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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 35 KB, 315x316, Jetsetradiobox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9134485 No.9134485 [Reply] [Original]

>Why yes, I am superiour to Jet Set Radio Future, how could you tell?

>> No.9134491
Quoted by: >>9174636

the controls are so slippery!!!
but I liked this one's art direction more than future's
future's ost is better though, more variety and quality

>> No.9134567
Quoted by: >>9137610

too much slowdown

>> No.9134636

i never played future, but i like this. why is future worst?

>> No.9134638
File: 119 KB, 254x500, mew_future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how they ruined my girl.

>> No.9134793
Quoted by: >>9136195

finally someone says it

>> No.9134809
Quoted by: >>9135506

Also superior to Jet Grind Radio.

>> No.9134819
Quoted by: >>9134869

> superiour
Who keeps misspelling this word all the time on this board
It’s superior, there’s no u

>> No.9134832 [DELETED] 

I agree, but you don't need to open every thread like a faggot snarky redditor.

>> No.9134869
Quoted by: >>9140624

Pretentious Americans. Same sort who make a majour issue of a minour problem.

>> No.9134920
Quoted by: >>9135506 >>9137643

Future is such an awful game that I don't know how anyone can even like, much less prefer, it. All of the challenge regarding tagging is gone and replaced with awful platforming. The colors are all washed out and ugly, nothing anywhere close to as vibrant as the original. The character designs are atrocious. The music is worse. It's just an all around worse game.

>> No.9135506
Quoted by: >>9137643

I agree overall that the gameplay totally changed (for the worse) to make it a 3D platformer on rollerskates, but I wouldn't call Future a bad game.
>The character designs are atrocious.
Yeah... there is not even a single character in Future whose redesign isn't worse than in the original game. Half the redesigns are just "how can we make this good, simple design cluttered and messy" and the other half are actual dogshit like Noise Tanks

>> No.9135650

Why does American's call it Jet Grind Radio.

Jet Set Radio is obviously a play on Get Set Ready Go, but grind is just some blader lingo.

>> No.9135652

>Why does American's call it Jet Grind Radio.
That's what the game was called in America on initial release due to copyright reasons.
>but grind is just some blader lingo.
You could have taken about 20 seconds to look this up, you know.

>> No.9135682
Quoted by: >>9135737

>Jet Set Radio is obviously a play on Get Set Ready Go
No, it's a play on "jet set", which means "ultrarich people travelling on their own airplanes".
"Jet Set Radio" literally means "Radio for one-percenters". At the same time it's about jet-powered rollerskates, and nobody in the game is rich and the radio station is illegal, although the characters are in a clique. So it evokes arrogance of the young: we're the best, we're number one, we're the new jet set.
I don't think get-set-go is a part of it at all.

>> No.9135737
Quoted by: >>9149009

I don't think they've heard the term "jet setter" before.

>> No.9135743

Thanks for that one bro. Nice hearty chuckle.

>> No.9136195
Quoted by: >>9137215 >>9144751

It used to be you couldn't have a JSRF thread without someone arbitrarily saying JSR was better back on /v/. This was in like 07-12(stopped going on as often after that)

>> No.9136210
Quoted by: >>9137128

Tags are now a button and you don't run away from the police like in the first game. Future is better but different.

>> No.9136219

Why do you talk like this? Why can’t you just make the thread by explaining why you prefer it to the other game? Is your brain so turned to mush by sitting on twitter and Reddit all day that you can no longer even control talking like that?

>> No.9136497
File: 127 KB, 1074x742, future designs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Future first so I'm probably biased. I get that the platforming can be annoying but once you've mastered it it feels so good breezing through a stage. Its one of the games I'll replay just to relax, just skating around the skyscraper district pulling off jumps. The graffiti mechanic is missed, ideally a third game would bring it back for complex tags.JSR is still great but I just find the skating mechanics clunkier, I'm not really a trick sports game fan though.

As far as character designs, I like Future better overall, too. Pirahna/Boogie is a big downgrade. Much prefer JSRF Gum, Yoyo, Cube, Poison Jam, and the Noise tanks. I don't dislike Ryth's change from Mew as much as most. And I really love the Immortals and Rapid 99
Visually I prefer Future as well. Something about all the green and orange in JSR just looks obnoxious to me.

>> No.9136654
Quoted by: >>9166902 >>9166963


>> No.9137128
File: 86 KB, 474x213, onishima3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9137643 >>9137753

>Future is better

>inferior graffiti tagging mechanics (no risk vs. reward element while spraying)
>police confrontations are contained to a small caged area rather than the whole map
>awful character redesigns (also they replaced my boy Onishima with some faggot)
>no more time limit and grading, taking away the arcade feel that the first game had
>shittier designed maps in general (see pharaoh park, tokyo sewage system, etc.)

