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File: 338 KB, 2000x1250, nakadashi kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31382184 No.31382184 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a comfy chikin thread.

>> No.31382203

I love this fucking bitch.

>> No.31382232
File: 711 KB, 2894x4093, 1609106223956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31383016

>> No.31382288

Who should be the next guest for her talkshow?

>> No.31382313

Korone would be great.

>> No.31382319 [SPOILER] 
File: 133 KB, 1280x704, 1609142528485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only correct answer

>> No.31382356


>> No.31382362

You KFP dudes need to chill out with the multiple threads.

>> No.31382382
File: 115 KB, 250x250, 1609043703062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31382384
Quoted by: >>31384022

Hi based 4channers, I am new to Hololive EN. Is Kiara a whore or not?

>> No.31382433

It was some other retard from last threads. There wasn't any thread currently so I made this one.

>> No.31382456
Quoted by: >>31410445

Korone or Fubuki

>> No.31382491

>that filename
Yes, Nakadashi Kiara indeed.

>> No.31382564
File: 197 KB, 1200x1593, 1600878765129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31383016

I love this birb

>> No.31382631


>> No.31382683

Only a single thread in the catalog right now though.

>> No.31382693
Quoted by: >>31382782

does her butt taste like kfc

>> No.31382782

Tastes like salty coins and milk.

>> No.31383016

Big Reaper Scythe

>> No.31383030

is 30k yen a lot?

>> No.31383068
File: 165 KB, 646x682, mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31383116

What did mamaloni mean with this?

>> No.31383116

Kiara, like all straight white girls, pretend to have a lesbian stage to attract male attention.


>> No.31383148
Quoted by: >>31383214

Did Marine and her hookup after the show though?

>> No.31383214

Marine isn't horny anymore her libido died anon.

>> No.31383400


>> No.31383420
Quoted by: >>31384248

It's about $290 usd, why you think ing about spending that on a superchat?

>> No.31383446

it's 6 times what I've paid for that service, but apparently not unusual

>> No.31383505

It's probably a lot if you are a poor failed idol

>> No.31383599

i want a holostar, but i doubt that's ever gonna happen.

>> No.31383649
File: 816 KB, 637x900, 533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: Ignore the faggot trolls with made up narratives.

>> No.31383739

she's open to it but is sticking with hololive for now

>> No.31383787

Retard teammates lost their shit when Astel literally just sent a supa to Ame, KFPs are even more schizo and would probably start sending death threats to the poor lad who comes on the show.

>> No.31383857
File: 69 KB, 180x201, 1608884731807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31384062

This is what I fear honestly.

>> No.31384022

No, not anymore.

>> No.31384062

This. Kiara is great to watch but I have doubts in her ability to put her foot down in dealing with her chat.

>> No.31384248

>290 burger dollars
that way to much for someone with that face and body

>> No.31384300
Quoted by: >>31397256

She only signed up for the wrestling bit. The humping wasn't part of the deal, faggot.

>> No.31384304

You shouldn't value people based on their face and body, anon...

>> No.31384346
Quoted by: >>31384506

>Astel literally just sent a supa to Ame
Got timestamp?

>> No.31384448
File: 261 KB, 1917x1080, 189528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31384506
Quoted by: >>31385037


>> No.31384613
Quoted by: >>31384653

what is going on?

>> No.31384653


>> No.31384817 [DELETED] 
File: 460 KB, 656x750, 1609028932992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31385037
Quoted by: >>31385105

Astel is a pure guy who doesn't deserve ENwhores desu.

>> No.31385105

Based. Keep women away from my holostars.

>> No.31385130
Quoted by: >>31385198

the ass is fat my dude. Gotta pay extra for that.

>> No.31385198

the ass is fLat, but very wide

>> No.31385248 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 396x372, 1608998969082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't pay $290 to get your dick shredded by those euro-teeth?

>> No.31385465

cute, would kiss.

>> No.31385540

I watched her wrestling video. She is not as ugly as this! In fact she is very cute!

>> No.31385614

She's a plain-cute girl next door who's bad at makeup despite trying to live off her looks! It's cringe-cute!

>> No.31385635

Don't bother, this guy posted this image like 6 times, you aren't changing his mind.

>> No.31385665 [DELETED] 

Isn't that video like 6 years old?
What are the chances she still looks like that now that she is a christmas cake nearing her 30s?

>> No.31385734

That's about average for an hour on the West Coast of the US.

>> No.31385747
Quoted by: >>31387142

It was 5 years ago, shes still pretty much in her prime years, not the oldest EN either.

>> No.31385751

She's 25
Judge for yourself

>> No.31385805
Quoted by: >>31385876

She's still cute and only 1 year older than me!

