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File: 289 KB, 504x654, 1623357062442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44479822 No.44479822 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.44479830
File: 524 KB, 2652x2135, FZTo6HKVsAAuIRM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!
Watch Matsuri!

>> No.44479831
File: 448 KB, 1508x2261, 1674984798860343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.44479832

robosa you fuck
well, at least matsuri got her thread yesterday

>> No.44479833
File: 343 KB, 2048x1448, Fnyrf9saAAAuhSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479834

No, sir, I don't like budget Kizuna Ai.

>> No.44479836

The Last Man on Earth

>> No.44479837

roboshit why

>> No.44479838

Festival should use this kizuna ai outfit more often

>> No.44479840
File: 166 KB, 400x400, 1614947627610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck You

>> No.44479843
Quoted by: >>44479943

Everyone should stream at the same time as pekora's next anniversary

>> No.44479844
File: 1.95 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 34-28 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44479846

Roboco > Matsuri

>> No.44479847

>Been dancing for 9 years and compete internationally
>That was the 2nd time ever she used her 3D
Being in small corpo is rough...

>> No.44479848

I hate this outfit
but mostly the bang

>> No.44479849

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.44479851

What was Matsuri thinking with this outfit?

>> No.44479852


>> No.44479853

I subbed to that girl for Matuli

>> No.44479857

Explains why her footwork was really good.

>> No.44479859
File: 617 KB, 1920x1080, 165282200448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479861


>> No.44479862
File: 316 KB, 1100x1040, 1672389427474769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479863
File: 330 KB, 997x1500, F42bTo2a4AAv591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44479869

>> No.44479865

What about it?

>> No.44479867

I never really knew you to be honest, but I am invested because of the tales of your fat ass

>> No.44479868
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1675433164604554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri is a whore

>> No.44479869

fatter tits

>> No.44479870
File: 310 KB, 1389x2048, 1693485434236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479872

Matsurisus died long ago...

>> No.44479873
File: 362 KB, 492x270, 3535353535.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!

>> No.44479874
Quoted by: >>44479966

Yagoo... Save her...

>> No.44479875

I'm impressed that she still gets ryona art.

>> No.44479876

Pretending to care about za hando, 'host whore with sex tape' is pathetic

>> No.44479878

the hus...

>> No.44479880
File: 3 KB, 112x112, valle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479882


>> No.44479881


>> No.44479883


>> No.44479884
Quoted by: >>44479909

>inb4 massnigger

>> No.44479885


>> No.44479886


>> No.44479887


>> No.44479888

>4/6 of her guests are blondes
What did she mean by this?

>> No.44479889

I fucking hate how Aloe ruined this song

>> No.44479890

is this post anti or supporting festival?

>> No.44479891

>3rd anniversary of Aloe's graduation

>> No.44479894

no, I'm not gonna saviorfag

>> No.44479896

hskw rebounds...

>> No.44479897


>> No.44479898

Really not a fan of this outfit and its confusing similarity to Kizuna Ai.
She should have gone thematically consistent with her new 3D and had a happi and sarashi, I wanna say with a fundoshi but that's gonna be too much to ask for

>> No.44479900
Quoted by: >>44479916

You can get to know her after her inevitable return.

>> No.44479901

Long-ass toes.

>> No.44479908

what we're all thinking. i miss haachama..

>> No.44479909

funny how that works

>> No.44479912

you can't just say stuff, post the sex tape

>> No.44479913


>> No.44479914

Matuli pits... home...

>> No.44479916

She's blacklisted. She can neve-

>> No.44479918
File: 1.82 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 40-38 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is doing the ninjutsu with her hands

>> No.44479919

>(nu-)iwara music
She's asking for it...

>> No.44479920


>> No.44479921

Wow this thread is gross, matsuri is having a 3d live and you really made a talentless hack thread

>> No.44479922

i thought it was a me problem
streams are completely unwatchable today

>> No.44479923
File: 386 KB, 2400x3060, 1621458176467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest this

>> No.44479925

I had to switch to 720p because it was literally unwatchable

>> No.44479926 [DELETED] 
File: 221 KB, 850x1203, 1669436774550247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44479990


>> No.44479928

yeah, that's happened a couple times for this stream and aqua's stream earlier for me. guess it's not just me.

>> No.44479927

what the fuck was that touch the back of foot choreo

>> No.44479929

I thought I was the only one, I've refreshed my page 5 times so far.

>> No.44479930

Unfortunate that Korone did it better and any attempt at it will always be compared to hers

>> No.44479933

anonchama... Susan graduated... We are under Neal's (a pajeet) sovereignty now.

>> No.44479935

It's actually been exactly 3 years since Aloe got graduated.

>> No.44479936

Holy shit I thought it was just my browser...

>> No.44479938

what's the point of that ddr

>> No.44479941
Quoted by: >>44480009

not the sirs...

>> No.44479942
File: 3.76 MB, 2508x3541, 110441016_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday merch! https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/ookamimio_bd2023
Album preorder! https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/ookamimio_nightwalk_bonus
New original, 夜明けのメロウ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhYbtcZlRmQ

Break today...

>> No.44479943
Quoted by: >>44479970

Enjoy your bat soup Jeremy

>> No.44479944
File: 2.27 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 42-58 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44479965

>> No.44479945

And the stream is only 30fps for some reason

>> No.44479946

Ok that's fuckin cute

>> No.44479948

>pajeets run every tech company
>tech continously gets worse

Really fucking makes you think.

>> No.44479949
File: 24 KB, 416x430, 1610664069669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44479963

All I hear is "chin chin"

>> No.44479952
File: 329 KB, 2000x1500, 1574606381439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44479955

When is the shilling of merch going to start? It's been 40 minutes already

>> No.44479956
Quoted by: >>44479974

Maybe because it's actually live? Idk some parts of it at least.

>> No.44479959

dance dance revolution holo onegai

>> No.44479962
File: 2.55 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 44-5 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44479963
File: 179 KB, 369x389, 1615914393080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479964

>open Matsuri stream

>> No.44479965

I call bullshit. She's not doing any of those combos.

>> No.44479966

not a man, no care

>> No.44479967

look at her go!

>> No.44479970

How can you unironically defend a shameless bitch is beyond me

>> No.44479973

Festival love (for today)

>> No.44479974
Quoted by: >>44479995

That's no reason for it, I can't remember a 3D stream that wasn't 60fps

>> No.44479977

So it's halfway to the settings they should be using for lives (30fps normal latency) if they want them to not look shit with youtube's encoding

>> No.44479978

Pekora laughing her ass off over this crossdressing hentai

>> No.44479980


>> No.44479981

>yukiyatsu crossdressing as menma
based fag making pekora die laughing

>> No.44479982

I'm really digging the little PNG Matsuris bouncing

>> No.44479984


>> No.44479985

You wouldn't cosplay as your oshi after she dies... right?

>> No.44479987

Matsuri really is a lovely dancer.

>> No.44479988

How can you unironically live with yourself is beyond me

>> No.44479990
File: 85 KB, 729x960, 1680905112757427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44479992 [SPOILER] 
File: 484 KB, 616x938, made_you_look.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Matsuri mean by this?

>> No.44479993
Quoted by: >>44480001

Was this live live?

>> No.44479994


>> No.44479995

3d now where its mostly precorded sure but this one is mostly live so they had to run back on the quality maybe.

>> No.44479999

No one is defending your mother, that's why you're the way you are

>> No.44480000

damn, that's a cute illust
too bad you're a whore

>> No.44480001


>> No.44480003

Why does she have to be a whore? Such a waste.

>> No.44480006

I wasn't expecting him to actually dress up like a loli what the fuck

>> No.44480007
Quoted by: >>44480016

You can't sell useful merch Matsuri, that's illegal

>> No.44480008

It doesn't even have a lid
matsuri hate

>> No.44480009
File: 481 KB, 503x608, 1678904714961484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480031

You WILL redeem and you WILL enjoy it, sir.

>> No.44480010
File: 397 KB, 421x853, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 47-25 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480032

>> No.44480012

I'm not a fan of all of these various towel merch to be honest

>> No.44480014
Quoted by: >>44480027

Pekora should skip the OP and ED

>> No.44480015
Quoted by: >>44480041

I'm going to get Nene pregnant

>> No.44480016

Everyone is doing tumblers now, they obviously found a supplier they like

>> No.44480021
File: 175 KB, 1223x996, 1610085185296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480022
File: 900 KB, 1458x1032, F42VHo4bEAAEmLm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480024

>the "ATSU"s in her name don't line up
Ouch, right in my autism

>> No.44480026
File: 282 KB, 572x368, 1686301356369802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480040


>> No.44480027

It's good for some per episode 感想 talk

>> No.44480029
Quoted by: >>44480034

what is that art?

>> No.44480030
File: 877 KB, 1017x1030, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made for DV

>> No.44480031
Quoted by: >>44480044

Kys tusk

>> No.44480032


>> No.44480033
Quoted by: >>44480052

let me guess, the next thing you'll post is you dont like keychains and tumblers?

>> No.44480034

her spine...

>> No.44480038
File: 392 KB, 398x859, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 48-49 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480058

>> No.44480037

Acrylic stands are usually lame but that one is pretty decent

>> No.44480040

This thing scares me

>> No.44480041
File: 306 KB, 1448x2048, F4xftsSbsAAm2kf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480070


>> No.44480043

That would have been a better design for 3D, then she could pair up with Sora too

>> No.44480044
File: 397 KB, 436x585, 1693472687081539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please redeem your meds, sir.

>> No.44480047

I love towel merch

>> No.44480049

Matsuri's fat butt...

>> No.44480051
Quoted by: >>44480065

almost 180 degree waist turn
what the fuck

>> No.44480052

Those are okay, I just find the act of using your oshi to dry your ass or clean a mess disrespectful

>> No.44480053
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1678398946307959.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And for her last costume change...

>> No.44480056

What the fuck there's a member live?
Do i really wanna spend money hmmm

>> No.44480058
File: 60 KB, 197x178, 1592497377411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri's face is too big

>> No.44480059
Quoted by: >>44480076

lol you wish

>> No.44480061

the audio sounds fucked up during the shilling part? was it only on my end or?

>> No.44480062

why did festival memoryhole hi hi high tension?

>> No.44480064
Quoted by: >>44480118

You're not supposed to actually use the towel, retard... at most it's to dry some sweat off your face while you're cooking inside a live venue...

>> No.44480065

Imagine the sex

>> No.44480068

Oh so he was jealous of Jinta

>> No.44480069

Let it go...

>> No.44480070
Quoted by: >>44480084

Is this from the same one who made the botan and lamy one? Is there more?

>> No.44480074


>> No.44480075
Quoted by: >>44480087

Nah, that was some xbox mic audio.

>> No.44480076
File: 43 KB, 426x450, 1594211051025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do...

>> No.44480077


>> No.44480078

That's not very global friendly.

>> No.44480079
Quoted by: >>44480087

Probably had to do a little voice over during one part she fucked up during recording

>> No.44480082
Quoted by: >>44480118

anon, you use regular towels and rags respectively for those.

>> No.44480084
File: 208 KB, 2048x1448, Fk-sm3IaAAAmr9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480093

It's by senaka yes, he did the yoghurt spill image series too.

>> No.44480085

That was the only live part

>> No.44480087

ok good to know I haven't started hearing voices

>> No.44480089

the chants sounds like that vanilla song.
honestly would be cool with audience

>> No.44480093

That's cum

>> No.44480094

This feels like a birthday live from 2020... Except they actually danced instead of swaying left and right.

>> No.44480097

this feels like a birthday live from 2020 but with 2022's camerawork and choreo

>> No.44480100
Quoted by: >>44480105

Matsuri might have been the best dancer back in 2020

>> No.44480101

Yeah, hoshikawa's

>> No.44480104

I enjoyed that live, well done Festival

>> No.44480105

Who is it now?

>> No.44480106
File: 148 KB, 266x316, 1636173536071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480134

>> No.44480108

>got rejected and became a crossdresser
Explains so much of why trannies exist

>> No.44480111

jinta didnt do anything wrong
yukiyatsu is just a fag

>> No.44480113

a nipple pic on fantia would be a perfect finish for the live

>> No.44480115

Rats too? Whatever makes you happy Jeremy...

>> No.44480116
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, Matsuri Channel 夏色まつり - 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ夏色まつり】 [cB-8A760jtI - 1920x1080 - 32m24s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty great live, that indie girl was cute

>> No.44480117
Quoted by: >>44480132

miko might be late, so let's watch korosan first
or flare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvirEaRT-B0

>> No.44480118

You say that, but I'm pretty sure a handful of people have used it for that exact reason.

>> No.44480120


>> No.44480121


>> No.44480122
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 【3DLIVE】夏色まつり Birthday Live🎂🎉 #今夜はdancethenight【ホロライブ_夏色まつり】 54-41 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Festival Love

>> No.44480123

I thought Suisei is top

>> No.44480125
File: 488 KB, 2067x2756, FvadRugaMAEjznG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job Festival, that was nice. Just wish you weren't such a whore.

>> No.44480126
File: 281 KB, 2048x1448, FjXem4XagAMdry7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no, that's just yogurt. Totally safe for work and innocent images, yes. Trust me.

>> No.44480128

Monkey paw...

>> No.44480127
File: 448 KB, 1029x1725, 1663090942494492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would have been good

>> No.44480130
File: 2.91 MB, 720x960, 1667594057230852.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need

>> No.44480132

I'm watching dog

>> No.44480135


>> No.44480134
File: 84 KB, 310x289, 1603280297741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamnit, I was about to post that. Now I am the one who has to kneel

>> No.44480136
Quoted by: >>44480151

unironic answer is Subaru

>> No.44480139

I don't have a definitive answer but I feel like Nene and Korone utterly trounce Matsuri nowadays, Sora's always reliable too.

>> No.44480140

Maybe Jeremy Wong is also just jealous because Pekora hates the Chinese

>> No.44480141

Matsuri looks sexier than usual

>> No.44480143
Quoted by: >>44480155

Sakamata would never...!

>> No.44480144

sukikira new
Pekora's ratio went from 57% to 56% after this incident

>> No.44480145

Ollie is so fucking awkward with these randos lmao

>> No.44480146


>> No.44480149


>> No.44480150

holy brappers

>> No.44480151

Oh yeah Subaru too, I knew I would have forgotten someone obvious >>44480139

>> No.44480152
Quoted by: >>44480156

name pls????

>> No.44480153
File: 293 KB, 646x507, 1692800455480291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cute orca would never...

>> No.44480155
File: 1.10 MB, 1159x1079, 1662216481425868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie to yourself anon, you and I both know she would...

>> No.44480154

Anon who posted this >>44480130 from the last thread, please post the sauce

>> No.44480156

sakamata chloe

>> No.44480158
File: 2.82 MB, 271x281, 1679298666165407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Suisei.

>> No.44480159
Quoted by: >>44480173

Not a schizo but this cover is bad. Their voices do not mix well and the song doesn't fit either.

>> No.44480162
Quoted by: >>44480194

I don't know the source I'm posting it in the hopes someone would know...

>> No.44480163
Quoted by: >>44480182

>Hime solo minecraft.
comfy....now all I need is rain and thunder.

>> No.44480166


Sorry Sora, but I can't into kanji at all...

>> No.44480167

Let's put the who's the best dancer debate and just say that they're really the only singer dancers in hololive. Others can sing well but can't dance

>> No.44480168
Quoted by: >>44480473

*Caustic voice*
Take a deep breath

>> No.44480170
File: 965 KB, 1790x1998, pekosex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you reject your ghost girlfriend to play a shitty war of the three kingdoms game

>> No.44480171
Quoted by: >>44480193

This dumb girl can't properly dance to save her life...

>> No.44480173

>one person is a try hard singer
>one person doesn't know how to sing
speaking about the obvious

>> No.44480176

I'm sorry, but their voices do not mesh well or complement each other

>> No.44480177

anal friend is bitch

>> No.44480178
File: 1.79 MB, 234x450, 1690553984640655.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cool...

>> No.44480179

Flare Zatsudan 21 Aug 2023 1/3

Holy shit I wrote about 80% of this then I made the genius move of spilling water all over my old ass laptop and it just died. But anyway did you guys know it's not that hard to write a zatsudanpost for a 3 hour zatsudan if you've already written almost all of the fucking thing once before?

Flare is using her old headset because her left ear is injured and she asks the audiophile elfriends for any recommendations for new headphones. Her current headset is the Sony Mdr-cd900st. Her main requirements are that there is little sound leakage, the sound is very clear and it's also comfortable and nice to wear for longer streams. And the way she injured her ear is that she just had a little incident while trying to clean her ear.

Flare has tried bone conduction earphones before but she doesn't like them since there is sound leakage and it's not good for recording or for watchalongs. In general she doesn't really want to use earphones. Flare wants to try Sennheiser headphones mostly because the name is German and therefore sounds cool. She has a Sennheiser mic but has never used their headphones.

>Bakatare Circus
There will be a video released on the BBQ they went on together so Flare won't talk about that too much.

Polka recently invited Bakatare Circus out to eat at a restaurant. They went to a nice, tucked-away cafe-like restaurant which Polka made the reservation for. They ordered the course meal but ended up eating a bunch of bread in between courses and got full halfway through, but in their defense the bread was very good, crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Flare prefers it when the rice and the side dishes come separately over mixing everything together.

