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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 642 KB, 1000x1000, ad53cf9ebadf6357387cfec82eaa46212b6ca267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5186228 No.5186228 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>5176742

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom, Quake, Duke, Marathon, or Thief: https://imgur.com/a/wWS8zXz
Contains infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>3 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Duke Nukem, Doom, Blood, and Quake.)

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.5186230
File: 105 KB, 640x960, a hundred minutes but several months.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

=== ONGOING ===

-100 minutes of /vr/ underway
-Deadline still extended indefinitely(?)

=== NEWS ===

[11-25] Colorful Hell 0.95 available, changing Chaingunners and adding White Cyberdemons

[11-24] Test version release of 'Doomsday Machine', a Chaos Engine TC for GZDoom

[11-21] Man on Wing Commander CIC forums making Blender script to ease ripping sprites from 3D models

[11-21] Anon map release: Hellevator

[11-21] BloodGDX update 0.795

[11-19] SgtMarkIV releases 'Bolognese', universal gore mod to succeed to Ketchup

[11-17] 'Rednukem' EDuke32 project in now beta

[11-17] Quake Halloween Jam released

[11-15] A podcast about Quake launches, 'Quakecast'

[11-14] New Descent game announced, unimaginatively titled Descent (2019) (it's actually Descent: Underground with a singleplayer mode)

[11-06] Death Wish updated to 1.5; Original MIDI soundtrack addon released

[11-05] Consolation Prize updated, albeit with minimal testing

[11-04] Turok 2 Coop Mod version 0.9.5 released

[10-27] DOOM RPG Remake Project revealed

=== PREVIOUS ===


=== PROTIP ===

To submit news, please reply and anchor it to this post.

>> No.5186236

Let's make this thread go slow so we can get a new one on the 10th.

>> No.5186237

Samsara Monster Addon when, Shadowlink223?

>> No.5186241
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181128_084043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5186281 >>5189321

what a muscular being you are, pinkie

>> No.5186242
Quoted by: >>5186259 >>5186382

No Rest for the Living is amazing. I can't stop replaying it.

>> No.5186254

Not sure if this has been posted before, but...
Nash's Gore mod is returning as Nash's Gore Mod: vengeance edition.

>> No.5186259
Quoted by: >>5186263 >>5186317

I found it to be boring aesthetically, but better than Doom 2's default levels. Then again, I find most stuff to be better than Doom 2's default levels.

>> No.5186261
Quoted by: >>5186280

R8 my WIP map

>> No.5186263

>le doom 2 is bad meme

>> No.5186265
File: 34 KB, 302x224, DtB9QLuXcAEZhNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5186280
Quoted by: >>5186292

Is this your first map?

>> No.5186281
Quoted by: >>5186294

How does cyberdemon look?

>> No.5186284

>le dislike of le game is only le meme meme.
Fine, I'll give you my case. I didn't like Doom 2 for the following:
>Music not as exciting, as Doom 1 (Healer Stalks, Into Sandy's City are pretty dope, though).
>Game is too brown. I just don't like the way the levels look very much. They're kind of boring to look at.
>Levels don't feel like they flow as smoothly, or are as intuitive.
>MAP 13 Downtown is a good example of things I don't like.

I don't think Doom 2 is a bad game, the new monsters are generally pretty cool, I just think Doom 1 is just generally better.

From best to worst, I would roughly rank the Doom series as:
>Ultimate Doom
>Doom 64
>Doom 2
>Doom 3
>Doom 2016
>Doom RPG
Haven't played DRPG2 yet, but would really like to. Regardless of the rankings, I love all of these games. Given more time to think about, some of these might shift around.

>> No.5186286

Carnevil is still working on Wrack? Good lord it looks awful.

>> No.5186292

I've released a couple of things online, though it's rare that I finish stuff, despite playing around with Doom Builder for years (ADD). I even had a map in some ZDoom community project. DUMP 2 or 3 I forgot which one exactly.

Through self improvement, though, I've become more disciplined and have gotten better at finishing things. I've found that I really enjoy lighting my map and creating the atmosphere.

TLDR, no, this is not my first rodeo.

>> No.5186294
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181126_161427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186295

Now that's just silly

>> No.5186296

Nice lipstick.

>> No.5186317

It kept the spirit of the vanilla game while managed to improve the visuals. One of the best episodes ever.

>> No.5186323

>Into Sandy's City are pretty dope
You're absolutely unworthy of listening any kinds of music anon.

>> No.5186328

>AI did a better job of interpreting the cyberdemon's eyes and than some actual people did

>> No.5186335
Quoted by: >>5186869

I've got guts of steel

>> No.5186349

Hey, what can I say, I like what I like.

>> No.5186378 [DELETED] 

This. DOOM II did nothing wrong.
>no final doom
still, i can somewhat see why you've chosen that ranking... however, i don't get why people (even itt) liked Doom 3 and Doom 2016 so much when these titles are just smoking garbage that happen to follow trends and have the name "doom" on it just to cash in with.. debatable people. scriptfest, cinematics, piss easy gameplay, ragdolls that don't even last two seconds before disappearing (thus they're not satisfying enough), too much dark environments (pretty much
ubiquitous on D3), you name it. maybe i'm just a huge nostalgic faggot that wants their game to be genuine, challenging and just fun to play.

>> No.5186379
Quoted by: >>5186408 >>5186413

This. DOOM II did nothing wrong.
>no final doom
still, i can somewhat see why you've chosen that ranking... however, i don't get why people (even itt) liked Doom 3 and Doom 2016 so much when these titles are just smoking garbage that happen to follow trends and have the name "doom" on it just to cash in with.. debatable people. scriptfest, cinematics, piss easy gameplay, ragdolls that don't even last two seconds before disappearing (thus they're not satisfying enough), too much dark environments (pretty much ubiquitous in D3), you name it. maybe i'm just a huge nostalgic faggot that wants their game to be genuine, challenging and just fun to play.

>> No.5186381

yes because doom code is 100% relevant when talking about quake

>> No.5186382

No Rest for the Living is p mediocre desu.

>> No.5186387
File: 51 KB, 454x267, 1502338488138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit who do I believe now?

>> No.5186397
Quoted by: >>5186409 >>5186413

Anyone have a download for the Doom registered wad? Not Ultimate Doom.

>> No.5186408
File: 174 KB, 923x865, Kekodemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no final doom
Ah! Been meaning to get around to that as well.

>i don't get why people (even itt) liked Doom 3
I guess I got into Doom when I was pretty young. Around 2007 in 7th or 8th grade. Something like that. The first time I played Doom was on the Xbox 360 arcade, and I was instantly hooked... The speed, the music, the atmosphere. Those were the days when E2M4 (Deimos Lab) and E2M6 (Halls of the Damned) gave me the chills. I wanted more, and when I saw screenshots of Doom 3, they looked amazing. However, being just a wee lad, I wasn't allowed to play it, so it became the forbidden fruit. I was somewhat technically adept,even at that age, and my parents knew how much I loved modding games.

I convinced them that if they bought it for me, I would do my best to mod out all of the blood and gore, and they agreed. And, with some help from my brother, we did just that, and I loved the game. I finally had the forbidden fruit. I loved the sp00ky nature of the game and the new demons. I guess it was the adventure of getting the game that really made me like it a lot. I even played around in GTK radiant, and it was a blast for me to see how amazing the levels looked, even though I kind of sucked at it.

Up till that point, most of the map editing I had done was with Star Craft, and Call of Duty 2 Radiant. While those were cool, and CoD 2 looked good, I was just blown away by how cool I could make my (really bad) Doom 3 "maps" look. I loved tinkering with the interactive displays and stuff.

So that's the story of why I like D3 so much.

Doom 2016 was a lot of fun when it came out, but it hasn't captivated me the way other games in the series have. I think if it had a REAL map editor, not just SnapCrap, perhaps I would be hooked on it just as much. But alas it doesn't, and as I near the end of college today, it doesn't have the allure of being the forbidden fruit. Still, I enjoyed it. Shame all of the DLC was MP.

>> No.5186409
Quoted by: >>5186475

doomgod()com /wads /iwads

>> No.5186412
Quoted by: >>5186521

>yamagi still has soundtrack problems
what problems? I never noticed any problems
unless you think the "music stops when you finish the final objective in the map" is a big, which is actually a bug in every port that doesn't do that - finishing the final objective sets the current track number to 0, which is supposed to be silence, but a lot of ports don't respect that

>> No.5186413

nah, just a regular bitchy faggot.


>> No.5186417 [SPOILER] 
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 1543427531421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5186419

>Eternal's Marauder will turn out to be pic related

>> No.5186419
Quoted by: >>5186545

I've seen that HUD many times but don't know what it's from.

>> No.5186439

what's the best source port for quake 1 coop? i've been using FTE but is there something better, preferably with mod support?

>> No.5186441

It's so odd that, in one of the biggest and most active retro modding communities, there hasn't been a full hand-made HD sprite pack. People just keep making these terrible machine upscales.

>> No.5186447

There's been multiple attempts. They all look awful or questionable, don't really represent the game's artwork well because no one can do Id like Id, and often enough any criticism tends to send such projects hurtling off the rails into oblivion.

>> No.5186475

It's blank.

>> No.5186495
File: 8 KB, 480x360, 1530532753901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5194069


>> No.5186504

Not terrible to be desu. Face is a little silly, but honestly, in the heat of combat, I doubt you would notice it that much.

>> No.5186521
Quoted by: >>5186560

then you should complain about GZDOOM and some modern stuff too with this bait...

Not that, maybe its on my run, but yamagi never recognize ogg or mp3 soundtrack files if its on music folder or baseq2/music.
while with other stuff like KMQ, Q2Pro, Q2E and such i never had it.

