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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 135 KB, 750x298, 20201223_224816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31214038 No.31214038 [Reply] [Original]

So there is no hope left
There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

>> No.31214335

now now, chin up there is always hope.
merry xmas to you too anon.

>> No.31214402

Imagine becoming suicidal over a mongolian basket weaving board

>> No.31214499

no one claimed to be suicidal, just depressed, but yeah nothing is lost yet.

>> No.31214581 [DELETED] 

Our crown...
We could have reigned a while longer... but now it's all over...

>> No.31214611

try harder holofag

>> No.31214634

stop falseflagging /qa/ faggot.

>> No.31214654

you could have it all... my empire of dirt...

>> No.31214657

homovan more like homovan

>> No.31214668

Imagine having a mental breakdown because there's another fanbase making threads on the same board as you
Mental illness

>> No.31214689

It is like boxxy all over again!

>> No.31214716

back to /qa/

>> No.31214724

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>> No.31214737

imagine using your life shitposting on mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.31214738

Back to /a/

>> No.31214785

Same bro, same

>> No.31214839 [DELETED] 


>> No.31215068
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>> No.31215115

I wouldn't say I'm suicidal but I wouldn't say I'm super enthusiastic about not dying either , which is why I've been downing xanax and whiskey in an attempt to try to sleep off this terrible year. I know I probably shouldn't be mixing these things but xanax alone isnt doing it and being lucid is too painful.

>> No.31215119

korax > you

>> No.31215160

Death won't become a daily reality until you get older.

>> No.31215328

anon, that is easily one of the most dangerous drug combos you could possibly do. seriously, you won't last much longer with that habit going.

>> No.31215387
File: 104 KB, 524x580, 1607627540658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It appears to me that we share the same space of threads with non-touhou topics as in 2014.
There is nothing to be worried about, it is not like we can't just make new threads whenever we please (something that the generalcancer forgot they can do as well)

>> No.31215414
File: 1.19 MB, 800x2031, 1604966720331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well what about just drinking and not taking meds,
i mean its not most healthy habit but thats what i prety much do, well time to time, drinking soft drinks enough to relax and minimize using any meds since well they can have various effects in long run and they are probably far worse to your liver than some beers now and then.

>> No.31215651
File: 363 KB, 992x992, 12542623763738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently mixing pic related to water since i dont have anything else to mix it in and dont want to just rush to drunken state, had few beers earlier but run out.

>> No.31216078 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 550x440, smug gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally killing yourself because of holos

kek, fucking tranny

>> No.31216234

Around 2005-2006 Proto1 used to say fill a bowl up with gummie bears and 100 proof vodka before you go to bed and then eat it in the morning like cereal.

>> No.31216239

Stop crying, I'm sure the mods will let you have a few of your usual imagedumps.

>> No.31224348

Currently out of both any alcohol or stims because I'm at my parent's place.
It's times like this that make me realize how uninspiring sober reality tends to be. No wonder I've spent so much time on imageboards over the decade.

>> No.31224847

my salmiakki brother

>> No.31233042

We win this, Touhou fags can make their own games, fan anime, music and other shit, while holo fags are talentless (I mean the simps, the girls are fine) and only know how to simp.

>> No.31234754

Imageboards do not tend to attract OC posters on average, compared to virtually any site that lets you have an account to curate/link your work.
Not to say it doesn't exist (see /ic/, drawthreads, etc.), but most creative stuff on imageboards of effort are reposts. So OC doesn't factor too much into it relative to popularity.

>> No.31246617

You'll never be an Otaku.

>> No.31246864
File: 17 KB, 250x188, 1608907271764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31247120

I don't think being depressed redditor simps are invading the place you've been posting on for years has been added to the latest DSM yet.

>> No.31247168

have sex

>> No.31247508

Imagine having s*x with 3DPDs.
Do holosimps really?

>> No.31247604

go back, retard

>> No.31247676

I don't take orders from simps.

>> No.31247711

nice /v/ buzzwords

>> No.31247873
File: 94 KB, 1169x1000, sample-2e5c19be670807935c41ed8ce3f38a4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is probably some cosmic karma for all the fucked up things we've watched happen to your waifus

>> No.31248191

/v/eddit normalfags deserve the neck

>> No.31248289

nigger you say that shit all the time, and you actually mean it

>> No.31248688

I've never had a problem with touhoufags but according to the oast few days, I've came to the conclusion that all of them are disguised redditors who want a hugbox. This doesn't belong on this site. Sorry.

>> No.31248869

(You) don't belong to this Earth, go kill yourself.

