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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9025637 No.9025637 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>9018505

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
Doom RPG series:
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.9025639
File: 2.28 MB, 1328x1644, 1655517730446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

94 PROTONS OF /vr/
See picture for details

512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/
>>9010641 Beta as of 6-15: https://files.catbox.moe/0nx13f.zip

400 MINUTES OF /vr/
Idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/megawads/400minvr

Download it here
https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ (Latest)

=== NEWS ===
[06-18] Woof! 10.0 released

[06-16] Altars of Madness released.

[06-15] Shamus Young passed away from cardiac arrest

[06-11] The Force Engine 1.0 beta is almost done with hardware rendering

[06-11] Pico Doom updated to 1.5

[06-10] Duke Nukem movie in the works

[06-09] SLOOTER is now in early access

[06-08] La Tailor Girl updates to 1.83

[06-07] GZDoom 4.8.0 Released

[06-06] Turok 2+ mod released, extensive revamp for Turok 2

[06-04] Quakewulf releases a map for Quake 2

[06-03] RAMP 2022 announced

[06-03] Action Quake is now free on steam

[06-02] JPCP2 has been announced

[05-30] 400 Minutes of /vr/ is on idgames

[05-28] Pandemonia 2.2 released

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.9025652
File: 505 KB, 1024x1024, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9025671 >>9025818

>> No.9025663
File: 256 KB, 375x173, WHEN IT'S DONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

94 Protons Of /vr/ - The Anchor Post
See pic in news post for rules.

MegaUpload: https://mega.nz/folder/z9ZVEAJJ#t4IEL6VGFY7tBBMIEOKXUA
>Proton Pack 1.4 (main assets)
>PROTDECO10 (patch for testing your levels in GzDoom)
>94SplatDefault, 94SplatNC-HUD (Updated)
>A collection of MIDIs for mappers to use (please stake a claim on a MIDI you've settled on so that we don't get doubles)
If the assets update, I'll reply to this post stating so.

>E1 Boss Level, x2 Paratamizers as a finale: Unclaimed
>E2 Boss Level, potentially a revamped Icon Of Sin fight with new graphics and him being able to attack, but other suggestions are open: Unclaimed
>Hunted clone: Unclaimed
>Hunted clone 2, if it's different enough from the first one: Unclaimed
>Optional Dead Simple clone: Unclaimed
>Large city battle level akin to Odyssey Of Noises: Unclaimed

Minimum Goal: 15 Maps Total
Current Submissions: 4 Maps
Submissions In Progress: 5?

To Do:
>% doesn't load
>touch up Status Bar
>Interpics (optionally one per episode)
>E2 Boss
>E3 Boss
>Shotgun (done, just needs converting to MBF21)
>Super Shotgun

Reply to this post with submissions or questions.
Please repost this at the start of new threads, adding up the submission number or version numbers.

>> No.9025671
File: 11 KB, 374x299, CannedMeatIsOnTheMenuBoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice imps

>> No.9025675
File: 300 KB, 1904x1041, 20220620115042_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026682

Bumping this again, the patch in question works just fine in bot matches, but my viewmodel gets right in my face during online matches (pic related). As far as I know, none of the servers I joined to test the patch have any kind of mods or mutators that would affect the viewmodels themselves, nor do I know if the patch in of itself is causing it somehow. And yes, I know I'm playing at a really high FOV.

Here's the patch in question just in case: https://github.com/alexstrout/foxWSFix-UT99

>> No.9025685

Duke Nukem 3D in 1996 just made Doom obsolete, and became a better game in every relevant aspect of gaming. Yea, no infighting. Infight my ass.

Duke >Doom

>> No.9025712
File: 122 KB, 350x310, what went wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the god damn world is meta doom`s ssg hook so hideously ugly? i mean, a brutal doom fork did it better. how did they fuck it up so bad?

>> No.9025718
Quoted by: >>9025803

>pumps 10 doom mods in the time it takes you to fight duke tools
nothing personel

>> No.9025769

Threadly reminder that Thy Flesh Consumed is the worst Doom episode

>> No.9025786
Quoted by: >>9025806

Git gud.

>> No.9025789
Quoted by: >>9025795

Duke's gunplay was worse than Doom.

>> No.9025795

I don't fully agree, better pistol, better shotgun, about comparable rocket launcher and chaingun, devastator slightly edges out plasma rifle.
Doom does have the berserk fist, the super shotgun, and BFG, though.

>> No.9025803
Quoted by: >>9026020 >>9026278

Doom is for plebejans and virgins, like Super Mario.
Duke is for chads, like Sonic.

>> No.9025806

The hard levels are the best ones in the episode though

>> No.9025818
File: 1 KB, 25x30, FAMEVL4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9025932

>decorate master
>simple part hard
>dumb graf

>Crash drop zerk
Never. kill uwu

>> No.9025819
File: 1.01 MB, 540x304, 14394847515651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026029

>McGee/Romero levels

>> No.9025843

E4M1-2 and 6 are some of the only stock levels I care to go back to

>> No.9025857

I'm trying to play the beta on UV but I just suck at Doom
How do I stop sucking at Doom? Even vanilla Doom 2 filters me at UV, and I save at the beginning of every level to prevent pistol start.
Anything over HMP is just not fun for me, I need to savescum.

>> No.9025869 [SPOILER] 
File: 312 KB, 338x507, doom of love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't stop moving?

>> No.9025876

You'll probably get a lot of "just play more", which I definitely recommend, but here's some general tips I've picked up in the past couple months since joining these threads:
>Pay attention to enemy placement, and use enemies to block each others' shots
>Practice timing enemies' attacks with things like Berserk punching Hell Knights and dodging Revenenant balls so you get their timings/movements down instinctively
>Remember that Blue Armor blocks more damage than Green Armor, so only pick-up Green Armor once your Blue Armor has run-out or if you're in danger
>Look up damage values for weapons and enemies, you don't need to memorize the numbers, but get a feeling for which weapons deal damage close to certain enemies' health (for example, how many Shotgun shots vs Chaingun bullets it takes to kill a Lost Souls vs Revenant)
>Also, look up enemy pain stun chances, as this will help you figure-out which weapons to switch to against which enemies in tight quarters (for example, if you know there's a close-quarters fight with an Archvile, Revenant, etc., save your Plasma Gun for that encounter because of the high damage and rate of fire)
There's lots more to offer, but I'm in the middle of something and just wanted to drop what I thought might help, from one relative-newcomer to another.

Also, unrelated, but Shittlecock is a better map than any one of Helter Smelter, Maybe You Dance, or Flynn Taggart Dies In Magma. I wish you had just gone anonymous, Black Crime Rates.

>> No.9025889
File: 195 KB, 738x1101, 1368250913638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026020 >>9026736

If you are having too much difficulty with vanilla Doom on UV, then perhaps you haven't been challenging yourself enough in other games. My brother spent all his life playing only easy difficulties in every game, and he can't even play Doom on HMP.

>> No.9025895


>> No.9025902
File: 13 KB, 217x266, i can feel my brain cells committing suicide one by one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026415

>muh wrong generation
i guess this is the right board for it. still, kys asap.

>> No.9025916
Quoted by: >>9026048

I hated Doom 2016 because they just turned Doom into Painkiller, and instead of going fast all the time you only go fast in short spurts. NuWolf sucked because while the setting is cool as fuck, it's just bland Call of Duty gameplay.

Ion Fury is a new game though, so I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.9025932
Quoted by: >>9026018

Decorate Master sounds like a monster that fires projectiles that are lines of Decorate at you.

>> No.9025953
Quoted by: >>9025982

i don't mind those games except for maybe wolfenstein tnc because it was lame
at least the old ones never left and are still getting content
it's like fans owned them for a while

>> No.9025982

>it's like fans owned them for a while
To me it's one of the main reasons old games will be better, usually they are simple enough anyone can romhack them or make custom content for it that would be on par or even better than the original game. To do so for most of modern games it would require huge studios or great amount of effort to make something good. Of course it doesn't apply to all modern games since some of them are very moddable too, like Minecraft.

>> No.9026018
Quoted by: >>9033243

And those lines are the actual projectile's lines.

>> No.9026020
Quoted by: >>9026863

Thanks for the tips anon
Can't the name be edited to say "Crime Rates"?
It seems to me that first person shooters are just more masochistic than other genres and the fans that make mods want it even harder. I have been playing FPS's since the 90's, I finished many, always play on 2nd hardest difficulty and just don't see a way out of saving every 5 minutes or so.
Maybe it's like the other anon said, you need to get the rhythm of everything right to a instinctive level then it all starts to make sense.
Sometimes I dance all round groups of imps and pinkies like a ballet, punching them to death without taking a single hit, other times seems like I get destroyed without scoring a single jab.
Also too many fucking traps on every mod

>> No.9026028

OPTIONAL update for 512 Lines' Slivovitz Liver Massacre:
>defused the Star Room. I think it's too easy now, so if lead doesn't think it's too hard as it lead, ignore this update.


>> No.9026029

They’re some of McGee’s worst, though.

>> No.9026048

Since nuDoom 2 and its DLC, I’ve come to appreciate 2016’s early attempt at non-linear level design. The rest of it and 99% of its sequel do not get as open-ended or loopy as those few early 2016 levels, even when its real basic shit like choosing which gorenest you want to be locked up with. Could never finish the neoWolf games, beat Ion Fury about three times.

>> No.9026060
Quoted by: >>9026201

Say, do I need to use attached midis?

>> No.9026127
Quoted by: >>9026173

Shit auger zenith with Freedom enemies is great.

But the sprites seem to be confused while in the shooting sprite. Is there any work around?

>> No.9026148

Hands of Necromancy released on Steam.

>> No.9026162
Quoted by: >>9026205

Just play it like any other modern first person shooter. It makes it easier. I don't even play with the auto aim on. Try out some user made stuff from the 90s. Often times a lot of those tend to be easier than the doom games themselves. It can help build up the skill.

Also, general advice.
Use shotgun on imps and anything larger.
If you tap fire the chaingun, it always shoots center so you can use it to snipe but it's preferable to keep it to zombies, imps if shell ammo is low, or when you're getting swarmed. For when it comes to being swarmed the plasma gun and bfg9000 are better. Rocket launcher on things bigger than pinkies, but not on cybers. They're immune to splash damage. Better to use the plasma gun or bfg9000 if you can get in close since the spreading splash damage from the bfg is relative to the player instead of the actual ball. You have to face the enemies, and be within range, for the bfg9000 to spread.

Double barrel shotgun is a straight upgrade over the shotgun but it's still better to use the single shotty when dealing with imps and zombies unless they're blobbed up. Then the double barrel is better. Also, if you ever hit a pinkie with a double barrel and want to conserve ammo, switch to the pistol or chain gun. They hardly ever survive one shot but if they do they have like 20 hp left. If you can count on the fly you can conserve ammo pretty far. Don't forget that the monsters will fight one another if they hit each other in cross fire. Sometimes, one of the best ways to get through something is to simply show yourself, let them crossfire, and then hide until they stop shooting at each other.

>> No.9026167

Seeing a lot of necromancer themed stuff lately. Even mods.
Maybe we are getting closer to a perfect necromancer game one day.

Arcanum is right humans really are necromancers.

>> No.9026173
File: 59 KB, 900x704, SLADE_N6l7FyX8SI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026181

Are you running it with D37_AlternateBlaster.wad? There are some edited zombie shooting frames in there.
If that is the case, stop loading that wad alongside A:Z, or open it in slade and delete everything except the DSPISTOL sound lump.

>> No.9026175
File: 55 KB, 800x450, 1595509668611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026205

Is it just me or is the 3rd episode of blade of agony not that great?

>> No.9026181

Ah yes that makes sense even If I never edited doom stuff. Honestly I looks pretty easy to edit stuff in doom.

>> No.9026190
Quoted by: >>9029249

Well this is no Hedon in terms of scope but it certainly looks interesting. Thanks.

>> No.9026195
File: 1.50 MB, 680x629, 192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026217 >>9026291

more like dumb LMFAO

>> No.9026201

No, those are optional.

>> No.9026203

Is eternity good for mapping? I love the almost seamless portals but it doesn't have much else that MBF21 or gzdoom can't do.

>> No.9026205

Third episodes seem kind of cursed.
>imps surviving shotgun blasts
This tilts me so I prefer chaingunning them if they’re alone.

>> No.9026217
Quoted by: >>9026259

It's over guys, delete the wads, erase the idgames, stop 94 Protons development, Doom is over.

>> No.9026252

i like all of them except Ion Fury lol

>> No.9026259
File: 426 KB, 1600x900, wellofsouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031058

Well, I guess I'm just gonna have to burn this new version of Watered Down asap. Put it on a flash drive and throw it into the pyre. Sorry guys, you heard the man. Here, have a copy so you can burn it too
It just fixes a bunch of texture alignment problems (hopefully), replaces some textures, and makes the exit teleporters more faithful to the example ones in protest.wad. Also switches the death and regular exit around.

