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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.54 MB, 6616x3721, Kiss Suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19824919 No.19824919 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>19831884

previous >>19816263

>> No.19824962


>> No.19824970
File: 989 KB, 902x1508, foot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.19825076
File: 1.32 MB, 1090x1006, 1619145726278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive has inclined so much they are now getting bootlegged.


>> No.19825162

>illegal holo daki smuggling

>> No.19825315
File: 118 KB, 1243x654, topvtubers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19825362

Hololive did a good job building their IP where even the bootlegs are make money. I wish startups came in with the mindset to create made IP so profitable that even bootlegs make money

>> No.19825369

I can't read those runes. Translate it, nigger.

>> No.19825611
Quoted by: >>19825702

I'm telling you faggots, if yagoo plays his cards right, we might be looking at the next Fate or im@s of our time.

>> No.19825650

Yeah, Noctyx didn't do as we- OH SHIT, NO! NO! IT'S FUCKING OVER! DAMN IT! DAMN IT! WE LOST! WE LOST!

>> No.19825663

/#/ is declining.

>> No.19825666
Quoted by: >>19826019

Sana is streaming

>> No.19825702

Fate is still the current Fate of our time.

>> No.19825810
File: 227 KB, 1133x596, top12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the list of vtubers with the best like-dislike ratio on the site. Here's some more

>> No.19825851

>Suki kirai
Opinion discarded

>> No.19825859

anon, that just means nobody knows of them

>> No.19825864

>When he does a high pitched voice, it sounds like an anime voice which is rare among gaijins
>My English isn't good so I sent messages in Japanese, but surprisingly he can read the kanjis well. I'll do my English reps...
>A question, I wanted to send SCs but I'm not sure of what's a good timing to do so without annoying the viewers... during SC reading-

>> No.19825878
Quoted by: >>19825939

isnt it just the site where "people" vote on who they like/dislike?
the one with very shitty checks that allows people with low tier tech knowhow to vote several times

>> No.19825939
Quoted by: >>19826045

it doesn't have any checks at all, you can literally vote once every day

>> No.19826019

Why does the artist of the gen have the worst thumbnails by far?

>> No.19826029

Fungus has awakened the council

>> No.19826045

so its literally worthless

>> No.19826074


>> No.19826108
File: 771 KB, 908x1600, FGU2nnBVgAMAtuV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel right now

>> No.19826231
File: 986 KB, 1700x3506, 1625462802470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19826328

It's time

>> No.19826290

It’s ironic. Most of Council are shielded in layers of irony, which I think hurts their growth.

>> No.19826328
File: 2.65 MB, 2837x3790, 1607310296214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei us the cutest boy!

>> No.19826343

Fungus no…

>> No.19826422
File: 119 KB, 900x1010, 1607851022783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19826504

i have the censored Suisei male swimsuit picture i got from 4chan and it won't let me upload it with a simple upload failed

>> No.19826485
File: 349 KB, 680x798, 1638814765598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19826504
File: 261 KB, 835x1202, 1615878410756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19826652


>> No.19826527
File: 351 KB, 599x1401, 1629370001403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VODs for Red Kuzuha in Royal Flush tournament are now privated cause they can't afford his exorbitant appearance fee.


>> No.19826579
Quoted by: >>19826665


>> No.19826607


>> No.19826627


>> No.19826652
File: 1.96 MB, 1161x1657, letmeuploadityoucuckedmeido.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even the one i meant

>> No.19826655


>> No.19826657

>Gura comes for their JP timeslot
>Mogs them in EN timeslot
>Everyone in council starting to stream now
>Mumei coming back today(?)
>Ina back to streaming all week long with Elden Ring
>Ame back
Fungus really should've been careful with his words. Or maybe he's actually a Holo spy trying to light a fire under them all. Maybe based?

>> No.19826665

Thanks for your Inquiry. Regarding the archived video of the Royal Flash Tournament, we apologize for any inconvenience.

Regarding the release of the archived video that you asked about, due to the self-restraint of some of the participants in this tournaments, we have decided not to make it public at this time. The schedule to release it again is undecided. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience. More Japanese apologies but that's the gist.

My sides. Nipple torture porn strikes again.

>> No.19826683


>> No.19826704

Nipplegate, the gift that keeps on giving

>> No.19826721

> due to the self-restraint of some of the participants

>> No.19826738
File: 983 KB, 1868x2598, 2022-03-08 top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>45,347: Suisei (Hololive)
>25,294: Botan (Hololive)
>21,616: Pekora (Hololive)
>17,242: Gura (Hololive)
>16,855: Nene (Hololive)
>16,464: Patra (774 Inc.)
>16,184: Noel (Hololive)
>15,491: Luca (Nijisanji)
>13,530: Laplus (Hololive)
>13,402: Leos (Nijisanji)
>13,257: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>12,063: Calli (Hololive)
>11,419: Gatchman (Indie)
>10,030: Fuwa (Nijisanji)

>> No.19826777


Oh no, what should we do now Nipplebros ?

>> No.19826778

>Gura streaming just to not give Luca the EN gold
Based shark

>> No.19826818

Shitposting is more important.

>> No.19826850
File: 63 KB, 366x558, green watamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19826961



>> No.19826883
Quoted by: >>19827812

8 holos, 4 nijis, patra and gatchman
top 10 7-3 for holos, holo gold and podium
skinny day, kind of concerning ngl

>> No.19826891

Fairly skinny day, only 14 entries.

>> No.19826900

Anyways, it looks like she has some sort of statement she wants to give people judging by her tweet. My guess is she’s gonna explain her situation or something.

>> No.19826915

Can he even return to streaming again after this? like maybe lay low for a year or smth.

>> No.19826918

Nipplegate will never end.

