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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 680 KB, 1700x2100, final doom ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7873135 No.7873135 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last Thread: >>7867543

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more)
More /vr/ shooters
Half-Life WON version
Doom Shovelware
Fileplanet archives
Doom RPG series
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.7873136
File: 706 KB, 1024x1024, violent rumble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard Fast Faggot Maps v 1.1
idgames/doomworld release TBD

Project Mega folder: https://mega.nz/folder/LVlWVK5D#H5iqeD61bSItMIVeGqymTQ
Latest update: >>7863681

=== NEWS ===

[6-17] TNT: Evilution MIDI Pack is released

[6-17] Painslayer, a Painkiller themed weapon mod.

[6-14]YamagiQ2 v8.00 was released, Now it supports Vulkan 100% and it has tons of bugfixes and goodies.

[6-14] Abysm 2: Pharaoh's Judgment public beta v1.

[6-13] Tarnsman streamed HFFM, isn't a pussy like Dew

[6-13] Quake Alkaline has been released

[6-12] Another Q2 Fork taking clues from QCDE

[6-10] Heretic Hi-res sound effects pack

[6-9] Torm took Blade Of Agony 3 down "until the relevant issues are resolved."

[6-8] Realm667 deleted, archiving ongoing:

[6-7] Corruption Cards 2.0 has been released

[6-6] Simple Quake Launcher 2.5 released

[6-4] UT99 retrospective by LGR

[6-2] DBP36: Aquatic Wonder has been released

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.7873142
File: 7 KB, 124x82, M_DOOM 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HARD FAST [fantastic] MAPS anchor post

Have bugfixes and tweaks been done (Full Thrust, etc)?
Have enemy sprite offsets been done?
Have the textcrawls been fixed?

Reply to this post with updates or bug reports, please.

>> No.7873159
File: 214 KB, 900x954, orks have fur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7873169
File: 1.14 MB, 1111x1079, 511562452607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873215 >>7874073

Might as well ask here again if anybody's submitting anything to RAMP.

>> No.7873170

Posted it last thread, no idea if this has been caught already, but Map01, the two revenants in the teleport closet by the switch that opens the way to the exit don't wake up from anything in the map, played on latest GZDoom strict compat settings

>> No.7873173
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1603339514092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873182


>> No.7873175
File: 42 KB, 160x220, 1619206821736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make sure but the current release of HFFM is using an older version of map 07 Full Thrust. Please use this version:

>> No.7873182
Quoted by: >>7873243

alright, i'll get to 1.2. don't know what happened with full thrust, but that's fixed now. M_DOOM is also replaced with the new one because it's a very good one
hey unkl jak

>> No.7873208
File: 89 KB, 320x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873213

Cannonball released an 8-level mapset for doom called "Atomic" sometime earlier today.

>> No.7873213

I meant "for Doom 2" but whatever.

>> No.7873215

lmfao what a juxtaposition

>> No.7873216

Yeah it runs pretty shit. vkQuake nets the highest frames for me on it. FTE too.

>> No.7873228

I'm getting a real taste for what makes Prodoomer bad.
>Tons of rooms and side areas which seemingly have no reason to exist
>Extremely repetitive level design, you'd have no clue where you were without the automap
>Lots of sections that were just copied and pasted multiple times
>The backtracking is still an annoying issue
>Spell system is quickly becoming unmanageable, it's only going to get worse with time too
>So many mana drops when you regenerate more than enough mana
>Really awful platforming which requires 100% precision, otherwise you fall to your death (constantly)
>The platforming in general doesn't account for Doom's momentum based movement
>Those fucking archer mobs who were sniping me across the entire map
>Oh, and you can't actually see their projectiles against the backdrop of that particular map
>And their projectiles also do massive damage
>The crossbow being worse at long range than the fucking pistols, this is why you don't stick a scope on a non-hitscan weapon
>Some enemies deal trivial damage to you, whereas others do ridiculous amounts of damage (that guy that shot all those shrapnel bombs in the Doom Burger level)
>Once again, switches don't clearly show what they even do
>Switches hidden in places which you can easily miss, but are necessary to make progress
>So many hitscan enemies which fire ten billion bullets at you
>That one fucking enemy with tracking projectiles that zoom around corners and instantly kill you
>The obnoxious images that appear every time you get hit or are at low health
>Touhou Doom tier spider boss, where the only option was to kill it before it drained all of your armour

>> No.7873232
Quoted by: >>7873240

VRanon are ogres z-aware?

>> No.7873235
File: 115 KB, 471x645, 5223078136_72d646a1b9_b~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874341

therapist: quake 2 shamler is not real he cant hurt you
quake 2 shambler:

>> No.7873240
Quoted by: >>7873256 >>7878158

not him, but iirc marksman ogres are z-aware while regular ones aren't

>> No.7873243

I'll post a .wad with the adjusted offsets and Lovesaw soon enough, you can copy over the new sprites or whatever when you get it.

>> No.7873247
Quoted by: >>7873250

I forgot how modular Doom could get with different assets in different mods, it was quite a surprise starting HFFM with HD and having cowboy shotgunners instantly incapacitate me

>> No.7873250
Quoted by: >>7873275

pls record some footage of HFFM sprites with HD, if you know how, I need it

>> No.7873253
Quoted by: >>7873290

It's fun watching people play through these bloated zdoom shitwads while picking them apart, it saves me the trouble of downloading them

>> No.7873256

Hmmm that's odd if so. I'll check after work

>> No.7873264
File: 473 KB, 1260x681, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting used to Quakes compiling and light types and such.
Going to sleep.

>> No.7873270

>Hard Fast Fabulous Maps

>> No.7873275
File: 2.83 MB, 960x540, 2021-06-18 01-10-14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873539 >>7873793

here's me quickly fucking around and getting fucked in return

>> No.7873279
Quoted by: >>7873290

Thanks for playing these. It's nice watching someone go through something no one wants to go through.

>> No.7873283

Shit my niggurath, that looks dope

>> No.7873290
File: 170 KB, 829x1280, 17d4be801778f9d3887f124d556f9ee5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873291 >>7876453

I'm glad somebody's getting something out of my suffering. Next stream whenever I feel like it, roughly the same time. See ya later.

>> No.7873291

Godspeed anon!

>> No.7873295
Quoted by: >>7873403

I'm confused by this. BTSX E2 didn't feel any different to the typical modern skillsaw wad when it came to revenant and arch-vile use for the most part, IMO.
If anything, E1 was actually really tame outside of a couple maps.

>> No.7873296

Saying that it's good but bad like you do is /0
Reasons "mappers don't care":
1. probably the same reasons mappers don't care about build engine games in general
2. plus the same reasons oldgame mappers don't care about new games on same engines
3. also have you seen mappers mapping specifically for this one customized variant of game with this particular combination of weapon/texture/monster customizations? most often people rather choose what custom stuff they want in their wad/map/whatever, and you can see IF as a highly customized version of dukenukem or blood or whatever

>> No.7873319
Quoted by: >>7873331 >>7873361

Hey anon I found some shit on ModDB if you're interested.

>> No.7873326

> also have you seen mappers mapping specifically for this one customized variant of game with this particular combination of weapon/texture/monster customizations? most often people rather choose what custom stuff they want in their wad/map/whatever, and you can see IF as a highly customized version of dukenukem or blood or whatever
No, this is retarded. Ion Fury is more like total conversion IWAD like Heretic. Compared to Duke Nukem it's the same level of rework as Blood or Redneck Rampage etc. Basically everything changed.

>> No.7873331

This has got to be a shitpost but anything goes these days so maybe not

>> No.7873360

>Hard Fast Fucking Maps

>> No.7873361

>Trailer is posted on some obscure video sharing website
Sure, it can go on the list. I'd like to find some shitwads I can finish in a single stream too.

>> No.7873374
Quoted by: >>7873545

Look like shit, sure. Id understandably had no experience in 3D modelling. But I like the sounds plenty. What FPS do you think have much better sound design?

>> No.7873398
Quoted by: >>7873459


>> No.7873403

BTSX E2 has more Revenants on UV than PL2 does and more Archviles than Alien Vendetta (and only 4 less than PL2)

>> No.7873407
Quoted by: >>7873643

>(and only 4 less than PL2)
Thats a lot, considering PL2 has that Hunted tribute with a ton of them.

>> No.7873410
Quoted by: >>7873432

Sometimes I remember that people make stuff like this right off thre bat while 'getting used to' things and I get real sad.

>> No.7873432
Quoted by: >>7873439

Kill yourself

>> No.7873439
Quoted by: >>7873449


>> No.7873449
Quoted by: >>7873454

The guy who said kys isn't me. I didn't go to bed, I watched star trek on my phone.
Don't kys.
As for my quake map, it's just a facade atm. No gameplay. I used to make Unreal maps. I'm not completely inexperienced, I've just never used these particular tools before.
Though it's a fair bit different from unreal, it's still just 3D shit and thats pretty well ingrained in me.

>> No.7873454
Quoted by: >>7873474 >>7873680

What series are you on?
I've always wondered if a Star Trek TC would be fun to make/play, but I'd imagine the drought of different enemies to fight or weapons to use might get boring fast, because most of the conflicts would just boil down to a few enemies.
>Set during Klingon war
>You fight Klingons and uh, other Klingons
>Set during Romulan war
>You fight Romulans and uh, other Romulans
>Set during Dominion war
>You fight Jem'Hadar and Cardassians, maybe even a few Breen to be spicy

>> No.7873459


>> No.7873474

But you can do weird shit in Star trek.
Crystaline entity, that lava monster from tos, species 8479, the macrovirus, devolved species... Don't worry about setting it in a specific battle and treat it like a one off episode. Write your own story.
Ok sleep now for real.

>> No.7873520
File: 608 KB, 1920x1080, testmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a tiny map with three different custom dehacked monsters I made.
You need MBF21 for the boss tag to work on the Cybruiser to make him rocket immune and full volume sound. Other than that, the .wad runs in Crispy Doom and beyond. The Cybruiser features a random attack pattern.

Any more ideas for cool dehacked monsters?

>> No.7873523

forgot to mention, i didnt make the map, just the monsters. the map was made by another anon

>> No.7873525
File: 111 KB, 900x720, maxresdefault (32).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873540

>32 levels
>3 lives

Wtf man

>> No.7873539

My man. I encourage anyone else to make Hard Fast Destructor .webms

>> No.7873540
Quoted by: >>7873549

If only you knew, anon.

>> No.7873542

that hard fast faggot maps link is dead on my end

>> No.7873543

I love Final Doom's promotional material, so cool

>> No.7873545
Quoted by: >>7873553 >>7874771

The weapons probably look plain not so much because of a lack of experience, as for having to use a limited number of faces as to not impact performance. Remember that getting a consistent 20fps was considered pretty good for Quake on release.

>> No.7873549
Quoted by: >>7873560

What? WHAT

>> No.7873553
Quoted by: >>7873582

>The big community 25th anniversary project is a vanilla DOS compatible pack with texture limits and stuff

I mean..... It's fitting and all but... Sigh.

>> No.7873560

dunno what he meant but you'll finish the game with 70 spares if you savescum enough

>> No.7873564
Quoted by: >>7874675

I'll make some tomorrow. I had a couple very close runs on Map01 today but I'm tired now.

>> No.7873582

I wouldn't call it big; I don't have access to the info but I'm pretty sure it didn't get very many entries and the ones it did receive are from newer or inexperienced mappers because most of the big-names instead opted for the Sinister jam (six textures, five monster types, no other limits) or are/were working on their own projects (Alkaline, whatever 'surprise' stuff is presumably gonna show up on the anniversary). Plus the limits were more of a guideline, as people learned how tight those limits can be- I stayed within the texture and entity limits easily but still blew past the intended filesize limit by a few hundred kB because I'm a moron, but I'm sure people who kept their geometry to id1 levels made some big ol' maps in that size.

>> No.7873606
Quoted by: >>7873672

You have to remember that map31 of btsx e2 bloats the numbers up quite considerably, as its the only full blown slaughtermap in the set.

>> No.7873612
Quoted by: >>7873636

A lot of megawads don't really hook me, are there any good ones in the style of the original 3 DOOM episodes?

>> No.7873636
Quoted by: >>7873659

Doom The Way id Did (+Lost Episodes) and Lunar Catastrophe are the most close of it. No End In Sight does same, but with insane difficulty, ep4 going into much more harder than what Ribbiks has ever done. There is also Jimmy's Deathless with keeps the easy and fun vanilla gameplay, but gives each of the episodes new theme.

>> No.7873642
File: 833 KB, 1500x1500, 1619734879846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873724 >>7873853

Now featuring also: GonkDroid on steroids (and other illegal substances) fresh outta Super Metroid for the SuperNES!

>> No.7873643

BTSX 2 had Arch-Vile map too.

>> No.7873659

Thanks for the recs, I'll check them out. I still love the original id levels but sometimes you just want something new.

>> No.7873672

In the case of Revenants, thats especially true. Map31 has 293 Revenants alone.
I think it also needs to be stressed that some BTSX maps, especially in E2, are a fair bit longer than your average map, too. map25 and 31 in E2 can easily take most players around an hour+ of in-game time, and maps 4, 10, 15 and 20 can easily be 30+ minutes

>> No.7873680

>but I'd imagine the drought of different enemies to fight or weapons to use might get boring fast, because most of the conflicts would just boil down to a few enemies.
I mean if go you by TOS stuff, you basically have a new enemy on each planet.
Maybe you could do some kind of puzzle-y stuff.

>get beamed down to new planet
>first crew member dies because it's attacked by something
>you find the something, but it's not evil, just under some influence
>remember: phasers set to stun
>find some cave system, stun more mooks
>finally reach the old tyme super computer
>either throw a rock at it or make it explode by some kind of "this statement is a lie"

>> No.7873707
Quoted by: >>7873723 >>7874074

I love plutonia experiment so much

>> No.7873723
Quoted by: >>7873781

Same. There are 2 plutonia megawads in the works (3 if 94 protons ever becomes a thing) and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.7873724

>and other illegal substances

>> No.7873728
File: 10 KB, 172x198, HornOfConjuring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873785

Question from a coding-illeterate idiot quaker regarding the Horn of Conjuring being implemmented into the VR project and possible expansion of its concept:
IIRC there is a preset list of viable monsters to spawn (includes all vanilla Quake land-based enemies only) from which its randomly picked upon levelstart who is summoned by HoC to aid the player - reloading a mid-level save doesnt change it - you must either die and restart the map (or load a save from previous map to reroll for a better summon), what am I asking is - can the list of possible to spawn monsters be expanded to include the new monsters, either only the land-based ones (maybe excluding the Gremlins since they're too gimmicky) or even includung the airborne ones aswell (and retroactively add Scrags into the HoC summon list also) if its a possibility...

>> No.7873740
Quoted by: >>7873751 >>7873795

>Mapping project where every map occupies the full 65535x65535 maximum space

>> No.7873750

I rate this one:

>> No.7873751
Quoted by: >>7873756 >>7873770

>all the enemies are chaingunners at the longest possible distance

>> No.7873752
File: 372 KB, 1920x1080, 1623706732798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874078

>> No.7873756
Quoted by: >>7873761 >>7873770

after a certain distance, hitscan literally can't hit you.

