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File: 797 KB, 2048x1447, 1638376362298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19020821 No.19020821 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>19021104

A thread for Mori and friends

>> No.19020909
File: 3.35 MB, 1536x1620, 1624009229002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19020988

Sorry for making that Mori thread in the catalog. Thought I was doing some good...

>> No.19020911
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19020961
File: 157 KB, 387x500, absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>カリオペ 森

>> No.19020964

ER still happening, just shuffled schedule. Stay tuned

>> No.19020969

Fucking shit day
Here's the news

>> No.19020988

>intentionally stoking the flames
not gonna make it retardbeat

>> No.19021058
File: 27 KB, 480x512, 1620214791098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19021136

Mori go to sleep you sexy bitch

>> No.19021086
File: 222 KB, 1024x1449, 6fe53ccbd89a00f60fd96040e567bfbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A sad day, but one everyone will recover from.
Unfortunately I think part of the blow for Mori comes from some projects she had going now needing to stop. That's speculation. Cover's mistake in this whole thing was not putting all branches on the same priority for telling them of the decision. I hope going forward, that changes. As always, Mori love.

>> No.19021104
File: 139 KB, 324x378, guh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19021187


>> No.19021136
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>> No.19021187

>When the suck on the 5-foot scythe is just right

>> No.19021219

She lives! Glad she could pull herself together.

>> No.19021264

I mean there was a lot of potential for good music/ fun streams with Rushia. It sucks that that potential is gone now. That Cover seriously just dropped this on them is mind boggling though. They should have at least been aware that Ollie and Mori were planning stuff with Rushia.

>> No.19021347
Quoted by: >>19021509

Yeah, with how far Q was planned in advance, if they planned on any sort of official Holodead continuation after the initial streams then it would have already been in the works behind the scenes.

>> No.19021386

My theory is that there was an EN/ID powwow of members like Kiara, Mori, Bae, Reine in the last couple hours and they just talked frustrations out. Would also explain the random like Mori gave Reine's MV from 3 days ago

>> No.19021393

Mori lost a friend and part of what she considered a growing thing: holodeath

>> No.19021431
Quoted by: >>19021614

Well that's a decent silver lining. Hope permissions last long enough to do a playthrough if she wants to.

>> No.19021446
File: 160 KB, 350x512, 1622772911889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19023471

Forgot to post about Wordle.
Oi bruv.

>> No.19021509

I'd be inclined to believe HoloDeath stuff might have been next on her list, but it's likely next projects are with members like Suisei and Watame who she has been in IRL contact with

>> No.19021568

What are the chances that mori shared shit like rushia did with her friends.

>> No.19021614
Quoted by: >>19021773

Don't quote me on this, but I think they're for the foreseeable future. This was an entire re-work of FromSoft's streaming policies in preparation for a new release, not just a one-time thing

>> No.19021773

So Dark Souls perms are possible???

>> No.19021815
File: 461 KB, 680x564, (you)s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

infinitesimally small

>> No.19021872
Quoted by: >>19021970

I still don't know how they lost Dark Souls 2 and 3 perms

>> No.19021929
File: 137 KB, 600x797, 1636818941914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she found me crying
she crew too
we both crode

>> No.19021954

unlike Rushia see seemed to go fairly thoroughly with management over what can and can't be said on her other side and even her 'vents/meltdowns' don't name any name, draw out company details or point fingers
there's no guarantee since she's emotional and clearly confides in her friends a lot, but she seems to separate the sides in a fairly structured fashion

>> No.19021970
Quoted by: >>19022335

>hey guys we have perms for Dark Souls but it's just for 2 and 3
>a few day later
>nevermind guys we don't have perms anymore
That was a fucking rollercoaster...

>> No.19022016

Yes. From what I'm reading from the translation, Demon Souls and Bloodborne will be the only difficult ones to get because they need to go through Sony. Everything else seems to be fair game based off of the new policy (once again don't quote me 100%)

>> No.19022034

Couldn't they hang out on her roommate account now?

>> No.19022166
File: 164 KB, 1000x1468, 976de6cbfd802a44aebd33acec5f3f50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all the shit she catches about being "unprofessional", Mori actually does check things over with others. A lot. She doesn't just fly off the handle and jump to conclusions. (Surprise, surprise, posts trying to go after her completely miss the reality of what kind of person she is.)

>> No.19022288
File: 168 KB, 992x1403, 1644336326215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TakaMori Love!

>> No.19022307
Quoted by: >>19022563

It was said last thread but yeah a "What the fuck just happened" Discord call seems like a really reasonable reaction

>> No.19022335
Quoted by: >>19022558

>trusting Kiara
Love me the orange women but she does say some shit that is wrong every once in a while

>> No.19022355

I really hope this is the case. Mori getting together with the girls off stream would be a great thing

>> No.19022373

I agree with you for the most part, but she did have a couple ill-advised moments recently 5AM, drunk, depressed, and delirious from no sleep

>> No.19022558
Quoted by: >>19022628

anon I think you're getting some details mixed up

>> No.19022563

Might have been why Kiara's stream was cancelled

>> No.19022628
Quoted by: >>19022684

Have I completely misremembered ? I thought Kiara was the one who hinted at and then said they had from soft perms

>> No.19022684
Quoted by: >>19022784

Assuming we're on the same page, and this is the Bandai stuff from around Takamori week, I recall Kiara only talking about the Tales Of stuff she was personally interested in.

>> No.19022748

she became informed. Better than the thousand rrats here. I trust FBK and I trust Mori

>> No.19022765 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 610x566, mori blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19022841

yeah she really should have had me wear a condom but my girlfriend Mori Calliope insisted she wanted it raw
i like the closeness and intimacy but she agreed that we shouldn't make a habit of it until we're ready for a baby

>> No.19022784

You're right, it wasn't fromsoft it was related to bandai perms. I'll have to trust you on this since my memory is clearly fading me

>> No.19022841

I made this post

>> No.19022885
Quoted by: >>19023290

Even in that situation it was still a nothingburger, she shared no company details. If anything she only overshared a bit about herself.

>> No.19022894
Quoted by: >>19023127

Does this mean that she's been briefed on the Rushia situation now? And that Cover was probably in the right for firing her? Super fucked up of them to not inform the other branches before the press release...

>> No.19022914
File: 551 KB, 2816x2274, 1641833123366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19022948

How long after Holofes will the 3D debuts be scheduled?

>> No.19022948

Considering Mori's bday is shortly after the fes I would say very soon.

