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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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19816263 No.19816263 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>19806840

>> No.19816290
File: 1.12 MB, 992x1400, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.19816463
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1645725816534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19816486

Surely this thread will be good.

>> No.19816486

>he believes

>> No.19816491

Who is this cute dark elf?

Gura is streaming on JP time btw
Guess the peak ccv

>> No.19816501

don't care about numbers but thanks for posting this delicious chocolate elf

>> No.19816593

Imagine if Sana looked like this

>> No.19816659


>> No.19816700

shut up

>> No.19816701


>> No.19816724

>choco sex goddess
alright /#/ you got me

>> No.19816752


>> No.19816766
Quoted by: >>19816839

No need to fight Suisex will get the Gold.

>> No.19816779


>> No.19816785
File: 418 KB, 989x675, leoswho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok anon, lets play

>> No.19816839

no more that 35k. People tend to overestimate her, for some reason

>> No.19816850
Quoted by: >>19817936

Gura has a diverse chat at this time slot. Full of Eurobros and Asians. Some members were even surpised they got to see her stream live for once kek.

>> No.19816867
Quoted by: >>19817149

the old thread is still alive and will probably still be alive for a very long time, op is a fucking faggot

>> No.19816873

And when you underestimate her, she will get at least 10k above that. I'm betting 40k

>> No.19816971

Come the fuck on Pekora you should have learned her entire moveset by now, why can't you beat her? You're just stalling and losing viewers now...

>> No.19817149

What's with YAGOO OP?

>> No.19817154
File: 140 KB, 1080x288, Llllllllll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has more then 10k member
>only 3.4k watching

>> No.19817187

Botan 19k get
Choco 3k get

>> No.19817208

>checks Twitter
>it's another fucking guerilla

>> No.19817268
File: 270 KB, 1168x803, streams over 10k ongoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* ongoing streams over 10k *
A strong day indeed

>> No.19817329

Please understand, someone was shittalking her on 5ch

>> No.19817357
Quoted by: >>19817451

What is this? Ccv is not visible for member stream

>> No.19817451

>he doesn't know
kek, newfags lurk moar

>> No.19817488
File: 87 KB, 1162x265, elderschizo in shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Pekoschizo and Elderschizo tho, those are eating steak tonight

>> No.19817516
Quoted by: >>19817674

>Same game? No
Wut, isn't Pekora playing Sekiro and Botan, Elder Ring?

>> No.19817525
Quoted by: >>19817550

Anyone who watched her fortnite stream already knew about it also this is not guerilla

>> No.19817550
Quoted by: >>19817643

who the fuck would watch fortnite

>> No.19817556

>Gura in JP timeslot
>16k viewers
>16k likes in 50 mins
G-Guys.. I thought you said this was only an English thing…

>> No.19817579
Quoted by: >>19817637

NTA, but lurk where? the only place that might talk about this is /#/

>> No.19817603
Quoted by: >>19817694

Sure Botan beating peko on anything is impressive. But you can chalk it up to a buff game. Except she's also about to beat kuzuha Elden Ring lmao

>> No.19817608

What's the explanation for this?

>> No.19817632

There's this thing called "core audience" who would tune in no matter when you stream

>> No.19817637
Quoted by: >>19817679


>> No.19817643

Just say you want to make excuses for her

>> No.19817649

Sumire vspo is streaming valo right now on youtube, to 1.87k viewers.
The last week or so she has been playing valo on twitch, to an audience of 4-7k most of the time.

Is this just youtube ccv being fucky, or is there really a much larger audience on twitch for it?

>> No.19817674

We were talking about VS. Pekora beat Botan number on VS streams

>> No.19817678
Quoted by: >>19817717

If only we had a chuuba with this sex design...

>> No.19817679
Quoted by: >>19817804

anon, I'm here most of the threads and that's not something that comes up a lot

>> No.19817681

>stream in JP prime time
>viewership magically turns into japanese

>> No.19817691

Same slot? VSPO girls sometimes stream late or early in the day, right now it's the primetime

>> No.19817694
Quoted by: >>19817749

Nijis should be glad she got burnt out by Apex. They wouldn't want 2 Nijikillers running about.

>> No.19817699

Didn't they patch it in December last year? Or is this the IOS only one?

>> No.19817717

It's drawn by the same guy who designed flare btw

>> No.19817738

All the memeing on Russians is making botan more powerful

>> No.19817749
Quoted by: >>19819529

>Nijis should be glad she got burnt out by Apex. They wouldn't want 2 Nijikillers running about.
Nijis should be thankful every day that Botan treats Hololive like a working retirement.

>> No.19817766

Quite terrifying actually considering it's not her usual slot and she already 4k short to beating Pekora
Granted Pekora is not on her peak form today but still

>> No.19817777
Quoted by: >>19817874

Guras eops woke up just to give her a like and then went back to sleep

>> No.19817778
Quoted by: >>19817808

I'm aware but Flare just doesn't hit the same spots for me as this dark elf does

>> No.19817804
Quoted by: >>19817950

There is a way to see CCV for a members stream, more than one even.
People stopped talking about the exact methods in detail since that anon blabbed and Cover closed a hole in their store that allowed for merch sales to be tallied.

One of the methods was simple tho, it involves putting the member videos in a playlist and looking at it on mobile (or something similar)

>> No.19817808

Flare hates her brown skin

>> No.19817832

Susan really hates the shark.

>> No.19817874

If you care that much you might as well leave the stream on while you sleep, try harder.

>> No.19817899

12k waiting

>> No.19817901
File: 2.84 MB, 2572x2572, flare default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and being sexy
rest in peace og design, your cleavage will be missed

>> No.19817902

So once again confirm that quite literally every Holo Pekora touched incline eventually. What a goddess

>> No.19817927

Which side are you supposed to be on?
>if this was normal
then it made sense as JOPs aren't affected/affected less
>if this wasn't normal
then it doesn't line up with the "culling based on location" thing

>> No.19817932

It's not English thing, it's region thing
The more widespread the audience the more fucked the number is, I feel tha it's related to actual physical distance and not national borders toop

>> No.19817936

Maybe she should do this once a while that would be nice.

>> No.19817951
File: 297 KB, 959x961, streams over 10k so far today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Holo / Niji streams over 10k so far
Skinny day for now

>> No.19817952
File: 573 KB, 2500x1709, FNAhatRUUAUjkLk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comptiq hololive magazine ran out of stock

>> No.19817950

I thought the pajeet coders was a meme. Guess not

>> No.19817954

That's higher than her previous ones, I checked her ASMR ones and it's usually around 2.4k

>> No.19817961
Quoted by: >>19818044

That panda got memoryholed

>> No.19817976

is youtube lagging ? or is just botan's stream ?

>> No.19817994
Quoted by: >>19818305

How often that happens for that publication?

>> No.19818042

Suisei is a Hololive black hole holy shit
>Botan drops 2-3k viewers
>Pekora drops 1-2k viewers
>Gura drops 1-2k viewers
Just ate everyone up

>> No.19818044

she is still using it as her membership badges
wonder if that will change at all?

>> No.19818046

>Subaru bikini
What were they expecting?

>> No.19818054

Hololive is really big in Japan

>> No.19818058
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20220302_025618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19818151

of fucking course

>> No.19818072
Quoted by: >>19819016

>NijiEN has no chance for EN gold
>thread ends up being slow and peaceful

>> No.19818086
Quoted by: >>19818141

her chat is still around 80% eop names anon

>> No.19818090
File: 1.64 MB, 1322x935, 1622085332248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19818179


>> No.19818110
Quoted by: >>19818166

Noel also got munched. Suzy I kneel

>> No.19818115

>I have dishonored you chat, I'm gonna cut myself now
gura going full japanese

>> No.19818126

that happens whenever the next slot starts

>> No.19818133
Quoted by: >>19818231

Blue star woman mogging everyone lol.

>> No.19818141

>recovery was apparently much quicker than other slots
So what exactly is it, is she being watched by her usual crowd and thus culled as usual? Why did her recovery from waiting room improve then?

>> No.19818142

Gura autistically repeating the same song for incremental completion gains is a huge debuff

>> No.19818151


>> No.19818154

This is why vtuber companies need to stop commissioning new designs, purchasing original designs is just better. No need to guess or hope if audience would like the design, as you already have the audience reaction to it.

>> No.19818156

>20k 5 mins in
Suzy is strong as always

>> No.19818163

Pekora lost like 500 and incline back real quick, the noel funnel made up for it

>> No.19818166

noel ended her stream

>> No.19818174

Kek Suisei is dying

>> No.19818179

>rushia second one in the order for me
mknk you dumb whore

>> No.19818206
Quoted by: >>19818265

unscheduled stream...................
are you really this retarded?

>> No.19818231

The only holomen other than gura that could achieve 30k+ singging stream. I kneel....

>> No.19818234
Quoted by: >>19818370


>> No.19818257
Quoted by: >>19818321

Her usual crowd is probably asleep and unaware she’s steaming.

>> No.19818265

What does an unscheduled stream have to do with CCVID verification?

>> No.19818287

twitch covered this time but there she was streaming for 5-9 hours

>> No.19818288

Cumbuda sound like those NBA announcers making up records on the fly

>> No.19818292

>Comet stomping everyone with a Karoke
>Thread suddenly tame
Elden schizo status?
Chumpedos status?

>> No.19818305
File: 1.55 MB, 753x9159, out of stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How often that happens for that publication?
Just checked their twitter, and other than this they only announced running out of stock of Fate stuff, and like once a year max.

>> No.19818310
Quoted by: >>19818365

unscheduled stream = not enough time for waiting room to build up, because nobody knew about it at the first place

>> No.19818311
Quoted by: >>19818331

she hasn't sing for 2 fucking months everyone's been waiting for it

>> No.19818315
Quoted by: >>19818347

Nah, Marine is capable as well, but her throat...
Why Marine, you should've just got the damned surgery done.

>> No.19818321
Quoted by: >>19819666

So she has a separate crowd of fans in JP hours who are also culled since the likes ratio is still abnormal?

>> No.19818324
Quoted by: >>19818395

More tourist. Less core viewers

>> No.19818331

she has sung last month

>> No.19818347

Marine is she-toya now. Rare stream 30k+

>> No.19818357

At this point I am pretty sure holos could do some in-person only promotion in middle of Amazon rain forest and it would sell out

>> No.19818365

>nobody knew about it in the first place
She tweeted about it and the frame was up at least 3 hours before, hardly a random guerilla stream with little notice.