When ordering drinks, Fubuki and Polka wanted cold oolong tea. Flare accidentally ordered hot oolong tea for both though. She also got ice cocoa and later a jasmine tea and some juice. And meanwhile Watame was drinking tomato juice. Apparently many holos don't handle tomatoes very well but Watame was able to happily drink it. Polka also excitedly said "I want to try ice cocoa" but immediately deflated with a "Ah...it's ok..." when Flare offered hers. Fubuki and Polka also ended up liking the hot oolong tea a lot and ordered a second one, so Flare's pon mistake ended up being a new discovery for FubuPol.

Flare is very happy that the Polka who has a fear of eating with others asked them out to eat together.
Chat: "It's thanks to you"
Flare doesn't think she did anything, it was simply Polka gathering the courage to take the first step, and Bakatare were just the recipients of her courage. Flare thinks that courage is a form of kindness. The kindness for Polka to reach out and take the first step despite her fears, as well as the kindness of Bakatare to stand behind Polka and gently wait for her and support her and her bravery. For this reason, Flare loves Bakatare Circus a lot.

Fubuki recently has been very into escape rooms and convinced everyone to do one with her after the meal at a game center. Fubuki and Polka apparently had really good teamwork going on and they managed to clear it. They later hung out at the game center for a while. Polka was saying how she wanted a plushie in a crane game and Fubuki got it for her, Flare even thought Fubuki was getting it for herself since she was so focused in getting it. Flare also was trying to win some hairpins, at least 4 so everyone could have one. She ended up winning 6 so Polka went home with 3 hairpins on her head. Watame and Polka went home first while Flare thought she would accompany Fubuki to the conbini and go their separate ways. Fubuki instead convinced Flare to go back to the game center and play the crane game more to get some plushies. When checking the price of the plushies she got on Mercari, they seemed to be selling for half of what Flare spent getting them...

Flare went out with Fubuki to get a meal a few days after the Bakatare Circus meetup. She then again got convinced to play escape rooms with Fubuki, they did 4 and managed to clear a total of 0.

>> No.44480180
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>> No.44480181
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>> No.44480182

I wonder if she going to go build Okayu's island

>> No.44480184

I like it. The contrast of their voices complements the song perfectly.

>> No.44480187

Flare Zatsudan 21 Aug 2023 2/3

During the nikisei-sankisei collab, Choco mentioned that she wanted to eat crab and Flare said she would go with her. They then went to a restaurant with some good crab dishes recommended by Choco. Flare likes crab but doesn't like crab miso because of the strong aftertaste. They also went out to eat yukke-don but unfortunately couldn't make it for closing time, so they settled for yakiniku instead.

Some time last year, Flare asked Choco to get a meal together and she is happy that she reached out that day. Apparently at some point Choco was troubled about asking Flare out and Flare told her that she could ask anytime and Flare will always go as long as her schedule allowed, and ever since then they hang out pretty often. Flare has never been on Choco and Lui's cooking show but she has been on Choco Cooking twice so far. Flare likes how Choco is always enthusiastic about hanging out, for example she will make plans to eat then immediately come back with some recommended restaurants to eat at. This kind of woman that takes the initiative is the kind that Flare looks up to.

Flare has been extremely into eating eggplants and green onion recently. She took a 2-day break recently and mostly ate a lot of eggplant during that time. She even sent a LINE message to Noel asking if she wanted to go eat eggplant, so now there are plans to go sometime soon. She also really likes how you can cook green onion many ways and season it many ways and it will still taste good.

>Splatoon (Ok look I wrote this once already, I'm not writing about Splatoon again. Check the archive if you want to hear her talk about this for like 10 minutes)
One year ago, if someone brought up Salmon Run (Splatoon PvE), the first holo that would come to mind would be Shirakami Fubuki. Korone was also into Splatoon but she would mostly play PvP. Flare herself didn't really get into Splatoon until a while after its release. When she started playing, she also really disliked playing PvE but eventually she learned to like it. She also has plans to hang out with Irys soon again.

Flare is currently slowly chipping away at writing messages to go with her merch. During downtimes such as at recordings or before meeting up with someone (because she is usually early), she will take some cards out and write a couple messages. Each message will be about 1 sentence long, and the elfriends who bought the dedicated handwritten message will get a longer one. She wants to write a short message for every elfriend even if they didn't buy the handwritten message so no one gets left out.

>Any questions? (Longer parts get their own sections below)
FureFureTokoMachi? They've talked about getting together again but there are no plans yet.
MariFure? Nothing has happened.
Kanata? Flare has a lot of things she wants to do with Kanata. Of course she hopes that she gets better soon, but more so she hopes that Kanata takes her time to get to 100%.
Tamagotchi? Flare's is alive on day 26. When Bakatare Circus met up, Polka brought along both of her Tamagotchis.
What games do you want to play? There are a bunch but she doesn't really know yet.
What have you been watching? 2 dramas "Psychometrer Eiji" and "Mr. Hiiragi's Homeroom".
Where do you find time to watch those? Flare usually watches while working but sometimes she does sacrifice sleep to make time for her hobbies. Flare believes there is a close link between mental and physical health, so she wants to have a balance between both. She is watching her mental and physical health closely so she will be sure to take breaks when she knows she needs one. She gets her energy from the elfriends after all.
Any offcollab plans? None so far.
What tea have you been drinking? Not much, mostly water recently.
Member stream? Probably a zatsudan where she signs her merch on the side.
Non-holo collabs? FureFureTokoMachi probably.
HoloARK? Aki has been holding the fort so far but no plans on Flare's end.
Flare likes eating tuna with wasabi and onions sauce. She saw someone on Chibi Maruko-chan eating tuna with onions sauce and one day she decided to add wasabi to that and she has liked it ever since. Her favourite way to eat tuna is the way her mother makes it, with daikon and mayonnaise.
"Eating it with chili sauce isn't that spicy." Flare does not trust people who are used to spicy food when they say something is not spicy.

>> No.44480189

LOOK AT HER GO ocelot.webm

>> No.44480190

I'm taking Anjou home

>> No.44480191

dog is live
and with no intro

>> No.44480192

Nrm is back...

>> No.44480193
File: 2.36 MB, 772x432, 1686464096275332.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can dance when she tries.

>> No.44480194

Here you go:

>> No.44480195

Flare Zatsudan 21 Aug 2023 3/3

>Any questions? (part 2)
Flare's little brother calls the energy drink "ZONE" as "Zo-ne" (romaji) and she is worried for his IQ. Her mother has also been calling it that and it made her question reality when she went home and heard them say it so confidently.
Live2D 3.0? There are plans.
Do you use perfume? Sometimes.
HoloCure? If she isn't implemented with a bow then she'll play. Seriously though no plans yet. She doesn't actually hate bows though, it is just not a weapon she likes to use so she doesn't really want it to be attached to her character image. It's ok to draw fanart of her with one though.
Flare recently saw Miko's Soul Calibur stream had someone using a "Honey" avatar (Flare's Ranch Simulator character) and he turned out to be really good, she thought that was funny. It was a really well made character. It's actually been about 2+ weeks since Flare has touched Ranch Simulator, but she wonders what she has left to do in the game. She wants to play it again soon though but she didn't have that much time for solo streams. Suisei is actually interested in Ranch Simulator too but her time recently was taken up by the Minecraft Summer Festival.
Are you bad at doing the prefectures? Yes, Flare also can't really do memorisation and talk at the same time, so she probably can't do it on stream.

>Haunted house
Shiraken had been slowly working on the haunted house offstream. Suisei especially put a lot of effort into it. Flare originally thought of doing a Minecraft stream instead of this zatsudan but she decided against it since it would mostly be a hole-digging stream and most of the haunted house was not planned yet. Most of the blueprint was done by Suisei and Miko and Flare didn't really know much about it (Shiraken CEO btw). Flare didn't even know the Twitter hashtag for it. They once worked until the morning in a Discord call and some funny stuff did happen, like Suisei repeatedly having to rebuild the redstone circuits because water or a creeper destroyed them. They spent a while figuring out the correct brightness for the build overall.

>Minecraft test of courage event
Flare will be participating in the event with Noel and Polka on 1 Oct at 10PM JST. (Fubuki/Mio/Ayame will also be participating in the timeslot before theirs.) They'll be exploring the map during their timeslot. This year's map theme will be Fubuki's hometown, the Backrooms. Noel has never gone to a haunted house before, so Flare hopes she will enjoy it. There are a lot of cool Minecraft things that can't be done on the holoserver like using commands, in addition to stuff like building and redstone. Flare and Suisei recently have also taken an interest in working with pistons, and Flare also thinks pistons kind of feel like Tetris. Flare hopes Noel can possibly find something that she enjoys doing in Minecraft. Although Flare herself doesn't really play Minecraft that often nowadays.

Flare's older brother recently learnt about Flare's vtuber job. Flare sent back some fried chicken from "Gacho's Fried Chicken" (がっちょの唐揚げ) to her family home, and her brother just so happened to be visiting. Her mother asked him how much this cost and he looked it up and "Shiranui Flare" shows up in the suggestions when you google the store name (yes this is real), and thus she got found out. Her brother has then been hinting that she should buy more of the fried chicken for them so she did. Her father then asked her to buy some sardine crackers for him instead, which she did and asked how it tasted. All he replied was "Tastes like the origin of fish" (魚の本来 - that's a 1-to-1 translation).

>> No.44480197

shiishii looks like ojou with this hairstyle

>> No.44480198
Quoted by: >>44480205

isn't this lapu's stage?

>> No.44480199

>Taipei City, Taiwan
of course

>> No.44480202

What are Icarus doing lol. Did the Subaru one get posted earlier?

>> No.44480204

She's still up there, along with Aki; Towa; Korone; Laplus and Nene. Honourable mention to Iroha who has great movements and energy but just needs to refine her routines a bit more

>> No.44480205
Quoted by: >>44480217

Towa is a thief

>> No.44480207

Why are Taiwanese sluts so outrageously hot

>> No.44480208

Thanks anon

>> No.44480211
File: 3.18 MB, 1920x1080, FxTfklVaEAAJipH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

miComet Idol cover https://youtu.be/4kCzI6xbQoo

>> No.44480212

Twap hips...

>> No.44480214

Speaking of Kizuna Ai, her roommate just said right now that chuubas she's interested in are Senchou and Noel

>> No.44480213
File: 249 KB, 1800x1820, 1692450466137327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin gyaru
its just like my animo mangos

>> No.44480215

thanks anon, I'll read it while I'm waiting for the stream to start

>> No.44480217


>> No.44480218

is she retard?

>> No.44480219

otsukare anon

>> No.44480221
File: 965 KB, 1292x1058, 1659936699431640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480231

>Flare has been extremely into eating eggplants and green onion recently. She took a 2-day break recently and mostly ate a lot of eggplant during that time. She even sent a LINE message to Noel asking if she wanted to go eat eggplant, so now there are plans to go sometime soon.
I know she means cooked eggplant, but now I have this image of Flare creeping around gardens and eating raw eggplants straight off the plants and running away once she gets spotted by the owners

>> No.44480222
File: 152 KB, 269x288, 1682388942308563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480235

Your thoughts on the splatoon collab, Zatsudanposter?

>> No.44480226

Wamy forgotten...

>> No.44480231

Blame Iroha

>> No.44480233

>who's gonna start
>you're the most senior, korosan...

>> No.44480234

Ko'one is too loud.
Hurea is too quiet.
Rui is fine.

>> No.44480235

Game is bad but girls are cute so it's ok

>> No.44480236

>Flare has been extremely into eating eggplants and green onion recently
She's pregnant

>> No.44480240

Miko will be late because she's still busy having sex with her girlfriend Suisei

>> No.44480244

Thanks anon.
>he looked it up and "Shiranui Flare" shows up in the suggestions when you google the store name (yes this is real), and thus she got found out
Heh, interesting.

>> No.44480245
File: 246 KB, 370x450, DIE FAHNE HOCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mostly because the name is German and therefore sounds cool
Dumb wheraboo...

>> No.44480246

>because the name is German and therefore sounds cool

>> No.44480247
Quoted by: >>44480278


>> No.44480250
Quoted by: >>44480258

Menma can move things so why doesn't she just use a pen and paper?

>> No.44480252

Get some Beyerdynamics Fu-tan... they are actually Made in Germany, not China like everything but the top 0.1% of Sennheiser's stuff

>> No.44480258
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>> No.44480262
File: 2.15 MB, 3499x1696, 1664926908441169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480266

The only shiraken member i like is Polka.

>> No.44480268
File: 605 KB, 682x700, 1657355572890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480274

>> No.44480274

Why? Aren't you happy that she streamed today?

>> No.44480275

I don't think there's anyone who isn't interested in Marine, people just gravitate towards her, she liked a twitter post the other day about yet more seiyuu becoming her fan

>> No.44480276
File: 763 KB, 1472x900, 1680671896388841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki instead convinced Flare to go back to the game center and play the crane game more
Fubuki has a problem.

>> No.44480278

They had lesbian sex right after this recording

>> No.44480281
Quoted by: >>44480314

does Flare not drink alcohol?

>> No.44480283
File: 122 KB, 480x270, tapa ihtes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480286

Only one?

>> No.44480288

You know, I realized something. Why is it that none of the girls have ever streamed the original Halo?
It's a great game and it's atmosphere is still unmatched as far as single player FPS goes, in my opinion. I know FPS took a long time to come to Japan, but the Japanese seem to have completely missed Halo when it came out. I suppose it's because the original Xbox was never widely adopted over there back then, but it's been out on PC for over a decade and I just never see any Japanese streamers playing it. So was there just never a dub or translation released for it? The first game is still one of the best games ever made, in my opinion, and I think it'd be really cool to see them experience the story and mystery of the first game for the first time. I recently saw a clip of some young streamer reacting to the Flood during a blind playthrough, and it felt really nostalgic.
I doubt it's a permissions thing, since I'm pretty sure they can get perms for their games. Do the Japanese just not know about Halo in general?

>> No.44480293

>Suisei is actually interested in Ranch Simulator
I'm going to member Flare if she convinces her to play it on stream

>> No.44480294

gambling love!

>> No.44480296
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The internet is weird

>> No.44480297
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>> No.44480300

Someone please (You) me when Miko joins the collab

>> No.44480302


>> No.44480303
File: 427 KB, 396x500, 1632837262404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480311

>> No.44480304

It's not the original but Botan played Halo Infinite on stream and it hsd her feeling nostalgic, so she's definitely played it before.

>> No.44480307
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Enjoyed reading, thanks anon.

>> No.44480308
Quoted by: >>44480322

Me on the bottom

>> No.44480311


>> No.44480313

Hime up...

>> No.44480314

She hasn't drank on stream in a long time so who knows

>> No.44480315
Quoted by: >>44480333

Anal caught having anal sex...

>> No.44480316
Quoted by: >>44480333

Anjo the Enjo whore

>> No.44480317
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Sora Love!

>> No.44480318
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Quoted by: >>44480332

>Flare likes eating tuna with wasabi and onions sauce
My sides, thank you filter very cool.

>> No.44480319

thanks anon

>> No.44480322

Laplus please stream.

>> No.44480323

Aren't Yuika's tits bit too big?

>> No.44480325

anaru you choose the wrong friends

>> No.44480326

I love every time Furea and Koone manage to collab

>> No.44480327

I swear I remember Pekora adding MCC to her to buy list on steam once but I may just be schizophrenic.

>> No.44480328

Why is the the most degenerate fanart western-made?

>> No.44480329

i like this hag splat collab

>> No.44480331

Korone said she wanted to and think she even bought an xbox for it, but just like every other game she said she wants to play we're just waiting here

>> No.44480332
Quoted by: >>44480381

I fuckin forgot about that filter when writing that god dammit

>> No.44480333

Anaru jerii...

>> No.44480336
Quoted by: >>44480339


>> No.44480338
File: 2.99 MB, 1000x1080, NoeMari_ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste

>> No.44480339

anon that doesn't even make sense

>> No.44480343

>love hotel face

>> No.44480345
File: 217 KB, 272x317, 1674413300595809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jinta you based autist

>> No.44480347

Isn't Anaru voiced by Haruka Tomatsu?

>> No.44480348

jintan is cool

>> No.44480358
File: 258 KB, 1280x720, AngelHeaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480377

Aki Shuba off-collab in 5 min

>> No.44480359

Thank you, that was a nice read. I better watch her archives since I haven't been able to watch streams this past month or so.
>If she isn't implemented with a bow then she'll play
Mendokusai onna bringing the bow topic up again...

>> No.44480360

Good people love Marine
Bad people like Pekora

>> No.44480364
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>> No.44480367


>> No.44480369

>Jeremy/Marinechizo is so desperate to shit on Pekora that he daid something good about Marine
I am going to take an screenshot of this kek

>> No.44480370
Quoted by: >>44480386

Why do Holos always write osanpo with hiragana instead of お散歩

>> No.44480372

I thought Halo had some really weird permissions issue, like Microsoft aren't able to give permission to stream the soundtrack and you can't turn the music off

>> No.44480375
Quoted by: >>44480380

>good people
>kizuna ai
she got pregnant from kaguya lunas man

>> No.44480377
Quoted by: >>44480388

Angel Heaven love

>> No.44480378

>They're fucking doubling down on E-sports
see you all in hell

>> No.44480380

uh, isn't it the other way around?

>> No.44480381
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1200, 1678386098181418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon it's not like we wouldn't be able to understand the intended meaning.
It's just a dumb funny thing I felt like pointing out.