In fact, i kinda want to ask the pasta and MEGA OP about giving the link for Q2E to add on the MEGA, the textures and stuff still works on other source ports, and what i have it here is the final version before they quit.

>> No.5186527
Quoted by: >>5186561

>there hasn't been a full hand-made HD sprite pack
You say that as if we need one.

>> No.5186530

Doom 2 is just flawed, not bad.

>> No.5186536

That track slaps, fuck you.

>> No.5186545


>> No.5186553
File: 55 KB, 1280x960, DOSBox 2018-11-28 01-14-38-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your bi-yearly reminder that Dark Forces is a better game than Doom, and that we will never get a source port so it doesn't matter that it's better.

>> No.5186560
File: 10 KB, 427x522, werks 4 me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe its on my run, but yamagi never recognize ogg or mp3 soundtrack files if its on music folder or baseq2/music.
works on my machineâ„¢

>> No.5186561
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, DarkXL 2018-09-12 15-47-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but i rather wait for ETERNAL's take on all of classic texures, most of the deviantart shit that we see looks like something out of a RPG board map.

atleast the dudes at >>5186230 wing commander project is doing 1:1 replicas for it.

grow a spine and use DARKXL, it still works.

>> No.5186574

Some of the Eternal looks are still their own thing outside the bottles, but yeah.

>> No.5186579

>-Deadline still extended indefinitely
Yeah, pretty much. Just feeling it out. We've had submissions consistently trickling out slowly.

>> No.5186582

>star wars
hard pass

>> No.5186583

it begs me to wonder if someone could reach lucius in real life and ask him to give the code to the community, JEDI is pretty much Build.

plus JEDI engine was mostly cracked by the Outlaws dudes, and someone probably still has the MAC source code for it.

>> No.5186585
Quoted by: >>5186724

The AI one did remarkably well in many regards.
An actual human repaint is more work than people think, and doesn't usually look any better, and most times worse.

>> No.5186589
Quoted by: >>5186637

I tried it before but couldn't get past the sewer level. It's awful and confusing. (the level I mean, not the game). And it was like a third level!

>> No.5186591
Quoted by: >>5186703

Now the butt.

>> No.5186594
Quoted by: >>5186628

Dark ForcesGDX when?

>> No.5186617
File: 92 KB, 1024x640, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love that system shock 1 has these friendly mutants flying around on the flight bay level

>> No.5186624
Quoted by: >>5186721

Out of all the character this one is the most unexpected IMO.

>> No.5186626

Redneck Rampage feels like it would be a great game with a bit more polish. But as it is, with the tiny unnamed keys, the enemy projectiles phasing through walls, and dynamite phasing through enemies half the time, it's extremely frustrating. Are there any mods that fix these issues?

>> No.5186628

M210 doesnt work with that

>> No.5186637
File: 35 KB, 1280x960, DOSBox_2018-11-28_01-40-32-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5186646

Are you talking the one with the switch that has four options? If so, you just need to look along the walls on the first three options for holes. In those holes are the switches to raise the water level in the central area. It sounds weird, but when you manage to get it, you'll feel like an idiot.

Just wait until you get to the imperial city, it has a switch puzzle that will make you feel like a dumbass.

It works, but you end up needing to cheat to get past certain levels, and miss out on a lot of audio during the cutscenes. I regularly play the DOS version, and once you get past the huge pixels and fucked up looking mechanism, it's still fun as fuck.

>> No.5186646
Quoted by: >>5186650 >>5186670

Dos version doesnt work on my computer (even in dosbox).
I end up with lagged input.
Like every few seconds there are periods where I will "coast" because I lose input control intermittently.
The action/fps is still going on but since its still registering whatever input was there before it lost control I keep moving unable to turn or fire, stuff like that.

>> No.5186650
Quoted by: >>5186658 >>5186670

Use the GOG version
an anon posted the DarkXL package with the fix here some time ago, but the OP never added into MEGA.

in fact MEGA OP is missing.

>> No.5186658
Quoted by: >>5186701

thats all With the gog version by the way, forgot to mention that
Ive never made it out of the first level because there's some ledge you're supposed to leap to for reaching your ship, and I cant make the jump because my inputs keep freezing around the time of trying to do it, and it seems like its a very precise thing you have to pull off.

>> No.5186670
File: 49 KB, 1280x960, DOSBox 2018-11-28 00-48-43-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5186680 >>5186735


If you give me a couple minutes, I'll slap together the files I have on my XP machine and put it up on mega.

It's the GOG release, with DOSBox ECE, and the steam executable for modern control mapping. I beat the game with it last night, so it's confirmed to work.

>> No.5186680
Quoted by: >>5186735

i also have the DarkXL stuff saved here

if the OP could upload it it would be great

>> No.5186701
Quoted by: >>5186731

increase dosbox cycles perhaps?

>> No.5186703 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, 1543435235397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186721
Quoted by: >>5186727

This is the third time this video has been posted.

>> No.5186724
Quoted by: >>5187471

I understand it would be difficult. But these upscales always just look off, because the program cant possibly understand the artistic intent behind the pixels. If it can't be done right, people should just stop trying.

>> No.5186727
Quoted by: >>5186737

>the third time
oh my bad its just i havent seen it post it on the newsettler so i felt compelled to notify it.

>> No.5186729
Quoted by: >>5187484

Any other WADs that feel like Pirate DOOM or Golden Souls 1/2?

>> No.5186731
Quoted by: >>5186735

No I had to Lower the cycles because I was getting choppy music. For most games of that era the cycles have to be set somewhere in the 20K to 30K range otherwise it gets out of timing and you end up with choppy music and irregular framerates.
I always set DosBox to have +/- 3000 cycles for the cycling keys so I can fine tune it.
> a particularly annoying aspect of playing Xcom 2 Terror From The Deep because the amount of processing needed varies widely depending on the mission
> the ship terror missions can require setting the cycles higher because it has to display all 4 Floors worth of Tiles, otherwise you get a framerate hit just like the old days
> whereas if you do that normally the cycles will be too high and youll end up with choppy music

>> No.5186735
File: 399 KB, 1024x1536, Jedi Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's the link:

If you guys want, I coudl set something like this up for Jedi Knight as well. God damnit more people need to play Jedi Knight.

>> No.5186737

Fair enough.

>> No.5186747
Quoted by: >>5186756

kinda wish alfonzone's levels could be played in a single run

>> No.5186752
File: 96 KB, 250x250, sweating-doomguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186756

Well they can't, and they aren't balanced for that.
Episodes are episodes.

>> No.5186775

hey this isn't looking too bad honestly, I would have expected something much worse.

>> No.5186779
Quoted by: >>5186827

Agreed. The author's later level, Redemption of Slain, or whatever it was called was far more inventitive and closer to something that can be sold. NRFTL was like one of the many other mods, no better or worse.

I like Map 4 and 7 though. That battle at the top of the staircase was epic.

>> No.5186827

I think it's good. All it needs is new music and a new sky texture.

>> No.5186835
File: 29 KB, 456x352, 1532524863344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186850
File: 55 KB, 512x1280, quakeultimate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5186865
Quoted by: >>5187018

Nice work anon
i fucking chuckled!

>> No.5186867
Quoted by: >>5186870

More like QCDE, at this point. I'm looking forward to when they start putting in unrelated OCs.

>> No.5186868
Quoted by: >>5186942

your build/config doesnt work at all
after making sure the launch shortcut was set up properly
running the game loads the Dosbox ECE splash screen, then it sits there with a black screen for a few seconds and crashes to desktop with no message
dead on arrival bud

>> No.5186869
Quoted by: >>5186873

balls balls balls balls balls

>> No.5186870

They said that they were gonna make custom heroes compatible eventualy so i guess that is our objective i suppose.

>> No.5186873


>> No.5186906

Gimme some beautiful screenies of dum

>> No.5186929
File: 85 KB, 613x638, duki nuki the ass sniffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187017

>your ass
>my ass
>what's the ass

>> No.5186936
File: 809 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181126_220932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5186996 >>5187553


>> No.5186942
Quoted by: >>5186954

I’ll try fixing it when I get home from work, but all I can think of is it needing to be in C:\GOG Games\

>> No.5186954
Quoted by: >>5186961

yeahh my C drive is packed because its a small partition intended only for the OS
ive got everything on D drive

Also I dont have a GOG games folder either, I always customize installation and put things where I want them.
- Wait does your install have all the game content files or do I need to go find mine to copy those over?

>> No.5186961
Quoted by: >>5186990

It’s quite literally the folder that I had inside the gog games folder on my XP machine, and everything is only about 80MB even on the CD.

>> No.5186990

yep just checked, same files and everything
sorry, it must have something to do with ECE itself or the way its set up in its configs, im too busy trying to get gzdoom unfucked to work on it

>> No.5186996


>> No.5187015

It most likely is a config issue.

>> No.5187016
File: 52 KB, 399x464, kornheiser all downhill from here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of which has anyone figured out a way to deal with GZdoom's ever growing list of issues with every new version that comes out?

I just loaded up 3.6 and im getting Slowdowns and Very Fatal Errors crashing the game when loading basic stuff like Plutonia Experiment.

Only reason I got it was because im not sure which version is required to play Ashes 2063.

>> No.5187017
File: 1.83 MB, 1448x790, dook nook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187054

>you have a grassy ass
>and I've got the wacky weed

>> No.5187018

Not mine. Just found it and posted it here.