>> No.19022963
Quoted by: >>19023290

Even then, no damage was done. Some people acted like she started ranting about Hololive, about Cover, etc. I maintain that she just wanted to speak to some Deadbeats. A complete reversal of where she started from where she didn't want to accept it was a live audience, of real people, she was interacting with.

>> No.19022986

>no mori
>no luna
>no pink woman as far as the eye can see
I thought I had broken free from this with my long break but somehow I've been draw right back in. Today is truly suffering

>> No.19023127

>And that Cover was probably in the right for firing her?
No one knows the answer to that. You either take Cover at their word or you don't. We will never know what happened behind the scenes.

>> No.19023131

Man its fucking impossible to keep up with holo stuff right now. Just glad to see Mori tweeting again.

>> No.19023181

Maybe it’s because it’s 1 am, but I had a short laughing fit at this.

>> No.19023287

Yes but judging by how cool the JP girls, who had already been briefed, were... And now Calli once she's had time to talk to management (I assume).
Either they're all spineless and don't want to rock the boat (understandable with how much they are making compared to what they would be making if they got fired), or Rushia really did some pants-on-head retarded shit.

>> No.19023290

It unfortunately starts the "slippery slope" argument, which today was proven to a degree. It may start out as harmless until an unwanted message pops up or drinks make the tongue too loose

>> No.19023400

personally I like the rrat that the information she leaked also regarded other holos, which is why the response from fubuk and flare was so cold

>> No.19023421

Updated my vocab.

>> No.19023471

I actually lost to it today, kek.

>> No.19023554

English tenses do be funny

>> No.19023617

So I'm just gonna play devil's advocate here since I doubt Cover would be this nefarious, but do you really think that if Cover had ulterior motives for firing Rushia that they would've told the talents? Fubuki is the face of the company and basically said that she would leave the second Cover became untrustworthy.
Just to reiterate I'm not trying to spread rrats and go into conspiracy territory. I just don't think your logic is entirely bulletproof.

>> No.19023661
File: 312 KB, 1500x2000, 1633549224988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19023749

I wish I was friends with Mori just so that I could send her the dumbest fucking memes in existence

>> No.19023664

>Okayu got to the black space Basil beatdown scene

>> No.19023727
Quoted by: >>19025940

What ulterior motives could warrant terminating one of their best earners?

>> No.19023734 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gaikotsu Shoten'in Honda-san - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.21_[2018.11.08_19.59.00].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imma say it
take the bait is an extreme banger

>> No.19023749
Quoted by: >>19023784

You can still do that on twitter if the meme is relevant. She even responds to them sometimes.

>> No.19023762

I'm assuming Rushia has some holomem's personal contact details. If she really was getting fucked over by cover she couldn't she have told one of them about it?

>> No.19023784

But I want a direct pipeline that she'll see...

>> No.19023804
Quoted by: >>19023848

FAG takes the cake though

>> No.19023813

true, but also abayo nigger.

>> No.19023848
File: 835 KB, 1500x1500, 1635348254764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay mori cake...

>> No.19023897
Quoted by: >>19023974

Between 1.Cover's history with backing up the talents like Coco and Aloe (before they left on their own), and Rushia (before the leaks were confirmed) 2.Taking the revenue loss from losing their top earner (and HoloFes implications) and 3. Choosing to refund 500k+ worth or merch orders
I'd say she probably did something that endangered the privacy of others to have warranted that. If the slip up was just about her or Cover business leak, it probably would have been a suspension at most

>> No.19023974

>she probably did something that endangered the privacy of others to have warranted that. If the slip up was just about her or Cover business leak, it probably would have been a suspension at most
that lines up with JP girls response I think

>> No.19024024
File: 334 KB, 1060x1800, 084b82637cb1812421a9fc811a7e6d8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19024078

Dubious Quality Silver is quite possibly my favorite thing she has written. It's a love letter to friends & fans and, more importantly, to herself.

>> No.19024078
Quoted by: >>19025224

Aaah! My Mori's gone sideways!

>> No.19024146
File: 621 KB, 3140x3152, 1644089401619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19024164

>> No.19024164

what's my girlfriend ponderin about

>> No.19024178

Once again...using spoilers or "le sekret codewords" doesn't make it on-topic. Take it to a relevant board and let us enjoy talking about Mori getting to play her most hyped game ever

>> No.19024244

She's deciding if she wants missionary or doggy style sex with me tonight.

>> No.19024245

how much she loves me (her boyfriend)

>> No.19024317

Is global just the Mori anti thread now? She's made all of two tweets in 12 hours and they are still sperging out about her.

>> No.19024329
File: 4 KB, 144x182, murica gooper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19024420

Once again,no one likes a goody two-shoe brown-noser

>> No.19024337
File: 848 KB, 1588x2048, 0C4307A5-142B-4E2D-9477-9DD8CC7034A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot, was Mori a DEX or STR build player?

>> No.19024340

either way, I'll keep posting there

>> No.19024420

The Sheriff will literally kill you on the spot for a single HypnoCoin, you have no sway

>> No.19024443

CTE player

>> No.19024501

>going to global

>> No.19024649
File: 669 KB, 1519x581, 1612668337586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go there to discuss streams. Or to post Mori love and slaying rrats, pissing off the antis in the process.

>> No.19024684


>> No.19024745

it's also a good place to get rare moris

>> No.19024771
Quoted by: >>19025068

Unsurprising she's playing it on her own first, but now I wonder what ???? was supposed to be.

>> No.19024812

You got it, chief. (._.)b

>> No.19024816

Go Morippi go (._.)b

>> No.19024851
File: 244 KB, 673x850, 1625840271917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when things get shit here, things are better over there and vise versa

>> No.19024883

I mostly just go to respond to the Mori love post at the beginning of the thread.

>> No.19024905

>begs for elden ring permissions
>wont stream it on holo channel
your oshi sucks

>> No.19024969
Quoted by: >>19025012

Yeah, zero chance she plays it on stream now. RE2 all over again

>> No.19025008

Darn, no first impressions. Would like to see her do a challenge run then if/when she plays it one stream.

>> No.19025012
Quoted by: >>19025129

She was never going to stream a first playthrough on either side anyway. It was always going to be a second file.

>> No.19025014
File: 171 KB, 1240x1754, moritummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, me

>> No.19025068
Quoted by: >>19025173

It was going to be Elden Ring fresh playthrough but now she's using it as an off-stream antidepressant because of the news

>> No.19025129

To be fair, the stream scheduled on release day suggested a change of plans since she got permissions after all. But the timing couldn't be worse, so she'll play it as a escape like she originally planned.