>> No.44480382

Do western streamers play it though?
I haven't watched much of anything for years already but I don't remember there ever really being an audience for halo streams several years ago when I did watch.
There was CS, shitpex, overwatch from which everyone including "pros" graduated into variety streaming and fortnite which I didn't watch at all. Maybe some valo but it was universally considered a flop then. FPS basically didn't exist outside that.

>> No.44480384
Quoted by: >>44480398

nta but I think you're correct, it's reversed

>> No.44480386

Because nobody likes kanji

>> No.44480388
File: 926 KB, 2893x4092, 1659487108755646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Boy!

>> No.44480389
File: 118 KB, 748x1266, 1682825057475262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l o l.

>> No.44480393

hime's still climbing...

>> No.44480394
File: 191 KB, 1473x1042, 1680700671086165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480410


>> No.44480395

So everyone other than Matsuri is being forced. rrat acquired.

>> No.44480398

She impregnated a man? Japanese science is crazy...

>> No.44480399

The multiplayer came and went a decade ago, I think people just want to see streams of the singleplayer campaign because it's a historically significant video game and it still holds up

>> No.44480401

Forgot to add PUBG that was already dying because of cheaters by that time and tarkov that people only watched for drops.

>> No.44480402
Quoted by: >>44480411

Someone please get the ghastly Matsuri picture.

>> No.44480408
Quoted by: >>44480414


>> No.44480410
Quoted by: >>44480426

It doesn't sound like MV for her new song, what could it be?

>> No.44480411
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>> No.44480413
File: 490 KB, 1560x2048, botan lamy 418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480414
Quoted by: >>44480433

men only stream?

>> No.44480417

5 episodes left

>> No.44480418

>what does PFX stand for?
>perfect human...
hurea your english reps...

>> No.44480419

Sora's thumbnail feels highly suggestive to me

>> No.44480420

Halo Infinite probably has enough of a playerbase to keep it afloat, but most of the reception at first was negative. I wanted to like it, but the microtransactions disappointed me.

>> No.44480421
File: 928 KB, 1398x2048, botan lamy 419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480429


>> No.44480426
Quoted by: >>44480446

Maybe her cover/song from the anniversary live?

>> No.44480428

Inugami Korone has just found out that the L and R on controllers refers to left and right.

>> No.44480429
Quoted by: >>44480432

This isn't watame

>> No.44480431

no way

>> No.44480432
File: 215 KB, 739x718, 1690289604416548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and?

>> No.44480433

sorry gays

>> No.44480439
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>> No.44480440

I really can't muster up any enthusiasm for whatever Dev_Is is, just stop making hopeless new projects and focus your energy (and money) on improving what you already have for fuck's sake

>> No.44480445

It's their new esports (whore) branch

>> No.44480446
Quoted by: >>44480451

She hasn't made a cover in 5 years so maybe that

>> No.44480447

When's hololive alternative 3?

>> No.44480449

Not like it's fully written "Left" and "Right" on most devices... dumb dog...

>> No.44480450

I mean really why the fuck isn't it M and H over there

>> No.44480451

It literally is a cover. No way it isn't.

>> No.44480453
Quoted by: >>44480458


>> No.44480454

Good people love Marine
Better people love Maripeko

>> No.44480456
Quoted by: >>44480465

Aki's background is something special alright

>> No.44480457
File: 851 KB, 961x916, 1692193310616075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480464

pekopiss drinking time

>> No.44480458

This might be the longest Peko toilet break ever, she's defo pushing one out.

>> No.44480459

if they wanted to keep it japanese they can just use the kanji since it's one space

>> No.44480460
File: 34 KB, 672x777, 1673819823664269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asmonshit made a react video on suisei
its so fucking over


>> No.44480461
File: 1.56 MB, 1306x925, Around_Elves3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480474

Subaru has been taken hostage...

>> No.44480463
File: 362 KB, 1367x1757, F4kUV0GbIAA4bN-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like shark

>> No.44480464
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, peko piss6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480465

danmaku comments love

>> No.44480466

fucking leech

>> No.44480467

Subaru and Aki sound like they're crammed into a phone booth

>> No.44480469


>> No.44480470
File: 89 KB, 791x445, 1670142109428730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, how else will we impress investors and raise stock prices if we don't open new useless projects to look like we're doing something and growing our company?

>> No.44480471

Please give this girl a sub

>> No.44480472


>> No.44480473

Breathe it in

>> No.44480474

elves would never

>> No.44480475
Quoted by: >>44480508

Because it's cheaper to make one model of controller for the entire world
That's why the PS5 uses circle for cancel and X for confirm on JP consoles now even though that doesn't make any sense

>> No.44480479

>it's real
Jesus Christ, I guess those Holocure videos were raking in the views

>> No.44480482

aight what's the next big thing? custom chat gpt avatar? I'm ready to move on

>> No.44480485
Quoted by: >>44480490

nice hime did beat the maikura only up

>> No.44480487

Is she singing holo songs again? I like it when she does that.

>> No.44480489

Noel announcing a break I see

>> No.44480490

too bad no subaru to egg her on this time

>> No.44480491

The current twitch meta is reacting to Youtube clips. Expect more of this.

>> No.44480494

I skipped around half of my 9th year in school

>> No.44480495
File: 375 KB, 1918x1076, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake up kazamitai

>> No.44480497
Quoted by: >>44480506

Aki and Subaru are big girls so the usual small streaming room echos even more

>> No.44480498

Korone unleashing her murderous intent on children squids...

>> No.44480500

you can't curse in a children video game, korosan

>> No.44480501

How was Okayus ASMR?

>> No.44480503
File: 177 KB, 846x925, 1682813284344592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480517

too many streams...

>> No.44480504

>focus your energy (and money) on improving what you already have for fuck's sake
Wish granted
*pumps more money to push Homofart*

>> No.44480505
Quoted by: >>44480521

Subaru is free to lust all over Aki.

>> No.44480506
Quoted by: >>44480521

I mean it's really just a Subaru problem because she always distances herself from the mic, Aki sounds fine pretty much

>> No.44480507

Jinta almost got raped

>> No.44480508

>even though that doesn't make any sense
Every game I ever owned for PS1 and PS2 back in day used X to confirm things, this is how things should be. I'm glad Sony unified that stance, it makes perfect sense to me for the downmost button confirming everything.

>> No.44480509

Fuck it i'm just gonna watch Aki/Subaru.

>> No.44480511

Subaru is making fun of me...

>> No.44480514

I dont she can pass cocoa subs number at her current pace

>> No.44480517
Quoted by: >>44480524

Yet not a single eroha one...

>> No.44480519
File: 3.39 MB, 4000x4000, 111326941_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480521
File: 1.59 MB, 1974x2402, 1658033268704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480542

No, she doesn't even get human rights
>Subaru is being forced to crouch in a corner next to the cat food bags and drums

>> No.44480524
File: 198 KB, 900x887, 1664895289410254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480532


>> No.44480531
File: 123 KB, 850x1200, F42cxXnbEAAQIa2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480532
File: 206 KB, 322x357, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dick is (almost) ready!

>> No.44480537


>> No.44480541

This Migo has a different lisp and sounds very retarded.

>> No.44480542
Quoted by: >>44480549

>Subaru forced to crouch in the towa piss corner
Subatomos I don't feel so good...

>> No.44480546

The entire reason it had circle and X buttons is they're commonly used for yes and no respectively in Japan. Sony America reversed them because they thought the X looked like a checkmark and people would understand that to mean yes.

>> No.44480547

It's either music related or some new whores who play VALORANT and APEX to dump into HZTL.

>> No.44480549
File: 139 KB, 667x645, towa_piss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every corner is Towa piss corner

>> No.44480550
File: 53 KB, 618x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this by accident, y'all know how to fix it?

>> No.44480553

yukiyatsu needs to stop being a jealous cunt and stick to his megane girlfriend

>> No.44480558
Quoted by: >>44480570

wassup nyeggas, where is my migger sakuramiko?

>> No.44480559
Quoted by: >>44480708

>it makes perfect sense to me for the downmost button confirming everything.
Oh! I've seen this one! Just like Americans defending fahrenheit and their wacky dates like they have any logic to them when the real answer is just "I'm used to it this way" and they're post-hoc rationalising. Downmost and upmost buttons convey nothing regarding yes and no, the position has no intrinsic value, certainly less than what's on them.

>> No.44480561
Quoted by: >>44480704


>> No.44480563
File: 1.26 MB, 2561x4096, 1690744251781104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inu returned for the members wallpaper!

>> No.44480564

Mikochi kita

>> No.44480566

>Misspelt the hashtags

>> No.44480567
Quoted by: >>44480704

enter migo

>> No.44480570
Quoted by: >>44480581

with suichan

>> No.44480574
Quoted by: >>44480614


>> No.44480575

Anal pig...

>> No.44480578
File: 155 KB, 297x289, 1676818133169920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of wa'er and now MIKO IS HERE!

>> No.44480581

she's here!

>> No.44480583

The music in this AkiSuba stream is making me really want to see Holos playing Earthworm Jim

>> No.44480587
File: 290 KB, 1190x1684, F4ifanOaIAAifgI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my cute little alien wife!

>> No.44480588

>miko playing splatoon 2
what the fuck?

>> No.44480592


>> No.44480597

Himewin again...

>> No.44480599
Quoted by: >>44480614

Ctrl + W

>> No.44480601

Why are people having a melty because of Holizontal shit again, did they announce another Homo collab?

>> No.44480602

hell yeah nyeggas she's here
but where's migger pov

>> No.44480604
File: 532 KB, 507x641, 1667653677556720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35p your oshi is a fucking retard.

>> No.44480605


>> No.44480606

well, she's MY retard

>> No.44480608
Quoted by: >>44480643

she already had a Splatoon collab with other holos many months ago

>> No.44480610

Miko I'm embarrassed

>> No.44480611
Quoted by: >>44480643

All of Shiraken's employees are being forced to play Splatoon by their boss.

>> No.44480614
Quoted by: >>44480665

thank you
I unironically forgot what this did, and fell for it.

>> No.44480617
File: 377 KB, 459x504, 1610269843774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know there are smaller Holos you follow if you're afraid of "normies"

>> No.44480620
Quoted by: >>44480644

Splatoon is part of the FPS whore games

>> No.44480621

Aunty... my poor Aunty...

>> No.44480630
File: 324 KB, 1292x2048, IMG_0938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480631
File: 517 KB, 960x540, 1676341585842987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480632

I had completely forgotten about the rental PC's

>> No.44480634

jinta is so cool

>> No.44480636

Rich Hime...

>> No.44480637
Quoted by: >>44480764

Sex in 10

>> No.44480639

I love her because she's a retard!

>> No.44480642


>> No.44480643
Quoted by: >>44480662

nigger, she's playing splatoon 2 when it's a splatoon 3 collab because she's a retard.
watch stream

>> No.44480644

Splatoon is a third person shooter, though

>> No.44480645


>> No.44480647

Best stream starting

>> No.44480648

Miko has been fired from Shiraken...

>> No.44480651

waiting warmly for Lamy

>> No.44480654
Quoted by: >>44480706

Not one of the people having a meltdown over it, but I kinda get it. There's only a small number of holos who are at all interested in that sort of thing and no obvious demand for it, which makes you wonder why they're putting full time staff and resources into it at all. Towa can already go enter all the Apex tournaments she wants.

>> No.44480656

Ogey. Even Roboco pulls ten times the viewers my indie oshi does.

>> No.44480657
File: 221 KB, 850x1203, malicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480662

I don't even know there's a Splatoon 3, they all look the same

>> No.44480663

Based Aquacrew

>> No.44480665

>and fell for it.

>> No.44480666

Aqua trash.

>> No.44480667
File: 61 KB, 771x946, 1644954948331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki has wonderful thighs

>> No.44480668

permission to cum onegai twap...

>> No.44480673
File: 3.79 MB, 1920x1080, AkiLove23.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep praising Aki

>> No.44480676

aki has a wonderful body in general but if we're picking favorites it's her butt in those mint green pantsu for me

>> No.44480678
Quoted by: >>44480689

Aki's dancing was great during Festival's live

>> No.44480679
File: 1.27 MB, 1344x781, huh1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what way? Choose your words carefully

>> No.44480680
File: 15 KB, 262x59, 1680805718020085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480682

why do they not interact anymore
actually why does everyone matsuri really adore don't reciprocate her feelings
is she too overbearing?

>> No.44480681
Quoted by: >>44480695

The shape, texture, and feel of them

>> No.44480684
Quoted by: >>44480695

in an incredibly lustful way like heart eyes tongue out kinda lustful

>> No.44480688
Quoted by: >>44480694

bloodthirsty miko and korone incoming

>> No.44480689

Yes, that was the crazy dance routine that was too hard even for the 3 of them all the way back at the start of this year. Nice seeing it in action

>> No.44480690

>is she too overbearing?
You're just now figuring it out?

>> No.44480691

>is she too overbearing
Do you really need to ask this

>> No.44480692

Yes, it's well known how offputting she is

>> No.44480694
Quoted by: >>44480700

Is miko in?

>> No.44480695
File: 2.12 MB, 1280x720, AkiSlap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480700


>> No.44480701
Quoted by: >>44480710

You're too late aki my pants are already off and I'm lusting full steam ahead

>> No.44480702
Quoted by: >>44480711

Do Japanese people think all foreign countries are Detroit or something?

>> No.44480703
Quoted by: >>44480726

Ok video, ok reaction.
When he's surprised how good she is when she starts singing is a really nice moment.

>> No.44480704

thanks anons

>> No.44480706

just hoping whatever DEV_IS is worth the money and time

>> No.44480708
Quoted by: >>44480751

X means confirm, things make sense only because we decide so. If all of Europe and USA use X to confirm then why the fuck is Japan being ''America'' in this case?

>> No.44480710
File: 151 KB, 850x1200, 1617196893685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480722

There is police in the room already, are you crazy?

>> No.44480712
File: 1.01 MB, 498x275, 1663354931052224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480742

I am a biologist, it is perfectly natural for me to appreciate the physical form of living creatures, especially of such a fine specimen as Aki

>> No.44480711


>> No.44480713

korosan is p fucking good

>> No.44480714

But she was literally featured in Hoshikawa's live

>> No.44480716

Lamy is learning about creatures with big brains

>> No.44480722
Quoted by: >>44480742

they'll never catch me I greased myself up beforehand I wouldn't lust unprepared good luck catching a greased up naked guy running around

>> No.44480723
Quoted by: >>44480762

Asmongold is so autistic he makes Aqua look normal

>> No.44480724
File: 321 KB, 1920x1280, 1690453715612822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480730


>> No.44480725
Quoted by: >>44480727

>miko is pretty good
>didn't see you tho

>> No.44480726

and are you ready to see more shitty "hoshiyomi" who think she's the only member who can sing?

>> No.44480727
Quoted by: >>44480737

Why is Ko'one like this?

>> No.44480730
Quoted by: >>44480742


>> No.44480732

Lamy looks extra smart today.

>> No.44480736


>> No.44480737

she loves trashtalking

>> No.44480741

it's the glasses

>> No.44480742
File: 204 KB, 1115x1365, 1611157608104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, you can go ahead
You need to be locked up

>> No.44480744

don't leave me Iofi...

>> No.44480749
File: 2.09 MB, 3024x4032, 1693467627138192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480751
Quoted by: >>44480872

The only place X is used for confirmation is the playstation, and it's literally just because SCEA thought an X looks a bit like a checkmark if you squint
The way they swapped them was also so hacky that if you play JP games on an NA PS3/PS4 or vice versa, it shows the wrong prompts on screen

>> No.44480755
Quoted by: >>44480767

Subaru just wants to have access to unlimited tuna crepes in "private"

>> No.44480757
Quoted by: >>44480777

isn't splatoon just map painting? what's the crown thing supposed to do?

>> No.44480758

FFVII used X to cancel and O to confirm

>> No.44480762

His eyebrow tic fascinates me

>> No.44480763
File: 392 KB, 641x704, bliss (16).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480764


>> No.44480765
File: 480 KB, 1531x1963, 1689179609260757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive needs more broken women

>> No.44480767
File: 414 KB, 1440x1920, 1677807663415025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tuna crepes
Is this slang for...?

>> No.44480768

Pekora wants to hug anal...

>> No.44480769
File: 109 KB, 850x478, 1664548667779860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back when anime still had a clear message
anime has changed now its all about isekai slop and quick laughs

>> No.44480771
File: 528 KB, 2021x1871, 1676559055238227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive needs more cats

>> No.44480772
Quoted by: >>44480851

Crepes with tuna on them

>> No.44480773

We have more than enough

>> No.44480774
File: 836 KB, 2000x3500, crepe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480851

It's not slang, that's the scientific name

>> No.44480777

>map painting
Grand strategy bros our time has come!

>> No.44480779

I'm lusting hard aki...

>> No.44480780
Quoted by: >>44480792

Isekai is better than that shit

>> No.44480783

I live for gross miko laugh

>> No.44480785
File: 333 KB, 2000x1287, 1691581689138520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru is a wingwoman, literally

>> No.44480786

I liked Sonny Boy

>> No.44480792
Quoted by: >>44480796

There's not a single good isekai, even the decent ones are kinda bad.