>> No.5187021
Quoted by: >>5187027

works on my machine :))))

>> No.5187027

thats not what I asked though and its irrelevant
because earlier versions of it work fine on mine

>> No.5187029
File: 623 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20181104_144637 dbp03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187031 >>5187986


>> No.5187031

Vary gud

>> No.5187037
File: 324 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20140802_035257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187083


>> No.5187048
File: 482 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20181128_153727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187065 >>5187069

>decide to give Bolognese a try despite my bias against Mark just because it looks okay
>decently surprised with how it looks
>start gibbing enemies and noticing the gigantic fucking blood splatters that extend over ledges
>notice the glossy blood pools that z-fight with one-another because they're not solid colors
>cacodemons and hell knights require a patch to actually have proper blood while droplets already figured that out, and nashgore: vengeance is going to have support as well
And here I thought I might've found my new gore mod of choice.

>> No.5187053

While my back was turned,
While my eyes were closed,
Quakecast released episode 2 featuring Quake mapper Ionous

>> No.5187054
File: 241 KB, 1280x720, duck nugay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i possess testicles constructed of a man-made alloy

>> No.5187061
File: 492 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20180502_171110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187083


>> No.5187065

Mark "cleaned up" the code, but the assets are still a spiced up Brutal Doom, and so it still doesn't really work with the aesthetic or style of the game. Some graphics modifications could maybe do something about it, but meh.

>> No.5187069

nashgore soon fellow doomer

>> No.5187083
Quoted by: >>5187130

What is this mod?

Not so noice

>> No.5187094
File: 562 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20150923_222351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187098
Quoted by: >>5187125

Much scary, very good

>> No.5187106
File: 405 KB, 1600x1200, 1285147248854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187113 >>5187125


>> No.5187113
Quoted by: >>5187125

Supa scary but not much noice

>> No.5187120
File: 300 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20170420_211921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187126

Map is Putrefier

>> No.5187125

this is a proper time to actually use the RL against lost souls

> the one time you have a clear shot at the icon of sin and can kill it with 30 bullets
> except auto aiming forces you to shoot at the cybers
> why live

>> No.5187126

Vary much supa noice

>> No.5187130
File: 280 KB, 800x600, Screenshot_Doom_20141224_181917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187145

Doxylamine Moon : Overdose
With an old version of Accessories To Murder, and NC-HUD. Pic related is the same, on the map Deneb Colony, by the same author.

You probably couldn't play these maps with the newer versions of ATM, because it replaces some of the things which Overdose uses as trees and other things. Well I mean you could, but it'd look ridiculous and introduce performance problems.

>> No.5187135

you mean darn?

>> No.5187136

>the ship marathon takes place on is actually deimos

>> No.5187145

Thanks my friend dude

>> No.5187167
File: 1.16 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20181015_192930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187168

i got a couple

>> No.5187168
File: 470 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20180420_183355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187170 >>5187172


>> No.5187170
Quoted by: >>5187198

wad? i like the sky

>> No.5187172
File: 883 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20171113_001432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187198

i think it's dark tartarus. of not, i've deleted & forgotten it because of some bullshit, sorry anon

>> No.5187240
File: 67 KB, 722x725, 1530539860903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187250
Quoted by: >>5187414

>100 minutes of /vr/

>Does the time required to add a custom midi in Slade count towards the 100 minutes?
>Since it needs to be vanilla compatible, I assume that means no custom sky textures?
>Do I submit my map by just posting a link ITT?

>> No.5187256
Quoted by: >>5187257

i cant seem to remember how i played freezing time completely ingame, while being able to shoot at enemyes and move around... with one keybinding some time ago, if it was with brutal doom or how, do anyone know how to do it?

>> No.5187257
Quoted by: >>5187306

the Freeze command?

>> No.5187264
File: 321 KB, 630x630, 100_20_by_blazan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamn do I want a game- retro-engine or otherwise- starring some of the characters from quake 3/champs

>> No.5187265
Quoted by: >>5187274 >>5187286

command to detect enemy name and base health.

>> No.5187274
Quoted by: >>5187278

Wanna try asking that like a human being there buddy?

>> No.5187278

beep boop.

>> No.5187284
File: 855 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20170914_205826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187362


>> No.5187286


>> No.5187306
Quoted by: >>5187348

yes! how can i map it and use it?

>> No.5187347
File: 789 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181128_201627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking closet weebs

>> No.5187348
Quoted by: >>5187743

open the console with ` (tilde)
>bind "f" freeze

Now when you press F the game with freeze.

>unbind "f"
will unbind any function from F

>> No.5187362

wut wad dis is

>> No.5187371
File: 622 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181128_202932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also perhaps unsurprisingly, the sterilized Ashes works really well with the Duke Nukem 3D Weapons and Monsters mod.
Well, besides the fact that killing the final boss doesn't trigger the ending.

>> No.5187414

yes, and specify it's for 100min

>> No.5187438
File: 139 KB, 604x454, morphine administered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That HL2 demake in HL1 now has a Ravenholm demo.


>> No.5187471
File: 1.55 MB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20181119_214636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187758 >>5188152

Have you seen some of the neural network upscaling results?
It's got a lot of potential. It's not just a straight filter.

>> No.5187484

Adventures of Square

>> No.5187498
Quoted by: >>5187509

Found two Pains

Did you try the vintage version?

>> No.5187509
File: 967 KB, 1280x720, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.5187516
File: 761 KB, 1680x1050, doom mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187868


>> No.5187534
File: 1.97 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot_Doom_20151202_133714_FotoSketcher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187537

You have shit taste if you can't appreciate Into Sandy's City. One of the bast tracks from Doom 2

>> No.5187547
Quoted by: >>5187747

People really DO need to play more Jedi Knight. That game was my absolute favorite growing up. The mod support was incredible too. I miss those days bros. Playing Canyon Oasis with Rbots and my younger brother every day after school.

>> No.5187553
Quoted by: >>5187809

What's that mod and level? Looks really interesting

>> No.5187556 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 1280x800, trips and traps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check 'em

>> No.5187557

Can somebody port gzdoom to Wii so I can play Brutal Doom with the wiimote?

>> No.5187562

ok /vg/ skips repeating digits
thats lame as fuck

>> No.5187564
File: 136 KB, 466x486, 1498693595845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187565

I mean /vr/

>> No.5187570
Quoted by: >>5187571

I thought you had committed sudoku as JPCPguy?

>> No.5187571

the doomguy avatar i was controlling died
im still here

>> No.5187584
Quoted by: >>5187586

this is your second time you've done this

god damn, this is some primo failure

>> No.5187586
Quoted by: >>5187607 >>5187612

Yeah, I didn't know /vr/ skips repeating digits

>> No.5187597

> 556
clearly your only option is to use one on yourself now

>> No.5187607
Quoted by: >>5187635

You sure? Maybe you were just too late?


>> No.5187609

>I just said everything you did in 2 sentences
Oh no you didn't. You actually did pretty much the exact same thing I was talking about to begin with. Are you SimonOC, by any chance?

>> No.5187612

Check 'em!

>> No.5187635

No, there was definitely no 555 in the index anywhere

>> No.5187647

SmoothBolognese when?

>> No.5187652 [DELETED] 

your mom is single and so is my last digit lmao

>> No.5187743

Thank you so much! its really fun when you only want to relax a little haha, at least for me

>> No.5187747
File: 45 KB, 88x204, Jedi Knight Mysteries of the Sith 07.01.2017 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I believe it might be something on your computer, because I was able o get it running on both my laptop and my desktop by changing the location in the shortcut. Are your drivers up to date? Is it the OGL option I use?

Hell yeah.

>> No.5187751

Two notes having Ralsei as a companion in Hideous Destructor.
The first is that his healing hugs are a little treacherous in that the vision starts to shake and fade a little as occasionally it seems like he's accidentally hurting you, which they apparently can since I saw my health go into the yellow when he gets too close and starts to hug me at full health.
Second note is that it's funny watching him run around trying to hug invisible pinkies while I'm sitting in a corner punching at the air.

>> No.5187752

jedi knight was so good
played this shit way too much as a kid

>> No.5187758
Quoted by: >>5188147

They need a bit of manual work however.
For instance, the original Mancubode model has six nipples, a detail that's lost when he was turned into a sprite.
This should be replicated on the high res sprites.

>> No.5187760
Quoted by: >>5187773

Maybe a Star Wars FPS compilation could work well for something to put into the OP.

>> No.5187762
File: 64 KB, 468x604, 1514240964973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody recommend me some recently released (last year or two) techbase wads?

>> No.5187773

That's totally possible, but including stuff past Mysteries of the Sith would probably make people screech autistically because damn near every shooter is post 1999.

>> No.5187809
Quoted by: >>5187816 >>5188201

I was playing Ashes 2063, sterilized version yet with its included monsters and weapons anyway, with DarkDoom and some Universal Enhanced AI. It basically transformed entire parts of the episode into relying on my flashlight to catch my bearings, or turning it off to throw off enemy accuracy with UEAI's stealth system at the cost of visibility.

>> No.5187816
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181126_214717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187821

Dammit, DarkDoomZ*
that's the second time i've done that

>> No.5187821
Quoted by: >>5187826

That's mad cool. What is that?

>> No.5187826
File: 864 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181126_205000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same mods as mentioned above.

>> No.5187868
File: 164 KB, 213x346, PTSDsoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187871
File: 45 KB, 1600x324, sandy cacos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5187884 >>5187913

>> No.5187884
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, caco neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5187913

if sandy was my grandpa things would be different around here

>> No.5187942


>> No.5187986

I recognize that rock texture

>> No.5187990
File: 113 KB, 800x450, 641411B8-9758-4E90-B649-06ACC7BE9DCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188212

Gzdoom or veteran edition?
Also where is that governor’s sewer guy?

>> No.5188013
Quoted by: >>5188269

Have there been any good megawads this year?

>> No.5188032
File: 3.19 MB, 1920x1080, never gonna happen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191663 >>5192613

What are some good christmas mapsets?

