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File: 203 KB, 1280x1024, Daikatana[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1785969 No.1785969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>30 million US Dollars

>> No.1786023

Money well spent as far as amount of entertainment the project generated.

>> No.1786029
File: 128 KB, 717x473, ronpaulbelikethis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786048 >>1786838

>Play through Daikatana
>It's shit
>But there are several moments where greatness shines through
>Really clever and unique level design bits here and there

If Romero just stuck with designing levels instead of managing money and shit this game could have been goddamn amazing. There were tons of great ideas, it's just the execution was off.

>> No.1786048

It's too bad that one misstep fucked over Romero's career to such a degree that he hasn't designed an FPS since. I really think he had a knack for that.

>> No.1786080
Quoted by: >>1805848

It's his own fault for not getting over it and coming back. He could have proved himself and made it back to the community. Hell everybody misses him now.

>> No.1786081

according to "masters of doom", it would seem all Romero has done since Doom was fuck all.

Seriously, what good has he done since Doom? Carmak fired his ass because all he did all day was play Doom while everyone was working on Doom 2. Then Eidos hands him piles and piles of money and then he proceeds to squander it whilst lavishly decorating his million dollar office.

Meanwhile his good friend Tom Hall busts his ass to make a good game with Ion Storm and so did Warren Spector.

I would imagine it would be hell to work under someone like Romero.

>> No.1786090

According to some interview I saw with Romero on youtube, he claims he designed Quake's level design and everything entirely on his own. He said that after id finished making the engine they were sick of it and he virtually made the entire game by himself, working 7 days a week, all day erry day. Of course it's impossible to know the legitimacy of this claim but that's what he says. I'll try to find the youtube vid...

>> No.1786093
Quoted by: >>1786104 >>1786107

Romero has always been worthless. He's a media whore that once he started riding the wave of Doom checked out of actual hard work and rode the wave of his own hubris.

That reeks of bullshit. What, he suddenly shaped up after the Doom 2 production cycle and became Superman again?

>> No.1786094
Quoted by: >>1786104

I remember that as well. It's in one of the Matt Chat videos I believe.

>> No.1786096
Quoted by: >>1786112

>one misstep

It's not just one game, it was the entire company. Romero should have never been given a blank cheque and supreme control of the company. Everything about Ion Storm was stupid and led to its failure:

>Penthouse suite costing 300,000 a month
>million dollar renovations
>Game room, arcade, theater, all stupid shit no one needs
>Giant team of like 80 or more people
>huge amount of levels, huge amount of enemies, like 4 times the size of Quake
>Not scaling down these ideas and even releasing them as separate "episodes"
>"design is key" is ass backwards: Engine first then see what you can do in that engine
>Redoing the game for the Quake 2 engine. Instead of just shipping the game with the Quake 1 engine
>Manage to blow through 42 million in 3 years
>Famous "bitch" ad

The entire story of Ion Storm is of waste and mismanagment. Romero was a gamer, a programmer and game desginer. He was NOT a project manager or a "biz guy". There should have been several people above Romero making the business decisions. Romero left to his own devices is an idiot. He bought into all that hype about himself as "the father of Doom". Eidos is to blame too for just throwing money at him without ensuring it's properly spent.

Seriously 42 million dollars. That's for all the Ion Storm games, but much of that was Daikatana. I think Daikatana sold less than 200,000 copies too.


If the company had been a joint venture by Tom Hall and Warren Spector, without any Romero it would probably be alive today.

>> No.1786104

Found it:


>> No.1786106
File: 664 KB, 1280x720, cool design romero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786135

I will never forgive him for being responsible for the closure of Looking Glass Studios.

>> No.1786107
Quoted by: >>1786127

>Romero has always been worthless..

thats in line with what the book says.

He actually seemed to be really talented. The problem is, is that Carmak is apparently really hard to work with because he's very meticulous. That and well, pretty much any programmer will feel mediocre when working alongside Carmak. So IIRC, Romero backed off from doing code sometime during Doom's development.

From what I've gathered about Romero, he seems to have been resting on his laurels from Doom and hasnt been able to get his ass in gear since

>> No.1786112
File: 29 KB, 202x480, evenspeedwagon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786127


If publishers blew through tons of cash like that on pointless shit back then, just imagine what it's like today. The amount of bloat, poor/non-existent management and wasted money must be absolutely goddamn insane.

>> No.1786119
Quoted by: >>1786127 >>1798514

I wish Romero and Carmack would come back together for just one more game man ;_;

>> No.1786127


I imagine it's less bad today, with Publishers having tighter control over games. The 90's was the era of vanity game companies led by some "rock star". Their offices were always huge wastes of money filled with stupid shit they didn't need. They always tried too hard to have a "cool" work environment.

>resting on his laurels

After the Ion Storm and Daikatana debackle, no one probably wants to give him any money. It's like some director who made a huge box office bomb who then never directs again.

Which is a total shame. Just hire him as a level designer and designer but have him just as one of the guys on the team and have all sorts of checks on him so he doesn't go off the walls crazy.


Can you imagine? There's been so many big slow military FPS that people would love a fast paced Doom style game.

>> No.1786135
Quoted by: >>1786141

Maybe you should be blaming the financial handlers at Ion Storm instead. John Romero is not the reason LGS closed; not the only one, at any rate.

>> No.1786141
Quoted by: >>1786149

>Maybe you should be blaming the financial handlers at Ion Storm instead.

ie John Romero.

>> No.1786145
Quoted by: >>1789323 >>1791603

Well this video proves that Quake, all in all, was pretty uninspiring in the end despite what all the /vr/ hipsters try to claim. Romero himself admits it wasn't the next level he was hoping for; rather it was simply a 'good' (i.e. acceptable) game. Indeed Quake was rushed and completely boring aesthetically. Level layout can only take you so far when everything else is so utterly sterile.

>> No.1786149
Quoted by: >>1786161 >>1786164

>>Maybe you should be blaming the financial handlers at Ion Storm instead.

>ie John Romero.

Eidos kept throwing money at him every time he asked for more.

>Just hire him as a level designer and designer...

If I ran a studio, never in a million years would I let him do any developing. He's all ego. I doubt he would be able to complete tasks on time and I'm sure he'd do everything HIS way and if you got in his face about it he'd just say "fuck you I made doom"

>> No.1786152
File: 396 KB, 627x469, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this qt doing in a den of neckbeards?


>> No.1786156

In my teens i downloaded this the day it came out. Played it over the weekend as the net had died. MY GOD IT'S SHIT

>> No.1786161

>Eidos kept throwing money at him every time he asked for more.

They were retards too. So it was both of them. I think Eidos believed the hype that Romero was "THE guy who made Doom and Quake". When in reality he was "A leading guy who made Doom and Quake".

"If this genius needs more money, what are we to say no to"

Then, it became an example of cost sunk fallacy. They've sunk millions into Ion Storm and Daikatana. They have to get the game out to recoup their losses. Which means pouring more millions at them.

>> No.1786164
Quoted by: >>1786192


Romero's levels in Doom were the best. A solid reason why Doom II isn't as good, is because Romero hardly did any levels for it.

>> No.1786168

Using the arrow keys like a fucking retard

>> No.1786174


Was that the gamer chick Romero ended up marrying who then got a boob job?

>> No.1786186

Still better than playing Quake with a fucking joystick.

>> No.1786189

Interesting videos. It comforts me since I believe Quake is shit and the only thing good about it is the level design

>> No.1786192
Quoted by: >>1786197 >>1786276

Cute opinion m8. Doom II shits all over Doom.

>> No.1786193
File: 13 KB, 500x452, 1396161884442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw romero and carmack will never make another game
>you will never convince them to meet up where they will have a tearful reunion
>they will never make a new Doom using space age technology Carmack was holding on to just for romero
it hurts

>> No.1786194

>since I believe Quake is shit and the only thing good about it is the level design
Yup. You get it.
Fuck, NESfag, I always agree with your French ass (at least 98% of the time). You should come over one day so I can fuck it.

>> No.1786197

Your opinion is nice too, little buddy.

>> No.1786198
Quoted by: >>1786212

Maybe they'll get back together some day...


I wonder if Romero could still do anything with all the engine advancements in 2014. He's been out of the game so fucking long. What is he even doing now?

>> No.1786206

I'm trying to find a youtube interview or something where Carmack talks about Romero. Can't seem to find squat.

According to Romero he decided to quit id. According to some random youtube commentator, Carmack fired Romero.

I'd really like to know the truth. I'm amazed that I can't find Carmack talking about Romero at all; makes me respect him very much 'cause he's clearly too smart for the trash talk and doesn't want to stoop to that level.

Unless of course there is a video/interview somewhere...

>> No.1786212
Quoted by: >>1786219

I vaguely remember reading on the intertrons like a year or two ago that Romero kinda reached out to Carmack in a way during an interview. I really can't remember how it went, but the gist of it was that Romero would like to work with Carmack again for another game. I never came across a response from Carmack though.

>> No.1786214
Quoted by: >>1786221 >>1786229


Read/listen to Masters of Doom it goes into this extensively. He was fired.

