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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 914x784, 1442781743985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11301838 No.11301838 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>11290838

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

DOOM Quickstart (IWADs etc): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
QUAKE Trilogy FAQ: https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU

DOOM Shovelware:
HALF-LIFE (GoldSrc) Anthology:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):

Assorted /vr/ shooters, mods, etc:


Vanilla/Boom: https://doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://doomworld.com/idgames/



FPS (Rolling schedule): http://clovr.xyz/
SRB2Kart: https://pastebin.com/gPdytB18




>> No.11301839
File: 2 KB, 497x255, 1727519930326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Vertex Relocation/ PHASE 2
IWAD : Doom 2 | Format : Boom
RULES AND CLAIMED SLOTS : https://pastebin.com/CrVTqGvr
BETA V4 : https://files.catbox.moe/s4aonf.wad

Fore/vr/ Alone

=== NEWS ===
[10-9] Tetanus DX released and the Tetanus texture set is now free to use

[10-6] International Doom 8.0 released

[10-5] Duake(Doom weapon in Quake) Released

[10-5] DBP68 Released

[10-5] Quake 2 PSX mod released for Kex Quake 2

[10-3] Dark Forces' Heart of the Matter released

[10-3] Update 1 for the Nightdive port is out

[10-1] Blood: What Lies Beneath has been released

[10-1] Eviternity 2 has gone final

[9-29] Fore/vr/ Alone is on idgames!

[9-28] Doom comic-inspired gameplay wad

[9-26] Hell Frontier megawad now has a release candidate

[9-26] Maria no Jigoku has been released

[9-24] Sandy interview on Doomworld

[9-23] Half-Life 1 pre-release build

[9-13] Monster Sounds EX, expanded Doom monster SFX

=== PREVIOUS ===
TO SUBMIT NEWS, REPLY TO THIS POST (ideally with the [mm-dd] date bracket)

>> No.11301850 [DELETED] 

> Not anymore. Anons don't like being told what to do by some discord outsider. It's not going in because of the sperg, nothing against the mod itself or the creator of course.

So you admit that this is a personal pettiness as opposed to objectivity? Ok that guy was definitely right then, despite being insane and/or retarded
Damn my opinion on this really changed from yesterday when it was just him being a psycho

>> No.11301853
File: 397 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11301858 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11301930

Not your call. The new pic will have enough space for it to fit. It's not getting any favoritism either, it'll just be another tile along with the others.
How are you gonna throw around "this is 4chan, gb2reddit" when you don't even know how to quote posts

>> No.11301859
File: 1 KB, 116x29, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well said.

>> No.11301880
File: 160 KB, 128x128, ubermutant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11301881 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11301883

Why do you keep pretending to be different people.

>> No.11301883 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11301885

Are you sure it's him, it looks like he got banned and wiped in the last thread

>> No.11301885 [DELETED] 

Dude pretty much admitted to ban evading a thread or two back.

>> No.11301891

Is Romero's Doom 2 wad coming out tomorrow, or is he going to wait for Doom 1's 31st? He hasn't shown anything for it as far as I can tell.

>> No.11301904

I wouldn't hold my breath. Sigil 2 was released less than a year ago. Realistically I'd expect Hellion's release on 2028.

>> No.11301913

Hasn't he done some making for it on stream, or was that only sigil 2?
One humanity was a map for his d2 project tho.

>> No.11301930 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11301971

If someone talks about Reddit like it's some arch enemy of /vr/, they sure are just visiting on this thread. Everyone who knows something about Doom, knows that r/doom is not our nemesis. It's just the retarded cousin of all Doom communities.

>> No.11301954
File: 779 KB, 640x960, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play mods fun cool
>revenant campaign
>hard half suck
>saw ass
>demons feels

>> No.11301963
File: 2.89 MB, 720x480, so here i huh.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11301982

Awesome idea. That’s also a pretty decent mug.
I’m trying to work on Unreal again or another DS run, but I can’t decide between Babel and HD monsters.
I’ve got a webm for that.

>> No.11301964
Quoted by: >>11301970

>revenant campaign
I'm getting an idea of a /vr/ project, where you play as a revenant.

t. ideas guy

>> No.11301970

>every time you die an archvile bro resurrects you

>> No.11301971 [DELETED] 

I mean, I sincerely hate r/Doom, they fucking disgust me, but I also almost never think about them at all either, they aren't a concern for me.

>> No.11301973 [DELETED] 

r/doom is just a fanart dump

>> No.11301975 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11301986

It's like being concerned about Doom1+2 steam forums or guides section.

>> No.11301980
File: 216 KB, 648x818, 1718549635782977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11302041

>MAP26: A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood? (1994 Tune-up Community Project)
Really starting to flag now.

>> No.11301982
Quoted by: >>11305487

I'm probably not gonna play them with this, but for some reason I was compelled to make them both playable on it anyway. Spent basically all of yesterday on it. A good portion of it was trying to figure out where and how I wanted to arrange the keys in sbarinfo.

>> No.11301986 [DELETED] 

Right? The plebe retards can stay where they are.

>> No.11301997
File: 23 KB, 320x200, 1681127089176690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw ass

>> No.11302009
Quoted by: >>11302407

Literalism is a weird wad. I get that community projects have varying quality, but never have I seen such a gaping amount of quality differences. Some of the maps would fit into same category with the best bunch of Eviternity maps and some are like joke maps out of Mock 2. I feel bad for the mappers who gave their best for this.

>> No.11302012
File: 114 KB, 1024x640, OH, BIG [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fy382e2.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11302041
File: 620 KB, 1440x1080, WETWORKED2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303758

Finally past it.

>> No.11302257
Quoted by: >>11302409

I don't know if this is an issue specific to Nugget, but sometimes in Ad Mortem when I'm holding fire on the SSG and it runs out of ammo, I just lose the ability to pull out weapons ever again.

>> No.11302261
File: 10 KB, 339x249, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sat here for like 5 minutes while stoned and watching someone map and i tried to explain a fight idea that popped into my head, and it involved me spending another 5 minutes drawing out what i was trying to explain before sending them this really scuffed diagram of what i was trying to say was a pendant shape

what i said instead?

>> No.11302385
File: 1.28 MB, 744x878, purgq2taunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11302407
Quoted by: >>11303414

As the creator of map 18, I apologize

>> No.11302409

That's weird. Try reporting it in the release thread and hope Vaeros sees it? I don't know for sure but he seems like he's gonna do the last stuff on it this Halloween.

>> No.11302420
Quoted by: >>11302589

Seems more like an invitation to me.

>> No.11302510
File: 193 KB, 640x480, Chainfist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11302573

Is it only useful against guards? I managed to kill a gladiator with it in melee but it doesn't seem like it has a lot of stopping power.

>> No.11302531
File: 54 KB, 900x600, essence-of-elzar-still1-900w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11305440

chef elzar?

>> No.11302573

Yeah, it’s not too crazy through the original GZ. I think mods like Citadel give it a damage boost, and KexQuake2 makes it still hitstun enemies even on hard+.

>> No.11302589

it's a Russian taunt

>> No.11302612
File: 25 KB, 363x355, Just Ranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11302672

Are the pak files for the original game and the mission packs (SoA/DoE) from Kex-Quake compatible with source ports?
I've noticed so far that I haven't come across any enemies missing, and that seems pretty nice.
Model link?
That's Outer Base, isn't it?

>> No.11302635
File: 3.25 MB, 3840x2160, Wolfenstein 3D_ Spear of Destiny _ Floor 18 _ PC Gameplay 4K 6-3 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the most intimidating boss, especially with how fast he sprints at you.

>> No.11302672
File: 3.26 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not many places still host the model, I see it on tastyspleen's model lis,. Though that one is pretty bare bones. I just zipped up the model, a few skins and the sounds I have for her and tossed the file on catbox for you.


>> No.11302691
Quoted by: >>11302707

some of you guys are alright, don't go to mars tomorrow

>> No.11302707
File: 333 KB, 1080x1080, Doctor Malcom Betruger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, they'll get their product.

>> No.11302724
File: 48 KB, 500x378, 1723070973443740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really enjoying TNT: Evilution. I think I only ever played Plutonia in the past, but this is great.

>> No.11302746
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x2204, so you want to play some fucking srb2k v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for Wednesday Night Wipeout!
Come play some SRB2Kart!

How to join (The short and easy way):
Download the All-in-one repack: https://mega.nz/file/N3kwhCDL#lRuLVeECG3pB_gJWhUZo1Zhp7agcBPYjhlR3ZJKf5n4
Extract it to its own folder (NOT the desktop or program files)
Run "SRB2Kart-Neptune (Connect to vrkart).bat" and wait for any missing files to download in-game
DO NOT run "srb2kart.exe" and expect to be able to join the server.
If you don't have a 64-bit machine/OS for whatever reason: Copy the contents of the 32-bit folder into the main folder

How to join (The longer and harder way):
Download version 1.6 of the game: https://github.com/STJr/Kart-Public/releases/download/v1.6/srb2kart-v16-Installer.exe
Get the custom client we use: https://github.com/NepDisk/srb2k-neptune/releases/tag/Neptune2.3
Get the mods: https://mega.nz/folder/MiUiESSa#CyovwTUnO9TSmqbwMI1xBg
Connect to (either use connect in console or "specify ipv4 address" under Multiplayer)

We also have a Mumble server!
Address: (same as the game server)
Port: default
Password: endoom

>I heard this game supports proximity chat, are we using that?

Pro tips: https://pastebin.com/YV6biqxq
(This is out of date and written for a different server, but it still has a lot of useful information.)

Recent Changes:
Added BigO Maps v4.0
New sounds for Dominations

>> No.11302750

>dat technology
>no hair-loss fix
>no eye fix

>> No.11303040
File: 1.54 MB, 819x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303048

>> No.11303048

An uncanny feline, I fear him.

>> No.11303135

What's your favorite spooky mod? HL, Doom, Quake, Blood, anything

>> No.11303138

>When you play Doom 3 OG version on minimum settings.

>> No.11303148

Legacy Of Suffering, Unloved, Unloved 2, Cold As Hell, Happy Time Circus and Happy Time Circus and Soundless Mound are all very cool. I usually prefer boom/vanilla stuff, but these are great wads.

>> No.11303150

The HL mod where you beat the shit out of zombies with a rolled up umbrella.

>> No.11303169
File: 53 KB, 1150x1100, rolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are so many damn megawads now. The amount of megawads is just too damn high. It's more fun to just watch them on youtube instead of playing them.

>> No.11303239
Quoted by: >>11303289

There's no reason to play all of them, just check out the ones you think you would enjoy playing.

>> No.11303285

Oh yeah please oversaturate my bandwidth yeah that's the stuff

>> No.11303289

No, they should stop making megawads so I can catch up

>> No.11303306
Quoted by: >>11303308

this but videogames

>> No.11303308

Seeking out new things constantly is gay, and the sign of a simple mind. I prefer to obsess over a small group of things I consider perfect and squeeze every last bit of depth and knowledge from them that I can.

>> No.11303313

Anon you're just describing autism-based hyper-fixations

>> No.11303317
File: 58 KB, 320x200, batman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has never been topped

>> No.11303327
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1708860998002184.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303330
File: 580 KB, 1920x1200, 28102019009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see no problem with this. Nothing good ever came from men who didn't obsess over small things.

>> No.11303332
File: 463 KB, 1280x720, F64hV1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303808

Are there any other mods similar to Aphrodite? Basically just a neat reskin for Doomguy so the vanilla gameplay remains 100% unchanged.
I like all the cool characters that usually come along with gameplay mods, but I quickly go back to vanilla after playing them for a few minutes. This is the perfect middle ground for me.

>> No.11303363

I never said there was a problem with it, I do take a problem with
>Seeking out new things constantly is gay
Just sounds really sheltered

>> No.11303380


>> No.11303392

You don't have seek new wads. You find them without even seeking if you stay in touch with the community.

>> No.11303395

There's insane amount of very good wads and especially megawads released this year. Just found Road To Hades, Hispanic Community Project and Dominus Diabolicus. All of them very enjoyable stuff.

>> No.11303412
File: 20 KB, 220x116, 1715483389099086.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303438

oh shit ggs

>> No.11303414

It's not even the worst map. It's actually kind of funny.

>> No.11303416
File: 56 KB, 720x889, 1727907702194075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303427
File: 192 KB, 1024x1249, whenitsdetroittime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303438

what did you FREAKS do to my robot

>> No.11303498
File: 40 KB, 648x405, wolfenstein3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exploit this image.

>> No.11303503
Quoted by: >>11303515

Hard mode: no tranny edits

>> No.11303509
File: 37 KB, 601x304, 1541635948607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303515
File: 57 KB, 648x405, 1542522088301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303519
File: 75 KB, 648x405, 1542282205135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't limit yourselves to just object labeling though

>> No.11303524
File: 41 KB, 648x404, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303531

ah man I fucked up by putting the shine on that "a" too low.