>> No.9137142
Quoted by: >>9137315 >>9137753

Both were shit games that control like horseshit.

>> No.9137215


>> No.9137315
Quoted by: >>9137372

Maybe, but Future was more shit.

>> No.9137372
Quoted by: >>9137753

Future controls less shot though

>> No.9137397
Quoted by: >>9137459

jet set radio is one of the biggest examples of style over substance ever, even though I still enjoy it

>> No.9137459
Quoted by: >>9137585

it actually has a really deep and technical trick scoring system, which futureplebs will never know

>> No.9137585

more people would probably know about it if the controls were better

>> No.9137610
Quoted by: >>9140510

Only on 360

>> No.9137643

They're just pretty different styles of games. They wouldn't be directly comparable if they weren't in the same series, let alone the ONLY games in the series.
I agree that most of the redesigns are fucking terrible, but I honestly really like Beat and Gum's designs in JSRF. Most of the others feel like arbitrary changes for the sake of not being the original designs but Beat and Gum feel like fairly fitting alternate designs for the "future" version of the game. Although as much as I like her JSRF design, Gum's original design is still better

>> No.9137738

I wonder if bombrush cyberfunk will live up to JSR and JSRF whenever it comes out

>> No.9137753
Quoted by: >>9137758

I agree with everything you said here but still think Future is a solid game on its own merits
The "JSR controls badly" thing is a meme. Anyone who says this needs to get good. The controls were easily worse in Future, by the way. The momentum mechanics were borked to go along with everything else being streamlined, the original's resembled physics you'd find while rollerblading, not so much in Future

>> No.9137758
Quoted by: >>9138089

>the original's resembled physics you'd find while rollerblading, not so much in Future

But I don't like realistic rollerblading, I like Future's slick speed.

>> No.9138089

Future's speed doesn't feel slick to me, it feels slippery and awkward. Go figure they turned 30% of the game into straightforward 3D platforming except you are wearing rollerskates that send you five feet away with a slight movement of the analog stick. What a mess.

>> No.9138974

What it boils down to is JSR is better for people who want an arcade experience and JSRF is better for people who want a collectathon/sandbox experience; the former is True Retro whereas the latter is modernshit.

>> No.9139075
Quoted by: >>9139208

What arcade games are like JSR?

>> No.9139206

They're two different game genres, anon.

You might as well be claiming that Super Mario 3D World is better than Super Mario RPG. Just....what?

>> No.9139208

literally any game with self-contained levels where the focus is points/scoring

>> No.9139212


is this some kind of joke?

>> No.9139552
Quoted by: >>9139559 >>9140637

jet set radio is more like the first 3 tony hawk games

>> No.9139559

those could work in an arcade too

>> No.9140432
Quoted by: >>9140498 >>9140637

>move really slow and do quicktime events for graffiti
nah, jsrf shits all over this game. mindlessly regurgitating older = better doesn't work when it comes to games from this time period.

>> No.9140498

jsrf aesthetic and soundtrack are weaker

>> No.9140510
Quoted by: >>9141117

i've only played it on dreamcast

>> No.9140624
Quoted by: >>9164486

Americans are so retarded they can even spell English. No wonder they never could make a good game console or genre.

>> No.9140637
Quoted by: >>9143563

To some extent sure, but you're missing that JSRF isn't a good collectathon/sandbox.
JSR isn't like THPS at all.
>>move really slow
You realize when you say this, you're admitting you aren't good at the game, right? You can zip through levels quickly and stylishly if you know what you're doing.

>> No.9141117

Oh nevermind I thought you were talking about JSRF. That game runs fine on an Xbox and like fucking garbage on a 360. I don't remember having too much trouble with slowdown in JSR on Dreamcast but I also played it on PS3 and PC so my playthroughs all kinda blur together

>> No.9141243

Not /vr/, but I'm excited for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

>> No.9143194
Quoted by: >>9143323 >>9160114


>> No.9143323

Not this thread anon.

>> No.9143442

It looks good

>> No.9143487

Hopefully the rest of the soundtrack is as good as this one

>> No.9143549
File: 291 KB, 464x784, piranha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite charater?

>> No.9143563
Quoted by: >>9144174

jet set radio and tony hawk are both extreme sports games with tricking

>> No.9144174
Quoted by: >>9158942 >>9173815

That play nothing alike, don't have any similarity whatsoever in their control, have different level goals, not even using a street culture inspired by western extreme sports

>> No.9144178
Quoted by: >>9153153

I loved Garam as a kid playing the Japanese version, I thought he was badass, plus he had baby easy graffiti like Tab/Corn

>> No.9144750

Mew best gurl

Onishima best lad

>> No.9144751

It's said because it's true.