>> No.7873761

Yes, that is why I wrote "longest possible distance".

>> No.7873768
Quoted by: >>7873776 >>7873784

Longest possible distance for them to hit you is a LOT shorter than the 65535 maximum space.

>> No.7873770
File: 654 KB, 1203x800, 6hbyyrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7873784

>Near-inaudibly *pew-Pew-PEW*'s you from across the planet...

>> No.7873774

So exactly 2048 units away from you.

>> No.7873776

iirc decino talked about this in one of his vids, max range of enemies
they were actually pretty short

>> No.7873781
Quoted by: >>7875867

3 actually (Plutonia 3, Plutonia Revisited 2, Bluetonia). And one got released today to celebrate Final Doom Anniversary: Cydonia.

There's also megawad called Ozonia coming later this year with Plutonia-like combat, but it's also influenced by modern wads such as Eviternity, and has new dehacked monsters, and new non-Plutonia map themes like Heaven, so I wouldn't call it fully Plutonia-like.

>> No.7873784

Yes, I know. Seems like the only one who understood what I meant was >>7873770

>> No.7873785
File: 375 KB, 2953x1139, horn polyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874701

Yes, the random monster list can be extended, but it will probably be a while before I get to that. However, mappers can also directly input a monster name on the horn's spawn target (should probably make it a dropdown list for convenience). Seems to work with the new monsters, but I haven't tested them thoroughly enough.

>> No.7873793
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1609455917401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>player was marinated by the imps

>> No.7873795
Quoted by: >>7873927

Wouldn't that lead to the blockmap bugging out?

>> No.7873825
Quoted by: >>7874148

Hard Fast [Frasier] Maps

>> No.7873828

I wonder if some of these maps are even possible. Temple of Flesh comes to mind; the start is so hot I'm sure that getting past that in HD is a crapshoot at best

>> No.7873834

Isn't it explicitly stated that with HD you might not even finish some maps?

>> No.7873853

Does it operate on fentanyl?

>> No.7873893
File: 2.23 MB, 1280x960, molly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874083 >>7874662

Reposting this from last thread because frankly I am a bit proud of it.

>> No.7873915

Do you detail your maps as you're making them, or make the layout in startan2 and go back to texture and detail after you've finished?

>> No.7873920

I at least use different textures where different textures would be, so I can see the transitions and all that. Actual "detailing", as in e.g. small consoles, terminals, small pillars, spikes, ceiling structures etc. are done last.

>> No.7873927

Yeah, I think you need cut it in half

>> No.7873996

I do as I get inspired. My maps are simple enough to be redecorated easily.

>> No.7874020
File: 261 KB, 849x1200, E4KB_GaXMAI5hrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874026
File: 625 KB, 1920x1080, 1609721413102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tnt truck!

>> No.7874030
File: 113 KB, 1467x930, Screenshot 2021-06-18 143120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874037

Im trying to give plasmagun and bfg custom projectiles the proper damage type
I tried giving 'PLASMA' damage type to the plasmagun shots and loaded it with BD MOnster Only and it does actually trigger the plasma death on enemies
but the damage type for the BFG what is it called?
because the damage for BFG secondary shots is 'BFGSplash'
the main BFG shot anybody knows what damage type it does in default Doom?

>> No.7874037
Quoted by: >>7874046

>BFG Blast (primary attack)

>> No.7874046
File: 15 KB, 291x393, Screenshot 2021-06-18 144446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874179

do I have to put them inbetween " "
because I noticed in the original Supercharge code some of them are not inbetween " "
also is it
>BFG Blast
also I noticed this thing in the code
is that * there a typo?

>> No.7874058

Glad to see the "not retro" autists are done harassing IF posters at least.

>> No.7874073

Yeah, I think I will. Haven't started anything yet though.

>> No.7874074

I found Plutonia to drag and drag and drag. It felt like a total slog, and some levels (invisible murder bridge comes to mind) have absolute shit design. I don't understand why people put Plutonia on a pedestal and shit all over TNT when they are equally mediocre.

>> No.7874078
Quoted by: >>7875608

That boss was a bitch before I found the bowling bomb refills and realized the waves of enemies were finite.

>> No.7874083
Quoted by: >>7874194

Idk if you have developed the girl's pixel art since I saw your last screenshot, but she looks better than I expected. Nice work!

>> No.7874093

Done with Shadow Warrior and both expansions now. That was an overall highly mediocre experience. Easily 90% of the damage I'd take on a given level would be from getting surprised by hitscanning uzi mooks. None of the "tough" monsters were ever tough at all except for, you guessed it, the beefed up uzi mook that also shoots rockets.

The level design more often than not hinges on shitty button scavenger hunts, and I constantly found myself both bored and annoyed combing through cleared levels looking for the one button or cracked wall texture that I missed.

Overall, 6/10. Doesn't hold a candle to Duke. I was going to do Blood next, but that sapped my interest out of build engine shit for now. Maybe Dusk or something.

>> No.7874094

Is this out yet?

>> No.7874095 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7874110

This is now a Romero appriciation thread. Post your favourite Romero maps.

>> No.7874102
Quoted by: >>7874235 >>7874250

I played a couple of SW's first level and it didn't click with me, so I decided to try Blood instead and so far I fucking love it. It's like Duke on crack and much better than the experience I had with SW.

>> No.7874110 [DELETED] 

fuck off you and take that faggot shitter hack along with you

>> No.7874142
File: 362 KB, 1280x1024, D2-MAP13-noHUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877234

It's really not so bad

>> No.7874148

Tossed salad and scrambled eggs.

>> No.7874150

>invisible murder bridge comes to mind
That is the carnival night barrel of Final Doom

>> No.7874179

Shouldn't need to be a string, at leadt the examples in the wiki are without. Also, remember you have to declare custom damagetypes if you're not using MAPINFO.
The wiki page you posted has links to that.

>> No.7874194
Quoted by: >>7877227

What was the last screenshot you saw? I added some shading and also generally made her slimmer

>> No.7874218

Drop some Berserk and spit in your hand.

>> No.7874232

I suck ass at layouts so I usually don't detail until later, as its easier to morph rooms around when there's only a few linedefs

>> No.7874235
Quoted by: >>7874262 >>7877240

Is it really that much better?

>> No.7874250
Quoted by: >>7874293 >>7874295

Shadow Warrior always felt like a mess to me.

>> No.7874259
Quoted by: >>7877216

You wouldn't find them mediocre, if you played them at 90s first time, zoom zoom.

>> No.7874262

It is if you use your TNT and secondary fires well.

>> No.7874268
Quoted by: >>7874276


>> No.7874275

>My Maps folder
>About 30-40 unfinished scraps and room concepts and no finished levels

>> No.7874276

Oh, and jwg's performance was fucking terrible.

>> No.7874284

I honestly love TNT right until about Map 16 and then it kinda goes downhill from there. The first five levels of TNT especially are a brilliant at setting the tone for the expansion. Also TNT’s Map02 music is fucking sick. Actually all of the new music introduced by TNT is fucking sick.

>> No.7874287
File: 243 KB, 400x426, 1573981029103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874298 >>7874318

Yknow what's funny about the Build engine games, or at least the 3 big ones? The movement feels somewhat similar to Quake 3 somehow, IE you can essentially strafejump with W+A/D, only I don't think you get a speed boost, just air control.

>> No.7874293

OG bass game Shadow Warrior was pretty fun for me, didn’t like the expansions though. Also SW will always have a place in my heart because it was the first FPS I’ve ever played with a nuke that wasn’t a fucking potato. The blast radius for SW’s nuke is hilariously far for an FPS and the only other FPS I’ve played with a potent nuclear weapon is Serious Sam 4.

>> No.7874295


>> No.7874296

Even if a few levels in Plutonia drag, outside of Map28 and Map29, they're all bitesized maps that are over quickly, something you can't say for TNT past the first episode.

>> No.7874298
Quoted by: >>7874326 >>7874427

Quake 3 movement is super smooth. Shadow Warrior movement is choppy.

>> No.7874306
Quoted by: >>7874314

It feels like it drags because of the constant brown. I still haven't played Plutonia to this day because of how mind numbing it is to look at.

>> No.7874314

Fuck I meant finished

>> No.7874318
Quoted by: >>7874326

I find that true for Duke and Blood yeah.

There is a lot of crouching and dodging when getting used to the games, SW is more jank.

>> No.7874326

It's prolly different in SW, but it's been a while since I've played it so I don't remember all that well. Most recent Build game I played was Blood and to be fair, I'm basing what I said about the movement off of the Build engine setting in Zmovement.

>> No.7874341

where is this from?

>> No.7874359

Eh, I think TNT's level sizes are a bit overstated. Drake O'brien's maps (20, 21, and 27) are huge, and so are Mill and Baron's Den, but everything else is fairly standard sized.

>> No.7874363
File: 65 KB, 414x601, sylux under the helmet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874410

>Ridley in the background

>> No.7874376
File: 401 KB, 1061x1500, E4J9dlHWEAIceu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Higher res version. Fucking borderlands, but no FEAR?

>> No.7874389
Quoted by: >>7874404

This is cringe as fuck. Somebody doing a documentary?

Really why?

>> No.7874404
Quoted by: >>7874408

Nostalgia cash grab. It's the same people who did the in search of darkness horror doc, and charged 70 fucking dollars for a blu-ray.

>> No.7874408

Oh I see clever fucks.

>> No.7874410

Well. Metroid Prime is a an fps. Sorta depends on what context it comes up in in the documentary.
Like how prime is an example of blending genres so is borderlands.
I wouldn't complain because they didn't include your favorite fps since there's a lot of shit missing from that image that could be well argued for. No arena fps at all.

>> No.7874427
Quoted by: >>7874451 >>7875189

> Shadow Warrior movement is choppy.
Try Raze

>> No.7874430
Quoted by: >>7877870

>Not dual wielding AR-33's

Bit of a miss there

>> No.7874451
Quoted by: >>7874476

I saw our favorite woke twitter activist mention raze in his recent duke video. Is it really that much different from whatever is going on under the hood with redux, outside of the crashing, which happened to me constantly throughout this whole ordeal.

>> No.7874452
File: 38 KB, 450x300, DM5sL8FWAAAVexB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874467 >>7876624

are some of these unused enemies?
i swear i have a very vague memory of what was and was not in marathon

>> No.7874467
Quoted by: >>7876624

looks like he took this image from here?


>> No.7874476

I have no idea about internals, I just think controls and movement feel very different to other sourceports I tried.

>> No.7874485
File: 3.49 MB, 1500x3000, texturetutforanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874486 >>7874780

For the anon in the last thread who was too inept to make textures I made a tutorial for quick & dirty textures.

>> No.7874486
Quoted by: >>7874495

nice shoe bro

>> No.7874495

It's already cropped, but fuck if I'm showing my legs to you perverts.

>> No.7874535
File: 133 KB, 500x700, 1567614364478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874785 >>7877245

What are some exemplary DOUK usermaps? Other than DukeHard (which was pretty good) most ones I've tried are middling at best. Alien Armageddon is kinda fun but too bloated with feature creep, especially after the latest version. Please respond.

>> No.7874557
Quoted by: >>7874564 >>7874667

is heat vision ala predator possible in doom?
like specially with wall hacks?

>> No.7874564
Quoted by: >>7874581

Can't you shoot through walls in HD? Shouldn't it have some kind of batman vision then?

>> No.7874581

Yeah, HDest has a fully featured ballistics system, so you can wallbang, but usually you can just go by sound or checking around corners with drone cameras. With the addon for unique enemy sounds, I've never felt I needed to actually SEE through walls.

>> No.7874591
Quoted by: >>7874751

>have a weak computer
>See decino celebrate 25 year old of quake and multiplayer on FTEQW quake source port
>Download FTEQW source port
>Run test the source port
>it changed my screen resolution to 800x600 and stuck in desktop and didn't show up the game
>Try to exit the program
>screen turn to normal screen resolution
>Try running it again
>It still the same

>> No.7874592
Quoted by: >>7874612

Is there a way to get the more rounded bits to shade less sharply? Or would I just have to make them more round?
I'd rather keep it not too round though.

>> No.7874594
Quoted by: >>7874601 >>7875879

>Hard Fast Friendly Maps

>> No.7874601
Quoted by: >>7874767

>Honest Friendly Flanders Maps

>> No.7874612
Quoted by: >>7874619 >>7874625

_phong, _phong_angle & _anglescale
generally, check the light utility docs, there isn't too much reading involved
also, if you're the author, might wanna try _bounce before fine-tuning anything else, since it has a huge effect

>> No.7874619
Quoted by: >>7874625 >>7874671

Sounds good. Bounce is some sort of simulated bounce lighting I assume? So the shadows are more naturally filled? I'm not at my computer atm, just thinking about what I'm going to do next.

>> No.7874625
Quoted by: >>7874671

Also, who else is working on a map? I want to see that I'm not stimbling through this alone.

>> No.7874626

which is the best final doom version to play?

>> No.7874656
Quoted by: >>7874676 >>7874695

Alright let's see if I can spot all the references

Meta Ridley from Metroid Prime
Headcrabs from Half Life
T-Rex from Turok
Pig Cops from Duke 3D
Scrag from Quake
Halo Warthog

Grunt from Borderlands
Jaws from Goldeneye 64
Wolfenstein Ubersoldier from New Order
Another Headcrab
Grunt from STALKER
Horde of zombies from Left 4 Dead
Tripod from Half Life 2

Baron of Hell from Doom 2016
Big Daddy and Little Sister from Bioshock
Stormtrooper problably from Dark Forces
Cacodemons with their classic look
An enemy from Serious Sam?

Now the Hud on top might be from Goldeneye IIRC,the one below might be from Halo as well so is the gun on the left.
It shows: Gravity Gun from HL 2,BFG classic and Rocket Launcher from Quake.
The right one is confusing,it looks like a sawed off shotgun from Blood but the icon looks like an SSG

>> No.7874662
Quoted by: >>7874902

You made a little girl cry for no reason - good job Horst...

>> No.7874667

There have been mods with x-ray features like Guncaster and DeusDoom, they aren't exactly thermal but it's the same idea of seeing outlines through walls

>> No.7874671
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1080, vkquake0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, and you can tweak the bounce scale, but it overall significantly brightens the picture.

well, I continued my warhammer thingie for a bit. I'm kinda wary of scaring anons away with style-over-substance though, that one q25 anon complained already.

>> No.7874675
File: 2.84 MB, 640x360, Replay_2021-06-18_11-22-05.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875738

I'll have more when I'm back from work.

>> No.7874676
Quoted by: >>7874689

>Grunt from STALKER

>> No.7874686
File: 106 KB, 700x933, 1418777128060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875468

Man a 40k fps game with late 90s style would be dope as fuck. Play as a regular guard and you have it all ,demons, aliens, xenos etc.

