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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.25 MB, 1135x1658, anya eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10087877 No.10087877 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10087896
File: 144 KB, 1417x1417, 1611363151495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats and teammates feuding are taking attention away from the fact that Gura actually did this. We should demand that Cover make her issue an apology.

>> No.10087898
File: 1.17 MB, 350x315, aaaaaaaaaaaathrppppppp[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc4xyiz.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ritual post

>> No.10087902
File: 3 KB, 223x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10087912

What can I buy with these nenechi coins?

>> No.10087903
File: 31 KB, 400x400, irys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anya Global babyyy

>> No.10087904

I can respect that

>> No.10087906
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1606603334200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10087920

I love Ina!

>> No.10087905

>Implying it won't be a white dressed Mori with Angel wings Because Mori read the alternate form from the split.

>> No.10087907
File: 530 KB, 720x708, AnyaLithiumFlower[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr613cn.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088132

JP hours

>> No.10087908
File: 29 KB, 290x241, 1620143939287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to be god

>> No.10087911

Haachama will be playing valorant later

>> No.10087912

Lamy armpit water, but you don't enough yet because its expensive

>> No.10087913
File: 709 KB, 751x735, 1631759025643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944

It feels like an eternity since I last hear this voice

>> No.10087915
File: 520 KB, 640x640, sched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New schedules for those who JW*




>> No.10087917

What is this, Iofi?? SHE'S HERE

>> No.10087919
Quoted by: >>10087940

I think deadbeats and teamates should graduate.

>> No.10087920
Quoted by: >>10087965

I want to worship Ina's ass

>> No.10087921
File: 537 KB, 770x525, 1627846612024.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gagged holo love!

>> No.10087923 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.33 MB, 518x535, cookie [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6pvwb1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even Gura's worst yab.

>> No.10087924
File: 135 KB, 800x800, 1625225845811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding, I'm gonna play Yakuza 3

>> No.10087926
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1630587635067.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087927



>> No.10087929


>> No.10087930
File: 39 KB, 372x353, 1619615164273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088010

sora is playing clubhouse fifty one by herself
somebody save her...

>> No.10087931
File: 222 KB, 1961x2048, 1611352581283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is soda gonna play a game besides darts soon? This shit is actually real fucking boring.

>> No.10087932

>rrat and chimkin collab

>> No.10087933
File: 67 KB, 454x532, 1625137403979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mumei still at 4 stream per week

>> No.10087934
File: 277 KB, 1498x1119, 1632106611595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087936

Can someone make a numbers post so I can reply with soundposts making fun of you?

>> No.10087938
File: 359 KB, 2100x1400, E_AX9E1VIAQgBAe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087941 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 376x375, 1629342112374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087940
File: 48 KB, 184x178, 1603924953837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they should just get it over with and fuck each other retarded

>> No.10087947


>> No.10087948
File: 3.92 MB, 1415x2000, 1613627091137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama's vibrator ASMR never got taken down

>> No.10087949
File: 12 KB, 434x298, kiara numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087951
File: 104 KB, 850x850, 161490584451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori and Ame

>> No.10087955
File: 1.15 MB, 360x360, numbers[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqre2tw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10087956

how does the GG collab work? One POV is going to be a disaster

>> No.10087957
Quoted by: >>10088023

anon... don't look at the stream title...

>> No.10087959
File: 671 KB, 558x520, he loves his numbers doesn't he [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7v93jo.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087961
File: 458 KB, 960x473, 1630802411622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087964

how can gura have cool auntie energy but at the same time be a midget womanchild

>> No.10087965
File: 150 KB, 1448x2048, E9ZJRgYUcAM68KT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088005

you are more than welcome to brother

>> No.10087967
Quoted by: >>10088025

>One POV is going to be a disaster

>> No.10087969
File: 2.86 MB, 854x480, Oyasumi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmtvkp2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10087972

why did she drop it bros

>> No.10087973
Quoted by: >>10088059

With the schedules in:
All I can say is that:

THEMEFAGS BTFO'd. I don't care what fanbase you're from, but did you all seriously believe that Myth is just going to lie down and take Omega's autism? HELL NO!

>> No.10087974
Quoted by: >>10087994

Collab when?

>> No.10087977

stop shilling yourself iofi

>> No.10087978

Chicken is dumb for not playing this when it was a big holomeme because of the graphics or whatever retarded reason.

>> No.10087980
File: 41 KB, 1325x285, Aki VP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to make one with Aki yesterday but I felt bad so I didn't do it. Somehow, I ended up buying Aki's voicepack after a Rosetai asked me too instead

>> No.10087981


>> No.10087983

After this stream, Haachama should collab with Council to learn some Australian too.

>> No.10087985
File: 73 KB, 612x538, 1630468579667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10087989


>> No.10087988
File: 663 KB, 349x338, 1631986689812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088419


>> No.10087991
File: 257 KB, 1280x720, Kronii intro [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4u0szd.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088037

>> No.10087994
Quoted by: >>10088020

They'll both be guests in the same Trash Taste episode.

>> No.10087996
Quoted by: >>10088031

Who will Ina main in GG Strive?

>> No.10087997
File: 17 KB, 411x411, 1612304721227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm honestly really happy for Haachama. Anya will finally declare her as Japanese.

>> No.10087999
Quoted by: >>10088085

yes oppai loli world wide!

>> No.10088000
File: 112 KB, 694x685, 4c5v87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944

Fauna... those stream times.... 5 am is too early for me.

>> No.10088001
File: 86 KB, 288x306, 1624894275704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick bastard

>> No.10088002
File: 441 KB, 509x547, 1629791600407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting a Sanya image, thanks

>> No.10088004
File: 380 KB, 860x671, BAA279BC-6A8C-46D8-8DCA-F8C23C7F8080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will now watch Sora

>> No.10088006

EN Minecraft this week so far for those wondering about the portal stuff:
Fauna speedrun - Sept 21 (4:00 JST)
Kronii - Sept 22 (9:00 JST)
Mumei - Sept 23 (8:00 JST)
InaMori Portal- Sept 23 (23:00 JST)
Bae - Sept 25 (12:00 JST)
Kiara final Mamatori - Sept 25 (TBA)
Kiara/Council that is not Bae Portal - Sept 27 (TBA)

Iname - **Unconfirmed
Hoping for some spontaneous drop ins as the collab ban has been officially lifted!

>> No.10088005
File: 175 KB, 1366x768, 1613567400184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088010 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, AHM SPIGGINIT! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyi9c16.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088011

ur not sorry...

>> No.10088012
File: 3.42 MB, 2775x1329, COMPLETE GLOBAL ANYAFICATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088013
File: 377 KB, 576x576, 1632131789702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088040

>deadbraps and teakeks are fighting each other again
Good... good...

>> No.10088014
File: 6 KB, 238x212, artia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since HoloCN died I've noticed the numbers on streams has dramatically dropped

>> No.10088019

Why is Sora practice darts?

>> No.10088020
Quoted by: >>10088058

cry more, because the guy is currently on Australia.

>> No.10088021

Watching Sora brings me back to playing 300 with my uncle in his room and randomly putting holes In the wall with the darts

>> No.10088022

anon there's only one POV when you're fighting...

>> No.10088023
File: 41 KB, 225x225, 1624679301343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never do my reps

>> No.10088025
Quoted by: >>10088057

lethal league all over again

>> No.10088026
File: 286 KB, 587x595, 1629447820789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088047


>> No.10088031

Giovanna or Ramlethal

>> No.10088035

Chicken is awake.

>> No.10088036

>all these EU friendly times
I love you, Fauna.

>> No.10088037
Quoted by: >>10088048

is this from last council collab? I skipped it since it wasn't good apparently

>> No.10088038
File: 402 KB, 1012x970, I love kids [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2qjonm.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088040
File: 87 KB, 2048x1118, EjwI-0iVgAA6WMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. ako

>> No.10088041

Anon, she really isn't the type to consistently play FotM games. She has to be really interested in something for her to play it on stream while others are playing it

>> No.10088044
File: 1.48 MB, 1500x1221, liberty prime [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088048

it was during hollow knight #3

>> No.10088047
File: 1.06 MB, 949x765, 346568734522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088046
Quoted by: >>10088075

This is actually true though if only that bitch had the heart to apologize and get it over with now hundred years of pain for cover

>> No.10088050
File: 93 KB, 252x250, 1631463239467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088051

Ame is Peter Molyneux of Hololive.

>> No.10088052


>> No.10088054


>> No.10088055


>> No.10088056

anon...it's in katakana...

>> No.10088057

How does that even make sense, anon?

>> No.10088058
Quoted by: >>10088099

I'm not crying, I actually watch Trash Taste.

>> No.10088059
File: 199 KB, 275x374, 1629064250436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my issue with Umisea. Forcing collabs based on themes is niji-tier shit. Like do people really want to see a collab with Mori, Ollie and Rushia?

>> No.10088062
File: 205 KB, 596x534, sistah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088064

She plays what she wants, when she wants. And usually she only wants to play trendy games months after the hype is gone. Night Delivery and/or Convenience Store soon :(

>> No.10088065
File: 311 KB, 1360x2000, 1616989657811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought its dumb that anons are using an anya thread but its actually on-topic because Haachama is teaching holoID on how to be full JP.

>> No.10088069

Why are ID teaching her Japanese?

>> No.10088071
File: 119 KB, 1200x1200, 1604367622551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088088

Is anyone surprised Ame dropped her new show only 2 episodes in?

>> No.10088075

yeah, Artia really should have done that

>> No.10088076
Quoted by: >>10088122

Ame said she might play MC tonight, probably in her late stream slot.

>> No.10088077

Mummis schedules remind me of early Gura schedules

>> No.10088080
Quoted by: >>10088094

>GWS - The stream

>> No.10088082


>> No.10088085

it's been a month anon, you have to let go

>> No.10088087
File: 1.81 MB, 800x600, Reinecutecutecute [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqd6pp2.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088088

no, did you not see the mess of episode 2.

>> No.10088089
Quoted by: >>10088142

>Kronii offstream
let's build every project
>Kronii on stream
let's run around and sort everyone's chest

>> No.10088090

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.10088092
Quoted by: >>10088192

So who had the best Titanfall 2 playthrough?

>> No.10088094
File: 92 KB, 256x256, 1600697544563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088127

Is Haachama halu?

>> No.10088099

It's impossible for him to do a guesting; Mori took 14 days to be able to go out in Japan again. Taking a flight and arriving in Japan has a mandatory quarantine period, so yeah.

>> No.10088098

> posting a whole number

>> No.10088100
File: 140 KB, 1791x777, 1615012198690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Hey, when will Astel and Noel collab by the way?

>> No.10088104


>> No.10088107


>> No.10088108
File: 313 KB, 914x886, munch [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8q7nxv.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088135

Apple for teacher.

>> No.10088113


>> No.10088116
File: 994 KB, 850x616, 1632071668685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088172

Yeah, actually. Especially since Rushia is the one taking the initiative to organize it and Mori is the one willing to put money down if needs be. That said they're both being pretty sensible about it and doing a couple of collabs to make sure it can work before committing.

>> No.10088118

Anon she spent an entire stream drawing those three stomachs and asking chat which one was sexier

>> No.10088123

People pay for this?...

>> No.10088122

Ame said probably, as in more likely than maybe. She also said tentatively around 9pm EDT which is 2 hours earlier than her usual late timeslot. Not arguing u just adding clarity

>> No.10088127
File: 329 KB, 600x600, 1631308751014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halu prime

>> No.10088132

Standalone Complex watchalong onegai

>> No.10088133
Quoted by: >>10088572

Ame is hideo kojima of hololive

>> No.10088135

Where's her drink?

>> No.10088142


>> No.10088143


>> No.10088145
File: 253 KB, 399x397, 1620792483564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god I hate deadbraps and condomates, just fuck already. stop shitting up the threads with your dumb feud

>> No.10088144
File: 123 KB, 673x639, 1622610309823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088147

Sloppy sex with Chammers

>> No.10088150
Quoted by: >>10088300

LOLI PORU voice acting

>> No.10088151

I'm surprised the bugs aren't throwing a bitchfit about haachama having coco in her intro

>> No.10088152
File: 36 KB, 250x250, 1611365951901.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's doing it! Haachama's finally gonna become Japanese Bros!

>> No.10088153
File: 587 KB, 850x443, 162998664112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088172


>> No.10088154

>Hey Ya
>Kiara didnt get any collabs with council
>Kiara is the outcast of HoloEN
>Big Boi
>Andre 3000
>Chonkers is a big boy
>Kiara averages 3000 viewers during her JPRGs

>> No.10088156

Nice try fujo, you can't bait me into anal sex

>> No.10088159

Why are haachama songs so hypnotic?

>> No.10088163

Ame is the Randy Pitchford of Hololive.

>> No.10088165
File: 596 KB, 1500x1760, 37C1FD1E-A8EB-4883-B98A-2C91379A4E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088190

>> No.10088166

Only kids in anime and kemono! Real kids are kusogakis

>> No.10088167


>> No.10088168
Quoted by: >>10088194

What is Nene watching?

>> No.10088169 [SPOILER] 
File: 263 KB, 566x928, kon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088172

theyre gonna turn Rushia into a whore

>> No.10088174
File: 364 KB, 398x400, drop the bass[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fez4wd4.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088175

Ame is the Shigeru Miyamoto of Hololive

>> No.10088176

Is this Ollie's third stream in a row today?

>> No.10088177

>Sora really likes to play darts even in real life
Well....can you beat her?

>> No.10088179

Jesas my ears chammers

>> No.10088182
Quoted by: >>10088210

>Final mamatori
Is it another Huke situation?

>> No.10088183
File: 225 KB, 278x428, 1605453517033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not fuck a deadbeat but I would hold hands with one them

>> No.10088184

>Kiara didnt get any collabs with council
The rrat........

>> No.10088185


>> No.10088186

Classic Chammers

>> No.10088187
Quoted by: >>10088281

Isn't Rrat's first collab with Kiara?

>> No.10088190
File: 4 KB, 200x200, 71DAE269-2C13-4B26-BB4A-D0D2A5B2A2BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088191


>> No.10088192

Ina absolutely

>> No.10088193

Boys will be boys

>> No.10088194
Quoted by: >>10088245


>> No.10088196

What JP Holo would gain the most viewers if they learned English?
What JP Holo would make the most money if they learned English?

>> No.10088198

>Haachama unmutes the stream
>Ollie screeching
>I mute the stream

>> No.10088199
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1620166755385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088201
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x3008, 34664574572542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara didnt get any collabs with council

>> No.10088203
Quoted by: >>10088294

>teaching Anya japanese
Isn't Anya already japanese???

>> No.10088202

I lost it when this was included in the video they showed in the 1 year collab. They were at least smart to edit it, but yikes. Bad look for Gura.

>> No.10088204


>> No.10088205
Quoted by: >>10088214

>Japanese lesson
>They all speak Japanese already
What did Haachama mean by this

>> No.10088206
File: 57 KB, 519x511, bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beating the shit of of some kids thoughts

>> No.10088209

Drunk Astel is fun

>> No.10088210
Quoted by: >>10088248

they reset the server ip everytime she comes and dont want to do it when the servers merge

>> No.10088213
File: 57 KB, 627x627, E_tE9ucVcAUFOYK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No overlaps
Muh impromptu collab kino...

>> No.10088214

It'd be too hard to actually teach Japanese

>> No.10088217
File: 435 KB, 998x716, SmartSelect_20210920-200535_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088220

Ah yes, unknown slang such as "teetee"

>> No.10088222

who will be the first to play eternal darkness?

>> No.10088223

>anya isn't the teacher

>> No.10088227
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1628298797476.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088247

Why do I feel like Anya knows more Japanese than Haachama?

>> No.10088228
File: 19 KB, 228x127, 1617306219812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope those kids die thoughts

>> No.10088229
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1600, IMG_20210920_200534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are all enjoying the lore of HoloEN so far people, there is something BIG cumming soon

>> No.10088230
File: 591 KB, 804x458, 1623581328915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry thoughts.
Very angry ones.

