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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 253 KB, 1300x1838, 1641504867022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15968888 No.15968888 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>15969659

This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji's English branch and their vtuber units, LazuLight, Obsydia, Ethyria, and Luxiem!

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:

Twitter accounts:





Teamup Schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags and tribalfags.

Previous thread: >>15949648

>> No.15968929
File: 280 KB, 800x800, 95320788_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15968940

must be on the ad read

>> No.15968943

Freaking it

>> No.15968947
Quoted by: >>15968973

Rosemi's stream just dipped to 900 viewers the moment her viewers spammed NOOOO in the chat, what the fuck

>> No.15968952
File: 331 KB, 1300x1838, 1633909842973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15968970
File: 198 KB, 1725x1823, 1638495260950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Locking Pentomos in the vault with me in Payday.

>> No.15968973
File: 52 KB, 750x500, susan_wojcicki_youtube_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969022


>> No.15968974

God I love Rosemi

>> No.15968977

It's not really GTA, it's arcadey but it works given its meant to be a co-op game. Plus this beat GTA Online to the punch by a full year IIRC.

>> No.15968984

Enna's small Chinese feet ToT

>> No.15968986
File: 65 KB, 1920x2160, FB-L1RiUcAIOZgG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969178

I love this sweet pure mermaid!

>> No.15968996

There's fucking 15 in this branch and only two other streams in this slot. Even an idiot could fix this.

>> No.15969006
File: 1019 KB, 946x2048, A9104670-DBCF-49E4-8F30-E90FEF1A7CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna sings you a beautiful song just before she murders you? Worth it or not?

>> No.15969012
File: 161 KB, 1440x1080, FIXU09PUUAMgrdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little bro is gonna be on the telly soon POG

>> No.15969022

her nose curve downward

>> No.15969030

Less chance for nijien to find future sponsors if they get poor numbers

>> No.15969036

holy shit reimu is almost the same number as elira and petra while both of them are doing a debuff sponsorship kek what a failure

>> No.15969037

Please kill me Enna.

>> No.15969045

Yeah if you want a slightly more "realistic" multiplayer shooter, go for SWAT 4

>> No.15969067
File: 348 KB, 1924x2048, 1611318080600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!

>> No.15969070

Put Elira under Shu

>> No.15969075

not my problem

>> No.15969077
File: 127 KB, 285x365, Russian_Cloaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969080

nobody sane fucking CARES dude, you're insane for suggesting that 15 individual content creators be constantly on top of what all of the others are doing all the time

>> No.15969086


>> No.15969091
Quoted by: >>15969213

Stop spamming this shit every single time

>> No.15969096

Mizoochi just called me cute..

>> No.15969098
File: 13 KB, 354x157, Who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you was this. How fucking embarrassing. Lying about a girlfriend in 2022 urgh

>> No.15969100

They've finished their first heist and Pomu STILL has not figured out how to yell, aim, or switch to her rifle.

>> No.15969109
File: 738 KB, 2411x2500, Selen 368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969107

they could just stream one hour later... I have no idea why none of them thought about that.

>> No.15969116

I'm surprised this game is still getting support, I remember the last time I played they added a kawaii uguu mask and apparently that was back in 2013.

>> No.15969118

I can't believe I still remember how to stealth this map after so many years

>> No.15969128

hey bros I'm watching rosemi rn but I also want to watch the selen collab. what should I do?

>> No.15969145

Why do they always pick Elira for sponsored streams?

>> No.15969146
File: 640 KB, 533x669, 1633304728856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi is very cute today!

>> No.15969151
File: 27 KB, 720x833, 1531533574481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moshi moshi bank robbery in progress

>> No.15969152
File: 193 KB, 1167x1120, 1637863960473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cared who i was until i put on the mask

>> No.15969154
Quoted by: >>15969332

Stop posting your SCs here faggot, you're not funny.

>> No.15969155

I'm the girlfriend

>> No.15969158

>Rosemi suffering on one boss
>P*mu and Selen collab
Luca... you are my last hope...

>> No.15969172
Quoted by: >>15969299

You dumbass, they have literally spoken about sharing their schedules with each other, and how these sponsored streams go affect the rest of the branch's chances of getting better ones in the future. It isn't hard for them to move their collab back by one fucking hour.

>> No.15969174

What the fuck this game has a welcome back bonus and a cutscene where it says that Vice was waiting for you to wake up from your coma. Even this game is parasocial.

>> No.15969178

Do ya think she sees these posts?

>> No.15969180

Cloakers don't show up on the easiest difficulty iirc so they won't see them.

>> No.15969184
File: 1.48 MB, 1506x806, 2022-01-06 21_25_34-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does each layout say about the streamer?

>> No.15969189

This is the main thing that I'm surprised people aren't getting.
Yeah. They're getting a flat income from this sure, but constantly shafting sponsorship streams is going to make future sponsors turn tail.

>> No.15969190
Quoted by: >>15969482

Face of NijiEN

>> No.15969196
File: 2.28 MB, 1826x1467, heights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15969204

I mean it gives you all these options then you just rush in, shoot 80 cops that walk up to you one at a time, and walk out and you won.

>> No.15969213

I don't think I will

>> No.15969229

Both parts of this are good.

>> No.15969231
File: 1.05 MB, 1588x903, 1638848672031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969235

she is professional in a cute tryhard way

>> No.15969237

1. multiple monitors
2. multiple windows on one monitor
3. pick your favorite and watch the other vod later

>> No.15969251
Quoted by: >>15969293

Watch Reimu's POV, Rosemi dropped out for her < 1K views

>> No.15969252

how is enna level 15

>> No.15969260

>Pomu: cute Fairy
>Reimu: Lazy Latina
>Selen: Motherly Selen...

>> No.15969268

Most professional, most subs, entry level taste and likes all kinds of garbage, least likely to fuck up, you'd be insane NOT to go for Elira

>> No.15969276
Quoted by: >>15969482

She's the only competent one out of Lazusydia.

>> No.15969284
Quoted by: >>15969482

Highest subs

>> No.15969289

They have a shared Google doc that they constantly pull up on a whim. It's a very preventable problem even without management having to step in.

>> No.15969291
File: 2.06 MB, 1366x768, Enna_could_be_3[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs1q3oa.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969362

>> No.15969293
Quoted by: >>15969498

reimu focus on your own stream bish

>> No.15969297

>I'm old
yes pomu, you are

>> No.15969299
Quoted by: >>15969395

sponsored streams are bad anyway, i don't really give a shit. the project sekai streams fucking suck every time

>> No.15969315

imagine having babies with Selen, they would come out of the womb laughing

>> No.15969324
File: 11 KB, 191x257, 1622259123669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture in picture and/or holodex multiview

>> No.15969323
File: 147 KB, 1806x594, apex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969332

Were you the poster? Or a poser?

>> No.15969343


>> No.15969358

she's the face of nijisanji en.

>> No.15969362

are these supposed to have sound? I keep seeing these but I don't know how to play them

>> No.15969376

She caught the Kuzuha disease

>> No.15969377

just open them in mpv

>> No.15969393

If you dont use cute plushie art you are a literal 2views. Thats what it says

>> No.15969395
Quoted by: >>15969437

I don't give a fuck, I actually like the NijiEN girls and want them to succeed, it's not a matter of content, they're only an hour long so I support the girls.

>> No.15969402
File: 587 KB, 640x426, Im trying to carry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As i said on my oshi thread... Selen is playing Payday 2 and the others are just playing Apex Legends...

>> No.15969404

don’t it’s shit

>> No.15969408


>> No.15969409

>188k subs
>300 viewers

>> No.15969417

you need to have a 4chan pass to do so

>> No.15969424

She is black and #blacklivesmatter

>> No.15969437

maybe support the girls by donating money now and then instead of acting like your 1 view makes a difference

>> No.15969448

they wont survive overkill long enough for them to show up

>> No.15969470
File: 2.35 MB, 198x165, 1638520906009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be company
>Get sponsored stream with NijiEN
>Stream is done by Petra who people don't even know exists

>> No.15969473
File: 819 KB, 1500x1137, Reimu_Endou_Reference_Sheet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15969476

I mean ideally they'd pick the vtuber who's own interest and audience matches with your product, but that's really too much work especially when they hand out dozens of these a week. Big number = good, call it a day.

>> No.15969477

>230k subs
>500 ccv

>> No.15969482
Quoted by: >>15969615

I guess you guys will need to praise petra for her to have two sponsorships then :P

>> No.15969492

pomu still doesn't realize she can change weapons....

>> No.15969498

Nah. It's not even apex

>> No.15969501
Quoted by: >>15969579

Enna is so quiet...

>> No.15969509

whats with the rampant numberfagging

>> No.15969511

is payday just a zombie shooter but with police?

>> No.15969520

I'd ask for a refund if I were them

>> No.15969534
File: 194 KB, 499x387, 1640319606858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15969544
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, FIdieDpUYAEWh36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it begins!

>> No.15969547
File: 219 KB, 884x495, sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's begging others to make stale shitposts for him

>> No.15969573

Fucking quit the mission holy shit selen

>> No.15969579

watch her pov

>> No.15969580
File: 69 KB, 732x720, 1622259477254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be stealthy in most missions

>> No.15969581
File: 1.17 MB, 844x1145, Enna_Alouette_Full_Body.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where is her charm point?

>> No.15969585
File: 85 KB, 252x268, peek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969595
Quoted by: >>15973017

She's got the best design by a thousand miles

>> No.15969599
File: 173 KB, 447x370, 1639104450314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a good stream...

>> No.15969605

it's not supposed to be they just have no idea what they're doing

>> No.15969606


>> No.15969614

>number culling
Then how come Selen is at her usual CCV?

>> No.15969615

The question was about Elira though. Why would there be a need to mention or praise Petra?

>> No.15969616

When are they gonna play DSOD?

>> No.15969623
Quoted by: >>15969873

"Optimally" it's more a stealth-focused game, at least it was back at launch. Shooting your way out is supposed to be your last resort.

>> No.15969627

literally everywhere she's not my oshi though

>> No.15969628

why am is rosemi so relatable to me... rosemi get out of my head!!

>> No.15969633
File: 191 KB, 1519x1949, FGMAQZNXwAALaXW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969636

yandere gf

>> No.15969649
File: 104 KB, 799x618, shit the queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hair makes me think of this every time.

>> No.15969651

It's VT. People here are crushed failures with nothing to their name so they act like they wouldn't be impressed if they had 3 digits worth of viewers.

>> No.15969657

> 230k subs
> 500 viewers
can you fuck off now and kill yourself?

>> No.15969659

Why can't I run both streams at the same time? It autopauses one or the other.

>> No.15969666

God fucking bless you, Luca, for saving us from these streams.

>> No.15969682
Quoted by: >>15969734

It's random I guess

>> No.15969686
Quoted by: >>15969731

Fuck you, don't respond to a shitposter with a shitpost, you're even worse than them

>> No.15969695

Cute & small feet

>> No.15969704
File: 139 KB, 452x678, 1639789644619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do women actually touch their girl bussies to the NijiMales or is it just dudes who watch them?

>> No.15969721
Quoted by: >>15970002


>> No.15969724
Quoted by: >>15969874

Don't bring Elira into your squabble with shitposters.
Hell, stop throwing all the girls under the bus when you're arguing with shitposters.

>> No.15969727

She really is for fucking from behind.

>> No.15969732
Quoted by: >>15970002

Did you read the instructions directly below that link?

>> No.15969731

Fuck off you piece of shit.
I'm not doing a shitpost, I'm showing that both are lower numbers than their usual.

>> No.15969734

it's not, Rosemi's stream just dropped by a few hundred when tons of people typed in caps in her chat.

>> No.15969735

I play alchemy stars and it's kinda cringe how Elira doesn't go for full combos or utilizing skills.

>> No.15969739

She ate Enna and Reimu's viewers.

>> No.15969745

I lol'd... hard

>> No.15969747
File: 1.02 MB, 1439x1438, 1640530946429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salty your oshi doesn't get sponsors?
Stay mad.

>> No.15969759

More like girls

>> No.15969764
File: 1012 KB, 500x211, 1558081057271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969830

Rosemi-sama it's so strong...

>> No.15969795
File: 304 KB, 512x512, 1619051409610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969830


>> No.15969800
File: 43 KB, 500x376, 1460b725a9fbd65b558935183741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969812

Thank fuck Luca's here

>> No.15969821

I think Rosemi taping her mouth shut dropped her o2 levels too much....

>> No.15969830

what did she do?

>> No.15969833

petra schizo

>> No.15969835

rosemi and aris collab soon.

>> No.15969860
File: 253 KB, 1200x506, 1627345849936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969865
File: 24 KB, 398x162, rggdfasrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969919

hm, do you think they were in a call before he started stream?

>> No.15969871
Quoted by: >>15970059

>Rosemi lost her chance with her big titty stacy neighbor

>> No.15969873

Some levels are stealth, some levels are loud, but most of them go fully in one way rather than a mix

Pretty much but at high levels and difficulties it's pretty fun

>> No.15969874

maybe you should learn how to interpret since it's him showing how both are lower with the cull

>> No.15969889
File: 494 KB, 835x1149, 1631409721576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi has social anxiety just like me...

>> No.15969890
Quoted by: >>15970021

just got back from taking a huge shit and saw the payday collab was on, did they not get the rights to the ost and have music turned off or is it just your usual streamer autism?

>> No.15969919

I'm thinking poggers.

>> No.15969921

I had to leave my house, someone tell me if she beats Genichiro

>> No.15969927
File: 849 KB, 622x658, 1619580337709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15969958

This cute rose is going to do her best! Will you do your best too?

>> No.15969949

At this point I blame Selen for not telling Pomu how to aim/crouch/use her rifle sooner.

>> No.15969955
File: 302 KB, 860x1792, 1638284239023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15969960
Quoted by: >>15970119


>> No.15969958

Genchiro dabs on her best so its clearly not enough

>> No.15969970

Had to do archive reps for this one but an anon said she loved Majima when she played Yakuza in her PL

>> No.15969973

How does Pomu manage to outlive Reimu every time, I thought she liked FPS

>> No.15969979
File: 773 KB, 635x635, 1626234165607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15969992

Unlike non-elira girls, the boys are actually likable so i'd guess its 50% less 18 y/o women, 10% greater than 18 y/o women, and 40% dateless bi men.

>> No.15970000

Pentomos, don't look at Nijimado.....

>> No.15970002
Quoted by: >>15970160

Followed those instructions and now I get a playback error that won't let me watch at all.

>> No.15970004

Selen why did you invite Enna to this...

>> No.15970009

Kinda but she also took like a month long break due to personal issues.

>> No.15970018

Enna just pozzed this stream

>> No.15970021
Quoted by: >>15970081

Some of them just have it really low

>> No.15970059

Was stacy real? Or was it one of Rosemi's alters.

>> No.15970078
File: 74 KB, 250x250, 1636392638104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970124


>> No.15970081

yeah i can hear some waiting room lobby stuff like right before you made this post, ah well i understand turning it low at least because the games ost is made for being blasted which is not good for the viewers

>> No.15970091
File: 234 KB, 1200x1400, 1632884218696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970558

>> No.15970097

God coming from high infamy deathwish - death sentence to watching such low level payday gameplay is some serious whiplash

>> No.15970119

don't worry thread reject, I gochu

>> No.15970124

who let enna near petra?

>> No.15970148
File: 2.31 MB, 3000x3000, FFD4GzmVUBId9gu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enna dying first every time

>> No.15970146


>> No.15970147
File: 232 KB, 1075x372, imaginethesmell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijiEN fart tier list. Someone please add a tiermaker NijiEN list that has the males so I don't have to only include the girls.

>> No.15970157

>rebound crouch to right mouse
>didn't rebind aim
I think Pomu might be too dumb for this game.

>> No.15970160
Quoted by: >>15970299

Weird, do you get an undefined when you put the code in console?

>> No.15970166

Famelira... your oshi can't reach even 600

>> No.15970168
Quoted by: >>15970274

how hard is the "hard" difficulty in outlast 2???
is luca going to stream 8 hours again in a horror game?.....

>> No.15970190

They are shilling HARD

>> No.15970192
Quoted by: >>15970254

He has been at sub 50 viewers for his 4 month+ long stream though,

>> No.15970194
File: 114 KB, 849x879, 1614783703814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970250

Pomu just told me to fuck off

>> No.15970215
File: 29 KB, 250x652, 1638009002115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15970224

Rosemi? Lol you must mean Wosemi

>> No.15970226
Quoted by: >>15970358


>> No.15970234

I wish they panned each others audio to slightly different ears in streams like this because when they're all just yelling you cant make anything out

>> No.15970233
Quoted by: >>15970381

Famelira your oshi can't even reach 1k today again...

>> No.15970250

Oh shit shes based.

>> No.15970252


>> No.15970254

when is Gwelu getting his 3d debut?
I need more of his shitposting but in 3d

>> No.15970269
Quoted by: >>15970358

fuck off

>> No.15970274

The difficulty scaling in Outlast = things hit harder and less saves I believe. It's just overall bullshit, so it might take longer yes.