>> No.44480793
File: 118 KB, 900x1200, 1670727850718787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480795

God I missed MikKorone

>> No.44480796
Quoted by: >>44480808

Yeah we know you have shit taste

>> No.44480797
File: 1.36 MB, 1812x1292, 1618512374651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480803
File: 264 KB, 1080x2048, F43EpmJaAAAuLX_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480809

>> No.44480805

is roller some shotgun equivalent or something

>> No.44480808

Name a single good isekai

>> No.44480809

no offense to the artist, but this is somehow less hot than Noel or Marine individually

>> No.44480810
File: 1.63 MB, 1269x707, 1677703613931943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480863

the new power couple, Kazama and Luna.

>> No.44480814
Quoted by: >>44480856

Book autist

>> No.44480815
Quoted by: >>44480869

Sword Art Online

>> No.44480816

Literally the other way around
Marine is a horrid bitch, Pekora is incredibly kind

>> No.44480818

the one airing right now

>> No.44480819
File: 69 KB, 286x287, 1693490494196454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481047

We live in the era where HoloEN going full CGDCT without brakes while HoloJP embrace FPShits and Nijification.
It's a bizarre outcome if you think about it.

>> No.44480820

Knights and Magic

>> No.44480823

Iroha is a disgusting pervert.

>> No.44480824

mushoku tensei

>> No.44480825
File: 329 KB, 601x506, Zack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am just a fan haha...
>Wrote an entire article dedicated to him

>> No.44480826

Isekai with mom

>> No.44480828

11pm jst amirite

>> No.44480833
Quoted by: >>44480843


>> No.44480835
File: 3.97 MB, 1920x1080, Booba_inspection.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480839


>> No.44480841

Too bad it's only her looks...

>> No.44480843


>> No.44480844

Shamefur Irohach...

>> No.44480847

Alice in the Wonderland

>> No.44480850

Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase

>> No.44480851
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, 1675059989030860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480864

How lewd...
Lust all you want, anon. Oozora police is incompetent anyway.

>> No.44480854

mikochan hou HASSHA!

>> No.44480856
Quoted by: >>44480865

Shame it will never continue. Fortunately the LNs are a pleasant read too

>> No.44480859

Log Horizon and .hack

>> No.44480861

lotte no omocha

>> No.44480862

Miko you dummy

>> No.44480863
Quoted by: >>44480911

I do think Iroha and Subaru have some similar appeals, maybe do to how/where they group up. I wouldn't mind seeing Hime corrupt the nin nin a little further.

>> No.44480864
File: 128 KB, 992x1586, AkiPolice3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480892

The Elven Police is also here though, you are done for

>> No.44480865
Quoted by: >>44480879

Why wouldn't it continue?

>> No.44480869
File: 467 KB, 582x671, 1686207049788849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting and start streaming, Kirito.

>> No.44480872
Quoted by: >>44480956

So where is a circle used to confirm things outside of playstation in japan?

>> No.44480873


>> No.44480874
Quoted by: >>44480886

>korone cover me

>> No.44480875

Pekora is starting to feel it

>> No.44480876
File: 93 KB, 1872x1222, 1692253545214322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480934

>watch MiComet idol cover.
>see this

>> No.44480878

Yankee at King Arthur's Court

>> No.44480879

The anime just isn't popular enough. Every part got shorter and lower budget. The last one was just 10 episodes, and I have a very strong feeling that's the end of the anime adaptation for good.

>> No.44480880
Quoted by: >>44480905

anime can not into humor 99% of the time

>> No.44480882

I can't

>> No.44480885

strangers in paradise

>> No.44480886

she tried her best, ok?

>> No.44480888


>> No.44480891

I'm an enjoyer of AnonAnon

>> No.44480892
File: 628 KB, 1057x1520, protecting the people.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480901

You can't trick me anon, elves don't have a police force, it's just a militsiya.

>> No.44480894


>> No.44480897
Quoted by: >>44480907

I prefer AnonxAnon

>> No.44480901
Quoted by: >>44480930

That's the same thing...

>> No.44480905
Quoted by: >>44480970

Sounds like a you issue

>> No.44480906

ah, no one's looking at the crown...

>> No.44480907
Quoted by: >>44480939

I hope you pronounce it "anon cross anon"

>> No.44480908


>> No.44480909

The official fandom name is AnonA

>> No.44480911
File: 554 KB, 1280x718, 1687492819470159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480957

>i wouldn't mind seeing Hime corrupt the nin nin a little further.

>> No.44480915

Ramy fangs

>> No.44480919


>> No.44480921
File: 493 KB, 849x1200, 1666105765573220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480923

>practicing her decisive line
such a dork

>> No.44480924
File: 315 KB, 454x479, bliss (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480929
File: 1.87 MB, 2286x3347, FeJPsSwaAAU5IqI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480930
File: 338 KB, 423x530, 1688492599805967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480935

Oi, what are you saying about the glorious Chosen People's Republic institutions? Watch your mouth. This thread is under elven legislation.

>> No.44480932

She can't see Subaru's ass from that angle

>> No.44480934

haachama soon?

>> No.44480935
File: 78 KB, 674x750, gun_milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am on your side!

>> No.44480938

>siren head de nani

>> No.44480939


>> No.44480940

miko double kill? she's actually good?

>> No.44480942

>subaru literally wants to have a pro wrestling match with aki

>> No.44480943
File: 689 KB, 2508x3544, FVixj97UUAAB83x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44480946

Watch this vod

>> No.44480948

Imagine losing to a ghost lol

>> No.44480952
File: 654 KB, 1150x696, 1681231423075836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.44480953

Army of Darkness

>> No.44480954

she deserves it
so does yukiatsu, they're both spiteful cunts

>> No.44480955

But she can see the flipped skirt, and has a vivid imagination

>> No.44480956
File: 497 KB, 1920x1080, 1662202414099045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481253

How on earth are you not familiar with circle and X being used to indicate yes/correct and no/incorrect

>> No.44480957

the duck has no rights to stop me from fucking her

>> No.44480959
Quoted by: >>44481000

This made me realise I don't have any Chloe images saved...

>> No.44480960
Quoted by: >>44482271

Luna acknowledged Watame...

>> No.44480961
File: 184 KB, 990x1400, FedNWL3acAE8Ttf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44480975


>> No.44480962

Rare WataLuna...

>> No.44480963

Eroha stop spying you perv...

>> No.44480966

Iroha creeping on Watame creeping on Luna. Creep-ception.

>> No.44480968
File: 1.65 MB, 1254x701, 1669355046688274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482271


>> No.44480969
File: 854 KB, 1075x630, 1662792096843972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482271

Iroha WILL recreate Yonkisei

>> No.44480970

Ok, try me, nerd.
Nichijou is absolute fucking dogshit and not comedy.
Seitokai Yakuindomo can sometimes be funny but way more miss than hit.
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is one of the few anime I can actually say is funny.
I gave up on their "comedy" a long time ago so I don't even give it a chance usually.
Bonus mention for One Punch Man that should have been over after 1 episode instead of beating a dead horse into a crater and KonoSuba that also way overstayed its welcome.

>> No.44480971

everyone likes miko cannon

>> No.44480975
File: 812 KB, 640x640, subaru_duck.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44480976

lmao Pekora just realized Anaru's shirt says "pig"

>> No.44480977


>> No.44480979
Quoted by: >>44481027

That is a very specific kind of comedy, and a very small selection of hundreds if not thousands of comedy anime out there

>> No.44480980

pretty sure that's just korosan's attempt to stop herself from cursing

>> No.44480983

iroha is a weird pervert..

>> No.44480986

iroha and choco aren't so different after all

>> No.44480993

That was a nice Angel Heaven collab. Glad Aki found someone she could gush about FF7 with

>> No.44480996
File: 1.18 MB, 1368x1752, Nekkid_Aki3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a nice AkiShuba offcollab, I can't believe that they are going to do a naked lotion sumo 3D

>> No.44480998

Full blown meltdowns and its overs regarding this Horizon stuff on 5ch and sukischizo people saying forced collabs woth males in the future

>> No.44481000 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.64 MB, 2048x1414, ghost in a soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481003

dynamo roller seems really imbalanced

>> No.44481005

Chronicles of Narnia
Digimon Adventure

>> No.44481006


>> No.44481011

I'd feel worried too if they want to start forcing them down our throats.

>> No.44481013

uh, of course it's gonna be forced collab. at least for the ones that's not performing well because they would have no leverage.

>> No.44481017

Irohach should get tentacle raped...

>> No.44481020
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>> No.44481021


>> No.44481025

hecking migger bebber

>> No.44481026

last match is actually tight

>> No.44481027
Quoted by: >>44481045

What's the point of comedy if it doesn't make you laugh?
I'm just saying that as I watch season after season of anime for years that the "comedy" label doesn't mean it's funny more often than not.

>> No.44481029


If this is true then Holo is fucked.

>> No.44481030

Luna interacting with Watame is so rare

>> No.44481031

pani poni dash?

>> No.44481032
File: 863 KB, 849x1200, Shubass_spotted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dozo, will stop complaining already?

>> No.44481034

poppo loved menma too...

>> No.44481036

Are they in voice chat?

>> No.44481037

Reminder that all the off-topic posts were always made by nousagi and their friends

>> No.44481038
Quoted by: >>44481046

Pekora is really dense...

>> No.44481041
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>> No.44481042

>If this is true then Holo is fucked.
There has never been a single time where these words were spoken and it was true

>> No.44481043


>> No.44481045
Quoted by: >>44481128

Not all comedy works for everyone, and saying 99% of it is shit just sounds like your sense of humor is incompatible, not that the comedy is bad.

>> No.44481046

Imagine how heavy she is!

>> No.44481047
Quoted by: >>44481063

>ENsharts trying to escape unity shit now that they don't like it
kek, the HLZNTL slogan was something like "regardless of country or gender" they will force more ENs there as well

>> No.44481052

is jork...

>> No.44481053

Three of my favorite girls... ii ne

>> No.44481054

Going to need a source for that

>> No.44481057

Nene is not a poor performer in my opinion. Maybe girls like Amane will kust go sick if they try yo force it.

>> No.44481059

Nene's mengen apparently that's why I said if.

>> No.44481061
Quoted by: >>44481076

Then why force a shit tournament nobody likes

>> No.44481062
Quoted by: >>44481094

Yonkisei is healing!

>> No.44481063

Looking forward to the sponsored valo collab where half the participants have 800 ping

>> No.44481066


>> No.44481067

now they are

>> No.44481071
Quoted by: >>44481085


>> No.44481072


>> No.44481076
File: 49 KB, 863x605, 1658896730185814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are doing business here, anon, that studio won't pay itself

>> No.44481078

They did it!

>> No.44481085

>1 month ago
Isn't this just the stream where she essentially said her retard manager told her it would be a good idea

>> No.44481086

More posts about it on twitter.




>> No.44481088

Really, Pekora? You can't figure out what Poppo trying to say? After all this?

>> No.44481094

Gozaru is yonkisei?

>> No.44481100
File: 1.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1679132392363558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/yuzukichococh/status/1697260797477654532 twitcast 24

>> No.44481101

they finally had a strat to win instead of just defending I guess

>> No.44481103


>> No.44481105
File: 297 KB, 1920x1081, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481127


>> No.44481107
File: 2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 【 Minecraft 】夏も終わりだけどまだまだ楽しいイベントはあるのら!✨【姫森ルーナ_ホロライブ】 1-53-20 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481109
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x1500, 1684834373496047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame can go on a plane. Shishiron can't.

>> No.44481110

Matches up with IRyS also mentioning off-hand that she was called on by management implying she didn't sign up on her own.

>> No.44481118


>> No.44481119


>> No.44481120

when was the last time Hime and Watame collab'd....

>> No.44481126

Isn't that how all sponsorships work? They aren't open call, they get offered, if they're too weak to say no that's on them.

>> No.44481127
File: 185 KB, 415x342, sniff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481177


>> No.44481129


>> No.44481128

You're making it sound like it's a me problem when it's just Japanese humor in general.
Their fucking rakugo has more in common with Western stand up comedy than what's presented as Japanese comedy in anime.
Do you yourself have a Japanese sense of humor? Is seeing a man dressed up in a full body suit of cartoon poop funny for you?
It just doesn't work well overseas and you unsurprisingly don't see anime making it big here just by being funny. That being said, the divide is somehow a lot smaller for vtubers, and while there are still things they find hilarious that don't really land for me, a lot more I too find funny.

>> No.44481130

but why the fuck management is fucking doing this? doesn't make any sense

>> No.44481132


>> No.44481131


>> No.44481136
Quoted by: >>44481154

korosan's butt was clenched, almost lost that round

>> No.44481137
Quoted by: >>44481210

vspo is getting too popular, they want to capitalise

>> No.44481138

>that she was called on by management implying she didn't sign up on her own
if you got pressured in without any way to veto, then there is a serious problem.

>> No.44481144

You're going to have to be more specific, this comment applies to most things Cover has done for the last 5 years

>> No.44481152

is miko finally done screaming? can I unmute?

>> No.44481153

Hime trident, but Gozaru got dia sword...

>> No.44481154
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>> No.44481158

jesus christ what the fuck is that high speed fucker, a smurf?

>> No.44481159


>> No.44481161
Quoted by: >>44481220

The one sponsorship I've seen behind the scenes of because of the discord leaking, it looked like it was an open call on discord that talents then volunteer for. This sounds more like management approaching and possibly pressuring specific talents.
Not enough information to get mad over yet. I don't have a Nene membership so I can't confirm if what she's been saying is as severe as the tweet is.

>> No.44481164

Why did Miko ruin Suisei's cover of Idol?

>> No.44481167

Put simply market growth and brand growth. They want to use their existing assets when really they should make brand and branch dedicated to the vspro market.

>> No.44481168

Now we only need Watame and Kanata in VC, it would be the end of the world.

>> No.44481172
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>> No.44481173

guess s****man is waking up

>> No.44481177

do not sniff the hamu

>> No.44481180


>> No.44481181
Quoted by: >>44481194

Why not? They have scent glands for the sole purpose of being sniffed

>> No.44481183

Baby is too weak

>> No.44481186
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>> No.44481187
File: 1.21 MB, 2774x4096, F1oVQKnacAAdBPw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Yojimbo

>> No.44481189
File: 844 KB, 730x1300, 1686262746986317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481204

Welcome to the YouTube Shorts Cinematic Universe

>> No.44481194

it stresses them out

>> No.44481195
Quoted by: >>44481206

this round is a bust
this is a splatoon autist for sure

>> No.44481199

collabing with watame for talents is a neverending whirlwind of remembering that you hate her irl but love her on stream

>> No.44481202

If true I'm pissed.

Maybe this is a 4D chess play by Cover to have their male eceleb collabs but not make people mad at the girls.

>> No.44481204

Icarus rollercoaster...

>> No.44481205

Miko bebi...

>> No.44481206

most likely a cheater

>> No.44481207

Wheres Kanata

>> No.44481210

Good God
5 hours since that announcement
And TWO fucking tourneys later,
Yoiu fags are still seething about that?

>> No.44481214
Quoted by: >>44481288

What on earth are you on about?

>> No.44481215

chat said that his ink doesn't run out or something

>> No.44481217
Quoted by: >>44481223

Kanata just kissed me, later virgins.

>> No.44481218

Having to say no in a meeting with a bunch of people is probably not easy, especially if you already gave a soft no and it's still being pushed forward. You could easily end up on the shit list for declining too

>> No.44481220

>This sounds more like management approaching and possibly pressuring specific talents.
I mean. Towa, Botan, Chloe makes sense but Lui and IRyS are completely random and don't make sense at all.

>> No.44481223

that was meant for luna keep dreaming

>> No.44481225

Yeah I don't get it either
Threads were fucking fast during those Holizontal Valorant matches here,
And now suddenly it's the end of Hololive

>> No.44481227

Yeah, it's a downer. They're reporting now.

>> No.44481228
Quoted by: >>44481239

>Chloe makes sense
Chloe BARELY fucking plays FPS games.

>> No.44481229

>Kanata is delaying her come back so she doesn't have to join Horizontal shit.

>> No.44481233

pekora... she's starting to tear up now..
>yukiatsu rubbing the wig

>> No.44481238

Why is Yukiatsu like this

>> No.44481239

She likes Blizzard and money though

>> No.44481242

money's just the best

>> No.44481243
Quoted by: >>44481280

Nousagi hate Yukiatsu

>> No.44481244
Quoted by: >>44481262

Why should I stop being mad? Fuck Cover, they're slimeball shitheads whose only asset they're running into the ground since the members are all they have. The managers don't have talent, they call pointless meeting for pennywise poundpoor projects and then use pressure to get their turds on display.

>> No.44481245
Quoted by: >>44481256

gee wonder why no one minds a tourney with all actual holos?

>> No.44481247

thats the only reason she signed on. Thats the only reason you'd sign on for this shit. I'd sandbag this if it meant i got paid money.

>> No.44481249
Quoted by: >>44481267

>spreading fake EN news among /hlg/
Don't stoop that low, anon.
Yes she was approached, but this is what she's been hoping for: Trying to force herself to do more collabs with Holomems, EN or JP

>> No.44481253
Quoted by: >>44481269

outside of japanland?

>> No.44481256

Don't fucking bother with homobeggars. Dipshits will play dumb until the end of time regarding why people don't like certain events.

>> No.44481257

This is the rarest trio, I'm blessed

>> No.44481261

>"""character developement"""

>> No.44481262

>Vtubers are the main assetts of a Vtuber agency

>> No.44481263

They should force lazy holos to do fps shit

>> No.44481264
Quoted by: >>44481284

Lui has a history of shooter collabs with Botan and Towa. IRyS brings the English-speaking audience and is a Splatoon autist and that's a shooter as far as management is concerned.