>> No.10088232
File: 583 KB, 582x659, Stronger meds [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0ipss4.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088233
File: 31 KB, 598x304, Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 05-05-44 Takanashi Kiara🐔holoEN 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other song could it be beside for outkast?

>> No.10088236


>> No.10088239
File: 1.26 MB, 1080x1480, 1623891059042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Anya be down with the incest?

>> No.10088243

Oops, I shared a bit too far

>> No.10088245

Helps if I read tweets, thanks anon

>> No.10088244

When you’re gonna do mental gymnastics, half of it at least needs to make sense bro.

>> No.10088247

Because Anya is Japanese.

>> No.10088248
Quoted by: >>10088283


>> No.10088249


>> No.10088250


>> No.10088251

I'd rather watch her do jackshit in Outer Wilds than sit through another 12 Minutes stream

>> No.10088252
Quoted by: >>10088272

The Heman song

>> No.10088257
File: 505 KB, 1078x1009, 1632054067929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088260
Quoted by: >>10088272


>> No.10088262

I really don't see the point of this japanese lesson

>> No.10088263

Well that's her second stream and she announced multiple times that she will do a 100% clear. That stream is not really a surprise.

>> No.10088267

>The German white girl has better hip hop taste than the wigger

>> No.10088269

>[EN] Sora:How about you people? Can you feel the fun of darts?
Darts are fun anon, can't you feel it?

>> No.10088272


>> No.10088274

If they did that no amount of Deadbeats reps or indos would stop Fandead from killing all 3 of them
Genuinely 50% chance Kanata herself comes i to the studio deals the killing blow to Mori and Rushia

Luckily, Rushia is too powerful

>> No.10088279
File: 222 KB, 946x2048, En4Bem6UUAAi77n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088302

I don't understand the point of this stream.

>> No.10088281
File: 2.91 MB, 960x2000, 1606557811518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara getting in close with Bae to get Mika Pikazo fanart. Big brain move.

>> No.10088280


>> No.10088283

security reasons for resetting the ip, and guessing they dont want to send it out to 40+ talents every time mamatori wants to come on

>> No.10088285

Ollie and Reine aren't that great at reading kanji so seeing words written in kana will uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.10088287

That watchalong looks cute
>more DBD
I like when she plays but she's absolutely terrible

>> No.10088289
File: 274 KB, 916x883, 1619728970204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088308

>I know it already. NEXT.
Anya please.

>> No.10088292
File: 829 KB, 737x1037, 1630307356723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember-no kids

>> No.10088293
File: 34 KB, 480x532, 1632132584429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088375

>hololive will never get Konami permissions
>no MGS kino
>no MGR kino
>no Silent Hill kino
Why is konami so anal about perms... even Capcom kneeled...

>> No.10088294

They’re doing this to make Chammers feel better shhh.

>> No.10088296

Maybe it's a test run for the ENs that don't speak Japanese, that or she doesn't realize how good they are at Japanese already

>> No.10088297

seems silly to reset it every time

>> No.10088298
File: 23 KB, 236x251, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can save them...

>> No.10088300


>> No.10088299

So we know Ame can do a cross-pacific yaoi theme group, but could Miko wrangle enough lesbos together to counter them with the yuri collective?

>> No.10088302


>> No.10088303

I think Kiara and Bae should have rough sex without any /u/schizo shit involved.

>> No.10088305
File: 211 KB, 722x774, 1629956489223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10088304

>Anya already teaching Haachama

>> No.10088308

of course she knows it, she's Japanese you know!

>> No.10088312

Thought it was going to turn into a hentai

>> No.10088313

Wtf Bob Ross is still alive?

>> No.10088314
File: 68 KB, 996x459, Anya is Japanese 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088315
File: 373 KB, 613x613, 1620822357844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I forgot that they can all speak Japanese and thought that it was going to be in English at least some of the time. Guess I'll pass.

>> No.10088316


>> No.10088317
File: 363 KB, 1150x1989, E_j0XubVkAADH3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088320
Quoted by: >>10088338


>> No.10088322

Why are humans like this?

>> No.10088324

No, sir. I don't like it.

>> No.10088326
File: 381 KB, 528x592, 1606375916336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina isn't flat
Towa Smokes
Anya is NOT Japanese.

>> No.10088328

Please make them regret their actions by the end of the story..

>> No.10088331


>> No.10088334

Mamatori probably has better opsec and security minded practices than most of the Hololive talent. Seems weird to treat her like the fail point.

>> No.10088335

Haachama has 2 TLers in chat. That's actually less than usual.

>> No.10088338
Quoted by: >>10088360


>> No.10088340


>> No.10088341
Quoted by: >>10088358


>> No.10088343
File: 94 KB, 1030x492, slurp [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk1s4oa.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088355

>> No.10088348

Please tell me there's a continuation...

>> No.10088349
File: 952 KB, 868x1228, 92399175_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you hurt such a cute fox?

>> No.10088351

> H: Anya you're too knowledgable

>> No.10088352
File: 1.67 MB, 1000x1500, 1629318422249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not use my cat to spread your lies

>> No.10088354

Also Okayou is ripped, she's not fat at all.

>> No.10088355

Took you long enough

>> No.10088358


>> No.10088359

Chammers getting mogged live

>> No.10088360


>> No.10088361

>H: So you do know!
>A: It's something you put at the end of a sentence right?
>H: Anya you're too knowledgable

>> No.10088362
Quoted by: >>10088372

wait.. who is teaching who?

>> No.10088363 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 311x196, deletedtweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's more sad, that image or this one?

>> No.10088364
Quoted by: >>10088379

Boy oh boy I wish my oshi would post schedules

>> No.10088365

Haachama really didn't know that Anya is Japanese?

>> No.10088367

Are Ina and Mori having discord sex or something? Why do they have 3 collabs together?

>> No.10088369

This audio is making my ears bleed

>> No.10088372

Your oshi and me

>> No.10088375
Quoted by: >>10088405

Konami is run by old, out of touch Jap business men. The CEO is an 80 year old man who founded the company like 52 years ago. They don't understand streaming and the internet and such.

>> No.10088377
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1613890376270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone post reddit fanfiction again?

>> No.10088379
Quoted by: >>10088396


>> No.10088380
Quoted by: >>10088388

I can't believe sankisei are all graduating at the same time

>> No.10088382
File: 545 KB, 845x613, 1629491726035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10088384

>has 6 streams, puts 7 boxes on her schedule
>has 5 streams, puts 7 boxes on her schedule
>has 4 streams, puts 4 boxes on her schedule

I hope it doesn't take Mumei as long as it did Gura to start streaming more

Fauna's great but she's no workhorse like Ame... I don't think we'll see another "10-stream schedule" Holo like her for a long time

Kronii's more like 4.5 streams cause that last one is a membership stream kek.

>> No.10088385
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1623775641989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your most absurd yet believable rrat?

>> No.10088386
File: 546 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088484

Wtf is Pico Park and will it be any good for a stream
Even though I'm hard filtered by default since it'll be 90% in ID

>> No.10088388

Same anon, same. I really did enjoy watching their streams, but it has to happen eventually.
At least it's not my oshi.

>> No.10088389
File: 255 KB, 1295x2156, 1632111554671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Morina schizos finally won.

>> No.10088391
File: 1.17 MB, 4000x2500, 1624917306625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088396

KFP already knows Kiara's schedule until the 27th though

>> No.10088397


>> No.10088399

She takes a large amount of amphetamines for her crippling ADHD anon, she's only functional for a very small portion of the week.

>> No.10088400 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 800x600, yukkuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088417

I really really hate bully comics like this...
I also hate the one with the wolf girl who is always bullied.
I also hate the little touhou thingies that get killed/tortured.
It always makes me feel really sad seeing stuff like that...

>> No.10088405

Even knowing that Konami strikes as a company that is naturally averse to good ideas.

>> No.10088406

TTRPG is a full member collab. But yes.

>> No.10088407

>good personality

>> No.10088408
Quoted by: >>10088471


>> No.10088410


>> No.10088411
File: 750 KB, 960x540, 1609889982866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088468

i used to have a whole folder full of depressing pics, this one included. post more.

>> No.10088415
File: 164 KB, 901x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time.
Ironically I watched back to the future with Ina on prime yesterday, but it was not a watch party

>> No.10088416
File: 30 KB, 563x141, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh for fucks sake

>> No.10088417
Quoted by: >>10088453


>> No.10088418
Quoted by: >>10088439

Coco is a CIA plant meant to foster negative feelings towards the Chinese amongst young men all around the world in preparation for WW3

>> No.10088419

Why has Kiara copied Ame's terrarium too?

>> No.10088420
Quoted by: >>10088614

Other than my general concerns about Ollie ever being able to behave in a group setting, I actually have a lot of faith in HoloDeath.

Mori had such a strong reaction to how Umisea got messed up by management that I really trust the hard line she's drawn with respect to creative control that she wouldn't let it go the way of Umisea.

I also like that Rushia and Mori are spending time off-stream to get to know each other so that when HoloDeath does go live they aren't afflicted by the standard Mori collab autism.

I think they're handling the whole thing pretty well and I'm glad for the initiative they're showing in getting anything like this off the ground.

>> No.10088422
Quoted by: >>10088508

Reine being royalty

>> No.10088427

Yubi yubi ollie and the Holocaust was an inside job rrats

>> No.10088429

I can’t believe Ame invented terrariums as well..

>> No.10088432

YAGOO was seen on Epstein's island.

>> No.10088434

gen3 are graduating

>> No.10088435

I fucking hate children thoughts

>> No.10088437


>> No.10088438
File: 1.07 MB, 850x850, deadweight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088439

This isn't even a rrat. It's just true.
t. glow

>> No.10088444

Is there any way around this?

>> No.10088446

It was made by a fan, I don't think Kiara had much input. The same guy that did her cooking stream background unprompted

>> No.10088448
File: 13 KB, 217x216, 1614821797461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Mori started spending more time with Gura she had a reaaaally long talk with her about streaming and she realized that the people she was interacting without outside Hololive we're really shitty people. She's know done a complete 180 and realizes that Gura and her genmates are her real friends.

>> No.10088453
Quoted by: >>10088490

I'm a guy anon

>> No.10088456
Quoted by: >>10088534

If you had to pick TWO girls from HoloDeath and one fairly specific type of stream (a specific game or game series, ASMR, Karaoke, etc) for them to collab weekly on, who would you pick and what kind of stream would it be?

>> No.10088459

I assume you mean if Mori and Ina stop fighting each other to play others you'd only be able to see Mori's pov. If they did actually did double pov so they could both fight deadbeats and takos, that would be kino. Rooms would fill up instantly though.

>> No.10088460

Anya is Yagoo’s secret half daughter. It’s why both her opsec and Japanese is amazing.

>> No.10088462
File: 11 KB, 304x304, 1631796914771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088536

Your oshi is not a whore and she appreciates her viewers.

>> No.10088463
File: 500 KB, 1731x1711, 1625430397284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN video auditions are pretty strange. I remember them asking "How would you look to emulate the success of popular vtubers, such as Gawr Gura. Is that something you will do and do you think you could even surpass her someday". Implying that it's realistically possible to surpass her growth. I get that it's one of 'those' kind of questions where you can spin it into something positive. But it's like applying for an internship at Apple and being asked how you plan to surpass Bill Gates' legacy.

>> No.10088465

Wangy Wangy

>> No.10088468
File: 1.14 MB, 2000x2479, end_of_the_stream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fr4no9j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088467
File: 3.38 MB, 310x310, 1631169278569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088486

>> No.10088471
File: 15 KB, 384x374, Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 05-19-20 poal me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088488


>> No.10088474
Quoted by: >>10088506

Did you try a VPN? Or jp amazon account?

>> No.10088477

Pregors distanced herself from Migo because something really awkward happened during that sleepover

>> No.10088479

>When Kiara speaks fondly of "JenMA" she's saying her "GenMAtes" are helping her, but doesn't want to outwardly be critical of management because Japanese company pls andastand

>> No.10088481

I don't even think thats an absurd rrat at this point, its most likely true.

>> No.10088483
Quoted by: >>10088504

what's she watching

>> No.10088484
Quoted by: >>10088520

the game OKBR played recently, it's basically teamwork, that OKBR stream was great

>> No.10088486

oh no, Giovanni Giorgio

>> No.10088488
File: 296 KB, 580x603, 1625825090355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me

>> No.10088489
File: 114 KB, 400x400, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell me on council, add a stream link or whatever. I want to day 1 member at least one of them.

>> No.10088490


>> No.10088500 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 503x496, 5nl3jt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088502

you just need to VPN

>> No.10088504
Quoted by: >>10088525

Jujutsu Kaisen ep1 and 2

>> No.10088506
Quoted by: >>10088532

Gues I will try making a JP account

>> No.10088508

but that's not a rrat, that's confirmed now

>> No.10088510

It's funny how this is another one of those weeks we know Ina's schedule via other people's schedules because she always the very last to post.

>> No.10088511

KEK nice anon

>> No.10088513

Peko is a massive homophobe so maybe Migo revealed this on a personal level which pushed Peko away.

>> No.10088515

I can't help you anon. My favorite content from them are the pseudo collabs in minecraft with Myth.

>> No.10088516
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, Fauna fit [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft6agdz.webm].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10088520

Well I hope they speak even a quarter english during the collab. I fucking hate that ID collab streams are so much worse than solo ID streams due to language.

>> No.10088525
Quoted by: >>10088544

Member watchalong?

>> No.10088526

Sounded like Ollie said Bababooey

>> No.10088529
File: 2.11 MB, 320x240, Fauna more baby[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpm0yul.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10088528

Kiara has 3 guns

>> No.10088531

They stream at the same time as Myth or weird hours so I rarely watch them. If that's true for you it's probably not a good investment.

>> No.10088532

vpn is probably your best bet though if the content is region locked.

>> No.10088533
Quoted by: >>10088559

after seeing what ollie said about haachama in one of her membership streams... I don't know who's making fun of who in this stream

>> No.10088534

I dunno about weekly but Mori and Rushia eikaiwa stream

>> No.10088536

good one anon
made me laugh

>> No.10088542

>when you engry

>> No.10088543

>when you engry

>> No.10088544

Not member, its open to public, but hosted on her twitch channel in order to take advantage of the watch party feature https://www.twitch.tv/momosuzunene_hololive

>> No.10088547
File: 401 KB, 1920x1080, uKEdSI9WSsw-02-59-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088582

I would honestly suggest you member IRyS instead.

>> No.10088552


>> No.10088553

Sora chan... I'm sorry but I think you have no chance of winning

>> No.10088558

Gura probably tried to make a point by making posts here and, letting Mori read all the shit

Imagine being Mori, the absolute state...

>> No.10088559

what did she say?
I can't remember

>> No.10088571

We don't know if it was a talk but something defenitely happend that made Mori realize Myth are her best and most reliable friends

>> No.10088572
Quoted by: >>10088588

Who is the Todd Howard of Hololive?
Who is the Miyamoto of Hololive?
Who is the John Carmack of Hololive?

>> No.10088576

I'm glad that EN1 got a second chance thanks to Cover and Hololive, but sometimes I think that there is hundreds of other 2view Ames/Moris/Kiaras that could be as good or even better but never got a second chance.
They will end as wagies and lost all the potential.

>> No.10088575

Damn I had no idea, thanks anon

>> No.10088578

Fauna, just trust me bro

>> No.10088582

Seconding this >>10088547

>> No.10088587


>> No.10088588

>Who is the Todd Howard of Hololive?
Gawr Todd Gura
>Who is the Miyamoto of Hololive?
>Who is the John Carmack of Hololive?

>> No.10088590
Quoted by: >>10088673

That Haachama seemed really happy to be invited to collab with the ID2 girls and that she feels like Haachama feels a bit isolated and lonely.

>> No.10088593
File: 231 KB, 1824x512, 1606722059746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088619

Something happened to either Gura or Ame recently that prompted them to both talk about how paranoid they are about getting doxed during their anniversary streams.