>> No.9144762
File: 30 KB, 426x735, 4981650654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mew of course

>> No.9146130
Quoted by: >>9146132

Easily Gum, but I don't think I really dislike any of them besides Yoyo.

>> No.9146132

I like yoyo because he's top tier in terms of stats and pretty much the first good character you get after gum

>> No.9148078
Quoted by: >>9148390 >>9148621

Is this game supposed to feel like you're on the moon in slow motion or is it an emulation issue?

>> No.9148152
File: 12 KB, 225x330, jsrf-cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cube was my gf growing up, don't judge me.

>> No.9148163
File: 12 KB, 220x168, 337696Rapid 99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partial also to.

>> No.9148390
Quoted by: >>9148621

the controls are wonky

>> No.9148583

>Jet Set Radio is obviously a play on Get Set Ready Go
What the fuck? No it isn’t you uncultured bootlicker.

>> No.9148621

False flag forcing dead memes

>> No.9148809
Quoted by: >>9148839 >>9148846


>> No.9148839

Easily the best song between both games. Scapegoat Wax actually put out a new album just a few months ago, first one in literally 20 years. None of it quite lives up to Aisle 10, but it's still kinda cool to see them randomly come back

>> No.9148846
File: 966 KB, 533x734, a738de4b2cea3f87688a6d1d875992d2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9149009
File: 16 KB, 184x184, e13691762595b41c0c886b1b9254a859c5163690_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9151713

yeah... well what you dont know could fill a warehouse

>> No.9151056
File: 64 KB, 630x536, out of fucking nowhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9152207

Is her real name actually Bismuth?

>> No.9151713


>> No.9152207
Quoted by: >>9152231

I like that idea, it's interesting. But probably not. Her name is just straight up Bis in Japan, and they renamed her Mew in America when JSR was localized. JSRF's localized names tried to stay closer to the original Japanese names, which stayed the same, so we got Rhyth. Same thing happened with Tab being named Corn in JSRF, his Japanese name was Corn (although there's evidence it's supposed to actually be Cone)

>> No.9152231

I would say it's cone since his icon is literally a cone

>> No.9152372

My biggest problem with Future is the level design. It's just awful trying to get anywhere and they didn't give you the convenience of a complete fast travel system.
Grind cuts out the fat despite being the first game, and still manages to create an entire fleshed out map of each area that is fun and frantic to travel through in the last graffiti levels because of the time constraint

>> No.9152374
Quoted by: >>9152381

Plus some of them like the Fortified Residential Zone are just plain shit unfun "platforming challenges" where you have to navigate stupid mazes of rails. Fucking dumb

>> No.9152381

The hill bomb in grind is miles ahead of future's it's actually insane that they forgot the entire point of what that section was supposed to feel like
"Bigger is better!" they probably thought, and basically made a boring highway you had to grind a rail for 30 seconds before you got somewhere.

>> No.9153153
File: 230 KB, 1448x2048, 90715440_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9153154

my babyyyyy, plenty of mew love itt

I did also gravitate towards Garam while playing, but not knowing why

>> No.9153154
File: 376 KB, 1638x2048, E9VFq1bVcAEJIlE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9153713


>> No.9153713

This art is good except for the weird pit hair that A.) really doesn't need to be there, and B.) doesn't match the rest of the art style whatsoever

>> No.9154028
File: 795 KB, 1105x998, __bis_jet_set_radio_and_1_more_drawn_by_tyrone__c5893858224ef9553f2149e63c93cd13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9169906


>> No.9154570
Quoted by: >>9154636

Future mogs the original

>> No.9154636


>> No.9154670
Quoted by: >>9154714

The only real problem with JSR is Grind Square. It was like a preview of what was to come.

>> No.9154714
Quoted by: >>9154798

Yeah, Grind Square is a nightmare, especially if you play as Combo since you're stuck choosing between him and Cube for your first playthrough. It's a shame because Bantam street is really good

>> No.9154798
Quoted by: >>9154893

>Yeah, Grind Square is a nightmare
Obtain skill
It's probably the worst designed level in the game but I'd still not call it bad. Just git gud at sequencing and knowing which rails to use to go where and 95% of your runs you'll use the elevator maybe twice

>> No.9154893

Oh I can play through the level without any serious problems, it's just hard to navigate after not playing the game for a while and really just not a fun level in general

>> No.9154913
Quoted by: >>9158950 >>9158959

Both games have shit controls and gameplay. They only appeal to underage idiots who want to pretend they're anarchists by going around painting shit on walls like a fucking brainless shitlord.