>> No.5188035
File: 114 KB, 750x1000, this is a bukkit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188050

This got me thinking, has anyone made any splatoon wads?

>> No.5188050
Quoted by: >>5188485

It would be neat to have a Ketchup-based mod where you gain points by painting the map in blood. I don't know what it would do beyond that, though.

>> No.5188107
File: 705 KB, 475x792, 1520255473355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stay on target when I'm making a large map?

I keep thinking, just one small part at a time, but I keep doubting myself on the details and it never looks quite how I imagine it in my head.

>> No.5188147
Quoted by: >>5188552

Agreed, but it's a lot less work than working with a typical blurry procedural upscale.

>> No.5188152

I think screenshots don't really convey how it really kinda does look like some stupid HQ resize filter in action.

I think there's a ton of potential for this, but right now it's just not there.

>> No.5188190
Quoted by: >>5188558

>re: HD sprites

I think a big reason it's hard to do a HD sprite pack is because the monsters were made from clay at first, they're not just straight drawings.

>> No.5188201
File: 901 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181126_143449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing pretty much the exact same thing but with hideous destructor and without enhanced AI since i feel like that would conflict with HD, holy shit does it get intense, the maps are perfect for HD's gameplay though, plenty of debris to hide behind.

>> No.5188212

chocolate strife

>> No.5188269
Quoted by: >>5188280 >>5188350

Last good megawad is Plutonia over 20 years ago. Chances of breaking the streak is zero.

>> No.5188280

You mean Master Levels

>> No.5188289
File: 643 KB, 1527x1192, 1801767fe7cc0c91ffdffb18af02dfb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188290 >>5188303

are /k/obolds a thing?

I need pictures of kobolds with guns, preferably modern weaponry

>> No.5188290
Quoted by: >>5188303

dang, that was for a thread on /tg/
we can pretend it was me asking about Samson on GMOTA

>> No.5188303
Quoted by: >>5188310

Wrong tab?

>> No.5188310

the first post gave me an error message, I guess I fucked up when I reloaded the page

>> No.5188350


>> No.5188445
Quoted by: >>5188464

I haven't played Doom 3 in a while, but when do the chaingunners or tentacle men ever say stuff like "Your kind is over" that is used in Meta Doom?
I watched some D3 footage and so far they only say "you" or "die" in a softer tone."

>> No.5188464

Those voices were from the beta when Reznor worked on it

>> No.5188485
File: 407 KB, 2000x2000, INK Division.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188498

Well, splatoon center around not only painting the map, but moving around in the ink, hidden and with greater mobility, allowing you and your team to have control of the map, as well as slowing down enemies who step in it. I imagine that could easily be fertile grounds for a wad. Call it "Blood Stalker" or something where you can hide and swim around in enemies' blood. Just a little primer idea, I guess.

>> No.5188498
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x800, DRIP AND TEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To adapt the concept into something that would work a little better in first person and adapting it to Doom's gameplay, what if being coated in enemy blood made you harder to detect? Gib an enemy at point blank, and get covered completely in its blood and nothing of that class will see you. The further away you are means you are splashed with less blood, only giving you a chance of an enemy ignoring you, or acting as a blur sphere.

>> No.5188552
File: 61 KB, 162x225, high definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. And you don't get questionable artists taking horrible artistic liberties, such as pic related.

>> No.5188558
File: 265 KB, 1200x1600, baron-clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188563 >>5194206

True. They were intended to be scaled down, especially the ones which were made from clay.
Looking at Mr. Bruiser here, you'll notice that his face is actually quite flat and undefined, probably because they were going to scale the graphics down and would work him out in post.

The latex models were somewhat more detailed (and more importantly, were easier to pose and didn't break when you did so, like the clay ones), though they ended up doing some substantial changes anyway. Spidermind had his tiny and dinky three-barreled gun replaced with a big six-barreled death machine, and the Revenant was almost completely redone in post, going from a fleshy thing with a skull, to a skeleton proper.

>> No.5188563
File: 88 KB, 3200x2000, boss9_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188580

Here's early WIPs of the Baron, he's scaled down here, and notice that his face actually looks quite alright in this resolution.

>> No.5188571
File: 448 KB, 1360x768, SyneonCityValley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188576 >>5189770


>> No.5188576
File: 554 KB, 1360x768, AkzosCityDowntown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188586 >>5189770


>> No.5188580
Quoted by: >>5188674

It always surprised me how much of the game is basically digitized clay and latex models or toys, when so much of it has become synonymous with 90's spritework.

>> No.5188586
File: 546 KB, 1360x768, MainUACHangarParkingLot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5188674
File: 22 KB, 500x344, bfg-raygun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like oldschool movie prop making, given how many ways they actually did graphics, there's actually kind of a mix of visual styles, which ultimately means that a lot of graphical styles will fit near seamlessly into Doom, as long as you put the effort in.

A lot of the tech textures were old computer parts they weren't using (particularly the circuit board ones), or all the greebling and detail which was present on the toy raygun which they used to make the BFG9000.

>> No.5188676
File: 73 KB, 226x379, 1430431965181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188678

>> No.5188678
File: 15 KB, 320x200, 1430432028690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188680


>> No.5188680
File: 108 KB, 742x350, SxvKu6Y.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188681


>> No.5188681
File: 73 KB, 233x200, 8iN7WHV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188682

Here comes the tech textures.

>> No.5188682
File: 97 KB, 496x272, yU1Wdy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188684


>> No.5188684
File: 116 KB, 348x366, WjloBwv.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188689

The famous exit door.

>> No.5188689
File: 59 KB, 800x600, fucilegalatticofuyaco2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188690


>> No.5188690
File: 108 KB, 800x785, tumblr_nnne5p7nqS1szcxzqo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188693


>> No.5188693
Quoted by: >>5188708

This one looks a bit different, and I think there were multiple versions of this toy raygun, but obviously iD was using one which was common in the 90's.

>> No.5188707
File: 498 KB, 840x525, Screenshot_Doom_20181129_220539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5188829 >>5188834

>> No.5188708
File: 85 KB, 640x349, qjd9m8p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's three known manufacturers of this thing, and judging by how they differ somewhat, the mold was probably modified at some point.

>> No.5188757
Quoted by: >>5188779

40k almost had a sskicking Doom clone

>> No.5188768

latest Quakecast is confirmed good

>> No.5188779

Instead there was that Space Hulk game.

>> No.5188829
Quoted by: >>5188842

Stop hurting Ralsei

>> No.5188832
Quoted by: >>5188850

Just beat blood a few minutes ago
It was fucken brütal

>> No.5188834
Quoted by: >>5188842

>putting the goat on the pain dimension
you sick fuck

>> No.5188840
Quoted by: >>5188846 >>5188886

whens nashgore

>> No.5188842
File: 424 KB, 840x525, Screenshot_Doom_20181127_215142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190347

I'll always make sure nothing bad happens to the fluffy boy.

>> No.5188846

Tomorrow Nash will release the beta.

>> No.5188850

is there option to increase explosion effects on gdx? it lacks those punches from original one

>> No.5188886

Over ten years ago.

>> No.5188987


>> No.5189030
Quoted by: >>5189095

Do enough people play this to warrant all of these updates?

>> No.5189045
Quoted by: >>5189095

> QC:DE gets Hunter before QC actual

>> No.5189048

To me the Zandronum symbol looks like a mechanized bloody skull.

>> No.5189051
Quoted by: >>5190157

>final champion
My ass.

>> No.5189091
Quoted by: >>5189230 >>5189235

I know that Skulltag is officially abandoned, but why did the mods lock up the site forums and remove them from being visible?

>> No.5189095

They need to give the russkies time to properly model every crevice of her abs, is all.

I highly doubt it, but it's not like it's probably very hard work.

>> No.5189152

>playing Doom
>getting my shit pushed in on the highest difficulty
>put on Bolt Thrower
>beat a level without taking any damage

>> No.5189230
Quoted by: >>5189235

carnevil threw a tanty

>> No.5189235
Quoted by: >>5189636

if I remember right, >>5189230 where he basically forced them to shut down skulltag so that he could make his not-Doom game, Wrack, by some means or another. I think by mainly claiming he owned everything skulltag.
he never finished Wrack and it didn't do very well, while skulltag shifted to zandronum and moved on

>> No.5189243

Just tried out Ashes for the first time. I think MAP05 is the most sp00ped I've ever been playing a Doom mod. Lots of Fallout and Battletanx vibes. The levels are a little longer than I prefer, though, but they're impressive in scope, nonetheless. The "Further" soundtrack reminds a lot of the Battletanx 2 OST. Pretty nostalgic. How many maps are in this wad?

>> No.5189271

Dude waiting for nashgore is becoming fucking painful, please just release it already man

>> No.5189289
File: 142 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2014-04-26 22.14.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190658 >>5190664

Does anyone have a more up to date tutorial on 3D modelling or texture editing for the original Quake? I've been using the Tome of Preach, which actually works, but recommends GMAX, which was outdated in the early 2000s, let alone now. I also have little idea on how to work within Quake's color pallet when making textures, causing most stuff to assume the wrong colors when designing.

I don't know how to backport stuff with Blender, it seems like the addon I downloaded for it doesn't save things in the correct format, and I haven't even started with animation yet.

>> No.5189295

>Keep using silhouette of the N.M.E. in thumbnail
>"HUNT OR BE HUNTED" title card
>Oh crap they finally put in a RotT rep


>> No.5189301
Quoted by: >>5189320 >>5189323


>> No.5189307
Quoted by: >>5190062

how the hell do I disable texture filtering on UT? I tried with messing around with some commands I know and all of them dont work, unless UT doesnt have commands based around that

>> No.5189320


>> No.5189321
Quoted by: >>5189342

what wad is this for the monsters?