>> No.11303535

>trust nobody, not even yourself

>> No.11303538
File: 20 KB, 648x405, lookoutbj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303553
File: 71 KB, 648x405, minimal-effort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303563
File: 170 KB, 708x650, 1000010896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were to learn Quake duel all over again, how would you do it?

>> No.11303570

You just plan a route that coincides with all the important pick ups respawning

>> No.11303585

Could've sworn there was a cornucopia behind too

>> No.11303605
File: 58 KB, 640x400, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11303609

Map21 Nirvana

>> No.11303635
File: 211 KB, 648x405, mutantambush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303643


>> No.11303643

How am I just now figuring out they're holding meat cleavers?

>> No.11303756
File: 80 KB, 648x405, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303795


>> No.11303758

This map was kickass. Fletcher` is a really good mapper.

>> No.11303795

wow, it's literally me

>> No.11303797
File: 52 KB, 648x405, anti-chinese warrior.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11303869


>> No.11303808
Quoted by: >>11303894

Skel made OHM, it started off life as just a reskin but got some neat additions along the way.


I might take a crack at making something like those myself. Won't be as polished but it'll definitely be an option.

>> No.11303816 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, 1728495671926265m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oh neat, this HROT game looks like a cute Quake clone, set in fantastic versions of real Czech locations
> "you might want to check out the final boss though"
> it's le epic Putin on le bear
Why are butthurtbelters like this?

>> No.11303869


>> No.11303894

It's pretty sad that she got somebody complaining that she's not doing enough Decorate-based mods in the comment section of this

The sort of dehacked renaissance period we've been getting has been really cool.

>> No.11303903

When id24 gets implemented on source ports, you can expect dozens of dehacked weapon mods.

>> No.11303948
Quoted by: >>11304013

That's a big fucking "when" since it's not even feature complete on it's flagship port.

>> No.11304009
Quoted by: >>11305573

Yeah, while I do sorta miss that era of Skelegant I can't say Aphrodite, Typhon 2, Black Magwell, OHM and even Eraser Weapons are boring or not bringing enough to the table. It seems like she really found her calling with dehacked and I'm all for it, I'm happy I got her interested in it while I was working on Eraser desu.

Eh, I doubt it. While Doom Tools is nice, having to compile your decohack into a dehacked file through is just something of an entry barrier for some reason and GZ still reigns supreme when it comes to modsding even if a good chunk of the mods coming out for it these days are just soulless zscript tech demos.

If WhackEd4 does get proper support for MBF21's dehacked features, which Gez seems interested in, we might see more of these pop off. What the other anon asked for was just a graphics patch and you hardly need anything of the sort to make one.

>> No.11304013

Woof developer is already implementing the weapon parts of it.

>> No.11304018

More weapon and ammo types is what has me most excited about id24. If only it could keep track of an ammo type different to the one you have active. That would allow for custom inventories.

>> No.11304095
File: 58 KB, 648x405, dungeon_master3d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11304148


>> No.11304162

>I am an artist. An Escape Artist

>> No.11304170

>not putting Billy's head on the guard
so close to greatness

>> No.11304626
File: 23 KB, 648x405, 1702328022301201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11304649

>Oh jeez, I'm 33 now! Where did I put my dentures? What's that? I'm a little deaf in this ear...

Doomguy is presumably in his 20s right? Mid-late 20s maybe? BJ as well probably?

>> No.11304676


>> No.11304716
Quoted by: >>11304725

I haven't played HD in a while, when did they remove the bible passages from the powerups?

>> No.11304725
Quoted by: >>11304727

When they were reworked into shield generators instead of holy protection.

>> No.11304727
Quoted by: >>11304785

Ah fair
Could have sworn the megaspheres had them as well
Whatever, it was a minor detail

>> No.11304785

That's because megaspheres have always simply been a soulsphere + armor bonus (in the really old days, free black armor; then spiritual armor when that was implemented; now a shield core).

>> No.11304797

1. Some people were talking about amc squad here and I decided to check it. I am now stuck at the dracula castle stage underwater section, I have no idea where to go or what to do. I simply run out of air in the water and I been through the castle like 10 times already and can't seem to find anything to help
2. Does build have an iddt equivalent or anything to help finding secrets on the map?

>> No.11304814
Quoted by: >>11304883

your life is practically over once you hit 30, the world belongs to teenagers and people full of youth (20's.)

>> No.11304883

No. Your 30s are just when people realize the clock's ticking and start to cut the things from their lives that are asinine or trivial, if they haven't already been doing so. That and a 30-whatever is at the perfect blend of life-experience-and-a-youthful-enough-body to be a very efficient human being. BUT THAT'S NOT ABOUT RETRO FPS, IS IT?

Oh, wait. IT IS. DooM is in its 30's. Doom in 2024 has so much content. All that...experience...from...living more than 3 decades...sounds kinda good, don't it?

>> No.11305112

The whispering in Ad Mortem is driving me insane

>> No.11305123

Those are the imps in the wall.

>> No.11305179

Maybe it's bias from it being a 4chan production, but I swear that two of the words in that ambience are sneed and chuck.

>> No.11305245

As somone soon turning 33, I can confirm that this is 100% accurate.

>> No.11305328

i keep getting an intermission bug where the fade effect glitches out and everything gets fucked and nothing displays
what do
lzdoom btw

>> No.11305342


To anyone who's into Shut Up and Bleed, Potetobloke reuploaded a bunch of his weapon add-ons for it.


>> No.11305398
Quoted by: >>11305456

That's because it's some shitty ass freesounds crap instead of pulling it from some horror game - Penumbra has a really nice whispering ambient that appears often through the story
Still, it's not that important to the wad so I get why no one bothered

>> No.11305402
File: 757 KB, 1680x1050, shot004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11305485

Doing a 64 map in case we ever get that project
It's a pretty fun engine

>> No.11305428
File: 3.65 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20241010_163918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310592

New version of MAP16: Suburban Heat Island, by aan. Hopefully this is a little less obtuse and more easily navigable. Please let me know what you guys think of the changes, and if anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears.


>> No.11305440


>> No.11305443

What wad is this?

>> No.11305456

ASMR in general just irritates the hell out of me

>> No.11305457

Project Horror for Doom

>> No.11305462

Does such a thing as Doom 64: Maps Only version exists?
I want to play the levels with default or custom Doom PC weapons, items, and monsters. I can live without the
Unmaker. Maybe I would keep the Mother Demon.

>> No.11305463

I liked the beavis and butthead bit on it

>> No.11305485

I still find it incredible that at now we have an official pc doom64 iwad and that we can make pwads for it.

>> No.11305487

Looks like Hellforged with Heretic and Hexen.
This might be what you're looking for? There's a version of PSX Doom there that's stripped down as well.

>> No.11305491
Quoted by: >>11305578

Doom 64 for Doom II. The OG monsters are all the same except the motherdemon (who replaces the spiderdemon) and the nightmare imp (I think he replaces the Icon of Sin or the SS soldier).

>> No.11305493
Quoted by: >>11305578

Well there is Doom 64 For Doom 2 megawad. Since it's for vanilla there is no Unmaker and maps are in bit different slots, but it does have Nightmare Imp and Mother Demon.

>> No.11305494

For the most part, I'd rather listen to or watch such stuff instead of either content farm videos, or Zgroom forums.

>> No.11305573
Quoted by: >>11305656

>having to compile your decohack into a dehacked file through is just something of an entry barrier for some reason
I think the bigger barrier is that it's still DeHacked and that DeHacked simply still sucks even when you add a few more things to it and remove the frame and thing limits.

>> No.11305578

Thank you /vr/others, going to check on those.

>> No.11305583
Quoted by: >>11305585

wdym? there's no whispering in ad mortem

>> No.11305585
File: 3.08 MB, 602x394, 1634668058096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this to me

>> No.11305592

Do what?

>> No.11305595
File: 202 KB, 451x294, yiJpAZW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of Doom 64
[10-10] Doom 64 Unseen Evil released, adds missing enemies and 64-ifies Doom 1 and 2 levels

>> No.11305601

BJ looks like Captain Murphy from Sealab.

>> No.11305607
File: 43 KB, 818x827, masturbating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11305609
Quoted by: >>11305654

>making the shotgun lever-action
I love it when mods do this.

>> No.11305614

But seriously though, what did Danny actually win?

>> No.11305615

Russ Meyer obsessed over big things, and he made boob kino. Therefore you're wrong. q.e.d.

>> No.11305618
Quoted by: >>11305637

>whispering = ASMR
I won't call you a retard, despite you certainly deserving it, but I advise you to get off the internet now and actually touch grass.

>> No.11305621

Yep. Playable with the Semi-Universal Raven Patch but for Hexen I copied over the stuff from High Noon Drifter because I think it does it better.

>> No.11305637
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>> No.11305643

That's coold but I feel they didn't go far enough in making the Doom 2 monsters in the 64 style.

>> No.11305645

this is sick

>> No.11305654
File: 873 KB, 260x184, therifleman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11306667

Lever-action is underrated in general.
Fast, simple, can keep the gun against your shoulder while your supporting hand holds the front of it steady (unlike with pump-action), and if you have a large lever loop you can flip-cock it, which looks badass.

>> No.11305656
File: 199 KB, 648x818, 1728493764283760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think Dehacked sucks you just don't know how to use it and/or have not used anything but GZ.

>> No.11305661

>not used anything but GZ.
This must be at least like 3/4 of doom players now. I saw some comment on Suplice steam page about it not having jumping like Brutal Doom.

>> No.11305668

I have used it, and it does suck. The fact that DecoHack exists is a gigantic admission that DeHacked is shit because it's prefaced with a pseudo-Decorate front just to make sense of it.

DeHacked should never have been developed further, it should only have stayed at strictly the vanilla level, so that a sensible coding language could have been used for mid-level ports instead, which could perhaps be a stripped down Decorate (and I don't mean DecoHack), or something else entirely.
Behind the scenes, DeHacked is a bunch of retarded Rube Goldberg bullshit, where trying to add to it is massively fucking bothersome, hence why devs groan about trying to add more features to it.

>> No.11305669

Supplice is a fucking GzDoom mod, why doesn't it have jumping?

>> No.11305671

I assume the devs didn't design the maps with jumping in mind, so it was probably disabled.

>> No.11305672

Because GZDoom has the commercial license but they wanted to make something like a limit-removing megawad like BTSX, Eviternity etc from that era.

>> No.11305679

I don't mind what port people use but I think I'll never make anything for GZ, honestly. Zandronum, sure, but not GZ. Too many idiots use it and think everything else is worthless.

By the way, if you feel like being silly you can cockblock GZtards by putting a scrolling texture special before a switch.

Cry about it. Go back Brutal HDoom MyHouse Warfare, tourist.

>> No.11305682

Dehacked is cool and there's cool wads that use it. Decorate and zscript are cool and there's cool wads/mods that use them. Stop trying to stir up this gzdoom vs the world shit again. I use nugget/woof for vanilla/boom/mbf wads and gzdoom for gzdoom wads and mods. Just like I use zandronum, legacy or eternity for some stuff that is made for them. All ports are good.

>> No.11305684
Quoted by: >>11305709

Good post.

So out of curiosity, what have you made thus far?

>> No.11305686

Not him, but MyHouse from the listed is actually good. Sure it lured some retards to play Doom, but not as much as br00tal d00m.

>> No.11305695
Quoted by: >>11305720

Was dehacked ever meant to be edited by hand? Decohack is great because it allows you to make dehacked stuff without needing to worry about any sort of UI.

>> No.11305703

Online Multiplayer for Wolfenstein 3D would be sick.
Thanks for reminding me that I still gotta play Quake.
>Whispering = ASMR
Are you retarded anon? Go touch grass and fuck off.
I'm not the anon you are bitching at but I have never made a mod before so how the fuck do I know about making Dehacked shit?
I reserve jumping for mods that make use of it like Treasure Tech.

>> No.11305709

For bigger stuff, Eraser. It's a Boom compatible single level partial conversion, think Maskim Xul but less technically impressive and also inspired by Blame! in various ways.

I got some smaller stuff on the backburner, sometimes I post them here for feedback. Current projects are an episode made for Sun Damage Omen and a Decohack mod where you play as a pissed off skeleton.

Long term project right now is an MBF21 survival horror total conversion inspired by Signalis but with no horny lesbian gommunism bullshit. That one's just a pile of concepts at the moment.

MyHouse is fine, really. It got me to start mapping for good.

You all look the same and reading post IDs is usually not necessary. Sometimes I fuck up.

>> No.11305720
Quoted by: >>11305730

It was never meant to be edited with hand. There were dos based editors from the start. "Dehacked bad" anon is certified retard for trying notepad the shit out of dehacked. That's like trying to make a map by writing hex code.

>> No.11305723

I'm not even espousing GzDoom here, you cocksucking fuckhead. God, you're retarded.

