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File: 235 KB, 850x1202, Love Letter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46678954 No.46678954 [Reply] [Original]

I woke up in a good mood, so I want to make a cute and wholesome thread about all Touhou's.

This thread is for:
>Write confessions for that character you love.
>Explain how you would conquer them.
>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.
>Say what you love about them so much.

Or even so, we can just talk about what we love about Touhou and everything related!

Remember, this thread is for every 2hu.

>> No.46679107
File: 183 KB, 248x319, Th09Eiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46680407

Eiki, my beloved. How would I enchant her?

Maybe if I become a Bodhisattva she will admire my pureness and virtue and try to be with me, sure, there would be no sex, as to become a Bodhisattva i probably need to abandon kama-tanha, but we could still love each other and be together, albeit free from karnal desire. Though maybe then our love would be truly pure, and maybe, as a divine one who has escaped the human realm, I can be with her when she is on breaks....

(Yes, I know this is not how buddhism works, but let me imagine my life with eiki)

>> No.46679318
File: 375 KB, 1771x1815, 1474664796818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write confessions for that character you love.
My beloved Alice, I think you are cute and your magic is cool.(I hope she'll appreciate the brevity and sincerity)
>Explain how you would conquer them.
Walk thru the Forrest of Magic until I meet her. If that doesn't work, I'll pretend to get lost and hope she lets me stay at her house.
After that, just try to talk to her and hope for the best.
>Say what you love about them so much.
She seems a lot more subtile and erudite than the other hus and I find her obsession with magic and dolls and even her social awkwardness to be very endearing.

>> No.46679946

I love the Remimi, but she's going to be the one conquering.
I love her open personality, drive and the kindness found when one can look past the legendary monster.
I will show her various unique foods, eat out together at the best restaurants and go sightseeing or simply spend time together. But I would also really want to show her the real sea. I know, not the best place for a vampire. Perhaps with strong magic something might be done, maybe.

>> No.46680407
File: 70 KB, 466x488, enlightenedsmut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46680426

Sex is used a lot as a symbol in buddhism so you will be abel to have sex with her, but it will be symbolic sex(the best kind, if you ask me).

>> No.46680426
File: 82 KB, 410x469, 1695941086442573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that even mean?

>> No.46680445
Quoted by: >>46698645

That's for you to figure out.
Remember to invite me to the wedding after you achieve enlightenment, I'll probably be in the Netherworld.

>> No.46680481
File: 441 KB, 804x972, __kazami_yuuka_and_sin_sack_touhou_drawn_by_miyo_ranthath__8107642d9e587b7711fbcf4c54b254c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46737798

Never fucking ever

>> No.46681417
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>Write confessions for that character you love.
I'm not too good at writting confessions, or in general do emotional writing, so best to leave this between us, as if she was here i think my confession would also depend a lot on the stuff we've lived through and done together.

>Explain how you would conquer them.
I've gone in autistic length mutliple tiems over this already. But the gist of it is just by being a good man she'd want to marry, pursuing her at a slow but steady pace, so she understands i don't just want a quick lay, but rather i'm actually interesed romantically in her, being flirtarious and charming in away that any woman would enjoy, and for a girl as inexperienced as her i hope she would enjoy a lot, eventually being pushy and not letting go so even with ehr own insecurities over her life span and weak body, she won't be able to push me away for the sake of not damaging me emotionally, reassuring her that i'd love to be with her no matter the circumstances and how short that slice of joy with her would be.
Plus otehr general thigns to make myself a good prospect such as having a good and bright future in my career or job, being fit and strong for aesthetics and for utility too, and also luckily by sharing interests in our liking of writting the kind of stories that we'd like to read

>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.
It'd depend on the stage of the relationship, but generally i'd like to spend a normal day with her, one like any otehr, waking up together, having breakfast together, idly seeing each other thorough the day as we both deal with our work andafterwards spending some time doing some simple thing to pass the time, perhaps a few lewder things like takingn baths, or cuddling, intimacy if it came to that, and such kinds of things.