>> No.5189323

its hard as balls

>> No.5189342

A currently WIP project.

Someone developed an all new upscaling algorithm, and it actually seems to do a pretty decent job of converting lines and details and make a higher resolution graphic, without grossly distorting it.
It's not perfect, but it looks good enough that people are exploring if it can be used as a basis for making a proper HD conversion mod for once.
It'll be interesting to see how it turns out.

>> No.5189353
Quoted by: >>5189385

i need a quick rundown on quoth and what it is all about

>> No.5189385

a pack of new monsters for quake mappers to use. not too much to explain

>> No.5189421

>try to play AD
>have to fiddle with command line options to get it running at a good framerate
>have to manually enter "impulse 130" to make the shotguns fire like normal Quake shotguns do
>play level
>get randomly instagibbed by enemy taken from Hexen 2
Very cool. Truly an unassailable masterpiece!

>> No.5189507
File: 845 KB, 240x240, 1540523175682.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sniff sniff

>> No.5189636

Man, I remember wrack. The gunplay and enemy design was supremely boring.
And why the fuck are they making a tower defense roguelite sequel, when the first game didn't even get finished?

>> No.5189770
Quoted by: >>5189797

what's this?

>> No.5189797
Quoted by: >>5190949

zanieons maps, you can find them on moddb
he made hunters moon

>> No.5189810 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1536236581506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's out

>> No.5189812
File: 26 KB, 640x360, 1531173829336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's out

>> No.5189895

Praise the Lord

>> No.5189905
Quoted by: >>5190212 >>5191465

Fuck it, put out a release candidate


>> No.5189952
File: 3.94 MB, 600x375, Blocking Blood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190142 >>5190143

Conductor, it appears we may have some issues.

>> No.5190062
Quoted by: >>5190356

Change to software rendering? It's been a long time since I played with the video settings in UT

>> No.5190081
Quoted by: >>5190258

Please help me out people.
In the versions of GZDoom after 3.4 sound is very muffled/compressed as if im playing Duke World Tour again.
Older versions sound fine. I tried to dig into configs and experiment with variables, but nothing helped.

>> No.5190097

Does someone has the link for the QC Nailgun for Q1

>> No.5190142

It's still in beta state,so expect to see some complications.

>> No.5190143

Be sure to report it

>> No.5190151


>> No.5190157

This, it's the only way they keep it in people's minds, just adding whoever the fuck they can think of.

>> No.5190161
File: 379 KB, 840x525, Screenshot_Doom_20181130_173303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190173 >>5190690

Are there wads with a creepy,horror atmosphere that maintain the classic gameplay?

>> No.5190173
Quoted by: >>5190185 >>5190221

I'm working on a map that might have the kind of atmosphere that you're looking for, but it will be a couple of days before I have it finished. Music may not be what you're after, but that's easy enough to replace. This video is a little out dated. The map has progressed quite a bit beyond what's shown here.

>> No.5190185
Quoted by: >>5190229

I really like it,it looks like it was heavily inspired by PSX DOOM aesthetic.Keep it up.

>> No.5190212
Quoted by: >>5191465

i had fun anon,
nightmare lord is fucking op on uv, had to scum sorry :P

>> No.5190221
Quoted by: >>5190229

Is that some Armored Core 3 or Silent Line music I hear?

>> No.5190225
File: 987 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181104_141850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5190229

I always loved the use of color and lighting is PSX Doom, but even more so Doom 64 and Doom 3 (to some extent).

Yes sir! Armored Core and Ace Combat were my favorite Play Station series. Still play both to this day. Not sure which Armored Core is my favorite, but I love the aesthetics and soundtrack of 3 and SL. They're both quite dramatic and intense and felt it fit the atmosphere I wanted in my map.

>> No.5190232

Does anyone know what counts as Matches in SRB2Kart for unlocks? Do Record Attack races and/or Non-Modded Multiplayer races count?

>> No.5190236
File: 626 KB, 1280x800, looks like youre breaking up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5190258
Quoted by: >>5190678 >>5192598

Did you lose your settings? Have you remembered to turn audio quality up in your audio settings?

>> No.5190347

Where can I download this goat?

>> No.5190353


>> No.5190356

I tried that and the game kept crashing

>> No.5190376

What are some other monster mods that change how enemies behavior, things along the line of Colorful Hell, Champions, and Dark Doom Creatures?

>> No.5190381
Quoted by: >>5190385

DRLA monsters

>> No.5190385

You're right, I forgot about that one, I already tried that, I was wondering if there were any more. I guess for clarity I should also mention I've played Combined Harms as well.

>> No.5190386
Quoted by: >>5190739

with the new gore feature in doom eternal, are there mods that also have some sort of "destructible demons" thing?

>> No.5190389

Not a retro game and looks ugly.

>> No.5190401
Quoted by: >>5190409

Project Babel?

>> No.5190409

Yeah I tried that as well.

>> No.5190414
Quoted by: >>5190427 >>5190428

Project MSX/MSFix'd, Bulletye/Bulleteye Monster Only.

>> No.5190423

Fun, but lacks the depth to make it engaging. Not a fan of low-res pixel art just for the sake of looking retro either, but that one's pure preference.

>> No.5190427

I've tried Project MSX but not fix'd, and this Bulletye is new to me, I'll check it out. Thanks.

>> No.5190428
Quoted by: >>5190448 >>5190450

>Project MSX/MSFix'd
Speaking about this, whatever happened to the anon that was making an overhauled version of it?

>> No.5190448

The MSFix'd guy? He seems to release a version, vanish for a few years and then release another.

>> No.5190450

Same question for the anon that was working on the Immoral Conduct update

>> No.5190481
Quoted by: >>5190796 >>5191519

What is this?

>> No.5190595

Based and NashPilled

>> No.5190608
File: 3.08 MB, 1920x1080, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5190658 [SPOILER] 
File: 2 KB, 169x67, 1543614673787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190740

Is this what I think it is?

>> No.5190664
Quoted by: >>5190743


>> No.5190678
Quoted by: >>5190686

>Have you remembered to turn audio quality up in your audio settings
How the fuck do you do that, I know of fucking none of the context of the sliders and switches on most of those.

>> No.5190681
File: 1.35 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181130_154859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fits more than I thought it would, but fuck me if the difficulty didn't significantly spike from all the hitscanning super-accurate assholes everywhere.

>> No.5190686
Quoted by: >>5192598

sound options -> openal options -> resampler

what is it set to?

>> No.5190690

City of the Damned : Apocalypse

>> No.5190705
File: 122 KB, 592x650, 0ca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of Brutal Doom Lite,/vr/?

>> No.5190710

Not as good as it sounds, a lot of it seems off and it ends up coming across as a bit of a waste of time compared to other mods.

>> No.5190720

promising, but was expecting it'd have a bunch of cvars so i could turn stuff on and off

>> No.5190739
Quoted by: >>5190775

literally brutal doom has this. zombiemen and imps can be shredded apart and some of the other monsters also have location based damage. it's honestly one of the highlights of the mod, shame that the hit detection is usually ass.

>> No.5190740
File: 2.50 MB, 1920x1080, quake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190762 >>5191102

Yeah, it's my poor attempt. It didn't turn out very well, but was a nice learning experience. I've always liked the original city killer combat shotgun in Fallout though.

>> No.5190743

This is exactly what I was hoping for, thanks anon. I've played some paks with interesting custom models, in terms of new weapons, new enemies, and just doodads that go around the map to add detail, and I wanted to try my hand at the same.

>> No.5190762
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 1518037894604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190897

>tfw Quake and classic Fallout games are my favorite
Keep up the God's work, anon. I really hope you won't abandon this stuff and keep making more.

This is kinda unrelated, but I figured it might give you some inspiration - http://fallout-nevada.ucoz.ru/FChild.zip

>> No.5190775

So how long until the burtl crowd starts claiming they stole the idea from Mark? I've already seen someone claiming they took the flamethrower idea from BD (even though they work completely different).

>> No.5190780

Mark himself tried to promote the idea that Doom 4 "stole" from him and that they should've been paying him for his ideas they used.

>> No.5190784

Isn't BD's flamethrower just a regular one?
Because Eternal is meant to be on DG's left shoulder
You could say that the heavy cannon being a machinegun/sniper rifle hybrid resembles a weapon upgrade in Trailblazer or that some things like the meathook and sword resemble GMOTA
You could say the fire baron resembles that one black baron spriteset from most randomizers and Realm667
But you don't see anyone saying that because they only know one mod

>> No.5190793
File: 1.03 MB, 1280x1024, sariss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is really low poly going be be an aesthetic again?

>> No.5190796

Looks like the 'tower defence' map in DUMP3. Don't know what the weapon mod is.

>> No.5190803
Quoted by: >>5190813 >>5190961

DUSK is going with that.

>> No.5190806

I like that it takes place in a Mesoamerican setting. The rest is meh.

>> No.5190809
File: 81 KB, 950x534, Stamos-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already is.

The problem is that it's being done by posers with neither the artistic talent nor the funding to make proper use of it.

Today, 'low poly' means 1k tris and minimal texture work, because texturing is hard and takes skill, time and effort, but any idiot can slap together a vaguely human shape out of boxes.

Pic related, modern garbage.

>> No.5190813
File: 1021 KB, 1280x1024, JSHOT021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, I guess I'm talking more about the pre-skeleton days where body parts were all just basic shapes that sort of look like a single model when still.

>> No.5190818

It's either that or you get hideous shit out of this from games that claim to be inspired by 90s FPS.

>> No.5190819

I can count *one* person who nails the low-poly look, and sadly they turned out to be infected with massive /pol/io. Hopefully someone else can pick up the slack.