>> No.19818367
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1632813793652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying my morning cup of Gura.

>> No.19818370

lewd gloves are cumming back...

>> No.19818379

30k get

>> No.19818395
Quoted by: >>19818472

Shouldn't the likes be a lot less if they're tourists?

>> No.19818399

Hololive = Fate

>> No.19818409

What a waste.

>> No.19818422

ill stop giving (you)s to the retarded schizo now

>> No.19818452

I am genuinely curious what numbers botan will get if she plays apex.

>> No.19818461

Who is this chick? Is this a chuuba?

>> No.19818472
Quoted by: >>19818577

no, your an idiot

>> No.19818518

If people tab out while listening to karaokes, does that not mean that singing stream numbers are heavily debuffed?

>> No.19818566
Quoted by: >>19818641

Yeah, they used to get insane numbers.

>> No.19818570

Interestingly enough, despite dropping near 3k viewers since Suisei streamed, her chat speed has remained almost the exact same and her likes are increasing at relatively the same speed.
She was getting 1k likes every 5 minutes just a little bit before. Just now she hit 1k more likes in 6 minutes. Pretty much no difference

>> No.19818574

NijiJP 71,117 (20)
HoloJP 75,547 (suisei, peko, botan), 97,335 (10)

>> No.19818577

So you're saying that tourists will like holoEN more but not when they're watching holoJP? What's the rationale here?

>> No.19818583

also not unarchived

>> No.19818594

>Botan 25k

>> No.19818593

Only if they're opening another YT stream

>> No.19818598

Botan 25k get beaten a boss.

>> No.19818599

Botan 25k! Holo top 5?

>> No.19818604

Yes, and they are. Karaoke is just an ultrabuff anyway

>> No.19818615
File: 126 KB, 1110x961, 1628654710846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, /#/? Empress Suisei demands your kneels

>> No.19818633

Most likely yes, but to what extent we cannot say. Tab-outs culling and multistream culls are suspected to be the bulk of what the 2020 cull of 30% across ALL of YouTube are, but since youtube obviously wouldn't disclose specifics, we're stuck with what we got.

>> No.19818637

The other key to high ccv is high retention rate

>> No.19818641
Quoted by: >>19818773

Need proof

>> No.19818663

Damn Micomet eating again this month

>> No.19818666

Wait a second it's a Genchink character nevermind

>> No.19818686
File: 207 KB, 1205x756, 7364F2FB-7CC4-40B5-9AC8-1B79C633D6C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19818738

KEK, this was amusing as fuck
> Suisei sucked a huge segment of Botans audience
> Noel funneled it back

>> No.19818687

I opened 3 tabs, watching gura and listening to sui.

>> No.19818694

If I have the tab open on another window (visible) but have my cursor focused on another window, does that count as a tab out?

>> No.19818713

35K, two songs left.

>> No.19818738

Noel i kneel ! Returning what is lost

>> No.19818739
File: 51 KB, 680x383, FNUNL7iaAAE6U6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k yen/$92 for stupid merch

>> No.19818742

she'll probably sing more than 5

>> No.19818773


>> No.19818788

Damn is this suzie's biggest karaoke?

>> No.19818790

>Niji is in financial ruin pls understand
That really looks like a ripoff. I rather buy Pekora's carrots

>> No.19818796

they are probably watching both, like me

>> No.19818821


>> No.19818822


>> No.19818841
File: 1.25 MB, 2058x2994, suisei disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no kneeling to genshit pics

>> No.19818862

>He doesn't know about post Coco grad karaoke

>> No.19818874


>> No.19818878

Fuck off chinkshit

>> No.19818913
File: 477 KB, 727x720, 1645351414152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beating most recent Gura unarchived karaoke
Suityan my knees...

>> No.19818915

kys /v/ermin

>> No.19818921
Quoted by: >>19820121

official anime birthday packages sell the same things with less keychains and can badges for 12-15k yen

>> No.19818961

why dont gura's tourists just go and like suisei's karaoke too?

>> No.19818963

I love Suzy’s voice.

>> No.19818982

Designed for pure profits.

>> No.19818996

suzy kyou mou SEEEEEEEX

>> No.19819016

The Orc is hiding.

>> No.19819017

99% profit margin
I kneel

>> No.19819037

nijisanji really needs the money, please understand

>> No.19819056

KEK. Chumcuck can't stop losing

>> No.19819057

nice 4 more songs

>> No.19819065

look at this unbeliever

>> No.19819090


>> No.19819091
File: 23 KB, 481x174, 1618821654797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819159

40k get

>> No.19819109

>was about to complain that Suisei always cuts her karaokes short before letting her numbers settle
>just adds 4 more songs out of nowhere while potentially taking suggestions from chat
I kneel

>> No.19819114
Quoted by: >>19819239

Gura is culled

>> No.19819138

Fuck so close to 40k!!

>> No.19819141

>MiComet 40k+ back to back
The new status quo of hololive

>> No.19819156

3/11 Gold candidate?
Sukoya 3D return stream

>> No.19819159

She won't get 50k

>> No.19819166
Quoted by: >>19819265

Damn she's holo most popular singer huh
Well deserved gold

>> No.19819173

I dunno why there's people who don't believe Suisei SINGING stream will get big numbers. Even as a nousagi I know Pekora wouldn't be able to beat that combo

>> No.19819189

rumao nice merch nijikeks

>> No.19819199

40k is very rare even for Suisei.

>> No.19819214

Just chumbuds still thinking it's early 2021

>> No.19819225
Quoted by: >>19819247

people are either retarded or pretending to be retarded.

>> No.19819232

9 months fly by fast

>> No.19819238
Quoted by: >>19819397

was the baby a boy or a girl?

>> No.19819239

Cope. She is just hard reclined unlike the others who actually put in time and effort to nurture their fanbase

>> No.19819240
Quoted by: >>19819680

>Singing stream EX buff
>Rarity buff since it's been a while since her last singing stream
Of course it would get 40k easy

>> No.19819245

Peko can beat Susei's karaoke but of course not by her karaoke.
Every nosagi knows that.

>> No.19819247

Or just chumbud

>> No.19819262

40k while overlapping with two other 20k+ holo streams, don't forget that part.

>> No.19819263

is vraby stuck or something?

>> No.19819264

Kek, even the illustration on each item are the same. How shameless can they be.

>> No.19819265
File: 356 KB, 800x1244, 5B782109-7E88-4A68-8808-78E081515BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo most popular singer
>nothing personel kiddo

>> No.19819270
File: 1.09 MB, 1329x1260, 1638549514853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819290

Nice viewers you got there, would be a shame if someone leeched them

>> No.19819279

don’t forget who’s the enemy

>> No.19819281

Not today of course

>> No.19819290

>funneled them legally

>> No.19819298


>> No.19819310

>The man hating dyke nurse is back
Deam...ot feels like last month she announced her break.

>> No.19819312

Suzie has struggled to break 30k more than she's passed it. I kneel to her numbers but this isn't her usual

>> No.19819314

Fujos are the best audience, they eat this shit up so easily

>> No.19819326

Well that's the standard Niji's merch https://nijisanji.booth.pm/

>> No.19819332

The only way it could be even worse is if they replaced the tapestry with a clear folder.

>> No.19819342
File: 5 KB, 237x213, lunaenemy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819616

anon is enemy

>> No.19819347

Those Micomet collabs are doing wonders for Suzy. Her popularity used to slightly dip during periods where she does not stream. Now, she can just show up in Miko's stream so that people don't forget her.

>> No.19819357

Is she gonna confirm whether or not Crossick is still together?

>> No.19819362

She hasn't been singing much recently though, Suisei now is more popular than Suisei before

>> No.19819364
File: 205 KB, 1078x1080, 188639201133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819393

JWU, anything happened today?

>> No.19819378
Quoted by: >>19819514

I wish we had a dark elf vtuber. And not "Japanese dark elf" aka tan elf but a real dark elf. A fucking Drow.

>> No.19819382

This is her highest normal song stream.
not included *Coco retirement buff.
*Xmas relay.

>> No.19819387

>$92 for all that
That key holder better make my key unlock the gates of heaven because Nijisanji is going to hell for this shit

>> No.19819393
Quoted by: >>19819474

Baside Gura irregular timeslot then today is just the usual
Pekora Sekiro, Botan ER, Suisei singing, all getting expected numbers

>> No.19819397
Quoted by: >>19819414

It was me. Say something nice anon

>> No.19819402
Quoted by: >>19819445

When was the last time she did one? Jeez it's felt like ages.

>> No.19819404
File: 551 KB, 1079x861, astel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet holostarsEN senpai, astelleda

>> No.19819414

something nice anon

>> No.19819432

She is at 42k...maybe you are the one underestimating her

>> No.19819443
Quoted by: >>19819655

His viewership crashed hard didn’t it.

>> No.19819445
Quoted by: >>19819538

January 21st

>> No.19819468
Quoted by: >>19819490

Even the HoloID has better merch than NijiJp. What the hell Anycololor

>> No.19819474
File: 103 KB, 1051x996, 1455383866277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.19819479

read >>19819312

>> No.19819483
File: 852 KB, 800x597, 1641763369898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19819485

What did you expect from a coping chumcuck?

>> No.19819490

I don’t think NijiID ever got individual merch other than voice packs.

>> No.19819514

Give me a drow-genie hybrid.

>> No.19819529

it is

>> No.19819538
Quoted by: >>19819590

Christ yea, I can see why she's getting unusually highly buffed then. She used to do them more often.

>> No.19819541


>> No.19819545

Maybe with a special event buff, but not with a normal stream.

>> No.19819547

How would they feel if holostarsEN debuted and had 10k ccv on average?

>> No.19819565

Leos earned $54k today. Maybe the reason why he earns that much is because fans think superchatting has better worth than buying merch.

>> No.19819566
File: 874 KB, 256x256, 1634813098745.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819609

suisei is giving me numberot

>> No.19819569

>Her number keeps growing

>> No.19819573
Quoted by: >>19819719

Oh shit, his eop watcher went to nijien?

>> No.19819590
File: 411 KB, 1181x1575, 1641525574903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fes3 preparation + another Holo's 3D live recording (4 of them) + whatever she has for herself.