>Say what you love about them so much.
I fell for her without thinking about it, but giving it some thought one of hte main reasons would be given how she is pretty much the ideal woman for me, living a virtuous but otherwise common life, not separated from what makes her a human, nor seeign above them, due to her condition she understands she is different from the common person, but she'd still worry and try to sympathise with them, trying to lead the village as best as she can in the though spot she is in given the world she had to live in. Plus those moments when she can relax and act not as much as a proper lady, but more a bit bratty or playful, also give her a nice moe-gap without it being too excesive. I must also admit i like her overall clothings a lot, as well as her hair style which while simple, i feel liek it compliments her a lot to my overall perception of her

>> No.46681434
Quoted by: >>46681444

There's no way Akyuu would be interested in someone who makes that many spelling mistakes.

>> No.46681444

I wonder if she'd call me iliterate over it, in a teasing kind of way, it'd be amusing to hear her say that. But yes much like my many flAws, and hers as well, it'd be something both of us could work through in our relationship and try to improve one another

>> No.46681763
File: 876 KB, 1200x847, 1693995376133862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46681768

>Write confessions for that character you love.
Hong Meiling, my beloved Dragon. I love you and I wish to spend the rest of my life with my
>Explain how you would conquer them.
I would try to get strong in martial arts and spar with Meiling until i beat her. Then i'd confess
also hopefully i could get a place at SDM so i could cook delicious meals for her
>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.
I would train with her
Spar with her
Eat with her
Go on dates with her
Have tea parties with her
have cooking battles with her
>Say what you love about them so much.
she's a goofball that knows kung fu and sometimes has cool moments and wholesome big sister moments

>> No.46681768

***with you***

>> No.46686496
File: 746 KB, 800x1150, Meiling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46686513
File: 624 KB, 1216x1748, Patche Confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46704594

>> No.46688289

I also wrote this poem just now, feel free to laugh

Though many speak illl of your friend
For stealing often on her part
You still remain the greater thief
Because you stole my mind and heart

And since the first time that I saw
Your gracious form on March’s snow
Your smile has been my heart's delight
And so I must my love for you I show

Aa with your magic you control
The dolls which you have made by hand
So with your beauty and your grace
My thought and passion you command

So for our sake I take my stand
For without you I feel but void
And so I ask you for your hand
My dear Alice Margateoid

>> No.46688488

I should have proof read this more.

>> No.46698624
File: 302 KB, 1068x1606, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_duzimura__e03be2201df2bcddfdac027610f01fcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love bump

>> No.46698645
Quoted by: >>46704956

I think he's trying to say that it's okay if it's with someone you truly love and are monogamous
Siddhartha Gautama had a wife after all
Will do anon

>> No.46704594

I never thought about this, can we write a confession in a way a 2hu would say it? I mean, like Patchouli confessing her love to Anon.

>> No.46704668
Quoted by: >>46729034

Patche's would probably be very wordy and take a long time to say something simple

>> No.46704956

Thank you, anon. With such compasion, I'm sure you'll achieve enlightment in no time

>> No.46705005

Have you thought on making poetry regularly? This was beautiful.

>> No.46705306
Quoted by: >>46706040

Thank you, I'm flattered.
I've tried making poetry in the past but I just can't.
Even now the first verses just came to me.

>> No.46705826
File: 135 KB, 836x677, 8446574834a5c7e8376e2119a57d83b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46706640

>Write confessions for that character you love.
I don't think I would go for a big or formal gesture. I'm not the type and I suspect she isn't either. I'd just casually confess during a night of drunken revelry and hope I didn't just ruin both our nights doing it.

>>Explain how you would conquer them.
I don't have much going for me but one thing I do have confidence in is my ability to be an entertain drunk that brings the laughs. I'm obviously not going to be charming an oni with feats of strength as a human so I imagine the second best way to charm an oni would be through my value as a drinking companion.

>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.
If I were already with her I'd probably try to learn a thing or two about running a business from her so I could help out a bit and lighten the workload. Aside from that, it would be hanging out, getting drunk, and trying to undergo onification myself so I could shed this frail human body and join her at her level. Who knows, maybe it wouldn't be complicated at all and it would be as simple as having her ask Kasen to borrow her medicine box to let me drink out of it.

>Say what you love about them so much.
This one is interesting because she actually had some character development since I first started liking her that added to the reasons to like her. At first I liked her because she's big, strong, and despite having the strength to do anything she wanted, she chose to just chill and get drunk all day, which I respected because I would have probably done the same thing with that kind of power.

