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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 202 KB, 1754x1240, that time again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16426670 No.16426670 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji's English branch and their vtuber units, LazuLight, Obsydia, Ethyria, and Luxiem!

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:

Twitter accounts:





Teamup Schedule for Nijisanji EN:

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Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
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NijiEN song playlist:
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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags and tribalfags.

Previous thread: >>16411090

>> No.16426691

OP with the KINO pic

>> No.16426699
File: 357 KB, 1570x1300, 1640288266285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16426706


>> No.16426708

Look at all these participation trophies

>> No.16426715
File: 376 KB, 1534x2048, FJANC3NXMAgWfO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16426722
File: 126 KB, 1170x1170, 1619426059173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16426873

>hags aren't bratty
Explain this fairy then

>> No.16426729
File: 336 KB, 1514x2048, 1638394054616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love rosemi

>> No.16426730

Finana is looking up "beedrill" on google

>> No.16426733
File: 329 KB, 1536x2048, D5F2B9A8-9ADD-444B-8D1A-04FA52BF8274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16426951

Ike x Luca

>> No.16426743
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>> No.16426746
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Quoted by: >>16427012


>> No.16426761
Quoted by: >>16426801

I hate apex for the pain it causes people, the world would be a better place without it

>> No.16426765
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.16426768

Just got back from errands. How did Selen do?

>> No.16426771
File: 107 KB, 1263x995, 1621992705339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your food ready pommies

>> No.16426773


>> No.16426786
File: 270 KB, 1434x1775, Selen and her Dragoons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16426787

Selen is to Apex what incels are to women.

>> No.16426793


>> No.16426801

all competition causes pain

>> No.16426805
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1630499699973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16426807

hypocrite hate!

>> No.16426808

Which is?

>> No.16426810
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, apex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16426883

oh boy Selen losing in the OP?

>> No.16426813

What did he mean by that

>> No.16426815


>> No.16426818
File: 154 KB, 1537x864, FHPkvzUWUAYrLM1.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my daughterwife! Reimu is starting her phasmo collab in less than five minutes!!

>> No.16426820
File: 84 KB, 229x229, evilpomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Apex.

>> No.16426827
Quoted by: >>16426907

Whenever Millie ends her stream she says the schedule of the whole branch, I think that's nice

>> No.16426829
File: 354 KB, 1125x1205, 1642205328484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we help Selen?

>> No.16426837

Selen doesn't hate Apex.

>> No.16426839
File: 650 KB, 528x845, 1612306576284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was fucking ready good shit man.

>> No.16426841
File: 818 KB, 833x909, 1633983177847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did great anon. She had a great time and is happy

>> No.16426847

I think Selen should drop the whole Apex thing

>> No.16426856
File: 553 KB, 1389x2170, FC8hJedUcAUZKd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sweet pure mermaid!

>> No.16426861

by impregnating her, unironically

>> No.16426862
Quoted by: >>16427003

there's another one somewhere but i dont have it
It's piss so dont look if you hate it

>> No.16426864
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FBqu45RVUAUz3nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16426865

Weening her off Apex and getting her addicted to Mahjong instead

>> No.16426866
File: 300 KB, 1814x2286, 1640285425417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna Love !

>> No.16426867
File: 418 KB, 2048x1325, FI-3a6kVcAIowIz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427001

Ike love

>> No.16426868
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1638383330973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16426870
File: 96 KB, 850x932, FEqBhYpVgAM6L3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my ghost and pingu wives!

>> No.16426873
File: 731 KB, 1280x1854, 267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427408

lolibaba pomus doujin should be featured in the next towako tank

>> No.16426874

Selen is currently winning in my sex tournament, she's making me cum!

>> No.16426880

We can't. She needs to help herself first.

>> No.16426883

Fuck, if that was so awful, what would be during this guerilla?

>> No.16426892

God the cope stream will be glorious

>> No.16426891

jihad against the ea apex servers

>> No.16426895

nah the pain is kino

>> No.16426907

Yea she's always done that. I think if this was twitch she probably would be raiding someone everytime too

>> No.16426913

Yes, she's clearly terrible at Apex.

>> No.16426919
File: 239 KB, 2170x576, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>similar amount of subscribers
>over half the amount of likes
how do we save Reimu?

>> No.16426925
File: 2.67 MB, 1191x1684, 1621479009561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16426961

>When sober
>Absolute flirtatious MILF
>When drunk
>Screeching wine aunt begging you to impregnate her
I can already imagine the insane sex

>> No.16426926

Will Selen cope, seethe or cry ?

>> No.16426935
Quoted by: >>16427019

Why can't she just be a good sport about it?

>> No.16426936

millie just spoiled Bao coming to nijien

>> No.16426938
File: 745 KB, 2894x4093, 1632016527759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna SEX

>> No.16426942
File: 342 KB, 1502x2048, 1628019188372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!

>> No.16426941
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>> No.16426947
File: 713 KB, 369x878, 1620352675634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16426946
File: 381 KB, 1750x1650, 1630022074054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And play what? Valorant?

>> No.16426951

I hope they're ok after the noodle shunanigans

>> No.16426960
File: 70 KB, 250x250, 95A0DBB7-D174-41EE-88B6-2CE6BF6EBDB7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen love! Don’t take the tourney too hard!

>> No.16426961

You have clips for that?

>> No.16426963

Her Pride cant help it. The copium about being ex-pred is flowing throughout her whole body

>> No.16426964

She'll draw apex character beedrills

>> No.16426965

Selen wanted to go pro but couldnt hold an L to save her life. She never had the right stuff to begin with. One more breakdown before Yagoo gives her the call

>> No.16426966
Quoted by: >>16427009

I guess Reimu's just going to have to start a UIM.

>> No.16426968
Quoted by: >>16427034

Rosemi is showing her full body like a whore

>> No.16426978

More like drop trying to be serious at it
She plays fine but any pressure on her and she crumbles and becomes a mess

>> No.16426987
File: 420 KB, 666x874, 1639239339259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16426990

All 3

>> No.16426994
File: 3.51 MB, 418x383, 1626476441817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427052


>> No.16426996

In that orden

>> No.16427001

Love him so much!!!!

>> No.16427003
Quoted by: >>16427055

I kneel! I can't believe she got art and Shiki didn't

>> No.16427009

Shit I forgot to say in relation to Enna not Settled

>> No.16427012
File: 587 KB, 1186x1186, 1633867327343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427018
Quoted by: >>16427283

Another 30 minutes delay lol.

>> No.16427019

She's literally obsessed by both winning, from the education she got from her mother and by the fact she thinks she needs to give the impression she's good at Apex to feel validated.

>> No.16427026
File: 237 KB, 564x444, 1638498462362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't run away forever Selen. Just leave it up and own it. You do this with so many things in which you bail out. Grow up and take the hit to the ego and stop trying to deflect it from you by erasing histroy or running away.

>> No.16427030
File: 286 KB, 90x90, 1635799839536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427034
Quoted by: >>16427068

I really wish her legs weren't so thin.
amamya's legs are just a tiny bit meatier but they look so much better

>> No.16427036
Quoted by: >>16427108

NijiEN group iron man when?

>> No.16427037

>A 5 inches cock is about 10% of Rosemi's height

>> No.16427044
Quoted by: >>16427121

Chihiro is not the best player in the world but she still plays almost everyday. Selen just needs to chill and just have fun.

>> No.16427052
File: 773 KB, 635x635, 1629247614693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427227

I will unironically unsubscribe if she does that

>> No.16427055
Quoted by: >>16427094

She has more good porn than shiki does in general

>> No.16427059
File: 225 KB, 1536x2048, 6C47B72E-B771-4ABD-8094-AA64F9229112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427132

Pomu love! One of my fav fanart of her

>> No.16427068
File: 50 KB, 352x451, 1635622157299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's the exact opposite of meaty

>> No.16427069
File: 360 KB, 900x1150, 1640852933101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came home from work and Selen is malding, seething and pooping her pants over losing at apex again lol

>> No.16427079
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, Ei6g2BWwfJXXre9Hxrpgr4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

competetive naraka bladepoint

>> No.16427092
File: 49 KB, 220x161, 1640633724837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only I was there to dick down Selen... everything would be fixed

>> No.16427094

Kinda surprising they've both got good designs

>> No.16427105
Quoted by: >>16427175

Selen has two options, drop apex or become chihiro. She could honestly hit masters skill level again if she committed, but it would require 9hour daily grinds. Otherwise she just needs to go full variety

>> No.16427107

Holy shit people called it already and there it is
Fucking hell Selen get a grip

>> No.16427108
Quoted by: >>16427198

>some else who's autistic maybe Pomu.

>> No.16427113
File: 432 KB, 500x500, 1641357476816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427116
File: 107 KB, 300x359, 1637431387803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2hu and rhythm games

>> No.16427121

Anon Chi chan went from something very similar Selen is going through, the time she joined a tournament with Chronoir.
It was as painful to see.

>> No.16427132
File: 213 KB, 1224x1946, FI_TmTaaUAIm5xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish this was me

>> No.16427139

>did the Egyptians create Cheerios???
Finana, you dumb slut, I love you.

>> No.16427150


>> No.16427153

being able to play against imperialchad should be an honor in itself

>> No.16427158

time for Selen to go full Chihiro then

>> No.16427164
Quoted by: >>16427243

Reimu, please tell Selen to get off the computer and go touch grass for a couple of hours.
She not doing anyone any favors by getting back on stream and moping around.

>> No.16427173
File: 44 KB, 1006x434, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>15 cm
is this how you dicklets cope?

>> No.16427175

Becoming Chihiro is suffering in and of itself... Chii-chan isn't even good...

>> No.16427176
File: 180 KB, 382x367, 1635707965164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427212

Peppa Pig.

>> No.16427177

yes with Bobon

>> No.16427185
File: 571 KB, 409x645, 1630370022651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2hu and rhythm games
That's supposed to be Pomu

>> No.16427191

Anons this is fake

>> No.16427194
Quoted by: >>16427292

>Rhythm games
Same fucking shit as apex

>> No.16427198
File: 299 KB, 523x523, 1637588110906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vox Remiu and Nina
Feels good having the best taste

>> No.16427203

Catching up on vods, holy fuck that friday the 13th game they did during the horror collab was fucking hilarious.

>> No.16427205

She would never. She lost her mind over a 30% cut before. She desperately needs an actual manager though

>> No.16427207

wtf I thought my 15cm penor was only 5 inches...

>> No.16427208
Quoted by: >>16427261

with Kanae

>> No.16427211
File: 47 KB, 428x424, 1623896638621.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more of a general criticism but streamers really need to test their shit earlier, before they go live in a collab. Reimu's collab was pushed back again.

>> No.16427212

She had the same amount of kills in that as in her Apex stream lmao

>> No.16427223
File: 341 KB, 500x500, 1639021526210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bronzor DEEZ NUTS

>> No.16427227

She's gonna play with bobon one of these days.

>> No.16427239

>needing to use a calculator
>not knowing by heart that a .50 cal is 12.7x99 (or 12.7x108 if it's russian)

>> No.16427243
File: 883 KB, 2480x3508, 54BA5E89-46DA-415F-AF4C-0D2F4196EF8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen going to flick her bean until it’s beet red tonight to let off her stress.

>> No.16427246
File: 85 KB, 1082x900, 1634691627647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427288

Why is my oshi so pathetic

>> No.16427245

Isn't Bao an actual menhera?

>> No.16427247
File: 360 KB, 422x630, 1638543117511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's really serious around other people but whenever she's around me she's always laughing and joking

>> No.16427249

Rosemi is talking about her girlfriend again...
I'm starting to think Rosemi doesn't like guys...

>> No.16427253


>> No.16427259

I cant believe there's actually someone who's autistic about League but doesnt even play ranked, and mainly plays ARAM. Fuck you Millie

>> No.16427261
Quoted by: >>16427402

Reimu won't allow it

>> No.16427265


>> No.16427267

Remember when Selen ignored ign and turned up late for tournament lobby because she failed to kill a dummy in the range? God I get hard just thinking about it again

>> No.16427272

If by menhera you mean retard, yes.

>> No.16427276
Quoted by: >>16427460

Chi-chan has suffered a lot but also has been through really fun times. It's a hard path but it's rewarding in the end if you start getting more relaxed toward certain events.
Selen will eventually learn.

>> No.16427278
File: 207 KB, 500x500, 1642062623855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in faggots

>> No.16427281
Quoted by: >>16427353

Selen pls dont gorilla...

>> No.16427283

Reimu said it's Bao. Apparently the bitch went to buy a cable. It's either that or she's having another mental breakdown

>> No.16427288

I'm saying in general, because I don't know if she's having problems or if it's one of the collab partners.

>> No.16427287

Based. The Bigfoot game was forgettable, but when they started playing Firday the 13th the collab became kino.

>> No.16427292

Nah, Yashiro playing rythm games is always kino, Hada playing them is also very entertaining

>> No.16427294
File: 493 KB, 1515x2500, FIwBdXVVcAMyQQV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427295

Luca addition was perfect for that

>> No.16427306

Selen why do you do this to yourself when you play APEX. Please uninstall that trash, B.J Blazkowicz is waiting for you in Wolfenstien.

I think most vtubers when they're at a point don't really need to, their fans will wait for them and meme it as a "curse"

>> No.16427312
Quoted by: >>16427365


Get in here faggots. We need to laugh at Selen

>> No.16427314

Shiki says its cause not everyone is home.

>> No.16427315

>more apex

>> No.16427316

Selen is on the verge of deleting the vod, imagine her mental state right now

>> No.16427318
File: 156 KB, 460x558, 1611890768905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She isn't going to kill herself

>> No.16427321
File: 57 KB, 793x540, 1636528861855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi once again confirmed to be a natural comedian who makes people around her smile and laugh just by being present

>> No.16427322

this is exactly why corporate should stop collabing with indies

>> No.16427323


>> No.16427327

I wouldn't have even known Millie was streaming if it weren't for 5ch, you niggers need to watch her more

>> No.16427335

Unironically and no shitpost? Therapy about this entire situation.

>> No.16427336
File: 93 KB, 1140x320, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big if true because I called it

>> No.16427337
Quoted by: >>16427468


>> No.16427339

I've never watched Bao but everytime I hear about her, like the time she lied about not having a boyfriend, she sounds more and more stupid to me.

>> No.16427342
Quoted by: >>16427401

>playing apex

>> No.16427347

I'm not watching Millie unless she's with Enna

>> No.16427350

Start drinking, Selen.

>> No.16427353


>> No.16427359
File: 932 KB, 856x836, 1625248179819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women want her
fish fear her

>> No.16427365

here we gooo...

>> No.16427366
File: 392 KB, 443x365, 1617456131898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427369

Another cable? Wtf does she need a cable for ?

>> No.16427371
Quoted by: >>16427398

You need to read. There's a bunch of faggots getting triggered on how Millie plays MonHun

>> No.16427374

Millie is singing monhun bgm

>> No.16427376

Who is 5ch's favorite NijiEN?

>> No.16427384
Quoted by: >>16427710

There's nothing wrong with indies as a bloc. Ui doesn't have these problems. Sana doesn't have these problems. You know who does have problems with not setting up and checking shit before the stream starts? Pomu. This is a western woman thing, not an indie thing.

>> No.16427385

Check Niji-Mado yourself, lazy

>> No.16427388

I don't think they need to be that strict, but they should probably look through the pile of indies that do have it together.

>> No.16427394

Yeah but Chii-chan is hard stuck diamond, Selen at least got to masters.

>> No.16427398

I pressed ctrl f and there was a total of 3 whole other posts about Millie ITT give me a break

>> No.16427401

She needs to beat up on some random to feel better about herself

>> No.16427402

Reimu is too low rank and low skilled to even collab with Kanae in her own words.
Which is pretty strange that she's said that considering they could just play something more casual.

>> No.16427408 [SPOILER] 
File: 771 KB, 590x1367, fairy is unbreakable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based taste.

>> No.16427416
Quoted by: >>16427673

Those three are the indies I never want to see in Niji or even Hololive desu

>> No.16427418

Selen would never get to masters solo queuing.

>> No.16427424
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 1618729891558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking salty

>> No.16427429
File: 258 KB, 1500x1500, 1636039291427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the depression hits lets GOOOOOOO

>> No.16427432

Watching one of the many Prisim collabs today.

>> No.16427433

Bao is very dumb and kind of a bitch but she’s hasn’t had any yab moments afaik.

>> No.16427436

I wish Nijisanji could get Halo Infinite permissions and Selen could become a Halo comp player

>> No.16427439

Probably Rosemi or Petra

>> No.16427443

Previous thread anon. They are complaining about how bad Millie is

>> No.16427445

She was ending her stream you retard

>> No.16427446
File: 93 KB, 1444x1121, 1634057726132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie is an insane singer man it doesn't match her character voice at all

>> No.16427456
File: 21 KB, 334x266, 1636759313098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen and Luxiem sending each other images Rosemi is too flustered to describe

>> No.16427459
File: 176 KB, 640x560, 1640822311613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listened to her ASMR yesterday, fell asleep; woke up an hour later then found it impossible to sleep again for the night.