>> No.15970289

None of them are saying anything important anyway, they're just flailing.

>> No.15970291
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1638505369596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15970299

Yeah, it said undefined when I put it in.

>> No.15970318
Quoted by: >>15970414

Holy shit an actual good idea on /vt/
I must be living in a coma dream.

>> No.15970327
File: 238 KB, 1271x714, 1634863563384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15970333
Quoted by: >>15970398


>> No.15970338
File: 1.07 MB, 771x873, 1640140774943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu could be a good CS player with all this hipfire aiming.

>> No.15970341

If everything goes normally, beginning half of this year

>> No.15970358

If you have a problem with where your oshi is placed, please civilly explain where you think she belongs and why.

>> No.15970362
Quoted by: >>15970414

no thank you, that would be shit

>> No.15970365
File: 136 KB, 463x454, 1631768559498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the hacker
Pomu is /here/

>> No.15970374


>> No.15970381

Elira is an anti-numbers chad that intentionally nerfs herself

>> No.15970388

backgroundsemi doing jumping jacks and stretching...

>> No.15970398


>> No.15970410

She is literally 4Chan, the famous dude from the TV

>> No.15970412

I hate pomu

>> No.15970413

>"i'm the hacker"
>she doesn't have any ECMs
She's not the hacker.

>> No.15970414
Quoted by: >>15970461

It's like poetry, it rhymes

>> No.15970426
Quoted by: >>15970463


>> No.15970436

Don't normally watch Nijis but I like Sekiro and Rosemi is cute, should I subscribe?

>> No.15970451
File: 26 KB, 139x81, 11145425674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970491

>Selen bonked a Cop with a giant Spoon

>> No.15970461

George Lucas debut when?
challenge mode, whats his models gimmick

>> No.15970463


>> No.15970464

>Dakini naaaa hehi akruuuu sohineria

>> No.15970491

only a spoonful

>> No.15970492
Quoted by: >>15970590

kek, fameliras coping hard now

>> No.15970495
File: 156 KB, 878x1200, 1615382429925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15970494

He's such a fucking megachad.

>> No.15970515

They should have gotten a more quiet presence for this collab. Reimu, Selen, and Pomu together like this are just incomprehensibly loud.

>> No.15970528

If you want to watch your little sister who sucks at games struggle through Sekiro, she's the streamer for you.

>> No.15970533
File: 272 KB, 1166x261, recline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970596


>> No.15970532
File: 324 KB, 396x407, 1628861032366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radio taiso with Rosemi!

>> No.15970558


>> No.15970590

You can't bring numbers to shitpost Famelira shitpost anon. If you want to shitpost Elira you better bring Shu or Nepotism

>> No.15970594
File: 63 KB, 250x250, 1640212773379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Pomu, nobody helps her.

>> No.15970595

Are you pogging anon?

>> No.15970596
Quoted by: >>15970648

> 507 viewers
Elira... reclined hard this week

>> No.15970608

Stop being stupid. They should have swapped Enna for Millie so the stream would induce brain hemorrhaging.

>> No.15970610

I'm gonna marry Enna and cum inside her fertile chinese womb every day and even when she's pregnant I'll still cum inside her so that she'll never go a day without being pregnant.

>> No.15970618

This is the one time where I legitimately ask, what did he mean by this?

>> No.15970625

payday music doko...

>> No.15970631
Quoted by: >>15970841

It would help if pomu actually read through her keybinds and stopped doing the wrong things on purpose to be "funny."
She barely knows how to aim and doesn't know at all how to melee or yell.

>> No.15970646

Reimu endlessly singing the Christmas song is hilarious is a tortuous way

>> No.15970648

numberfags leave

>> No.15970660

Seeing feet perks up his rosebud

>> No.15970665

feet fetish

>> No.15970668
File: 80 KB, 1143x1308, 1624735271625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15970669

his penis getting stomped on makes him hard

>> No.15970679

Luca hasn't gotten far at all and he already wants someone to stay with him

>> No.15970681
File: 202 KB, 319x313, 1640068474157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are we doing?!
>giant objective box on the top left
I can imagine why Nina drinks so much

>> No.15970685

feet make his penis erect.

>> No.15970691

Reimu and Selen barely make as much noise. Pomu just keeps repeating random bullshit and trying way too hard to be funny, all the while being the loudest of the four.

>> No.15970699

Her real accent is so cute. Te amo Reimu!

>> No.15970700

It's nice to see that Selen and Reimu brought their grandmas to play with them

>> No.15970707
File: 40 KB, 565x579, 1630015305271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>step on his balls!!

>> No.15970711
File: 45 KB, 162x157, 1637540431777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grab his balls
There's literally no way she doesn't have a CBT fetish, right? She mentions balls WAY too often.

>> No.15970724


he's a footfag

>> No.15970733
Quoted by: >>15970884

Casino Royale watchalong next members stream.

>> No.15970738
Quoted by: >>15970795

Rosemi is going to become the Joker.

>> No.15970742

Mint had her viewers by the balls, just like Pomu

>> No.15970748
Quoted by: >>15970783

>Pomu being dumb and confused
>Enna being confused and blind
>Reimu screaming needlessly over everything
It's baffling that Selen isn't the one annoying me for once.

>> No.15970760
Quoted by: >>15970850

shut up reimu

>> No.15970778
File: 23 KB, 732x230, mystatweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15970783

Selen is never annoying

>> No.15970788
File: 1.45 MB, 1457x1004, 1631995670781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970956

Let me show you what inclining really looks like

>> No.15970795

Shes already there. She just needs to die once to the lightning

>> No.15970803
Quoted by: >>15970867

>Luca at 3k
View culler? I hardly even know her!

>> No.15970809

She's doing a distinct lack of screaming.

>> No.15970817

Reimu I'm almost coming just from hearing your spic accent. I love your sweaty feet

>> No.15970822
File: 1020 KB, 883x780, zsfsdgsdgsdg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15970901

Luca is currently screaming that he wish someone was on call with him, I bet Mizuchi is sad that she can't be there for him.

>> No.15970833

>Elira is an anti-numbers chad that intentionally nerfs herself
This but unironically. She RARELY streams her POV and does collabs pretty frequently which net her lower views than she'd get by doing either gacha streams or karaoke streams

>> No.15970841

Sounds like she's yelling just fine?

>> No.15970850

no bish, i gotta keep myself awake

>> No.15970855
File: 83 KB, 703x709, 1637201314431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not single Nijigirl above 1k aside from Selen
>Luca is even higher than her

>> No.15970865

Why aren't they dying? SHIT GAME

>> No.15970867

Based post

>> No.15970884
File: 3.80 MB, 498x498, 1637372698826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15970888

It's 2022. Vtubers were a 2020 fad.

>> No.15970890
File: 792 KB, 772x554, biiiiiig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picks up paper
>doesn't read it

>> No.15970896

She wants them on her face and breathe in the male musk.

>> No.15970902

Usually her and Pomu are the single biggest source of noise in a collab, but this time she's surprisingly tame.

>> No.15970901

Which one was Luca?

>> No.15970905

Selen wanted to play HARD mode but it was too much for the other 3 so she went back to normal

>> No.15970906

They should play Deathwish already

>> No.15970921
File: 3.22 MB, 208x247, 1641023273458.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971212

>> No.15970922

Reimu's tiny mouth makes every expression of hers unintentionally hilarious

>> No.15970927
Quoted by: >>15971002

Pomu above 1k too

>> No.15970928
Quoted by: >>15971002

Pomu is at 1.3k what

>> No.15970937
File: 299 KB, 523x523, 1639737728661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's a beautiful day to rob a bank."

>> No.15970939


>> No.15970956

A literal shithole in the middle of nowhere outdoes all of Niji EN except for the boys.

women chuuba's have expired.

>> No.15970960

This is a man's world.

>> No.15970981

Does Reimu usually just repeat stuff over and over or is she on some shit

>> No.15970982
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, 1636982657792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971029

>> No.15970995

Reimu's showing off her Columbian cartel side tonight

>> No.15971002

who's pomu?

>> No.15971013

it's a symptom of autism, please andastan

>> No.15971025

didn't luca say something about scary games in his debut or was that someone else

>> No.15971029

>Clap clap clap clap clap clap

>> No.15971031

Vtubers in general do that, Selen does it a lot too

>> No.15971045
File: 229 KB, 446x449, 1641020180676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carry your game

>> No.15971048

she's slept like four heroes in the past two days

>> No.15971047

we all are

>> No.15971051
Quoted by: >>15971265

Some Vshoujo orbiter.

>> No.15971055
Quoted by: >>15971140

Hololive is for males, Nijisanji is for females. There will be outliers, but this is the truth.

>> No.15971059

Luca screams unexpectedly easily

>> No.15971093
File: 518 KB, 768x432, 1637086475579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much, it's like there has been a hole in my life ever since she graduated

>> No.15971095
File: 252 KB, 479x1080, 1634085021102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971297

Reimu is extra autistic today

>> No.15971111

Women have expiration dates. Men don't

>> No.15971113
Quoted by: >>15971266

If reimu design didn’t have the two front hair pieces and the eye bags she would have been god tier…

>> No.15971132
File: 104 KB, 480x360, 1641524309989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mansanji corporation

>> No.15971140

then why are you here

>> No.15971143
Quoted by: >>15971213

this is so much more of a clusterfuck than left4dead was

>> No.15971155


>> No.15971163
Quoted by: >>15971260

She's Colombian, she's on caffeine

>> No.15971167
File: 206 KB, 323x323, 1623098476253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971216

>Pomu: oh shit oh no oh shit

>> No.15971179

I thought Luca was singing a Christian song but it's Ariana Grande...

>> No.15971194
Quoted by: >>15971245

Rosemi has been mindbroken...

>> No.15971196


>> No.15971211


>> No.15971212
File: 1.80 MB, 640x482, 1641446820548.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15971213

At least in L4D there aren't many more objectives than "get to the end" to confuse them

>> No.15971214
File: 304 KB, 2048x1638, 1640670675196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her accent really turns me on

>> No.15971216

>It's a beautiful day to rob a bank

>> No.15971215


>> No.15971245

By me, I made her act like a xx years old loli

>> No.15971260

So that's what they call it down there

>> No.15971265

I wish. The nijien girls would pair well with most of them.

>> No.15971266

THE EYEBAGS ARE WHAT MAKES HER CUTE. The mustache hair I don't get

>> No.15971272

based luca refusing to read the lore infodumps

>> No.15971274

ok non-binary and gender fluid

>> No.15971276


>> No.15971282

He's here because Holofags have nothing to watch so they spend time shitposting in here, their lives are that empty and their vtubers are that boring.

>> No.15971297
Quoted by: >>15971535

Reimu is extra annoying today.

>> No.15971303

I initially thought this Payday was like a heist simulator but its more of a horde shooter like L4D looking at this gameplay

>> No.15971320
File: 79 KB, 768x800, 1612857885652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971328
File: 178 KB, 480x480, 1639273496329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hear an accent because I'm also latin american

>> No.15971335
File: 1.14 MB, 960x1200, 1620702552268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fairies are just like that.

>> No.15971341

Depending how you want to play it it's both

>> No.15971343

maximizer MAXIMIZER!!!!!

>> No.15971347


>> No.15971349

It's a game with many different approaches and options

>> No.15971358

reimu's at 369 viewers...
what the fuck bros...

>> No.15971361

I hate reimu now

>> No.15971374
Quoted by: >>15971488

the guy in this game sounds like uncle ruckus

>> No.15971401
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1638257361433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971512

It's a heist simulator, but as Selen said, the girls are too autistic for it, specially reimu who plays this as fucking apex.

I think rosemi would play this much much better

>> No.15971408
Quoted by: >>15971513


>> No.15971417
File: 151 KB, 900x665, yakanfurby-1479287438069886980-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15971418

that's her normal numbers

>> No.15971427

This is what it feels like to be Luca's wife......

>> No.15971435

This post is the best thing this thread has produced

>> No.15971446 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 4096x3355, FIdjVDLVEAIo7Zj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you sex a ghost?

>> No.15971455

The fov is this game is so low it's making me physically sick.

>> No.15971460


>> No.15971463

It's just a standard market correction, don't worry about it.

>> No.15971488

Elira is 102% black with a 2% margin of error

>> No.15971493
Quoted by: >>15971560

Small tits, nice hips, huge ass
The prime latina experience

>> No.15971500

Luca is at 3.4k :)

>> No.15971506

is that mika?? holy fuck did she finally get new art??

>> No.15971512

Apex is a desease. Every other person who plays it completely loses the ability to play other games competently. Even Selen turns to shit when she plays any game after doing some Apex.

>> No.15971513

Poppi's going ghost....

>> No.15971517
Quoted by: >>15971565

Mika would go full menhera on you if you stick your dick in her

>> No.15971525
File: 1.40 MB, 850x1203, 1611986609782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it will help her mental stability

>> No.15971535

I skip all collabs with Reimu

>> No.15971537

>evil guy licks the MC
>Luca: pog?

>> No.15971540

made for pump and dump

>> No.15971560
Quoted by: >>15972952

>Huge ass
Not seeing it chief

>> No.15971565

Nah she'd take a bath in your tub, take your money and leave lol

>> No.15971578

I don't usually lewdpost but Luca's screams are erotic...

>> No.15971583

these girls are so retarded it's not even funny... specially enna and reimu holy shit...

>> No.15971600

Enna has the best accuracy lesgoooo

>> No.15971603


>> No.15971606


>> No.15971619

They really are...

>> No.15971626

literally built for sex

>> No.15971627


>> No.15971633
File: 1.60 MB, 1655x931, 1636872476647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petra gacha experience

>> No.15971634

Biggest tits in EN = biggest slut in EN. It's simple math

>> No.15971638
Quoted by: >>15971722

Jesus fuck Luca is more scared than girls I saw playing this game...

>> No.15971653
File: 975 KB, 844x1711, 1640850816109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika's design is pure sex and criminally underrated

>> No.15971657

Finally some words he can read because the game read it aloud to him!

>> No.15971659

>t. Pomudachi

>> No.15971669
Quoted by: >>15971823

where's her spike

>> No.15971676
File: 74 KB, 657x802, enna wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is a gamer!

>> No.15971677
File: 679 KB, 1296x1000, 1634156184383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wosemi waiting warmly for anon to stop being and idiot

>> No.15971678
File: 1.34 MB, 1000x2079, Luca_Kaneshiro_-_Full_Illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971728

>> No.15971684

amogus shirt lookin ass

>> No.15971688
File: 104 KB, 306x255, 926EA85C-C6C5-4053-8AEE-F42C12ED266F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971785

Mysta needs rape correction

>> No.15971690
File: 332 KB, 1299x756, FIbrb8FakAE4gE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971748

wtf anon, don't say that about my son.

>> No.15971691
Quoted by: >>15971727

I want Reimu to neglect my medicine time and find me having a seizure face down in my bed

>> No.15971697

what is poppi and why does reimu have to force pills into it's gullet every 30 minutes?

>> No.15971702
Quoted by: >>15971773

her body is hot as fuck but the shape of her head filters me

>> No.15971704
File: 208 KB, 1987x1119, FIRtsW1XoAAfkxE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971707
File: 620 KB, 2896x4096, Selen 313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on Reimu... you are the second best FPS player there after Selen...

>> No.15971713
File: 19 KB, 520x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15971887

passive aggressive mizuchi

>> No.15971721

>Millie and Enna are dumb goblins and it's cute!
>these girls are so retarded it's not even funny... specially enna and reimu holy shit...

Weird. You can say the same thing and just change the tone and anons will bend over backwards to contradict themselves.

>> No.15971722

It's because he actually likes video games, so he lets himself get immersed and then scared.

Girls are always stuck in reality dreaming about thick cock and multiple orgasms so they have to fake screams for views.

>> No.15971726

Fuck you I hate you anon

>> No.15971727
Quoted by: >>15971835

shut the fuck ember. poppi is actually dying you bitch.

>> No.15971728
File: 124 KB, 828x828, bau5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971730
File: 57 KB, 480x480, 1639170429040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Rosemi supposed to be decent at games? Why the fuck has she spent several hours on one fucking boss? What is she doing wrong?

>> No.15971736
Quoted by: >>15971817

Even in a sponsored stream Petra is bullied

>> No.15971742

Is she wearing panties?

>> No.15971746

Petra inadvertedly showing how shit the rates are.
also the codes were shit.

>> No.15971748
File: 251 KB, 1814x2048, FIba10VUUA83zOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your son is really fucking cute

>> No.15971753

It's her dog in critical condition.

>> No.15971754
File: 117 KB, 392x292, 1640899942469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971773
Quoted by: >>15971818

it's the headphones, she looks fine without them>>15971525

>> No.15971783


>> No.15971784

why do the males have such annoying mods? can't they just use an alt account to chat instead of spamming with their mod one?