>> No.9155006
Quoted by: >>9155024

He's trolling and/or retarded, JSR plays like a glorified beta, hence why they made Future to fix address all the problems. The only thing JSR did better was the last boss fight.

>> No.9155024

The most based of retards

>> No.9157501

ur gf's future design sucks

>> No.9157521


>> No.9158008

>Sega game includes song that's about Mario characters
What in the FUCK did they mean by this?!

>> No.9158902

I never got this because movement in future is so fast Its never more than a minute to get to almost any other map , and most let you cut through immediately from the street/hub area. The platforming bits in Hikage and Fortified Residential zone never need to be revisited to get to another area of the map. I can understand why having a hub at all is annoying but I love movement in JSRF so much I find it fun just getting from place to place, trying to do it as seamlessly as possible.

>> No.9158910

Wrong, she was mine

>> No.9158925
File: 1.75 MB, 2014x1180, cube poison jam .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face is a little busted in future but I like her tube top. I liked her Queen of Poison Jam look in the Sewers with the silly toku helmet. Not as a permanent change but I liked the idea that Cube decided to be a gang leader and take over territories aggressively and cause trouble.

>> No.9158928

Better Graffiti mechanics and better designs for sure

Elsewhere I’m giving the point to JSRF though

>> No.9158939
File: 34 KB, 450x850, 54F462F4-A5A1-4AB7-8956-AC62DFFD49FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9160029

I had an insane crush on Mew. I don’t like her JSRF design though

I also really always liked Beat. I used to play roller hockey and do inline slalom, I cosplayed as Beat to a few cons many years ago, did tricks in the hotel lobby and blasted people with a can of compressed air I did up to look like spray paint like an insufferable asshole lol. Good times.

>> No.9158942
Quoted by: >>9160301

They are fundamentally similar in a lot of ways. Not that anon, but if you strip the games down to their base mechanics they’re almost the same. They just have different aesthetics and do different things with that base gameplay

>> No.9158950

I’m 34 and I actually used to skate

>> No.9158959

god i hate joyless armchair psychologist anons like this

>> No.9159075

>People who prefer Future generally are ok with JSR even if they don't love it
>Peope who prefer JSR hate Future with a passion and dunk on it anytime

Always find this dynamic funny.

>> No.9159251
Quoted by: >>9159923

As someone who prefers future I feel like I usually see it the other way around though

>> No.9159264

they're both good games but jsrf really fucked up the aesthetic

>> No.9159279

>the average passive consumer vs the passionate committed fan
It's the eternal struggle of media design, a creator can either make something accessible and decent that gives a lot of people a reasonable amount of pleasure, or something niche and focused that gives a small number of people an intense amount of pleasure

>> No.9159286
Quoted by: >>9159302 >>9159923

the hardcore fans are the ones who keep a series alive

>> No.9159302

Man I wish that were true lol
It’s dollars that keep a series alive

>> No.9159923

Not sure how its like outside of 4chan but most JSRF threads tend just to be shitposting lyrics, where as JGR threads are more critiquing Future vs the original

I mean at this point both Future and JSR have had revivals attempted, JSR with the cancelled wii game and Future with BombRush and the Multiplayer release and some aborted attempts. Both games definitely encouraged their fanbase to keep the spirit alive, but more games imitating Future have gone further. One could say its because Future is more accessible, though, but the fact that so many people are willing to recreate it would imply it gave people an intense amount of pleasure and are hardcore into it. .

>> No.9159935
File: 60 KB, 800x600, 1641165850421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9162076

I'm still pissed. If they removed the red bra thing and sleeves then it be halfway decent. Still nowhere near as good as the JGR incarnation

>> No.9160029
Quoted by: >>9160426 >>9160479

Cosplayers are fags

>> No.9160114


>> No.9160301
Quoted by: >>9160423

No, they're not, because JSR doesn't have manual tricks. They kind of added those in Future, but if you're actually going to tell me that THPS and JSR are the same because points go up, no matter how completely different the gameplay is (in every way), I will keep telling you you're wrong

>> No.9160423
Quoted by: >>9160454

Its a game where you move a character around, they carry momentum, your grind on rails and go up halfpipes and shit. The fundamental ground level mechanics are nearly identical

>> No.9160426

Sorry I scared you with the air can bro I was young and rambunctious

>> No.9160454

JSR's mechanics have a lot less complexity, they control totally differently, tricks are so different it might as well not be a point of comparison, etc. It demonstrates that they aren't the same type of game and aren't trying to do the same thing. You're using THPS as a comparison in your mind because it 'feels right', because of you associating both with youth culture and blading and cool music. As games they do not have similar goals, do not play similarly, and in the end are very different in just about every way beyond the superficial "there's momentum in a game released after SM64" or "idk they both involve extreme sports right lol". Really all you're doing is misunderstanding Jet Set Radio