>> No.19819591
Quoted by: >>19819718

Salty AF for sure, probably contemplating graduation too.

>> No.19819609
Quoted by: >>19819646

>Numberrot because of 40k+

>> No.19819616


>> No.19819626

It… makes sense!

>> No.19819646
Quoted by: >>19819680

for a normal karaoke...
this is like debut buff holy damn

>> No.19819650

It has been a long while since the last karaoke stream, and since then she grew a lot

>> No.19819655

Apex is dying (thank fuck) and Astel was too late in trying to diversify his content
He used to get at least 1k per apex stream but whenever he streamed anything else he could barely reach 500

>> No.19819660

kek they want another branch of this? Wtf yagoo

>> No.19819666
Quoted by: >>19819977

She has a lot of the people who watch Mori, IRyS, Bae, Kiara, Sana and the IDs in this slot. They're all normally culled.

>> No.19819675

Suisei is NOT a high tier streamer. She barely hits over 10k on her streams. Stop overrating her. The utawakus are the exception and she times them well for minimal overlap against actually good holos like Miko or Pekora. Stop overrating this bitch

>> No.19819678
Quoted by: >>19819906

Is there another bad map rotation in Apex or something?

>> No.19819680
Quoted by: >>19819944


>> No.19819690
File: 628 KB, 2160x3840, Wasted potential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these years later and Suisei still manages to get upwards of 20k viewers for her karaoke streams. Pic related used to give me the impression that she'd be the next Suisei when it comes this type of stream but she can't even sniff 20k viewers no matter what she does nowadays. People lapped her up to be the most musically inclined among gen 6 but her original song is not even at half a million views even 10 days later. It's only 30 seconds too, mind you. Her superchat numbers are still VERY highly fappable though but I wish there was more to her than that. I just want a holoJP that can at least rival Suisei in singing chops and Mori/Gura in sheer numbers man...

>> No.19819689

Now, this is rent free or maybe some kind of obsession.

>> No.19819696
Quoted by: >>19819833

That's unfeasible, 10k average ccv stars would mog most holoEN and Luxiem too.

>> No.19819713


>> No.19819718

good,for numbers sake these fags need to graduate

>> No.19819719

his karaokes still do the same, but apex crashed it seems

>> No.19819732

>He used to get at least 1k per apex stream
I was taking a look at his numbers and most of his APEX numbers were at the verge of some tournament like CR or Vsayko when he was interacting with the Hal crowd and getting some tourists.

>> No.19819763

Yeah, if the merch is good, SC numbers tend to be lower, just look at Miko

>> No.19819769

To be Suisei you really need to dedicate your life to it. You don't suddenly become a good singer by doing singing stream regularly

>> No.19819779

Cope harder cumtards. No one likes you

>> No.19819805

who is this

>> No.19819815
File: 681 KB, 753x748, 1639521173078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19819903

>She barely hits over 10k on her streams

>> No.19819817
File: 159 KB, 376x293, 1638832448922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And yet suisei won't ever reach 98k with archived karaoke
Meanwhile there's high chance for orca to mog whatever suisei 3D number

>> No.19819824
Quoted by: >>19820381

For some reason, this stinky brat never pull the same kino shit she pulled on her first two karaoke. She really need to do her reps if she want to walked the singer path

>> No.19819829
File: 398 KB, 1097x1071, 1628801666687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19819833

It is feasible during debut buff and for the more popular ones

>> No.19819836

oldfag would remember when people called nene the next suisei, that kinda stuff just normally happen when holo get new gen

>> No.19819849

Anon, in terms of name recognition Suisei is pretty much a JPop talent that just happen to use a virtual avatar.
She’s in another universe compared to the rest of the vtubers that happen to sing

I get your point but there is no possible comparison with Suisei

>> No.19819859

what kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.19819858

> when Nijikeks realize their highest stream today is from man whore Luca.
> thread turns to shit.

>> No.19819866

How do they even get in financial troubles when their merch is pure profit.

>> No.19819870

>Pekora still maintain a good 19k despite the timeslot change
Her viewer retention game is good considering her peak is somewhere a bit over 20k today

>> No.19819874

anon the thread always goes to shit around 8pm jst, this isn't news

>> No.19819875
Quoted by: >>19820198

Chloe needs more practice and voice control and she needs to focus more on singing. Hololive should scout someone to sub suisei on events and other singing gig she does before she graduates (which is still a long time)

>> No.19819895
Quoted by: >>19822384

by throwing money off a cliff, evidently

>> No.19819903

blue buff, doesn't count

>> No.19819904

Any more falseflagging attempts that doesn't end with an "a"?

>> No.19819906

The fourth map they introduced apparently was both too big and had terrible map rotations
Another problem with Apex was that the cheater problem in Japanese servers since last year became too much that even Respawn said "fuck it" and did absolutely nothing about it
There's a reason why former Apex-only chuubas are now either spamming Valorant or playing non-fps games in between sessions

>> No.19819913

It's called a nijinigger.

>> No.19819916
Quoted by: >>19820014

People need to buy your expensive merch to profit anon. If they don't, that production cost accumulates and you get in debt.

>> No.19819927
Quoted by: >>19819938

we can report for spam at this point

>> No.19819937

I believe Orcasex is the next Suisex. She got that great voice. Her 1st ever original song has a potential but its fucking too short.

>> No.19819938

yeah because meidos exist here

>> No.19819940

Stop giving (you)s to fulgur you retard

>> No.19819944

To be fair she's an. 8-12k holo in 2021 I think but recently she's inclined. I mean most JP holo inclined in 2022>>19819680

>> No.19819964

Luca also owns the most weekly viewed Niji cover song. NijiJPbro...

>> No.19819971

They're probably make a private discord and complain about it all day.

>> No.19819977
Quoted by: >>19821220

The culprit is...
SEA Males.
I'm not joking either, that Risu poll from after the supposed unflagging indicates to me that YouTube just fucking hates SEA males, or their watching patterns are sus AF so they get flagged for extended verification.

>> No.19819984
Quoted by: >>19820146

Was it really the full song? Wtf orca!?

>> No.19819986

Voice alone can't carry you like that. Suisei is a high bar.

>> No.19820002

i'm unironically curious what nijiJP fans in the board feels with nijiEN now.

>> No.19820013

Don't worry about that, Comet is also a weaker Suisei's song.

>> No.19820014
Quoted by: >>19820079

They don’t do a preorder period like Hololive?

>> No.19820019
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>> No.19820047
File: 16 KB, 722x86, 45k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Empress 45k

>> No.19820054

Current Niji song weekly views:
Cover no.1 : Luca
Original no.1 : NijiEN

>> No.19820065
Quoted by: >>19820132

What's the difference? Both nijiniggers anyway

>> No.19820071


>> No.19820079
File: 144 KB, 308x458, 1623998400132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do pre order when you can ACCELERATE the merchs too!?

>> No.19820082
Quoted by: >>19820115

>no more that 35k
>get 35k
>Th..this isn't her usual

>> No.19820109

Most nijiJP fans in the board were just holoantis that switched to luxiem

>> No.19820110

Another double 100k celebration. iirc she reached 100k in Genshin, now she's celebrating it "officially" but only gets $800

>> No.19820115

it isn't

>> No.19820117

Reclining meme shark can only dream of getting these numbers nowadays

>> No.19820118

surely you guys enjoy watching the talent right?
not just the numbers

>> No.19820121

Actually, it isn't really that bad. >>19818921 is right, for example.
Of course, compare to Holo, it looks more expensive and (compared to some Holo's merchs, not all, though) less useful, but that's more of a plus for Holo than a minus for Niji. His merch is just more or less typical of your usual anime merchs.

>> No.19820122

dont start with this nobility titles faggotry again

>> No.19820132
Quoted by: >>19820171

a bunch of nijiJP livers are actually enjoyable to watch. While i can't stand watching any nijiEN streams.

>> No.19820133
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, 13085361125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19820183


>> No.19820143
File: 992 KB, 963x476, 【#ロボ子4周年記念LIVE 】4周年3D IDOL LIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those 3D guest appearances has really been helping Suisei out

>> No.19820146

She want to make it compatible with Tiktok video. She planning to invade Tiktok

>> No.19820154
File: 66 KB, 747x222, sadw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep forgetting images

>> No.19820155

No, his fans probably thinking like this "rather than buy those stupid merch we just gonna super chat you with those money"

>> No.19820157

>already competing with two other stars for the timeslot
>is now about to overlap with Roberu's awaited maro-reading collab with Mea

>> No.19820161

There's one dude who really, really, REALLY has 'cumkeks' and Gura live rent free in his mind, and has for months really. It's honestly kind of scary theblevrl of schizo madness this fucker has.

>> No.19820162

I don't think there were any Niji JP fans. The few that exist were still on that fossil /jp/ thread.

>> No.19820164

La+ Joining in on Roboco Valorant

>> No.19820171

I mean, NijiJP actually have to be entertaining to get those views…

>> No.19820181
Quoted by: >>19820262

delicious cope

>> No.19820183
File: 182 KB, 427x381, 1603496299408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820188

Wrong thread to ask that

>> No.19820189

Gotta scrap every little bit of that chink money before the next wave arrive anon, please understand

>> No.19820192

I'm cumming to both Suisex's voice and her numbers
Fight me

>> No.19820196

This blue biach still going.

>> No.19820198

This. Also for some reasob people seem to think that she's the best singer from holox when it is actually Laplus. I don't want to be the faggot that goes numbers=quality but there's a reason her covers are far more successful than anything Chloe has released so far.

>> No.19820212
Quoted by: >>19820256

which one?

>> No.19820218

so celebration again soon ?

>> No.19820226
Quoted by: >>19820277

Chances that Suisex will peak at the same numbers Miko had yesterday?

>> No.19820234

Yes, not necessarily the talents that get the numbers

>> No.19820236

Orca has potential especially if she utilizes her deep voice more. Not her anime voice which is annoying.

>> No.19820247

i feel like people in the board that like nijiJP are all holofans.

>> No.19820250

There are like 3 blue women streaming anon. You gotta specify which

>> No.19820256

the apex one

>> No.19820258
File: 962 KB, 1920x1080, 1646397046531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820262

anon, don't be retarded. I watch Suisei all the time, in fact she's the only one I watch regularly. These numbers are not normal for her, even with karaoke buff

>> No.19820264

Pretty much every blue is going right now except Ramy.