>> No.19025173

This is most likely

>> No.19025224
File: 405 KB, 1800x1060, 1640000226186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19025332


>> No.19025284
Quoted by: >>19026266

Yeah.... she'll totally play it on-stream eventually. Definitely won't remember JK tourney is coming up and just spam those streams while only playing ER off-stream....

>> No.19025332


>> No.19025342

Mori does realize it's not as entertaining to watch someone who already knows how to beat the bosses right? Unless they're speed running. At least with the older games it seems like she hasn't played them in a while so the patterns would be less fresh in her mind.

>> No.19025394
Quoted by: >>19025514

I think she always intended to have a off stream AND on stream character.
At least that's what she hinted at before the permissions came in.

>> No.19025434

She’ll have more fun playing it off stream. She doesn’t owe you a blind playthrough.

>> No.19025448
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1622488176713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19025487

ahh, that's disappointing considering the change in plans, but whatever keeps her healthy

>> No.19025487
File: 595 KB, 2039x2039, 1637124375240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19025604

I'm just glad My Mori has a healthy outlet for once

>> No.19025514

But it ruins a lot of the stream experience if she plays off-stream first, especially for such a long-awaited game that she was finally able to get permissions for. It will just end up as half-hearted reactions to things she has saw already

>> No.19025567


>> No.19025604
Quoted by: >>19025826

It will be about as healthy as Stardew Valley addiction was, which literally had her waste a vacation by staying up all night playing it

>> No.19025663
Quoted by: >>19025834

I remember when
>Mori needs to learn a game before streaming it, no one wants to watch her stumble through for hours
Was the line.

>> No.19025685

Never said she owed me anything, just mildly annoyed that it's another game we won't see a first time reaction to.

>> No.19025776

Aye, I’m fine with anything. I would just prefer blind, and the way things were, it felt like we were close to getting one. We were always going to get an Elden Ring stream in some capacity anyway, so I was just looking forward to experiencing it with my Oshi.

>> No.19025820

The game is fucking HUGE. She can play it off-stream all she wants and then randomly decide to play it on stream from the moment she left off to have a genuine reaction to something new. I guara-fucking-tee you, she won't see all of it in even 60 hours of play.

>> No.19025826
Quoted by: >>19025881

Can't think of a better way to spend a vacation, family.

>> No.19025834

to be fair these kinds of games are a bit different. That said I'm happy that we'll be able to see her gush over parts she likes rather than see her bumbling though on her first time.

>> No.19025881

At home. Doing the same exact thing

>> No.19025920

wdym today has been a good day

>> No.19025940

Clearly Yagoo is a fandead who felt betrayed by Rushia and couldn't bear to have her in the company anymore.

>> No.19025946
Quoted by: >>19026044

Anon really being a complainbeat over something she had always suggested she was gonna do. Fromsoft games have endless replayability, and challenge runs are always a thing, especially if she takes this time to git gud again.

>> No.19025969

This bitch will see all 60 hours in one day! Then she will fake her enthusiasm when she does stream it! That's right! She's so terrible that she can blend time together.

>> No.19026010
File: 631 KB, 850x1200, 1620998945090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's so terrible that she can blend time together.
Funny, because with her I could stay an eternity.

>> No.19026026

Once you learn to recognize the SEA schizos and eggs, hlgg is alright for the most part.

>> No.19026044

I got my hopes up because of the ??? ok, I'm a bit disappointed.

>> No.19026048

I can't believe antis were right all along!

>> No.19026133

I'm just worried that she'll get so absorbed in playing it off-stream that she won't want to start a new character for stream and will put off scheduling it and you know the off-stream character is going be named either Carrot or something racist so that's a no-go like Stardew

>> No.19026203

Fuck's sake, Mori, why are you like this?

>> No.19026230

w-what happened with stardew?

>> No.19026266
Quoted by: >>19026396

>tourney is Mar 11-14
What'll possibly happen is
>normal streams and JK streams pre-tourney
>Mori starts up her second save file for ER
At most we'll be waiting 2-3 weeks and that's the worst case scenario. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.19026302
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, A Poolbeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19026452

>meanwhile me, not giving a sliver of shit about this game

>> No.19026336

I'm so fucking sick of her only using her time manipulation powers to spite Deadbeats. She's never once extended a day in order to stream more.

>> No.19026363

I mean she still hasn't finished the MV

>> No.19026396
Quoted by: >>19026415

At this point I've become pessimistic to that point that I believe Fromsoft will revoke perms before she's able to start playing.

>> No.19026415
Quoted by: >>19026457

Have you considered taking meds for that?

>> No.19026452

There's a streamer I like who's gonna play ER so this works out better for me. I can watch his playthrough now and Mori's playthrough later without having a backlog. Win/win for me honestly.

>> No.19026457

Yeah, already do.

>> No.19026484

At least the animation work is finally done.

>> No.19026501
File: 400 KB, 600x600, 23svlq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19026521

please be real

>> No.19026808
File: 136 KB, 1242x1242, E0eIXssWYAQz0xV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May this Mori bring you calm & rest, and strength in rough times. Peace.

>> No.19026829
File: 238 KB, 692x687, 1624118032114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uhh, can you still member if your country is disconnected from SWIFT? Asking for a friend.

>> No.19026879

>begs for elden ring permissions
Thread reader please, she always assumed from the start that the perm would never come and she was right. Until a few days ago and by then she had already made her plans

>> No.19026918
File: 159 KB, 273x265, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwg84gl.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19027033

Takamori love!

>> No.19026919


>> No.19026937

Don't you guys have some kind of backup system up and running?

>> No.19027033
Quoted by: >>19027285

Collab soon! Then they can start working on a song.

>> No.19027050
File: 122 KB, 440x348, 1642915575306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to love your Mori

>> No.19027253

Mori mori mori

>> No.19027283
File: 1.12 MB, 1494x1340, FBq124WUYAA3OVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it looks like shark will save us from dead hours later.

>> No.19027285
Quoted by: >>19027369

Why would you want her to collab with Ina?

>> No.19027308

So which Holos have confirmed they're playing Elden Ring? Only one I'm seeing is Noel.

>> No.19027347

Looks like maybe Gura later today if she can confirm perms.

>> No.19027369
Quoted by: >>19027643

I want her to collab and make music with them all.

>> No.19027380
Quoted by: >>19027536

from what her members post said, it definitely feels like perms for EN are up in the air

>> No.19027397
Quoted by: >>19027505


>> No.19027505

I find it funny she's so interested in playing when I'm almost certain she will hate it.

>> No.19027535
Quoted by: >>19028835

Mori's getting good without chat backseating a game that just came out after probably one of the most stressful 1 and a half months of her life is something I can overlook.