>> No.10088598

Most people will never strike it big, anon. That's true everywhere. Focus on cultivating your own success.

>> No.10088599
File: 442 KB, 571x579, 1632027789401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori realized Gura & Kiara were already too deep with Ame.

>> No.10088601

go check out the haachama general thread, they talked about it yesterday

>> No.10088603
File: 38 KB, 130x125, 1612751261620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pui Pui Molcar

>> No.10088604
File: 276 KB, 427x479, 1629248231388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088669

Don't worry, cover scouting will keep going for safe pick youtube channels with 1m view videos now, so your 2views will never have a chance to begin with!

>> No.10088611
Quoted by: >>10088619

How insulted do you think Anya feels being taught japanese by an australian

>> No.10088614

>I also like that Rushia and Mori are spending time off-stream to get to know each other so that when HoloDeath does go live they aren't afflicted by the standard Mori collab autism.

People keep saying this but Rushia is autismo supreme so I really want to know whether that means
I know she can text people occasionally but according to Mea and others she mostly texts girls she doesn't know well dirty jokes and also is fucking random as shit at nearly all times

Mori having Rushia slide into her DMs, offer her cookies, and then make an awkward pun about tits with kaomoji at the end of every line sentence and in partially broken English, only for Mori to see Rushia delete the DMs while she's staring at them trying to decipher what was said is funny as fuck to imagine

I guess I wanna know what you guys really mean when you say talking behind the scenes desu

>> No.10088615
Quoted by: >>10088634

Watching Sora literally makes me happier

>> No.10088616

A lot of people are talented and probably deserve success.
It is not the job of Hololive to hire all of them. It is just what it is.

>> No.10088617

That's just how life works anon. All of those 3 that you mentioned had been trying for many years before they got offered this chance and two of them were on the brink of giving up completely

>> No.10088619
Quoted by: >>10089510

For Ame it wasn't a recent thing. She's always been paranoid.

You say that but Anya is having so much fun this collab

>> No.10088620
Quoted by: >>10088631

Sora's score: 615
Her opponent's: 1012
They played darts with 8 rounds

>> No.10088622
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1614914342163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088623
File: 969 KB, 900x1600, IMG_20210919_195118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons do u plan on getting any of council's memberships? I'm planning on getting Bae's.

>> No.10088627

If Hololive played tennis vs. Nijisanji in a prince of tennis format, who would be the Singles 1, 2, and 3, and Doubles 1 and 2?

>> No.10088629


>> No.10088631
Quoted by: >>10088670

It's the hardest CPU. It's supposed to be unfair

>> No.10088632

>never got a second chance
That’s on them. There’s nothing stopping them from applying again. The three you mentioned were three of the best picks at the time so dilate forever.

>> No.10088634
File: 351 KB, 1280x720, Whoa, you go big guy![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmu6mqw.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an EoP so I feel that way about Sana, respect your source of happiness Sorafriend

>> No.10088635

Haachama's stream is way too Japanese for me

>> No.10088638

For every new accepted Holo, there's 100+ others who tried as well

>> No.10088640

With the way Ina schedules stuff I could see Mori planning the strive thing for a bit and the Minecraft one is Mori wanting to help build the portal but not being confidant enough to do it herself and saw how good Ina was during the endurance

>> No.10088643

No, but thanks for supporting your kouhais, Gura.

>> No.10088644

Anon, Hololive has grown too big for it's own good and no longer accept 2view whos into their lineup. Everyone who's been recruited has some sort of background in content creation.

>> No.10088650
File: 182 KB, 264x246, 1630205519617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944

I really really want to like mumei, but 4 1 hour streams a week, while still on the honeymoon phase, on the week that the collab bans get lifted? She hates hololive.

>> No.10088658

Sana only.

>> No.10088659

Mori hasn't gone into detail obviously, but they must be talking regularly since after Mori talked about the start of HoloDeath during Jump King she talked about Rushia sending her a message about seeing the clip from that stream that was passed around by Fandead on Twitter. We just don't really know the details, I guess, but knowing Mori she'd probably like them to do something together during October because Halloween.

>> No.10088660

its just two JP members tho

>> No.10088661
File: 1014 KB, 1364x720, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fryyk05.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088665

Democracy is for fags.

>> No.10088666
File: 237 KB, 1200x1600, E9uSkisVIAgu5-D (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944

I'm definitely getting Sana's

>> No.10088667
Quoted by: >>10088820

So the Mori-Ollie-Connor Apex collab is going to hurt you all the more when it happens then, huh?

>> No.10088668

>Pui Pui Molcar
Anya has really good taste

>> No.10088669

I'm afraid of this.
Council is fine. I like most of them but compared to gen 1 they are all safe, semi popular picks.
Don't fit for Yagoo's House for Broken Dreams. Maybe aside from Kronii

>> No.10088670

Sora chan sure likes challenges! Even if she seems ready to ragequit...

>> No.10088673

>feels like Haachama feels a bit isolated and lonely.
And why would Haachama feel that way?

>> No.10088676

How much of an EOP can you be you fucking fag?

>> No.10088678

Mori said she was going to go on another tea date with a holomem. Maybe it's Rushia? They have exchanged DMs already though

>> No.10088680
File: 614 KB, 643x482, 1632072455832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088682
File: 813 KB, 813x1088, 1631976976447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088944


>> No.10088686


>> No.10088689

Man, I really want Ame to play DMC2.

>> No.10088694

enter pochi

>> No.10088693

Yagoo's house of broken girls has been dead for a bit anon. Even gen 5 had some backing for the most part. EN3 will be safe popular picks who didn't need any financial help, as will JP6.

>> No.10088697

Pochi seems to be having fun watching this

>> No.10088701

>very good
>very bad

>> No.10088708
Quoted by: >>10088742

Sora's last solo cover was 3 months ago...

>> No.10088711

literally newspeak tier, what the fuck japan?

>> No.10088712


>> No.10088714

It's just ollie with her members being a bunch of SEAniggers bleeding fucking rrats.
according to what i read, ollie felt sad because haachama was so excited about collabing with her to play club house 51 which gave her the conclusion that haachama is lonely and isolated from other JPs

>> No.10088715

This seems like it will create some relatively boring groups if they don't have at least one wild card member in there.

>> No.10088716
Quoted by: >>10088732

Why is haachama teaching japanese to people with conversational or higher level japanese?

>> No.10088722

Nigga that's just English with a racist inflection. Easy as shit.

>> No.10088727

Haachama doesn't collab that much = isolated and lonely
At least that's how ollie interpreted it

>> No.10088728

That deadbeats and teammates hate each other

>> No.10088732

Because her english isn't good enough to do a stream like this for Ame or Gura

>> No.10088733

>super very good
>super very bad
What's difficult about that?

>> No.10088735

EN1 was their biggest success and most of them were "broken".
EN2 is lot less wild.

>> No.10088742
Quoted by: >>10088769

She's releasing an entire album of covers soon, what more do you want?

>> No.10088746

What the fuck is wrong with Haachama's mic I thought that was my system being weird for a moment

>> No.10088749
Quoted by: >>10088774

What even is this watch party feature? Does it let you stream the content and have people watch it alongside with you or something?

>> No.10088762
File: 2.27 MB, 3070x2947, 1606697719298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really even a bad thing at this point? IRyS was one of the safest choices in a while and she turned out great.

>> No.10088767
Quoted by: >>10088903

I'm gonna get Bae's but I can't really picture what she plans to do for them.

>> No.10088769

I really don't get that, a lot of vtubers don't put out any cover for a while then drop a few at once. Why?

>> No.10088774

Yes, I assume it also syncs the video with the viewers. You get 2 players, the main on becomes the thing you are watching on Prime, and Nene gets a smaller player next to the comments

>> No.10088780
File: 139 KB, 749x870, 1631883233871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088781

As long they love streaming and love their fans, I think it will be fine.

>> No.10088782

ame aiming to become cover ceo.

>> No.10088784

...it didn't work. I'm still depressed

>> No.10088785

Last time I checked less risk for more gain was a sound business strategy for a company.

>> No.10088793


>> No.10088795

Kronii day 1

>> No.10088796

SEA is going for sana, the rest are going for kronii

>> No.10088816
File: 420 KB, 976x742, 1629807624084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088820

No? Why would it? Her attitude and streams have been so much better lately that one Collab wouldn't ruin that

>> No.10088821

It can turn out good sometimes yes, I also like IRyS, but I have been mostly unimpressed with council. I don't hate them or anything but I could never see myself membering any of them so far

>> No.10088823

>le default Reine
>le default Ollie
>le default Anya

>> No.10088828
Quoted by: >>10088881

The western vtuber scene is growing at a rapid pace, and most of the prominent small companies are doing well. Even if they don't make it into the Hololive big leagues, your favorite 2view has a good chance to find their second chance in one of those other groups.

>> No.10088832
Quoted by: >>10088869

wtf I love SEAniggers now

>> No.10088833

Stay back, Chumbud! You're deadsubs

>> No.10088835

I think that would be true had she been a part of gen 2 instead of a vsinger. I've seen a bunch of people having higher expectations for how good the new vsinger would sound. In that context, I think it's fair to say that cover could have scouted a more impactful and less known singer for this position

>> No.10088836

Sana probably.

>> No.10088840

So did they announce what the umisea merch is?

>> No.10088847
File: 1.25 MB, 3720x5261, 1632134484059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088848
File: 300 KB, 1157x647, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088849

>SEA is going for sana
Ewww.. I hope not. And I thought aussie accents filtered them?

>> No.10088853

>kronii members opening stream at 4am

>> No.10088854

Gura body pillow

>> No.10088856
Quoted by: >>10088884

I didn't expect so many people want to member Sana.

>> No.10088855


>> No.10088865

Maybe EUfags should try supporting a hololive member if they're so upset? any time someone streams in their time slot it always murders their numbers

>> No.10088869

Not him but i assume it's because they share a timezone

>> No.10088870
File: 1.04 MB, 1510x2430, 1632134571097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088872

>42 minutes

>> No.10088875

Weren't SEAniggers saying they can't even understand her accent?

>> No.10088877
File: 590 KB, 1962x970, 1615452678600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holofes 3 most likely
Fuck em that's a weird Flare

>> No.10088880

It took two months for people here to finally and collectively warm up on Irys, just give them time.

>> No.10088881

are they, I thought it's reclining due to coof restrictions going down and hololive+niji+vshojo pulling in most viewers

>> No.10088884

This is her time slot
Ask again in 12 hours

>> No.10088885

That was quick. I can finally sleep, I guess.

>> No.10088888

>this many Sanalites
>when she's on break and probably won't be opening them until next week at best

>> No.10088889
File: 112 KB, 744x1068, 1629302552015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088916

>It's been 3 years and haachama still refuses to do collabs over one hour

>> No.10088891

Fauna for sure, can't see myself joining anyone else for now.

>> No.10088893

haachama speedran teaching, sasuga

>> No.10088892

Welp Anya is still Japanese.

>> No.10088894

Ina has great EU primetime numbers though?

>> No.10088895
Quoted by: >>10088910

Why does rrats design infringe so hard on Ollie's?

>> No.10088903
Quoted by: >>10088947

Probably karaokes, maybe watchalongs. I'm sure they'll all give more info in their streams

>> No.10088905
Quoted by: >>10088984

>NA primetime
Mor elike
>NA primetime PLUS okay-ish Asian/JP time
Eurofags like you almost never show up for EU-primetime streams anyway. I've seen the numbers.

>> No.10088906


Fellow saplings, minecraft and speed runner autists, we have to watch this stream in 8 hours.

>> No.10088907
File: 23 KB, 238x240, iinabast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088908

the only thing that filtered them is the fact that she's half sea

>> No.10088910
Quoted by: >>10088930

Too bad her personality doesn't.

>> No.10088912

Time to continue my postponed fap session

>> No.10088913
Quoted by: >>10088955

>only membered Ame since day 1 because I'm autistic (still buy everyone's merch though)
>Really want to member Sana
this sucks

>> No.10088916
Quoted by: >>10088979

W-what happened 3 years ago?

>> No.10088923
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, 1630400941514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10088950

Watch Fauna instead, almost all her streams are at 7pm gmt this week.

>> No.10088924

Isn't Ina second only to Gura in live viewers, and she streams in late EU primetime?

>> No.10088928


>> No.10088927

nigga how do you lose at tic tac toe it's a solved game nigga

>> No.10088930

it kind of does

>> No.10088931
File: 125 KB, 1095x579, cocochama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco joins hololive
>coco takes akai haato's ideas
>speaking english
>reddit meme review
>H: "damn her...what am i now...?"
>concocts long term plan to delete coco from hololive as revenge
>creates new identity in the form of haachama
>enough time passes
>H: "now is the time"
>streams taiwan knowing coco will reuse her content
>coco, predictably, uses her content
>coco gets the full burst anti hate
>H: "Just as planned but is this really enough?"
>exterminates entire Hololive CN branch just for fun
>eats bugs and tarantulas so they know it was her
>takes month long vacation to celebrate
>coco graduates during this time
>takes back reddit meme review

Face it she's an evil genius.

>> No.10088934
File: 289 KB, 1400x1000, 20210920_034448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10088937

you should use those 8 hours to get a good night
's sleep

>> No.10088940
File: 1.58 MB, 960x540, Ame2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088942

playing minecraft for "progression" and "win"
just play Terraria

>> No.10088944

Ban evading spammer?

>> No.10088947

Thanks Bae looking forward to it

>> No.10088950
Quoted by: >>10089106

Meant for >>10088853

>> No.10088951

She's declined a lot ever since she got actual competition in her timeslot.

>> No.10088952
File: 376 KB, 700x880, 1604859595723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Mumei the most successful person who made it into EN2? Despite that I feel like she's the weakest streamer in the gen.

>> No.10088954

When she's playing minecraft and drawing, yes

>> No.10088955

the fuck does autism have to do with paying 5 bucks a month?

>> No.10088956
Quoted by: >>10088991

Shes based for playing what she wants instead of stuff she think looks like crap.

>> No.10088961

One post in there was me! It's in the bottom half of the list, can (You) guess which one it is?

>> No.10088962

Please someone collab with Fauna or IRyS... They are too autistic to ask for collabs themselves...

>> No.10088963

Maybe NAfags should try supporting a hololive member if they're so upset? any time someone streams in their time slot it always murders their numbers
t. /jp/

>> No.10088966

I cant believe he's doing it for free to spam

>> No.10088969
File: 299 KB, 656x900, 90966191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're posting Sora images?

>> No.10088972

We told you years ago that normalfaggotry ruins everything good in life.
Half of the anons in this thread right now have never seriously held a belief that the majority of people would consider genuinely disgusting.

I hope you enjoy all those tasteless platitudes, well adjusted humor, and healthy viewer-streamer relationships anon
I just hope the older holos can stay in the dark with us instead of climbing into the blinding white light of a perfectly manicured socially acceptable lifestyle of competent success. If the newfags want to advocate touching grass so badly they can keep it to themselves and choke on it if they want, but should leave well enough alone.

>> No.10088979

I want to believe this so fucking badly
she debuted nigga

>> No.10088977
Quoted by: >>10089043

>Isn't Ina second only to Gura in live viewers
No that's Mori.

>> No.10088978

All me bar 1

>> No.10088983

>Haachama collab lasted 40 minutes
They hate eachother...

>> No.10088984

The only EU-friendly streams that take place are ina's at around 8 pm and mori's once a week at around 4pm. Where the fuck am i supposed to show up? Thank god fauna is also streaming in the evening basically an hour before ina. ON THE OTHER HAND, kiara's entire schedule revolves around EU time. Are you saying that she gets so little money that her streaming in EU-friendly times is irrelevant? Because in a larger scale, she's streaming at the tail end of JP prime time

>> No.10088986
File: 1.96 MB, 328x288, Bae All Me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fh9aah2.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10088991
Quoted by: >>10089211

But she only plays crap.

>> No.10088992

So what happened since Ina's MC?

