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File: 253 KB, 800x576, mote-korin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5201562 No.5201562 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>5202029

Summary of Rinnosuke's daily life.

>> No.5201573
Quoted by: >>5201697 >>5201789

Sucks to be gay

>> No.5201580

Where is Tokiko, the one youkai sure to bother him on any given day?

>> No.5201598

He's living the dream, yo.

>> No.5201697
Quoted by: >>5201988


Someone's jealous.

>> No.5201718
File: 78 KB, 691x376, 1268769470980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5201789

i blame yukari!

>> No.5201817
Quoted by: >>5201856

Why doesn't ZUN write those anymore

I want to read about new girls bothering Rinnosuke

>> No.5201856
Quoted by: >>5201969

Because he got a job. No as much free time.

>> No.5201876
File: 274 KB, 897x629, 3110547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5201891 >>5201894

It sucks to be Kourin on Valentine's and White Day.

>> No.5201891
Quoted by: >>5201909

Cirno, you glut.

>> No.5201894
Quoted by: >>5201915

Suika looks more like she is trying to grope some particularly weighty titties then request chocolate.

>> No.5201909
Quoted by: >>5201916

not to be a dick, but that bubble is to yuyouko

>> No.5201915

I lol'd

>> No.5201916
Quoted by: >>5201934

no fun.jpg

>> No.5201934
File: 137 KB, 974x627, 1271568729054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5201940
File: 265 KB, 600x800, 9200004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5201958 >>5201964

Did Komachi ever bother Rinnosuke?

>> No.5201958


Rinnosuke must be pretty tall...

>> No.5201964
Quoted by: >>5201968

probably in Fanon.

since almost every touhou has bothered kourin in fanon.

>> No.5201968
File: 92 KB, 447x626, 1268767950682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5201977

He has a solution.

>> No.5201969

He wrote most of those while he was at Taito, I think. Anyway I just wish he'd write more stories, I like how every single one devolves into a long explanation about folklore technicalities.

>> No.5201977

of course, kourin is a genius after all.

>> No.5201988
Quoted by: >>5201991 >>5202019

you know it would genuinely suck to be a gay man in Gensokyo

>> No.5201991
Quoted by: >>5202023

Someone's REALLY jealous.

>> No.5202019

what makes you think he's gay?

>> No.5202023
Quoted by: >>5202026

if he was a gay man surrounded by fabulous gay men, THEN I would be jealous

>> No.5202025
Quoted by: >>5202241

I would honestly not mind getting a Touhou game revolving around Kourin.

Hell, get some shit like tasofro to make it, with ZUN doing the story.

>> No.5202026

You REALLY REALLY jealous.

>> No.5202029
Quoted by: >>5202049

Impossible for a man to be gay if there were no other men around him.

No such thing as "born gay". There is always some factors. Like being fucked in the ass as a kid.

>> No.5202030

Damn it, how many times do you have to tell you people?
Touhous are lesbians.

>> No.5202037
Quoted by: >>5202047 >>5202050

But that's not even a true statement.

>> No.5202046
Quoted by: >>5202062

Of course, I concede that still means it sucks to be Rinnosuke.
I suspect he likes NTR; That's how he's stayed sane all this time.

>> No.5202047
File: 144 KB, 800x600, 5f2493e3bbda0e96053f46cdd9f7ae76177bcca6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202097


>> No.5202049
Quoted by: >>5202069 >>5202073

studies have shown that homosexuals have a noticeable chemical imbalance in their brains

>> No.5202050 [SPOILER] 
File: 476 KB, 600x800, 015b3a882a2d83b28a882fac1a547a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is.

>> No.5202051
Quoted by: >>5202059 >>5202090

Prison lesbian, at best.

Rinnosuke cannot be around to please them all.

>> No.5202059

Zun said there are as many Men in gensyoko as there are woman.

>> No.5202062
Quoted by: >>5202065

Rinnosuke has been researching solo play for more than a hundred years now.

>> No.5202063
Quoted by: >>5202090

Yurifags hating on a dude getting with the Touhous?

Jealous fags much.

>> No.5202065
Quoted by: >>5202070 >>5202090

That's also not canon. Hiroyuki ain't ZUN.

>> No.5202066
File: 676 KB, 922x668, keine10648970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202068
Quoted by: >>5202074

Nameless men in stories might as well not exist, when it comes to getting ass.

>> No.5202069

In other words, Homosexuality *is* a disease, not a choice. Does this chemical mess up could negatively influence them? Shouldn't they be under treatment, in a sanatory?

Or might it be caused by their usual emotional instability?

>> No.5202070
File: 172 KB, 845x1200, acting_on_instinct_2_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202078 >>5202089

No, but if ZUN were to die I'd nominate him to be the new ZUN.

>> No.5202073

People under massive stress also get chemical imbalances in their brains. A lot of things can cause chemical imbalances in brains from external factors.

>> No.5202074

who are we to say that touhou's fuck like rabbits inbetween the games with these countless nameless men?

>> No.5202077
Quoted by: >>5202086

I suspect most of the men are concentrated within the human village.
youkai can live significantly longer than humans, as a result due to less reproductive needs to replace population there must be a significantly reduced umber of men within youkai ranks.

>> No.5202078
Quoted by: >>5202089

I wouldn't, because he's perverted.

>> No.5202085
File: 247 KB, 700x400, 7b07edfe29888a4829a2854575ff0d7c20b93ac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202091 >>5202099

I don't think the touhous would be able to settle for a weak man. I mean, they are so powerful that after a certain point a normal man would not be able to satisfy them. Thus, they seek out each other to reach those levels of pleasure they cannot get from weakling humans.

