'll get it soundposted, right?
>>22051780Unironically one of the prettiest Holos. Both model and roommate.
>>22051768Only 2 of them have Nazi imagery, and one of them is not much worse than the things you would see in Wolfenstein
>>22051807it's shit, kys
>>22051846I MISS FAUNANA
>>22050019Her roommate wasn’t Petra after the schizo convinced himself she would be.
>>22051709True, I can imagine him being alright with Aru or Rikka.
>>22051796>Be wary of zzz, therefore Try coffeeWhy not try sleep Reine?
You guys really have low standards
>>22051780Nice cherry picking
>>22051879DefinitelyMaybeTotallyNot prerecorded Karaoke later!
>>22051697What are you talking about and why should I care?
>>22051867You don't have to jerk off to enjoy something beautiful, you coomer
>>22051780I want to take care of her. Make her breakfast, clean the cat hair off her clothes and rim her asshole every day.
>>22051697Your first link is dead and I don't speak Japanese, but if you're right then Noel is based and did nothing wrong.
ENTERWhat do we even call her?
>>22051852Obviously hence why /qa/ mods pasted a whole Gura wojack on their catalog and /here/ mods just ignored the entire Mori drama when it got into dox territory for days (just a few recent examples)
>>22051926Cute ESL
>>22051767>implying multiple people can't post the same images and textThis dipshit probably has a notepad full of stale rrats.
>>22051728>oh my god guys this is so terrible he is so powerfulpretty fucking subtle rumao
>Kobo derails the streamFUCK OFF.
>>22051862True, but at least their gaming content will be good
>>22051822>>22051866>>22051869>>22051874>>22051912>>22051923kill yourselves
>>22051664>The Japanese haveThey don't, just like here, you have people using one or the other.
>>22051874definitely the prettiest out of myth, idk about Council
>>22051832fasting month has muslims wake up very early like 4am-5am anyways so it's probably seomthing she's going for
>>22051853That was probably coke. Same with the holiday special. Everyone involved in that was intoxicated in some way.
>>22051697Join hololive they saidThere’s no bullies in hololive they saidOnly nijisanji has bullies they said
>>22050019>oh you sweet, sweet takodachi>it isn't Ina saying this
>>22051697based if true, honestly
>>22051770you're right it's not just a compliment, it is the greates of compliments
>>22051697>gets mocked by fandead and kishidan>comes crying to global with a deleted video hoping for approvalkek
>>22051908well your father lowered his standards when he fucked your mother
>>22051912Seethe more. All her recent pics are on that level
Japan's paganism is very cool
I hate you niggas so much
>>22051947Anon she's literally drawing Kobo, calm down
kobo is cute
>Kobo is going to sleep>Will do so while listening to Kiara, a literal rooster of a streamerWhat is wrong with this girl she will never get any rest
>>22051774>Fia isn't a bad personFuck off Rogier
>>22051947Luring Kobo is one of the objectives of this stream
>>22051622with every vtuber/e-celeb/normal celeb you have 2 stages/steps that signify their growththe first step is the fandom/chat being unusablethe 2nd one is the schizo outbreak and ifunny tier memes shitting on them
Are there any actual Hoomans left here?
>>22051874Cutest HoloEN girl for sure, also best body
>>22050529>the most loved Holowho?
>>22051874>>22051780>Photoshop>make up>filterspics like that cannot be trusted
>>22051977HOLY KEK
>>22051900maybe she's going nocturnal for ramadan
>>22051966No she specifically said he had a powerful strain of the ganja
>>22051987I need more of this autism in my life.
>>22051374Do you have the animation by that same artist of Okayu opening a triple chest from Vampire survivors and singing along?
KFP you guys fucking suck
>>22051947SEETHE. You're going to get Kiara lusting after her cute daughter and you're going to love it.
>>22051969Mumei hungers for the soft, tasty innocence of the Takodachis.
>>22051943>Potatomuncher listenersanName a worse combination
jesas Towa be aggressive for once
>>22051774bro she killed D
>>22051770I mean it is considering she's the most popular so she's obviously doing something right.
>>22051947settle down deadbeat
>>22051946that's not what I said
does kobo pee on people
>>22050409>and ame despite starting late approaches the game differently from the other ENs and has the usual #ameway producing unintentional kinoIt's been a whole day and I still can't believe that fucking Godrick groundpound ending.
Are the meidos on strike?What the fuck is this thread.
>>22051993How have you not caught on that it's still the same people?
Alright this thread is so bad that it's actually funny, in an absurdist kind of way.
>>22052010I'm always here
>>22052014Make up is fair game. She looked like that in her last stream. Shut the fuck up now.
>>22052014A shame even if you tried all that, you'd still look like shit.
I wish Mori was able to get to the Behold Octopus sign that Ina left before it was gone, even though I know she wouldn't have been able to interact with it since theyre on different platforms
>>22052033I'm just watching my oshi while eating cereal. The fuck did I do.