>> No.9026265
File: 1.50 MB, 1600x900, spasm0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026824

I cleared the Warpspasm mod and am intrigued about how in the penultimate level, there seems to be some strange mechanic in regards to how some enemy waves just won't spawn if you aren't looking in the correct direction for them to ambush you

>> No.9026278
Quoted by: >>9026287

That's not an inaccurate comparison. Just like Mario, Doom is still going strong to this day. Just like Sonic, Duke had a good trilogy of games and everything that came after was complete mediocrity and the series became a laughing stock and shell of its former self.

>> No.9026287

I wonder if Duke would’ve been the best FPS that year if it weren’t for Quake, and even then the basegames for them both are pretty close. Only other ones I remember coming out that year were Descent 2 and Skynet.

>> No.9026291
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1654510268209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke bros we just keep winning

>> No.9026317

Question from someone who doesn't really understand how source ports and shit work: If a game like Selaco or Supplice is on GZDoom, does that mean it's essentially a big Doom mod?

>> No.9026323
Quoted by: >>9026428

Usually, but Selaco specifically has its own custom GZdoom build.

>> No.9026325

gzdoom is just the engine, its like saying any unreal engine game is a UT4 clone

>> No.9026326
File: 614 KB, 500x538, q3g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028617

>> No.9026330

Is Trepang2 an Unreal Tournament mod because it runs on Unreal Engine? Exactly.

>> No.9026338

>Are there any suggestions you would make to the map order? I would particularly like to know how to make the early game more fun.
No clear ideas. It's tough to think about because there are many dark uac-ultra-textured techbase maps that are thematically cohesive with each other but pretty much nothing else is. So while there probably shouldn't be too many of them in a row, picking anything from the rest to sprinkle between them feels out of place and arbitrary. In any case I think the first few maps should leave a less claustrophobic first impression. iron512 could go lower for that purpose without departing from the theme. Difficulty- and simplicity-wise 511 lines of horror could perhaps go lower. Touchplate trouble should go somewhere higher.

>> No.9026341
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, entselkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9027150

If you put in the effort, I'd imagine you could make it work.

>> No.9026353

I say it depends on effort. Selaco plays and feels like something new where the difference is larger than going from doom to heretic. Or even larger than ashes which is already incredible.

>> No.9026354 [DELETED] 

You're fucking obnoxious when do you shutup with these threads?

We get it you hate our childhoods because we had freedom back then and you don't want to give it back to us unless it's through some dumb ass video game

Fuck you too shit for brains

>> No.9026363

Is blade of agony worth playing

>> No.9026365
Quoted by: >>9026392 >>9032042

I absolutely love the Oddball. 10/10 weapon. Love making Jackboots wander around bleeding to death so I can run up and smack 'em.

>> No.9026371
Quoted by: >>9026380

>hmp is identical to uv
>you have to prove to ribbiks, personally, you can beat hmp before he sends you the proper wad, or more likely he's shitposting
>apparently it's just to filter out people whining that UV is too hard because they're retards who dove into a ribbiks wad
kind of massively homosexual not gonna lie
also it's mostly puzzle shit and pacifist fights from the looks of it

>> No.9026378

does rekkr on steam come with the wad itself? would rather play it in an oldschool port if possible.

>> No.9026380
Quoted by: >>9026394

>abloo bloo bloo
Making faggots like you cry is proof that he's incredibly based

>> No.9026383

how else would it come? unless he switched engines somehow or it was a .pk3 for whatever reason

>> No.9026384
Quoted by: >>9029296

Yes, but IIRC it doesn't work as an IWAD in oldschool ports, you'll need to load it on top of Ultimate Doom.

>> No.9026392
Quoted by: >>9026596

It absolutely juices Babuins too.

>> No.9026394

not sure how that's crying but alright, don't think ribbiks particularly needs a defense force either with how popular he is but you do you

>> No.9026395
File: 2.78 MB, 854x480, onecheekyboner.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026416 >>9026948

Impressive amount of not caring

>> No.9026401

I'm getting some witchaven vibes from the crunchy weapon and enemy spritework

>> No.9026403

Oh hey, some /vr/gins worked on this. Nice.

>> No.9026415
Quoted by: >>9031568

>you are a bad person because you do not like new thing
you're on the wrong board for that attitude

>> No.9026416

Revenants have terrible posture, so their head sticks out well in front of their actual hitbox when viewed at an angle.

>> No.9026419
File: 391 KB, 616x353, p2pl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9026428

Pretty sure it's just extra shit in it's GZDoom pk3.

>> No.9026430
File: 622 KB, 1920x1080, 1654363493528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always knew they were nerds

>> No.9026434
Quoted by: >>9026436

Is that mod real? Is it an actual kart mod?

>> No.9026436
Quoted by: >>9026480 >>9026493

It's Doomware, the kart segments are just simple mini-games. SRB2 Kart as far as I know is the only complete Doom kart mod.

>> No.9026480

It's the only one that has escaped the curse.

There's still no completed space pirate mod.

>> No.9026493

SRB2 Kart is fun. A shame the development for version 2.0 looks to be going in the direction of unfun feature bloat.

>> No.9026503

your posture would be shit too if you had two bigass rocket launchers bolted onto your shoulders
and no muscles or flesh to support them

>> No.9026524
Quoted by: >>9026543

Not really retro or fits into this thread, but it's pretty good. I just wish Postal 4 was as good as this.

>> No.9026537
Quoted by: >>9026552

>in front
Their head also sticks about the entire-fucking-thing above their hitbox.
Niggas hittin they heads on doorways like Stormtroopers SMFH this ain't even Dark Forces!!!

>> No.9026538

Map20 of 400 minutes of /vr/

>> No.9026543
Quoted by: >>9026549

>Not really retro or fits into this thread,
Is it not a Postal 2 (2003) expansion? It’s not a 90s FPS but may be retro.

>> No.9026549

Yeah, it's retro now. We always had little tidbits of postal 2 discussion before the rule change anyway, it was "honorary retro" along with Serious Sam.

>> No.9026552
File: 636 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220620_183400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026565

In vanilla, sure.
Revenants are scaled closer to human skeleton size in HD.

>> No.9026554
File: 127 KB, 969x1143, 1654807452892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026626

Does Powerslave have any good mods?

>> No.9026565
File: 896 KB, 851x849, 1639670777239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026574 >>9026602

>scaling Revs down fixes the height overhang, but not depth
Didn't even realize HiDes "fixed" the height either DESU, just thought Revs got shrunk like those lil bitty pinkies (I don't know shit about HiDes)

>> No.9026574 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, FUCK.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are full sized pinkies, too.
Someday I'll finish this.

>> No.9026596

I've been making good use of it for that.

>> No.9026602
Quoted by: >>9026604

The clone-stamped face on the kid with the blue shirt in that pic is incredibly cursed.

>> No.9026604


>> No.9026614

I'm the anon that's bad at Doom, just finished map 02 of the 512 beta and man, it's so fucking hard, you guys are getting masochistic, wtf. Had lots of fun with 2048 and HFFM but 512 is throwing archviles at me like Plutonia throws revenants what's up with that? saved the level 6 times to beat it.

>> No.9026624

99% of my hdest deaths are a regular imp fireball that brings me from 100 to 0 while I'm spamming a 180 degree turn keybind and chugging a blue potion and on top of a water floor texture

>> No.9026626

The Build one?
There are a handful of graphics mods for buildgdx/raze and a mini-episode: Return to Ruins.

For the rerelease, nothing substantial yet.

>> No.9026635
Quoted by: >>9026652

A sadist is the one who gives, the masochist is the one who receives.
512 Linedefs' map order admittedly needs some work though, have you played 400 minutes?
Are you crouching? A regular imp fireball shouldn't do that. but a big homing ball or full mage volley might.

>> No.9026651
File: 880 KB, 1920x1080, Hellbound fuckgate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026667

Hellbound's been fucking my shit up with those close quarters hellknight fights

>> No.9026652
Quoted by: >>9026667

Believe you me, I am doing every animal mascot from early 2000s fire PSAs proud, and I know about the attack that floats up in the air and the one that shoots a tight shotgun blast of 5, a regular fireball does it often enough

And I still don't know whether green armor is fire resistant or highly flammable, I have seen youtube comments in poor english saying both

>> No.9026667
File: 909 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20201120_230750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hohoho, this fucking room.
Green armor is supposed to absorb some of the fire so you can take it off and it will burn separately from you, but IIRC Matt broke it at some point.

>> No.9026682

Bumping this once more cus fuck it

>> No.9026714

Map order isn't finalized, feel free to skip maps if they bust your asshole open. Some of the maps after 02 are easier, and some of the 20's are easier than some of the 00's.
Try MAP21. :^)

>> No.9026736
Quoted by: >>9026743

Is there an Evil Dead TCM or wad? Seems like an idea someone would have tried to execute already.

>> No.9026739

Normal imp fireballs don't apply that much heat, don't worry about putting yourself out. If you get hit by enough that you'd be set on fire, you're probably dead from the raw damage anyway. Blues also don't do anything to help your short-term survivability, pop a stim instead.

>> No.9026743
File: 105 KB, 640x480, screenshot_N A_aoddoom1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9027074

Like, back in 1996. It's fun.

>> No.9026747
Quoted by: >>9026765 >>9027081

Yeah, I still like playing on I’m Too Young To Die, what of it?

>> No.9026752
File: 288 KB, 456x456, 1655771084100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9026772


>> No.9026765

Explorer more than fighter

>> No.9026772
Quoted by: >>9026856

HOOOOOOOOLY SHIT I'm not reading that.
But 40oz was a pretty good mapper at the time so if you're getting into mapping then these are definitely worth a read, there's bound to be good advice here.

>> No.9026824
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, warpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030480

it is a thing you can do with triggers, but I don't remember that in Warpspasm. if you mean the level on your screenshot, there's a spot where you pass under an arch but enemies only appear with a delay, so it looks as if you've triggered something without progressing further.
you can always extract the entities and look at how it's done.

>> No.9026856

>But 40oz was a pretty good mapper at the time
Ego sure got the best of him.

>> No.9026863

I'm the same way with fighting games. Despite all the hours I've put in, I still have trouble executing a simple fireball when playing against human opponents. I just get so worked up and I'm a fucking butterfingers I guess. I gave up on it.

>> No.9026948
Quoted by: >>9026949

What addon are you using that adds the laser targetting?

>> No.9026949
Quoted by: >>9026961

That's the laser/light module from Ugly as Sin.

>> No.9026961
Quoted by: >>9026967 >>9026975

I see, thanks. I haven't been using that mod much, I must have missed that option. One thing I've always wondered about Ugly as Sin, does anyone know what enabling Advanced AI changes?

>> No.9026967

A lot of the AI changes broke from a revamp in HD itself, so they're disabled.

>> No.9026975

The only functioning parts of it left give lights/lasers to zombies and robots, and negatively affect enemy aggression and accuracy when they're at low health.

>> No.9026976
File: 258 KB, 480x270, Screenshot_Doom_20220620_220743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031058



Map name is "Exspiravit Oppidum"
Midi is "Rushing Headlong" by Jeremy Doyle

>> No.9026989
Quoted by: >>9027017

I enjoyed it, especially the special pigeon mission.

>> No.9027017
Quoted by: >>9027956


>> No.9027038

more like dinnerdinner lol

>> No.9027062
Quoted by: >>9027072


>> No.9027071

Still haven't played it. Postal 2 was one of my favorite games back when it first came out. I think I saw someone on g4 shitting on it and so I convinced my grandmother to buy it for me and I played it on her bottom tier consumer pc which was still the best one that I had access to. I play through it every few years and then after apocalypse weekend came out I play through that too, but since Paradise Lost came out I'm too burned out to play through it after AW but my autism won't let me start PL out of sequence.

>> No.9027072
Quoted by: >>9027078


>> No.9027074

But no one else has attempted it since? Just seems like a logical theme for any Doom fan to want grafted onto Doom, especially considering how deep some modders have gone on completely different settings combined with Doom. I suppose an Evil Dead FPS might be better suited on Build though.

That ED mod easy to google or hidden away on some old forum? Maybe I have to say some fancy words in a special order to get it?

>> No.9027076
Quoted by: >>9027132 >>9027237

So I decided to put loki1999 down for some time. I'll return to it later. However, I decided to pick up the 512vr beta just to give the entire wad file a run through with my mod. As always I'm aiming for 15ish minute marks per recording.

>> No.9027078


>> No.9027081

You do what you want anon. I feel a little better about mostly playing on Hurt Me Plenty now though.

>> No.9027102
File: 110 KB, 797x532, algebraic anarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9027112 >>9027123

ok so

>> No.9027112
Quoted by: >>9027123 >>9027126

"That's for what you did to 9!"