>Dehacked is cool and there's cool wads that use it.
Yes, but they exist in spite of it. Batman Doom is a master crafted TC because they figured out how to do all that wild and inventive shit with just DeHacked.

My argument here is NOT that GzDoom and Decorate is better than DeHacked, and should be used instead. My argument that we shouldn't have to fucking do any of this DeHacked shit just to do a mod or TC, that there should be another option BESIDES GzDoom if you want something more advanced.
MBF21 sort of does this for us, and you can do a lot cool things with it, but it still has DeHacked's shitty baggage attached to it, which means getting new arguments and features for it is like pulling teeth.
What if I want to add alternate attacks to weapons? What if I want to make the Berserk pack affect the fists in more ways than it currently can? What if I want to make Berserk affect all the weapons, or make separate powerups which affect different weapons in different ways? What if I want to add new weapons or ammo types? I cannot do any of that shit with DeHacked, and good luck asking devs to add any of that to DeHacked.

ID24 promises to allow for SOME of these things, but not all, and it's an unfinished hunk of shit which only a single dev is willing to tinker with currently. ID24 going for more DeHacked is a gigantic mistake which puts more roadblocks into leaving DeHacked alone and having a true universal coding format for modding.

>> No.11305729

>Yes, but they exist in spite of it. Batman Doom is a master crafted TC because they figured out how to do all that wild and inventive shit with just DeHacked.
So? Everything only exists in spite of something else. Limitations breed creativity.

>> No.11305730

That's not the point, NOBODY has ever read or written DeHacked straight, it's that DeHacked is a limited dead end which should have stayed vanilla.

>> No.11305734
Quoted by: >>11305764

Yah the difference is one's a postmodern David Lynch type horror while the other 2 listed are a power fantasy and just shock value

>> No.11305735

Assembly is a limited dead end, we should ditch it completely. Compiliers are only a bandaid fix.

>> No.11305737
Quoted by: >>11305740

This is a retarded analogy because assembly isn't a pile of shitty gross hacks which people are asking devs to add more features to.

>> No.11305738
Quoted by: >>11305743

Humans are a limited dead end, embrace the incoming robot revolution

>> No.11305740

If it works, it works.

>> No.11305743
File: 90 KB, 576x380, arti_rampancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like something a robot would say.

>> No.11305746

>What if I want to add alternate attacks to weapons?
You use GZ.

>What if I want to make the Berserk pack affect the fists in more ways than it currently can?
You use GZ.

>What if I want to make Berserk affect all the weapons, or make separate powerups which affect different weapons in different ways?
You use GZ.

>What if I want to add new weapons or ammo types?
You use GZ.

Blame this on ZDoom and its family winning the port race. It set the standard and now everyone and their mother uses it and expects its features to be present in other ports. Decohack not being so full of fancy tricks makes it better because it forces you not to be an idiot and actually come up with new ways to do things.

>DeHacked is a limited dead end which should have stayed vanilla.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, little clucker-sucker. The same has been said of Decorate, ACS and Zscript by a lot of mouthbreathers, you're just another one.

>> No.11305747

It's not like mbf21 and id24 are end of dehacked, it will get developed and some day you might be able to make Quad Damage with it. Id24 will get finished eventually and it's still made by same guys as mbf21 minus kraf, so it will get finished "unofficially" even if it didn't get finished for kex port. Id24 has custom weapons, ammo types and huds. Basically then you can do alt attack by having the weapon in two slots. And if you don't want use gzdoom or dehacked, there is still eternity and it's edf code. It's like you are looking for reasons to complain even though there is none.

>> No.11305748

You could use Zandronum for all that stuff you answered too. Unless you file that under GZ as well, I always personally consider Zandronum to be ZDoom rather than GZdoom, given how behind the times it is.

>> No.11305749
Quoted by: >>11305751

Being able to keep track of and manipulate a different ammo type would allow for custom powerups to be created. That is just about all I can think of to realistically add to ID24. Alt fires would be nice, but less likely because that would require control settings to be changed.

>> No.11305751
Quoted by: >>11305756

Custom huds allow you to keep track of all custom ammo types you create.

>> No.11305752

I don't, it's because a lot of these types are also the ones to say Zandro's not worth using because it's old and outdated (read: doesn't support ZScript).

Zandro's pretty cool. Learning how to make a mod in Decohack made me want to make one for Zandro too, nothing crazy, just a nice weapon set.

>> No.11305753

>You use GZ.
FUCK that.

>Decohack not being so full of fancy tricks makes it better because it forces you not to be an idiot and actually come up with new ways to do things
Or not doing things at all, because it can't do them,

>Whatever helps you sleep at night, little clucker-sucker.
You really are retarded and cannot read.

>It's not like mbf21 and id24 are end of dehacked
Alright, ask all the devs besides Fabian to add ID24 support, and while you're at it, ask them to add more bounce types, or the ability to make proper ceiling mounted enemies.
Or alternate attacks.

>> No.11305754
Quoted by: >>11305774

sooo this is you then? >>11305679

>> No.11305756

I meant being able to check, add, or remove custom ammo types for unrelated weapons. (I think) That's not something ID24 will support. Making a custom HUD isn't the issue.
It would also allow for demon keys and similar items to make nonlinear weapon upgrades.

>> No.11305757

I've used Zandronum for quite awhile, though I regret it in some ways as I usually run into a weird roadblock or two that bars me from using a simple solution to a problem I have, usually a single flag or extra function that Zandy lacks.

Tangling with online Zandronum is a totally separate engine too and a constant source of ball-aches. I don't know how people pull that shit off because even after all of my efforts, there's still a lot of oddities and visual glitches in my mods when played online. It pisses me off.

>> No.11305764
Quoted by: >>11305770

It's alright.
I always thought it felt like a Goosebumps book made for Doom players.

>> No.11305765
Quoted by: >>11305774

Zandybam doesn't even work with UMAPINFO and they refused to even update their Decorate from its old incomplete 2010s state.

>> No.11305768
Quoted by: >>11305775

Woof and Nugget are confirmed to get id24 support. That's all I need. You can request new features when mbf27 or something like that comes.

>> No.11305769

Yes, Zandronum is fucking bullshit, the only reason it has any userbase at all is because it's the only way to have anything GzDoom-like but with non-shit multiplayer.

>> No.11305770
Quoted by: >>11305778

I think the creator confirmed that it's inspired by House Of Leaves.

>> No.11305774

Sure is me. It's (mostly) banter, I just hate seeing people treat other forms of modding like they can't be used for making good shit too.

At best I'd make it SP-focused and if someone else wants to tangle that, they're welcome to. Hell, making something for Zandro sounds fun on its own now that I know how Decorate (sort of) works.

UMAPINFO isn't universal is just like an old tired joke at this point. I don't really care about what features this or that port has, if I can make something cool for it I'm happy.

>> No.11305775

Is Nugget confirmed to get it? I know it's a Woof fork, but he could just ignore those commits.

>> No.11305776
Quoted by: >>11305783

>I just hate seeing people treat other forms of modding like they can't be used for making good shit too.
Where did I ever say that?

>> No.11305778

He never confirmed anything because he's pulling a Kikiyama, but it's extremely obvious. It namedrops Navidson, highlights every instance of house in blue text like the book, and even has a soft-remake of the actual maze from the book.

>> No.11305779
Quoted by: >>11305784

I like to play Zandro's invasion mods in single player. Good old mindless fun. Those Quake 3 style single player campaigns against bots are good fun also.

>> No.11305781
Quoted by: >>11305786

Every multiplayer-centric port sucks.

>> No.11305783
Quoted by: >>11305787

It was definitely aimed at the fucknugget saying Dehacked sucks.

>> No.11305784
Quoted by: >>11305792

They are (because they were originally made for Skulltag), but they would be even better if the Decorate was at the very least complete so that those fucking things could be played with all kinds of amazing Decorate mods which are out there.

>> No.11305786

Odamex is good. It's like Woof but with slopes and multiplayer.

>> No.11305787

How can you struggle so much with reading comprehension? Have you been diagnosed for dyslexia?

>> No.11305789

>UMAPINFO isn't universal is just like an old tired joke at this point.
It's more universal than UDMF.

>> No.11305792

Well some invasion mods have been attached with some gameplay mods like Complex Doom Invasion. It's very fucking fun invasion mod btw.

>> No.11305794
File: 420 KB, 1000x1104, 1699151091964599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant check at the moment,does anyone knows if this also converts TNT/plutonia textures?


>> No.11305798

Prolly not.

>> No.11305809

Maybe seek therapy instead of deciding to lash out at random anons as a band-aid fix for your mental episodes

>> No.11305847

anybody got actinia rc3 on hand?

>> No.11305848 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11305886

It's here

>> No.11305849

nvm it's in the op

>> No.11305859

Daily reminder that it did take 15 years for zdoom to add custom power-up effects that you describing to decorate. Skulltag did the custom power-up effects first.

It's actually incredible that you can do now more with dehacked than you could do with decorate at 2004. I wonder how evolved boom derived ports are 20 years from now on. We might eventually have demo compatible udmf maps with slopes and even some light acs.

>> No.11305873
Quoted by: >>11305880

>I wonder how evolved boom derived ports are 20 years from now on
I imagine it'll be like how advanced DSDA, Woof, Nugget, etc would feel to a Doom player in 2004

>> No.11305874
Quoted by: >>11305883

DSDA already has some limited UDMF support.

>> No.11305880

>wtf not only there are no 3D models, there even no 3D floors, the fuck is this shit, whatever I'm sticking with Doom Legacy, splitscreen is bitchin'

>> No.11305882

>NOBODY has ever read or written DeHacked straight
Do you really think that the OG DeHackEd tool just materialized out of the aether, and that the dev(s?) didn't learn to trace code pointers in Doom manually in order to map them to program functions?

>> No.11305883

Yea, but very limited. You could probably play Herian with it? But not anything else atm. It might stay very limited too, if kraf stops developing dsda after getting banned.

>> No.11305886
Quoted by: >>11305892

>Fore/vr/ Alone still listed as a beta
Looks like it's time for an update. B)

>> No.11305892

Seems like the maintainer got bored, the sam and shadow warrior projects are still there when they're super-dead

>> No.11305893
Quoted by: >>11305931

Saying nobody has ever done it is an obvious exaggeration.

>> No.11305894

You are right, but not a single mapper has ever used dehacked manually on their wads. Earliest tools for using dehacked were already made on 1994.

>> No.11305931
Quoted by: >>11305961

Have you ever tried reading a DeHacked patch? Much less tried to write one directly? The very most you can realistically do is to change the names of levels and set PAR times, when it gets to modifying any behaviors it's an incomprehensible list of entries with precious little context attached.

It's hyperbole, but it's effectively true.

Yes, those tools were made so that people would never have to directly hack the .exe themselves.

>> No.11305948

very slowly

>> No.11305961
Quoted by: >>11305982

>it's effectively true
Yeah, it's very uncommon for anyone to bother trying to write out a dehacked patch by hand. But I'm sure it's been done before.

>> No.11305970
File: 1.08 MB, 511x393, 1625204848523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11306247

>easily readable and writable code format for weapons, monsters, items, objects, and effects
>features like state jumps based on various values like inventory, distance, health values
>different kinds of bounce types which aren't shit
>being able to make ceiling mounted enemies which actually stay put up in the ceiling
>being able to flag some actors so that they are purely cosmetic and don't fuck with the gameplay (for effects)
>being able to define the players and whatever weapons you want from the ground up, and defining ammo types and new powerups and weapon modifiers
>being able to define the status bar from the ground up (in a sensible way, not in an SBARINFO way)
>a better UMAPINFO which can support more things which regular MAPINFO already does

GzDoom can do these things, but GzDoom has no demos (that matter, anyway), and it has more demanding system specs. I ain't asking for any ZScript shit here, and my hope would be some actual good multiplayer support some day, which GzDoom will never ever have.

>> No.11305980
Quoted by: >>11305998

All this dehacked talk got me wanting to look up some stuff people have done, and this seems like a fun boss monster.
Shame about the infighting, but I'm sure that's fixable with MBF21.

>> No.11305982
Quoted by: >>11305987

It would be pointless. There is nothing to gain. Not even respect. It's like trying complete the first episode with keyboard by using your ballsack instead of your fingers. It would take time, and nobody would applaud you. Instead everyone would just think, why?

>> No.11305987

It could be done for very small things. It's easier to load up Notepad than it is Whacked. And when I say small, I mean like just changing the health of something.

>> No.11305997
Quoted by: >>11306004

>but not a single mapper has ever used dehacked manually on their wads
Making absolute statements like that pretty much guarantees you'll be slightly, (dare I say, negligibly) wrong. "Judgement" is a 34 level megawad made by Rayzik which contains extensive mbf21 modification. At about the 39:48 mark of this video he explains how he wrote all the dehacked using notepad:

As someone who really likes dehacked and has used it extensively, I'll say I like it <i>because</i> it sucks. No one would design a system like it if it weren't conceptually descended from a glorified hex editor running in dos, not even the more advanced versions like mbf21. The only important benefit beyond sucking is greater port compatibility.