>> No.15971785

It won't correct him anon, just make him kinkier.
Ike's the one who'd properly be broken by rape correction.

>> No.15971787

ty, he's special


>> No.15971795

Not brave enough, playing too defensively.
t. guy who read the thread

>> No.15971800

>"oh there is dlc"
How little they truly know

>> No.15971811

High confidence she is wearing nothing but those purple shorts under the hoodie

>> No.15971812
File: 1.76 MB, 403x554, 1625062936181.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decent at games
The only one that is even remotely decent at games is nina. No, selen is only decent at apex, nothing else.

>> No.15971814

Is the music DMCA material?

>> No.15971816

you hesistate you lose!

>> No.15971817

Petra inadvertedly showing how shit the rates are.

>> No.15971818
Quoted by: >>15971889

yeah well we dont get to see her without her blockhead when she's streaming huh

>> No.15971823

It's a prop with her headphones, look at her character sheet

>> No.15971821
File: 318 KB, 352x465, siiiiip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so uh what's the occasion for all the newfriends and newfag questions ITT today

>> No.15971826
Quoted by: >>15972111

>Selen playing rogue legacy
>haha, wouldn't it be funny if we get stuck in here and have to raise a family? haha
I'll believe you.

>> No.15971831

ghosts dont need such things

>> No.15971833
File: 114 KB, 512x512, OO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15971835
Quoted by: >>15971901

Bish. Get it rite

>> No.15971843
File: 1.95 MB, 4096x3355, 1635159640739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how her model clearly shows that she has nice hips.
It's a shame she has so little fan art at the moment.

>> No.15971857
Quoted by: >>15972210

Selen is solo carrying this payday collab.

>> No.15971863
Quoted by: >>15971903

Reimu's 13 year old dog that she refuses to let go of...

>> No.15971865

Pomu's lucky she's cute because holy fuck she's retarded.

>> No.15971869
Quoted by: >>15971905

t.doesn't watch Selen

>> No.15971877

>literally dead

>> No.15971884

Genichiro has ben mindbreaking her for over 10 hours across multiple streams.

>> No.15971887

I unironically wish they could collab or she gets in NijiEN one day. I want to see Luca have nice bantz with a girl.

>> No.15971889

true dat

>> No.15971897

Is women, plays cautious. Sekiro is about embracing failure and being a true man

>> No.15971901
File: 97 KB, 750x1046, 3358cdac2e785bc8c7aa363e63c05d0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, It's Betch

>> No.15971903
Quoted by: >>15971955

Wtf? That dog needs euthanasia

>> No.15971904
File: 338 KB, 2262x1361, 1640885913243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop thinking lewd thing about him

>> No.15971906
Quoted by: >>15972137

Not after watching her play Dark Souls

>> No.15971905
Quoted by: >>15971973

I actually don't, because she's annoying af, but that's another story.

>> No.15971925

Rosemi is much better than Nina in 90% of games.

>> No.15971930
Quoted by: >>15972001

This is her first FromSoft game.

>> No.15971936

wuca wape

>> No.15971950

No Finana please don't try to make genshin and honkai a regular thing

>> No.15971955
File: 50 KB, 349x356, 1633753655491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ready for Poppi's passing

>> No.15971964
Quoted by: >>15972137

>dark souls

>> No.15971973
File: 19 KB, 128x128, Sewen HEH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I actually don't
we know

>> No.15971986
File: 510 KB, 818x1023, 1618783701923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972101

It basically boils down to:
>Plays too defensively on P2
>Keeps getting hit by arrows
>Still has not learned how to parry
She's also pretty tilted which is horrible in Fromsoft games. One time I died 100+ times to Sister Friende in DS3 but woke up and killed her in 1 try in the next day, having a clear head makes a massive difference in this kind of games.

>> No.15971984
Quoted by: >>15972046

Its been a thing for a while hasn’t it?

>> No.15971987

Nina is only good in simple as fuck games.

>> No.15971988
Quoted by: >>15972196

How do we get the unicorns out of Niji EN?

>> No.15971999
File: 425 KB, 2963x2066, 1627505041424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972288

Does Mika have a thick bush down there? Please this is important

>> No.15972001
Quoted by: >>15972063

Wasn't Rosemi planning on playing Dark Souls first? I remember her talking about it but suddenly she decided to play Sekiro instead.

>> No.15972004
File: 632 KB, 2893x4092, 1612906016325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15972006

>Poppi goes away
>Five month break

>> No.15972025

she's not sana

>> No.15972031
Quoted by: >>15972113

Will she take a break for an entire month too?

>> No.15972033
Quoted by: >>15972112

It has been a thing for a long fucking while already. Where are you faggots coming from?

>> No.15972044

She already is the designated gacha streamer of nijiEN, give up

>> No.15972047
Quoted by: >>15972363

This is definitely Elira and Petra's last sponsorship stream

>> No.15972046
Quoted by: >>15972112

No she has at most played genshin once a month ever since honkai

>> No.15972052

Rose is losing it and it's extremely cute.

>> No.15972063

She made a poll and people picked Sekiro. I thought Dark Souls would be better first, but whatever. She keeps thinking that Sekiro is a soulslike too. Which they are similar, but not really the same.

>> No.15972070
Quoted by: >>15972609

Dolphin shorts are top tier. She also has ryona eyes and a rockin body.

I would a ghost

>> No.15972074
File: 1.38 MB, 975x604, Clown Fiesta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15972082
File: 212 KB, 522x392, 1635480676355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Elira: "Wow that was really fun!!!!" while looking at her easy limited character in 20

>> No.15972087
File: 166 KB, 1087x1742, 66C00412-BF2F-41A5-ADAA-36D82CA200A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no! his body is made for corruption!

>> No.15972091

Why do you complain about the the males mods but not Finana’s?

>> No.15972099
File: 3.75 MB, 640x586, 1634443584605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972409

I would have sex with Mika just to steal that kick-ass hoodie after we're done.

>> No.15972101
Quoted by: >>15972145

>Still has not learned how to parry
Don't they teach you how to do that in the tutorial?

>> No.15972111

Hey, if you could have multiple orgasms supplied by someone else, you'd be stuck daydreaming about it too.

>> No.15972112


>> No.15972113
File: 1010 KB, 768x1024, 1640528959252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972185

It's better if she does take a break, goes to spend time with family and gets a lot of sleep and rest.
But chances are she'll cope by playing apex and eating KFC.
It's ogre.

>> No.15972115
File: 10 KB, 489x134, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15972117

I don't watch Finana

>> No.15972137

Because it's dark souls, she never played it, obviously she's going to be horrendous at it. But overall she's legit the only one who's decent at most games.

>> No.15972141

I doubt it, latina's dont get depressed over pets dying. its mostly a burger thing, they love dogs more than children in america.

>> No.15972145
Quoted by: >>15972313

Anon, she skipped those.

>> No.15972154
File: 353 KB, 1000x1000, 1628098041533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rose is going to kill him

>> No.15972156

Way too late for that

>> No.15972181

Because anons here don't watch Finana

>> No.15972185

I'm expecting a fullblown menhera meltdown while playing Apex.

>> No.15972187
File: 1 KB, 239x69, chrome_RfzuzEYJMR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972238


>> No.15972189

>1 billion years to make a move on DD
>got destroyed on every collab
yeah no

>> No.15972194
Quoted by: >>15972256

I just want The Forest collab and then next week's schedules

>> No.15972196

If they didn't leave at this point, I guess they're gonna stay around for a long time...

>> No.15972205


>> No.15972206

ah yes just 40 minutes until they fuck off to watch mario kart

>> No.15972210
Quoted by: >>15972535

Considering the others are terrible at shooters, that's not much of an accomplishment.

>> No.15972209

She's played dark souls before idiot

>> No.15972224
Quoted by: >>15974517

Luca is made to go weak from Ike's thick cock.

>> No.15972231

>she never played it
t. threadwatcher

>> No.15972233

Rosemi is decent in almost everything she plays. So is Finana.

>> No.15972234
File: 80 KB, 1024x724, 1641405596548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want THIS?

>> No.15972235

nah bro she sucked, she literally lost all respects from gamers when she rage quit the endurance stream the other day. she's always going to be known for that.

>> No.15972238

I'm answering the question of why are there people who are confused today

>> No.15972248
File: 596 KB, 909x768, 7head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck drew this shit, it's a joke

>> No.15972256

Look at how trashy and scream-y this payday collab is. The forest is gonna be this but 3 times as many people.

>> No.15972257


>> No.15972258


>> No.15972261
Quoted by: >>15972470

I thought Rosemi would be done with this guy by now.

>> No.15972272

Rosemi... that was so close too...

>> No.15972273


>> No.15972283


>> No.15972284

omg rosemi...

>> No.15972288

Nah, she keeps it trim but not waxxed. Maybe in a diamond shape

>> No.15972291
Quoted by: >>15972464

Nina Chris Evans poster officially dumbest poster in this general

>> No.15972293
Quoted by: >>15972357

I know, but I'm holding onto hope

>> No.15972298
File: 470 KB, 816x436, 1634310860121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the alternative to 7 head is this

>> No.15972299

Yeah, that's going to be a hard skip...

>> No.15972310
Quoted by: >>15972367

She should watch Vox

>> No.15972313
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 1624779959415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972373

Rosemi wtf. How the hell do you expect to beat the game...?

>> No.15972322

did that one guy really just donate in Rosemi's stream?

>> No.15972325
Quoted by: >>15972424

What was with the all the fish art spam last thread then?

>> No.15972337


>> No.15972338

Reimu's apex brain...

>> No.15972341
Quoted by: >>15972779

why does enna keep fucking up? and how come reimu only knows how to shoot people? what the fuck is wrong with them?

>> No.15972343

Asian girls have massive foreheads, you know

>> No.15972348
Quoted by: >>15972414

Is there no proximity chat for the forest?

>> No.15972355
Quoted by: >>15972627

5ch is just talking about Rosemi the whole time with the occasional Enna post when she swears

>> No.15972357
Quoted by: >>15972555

I don't know why you would be when nina said they raised the player cap so she might be joining in after all.

>> No.15972361
File: 341 KB, 2700x1800, FIdQECxWUAMSBFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15972360

Is Rosemi having ufn?

>> No.15972363

Was it that bad?

>> No.15972367
Quoted by: >>15972413

I heard that nigga beat an ogre barehanded. Is that true?

>> No.15972374
Quoted by: >>15972414

forest will be proximity chat though

>> No.15972373
Quoted by: >>15972457

Why do you think she's stuck on Genichiro? The dude's made to be a skill gate.

>> No.15972377

Can we force nijien to go back to Mumble instead of Discord and have them use the 3d audio plugin to have streams be less of a yelling clusterfuck

>> No.15972382

Most vtubers have heads like fucking grey ayys you just haven't noticed it before.

>> No.15972397

That's honestly pretty normal anime head proportions, it just sticks out more because the headphones are stretched out and the upper eyelids are flattened.

>> No.15972396


>> No.15972409


>> No.15972413

After 42 deaths straight ye

>> No.15972414
Quoted by: >>15972497

>implying they won't be using discord for voice

>> No.15972424

probably some discord raid, be honest beside the fish love anon do you see that much Finana posts here?

>> No.15972431

Good for the girls on getting shill streams but man 1hr feels so short for the whole day

>> No.15972436

since when did reimu steal finana's "mothertrucker"? wtf reimu come up with your own slang

>> No.15972449

Try this with 90% of female vtubers.

>> No.15972453
Quoted by: >>15972493

no, make them use TeamSpeak or Ventrillo

>> No.15972457

She almost beat him without having to learn the game though

What boss will filter her after this if she ever beats this guy?

>> No.15972464
File: 9 KB, 280x228, 1637835903799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972550

smarter than you apparently for falling for that shitty bait, you faggots fall for bait so easily it's not even funny anymore jesus christ, learn to hide shit.

>> No.15972470
Quoted by: >>15972648

This is pretty normal, actually.
First you get stuck
Then you systematically break down all the bad habits you've formed from circumventing the game's mechanics while it was still coddling you
Then you learn those mechanics all over again

She's at the point where she's finally mastered perilous attacks, has finally grasped the flow of combat and understands when she should press the attack and when she should stop, understands when it's safe to heal, figured out lightning reversal. She's in the process of understanding how health influences posture damage--which is the actual skill genichiro tests. She's getting faster and faster at the first phase, which shows how much she's improving.

>> No.15972482

Mysta’s mods are fine maybe because they are males.

>> No.15972493

Anon... we all know Mumble is superior in voice quality and latency.

Tsk tsk.

>> No.15972496

this but skype

>> No.15972497
File: 260 KB, 648x475, ennium.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972544

They’ll use in-game chat! I believe!!

>> No.15972500

my money is on guardian ape

>> No.15972507
File: 608 KB, 1592x2097, 1641003112175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Chris/feesh love but I do post art here frequently!

>> No.15972524

>not using a ground phone to talk to people in-game
fucking casual.

>> No.15972535

You don't have to be good at shooters to simply follow the big arrows and button prompts on your screen.

>> No.15972539

Yea good point.

>> No.15972542

>all white people look the same

>> No.15972544

I hope so...

>> No.15972550

I will never pass up the chance to shit post on nina. that whore deserves all the hates she gets and more.

>> No.15972548

Lady Butterfly or the rape ape

>> No.15972555

Nina won't even be the worst between Selen-Petra-Pomu

>> No.15972565

Ape, butterfly, and owl.

>> No.15972576

How the fuck can you have apex as your only personality? what the hell is Reimu before Apex?

>> No.15972579
File: 367 KB, 538x640, PomuTwerk[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsale0s.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972671


>> No.15972592

Guardian Ape, Owl or Sword Saint (Sword Saint's first "phase" is literally just third phase Genichiro, if you can't completely blow past Genichiro at that point then you're not going to stand any chance against SS)

There's also Father Owl and Demon of Hatred but those are bonus bosses.

>> No.15972599


>> No.15972602


>> No.15972604

>How the fuck can you have apex as your only personality?

dunno, ask Selen.

>> No.15972609 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1500x1500, 1622113304640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Mika's wave was announced, her design immediately reminded me of pic related.

>> No.15972612

a utaite spicy latina

>> No.15972619
File: 693 KB, 2894x4023, 1640821679490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15972620

Her personality isn't apex, it's Kanae.

>> No.15972627

Japs not welcome go back

>> No.15972635

anyone else thinks reimu sounds even more slutty every stream? how long did it take for her to stop faking his shy uwu persona? latinas are really the most disingenuous type, even more than blacks

>> No.15972640

Have you ever drawn a human being before? Your eyes are in the lower half of your face. There are some unattractive people who have a small forehead, but attractive people tend to have larger forehead

>> No.15972643

Is Bandai Namco just some assholes with permissions or is there some other reason why Rosemi hasn't played Tekken on stream?

>> No.15972644
Quoted by: >>15972745

Utaites are utaites because they have no personality or charisma.

>> No.15972648

Yeah she does look a lot better at the fight now.

>> No.15972654
Quoted by: >>15972777

Pretty sure they all literally use Opus now

>> No.15972660
File: 63 KB, 144x152, 1608565276606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selen is more of a variety streamer than a Apex streamer at this point

>> No.15972671
Quoted by: >>15972831

gmod sounds come in too late

>> No.15972676

at least Selen can still be a furry/scaly if you erase apex from her

>> No.15972681
Quoted by: >>15972736

black hands wrote this post

>> No.15972683

It's not really about who, it's about how many. At this point you might as well throw in oliver, mika, hada, seffy, and hayun too

>> No.15972689
Quoted by: >>15972834

You would have been right otherwise. Even between Selen is debatable since she is only made intolerable when the fairy is involved.

>> No.15972694
File: 292 KB, 96x96, 1635451501295.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15972844

>Hello, I'm the Law picking lawyer

>> No.15972707
File: 113 KB, 1080x1079, 1633899725648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15972722
Quoted by: >>15972793

Isn't there a guy who also complains about finana every day?

>> No.15972736

yeah i'm brown, that's why i'm speaking facts

>> No.15972745

i mean enna is doing ok as a vtuber now. even though she bleeds normie aura.

>> No.15972746
File: 562 KB, 670x900, 0FA7C1D8-1ECD-48E4-B7F9-C520E45F385E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973000

I will never have consentual sex with Mysta!!!

>> No.15972748
Quoted by: >>15972849

This was several people just spamming images on cooldown, you’re good.

>> No.15972763

even worse than a nigger, it’s a ‘brown’

>> No.15972773

Have any of the niji-girls played Payday 2 before?

>> No.15972777

Discord does as well, but the quality and latency is actual dog shit. Teamspeak has latency problems, and Ventrilo died for a good reason.

Idk what Mumble did, maybe because it's so barebones, it works better then other VOIP options right now.

How else am I going to hear Luca scream in HD?

>> No.15972779

shooting people is the only thing on their minds, please understand

>> No.15972784
Quoted by: >>15972855

Browns have never spoke the truth

>> No.15972793
File: 325 KB, 2047x1741, 1640387509899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Though he's been unusually quiet recently

>> No.15972820

No, Selen did one game off screen and enna did two, but somehow enna still didn't know you can't just walk up to guards with your mask on.