>> No.1786216

>he hasn't designed an FPS since
Check out Area 51.

>> No.1786219

*So Romero is up for it. Carmack however not so much. Besides Carmack has moved on... working on that Oculus stuff now.

Anyway it's not like Carmack has done anything particularly noteworthy himself since idtech3 (which imo was the greatest engine ever made). idtech4 and 5 both sucked balls. We'll see what idtech6 is like. Wonder if he even finished it before leaving for Oculus Rift.

>> No.1786221
Quoted by: >>1786227 >>1786245

Who wrote Masters of Doom? An inside source or just some autist?

>> No.1786223
Quoted by: >>1786240

>Carmack and Jay Wilbur giving an interview
>little nervous but ok
>camera pans out
>they seem to be leaning against a sofa
>camera shows a room full of people, suits mixed up with guys drinking beer
>cat comes by over to Carmack

What is this? Seems awkward as fuck to do an interview like that.

>> No.1786227



It doesn't explicitly say where he got the info. But it seems well researched. It seems to be based on interviews of all those involved, and whatever else he can find.

>> No.1786229
Quoted by: >>1786236

We can't know for sure but the impression I'm getting is Romero was kind of a dick. It seems he pissed everybody else off at id.

>> No.1786236
Quoted by: >>1786253 >>1798510


Oh he totally messed up. Starting with Doom II he slacked off majorly. I don't think they should have fired him though. It hurt the company a lot.

>> No.1786240

This was back in '96 when gaming wasn't nearly the $ensation it is now. Thus there wasn't a smart marketing team there to spruce up the settings for the interview etc.

>> No.1786245
Quoted by: >>1798546

>An inside source or just some autist?

>Although Kushner adopts a novel-like narrative, Masters of Doom is a work of journalism. According to Kushner's notes in the book, it is based on hundreds of interviews conducted over a six-year period. Kushner was an early entrant into the field of video-game journalism, and recycled some of his own original reporting in the book.


I really wish there were other solid books like this too. I want to learn about the development and the people behind the other big games of the era. Duke Nukem 3D, Deus Ex, etc.

>> No.1786253
Quoted by: >>1786270

Yeah... they shouldn't have. Bad move :(

>> No.1786270
Quoted by: >>1787695 >>1798550


They should not have fired Tom Hall too. His ideas weren't working for Doom. So what? Why is clashing on one project = fire his ass? They seem like they were too quick to chuck talented people out. They should have said "okay these are nice ideas. But not for Doom". From the sound of things, he basically wanted to make Half-life years before Half-life. A narrative story and set-piece immersed FPS.

>> No.1786276
Quoted by: >>1786282 >>1786468

>boring tunnels. sewers and abstract cities/sewers that look like shit
>awful use of color palette and lighting
>better than Doom
There is a time to be retarded and this isn't one of them.

>> No.1786282


There's some nice Doom II levels and some awful ones. I like the first two levels a lot. I haaaaaaaaaate a bunch of the ones in the middle that are supposed to be cities but look like nothing.

>> No.1786291

20 years later, is Carmack still mad at Romero?

>> No.1786303

developing software

>> No.1786305
Quoted by: >>1786313

Romero most likely hit his ceiling of growth with Doom (arguably Quake, which brings Doom into a more vertical dimension), and getting past that hasn't worked out for him. He programmed tons of little games when he worked at Softdisk, and his ken for game design is great even in the case of Quake, a project he rushed to complete. By the time Ion Storm arrived, though, he'd completely fallen for the games he helped develop...which is understandable, the Quake beta was way ahead of its time. Interviews tell me he's learned his limits by now; guy didn't mean to use the "Bitch" quote ad anyway.

Whatever happens, I hope he gets another shot at making FPSes, or platformers, or those CRPGs he's wanted to do for a long time. Just don't let him manage a production ever, he didn't do that back at id.

>> No.1786309
Quoted by: >>1786472


I guess. They haven't worked together since.

>> No.1786313


>42 million dollars in 3 years

>> No.1786319

I haven't seen that picture outside of /co/. I think I was the one who requested it. I miss Gumball's S1 design.

>> No.1786468

>implying anything in Doom gets anywhere close to levels like O of Destruction
>implying Doom II's levels aren't generally much larger with far more gameplay variety owing to mixes of more open and confined areas rather than Doom's constantly small corridor-y feel
>implying Doom can touch the gameplay dynamics of Doom II's far greater amount of enemies with fresh attacks
>implying taking on a far greater amount of enemies at once isn't fucking awesome
>implying Doom gets anywhere near Doom II's kill count or challenge
>implying SSG isn't one of the most badass vidya guns ever made
>implying Doom has better music
>implying you aren't a typical nostalgic hipster casual valuing 'atmosphere' over actual gameplay

pleb pls. if you were mature you'd be able to appreciate how subjective this is but you brought it upon yourself by proclaiming your crappy opinion to be fact. Sorry son that just doesn't fly.

>> No.1786472

He needs to take the tampon out

>> No.1786479

Carmack has sand in his vagina

>> No.1786489


>> No.1786507
File: 29 KB, 400x549, daikatana_john_romero_make_you_his_bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786517


>> No.1786517

Uh, so from what I've gathered, the real problem with Daikatana is that you're forced to coop at all times with AI buddies, and the AI is really fucking retarded. Is that it? Has somebody made a mod of this game where you can just do it solo?

He claims in interviews that this wasn't his idea. He said the marketing guy did it and afterwards he was mad at him. I don't believe him, personally.

>> No.1786521
Quoted by: >>1786919


>> No.1786524
Quoted by: >>1786528

It's not the only problem. Everything is shit about the game.

After I bought this game, I returned to the store and sold it back to them on the same day. I think I'll remember that day my entire life.

>> No.1786528
Quoted by: >>1786556 >>1786563

really? damn lol

>sold it back
it's called getting a refund my dear frenchman. or did you 'sell it back' for a lesser price AKA trade in or smething?

I did the same thing for Far Cry 2 but it wasn't the same day. Damn that game sucked ass.

>> No.1786542

Limited saves, useless weapons, too many small bug type enemies.
Level design is better than Quake 2 when it's not throwing generic sci fi corridors at you, but the thing is at the time when this came out we already had Half Life, Unreal and Quake 3 which are far better games.

>> No.1786551
Quoted by: >>1786569

>Limited saves,

A bonus since save scumming is the bane of PC games.

>useless weapons, too many small bug type enemies.

Legit critiques.

>Level design is better than Quake 2 when it's not throwing generic sci fi corridors at you, but the thing is at the time when this came out we already had Half Life, Unreal and Quake 3 which are far better games.

Not fair critiques. Especially since it's basically a 1997 or 1998 game that was horribly delayed many times.

>> No.1786553
Quoted by: >>1786569

Also the writing and cutscenes are embarassingly bad, PS1 era quality voice acting and dialogue.
This could be either a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it.

>> No.1786556

Far Cry 2 was great, but not /vr/. Still, it's the only AAA shooter in recent memory not to compromise for casuals.

>> No.1786559
File: 21 KB, 1142x114, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786674 >>1786756

You implying I'm a casual? Fuck off faggot that game was easy and it sucked balls. But yeah, not /vr/.

>I'm amazed that I can't find Carmack talking about Romero at all; makes me respect him very much 'cause he's clearly too smart for the trash talk and doesn't want to stoop to that level.

Hah, apparently he isn't above the trash talk, actually. Nice little dig in pic related according to the Daikatana wiki.


>> No.1786562
Quoted by: >>1786578

John Romeros accountant is about to make him his bitch.

>> No.1786563

Yeah, I traded it in. Basically I was in my teens, on a wednesday I ride a bus to go in town, see this game on the store shelf and the back it says "New FPS the maker of Doom and Quake!" or something so I think "What?! How comes I never heard of it before?!".
So I take it, go back home, play for several hours and in the middle of the afternoon, go back there to trade it in.

I bought it used for cheap so I "only" lost a few bucks, but what's worse is how it ruined my day.
The only worse 'gaming experience' I've had is when out of curiosity I bought a game.com and RE2 for it and tried to play it.

>> No.1786569
Quoted by: >>1786604 >>1789291

Limited saves/no manual saves are a good thing. I wish more PC games did this. Quick saving can completely ruin any game.

Daikatana's real problem was terrible load times (at the time), completely inconsistent level design, poor controls, stupid AI, and the fact that most of the difficulty came from poor design rather than legitimate challenges.

>> No.1786576
Quoted by: >>1786584

I had a professor who used to tell the story of Daikatana as a cautionary tale. It worked.

>> No.1786578

>John Romeros accountant is about to make him his bitch.

John made a healthy paycheck from all that. It was all of Eidos' money he was burning. But it meant that he bascially could never work again in a major project in games.

>> No.1786584
Quoted by: >>1786595


What class? Was it a business class?

>> No.1786595

game design
I later came to my senses and changed universities. Now I'm in Comp Sci.

>> No.1786596


>I don't believe him, personally

He's a talented game designer who needs to come back and do level design or something, but overwhelming evidence indicates that Romero is a top-level asshole who will totally alienate everyone around him given half the chance.