>> No.19820265
File: 582 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20220308-220045_TikTok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not looking too good for her, like, at all.

>> No.19820267
File: 3.95 MB, 228x279, 1632726337705.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820277

nah shes probably ending

>> No.19820280

I missed those though, certainly a good deal better than the garbage we get nowadays, at least those posts always had a bit of a tougue-in-cheek element to them.

>> No.19820281

All blue holos have crazy numbers
>Pekora has high CCV numbers
>Suisei has high utawaku and song numbers
>Lamy has high SC numbers
Cover needs to make more blue holos

>> No.19820289
File: 77 KB, 313x150, 1641570670364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820299
Quoted by: >>19820366

Yeah, but Suisei jumped over a lot of Holos in the past year in sub count.
She's been putting in the work.

>> No.19820301

i'm watching my comet wife right now. Speak for yourself fag.

>> No.19820311
File: 239 KB, 891x595, 1617499853169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lapu in RBC's stream

>> No.19820313
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, 1599234658478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19820315
Quoted by: >>19821739

This stupid bitch dont know how tiktok or viral shit work

>> No.19820320

It's almost as if normal is something that can change over time and is not something that is set in stone

>> No.19820325

hololive is full of surprise huh
In a day when people don't think there will be any unpredictable numbers. They just binge some special stream and then get the numbers.

>> No.19820341

Cunny power.

>> No.19820343

Chloe needs to utilize her deep voice. Her deep voice is good.

>> No.19820350


>> No.19820366
File: 15 KB, 547x91, 1622024436974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if she can pass Miko

>> No.19820374
Quoted by: >>19820515

Yeah I don't necessarily watch what's the most popular. My 3 favorites are Ina, IRyS, and Pomu. Reasonably popular but not the absolute top. I'm not sure I could bring myself to watch basement dwellers though like Lofi, Aki, or Reimu.

>> No.19820378


>> No.19820381

What kino?

>> No.19820383
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 16886363447433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820390
Quoted by: >>19820556

Literally never happened. 2021 was when she got the hi honey buff.

>> No.19820407

She's irrelevant cumkek

>> No.19820420

Kek, imagine giving your information to the chinese.

>> No.19820423

One song per month btw. It will rack up quick

>> No.19820427


>> No.19820428
Quoted by: >>19820468

Miko will get a huge jump when they do the MC sports thing again.

>> No.19820436
Quoted by: >>19820535

She's a white holo

>> No.19820434
Quoted by: >>19821156

Eh, I'm against double celebrations, but this is nitpicking. Unless she already had a 100k celebration stream, or the Genshin's stream was an endurance-until-milestone-reached kind of stream, there shouldn't be any issue with having an official celebration stream.

>> No.19820443
File: 303 KB, 1926x1410, FNUiPnWaIAQTupB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is merch anon here? any merch sales update for today?

>> No.19820449
Quoted by: >>19820580

I'm not seething. I happy for her, but I'm not going to deny reality

>> No.19820467

lurk moar newfag

>> No.19820468

It will take a while until the next Sport Fes. Butttttttt I dunno if she will keep doing it

>> No.19820479


>> No.19820489
Quoted by: >>19820541

Cool and where are your "no more 35k"?
Stop seething already, today is her day

>> No.19820493

>special stream
So far it's just Elden Ring, Sekiro, and Karaoke

>> No.19820515
Quoted by: >>19820801

I tried watching Lofi for a few days but she’s just so boring.

>> No.19820517
File: 375 KB, 1254x1080, 165430083515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820535

Honorary blue. Her hair is white but her outfit is blue

>> No.19820536
Quoted by: >>19820604

110k+ are watching holos right now.

>> No.19820541
File: 545 KB, 949x470, 1621444412946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19820601

I was wrong, I'm not seething

>> No.19820543
Quoted by: >>19820606

>They just binge some special stream and then get the numbers.
but anon thats the thing, none of those streams are special.

>> No.19820552
Quoted by: >>19820601

If this were any other day Suisei wouldn't have even breached 18k on her utawaku
Let's be real hoshits

>> No.19820556

That really wasn't the main reason for her incline. This was actually brought up last year because someone made the same claim, but her incline actually starts with the release of GHOST after her SPACE FOR VIRTUAL GHOST Live. From there, constant music releases building into her Live last year kept her ascent going.

>> No.19820567

with the overpriced birthday merch, all these celebrations and now this i think that niji actually encourages these shameless behaviors.

>> No.19820568

That's how Nijinigger cope, anon

>> No.19820580
File: 578 KB, 1197x1080, 18830070230698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19820707


>> No.19820591

Suisei Karaoke is special :)

>> No.19820601

bad timing to post this you fag

>> No.19820604

>>19820536 (me)
and slot change too

>> No.19820606


>> No.19820612

It's just several thousand people who eventually came to the realization suisei singing is better than everything else

>> No.19820622

My point is she was never an 8-12k holo in 2021

>> No.19820640

Where did the comet hurt you

>> No.19820649
Quoted by: >>19820710

Oh shit roberu with that chick that payed for pornhub porn, what the hell her name again?

>> No.19820656

no really what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>> No.19820662

Not to mention the Hi Honey was only big with EOPs. Suisei has some of those fans but she's massively inclined with primarily Japanese due to her music blowing up.

>> No.19820672
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1623123305340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga are you mind-broken?

>> No.19820671
Quoted by: >>19820811

10k is impossible since Holostars don't have brand buff
Unless they're resorting to coomer bait tactics

>> No.19820676

It's just a seething chumcuck

>> No.19820683
Quoted by: >>19820727

no really what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>> No.19820690

A deep-seated grudge of the shark. I really don't know why people do this to themselves.

>> No.19820696

Where did the shark hurt you

>> No.19820707

I think I'll just shut up, people are really retarded. I'm not a nijisanji fan

>> No.19820710 [DELETED] 

Looks like Mea, that dirty Chinese pandering whore.

>> No.19820716
File: 207 KB, 397x337, ghjtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19820722
Quoted by: >>19820855

>more than 1 hour
>12 songs
Holy shit this is not Suisei that I knew

>> No.19820727

Fungus and reimu.

>> No.19820731
Quoted by: >>19820762

Nowhere because she will never hit 120k on her karaoke ever

>> No.19820748

Pekora is quite literally the HoloDefender. When all the other big shots are absent you can always count on her to defend Hololive against Niji
Not to mention she bring big number to any Holo she interact with, clearly a support role.

>> No.19820762

so it's the same guy huh?

>> No.19820777
Quoted by: >>19820882

>Aqua again

>> No.19820791

Kiara-anti apprentice

>> No.19820801
Quoted by: >>19820985

Who is "L"ofi ? You mean Lofi girl music?

>> No.19820800

Still inclining despite the worst song

>> No.19820805

That's fucking retarded and a waste of everyone's time that was involved with this stupid project

>> No.19820811
Quoted by: >>19821316

I mean everyone thought Luxiem would be lucky to break 1k on their normal streams. We don't really know enough about the western male vtubers market, especially on youtube. There might be a significant market for Hololive-style male streamers that aren't outright skeezy like the Nijis.

>> No.19820821
Quoted by: >>19820882

Suisei will rape Aqua

>> No.19820844

Well it's the orca decision not mine. She even say as much on stream

>> No.19820855

she used to do 2 hours karaoke before holocaust

>> No.19820857

Man... noctyx really flop hard huh. The numbers are just sad

>> No.19820869
Quoted by: >>19821073

>Suisex got 45K
>Nijiniggers still have a guts to shit on her by falsefagging


>> No.19820881
Quoted by: >>19820951

If she's actually planning on doing that, I hope someone can tell her how tiktok works.

>> No.19820882
Quoted by: >>19821257

suisei just loves Aqua way to much
>implying this didnt happen already

>> No.19820890

This fag only appears in prime SEA hour for a few month now, probably has a real sad life, like lacking in parental love or sth. Pls understand.

>> No.19820901

So.. Mori is just waiting for gura funnel? Can she beat shisiron?

>> No.19820910
Quoted by: >>19820951

I still don't get why she doesn't just make a full song with a good chorus if she wants to gain traction on TikTok

>> No.19820924


>> No.19820951

Once again I don't know what the fuck the orca is thinking, I only know that she want to try out Tiktok

>> No.19820975
File: 329 KB, 669x861, 1624483959221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19821202

nijibros... not like this

>> No.19820983

Just wait, they will be moving to Asian hours soon, perhaps juggle early-Asian and late-EN hours like Luca's doing. Who'll be laughing then?

>> No.19820985

The girl with paint all over her from Holo ID.

>> No.19820992

She could not even beat Ramy anon.

>> No.19820995
Quoted by: >>19821079

>Suisei March peaks
30k+ ccv median possible for her this month

>> No.19821008

Can Gura really funnel all 16k into her??? Otherwise it's impossible

>> No.19821009

Probably got bullied on school for not showering or shit like that

>> No.19821014
File: 58 KB, 595x494, 1589878846641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is every numberwhale in hololive an aquafag?
>subaru loves aqua
>gura oshi is aqua
>suisei irl oshi is aqua roommate
>peko hates aqua, you only hate what you once loved
>aqua is aqua

>> No.19821025

Now she's on twitch to >3k viewers

>> No.19821027
Quoted by: >>19821315

still us because they'll still get shit numbers

>> No.19821029

just peek at /2434/, they don't give a shit at all.

>> No.19821037
Quoted by: >>19821082

Luxiem overlapping Yugo absolutely murdered her.

>> No.19821062

>>suisei irl oshi is aqua roommate
she has a lot of oshis

>> No.19821069

the absolute state of nijiniggers

>> No.19821070

>suisei irl oshi is aqua roommate
qrd on this

>> No.19821073

Wrong, it's cumtards

>> No.19821074
Quoted by: >>19821270

Because she used to be the biggest number Holo before Pekora. She is still one
I personally believe all the big number Holo are actually closer than we think behind the scene and they probably talk about how to beat the Niji every week

>> No.19821076
File: 213 KB, 678x316, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 5 schizo...

>> No.19821078
Quoted by: >>19821157

How do we save noctyx from their eventual doom bros?

>> No.19821079

She also has 3D live anniversary later this month.

>> No.19821082

It's called Manjisanji for a reason.