>> No.15972823
Quoted by: >>15972914

So Payday is just a regular workday for Reimu?

>> No.15972824

regretfully Nina most likely

>> No.15972831
Quoted by: >>15973061

That's intentional. They should probably be more obnoxiously loud though.

>> No.15972834

Petra always loses track of both the game and the conversations in big collabs and resorts to her audio peaking screams. It's not as bad as Pomu and Selwn together, but it's still grating.

>> No.15972844
File: 2.84 MB, 523x507, 1634316650783.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I'll learn how to pick padlocks with clips

>> No.15972849

I must've missed it then

>> No.15972852

Do you even need to ask?

>> No.15972855

that's exactly what i said about reimu, you can't trust them

>> No.15972874
File: 329 KB, 750x735, 1620912756004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15972877
File: 22 KB, 1165x107, 1621823733742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So between this and the last stream its seven hours of trying to beat genchiro and failing? Is Rosemi the worst niji to ever stream this game?

>> No.15972885

Oh, Selen is actually loud as fuck but Enna has her turned WAYYYYYY down.
Based bird.

>> No.15972893
Quoted by: >>15972929

>its too easy!
>choose hard
>wtf we are dying

>> No.15972895
Quoted by: >>15973175

Speak for yourself faggot.

>> No.15972906

I feel for Rosemi, unironically Genichiro is the hardest fucking boss in this game. He's the one I struggled with the most, even Isshin was a fucking breeze comparatively

>> No.15972914
File: 94 KB, 1150x706, 1631863280873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the Cook Off mission

>> No.15972916

>Failing Hard difficult heists
ouch, not very gamer of them

>> No.15972922

You don't know the tale of Hakase.

>> No.15972927

This rose has indomitable willpower

>> No.15972929
Quoted by: >>15973019

It's basically impossible to fail on easy but they still don't know basic keybinds so anything more than that is too hard.

>> No.15972952
File: 89 KB, 262x241, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the dress, her ass is just that big.

>> No.15972963

girls can't into games except only fps since those are literally point and click made for monkeys

>> No.15972966

>Payday collab has only been on for an hour and a half
Feels like it's been four hours already.
Please just be one of those two/ two and a half hour collabs.

>> No.15972971
Quoted by: >>15973098

its just a shame she is a dumb masher, even most real fight game players would smash Sekiro and its fuck obvious tells

>> No.15972975
Quoted by: >>15973444


>Demon of Hatred
>OWL 2

>> No.15972996

Why? Who force them to be so loud today? is it the game? are they always this loud? is it the group synergy? what makes this stream extra loud than the previous multiplayer fps collabs?

>> No.15973000

Yes but he would love if you had unconsensual sex with him

>> No.15973002

Luca is such a scaredycat

>> No.15973011
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, FId-PAuagAEm9Bm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't let Luca go into a big city, or anywhere really. He said a creepy guy with a knife looked friendly, right after he got stabbed by same knife.

>> No.15973017

too bad is wasted on a smelly whore brown

>> No.15973019
Quoted by: >>15973088

I also thought it was basically impossible to die in anything under overkill but apparently the low level experience is that bad

>> No.15973029


>> No.15973033
Quoted by: >>15973078

>selen pomu reimu
They're all loud individually and now they have to shout over each other. This is the price of idiots going into a game they all don't know how to play.

>> No.15973047
Quoted by: >>15973080

>are they always this loud?
Reimu and Enna? Sometimes. Selen? Usually. Pomu? Always.

>> No.15973061

it feels like its just incorrect, since the twerking, which would be implied to be making the gmod noises, is silent for the first few seconds. it makes a disconnect between the twerk and the sound, and monkey brain assumes something else must be making the gmod noises.

>> No.15973063

>Mysta eats food from creepy men on buses
>Luca lets strangers lead him places even if the stranger was making him walk for ages

>> No.15973064
Quoted by: >>15973168

estoopid! pendejo!

>> No.15973067
File: 1.19 MB, 1286x904, 1641022408049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes are too real

>> No.15973073
Quoted by: >>15973168

peruANO go back to facebook

>> No.15973078

Selen knows... she is trying to carry actually and she did on same matches

>> No.15973080
Quoted by: >>15973114

Based thread reader.

>> No.15973085

I really had no clue what a Himbo was until I watched him.

>> No.15973088

This has nothing to do with being low level. I could take another infamy level right now and still solo any of these heists. They're just retarded.

>> No.15973094
File: 88 KB, 684x906, 1634644749810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973274

Size queen rose...

>> No.15973098


>> No.15973105
Quoted by: >>15973133

>Art gallery requires some level of competence to stealth
They're NGMI

>> No.15973106
Quoted by: >>15973143

How many hours has she spent on the boss Vox obliterated in ~40 seconds?

>> No.15973107

Selen screams at literally anything
Pomu only screams in collabs to drown everyone else out.

>> No.15973114

I wish.

>> No.15973116

who's gonna break stealth first

>> No.15973133
Quoted by: >>15973158

The real questions is who will fuck up first?

>> No.15973140
File: 5 KB, 346x39, 1641270349965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca this entire game

>> No.15973143
Quoted by: >>15973978

Timestamp me the vox run so I can see how someone actually good at the game plays

>> No.15973155
Quoted by: >>15973220

Enna or Reimu

>> No.15973158

I'm placing all on reimu

>> No.15973168
Quoted by: >>15973222

stop idolizing negras, they are just a bunch of lying whores, all of them

>> No.15973173

does enna not like Selen? Selen was trying to start up some banter with her and enna just ignored her...
i dont like when my oshis dont get along...

>> No.15973175
Quoted by: >>15973210

Then donate to her and make a small typo so I know it’s you

>> No.15973179 [SPOILER] 
File: 77 KB, 719x401, Screenshot 2022-01-07 133650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15973186

it's always enna or reimu fucking up, why even ask at this point. those bitches are so dumb they don't understand the concept of stealth or cover

>> No.15973193
File: 332 KB, 400x432, 1610231388725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The way Pomu said hard

>> No.15973209
Quoted by: >>15973286

Haven't you seen her irl anon? She's actually the palest columbian I've ever seen. Whiter than her model.

>> No.15973210
Quoted by: >>15973278

>donating money to chuubas

>> No.15973215

I don't remember payday 2 being as hard as they're making it out to be.

>> No.15973216

Just a bad collab set-up. Three of the foor are already loud screamers, but it's compiled with those three also getting even louder within each other's presence.

>> No.15973220
Quoted by: >>15973255

>it was pomu

>> No.15973222

this is true but only if theyre from dominican republic.

>> No.15973227

Holy shit the sister seethe in this thread is palpable why are you all so upset today?

>> No.15973232


>> No.15973234

apex brainrot strikes again

>> No.15973236

He's a great skill check, the rest of the game is a decent breeze after Genichiro

>> No.15973238

terminal 7 brain cancer

>> No.15973243
File: 1.42 MB, 935x1084, ROSEMI AAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi I know you're here.
Just put the tape back on. You'll win after that I swear.

>> No.15973245


>> No.15973246

Pomu and Reimoo’s communications rely on being louder than the other. Selen is naturally loud. It’s a feedback loop.

>> No.15973255

What a shock!

>> No.15973257
Quoted by: >>15973293

see? i told you guys. this time it was reimu fucking up because apparently the word stealth doesn't mean shit to her

>> No.15973258
Quoted by: >>15973349

Does Luca does the fake tuber voice "Guys what is happening" like Jerma on purpose or is he doing it unironically

>> No.15973261
File: 70 KB, 564x444, 1641526714497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you brown?

>> No.15973263
File: 99 KB, 815x815, 1639634817863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question now: would you quit watching vtubers when you get a girlfriend? would you need that surrogate faux female interaction from a chuuba if you had a SO?

I've thought about it for a while and I wouldn't drop vtubing completely but I think I'd find I rely less on it to get me through the day... and just having to open up and tell my gf I watch vtubers gives me anxiety, I can't it's too embarrassing to just imagine the scenario.

What about you?

>> No.15973268


>> No.15973274

All women are size queens anon.

>> No.15973278

then fuck off you free loader
I bet you are not even willing to sniff rosemi's used thighs

>> No.15973286
Quoted by: >>15973457

no, i don't care about doxx neither about your racist opinion

>> No.15973293


>> No.15973299

>nobody geting reimu
>nobody knows how to make cops cuff themselves

>> No.15973300
Quoted by: >>15973425

do latinas hate reimu because she made it in like indogs hate mika?

>> No.15973303

wosemi needs wape correction

>> No.15973304

At this pace Rosemi might beat the game by 2023

>> No.15973308

Why does Pomu scream so much during collabs?

>> No.15973310

>implying I need to prove anything to you

>> No.15973322

Dunno what a used thigh is but I wouldn’t mind

>> No.15973334

I don't think I will ever get a gf

>> No.15973349

He is putting on a voice he's talked about it. You can go listen to his less hyper voice in Nina's twitter space go look in the archives.

>> No.15973354
Quoted by: >>15973680

Chihuahua syndrome

>> No.15973358

I know. Everyone also has different bosses they struggle on, so for all we know she could breeze through after this.

>> No.15973368

She's trying to be wacky funny and she doesn't know that the game is pretty funny on its own if you play it properly.

>> No.15973371

Unless that gf gives quality IRL ASMR sessions hell no.

>> No.15973373
File: 65 KB, 937x821, 1637120274646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'd still have time to watch chuubas, specially because I comment on these threads while watching streams and you guys are pretty cool.

>> No.15973374

Elira, Petra; do a guerilla collab please...

>> No.15973376


>> No.15973394

Anon, once you get a girlfriend all Vtubers and /vt/ will be erased from your brain like a childhood nightmare. It'll be a blissful existence.

>> No.15973396 [SPOILER] 
File: 491 KB, 1170x1170, 1633662814673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs the attention.

>> No.15973399

Luca's streams are so enjoyable idek why

>> No.15973401


>> No.15973409
Quoted by: >>15973568

Size queens*
*Can't actually estimate size†
†And anything past ~7'' hurts anyway

>> No.15973416

I will never date anyone because watching a ton of vtubers and dedicating my time to this hobby and my other hobbies seems way more fun than having to pay attention to 1 person IRL all day, who has to live in your space, and never leave you alone, or would get upset if you didn't talk for a few days.

>> No.15973418

No because I still need my ASMR fix

>> No.15973426

Anyone who unironically watches vtubers for trying to fill the female void in their lives has bigger problems

>> No.15973425

They probably don't care since there isn't money or men involved, if there was this super big male vtuber drawing in vtuber pussy that appealed to latinas, then Reimu would be getting death threats by now.

>> No.15973427

Honestly she isn’t the type to have quick wit, so it’s the best she can do to show her presence.

>> No.15973434
File: 545 KB, 666x640, serotoninmachine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973555

It's his energy, just his crazy chaotic happy go lucky energy. It's infectious and makes the serotonin go brrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.15973444
Quoted by: >>15973595

Died to Genichiro over 60 times (I started counting), Demon of Hatred 45, Owl 2, 4 times. Genichiro was literally the hardest boss for me

>> No.15973457
Quoted by: >>15973506

>no, i don't care about doxx neither about your racist opinion

>> No.15973463

>pomu making fun of her fanbase
this is literallly vwhorehoes content and her fanbase are equally cucks, not even her "friends" laugh at her cringe attempt of ironic comedy, because they know she meant what she says

>> No.15973473

He has that genki charm

>> No.15973487
Quoted by: >>15973512


>> No.15973506

Stop replying to the south american schizo.

>> No.15973512

but unironically

>> No.15973520
Quoted by: >>15973682

Guys Finana is pitting her fans against each other

>> No.15973533

She's just frustrated because she's slowly realizing that she's too fucking stupid to play a basic source shooter.

>> No.15973534
Quoted by: >>15973663

I think I love Luca...

>> No.15973542

a little bit of that is okay but you start to notice some vtubers start doing this a lot and viewers start to drift away

>> No.15973546

Why do dark souls players say everything is a skill check, I swear I've seen at least one person excuse every single boss in this game as a skill check
Its okay to call things difficult I thought that was the whole selling point of these games

>> No.15973550

who are the top niji en fps gamers right now

>> No.15973555

yeah and it's not like the 'toxic' kind that i associate with chaotic from other streamers. he's a good sheltered kid that's unironically funny

>> No.15973557
File: 741 KB, 720x550, 2YAYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like watching a real life anime boy
when he yells HELLO in the beginning of stream I smile

>> No.15973564

what's worse, watching vtubers or browsing 4chan?

>> No.15973568

>Anything past 7" hurts anyway
Sub 6 inch coper exposes himself

>> No.15973578

>thrust counter by accident
>immediately lose

>> No.15973582


>> No.15973595

Have you done Inner Genichiro? I didn't find normal Genichiro too difficult but Inner Genichiro was a way bigger jump in increase than Inner Isshin or Owl were.

>> No.15973598

Why is Pomu so mad tonight?

>> No.15973621

And her fans will still argue that she isn't a turbo normalfag that picked up vtubing to make a quick profit.

>> No.15973626

Mad because bad, bad because mad

>> No.15973627


>> No.15973630

Selen, Rosemi and Reimu. Shu and Vox are also okay.

>> No.15973637

Reimu( maybe in a year)

>> No.15973636

She's always like this in Selen collabs. Nina collabs too.

>> No.15973639

see >>15973533

>> No.15973645

Once a wagie always a ragie

>> No.15973644

Damn, Rosemi really grinded Genichiro, she just needs to stop making stupid mistakes on the first phase

>> No.15973647

Selen and Vox? everyone else kind of blows. Reimu tries but she just isn't good lol

>> No.15973650

Is the Rose freakin it? How high is she on the freak meter, the thread must know

>> No.15973658
Quoted by: >>15974090

she's frustrated she can't get into hololive not even after leeching of kiara, and i hope she keeps seething about being a 3 digit unlikable "ironic" weeb

>> No.15973659

Shark week

>> No.15973663

Don't worry, I do too. We can pine together

>> No.15973664

dark souls players think they're hot shit because they actually fell for the propaganda that "dark souls is a hard game" when in reality is, it's just a normie filter.

these same so called "dark souls pros" wouldn't have the timing or execution to perform barely past a scrub level in any respectable fighting game.

they're a joke.

>> No.15973680 [SPOILER] 
File: 253 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-515521761-612x612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973740

I'm Pomu

>> No.15973682

You mean her mods?

>> No.15973691
File: 349 KB, 1750x974, 1550432949530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs minecraft

>> No.15973696
File: 419 KB, 500x500, GIANT DAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973697

Why else would you watch them? Regular streamers are friend simulators, vtubers are girlfriend simulators.

>> No.15973700

That's pretty much any collab that has any amount of action.

>> No.15973740

Stop it with the dox bro, uncool

>> No.15973741

It’s her default state in colabs that require gameplay. She lacks the skill and malds about it, rinse repeat.

>> No.15973751
File: 8 KB, 343x55, asgdhsda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mizuchi pretty much confirmed they knew each other in Luca's PL.

>> No.15973761
Quoted by: >>15973788

I watch reimu for her personality.

>> No.15973763
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1637600939199.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973866

Pomu is just uppity because the game is making her excited. It happens pretty often to me when I play with a group of friends.

>> No.15973765

Isn't "skill check" basically a more specific version of "difficult" anyway? If it's hard you have to have a certain skill level to beat it, obviously. It just distinguishes between that and like, the "This boss takes 10,000 hits and you just have to beat it down and not die" kind of difficulty.

>> No.15973768


>> No.15973772
File: 363 KB, 528x528, 10000878946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15973775
Quoted by: >>15974129

oh look it's the same faux outrage that happened with Ina AND Nina teasing their fanbases

>> No.15973788
Quoted by: >>15973816

What personality?

>> No.15973792
Quoted by: >>15973841

>did you guys know that wheat is dried grass
>I learned it yesterday
>wait is it hay
Luca the chat taught you this... yesterday...

>> No.15973796
Quoted by: >>15973862

Selen has no sense of direction.

>> No.15973801

Are Lucubs seething at this subtle brag?

>> No.15973806
Quoted by: >>15973875

Rosemi's accent is so cute when her th sounds become d sounds

>> No.15973816

spicy latinx

>> No.15973820

and she even fails at it lmao, hoes can't disguise their shitty personality sooner or later it comes out, she should've just tried the nina approach and just be a whore from the beginning

>> No.15973832

What looks nicer, a big cock or a small cock. Everyone is a size queen

>> No.15973841

says he knew it from minecraft....

>> No.15973851
Quoted by: >>15973949

Anon we literally already knew this he helped her with stream assets and had her old username on her ref sheet.
Maybe 2 weeks ago they were

>> No.15973862
File: 97 KB, 480x480, Salad....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please understand, dragon brain

>> No.15973863
Quoted by: >>15973949

Didn't people already find out she was Luca's old friend? Why post her chats as "evidence"?
I also saw someone say she was married, but I don't know if that's true.