Maybe 3d realms could get the license from gw they prostitute themselves really hard.

>> No.7874689

I'm not sure if it's a STALKER reference,it's a guy next to the Scrag from Quake and close the Halo Warthog

>> No.7874695
Quoted by: >>7874702 >>7874718

>Stormtrooper probably from Dark Forces

No anon this is a poster made for the faggot 00s generation nostalgia, its Republic Commando.

>> No.7874701
Quoted by: >>7874751

So its possible as an alternative to making the power-up a savescum roulette, one can just define by a spawnflag what monster gets always summoned for aid in the map editor instead?

>> No.7874702
Quoted by: >>7874707

>he doesn't like 00s kino

>> No.7874707
Quoted by: >>7874713

After halo and 2004\6 ? No I dont.
Its a terrible generation culminating in ps3 fps and borwn military shooters. Also Bioshit was shit.

>> No.7874713
Quoted by: >>7874720 >>7874731

see >>7872147

>> No.7874718
Quoted by: >>7874731

Republic Commando didn't have Stormtroopers.

>> No.7874720

it can, easily. see: Bioshock

>> No.7874731
File: 1.64 MB, 720x1080, apps.22003.69703614894648147.e4ef3337-2c9e-4cf6-9f42-d591c8ecfc5a.54f10ab0-f2c5-42a7-aa01-2ffdbfd98104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874741 >>7875368

What do you want from that post?

Its simply true, it was not bad for fps only RTS also died after around the time of dawn of war, rpgs also died.

Xbox gen took a knife to the stomach in pc gaming and games only started recuperating and some genres coming back in 2015.

Its not like there werent nice games being made. But pc just died. HL 2 was not enough to restart it.

From the side that looks like a republic commando. Which from that disgusting gen was an okay short game.

But you may be right it might just be a reference to Jedi Knight or Battlefront.

>> No.7874741
Quoted by: >>7875368

It's really difficult to tell.
Might be one of the variations from Battlefront but that game is played mostly in third person.

It's still possible it could be Jedi Knight.

I still can't tell who's that demon next to the Cacos

>> No.7874751

FTE is a bit strange when it comes to performance and optimizing. The minimum hardware requirements are significantly higher than other Quake engines, but it will run retardedly fuckhuge maps without much additional performance cost. You don't want to run it on a toaster though, and fucking about with vsync, CPU yield, and max FPS until it's stable is unfortunately pretty mandatory.

Damn that looks fucking cool.

Pretty much, yeah.

>> No.7874767
Quoted by: >>7874895

>enemyset where hitscanners say hi-dily-ho neighborino and this is what causes the player character damage

>> No.7874771

Chillo has made remakes of the monsters that look way better but still stay under the model limitations.

>> No.7874780

Heres a tutorial for making textures from scratch.


>> No.7874785
Quoted by: >>7874807

William Gee has made some amazing maps, like WGCity. And the WGRealms TC.
OP should have a "so you wanna play some Duke" link with more suggestions.

>> No.7874807

I take it the guy also made WGSpace? Because I happen to already have that ready to go. I'll get around to checking out those as well.

>> No.7874812
File: 46 KB, 178x157, Slayer Peterson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7874865
Quoted by: >>7875017 >>7875042

Not actually Crispy Doom compatible, crashed the sec I opened the first door. Also, what's the point of including smooth doom in your wad? If I wanted that, I'd just use the mod myself.
As for the enemies they're kinda eh. When the Cybruiser pulls out the hitscan attack it requires me to take cover for way too long. The flying mouth is kinda redundant, also, its hitbox is bigger than the sprite, so it looks like it's hitting you from further away than it really is, and that's very clearly visible when its infighting. The Heretic imp seems like it'd be useful but may be a bit too fast. Maybe if you could make it so that it doesn't try to close in on the player it'd be better?

>> No.7874882
File: 7 KB, 640x354, doomguy suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of STALKER before,I thought with Doom it was bad that so many of them couldn't play it without mods. But at least to an extent is either stuff that tweak or add some effects and maintain the gameplay.

STALKER "fans" just can't play it without mods and claim they love it despite the fact it changes the entire way it plays.

>> No.7874894 [DELETED] 

Some shitskin's deleted my thread on Darker and Art of Flying corrections.
Rationale seemed to be this: Mothefucka BOO RING better not remember this forgoetn for rizen.

>> No.7874895

This would work pretty well for Archviles, if you let him finish his greeting then you'll take the damage.

>> No.7874902

Dumb brat had it coming for snitching to mom

>> No.7874908
Quoted by: >>7874917 >>7874930

STALKER sucks tho

>> No.7874912
File: 409 KB, 900x1431, 18e3a930420255.56220873c9214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7874931

Looking at the FPS Documentary poster I remembered how difficult it was for me to beat Jaws in Goldeneye 007.
Yes,even with mouse and keyboard on 00 Agent.

Motherfucker was able to tank your bullets like nothing and even trying to do a sneak kill to him by shooting the head was useless.

Rest in Peace Richard Kiel

>> No.7874915
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, hehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor caco doesn't realize this is heretic

>> No.7874917

That doesn't change that you can't say you love a game when it's so drastically different from the original

>> No.7874930
Quoted by: >>7874947 >>7874981

Actually, there are many people that play it either vanilla or with "light overhauls" (mostly based on AMK, an ancient mod that adds cut content and messes with the way monster spawns/ A.I. work to make the game more random/ harder). Mouthbreating shiteating retards that didn't even finish the games play garbage like Complete Mod, Misery or Anomaly because they don't want STALKER, they want Escape From Tarkov (Singleplayer).

Hard Fast >>7874908 Maps

>> No.7874931
Quoted by: >>7874947

>Goldeneye 007
Another shit game

>> No.7874940


>> No.7874947

Yeah it's true but it still sucks to see a community of fans who don't play the game like it was meant to be.

It's still not as bad as Fallout fans who turn the game into a dumpster for mods

Hard Fast >>7874931 Maps

>> No.7874968

Thrust that stick into cacodemon's asshole and you get a cacodemon staff, that shoots fireballs.

>> No.7874970
File: 278 KB, 1440x1080, DOOM0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just beat CASTEVIL.wad, a big ass 94 map. 438/482 kills, 14/47 secrets. Actually pretty enjoyable despite being over an hour long, the map is well interconnected and pretty straightforward to get around. Lot of punching barons to save ammo early on, my only complaint that by the time I got some better weapons and ammo the map was basically over.

>> No.7874975

Any mods similar to Ashes 20xx?

>> No.7874981
Quoted by: >>7875002

I generally okay stalker vanilla when I go back to it. SoC. Call of Pripyat felt flat somehow, but I probably didn't give it a chance.
I do like some of the mods though. I wish ray of hope would come out so I could play coop.

>> No.7874985
Quoted by: >>7874989 >>7875137

I'm nearly done with Strife (just killed Macil after the Oracle, now I'm somewhere in the factory) but it becomes such a slog.
It's overall a really mediocre and incomplete game. My biggest gripes with it are, in no particular order:
1) Lack of variety in environments. You got some great textures and decorations for outdoor areas, temples, cities and these fucktards used them in certain parts of certain maps where you spend a few seconds at most before it's back to hi-tech underground base.
2) Bad enemy design. You go from basic hitscanner to more advanced hitscanner (which is bigger, tankier, faster and does more damage) and so on. They're all cyborg/ robot shit too apart from specters. I wish we got more organic enemies to fight.
3) Weapons feel like shit. Crossbow is slow as fuck. Dagger and rifle with no upgrades are hot garbage, rocket launcher does piss poor damage, grenade launcher is effective but hard to use, flamethrower is a meme, mauler fires slow as shit. The Sigil is cool though, I just wish I could switch the attacks at will.
4) Upgrades are a meme. They can't be missed, you get them for playing the game, they only affect one very specific thing and it's always the same linear increase. Why even bother with them?
5) Economy is fucked up. You don't get gold if the devs didn't place it there, you can't sell shit you don't use, it has no purpose for existing.
6) Inventory fucks up the game balance. Devs barely place ammo or health sometimes because you can buy them, you can spam your inventory items in hard fights, or you can end up with no health or ammo because you got shot a million times by shitscanners.
7) Fake theme. From the intro cutscene and first mission you'd assume the game takes place in a medieval sci-fi setting, but after the second mission it basically throws out the window all the medieval stuff and it's pretty much just robots and guns.

>> No.7874987

I am trying to implement the zscript ladder from

I was planning on using the invisible thing and putting it on a ladder texture.

I got the game to boot without any warnings with the ladder thing. I also noticed higher friction across where the ladder thing sits.
Since it's using a way of temporary hacking the fly cheat to players, I can also use fly up/down. However, here it's over, as I am falling down instantly again, like I was jumping.
The original pk7 has a ladder model in the package, and it the testmap it works as intended, but I don't want to use a model.
However, the only factor I have managed to determine so far was the use of the model, because when I give the thing (or a child class) an actual sprite, it doesn't work anymore at all.

Anyone got any idea?

>> No.7874989
Quoted by: >>7875137

8) Half-assed mechanics. Stealth is broken and the devs probably realized this because they make it impossible to finish missions in stealth mode. Dialogues are barely there, with no options other than Yes and Game Over.

To summarize, everything that makes Strife unique drags down the gameplay until it inevitably gets the shaft and the game ends up feeling more and more like a poor man's Doom.

>> No.7874994
Quoted by: >>7875113

The Hungry and the Gargoyle seem mostly the same besides the projectile, don't know how hard it'd be to make the garg more accurate to Hexen. The Cybruiser's randomness is a neat feature but would probably suck in an actual map - 5 rockets and 10 seconds of rapid hitscan?
It would be neat to see more of the widespread Zdoom monsters converted to this new format.

>> No.7874995

>I'm kinda wary of scaring anons away with style-over-substance though
Well hopefully my fumbling posts at least let them know that the tools themselves aren't terribly difficult. That dumptruck fellows YouTube videos are pretty great for a jumpstart into the editor. I usually hate video tutorials because you spend 5 minutes listening to some idiot prattle on about who they are or what they're doing and why like you give a shit. He just jumps from one thing to the next.
One anon said he seemed arrogant, but imo he has every right to be. The videos are ace.

>> No.7875002

Call of Pripyiat is the most boring one, I agree. I liked Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky, they were overall focused experiences, with some great art direction and setpieces when they needed them. CoP is just two big, empty, brown maps with maybe one or two cool areas + some blocks for the ending idk man.

>> No.7875017

TY for helping me test! I've been playtesting in DSDA every step of the way.

I forgot that that map anon made is BOOM-compatible. My dehacked stuff otherwise works in Crispy since Crispy has extended dehacked.

>what's the point of including smooth doom
I'm making a dehacked file including guns and monsters for a map set I want to make. I want vanilla guns (maybe next time I'll add Valiant chaingun and others) and the extra frames make the guns more satisfying to use, especially the pistol

>When the Cybruiser pulls out the hitscan attack it requires me to take cover for way too long
The attacks are random so he might attack for one second or ten. He's intended to be a vicious boss-tier enemy tougher than a cyberdemon, at least attack-wise, not health-wise.

>The flying mouth is kinda redundant
I disagree. It's movespeed is identical to the Valiant pinky on nightmare, the fastest enemy I've ever fought. It's an extremely fast and small melee attacker that flies so it never relents!

>The Heretic imp seems like it'd be useful but may be a bit too fast
He has 25 health so I need it to be fast to pose a threat. The flying mouth and imp were both conceived in order to give the player something to fight during pistol starts. Something small but threatening. Groups of them are also fun to blast with the plain shotgun, and a chaingun will shred a cloud of them

>> No.7875039

I wanna make a TC mod for Doom 2, with new sprites, textures, DeHacked stuff and everything but which format do you recommend me? Limit-removing or MBF?

>> No.7875042

>its hitbox is bigger than the sprite
TY, I reduced both the fleshspawn's and gargoyle's radius from 20 to 15. It looks a lot better now. I'm afraid if I reduce it further they may be too hard to berserk punch

Also I forgot to mention about the garg, try to fight just two of them with the pistol and I think you will agree, the speed is in a good spot

One more thing about the imp

>> No.7875051

Do it for vanilla for bragging rights. What theme are you going with?

>> No.7875113
File: 745 KB, 1920x1080, map04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Hungry and the Gargoyle seem mostly the same besides the projectile
I can see why people get this impression. To me, they are distinct because of their speed (as well as melee/ranged). The mouth thing (I liked to call it Scourge after the StarCraft unit but Hungry is a good name too) moves as fast as a Valiant -fast pinky, which is just insanely fast. It's more visible in a normal map where you have much more room. I could make it bite as fast, too...
>The Cybruiser's randomness is a neat feature but would probably suck in an actual map - 5 rockets and 10 seconds of rapid hitscan?
I envision it as an end-of-episode boss to fight. It was directly inspired by an experience I had. I was goofing around with replacing existing Doom monsters with other ones, for example I replaced the baron of hell with Eviternity's cybruiser (which fires faster than mine, mind you, because it uses the shotgun code pointer!) and fighting it in this room of map04 of Hell Frontier left a strong impression on me

>> No.7875137


Ur just bad at the game lmao

>> No.7875157

I have Warm Reception in my HDest load order to get rid of hot starts. The enemies wander around a bit on their own, so they'll still spot me pretty quickly, but at least I get an extra couple of seconds to get to a better position.

>> No.7875172
Quoted by: >>7876445

This probably a filtered Quake or Dukefag

>> No.7875182

Local Strife loremaster here. Most of what he said is true and I'm aiming to fix a lot of these issues in my wad, coming 2041.

>> No.7875189

Speaking on raze i can't for the life of me figure out how the fuck to run duke map packs with it.

I even followed the exact scripting for bat files they claimed they used on the zdoom forums.

It didn't work. It was like
>couldn't compile con file
or some fuckin bullshit and just prompted me with a
>would you like to restart raze?

Also i played through Duke 3d on eduke32 and vs raze. I noticed small differences nothing too crazy but was how much different the pistols accuracy is.

In eduke32. you can like snipe motherfuckers across the map with the pistol lmao but in raze its very inaccurate also in raze the mouse sensitivity is set very high for some reason.

overall a good source port, will probably be better than eduke 32 once mapset/mod compatibility works for duke 3d

Blood mods work amazingly with raze. literally just drag and drop a zip file.

>> No.7875195
File: 517 KB, 1024x1024, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7875212
Quoted by: >>7875226

>map maps
You heard it folks. Map some maps. Especially if your name is Duke.

>> No.7875226

i would but after i finished my first one, i'm kinda stuck wondering what the next one should be. i have an idea for the style of the map, being a Doom 64-styled map, but other than that I'm kinda stumped on everything else

>> No.7875228
Quoted by: >>7875243 >>7875247

I'm having an issue with SiN.
With the first mission I get to the computer and I can't go back to shut down the security system.
What should I do?

>> No.7875238
Quoted by: >>7875242

>makes racist based gameplay

>> No.7875242



>> No.7875243
Quoted by: >>7875247

Alright I figured it out but what the hell is the safe security number?