>> No.9160476

>>the average passive consumer vs the passionate committed fan
I feel like you've got that backwards though. People still talking about this series in 2022 are much more likely to be the passionate committed fan if they're fans of JSRF, considering that game is stuck on original Xbox and you really have to go out of your way to play it. Original JSR is on Steam and much more easily emulatable

>> No.9160479

You probably jack off to them, shut up

>> No.9160517

the jsrf redesigns are mostly really ugly

>> No.9160530

>American version had the two worst songs with Dragula and Just Got Wicked which don't at all fit the game
>also has Improvise which is the best song in the series and fits better than most of the OST

>> No.9161096

dragula fits in every game that it appears in

>> No.9161105
File: 340 KB, 700x902, 85b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mother fucKERS

>> No.9161113

Isn't improvise in the pal version too? Pal region is best on dreamcast just for having the better Grind City tracks

>> No.9161449
Quoted by: >>9161459

All you’re doing is thinking about the goals of the game, not their core mechanics. You’re allowing minor differences and presentation to distract you from the fact that these games could functionally be made as mods of each other

>> No.9161459
Quoted by: >>9162116

I'm going to be completely serious here.
All you’re doing is thinking about the goals of the game, not their core mechanics. You’re allowing minor similarities and presentation to distract you from the fact that these games could NOT functionally be made as mods of each other

>> No.9162076
File: 97 KB, 256x488, Th08Reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9162567

>he doesn't like detached sleeves

The biggest crime is what they did to Combo, the purple hair makes him look like a male feminist.

>> No.9162116
Quoted by: >>9162376

If you strip away the hud and make all the assets featureless blocks the games would be nearly identical with a few quirks.

I really don’t know why you’re claiming I’m focusing on the goals—you also agreed those were different earlier. Did you even read the text you copied?

>> No.9162367
File: 296 KB, 751x1792, Cubejsrtransparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9163623

Acquired taste but she looks better than in JSR

>> No.9162376
Quoted by: >>9164328

I don't have any clue how you could actually think this so I'm going to again say that I honestly think you do not understand JSR on a fundamental level. Please don't reply to me again until you realize that you're objectively wrong. Like just fucking play the games? Play and pay attention? I don't know how else to help you get it its like talking to a brick wall.

>> No.9162429
Quoted by: >>9164398

jet set radio is obviously inspired by tony hawk, it came out when thps was the hot thing

>> No.9162567
File: 150 KB, 650x975, 8b42cee21c9d5c674126b0636be9d02a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9167663

I'm normally a fan of Detached sleeves, just not this particular instance.

>> No.9163623
Quoted by: >>9164439

The picture you posted isn't even what she actually looks like in JSR unless you're playing the original Japanese version. It's her best design, idk why she and she alone got a shitty redesign for JGR

>> No.9163658
File: 2.07 MB, 268x268, 1660116332514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9165820 >>9168663

I've had a crush on Gum ever since I played the first level.

>> No.9164328
Quoted by: >>9164398

>No argument
You realized you were being silly huh? Understandable, good time to put your tail between your legs and back off

>> No.9164398

To be less kind I think you're a fucking retard unable to understand anything beyond the absolute surface level. I already explained in other posts how stupid you are, why demand I do so even more?
Jet Set Radio was inspired by Japanese youth culture.

>> No.9164434

I can see how JGR takes influence from Tony Hawk(even though its very close to its release), but I've never been able to play any Tony Hawk game for longer than an hour. The aesthetics were just so fucking ugly, its like being a shit man living in a shit world. American companies were trucking awful at aesthetics in those gens.

>> No.9164439
File: 1.50 MB, 540x540, tumblr_p9o5597asd1xq94wqo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the promo art, in game she looks almost the same as in Future.

>> No.9164446
File: 47 KB, 250x446, CubeJSRF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9164506

Either are fine.
Beat now that's a major upgrade in Future.

>> No.9164459
File: 50 KB, 400x300, jsrf03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9164538 >>9165837

Look at the state of JSRF screens, this game is really in the past. Rumors said Sega lost the code but I don't think it's something said officially.

>> No.9164469

Since Team Reptile is the studio making it, I'm pretty sure that it will be great. It's obvious that they love JSR, Lethal League is nearly entirely inspired by it

>> No.9164486
Quoted by: >>9166973


You mean "can't"? I don't disagree with you, but if you're going to call anyone stupid, you might want to double check before you post.

