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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3654895 No.3654895 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>3655110 >>3657072

This is Suika. Some facts about Suika:

She is an "oni"
She is extremely strong.
She has an infinite supply of booze and drinks all the time.
It is perfectly safe to cum inside her, as she has not yet entered puberty.
Rape is recommended against as she can crush your penis with her vaginal muscles alone. If you must, try to do it when she is passed out after drinking.

>> No.3654910

Sugoi monogatari, aniki

>> No.3654906 [SPOILER] 
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Quoted by: >>3655207

>> No.3654912


>> No.3654920
Quoted by: >>3658580

Anyone has that doujin where a guy rapes her while she was trying to sleep?

>> No.3654933 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur board on www.anòntálk.com plox were tired of ur constant fuckin spam plus stop lying about at ok

>> No.3655110
Quoted by: >>3655289 >>3655369

Suika Lore, DC 20?

>> No.3655207
Quoted by: >>3657153


I'm loving this one, I want more like this.

>> No.3655289
Quoted by: >>3655369 >>3657028

Suika Lore

A character knows the following information with a successful Gensokyo check.

DC15 Suika is an oni
DC20 Onis are strong, therefore Suika is strong
DC25 Suika likes to drink, though she'll remain relatively peaceful even when drunk.

>> No.3655343 [DELETED] 
File: 720 KB, 480x360, Suika Silhouette.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oni's Gourd
Price: 55,000gp
Body Slot:Held, -
Caster Level: 9th
Aura: Moderate; (DC 19) Conjuration and Evocation [Chaotic]
Activation: -, or Command
Weight: 20lbs

-Hanging from the wall at the back of the room is an impossibly large gourd, easily twice the size of any you've seen before, attached to a length of dark metal chain. It sloshes when moved as if filled with liquid.-

The Oni's gourd is a prized possession of Oni and other types of giants and demons.

If held by the chain and swung by a creature with 20 strength or more it functions, despite it's phenomenal weight, as a +2 Anarchic Sizing(MIC, pg 43) Heavy Flail, adapting itself to its weilder size automatically. It overcomes damage reduction and hardness as though it were adamantine. Creature with less than 20 strength suffer a -8 penalty on attacks with the Oni's Gourd.

The gourd itself is always full of alcohol, be it wine, sake, beer, or other spirits of the wielder's choice decided on when the cap is lifted. If turned upside down, it will empy only it's contents out, and will refil itself when it is righted and can produce an infinite amount. If the weilder knows the command word for her particular gourd, she can produce powerful jets of alcohol from the gourd as though it were a Decanter of Endless Water(DMG).

All alcohol not consumed turns to weak, sour vinager 1 minute after leaving the Oni's Gourd.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armour, Craft Wonderous Item, -Chaos Hammer, Create Water, Control Water- Caster must be Chaotic. And Drunk. Both at the same time.
Cost to Create: 27,500gp, 2200xp

Pricing breakdown:
[315gp MW Heavy Flail +32,000gp (+2 Anarchic) + 5000gp(Sizing)] = 37,315gp

9000gp x 1.3 (30% increase in cose for Decanter of Endless Booze effect) = 11,700

37,315 + (11,700 x 1.5[50% increase for Multiple Differnet Abilities]) = 54,865 which rounds nicelly to 55K for a round number.

>> No.3655369

Ah, /Touhou Games/, it's nice to know you still love to visit us here.

>> No.3655381
File: 280 KB, 800x600, 1253985362142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say banging a passed-out Suika?

>> No.3655416
File: 720 KB, 480x360, Suika Silhouette.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3657057

>> No.3657028

Shouldn't you get false information only on a failed roll?

>> No.3657057

If I see that Bad Apple!! one more time...!!!

>> No.3657072

>Rape is recommended against as she can crush your penis with her vaginal muscles alone. If you must, try to do it when she is passed out after drinking.