>> No.5190820
Quoted by: >>5190852

It bothers me that for as solid as DUSK is with its gameplay, the (admittedly very small) dev team opted for models so low-poly that i'm pretty sure Quake 1 has more polygons.

>> No.5190829
Quoted by: >>5190835

>I can count *one* person who nails the low-poly look, and sadly they turned out to be infected with massive /pol/io

Which Strife dialog script is this?

>> No.5190834
Quoted by: >>5191110

Who? Who actually gets that style? I don't give a fuck about their other opinions.

>> No.5190835 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5190845 >>5190853

Fuck off.

>> No.5190845

Bug off.

>> No.5190852
Quoted by: >>5190861 >>5190887

It's got the problem of artists coming at it with 'make it look old and crude' at the front of their minds, when they should have come at it with '256 colors, 800 polys, 128*256 texture' at the front of their mind.

>> No.5190853

>being this mad

>> No.5190857
Quoted by: >>5190863

I mean, I'll take that over flat shaded hipster trash any day.

>> No.5190861

Kind of depressing seeing shit look so much worse than it did back when those were the hard technological limitations, because back then people were working within those limitations to make something look decent, rather than trying to make something look like utter shit to say it looks older than it is.

>> No.5190862
File: 51 KB, 1200x442, DtJ755cU4AAsMzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190879 >>5193930


>> No.5190863
Quoted by: >>5190871

It's still some generic shooter that they've downscaled, stuck janky looking models in and thrown some awful filters on to say it's pixelized.

>> No.5190871 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 700x473, 1542257194237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190878

>Generic shooter
Oi that game doesn't look amazing but it plays like a classic FPS with some modern mechanics.

>> No.5190874

Well? Dish, sister.

>> No.5190878

He's referring to Proteus in the response chain, I believe.

>> No.5190879

hi, zanieon

>> No.5190882

I really like that games style. Regardless of it's claims to inspiration.

>> No.5190887

>800 polys
Woah buddy, what super computer do you have. We're not running this at NASA

>> No.5190897
Quoted by: >>5190905

I'm taking an actual 3D modeling course next year to improve my skills, it's just right now I'm working in the Quake engine, so polycounts have to be somewhat low and animation is done frame by frame instead of whatever they use in the modern era, bones or something else if we've past that point as well.

So many people make Doom mods here, it's wonderful inspiration to see what can be done with older engines, even if it is something as simple as a few weapon replacements, a new enemy, and a sleek looking map.

>> No.5190905

It's still bones, and various constraints, unless you're doing movies. Then you get muscle simulations and what not.
Some of that type of tech is being implemented in newer games (blend shapes and blend textures). It's kinda a meme game at this point, but check out Star Citizens behind the scenes stuff for some interesting videos on how they do stuff with facial animations, and what-have-you.

>> No.5190908
File: 1.49 MB, 1360x768, spasm0006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191042 >>5191558

Damn, this is one of the best Quake maps I've ever played. Retro Jam 6, MJB. The level design is really intricate and interesting, involving a lot of impossible geometry, swimming throguh freestanding walls, floors, & ceilings of water. And it looks beautiful too.

>> No.5190938

You can make mosaic art look good, hence why pixels can still be in vogue.
Can't say the same for low poly. 3D was seen as a revolutionary step in a journey to realism, and now that we've come as far as we have, the old doesn't look pretty the same way pixels did. Instead of a tapestry of color creatively assembled into a character, it comes across to us as some sort of stillborn attempt. It feels half baked, even when good effort is put into it. The antiquated nature of pixels acts as a benefit, as their construction and composition belies a sense of artistic competence and a sense of nostalgia. Old polys don't carry nostalgia for the past, but awkward loathing for it. It looks like an outdated version of something we now know in its near perfection, rather than something old and singular that we miss.

>> No.5190949


>> No.5190954
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x1024, JSHOT019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5190968

I mostly disagree, but that's because I play a lot of late 90s/End of PS1/N64 games. You often see a lot more in the way of texture work than you do nowadays, and in the case of games like the N64 Zeldas and Quake/Jedi Knight, a lot of effort going in to making the simple polygons look better than they should.

>> No.5190961

I love Dusk, but its graphics are bad even when compared to FPS circa-1996.

>> No.5190968
Quoted by: >>5190993

Disagree. There are plenty of low poly examples that shine, FF9 has some great low poly art. Both examples are working within a limitation, and low poly focuses more on efficient silhouette than anything, and then onto wrapping your mosaic around a form.
> You often see a lot more in the way of texture work than you do nowadays
You see a lot more put into the color map. Texturing now is multiple maps to achieve a different look in different environments... The amount of work is still up there, but spread out. There are better tools too, so they're not fighting limitations of the technology as much.

>> No.5190976

>So how long until the burtl crowd starts claiming they stole the idea from Mark?
That's been a thing since Doom 4. Even Mark was whining about how Id stole his ideas.

>> No.5190992
File: 674 KB, 1920x1080, PSOGL2_028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191590

Low poly only looks bad when it tries to be realistic. And even the ugly Jedi Knight models have some charm.

>> No.5190993
File: 735 KB, 1280x1024, JSHOT015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, I just wish shit was still simple enough that really good texture work could make something look a lot better than the shading ever could. Also, when are we gonna get big fuck off pixels as particles again.

>> No.5191030
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, 1514301052320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, that was short

>> No.5191042

I remember playing through that map as well in the egypt jam. It's a really creative use of water. I was slightly annoyed by some of the enemy placement combined with the sluggish movement being in water gives you. I still think it's an excellent use of Quake's limited water physics. Next time I play through a map jam I need to make note of all the gems I come across.

>> No.5191049
Quoted by: >>5191083 >>5191105

>they turned out to be infected with massive /pol/io
that's even better

>> No.5191083

Shhh, he'll get mad.

>> No.5191102

Please make a Fallout-mod in Quake.

>> No.5191105

Wonder if it's anyone we know.

>> No.5191108
Quoted by: >>5191160 >>5191275

Catmouth Island was made with N64-standards in mind. Characters were all under 300 triangles and the rest was made using as few triangles as possible, all using the same texture atlas and compressed animations with simple rigs. The only thing that made it about 50 mb in size was a lot of sound and music.

>> No.5191110

not him but i think devil daggers has a very strong low poly aesthetic. however it doesn't have level design which is a shame

>> No.5191126
File: 2.94 MB, 3168x4224, IMG_20160725_163457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191151

spotted this in the window of a tattoo parlor a few years back

>> No.5191150


>> No.5191151
Quoted by: >>5191167

He's not wrong.

>> No.5191160

does banjo, conker, perfect dark, etc look like that trash?

>> No.5191167

possibly the most correct sign i've ever seen in a window

>> No.5191184
Quoted by: >>5191224

Are there any mods that let me play with Blood weapons/enemies in Doom, but not the levels that everyone keeps trying to remake?

>> No.5191187
Quoted by: >>5191271

>n64 standards
>no texture filtering
>two-color textures on everything
>high resolution font

Yeah no.

That doesn't look anything like an N64 game whatsoever.

>> No.5191191

that's just doom3/quake4/prey

>> No.5191224
Quoted by: >>5191245

theres one called ultra crispy

>> No.5191245

That's really more of a "Blood-like" mod where the creator loosely compiled some Blood graphics and sounds with a lot of other things to also mix in Blood 2.

>> No.5191271
Quoted by: >>5191275

Who mentioned N64?

>> No.5191275
Quoted by: >>5191278 >>5191280

-> >>5191108

>> No.5191278
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 1517424368576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191283

now I'm not sure if that picture is the same game

>> No.5191280

Oh. I think he meant technical standards, not style.

>> No.5191283

Looking at screenshots it's definitely not.
Looks like Catmouth Island also has higher res textures though. The poly count looks within N64 limits.

>> No.5191353
File: 104 KB, 400x300, 1531882609883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191390 >>5191406

>download and install reshade to have that beautiful ssao in muh quake
>doesn't work
>well, at least I have ut2004
>doesn't work

>> No.5191390
Quoted by: >>5191391 >>5192112

>read this
>check utzone
darkest timeline

>> No.5191391
Quoted by: >>5191404 >>5191407

so many unreal mods lost to the echoes of time and abandoned hard drives

>> No.5191397

Lowpoly in q1/q2/q3 is beautiful

>> No.5191404

there is a guy in the Epic and Beyond forums (Carbon) who has a back up of all the shit that was produced for the game, he tried to share it but the torrent was hueg, I couldn't participate, I didn't have the space or the speed at the time

>> No.5191406
Quoted by: >>5191409

>in quake
stop this

>> No.5191407
File: 60 KB, 550x366, 1536172557452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5191409
File: 104 KB, 320x287, 1533865726600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5191410

I'm glad I don't care about unreal.

>> No.5191438


>> No.5191449
File: 69 KB, 640x400, chexquest-2-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5191562

beat this on super slimey yesterday and i feel fucking blessed
>godlike arts and environments(especially 2)
>level designs are tight as fuck
>weapons that feels great to use
>fucking spinning fork spoon

where can I find all the fanmade mods? I actually bought chex cereal for this shit

>> No.5191451
File: 358 KB, 462x368, what u doing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks ur path*

>> No.5191460

why? what did unreal do to you?

>> No.5191465
Quoted by: >>5191779

okay, where the hell are the last two secrets on the hub map, is it the two locked doors facing each other or are they actually locked with nothing behind them...

>> No.5191479
File: 1.14 MB, 1204x864, 1535032942507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5191510
Quoted by: >>5191517

Just play >brutal doom. It’s a bit fun

>> No.5191517


>> No.5191519

Final Doomer

>> No.5191546

Best heavy machine gun in any mod.

>> No.5191558

Your screenshot looks like a lot of walking. I don't like this.