>>22052010I'm not a Hooman, but I really love Mumei and consider her to be a close second favorite.
Nice thread
>asking underage Indonesians to massage youuhhhh
nice desktop Akutan
>>22052010Yes, we’re here.
>massage your mommy please
[Aqua News] this dork has Kirito set as her desktop wallpaper
>>22052060they don't care about people with only one chin
>>22052010Sure but I'm talking about streams and ignoring the deeply disturbed individual.
Doxniggers and their supports will all be shot
we extra schizo today aren't we?what's up anons? how's life? any problems in your personal lives recently?
>>22052014See >>22052021
>>22051987That was actually the one I was looking for, but could not remember the right filename for the life of me.Thank you.
>>22052090A grand European tradition
>Mori unboxingwhat is it?
>>22052060I could post some Mori dox to grab their attention, but I don't really feel like dealing with that right now.
>>22052052If Kobo does a rain dance while her bladder is full of piss she'll make it yellow rain.
>>22052032Youre not supposed to lust after your child...
>>22051947... the point of the stream is for her you dumb sack of shit
>>22051930>>22051930remember the time mamatori called her "the little fenix"
>>22052028nope, sorry!
>>22052033Don't look at me, I loathe k**kirikis
>>22052005What happens when you have the second and not the first
Kiara is literally the perfect girl and there is only one of her in the world and she's completelly unatainableThere is no greater pain
>>22052058>R2D2 soundeffectkek
>>22052060The meido literally only cares about Mori
>>22052088they get better at some point
Did KFP used to be less retarded or im remembering wrongly?
>>22052062I'm sure some of it isn't kfp but I doubt it's all discordfags or whatever
>>22052135of course
Me. I've mailed myself to her apartment.
>>22052116I'm going through some tough times, but my oshi's streams are getting me through it.
At least post some gravure pics if youre going to post cake
>>22052135>completely clean desktop other than a singular link to APEX>SAO background>NortonYep, this is a real Aqua moment.
>>22052014What? Even on her birthday stream she look pretty, what are you talking about?>HARAPAN has Descended>hara-pan>The act of punching a girl in the stomach during sex. It is a very uncommon fetish. It is said that the punch connects to the uterus and stimulates it from within.What did she mean by this?
>>22052033Yeah, Kiara's asshole
>>22052135I MISS EUGEO
KFP, Deadbeats, your oshis are cute!
>>22052060You HAVE to report the posts anon. Also don’t forget to apply next time they open the janny applications.
>>22052060Posting porn forces them to do their jobBut then again I spam porn in splits and they never get deleted so who knows
>>22052135>Norton>SAOI'm becoming an anti
>>22051846You now realise Fauna was literally watamelon-posting and nobody realised, not even us.
>ugly pictured gets deleted>normal picture staysyeah meido is masturbating again
>>22052060They forgot to clean their caches after the cp yesterday and are now in jail
>>22052116I can't find that dang deadbeat grocery shopping comic
>oh my god guys KFP are so terrible, it was totally not me
>>22052178what about mine
>>22052060>he doesn't know the meidos' work schedulethey're not gonna be here until at least 4 hours from now
Kobo would be very valuable in the middle east
>>22052134Understandable, have a good day!
Mori killed Calli...
>>22052135This is the most Aqua thing possible
>>22052178fuck off hooman, you're a cuckold
>>22052178And yours is great!
>>22052135>Norton>SAO wallpaperI'm out of words...
>>22052204Based KFP janny
>>22052135WHO IS THIS "KIRITO"?!?!
>I can do anything for you.ITADAKIMASUUUU!!!!
>>22052135This is the most Aqua image I've ever seen
>>22052155The ones replying to off-topic are fan-discord KFP, just use the functions this website provides and ignore.
>>22052135that desktop is too clean for a woman
>>22052155>falling for the same baitanon is cute!
I'm going to go pickup my pizza
>>22052075>>22052071I'm not even saying she's ugly, stop being sensitive. Just saying that highly edited pics like that are untrustworthyAlso on stream, you can add filter too and the way you set up camera, lightning can also make a big difference.
>>22052135I cant stop laughingFucking hell, Aqua
melfissa post
Would you eat this cake from meido Kiara?
>>22052057What racks me up is seeing the ground pound work put in so much work. Like it was destined that Ame's cheeks could slay things.
Smol Ame love
>>22052135honestly kind of impressive other than Norton kek
>>22051846>>22051879>>22051914Does anyone here even remember the yab associated with this image anymore?
We love Smol Ame here
>>22052033It's not even me man...
>stands in its own mist spellMimics are dumb
>>22052135I'm sorry Aqua but this is really funny. Just Norton and a single Apex shorcut. Akwa....
>>22052135Fucking Aqua
>>22052236w-what is she watching?