Then later down the line she seemed to have decided to step up to take control of onsen district, giving her a bit of a yakuza boss appeal too. Maybe she always held such a role and it simply never came up during her first appearance but my interpretation is that something changed during that time that convinced her to take on that additional responsibility and judging by how lively it seemed in the background of that one fighting game, she did a good job of managing the place. It added yet another layer of appeal to her because it showed that while she was known for being physically the strongest among a race of youkai who were already famous for their strength, she wasn't just a meathead like you might have expected someone with that kind of reputation to be. She is not only strong but also smart and willing to take on responsibilities when she deems it necessary.

>> No.46706040

Maybe I should just write more until I have some inspiration.

>> No.46706640
Quoted by: >>46707093

How much can you drink before vomiting/getting a coma?

>> No.46707093

It depends on whether I drink on an empty stomach or not. I'd have to pace myself a bit on an empty stomach but with some food in me I can keep up with actual alcoholics even without being one myself. That's why I think onification is important. I'm not an actual alcoholic so drinking that hard is something I'd only be able to do maybe three times a month tops. If I want to be able to entertain an oni indefinitely I'd need to have the body of one.

>> No.46707685
File: 835 KB, 638x1002, e48814615878c7c43519a5d59f0cfa6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote the tentative couple of first chapters for the story with Akyuu i wanted to make
Just the introduction, so not much lovely stuff just yet

>> No.46708728
Quoted by: >>46708765

As a human you can be just as drunk as an oni while drinking way less, I think you could entertain her even better that way, just make sure your liver can take it.

>> No.46708765

Oh, for sure. Like I said, I can take a couple of days out of a month to do it but I would definitely have to find a supernatural solution for my weak human liver eventually if I want it to be a truly long term thing.

>> No.46712682

You can become an oni? I didn't know that.

>> No.46714663
Quoted by: >>46723508

At the very least they said Kasen's medicine box has that power. It also happens sometimes in folklore to particularly evil people, and I'm willing to take a dive on the moral front for such a reward too.

>> No.46716483
Quoted by: >>46790022

I wrote another one, hope you like it. Love you Alice <3.

In forest deep you hide your face
Just like the sun who hides at night
But every time you grace my sight
My heart again begins to race

Your magic book that radiates
With rays that endless nights have stopped
And powers that you have had locked
Stil pales when put against your face

And your eyes, be they blue or gold
Your pretty face that's white as milk
Your hair that's made of golden silk
Are all miracles to behold

And I want to hold you near
So our lives would never part
You, river of joy of my heart
My Seven Colored Puppeteer

>> No.46716530
File: 19 KB, 800x500, __nippaku_zanmu_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_anonymous_japanese__565389f9bea22df2d40a82006009c0c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46723298
Quoted by: >>46723700

Hong, you know I can't read Chinese.

>> No.46723508

Onis exist independent of peoples faith/fear in them, drunk all day, and don't age. Not seeing the downside

>> No.46723700

Well you better learn if you really want to show her how much you love her.

>> No.46724008

I'd say it's definitely worth a few cold blooded murders and a bit of cannibalism.

>> No.46724087

You have to hide underground and a mythological hero or two might come to kill you, other than that it's all good

>> No.46724193
Quoted by: >>46724948

but would you become a yokai for her?

>> No.46724948

For sure

>> No.46728426

The real question is who here WOULDN'T discard their humanity to be with their youkai or magician wife and simply live with them as a human?

>> No.46728644
Quoted by: >>46728671

There are good reasons to remain human. If Reimu finds out, she might end your relationship prematurely.

>> No.46728671
Quoted by: >>46728799

Jokes on her, I'll fuck her beforehand, get her preggo, then she'll be too busy to care about stopping me!

>> No.46728799

You don't think she'll neglect her baby to spite one of her "friends"?

>> No.46728899

I would never confess

>> No.46729006

Realistically, me either. I am too afraid of misinterpreting the atmosphere and being wrong.

>> No.46729020

Given irl experiences, i'd say that i'd likely confess perhapsa bit prematurely, or rather not under ideal circumstances, but early or not qutie perfect, is better than not doing it at all

>> No.46729034


"Buu buu.

