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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.34 MB, 4096x2465, EqEUgVqVoAELTYX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31286523 No.31286523 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>31286616

>> No.31286539
File: 326 KB, 1122x810, 1584148277858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286566


>> No.31286544


>> No.31286554
Quoted by: >>31287009

The other two threads looks like obvious falseflags. This is the one.

>> No.31286560

Fuck the whore, this is the one

>> No.31286565


>> No.31286566
File: 300 KB, 2048x1024, unity7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286570

This is the one.

>> No.31286573
File: 219 KB, 318x343, 1579053183920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck whores and menheras.

>> No.31286574

wait what? who said Mori and Suisei are getting along off stream?

>> No.31286580
File: 148 KB, 850x850, 1588871672306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286615

this one

>> No.31286582
File: 143 KB, 1390x1384, 1579838517261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are homies

>> No.31286583

>Like that idol who noticed one of her common fans was missing one day from her live, tracked him down by asking other fans who knew him, found out he died in his house and had to report the death
Which holo would be most likely to do this?

>> No.31286585
File: 236 KB, 1030x1446, Ep-KEnjVgAEb2qL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one right here, mister

>> No.31286592
File: 1.34 MB, 800x800, Ep-fnc0UwAMOEpc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286594


>> No.31286595
Quoted by: >>31286784

>only good at matching type games
Mori's really autistic...

>> No.31286596

if you watch Mori's streams, you should've already known this

>> No.31286599

5 minutes til Polka

>> No.31286602

>Polka MV is coming
>Thread picks unity as always

>> No.31286604

>Polka Original Song 5 MINS

>> No.31286610


>> No.31286611
File: 1.25 MB, 1697x1416, Sus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286739

>> No.31286612
File: 183 KB, 1066x1000, En5Lnf5VQAIbRTG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morichama we need more JP collabs 10q

>> No.31286615

what is marine doing?

>> No.31286616


Does anyone have that MS paint drawing of Tribalist fags flinging and eating each other's shit?

>> No.31286618

They've been talking offstream and Mori also invited Suisei to the Among Us collab.

>> No.31286619

Anon, people always going to shill Polka

>> No.31286620
File: 1.39 MB, 1123x1296, 1596521735511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286832

Deadbeats are whores
Teamates are whores
Chumbuds are whores
Takodachi who?
KFP are whores

>> No.31286622 [SPOILER] 
File: 280 KB, 500x371, 1608980096198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the answer, I know the answer, was there a reason to post this?

>> No.31286624
Quoted by: >>31286814

I'm starting to think that Matsuri is actually pretty based. And probably a genius.

>> No.31286623
Quoted by: >>31286663

the day selakiir stops sending in those akasupas

>> No.31286625

Hard to say but to go to the extent that idol did? none probably, the fanbase in holoen is just too big.

>> No.31286630

God I wish Mori would track me down.

>> No.31286632
File: 281 KB, 588x321, 1597582101903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286633
File: 112 KB, 714x1000, EqJ8sF7XYAEQ0c-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286666

I miss you Gura

>> No.31286634
File: 607 KB, 720x1051, 1606599355455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286641
File: 454 KB, 1218x366, 1594740340628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well /hlg/, the year is almost over
let's say that you could undo ONE SINGLE YAB of 2020
which one would it be?

>> No.31286642
Quoted by: >>31286738

Definitely Kiara, she even remembers donators who change their name but keep the same profile pic

>> No.31286646

Why are you guys posting in a containment thread? All of /jp/ is free range now.

>> No.31286650
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1584506920430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These pretenders say "Unity" yet they leave out all but EN.

A funny definition of Unity.

>> No.31286651

I usually catch the VODs and might have missed it. Can you elaborate?

>> No.31286652 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 385x352, 1608980143849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How autistic do you have to be?

>> No.31286654
Quoted by: >>31286672

chinese man eats bat yab

>> No.31286655


>> No.31286656

Disgaea stream when!?

>> No.31286661

Are you lost anon chama?

>> No.31286663
Quoted by: >>31286837


>> No.31286664
Quoted by: >>31286725

This should be right up your alley, guys.

>> No.31286666
File: 2.99 MB, 2480x3508, 86540237_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all do, chumchad

>> No.31286671

Accidentally woke up early, might as well say [spoilers]I love Ame[/spoilers]
[spoilers]I don't understand why people are willingly staying during dead SEA hours[/spoilers]

>> No.31286672


>> No.31286676
Quoted by: >>31287291

fuck off
these threads are probably the best place to discuss EN anywhere

>> No.31286678

I am almost certain it's Kiara. She seems to be way too dependent on her KFP cult...

I don't know if Polka would go that far.

>> No.31286681

I'm watching all her streams and as far as I remember what you're talking about is only in the realm of speculation. She said she likes Comet very much and that one of the collab songs is PROBABLY with her, but that's it.

>> No.31286682
File: 1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1586049930789.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting yourself prepped for the release of Poruka Oruka's original song+MV while Pekora struggles in Seven Days to Die and Kanata prepares a comfy Minecraft stream friends, where we at?

>> No.31286684

It's been mentioned to Kiara. She's probably got the highest chance to play it.

>> No.31286688
Quoted by: >>31286710

the holocaust

>> No.31286689
Quoted by: >>31286825

>idol who noticed one of her common fans was missing one day from her live, tracked him down by asking other fans who knew him, found out he died in his house and had to report the death
For the sake of completion, anyone know which IRL idol did this? I'm assuming one of the Morning Musume girls or something

>> No.31286690
File: 136 KB, 1500x500, 1602445066626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286735

My oshi is really cute.

>> No.31286692


>> No.31286693


>> No.31286695

Probably the Aloe incident

>> No.31286703

About as autistic as the people here

>> No.31286707
Quoted by: >>31286790

probably holoID debuting as a whole. Waste of time and character design

>> No.31286710

I was gonna say Aloe but yeah this is the one.

>> No.31286711

That game is literally just grinding item dungeons.

>> No.31286712
File: 379 KB, 427x427, 1606272481199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287234


Polka EN

>> No.31286713
File: 274 KB, 1024x1280, EqJsJqMUcAAOoKT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286724
File: 53 KB, 602x336, polkaU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286743

Who here /pagliacci/ !?

>> No.31286725

I've seen worse, faggot.

>> No.31286735

good taste

>> No.31286736

Anonchama... your spoiler reps

>> No.31286738

What about name and prof pic swaps? Can she recognize them from just their comment style?

>> No.31286739

This image does something to my dick she looks extra erotic here

>> No.31286743


>> No.31286748
Quoted by: >>31286766

Is there a teamup schedule for JP too?

>> No.31286752
Quoted by: >>31286833

this is embarrassing, I'm just going back to sleep

>> No.31286753
Quoted by: >>31286994

You're new, aren't you?

>> No.31286756

Of course he has a nousagi avatar

>> No.31286760

Goddammit, why!?

>> No.31286762
File: 466 KB, 541x600, 1596515674199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286792

The holocaust was my first thought, but I still feel bad about Aloe
She didn't deserve any of that shit

>> No.31286763
File: 1.80 MB, 1572x2069, 1607401448180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


t. KFP

>> No.31286766
Quoted by: >>31288370

Nope, alot of the JP dont even do schedules

>> No.31286770

that's cute as fuck

>> No.31286773
File: 502 KB, 499x573, 1600379814401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286798

Feeling guerilla?

>> No.31286776

Right here Ayamebro

>> No.31286777
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x2205, EqJPvQFVQAMTQYh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286782
Quoted by: >>31287291

Go away newfag

>> No.31286784

She is better at mastering a few mechanichs than at learning a lot of them. I can relate. Fucking hate it when a game forces you to use six million consumables and skills, let me utilize that one thing just right. I'm not sure if it's autism.

>> No.31286783
File: 198 KB, 1221x643, 1578673836114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286817

Even twitter likes "trinity"...

>> No.31286785


>> No.31286789

What a very strange drawing. What's with the pink hair?

>> No.31286790

Moona is the only good ID.

>> No.31286791


>> No.31286792

She still has one dedicated anti in hlg/her own (temporary) thread, the faggot is unironically obssessed.

>> No.31286793

Doxxbeats never change

>> No.31286796
Quoted by: >>31287151

Hololive dropping China altogether
I mean, some deserve it like Civia and Artia, but the other girls really didn't need to go through that

>> No.31286798

Do it, treerrat. No one's streaming anyway.

>> No.31286799

Permissions saga.
Don't get me wrong Aloe was awful but that basically kneecapped the whole company and hit 40 different holo's history.

>> No.31286800
File: 74 KB, 600x507, D50219A9-1289-4889-BF13-DE0AE4A526B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286801

Kiara takes that by an incredibly wide margin. Probably the only one too.

>> No.31286805
Quoted by: >>31286844

Why are doxxbeats like this

>> No.31286808
File: 368 KB, 1000x1000, d360262513327e325067dcc4ba708a73748816b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you Ayame-poster!

>> No.31286809
File: 188 KB, 307x639, EqI8alUUcAAF5HY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286810
Quoted by: >>31287109

go on, report it as a doxxpost. I dare you

>> No.31286811

Already am bro

>> No.31286813


>> No.31286814
Quoted by: >>31288594

Haachama, Matsuri, Fubuki, and Botan are probably the smartest Holos. Haachama likes to act like a retard and Matsuri has the menhera affliction, but their intelligence still shines through

>> No.31286817

>Cuts off Ina

>> No.31286819


>> No.31286824
File: 83 KB, 234x207, 5449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Pekora dying? Nousagi?

>> No.31286825


Found it. Held a funeral too.


>> No.31286828
File: 806 KB, 585x669, 1607366260575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco pissing off an entire country yab

>> No.31286832
File: 364 KB, 640x500, 1C6B9490-F34F-44B9-A5C8-944C3F815809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True way of experiencing Unity, by making em all whores.

>> No.31286833

Holy shit my fucking sides

>> No.31286835


>> No.31286837

she knows him and klaius by name but unlike klaius selakiir just sends a lot of supas

>> No.31286839

One minute until Polka song!

>> No.31286843
File: 213 KB, 1086x1651, EqJaZBnVgAAAlEd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286844
Quoted by: >>31286952

It really isn't. This is tantamount to saying that Robin is Nightwing

>> No.31286846

Original song?

>> No.31286848

haha yeah....

>> No.31286850


>> No.31286852
Quoted by: >>31287327

Damn, I might end up like this but with no idol to remember me, fuck.

>> No.31286853

Aloe probably. Undoing the China yab wouldn't matter because they'd still lose their shit sooner or later, but Aloe's yab was a one-time thing and she would be safe if not for that.

>> No.31286854


>> No.31286857

>30 SEC

>> No.31286865

Ah, I knew the story sounded familiar. I read about this before too. Sad shit.

>> No.31286869
File: 141 KB, 1226x876, id2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31286871
File: 1.99 MB, 960x864, 1594298273897.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to choose between Aloe and Taiwan. Both yabs left us with two good talents being completely dropped with Aloe's unique style of singing and Yogiri's fucking amazing singing voice and dorkiness. Imagine Towa and Yogiri singing together on the same stage.

>> No.31286870

This. We'd still have CN...

>> No.31286875
File: 211 KB, 966x720, 1599204976986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286877

Just reverting to her normal numbers now she's lost the Moona buff.

>> No.31286878


>> No.31286880

Not like this numbersagis..

>> No.31286885

Oh shit, this MV is high effort

>> No.31286887

Friends, i love my idol! Even if she has stinky feet!

>> No.31286890

better than Hinotori already

>> No.31286901
File: 35 KB, 336x336, 1608134884879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286907
Quoted by: >>31287062

That's a low bar

>> No.31286910

Venom was better

>> No.31286912

This MV is great

>> No.31286914


>> No.31286917
Quoted by: >>31287062

Agreed Kiara and her song is both shit. Only mentally ill KFPs would like her

>> No.31286922


>> No.31286924
File: 170 KB, 633x720, 1581527945354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31286947

Keep your shit to yourself

>> No.31286925

this channel is probably a Hololive Moments alt

>> No.31286930
File: 84 KB, 310x289, I KNEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this production quality
>this jammer song

>> No.31286932


>> No.31286933

Damn this MV is actually really good

>> No.31286940

Why is it Aki and Towa?

>> No.31286943

Good reminder that idols are often incredibly sweet people

>> No.31286947

Agreed Hinoshit doesn't hold a candle to that masterpiece

>> No.31286949

Rushia has ugly fingers, ugly!!!

>> No.31286952

Why are doxxwings like this?

>> No.31286956
File: 244 KB, 1160x1164, 1608313821993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287032

>This level of production for polka

>> No.31286960
Quoted by: >>31287003

polka oru ka?

>> No.31286964

>both romanji and English lyrics from the get go

>> No.31286971

the one after which it's not the same anymore.

>> No.31286973


>> No.31286974


>> No.31286975


>> No.31286976


>> No.31286981
File: 1.34 MB, 3344x2508, 1606658925074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286982


>> No.31286986


>> No.31286991
File: 381 KB, 640x452, 1583999691047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31286994

Not really I just got used to doing ctrl+S on my PC

>> No.31287003

Kiara doesn't know shit just graduate her already that incompetent bitch>>31286960

>> No.31287004

I love Polka

>> No.31287007

We could just choose to say at ground 0 with the Haachama and Coco incident, then we would be able to keep both. Unfortunately we would keep Artia though and the Chinks would go unpunished for being the snowflakes they are.

>> No.31287008

10/10 I love Polka

>> No.31287009
Quoted by: >>31287097

Can't the mods clean up a bit?
Also: Why are some threads at 1499-1495 that fell off the last page not archived even though you can't post anymore in them?

>> No.31287015
File: 2.36 MB, 1723x721, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287014


>> No.31287018
File: 545 KB, 627x575, polkawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-what the hell?
That MV was fucking amazing...

>> No.31287019
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 1600329474989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287021
File: 1.46 MB, 3000x1800, 1597038843606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Proud to be a clownbro!

>> No.31287023
File: 465 KB, 1919x1079, Judgement cut jackpot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INA INA INAAAAA TASUKETE I CANT JdC more than 1+ insistently

>> No.31287026

The Circus looks fun again

>> No.31287032

I love it, but it's just reusing the same couple 3d models and illustrations in different cuts, transitions and effects. Makes it look high production, when it's really not at all.

>> No.31287035
Quoted by: >>31287060


>> No.31287037

Pretty good, but not good enough for me to listen to it again I think.

>> No.31287039


>> No.31287044

How long before she Yab herself into being fired

>> No.31287045

Much better than Hinotori * 1 Unundecillion /10

>> No.31287046


>> No.31287047

I really like it /10

>> No.31287048
File: 182 KB, 850x1202, 1607828025975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking love this clown

>> No.31287049


>> No.31287051

Fucking kino MV

>> No.31287052


>> No.31287053

Man I can't wait for tomorrow. GurAme minecraft, Shion yo interview, a Mori liveshow, Outer Wilds finale kino, and Ina singing her favourite song for an hour straight!

>> No.31287054


>> No.31287055
File: 212 KB, 463x453, 1608970223218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Hinototri and the last Mori song.

>> No.31287058

I like it, but it's too long.

>> No.31287060
Quoted by: >>31287127

I Kneel/Clownbros
>putting even more work on Mori

>> No.31287062

shut the fuck up

>> No.31287065

That felt more like an event than a song! Really catchy and fun though, especially with the music vid. Good job Polka

>> No.31287066
File: 77 KB, 284x286, explain this athiests.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's average for a good vocaloid song MV, which is 10X better than anything cover has done for their other talents thus far

>> No.31287067


>> No.31287072
Quoted by: >>31287319

Now this looks like something good. IS that Mori on the bottom right?

>> No.31287074

An absolute banger, I'm so glad we finally got the full version, the MV was great.

>> No.31287077

That was pretty fun.

>> No.31287079 [DELETED] 
File: 940 KB, 1220x1080, 1599337576479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good but won't pass Hinotori in views/10

>> No.31287081

Oh here's the fragile KFP employees already

>> No.31287082
File: 383 KB, 2500x4093, Eo6JmlXVoAAhudl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None. Don't you fuckers know what happens when you mess with the timeline?

>> No.31287084

>Giving (You)s to the schizos

>> No.31287083

actually want to relisten
better than hinotori
t. music reviewer-kun

>> No.31287089
Quoted by: >>31287144

Get on the void and start practicing.

>> No.31287091
File: 113 KB, 466x542, 1593100453621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287114

Alright bros...

>Sheep in 50mins
>AquaxMioxMarine in 50mins
>Mikochi in 2hrs

>> No.31287092
Quoted by: >>31287110

It's a very Polka song, good energy, works really well as her theme song I think. MV was impressively high budget, those 3d scenes were really cool

>> No.31287095
File: 125 KB, 1680x924, 1608119207482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka won. She fucking won.

>> No.31287097
Quoted by: >>31288248

IMO, it looks like they're waiting for this storm to be over instead and is trying to mitigate consequences as much as possible. Not surprising /jp/ meidos do not give a shit about what happens in the catalog. Sharkmeido did come and moderate Ame's karaoke but left no message earlier.

>> No.31287098

pretty good

>> No.31287099

Not even close.

>> No.31287101

it's the truth chickenfag

>> No.31287103
Quoted by: >>31287188

Pandering to EOPs/vtuber got mainstream.

>> No.31287104

as someone who listens to EVE, Mafumafu, honeyworks, amatsuki and other JP singers . . . that MV is the normal standards.

>> No.31287106

>KFPs believe this
God they're so pathetic

>> No.31287109
Quoted by: >>31287162

At this point reporting anything is useless because it will do nothing

>> No.31287110
Quoted by: >>31287397

Looks like an advertisement to go to the circus.


>> No.31287114
Quoted by: >>31287131

i think you are forgetting our napolitano man

>> No.31287115
File: 222 KB, 1092x720, 1607339356743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287116

Grow a pair.

>> No.31287118
Quoted by: >>31287356

Take note Mori, this is how it's done.