>> No.9027123
File: 14 KB, 150x145, 1643899974882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9027126


>> No.9027130
Quoted by: >>9027917

Let's see if I can cross-board link properly this time

>> No.9027132
Quoted by: >>9027175 >>9027237

Continuing but I decided I wanted to listen to the Quake 2 OST. It goes good with every fps.

>> No.9027136
File: 2.88 MB, 652x540, chase2-comp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9027150

Wow that was fucking easy Lol

>> No.9027160

Wicked sick.

>> No.9027175
Quoted by: >>9027237 >>9027294

My continuation of 512vr beta. After dying to the sludge I learned how to use the sludge

>> No.9027219

It's good to see you.

>> No.9027237
Quoted by: >>9027254 >>9027909

Never mind the jumping/crouching/filtering, what the fuck even is this bloated disaster of a gameplay mod?

>> No.9027254

Makes doom fun

>> No.9027267
Quoted by: >>9027268 >>9027895

if your map disables jumping but forces me to cross a doable but just wide enough to be annoying gap to access an area that I have to visit multiple times I'm fucking stealing something out of your house.

>> No.9027268

This is why I love my rpg mod. I have the tools to overcome obstacles.

>> No.9027294
Quoted by: >>9027306 >>9027386

>cheating to enter the map with all keys beforehand
>visibly lost and just clicking whatever
What the hell is this?

>> No.9027306
Quoted by: >>9027416

You're just jealous

>> No.9027386
Quoted by: >>9027416

It's just stuff I have collected from prior maps. Plus, playing maps freely makes for unpredictable gameplay. I like being able to keep everything through new games.

Lots of setusercvar. I was thinking of having like an infinite loop script that checks inventory and writes everything to variables periodically but I chose to only have it do that on special scripts and in dialogues. Might just make a key bind to write to variable when I feel like quitting to start a new game but haven't activated the script lines instead of consulting the bank or jumping into a random map to activate the script. Though I will be farming for invulnerability spheres to complete this map set. It is quite difficult.

>> No.9027391

is it a pain in the ass to host a dedicated server for either UT99 or Quake 3 on a modern PC running Debian Linux? Apologies if this is really entry level. I've never run a server for a game.

>> No.9027395 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 488x516, 3e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9027420


I didn't expect tranny mods to let it run for long but they shut it down even faster than I expected.

>> No.9027416
Quoted by: >>9027421

You’re kind of ruining the underpinning of how the map functions properly (for things like monster closets, proper sequencing etc). It’s kind of bizarre that someone would want to approach maps like that.

>> No.9027420 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9027663

>Doomworld clearly establishes they will not allow WADs that say faggot or nigger
>Project OP says it will probably say faggot
>Thread gets locked
Wow... shocking...

>> No.9027421

I think it's better to just leave him to play with his toys.

>> No.9027436
Quoted by: >>9027581

Long time no see. P copl. Does it zigzag against barriers til it works it's way around, or is it mostly just bee-lining it for the player?

>> No.9027441

I like the randomness of it all. I played doom the way you're supposed to for so long that eventually I could just kind of auto-pilot it. This mod gives me a sense of progression and can legit give me a rise when the action picks up. I'm just filling a void the gaming industry failed to capitalize on.

I think I'm doing pretty well for my first plays outside of that one map I did the other day where it had no textures. I did better second time around but I still had to use an invulnerability sphere for it.

>> No.9027581
Quoted by: >>9029505

mostly bee lining, technically the collision should cause it to slide against walls, which seems to work, but the collion is a little janky, and it could still easily get stuck.

>> No.9027591
Quoted by: >>9027601

I did some inventory management between recordings on this one since organizing inventory isn't action. I spend more time lost than anything but at least I was able to grow some of my ammo stores.

>> No.9027601
Quoted by: >>9027631

Just more 512vr. I repeat that same map from before in this one fully clothed.

>> No.9027631

The farming episode:

>> No.9027663 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9027837

>Project OP says it will probably say faggot
Nah he didnt, he just said not to take anything too seriously, and even the hypothetical scenario already made Mike and the rest cry
Are there any good wads similar to this where everyone edits a single map?

>> No.9027751
Quoted by: >>9027783

>In the Euclidean case, equality occurs only if the triangle has a 180° angle and two 0° angles, making the three vertices collinear,
Use this for mapping

>> No.9027783
File: 103 KB, 1064x1261, triangle my balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring equilateral triangles
No thanks.

>> No.9027793

Thank you for your opinion sir.
Have a good day.

>> No.9027837 [DELETED] 

There was Doom -1, but that went beyond one map. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/128549-doom-1-negative-one-beyond-the-experiment-release-thread/

>> No.9027895
Quoted by: >>9028990

lmao just tweak the MAPINFO lump

>> No.9027909
Quoted by: >>9027910 >>9027912

let people enjoy things

>> No.9027910

He didn't tell him not to enjoy it. He was just asking what the fuck is it, which is a pretty good question. You can call something shitty but still let people enjoy it.

>> No.9027912

I never told him not to play it, and I still haven't gotten an answer.

>> No.9027917

Well I cross-posted correctly, but I forgot to link the fucking (WIP) map.
Format: MBF21
Tested in Woof! (9.0.0) and DSDA-Doom (0.24.3)
There's still a lot of detailing to do, and the encounters need more balancing, but I wanted to put it in somebody else's hands to get feedback (at least one anon showed interest in comparing this version vs the old one.)

>> No.9027956

Come on, Vince. It's for the kids.

>> No.9027997

doom running on a lego brick

>> No.9028001

totally forgot about this

>> No.9028051
Quoted by: >>9028061

Why can you kill cyberdemons in 8 headshots with the rocket launcher? Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.9028061

Ask Mark.

>> No.9028075
File: 1019 KB, 960x1153, dallemini_2022-6-20_15-38-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did it mean by this?

>> No.9028081

>that last image
Extra marinara, in my doom?
More likely than you think.

>> No.9028108
Quoted by: >>9028110

Playing through 512 beta, maps 3 and 4 felt much better, didn't feel like I was being trolled time after time, managed to power my way through on UV without savescumming and even got a little too cocky until a rude revenant killed me at the end of 4 (100% my fault for being caught by surprise)
The end of map 3 is fucky though, both the HOM once you look behind after the final elevator goes down, and the way it is built, I ran to the stones in the middle of the lava but I was supposed to wait for the elevator to go up then jump to the platform instead?
Anyway I'm much happier and more interested in playing the rest of the wad now

>> No.9028110
Quoted by: >>9028121

>managed to power my way through on UV
Why don't you people just play on hmp?
Skill levels are not implemented for nothing.

>> No.9028121
Quoted by: >>9028129

It can be a lottery whether the author has implemented difficulty settings in some maps, I remember 400 mins map01 didn't have any differences, at least in the RC phase.

>> No.9028129

Don't we always specify to implement skill levels?
In any case, playing above one's skill and then complaining it's too hard is dumb. See also: that one recent fag whining about that one Ribbicks wad.

>> No.9028145

That's right, but even then the lower skill levels rarely get tested so the difficulty can be often uneven or not as well balanced. Funny you mention Ribbiks, because I really like his approach to difficulty settings, where the medium difficulty actually feels like an average wad on UV and hard is really hard.

>> No.9028163
File: 11 KB, 800x600, 1654729712252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028186

I posted about feedback on the map order yesterday, but Windows ate my graphics card so I'm gonna fail you there, my captain. Gomen'nasai.
I don't think he was just complaining that the map was hard. I think he was complaining that MAP02 was so hard for its slot (its the hardest of the first 6 maps IMO). It's one thing to drop down to HMP in, like, the last half or 1/3 of maps. But if people drop down at MAP02 (or just plain get filtered), then it might screw with their expectations of the following maps.
You could just as easily say "skip maps if they're too hard", but considering the megaWAD format, there are preconceptions people have about how it should progress—like getting progressively harder as it goes, rather than being a straight-up roller coaster.
(Also, some mappers might get butthurt that their maps are behind the "filter", which is fair considering they can't FORCE players to skip the hard maps and give theirs a try.)

>> No.9028186
Quoted by: >>9028249

>I think he was complaining that MAP02 was so hard for its slot
Yes, and that is fair. I was taking offense at "powering through UV", and sorry guy I quoted if I am now homing in on you, but I don't understand why people try to "power through" if it's not fun for them.
I played through Ad Mortem on hmp and still got my ass kicked often enough, so I wouldn't try to "power through" on UV because I wouldn't find it fun.

>> No.9028193

Difficulty is not the same as skill level. Map 2 on HMP is harder than maps 3 and 4 on UV.
I had so much fun at maps 3 and 4 on UV, I don't really feel like I should be playing the entire wad on HMP or lower because of one map. And I almost gave up. I know beating the odds is a great feeling and git gud is a genuine passion for some but difficulty should scale. If I'm already having fun with a wad I'm more likely to invest time and effort into overcoming difficulty on later maps.

>> No.9028198

>entire fucking rock concert at the back off the knee

>> No.9028201

Fucking kek
Keep going for the other eps

>> No.9028249
Quoted by: >>9028262

Well, if I'm gonna fag-about as Devil's Advocate, I might as well point out that "powering through" is something you'd do if you're looking to improve, too. It's hard to practice a difficult game, and get better at it, without getting invested enough that your frustrations boil-over. So I think it's more like powering-through a tough workout more than powering-through, say, a prison sentence.
However, you probably already have an idea of why people might hate the idea of a good workout, so consider that as part of my analogy well. Your ideas of pacing yourself on difficulty aren't wrong, but I feel like you dismiss how uninformed and uninvested most people are in anything besides soda pop entertainment—possibly for good reason, if their lives outside of vidya are stressful enough already.

>> No.9028262
Quoted by: >>9028337

Absolutely true what you say, but in that case I won't complain about it (to other people).

>> No.9028265
File: 112 KB, 1229x630, teleport trigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to make one line trigger two things at once in boom/mbf21? The left linedef in the screenshot teleports the player and the right one just a pixel before triggers an event to happen. I want to make sure that the player cant somehow trigger the first one, back away and not teleport to the room where it takes place - is putting them one unit apart enough?

>> No.9028269
Quoted by: >>9028369

If anyone's getting filtered it would be me by the fucking stealth marines with shields and zms
why do they also have shields too matt, they were already stupid difficult in older versions and now have a shield buffer too whyyyyyy

>> No.9028274
Quoted by: >>9028323

Put second linedef on teleport exit?
t. never made a doom map

>> No.9028281
File: 139 KB, 858x919, dall e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9028284
Quoted by: >>9028323

You can split a linedef and put two different specials there, but that of course warrants making the corridor tight enough so the player will pass both in any case. But yeah, putting them one unit apart should work if you tick the pass use flag.

>> No.9028286
Quoted by: >>9028323

It would be hard to exploit for sure. I think linedefs can overlap but you'll need to untoggle merge geometry first. Or split into segments shorter than 32 units.

>> No.9028304
File: 1.17 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a very nice Quake 2 map with higher res textures for its time
it goes by the name of hercules drive

>> No.9028308
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9028318
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028325 >>9028406


>> No.9028321

That's Adrian Carmacks's hairy leg. Don't ask me how I know this, I'm Doom buff.

>> No.9028323
Quoted by: >>9028349

Thanks anons, I'll either leave it like it is or split into two and make a tight corridor

>> No.9028325
File: 1.13 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028406

also the maps are DM friendly

>> No.9028332

Evening skyboxes like that are the coziest

>> No.9028337
File: 254 KB, 683x780, bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a stronger will that me, I bitch about hard shit all the time. I'll deadass call a good encounter SHIT until I actually figure-out what the designer was going for (usually crowd control, I'm so god damn bad at crowd control). But I also appreciate that it's faggy whining and little else; it's venting, so if you call it out as that, then you're completely justified (altho bitching about specifics can be a subtle plea for help.)
I think I'm just excusing my own behavior at this point. Sorry for the rant.

>> No.9028339
Quoted by: >>9028347

>accidentally replace my entire zscript file with a single character I was searching for
>don’t catch it until the auto backup is gone
>didn’t manually backup my pk3 file like a fucking idiot
>have to rewrite all my classes

Just a reminder. Don’t be an idiot like me. Keep multiple backups of whatever you are working on in separate folders, don’t put all your classes in one file. Better yet use version control. Just don’t be like me

>> No.9028347
File: 225 KB, 540x421, 1579607936532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking condolences.

>> No.9028349

the minute I posted it the first setup stopped working, splitting it equally in a tight corridor doesnt work either. Fucking weird, the first idae worked for atelast 5 times I tested and now it doesnt

>> No.9028369
Quoted by: >>9028405

You're still on a very outdated version if they have either of those things. They're just cloaked shotgunners now, no shield or insane HP or hitbox phasing.