>> No.31385824
File: 69 KB, 622x744, 1604587097898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31386173

>thread devolves into roommate posting
every single time.

>> No.31385856

Besides her teeth, actually looks kinda cute.

>> No.31385876
Quoted by: >>31385957

She's much cuter in the wrestling video though. Teenagers are the best

>> No.31385878
File: 168 KB, 800x1200, D51Ie6ZXsAABme0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk guys she looks pretty good to me

>> No.31385939

Small booba

>> No.31385957
File: 220 KB, 1000x1390, EqJf3IKUYAACmqZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely cuter than any girl I could get. Idk what's wrong with you guys.

>> No.31385991 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31386019

I can never watch this image and not remember that anon having a meltdown in /hlgg/ over rationalizing gravure

>> No.31385992

Cute booba

>> No.31386019


>> No.31386031

Nice booba

>> No.31386041
Quoted by: >>31386142

I will be disappointed if Gura is not cuter than this. She is the cutest in Hololive EN design wise and voice

>> No.31386064
Quoted by: >>31386137

Not even trying to anti, but that wrestling vid is six years old.

>> No.31386094
Quoted by: >>31450858

The makeup is too heavy desu.

>> No.31386137

Sucks that white women age too fast compared to asian. She's still cute at 25 but not as cute

>> No.31386142
Quoted by: >>31386232

Rest assured, If gura got all dolled up irl, she would be much cuter than that.

>> No.31386173
Quoted by: >>31386253

Nothing inherently wrong with it desu.

>> No.31386232
Quoted by: >>31386378

Isn't the only Gura picture one with makeup? But I agree. I think Kiara looks better in some of her recent videos than she does in these photos, maybe its the amount of makeup?

>> No.31386253
Quoted by: >>31386290

just something wrong with the people doing it

>> No.31386290

Just be happy that its not plaquing the main thread.

>> No.31386328 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31386400

Don't give them ideas

>> No.31386378

One of the takes in a previous thread probably got it right. The reason Kiara's makeup looks jarring is because she's probably using japanese make-up, which is very ill-suited to white women.

>> No.31386400
Quoted by: >>31386481

Main thread moves too fucking fast for me to make sense of. I don't know why anyone bothers.

>> No.31386481

When the thread isn't shit(which it is shit most of the time), it can be pretty fun to post in.

>> No.31386546
Quoted by: >>31406608

That and she doesn't put as much on in videos, which is why she looks different in videos than in pictures.

>> No.31387142
Quoted by: >>31387291

>not the oldest EN either.
Who is?

>> No.31387291

Not him, but Im pretty sure its Ina, who is around 28-29 years old. The others are all around the same age I think.

>> No.31387495
Quoted by: >>31389146

What did she buy? That's normal for a decent quality JP commission.

>> No.31387969

Since nobody else did it, rate this weeks schedule?

>> No.31388037

>Since nobody else did it
it was in the previous thread retard

>> No.31388283

something to look forward to everyday

>> No.31388444

Looking forward to the Momotetsu collab, and the collab on the official channel.

>> No.31388585

pretty packed week

>> No.31388808

Pretty good, hope she doesn't use that format anymore though, really confusing to look at.

>> No.31389146

She bought a new gun, pretty based. I wonder what shes gonna use it for.

>> No.31389377
File: 69 KB, 1085x699, 5vhf3kuetcr51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's send Kiara a huge card with all of /jp/'s well wishes!

>> No.31390951

a way out on thursday as well

>> No.31391602


>> No.31393973
Quoted by: >>31394888

The majority of KFP aren't idolfags who care about that kind of shit. Any Idolfags would've filtered out by roommate stuff since the very beginning

>> No.31394888

It honestly makes me surprised that she's been as successful as she has after all the roommate stuff came out, with all the detractors and drama and idolfags and so on. I guess there really is no such thing as bad publicity.

>> No.31396139
Quoted by: >>31396317

Whether its real or not, all that shit happened nearly 7 years ago.

>> No.31396317

To me it barely even enters the conversation, people do stupid shit all the time, we can't really judge someone fairly on things that they themselves barely remember. But there are some people with long memories and nothing to do but hate and act on that hatred, even as their own lives visibly decay around them.

>> No.31396577

I only care about what's happened since Hololive.
I don't care about her roommate. The avatar is the wallpaper you paint over a broken facade. Only what Kiara does is what matters to me.
I've made my own mistakes. While not nearly on the same level as Kiara, I've felt what it means to have everyone be out to get you on everything you do. I'm not going to abandon my oshi over what happened in the before time.

>> No.31396623

i want to wrestle with kiara and accidentally start raping her

>> No.31396768
File: 731 KB, 948x887, Luna Wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31398511

I paid the equivalent of 50k yen to fuck a 19 year old (petite JAV-GFE style) Japanese girl in Sydney for two hours.
30k yen to fuck a young white German girl with a fat ass while in Japan seems like a bargain if it's for an hour.