>>22052060Anon, it doesn't matter if the meidos clean up the thread or not, the people who post doxxpics will just ban evade anyway, and everyone's already seen every picture a hundred times by this point. Much better to just report, ignore and move on than sperging out and giving the schizos what they want.
>>22052042That's D's fault unironically. D, Rogier, and Fia all share the same goal but have wildly different approaches to it, which is the point of the whole questline.
>>22052155I suspect it's like 2 seaniggers being ironic
>>22052278those are some dick suckin lips
>>22052215Hoomans love all Holos!
>>22052285No, but i remember this one
>>22052261If you used make-up.You didn't beat the game.
Image of European taking an young Indonesian native as a wife
>>22052169>>22052195>>22052212>>22052242What am I supposed to use for security instead? Norton is pretty obnoxious, but my folks have a family license so I get it for free. Is it that bad?
>>22052135Aqua is goddamn perfect
>>22052278I'd lick the crumbs off her lips.
>>22052304Standing here...I realize...
I'm a cuck
>>22052132Based and KiaRySpilled
>>22052357we know, deadbeat
>>22052135>only an apex shortcutAqua I kneel...
>>22052314rrat:mumei is the cuckschizo
>>22052143I love her so much
>>22051780Deadbeats and KFP are honestly pretty lucky they get regular new updates compared to the others, I wish my oshi didn’t care.
>>22052341>those facesWhy is it so easy to spot korean fanart?
>>22052283>Held hands with the staff>Got pregnantSmol Ame is a whore...
>>22052357this is like the fifth time i'm filtering this image
This outfit is pretty sexy
>>22052278That's a super cute Kiara but I want to see the actual maid outfit...
>>22052341Based, Kiara is going to civilize her
So if mods just stop moderating they’re forced to delete this board since no one will right?
>>22052345in 2022 Windows Defender is enough for private use.Use an adblocker, https everywhere and maybe a blocklist (pihole) and you are good to go fren
>>22052285it was better back then...
>>22052357We know, sapling
>>22052357*huge cuck!
>>22052293Its a two pc setup specifically for Apex.
No wonder this thread keeps dying. So many falseflaggers.
>>22052268>not the spatless editngmi
>>22052178>>22052332>implied wesettle down hooman, watch how the others do it. you're too obvious
no more images FOR YOU
>>22052370>>22052382>>22052417>>22052419kill yourselves
>>22052345I mean if you get it for free that's fineBut don't fucking pay for it. Common sense is the best protection
>>22052415what's the point of https? Do I need to put it in my soundposts?
OI hope they also rangeban all the fucking faggots who reply
Angry holos are so hot
>>22052267If you used make-up, were in a well lit room or have a good quality camera.You didn't really beat Elden Ring.
Hoocucks status?
>people still like KiaraSeriously? SHE'S LITERALLY GROOMING A LITTLE INDONESIAN GIRL. are KFP really ok with this?
What is the POINT of cunny if she isn't Kusogaki Kiara
>>22052200You're getting close to the truth
I miss Ina
I still want fanart of Kobo slurping on Kiara's titties
I don't like the color green but I love Fauna send help
Elden Ring's underground is so fucking beautiful...I want to live there...
>>22051425isn't ina literally the biggest art streamer in the world
>>22052417>>22052370Nice fingerpointing Hoomans.
>>22052469I wish I could groom Kobo with her.
>give (You)s to the schizo>he starts shitposting even harder>gets even more (You)s>omg why are the threads so horrible jannieeees?
>>22052135Why does Aqua like Kirito so much? Fucking baffles me. He's supposed to be a self insert for middle school Japanese boys.
>>22052469A cute austrian girl grooming a small indonesian girl is better than an Indnosian grooming her.
Burger hours is a mistake
>>22052486>No one has posted art of Kobo sucking on both Kiara and Lamy's booba
>>22052460For me it's unusually-coloured sclera
>>22052463fart fetish is disgusting
>>22052484I miss Ina too...
>Clearly a raid>GUYS WHY ARE KFP LIKE THISThis thread feels like a cartoon kek
>>22052469if you're gonna get groomed Kiaras a good option to do the grooming
>Let's hunt down all the tree peopleCan't believe Reine is advocating genocide.
>>22052504I do not want to live in any of Fromsoft's worlds
>>22052333Honestly this fucking stream made me dislike Kiara a lot which might've skewed my vision of her to the level that I didn't want to watch her streams and made me dislike her for a year. Didn't help that her voice filtered me up until it just didn't. Yes I'm a pettty motherfucker but I learned my lesson in not being a retarded fuck because then I'll miss out.
>>22052278I want to marry her...
>>22052345bitcoin miner
>>22052460My Kiara headcanon is still that she will try to become evil and harness the heat of the suns and in the process burns the entire planet with her power
>>22052135>Aqua likes SAOOH NO NO NO AQUACREW DON'T LOOK
>>22052455https means secure. The data is sent to you encrypted and your computer decrypts it. http is plain text so your communication back and forth with the server can be read. Passwords and usernames and the like can be viewed in plain text.