>> No.19826942

>Gura at 255k views already

>> No.19826948

RIP nippleboy

>> No.19826953
Quoted by: >>19827476


>45,347: Suisei (Hololive)
>25,294: Botan (Hololive)
>21,616: Pekora (Hololive)
>17,242: Gura (Hololive)
>16,855: Nene (Hololive)
>16,464: Patra (774 Inc.)
>16,184: Noel (Hololive)
>15,491: NijiNigger (Nipplesanji)
>13,530: Laplus (Hololive)
>13,402: Leos (Nipplesanji)
>13,257: Kanae (Nipplesanji)
>12,063: Calli (Hololive)
>11,419: Gatchman (Indie)
>10,030: Fuwa (Nipplesanji)

>> No.19826961

rare watamage

>> No.19826972

That plus pre-chat disabled, what gives?

>> No.19826980
File: 411 KB, 1181x1575, FNVJfVwVcAAXJ4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suityan love!

>> No.19827038

god, i fucking love blue women, why are they so perfect bros

>> No.19827050

Pekora still maintain 20k throughout the night, despite all the big stream surrounding her

>> No.19827069

>it looks like she has some sort of statement she wants to give people judging by her tweet
>I'll stream when I feel like it
>gives the middle finger
>ends stream

>> No.19827077
File: 101 KB, 692x1154, FDsPzxYUcAg-V2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827156


>> No.19827087
File: 470 KB, 858x1200, hoshimachi_suisei_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827105
File: 3.69 MB, 1446x2374, 1616221080270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no lewd for Suisei, at least not from me

>> No.19827156
File: 228 KB, 1069x1644, FC_9c0maIAA44am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827348


>> No.19827163
File: 3.64 MB, 1470x2690, 1629411410766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to post my favorite Suityan lewd

>> No.19827186
File: 2.00 MB, 1250x1300, 1635256376725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827191
File: 121 KB, 850x1112, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_o29sukizero__sample-8763765f172f984535a4f98fc560ddec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827217
Quoted by: >>19827332

They are literally canceling him lmao

>> No.19827252
File: 295 KB, 1000x1750, 3f6d1458f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827282
Quoted by: >>19827321

more like spam thread

>> No.19827321

you are lucky i can't post more images for some reason

>> No.19827332

Jesus that pirating shit is taken so seriously. Nene really got off with just a slap on the wrist.

>> No.19827348
File: 109 KB, 643x897, FFdCNvUaUAAaEIz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827615


>> No.19827377
File: 1.61 MB, 2268x3349, pompmaker1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827405

>Nene really got off with just a slap on the wrist.
Not really.

I have this rrat where they paid the author handsomely (under guise of that contract to design Nene merch) to avoid a public spat

>> No.19827408

>people in the numbers thread can't even do calculus
>don't know shit about math
>still obsess over numbers and act like an autist
>is not actually an autist and gets curbstomped by a real STEM grad.

>> No.19827417

Nene strongest idol

>> No.19827448

What are you talking about?

>> No.19827454

Wrong. Nene got confined in Namori's sex dungeon for a few days. They know each other irl

>> No.19827474

>top niji is a nijien

>> No.19827476
File: 73 KB, 500x500, 1646662189004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827491

Nene is pure. Homages and parodies are not piracy.

>> No.19827496
File: 704 KB, 672x379, ENGOLDMAR8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here it goes
>17,364: Gura (Hololive)
>15,483: Luca (Nijisanji)
>12,150: Mori (Hololive)
>9,806: Mysta (Nijisanji)
>9,683: Kronii (Hololive)
>9,091: Ike (Nijisanji)
>8,299: Fauna (Hololive)
>7,488: Amelia (Hololive)
>5,043: Alban (Nijisanji)

>> No.19827511
Quoted by: >>19827992


>> No.19827512

I don't see why they would punish Nene when the artist doesn't even give a shit

>> No.19827513
Quoted by: >>19827551

Fuck you, I don't want to have to do derivatives and shit again, I already did my time, you can't make me go back!

>> No.19827536

Retard, we're just collecting numbers here, we're not trying to solve anything that requires calculus or statistics.

>> No.19827538
Quoted by: >>19827613

not the same thing retard
they are friends who interacted even before this.

>> No.19827545

EN Gold so far for March

1. Gura (Hololive) - 18,401 (Vampire Survivors)
2. Mysta (Nijisanji) - 13,675 (Drawing Noctyx)
3. Gura (Hololive) - 29,065 (Elden Ring)
4. Mori (Hololive) - 20,340 (Elden Ring)
5. Mori (Hololive) - 32,469 (English Lesson with Gura, La+, and Iroha)
6. Vox (Nijisanji) - 21,483 (400k Endurance + Celebration)
7. IRyS (Hololive) - 20,211 (Birthday party and Totsu)
8. Gura (Hololive) - 17,364 (Project Diva Mega Mix)

Hololive - 6
Nijisanji - 2
Others - 0

>> No.19827551
Quoted by: >>19827992

cause you're dumb. That's why you're here

>> No.19827564
Quoted by: >>19827992

You really just want to put gura in number 1 huh

>> No.19827566

no wonder they're milking SCs and cheap ass merch like that, if they didn't they'd go bankrupt

>> No.19827581


>> No.19827586
File: 1.81 MB, 1114x1950, 926AE40A-D0B2-49C5-A94B-95B12E0FB634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19827590

Patra higher than any non-holo

>> No.19827607

pathetically obsessing over how much money someone else is making? Instead of actually watching an interesting stream?

>> No.19827609


>> No.19827613

>they are friends who interacted even before this.
Doesn't change the fact it could have been AT LEAST a reward for her keeping it among them

>> No.19827614

Not hat retard, but I wonder, is there a table with raw data? I see some anons sometimes post graphs, but is there a maintained /#/ excel?
Or is everything just mentioned in the moment based on the numberfag sites?