>> No.44481265
Quoted by: >>44481277

>tourney against Holos filled with bantz and fun vs obvious corporate dick sucking and Homos
gee I wonder why

>> No.44481266

Yes an internal Holo tournament, did you miss the announcement today about expanding to other Vtuber and e-celebs?

>> No.44481267

Her manager should just tell her she's shit out of luck and Nene can't get along with anyone.

>> No.44481269

This entire reply chain started with me saying it makes no sense to use them the opposite way round in Japan anon. It doesn't matter what way round they are everywhere else because they have no established meaning

>> No.44481270

it's fucking retarded to think someone won't be rubbed the wrong way when it's revealed how the holos are being mistreated

>> No.44481271


>> No.44481272

Wheres Kanatan stream where is it

>> No.44481275
Quoted by: >>44481323

>Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is one of the few anime I can actually say is funny

>> No.44481277

>tourney against Holos filled with bantz and fun
It WAS fun, did you not watch that that because there was an EN in their team or something?
They didn't talk to the homos at all.

>> No.44481280

i hope he joins the 41%

>> No.44481281

luna's talking to watame holy shit

>> No.44481282

They are unironically Cover fans, not fans of Hololive members. Team loyalty for a company.

>> No.44481283
Quoted by: >>44481289

I dont think anyone had fun if they got rolled, and had like 1 stream of scrimmage. Its a shit idea. Cover should cancel it to actually, i dunno, IMPROVE THEIR 3D MODELS

>> No.44481284
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>and is a Splatoon autist and that's a shooter as far as management is concerned
Flare confirmed FPS_King_Shiranui

>> No.44481285

I hate those bootlickers so much. I like hololive, not being a militant boot licker who lets Cover shit in their mouth and call it icecream.

>> No.44481287

Pekotyan will get completely crushed by the ending

>> No.44481288
Quoted by: >>44481296

im being schizo about how she never makes collabs with anyone but button and bakatare but everyone else seems to legitimately enjoy her company when they end up playing together

>> No.44481289

>Cover should cancel it to actually, i dunno, IMPROVE THEIR 3D MODELS
Anon, this is like asking for Riot to end Valorant so they can improve on LoL, or vice versa
That's not how shit works.

>> No.44481291

Lamb Vegas is a giant scam

>> No.44481292

kanata should join the server now and recruit them all

>> No.44481294
File: 715 KB, 890x495, 1672923941194556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481332

You dumb bastard...;_;

>> No.44481296
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>> No.44481297


>> No.44481298
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>> No.44481299
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Quoted by: >>44481305

All part of the plan.

>> No.44481300
File: 808 KB, 799x862, 1678647073475874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really worship cover?

>> No.44481302
Quoted by: >>44481335

Pls bruh, the beggars are mad that they didn't talk with the "bois" at all.
Which is also why I enjoyed it: There was no homo interaction. Just Holo girls having fun.
>but but they lost
Holos lost all the time in Splatoon and Apex and Valorant matches. Watch streams

>> No.44481303

kanaken is defunct and bankrupt, they will be absorbed by doroken in due time

>> No.44481304

What the fuckj
How long has it been since the last Chocosen body check test stream?? Why now of all time and to Luna too of all people?

>> No.44481305

no diamond... warui sheep needs rape

>> No.44481308
Quoted by: >>44481636

They were testing the waters.
Valorant stream was Hololive girls only, Overwatch stream brought in Homos and male commentators, now they properly announced it as a new project and want to involve all sorts of people outside the company.

>> No.44481309

I was referring to Valo tourney I only watched 15 minutes of the Over watch tourney and then switched to Suisei being a retard.
>It WAS fun
Yeah, that's why all the girls after that tweeted that they are tired and go sleep or something similar.

>> No.44481313
Quoted by: >>44481326

Kanaken is still waiting for their 4th member to come back to life.

>> No.44481315

>thread was talking more about suisei's kanji de go
not wrong, no one watches it lmao

>> No.44481316
File: 717 KB, 1198x704, 1682642632053967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocotentei WILL fuck Luna now.

>> No.44481317

all of kanaken owes pekora sex before they liquidize

>> No.44481324

Can't wait for these slaves to work at the island

>> No.44481323
Quoted by: >>44481357

I posted what I like/dislike, if you want to drop a "nope', you man up and do the same.

>> No.44481326

Kanata will die before that

>> No.44481327

She did one before the break, and now that she has tasted Luna's tummy in real life she needs to make it into a proper examination

>> No.44481330

dumb teary eyed bunny

>> No.44481332
Quoted by: >>44481351

Did pekkers cry?

>> No.44481333


>> No.44481335

>Pls bruh, the beggars are mad that they didn't talk with the "bois" at all
The beggars love this shit. Even if it's just forced acknowledgement, they see it as one step closer to a victory.
>but but they lost
I never brought anything up regarding that? Fucking illiterate bootlicker.

>> No.44481336

watame is an angel. no one hate her

>> No.44481341

>did you not watch that that because there was an EN in their team
how did you know?

>> No.44481342

I didn't watch it because the game is bad and most of them obviously have zero organic interest in it when Blizzard aren't handing them a bag of money to put up with it.

>> No.44481344

forcing talents to do things without asking their opinions on it is a cornerstone of idol culture
cover is just striving for that

>> No.44481347

>fuck we scheduled this big sponsored in-house game but we couldnt get enough by just asking
>rope some people you know are free into it
isn't this just normal work shit for hosting an event?
I've worked in both IT and security before and this sounds really normal...

Like it sucks all their talents make more money by rarely interacting with men or w/e (you wont spend money if they interact with men), but I really think you guys overestimate the kind of brand damage this basic shill stream with 30 seconds of interaction this does to their talents.

Let alone to anyone who has ever watched their pokemon tournaments or fanclub streams

>> No.44481348
Quoted by: >>44481662

Heimin won

>> No.44481351

Sniffling and wavering voice at times but nothing like MGS yet. Final episode now.

>> No.44481354

luna is growing into a sekushi adulto woman choco tentei has to update her chart

>> No.44481357
Quoted by: >>44481378


>> No.44481363

they can't say goodbye, fbk please save these dorks...

>> No.44481365

I hate the holostars more than anything. If I knew the holostars were getting absolutely nothing I wouldn't really care at all. I'm not a male anti, I am a proud holostar anti.

>> No.44481370

Doing this with a company of normal people versus doing it with a company of individual talents who rely on online popularity for success are obviously two different things.

>> No.44481371
Quoted by: >>44481397

Cover cock suckers are a new fucking low. And of course it seems to be an enfag defending Cover "did you not watch that that because there was an EN in their team or something?"
They love their forced unity after all.

>> No.44481372


>> No.44481376
Quoted by: >>44481451

>muh normal work
there is something called job scope, larper. if you work in IT, you know that a fucking backend dev can refuse frontend dev job.

>> No.44481377

HOly shit it's nazo nazo n*gger

>> No.44481378
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>> No.44481380

why homofucks

>> No.44481382

NazoNazoKamen is real!

>> No.44481383

The problem with these tournaments if teams are not mixed gender then males are going to dominate the girls and there's no fun in that.

>> No.44481384
File: 1.05 MB, 1373x1021, 1607149378217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481504

A lot of people in here never worked a day in their lives. Of course they don't get it.

>> No.44481388

There's unknow person in holo server

>> No.44481389
File: 140 KB, 489x424, 1659930740188449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I were a struggling indie so Matsuri would groom me

>> No.44481392
File: 67 KB, 754x760, 1676846816053672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481466

>opened the xeets
My god, you fags are riling up over a Twitter account
>created just last year
>with 14 fucking followers
>leaking shit from a currently-live, member-only stream that cannot be verified (yet)
At least wait till the stream is over, then pirate and check it yourself

>> No.44481396


>> No.44481397
Quoted by: >>44481413

yeah, saw it coming from miles away. of course it's entrash redditor.
support the holos, not the company was pretty much our motto back in 2020

>> No.44481399

I thought Fubuki was doing ASMR, The fuck.

>> No.44481406

eroha is trying...

>> No.44481409
File: 258 KB, 434x546, 1678131213224332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is NazoNazo Kamen

>> No.44481411

get the fuck outtta here

>> No.44481412

Maybe Iroha finally found her Minecraft group....Luna and Watame...

>> No.44481413
Quoted by: >>44481439

>our motto back in 2020
I beg your pardon?

>> No.44481414

What a bunch of fucked up children

>> No.44481415

No way

>> No.44481416
File: 569 KB, 800x1200, 1652178751782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481476

>immediately kicks Subaru out of the house so she can play ARK
Based Aunty

>> No.44481417

>I love him
>I love her
>I watched a kid drown to death
Had a hard life...

>> No.44481423

The annual homostar push, it's a nothingburger. Once they see the poor reception they will back off. Cover is a bunch of pussies.

>> No.44481426


>> No.44481432


>> No.44481437

holy based

>> No.44481439

Anynomos is leguan

>> No.44481450
File: 247 KB, 433x607, 1605381108141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481451
Quoted by: >>44481507

holy mother of indian contracting of management and team project assignments
do you actually think they hate management that much with an easy job on rails and were truly like hardball forced into this instead of just saying "yeah sure I am free to help out"

>> No.44481452
File: 383 KB, 1280x720, 1683782993928525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holos with big nipples?

>> No.44481456

what's the point of diving under ink if you can still be hit

>> No.44481457
File: 1.20 MB, 1446x2048, 1689357742045203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481465

Stealth and recharge

>> No.44481466
File: 135 KB, 307x254, 1685119191856481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Verify? In hlg?

>> No.44481468

To refill "bullets", moving faster also there's perk you can choose that makes you invisible when under ink.

>> No.44481472
Quoted by: >>44481474


>> No.44481474

looks like towa

>> No.44481476
Quoted by: >>44481488

ARKi love!

>> No.44481478
Quoted by: >>44481490

what does the "N" stand for in Fubuki's head?

>> No.44481479
Quoted by: >>44481501

>suisei: ras and kaf
>korone: that famous oldman
>matsuri: chiriro
Who else invited a non holo to their 3d this year?
(Not counting sidemember obviously)

>> No.44481483

Gozaru is too good at riddles

>> No.44481484

The ending felt like it was trying so hard to make me cry that it had the opposite effect and pulled me out of it a bit

>> No.44481486


>> No.44481488
File: 76 KB, 560x420, good_boy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481498

Double Good Boy today!

>> No.44481489
File: 484 KB, 400x225, 1445113428849.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481490
Quoted by: >>44481495


>> No.44481495

it stands for anon????

>> No.44481497

This is a rare bunch of people collabing

>> No.44481498
Quoted by: >>44481512

Aki is the real good girl for streaming so much

>> No.44481501
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, 【 #アキロゼ5周年Live 】ーHistoric ROUTE 5ー¦3DLIVE【ホロライブ_アキ・ローゼンタール】 42-11 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kneel to Aki

>> No.44481503

Yeah she's crying her eyes are going

>> No.44481504

they should at least get some nice cctv security jobs where they can get paid 150% of min wage to watch holos for 8 hours a day

>> No.44481505
Quoted by: >>44481513

https://kemono.party/patreon/user/38264975/post/88537812 kanatan will get hacked soon

>> No.44481507

they don't hate management, but that's exactly why management shouldn't be doing shit like this in the first place.
just say what the job entails when proposing it to them and let them decide, not whatever the fuck is the weird entrapment shit they're doing that holos had to damage control with their own fans in community mengen post.

>> No.44481508

Pekora snotty nose

>> No.44481512

She just has ARK addiction...

>> No.44481513


>> No.44481514

The most popular girls Marine, Pekora, Sui ans Miko should be the once’s forced to collab with men.

>> No.44481515
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1661150531361741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481516
Quoted by: >>44481545

What? Anything that isn't covered by my contract I can refuse. If my boss told me to go outside and be a holler I could tell him to fuck off and if he would then force me or otherwise inconvenience me until i accept he would get destroyed in court.

>> No.44481521
File: 471 KB, 1536x2048, F4xY_qpa8AAL7Rv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481532

>> No.44481522

It's hard not to cry at AnoHana for the first time.

>> No.44481524


>> No.44481525


>> No.44481532

stinky oni sex

>> No.44481534
File: 192 KB, 1904x1101, 1647872625033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

menma mitsuketa.. pekora...

>> No.44481535
Quoted by: >>44481540

Eroha is too autistic.

>> No.44481540

she is just perfect the way she is

>> No.44481541

anohana is forced drama

>> No.44481543

I think Watame is faking it to make Iroha tell more embarrassing stories.

>> No.44481545

anon's just a doormat with dead end job. probably doesn't even know that he can job hop to another company and back to the same company after 5 years and make 3 times the salary of the retard that boasts about "company loyalty" for 5 years.

>> No.44481546

damn the ending still got me crying

>> No.44481548

wtm should do naked dogeza rn

>> No.44481549

if you didn't cry to anohana you are a psychopath

>> No.44481554
File: 1.50 MB, 2025x2700, 1680044718860278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481555
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, red border.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481559
File: 9 KB, 170x99, 1617392319490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Nigga sure is weird

>> No.44481560
File: 3 KB, 219x54, 1681999611004824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481563
Quoted by: >>44481574

I had some tears come out but I'm not Pekora level fucked up

>> No.44481564

i miss violet evergarden with pekora

>> No.44481566

Watame became mother

>> No.44481567
Quoted by: >>44481583

I cried with all sorts of absolutely garbage anime but AnoHana just felt like the scriptwriters were yelling at you to cry

>> No.44481568
Quoted by: >>44481646

>not even giving her a spanner

>> No.44481574

first time maybe hit harder than watching the second time

>> No.44481575
Quoted by: >>44481646

Pekotyan make her a mod ffs

>> No.44481578
Quoted by: >>44481584

Aki farded into my ear,,,

>> No.44481583

Every Mari Okada work

>> No.44481584

lol wtf

>> No.44481587

I didn't cry with AnoHana but did with Angel Beats even though they're almost identically forced, and even share the main thing that's supposed to be making you cry

>> No.44481592


>> No.44481594

luna can't vibe well with wtm

>> No.44481596

I think angel beats had more likeable characters

>> No.44481602
Quoted by: >>44481609

what growth? this shit gets shit view and shit reception

>> No.44481609

well, not exactly the homo one, but the way they're talking about, they're gonna involve more 3d esport streamers and shit

>> No.44481615

I'll just sit back and let the jpunicorns do the work, gaijins have no power in this

>> No.44481617
File: 317 KB, 1448x2048, FuDyjvFaEAIOAAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481619


>> No.44481621
File: 38 KB, 816x456, 1684530690278906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481622

From business perspective esports shit is a good decision because it brings viewership

>> No.44481628
File: 141 KB, 273x282, 1691045904902353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481632

It brings viewership if the players are good

>> No.44481636

> involve all sorts of people outside the company.
I don't fucking get this shit
why involve leeches? just why

>> No.44481638
Quoted by: >>44481661

esports is dying.

>> No.44481639

Yeah its clear as day that someone in holostar is literally sucking management dick, the question is who? It's probably one of those who joined overwatch thingy.

>> No.44481641


>> No.44481640


>> No.44481643
Quoted by: >>44481661

That's why all those esports orgs rake in bags of money.

>> No.44481644


>> No.44481646

Hikosan would probably refuse it. She is pretty adamant about just being another fan. A humble hag.

>> No.44481647
Quoted by: >>44481661

not really lol

>> No.44481649
Quoted by: >>44481661

Every single esports is losing money for their company because it costs infinitely more to run than it earns back

>> No.44481650

Wrong way around. Yagoo lusts after the homos

>> No.44481653

The Holostars were all friends with Yagoo he wants them to succeed and have careers his putting his boys first. It’s down the girls and their fans to push back.

>> No.44481655

they should collab again

>> No.44481654

>finally warmed up
but it's been 3 hours...

>> No.44481659

I am scared to ask for context

>> No.44481661

I'm talking about vtuber shit, aren't shitloads of people watching apex tournaments

>> No.44481662

not for long

>> No.44481663

lmao no

>> No.44481665
Quoted by: >>44481673

>It WAS fun
Don't make me link Towa's archive where she's holding back tears trying to say she was hoping they could win even a single match after getting steamrolled by the homo.

>> No.44481669
File: 54 KB, 556x934, Fmk3tDCaEAIPT1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481671

Apex is dead

>> No.44481672


>> No.44481673

Towa is a menhera, she always gets overly emotional whenever there is even the parvence of competitiveness

>> No.44481674


>> No.44481676

What the fuck is she wearing on her legs?

>> No.44481677

No, it's management trying everything to make them relevant. Sooner or later they will be forced to give up on homos.

>> No.44481679
Quoted by: >>44481707

A single top tier holo gets tournament numbers doing random bullshit like cooking or doing arts and crafts. Cover is chasing trends while already being more popular, it's absolutely retarded.

>> No.44481682

Not been watching. Is Korone still good at splatoon. Or has she forgotten how to play the game

>> No.44481683

they're actually warmed up... what the fuck

>> No.44481685
Quoted by: >>44481706

They're tourist viewers who don't spend money and won't come back. One guy who's willing to buy acrylic stands is worth more money than a thousand Apex viewers

>> No.44481687

unko boo boo

>> No.44481688

unkoyo is op

>> No.44481690

Just because you can't teach an old dog new tricks it doesn't mean she will forget the stuff she already knows.