Also, was Daikatana the beginning of long, insulting, fuck-you-we're-auteurs-and-it's-finished-when-we-say development cycles?

I miss the days when game designers were just socially awkward nerds making tailored product for a specific niche.

I know Romero was a socially-awkward nerd who got lots of money and an ego, but I'm just saying.

>> No.1786603
Quoted by: >>1786793 >>1797372

>Russ Berger Design Group, a firm most known for its work in designing recording studios, was responsible for interior design of the headquarters. This included a ten-foot-wide company logo set into the terrazzo floor of the lobby and matching green elevator doors.[2] The headquarters included a "crash room," a dormitory facility with two beds, three couches, a VCR, a wide screen television, and two telephone booths. It also housed a gaming room with a Ping-Pong table and four arcade machines, a changing area, and a shower room. The headquarters included these facilities because many employees in the video game industry work long hours at a time.[5]

>> No.1786604

I disagree, not saving is only a good idea if you already played through once well enough to know your way through the levels and are speedrunning.

Save scumming sucks but you can work around that by disciplining yourself or playing on a lower difficulty if your skills are not up to the task. Wasting two hours of progress is NOT challenging or fun.

>> No.1786606
File: 128 KB, 1155x317, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786616 >>1797257

Holy shit Daikatana was released so late... in fucking 2000. It's barely 'retro' according to /vr/ standards. I'm kind of amazed. Looking at youtube videos it looks older than it actually is. Like a '97-'98 game tops.

>> No.1786609

>played through the game once

>> No.1786612


>far cry 2

The only good thing about that god-awful trendy fucking 'art game' abortion of a series is Blood Dragon.

>> No.1786616
Quoted by: >>1786623

>Like a '97-'98 game tops.

Because that's what it is. It's a game from 97-98 that was massively delayed.

>> No.1786620


Far Cry sucks ass but how the fuck is it an "art game"? Art games are like braid or gone home or journey or whatever the fuck, Far Cry is just an open world FPS

>> No.1786621
Quoted by: >>1786627 >>1789291

The save system in Daikatana was awful. Nonetheless, I hate the knee-jerk reaction that the mustard race has against any limits on save scumming.

>> No.1786623
Quoted by: >>1786634 >>1787395

It's still slightly below average even for 97 standards.
Half Life came out in 96.

>> No.1786627


People who use the term 'save scumming' are essentially defining themselves as NEETS. I have shit to do, which is why I need to save my game whenever and wherever I want, for quick and easy continuing.

>> No.1786634

Whoop, half life was from 98 actually. I suck nigger cock.

>> No.1786635
Quoted by: >>1786646

Blood Dragon was trash. Pseudo-retro style without any retro substance. Far Cry 2 was decent on higher difficulties.

>> No.1786646
Quoted by: >>1786652 >>1790130


>Michael Biehn
>song from fucking Miami Connection over the ending credits
>no retro substance

Did it not have enough hovering ammunition packs for you? Not everything from that time is worth doing. And it was more interested in old movies and cartoons than games anyway.

>> No.1786648
Quoted by: >>1786654 >>1786865

Save scumming is saving every two seconds and reloading with every mistake.
What you described is commonly referred to as "saving."

>> No.1786652
Quoted by: >>1786659

By "retro substance," I meant challenge and carefully balanced mechanics.

>> No.1786654
Quoted by: >>1786673


This is what it's supposed to mean, but it's not the way people using the term intend it. It's as useless now as the word 'misogyny'.

>> No.1786659
Quoted by: >>1786668


It's supposed to imitate bad action movies from the 80s, not doom 2

>> No.1786660
Quoted by: >>1786681

>Carmak fired his ass because all he did all day was play Doom while everyone was working on Doom 2
lol, another idiot who didn't even read the book

>> No.1786668

Bad movies, as well as NES/C64 games. Did you miss the pixelated cutscenes and the main bloody menu?

>> No.1786670
Quoted by: >>1786673 >>1786683

>I can't git gud 'cause I don't have the time
>I don't have the time but I still have the time to talk trash on /vr/
Casual pls. I have a job, girlfriend and all the perks of a normalfag existence but I don't have to resort to savescumming. It's fine to suck at video games but you don't have to start getting personal with people that are actually able to play them.

>> No.1786673


See >>1786654

>> No.1786674
File: 27 KB, 367x451, AH_000621_565910[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786681

>this one guy who keeps posting in this thread acting like playing video games makes him tough

>> No.1786675
File: 274 KB, 500x502, get_a_load_of_this_doomguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1786692 >>1786702

You're completely fucking retarded if you think that video shows Romero claiming to have "virtually made the entire game by himself, working 7 days a week, all day erry day". That's in fact that exact opposite of what he claims which is that everyone was working so hard TOGETHER than they were ALL burnt out.

>> No.1786679


This game is pretty good to be honest, don't understand why a lot of people hate it.

>> No.1786681
Quoted by: >>1786694

How's he wrong m8? Please explain.

>This one who gets upset at internet banter.

>> No.1786683
Quoted by: >>1786687

>bragging about being good at daikatana

>> No.1786687
Quoted by: >>1786690

Uh, nigger I haven't even played Daikatana lol. I don't even know what you're mad about right now haha

>> No.1786690

Thing is, daikatana skills are defined by how well you can work around the glitchy AI.

Shit like managing to have two characters on an elevator at the same time are what makes you good at Daikatana.

>> No.1786692
Quoted by: >>1786698

No. He doesn't specifically says "I made the game alone" but he does say "After making the engine; everyone was burnt out and didn't have the strength to make the actual game while I still worked 7 days a week"

>> No.1786694

He's wrong because it's a stupid exaggeration that does not accurately describe the situation. He wasn't fired until well after Doom 2 for starters, and the book describes Carmack as acknowledging that his levels were still the best ones in Doom 2 (you may disagree). Romero did play a lot of deathmatch and was accused of not working hard enough, but there was a lot more to it than just sitting around playing Doom, and the final split didn't come until post-Quake when everyone including Romero had been in full crunch mode.

>> No.1786698

No, he says they were too burnt out to try a different game design, something he wanted that he felt would be more ambitious. It has nothing to do with him claiming to be working harder than anyone else.

>> No.1786702
Quoted by: >>1786719

Calm down son.

See what he says at around the 6 minute mark. Specifically around 6:26: "Everyone else is like, 'we're done.'" After that he basically implies that he was the mule pulling the game development through everything after the engine had been designed.

>> No.1786709
Quoted by: >>1786715


I don't think he said he created all of them, I think he said he finished all of it off. By the time id decided to make Quake a FPS, a lot of the levels were already complete.

>> No.1786715

Yes my memory was a little off, he certainly didn't say he did 'everything' after the engine was developed. But watching the video he still implies that he was the main guy pulling the game through once the engine had been developed and implies that nobody else really cared 'cause they were so burnt out.

>> No.1786719
Quoted by: >>1786723

That comment is specifically about not attempting a new game design and how the prevailing opinion was to just go with Doom-style weapons and stuff. He doesn't imply anything about how he was the "mule" which wouldn't even make sense because he's saying they went with an easy design that everyone was familiar with. The fact that he says "I worked 7 days a week" is because this is an interview with him, duh. He also says "we" all the time too.

And if he was the guy who put it online and no one else was in the office, that's simply an interesting fact of the situation and not him claiming that the game was all his doing.

Everyone watches and reads this shit without giving a damn about trying to understand the situation, they just want to reinforce their own opinions of good guy/bad guy.

>> No.1786723
Quoted by: >>1786726

Well Idk. I get the impression that he's implying nobody else really gave a shit about making the game once the engine was done. His final point about how we was alone to father all the final materials and upload it to the internet really enforces that.

>> No.1786726


>> No.1786740
File: 128 KB, 1152x321, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1789148

Poor Tom Hall. Such a bro.

>> No.1786756
Quoted by: >>1786758


That's not trash talk at all. That schedule really is patently ludicrous, it was a factual statement.

>> No.1786758
Quoted by: >>1789168

It's none of his business. It may have been true but it's trash talk. Romero wasn't exactly asking Carmack for constructive criticism.

>> No.1786789

I've heard Daikatana gets somewhat better after the first part of the game (in Japan I think?)

>> No.1786793
Quoted by: >>1786802 >>1786812


Publishers seem completely obsessed with profits and nothing else yet they go and okay this shit? What the fuck man.

>> No.1786802
Quoted by: >>1786813


They saw dollar signs with Romero. They thought he would be a cash cow putting out ID tier hit after hit. Then after that I think they fell into cost sunk fallacy and kept pumping millions into the company just so Daikatana could be finished.

>> No.1786812
Quoted by: >>1786826

It's pretty common nowadays to have 'resting' rooms in big offices. New kind of 'modern magement', the better the employee feels, the better his work will be.

They just did it before most other people did.

>> No.1786813

He had complete creative freedom and unlimited money with Daikatana and he put out that piece of shit lol.


>> No.1786818
Quoted by: >>1787668

>I imagine it's less bad today, with Publishers having tighter control over games. The 90's was the era of vanity game companies led by some "rock star". Their offices were always huge wastes of money filled with stupid shit they didn't need. They always tried too hard to have a "cool" work environment.