>> No.9028376
Quoted by: >>9028382

Got a batch file generating the ISOs from 512 Linedefs. If anyone has requests I'll crop and post 'em under a spoiler, but otherwise here's a link to the folder: https://mega.nz/folder/IxlQEJ6K#FPsjd0c9iBwA-dUrflUtlg
I'm adding them a couple at a time as the job runs, so it'll be a little bit before they're all in there (especially if my display/graphics driver eats itself alive again today.)

>> No.9028382 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.48 MB, 2678x2481, 512vr_beta_1_1-MAP02_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn me, I forgot to attach a pic: fan-favorite Touchplate Trouble.

>> No.9028405

>hitbox phasing
Somehow I missed whatever version was that. I did get to suffer in the one version where it legit had like 900hp back when damage values were much lower and it could shoot back even during hitstun and it also regenned health insanely quick too before (and technically everything above a shotgunguy also regenned health cause there was no bleeding from 9mm) so that was fun.
Cloaked shotgun with how they nerfed shotguns entirely vs the player due to green/blue armors work with just negating the blow is a bit too weak, but at least its a credible scary threat to get randomly oneshot when you don't have armor.
At least they don't take half a vulc on fuller auto to kill... and 9mm and shotshells are effective... but fuck me man.

>> No.9028406
Quoted by: >>9028423

Looks good

>> No.9028423

it was made with high end pc's using P3 at the time
it is at the super pack 2 at moddb

>> No.9028443

Are there any other sourceports that do software rendering with dithering like Doom Retro?

>> No.9028450
File: 939 KB, 768x922, dallemini_2022-6-21_17-9-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like shit so it checks out.

>> No.9028526
Quoted by: >>9028559 >>9028838

Why is it called knee deep in the dead when it's not really revealed til much later(and never really officially) that Doomguy even has knees?

>> No.9028559

Why is it called Doom when you clearly have all the tools needed to survive and beat the game?

>> No.9028563

To be fair you don't know that the game is beatable til you beat it, and I'm sure there are several people who never beat it and/or beat it in the highest difficulty. So many people actually were doomed.

>> No.9028564
File: 10 KB, 477x269, soaked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028634

It's "doom" as a verb. You're not doomed, you're the one doing the dooming (hence Flynn's iconic catchphrase, "It's doomin' time.")

>> No.9028617

lol wut

>> No.9028634
Quoted by: >>9028683

Who's Flynn?

>> No.9028676
File: 9 KB, 247x269, mechazawa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028698 >>9030106

30 yo boomer here who never played any Doom games before. I get 3 months of Gamepass, so, the Xbox store version is OK to play or there is some kind of censorship or something like that?

I want to play vanilla only.

>> No.9028683

“Flynn Taggart” is what he gets named in the old novels.

>> No.9028698
Quoted by: >>9028795 >>9028835

It should be the same other than changed medikit sprites and censored swastikas in the secret Wolf3D levels.

>> No.9028704
Quoted by: >>9028753

Thanks, I was trying to think of a clever joke but yeah that's it. I like misnaming B.J. as Flynn, as a joke.

>> No.9028753

I keep remembering it as “McTaggart” for some reason.

>> No.9028773

Which are about as hilariously bad as the Planescape Torment one that decides to give the Nameless One a name.

>> No.9028782
File: 35 KB, 448x419, updated_muh_jernul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029286 >>9034090

>give the Nameless One a name

>> No.9028791

Was it really a name or an alias? Nameless One had a go-to alias in game, Adan or something.

>> No.9028795

Not a big deal. Thanks.

>> No.9028835

>censored swastikas
Devs are saying those weren't nazis

>> No.9028838

Why wouldn't he have knees?

Who's he? Doomguy? I thought Doomguy was named Stan in the first 3 games.

>> No.9028853
Quoted by: >>9028874 >>9028962

stan is from doom 2 rpg
flynn is from the novels that decided demons were aliens all along

>> No.9028869

Doom guy is the player. Always has been. Some players project their alter egos too much

>> No.9028874
Quoted by: >>9028938

So is Flynn Doomguy from the 2005 movie? Is Doom 2 RPG Doomguy not the same as Doom 1 RPG Doomguy?

>> No.9028878

512 lines of VR: 511 lines of Horror
Changed a whole bunch of things over the last week with regard to some feedback. A small number of tweaks to balance and some aesthetic changes mainly, but still not that different.

>> No.9028879
File: 74 KB, 577x433, DoomLevels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong.

>> No.9028884
Quoted by: >>9028897

But it's not one campaign
It's three.

>> No.9028887
File: 138 KB, 411x829, 1655834134988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9028938

>Only 32 maps

>> No.9028897
Quoted by: >>9029103

If you can't select from one of three episodes at the start, it's 32.

>> No.9028910

But you're right, the best wads are 10-20 maps long.

>> No.9028938

no, the movie doomguy is some dude name grim or something played by karl urban
d1rpg has the name "blazkowicz the third" but not sure about it having the same guy as d2rpg's stan
what is the longest doom mapset?
like as a continuous thing beyond the regular 30 map number, without counting secret levels

>> No.9028962
Quoted by: >>9028976

>book: Demons? No, aliens
>movie: Demons? No, aliens
For why, what’s wrong with them just being demons?

>> No.9028964

Not counting my mod I think I saw one back in the day that had 100 maps and they were all connected to a nice hub but you had to beat prior maps to unlock access to the next sets. I forget what it was called though.

>> No.9028973
Quoted by: >>9028978 >>9028982

>what is the longest doom mapset?

>> No.9028976

i'm not even sure if it was either the reactions from the public over religious stuff (like the novel writers being a mormon? need correction on that one; at least sandy himself didn't mind) or the notion that id themselves don't care about story in games at that time
i also heard that the novel writer once worked on star trek and tried to be creative with the little material, since not even final doom was out at that point
yet the astronaut and jungle covers look like they could fit the fd episodes
at least with the 2005 movie, you could blame it on some demon redesigns, even though the classic archvile was meant to look like an hr giger tribute

>> No.9028978
File: 194 KB, 1707x925, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe it

>> No.9028982
File: 191 KB, 1915x893, Jokewad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a jokewad. They all look like this.

>> No.9028989

Do good Brutal Doom variants even exist? The main one everyone shills like Project Brutality just looks like a bloated mess.

>> No.9028990

I originally only downloaded SLADE to do exactly this to every wad I play.

>> No.9028993

let's see
>burl tumd
>that one vanilla bd thing
>the diet/cut down project that even showed off how bad the code was

>> No.9028995
Quoted by: >>9028996

Go into slade and enable the hardest difficulty and then play it like that. It's so much more fun.

>> No.9028996
Quoted by: >>9029003

I mean project brutality. Enable the hardest difficulty for that one.

>> No.9029003
Quoted by: >>9029023

PB's difficulty doesn't really make-or-break the mod for me. It's just ugly to look at and play. Ugly sprites, ugly animations, ugly gameplay, menu bloat... It's just unplayable.

>> No.9029006

I like the mod that cuts out the monsters and just leaves the weapons.

>> No.9029010
File: 1.07 MB, 1016x1322, 1655149955100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029153 >>9029202

Doomguy is William Joseph Blazkowicz III.

>> No.9029023
Quoted by: >>9029047

If that's what you think about PB, then no, no good variants exist.

>> No.9029047

I mean, PB has an excessive amount of animation interpolation, motion blur, and retarded looking sprites. Whoever their sprite artist is just loves putting a thick black outline around everything and it looks out of place. Say what you want about regular ole BD and all of the sprites SgtMark blatantly ripped off, but they all look really good and aesthetically cohesive. PB just has too many cooks in the kitchen.

>> No.9029053
File: 30 KB, 398x600, 1653266753638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9029068
File: 90 KB, 454x640, alwaysbetonduke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Duke map editor is almost impossible to work with? I've been spitballing ideas for my own Duke maps that I'd want to eventually make into a full map pack and a mod.

>> No.9029076
Quoted by: >>9029129 >>9032794

>Do good Brutal Doom variants even exist?
For the kind of experience BD is looking to provide, I haven’t found anything more satisfying or refined than Babel or Dakka and I find even BD to be bloated and weird. Hideous Destructor, Combined Arms, GMOTA, and Treasure Tech are when I want something crazy.

>> No.9029082
File: 473 KB, 800x600, sw_cr09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Star Wars: Chibi Rebellion has 87 maps.

>> No.9029092

make your own
here's mine https://files.catbox.moe/hbp58w.7z

>> No.9029101

I've seen people make some neat stuff with it, all things considered.

Worst case scenario, people have made some pretty clever tricks in GZDoom to simulate Build engine tricks, and DN3Doom is a fantastic recreation.

>> No.9029103
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2022-06-21 160029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be the change

>> No.9029106
File: 232 KB, 717x864, sexysandy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Single-map wad
I'm not going to play your mapping experiment.
>32-map wad
Too long, won't play it. Respect your players' time.
>10-20-map wad
if you can't even commit to a full megawad length, I can't be expected to commit to playing it.
>Gameplay changes
I'm here to play Doom, not your flashy Cawwadoody bullshit
Get with the times you purest sperg

>> No.9029114

iirc it's just a *slightly* spruced up version of the same tools they used to make the game back in the day. Very dated, very keyboard driven.

>> No.9029129
Quoted by: >>9029176 >>9029185

Dakka is great but I don't really see it comparable to what BD is trying to do. Dakka is more like a power fantasy mod for clearing out difficult wads

>> No.9029130
Quoted by: >>9029226

A Boom megawad bigger than 20 maps and smaller than 32 is the perfect formula then.

>> No.9029153
Quoted by: >>9029202

Not canon. Doesn't matter who wrote it. I remember the 90s and that wasn't even an idea.

Saves is how you respect your own time though...

>> No.9029176

I couple it with monster packs but most of the time it’s Babel with a side of Babel anyways.

>> No.9029185
Quoted by: >>9029209 >>9029291

Dakka's somewhat overpowered but still vanilla-ish, compared to something like Pillowblaster mods that are basically just "I win" mods.

>> No.9029202

i think doomguy ever being related to bj stops being a thing the minute wolfenstein is rebooted with an entirely differently timeline while new doom wants to be connected to classic doom
even the cancelled keen game wouldn't make sense because that would instead create 2 keens, if you acknowledge bj's original wife and son in the strategy guide for wolf 3d
all i know is that bj being related to keen was in some strategy guide but doomguy and bj specifically was from some 2000's phone games that are also almost lost media
the "idverse" gets more convoluted by the minute
partially because most of this material is either so obscure or at least overlooked

>> No.9029209
Quoted by: >>9029303

Just because it's not pants on head overpowered doesn't mean it's vanilla(-ish).

>> No.9029226

it is. I appreciate mbf21 and upcoming comp levels, I respect megawads and single maps. Hell, I can even see pros of UDMF - but you cant go wrong with a medium length boom wad

>> No.9029249
Quoted by: >>9029256

the less akin to hedon, the better the game

>> No.9029256

Yeah it looks more simple. But Hedon looks gay, cant have it all it seems.

>> No.9029283

I've seen people doing amazing stuff with the editor, it just take some time to get used to it

>> No.9029286


>> No.9029291

It's vanilla-ish in the sense that it only replaces and makes the base Doom 2 arsenal stronger, but at the end of the day it's really no different than stuff like Russian Overkill, especially with how OP the rocket launcher and BFG are. Again, it's still a great mod and I love how tight and focused it is compared to other OP easy mode mods, but it's still very overpowered.

>> No.9029296

Or Freedoom.
It's a .iwad, just change the extension to .wad and load it after doom.wad.

>> No.9029303
Quoted by: >>9029418

It follows most of the weapons of vanilla, aside from the scrappers.

It's not fists, trained otter, attack seagull, low yield nuclear launcher, ark of the covenant..

>> No.9029306
Quoted by: >>9029478

Map21 of 400 minutes of /vr/. One of my favorite levels in the wad.

>> No.9029338
Quoted by: >>9029341 >>9029353

Quick question.

It's been a long time since I've played around with Doom wads and gameplay overhauls, so I was feeling nostalgic and wanted to get back into playing some megawads. But whenever I quit Doom 2 I keep getting the annoying "Thanks for purchasing" splash screen, which I don't remember getting back when I was modded Doom 2. Is there anyway to get rid of this shit or is the wad I'm using just a bad dump?

>> No.9029341
File: 312 KB, 1294x726, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic related

>> No.9029353
Quoted by: >>9029359

Most ports should have an option to remove it. PrBoom+ or DSDA Doom has it off by default for once.

>> No.9029359
Quoted by: >>9029363

Thanks, I guess back when I was using GZDoom the option was disabled by default, it must've changed in the past few years. Guess it's time to go option dumpster diving.