>> No.16427460
Quoted by: >>16427504

A genuinely think Selen won't be able to take that path.
From what I've seen, the mentality Selen has about winning and losing is extremely autistic. Losing is like almost like getting pissed on, on public for her. She just can't.

>> No.16427461
File: 62 KB, 658x658, 1626096733192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened with Selen and saying she wants to unlist the stream? Did she lose and get ultra salty/sad on stream?

>> No.16427468
Quoted by: >>16427520


>> No.16427471

man I feel bad for rosemi

>> No.16427476
Quoted by: >>16427498

Kanae is busy right now so I'm assuming he doesn't have the time for collabs. Maybe after their concert though

>> No.16427486

>when the depression hits

>> No.16427489
File: 2.47 MB, 1750x1650, 1631140581439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428963

>Selen at least got carried to masters.

>> No.16427492

>Back to pubs when she gets matched with shitters she can actually shoot

Atleast try grinding rank if youre gonna feel bad about doing bad ona tourney

>> No.16427498

kk thx for the update Reimu baby

>> No.16427504

I blame Chinese parents. Seriously.
Again, that's something you eventually learn, so if she really wants to be her thing, she WILL learn, good or bad way.

>> No.16427507

what the fuck was Rosemi even talking about

>> No.16427514

She really needs to stop taking this so seriously. Nobody expected them to win or something.

>> No.16427516
File: 713 KB, 1500x1500, 1626819925379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427520
Quoted by: >>16427628

How the fuck do you find this shit, its genuinely scary

>> No.16427522
Quoted by: >>16427565

Chii iirc reaches those by herself while selen plays ranked with others.

>> No.16427528

I hate Apex so I don't know the ranks, but her PL account got Pred.

>> No.16427532
Quoted by: >>16427674

>She desperately needs an actual manager though
She's had at least 2, she's fired them both after a month or so.

>> No.16427537
Quoted by: >>16427685

How else is she going to lose the next tournament if she doesn't 100% pub?

>> No.16427549

She didn’t even lie about it, she just wanted sympathy likes from a meany mod “doxxing” her. She was always showing her bg with him on “accident”, talking about him running to get her stuff, and getting flustered when her friends made fun of him fucking her.

>> No.16427552

I really have no idea why she is nerfing herself most of the time. Is she ashamed about graduating from indie and leaving that persona behind still??

>> No.16427555
File: 322 KB, 443x391, 1637907443393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things that look like dicks im assuming

>> No.16427561


>> No.16427562
Quoted by: >>16427725

Selen was quite literally carried, sorry.
She has the same case as Matsuri.

>> No.16427563

Rosemi said Selen and Luxiem were sending dick pics to each other on Discord.

>> No.16427565
Quoted by: >>16427680

>Apex is a game with a stack of 3 people
no shit?

>> No.16427567

Dick-shaped things, and that one drawn-over map that makes it look like Canada is having gay sex with America

>> No.16427570

Make her stop playing APEX

>> No.16427571

Dragoons bros, I've been promised some coping. She's just here having fun. What went wrong ?

>> No.16427573

Reimu's NSFW discord channel that Selen spoke about a couple days ago

>> No.16427576

You call this nerfing herself?

>> No.16427587

Shu, then Rosemi, then Petra

>> No.16427589
Quoted by: >>16427647

How big is Selen's schlong?

>> No.16427595

Yeah that's why she's going back to it after Saturday

>> No.16427597

This is her way to cope.

>> No.16427599

Why do women watch Petra?

>> No.16427609
Quoted by: >>16427882

She'll quickly drop in rank if she plays rank without her friends in Master's.

>> No.16427610

Sorry, we just wanted her twitch stream to have more viewers

>> No.16427611
Quoted by: >>16427695

I mean, Shiki is a chuuba ripe for the picking from a major corpo, a bunch of tsunderias are too and one were already taken..

>> No.16427612

Now Reimu though...
any day now...
been waiting since november...
hopefully next month...

>> No.16427616
Quoted by: >>16428131

>He replied almost instantly

>> No.16427622
Quoted by: >>16427706

That would imply that people watch Petra

>> No.16427628
Quoted by: >>16428719

Recent stuff has been from

>> No.16427631 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 225x225, 1615776398841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427660

nigga that's like 50% of vtuber singers in general, they put on funny voices for the character but go full try-hard singing when the cards are down

>> No.16427637

They're saviorfags or self inserting through her.

>> No.16427640

Smurfing is her way to cope.

>> No.16427643
File: 25 KB, 750x572, 1642113496993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427678

can't get it up from the pressure
regular fucking, she has to fake it but it's not a bad experience
Incredibly passionate lover, willing to do any kinks she may have
Tries really hard and manages to be about average, kinda like his Smash.
Only fucks men in the ass, surprisingly unwilling to have dicks up his own ass.

>> No.16427647

Probably pretty big if she's a dragon.

>> No.16427649

what website do people usually upload unarchived streams to, mega? what keywords should I search when I wake up to watch Enna's stream archive

>> No.16427655

That laugh is not "I'm having fun" laugh, she will break down the moment she closes stream (I hope that it won't be during the stream)

>> No.16427658
File: 208 KB, 972x920, B07344BA-15E1-4E47-9DCB-A274F00AC71E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen’s futa dick
How does she hide it in her pants?

>> No.16427656

>implying Chii-chan is a solo player
at least watch streams before making claims

>> No.16427660

Wasn't really a complaint it just always catches me off guard

>> No.16427668

Leeching and being a toxic backseater at the same time. She was malding over every mistake this stream

>> No.16427673


>> No.16427674
Quoted by: >>16427752

A discord friend acting as a manager isn’t an actual manager

>> No.16427675

She got beat, plain and simple. Love the girl but damn. Take the L and move on, there are more things out there than Apex and it’s just not for her anymore if this is how she feels for a tourney loss. I’d say play some Halo but can’t tell if it’s her manager that sucks with perms or Microsoft being straight dickheads for permissions

>> No.16427678

>fucking anything but himself

>> No.16427680
Quoted by: >>16427736

anon he means that selen was playing rank with fixed players she knew while chii-chan was playing with randoms

>> No.16427685

This is gonna be what ill believe from now on. Its just a timeloop at this point

>Saying she'll tryhard for a tourney
>Doesnt practice
>Do a shit job
>Have a breakdown on stream
>Get concernfag SC money
>wait for another tourney

>> No.16427695

Shikis said before she doesn't plan on leaving Prism (I think she likes her model honestly) but I wish she would. Prism sucks

>> No.16427694

It's nyaa

>> No.16427701

Reading this in his voice is painful, I recommend it

>> No.16427703

lemonparty and nyancat

>> No.16427705

moooom the mystakes are being doxfags again

>> No.16427706
File: 753 KB, 881x525, number.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what are those, anti-petrafag

>> No.16427708

Selen deserves all the money in the world, she is a goddess.

>> No.16427710

it wasn't technical difficulties. Everyone was ready except the whale bitch

>> No.16427714

Lazulight used to meet together 1 hour before collabs but I've seen Pomu not following that rule lately. I'm starting to think the Fish was the one enforcing that.

>> No.16427719

>Doesnt practice

>> No.16427720

Compared to the King cover? Yes

>> No.16427725

matsuri never got even close to pred, there's even if you want to call both carried festival is just that much heavier.

>> No.16427733

kek mysta really is a faggot
>that numberfag description over 900 subs

>> No.16427736

She even helped one of her friends to climb to Masters, she started going full stack after she reached Diamond.
Besides she had to do it fast because of that collab that ImperialFAG denied because of vacations

>> No.16427744

Peter is hot, bro.

>> No.16427752

Nah she allegedly hired someone at least twice but both times was like "no, indie means no manager" my honest guess was she just didn't like the fact that it meant she needed to pay someone

>> No.16427766

one stream isnt practice. actualy practices are many matches in a week for scrims

>> No.16427765

Selen's tagging along with Mysta to play apex tomorrow.

>> No.16427768
Quoted by: >>16427804

>Mysta was a brony

>> No.16427773

Difference being that Matsuri now has quite a bit of tournament experience, even though she suffered through her first ones.
Selen is just going through the same.

>> No.16427774

Mika on contrast streamed apex for an entire week as practice for her tourney.

>> No.16427775
Quoted by: >>16427852

Does she go against high level or just smurf at pubs more?

>> No.16427779
Quoted by: >>16427806

She's to play APEX or Valorant with him because he's way much better and his chat will for sure criticize her skills, which is actually smart. They should play something more casual

>> No.16427783
Quoted by: >>16427800

Rosemi is going to spend the entire Ange collab with one hand in her tights

>> No.16427798
Quoted by: >>16427858

>horror game collab with Ange
Rosemi will die

>> No.16427800


>> No.16427804

He mentioned it on stream but he phrased it in a way that made it seem like he was joking, evidently he was not

>> No.16427806

>She's to play APEX or Valorant with him because he's way much better and his chat will for sure criticize her skills, which is actually smart. They should play something more casual
yeah that's what I said....

>> No.16427807

>the 8 hour practice stream doesn't count because I said so

>> No.16427819

Anon its obvious on her forced laughs. Its nearing finana-tier of fake laughs

>> No.16427822
File: 72 KB, 300x275, 1637634813856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427824

oh really? because it didn't happen on this tournament
Maybe because she was with people who actually understand her playstyle

>> No.16427826

whats the update on Selen bros?
also, is Ember ok?

>> No.16427828
File: 1.41 MB, 369x720, 1634836916521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sucks fat chode at practicing
It's kind of like League, pro play and ranked randoms are two different galaxies

>> No.16427834


How did selen go from IM WINNING IM DOING GREAT to all this depression?

>> No.16427838

Don't watch Pomu

>> No.16427841

Reimu should play tarkov with him

>> No.16427845

So ponies are a gateway to anime.

>> No.16427844

Pros do that many days a week to keep tip top shape, not a single stream.

>> No.16427847
Quoted by: >>16427918

Watch her stream threadwatcher

>> No.16427852

She’s in plat/diamond lobbies for pubs anons are just shitters

>> No.16427857

>before i get absolutely destroyed in the next 5 games

>> No.16427858

Did she mention this??

>> No.16427862
Quoted by: >>16427936

Gonna skip the muk and just bang pomu

>> No.16427868

ange ojisan about to go into full affect with rosemi

>> No.16427870
File: 106 KB, 714x324, 1636360169410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's sitting on Ember as we speak, she's coping by trash talking her newbies teammates

>> No.16427873
Quoted by: >>16427974

Matsuri is a better tournament player than Selen, unironically.

>> No.16427875
File: 24 KB, 108x108, 1626741920687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex is a public health crisis that ruins lives.

>> No.16427876

just now

>> No.16427880


>> No.16427881
Quoted by: >>16427909

Ember is licking some peanut butter. Guess from where.

>> No.16427882

Are you retarded? Rank seasons reset rank. She already dropped down to Bronze, and carried reimu to plat

>> No.16427898

That's what reality does to a boosted bitch

>> No.16427900
Quoted by: >>16427948

Fuck you nigger. I’ll always watch Pomu bitch.

>> No.16427906

Don't forget that apex is also a gacha game. If you don't forgive finana for playing gacha then you shouldn't forgive selen either.

>> No.16427909
Quoted by: >>16427940


From between her toes

>> No.16427912
File: 124 KB, 227x253, 1623278325855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16427938

I went to the convenience store just for this stream

>> No.16427915

I will now watch pommers

>> No.16427918

Fuck no, watching other streams.

>> No.16427927
Quoted by: >>16428376


>> No.16427934

Wooooo! I’m out at a pub, couldn’t catch her stream but this makes me happy for her

>> No.16427936
File: 108 KB, 1170x1113, 1612837748217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16427938

Same, got some beer just for it.
No food though.

>> No.16427940

god I wish that was me

>> No.16427945

the most popular NijiEN is really a fat flip brony coomer lolicon huh

>> No.16427947
File: 1.33 MB, 1035x1079, 1612767850054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428207

Rosemi finally got the money for the JP collab fee!

>> No.16427946
Quoted by: >>16427982

pomu mukbang collab with nickacado when? I hope someone draws it

>> No.16427948
Quoted by: >>16427971

Pomu posted this
Elira posted this

>> No.16427952
Quoted by: >>16427982

Nikocadofags we won...

>> No.16427971

Reimu posted this

>> No.16427974

she also get better teammates, if that helps
I'm not saying Selen was to fault for the performance today but iPN was making some pretty bad calls and bruce was as much of a potato as Selen. She did much better with Qu and Mitwun and left in a much better mood after.

>> No.16427977
Quoted by: >>16428028

This is what happens when you refuse to take responsibility by being slippery. She has evaded responsibility so much that when she has no way to deflect she utterly crumbles.

>> No.16427982

yall fuckers are nasty

>> No.16427985

Im going to have loveydovey sex with Selen tonight

>> No.16427986

Sounds motivating enough for me to try vtubing.

>> No.16427994
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, 1619890088964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finished my dinner before the stream even started

>> No.16427996

Are you insinuating that all livers, popular or not are these sexy ass builds with no history of the most nerd shit?

You got another thing coming anon.

>> No.16428005
Quoted by: >>16428270

selen wasn't to fault*

>> No.16428015
Quoted by: >>16428036

Blame Pomu for doing a mukbang...

>> No.16428016

what can we do for Selen to show our support? I'm broke

>> No.16428017

Too soon Rosemi...

>> No.16428024
File: 751 KB, 512x512, 1625812155210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16428025

This tourney didn't have scrims, and it had players of all skill levels. Selen and iPN could only practice in pubs, but in the end they just got btfo'd by their own menhera performance anxiety.

>> No.16428029


>> No.16428028

spot on

>> No.16428034
File: 104 KB, 600x797, ruh roh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now to see if Nina encroaches on it or not

>> No.16428036

There are like 10,000 other streamers who do mukbangs, probably 100,000 if you include bilibili.

>> No.16428038


>> No.16428041

>Apex has made numerous niji and holo girls cry
>Completely ruined Uto
Apex should have never existed.

>> No.16428043

get her a bigger dog

>> No.16428050
Quoted by: >>16428103

See this shit, like oshi like audience. Dragoons deflecting to everyone else but the lack of skill that Selen has to keep up. You cannot change others as easily as you can change yourself.

>> No.16428059

Rosemi/Ange and Petra/Debi collab next week. Going to be fun seeing they spilling spaguetti

>> No.16428062

pomu is nickacado and elira is orlin

>> No.16428065

She is already good on cash with SCs, memberships and merch. You’re worried about giving her more money?

>> No.16428078
Quoted by: >>16428102

And when I hear Mukbang I think of exactly one image.

>> No.16428087

>4 hours shitting on bronze rank smurfing just to boost the teammate's rank for higher lobbies
>never got to toptier lobbies

And you think she got practice?

>> No.16428102

That's because you're a gross homo with severe brain damage.

>> No.16428103

I'm literally saying in that comment that she had fault in it too, but the other two didn't help a little bit. Qu carried a million times better than iPN did here.

>> No.16428108

There's even more camgirls. Pomu CB stream when?

>> No.16428111

>Selen gets fat
>Her reflexes slow
>Selen fails hard at apex
>Selen eats her depression
>Selen gets fat
Architect bros literally cannot stop winning.

>> No.16428117

I want to fuck Petra in missionary position

>> No.16428118

Pomu teased a JP collab next week as well

>> No.16428123

Petra, Selen and Rosemi won in their career... the other niji en never will have courage to invite their oshi...

Pomu, Elira, Reimu...

>> No.16428125
File: 493 KB, 681x641, 1634212764815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get bot lobby
>fuck it up as well

>> No.16428131

I'll empathise with you only if you never made fun of a unicorn.

>> No.16428136

Elira is streaming

>> No.16428141
File: 493 KB, 3100x1800, 1633372469412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to look after sick Elira

>> No.16428144
File: 11 KB, 130x152, pomus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16428155

>I want to fuck Petra in missionary position
She only does doggy and anal

>> No.16428156

If nothing changed rosemi should have a collab with iron mouse next week as well

>> No.16428168
File: 221 KB, 424x424, 1633792695679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16428173
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, 1628956819839.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll have water, thanks.

>> No.16428174
Quoted by: >>16428229

I doubt it's going to be with mito though. Would be very surprised if so

>> No.16428180

That sounds boring,

fuck her against a window with your finger in her asshole

>> No.16428183

NTA, but Selen makes no attempt at improving her teamplay. She literally never keeps track of where her team is or anticipates where they're going, just constant solo queue mentality.

>> No.16428186

Elira... home...

>> No.16428193
Quoted by: >>16428299

Oh so Finana did get the fan letters I'm guessing the anon who said was gonna send one was Chris

>> No.16428196
Quoted by: >>16428216

>Elira has coughs
>I have coughs

>> No.16428206

Belmond collab soon

>> No.16428207

That explains why she's still a wagie.

>> No.16428212
File: 574 KB, 1427x2014, fantasy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16428214

Elira sounds like she's gonna die

>> No.16428216


>> No.16428220
File: 286 KB, 585x564, 1621750255731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16428226

>ipn pings enemy on highground
>"just dont get downed"
>runs towards the enemy unaware
>Gets downed


>> No.16428229

Pomu would need a week off from that amount of joy.