Derailing but it's an interesting subject

I remember in Retro gamer a profile of one of the devs, Software Creations, who were smack dab in the middle of Manchester during the "Madchester" Music boom. They would code by day then get wasted by night and UK Publishers didn't care as long as they shipped product. One designer even had to go to rehab to get off cocaine and it put off several visiting 1st party. Especially Nintendo who were looking to buy a UK studio and were really impressed by a 2D Platformer they made that eventually became Plok (They settled on Rareware instead and just contracted them out for a Super Scope Six game. The talent behind it left and created a new Studio, ZedTwo that immediately got on Nintendo's "Dream Team" N64 developers list and created Wetrix)

That's a thing I'd love to see. Old war stories from devs.

>> No.1786826


Vidya companies usually have a pool table or a ping pong table in the break room because it apparently gets people thinking competitively and gets them to have brainwaves. Most good companies will have that or a selection of boardgames.

>> No.1786838
File: 57 KB, 397x449, John Romero & George Broussard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


he needs someone like Carmack to slap him over the head with a rolled-up paper every now and again. Then we get stuff like Doom and Quake 1. Romero actually wasn't happy with Quake 1. He meant to turn it into more of a Daikatana-like, luckily they decided that it'd take too much time and they'd just stick to a basic FPS.

Same thing happened with George Broussard, he had too much creative control on DNF and never knew when to quit adding new ideas.

>> No.1786865
Quoted by: >>1786885

I started save scumming in fallout because iit was buggy as hell. I can't stop, help

>> No.1786885

It's PC gaming. One of the main draws is that you do whatever the hell you want. You want to savescum through shitty sections? By all means, do so. You want to challenge yourself by trying to 1cc an epic RPG? You can do that too.

>> No.1786919


>> No.1786942
Quoted by: >>1786967

I wish I could have this much fun with dumb shit like that.

>> No.1786953

DNF might of been at least semi-decent if Gearbox hadn't just duct-taped everything together at the last minute instead of trying to finish it properly.

>> No.1786961
Quoted by: >>1786986


Perhaps it is just my latent desires surfacing, but does it look like she has a package?

>> No.1786962
Quoted by: >>1786997


I didn't think it was that bad. There were a lot of agendas behind the criticism of it; you were either a modern feminist PC weirdo trying to score points with your cultural constituents, or a rabid retro nerd who had an image of what DN3D had been that was blown out of proportion, and DNF could never have lived up to it anyway.

It wasn't great or anything, but it does more or less what I expected of it.

>> No.1786967

I get that feel every time I go on /vr/

>> No.1786980
File: 117 KB, 600x923, Daikatana comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever get a hold of the Daikatana comic that was released during the game launch? Tried finding scans, nothing but dead links everywhere. I wonder if it's any good.

>> No.1786982

lol hacks

>> No.1786984
Quoted by: >>1786997

How much more money are you gonna waste on something though? Better to just release the fucking demon already.

>> No.1786986
Quoted by: >>1787000

yeah it does


>> No.1786987
Quoted by: >>1787565 >>1788548


Good. The idiots that Romero coned into funding this abortion deserved to lose every penny, and more. I hope everyone involved contracted anal warts and an urinary track infection too.

Does Carmak still chuckle himself to sleep every night thinking about this?

>> No.1786997

Yeah I did enjoy it quite a bit (and it's much more enjoyable on the PC with 4 weapon limit instead of the 2 on the consoles) but I fully admit I was biased because I'm a Duke fanboy.

It was alot closer to half-life than the original game though, but that was always gonna be the case with DNF so I liked that part of it.

Also true, but as the game proved shoving it out the door was a greedy mistake, and not only did it bomb but it also fucked up Duke's reputation even more. God I fucking hate Gearbox (and to think how much I loved Opposing Force)

>> No.1787000
File: 34 KB, 298x279, 1364242146053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1787007



>> No.1787007

nice trips

>> No.1787013
Quoted by: >>1787041 >>1787204

Deus Ex and Anachronox were fantastic games, so some good came out of the whole Ion Storm debacle

If you read Masters of Doom, it seems like a good concept for a video game company, just not with someone like Romero in charge

>> No.1787041

Deus Ex sucks dick

>> No.1787204
Quoted by: >>1787930

Deus Ex was created by Ion Storm Austin, far from the Dallas office where shit was hitting the fan. At least that's what wikipedia tells me.

>> No.1787378
File: 77 KB, 320x320, gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1789156

This was all well worth the gameboy game. We should talk about that instead because its actually fun.

>> No.1787395
Quoted by: >>1787403

Half-Life was released in 1998. I remember it well because that Christmas season had the holy trinity of Half-Life, Ocarina of Time, and Metal Gear Solid.

>> No.1787403
Quoted by: >>1789016

But only two of those games were good.

Hint: It wasn't the one from Nintendo.

>> No.1787416 [DELETED] 

>says the guys who likes powerslave and redneck rampage
>build engine games
stop namefagging you piece of shit, will make shitposting a little bit harder to tie to your endless faggotry

>> No.1787565
File: 8 KB, 200x120, carmackfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1788068

I'm going to tread into shitpost territory but holy crap please stop writing Carmack without the second "c" in there.

>> No.1787668
File: 65 KB, 774x1032, Jaw_Drop_by_Masterswordman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1788951


>One designer even had to go to rehab to get off cocaine and it put off several visiting 1st party.

>> No.1787671

>might of been
You're too young to be here. Come back when you have finished grade school and learned how to speak and spell.

>> No.1787695

To me it always sounded more like System Shock before System Shock, which was a fucking awesome game, and I'd love to see Doom with System Shock like things.

>> No.1787930


Yeah, but Romero hired Warren Specter. He wanted someone to balance out him (fps guy) and Tom Hall.

>> No.1787961
Quoted by: >>1787990

Quake and Doom despite the source of a lot of their influences, D&D and Lovecraft are not themselves direct derivatives nor do they actually greatly pander to fans of either. Neckbeards were more likely to nethack than Doom. A neckbeard is ironically more likely to sit down with Halo than Quake even though Halo is also the territory of his arch-enemy the Jock. Womenfolk are generally accepted but not overly common in Doom and Quake communities. D&Q communities are more likely to have gaming geeks with potentially a leaning towards nerdishness. You're more likely to find for example a programmer or engineer of some variant among the masses than a LARPer.
In a similar fashion neckbeards would in general prefer to listen to J-pop or Neutral Milk Hotel. D&Q communities would likely more listen to NIN or Megadeth.
Neckbeards are passively condescending, they try to make themselves look smart. D&Q communities are more actively condescending, they'll rip you one for being stupid to the point neckbeards would consider bullying. D&Q communities tend to have an attitude closer to 'culling the weak.' You step up and take your abuse and learn. Neckbeards typically gravitate towards RPGs and games that allow them virtualized power through grinding and equipment rather than actual skilled domination.

>> No.1787972

I thought the first one and Instincts were pretty solid. Except for the AI, fuck that bullshit on higher difficulties.

>> No.1787990
Quoted by: >>1789049

>autism: the post
lol quit with the denial m8. PC gamers are mainly neckbeards. this is a fact of life.

>> No.1787992 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 1280x1024, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying you aren't riding the bandwagon of that complete shit errant signal video where he pretends Quake is terrible

You need to start thinking for yourself bro.

>> No.1788068
Quoted by: >>1788571


>> No.1788347

>Then we get stuff like Doom and Quake 1. Romero actually wasn't happy with Quake 1. He meant to turn it into more of a Daikatana-like, luckily they decided that it'd take too much time and they'd just stick to a basic FPS.

He could have literally killed the FPS genre.

>> No.1788548

I don't think Carmack's the type who would give an ounce of a shit either way. Just a quick "mmm" and then back to whatever he's occupied with. He's far from sentimental.

>> No.1788571

what? shut up autist

>> No.1788798
Quoted by: >>1788827 >>1789023

Duke Nukem 3D was far more enjoyable than Quake, and the best fps till hl/halo, even though Quake was 3D.

>> No.1788827
Quoted by: >>1788979

>till hl/halo,
Get the fuck out retard.

>> No.1788846
File: 43 KB, 900x292, suckitdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1788907 >>1788990

>> No.1788907

Those fake Romero posts were the best part of that LP.

>> No.1788951
Quoted by: >>1788984


Well yeah, why do you think they would have such a schizophrenic catalog? You had classics like Solstice, Plok and Equinox then garbage like Spider-Man and The X-Men. Some days they were utterly amazing. Some, complete turd.

But that's the story of a lot of studios that went down the gutter (Or the publishers fucked up in the cases of devs like Looking Glass)

>> No.1788979


>> No.1788984
Quoted by: >>1788989


Because not all the developers were good. Two of the three games you mentioned were made by John & Ste Pickford (the Zed Two guys).

I guess it just shatters my image of the company, because I've studied the history of it (and Plok specifically) a lot.

>> No.1788989


I wish I remembered the issue but they have done Software Creations a few times. Interesting story if not pleasant reading.