>> No.19821090

Lost his parents in a tragic shark accident

>> No.19821095
File: 74 KB, 304x338, 1642829459875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why

>> No.19821101

>Laplus "asthmatic breath control" Laplus
>best singer
Delusional. Shit on Chloe's money grubbing ways all you want but she has a huge potential when it comes to singing. I just hope that she'd actually follow through with having voice lessons and coaching because her singing has actually regressed from her debut period.

>> No.19821109
Quoted by: >>19821192

It was a really bad idea to debut them so fast

>> No.19821120

This is more pathetic than Pekoschizo

>> No.19821139

she touched Aqua in a sleepover. Also, she doesn't say it but she obviously likes Aqua's songs a lot

>> No.19821142

this is false, her irl oshi is kanata roommate

>> No.19821153

No, Mori is like Suisei but much more relies on her music and SC.

>> No.19821156

>or the Genshin's stream was an endurance-until-milestone-reached kind of stream
Many Holos did endurance streams for milestones and then had a separate celebration stream afterwards and nobody cared. Why are they considered bad now?

>> No.19821157

we don't

>> No.19821169

Nah he has to keep it up for at least three months to match Mr. Can't Afford a Microwave

>> No.19821179

Because she broke nichinkniggers in the past and keep them seething till this day

>> No.19821183
Quoted by: >>19821239

>I love aqua

>> No.19821192

They needed to do they could announce their next round of auditions.

>> No.19821200

actually I think more holoEN can also try this SEA timeslot (if they aren't lazy) to gather more audience for special events. Gura streaming at this time doesn't seem to affect JP numbers that much.

>> No.19821202
Quoted by: >>19821265

That Kronii general is creepy, is basically just weird fanfics.

>> No.19821201

her oshi is Ritsu from Enstars

>> No.19821205

>Gura has more likes for this stream than for her 27k ccv vampire survivors one or her 33k ccv karaoke
Uh.. the NA like culture??

>> No.19821214
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>> No.19821220
File: 112 KB, 1080x1282, mythia bot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't speak for other SEA, but
A big algorithm favoured indog chuuba is botting her stream.
She's constantly clipped and suggested so it's almost impossible to avoid her.
I suggest to clean your wached history that included her, yes even clips too.
Turn down any video recommendation of her.
Block her channel if you must.
I think it's spreading.
Mine got flagged AGAIN, apparently even though I rarely watch chuubas nowadays except for Holos, only makeup and skincare YouTubers.
Still not recovering after 33 seconds

>> No.19821236
Quoted by: >>19821291

Shocked. That would be Vox/Mysta level performance and they have tons of chinks, which I doubt would come for homos. My personal prediction is they would be on Noctyx numbers level.

>> No.19821239

Yeah you got the big number alright. Not as big as those in /vg/ but still big

>> No.19821251
Quoted by: >>19821269

funny you say that, because its the same retard

>> No.19821254

Botan doesn't count as Gen 5.

>> No.19821257
Quoted by: >>19821448

I prefer the animated version https://youtu.be/tyDg4PLfRNY

>> No.19821265
Quoted by: >>19821444

It’s not even a kronii general anymore, just ERP central.

>> No.19821269

I only said that because I notice the similarity

>> No.19821270
Quoted by: >>19821387

Half of the numbers holo didn't even stream a lot this year. Disappointing really.

>> No.19821274
Quoted by: >>19821393

>4th stream vs only the 2nd stream
>Hit half the likes already after half an hour
Keep being disingenuous

>> No.19821290

Debut "buff". Imagine without it...

>> No.19821291

The NA market is still untouched

>> No.19821294

you have to let it go anon
its not your fault hoshi no kanata broke apart

>> No.19821302
Quoted by: >>19821438

>open stream, like and sleep

>> No.19821315

>they'll still get shit numbers
How? So far every NijiEN Males tried those timeslots have gotten higher numbers than during NA hours. For example, Luca went from a 3-5k shitter to consistently 7-10k now, and he already started moving back to late EN hours too

>> No.19821316

There is none anon. You need only to look at some of Luxiems earlier attempts at normal streams. And that was with pioneer buff. Let's face it, the only reason why male vtubers became a big thing in Japan is because they coincided with the rise of streaming over there so they didn't turn into some niche of a niche. The west, and I'd argue most of the non-retarded parts of the world, have always had male irl streamers. There's a literal buffet of bro streamers everywhere so the only way that a starsEN can truly incline is either they pander to fujos like NijiEn (and even that is turning into diminishing returns based on noctyx), or Yagoo truly is the luckiest motherfucker on the planet and he finds the next rdcworld or even the next big boy band ala BTS who gets fujos without actually pandering to them and giving the brand a bad rep with sponsors.

>> No.19821366

It's SEAbros getting their existence BALEETED by YouTube. Also people probably did stay for a bit but her autistically playing the same songs over and over probably did filter some people.

>> No.19821367
File: 32 KB, 494x198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19821428

Kson buff

>> No.19821380

Gura keeping over 10k viewers in a superchat reading at 9:30am

What the fuck

>> No.19821387

We are witnessing a change actually. All the big number Holo (Except Pekora) start to stream less and the newbies filling in their place

>> No.19821393
File: 255 KB, 549x504, 1646364852018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19821438


>> No.19821394
Quoted by: >>19823296

How come Mythia is the only vtuber in existence that has figured out these magical non-detectable bots? What your graph is showing is clearly just tourists leaving after a costume reveal peak.

>> No.19821396
File: 734 KB, 2048x1152, nijimerch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.19821411
Quoted by: >>19821561

Oh god it's that stupid bitch that abused the tags and shit with the wacky metrics.

>> No.19821412

Like stream then watch Botan, Pekora and Noel.

>> No.19821428

I tried watching her Typing of the Dead stream, but her verbal ticks filtered me hard.

>> No.19821432

>Losing to females
It's over

>> No.19821438
Quoted by: >>19821493

This is SEAniggers narratives right?

>> No.19821442

>Everyone get the same merch
I really appreciate that Hololive let their talents have some more variety when it come to merchs

>> No.19821443

People are asleep but Youtube on their phones are still open.

And of course, my favorite - bots

>> No.19821444

Wonder if Finana posts there...

>> No.19821448

oh nice, wasn't even aware he made a animation out of it, thanks anon

>> No.19821460


>> No.19821465
Quoted by: >>19821724

Standardized merch. Kek

>> No.19821477

that's because Hololive lets the talents decide and make their own merch

>> No.19821493

No, nijinigger narrative

>> No.19821501

>100k celebration
>1 week in

>> No.19821505

JP+Sea bros getting their fill of cute shark girl live. The last time they were able to even catch her live was what, the late night MC stream she did?

>> No.19821517
Quoted by: >>19824171

I just realize today is woman day in SEA, fucker probably has his incel blood boil seeing all the couple going out. Well being pathetic as he is, bitch goes to the safest place he can be without being BTFO (like in the Anime FB group where he only lurk and not comment because he scared of people judging his shit take)

>> No.19821528

talk about low effort holy shit

>> No.19821538

Deron joked about as much. Losing Fantasia really fucked their shit up.

>> No.19821550


>> No.19821555

is this the legendary nijimerch?

>> No.19821561

Since she's abusing their tags I think those indogs who watches nijisanji and Hololive are affected too

>> No.19821580
Quoted by: >>19822144

damn thats sad

>> No.19821584

Everything in Nijikeks are just copy paste like their narratives and timeloops

>> No.19821593

You act like Irys and Bae both don't have the Rubber Mats, Mugs and Voice Packs in their Birthday merch rumao
Why are Holofags like this? Do you like making up shit out of your asses?

>> No.19821606

It's weird when someone beats Mori in CCV >EN mogged
but Mori beats most chuuba in songs > they...they are not singers
Who thinks Mori was chosen because of her stream content?

>> No.19821611
Quoted by: >>19821789

I told ya man, nijisanji is going through financial troubles right now and need all the money they can get

>> No.19821642

nijinigger damage control is hilarious if it wasn't so sad

>> No.19821664
File: 924 KB, 1162x767, dgry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19821806

>Aqua-chan, stop it. Please. Ignore Coco and join me, we can be together in China. Becoming the biggest vtuber. You can leave your company to be THE anime idol in China. It's better here.
>Sorry, Mea-chan. It's not just Coco that I'll be leaving. I have tons of friends in Hololive. You may leave me for China, but don't ever break the bond I have with my other friends. We're through, Mea, I'm sorry it had to be like this.

Fast forward 2 years later...
Narrator: Aqua became THE idol vtuber in the world, selling out concerts everywhere in Japan. The choice Aqua made that day was the right choice. Meanwhile... Mea is whoring herself out with the boys and taking frequent breaks to attend her weekly chinese orgies. The chinese fans also left her to support A-Soul and Aqua despite Aqua leaving.

>> No.19821700

>making up shit out of your asses?
Deflecting nijikek

>> No.19821711


i mean, suisei is basically always 1 mainstream hit away from getting to top 3 in holo if not more

>> No.19821724
Quoted by: >>19822252

I have more examples from this year than I have fingers. Do the talents get no extra merch like Nene's underpants?

>> No.19821730

make this the next OP

>> No.19821737

Niji merch in shambles kek

>> No.19821739
File: 185 KB, 420x420, 1605948552101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dumb fucking cunt holy shit. Why waste the first song buff with this?

>> No.19821749


>> No.19821782

Never went full retard, nijikeks..

>> No.19821789
Quoted by: >>19821906

I don't think that's the case. That's just their default behavior. I think they're just like konami. Try to get as much money as possible while doing the least effort.

>> No.19821791

>if we make our nijishit look like aqua maybe someone will buy it

>> No.19821806
File: 134 KB, 266x235, 1627021959725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19821808
File: 279 KB, 664x559, 1634441071537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry it had to be like this Mikoti...

>> No.19821813

My Amamya got some good merch tho. But please Yagoo save her from the crutches of Manjisanji

>> No.19821856

suisei passing miko would be a special event holy damn...

>> No.19821867
Quoted by: >>19823801

This is either low effort or low creativity freedom, either way it's just embarrassing.

>> No.19821871
Quoted by: >>19821948

Want to know the reason why? It costs 13k yen for a plushie, a rubber mat, a customized mug, Voice packs & signed post card. It's worth $110 because it's practical. Not keychains, badges or acrylics.