>> No.31287121
Quoted by: >>31287319

Get a feel for the rhythm, don't even try to eyeball it

>> No.31287124

Nice song, but not my personal taste. Can't wait for the Hinotori comparisons though

>> No.31287125

I tried watching the Amechama collab, I really did. But people pretending like they understood each other when they completely didn't is a straight shot to cringe for me. Especially when one of the parties responds by fake laughing, which happened SEVERAL times in the first 20 minutes.

>> No.31287127

I was talking more about the romanji subs and English subs from the get go. Also the execution as well. Mori's MV was nice but it doesn't hold a candle to professionally made stuff like this song. Would have been nice if Mori had some more pages to play with except one picture

>> No.31287130
Quoted by: >>31287152

Is ytcFilter on chrome broken for anyone else since the update? I can't get it to keep my saved profile

>> No.31287131
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1590979349716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287134
File: 48 KB, 518x383, 1604904805651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't remind me anon...
Towa overlapping Chowa's graduation has to be pottery of the highest degree

>> No.31287136

Hinotori has to be the most souless, generic original song Hololive ever produced

>> No.31287144
Quoted by: >>31287171

I'm playing with ps4.... i think the frame in ps5 is more forgiving

>> No.31287143

Generic anime opening with no energy

>> No.31287148
Quoted by: >>31287207

It was alright. Seemed kinda slow for someone like Polka until near the end. Wasn't feeling it for a Polka song. I'd give it a 7/10. The people comparing it to Hinotori for whatever reason is strange. I'd actually find myself listening to that every now and then.

>> No.31287151
Quoted by: >>31287635

Yogurt's the only one that didn't do anything at all. Artia and Civia are only the ones named because they someone had a presence in the ENsphere.

Regardless of whether or not the other three did or did not egg their fans on, that supposed CN antis spread that rrat and it got cemented in the general community, with literally nobody to defend them because they had no foreign fans nor any dedicated CNbros willing to reach out here, says all it needs to about CN support overseas and domestically. Coco antis come here every once in while. Not once did any of the others breach this place.

>> No.31287152

Dunno, I got a notification saying it wanted access to my browser history and uninstalled it. I don't know why it would need that.

>> No.31287155

>Polka new song debut
>thread is arguing about Kiara
SEAnig hours, everyone

>> No.31287157

tribalists fuck off

>> No.31287159

Hinotori is the worst song in the history of music

>> No.31287162

>At this point
it has never been regarded as doxxposting, you're just a retard that doesn't even know what the word means

>> No.31287167
File: 1.03 MB, 3277x4096, 72827161191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara and Polka

>> No.31287169

I'll put it on my playlist/10
You can really see the ideal image Polka was going for when she debut months ago.

>> No.31287170
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1605775669812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres Nene to toast with

>> No.31287171
Quoted by: >>31287319

You just have to know when to start holding the button again. Watch Vergil's animation and listen to the audio cues.

>> No.31287173

9/10, a little long, but catchy. I feel like the last part will get stuck in my head for a while

>> No.31287174

this is what everyone is thinking but they're too scared to say it out loud

>> No.31287175

Hinotori has made me lose my hearing permanently and killed my dog in the process

>> No.31287176

Yeah, in all honesty if Hinotori's MV had romaji and translated English subtitles I'd of probably liked it a lot more, party because that's how I usually come to enjoy Japanese songs, at least for the ones that don't strike out to me on first listening.

>> No.31287181

No, more like the SEAnig KFPs showed up to ruin another thread

>> No.31287182

Hinotori is absolute garbage written and produced by two garbage whores.

>> No.31287183

if popular=good then that would imply Gura was actually better than Ame. Which is retarded

>> No.31287186

Hey, theirs a few people throwing shade at Mori too.

>> No.31287188

the bigger the industry gets the more chances there are to find super talented people that might not ordinarily have gotten exposure
take this schoolyard bullshit and shove it up your ass

>> No.31287191

Not very catchy/10

>> No.31287194
Quoted by: >>31287238

Why are chickenfags like this?

>> No.31287196

I want a holo whose keyfabe is that she is streaming to just one person, picks some name and uses that instead of chat, instead of 600k subscriber celebration she would celebrate viewer-kun's brain capacity reaching 600k thoughts per minute etc.

>> No.31287200

8/10 What a weird place to put a pronounce guitar riff before the last chorus.

>> No.31287202
File: 438 KB, 1543x1049, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287230

They could be very good friends

>> No.31287203

>SEAnig KFPs
These don't exist.
Everyone knows SEAnigs are 100% PekoMoona (and therefore anti-Kiara)

>> No.31287205
File: 306 KB, 1950x2276, 1608966214983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287229


Mori is a cute dork and her raps are great!
Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleassure to listen to!
Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!
Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, and she has an amazing singing voice!
Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!
Haato is a sweet girl, and very entertaining!
Haachama is very entertaining, and is a sweet girl!
Coco is a funny shitposter and her dedication to singing reps is inspiring!
Polka is cute and sexy, with a wide variety of ways to keep you entertained!
Nene is adorable and incredibly fun to have around with her antics and stories!
All of HoloJP is good, even Ayame!
All of HoID is good and entertaining!
K**pa is fun to watch, even if she's off-topic!

Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members and honorary members.

Fuck tribalistfags. No really fuck tribalists.
Fuck falseflaggers.
Fuck doxposters.

>> No.31287207
File: 725 KB, 850x1086, 1606832581239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing it to Hinotori for whatever reason is strange
SEA hours, I don't mind, /hlg/'s opinion of her is pretty worthless.

>> No.31287208

God they should graduate that whore for that

>> No.31287210

You still trying to get traction with this rrat SEAnig deadbeatchama?

>> No.31287211
Quoted by: >>31287256

It's a shitpost then, because Mori has limiters

>> No.31287216
File: 336 KB, 804x1093, 1608765514074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287218

ok schizo

>> No.31287219

Anybody seen my wallet? I swear to God I just had it...

>> No.31287220

You cannot make this up, they latch on to absolutely ANYTHING they can just to shit on her. Why did chicken have to mindbreak them so badly?

>> No.31287223
File: 617 KB, 1053x828, 1601214473554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287250

2021 for sure, right?

>> No.31287224
File: 235 KB, 331x331, 1608728192382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think Kiara just lives rent free in 75% of /hlgg/'s head. It's a fucking Polka song, why are you guys comparing orignal songs. Why can't you just say Hey that's pretty good! Or, It was okay not my cup of tea though and just leave it at that.

>> No.31287227
File: 102 KB, 827x716, 1606481177377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287270

just so you know, Mori neither wrote nor produced Hinotori kek

>> No.31287228
Quoted by: >>31287252

I can't believe how hard she laughed.
Then she does it again!

>> No.31287229


>> No.31287230
Quoted by: >>31287274

Do they have a similar taste in guys?

>> No.31287234
File: 108 KB, 600x600, 1602600826789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can tell she's trying very hard to tell me something, but I just don't know what it is she's trying to say

>> No.31287238

They are mentally ill don't bother with them

>> No.31287247
File: 140 KB, 312x312, polkapray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Hologram Circus!
But I also love Hinotori!

And Ahoy, Next Color Planet, Shallys, Aimai Chocolate, Say Fanfare too!
And many more Hololive original songs!
I love Hololive!
Thank you, YAGOO!

>> No.31287250


>> No.31287251


>> No.31287252
Quoted by: >>31288903

to be honest pikin dying can be rpetty funny sometimes.

>> No.31287256
Quoted by: >>31287308

Yeah, such as being incapable of writing lyrics or music and shackling herself to jiggaboo fun tunes.

>> No.31287263

3 people said it was better than Hinotori, KFP jump out the woodwork, schizoposting ensues.

It's a tale as old as time.

>> No.31287264

Its KFP jumping the gun. They're insecure about it and just start falseflagging

>> No.31287269

Back to your hovel, dog

>> No.31287270

Because it is shit, and Mori despite being a cringelord, at least makes music that is not generic. It has personality.
Hinotori has not

>> No.31287272

Bless this post

>> No.31287271

for what though?

>> No.31287274

I mean did Gura stop being a virgin at 13 from a guy who run away because he couldn't get a condom on

>> No.31287277

i personally think it's 50% kiara antis (which is comprised of 50% schizo SEAniggers and 50% hardcore lolcow raiders who hate ALL holoEN) and 50% shitposters that have noticed kiara is shat on a lot which means easy target to cause infighting.

>> No.31287278
File: 1.15 MB, 230x326, 1605224903371.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chickenshits suck
Cumbuds suck
Condomates suck
Deadbraps suck
Takos... Probably exist?

>> No.31287279

Hinotori sent my oshi an akasupa about anon’s dead dog

>> No.31287281


>> No.31287283
File: 220 KB, 1000x1390, 1608974826799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind them clownbro, we can have comfy threads as long as you ignore them.

>> No.31287287


>> No.31287289

It's funny, honestly.
That someone as fragile as Kiara would threaten their ego and pride so easily.

>> No.31287291
Quoted by: >>31287321

>choosing to share a thread with the most amount of schizos

>> No.31287292

yeah, it was me

>> No.31287294

A strong 8/10

>> No.31287297

They are pathetic and can't help themselves to defend their oshi while also trashing others

>> No.31287301

Very funny lyrics and great tune. It encompasses her entire character to a T.

>> No.31287302
File: 448 KB, 527x465, 1581382305822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A toast

>> No.31287304

bro I'm a KFP employee myself and even I agree that Hinotori is just bland J-Pop

>> No.31287308

you haven't gotten bread yet

>> No.31287310

what rrat is this

>> No.31287319
File: 122 KB, 617x347, 1607317315052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287321
Quoted by: >>31288471

Yes. Bye.

>> No.31287327

Get that ARS vpn and start rolling the cash.
The money you have in the bank is doing you no good if you are just gonna end up rotting alone in your apartment until the landlord calls the cops.

>> No.31287330

Why are KFPs the worst fanbase on these threads again?

>> No.31287331
File: 696 KB, 861x1200, 9JavrxT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287390

1, 2, 3, 4!

Hi, how are you?
Are you calling on my phone?
Baby, tell me what is wrong
Don't you ever let me go
Hi, I am good
I am still looking for proof
Am I good enough for you?
Don't you tell me what's my role!

This is ME
Are you coming on the RIDE
We're going SUPER-HIGH
Got to be who what I like
You and me
Are you ready for the fight?

alright, alright, alright

>> No.31287332

Holy samefag...

>> No.31287334
File: 239 KB, 455x469, 1604933146183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also begining to think that there aren't even that many Kiara antis/KFP defenders in this thread, it's just people throwing a bait and other people taking the bait purposely and then create this weird ass time loop of fakers baiting fakers. But maybe I'm just insane at this point.

>> No.31287335
Quoted by: >>31287367

Hinotori killed my father and raped my mother.

>> No.31287339

powerful post, clownbro

>> No.31287348
Quoted by: >>31287425

The kind newfags will latch on and be disappointed

>> No.31287351
Quoted by: >>31287443

Gura is better than ame you retard

>> No.31287356

I like how this was going to be about Mori instead of Kiara but it never took off kek

>> No.31287360

Three people said it was better than Hinotori, one guy told them to shut up and lo and behold a bunch of faggots jump out of the woodwork to stir up shit. What a surprising pattern.

>> No.31287362

I'm sure it's a healthy mix of both

>> No.31287363

How is it possible that ESL's can NEVER type properly when baiting, outing themselves as vile trash grubbing vermin

>> No.31287365

i.e. SEAnig hours

>> No.31287367


>> No.31287368
Quoted by: >>31287503

just you guys wait kiara's next song will actually be good and you all will be forced to take back all the means things you've said about her

>> No.31287371
File: 226 KB, 446x590, pray2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina! Her calm demeanor, her drawing, her "Wah!"
I love Kiara! Her energy, her growing confidence, her outgoing nature to collab!
I love Mori! Her hardworking life, her gap moe, her music!
I love Ame! Her laugh, her dedication, her love for her other EN members!
I love Gura! Her singing, her humor, her cuteness!

I love all the holos!
And I love you too, /hlgg/, for all your faults as well!

>> No.31287381

Hinotori was produced and written by a man.

>> No.31287382
Quoted by: >>31288834

Feels like a bit of a reach, but I believe it.

>> No.31287388
File: 6 KB, 230x230, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31287390
Quoted by: >>31287396

poor akai haato...died so young...such a shame her blain was eaten by that creature

>> No.31287392
Quoted by: >>31287417

Normally it's resolved by sharkmeido nuking a single dude and resulting in a whole string of [deleted]. But for now it's just going to spiral for a while more.

>> No.31287395

I knew it would happen too. This is the new norm, every time a new song is released by anyone. "It's better than Hinotori!" Predictable and pathetic.

>> No.31287396

kiara... let go... akai is gone...

>> No.31287397

The Circus will be done in the next Minecraft stream.

>> No.31287399
Quoted by: >>31287443

Gura is much more enjoyable to watch retardchama

>> No.31287401
File: 435 KB, 1876x3036, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next color planet>everything now you can all stop fighting

>> No.31287403

I want Gura to release a cover/original song already.

>> No.31287408

based unityposter

>> No.31287409

I love how the thread is talking more about Hinotori than Polka's original song.
SEAnigs are hopeless.

>> No.31287411

Gura IS better than Ame

>> No.31287412
Quoted by: >>31287478

At this point i'm more tired of KFP crying about SEAniggers that actual SEAniggers shitposting

>> No.31287417

I really miss him.

>> No.31287418

YMMV. Both clearly did their best to communicate despite the language barrier and if anything that made it endearing to watch. If you can't stomach awkwardness of this level, best ignore every EN-JP collab that isn't Kiara's in the future though. None of the Japanese holo's English will ever be good.

>> No.31287419
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1606085769819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287471

>open /hlgg/
>whole thread is talking about Kiara
>she isn't even streaming
good to see there's so much KIARA LOVE in these threads still.

>> No.31287420

Imagine being so gullible that you fall for Polka's depression act
>duude she's like so depressed and lonely she's just like me lol xD
When will you realize that she's just baiting money out of you? She's probably a millionaire at this point, it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad.
You fucking retards.

>> No.31287421
File: 299 KB, 2048x1672, qaw2r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.31287425
Quoted by: >>31287500

Anon that not a lie >>31241486

>> No.31287426

Not even her best song

>> No.31287428

same man. knees will be bent.

>> No.31287429
Quoted by: >>31287592

Could make a book of prayers with the amount of UNITY posts I've seen over the past 3 months

>> No.31287432
File: 183 KB, 1381x1079, UNITY!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287463


>> No.31287436
File: 34 KB, 717x380, 1607249420764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFP sperging out instead of ignoring obvious bait in /hlgg/
>KFP sperging out instead of ignoring obvious bait in their own chicken thread

When will they learn

>> No.31287440
Quoted by: >>31287523

Kiara is an easy target to start shitposting. Everyone trying to troll each other. Doesn't help that actual KFPfags take the bait.

>> No.31287441

Kensama rap 2: the rappening

>> No.31287443
Quoted by: >>31287520

you have to be older than 18 to post here

>> No.31287446
File: 11 KB, 277x259, 6lh51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path
Ai-mai Chocolate is better.

>> No.31287451
Quoted by: >>31289399

JP song writers suck at writing English stuff

>> No.31287454
File: 1.57 MB, 1998x1892, 1608538865997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287489


>> No.31287455

Gura's miles more entertaining than Ame the low effort twitch streamer fuckwit.

>> No.31287458

>it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad.
Good job, you made me reply to bait

>> No.31287460


>> No.31287463

I chuckled when Gura said Thanos' quote.

>> No.31287468
File: 110 KB, 940x940, 1604020509698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come check how the thread reacted to Polka's new song, the thread is shitting on chicken and KFP instead.
Sasuga /hlgg/, never change

>> No.31287469

It better be jazz or else

>> No.31287470
File: 176 KB, 606x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for numberfagging

>> No.31287471

ok kiara

>> No.31287472

Now this sounds like peak Discordfaggot
Trying too hard here

>> No.31287478

>It's always someone else who's at fault, nuh uh can't be us KFOs obviously
God they're so pathetic

>> No.31287482

There's no reason to not compare original songs. Especially if this one is leagues above Kiara's generic J-pop.

>> No.31287483
Quoted by: >>31288207

Based and sheeppilled.

>> No.31287486
File: 196 KB, 2560x1920, pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287825

There's something about polka that makes me like her more and more.
It's like a sister to me, I hope she grows up a lot next year, her MV was very cute, say something nice to her.

>> No.31287487
File: 1.46 MB, 1019x1019, 1608207445551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287522

can we just blame Mori for this and move on already

>> No.31287489
File: 902 KB, 2000x1901, 1605746912154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... your Coco tail reps...

>> No.31287492
File: 33 KB, 585x585, 1600314445257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the default state of /hlgg/ when no EN or ID are streaming is to create the infinite time loop of Kiara good Kiara bad. No wonder she's pulled in so many superchats, she's unironically living rent free in people's head and they probably hate/love her so much they pay her money to disappear or to stay alive.

>> No.31287494

Ollie's Cooking Simulator video is back up, there's a hilarious moment at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1-xc61jZ9I&t=1h05m
and another at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1-xc61jZ9I&t=1h10m
Ollie tortured by tomato soup

>> No.31287496

I don't like Ahoy that much.

>> No.31287497

>it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad.
This has to be bait, right?

>> No.31287500
Quoted by: >>31287526

isn't that aloe? so why is the guy saying gura?

>> No.31287503

I hope so. Just wish she put some thought into Hinotori because making a song for the sake of having a song isn't a very inspired creative process. I'm excited to listen to the takamori one though.

>> No.31287504

>retard sperging out at retards sperging out at eachother with obvious bait posts and obvious purposeful bait replies

>> No.31287505

haha funy 4chan bait funny man lole

>> No.31287507
Quoted by: >>31287537

Kiara is the Hulk Hogan of HoloEN.

>> No.31287510
File: 571 KB, 631x652, 1590464801398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288207


>> No.31287515

Where's the neck all poalfaggots option

>> No.31287517
Quoted by: >>31287540

I think it's funny how there is only one KFP/ falseflagger replying to the anti Kiara trolls but way more people replying to this post talking about how KFP shouldn't take the bait. Hmm...