>> No.16428231

This one dude in the phas Collab seem to ride baos coat tails pretty hard

>> No.16428254

I was late, did Pomu say what she's drinking?

>> No.16428268

Don't post it

>> No.16428270


>> No.16428278
File: 892 KB, 300x300, 1639497978214.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i watch my 40 viewer indie, or elira, or pomu, or wosemi?

>> No.16428280
File: 561 KB, 726x720, 1635744656533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ chads and stacys not like this...

>> No.16428281
File: 754 KB, 658x751, 1636578463497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16428282
Quoted by: >>16428312

>onee-san voice!
normies are not human

>> No.16428290
File: 764 KB, 1280x720, I really need to fuck Pomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you watching Pomu's special stream today?

>> No.16428292
File: 1.88 MB, 1943x2048, 1629042063489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's dying...

>> No.16428299

It was me.

>> No.16428307
Quoted by: >>16428328

“Lightly” she’s not pulling an Elira Halloween.

But she’s smol body so who knows…

>> No.16428308

>deflecting iPN bad decision making
>original comment admitted Selen's shitty gameplay

>> No.16428312
Quoted by: >>16428341

Cope, she's so close to finally dropping the shitty gremlin voice.

>> No.16428317

nah that was def her fault. she was nervous AF

>> No.16428318

Yeah I shilled it all day

>> No.16428320
Quoted by: >>16428369

No, i'm masturbating.

>> No.16428322

I was going to, but what's the point of a mukbang with no handcam?

>> No.16428325
Quoted by: >>16428476

>Finana doesn't write off her gacha rolls as business expenses
This dumb fish...

>> No.16428328
Quoted by: >>16428416

Did she say what though?

>> No.16428331
File: 132 KB, 1500x1100, 24A9DC70-C229-49F1-B09B-5973119E76E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deep voice Pomu

>> No.16428335
File: 107 KB, 1080x1446, FJD8HzrVUAMMH4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428425

Luca retweeting borderline pornography again.

>> No.16428338

Hasn't said yet, but it's just gonna be something light

>> No.16428341

Gremlin isn't going to be dropped.

>> No.16428349

I'm the guy you're replying to and I agree and I'll go one step further and say that as Selen she made no attempt to better herself as an Apex player, whatever she might've done in the past or whatever, right now she's stuck or decaying in skill.

>> No.16428363

Yeah! It's zatsudan

>> No.16428369

Same here.

>> No.16428376

Never love a company.

>> No.16428403

>a pomunade
>inb4 mike's hard

>> No.16428407

>nina had to superchat because pomu was ignoring her

>> No.16428412

Reimu literally caught in 4K

>> No.16428416
Quoted by: >>16428477

Yesterday, yes.

>> No.16428424

Watch my 40 view indie instead, she's gonna sing until 2222 subs. And she's very sweet.

>> No.16428425
Quoted by: >>16428515

It's just his back bro.

>> No.16428427

What the fuck is Reimu doing with her settings?

>> No.16428446

>this live event is no longer available

>> No.16428455

Elira was watching Wosemi! She loves her oshi

>> No.16428459
File: 20 KB, 356x24, 55134312653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16428465
File: 57 KB, 392x491, 1617500056728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428829

I can't watch but I just subscribed just 4u

>> No.16428466

good luck anon I hope she does!

>> No.16428474

I wonder if the others are going to join VC.

>> No.16428476
Quoted by: >>16428665

She probably just doesn't wanna say it out loud

>> No.16428477

Sorry, I thought it said “did she say ‘that’ though”

Not “what”
Not sure what’s she’s drinking

>> No.16428482
Quoted by: >>16428607

Even some games outside of Apex. When they were playing that Aliens game she straight up told Finana and Riemu to not look at the corridor she was protecting. Selen is a terrible team player, and your solo skill can only go so far when teams are just stronger. She has to win, has to excel, and to do it without anyone else. Not only that she is going into these tournaments with the mind set of losing.

It doesn't matter who the weakest link of the team is, she is contributing to that weakness.

>> No.16428485

just saying, RiG cup was a shitfuck roster. Not much pro players due to ALGS. She did alright

This tourney? Bunch of apex autist, pro players so the skill level is higher, the iGL which is iPN is playing from the other side of the world. The issue is that besides that they are playing ON HER HOME SERVER, she wasnt able to do shit, she cant land shots consistently, cant win battles, chokes every situation

>> No.16428497

did every nijiEN think this was a totsumachi or something?

>> No.16428500
Quoted by: >>16428829

Thank you, guilt subbed, probably won't ever watch.

>> No.16428515
File: 135 KB, 1080x1446, FJD8HKTVkAEyKWw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just the back, it's the back of the NECK

>> No.16428518

i want elira to call my penis disgusting and gross

>> No.16428523
File: 199 KB, 432x425, 1622482409889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428571

>chatters depressed that Pomu's drink is low alcohol

>> No.16428530
File: 188 KB, 1536x2048, 1628861241037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's Dark Souls streams are so comfy

>> No.16428531

Today is not my birthday, but Pomu is making me feel like it is.
God I love Pomu so much.

>> No.16428542

How long does the coping phase typically last and how long till we can groom her whilst she sobs?

>> No.16428544

>be pomu's roommate
>she's eating dinner in her closet and talking to her internet friends again

>> No.16428552
Quoted by: >>16428829

It feels like she already did it once, few months ago another anon made a thread to support her reach similar milestone.

She's not on a regular schedule, but her singing sure is nice.

>> No.16428559
Quoted by: >>16428927

Beer or bourbon /vt/?

>> No.16428564

kek pathetic

>> No.16428565

>sg army fag back

>> No.16428571
Quoted by: >>16428643

Pomu is a huge wimp, did you really think she'd be slamming tequila?

>> No.16428576

Your oshi always go first. After that the stream that interests you the most.

>> No.16428575

just like me...

>> No.16428581

Her roommates are weirdo wota too, they understand

>> No.16428594

Any Barknights here? Is there a reason why Selen is so bad at teamwork? Is it because of that one guy that said she was a boosted bitch?

>> No.16428600
Quoted by: >>16428829

>15 viewers

you got my guilt sub but i cant actually watch these indies cause i'm gonna cry when they give up

>> No.16428606

>Knife reflection after missed “calculations”
>actually tried Pomu leaf from roomies parents

Enna privatized the stream as expected.

She’s based and I love it.

>> No.16428607
Quoted by: >>16428817

>When they were playing that Aliens game she straight up told Finana and Riemu to not look at the corridor she was protecting
Nothing wrong with that, in fact, that was Team play because she was protecting that flank so the others could concentrate the fire on the spamming hell coming from the roof / floor

>> No.16428608

Downfall arc continues. Architects…you won.

>> No.16428616
Quoted by: >>16428662

Why are Pomudachis so based?

>> No.16428626
Quoted by: >>16428829


>> No.16428643
Quoted by: >>16428692

If anything I dread that she eventually will be pushed into it. Her chat seems to want exactly that.

>> No.16428648
Quoted by: >>16428717

The knife deflection was planned just so she could snip the crying and pomu leaf

>> No.16428658
Quoted by: >>16428829

>check the vod
>0 subs until the moment you linked

>> No.16428662

Because we love our fairy hag.

>> No.16428665

She says she keeps history of them and will do it in the future. She's just lazy

>> No.16428679
Quoted by: >>16428691

Anyone have the archive? I don't care about the "yabs" I just wanna watch the Enna VODs...

>> No.16428691
Quoted by: >>16428770

she said she'll put the vod up tomorrow

>> No.16428692

If you're drinking alcohol then drink alcohol, man. This is like saying you're going for a walk but stopping after two steps.

>> No.16428694

Based Pommers. This is OUR time.

>> No.16428712
Quoted by: >>16428723

you guys said Selen was going to kill herself.
/vt/ lied to me yet again

>> No.16428717

It’s legal in Canada, I dont see the issue?

Would an American VTuber be ostracized for owning a pistol?

>> No.16428719
File: 4 KB, 403x350, 1640485179794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scary what one reused account can bring up

>> No.16428723

I certainly hope she does

>> No.16428724

>not even half hour in

Anon, beg when its a couple of hours is done

>> No.16428726

She's still mad about being killed.

>> No.16428730

It's not like this is a DRUNK stream. It's a chill stream where she's drinking a bit.

>> No.16428731

>special dinner
>it's fucking panda express
Pomu is a white ass basic bitch, huh...

>> No.16428736

>No, stop, those are my feet. At least superchat me first
Kek Elira

>> No.16428746

Oh fuck she's cute, damn you anon that's my weakness

>> No.16428764

The nipponnese are very autistic about all recreational drugs. Better safe than sorry

>> No.16428766

Jp company

>> No.16428767
File: 1.06 MB, 192x192, 1630559911456.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's a good thing!

>> No.16428768

Reimu...At least restart the computer once in a while.

>> No.16428770

I want it unedited because I wanna see her reaction....

>> No.16428773
Quoted by: >>16428839

>>actually tried Pomu leaf from roomies parents
I imagine this is no big deal in leafland.

>> No.16428776

she's actually cute. I will now proceed to groom your 2view.

>> No.16428775

But she said it was going to be a soft drink since yesterday

>> No.16428777
Quoted by: >>16428917

I have a crush on Elira

>> No.16428779
Quoted by: >>16428984

Marijuana is very taboo in Japan.
>Would an American VTuber be ostracized for owning a pistol?
That's just living up to the cowboy stereotype. It's honestly more disappointing that none of the american livers own guns.

>> No.16428786

And this is why drinking streams are a plague >>16428692. Alcoholics want everyone to be as miserable as they are.

>> No.16428790

I do think the others thought it would be a VC pop in stream, Enna/Nina/Ike/Shu were all in her chat at the start, but Pomu didnt mean for it to be that kind of stream

>> No.16428817

But honestly you're replying to a shitpost. The threads always get this way whenever Selen does anything.

>> No.16428824
Quoted by: >>16428963

chii-chan have played with players higher ranked than her and she still stuck in diamond man.

I shouldn't get to caught on this but I really want to see chii-chan get to masters and grow in tournaments

>> No.16428829


are we the villains

awhile back before /vt/ back on /jp/ an indie was discovered and everyone brigaded her and ordered stuff off her amazon wish list and stuff

she went from 10 regular viewers to like 2000 then back down to barely 100 viewers live and i've felt like shit ever since and occasionally tweets sad posts about wondering where everyone went

>> No.16428831
File: 27 KB, 532x370, 1639330672126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16428904

Every Canadian uses Pomu leaf

>> No.16428835

Pomu is already menhara as it is for simple shit. Drinking would put her over levels of being hated by EN with how much shit she could say

>> No.16428839

might be for nip managers tho

>> No.16428865
Quoted by: >>16428916

I don't understand why you think there should be a distinction between those two sentences.
>unironically being a teetotaler in the current year

>> No.16428867


>> No.16428875


>> No.16428882

Enjoy long hair Pomu while it lasts bros...

>> No.16428890

Nah, this is training for when they reach the big leagues.

>> No.16428898

this isnt really a drinking stream, that seems very secondary, not like she is drunk or anything

>> No.16428903

>the nearest Panda Express is an hour away from me
What is it like?

>> No.16428904
File: 822 KB, 794x668, 1641129936949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429085

It's the secret to Rosemi's ideas for organized collabs and shorts.

She's been a stoner for the longest time.

>> No.16428914
Quoted by: >>16429009

If you're talking about topsis, that's primarily because she went on a long hiatus and the algorithm killed her growth.
Fortunately now she's getting involved in a bunch of projects and seems to be doing well.

>> No.16428916

You don't have to get hammered every time you drink, dude. Shit's not good for you.

>> No.16428917

We know, me.

>> No.16428927
File: 632 KB, 1134x2016, Pomu 1-14-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today it's rum

>> No.16428929
Quoted by: >>16428973

Feesh putting naokomama on blast for the horny tweet

>> No.16428932
File: 307 KB, 1000x1000, 1611060227649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu next outfit is going to be a karen outift

>> No.16428943


>> No.16428946

Pomu getting a karen outfit!

>> No.16428955

Never shill an indie here if you want them to be happy and sustain growth. You can’t save them here

>> No.16428963



>> No.16428973

He probably likes it
I am now sure Finana will read that nasty ritual post of her here on stream

>> No.16428984

I believe Pomu owns a gun, in her VR collab with Rosemi she mentioned having “trigger discipline”
Call me crazy but I fee only a gun owner would use that term in a broad sentence

>> No.16428987

Funnily enough in Flipland, people are treating Panda Express like it's a high class place lol.

>> No.16428994

The McDonalds of Asian food, get something local

>> No.16429009

no i'm talking about


shes still gets decent views on her karaoke cause shes a great singer but everything else...

>> No.16429019

I am elira's good boy. please keep rubbing me

>> No.16429022

I got lots of local asian and italian restaurants here in NJ

>> No.16429025
Quoted by: >>16429093

>she went from 10 regular viewers to like 2000 then back down to barely 100 viewers live
So....10x growth? That's a good thing.

>> No.16429024

It fucking sucks compared to any local mom and pop shops. They put too much vinegar in some of their dishes.

>> No.16429033

She probably heard it from a tv show or some youtube meme video, anon. Don't forget that this is the girl who learned everything she knows about star wars from reddit letter media.

>> No.16429047

It's the worst "chinese" food you can buy. You're better off going to your local chinese-owned Chinatown Express.

>> No.16429049
File: 15 KB, 230x179, armydude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy is still around lol

>> No.16429072

I mean they're just getting streaming practice until they get to join a big corpo. Numbers don't matter until they actually join a big corpo.

>> No.16429079

God someone needs to clip that Elira good boy bit, I never knew I needed to hear that

>> No.16429085

Does that make Rosemi Night Live the result of having too much or too little Pomuleafs?

>> No.16429089


>> No.16429087

if elira played this game more than once a month maybe she would know how to run...

>> No.16429093

>be a JP speaker that can't speak any english
>90 of your viewers are non-japanese speakers
>you now have people in your chat named Giancarlo Felipe speaking in broken spanish

>> No.16429094
File: 176 KB, 1125x750, 1640759614293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429095
File: 95 KB, 229x220, 1625977095088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429176

>> No.16429103
File: 216 KB, 490x490, 1616306085765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill me now

>> No.16429106

Nina is blitzed.

>> No.16429107
File: 384 KB, 1254x1770, 20220109_090956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429329


>> No.16429118

based parasocial viewer

>> No.16429126


>> No.16429130
File: 643 KB, 642x642, 1627500996239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo i'm new to the whole nijisanji thing but does literally every single stream turn into multiple other members chatting and calling in?

>> No.16429134
Quoted by: >>16429336

>Retards invading a cozy stream
Fucking hate this shit

>> No.16429136

fuck off nina you fucking leech

>> No.16429140
File: 727 KB, 651x702, 1640885665408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when is the membership zatsu?

>> No.16429142
Quoted by: >>16429189

Holy shit Nina sounded like a deflated balloon for a second, I thought Pomu was doing a gag for a bit.

>> No.16429148
File: 973 KB, 600x338, 1619192788779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream improved, but what's with the birthday stuff?

>> No.16429154
File: 431 KB, 2000x2000, 1642145033049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16429156


>> No.16429158

Generic mall cafeteria food. The orange chicken is decent if it's still crispy but otherwise it's bland fast food.

>> No.16429160 [SPOILER] 
File: 204 KB, 396x370, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429179

Is this your chuuba?

>> No.16429161


>> No.16429162

Probably 1 in 3 or 1 in 4, yeah.

>> No.16429174
Quoted by: >>16429320

>drops his attentionfagging in superchats for everyone else
>drops it in a memberchat for FInana

>> No.16429176
Quoted by: >>16429262

Go post another pointless bait thread faggot. Seen this same picture in the catalog for the last two weeks. Kill yourself already

>> No.16429179

yes i love ahoge

>> No.16429182

Not every single stream but it's a weekly occurrence for sure

>> No.16429189

Selen might actually be contested on the most SOVLful voice in NijiEN

>> No.16429190

fuck off nina

>> No.16429192
Quoted by: >>16429314

This. we probably shouldn't expect any kind of public zatsudan to be a solo stream from now on

>> No.16429194
Quoted by: >>16429336

I just wish for a Pomu solo zatsudan stream....

>> No.16429195

I would get mad but that shit was funny

>> No.16429199

If they didn't want people to drop in they wouldn't be in the collab channel on Discord, so y'know

>> No.16429202

>Get to enjoy Nina
>This thread seethes
I love win-win situations.

>> No.16429210

you can tell elira's sick but she's really giving her all to entertain. love this dragon.

>> No.16429214

It can get out of hand from time to time, but I do enjoy it. Feels like they're just a ragtag group of friends that are just fucking around on stream instead of just having these moments as a "SURPRISE APPEARANCE" in a Minecraft stream.

>> No.16429217

Elira's about to get broken in half by the prison

>> No.16429236

stay away from my rose, Todd...