>> No.5202086

I don't think so. There are probably an equal number of females in the human village for those men.

In that case, the equal number of men with be other male youkai like Rinnosuke and Youmu's gardening mastah.

>> No.5202089
Quoted by: >>5202098


>weighted panties

good god, that's fucking hilarious.


and Zun isn't?

>> No.5202090
File: 520 KB, 962x889, asexualtouhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202094 >>5202181


Well, I say they're lesbians and you can't prove me wrong, so there.

>> No.5202091
Quoted by: >>5202103

That's why Touhous get gangbanged in doujins. Even that is enough to make them go ahegao.

>> No.5202094

I say they are heterosexuals. Marisa had a father and a mother ffs.

>> No.5202097
Quoted by: >>5202123

nice picture from dannychoo.com

>> No.5202098
Quoted by: >>5202112

>implying Zun is perverted like Hiroyuki is

>> No.5202099

why is reimu kissing adult rumia?

>> No.5202103
Quoted by: >>5202108

there is no earthly pleasures IRL that would make a 3D girl Ahegoa.

>> No.5202106

ITT butthurt yurifags

This is why I hate yurifags. I didn't mess no yurifag thread on /jp/. Maybe now, I will.

>> No.5202108

>implying Touhou are 3d

>> No.5202112

Zun is a guy, all guys are perverts on equal levels. some hide it better than others.

why do you think his games are all-female-cast? he's only ever written about two men.

>> No.5202119

such little faith on your fellow men,
a pity.

>> No.5202123
Quoted by: >>5202134

Those were pre-touhous.
1) Neither side is really more substantiated than the other, since it's fantasy and we can't tell which gender a person is attracted to in real life so easily either

2) Most of the prominent ones are female, males never show up as bosses or playable characters in the game.

3) It's hotter if they're lesbians.

Thus, they are lesbians.
Fan logic.

>> No.5202124

Women are bigger perverts.

>> No.5202125
File: 77 KB, 693x360, 1268769591499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5202126
Quoted by: >>5202144 >>5202178

ZUN is pure

>> No.5202134

Shit.. I forgot to complete my second reason.
Oh well, it's obvious enough I think.

>> No.5202135
Quoted by: >>5202178

ZUN isn't a perv, you moron.

>> No.5202144

>See original endings

>> No.5202173
File: 552 KB, 952x1400, diet_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202178
Quoted by: >>5202184 >>5202202

>Not a pervert
>Creates a game where the only characters are female, a lot of which are lolis
>Endings to original Touhou games had fanservice
Hahahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahahahaha *breathes* ahahahahahahahahahaha...

>> No.5202181
Quoted by: >>5202196 >>5202197


>canon picture with Reimu saying "I hear that spoiler guy is pretty handsome..."

Can someone post it? Maybe this fag will shut up once he sees it.

>> No.5202184
Quoted by: >>5202209

Its not ZUN's fault! He only writes what Yukari tells him!

>> No.5202196
File: 33 KB, 321x276, Reimu being Bi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202239


>> No.5202197

Why do you fags care so fucking much any way?
And, no, that doesn't actually prove she's straight any way, she's just saying he looks good.
Fuck, I've been told I was handsome by old men before, and it didn't come off like that at all.

And again, it's a fucking joke, god damn.

>> No.5202202
Quoted by: >>5202226


So? What's wrong with that? He focuses on originality, in every aspect. Music, art, storyline, and even character exposure. There hasn't been such a game where there are only lolis only, so he made one.
Nowhere do they make a sexual reference either, so stop thinking you're so high and mighty and know everything there is to know. You haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.5202209
Quoted by: >>5202218

>implying if this happened, he's not doing it to get with Yukari.

>> No.5202218
Quoted by: >>5202229

Its not true! Yukari is evil! She is manipulating him!

>> No.5202219
Quoted by: >>5202237

You trying to call characters gay as canon for no reason then say it's a joke when it's shown that they ain't.

The fuck, nice trollan' retard.

>> No.5202226

>There hasn't been such a game where there are only lolis only

Oh wow, this guy thinks Touhou is original. I didn't think anyone was that stupid, but I guess they still exist.

>> No.5202227

Don't make jokes and say they're real throughout the entire thread. Also, ZUN is pure. You're a fag.

>> No.5202229
Quoted by: >>5202247

With her sex appeal, yes.

>> No.5202234

you're just dense
you missed your chance to some awesome old man homolust.

>> No.5202237


I agree. Lets stop acknowledging him. He's going to consume every bit of attention he can get just to waste our time more. I wish he had a tripcode so I could block him.

>> No.5202239

Isn't Oogunishi no Mikoto an ugly fucker? Wow, Reimu got bad taste.

>> No.5202240
Quoted by: >>5202243

I don't think anyone in Gensokyo has sex.

>> No.5202241

I'd play it, would be fun to manage the shop.

>> No.5202243
Quoted by: >>5202250 >>5202255

Then how does babby formed?

>> No.5202247
Quoted by: >>5202259 >>5202263

>implying Zun would be interested in a old hag.

He's a lolicon you fucknut.

>> No.5202250
File: 262 KB, 813x757, 10371349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their mothers sleep with a certain half-kun.

>> No.5202255
Quoted by: >>5202258

They fall through the border.

>> No.5202258

So then Gensokyo has a natural castration effect? Interesting.

>> No.5202259

Yukari probably raped him, and now he's hooked.

>> No.5202263


He makes games that he likes, those are his words in from the interview and the entire reason Touhou even exists.
If he's a lolicon, there would have been sex in it, or at the very least, sexual reference. Seeing there isn't, you're obviously wrong. At the very most, he's compelled to youths.