>> No.31397140

You mean the holostars fujo fans right? The reason Kiara probably doesn't want to collab with holostars is because of their crazy female audience.

>> No.31397151
Quoted by: >>31397242

If Kiara was part of Holo Jp, I'm sure it would've been a much bigger deal, but the General English audience doesn't care about that kind of stuff

>> No.31397242

You made me remember the nip that tagged every holoEN in twitter and threatened that if they interacted with holostars their fate would be the same as Matsuri and Fubuki. I got a good laugh out of that.

>> No.31397256
Quoted by: >>31397604

Do we actually know about this? I've been wondering if she knew about the humping from the very beginning, or if it's something they brought up later after she already agreed to participate

>> No.31397604

dude i hope she knew. i want to pay her for sex someday.

>> No.31398248

>comfy chicken thread

>> No.31398511
Quoted by: >>31477471

Wow, expensive.
Was it worth it?

>> No.31399196
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x1080, 1607365667598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31399422

Despite some roommate discussion, this is the best Kiara thread we've had. Did the antis finally get bored?

>> No.31399623

I don't really mind the roommate discussion that much, did some digging of my own (mostly her old tumblr and other blogs) and now I like her more than ever.
Hope her next original song is more idol like and upbeat, it suits her well

>> No.31399630
File: 1.16 MB, 600x616, 1608872706688.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. Either that or they realized that the only rise they were gonna get was indignation from people pretending to be KFP staff, ie, other antis.

>> No.31399803
Quoted by: >>31399854

You guys have been calling me an anti when I hornypost, but I'm still here.

>> No.31399854
Quoted by: >>31399923

Wherefore dost thou hornypost?

>> No.31399923

I'm hot for Kiara.

>> No.31400070
Quoted by: >>31400264

Dont understand how hornyposters could ever be called anti. There must be more to the story.

>> No.31400264

I've got a hooker fetish so I post the same way as in Reimu threads.

>> No.31400307

there's an actual sperg going around the main threads, anti shitposters don't want to be associated.

>> No.31400350
File: 2.55 MB, 1760x2161, 1606258572187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31400418

>> No.31400418

Go on

>> No.31400595

Her wrestling past makes me like her more!

>> No.31400621
File: 1.20 MB, 1060x1500, 1605467838973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i stop hornyposting and only post wholesome things about Tenchou?

>> No.31400703
File: 190 KB, 808x1200, 1606441049446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pro hornyposting, as a fellow hornyposter.

>> No.31400872

mix it up, also those categories are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.31400873
Quoted by: >>31450858

Do you have any idea how many pounds of makeup and hours of photoshop this is?

>> No.31401180

As soon as she opens her mouth or you start paying attention to her eyes/beak the illusion is shattered

>> No.31401251

There seem to be a lot of people who fuck supermodels here...

>> No.31401437
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x2060, F9D4A098-17BA-4A5F-98C4-79F8EC52CB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was I born into a world where I have a near 0% chance of being with this woman? It’s not fucking fair

>> No.31403578
Quoted by: >>31403655

Why isn't she wearing any panties?

>> No.31403634
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 1608873370269.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn has ruined most people's perceptions of beauty. If you lived in a village with 150 people, the odds of you seeing a 1/100,000 beauty in your lifetime would be incredibly slim. Now the most beautiful 0.01% of the population is readily accessible with the push of a button, and if you want, you can even see most of them naked and doing all kinds of things to entertain their audience. It's ruined perspective on attractiveness entirely, being average is an insult and being above average but not at the top means you aren't trying hard enough or there's something wrong with you holding you back. Kiara might not be the most stunning beauty in the entire world by every standard by which such things can be measured, but she's pretty, and cute, and depending on what you overlook or consider a flaw, she's even quite beautiful. But she's not the pinnacle so she's ugly I guess.

>> No.31403655

To make it easier for Calli, the reaper is sleepy enough without having to do extra work unwrapping her meal each night.

>> No.31403983

all me

>> No.31404318
Quoted by: >>31405262

Still hard to believe she's full Austrian. Those eyes don't look very European.

>> No.31404365
Quoted by: >>31405444

cope fried chicken eater

>> No.31404578

What was she talking about here that made her so mad? Can't find what she read here.

>> No.31404838 [DELETED] 

poorfag here, anyone got the hinotori mp3?

>> No.31404891
Quoted by: >>31404962

superchat that said she forces takamori too hard

>> No.31404962

Based. Stop forcing my reaper into becoming a dyke you orange whore.

>> No.31405244
Quoted by: >>31405440


>> No.31405262

its makeup my guy

>> No.31405274

not yours she's kiara's reaper

>> No.31405284


>> No.31405440
Quoted by: >>31405527

why are comments turned off in the original stream?