>> No.19827615
File: 125 KB, 903x1514, FDahmF3agAAzzaM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827659

oh, i understand why last thread was so bad now

>> No.19827662

Nigga, this is /#/. Oh right, the nijiniggers are now here.

>> No.19827670
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, kanae laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827723

>watching an interesting stream
KEK, look at this fag right here.

Next you'll say people should listen to some talented 2 views chuuba Karaoke instead of sovful Noel karaokes

>> No.19827675


>> No.19827686

But I watch streams?
Here you are though accusing of people not watching streams

>> No.19827704
Quoted by: >>19827843

can we please appreciate Gura?

>> No.19827707
Quoted by: >>19827749

A promise for more contracted work?
Not like Nene doesn’t already hire her.

>> No.19827718


Here it goes
>17,364: Gura (Hololive)
>15,483: NijiNigger (Nipplesanji)
>12,150: Mori (Hololive)
>9,806: NijiNigger (Nipplesanji)
>9,683: Kronii (Hololive)
>9,091: NijiNigger (Nipplesanji)
>8,299: Fauna (Hololive)
>7,488: Amelia (Hololive)
>5,043: NijiNigger (Nipplesanji)

>> No.19827723

Here we are. That's really what this is about at the end of the day. You are trying to justify your hololive worship. That's really what this is all about. Your irrational worship of a corporation, your obsession with numbers. Rather than finding some vtuber that caters to your interests or that you find interesting, you just follow the crowd and dump money on the wealthy.

>> No.19827725

A lot of the excel stuff is info grabbed from the assorted data-tracking sites which, in the wake of the death of Vnuma, there have been multiple sites that have popped up (thank gods for redundancy) that can track data such as vrabi and vstats.

>> No.19827749

>A promise for more contracted work?
Or an increased rate

>> No.19827753
File: 856 KB, 2822x4096, suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827776


>> No.19827769
Quoted by: >>19827829

Please, go back to your nijisanji threads or wherever you came from. You don't know how this place works.

>> No.19827776

this post is off topic

>> No.19827781

i am like 99% sure it was more of a "hey can i copy your homework?" kind of thing but they can't say that officially so they had to do the apology song and dance

>> No.19827802

Why do you assume his interest isn't sovlful noel karaoke?

>> No.19827811

Anon the difference is that what Nene did is scummy but not illegal, whereas Lauren did do illegal stuff. Also in Nene's case it's blunted alot by the artist she copied from being her friend.

>> No.19827812

Correction: it's 6 Nijis and 8 holols.
No need to thank me. Just keeping the record straight.

>> No.19827829

I know exactly how it works. You're the exact same people as the brony crowd. A bunch of mentally ill autistic people. I know that this thread is basically your worship of hololive corporation. You don't actually watch anything you find interesting.

>> No.19827831

>My guess is she’s gonna explain her situation or something
>A mf male equivalent, in terms of numbers, of her shitting on her gen is what triggers her to at least say something

>> No.19827841

Gura getting 17k for Project Diva well outside of her regular time slot is pretty impressive. Truly worldwide shark.

>> No.19827843
Quoted by: >>19827874

Didnt even medal
What should I do then, o' wise one?

>> No.19827847


>> No.19827850
File: 907 KB, 838x741, suisei dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19827904

Anon, most of the oshis of people in this thread won't even get a mention here.
Just enjoy the horse race, will you?

Also your rant reeks of NijiSeethe, you know people celebrate when (let's say) Toya or Kuzuha gets a high number as well, right?

>> No.19827874


>> No.19827880


finana why are you here again

>> No.19827884

so we should worship nijisanji like you anon ?

>> No.19827889


>> No.19827890
Quoted by: >>19828036

>find hololive interesting
>get told its not so by an autistic retard on 4chin
nigga you for real? hell i even watch some indies from time to time but in the end the content i like is made by holo girls

>> No.19827904

I think you're completely retarded. I think your thread is the equivalent to toxic waste.

>> No.19827910
Quoted by: >>19828026

>Kiara not even 2k
I hope dropping elden ring was worth it

>> No.19827963
File: 361 KB, 1157x4729, complete february final.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19828036

>Or is everything just mentioned in the moment based on the numberfag sites?
All of the charts and tables I post I can provide with the method to fetch the raw data and aggregate yourself.

Given that most of it is just a median of peaks you can just drop on Holostats and / or Mado and do it pretty much by hand

>> No.19827981
File: 852 KB, 800x597, 1645942412686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19827992
File: 969 KB, 2894x4093, 1624927587169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19827993
Quoted by: >>19830452

Fungus, work on your streams please. Your high numbers aren't showing up.

>> No.19828006

nobody cares what you think, now piss off or I'll make another bait thread

>> No.19828026

I'm fucking shocked she hasn't touched Vampire Survivors honestly.

>> No.19828032

who is this new schizo, i think he writes too much

>> No.19828036

Go ahead and name the indies you watch then. We're all waiting.
>actually spending your time and effort constructing complex programs just to gather data that will allow you to more thoroughly worship the top corporate vtubers

>> No.19828125

Kill yourself.

>> No.19828139

Nah he's a delusional seething 2 view

>> No.19828141
Quoted by: >>19828299

>complex programs
kek, it is so simple I could fit it into the character limit of this post

>$ wc -c index.js
>5132 index.js

OK, 2 posts.

Your seething nourishes me

>> No.19828143

He's the worst performing Noctyx member.