>>22052504my favourite areas in the entire game
>>22052515Because she is a middle school Japanese boy mentally
>>22052490ah, the no pubes canonical version.
>>22052539>Clearly a raidwhen it's like this everyday it stops being a raid and becomes the usual
>>22052506Yes by quite a large margin too
>>22052469I wish Kiara would groom me
>>22052135This is the most Aqua picture I've ever seen in my life.
>>22052515She has the mindset of a middle school Japanese boy so she self-inserts as Kirito. She's said it on multiple occasions: she wants to BE Kirito.
>>22052467yes, make up is extremely deceptiveCoco with and without make up looks like 2 different people
>>22052549Live and learn, at least.
>>22052135>firefoxB A S E D
>>22052557Kiara is Doc Ock?
>You oshi>You get paid 5 dollars to kill your oshi with a shoe, would you do it?(you can sex her afterwards)
>>22052571Do I need to start putting https in my soundpost filenames or will the script do it automatically?
>>22052597>Not using Edge
>>22052033hey I took a short break to fap to cunny doujins don't look at me
>Your oshi>Open your eyes your eyes are open
>>22052515She will become Kirito and there's nothing you can do about it
>>22052568Nah, thats just Ina, Mumei and Kiara art streams are really fun
>>22052557My headcanon is that she tries to be thanos because she is also in love with death. Killing millions just to impress mori
>>22052609KiaraI literally lose nothing because she can revive. You might want to rethink this one anon
When the stream is over, could someone timestamp the smol ame mention for me?
>>22052515Aqua is a middle school boy in the body of a young woman. Why do you think she loves and tryhards at Apex so much?
>>22052357Rent free, NijiNigger. Go watch some more males. You wish you had her in your branch, that's why you're targeting her.
>>22052518this is literally eurohours, retard
>>22052545>Can't believe Reine of all people is advocating genocide
>where does it come from, that Japanese Anime style?From Japan, Kiara
Which pair should watch all Fast & Furious movies together?
Aqua should have called out that landing area at the top a lot earlier
>2+1 ENs streaming>no one's talking about themI fucking hate yurocucks so much
>>22052664Gura and Ame
wish I had done reps. I always wanted to draw but somehow...
>>22051353What dive the ruskie into heat with baton? No 3 three stripe.
>>22052460>Mori's reflection and cracking body>Ina's crawling shadows>Kiara's clothing burning off>Gura's hair turning redThese are obviously mid transformation stills, what is Ame turning into?
I have hopes. All schizos eventually fuck up, often because they try too hard not to.He will too, one day. Might be tomorrow, maybe next week, perhaps a month of even a year but the day will come when he fucks up hard enough
>>22052627>MoriSorry, what did you say? I wasn't looking
Kiara is a bit of an otaku
>>22052636She revives in a different dimension she said it herself
>>22052654Early Japanese animation actually took a lot of influences from early Disney.
>>22052609MoriShe's already death
>>22052135>clean desktop and tray>firefox instead of chrome>wired connectionThis is her boyfriend's computer and you can't convince me otherwise.
>>22052664James May and Noriyaro
>>22052664I want Kiara and Mori to watch Tokyo Drift!
>>22052639I think it was around 3h:20?
>>22052690My wife
>>22052200w-why is the lower left corner of BeRyS cropped like that?
I have the same weapon Mori has but the skill ony does the back spin slah thing, not the second part, how do you get that?
>>22052684you dying sometime in the next 2 years? if not, start now
>>22052690Mid-time travel
>>22052690She's activating her sharingan.
>>22052690She's about to time travel
>>22052705No she got control over that. That's why she's here after her three re-debuts
>>22052546>forced to live in a world with animalistic inhuman monsters >said world is ruled over by a brutal, aristocratic elite who will do whatever it takes, no matter how cruel or disgusting, to remain in power>supporting an attempt to overthrow the status quo simply leads to a new shady elite controlling everything who are more often than not even worse than the previous one >despite this, these worlds are punctuated by occasional moments of beauty, decent people and even the occasional waifuI'll take it over this one.
>>22052627>your oshi>when it's cold outside
>>22052684>Was never pushed toward anything in my life or had a mentor figure.>Psych gives me a bunch of tests to figure out what should I try to do with my life>All of it points to being an artist due to my imagination Maybe I should do my reps...Never to late to start right?
>>22052736it's a secondary attack follow up, similar to the spear you get a rykard, just attack again
>>22052737I meant to start on this year but somehow...
>>22052690Ame is being possessed by the pocketwatch is awake.
>>22052736keep pressing the attack button
>>22052719More like the desktop of someone who will only stream Apex for the rest of her life
>>22052690Look at her eyes. She's turning into Kronii
>Kiara and Kobo finally get to collab>It turns into ERP six minutes in
>Your oshi>Favorite colour
>>22052719You don't watch Aqua much do you.