>> No.31405444

It's not me who's coping though. I'm saddened, legitimately saddened, by what pornography has done to you.

>> No.31405527
File: 206 KB, 220x220, 1604887456910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31405938

i'm a dj that makes $32K per month so yes i have fucked a few cuties

>> No.31406525
File: 22 KB, 467x657, 44B4F5CD-6E53-47C6-84A7-DD770F6C7460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make out
>make of
>”Hmm.. it must be caused by your oppressed sexual desire.. I have a solution. I can help you.”
Why are Austrians like this?

>> No.31406608
Quoted by: >>31408658

you can look up her roommate's older videos without shitty Japanese makeup and she looks decent.

>> No.31408658

I think what they mean is that she looks better in videos than in pictures.

>> No.31409826

Please anon, stop hating the chicken. I was like you, an anon that enjoyed 5 hours a day shittalking her and saying she was an ugly garbage leecher. One day I went to sleep after telling some anons to go back to /hlgg/ ann started to dream. I was browsing the board normally, but after clicking the thread in the catalog I got absorbed by the computer and was physically in the thread. I could see every image posted standing and walking. I could even see some wojacks fighting before being eaten by sharkmeido. Then, when I thought I wanted to insult Kiara a virtual screen appeared in front of me like in those futuristic movies and I proceeded to post. As I attached a Kiara image she appeared in front of me. Then it began.
Kiara stopped walking and looked at me with a disgusted face, different from any face she has made so far. Then she walked to me and kicked me in the balls and pushing me to the ground. She then stepped in my crotch, not in a sexy way but actually stomping on it and made my balls hurt. She said she got fed up with my shit. Then she lowered her skirt, revealing a strap-on and ordered me to put it doggy position. I thought about refusing but my body did it on my own. While I was confused I sensed my pants going down and Kiara's breath right in my ear. Then I knew I was fucked.
Kiara started pounding me while doing her imitation of Pekora's laugh and I did my best to not cry or moan. But then, every other post on /hlg/ started looking at me and laugh, and I ceded to tears and started moaning. I remember Aqua doing the pogu pogu dance in front of me and Watame looking with that face of hers at the moment I cummed. I glanced back at Kiara and she was laughing, but her face was swapped for her roomate's, so she looked the same as her model but with her roomate's face and saw her grinning and her ugly teeth. Then I got up.
I was glad it was finally over, until I saw my mom at the side of my bed, asking why I was screaming Kiara while sleeping. While I was trying to think what I was going to say, she looked at my crotch dissapointingly, and I looked too, and saw the wet blanket and smelled the horrible odor.
Please anons, I don't want the same happening to you. Stop hating Kiara and live happily.

>> No.31409860


>> No.31410045
File: 1.80 MB, 1572x2069, 1606783651945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet her asshole tastes delicious.

>> No.31410388

Hello, the chicken is a fucking whore worth 30k, bye.

>> No.31410400

wtf I want this to happen to me

>> No.31410445

Did ya miss the second Holotalk? If you did, go watch it now!!

>> No.31410462

I love this pasta.

>> No.31410485
Quoted by: >>31410916

The warping of attraction effects men the same way. Kind of ironic and hypocritical that the ones spreading this narrative also shit on these men by calling them neckbeard porn addicts, showing women are indeed just as warped by the internet.

>> No.31410552
File: 65 KB, 995x969, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ninomae_ina_nis_artist__161e0c743fd614d422010e06251f3081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the funniest chicken moments imo

>> No.31410916
Quoted by: >>31411070

>effects men the same way
way more, if dating site data is to be believed. men rate women on a bell curve, women thing the majority of men are ugly

>> No.31411040

>Samaritan running for his life
I was in tears from laughing.

>> No.31411070

Yep. Men tend to think average women are average, women tend to think average men are ugly. Then again, they're hardwired to seek an optimal mate, since raising a child is a huge time and energy investment. Why settle for sub-optimal mating partners?

It's the same reason why you have more female ancestors as male; if you're not the cream of the crop, you don't get to reproduce, and if you're a superior man then you can breed as much as you want. 8000 years ago it was a 17:1 ration, now it's closer to 4:1 as success has been distributed.

>> No.31412269

i kinda got bored of shitposting about my oshi and pretending to be an anti to bait people for some cheap (You)'s. maybe some other time when my autism demands it.

t. KFP

>> No.31412308

based and kfpilled

>> No.31412472

>did the antis get bored?
Yes. Wasn't really an anti. It was all to farm (you)'s and baiting anons into posting more roommate stuff to satisfy my curiosity.