>> No.44481692
File: 363 KB, 809x741, 1689096584488123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481693

Hell yeah bro. Nothing says competitive sports as one team being absolutely destroyed.

>> No.44481697

I don't even know how to judge if someone's good at splatoon.

>> No.44481699


>> No.44481701

Pekora's tournaments, scuffed as they were, got like 2.5x the viewership of even the all girl Valorant tournament. I don't know what the viewership is like for the apex tourneys, but it can't be large enough that ignoring your current fans is worth it. Their decisions regarding the tournaments are clearly not predicated on what's best for the company, but rather what's best for holostars.

>> No.44481702
File: 140 KB, 1260x866, 1684459303719948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481722

A male esports eceleb WILL impregnate your oshi

>> No.44481706
File: 218 KB, 1800x1400, 1612336821277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481752

What about a thousand Apex lootbox opening viewers?

>> No.44481705


>> No.44481707
Quoted by: >>44481776

maybe that's why they get someone like lui and sidebranch. because they're doing poorly anyway and have no leverage.

>> No.44481716

They probably just want new viewers

>> No.44481722
Quoted by: >>44481747

pic unrelated, for distinguished anglo saxon actors only

>> No.44481727
File: 2.37 MB, 967x1616, 1671186581057599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481738


>> No.44481734

Is one new viewer worth the loss of 2 old viewers? What is the value of a new set of eyeballs? Will they buy merch and member?

>> No.44481739

sex with Miosha until my legs give out under me

>> No.44481738


>> No.44481740

At the expense of their current viewers? At the expense of the niche they built and operate? It is their differences that made them stand out and succeed despite Nijisanji being larger from the beginning. If they think throwing away the thing that made them succeed will bring them more success, they're inept.

>> No.44481741
Quoted by: >>44481799

Hal's biggest ccv iirc is 130k, that was when apex was still playable and because startend was there. Ain't no chance he can get that again without holo audience.

>> No.44481747

Our Martin will impregnate Subaru

>> No.44481752

Gacha streams are a wash, they get superchats but the focus of the content is immediately wasting all of that money

>> No.44481754
Quoted by: >>44481815

Who are they going to watch then? Nijis? VSPO? Yeah they sure are the embodiment of purity.

>> No.44481757
Quoted by: >>44481766

Then debut a new branch dedicated to it. Taking your popular assets that already have their market solidified and putting them in a market where they are nobodies is such massive risk for barely any reward because those who watch that content isn't going to stick around for the regular content.

>> No.44481761

>so korone has too close this
I mean yeah, you opened it by virtue of being the most senpai

>> No.44481766
Quoted by: >>44481770

I wonder how people would react to a Hololive esports only branch

>> No.44481770

They should call them something cool like Hololive Gamers

>> No.44481769


>> No.44481774

it would be fine if it was 1 time sponsored stream... but they are announcing whole esport project into an idol agency with pretty much 2 decent players out of 50+ people
the project is pure fucking nonsense

>> No.44481775

You say like it's given they are going to lose audience. Towa for example managed to grow a lot because of her fps shit.

>> No.44481776
Quoted by: >>44481784

>management won't push mid-tiers to behave more like the top 5
>management will push mid-tiers to burn their fanbase for a low view homocollab or e-celeb shilling
It's objectively terrible business. Whether it's YAGOO's personal feelings or the culture war dogma of the beggars, it's rejecting success.

>> No.44481783

Most pro apex players get homo numbers

>> No.44481784

hey, not saying they aren't retarded

>> No.44481790

Towa enjoys FPS and it’s her niche why force someone like Watame or Amane to do it? It really sounds like that’s what management want

>> No.44481791

Aki just meowed into my ear...

>> No.44481793

I hope iroha can have fun with watame and hime more often

>> No.44481799
Quoted by: >>44481927

Meanwhile Pekora's metronome tournament got 178k, Tetris got 244k, even when Cover took over and the Mario tournament got butchered it managed 110k.
And Matsuri's career is in the shitter. But yeah, if you ignore that almost all the top holos by viewership don't participate, then Towa totally proves that it's a good idea.

>> No.44481798

Well if they forced even more workload on Watame then Cover would be truly a black company.

>> No.44481800

they really took like 2 and a half hours to warm up

>> No.44481803

What kind of a psycho calls Kanata "Amane"

>> No.44481806


>> No.44481807


>> No.44481811

her fps number is garbage compared to her holocollab number.

>> No.44481814
Quoted by: >>44481831

Matsuri, Choco, and RBC didn't grow from their FPS streams.

>> No.44481815

Play games or do one of the other thousands of things someone can do with free time.

>> No.44481816
File: 39 KB, 439x426, 1681355700171023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder

>> No.44481818

And Roboco has fuck all growth despite doing similar shit. What is your point?
Towa's thing is FPS.

>> No.44481821

I know her as Amane

>> No.44481825

Towa's growth is not thanks to FPS, it's despite it

>> No.44481828
File: 360 KB, 1500x1500, F4fcSzYbgAEXorr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481831

You still need to have some character to be able to grow.

>> No.44481834

Towa is good at fps for a girl and has a sexy voice that foreigners like as well as Japanese

>> No.44481835
File: 88 KB, 602x726, brutal_luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most unhinged one

>> No.44481841

everybody loves towa!!

>> No.44481843

And yearly marika
And being close friend with most important holo like Pekora, suisei and mio

>> No.44481844

>Towa for example managed to grow a lot because of her fps shit
And they can't never recreate a second Towa because they don't seem to understand why it worked for her.
Why do you think Towa found success but not so much for Matsuri?
Because she didn't get into e-sport halfway into her career out of nowhere.

>> No.44481845
File: 219 KB, 584x301, 1676341421911592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure seems it's more the holo factor than fps esportstrash factor

>> No.44481848

Now if only she used that voice instead of the dumb one she decided to stick with

>> No.44481853

but every streamer had less views during the overwatch thing
except astel lol

>> No.44481854
File: 128 KB, 455x372, 1624086536266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481855

https://kemono.party/fanbox/user/17966299/post/6591728 coffee elf tits

>> No.44481859

Fake ones at that

>> No.44481860

not kohi!

>> No.44481861

what the FUCK is that thing in the top left

>> No.44481864


>> No.44481870

Balloon tits, awful.

>> No.44481872
Quoted by: >>44481932

what do we call kazama, watame, and hime trio?

>> No.44481873

>BJ gets announced
>horizontal gets announced
>dev_is gets announced
when did the hololive fanbase get filled with conspiracy theorist

>> No.44481878

eigo umai

>> No.44481879

>>BJ gets announced
Say literally nobody

>> No.44481880


>> No.44481883

>BJ gets announced
>"Cover is retarded"
>horizontal gets announced
>"Cover is retarded"
>dev_is gets announced
>"Cover is retarded"

>> No.44481884
File: 1.50 MB, 2976x2122, F41sHbxbsAAVt--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kemonocircus collab onegai...

>> No.44481885

We don't know what made hololive for sure, we have a vague idea.
Cover doesn't even have a vague idea.
Nobody knows when it will all fall apart.

>> No.44481886

since gen 4

>> No.44481888
File: 284 KB, 2048x1321, F4tkCK5bgAAxDZt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481911

>> No.44481890

Nene replied to that guy on twitter to tell down image and they both deleted their posts
It's over

>> No.44481891
Quoted by: >>44481912

remember to take care of your pets

>> No.44481892

yeah the only thing people said was that it wouldn't succeed

>> No.44481893

What guy?

>> No.44481898

This shit >>44481086

>> No.44481899

are you just gonna ignore all the posts calling it a failed project and waste of resources before it was announced to be basically Bloom 2? same shit happened with holoearth btw

>> No.44481900
File: 1.31 MB, 1090x1297, cumhard1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481902

>BJ gets announced

>> No.44481901

Some ugly black guy kept posting photos of himself with a nene plush she was so disgusted by his black skin she asked him to tell down image or she will sue

>> No.44481902
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, towa-banana-tip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481906
File: 1.74 MB, 1315x1419, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481909

I bet towa tastes like kimchi

>> No.44481910

People are gonna ignore your post now after you moved the goalpost

>> No.44481911
File: 1.40 MB, 1422x1940, F3pnuUxaMAA2XLf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so smug

>> No.44481912 [SPOILER] 
File: 270 KB, 1400x1050, 1689704212599378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44481929

Botan neglecting her pets!

>> No.44481915
Quoted by: >>44481938

it's TOWAWAsenpai, fucking clippers

>> No.44481916
Quoted by: >>44481924

Tyrone rent free in your head

>> No.44481918
Quoted by: >>44481955

>I hope they get a bigger venue this time around if this Blue Journey is another concert
>Blue Journey is Holosummer concert held on a beach
where are the posts calling it failed project and waste of resources? these?

>> No.44481920
Quoted by: >>44481931

Why didn't anyone mention that Aqua is going to stream APEX

>> No.44481922

I hope Nene doesn't get suspended because some fucking nekko couldn't keep his mouth shut.

>> No.44481924
Quoted by: >>44481935

You guys dreaming yourselves over so ugly black guy was pathetic complete cuck behavior

>> No.44481927

>Towa for example managed to grow
>And Matsuri's career is in the shitter
One did it from the beginning, and one started doing it after amassing a large idolfag audience.
Cover could learn from this example.

>> No.44481928

The worst you can say about BJ is that they completely failed to capitalize on the hololive brand with it. It's doing far worse than the sum of its parts, unlike holo27.

>> No.44481929

T will never be a cat

>> No.44481931

I posted it on the VSPO thread.

>> No.44481932


>> No.44481934

It makes 100% sense when you look at management as holoantis.

>> No.44481935

>you guys
My oshi loves white men though? Don't project your weird shit onto me

>> No.44481938

Why would she address her wife as senpai

>> No.44481942

Not that I want Nene to get caught up in it, but I hope the fact that she reached out does garner some attention. If she feels the need to get it taken down, then that means management clearly doesn't want fans to know how they're coercing talents to participate.

>> No.44481943

>it a failed project and waste of resources
Is not saying HOLOLIVE IS OVER btw. Yes its a retarded claim to make but not the extent you are making it sounded.

>> No.44481944
Quoted by: >>44481953


>> No.44481945
File: 533 KB, 1200x1826, F43hLvga0AABfK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481952

Towa never really got anything out of FPS whoring.
She licked into PEBOT and various good collab groups and her singing is good.
Her FPS shit never gets much traction, even if it does better than FPS shit of other holos.

>> No.44481953
File: 1.22 MB, 2412x3703, go_away_stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44481954


>> No.44481955

Probably in vt numbers thread or something that the tourist came from.

>> No.44481957

some of you niggers really are detached from reality

>> No.44481959
File: 273 KB, 1424x1768, F43jiyxbkAADHHx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex symbol of /hlg/

>> No.44481961


>> No.44481962

How does calling it a failed project equate to the death of hololive? We shat on error too and called cover retards for it, but that doesn't mean cover is gonna die because of that.
Unlike this hlzntl shit where they entrap the talents to do things they didn't sign up for.

>> No.44481963
File: 68 KB, 747x517, 1668374385097805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave anon to me

>> No.44481964
Quoted by: >>44481979

But she only has 2 tits...

>> No.44481965

daily reminder that this is purer than EN

>> No.44481968
Quoted by: >>44482013

>conspiracy theorist
this trick doesnt work in 2023 anymore sister

>> No.44481969

>mata asobou desu
>never asobou again

>> No.44481972

She's gotten really saggy in the recent years.

>> No.44481974

I always laugh at seeing the Japanese IP's, I thought they were strict on pirating compared to other countries.

>> No.44481975

the japanese classic

>> No.44481979

But those 2 tits have enough surface area for 80 leechers

>> No.44481980
Quoted by: >>44481986

kazama's so touched at collabing with someone else in micra...

>> No.44481982

I saw some anon in /t/ pointing that out, gave me a chuckle cuz I always assumed it was mostly foreigners

>> No.44481984
File: 425 KB, 580x636, 1693221405216993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many such cases. That was such a nice rare little gathering though.

>> No.44481986

she's been waiting to join a construction for ages....my poor poor Kazama.

>> No.44481993

watame and hime are not joining any too, right? she should be like them.
the only up attraction is really good.

>> No.44481994
File: 64 KB, 1124x632, F3kbYPSbcAAX0jK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44481996

no one even knows what this image represents anymore
and it's for the best

>> No.44481997
Quoted by: >>44482001

Report all the JP IPs to her

>> No.44481998
Quoted by: >>44482026

Doroken is like handing out invitations for free. What is she waiting for?

>> No.44482000
Quoted by: >>44482042

no she hasn't. she keeps saying she prefers to not limit herself to a kensetsu and freelances for everyone.

>> No.44482001

fuck that, they're my brothers in arms.

>> No.44482004

in hands lole

>> No.44482006

On one hand I can't download this because I know it hurts her feelings but on the other MUH DICK

>> No.44482008

given how freely memberships are gifted, that's not really certain

>> No.44482012

The cocks in your hands...

>> No.44482013

nta but tourists are starting to behave like them considering their first reaction to DEV_IS was thinking it's a mixed gen and that hololive is over

>> No.44482015
Quoted by: >>44482058

The guy deleted his tweet after Nene replied to him. I don't think he would've done that if he was just a random listener.

>> No.44482016

I think she wanted this to leak otherwise she wouldnt have mentioned it, Specially on the day of the launch when people are going ape about it.

>> No.44482019
File: 146 KB, 343x356, 1688604338281078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44482022

>newfags outraged over [thing]
stop the press

>> No.44482026

doroken already has 6 members, maybe she wants a smaller group

>> No.44482027

Hololive is over see you tomorrow lads

>> No.44482032

>it's a mixed gen
where did this shit even come from

>> No.44482033
Quoted by: >>44482058

Most casuals don’t bother attending membership streams

>> No.44482036

The atmosphere I'm feeling is that everyone will forgive any of the girls who do join in these collabs due to Nene putting all the blame on Cover. Isn't this a win for Cover? If people already support the talents they're more likely to stay supporting them despite all of this, basically affecting no one's bottom line or causing defection.

>> No.44482037
File: 222 KB, 354x358, 1683663633160955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482054


>> No.44482042

So she prefers whoring herself out?

>> No.44482045

Will Friend quit Hololive now? Or does she think that employee entrapment is not black company behavior?

>> No.44482047

I was thinking about Towa's ASMR while going down stairs and I slipped and almost fucking died. Now my arm is cut and I have a huge bruise on my back...

>> No.44482053

The /vt/ catalog, where else is that retarded

>> No.44482054

I am going in!

>> No.44482055

Towa love!

>> No.44482056
Quoted by: >>44482064

Why would you think about Towa at all?

>> No.44482058

That's just courtesy, I think.
Maybe, but looking at his tweet history the only holo he even tweeted about before this was Chloe, dozens of times, and he didn't even tweet about Twinkle 4 You. He seems more of a shikuiin than anything else.

>> No.44482064

everyone is thinking about towa deep down inside

>> No.44482065

because one of the characters apparently looks like a boy

>> No.44482066
Quoted by: >>44482079

I am willing to represent you pro-bono in a lawsuit against Towa

>> No.44482069
Quoted by: >>44482076


>> No.44482074
Quoted by: >>44482096

Do you have Nene's tweet?

>> No.44482075
File: 309 KB, 795x930, 1693476811201915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482076
Quoted by: >>44482094

She tweeted suggesting it's not her, and it's not like she has time for any more projects anyway

>> No.44482077
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, screaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482086


>> No.44482079

I will bone Towa myself.

>> No.44482083
File: 280 KB, 501x584, 1611175957196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482133


>> No.44482086

next one will be louder

>> No.44482089
File: 338 KB, 2048x2048, 1692414183517025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482108

Reluctant to cast a pall, though the recent collaboration between Taso and Flare has cast shadows that have further dampened my already waning optimism. The mellowness typically enshrouding voice tweets did little to veil the palpable toll the passage of time and rest have etched on her vocal cords, a fact vividly underscored in the streaming hours. And now, her whispered fears of losing cherished bonds due to this prolonged absence seem to drift hauntingly into reality's realm, a disquieting truth. Yet, even if this shadow proves fleeting, the mere notion that her hiatus might erode the strides she made in nurturing self-assurance inflicts a poignant ache. Perhaps Mio's wisdom is fitting; a measured pace is the balm needed, a deliberate cadence to resuming endeavors, a course not solely dictated by her voice's fragile state, but also as a shield against the specter of overexertion. Forgive me, I simply sought solace in articulating these sentiments.

>> No.44482092
File: 163 KB, 1920x1080, F4wZq3nbcAIcRv4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482099

Who? This one? Looks like Suisei forma Nose.

>> No.44482094
Quoted by: >>44482103

Why? Is she graduating? Please tell me she is.

>> No.44482096
File: 67 KB, 631x857, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deleted the tweet after confirming that she got a response.

>> No.44482099
File: 619 KB, 681x1309, Nozomu_by_Endolu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44482100

I mean people aren't going to dump their oshi because of something Cover is forcing her to do. It will just lead to people getting even more pissed and having a customer base that hates you is hardly a good recipe for future profit.

>> No.44482103
Quoted by: >>44482115

No, she's doing another sololive and two more albums, so basically the opposite

>> No.44482108

much obliged

>> No.44482109
Quoted by: >>44482126

It'll affect Cover's ability to attract esports sponsors moving forward if the sponsors see that the fans don't seem to like this stuff at all. Then again they're retarded for trying to pull this shit with existing talents instead of just spinning up an actual esports branch.