>> No.7875247
Quoted by: >>7875261

You know what Fuck SiN,this game sucks

>> No.7875253

Scotty with AD_79 released Cydonia, wad of 22 new Plutonia maps emulating Casali mapping style to celebrate the anniversary of Final Doom

>> No.7875261
File: 179 KB, 1080x1166, DcTaNcYXkAEEio0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Redone the level.
Apparently the safe number changes randomly but whenever you check the section in the computer about Costumer Account,you can't go back.
You're forced to do it all over again

>> No.7875275
File: 420 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY NIGHT FIREFIGHT 20 MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7875279

It's UDM3 but you get the idea, GET FRAGGIN'

>> No.7875280

>What theme are you going with?
A medieval themed wad where the protagonist is like a merc goblin-like character fightning the evil forces from a demonic entity/necromancer or something. I don't have a plot yet but it's gonna be like that.

>> No.7875301

Sounds gay

>> No.7875356
Quoted by: >>7875360

If you say so, mr. word cloud

>> No.7875360
File: 5 KB, 291x57, hurryupanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.7875364


>> No.7875368

honestly it's probably safest to just say the trooper is "from Star Wars" because there's actually several Star Wars shooting games

>> No.7875371
File: 1 KB, 85x26, 7 of 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875387


>> No.7875375
Quoted by: >>7875389

why do you still use the skulltag logo like it wasn't obsolete in like 2010

>> No.7875378

>STALKER ''fans'' can't play it without mods
I can, at least the first one.
The thing is, STALKER is more like a concept / dream and scaled down a lot of complex A.I behaviors for the final product so the code is still there so there's often no reason why adter the first playthrough one wouldn't play with mods to bring the game closer to the original concept of the game.

I'm personally liking Shadow Warrior so far but each to their own! Some of your complaints are valid though like sometimes the button hunts get very tiring. Love Lo Wang's humor though.
But it feels like the Shareware episode actually had most of the sort of humor / attention to detail so far because they knew it was the selling point. In some way this already imo manifested in DOOM where the shareware episode was the best and basically what Shores of Hell and Inferno had to offer was very hit and miss levels, an annoying enemy aka the Lost Soul and the plasma rifle.

But hey, DOOM was still p cool.

>> No.7875387
File: 194 KB, 335x445, Riker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875397


>> No.7875389
File: 87 KB, 508x509, skulltaglogos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875394

Are you for real right now?

>> No.7875390

>scary custom shambler
didn't we make one of these

>> No.7875394
Quoted by: >>7875403 >>7875414

oh this is some mandala shit i guess. i remember zandy's logo just being a Z fsr

>> No.7875397
File: 233 KB, 1280x1024, 57CB67E4863D8F04FF5F6696992B7BD63CF7195A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7875403
Quoted by: >>7875410

No, that's ZDoom's logo, also
Stop blazing 24/7 anon

>> No.7875410

stop projecting bitch the only drug i abuse is benadryl so i can fall asleep

>> No.7875414

I believe it's called the Mandingo Effect.

>> No.7875443
Quoted by: >>7875471 >>7877667

So I see a lot of people recommending Raze for Build games, in Blood's case, is it compatible with the FS movie files? And can I use the sc-55 music pack with it? Also since it's made by le no chicken, does it have any fancy effects and can they be disabled so the game looks as classic as possible like in NBlood and GDX?

>> No.7875468
File: 133 KB, 520x612, woohohohpoc22333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875492

Look up the Trenchfoot wad. There's a demo out, it's bretty gud. Not late 90's-style, but very 40K.

Or just play E.Y.E - Divine Cybermancy.

>> No.7875471
Quoted by: >>7875484

Raze sucks im razist

>> No.7875484

I bet you're proud of yourself for coming up with that

>> No.7875485

I think you didn't understand me, I want to use the sprite as a sprite, like in doom

>> No.7875487

let me search what I want to do, I surely saw this in a counter-strike map

>> No.7875492

Trenchfoot is just okay.

EYE well. That team disappointed me over the years.

>> No.7875509
Quoted by: >>7875559 >>7875703

I think IF is just too easy. The enemies really aren’t much of a challenge with the arsenal you have.

Loverboy’s auto fire is way over powered, Bowling Bombs are ridiculous when charged because of the heat seeking, and the crossbow alt fire just melts the tougher enemies.

The only real challenge for me is the flaming skull ghost cyborg, but even that gets fucked by Bowling Bombs.

Maybe if the ammo supplies were tweaked so that crossbows and bowling bombs were more precious, that would add tension. But that still leaves us with the loverboy, a staple weapon, which is still too overtuned.

I wouldn’t know what to do to map for it and make interesting encounters.

>> No.7875520

BTSX is boring af, why people like this shit?

>> No.7875543

It came out at the right time. The textures, and atmosphere are a cut above most wads.

But I agree its boring, its just way too drawn out an experience. And what is genuinely challenging becomes more annoying than stimulating.

>> No.7875549

Speaking of BTSX, I think entering is a shit track. Essel's other stuff is alright though.

>> No.7875559
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1622925455607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875612

Personally I like the Ion Fury weapons, I hate when guns feel wimpy or underpowered. Now of course it will be cool when IF gets that expansion and hopefully new enemies and maybe also new weapons hmmm?

But right now it feels like they have a good coverage of the basics. Like yeah no, I don't really want for a weapon to feel like it is utter trash like the DOOM pistol.
Like especially for the checkpoint save system that IF seems to want to have the players mostly relying on I feel like the enemy balance is mostly fine although I thought it was odd that the game introduced the zombies really late to the game when you think about how utterly unthreatening they are?

I suppose they could have more enemy types like say a flame trooper or some kinda heavy weapons guy with a minigun that drops chaingun ammo as well?

An archvile equivalent could be neat as well or like some kind of necromancer that keeps summoning mutant zombies or whatever. But the basic enemy selection they have now is honestly fine for the game.

>> No.7875560
Quoted by: >>7875569

btsx is the quake 2 of doom

>> No.7875568
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20210618_123957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn people are too good at vidya gaems, I got close exactly once but most of the games were blowouts. DM is fun once in awhile.

>> No.7875569
Quoted by: >>7875573

Technical competence, but souless?

>> No.7875573

yeah and it literally just looks a lot like quake 2 if you take the enemies out

>> No.7875589

I enjoy the fighting, exploration, music, and visuals.

>> No.7875592

Thanks for hosting these

>> No.7875598 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7875620 >>7875652

The most insulting thing about the hffm debacle is how stupid you idiots think we are. I was reading your bullshit plans for months, of course I let the other mods know about your silly little plans. You'd be perfectly okay with a gachi homage wad if it wasn't so clearly obvious that was just a thin veil for memeing around the f-word. That's how it started, so that's how it ends, don't bother underestimating everyone else's intelligence.

Also have fun releasing your n-word teasing quake project on black history month, I bet that's going to be a) coincidence, b) perfectly respectable homage to MLKjr as well. Just get rid of the slurs, you fucking morons.

>> No.7875608
Quoted by: >>7877228

>waves of enemies are finite
Meaning that once you clear out a ''wave'' you can go molest Hugh Janus in peace until you hit that certain health threshold and he enters a new 'phase' which triggers another spawn set?

>> No.7875612
Quoted by: >>7875630

I like the weapons too, but the Loverboy has plenty of power (2-3 hit kill on weaker enemies) without the alt fire. The alt fire really trivializes combat.

With regards to enemies, I think about all the nuances with Doom’s bestiary.

The fact that riflemen can be used for infighting, Archville revive bait, are low or high priority depending on if you lack armor or have low health (making their place in combat more dynamic), makes them more interesting than the standard cyborg fodder.

With the cyborgs, you just shoot them last or first if they’re next to you. They’re more of a threat when you’re low on a health but even health is a non-issue because of how utterly plentiful it is.

>> No.7875620 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7875625

i agree whoever signed off on putting faggot in the name knew exactly what they were doing but denying the whole thing just because of that is just kinda weird and wastes the effort of the mappers who had nothing to do with making the name. the obvious right thing to do is just change the name and reup it but now its been made too contentious

>> No.7875625 [DELETED] 

It's a copypasta.

>> No.7875627 [DELETED] 
File: 644 KB, 500x375, BEGONE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As it should be

>> No.7875630
Quoted by: >>7875651

>nuances with DOOM bestiary
I think if you compare to DOOM bestiary pretty much any game will fall apart in comparison.

>> No.7875631

To the anon who wrote the Duke Nukem story: I liked it, but the relationship progressed a little fast, and the bad ending was sad. :(

>> No.7875651
File: 58 KB, 360x450, 83A0D20A-F465-4E9E-9EFA-EB57D93574FA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875715

Even without the DOOM comparison, I could compare the hitscanners to Blood (which is the obvious influence).

It just doesn’t stack up against them.

Maybe they’re closer to Shadow Warrior’s ninjas, but I remember them being faster.

>> No.7875652 [DELETED] 

no :3

>> No.7875654

>TNT: Evilution MIDI Pack is released
goddamit, just when I finished my playthrough

>> No.7875660

Doom deathmatch is kinda interesting in how it differs from other arena shooters. Like you're just naturally fast, most of the time you start with a really strong slow gun instead of a weak rapid fire gun, rockets can't be aimed at the ground, the plasma gun is actually really fucking strong and covers a ton of space.

>> No.7875672
Quoted by: >>7875718

>protagonist is like a merc goblin-like character
good luck with the project, hope to see updates here

>> No.7875690 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 590x341, 1598327074533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7875703

I like that all weapons are overpowered. I dislike the fire effect and tracers from teh dual subs and the bowlings bombs are stupid to use in build engine, pipe bombs worked better.

The game speed tune should be more like Duke but its trying to be blood witouth the flow of blood.

Either way the bosses are trash. But then again can you do better bosses in a build engine with gimmicks and stuff? Probably not.

Which is why the personality and the antagonist should be good. And they are absolute shit in IF.
Still they improved some stuff with the 1.1 patch, Shelly sprite is slightly better. I think a sequel would be nice but I dont really care about shelly.

>> No.7875715
Quoted by: >>7875936

Cultists are the only threat to the point they are kinda of a bore knowing you WILL get hit.

I like the less threatening enemies in IF. In fact with no save scumming and on max fury the grenade guys and flying mechs will tear you up.

And the big mechs will stomp on you.
This is another side but outside a few tracks I dont think the music in the game is something to talk about. Some tunes are fine like the very 90s train one but meh I dont know.

>> No.7875718
File: 924 KB, 1152x1144, 1387044515473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>protagonist is like a merc goblin-like character
Dont trust him anon.

He will pull a vomit inducing fetish style shit like Hedon "female" "orcs" and you will be sorry.

>> No.7875720

Man shut the fuck up. Enough with the vanilla fetishism. Everybody who plays Doom wads has PrBoom or something more advanced. Theres no reason for people to continue limiting themselves for no reason. Theres nothing cool about only being able to have 128 visplanes visible at once.

>> No.7875721
File: 971 KB, 1024x768, shot018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875763

>> No.7875724

IMO, thematically, the gargoyles and the flesh balls dont go together. Maybe if there was a more demonic-looking sprite for the gargoyles.

>> No.7875732
Quoted by: >>7875750

Man modern fantasy stuff is so shitty and overdesigned.

>> No.7875736
Quoted by: >>7876704

You can use sprites (.spr files) with the misc_model entity.

>> No.7875738
File: 240 KB, 1000x952, 1576564752887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised webms, but those can come later. I'm bringing you guys an HFFM HD co-op stream with Kegan and Ultra instead.
Starting up in the next few minutes.

>> No.7875739
Quoted by: >>7875772

Also, Rekkr already did the vanilla TC thing and took it seemingly as far as it could possibly go.

>> No.7875742

Aside making those two girls on the right more toned,it looks more boring despite the more intricate designs.

How can this be?

>> No.7875745

Well, hot damn.

>> No.7875750

didn't kegan said something about a kobold in gmota?
to me, it's something to do with the geometrial, "bended" shapes
specially with new blizzard games
and the fact that the details themselves aren't that interesting
also the fake sci-fi "magic tech" that some games like godfall have, as opposed to true "old times" fantasy
is it the hedon guy?
i think it's possible to make nonugly goblids/orcs/kobolds/etc work while also making them as unfetishized as possible or at least lower the "horny" aspect
it might be because one is trying to be more "tactical" or believable while the other is goofier, but not in a cool or interesting way
it's an arguement that sometimes, good fiction (art style or writing) needs a bit of "realism", even if that translates to its own rules and not that of our world
a recent exampe could be the advanced wars remake on switch because some of the character portaits have awkward shapes and weak shading
they have that western mimicking anime aesthetic (i mean it's wayforward) and even if that style is not that bad, you can't help but think the original portraits had some better proportions and lightning

>> No.7875763
File: 237 KB, 500x524, 1617702071983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875774

what is this

>> No.7875764

Yeah, I'm gonna be adding a Kobold in this update. But I've been dragging my feet with Kustam's updates right now. It's a ballbuster.
and I hate Blizzard's influence on fantasy shit. I want practical armor but still have weird magic bullshit and guns.

>> No.7875772

>hedon, females, orcs
The fuck are you talking about? I haven't said details of my wad yet and you're expecting shit like that... Please take your meds.

I think you guys are right, Boom/MBF has more interesting features that I could use and it's less demanding than vanilla format.

>> No.7875774


>> No.7875779

damn, I miss the hell out of Keith

>> No.7875789
File: 904 KB, 1200x1350, d5y8b8u-553dc23b-8126-4a5a-a80d-239f442a0959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875803 >>7875814

>it might be because one is trying to be more "tactical" or believable while the other is goofier, but not in a cool or interesting way.it's an arguement that sometimes, good fiction (art style or writing) needs a bit of "realism"
I guess it has something to do on how several fantasy media in the last 2 decades overused said artstyle.
When World of Warcraft exploded in popularity,everyone jumped in and tried to copy.
Let's be honest,if Hexen or Heretic went for something like that,would it be more appealing visually?
It's like it strips away the gritty side of fantasy

>> No.7875791
File: 111 KB, 640x822, ujd5mba2zps31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sector... clear... over...

>> No.7875803
Quoted by: >>7875814

it also makes me wonder if it's the actual armors/weapons/objects being used or just colors and proportions
like, if i edited some things, maybe some opinions could change or at least make it not as black and white as it looks
like how a lot of modern sci-fi feels like it's trying to mimick either warframe or halo (specially 343 to be specific) and you wonder how much it's the styles themselves not being that great or just imitators making it worse
doom nowadays technically borrows something from both modern sci-fi and fantasy, specially for a series that aesthetically used to be simply, with made sense for a very simple premise

>> No.7875812
File: 108 KB, 999x799, 1307777-sof_baddies1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When the protagonist of one of your favourite FPS games is a real guy


>> No.7875814
Quoted by: >>7875824

Fantasy has been commodified and tamed just look at critical faggots. Once it stops being niche it dilutes itself and turns to mediocre anime and capeshit.