>> No.31412573


bgl, the ballbusting part got me hard

>> No.31413059
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31413461

Tenchou would be dissapointed in you

>> No.31413461

Truth be told, I've come full circle from being a doxxfag back to not caring about who they are in real life. Don't really care about reality to begin with, don't know why I'd start with vtubers.

>> No.31416036
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1605304661699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31416330


I didn't kill myself this year because of these girls, and Kiara is my favorite one.

>> No.31416132
File: 3.02 MB, 1182x1526, 2656945514000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31417761

She is probably the one from all of them who takes best care of her body.

>> No.31416330

She's so genuinely delightful, love her.

>> No.31417677


>> No.31417761

I don't know if washing your hair with gravy is a good thing.

>> No.31417800

It kind of fucks with my brain when in collab streams when Kiara speaking japanese for 3 solid minutes and then randomly switches back to english.

>> No.31417830


>> No.31417912

Watame, then Miko, then Coco, then Nene
After that, I don't really care

>> No.31418353
Quoted by: >>31418934

I hope there's some shit nuggets in there.
I like a clean asshole, but sometimes the nuggets make it worth the stank.

>> No.31418934
File: 446 KB, 533x516, shockedkiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31419383
Quoted by: >>31419463

Cute chicken

>> No.31419463

This is true.

>> No.31419529
Quoted by: >>31419741

do you think we will ever reach a point where hololive can open it's own fast food chain?

>> No.31419741

No, but a fast food collab would be cool.
And KFC is honestly their best bet after the weird marketing they've done.

>> No.31419855

Strangely, I have a weekly craving for fried chicken once a week ever since I started watching her.

>> No.31419860
File: 9 KB, 171x194, 42D8B35E-ADFB-4900-A2D0-7B2B4D876749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it based on that shitty old meme snes horror?
I’m checking just to be sure.

>> No.31420223

god i hope not. KFC chicken is just dry and soggy chicken. Color is dreadful and skin isn't even crispy. Not to mention how awfully bland their gravy has become recently.

>> No.31420703

Quality for every fast food place varies drastically from one store to another. I've found that not even the franchise name really means much, it's who's staffing the place that matters.
A KFC could be shit in your town and amazing the next town over, and that amazing KFC could go to shit as soon as the good employees quit.

>> No.31420734

I don't know if you live near one, but Kwik Trip (the fucking gas station) has some dank ass fried chicken. I've eaten it at least once week for the last few months.

>> No.31420885

Her ass is delicious. I can only imagine how her butthole must be.

>> No.31424343
File: 735 KB, 1449x813, 1608597168807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicnmk evurl naxi!?!?!

>> No.31426083

why do people hate the chicken so much?

>> No.31426147
File: 198 KB, 792x410, 1582798046986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31426919
File: 1.11 MB, 1281x707, 1589620706328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kfpniggers, i just noticed something...
he has a gopro on.
>there is actual footage from the POV of a guy who aggressively dryhumped a hololive idol while she screams

>> No.31437680

Uh... I'm pretty sure that's a headlight and is just a part of his costume

>> No.31440614
File: 166 KB, 1200x882, CB815E26-ED94-4A89-924A-CADDC0098E1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to feel her touch so bad, bros...her softness, her warmth, hearing her soft chicken giggles in my ear as I hold her tightly. What am I supposed to do with these feelings??

>> No.31441441

Nigga, you're so obsessed with this wrestling shit. Do you really think it's a huge deal? She did fucking gravure and ero streams.

>> No.31442135
File: 91 KB, 546x896, 1608056496733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What am I supposed to do with these feelings??
Live with the fact that you will never achieve being able to run your finger through her greasy hair or lick her gapped-teeth clean

>> No.31442575

Someone explain how this isn't seen nearly as bad as the wrestling thing?

>> No.31443339


>> No.31443404

none of it is bad, unless you are trying to start shit

>> No.31444231

Who cares?

>> No.31444665
File: 147 KB, 730x1095, DtHUMpTWkAA-y6_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it a big deal for you? It's not like it's full blown porn or even full nudity

>> No.31444835
File: 246 KB, 463x453, C7FC402A-68C9-40FF-BE09-AE2330856FD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31445006
File: 282 KB, 816x357, 1603563130937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

▲ ▲

>> No.31445830

In this moment I know only that I am a creature of desire.

>> No.31445853

>thread for kiara the SJW whore who was caught fucking a bunch of guys in the past for clout

>> No.31445883

The wrestling thing wasn't bad, it's just funny how scuffed it was and the depths Chicken was willing to go when she needed money.
Bless this Chicken!

>> No.31445909
Quoted by: >>31445996

If this is Kiara then please post link

>> No.31445996

It is, but you may as well be asking them to give you their firstborn child. Finding even one of the images is like looking for gold dust.