>> No.19828150
Quoted by: >>19828198

Ever since Luxiem debuted we've occasionally gotten seething nijikeks who think this place is crystalcafe or some shit and that if they write enough words condeming us they'd shame us into voluntary shutting this thread down or some shit.
You know typical women behavior

>> No.19828152
File: 1.36 MB, 2160x2160, siren_suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19828161

just the usual nijiniggers, probably fungus himself

>> No.19828176
File: 94 KB, 850x1061, 1625113140202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19828185

why hasn't anyone talked about Mysta doing a 350k celebration?

>> No.19828198

unironic vt/sisters...

>> No.19828223
File: 186 KB, 1380x2048, FHVCig4aMAInPVb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19828262

While the seething 2view is hilarious, suisex winning is much more important

>> No.19828230
File: 243 KB, 1661x1853, suinya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19828251

feels like everyday is celebration for luxiem

>> No.19828258

I'm listening to fulgur's stream atm, he was away for a second and muted his mic but the time he went back on, he says, "I'm back, was busy something. Some people are really mad at other people's successes these days."

Was he here just now?

>> No.19828262
Quoted by: >>19828535

based, keep the suisex posting, anon

>> No.19828264
Quoted by: >>19828475


>> No.19828275

check previous threads

>> No.19828286

+25k celebrations soon

>> No.19828299

Running a script is simple idiot, you autists compiled the script, and you compiled all the data too. You're completely obsessed. And your toxic numberfag shit poisons the entire vtuber community. You are the reason people aren't searching out new people.

>> No.19828300
File: 1.37 MB, 1383x677, magirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19828409

>Go ahead and name the indies you watch then. We're all waiting.

>> No.19828304

wouldn't surprise me

>> No.19828307

you can't be serious

>> No.19828323
File: 697 KB, 1400x1700, anemachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honorary Suisei

>> No.19828403

Downloading unlicensed movies is a crime that can result in a 2 year jail sentence

>> No.19828409
Quoted by: >>19829284

Is it some kind of irony?

>> No.19828413

NijiJP seems so weak these days. Getting beaten by both 774 and NijiEN in the same day.

>> No.19828414

can't believe you use MATH like a corporate BOOTLICKER >:(

>> No.19828425

>You are the reason people aren't searching out new people
A literal seething 2view holy shit

>> No.19828430
File: 266 KB, 1328x2048, 1622239528967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19828478

>> No.19828433

Still waiting for the guy on his morality horse to inform me what to do to become some vtubing-community-improving chad

>> No.19828443
File: 1.93 MB, 1300x1818, legs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19828475
Quoted by: >>19828565

So are you going to elaborate on what exactly we're supposed to take away from this....?

>> No.19828477

given that stream title and thumbnail, I don't think it's going to be a bad announcement

>> No.19828478

someone post the gif for this one

>> No.19828483

Are they doing 1 celebration every 2 days or what?

>> No.19828488

>your toxic numberfag shit poisons NijiEN

>> No.19828491

He's streaming? I didn't even notice, I'm watching Mel play biohazard. Has more viewers too.

>> No.19828492
File: 569 KB, 968x1000, suiankimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19828530

shut up fungus, go stream

>> No.19828535
File: 168 KB, 868x1228, FCg5nQ5VIAIhNQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19828545
Quoted by: >>19828605

make it 3 celebration 1 one day

>> No.19828565

now that they changed their algorithms of counting views we can compare the numbers

>> No.19828569
Quoted by: >>19828605

these days is like 2 a day

>> No.19828576

>your toxic numberfag shit poisons the entire vtuber community
I wish this could be added to the list, but it's dubious if this is actually covidchama or just another 2view.

>> No.19828597

hahaha good one

>> No.19828605

Should we numberfag how many celebrations Luxiem & Noctyx had done?

>> No.19828619
File: 190 KB, 958x1803, 1626775848271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19828630


>> No.19828637

>they changed their algorithms of counting views

>> No.19828640
Quoted by: >>19828678

Yes, medal for number of celebrations

>> No.19828641
Quoted by: >>19828695

It's an unironic 2 view, he vanished for some time but it seems like he's back at it again

>> No.19828656
Quoted by: >>19828717

You’d be surprised at how many salty 2 views are on this board. This thread is a constant reminder of how small they are.

>> No.19828658

It’s a number so why not?

>> No.19828671


>> No.19828678

vox for the gold

>> No.19828695

They were so assmad they went and tried to make a meta-thread to petition for # to get exiled from the board. More than once too. Of course the mods just deleted the thread full of their seethe.

>> No.19828717

anon there's an entire thread just for them, not to mention before fungus came along the most common insult when people started seething about hololive here is seething 2view

>> No.19828725
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>> No.19828726

>And your toxic numberfag shit poisons the entire vtuber community. You are the reason people aren't searching out new people.
People produce the results of this already without our help lol, why do you think the top subbed of any group of content creators continues to grow way faster than everyone else. People always sub to the one with most subs, we've done nothing to change that.

>> No.19828755

I just love how much seethe this thread generates just be existing.

>> No.19828767
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>> No.19828778

I remember that, pretty funny. The mods tend to hate shit like that.

>> No.19828815
Quoted by: >>19829014

To be fair # sucks and generates a crap ton of bait that people leak out of here all the time but it's delicious nonetheless

>> No.19828885
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>> No.19828901

Aw man he didn't teach me how to contribute to the "vtubing community" before offing himself

>> No.19828902
Quoted by: >>19828964

You're in the /numbers/ thread, the containment thread for numberfagging, with hundreds of people at best, how does this affect the rest of the vtuber community.
Imagine coming here looking for vtuber recommendations

>> No.19828931

Here's how I contribute to the vtuber community
*cums on you*

>> No.19828938
File: 82 KB, 667x1000, sui1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suichan, I kneel

>> No.19828939

Horse-racing, news, tribalism. # is a good place.