>> No.31287519
File: 1.00 MB, 748x900, 1607322862559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rent free on a break day is pretty hilarious.

>> No.31287518

>it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad
Oh you'd be surprised about that

>> No.31287520


>> No.31287522

Mori should have ....uh....stopped kiara from releseing Hintori? YEAH! She could have prevented this but she didn't! This is all Moris fault!

>> No.31287523

They just can't help themselves. They are like that. A fragile glass heart, only slightly better than Chinks. Just use filters for everything KFP and Kiara then thread quality will improve immensely

>> No.31287525
File: 460 KB, 323x323, YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287570



>> No.31287526
Quoted by: >>31287564

Because the Anon was asking is she was the same as Aloe with taste in guy

>> No.31287528

Dead Beats blows every other song out of the water.

>> No.31287533
File: 132 KB, 285x360, 1606120027443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel /hlgg/? Knowing that anything and everything that your holos do will ALWAYS be routed back to Kiara regardless of what it is. Your oshi will not be able to breathe or shit or cum without everyone thinking about how Kiara did it first. I hope you're satisfied. This is the timeline you chose.

>> No.31287535

Not even her best song as Mori

>> No.31287536
Quoted by: >>31287603

>all those lurkers
I cannot fathom why anyone would come to this shithole if not to post.

>> No.31287537

Mori is The Rock of HoloEN
Ame is the Stone Cold Steve Austin of HoloEN
Ina is the Undertaker

>> No.31287538

how do I embed Polka's subtitles into the video the way youtube is showing them? These are really well done.
--embed-subs --sub-lang=en just says there aren't any subtitles to embed.
online resources seem dated.

>> No.31287539 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 153x68, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been compiling them, yes

>> No.31287540

It's hilarious, they don't get the reaction they want and then just start complaining about something that's not even happening.

>> No.31287543

They just jelly that their Oshi didn't do the same for their fans. I don't blame them though. Polka releases 2 complete original songs in less than a week at Christmas time is some of the most well planned fan service any fan can ask for. Plus 2 hour ASMR stream to top it off.

>> No.31287544
Quoted by: >>31287574

Ame is only more entertaining than Gura if you are a pathetic GFE craving goslingnigger

>> No.31287548

>it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad
Where the fuck do you think akasupas come from, anon? Sad rich people is the entire driving force behind holos making all that money.

>> No.31287557

>newfags dont know about n*b*h*m*
I forgot 95% of /hlgg/ only got into chuuba after HoloEN debut.

>> No.31287558

It's pretty based until the shit ending

>> No.31287559
Quoted by: >>31287753

Why do she keep making Yabs in all of her streams is she trying to RTA her firing or is she underage and don't think about this stuff

>> No.31287561

I dont even think Polka pulls paypiggy numbers like her genmates even especially with how hostile Japs are with Gen 5 as a whole

>> No.31287564

oh i see. i guess my reading comprehension is bad

>> No.31287565
File: 143 KB, 512x512, 1606948438509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh thanks I didn't even notice

>> No.31287566

Having Kiara for HoloEN was a mistake. Imagine how much better the thread quality would've been

>> No.31287569

>he doesn't know

>> No.31287570


>> No.31287573

Aloe twitcast.

>> No.31287574

>Ame is only more entertaining than Gura if you are a [heterosexual male]
stop trying to make it sound bad

>> No.31287576


>> No.31287578

>can't take critisism
>cult minded people
>cries and screams everytime
>literal paypigs
>their oshi is an inmigrant
Are KFPs the most reddit fanbase?

>> No.31287580
Quoted by: >>31287630

Yeah, Mori's music blows alright.

>> No.31287583
Quoted by: >>31287688

It's honestly just not a good song

>> No.31287591

Lets hope Cover helps them produce more original songs.

>> No.31287592
File: 8 KB, 153x68, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been compiling them yes

>> No.31287598 [DELETED] 

Every holo (including holostars) gets dropped on an island with no supplies and must compete with the other generations for survival. Which Gen wins and which Gen loses first?

>> No.31287597
Quoted by: >>31287634

what's JP's problem with Gen5 as a whole?
Lamy seems to be doing very well at least.

>> No.31287599

in my opinion Ameniggers and all the goslings make the thread infinitely worse. Ame should have stayed as a nobody twitch thot

>> No.31287602
Quoted by: >>31287747

Probably but I have a feeling people would just use Mori instead.

>> No.31287603

Terrified Reddit tourists!
Go back you worthless faggots

>> No.31287606


>> No.31287607


>> No.31287610

You could've said Live Again and I would've given you a "maybe" but you chose to be dumb

>> No.31287612

>Are KFPs the most reddit fanbase?
no that would be chumbuddies

>> No.31287613

Deadbeats lurking now.

>> No.31287616

They are, they are everything that is wrong with the internet nowadays

>> No.31287617
File: 391 KB, 220x220, 1600306310918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's physically impossible for rich people to be sad.

Yeah ha ha those prolific artists and painters that fucking shot themselves in the head or overdosed on drugs they weren't depressed or some shit, they were just faking being sad to get more money!

>> No.31287620
Quoted by: >>31287642

Good thing your opinion doesnt matter faggot

>> No.31287623
File: 664 KB, 707x677, 1608392010809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just sad.

>> No.31287624
File: 917 KB, 2000x1901, 1608822420518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31287663

Bro...your Enma reps...

>> No.31287630
Quoted by: >>31287662

blows my mind, yeah

>> No.31287632
Quoted by: >>31287747

This but with Mori

>> No.31287635

Spade Echo never did anything wrong either as far as I know.

>> No.31287634

something something Aloe
something something Janny joke

>> No.31287639

>nobody twitch thot
like Kiara?

>> No.31287641 [DELETED] 

Live Again>Dead Beats>RIP>Reaper ka rapper.

>> No.31287642

Why are teamates so fragile?

>> No.31287644

Teamates love their hugbox here too much

>> No.31287646

Aloe twitcast

>> No.31287647
File: 1.15 MB, 608x900, 1606669644089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love chiken!

>> No.31287652

Your WCW reps anon.
Mori is Scott Hall. Gura is the giant, Ina is Ted DiBiase and Ame is Kevin Nash

>> No.31287662

with how shit is is, yeah

>> No.31287663

I like how A-chan and Enma-chan are both reindeers.

>> No.31287666

KFPs are the fragile ones you dunce

>> No.31287669

>seanig hours
>peak kfp falseflagging and antis
really makes you think

>> No.31287670

can you please stop embarrassing yourselves, chickenshits?

>> No.31287672

Live Again>Dead Beats>Cursed Night>RIP>Reaper ka rapper.

>> No.31287673

You made me check the subtitles and holy shit, I didn't know you could imitate karaoke style word highlighting with youtube's caption system. Very impressive.

>> No.31287675
File: 461 KB, 749x589, 1606647951444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love polka so much.
Where's a clown gf when you need it?

>> No.31287684

Honestly, Amelia and her horde of unironic gosling spammers are the worst. Not only she doesn't bring anything new to the table, her core fanbase is pathetic who latched onto her because she's their first vtuber and her casual fanbase are twitch faggots. HoloEN won't lose anything if you remove Amelia.

>> No.31287687

Stop posting Hat-kun, the jig is up

>> No.31287688

i've never seen such awful taste in these threads, and i've seen actual NTRfags here

>> No.31287690

So who would play schooldays with it incest fill family tree

>> No.31287695
Quoted by: >>31289515

Unironically teamates. They absolutely cannot stand not being the majority so they can create their little Ame worship safe space.

>> No.31287698
File: 25 KB, 1080x586, 1581147821478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone picking on Kiara and KFP about how they're sensitive
>Even though if anyone says anything about Ame, the goslings go full murder mode and if you say something bad about Gura then the Chumbuddies go into a pirahna like frenzy

The ONLY fanbase that's calm are the Takodachis and that's because they're probably picking off any takodachis who try to shitpost before they even get to press the submit button.

>> No.31287699

>is not able to get a girlfriend IRL so he has to settle for a girl he can never have who plays a role online
i do not have to make it sound bad because it is

>> No.31287702
Quoted by: >>31287741

God another thread ruined by the KFP. Impressive how they do it

>> No.31287706

haha, saw that coming from a mile away. Music is subjective so I'll agree to disagree, touche

>> No.31287709
Quoted by: >>31287743


>> No.31287708

Got Polka? Dance Polka! No more Polka? Got Polka?

>> No.31287714
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1588846263850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are we shitting on each other again? whatever I want in too, I think deadbeats and takodachis fucking suck

>> No.31287716

Kek everyone always forgets about her. She wasn't even in the original announcement for graduation I think?

>> No.31287715

holy cringe

>> No.31287718
File: 346 KB, 471x471, polkaupu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's a clown gf when you need her to be "oru yo"?

>> No.31287719
File: 213 KB, 343x399, 1602292180826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287722

reddit seems to like gura the least, or at least that what other anons say here. they say reddit HATES her which is /hlgg/ speak for "least favorite"

>> No.31287724

All of the manager are

>> No.31287726

At this point, I'm partially convinced it's the same group of people repeating the same stupid nonsense every thread.

>> No.31287728
Quoted by: >>31287763

>Captain America
>Iron Man
>Black Widow

>> No.31287730

This was the first hololive song I listened to after SSS, so I think it's the best. I like all the other songs though

>> No.31287731
File: 43 KB, 463x451, 1608810035136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Near cult levels of adoration to a fake idol
>Defense force spergs out against criticism

Are KFP the chinks of Hololive?

>> No.31287732
Quoted by: >>31287771

Gura is the least reddit out of all of them but nice try

>> No.31287738
File: 89 KB, 473x537, Takodachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do takodachis really?

>> No.31287741

Yes, everything always needs to be about Kiara for them to be happy

>> No.31287743

Fuck, I forgot about Shinove.
Thankfully the artist didn't

>> No.31287744
Quoted by: >>31287771

Gura is the least favourite on plebbit

>> No.31287746

I know it's dead hours and you're all having fun being retards, but could you cool it for a bit?

>> No.31287747
Quoted by: >>31287758

/hlgg/ is already /mori/ most of the time anyway so

>> No.31287749

Nigga most Teamates and Chumbuds are well behaved, it's only a few retards

>> No.31287750

Yes and they also say that you're the wrong one

>> No.31287751

Did you mean sensitive, ESLchama?

>> No.31287752

>comfy Christmas threads immediatly followed by seanig tribalfagging when everyone else is sleeping peacefully

>> No.31287753

She speaks a million miles an hour, yabs are inevitable

>> No.31287757

Your opinion is shit.

>> No.31287758
Quoted by: >>31287812

Good joke anon

>> No.31287759
File: 1.41 MB, 1600x1600, 1608834208116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31287760

The Ame/Haachame collab was cute. I hope she gets to do more with EN in the near future.

>> No.31287762

But again, she was never talked about, so the rrats still worked (if it even was a rrat to begin with). I'd love for Artiaposter to tell me to fuck off and provide proofs that Spade didn't do bad. but the guy stopped trying to to deflect Civia unfollowing Coco as something other than proof that she could have done more against Coco on billi, if she's willing to (appear to) act against her in so public a space.

>> No.31287763

>Wonder Woman
>Green Lantern

>> No.31287766

Because its SEAnigger hours i guess

>> No.31287767

you know this how? and you know that this doesn't also apply to KFP how?

>> No.31287768
File: 490 KB, 1447x2047, 1606627010832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not sure why there's so many antis, falseflaggers, and tribalists.

I really want another Polka-Kiara collab that isn't scuffed with technical difficulties, maybe with some duets and Kiara and Polka singing each other's songs. I love them both a lot and wish to see them interact more often even if the schedule doesn't always permit.

t. actual KFP

>> No.31287770

You do know that Polka makes most of her money outside of Hololive right? And besides if she is providing a product that her fans want then it's win win. Only losers in this are bitter fags.

>> No.31287771

I'm not talking about Gura, I'm talking about her fans.
maybe on the hololive subreddit, but everywhere else on reddit fucking loves the cute meme shark.

>> No.31287775

rratseller please, they're already dead

>> No.31287776

Imagine actually unironically being this delusional.

>> No.31287777

somesones really bored

>> No.31287778

I like her content but I have to agree the /r9k/ teamates spamming goslings are unbearable. I unironically get better Ame discussions in the other thread.

>> No.31287783

For anyone who want to know how fucked up the family tree is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wHPt--4qf0

>> No.31287787
File: 49 KB, 448x417, 1566396880807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are deadbeats so fucking obsessed with roommate posting? For fucks sake, no one unironically does it as much. And then deadbeats pat each other on the back and keep cheering this behavior on. Get your head out of your ass and learn to separate personas.

>> No.31287789

>you know that this doesn't also apply to KFP how?
read the thread

>> No.31287794

Why are you so fragile?

>> No.31287797

I have determined that all the KFP shitposting is just a mix of samefags, shitposters and antis wanting to stir shit up, they all take their baits purposely to make KFP look bad and then post about how bad the KFP fanbase is
t. Chumbud

>> No.31287800
File: 115 KB, 500x500, 1608971698308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the """UNITY""" thread
The absolute state of /hlgg/

>> No.31287801
Quoted by: >>31287966

explain how her fans are reddit then

>> No.31287805
File: 157 KB, 288x327, 1608982475071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Kiara fucking sucks and kpfcult is the worst fanbase.

>> No.31287809

Many teamates and Chumbuds are for unity while KFPs would backstab anyone if they have the opportunity

>> No.31287812

its a clown world

>> No.31287813

They also doxxed someone for having an opinion (he doesn't like Takamori).
they're as subhumans as chinks

>> No.31287814
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1607076828149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because no one is streaming, so the schizos get free reign

>> No.31287816
Quoted by: >>31288327

You'll also want the --write-subs option; looks like youtube-dl needs both. Support for the styling is mixed; it looks fine in VLC but not in MPC-HC.

>> No.31287817

This is true.

>> No.31287819
File: 282 KB, 768x719, 1601172124921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The few retards still outnumber a lot of the other fafnbases because Gura and Ame have fucking huge fanbases. You can say they're well behaved but it's simply because the retards get completely drowned out in numbers.

>> No.31287821

>Why the fuck are deadbeats so fucking obsessed with roommate posting?
You just figured out why they're called Doxxbeats, they can't stop themselves from doing that

>> No.31287822
File: 193 KB, 462x347, 1533735682111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open stream
>it's Minecraft
>close stream

>> No.31287823

without post IDs this could very easily be 1-3 crazy KFP and 1-3 falseflaggers, or any combination thereof, while the more sensible KFP are not given (You)s.

>> No.31287824

I just assume Reddit means hololive Reddit

>> No.31287825

Polka is our girl.

>> No.31287828
Quoted by: >>31287846

Polka would honestly be good holotalk material, too. The things she says in her member streams she could bring to the west that way.

>> No.31287831
File: 3.53 MB, 600x480, 1584859041685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree.

>> No.31287833

>comparing orignal songs
Because they both did original songs. What's wrong with comparing?

>> No.31287834

Gura has comedic timing, amazing and heartfelt singing, and her mischievous but cute attitude is perfect.
Ame is a boring shitposter who is doted on by early 20s hikki faggots for GFE

>> No.31287836

>meme shark
go back dogfucker

>> No.31287837
File: 416 KB, 537x557, 1608941732507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to pull Polka love but these faggots are too Salty today

>> No.31287838

Unity has always been more or less a facade to maintain thread cohesion and it always breaks around this time every day.

>> No.31287841

I think you should kys

>> No.31287843
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1604251019791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nene trash nene trash
t. omaruza

>> No.31287846

She can't really talk about her hime days, sadly.

>> No.31287848

nah I'm good

>> No.31287853
File: 107 KB, 244x350, pog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check up on crabapple VOD
>She has supas enabled and a good amount of chat interaction and she's having a good time
I'm so proud

>> No.31287855

So who want a aggie.io because there no HoloEN streams for 13 hours

>> No.31287857

We're all autistic. Teammates and Chumbuds only get shit on when they have a big yab cus they're in majority.

>> No.31287862

dead hours, SEA hours, raid hours
As expected, the squalid pools of slow-moving anti threads now permitted on /jp/ have gotten bored with talking to themselves and returned to the only real place of Hololive discussion in order to shit everywhere out of jealousy

>> No.31287864
File: 22 KB, 327x327, 1603921058350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is a mentally ill whore.

>> No.31287869

Gura loves Ame

>> No.31287872
Quoted by: >>31287898

Nah, they like Gura just as everywhere. But on reddit they need to tread carefully because the admins can somehow regard posts related to Gura as "pedophilia/lolicon". I see no animosity towards Gura on that site

>> No.31287873

Most teamates and chumbuds preach unity while it suits them and immediately jump on the first shiposting bandwagon they can or become unhinged raging lunatics with thin skin if someone dares says anything negative about their oshi. It's endemic to their kind and a huge problem with these threads.

>> No.31287876
Quoted by: >>31287913

You're doing the exact same thing as the people you claim to hate.

>> No.31287877
File: 213 KB, 492x441, 1605810937550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of this thread
I blame clownfags for this.

>> No.31287880

This is true.

>> No.31287882

you mean to tell me condomates and chumflakes are actually cucks and redditors?

>> No.31287883


>> No.31287890
Quoted by: >>31287912

Kek, why are seanigs so obsessed with the chicken?

>> No.31287891

Polka's charm is wasted on Kiara.

>> No.31287892
File: 26 KB, 408x408, goudatired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread, faggots

>> No.31287896

fuck off you filthy redditor swine

>> No.31287897

Weird form of saying Mori

>> No.31287898

>I see no animosity
There's no animosity period because it's a safe space haven

>> No.31287899

The only problem in these threads are SEAnigs and discordfags

>> No.31287903
Quoted by: >>31288027

I'd rather the discuss the mentally ill whore in your picture, she's got a much nicer voice.

>> No.31287904
File: 321 KB, 420x420, 1592126466073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nearly 300 posts talking about Kiara
>When she's not even streaming because she's finally taking a well deserved stream break.