>> No.31446031

>Then Kiara proceeded to hear the tranny voice and never spoke of leecher shark ever again

>> No.31447218

Even unfollwed them on twitter after debut.

>> No.31448061


>> No.31449576
Quoted by: >>31449898

Now this bitch is after Mori.

>> No.31449746


>> No.31449898
Quoted by: >>31450065

Which one?

>> No.31450065


>> No.31450858

Reminder that without makeup she looked like Yanderedev. Can't blame her for learning to put it on heavy.

>> No.31451172

Extremely based

>> No.31452048


wtf she even met hiroshimoot?
its a small world.

>> No.31454035
Quoted by: >>31454296

Scamderedev x Kiara marriage when?

>> No.31454296

Consume the chicken chalice

>> No.31456550

One of my favorite Kiara moments. Kiara and Miko are by far the funniest Vtubers.

>> No.31456557

When was the last time we had a photo of her without makeup though? Ten years ago?

>> No.31456573


>> No.31456661 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 700x700, 1609287348718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well there's this self-portrait she drew on tumblr

>> No.31456698

Christ, she has low self-esteem

>> No.31456707


>> No.31456708
File: 174 KB, 1096x1647, 1609093186417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31457528

>making love with Kiara
>"Honey, can you do something for me?"
>"Can you... do the chicken voice?"
>"HaHaHa, oh YEAH you like dis? I will CRUSH you between my TIES okay?"
>cum instantly and deeply

>> No.31456809
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, 1608437971769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31456863

A short funny chicken joke

>> No.31456863
Quoted by: >>31471560

her mom was watching while she said that

>> No.31457173
File: 25 KB, 500x415, crocker2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31457380

Leave Kiara alone you fucks!!!

>> No.31457266
File: 553 KB, 220x233, shuba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The funny thing is that Kiara-chan is a completely different person on camera than she is in person. When we met she was very stiff and professional. She made sure that I understood the stream was going to be about an hour and she was going to leave when it was done. She was annoyed that I did not have a seat for her! So she sat on my small plastic rubbish bin and caused it to crush, even though I told her not to. It was embarrassing and she seemed very annoyed at me. (Laughs) I tried to apologize and offered her to sit on my own chair while I sat on the floor. We waited for the stream to start in silence, she was checking her phone and not saying anything to me the whole time. I tried to start a conversation with her but she just seemed not to hear me. When the stream started she transformed! She became very friendly and started talking to me like we were best friends. It was very strange and I told her afterwards that she had a "gap" in her personality on and off stream. I can understand some girls behave differently in character than they do in person but with Kiara-chan it was a very extreme difference.

>> No.31457316

You don't speak english duck.

>> No.31457380

But we all love her incredibly much here.
All the antis moved to the global threads.

>> No.31457489


>> No.31457493

Good effort, rato.
Takashuba forever.

>> No.31457500

It would make things a lot easier if that were the truth

>> No.31457528
File: 977 KB, 1080x1235, Kiara horny max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31457842

See, this is why a fucking hate her. Fucking fake and annoying whore, everything has to be about her or else she will whine blame others.

>> No.31457903

I wish Kiara would bully my small cock

>> No.31457985
File: 83 KB, 490x159, 1590298413879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes slander on 4chan without evidence

>> No.31458045

You're that gullible?. Completely no proof or evidence and you fell for it. How have you made it this far in your life?

>> No.31458085
Quoted by: >>31464640

The one I'm thinking of has to be almost preteen age. Not as bad as >>31456661 at least, but /hlgg/ would repost it into the ground.

>> No.31458761

You're a dumbfuck

>> No.31460197
File: 1.17 MB, 1500x2000, 20201229_195521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31460660

Kiara's an academic

>> No.31460660

oh yeah? what's her major? being a big dummy? lmao

>> No.31460745

Tits too small.

>> No.31461359
File: 3 KB, 125x124, 1609076101478s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I just want to hug her and feel her little gumdrop titties squish against my chest

>> No.31461700

Small tits = best tits.

>> No.31461747

Small breasts are more sensitive. On average the number of nerve endings in breast tissue is the same across all women, so a woman with a smaller chest makes more and better noises when you play with her chest. Women with big tits don't shudder in that delicious, special way that ones with smaller ones do.

>> No.31462080

Tits too cute.

>> No.31462570


>> No.31463843


>> No.31464640

About so, don't know how she looks like now without makeup, but from what others said, she looks better now with less makeup.

>> No.31465028
File: 111 KB, 391x344, 1608788069917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31465162

She'd look even better with my child inside of her

>> No.31465039
File: 211 KB, 323x476, 1608339156339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I love Kiara so much but GOD why did she have to like jrpgs. Please Kiara play anything else...

>> No.31465162
Quoted by: >>31465393

Fuck off, if anybody is putting a child in her, its me.