>> No.15973867

no, they actually love her >>15968190

>> No.15973866
Quoted by: >>15973958

Yeah I have friends like that too and they’re diagnosed with borderline ADD. Do you also swing sideways uncontrollably in MarioKart?

>> No.15973870
File: 97 KB, 473x499, 1634175134124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15973950

I thought FWBs were gf simulators

>> No.15973875

I like when she tries to say
and she ends up saying

>> No.15973878

>none of them read the mission brief to know that they can only grab the paintings with the red stickers

>> No.15973879

these girls are so fucking stupid i can't take it anymore, i'll go watch luca

>> No.15973882

No turbo normalfags know as much as she does about some otaku subjects

>> No.15973884
File: 1.34 MB, 4096x2304, 1632425209779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are tied up, naked
>all of them have a tournament to decide who gets your cum

>> No.15973886

I watch them because they are funny or entertaining, not because I'm deluded that they are my friends or lovers

>> No.15973907

reimu is whiter than you

>> No.15973911
Quoted by: >>15974047

my gf IS a vtuber
her name is rosemi

>> No.15973923
Quoted by: >>15973974

that image..
man I want to go back when we only had lazulight and obsydia...

>> No.15973928

Rosemi's lungs want to kill her...

>> No.15973933
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 1640898066272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adoro a mi esposa fantasma!

>> No.15973949

Looks like I forgot to do my archive reps.

>> No.15973950
Quoted by: >>15974057

FWB are girlfriend+15

>> No.15973953

Wosemi getting a happy ending massage...

>> No.15973958

>mentioning MK
holy freudian slip, you just exposed yourself holobronie

>> No.15973965

She's a nice girl and helps him because he's retarded, he needs a minder or else he'd be all over the place plus he can't stop reading retarded supas and chatters, and she deletes it for him.

>> No.15973969

>Rosemi has asthma and had pneumonia twice

>> No.15973974
File: 365 KB, 745x328, E_sXZuYWQAg-jGq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too bro... me too

>> No.15973975

>t. anon who has never seen a girl use a filter

>> No.15973978

This, I think.

>> No.15973996

Having a girlfriend would require I make severe changes in my life that would probably prevent me from watching vtubers regularly (I refuse to look for any sort of relationship or friendship until I get my shit together)

>> No.15974003

Elira gets it. Only lesbians get my cum

>> No.15974008
File: 1.11 MB, 748x755, 1628774050491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15974478

Tensai is gonna win!

>> No.15974007

>How do you know when youre gonna be released
Enna is fucking blind

>> No.15974025

Woah, Finana looks really sexy here

>> No.15974047

But my name is Rosemi

>> No.15974051
Quoted by: >>15974074

Wait rosemi is a real life cripple? Sadge.
Rose is too cute to die at 35

>> No.15974057
File: 2.10 MB, 3200x2400, 1634349028457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've never had a real gf only FWBs...

>> No.15974066 [SPOILER] 
File: 393 KB, 459x527, 1627179095641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15974170

Selen looks like this???

>> No.15974072
File: 59 KB, 224x224, Selen Chaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15974074
Quoted by: >>15974097

Where are you getting this idea from stupid twitchfrog

>> No.15974080

i’ll never cum if they’re the ones in front of me. Bring out the boys

>> No.15974090


>> No.15974097

threadreader kun... not like this...

>> No.15974109

They do if they're even partly Asian.

>> No.15974112

I'm out from this collab, it's not boring, but i'm definitely gonna put this as one of the worst collab they ever done and i'm not even gonna blame the girls for it, have fun bros

>> No.15974115

And I’ve only had gf’s

>> No.15974129

how is constantly attacking your fanbase just a "teasing" for you? ina clearly makes fun about herself unlike nina that harrass their viewers by saying and i quote "i'm quite lovable honey" when referring to her just not caring about what her fanbase think of her and only being in niji for clout and now thirsting for the faggots

>> No.15974131

I'm a premature ejaculator so honestly whoever goes first

>> No.15974137

She is not a cripple.

>> No.15974141

As long as you can keep getting them, your life is the best it'll ever be anon. Ain't that a depressing thought

>> No.15974143

>How do you know when you're supposed to be released
>Giant timer at the top of the screen
I hear this type of stuff so fucking often from so many different vtubers? Do females not know how to look at the screen? Are they so close to their monitors that they don't register the information? I've even seen it from Selen with Titanfall 2 when she'd miss the dialogue options with BT.

>> No.15974144

Yeah every Asian knows the intricacies of wotagei

>> No.15974145

Then how come none of the Asians in NijiEN know the things she knows?

>> No.15974146

Rosemi pees herself when nervous

>> No.15974155

Jump ship to Luca or Rosemi like the rest of us.

>> No.15974165
Quoted by: >>15974239

"She has asthma" to "She's gonna fucking DIE" is a bit of a leap.

>> No.15974170
File: 1.40 MB, 2480x3510, Ursalen 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15974173

>i'm not even gonna blame the girls for it
You're gonna blame the game for them being too stupid to actually check their keybinds before playing or even between heists after they've realized they don't know?

>> No.15974175

yeah and her pee is berrie flavored

>> No.15974193
Quoted by: >>15974315

streamer brain shuts off any kind of huds as noise

>> No.15974194
File: 516 KB, 483x628, 1638014763765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15974196
File: 297 KB, 445x364, 1616835447731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15974253

>but i'm definitely gonna put this as one of the worst collab they ever done
You guys say this after every collab...

>> No.15974202

Anon it's content, they do it for the content.

>> No.15974208

It's because they are alt tabbed for half of the stream.

>> No.15974209
File: 125 KB, 2048x1338, FIaMRXPXwAAXTAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is so scared he's quivering and panting I want to hold his hand

>> No.15974214

is luca the only one usually streaming for long period of time?

>> No.15974224
Quoted by: >>15974286

It's streamer brain. They're keeping track of a bunch of things and miss stuff more easily.

>> No.15974233
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1630021679466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine rosemi getting nervous about having sex to the point she starts to pee on your dick

>> No.15974234
File: 561 KB, 726x720, 1635744656533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WISH I could get a FWB, if not a girlfriend.

>> No.15974237

such as? you better not be talking about the chanting because that's the type of thing you can just watch a youtube video and learn about it, probably even in tiktok

>> No.15974239
Quoted by: >>15974441

rosemi could fall and die. she is that fragile. its a miracle she's lived this long.

>> No.15974246

I have ED's good luck

>> No.15974253
Quoted by: >>15974333

We didn't say this after the first Lunch Lady collab.

>> No.15974269
File: 120 KB, 461x365, FIYtVvhVUAEdvuB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15974309

bad collab right now, pic related was a good collab

>> No.15974286

Why do people still believe this. They don't bother to pay attention to games because games are fucking boring once you've had actual good sex.

>> No.15974292

Rosemi is touching her toes... While wearing pantyhose... ToT

>> No.15974301

If that was true you'd be going out drinking tomorrow and not planning to watch the forest.

>> No.15974309

yeah rosemi's missing...

>> No.15974312
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshotter--YouTube-NIJISANJIxWIXOSSUNBOXINGwcameraIRLGACHANIJISANJIENPomuRainpuff-34’59”.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting Pomu's g spot...

>> No.15974315
Quoted by: >>15974548

BUT I'm going to object about the Titanfall 2 dialogue... the OPTION shit is too fucking small to notice when you are playing unlike... every Dragon Age for example.

>> No.15974333
Quoted by: >>15974370

Which is really funny, because that was the only collab so boring I fell asleep.

>> No.15974362

just b urself pomudachi
and state your interests to women, in a manner thar doesn't make you look like a sexual predator; specially if you shower and shave beforehand

>> No.15974365

motherfucker i will now switch to rosemi's stream.
peace reimu you betch

>> No.15974370

Holofags are still seething to this day.

>> No.15974383
Quoted by: >>15974564

the white shiny filters are so common that you probably are as delusional as the fag that says she was a castiza lmao, also you're a doxxfag so you have 0 credibility

>> No.15974390

She probably learned Akiba by those videos too

>> No.15974415
Quoted by: >>15974484

>enna going full leeroy jenkins

>> No.15974429
File: 849 KB, 1027x1024, 1641018888941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rosemi is touching her toes... While wearing pantyhose... ToT

>> No.15974436

they should just stick to normals if they don't bother to learn the basic gameplay loop

>> No.15974440

They're actually commenting on the gameplay while someone else plays

>> No.15974441

you know it's just a joke right? she hits the gym and does cardio shit but she's just so skinny that she looks sick

>> No.15974449

nah, you are out because you want to watch Holo's Mario Kart

>> No.15974451
Quoted by: >>15974504

>Enna screams the loudest for once
>Pomu literally starts screaming nonsense just to challenge her

>> No.15974450
Quoted by: >>15974703

Do you think turbo normalfags know about the history of OG vtubers? Or the insides of maid cafes or idol stages that aren't displayed on google maps?
And before you again say >that's the type of thing you can just watch a youtube video and learn about it, probably even in tiktok, you can literally say that about anything on the planet.

>> No.15974478
File: 366 KB, 1249x1800, 1636083983634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosemi wins round 1
>walks over to you
>kneels down and smugly sucks you while you squirm
>your moans are muffled by a gag
>climbs on you to extract your cum with her pussy
>gently kissing and sucking your cock with her pink lips
>you give up your cum
>she walks over to the other girls forgetting you exist
>they challenge her to a rematch and she agrees
>watching the girls compete for your second load

>> No.15974484

Might as well with this lineup, it’s not being cleared anytime soon anyway

>> No.15974487

Man this thread is pathetic nowadays.

>> No.15974504

>Pomu literally starts screaming nonsense
That's been this whole stream.

>> No.15974508
File: 109 KB, 1500x1500, Selinlol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They went full Stalingrad

>> No.15974517

He's just like me...

>> No.15974539

the thread reflects the streamers

>> No.15974545
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, 1613849447960.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally get a gf
>Dump after 6 months because I got bored of her
I just want a Pomu gf..

>> No.15974548
Quoted by: >>15974660

I'm still not sure if I can agree with that, Selen and IRyS noticed his dialogue and tried to make an effort of responding.

>> No.15974549
File: 143 KB, 100x100, 1626038361333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffer kino soon.

>> No.15974557

No one is watching the stream they're just shitposting waiting for the Holofag mario kart thing.

>> No.15974559

Hello, newfriend!

>> No.15974563

It's not usually this bad I feel like we're being raided or something

>> No.15974564
Quoted by: >>15974854

she's pure iberian, keep seething

>> No.15974579

>I'm Reimu
wew guess I really am /here/

>> No.15974583

Its somehow worse than the holo global.
Impressive feat.

>> No.15974593
File: 724 KB, 2897x4096, 1627574702025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15974857

Rosemi has a tights fetish, which automatically makes her the most based by default.

>> No.15974602

attention whore

>> No.15974603

>selen buys two attatchments
>puts neither on her gun

>> No.15974617

Wait, can you or can't you Mikiri counter his jumping thrust?
Swear to god you can

>> No.15974618

could be worse, like nina could be streaming right now

>> No.15974624
File: 91 KB, 480x480, 1630365889830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu vs Reimu
Who wins and why?

>> No.15974627

>Dead hours are still shit
Yeah, no

>> No.15974633
Quoted by: >>15974706

someone posted about rosemi on /v/

>> No.15974660

Yeah you are kinda right but Selen noticed the dialogue after a second later after the window disappeared Ina had the same problem

>> No.15974662

Pomu because Reimu is a bitch whore.

>> No.15974678

suppressor? I barely know her

>> No.15974681

Pomu will never defeat a Latina

>> No.15974703

this is why it's so easy for girls to get money streaming, weebs are just so gullible that the minimum effort will make you think that, you can literally watch any otaku/gamer anime from the last decade and learn anything you just named

>> No.15974706

I dunno people are being oddly specific about the shitposts it feels like holofaggots

>> No.15974707
File: 100 KB, 1073x1013, 1626914783061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bigger the better

>> No.15974715
File: 290 KB, 864x864, 1625194500943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how you end up missing out on branching friend events like Pomu.

>> No.15974719

People say this literally every day. Maybe even every two hours.

>> No.15974759

If i'm remembering right, in his PL she used to remind him to take his inhaler and shit when his asthma acted up or else he'd forget, I don't mind her at all

>> No.15974770

realistically how long does poppi have left?

>> No.15974780
Quoted by: >>15974855

>open Enna POV
>she made the collab PNGs fucking HORRIFYING

>> No.15974787

at least 3

>> No.15974793

In that case, link them.

>> No.15974795

I don't think you can Mikiri anything in the air, but I haven't played Sekiro in a while. I'd just dodge around a jumping attack and go for cheap shots

>> No.15974804

Doubt it would phase Ike. Most likely would uno reverse

>> No.15974810
Quoted by: >>15975360

At some point you have to quit being overly ambitious and learn to appreciate a woman in her own ways anon.

>> No.15974813
File: 320 KB, 400x400, 1627408643404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else enjoying the collab

>> No.15974822
Quoted by: >>15974888

had a FWB, it was pretty good.
But also pretty awkward after, get a casual FWB who doesn't give a shit and lets you free use them.
It's way less awkward and more based
that's how I met my wife

>> No.15974833

As deep as Reimoo’s pockets are

>> No.15974836

Don’t worry guys Finana finished streaming so I can help, lets see…
Who's the worse schizo in this thread?

>> No.15974854

yes i'm gonna keep laughing at you cucks giving her money to get her nails done and giving handjobs to his novio JAJAJA

>> No.15974855

They're just the payday 2 masks bro

>> No.15974857

>girl with tights fetish
>wear tights every day
Rosemi's a freak

>> No.15974875

Ike cannot even ask for a correct food order and makes his friends talk to the waiter to change it.

>> No.15974888

You misspelled husband gaylord

>> No.15974887

What otaku/gamer anime talked about Pinky Pop Hepburn?

>> No.15974894
File: 146 KB, 1223x1000, Happy Ursalen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me! LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JENKINS was the best part yet

>> No.15974904

As long as medicine can keep a dog from resting in peace.

>> No.15974918
File: 1.97 MB, 1600x1328, 1635224332254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15975537

You already know how that went last time.

>> No.15974919
Quoted by: >>15975057

No, there's too much screaming and none of them are even trying to git gud. I'm hoping that selen doesn't hate it so much that she uninstalls it and ends up playing it together with members though.

>> No.15974929
Quoted by: >>15975236

Luca is being so cute bros I can't take it anymore

>> No.15974935

What the fuck happened rosemi

>> No.15974939

This thread? I barely posted on it!

>> No.15974942

If you're talking about that big lunge he always does at the start of his third phase, then yes you can.

>> No.15974990
File: 384 KB, 936x529, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15974991

What the fuck is happening to Rosemi's stream? Am I going insane??

>> No.15974994
File: 881 KB, 1920x1080, 1624291958317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15975003

Tourist filter

a a a can you hear me?

can you hear all of them anon? i'm sorry these are the only ones i can remember

>> No.15975012

>go down bish
>go down bish
reimu is a natural

>> No.15975022


>> No.15975023
File: 390 KB, 634x534, nothing_going_on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my himbo son...

>> No.15975044

lmao the game is telling rosemi to stop

>> No.15975045

Rosemi freaked it to death...

>> No.15975054

>Sekiro the game freaking it

>> No.15975056

What collab??

>> No.15975057

A Selen, Nina, Vox, and Ike collab would probably be the most likely alternative. It still wouldn't be great, but still far better than this.

>> No.15975104
Quoted by: >>15975169

I've gotta be honest
I'm liking the Payday collab
I just think they're all funny together

>> No.15975112

sekiro is tapping out

>> No.15975114

I don’t think Pomu is a good colab partner, and it only get worse as the number of participants grow.
Fight me.

>> No.15975139


>> No.15975152
File: 829 KB, 2235x3568, E9C3h5_VoAQjk_O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15975281

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.15975165

They literally just needed to take 5-10 minutes to learn their keybinds and basic game mechanics. Pomu STILL has not learned to press F to yell at the npcs.

>> No.15975166
Quoted by: >>15975255

Do cloakers and dozers not spawn anymore in lower difficulties? Cloakers are like half of the fun in the game

>> No.15975169

It's fun, we're just getting shitposted by holofags waiting for their mariokart tournament to start

>> No.15975170

yeah no, add Rosemi instead

>> No.15975190
File: 25 KB, 128x128, 1629398762355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is the best one on one collab partner.

>> No.15975208

do people dislike the collab because they aren't playing meta or something? they're enjoying themselves and that leeroy jenkins part was pretty good imo
Selen, Rosemi, Vox, Ike would be a funny collab for pd2

>> No.15975212
File: 127 KB, 999x665, FH9L6asacAAemVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15975236
Quoted by: >>15975295

He actually sounds out of breath at points

>> No.15975255
Quoted by: >>15975431

They never did, you probably just haven't played lower than overkill in 7 years.