>> No.9164506
File: 1.22 MB, 1020x720, jsr vs jsrf .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9165837

Cube's narrow face in Future is what's the biggest issue, but unless you fuck with the camera you almost never see her face straight on anyway. The flatter hair also doesn't help . Continuity is dubious but it really feels like the Future versions are all the JSR ones grown up without the baby fat. She looks softer and curvier in JSR.

>> No.9164538
File: 9 KB, 800x800, 45182791_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9165837

>Rumors said Sega lost the code
I doubt there's any truth to that. Speaking of code, seeing how many games are being reverse engineered and getting native ports nowadays I wonder if the same could end up happening to JSRF at some point.

>> No.9165353
File: 151 KB, 840x900, 1651436303730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9165820

I don't know if I'd call it a crush but I draw a lot of porn of her

>> No.9165829
File: 1.70 MB, 1629x781, cube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9166885 >>9168794

Nah, like I said in the last post that's how she looks in the Japanese version. And only the original version, since De La Jet Set Radio (Japanese rerelease that includes Bantam Street and Grind Square, which were exclusive to the American version) has her redesign without the gray shirt

>> No.9165837
Quoted by: >>9165871

Whether they lost the code or not is irrelevant, the real reason the game hasn't been rereleased is because the record label that owned all the licensed music from the game went bankrupt and sold all the music to other labels. They probably don't wanna rerelease the game missing 75% of its soundtrack and getting the rights to use all the music would probably be a headache and they probably don't think a port is worth the money they'd need to spend on that
It's an alternate continuity rather than a sequel, the story is more or less the same

>> No.9165871

I hated the music in Future and I don't think it's something that is important to the gameplay or the levels, just put a custom soundtrack option, that's something I thought was a missed opportunity to do with the og XBOX.

>> No.9165937

Imagine not rereleasing JSRF because you don't feel like calling up Scapegoat Wax and working out a deal

>> No.9165959
Quoted by: >>9166269 >>9168624

Please share.

>> No.9165960
Quoted by: >>9166269 >>9168624

Quit bragging and post a link already

>> No.9166254
File: 444 KB, 1700x1700, Ev4oAcbUUAcwwIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9166269 >>9168624

You can't just say that and not post a link...

>> No.9166269
Quoted by: >>9168624


but I'm with you

>> No.9166486
File: 769 KB, 2776x2776, 2d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9168624

>> No.9166614
Quoted by: >>9168624

for me, nigga, TWEWY on DS was my Jet Set Radio 3
well, you gonna post a link?

>> No.9166687
Quoted by: >>9166696 >>9168624

Gum is NOT for lewd!

>> No.9166696
File: 2.53 MB, 970x2000, 1660221881246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9167704 >>9168624

Then why does she wear such a short dress and lets everyone see her panties?
And don't get me started on JSRF Gum...

>> No.9166885

Had no idea I thought it was just the japanese promo art, this made me think an upgrade mode for the characters could make the game more interesting, at least you would get something as a reward for the collect-a-thon in Future, stuff like new skates, different colors, new clothes, hair...

>> No.9166902

I hope it comes with modding support or a level editor so people can port the original JSR and JSRF levels to it and make new ones in the same style, maybe even the characters.

>> No.9166963
Quoted by: >>9167723

That's reaching please notice me senpai levels, yeah it looks like a good engine but it's missing the trademark SEGA's design, those characters are laaaaame.

>> No.9166973

You should do the same.

>> No.9167663
File: 241 KB, 480x640, ryth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9167746

Someone said Ryth's JSRF look is like if someone put on a bunch of sexy articles of clothing with no rhyme or reason. So clear sleeves but they don't match anything, an open dress, a sci-fi bikini over it, thigh highs, all barely the same color; her blues don't even match
Its actually sort of endearing. Its not like these characters have a lot of personality but I always felt Mew/Ryth was more of the innocent, naive type, so the idea of her trying to look more mature by wearing sexy clothing but missing the point is cute.

>> No.9167704

>"she was asking for it, just look how she's dressed"
Ok incel

>> No.9167709

Because I must be a contrarian...why else?

>> No.9167723

This, the characters are all so forgettable. I still hope the game ends up being successful even just to show Sega that there's still a market for JSR.

>> No.9167746
File: 1.13 MB, 1020x720, 1641160328849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9167757 >>9167783

>Its not like these characters have a lot of personality but I always felt Mew/Ryth was more of the innocent, naive type, so the idea of her trying to look more mature by wearing sexy clothing but missing the point is cute.
While I don't necessarily disagree with this statement I'd argue that most of the characters in terms of looks mostly makes sense when they made there way to JSRF, with the exception of Boogie and Rhyth. I'd say personally that Beat for example is changed in a way that makes sense for what future was going for, regardless of what my opinion on the design itself is. It feels futuristic compared to the original design, yet both are pretty striking. Mew is very striking in the original with an almost solid light blue design but Rhyth is a little bit more complicated, there's this weird red bra thing, and these clear sleeve things. Maybe if just those things were removed Rhyth could have been just as striking as Mew, although some of the fan art might prove me wrong.