>> No.16429237

>Pomu "what's 9mm?" Rainpuff.
There was zero gun knowledge from anyone in the Bigfoot collab.

>> No.16429238

Todd is too powerful...

>> No.16429239

The last time I ate local chinese, I got terrible food poisoning and I'm now scarred for life.

>> No.16429241
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1612053569888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429314

>Solo streams are locked behind a paywall
I feel bad for poor pomudachi

>> No.16429243
File: 763 KB, 1336x754, bar9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429302

Welcome to Nijisanji. They're actually friends who enjoy each others' company.

>> No.16429259

I like nina when she's doing her own thing, but this kind of thing is so tiring. I opened the pomu stream because I wanted to hear pomu. She can't tell stories about the karens she met working retail if she's busy with nina and luca.

>> No.16429262
File: 3.21 MB, 367x456, SmartSelect_20220103-040703_YouTube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, schizo.

>> No.16429269

>Nina enters, everyone mad

Isn’t this also technically on Pomu for having an open discord channel?

Nina is just taking leech tickets available.

>> No.16429272

Why are Pomudachi so anti unity?

>> No.16429276

Elira's screams...

>> No.16429284

Elira playing Dark Souls is so funny.

>> No.16429286
Quoted by: >>16429328

I sure do love being unable to watch my oshis streams anymore...

>> No.16429302
Quoted by: >>16429386

I like my friends and but would never want to hang out with them 5 times a week

>> No.16429307

Then I retract my statement.

>> No.16429311

Yes, but also she probably felt pressured to join since nina was all over her chat.

>> No.16429314
File: 259 KB, 956x956, 1636779354163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still have our superchat readings, no one invades those.

I pay less than 2USD for Pomu's membership because I am a third worlder.

>> No.16429315

I wanted Pomu solo stream...
But this is ok too

>> No.16429320

5 bucks either way

>> No.16429327

Pomu invited her to be fair

>> No.16429328

Time to make your own friends, anon.

>> No.16429326

>just want to watch Pom
>these faggots

>> No.16429329

Please tell me this exists uncensored

>> No.16429331

Mostly in NijiEN

>> No.16429332
File: 256 KB, 674x769, 1622581716810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Pomu's stream
>Close stream
Literally why. I just want a solo stream

>> No.16429337
File: 232 KB, 267x370, 1634688243165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mwom mwom mwom

>> No.16429336

So much for your oshi being charismatic. :)

>> No.16429340

Thanks for the money Nina. Now go!

>> No.16429344

Not every stream. EN just does it a lot.

>> No.16429346
Quoted by: >>16429578

The instant others drop in to collab the chat takes a back seat. This was suppose to be between chat and streamer, but now chat interaction doesn't matter. Along with immediate super baiting.

>> No.16429347
File: 290 KB, 864x864, 1621638515972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted comfy otaku zatsu with Pomu
Not to hear about what zoomer tiktok meme Nina saw this week

>> No.16429361

>Nina and Luca baited Supas for our oshi Pomu
>People here get mad
Do you guys not want Pomu to succeed?

>> No.16429362
File: 198 KB, 300x360, 1622787575191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429424

Pomu doesn't know how to say no. I don't like Nina because every collab she is in there is some extreme level of supachat baiting.

>> No.16429368
Quoted by: >>16429426

Because it's fun? Makes it feel like everyone's friends.

>> No.16429383
File: 120 KB, 334x299, 1625765838292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruined stream

>> No.16429386


>> No.16429389

pomu looks so funny when she drinks

>> No.16429396

It’s not anti unity. It’s Nina being a fucking leech snake for everyone that streams and starts offering life advice like anyone asked.

If it was anyone else, cool.
Nina just has this vibe of ruining fun things.

>> No.16429397

The irony is that Pomu used to barge into others' solo streams constantly and get praised for it.

>> No.16429408

Pomu prefers getting personal, she’s knife only

>> No.16429411

Pomu doesn't need help baiting supas, she got multiple akas before these two even dropped in

>> No.16429414


>> No.16429416

It's okay when Pomu does it.

>> No.16429421
File: 68 KB, 250x250, 1626882406955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at all these threadwatchers who suddenly decide to identify Pomudachis and fans

>> No.16429423

NijisanjiEN keeping the Nijisanji SEEDs spirit alive with the surprise collabs

>> No.16429424

>I don't like Nina because she helps my oshi get donos
Just say you're retarded next time, it's easier

>> No.16429425

retard and his dommymommy crashing this stream
I really like it

>> No.16429426

I don't want them to have friends, I want them to be depressed and parasocially reliant on the chat.

>> No.16429432

Pomu wants Luca's unwashed hat

>> No.16429437

Oh shit Luca's at Pomu's? I will now watch your stream.

>> No.16429439


>> No.16429441

>nina killing Pomu´s gachis right after milking them out of money
Based, milk them one last time

>> No.16429444
Quoted by: >>16429513

Well woe on them when their income goes to shit because they're too busy being discord buddies to actually interact with the stream.
I don't watch streams to hear other people talk on discord, I can do that quite easily myself

>> No.16429445

Its ok when a female does it anon

>> No.16429446

Petra streams are the only ones free from this

>> No.16429448
Quoted by: >>16429548

She doesn't need that to get money you fucker

>> No.16429449
File: 234 KB, 314x399, 1632451618843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429454
Quoted by: >>16429589

>Isn’t this also technically on Pomu for having an open discord channel?
Yes. If Pomu didn't want people to join she wouldn't be in the channel.
/vt/ is just retarded, as usual.

>> No.16429455

okay, okay enough doomposting. Pomu is perfectly enjoyable on collabs as well

>> No.16429456

Elira is shrieking

>> No.16429459

>give it to me.
I want to come helplessly into Pomu's black gloved hands

>> No.16429471

It's up to the people who watch those if they like Pomu's presence or no. I just watch Pomu and I don't need others to barge in 30 minutes form when she starts.

>> No.16429474

Pomu sounds so cute when she says "pog."

>> No.16429475

Hololive seems more to your style.

>> No.16429476
Quoted by: >>16429688

>chat is now Luca
Is this NTR?

>> No.16429477
Quoted by: >>16429644

>Nina is just taking leech tickets available.
speaking of she's doing another power wash sim stream to leech of luxiem again

>> No.16429481
File: 381 KB, 448x388, 1636929842178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira's stuck in a spooky dungeon...

>> No.16429483
File: 857 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20220114-203335_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check me out bros

>> No.16429488


>> No.16429491
File: 2.28 MB, 1921x3061, 1637821115432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429504

gremlinposter doko?

>> No.16429507

Oh, this clip was the one that got me into niji

>> No.16429513

They get more superchats during streams like this because their collab partners bait for it. Ike earlier today almost broke the NijiEN superchat record.

>> No.16429517

If you really want a solo zatsudan with no interruptions, just go watch Petra.
It's not like anyone wants to chat with her anyway.

>> No.16429520

Why is Luca allowed to fuck Pomu AND Mizuchi?

>> No.16429523
File: 871 KB, 2122x1500, FHw2r9BaAAA-qRT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, Luca mafia lore.

>> No.16429525
Quoted by: >>16429658

not really by her choice though

>> No.16429526

why does nina ruin everything she comes in contact with?

>> No.16429533
Quoted by: >>16429640

She only did it constantly when she was on recovery after surgery. This was when it was just Lazulight and Obsydia. Her presence was welcomed.

Nina however, is not welcomed. She kills the moods and starts telling people how to live. No one appreciates it.

>> No.16429535
File: 206 KB, 359x362, 16731851973939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my favorite Niji clip of all time.

>> No.16429544

>implying nina knows how to bait supas better than the most SC'ed liver in the branch

>> No.16429548
Quoted by: >>16429655

>Nina helps my oshi get EVEN MORE money than usual, so I hate her!

>> No.16429561

Thanks Luca, I look very nice with your hat

>> No.16429569
Quoted by: >>16429651

And that's why I'm happy I can have my oshi for myself and they barely invade her streams.

>> No.16429577

What the absolute FUCK is this conversation on Pomu's stream.

>> No.16429578

Fuck chat.

>> No.16429583


>> No.16429582
Quoted by: >>16429735

>It's been 3 years already
holy shit

>> No.16429585

I still refuse to believe Ninafags actually exist and it isn't just shitposters that want to kill NijiEN

>> No.16429587

I still want to see pomu play minecraft with mika's streamlabs script

>> No.16429589

>Yes. If Pomu didn't want people to join she wouldn't be in the channel.
I actually expected a free chat stream though.

>> No.16429594

Enna and Millie also don't hang in call while doing their zatsu streams.

>> No.16429597

Cheers fags. I hate all of you.

>> No.16429602

Petra's boring and streams at weird times for me. Maybe I'm just better off watching only Hololive.

>> No.16429613

Why do men hate Nina so much?
are you all still bitter incels?

>> No.16429614


>> No.16429616
Quoted by: >>16429716


>> No.16429622
File: 66 KB, 873x397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429631

I just wanted a nice comfy chat with Pomu...

>> No.16429633

Finana has been doing a zatsu for hours now with no interruptions

>> No.16429639

Fuck you

>> No.16429640

>Nina however, is not welcomed
By you.

>> No.16429642

Good luck finding one that's live lmao

>> No.16429643

Pomu x Luca offpako

>> No.16429644

Of course she is, her entire attention is to Luxiem because they’re the hot topic. I’ve seen her hype up the boys more that she does her own wave-mates. Fuck her.

>> No.16429651
File: 274 KB, 1070x600, SmartSelect_20220114-173507_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16429709

My oshi isn't Pomu and rarely ever collabs, but I just wanted to hear more shit from Pomu and bounce off of chat. Switched to a planned collab instead.

>> No.16429655
Quoted by: >>16429736

>Ruining the stream to earn slightly more money and possibly turn away people who aren't pomudachi is a good thing!

>> No.16429658

not really. Millie, Enna, Rosemi, Elira, Finana barely have it either.

>> No.16429664
Quoted by: >>16429906

Exactly, a stream should be about the streamer and its audience and not the streamer and whatever co-worker. I don't care if they're having fun, if I'm not involved. Whiteknights can defend all they want but I'm not there to just feel cucked.

>> No.16429666

>Nina cant help herself from lying

>> No.16429672

Finana fuckz

>> No.16429675

>Nina comes in
>Supas double
Even if pomu is the most sc'd liver, it's hard to deny that she's good at baiting chats, the anon I responded to was literally complaining about how she baited chat

>> No.16429677
File: 289 KB, 1500x2121, 1637606745902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy issues

>> No.16429684

She's a queen of spades.

>> No.16429688

pomudachi i just checked out the stream...
i'm so sorry

>> No.16429692


>> No.16429699

Compulsive liar

>> No.16429700

Nina's a psycho

>> No.16429709

Kino collab, wish Pomu could ever do something like that but the copyright images would be a pain for Niji

>> No.16429712

why are pomudachi like this?

>> No.16429713

Chat pays the bills. If it turns into a stream with no interaction then there is zero difference from stream and VOD. I'll watch something else.

>> No.16429716

Fuck you. Stop involving my oshi in your stupid discussions and argument you fuckers.

>> No.16429720
File: 3.12 MB, 3000x4000, 1635297971256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not my oshi, but I do like her quite a bit. Probably my favorite Ethryia, at least.

>> No.16429719

People don't talk to Pomu....

>> No.16429722

nina's a hypocrite wow
imagine my shock

>> No.16429723
Quoted by: >>16429767

Nina would literally go on the internet and tell lies

>> No.16429728


>> No.16429736

>Everyone is laughing and having a good time
>"She ruined the Collab!!!"
Take your meds already and stop whining

>> No.16429735

I wonder if 3 years from now NijiEN would still have the same vibe as now.
Since it definitely doesn't hold up in JP.

>> No.16429739

nina's a literal psychopath

>> No.16429742
Quoted by: >>16429850

This stream was made with open arms. Nina is chill and schizos need to find other things to be pissed about.

>> No.16429754

What the FUCK, Nina?

>> No.16429760

Nina is a psychopath

>> No.16429761
Quoted by: >>16429784

>I don't even know what's going on

>> No.16429767

She's just like me!

>> No.16429776
Quoted by: >>16429951

what did Nina say, I stepped away

>> No.16429780

Why must Nina ruin this comfy zatsudan

>> No.16429779

Is Nina having a nervous breakdown?

>> No.16429784

He's just like me

>> No.16429791

It wasn't supposed to be a collab ninacretin

>> No.16429792

If you can't tell by now that Nina is a calculating, manipulative psycho, I don't know what to say

>> No.16429793
File: 359 KB, 750x772, 1633293229352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't want it to be like that...

>> No.16429794

Nina's one step from murdering a hobo.

>> No.16429795
Quoted by: >>16429850

I mean sure, and you don't have to watch. But people acting like Nina barged in when Pomu could just not take guests if she wanted a her and chat only stream are retarded.

>> No.16429798
Quoted by: >>16429941

Plenty of people in this thread not having a good time faggot. The streams are made for us not them.

>> No.16429803

Based Pomu

>> No.16429805

Nina Kosaka has just admitted on stream to being a liar, cheater, and thief.

>> No.16429808

serious question.
why does every fanbase hate when nina joins their oshi's stream?

>> No.16429806
Quoted by: >>16429887

If this is going to be a discord collab can we at least get some good livers like Enna here instead of the foxhag and the twitchman

>> No.16429816
File: 913 KB, 600x607, 1611845633496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want nina to lie cheat and steal my semen

>> No.16429817

I'm watching Elira wtf is Nina saying?

>> No.16429822
Quoted by: >>16429921

I'm watching Elira but from this thread I must assume Nina just publicly announced hostile takeover of the company and executed Tazumi live on camera.

>> No.16429825

She has good taste in games. I guess I can relate to her a bit since I'm an oji-san.

>> No.16429831
Quoted by: >>16429864

this free superchat thing is getting on the same level as Nina's honey

>> No.16429832

Petra has actual friends in real life but you wouldn't know that shitposter.

>> No.16429842

you just got MOAIED

>> No.16429847

>It wasn't supposed to be a collab
If Pomu wanted it to be solo she could've just not entered the VC.

>> No.16429850
File: 449 KB, 414x575, 1632359933648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, it just feels bad having my expectations subverted like that.
>Just don't watch
Just don't come here

>> No.16429853
Quoted by: >>16429895

Because it has been ages since the last Pomu non-membership zatsudan. Is it really that hard to understand?

>> No.16429855

>Pomu puts herself in the Collab VC channel
>"It wasnt supposed to be a collab!!!"

>> No.16429864

Getting? It's a joke literally as old as Lazulight monetization.

>> No.16429867
File: 33 KB, 360x360, 1621521140206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429870

Yet another stream ruined by Nina's presence.

>> No.16429873
Quoted by: >>16429915

Because the moment Nina joins their Oshi's stream it becomes the Nina stream ft. their Oshi

>> No.16429876

oh no this is going to be a repeat of this morning's Ike stream, unwatchable

>> No.16429884
File: 312 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20220113_233001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16429887

No, you are gonna watch the bitch and the twitch faggot and enjoy it.

>> No.16429888

Fucking love Nina, day 1 member to her as well.
Based game taste and appeals to my oji san sensibilities.

>> No.16429889

I don't, but she's pretty social and present in a lot of streams, which makes her easy to complain about

>> No.16429891

Luca is well-meaning, but Nina is just so controlling of the flow of conversation he has no choice but to go along with what she says over what Pomu says.

>> No.16429895

>how to out yourself as a threadwatcher.

>> No.16429909

It's funny how threadreaders work. It's like Selen's meltdown all of a sudden doesn't exist after Nina got on stream.

>> No.16429906

The big thing if it isn't streamer and chat then there is zero reason to catch the stream live. The reason to catch streams live is for streamer and chat interaction. You remove that and what's the point? I have many other well edited YouTube videos I can watch.

>> No.16429915

maybe don't oshi weak wallflowers

>> No.16429921

Pomudachi really wanted a Zatsudan...

>> No.16429924
Quoted by: >>16429965

She said it herself faggot. Go watch her Faith stream.

>> No.16429926

Nina is really really really pushing this Pomu-Luca thing

>> No.16429931
File: 302 KB, 747x549, 1636046745785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430017

I love Nina but I absolutely hate her collab streams unless it's something like Crab game where she's completely smashed

>> No.16429930

>Tunes into Pomu's stream
>Nina and some of the guys are there

God damnit. This is seriously a problem. It's okay occasionally but I am so sick of Niji EN being the Nina and Luxiem branch. A karaoke stream died for this garbage.

>> No.16429936

Pomu in mafia clothes. Get to work drawfags,

>> No.16429938

Speaking of, how has Selen been coping?

>> No.16429941

>plenty of people

Like what. A hundred or so?

>> No.16429944
File: 50 KB, 252x252, 1637586821561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430118

Enna's tiny feet

>> No.16429945
File: 404 KB, 1357x2048, FI6AuH3akAM_P_U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard him. Include Luca and Pomu in the /scam/ general.

>> No.16429947

what happened with selen

>> No.16429948

nina's reverse psychology shipping Pomu and Luca...