And yeah, I remember the Pickfords. Top blokes. Even paid for and ran the RLLMUK when the Edge forums were taken down after the Driver 3 scandal. Again, another shadow of themselves (That and NTSC-UK were good. Then the console war garbage shitposting infected everywhere)

>> No.1788990


>not fewer

Fake Romero is a fake asshole

>> No.1789016

Biased asshurt nintendfags firing up their warp zones and time travel.
But srsly why the new fad to bash on
OOT? It wasn't Jesus's 2nd coming but for a pioneer 3d zelda adventure game it was tits. Stop following ego raptors chinless rantings

>> No.1789023
Quoted by: >>1789030

All Build Engine games were better than Quake, though

Quake had loads of disagreements during development, which resulted in a halfarsed product. Only good thing out of it was the Multiplayer.

>> No.1789030

I think one of my biggest isuses with Quake are the levels are just a blur. They aren't exactly distinctive, and the brown, featureless palette just drives that home. There's a few memorable points in the game, but for the most part it pretty clearly suffered from direction issues.

Its easily the worst of the 3 retro Quake games.

>> No.1789046
Quoted by: >>1789052

I think the contrasting settings and abstract level design really enhances the horror aspect of the game. Plus, I love the claustrophobic, tricky McGee levels and the trappy dungeon style Petersen levels. Quake single player seems to be pretty contentious, but I love it. Not as good as doom, but way better than duke nuke 3d

>> No.1789049

There is a vast spectrum of neck beards, my man

>> No.1789052
Quoted by: >>1789107

>Quake single player seems to be pretty contentious, but I love it. Not as good as doom, but way better than duke nuke 3d
>but way better than duke nuke 3d

Maybe better than the 2nd episode of DN3D, but that's it.

>> No.1789107

None of the build engine games really did it for me like quake or doom. Personal preference, not worth arguing about really

>> No.1789141


I never liked the original Quake, even at the time.

>> No.1789147

He did Hyperspace Delivery Boy with Tom Hall, which from all accounts is actually pretty damn good. That's all I know though, and you're pretty much spot on.

>> No.1789148
Quoted by: >>1789319 >>1797929

Anachronox is a fucking gem and it's such a shame that Romero pulled him under so much. (Would've liked to hear more about Anachronox in Masters of Doom incidentally, especially since it had a similarly troubled development history, but it only had a couple of lines, which is a bit of a shame.)

>> No.1789156

I agree that it's good, it's just a bit too linear for my liking and the Capcom Zeldas did a lot of what it did better.. Still worth a look though.

>> No.1789160

I think they've gotten over it, but I still don't see them doing anything together for another, ooh, twenty years at least.

>> No.1789168
Quoted by: >>1789263

Romero was a self-important dickhead who could've used constructive criticism though, that's the thing.

>> No.1789221


>> No.1789263

you sure you aren't talking about yourself m8?

>> No.1789291
Quoted by: >>1789312


Limited saves as in like Resident Evil or limited saves as in like with save points?

Also, I thought the real "fuck casuals" ideal for saving was to never have any saving ever and to never save in a game that has a save function.

>> No.1789312
Quoted by: >>1789398

By "with save points" I mean only being able to save at save points.

I don't mind RE style saving if it's not easy to totally fuck yourself over in a playthrough and make the game unwinnable.

>> No.1789317

Save scumming specifically refers to people exploiting save systems by reloading something until they reach a favorable outcome. It's the same thing as save state abuse in emulators, essentially.

>> No.1789319

>(Would've liked to hear more about Anachronox in Masters of Doom incidentally, especially since it had a similarly troubled development history, but it only had a couple of lines, which is a bit of a shame.)

yeah the book focuses on Romero and Carmack. There's all this side stuff that I'd LOVE to hear about. I want sequels focusing on them.

>Deus Ex development book

>> No.1789323

The mod-ability, burgeoning online community and the advent of mouselook are what made Quake good.

>> No.1789398

>not making two save entries and alternating between the two so you dont overwrite yourself into unwinnable situations.

>> No.1789426
File: 101 KB, 1280x960, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1789431 >>1798559

I can't leave without my buddy Superfly!

>> No.1789431
Quoted by: >>1789812 >>1796363

Some guy was trying to force this on /v/ in like 2006-7 and I will never forget it.

>> No.1789516


I read this yesterday and thought it was pretty interesting. Never thought that I would find a relevant thread to link it in.

>> No.1789812

i remember that. I think it was from the penny arcade forums.

>> No.1790130
Quoted by: >>1791584

Far Cry 2 was awful

>enemies respawn as soon as you go more than 100 feet away

>enemies with perfect hitscan aiming in a 2008 game

>Lots of game breaking bugs that Ubishit never fixed, i.e. if you complete the missions in a certain order, around halfway through you get stuck and have to start over - this bug exists in all versions (PC, 360, PS3)

Btw, Blood Dragon was based on the FC3 engine, not FC2.

>> No.1790154
File: 25 KB, 336x329, 1377087456198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1791414

>tearful reunion

>> No.1790252

Ion Storm was still run less batshit than 3D Realms.

>> No.1791414
Quoted by: >>1791587

true, it would be more of a
>Dude! I can't believe we're making a fucking game together! This is going to be some awesome shit!
>Yes, it will indeed be very interesting to work with you again. Mmm.

>> No.1791584


>FC3 engine

That's why I said it came out of the series.

>> No.1791587
Quoted by: >>1794771

I keep thinking back to QuakeCon last year when Carmack spoke on stage, and just before he started talking you could hear an audible 'mmm' over the mic. Goddamn I cracked up, he really is the robot man.

>> No.1791603
Quoted by: >>1792349

> boring aesthetically
Quake 1 has the best atmosphere of any FPS game I've ever played. Just personal preference I guess. But I know a lot of people agree with me.

>> No.1792349

I wouldn't say it's the best, but it's okay.

>> No.1793521

So the new Humble Bundle has Daikatana in it along with a bunch of other Square-Enix games.

>> No.1794767
Quoted by: >>1797829

I wonder why they didn't include any trailers for the games in 1$ tier in that Bundle.

Look at this shit.


It makes you hyped as fuck.

>> No.1794771
File: 199 KB, 5000x5000, you wont sleep tonight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mm *smack* on there

>> No.1795131
Quoted by: >>1796202

>on there
yeah lol
I never wondered if anybody else had noticed but I'm glad it's actually a 'thing'

>> No.1796174
Quoted by: >>1796195 >>1796202



0:42 ish, you can barely hear the mmmmm, gotta turn it up loud. Slightly high pitched like a robot. I, for one, accept our new machine overlord.

>> No.1796195
Quoted by: >>1796202

I think you're imagining it bro. I don't hear shit, listening with headphones.

He's been our overlord now for over 20 years m8

>> No.1796202
File: 259 KB, 633x466, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1797308 >>1798101


Carmack offered to give the speech at this year's Quakecon but they didn't call him back to do it. Understandable, he's not longer a part of id and I guess the company has to move forward. Still kinda sad in a way.

Also Carmack is fucking kawaii omg. I wish I had his brain :(

>> No.1796264

Episode 1 of doom had the best level designs out of any episode. I won't argue about your points of doom 2.
I'm not the guy you're responding to but it's really hard for me to pick a favorite. The city levels, especially the ones with buildings you can go into in doom 2 make me feel like doom is the best. But then I'll get to courtyard and hitting all the triggers at once and mowing down enemies is a better experience than doom.
They're like my children, I love them equally

>> No.1796361
Quoted by: >>1796602

>ziggurat vertigo
>azure agony
>gloom keep
>wizard's manse
>the dismal oubliette

dude these levels are insanely memorable. I just think it's been too long since you've played Quake.

If anything, leave Quake to the Quake players.

>> No.1796363


Hi again.

>> No.1796394

>thread about daikatana
>dissolves into bitchfit about doom and quake

>> No.1796602
Quoted by: >>1797029 >>1797764

Q2 has more memorable locations than Q1, which was one big dark maze

>> No.1797029
Quoted by: >>1797074

As opposed to one big dark warehouse maze. Remember that level with the boxes, lol? Oh ya, all of them.

>> No.1797074
Quoted by: >>1797101 >>1803392

>John Romero on Quake II and DOOM

>Friday, 12 December, 1997 at 1:09 PST | | Print News

>I'm not one to post about the musings of most .plan files, but occasionally there's a real gem, and tonight it came from Ion Storm co-founder John Romero. John's observations about Quake II would interest any gamer. "Oh my god," he exclaims. "Quake 2 is the most impressive game I've ever played on a computer." He raves about the graphics ("...simply amazing. The colored lighting MAKES this game..."), the maps ("the levels inQuake 2 are the most beautifully architected alternate realities i've ever experienced..."), the models, animation, and textures ("justamazing...!") and the music ("i TOTALLY LOVE IT! Playing Q2 with the music really gets your adrenaline pumping!") Other than a couple nitpicks about weapon behavior, it was a positive review all around! (Speaking of the music, Quake II musician Sascha Dikiciyan of Sonic Mayhem is one of the special guests at this weekend's PlanetQuake BeatDown).


suck it down

>> No.1797101

Or not. You didn't refute it.
All you did was suggest that Romero really fucking loves dark warehouse mazes and boxes.