>> No.10088993
Quoted by: >>10089068

>Wasn't Mumei the most successful person
>Wasn't Mumei the most successful person

>> No.10088995

haachama was the chink anti's all along

>> No.10088996
Quoted by: >>10089045

>only streams 4 days a week
>short streams
>randomly getting grumpy at her chat and superchats despite such low total time streamed which is always jarring with her airhead/cute facade
100% her fault

>> No.10088997

Ina is fucking boring and there is only so much Kiara or more precise Kiara's games I want to watch. On the plus side I found some comfy indies that stream during my prime time now, which is nice.

>> No.10088999
File: 72 KB, 768x1024, DTZe-CFUMAEM259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good idea!

>> No.10089004
File: 1.88 MB, 1586x2196, 1631971109468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089055

Time for some Soda!

>> No.10089007
Quoted by: >>10089055

Please counter the Councill faggots raid
We need more Holos Images

>> No.10089010

>I don't think we'll see another "10-stream schedule" Holo like her for a long time
Sana might come close eventually.

>> No.10089013
File: 213 KB, 463x453, 25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some JP Holos secretly lurk EN streams not necessarily because she wants to watch the girl but because they wanna see if they can spot any of overseas fans of theirs talking in chat
This can range between just simple curiosity (i.e. Pekora) to blatant stalking (i.e. Rushia) but there's almost no way to prove any of this unless a girl herself says it.
Most of them however will just watch an EN girl because they want to watch an EN girl

>> No.10089022

An apology letter.

>> No.10089025

The teamates got uppity and we based deadbeats knocked them down a peg.

>> No.10089027
File: 51 KB, 922x319, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of them however will just watch an EN girl because they want to watch an EN girl
So you mean Polka.

>> No.10089029
File: 146 KB, 246x234, sadrat[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpu4yhe.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089032
Quoted by: >>10089042

10 minutes
What is gen 3 planning!?

>> No.10089034

What is their endgame bro....

>> No.10089035

A poggers ocean decal

>> No.10089039

Post sora pregnant

>> No.10089042

A massive live orgy

>> No.10089043
Quoted by: >>10089063


>> No.10089045

Take your meds, she's never gotten annoyed at her chat.

>> No.10089046

what did she mean by this

>> No.10089047

Yeah actually unironically I was thinking Polka and Fubuki specifically

>> No.10089050
Quoted by: >>10089067

Did they ever release the full UMISEA song? The preview was so short, feels weird they're holding back the complete song

>> No.10089054
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x1760, E_qdyV9UYAEGu0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089105

Is this the cutest Gura?

>> No.10089055
File: 834 KB, 3185x1995, 92741364_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089057 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.34 MB, 1505x2125, E_tiPT8VUAQLNiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna pretend this is kiara.

>> No.10089056

Most JP holos don't care about EN

>> No.10089059

11 of those are mine

>> No.10089063
Quoted by: >>10089078

>what are #ads streams

>> No.10089064
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, UwU[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4spzbi.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089080


>> No.10089067

I think I heard it on bubbabot earlier.

>> No.10089068
Quoted by: >>10089094

An indie with a 1mil subs doesn't qualify as successful? I know Sana had her art in games and whatnot, but the other 3 were literal whos

>> No.10089072

>No way to prove it
Eh judging from their personality you're 100% correct
Stop spamming faggot

>> No.10089073
File: 1.57 MB, 460x333, Anya - Let's Go(Stuck in the Sound) 6[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp3t5z0.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089077
File: 771 KB, 774x900, IMG_20210919_011629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sawd wat
Happy wat dance wi frens

>> No.10089078


>> No.10089080

>those massive fucking tits they put on Okayu
These weird western animations ALWAYS not-so-subtly sneak in the creator's kinks, I enjoy it

>> No.10089081
File: 611 KB, 945x795, ina_numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the game is garbage? Look at her other streams' views and tell me they're shit

>> No.10089082

haha what if Mori and Kronii kissed during their collab?

>> No.10089094
Quoted by: >>10089145

Sorry anon, the only actual literal who there is Bae

>> No.10089095

feels weird to know I'm being stalked by peks

>> No.10089097
Quoted by: >>10089118

>Never watched a single EN vtuber stream yet
I am a ninja to them in that case

>> No.10089099

I'd coom. Hard.

>> No.10089101
Quoted by: >>10089189


>> No.10089105

>Ame instead of Mori

>> No.10089106
Quoted by: >>10089149

I dont like ASMR very much but yeah, i'll have to since she's the only one i can catch, though her content isnt something i would watch intensely, rather just listen to it while i play vidya

>> No.10089107

Mamaloni, please.

>> No.10089109


>> No.10089110
File: 133 KB, 270x270, 1631427129541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council is here to stay

>> No.10089114
Quoted by: >>10089286

Ender lilies...

>> No.10089118
Quoted by: >>10089231

Uh, are you lost?

>> No.10089119
File: 73 KB, 192x150, Its Me Pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089122
File: 1.04 MB, 768x432, Rob got the moves[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fapcy1b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089121
File: 114 KB, 575x1024, 20210920_035359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089128
Quoted by: >>10089286

Bastion is pretty good but I guessed correctly that it wouldn't make the numbers become the big numbers when I first saw it. It's a lot like Outer Wilds in that regard.

>> No.10089130

Bless mamaloni

>> No.10089132
File: 212 KB, 352x353, 1630079364238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That rrat, give it to me.

>> No.10089133


>> No.10089140
Quoted by: >>10089286

Minecraft and anniversary aside, most of those have 6-7k views.
That's just... fine. Not that impressive anon.

>> No.10089143
File: 238 KB, 1466x980, 1631539156317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awww so cute! Now stop flirting, you two!
Mori Cucklliope.

>> No.10089144
Quoted by: >>10089286

Genuinely, yeah. What the last Ina stream that isn't a special stream or minecraft that went over 10K liveviews?
Let's not even talk about her atrocious VoDview rate.

>> No.10089145

So Kronii and Fauna had ~1mil subs too?

>> No.10089147

On a scale of 1-10, how hard would you kneel if Sankisei pulled together their massive war coffers to pull off bringing swimsuits and most permissions back somehow(whether an independent service, paying off Susan and suits, or w/e)

>> No.10089149

Fauna only does ASMR once a week, you know. You don't have to like ASMR to enjoy all her other streams. And her streams do make for some great background noise since she talks a lot and leaves very little dead air.

>> No.10089151
File: 128 KB, 964x724, Guitar Riff[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdm9yj1.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're gonna have to pry her from my cold dead hands

>> No.10089152

I want Kronii to gwak on my cwak.

>> No.10089156

Didn't roberu just talk about her recently and mostly seem pretty nervous about the subject?

>> No.10089158
File: 90 KB, 234x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna streams at good EU times and gets a strong following. If you only stream at a timeslot once every 2 weeks, it's no surprise you don't have a massive following at that time.

>> No.10089159
Quoted by: >>10089212

Not really
Now go back to your Facebook group
Kill those kids

>> No.10089162

Doeant roberu have 4 girls.from.another company?

>> No.10089163
File: 176 KB, 297x438, 20210920_035703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089172

I'd rather have roberu fuck my oshi and have every holomem as cumslut for his harem than a collab with c*nnor

>> No.10089180
Quoted by: >>10089265

>Having 1mil subs is the threshold for being a literal who

>> No.10089182

Oh great the councill spammer woke up this thread was nice for a while....

>> No.10089184
Quoted by: >>10089265

Have we gotten so far that under 1 mil is considered literal who when there are countless 2views?

>> No.10089187

Kanata is going to destroy her RFA ring in one hour

>> No.10089189

They both gave up the gay act, stop shipping you weirdo lesbian

>> No.10089194
File: 27 KB, 419x444, 1602386130411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive scouted Gura's VA and designed the Gura model specifically for the traits they saw in her. She was harder to hire than they anticipated - one of her conditions was that they hire her friend, so she'd have some guaranteed companionship. Cover agreed, took that friend's audition, and that friend became Amelia Watson.

This is why we've seen a finished Live2D model in early promo material that hasn't been used, they had to commission a new one to fit Ame's personality. This is why they told Ame's VA to start taking singing lessons after her audition, they already knew she was hired. And this is why Gura feels free to go hard gosling over Ame, while Ame is overly afraid of being known only as "Gura's girlfriend" - Gura had more than just friendship in mind. Ame works so crazily hard because she wants to prove she deserved to pass the audition on her own merits (she did).

This is the most reasonable explanation I can find to explain the fact that, in 2018, Gura's roommate tweeted a sketch of an anime detective girl that is literally the concept art for Amelia Watson, right down to the length of her tie and the clasp that keeps her cloak on.

>> No.10089196


>> No.10089201
Quoted by: >>10089274

>Ever acting gay

>> No.10089202

He is an idolfag so he always was cautious with holo collabs.
Then Matsuri happened and now he collabs mostly with chuubas from other companies.

>> No.10089203

based and winning pilled.

>> No.10089207

Why are owlcucks like this?

>> No.10089211
File: 214 KB, 368x334, 353535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she likes it, it ain't crap.

>> No.10089212
File: 2.14 MB, 1007x1200, 1630024028394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089232

there's more than one person posting council images in this thread, get used to it

>> No.10089217


>> No.10089221
File: 1.34 MB, 1426x800, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089749

it was funny but man Matsuri genuinely traumatized poor robel

>> No.10089222
File: 289 KB, 662x599, 1629780835840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching this for Flare butt

>> No.10089224

The most overpowered gen of Hololive

>> No.10089223

No, those girls have him as a toy.

>> No.10089226
File: 313 KB, 480x401, watamelon head[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Favc8m1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089228 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 711x661, 1620686355004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089240

Sex with Roboco

>> No.10089231

No just busy

>> No.10089232

Meds you piece of shit

>> No.10089235
File: 665 KB, 2000x3285, 20210920_165843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fauna!

>> No.10089239

it's happening...

>> No.10089240
Quoted by: >>10089271

My man!

>> No.10089241

PPTenshi's sex noises uohhhhh

>> No.10089244


>> No.10089247


>> No.10089248

Holy shit domestic violence already

>> No.10089250
File: 542 KB, 2430x1378, 1618787789296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As usual I see

>> No.10089251
Quoted by: >>10089266

Nice framerate rate there cover...

>> No.10089257

Damn I thought Myth were doing a guerilla collab for a second

>> No.10089256
File: 144 KB, 434x434, Listener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089295

So we know Gura and Ina will cry the hardest when everyone meets.

Who will cry the hardest out of gen 2?

>> No.10089259

>Rushia stream
>can't supacha

>> No.10089260

I just realized that EN are pretty good about following the mood set by their opening music

>> No.10089262

fauna's westCoast isnt she?

>> No.10089265
Quoted by: >>10089315

We were talking about the which Council member was the most successful before hololive.

>> No.10089266

Indie company pls ahndastand

>> No.10089269

It's just missing the All star from Mumei at end...

>> No.10089271
File: 3.85 MB, 1516x2115, 1617240158985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv me some robutt

>> No.10089272

>Marine beating the shit out of Rushia 5 seconds in
This is it
This is kino

>> No.10089275
File: 1.09 MB, 1214x683, Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 06-01-30 重大告知をするのは私です!!【 #ホロライブ3期生 】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine killled Rushia

>> No.10089274

mori is the butchest lesbo

>> No.10089276

>1 minute into the stream
>everyone is out of breath
i love my couch idols

>> No.10089278
Quoted by: >>10089300

>this is the only way to watch classic Flare

>> No.10089281

it doesn't matter what they want, her powers will make it happen.

>> No.10089286
File: 1.00 MB, 939x820, kiara_numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's actually get back to >>10088894 nad >>10088907 's points about ina allegedly having bad viewer numbers? Ina has had ~8-10k views per stream for a while now and those are GOOD numbers. Having 3k views on the second part of a kusoge means jack shit. What exactly are you comparing them to anyways? Kiara's who streams 4 or so hours earlier than ina and has longer streams? I want to know what your baseline of "good" numbers is. I'm picking kiara because she's the only other Myth that streams in EU times consistently and Council need another 2 or so months to settle down

>> No.10089294
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, [1920x1080] vtime=[ 00_03_27 ], take=[ 2021-09-20 13.03.10 ].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089295


>> No.10089296

Emergency rations USADA

>> No.10089300

The way her arms are so far on the side means she has a huge butt.

>> No.10089301
Quoted by: >>10089362

Stop spamming and watch streams faggot

>> No.10089303

>Having girls

they take turns pegging him

>> No.10089305
Quoted by: >>10089317

Aren't they a little laggy?

>> No.10089308

Wtf are we in for, I need to sleep but I really want to watch this

>> No.10089307
File: 26 KB, 224x320, 1631535327484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089316


>> No.10089310

>noel 3D
>just fapped
>hard again
aaaaaaa i have to work i cant be horny!

>> No.10089313

Marine already dead

>> No.10089315

Sure, and >we didn't disagree with that statement. It's just that saying the others were literal whos is absolutely retarded

>> No.10089316

Ina Ina Ina

>> No.10089317

Cover is a small indie company please understand.

>> No.10089323

Out of curiosity, once Gen 5's collab ban ended, how many collabs did they do in the first week or two?

>> No.10089322


>> No.10089325
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine and Rushia are already dying...

>> No.10089326
File: 2.53 MB, 220x216, Roboco numbers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mucho texto

>> No.10089327

That's it, I'm gonna wank to Noel

>> No.10089333

Why is the 3D stream running at a silky smooth 20 FPS?

>> No.10089335

>3 streams but council faggots rather and shit up this thread
Mental illness

>> No.10089340
File: 18 KB, 320x368, 1601646474079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are they announcing?

>> No.10089342

People in chat saying "30 fps" are being too generous

>> No.10089343

Can we get Marine to have an endurance competition with Luna?

>> No.10089344

Does it look like it is going at like 10 fps for anyone else?

>> No.10089346
File: 230 KB, 700x600, 1632021514367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do too, looking forward to her minecraft stream later today

>> No.10089348
Quoted by: >>10089365

I don't know, nigga. I'm not reading all that shit. I'm just saying Bastion isn't a bad game.

>> No.10089351


>> No.10089352

>Ina has had ~8-10k views per stream for a while now and those are GOOD numbers.
She literally doesn't from the fucking screenshot you posted and those posts were in response to people saying that she's second only to gooruh in views.

>> No.10089357

Probably a live of some sort.

>> No.10089358
Quoted by: >>10089366

>We'll NEVER see EN do this because Japan will never come out of lockdown

>> No.10089362

Tis is bait but I'll reply to it. What about you anon? Watching a stream?

>> No.10089363

an announcement in the future

>> No.10089364
File: 180 KB, 393x318, 1630202705872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need to catch up on her spore streams...

>> No.10089365
Quoted by: >>10089413

tl;dr give me your baseline for good views. bastion is shit

>> No.10089366

Ame will build a 3d studio herself in america

>> No.10089368
File: 432 KB, 509x547, sanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089370

Flare legs..

>> No.10089373

God 3rd gen is so OP it's actuallybl bullshit
All those fucking catch phrases, they're out of breath, punches have been thrown, a woman has already crawled on the ground, fucking English
It's been 5 minutes
I should lock the door to the studio

>> No.10089375

My cock would hit the ceiling

>> No.10089381
File: 215 KB, 1280x1280, 20210919_073349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im really excited for it, I'm gonna have to sleep early again today since it's 3am for me

>> No.10089386

If they reveal that, I can forgive them for having shit framerate.

>> No.10089388
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, YEAH TOAST [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbuchlx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.10089396
Quoted by: >>10089412

Asking for favorite season, right?

>> No.10089400
File: 1 KB, 117x27, image_2021-09-20_040802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

numbers fags BTFO

>> No.10089408
File: 58 KB, 400x341, Anya - Love yourself [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxg4nxz.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089409

Pekora's graduation

>> No.10089411
File: 1.62 MB, 2480x3507, 1632116534749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089478

I want to lick flare thigh.

>> No.10089410
Quoted by: >>10089429

what's the question? I haven't done my reps

>> No.10089412


>> No.10089413
Quoted by: >>10089425

Don't take this personally, anon, but you gotta work on your reading comprehension.
If I need to spell it out for you, then here:
>give me your baseline for good views
I don't give a shit. There's your answer.