But she better be fucking gud when she streams it.

>> No.19027536
Quoted by: >>19027631


>> No.19027540
Quoted by: >>19027735

>Gura probably gonna stream it

>> No.19027546

I'm super glad that Mori is having a handle on the situation. I hope it's the same for her cute kouhai.

>> No.19027565

Her other stream gave me the impression that because she toes the "telling her friends stuff" line so much, she pays a *lot* of attention to the exact wording of her contracts.

>> No.19027631

it's not cover, it's fromsoft. Differences for inside JP and outside.

>> No.19027643

So do I. But not Ina man...

>> No.19027735

>Bandwagon Shark going to learn the hard way

>> No.19027962

Good luck Rooskie

>> No.19028029

>Gura says "THE GAME"
>Deadbeats think its Elden Ring

Its not, its the other "THE GAME" Gura had been complaining about being able to play recently.

>> No.19028079

You won't be disconnected. Russia has European energy by the balls.

>> No.19028099
Quoted by: >>19028325

oh look
I was right

>> No.19028134
Quoted by: >>19028195

What am I missing? I watch Gura fairly often but I missed this.

>> No.19028195

power wash simulator

>> No.19028224
File: 689 KB, 850x1165, 1644083295851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori has been through a lot recently

>> No.19028227
Quoted by: >>19029038

Barbie Horse Adventures...

>> No.19028325

>stream is actually delayed, not cancelled, as it was confirmed to be happening at a later date
You were wrong.

>> No.19028375

And most of it could have been avoided if she just learned how to say "no"

>> No.19028408

I want to kiss her wounds

>> No.19028448

Mori is tough

>> No.19028451
Quoted by: >>19029625

>stream is actually delayed, not cancelled
This is true and I'm amazed at how many illiterate retards there are who think Mori is no longer going to play it on stream from that tweet.

>> No.19028513
Quoted by: >>19028633

well it looks like we were going to get it

>> No.19028633

Also, I won't believe it until she actually boots it up on stream. It could easily go the way of Stardew Valley

>> No.19028653
File: 2.50 MB, 1035x1364, FJDlMDbWQAIT5nD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19028731

To Putin?
To Abbott?
To a coworker she likes getting unceremoniously shitcanned for what more or less amounts to "taking the bait"?

Eat shit. I hope Mori never plays Elden Ring for you ever.

>> No.19028712

real shame we're not going to get that banger of a holo death song we would have in like 4 months probably

>> No.19028731
Quoted by: >>19029042

To the MV actually. That's all I was referring to honestly

>> No.19028791

How do i get a hand-written letter/private dm from Mori, bros. Don´t tell me it can´t happen

>> No.19028835

>But she better be fucking gud when she streams it.
Lethal League 2.0 LET'S FUCKING GOOOO

>> No.19028840
Quoted by: >>19029130

are you dumb? you really think THE GAME would be powerwash over Elden Ring?

>> No.19028864

You're in luck, Germany, Cyprus, Hungary, and Italy just blocked trying to cut off Russia from SWIFT.

>> No.19028865

What surgery did she get in the end?

>> No.19028878
Quoted by: >>19029246

penis reduction

>> No.19028907

"Time, I'll always be a prisoner to my ambition"

>> No.19028957
File: 350 KB, 1536x2048, 1643551632104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19029105

if I actually get drafted into fucking war I'm putting a Mori sticker on my gun

>> No.19028971
File: 81 KB, 1099x590, 1644636717727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19028986

Make something that impresses her, work on your art reps whether it be music, visual art or writing

>> No.19029026

Wait for another remix contest and win

>> No.19029038


>> No.19029042
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 61373553274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because that's ALL you've been able to think about for MONTHS!
Jesus shit, Mori's mom could contact leukemia tomorrow and every third post in this trash heap would be "yeah but the real problem is she might be making an MV for the producer on Off With Their Heads?"
You absolute manchild. Go back and watch the 5% clip until you either learn what she was trying to say, or move on to some other oshi/hobby.

>> No.19029045
Quoted by: >>19029274

Torn muscle that healed improperly and was causing cramps.

>> No.19029100
Quoted by: >>19029158

boob transplant to Gura

>> No.19029105

Just remember to wear some omocat merch under your camo so you can be in a review :) Bonus points if you post with your weapon over some corpses.

>> No.19029130

Considering this is Gura we are talking about. There is a VERY high chance considering PowerWash is a game she has spoken about multiple times that she wants to play while Elden Ring nor any soulsborne games has never left the shark's mouth.

>> No.19029158
File: 115 KB, 411x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't know at the time though

>> No.19029198

Penis enlargement

>> No.19029246

>still couldn't get rid of the big dick energy

>> No.19029274
Quoted by: >>19029411

she had hymen reconstruction surgery so i can take her virginity a second time

>> No.19029277

The surgery was a lie. It was actually an ultrasound to confirm the conception of our child.

>> No.19029284
Quoted by: >>19029447

Mori will finish the MV and then dabble at Elden Ring a bit make the playthrough really polished. Today could have gone better, but things are still alright

>> No.19029338
Quoted by: >>19029388

>nor any soulsborne games

>> No.19029388

>a soulsborne
>not a Tenchuborne

>> No.19029407

Gura already said she wanted to play Elden Ring and Sekiro
THE GAME sint going to be a funny powerwashing game, its gonna be the 10/10 game everyones freaking about about right now

>> No.19029411 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.84 MB, 2853x4096, 1639434567114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this

>> No.19029447
Quoted by: >>19029487

I hope so. Gura's my #2 and I'm happy to be there for her, but mannn I want to be there for my Mori

>> No.19029469

Even if Mori's mom contracted leukemia I bet she would still be unable to say no to being AO's MV slave

>> No.19029487

I wrote this

>> No.19029625
Quoted by: >>19029722

it's happening like Resident Evil 8 happened :}

>> No.19029666
File: 81 KB, 622x1200, EyL6PL0VoAEsEnE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you wouldn't mind in the slightest, if she was just doing it for Nene or Watame instead.
And that's how I know you're a fucking bootlicker who's going to drop Mori the moment she parts ways with The Brand. Which is fine, but stop disgracing the actual concernbeats by falseflagging as them.

>> No.19029722
File: 998 KB, 883x890, 1628092659963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey I'm not gonna be doing this, I want to do it off-stream
>hey I'll be doing this later, just gonna dabble a bit off-stream first
How can someone so dumb be so smug

>> No.19029736

I hate the antichrist

>> No.19029845
Quoted by: >>19029984

How good are her MV´s even? What I´ve seen mostly just looked very simple, with like two or three frames for a character movement. When I did a year of animation studies after high school I had to draw dozens of frames for a few seconds of footage. I haven´t seen anything like that from her

>> No.19029869

Concernbeats are pretty good at being disgraces on their own without any help from bad faith actors.