>> No.11305998

Avactor has those flying spider masterminds that shoot bfg balls. Bfg enemies are quite fun to fight. There should be more of them in wads.

>> No.11306004

Well that's new info for me. I like Judgment. It has the most fun melee weapon that anyone has ever done with dehacked.

>> No.11306012

I still can't believe he did 1 again for sigil 2. sigil was great but he squeezed that bestiary bone dry.

>> No.11306017

Doom community seems to think UV is the "default" and then the lower difficulties just have less monsters or more ammo/health so its believed you have to play a wad on UV to get the "true experience" but is that actually true? If you look at E1 the shotgun is a secret in m1 and in the open in m2 but if you play on harder difficulties you can just get them off of Shotgunners in the first level. Same with Doom 2. It feels more like id made the levels on easy mode first to fit continuous play and only then added harder setups for UV.

>> No.11306024

It actually varies. John Romero for instance designed with HMP as a base, then altered for the other skill levels.

>> No.11306025
Quoted by: >>11306964

People default to UV because they want to experience everything the map has. It's easy to feel like you're getting "less" when you're on HMP or lower.

>> No.11306031

Ribbiks notably does this too, UV is the newgame+

>> No.11306036

People don't use custom map hazards enough in Doom. Hurt floors are cool, but fireball throwers are even cooler.

>> No.11306041 [SPOILER] 
File: 755 KB, 1920x1080, doom_1993_cover_pc_wallpaper_by_doomguyz1_dfangcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished Ad Mortem
finished Unrattled

which /vr/ wad should i play next?

>> No.11306042
Quoted by: >>11306046

400 minutes of /vr/'s alright, very short maps too

>> No.11306043

400 Minutes

>> No.11306046
Quoted by: >>11306050

Short maps, but a lot of them. That project had a really good turnout.

>> No.11306047

is this ai?

>> No.11306050
Quoted by: >>11306053

I remember anon's chart saying it took 14 days to develop start to finish too, feels like one huge freak accident allowed it to happen the way it did, especially when you consider Duke Nukem Forever got leaked by the end of its dev time so if it started any later it would have taken a hit

>> No.11306051

some of those weird orange humans in that pic only have 4 fingers baka

>> No.11306052

crooked magazine gives it away

>> No.11306053
Quoted by: >>11306057

All because 94 Protons was running late.

>> No.11306057
Quoted by: >>11306062

And still is. gg no re

>> No.11306062
Quoted by: >>11306065

We'll all look like revenants when it releases.

>> No.11306065
Quoted by: >>11306095

Fun fact, if you don't have "rest in peace" written on your tombstone, you're involuntarily drafted to fight in the great skeleton wars

>> No.11306095
File: 79 KB, 485x769, cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11306157
File: 140 KB, 679x852, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11306291

the ride never ends

>> No.11306164

are there any good western wads besides A Fistful of Doom and The Magnificent Five?

>> No.11306186
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, sadlark8_2024-10-10_20-39-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads, been playing Arcane Dimensions with the shotgun pellets...........I kinda like it. Forgive me padre for I have sinned.

>> No.11306192

2048 units of vr is pretty good, played co-op with a bud and had a blast

>> No.11306219

Similarly Mouldy has said he balances HMP as the fun difficulty and UV and on as the unreasonably difficult ones.

>> No.11306220

I also like the pellets, but mostly because that's about the only thing you can do to make the Quake shotguns *feel* more powerful without actually buffing their damage and throwing off balance. It sorta adds a more physical presence to them I suppose.

>> No.11306247

>I ain't asking for any ZScript shit here
You should be. Prising ZS out of the ZDoom family and getting the wider array of ports able to comprehend it it a far more worthwhile use of anybody's time than building MBF947: Now with "invert specific screen quadrant" function.

>> No.11306260

Somebody's done another of them Doom 3 in Doom 2 wads, except this time it's like 4 gig of fucking textures.

>> No.11306291


>> No.11306308

I thought this would be actually Doom 3 in Doom 2 but it's more like "What if id made Doom 3 in the 1990s" type thing.

>> No.11306354 [DELETED] 

Striker mobility nerf when? It's clearly artificially fast offroad.

>> No.11306364
Quoted by: >>11306990

My dream source port:
>limit removing and Client-Server multiplayer out of the box
>ridiculously powerful in-game console (might even include a text editor you can use to create and save "functions")
>console commands can do all sorts of things, including some very low level engine functions such as moving a specific actor, reading a lump, using variables, or in-game map manipulation.
>obviously, a lot of those commands are "cheats" so you can't do that in multiplayer most of the time.
>However, because these commands are very powerful, they can be used as a scripting language for modding.
>The same way some commands are "cheats" other commands can only be used by players directly to avoid malicious mods (such as changing a player's name or controls).
> because features are implemented at such low level, it doesn't have some very advanced features other ports have, but they can be modded in, so it could potentially support anything by doing so.

>> No.11306369
File: 91 KB, 648x406, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11306380

what do you guys think of the WolfenDoom wad series, are these worth playing?

>> No.11306427

I hope they release a Maps Only version.

>> No.11306437
Quoted by: >>11306450

Nigga, Dehacked, and there is no ground for discussion, and everyone but e-peen retards who think using Dehacked gives them clout (just like the "hurr durr pistol starting is the only true way" tards) agrees that Dehacked is absolute fucking shite. People only put up with it because
a) they're used to it
b) because it's been around for a million years
c) it allows "modding" stuff within vanilla limits (the most important point here)

Going by your logic I could also say that if you say GZDoom sucks it's because you are too retarded to understand ZScript and/or ACS and/or UDMF.

t. has done everything from vanilla/dehacked to zscript/udmf

>> No.11306449
Quoted by: >>11307036

i wouldnt. singleplayer is way better, and quake 3 is better for multi.

>> No.11306450

>t. has done everything from vanilla/dehacked to zscript/udmf
Same, and mostly agree.
Just want to add that working within dehacked limits is also just kinda fun. Like playing an older less featured game.
If you want to get shit done tho, yeah don't use dehacked. It's kind stupid. Stupid like a fox.

>> No.11306462
File: 826 KB, 1920x1080, nugget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Fellas! I'm a big DOOM fan playing these games for the very first time. So far they're all working fine in GZ and Zandronum but I was trying Nugget out of curiosity and half of my wads won't even load (SIGIL and SIGIL2) or have serious graphical bugs.
Only DOOM and DOOM II are working OK. Is Nugget just a meme or am I doing something wrong? Are there any extra steps to set it up correctly?

>> No.11306485
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x2716, kapa-doom-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11306537

any written ultimate doom builder guides i can learn while at work?

>> No.11306519

>Quake 3
I tried playing Quake Live years on steam and in my first match everyone on my team was dead except me for some reason and they were spectating me and called me a gimp. Never tried it again.

>> No.11306524
Quoted by: >>11307580

Looks like you're loading Doom 1 wads with Doom 2 as the IWAD. In Chex Quest's case, it's actually its own IWAD and shouldn't be loaded with either Doom 1 or 2. Use a launcher or batch files to specify the right IWAD with the -iwad command line argument.

>> No.11306537
Quoted by: >>11306542



>> No.11306542
File: 2.81 MB, 374x374, cat-missile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

many thanks

>> No.11306556
File: 49 KB, 648x405, 1542105380906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11306667
File: 57 KB, 480x693, Burgess Folding Shotgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is that it's a wrist pump but shit because it needs more space to move.

>> No.11306675
Quoted by: >>11306746

Oh yeah? Well I'll give YOU a wrist pump.

>> No.11306715
Quoted by: >>11306738

That Burgess shotgun is cool, but the wrist pump it has exists entirely because the conventional pump slide we see on shotguns now was new and still patented at the time, the design has a lot of disadvantages over a lever-action. There's good reasons nobody else did that.

>> No.11306724
File: 6 KB, 259x195, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a big DOOM fan
>playing these games for the first time

>> No.11306738
Quoted by: >>11306746

It's more because a fore-end pump would have to separate when folded, which is a recipe for failures.

>> No.11306746

Most Burgess shotguns were not folding, I don't know if that was ever a plan in the first place.

If he's not taking it, I'm interested.

>> No.11306751

He could've started with the modern games, like I did.

>> No.11306964
Quoted by: >>11307119

Why not simply balance through resource placement? The monster encounters don’t need to change. Where there’s a mega sphere and some health packs on HNTR, there’s only a mega sphere on HMP, and on UV it’s a soul sphere.

>> No.11306980
Quoted by: >>11307121

>GzDoom mod
No, it's a game

>> No.11306990

Good luck with the development, anon.

>> No.11307017

Ever heard of love at first sight?

>> No.11307036
File: 65 KB, 716x557, 1000010906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's duel then I'm down for any Quake.

How come? isn't 4 greater than 3?

>> No.11307091
Quoted by: >>11309053

Seems most/all like them, and I sympathize because I’m one of the few who accepts Copper’s balance ideas. It feels like gibs come easier with pellets as well. If you play Mjolnir you can enable them with the same command from AD: impulse 130

>> No.11307119

Same thing. You get the training wheels encounter instead of the real thing.

>> No.11307121
Quoted by: >>11307147

It's a GzDoom mod.

>> No.11307147

That’s kind of like considering Hexen and Heretic more as “Doom mods” and not individual titles, especially since they also don’t require original Doom files to play.
As far as this thread is concerned, that’s where I’d draw the line between something like a “mod” and “game”.

>> No.11307230
File: 197 KB, 1280x668, Image236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know the dude has issues when he's hiding stuff like this in his mod.

>> No.11307252


>> No.11307373

what the hell?

>> No.11307419

Everything I saw in the trailer posted earlier was enough of a red flag, I guess this is the icing on top.

>> No.11307441
File: 43 KB, 442x330, 1541547083267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11307442


>> No.11307458

You don't like maps filled with square rooms?

>> No.11307465
Quoted by: >>11308020

>How come? isn't 4 greater than 3?
Vanilla, sure, I'm a big fan of sliding myself, but he probably meant CPMA, which makes it harder to say.
Also, Q4Max isn't a substitution for a proper multiplayer source port and could use further tweaks. Considering that making one is in a realm of possibility now, as there are several projects that marry Q4SDK with Doom 3 codebase, there's no excuse for not having one.

>> No.11307472

It gave me Doomslayer Chronicles vibes (and not in a good way), and having played some of it, it's like it has decent ideas in the maps but dogshit execution.

>> No.11307504
File: 5 KB, 636x103, 11-38-03 Doom Slayer Chronicles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doomslayer Chronicles
oh no no no
but seriously I agree. It just has that look of the maker having really bad taste. Kind of like those Unreal engine survival games on steam made by one guy and they think it will sell more than Core Keeper because it's 3D!

>> No.11307541

Another clueless newbie gzdoom wad. At least we have dsDoom3, Rising and that DBP for all Doom 3 in Doom 2 needs.

>> No.11307558
File: 265 KB, 640x395, wolf33dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11307562


>> No.11307560

There are just so many gzdoom maps that have level design of mediocre/bad 1995 wad with the only exception being the addition of dynamic lights, slopes, high res rextures, room over room and imported 3d models. Of course there are some good maps too, but generally I tend to stay out gzdoom maps that have not received cacoward/runner-up/honorable mention, because that usually means that they are not worth even trying. DavidN's maps howerer are good even though they have not received attention cacowards: Keeper Of The Seven Keys, Ascent Of Titan, Phobian Odyssey. He at least knows how to make good gameplay.

>> No.11307562
Quoted by: >>11307574



>> No.11307574

It'd have to be a weird ass sidescroller like that Serious Sam game.

>> No.11307580

Thanks, that was the problem, now I'm using shortcuts with the -iwad and the -file parameters and SIGIL 1 & 2 are working fine. Chex 3 still crashes like a mofo. Fuck Nugget, I'll be sticking to GZ and enjoy some motherfucking DOOM.

>> No.11307590

Chex Quest 3 is a Zdoom wad, so it's not going to work in Nugget unless you're using this version:

>> No.11307596

I don't know if dump ever got any awards but Dump3(at least the levels I played) was pretty nice and it's all udmf. Not all levels in that set use any features of usmf but some of them do and it's usually refreshing, like that bouncy castle map, or the quake one.

>> No.11307602

I'm having 4 separate woof folders for all different iwads myself. It saves me lot of time.

>> No.11307603
Quoted by: >>11307727

Oh I forgot the dump series. They are quite fun, and worth playing imo. Sure they are mostly newbie maps, but that's the point this time, so it works. Have you played ramp series? I haven't because the amount of maps terrifies me.

>> No.11307607

>DavidN's maps howerer are good even though they have not received attention
Few people can tolerate the bitter furfag long enough to even give them a look.
Kinsie's map from Dump 3 is pretty fucking great.