>> No.10089415

>stream starts
>pull test calibration
>literally tears the ring apart
>end stream

>> No.10089417

>only 49k
I can save them......

>> No.10089419
Quoted by: >>10089492

>you will now need to watch every EN minecraft stream for fear of missing a kino guerilla collab
I guess my life is just watching cute girls play a block game now.

>> No.10089420
File: 677 KB, 647x738, 1632059201542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Myth never collab with Amelia Watson?

>> No.10089421
Quoted by: >>10089441

why do I always have this sneaking feeling the people talking about X Primetime or whatever don't actually live in the time zones they are talking about?

>> No.10089423

Announcement of another announcement

>> No.10089425
Quoted by: >>10089445

>she has shit views because i say so

>> No.10089429

Fav season

>> No.10089430
File: 20 KB, 708x281, 1610946144185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089467

>That timezone
You really can't make this shit up huh
The spammer was a SEAmonkey

>> No.10089431

Jesus christ Noel

>> No.10089435
Quoted by: >>10089443

how come watson has never done a collab with amelia

>> No.10089439

why doesnt marine's coat fit

>> No.10089441

You really think people would do that. Just lie on the internet? Don't be silly anon

>> No.10089444

this is the generation of miracles.
if this does not reach 100k then it's a failure

>> No.10089443

they hate each other

>> No.10089445
Quoted by: >>10089499

You seem to have me confused with somebody else. You know there's more than just me and you posting in this thread, right?

>> No.10089448

I'm sure Ame is the stuck up one about collabs, even in-gen

t. eamate

>> No.10089449

It's cute

>> No.10089460

its my coat, i let her borrow it

>> No.10089462
File: 533 KB, 956x532, Your are irreplaceable[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgrybfy.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089528


>> No.10089467
Quoted by: >>10089513

>being this new.
Though why do you have kronii on your FB chat icon phoneflipanon...

>> No.10089469

Go back to Facebook spammer piece of shit while you at it EAT your pagpag

>> No.10089472

What's happening?

>> No.10089475

Buddy, Rushia's not even allowed to wear anything less than spats under her skirt anymore. We're never getting swimsuits again. We'll just have to cope with all the lewd fanart Rushia's artist posts on Pixiv. Goddamn, can they draw a cute tummy.

>> No.10089477

There’s a shit ton of audio porn becoming popular and getting out there. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the girls anonymously post under different voices.

>> No.10089478
File: 546 KB, 2214x1776, 1628617597490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.10089480

Why are their 3Ds lagging and the room so basic?
The homos didn't seem to have issues in their debuts.

>> No.10089484
Quoted by: >>10089507

Too black.

>> No.10089485

New costumes. EN1 got their costumes delayed for Gen 3.

>> No.10089486

Girls fucking around to fill up the minutes until their announcement

>> No.10089488

The spammer outed himself as SEAmonkey

>> No.10089489

Understand most of those words but not enough, anybody know the q?

>> No.10089490

>Can only make out every other word Marine says

My JP reps are failing me... I'll mever make it

>> No.10089493

My fucking sides, Senchou and tactical faceplants

>> No.10089492

>Mumei Minecraft Stream
>GauGura has joined the server
>here. we. go.

>> No.10089494
Quoted by: >>10089511

I suddenly have a sharp pain in my stomach

>> No.10089495
File: 195 KB, 2048x1162, 8F40CEC4-91B1-48A1-9B95-95C65FC42FDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time for you fuckers to LEARN!

>> No.10089499

Wrong, i'm the only person in this thread and you're all fruits of my schizophrenia

>> No.10089500

I am cum

>> No.10089506

She's like a one piece character who never wear their coats

>> No.10089507
File: 1.28 MB, 1190x1684, 1628617939221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089508

The sankisei is too strong together...

>> No.10089509

She smells bad.

>> No.10089510

It wasn't recent for Gura either

>> No.10089513
File: 1.03 MB, 3099x4096, 20210919_073335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to the shitposter, the kronii pic is drawn by my friend so we set it up as the group pfp

>> No.10089511


>> No.10089512
Quoted by: >>10089539

We already know you're a SEAnigger though. The LARP is really fun though, keep it up.

>> No.10089514

Oga's debut had lagging issues, probably due to his stage

>> No.10089515
Quoted by: >>10089539

Retarded nigger this is my 1st post in this thread wtf are you talking about

>> No.10089519

nvm question was name oc team to winfist marikart comp

>> No.10089522

>judging your reps by Marine
Ah, going for Ultra Hardcore I see.

>> No.10089523
Quoted by: >>10089535

>hololive channel 3D collab
>it's another stupid fucking quiz


>> No.10089527
File: 109 KB, 954x675, 1631699254864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089528
File: 139 KB, 321x333, 1610916090360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089754

Fellas I'm starting to suspect that Gura might be somewhat fond of Amelia Watson

>> No.10089529

Have faith, you will be japanese.

>> No.10089531

Concert + song + merch + Pekora’s outfit

>> No.10089532
File: 540 KB, 2973x3789, E-VlZq-VkAExa38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089550

why are you like this

>> No.10089535

Amelia invented quizzes

>> No.10089534
Quoted by: >>10089573

I'm not a deadbeat, but I've said for quite a while that Mori is the genmate closer to Gura right now, not shipfagging btw, I think Gura has been getting along with Mori exceedingly well recently. How does it look from the other side?

>> No.10089537
File: 273 KB, 1200x1615, FFEAF08D-BFD1-4929-A2EF-4E7EC494C4F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is cute! CUTE!

>> No.10089539
Quoted by: >>10089589

You're confusing me with that Council spammer
eat your pagpag spammer maybe it will fix your mental illness

>> No.10089541
File: 443 KB, 835x1452, 1630614770813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089604

i wish i did my reps

>> No.10089544
File: 217 KB, 454x474, 1602287813818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.10089547
File: 900 KB, 941x1260, __ceres_fauna_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kubota_masaki__5df0f237a55d1d38465510b8e3bc01c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me sum faunner

>> No.10089548

That's a lot better than me, anon. Keep practicing and maybe you, too, can become Anya.

>> No.10089550
File: 312 KB, 1447x2047, 1628946683326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hell did I do wrong now?

>> No.10089551
Quoted by: >>10089564

I invented Amelia by giving birth to her

>> No.10089552
Quoted by: >>10089606

if its lagging its an actual 3d live
if its not its pre recorded. don't ask me why cover is retarded with their tech

>> No.10089553

I did no reps, I just watched subbed anime for 20+ years and I can understand about 60% of collab.

>> No.10089556
File: 353 KB, 629x896, 1629155664882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes fellow anons Flare is indeed cute.

>> No.10089558
Quoted by: >>10089577

space isnt real

>> No.10089560
File: 303 KB, 1448x2048, 1621136073837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089578


>> No.10089562
File: 327 KB, 467x374, 1609430214238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how Martine is just already tired

>> No.10089564


>> No.10089574


>> No.10089573

As a chumbud I agree. They are feeling like good buddies.

>> No.10089576
File: 261 KB, 778x665, Anya frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.10089575
Quoted by: >>10089615

Where's your proof?

>> No.10089577
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, ohno[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyeb9tc.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089604


>> No.10089578
File: 236 KB, 1483x2048, 2CACB284-9518-4055-AB85-1A7AED3036D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089579

>so we set it up as the group pfp
Why SEAraiders this stupid?
>ye our group spam this thread every day
Take your meds SEAbro!!!!

>> No.10089581

Chris Martine...

>> No.10089582
Quoted by: >>10089598

noel is T A L L

>> No.10089583
File: 306 KB, 524x716, 1628170273523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottoms up! Cheers!

>> No.10089585

Why isn't ban evasion on the report reason list anymore?

>> No.10089584
Quoted by: >>10089666

Meidos why can't we report posts for being created by SEAniggers

>> No.10089586

she fell like 4 times while I was watching and I was watching for 10 minutes


>> No.10089589 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2700x2700, 1631243658709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089604


>> No.10089590

Pekora fails eigo reps, as usual

>> No.10089592

>Misspelled Derby has Derbii

>> No.10089595

>An English question
I feel like getting this one is cheating for me

>> No.10089598

She is very big

>> No.10089604
Quoted by: >>10089637

>Instead of watching streams they rather spam
Wow this is really low

>> No.10089606

homos where live too, they had SC drops as pizzas/omurice

>> No.10089607

isn't hag vaxx-sick?

>> No.10089609
File: 468 KB, 1448x2048, 1630658989869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a fan for the autumn Fauna

>> No.10089611
Quoted by: >>10089628

Marine is one of these holos who lose all her charm during collabs. She tries way too hard to just reduce her character to a horny pirate

>> No.10089615
File: 405 KB, 1072x1500, 1628077509086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089614


>> No.10089612
File: 498 KB, 986x612, Ux5Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089627

>tried to waifu2x anya
>this happens

>> No.10089618
Quoted by: >>10089645

Doesn't Flare not like that old design? When are they going to give her a new 3D?

>> No.10089622
File: 262 KB, 1740x2048, E8Q-YWmUUAI2x2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree fellow stranger with no ill intentions

>> No.10089624 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 2048x2048, 20806773-6584-4A7B-92E5-78C9076B7E58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura loved Mori before debut as she liked pic related a month prior on Twitter.

>> No.10089627

You can't improve perfection

>> No.10089628

marine is always perfect

>> No.10089630
File: 1.68 MB, 1606x2500, 71598BC6-79C6-44AD-914F-217B3B66ED0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T a l l girl!

>> No.10089633
File: 55 KB, 408x411, meido summoning (SharkBait Ver.) [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmp3ift.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089698


>> No.10089636

>floor pirate

>> No.10089637
Quoted by: >>10089672

im at work luv just luv to post me sum faunner please do enjoy the streams doubly so for me

>> No.10089640
Quoted by: >>10089664

Hold on
Was Rushia's question her favorite color

>> No.10089644
Quoted by: >>10089652


>> No.10089645

her 3d is decent at least
her lvie2d was awful

>> No.10089647

SEAbros please talk about streams and stop spamming

>> No.10089652


>> No.10089657

Good to see marines ass is still so fat it keeps clipping through her skirt. I need this reaffirmation from time to time.

>> No.10089658

sexy captain

>> No.10089661
File: 1.32 MB, 4096x4096, 20210914_182207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089701

I wish we get seasonal designs of Fauna

>> No.10089660

This is how /hlg/ feels like anon

>> No.10089664
Quoted by: >>10089727

favorite drink

>> No.10089665

So I'm tryna watch the stream and talk about it but are people spamming images now because we're talking about sankisei?

>> No.10089666
Quoted by: >>10089763

it's a shame there's no way to get flags in this board, would make some things much easier

I'd also take thread IDs.

>> No.10089667
Quoted by: >>10089700

How is Pekora dress clippage somehow worse than Marine?

>> No.10089671
File: 240 KB, 500x500, 1629693689693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089701

winter faunner comes

>> No.10089672

>I'm at work
Collecting leftover meat? is pagpag that tasty?

>> No.10089673
File: 395 KB, 815x780, 1632028495006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089675
File: 65 KB, 309x339, E-RcysRVcAE1q_X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone is Anya, then is nobody Anya?

>> No.10089677
Quoted by: >>10089687

Will there be a titty squeeze competition?

>> No.10089678
File: 128 KB, 850x1292, 1624718348273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089701

God Marine is pure fucking SEX

>> No.10089687


>> No.10089689
Quoted by: >>10089701

Doesn't Fauna have her own split where they can sperg about her all day?

>> No.10089691
File: 134 KB, 1200x857, 1630474186002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are your predictions on what they're going to announce?

>> No.10089692

If that's true... Does that mean that nobody is Japanese?

>> No.10089693

Where's the link to send Cover tips again?

>> No.10089698


>> No.10089700

i think the clothe physics is new
i dont recall it being so bouncy

>> No.10089701
Quoted by: >>10089864

They rather shit up this thread instead

>> No.10089704
Quoted by: >>10089728

as long as there are nipples

>> No.10089707

the sight of flare is doing things to my dick

>> No.10089710
File: 133 KB, 901x734, BFE1FC84-8D38-45ED-9FEA-B92EEB5110E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089722


>> No.10089709

Welcome to the glimpse of your future
But worse probably because there is no barrier of entry
Gachikois were never the schizos you had to worry about, now ignore them and watch streams because there's nothing you can do to stop it as we learned in /jp/

>> No.10089711


>> No.10089712
File: 128 KB, 360x450, 1629497822349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a concert probably

>> No.10089714
File: 113 KB, 600x675, 1622869403302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember nips seething at Rikka's model last year, asking why he got a better one than Marine's. It's been a year and a half since then and her 3D model is still the same

>> No.10089715
File: 206 KB, 220x224, 1609946348146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine sounds out of breath already
>Rushia barely moves
>Noel never stops moving
>Peko the only one failing a very easy English question
Yep gen 3 alright

>> No.10089717

Human breeder's 3d stream.....

>> No.10089720
Quoted by: >>10089744

It won't stop buffering for me...

>> No.10089721
Quoted by: >>10089755

My mind can't handle less than 60fps. FUCK COVER FOR MIND FUCKING ME

>> No.10089722

Are you the booba gura poster?

>> No.10089723

I feel like "tits" is a size-agnostic term where it would be inappropriate to call a flattie's chest "boobs"

>> No.10089725

Either costumes or a concert.

>> No.10089727

Oh right light brown uses tea kanji

>> No.10089728

You cant really squeeze nipples the same way

>> No.10089731
File: 411 KB, 1378x2039, 20210920_110710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikemen rushia makes me gay

>> No.10089734
File: 3.19 MB, 7112x7240, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089819

>> No.10089736
Quoted by: >>10089865

He talked about it this morning and while there's no plan he won't turn down invitation if the "timing" is right
maybe after reconcile with matsuri cure his holophobe just cured a bit

>> No.10089737
File: 1023 KB, 994x558, TeeTee[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs5jv3k.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089739

Did Rushia just adjust her glasses?

>> No.10089738

Rushia is truly a master at the GFE game.

>> No.10089742

Jesus Christ Noel's massive fucking tights clipped through Rushia's arms.

>> No.10089744

The lament of the wifi warrior.

>> No.10089749
File: 1.97 MB, 3508x2481, 1630894440268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only been here since Holomyth and don't watch the jaypees often. What did Matsuri do to Roberto?

>> No.10089750

Noel is pregnant with Flare's gay baby.

>> No.10089751

think it's more likely that Peko just wanted to start some gossip / trash talk and Miko wanted no part of that.

>> No.10089753

wtf I'm a member now

>> No.10089754

Get a clue, detective.

>> No.10089755

console plebeian race wins once more it's also hurting me

>> No.10089756

Are their heights to canonical scale or are they accurate to how tall they are IRL?

>> No.10089757 [SPOILER] 
File: 289 KB, 862x861, 1630876282794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it!

>> No.10089762

...is on the 23rd

>> No.10089763

Yea, everyone will be using vpn n connect to whatever flag they want to shitpost, then the replies will all be >why are [race] like this >meidos please ban [country]

Threads will be unusable as shitposters from other boards chips in, specially /qa/niggers

>> No.10089764

She's fat

>> No.10089766

I'm so happy
Feels kinda nice to feel no pressure to post in stream chat too
Just wonderful sankisei deliciousness

>> No.10089776
Quoted by: >>10089792

No gta 5 stream today because pekora is taking part in this garbage.....sigh

>> No.10089779


>> No.10089781
Quoted by: >>10090045

it's canonical for some and not for others
e.g. Mio is canonically smaller than many holos while 3D collabs reveal that she's a fucking female ogre or something towering head above everyone

>> No.10089786
File: 999 KB, 1280x720, 1623992763118.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089784

pretty off, IRL they all have about 50-60 extra cm, depending on who exactly. Marine is 210cm for example.

>> No.10089789
Quoted by: >>10089861

So, when is Cover gonna hire actual tech pros than train their own nepotism hires?