>> No.9029363

Graf my ahve dicked with it, or if you used that vanilla experience mod I think it turns it on.

>> No.9029408

I know these are hypothetical responses but I got mad reading this.

>> No.9029418
File: 173 KB, 795x597, oranges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By that logic, Combined_Arms is vanilla-ish.

>> No.9029445

>"Why are the oranges blue?"

>> No.9029462

Is there any possible way I can get rid of the shitty chinaman enemies from wanton destruction and just play it with the stock shadow warrior baddies?

>> No.9029463
Quoted by: >>9030760

More 512vr beta:

I have more recordings but I hit the daily limit on YT. I didn't do my normal save and quit since I actually wanted to play doom for a hour so the episodes just cut off suddenly but do leave off where the last began. I'm going to go play more 512vr later tonight but will probably upload more videos tomorrow

>> No.9029468

Don't mind me I just clicked on your reply because I was being lazy again

>> No.9029470
Quoted by: >>9029637

I need an edit of this with chex warrior
The oranges aren't blue. Your eyes are.

>> No.9029474
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, 20220621173536_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029876

>> No.9029478


>> No.9029491
File: 170 KB, 1917x1080, woof0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029525 >>9030528

ayy lmao
fuck this level

>> No.9029505

Still cool to see something moving around the geometry.

>> No.9029525

I'm going to take this opportunity to say that I despise the blurry text on Eviternity's STBAR.

>> No.9029551
Quoted by: >>9029553

Post good STBARs.

>> No.9029553
File: 14 KB, 960x96, FStatusbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029614


>> No.9029560
Quoted by: >>9029583

Then there's only one ultimate solution.

>9 maps. 8 normal, 1 secret
The perfect formula. A tried and true strategy that has worked every single time. The platonic ideal of campaign length.

>> No.9029583

>Then there's only one ultimate solution
Calm down Mein Fuhrer, not in public.

Anyone play that wolf mod where you play as an escaped pow in a concentration camp? It was kinda neat. Only so much you can do with Wolfenstein tho.

>> No.9029614
Quoted by: >>9029649

how much ammo is δδτϿϩ

>> No.9029619
Quoted by: >>9029624 >>9029625

>health stuck at red, super slow, can't stop shaking
>no patchable wounds from medkit, nothing detectable from the trauma kit
>stimpacks don't help
I didn't realize you can run into this sort of dead end, do I seriously need to find a soulsphere or blue pot?

>> No.9029624
Quoted by: >>9029634

Supernatural damage will eventually need supernatural healing. Balefire and sometimes Pinky bites can cause aggravated damage that can't be healed by conventional means. Try and catch it when it caps you at yellow next time.

>> No.9029625
Quoted by: >>9029634

How are your burns and blood loss looking? Aggravated damage exists but unless you somehow overdosed on zerk and didn't collapse into jelly, you're probably not going to be suffering from that much of it.

>> No.9029634
Quoted by: >>9029641

>realized burn management
Oh there we go, back in yellow at 60-79% face

>> No.9029637

>suddenly your eyes turn completely blue and grow two, smaller eyes

>> No.9029641
Quoted by: >>9029689

Oh it was burns, yeah that makes more sense. You don't usually accrue much aggro unless you're playing a full megawad and catching several balefire balls every map. (which I guess if you were the anon playing Hellbound it would be possible)

>> No.9029649


>> No.9029689
File: 934 KB, 1440x810, hd.exe manor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9029726 >>9030037

It's embarrassing because I remember reading that part of the manual before starting this playthrough, it slipped my mind entirely and wasn't relevant until now.
>You don't usually accrue much aggro unless you're playing a full megawad and catching several balefire balls every map.
Thankfully, every balefire hit so far has managed to kill me so I may be able to rule that out also yes

>> No.9029717
Quoted by: >>9029983

Sorta with the base weapon set and decreasing with each subsequent set?

>> No.9029724

We're in the home stretch for 512 Lines now. Still open to replacing the title and intermission midis.

>> No.9029726
Quoted by: >>9029952 >>9030037

I can usually shake off 1 HK bale-ball and survive (with +30-40% burns) but I mainlined blues and quicksaved like a motherfucker when i played Hellbound. One of these days I'll go back to it with my current experience and try to play as much of it as I can saveless.

>> No.9029876

what mod???

>> No.9029932
Quoted by: >>9030661

More like why is it called Doom when the soundtrack is Thrash?

>> No.9029952

I got into it awhile ago, gave up, and am back at it. It really suits HD.

>> No.9029983
File: 255 KB, 424x418, An odd fellow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright yeah, fair enough.

>> No.9030037
Quoted by: >>9030041 >>9030047

A single balefire tends to do between 25 to 50% burns per hit, even with green armor. It gets somewhat more manageable with a radsuit but it's still disgusting strong. Possibly the nastiest thing you could get hit by that doesn't immediatly kill you, outside of perhaps, getting bit by a NP or getting buckshotted without armor. Two in a row is guaranteed death. After a balefire, it's completely normal to empty 1 or 1 and a half medkits worth of sutures to restore yourself to full. Aggravated damage from balefire is also more common than just Imp fireballs as it also tends to have a poisonous element to it that pierces whatever defenses you got thanks to the fire and seeps into your system.
On that note. Do NOT play around in nukage without a suit. It'll do more aggravated damage compared to lava's heavy burns.

>> No.9030041
File: 188 KB, 1024x1005, 20_hurtfloor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030070

20 damage hurtfloors are the fucking worst in HD. Fuck 20s. All my squadmates hate 20s.

>> No.9030047
Quoted by: >>9030056

>Do NOT play around in nukage without a suit. It'll do more aggravated damage compared to lava's heavy burns.
Does HD check the texture for this? Or does it use just consider certain floor damage amounts nukage and others lava?

>> No.9030056
Quoted by: >>9030068

HD checks textures for deciding when tiles are "water" or "vines" (in the case of plutonia, yes it checks for final doom textures too) and actually lets you remove being "on fire" faster if you shake yourself ontop of it. Technically nukage also helps with removing fire but it's not viable at all and you'll likely die faster instead. It wouldn't suprise me if it checks for both.
20 damage hurtfloors tend to set you on fire though, regardless if it's got lava on it as a texture or not. If the floor isn't a damage floor, it won't apply whatever nasty effect the texture is supposed to do to you and may actually be used as a water tile for the purposes of extinguishing yourself, see nukage tiles on the secret of AV MAP01.

Obviously custom textures don't matter in this.

>> No.9030068
Quoted by: >>9030072

I knew HD checked textures for liquids for the sake of extinguishing, I just assumed damaging floors were were done more or less the same as vanilla, like crushers.

>> No.9030070

20s 2 shot me in my rpg mod at 100hp without armor. So even with the suit it's a risky proposition.

>> No.9030072

Matt likes to put attention to detail. I'm just not sure if it's all documented properly or if all edge cases are accounted for. I could be wrong for all I know and it only checks things as vanilla does.

>> No.9030083
File: 3 KB, 363x174, M_DOOM_STANK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stankonia - a complevel 9 Plutonia minisode

I made some Plutonia maps. Then my friends made some Plutonia maps. Now we have a cl9 Plutonia minisode spanning 4 maps plus 2 bonus maps. I'll release this formally on Doomworld tomorrow, you boys get first dibs.

>> No.9030085

More like minichode lol

>> No.9030090
File: 431 KB, 1200x1596, a5d420aca10384d90fabcf641abba51d50596d8900585cd96a2f0589133a9027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030141 >>9030148

Blood VN when?

>> No.9030097
Quoted by: >>9030209 >>9030226

hey fagits, we're playing GMOTA and we got room for one more anon. feel free to join /vr/troopers on zandybam

>> No.9030101

Update for 512 Linedefs of /vr/:
Touchplate Trouble (v6) [CL9] by donk_konk
MIDI: Sand Canyon 3 from Kirby's Dream Land 3
Tested with DSDA-Doom v0.24.3
Added more ammo and moved around some enemies. I hope this is the final update.

>> No.9030106

current official versions replace the red cross on medikits with a green symbol and remove swastika/nazi stuff
just play it on PC anyways, download the doom 1 & 2 wads from OP and download the chocolate doom sourceport (totally vanilla)

>> No.9030114

The Duke community programmers' idea of improving the editor is adding more keyboard shortcuts every year. No menus, no context-sensitive inputs, no mouse, just key combinations. Theyve gotten to the point of using fucking ";" as a modifier like shift. So pretty much anything you can do in Ultimate Doom Builder or Trenchbroom will take 5 or 10 times as long in Mapster32. But its not impossible, people make big cool maps.

>> No.9030117

I heard Carmack wished he released the Doom source code under a BSD license instead.

>> No.9030139
File: 2.92 MB, 1238x702, unknown_2022.06.21-20.29.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030141
File: 227 KB, 791x857, that's not caleb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030148 >>9030168


>> No.9030143

Disagree, the only way a megawad can feel too long with 32 maps is if we're talking about some slaughterfest-y map or anything made by ribbiks since that dude loves to make humongously amazing maps but they are so humongous so the next logical choice is adding a shitstorm of enemies and each map takes like 30 minutes at minimum to beat (after spending 10 hours getting all of the hair in your body plucked one by one for each death).

Call it a stretch but playing co-op and beating a megawad in like 2 hours doesn't feel that long and people probably have energy to play another round (gotta love zandybam coop servers that load up hyperwads that contain multiple campaigns)

>> No.9030146
Quoted by: >>9030726

Kinda hate MAP03 of 512vr.

>> No.9030148
File: 258 KB, 776x837, neither is this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030168 >>9030913


>> No.9030168
Quoted by: >>9030180

It doesn't know who caleb is.

>> No.9030180

Nobody knows who caleb is.

>> No.9030209
Quoted by: >>9030226

thanks for playan

>> No.9030226
Quoted by: >>9030230

How'd it go? Any major issues or glitches?

>> No.9030230
Quoted by: >>9030232

i got really tired of fighting bonerlords 9 maps in
we played 400minvr btw

>> No.9030232
Quoted by: >>9030236

Any reason why? I'd assume it's due to their self revive thing

>> No.9030236
Quoted by: >>9030240

they're way tankier than they look. I know I can put down an archie in 3 SSG blasts but it takes more than that with doomslayer's legally distinct gun. this is fine and all, but it gets annoying when they come in groups. i guess it's on the mapper's end

>> No.9030237

looking good dude

>> No.9030240
File: 235 KB, 1436x987, asses_are_medieval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah then that's cus of the fucked up HP values of the latest public. Well that's fine. I've readjusted everything for the coming update.

>> No.9030245
Quoted by: >>9030254

Was MAP03 finally updated? The ending room really needs to be changed.

>> No.9030254

Um, no, not as I can see. Hopefully Zipon shows up to change it accordingly.

>> No.9030262
Quoted by: >>9030272

how big is your doom folder

>> No.9030272
File: 5 KB, 604x140, Big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9030273

Mine used to be 40 gigs until my hard drive died.

>> No.9030423 [DELETED] 

Why is everyone on Doomworld such a passive-aggressive cuck? I swear to god, these fucking losers would've all been eaten alive in the 2000s. Mental illness is rampant in that shithole.

>> No.9030440
Quoted by: >>9030445

With that Unreal Championship 2 code leak, is it possible that the leaked code can be used to decompile other Unreal Engine 2/2.5 games?
I am really hoping for a fanmade modernised source port collection of the pre-Conviction Splinter Cell games, with all the versions combined to make the ultimate versions on PC and homebrew devices.

>> No.9030445
Quoted by: >>9030449

All the Splinter Cell games pre-Conviction were running on Unreal Engine 2, even Double Agent HD, Essentials on PSP and Splinter Cell 3DS.

>> No.9030449

Splinter Cell 1 and Pandora Tomorrow were on Unreal Engine 2.
Chaos Theory, both versions of Double Agent, and Essentials were on Unreal Engine 2.5.
Conviction and Blackout were on a modified version of Unreal Engine 2.5 called LEAD Engine.

>> No.9030480

Its the place in this level with the RedArmour that spawns a crapload of Vorelings from the death-trap teleporter "meat-hole"
If you'd look at their spawning spot instead of the window to the abyss outside, the ambush party fails to appear - as long as you walk along that path backwards

>> No.9030503

sandy bobandy

>> No.9030528

Quake 2 textures?

>> No.9030535
File: 2.83 MB, 320x200, just dont get hit bro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030541

just don't get hit, bro

>> No.9030537
File: 1.35 MB, 765x829, dongui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.9030538
File: 2.83 MB, 320x200, just dont get hit bro pt2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030541

TNT MAP09 UV-Pacifist TAS by ClumsyDoomer, 2019

>> No.9030541

I see this and all I can hear in my head is this on repeat


>> No.9030549 [DELETED] 

HROT's episode 2 is now complete.