>> No.11307610 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 170x170, imagine the smell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are there so many gross troons in the doom community?

>> No.11307618 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11307626

kf is that way

>> No.11307626 [DELETED] 

wtf is kf you gross troon
how many troon faggots in this general?

>> No.11307630 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 805x631, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11307848

The average person playing a crusty old FPS game like DOOM is probably on the spectrum, if not a nostalgic boomer.

>> No.11307640 [DELETED] 

I don't care and neither should you. Only thing makes me respect a member of community is the fact that they contribute and make quality content. I have no need to give plus or minus points based on their race, gender, sexual orientation or hobbies. It would be boring as fuck. If you don't make quality content, you have less value to me than some of those trans mappers.

>> No.11307646 [DELETED] 
File: 2.18 MB, 498x498, windows1os-commercial.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11307648 [DELETED] 

spotted a troon

>> No.11307649 [DELETED] 

you should care you stupid zoomer. Troons are degenerate pedophiles, every last one of them. They are all fucking perverts. I know you think you're all special and altruistic for accepting them but really you're just a stupid oversocialised fucking idiot.

>> No.11307654 [DELETED] 

Same as with coders. Autism gone wrong.

>> No.11307656 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 216x520, 1591777710792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.11307657
File: 375 KB, 1920x1080, Fucking Strogg Spiders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personal, the asshole enemy.

if Q4MAX had come earlier, Q4 would had been saved

>> No.11307662 [DELETED] 

Straight, white, male, christian and proud. Sorry to dissappoint you. Unironically you might be one, closeted, since you obsess over them so much, and care about mappers' personal life drama which is in fact a femine trait. When I play Abscission, I think that it is quite cool dtwid like wad, not mapper's genitals since I'm not homosexual.

>> No.11307667 [DELETED] 

ok troon

>> No.11307668 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11307673

I'm not accepting or not accepting, I'm just not thinking about, because it does not interest me. Homosexuality is not my personal problem, so I have no need or longing to think homosexual things. If you think all day about trans sexuals, you are a pervert yourself. Good thing is that, I won't judge your perversions either. If you make great Doom content, I respect you too.

>> No.11307670 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11307683

trying too hard, should have thrown in conservative and rural

>> No.11307673 [DELETED] 

ok troon

>> No.11307683 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11307689

I'm not american. Being white straight christian guy is not weird thing here. My country does not have lot of trans sexuals, so we don't "oppose" them by wanking off to them. We simply don't think about them, as we don't think any sheep fuckers or shit eaters either. We think women and our hobbies like healthy men do. This is of course weird for american who masturbates to gay porn to "fight the left".

>> No.11307689 [DELETED] 

>Grammar suddenly shifts to a shitty approximation of an ESL despite not being present in any previous posts
more and more embarrassing with every post mate

>> No.11307693
File: 169 KB, 1000x700, SSG attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice derail.

I'm too busy trying to make the flashes light the gun properly, i really have no clue how to make them and I keep running into the wall trying to do it.

>> No.11307695
File: 3.28 MB, 2574x1652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broke: mapping to make a Quake level
woke: mapping to make comfy houses

>> No.11307712
Quoted by: >>11307715

It can't be as bad as the Parasites or GZ's Stalkers, right?
>t. Hasn't played the PS1 version.

>> No.11307715
Quoted by: >>11307748

He spawns Stalkers, and his Railgun Shots are pinpoint, and he is tanky

>> No.11307716
File: 772 KB, 1920x1080, doom2-vr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to pic related, I get that it's forbidden knowledge but my curiosity is too much. Did it ever get finished / updated since 2016? My inner data hoarder needs the answer since it's rare and will probably only get rarer.

>> No.11307727

>Have you played ramp series? I haven't because the amount of maps terrifies me.
Never tried it, I guess the number of maps wouldn't bother me because you can just choose which ones to play, it's a variety pack
I heard it's got some schizo's maps that a lot of people were talking about here

>> No.11307735 [DELETED] 

Fuck off tourists. If you didn't make a map better than some axewound psycho I don't give a fuck what you think I should do, this is a doom thread - make maps, discuss/shitpost old fps games or shut up. I don't want any e-drama faggotry in here

>> No.11307739 [DELETED] 

coomers vs trooners

the final battle

>> No.11307741
File: 69 KB, 350x361, Ohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way, Same energy with that fucking face of his.

>> No.11307748
Quoted by: >>11307802

>Railgun shots are pinpoint
Evil. Challenge accepted, hope it’s not too bullshit. Can they be juked like Mission 64 gladiator shots?

>> No.11307794
Quoted by: >>11307843

I saw Open Fortress has an official crossover map with Tomb Fetus and I thought "oh it's finally out?" but it turns out it was supposed to release in 2023 then got delayed to 2024 which we're nearing the end of and it's still not out

>> No.11307802
File: 2.71 MB, 1920x1080, shot010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11307805

this grinning motherfucker can tank rocket launcher shots to the face and even play on your mistakes

>> No.11307805

Frankly though, just give me more Q2 maps with them as enemies, even Oblivion with them and the Tonk if someone remakes that model.

>> No.11307814
File: 77 KB, 700x466, 14476932555210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DeHacked's shitty baggage
It's not DeHacked shitty baggage. It's Doom shitty baggage. The only good thing Doom has is simplicity of mapping for it. For everything else - it's easier and better to just code a new engine that will support everything from scratch without any gay OOP shit. Just a simple set of Game Maker - type rules which you can substitute with a simple and easy to learn progressive code.

>> No.11307821 [DELETED] 

Kiwi Farms is down the hall, third door on the right.

>> No.11307836
Quoted by: >>11307850

>one of the computers is a burning pile of rubble
What happened?

>> No.11307843
File: 40 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11307848 [DELETED] 

>implying autism is the only reason that people become afflicted with GID.

>> No.11307850
Quoted by: >>11307861

Angry 90s apple fan.

>> No.11307861


>> No.11307909

Hard disagree, my guy. This is clearly Cacoward material.

>> No.11307920

Damn they are going even harder than we are on it

>> No.11307926
Quoted by: >>11308956

>11 years in the making
>Is full of dated gameplay AND culture
Damn we got a Duke Nukem Forever on our hands here lol

>> No.11307927
File: 86 KB, 489x307, ss_e06510713446d9768a0e943d29818a8e33eb424a.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody's selling a fork of Odamex bundled with FreeDoom on Steam, lol.

>> No.11307947
Quoted by: >>11308063

>2: The original images does have the panties out, which was not really what was looked for. the pants were added in photoshop, look at Crash Portrait for the origin of the pants.
Man the OP talking about such retarded subject matter in a customer service voice completely sincerely is hilarious to me

>> No.11307981

not updated. breaks most mods you pair with it. this wad is purely for the novelty of columbine

someone needs to make a proper shooter drill megawad with different locations and such

maybe this was already done and i am a pleb?

>> No.11307986
Quoted by: >>11308025

precisely how sketchy is this

>> No.11307987

should we report this on steam? i dont fully understand the situation but I assume this guy is selling something that isnt his

>> No.11308020
Quoted by: >>11308049

nope. i never said anything about cpma. im talking about QUAKE 3 ARENA. and QUAKE 3 REVOLUTION. and QUAKE ARENA ARCADE.

>> No.11308025

Legally it's probably fine, you can sell Freedoom, I assume Odamex is GPL as well or some shit, apparently they're promising to post the source changes though I'm doubtful on that.

Shit's probably just slimy more than illegal.

>> No.11308031

>obvious AI description
are they even trying? i like the UI tho. looks comfy. "Doom battle zone" sounds like something you'd read in the program of a 90s dwango rip-off.

>> No.11308036
Quoted by: >>11308169

Third worlders do this shit all of the time with other FOSS software. Hard to call them scammers when it's normally legal, but it is taking advantage of retard naivete.

>> No.11308049

Then you are objectively wrong and it's worse than Q1, Q2, Q4 and QL for multiplayer.
CPMA is what makes Q3 really good.

>> No.11308063
Quoted by: >>11308067

The part where he's accusing the players of being a sissy for using the character he added in and then hid is hilarious.

Also he fucking lifted the artwork for that shit from Tumblr too, lol.

>> No.11308067

What if it's all a joke

>> No.11308081
File: 330 KB, 590x797, 7WyrJzI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga is selling Doom 3 soap

>> No.11308089

I hope that's the health bonus.

>> No.11308096

>45 kromer

>> No.11308126

Cacodemon soap works great. It keeps those balls fresh all day long.

>> No.11308136
Quoted by: >>11308138

how do i get am_cheat 2 working trough launch parameters?
i type am_cheat 2 and nothing happens
i do -am_cheat 2 and nothing happens
the wiki makes it sound like you have to prefix it with -iddt but that also does nothing
i just want to see the monsters in the automap

>> No.11308138
Quoted by: >>11308146

how about +am_cheat 2

>> No.11308146
Quoted by: >>11308149

it worked but theres a bunch of random actors buzzing around like flies nonstop around my character
maybe its the mod im using (redspiral93)

>> No.11308149

Happens with a lot of mods that use shit like that for effects.

>> No.11308169
Quoted by: >>11308971

Were there any "sleazy but legal" situations related to the thread or board and what's generally the reaction to this. My brain is too sleep-deprived to really think of something right now, but logical answer for me right now seems to be "generally people throw shit in the direction of the one being sleazy, but some might try justifying it like 'the other party is worse' or some shit like it.

>> No.11308171

you know looking at how customizable the automap seems to be i dont get why that hotline uac guy didnt just do the mod on the automap, i was surprised to see sprites for all actors on it the first time i tried it and that minimap mod even lets you see projectiles

>> No.11308181

the salt balance has to be just right, so the best fat for making soap comes from demons

>> No.11308190
File: 1.72 MB, 3000x3000, 1728685042621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel guy
>port doom

>> No.11308194
File: 81 KB, 640x400, tomenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11308207


>> No.11308207

>Tom and the Jerries

>> No.11308249
Quoted by: >>11308265

>FUCK that.

>> No.11308265
Quoted by: >>11308368

He might just not want to use GZ, it's a valid enough. Shame he has to post like a crazy person about it.

>> No.11308280

Who's playing Zugnaex tonight

>> No.11308340
Quoted by: >>11308346

there. I overworked it

>> No.11308346
File: 16 KB, 648x406, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11308358

forgot pic

>> No.11308358
Quoted by: >>11308390

>hiding gold bars all over your castle
>I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.11308368

I wonder if he'd be more into it if someone told him to use Eternity, Edge, Vavoom or any other "advanced" port that likely has what he wants.

>> No.11308390
File: 34 KB, 251x338, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11308546
File: 74 KB, 617x649, 1688905345600895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons here familiar with mbf21 mapping that can tell me examples of interesting stuff you can do with it?
I'm making a shitty beginner map and I'm not quite getting what I can do with the format.
I've made UDMF maps before and I enjoy the freedom zdoom gives, but mbf21 seems to just be doom format with extra line specials?
Maybe it's something to do with decorate or dehacked, idk.

>> No.11308563

MBF21 also has some extra sector effect specials.

>> No.11308582
Quoted by: >>11310713

>I'm hired by people to sabotage Nazi plans...
>Deep. Dark. Nazi plans.

>> No.11308584

So I checked the mbf21 spec and it seems like outside of generalized sector effects and a few scroller linedef effects that mbf21 is mostly for people doing hyper specific decohack stuff?
So if I, a dogshit mapper, just want to make a map with some linedef/sector bells and whistles then there's no real reason to use mbf21 outside of specific ports being used?
Like you would just use boom or udmf or something if you were after specifically mapping features?

>> No.11308620
Quoted by: >>11308640

Pretty much. Unless you really want linedefs that block only land monsters or sectors that instakill monsters.

>> No.11308640

makes sense. I was originally only using the format for a community project on a different board that fell through so I'll probably just go back to udmf and try to figure out how to use the stair tool properly. Seeing "auto curve" in the options for that tool was like witnessing man discover fire

>> No.11308742
Quoted by: >>11308816

It's just Boom 2, really. Some people like it, some people don't, nothing else to it.

I like it, UDMF never really stuck with me because it has way too many options I never justify using and I make simpler maps anyway. I can bang out a good Boom/limit removing map in two days, UDMF takes upwards of a week.

>> No.11308756
Quoted by: >>11308778

best rpg mod?

>> No.11308778
Quoted by: >>11308789

basically makes a doom wad play like E.Y.E where you can replay levels and grind if you want to. If you really want to you could play multiple wads with the same character save
I haven't tried it with any monster replacer except colorful hell where it becomes a DBZ shitfest of red/white/black demons that deal hundreds of damage just for standing in the same zipcode vs. your regenerating 1000 HP shield by map 30

obviously it's not perfect, the "energy" stat from doomrpg feels useless because energy points regenerate too slowly for active abilities to be useful, but it adds more progression to DRLA than finding assembly kits and an indestructable armor

>> No.11308789

sounds fun. i'll give it a try

>> No.11308816

>2days to a week
Anon senpai, how do I learn this power of not taking fucking forever to make a map?