>> No.46729063
File: 162 KB, 936x1200, 1706080415981240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46729592

I get the impression that someone like Remilia would word her confession more like she is bestowing an honor upon you by giving you her favor than a traditional confession. Like she will have you thanking her for the opportunity by the end of it.

And if you reject her she will chimp out because she didn't even consider the possibility of rejection.

>> No.46729592
File: 412 KB, 1860x1090, 1711598756733436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46735402

most likely

>> No.46732062
File: 439 KB, 924x1080, 65402614_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46732263

Sometimes the decision isn't yours to make.

>> No.46732263

Nice of Kaguya to offer such a precious gift...

>> No.46732944
File: 77 KB, 1116x964, pigchouli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46734541


>> No.46734541
File: 121 KB, 340x460, 1414089479710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46735402
Quoted by: >>46738758

I made that. It's a fun scenario to think about just because I enjoyed doing dialogue for a haughty noble Remilia. I should look for more opportunities to do it.

>> No.46735850

t. anon

>> No.46736744
File: 381 KB, 1058x1518, the relationship between jp and fairies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46738101

Sometimes words aren't necessary

>> No.46737798

I wanna fuckin die.

>> No.46738101

Sponsored by Akyuu.

>> No.46738426

Which anons do you think would have a chance with the 2hus they courted?

>> No.46738711
Quoted by: >>46745869

The poem guy who has the romantic spirit that the others lack.

>> No.46738758
Quoted by: >>46739089

God, that was so good, where is the continuation? where is the unbeatable defense of anon faith and convictions through the free will that god gives to every human being?
remilia hopes to break anon, but anon breaks remilia first psychologically. socrates style

>> No.46739089

It was a one off left intentionally open ended for an old yandere thread but maybe I will try making a part 2 one of these days.

>> No.46745111
Quoted by: >>46745282

bumping out of interest

>> No.46745282
Quoted by: >>46745423

Go on, why don't you give us a couple of answers?

>> No.46745423
File: 347 KB, 1000x1350, 1438855753647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I must...

>Write confessions for that character you love.
"Dear Maribel Hearn, I write this because I want you to know that even before your parents were born, someone loved you. If you and your friend ever manage to travel thru time, please come to 2024 and meet me."
>Explain how you would conquer them.
Bury the confession in a time capsule near Kyoto and wait, maybe put some kind of spell on the time capsule to get her attention
>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.
Just drink tea and talk
>Say what you love about them so much.
Love is irrational, if I had a reason it would mean I didn't truly love her

>> No.46745465
Quoted by: >>46745547

>if I had a reason it would mean I didn't truly love her
Even if the initial attraction to the character was seemingly random, surely you have found some reasons to like her over time?

>> No.46745547

There are reasons I like her, such as her inteligence, stylishness, politeness and just general niceness. But these are the reasons I like her, not the reasons I love her.

>> No.46745607

This is the last one, I promise

To fairy lands you've gone away
To play forever with you dolls
And left the outside a dry gray
Which forever my heart mauls

As in a deep sleep you descend
My soul for you begins to weep
"Awake, Alice!", of you I beg
But more and more you seem to sleep

Or maybe sleeping is my mind
And your illusion keeps me bound
As I can never meet your kind
But buried in your world profound

In vein I try my thoughts convey
For our love cannot be true
Like a broken dream that melts away
Before the dawn is new

I think you two would get along very well

>> No.46745652
Quoted by: >>46745869

Poem Anon is definitely the winner.

>> No.46745869

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy the poems

>> No.46753198
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x1778, EuL05a2UcAImxOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46753618

>> No.46753618

I would like to introduce Parsee to instagram so she could go hate on people more proactively.

>> No.46754181
File: 608 KB, 900x1440, 8a3352df1e7e2c4e6d1d178d4ae7defb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46754862

Dear Sariel.


~Sincerely, John Reimu.

>> No.46754862
Quoted by: >>46762545

Who is John Reimu?

>> No.46762545

The Hakurei

>> No.46762594
File: 717 KB, 1250x1250, okuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46762946

I love Okuu but she would probably blow me up

>> No.46762946
Quoted by: >>46765070

Approach her as you would a raven. With crackers and shiny trinkets.

>> No.46762969
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1280, 1592450542636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poem anon inspired me to write one of my own. It's kind of bad ,but now that I wrote it I feel compelled to post it.