>> No.10089790
File: 550 KB, 774x758, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fes1i2x.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089846

Doing Ina vod reps from last night but I realised how many Ina minecraft streams I missed. What is her "1%" pickaxe a reference to?

>> No.10089792
Quoted by: >>10089825

End game GTA kinda sucks though

>> No.10089797

bunch of lovable dum dumbs

>> No.10089799
File: 3.53 MB, 2048x1312, 1631160875246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089800
File: 145 KB, 1193x2157, 1632058528581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that we'll get to see Fauna again soon

>> No.10089801

Most Holo heights are canon

>> No.10089802
Quoted by: >>10089900

>the schizo from yesterday is at it again

>> No.10089804
File: 270 KB, 1204x1500, Flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare forgotten...

>> No.10089806

>marine with spats
i will gun down cover corp as a joke

>> No.10089810

Oversized and not properly worn jackets and coats are a classic in Japanese chuuni fashion.

>> No.10089809

Now that I check on them they're watching streams for once huh..

>> No.10089811


She promised...

>> No.10089812

I buy this one.

>> No.10089813

Oh god numbers

>> No.10089816
File: 431 KB, 662x399, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I prefer 5 rushed, scuffed, chibi VR models over 5 fully functioning 3d models..

>> No.10089817
Quoted by: >>10089867

Canonical for the most part. Was pretty obvious with Coco since she's so fucking tall and her genmates are all midgets.

>> No.10089819
File: 1 KB, 125x120, anya eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089822
Quoted by: >>10089850

I would abandon my nation and pledge myself to serve sankisei in combat u til in my dying days to establish an empire under their rule

>> No.10089824


>> No.10089825

She’s not even halfway through

>> No.10089826

Flares arching back... My dick...

>> No.10089828

Rushia is vaxx sick, poor hag barely talks

>> No.10089830

why the hell is it in 7 minutes?
Isnt it far earlier than normal?

>> No.10089832

Well you should try having better taste then.

>> No.10089838
File: 3.44 MB, 1920x2160, 1606865441456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rushia please don't lose to Peko.

>> No.10089840
Quoted by: >>10090959

head hort rumao rumao

>> No.10089841
Quoted by: >>10089863

Explain to me who is the one that is spamming here

>> No.10089845
File: 102 KB, 682x874, 1629656481019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Fauna!

>> No.10089844
Quoted by: >>10089940

I think sparks sucks!

>> No.10089846

I can guess it's something about gacha/mmo droprates or eat the rich occupy wall street

>> No.10089847

Announce your marriage with me already marine

>> No.10089850

Illegally based.

>> No.10089853

>iname collab cancelled
how do i feel about this? It's not ame who doesn't approach ina but it's ina who rejects her.

>> No.10089854

she's so precious

>> No.10089858
File: 454 KB, 985x760, 1625794241162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess you could say... the game was DOOMED to be rescheduled to an unspecific date.

>> No.10089861

Never, they will let Ame carry that instead.

>> No.10089863

The guy shouting at people posting Council member. He did so yesterday and got banned but he seems to be evading

>> No.10089864
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1596873541502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is fucking destroying my sides just because it's making me imagine an anon walking down a hall bitching different anons out then stopping to sniff a random Marine ass along the way then going back to business as usual

>> No.10089865

>An actual collab is possible
Shitposters would have a field day

>> No.10089866
Quoted by: >>10090959

head hort

>> No.10089867
Quoted by: >>10089904

Anon Kson is 152cm. Google it her tweet shows up about it.
Meanwhile, Rushia is 167cm irl. Again, google

>> No.10089876
File: 758 KB, 2445x1734, 1628148770772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089908

If you are talking about the models we are seeing right now, then yes. Marine and Rushia are really fucking short.

>> No.10089877

Shut the fuck up and kys already you fucking spammer.

>> No.10089880

It's the soul behind it

>> No.10089883

>Deadbeats keep shitposting Ame
>This happens
The turntables...

>> No.10089886

So the livetranslators got bored out of their mind from looking at this filler and just fucked off huh

>> No.10089887

>ffw years from now
>Mori's graduation stream
>it's just her finally wrapping up Doom

>> No.10089891
File: 2.10 MB, 320x180, mikolmao[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fa7w5a7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089892

At least he got priorities straight.

>> No.10089895
File: 393 KB, 619x596, 1619329862825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blain hort

>> No.10089894

I will cherish Rushia
She doesn't need to think anyway I'm going to give her continuous orgasms

>> No.10089897

What did the numbers mean? Is that referring to their weight in KG?

>> No.10089899


>> No.10089900
Quoted by: >>10089918

Mods are fucking useless
Though if it's this councill spammer's way of forcing me to close the thread and focus on streams then I'd say he's doing a great fucking job

>> No.10089903


>> No.10089904

That's why I said canonical and not actual, like anon asked. It was obvious that Coco's height did match up with K***'s.

>> No.10089907

Rushia is a DND Sorcerer, ‘cause she’s way too Baka to be a Wizard.

>> No.10089908

Rushia rm is 167cm...

>> No.10089911

Rushia is terrifyingly cute.

>> No.10089912

Why is Ame like this?

>> No.10089913
Quoted by: >>10089990

You really think a japanese man is 192cm? Or that Coco a hapa woman actually is 180cm?

>> No.10089917


>> No.10089918

Nah, just report and don’t unhide basically

>> No.10089923


>> No.10089926
File: 211 KB, 1080x1080, 1632021009708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090067

I love her too!

>> No.10089928
File: 111 KB, 263x309, 1623489549448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alright deadbeats, it can happen to everyone, I hope for the speedy recovery.

>> No.10089929
File: 3.39 MB, 3840x1080, 1631168348915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10089977

>> No.10089930
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 1627782607471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When with the core games shilling stop please?

>> No.10089932
Quoted by: >>10089991

Oh fair enough
I mean theyd have to be right?
Dunno if they can up/downscale at will

>> No.10089938
File: 37 KB, 413x395, 1601729362805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089939

what the fuck take your meds but also based

>> No.10089940

I think so too!

>> No.10089945
Quoted by: >>10090001

I want to shitpost about mori
But no one cares at this point

>> No.10089946

it's unironically better....

>> No.10089947

>marine's movement reminds me of Strive characters' movements

>> No.10089962
Quoted by: >>10090039

This 3D collab is even more scuffed than EN's anniversary and it ain't even kino. Who the fuck is Cover hiring?

>> No.10089964

>Rushis just turns her back and walks away

>> No.10089965

Rushia is so tiny, I just want to pick her up and swing her around

>> No.10089970
Quoted by: >>10090004

Flare is powerful

>> No.10089972
Quoted by: >>10089986

>Mori cancels streams
>Ame cancels streams

>> No.10089974
File: 1001 KB, 849x1200, 739CE42F-3B96-4D1E-B15A-48517122D8EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10089975

I unironically blame Ame for this

>> No.10089977

is it just me not paying attention recently, but doesn't it look like Enma, Jenma and J-Chad have lost presence (they aren't mentioned as much if at all) recently.

>> No.10089982
File: 578 KB, 2048x1448, 1630647574979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10089984

This current stream was directed by management, while that one wasn't. Marine's soap opera was overflowing with soul as she was the mind behind it

>> No.10089986


>> No.10089990

Both are possible

>> No.10089991

I accidentally a word.
I meant "obvious that Coco's height did NOT match"
The models can be different sizes from the actresses. They can have varying proportions as well. Look at Flare's incredibly long sexy legs.

>> No.10089995

That's because most of them are replaced

>> No.10089996

Flare is too powerful

>> No.10089999
File: 316 KB, 368x374, 14534254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time?

>> No.10090000
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare strong.

>> No.10090001

shitpost about flat mori and her genmates

>> No.10090003


>> No.10090004

I've been staring disrespectfully at her long legs all this time

>> No.10090005

Peko is least sexy confirmed

>> No.10090008


>> No.10090009
File: 1023 KB, 980x551, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090035

nice numbers peko

>> No.10090010
File: 125 KB, 293x294, 1625019460938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Mythrape?

>> No.10090012

Pekora... lost...

>> No.10090015

Did flare just blush?

>> No.10090014

Flare is powerful...

>> No.10090013

I voted for pekora out of pitty, her's was quite poor compared to the others.

>> No.10090016
File: 105 KB, 236x313, 1632053791934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Really looking forward to Mumei, Fauna and Sana interacting with Myth this week
>None of them have Myth collabs
>Bae is playing the fucking dumbass bomb game

>> No.10090018
File: 789 KB, 1075x1210, rwjb09qw0go71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090017
File: 140 KB, 301x330, waaaa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fde.catbox.moe%2Fakufrm.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making a bomb made with her stomach acid? Ame did it first.
Counting stream? Ame did it first.
Vtubing? Ame did it first.
Being my girlfriend? Ame did it first.

>> No.10090021

Does Hololive have anything to offer outside of breast humor?

>> No.10090027

Everyone is agreeing on making Flare win this kek
I hope she reach 1M this year

>> No.10090032

Good god, I want to shove my face into their butts

>> No.10090035


>> No.10090037

Kiara still mentions Jenma quite a lot, with her notably going to Germany to help Kiara at Dokomi

>> No.10090039

>aint even kino
Rushia just walked off the fucking screen to return into a group hug that bevan to girate
"aint kino" shut the fuck up

>> No.10090042
File: 1.93 MB, 410x622, slideshow[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgd735o.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090067

>marine is 5 FPS

>> No.10090043

I bet its probably because Omega's the public head now, the girls were just told not to talk about all the management so they can work behind the covers

>> No.10090044

I have no idea what and why flare won but they are all cute

>> No.10090045

Mio's 3D avatar was rigged wrong and is much taller than it should be

>> No.10090047

>have bunnygirl design
>no one wants to fuck you as much as your genmates

>> No.10090050
Quoted by: >>10090082

I don't know why, but gen 3 is so fun to watch do whatever. I wish they did more stuff together.

>> No.10090051
Quoted by: >>10090088

I prefer this stream actually. The EN one was too much showing off the 3d, this stream is just the 5 having fun together throughout the entire stream.

>> No.10090052

Head hort

>> No.10090053

>A small boy appears in front of you
Noel control yourself!

>> No.10090054


>> No.10090061

the gura moomey mc chat interaction made me want to see how thatd turn out

>> No.10090063
File: 61 KB, 995x323, pottery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of how they still triumph despite all the odds against them.
And Myth is all about succeeding despite the odds.

>> No.10090069
File: 396 KB, 876x1200, tied.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.10090067

>Low quality posts

>> No.10090070
Quoted by: >>10090135

Except for Sana being on break, here’s nothing stopping the other 2 from doing more Minecraft drop ins. Bomb game may be a boom boom reference.

>> No.10090074

This is incorrect
I will literally not stop having sex with her

>> No.10090080

You spoke too soon.

>> No.10090081

why would they need anything else? its the breast humour after all, badum tsss

>> No.10090082

Natural entertainers

>> No.10090084

Noel is a pedo

>> No.10090088
Quoted by: >>10090153

>this stream is just the 5 having fun together throughout the entire stream.

And the EN stream wasn't??? How retarded can u be

>> No.10090091

>first karaoke is also first members only karaoke

>> No.10090092

Is Noel legitimately a paedophile?

>> No.10090094

You arent?

>> No.10090098
File: 476 KB, 925x1200, Pekora 11 91989138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gagged holo love!

>> No.10090100

Marine... talks so fast...

>> No.10090103

Some things are inevitable.

>> No.10090102

She's like retarded daughter, really. She also does literally no lewds unironically: everyone else in 3rd gen does except maybe Flare (but she doesn't have to)

>> No.10090104
File: 135 KB, 689x1134, 3F90C486-32C4-49CE-94DC-9860EB5A5121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10090106

their best

>> No.10090115
File: 247 KB, 850x1223, 1629238115925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090138

>> No.10090120
Quoted by: >>10090168

Subnautica thumbnails...

>> No.10090121
File: 2.21 MB, 466x606, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Faczl9k.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090186


>> No.10090124
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x1000, 403024F7-2662-438D-BDB5-515CD6E88D0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting jimmies on a slice of buttered toast

The fuck is wrong with Aussies?

>> No.10090126


>> No.10090130
Quoted by: >>10090171

What is human breeder doing?

>> No.10090131

*sniff her pits* *licks it afterwards*

>> No.10090133


>> No.10090135

Yeah but in MC it would just lead to unvoiced interactions. I want to here the dumbasses on voice together having a laugh. Mumei needs to be in a call with you to activatly lower your IQ

>> No.10090136
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1606080600033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flares calls Obasan
>"No Onee-san"

>> No.10090137
File: 294 KB, 642x500, E57OFh-VkAAqj5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090139

The hell is a jimmy? Do aussies hunt down people called jimmy?

>> No.10090138

Literally me.

>> No.10090140

It is quite likely that Kiara's portal building collab on the 27th is with either Sana or Mumei, as they are the ones most likely to have asked her for help due to their poor Minecraft skills

>> No.10090141
Quoted by: >>10090168

>she doesn't have to

>> No.10090143
Quoted by: >>10090154

Yeah, pet me. Tell me I'm a good little boy you kind little mommy slut

>> No.10090149
File: 247 KB, 1080x1201, 1631230563027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090186

>> No.10090152

Why do you call them jimmies?

>> No.10090153

Not him, but the EN one was boring at times when showing off the props and rooms. The anniversary is better overall due to the emotions of it being an anniversary.

>> No.10090154
File: 287 KB, 627x623, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkozchp.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090156

Noel will win this one

>> No.10090157

Do you think miko will ever get tired of people making fun of her lisp?

>> No.10090158
Quoted by: >>10090498

Pekora's too retarded to be sexy. I see her as more the little sister you want to cheer on rather than an erotic bunny girl that I want to fuck. She just doesn't have any crazy sex appeal and that's okay because the rest of her gen can cover that role.

>> No.10090164
File: 631 KB, 726x540, 1619715312510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Robert invites festival to Bar Robel stream, basically a normal zatsu but they can drink alcohol because it's a bar
>Matsuri gets drunk, start rambling about wanting a big bro who spoils her, gives her presents and bathes and sleeps with her
>Tells him if he wants the roll minus the bathing part
>He dodges falling into every pit she sets as best as he can
>She starts crying, he apologies for making her cry
>No one was allowed to drink alcohol at his bar after that, only exception being Rikka in his 3D debut
>Collab mostly with girls from other companies
And in a sad but funny twist of events he becomes a toy for Animare, Ninji girls and other companies.

>> No.10090165
File: 1.11 MB, 1262x1586, 92756895_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090186

Sugar and sometimes cinnamon are better choices

>> No.10090166

There's literally nothing wrong with an older woman trying to pork a little boy. It's acceptable in society. Fubuki and Mio have talked about it as well.

>> No.10090167

How was Inaollie chess battle? Should I watch the vod?

>> No.10090168

you sure she does them herself? and even if, she never goes above that, literally no hornyposting
she may joke about it occasionally, but compared to Rushia, Marine and Noel - it's no surprise she's not seen as anything but retarded cute funny daughter
She's tall, cool and stacked.

>> No.10090170

Rushia was pretty powerful

>> No.10090171

Talking about his 3D in three days plus regular stuff

>> No.10090174

Get well soon, Moririn

>> No.10090173

It's called fairy bread you uncultured swine.

>> No.10090175

I will have you know that noone wants to fuck Flare
They want her to fuck them instead

>> No.10090176
File: 1003 KB, 771x900, 1607678378508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090186

...you mean hundreds and thousands mate?
It's a fast and easy party food. Perfect for kids.

>> No.10090177
File: 342 KB, 2047x1152, E_uZ3ChUUAoaKxe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090184
File: 589 KB, 396x360, cat [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F591fja.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090218

stream theme

>> No.10090186
Quoted by: >>10090231

>Not talking about streams
And they call me a schizo LMAO how ironic

>> No.10090192
Quoted by: >>10090286

>gen 3 is suppose to be the semen demon gen
>i want to sex gen 0 instead
Bros? What does this mean???