>> No.11308820


>> No.11308823

i hear coke helps

>> No.11308838

Put on your earbuds, choose some music you like, close every other program and just start laying down lines as fast as you can. You can always fix and adjust things later of course and the maps probably won't be very long, but aim for a 6 map long WAD.

Most of my last maps have been made while listening to maidcore. If you want recommendations:
>Yakui the Maid
>Chikoi the Maid
>Takai the Maid

Don't forget that mapping is a skill. Try your best long enough and you'll get good, anon kouhai.

>> No.11308863
File: 327 KB, 540x419, D69gHevWwAAhi7K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11308886
File: 300 KB, 1100x619, caffeine my beloved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MBF21 as a map format is Boom/MBF but with some well needed additional features and bugfixes. It also has a DeHacked where they added some more functions and you don't have to hack up existing monsters and frames, you can just create new actors, new frames, new sounds, and everything that already exists can be intact.

Like the other dudes say, prescription crank pills and caffeine.
Choose a texture set if you want to, think of some maps you enjoyed playing and how you can learn from their gameplay concepts, put on some music you like, and get motherfucking grinding.

>> No.11308894
Quoted by: >>11309764

>not using instant coffee and just dumping 4x as much of it into the cup

>> No.11308898
File: 265 KB, 422x482, disdain cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4gb for THIS shit

>> No.11308909

Is Serious Sam allowed here

>> No.11308910
Quoted by: >>11308926

Always has been, it's listed in the OP now

>> No.11308913
Quoted by: >>11308916

>wide dark maze with nothing in it
ah, my favorite

>> No.11308916
Quoted by: >>11309086

Yeah, that nigga's real cool.

It gets better, the light starts blinking on and off.

>> No.11308917


>> No.11308918
Quoted by: >>11308947

ed wood is such a great movie

>> No.11308926
File: 76 KB, 203x286, harpyfun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's great to hear!

>> No.11308932
Quoted by: >>11308953

Sam probably has some of the best starting equipment compared to the rest of the classic FPS heroes:
>Knife does as much damage as a super shotgun blast, swings fast, good reach
>Schofield is pinpoint accurate, good fire rate, infinite ammo, sounds cool, and can be dual wielded.

>> No.11308943

Can't wait for the next one in another 11 years.

>> No.11308947

>i need all the transexuals and transvestites i can get!!

>> No.11308953
Quoted by: >>11308958

The revolver is good on paper, but its slow-ass firing rate sucks, even when you're dual wielding them.

>> No.11308956
File: 45 KB, 458x620, 1528816400767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 Gigabytes for maps which looks like it's from the "I have the trial version of DeepSEA" school of level design
>supposed AI generated content
>much of the filesize comes from gigantic .flac music files
>secret "Sissy Doomguy" playable character
>author has his own website where he has random generic sales templates for completely unrelated crap

>> No.11308958

I think it's just right. Obviously you wouldn't want to use even a pair of them with big hoardes. But for what it is, I think it's excellent: It's a reliable enough gun/pair of guns to help pick off ranged targets or wear down bigger lads, but you're still gonna want heavier firepower for bigger lads or big groups.
I'm just a sucker for the reload sounds.

>> No.11308961
Quoted by: >>11308965

>In Mono (outside of D_AMPIE), there exists what appears to be 2 more additional copies of all 36 of your music files, prefixed with either an L or an R designating which stereo channel it was derived from, also in lossless flac.
What the FUCK?
>Verification not required.

>> No.11308965
File: 38 KB, 360x490, tumblr_inline_onwvyaKo6x1qjyt7z_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11308971
Quoted by: >>11308976

It seems like it just appeared out of fucking nowhere and the "developer" has been trying to make it look like it had community support, shit's very weird.

>> No.11308976
Quoted by: >>11308989

I think the dude just came from a time warp from like 2011, this would feel right at home in the late 2000s/early 2010s era of Doom in all its ZDoom jankiness and antiquated edge

>> No.11308989

Some say it's a botnet created by AI

>> No.11309008
File: 184 KB, 563x566, despairphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11309027

Some of the level design looks better than the blinking 90s maze, some of it even looks decent (at least visually), but it's this disjointed mass of stuff haphazardly stapled together, and there's this absolutely insane bloat to everything.
If the author was to hack up all the levels into pieces to slash all the worthless size bloat (and all the music and graphic bloat), and then stitched together the best parts with some more ammo, I think he could have a few levels which would be decent.

It feels like everything here is desperately spread thin and inflated to make things as "epic" in scale as the author can think of, at the expense of any potential quality it might have had.
I laughed at this at first, but I realize that the author could probably not-suck, yet he made all of the worst possible choices imaginable in assembling this.

>> No.11309027
Quoted by: >>11309032

>Pulling voice lines from Naked Gun
What the fuck?

>> No.11309032
Quoted by: >>11309035

I recognize what that is, too, it's someone's old rendition of Into Sandy's City, which for whatever reason included a bunch of soundbytes from films and TV at the start (possibly as a joke).

I'm sure someone else here recognizes it and can dig it up.

>> No.11309035

It puts the music title at the top of the map on load, I think, gets funny later on when it's just crap attributed to "stock music" or something like that.

I got a lot less far than that dude did, shit was hurting my brain in various ways.

>> No.11309053
Quoted by: >>11309076

Where the FUCK is the next Mjolnir update holy shit.

>> No.11309076

Mjolnir's cancelled due to being kind of boring.

>> No.11309082
Quoted by: >>11309101

>merge some of the coolest shit from previous Quake mods
>make maps that are giant and unfun visual clusterfucks
Magnum copium syndrome strikes again.

>> No.11309086

There's a blinking room just like that one, with that same vomit-inducing cadence, to the left of you when you pick up literally the first weapon in the game- the pistol. Which reminds me- gonna download lilith now to experience it.
>>much of the filesize comes from gigantic .flac music files
Not only are they gigantic but they feel really, really loud. I was getting a headache until I halved the music - from a 90sfx:50mus mix to a 90/25 to cope.

>> No.11309094
File: 523 KB, 1917x1080, window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310073

I just wanted to mention that I played map 32 for Vertex Relocation and thought is was good. I'm surprised you could make something so interesting out of such a limited monster layout. My only gripe is how it looks weird the way these windows are just sunken into the ground. I'm also mildly surprised there's no sector toilet in the outhouse.

>> No.11309101
File: 3.66 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m3_2024-04-04_21-46-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My playthrough of episode 4 this year was some of the most fun I've had with video games to be quite desu. It'd be a shame if it was actually cancelled.
Tronyn has a distinct visual style, it's definitely not for everyone, but to call it a clusterfuck is just you not liking something wonderful. The man knows how to make Quake maps.

>> No.11309116
File: 61 KB, 1833x1199, Screenshot 2024-10-02 9.13.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a pretty good "boomer shooter" thread before I got randomly sent to a psych ward for a week

I really enjoyed playing Catacomb 3-D, Catacomb Abyss, and Blake Stone. Have yet to try Operation Bodycount and og Heretic.

>> No.11309123
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11309143

>Tronyn has a distinct visual style
He used to. His older maps like pic related were much more coherent.
The garish blend of themes, horrific stretching of textures, and varying quality models strewn about in many Mjolnir maps is very much a clusterfuck visually. Generally very flat lighting doesn't help either.

>> No.11309143
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, mj4m1_2023-07-16_09-18-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I can definitely say he still has it.
>The garish blend of themes
What do you mean? It's all medieval Quake.
>horrific stretching of textures
Horrific I'm not sure, but he's always been liberal with texture painting. I'm not sure why it'd be an issue now. Even in map 1 of A Roman Wilderness Of Pain, your pic related, the atrium of the fortress has stretched corpse textures so as to give them more visual clarity from down below where the player will see them.
>and varying quality models strewn about in many Mjolnir maps is very much a clusterfuck visually
I'd be very curious if you could provide an example of this. The flat lighting there isn't much to say about, the sun hits every mountain the same way.

>> No.11309148
Quoted by: >>11309191

>something wonderful
I could understand if you were talking about E3, but E4 is just a slog.

>> No.11309179

Are you alright brah

>> No.11309191
File: 3.17 MB, 1920x1080, mj3m5_2023-06-23_22-15-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Episode 3 could never be a slog of course because each map has less than 120 enemies, but it's very not wowing, I'm sorry if the author ever reads this. If one could accuse Mjolnir of being boring, I reckon it would be because of episode 3. I can fire up a random Arcane Dimensions map and each one has a distinct visual flair to it, much like the maps in Mjolnir's fourth episode. But episode 3 doesn't really have a whole lot going for it. There's grass + medieval, but when that's going on like in map 5 of episode 3, nothing there is something that nobody has seen somewhere else at some point in their lives. The mine map is really neat, but I can only remember thinking of it as just that: neat. It should have been much larger. Overall episode 3 is a very functional episode, challenging enemy setups for sure, but when I recommend Mjolnir to people it's primarily for its devkit, and episode 4, and I can 1000% see people thinking Mjolnir is boring based on episode 3 alone.

>> No.11309252

boy you need to try the new doom 3 mod

>> No.11309256
Quoted by: >>11309264

Does he really? I don't think he does, I think his mind needs some rest.

>> No.11309264

He needs to play something like The Thing You Can't Defeat instead.

>> No.11309354
Quoted by: >>11309359

>on a subjective issue
please, shut up. this isn't/v/.

>> No.11309359


>> No.11309367

>400 replies of seethe over some random mod
/vr/ has fallen

>> No.11309371
Quoted by: >>11309386

Where the fuck have you been in the years past, Anon?

>> No.11309386
Quoted by: >>11309392

eating slop

>> No.11309392
File: 5 KB, 380x210, 1459982256041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you should get away from the trough and pay more attention because kinda like the tides themselves: Anger and belligerence towards a mod or two comes and goes here in the /vr/ doom threads. I wouldn't even call this "seething", most Anons here are making fun of this mod for being a piece of shit, though I'm disgusted at this fucking thing being FOUR gigs in size. That's just asinine.

>> No.11309396

>I wouldn't even call this "seething", most Anons here are making fun of this mod for being a piece of shit,
It's pretty much the same as with Doomslayer Chronicles, nobody's angry that it's shit, it's just being laughed about being terrible and overhyping itself.
>though I'm disgusted at this fucking thing being FOUR gigs in size. That's just asinine.
There's a cut down version that's still like 1.5 gig and still has a fuckton of audio file replication for reasons I can't fucking understand.

>> No.11309405

Another Anon had brought up Doomslayer Chronicles earlier and I totally agree there. I saw that the guy made a smaller stripped down version as well but man 1.5gb also seems completely outrageous. Then again what do I know? I've only made gameplay mods and I'm a complete hardass when it comes to filesize.
This whole project is a fucking enigma though. Between this dude just popping up out of nowhere, the shitty choice for a project name, and the random store on his website.

>> No.11309406

I don't know what's funnier, the Doom III mod itself or the spergs on DW lecturing the OP about it

>> No.11309419

While Doom 3 in Doom 2 is stealing the spotlight, there remains The Mystery of Zugnaex...

>> No.11309425

Are you stuck in the 80s or something? Everybody has 500 GB drives today, and nobody's forcing you to install it either.
Jesus, a bunch of insolent crybabies you are.

>> No.11309427
Quoted by: >>11309429

I'm just stating it's too big. Settle down, Anon. You're not getting a fight out of me.

>> No.11309429
Quoted by: >>11309441

>Settle down
You first.

>> No.11309441

Well I'm not making any combative greentext quotes, nor am I throwing out insults. I can say something sucks or it's too big without causing a ruckus. Though as defensive as you are about this, have you played it? I've been curious about if there's anything worthwhile in this cryptid of a Doom mod project, but not exactly curious enough to download it myself. I'm knee deep in my own bullshit so I don't have much time to try out random mods.

>> No.11309442

>replying to more than one person

>> No.11309443

>This whole project is a fucking enigma though. Between this dude just popping up out of nowhere, the shitty choice for a project name, and the random store on his website.
Yeah it's just really fucking bizarre, the author is basically unknown despite claiming to have been doing map design since 96, the map design itself is all over the place, it has some cool features like showing it's music names at the start of the map (and then fucks it up my attributing some to "royalty free") and it's just a mystery how it got to be this way if it really is 11 years worth of work.

It feels like this shit needs to be examined under a microscope so we can get a better understanding of the meaning of life or some shit.

>> No.11309464

My rule of thumb for Doom mods is if it's over 1GB, it's not worth downloading. It's always the GZ nerds making zip bombs full of uncompressed audio and/or 3d models with high res textures with shitty maps. I've seen this happen at least 5 times before.

>> No.11309465
Quoted by: >>11309481

I'm trying to think of any WADs or gameplay mods with a big ass filesize that's halfway decent, and nothing comes to mind.