Which is why sword and sorcery is dead. Its too metal for regular audiences.
Nobody tries to copy warframe the fuck are you talking about its the only good thing about that retarded mess its the moebius style art.

>> No.7875824
Quoted by: >>7875854 >>7876373

I guess that's why Souls games ended up being so successful. They captured the old feeling fantasy that has been lost in terms of aesthetic.

I wish something like Thief could be done,at least in terms of visuals. The weird blend of steampunk and medieval times

>> No.7875825

>He will pull a vomit inducing fetish style shit
Nah, that will be me with my futanari hentai shooter.

>> No.7875826

>He will pull a vomit inducing fetish style shit like Hedon "female" "orcs" and you will be sorry.
uh so? that's based

>> No.7875849
Quoted by: >>7875854 >>7875859

What gets me is the sense of scale. Everyone in the second pic, aside from the dragon and the kobold, is virtually the same height. It doesn't look like a larger than life fantasy world, it looks like a drawing of someone's MMO raid.

It's sort of like the difference between good superhero comic book art, and art that looks like a drawing of someone cosplaying as a superhero. Hard to explain, but you know it when you see it.

>> No.7875854

souls also taking inspiration from berserk too
then there's the remake of des
it's the actual places they're in too
there's no 3d space in the actual image
speaking of superheroes, wasn't there a rule that some characters were drawn "secretly naked" like bodypaint?
i also thought strife, despite having medieval meets tech, had both good looking "comic book-ish" potraits and a low tech/low level medieval sci-fi aesthetic, specially compared to something like the sentinels in new doom

>> No.7875859
Quoted by: >>7875890

That but also in terms of designs.
Nothing major in the first picture,they're pretty generic but visually distinct. You get their roles from the get-go.

Now look at the second one.
Everyone look like they belong in the same team

>> No.7875862
Quoted by: >>7875870

There are things I like about the bottom image, but overall the top image is just much better in every way.

>> No.7875864
File: 344 KB, 908x1200, 1457917419583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A big problem with modern digital art is it's clean and sterile. The way it uses lighting also makes the metallic pieces look like great hunks of plastic. The character designs tend to follow the rule of cool, with lots of exaggerated armour pieces (especially the fucking pauldrons) and exaggerated proportions too. A big problem the piece has too is it has no sense of depth to it. This is probably just me talking out of my ass though, as I know nothing about art.

>> No.7875867

Is that really a thing? Sounds like a shitty jokewad.

>> No.7875870
File: 335 KB, 865x1200, 1420139011564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not like I dont like stylized shit anon as well. That image is meant to underline other things. Something we lost.

>> No.7875874
Quoted by: >>7875901

That thong is hhhnng.

>> No.7875876

Yes. I think it's a tarnsman project too.

>> No.7875879

Hard Fast Bundle of Maps

>> No.7875880
Quoted by: >>7875894

I think you just nailed something I dont like about Doom Eternal.

>> No.7875884
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, testme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBF21. I'm tinkering with stuff now: I made some flying imps, and they and normal imps are immune to eachother; I added the Valiant mancubus and a random-patterned mancubus I dubbed the RandoManc, and none of the variants hurt eachother, as well as a new rocket-immune full-volume-sound boss-tier enemy. I'm still learning how the custom monster projectile thing works. I want to add a "tracer" projectile that fires along with the cybruiser's super chaingun, but i haven't gotten it to work yet. I managed to make zombiemen fire custom projectiles I made up, but I haven't gotten my cybruiser to fire them for some reason. Anyway here is a test map I made

>> No.7875887

MBF21 would be VASTLY more friendly to making a TC than sticking to Vanilla.

>> No.7875890
Quoted by: >>7875902 >>7875945

some say the second image designs are overdesigned, but if anything, they feel simpler and less interesting
at least some of them but still
their poses are also awkward, as if they weren't meant for the situation or whatever is supposed to happen there
first image tells a story in some way
and yet some people want heretic and hexen to come back
problem with "cool" is that at times feels ironic and forgets that people legitimately thought something was cool and it came down from a bit of grit or realism
when you make something intentionaly goofy or overly stylized, it feels safe
it's specially a problem with new doom trying to be goofy as if classic doom wasn't something people liked because it was the "90's satanic game" and one texture in particular had metal pipes stabbing through flesh, indicating a certain level of horror
even if doom 3 focused too much on horror, you can still see certain things in the 90's doom games that show some potential for it

>> No.7875894

I agree for some of the monsters. It in general does have a problem with overdesign.

>> No.7875901
File: 107 KB, 600x816, 1516571189902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875908 >>7878561

>tfw the guys who can paint in this particular style are getting old
>tfw they will all be dead soon
This'll be the last one I post, pls don't hurt me janny

>> No.7875902
File: 78 KB, 800x788, Hexen2JewelFront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heretic and hexen to come back

Heretic and Hexen are more like the first picture. Its 90s fantasy.

>> No.7875908
Quoted by: >>7875932 >>7877212

They are all dead anon. Vallejo also is dead right?

Fantasy will continue to be obsidian type of gay for some time now.

Nah its relevant Doom also carries that 90s aesthetic hard. If anything I must give IF some points for looking 90s as fuck.

>> No.7875915
Quoted by: >>7875928

now i remember that one time someone on these threads said "it's trying to be 90's when it was originally 80's" and i hate that it's stuck in my head because i can't even find the original post

>> No.7875924
File: 261 KB, 1920x1080, 1622917767969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875937

Sure, we might have a better chance if we work together.

>> No.7875928
File: 132 KB, 961x395, EVxAEqjWoAAahjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875931

I think it was me, like two weeks ago right? I come here like only once in a while.

>> No.7875931

i remember it since 2020 february when someone posted videos of eternal
like when the fortress of doom was revealed

>> No.7875932
File: 225 KB, 599x588, R-1880834-1585608303-2710.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who painted pic related is still alive thankfully. I'll commission him for my shooter if I get the funding for it.

>> No.7875936

The issue with the mechs are their pathing and that chaingun ammo seems to stun them?

The last two in the game got stuck on walls way too easily. And the two in the garage I seemed to cheese unintentionally by spamming the chaingun.

When you don’t fight them without the chaingun and pathing isn’t an issue, they’re easily the hardest enemies. But its mainly because of the ridiculous nade spam they use. I’d like to see them in more open environments like the actual boss encounter. That boss encounter is also the highlight of the game for me.

>> No.7875937

This part stuck with me because he gibbed a zombie corpse by opening the door and commented on the smell. It's surprising how it wasn't even a scripted sequence.

>> No.7875945
File: 1.02 MB, 1610x2179, May_Guilty_Gear_Strive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overdesigned can be good but most of the time,it flops. It's an issue I have with a lot of hi-tech armors in the last decade.
Look at Master Chief armor during Bungie era and compare it to 343 era. It doesn't look practicle al all to wear.

Or a less popular ones Quake 2 and FEAR 1 enemies.
They're simple and manage to convey their roles. While in their sequels Quake 4 and FEAR 2,they became so messy that it just blend together.

Fighting games seems to be the only place where you can get characters with exaggerated proportions and designs and make them look good,for the most part.

>> No.7875956

Heavy Metal was jank but it was a cool use of the quake 3 engine. It was a nice attempt at action adventure a bit too ambitious but hey.

Made today it would be glorious with physics and such.

It think they are scripted to comment on gibbed stuff.

>> No.7875961
File: 233 KB, 1437x1077, 1623791133901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875971

My favorite recent one was taking two Barneys to the office complex, left them in the hallway and went to the room where the two scientists try to escape into the vent. When they get gibbed and the vent vomits their innards out of the Barneys just goes ''Phew, something died doownn here'' in that kinda casual tone.
I'm not 100 percent on what triggers the line but maybe it's an entity being gibbed that does it? Or maybe it was coincidental.

Also for some autistic reason I like to escort the Half Life NPCs I meet to a safe feeling place and hope that they can safely ride out the disaster. Often feels kind of horrifying to leave them behind.

>> No.7875971
Quoted by: >>7875978


>> No.7875975
File: 772 KB, 1221x1500, ddurkl0-984b5d4a-319c-4e94-a213-de43d059094c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877192

An action adventure 3d person game with recognizable badass grills woudl be a dope idea.

Hunter, FAKK2 lady, maybe others.

>> No.7875978

The AI in Half-Life actually has a mechanic for smell, where certain things are smelly, and NPCs in the vicinity may react to it.

Oh, well, I guess just let Marphy demonstrate it.

>> No.7875980

Doom 2 In Spain Only guys said they were making it for their next project.

>> No.7875989
File: 91 KB, 700x525, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7875995 >>7876018

You are the one who been asking about gzdoom for a new project?

I wonder when you will give up.

>> No.7875995


>> No.7876018 [SPOILER] 
File: 735 KB, 1093x650, 1624067337962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are the one who been asking about gzdoom for a new project?
Yeah, I'm the guy who wants to make a hentai shooter in GZDoom.

>I wonder when you will give up.
Well, I haven't given up yet. Pic related is a super quick concept sketch my friend did for a weapon. NSFW, if it doesn't go without saying.

>> No.7876023
Quoted by: >>7876037

You have my unconditional support anon. Please do not let it die.

>> No.7876028
Quoted by: >>7876037 >>7876059

I hope it dies anon. I expected something like Heavy Metal Fakk2 not coomer trash.

>> No.7876037
File: 104 KB, 572x621, 1545911492521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876046

I'll do my best, Anon.

That crossbow isn't unlike something you'd see in Heavy Metal, you know. But you do you.

>> No.7876046
Quoted by: >>7876059

Yeah you are giving up its a terrible idea to make a porn game in gzdoom.

>> No.7876059

That's an imaginative weapon.

Don't be such a bitch.

>> No.7876097

Crossballs lol

>> No.7876159
Quoted by: >>7876419


>> No.7876356
Quoted by: >>7876358

Alright, time for another Prodoomer stream if anyone wants to see me wander through bullshit mazes.

>> No.7876358
Quoted by: >>7876362

post the link homo

>> No.7876362
Quoted by: >>7876603 >>7876606

Sure thing faggot

>> No.7876373

>to me, it's something to do with the geometrial, "bended" shapes
>specially with new blizzard games
So I'm not the only one who noticed how often angular many of Blizzard's current models are. Also that obnoxious shading... Not to mention that WoW just looks pretty dull and generic nowadays, but that's to be expected from Shadowlands & lead narrative designer. Warcraft 3 still got it worse with Reforged though.
I thought that was because of gameplay + being yet another series where "lore theory speculation" decease started to naturally grow out of nowhere.

>> No.7876407
Quoted by: >>7876412

>tfw sky transfers are now basically a limit removing feature considering crispy doom and latest versions of prboom+/dsda support them regardless of complevel.

>> No.7876412

Might as well, it's one of those features which wouldn't need any kind of really advanced engine, like many of UMAPINFO's features.

>> No.7876419
Quoted by: >>7876424

Shame about all the technical issues, but I had a lot of fun with the maps themselves. Might take more cracks at it in singleplayer, I'm sure I could grind out the maps we ended up skipping with latency out of the picture.

Still here, despite everything.

>> No.7876424
Quoted by: >>7876454

Good to see you're still around. Maybe this place hasn't gone to complete shit after all.

>> No.7876436
File: 1.96 MB, 853x480, billbd.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876704

well, to your actual question: yes, it's possible to add your own sprites, both billboard and arbitrarily rotated. it's how Quoth did foliage and vent grates before common engines had support for fence textures.
but it's really fiddly (TB doesn't properly show rotation), they will always be at full brightness, and at the end of the day you're puttng the same work that could have gone towards a masked texture and getting less in return.

>> No.7876445

I am a Hexenchad
I was joking anon.
Sounds cool, you have tons of things that you can draw from if you run out of ideas. Gobbos are so common yet so underused that pretty much every setting has a different spin on them. And yeah, I think MBF is definetly the best option.

>> No.7876453
File: 366 KB, 618x869, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876471

IIRC PRODOOMER was made by one Chilean guy on his local Tumblr-esque blog with like 5 or 6 followers encouraging him to go on, and absolutely nobody but himself playtesting anything.

This mod is a great example of what happens when a lot of effort is put forth into something, without any outside input whatsoever.

I tried to play it to completion, but broke halfway, when I encountered an picrelated enormous area with like 5 big copypasted rooms on each side, in each room 3 switches side by side that have to be pressed.

There are 30 switches in plain sight in copy pasted areas and each has to be pressed.

That had to be the worst case of mindless padding that I have ever seen anywhere at all.

There are a lot of huge maps with otherwise fine geometry, complex scripts, boss introductions and obviously fuckton of effort put into it, and all of it is absolutely wasted because the guy who made it has no idea what "game design" means and nobody ever told him.

I am now playing through Blade of Agony (ep 3 version that I nabbed before it was removed) and I must say while not as bad at level design as prodoomer, it is definitely up there in terms of gameplay design and overabundance of pointless visual effects for the sake of effects

>> No.7876454

It's the only part of the Doom community I give a shit about besides the HD subcommunity. They'd have to drag me away.

>> No.7876471
File: 2.20 MB, 650x366, cringe!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried to play it to completion, but broke halfway, when I encountered an picrelated enormous area with like 5 big copypasted rooms on each side, in each room 3 switches side by side that have to be pressed.
>There are 30 switches in plain sight in copy pasted areas and each has to be pressed.
>That had to be the worst case of mindless padding that I have ever seen anywhere at all.
what would bring someone to think that's a good idea

>> No.7876474
File: 555 KB, 1260x681, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making a bridge. changed the sky... gotta learn movers.
gotta look up how to fog, but I don't think it'll matter since I'm using software rendering.

>> No.7876491 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7876495


>> No.7876495
Quoted by: >>7876534

I actually enjoyed the first two Bioshocks a lot

>> No.7876534 [DELETED] 


>> No.7876591

Yea, just like it's precursor Doom 2 In Spain Only. It has the same team of mappers including Tarnsman, Jimmy and Esselfortium behind it, so we can expect a quality release.

>> No.7876603
File: 168 KB, 350x289, 1534709389980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876606 >>7876614

Dear diary, today I was penetrated multiple times by the long shafts of archers in the jungle. I also have an email I need to write.

>> No.7876606
Quoted by: >>7876619

The chemo that is curing /vr/. Keep going man.
I'd also love to read that email if possible

>> No.7876608
File: 100 KB, 805x540, [confused HUUUH].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876621

The idea of trying myself at Quake modding was floating in my mind for quite some time now and I'm wondering how hard/impossible it would be to do the following as a "vanilla mod/mission pack":
>Create vanilla style maps for an episode.
>Add some weapons from OG mission packs + change/add behaviour of vanilla ones.
>Implement a new ammo that would be used in collaboration with typical ones via alt-attack (with a couple of "exceptions").
>Assign that function to Runes. Maybe even have Hexen 2-like menu to select them, but that might be too complicated.
>Deactive the ability to use these alt-attack when you activated power-ups (Biosuit is an exception).
>Implement a few new enemies to vanilla roster.