>> No.16429951

"Doesn't everyone lie to strangers? You've never had someone ask you about life on a plane and just lied for no reason?"

>> No.16429956

nina's going to overdo it to the point that luca and pomu start avoiding each other

>> No.16429965

I did. And I watch all her supa readings which are disguised zatsudans, unlike you.

>> No.16429967

>Pomu's business is to scam people
>Luca's gang scams people

>> No.16429969


>> No.16429973

>muh tiktoks
>clip this
>supa baits
I wonder why.

>> No.16429977

She crowdfunded 3D and is getting it on the 25th, her singing streams get around 100-200 ccv but the rest are still in double digits

>> No.16429980

Please Luca and Nina I don't hate you but fuck off from the stream I want to watch Pomu and hear her.

>> No.16429994
File: 354 KB, 2048x2015, IMG_7609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finana confirmed to have tiny feet

>> No.16429996

I think this guy might not be an army camp, but rather in a mental hospital ward.

>> No.16429995

She's live on Twitch atm, her mood seems better

>> No.16430000
Quoted by: >>16430021

Nina-antis are loud. Some of them overlap with Pomudachi, more are just pretending so they can complain more.

>> No.16430002

It's okay since it is Luca.

>> No.16430003

Pomu sounded more thankful with that streamlab dono.

>> No.16430006

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.16430012
Quoted by: >>16430140

If you guys want your girls to stay in Nijisanji over Hololive you have to stop bitching when they treat it like a job.

>> No.16430013
Quoted by: >>16430065

Yeah, disguised but not really a zatsudan like SHE SAID HERSELF. Do you want me to take a timestamp for you, retard?

>> No.16430016

>distracts from Selen's match loss
>milking the paypigs on Pomu's stream
I'm thinking based

>> No.16430017

Nina is surprisingly ok with Reimu around and I like it when she calls in her streams but damn she's annoying otherwise

>> No.16430018
Quoted by: >>16430052

it becomes a Nina stream, with Nina topics

>> No.16430021

>more are just pretending so they can complain more
You got me
I just wanted to join in on the shitposting.

>> No.16430023

Alright Nina that's enough you need to fuck off

>> No.16430027

Every single time it's falseflagging. Do6be so gullible

>> No.16430034

How do we get management to understand that unless Nina and her fucbois back off they are going to kill the rest of the branch

>> No.16430042
File: 986 KB, 2895x3219, IMG_20220114_124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate all my fucking food and the stream is still not about Pomu...

>> No.16430049


>> No.16430052

What are Nina topics?

>> No.16430065
Quoted by: >>16430199

>th-that doesn't count!
Seethe, honey.

>> No.16430068

You slimey piece of shit. This zatsudan is zatsudan first without any worries to get through past streams super chats. Pomu said she hasn't done this in a long time and you utterly deny it.

>> No.16430080

Nina totally lacks self-awareness, we already had 1 zatsudan ruined today and she does this anyway.

>> No.16430098
Quoted by: >>16430146

Who is Pomu? What is a zatsu?

>> No.16430108
File: 54 KB, 574x457, 1630052665793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has an overwhelming presence and talks too much

This is a Nina stream now

>> No.16430109
Quoted by: >>16430192

so what i gather from all these responses is that anytime Nina joins another nijiEn's stream then their oshi doesn't pay attention to the her chat anymore. I guess that's understandable if you really enjoy your oshi's company and suddenly someone breaks that mood.

>> No.16430113
Quoted by: >>16430171

If the streamer doesn't want people to join
Why are they in the collab channel?

>> No.16430114

Why blame nina but not Luca?

>> No.16430118
File: 371 KB, 2200x2200, 1635094645969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430170

I love women and I love chinese girl feet

>> No.16430122

>we in the south baby
is this the first time Pomu has dropped something related to where she lives?

>> No.16430134
Quoted by: >>16430269

nobody likes nina beside people that like making people mad by liking her

>> No.16430136

Luca is a follower not a leader like Nina, he doesn't dominate the conversation like she does.

>> No.16430140

Keep in mind that they don't have the luxury of earning 50k in supas per stream. As well as the girls are doing, getting more money is a necessity.

>> No.16430142


>> No.16430143

Luca doesn't talk as much as Nina.

>> No.16430147
File: 433 KB, 2552x1885, 1620124769727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomudachis getting third-wheeled by Nina

>> No.16430146

Honestly can't stand Nina, but would let her crush my nuts in a dark alley like grapes at a vineyard

>> No.16430150
File: 13 KB, 371x353, 1622465470716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430195

Hey Pomudachi why is the suitchat thing wearing Luca's hat?
Is he your self insert for this stream?

>> No.16430154

??? That's alabama reference anon. Incest

>> No.16430164
Quoted by: >>16430230

muh Luca can do no wrong
muh Mysta can do no wrong

>> No.16430166
File: 326 KB, 425x768, 1621224527969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same people that hate the holo chicken hate Nina.
They say the same shit word for word about both of them, its hilarious to see.

>> No.16430169

what? which zatsudan?

>> No.16430170
Quoted by: >>16430249

>Unironically liking the chinese
>Unironically liking feet

>> No.16430171

maybe she wanted rosemi or selen to join but it's always nina and she can't just tell her to not join or leave.

>> No.16430174
Quoted by: >>16430226

No, Pomu has already said she lives in Plano, TX.

>> No.16430177
File: 116 KB, 769x768, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mad honey?

>> No.16430180
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, _ _ _ _ 00-15-38 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu's chicken saliva all in the kazoo! Fucking gross!!

>> No.16430185
File: 131 KB, 227x222, 1622945074381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira is sick
>I tested positive for Covid

>> No.16430184


>> No.16430189

I knew that the stream was ruined as soon as I saw this tweet

>> No.16430190


>> No.16430192

I mean still, if Nina didn't join someone else would've, and it'd still be more of a conversation between them than with chat. The real problem isn't Nina joining, it's Pomu choosing to be in the collab channel. But then they couldn't blame Nina for it, so...

>> No.16430195

We shanked Luca and took his hat.

>> No.16430198


>> No.16430199

Yeah, it doesn't count, because she her tangents are based on SC stuff, and she can't go as long as she wants because she has to read SCs. Besides, most of these streams have some gimmicky shit.

Yes, kill youself Nina

>> No.16430200

Alright, you can stop shitting your pants now. The big mean woman's gone.

>> No.16430206
File: 184 KB, 1065x599, 1616891253454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The final boss has left

>> No.16430208

Thank you Luca

>> No.16430212

She can't read the room at all and generally takes charge of any conversation.
I don't dislike her at all, but it's definitely a fault. Ironically she was one of the few who weren't obnoxious during Petra's birthday stream

>> No.16430214

Nina really is the villain of nijien kek

>> No.16430215
Quoted by: >>16430235

Did Nina call her a hag?

>> No.16430216

>she wanted the 2 people currently streaming to join

>> No.16430219

Maybe Ame isn't so bad after all..

>> No.16430221

pomu looks like a retard when she takes a sip lol

>> No.16430226


>> No.16430229
File: 111 KB, 1236x1225, IMG_20220113_233010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16430230
Quoted by: >>16430288

What's there to even anti Luca over? Saying Pog too much and pretending to be retarded?

>> No.16430231
Quoted by: >>16430317

48 minutes later and the stream finally starts...POG

>> No.16430235
Quoted by: >>16430259

Aren't they both hags?

>> No.16430249
File: 993 KB, 2405x3401, 1634949626519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says nothing about women, only chinese and feet
white female hands typed this

>> No.16430251

Yeah, I moved on. Going to finish up this one collab and then bounce to Reimu's collab since Shiki is enjoyable.

>> No.16430254

Did Nina seriously join just to prove she can ruin any stream she wants whenever she wants?
Because that's all I got out of that

>> No.16430259

Yeah, they've even called each other hags before.

>> No.16430260

>maybe she wanted rosemi or selen to join
Why would she not then, you know, actually schedule a stream with them?

>> No.16430269
Quoted by: >>16430417

It’s not that I don’t like Nina. She’s really good at strategy games and has some good streams. I just hate how much she bumrushes streams of other livers. Granted it’s on the streamer themselves for having an open discord channel but Nina has this tendency to ruin things with how much she makes the stream about herself.

>> No.16430280

Finally the whore is gone

>> No.16430281

>joins stream
>take it over
>baits superchats
>tells everyone she constantly lies

>> No.16430282
Quoted by: >>16430362

Nina hate was warranted near her debut because she was a wild card that could have destroyed NijiEN but at this point she's proven that she left all that shit behind (at least while streaming)

>> No.16430287

i miss nina, bros...

>> No.16430288

idk I don't watch him I got tired of his schtick early

>> No.16430295

She join because Pomu was drinking but it was ment ti be a chill stream not an elira LESS GET FUCKED stream.

>> No.16430298

Yes, Nina is /here/ and she makes people seethe on purpose, because it makes her laugh.

>> No.16430305
Quoted by: >>16430368

There's a good chance Nina is /here/ so I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional at this point...

>> No.16430308

>Selen made Niji a laughing stock but don't get to groom her
>Nina ruined Pomu stream
>Enna knife
What a horrible day

>> No.16430313

OK. Tell me this nina defenders.
Why is it that Nina is always the one crashing other streamer's single streams?
She doe this the most out of everyone in nijiEn.
You can't tell me that she is not trying to leech of the nijiens, come on she's always doing this.

and its not just pomudachi complaning, last time i remember it was rosebuds, the phantomos, famillies and probably more I dont remember.

>> No.16430316
File: 363 KB, 1748x2480, 1633582448483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Nina and put her on maternity leave

>> No.16430317

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.16430319

It's actually been quite a while since i last watched a Pomu stream

>> No.16430321

Ninafags are literally the KFP of this branch. Please kill yourselves or make a split, I want to see everyone shitting on it.

>> No.16430323
Quoted by: >>16430332

Unironically based. I'd do the same.

>> No.16430332


>> No.16430341
File: 819 KB, 2724x4096, 1616040856726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is literally the only holo I watch but I hate Nina with all my being. Not everyone that hates this bitch is an incel you fucking faggot.

>> No.16430338
Quoted by: >>16430452

>>Enna knife

>> No.16430345
Quoted by: >>16430468

Because she likes to talk to her friends

>> No.16430352

I've been asleep what about Enna knife?

>> No.16430353

they had a thread once it died early

>> No.16430356

The weed thing with Enna was a bigger yab considering she's in a Japanese company, everyone who cares has already seen her face...

>> No.16430357

What does it mean to be KFP?

>> No.16430362

Nina hate was never warranted, anons just overreacted to a compilation of clips from years ago that was uploaded to yt.

>> No.16430366


>> No.16430368

I don't doubt that at all. I am sure she picked up on the comments last night in reaction to her tweet hoping she didn't crash in.

>> No.16430369

>Enna knife
This is the biggest nothing of any nothing ever.

>> No.16430371
Quoted by: >>16430448

Pomu's stream is still going Enna dox and Selen getting fucked was worse. Pomu got a shit ton of money anyway thanks Nina and Luca I guess.

>> No.16430374
Quoted by: >>16430415

I like Nina

>> No.16430395

I want to fuck shiki. She's my kinda weird. This guy is annoying though.

>> No.16430399
File: 846 KB, 2341x4096, 1642044737824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey I like this artist

>> No.16430405

>Why is it that Nina is always the one crashing other streamer's single streams?
She's an extrovert who lives alone innawoods in the middle of a pandemic. She's literally said (to Pomu even, iirc) that grocery runs and streams are the only times she gets social interaction..
There doesn't need to be some ulterior motive, she just likes talking to people.

>> No.16430415

t. reimu

>> No.16430417
Quoted by: >>16430478

I don't think she exactly makes the streams about herself. On the contrary she's really good at directing the conversation towards someone. It's just that the sheer amount of talking she does compared to the person she's talking to is overwhelming.

>> No.16430419

what did she say about Akibahara?

>> No.16430420

If that really is true then she is even a more pathetic person than the anons here.
Imagine being a vtuber in a big corpo, yet still coming here to shitpost. kek that's pretty sad.

>> No.16430429
File: 1.71 MB, 3269x2294, 1626694678776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even in the company
>Anon is seething
Jesas, this really is /kvt/ kek

>> No.16430435

Elira ignoring everything is actually triggering me

>> No.16430434
Quoted by: >>16430456

Kill yourself faggot

>> No.16430436

I still don't understand why Selen gets lower views on twitch

>> No.16430441
File: 17 KB, 565x347, 1617001086668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16430442


>> No.16430448

> Pomu got a lot of money
That doesn't directly benefit me.

>> No.16430450


>> No.16430452

She used a knife on her cooking stream and challenged doxxers, are her own words and a reflection was shown of her face.

Stream is private now.

>> No.16430456

Seethe Ninatard. Nobody likes you or your terrible oshi.

>> No.16430468

>embarrassed millie live on stream
with friends like that who needs enemies

>> No.16430471
Quoted by: >>16430532

Gotta love how easy it is to detect globalfag tourists.

>> No.16430473

Yes anon, she joined and was reading comments in here because SHE LOVES seeing you and the others in here seeth hard kek

>> No.16430478

>On the contrary she's really good at directing
The conversation towards someone
she does it in such an awkard, forced and unnatural manner though, it's like she is actually autistic and read it in a book.

>> No.16430486

It means you're the most loyal fanbase, unswayed by anon's constant shitposting.

>> No.16430487

their oshi can do no wrong, is always right, any argument presented that they can't reflect will be answered with a single word like they do calling people "egg", in Nina's case it's "honey."

>> No.16430492

>pommers got the coof

>> No.16430496

Pomu can't taste the wasabi...

>> No.16430497
Quoted by: >>16430582

She's a lonely hag who hasn't been around people much and resorted to vtubers to help with loneliness

>> No.16430513

Based nina

>> No.16430515


>> No.16430520
Quoted by: >>16430584

Damn…if true I really understand where she’s coming from

I’ve seen her Twitter pics in the woods ect. But I didn’t know she was an actual extrovert…

>> No.16430521

KFP truly are the KFP of /vt/

>> No.16430527
File: 208 KB, 1744x1150, 34432g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuses to let nina or males ruin her streams
>only NijiEN to still maintain good chat interaction
If Selen wasn't an Apex autist (who sucks) she would be far and away my Oshi

>> No.16430532

I don't watch hololive other than Flare, try harder faggot.

>> No.16430536
Quoted by: >>16430622

>he fell for the lonely meme
She sits in NijiEN discord VC all the time and has her own zatsudans.
There is no excuse to crash so many streams.

>> No.16430540

No, KFP are pomudachis, even more when you look at their discord and the trannies say pomu is kiara's wife

>> No.16430543
Quoted by: >>16430709

Both are loud, obnoxious SJWs. Literally the Nina of HoloEN

>> No.16430544

She only streams Apex there and a large part of her JP Apexfag audience is Youtube only. You have to understand your whole audience is never going to be platform agnostic and you will lose people with the transition unless you build a consistent brand on the other place.

>> No.16430546

At least Selen's feeling better now and she will have fun bullying Mysta tomorrow.

>> No.16430549
Quoted by: >>16430650

Everyone used to frequently crash each others streams. Its part of the reason I started watching NijiEn, it felt like a group of friends more than a corporation. Especially during Pomus surgery arc. People in the calls always seem to appreciate her presence and have a good time with her.

Go back to watching hololive play Minecraft for an hour by themselves for the hundredth day in a row if all you want is solo stuff.

>> No.16430548

her audience was grown on youtube

>> No.16430553

Elira just got a tongue bath

>> No.16430558

Why do retards like you keep thinking dramafaggots are in any fanbase

>> No.16430560

she said it tasted bad, she's not feeling the spice. probably left it out too long.

>> No.16430570

>take the L

>> No.16430571
Quoted by: >>16430687

FamElira are the KFP of nijiEN
Ryuguards are the KFP of nijiEN
Pomudachi are the KFP of nijiEN
Dragoons are the KFP of nijien
Rosebuds are the KFP of nijiEN
Pentomos are the KFP of nijiEN
Honeys are the KFP of nijiEN
Famillies are the KFP of nijiEN
Aloupeeps are the KFP of nijiEN
Phantomos are the KFP of nijiEN

>> No.16430572

dragoon not today, dont shitpost with Selen today.. wait a day or two

>> No.16430575

Yeah that shit should have been kept private instead of calling Millie out like that live.

>> No.16430578

I don't hate the chicken, but her fanbase on /vt/...

>> No.16430580

Why are people trashing Nina when Ike and Pomu also crashed Selen's stream the other day. It's kinda hypocritical. People really need to chill the fuck off, it's a good thing that the livers get along, this same complaining happened with JP and now livers never do imprompto collab anymore, fans ruin everything baka.

>> No.16430583


>> No.16430582
Quoted by: >>16430665

Isn't she the same person that admitted to only being a Vtuber because she can get away with saying anything she wants with no repercussions?

>> No.16430584

Well, according to herself

>> No.16430588

She had a stream where Ike surprise dropped in like 3 days ago. They even talked about lewd things.

>> No.16430592 [DELETED] 

i want tanishi to draw nina, hairy armpits and all

>> No.16430591

>>refuses to let nina or males ruin her streams
watch streams, starting with the beedrill endurance.