>> No.19029934

>disgracing the actual concernbeats
Lmao, that's a bit redundant, don't you think?

>> No.19029980
Quoted by: >>19030219

I don't fucking care what AO does or has done with her. He is fucking shit and can go fuck himself.

>> No.19029984

She literally did JLaTY and King, you can base your opinion off that

>> No.19030018

and Hinotori

>> No.19030084
Quoted by: >>19030185

and second opening of Naruto

>> No.19030155

I don't mind that Mori postponed the ER stream, now I can play it fully blind myself first.

>> No.19030163
File: 231 KB, 436x777, 1644031139460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MV editing =/= animation
Watch streams

>> No.19030185


>> No.19030219

He's getting better but at a fucking glacial pace

>> No.19030220
Quoted by: >>19030339

>slideshows with no actual character animator

>> No.19030246
Quoted by: >>19030709

Man today was a whole lot to take at once.
I'm just gonna lay down for a bit

>> No.19030291
Quoted by: >>19030469

I'm really glad Mori isn't freaking out. That means that Cover didn't do anything they didn't have to.

>> No.19030304

Then her original intro screen, I guess

>> No.19030339


>> No.19030460

I'll post one of my Mori lewds in 10 minutes. Do you fuckers prefer boobs, tummy or ass?

>> No.19030469
Quoted by: >>19030592

Even though Rushia's at fault, I still feel bad for her. I doubt she did anything maliciously.

>> No.19030476
Quoted by: >>19030688


>> No.19030487

Tummy, please

>> No.19030500

tummy and boobs together

>> No.19030537

Face or failing that, tummy

>> No.19030592

oh I fell fucking miserable. I got 3 hours of sleep between this and Russia. But I will sleep fine tonight knowing that Mori isn't freaking out at Cover and therefore Hololive isn't going to die

>> No.19030688
Quoted by: >>19030723

Anon...she literally binging the game as we speak. There's a reason there's no stream tomorrow...

>> No.19030707


>> No.19030709
Quoted by: >>19031028


>> No.19030723

the game's not out yet though? or is it out early on PS5?

>> No.19030727
Quoted by: >>19030880

Yeah as long as Friend is still at hololive, things will be okay with time.

>> No.19030750
Quoted by: >>19030829

She lives in Japan anon

>> No.19030776
Quoted by: >>19030829

It's out in certain timezones. Rikka was playing it earlier

>> No.19030806
Quoted by: >>19030829

Anon, your timezone reps........

>> No.19030829
Quoted by: >>19030884

I thought it was a simultaneous global release gomen gomen

>> No.19030844

she's a real one
Mori gets swayed by emotion too much but she's a good girl, and probably the kind of friend that will defend you even if she risks her own job

>> No.19030880

NTA but I trust FBK

>> No.19030884
Quoted by: >>19030946

I think it is on PC? Not console though.

>> No.19030946
File: 3.56 MB, 1920x1080, 8da0fadb187efcf79b2ebcae2b9163a2bc75105f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yeah that's why I thought that

>> No.19031010
File: 97 KB, 1200x858, 1633359729912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you actually got some fucking sleep. Between this and fucking Putin wanting to kick off WW3 I've been a fucking mess. And regardless of what Rushia did, dramaniggers need to fuck off and die.

>> No.19031028


>> No.19031138

>dramaniggers need to fuck off and die.

>> No.19031250

what we're gonna name our daughter

>> No.19031370

>dramaniggers need to fuck off and die.
between this and what happened with Mori last month I fucking HATE dramafags

>> No.19031420

I bet she'll throw an ER stream in on the 28th

>> No.19031527
File: 1.82 MB, 2500x1768, 1637724082573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope mori and yung lean get on a song together one day
leandoer-mori unity

t. yungleanbeat

>> No.19031562
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1623894622623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For all of her angst about not having Fromsoft permissions this whole time, for them to finally miraculously fall into her lap and her just...not capitalizing is annoying, I can't lie. I understand her reasoning now, but if everyone else is gonna do it and she just decides it's not worth sharing with us... idunno. I'm trying to stay reasonable.

>> No.19031636

just wait a couple days retard Kiara's not playing it minute one either

>> No.19031658

>but if everyone else is gonna do it and she just decides it's not worth sharing with us.
>and she just decides it's not worth sharing with us.
You're not even a threadreader at this point

>> No.19031736
Quoted by: >>19031803

She fully convinced herself it was her "reward" for killing herself with animation for 3 months. Now that she can actually stream it, I think she's confused

>> No.19031765
File: 290 KB, 357x413, 1628427584888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori isn't streaming
>Jerma is streaming Elder rings
I guess I can always count on my Boston boy.

>> No.19031798

Jerma will be a homostarEN

>> No.19031803

she's not done with the MV

>> No.19031825

Jerma is actually Mori's roommate.
either him, or DemoD.

>> No.19031870

This but also Forsen is Gura

>> No.19031873

>her just...not capitalizing is annoying
You all are right, dramaniggers are bad, but you know what's worse? Fucking manager wannabes.

>> No.19032216

More like SEX and NTR haha gottem

>> No.19032503

So...how much ER do I play to be at the same point as Mori when she streams it?

>> No.19032721

Depends on how much she plays it today. Would be neat if it was a NG+ run through on stream.

>> No.19032729

Don't defame the name of Demo by comparing him to this lean drinking bitch.

>> No.19032755

I hope demo kills himself honestly

>> No.19032770
Quoted by: >>19032904

she'll start over on stream. And be better for it

>> No.19032904

Thanks Mori, we don't mind if you're not a complete expert though

>> No.19033094
File: 140 KB, 975x632, 1618671709171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19033158
Quoted by: >>19033458

The luna thread is pretty convinced that she'll play it but I haven't seen anything to support that. That said I don't speak japanese so they're likely right

>> No.19033458
File: 228 KB, 1364x2048, FF637ZbaQAU3RIb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a big Souls fan

>> No.19033561

Ya I know, I just haven't seen her mention it or anything that hard confirms it. I know shes a much bigger monster hunter fan but she literally played that the minute it launched so I was hoping for something similar

>> No.19033650

I hope it's like Crash where she only played the first bit of it offstream to practice rather than the whole thing offstream first.

>> No.19033725
File: 314 KB, 1240x957, 1643965404737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19033842

You gura-fucking-tee?