>> No.31287907
Quoted by: >>31287938

Nah it's KFP who are like that

>> No.31287908
File: 155 KB, 792x581, 1607545749886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing, "tako"

>> No.31287909

>not good at her main game (FPS), cant even do diamond runs like Aqua
>no personality beyond being a woman who likes anime
>cant do anything, no talent or connections to contribute anything significant
Out of HoloMyth I can see her falling off hard the most in incline, and its obviously happening now especially when most of her and HoloEN's fanbase got exposed to Amatsuka Uto who is Amelia but better

>> No.31287911
Quoted by: >>31287930

Fact: Blondes are the best hololive members

>> No.31287912

She's a bad person

>> No.31287913

Self-awareness is not an intrinsic ability

>> No.31287914

Kek, why are KFPs so obsessed with the seanigs?

>> No.31287917
File: 104 KB, 764x496, Amemonkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For every anti in this thread, I will kill one more Ame.

>> No.31287919
File: 280 KB, 372x332, kia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.31287920
Quoted by: >>31287956

Maybe this thread would be better off if Kiara played a roguelike

>> No.31287922
File: 260 KB, 2000x2000, 1601307363689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's song will blow Hinotori out of the fucking park.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.31287924

Gen 5 best gen / 10

>> No.31287925

Been lurking, can someone link me the comments where KFP is sperging out about criticism?

Genuinely curious.

>> No.31287927
File: 338 KB, 400x543, 1606246978818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I even hate to say anything? Deploy your strongest narratives

>> No.31287928
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 1602501510705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up.

How were Ame and Mori's streams? Anything new?

>> No.31287929
File: 1.59 MB, 2048x2048, 1602165872132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you SEAnigs wonder why people hate you kek

>> No.31287930

Fact: You are a dick-slurping faggot

>> No.31287935

Okayufags truly are the worst fanbase

>> No.31287936

>Wah!!!! They said that Red Arrow used to be Speedy, wahh!!
Fuck off

>> No.31287937

Doesn't take much really

>> No.31287938

Nah it's teamates and chumbuds who are like that

>> No.31287942
File: 1.62 MB, 2867x4096, 1608901989935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that can save us is MORI LOVE.

>> No.31287944
File: 413 KB, 600x600, 1608941802541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the biggest Polka fag in existence but the intro of the song was awful af.
But the entire thing was pretty cool, I don't mind, she's still the cutest

>> No.31287947
Quoted by: >>31288031

Wtf is going on with Ame these past few weeks? During the Christmas collab she made some joke comment about Kiara staring at the person on the trains feet but so many people were talking at once it got overlooked.

Then during Haachama collab she jokes about the donkeys liking how Haachama feet smell.And a while ago asking Gura about the shape of her soles?

Why is she baiting so hard?

>> No.31287945
Quoted by: >>31287968

Just read the thread nigga

>> No.31287950
Quoted by: >>31288040

>Chumflakes calling Ame boring
>tentacult and KFPcult having a showdown
Its the Deadbeats, the voices in my head are never wrong. THEY'RE BEHIND EVERYTHING. THIS IS ALL MORIS FAULT

>> No.31287949

Mori and Ame had streams?

>> No.31287952
File: 321 KB, 352x558, Screen Shot 2020-12-26 at 19.09.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Watson avoiding another collab with Roboco because she realised Roboco is a 5G robot?

>> No.31287953
Quoted by: >>31288044

alright I'm a unity chumbud but I like to think better of our brothers in other fanbases. we all have our schizos
>chumbuds have /u/schizos (not normal yurifags but full blown fanfiction that they genuinely believe their oshis are doing IRL) and hostile numberfags
>teamates have cuckposters obsessed> with Ame having se with men, no matter how many times it gets debunked
>takodachi are alright, actually
>deadbeats have doxfags
>KFP have hostile numberfags and HoloID haters
we're all afflicted with crazies

>> No.31287956

Kiara playing Isaac would probably end with her getting Guppy on accident and winning that way

>> No.31287958

>wake up
>thread is absolute fucking trash
jesus christ i thought the SEAnigger thing was a joke but no

>> No.31287964

A fan song with voice samples of Ame blew Hinotori out of the park.

>> No.31287965

Yeah who would ever think that this place would put out a good thing

>> No.31287966

Her chat is the worst out of all the EN girls
the threads that happen when she's streaming always reek of reddit
almost every ritualnigger post is centered around her

>> No.31287968
Quoted by: >>31288037

I have and I don't see what you are talking about. That's why I ask.

>> No.31287972

Why dont you ask her in a superchat tomorrow

>> No.31287976


>> No.31287978

This is all /qa/'s fault

>> No.31287979

Sometimes I think kiara doesn't do this because she really loves Idols.

>> No.31287981

My farts blew Hinotori out of the park.

>> No.31287983
Quoted by: >>31288029

SEAniggers you literally have 6 (six) ID holos that cater to you guys. Why the fuck do you choose to only think about Kiara?

>> No.31287985

the collab was good
Mori was competent at playing puzzle geimu

>> No.31287991

Do Robo have puss puss

>> No.31287996

Just read the thread, they don't exist. It's literally a bunch of people shitposting because one poster told three shitposters to shut up and they saw an opening to ruin the thread. Anyone that unironically says "x fanbase can't take criticism" is either an absolute fucking retard who fell for their tactics or part of the problem producing such shit threads.

>> No.31287998

Ina's unravel already blew shitnotori out of the water already

>> No.31288008

Let's face it, fellas. All HoloENs are fucking shit except Callie. You know it's true
Loud and obnoxious menhera, annoying
Le funny xD pedofile bait
Boring tryhard, attracts pathetic incels

t. Deadbeat

>> No.31288009
File: 618 KB, 2893x4096, EpvpmviVoAAQz_f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288061

Based, Mori LOVE in these trying times.
She loves the cats
And the little ones

>> No.31288010 [DELETED] 

Poal to out falseflaggers as usual

>> No.31288011
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1592654052176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish newfags would learn to hide obvious bait instead of replying to it

>> No.31288013

Would fuck for 30k yen

>> No.31288014
File: 1.40 MB, 1204x1200, 1603036397467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm KFP and only lurk at times like these.
You can enjoy your timeloop all by yourselves.
It's pointless to engage with it.

>> No.31288015
File: 148 KB, 541x600, 1608633038182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288016

>cute meme shark
Can't read katakana huh

>> No.31288022
File: 568 KB, 1148x1283, 1608951310963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is too cool for this gay ass thread

>> No.31288024
File: 21 KB, 928x161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you again, you jaded fuck?

>> No.31288027
Quoted by: >>31288151

>I'd rather the discuss the mentally ill whore in your picture
Ina doesn't have one because she has a great relationship with her father as opposed to Kiara

>> No.31288029

It's not SEAnigs who are shitting on Kiara anonchama. Don't fall for KFP propaganda. They are likely the SEAnigs themselves

>> No.31288031

After Gura said she had nice high arched beautiful feet during their Die Hard watchalong, Amelia said "prove it" to her and Gura gave her a private footshow over Discord. Now Amelia understands the glory of feet and is an avowed footfag who will reference feet at every opportunity just like Gura does.

>> No.31288034
File: 67 KB, 432x247, 1602862546427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chumbuds like this?

>> No.31288037
Quoted by: >>31288064

People think explaining that they have different taste is criticism. You can't win with schizos

>> No.31288040 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1608982961932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember all the numberfagging? It was me, /hlgg/. And remember all the tribalism and shitposting? It was me, /hlgg/!
What about the doomposting and doxxing? IT WAS ALL ME!

>> No.31288043

What about Mori?

>> No.31288044

>HoloID haters
I haven't come across many KFPs bitching about IDs since the Ollie and Moona shitposting died in the arse.

>> No.31288052
Quoted by: >>31288087

then every girl is reddit you obviously biased niggerface

>> No.31288055

It's a sick impulse anon, they can't help themselves. Mori and D666 are so intertwined in their minds that they cannot separate the two.

Mori is the only one with a past life worth anything. they're genuinely just fans of both and not in a HER way

>> No.31288057
File: 209 KB, 731x768, 1583762645826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else stop taking shit in this thread seriously and just silently enjoy the shit show?

>> No.31288059
File: 210 KB, 1280x720, 5g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is gura avoiding a collabo with pikamee because of being the 5G? She has nothing to fear dayo

>> No.31288061

This picture is extremely cute.

>> No.31288064

You don't have to explain it, just link them.

>> No.31288065
File: 255 KB, 805x805, 1579461590803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally sitting here fucking laughing at the absolute dumpster fire that this thread has become, simply because Polka released an original song, completely irrelevant to literally everyone else

>> No.31288066


>> No.31288067
File: 652 KB, 750x1081, 478655311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about ya put down that image of my Oshi first you goddamn nigger.

>> No.31288070

>cheaper whore than Ayame

>> No.31288069

KFPs doxed some guy just because he didn't like takamori. They literally can't take criticism.

>> No.31288075
File: 1.33 MB, 1123x1296, 1607694181651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd post some more fetish art but my latest piece isn't for hololive I'm so sorry guys

>> No.31288076
File: 1.58 MB, 1066x986, 1592738653796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288190

I always do

>> No.31288077

Ina is very nice tho, I can't stand EN Streams except the Ina ones, she feels kind of real and like a friend for u

>> No.31288078
File: 16 KB, 480x360, 69FC897A-007D-4BF0-ACA6-EE70DB526046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right you know?

>> No.31288080
Quoted by: >>31288514

Haha I certainly agree my fellow deadbeat, what a wise opinion you have here
t. deadbeat

>> No.31288083
File: 3.22 MB, 1447x2047, 1607359933625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a cute Mori you got there.

>> No.31288082
Quoted by: >>31288165

Her modular orifice system is state of the art. Kinda weird how much work her papa put into making her fuckable, now that I think about it

>> No.31288084
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1604629091600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288198

>Do you like Kiara
>No, fuck seanigs

>> No.31288085
Quoted by: >>31288193

they stopped bitching about them because the shitposting ceased. doesn't mean they don't still hate them.

>> No.31288086
File: 76 KB, 301x330, Hololive ame announcement eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288207


>> No.31288087
Quoted by: >>31288158

I accept your concession chumflake

>> No.31288089
Quoted by: >>31288131


I want to blow my seed deep into every single holo's womb.
There is no exception.
This is true unity.

>> No.31288091
File: 167 KB, 850x1206, 1597756281381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288125

That's all.

>> No.31288095
Quoted by: >>31288188


>> No.31288100
File: 1.59 MB, 1424x801, 1604822073968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new "It's Mori's fault" meme
Blaming Kiara this time

>> No.31288103

Did you have a stroke typing that ESL-chama lmao

>> No.31288104

Do you think the reason Ame is hemorrhaging viewers is because she sucks at games despite being the supposed gamer of EN?

>> No.31288109

who are you quoting?

>> No.31288112
File: 24 KB, 656x564, enema.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31288113
File: 314 KB, 522x420, 1601902484402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288161

The only sensible people in this thread

>> No.31288114

Nice generalism, but that is not enough to convince anyone

>> No.31288123
Quoted by: >>31288202

>almost every ritualnigger post is centered around her
literally where? almost all ritualposts have an ina pic or are about ame or ina

>> No.31288124

Holy based

>> No.31288125

Would you really fuck a cat anon?

>> No.31288126

Bwahaha this confirms it's the few KFPs who are ruining this thread

>> No.31288128
File: 167 KB, 787x553, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The numbers are in, draw your own conclusions as needed.

>> No.31288129

I fucked better thots this at that price

>> No.31288131


>> No.31288133
Quoted by: >>31288229

yeah in eldritch fandoms shitposters get konlulu'd

>> No.31288136
Quoted by: >>31288265

It's because Roboco thinks Ame meant to end the stream early when she said "last game" referring to the previous match. So Roboco hasn't asked for another collab and Ame is too introverted to initiate a conversation.

>> No.31288141

The dox was too far but that guy was a legitimate schizo though

>> No.31288146

The actually pathetic part is that I can't tell if the people "biting" this bait are just samefags, fellow falseflaggers, or genuine fucking retards.
God these threads suck some days.

>> No.31288150

I mean, these people are just samefagging anyway and the people who are falling from their bait are retarded.

>> No.31288151

Yeah, I'm sure she has a VERY close relationship with him. The whore.

>> No.31288155
File: 322 KB, 638x591, 1606280483792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cat would be the one doing the fucking, anon

>> No.31288156

who are you quoting?

>> No.31288158

I accept that you are a retarded nigger that pulls shit out of his ass without backing it up with actual hard facts

>> No.31288159

Cursed night is one of her bad song. Her good shit was made before she got taste of hololive (RIP and Live Again was made before she start streaming)

>> No.31288161

Lookin' slippery and thicc as usual

>> No.31288162
File: 349 KB, 2048x2048, EjeN7XXUwAEwhFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288191

you're just learning

>> No.31288165
Quoted by: >>31288530

Do not fist android girls

>> No.31288167


>> No.31288170
Quoted by: >>31288279

dox is dox. there's no but

>> No.31288171
File: 166 KB, 389x496, 1606567992046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288235

You did it great, Polka, at least you can rest for this thread

>> No.31288172
File: 26 KB, 762x749, 56669E6C-1EA2-432A-B78B-79320978A64A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This Fucking Thread

>> No.31288187

I wouldn't.

>> No.31288188

Rats are kinda cute

>> No.31288189
File: 471 KB, 526x603, 1593787428533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, but sometimes I throw in some bait to stir the flames.

>> No.31288190
File: 76 KB, 308x235, aaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait people actually take these threads seriously?!

>> No.31288191

Aye. It's just so blatant at this point.

>> No.31288192
File: 43 KB, 540x570, 1580558784693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara is poop

>> No.31288193

I don't really know how you'd define that. IDs aren't massively popular here and outside the complaining about them being obnoxiously shitposted with you'd have to be a moron to think any particular fanbase actively hates them.

>> No.31288195

5ch diver anon here, nothing of note to report on and I already dropped my poals, just watching the thread burn while doing reps.

>> No.31288198

I'm retarded, let me try again

>> No.31288199
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1599307211937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We're nearing 400 posts of KFP falseflags, Seanigs baiting, and general turmoil

Maybe we should just give up.

>> No.31288201


>> No.31288202

Salmon, Avocado, "Gura is pregnant", not to mention the constant soundposts that are just Gura singing.

>> No.31288205
File: 1.44 MB, 1358x1920, 1607590510554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288234

The only thing you can reasonably do in this thread is to post pictures of your oshi.

>> No.31288206

Hey so Polka's new song is really good, glad we now have the full version.

>> No.31288207
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1333, 3043567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288210
Quoted by: >>31288279

>it's ok to doxx because he's mentally ill
sasuga chickenfag

>> No.31288211

Why is Ina so cute?

>> No.31288213


you ARE the chink with that spelling

>> No.31288217

You got that wrong, it was 300k yen to fuck her

>> No.31288220
Quoted by: >>31288417

Gimme the scoop. What are you referencing?

>> No.31288226
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1590250155699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288229
File: 18 KB, 409x358, 8210B2EE-45F1-4D58-A737-7E82712F264D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her

>> No.31288232

At least it's not me but I noticed you always post this copy pasta almost in every thread. Why you let some schizo posts rent free in your head?

>> No.31288233

This has to be one of the quickest and most violent thread going to shit situations I've seen in a while.

>> No.31288234
File: 317 KB, 1400x988, 1607699383857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this retard.

>> No.31288235
File: 622 KB, 1019x1200, EndqoS1UwAAduqE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288575

Sorry your debut got ruined by antis and samefags clussybros, you didn't deserve it.

>> No.31288237
File: 43 KB, 600x524, 1594250897630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of this happened because Polka released an original song

>> No.31288239
File: 49 KB, 739x745, Ek5aAllWMAEu7ev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not during SEAhours. No

>> No.31288241
Quoted by: >>31288374

It's well know that Polka makes most of her money from sources outside of streaming and Hololive. She talked abut this in her roommates interview. Trust me she is pretty well off, she's not someone who is trying hard to get people to simp her. You can tell by how few super chat reading streams she actually does. She just choose to live the way she does due to being a menhera hiki.

>> No.31288244

I love it when the whole thread turns against KFPfags

>> No.31288246
Quoted by: >>31288389

for every one you listed we also have amelia ritual posts
>ATTENTION posting
>amelia is cuter than usual today
>thank jesas for being born in the same era as ame
>all the ame clips of her being ame

>> No.31288248

The second bit is about a bug in the board software. Threads that fall off should get their archive-flag set.

>> No.31288251

Welcome to SEAnig hours

>> No.31288252

only chickenfags take it seriously

>> No.31288255
Quoted by: >>31288293

Holy shit Takos fucking suck, how could they say that about Kiara, disgusting!

>> No.31288256
File: 755 KB, 1242x1214, 1598576342438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288401

How is she so cute, bros???

>> No.31288257

Ame doesn't really approach anyone for collabs so that's up to RBC but I hope with her being a senpai now she'll be the on taking the initiative with ID2

>> No.31288258
Quoted by: >>31288299

is ina naked in this picture?

>> No.31288261
File: 777 KB, 1193x1080, 2hs3rpc4qgn51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great.

>> No.31288263

The best thing to do.

>> No.31288264

they posted his reddit and his fucking know your meme, it was nothing

>> No.31288265
Quoted by: >>31288378

no way. ive heard jp vtubers saying "lastu geymu" countless times.

>> No.31288267
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1607294144750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that died already retardchama

>> No.31288269

You missed last thread

>> No.31288270
File: 350 KB, 600x857, a cat is fine too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288272

I Blame the the KFP who take most the bait

>> No.31288275
File: 229 KB, 415x415, 1606551959590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288344

All Holo ENs are trash in their own way, they got the wrong girls to do the job, but at least they're kinda good at entertaining.

>> No.31288277
File: 1.13 MB, 995x956, 1581805603715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a clown world and we're the circus

>> No.31288279

I swear the word """doxx""" has lost all meaning around here.

>> No.31288292
Quoted by: >>31288404

FUCKING IMAGINE when Mori starts releasing collab songs in and out of Hololive

>> No.31288293

Use those words!

>> No.31288294

Did YTCfilter add spyware or some shit?