>> No.15975274
File: 2.57 MB, 2480x3508, FCCsXi7UUAI4b4v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15975495

Reimu HATES the popo!

>> No.15975281

Petra is a boy and isn't even the cutest boy in Nijisanji EN

>> No.15975283

Then why do they keep on inviting her to collabs, truly a mystery

>> No.15975287

I think they need to start doing practice matches before the collab starts so they can learn the basic game so there isn't this much running around like a headless chicken. It has stopped being fun chaos and is now just a little frustrating.

>> No.15975294
File: 146 KB, 1370x1192, pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15975295

he's /fit/ but has asthma, pls andastund

>> No.15975307

Sekiro got so mad at rosemi being bad that it kicked her out

>> No.15975328
File: 566 KB, 4000x3000, 1630375324677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had fun. Good night bros.

>> No.15975326
Quoted by: >>15975393


>> No.15975339

I think it depends. She's defaults to being really bad with Selen nowadays and iffy with Nina, but when she's with others she can be sweet like in the Snowman collab.

>> No.15975350
File: 129 KB, 1920x1080, 8FC1A5CA-C2CB-4725-B53B-9F0EE667EAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started watching how’s my wife Reimu doing?

>> No.15975360

I just feel like it's not worth potentially losing my freedom to do whatever I want and have to be accountable for someone I don't like that much.
Idk, maybe i'm still immature.

>> No.15975393
Quoted by: >>15975515

She isn't great, but still a much, much better pick than the fucking fairy.

>> No.15975400
Quoted by: >>15975519

you really consider that deep knowledge? lmaooooo does she also know about kizuna ai? and kaguya luna did appear in an anime so i'm pretty sure she did too, i think one of them appeared in love is war manga

>> No.15975401
Quoted by: >>15975511

is honey from Suisei's Hi Honey?

>> No.15975427


>> No.15975424

I don’t know because she’s blown my ears out as always

>> No.15975431

Maybe? I stopped playing when The Diamond came out but i really can't remember if i ever played something under overkill

>> No.15975452

Selen makes Pomu incredibly horny, that's why she is so aggressive.

>> No.15975472
Quoted by: >>15975523

>hard is unironically too hard for these idiots

>> No.15975485

>Finished Finana’s stream where she fully enjoyed herself and had an amazing donation reading
>Reads thread to get the impression that the payday collab is a mess and that Rosemi is freaking it at sekiro

Guys what the fuck is happening?

>> No.15975495
File: 829 KB, 497x687, coolrose [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fne27z0.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pluck the police!

>> No.15975498
File: 174 KB, 480x480, 1639437671959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This trainwreck is fucking hilarious...

>> No.15975511

It is from the lost collab

>> No.15975515

pomu is at least funny. nina tries to be funny but comes off as cringe.
would rather have literally any of the nijiEns over nina.

>> No.15975519

You're dodging my question. What otaku/gamer anime talked about PPH? And enough info for her to talk about it for over 30 minutes in a random superchat zatsudan?

>> No.15975523
File: 70 KB, 250x250, Selen Cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15975589

Selen wants to play the game on hard but her companions are not the FPS type...

>> No.15975537


>> No.15975540
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 0b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even better, love my sonwife!

>> No.15975544
File: 746 KB, 783x1200, 1626832003984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this fucking fairy

>> No.15975561

jesus Rosemi its been 4 hours
has she still not figured out the mechanics?

>> No.15975563

the payday collab is a mess and Rosemi is freaking it at sekiro

>> No.15975574
Quoted by: >>15975691

never sent a supa, never membered lmao. keep seething

>> No.15975589

If you want to see some genuinely bad gameplay, open pomu.
>not the fps type
Selen is totally open to stealth, too, but they're just too dumb.

>> No.15975600

it's always like this, finding faults even when the streams are fine every damn time. dramawhores.

>> No.15975607

holofags sitting in their discord raiding the thread. Just ignore them

>> No.15975611

The Payday collab is fine, the girls are laughing and having a good time. Holofags are shitposting because they're waiting for their MK tournament to start

>> No.15975629

I came really fucking hard to Ike's asmr attempt and morning voice a few hours ago so yes, women do fap to the boys.

>> No.15975640
File: 96 KB, 244x244, 1625496510909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reality is that big collabs are almost always shit and 1 on 1 collabs are always better. You guys just have to accept this fact.

>> No.15975644
Quoted by: >>15975764

man this collab would be 10x better if millie was in it. switch reimu for millie.

>> No.15975654

Some streams are better than others.
Some collabs are better than others.
Sometimes there's just a bad stream or bad collab.
It happens

>> No.15975658



>> No.15975673

Do you have a real vagina or a neo-vagina?

>> No.15975683

Man I miss her…

>> No.15975691
Quoted by: >>15976072

>still defends her
you really are a cuck holy shit lmaooooo

>> No.15975698

Women don’t cum

>> No.15975729

I was thinking about recommending Ready or Not, but then I'm just thinking about Reimu and Enna walking into ambushes and traps every other minute while Pomu complains nonstop about everything. Only Selen would put enough effort to to actually use the optic mirror or pepper gun.

>> No.15975737

It's true.

>> No.15975739

anon I.....

>> No.15975743
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x3142, 1640623438126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Petra is a boy
That only makes me harder.

>> No.15975750

This thread is /hlg2/ now, where bronies waiting for their MK tournament to start express their frustrations of lowered numbers falseflagging with threadwatched rrats. Try throwing out a few baitposts, it’s fun.

>> No.15975756

>Vox bullies him hard
>Vox beats his third form in like 30 seconds

>> No.15975757

I enjoy Crab Game salt.

>> No.15975764
Quoted by: >>15975853

The fastest way to turn this from funny to absolutely awful

>> No.15975778


>> No.15975780

You all don't get it, she is literally doing a parody of her oshi Aris.
Aris took literal days to beat Mario lost levels, the rose knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.15975783

Yes, it's a beautiful day to rob a bank

>> No.15975784

You forgot she started last stream. It must be close to 7 hours now.

>> No.15975793
File: 913 KB, 600x607, 1639013747764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name your Top 3 all time worst streams from your oshi. Hard mode: no garry's mod collab if your oshi is a lazulight

>> No.15975804

put finana in the collab
at least she would autistically do the objectives

>> No.15975812

Any money you spend ends up going to someone else's pocket Javier

>> No.15975822
Quoted by: >>15975976

Luca wished Mizuchi goodnight...

>> No.15975841

That's 90% why I'm watching. I didn't even watch Vox's playthrough because I knew he would be too good.

>> No.15975853
Quoted by: >>15976056

anon I said Millie, not Nina

>> No.15975864


>> No.15975881

Mario kart practice

>> No.15975885

>posts something like this
>doesn't provide proof
bit a cocktease no?

>> No.15975882

>Crab game salt
>Selen, Rosemi, Enna and Millie Mario collab
>Castle Crashers collab
>L4D collab

>> No.15975917
File: 35 KB, 364x324, 1628910825937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15975916
File: 207 KB, 500x500, 1634680080438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15975930

I’m there to witness her true freakage when she finally does beat him.

>> No.15975976
File: 97 KB, 520x1118, gn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so did most of his chat
i wonder if he is trying to groom them to like her even more for when they inevitably collab in the future

>> No.15976029


>> No.15976030


>> No.15976043
Quoted by: >>15976140

>Lucky Dragon Host Club
>I'm Pomu 200k
>Mario Kart

>> No.15976046

More like Wosemi Suckcocks at Sekiro

>> No.15976054

I love chaotic collabs like this desu, cracks me the fuck up every time

>> No.15976056

And I said fuck no

>> No.15976057

big collabs are always shit because of the girls trying to hog all the attention, only selen and rosemi don't do that because they are not whores

>> No.15976061

I feel so bad for Rosemi....how is she ever going to beat this game?

>> No.15976072

I'll defend her huwyteness as long as your brown ass is mad lol

>> No.15976088
File: 108 KB, 502x467, 1641091354448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This luca stream has been almost 2 hours straight of screaming and panting

>> No.15976112
File: 225 KB, 946x2048, FIacupwWUAQvjEc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlemen, elira's cock.
that is all.

>> No.15976113

Anon, I...

>> No.15976129

I don't watch streams I don't think I'll like and if I stop having fun I just close the tab.

>> No.15976140

why are you replying to that shitposter?

>> No.15976150


>> No.15976159

this but pomu's

>> No.15976174
File: 292 KB, 417x466, 1624068988240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario Kart Practice 2
>lets beat the elite 4!!!
>pomu destroys the mountain by hand
These are my least favorites I think

>> No.15976176

The garry's mod co... Oh shit

>> No.15976184
Quoted by: >>15976550

Have any femanons masturbated to Luca?

>> No.15976187

Elira-tan's beautiful hidden eye

>> No.15976200
Quoted by: >>15976490

I only hate Reimu trying to justify every single misplay when no one even criticized her.

>> No.15976215
File: 31 KB, 425x312, 1640621717849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15976319

>> No.15976219

I’m deeply sorry for you, whichever sex you may be.

>> No.15976225
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, 1636240145540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to say, I'd fuck a clowngirl pomu

>> No.15976238

That little bit of hesitation and just says it is why she’s the best girl in NijiEN

>> No.15976244

>That cop was a Dragoon

>> No.15976260
Quoted by: >>15976403

Selen did exactly that in Castle Crasher collab.

>> No.15976269

I'll squirt on you

>> No.15976279

Maybe not the ones you know

>> No.15976307

remember when pomu and melody collabed?

>> No.15976319
File: 359 KB, 1582x2074, 1638402868691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I'm gonna talk to myself

>> No.15976325

Yeah, it was fun.

>> No.15976342

luca is pouting...

>> No.15976350
File: 143 KB, 1200x900, 59c5c12a69e14210f1657beff0b8f53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu getting salty...

>> No.15976351
Quoted by: >>15976444


>> No.15976361

Payday 2
Crab Game

>> No.15976375
Quoted by: >>15976469

Finding Paradise
Third Arknights stream
Impromptu Phasmo with Finana and Reimu

Super Bunny Man collab
Don't know; one of the middle Akiba's Trip streams I guess

>> No.15976389

wtf how is reimu at 281 viewers now?? how does she keep going down??? she literally has less CCV than members...

>> No.15976403

no she didn't, it's just that she was the only one actually playing without screaming so it looked like that

>> No.15976404

>slapping cops with money will corrupt them


>> No.15976408
File: 3.91 MB, 320x296, 1637132647134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it takes 2 part1
>it takes 2 part2
>it takes 2 part3
Got better afterwards

>> No.15976432

Yes anons, let's talk about shit, and farts, and how much we hate nijisanji, and all the streams we hate, and how much we hate rosemi, and how bad pomu is.
you reailze it's a raid right?

>> No.15976442

I remember feeling like Pomu was the mature one taking care of a mentally challenged child by the end. Now she's on about the same level as Melody.
Maybe the rrat that her closet is depriving her of oxygen has some validity...

>> No.15976443

I don't know why she looks so cute there

>> No.15976444

Based, fuck twelve

>> No.15976447
Quoted by: >>15980845

People are abandoning the collab because it's fucking bad, anon. This is the price they pay for being bad at the game on purpose.

>> No.15976451

Luca got too scared...i want to hold him...

>> No.15976460
Quoted by: >>15976521

Luca is panting so much lmao. inhaler doko?

>> No.15976469
Quoted by: >>15976640

watching petra play arknights is so painful is she that bad at videogames with everything else

>> No.15976473
Quoted by: >>15976536

I support the men in blue.

>> No.15976475

>Yes anons, let's talk about shit, and farts
this but unironically

>> No.15976482

my mafia boss cannot be this cute...

>> No.15976490

browns tend to act like that all the time, specially girls

>> No.15976501

Selen does that all the fucking time. Hell, she did that in Petra's birthday stream.

>> No.15976506

>Z**treya and Froot Apex collab
>Pochi and Laila Apex collab
>Bloodhunt stream game to incomplete and boring for me

>> No.15976521

Mommy Mizuchi isn't here to tell him it exists

>> No.15976522

2 hours = weak

>> No.15976528

>tfw no clown girl vtuber

>> No.15976536
File: 72 KB, 414x528, 1638235053556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POlice aint never did nothing for a young rose

>> No.15976535

lucas screams makes me so alive...

>> No.15976541

Do you even watch Selen's APEX collabs?

>> No.15976550

Not yet, but I’m planning to splice some nice moaning and screaming moments from all the boys’ stream to replace my nightly otome CD fap.

>> No.15976577

Jwu should I watch the collab or luca

>> No.15976579
File: 243 KB, 549x554, 1618080591427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's talk about shit, and farts

>> No.15976588

>Collabs organized by her
no shit retard

>> No.15976600

Rosemi is about to fall asleep on stream

>> No.15976603

The actual races for the MK tourney next door is about to start in ~10 minutes. Will the trashfire cease? More news at 9.

>> No.15976604
Quoted by: >>15976719


>> No.15976630

Genshin Impact #2, #3 and #4
I'm glad Pomu didn't stream that again, she didn't enjoy the game

>> No.15976632
File: 584 KB, 485x647, 1614390792533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute sleepy rosemi...

>> No.15976635
Quoted by: >>15976719

I'm watching Rose and Luca at the same time and it is still more coherent than when I was watching just the collab.

>> No.15976640

The last one was plain weird. She sreamed shorter than usual and spent most of the time doing her mumbling speech.
Guess she was just having a bad day or something

>> No.15976643

I love Luca's absolute refusal to read

>> No.15976656

cant believe i actually wasted five hours watching rosemi be bad at videogames

>> No.15976662

Rosemi needs to take her med cin

>> No.15976664


>> No.15976676

Will Ame get salty again and throw her controller; scaring everyone who just wants to have fun?

>> No.15976678

the way luca just said pog, it made my heart beat faster

>> No.15976684
File: 239 KB, 1536x2048, 1641358977846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys im not alone
>i have you guys! pog!

>> No.15976707
File: 4 KB, 96x109, 1603757758526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Killing SIM

>> No.15976713
Quoted by: >>15976788

yes they are awesome and everyone loves to play with her

>> No.15976716
File: 163 KB, 512x512, 1616618474574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosemi yawns

>> No.15976719

Ok I'll watch rose and boss

>> No.15976721
Quoted by: >>15976794

Yeah I wish these holobrony threadwatchers would stop watching this collab and leave.

>> No.15976762

The collab just isn't getting any traction going.

>> No.15976771

Fucking rich ass Pear Store.

>> No.15976781

>Rosemi tape sounds earlier
>Sleepy Rosemi sounds now

>> No.15976788
Quoted by: >>15977119

Yep, but she's still loud and tries to hog all the attention. Nothing wrong with it, it's entertaining.

>> No.15976794
Quoted by: >>15976832

>watching this collab
If they're watching a stream aren't they not threadwatchers?

>> No.15976792

she was quiet most of the stream wtf you talking about

>> No.15976793
File: 242 KB, 1080x1504, 1631570807694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Rosemi fell asleep on stream, and started talking in her sleep?

>> No.15976797

Rosemi is using her real voice if you are interested

>> No.15976799
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, 1641458058749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15976864

He's too strong...

>> No.15976805
File: 689 KB, 724x456, 1639852740333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977295

Fuck, I memory holed those so hard

>> No.15976804

The hololive mariokart tourney is starting now

>> No.15976813

Rosemi's gonna not do it today, wait a week to continue, and forget everything back to square one.

>> No.15976819
File: 430 KB, 378x526, 1620162227368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleepy rosemi is the cutest thing my heart cant take it

>> No.15976825
File: 3.84 MB, 3024x3800, FDD01VJWUAENI11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's bloodlust is unending.

>> No.15976823

I don't, i listen to the lewd stuff they put out, buy VP, have a shit ton of lewds downloaded, all those passwords to obtain it, and find some of the stuff they do sexy, i just don't masturbate to any of it for some reason

>> No.15976832

Shh, we don't point these things out.

>> No.15976854
File: 434 KB, 516x542, 1612109191688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15976860

We don't talk about the EN portion if Petra's birthday stream.

>> No.15976864

how long did vox last?

>> No.15976883

I thought Rosebuds loved Rosemi why are you all hating on her?

>> No.15976886

>Any genshin stream (Or all of them)
>Night in the Woods
>The Blackout Club collab

>(Dis)honorable mentions: 1st Undertale stream, Henry Stickmin collection, Fortnite/Naruto collab and Apex solo streams #1 and #2

>> No.15976907

It would be bad because she would accidently reveal her plans to murder her coworkers

>> No.15976916
File: 144 KB, 1134x1134, sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977000

Sleepy Rose

>> No.15976934
Quoted by: >>15976984

>tfw no clown girl vtuber

>> No.15976951
Quoted by: >>15977976


guess my oshi

>> No.15976970

No one in Luca's chat knows if this game will get him demonetized by Youtube.