>> No.5202270
Quoted by: >>5202281

not all lolicon artists depict Sex. some just depict cutness. they're still lolicons nonetheless

>> No.5202281


Then the term "lolicon" needs to be redefined.
Because most people take it as -sexual reference with minors or elders that look like minors.
If there's none of that, there's no point in calling it 'lolicon'.

>> No.5202282
Quoted by: >>5202286

>implying that he isn't a lolicon anyways.

yes because favouring youth doesn't mean a god damned thing.

>> No.5202286
Quoted by: >>5202304


So just because he puts youths in it means he HAS to be a lolicon? You're being biased here.

>> No.5202291
File: 258 KB, 720x960, 1274239028054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<--- Summary of Rinnosuke's daily life.

>> No.5202294

Lolicon=lolita complex. favoring the body of a little girl over that of a matured woman. since most of his art depict little girls rather than developed women, I say he's a lolicon.

>> No.5202311 [DELETED] 

Alright, I'm going to save myself the fucking pain of actually checking how you faggots replied to my comment.
First of all, I shouldn't have replied, because honestly, I haven't read enough canon, in fact I'm a fucking /jp/ newfag and what I've come to realize about imageboard culture and all you idiotic fanboys is that you care about shit NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT and get angry about shit that NOBODY SHOULD FUCKING GET ANGRY OVER.

I shouldn't have said anything, because I made the mistake of thinking, no matter how obsessed you are, surely nobody would actually care if I said something about a fictional character, but you do and that's the real reason this board is shit.
You people just bitch and moan at each other and point out how dumb the fallacies other posters have made or how shitty some thread is and never bother to stop and think that the reason the board is so fucking shitty is because of YOU.

Stop complaining.
Stop caring if someone wants to think all touhous are lesbians.

>> No.5202304

I would say yes, since all the girls in his art depict young and/or non-developed girls, which tells me he likes young and/or non-developed girls, which makes him a lolicon.

>> No.5202310
File: 482 KB, 800x600, 1273015642578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202324 >>5202345

I really doubt ZUN is a lolicon. I mean look at him, and at his background.
He's been working on the Touhou Project ever since he was in high school.
The whole thing is nothing more than a fictional story. The little girls are there to add to the fairytale, because the whole thing is like one big japanese folklore. It wouldn't seam right they looked older, and it would loose its theme when you see full-fledge adults shooting beautiful danmaku patterns instead of children.

>> No.5202318
File: 136 KB, 416x479, 1266128139319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202326 >>5202337


>> No.5202322
File: 390 KB, 633x800, 1272907284907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202326 >>5202337

Oh wow.

I can't believe someone wrote that

>> No.5202324
Quoted by: >>5202348

so you're saying he depict little girls because he HAS too?

passion for your art does not work that way.

>> No.5202326

Damnit, I missed it, what was it?

>> No.5202328

There are lesbian jokes in the games. Of course ZUN is a pervert.

>> No.5202337
Quoted by: >>5202355

What was it? It must have been really bad if he deleted it.

>> No.5202338

Look up the post on easymodo.

>> No.5202345

I don't know about you, but I would love to see beautiful woman performing Beautiful danmaku. they would practically sparkle.

>> No.5202347


This is some awesome copypasta, why come I don't see it used more?

>> No.5202348
File: 12 KB, 120x152, 1250444476014.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202375

No, I'm saying he did it because it fits better. I wouldn't say he's a lolicon, he doesn't focus on sex. He focuses on the moe, and youthful girls show the style better.

>> No.5202353

Oh fuck, just read it. Goddamn, laughing so hard.

>> No.5202355

Alright, I'm going to save myself the fucking pain of actually checking how you faggots replied to my comment.
First of all, I shouldn't have replied, because honestly, I haven't read enough canon, in fact I'm a fucking /jp/ newfag and what I've come to realize about imageboard culture and all you idiotic fanboys is that you care about shit NOBODY FUCKING CARES ABOUT and get angry about shit that NOBODY SHOULD FUCKING GET ANGRY OVER.

I shouldn't have said anything, because I made the mistake of thinking, no matter how obsessed you are, surely nobody would actually care if I said something about a fictional character, but you do and that's the real reason this board is shit.
You people just bitch and moan at each other and point out how dumb the fallacies other posters have made or how shitty some thread is and never bother to stop and think that the reason the board is so fucking shitty is because of YOU.

Stop complaining.
Stop caring if someone wants to think all touhous are lesbians.

>> No.5202363
Quoted by: >>5202388

Troll got exposed, he saying he a newfag.

>> No.5202374
Quoted by: >>5202378 >>5202388

You cared about it. That's why you're still here. Retard.

>> No.5202375
Quoted by: >>5202387

And I'm saying that lolicons don't always draw Sexually explicid acts. that's what borderline Pedo's do. A lot of lolicon artists draw for the Moe and Cuteness factor.

>> No.5202378

By the way, I just reposted it from easymodo.

>> No.5202379
Quoted by: >>5202388


Sounding pretty buttmad, brohemian.

>> No.5202387


Again, there's no point in calling them lolicon artists if that's all they do. If it's moe and cuteness =/= sex and lust or sexual reference.
Alot of moe CAN show it's moe-ness through lust, but that's obviously not what ZUN does. His moe is adorable, not lustful.

>> No.5202388
Quoted by: >>5202395


He's just re-posting the deleted comment...

>> No.5202395
Quoted by: >>5202403

Still sounding pretty shit.

>> No.5202403

I copy pasted it from easy modo, I'm not the one who wrote it.