>> No.9030584

I'm getting these fucked up super shotgun animations using vsmooth and smoothed monsters together, and it's driving me crazy. Does anyone know how to try to fix it?

>> No.9030659
File: 13 KB, 503x406, skillmenu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030870

>want to make a custom skillmenu
>all the niggers around the internet say to look in gzdoom menudef for reference
>find this shit
for fuck`s sake i`m about to hurl. can anyone pretty please direct me where the menu is actually laid out?

>> No.9030661

It's not, it's more groove metal.

>> No.9030726
Quoted by: >>9030949

The room at the end being so fucky kinda ruins the whole thing for me DESU.

>> No.9030760

Well I was finally able to upload more videos to YT and I will be uploading more later on after I finish looting map21 of 512vr and farm for more invulnerability spheres because if the final maps are going to be like map21 I'm going to need the invulnerability spheres to finish it all.

>> No.9030792
File: 970 KB, 1076x1020, potion_seller_and_traveller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9030816

>if the final maps are going to be like map21 I'm going to need the invulnerability spheres to finish it all
LunchLunch's maps are too powerful for you, traveler. MAP21 is almost certainly the hardest.

>> No.9030816

Map21 is certainly hard and I was confused upon entering it as well. I'm still going to farm a few doom 2 maps for invul spheres just in case...

>> No.9030869
Quoted by: >>9030889

how did they do ion fury?

>> No.9030870

I usually find skill stuff in mapinfo.

>> No.9030889

Painfully, even with their skill and experience dealing with build. It’s biggest issues are likely the result of said engine limitations.

>> No.9030913

surprisingly the AI knows who sotha sil is, and most art is him from ESO with the Bishonen looks that makes Mephala wet the floor

>> No.9030917
Quoted by: >>9030929

Does anyone know any strictly ammo Sprite replacement mods? Google isn't turning anything up. My problem being gz doom is rendering certain ammo sprites very small to the point they cannot be seen ingame.

PB ammo sprites are correct size while vanilla ammo sprites are small.

>> No.9030919
Quoted by: >>9031015

Since when can you hold onto a invulnerability sphere? Some mod?

>> No.9030929

PB probably uses texture scaling or something like that. It's rerarded voodoo.

>> No.9030949
Quoted by: >>9030983

I just ran out of ammo by that point. Not sure if I NEED the secrets (imo you shouldn't), but I missed one of those I think. Had to sprint past the last two hell knights. The tight collision in the shotgunner and chaingunners areas makes them hard to see, but they can shoot you from over ledges. It's not that big of a deal on the first room, and you can sprint into the teleporter in the 2nd I assume, but only if you know it's there. There were a few places in the map that felt trial and error to me.

I liked the cacodemon run a fair bit except the end result is 3-4 chaingunners pummeling you with no cover.
Might be more fun to make that happen after a drop down or point of no return. Where you HAVE to do the run. Then end up in a room that better compliments the cacos, not a death trap. I dunno, maybe it's just not for me.

>> No.9030983
Quoted by: >>9030984

>There were a few places in the map that felt trial and error to me.
Ya that's my problem with the ending. Actually, every magma floor is a pretty gay death pit unless you don't trigger the floor raising too many times THEN fall in the last room.
Speaking of which, the demon head walls in that room are floor-raising or lowering switches without tags. Just a fun observation from checking it out in UDB.

>> No.9030984

>every magma floor
Correction, there's the one next to a secret. I don't wanna be hyperbolic here, gomen gomen.

>> No.9031015

Yea, it's just a mod I stitched together. I wanted there to be a sense of progression and persistency so I made a basic rpg mod so I itemized everything. Normally I play doom a lot slower paced but remembering I have a recording going on makes me want to speed up. Otherwise there would be a lot more inventory management and studying the automap lol

>> No.9031019
File: 400 KB, 1080x1373, 1642972646166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, while the stars are aligned and both my Internet and display adapters are both working, I'm gonna' link my MBF21 map again since I've spent the last couple days finishing it (it's still "WIP" in the fact that it's the first map in a planned Episode, but it's pretty much done as a single map... The secret exit could use some more detailing too tho... Aaaagh...)
Also, I'll link the old version for anyone who wants to compare the two: https://mega.nz/folder/t0thRJwT#bCLKFkWHAxTNedvbuOVsHg

>> No.9031058
Quoted by: >>9031064 >>9031084

Proton Pack updated to Version 1.6
>Shotgun implemented
>Chaingun animation fixed
>percent character now in status bar
>PSX style FireBlu substitute added, as wall and flat

Thank you!

Sweet, I'll give that a look.

>> No.9031064
File: 104 KB, 1680x1050, doom16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031074

shotgun is pretty sweet, only complaint is the value of armor seems to be to large for the box now

>> No.9031074

I think the numbers are too big for the status bar, they don't quite fit right.

>> No.9031084
File: 203 KB, 1920x1080, doom68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>PSX style FireBlu substitute added, as wall and flat
It's not the real thing, but it'll have to do.
Update for Bloody Pulp

>> No.9031098

How did 400mins of /vr/ get released within a couple weeks and 512 lines is taking months?

>> No.9031103

Was a lot easier to organize, back then.
Perhaps more active mappers too but don't count me on that.

>> No.9031114
Quoted by: >>9031137

Same lead, everyone gets burned out eventually.
Also, the maps are there, it's the auxiliaries that are lacking.

>> No.9031137
Quoted by: >>9031147 >>9031148

>Also, the maps are there, it's the auxiliaries that are lacking.
What is still missing?

>> No.9031146
Quoted by: >>9031224

So I did another hour the same way as the last 4. Currently uploading the 14th episode. On episode 15 though I'm going to have to trim the beginning of the map because I went over the 15 minute mark for just over two minutes. Either way this is a farming episode where I go through doom 2 maps 10, 16, and 18 to farm invuls.

>> No.9031147

We're actually all good on that front. The HELP screen is still unreplaced if anyone wants to fill that in but it's not necessary. I also got MIDIs to replace the placeholders. Right now I'm rearranging the maps.

>> No.9031148


>> No.9031161
File: 754 KB, 2560x1440, gsthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New 15 minutes long Golden Souls 3 presentation tomorrow, 23 June 2022 at 8 PM CET / 2 PM EST

I'll be doing a recap of the game's concept, explain a few things and also show some cool new stuff, don't miss out!

>> No.9031162
Quoted by: >>9032398

>time between start and idgames release of 400 minutes: 1 month
>time between start of 512 lines and now: 1 month
Hold on to your horses, unless the final release of 512 Linedefs comes out in the next month, both wads are looking to share a similar development time.

>> No.9031168

>Doom 3
>The Golden Souls
The 3 should be gold colored.

>> No.9031176

Maybe I'll actually finish playing 2 before 3 is out.

>> No.9031179
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Dsda-doom-0.21.3 2022.06.22 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my (blind run) chaingun gameplay.

>> No.9031181
File: 255 KB, 629x645, Hung Imp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets heckin gooooo

>> No.9031184
Quoted by: >>9031270

Are we getting release this year?

>> No.9031185
File: 154 KB, 374x508, 1605830586134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031189 >>9031250

Trying to make a prison escape map for the first level of my mod and it's kicking my ass. Anyone know of some good maps that I could look at for inspiration?

>> No.9031189
Quoted by: >>9031190

What exactly is your problem?

>> No.9031190

The layout.

>> No.9031224
Quoted by: >>9031481

So I continue 512vr in this episode but the first 5 minutes is full on cheese. I return to map21 to loot more and cheese the first couple minutes of map22 due to a small gap between the walls and doors but eventually get tired of that. I only did that in the first place presuming I'd be surrounded by monsters again and wanted to level out the revenant menace.

>> No.9031245

Played the first two maps so far, cool stuff, captures the Plutonia style really good.

>> No.9031250

first level of this? It wasnt a bad level but Im not sure this is a kind of prison map you want to replicate - it wont hurt to check it out

>> No.9031270
Quoted by: >>9031576 >>9032734

No, I'm doing the best I can but there's still a lot of work to be done, It will be worth the wait.

>> No.9031325

what would happen if someone made a map with ninety-FIVE protons?

>> No.9031337

There's no reason to get crazy with these illogical hypotheticals now..

>> No.9031345

Only one way to find out and that's with reckless science! I imagine the consequences would be atomic.

>> No.9031435


>> No.9031481
Quoted by: >>9031567

Beginning is cut due to time length

>> No.9031492

Are there any resources on how to set up up your own game configuration in UDB?

I am currently working on a problem with a bunch of custom assets, textures, things, everything, and I don't want to find everything under "user-defined" and also define categories for textures and so on.

>> No.9031520
File: 905 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031523

>> No.9031523
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031527


>> No.9031527
File: 1.10 MB, 1920x1080, q2_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9031550
File: 547 KB, 1879x1057, FVzCOJQVEAEFPKQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031552 >>9031570


>> No.9031552
File: 575 KB, 1879x1057, FVzCOuxWAAIZPNc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9031567

The final episode for today. Will be uploading another hour worth of dooming tomorrow.

>> No.9031568
File: 391 KB, 512x512, 1611791428_lolok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different guy but it's not because you "don't like new thing", it's because of your r*ddit style upvote baiting all caps post that's trying way too hard to fit in.
>look at me guys aren't I cool xD
I agree with the guy earlier, kill yourself

>> No.9031570

That looks like fun

>> No.9031576

It's okay, take your time Batandy.

>> No.9031580
File: 247 KB, 1851x835, 1655870014859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031586 >>9031589

Couldn't you just load the wad files as a resource?

>> No.9031586
File: 203 KB, 574x733, 1655870014966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I loaded my pk3 file in the beginning of starting a new map in UDB alongside the doom2 iwad and all the custom textures show up from my pk3 file despite textures and patches being separate folders within the pk3file

>> No.9031589

No, as I said, I want the monsters appear under "monsters", the weapons under "weapons" and the textures according to my own categories. There will be no Doom assets, so there is no need to load them, even if I am using UDMF.

>> No.9031590
Quoted by: >>9031608 >>9031654

Back when I was running Skulltiverse, I had a guy who made custom cfg file for textures. He wrote the following guide:

1) Locate your Ultimate Doom Builder folder and navigate within it to Configurations/Includes. Drag and drop SV_texturesets.cfg into this folder.

2) Open Game_Doom.cfg in the same folder, and find the part that looks like this at the bottom:
Make a backup of Game_Doom.cfg if making changes to default configuration files stresses you out. You can still revert these changes later if you forget, though.

3) Replace "Doom_texturesets.cfg" with "SV_texturesets.cfg". Save the file.

4) Open UDB and press F6, or navigate to Tools>Game Configurations, then find the configuration you want to add your textureset to in the left-hand menu (e.g. Boom: Doom 2 etc.).

5) Go to the "Textures" tab within this menu, and click "Add Default Sets." Click "Yes" when it asks you to confirm. At this point, you're pretty much done; as long as you're editing maps using this configuration and have the textures loaded in Map Options, new categories will appear containing Skulltiverse custom textures.

***Please note: CC4 and vanilla textures will still be in their default categories; this config makes no changes to those, and CC4 automatically sorts itself into the default categories anyway.***

6) Revert the changes you made in Game_Doom.cfg by changing "SV_texturesets.cfg" back to "Doom_texturesets.cfg", or load a backup if you made one. Congratulations, you are 100% done!

I can't help you with custom things at all. I'm sure it's something equally awful.

>> No.9031608
Quoted by: >>9031610

Thanks, at least I have a direction now. I hoped it could be done without deep cfg digging, but oh well...

>> No.9031610
Quoted by: >>9031654

I think there's an interface somewhere in settings, but it's even worse. Writing cfg file seems easier.

>> No.9031627

John Carmack is the best

>> No.9031654

Yeah, so things work the same as textures, I'll have to do everything by hand. Yayyy...

>> No.9031748
File: 180 KB, 532x783, 1647897550213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9031757 >>9032008

Here's a funky level idea
>Only weapon given to you is a rocket launcher
>Only enemies in the level are pain elementals and lost souls
>The level is either the first level in the wad or right after a death exit

>> No.9031757

Wow, what an original concept! I bet no one has done that before.

>> No.9031836
Quoted by: >>9031982

doom mod where you play as a shark girl

>> No.9031982
File: 94 KB, 707x251, 165593502218855pg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032080

Damn land sharks

>> No.9032008
Quoted by: >>9033343

honestly pinkies cockblock the rocket launcher more if they're placed well, since they generally move in your direction unlike lost souls who just kinda chill when they're not charging

>> No.9032017
Quoted by: >>9032021


HD texture pack done right.