>> No.10090193
Quoted by: >>10090222

Nugget what??? The whole point was seeing them move around and have fun in 3D why wouldn't them interacting with the rooms each individually modeled after them be fun. U r in the extremes of extreme minority here

>> No.10090195

>3 menhera
>2 retards
>3 autists
>5 workaholics
>3 inkya
>1 commushyou
>1.5 femcel
>4 hikki
This is why they wield the power that they do, btw

>> No.10090198


>> No.10090199

Spit it out! Fuck

>> No.10090201
File: 197 KB, 330x301, 1618705637309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090202
File: 243 KB, 598x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking based

>> No.10090204
File: 1.39 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug Rushia

>> No.10090205

They're called sprinkles. Eitherway, Aussies call them Hundreds and thousands.

>> No.10090207


>> No.10090208

Rushia, I kneel...for a hug

>> No.10090211


>> No.10090213

>kids dont like pokemon nowadays
Good, fuck that franchise

>> No.10090214


>> No.10090216
Quoted by: >>10090277

Collab ban is up so they’re now allowed to be in discord calls together. Mumei also might be the one who asked Kiara for MC help but that might be next week.

>> No.10090218
Quoted by: >>10090234

I swear I've heard this music before

>> No.10090217

I'm watching it now 5 minutes in and it's Ollie explaining the rules of chess to Ina.

>> No.10090219

Fuck off with your whore, I'm talking to Flare.

>> No.10090220


>> No.10090221


>> No.10090222
Quoted by: >>10090253

Well yeah, EN fans are the majority here. That is no surprise at all.

>> No.10090224

>Rushia wins the onee-chan award
I am confus

>> No.10090227

does pako ever sleep?

>> No.10090230

Pako needs to be stopped.

>> No.10090231

I don't know who you are but this EN2 spam when literally none of them are streaming is slightly annoying.

>> No.10090233

They are playing with the props, the room & each other.
This one might as well use blank background. Hell, even Ame's first interrogation collab is better than this.

>> No.10090234


>> No.10090237

How are you so fucking unsexy Peko?

>> No.10090239

she reduced gura to mispelling simple single words as a way to communicate, via just mc chat

>> No.10090240
Quoted by: >>10090289

Is this true?

>> No.10090244


>> No.10090245


>> No.10090247
Quoted by: >>10090270

>splitschizo is back
Just rangeban him meidos

>> No.10090248


>> No.10090249

>3 menhera

>> No.10090250
Quoted by: >>10090265

When will Pegora win?

>> No.10090252


>> No.10090253

Extreme minority in finding that boring anon

>> No.10090254

Pekora's numbers...

>> No.10090257
File: 855 KB, 831x924, 1631591451232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090453

I need my mommy~

>> No.10090260
Quoted by: >>10090285

How is anon such a fag?

>> No.10090262
File: 614 KB, 2600x3804, 20210920_040444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10090264

Fuck you, I love Pokemon

>> No.10090265

Not this one.

>> No.10090266
Quoted by: >>10090307

>most popular JP gen can't even get 100k on a 3D group collab


>> No.10090267

He grows stronger the longer he stays awake.

>> No.10090270

For the meantime just laugh at his samefagging

>> No.10090274
Quoted by: >>10090319

>>OP commushyou

>> No.10090275

comedian, puriz andastand

>> No.10090277

I can't really see Mumei + Kiara being a good collab duo. I feel like they're too different.

>> No.10090279

Rushia wins this one as well for sure

>> No.10090282


>> No.10090285

Number's don't lie here anon

>> No.10090286

Bro they are your typical Fantasy RPG party, they are meant for epic and fun adventure, not fucking

>> No.10090288

Go to bed, kid.

>> No.10090289
Quoted by: >>10090350

There is a decline I believe

>> No.10090287

Are you a kid anon?

>> No.10090290

7 minutes in. Ina hangs her queen and Ollie explains how that tends to be a bad idea

>> No.10090291


>> No.10090294
Quoted by: >>10090310

>FBK liked this on twitter
Not like this is news. I want to see if Gura likes it.

>> No.10090299

I fucking swear I saw Pekora's nip slip

>> No.10090301

It was cute but nothing special

>> No.10090307

I'm not subscribed to hololive channel, I didnt know there was a stream going on until I came here

>> No.10090308

They’re doing it specifically because of the schizo complaining about it nonstop
He was banned for it yesterday but is evading

>> No.10090309

Should never have given up the reps...

>> No.10090310

She didn't quote retweet it with :eyes:? That's surprising.

>> No.10090312
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, BirdNoises[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frd2ygg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10090314
File: 782 KB, 831x851, E276546B-D12B-4E95-A325-1F0BDFB86BFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting or talking about council members is spam
Weird hill to die on, but at least you’re fucking dead.

>> No.10090316

>not having epic fun and then fucking them

>> No.10090318

gee i wonder if all the whiskey and energy drinks had anything to do with this

>> No.10090319

Pekora is the only one who ghosts hard enough to justify the downgrade from just autist to full blown cummyshyou

>> No.10090321

this nipple? me

>> No.10090320


>> No.10090323

I've seen at least 3 so far

>> No.10090326

I think I just saw Rushia spats

>> No.10090327
File: 2.64 MB, 448x292, guak[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw0u07.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090453

It's hard to get a good feel for Mumei's personality. My instinct is that she might go with Mori better than anyone else.

>> No.10090325

(You’re talking to him, it’s a samefag)

>> No.10090330
File: 204 KB, 850x1347, __hakos_baelz_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_dayshiart__sample-78d5a26ea06025377424756e733e1b06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be confiscating this image slot

>> No.10090331

there's nothing wrong with posting images of holos that aren't currently streaming

>> No.10090332

Probably not at first, but it will at least be fun to see Mumei being put outside of her comfort zone

>> No.10090335
Quoted by: >>10090437

>Rushia's skirt is gone

>> No.10090336

Start again.

>> No.10090337


>> No.10090339
File: 2.16 MB, 428x240, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F77eegt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090342

sauce on this thicc botan?

>> No.10090343


>> No.10090347

Post her dick.

>> No.10090348
Quoted by: >>10090470

It's literally one fucking guy who's been ban evading for days
If the meidos had any fucking spine he would've been rangebanned already but that is the state of our current board

>> No.10090346
File: 336 KB, 524x716, 1619338073406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090349


>> No.10090350

Hopefully tpc will start to turn up the difficulty in their games then

>> No.10090352

But that's not what happens in my fantasy doujins?

>> No.10090353
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, __usada_pekora_houshou_marine_and_don_chan_hololive_drawn_by_hong_hongcha__81989c31479329732fcca8c18074785e[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpjjoin.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10090356


>> No.10090358

Kiara will probably treat her like a retarded daughter. Kinda close to how she treats Gura but a lot softer because she’s a younger gen.

>> No.10090360
File: 241 KB, 444x383, 1607270444351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10091001

God, when I think about it, that fucking game has been going around for more than a full year now and she still never completed it.
This is getting ridiculous at this point.

>> No.10090362
File: 212 KB, 480x480, mna [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flsqlvp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090361
File: 223 KB, 1181x1446, 1630974708534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090453

>> No.10090366
File: 179 KB, 1183x1079, 1614588546529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stole this image slot for Mel!!!

>> No.10090367
File: 2.25 MB, 474x470, we're gonna miss you[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhlo3vd.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>10090453

>> No.10090372


>> No.10090373

Can I get a soundpost of her humming big blue yesterday

>> No.10090375


>> No.10090376

Anon, don't reply to the samefagging schizo...

>> No.10090377

menhara noel...

>> No.10090378


>> No.10090379

Autism speaks

>> No.10090381

What in the goddamn fuck? Did noel just have a stroke?

>> No.10090383

If we only posted pictures of holos who are currently streaming, then nobody would post Ayame anymore

>> No.10090384
Quoted by: >>10090416

>menhera fit
Danchou please. Hers actually scare me.

>> No.10090385

>your oshi
>the size of your Hololive folder

>> No.10090390
Quoted by: >>10090431

Noel kowai..

>> No.10090393


>> No.10090394

I went away for a moment did they announce something?

>> No.10090396

senchou's height and thickness is just perfect no wonder she riles me up

>> No.10090399


>> No.10090400

4 inches

>> No.10090402
Quoted by: >>10090431

Noel scares me

>> No.10090404

Rushia is too powerful...

>> No.10090405

Rushia is way too dangerous.

>> No.10090410

My wallet is opening...

>> No.10090412
Quoted by: >>10090451

This thread wouldn't exist without these Japanese women anon.
There ARE wrong opinions. Your opinion of you not liking them in this thread? It's a wrong opinion. It's something a normal person would recommend therapy to get over.
You...you do realize that, right?

>> No.10090413


>> No.10090416
Quoted by: >>10090462

Her's and Rushia's are legit scary. Marine just sounds super desperate

>> No.10090417

You can't out menhera Noel

>> No.10090418

well, voting for pekora again out of pity as she will probably be at the bottom again

>> No.10090419

so whats the announcement did I miss it?

>> No.10090427
Quoted by: >>10090471

240MB but I'm also super disorganized and don't have all my pics in one folder

>> No.10090429

what does Pekora's butt feels like?

>> No.10090431

I know right? She sounds like a genuine looney sometimes. The aggressive unpredictible type you shouldn't underestimate just because she's a woman.

>> No.10090432


>> No.10090433

Stop replying to the samefagging baiting schizo ffs

>> No.10090435

I didn't actually expect this to take up the hour.
Game shows do eat up a lot of time huh.

>> No.10090437

Rushia has so much lewd fanart (probably the most out of hololive barring Marine) that unironically complaining about this is a bit strange. You can see Rushia's thighs and ass practically everywhere at this point, and her artists' Pixiv is a great place to start.

>> No.10090441

But what if Danchou was actually menhera?

>> No.10090446


>> No.10090450

Sharp and bony

>> No.10090451
Quoted by: >>10090493

what the fuck are you trying to say? every holo belongs in these threads

>> No.10090453

Not him but why are you spamming?

>> No.10090455

As funny as that is, I think there's probably a balance between literally never posting them and posting them on cooldown, but apparently it has something to do with another spammer that I'm not aware of so I'll just ignore it.

>> No.10090457

>tits on stream
>am content
Thank you hololive

>> No.10090459

pretty sure she broke two keyboards live

>> No.10090461


>> No.10090462

Rushia’s Yandere is “Murder-suicide”.

Noel? Will kill the girl you looked at, and then stash her head to your bed, so you can look at her one last time before you get bludgeoned to dead.

>> No.10090463

>rushia wins again

>> No.10090464

All me

>> No.10090465

Wow Peko wasn't last.

>> No.10090468

Im kinda of the oppai jokes

>> No.10090469


>> No.10090470

during the day its moomey and fauna gosling 'its just not the same' spamnigger during the night its the 'council is spam' seanigger
It really is all so tiresome

>> No.10090471

7.84 GB apparently

>> No.10090474

Well that one was obvious

>> No.10090475
Quoted by: >>10090495

What do these numbers mean? Their weight in pounds?

>> No.10090478

The fuck, I gave that vote to Marine as a pity vote

>> No.10090481


>> No.10090485
Quoted by: >>10090512

There's some version of this soundpost that says "Market's Closed" or something in the back. Is there any context to that or is it just something random.

>> No.10090487

Why do we have a splitschizo? This isn't /jp/. You can just make an EN2 thread if you want.

>> No.10090492
Quoted by: >>10090514

Does Pekora have a giant face or Rushia a tiny one?

>> No.10090493
Quoted by: >>10090520

I know but you would only spam images when JP start getting talked about en masse if you didn't like JP

>> No.10090495
Quoted by: >>10090525

The times I came inside them

>> No.10090496

Anon, I...

>> No.10090498

She hits a strike zone similar to Shion for me. That smug brat you want to punish with your dick.

>> No.10090500

Already 50mins, where is the announcement!!!
It better be new outifts or maybe something better like UMISEA PVs

>> No.10090502

I will quote this when he gets banned and this post gets mysteriously deleted too

>> No.10090507

I agree with him though Councill fags rather shit up the thread than watching streams

>> No.10090511
Quoted by: >>10090596

They're not here to talk about holos or stream but just to stir shit. Otherwise they would at least try to contribute to discussions but nah, just filling up image slots with spam.

>> No.10090512

Probably something NASFAQ related.

>> No.10090514

maybe Rushia model is scaled down

>> No.10090515

Stop the fucking drumrolls you fuckers. It keeps making me think that they are making the announcement.

>> No.10090518

>find out i actually have 3d collab playing in 2 windows
>mute 1 windows
>not a slightest difference

>> No.10090520
Quoted by: >>10090602

good thing no one is doing that, not giving you any more (you)s

>> No.10090525

>Noel sub-100

>> No.10090526

pekora lasts place...

>> No.10090527


>> No.10090530


>> No.10090531
Quoted by: >>10090547

What does Pekora have under her tights?

>> No.10090532

>110 billion people have died
>7 billion people are alive
fandead are too strong, we can't compete...

>> No.10090535

Peko....... you numbers......

>> No.10090534


>> No.10090541


>> No.10090543

Peko losing at everything is just too funny. Keep it up guys.

>> No.10090545


>> No.10090547


>> No.10090549


>> No.10090550
Quoted by: >>10090611

No EN is on, half the people here aren't watching a stream anyway

>> No.10090551

She can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.10090556
Quoted by: >>10090662

>Tokyo Dome

>> No.10090557

I would be more surprised if her nip doesn’t slip in that outfit. There’s literally nothing to keep her outfit on her body. You can easily pull all of her outfit down and she would be naked

>> No.10090562

Sure would be great to have an imageslot left for that announce

>> No.10090561

>Hololive Fantasy
Ripping off TTRPG

>> No.10090560


>> No.10090563


>> No.10090566


>> No.10090568

oh shit nice

>> No.10090569


>> No.10090572


>> No.10090576
Quoted by: >>10090662


>> No.10090575


>> No.10090574

>Tokyo Dome city hall
Nice venue

>> No.10090577

>white Flare

>> No.10090578

3rd gen live!

>> No.10090579
Quoted by: >>10090662


>> No.10090583
Quoted by: >>10090662

>Tokyo Dome
Holy shit.

>> No.10090585

Tokyo dome wow

>> No.10090588
Quoted by: >>10090627

>Flare is whitewashed

>> No.10090587


>> No.10090589


>> No.10090590
Quoted by: >>10090680

I like how peko is always front in center as the leader and she is more the funny side kick everyone makes fun of.

>> No.10090592
Quoted by: >>10090662

sugoi tokyo dome

>> No.10090596

>8 seconds apart
So there’s two of these retards, or he owns a smart fridge?

>> No.10090600

Firm but squishy, like raw chicken.

>> No.10090602

Yes you are, you not giving me any more You's is just because you're desperate to get back to trying to hurt JP Holos like always

>> No.10090603
Quoted by: >>10090633

>Rushia has tits in the official art
Welp, we gad a good run.

>> No.10090611

I'm watching Ina's vod from last night

>> No.10090612

>Tokyo Dome
Cover is a small indie company please understand

>> No.10090613

im breaking into japan

>> No.10090616
Quoted by: >>10090695

Tokyo Dome's a big venue, isn't it?

>> No.10090618

Is tokyo dome big deal?

>> No.10090619
Quoted by: >>10090640

>wake up
>holo ch has 95k viewers

>> No.10090621

Nov 25th!
Is Tokyo Dome city hall different from Tokyo Dome?

>> No.10090622

>tokyo dome
oh my

>> No.10090624

>tokyo dome
this is where all the EN supachats went

>> No.10090623

Watch this event get cancelled due to another COVID lockdown in Japan.

>> No.10090625

>Gura is addicted to energy drinks, get constant migraines
>Mori is addicted to energy drinks, gets a migraine

>> No.10090627

Don’t worry, it’s just my cum. It’ll wash right off.

>> No.10090629


>> No.10090632


>> No.10090633

Vaxx side effect

>> No.10090636


>> No.10090635
Quoted by: >>10090667

It's Tokyo Dome City Hall, not the Tokyo Dome, guys

>> No.10090634

>two months away
shits gonna get cancelled

>> No.10090638

Tokyo Dome? Small time. Myth could fill up every seat in the Rungrado 1st of May Stadium

>> No.10090640

All me!