>> No.31465393
File: 68 KB, 455x468, 1605751170418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31465976

Over my dead body, pal. That's my future wife you're talking about.

>> No.31465492

I'm sure she does desu, I just find it hilarious how bad she was and that she felt like posting the image to her childhood social media page.

>> No.31465976
Quoted by: >>31466648

Don't even try pal, you know how this will end, just hand her over.

>> No.31466648
File: 458 KB, 707x1000, 1D6E1EB3-542D-475E-BFD6-8EBEDF38A167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31466815

Not handing shit over, in fact, I’m officially claiming Takanashi Kiara! Better luck next time, kiddo.

>> No.31466815

Fuck... Just treat her better than I could, ok?

>> No.31471560

It seems like Kiara and her mother have a very close relationship, good for her.

>> No.31471841
Quoted by: >>31471894

What's this 30k yen meme?

The fuck is this

>> No.31471894
File: 141 KB, 608x439, qdhx7f7ozq241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31472010

But I love jrpgs and Kiara, and I want her to finish Atelier Ryza and Atelier Ryza 2. (Don't care much about Fire Emblem though)

>> No.31472587
File: 76 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.1594906436_71ye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31472624
File: 74 KB, 570x855, il_570xN.1702896720_gtq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31472675
File: 127 KB, 800x1200, DvLi_lHW0AA0Y4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475338

>> No.31472711
File: 193 KB, 800x1200, DvLi_k_XgAI9Yn0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475338

>> No.31472747
File: 121 KB, 960x1280, Dt4rJ-UWoAA1zos.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475338

>> No.31472796
File: 78 KB, 1200x800, DvG2CB-XQAAqMOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31472835
File: 87 KB, 1200x800, DvG2CBvW0AAjE0K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475338

>> No.31472845
Quoted by: >>31472941

I don't get your shit. Is your point for her to be hot? We like her because of listed above. She's pretty irl, we get it.

>> No.31472941
File: 98 KB, 800x1200, DHruW2iV0AAWoeY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting them so people can enjoy them before they get nuked

>> No.31472971

Yoo she did lol

>> No.31475338
Quoted by: >>31475398

Jesas... Shes looks so small...

>> No.31475398
Quoted by: >>31475530

She's like 5’2

>> No.31475457
Quoted by: >>31475498

What's with her eyes? is that the face of eternal despair of how things have become?

>> No.31475498


>> No.31475530


>> No.31475577
Quoted by: >>31477630

If you're gonna post Kiara semi-lewds, at least post ones that can't be found already on the internet

>> No.31475730

This makes me wonder if Kiara will ever force herself on a tiny weak shark for her own sense of fun

>> No.31475778

I will marry Kiara once she's back in Austria.

>> No.31475823 [SPOILER] 
File: 112 KB, 724x1024, 1609323381909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475986

I will help you on this journey, as long as we go back to Japan and pick up my wife Marine

>> No.31475899
File: 230 KB, 533x468, 1604608084745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31475969

I have a confession to make.
I didn't realize Austria was still a country until I found out that's where Kiara is from.

>> No.31475969
Quoted by: >>31476015

Everything east of Germany is perfect grounds for 10/10 slav/aryan mixed girls
Just be prepared to get your ass whipped by them, should you ever do them wrong

>> No.31475986

A deal's a deal, anon.
I will gladly help you out with that.

>> No.31476015
Quoted by: >>31476099

sounds like an absolute win to me

>> No.31476099

>He said before Émilia's cousins showed up in tracksuits
>They found out you were flirting with their cousins friend
>It was the same friend they were pushing you to talk to the first time you ever met the extended family
>To put it bluntly, they never liked you

>> No.31476144
Quoted by: >>31476299

This confirms Kiara antis are retarded.

>> No.31476270


>> No.31476299
Quoted by: >>31478018

On one hand, It does sound both like how Duck would explain the situation AND how Kiara would behave, seeing as she has done quite a bit in her short life, so she would know how to min/max stuff like this out (also who the fuck can't get a second chair for a 1 hour+ sit down?)
on the other, Subaru doesn't seem like the kind of person that would just take that kind of abuse or neglect without letting it wear on her

>> No.31476487

But that's the best part...

>> No.31476503 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 280x158, 1609325033237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31483239

Kiara pog

>> No.31477347
Quoted by: >>31491279

Keeki easily top tier beauty in my country without all that heavy make up(My country beauty standard is different, the girl you see as hot we call them old hag or witch here)
Kinda wish she don't have that insecure and be her true self.

>> No.31477432


>> No.31477471
File: 564 KB, 680x677, Sheep Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it was.