>> No.5202418
Quoted by: >>5202427

I think he's sort of right about the whole "get angry about shit that NOBODY SHOULD FUCKING GET ANGRY OVER" part, especially in regards to things that are poorly defined in canon. If both sides can justify their ideas and present them reasonably, there's no real reason to shut them down completely, or try to force them to view the Touhouverse the same way you do. It happens all the time when it comes to describing Mokou's immortality.

That said, his statement all Touhous are lesbians don't fit into that category, and he's still an incredible fucktard.

>> No.5202423
Quoted by: >>5202431

ZUN like all his characters (didn't he say they are like daughters to him once?) so of course he don't want to make them fuck with some nameless men. That's why pretty much all of them show lesbian tendencies. ZUN is just following the belief that no dick involved = pure. There are tons of yuri undertones in the games.

>> No.5202427

Well, fucktards are fucktards.

>> No.5202431
Quoted by: >>5202472

Zun said it's easy for the Touhous to have relations with men in Gensokyo.

You = moron.

>> No.5202443
Quoted by: >>5202447

I bet they are all bisexual. Except Sakuya. She's a 100% lesbian.

>> No.5202447

Even I don't know about that.

>> No.5202453

ITT buttmad purefags

>> No.5202459
Quoted by: >>5202492

In the very first windows game Sakuya said to Marisa she should work as a sex maid in SDM. Then said she will try her first herself.

That's not even subtext. That's blatant lesbianism.

>> No.5202461

Why can't they just all be friends and just masturbate by themselves on their own time?

>> No.5202472
Quoted by: >>5202481


He said it's easy if they wanted to.

>> No.5202481
Quoted by: >>5202498

Like that makes it any different from my reply. It means they can and probably do. If he said they don't, then they don't.

>> No.5202492
Quoted by: >>5202528

not sure if serious

>> No.5202498
Quoted by: >>5202499

"If they wanted to" implies that they aren't.

>> No.5202499
Quoted by: >>5202549 >>5202566

No, it doesn't. What is wrong with you?

>> No.5202511

Oh wow, this thread reinforces why I think yurifags are scum of the earth. They're almost like yaoi fangirls, being a bitch to everyone who doesn't believe what they want to believe, which is most of the time not even in line with canon.

>> No.5202517
File: 267 KB, 780x620, 9347292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized that I haven't taken a stance on this topic at all, and I'm arguing against other people for no reason, other than to really say that they're wrong. And in retrospect, this is a silly thing to have a serious stance on, which is why I probably have never taken one in the first place.

I feel sort of silly now.

>> No.5202523
File: 20 KB, 769x700, 1261546698979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5202528


Were you also hired to work here?

Hey, that doesn't sound bad.

But you don't look like someone
who can clean.


So, what is your duty?
Love slave?
Alright, then I shall have you
start immediately.

>> No.5202534
Quoted by: >>5202608

like christians!

>> No.5202538
File: 505 KB, 800x1137, 7a0d11e7b887712a230368d5af8a9fab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5202540
File: 291 KB, 556x800, 1267892956767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202543
File: 301 KB, 556x800, 1267893023860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202549
Quoted by: >>5202559


Actually it does. "If they wanted to" imply they don't have them right now. Just could easy have them if they wanted to.

>> No.5202550
File: 267 KB, 556x800, 1267893088658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5202551
Quoted by: >>5202597

Nothing here even says anything about Sakuya being gay, bro.

>> No.5202558

Hurr, cutting off lines, and using inaccurate translations.

>> No.5202559

"If they wanted to" implies they can and have the potential to do other men. It does not imply they will never do it, which is what purefags keep spouting as canon when it's not.

I mean damn, Marisa had parents for fuck's sake.

>> No.5202566
Quoted by: >>5202577

"He could go to the store if he wanted to" in most contexts implies that he doesn't want to go to the store, but he has the capability to do so.

Is that even a correct translation of what ZUN said?

>> No.5202574
Quoted by: >>5202592 >>5202599

CoLA translated where?

>> No.5202576


Actually the other camp is even more annoying in this case. Rinnosuke is pretty much the only significant male so shipperfags make it look like if every single Touhou was in love with him. This is just retarded.

>> No.5202577
Quoted by: >>5202612

>in most contexts implies that he doesn't want to
No, it doesn't. It can mean a variety of things. He can't do it now, he doesn't understand how to do it, he's too young to go to one, etc, etc, etc.

>> No.5202592
File: 736 KB, 1185x1418, 9285259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202599

It will never be translated. Just learn some moon grammar and rikaichan it.

>> No.5202596
Quoted by: >>5202850

No, they don't. Not even to the same level as yurifags do. And most of the Touhous that mess with Rinnosuke do so out of their free will when they don't need to, not necessarily out of love, mind you. Yurifags think fanon is canon and that's just worse automatically.

>> No.5202597
Quoted by: >>5202604


There are no males at SDM. She was supposed to be a love slave of what? A table?

>> No.5202598
Quoted by: >>5202611

Who would make with sense in a relationship with Rinnosuke?

>> No.5202599
Quoted by: >>5202605


>> No.5202601
Quoted by: >>5202619

At least Rinnosuke fans don't get pissed when he's paired with this other girl instead of this one specific one that he was totally meant for.

>> No.5202604
Quoted by: >>5202663

Sakuya called Marisa useless there. So what else can a maid do but that? Even then, Sakuya doesn't say she is gay or even imply it. Besides, we don't know if that's what she really said.

Actual lines please.

>> No.5202605
File: 84 KB, 426x840, 1194619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202622

We're talking about chapter 26, bro. Isn't translated. Never will be.