>> No.9032021

it is mixed with the moddb high res pack and my upscale pack, but i must say the damn thing is impressive for its time, pretty much something off the dropped S3TC idea for Q2

>> No.9032040
File: 125 KB, 647x656, 1573953851863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032057 >>9032535

>was called "the most influential PWAD of all time"
>the megawad they were giving us would go on to define a generation of map packs
>it would be widely considered one of the best and most influential PWADs of all time
>you will simply not find a better collection of 32 maps, and you probably won't ever again
>I (and many others) would go as far to put AV in the top ten wads of all time
I don't understand. The level design is not that good, most combat encounters are just "lets teleport 50 monsters on players head", it had no original music. Sure some level are really cool, Nemesis is 11/10 masterpiece, but most of them are "okay". Maybe it gets better half way through, at map 17 only.
Was that really that insane for 2001?
I only played original games and expansions and bunch of 90's wads up to this point so it's not like I got used to some "modern standards".

>> No.9032042
Quoted by: >>9032050 >>9032080

The crank reload is one of the most creative and immersive reloads I've ever seen for how simple it is. I wish other milsims got their guns feeling as good as the pump-action (the Hunter? Slayer?) and the Boss.

>> No.9032050
Quoted by: >>9032180

Hunter is the pump-action, Slayer is the double-barrel.
I love both, but tend to prefer the Slayer for its light weight, the strength of both barrels, and the tighter default choke. Though there are some neat tricks you can do with the Hunter, like slamfire and strongarm reloads.

>> No.9032057

the high 20s is where the maps get more skillsaw-ish, pretty hard for the time

>> No.9032058
Quoted by: >>9032170

Map22 of 400 minutes of /vr/

>> No.9032080
Quoted by: >>9032101

Street* Sharks

It feels really good. I do wish it had sounds for when the compartment opens and shuts. And I really appreciate being able to slam-fire the Hunter. Popping around a corner and doing it to a group of zombies is good fun.

>> No.9032101
Quoted by: >>9032185

If you're talking about the compartment opening up in the handless version of Separated Arms, I'm afraid I can't do anything about that. The compartment opening up was originally a part of of the Oddball when I was first designing it and sorting out animations, but I had a few friends tell me it was a little much for a Hideous Destructor weapon, so I stripped that down. The compartment flipping up making a return in the handless version was a means of replacing the frames where you'd normally see a hand come up and grab the handle.

I'm still really fond of this reload mechanic, and I'll probably use it again in a Combined_Arms set in the future.

>> No.9032170
Quoted by: >>9032187

can you play Stankonia? >>9030083

>> No.9032180
Quoted by: >>9032185 >>9032214

The Hunter might see more relevance now that the wounding rework indirectly nerfed the Slayer against some of its best targets. I still have a really hard time working it into a loadout myself. The Slayer does everything you want a shotgun for with less weight and better manueverability, burst ZM has comparable or better damage, higher capacity, and a fast reload. If it's the hot manual action that I'm after, the Boss punches way higher, puts on a better spectacle, and is still more comfortable to manage than Hunter's reloads. The Hunter's sort of stuck being the low-tier gun for mooks to use. I might ask Matt to do something about its reload sequence, because that's the real killer. I'm never going to prefer a gun that's arbitrarily harder to use at low health to ones that aren't.

>> No.9032184

Has anyone successfully played HFFM with fast monsters?

>> No.9032185
Quoted by: >>9032193

Ahh, I see now. I missed that the hand version has the crank out first time I looked.

Is it at all possible to find a Slayer with low level chokes, or do I have to mess with loadouts for that? Weird to say, but it's a bit more accurate than I'm comfortable with.

>> No.9032187

Maybe someday in the future.

>> No.9032192
Quoted by: >>9032202 >>9032240

HD marines are that fucking kid on the playground you never wanted to play cops and robbers with, you know the one

>> No.9032193

Yeah, you can find any choke configuration dropped from jackboots. I believe map-placed guns also have random chokes, but they're so much less common that you're pretty much only ever going to see choke 1 Hunters and 7/7 Slayers there.

>> No.9032202

and you respond with them the same way you would with those kids:

A) Walk up to them and punch them in the face
B) "YEAH WELL I'M USING LASERS AND THAT GOES THROUGH ARMOR!!" The Thunderbuster doesn't care, the scatterbeam mode kills everything.

>> No.9032214
File: 26 KB, 530x530, diy_ky14-25569328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see quad-loads at high health, perhaps never dropping below dual-loads, though it would probably mean replacing the current sidesaddles with a double-stack shell caddy, pic related.
Another thing I would like to see is civilian 5+1 pump-only hunters having full choke as default, since there's practically never a reason to hold on to one.

>> No.9032240
Quoted by: >>9033249

7.76mm guns are good against their armor IIRC, also plasma.

>> No.9032398
Quoted by: >>9032452

What's missing? Intermission music or what. Just go swipe some good jimmy music or summin

>> No.9032412
Quoted by: >>9032449


>> No.9032449
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032452

We're good, actually. I should have this thing ready before the end of the thread. The only remaining things are non-essential like demos and the HELP screen.

>> No.9032486
Quoted by: >>9033340

Is there a command line, script, or something that can load a wad file while gzdoom is running?

>> No.9032514
File: 35 KB, 750x898, uwu click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032530

been playing bd platinum lately. feels like a more tasteful, less tryhard version of bd, with a couple of nice features and without as much bloat as pb.
plus its chainsaw is probably my favourite in any vidya ever.

>> No.9032530

Platinum (formerly Dox's BD?) is actually pretty decent as far as brootal mods go. I don't know if that Nailgun sprite/sfx was stolen from some other gameplay conversion mod, but it's satisfying as hell to play around with. It's kind of a shame that it falls into the usual trappings of brutal mods where you're encouraged to play slowly and ADS for headshots.

>> No.9032536
Quoted by: >>9032590

Played this. The first 4 maps were quite enjoyable, but the two secret maps were both pretty bad. 31 is literally unbeatable in dsda doom because there are several sectors that aren't tagged properly. 32 is beatable but I think some of the secrets are inaccessible, I didn't really have the patience to test it thoroughly. I didn't find anything mechanically broken with maps 1-4 but I noticed some visual problems. Your plutonia exit/entrances are just a bit too short which looks funny, the og plutonia thingys were 30 units tall, 20 and 10 for each sector part. There's also a midtexture applied to a one sided wall next to the yellow key on map 3. May or may not be intentional.

>> No.9032535
Quoted by: >>9033506

AV is victim of Seinfield Effect. Basically all wads after took the looks and gameplay from AV, so today it feels like the most basic wad. After 2009 Scythe 2, Kama Sutra, Plutonia 2 would pretty much steamroll their influence over AV influence to every new modern style wad with their superior looks and much more fun gameplay with more planned enemy placement. AV is still a classic though. When playing and reviewing it, always remember that it is pre-Scythe wad.

>> No.9032590
Quoted by: >>9032708

Thanks for playing anon, I'm glad you had fun for the most part. I think you can tell why the secret maps were secret. I'll look into that midtexture for the final release.

>> No.9032708
Quoted by: >>9032712

I've actually heard the Stankonia title a lot the past couple weeks, is that the inspiration?

>> No.9032712
File: 34 KB, 413x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032719

No, it was created specifically for this project, documented here.

>> No.9032719
File: 48 KB, 300x300, OutKast_-_Stankonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032749

Disregard that, I suck cocks, it turns out it was actually an OutKast album first. That's pretty neat.

>> No.9032734

I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. I've got the other 2 to play in the meantime.

>> No.9032749

remember when they would sing bombs over Baghdad?

>> No.9032794
Quoted by: >>9033468

What exactly does this TC do? It just feels like vanilla but all of the mobs are harder, and your shotgun pumps are kept track off to nerf weapon switching. I guess the starting SMG is pretty cool and fits well into vanilla doom.

>> No.9032802
Quoted by: >>9032826

shitwad anon is dead already
rip again

>> No.9032826

We will never see him finish 400 minutes of /vr/.

>> No.9032839
File: 1.10 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-20_2-13-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032841

Some texture making potential if you use the right prompts
>yes clean up afterwards is still necessary

>> No.9032841
File: 1.14 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-20_2-30-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032846

some more examples

>> No.9032846
File: 1.16 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-20_2-9-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032852


>> No.9032852
File: 1.27 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-20_2-17-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032857


>> No.9032857
File: 1.14 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-20_2-25-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last one

>> No.9032893
File: 192 KB, 757x823, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9032897
File: 52 KB, 320x200, CREDIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033673 >>9033814

512 LINEDEFS OF /vr/ RC1
I'm going to hold off on releasing this to Doomworld because I think there's still room for adjustments, but this is in a pretty polished state and has no placeholders anymore.

>> No.9032914
File: 28 KB, 500x370, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9032915
Quoted by: >>9032965

just face hug him, dumb idiot can't do anything about it lol

>> No.9032924
File: 1.07 MB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-23_14-16-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9032965
File: 1.11 MB, 1920x1080, PE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Unless it has been modified to do something like webm

>> No.9032969
File: 217 KB, 754x802, Web capture_22-6-2022_233150_huggingface.co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9032978


>> No.9032971

But yes, fuck him and the archies.

>> No.9032978
File: 135 KB, 769x844, Web capture_22-6-2022_233440_huggingface.co.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033049 >>9033939


>> No.9033035
File: 24 KB, 436x436, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033058

is there a way to change *default* smallfont color? like the one used in messages and such?

>> No.9033049

When you're in the Arenas Eternal for so long, you have to find other ways to amuse yourself

>> No.9033058
Quoted by: >>9033065

Depends on the port, some can recolor it, but only if the graphics for it are red, some can recolor it no matter what color the graphics are, and some don't offer the option so you'll need to change the STCFN* lumps' color yourself.

>> No.9033065
Quoted by: >>9033071 >>9033074

it`s gzd i`m making a mod for. i just want to recolor small gargoyle wing since its contrast kinda sucks, that kind of thing.

>> No.9033071
Quoted by: >>9033079

>small gargoyle wing
lmao autocorrect?

>> No.9033074
Quoted by: >>9033079

I'll admit, I'm not sure how you would go about editing a GZDoom font file. I've used them (Status Report is in my Hideous Destructor load order) but I've never edited my own.

>> No.9033079
File: 13 KB, 464x345, gws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033092

lmao small gargoyle wing.
wish there was a better fantasy-esque font though, this one is a bit hard on the eyes. god, trying to make one sounds like such ass.
damn, that`s not very reassuring. at least i know what i`m signing up for, thanks i suppose.

>> No.9033092
Quoted by: >>9033097

Fantasy fonts tend to look like ass in general, unfortunately. They just don't do very well with low resolutions and being scrunched up. Best you can usually do is go with one that's a decent middle-ground between legibility and the theme. That one actually isn't too bad, but yeah you'd definitely want to make the border more contrasting with the base color.

>> No.9033097
Quoted by: >>9033123

yeah, i suppose you`re right. i`m also using big gargoyle wing, and i`m already concerned it`ll be hard to make out in heat of combat, even recolored. so i might as well try looking for different ones at this point tbqh.

>> No.9033123
Quoted by: >>9033148

Godspeed, and please use apostrophes instead of accents.

>> No.9033148
File: 20 KB, 333x333, tip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, but my laptop keyboard is a bit busted, so no luck lol.

>> No.9033243

Why not, instead of the actual projectile lines, it actually throws random decorate code that, if it hits an object other than the player, transforms or changes its behaviour depending on the lines that it hurled at if? Like making an imp behave like a revenant with its stunlock values, melee baiting and homing fireballs or turning a random lamp into a rocket projectile that shoots itself in a random direction.

>> No.9033249

7.76mm is good against everything. Why would you ever use anything else?

>> No.9033262
File: 53 KB, 476x555, sourceport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this in plain english to me? i want to play the original doom 1 for the first time with a mouse and keyboard and maybe widescreen and fullscreen. just tell me what i need to download and what i need to patch. the iwad is like the rom right? is gzdoom an emulator, a patch, a program to install mods?

>> No.9033275
Quoted by: >>9033283

gzdoom is a source port, expanded to support variety of mods, basically a whole new engine. It's a basic out of the box experience for all games on Doom engine, though there are changes.
Crispy Doom is more faithful source port that doesn't make your eyes bleed.

IWAD is DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, TNT.WAD and PLUTONIA.WAD, they contain all data for commercial releases, maps, grapics etc in a single file. They are still theoretically sold commercially while engine itself is open-source and free.

>> No.9033276
Quoted by: >>9033283

If you're going by emulator standards then yeah. Functionally, a Sourceport takes data from an IWAD and loads it for the purposes of playing the game. It's not an emulator though, it runs natively on your computer.
If you're too dumb to search through and read what it means, don't worry about it. Just make sure doom.wad or doom2.wad is in the same place as the sourceport's executable file, as in the same directory.
I don't recommend GZDoom for your first playthrough. Consider PrBoom+ instead. It does have widescreen, windowed fullscreen, mouse and keyboard support, pretty good framerate options and plays authentic to the original with some added functionalities.