>> No.16430605
Quoted by: >>16430777

To be fair, it was Pomu inviting Nina to join this stream. But the problem of Nina is that when she's not doing a solo, she becomes the manifestation of circlejerk. Her conversation always begins with the "free supa" joke and recites the "funni moments" from the last two weeks nonstop. We already have clippers for that. I don't want to watch a live stream just to get a very long recap. But this quality of her might make her a perfect Inuyama tamaki in the west.

>> No.16430615

Not only is this bullshit it's not even funny

>> No.16430620

you guys all bitch about wanting nina to leave to watch pomu but when she actually does nobody talks about her stream kek

>> No.16430621
Quoted by: >>16430696

Why the fuck are you even in any fan discords? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.16430622
Quoted by: >>16430715

It's not crashing if there's an open invitation.

>> No.16430624

Just take the L.

>> No.16430634
File: 1.02 MB, 982x1596, reimu....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430721

>If that really is true then she is even a more pathetic person than the anons here.
>Imagine being a vtuber in a big corpo, yet still coming here to shitpost. kek that's pretty sad.
Reimu my beloved... Reimu baby....

>> No.16430640
Quoted by: >>16430703

It has been 10 minutes since Nina and Luca left, talk about the stream

>> No.16430647
Quoted by: >>16430676

>Pomu's actually drunk off hard lemonade

>> No.16430650

nta but I just wish it wasn't nina all the time.
She never talks about anything interesting, and she's not funny or cute. There's a reason why I don't watch her content, If I'm watching Pomu I want to watch Pomu, not Nina ft Pomu.

>> No.16430655
File: 392 KB, 1000x980, 1636958398420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430707

>> No.16430660

GOOOOOOOOOOOO the fuck back

>> No.16430665
Quoted by: >>16430778


>> No.16430668
Quoted by: >>16430684

>posting the laughing stock of today
stop falseflagging as a dragoon. they had to endure a lot today

>> No.16430676

she rarely drinks and probably weighs 120 lbs

>> No.16430681

Because there is nothing to complain about now.

>> No.16430684
Quoted by: >>16430771

What happened to Selen?

>> No.16430687

>Nijisanji is actually a KFP side branch
Well, how did you know?

>> No.16430693
File: 697 KB, 2896x4096, 1635491729596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi-sama is very cute today!

>> No.16430696

Because I need a space where I need to talk about everything but also a hugbox where there's rules

>> No.16430703

Sorry I've been chilling so hard since they went away I forgot to post

>> No.16430707
Quoted by: >>16430811

That anon is a manlet....

>> No.16430708

>People actually defending Selen/Dragoons
Jesus, how bad was today for her?

>> No.16430709

Kiara has lots of flaws but she respects vtubing a lot and doesn't do shit like this. I'm a leftist commie myself, I don't hate Nina because she is SJW or whatever.

>> No.16430715

And? It wasn't Nina streaming and yet she always acts like it's her stream and makes it all about herself and then baits superchats as collab fee.

>> No.16430719

Reimu definitely introduced /vt/ to Nina

>> No.16430721
File: 183 KB, 890x800, 1637995206762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430975


>> No.16430723

no need to shitpost if there's nothing to shitpost about

>> No.16430726

personally I hate anytime nina is on stream. She literally does nothing for me and I consider her a waste of time to watch her.

>> No.16430729

Because they aren't Nina?
I don't know why it's so hard to understand that Nina ruins every single collab singlehandedly

>> No.16430734


>> No.16430742

enter again...

>> No.16430744

You’re not getting the point. No one cares about crashing, Nina is just habitual of crashing and overstepping the streamers boundaries and making it about herself. She talks too much and acts too much like an advice bucket when no one asked for it.

>> No.16430745

Just because your branch doesn't like streaming, doesn't mean you gotta shit up this place.

>> No.16430746

enter fish

>> No.16430747


>> No.16430749


>> No.16430750
Quoted by: >>16430795

Is this supposed to be considered light by burger standards? Reminder that she's 4"11.

>> No.16430751

>when you love someone, you buy them chicken
>Pomu is eating chicken
What does this mean?

>> No.16430757


>> No.16430758


>> No.16430760

Feesh coming in

>> No.16430763


>> No.16430764

Pomu and Feeesh lesgooo

>> No.16430765
Quoted by: >>16430800

Now will you guys start bitching again is the question.

>> No.16430767

Because no holos are streaming, so shitposters have nothing better to do

>> No.16430769
File: 1.16 MB, 1405x1819, 1631607862161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be so hard on yourself Reimu

>> No.16430771

it was super bad. i wouldnt wish it on anyone’s oshi

>> No.16430777

Nina literally earned hundreds of dollars for Pomu when she said that

>> No.16430778
Quoted by: >>16430859

are you sure, honey? hee hee hee

>> No.16430779

That drawing is, the artist is neonbeat

>> No.16430780
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, FGAI50tVQAEJ_yx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope your oshi feels better soon dragoons. stay strong for her.

>> No.16430786
Quoted by: >>16431019

like the artist hate veibae

>> No.16430795
Quoted by: >>16430900

i'm probably overestimating desu

>> No.16430797

It's OK when Feeeesh does it.

>> No.16430798

I ordered it for her.

>> No.16430796

Pomu fucking hates you and went in the VC channel to avoid talking to you.

>> No.16430801

She loves herself

>> No.16430802

plsu while her choice of games is interesting her gameplay kind of sucks since it's gamefaqs guide tier and ultra boring, she's like a female LethalFrag.

>> No.16430800

Yes I still want a solo stream

>> No.16430807

I bought her that chicken with streamlabs money I sent yesterday

>> No.16430811

lmao you're right

>> No.16430812

I thought Pomu and Finana hated each other? Drama bros?????

>> No.16430822

This but unironically.

>> No.16430827

Why the fuck is Finana interrupting my comfy Pomu zatsu? Fish bitch needs to fuck off.

>> No.16430829

She loves herself

>> No.16430840
File: 2.72 MB, 2292x3508, 1638977587484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431448

This hag is going to have a member karaoke practice stream tomorrow, time for some real tone deaf kino. Going to buy some vodka to make it bearable

>> No.16430841
Quoted by: >>16430923


>> No.16430846
File: 690 KB, 680x553, 1614001427755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The good old times.... home....

>> No.16430848
File: 1.64 MB, 1440x1440, IMG_20220114_102844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple as. Get Elira next.

>> No.16430851
Quoted by: >>16430944

dead last in apex tourney, at least two losses were very definitely because of Selen choking and throwing

>> No.16430852

Let’s go Finana!!!


>> No.16430859


>> No.16430867

Finana is so cute and demure, a perfect example of a women. Not like the WHORE BITCH

>> No.16430868

It's okay because Lazukino

>> No.16430875

she's streaming rn so I doubt it happens but it would ave been so kino

>> No.16430894
Quoted by: >>16431114

bros remember when Pomu was teaching Finana math during the Outlast collab and FInana just fell asleep while Pomu was lecturing her??

That shit was funny, man we need another pomu + finana collab like that.

>> No.16430896

she loves chicken more that she hates migranes
t. lactoselet

>> No.16430900

Judging by her arms and height pomu is probably 80-90 lbs

>> No.16430902

Finana is her genmate and doesn't do it often. I am fine with this.

>> No.16430905

Where did all the whining pomudachi go? Your zatsudan is being RUINED now, and I don't see them standing up to this ATROCITY??

>> No.16430912

I usually love Pomufish collabs, but this is pretty awkward

>> No.16430922

She considered unlisting the vod, so bad enough that she wanted it gone from her archive.

>> No.16430923

>Pomu started this is an open discord channel. She made intentions to hang with everyone.

Get it through to your fucking head unicorn. stop acting like everyone just snuck into this shit.

>> No.16430927

Scroll up a couple posts you fucking retard

>> No.16430933

I just feel bad because I did not expect to get third wheeled during a zatsu. When Nina and Selen crashed Pomu's Mario 64 stream I had a lot of fun but today I actually expected friend experience

>> No.16430935


>> No.16430938

Finana and Pomu actually bounce off each other really well and have similar humor. This is kino.

>> No.16430940
File: 73 KB, 210x189, 1622463495862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431183

>Feesh enter stream
>Interaction with chat continues despite being a collab
>Nina enter streams
>It turns into some insane rambling that nobody understands

>> No.16430943
File: 139 KB, 344x388, 1621639446483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431061

Did someone tell Pomu that her cancer will come back if she solo streams for more than 10 minutes or something?

>> No.16430944

>t-they can still get a decent rank if they do well in the last two games
>selen throws both hard

>> No.16430950

>Loves chicken
It means she's black.

>> No.16430952
File: 872 KB, 850x1169, 1610464392073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16430961
Quoted by: >>16431105

Fuck off Reimu. That was based as fuck.

>> No.16430963
File: 1000 KB, 614x797, 1618771912315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16430969
File: 491 KB, 1170x1170, Kiaromu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431054


>> No.16430971
Quoted by: >>16431034

>Finana SHITTING on her chat
jesus christ Finana, slow down

>> No.16430973

Its okay when fish does it.

>> No.16430975
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x650, weimu....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16430997

Ah...Reimu... Reimu Endou the cute latina ghost...? I remember her...

>> No.16430980
File: 202 KB, 336x279, 1642212490358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this thread telling me selen is the best apex player in all of nijisanji and maybe even vtubing as a whole

What went wrong?

>> No.16430987

Probably 80~100 pounds.

>> No.16430988

How the fuck are you all so dense that Pomu created this stream in an open discord? Read the fucking room retards.

>> No.16430989

Finana being wholesome and remembering the old days with Pomu. Comfy

>> No.16430997
Quoted by: >>16431417

Stop she's already flat enough

>> No.16431009

Smurfing in bronze will do that

>> No.16431019

You don't have to like Vei to fap to her though.

>> No.16431030
File: 1.16 MB, 739x1600, 1635990169901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431220

>no results
Your mother will die of ligma if you reply to that post.

>> No.16431031

Because she's a boosted bitch

>> No.16431034

kek she even insulted Luca's chat while at it

>> No.16431036
Quoted by: >>16431105

Finana saved you from a boring collab Reimu. Be thankful.

>> No.16431038
File: 136 KB, 1061x1178, 1637497635277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everyone enjoying the collab?

>> No.16431041


>> No.16431052

>this thread
sorry anon, the bait threads don't count as THIS thread

>> No.16431053

crab game...

>> No.16431054
File: 358 KB, 1000x664, 1641269276143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431056

Nice zatsudan, Pomu.

>> No.16431055
Quoted by: >>16431068


>> No.16431061
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1399, 68360117_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with Tsukino Mito.

>> No.16431064


>> No.16431068

Anon's anus...

>> No.16431074

Well then fuck Pomu for mis advertising
A discord collab isn't a chat Zatsudan, how are the Nijis so fucking bad at chat interaction now it's insane when it's the only advantage smaller streamers have over larger streamers

>> No.16431079

I just want Elira to call me a good boy again...

>> No.16431083
File: 333 KB, 1075x790, 1626784421251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying my comfy solo stream

>> No.16431094
File: 608 KB, 2076x3050, Sankaku_bd98f53bb665b2df20e9f33afac718ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431134

Feesh is being rude and inconsiderate right now. She is in need of correction.

>> No.16431095

I am, but im a prismbro so that's a given

>> No.16431102


>> No.16431103

not for long, nina is on her way after she finishes taking a dump

>> No.16431105
Quoted by: >>16431217

> boring collab
> all petra/reimu collabs have been fun, with the best one being anime takes

>> No.16431108

Just don't advertise it as a zatsudan then. It's pretty simple my dude.


>> No.16431114

Outlast 3 when?

>> No.16431113
File: 240 KB, 331x321, 1626227308330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No results found.

>> No.16431115
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1632712047649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

famelira stay winning

>> No.16431117
File: 744 KB, 994x639, deletus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu still looking for that finana blood.

>> No.16431120
File: 620 KB, 677x570, 1615963988279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16431122

Famelira too smug... must... correct...

>> No.16431124

You aren't actually watching it. You aren't actually watching ANY streams.

>> No.16431134

JK Finana makes me feel things

>> No.16431150

Someone please Aka Supa Pomu saying they will un-member if she keeps ignoring her chat and members.
It's the only thing that will get through to her thick menhera head

>> No.16431155
Quoted by: >>16431206

He's too busy replying to himself and randomizing his shit

>> No.16431158

Reimu mi amor, estoy viendo a Elira...

>> No.16431162
Quoted by: >>16431256

>【FREE CHAT Mukbang? (and crab game)】Chill Friday night with drinks and Pomu (and Nina and Luca and Finana)!【NIJISANJI EN | Pomu Rainpuff】

>> No.16431164
Quoted by: >>16431224

Nina's fine, you literally just admitted to being a threadwatcher. The girls get along with her well and she's no more overbearing in collabs than pomu or Millie. Most of the time if a streamer doesn't want joined they'll be out of a VC, pomu wanted people to join. And that includes Nina.

>> No.16431171
File: 137 KB, 528x528, 1632714976737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying my solo threadwatching larping

>> No.16431178

pomu's drunk

>> No.16431180
File: 53 KB, 1200x800, 1615060748032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431319

I'm sorry Reimu this thread is filled with pomudachis

>> No.16431183
Quoted by: >>16431259

>Anyone enters
>Anon describes his schizo headcannon

>> No.16431195
Quoted by: >>16431229

I'm a menhera parasocial loser but even that is too far.

>> No.16431201


>> No.16431200
File: 630 KB, 704x1038, 1639774674540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431317

>not searching via md5

>> No.16431206

Oh, I just got why those other posts were talking about his filenames.
That's kind of sad.

>> No.16431209

It would unironically work, some guy supa her callling out her bloodpact joke and she barely did it again.

>> No.16431213

That means I have to give Pomu money. Glad I didn't give in.

>> No.16431217
Quoted by: >>16431311

anime takes and candies were cute streams, sleepy petra voice in the latter was particularly great

>> No.16431220
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1000, 1620477277535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but filename randomization is a thing.

>> No.16431224
Quoted by: >>16431278

no, pomu wanted people to join, and nina joined.
learn the difference.

>> No.16431225

Elira hates Finana.

>> No.16431229

Desperate times require desperate measures

>> No.16431256
Quoted by: >>16431291

Pomu I know you're here, edit the title to this after it ends.

>> No.16431259
Quoted by: >>16431781

>No argument
>Hurr durr schizo
Cope Ninatard

>> No.16431266
Quoted by: >>16431402

when that happened? I need to see her reaction

>> No.16431268

Impromptu FeeshFairy Kino!

>> No.16431269

Pomu jammin

>> No.16431277
File: 5 KB, 372x48, 1640576272634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431278 [DELETED] 

Seethe, honey.

>> No.16431291

There is NO proof that ANY of the NijiEN members are here, fuck off

>> No.16431293

i remember ars saying the same thing

>> No.16431295

why is Pomu so fucking retarded, if she had announced this as a totsumachi, she would have had 1-2k more viewers and no one would mind, but now she advertised it like a zatsudan like a fucking retard

>> No.16431305

Lol. Lmao.

>> No.16431306
Quoted by: >>16431402

Elaborate please. Is it about the Selen Minecraft thing?

>> No.16431311

yeah!!! we need more of those, I love their vibes together like that, they have pretty good chemistry!!

>> No.16431317

>not searching via md5
Why? Everyone who saved that image has the same md5, I want to see (semi)individual filenames because that's more unique.

That's precisely what I was referring to, randomizing your filenames + stirring shit = shitposter, at least most of the time.

>> No.16431319
File: 628 KB, 2263x1682, 1634370860434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this collabs pretty boring

>> No.16431322

Whatever Enna

>> No.16431335

Mindbroken Pomudachis...

>> No.16431336


>> No.16431343

What the fuck this was supposed to be a comfy Finana zatsudan I'm so mad right now

>> No.16431349


I'm happy if all of wave 4 joins as long as Nina doesn't, yep nina is trash.

>> No.16431352
Quoted by: >>16431433

This stream was not planned just enjoy

>> No.16431353
Quoted by: >>16431392

I know it would
Nothing makes Pomu more menhera than the thought of losing gachikoi, which makes me wonder if she just doesn't realise that her current stream meta is horrible for gachikoi retainment

>> No.16431358
File: 414 KB, 942x942, 1610227567920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nigger still spamming and replying to himself thinking anyone cares

>> No.16431357

Stop tabbing out of the window, Reimu.

>> No.16431366

shhh don't tell the newfaggots.

>> No.16431369

desperate cope

>> No.16431376
File: 42 KB, 232x224, 1636857920788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread is shit
>152 IPs
Are we being raided?

>> No.16431377

Nobody who isn't /here/ actually minds. Retards here just schizo and shitpost so much that they think they actually matter

>> No.16431382

You know zatsudan doesn't mean solo, right?

>> No.16431386
File: 84 KB, 1846x274, lvl 99 copium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431390

Precisely, none of them are /here/
take your meds bros

>> No.16431392

>th-this time for sure!