>> No.5202608


>> No.5202611


>> No.5202612
Quoted by: >>5202636

>most contexts

"Can he go to the store?"
>He can't do it now
"Not right now." =/= "If he wanted to."

>he doesn't understand how to do it
"He can't." =/= "If he wanted to."
I don't even know how the fuck you pulled that one out. If he doesn't know how to, he CAN'T, even if he wanted to, and that's a completely different context from saying, "He COULD if he wanted to."

>he's too young to go to one
Same thing.

>> No.5202619

I actually don't like Rinnosuke being in any pairings. He's so fucking out there, I can't imagine him even wanting to be in a relationship at all.

>> No.5202622
Quoted by: >>5202631 >>5202635

But... why?

>> No.5202628

Christian aren't automatically the scum of the earth. Grow the fuck up and learn to recognize true evil instead of going along with atheist herd.

>> No.5202631
Quoted by: >>5202642

Too busy translation porn, Chado, and doujinshi with their favorite pairings.

>> No.5202634
File: 119 KB, 850x429, hime454866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202655

>touhous are all lesbians!
>no they want cocks!
>no they don't!
>they do!

>> No.5202635
File: 78 KB, 530x800, 286754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea. /jp/ could probably translate it if you fed them a line or two every few weeks.

>> No.5202636

What the hell are you doing? Are you just that dumb that you don't even understand how wrong you are?

If they wanted to, they can easily do it. But they can't do it for various other reasons, not because they don't want it.

"If they wanted to" does not make "they can't for now" irrelevant and vice versa.

I can want to fuck someone's sister, but since I don't have the time for it, I can't as of then. It doesn't make my wanting to fuck someone's sister false.

>> No.5202642
File: 244 KB, 600x676, 7428972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, as much as I like Rinnosuke, I'd rather have any of those over the last CoLA chapter.

>> No.5202654
Quoted by: >>5202686

Better example would be if I had the ability to buy tickets, but since I lacked money, I would just forfeit it. If I wanted to, I could buy tickets, but I didn't because I had a reason not to. Not because I don't want the tickets.

>> No.5202655
Quoted by: >>5202703

This is a weird, and sort of stupid argument.

But I'm actually sort of glad it's not another generic "hurr porn dump sourcesourcesource"-fest, and it feels good to see people getting mad at a person because he's plugging his ears in and saying, "I DON'T HAVE TO PROVE ANYTHING. BURDEN OF PROOF ISN'T UPON ME."

>> No.5202658

Touhou and Sonic the Hedgehog crossover porno fanfiction?

That. Would be awful.

>> No.5202663
Quoted by: >>5202670 >>5202681


Sex maid means she would have to fuck the mansions master. And who is the master? Exactly. And Sakuya say it like it was an absolutely normal thing.

>> No.5202670

Sakuya didn't say that about herself.

>> No.5202673

Who really cares about if the girls are lesbian or not?The only thing i would like to say is that most(all?) of the girls are not interested in Korin.And most likely they have no feelings other than friendship with eachother(The only people i think are lesbians would be Mokou Marisa Keine(?) and Sakuya.)

>> No.5202672 [DELETED] 



>> No.5202681

This is completely true and we know as such about the SDM, but nobody else has ever really been sexualized in dialog as far as I know.

>> No.5202686
Quoted by: >>5202735

This argument is fucking stupid without more context, or even checking if the translation is accurate.

>If they wanted to, they can easily do it. But they can't do it for various other reasons, not because they don't want it.

If they can't do it for various reasons, then they can't, even if they wanted to, which is different from saying he could if he wanted to.

>I can want to fuck someone's sister, but since I don't have the time for it, I can't as of then. It doesn't make my wanting to fuck someone's sister false.
Then you can't fuck his sister, even if you wanted to.

>> No.5202694
Quoted by: >>5202751


It's never said they can't. It's said that they easily could if they wanted to. But they don't want to.

>> No.5202703
File: 89 KB, 497x705, 9217986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in /jp/ has a perfect capture rate on Troll Sign "Burden of Proof." It's just boring now.

>> No.5202716
Quoted by: >>5202725

I think we should stop fighting and play some Touhou or something.

>> No.5202724
Quoted by: >>5202731

This thread reminds me there is a couple of Junda strips I still have to read.

Best Rinnosuke-centric artist I know.

>> No.5202725
Quoted by: >>5202763

Too busy with MAME, although I didn't find Mars Matrix anywhere.

>> No.5202731
Quoted by: >>5202736

Ehh, not my taste.

Teach m how to draw and write so I can make a Rinnosuke doujinshi.

>> No.5202735
Quoted by: >>5202769 >>5202777

>If they can't do it for various reasons, then they can't, even if they wanted to, which is different from saying he could if he wanted to.
NO, you moron. It means that if I wanted to, I could give up something else and just do it. BECAUSE I WANTED TO. But because I placed a higher priority on something else at that moment, I have to put of doing the other thing as a result.

In no way does that mean I don't want to do both things, nor does it say I do not want to do the thing that I can't do at that moment.

>> No.5202736
Quoted by: >>5202805

You don't need to know how to draw. Writing suffices.

>> No.5202751

>It's never said they can't. It's said that they easily could if they wanted to. But they don't want to.
>But they don't want to.
This is never implied, nor is it ever shown. They just don't do it or are never shown doing it.

Fucking... yurigoggles have to have a fucking limit. At least yaoi fangirls sometimes admit that they're stretching every word and event to make it look gay for them.

>> No.5202763

Get a dreamcast already

>> No.5202767

Always remember to stretch before exercising, /jp/!