>Kobo wearing nothing but a see-through raincoatTuT
>>22052705t. Anon who doesn’t watch streams or pay attention to lore
>>22052581>happens around the same time everyday>doxx always immediately posted with nobody prompting itServer or FB group was probably nuked again. There's always been a schizo outbreak when this happens
>>22052724>NoriyaroI used to watch a lot of that guy before of Kiara's debut...
>Kobo typing in all caps and sperging in chat like a 12 year oldGuys, is she really 12 years old?
>>22052690>Sharingan activates>Ame vanishes>As you wonder where she is, you abruptly despawn from reality>Smash-cut to Ame standing next to a crib and stomping something off-screen into bloody paste
>>22052690Ultra British Bong Prime.
>>22052664Gura and IRyS, except it's just Tokyo Drift back to back with the Initial D Legend movies
>>22052664Kiara and mori. Their watchalongs are still my favorite
is reine's stream lagging just for me?
>>22052792Don't cover the hair vents! Those are essential for proper ventilation of a Neroface. She'll overheat otherwise.
>>22052807she's cute. i wish gura was more like her
>>22052757>supporting an attempt to overthrow the status quo simply leads to a new shady elite controlling everything who are more often than not even worse than the previous one So it's exactly the same as real life
>>22052370>>22052382>>22052395>>22052417>>22052419>>22052644stop replying to the vshitjo / nijinigger you fucking idiot hoomans
finding the schizo probably isn't hard, you just need to find the doxxcord he sits around in and run a search for m*****.
Ina doko?
>>22052625Edge is great for farming gift cards>>22052768AM I HERE IN VAIIINNN?
>>22052471I want to lick Gura's fishy armpits>>22052495I want to lick Kronii's infinitely stench armpits
>Kiara gets Kobo's raincoat merch>Offcollabs with Kobo>She's nude under the raincoat
>>22052533They did a watson image in her office I thinkDon't have it saved thothey're pretty good
>>22052622The extension HTTPS everywhere will check to see if the page you're trying to access will work in HTTPS if not you'll get the HTTP version. The website itself needs to have HTTPS enabled for you to use it, however some allow you to still access it using HTTP only. If you click an http link you'll get an http page. HTTPS everywhere extension will redirect you to the HTTPS page instead.Just adding https to your links might make them not work if the website isn't setup for https.
>>22052781Wait, prerecorded? I thought it was definitely maybe totally NOT prerecorded?
I wish vtubers had more opportunities to show off their full model outside of say Ring Fit, especially Kiara.
>>22052807she's 14La+ is 19 and she sounds like a hag compared to Kobo
>>22052850No, I enjoy his posts
>Kiara doesn't know her cats birthdaysSHE HATES THEM
>>22052848That was my point, yes
>>22052139a cult following or having their target audience be online weirdos
>>22052539/hlgg/ is Bizzaro world, nothing else makes sense
>>22052803Close, it’s a new n*j* “””drama”””, so of course we have to suffer for it
>>22052853With me
>>22052854>spoilerHow do you do that? Do you get anything?
>>22052836>She'll overheat otherwise.Sweaty Kronii ripping off her clothes and airing out her pits!>>22052855BASED
>>22052850Anon you're LITERALLY replying to him.
>>22052833She is a lesbian...
>Kiara doesn't celebrate her cat's birthdaysKFP, we still have a chance...
remember mikoboat is still marked as spam while literally doxx websites aren't
>Your Oshi>Thoughts on Wolf's Rain?
Omori as a punishment kek
I remember the time Kiara said she wanted to make a stream where she married her cats with comissioned 3D models for them
Holy shit, Reine specced into that Str Fth Blasphemous Blade build. That's amazing. Has she gotten Flame Grant Me Strength yet?
>IRyS is currently waking up to one of these.
>>22052333is this the marioparty knockoff when kiara actually got salty?
>>22052949yes, meidos are huge faggots, we know
>>22052949I just tried to make a novelty post and lastmeasure is filtered too
>>22052863I mean for however the soundpost script opens the catbox link for the sound. Since I hand type the link I skip the https part to go faster. When the script reads the link, will it default to the https site? Does this even matter with catbox?
>>22052881Didn't she say she's legal?Is age of consent that low in Indonesia?
Why does Watame love me so much?
>>22052644>You wish you had her in your branch, that's why you're targeting her.True af Hololive is not a place for whores with boyfriendsShe would be happier in Nijisanji.
>>22052894The niji thread is a mess to so this doesn't hold up at all.
What even started the schizos? Is it because of Fulgur posting?
>>22052963Kiara... don't.
>>22052777fuck drawing boxes or figures or whatever, draw what you feel like until you think you're being held back by stuff like perspective or proportions.getting in the habit of drawing stuff you want makes it a lot easier to absorb lessons because you can try applying it right away (at least it did in my case).
STOP making me horny chicken!
>>22052414God I wish I was Noel here.