>> No.5191562

There's a few maps and Chex Quest 3 (the official one) but that's mostly it, BD and Samsara/High Noon Drifter have monster replacers for them and there's a patch to play Doom mods in Chex but not much else.

>> No.5191582
File: 2.90 MB, 574x396, 1541451240488.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lowpoly thing

>> No.5191590

I can't think of any game from the 90's era which had textures this clean and high res. Also, that's far higher poly than most mid to late 90's 3D games

>> No.5191592

Well that's an emulated PS1 game. It was possible and still looked great, it's just the emulator's making it look way better than it really is.

>> No.5191596
Quoted by: >>5193764

Easiest way to date stuff like that is that UT99 was considered good looking for the time and that obviously came out towards the end of the 90s.

>> No.5191598
File: 14 KB, 208x241, 1522792983921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5192280

>when your 100 minutes map becomes countless hour passion project
Maybe some other project will want it

>> No.5191620
Quoted by: >>5191631

that would look awesome in quake
little mushroom dudes in the swamp punching rangers knees

>> No.5191631
Quoted by: >>5191635 >>5191707

Too wobbly, Quake models seem to be animated in a more rigid manner. Spawn are the closest probably, but even they aren't quite as gelatinous.

>> No.5191635
Quoted by: >>5192526

To elaborate, it DOES look good, and it IS a very fine looking and animated low-poly shroom-creature, but it just doesn't seem to be taken out of Quake to me.

>> No.5191663
Quoted by: >>5192252


i'm willing to sacrifice doomguy never being in smash if it saves us from the shit show of either of those other characters getting in.

>> No.5191697
File: 368 KB, 685x385, thunderstorm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you simulate a thunderstorm in?

I know we have the lightning effect from r667 but I'm wanting more ideas on how it's done. I can't imagine a way to do lightning rolling inside clouds hanging overhead for instance.

>> No.5191707

>Quake models seem to be animated in a more rigid manner.
Combination of archaiac tools, a 10 FPS animation rate that looks like shit for most models with interpolation because of the low precision those frames have to adhere to, and being basically the first fucking devs to make that jump to 3D in that form in the first place.

>> No.5191779
Quoted by: >>5191878

How often do you look up?

>> No.5191878
Quoted by: >>5191883

almost never, but i did manage to find the one in the library
4/5 maps feelsbadman

>> No.5191883
Quoted by: >>5191885

What secret maps have you found so far, then?

I hope I didn't hide the buttons TOO well.

>> No.5191885
Quoted by: >>5191890 >>5191892

bobby, the bathroom one, the goat one and the library one.

>> No.5191890
Quoted by: >>5191932

Ah, so you're missing the very first secret map.

Look behind the barrels.

>> No.5191892

nvm found it

>> No.5191932
Quoted by: >>5191935

i noticed a glitch with hub ladder btw, if you move off it quickly before you touch it, it lets you fly around the map

>> No.5191935
Quoted by: >>5191949

oh, it also lets you fly through all the maps LOL

>> No.5191949
Quoted by: >>5191953 >>5192093


>> No.5191953

it fits with the theme though, doomguy is a spoonky ghost

>> No.5191961
Quoted by: >>5191980 >>5192805

Since it seems to run mostly fine, here's a compatibility patch to run Doom mods with Strife, mostly without gamebreaking issues for most mods.

Little forewarning, if you use the weapon replacer, you'll probably want the sigil.pk3 or else later bosses can't be killed.

Also Doom stuff from shops and like one NPC drops at your feet, so you pick it up when you move. Kind of stuck that way till i can be arsed to use a better solution.

Also minor update to my other patches, mostly just minor fixes, ways to unfuck forced skill levels (specially for Hexen) and optional alternative shit just because.


>> No.5191973
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181201_214601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5193762

Does anybody know where I can find textures for a larger door than this? It's 128 in size.
For reference, here's an idea of how large that is.

I'm wanting a larger door for a larger monster to walk through.

>> No.5191980
File: 328 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Strife_20181201_115035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic fucking related because that's the one thing I forgot.

Also Space Hunter is fun.

>> No.5192093

i liked the secret ending btw
did you manage to re-create the glitch?

>> No.5192112

works on my machineâ„¢

>> No.5192149

>"Square up, nigga."

>> No.5192207
File: 5 KB, 64x128, RW31_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5192209

What is your favorite Doom texture and why is it pic related? You can use this bad boi on literally any map ever.

>> No.5192209
Quoted by: >>5192214

I associate that texture with a lot of Doom 2's less nice aesthetics, so I'm not in love with it.

I like the zimmer textures a lot though.

>> No.5192214
Quoted by: >>5192218

I associate it with rjspace, and it pairs well with your standard E1 textures

>> No.5192218
Quoted by: >>5192226

post screenies of rjspace

>> No.5192226
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20181201_094957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5192227 >>5192234

hello did you want more modwall than any one man can handle

>> No.5192227
Quoted by: >>5192232

any rjump maps since then other than rjumpextreme?

>> No.5192232
Quoted by: >>5192241

I haven't kept up with that stuff, but if they'd be anywhere, they'd be on the zdaemon forums
(so probably not)

>> No.5192234

Good thing NNN is over.

>> No.5192241
Quoted by: >>5192265

but rjumpextreme was made for skulltag only, so logically speaking any new ones should be on zandronum now.

>> No.5192252
Quoted by: >>5192271

A smasher should literally never talk shit about other fanbases, ever.

>> No.5192265

most RJ maps are for zdaemon though, and grognards are picky about their physics
the only three I can think of that used skulltag air physics were rjumpn, rjump2, and rjumpextreme; and rjumpn/rjump2 are kinda garbage

>> No.5192271 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>5192278

Why? The internet loves Smash, meanwhile the thought of bringing something like Undertale into it tends to give you weird looks and rejection to the point of being a meme, like making fake sans trailers. Even Undertale fans want nothing to do with the fanbase like Joel from Vinesauce, meanwhile he's perfectly content with the smash one in all their stupidity and weird character requests, because that is pennies in comparison to things like Undertale and Sonic fanbases.

>> No.5192278 [DELETED] 

>d00d... sonic and undertale fans are so weird and cringey.... lmao


>> No.5192280

You can always start again.

>> No.5192286
File: 25 KB, 500x424, 1523170492625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your 100 minutes entry becomes a 32 map megawad

>> No.5192293
Quoted by: >>5192295

The only way you could possibly make 32 maps in 100 minutes is with Oblige. If that is not the case, what is your secret?

>> No.5192295
Quoted by: >>5192382

my secret is that it stopped being a 100 minutes entry long ago

>> No.5192297

We're all counting on you, good luck.

>> No.5192301

once you pop you just can't stop

>> No.5192382

Based mapper.
How many maps so far, then?

>> No.5192443
File: 81 KB, 902x1400, Map compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5192468

Anyone else find it enormously satisfying comparing the complexity of your map at the outset vs when its nearly done? It's invigorating and sort of gives you the energy to make the final push to complete the level. Pic related.

>> No.5192468

I kind of get that satisfaction just with whatever mod stuff I do. Like using a simple graphic as a base and then frankensteining together something pretty nice.

>> No.5192526

Thanks. Im debating having it keyed at low fps, but i probably won't go as low as quake. It's for GZDoom anyways.

>> No.5192598

I tried messing with options and copying configs from previous versions - that didnt help.

>> No.5192613
Quoted by: >>5192624 >>5192631

It'd be funny if they modeled Doomguy's face and made it more faithfull than in QC.

>> No.5192624
Quoted by: >>5192664

>more faithfull than in QC.
So, take Q:C's model and just stretch it vertically a bit?

>> No.5192631
Quoted by: >>5192646

but it looks fine as is?

>> No.5192646
Quoted by: >>5192661

>Different color/tone of hair
>Eyes are brown
>Smaller ears
>Aspect ratio

>> No.5192661

those could be easily mended in like, less than 10 minutes. you don't need a complete rework for that.

>> No.5192664

I think such a task would end up a little more complicated than that. I wish SOMEONE would try and tackle such a task, though.
In the event that Doomguy would officially end up in Smash, I'd fucking kill myself.

>> No.5192668
Quoted by: >>5192681

doom wad idea: doomguy tries to be in smash by fighting against other characters that also want to be in

>> No.5192681
Quoted by: >>5192686 >>5192804

Then after winning, Sakurai still doesn't let him in because he has no idea who the fuck he is and just puts in whatever deranged bullshit he feels like adding, so Doomguy fucking kills him, takes his place, becomes the new God of the Smashverse, and nobody tries to stop him because they're too scared shitless to do so.

>> No.5192686

a-a-at least he mentioned carmack as "the father of fps" in an interview...
off to playstation all stars 2

>> No.5192779
File: 81 KB, 1080x1060, if9ptr3dso121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good universal mods /vr/?

>> No.5192791
File: 569 KB, 915x958, 1538542504913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i shit for suffering my through "thy flesh consumed"? i'm on perfect hatred

>> No.5192804
Quoted by: >>5193124

Doom 2016 is mainstream you know, it's very likely he knows who he is even if he never knew about the original game. He has also talked about FPS and John Carmack before anyway.

Also I didn't know that Ridley, K Rool and Simon were "deranged bullshit", or do other additions you don't like magically make those not count?

>> No.5192805


>> No.5192827


>> No.5192835
Quoted by: >>5192858

It's much more difficult than the first 3 episodes. Probably every first-time player felt the same.

>> No.5192858

Thy Flesh Consumed was made after Doom 2, and for the first two maps (Perfect Hatred especially) the mappers just went full asshole mode out of the gate. The rest of the episode is obnoxious but doable by comparison.