If you want to add mods later, get gzdoom and get a WAD loader like ZDL or Rocket Launcher.

>> No.9033279

this does seem like a very old image because it comes from an era where ports like prboom and crispy were mostly overlooked
so it seems like you either go full vanilla or the unfaithful modern way
seems like it's from 2012

>> No.9033281


>> No.9033283
Quoted by: >>9033286

thank you!!
so i should download the 1.9 version of doom? is there a big difference between the versions, do the older ones have uncensored muslim chants or is it just bug fixes

>> No.9033286
File: 19 KB, 947x757, E1M4_development.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a swastika in e1m4 in 1.0, but it's not integral to the map's design, and not worth missing out on all the bugfixes and 4th episode in the 1.9 Ultimate Doom release.

>> No.9033291
Quoted by: >>9033747

Even adding the swastika back to E1M4 is one of the easiest things imaginable.

>> No.9033292
Quoted by: >>9033298 >>9033351

do you mean 1.9 doom, or The Ultimate Doom?

>> No.9033295
File: 81 KB, 640x656, 1651983934180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9033298
Quoted by: >>9033351

The Ultimate Doom is Doom, but with an extra episode and the 1.9 patch. It was a retail re-release, since the original game was mail-order only.
It's possible to apply the 1.9 patch to mail order copies of Doom, but there's little point in doing this unless "The Ultimate" added to the title screen bugs you that much.

>> No.9033316

do you guys like free look? or is it cheating

>> No.9033317
Quoted by: >>9033323

dumb question but when i load glboom with doom.wad in the folder the title screen comes up and then the demo starts playing by itself and i can't do anything what do i do?

>> No.9033318


>> No.9033319
Quoted by: >>9033328

I don't use freelook unless playing something that requires a port that has freelook and is built around it.
The "infinite height" of monsters goes hand-in-hand with the autoaim as clearly conscious design decisions in the original game.

>> No.9033323

Pressing ESC should open the menu.
In the original it was any key, why do source ports change this, anyway?

>> No.9033328

I just use whatever I feel like at the time, as >>9033319 correctly points out, unless you're going full vanilla restrictions, you're not playing the game as the developers made it.

>> No.9033330

What you want is Crispy Doom, it's faithful with a few nice options. It gives you the option of using the mouse for looking up and down, though mind that the original game isn't really designed for it, you turn horizontally with the mouse, and if you need to shoot up or down, the game has a vertical auto-aim function which directs your fire upwards or downwards if needed, mostly reliably.

In my opinion, looking up and down doesn't actually make much of an appreciable difference in gameplay anywhere but in one part in Doom 2, so if you find that the lack of it is an absolute dealbreaker, it's not like a very big deal if you do it. The first game just doesn't play much at all with verticality, and the second game

Uh, basically. doom.wad and doom2.wad are the base contents for Doom and Doom 2, these are referred to as "internal .wads" or iwads for short, then you have "patch .wads" or pwads, which you can load on top, and that's how you load fan levelsets, which there is a gigantic selection of, and many which are extremely good.
Doom 2 is built upon the original game, functioning the same way and featuring basically all the same assets, but adds cool new enemies with all new levels, then you've got Final Doom, which are essentially two standalone expansion packs to Doom 2, each being a big set of levels using Doom 2's asset set as a base. Many would say Final Doom has some of the very best official levels, I think that it uses the new monsters in Doom 2 extremely cleverly.

>> No.9033334

I like it just because it's such a natural element of what the first person shooter is, but Doom is the kind of game where you can get by without it.

>> No.9033340

Since wad files can't be loaded at runtime, no.

>> No.9033343

Pinkies don't have the habit of just appearing in front of your rocket launcher just when you thought you were good, though.

>> No.9033351
Quoted by: >>9033391

1.09 is Ultimate Doom
Doom was originally published as shareware, with the first episode of levels being free, and then you'd mail order the full game, or order it by phone, there was no retail release.

Then, iD Software signs on with GT Interactive as a commercial distributor, they want to sell a retail version of the game, and that's Doom 2. Being that you'd then have no Doom 1 on the shelf next to it, they decide they'll repackage the first game and make a retail version of it, updating it a bit and adding a new episode of levels. That way, someone who wants Doom could then go and grab the first game and second game right off the shelf in a store and have the full experience, and the new episode would make it worth doing it.

For people who already mail ordered the original game, they could get a free patch which updated their install of Doom to Ultimate Doom, giving them the new episode.

Was the titlescreen actually different between the commercially packaged Ultimate Doom and and mail ordered Doom patched to Ultimate Doom?

>> No.9033364
Quoted by: >>9033398

Should I keep auto aim on or off? Does the original have horizontal auto aim, aim assist or whatever? Should I be worried about running out of ammo or is the game generous? I am playing hmp

>> No.9033387

is it just me or do the enemies not fire when i am far away? should i exploit this?

>> No.9033391
Quoted by: >>9033413

I was referring to patching a mail-order version to 1.9, which doesn't give you episode 4, and doesn't change the title screen.
I thought it included changes to the maps themselves, like Doom 2 1.9 did, but it seems the edits to the maps, like the switch in E1M1, were part of the Ultimate Doom IWAD.

>> No.9033392


>> No.9033397

The chance of them deciding to fire is inversely proportionate to their distance to you. They will instantly jump from pain state to fire state if you keep hurting them.

>> No.9033398

If you're playing with just horizontal mouse turning (the original way), you'll want the vertical auto-aim on, it's there to compensate for the game having no vertical looking.
If you're playing with vertical looking, there's no point in the auto-aim and you should turn it off for best results.

The game is fairly generous with ammo and resources, there's also many secret areas you can find in levels which offer additional goodies to put to use. Hurt Me Plenty is the medium skill level, it's pretty easygoing, in fact the game is mostly pretty easygoing even on Ultra-Violence, so if you felt the first episode was a breeze, you could step up to UV for more challenge, it really doesn't go that hard.

The fourth episode, added in Ultimate Doom, is a pretty tough cookie though, if you find the difficulty of it stonewalls you, and it might (the first couple of levels there are pretty merciless and have you fight with meager resources), you could skip it and then give it a go after beating Doom 2.

They tend to attack more the closer you are. And yes, do exploit the enemy's behavior, part of the fun of the game is learning how the enemy tick and how you can best fight them.

>> No.9033413
Quoted by: >>9033420

I could have sworn there was a free patch which updated mail-order Doom to Ultimate Doom, levels and all.

By the way, you'll want this:
Extract the SC-55.sf2 file into your sourceport folder (are you using Crispy Doom or what?), and then edit the .cfg to point to it as your soundfont.
For Crispy Doom it'd be the line
>fluidsynth_sf_path "SC-55.sf2"

Doom's music was composed around the Roland Sound Canvas 55 module, and this file replicates its sound. The music will sound much richer and nicer, and like the composer intended.

>> No.9033420

>I could have sworn there was a free patch which updated mail-order Doom to Ultimate Doom, levels and all.
It turns out there was, I guess my parents and I just missed it and only patched the engine back in the day.

>> No.9033456
File: 240 KB, 1118x728, phoboslab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phobos lab was quite a difficulty spike. i had to use two saves and i cheesed through the last section by accidentally finding the secret vision goggles and i almost only used the shotgun

>> No.9033468

Harder monsters with new attacks, as well as AI perks like enemies syncing their attacks or reacting when their buddies start dying horribly. To help keep the difficulty in check, all the weapons have been improved to varying degrees.
>and your shotgun pumps are kept track off to nerf weapon switching.
This is what balances the shotguns because the switching is much faster overall. You can still switch to other weapons right after firing either shotgun, they just don’t backpack reload. Juggling that during a fight can be fun. Or if it’s too much to keep track of, you can just treat them normally and let their animations finish.

>> No.9033506
Quoted by: >>9033512 >>9033779

But I never play Scythe or Plutonia 2 or whatever, as I said I never played any wad released after AV, literally. That's why I'm asking, what exactly made this wad so influential? Is it the combat? Not my cup of tea, but the amount of monsters is sure impressive compared to old wads. It's definitely not the level design. Or was it?
Cacowards just keeps blabbering "most influential never seen cult classic finest maps please marry me" without actually pointing what was so good about it back in 2001 (it's like they never actually played it back then or something).

>> No.9033512

May have been more impressive at the time, but I still think Misri Halek is way cool. Compare to how Hell Revealed is remembered fondly by some, but in actuality it's arguably kind of bad.

>> No.9033576

Corridor 7, Witchaven and the beta for Corridor 8 had their source code released. Why nobody did a good sourceport with it?

>> No.9033583
File: 970 KB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-23_14-48-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033680

ngl this is pretty good
Be just or eat shit

>> No.9033591

Most stuff is lucky to get a functional sourceport or two, obscure games that are garbage are very unlikely to get one.

>> No.9033598

they are on buildgdx, witchaven at least

>> No.9033651

Because they're fairly obscure and not well regarded, a game needs love to get ports. Rise Of The Triad is even a good game but it's been largely neglected on the subject of sourceports.

>> No.9033663
File: 1.83 MB, 1144x1399, craiyon_2022-6-23_16-9-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy I sure could do with some delicious and wholesome icecream on this too hot day

>> No.9033673
File: 43 KB, 343x960, 1655526079870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh yeeaahh

>> No.9033680
File: 6 KB, 122x132, Pogdemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033682

can these things create textures and surfaces?

>> No.9033682

Read the thread

>> No.9033686
Quoted by: >>9033710

those two pseudo swastikas in 1.4 and in alpha version are nice symbols - could be used for something

>> No.9033710
File: 2 KB, 64x64, censoredswastika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033774

It would be cool if they went with this in future version, it doubles for censorship and funny reference. The triangle thing is okay I guess but for me they should either ditch censoring or make it fun (like we did for ad mortem)

>> No.9033747
Quoted by: >>9034020

It'd be easier but it's funnier to have the uncanny valley one that is there now.

>> No.9033774

This really would be a lot better.

>> No.9033779
Quoted by: >>9033796

If you wanted to play a hard mapset in the 90s, the best you could do was Hell Revealed, which isn't exactly known for its good looks. AV took the HR-styled gameplay and difficulty and gave it more visual polish while mixing it with a more adventure-styled gameplay, so there's a bit more to it than just the combat.

Sure, stuff like Eternal Doom looks as good as AV, if not better, but there wasn't anything near that level of polish for hard mapsets back then.

>> No.9033796

I think that Alien Vendetta has much better gameplay than Hell Revealed.

>> No.9033814
File: 3 KB, 426x32, STBARwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9033869 >>9033935

>Screen Dream still not updated
Can we just fix the map ourselves if the author doesn't show up?

Also, I've made a widescreen edit of the status bar.

>> No.9033869
Quoted by: >>9033953

>Can we just fix the map ourselves if the author doesn't show up?
What fix(es) do you have in mind, specifically? As far as I can tell from my playtesting, it's not "broke" so much as extremely janky (e.g. the linedefs with tags but no actions, and vice-reversa)

>> No.9033913

Never forget, never forgive

>> No.9033930

>he still doesn't know

>> No.9033935
Quoted by: >>9033951

I'm respecting anon's craft by saying only he should be allowed to update his map but asserting my authority as project lead by saying yes anyway.

>> No.9033939
File: 842 KB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-23_9-43-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9034006


>> No.9033951

>>”Oh no, it’s the project lead’s post!!”

>> No.9033953
Quoted by: >>9033958

I don't see why not. Just be sure to let it be known it's something different

>> No.9033958

Disregard that. I was posting without context. I bothered to look at what you were responding to after I posted.

>> No.9033965

yay i beat doom :) poor rabbit :( i just beat the spider boss with three shots with the big beam gun i thought this game would be difficult

>> No.9033968
Quoted by: >>9033969

>i thought this game would be difficult
Nigga people used to think Super Mario Bros. was hard
Some people probably still do to be honest

>> No.9033969

i still have never properly beat the nes version without warps...

>> No.9033972

Now play Sunder on UV and say it's easy

>> No.9033993

What the fuck is wrong with map makers? How do they come up with absurd shit like this?

>> No.9034006
File: 899 KB, 768x924, dallemini_2022-6-23_10-14-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9034008

>great run of Iron 512 (512 Lines MAP04)
>try jumping across one of the hot pots at the end as a cheeky shortcut to the exit
>fall in the pot instead

>> No.9034020

I remember when I first played doom and the first two brain cells in my head said "durrr this was probably a swastika before"

>> No.9034030

Congratulations, anon. The original doesn’t get too spicy in the difficulty department but it will through the later entries. They also released a 4th episode expansion for the original, the first two levels are tricky.
Also: There’s always Nightmare.

>> No.9034061


>> No.9034090

I love the side quest that happens when you start calling yourself adahn. Ingenious.

Its a shame the game will never get a combat revamp and fully voice acted. It deserved it.