>> No.44482112
Quoted by: >>44482131

you know how we joke about Suisei being male because she's flat? well, someone took it seriously and now all of them think flat = male

>> No.44482115
Quoted by: >>44482132

She doesn't have to do that in Hololive. Plenty of indies do that. Maybe losing the Cover studio will knock down the quality two pegs but it's doable.

Kinda off topic I haven't really seen lives look nearly as good as Hololive's, even the ones that are live. Usually everyone else's are a jank mess of PS2 models with N64 backgrounds.

>> No.44482116

Fucking horseshit Nene. The reason these points aren't talked about outside of membership is because it'd cause a shitstorm and Cover is obviously not going to bring it up because it would be confessing to coercing talents.

>> No.44482119

>play fps with homos PLEASE
>no way bitch
>we'll pay you bonus
>later in a stream
>guys, management forced me please understand
lmao holocucks

>> No.44482123

Hololive has fallen. Billion must die.

>> No.44482126
Quoted by: >>44482142

>if the sponsors see that the fans don't seem to like this stuff at all.
That was always gonna happen. The only way to salvage it is by hosting something that is pure hololive or something that is 95% not hololive but throw Towa in there.
>new branch
Those girls will try to make themselves holos at some point.

>> No.44482131
Quoted by: >>44482137

>you know how we joke about Suisei being male because she's flat?
no? we only joke about Towa banana here

>> No.44482132

The MGO one looked great, but the Kizuna Ai people did it.

>> No.44482133
Quoted by: >>44482139

Towa is so small...

>> No.44482136
Quoted by: >>44482146


>> No.44482137
File: 291 KB, 1091x1637, F4swBIjaIAAqDjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also joke about Kanata being a cute boy.

>> No.44482139
File: 129 KB, 1296x920, thin_fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482358


>> No.44482142

>Those girls will try to make themselves holos at some point
Sure but they'll be making themselves holos of the Towa variety who continue to collab a lot with the esports crowd, it'd be like getting 5 more Towas. And that would work way better for Cover than what they're doing now.

>> No.44482143

When will some girls stop assuming that members streams are their safe space, if they say something controversial then it will surely reach other ears.

>> No.44482144

Cover should only employ eunuchs to safeguard the sanctity of their female talents

>> No.44482146
Quoted by: >>44482172


>> No.44482147

I'm trying to find an image of botan's daughter but its difficult going through thousands of pekora images

>> No.44482148

It's time for the other holos besides Matsuri and Suisei to open up tiered memberships.

>> No.44482150
File: 1.73 MB, 1261x715, towa_party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 more Towas

>> No.44482157
File: 872 KB, 1613x1000, 1679495150610553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482309


>> No.44482156

Sure but those girls will worm themselves into holo only events and go on the minecraft server. They'll try to collab with Marine or Lord forbid Miko. They will be a poison and will get a pass since they're girls. I am not a schizo, these are just thought exercises.

>> No.44482161

Tiwa already exists so they'll just hang around PEBOT and since Pekora is there Miko won't be, she'll be safe.

>> No.44482163
Quoted by: >>44482175

I like how close they get. I don't like people leaking it. It's really hard to keep it in if you think management is screwing over your oshi.

>> No.44482165
File: 284 KB, 1352x2048, huh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482192

Where did my Aunty go?!

>> No.44482166
Quoted by: >>44482375

There would be nothing wrong with that though, and I doubt many would have a problem with it. That's like saying people have a problem with Towa collabing with their oshi, sure she has some schizos that completely hate her, but for the most part she's well liked both inside and outside of hololive, despite who she collabs with.

>> No.44482172

huh, so fun catbox fact, if you upload an image with the same hash as an old one, it doesn't upload again with a new link, but just gives you an old link to the same image. But if that link has since expired, it still gives you the expired link from years ago. Genius system.

>> No.44482173
Quoted by: >>44482209

>Suisei knows Burgmuller
uh bros?

>> No.44482175

I dislike how they hide behind membership

>> No.44482181

we use cockfile here now

>> No.44482182
File: 1.56 MB, 1200x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482189

>> No.44482184

Reminds me of bibi hat brainfuck image...

>> No.44482186

>huh, so fun catbox fact, if you upload an image with the same hash as an old one, it doesn't upload again with a new link, but just gives you an old link to the same image. But if that link has since expired, it still gives you the expired link from years ago. Genius system.
I've e-mail the catbox admin about that multiple times and he refuses to fix it

>> No.44482187

I smiled and came

>> No.44482189

fuck off, this is a Naruto thread

>> No.44482191

Oh she bought a keyboard which just arrived today (yesterday?) and she's at a level where she can play Burgmuller's Arabesque
If you're not familiar this is a piece that you learn in around beginner level~nearing intermediate level piano lessons, very simple notes but you need to be able to do proper movement with both hands
Also she said calls her piano "henyo henyo" which probably means she's playing this on a fucking toy piano that you can roll like a carpet, but surely that's not the case....

>> No.44482192
Quoted by: >>44482194

I called her for an examination in my basement, sorry about that

>> No.44482194

Damn you, Choco

>> No.44482202

True we love homo fag collabs

>> No.44482205 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 576x708, cursed_marine_eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482246

The silence is defeating...

>> No.44482208


>> No.44482209
Quoted by: >>44482322

Being forced to play classical she doesn't give a shit about as a kid and refusing to touch a piano ever since would explain Suisei's vague comments every time she has been asked about instruments she can play. This was shown to me by Inotac mentioning she had played at recitals at one point.

>> No.44482221


>> No.44482235
Quoted by: >>44482251

I finally checked lyrics to Suspect and that thing is pretty suggestive

>> No.44482246

Looks like Anakin's sith eyes in episode III

>> No.44482248

Where's my naked dogeza for when you retards called me EN or something for seeing the obvious outcome weeks ago?

>> No.44482251
File: 598 KB, 600x800, ඞ_FAST.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's kinda ඞ_______

>> No.44482252
Quoted by: >>44482264

>hear ASMR sounds
>aki's stream ended and patra's vod started
That was a nice Aki stream...

>> No.44482256

I'm sorry for thinking that Cover had a brain. I didn't insult you though, just didn't think they were retarded

>> No.44482264
File: 2.94 MB, 600x600, Angry_strikes2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482284


>> No.44482271
File: 3.48 MB, 1490x1002, 1625143732900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482279

Whoa maybe we are getting a yonkisei anniversary stream this year.

>> No.44482274
Quoted by: >>44482294


>> No.44482279

give them 3 more years

>> No.44482284
Quoted by: >>44482297

Aki love!!

>> No.44482285

I mean I was skeptical when Horizontal first appeared but wanted to see if they were going to go full retard. After the Holostar debacle I already knew it was going to be bad, but I didn't think they'd actually double down this hard.
It is rare to see Japanese people complain on their actual accounts.

>> No.44482294


>> No.44482297
File: 853 KB, 3035x4096, 1663061636646477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482302

Triple Good Boy, congratulations on your high score

>> No.44482302

It's Aki's third stream today, she's the goodest girl here

>> No.44482309
File: 1.38 MB, 1201x696, 1683833230410335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah that's it

>> No.44482310

Chloe's ghost is haunting her PC...

>> No.44482312

I'm still gonna blame Nene for collaboration with men

>> No.44482319

gozaru-chan a new cute nickname from hime

>> No.44482322

She's asian so it's understandable plus her dad loves the guitar so piano is one of the most common option for kids
I can still play the first half of fur Elise by heart despite never learning the piano again since 12 because of how much my teacher crammed it into my brain

>> No.44482324

You should start putting blue women into separate folders then

>> No.44482328
File: 173 KB, 732x272, 1691774400502700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wamy is too massive

>> No.44482329

i think festival already calls her gozaru chan.

>> No.44482332
File: 2.86 MB, 1920x1080, 【ARK _ Fjordur】ついにドラゴン討伐戦じゃー!!【アキ・ローゼンタール_ホロライブ】 6-10 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always forget how retarded the Mantis look when you give them tools/weapons

>> No.44482334

hime does it cuter

>> No.44482337

Aunty sneezed into my soul

>> No.44482341
Quoted by: >>44482582

It was actually a rarely posted lamy-peko gattai but i lost
so it was to say pekora had an affair on botan with lamy

>> No.44482352
File: 1.93 MB, 1565x880, 1680967900386321.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482384

>> No.44482355
File: 150 KB, 850x1134, 1681195620099344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482368

kurokami seggs

>> No.44482358

I didn’t realize towa had such a fat ass

>> No.44482363
File: 437 KB, 1448x2048, big_twumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482453

It is what it is

>> No.44482365
File: 508 KB, 1699x2400, __nekomata_okayu_and_nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_seo_tatsuya__c71fa330cde7669f226aa066ca50aadb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feline of great heft

>> No.44482368
File: 59 KB, 230x230, 1686165341896909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482383

more like kusokami wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.44482375

There are people who hate Towa? Impossible

>> No.44482378


>> No.44482383


>> No.44482384
File: 1.28 MB, 1920x1080, 1658089024469386.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hip!

>> No.44482386

Who? Never heard of Festival

>> No.44482389
Quoted by: >>44482391

>over 10k people watching Watame superchat reading
There are very few holos who can do this

>> No.44482391
Quoted by: >>44482399

2.5k watching an IDs superchat reading is also very impressive

>> No.44482396
File: 101 KB, 937x488, 1678724065586922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you watched the Pineapple video yet?
It's prime fapbait

>> No.44482399
Quoted by: >>44482408

2.5k watching an ID is impressive in the first place

>> No.44482406

for me it's all the gura feet close ups

>> No.44482408
Quoted by: >>44482482

Yeah, that's what I mean. Most of them can't get that even in collabs, yet Kaela has nurtured a solid enough viewerbase that even a superchat reading pulls numbers like that

>> No.44482411
Quoted by: >>44482416

Not my oshi, but she is cute

>> No.44482412

>It's prime fapbait
Are you supposed to watch this muted or what

>> No.44482416


>> No.44482418
File: 351 KB, 600x600, 1689104834847556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44482420
Quoted by: >>44482513

This might be the worst Holo orisong yet. What the actual completely unironic fuck.

>> No.44482425
File: 1.54 MB, 2805x4096, 1663202287741895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind it was just lamy bunny

>> No.44482427

That might be one of the most unpleasant things I have come across in these threads.

>> No.44482439
File: 217 KB, 851x1089, 1611162557426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco in Aki's stream!

>> No.44482440

So holizontal is the final yab?

>> No.44482443


>> No.44482444

Jesus Christ
How horrible is this shit

>> No.44482445
Quoted by: >>44482452

>entire MV is Kiara wiggling her ass, showing off her tits, while Gura/Ame/Mumei/Reine being lewd
Pretty good
Shame the song is unbelievably bad though

>> No.44482449

No, the crossgender gen Dev_is is

>> No.44482452

A man that mocapped it. You are now gay.

>> No.44482453


>> No.44482454

take out Marine and Lap and get Iroha into horobebi

>> No.44482456

Gyaru eroha never...

>> No.44482458

What the fuck is this

>> No.44482459
File: 64 KB, 239x242, 1691227238446003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482473

it's the outfit

>> No.44482460

No, this is

>> No.44482468

Is Pineapple a euphemism for something? The lyrics make zero sense

>> No.44482474


>> No.44482473

pokobe is retarded...

>> No.44482475

is it me or miComet's idol cover sounds like shit? the instrumental is way worse than the live version

>> No.44482478
File: 1.72 MB, 1280x720, Pon_swing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki not like this...

>> No.44482481

It's just a random tropical thing

>> No.44482482

Kaela deserves her audience she’s an autistic workhorse

>> No.44482490

That was painful, she even tried to bait it closer but the stupid shadow cats rushed ahead

>> No.44482492

Pineapple is to vagina what eggplant is to cocks.
She's singing about eating cunt.

>> No.44482503

So Iroha's love for eggplants is an euphemism too?

>> No.44482506


>> No.44482507
Quoted by: >>44482523

No, that's just you being a tard.

>> No.44482509

Just watched it because you linked it and it was, ehh. Basic ass summer song, her karaoke version yesterday sounded better than this in my opinion.
What I do find amusing is that with how much Kiara loves Japan and tried to even make it there, with this creative content she puts out, it's very American-style of doing things. I guess deep down her childhood love for things like Britney Spears is stronger emphasis than anything Japanese for content.

>> No.44482512


>> No.44482513
Quoted by: >>44482538

not going to listen to it, but it can't be worse than poggers ocean

>> No.44482516
Quoted by: >>44482521

she's a countyside girl, what do you think

>> No.44482518

she's unironically too sheltered for euphemisms.

>> No.44482521

>Believing the country bumpkin meme
She's a shinjuku slut with a speech impediment

>> No.44482523

It was just a joke...

>> No.44482525

nyfco is always right

>> No.44482528

>fps sluts are sheltered
lmao even

>> No.44482531

then she's a fantastic actress which would also be great.

>> No.44482538
File: 284 KB, 2159x1203, 1681690097035891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482565

It's far worse than anything #UMISEA released.
Kiara is a slut for big fat numbers so she made sure her MV has a ton of Gura fan-service tho

>> No.44482544

I've been seeing a lot of Iroha posted here from collabs all over the place.
Explain her appeal to me, a thread reader.

>> No.44482547
File: 2.70 MB, 2737x1851, 1670127989689827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura milking me

>> No.44482553

cute and comfy

>> No.44482559
File: 2.63 MB, 1597x897, Iroha_ShadowsDieTwice.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44482562

she stupid

>> No.44482565
File: 7 KB, 346x339, Gura energy drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only now noticed the back of the van image due your screencap.

>> No.44482575
File: 509 KB, 1280x1837, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44482576
File: 3.22 MB, 960x540, Pgm6gWR.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute retard

>> No.44482582
File: 496 KB, 1000x1000, botan lamy 202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might know the image you are talking about but unfortunately I don't have it saved
have this one instead

>> No.44482587
File: 2.99 MB, 700x1080, 1693132026326197.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482672


>> No.44482594
File: 855 KB, 1000x1778, nene21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice it got ripped
gal Nene is perfect

>> No.44482595
File: 480 KB, 693x867, info (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482598

please dont watch disgusting loud mouthbreather fucking disgusting i can imagine her saliva drooling out her mouth without her disgusting god

>> No.44482599
File: 337 KB, 1031x769, 1619094756886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this actually got scanned
god bless

>> No.44482628

the longer I watch my oshi the more I dislike her

>> No.44482639

Any holo who has studied overseas or has westaboo tendencies definitely has a size complex

>> No.44482641

The longer I watch my oshi the more I love her

>> No.44482647

The more I love my oshi the longer I watch her

>> No.44482650

The longer I watch Towa the longer I see her

>> No.44482654

I miss Kanata

>> No.44482657
Quoted by: >>44482703

Nene knew that shit would get leaked which is why she said it.

>> No.44482661

I miss laplus

>> No.44482672

nice ass

>> No.44482678
File: 81 KB, 960x943, Fs9NIBTXsAEFsLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has pokobe

>> No.44482686

>autotuned generic pop garbage

It's not wigger rap atleast...

>> No.44482703

>Nene knew that shit would get leaked
Nene pooped herself?

>> No.44482709
File: 87 KB, 680x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482722
File: 164 KB, 389x442, Elt1235765300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482985


>> No.44482725


>> No.44482730


>> No.44482757


>> No.44482759

Aki just moaned into my ear...

>> No.44482784
Quoted by: >>44482797

I want nene dna

>> No.44482797
File: 2.44 MB, 1447x2047, Become.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only Lamy DNA now

>> No.44482807
File: 66 KB, 283x649, 1687229202398850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will come in handy

>> No.44482818
File: 323 KB, 449x361, rabuyouonion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HA HA HA HA HA HA... No onion! HAHA... aaaa... A joke... joku... joku bery bery hardo... *unintelligible autism noises*... aaaaHA HA HA HA HA... HA HA HA HA, HA HA... *autistic laugh*... HA HA HA

>> No.44482834

>lol - t. Watame

>> No.44482833

fat fuck

>> No.44482838
File: 260 KB, 2048x2048, blowing_nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482847

That was a nice Aki stream, I would unironically buy a sneeze voice pack

>> No.44482840
Quoted by: >>44482847

That was a nice Aki stream... maybe? Her ARK streams feel like fever dreams

>> No.44482846
File: 160 KB, 1156x1178, lamy peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482878

>> No.44482847

That was a nice-mind

>> No.44482848

my poor bullied onyon...

>> No.44482865
File: 19 KB, 534x143, 1662527205150927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482873

fuck this piece of shit

>> No.44482867


>> No.44482873

At least he wasn't skinwalking in this one.

>> No.44482878
File: 3.20 MB, 1700x2400, 1692735252831923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482949


>> No.44482881
File: 324 KB, 1928x1124, 1674634313211074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bibi is better

>> No.44482882
Quoted by: >>44482902

You missed the
>HAHA...joku...Kaigai joku...HAHA

So basically she hates kaigai fans especially burgers

>> No.44482902

She wishes they were chinese instead

>> No.44482908
File: 160 KB, 1700x1400, F4nDh0aaoAAD8f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482919

yes and she will be right in her preference

>> No.44482920
Quoted by: >>44482933

She wishes all the sideshit branches would be nuked starting with ENtrannies.