>> No.10090642
Quoted by: >>10090679


>> No.10090648
Quoted by: >>10090737


>> No.10090651


>> No.10090652

lmao hideous shirt

>> No.10090653

One of the biggest in japan

>> No.10090655
Quoted by: >>10090713

Yes, it's way smaller

>> No.10090656

that merch is ass

>> No.10090654


>> No.10090657

Fuck off cancer

>> No.10090658

both are not me
you just have to understand no one likes councill raid

>> No.10090659

>actual light sticks
lets go?

>> No.10090662
Quoted by: >>10090686


>> No.10090661

That's actually a neat shirt

>> No.10090663

What the hell is this shitty shirt design?

>> No.10090665
Quoted by: >>10090761

Maybe they will let Kiara do a stream watching and translating it

>> No.10090667

what is the diference?

>> No.10090670

I want Flare to give me dome in tokyo

>> No.10090676

Yeah it's doomed from the fucking start

>> No.10090677

Obviously, now stop giving them attention

>> No.10090679

Peko and her best friend.

>> No.10090680
Quoted by: >>10090726

I thought Marine is the supposed leader of the group? Pekora is the party’s half animal character

>> No.10090681


>> No.10090685

holds 3,100 people

>> No.10090686

they got me...

>> No.10090687

Nice merch!

>> No.10090689

Tokyo Dome City is the theme park next to Tokyo Dome

>> No.10090688

Look at this FUCKING NERD

>> No.10090695
Quoted by: >>10090714

One of the biggest in the country.
Like, Michael Jackson big

>> No.10090698

The biggest underground arena in the world was built down there

>> No.10090699


>> No.10090701

If only they got those outfits instead of the normal idol ones.

>> No.10090706

Flare looks normal

>> No.10090712

I love Pokemon but I want it to become unpopular so they actually try when making games

>> No.10090713

Just searched google yeah around 3.5k compared to 50k Tokyo Dome

>> No.10090714

>Michael Jackson

>> No.10090716

It's not Tokyo Dome, it's Tokyo Dome City Hall, which is the same size as Toyosu PIT (3100 capacity when not spaced out due to coof)

>> No.10090718


>> No.10090722


>> No.10090723

The most expensive place you can hire to hold an event afaik. FGO hired it completely for their 5th anniversary

>> No.10090725

Tokyo Dome City Hall is at Tokyo Dome City Hall
Tokyo Dome is at Tokyo Dome

>> No.10090726

I mean she is really, but Peko think's she is the MC and Marine just let's her roll with it cause it's funny.

>> No.10090729

They should retire those idol outfits. It looks like shit

>> No.10090730
Quoted by: >>10090951

Vro. It's just the tokyo dome city hall, not THE tokyo dome.

>> No.10090731

Welp, Kiara is certainly doing a watchalong like she said in her members stream if the announcement turned out to be a concert.

>> No.10090734

>cillschizo is back
man these days have not been good

>> No.10090737

>Rushia has boobs
WTF is this blasphemy

>> No.10090740
Quoted by: >>10090782

>3d lives left and right
jp doing good with the coof?

>> No.10090741

why does the entrance look like a bad strip mall entrance but the aerial view looks like a massive stadium

>> No.10090742

And how many people does the other one hold?

>> No.10090745

guys, your reading reps please

>> No.10090746
Quoted by: >>10090823

They might get these outfits. They go all out for the paid lives afterall.

>> No.10090749

Miracle Gen couldn’t even break 100k with all of this hype

>> No.10090751


>> No.10090752

It's going to be a physical live, no stream. Coof permitting.

>> No.10090755

I can’t read.

>> No.10090756

paddo da

>> No.10090759

Why is Flare white?

>> No.10090761

Kiara will definitely do that. She got lots of thanks and praise for her translating the Gen 1 letters and messages from From1st. Cover won’t sponsor her for it though but A-chan will retweet.

>> No.10090764

Oh god the screaming..

>> No.10090768

tokyo dome = 55000
tokyo dome city hall = 3000

>> No.10090769

Based, I'll watch it if Kiara is watching it.

>> No.10090773


>> No.10090774

it's on the 25th

>> No.10090777

Shouldn't Teamates be Vergil and Deadbeats be Dante? I'm a Dantefag...

>> No.10090776
Quoted by: >>10090816

About 50000

>> No.10090778

>no stream
How am i supposed to watch it from the other side of the planet?

>> No.10090779
Quoted by: >>10090859

Kiara doesn't care about pekora anymore. She just sees her as a colleague now.

>> No.10090781

No, there is a stream. On spwn and niconico. Cover knows how much money the live streams print, they're not going to stop them.

>> No.10090782

Sounds like vaccines are ramping up finally.

>> No.10090784
Quoted by: >>10090821

Kanta doing RFA?
is kanata sexy enough for this?

>> No.10090786

For some reason I feel like the girls had a say in the design of what they looked like....

>> No.10090788

close enough

>> No.10090789

The important question is, will Noel get to sing Shaka Beach?

>> No.10090790
Quoted by: >>10090844

Niji held an 8k venue concert packed with no space in between the audience.

>> No.10090793


>> No.10090795

It's a full size baseball stadium, in a concert configuration (with people on the stands and the ground level) it's ~70k

>> No.10090796
Quoted by: >>10090826

link to the merch pls

>> No.10090800

Shall be watching

>> No.10090798

The dome itself is a baseball stadium.

>> No.10090797

I'll make sure to watch with her but only unmute her when they're talking about stuff.

>> No.10090804
Quoted by: >>10090833

there are literally stream tickets on the website

>> No.10090805
Quoted by: >>10090860

the fight to get live ticket will be tough

>> No.10090812
Quoted by: >>10090833

aren't physical concerts usually streamed too?

>> No.10090815

Even if it's smaller, it sounds like a premium venue, so they're certainly not cutting corners

>> No.10090816

Jezas... in that line of thought, what happened with watame and budokan?

>> No.10090821
Quoted by: >>10090837

Fuck no, she will legit make guerilla grunts well playing. It will be very funny at least.

>> No.10090823

>They might get these outfits.
If Rushia grows tits I'm filing for divorce

>> No.10090826
Quoted by: >>10090862


>> No.10090829
Quoted by: >>10090878

She was fine during Bloom. The first time seeing Pekora perform during Beyond the Stage is what got to her.

>> No.10090830

big plans! for the future!

>> No.10090833

Nvm I'm retarded and hadn't clicked the link

>> No.10090835

There's going to be a stream too, sounded like on Nicovideo.

>> No.10090837

that sounds sexy

>> No.10090841

Time to start putting some cash to the side for the next two months.

>> No.10090842

Can't save everyone. Just be glad Hope and Council saved another batch of girls.

>> No.10090844
Quoted by: >>10090924

Go back nijinigger

>> No.10090846

why are their models so laggy today?

>> No.10090848

>3k max audience
COVER is underselling gen 3. They can pull at least 3 times that

>> No.10090850

Time to win a ticket, fly around half the globe and become fluent in nihongo in abot 6 weeks.

>> No.10090853


>> No.10090856

They announced prices for tickets and for streaming

>> No.10090857

Has NND updated their interface or does it still look like a website from 15 years ago?

>> No.10090859

More like she's a jealous little BIATCH who can't handle not having Pekora all to herself all the time

>> No.10090860

The tickets are done by lottery, so it's luck rather than speed.

>> No.10090862

>100 bucks for a tshirt, penlight and towel
What the fuck?

>> No.10090863

I'm glad my love live seiyuu reps granted me the knowledge of these venues. Man, if they ever manage to do a saitama super arena live I'll do my best to win the chuusen

>> No.10090864

Covid is still a thing, anon.

>> No.10090873

What other venues are there in tokyo?

>> No.10090874

did i dream new holomyth outfit announcement?

>> No.10090875

>3 times
More like 10 times

>> No.10090876

It's as what you think...

>> No.10090878

I still remember Lamy crying during one of the performances at Beyond the Stage. I think it might've been Happy Synthesizer but I don't remember

>> No.10090886

I will save them...

>> No.10090888


>> No.10090890
Quoted by: >>10090918

the stream tickets are FIFTY DOLLARS?

>> No.10090892


>> No.10090894

Being an idol fan is definitely not a hobby for poor people.

>> No.10090899
Quoted by: >>10090958

The thing with the Budokan is it's only got a capacity of 14,000, but it's incredibly prestigious. Even though hololive probably could sell it out if they really pushed the tickets, they're vanishingly unlikely to be able to actually get booked there

>> No.10090901

>anything but min
Agreed, ruined.

>> No.10090903

Just use spwn instead if you want to watch it

>> No.10090905

It's going to sell out in fucking seconds. Good to the Jap's trying.

>> No.10090907
Quoted by: >>10090929

Wasn't it supposed to be end of this month or was it moved?

>> No.10090912
Quoted by: >>10090934

bros wtf rushia just got a titjob...

>> No.10090914

This is bullshit

>> No.10090916

Iofi is live everyone!

>> No.10090918

that's the same price as the last 3 times right?

>> No.10090919

The holomyth cups are $20 each. $100 for cups

>> No.10090924
Quoted by: >>10091099

go back election tourist

>> No.10090926

World tour fucking when?

>> No.10090928


>> No.10090929

moved tot he end of next month

>> No.10090933
Quoted by: >>10091077

Nope, they did say on the anniversary that more info would come this month (or that they would be released this month?)
I heard Kiara said something on the member stream tho

>> No.10090934

That explains why the tickets are so expensive.

>> No.10090935


>> No.10090936

Bet's on Rushia getting final say in her design for this?

>> No.10090945

this looks like another person
not even haha pettan, she looks tall as fuck

>> No.10090948


>> No.10090951

Zoomers should be banned

>> No.10090953

>literally just “sit there and enjoy”

>> No.10090956


they did a fucking nice job on the website for it, Cover starting to feel like a real company now

>> No.10090958

So basically the sheep's dream isnt coming true soon? Did they postpone her performance there or something? I legit have no idea what was even supposed to happen or when besides "watame will be at budokan"

>> No.10090959


>> No.10090962

Iofi has a really weird opening

>> No.10090964

>your oshi
>should I masturbate to images of Holos masturbating

>> No.10090968

It's a good 2 months till the concert so things might be less harsh by then.

>> No.10090969

Just get your favorite's then. $80 saved.

>> No.10090973

JWU, what did sankisei announce?

>> No.10090982

damn rushia looks like THIS now??

>> No.10090987

>zero cheering
What's the point of watching an idol performance live if you can't do chants to cheer your oshi...

>> No.10090990

Tapi Tawawa...

>> No.10090991

Yeah no shit, unless they lift them. Watching sumo with these restrictions has been pretty sad from an atmosphere perspective.

>> No.10090992


>> No.10090994

>the "no wotage" picture

>> No.10090996

>Marine told me to do it, so you should to

>> No.10090997

They gave cover the finger and went off to do their own thing.

>> No.10091000

>3 times that
Properly hyped and not super overpriced comparative to idol concerts and I could see them likely hitting 20k easily enough.

Sankisei is not a fucking joke

>> No.10091001

I'm honestly more surprised she hasn't dropped it.

>> No.10090999

rushia silicone implants

>> No.10091003

Girl engaging in self pleasure are the best pics to fap to.

>> No.10091005

all of hololive planned live will be held on roughly 3k venue capacity.
watame : zepp tokyo
suzy: toyosu pit
gen 3: tokyo dome city hall

>> No.10091006

>holos that smoke
Towa, Korone, Suisei, Mori
Did I miss anyone?

>> No.10091007

head hort prease andastan

>> No.10091010

>inb4 sigma phi omega variants

>> No.10091011

Go look for Cute Pregnant Gura in the archive and use that webm

>> No.10091016

My wife
Look what they've done to my wife

>> No.10091015
Quoted by: >>10091066

Her concert next month is at Zepp Tokyo, if that's what you're thinking about. She never had something planned at Budokan afaik.

>> No.10091018

And they don't even have handles. Even if they're ceramic who the fuck calls a cup without a handle a mug???

>> No.10091023
Quoted by: >>10091066

Her going there is a lifetime goal, her solo live is at Zepp Tokyo (another ~3000 seat music hall like Toyosu Pit).

>> No.10091028


>> No.10091032

Covid Omega is gonna fuck up the world even more.

>> No.10091035

They are are for sure the most popular group without a fucking doubt. I feel really fucking bad for the japs trying to get a ticket.

>> No.10091037

5 simultaneous graduations, releasing merch to milk their fans one last time

>> No.10091043
Quoted by: >>10091087

They're already lifting restrictions, there's a good chance most of them will be gone come November.

>> No.10091046

I'm surprised only 3 started after the announcement.

>> No.10091050


>> No.10091055

why did they do it bros?

>> No.10091057

marriage to me

>> No.10091066
Quoted by: >>10091095

Ah, fair enough about it being a lifelong goal, i didnt know about the zepp tokyo one

>> No.10091071

Group sex, with me

>> No.10091077

Kiara said she didn't have any news about when they'd be coming, waiting on management. Ame also spoke about it yesterday, saying "Coming soon (tm)".
So I wouldn't hold your breath.

>> No.10091082

doesn't look like Rushia at all

>> No.10091086

Time to watch baby miko until pekora gets home and streams

>> No.10091087
Quoted by: >>10091137

heard that like 3 times already anon
its dumb to believe the coofcoaster is over until we know for sure

>> No.10091090

so it's going to be a concert that rushia and maybe marine are leading? can the other 3 even sing?

>> No.10091092

Flare and Noel are getting married it seems. Marine the best man.

>> No.10091093

Speaking of concerts, if its like last year, they should announce 3rd Fes next month. Wonder what capacity a full Holo concerts can pull nowadays.

>> No.10091095

October 12th

>> No.10091097
Quoted by: >>10091178

The COVID still exists, this probably Cover's way of testing the waters. If that chink virus is gone, you can expect them to get bigger venues

>> No.10091099
Quoted by: >>10091119

Fuck off Nijinigger

>> No.10091106
Quoted by: >>10091141

Just think by march next year all of HoloEN will have been in Hololive longer than Coco

>> No.10091109


>> No.10091119

Fuck off election tourist

>> No.10091137
Quoted by: >>10091165

Its gonna be up and down with infection rates until its completely over. Just have to hope the concert is during a down period which seems likely.

>> No.10091138


>> No.10091141

Why are you hurting me anon?

>> No.10091144

of course https://streamable.com/kajf2b

>> No.10091143


>> No.10091146

Flare is a better singer than Rushia. Arguably better than Marine too.

>> No.10091148

Anon? Flare is a much better singer then Marine.

>> No.10091150

>30 years later
>still locked down due to SSJ covid blanco
Fuck this shit.

>> No.10091159
Quoted by: >>10091189

What songs can they sing for these kind of lives? Just their own?

>> No.10091161

Flare is a great singer, Pekora is a fun singer, and Noel is a soul singer.

>> No.10091163
Quoted by: >>10091204


>> No.10091165
Quoted by: >>10091198

its so political now i dont think its ever going away ;_;

>> No.10091167

>page 11

>> No.10091173


>> No.10091174

She sure is trying!

>> No.10091175

Flare is the undisputed best singer in Gen 3 lol

>> No.10091179


>> No.10091178

Also the organizers probably being desperate for customers gave them a pretty good deal on that I'd guess.

>> No.10091180


>> No.10091181


>> No.10091182


>> No.10091188


>> No.10091189

They can do covers as well. Most of the big holo concerts have had both originals and covers.

>> No.10091190

They're coming soon. I think they're waiting on the Live2ds to be finished

>> No.10091192

We can make it

>> No.10091193

My matsuri

>> No.10091194


>> No.10091197

sayonara thread...

>> No.10091198

... how is politics effecting the infection rates?

>> No.10091202


>> No.10091204

Can you do it in my stead? I'll be going to sleep

>> No.10091207


>> No.10091209

oh shit oh fuck

>> No.10091210


>> No.10091212


>> No.10091213