>> No.9167757

I'd also like to add that I love her backless dress and thighhighs

>> No.9167783

Personally I just think every single character in JSRF besides the new ones like Clutch look like absolute shit. They should have designed an entirely new cast rather than ruining the original designs.

>> No.9167941
File: 3.29 MB, 1920x2417, Gum_and_police.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9168624

Sorry it's so late, was at work all day. I've got more but they look kinda shitty compared to these
pantsu ripper and typpo are better artists than me so don't set your expectations too high

>> No.9168663
File: 204 KB, 600x500, 1417586322734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9168694

>dat dancing

So good. I remember the dancing animations in Future seemed off for some reason. Maybe because the models were more realistic, they seemed like animatronic dolls cursed to dance forever.

>> No.9168680

Future is nice because you can actually take time out and relax where as radio the clock is always up your ass. Radio is arcade and future is a platformer. Both are good in their on way but to say future is bad is shit taste especially considering that 99% of good xbox games were sega

>> No.9168694
Quoted by: >>9168750

The dances were also a lot more over the top. JSR had them just kinda vibing and JSRF had them perpetually doing full-on dances that just looked kinda weird

>> No.9168739

That's some really soulful art anon, its not necessarily the most erotic but I like how it captures the feeling of hanging out with a girlfriend.

>> No.9168750
File: 266 KB, 469x570, 1375077117616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that too

This thread got me to reinstall JSR, thanks lads

>> No.9168791
Quoted by: >>9168823

I bought jet grind radio on release and loved it, but still to this day have never touched FUTURE, because it was an xbox exclusive.

how is emulation of it? is there even emulation for it?

>> No.9168794
Quoted by: >>9168831 >>9168854

americans got exclusive content over japan?
god damn we were winning back then

>> No.9168807
Quoted by: >>9168843

Good stuff anon, thanks for sharing!

>> No.9168823
File: 515 KB, 1680x2350, c392c342e53f9f8b08018f62b176e3a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9168836

Played it all on Cxbx Reloaded without pretty much any issues, I counted two crashes and some minor texture flickering in the very first level, that was over a year ago so I'm sure it's gotten even better.

>> No.9168831
Quoted by: >>9168836 >>9174416

The Japanese version was rough. When it came time for localization they changed a lot of little details and added two entirely new levels to both appeal to the west and add more content for bitchwhiny internet reviewers
I think the same team made the new levels but they're both weird and don't really feel like the original levels in terms of design

>> No.9168832
Quoted by: >>9168843

This is a great description of that anons work.

>> No.9168836

Thanks for the QRD m8

Thanks I will try that then if I can

>> No.9168843
Quoted by: >>9171403

Thanks anons. And yeah I typically prefer just drawing nudes/lewd scenarios than full on sex, maybe "drawing porn" was a bit of an exaggeration

>> No.9168854
Quoted by: >>9169141

There are a surprising amount of games that are like that. They'll come out in Japan, get released in America with some extras, then get rereleased in Japan as a deluxe edition like De La Jet Set Radio, Final Fantasy X/X-2//XII International, and I wanna say Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne: Maniax edition but that last one might've come out in Japan first

>> No.9168878
File: 2.74 MB, 846x968, 1632395108642.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9169062 >>9169945

>> No.9169062

i wanna get down on the floor

>> No.9169131
Quoted by: >>9169157

My headcanon: Future Cube is a lesbo

>> No.9169141


>> No.9169157
Quoted by: >>9169450 >>9170113

She comments on how sexy Poison Jam are at some point, so that's unlikely. Maybe bi.

>> No.9169450
Quoted by: >>9169489 >>9170113

A lesbian could still offhandedly say that they think a guy is sexy. I need better proof or else Future Cube is gay forever now

>> No.9169489
File: 1.28 MB, 1279x909, Cxbx-Reloaded b405153 _ IG-024 v1.01 (Jet Set Radio Future) 25_09_2021 14_31_36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9169661

I'm pretty sure this is all there is. Your headcanon is safe.