>> No.11309474
Quoted by: >>11309489

i know this thread has been shaken by the release of the Doom III mod, but i would like to raise attention on the author of another mod featuring AI-generated content: fat latinas mod anon, are you there?

>> No.11309481
Quoted by: >>11309486

A few ones that are basically the amalgamated version of a series of TCs end up that big while potentially being decent but that's about it.

Once stuff starts getting a gig+ it's usually rife with asset and feature bloat, on top of causing ports and stuff like Slade to start to choke if you try to open it as the pk3.

>> No.11309486

>it's the mod's author fault that slade is such a pile of dogshit that it cannot open 1gb files in 2024

>> No.11309489
Quoted by: >>11309505

Mod is in progress, I added skinny latinos with big dicks for balance

>> No.11309491

Wtf is the"fat latinas" mod?

>> No.11309494

spooktober is now FREAKTOBER

>> No.11309505
Quoted by: >>11309512

>I added skinny latinos with big dicks for balance
I hope the third option is splitting the difference with femboys who have giant balls.

>> No.11309512

Some retard's GZ porn "game". It looked like shit and played like shit, but this desperate coomer has been in every thread since begging for the dev to come back.

Patch notes:
>increased the femboys' ball size by 200%
>decreased the likeliness of big-dicked latinos spawning in the office by 50%, now you don't get game overs so often
>Maria the cleaner won't shart unless she's in the bathroom
>femboys can now rarely spawn wherever a clip is, use them to get glasses of cum that give you 200 health

>> No.11309516

>Some retard's GZ porn "game". It looked like shit and played like shit
It's actually real? Wtf.

>> No.11309517

There's been a few of those, I think two different anons have had ones called Slooter, both were bailed on.

>> No.11309518
Quoted by: >>11309542

It is, if you go back like 20 threads or more you might find the link for it. I'll never understand people who use modding as a way to get their dick wet, at least HDoom lets you actually fuck the demons. There, if you killed some chick in the toilet she'd just fart.

I don't get it. There wasn't any actual ryona either, so op is a coward.

>> No.11309524
Quoted by: >>11309542

Can you add fat ass UK girls

>> No.11309542

>I'll never understand people who use modding as a way to get their dick wet
It's usually part of a desperate need for their weird ass fantasy to be somewhere that's not just in their head.
There's already a Mrs Blobby mod.

>> No.11309614
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11309639
File: 59 KB, 256x128, RSKY2 Seamless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11309789

Trying to put together some vanilla-compatible high quality seamless skyboxes for my levels and it's a pain in the ass with how restrictive the rules are

>> No.11309687
File: 253 KB, 922x649, 1-EN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come across this
>looks pretty cool
>400meg download for some reason
>comes with ten different sourceports and a launcher because they couldn't stick to a single map format or game.
What the fuck.

>> No.11309690

cyka blyat

>> No.11309730
Quoted by: >>11309854

New GZDoom and Eternity versions dropped



>> No.11309731

>Russians in charge of organization or standarization
Eh, could be worse.

>> No.11309764

>not drinking BANG Energy, 300mg of caffeine per can (150mg per cup) and then going BANG in your pants.

>> No.11309789
Quoted by: >>11310637

They aren't THAT restrictive.

>> No.11309803

Seethe? This is bewilderment and amusement, it's fun to look at a trainwreck at times.

>> No.11309827
Quoted by: >>11309858

Are you the author or something? 4gb is colossally oversized, particularly given the nature of this mod, and much of the filesize comes not just from the fact that the soundtrack is in fucking .FLAC format for no reason at all, but that there's multiple duplicates of these tracks for no reason.

That is absurdly inept, and it makes it a serious outlier, in 2024, a Doom mod of any kind being just 100mb would be considered very large still, because it's fucking DOOM. This turd certainly hasn't earned its filesize by any metric.

>> No.11309843
Quoted by: >>11309858

I don't even know of anything that big, presumably it's low quality stuff which never gets popular because if someone manages to make a .wad or .pk3 as big as fucking 1gb, they are most likely untalented and inept and they don't know to not stuff it with shitloads of oversized and uncompressed assets.

I don't know how big Blade Of Agony is, maybe that's like 500mb or something? It doesn't seem that good, but at least its filesize is from being stuffed fucking full of missions, details, and effects, that one isn't just a big pile of .flac music and shit.

>> No.11309851

Have you actually read through the site or did you just scrolled through it?

>> No.11309854

4.04 Port userbase not found
About damn time! It took them way too long

>> No.11309858
Quoted by: >>11309897

I start to feel awful if I break 15-20 meg, I think I'd drink myself to death if even considered releasing something that huge with superfluous duplicates of files.
Including all the bundled in crap BoA is about 1.26 gig.

>> No.11309897

That's pretty fat. But still, that's because the BoA team has put shitloads of assets, levels, and detailing into it, there's some real vision and ambition to create a large game full of content.

This content can be critized, the spritework is very rough at times for instance, but none of BoA's devs at their worst are ever so fucking retarded and inept as to package their soundtrack as separate left and right channel motherfucking .FLAC files. That seriously amazes me, I have never before seen this level of ineptitude, the fags at Doomworld should bring back the Mockaward for this.

>> No.11309980

>much of the filesize comes from gigantic .flac music files
guess no one told them about opus huh

>> No.11310000
File: 103 KB, 1290x1231, deadass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supplice doesn't have jumping
actually genuinely unironically unequivocally the most (if not the only) interesting thing i have heard about it, ever

>> No.11310010

In a world where even non-ZDoom ports are starting to support Ogg Vorbis format audio, this is perhaps the most baffling aspect.

>> No.11310017

It copies Doom so hard they didn't even bother adding jumping.

>> No.11310029

Given that most of the size difference between the 4gig and 1.5 gig versions is texture compression (or the lack of it), I get the impression the developer is one of those types who obsesses over compressed shit being bad.

>> No.11310057
File: 283 KB, 600x600, you&#039;re fucking dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit blood 2 is cooking me. is the game really that bullshit or am i just ass?

>> No.11310064
Quoted by: >>11310094

No, blood 2 really sucks that much. The kicker is everything has such wide damage rolls that the game is a series of dice rolls. The best weapon in the game is the minigun simply because it rolls for damage the fastest and you'll easily get a high damage roll with it
Your brain is so fried and maladapted by the internet you call unrelated forms of human communication such as mockery "seething"

>> No.11310073

new version of map32 for /vertex relocation/ : https://files.catbox.moe/spug1v.wad
fixed the sunken windows, fixed a bleeding window, and gave the outhouse an interior.

>> No.11310086 [DELETED] 

>No, blood 2 really sucks that much.
damn. thanks, i suppose.

>> No.11310094

>No, blood 2 really sucks that much.
damn. thanks, i suppose. gonna go scout if there's any fan fixes or something.

>> No.11310096

Blood 2 is perhaps the very worst shooter sequel of its era, it's a notoriously awful game from top to bottom.

>> No.11310106

I think there's one called extra crispy, but you might be better off just playing a good game instead. Like Deathwish.

>> No.11310115

there's no fixing it

>> No.11310118

I mean, Blood 2 is terrible from its conception, there's just no fixing the game itself, it's an atrocity, the only value it has to is to hack it up for assets to use for modding the first game (like Caleb's voice lines and what not).

>> No.11310137
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, etrn00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playin stewboy's wad
>See the guy from 94p
Why did chopblock take 2 million years on this guy again?

>> No.11310143

He has a new color br0, that stuff takes time!
>*Flashbacks to captain mozzarella replacing the entire doom roster in under 2 weeks*

>> No.11310182
File: 1.29 MB, 1920x1040, setpiece1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mjolnir is absolutely not cancelled in fact here is a WIP map for it. I can't say for sure when the next update will drop but it will be accompanied by a short trailer first showing off a few of the new maps and weapons. The really big maps have been split up into smaller maps, we know many aren't happy with hour long levels

>> No.11310225 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11310238

>randomly sent to a psych ward for a week
I don't feel like that happens randomly

>> No.11310238

It doesn't. And it happens to ppl here more than you think

>> No.11310247

i'm not desperate, im autistic and dedicated

>> No.11310306
File: 322 KB, 1367x790, MBF_Test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310315

This is the map I was working on when I asked about mbf21 features >>11308546
Given mbf21 has nothing for me specifically, I might scrap this map or just shelf it and try again but in udmf or something as I like the scripting I can do with linedefs there.
Also this map has kind of become just me fiddling with the stair tool and elipse tool.

>> No.11310315
File: 15 KB, 132x72, dickSector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11310318

fucking lol, never noticed that until now

>> No.11310323
Quoted by: >>11310650

It's even hairy!

>> No.11310430
File: 915 KB, 620x921, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310479

Map-Center's Retro Jam 2 for Quake 1 has been released:

Completely vanilla and features 19 medieval maps inspired by E1M2, E1M3 and E1M4.
I believe at least two regulars of this thread are participants.

>> No.11310438

Good to know it's still trudging along. Sounds like new update will get us a new episode.

>> No.11310474
File: 802 KB, 1280x720, 1719409361114718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have your own particle accelerator

>> No.11310479
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, azoutside2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310665

Fun Quake updates today, and this is on top of getting the PSX levels for Kex2 recently. Pretty cool.

>> No.11310505

But you do have one.

>> No.11310506
Quoted by: >>11310534

How does the dinky car not roll off the top of his monitor? Unless I'm retarded and it isn't mildly curved at the top.

>> No.11310519
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, Doom 3 Screenshot 2024.10.12 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One really cool aspect of Doom 3 I never see mentioned is how the environment itself provides the music for setpieces.
Walking through an area with a very ominous throbbing electronic score but it's totally diegetic from machinery or technology.
Really immerses you

>> No.11310534

just set the parking brake duh

>> No.11310547

Yeah, that’s nice. The sound design overall is very good. I love the variety of weird and ominous ambient tracks throughout the game.

>> No.11310592
File: 157 KB, 1024x768, doom50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You change one little tiny inconsequential thing before you send it out and it breaks the map and makes slime trails everywhere! Fixed version of MAP16: Suburban Heat Island, by aan, for Vertex Relocation, with yet more little tiny tweaks! I'm hoping this is the final version!


>> No.11310597
Quoted by: >>11310765

there is a silhouette of carmack in the opposite wall

>> No.11310615

This shit looks like it was made by a thirteen year old, that's shocking that it took them eleven years to make this.

>> No.11310637
Quoted by: >>11310641

They're restrictive enough that it gets in the way of almost every skybox I initially wanted to use

>> No.11310641

They can be wider than 256 pixels, if that's the issue. The only real problem is 128 pixels height limit.

>> No.11310650

Why would it be hairy around the entire circumference of it?

>> No.11310665
Quoted by: >>11310684

what's that map on your screenshot? it looks dope

>> No.11310672
Quoted by: >>11310764

Yours isn't?

>> No.11310684

Auger Zenith, one of my favs and its a DBP.

>> No.11310702

im a newbie to WADding who just started yesterday, im planning on making a small level pack for now,
do you anons mind if i post a video of my map currently, its really really shitty and barebones so dont criticize me too harsh lol i just started

>> No.11310713

Sometimes I wonder if Mr. Blaskawicz was a Soviet collaborator in at least one of the Wolfenstein iterations...

>> No.11310734

Name of map pleasee

>> No.11310741
File: 449 KB, 792x986, katt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11310828

Why wouldn't you be? We aren't elitists, I think, at least I'm not. Post it here anon.

>> No.11310759

high test

>> No.11310764

I don't got one.
That'd be fine, people might even be feeling especially kind after some of the stuff recently.

>> No.11310765


>> No.11310771

Sorry for your loss.

>> No.11310792

>he doesn't comb his dick

>> No.11310805

heat retention in cold climates

>> No.11310828

alright thanks, i feel like a normie to doom sometimes (even though ive been playing for years) in these threads because half the time i dont fucking understand any of it
apologies for it being in 720p as well, my pc is so shitty lol

>> No.11310864
File: 401 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Hexen_20241011_213848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a Raven patch for Naku-Naru 2.

>> No.11310882


>> No.11310905
File: 1.46 MB, 1200x1672, MAP_WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool textures anon, seems ambitious for a first map.
Also idk if this is just to do with maps similar to this but it seems like it would be a bit claustrophobic?
Like bumping into stuff constantly, I'd personally widen the doorways and walkways by about half their width imo.
Also here's a meme to go with your currently empty map.

>> No.11310907

The best fix of all is to drop the difficulty to Easy.

>> No.11310921
File: 8 KB, 888x49, I&#039;m_a_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these comments about the Doom III wad are pretty funny

>> No.11310930

It's pretty much a Doom TC with some modern gzdoom features here and there. Probably one of the commercial gzdoom games that play closer to regular Doom, after REKKR.