>> No.19033842
Quoted by: >>19034203

I do.
Also, Gura love, I'm finally catching up with vods I missed and she's adorable. I see why /ggg/ love her so much.

>> No.19033891

will you have enough of a spine to apologize once it becomes clear she ain't streaming it?

>> No.19034203
File: 103 KB, 850x661, 79496597876543607869786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watch VODs of Gura every now and then too if it's a game I like. Her ASMR she's done is also absolutely fantastic. I'd love to see Mori do an ASMR collab with her at some point. Mori admitted she's extremely nervous and shy when it comes to doing ASMR. I think Gura would help break her out of that.

Although nothing will beat Cursed ASMR.

>> No.19034456

Mori only plays kusoges and games that she has already played before on stream. She saves the actual good games for offstream which shows how little she cares about her fans.

>> No.19034458

My dud really trying to bait over whether or not Mori will play Elden Ring lmao

>> No.19034934

Demo can be funny as hell but I kind of stopped watching after a while because that boy can be one hell of a mess. Among other things.

>> No.19035029

yeah, fuck the deadbeats who want to see some newer games being played, they're not REAL deadbeats

>> No.19035049
Quoted by: >>19035120

What sort of ryona or emotional abuse of Mori would you like to see?
In fiction of course.

>> No.19035113
Quoted by: >>19035795

Did anyone catch Okayu's Omori play through? I came to really enjoy the game's narrative back when Mori played it even if I was waiting for the switch release to play it myself

>> No.19035120
Quoted by: >>19035191

Mori being forced to make good content, clearly it's fucking torture for her

>> No.19035191
Quoted by: >>19035229

Like making a decent post is for you?

>> No.19035229

I laughed at his post.
Even though I don't agree, it was clever.

>> No.19035238
Quoted by: >>19035306

How dare people want Mori to stream Elden Ring for the first time after her whining about no Fromsoft permissions for over a year.

>> No.19035306

How dare Mori want to play Elden Ring on her own instead of having her shitty chat backseat the game she's been looking forward to for so long.

>> No.19035457
File: 48 KB, 622x622, 1633020204245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope my Mori has fun with Elden Ring, it's been a rough couple months and she deserves to relax.

>> No.19035795
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, 1611420733309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, watched it with global. Her piecing the story together in blacks space was cute. She went for eight hours and enjoyed herself, sniffled a little, and talked about friends and sewerslide at the end (I couldn't really understand shit). Fun times.
Oh, and omo congratulated her with an aka "from cat to cat".

>> No.19035822

>deadbeats literally so mindbroken they call themselves garbage unworthy of having their oshi actually make good streams
this is just sad by now

>> No.19035859
File: 199 KB, 1000x1495, FJIPxdqaQAIvDl0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19036378

Out of everything, I'm just glad they really did get the Elden Ring perms
Hope she feels better tomorrow after the sudden shitty news

>> No.19035904
Quoted by: >>19036012

Go ahead and link your oshi's blind Elden Ring playthrough, since apparently nothing else counts as a good stream.

>> No.19036012

I'll link you one that you're bound to enjoy, maybe it'll make you reconsider how little reason to have fun you get out of Mori in comparison

>> No.19036052
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, 1624133271232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19036067

Don't use my cow-titted wife for your shitposts, nigger

>> No.19036151
Quoted by: >>19036308

damn bro, sorry your oshi doesn't have any good streams

>> No.19036302
File: 55 KB, 622x626, 1626667494866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19036438

>> No.19036308

yea, I'm also sorry Mori was my oshi for way too long

>> No.19036378 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter since she hates her fans and doesn't want to stream it.

>> No.19036438

Is it bait when Mori plays good games like RE2, RE7, RE8, and Elden Ring offstream while only playing kusoges on stream?

>> No.19036498
File: 1.42 MB, 1800x2500, FKxvETGVgAIDXdu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just glad Goomba is streaming so I can have at least one English stream to watch today

>> No.19036504
Quoted by: >>19036587

Did they ever even interact?

>> No.19036526
File: 1.24 MB, 2894x4093, 1634961007692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weve got you surrounded! come drink your stupid bitch juice!

>> No.19036587

yes they had an orgy with me (mori's boyfriend)

>> No.19036613

GTFO Connor!

>> No.19036715

Luna's so kakkoii

>> No.19036775
File: 641 KB, 700x990, 1643687214316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19036841
File: 235 KB, 850x1131, 1613626373622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this post

>> No.19036998
File: 212 KB, 1024x1448, mori burger 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hows that nothingburger taste?

>> No.19037137
Quoted by: >>19037714

really tempting fate with that nothingburger shit after Rushia
Mori is one drunk instagram stream for sharing the fate, with much less to fall back on

>> No.19037200
File: 435 KB, 1200x1296, 1627077257281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tastes like a gooruh day, also I now have time to catch up on the two lives I missed from oversleeping

>> No.19037227
File: 328 KB, 2014x1331, FMXNBrOVgAMIPPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What spurred this guy on in particular? Somehow amidst all the stupid shit with relatively peaceful threads, why is he mad now of all times?

>> No.19037278

pacifier taken away, please understand

>> No.19037330

addicts will do tons of shit for their fix

>> No.19037438
File: 689 KB, 850x879, 1633298569280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19037697

i love this dumb bitch like y'all wouldn't believe

>> No.19037569

I have never been happier to have missed the Just Mori stream when it went live.
If that doesn't get my mind off this shit nothing will

>> No.19037697
File: 278 KB, 1448x2048, 1631419814963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19037709
Quoted by: >>19037990

although being a sonykid is based, sometimes I hate that she'll never play dkc, smrpg, or mega man x

>> No.19037714

Probably bait but honestly, how are they at all comparable? If the rrats are true, Rushia basically doxxed other talents and even managers as well as dumping corporate info while Mori just uses separate accounts to vent some frustrations.

>> No.19037847
Quoted by: >>19038234

>Rushia basically doxxed other talents and even managers as well as dumping corporate info
NTA but there's no proof of this

>> No.19037864
Quoted by: >>19037958

He was here yesterday as well

>> No.19037958
File: 1.90 MB, 1920x1080, 1636958565907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, and what set him off was Mori posting an update about working on new music. This spergout is textbook schizo shit

>> No.19037990
Quoted by: >>19038185

No offense to Mori but I don't see her appreciating how good Mega Man X is. She would probably have some fun with smrpg tho. DKC1 and 2 need to be co-op off-collabs with Gura or somebody like Ina or Mumei maybe

>> No.19038051
File: 2.14 MB, 2042x1481, 1644536860361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If the rrats are true
Then they're both guilty of the exact same thing: having a life (friends, even!) outside of the corporation. To the schizo, there is no greater sin than this. That's why they flock to whichever girls seem the most desperate and broken, because those are the only ones they can imagine never speaking to another man.