>kiara schlicks to her own fanart
Is there a holo that wants to fuck her own model more than kiara?
didn't someone /here/ commission that
Why is Kiara undressing next to Kobo...?
i want to fuck that chicken so bad
So if I make art of Kiara in the Shepard's armor, there's a chance she'll actually play Mass Effect?!
>>22052974This was when Kiara was still larping some seiso image idol before the kayfabe dropped and she turned into the pottymouth gamer of holoEN
>>22052995She loves me more.
Kiara... Kobo is still watching your stream...
dont get my hopes up woman
Why did people say omori was horror?Imagine Kiara reacting to the dichotomy between the cute dream world and the nightmares
>>22053025This is exactly how Ina tells people to do it too.
>>22052414I wish I was the guy behind Noel...
>>22053056But was it a mario party knockoff stream or was it the dont starve one?
>max limit of image replies has been reachedFUCK YOU
Schizos have been way more unhinged lately for some reason
>>22053040marine and matsuri
>>22053025This times a hundred. Feeling like you have a reason for doing studies is a great motivator to improve.
Wait, has Kiara answered the Marshmallow questions yet?
>>22053056fuck i can't even remember that lmao despite me having watched all myth collabs live besides the first 6
So what she is saying is if you make SEX fanart she is gonna do a SEX stream?
>>22052949Doesn't even make sense from a "doxx is only banned on /vt/!" point because it has addresses plastered all over it.
>One guyshe does watch Woolie
>>22053096It was Gang Beasts.
>>22053072Omori is horror for normalfags because confronting trauma is apparently a fucked up concept
>>22052914Microsoft Rewards gives you points for using their shitty search engine and playing Xbox which you can redeem for amazon and xbox and shit.There's also a few (legit) sites out there that do similarlyI personally do it for fun but also so I don't have to spend as much on various things despite having the moneyI theoretically could fund my oshi's memberships and superchats this way but I use my actual money for that
So this is the Mimic? This is what everyone is using? This is so stupid. I can't believe that the way people play videogames now is to play the game as little as possible. No wonder those AFK mobile games make like a million dollars an hour.
>>22052966Is this a sword or something?Because if it's not a giant sword or cool armor it's not going to be part of her build
>>22052990If you have the HTTPS extention I'd assume it would detect your browser is attempting to open an HTTP link and instead check to see if HTTPS would work instead. If no HTTPS version exists then you'd still get the HTTP link.Catbox seems to automatically redirect people to HTTPS on it's own since opening brings up so I'm thinking it's a moot point.
How do you buy FF XIV that many times? If you own it on pc you own it. Either through Steam or through their own launcher.If you bought it on ps3 I'm pretty sure you can upgrade to ps4 for free. Dunno about from ps4 to 5 though.
>that eeh turned to an eeeshmaybe i wouldn't mind a sandgirl holo, that was cute as fuck
>>22053166>not wanting your best bro to be yourself
>>22053164That mechanic was an imposter
>>22053176I accidentally bought it twice..
>>22053007my theory is that hoomans had a bad reaction to >>22000000 and now a couple people from different fanbases are all shitting on them because of how sensitive they showed themselves to be.
Kiara what the fuck?
What, like those training bombs?
Jesus Fucking Christ, Kiara.
>>22052028I'll get ya next thread
>>22053173Alright good, at least I don't have to rewrite all my soundposts. I'll check out the extension though, thaknks
Kiara is clearly traumatized
Ah yes, I remember a schizo freaking out in this thread because he thought Kiara lied about the plane bomb situation.
Someone set us up the bomb!
Somebody set us up the bomb
>>22053166>I watch Reine play ER>Reine watches "Reine" play ER
Sugoi, the wings got added
>Kiara wants to commit an act of terror that makes 9/11 look like rookie workbased
>>22053235We get signal
So this is why she said open borders is bad and that letting anyone in will have people "blow up something"
>>22053207I always hated those cucks just from the way they postLegit underage faggots
>>22053001Apparently Nina banting Pomu too hard?Making fun of her sub count and viewership or something.
>>22053207that might hold water if that guy hasn't been making literally that exact same post for months nwo
>I am not giving this company money again>Not because of the bombNow that could be taken out of context
>>22053166>thinking you can rely on anyone but yourself
Holy shit did Kiara survive that?
When Kiara, a former Airline Stuartist, says your airline is shit, and she'll never fly again, that really says something.
>>22053235>>22053238Main screen turn on
>>22053254what you say?
>>22053007That's not even the most recent Niji drama anymore; now it's all about the mommy making fun of the fairy's numbers or some shit.
>>22053280>Stuartistare you retarded?
>>22053283It's (you)!
>>22053246Nice!But do we even have enough pilots in KFP?