>> No.11310936

Not bad for someone who's brand new! (if you have been mapping serious non stop for 10+ years this would be bad) I've found it to be more satisfying to design areas around monsters than monsters around areas. Think of some fun or wild fights and put the enemies in! The crack in the wall is pretty cute. Get a little more crazy with geometry and lighting and all that jazz if you think you can handle it!

>> No.11310951

By no means a terrible first attempt, scale is on the huge side but that's not something to really worry about for now, the climbing up into the vents is a pretty neat idea.

>> No.11310952

I do it by being a neet and shitting out absolutely atrocious maps.

>> No.11310957
Quoted by: >>11312862



play at your own risk

>> No.11310959

Is there a gzdoom mod that lets you change soundtracks easily? I have a mod that replaces the original tracks with the Hulshult ones, but I’m looking more for a menu toggle like the new Nightdive port

>> No.11310965

Why do retards think it's okay to lock maps behind date requirements? I'm playing AMC squad, and this shit has three season locked maps, one halloween and two christmas.

>> No.11310978

It's just bonus shit and if you really have to do it all this second you can fake the date on your system.

You've got bigger issues with content gating than a few maps.

>> No.11310993
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x1529, so you want to play some open fortress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11311035

Open Fortress is back up, search for "Saturday Night Smackdown" and get fragging! (Or click this: steam://connect/ )

Download: https://openfortress.fun/download
>What is this?
An arena FPS built off of TF2, foregoes most of the usual TF aspects like classes in favor of putting everyone on the same playing field
>There's nobody playing!
Stick around, arena FPS games are usually like this, but people will flock to servers if they see someone playing

>> No.11311035
Quoted by: >>11311082

TF2 is not a boomer shooter. Faggot.

>> No.11311082

>boomer shooter

>> No.11311094
Quoted by: >>11311097

Is that not what this thread is about? Faggot.

>> No.11311097

They're called old FPS games, or retro I guess.
Boomer Shooter was originally a term of mocking endearment from some people, which was fine at first until it became a trendy marketing term, now only wieners use it.

Don't be a wiener.

>> No.11311098
File: 10 KB, 204x136, 5182a2c10d371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious question, why is the zandro community still attached to complex and the bloat mods that go with it all these years later? Why is there no decent servers that aren't foreign that are playing something that isnt legendary or clusterfuck or HDAN or any of that other crap? Like I liked that shit too back in 2017 but why are they so slow to move on? Not trying to shitpost just genuine question.

>curse you daed

>> No.11311102

I always assumed it's a case of people not knowing any better. They're not aware of other mods out there, and the only people willing to host just use the same garbage as always, so everything becomes routine.

>> No.11311110
Quoted by: >>11311164

That's the least of AMC Squad's problems.

>> No.11311113

Going by what my zandro-playing friends have said, they think vanilla Doom is boring and like the ridiculous shit that Complex adds.

>> No.11311117

"Boomer" has always been a forced meme that retards thought was organic. Any "oomer" variant is a great way to spot a tourist.

>> No.11311121
File: 97 KB, 522x190, real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11311148

The Unreal Tournament 469 team has been uploading videos of new features that'll be in 469e to https://www.youtube.com/@UT1999-new-patch-info/videos..

Interesting stuff:

Hor+ widescreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5cUR_sNWVo

Bots will no longer get stuck on ledges: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFzb5S2UAsA

New console command lets you change rendering device in game without having to restart the game: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAL933bs35Y

Meshes will no longer stop rendering if they're out of the camera's center or behind the camera: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N50hljvBDA

Hitscan will no longer cause FPS drops if you shoot at a long distance object in a map with lots of actors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ExOWSoKiWY

Easy culling unused textures so you can reduce map size and memory usage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n42X8sUCgug

If something fell out of map, coordinates where it happened are now printed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5okG85wyKow

JoinPolys tools can easily fix BSP errors: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QerHyJRQPco

>> No.11311128

That too.

>> No.11311148
Quoted by: >>11311246

I wonder if progress had been made on the surreal engine.

>> No.11311150


>> No.11311164

I am slowly being made aware of that, as I keep playing it more, but that one grinds my gears in particular because it's pure stupidity.

>> No.11311246

This is actually kinda neat.
Emscripten port of Surreal engine running UT99 demo in-browser.
Obviously the engine isn't finished yet, so atm it's just a map viewer really, but it's pretty cool regardless.

>> No.11311259

I always thought the 30 yo boomer meme was kind of endearing. That being said, I'd rather just call them retro and retro-inspired. On the other hand we have stuff like Selaco, whose gameplay is supposed to be a little farther away. I'd just call those commercial TCs.
TF2 is probably as much retro inspired as Serious Sam. Not quite the same thing as Doom or Quake but not as distanced as something like Counter Strike (even if this last one is a Half-Life mod).

>> No.11311303

Other than what other anons said, people will usually join servers that already have people on them, so the best way to play something different is to bring a group of people yourself on a public server and let other randos join. Sometimes me and some friends do that when we want to play Ghouls vs Humans.
Another thing. I feel like there isn't much Zandro modding these days, so not a lot of new zandro compatible stuff is coming out. The MM8BDM modding community is probably more active than the Doom side of zandro modding.

>> No.11311459

I'm trying to fix that with my own server. It runs pretty vanilla stuff 90% of the time and then runs some lesser played stuff like shotgun frenzy and push for the other 10%. Megagame and LCA are a no-go though, there's enough of those already.

>> No.11311489
File: 103 KB, 556x176, Two hit combo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on the melee attacks here, and learning how to animate in 3D at the same time. I'll be fancying up the animations further in SLADE when I get to that point, but I think these first two melee strikes are good.
Two down, four to go. Though I also need to update the textures a little more, and then paint over that shit.

Still feeling pretty good about this, it's kinda cool.

>> No.11311491

Reminds me of the cut melee combo system intended for Halo 2.

>> No.11311494

Well I did take notes from the OG Halo 1 Assault Rifle bash for the first melee attack there. Though I went back and adjusted the left hand.
For some reason Chief shifts his hand up to the top of the rifle as he throws his melee attack, I was copying it without even thinking about it, but that's a horrible idea as there's no way you'd generate the leverage you can get if you just keep your hand on the grip of your rifle.

>> No.11311507

I was gonna link the magnum melee because damn that's cool as hell but I found this instead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_8XkDBB9tE

>> No.11311542
Quoted by: >>11311547

id would have cut the middle part out entirely
just saying

>> No.11311547
Quoted by: >>11311551

Which middle part?

>> No.11311551
Quoted by: >>11311560

the windup, where you pull it back

>> No.11311560

Oh after the first melee attack? That's there just to serve as a reset in case the player just attacks once. I feel like it'd look weird and shitty if it just plays in reverse after the first attack, or just drops down without any additional frames.

>> No.11311585
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, F919PTBXwAAr-3Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11311720

>> No.11311635
Quoted by: >>11311663

Might be worth increasing the width of the mesh overall or messing with the render cameras FOV to keep the weapons and limbs from feeling too thin.
Probably best to edit the FOV desu imo frfr senpai desu

>> No.11311663
Quoted by: >>11312193

I am not sure if I can alter the FOV here in Blockbench. I can only fiddle with the focal point in the angle settings, and same thing with the record gif command.

>> No.11311680

Thoughts on a sven co-op server? I got extra server space that needs used

>> No.11311720

Wtf is that

>> No.11311727
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11311943

been going through some horror wads, and this one is genuinely spooky for what it is
also hard as shit wtf man

>> No.11311728
Quoted by: >>11311771

please run black ops 2 or whatever old cod that isn't some tactical crouch bullshit.

>> No.11311771

I ain't the man for that job cause I don't like CoD

>> No.11311813
Quoted by: >>11311823

You guys shouldn't do that, because then I will not be able to concentrate on my job. I used to LIVE in Sven-Coop servers as a teenager.

>> No.11311817

Next OP, you can probably kick the srb2kart server out of the OP text now. It already hosts 3 separate games now so it's weird to single out kart. I'll get a webpage setup soon enough with all the relevant info.

>> No.11311823

It's just gonna be a one-day deal like kart and SNS. Worst case scenario, you lose your Fridays.

>> No.11311943
Quoted by: >>11311986

send links, also lilith.pk3 is scarier most likely

>> No.11311986
File: 981 KB, 720x1162, F5959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11312193
Quoted by: >>11312197

Fair enough. Animation looks pretty impactful regardless. good stuf.

>> No.11312197
File: 127 KB, 556x176, Three hit combo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11312520

I'm confident I can work my magic in SLADE once I get all that shit in game. Also I got the last attack made here, I was worried about it but I haven't heard any complaints, so maybe I am overthinking it.

>> No.11312217
File: 140 KB, 437x708, 1707514219311410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11312285

Revenant, my lad.
>*sliding wall sound*
>from behind sounds Mr. Bones announces the ride's open
>sounds like he's not close, yet not far, but more importantly- one chaingunner dead ahead,
>a duel at 10 paces away
>he's quicker on the draw,
>poppop-poppop- me
>popopopoppop- him
>he's not down yet and
>Mr Bones is off to the races
>runs past me, brushing up my side, and engages in a semi secluded spot
>I move to peek on the battle
>'uuuUUAhh' -mancubus from behind the chaingunner
>'ohh..'-Mr Bones takes out chaingunner
>mancubus takes a shot
>'AAAAAA' Mr Bones starts pummeling the mancubus
>one two three punches
>mancubus prepares to retaliate
>[skeleton punch] : stunlock
>oh shi--
>four five six punches
>[skeleton punch[ : miss!
>he eats a volley
>the ride does end

>> No.11312224

tested it and nope, it only works on the stock Doom and Doom 2 textures (which has very obvious results on TNT MAP31)

>> No.11312230
File: 1.18 MB, 268x376, Clova.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking ace.
>The really big maps have been split up into smaller maps, we know many aren't happy with hour long levels
Dammit, ah well. Bring it the fuck on.

>> No.11312242

I updated my copy of GZDoom specifically to play this mod and now loading saves or new levels takes at minimum 30 seconds.
Fuck this source port

>> No.11312245
Quoted by: >>11312253

any doom wads with lots of neon and color? think of las vegas and tons of flashing billboards

>> No.11312253
Quoted by: >>11312292

What you're looking for friend, is Augur Zenith.
To a T.

>> No.11312272
File: 2.72 MB, 1136x540, Ultimate Gas Hands.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11312285

>most beautiful poem

>> No.11312292

shit, i'm retarded. it was listed in this thread for fucks sake. thanks.

>> No.11312330

Oh, I want in. How do I make a Mjolnir map? I promise you'll get no drama from me if it is too awful and gets rejected.

>> No.11312518
File: 136 KB, 1024x742, 1726020797870035m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11312529

any slaughterwads based on real places?

>> No.11312520
File: 2.55 MB, 800x450, swinging a gun around.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I got the combo in game, we'll see if I need to fuck around with this more, but with any luck I can start painting over shit soon.

>> No.11312526

someone bake

>> No.11312529
File: 1.72 MB, 433x331, tumblr_nfq4idpfkg1sh06nto5_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Unholy Trinity, Hartlepool 6th Form College, Manglers, Oxford St. John's College, UAC Ultra 2

>> No.11312591

Ah that looks a lot better in game. The gif was underwelming to me
What's that alternate Rev at the end?

>> No.11312594
File: 11 KB, 374x299, CannedMeatIsOnTheMenuBoys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11312616


>> No.11312615

>What's that alternate Rev at the end?
It's from hellforgred, though it sees uses in other places too. I thought it's from realm667, but I didn't see it there.

>> No.11312616

Well I got the frames as you can see, just running it by some folks here and there to see if it looks good enough, and the reception has been pretty warm. So soon I'll be painting over these frames to seal the deal. After that it'll be the laser glaive attacks, the subweapon attacks, and then the sentinel arms.
At some point I'll need to make the idle animations too. I got a lot of shit to do if I'm gonna want to get this update out before the year's end.

>> No.11312618

Yeah, like I've told a lot of other folks: I never strain myself too hard with example animations made in Aseprite, as anything I do there will be discarded once I get into SLADE, so no sense in going too hard for examples.
and yeah that alt Revenant is called a Draugr from Hellforged. He's been around for awhile.

>> No.11312837

This. I was actually gonna make a post about ambiance mods for Doom 1+2, like footstep sounds, wind howling, metal creaking, weather, demon noises, etc. I looked around for footstep mods and found 2 with some generalized googling. Immerse (https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=61915)) was first and it seems like a camera mod more than anything BUT it also has a setting for footstep volume and adds footstep sounds obviously. The other mod I found was ZFootsteps (https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=35388)), which is very straight forward. It just adds footsteps sounds when you move. Different sounds based on the floor type, like metal, wood, grass, etc. I don't like the specific sounds used, but it seems like exactly what I'd want from a footstep sound mod ALTHOUGH it does lack a volume control for the footsteps.

Any other anons got some ambiance/sound mods they'd like to share with us on this spooky month?

>> No.11312862

hell yeah!