>> No.19038060

i want mori's tongue in my mouth

>> No.19038123
Quoted by: >>19038365

you're being retarded right now dude

>> No.19038168
Quoted by: >>19038715

She'd suck tongue for sure

>> No.19038174

I want my tongue in Mori's ass.

>> No.19038175


>> No.19038185

>with Gura
Fuck no. I've been robbed of Cuphead kino because "I want to wait until I can play it with Gura". Those niggas better play that shit when the offcollab happens.

>> No.19038199
File: 1.02 MB, 595x1200, 1643160888022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chat of any streamer is cancerous as unholy hell. Whoever your oshi is, I doubt her chat is any different.

>> No.19038234
Quoted by: >>19038362

it's the best rrat so far

>> No.19038250
File: 1.07 MB, 2896x4096, 1636545875504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, she broke a non-disclosure agreement. Stop being a tool.

>> No.19038311

nta but that's kinda fucked

there are good reasons for her to not want to stream it right now but that ain't one of em

>> No.19038362
Quoted by: >>19039088

>best rrat
Something that assumes the absolute worst of Rushia with no proof to back it up is the "best rrat"? Don't be retarded.

>> No.19038365
File: 249 KB, 500x500, MoriClash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who isn't? It's a retarded day, and this thread's been chronically retarded since January.
Shitting on deadbeats is all I have right now

>> No.19038371
File: 952 KB, 1000x1000, 1644351212049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to just come clean and say it. They don't care about the nondisclosure agreement. They like Rushia, so they want her to stay. That's completely fine. I'm in the same boat. Just be honest about it.
Fuck corporate contracts. I'm more interested in enjoying cute content creators.

>> No.19038416

>actually it's epic to leak sensitive information
is this some psyop to make deadbeats look worse

>> No.19038450
File: 1.48 MB, 1254x1772, 1622774142521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19039485

You're missing critical information anon. Before today, I would have agreed that when you get down to it Rushia doesn't deserve to graduate and should just wait a couple weeks for this to blow over and go back to streaming.
However, it seems like she breached terms of her NDA contract. This, regardless of any of her previous yabs, is a big issue, and something that Mori would never, ever do.
This is only rrats at this point, but given the reaction of other talents, it seems like this breach of her contract was reprehensible on a moral level somehow, but it's too early to make a judgement in that regard right now.

>> No.19038487

Anon. It doesn't matter how much the fans don't want her to go.
Breaking a contract gets you terminated. That's how contracts work for any job.

>> No.19038560
File: 2.94 MB, 1440x1080, 1643168009304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care about the contract. I want her to stay. I value her. My love for Rushia isn't going to change anything or bring her back, but it doesn't make me care about her contract. And that's perfectly fine.

>> No.19038609
Quoted by: >>19038829

These contracts you hate so much protect other talents, including Mori, from relentless blackmailing and defamation from drama channels, and possibly even the talents themselves if they go rogue. Stop being retarded.

>> No.19038611
Quoted by: >>19038829

sure rushia is a cute anime girl but you're contract bound with the shit you can share. And when you share it with some drama channel and lose the trust of the company and the people that work for it being fired is the rational decision.

>> No.19038615

the fact that jp holos are giving her the cold shoulder should clue you in retard

>> No.19038632
File: 89 KB, 1814x394, 1621046055927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19038716

Today I will remind them

>> No.19038667

Well, I want her to stay too, but we're just explaining to you that Rushia isn't getting fired because she had a bf or whatever, it's because she did something that would get anyone fired from any job.

>> No.19038716


>> No.19038715
File: 1.11 MB, 560x315, 1622053041010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19038719
File: 387 KB, 646x647, 1632940951543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I read posts on here and it makes me believe "deadbeats are the most retarded fanbase" is true

terveisin, deadbeat

>> No.19038722
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Quoted by: >>19038829

The others already succinctly summarized my thoughts in their replies because this really isn't a complicated issue, but here's one more (You) for being a dumbfuck

>> No.19038786

Playing devil's advocate, it's awfully naive to think she just woke up and decided to break her NDA

>> No.19038829
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I know why she was fired. She shared information that bordered on doxxing. It was a clear breach of contract and Cover took it very seriously, which is reasonable.
I don't care, though. I want Rushia to stay. She won't, but I want her to. If you can't wrap your head around that, I don't know what to say. Keep replying that I don't understand things if you want.

>> No.19038895
Quoted by: >>19039069

keep saying you want her to stay then, I guess.

>> No.19038904
Quoted by: >>19039250

>Playing devil's advocate
please fucking stop doing that, god damn it fuck you

>> No.19038945
Quoted by: >>19039018

well, she did exactly that, what point are you trying to make?

>> No.19038947
Quoted by: >>19039069

Well, if you're just venting your feelings that's fine, your initial post just kinda made it sound like you disagreed with the decision on a rational level.

>> No.19038981

She woke up feeling not like p diddy

>> No.19038993
Quoted by: >>19039399

>One of Hololive's S-class Menhera

She probably thought "Oh yes! This will get me out of this mess!" without thinking of what the full consequences of what she was doing to either herself or anybody else involved. Or she thought Cover had no teeth and would let it slide

>> No.19039015

Same. I love Rushia a fuck ton. I don't care about logic or reason. I MISS RUSHIA GOD DAMMIT

>> No.19039018

From the sound of the statement, it kinda sound like it might have been a long term situation where she broke the back of the camel recently, so to speak.

>> No.19039069
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I do.

Nah, what Cover did was absolutely rational and understandable. Doesn't mean everyone has to want them to do it. I just was commenting on how I wish people who defend Rushia would just come out and say that instead of doing mental gymnastics and dodging points. So if anything, I was on your side in regards to that.

>> No.19039088
Quoted by: >>19039503

she got fired and Fubuki wasn't sad

>> No.19039103

Obviously she didn't just wake up and decide that she wanted to get terminated, or that she maliciously wanted to doxx her coworkers or anything.
The most reasonable rrat I've seen is that she leaked something she shouldn't have to korekore when trying to clear her name over the boyfriend drama. She didn't do it for a bad reason, she just wanted to prove to her fans that they could trust her. But it was still a breach of contract, and that still gets you fired.