>> No.5202769
Quoted by: >>5202785 >>5202787


But they all have shitloads o free time. If they can and want to have boyfriends why the hell don't they have any?

>> No.5202771
File: 19 KB, 280x280, sanaeisagoodgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5202782

Is this a buttmad purefag thread?

>> No.5202777
Quoted by: >>5202811

That's still saying "can't even if I wanted to".

Which is still different from "could if he wanted".

"Can't even if I wanted to" is exactly how you described. The wanting can be there or it can't.

Which brings us back to the argument that "could if he wanted" implies a level of unwillingness.

>> No.5202782


Butthurt Rinnosukefag vs Butthurt purefag

Pick your poison.

>> No.5202785
Quoted by: >>5202809

Thats like asking why don't the pretty popular girls in eroge have boyfriends.

>> No.5202787
Quoted by: >>5202812

Do you think little kids want to fuck everyone they see just because they're free? Do you think even grown ups want to fuck everyone they see just because they're free? Not everyone is starving of relationships especially when people have friends to pass their time with. And no, having friends does not equal being gay for them nor loving them.

Fucking lonely faggots.

>> No.5202804
Quoted by: >>5203003

We need another boy(humanoid) touhou so Korin can be happy with him.

>> No.5202805
Quoted by: >>5202939

I think you are wrong.

I need both, or else my doujinshi will only be half as good as I want.

>> No.5202809


ZUN don't give a shit what fans think. He do what he want to do. They aren't "pure" because otherwise fat otaku would stop loving them. They are just because they are.

>> No.5202811
Quoted by: >>5202868 >>5202895

They are not unwilling. It's just that there are better things to do at the time. This is the point I am making. Fucking yurifags and their world-stretching are ridiculous.

>> No.5202812
Quoted by: >>5202822

I detect a lot of autism in this post.

>> No.5202822

I detect can't argue properly in this post.

>> No.5202818 [DELETED] 



>> No.5202850
Quoted by: >>5202862

>I started this shit in this thread and shitting on yurifags, I don't understand why they're mad at me. ;_;

>> No.5202862

Huh? Really? Did you even see the start of the thread? If you can't understand why people hate on yurifags, you have to be blind.

Don't get me wrong, I fap to yuri. But when yurifags go crazy batshit like in this thread, I hate them as much as I hate yaoi fangirls.

>> No.5202868

Hurr durr, ad hominem.

I see what you're saying now.

But in the context of something long lasting like a relationship, it's still somewhat questionable that there's always something "better to do".

But you're right about that specific scenario, and saying "he could if he wanted" can suggest that he has a willingness for both. But equally, him saying "he could if he wanted" can suggest an unwillingness as well. Without clear context, there isn't a clear-cut answer.

But fine, you're right.

>> No.5202895


And those "better things" include lezzing it out with their friends.

Nobody is saying Touhous hate men. Nobody is saying they are a bunch or crazy dick rippers. But there are no significant males around them. Ever. There are 17 games and few manga series yet we never even heard of anything similar to a boyfriend. At the same time we have a lot of VERY close interactions and perverted jokes between them.

>> No.5202917

> There are 17 games and few manga series yet we never even heard of anything similar to a boyfriend. At the same time we have a lot of VERY close interactions and perverted jokes between them.
I didn't think there were a lot of perverted jokes.

I can't even think of any off the top of my head.

I always thought that close interactions is like what hanging out with friends is supposed to be like. Thy're girls and 2D also, that makes it doubly true that close interactions are just the norm, and don't have to suggest lezzing out.

>> No.5202928
Quoted by: >>5202940 >>5202946

>those better things
Yurifag better shut the fuck up.

Understand that living your life is one of those better things. Like danmaku-ing, hunting youkai, or hibernating, not just going carnal relationship with others regardless of either other touhou or nameless men or Kourin.

Damn. Fucking yurifag scum.

>> No.5202939

You're assuming doujinshi need pictures. People sell short-stories too. They just never get scanned and nobody gives a shit when they do because they can't read moon.

>> No.5202940

I don't even like pairings, but you are getting very angry for no reason.

>> No.5202945
Quoted by: >>5202961

>There are 17 games and few manga series yet we never even heard of anything similar to a boyfriend. At the same time we have a lot of VERY close interactions and perverted jokes between them.

Friends are supposed to be close. And even friends have perverted jokes between them in real life. Have you had no friends before? Just because I make sausage jokes with my friends or harass my female friends, it doesn't mean I want to fuck them. Stop projecting your lonely life to 2d characters.

And why would boyfriends even have to be announced in games? Did those games announce they were actually lesbian for each other?

>> No.5202946
Quoted by: >>5202974

Lezzing out is part of living life.

>> No.5202949
File: 432 KB, 827x1169, 8342695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just good friends.

>> No.5202961
Quoted by: >>5202974 >>5202980

Sure does reek of normalfag. You definitely want to fuck your female "friends".

>> No.5202974


Delusional yurifag.

>> No.5202980


Then it wouldn't be a friendship anymore. Are you that sexually deprived?

>> No.5203003

he gets a young beautiful boy as his ASSistant

>> No.5203004

The great thing is there is actually many times more evidence that at least some of them are lesbians and absolutely 0 evidence that they have relationships with men. Yet yurifags are called the crazy and delusional ones.

Both sides are just fucking retarded. It's obvious some of them are lesbians (like most if not whole SDM), some are hetero (Suwako had a kid) and some are bi (probably 3/4 of them). And I bet 90% of them are NOT virgins.