>> No.9169594
File: 2.66 MB, 968x928, 1632357856220.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9169945

>> No.9169654
Quoted by: >>9174431

i dated a shibuya-kei style singer in Japan for a while, and ever since then I've had a special appreciation for any kind of 60s/mod/retro futurism (like JSR, Space Channel 5) and also acute physical pain
best time of my life, and almost went insane. i stuck my dick in crazy and the crazy won.
thank you for reading my op ed

>> No.9169661
Quoted by: >>9169672

She could just be being vampy. Future Cuve sucked shit by the way.

JSR Cube (Japanese) > JGR Cube (whitewashed to American) >>>>>>> JSRF Cube

Speaking of which, what evidence do we have of any of the JSR girls not being lesbians? It's lesbian until proven hetero after all, standard principle

>> No.9169672
Quoted by: >>9169734

get this retarded fucking yurishit out of here

>> No.9169734
File: 167 KB, 764x842, Screenshot_20220706-224603_Tachiyomi~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damnit they caught me!

>> No.9169906

Saved. Also, listening to a few Cibo Matto songs from that album while on LSD with friends is a funny time.

>> No.9169945
Quoted by: >>9169974

no Mew and her unfitting yellow/orange underwear?

>> No.9169974
File: 2.64 MB, 1058x914, mew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9170113

>future Cube can only get off on big muscled bodies wearing monster costumes and smelling of the sewer


>> No.9170464
File: 569 KB, 1024x1298, Combo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9170827

Introduced me to Jurassic 5 so im eternally grateful
his race was pure ass tho

>> No.9170470

I think of sweet soul brother often in my life since the release of JGR.


>> No.9170827
File: 24 KB, 540x540, 1594062090255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9170842

The half pipe up to the stairs on that last leg of the race trips me up constantly

>> No.9170842

NIG-----hts into dreams!!

>> No.9171403
File: 165 KB, 658x354, Screen Shot 2022-08-12 at 7.55.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn anon,you really inspired me, I really love the idea of JSR/Future waifus hanging out with you for the girlfriend experience. I had to draw my waifu Jazz. I had Future before JGR( It made me go and get a Dreamcast and JGR like a few months later, though) so I'm a bit more attached to the JSRF designs honestly but I love both games. I think when I get a chance I'll draw Mew/Ryth nude looking for clothes to put on an give her both outfits around her room.

Please keep doing more JSR art its really cute!
full sketch here

>> No.9171684
Quoted by: >>9171696 >>9173575

You got a twitter or summin

>> No.9171696

now kiss

>> No.9171705
File: 118 KB, 500x596, 1641174436504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated girl, needs more art

>> No.9171964 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon! You gonna color this? The lines look fantastic.
>Please keep doing more JSR art its really cute!
Same to you, I'd love to see more

>> No.9171979
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x720, gum final (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9173575

Thanks anon! I also made pic related but I think the NSFW ones came out better. You gonna color this? The lines look fantastic, I really like it
>Please keep doing more JSR art its really cute!
Same to you, I'd love to see more

>> No.9172547
File: 654 KB, 868x1228, 74460303_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9173352
File: 864 KB, 1420x944, Yellowroom-735320-GUM_-_Jet_Set_Radio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9174072

>> No.9173575
Quoted by: >>9175067

Yep, started tossing some colors on it, here's a look
@ziggysketch1 but its mostly cape commission stuff right now

This thread got me to replay JGR and Future. Really had more fun on frustrating parts of Future like the sewer than I remembered. Once you get the hang of the physics its feels very smooth to get through.

>> No.9173592

These are actually surprisingly cute

>> No.9173815

Jsr is just bad pro skater.

>> No.9174072

When keeping it real goes wrong

>> No.9174416

Both levels are generally smaller than the regular ones but Bantam Street is still fun.

>> No.9174431
Quoted by: >>9174496

There is nothing at all retro about JSR, what the hell? Visually it's entirely a product of late '90s Tokyo hip-hop and punk and Shibuya street fashion culture.

>> No.9174496
File: 79 KB, 337x250, onishima_4915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9175062

>There is nothing at all retro about JSR, what the hell?

Only because the 90's had a wave of 60's/70's nostalgia going on. The aesthetics are definitely in part influenced by nostalgic fashions.
Onishima is supposed to have 70's cop show vibes
Naganuma loves 70's funk in general.

>> No.9174636

I play Cibo Matto's censored version of Birthday Cake over and over.

>> No.9175062

I thought Onishima was a parody of Zenigata from Lupin III. Which I guess is still 70's to be fair

>> No.9175067

Looks great, I'm a big fan of it. There's never enough JSR art

>> No.9175160

I really hate how slow recovery time is in JGR. Yeah, gitgud and all, but I hate how the camera will flip often and skew your control angle, making you turnaround slooooowly

>> No.9175327
File: 198 KB, 1359x1449, b56777dc2365f8c4a5b4447c4a087427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]