My love for you shall never fade
Though time has split us like a spring
But thru the music of your world
You once again to me joy bring

Your strange eyes gift me with sight
Revealing worlds anew
And when you and Renko roam the night
I'm always there with you

I think of you by night and day
My love for you time's wall will burn
And to magic lands we'll fly away
My dear Merryberry Hearn

>> No.46763815

The spirit of romance lives on...

>> No.46765060

It's great! When I wrote the first poem, I hoped other anons would join in, I'm glad someone eventually did.

>> No.46765070
Quoted by: >>46765487

And a hazmat suit.

>> No.46765487
File: 1.16 MB, 926x799, __reiuji_utsuho_and_gordon_freeman_touhou_and_2_more_drawn_by_hater_hatater__4acf46f2087817036c71525b3edabd5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46768029

Or rather, a hazard suit.

>> No.46765712

What touhous could you actually win over with a poem? The only ones I can think of are Reimu, who's a bit melancholic, and Yuyuko, who's dad was a poet.

>> No.46768029
File: 202 KB, 708x1269, 4c0ae4ff21bfe3c4ab5949f4bb1324aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as for the suit, i think she earned it.

>> No.46769015

You probably wouldn't win her over, but I can see Kaguya appreciating a good poem

>> No.46771585
Quoted by: >>46820158

Kaguya seems like the kind of person who would destroy others in poem battles.

>> No.46779372
Quoted by: >>46779838

Maybe Youmu and Reisen would also like poems because of their masters

>> No.46779802

I will remain human because being a monster boy is gay.

>> No.46779838
Quoted by: >>46781454

Surprised none of you mentioned Kasen and poetry.

>> No.46781454

I've never read wahh, what's the connection?

>> No.46781591


>> No.46790022

I remember some anon made a poem about Yukari once.
What other characters have had poetry made about them?

>> No.46791395

Remilia is a fancy lady and might appreciate an appropriately classical way of trying to court a woman. In her case I imagine she would appreciate one that sounds like it is describing an actual demon.

>> No.46793582
File: 97 KB, 850x1202, IMG_4145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>46808911

D-Do I need to ask Patchy’s permission to marry her?

>> No.46799821
File: 868 KB, 1450x2048, 78723598_p4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nemuno needs a husband.

>> No.46806936
File: 2.60 MB, 1500x7881, the kanako confession comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46808911

Yes. It is ultimately her that has ownership of Koakuma so you may have to haggle with her and make some kind of deal for her to pass ownership to you and make sure that she can't just unsummon her if you piss her off somehow.

>> No.46813990
File: 323 KB, 715x1100, __kijin_seija_touhou_drawn_by_maguro_mawaru_sushi__b288af3605b9f08b92800b0671a44d30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write confessions for that character you love.
I didn't choose to be your friend, you know. You were always repulsive. Your ugly smile, your annoying laugh, your insufferable attitude... every second spent with you is pure torture. The mere thought of suffering through the rest of my life stuck dealing with your shit feels like a nightmare straight out of hell.
What I'm saying is, I hate you, Seija.

>> No.46820041

They will all reject you

>> No.46820110
File: 3.46 MB, 1447x2500, __yorigami_shion_touhou_drawn_by_tsune_tune__e2b4f64df6c0bd5d4aa1d5443e7e2e15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright im pretty sure I signed myself up for it, but.

>Write confessions for that character you love.
"Shion. I understand you're probably not used to people wanting to stick around. It's kind of weird that anyone would, considering what it means for them: Eternal misfortune. But I've lived through a lot. Hardships, poverty, depression, and abuse... All of it without anyone else to rely on. And, well. I guess what I want to say is..."

"Would you like to have someone who would be by your side? Someone who cares enough to stick by you even at your worst and help you pull through to a better day? Would you accept... Me as that someone? That someone who will be with you, not just as a friend, but as someone who truly cares about you?"

>Explain how you would conquer them.

It's hard to say how exactly one can conquer the force that is misfortune. Hina can only do so much to safeguard me, but understanding how to make do with very little, having the patience to withstand every bit of bad luck coming my way, and having enough compassion to keep Shion coming back is paramount.

>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.