>> No.5203018
File: 129 KB, 542x453, 1273634926518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's obvious some of them are lesbians (like most if not whole SDM), some are hetero (Suwako had a kid) and some are bi (probably 3/4 of them). And I bet 90% of them are NOT virgins.
Holy fuck, man, what are you doing? We don't have enough protection for the upcoming shitstorm!

>> No.5203030

you are kinda right.

>> No.5203045
File: 876 KB, 1350x1024, pissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203061 >>5203063

Virgin birth, rape, or futa. Pick one.

>> No.5203055
Quoted by: >>5203086


Like what?

>> No.5203061

Consensual heterosexual sex in the missionary. Just the way Marisa was conceived.

>> No.5203063
Quoted by: >>5203085


Rape. She raped a random villager.

>> No.5203066


>It's obvious some of them are lesbians (like most if not whole SDM)

It's also obvious you're an autistic neckbeard retard.

>> No.5203077
Quoted by: >>5203104


It's confirmed in the game Remi like female sex slaves. What more do you need?

>> No.5203085
File: 88 KB, 800x1132, 10550221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203096 >>5203103

This idea pleases me, but how did she find someone unwilling to fuck her?

>> No.5203086
Quoted by: >>5203104


Don't skip the dialogues next time you play.

>> No.5203087

i think at least Sakuya and Flan are slightly lesbian.

>> No.5203096


She found a homo? Maybe she like to rape people.

>> No.5203101
Quoted by: >>5203110 >>5203125

Flan is completely innocent. Doesn't even know what a dick is.

>> No.5203103

The villager wasn't a lolicon.

>> No.5203104

Give me a specific citation. It shouldn't be hard.

>> No.5203110

She does not know what most things are.

>> No.5203114
File: 162 KB, 800x600, 1273624092205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203139

I think everyone is just friends and they show their affection primarily by sharing tea and fist bumps.

>> No.5203115
Quoted by: >>5203155

>not lesbian

Play EotSD. Pick Marisa.

>> No.5203116
File: 663 KB, 1050x750, 6217478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203126

>> No.5203117
Quoted by: >>5203144 >>5203296

Jesus, is this really all there is to fandom these days? Pairings this, relationships that, my OTP is better then your OTP. Is there no popular series that falls into this quagmire of shit?

>> No.5203125


But she sure know what a pussy is.

>> No.5203126

Who's this blue-haired bird girl with Rinnosuke? What's her story?

>> No.5203129


Eh, that could still be bi. Showing enthusiasm for someone, rather then bitching they are not a dude, well. It's not like she would say, "Well, I'm bi, so, come back with a guy"?

>> No.5203135
File: 593 KB, 600x850, 10097169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose if Suwako wanted to, she could change herself to whatever you dislike. Gods have that power.

It'd be really mean though.

>> No.5203139


And rubbing their clits together. It's not gay if balls don't touch. They don't have balls so...

>> No.5203142

Tokiko a bird yokai(?) reimu beat up thats about it.

>> No.5203144



>> No.5203152
File: 602 KB, 900x800, 8861491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her name is Tokiko and she is the only Touhou that understands basic strategy. Quite possibly the strongest Touhou.

This is her story. Reimu stole it.

>> No.5203155
Quoted by: >>5203214

Okay. The translated script says nothing about a sex slave.

Now what.

>> No.5203158
Quoted by: >>5203180

In Curiosities of Lotus Asia Tokiko was beaten and robbed by Reimu. She is probably just one of the many weak youkai in Gensokyo. She seems to value and enjoy books. She is known to argue with Rinnosuke often, but despite that has never officially been given a name.

>> No.5203163

That guy that keeps repeating "yurifag scum", you're only showing your pained rear-end when you say it over and over again. Come up with something new already.

>> No.5203172

Purefag scum.

>> No.5203177

If it's scum, it's scum. Problem, scum?

>> No.5203178
Quoted by: >>5203222

Maybe if yurifags had an actual argument...

>> No.5203180
File: 425 KB, 700x700, 5252084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You skimmed CoLA.

>> No.5203188
Quoted by: >>5203194

I think yurifags are going through great lengths to explain away any threat to their gay ships.

>> No.5203194


>> No.5203208

Shipping wouldn't be any fun if there weren't threats to fend off.

>> No.5203215 [DELETED] 



>> No.5203214
Quoted by: >>5203226

>Okay. The translated script says nothing about a sex slave.
Inaccurate translation???

>> No.5203222
Quoted by: >>5203243 >>5203262


Straightfags have even less evidence that yurifags. Actually they have no evidence at all.

>> No.5203226

Oh? What were you hoping for?

>> No.5203229
File: 1.31 MB, 750x1000, 1273144194166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203278

This thread is sad, my friends. What has happened here? Trolls trolling trolls doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.5203243
Quoted by: >>5203267

Being straight is a default setting. Especially when we find out that Marisa has a dad.

>> No.5203258
Quoted by: >>5203269

It's just ZUN fucking around with you guys. He lures you in with some possible lesbo dialogue but never goes through with it. Shit will never be canon, questions will never be answered, and it will all come through the fan media.

>> No.5203259
File: 945 KB, 960x1280, 3787997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5203262

I don't imply any sort of relationships between Touhous. That belongs to the fandom, and the fandom is just that. Fandom. It doesn't matter; it's fluff and fun.

Yuri flies in Touhou fandom because it's fun and it doesn't matter, not because that's how it is in the games.

>> No.5203267

>find out that Marisa has a dad.
>has a dad.
Most people don't come from virgin birth.

>> No.5203269
File: 383 KB, 720x580, where webs come from.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203280

>implying ZUN is Yamame

>> No.5203278

Newfriend summer.