>> No.31288297
File: 207 KB, 1280x2048, Ep0q1XSVEAA5n7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288336

I have a confession to make. As a chumbud, I have never posted anything derogatory against other EN members or holos in general, not even just to shitpost. I don't hate or dislike any of them and I wish them only the best.

>> No.31288299
File: 157 KB, 1300x1692, 1608271262816_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but she's almost naked in this

>> No.31288305

If you havent watched, you can now

>> No.31288306

It's truly a beautiful sight to behold

>> No.31288308
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1608441568649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I await the day Gura releases an original song and everyone is left quivering in their boots.

>> No.31288312

i fear the day someone doxxes one of the girls the old fashned /b/ way with addresses and shit

>> No.31288315
File: 381 KB, 1110x229, 1608616739610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your oshi would detest you if she knew you were shitting on other holos!

>> No.31288318

Speaking of, whats Kanata doing? Just tuned in and she's recruiting people and an alien. I think.

>> No.31288323
Quoted by: >>31288336

>implying it didn't happen already

>> No.31288324

Why do you crave attention so badly? Did your parents not hug you enough?

>> No.31288327
Quoted by: >>31288502

My bad. The discrepancies were from MPC-HC reading from the video itself and VLC using the sidecar file.
Add `--sub-format ttml` to that, but it doesn't look like ffmpeg wants to embed it. Might have to use mp4box or a different container.

>> No.31288328
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1606871391853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi? Yeah she's a whore.

>> No.31288334
File: 3.71 MB, 2633x3851, 20201226_055134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288382

Kneel to the clown

>> No.31288335

heres my rrat
Morifags are sheep posters. When one appears the other disappears and vice versa

>> No.31288336

i meant on here, not the dedicated anti hellholes and lolcow

>> No.31288338
Quoted by: >>31288357

kiara best idol

>> No.31288340
Quoted by: >>31288355

>Clown released the full version of her original song
>Now everyone is a clown
like Poetry

>> No.31288344
Quoted by: >>31288355

this post was typed by a retard

>> No.31288345

Gura is Hornswoggle
(What? It's because she's the shortest!)

>> No.31288347
Quoted by: >>31288446

But.. Anonchama.. Ayame is my oshi.

>> No.31288348

You should go talk about how epically you owned /hlgg/ on your discord with all your mates.

>> No.31288349

like bags of sand

>> No.31288353

>constantly use word out of its original meaning
>word loses original meaning
wow, shocking!

>> No.31288355


>> No.31288357


>> No.31288363

Somehow I care less about a Gura original song and more about her karaoke

>> No.31288369


>> No.31288370
Quoted by: >>31288415

Thanks. Think I heard about that too.
So what website/tools are used to quickly see whats going on? I remember something about holotools?

>> No.31288373

>Undoing Taiwan
You can't undo anything. If anything, it's better sooner than later. There are people who aren't here during Pekora's MAD reprint arc. Chinese ego must be replied with honesty. Every single company no matter how big will run into trouble with big brother.
NBA, Disney, EA, GAP, Hollywood movies and the list goes on.

>> No.31288374

Are you talking about the other agency she used to work with? Didn't that basically collapsed? Im pretty sure she wont even renew contracts from that agency since it will be dissolved by the end of the month

>> No.31288377
Quoted by: >>31288578

>No minecraft
>No moona

>> No.31288378

RBC heard "last game" and understood it as "the next match should be the last round we play", but Ame was actually commenting on something that happened in the match they just finished.

>> No.31288379
File: 985 KB, 1775x1170, 1605842656601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended, not died

>> No.31288380
File: 728 KB, 750x814, EqICj16UcAEX5lf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon, Polka is the only Clown GF you ever need. She just wants you to watch her 24/7 365 days a year. You get a one day break on leap years.

>> No.31288382
File: 75 KB, 909x768, 1608205702190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you figured it out, anon. You've cracked the code. I cant believe I was a watamefag all along

>> No.31288384
File: 281 KB, 372x427, 1605800316338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288589

I think Ina is the worst holo

>> No.31288389

The only one listed there that's an actualy ritualpost is the ATTENTION posting.
Your point? A dead ritualpost is still a ritualpost. It shat up the threads for about a month before it finally died.

>> No.31288390
File: 348 KB, 413x564, 1607536493312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288427

>Gura gets to release her first ever original song
>It's a shitty anime opening character song about her adventures in Atlantis
post yfw

>> No.31288396
File: 138 KB, 463x453, 1597514734022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hinotori and Hologram Circus suck

>> No.31288401

For how cute Watame is, I haven't seen much art beyond using her smug face for shitposting.

>> No.31288404
Quoted by: >>31288673

Something I don't like about her Producer "Skills" is that she can't adapt to others style, which is important for collabs, but her style is unique at least

>> No.31288410
File: 192 KB, 1239x1248, 1608082032584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't even be close. I don't know why anyone even bothers arguing when it's over the second Gura releases a professionally produced original song.

>> No.31288415

Try googling holotools newfriend

>> No.31288417

Mori and the penthouse story?

>> No.31288420

>Implying they care in the first place

>> No.31288426
File: 97 KB, 1845x1038, 1608983636695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're laughing. Thread is filled with seaniggers and tribalistic shitposting because of that fucking clown and you're laughing

>> No.31288427

If that's what she wants then so be it

>> No.31288429

you suck

>> No.31288430

Does Pecker have an original song?
PekoMiko doesn't count.

>> No.31288431
File: 227 KB, 463x453, 1587822472539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288454

b-but which one sucks more!?

>> No.31288434

It's SEA hours, if the thread is not burning then it's being drowned in doxx posts.

>> No.31288439


>> No.31288440
File: 25 KB, 500x260, cocoKusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288492

cope teammate

>> No.31288441

Nah Hologram Circus is fine it's Hinotori which sucks but don't tell that to Chickenfags

>> No.31288443

Cabaya.... Dangerous...

>> No.31288445
File: 128 KB, 239x372, 1608392503301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka is truly the agent of chaos running these threads.

>> No.31288446

Did he stutter?

>> No.31288449
Quoted by: >>31288567

and the only gura ritual posting you mentioned that's actually ritual posting is Salman. Avacado never took off, "Gura is pregnant" was more like a copypasta used as a joke rrat, and soundposts are not rituals.

>> No.31288448

New rrat:
KFP constantly anti-post Kiara just so people will talk about her and they can defend her while they're at it.

>> No.31288451

Don't worry anons, screencap this.

I have full confidence that Kiara Takanashi will be sane and healthier once she returns to Austria. She's only stir-crazy from cabin fever, homesickness and loneliness from being stuck in Japan after the coof ruined her plans for the year.

>> No.31288454
File: 236 KB, 463x453, 1583387348147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so bad that they're beneath comparison.

>> No.31288457
File: 587 KB, 850x480, 1602924498680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31288459
Quoted by: >>31288567

>it doesn't count when we're the ones doing it
Why are Teacucks like this?

>> No.31288461
Quoted by: >>31288500

Pecor sings like ass

>> No.31288466
File: 34 KB, 600x640, 1579662148489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288482

>The current state of this thread

>> No.31288469
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, EqJS7sHUwAM9yUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288501

Makes me so frustrated knowing that the EN girls can't easily have off-collabs like this. Even though if it was feasible they'd probably be having sleepovers every night.

>> No.31288471

welp i guess this thread still has it's use of containing the most retarded posters.

>> No.31288473
File: 250 KB, 392x534, 1604344342660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288513

I know.
How about another joke, Murray?

>> No.31288477

pretty cool

>> No.31288478
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1608575575989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288548

kiara is cute, you're all weirdos

>> No.31288479

that's just the CAlliope dark works rrat fuck off fake rrat poster

>> No.31288482

that's every thread when someone isn't streaming something this very second.

>> No.31288486

This is true they so vile they would do it
t. KFP

>> No.31288489

That's not a rrat anon that's just the truth

>> No.31288490

>KFP are Jews
Now that's a rrat.

>> No.31288491
File: 33 KB, 853x480, 3611728D-F742-46A2-93AD-0BFA1A63D376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do and I’m tired of pretending it’s not

>> No.31288492

He's right though. Do you know what a ritualpost is?

>> No.31288500

Bit unfair, I'm sure you could find quite a few asses that sings better than Pecor.

>> No.31288501

Hyped for this collab even if only Reine can sing

>> No.31288502

I needed --write-srt to actually download them
https://trac.ffmpeg.org/ticket/4859 - ffmpeg doesn't support ttml at all. huh.

>> No.31288505
Quoted by: >>31288532

Why did you have to make it like this?

>> No.31288507

Gura is too lazy to ever do anything like this unless her hand is held through the entire process

>> No.31288510

t. KFP

>> No.31288513
File: 499 KB, 700x873, EiZAZT3XkAEeDOr65196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288714

that's Calliope Murray to you

>> No.31288514

i was gonna call you a falseflag but you said t. deadbeat so you must be genuine

>> No.31288515

Excuse me as I leave this Roboco cover here.

>> No.31288516

Only when one of the girls are streaming.

>> No.31288517

Kanata got close to dying because of a bug

>> No.31288525


>> No.31288530

But can i fuck one

>> No.31288532

I didnt make it.

>> No.31288533

Based, just skip the part between 1:45 and 1:53

>> No.31288534
Quoted by: >>31288545

Oh no Kanata has corona?

>> No.31288535


>> No.31288538
Quoted by: >>31288617

SEAniggers LITERALLY rule these threads

>> No.31288542

>Kanata got close to dying
And water is wet

>> No.31288545

fucking kek

>> No.31288546
File: 734 KB, 2894x4093, Hololive roboco woumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Piano version
High spec

>> No.31288547

You'll be waiting a long fucking time. The lazy shark will probably graduate long before that day arrives given how fucked in the head she is.

>> No.31288548

I want to headpat her and tell her everything will be alright

>> No.31288549
File: 319 KB, 1920x1938, pogpol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, can we talk about something else?
Like how Ame probably smells like Wood...
Hmmmm I wonder how Mori smells every day.

>> No.31288552
Quoted by: >>31288564


>> No.31288553

Bun Bun Cha your bitch ass out of here nutsacki

>> No.31288557
Quoted by: >>31288712

She has done it several times as HER already, it's nothing new to her. Even if those were just shitty meme songs.

>> No.31288564


>> No.31288565
File: 706 KB, 1440x1080, 1495692102207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31288567
Quoted by: >>31288627

A ritualpost doesn't have to "take off" retard, it just has to be the same shit posted over and over again on a regular basis. Usually by the same one or two anons. Copypastas count too as long as they fit the conditions.
Don't blame me just because you don't know what a ritualpost is.

>> No.31288568
File: 40 KB, 150x150, 7383836372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.31288575

LOL don't worry we'll be back later when it's not SEA hours. This is to be expected.

>> No.31288578

lol, yeah how will Pekora ever survive without Moona? Am I right, SEA bros? I think Moona should permanently merge her account with Pekora's, so they become a joint account. That way, neither will risk losing their popularity! After all, Pekora was never popular before Moona.

>> No.31288580

my cum

>> No.31288582


>> No.31288589
File: 533 KB, 1414x2000, 1606770831019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is fine.
It's some of her fans here that annoy me. No one goes through the effort to call them out.
- False unity posters are more often than not takodachis
- Some anti-unityposters are takodachi (Huhuhuh all ENs are shit and unhinged, Ina Ina Inaaaa)
- Trinityposters are takodachis
- The 'only Ina is good' takodachi
You guys have too much time on your hands. You could do your drawing reps instead of making /hlgg/ shittier everyday.

>> No.31288593
File: 426 KB, 662x807, 1413696573163.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288594

>Haachama likes to act like a retard
Catching her more recent streams I don't really feel that, was it from her earlier English streams? Otherwise I feel its more a language barrier than anything.
Seeing some of her gaming streams, not the shooters, it definitely feels like she can pick things up quick. Her superluminal stream was a joy to watch with how quickly she blew through those puzzles.

>> No.31288597
File: 257 KB, 457x325, the mastermind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that.

>> No.31288599
File: 303 KB, 676x364, 1605097821187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choombutts getting uppity again
This is what your oshi looks like.
Defend this, I bet you can't.

>> No.31288600

>ironic shitpost
>ironic reply
>unironic spergout from "ironic" posters
I'm loving every minute of this. Never change you faggots.

>> No.31288606

Polka would love to see me create chaos so yeah

>> No.31288617


>> No.31288619

This is why /jp can't have nice things.

>> No.31288623

Polka secretly sneaks into her apartment and marks Mori with her scent

>> No.31288627

>it just has to be the same shit posted over and over again on a regular basis
so "ame is cuter than usuall today" coiunts after all?
>Copypastas count too as long as they fit the conditions.
so "thank jesas for being born in the same era as ame" counts after all?

>> No.31288642
Quoted by: >>31288749

how did every ID girl be more annoying than kiara

>> No.31288646

HER did sing that song for Belle when asked, dunno how more complicated a process to produce an original song is for her to bother tho

>> No.31288647
Quoted by: >>31288671

don't forget about the gosling spam

>> No.31288650
File: 389 KB, 548x538, 1608947963734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, time to pull the Gura is lazy card against chumkeks that will make them seethe and make the blame teacucks which inturn will blame KFPkeks and Tenticles. Nice try doxxbeats

>> No.31288651

way to show your absolute cluelesness

>> No.31288652

Why would I skip the best part, retard?

>> No.31288659

What's to defend? She's cute.

>> No.31288661

I WAS IN K-SANS STREAM it was honestly 100x better than the original and the originals already pretty good.

>> No.31288662

Based whoreposter

>> No.31288664
File: 293 KB, 501x585, 1608222850286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it!!!
The nose was the clue all along...

>> No.31288665
File: 485 KB, 2048x1233, EqEUgVqVoAELTYX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, how are we doing?

>> No.31288667

Actually a two person channel sounds good, I wonder if cover will do that someday, maybe a Vtuber couple

>> No.31288671
Quoted by: >>31288687


>> No.31288673

Mori will not be doing the MV work if shes making a song with anyone. Too much work

>> No.31288674

I can't handle this much UNITY

>> No.31288675

I've always preferred this type of ayamefag over the nicer variety

>> No.31288687

wait so copypastas and posts made over and over again count as rituals if it's about gura, but not ame?

>> No.31288692

chamers fucking carried coco on portal

>> No.31288694

>uppity again
Chumbuds are always on top

>> No.31288704

She dials up and down the retard level but it's still very retarded compared to how she was as Akai Haato https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-_aVb1lYbY

>> No.31288706


>> No.31288707

Polka released a really good song and MV. We've also determined that Hinotori is shit, Kiara is a whore and KFP are behind everything.

>> No.31288708
File: 55 KB, 500x514, 1607764519686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm crying with my girl's new song.
She's too cuteeeeee

>> No.31288710
File: 334 KB, 2000x1200, 1606095862611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to sleep
watch mori's VODs or watch the Haachama/Ame VOD

>> No.31288711

>Makes it look high production, when it's really not at all.
Doesn't that just make it better? It takes more skill when you can't just throw money at the problem.
Unless you're implying that its just a variant of older ones.

>> No.31288712

That they were shitty meme songs is kind of the point, you can fuck those up and nobody will care. But a professional cover/original song?
For reference, this is the same girl that was almost catatonic when a mass of youtube comments wanted an encore to her Christmas karaoke because she didn't want to disappoint her fans. I'm willing to give her a year or two to grow out of her shell, character development takes time.

>> No.31288714
File: 2 KB, 68x125, 1604590049725s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288784

We Live INA Society!

>> No.31288717
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, 1603375999978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to the store, you guys need anything?

>> No.31288718
Quoted by: >>31288759

mori's pet snake... so cute...

>> No.31288720
Quoted by: >>31288733

naruhodo, teamate

>> No.31288722

>Kiara is Hitler and her fanbase are the cadre of Jews that she works to death

>> No.31288729
Quoted by: >>31288773

It became a staple. You can't change it
Just like how sheepfags will never be regarded as "nice people" despite their oshi being a sweetheart

>> No.31288730
File: 582 KB, 1186x595, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come watch Aqua be retarded!

>> No.31288728
Quoted by: >>31288793

"Ame is cuter than usual" and "thank jesus" are posted by many different anons and is usually in context for what is happening during a stream. I don't count them as a ritualpost for the same reason I don't count "UOOOOHHHH" posting as a ritualpost.

>> No.31288733
File: 287 KB, 381x314, 1581232857709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm convince this is some advance falseflag to derail the thread even further

>> No.31288735


>> No.31288737

So, does Japan actually like that song or what?

>> No.31288740

Cute, finally someone made it happen.

>> No.31288742

Can you pick up my meds?

>> No.31288749

its the indog language, everytime i hear it i have to mute the streams

>> No.31288751
Quoted by: >>31288798

Taking the deadbeaten path, huh?

>> No.31288754

>open /hlgg/
>full blown anti thread
>close /hlgg/

>> No.31288755

Oh shit, riri is on?

Time for ssssss

>> No.31288758

Tribalism is at an all time high. Either join in and blow off some steam or leave while you can.

>> No.31288759

Thanks, have Suisei going ham on songs

>> No.31288761

Welcome to the Teacuck hugbox

>> No.31288762


>> No.31288766

Where we're going we don't need rails.

>> No.31288767

Meds and a shotgun for those that can't be saved.

>> No.31288769

>open /hlgg/
>full blown anti kiara thread
>join the fun /hlgg/

>> No.31288772
File: 95 KB, 442x390, 1607545733436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lamy with guns
she would never, give them meds instead

>> No.31288773

True, despite how bad a thread is, it's nice to see the usual characters shitting things up over /pol/fags or doxxniggers

>> No.31288774

Anon do you think teammates are actually intelligent people? They're literally coomerbrains with zero self-awareness and can never recognise their own hypocrisy. Everyone outside of their group just laughs at how shamelessly pathetic they are

>> No.31288777


>> No.31288778

Theyre just funny and is kind of consistent to the lore, given that their oshi is literally a oni

>> No.31288784
File: 81 KB, 828x867, En--6gBVcAAodZk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole Joker incident could have been prevented with sensible firearm laws!