I fully understand that this sounds too ambitious from someone with no real prior experience of modding, coding, you name it. So that's mostly to satisfy my curiousity as, again, this topic interested me for a while now and I really doubt I would do much here because I'm too much of a indecisive coward. That's just one of my issues... I mean, I sit in this thread everyday. lol

>> No.7876614
Quoted by: >>7876619

Your tenacity gives me inspiration anon

As you've struggled against that door I tried lookin it up in the builder and the builder selfdestructed with errors.
I'll try looking up what's up with it, and maybe try to grind the wad for shits and giggles while I'm at my workplace (i.e. in 2 days) and have nothing better to do.

>> No.7876619

Here's the opening paragraph:
>Dear FAGGOT (I don't care what your actual name is), I recently had the displeasure of playing your Touhou Doom wad. To say that I was offended by its mere presence on my hard drive would be a huge understatement. I suffered through your brainless encounters, your awful dialogue, I sat there with my thumb up my ass while I watched Reimu go to town on the prolapsed buttholes of a Cacodemon horde.

Good luck, Anon. Maybe you can work out what that stupid fucking door does, because I can't.

>> No.7876621
Quoted by: >>7876656 >>7877105

I'd really love to see the guns-that-get-upgrades being replaced by something more useful.

Like single shotgun-> snipey revolver
basic nailgun - hitscan SMG with some spread

Give grenades from GL wider area of effect and reduced self-damage to make grenade jumps to be a good, but trickier alternative to rocketjumps.
Replace the damn thunderbolt with plasmagun.

It obviously doesent make sense for those weapons to share ammo, but hey, its arcane magicks

>> No.7876624

Five of those are from Marathon: Rubicon, the little flying guy at the top is from Marathon: Evil, no idea where the scythe-fighter and spikes-trooper are from.

>> No.7876656

If I would've actually done anything, I'm confident that I would rather stay true to the original game and just add on top instead of really changing what's already there. Not only because I'm lazy piece of shit, but also because I'm mostly purist these days. In other words, "don't fix what ain't broken" approach.

Although maybe getting that sweet railgun from VR could be better than Laser Cannon from SoA... but doing stuff "yourself" sounds better.

>> No.7876687

>megawad starts out as babby mode as if I'm still new to playing Doom, before going hard later on.
>megawad already has hard maps early on, acknowledging that I have in fact already beaten Doom 2 and Final Doom and want a bigger challenge.
Hell Yeah

>> No.7876696
Quoted by: >>7876727

I prefer when mapsets have their difficulty curve all over the place rather than a gradual build up. It's a lot more fun and unpredictable that way.

>> No.7876697
Quoted by: >>7876721

first one - becomes a decent challenge past the first third
second one - quickly devolves into slaughtershit

>> No.7876701
Quoted by: >>7876731

What are some babbymode maps? Those play great with -fast monsters, like scythe e1. Valiant maps 1-3 are super fun with -fast also but beyond that it started getting extremely difficult (playing without saves and recoording personal demos)

>> No.7876704
File: 2.98 MB, 854x480, 1609617996011.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7876753 >>7877839

oh well... I think this works better for a tree 2bh

>> No.7876721

No you see, second wouldn't "devolve" into anything. It always had hard and "slaughter" gameplay. First is usually more likely to change to it, if anything, as theres an actual extreme to change from..

>> No.7876724

>Megawad's author has a particular style of mapping and combat that takes a moment to get used to and lets you ease into the challenges of the wad

>> No.7876727

I agree. It is so much better than the entire first half of a megawad being a challengeless cakewalk.

>> No.7876731

Eviternity episodes 1 and 2.

>> No.7876753
Quoted by: >>7876776


>> No.7876754
Quoted by: >>7876767

I download Eternity Engine to play some heartland, but can't find "always run" toggle.

>> No.7876760
Quoted by: >>7876973

Why doesn't the Cybie in HFFM have a "FUCKING SLAVES GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE" wakeup sound

>> No.7876767
Quoted by: >>7876780

it should be a bind you can set.

>> No.7876776


>> No.7876780

Somehow I wasn't able to see it for a while. Now I see it.

>> No.7876782
File: 2.01 MB, 1687x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who thought this was a good idea

>> No.7876783

No anon you don't understand this is cinematic and cool.

>> No.7876791

>this post was brought to you by the myopia gang

>> No.7876834 [DELETED] 

nooooo shut up shut up shut up we have to pretend this looks good to own the libs

>> No.7876840
Quoted by: >>7876853

So Hexen format has no generic lift action for Lower to floor Wait Raise in a single use press on linedefs, right?
Just want to make sure before I go ahead and have to delve into learning ACS.

>> No.7876850
Quoted by: >>7876981 >>7876991

How does the CG ammo fit into the pistol then?

>> No.7876853

UDMF does but ACS is babyshit coding, I'm a total retard and even I find it easy.

>> No.7876854

>Theres no reason for people to continue limiting themselves for no reason.
Then why not go full GZD?
PrBoom(er) is for people who are either stuck in the early 2000s and hate everything newer or retards wo don't have the balls for going actually vanilla.
There is literally no reason for using it besides MUH DEMOS.

>> No.7876873

sorry but if my screen isn't smeared in vaseline, then why bother playing?

>> No.7876876

not enough bloom/10

>> No.7876880
Quoted by: >>7876885

Is this the mirage after using the flamethrower?
I think it's cool, but could also be toned down massively.

>> No.7876883
Quoted by: >>7877334 >>7878297

> Then why not go full GZD?
No reason if your map needs it. If not, boom is simpler and faster to work with, and supported by few ports more.

>> No.7876885
Quoted by: >>7876893

"concussion" from nearby explosion
persists way longer than it should

>> No.7876893

Oh I see.

>> No.7876895
Quoted by: >>7876967

prboom+ is extremely optimized. it's pretty much the only way to play shit like hellbound map29 without needing a solid gaming rig

>> No.7876901

GZDoom is only good if you want to make state of the art flashy style over substance guaranteed cacoward winning "I can't beat my own maps" levels.

>> No.7876904


>> No.7876907
Quoted by: >>7876908

You do realise ACS is in Eternity as well, right?

>> No.7876908
Quoted by: >>7876909

People are still using Eternity? Or let me put it another way: There are people using Eternity?

>> No.7876909

Tarnsman played HFFM using Eternity

>> No.7876917
Quoted by: >>7876920

those are all MBF maps though

>> No.7876920

I didn't know Technicolor Antichrist Box worked on MBF

>> No.7876932

It can't be worse than the double vision from being attacked in Doom 3...right?

>> No.7876967

Does dsda include all that stuff? Because it was a little bit better than gzd in 10k monsters map, but still not good enough (not 60fps).

>> No.7876969
File: 1.25 MB, 220x165, ryker's web.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7879053

Previously done:

Done today:
>Caco (also touched up the sideways frames so the dildo isn't cut off anymore)

Left to do:

Adjusting offsets is hard, but good work. Also, I just found out that Aniki was a father, I never knew that. I hope his kid knows how beloved his dad was, and still is. He also adopted an adorable Rottweiler puppy soon before his passing, I hope his family took care of it.

>> No.7876971
Quoted by: >>7879053

Oh right, I realized I still gotta do the pinkie, zombieman and shotgun baldy too, but yeah, still, more than half done.

>> No.7876972
Quoted by: >>7877021

ACS is more roundabout than voodoo, because it takes fucking forever to do shit you make in 30 seconds in voodoo. Imagine having to go to separate window, create new file section for script, open its text editor, type shit, then run 3rd party program to compile. Also imagine doing this everytime you want any change to the logic. Also imagine not having visual editor cues (aka arrows) show what monsters/doors/teleports are affected.

>> No.7876973
Quoted by: >>7877027

Can you provide it for us?

>> No.7876981

Daemon magick

>> No.7876991
Quoted by: >>7877280

They're stored with the cartridge pointing upwards in the magazine, then lifted and turned to feed into the chamber. The complexity of this makes the cyclic rate pretty slow, and the extremely short barrel relative to 5.56mm makes for pretty poor ballistics.

>> No.7877021
Quoted by: >>7877084

Everything you said amounts to you being a brainlet because typing a few lines of code also doesn't take longer than 30 seconds.
Also, what fucking 3rd party program? You mean the ACC compiler you have set up in your map editor anyway that just checks the script for errors when you save it?
You're talking exactly like a boomer "yeah we don did dis like dat round here all time an it jest werks son".

>> No.7877027
Quoted by: >>7878231

Sure I can put together a few more sounds too, just uh
What format are you supposed to use for sound replacements? SLADE just tells me they're "Doom format"

>> No.7877084
Quoted by: >>7877097 >>7877117

Lets say we have some classic voodoo/acs scenario like opening a door and spawning monsters as a result of pressing a switch.

Voodoo approach:
Doesn't actually need voodoo player in this case, you just have a conveyor belt with monsters behind a door, switch opens a door and monsters are carried through two linedefs,
first one triggers door open, second is teleport linedef. You can easily change the type, number of monsters, target door, etc, etc in just a few clicks not even leaving your map.

ACS approach (correct me if I'm wrong):
You hardcode a Door_Raise command with exact door id.
You hardcode a shitton TeleportOther commands with hardcoded monster ids for every monster you want to teleport.
Now if you want to change door tag you have to open your script in text editor, change the id and recompile.
Now if you want to change monster types or their number you have to open your script in text editor, find the lines with ids / add new lines, modify, and recompile.

Now guess which one is better UX and takes less time to do.

>> No.7877097
Quoted by: >>7877112

Stop being dishonest.
>just have a conveyor belt
So you don't have to make the conveyor belt first? It's just there?
The way you wrote makes it seem like ACS is such a long-winded process while handwaving what you need to do in voodoo.
Also, what does
>leaving your map

>> No.7877105

>snipey revolver
Basically what the single shotgun already is.
>hitscan SMG

>> No.7877112
Quoted by: >>7877121

> So you don't have to make the conveyor belt first? It's just there?
No, ofc you build it, it's just a basic rectangle consisting of 4 linedefs + 2 linedefs for triggered door + 1 linedef for scrolling.
>leaving your map
Having to go to separate window to manage scripts and then to even another one window of text editor to edit a particular script.
> The way you wrote makes it seem like ACS is such a long-winded process while handwaving what you need to do in voodoo.
You'd better just correct me on technical level than try to find unfair semantic overtones in my post. I would be surprised if things are as bad as my guess. Is there really no way to teleport an arbitrary group of monsters with a single ACS call?

>> No.7877117
Quoted by: >>7877121 >>7877148

ACS Approach
Set switch linedef to action 80 (execute script)
#include "zcommon.acs"

script [number] (void) //Tag being set is the same as if you were making a map for Doom, Boom, Doom in Hexen, or UDMF, using "Floor_LowerByValue" is the most efficient way to set up "instant" teleporting closets, the closet consists of two sectors with the monster in a sector 25 units lower than the other, and the linedef between is the monster teleport, since monsters can climb up a max of 24 units in one sector, setting it at 25 and having it lower means they can walk through the teleporter as soon as the script triggers, which doesn't require any fiddling with conveyer belt momentum lag.


>> No.7877121
Quoted by: >>7877148

>No, ofc you build it, it's just a basic rectangle consisting of 4 linedefs + 2 linedefs for triggered door + 1 linedef for scrolling.
Ok and how is that less of a hassle than setting up some IDs?

>Having to go to separate window to manage scripts and then to even another one window of text editor to edit a particular script.
No idea what editor you're using, but in UDB the script window sits on top of the map while you can still work on the map and you don't need any kind of external editor for the scripts.

Also, what >>7877117 says.

>> No.7877148
Quoted by: >>7877209 >>7877271

> Ok and how is that less of a hassle than setting up some IDs?
That is initial setup hassle that is alternative to creating a new lump in a wad file for a script, writing the script, and compiling it. Also, when you have another switch with a similar logic, you can copypaste your conveyor linedefs, with script you can copypaste text but you still need to create a new lump in wad file and compile a new script.
> in UDB the script window sits on top of the map
Well, that's not too bad and sounds better than my experience in Slade. I guess it all depends on editor then. Still, from a general scripting perspective, it feels kinda wrong and lame than you can't reuse scripts and specify ids and tags in UI (as opposed to hardcoding them in script code).

>> No.7877192
Quoted by: >>7877385

Is that supposed to be DoomsDay from DC?

Also noticed how common was that type of gun around that time.

SiN and Unreal also had it.

>> No.7877209

Yeah I have no clue how much of an asspain scripting in SLADE is, I just know that UDB makes it piss easy and even if you have no knowledge of C, the way everything is set up and defined makes it really hard to fuck anything up

>> No.7877212
File: 224 KB, 948x1200, 75a90f51d19c55435acebc0c6636134e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vallejo is still alive.
Also his wife,Julie Bell, made the infamous/iconic cover for Wolfenstein 3D.

She was also a bodybuilder,now retired

>> No.7877216
Quoted by: >>7877349

I love Doom and Doom II. If the only way Plutonia could be fun is "if you were there," it just isn't very good period.

>> No.7877221
Quoted by: >>7877223 >>7877529

>bitesized maps
>Over quickly
False and dishonest.
Plutonia's maps may be smaller than TNT's but they take about as long to play through because of hordes of enemies, mainly muh fucking revenants everywhere.

>> No.7877223

Try using the rocket launcher

>> No.7877227

The one where someone replied to you that the girl would play like Oddjob.

>> No.7877228

I believe that is correct. Also:
>Hugh Janus

>> No.7877230

Harsh but rather valid criticisms.

>> No.7877234

Right? It's one of those stock opinions that people love to trot out to signal that they're orthodox. Muh arrow aside I never really minded Downtown.

>> No.7877240

Blood is better than Shadow Warrior, but not to the extent /vr/os would have you believe.

>> No.7877245

Downtown Journey and Metropolitan Mayhem are good urban mapsets.

>> No.7877253
Quoted by: >>7877710

Did I miss the official capitulation of whoever's running this project? I thought the title was staying FAGGOT MAPS

>> No.7877268

Wew and I'm going to submit a couple of boxy rooms

>> No.7877271

>Also, when you have another switch with a similar logic, you can copypaste your
You can also copypaste your script with similar logic...

>ACS scripting in SLADE
Holy shit now I completely get it. Why on earth would you do that to yourself?
Slade shouldn't even be remotely being used for mapping.

>> No.7877275
Quoted by: >>7877297

Do people not like it, I always thought it was perfect fit for Wolf3d.

>> No.7877280
File: 33 KB, 640x480, ClipNotMagazine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last bullet inside the 'clip' is visibly laying sideways on top
>Somehow theres 10/20 of them crammed inside that box

>> No.7877284

It's a special space cartridge you can only find in mars.

>> No.7877290

Aren't those 5/10

>> No.7877294
Quoted by: >>7877401

Regarding the Progs_Dump capabilities of VR - can I do a "gib fountain" effect like in Quake2's factory levels, without spawn-fragging monsters like in 'House of Cthon' victory screen?