>> No.44482921
File: 895 KB, 1300x1383, F4xm8KobUAA-CTx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482933

I wish the same

>> No.44482936

kumarine onahole

>> No.44482938

Leave it to ENshitters to make the most stomach churning, disgusting piece of media on planet earth.

>> No.44482949
File: 542 KB, 1000x1300, bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483014

blue women love

>> No.44482952
File: 359 KB, 3000x2250, 1686588540405821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482967

Do not feed the bear

>> No.44482954
File: 120 KB, 1282x887, 1693371324359133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44482964

they're so perfect bros...

>> No.44482962
File: 1.32 MB, 1142x803, 111244149_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44482964
Quoted by: >>44482976

Why did you run your picture through Lamy-o-vision?

>> No.44482967

Bears need to fatten up for winter

>> No.44482976

The only way to make ENshit just borderline tolerable is to make it so you can barely perceive them.

>> No.44482979
File: 1.27 MB, 3840x2160, 1680468067245293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483002

Lamy is gonna retire to do morning (healing) news

>> No.44482985

Hey Miko!

>> No.44482991
File: 779 KB, 2048x1613, 235211e0-f622-48f3-8dc1-610eafd8d32d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo for this feeling

>> No.44482992
File: 608 KB, 869x844, 1692869449002124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're so perfect bros...

>> No.44482998

She's miComet's daughter

>> No.44483001
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1346, 1685961274482469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44483002

It's nice that she did that Lamio stream but where the fuck is my Bakamata radio show?

>> No.44483008
File: 101 KB, 242x311, 1642270865609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483067

Granola and toasted onions are a strange flavour combination

>> No.44483014
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, 83550292_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483068

Shishiron will do it with any blue women.

>> No.44483020

she is the property of a married woman and that makes her kind of erotic

>> No.44483022
File: 44 KB, 494x501, 1612894221933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483513

Open your mouth real quick

>> No.44483023

adult sane women don't play with dolls

>> No.44483026

Tomorrow we say goodbye to Noel.

>> No.44483027
File: 301 KB, 1464x2048, F4gF5lkbEAAGCQs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483040

>> No.44483030
File: 259 KB, 355x390, 1674730611716205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44483036
File: 131 KB, 500x500, 1693362762784213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44483038

I'm talking about the single player campaign. The first three games are really fun, and the first one's lonely, creepy atmosphere is impeccable. I just think it would be fun watching the girls play it or even playing through it together in co-op.

>> No.44483039
File: 1019 KB, 2560x1440, 1693480638381529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did miComet manage to turn a song about lies into a song completely about lesbian romance?

>> No.44483040

erotic beetle

>> No.44483041
Quoted by: >>44483046

>chink shit
Fuck off.

>> No.44483046
Quoted by: >>44483054

GFL was from HK...

>> No.44483049

More importantly why did Miko and her heavily autotuned voice have to ruin my Suisei cover

>> No.44483054

And they are chinks.

>> No.44483064
File: 1.83 MB, 2160x1317, 1693491980713209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not Suisei's cover, it's miComet's cover

>> No.44483066

why hate chink? why?

>> No.44483067
File: 2.29 MB, 1920x1080, 1635689196720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't post Christmas Watames yet, we're only in August

>> No.44483068
File: 304 KB, 1440x1080, botan suisei 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44483069


>> No.44483076


>> No.44483078
File: 317 KB, 2048x1536, F4xyzXpbIAE5wi3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44483080
File: 814 KB, 1063x704, 1687880899883130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44483081

It’s baffling how seamlessly they change the general feeling of these songs.
Animal is about raw, animalistic, loveless sex directed either at the audience or an unspecified third party. Micomet made it seem like they’re bragging about their sex life and even spiced it up with an inside joke in whispered voices.
Idol is about fakeness and lies being the ultimate form of love and hoping they eventually become true, thrown at the audience wishing for redemption. Micomet make it seem like the conflict is contained to them and the audience’s involvement only helps to differentiate their onstage and offstage personas.

>> No.44483082
Quoted by: >>44483130

We're past the halfway point, so it's christmas now

>> No.44483085

miss ir when miko didn't base all of her personality on suisei

>> No.44483087
Quoted by: >>44483097

Reading Micometfags posts actually reduce my IQ. This level of insanity is not healthy.

>> No.44483092
File: 2.94 MB, 2312x3270, q27rCREADulT3gRObMVVUo5X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483101

>> No.44483094
Quoted by: >>44483109

Post it, I don't care to search myself.

>> No.44483096
Quoted by: >>44483107

anon it's already september

>> No.44483097

You are probably reading some copypaste from /vt/ like usual

>> No.44483101

She should take another break to fire the remaining homos.

>> No.44483107

August only end when Towa finished Hollow Knight

>> No.44483109
Quoted by: >>44483177


>> No.44483111
File: 704 KB, 1000x1414, F40-ue4boAAhk8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483149

>> No.44483116

Kanata are you okay? She must be sad. Everyone let's make Kanata happy okay? Throw the game so we can watch our champ have some fun! Kanata? Why aren't you joining in? Speak up Kanata we want to hear you!

>> No.44483119
File: 410 KB, 1451x2048, F4SOUIBa8AA76uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44483123
File: 3.81 MB, 2560x1600, 1693480282757115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miComet won

>> No.44483128

i asked for hamburg steak

>> No.44483130

mr koro...

>> No.44483131
File: 427 KB, 825x541, 1692196193320248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>44483156

>It's not a lie, I really love you

>> No.44483133

Yurishit delusion hours

>> No.44483134
File: 20 KB, 224x269, 1687722731902426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silent Mario party.
>100k people watching.

>Hey lets do a VALO tournament, people will love this.
>35k people watching.

>Order food from 47 prefectures off collab.
>88k people watching.

>Hey lets do a Holosta collab for OW2, People will love this.
>17k watching.

I'm tired Robbie.

>> No.44483135
File: 422 KB, 1435x2048, Es9h4b-VgAgaytT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44483141

wait koyori didn’t stream yesterday what the fuck

>> No.44483145

great I want a burger now

>> No.44483146
File: 114 KB, 2048x946, 1693480250037422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44483147

Just fire the FPSwhores and hololive will be clean

>> No.44483149

wish she'd look at me like this when I cum to her

>> No.44483156

Status quo

>> No.44483163

>lui overwatch pov with homoshit: 1k
>lui splatoon pov with miko: 4k
many such cases

>> No.44483164

Cover is literally the patrick with wood nailed on his head

>> No.44483168


>> No.44483177
Quoted by: >>44483224

If I cared about the ship I'd like it quite a bit.
I watched the live version from Miko's anniversary after, they ironed a few things for this, but they autotuned Miko into an unbelievable goblin here for no reason whatsoever.
Regardless, Miko doesn't fit the song anyway.
Suisei solo version never, I'll just stay mad I guess.

>> No.44483180

Phone Robby

>> No.44483182

call the beggars leeches and it runs off them like water off a raincoat but cite the facts and numbers and watch as they recoil, I've been found out...

>> No.44483183

I doubt even towa is very excited about this shit... nothing stopped her from joining any tournament ever

>> No.44483185

Funniest in recent memory was Subaru getting 27k just buying games on Steam. It's so easy, I have no idea why Cover self-sabotages everything.

>> No.44483189
Quoted by: >>44483195

towa is a dumb whore

>> No.44483193
Quoted by: >>44483212

I don't know what's going on and I'm scared because my oshi might have to go to Holizontal

>> No.44483195

what good is a whore if no one wants them

>> No.44483207

Why else do you think Subaru is so obsessed with it?

>> No.44483212



>> No.44483216

These 3D MVs are so corny to me.

>> No.44483218

Towa only cared about playing with other holos for once.

>> No.44483220

Why does it feel like the new ENs are the only Holos that seem like they're excited to be in Hololive anymore? No one in JP or EN or ID seems to want to do anything new or do anything besides playing the same games over and over and over.

>> No.44483224

>for no reason whatsoever
The reason: Miko can't sing

>> No.44483226


>> No.44483231

something is brewing behind the scenes...

>> No.44483234

because doing the same shit almost daily for years gets mind numbing no matter how great it is. i love programming but turning it into a job kinda killed my passion for it, for example

>> No.44483235

The new ENs, who know nothing about hololive, are excited because they are guaranteed fame and wealth with little effort. Who wouldn't be happy to get the golden ticket

>> No.44483239

Nice try beggar.

>> No.44483246

chinese people are funny

>> No.44483252
Quoted by: >>44483277

Cover doesn't want Hololive to be Hololive. I hate being a Cover anti since I think most antis are mentally ill like suischizo and gokischizo but I'm genuinely wishing Cover gets fucked hard. Maybe they will learn a lesson if their ass is split badly enough.

>> No.44483254

Holizontal sucks
Give us Veltical

>> No.44483256

too obvious sir

>> No.44483259

Darling in 5 hours

>> No.44483261

Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain and boredom
- Tokoyami Towa

>> No.44483262
Quoted by: >>44483364

What do you call it?

>> No.44483264
Quoted by: >>44483275

Talents carry cover. Forget "le blue dorito", the reason why people fucking care for hololive is that the talents are naturally all very good. A god damn HOTPOT stream with Matsuri, Koyori, Suisei, Miko and Polka was more popular than the gay overwatch shit. Cover has to learn.

>> No.44483265

Top 3 Holo bellies I want to bulge the most:


>> No.44483268
Quoted by: >>44483272


>> No.44483272

maybe I should learn how to also type...
meant to post that I am looking forward to her capping some innocent animals like the elf she is

>> No.44483275

Korone shooting snot got more live viewers than the tournament did. The market rejected this. Only if the people who pay for this are hella desperate for even 100 new players they're not getting their money's worth.

>> No.44483277

They'll never learn because they never push the shit on their top earners. It's always the middle of the road girls who get forced into it and then they can just go "Oh it wasn't our garbage we were pushing, they were already declining." YAGOO has mental firewalls for his delusions that reason cannot get through.

>> No.44483288
Quoted by: >>44483301

The main branch members literally call themselves "JP" all the time, you humongous retard.

>> No.44483301

They can call them niggerpoppins but that will never make you not an enshart.

>> No.44483302
Quoted by: >>44483309

I miss Gura.

>> No.44483304

guess it's back to timeloop hours

>> No.44483307

So what is this "involvement with other streamers and vtubers" entails for holizontal (what a stupid fucking name)?
Will they try to organize tournaments like CR cup? Will host skrims and such? Or fucking what?

>> No.44483309


>> No.44483316

Utterly irrelevant ad hominem

>> No.44483317

Probably heavily filtered streamers who have been nice before or are fans like shaka.

>> No.44483329
Quoted by: >>44483336

Towa will have sex with Vinny

>> No.44483336

this but Subaru

>> No.44483337

My only remark was that the new EN members are doing unusual streams. Anyone can see that from the schedule. I want the girls who I watch (the JP branch) to do more unique, passionate, and exciting streams too, because I'm sick of watching persona, dragon quest, and gacha pulls. That was my point, you absolute nigger scum.

>> No.44483339

NND boyfriends
Junichi Kato
Masketta man
Luna sugar daddy

>> No.44483348

Heimin won hard

>> No.44483351

does anyone like this new thing
it seems stupid
my holos don't collab so i dont think i have to care but it sounds like a bad time for everyone

>> No.44483353

I don’t think it’s a fitting song for them, but I don’t think it’s bad either. It’s alright

>> No.44483360

Not even homofans like it, because they know it'll just direct bad blood towards the homos

>> No.44483363

I don't have a problem with Suisei collabing with the homos, I know she's a lesbian and already has a girlfriend (Miko)

>> No.44483364


>> No.44483366
Quoted by: >>44483396

Probably stuff like CR cup. I think they like the attention the company gets when any of the girls participates in tournaments.

>> No.44483367

Kanatyan is dying
Hololive is dying

>> No.44483374

Suisei talked about what kind of guy she likes, anon...

>> No.44483378

The golden geese won't get touched (Suisei/Pekora/Marine/Miko) unless It's APEX in which the first two will probably join.
So people like Lui and others have to take the brunt because no one else wants to do it and get nagged by management.

People do not watch Holo for good gameplay or skilled players (Aqua APEX being the exception) the true beauty is watching shitters duke it out like Koyori vs Korone (?) in Tetris.

>> No.44483379

How long until Cover starts auctioning off compensated dating with holos? Surely some insane saudi oligarchs would pay millions to pump and dump their oshis.

>> No.44483384

I miss Korone.
I miss Gura.

>> No.44483387
Quoted by: >>44483393

I will touch Noel's mole

>> No.44483392

This happened to Misumi

>> No.44483393


>> No.44483396

These fans don't stay around they are what nips call "Locusts" like 3D debuts they come for the big shiny events but when thats over they fuck off and don't come back, GTA RP/Rust Server being an example.

>> No.44483400

Why Watame why...

>> No.44483408
Quoted by: >>44483455

I liked the Valorant one a lot by

>> No.44483409


>> No.44483411
Quoted by: >>44483418

Miko can sing just fine, but she's just not at the level of Suisei's. Miko knows it but it's fine because Suisei loves her.

>> No.44483412
Quoted by: >>44483437

Suisei is a cocksucker and Miko drinks Astel's cum out of Suisei's pussy

>> No.44483413

Is korone the best vtuber ever?

>> No.44483417

>does anyone like this new thing
even holos don't
there was zero hype from anybody about this

>> No.44483418
Quoted by: >>44483457

>Miko can sing just fine

>> No.44483419

Seek therapy, tranny

>> No.44483436

>HLZTL launches
>Aqua boots up APEX the day after
yeah not fooling me.

>> No.44483437

Keep seething homoshit

>> No.44483443
Quoted by: >>44483466

Next thread will be

>> No.44483448

Okayu's voice is too damn sexy

>> No.44483450


>> No.44483455

Ojou carried that one

>> No.44483457
Quoted by: >>44483477

Just listen to her orisong Sakurakaze, Our Tree, Bokura to Kimi no Uta, also her cover songs like these ones https://youtu.be/YiQq1dHlKCo https://youtu.be/LaOo9OxKxPc, I say Miko can sing just fine.

>> No.44483462


>> No.44483465


>> No.44483466

Wrong thread shart

>> No.44483467

you guys should've anti'd towa more
if she hadn't kept doing tournaments this would've never happened
this is what you get for saviourfagging a whore

>> No.44483468

>lost to roboco
She wasn't carrying shit

>> No.44483470

Her live version was less autotuned and way better, even if I still didn't like it much.

>> No.44483471

Saudi oil barons pay to fuck Instagram models not average looking Japanese women that hide behind anime avatars. Don’t know if you’ve noticed but not a single Holo ever gets big spenders in riyal.

>> No.44483472

everything in the lower half of this is hilarious

>> No.44483473
Quoted by: >>44483480


>> No.44483474

I hope next thread is HoloEN which is just hololive

>> No.44483477
Quoted by: >>44483493

Even Noel or Choco "can" sing when it's a recording

>> No.44483476
Quoted by: >>44483483

Holostars do, though.

>> No.44483478

Did the AI just give up when it got to the bottom?

>> No.44483480

That's the expression she should have when she makes you her onahole.

>> No.44483483
Quoted by: >>44483510

Oil princes want to fuck the homos? That's pretty hot

>> No.44483484
Quoted by: >>44483486

>wake up
>watame is live
Good ol' reliable.

>> No.44483486
Quoted by: >>44483492

So is Kaela, both at 6 hours in, once again.

>> No.44483492

Didn't ask

>> No.44483493

>t. never heard of Miko singing enka and singing with her oneesan voice during utawaku
Just say you're a newfag

>> No.44483499
Quoted by: >>44483526

Suisei and Miko are having hot and steamy lesbian sex right now.

>> No.44483504

Didn't ask either yet here we are.

>> No.44483510
Quoted by: >>44483525

dumb fujo

>> No.44483513

Sneezes love! https://files.catbox.moe/xiou3m.mp4

>> No.44483523


>> No.44483524
Quoted by: >>44483528

Kanata is suffering from her successes.

>> No.44483526
Quoted by: >>44483542

Miko's boyfriend will be very disappointed

>> No.44483525
Quoted by: >>44483532

you're the one who brought up the homos, projecting too much methinks lol

>> No.44483528
Quoted by: >>44483551

What successes? name 10 Kanata's achievements.

>> No.44483532
Quoted by: >>44483544

I am not who you were responding to dumb fujo.

>> No.44483535

She was really cute and so was hearing her cry at the end.
I think without Nene and laplus though, the team morale would have looked a lot worse.

>> No.44483537

Average is a compliment.

>> No.44483542

I know she's flat, but Suisei is her girlfriend anon, not her boyfriend.

>> No.44483544
Quoted by: >>44483545

okay pedro

>> No.44483545

okay fujo

>> No.44483550

We hate males here

>> No.44483551
Quoted by: >>44483557

>so new he's asking for spoonfeed

>> No.44483557
Quoted by: >>44483560

>No proof
0 sololive
0 album
0 achievement

>> No.44483558
Quoted by: >>44483576

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>> No.44483560

Wow, even Towa is getting a sololive. Is kanata really worse than Towa?

>> No.44483563

Miko's One Piece Live Action watchalong when?

>> No.44483573


>> No.44483574

*cums on ______*

>> No.44483576

I am going to nud on gamer lions la la-s

>> No.44483577

Ayame's feet*

>> No.44483578


>> No.44483580

We love lolis here.

>> No.44483581