>> No.19821892

It costs $2 to make, it's pure profit. Weird ass mugs and birthday merch with several commissioned artists cost way more to produce.

I would never pay a cent for Niji merch but it probably makes good money.

>> No.19821906

so you're saying luna is literally kojima? based.

>> No.19821948

That's why Yagoo will never be as successful as Riku.
Imagine throwing away all that money compared to standardizing merch that you know people will buy

>> No.19821955
File: 1.28 MB, 1399x700, 1617240477438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It completely different though.

>> No.19821994

got my gen5 hoodie on, my suisei "star in the screen" shirt is either in my closet or in the wash corb. my Nene daki is on my bed and my husband id and Nene badge are right besides my Nene shrine
missed the gen5 mug sale tho :(

>> No.19822026
Quoted by: >>19822099

Still can't get over that 1L part kek

>> No.19822060

Niji ASMR still in shambles too

>> No.19822094
Quoted by: >>19822402

Irys's mug was poorly designed. If it was me, I'd opt for that ame mug. When hot water is poured into the mug, the mug turns from white into dark, symbolizing Irys's model.

>> No.19822095

/#/ is declining.

>> No.19822099
Quoted by: >>19822191


who the fuck even drinks coffee fast enough to chug a liter on a mug before it gets cold

>> No.19822113
File: 49 KB, 412x113, screenshot_1646750345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19822161


>> No.19822118
Quoted by: >>19822214

is that 1L legit? 4.5x5 seems small lol

>> No.19822144
File: 699 KB, 2048x1152, nijimerch_again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do this all day too.

>> No.19822160

I think we now know the reason why nijisis never share they merch number.

>> No.19822161
File: 605 KB, 1024x869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19822183


>> No.19822179
File: 321 KB, 962x667, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19822295

you can see the point lapu left

>> No.19822183

as intended

>> No.19822185

Eh, it's literally profit. They're partnered with China, so probably doesn't even cost them $2 to make.

>> No.19822191

>Raises hand
Please don't underestimate the number of people that are willing to buy a 1L mug

>> No.19822214

I just take a ruler out and HOLY SHIT it IS that big. Normal cup are only like 6x11

>> No.19822220

lmao at least use different drawings, they just copy paste it

>> No.19822230

Riki...why you bending your kneel to society? make your own merch my man. become the meme

>> No.19822237
File: 68 KB, 640x853, qdcwxbi8nom21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19822243

I can save them...

>> No.19822252
Quoted by: >>19822695

> Nene's underpants
I’m not a husband but I want those pants.

>> No.19822295

Oof that must've hurt

>> No.19822311

holy kek

>> No.19822384
Quoted by: >>19822598

Fixed costs man, mostly payroll. Every $15/hr employee costs you around $35-40K a year in salary, benefits, and taxes, at least in the US, probably similar in JP. Ohhh Vox made us $250K! Well assuming the usual splits Niji takes around $90K or so. That covers 2-3 employees for the year. Which is nice don't get me wrong but they have like 100 employees. That's $3-4,000,000 a year just in payroll/benefits. Now add rent for their huge office, advertisement (guffaw), startup costs for all the new talent's L2D avatars, tech etc. Or to put it another way if they collect $15M/year in superchats they are losing money each year. They also probably ate a huge loss on their concert. It adds up.

>> No.19822386

Oh oof.
Though I'd probably just tilt my head back instead of blinding myself if I used IRyS's mug.

>> No.19822395

So Gura Mumei and Irys TRICOLOR AIRLINES cover? This shark only goes for the buff with her song.

>> No.19822402

man, i'd be scared if i accidentally poke my eyes with irys' mug lmao

>> No.19822452
File: 710 KB, 1600x1600, HoloMerch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo merch is standardized to an extent but it's much more loose. IRyS commissioned 3 different artists for hers.

>> No.19822494
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, debi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same style since Dec 2020

>> No.19822499

heeey iRyS's mug horns is not as tall as that.

>> No.19822519

All the good holoEN singers too. This'll blow up like crazy.

>> No.19822527

That's a cool image. Anycolor agrees since they used it 4 times.

>> No.19822531
Quoted by: >>19822601

can that bitch susan turn dark mode back on

>> No.19822534

Holy kek

>> No.19822554

Hananoki Maru VS stream have 1200 view
She also have 25k subs


Sui-chan & vampire buff really strong
Meanwhile her other gen mate the higher only have 8k subs

>> No.19822571

I imagine Anycolor gets majority profits on these seeing how it’s a copy paste job with zero input from the talents

>> No.19822592

Merch status

>[] OOOF

>> No.19822598

Nijis can also do multiple concerts every year by having Chronoir, Raindrops or ROFMAO sing and dance for profits. People would still eat that up. It's just that the cancellation of the January concert probably set them back a lot. There's also nijifest too.

>> No.19822601

ah so its not just me

>> No.19822651
Quoted by: >>19822764

Common mistake, focus too much on design and forgot practicality

>> No.19822676

So Gura has her 9-10 core viewers who'd stay for fucking superchat reading online even now, or two sets of them? The fuck?

>> No.19822682

Kek... at least they didn't use the default poses?

>> No.19822687
Quoted by: >>19822756

Rubber mats are both the easiest way to showcase commissioned art while also being functional AND worth having a higher price for itm

>> No.19822695
Quoted by: >>19822967

merch anon around? how many boxers vs belly warmers have been sold so far?

>> No.19822698

25% NA

>> No.19822738
Quoted by: >>19822805

Remember that split of her viewership from Cover?
Yea. That's why. These poor blokes just normally don't get to catch her Live.

>> No.19822756

Holo merch is standardized like this
>voice situation
>tapestry/rubber mat
>some type of functional object
>some random horseshit

>> No.19822764

Just like her model oof, did she say about the update about her new outfit that was supposed to be out for months now? or they are still figuring out a good design for her model?

>> No.19822781

Many of her clips are from SC reading time, guess it plays a big role.

>> No.19822805
Quoted by: >>19823194

Yeah but what are the odds two separate sets of viewers both average a 10k core? I

>> No.19822824

Le default merch

>> No.19822832

30k likes, most she's gotten in a stream (not post-vod) in an insanely long time
10k people watching her superchat reading for almost an hour
All in a guerilla stream no one knew would happen

Actually crazy

>> No.19822835

Rumor has it she's throwing a diva fit behind the scenes and Cover is not gonna let her have a redesign. I'm making this up but it sounds true.

>> No.19822846

VOD copers still arent ready to admit the VOD cope is because her audience is worldwide not because she actually has 50k live viewers every stream

>> No.19822865

>Standardized Niji merch
>Standardized Holo merch

>> No.19822892
Quoted by: >>19822992

At least it ain't an acrylic, badge or keychain then sold at a high price. Niji's merch is lazy because you can stamp art or fit art into those 3 easy.

>> No.19822920

Look at this sad retard, he's mindbroken

>> No.19822929
Quoted by: >>19823100

She said it’s a few months out and she will no longer talk about it. People are assuming this means a redesign.

>> No.19822967

Nekomata Okayu Birthday Celebration 2022
Birthday Merch Complete Set 3073 $154.00 $473,242.00
Birthday Voice Complete Set 97 $81.00 $7,857.00
B2 Tapestry 607 $25.00 $15,175.00
Rice Bowl & Acrylic Stand 985 $25.00 $24,625.00
Haramaki 249 $25.00 $6,225.00
4 Situation Voices For Those Seriously Into Okayu 72 $33.00 $2,376.00
4 Short Situation Voices 14 $17.00 $238.00
4 Strange Situation Voices 16 $17.00 $272.00
10 Short Voices 16 $17.00 $272.00

Momosuzu Nene Birthday Celebration 2022
Birthday Merch Complete Set 2440 $81.00 $197,640.00
Rubber Mat 403 $25.00 $10,075.00
Nekko Tote Bag 172 $21.00 $3,612.00
Nekko Boxer Briefs 887 $21.00 $18,627.00
ASMR Voice “Bedtime with Nene” 50 $17.00 $850.00

>> No.19822970
Quoted by: >>19823107

>Holo merch is standardized too
Can we add this to the Nijicope list?

>> No.19822972

She also gain another 80 membership from this stream.

>> No.19822993
Quoted by: >>19823138

anon... i...

>> No.19822992

General categories vs the same damn shit things with only 1 piece of art
It is but it probably makes money. How much does IRyS have to see to make good money? It's obvious to anyone which is higher quality but which is more profitable? I say Niji's dollar store merch is.

>> No.19822998

Now i see the likes. Fucking weird huh? Even the 3h ER stream only got like 29k likes while streaming

>> No.19823050
Quoted by: >>19823177

Nene selling $18K in boxers alone. Who saw that coming? Also interesting to see how there seems to be a buff for older gen holos separate from their popularity. I'd say Nene is vastly more popular than say Aki or Choco but the latter put up a strong merch game. Thoughts?

>> No.19823100

>she will no longer talk about it
Is this what she really said? do you have a stream link or a timestamp?

>> No.19823107
Quoted by: >>19823199

we could but the list is starting to exceed the line limit for 4chan

>> No.19823114

>but which is more profitable?
I would like to think that people are more willing to pay for something if it has more effort put into it, but it's just not how the world works unfortunately, I wish we could see how much Niji makes from those but they probably make bank considering how cheap their products are to manufacture compared to how much they charge for them

>> No.19823123

It was unfortunate that we lost the method to count nijimerch before. Didn't think there was an actual nijiliver and staff visiting this threads.

>> No.19823132

Depends on the cuts I’d say, the type of merch Anycolor pumps out seems like it needs zero input or investment from the talent meaning they can take a larger cut.

>> No.19823138

I think he missed the point that I was making. I was saying that there are items or groups of items that are present in most merch bundles but I think it is more cultural than corporate. I don't know what happens behind the scenes. IRyS "asked" if there could be a mug and Cover said sure but who does the leg work? Who commissions and pays designers/artists? Is IRyS given a budget and anything over budget is from her pocket?

>> No.19823151
File: 471 KB, 862x773, 1620800156493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19823268

Keychain too but they have different designs.