>> No.16431395
Quoted by: >>16431441

So is Selen uninstalling apex?

>> No.16431402

I don't remember which stream that happened but her reaction was basically "Oh. maybe I should read superchat in my read before actually reading them".

Yes, she called Selen blood sister non stop and people were starting to get annoyed. Some guy superchatted her to stop beating jokes to death.

>> No.16431404

>hololive images

>> No.16431409

At this point I'm convinced I just need to watch every NijiEN stream to not miss any of Luxiem because they're fucking everywhere

>> No.16431414
File: 80 KB, 1143x1308, 1624735271625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431455

We are being railed

>> No.16431417
File: 373 KB, 700x394, raymoo.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431439

Ah Reimu Endou from Nijisanji EN, love voice she had... Reimu...? singing... Reimu's karaoke...? I miss Reimu...

>> No.16431433

but I'm not enjoying it
I ordered a Pizza not a Burger

>> No.16431439


>> No.16431441

no she said she's going deeper into the apex hole and becoming a full time apex streamer to redeem herself, nothing else matters.

>> No.16431446

>Yes, she called Selen blood sister non stop and people were starting to get annoyed. Some guy superchatted her to stop beating jokes to death.
What a faggot.

>> No.16431448

I finally can hear my 60 year old grandma sing a old Chinese song with tone deaf voice again.... I love my grandma

>> No.16431449

Did Selen lose the tournament?

>> No.16431451
File: 161 KB, 700x992, 1624427333219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of Pomu being fucking retarded. Vox is going to be my new oshi, men are never this dumb.

>> No.16431455
Quoted by: >>16431529


>> No.16431465
Quoted by: >>16431514


>> No.16431466

thanks for ruining the stream finana, again. I fucking hate you for doing your shit after you did it to that reimu/petra stream you asshole whor and you did that shit againe. kill yourself you bitch.

>> No.16431478
Quoted by: >>16431513

Last place.

>> No.16431488


>> No.16431489
File: 73 KB, 128x128, 1618967723997.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox is unironically a really good streamer in his own right I'm glad he's in NijiEN

>> No.16431492

Connect 4 kino soon.

>> No.16431493

What did Nina do again? How did she ruin Milllie?

>> No.16431496

Pomu is already dumb and the alcohol is making her dumber

>> No.16431498

>more Pufferfish next week

>> No.16431505
File: 38 KB, 390x397, 1632318687023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting thread.

>> No.16431506

The return of pomu rainbluff...

>> No.16431508

> I should read superchat in my read
head not read

>> No.16431507

Clubhouse games with fish next week!

>> No.16431511

no, he was based as fuck

>> No.16431513

Seriously? Damn that's gonna fuck with her

>> No.16431514

But /NijiEN/ told me they hated each other!

>> No.16431515

Finana and Pomu clubhouse game collab next week!

>> No.16431518
File: 487 KB, 2798x2252, 1624875547965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431593

This stream is just like the Bite of '83.

>> No.16431526
File: 711 KB, 4096x2278, 5ac86cb8682b00d1d7ff1bc8813a3226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431574

>> No.16431529
File: 29 KB, 370x394, 1636259831219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431532

card kino

>> No.16431535
File: 54 KB, 1170x1156, 1630599550543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use my artist oshi's art to shitpost you fucking nigger

>> No.16431540
Quoted by: >>16431616

Hypocritical ninafag.

>> No.16431541

what a hero. if anything more people should akasupa to kill stale memes.

>> No.16431543

meh I'm going to watch Selen
Fuck you too Pomu I didn't want to drink with you anyways ;_;

>> No.16431544

Focus on your stream Reimu

>> No.16431545
Quoted by: >>16431616

Man am i glad that most of the Vtuber fandom aren't schizophrenics like the people /here/

>> No.16431552
Quoted by: >>16431616

kys Pufferfish is based.

>> No.16431555
File: 143 KB, 960x634, 1631332113491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431635


>> No.16431554
Quoted by: >>16432143

at least have shu as your oshi if you care about smarts vox is a fucking retarded redditor who thought roosters ejaculated on chicken eggs to fertilize them

>> No.16431564
Quoted by: >>16431770

Fubuki is the the vtuber I respect the most

>> No.16431569
File: 234 KB, 491x450, 1641157234273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vox is unironically a really good streamer in his own right I'm glad he's in NijiEN
I even liked his FNAF stream that lasted 7 hours, it was pretty kino

>> No.16431574

Sluttier, please.

>> No.16431579
File: 405 KB, 608x498, nijisanji petra wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431619

yes, hand over those enna lewds and nobody has to get hurt

>> No.16431582
File: 642 KB, 1200x1600, 1635937533612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16431583

pomu's horny

>> No.16431586

Why are you all so angry?

>> No.16431594
Quoted by: >>16431639

Pomu has only had one drink, right?

>> No.16431593
File: 71 KB, 300x275, 1626923557540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431603

>pomudachis seething

>> No.16431604

Pomudachi denied their GFE

>> No.16431608

nina exists

>> No.16431609
Quoted by: >>16431730

Is this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.16431612

I'm watching all five streams right now!

>> No.16431615
File: 790 KB, 1200x1704, 94723213_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431616
Quoted by: >>16431679

ninafag my ass
fuck you. I wanted pomu to have the zatsudan she planned not being invaded by nina, luca and now fucking finana coming and changing it to crabgame.

>> No.16431619
File: 1.14 MB, 1602x898, 1639891542911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not angry I just wanna fuck


>> No.16431626
Quoted by: >>16431727


>> No.16431625

It's /vt/, anon. We're always angry

>> No.16431628


>> No.16431629

Fuck you Nina

>> No.16431632
Quoted by: >>16431709

Angering nerds is like smacking a hornets nest.

>> No.16431635
File: 1.31 MB, 902x1098, 1637271576023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've used the original title.

>> No.16431639

One drink of Bacardi 151 yeah.

>> No.16431653

Pomu going to beat Finana's ass.

>> No.16431654


>> No.16431656 [DELETED] 

First reply is my new oshi after Pomu

>> No.16431660
File: 43 KB, 680x560, 1629691915388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431721

I'm enjoying every minute, though.

>> No.16431664
File: 221 KB, 850x1228, 0FD7FC08-EDE0-4822-8E0A-5A041B168ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432131

Where’s the bulge tho?

>> No.16431663

>t. reimu

>> No.16431675


>> No.16431678


>> No.16431679
Quoted by: >>16431802

no real pomudachi has a problem with finana. you outed yourself ninafag.

>> No.16431684


>> No.16431688


>> No.16431690

Damn Pomu, Luca and Feesh impromptu kino

>> No.16431698
Quoted by: >>16431737

>luca already funny two seconds in

>> No.16431699
File: 7 KB, 560x440, goddammit 4channers[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgg5eiz.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431740


>> No.16431703
File: 648 KB, 1371x1562, 20220114_124652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm thinking this is based.

>> No.16431707


>> No.16431709
File: 539 KB, 519x714, 1638936296578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't come to the thread tomorrow, otherwise you'll wish you were never born.

>> No.16431708

So does Elira have the coof or a coof?

>> No.16431717
File: 286 KB, 585x565, 1622918195701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cancelled my plans to go out drink with my friends for crab fucking game
>Missing this stream would literally make 0 difference
Call me a dumb schizo faggot, please. I deserve it.

>> No.16431721


>> No.16431722

sorry about your stream pomudachi im happy to hear my son again today though

>> No.16431727
File: 413 KB, 1860x1857, 1641015639986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431868

is that MYSTA?

>> No.16431728
Quoted by: >>16431761

any erotic pomu burps yet

>> No.16431730

No I’m here a lot, just today is rather aggressive. Is it SEA hours? Do people really hate Nina?

>> No.16431737
Quoted by: >>16431769

WHERE is he

>> No.16431740

Clearly fabricated

>> No.16431746
File: 1.78 MB, 480x270, 6CFC099D-D031-49F1-BA5C-22ACEAC372FA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431748
File: 551 KB, 737x847, 1625207917745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pomu's lemon chikin was spiked with viagra

>> No.16431755
Quoted by: >>16431872

the halloween stuff? that takes me back

>> No.16431758

It's burger hours, anon. It's always like this

>> No.16431761

No burps

>> No.16431766


>> No.16431769

Pomu's stream

>> No.16431770

I respect her in a similar sense that I respect Elon Musk and Elizabeth Holmes.

>> No.16431778

I fucking love this already.

>> No.16431779
Quoted by: >>16431810

Wait holy shit I thought this thread was shitposting but Pomu actually just totally changed the stream lol
Get fucked Pomudachi I guess

>> No.16431781

Can anyone translate this post? I can't read crybaby bitch

>> No.16431785

>Is it SEA hours?
This is canadian/latinx hours. SEA hours will be in like 6-7 hours.

>> No.16431783

SEA hours are deadhours

>> No.16431788
Quoted by: >>16431853

doesnt she realize that this completely dries up the superchats for this stream too?

>> No.16431789

You know how people on twitter like to act offended for retweets? Well anons on 4chan like to act enraged and retarded for (You)s.

>> No.16431792

>dumb schizo faggot
dumb schizo faggot
I had no plans to cancel hahaha

>> No.16431796

We always hated Nina. It used to be because of PL but now it's for a different reason.

>> No.16431801
Quoted by: >>16431846

Where are the males?

>> No.16431802

ah yes, every pomudachi likes the same thing you fucker.

>> No.16431810
File: 263 KB, 1170x1600, 1636082517455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16431980

>Get fucked Pomudachi I guess

>> No.16431814

Elira thinks about penis every day.

>> No.16431815

I've said it many times and i will say it again

>> No.16431821

Finana really worries about eating dinner, is she a little bit "bigger?"

>> No.16431822

Burger hours have unironically turned to the worst, even dead hours are better now

>> No.16431824

Elira's gonna stop and she's gonna join

>> No.16431828

you faggots should have a drink you'd be a lot more amiable

>> No.16431833


>> No.16431841

I love Luca :)

>> No.16431846

in my bed
with me

>> No.16431849
File: 171 KB, 340x304, 1633837768275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomufags unironically seething because they got cucked from their e-date GFE with Pomu

>> No.16431853

Nina already got Pomu her quota for the day

>> No.16431856

Whoa, I get surprise sex 2 (two) times!

>> No.16431857


>> No.16431861

You deserve it for choosing vtubers over friends

>> No.16431862

>Crab Game
>Has no cra-

>> No.16431865

Based Rosebud

>> No.16431867
File: 109 KB, 1079x1142, 1621384350800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431868
Quoted by: >>16431911

Yes t. the voices in my head

>> No.16431872
Quoted by: >>16431923

no, the minecraft that became phasmo

>> No.16431880

Why are KFPs like this?

>> No.16431885

Why'd you mention me four times?

>> No.16431892

Shu would never...

>> No.16431896


>> No.16431898

I love luca bros...

>> No.16431897

Kek Luca

>> No.16431899

Luca is so unfunny

>> No.16431900

rosemi sama
rosemi sama

>> No.16431901
File: 346 KB, 695x549, 1621640941861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Promise comfy Zatsudan with chat
>it's not with chat
>It's not even a Zatsudan
>It's fucking Crab Game which is the complete opposite of comfy
DId Pomu just wake up today and decide to fuck over Pomudachis or?

>> No.16431908
Quoted by: >>16432239

>saying no to your irl friends to watch a youtube video
stupid parasocial faggot.

>> No.16431911
Quoted by: >>16432256

I believe you too

>> No.16431910
File: 52 KB, 750x409, komi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431912
File: 165 KB, 480x480, Selen Angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shitposting with my kamioshi you dumb faggot

>> No.16431915

yeah, mine.

>> No.16431918


>> No.16431920
Quoted by: >>16431999

What the fuck is wrong with Luca?

>> No.16431923
Quoted by: >>16432108

wasn't that because of tech issues?

>> No.16431932
Quoted by: >>16431965

Who the fuck unironically likes Crab Game

>> No.16431933

i miss when it was only lazu and obsydian
comfier times

>> No.16431942
Quoted by: >>16431980

Are crabs that big in australia?

>> No.16431945

Two girls ganging up on my innocent mafia boss little bro

>> No.16431960

Petra sounds weird. Like probably has actual child proportions.

>> No.16431962
File: 214 KB, 1379x1379, 1638908358725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is such a cute retard holy shit I love him

>> No.16431964

Even better for me, Now I'm on a hot date with pomu, luca, and finnana. Later losers.

>> No.16431965

i do, at least when angry pomu is involved

>> No.16431968

Feels soooo gooooood watching my oshi doing a solo stream heh

>> No.16431978
File: 124 KB, 1024x406, 1621345294512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16431980
Quoted by: >>16432172

why are pomudachi so perverted?

>> No.16431983

The good old days

>> No.16431984
File: 328 KB, 1300x1300, 1639706472504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can HoloEN stream more than once a week again so I have an excuse to go back...

>> No.16431985

This but only Lazu

>> No.16431989

The literally who time is the best

>> No.16431999

Ever heard "Ignorance is bliss"? Basically Luca is too stupid to know how to be sad.

>> No.16432001
File: 739 KB, 1008x1080, 1627157440630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432078

>pot calling the kettle black
Fuck you, you dragoons are just as parasocial as us.
At least you didn't randomize your filename

>> No.16432007


>> No.16432016


>> No.16432019

Lies because Ike is in my bed

>> No.16432020

I will join NijiEN and never collab. Please subscribe.

>> No.16432034

This but Mint.

>> No.16432038

I will never watch you

>> No.16432064


>> No.16432069

Pomu no!

>> No.16432071
File: 351 KB, 535x394, 1612328368473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even gonna complain because we deserve this shitpost

>> No.16432072


>> No.16432077

>Can't pay the collab fee
poorfag anon....

>> No.16432078
File: 24 KB, 112x112, Selen Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dragoons are just as parasocial as us.
you are right... still that Dragoon is a faggot also sorry for the "ruined" stream... i felt the same in the last Member Selen stream

>> No.16432081
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, 1625735145004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i miss when it was only lazu
>and obsydian

>> No.16432082

Hate collabs? Join Hololive instead.

>> No.16432087
File: 826 KB, 1936x2000, 1641868217919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always tear up when I remember those times...

>> No.16432092
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x768, big pp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432123

this stream is nice chill out

>> No.16432100

Sending a Maro to Pomu about my disappointment that she mogged off chat and lied about the stream contents
I don't care if she collabs with males but don't hide it behind GFE streams.

>> No.16432103

This is the best random collab ever

>> No.16432108

yes, but she didnt need to invade and be part of it

>> No.16432116
File: 465 KB, 2008x2445, 1641556318108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiPets love!

>> No.16432119
Quoted by: >>16432189

Apologize to the feesh

>> No.16432123

it's 3 people playing crab game. It's awful

>> No.16432124

God the replies to this are so funny. I can't tell how many of you are unironically seething and how many of you are just shitposting

>> No.16432131
File: 841 KB, 1200x1600, 1642213245440-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432201


>> No.16432143
Quoted by: >>16432213

Ike is the smartest in the gen though

>> No.16432162

Pomu has gotten zero (0) ZERO superchats or donations since she started playing crab game. Take a hint

>> No.16432163

I miss the times when NijiEN didnt exist. There was no ninisani shit and the shitty memes they created

>> No.16432167

She doesn't read maros anymore unless she's doing a maro stream. Send her a superchat instead.

>> No.16432171

When do we get to play? :(

>> No.16432172
File: 160 KB, 380x234, 1637382781582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432253

Funposting is my coping mechanism and I fagpost ironically, a single hug would be fine desu.

As long as she is happy I can move on.

>> No.16432176
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1621638794057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit literally every stream is now super loud and chaotic thanks I hate it
Just want a comfy stream I can relax and watch in bed

>> No.16432180

this but unironically

>> No.16432189
File: 414 KB, 472x361, 1623719281587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? I love her

>> No.16432192

Finana's sexy little whimpers are the only thing about her I like. I want to chain her in a dungeon for 3 days with no food or water listening to her whimper in the darkness.

>> No.16432196

People don't like gaming streams, zatsuchads win again

>> No.16432201
File: 1.13 MB, 330x254, thats-a-penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16432202

>Take a hint
Bring back Nina?

>> No.16432205

Holy faggot lmao

>> No.16432209

You wanted chaotic nijisanji and you got it. She changed her planned to play with feesh — deal with it nigga

>> No.16432213

Shu is better at Japanese than Shu.

>> No.16432221
File: 417 KB, 220x289, 1625203365982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432333

>read your post
>she just got a superchat

>> No.16432235
File: 67 KB, 1212x1500, nijisanji dragon sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys weird me out but I respect your loyalty for your oshi

>> No.16432236


>> No.16432237
Quoted by: >>16432332

had a 500$ dollar akasupa locked and loaded... but I cant, Pomu isnt my oshi anymore. This one will be going to Shu instead

>> No.16432239

I usually go out pretty often with my friends so I usually reserve 1 or 2 days a week to watch Pomu live instead of a VOD. You're right though, I have to stop being a stupid parasocial faggot and realize that being with my friends is always the superior choice.