>> No.31477630
Quoted by: >>31478060

there has to be at least one anon who bought the gravure stuff and can scan it

>> No.31478018

The thing is though, Subaru never said that, she just said that Kiara was trying to make sure nothing could go wrong in the collab. She talked about Kiara being kind and nervous though. Theres literally multiple clips of this moment.

>> No.31478060

Oh, most assuredly so. But good luck finding someone willing to risk it.

>> No.31478080

just put it on nyaa or mega, please anon

>> No.31478089
Quoted by: >>31478677

Why do you keep making this thread? You know it won't be comfy.

>> No.31478677

This thread hasn't actually been too bad. Sure, there's been roommate posting but people haven't been as toxic about it, and there has been some obvious bait, but it's been ignored or hasn't had lot of discussion. Previous threads were really bad because of these two schizos constantly replying to each other, and sometimes drawing in other people

>> No.31478823

I really want those Kiara lewds, but I can understand someone who has them not wanting to share them. If I had them, I would feel conflicted about sharing something that could be harmful to Kiara's reputation and career

>> No.31479349
File: 174 KB, 810x1300, 21D4277D-5B68-495A-86C0-E7CF14365E7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31491289


>> No.31480236
Quoted by: >>31481001

Is Kiara watching pekomoon round 2?

>> No.31481001

I hope she doesn't force herself to watch as she's ntred

>> No.31483239
Quoted by: >>31483332

flip this image sideways, and it's the face I want her to make as she repeatedly milks my prostate until I can't even stand.

>> No.31483332


>> No.31485242

Honestly, I like Kiara for her content; I think she needs thicker skin for this kind of gig, and the antis probably keyed in on that.. she's not sure of herself, vulnerable, confused, etc.
I like her character and performance (most of the time), so gravure photos aren't going to dissuade me - I've seen other holos do worse.
I will say that she has the most dedicated haters.

>> No.31487693

I dont like all the patreon pictures I saw.
she sold herself in japan becuase her idol dream wasnt working out. On top of all that thin skin during that one supa was sad to watch

>> No.31490463

I fucking hate the chicken.

>> No.31491179
File: 115 KB, 1280x666, 1609348219160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.31491208

until she open her mouth...

>> No.31491279
File: 1.18 MB, 939x795, 1587297330503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top tier indeed

>> No.31491289
File: 429 KB, 900x1600, 02babf210a4e38ce19e4af22f7002059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31491474
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 8BF291FB-BD94-43BE-BB63-29CCBF0D3C2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31491535

Falling in love all over again.

>> No.31491574
Quoted by: >>31491694

Catching up on her MC stream. Anything fun happen? I skipped forward to SC reading at some point and caught the sad news about Casper. Also anything stand out in her Sora/Aki/Nene collab? I didn't understand a thing, but it looked like they were having fun.

>> No.31491694

Nene's computer died and she got replaced by a bot, then won the game.

Kiara was ahead most of the time and got RNG'd to death in the end, KFP is now bankrupt.

Aki was Aki, just happy to be there with her friends.

Sora called Kiara "kusotori" and really opened up, she was pretty lively compared to many of her other appearances, having Kiara there to just pal around with and treat her like a normal girl seemed to help.

>> No.31491731

>Kiara was ahead most of the time and got RNG'd to death in the end, KFP is now bankrupt.
Curse you 貧乏神

>> No.31491874

It was to make up for her Shadowverse luck, pulling a ton of rare cards live on stream. She's karmically neutral.

>> No.31491895

Camera uses wrong lense for close up shots distorting her face.

>> No.31492012

I'm happy for Sora. Looking forward to her Holotalk episode.
Aki collabing more sounds great too.

>> No.31492095

Best of Kiara clips premieres in 4 and a half hours

What are your personal favorites?
Mine would have to go to Kiara drowning herself while Gura watches.

>> No.31492715

So now that it has been confirmed again that Kiara really came here, I just hope she didn't see all the people calling her roommate ugly. She seems like she would be really hurt by that.

>> No.31493488

she came here in the beginning i assume, when everyone was just praising her ass on the gravure pictures and every roommate post was still deleted.

>> No.31494264
Quoted by: >>31495853

She probably will, but perhaps more to the point, I think it's more likely she was going on 5ch

>> No.31495853
Quoted by: >>31496005

Kiara and Gura hate each other because they don't colllab has never been a narrative on 5ch though.

>> No.31496005

...a fair point.

>> No.31496513
Quoted by: >>31496734

I hope she sees the overwhelming amount of people posting positive things about her.

>> No.31496734

Same. If she's been in the anime community in any capacity then she's surely seen her fair share of trolls and people who just don't like popular things, or whatever it is that you like, but even here, the cesspit of the internet, there are people who admire her or enjoy her work.

>> No.31497829

My cock

>> No.31498329
File: 9 KB, 656x140, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't have forgotten about Circles.