>> No.15976975
Quoted by: >>15977035

Watch derem

>> No.15976980

There are no rosebuds aloupeeps and ghostfuckers here

>> No.15976984
Quoted by: >>15977092

I know right, clownsemi exists

>> No.15976989
Quoted by: >>15977160

I watched the first half of Vox's Sekiero stream.
He completely destroyed all the bosses, and eventually died to the fat guy boss. So he restarted, and then started dying over and over. Maybe he just lost confidence or something, but he was dying to the first boss, and even dying on the first level a bunch of times.

>> No.15976993
File: 99 KB, 268x291, 1615990590473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse you

>> No.15976994
File: 3.44 MB, 640x371, Rich Sewen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen slapping Cops with money

>> No.15976999

happy joyful torture scene time

>> No.15977000

Does Rosemi drool in her sleep?

>> No.15977002


>> No.15977004
File: 237 KB, 2048x1536, 1640885716313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love luca so much bros

>> No.15977022
File: 1.70 MB, 1800x800, The Three Goddess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977067


>> No.15977032
File: 54 KB, 613x655, 1639452947307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take my oshi's name in vain

>> No.15977035
Quoted by: >>15977143


does she even do english streams?

>> No.15977045
File: 97 KB, 949x881, FIa-smyUYA0nofo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15977053
File: 361 KB, 640x853, chrome_kPL801xL7I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15980087

Here's your clown girl.

>> No.15977058

She has peed for 3 times in this stream alone

>> No.15977062
File: 640 KB, 511x646, 1623832032856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977067


>> No.15977069

Rosemi has diabetes...

>> No.15977075

she is good in small collabs. The bigger the group, the less she focuses on the game and the louder she gets. This is perfectly fine in party games but if you want to pay attention to any gameplay she ain't it. Kind of the same problem with Petra.

>> No.15977092


>> No.15977095
File: 136 KB, 1061x1178, 1635827333358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977144

Reimu wiping out the entire police department...

>> No.15977110
File: 212 KB, 1400x2000, B2C314FA-0ABB-449E-8763-AA3C12DF7CDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute murderous ghost….

>> No.15977119

no she doesn't lmao, it only happens when she's the only one alive and it's always like that at that point, you'll know if you actually played anything with friends

>> No.15977131
File: 389 KB, 495x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977140


>> No.15977143


>> No.15977144

Ok Luca's actually pretty funny

>> No.15977160

Dying to the "first boss" isn't really a negative when that first boss is a fight you're meant to lose but his autism demanded he win it. Same for dying to the gun guy right at the start, he wanted to not stealth it so he died like 5 times.

>> No.15977167

holy shit luca is pogging so hard i love him!

>> No.15977183
File: 86 KB, 794x863, 1640149204103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odds on rose beating genny chiro this stream?

>> No.15977198


>> No.15977230


>> No.15977239

Polka is a thing and she's ready to love (You)

>> No.15977259

She'll either beat him or pass out on stream.

>> No.15977275

hahahahaha pomu is a bitch

>> No.15977285
File: 313 KB, 354x457, 1614244245399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977295

Yeah, the first one was ok, the other 3 where bad

>> No.15977303
Quoted by: >>15977353

What are the bets someone won't make it to the chopper in time?

>> No.15977304 [DELETED] 

is she done for today?

>> No.15977308
Quoted by: >>15977330

Luca has better singing voice than Shu desu

>> No.15977317
File: 1.72 MB, 520x523, 1641210329634.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15977318
Quoted by: >>15977406

/NijiEN/... you're pog...

>> No.15977328

idk who that is but sounds fat, like landwhale fat. not interested.

>> No.15977330
Quoted by: >>15977395

now if only luca could unstuff his nose

>> No.15977335
File: 3.40 MB, 334x294, 75276A9E-52B0-4C6E-A30F-64160F174259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka outta your league try for her instead.

>> No.15977344

the only thing she's gonna beat is genny's ochinchin

>> No.15977353
File: 583 KB, 480x548, Selen Wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977400

hate faith

>> No.15977382

How do I love Polka properly?

>> No.15977393


>> No.15977395
Quoted by: >>15977652

he didn't sound nasally during nina's space

>> No.15977400
Quoted by: >>15977439

I have Z E R O faith

>> No.15977406

Luca I know you're scared but focus on the game you're barely even 1/4th of the way in

>> No.15977419


>> No.15977422

Don't compare Roberta to Reimu ever again.

>> No.15977439
File: 111 KB, 166x249, 1623739281368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977536


>> No.15977452


>> No.15977479

Is it true that she's a futa?

>> No.15977492

You need to go wider

>> No.15977536

You shouldn't have believed in them.

>> No.15977579
Quoted by: >>15977677

They hate the game
They will never play it again

>> No.15977600
File: 277 KB, 2048x1263, 1639650576546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu sure loves killing...

>> No.15977643

holy shit I just realize Rosemi is the only nijiEn that doesn't swear!!

>> No.15977652

but he did

>> No.15977673
File: 289 KB, 1067x649, Selen HUMPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15977780

>last game
>Selen wanted to play more

>> No.15977677
Quoted by: >>15977942

They just need someone who knows what the fuck to do to tell them how to play. Either Nina or one of the boys.

>> No.15977708
File: 6 KB, 516x64, imgay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhh based?

>> No.15977735

Shouldn't Vox be pinging Rosemi right now and giving her some advice?

>> No.15977759
Quoted by: >>15977915

Pluck you.....
Replace P and L with... F.....

>> No.15977780

>Reimu is sleepy
>Pomu is sleepy
What is Enna doing?

>> No.15977784
Quoted by: >>15978077

he hates her

>> No.15977794

What did she do?

>> No.15977802
Quoted by: >>15978106

The Elite Four stream was better than the one before it, honestly.
Still, glad those streams are over. The 15 hour stream was great, but boy do I never want to hear those Gengar names ever again.

>> No.15977812

too bad its 4am in london atm

>> No.15977886

She is playing grey screen simulator

>> No.15977897

Motion sickness

>> No.15977915

You shut your plucking mouth

>> No.15977940

Ojou-sama i kneel

>> No.15977944

Anyone else love how Selen says money?
and when she says "I Did It!"

>> No.15977942

Nina hopefully never

>> No.15977976
Quoted by: >>15978351


>> No.15978002
Quoted by: >>15978835

I'm sure she is

>> No.15978000

Rosemi please end the stream already I want to be free

>> No.15978018

fuck i crave for pizza now, rosemi why

>> No.15978041
File: 410 KB, 426x429, 1633754595420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15978091


>> No.15978059

She sounds like a baby when she says I DID IT

>> No.15978062
File: 24 KB, 112x112, Selen Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978069

Reimu please put on your suppressor I swear to god you dumb latinx bitch

>> No.15978077

If only she wasnt a wagie and had time to listen to him talk about the deep intricacies of FNAF, they probably would've been great friends.

>> No.15978085

>go to sleep and wake up several hours later to rosemi STILL getting her ass reemed by geni chan

WTF is wrong with her?

>> No.15978091
Quoted by: >>15978154

one last job...

>> No.15978106

You mean you don't like amazing names like Ghastlite, Ghatekeep, and Ghirlboss?

>> No.15978109

-.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / --. .- -.--

>> No.15978129

She was 1 or 2 hits away from killing him but she choked hard

>> No.15978143

>Started streaming 4 hours ago
Get more sleep m8

>> No.15978148

beep boop to you too friend

>> No.15978154
File: 203 KB, 490x570, 1635707185452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm putting together a team

>> No.15978169

Motion sickness and she hasn't blinked in almost 3 hours.

>> No.15978186

He's the big filter/test

>> No.15978191
File: 31 KB, 144x144, Selen YAY2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last round! for SELEN!

>> No.15978197

I don't understand Outlast 2 he's just been running from christians all day where's the pregnant wife...

>> No.15978335

her best

>> No.15978337
File: 11 KB, 899x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15978450

Anon, I know vtubers tend to have weird sleep schedules, but...

>> No.15978351

wrong it's elira

>> No.15978394

I have all the streams on full blast so I don't have to think any bad thoughts

>> No.15978399
Quoted by: >>15978605

he's not even 50% in chill anon

>> No.15978400

>WTF is wrong with her?
she's a woman (female)

>> No.15978408
File: 69 KB, 1277x718, 1641380209641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WTF is wrong with her?

>> No.15978413

You're gonna get banned for posting incomprehensible text anon

>> No.15978424

They kill babies so she's off about to be sacrificed by the leaders of the sect I think

>> No.15978448
Quoted by: >>15978524

Please, PLEASE keep this volume for the rest of the collab...

>> No.15978450
Quoted by: >>15978534

vox hates rosemi

>> No.15978484

Women suck at videogames

>> No.15978511

.--. .-.. ..- -.-. -.- / -.-- --- ..- --..-- / ..-. .-.. --- .-- . .-. .... . .- -..

>> No.15978524


>> No.15978534


>> No.15978536

call her fat she loves that

>> No.15978538

Pregnant wife really doesn't show up much, it's more about the relation he had with that girl when he was younger.

>> No.15978549
File: 46 KB, 256x256, laughing the pain away.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She just wanted 1 MATCH with stealth

>> No.15978565
File: 297 KB, 661x436, rosemi cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot about these, absolutely true holy crap I hated genshin so much

>> No.15978596

She should've done shadow raid, the biggest pleb filter.

>> No.15978605
Quoted by: >>15978778

He's been freakin it for 2 hours and it isn't 50% done yet?
Maybe it feels aimless because he isn't reading a single word of the game

>> No.15978623

Was Outlast 2 always this much of a buff game?

>> No.15978628
Quoted by: >>15979179

I don't know what Selen expected from this group.

>> No.15978709
Quoted by: >>15978783

Go jerk off to his Playboard page before you come in here and make retarded observations.

>> No.15978768
File: 579 KB, 501x649, 1639361428056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big yawn

>> No.15978778

average gameplay is like 8 hours tho

>> No.15978781

Difficult games and horror games are eternal buff games. YT let's plays were built around the success of horror like Amnesia and rage games like IWBTG.

>> No.15978783

Ooh, touchy.

>> No.15978788

She doesn't understand the game because she skipped the tutorials, she's weaker than she should be because she didn't explore at all, and she's not aggressive so she can't make permanent damage on the boss since.

>> No.15978790

Why was her donation reading so good

>> No.15978801

Moreso when you aren't reading everything in a southern accent.

>> No.15978831
File: 150 KB, 768x800, 1634731713263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15978835

She's doing this for real soon

>> No.15978843
File: 186 KB, 960x852, 1622729583188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talked about dick size innuendos, grabbing balls, masturbating
Is there any connection in the brain between anger and horniness?

>> No.15978877
Quoted by: >>15979179

>picked Reimu and Enna, two of the most bloodthirsty people in NijiEN, but wanted stealth

>> No.15978882

Pretty sure there is.

>> No.15978885

It's actually one of the things I hate the most about her

>> No.15978922
Quoted by: >>15979006

>don't get in her face
>that's my job
Why is Pomu extra horny today

>> No.15978929

Stress relief.

>> No.15978933

That's where the rape is made.

>> No.15978963

Why are they suddenly sweating? Last game?

>> No.15978981


killing people with a bunch of hot anime girls, she's going to have a hell of a fap after this stream

>> No.15978999

her eggs are in critical condition anon, please understand

>> No.15979006

We gotta get the MUHney guys

>> No.15979103
File: 486 KB, 2894x3595, 1640298452456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What no dick does to a hag.

>> No.15979148
File: 181 KB, 322x424, 1637977826283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so damn horny

>> No.15979157

Literally me. All I think about is anger and sucking dick.

>> No.15979168

Shu doesnt either

>> No.15979179
Quoted by: >>15979322

Anon... Selen didn't pick anyone
>she got the permissions for Payday 2
>posted the collab on the Niji Discord for 3 slots
>Pomu, Enna and Reimu invited themselves
But yeah... >>15978628

>> No.15979183
Quoted by: >>15979288

She’s on my dick.

>> No.15979247

I don't think it has anything to do with being horny. She's just vulgar when she's excited.

>> No.15979283

Rosemi "medicated" and is no longer tilted.

>> No.15979288

do androids even have dicks connor?

>> No.15979303

This collab makes me convinced that any non apex fps game collab without Elira or Rosemi is automatically shite

>> No.15979310

I love Rosemi's autism sounds.

>> No.15979314
Quoted by: >>15979449

Did anyone else hear Luca say hey guys in the girls stream?

>> No.15979320
File: 394 KB, 403x457, 1617556791483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15979322

My mistake then, just ignore the picked part
Everything else still applies though

>> No.15979332 [SPOILER] 
File: 203 KB, 360x291, 1639792507284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15979548

Leaked lineup for the next collab

>> No.15979333

wife was raped by a rapey school priest or something, cause ya know America has school priests in every middle school.

Plus sun evil

>> No.15979343
Quoted by: >>15979593

is more about females not being funny and resorting to being rude and disgusting typical whore behaviour

>> No.15979349

Unironically yes, but it’s dicey to explore

>> No.15979381

Damn, Luca is getting nearly 3.7k viewers with the YT ccv underestimation and going against a big collab.

>> No.15979449

I'm watching Luca and he didn't say anything to the girls he's been lost in a school and panicking.

>> No.15979489

I wouldn't say every boss is a skill check in Sekiro, but there are a few. Lady Butterfly starts to teach you how to get into the rhythm of the fight. Genichiro builds on that but also requires you to learn how manage your posture gauge while keeping pressure on an enemy. That doesn't mean the boss can't still be difficult, but difficulty is subjective and most of those people have likely beaten the boss before.

>> No.15979540
Quoted by: >>15979701

Helps that the big collab sucks

>> No.15979548
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, Selen deer and MiniSelens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15979569
File: 263 KB, 1170x1600, 1635114651905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15979690

She heard Rosemi's yawning and can't stop thinking about defloration again

>> No.15979593

Maybe if you only watch Pomu and Vshitters. Even Finana has less degenerate humour.

>> No.15979620

im so tired of watching rosemi but I want to keep watching in case she actually beats him please just end the stream rosemi......

>> No.15979643

>YT fuckery
No one knows if it's hitting everyone so hold your horses
>going against a big collab
We already know that the boys audience barely overlaps with the girls.

>> No.15979688

>going against a big collab.
why you still surprised? girls and boys audience don't cross at all

>> No.15979690

Fucked up how Pomu had Rosemi record a longwinded version of "Pomu deflowered me" for a stream. I wonder if Rosemi even understood the double meaning...

>> No.15979701
Quoted by: >>15979876

True. Still impressive.
I say this as someone who likes Pomu, but yeah, Pomu has a tendency to just resort to blurting out vulgarities in situations like this. Finana's lewd jokes usually have more context.

>> No.15979840

They did it!

>> No.15979845
File: 128 KB, 1021x903, 1636777094367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rosemi doing jumping jacks

>> No.15979859
File: 797 KB, 621x668, 1622223995371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing stretches in front of her open window at midnight

>> No.15979869
Quoted by: >>15980048

Of course she knew, don't you remember the skit she put together for RNL?

>> No.15979870
File: 274 KB, 373x307, 1641331038863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Selen

>> No.15979876

Or they come from stories

>> No.15979912
File: 18 KB, 185x122, Selen cute Fangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15979959

Rosemi is so out of it lmao

>> No.15979964
File: 854 KB, 2789x1386, Screenshot_20220101-114110~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15979992

Blessed stream ending

>> No.15979994

I think I found Rosemis problem
her hands haven't moved once!

>> No.15980046

I do think this would be way better with either Elira, Rosemi, or Millie. Or even Ike.

>> No.15980048
Quoted by: >>15980537

Oh no, I'm sure she understood the "Pomu is a creep" part. But the specific joke I dunno. Took me a bit at least.

>> No.15980056

Wosemi may be 150cm, but she is still a grown up OL

>> No.15980066
Quoted by: >>15980197


don't let rosemi manipulate you

>> No.15980087

gibara's delicious clussy

>> No.15980096

>less degenerate humour
>muh egg, lmao egg, i'm seiso and i have an egg, stop talking about my egg, remember my egg?
literally all en branch is like that, except selen and rosemi, enna doesn't count since she controls her urge to be like that

>> No.15980097

Luca has been mindbroken too much and had to change the difficulty

>> No.15980197

dont listen to this pomudachi.
rosemi is pure.

>> No.15980224
Quoted by: >>15980297

selen says FUCK THE POLICE

>> No.15980252

Jesus Pomu don't talk about putting dogs down in front of Selen and Reimu

>> No.15980259
Quoted by: >>15980337

>bitches nonstop all game
>that was so much fun
Jesus christ, pomu

>> No.15980263
File: 752 KB, 697x1079, 1641022817682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15980380

>its like putting a dog down
pomu nina hag unity......

>> No.15980266

Imagine the amount of vomit Enna will do after this collab

>> No.15980267
File: 92 KB, 432x410, Selen Disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's like putting a dog down"
wtf i hate Pomu now

>> No.15980297

rosemi's influence is spreading

>> No.15980314
File: 420 KB, 666x874, 1638032107851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15980655

>> No.15980336

You aren't wrong. They need to balance the dynamic so it isn't biased towards being loud and screamy.