>> No.31288791

uhhhhh bro? Your green text?

>> No.31288793

and how do you know this? and how do you know it's not multiple people that said Avocado and Salman? Salman in particular I know was multiple people because the original ritual anon got banned for ritual posting and 4 different anons including myself took up the mantle the very next thread

>> No.31288798

You forgot your Ina picture.

>> No.31288800

>Ina's model shows the most skin
>Ina is the least sexual

>> No.31288801

You've missed it for the most part. We're now on to figuring out what is and isn't a ritualpost it seems.

>> No.31288806
File: 467 KB, 922x476, sheepits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep showing her pits right now

>> No.31288807

>Polka Gives her fans Nice thing.
>SEA hours.
>/hlgg is not allowed to have nice things.
DESU just wait till normal hours to post.

>> No.31288812
File: 567 KB, 1704x1748, Hololive gura aaaaa plastic love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura jazz cover of japanese meme-songs when?

>> No.31288814

Rituals are posted every time there's a new thread for no reason. If it's a reaction to something that's happening it's not a ritual.

>> No.31288815

nah they just need an actual security guard

>> No.31288816
Quoted by: >>31288844

>he doesn't know how to black text

>> No.31288817
Quoted by: >>31288832

as a chumbud, i like to think better of the fans of my oshi's best friend

>> No.31288818
File: 742 KB, 2512x1440, 1579562668511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>least sexual

>> No.31288829
File: 753 KB, 600x706, 1594047218031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288853

False, he acquired the firearm illegally in the first place.

>> No.31288828

Just gotta make sure she gives proper credit this time.

>> No.31288830
File: 224 KB, 471x471, 1599999501257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we still say we're better than /hlg/ at this point?

>> No.31288831

Mori is behind everything. Shes responsible for everyone not taking their meds

>> No.31288832


>> No.31288834
File: 1.67 MB, 2252x1096, 1584671971748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289047

Further proof from the MV (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkGvRvyEItM))

-Exhibit 1: This is the first verse where It's about Haato, her seiso persona. The MV shows a more demure and proper idol character

Exhibit 2: Second verse Where Haachama wants to show her true self. The MV shows a much more random and wacky side of her.

Exhibit 3: The television screens are a throwback to her cover song ECHO. She didn't write it but ECHO is about inner turmoil. This scene in the MV hints to the fact that Red Heart does have something to do with it and probably signifies Haachama overcoming them.

>> No.31288835
File: 1.20 MB, 824x618, 1608984429990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288893


>> No.31288837

>least sexual

>> No.31288839
File: 691 KB, 2414x2158, 1604619153149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31288854

Polka oruka?

>> No.31288840
File: 2.92 MB, 1676x1070, 1608924886239.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling kinda curious. Any non-Deadbeats who watched the date stream? How did you find it personally? Cringe lvls?

>> No.31288843

This was a great thread so far lads! Should we repeat what we've did in the next one?

>> No.31288844

>not one of them
>not a single one of them knows how to black text

>> No.31288845

Do you seriously not understand what a ritualpost is?

>> No.31288847

Same way that everyone knows that x fanbase always replies to bait or that y fanbase always ruins the thread or that z fanbase always is overly defensive and possessive of their oshi. They're literal schizos who think they can intuit identity when it's not explicitly given on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.31288848
Quoted by: >>31288909

I'm honestly mad that there seems to be no working download of the gravure set

>> No.31288850

This is just timeloop this, it's been bad since EN debut.

>> No.31288854
File: 983 KB, 4029x4096, EqJ3tELVgAIOrA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka Oruyo!

>> No.31288853

just don't give retards guns

>> No.31288856
Quoted by: >>31288899

Just woke up
I fucking love the clown
SEAnigs are not human

>> No.31288857
File: 34 KB, 554x554, images-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want any of the Holos to cover Christmas Eve

>> No.31288861

I want to take this opportunity to say that Teamates suck.

>> No.31288864

I think we should sacrifice Kiara and the KFPs to return to greatness

>> No.31288870

I am browsing both and they are also being raided by SEAniggers at the moment.

>> No.31288872
Quoted by: >>31288941

you suck

>> No.31288874
Quoted by: >>31288899

Just woke up
I fucking love the SEAnigs
clowns are not human

>> No.31288879

maybe i should check moona out for once. she sounds based to me if she able to make you seethe this hard.

>> No.31288882

I though it was hilarious.
t. mate

>> No.31288889

How many fan games are in development already?

>> No.31288893
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288894

You can't say that, downvoted XDDD

>> No.31288895

I expected cringekino but all I got was cute.

>> No.31288896

>Kiara drives a Volkswagen Polo
I've never seen someone so prideful of German heritage when she's not even German.

>> No.31288899


>> No.31288900
File: 52 KB, 414x248, 1593331983784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like wholesome posts! And that includes Ritualposts and shitposts! But only wholesome ones!

>> No.31288903

That first laugh though. And tbf they weren't dying, just on fire.
But I'm now almost convinced that her OTT freaking out at scary stuff is probably 90% her.

>> No.31288904
Quoted by: >>31288949

Mio and Marine joining Akukin?

>> No.31288905

I realized I don't actually want the GFE and unsubscribed. Will still watch streams on occasion and check out her music though.

>> No.31288909

I know right? Kiara's a rarity in that I can fap to both her *and* her roommate

>> No.31288911

ame = goku
gura = gohan
ina = piccolo
mori = vegeta
kiara = bulma

>> No.31288917
File: 147 KB, 1276x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31288919
File: 476 KB, 749x733, 1608122265646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did SEAniggers just successfully deflected all the shitflinging to Teamates?

>> No.31288920
File: 561 KB, 818x800, 1602067709315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be nice.

>> No.31288922

How'd a 2hu get in here?

>> No.31288929
Quoted by: >>31289332

Idk but hearing Mori explain it in the Christmas collab made me cringe a little just because it sounded so blatantly GFE material

>> No.31288933
File: 3.58 MB, 2894x2788, 160121321235462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289180

I'm glad that Gura can eat before streams lately.

>> No.31288932
File: 174 KB, 1300x1700, Hololive korone toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koro-knight by yubisoft better actually finish and be good or im going to be pissed

>> No.31288941

Fuck off Keanu

>> No.31288942

chumbuds are the most powerful race and teamates decided to fuck with them

>> No.31288944

Oh no the spics are here now too

>> No.31288947

she seems into it, not really my cup of tea but I like her other stuff

>> No.31288945

just woke up from a coma?

>> No.31288949
Quoted by: >>31289092

Marine co-founded Akukin with Aqua. Mio joined already. Today they are interviewing Roboco and Haachama as potential Akukin employees, I think.

Currently interviewing Roboco.

>> No.31288951
File: 378 KB, 1448x2048, 1605800282613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara thread
>can post Kiara

>> No.31288954

Yes, but not by enough

>> No.31288957
Quoted by: >>31289112

>Salman in particular I know was multiple people because the original ritual anon got banned for ritual posting
That's the exact reason why I know that it was only one anon originally. Doesn't matter if more people "take up the mantle" after the original ritualnigger dies, it's still a ritualpost.
Avocado was also obviously only one anon. just look at the archives and it should be clear.

>> No.31288956
File: 43 KB, 1028x202, 1586762990154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame is awake
>Isnt streaming
But why

>> No.31288958

And it happens literally every time.

>> No.31288960
Quoted by: >>31289007


>> No.31288963
File: 206 KB, 1844x584, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289140

there's this

>> No.31288966

Oh don't worry, they'll always find a way to be worse. It's the invisible hand of the schizo which moves to balance the shittiness of threads

>> No.31288969
Quoted by: >>31289008


>> No.31288971
Quoted by: >>31289007


>> No.31288974

So this is what peak flip hours looks like.

>> No.31288982
Quoted by: >>31289036

I want to fuck Ohayou posters

>> No.31288983
Quoted by: >>31289027

Chumbuds are just children so nobody gives a shit

>> No.31288988

all of /jp/ is shit at the moment so it doesn't count!

>> No.31288994
File: 59 KB, 854x480, Hololive ame black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy watching KFP self immolate in the thread and having a laugh with the rest of us

>> No.31289000

I miss 15 minutes ago...
Can we go back to shitting on KFP? Instead of this Trinity infighting?

>> No.31289001
File: 398 KB, 640x480, 1584283689592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the last 7 hour SC reading I can't see Teamates as bad people.

>> No.31289003
File: 94 KB, 1282x491, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this too

>> No.31289007

I don't watch Kiara, explain this meme?

>> No.31289006
File: 253 KB, 858x887, EpPZddoUwAE2Ue7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did you say about my buchou?

>> No.31289008
File: 201 KB, 335x276, pog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289011

You're late nigger we're shitting on Teamates now.

>> No.31289017
File: 397 KB, 496x497, 1585952826786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame for the love of all that is holy and good, please stream

>> No.31289019

another thread ruined because Mori didn't take the blame

>> No.31289023

Yeah man, it's OK to ruin someone if it's only via their online identity

Like Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.31289024 [DELETED] 
File: 3.58 MB, 1650x2048, 1577615270641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread so disunited no one will notice if post Artemis!

>> No.31289025


>> No.31289027
File: 173 KB, 662x826, Hololive chumbud chad glow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I am a 9 year old and watch pewdiepie and gura how did you know?

>> No.31289034
File: 497 KB, 644x518, 1606044481812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289060

Tbh, I applied for HoloEn Singer just to meet Polka.
She really helped me to get motivation to sing more.

>> No.31289035
File: 1.67 MB, 3600x2600, 1607516580313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post this chicken and there's nothing you can do to stop me!

>> No.31289036
File: 83 KB, 421x248, 1584300364770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289038
Quoted by: >>31289141

>Wah my hugbox!
If you are gonna be a fragile faggot just top posting

>> No.31289039

She doesn't have a license and is god awful at Mario Kart to boot

>> No.31289040

Fuck off

>> No.31289041
File: 2.81 MB, 1673x1700, 1600222030912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys falling for bad bait?

>> No.31289043
File: 154 KB, 828x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289140

and this

>> No.31289044

Your oshi is a whore, dilate faggot

>> No.31289047

While I have my quibbles I can't put into words atm.
I believe that the general outline is sound. Fairly solid.

>> No.31289050


>> No.31289055

>Kiara folder
>can save Kiara
Maji sugoi!

>> No.31289060
File: 58 KB, 1560x213, Screenshot 2020-11-30 134748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon, wonder if you'll meet this anon

>> No.31289061


>> No.31289066
Quoted by: >>31289379

Ever since my sleep schedule has been fucked up by holo FES I've been amazed at how consistently this thread goes to shit around these hours

>> No.31289067

Have someone doxxed her already with her eye?

>> No.31289068

It's not a meme, she can't drive. The only ENs who can are Ina with her learner's permit and Mori who has an actual license.

>> No.31289070
File: 55 KB, 540x570, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is somehow not a ritualpost

>> No.31289071
Quoted by: >>31289141


>> No.31289072 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 1080x1075, 6328292627191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched a bit of it but I couldn't stop laughing at that fucking JonTron post

>> No.31289078


>> No.31289082
File: 166 KB, 1200x882, EiNLL39XgAkosLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfathomably based

>> No.31289085

Ah so it IS falseflagging then, carry on.

>> No.31289089
Quoted by: >>31289141

pfffft, do condomates really?

>> No.31289092
File: 1.19 MB, 1072x616, 5aquas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have 5 aquas from the karaoke relay

>> No.31289096
Quoted by: >>31289149

post the edited version

>> No.31289100
Quoted by: >>31289165

What the fuck did I walk into? Why are we discussing the definition of a ritualpost? Is the thread 90% newfags now?

>> No.31289104
File: 531 KB, 1136x974, 1607091888113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289110
Quoted by: >>31289482

I hope the ruski femanon nenechad makes it.

>> No.31289112

Avocado was multiple people because i posted avocado a lot, stopped, but i still saw it. i actually post most of the rituals on here especially the unity ones, but i used to also ritual for ame and gura before it became bannable

>> No.31289119
Quoted by: >>31289151

teakeks everyone, the thinnest skinned fanbase in these threads.

>> No.31289120


>> No.31289130

I wonder if festival and Shion will ever off-collab again. Their first and only time did not end well. I've never actually seen festival snap at someone on stream before.

>> No.31289133

You guys realize there's an unironic Ame anti who's always around at SEA hours, right? He's the one doing this falseflag shit and archive crawling. I can tell who you are.

>> No.31289134
Quoted by: >>31289156

That's been posted 12 times total, starting in this month, but yeah it's starting to get annoying. Salman has been posted 27 times in the same period, and that's way down from it's peak.

>> No.31289137

If one Aqua makes my IQ drop, will 5 Aquas make it drop 5 time faster?

>> No.31289138

aw poggers dood!

>> No.31289139

Trinityfags deserve to be shat on harder than anyone else. Fake UNITY.

>> No.31289140

>posted 12 times
>posted 6 times
>posted 5 times

chumkeks are really grasping at straws eh?

>> No.31289141
Quoted by: >>31289229

Funny Just 15 minutes you KFP faggots just complained about all the SEAnigs. Maybe you guys want the hugbox. GROW A THICKER SKIN

>> No.31289143
File: 3.02 MB, 1182x1526, 1608919391326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289147

I want a fubuki watches Shion and marine sleep stream again

>> No.31289149
File: 3.78 MB, 1665x1619, 80283792021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289161

You mean this one?

>> No.31289151

Always was. This general is /Ameg/, remember?

>> No.31289154

why does ytcFilter need my browser history

>> No.31289156
Quoted by: >>31289173

I thought a ritualpost doesn't have to "take off"??? which is it?

>> No.31289159
File: 284 KB, 1014x2152, 1591876734545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289161


>> No.31289163
File: 2.10 MB, 1700x3000, 1607279801963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289187

god. imagine.

>> No.31289164
Quoted by: >>31289305

what happened on the bimbostream?

>> No.31289165

>not 90% newfag
I have seen so many offenses to 4chan culture that I wonder if there's actual oldfags on threads ever...

>> No.31289166

No clue, I uninstalled that shit.

>> No.31289170
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1603593481219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates and their SOUL

>> No.31289172
File: 1.45 MB, 1243x1144, Hololive ame announcement upsidedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mori shidded and farded is the most Ritual posted post on this site.
Second to maybe FRIEND!

>> No.31289173

It still has to be posted enough to be considered a ritual retardchama

>> No.31289180
Quoted by: >>31289328

>stretch borgar, soggy pizza and moldy meat
i guess that better than nothing...

>> No.31289182

Reminder that Teamates are the largest fanbase on /hlgg/, so statistically must also have the largest percentage of antis and schizos. They also cry immediately and try to derail the threads when any other EN is discussed

>> No.31289187
Quoted by: >>31289270

On live stream it was the cringiest I've ever seen.

>> No.31289190
Quoted by: >>31289202

do you know of any alternatives

>> No.31289191
File: 29 KB, 454x415, 1586320658394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he keeps moving the goalposts
Holy shit my sides.

>> No.31289193
Quoted by: >>31289261

Because it doesn't get posted until Amelia is streaming, you fucking retard.

>> No.31289197
File: 275 KB, 1365x2048, shark aznable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31289203
File: 293 KB, 400x400, 1589823868959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tee hee

>> No.31289202
File: 89 KB, 1627x305, 1582022918373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289274

I checked the devs discord

>> No.31289206

There's no use trying to be sensible here. These threads are the embodiment of trash and about the only thing you can pray is people to at least somewhat stick to containment

>> No.31289209

now this is my kind of doxxposting. Wish Ame and Kiara had memes like this to BTFO doxxshitters

>> No.31289211

How the fuck she doesn't know what it is?

>> No.31289213
Quoted by: >>31289249

very interesting how all these rules just happen to make it so that there are no amelia ritualposts (aside from ATTENTION) according to (You)

>> No.31289214
File: 3.14 MB, 3280x2620, Hololive polka bed smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been here for a decade but im mostly a /pol/ka so i'll get accused of being a newfag anyways

>> No.31289215
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1601522582447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well Gura, what do YOU think of 2020?

>> No.31289216

>he's still too retarded to tell what a ritualpost is
maybe lurk a bit more before you post again newfriend.

>> No.31289220
Quoted by: >>31289301

You SEAnigs got tired of shitting on KFP and are now shitting on Teamates? Yku guys are really the lowest of the low

>> No.31289221
File: 70 KB, 720x900, sexwithamemother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289268

Engineer Vtuber when...

>> No.31289225

Good for him then. I hate gosling posters.

>> No.31289229

>Falling for GayOps
shiggydiggy, teamate.

>> No.31289231
Quoted by: >>31289272

You kinda got blown the fuck out. whining about copypasta that got posted a few times, instead of shit that gets spammed at the start of every thread. Maybe take a break, kid.

>> No.31289235
Quoted by: >>31289271

So this is the power of dead takamori hours...

>> No.31289236

thanks Mori

>> No.31289238

SEA can't help themselves

>> No.31289243


>> No.31289249
Quoted by: >>31289297

Not my fault that you decide to argue about ritualposts despite not knowing what one is.

>> No.31289255
File: 24 KB, 387x387, 1588848398055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Teamates.

>> No.31289259

Too bad you're outnumbered, little bitch nigga.

>> No.31289261
Quoted by: >>31289631


>> No.31289265

Teamates are alright. Goslings though...

>> No.31289269
File: 354 KB, 763x763, 1593403547321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did we go from making fun of KFP tto making fun of Teamates?

>> No.31289268
File: 81 KB, 1000x1039, 1582991409480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for a dev holo and chat trying to backseat her code

>> No.31289270

softy anon is soft

>> No.31289271

what does that even mean, retard. If anything its Dead InAme hours

>> No.31289272
Quoted by: >>31289654

>whining about copypasta that got posted a few times
You mean like what you're doing?

>> No.31289274

ok ill reinstall after 2.0.2 is released thanks bro

>> No.31289275


>> No.31289276
File: 331 KB, 787x637, Ept-_2tVgAEOIu6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lucky creeper. Got to blow Mio

>> No.31289277

Quit shitposting you bitch, this is all your plot to destroy this place isn't it!