>> No.19039146
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mori like

>> No.19039187
Quoted by: >>19039310

if she breaks it once, she'll break it again. We don't know how bad it was that she broke it. It was probably bad given Aloe was just suspended for two weeks. Next time maybe she indirectly causes Mori to be swatted. You willing to gamble that?

>> No.19039250

Hey this nigga isn't the same as me. I qualified my devil's advocate multiple times to make it obvious that it was a hypothetical. Also this anon's "devil's advocate" doesn't work because he's asserting a stance instead of presenting it as a hypothetical.

>> No.19039252
File: 65 KB, 1000x653, 1632863081529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori like

>> No.19039253

I'm happy to know that if it came to choosing between her deadbeats faith in her and her job security, Mori would always bravely choose the latter

>> No.19039310
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Quoted by: >>19039343

There's a possibility close to Mori might accidentally dox her. Plus after this shitshow, I think it would put the fear of God into her in regards to this kind of stuff. So I doubt it would happen.
Yes, I am confident enough that I am willing to gamble that.

>> No.19039314
Quoted by: >>19039636

If you give all your DMs to japanese Keemstar, you're an idiot of levels worth firing. Those DMs could have contained damning info for every holo who ever spoke with her

>> No.19039343

then you're a fool

>> No.19039399

For sure from what I know of the situation, but I'm honestly pointing out that the *Got a message from MafuMafu mid stream* appears to have been the root of the problem.
To be honest, there's a phrase in Cover's statement that sounds like this has actually been an issue for a while. I'm honestly not sure if Cover's just using the "Broke a contract" thing as a crutch (They've tried to in the past) to get rid of a problematic talent, but if Cover is telling the truth about Rushia doing this for a long ass time then holy shit, that is actually vile.

>> No.19039473
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Quoted by: >>19039531

I love discussing Mori in the Mori thread

>> No.19039485
File: 172 KB, 807x1150, yksme1yr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But she broke NDA
So did Kiara during the Halloween collab, and nobody gave a shit. If they wanted her gone for the NDA alone, the GTA stream would have been grounds for termination. If YOU gave that much of a fuck about the NDA you would have been demanding her termination instead of fapping to Mafumafu or whatever.
I'm not disputing that she fucked up, or that her fuckup isn't a fireable offense.
I'm just saying we'll never know what she actually did to force Cover's hand like this. 4chan will never fucking know, and shit like "Flare sounded mad" and "Fubuki didn't detonate Cover" is enough to keep me from jettisoning all my memberships. It is not enough for me to ignore that everyone cheering over this doesn't give two shits about the terms of the contract, or who kills themselves over it, they just want Rushia to suffer for talking to a celeb.
Even if she gave キ—厶スター Mori's bank account number or some shit, yeah I'm gonna find that reprehensible, but I can still mourn the fact that the pressure run from her career and inconsistent levels of support from management drove her to a point where something that horrible seemed like the right thing to do.
And if some fucker on the Mongolian basketweaving board makes a bait thread about how Rushia doxxed Calli, I'm gonna call bullshit. Cuz whoever's saying that is the same guy saying Calli fucked a Nene anti for blow.
And i may be stupid for it, but not as stupid as the guy replying to bait with "if the rrats are true..."

>> No.19039503
Quoted by: >>19039679

I would still expect more sadness no matter how bad she fucked up, as long as she wasn't acting maliciously. I wonder how close she actually was with other holos behind the scenes other than Marine who is kind of close with everyone, not a ton of collabs recently.

>> No.19039531
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I want Mori tongue kisses

>> No.19039636

Allegedly Rushia also shared secrets with that grey-haired drama vtuber, and he said that he felt scared of commenting because he feared he would be reprimanded by the "other hololivers" he has talked to in the past. It's clear that this info Rushia gave him doesn't just concern her, but maybe confidential company policies which affect the others too.

>> No.19039658

GTA stream had Cover protecting Rushia to the point of losing face, sudden 180 when they discovered that she leaked out shit. To me that means the shit that was leaked was a big deal. Not a notification. This wasn't about a notification, this was about something else, a betrayal. She was told to keep quiet and did the opposite

>> No.19039679

or it was just done maliciously

>> No.19039702
File: 863 KB, 704x788, 1644138141001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhhh. You're making too much sense for this thread. Stop spouting your personal values here. This isn't the place for that.
Now start posting about how much you personally value Mori.

>> No.19039783
Quoted by: >>19039831

They're bros

>> No.19039808
Quoted by: >>19039888

Yeah, I definitely agree with this. I'm sad that Rushia was driven to the point where she would fuck up that badly, and wish it hadn't happened. I wish we knew how bad her fuckup was to see if it was truly, really deserved or they just wanted to get rid of her.

>> No.19039831
File: 117 KB, 1158x1014, 1643005049878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you kiss your bros?

>> No.19039837

We have venting fandead in deadbeat clothing, please understand their plight.

>> No.19039843
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>> No.19039888
File: 63 KB, 177x282, 1644127448918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish we knew what kind of sensitive information she leaked because that would surely allow people to have a much more levelheaded conversation about all of this

>> No.19039916

i wish mori was a fat kitty
i'd just pinch her belly and face all day

>> No.19039963
File: 1.85 MB, 2809x3877, 1636078990133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19040084

We posting Morina?

>> No.19040068

Well, it would allow me to form a more informed judgment on the situation. I didn't comment on what other consequences it would have kek, probably bad ones.

>> No.19040072

Eeeyup, this would really help discussions on 4chan. It'll be peaceful, the haatons will have the power of flight!

>> No.19040084

I thought it was TakoMori

>> No.19040137
Quoted by: >>19040197

What are the chances for ER multiplayer!?

>> No.19040151
File: 517 KB, 2564x3821, 1626592724256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's better
>dorky Mori wearing suggestive clothing and rocking it proudly
>proud Mori wearing suggestive clothing but being dorkly embarrassed about it

>> No.19040197
Quoted by: >>19040259

I'm guessing Mori would need to get the game on pc. How many of the others have the ps5?

>> No.19040234
Quoted by: >>19040296

Second option.

>> No.19040235
Quoted by: >>19040296

Embarrassed for sure

>> No.19040259


>> No.19040296

What if she's embarrassed at first, but after you tease her over being embarrassed she turns it around on you, starts being all seductive and now you're the one being embarrassed?

>> No.19040314
Quoted by: >>19040346

I usually called it InaMori

>> No.19040346
Quoted by: >>19040359

Do Mori and Ina even have an official pair name? I see all these variations used.

>> No.19040359

squid game

>> No.19040422
File: 149 KB, 1920x1080, 1643153797637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saving Elden Ring for when my pizza arrives