Oh I have a few things lined up here and there. There's the possibility of making a photo album of everything we care about, since photos and memories aren't marked as 'monetary value' as much as 'sentimental value'. There's cooking, which can only have so many things go wrong, and many of which I can anticipate. There's loving her, absolutely smothering her in affection, which she likely rarely can get. There's exploring and sightseeing, which is a wonderful hobby in Gensokyo. And as if that isn't enough, there's always the possibility of trying to help her control her misfortune, even just a little. We've seen how her relationships are, or what little she has. Jo'on likely doesn't help Shion at all, in most any regard.

>Say what you love about them so much.

It's a sort of kinship. We've both been through some serious shit, enough to ruin lives and then some, and I want her to at least get a bit ahead. Not to mention what I like in a woman, such as a difference in size and build, a gloomy outlook that is just begging for a reason to smile, and she might absolutely love having to not eat scraps, since she'll get proper meals. And that means she might end up less anorexic as a result, and in turn that means she's healthier and her life is improving, another thing I can't help myself with.

>> No.46820151
Quoted by: >>46827368

Somebody post that Guts panel

>> No.46820158
Quoted by: >>46822229

Those are just rap battles anon

>> No.46822229

I want to see Kaguya Flow.

>> No.46827368
File: 74 KB, 500x390, HFY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go

>> No.46836185
File: 431 KB, 800x800, __hata_no_kokoro_touhou_drawn_by_rainx0z__58dd13438f79569b16dde53cc665af9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46845017

These are lovely. This one is my favorite

>> No.46845533
File: 193 KB, 850x1201, Satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I can't say I've fallen in love with a 2hu (as that would require, well, bonding with that 2hu, and that's impossible due to obvious reasons), I can say with full certainty, out of all of them, who it'd be most likely.

>Write confessions for that character you love.

"Satori. You know why I am here, but I will speak it in any case. I love you, with everything that I have, and everything that I am. I won't promise you eternity, for I am human, unless I become a youkai at some point. I won't promise you that I will always know the right thing to say, like you will due to reading hearts, but I will try to learn if you would teach me to love you right. I love you with all of my heart and soul, because there is no other way to love, in my mind, and in my heart. If you're not interested, then merely reject me, and that will be the end of it. It will hurt for a while, but I will bounce back eventually. But if you are, if you feel the same, then I will love you with all of my heart and soul, until in my heart there's no blood left to bleed. This is swear, and this I vow. I love you."

>Explain how you would conquer them.

Unironically, I'd let my heart do the talking. Sure, she could in theory use her ability to, well, mess you up horribly, and to lead you to ruin. But in fact, that has never canonically happened. Thus, I would trust her, because I'd know, she would not abuse her power. And I would do my utmost to be there for her. It helps that... I've always had a sensitive heart, and over time, I learned how to help others with their troubles, because I could not stand to watch them suffer. As a result, my intuition is sharper than any blade on that front. Thus, I'd offer to be there, and she would know this offer to be genuine, because the heart cannot lie.

>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.

Well, first off, there's this spot I want to share. Back when I was in uni, there was this place I'd go to, to watch the sunset over the waves, from the cliffside. It became my spot, where I'd go to reflect on things and just... think. I'd want to share that with her. I'd also make sure she treated herself right, and if anyone tried to harm her, I'd fight with everything I had, even if it meant death.

>Say what you love about them so much.

I can't help but feel we'd be kindred spirits. I'm no satori, but ever since I swore not to be a bystander back when I was 16, I've strived to help hundreds. I bore witness to a lot of suffering, but... I have no regrets. That said, there were points where I didn't keep myself in check, where I helped whoever I could every single day for hours at a time and it... it broke me. Helping one to see ten more suffer. Helping ten only to see the hundred you could do nothing for. Helping a hundred to be crushed by the thousand still crying out in pain... It was... Hell. While this might be fanon on my part, considering how satori youkai are treated, I think she stays in the palace to avoid seeing all that darkness and I... I understand it.

>> No.46846201
File: 609 KB, 3613x3496, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_scarlethy__f7616ddfd23387e25b6efc5833fc526f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46854278

Through the last yanhu thread I became completely smitten with the Hifuu Club girls, mostly Merry though. I just love the idea of going on the ridiculous adventures the two are known for undertaking.