>> No.31289284

You know too much anon

>> No.31289291

ChumChads and DeadChads run these threads

>> No.31289293

we're making the rounds. About 5 more minutes till we get to Ina so get your shitposts ready.

>> No.31289295
Quoted by: >>31289344

Teamates have become annoying lately, all this Ame is cuter than usual spam and goslingposts, they should go outside for a bit

>> No.31289297

sure man, sure. i'm sure you're not just moving the goalposts and making up rules as you go along to ensure that only gura gets ritualposts
>a ritual post doesn't have to "take off"
>e-except all 3 of those amelia copypastas b-because since they weren't posted enough

>> No.31289301

>t. assblasted Teamate
You see the Teamate in his natural habitat, defenseless alone so he must scurry back to the crowd and cry for help

>> No.31289304

Teamates are a much easier target than KFP.
t. shitposts about both of them

>> No.31289305

Not that Anon but iirc, Matsuri and Shion did a off collab where they ate that super spicy ramen and Shion kept trying to force feed her, Matsuri actually yelled at her. Shion was definitely living up to her kusogaki status.

>> No.31289306
File: 78 KB, 850x559, __ookami_mio_hololive_drawn_by_nejime__sample-0fa78adf3e83cf44bcb17ff4635549ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio mama...

>> No.31289308

This is true

>> No.31289311

nothing is real anymore. are you even certain that you're exist in this very moment?

>> No.31289312
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1589370114174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then shouldn't they drown out all the people shitting on Teamates but in reality it's only one retard? All this for just the definition of ritual post holy shit.

>> No.31289313

What are you gonna do about it, little bitch?

>> No.31289314
Quoted by: >>31289366

I think KFPs just smelled the opportunity to direct shitflinging elsewhere so like the backstabbing faggots they are, they are now shitting on Teamates

>> No.31289325

Because they are annoying.

>> No.31289326


>> No.31289328

Next will be a roadkill

>> No.31289332

Kinda this. But then, she would be dorky enough to semi-brag about her fans.
t. Deadbeat

>> No.31289333
File: 163 KB, 1000x1636, nacho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289406

Luv me chumbuds
Luv me teamates
Luv me amesame
Luv me Nabi

'ate K*na
'ate Ut*
'ate anti-/u/schizos

Simple as

>> No.31289337
Quoted by: >>31289349

teamates really need to be knocked down a peg to be honest

>> No.31289340
File: 677 KB, 1410x2000, 7439392992190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to lay my head on Mios lap and suck on her titty while she jerks me off

>> No.31289341

Teamates are absent at these hours, they'll be back in 7hrs or so

>> No.31289342

They have the highest raw numbers and the highest proportion.

>> No.31289344
File: 1.82 MB, 474x394, 1584720424688.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrat heres your (you)

>> No.31289343
Quoted by: >>31289439

He postures threateningly but it's to hide his insecurity at being an illiterate cretin, spitting out random curse words to hide a lack of intelligence

>> No.31289351
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1608800025543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the CEO of sex now?

>> No.31289349
Quoted by: >>31289373

why do you let teamates live rent-free in your head

>> No.31289352

Amelia isn't streaming so most teamates are not here

>> No.31289356
Quoted by: >>31289439

Looks like everyone is shitting on you, goslingcuck. Where's your backup now?

>> No.31289366

Typical projecting teamate. Not everyone uses the same perfidious tactics as you pathetic little cunts.

>> No.31289367
Quoted by: >>31289410

are teacucks this retarded?

>> No.31289368

I'm not responding like a responsible t.mate

>> No.31289369
File: 29 KB, 320x327, 1605204017708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289374
File: 962 KB, 1775x1836, 1607817012210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up or i will crush your balls

>> No.31289373

He's just an assblated KFP

>> No.31289376

Ah, yes. Very original.

>> No.31289379

You better start believing in SEA hours

>> No.31289380
File: 1.14 MB, 720x720, 1608647258563.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>170 IP a thousand post in
If you don't think this is just a few people falseflagging then I dunno what to tell you.

>> No.31289395
Quoted by: >>31289476

>supposed to be a gamer
>actually a mommy and a singer

>> No.31289394

All of this started because of me. I said Polkas new song was better than Hinotori

>> No.31289396

hello calliope

>> No.31289399

Anon Mori works for free remember.

>> No.31289400
File: 356 KB, 688x500, Hololive aloe embarassed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy

>> No.31289402

This is true

>> No.31289405
File: 381 KB, 434x682, 1604221329430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289453

Aqua is cute than usual today, you should go watch her /hlgg/.

>> No.31289406

Tell your wife's daughter to stop being so tsundere to Gura.

>> No.31289410

Always was. .

>> No.31289416

>Polkas new song was better than Hinotori
But it's not, you fucking nigger?

>> No.31289419

Yeah KFPs just can't help themselves. They're the ones who ruined this thread

>> No.31289420


>> No.31289422

same and i'm not even into mommy shit, it just sounds really comfy

>> No.31289425
File: 560 KB, 725x409, Level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is at Lv 69

>> No.31289428
File: 304 KB, 2048x1479, Ep84Qb9UwAA10zp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are lovers

>> No.31289427
File: 123 KB, 366x378, 1585065966427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So people moved on from KFP vs Takos to KFP vs Teamates huh. I guess you gotta mix it up a bit.

>> No.31289429

Enjoy your used goods

>> No.31289436

>50k watching Baqua
>Gura streams barely reach that number

>> No.31289438

Hinotori makes me sleep, it has a very good verse but that's it

>> No.31289439
Quoted by: >>31289459

Are you guys gonna have a fist fight or something?

>> No.31289441

While you bitches are arguing I enjoy a comfy snek minecraft stream

>> No.31289444
Quoted by: >>31289537

And you are right. Hinotori almost feels like kiara used her position to fulfill her dream of singing a shitty anime opening, but without any of the effort that goes into singing.

>> No.31289445

no you are supposed to skip 1:45-2:03 you faggot

>> No.31289446

Nice thread you have there SEA, keep shitflinging while we enjoy our oshis

>> No.31289447

Hey, I said it was a low bar. I get some credit in this shitshow.

>> No.31289448
Quoted by: >>31289469

Keep deflecting condomate

>> No.31289451

god i wish that was a hammer and those were my balls

>> No.31289452

Do Teamates not realize this is a Suisei post?

>> No.31289453

I can't risk losing more IQ points. Her new intro during the karaoke relay took a lot out of me.

>> No.31289454

so.... is d**** d*** a nigger???

>> No.31289459

I'd wreck that fucking nerd.

>> No.31289468

of course not, but to be fair neither did i

>> No.31289469

Not even a teamate faggot

>> No.31289470
Quoted by: >>31289559

Your not wrong anon. You can tell you hit a nerve by how much they seethed.

>> No.31289472
File: 813 KB, 800x1422, 1603449220611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone please marvel at this Perfect Human

>> No.31289473
Quoted by: >>31289519

Isn't it chumbuds vs teamates right now? Interesting that the two fanbases with probably the most overlap are infighting.

>> No.31289474

t. didn't see it was a collab

>> No.31289476
File: 252 KB, 490x490, Hololive mio italian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cover in all of hololive

>> No.31289480

Teacucks just can't ever accept when they lose can they

>> No.31289482

To think if they do get in one of our own would be in Hololive

>> No.31289483

What's that even about?

>> No.31289486

I wouldnt count on that, look at Sheep original song, she sang it pretty well byt the song itself sucks

>> No.31289488
Quoted by: >>31289593

Let's see if we can come up with some excuses. How about it's was Christmas day in America and it was not in Japan?

>> No.31289489

I wanna fuck the CEO...

>> No.31289490

Suiseipost is "Suisei is cute today too" though.

>> No.31289492

You'd have to admit Polka's is less "generic". I think it simply falls on Kiara's choice of theme for the song and how quickly they got it produced.

>> No.31289495

Since the amegeddon

>> No.31289496

a nigger of nippon

>> No.31289500

If it Hinotori was so good then why are people so upset over it?

>> No.31289502
Quoted by: >>31289593

why are you conveniently igoring that its a collab? normal aqua streams barely reach 15k

>> No.31289504
Quoted by: >>31289603

It's not even a new song. It's just the full version of the original song polka revealed on her debut

>> No.31289505
File: 123 KB, 2000x1500, 1607851451256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I here instead of watching movies or something.

>> No.31289513

Can't even stand up for your oshi when challenged? Teamates really are just small and weak little faggots without their hugbox.

>> No.31289515

Anon... This is /ameg/

>> No.31289519
File: 198 KB, 501x485, 1608727081354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's seaniggers vs seaniggers, anon

>> No.31289524

Nene is for _______________(?)

>> No.31289525
Quoted by: >>31289590


>> No.31289526
File: 88 KB, 260x260, unknown~99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31289541

Doxbeats doxxing now
Doxbeats doxxing now

>> No.31289527
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1608966348015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31289528

Why even compare them? What did you have to gain?

>> No.31289529

based 35p

>> No.31289532
File: 283 KB, 1580x2048, 1608342516313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hola, amigos

>> No.31289534

Have a second monitor(or just a rectangular one), you can watch movies and shitpost at the same time.

>> No.31289537

Yeah Kiara always does her shit half assed. She only does it for the money like the prostitute she is

>> No.31289538

35p proving to be the most based as usual

>> No.31289541

But we didn't do anything.

>> No.31289548

>Perfect Human
>Left Ina in the bathtub to grab a bucket to collect it in, while Polka drank straight out of the tub while Ina was still in it
>Repeatedly asked for "Japanese greetings" in the form of being smacked in the face by Ina
>Consented to further greetings even when Polka supplied Ina with a sword

>> No.31289549

They were trying to pit KFP vs Deadbeats earlier today. Suffice it to say, that was a very quick losing battle.

>> No.31289552

I want to elite impregnate Miko

>> No.31289554

>When that 1 goslingcuck is being beaten down so hard he can't even come up with a response

>> No.31289555

inhumanly violent sexual intercourse

>> No.31289559

Yeah KFPs are as thin-skinned as they always were and are right now

>> No.31289561

>Usada Kensetsu has international employees
>Akukin focuses on Local talents
Akukin confirmed nijiniggers?

>> No.31289574
Quoted by: >>31289637

>1 gosling
Huh, I guess most Teamates are sensible enough to pick a pointless fight.

>> No.31289576

Akukin is ran by an idiot, so yes

>> No.31289580

Who are the best daughteru experiences in Hololive?

>> No.31289583

So we can all agree that Gura is not going to get an original song until there's a full gen one, right? She's just too lazy to organise this shit herself

>> No.31289586
Quoted by: >>31289637

more like i went to take a shit, because that's the only response you're warranted

>> No.31289587

>Akukin doesn't have ayame
Can't be nationalist then

>> No.31289590

Why should I need proof? I'm not even a member of Ame

>> No.31289592

Year wouldn't be the same without the yab

>> No.31289593

How come you cock suckers still fall for these bait

>> No.31289595

Polka's new song is fun. Polka oru ka~

>> No.31289596

I'm still about halfway through the thread but I think I want some (You)s too.
So imagine I posted an image titled [Your oshi's doxx]
Pretend I'm insulting your oshi's strengths and consider them irrelevant while magnifying their weaknesses.
Throw something in about your oshi destroying [Insert string] culture.
Also some comparisons with others and therefore they should just graduate now.
t.[Insert fanbase here]
p.s.[Insert random insult for a beloved holo]

>> No.31289597

I got Ollie's detatched ass for christmas what do I do with it

>> No.31289599
Quoted by: >>31289637

Why would I respond to dumb bait and a newfag who cant ignore the same dumb bait?

>> No.31289603

So Polka took the time to fully produce a song/MV and release it...

I will ask one question: What is your point?

>> No.31289605

Lamy don't fall for their tricks

>> No.31289606

Nice appealing to the majority. faggot. How can Teamates never stop running away for support. Do you even think your own thoughts without checking with someone first

>> No.31289608

35p are the strongest breed

>> No.31289610

Do you Teammates have anything better to do or do you just love falseflagging once you start getting shit on?

>> No.31289625
Quoted by: >>31289636

SEAnigs, why aren’t you targeting takodachis?

>> No.31289626

People treated like it was a brand new song

>> No.31289627

Shut up and get back to work.

>> No.31289628

It honestly shifts a lot due to timezones, when was streaming extremely late last week she barely got discussed here over Kiara's supareading/Ryza if I remember correctly

>> No.31289631
Quoted by: >>31289668

>i still don't understand what a ritual post is

>> No.31289632

A wigger

>> No.31289633


>> No.31289636
Quoted by: >>31289700

Why would they target themselves?

>> No.31289637
Quoted by: >>31289655


>> No.31289638

Teamates got so thoroughly blown the fuck out that they have to revert back to muh KFP boogeyman ruined the thread to try and drive discussion away from just how sad they are. It won't work. Everyone remembers.

>> No.31289641

>supporting local job market instead of importing cheap labor from 3rd world shitholes like ID
Akukin keisetsu is based and redpilled.

>> No.31289644

what are the chances we will get a Gura hijack in the server during the interview?

>> No.31289646

Medication can be used to treat symptoms.

>> No.31289647

I love Amelia Watson.

>> No.31289648

I miss Mio's kino gaming streams, she used to play really fucking weird and good games
Fuck you, capcom

>> No.31289649

All me. Even you're me.

>> No.31289650
Quoted by: >>31289692

Fuck you, I'm not even a Teamate but I'll take every opportunity to shit on KFP

>> No.31289654

Do you still not understand what a ritualpost is?

>> No.31289655
Quoted by: >>31289680

Teamates are not the most thin skinned fanbase, they said.

>> No.31289661

Im just sitting back laughing at this pathetic attempt. This is nothing new if you have been here in September

>> No.31289664


>> No.31289665

Whilst we're anti posting can I just say Ina sucks?
No personality, no charisma. Just a personality black hole that ruins more collabs than Mori and sucks the life out of everything. Oh she can draw? Guess what she's a streamer, drawing isn't on the resume and she draws about as good as a 12 year old so so much for that talent.

She's ruining the good name of Hololive with her worthlessness and needs to graduate asap.


>> No.31289668

i see ame is cuter than usual copypastas (the long ones) even when ame isn't streaming - in particular the time she went on a 2 day break. and according to the guy i have been arguing with, copypastas count as rituals

>> No.31289672

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.31289675

loving embrace and holding hands while taking her home then watch iCarly marathon together

>> No.31289676
Quoted by: >>31289708

What does Lamy's milk taste like?

>> No.31289677

Gura streams barely reach 30k only anon
JP >>>>>>>>> EN

dont blame on yt bug
HoloEN reclining

>> No.31289678

Hey you can't just shit on Korone out of nowhere like that.

>> No.31289679

I heard this image nanora~

>> No.31289680

The most thin-skinned fanbase here changes every day. How do you even measure that?

>> No.31289683

Why are KFP like this?

>> No.31289685

How do you do fellow /hlgg/ goers?

>> No.31289687

>Lamy's entire character in collabs has been flanderized to drunkard jokes in the span of a week
Do any of the ENs run the risk of being thoroughly flanderized like this? I thought Gura might've been but to her credit she's become really three dimensional since debut.

>> No.31289690
Quoted by: >>31289714

>he still doesn't know what a ritualpost is

>> No.31289692

cope harder condommate

>> No.31289694

Aqua average viewers:16,6
Gura average viewers: 34,4

Do not start numbefagwars you can not win /hlg/-chama

>> No.31289695
Quoted by: >>31289730

I just want to point out that, incidentally, none of the shitflingers ITT are troopas

Really makes you think about which fanbase is the most chill

>> No.31289696

>Gura has been missing since yesterday's collab where she sounded depressed as shit
>hasn't retweeted anything
>hasn't showed up in Ame's streams
>her last words were that she misses her family
Chumbros... I'm getting worried....
Did something happen to her?

>> No.31289697

This is a one word reply meant to signify that I do not care about your post but I still feel the need to give you a (You)

>> No.31289699

lunaito using a batttle cry to shut the thread up, based

>> No.31289700

Are there actually SEAnig takodachis? Ina almost always streams at literally the worst times for them.

>> No.31289702
Quoted by: >>31289791

>DD art with a few """subtle""" hints at the new persona
What's an inverse Doxxbeat called again? Come to think of it, did Meme'n'Mice have an established fan name?

>> No.31289708

Cheap liquor store canned beer

>> No.31289711

This thread reeks of seaniggers. Everyone is out for blood for nothing.

>> No.31289710

>HoloEN reclining
Daily subscriber counts speak other wise

>> No.31289714
Quoted by: >>31289776

holy shit this cope

>> No.31289716

fucking falseflagging chickencucks

>> No.31289717

Not him, but people compare songs all of the time, and not just from holo vs holo (to the point that we even compare all of Calli's releases against each other and other DD songs). It's not as if Kiara is somehow special in this regard.

>> No.31289723

yeah something happened. i happened.

>> No.31289725

it's full moon again

>> No.31289727
Quoted by: >>31289776

"y-you don't know what a ritualpost is" cried the condomate after being called out for being a hypocrite

>> No.31289728
Quoted by: >>31289770

I'm a Teamate, hi!

>> No.31289730

i am the guy arging about ritualposts and i love kooper

>> No.31289732

take your meds and your worries will disappear

>> No.31289734

>single holo threads with less than ten posts
Are we the 2hus now?

>> No.31289736
Quoted by: >>31289780

I doubt there are any. I think it's just a KFP trying to deflect

>> No.31289737

Why are takodachi like this?

>> No.31289739


>> No.31289744

All of them have that risk, they all work to avoid it though

>> No.31289748

Meanwhile Pekora's streams now barely reach 25k lmao.
Cope nutsuck.

>> No.31289749

>post bait
>reply to your own post
>wtf why are x so thin-skinned?

>> No.31289753
Quoted by: >>31289816

I feel bad for Lamy, this was blown way out of proportion for her

>> No.31289756

Deadbeat here, just wanted to mention that we chose this guy our chief spokesperson at our most recent skelection, he speaks for all of us.

