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>> No.46820110 [View]
File: 3.46 MB, 1447x2500, __yorigami_shion_touhou_drawn_by_tsune_tune__e2b4f64df6c0bd5d4aa1d5443e7e2e15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright im pretty sure I signed myself up for it, but.

>Write confessions for that character you love.
"Shion. I understand you're probably not used to people wanting to stick around. It's kind of weird that anyone would, considering what it means for them: Eternal misfortune. But I've lived through a lot. Hardships, poverty, depression, and abuse... All of it without anyone else to rely on. And, well. I guess what I want to say is..."

"Would you like to have someone who would be by your side? Someone who cares enough to stick by you even at your worst and help you pull through to a better day? Would you accept... Me as that someone? That someone who will be with you, not just as a friend, but as someone who truly cares about you?"

>Explain how you would conquer them.

It's hard to say how exactly one can conquer the force that is misfortune. Hina can only do so much to safeguard me, but understanding how to make do with very little, having the patience to withstand every bit of bad luck coming my way, and having enough compassion to keep Shion coming back is paramount.

>What would you do if you already were a partner with them.

Oh I have a few things lined up here and there. There's the possibility of making a photo album of everything we care about, since photos and memories aren't marked as 'monetary value' as much as 'sentimental value'. There's cooking, which can only have so many things go wrong, and many of which I can anticipate. There's loving her, absolutely smothering her in affection, which she likely rarely can get. There's exploring and sightseeing, which is a wonderful hobby in Gensokyo. And as if that isn't enough, there's always the possibility of trying to help her control her misfortune, even just a little. We've seen how her relationships are, or what little she has. Jo'on likely doesn't help Shion at all, in most any regard.

>Say what you love about them so much.

It's a sort of kinship. We've both been through some serious shit, enough to ruin lives and then some, and I want her to at least get a bit ahead. Not to mention what I like in a woman, such as a difference in size and build, a gloomy outlook that is just begging for a reason to smile, and she might absolutely love having to not eat scraps, since she'll get proper meals. And that means she might end up less anorexic as a result, and in turn that means she's healthier and her life is improving, another thing I can't help myself with.

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