And look where that got him... making Facebook games and being the creator of Daikatana.

>> No.1797110
Quoted by: >>1797137

Oh man, he must love SiN. Game's great, but it would give Old Man Murray a heart attack.

>> No.1797128
Quoted by: >>1797157

He made Quake lol, the game you jerk off over every single night. Are you that same sperg from the other day who was going apeshit about Quake? I'm getting a real sperglord vibe from you anon.

>> No.1797135
Quoted by: >>1797145

Quake 2 still had far more variety of environments than the first game did. It actually had a sense of progression rather than one random maze after the other. I can't believe you're even trying to argue about this lol.

>> No.1797137

To be fair though the game is set in a warehouse so the crates have a reason to be there and they don't need palettes because the strogg lift them up from the top or sides with mechanigrabby things.
They've even got bazillions of crates on a conveyor and large moving crates that go back and fourth.
They've got ginormous crates that enemies hide in and explode out of. Yes, the strogg keep exploding crates with strogg in them in case you get near their crates.
Also, the game was being designed originally as "crate defenders" but they said fuck it, throw the name Quake on it, it'll generate crate loads of sales.

>> No.1797145
Quoted by: >>1797156 >>1797179


No it didn't, I just played through it yesterday. They all use the same textures...

>> No.1797156

I'm almost certain the last boss five crates stuck together with a railgun on top. It's called a Makron which is the word for Master Krate in German with an avante-garde futuristic twist like CyberTron... Everything they name in year 20X6 has a -ron on the end or some shit.

>> No.1797157 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1797158

He only made the maps, dude.
Yeah maybe the gothic architecture and medieval themes were his idea, but he definitely didn't "make it".

>> No.1797158
Quoted by: >>1797160

He pretty much crated it all on it's own.

>> No.1797160


>> No.1797163
File: 19 KB, 500x500, butthurt-dweller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1797173

>Using the arrow keys like a fucking retard

>> No.1797164
Quoted by: >>1797886

>if you were mature you'd be able to appreciate how subjective this is
I actually can appreciate how feeble minded you are for believing any of that, thanks

>> No.1797173
Quoted by: >>1798519

I'd defend the use of arrow keys, because that's what people used back then. But she's using a mouse as well. So, I won't. There's no reason to use the arrow keys if you're using the mouse.

Though it was still better to use some form of left home keys with numpad layout and thumbing arrow keys as extras instead of typical arrow key layout if you're going keyboard only.

>> No.1797179
Quoted by: >>1797486

>They all use the same textures...
He says this defending Quake 1. ahahahaha

>> No.1797257
Quoted by: >>1797279


Wait, it seriously came out in 2000?! I thought it was from 1997. Perfect Dark, which came out for the fucking Nintendo 64, was more advanced. Halo came out 1 year later.

>> No.1797279


It's based on the Quake II engine.

Part of the deal was that he couldn't even look at the engine until Quake II came out. So QII comes out, and then they basically START making the game. So when it is finally finished it's so out of date.

>> No.1797308


>not wanting Carmack to give a speech at a classic gaming con

Fuck this stupid world and everyone in it

>> No.1797372

Although it is a bit too much, you would be impressed that many major studios have things like that.

>> No.1797486


No I don't, I'm saying Quake had several different texture sets it went through each episode. Quake II had the same exact theme until the last few levels.


>> No.1797495
Quoted by: >>1797782

You can tell no one's really played the game. No one's talking about it. Just other Id games.

>> No.1797734
File: 75 KB, 1280x960, QUAKE2 2014-07-24 02-16-04-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sure does look like a typical warehouse

>> No.1797764
Quoted by: >>1798591

Really far from it, Quake 2 had no memorable or stand out levels. Somehow the game that brought colored lighting into gaming manages to have only one color, brown.

It's weird how the game actually looks better in software mode because it dulls the annoyance of the bad use of colored lighting and focuses on bringing out color in the textures and not blurring it all together with bilinear filtering.

I slogged through Quake 2 in some 8 hours or so and the entirety of it was a drag. It did nothing new or creative, made some of the most redundant and unenjoyable enemy encounters, made every weapon useless, and every level is full of boring backtracking with nothing to do except listen to a shitty siren noise play.

>> No.1797768
Quoted by: >>1797845 >>1797878

brown, non-descript, poorly lit and uninteresting to navigate

looks like a quake 2 map alright

>> No.1797782
Quoted by: >>1797897 >>1798468


I did actually play through the first episode. I quit shortly after I got the Daikatana only to find it was a weak worthless piece of crap. You don't hype up a sword as being the most powerful super awesome shit ever and then have it do fuckall damage with terrible sound and lazy animation that completely fails to show just how great it's supposed to be. How do you fuck something like that up? How?

>> No.1797829

>That music

Holy shit. That was 90s as FUCK.

>> No.1797845
Quoted by: >>1798426

>brown, non-descript, poorly lit and uninteresting to navigate
as if Q1 maps are less brown, more descript, better lit, OR more interesting to navigate

>> No.1797878
Quoted by: >>1798426

>brown, non-descript, poorly lit and uninteresting to navigate
It's funny 'cause that sounds just like Quake 1

>> No.1797886

>ad hominem
cute :)

>> No.1797897

Don't forget dat voice acting.

It's like they hired an anon and told him to do his best Japanese impression.

>> No.1797929

>Anachronox is a fucking gem
This. The only thing I didn't like that comes to mind were the overly long animations for special attacks.

>> No.1797948

To Carmack, Romero's just some guy he happened to work with once upon a time. I imagine it'd be way harder on Romero, since he remembers everything so clearly.

>> No.1797954


It doesn't look at all bad, I just prefer Quake's theme.

>> No.1798042
Quoted by: >>1798069 >>1798384

Hopefully the new Doom will deliver. Bethesda and their marketing bullshit really pisses me off though.

>> No.1798069
File: 34 KB, 500x363, 1405225248735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Doom
It makes my soul hurt every time.

>> No.1798101
Quoted by: >>1798121

That's because Beelzebub (or Bethesda as you guys might call it) wants to turn Quakecon into a giant advertisement, they could give a fuck about the spirit of id Software, Quake, the tournaments, the fans, or vidya period.

>> No.1798121
Quoted by: >>1798384

But Carmack left id m8. It was his decision to leave. Past is past.

>> No.1798384
Quoted by: >>1799119

It's locked at 60 and it's going to be for consoles so they aren't looking for any fast paced gameplay. No idea how idtech 6 would handle, we have no examples or demos of it.

Nigger. Do you know what the convention was called?
It wasn't called Advertisement-con. It wasn't corporate-con. It was motherfucking Quake Con.
It was a convention for Quake.
You don't not invite the motherfucker who helped invent the fucking thing.

Quake con served as a marketing vehicle for id, but it did so by being a fucking convention for one of the best series of games ever. Not by being a gigantic ad. They showed new stuff there because new stuff was in the spirit of the con. More fragging? GREAT! That's what everyone's there for, it's news not ads. More fragging to be had.

You know what you don't do. Buy out Star Trek, go to the con and start hanging up motherfucking Downton Abbey banners and telling people how you're selling that shit, that's not what a Trek-convention is for. The reason why hardware vendors were remotely okay is because well everyone likes a good looking or good running or a good looking good running frag system. It's appropriate within the context. These niggers pretty much hijacked a killed off id and for their money's worth they want to ride the dicks of the con and using them to pump out junk console games.


>> No.1798426
Quoted by: >>1799331 >>1799674

at least the lighting wasn't brown, that and you sure love to exaggerate how brown Quake was...it really wasn't. Levels also had tons of distinct geometry and rooms, decoration, etc. that really distinguished them.

Maybe play the game before you criticize it.

>> No.1798458

Pretty sure that's the managers office portion of the warehouse. Has an executive bench over in the left. Even has an exec on his knees rolling around on some coke on the table and a dead hooker, typical corporate bureaucracy. Snort crates, fuck blow, ship bitches.

>> No.1798468

> Daikatana only to find it was a weak worthless piece of crap.
Did you try charging it up and shit? Always gotta try charging swords up and shit. Find something sparkly and stick it to turn it on or something. Maybe a car or something with some jumper wires. That's how Thor fixed his hammer I think, who knows.

>> No.1798486

for me, all your points about Doom II are true, it is the better game, but I just don't like the Doom II maps as much as Doom's

>> No.1798510
Quoted by: >>1798556

Wasn't Romero producing Heretic and Hexen at the time?

>> No.1798514

I think most of the original Doom team is all either freelancing or just doing nothing, they could honestly create an "ego" or "superego" to surpass id and recreate the magic once again, though thats just fantasy.

>> No.1798519
Quoted by: >>1798527

I will never understand these old games that had mouse controls but used arrow keys for movement. I know WASD took a while to become the standard but even so how are you supposed to play these games when you cant reach half the damn keyboard?

>> No.1798527

To clarify, older games that didn't have rebindable keys, I think it was like Realms of the Haunting and TES Arena that I had this problem with

>> No.1798541

Broussard is the biggest hack of the industry, thanks to him we didn't get the original concept of Prey and DNF back in 97-98, fuck that fat bastard.