>> No.19828948

Reminds me of the anon who was seething that Hololive contributes nothing to the community cause they don’t collab with indies

>> No.19828964

>containment thread
In your dreams mother fucker

>> No.19828996

>chinese shit
>doing anything for transparency
hahaha good one anon!

>> No.19829005
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Quoted by: >>19829811


>> No.19829011
Quoted by: >>19829110

it's because contributing to the community means giving your fans to others in exchange for nothing

>> No.19829014

Nah /#/ just shines the brightest whenever there's drama. I remember the Rushia's yab happened and people here started discussing Suisei's 2020 number.

>> No.19829052
File: 927 KB, 877x1413, suiprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's surprised by the horny images around here

>> No.19829103
Quoted by: >>19829605

It's because our actual schizos fucks off and only those who still cares about numbers over the drama sticks around
# was the victim all along

>> No.19829105
File: 232 KB, 366x558, wtmage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when youtube kept autocorrecting Finana to finance?

>> No.19829110

Holy nijiretardation

>> No.19829156
Quoted by: >>19829396

when will 2views learn

>> No.19829225

Funny thing is that isn't even true.

>> No.19829248

>You are the reason people aren't searching out new people.
Anon, wanna know something funny. I GUA-RAN-TEE a lot of people in this thread (posters and lurkers) found out a whole lot of new streamers (like VSPO girls to give an example for instance, or even the Sony 2 view chuubas) because of their mentions in this thread.

For fuck sake, even the fucking Namibia streams got a whole lot of anons in this very thread because of their continuous mentions

>> No.19829263
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>> No.19829282
Quoted by: >>19829510

Gura VoD at 300k already, damn.

>> No.19829284
Quoted by: >>19829438

all of those are indies
and i watch them
did you excpect ens?

>> No.19829299
File: 20 KB, 512x599, 1642736464892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19830149

>Most sane thread during drama
>Most influential thread in /vt/ per Fungus Covid
Numberbros…. We are misunderstood

>> No.19829330
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Quoted by: >>19829552


>> No.19829339
File: 373 KB, 695x833, 1635944020958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all makes fucking sense now. Docomo is actually behind it. For those who don't know, they are the ones behind Ahamo project too.


>> No.19829381

I watch a couple indies but I sure as hell am not going to bring them up here, same with my oshi.

>> No.19829396


>> No.19829428
File: 456 KB, 675x700, akirose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all right numberetards, time to take up your meds and srop dreaming about some fake influence you have here

>> No.19829438

EN 2 view is a little confused.

>> No.19829460
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Quoted by: >>19829499


>> No.19829470

So he’s unofficially being unpersoned?

>> No.19829477

this is literally the most influential place in vtubing and i won't stand for this slander

>> No.19829490
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>> No.19829494
Quoted by: >>19829594

And who's in-partnership with Ahamo? Konami. And who's in-partnership with Konami? Anycolor. My goodness. The level of business they're doing. Even the J1 League. How much money did Riku owe to Konami?

>> No.19829499


>> No.19829502
Quoted by: >>19830379

I made the original Nijicoep list so I definitely have some influence... in shitting the entire board

>> No.19829508
Quoted by: >>19829601

I don't get it.

>> No.19829510

All still verifying and these are the hours that you start seeing a lot of views pour in, but so far Gura is pretty much shitstomping both Pekora and Botan in their timeslot with far less CCV. All pretty much close in stream time too. What a joke

>> No.19829552
Quoted by: >>19829702

Unironically the sexiest type of legs in existence.

Why the fuck women want skinny legs?

>> No.19829580

There exists a fucking 2view seething because she couldnt beat oryx-chan drinking in a man-made oasis. Jesas

>> No.19829594

Konami perms are expensive.

>> No.19829601

>I don't get it.
Same entity that cancelled their upcoming partnership

>> No.19829605

Damm # is the victim. We're like those anime character who got misunderstood but actually do some non harmful or even good, sth like that shield hero dude.

>> No.19829608
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>> No.19829620 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 423x291, trying to report spammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J..jannies? You uh, sending a message?

>> No.19829626
Quoted by: >>19829709

dont worry about it anon, it will be fixed literally tomorrow, this time i promise

>> No.19829654
File: 1.21 MB, 1715x1170, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_envyvanity__b9ba00038d2fc2818095b13b07bb8e2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19829663

True but some people do bring and sometimes others pay attention.
Even the ones that, even getting big numbers, many people wouldn't otherwise know (like Patra for her ASMR) gets a free spotlight in this thread

>> No.19829702
Quoted by: >>19829899

Because of clothing

>> No.19829707

/#/ are the victims. We just like numbers and discuss them. People come in here and act like we're the bad guys just because we care about the business side of things.

>> No.19829709

Thank you susan. Please be sure to pick Gura up a chocolate shake and a half eaten piece of toast with butter on it for compensation too

>> No.19829716

Just for the record: announcing a report is, ironically, a reportable offense. It is a good thing people in this thread aren't mean spirited enough to report people not abiding by the rules of the site

>> No.19829747
Quoted by: >>19829852

oh good the gura dick sucker came back
sure dude, i'll kneel the 20 times you post each vod she ever makes, that surely will make you feel secure about your oshi

>> No.19829768
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>> No.19829811

Your watermark reps, suityan...

>> No.19829813
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>even the fucking Namibia streams
This thread was a lot better when Oryx-chan was everybody's oshi

>> No.19829814
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>> No.19829835
Quoted by: >>19830127

The thread was a lot better before CCVID

>> No.19829839

NijiEN will get 3D very soon. I have it on good authority they're making an exception and bumping them to the top of the list.