>> No.19823167

boxers win right now, guess its really good stealth merch that even non nekkos buy
holy shit tho El Gato is making bank

>> No.19823177

Yuzuki Choco Birthday Celebration 2022
Birthday Merch Complete Set 1057 $162.00 $171,234.00
Body Pillow Cover 253 $81.00 $20,493.00
Devilish Rice Bowl 205 $29.00 $5,945.00
ASMR Voice “Hug me, please?” 104 $25.00 $2,600.00
ASMR Voice “Happy Birthday from Choco!” 72 $29.00 $2,088.00

Yuzuki Choco "Cooking With Choco: Devilish Recipe Without Fire"
Cooking With Choco: Devilish Recipe Without Fire 4695 $13.00 $61,035.00

Aki Rosenthal Birthday Celebration 2022
Birthday Merch Complete Set Limited Edition 1247 $134.00 $167,098.00
Birthday Merch Complete Set 2 $134.00 $268.00
Birthday Voice Complete Set 27 $41.00 $1,107.00
Rose Knights Certificate and Button Badge Box 124 $21.00 $2,604.00
Jobz Plushie 62 $33.00 $2,046.00
Rose Knights Plushie 52 $25.00 $1,300.00
Rose Knights Eye Mask 47 $17.00 $799.00
ASMR Voice: Situation ASMR “Birthday After Party for Two of Us” 16 $9.00 $144.00
ASMR Voice: Yandere ASMR “Peeling Apple with My Sweetie.” 28 $17.00 $476.00
ASMR Voice: Cheering ASMR “Relaxing Voice That Cheers You Up” 25 $17.00 $425.00

>> No.19823179
Quoted by: >>19823262

Fuck, I want to grudge post so bad but I don't want to start a time loop again. What do I do anons?

>> No.19823180

They're making peace with the Chink.

>> No.19823186

>Is IRyS given a budget and anything over budget is from her pocket?
Seems to be Cover MO, confirmed in other areas like song producing (disclosed by Moona)

>> No.19823194

Who knows Anon, it's not as thought we havent known that this shark girl has a world wide audience for a while now, so it's very possible she really does have that much core viewership across different timezones.
Imo if she threw these poor schmucks a bone a bit more often, like once every two weeks...

>> No.19823195

Iirc, Cover is there to figure out the logistics and that’s where they get their cut of the merch.

>> No.19823199

Make a 1min cooldown post or just focus on their monthly cope since they always have one

>> No.19823238
File: 280 KB, 837x854, 123123123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30k likes for a 17k max CCV, Susan?

>> No.19823244

Miku = Gura
Rin = Mumei
Luka = IRyS

>> No.19823248

Unless it's something completely unique like Lamy's sake and candies, I bet the logistic part is handled by Cover.

>> No.19823258

I'm on both, there's definitely some oddities given her frozen GTA VOD gave us a glimpse of what she gets from just NA, but it's at most a 15-20% tax on her CCV from Susan. Not enough to influence where she sits on daily rankings most of the time, but it'd make more sense than her current CCV.

>> No.19823262

You need to shit on a vtuber who doesn't incite schizos

>> No.19823268

Not everyone has them.

>> No.19823271

What about Mel?

>> No.19823273

> enter stream
> leave a like
> drop out without clicking play

>> No.19823296

Indogs don't have the brains to operate bots.
Idk what they were doing, but they called it "ternak tuyul/tuyul farming", they are poorfags who couldn't buy physical cds but able to go head to head with big fandoms like NCT when it comes to voting.
t. Was there spying Secret Number fanbase (K-pop girlband)

>> No.19823299
Quoted by: >>19823366

>Gura inclined 2k likes during super reading
>her most liked stream in months
B-but the NA culture..

>> No.19823310
Quoted by: >>19823422

Oh yeah, I just realized. Niji EN, ID & KR never got merch for their birthdays, huh? The usual 4 BD items provided to JP members probably ain't worth or profitable to ship for outside fans. That's kinda sad, isn't it? It means that Anycolor really do trying to maximize profits whenever they can and not build a long-term business.

They say they are contribute the best for the vtubing industry, but they are just milking it. Same goes for Ai's company. Hololive is doing the safer choice for the industry.

>> No.19823366

I'm just laughing anytime Gura does anything abnormal whether the result is good or bad lol.

>> No.19823373
File: 74 KB, 718x542, susan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry about it

>> No.19823394
File: 269 KB, 792x863, 1q234w34ertsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19823603

in comparison to Pekora 21k CCV, but only got 11k likes

>> No.19823422

I’d honestly be shocked if they don’t give Vox bday merch regardless of favoritism. It sounds like it would print money.

>> No.19823465

Is Gura holding Mori's usual viewers at this timeslot.

>> No.19823479

except it depends on a lot of things. from what other holos said its a mater of convincing the suits that a cover would be worth the investment. the problem being that by the time you do convince them and go trough all the paper work the cover might no longer be part of the meta and thus do worse
same with merch. we know Lamy got most of the profits from her sake because she was the one doing all the work.

>> No.19823507
File: 261 KB, 1186x816, elden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19823561

* ongoing elden ring streams *

Also, when the fuck it become "eldeN", I was saying "elder" the whole time. Berenstein effect?

Reply to this post stating if you come from the "elder ring" timeline or "elden ring" timeline

>> No.19823517

Makes me wonder if IRyS would get a bigger share if she put in extra money. Does Cover charge a rate of the total sales or a flat dollar amount per item?

>> No.19823518

It's know that gura's viewers have a attention span of 5 minutes or less. They will tab or leave the stream after that.

>> No.19823539

61K from the cooking book. Choco sen I kneel

>> No.19823561
Quoted by: >>19823864

elden ring since the start
also man the Noel and Botan watchers just fucking vanished it seems. guess they were mostly there for the holos and not the game

>> No.19823603

assuming people who watch gura behave the same way as people who watch pekora, ccv should be 2:1 to likes.
Gura has putative 60k ccv.

>> No.19823616
File: 630 KB, 720x719, suisei_tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make image to show to my /#/ friends something
>image turns up in the catalogue

>> No.19823657

Gura won Likes Gold!

>> No.19823676

what's so bad about that

>> No.19823684

don't be sad anon

>> No.19823687
Quoted by: >>19823823

163k views as the stream ended
Genuinely wonder where this will go as it processes

>> No.19823706
Quoted by: >>19823792

You'll get used to it. At least they didn't copy your posts in verbatim.

>> No.19823713

which one?

>> No.19823716
File: 8 KB, 483x123, cumbud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it, they are already behaving like shit. Now swallow your pride cumbud and neck yourself.

>> No.19823741

that's more believable than the rrat that people only leave a like then scrap

>> No.19823777

late but holy fuck is Suisei powerful

if only the official holo vsingers can get to that level...

>> No.19823783

You get used to it, my images used to get made into bait threads all the time.

>> No.19823792

That's happened to me, felt bad.

>> No.19823801

Economies of scale.

>> No.19823805

At least it doesn't became a "OH NO NO NO" thread, I suppose

>> No.19823811

Stream just ended, 163k already. Let's see Pekora's

>> No.19823823

Straight to the trash

>> No.19823855
Quoted by: >>19823936

Now, that's bullshit and I am a massive Gura fan. To say there are NO EN fans watching right would be wrong, given NA is waking up across the west coast and east coast fags are already at work. On average, the fan animation channel that has both En+JP versions has about 1.5-2x more likes on the English version for videos of approximately the same amount of views. Like she probably has an actual CCV closer to 20k, but that's speculative bullshit and I know it, so what the number is, is what the number is unless one day, by some miracle, Gura says what the CCV peak of one her streams actually was in her analytics vs what we have recorded on Holostats.

>> No.19823864

Calli got just enough of a boost to break into the 10k

>> No.19823894

Fuck off with the like ratio bullshit

That is by far the worst evidence of EN cull

>> No.19823936

likes and VODS as exactly the streams ends points out to a greater than 20k CCV.

>> No.19823985
Quoted by: >>19824044

>Likes Cope

>> No.19824036

hey it's either that or it becomes the op of the next thread

>> No.19824044


>> No.19824053

Why are chumbuds still mad that Suisei absolutely destroyed her today

>> No.19824060

she's extremely cute in the super readings and that's what i'm there for.
that's actually the only part of the stream I caught. i'll watch the rest of the vod after work.

>> No.19824069
Quoted by: >>19824131

Yugo’s bleeeing viewers even though Mysta stopped streaming…

>> No.19824077
File: 690 KB, 621x733, 1643456346216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, I made the Grape and Finana one

>> No.19824078

Kill yourself, Fungus

>> No.19824083

no really what the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>> No.19824090
File: 472 KB, 1179x1473, niji and holo id.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* ongoing Holo ID and Niji ID streams *
Anya is a fucking giant

>> No.19824098


Astel and pakael rating aqua stronger than both of them, putting her around gorilla tier. They said they probably can't beat her in a fair 1v1 fight, also labelled her as the strongest class among vtubers in terms of pure fighting skills.

>> No.19824101

Gura’s SC reading is actually some of the content out of her. She talks about weird and random shit all the time.

>> No.19824113
Quoted by: >>19824364

>peko hates aqua
proof next thread?

>> No.19824114

HoloId is NijiEN tier

>> No.19824131

I noticed Fuwa underperforming recently too, competition for the fujos is increasing in this slot

>> No.19824150

cope and rope is all that cumbuds deserve

>> No.19824157
Quoted by: >>19824224

>>19823894 (me)
EN cull exists, but stop using likes ratio as evidence for it. View ratio is also suspect (but at least better than like ratio). Use waiting room recovery time or poll numbers.

>> No.19824171


>> No.19824182

A giant among midgets. I think she does better than solo Reimu

>> No.19824197
Quoted by: >>19824305

what kind of mental illness is this?

>> No.19824204

can't even identify the same poster, how new are you?
cope and rope

>> No.19824224
Quoted by: >>19824300

Polls are pretty bad evidence since YouTube flat out admitted to culling poll numbers as well due to everyone spamming YouTube support>>19824157

>> No.19824300
Quoted by: >>19824366

Wut? So poll numbers are actually higher than what's shown on screen?

Doesn't that make them even more damning evidence?