>> No.7877295
File: 337 KB, 948x1200, julie_bell_jugdementday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Julie Bell,
Her rejected cover for doom 2

>> No.7877296
File: 48 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878038


>> No.7877297

I like it but there are those who feel it's too weird.

>> No.7877303

Acs is much less needed in future, because in mbf21 you can use multiple 666 tags in every map.

>> No.7877316

Arlene didn't win cacoward though. Her map got runner-up due it's looks, and amount of people nominating it. Ar Luminae and Bastion Of Chaos, the 2 (yea, only 2) artsy gzdoom maps, that won cacoward, had very good gameplay. BoC worked like usual challenging boom map in fully 3d gzdoom enviroment, while AL used scripts to create interesting scenarios like endlessly respawning arch-viles that had to crush by shooting buttons. They were made by Bridgeburner and Aurelius, both hc players and experienced mappers, who can beat their own maps and much more. You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.7877332
Quoted by: >>7877361

You do know prboom is getting mbf21, which lets prboom do basically all that zdoom can, safe for heavy scripting, verticality, polyobjects and dynamic lights. Just all that is needed to tastefully spice up Doom gameplay: Instakill floors, flexible use of tag 666, edited gravity, endless custom monsters, projectiles, pickups and weapons, and some more that I don't remember. All without killing your computer and Graf breaking them with every patch.

>> No.7877334

Basically only amateur (or shit) mappers go gzd, when completely unneeded.

>> No.7877338
Quoted by: >>7877369

There's nothing sacrosanct about the vanilla experience of a game, or any product, really. Are you going to have a schizo meltdown over gourmet cheeseburgers because it's not the "original experience" of an unseasoned hunk of meat between two pieces of bread?

>> No.7877349

You wouldn't be playing modern wads without Plutonia existing. Basically all wads at 10s, safe for clear Doom 1 and Doom 2 worship, employ Plutonia and Scythe influence in gameplay. And Scythe itself was influenced by Plutonia.

>> No.7877352
Quoted by: >>7877369

What are you doing jerking off the "vanilla" experience of STALKER, limited as it is? AMK, SOUP, OGSE, Anomaly, CoC, or bust you fucking faggot.

>> No.7877360
File: 2.05 MB, 1280x960, spongy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877367

Just finished the sponge.
I think it still looks too cheesy, but I have no idea how to make it look more spongy.

>> No.7877361
Quoted by: >>7877370

the amount of delusion needed to pretend that extensions to dehacked are comparable to what even decorate and acs could do, let alone zscript

>> No.7877363

Is there a mod for Quake 2 which adds fucking muzzleflashes to weapons? That detail bothers me so much.

>> No.7877367
Quoted by: >>7877431

You need to rough up/add more detail to the yellow, it's too flat and clean.

>> No.7877369 [DELETED] 


>> No.7877370
Quoted by: >>7877381 >>7877394

The beauty comes from not being able to do everything, so that experience still remains vanilla, but extended. If you don't get this, maybe classic fps isn't right genre for you.

>> No.7877371 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 671x198, Sorry, buddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7877373 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 460x139, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Now, please attempt to refute my argument.

>> No.7877378

But he is right. Vanilla stalker is broken mess of gamebreaking bugs. The mod patches were made for a reason.

>> No.7877381
Quoted by: >>7877389 >>7877398

But that's just a contradiction in itself. If it's extended, it's not vanilla anymore. Vanilla is vanilla and anything beyond is not vanilla.

>> No.7877385
File: 570 KB, 1400x1916, DmlY0DAlKrhMR2FtPmHxFYaK9EZcLh3le-tYVK0FwQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877417

>>Also noticed how common was that type of gun around that time.

Its the 40k bolter basically.

I know Bisley is alive thank god. His work for Fallout was amazing. Honestly his art was what provided the imagination for my fallout 1\2 days.

There is something to be said about low fi graphics and TRUE art supporting it instead of modern real time 3d.

I felt disgusted with what Beth did to fallout slowly after 3. The game just became gay as fuck.

>> No.7877386
File: 271 KB, 441x450, who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7877389

Anon here is right. Anything limit removing is by simple fact not vanilla. It's important to make that distinction as mbf21 gets off the ground; it REALLY isn't vanilla. It's like Quake's protocol 999; nothing has really gone off the rails since all 999 does is allow for limit breaking maps, but it's still not vanilla.

>> No.7877394
Quoted by: >>7877397 >>7877410

>custom content good until it's too custom and then i don't like it because different is bad
okay, anon, you have fun with your straight-shooting projectile enemies that can only have one type of seeking and one fixed number for explosion radius and damage and keep telling yourself that at least you're not playing the bad chicken man port

>> No.7877397
Quoted by: >>7877760

>custom content good until it's too custom
Yes that is literally the point of mbf21 are you high?

>> No.7877398
Quoted by: >>7877419

How about vanilla compatible wad, that uses heavily dehacked such as All Hell or STRAIN? Vanilla or not vanilla?

>> No.7877401
Quoted by: >>7877464

Yep, you can use a play_gibs and make it continuous by linking it to a func_oncount reading from a func_counter. Check the main test map for an example after I put out today's update.

>> No.7877406

Her shit is more amateurish than Vallejo but fuck that looks pretty fucking cool.

Makes Doom guy more of a struggler against impossible odds.

>> No.7877410
Quoted by: >>7877436

You can edit explosion radius and damage, projectile direction (which means you can do multiple projectiles on different directions), and mutiple seekers with different travel angles on mbf21. Come on, at least get your facts straight before baiting. Now it's just lazy.

>> No.7877417 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 437x431, GOD DAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bethesda Fallout might be one of the most stale and boring post apocalyptic worlds I've ever seen.
New Vegas had devs from OGs so it tried to capture the same atmosphere.

Something about the art of 1 and 2 just clicks.
It's bleak and gritty,just like how a world post nuclear war should be but with a bit of exaggeration is designs.

Bethesda Fallout takes "lol the 50s",while it doesn't understand its context.
The worst part is the storytelling,it's just an insult.

Not even Outer Worlds which marketed as the Original Fallout creators captured the same vibe.
Some things are better left in the past

>> No.7877418

I think it looks like a bodybuilder reference with a bat face and hoof shoes drawn on.

>> No.7877419

What about "anything beyond" did you not understand?
Anything that uses anything not present in doom.wad or ddom2.wad is not vanilla.

>> No.7877420
Quoted by: >>7877427 >>7877771

Her art is still good,just not on the level of her husband.
If the Cyberdemon looked more like its in-game counterpart,I would gladly take it as the cover of Doom 2

>> No.7877423
Quoted by: >>7877428 >>7877437

I'd gladly take that as the Doom II cover. That is fucking sick.

>> No.7877427
Quoted by: >>7877470

They went precisely into the aesthetic I fucking hate, the 50s shit. the elements of 50 were there in the OGs but it was dark and twisted.

Not that I was ever a BIG fallout guy just loved the first game. I also didn't care for new vegas. I was already seeing the rot in obsidian by that time. It was just okay. Didn't finish it.

True Fallout is 1 and fuck everything else.

I think Doom guy looks great.

>> No.7877428
Quoted by: >>7877435 >>7877437

If that is amateurish then what the hell are 90% of Doom fan artists?

>> No.7877431
File: 88 KB, 480x480, Spongebob-squarepants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877453

Hmm, I think I kinda get what you mean, but what do you have in mind? Remember I want to keep a cartoon look, and for example Spongebob also doesn't have much detail to the yellow.
Maybe I could make the edges more irregular, like Spongebob's?

>> No.7877432 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877470 >>7877794

Outer Worlds is pure gay and its getting sequel because we have to face reality. Many zoomers want more asexual lesbian companions.

>> No.7877436
Quoted by: >>7877454

can you make enemies lead their shots? how about enemies with different attack behaviors depending on range (such as slow, accurate shooting at long range and panicked rapid fire in close quarters)? shootable projectiles? projectiles that can hit their shooters? can you even do bouncing projectiles? what about piercing? a projectile that stops seeking only when you break line of sight, so it can chase you around corners? can you use a custom damage formula or is it still always *1d8? i haven't even gotten into anything that would require zscript yet.

>> No.7877435

Fucking ay. I need to get a print of this shit my next paycheck.

>> No.7877437
Quoted by: >>7877470


I said amateurish in comparison with her husband not comparing to other art.

>> No.7877441

Thankfully people dont seem to forget how it was supposed to be. Ashes captures the feeling pretty well. Same with Underrail.

Underrail is basically the blueprint for a system shock type fps rpg in fallout tunnels. It could be done.

>> No.7877446
File: 540 KB, 1224x817, Imaginsitix-Home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877794

Cute couple
I will never have this type of companionship

>> No.7877453
File: 502 KB, 1628x653, cartoon sponges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877936

A more irregular edge could help. It's hard to communicate sponge and not cheese when you have big holes in something yellow and blocky. Here's an example of what I mean, with a cheesy vs non-cheesy sponge.

>> No.7877454
Quoted by: >>7877569

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Not sure, but interesting idea. No custom damage formulas.

>> No.7877464
File: 2.96 MB, 960x430, N.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877493

I'm about done porting stuff, do you want me to send it in before or after you update?
>rune_n.mdl not found
check your caps

>> No.7877470 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877479

Fallout 2 was also really good,it expanded on what the original set. The issue was the writing,it's 50% amazing and 50% references.
And it's so jarring to see.
Makes sense using the 50s as a base given how in those times there was fear for a nuclear war and horror was heavily influenced by it.

Bethesda use it as a gimmick,where it doesn't feel like the people you meet are really affected by the war.w

It felt some New Vegas but ultimately was too boring,it's just Obsidian by name,not by those who worked on it.

>asexual lesbian
That's not a thing anon

That's fair.

>> No.7877471
File: 2.97 MB, 1200x3000, Classic BFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7877475
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x2250, Nu-BFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877482 >>7877496

>> No.7877479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877496 >>7877512

>asexual lesbian

It is in the Outer Worlds. obsidian is dead anon.

>> No.7877480

>Doomguy fucks around on deimos shooting the BFG into the sky
>Years later when he's back on earth, he suddenly vaporizes an entire crowd of people in front of him

>> No.7877482


>> No.7877493
Quoted by: >>7877501 >>7877574

>I'm about done porting stuff, do you want me to send it in before or after you update?
Before, if you don't mind.
>rune_n.mdl not found
Oh, whoops, thanks. I completely forgot I put that on the test map.

>> No.7877496 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877513

I can't believe I forgot about it.
How does that even work?

Substance20 is like the only Doom fanartist worth following on Twitter.Motherfucker is talented

>> No.7877501

ok, give me half an hour or so

>> No.7877512 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877521 >>7877552

>Obsidian is dead because they put gay people in their games
>Not like their GOOD games like New Vegas, that had totally straight characters like Arcade and Veronica.

>> No.7877513 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>7877517 >>7877521

I haven't completed Duke it out in DC, Nuclear Winter, or Life's a Beach. How close are these, quality wise (in level design), to the base game?

Don't want to shit up the thread with it, short answer is to google ace/aro.

>> No.7877517 [DELETED] 

They aren't up to the standards of base game, but they are still very fun to play, and I do recommend them all.

>> No.7877521

>Don't want to shit up the thread with it
I've search it up and yeah it's confusing

Outer Worlds was developed by people who weren't in college back when New Vegas was made.
It's kinda like Gearbox,those who made Opposing Force and now are completely different people

>> No.7877529
Quoted by: >>7877538

>hordes of enemies

>> No.7877538
Quoted by: >>7877562 >>7877591

>map10 and 15
Quit LARPing, faggot.

>> No.7877552

That not what I meant anon but you do you.

>> No.7877562

You really don't know what a horde is, do you?

>> No.7877569
Quoted by: >>7877612

went and read over the spec. seems like there's a lot of flexibility for monsters and then very little for weapons. i don't see anything for custom ammotypes, and indeed no way to make a projectile that doesn't use 1d8 RNG, never mind custom math, you can't even have it just do flat damage or change the number for the diceroll like you can for hitscans. i suppose people who want to force it will end up using 0 damage projectiles with tiny explosions. but maybe not because explosions are still infinite height so it could get pretty jank. but hey, that's that perfect vanilla design in action, right?

>> No.7877574
File: 2.94 MB, 853x480, airfarce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>added voreling, bob, sentinel, rhynch
>fixed polyp gibbing
>fixed vermis/gug re-aggro
>slapped together an info_gug_seismometer

>> No.7877585

Wew, great shit anon. I'll get this added and put up as soon as I can.

>> No.7877591

Boy, if you think those maps have hordes, wait till you see map32

>> No.7877612

Yea, no custom ammotypes. Even Eternity has still trouble with custom ammo types: You can create them, but can't see them on hud. Boom would have same problem, even if you could make them.

But decohack is still bit more flexible for weapons than dehacked. You have almost endless frames, you can make custom projectiles with custom directions, and custom bullet and melee attacks.

>> No.7877639
Quoted by: >>7877648

Doom is perfect but I still think the pistol and chaingun should have had separate ammo and unique roles even to a character with all guns. It's also weird that the fists and chainsaw as well as the shotty and super shotty share slots, but not the one direct upgrade pair of pistol and chaingun.

>> No.7877648

The worst thing you want to do is making a weapon useless.
At least the regular shotgun can still be used for more distant enemies.
While the gun is worthless after the chaingun.

>> No.7877665
File: 47 KB, 546x366, 1448731876146892170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877678

>Hideous Destructor, but for Quake 2

>> No.7877667

Raze viewbob is interpolated for Blood, and you cannot turn it off.
Older builds of Raze also had many bugs: sounds not looping, fanatics throwing TNT, the TNT throw bar being wrong. It eventually got fixed. Devs have fixed them, but it's an embarrassing launch that proves to me Raze was not tested.

>> No.7877678
Quoted by: >>7877689 >>7877747

There's Quake 2 PSX reborn. It's close to it

>> No.7877689

At least playing it with Hideous Destructor

>> No.7877708
File: 37 KB, 800x450, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877715

>The community ended up making better Wolfenstein mods for Doom than Machine Games post Old Blood

It's cool but still hurts

>> No.7877710

Nah, I was just hoping people would come up with more words for the fun of it.

>> No.7877714

I recently downloaded Q3test 1.03 and as far as I'm aware, it has a railgun sound that's nowhere else

>> No.7877715
Quoted by: >>7877723

Blade Of Agony isn't THAT fantastic, check out Totenkopf SDL Edition if you want a high quality Wolfenstein mod experience.

>> No.7877723

I was not talking about just Blade of Agony.
Wolfenstein is the one franchise getting most mods for Doom.

Doom Incarnate,Kriegsland and Brutal Wolfenstein 3D are good.

>> No.7877726

Go play Ashes 2063.

>> No.7877740
File: 3.64 MB, 480x266, totti (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grezzo 2 sequel is done with GZDoom

Fucking madlads

>> No.7877741
File: 2.08 MB, 2560x1440, 378966142457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877797 >>7877826

Anybody know where this Crossbow sprite comes from? I was playing "WildWeasel's The Stranger" and I noticed it was the exact same sprite as the one from ProDoomer so I'm curious of its origins now.