>> No.1798546

We need books like this to cover the companies that made 90s PC in the day, Origin, Epic Megagames, Apogee, Bullfrog, etc

>> No.1798550

I thought Tom Hall left in a huff becuase he was getting mad that id was becoming "that FPS company" when he wanted to pursue various genres
He was right

>> No.1798556

Man, Imagine if Romero went ahead and just joined Raven Soft instead of making Ion storm

>> No.1798559
Quoted by: >>1798760

Seriously, what kind of fucking name is Superfly?

>> No.1798584
Quoted by: >>1798593 >>1798596

I could post this in doom general but this seems more like a history thread.

Is like a book or compendium of resources for the making of doom? IE interviews with carmack and romero durring and after development etc?

>> No.1798591
Quoted by: >>1798601

From what I understood Softwaremode in quake 2 was a marvel, it did tricks that were only thought to work in hardware/GL

>> No.1798593
Quoted by: >>1798598

A good place to start is reading Masters of Doom.

>> No.1798596
Quoted by: >>1798598

Masters of Doom.

>> No.1798598
File: 23 KB, 163x163, 1368771305123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1799328


Thanks cool guys

>> No.1798601
Quoted by: >>1799082

I remember Software mode not having the coloured lightning, i wish they did what epic did with Unreal by making the game look good even in software mode.

>> No.1798760

I don't know, it seems pretty fly to me.

>> No.1799082

It did look good in software mode. it just didn't look like GL with colored lighting and bilinear filtering... well, technically you can run GL in software mode with Quake 2 (it look like opengl absolutely), that was actually an option but at the time it would drop your framerate into sub 1FPS.

>> No.1799119
Quoted by: >>1799134 >>1800875

wow buddy calm down
it's just video games
no need to get so worked up

>> No.1799134
File: 21 KB, 223x223, a toothy shark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1799136

>that guy who says "calm down" when he has no counterargument

>> No.1799136
Quoted by: >>1799762

well maybe if you calmed down i wouldn't have to tell you

>> No.1799328


It has an audio book version you can easily pirate and listen to at work. This is what I did

>> No.1799331
File: 45 KB, 800x600, WINQUAKE 2014-07-24 12-43-41-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1799472

>at least the lighting wasn't brown
because it didn't have any colored lighting whatsoever, so it was brown/green in textures instead

the odd-one out level that's all blue is still a level all in one color

>> No.1799472
File: 242 KB, 1024x768, brownest game ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1799596

a very moody game with a lot of shafts of shadows, darkness, and a dreary gothic atmosphere of abandoned castles.

remember, when you can't think of criticism, just call it brown. The levels all had distinct visuals, themes, and it's reflected in the textures and texturing. id had to get pretty creative to keep from the levels looking samey, and they did a great job. No two levels are alike in their aesthetic.

How about some real criticism of the visuals? Shit, the monsters in Quake 2 are embarrassingly bland, practically none of them are distinct, especially when looked at others in the same class. They all emit a generic grunting growl, all have a similar metallic and flesh texture, and all take a ton of damage rather inappropriately. Quake 1 capitalized on enemies with high HP by being enemies you're supposed to dump your powerful weapons onto - you always had a fair amount of ammo for the except the shaft. Quake 2 however made every weapon equally useless.

>> No.1799596

>remember, when you can't think of criticism, just call it brown
the irony.

>> No.1799674

>Levels also had tons of distinct geometry and rooms, decoration
ahahaha. every quake room was an empty box with an occasional demon texture faggot.

>> No.1799762
Quoted by: >>1800827

> i wouldn't have to tell you
But you didn't tell him.

>> No.1800827
Quoted by: >>1802094

i think you just need to calm down, man

>> No.1800875
Quoted by: >>1802134


>it's just video games

Some people value video games, sorry.

>> No.1802094
Quoted by: >>1802173

You should really calm down.

>> No.1802134 [DELETED] 

>Some people value video games
children and manchildren amirite?

>> No.1802173
Quoted by: >>1802498

i'm trying to, man
you calm down, too
everything is clearer when you're calm

>> No.1802498

relax guy

>> No.1802832
File: 1.04 MB, 656x2268, Foreshadowing is pretty freaky at times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1802859 >>1802894

>I'm amazed that I can't find Carmack talking about Romero at all

He is probably still pissed off at Romero ruining his D&D campaign.

>> No.1802859

Bahahahaahahahahaah, fuck maybe I should pay more attention to the people in my campaign.

>> No.1802894
Quoted by: >>1803164


>that's it. We're done. Mmm.

Are there more like this? There should be a website for this shit. It's as good as Rap Industry Fanfiction.

>> No.1802918
Quoted by: >>1802927 >>1803353

Upon completing Bioshock: Infinate I was kinda stuck and didn't know what game I wanted to play next. My friend jokingly suggested Daikatana, I said yes for the laughs. I bought it from GOG, installed it and launched it. Me and a couple friends gathered around my PC for the laughs. We busted up at the stupid enemies, the worthless weapons and terrible voice acting. Later, after my friends left, I kept playing. It was challenging, and kinda fun. Seriously, it was pretty fun. The game is a disaster in a lot of ways, but I'm dead serious when I say I enjoyed playing this game. Is something wrong with my brain?

>> No.1802927
Quoted by: >>1802936

>Is something wrong with my brain?
Well, you completed Bioshock Infinite.

>> No.1802936
Quoted by: >>1803967


The game blows, it's true.

>> No.1803164

Masters of Doom

>> No.1803253 [DELETED] 

Carmack isn't above shit-talking. I think he was a bit jelly when he saw the BUILD engine. He claimed it looked like it was 'put together by chewing gum.'

I know Carmack completely blew the engine away later but I still think he was a little jelly the first time he saw it. Why did he have to say that? Ken was only 17 when he made it give the guy some credit.

>> No.1803342

he probably meant the source-code and not the actual graphics, given Carmack is a programmer and all

>> No.1803353
Quoted by: >>1803380 >>1804425

How did you endure that stupid ai companions? That was my only problem when I played it.

>> No.1803380

Not that guy, but what I did is tell them both to stay put, go clear the level and come back for them when it was time to go to the next area while praying that they won't get stuck on a random tile on their way to the exit.

>> No.1803392

>a couple nitpicks about weapon behavior
Funny, considering one of the main problems in Daikatna was weapons.

>> No.1803480
Quoted by: >>1804081

Build engine is somewhat buggy.

Jellyhop works horribly in Duke as well.

>> No.1803967
Quoted by: >>1803980


What was bad about it? Not played it, but apart from the annoyance at the mainstream losing their shit because 'games are now art' was it that terrible? The first Bioshock wasn't as good as people said but it wasn't awful either.

>> No.1803980

holy shit where to begin
rigidly, brutally linear in progression, map layout, items, etc., muddled story (and it's obvious a lot of the delays were because ken levine had probably just watched cube 2 or some shit and kept wanting to throw his Big Sci-Fi Ideas into the game, at the cost of any actual social message), pretty much every single prop is nailed down to the ground, enemies are way less varied than in bioshock 1...you get the idea.

>> No.1804081
Quoted by: >>1804267

>Build engine is somewhat buggy

You're using Megaton as an example. MEGATON is real buggy, it's a LOT LOT LOT more buggy than the original game or other sourceports, and even glitches that have been there since vanilla, are much easier to pull of in Megaton than in vanilla or other sourceports.

This is a terrible example. Yes, there are engine glitches and exploits, but most of which are really hard to pull out like a tons of other games. Had this guy used the vanilla game, he couldn't have done half of the glitches shown here and would have had a MUCH harder time pulling off the other glitches (which sometimes would probably not even have made him win any time at all because of that unless he got lucky)

The only glitch that's "easy" to pull off is teleporting yourself from an area to another in case of Sector Over Sector ; AND this is only possible because the devs didn't know about it, because once you know about it, you can easily prevent the glitches from happening by blocking a few walls. Any duke3D mapper can fix SoS teleporting glitches in a couple of seconds.

Oh - and, even then, we're talking about Duke3D here. Duke3D doesn't equal the totality of Build engine games. Vast majority of the glitches shown here are DUKE3D gliches, not "Build engine" glitches ; so you can't take the worse, glitchest and most half-assed version of DN3D done by devs which were so clueless they had to get help from the community (sourceport makers) as an example for "the Build engine as a whole".

>> No.1804267 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804302

But BUILD engine does have some inherent fucked up issues m8.

Like if you get trapped when a door (and I'm any door... not some big heavy cement block that you might get trapped under) closes against a wall and you're between them you get squished and die. Happens with cabinets and shit, too. It's really stupid.

It also some some stupid deals with its explosions. Sometimes you clearly hit someone but because he's standing at the edge of something the explosion isn't read at that particular vertex and the guy survive, when he should have been blown to smithereens.

When you look with the mouse in the Y axis things also look pretty damn janky.