>> No.19824305

Literally only one of those is me you absolute schizo

>> No.19824316
Quoted by: >>19824424

>VOD copers
are you that stupid? We only use VODs as the stream ends, not VODs with days already to gather views. Botan got 96k from her 22k CCV Elden Ring as it ends, Gura got 163k from her 17k today, Both around 3hrs in length

>> No.19824342
Quoted by: >>19824418

this is just sad

>> No.19824364

old NND shit and lack of interactions as holos
+ Aquas box of peace
if you don't know just go to the archive and search
no not the vt one you retard the jp one

>> No.19824366

This anon is just making shit up. YouTube did not admit to culling polls, some fucking intern said "well continue to adjust metrics to better reflect accurate numbers" or some other meaningless or shit that anons took to mean they will cull polls

>> No.19824418

Oh, you almost have me on ratio, just a few more times cumbud, keep coping.

>> No.19824424

You know youtube is not reliable with the number of vod views after a stream ends, right? It requires random times to process, s

>> No.19824446

curry meshi? them going to eat together? nnd video where pekora says she loves her? yea you are a newfag full of shit
go back

>> No.19824506

Aqua likes Pekora fan art all the time lol.

>> No.19824511
Quoted by: >>19824818

How much does Mika get these days on a solo stream with 0 NijiEN on stream? I’m aware she’s been leeching hardcore off them so I’d assume a big boost in viewership.

>> No.19824573

Yea. It's probs more like Pekora is just a loner type and finds it...hard to interact with another loner. If there was any bad blood at point it's long been washed away while they've been working at Hololive.

>> No.19824604


>> No.19824623

why are you screaming?

>> No.19824696

Anger at idiocy of old rrats. I know I've been tempted to cruise control caps a few times with some of the dumb shit I've seen here.

>> No.19824710
Quoted by: >>19824757

So is this a contender for the nijicope list?

>> No.19824752
Quoted by: >>19824907

>and lack of interactions as holos
Anon, there is no way you could find any two more autistic people, with both being all but hikkis right now (specially due to the pandemics).

It is a fucking miracle the the height of the irony that AKUKIN and Usaken were formed, and both share the same trait
> they were run by their subordinates (Moona and Marine/Mio) with the namesake being a figurehead

>> No.19824757

No, but man that is schizo af.

>> No.19824791
File: 133 KB, 1139x1080, 1668966673661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19824842

Sigh... Why cant niSEAniggers just leave this place alone?

>> No.19824818


>> No.19824820


>> No.19824821
Quoted by: >>19824883

The BLTS (Botan Lui Towa Suisei) collab tomorrow seems to be a single POV on Lui's channel.

>> No.19824828
File: 71 KB, 431x206, iu1Uaj9GeX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon Asked a while ago about Ame's VR getting bad numbers. Seems like it still gaining views relatively well. Maybe it was just her overlapping Gura at that time unfortunately.

>> No.19824842
Quoted by: >>19825006

Because this thread is easy to farm (you)s

>> No.19824883

Makes me hungry.

>Lui channel
I would say it's a debuff but didn't she get 55k on something last month?

>> No.19824907

>curry meshi?
literally sponsored
literally not true anymore
ok but why did Aquas chest got destroyed off screen with Peko never talking about it? shit was an olive branch and Pekore spit on it

>> No.19824920
Quoted by: >>19824978

Yeah. She got 55k with yagoo buff

>> No.19824978

The next mio

>> No.19825006
File: 116 KB, 740x1080, 16171918116555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19825084

Why are anons so retarded?

>> No.19825028

Next Thread >>19824919

>> No.19825040

>ok but why did Aquas chest got destroyed off screen with Peko never talking about it?
This post is getting "meds" level of schizophrenia.
>Pekora hates Aqua because some Minecraft item was not dealt with on screen

Here is a theory: unlike Fauna chest for Kronii (which was clearly label "to be opened on stream") Aqua's chest for Pekora may have just been opened off stream like many other things the girls leave to each other.

>> No.19825084

Some admitted that it’s because theyre bored so it keeps attracting the same schizos every time.

>> No.19825106
Quoted by: >>19825292

they went for dinner afterwards (pssst, NOT SPONSORED)
>not true anymore
???eh??? it's as true as ever
>chest destroyed
ok you got me there. pekora is a cunt, alright

>> No.19825171

the chest and the sign got destroyed anon
that shit had intent and that intent was to literally kill a chance of on stream peace between the two

>> No.19825242
Quoted by: >>19825344

>the chest and the sign got destroyed anon
Was it destroyed on stream? If so post a link

>> No.19825286
Quoted by: >>19825344

we don't know what happened to the chest though. you say "pekora destroyed it" but you have no proof of that. Someone else might have destroyed it or Pekora might have taken it somewhere else. Not everything needs to be streamed and there is no war between the two to have a need for peace in the first place. you're just a dramafaggot

>> No.19825292
Quoted by: >>19825462

from what i remember it was pretty much Subaru bringing the two along to get something to eat. don't remember either going on about what they talked about at the dinner.
honestly it wouldn't surprise me if Pekora decided that a perceived rivalry was better for the numbers and did her best to keep the lore up
Pekora has been collabing a whole lot more and showing up to different holos events. she is opening up anon

>> No.19825311
Quoted by: >>19825520

>Aqua's chest for Pekora may have just been opened off stream like many other things the girls leave to each other.
No, it was part of minecraft kensetsu larping stuff. If it was private, Aqua would've left the chest off stream

>> No.19825344

no thats the thing. it was set by Aqua and gone the next time peko streamed mc. shits one of those mysteries. it would be weird for anyone who isn't Aqua or Pekora to destroy it though
see my post. faggot

>> No.19825413
Quoted by: >>19825661

>>Luxiem/Noctyx earn as much as Holo JP
>>Council didn't do as well Luxiem
>>Holo management were mad about Nijis opening applications again so fast
>building a sub-culture
>slow and steady growth
>merch sales (without evidence)
>fortune telling
>Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth
>foreign audience bad, local Nips good
>YouTube Japan
>flexible creative freedom
>Google trends
>Holobubble is bursting >Niji is more popular than Holo in Japan
>Niji is mainstream in Japan, which is more important than Holo's international dominance
>Niji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
>Cover uses bots
>Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate
>quality numbers
>combined peak CCV from different times
>dead cat bounce
>fake numbers
>each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers
>VOD views don't count
>views don't matter
>deadsubs doesn't matter, what matters is dedication
>68% of the top 50 vtubers is bad
>holotrash cant get 200k ccv stream without graduation
>Combined SC vs one Holo
>tournaments don't count
>outfit reveals don't count
>relays don't count
>Koshien is not an event
>pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
>Square Enix doesn't count
>Bookwalker doesn't count
>Pokemon doesn't count
>gacha rolling streams doesn't count
>gen 3 shouldn't count so Nijis can be properly compared to Holos
>number of merch determines popularity, not any other metric
>Niji shilling makes games like Genshin successful in Japan
>sponsorships are retarded
>Holo's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
>Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
>Holo merch sells out quick only because of scalpers
>20 Holo merch for fake scarcity
>Bushiroad associating with Holo is toxic for their growth as it was making them lose the Chinese market in the long run
>stop picking on midgets! (they started the fight themselves)
>no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
>trailers are ads
>playing the victim
>Holo EN was a desperate gambit
>most vtubers are Niji-like and Niji is part of greater vtuber community
>Nijifans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
>Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
>Holo invented unicorns
>watchalongs are POVs
>Niji isn't a corporation, it's a family
>honorary Niji
>Niji have morals
>moral victory
>rightful sovereignty
>Luxiem is five Voxes
>bug in the algorithm
>DLC is a gimmick
>Holocope list
>Holo is only popular because of chink clippers
>Niji has a better following than Holo in the west
>*Selen delusion here*
>there are no Nijifans here, only falseflaggers trying to make Nijifans look bad
>by promoting the main channel they create more general Niji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
>only the west speaks english
>Twitter interactions
>everything that brings a big audience is a special event
>Nijifans will only watch a stream and Holofans will watch 3-4 so the Niji refresh rate is higher
>Nijifans tend to interact with the streams "properly"
>Niji keeps failing but that's okay because they are rich
>having shit mics pre-debut is tradition
>Cover paid off the government to come down hard on their rivals
>Management forced Mori to unfollow Nijis
>at least Vox whores himself to his fans
>indies will more likely go to NijiEN first, stay indie second and then choose HoloEN as their last resort
>If they make fun of you, you win
>No u tier posting
>Free Publicity

>> No.19825462

Nope. It was Aqua saying she's hungry and the two said "alright let's go eat something!"
Why are you so fucking stubborn about this?
Why do you want aqua and pekora to have beef so badly faggot?

Pekora is not opening up. Quite the opposite. She's going back to her reclusive self. When was the last time she collabed with Marine? Shion? Flare? Mio? Subaru? Moona?Kiara? You think they all have beef with her?

>> No.19825505
Quoted by: >>19825547


>> No.19825514
Quoted by: >>19825547


>> No.19825520

>it would be weird for anyone who isn't Aqua or Pekora to destroy it though
From the way anon was talking I assumed Pekora took some TNT and blew it unceremoniously while cursing and calling Aqua a nigger.

>> No.19825537

?? retard. your post was seen and deemed retarded just like you. why do you desperately want to have beef? you can keep repeating the same old lies and nothing will change that

>> No.19825547


>> No.19825548
Quoted by: >>19825841

>Pekora is not opening up. Quite the opposite. She's going back to her reclusive self
are you retarded?

>> No.19825597
Quoted by: >>19825644

>Why do you want aqua and pekora to have beef so badly faggot?
they have a beef

>> No.19825644
Quoted by: >>19825704

>calls Aqua "maido san"
WOW, surely she hates Aqua

>> No.19825661

Fucking hell at this rate we will need a pastebin ...

>> No.19825703

>Pekora anti posting
I don't have to even check the numbers to know that Gura did poorly today.

>> No.19825704

Who the fuck calls Aqua, "Meido-san"?

>> No.19825709
File: 82 KB, 1175x262, king vs shinigami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>K-KING... ;-(
What went wrong, I thought the EldenSchizo said Nijisanji would dominate Hololive with FromSoft permissions

>> No.19825772

Pekora, it seems

>> No.19825801

>Pekora anti posting
huh? it isn't. just some anons diging up old rats
Gura did decent but not top 3 from what i saw still like solid 16k or 18k

>> No.19825821
Quoted by: >>19825885

this one man has spent all day trying to bait chumbuds
say something nice about him

>> No.19825841


>> No.19825885

I'd tell him he needs a hobby, but clearly he already has one

>> No.19825892

Watch the clips you post, eop nigger.