>>22053288Main screen turn on!
how come no one simps for millicenti think she looks great with her hair down
>>22053229Thanks friend.Here, have this. It's on me._______________________________________7##_______________________________________________________________________________________#######___________________________________________________________________________________######4___77____________________________________777______________________________________4#__4####4__77___________________________________77444#7__________________________________7#__7##__###7______47____________________________7774744___________________________________#7___74___7###477####77774###___________________7774444___________________________7####___##_______7#__########__####777___________________7744747__________________________#######_4###4___####4_7#####____##7__7___________________7744447_________________________######_____7###7__4####77#4____7_____7_7###7______________7744444__________________________7######4#47_7####74####77___###7___447__#####____________7774444__________________________74##########__#####4744___4#####4________4#####___________7744447____________________777777####7___7##___##_###7___7##############7_77#####7___77___7744447________________7777747777#################_7###47#####7_77__######77########__77777774444______________77744777777###47#############4__########____4__###########77####7__7777744447____________7444777777477##7___######################__7##4__#####__##7___##____7777744447____________777777777744777774#__##7______7##########___######7#####_______##__7#47774444777_________7777777777774444447744_###______4####################4#####______#####47474444477777__7____7777777777774447444444###7____7######################_####7_____7#####4444444#47777___7_____77774477744744777444####44474####7########477___74#4777##4___7####477774#####44777__7_____77__7744##444444444774##########4#########7___77777774###########477777777744477___7_______4#47___774444447444##4744444###_4##############################77777744444477____7#7_______7#74#47____7744########444##44#########################444777777444#44477_____7744#7________##444444777______7777444####44########44444444#4#44444444444447777______7744##447#7________7#77744447447477__________7777777774444447777777777777__7__________774444444477744__________#4774444447444444444477777__________________________7777777444444444444777777774___________4#44777744444444#########################################44444444444477777777744___________7#7447447777447444####################################444444444777777777777777#7____________#77774#444447744444444############################44#444477777777777777777777#_____________44777744744444##444444#############44777#########44444777777777774777777777744______________#47777777744444######477__777______77___######444444#444##747777777777777774_______________4#447777777474444444#7__##7_747_7474##__#######4444#444444777777777777777747_______________7#444777777744444444##__4#4__47_74_7##__#####444444444477777777777777777777_________________#4774444447774444444#4__##__7#7_47##____######4444477777777777777777777777_________________44777777444444444444##___#7__7__7__7____##########444777474777777777777777_________________7#77777777744#####4####____777774###########################4777_7_7777777__________________#4777777777777744#############################477##47__74##77###447_7774___________________#44774777774##################4777______77_______#7__77___74#44####77744___________________7477777774###4##4#47________7##____##7___#7___777#7__4##___7###77####747____________________477777###47###7#_____744_____#____44____##________47____747###474###77_____________________44774##774###7#____7#####____7#____##7___4#7777744###44444###474##4777_____________________4#77##4744###7#7____7###7____##7744#########################44###7_747_____________________7#777##477####7#4_________7##44###############################477__77_______________________#47774##477###4########################################44477__777777_____________
I'm confused. Didn't she already tell this story.Or was that her roommate?
>>22053207you're wrong
I am pissing with Watame.
>>22053007One schizo got this>>22000000causing everyone to shit on her. Now Hoomans are grudge posting.
>>22053280>StuartistIt's called a sky waitress
>>22053280Cute typo anon. Bone apple tea!
>>22052991>low Im fron germany, 14 is the legal age of consent here too
>>22052460OH YEAHInject chunni holos directly into my veins
>>22053280>stu·artist. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word stuartist. Did you actually mean straitjacket or strategist?
>>22053324how are you gentlemen?
What did kiara mean by if you dig deep you may find the story? Is she telling me to become a doxxfag?
>>22053328She'd be great if she just smiled more and maybe showed some skin once in a while.
>>22053280I don't know anything about the Stuarts, is Kiara a fan?
>>22053262MUUOOOOOHHHHHHri Calliope
>>22053334roommate. I'm actually kind of surprised she's allowed to tell this story "in detail" since her roommate made a big fuss about it back when it happened.
>>22053387All (you)r base are belong to us
>>22053389unironically sounded like it
>>22053207See my theory is that guy has been making that exact post for months, and suddenly he got a big GET and a bunch of attention, so he's highly motivated to keep doing what he's doing
>>22053328go back
>Mori will never appraise your message because you're on PCI'm ngmi...
>>22053334Sort of
So we can openly roommate post and not get banned now or?
>>22053360Pretty sure it's called Aerial Waiters
>>22053389>>22053425yeah, that was weird
>>22053207>>22053356You keep trying to pretend you're multiple people but you're transparent as fuck.
>>22053356How are we grudgeposting dumbass?
For someone who owns restaurant Kiara has no taste in chicken.
>>22053416Everyone knows who Kiara is, and she knows it. Same as Mori.
>>22053397>The House of Stuart, originally Stewart, was a royal house of Scotland, England, Ireland and later Great Britain. The family name comes from the office of High Steward of Scotland, which had been held by the family progenitor Walter fitz Alan (c. 1150).It's technically possible? Mary Queen of Scots and all that.