>> No.1804283
Quoted by: >>1804305

i think carmack always thought ken would be the next competition.

fun fact: maybe 6-7 years ago carmack wanted silverman to work at id but he turned it down.

quake literally destroyed ken silverman. i feel really bad for the guy

>> No.1804302
Quoted by: >>1804318

>Like if you get trapped when a door (and I'm any door... not some big heavy cement block that you might get trapped under) closes against a wall and you're between them you get squished and die. Happens with cabinets and shit, too. It's really stupid.

This can be avoided if the mapper knows what it's doing : doors will either go back up/down (if it's a ceiling/floor door), push you out of the way (for slide doors) or bump against you several times leaving you enough time to get out of the way (if swing door). The problem is that it depends on how the mapper do it. But by default, for instance, ceiling doors in Duke3D ARE programmed to go back up unless there is no space for the player to go near it.

But again, these are not "BUILD ENGINE" glitches. Those misbehaviour you described don't even happen in every Build Engine game and only happen if the mapper doesn't know how to do it.

>It also some some stupid deals with its explosions. Sometimes you clearly hit someone but because he's standing at the edge of something the explosion isn't read at that particular vertex and the guy survive, when he should have been blown to smithereens.

I don't recall that every happening to me and I've spent thousand of hours in my life playing Build engine games. But that sounds like something that would be game specific, considering each game has its own explosion code, or even level design specific (perhaps this sort of quirks could happen to some specific level design elements), rather than "Build engine specific".

>When you look with the mouse in the Y axis things also look pretty damn janky.

Now you're just being silly. This is common to any 2.5D FPS. You have no idea what you're talking about man.

>> No.1804305
Quoted by: >>1804717

>quake literally destroyed ken silverman. i feel really bad for the guy.

Dunno what you have with this personal phantasy of yours (because I am assuming you're the guy who always say that in every thread mentionning Ken Silverman) but he seem to be doing really well with his current project which I heard is a direct competition to the Oculus Rift

>> No.1804318 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804381 >>1804396

>Those misbehaviour you described don't even happen in every Build Engine game and only happen if the mapper doesn't know how to do it.
It happens in every build engine game I've played (duke, sw, blood).

>I don't recall that every happening to me and I've spent thousand of hours in my life playing Build engine games.
well then you're retarded. happens all the time in duke, especially with pipe bombs, fuck.

>Now you're just being silly. This is common to any 2.5D FPS. You have no idea what you're talking about man.
Fine the look distortion may not be a 'glitch' but it looks terrible and is a testament to how shitty the build engine is.

>> No.1804381 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804391

>It happens in every build engine game I've played (duke, sw, blood).

Even so, like I said it does not always happen and it can be avoided in the majority of cases

>Fine the look distortion may not be a 'glitch' but it looks terrible and is a testament to how shitty the build engine is.

This is exactly like saying Super Mario Bros 3 sucks because it's not 3D. By the look of your answer, you probably don't even understand what I mean by that.

Does throwing insults make you feel like you have a point?

>> No.1804391 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804404

>can be avoided
If an explosion happens an enemy is in its vicinity it should die, period. Don't give me 'can be avoided' crap. I know how to avoid it and use, for examples, pipe bombs in a way that makes this not happen. But I shouldn't even have to play the game in a way to avoid something like that. It happens because BUILD engine a shit.

>This is exactly like saying Super Mario Bros 3 sucks because it's not 3D.
No it's not. SMB3 is a side scroller and you don't have to look around. Duke Nukem 3D has the capability to look but it looks stupidly distorted when you do so.

>Does throwing insults make you feel like you have a point?
Does throwing bad analogies make you feel like you have one?

>> No.1804396

>It happens in every build engine game I've played (duke, sw, blood).

Even so, like I said it does not always happen and it can be avoided in the majority of cases

>Fine the look distortion may not be a 'glitch' but it looks terrible and is a testament to how shitty the build engine is.

This is exactly like saying Super Mario Bros 3 sucks because it's not 3D. By the look of your answer, you probably don't even understand what I mean by that.
Also, by this definition then any pre-Quake FPS in which you can look up sucks. It's NOT something Build engine specific.

Does throwing insults make you feel like you have a point?

>> No.1804404
Quoted by: >>1804410

I was talking about the door, not the explosion. I disregarded your comment about the explosion just like I disregard any comment starting with an insult; plus there is nothing else to add, I don't recall it ever happening to me in thousands of hours of play.

Oh, and also even if that can happen, you're blaming the "Build Engine" for something that's game specific; which means it can't be used against the "Build engine" itself. But I already said that and you pretended not to hear so whatever.

>> No.1804410 [DELETED] 

>Oh, and also even if that can happen, you're blaming the "Build Engine" for something that's game specific; which means it can't be used against the "Build engine" itself.
well funny how the exact same thing happened in the Big 3 BUILD engine games, huh? Duke, Shadow Warrior, and Blood. Apparently you didn't hear me say that. But of course, no way, it's not engine specific at all, what a silly inference to make.

>> No.1804425

I solved it by playing the game in coop mode. No AI companions and it could actually be a fun coop game if you got anyone to play with... but even if not you can still breeze through the game without any companions at all.

>> No.1804504

30 mil isn't a lot for a video game anymore. Budgets increased a lot. Now average piece of shit game costs a lot more. At least Daikatana had a good multiplayer

>> No.1804521

>30 mil isn't a lot for a video game anymore.

It is when Daikatana had like 20,000 sales.

>> No.1804550

The average cost for video games is increasing only in terms of dollars asked.

I recall buying SMB2 in 1989 for $50CDN. That's $84 in today's currency, which is $14 more than our current trend of new AAA games costing $70. I'm sure plenty of people on this board can give anecdotal evidence that supports this.

Video games, like most consumer electronics, are getting more affordable, at least in North America.

>> No.1804598

It was a lot back then.

Even nowadays 30 millions is much more than what Nintendo spends in their average game.

The development budget of Watchdogs was 68 millions before it was delayed.

>> No.1804609
File: 414 KB, 582x904, humble-ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>1804791 >>1805250

>Retweeted by John Carmack

>> No.1804717

i guess if living in providence and still dicking around with voxels qualifies as "doing well", then sure

>> No.1804791 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804813

Holy shit will he ever wash the sand out of his vagina?

>> No.1804813
Quoted by: >>1804868

How much of that money was spend on the game and not on hookers, coke and other forms of amusement though?


I don't think he'd retweet it if he feels offended by it. I guess he had a good laugh.

>> No.1804868 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804873

>I don't think he'd retweet it if he feels offended by it. I guess he had a good laugh.
Why would he be offended by it? Are you retarded? Do you even know what the story is behind that ad and what's going on here?

>> No.1804873
Quoted by: >>1804875


Are you really that dumb? Try to follow discussions or work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.1804875 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>1804889

Why the shit would Carmack be offended about that advertisement you fucking spastic?

>> No.1804889
Quoted by: >>1804896 >>1804904


So you really ARE braindead. Good to know. Now fuck off back to /v/ with, you retard.

>> No.1804896 [DELETED] 

lol apparently your fucking head doesn't work
what a maximum fucking dickhead hahahha

>> No.1804904
Quoted by: >>1804913

I'm not seeing why he'd be offended either. Care to explain for the class? There's no point in posting things on an imageboard if you aren't going to engage in conversation with people. If you want to post without elaborating, maybe a blog is more your taste?

>> No.1804913 [DELETED] 

He's clearly retarded. I think he's fallen into some kind of sperg induced seizure. I'd imagine at this very moment he's slapping at his monitor with flailing wrists in oestrogen fueled effeminate hissy fits. It's probably best we leave the poor guy alone and give him some time to recover.

>> No.1805250


Well, at least he has a sense of humor about the whole thing.

>> No.1805848
Quoted by: >>1805851 >>1806335

Why doesn't he do a fucking kickstarter? If Inajewne can make $4 mirrion sheckles, i'm sure fans would be willing to give him another shot to make everybody his bitch.

>> No.1805851

Yeah, fast paced shooters are popular right now and what not.

>> No.1806335

He was kind of down on it when his wife Brenda wanted to make a vaguely descriptive oldschool rpg with his friend Tom Hall. It didn't meet required funding. Tom Hall even wanted to kickstart a platformer similar to Commander Keen on his own and it failed too. I think Romero view it as a waste of time seeing how both of those previous project were cancelled.

>> No.1808924
Quoted by: >>1808979

Budgets haven't actually increased a lot. Bloat has. 30 mil is more than enough to make a game with graphics and scale as triple A's and you could make it better it with a smaller team.

And just to be clear. 30 Mil right now IS a lot of fucking money. 30-60Mil will actually get you into the most expensive games developed area, that includes games today.


30 mil is half the budget for an absurdly bloated project, you could have a third of that and it'd still be enough.

>> No.1808979

Here's some more to date.

Back in 2K, 1 or 2 mil would have also been good for a smaller skilled team. You could still theoretically get away with that today, the problem is most companies don't use small skilled teams because they don't know how to fucking manage. The cost of making game is labor costs nearly entirely.

>> No.1809563


It is when the original plan was for Ion Storm to make 3 games for 12 million dollars. The game kept needing more time and it's huge 80 person team sucked up so much money.