>> No.19829850
File: 114 KB, 596x843, 1642876216074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sukoya is back!
But if she's back for real, doesn't it mean she flunked? Lmao


>> No.19829852
Quoted by: >>19830140

You're a faggot but it's a fact, if CCV doesn't matter to him I don't see the need to use a "superior" numberfagging method to correct the one that's broken

>> No.19829853

giraffe-kun got better ccv you cuck

>> No.19829899

Nah, that's the thing, it's a vicious cycle. People in the 40s had that figured out
> dress and nylon stockings

>> No.19829912

I thought she was finishing school? That’s why she was gone for a year, right?

>> No.19829975
File: 74 KB, 1197x611, skeletor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character who got misunderstood but actually do some non harmful or even good
Or Skeletor

>> No.19829982

>cumbud still trying to do dumb vod to ccv to like comparisons

>> No.19829994
File: 2.03 MB, 2894x4093, suilegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19830001
Quoted by: >>19830079

nobody remembers /tree/...
twasn't event that long ago
fertilizers can get fucked

>> No.19830028
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>> No.19830041

I dont bring up the indies I follow because they’re irrelevant to this thread. I only brought them up during CCVID discussions to show how widespread that shit was

>> No.19830079
Quoted by: >>19830132

I do
I wonder what's our "watch time", as in how many oldfags leaves the thread forever and how many newfags barges in

>> No.19830118


>> No.19830127

Its my fault im sorry. I started frequenting numbers and then vnuma died and thread went to shit for ages so i left. I came back around early december it seemed pretty nice again and CCVid hit

>> No.19830132 [DELETED] 

I know for a fact at least one event brought a lot of newfags to this thread, even some nips

>> No.19830131

She said she’d take a break until March of this year anon.

>> No.19830133 [DELETED] 

Jokes on you, every third image i upload in this thread gives rise to at least 4 bait thread every time.

>> No.19830140
Quoted by: >>19830244

You have literally no logic in this post

>> No.19830142
File: 320 KB, 423x536, sheep_smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even the Sony 2 view chuubas
2-views here are seething cause they have nothing on this sheep.

>> No.19830149

We are the lode stone for /vt/ to correct themselves around, the center, their bedrock, the pillar that never breaks. They can always trust that we will be the way we are. We are the influential thread, the one and the only. Ask yourself, if a board meme is not born in /#/ does it even matter? We're not in this board with you /vt/ you are in this board with us.

>> No.19830216
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1642082308084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesasss... they really are the chink of the vtuber industry with both these low effort chuuba spam and merchs huh

>> No.19830244

>CCV doesn't matter
>but I insist on using VODs, the superior number, to fabricate the real CCV, the number that supposedly doesn't matter

>> No.19830249


Can this get 100k?

>> No.19830248

People rarely report in these threads. Some people think no one gets banned from here and that this place is where minor dox and PL discussion is tolerated but I think it's because the mods don't come here and no one reports anything.

>> No.19830302

>I think it's because the mods don't come here
The true NG area of the NG board of the vtuber world, the worst neighbourhood in Somalia!

>> No.19830321

Mods don’t care about this thread.

>> No.19830344
Quoted by: >>19831668

Maybe if it was Roa's return 3d.

>> No.19830355
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>> No.19830370

My dick says yes.

>> No.19830379

and I am the one who kept it updated until that other anon took it and organized it

>> No.19830401

>due to the self-restraint of some of the participants
oh shit he's edging

>> No.19830419

Nah.. probably 70k or something

>> No.19830422

Only if Tomoe's gonna trib her live on stream.

>> No.19830452
Quoted by: >>19830496


>> No.19830465

Isn't it number thread? They are making more money selling low effort merch at that price, shouldn't it be... praised?

>> No.19830473

It's literally free money. As was pointed out in previous thread, China ties means it costs almost nothing. 99% profit. Holo lost China ties and is in fact blacklisted. They probably sourced in Japan. Cost is at the very least 20%. Likely more. Anykara has proven they play the numbers game much better

>> No.19830496
Quoted by: >>19830597


>> No.19830541

no because even numbers has limits. If Voxx really does a "dick or dildo" collab with Mysta don't expect us to praise him no matter how much numbers he gets.

>> No.19830555

I mean, yeah, from a numbers standpoint it's good but I can't help but wonder if it lowers the intrinsic value of Nijisanji merch when it's all the same.

>> No.19830570

> instead of
are you one of those "people" that can't do basic multitasking without shutting down?

>> No.19830589

I beat up a woman last night and took her money
I earned 500 bucks
That's a profit of 500, praise me

>> No.19830597

just admit the obvious fag

>> No.19830613

>"dick or dildo" collab with Mysta
On a deserted island singing King?

>> No.19830625

Only if you have something to show for it.
Show us figures etc.

>> No.19830624

Nah, they didn't get fucked in the ass by a none drama turn into drama by bugs. The only difference between Riku and Yagoo in this sense is that Yagoo fucked up and stopped getting fucked in the ass by Winnie, Riku on the other hand is still getting pounded, now completely dependent on his sugar daddy.

>> No.19830653
File: 1.31 MB, 2930x4099, neko_suisei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19830654

Depends on how much Nijisanji hypes it. Miko got 145k after a 3 month hiatus. But that was hyped as fuck with messages from all holos minus Ayame. Sukoya left for to give birth — 9 months! But as a female in Nijisanji, I’m not sure if they’ll give her the same treatment

>> No.19830657
Quoted by: >>19830732

In a Famimart poll, most responders likened Nijisanji merchandise to 'bargain-bin' goods, not realizing it was a vtuber agency.
One excitable child noted that he loved Nijisanji because he could get a lot of really cheap promotional candy.