More like Rape is recommended against as she is an imaginary character and does not really exist.

>> No.3657084
File: 537 KB, 596x1000, 6855617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo exi-i-ists!

>> No.3657085
File: 165 KB, 800x1000, 1236744390550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prove she does not exist.

>> No.3657088

I don't think raping Suika would be necessary. She seems to be the type that would drop her panties if you're good with words. I've always seen Suika as somewhat gullible due to the fact that she's always drunk.

All I have to say is don't let her be on top unless you want your abdomen shattered.

>> No.3657116
Quoted by: >>3657130

...you do know that Gensokyo runs on disbelief, right?

So you denying it only makes its existence more real.

>> No.3657130
Quoted by: >>3657132 >>3657143

i thought it was created solely because regular people stopped believing in monsters thanks to technology advances, and so the said monsters started losing their power or something and needed a place to go to to survive.

>> No.3657132
Quoted by: >>3657169 >>3657294

Fantasy stuff ends up there. Like newspapers, and nuclear fusion.

>> No.3657143

To an extent, yes. Many youkai were losing power (and in the case of Kanako, gods as well) due to disbelief, with less and less people believing the myths and legends.

Gensokyo was created for, IIRC, two purposes:
1) To keep the dangerous youkai in and subsequently stop many more people from disappearing. It still happens, just not as much now.
2) So that youkai or gods whose power depends on belief can have a sanctuary where they are very real.

>> No.3657153


>> No.3657169
Quoted by: >>3657186

Even Gensokyo abides to the scientific laws from the outside. It's just that since magic is abundant, things such as nuclear fusion isn't necessary. For Okuu, it's just now more convenient to control the flames in the Hell of Blazing Fires, and Orin can keep her corpses (this might be my memory being faulty again, but I remember something about how Orin provides fuel for the fires when it's dimming, and then a door in the courtyard of the mansion being opened when the flames get too hot/intense).

>> No.3657186
Quoted by: >>3657247

Magic is basically science, Patchy agrees, don't bother her about it.

>> No.3657247
Quoted by: >>3657311

she just can't get over the fact that science has the ability to negate magic, so she tries to cover the fact up with that.

>> No.3657294
Quoted by: >>3657348

>Fantasy stuff ends up there.
>Like newspapers
Ice burn, dude.

>> No.3657311
File: 831 KB, 1328x1328, 6956488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that's the case.

>> No.3657322
File: 238 KB, 600x609, 5596348abbd849a0592ef1cf10de7c65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say science?

>> No.3657328
Quoted by: >>3657333

so being an oni, suika would make you drunk and rape the shit out of you?

>> No.3657333

Nah, being an oni, she wouldn't resort to the cowardly trick of making you drunk first.

Unless you asked her.

>> No.3657348
Quoted by: >>3657412

ZUN wrote an entire story about that.

>> No.3657412


I thought it was just paper in general.

>> No.3657970
Quoted by: >>3658486 >>3658562

how did touhou survive on /tg/ ?

>> No.3658486
Quoted by: >>3658490

The top two boards on 4chan for Touhou are /jp/ and /tg/. Followed I think by /g/, oddly enough.

>> No.3658490

Cirno is the best method for cooling computer.

>> No.3658562
Quoted by: >>3658573 >>3658619

/tg/ - Touhou Games

How could it not? Besides, a large part of /tg/ can be described by the phrase "I wish to be the little girl", so of course they like touhou. Of the rest, well, as one neckbeard put it, visual novels are basically "'choose your own adventure' stories with porn".

>> No.3658573

/tg/ is like the bastard neckbeard child of /jp/, /d/ and /v/.

>> No.3658580
Quoted by: >>3658606

No one has this?

>> No.3658606

That description is too vague. Nobody knows which one you are talking about.

>> No.3658619

Gensokyo isn't powered by disbelief, rather things that people don't believe in find their way into Gensokyo.

Gensokyo is power gamer heaven.