>> No.5203280
Quoted by: >>5203305 >>5203318

off topic:how does she make webs?

>> No.5203282

This is a terrible thread.

>> No.5203296

Can't escape it, comes with popularity. Which is kind of sad considering Touhou has a pretty interesting setting. I mean come on, here is a world where everything forgotten is holed up in a small piece of paradise, there is a futuristic city on the moon that's looked over by mutant rabbits, and humanity is reaching towards the stars by building coffee shops and golf courses on space stations. There's got to be more to this series then the whole someoneXwhomever is such a kawaii kawaii couple nonsense.

>> No.5203305
File: 158 KB, 800x700, yamamemouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick an orifice. The webs come from whichever one you like, and they're created by youkai magic.

>> No.5203318
File: 7 KB, 275x142, spidereye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5203327
File: 1.96 MB, 1408x2300, 10492872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5203341 >>5203346

While I agree with you to an extent, they really are a cute couple.

>> No.5203341

Mokou doesn't even acknowledge you out-danmakuing Keine.

>> No.5203346
Quoted by: >>5203367 >>5203446

Eh, they don't really work as a couple.

No two Touhou characters do.

>> No.5203367
Quoted by: >>5203388

Wriggle and Cirno is canon.

>> No.5203374

>Marisa is still a virgin.
>Rinnosuke is therefore gay.

>> No.5203380

Everyone needs to take it easy.

It isn't too bad. Touhou is extremely enjoyable by yourself, and you have the possibility to inject a little bit of your own flavor into the universe, so it's okay if the internet doesn't want to talk about the same things as you do.

>> No.5203388

That's okay, because Wriggle's a guy.

>> No.5203391


Nobody is saying that shipping faggotry is everything.

>> No.5203417

I doubt there's anyone that only cares about shipping. It's just an opportunity to take up a flag and wave it around in between playing the games and reading various other media.

>> No.5203423

I actually suspect from: remilia, yukari, Kane and mokou
But yeah..fuck sexuality

>> No.5203446
Quoted by: >>5203454 >>5203469


Marisa x Alice?
Remilia x Sakuya?
Youmu x Yuyuko?

>> No.5203450
Quoted by: >>5203466

The problem with such discussion is that it's HARD.

Misunderstandings, mistranslations, unique ideas, undefined concepts, and all these things just get tangled together, and it's difficult to have a clear discussion, because everyone is too busy bitching and crying.

Some memorable topics are ones where people simply present their ideas in a giant block of text, and describe where they drew their ideas and inspirations from. People are MUCH more forgiving as long as you acknowledge that your idea might be a bit of a stretch in the Touhouverse. But if you present your idea well people will generally accept it even though they may disagree.

>> No.5203454

>just friends

>> No.5203466
Quoted by: >>5203502 >>5203551

I just don't bother mentioning my ideas anymore. I'm too lazy to type up a wall of text and apparently Anonymous completely ignores them without one.

>> No.5203467
Quoted by: >>5203477 >>5203505

What is shipping in this context? It does not sound like boat shipping, yeah?

>> No.5203469

And nope.

>> No.5203477

It's often not a nice boat, anyway.

>> No.5203501
Quoted by: >>5203507

Okuu is the only canon character because she has one on her arm.

>> No.5203502

Well, it doesn't have to be a wall of text. I meant more or less that everything you post is unified, reasoned, and there's no intent of completely converting people to your idea.

>> No.5203505
Quoted by: >>5203526

Relationshipping. It's all bullshit.

>> No.5203507

That's a control rod not a cannon!

>> No.5203526

Better explanation


>> No.5203551
Quoted by: >>5203573

I've saved Touhou ideas from /jp/ in a text document just because I really like them a lot, even though I may not respond. I don't respond just to say, "Hey that's pretty neat". If you genuinely believe your idea is well thought out, post with the intent of describing the Gensokyo you see and why you see it that way, not to force a discussion or to receive praise.

>> No.5203573
Quoted by: >>5203597

There is no point in posting an idea if it does not generate discussion or provoke some sort of response. That is why things are posted. No exceptions.

>> No.5203597
Quoted by: >>5203629

I guess that's true. But I guess what I was aiming for is that you shouldn't post your ideas solely to counter someone else's and cause a shitstorm. But I think just fishing for praise is somewhat distasteful.

>> No.5203629

There's nothing wrong with fishing for praise. Just don't be obvious about it.

>> No.5203642
Quoted by: >>5203665 >>5203666

They are not in love with him. Rinnosuke is the kind of guy they would want to fool around and tease with.

Also, he has rare cute stuff for girls in his store.

>> No.5203665
Quoted by: >>5203686

Now apply this to the yuri couples and suddenly, not so yuri anymore.

>> No.5203666
Quoted by: >>5203679

Is Rinnosuke like Gensokyo's version of a trekkie?

>> No.5203679

He's a weirdo who collects shit nobody cares about and shoulders the incredibly heavy burden of conning people out of any artifacts they happen to come across.

So... maybe?

>> No.5203686

Like friends with benefits?


>> No.5203704
Quoted by: >>5203717 >>5203740

I like to imagine Rinnosuke doesn't exist because everyone introduced in the manga is shit and I don't accept them as canon either.

moonbitches, reisen II etc.

>> No.5203717

You're not making any sense.

>> No.5203736

(lit. "person in charge of love")

I don't think it means sex slave.

>> No.5203740

You can't just cherry pick.

>> No.5203753

Guys don't forget that Gensokyo is dominated by medieval Japanese culture. In that time homosexuality is not frowned upon. You can be straight, gay or bi and no one will judge you.