>> No.19830674
File: 453 KB, 636x716, peko kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19830676
Quoted by: >>19830754

>If Voxx really does a "dick or dildo" collab
Please don't even joke about that because it might happen

>> No.19830689

Might as well start caring about QUALITY here, that one thing everyone makes fun of here. That's pretty much the same. Numbers are numbers, no matter how easy it was to get them.

>> No.19830732

tell us that story about dodgeball next anon!

>> No.19830734
Quoted by: >>19831042

>posts fanfiction
This is the problem with you guys. Back up your claims. The last time we have merch data on a Niji, it was Lize I believe, Towa handily beats her with her own.

>> No.19830751

Where's my praise faggot
That costed almost nothing and I earned 500 bucks
Come on I'm waiting, I thought you only cared about numbers

>> No.19830754

I hope it does to be honest.

I am saying the numbers matter the most but I'm wondering if they'd move more merch if it was cheap plastic shit.

>> No.19830765

I think he was this schizo -

Hi Fungus, thanks for seething so much for us

>> No.19830901

You're counting it too early. Have you confirmed that you got away with it? Did you sustain any injury on your knuckles (or durability reduction on your gear)? If so, good job ryonanon.

>> No.19830917

I honestly wonder if the stability of the world is going to have a cut into Nijisanji's margins in case China decides that current events warrants a chinkout.
tldr, how dependent on China is Nijisanji at this point?

>> No.19830998
File: 4.00 MB, 2200x1545, tease.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19831042

towa's quietly inclined to a high tier holo though

>> No.19831047

>china nukes taiwan
how does this affect vtuber numbers /#/

>> No.19831054

Isn't March when Holo is supposed to be weak due to idol reps? Why is Niji instead looking so weak?

>> No.19831147

Japs distancing themselves form the Chinese to start with, like how well a chuuba relying on russians is doing nowadays.

>> No.19831178

nipples reps.

>> No.19831197

As a total viewing population, not that big. but their superchat game will be missed

>> No.19831255
Quoted by: >>19831307

>Nuclear has happened
>90% of the northern hemisphere is fucking devoided of human life
Does this excuse the lack of numbers in Niji streams as of late? They need to make up for all the graduations

>> No.19831293

Hi, funky covid chama. How does it feel to be beaten by Mel being cute?

>> No.19831307
Quoted by: >>19831391

What graduations?

>> No.19831357
Quoted by: >>19831486

Is that sensitivity training?

>> No.19831391


>> No.19831433

The month just started, anon. We already know Holols will have a vacant 2-day period (fes3) followed with a buff day (Suichan). There are oke birthdays but the EN ones are SLIP territory. Niji still has a shot at taking the month. For all the "BTFO" last month, the score ended up not being that far off.

>> No.19831486


>> No.19831560

the lack of streams close to fest might very well feed into bigger numbers for those who still stream, so there might be a chance that this month is going to end up looking good for hololive anyway

>> No.19831579

When was the last time Niji won a month in medal count? It feels like it has been quite a while

>> No.19831580

Why have nijisanji held on ot nipple man when he's costing them a lot?

>> No.19831616

Are there any Niji/Apex tournaments coming up this month? That's when they're usually at their strongest.

>> No.19831659

August last year I believe with Koshien

>> No.19831663

August, baseball month I believe.

>> No.19831668

...oh fuck I forgot she announced that she would be back soon.
Did anything come of it?

huh, was not aware of this. Just found a funny capcha.

>> No.19831702
Quoted by: >>19833267

I guess their termination clause does not take piracy into account, or they believe that tanking this financial hit is going to work out in the end without upsetting people with a graduation.

>> No.19831777
Quoted by: >>19831937

They're not a black company (!!)
Nope, next month >>19605074
April 17th

>> No.19831810

anon China is pretty much tripping over themselves to put as much distance between themselves and what's going on in Russia. Their relationship with Russia is purely one of convenience and they aren't going to kill themselves to save Russia from their mistakes.

>> No.19831815

Who knows, they may just let him rot for now on seeing how he cost them three sponsorships.

>> No.19831884
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>> No.19831937

the same month as Voxs birthday

>> No.19831942

at this point there's no advantage to letting him go, the sponsors have already left and it's not like firing Lauren is going to make the sponsors un cancel their events.

>> No.19832012

How much bait does it take for a niji liver to get mad and post their own merch numbers just to spite people here? I wanna see him/her get fired for breaking NDA.

>> No.19832076
Quoted by: >>19832126

They would only do it if it would mog the Holo numbers people are pulling from their store, and I somehow strongly doubt it. They should feel free to prove me wrong though

>> No.19832126

I feel like "leaking" fake numbers is something they would do first. They seem petty like that

>> No.19832209
Quoted by: >>19832333

Hey, list anon, is >>19831865 already there?

>> No.19832247
File: 167 KB, 1300x1800, 1642637503851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck I'm late, have a Suibutt

>> No.19832287
File: 113 KB, 1061x510, wtfjannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I sure love the moderation team here who are all N1s and would definitely never abuse their powers aha... please put down the gun janny-sama...

>> No.19832312
Quoted by: >>19832411

I doubt they'd earn that much if NijiEN got the same merch as JPs. First, it was already pricy at $92, top it off with overseas shipping fee. That's why Lazulight/Obysidia's merch was iirc $239 for Signed posters and special VPs & requests.

Yes, they priced it at $240, but during its initial launch, it's halved by 50% making the illusion that fans should buy at that price point.

>> No.19832333

yep, under

>Niji is more popular than Holo in Japan

>> No.19832411

>it's halved by 50% making the illusion that fans should buy at that price point.
Ngl that's kinda pathetic if it was real.

>> No.19832419

I guess we have to wait for the next time the cope-channel gets leaked and it drives Fungus up the wall.