>> No.5192859


>> No.5192903
Quoted by: >>5192928

i like the concept of the ralsei mod but it'd like to see it with other characters

>> No.5192923
File: 104 KB, 604x865, 1523140501543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5192928
Quoted by: >>5193004

imp tan or hell knight dame follower~

>> No.5192932
File: 657 KB, 352x240, 1539161877477.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5192986


>> No.5192998

The first couple of maps of that episode are pretty cruel. It calms down a lot by the middle.

>> No.5193004

Those wouldn't be hard, you'd just rip the assets out and jam them in.

Hell you could probably have a version of the fire demon chick from High Noon Drifter.

>> No.5193010

How do I go about setting up Q1 for co-op?

>> No.5193018
File: 182 KB, 1000x809, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /vr/, could you guys please help me out this once. Recently I found videos of a work in progress Doom wad based on my favorite game, TormentorXPunisher. Though it was from a year ago and is clearly not in development anymore, I desperately want to find whatever version of the wad is out there but can't find it. If you can, could you atleast tell me who was making this? It would mean a lot to me. Videos: https://youtu.be/z2IY0gz5ynw and https://youtu.be/N5b-_oB5dDA

>> No.5193121
File: 2.52 MB, 1512x1576, 1531525490136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5193291

Have a merry christmas, /doom/

>> No.5193124
Quoted by: >>5193171

Don't forget that there's Doom 1 & 2 for gameboy and Doom 64.
All the games except Doom 3 and Final Doom are on Nintendo consoles.
So far Doomguy supprters seem to be the most chill.

>> No.5193171 [DELETED] 

Doom 64 is the only game on that list that matters.
Sony had the unique PSX Doom and Microsoft helped make the Doom 95 source port while also getting the only Doom 3 console port.
These mental gymnastics of thinking Doom is close enough to Nintendo to warrant inclusion is stupid. They aren't any closer than any other first party.
>but snake
Kojima was best buds with Sakurai. He had close ties.
>but cloud
While not appearing in any of the several Nintendo Final Fantasies, he's their main face nowadays. Ideally, it should have been Black Mage or something.
The Japanese give far more of a fuck about those two franchises than Doom. There isn't a single character on the roster that originates from a completely western franchise.
The only ones that come close are Diddy Kong and K. Rool, since they were Rare's idea, but the Donkey Kong franchise's origins are still Japanese.
It's not happening, and I don't WANT it to happen. If I could pay actual goddamn money to stop hearing and seeing this shit, I would.
I just want to see some neat Doom mods, god damn it. Shut the fuck up about that piece of shit Smash Bros. Shut the fuck up about Nintendo as a whole, while you're at it.
Those goddamn bloodsucking, backstabbing bastards. I hate them and their fanbase so fucking much.

>> No.5193178

holy shit you are so mad over something so completely unimportant

>> No.5193181 [DELETED] 
File: 420 KB, 1003x1205, the latter two are extremely common on -sthg-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a level 5! Repeat: Level 5!

>> No.5193183
File: 1.16 MB, 313x4096, butthurt comet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193291

Merry Christ-Doom-mas, hoping id does something for Doom's anniversary.

>> No.5193374
Quoted by: >>5193458 >>5193470

I'm playing Hideous Destructor and the manual says that there are reloading stuff on the stock of the liberator, I haven't yet figured out how to use it to melt down some zm66 magazines.
Is there a particular keybind for it?

>> No.5193383
Quoted by: >>5193384 >>5193490

When will DOOM have a GOBLIN SLAYER WAD?

>> No.5193384

when you make it.

>> No.5193421

Is there any reason newer versions of GZDoom would feel...different to play? I upgraded from 3.4.1 to try the new Nashgore and movement and aiming just felt wrong. Sluggish.

>> No.5193458
File: 2.46 MB, 2480x3507, _original_drawn_by_millimeter_927d81b5846f9d4dd062e4582924b64e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5193476 >>5193634

I think a new update lets you reload battle rifle cartridges manually, but in older versions this happened on level change.
If you have empty casings and loose caseless ammo in your inventory, it would reload them into loose battle rifle cartridges at some ratio of 3 loose caseless for every case or something.
Now it's manual and player controlled AFAIK so check the changelogs.

>> No.5193470
Quoted by: >>5193476

It happens automatically between levels when you have the Liberator, 7.76 brass, and loose 4.26 rounds. You can also do it manually mid-level in newer github versions by holding use and pressing unload with the Liberator.

>> No.5193476

Interesting, I'll try that out when I play again, thanks!

>> No.5193478
File: 1021 KB, 1360x768, spasm0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>map is technically over
>160/298 kills
>3/50 secrets
Jesus Christ, Sock.

>> No.5193490
File: 312 KB, 409x429, 1506486970003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goblin Slayer is trash

>> No.5193497
Quoted by: >>5193650 >>5193774

>not playing on nightmare

>> No.5193514
Quoted by: >>5193535

It's Saturday and no one has asked us what we're making.
What a god damned nightmare.

>> No.5193535
File: 239 KB, 800x600, saturday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5193595 >>5194287




>> No.5193595
File: 671 KB, 402x350, 1519298138243.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5194060

It was this

>> No.5193630
File: 24 KB, 275x270, anno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5193640 >>5193807

>mfw I just beat Quake

>> No.5193634

Isn't manual reloading part of an addon?

>> No.5193640

How underwhelmed were you by the ending?

>> No.5193643
File: 91 KB, 600x450, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simple style really reminds me of mega man legends

>> No.5193649

Anything else that captures that weird mix of Gothic Sci-fi Medieval Lovecraft that Quake 1 had? I don't care if it's more Quake, Doom wads or even Duke.

>> No.5193650

>nightmare ogre

>> No.5193704
Quoted by: >>5193758

anybody got the latest version of smooth doom? all the ones I find are old versions, unless I'm looking in the wrong places

>> No.5193719

Doom 2 just has some fucked level designs is all.

>> No.5193758

>Doom 3 > 2016

first try on google.

>> No.5193762
File: 453 KB, 1920x1776, 1524616596235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to make a door that looks like a cyberdemon would walk through it without having to duck his head.

>> No.5193764

Q3 was good looking from tech standpoint. UT'99 "good looks" were in its graphical style that worked really well for that kind of higher end of low poly, but from technical standpoint it was lagging behind.

>> No.5193774

Eh, I meant to play on hard but forgot to change the cfg file and realized too late. I'll have to replay it on skill 2 and find more secrets. Sucks that you you can't leave the exit room to explore more (unless that's a secret in itself I missed).

>> No.5193783

Ultimate Doom the way id Did released: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/67363-ultimate-doom-the-way-id-did-%E2%80%94-released/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-1940859

>> No.5193804
File: 387 KB, 1614x834, arch_texture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how exactly are you supposed to implement this texture into a map with an arch?

do you make a 3d arch and then use this texture repeatedly on each section of the arch and line it up?

>> No.5193807

What difficulty?

>> No.5193809
Quoted by: >>5193812

Yes. Or make a square, apply the texture, then clip the square until it matches the arch.

>> No.5193812
Quoted by: >>5193815

I'm sorry can you explain that?
clip the square?

>> No.5193815
Quoted by: >>5193817 >>5193818

what map editor are you using

>> No.5193817
Quoted by: >>5193818

oh, wait, are you using that texture in doom, hence why you had to specify 3d arch? can't help you at all, sorry, thought you meant mapping for quake (given that's a Q1 texture)
my mistake

>> No.5193818
Quoted by: >>5193842


doombuilder 2

>> No.5193840

>do you make a 3d arch and then use this texture repeatedly on each section of the arch and line it up?

>> No.5193842

Oh, but use GZDoombuilder

>> No.5193930

>insert joke about captain J's art here

>> No.5193962
Quoted by: >>5194114 >>5194310

You know what I think would be cool? Something like the DTWID series, but for 90's pwads, like the Memento Moris.

>> No.5193985


>> No.5194002

For Doom, people typically make the negative space tramsparent and use it as a midtexture.

>> No.5194060

That's really cool.

>> No.5194069


>> No.5194107

>50 secrets
That's quite excessive. Some of the largest doom 2 maps I've played don't even have half of that.

>> No.5194112
Quoted by: >>5194160 >>5194181

Bloodstained, Dimensions of the Boomed and UAC Ultra share a similar texture style (DotB literally uses Quake textures). Strife fits that visual style as well.

Outside of that, maybe find something Warhammer-ish in nature. The only other games that are similar I know of aren't retro. Painkiller feels and looks similar to quake, and Dishonored shares a similar theme, although it isn't really a FPS.

>> No.5194114

A fistful of maps when?

>> No.5194160

Strife fits the bill pretty much perfectly, a mix of sci-fi and medieval stuff with some lovecraftian cult sort of stuff thrown in on top.

>> No.5194181

Just remembered Strange Aeons should be on that list too.

>> No.5194186
File: 47 KB, 750x750, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mod of the year

>> No.5194206

one thing you might need to consider is the age of the clay models. they were j know to melt and deform under the lights while scanning and break apart while being posed. the original sculpt might have been slightly more detailed.
the latex models where much more resilient and were made by an experienced professional while adrian was primarily a 2d artist and was not intimately familiar with the techniques of clay character modelling

>> No.5194236

its popular on 3d modelling forums. polycount has contests for it iirc and people make loads of nice work.
the pic you chose is a horrible example of low poly art, the texture and poly density is so jarring

>> No.5194287
File: 543 KB, 1558x1585, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using Hexen 2 textures. I kinda regret it.

>> No.5194304

Seconding Bloodstain, it's got some great gothic locales to it.

>> No.5194310

That'd be cool as hell actually.

>> No.5194312

New thread.


The Dark Forces download was considered but apparently there's issues, so I'll leave it out until then.