>> No.7877747
Quoted by: >>7877749

It's the only q2 maps remade in doom? No PC version?

>> No.7877749

There's a Quake 2 TC


Which takes some liberties with the level design.
But PSX Reborn is more mod friendly

>> No.7877760

Well, no, the point is to have more features for modding without giving up the PRNG, and thus retaining demo compatibility. They've added a bunch of new code pointers to DeHacked, they let you define new things and frames without sacrificing existing ones, and they're going to add even more features as people keep asking.

Will it catch up to the capability of ZScript or even Decorate? No, but they're going to make Extended DeHacked and MBF21 more advanced, they've already added ZDoom-ish features to them. I wouldn't be surprised if you eventually saw reloading and truecolor .png support one day.

>> No.7877771
Quoted by: >>7877780

Her Doom 2 cover pitch isn't her strongest artwork.

I think Brom's cover for Doom 2 is beyond perfect, and couldn't trade it for anything.

>> No.7877780

I agree with it.
Nothing to take away from Brom.
That cover is so well done,it's just if Bell version was chosen,I would still like it

>> No.7877785
Quoted by: >>7877817

>floaty squid monster for maximum tencacle facerape...
I think that I should actually download this mod instead of shitposting about stuff I have no idea about, as today I was intending to start begging for possibility of adding to VR the Krenlings from Abyss Of Pandemonium as a possible 'in your face melee flyer' type of enemy - but these things seem even more fitting since Cepalophod-esque creatures were a big thing in Lovecraft universe lore-wise...

>> No.7877794

>asexual lesbian
Stop hanging out on Twitter, that doesn't make any goddamn sense.

>two bodybuilders who are also elite artists
>as a married couple
I envy what they have, I bet the sex is still good at their ages, even.

>> No.7877797

Apparently it's made by Nmn but the only weapon repository I could find from him was from a dead DRDTeam.org link with no archives on the wayback machine.

>> No.7877802
Quoted by: >>7877819 >>7877826

Anon the game is terrible. I DID play it. It is exactly that. And you know which companion. But that does not matter anyway the writing is atrocious.

>> No.7877817

Also something that I figured out recently:
-Quake's final boss is Shub-Niggurath AKA Black Goat of the Woods / Mother of a Thousand Young
-blatantly obvious 'Black Single Mother' and 'shitload of kids as poorfags future safety investment' connotations, creatively implemmented into a horror monster design
-goats are main food source in Africa so the nickname somewhat fits even
-Its officially called 'S(h)UB~NIGGUR-ath' even to make the point retard-proof
Ranger has metaphoricaly commited a hate crime on a poor black female :^(

>> No.7877819

Only Bell was a bodybuilder.
Vallejo used bodybuilding as a reference for his work.

Also they didn't make that up with the "asexual lesbian",that is actually in the game.

Some old devs you used to admire,just doesn't mean they're the same now.

Take Rareware ex devs going to make a game like Banjo Kazooie,only to make a much version of them.

>> No.7877826

Haven't played it, don't want to, I'm just saying that's fucking retarded and you shouldn't lend it legitimacy by repeating it. It's like saying "dry water"

I always assumed that it was from some Build game I never played, but apparently not.

>> No.7877835
Quoted by: >>7877968

Strife still is the best 1996 fps

>> No.7877839
File: 2.96 MB, 853x480, tree.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878180


>> No.7877847
Quoted by: >>7877882

>that doesn't make any goddamn sense
You can love people romantically without wanting to fuck them

>> No.7877870
File: 106 KB, 640x480, squisheur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was gonna state.

>> No.7877882

Being asexual means having no interest in love in general, still doesn't make sense.

>> No.7877905
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7877936
File: 2.15 MB, 1280x960, spongy-new.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7877945

Heeded the advice of >>7877453 and jagged up the edges a bit. Doing that black-diffuse-irregular shaped holes doesn't work here imo. I think it looks better now.

>> No.7877945
Quoted by: >>7878031

That works, it actually looks like a sponge now.

>> No.7877948

>21 hours ago
I fucking hate being a wagie.

>> No.7877961
File: 68 KB, 2688x1045, rune wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still working on today's Violent Rumble update, but here's some WIP secret level runes. Cookie if you can figure out what they're based on.

>> No.7877965
Quoted by: >>7877976

So, can you actually already start mapping or should I wait for everything to be done or what?
I *might+ just be able to cook something up. Maybe.

>> No.7877968


>> No.7877969
Quoted by: >>7877976

What for? There're four Runes already. Why not just use those instead? Seems like over-exaggeration of stuff.

>> No.7877976
Quoted by: >>7877982

You can start, yeah. Might want to wait for today's update though. Got a bunch of new monsters thanks to that other anon.

They're being used for this: https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Rune_(DoE)

>> No.7877982
Quoted by: >>7878001

>They're being used for this
Oh, right. Fair enough... and also cool. Still seems to be too many Runes for secret level though.

>> No.7878001

>Still seems to be too many Runes for secret level though.
Maybe, we'll see. I'm expecting about 10 maps from the survey, and I could always hide a rune or two on the start map.

>> No.7878027
File: 742 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2021-06-19 20-23-52-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are those things?
they make the weirdest noises
Im playing EPIC with my custom mod and Malefactors 1.2
are those things part of the monster mod or is it EPIC wad that adds them?

>> No.7878031


>> No.7878032
Quoted by: >>7878037

archvile spawns them, there are from malefactors.

>> No.7878037
Quoted by: >>7878040

I havent found any archvile yet tho?
they spawn them even if the archvile is not triggered yet?

>> No.7878038

NOICE, in b4
>but where the other 10 rounds from EZ/nightmare skill are then?
Single feed - double stack, obviously ;^)

>> No.7878040


>> No.7878054
Quoted by: >>7878061

Boxes full of Yholl energy.

>> No.7878057

They cause problems on purpose.

>> No.7878061

>tfw I discovered the source of their death scream.

>> No.7878065
File: 12 KB, 394x360, when you see a cyberdemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878072

I want to clarify for everyone here, that shriek Yholl made was from him, that wasn't edited in or anything.

>> No.7878069

The idle sounds were a dead giveaway too.

>> No.7878072

Yhollsounds are a thing to behold.

>> No.7878075
File: 4 KB, 86x85, original looks better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878105 >>7878417

The demo-compatible ports just look and feel and sound better to me. PrBoom+ has sector light mode shaders, which mimics vanilla doom's brightness; GZDoom has no equivalent mode and so you often have to change light mode from map to map. GZDoom's mouse code is different, whereas I am used to the default Doom mouse and its default sensitivity. Also GZDoom's sound code also is different and seems to add reverb for some reason.

>> No.7878105
Quoted by: >>7878124

>GZDoom has no equivalent mode
it has a "software" sector light mode, as well as a full-on sw renderer. didn't used to, but it's been some years now.

>> No.7878121
File: 25 KB, 100x244, lydia_updated_playersprite2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7878124
Quoted by: >>7878162

It also has "vanilla," neither of which look like "shaders"

>> No.7878151

looking good

>> No.7878154
Quoted by: >>7878349


>> No.7878158
Quoted by: >>7878202

Will there be also MultiGrenade Ogres added aswell?

>> No.7878162
Quoted by: >>7878828

why would you want it to look like a shader when you can have it looking like Doom instead?

>> No.7878176
Quoted by: >>7878189

wish this didn't have the music, I want to sample that scream lmao.

>> No.7878180

very based

>> No.7878189
Quoted by: >>7878194 >>7878475


>> No.7878190
Quoted by: >>7878349

cool, what is this for/from?

>> No.7878194

You're the best

>> No.7878202
File: 17 KB, 230x94, ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878775 >>7878781


>> No.7878207

Woah, blast from the past

>> No.7878231

If you provide the soundbytes themselves, I can fix the rest.

>> No.7878297

>Then why not go full GZD?
Not interested on Demos or the shitty speedrunning community but in the end I'll choose MBF21 format to work my project, I know that some people don't use GZdoom at all so I want my wad to be friendly to another sourceports, besides.. >>7876883

>> No.7878314

I use GzDoom for gameplay mods, and Boom (I guess soon MBF21) for maps. The latter does basically all I need it to do and is more widely compatible on top of being demo recordable, which is nice because then maybe there can be some cool speedruns of my maps. If I want to make a more flashy version of a map project then I can make a GzDoom gameplay mod addon for it or something, and unless I'm doing some kind of serious gameplay changes, it'll let someone play my map with whatever gameplay mod they feel like.

>> No.7878341

Somehow Graf managed to make Doom lag on my PC. I know it's not the most modern model, but it can handle a game from 2018 or so, it should be able to handle a game from 1993 even when there's twice as many monsters on screen.

>> No.7878349

When I get back in front of aseprite, hehe

Noirish themed doom mod I've been chipping away at on my rare free time.

>> No.7878354
File: 524 KB, 1920x1080, gzdoom 2021-06-19 22-59-11-96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the FUCK is the blue key in this map?
Im going fucking insane I have been stuck here for 3 hours now
I cant fucking find it

>> No.7878363

How's the Mac version of Doom?

>> No.7878368
Quoted by: >>7878386

maybe you've caught this already, but in "mob_bob.qc", "expl1.wav" needs to be "r_exp3.wav"

>> No.7878386

Got it, thanks.

>> No.7878410

Use Vulkan.

>> No.7878417

LZDoom has actual software mode.

>> No.7878426
Quoted by: >>7878465

Graf is naff.
He thinks all the shit he's injected into his fancy source port puts him on the same level as John Carmack.
It does not.

>> No.7878445
File: 129 KB, 681x679, Screenshot 2021-06-19 232222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878467


>> No.7878465
Quoted by: >>7878518

Lzdoom saved zdoom-based source ports for me. Graf isn't developing it, it brought back everything graf removed, added old good software mode, and fixed random values. Real continution of last zdoom version.

>> No.7878467
Quoted by: >>7878737

Why do you defend Quake 2, Graf?

>> No.7878475

Badass billy's party palace just became my favorite map for this alone

>> No.7878518
Quoted by: >>7878582

problem is certain old zdoom shit still doesn't work. happy time circus 2 is one off the top of my head. i have to use zandy to play stuff like that since zdoom is weirdly broken on linux

>> No.7878527

That Cyberdemon's face looks exactly like that of a pitbull.

>> No.7878528

did you change the map17 name to "Down Low"? I requested that a thread or two ago

>> No.7878561

It's not that they're the only people who can do it and it's some completely lost skill, they were just being badly underpaid which enabled game companies, bands, and tabletop publishers to hire them for cover and concept art routinely. That's the reason it's not being done in current year, you can't pay someone crayons to paint the fuckin Sistine Chapel anymore, and it was scummy that you used to be able to.

>> No.7878581
Quoted by: >>7878635

On my PC (map with 10k monsters):
Eternity engine has similar performance to gzdoom, prboom/dsda are slightly better, but it's not even x2, it's like 10-20 fps more

>> No.7878582

This happened already before gzdoom.

>> No.7878635

I start having problems with Eviternity, and it's nowhere near this mark.

>> No.7878640


>> No.7878652

So I have a lowered wall with effect 14 (door opens after 5 minutes, wait close), and behind it is just another wall. No sector. When the wall goes up you can then walk straight through that wall into the void.
This is in Chocolate Doom...
Is this a known error? The wall isn't unusual in any way except that it's directly behind this door. Not tagged with anything. Just impassable, lower unpegged.

>> No.7878737

What are your settings, are you playing with any mods? I get perfectly fine framerate in OpenGL and no mods, with a couple hundred monsters in a level. Some mods can take away some framerate in some situations, but it's seldom particularly bad outside of full blown slaughter maps, where stuff like fancy gore adds up a lot.
Graphics effects can also add up, the disgusting linear filter which is on by default uses some power, as does effects like ambient occlusion.

I don't exactly have a great computer either, it's a piece of shit laptop, it can't even use Vulkan (which I would recommend for anyone who can use it, it will improve performance in GzD at least a little for compatible machines, and a fair bit for some machines and setups). If you aren't big about advanced gameplay mods with all the newest features, consider LzDoom, it's a lot less demanding for older machines.

Quake 2 is a good game, dilate.

>> No.7878775 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck now I really feel that I must DL this already and stop asking stupid shit like this: >Ogre Sniper (AKA Gretchin)
Just how stronk is he with those hot darts?

>> No.7878781

Holy fuck now I really feel that I must DL this already and stop asking stupid shit like this:
>Ogre Sniper (AKA Gretchin)
Just how stronk is he with those hot darts?

>> No.7878809
File: 745 KB, 1920x1080, with hats not on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7878917 >>7879053

HFFM boys, I'm gonna make a patch for better HD compatibility with the sprites and sounds. Is it alright if I release it as a standalone reskin mod?

>> No.7878828

prBoom "shader" mode look like vanilla dos Doom
GZDoom "vanilla" mode is way too dark in the areas it should not be, and there is no way to make it look right.

>> No.7878872
File: 82 KB, 1153x598, le updates 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7879215 >>7879219

Violent Rumble update is up.

>> No.7878917
Quoted by: >>7878927

why would it not be alright? as long as you give credit to the spritemakers and all

>> No.7878927
Quoted by: >>7879053

I'd rather get proper permission before I post anything publicly. I'm making the patch for my own use either way, but if they want me to hold off until a more formal release of the wad itself has been made then I'll wait.

>> No.7879053

That'll be fine, but wait until I'm done with all the sprite offsets, I only have a few monsters left to do. See >>7876969

>> No.7879151
File: 1.35 MB, 1677x991, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>7879195

You see this shit?
Enemies can fire at you freely, but you can't hit them back until you fully climb up, your bullets just puff into invisible wall that exists only for you.
This WAS playtested, but I guess it was playtested by codkiddies and tormentor-worshippers.

>> No.7879184
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1080, damson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, if you haven't played alkaline drop everything and go play it. picrel is first map

>> No.7879191
Quoted by: >>7879197

Is it possible to create enemies that are technically more than one entity sharing the same health or "self"?
Like Rayman or a being made of different seperate parts that are still somehow connected

>> No.7879195

Just look at this shit https://youtu.be/zhuj3z-WHkY?t=804

>> No.7879196
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, pretty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7879197

littlewhitemouse had made a boss like this, where legs and stuff are separate actors, but the thing is whole.
Also hitboxes in BrutalDoom work the same

>> No.7879212
Quoted by: >>7879241

cum is alklaine true story

>> No.7879214
Quoted by: >>7879215

So is this part of the new update now?

>> No.7879215

Yes: >>7878872

>> No.7879219
Quoted by: >>7879259

Oh shit vorelings! Any word on the non-exploding spawns?

>> No.7879241
File: 21 KB, 400x400, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool, dude

>> No.7879254


>> No.7879259

I can do it, but there's no non-exploding death animation. Want to make one first since I have to code it frame by frame.

>> No.7879362