>> No.15980337

She does this every single time.

>> No.15980367

Every youtuber eventually becomes a parody of themselves as the algorithm forces them to pander harder to its arbitrary metrics.

>> No.15980380
Quoted by: >>15980482

White women need to stand together against the latinx hoards

>> No.15980431
File: 617 KB, 775x759, 1633582534085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15980499

>Pomu: Cops are nothing more than filthy dogs, and there's only one way to put down a dog.

What did Pomu mean by this?

>> No.15980443
Quoted by: >>15980498

pomu literally had to put her dog down

>> No.15980466
Quoted by: >>15981417

>Ike turning an attempted rape into his own power bottoming session.
God is it hot in here or what

>> No.15980482

lol she is japanese

>> No.15980495
Quoted by: >>15980548

This was better than the boring GTFO shitshow with Rosemi and Elira, so not really

>> No.15980498


>> No.15980499

She's right tho. ACAB

>> No.15980535

Pomu will NEVER be japanese.

>> No.15980537
Quoted by: >>15980669

You might be stupid anon...

>> No.15980548

That was also pretty early on though

>> No.15980554


>> No.15980567

Now what

>> No.15980569
Quoted by: >>15980656

Nah she’s white.

>> No.15980574

she wishes

>> No.15980580

i think she's just settled in and this is her real personality

>> No.15980584

She will never be Japanese, but I don't think she's (fully) white either.

>> No.15980594


>> No.15980624

She will never be Japanese

>> No.15980655

Why does amya look like a loli but wose doesn’t

>> No.15980656
Quoted by: >>15980931

jews are not white

>> No.15980661
File: 1.43 MB, 4096x2623, 1640885430112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mogu mogu mogu

>> No.15980669

This is true

>> No.15980683
File: 452 KB, 600x800, 1618312357718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15980781

Gomenasai NijisanjiEN, my name is Pomu-Sama. I'm a 27 year old American Otaku (Anime fan for you gaijins). I draw Anime and Manga on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior Japanese games. (Disgaea, Final Fantasy, Persona series)

I train with my Katana every day, this superior weapon can cut clean through steel because it is folded over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my sword license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak Japanese fluently, both Kanji and the Osaka dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about Japanese history and their bushido code, which I follow 100%

When I get my Japanese visa, I am moving to Tokyo to attend a prestigious High School to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can become an animator for Studio Ghibli or a game designer!

I own several kimonos, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Japan, so I can fit in easier. I bow to my elders and seniors and speak Japanese as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Japan!

>> No.15980684
Quoted by: >>15980804

Pomu said that Shu set up a server for the Forest collab, and there will be at least 10 people playing

>> No.15980687
Quoted by: >>15980804

im too tired and drunk, what game was pomu talking about?

>> No.15980714

Legs too long

>> No.15980734

>No SC reading zatsu
Pomu at least reward me for sitting through this collab...

>> No.15980762


>> No.15980770

Stop coming here, Pomu

>> No.15980781

>27 year old
roru rumao

>> No.15980804

The teamup currently has 7 people, anyone else we know confirmed?
The Forest collab tomorrow

>> No.15980823

Amamiya has a bigger head which makes her look younger. Rosemi also has really long and slender legs which isn't usually seem in lolis.

>> No.15980826
Quoted by: >>15980969

She refuses to take a nap to let muscle memory build. I died to him 30 times, slept, beat him first try. Thats how Sekiro works

>> No.15980840

Why is rosemi vibing to music while Sekiro is on the screen now

>> No.15980845

> on Purpose
> They have fucking Enna and Pomu on the team

>> No.15980867
File: 1.14 MB, 1020x1473, 1639375237537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15980871

Based Rosemi vibing

>> No.15980884

She didn't say who, just at least 10, and others can join in if they want

>> No.15980918

Petra, Luca, and Finana

>> No.15980931
File: 57 KB, 1080x735, CAA10471-98D4-4B23-B8E2-A9B833A899D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s not Japanese either.

>> No.15980933

I know right. I'm too heated

>> No.15980935

Head size and leg length.

>> No.15980940

shii shii

>> No.15980943
Quoted by: >>15981007

Selen already making plans to play the game again, this time without idiots.

>> No.15980962

Enna puking on stream

>> No.15980963
File: 78 KB, 704x704, Selen Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15981029

>We will try the game with a different crew for stealth missions
kek she REALLY wants to play legit

>> No.15980965

Slightly different proportions. Myamya has a bigger head, bigger feet, thicker and shorter legs and longer arms.

>> No.15980969
File: 452 KB, 1012x880, EB373200-D262-4878-B557-375FA41C7123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15980977

To be a loli she needs to act like a loli. If Amamiya acted like Rosemi you wouldn't say that she looks like a loli, same with Rosemi if she acted like Amamiya, because you relate her personality with her model

>> No.15980978

I want Enna to throw up on me...

>> No.15980980

nina probably

>> No.15980992

nice Luca

>> No.15981001
Quoted by: >>15981039


>> No.15981007
Quoted by: >>15981309

so who is she gonna bring? maybe the guys, or rosemi, or rpr?

>> No.15981029

She needs at least Finana and Rosemi for that

>> No.15981033

To add to what other anon's were saying, Rosemi's hands are twice as big as Amamiya's

>> No.15981040
Quoted by: >>15981224

>To be a loli she needs to act like a loli
I was really looking forward to bird cunny until she opened her mouth and we got enna

>> No.15981039

bobu is bob

>> No.15981049

True, look at fallenshadow

>> No.15981064

Finana and Luca, good. Not feeling it for Petra

>> No.15981089
File: 43 KB, 200x200, 1641297399078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is too scary Luca is right

>> No.15981143

>rosemi putting her own bgm over the ost from the game
based, roleplay games always have shit music

>> No.15981185

Okay bros, give me your opinions

>Trying to be funny

>Naturally Funny

>Not even trying

>> No.15981224

Nah. Enna and Millie are clearly lolis, for instance, and Rosemi's personality would fit a loli model just fine as is. It's a proportions thing.
Same, and I love Enna even more than cunny

>> No.15981309

if we are talking about only NijiEN, my bets are
>Ike or Vox
if she want to bring people outside of Niji
>Qu chan
>some Niji (Rosemi or Finana)

>> No.15981333

Put Selen in Trying

>> No.15981391
Quoted by: >>15981487

>She needs at least Finana and Rosemi for that
You're joking, right? She needs the boys and maybe nina

>> No.15981393
File: 172 KB, 986x1194, 1638648559455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same, and I love Enna even more than cunny

>> No.15981388

Is Ike decent at FPS?

>> No.15981397
File: 1.40 MB, 1912x1440, Screenshot_20220101-115029~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fairy hands typed this uoh

>> No.15981395

We already know RPR's schedule someone posted it in here, he isn't in

>> No.15981402

Who would Selen bring if she wants a try hard stealth squad for PD2

>> No.15981404

seems about right, even though i do quite like shu

>> No.15981412

>>Naturally Funny
The only thing really wrong with this, though Luca ironically could be naturally funny if he wasn't trying so hard.

>> No.15981417

Very very hot in here it seems

>> No.15981416

Luca is naturally funny

>> No.15981423

rosemi be vibin

>> No.15981425

kuso take

>> No.15981426

When's the collab with mutahar?

>> No.15981431

Both their models are more teen than loli
Millie might be the closest to "cunny" but she definitely isn't one and Enna is closer to yabai psycho than anything

>> No.15981448

Selen and Vox are not funny

>> No.15981453

Millie pre-nerf would be in the trying category since she's always trying to instigate chaos for entertainment

>> No.15981459

vox ike nina
He did fine in apex

>> No.15981468

>Naturally Funny
Ok Quilldren don't get too ahead of yourselves.

>> No.15981478

Rosemi and Mysta have to be in the same group, wherever that is.
They both do the same thing where they're willing to make a joke out of themselves to appeal to people (and have both literally said they do that). They both also have amazing comedic timing just happen to them in ways that couldn't have been preplanned.

>> No.15981487
Quoted by: >>15981734

Has Nina showed any competence at shooters? Finana has been really good with Selen in stuff like the Aliens collab, same with Rosemi and R6S

>> No.15981489

Honestly Finana’s chat can entertain themselves, the mods and chat always have small conversations with each other. It feels like a twitch a bit even though they all post those generic vtuber rules in the description.

>> No.15981492

Reimu really wants to sell her wallpapers and VPs...

>> No.15981495
Quoted by: >>15982264

sounds reasonable, yeah
he's got good aim and reactions, he's not amazing but definitely one of the better fps players in nijien

>> No.15981499


>> No.15981504

enna just asked us about our salaries...

>> No.15981505

I watched some of the Apex today... he is decent at aiming... not the best but he is chill enough to follow instructions aka Selen

>> No.15981510

>Enna is a numberfag

>> No.15981511

>Qu chan
Isn't she MIA? All her streams got privated last I heard unless that got fixed

>> No.15981514
File: 446 KB, 450x423, 1622336159795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15981890

But Luca is very cute and funny.

>> No.15981523

rosemi finana and nina as wildcard

>> No.15981548
File: 17 KB, 300x300, bobon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget

>> No.15981576

I wonder if wave 5 is going to have FPS players since there's no one on wave 4 who focuses on it

>> No.15981592
Quoted by: >>15981739

>Nobody has told Rosemi that she can parry Genichiros lunge thrust

wtf bros

>> No.15981610

vox always calculates everything he says what are you talking about??

>> No.15981620
File: 52 KB, 500x500, 1641340521572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15981777

>Choked again
Let me sleep.. please...

>> No.15981636

Based list except for Vox

>> No.15981652
Quoted by: >>15981870

Forgotten after wave 4

>> No.15981678
Quoted by: >>15982253

she's just pumping out covers. everything else is private or unlisted. i kinda worry that she's just releasing the covers she was working on and is gonna graduate.

>> No.15981734

Payday 2 isn't really complex as a shooter, it's a source game. Nina has been playing videogames for a long time though and wouldn't be struggling with the VERY basics like Pomu was.
>how do i crouch
>how do i aim
>how do i switch to my rifle
Give me a fucking break woman you play videogames professionally

>> No.15981736
File: 117 KB, 1073x1073, FHPDmG6aQAA7iIL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca is so sweet and gentle to his chat

>> No.15981739

someone might have but rosemi ignores all the good chat posts that tell her how to play and reads the really bad ones

>> No.15981747 [SPOILER] 
File: 619 KB, 862x533, 1618257574826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi never gives up!

>> No.15981759
Quoted by: >>15981815

I'd say more than decent

>> No.15981774

Finana's "Have you met God, Elira" is the hardest I've laughed at anything in NijiEN. Her genuine bewilderment really makes it

>> No.15981777
Quoted by: >>15981892

Go to sleep baby and watch the vod

>> No.15981782
Quoted by: >>15981926

You'll get a hard-stuck plat and you'll like it (chimon)

>> No.15981788
Quoted by: >>15981870

holy fuck they haven't done any stream this year

>> No.15981815
Quoted by: >>15982054

i think Shu is good too, i mean he did quite well in valorant

>> No.15981819

Pomu was really the Petra of the collab

>> No.15981820
Quoted by: >>15982461

pomu's the kind of streamer who often just doesn't want to learn how to actually do a thing properly. nina at least is capable of that, though in general i don't think she's good at fps.

>> No.15981822
File: 105 KB, 292x357, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15981876

I stepped out, and this current boss looks familiar. How long has she been here?

>> No.15981833

Raymoo cute

>> No.15981836

Best Reimu pic

>> No.15981845

pretty accurate, just need to keep selen and rosemi on "naturally funny" and delete the rest to make it perfect

>> No.15981854

They aren't privated, just unlisted, she's cleaning up her channel but she still streams, last one was on the 31st

>> No.15981870

Selen collabed with him 2 weeks ago

>> No.15981875

I'd move Selen into the Try category. Laughing at everything is the most tryhard type of comedy

>> No.15981876
Quoted by: >>15982157

six hours plus 3 and a half on a previous stream

>> No.15981879
File: 166 KB, 256x258, 91044968-D5A3-4DC0-813A-B5AB282EDD07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Payday 2 is done I guess I’ll watch Wose struggle with Sekiro.

>> No.15981880
File: 71 KB, 100x100, 1622569104499.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know not what you wish for

>> No.15981888
Quoted by: >>15982062

>play videogames professionally
Eh? Selen is the closest to that in NijiEN

>> No.15981890

Luca was the real cunny all along

>> No.15981892
File: 379 KB, 1424x1424, 1636739878895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a baby

>> No.15981894



>> No.15981926

i watched snippets of his games on twitch and he seems okay

>> No.15981928

Its her columbian blood. She hates the police.

>> No.15982005

Scrubsemi Chokelock

>> No.15982054
Quoted by: >>15982103

Ah I didn't watch Shu

>> No.15982052
Quoted by: >>15982153

The thing with Nina is that she can't aim for shit, she even plays the character with aim lock in RoR2. She'd know the general things she'd have to do and would complete the objectives but she'd also be downed fast because she can't shoot the cops and would be eternally reloading

>> No.15982062

Anon, she plays videogames as a living. She's not a competitive player, but it is her profession.

>> No.15982066

She's a little jewish woman

>> No.15982070

I get the feeling Pomu doesn't care at all for video games. She's always been better at zatsudans, so it wouldn't be an issue if she wasn't so obsessed with collabs.

>> No.15982091

>turns on her BGM
>gets to 3rd phase effortlessly twice
what is this BGM its comfy as FUCK

>> No.15982103

he carried the game

>> No.15982113
Quoted by: >>15982194

When Luca is trying to be funny it's really obvious, but his actual funniest moments is when he shows how stupid and sheltered he is. Or his retard brain moments and then he gets confused why everyone is laughing at him
>when I think of the letter W I think of zebras

>> No.15982147
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>> No.15982150
File: 347 KB, 1200x636, NijiExpress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15982153
Quoted by: >>15982362

you don't need to aim in payday, just get a shotgun.

>> No.15982157
File: 66 KB, 572x514, 1638839738296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15982207

what in the fuck
rosebuds are something else

>> No.15982163

She also choked hard and threw both effortlessly too

>> No.15982162
File: 500 KB, 1656x2208, 1641422841333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bye selen...

>> No.15982178

That was the topic of my sister's psychology dissertation

>> No.15982187
File: 91 KB, 229x229, 188101468678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is gone...

>> No.15982194

yes yes yes that's why i love that stupid idiot

>> No.15982208
Quoted by: >>15982336


>> No.15982207

Save me I want to sleep please someone end her stream

>> No.15982253
Quoted by: >>15982466

I feel bad for the 1 or 2 Qu-anons here. probably why the fps thread has been so off the rails lately, there used to be a Qu fan keeping it on topic

>> No.15982259

>Enna just shoots cops the whole collab instead of playing the objectives
>assumed she just was bad at the game
>it was actually to reduce her nausea
I'm sorry for doubting you, Enna.

>> No.15982264

might as well just say everyone is trash except for selen, don't try to sugar coat it, rosemi would unironically be on par with selen if she actually put some effort, her raw skills are just amazing but she just plays for fun

>> No.15982279
File: 334 KB, 1384x2048, B1A580AC-3461-490C-9E8E-07C4AFE0DA80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15982538

That’s the “bloodhound of Valencia” got you

>> No.15982336


>> No.15982362

There's a certain level where you'll need some aim or you'll get tased to death (at higher difficulty you need to shoot the taser yourself), kill a cloaker before he gets to you or aim at a dozer's head

>> No.15982417

But she could just stream just zatsudan, karaokes and VNs, I don't think that's the term, it's her job yeah but not her profession
Maybe I'm an autist though

>> No.15982461

good thing payday 2 isnt a traditional FPS its more sneaking around and being as methodical as possible to avoid doing anything FPS related

>> No.15982466

Would Qu graduate just to join NijiEN? I can't think of another reason for her pulling out like this.

>> No.15982469

luca unintentionally disproving christianity!

>> No.15982483
File: 420 KB, 1280x720, 1640838130833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca disproving the crucifixion of Jesus Christ

>> No.15982538


>> No.15982552

Vox is definitely in the trying category

>> No.15982556
Quoted by: >>15982662

Luca knows nothing but he also knows facts that has zero use at all

>> No.15982560


>> No.15982584
Quoted by: >>15982655

how does one parry lightning

>> No.15982610

Chill, Pomu.

>> No.15982608


>> No.15982655


>> No.15982661

heard youtube stops counting views if you have multiple tabs on or putting the stream on background

>> No.15982662

He knew quite a lot about brazen bull torture devices in his Amnesia stream. However he had no idea what was happening in the game for 99% of the time he was streaming.

>> No.15982669

Vtuber aren't video game players, they're entertainers. Many vtubers just end up playing video games because they are easy material to work with.