>> No.19832430
File: 216 KB, 875x1310, 0307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19832545

Anyways for archival purposes here's yesterday's superchats that I was rudely interrupted from post at the usual time

>> No.19832466
Quoted by: >>19832601

How new? They had a fake discount on their custom voice pack.

>> No.19832545

man, i always see pink lamy and blue lamy in these but almost never green lamy, what's going on there

>> No.19832565

>5 days later
>still seething over the discord leak and now shitting on the entire of nijisanji in all posts and creating bait threads
Holofags proving themselves to be extremely pathetic to be butthurt over something for so many days. kek

>> No.19832601

why is it fake? the price was $240 when the discount time ended

>> No.19832605

who are you quoting

>> No.19832628
Quoted by: >>19832959

Never, because none of them are in here unlike what the delusionals of the thread believe just because one of them have similar opinion of holo fans.

>> No.19832635


>> No.19832647

Sir we sell numbers
Would you like a 1 or a 4

>> No.19832669
Quoted by: >>19832728

the entire catalog right now and the previous # threads if you know how to read

>> No.19832674
Quoted by: >>19832773

They had a discount for the release Lazulights special stuff before. People still bought it with the reason that it's better than SCs.

>> No.19832728

provide examples, i only stay on this thread and my oshi's split

>> No.19832736

>this place has a lot of Hololive fans
>NijiEN leaks discord messages showing them shitting on Hololive
>Hololive fans are talking about it
Wow, shocking

>> No.19832773
Quoted by: >>19832932

And it is. We know that voice packs and merchandise give more than SC as it's a 50/50 division instead of what jewtube gets.

nijien in particular has 4 revenue: voice packs, merchandise (acrylics, etc), streamlabs and superchats.

>> No.19832864
Quoted by: >>19833113

We didn't even talk about it that much and barely talked about it yesterday. Except for fungus covid cuz he's out himself as the schizo who frequent this thread.

>> No.19832884
Quoted by: >>19833113

he's like their biggest cash cow right now (in Edengumi at least)
it will sink that entire wave if he's let go

>> No.19832902

yeah, it would make sense 4 days ago when it happened, not days after where everyone already moved on. but thanks for confirming the 4 days of seething. I'm counting it and I expect it to reach years days at this point. kek
>shitting on hololive
snow flake, at best fulgur comment is like this and it's the same argument you all have been saying in here and on twitter for months.

>> No.19832932
Quoted by: >>19833264

Well the amount is pretty laughable iirc. Before Niji's shop got patched, merch anon already counted how much merch was sold for nijiEN. Their entire stock limit is 100 and they can't sold it out iirc. Only Selen sold out hers.

>> No.19832959
Quoted by: >>19833264

go to bed Fungus

>> No.19832961
Quoted by: >>19833264

Fuck off Fungus. You are never living this down.

>> No.19832989

>NijiEN seething over Council
>Holofans seething over NijiEN seething
>(You) seething over Holofans seething over NijiEN seething
I see this as a win.

>> No.19833038

does the word seethe stopped looking like a word for anyone else

>> No.19833042
Quoted by: >>19833264

some of our resident schizos were found to be Niji livers themselves.
So obviously we're gonna make fun of them, since they make (you) seethe out of nowhere

>> No.19833058
Quoted by: >>19833264

Fungus we barely mention you in personal, we only use you as a strawman for the council schizo, seriously no one care about you.

>> No.19833094
Quoted by: >>19833264

Covid-kun...just stop

>> No.19833104

Next thread

>> No.19833113

That's not how this works. If Lauren graduated, it wouldn't be a problem for the others because it's not like their revenue is counted together just because they debuted together. Otherwise Lulu graduating would be that Mahiro would be fucked.
Anon pls, look at the catalog right now.
and fulgur isn't here just because he talked about something that the entire internet has talked about outside of here: that council underperformed in comparison to myth. you can agree or disagree with this, but this isn't a thing that only was talked in here as it was said on youtube and twitter before.

>> No.19833158
File: 310 KB, 1066x726, 1632502330631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19833225

Sorry fungus, but people won't forget this so easily.

>> No.19833168

I had told anons already about the prevailing rules in this board and thread
>there are no rules
>there are no rules for mods too so enjoy your ban

People didn't believe me

>> No.19833170
Quoted by: >>19833247

So, Nina scheduled a 250k celebratory stream. Weird thing is, she also celebrated 200k in her previous stream like a day ago. Can anyone make any sense between this? Was she celebrating 200k follower on twitter?

>> No.19833188

And the catalog has something to do with /#/...?

>> No.19833225
Quoted by: >>19833273

The funniest part about this for me is Mysta just venting like a 14 year old girl

>> No.19833243

Nigger this is the numbers thread, not the place to complain about how persecuted you are. Go make a thread about it if you care so much

>> No.19833247


>> No.19833255

Anon you must be new to this site. Schizos will use ANYTHING for those (you)s. Today it’s the leak, yesterday it’s Sana, the day before that is Nene etc

>> No.19833264

Those are custom voice packs.
dear lord you guys are pathetic thinking fulgur comes in here, imagine being this butthurt

>> No.19833267

The sponsorships aren't coming back even if they cut the nipple.

>> No.19833273
File: 384 KB, 500x500, 1645041018493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pictured: Mystia

>> No.19833277

All things considered the NijiEN discord leaks show the lack of balls that the overall EN fanbase has. What they did is basically the same stuff that Sio did and Sio was bullied out of the industry for it and is permanently blacklisted. Yet on the EN side these faggots are just going about their business with basically no consequences.

Graduations and terminations should have been the results if the fans were committed enough. But you guys didn't even get a freaking suspension or even a fucking apology out of it. Weak.