>> No.16432241

I though people liked Nijisanji because it felt like watching a group of friends, why are some of you angry that they want to talk to each other?

>> No.16432243
File: 123 KB, 1170x1172, 1635092736538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16432244


>> No.16432248
File: 1.77 MB, 540x220, 1558081053115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosemi-sama wants me to write her a letter

>> No.16432251

>You wanted chaotic nijisanj
Who's 'you'?
I never asked for this

>> No.16432253
Quoted by: >>16432316

I'd give you a hug though.

>> No.16432256

Thank you https://twitter.com/secret/status/1189804115490230273

>> No.16432260

than Ike*

>> No.16432263
Quoted by: >>16432293

Probably mostly shitposting with a genuine start. Most Pomudachis /here/ are unironic unicorns, moreso than Rosebuds.
t. Pomudachi

>> No.16432266

Crab game would've been a better game for the Luxiem collab.

>> No.16432267
File: 762 KB, 604x670, 1621868829391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing rosemi makes me happy

>> No.16432276
Quoted by: >>16432320

Elira is pretty comfy

>> No.16432282

Elira's huge sweaty dragon balls

>> No.16432283

crazy GFEniggers

>> No.16432284
Quoted by: >>16432310

>im drunk and old

>> No.16432288
File: 193 KB, 701x625, 1617870992583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millie's one was pretty nice, you can watch the vod

>> No.16432287

I miss when NijiEN didn't exist and all we had was speculation.
Imagining all the biggest indies as candidates was the most enjoyable, now we're just left to watch boring streams.

>> No.16432290

>You wanted chaotic nijisanji
Who told you this lie?

>> No.16432291
File: 132 KB, 1024x576, TPB10_AMFA_LAHEY_JUNE10-P1-SPLASH-SCREEN-01-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm drunk and old

>> No.16432293
Quoted by: >>16432417

Rosebuds aren't unicorns. Rosemi isn't GFE.
t. Rosemi enjoyer pre-obsydia

>> No.16432295

Elira's a little unhinged at the moment
I love it

>> No.16432299

They shouldn't be friends with anyone other than ME

>> No.16432307
File: 136 KB, 463x454, 1630044967429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432334

>Luca's NO
I want to peg him

>> No.16432310
File: 194 KB, 1170x1446, 1642122809632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my line

>> No.16432312

Based, I'll member you day one

>> No.16432316
File: 43 KB, 644x480, 1461471919300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432407

Yes, ironically. This is normal bro stuff btw.

>> No.16432320
Quoted by: >>16432443

Nah she's screaming way too much today which is a shame because her solo streams usually are peak comfy

>> No.16432328
File: 715 KB, 1986x2048, 1642005812010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they cute

>> No.16432332

How many times have you locked and loaded 500$? I can recall at least 3 posts.

>> No.16432334

Stop posting while you’re streaming, Pomu

>> No.16432333

? Did you mean to quote someone else?

>> No.16432335

0-5 I watch streams
6-9 I play Genshin

>> No.16432340

I hate shipfags so much

>> No.16432341

newfags and holofags

>> No.16432342

Anon, most schedules in nijiEN are turning into just collabs. Of course I enjoy collabs but sometimes I want to see just my oshi, you know? There's a reason she is my favorite.

>> No.16432348

Same but I will never collab with SEA's or chinks only JP's

>> No.16432352

I’m curious what owl is up to in 1/2 hour some rant thread so I’ll watch pommers until then

>> No.16432358

Dodged a bullet bro

>> No.16432357
Quoted by: >>16432450

I self sabotage when my friend group gets too big

>> No.16432360

ul bro

>> No.16432361

Genshin sucks

>> No.16432362
Quoted by: >>16432437

>171 IPs
yeah I'm thinking this is a raid

>> No.16432384


>> No.16432388

Wait didn't Luca leave because he had to sleep?
Did he really lie just to get Nina out of there? Based

>> No.16432403

I want Elia to rub her big balls all over my face.

>> No.16432404

I've seen this same stream 5 times this WEEK

>> No.16432407
Quoted by: >>16432539

My bros and I loved to dress up in my little sisters clothes I agree anon

>> No.16432417

I'm just going off the few posts I've seen from /rose/ complaining about males, but they could easily be falseflaggers.

>> No.16432424

Finana unironically needs rape correction

>> No.16432431

>july 2021
>"Finana joined the stream and now it's an impromptu game collab? Let's fucking goooooooooo"
>"this is way better than those shitty idols with no charisma"

>january 2022
>"Finana joined the stream and now it's an impromptu game collab? Fuck this bitch for ruining the stream."
>"I wish I had some seiso idols to watch..."
What happened to you /nijiEN/?

>> No.16432436
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 1630706149230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread makes Pomu's stream out to be a miserable rratfest
>click over after Rosemi's stream ends
>she's laughing and having a lot of fun, stream is comfy
Every time with you raging autists.

>> No.16432437
File: 144 KB, 492x492, randomholopic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432473

that's right consider yourself raided
ps elira a qt, can't get enough of her laughter and random noises

>> No.16432440

Pomu REALLY wants Finana to take advantage of her while she's drunk...

>> No.16432443
File: 29 KB, 193x138, 1627002749910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I just realized I have her super low volume

>> No.16432450
Quoted by: >>16432511

Are you me? My friend group got so many people at some point and now comfy days are over and all old friends got quiet. I hate it here.

>> No.16432453

>you will never take advantage of drunk Pomu
Why even live?

>> No.16432461
File: 24 KB, 890x653, 1611539295299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if people using the #1 premium niji EN bait right now are being disingenuous.

>> No.16432463

Hololive stopped streaming so often

>> No.16432473

Thanks chammers bro

>> No.16432486
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, cia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16432491

The shitposters won, like in /jp/

>> No.16432496

Luca died. Probably Mizuchi telling him to go to sleep

>> No.16432501
Quoted by: >>16432694

Council happened.

>> No.16432502


>> No.16432506

Lol your Oshi is a fucking poser who can’t win tournaments. Jesus Dragoons really need to look In a mirror and realize that Selen is not that great.

>> No.16432509
Quoted by: >>16432560

Holotourists and HoloEN disbanding soon since nobody wants to stream.

>> No.16432511

If that would happen with nijiEN in the future then I can't wait for that moment

>> No.16432522
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>> No.16432539
File: 73 KB, 566x544, akuma09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda hot, bro

>> No.16432541
Quoted by: >>16432704

I remember there being a lot of Rosemi GFE-fags and general schizos, but next to no unicorn-faggotry.
Then one day, someone claiming Rosebuds are massive unicorns who will probably murder people IRL when males joined NijiEN.
THEN all of a sudden I started seeing posts along those lines claiming to be Rosebuds.

>> No.16432542
Quoted by: >>16432603

who the fuck cares about "seiso idols"? I just want some solo streams.

>> No.16432544
File: 88 KB, 474x501, 1627831437482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple, we didn't have multiple collabs every single day and they usually weren't advertisized as zatsudan. Before you fucking retarded faggot call me a newfag.

>> No.16432547
Quoted by: >>16432614

It went from
>hey impromptu collabs are a pretty neat gimmick
>every stream is now an impromptu collab with a good chance it involves at least one member you don't like

>> No.16432555

>Cia collab
Double yikes from me

>> No.16432560

We just weeded unicorns. Why TF we need more.

>> No.16432569
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>> No.16432577
File: 41 KB, 200x200, 1873676996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are schizos like this? Why can't they GTFO?

>> No.16432585

This girl Pomu is collabing with seems cute.

>> No.16432586

>that annoyed chuckle when Finana giggled in triumph

>> No.16432587
Quoted by: >>16432624

She might be having fun but I'm not.

>> No.16432589

You people are so so fucking annoying. Can't post anything about Petra in here without faggots like you doing that shit.

>> No.16432590

Pomu is getting drunk! PKZ!

>> No.16432591

Burger hours

>> No.16432603


>> No.16432602

When something happens sometimes its exciting and novel. When you abuse the fuck out of that thing to avoid having to be interesting on your own it becomes annoying and loses the novelty.

>> No.16432609
File: 2.35 MB, 198x165, petra speed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ignore schizos and only reply to pentomos!

>> No.16432610
File: 445 KB, 2588x1896, FEa6RZEVgAAvJQP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a slut.

>> No.16432614
Quoted by: >>16433003

I don't mind it with Finana right now since she doesn't often do this.
It's the fact that it's the same people every time anymore that makes it tiring.

>> No.16432617
Quoted by: >>16432657

Go back to your holobrony thread

>> No.16432624

You are also a faggot so I dunno

>> No.16432633

I don't have enough friends to play GTFO

>> No.16432644
Quoted by: >>16433028

rosemi enjoying a big dinner with her boyfriend. lucky kirt.

>> No.16432647

I like the giant enemy crab

>> No.16432651
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>> No.16432652

>He wasn't here before LazuLight debuts

>> No.16432654

I like schizos and shitposters, they make me laugh

>> No.16432657

Why the fuck I would go to holobrony thread you piece of shit? I love Petra.

>> No.16432669
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Pomu wearing nothing...

>> No.16432671
File: 47 KB, 504x306, 1611092802270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off newfag

>> No.16432673
Quoted by: >>16432964

Cry about it on Twitter

>> No.16432676
File: 131 KB, 1023x1259, 1633444129027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's pretty pog.

>> No.16432680
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>> No.16432686

Y-you too, anon

>> No.16432689

HoloEN stopped giving a fuck kek.

>> No.16432694

>council debuts and boring af / don’t stream
>holobronies shitposting here instead
Not sure if this is better or worse ngl

>> No.16432704
Quoted by: >>16432796

Because we only lurked before the seaniggers and trannies invaded nijien and started shitting it up

>> No.16432709

The older I get the more I realize that pentomos are based.

>> No.16432715
Quoted by: >>16432799

The simple solution to shitposting is simply to ACCELERATE even faster

>> No.16432721

Finana's laugh is so annoying, I love it so much

>> No.16432738
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-fd___0-02_06_05-00002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you know Selen is streaming right now?

>> No.16432743

Rosebuds never get tired of shitposting huh. The stream is called
>【FREE CHAT Mukbang?】Chill Friday night with drinks and Pomu!
The only part that happened is "drinks". I'm not gonna complain non stop like a faggot but doesn't mean I have to happy with this.

>> No.16432760

How big is the bottle Pomu's drinking from if she's only just finishing it?

>> No.16432770

Yes, but I closed the stream once I saw that it was more fucking apex.

>> No.16432773
Quoted by: >>16433001

Elira vs Yhorm

>> No.16432781
Quoted by: >>16432847

You're a pathetic parasocialfag

>> No.16432788
File: 90 KB, 225x225, 1635847346795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okie dokie.

>> No.16432791

Schizoposters are the sexiest posters in this thread

>> No.16432793
File: 22 KB, 298x302, nijisanji elira cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16432840

I like you too anon. And I like every guy and gal on Nijisanji in both solo streams and collabs. And most of all I like these threads, even with the dumb bickering and all.

>> No.16432796
File: 915 KB, 900x900, 1617616597117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you say, fag

>> No.16432795

she is like 140 cm, baby sips

>> No.16432799

Honestly you're right, shitposters aren't clever enough to rotate between 20+ targets and they'll probably just stick to the old faithfuls like they still do but it'll be even easier to drown out.

>> No.16432804
File: 79 KB, 300x563, 1634946373358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The good thing about Nijisanji is that you don't have to like everyone! You can just pick who you want to watch!

>> No.16432809

She's chatting freely while eating dinner (mukbang) on a chilly Friday night with drinks and Pomu, seems accurate

>> No.16432811

The standard size of a mike's hard lemonade can.

>> No.16432819
Quoted by: >>16432924

No one wants to watch actual whores retard

>> No.16432824


>> No.16432832
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>> No.16432840

>And I like every guy and gal
And non-binary pals!

>> No.16432845
Quoted by: >>16432945

NijiJP don't crash each other's streams every single day.

>> No.16432847

>Fuck off unicorns
>Fuck off GFEfags
>Fuck off parasocialfags
Who is the target audience for this thread? normalfags? Why not go back to discord then?

>> No.16432857

They should've posted the invitation on the general discord channel so other branches could come in.

>> No.16432866

Pomu is the pomufication of human race

>> No.16432871

Are you gonna cry?

>> No.16432874
File: 1.12 MB, 1374x1839, EC9C0457-8775-4F89-B220-03233D2FED8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16433008

Just the way I like them

>> No.16432875
File: 30 KB, 473x600, 28b02a3dfe3b189fa05427e9fbf0a60a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use my COOMoshi to shitpost you fucker

>> No.16432882

kinda wish this was an Oliver collab instead

>> No.16432884
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, pomu wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16432885

No matter how schizo you guys get, I just can’t quit this general. Now get over give me a kiss

>> No.16432887


>> No.16432902
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>> No.16432906
File: 1.45 MB, 2000x1211, 86177512_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with Tsukino Mito.

>> No.16432904

Do you actually watch Mito? Do you actually watch nijiJP?

>> No.16432909

I don't know why you people are so mad this is the good shit

>> No.16432916

Fuck you and kill yourself faggot

>> No.16432918
Quoted by: >>16432970

I give up on watching this stream. I'm just gonna read the thread from now on.

>> No.16432921
File: 176 KB, 480x480, Comfy Selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, after the shitshow in these threads today... I'm just watching instead of commenting in the thread

>> No.16432924
File: 455 KB, 2700x3000, 1617849553959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.16432929
File: 296 KB, 500x576, 1639401489287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get the wrong idea

>> No.16432943


>> No.16432944

Are you unironically stating that those three encompass the audience of this thread? Please go touch some grass?

>> No.16432945
Quoted by: >>16433133

The SEEDs era was pretty similar, I don't remember if it was "better" or "worse" than whatever you fags are complaining about now because I was having fun either way

>> No.16432950


>> No.16432951


>> No.16432964

rent free. your obsession with petra is pathetic

>> No.16432963
File: 42 KB, 350x415, 1615653722684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna commission fanart of me fucking your oshi while you cry in the background and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.16432967
File: 317 KB, 1240x1889, FI31G2hWYAAJS-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, NijiEN is for normalfags only.

>> No.16432970

this but the other way around, later schizo retards

>> No.16432971

>open elu's stream
>it's just elu
>open ratna's stream
>it's just ratna
>open gaku's stream
>it's just gaku
wow crazy

>> No.16432975

MitoCHAD i kneel

>> No.16432973
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>> No.16432979


>> No.16432987

*slurp* Iswhs thwis okaaay mmm anon? *sluuuuuuuurp*

>> No.16432988

Big chungus is here!

>> No.16432992


>> No.16432995
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>> No.16432996
Quoted by: >>16433094

>Elira normal solo stream has double the views of Pomu
oh nononono collabbros why is this happening I thought everyone loved the patented NijiEN collab model??

>> No.16432997


>> No.16433001

Elira's volleyball testicles point-blank charging Yhorm!

>> No.16433003

>It's the fact that it's the same people every time anymore that makes it tiring.

This but with collabs too. It's so boring now that they're always the same roster each time.

>> No.16433008


>> No.16433011


>> No.16433014
File: 159 KB, 512x512, 1621766863171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY BUDS HOWS IT GROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16433013

The stream is saved.

>> No.16433019
Quoted by: >>16433067

Imagine wanting to have actual mentally ill schizophrenics stay in this thread

>> No.16433028

>She's eating spaghetti

>> No.16433044


>> No.16433050

>Rosemi opens crab game
>Elira pauses her stream to see why
Elira was getting jealous

>> No.16433052

calamity witch...

>> No.16433057
Quoted by: >>16433130

If you're any of those then Nijisanji isn't for you

>> No.16433059


>> No.16433067

>Mental ill schizophrenics go away
>Thread gets 100x times worse
I miss the good old times of just lazulight and obsidia instead of this shitshow of a thread

>> No.16433073
Quoted by: >>16433129


>> No.16433079

christ just push this thread to bump limit already

>> No.16433078

What did he mean by this?

>> No.16433084
File: 61 KB, 480x480, 1631326522741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism is a scary thing

>> No.16433083
File: 52 KB, 857x177, 11916084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>16433146

t. holobrony

>> No.16433092

Elira is too cute making the power up sounds when she charges the ability, I love Elira and hate every faggot schizo in the thread

>> No.16433094

Anon, your math reps

>> No.16433106

Heave Ho 10 more posts!

>> No.16433108

>Rosemi shows up anywhere
>fifty fucking Rosebuds crawl out from the shadows with the same canned responses
I hate you guys but also never leave and change

>> No.16433112
File: 446 KB, 450x423, 1620663272244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna go invade Australia and install a puppet government that will build better internet infrastructure so my boy can play video games with his friends?

>> No.16433119

This random collab is cute

>> No.16433125


>> No.16433129

Let Famelira have a solo stream

>> No.16433130

But there is a lot of those, at least the parasocial ones, the unicorns already got murdered

>> No.16433133

for me it was the same it is now, depends on who crashed which stream, it's not that simple
also, I don't remember this being this frequent, specially in zatsu streams

>> No.16433136

Next thread

>> No.16433146

bro that's not even the same image