>> No.31289758

>Simple text wall
>doesn't even use grorious nihongo
      あ                      ,,,z=~'゙'+''ッ彡ッ,、
      あ                    ,ィ´       "':';:;ッ;,
      あ                 , ' ゙´`゙ミ゙ッ,        "',`,
       あ              ,/     `、゙ミ         ゙:;:,
         あ           /      _ =ヾ、゙シシ=;,z,、    ゙;シ::ミ
           あ        /     ,r,´   / ´`ヽ ゛゙`    ,゙彡:ミ
               !   /    , '-、_`ヽ_/,          ミ;::彡;:
                  ,'   ,シ´`` ヽ`i`!         ,,彡;::シ:彡 
                 ;i  、(´  ̄`ヽ / '        シ:シ;:ミ::シ"
                ノ:!、  ヽ``ー =;ィ'        ,,シ:;彡;ジ
                ´:::::.ヾ.     ̄´        ' `,シミ゙
                :::::::::::::.`:ヽ、_       ...:;'_,ソ'゙''

>> No.31289759
Quoted by: >>31289799

Why do shitposters spell "teamates" as "teammates"? Wouldn't that make it easier to identify them?

>> No.31289760

fucking kfp

>> No.31289762
Quoted by: >>31289805

Which characteristics of Gura can be flanderized tho? Footfag? Lazy brat?

>> No.31289763

There's something called the teamate scale, 0-10 teamates where 10 is them all killing themselves over humanityposter and 0 is only theoretical because it has not yet been observed.

>> No.31289765

Yes, considering her family is dead.

>> No.31289767


>> No.31289769


>> No.31289770
Quoted by: >>31289833

hi teamate! on a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you hate kiara and wish she would graduate?

>> No.31289774

Turns out the only good posts ITT were by a 35p and a lunaito

>> No.31289776

I see you have run out of arguments. I accept your concession.

>> No.31289778

Anybody know if the ID2 karaoke is gonna be archived?

>> No.31289779

If that's the case thee no song is ever new because we keep using the same note and chord progression in all modern songs since the baroque era.... It's new as far as most people are concerned because they have never heard all of it. Stop trying to split hairs by changing the definition of what new means.

>> No.31289780

Deadbeatchama please...

>> No.31289784

Cumbuds suck
T. Teamate

>> No.31289787
Quoted by: >>31289814

less than 200 ips btw

>> No.31289790

Condomates suck
T. Chumbud

>> No.31289792
Quoted by: >>31289828

I liked Holmies better than teamates
Who gives a shit if some batman shooter fanbase used it first?

>> No.31289791

I have no idea who the pink-haired demon is supposed to be but she looks familiar.

>> No.31289793
Quoted by: >>31289858

The single JP that currently gets better viewer counts than Gura is Pekora. The rest still can not even barely keep up.

>> No.31289795
Quoted by: >>31289841

Sad to see that single KFP trying to stir shit against Teamates. My condolences from a fellow Chumbud

>> No.31289797

who both a teamate and a 35P here?

>> No.31289799

Because shitposters don't watch the streams and aren't actually fans of any of the girls.

>> No.31289802

Klaius finally got his Christmas present. I'm happy for him even if what he did is kind of illegal. The best way to become one with your oshi is by eating them.

>> No.31289804

I dreamt that Ame and Polka had announced doing a ASMR collab together and it felt so real so I had to get up out of bed to check if it actually was a thing or not..

>> No.31289805

Around debut people were genuinely concerned she might just be the funny meme shark girl that says 'a' sometimes, especially since she seemed so stuck in her shell during collabs. Ancient history now, though.

>> No.31289808


>> No.31289812

Me, but Im watching snek before Miko streams

>> No.31289813

imagine grabbing moona's fluffy tummy. fuck.

>> No.31289814

Oh yeah, it's some incredibly bored posters alright.

>> No.31289815
Quoted by: >>31289852

Reminder that this is the teamate who went to take a shit while waiting for more people to back him up, only to come back and find there was nobody backing him up.

>> No.31289816
Quoted by: >>31289873

what happened? she was part of an among us collab where everyone was drinking, how did that end up solely on her?

>> No.31289820
Quoted by: >>31289831

What the hell is that? A very tiny vagina?

>> No.31289823

kek, even when false flagging cumsharts and condomates are in sync

>> No.31289825
Quoted by: >>31289839

Hi discord

>> No.31289828

Because Holmies was shit and makes it sound like were a Sherlock Holmes fan club.

>> No.31289829

i would beat my dick till it fell off if that was real

>> No.31289830


>> No.31289831

It may as well be

>> No.31289833
Quoted by: >>31289862

0 I watch Kiara the most after Ame

>> No.31289834

Teamate here, since there's really nothing to talk about sell me on Miko.

>> No.31289835



>> No.31289838

It's just a fans opinion anon. But people seethe because.....

>> No.31289839
Quoted by: >>31289861

Niggers how fucking slow do you type?

>> No.31289841
Quoted by: >>31289864

Teamates deserve to be shit on at every opportunity.
t. chumbud

>> No.31289844

Obviously scripted.>>31289790>>31289784

>> No.31289850

I see

>> No.31289851

Why are they posting their navel?

>> No.31289852

fight me IRL asshole

>> No.31289858

Yeah, but to these retards, somehow getting into a stable view count after initial hype is considered "reclining"

>> No.31289861
Quoted by: >>31289920


>> No.31289862
Quoted by: >>31289945

i was expecting you to jokingly falseflag but you're actually cool and based. keep on trucking teamate

>> No.31289864

I can see your feathers KFP

>> No.31289868

Towa baby again for fucks sake

>> No.31289871

Pikamee has been streaming for 10

Dead hours wouldn't even be a thing if all of you joined the pikarmy dayo

>> No.31289873
Quoted by: >>31290027

It happened slightly before that, I think it spread after the duck accused her of drinking too much. She was just too defensive so people stated teasing her

>> No.31289875

>Tummyposting holos

>> No.31289877

it's pretty obviously one guy with his phone and laptop, he's been shitting up most of the thread with his two posts every minute shtick

>> No.31289880

for me

>> No.31289881
Quoted by: >>31289928


>> No.31289883

oops sorry this was meant for another post.

>> No.31289890

Tell me when Shion follow suit

>> No.31289896

Fucking nice

>> No.31289903

Just wondering, who else is part of Usada Kensetsu aside from Moona. did Coco officially join them?

>> No.31289907

Ultra giga super hyper premium Nenechi doing her Akukin Kensetsu job interview right now, wish her luck!

>> No.31289911

I don't know but nobody stop them

>> No.31289913
Quoted by: >>31289969

t. deadbeat

>> No.31289914

Is this how schizos reporduce? Just keep throwing more and more shit until sensible posters also become schizos from overexposure?

>> No.31289915

Tell me more!

>> No.31289919
Quoted by: >>31289964

>Sora in Baqua's chat
Someone please become her friend....an employee is fine too

>> No.31289920

I posted >>31289790 like15 seconds after, how the fuck is that in sync?

>> No.31289928

I want to lick

>> No.31289927

I wish I had your dreams

>> No.31289929

some people just temporarily turn into schizos because they're bored

>> No.31289930

Anon the IP count is not even at 200 and the thread is about to end. Anybody sensible enough just evacuated.

>> No.31289932

Yeah. Which is why it's important to take breaks from these threads.

>> No.31289933

just woke up and saw hologram circus. Holy shit its so good

>> No.31289938
Quoted by: >>31289967

Hinotori is better

>> No.31289942

It's just fucking teamates falseflagging as KFP falseflagging as deadbeats falseflagging as chumbuds. What the fuck?

>> No.31289945
Quoted by: >>31290007

Nah I don't get what the schizos aim to achieve but even if everyone here hates every single Teamate, I will still keep supporting the girls, and keep saying that Ame is cute

>> No.31289947

Pekora 46556
Gura 46055
Marine 27882
Korone 25240
Miko 24040
Aqua 23494
Ayame 22959
Shion 22819
Amelia 21679
Ina 20493

Pekora 35771
Gura 25490
Marine 23740
Aqua 22104
Korone 18760
Ayame 15553
Miko 14562
Ina 14394
Rushia 13334
Shion 12986

Gura 46055 -> 25490
Ame 21679 -> 10k???
Ina 20493 -> 14394


>> No.31289952

>Deadbeats because they defend everything mori does
>Chumbuds because they are literally children
>Tentacultists because they are not used to getting shit on
>KFP because they are a cult and thinks all antis are trannies
We have completed the cycle. Now its teammates turn.

>> No.31289953
Quoted by: >>31290008

Hinotori is the greatest song ever made.

>> No.31289956

>from 70k to 25k
Fellow nousagi... what the fuck went so wrong?
Why is Pekora reclining? Why did people drop her so hard after mom stream?
I am literally shaking right now....

>> No.31289957

Yes best clown delivered. Ignore the Hinotori seething.

>> No.31289961

How do you think it compares to, say, Hinotori?

>> No.31289964

She has Iofi as a little sister now.

>> No.31289967
Quoted by: >>31290013

>KFPs are this delusional

>> No.31289968

aw, that was so nice of her :(

>> No.31289969

Mori, your meds...

>> No.31289972

it's just not the same after the yab...

>> No.31289973
Quoted by: >>31289982

* * * did anything interesting happen in these threads?

>> No.31289974

I think there was some risk of that happening to Watson but shes avoided it.

>> No.31289977

Thoughts on Hinotori?

>> No.31289979
Quoted by: >>31290229

why is everyone reclining...

>> No.31289982


>> No.31289983

It's worse than Hinotori.

>> No.31289984
Quoted by: >>31290031

>Ame 10k
Still too high

>> No.31289987

Watch snek

>> No.31289990

Nobody's reclining, youtube is just shitting on holos.

>> No.31289991

woaaaahhhhh so EN espicially gura had to graduate right??? righhttt???

>> No.31289992
Quoted by: >>31290041

>PPT got 20k playing mc for an hour
So is the bug finally fixed? Thank fucking god

>> No.31289993

You guys suck
t. Deadbeat, Chumbud, Teamate, KFP, Takodachi

>> No.31289995

Fuck that really pulls at my heart strings.

>> No.31289996
Quoted by: >>31290024

I've never even listened to kiaras shitty song

>> No.31290006

why are nousagis like this

>> No.31290007

I also don't...really get it...
Like okay worst fanbase superestablished, etc, etc
I remember when that happened to kenzokus in /hlg/ and towaposting only inclined
Or is that the goal?

>> No.31290008

KFPs sre so insecure that they have to bring up that song again because Polkas song got mentioned again.

>> No.31290010
Quoted by: >>31290062

No, anon. What >>31289603 was saying was that it wasn't a new song release. What I asked him was what he was trying to get at.

Holo5 and HoloMyth are from the same relative time period and Polka had a song from her debut, but that doesn't somehow disqualify this song as being good, even if some people were under the false impression that it was a new release. It just is a better produced song overall.

>> No.31290012


>> No.31290013
Quoted by: >>31290054

>teamates are baited this easily
Just stop biting

>> No.31290014

I like Hologram Circus and Hinotori.

>> No.31290021

meanwhil Jun always get 50k....


>> No.31290024

you should really give it a try anon i showed it to all my closest friends and they all loved it

>> No.31290025

>Your oshi
>One thing you'd do to magically improve /hlgg/

>> No.31290027

The baby stream with Miko, Luna and Marine seemed to be when it really kicked off. Like, it is fairly funny, but the JP Holos have the tendency to run a joke into the ground. Then again, like chat like streamer.

>> No.31290030

Kill all teamates

>> No.31290031
Quoted by: >>31290069

Lmao from 20k to kiara numbers

>> No.31290033

Mori you cant save these threads

>> No.31290034

why cant we just enjoy our chuubas together?

>> No.31290035
Quoted by: >>31290127

Kill all KFPs

>> No.31290037
Quoted by: >>31290127

Kill all chumsharts

>> No.31290039

Teamatechama, stop taking the bait please.

>> No.31290041

It will never be fixed because it is a "feature"now

>> No.31290044

falseflagger nutsacki

>> No.31290046
Quoted by: >>31290101

I'm replying to this bait so you faggots don't have to

>> No.31290047

only 2 containment threads
mod monitoring

>> No.31290050

>Bring back the holostar posters

>> No.31290053

Why are you asking in the global thread?

>> No.31290052

Kill all Deadbeats

>> No.31290054

Is this a trial by fire?

>> No.31290056

I watch those just to see how the bimbofication is progressing.

>> No.31290058

Kill all chumsharts

>> No.31290059

Force all Deadbeats to fight each other to the death.

>> No.31290061

Kill all teamates

>> No.31290062

Agreed lets just leave the Hinotori fags to seethe in their own deep fryers.

>> No.31290064

delete the thread

>> No.31290065
Quoted by: >>31290204

Youtube bug only affects maybe like 20% of views. Doesn't explain the drop from 75k to 25k.
I think nousaigs just grew bored of Pekora after she finally did her meme mom stream.

>> No.31290069


>> No.31290071
Quoted by: >>31290127

Kill all deadbeats

>> No.31290070

threadwide orgy

>> No.31290072
Quoted by: >>31290112

@the_new_ones on twitter
it's the SEAnig that sent ame some ameggedon coupons

>> No.31290073

Turn everyone into KFP

>> No.31290074
Quoted by: >>31290127

Kill all takotrannies

>> No.31290075

Is snek migakuing her eigo again

>It's minecraft


>> No.31290077
Quoted by: >>31290217

I haven't been here in weeks, the absolute state of this thread and this whole board. Dead hours were never this bad before, literally 4/5 posts is some retard trying to stir shit up.

>> No.31290079

bring back sharkmeido

>> No.31290082

Anyone mention blue Ame yet?

>> No.31290083

love you all

>> No.31290084

somehow, having a unity thread really make nutsackis seethe huh?

>> No.31290085

State enforced Unity

>> No.31290087

Imagine engaging in fanbase wars lmao
You're all a bunch of tumblrites

>> No.31290090

How hard were SEAniggers seething during Gura's poem yesterday?

The thread is dying so I will just add fuel to this shitshow.

>> No.31290095

Kill all chumbuds

>> No.31290096

Just have the two threads like before.

>> No.31290100

which state tho?

>> No.31290101

To late, this is falseflaggers general

>> No.31290102

Kill nijisanji

>> No.31290104

She ended the collab stream happy, she did retweet a whole bunch of stuff, her last words were not about her family.
Your post is full of lies, anon.

>> No.31290109

wow rude

>> No.31290112

I can't believe takodachi would doxx some poor guy like this.

>> No.31290113

>Janies should let every Holo have their own thread.

>> No.31290114
Quoted by: >>31290148


>> No.31290116
Quoted by: >>31290168

Force EN to have at least one person streaming at any point in the day

>> No.31290117

>shitposters, falseflaggers, and antis shot on sight or detained and sentenced to death

>> No.31290120

Return to status quo ante Holofes, also more meidos

>> No.31290122

gas all KFP

>> No.31290123

Ban all the retards that give attention to obvious bait/falseflagging/doxxing

>> No.31290125
Quoted by: >>31290162

Stop bickering like bimbos and tell me which holo has the most pungent musk!

>> No.31290124

you just get baited by nutsacki falseflagger man

>> No.31290127
Quoted by: >>31290176


>> No.31290126

t. deadbeat

>> No.31290128

Kill everyone here except me

>> No.31290132

It's going to get worse. The holo's appeal way too much too men. The google diversity team won't let that stand. They will be downgraded and replaced with trannies and niggers.

>> No.31290134

Hey chumbuds, you're alright. I'd spitroast Gura with you.

t. eamate

>> No.31290137

Kill all Homosharts

>> No.31290138
Quoted by: >>31290166

>complains about fanbase wars
>engages in a fanbase war

>> No.31290142


>> No.31290144


>> No.31290148


>> No.31290149


>> No.31290155

Remember /hlgg/. You're ugly.

>> No.31290156

close the thread

>> No.31290162


>> No.31290165

always at this time huh, good job nutsackis

>> No.31290166


>> No.31290167

I know :(

>> No.31290169

JP is reclining as well tho

>> No.31290168

35p right once again

>> No.31290170
Quoted by: >>31290208

Watson bitch has no respect. Always "haachama" but never "haachama senpai" dumb bitch shouldve stayed at twitch. Teamates better punch some sense into their dog fucking oshi

>> No.31290172

why are jews like this?

>> No.31290175

Thanks, I'll join your gay orgy next time
t. Chumbud

>> No.31290176

all me

>> No.31290178

You know the drill "they secretly hate each other"

>> No.31290179

fix image limit

>> No.31290184

Even if it's the truth, you shouldn't say it.

>> No.31290189

Force everyone to learn Japanese.

>> No.31290193

Based Engie poster.

>> No.31290198

Nuke this thread for starters. Move to a different world line. Or range ban.

>> No.31290200

Teammates just can't live without their hugbox. Very sad.

>> No.31290199

Should've expected this from a "Watson Whore"

>> No.31290202
Quoted by: >>31290233

Mori, this is what happens if you don't stream one day. This is all your fault

>> No.31290203

awesome. i'd DP ame with you and let you choose which hole you want first

t. chumbud

>> No.31290204

Pekomom > Pekora

>> No.31290207

i guess some of you are alright, condomates

>> No.31290208
Quoted by: >>31290239

Haachama = Haato-chan-san

-san and -senpai is redundant

>> No.31290212

you know what those nutsackis do anon, falseflagging and numberfagging

>> No.31290213

The royal state anon

>> No.31290214

This thread was fun

>> No.31290215

i'm not i've just gotten a bit fat

>> No.31290216

I wouldn't be surprised that Google messed with their algorithm to reduce Holo streams, due to the normalfags complaining.

>> No.31290217

We're a full on shitshow now with all this bait, counterbait, and probably masterbaiting going on at this moment localised entirely inside this thread.

>> No.31290224

Last for gura!

>> No.31290228

The absolute state of this thread

>> No.31290229

Youtube bug

>> No.31290233

but she did stream today kek

>> No.31290234


>> No.31290235
File: 387 KB, 646x647, 1605077012269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31290237


>> No.31290238


>> No.31290239

Haachama = Haato-sama actually