>>22052690Amelia is a walking singularity
>>22053446I was about to speedrun a character to catch up to her but forgot we are on different platforms
Btw its Gura's safe day now, i wont be posting for a while
>>22053457Yeah, go ahead
>Kiara prefers boneless chicken>Moro prefers boneless chicken THEY ARE
>>22053446It could be worse, anonYou could be on xbox
>>22052460so cool!
>even Mori is a better drawer than KiaraIs there something Kiara does better than Mori?
God Kiara is so cute and girly.How the fuck can I find a girl like this IRL
I love when Mori goes OHHHHHH
>>22053515Yea making you seethe
Job Interview stream? How would that work?
>>22053235>>22053238It’s funny how kfp are all collectively like 35 years old
>>22053520Why do you want to have a female Hitler as your girlfriend?
>>22053515dance, not replying to the schizos, keeping healthy
>>22053541Ok, I laughed....
>>22053505They both hate deadbeats...
>>22053515Kiara's sketch before she drew the lines was quite good. Just needs practice, unironically
>>22053389she knows a lot of KFP are k**kirikis (unfortunately) so she told them basically if you want to know more figure it out yourself
>>22053556Bruh...I'm 30
>>22053556please delete this post
>>22052966Sounds like fucking magic mate
>>22053545interesting, i wonder how does the tech behind the eye tracking work
>>22053515Caring about her friends and treating them well
>>22053556I am the youngest KFP.
>>22053558Why dont you
>>22053007Some schizo got a GET and he's been posting with 100s of IPs. It's as rent free as it gets.
>>22051956whos the competition?
>>22053389Wait what story does she mean? was in the shower so i missed it.
>>22053604Hi Xander
>>22053487>The Royal House of Stuart became extinct with the death of Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart, brother of Charles Edward Stuart, in 1807. Duke Francis of Bavaria is the current senior heir.The plot thickens.
>>22053556Im 38 so I can confirm this as true.
>>22053629story about a fake bomb on a flight to Japan
Mori... This is partly the reason I stopped using contacts
>>22053630its pronounced oh muh gay
>>22053556I'm 20 though....
>>22052690Change the course of history to create a Lostbelt
GO DISTANT MORI GO>>22053568kekyeah, me
>>22053568in other words, they are deadbeats.
>>22053615>>22053575>>22053356>>22053472>>22053468>>22053260Stop replying to him you idiots.
>No imagesKobo Kanaeru Ch. hololive-IDmommy I'm going to sleep now, I'll watch the archived later~~ I woof yu and your cute art
>>22053629Bomb on Kiara's plane, they had to turn around. Luckily CT bought defuser kits. Kiara won't be flying via that airline ever again
distant Mori, home...
Kobo is so cute.
>>22053280I always knew Kiara was a Royalist.
>>22053515I don't like Mori's art style.
>>22053545Coming soon (in two years) in live2d 4.0!
>>22053688kobo cute, I hope they can be friends
>>22053690>>22053664Ohhh ok thank you.
>>22053688>I woof yuIt's happening again.....
>>22053658>Bavaria>It's close to Austriathe hints Mason>Empress KiaraWHO HAD AN EMPREROR? THE AUSTRIANS
>>22053688Kiara is aware of Kobo's kusogaki tendencies, but Kobo is really dialing up the sweetness with her
>>22053689he's samefagging and you're replying to him too you dumbass. jesus you guys are retarded
I want to watch Kiara play with her lore
I mean 90% of JP is disqualified on playing with their lore by default right?
Reine is becoming too powerful
>>22053545Cool tech.BUTEntertainment >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Future-tech
>>22053389She's talking about how if you dig into the deep enough into the airline's history you'll probably find an article or something on the story. Don't know why retards immediately jumped to thinking she was talking about roommate shit.
I feel like It's pretty much Kiara and Ame only who do lore stuff at this point. I'd love to be proven wrong though
>>22053688Aww cute.
My Gura <3
>>22053689>>22053754I wonder how many posts the thread would lose if he got deleted
>>22053652Sorry, spicbrain. it is moor in english...
>>22053790Do what?
>>22053771Irys died to that same jump so many times in a row.
>Apex is still going on I think they all should go to sleep
>>22053783yeah, I'm certain what she described has multiple news articles about it
>>22053783the screencap of her complaining about that incident was widely circulated about six months ago as evidence of her being "a bitch"
I genuinely love Watame!
Ame turned her lore into a dimension hopper instead of a time traveller
>>22053545Not really impressed.
>>22053783This is the dox thread if you couldn’t tell from the dox with many replies and no moderation, so it shouldn’t be a shock
>>220537902 more weeks until minecraft Atlantis
>>22053689you're not helping replyfag. you're literally replying to him>>22053754>>22053805the same goes for you idiots
>>22053629Uwaaaaaa Anon smells good