>> No.31248968

Can't you all just be grateful you had a board specifically created for your use in the beginning? Greedy bastards

>> No.31249040

Nobody asked for your opinion

>> No.31249281

Yeah but you're getting it anyway, it's a Christmas gift from me to you so smile and accept it

>> No.31254384

I watch gore featuring Touhou characters so what?

>> No.31254431

Now you're gonna watch /jp/ get vored by /v/ermin. Thanks faggot.

>> No.31254658

You deserve this

>> No.31254888

can someone give me a brief summary of this board's history, how it became /2hu/ and why it's important that this culture stays?

>> No.31255348

lurk for at least 2 years

>> No.31255842

>became /2hu/
It was always

>> No.31257874

>Guy genuinely inquiring how to keep board culture alive
>"lurk more"
Enjoy your Hololive takeover 2hukeks

>> No.31257934

You cannot read between the lines, anon.

>> No.31258012

not him, get functioning eyeballs and notice he's asking why board culture is important in the first place, also instead of explaining yourself you decided to be a cunt instead

>> No.31258239

It's over, where's the /jp/ Fuhrerbunker?

>> No.31258923

Some anon said he will create a new imageboard in 2021. I also saw some posters lurking in desuchan's touhou board.

>> No.31258932

see >>31110762

>> No.31258959


>> No.31259215

>Inuyasha yaoi fangirls
I miss when that kind of stuff was the most rage-worthy thing on the internet.

>> No.31259406

Short version is
/jp/ gets created because mootykins got mad about the constant touhou hijacks and various other things clogging the board like idols, VNs and such.
/jp/ gets all the stuff that was on /a/ that wasn't /a/ moved there.
The board from there develops on its own into what you see today, with the past 4 or so years being the aftermath of ongoing conflict between shitposters and the moderation team.
From 2008 onward, you could say "/jp/ was good" even though "/jp/ was never good"
~2011 is where a bulk of the memes come from with meido doing her job for an hour and then leaving for weeks with dick threads staying up for weeks on end even though /jp/ was a blue board. Even now, you can look in the archives back then and find porn that wasn't deleted if you don't have to sift through mass amounts of tripfag posts. Those ages are the most iconic as /jp/ then was about the same as December 23rd. Fast, unusable, filled with spam and occasional arguing with shitposts sprinkled inbetween like niggy who often shat on the janitor with funny comments, if you got his humor. The spam also included several other little groups I won't mention, but lets say the archive was one of them. From 12-14, I would say things were dying down. and sometime around 16 was about the last you saw of things before the board calmed down ~2018 before 4chan split from 4chan to 4channel which brought more than just a surface transition, including the shit from February this year where entire IP ranges got blocked from posting because some Aussies decided to post "illegal content" which ended up being one of the few times I saw activity on this board diminish after it had been slowing down for a year or so without spammers coming to the board to slide threads into the archive or cause discourse.
Now note, aside form all of this, touhou existed inbetween in majority. If you didn't have a Sonic Thread, you had some other threads like an im@s thread, or some J-Idol thread and then a bunch of other touhou threads.
If you weren't shitposting about /jp/ or jacking off tripfags, you were posting about touhou, or jacking off a bunch of tripfags who bothered to talk about it.
Asking whether it should stay is like asking if you need a second wheel on a bike, or a third and fourth wheel on a car. It's like asking if you need a lock on your door in a dangerous neighborhood. It's like asking if you need a harness as you hike up the side of a mountain. It was always here in one form or another.

Even if nobody else wants to say it, I will. Aside from that, lurk 2 years before posting. The archives have been around for years. The posts are all still there. If you want to know what /jp/ was truly like in the old days, search before 2014. If you want to know what /jp/ was like before this mess, search before February 2nd, 2020. If you want to know what early /jp/ was like, search from the 20th of 2008 up to about 2010ish. /jp/ might have been getting worse, but it got worse in the sense that post quality worsened to elitists, or there weren't enough shitposts. Not enough meaning entire pages weren't filled wall to wall with shitposts that meido deleted only days after them being reported.
/jp/ has seen several invasions, but this was the worst by far. It might be THE worst. /jp/ is majority touhou, but that does not mean culture has not been curated for over a decade. There are several other things that have withstood the test of time here on this board, and the last 4 or so years have been preservation of culture. Something that cannot be said for many other boards on this site. /jp/ does sometimes leak one or two posters to other boards, but for the most part, this board keeps to itself. This is not a board you can just come to and start shitposting. You will not understand everything day one. That is half the reason why you are told to lurk 2 years before posting, because after that, you actually understand even just a few recent posts and the occasional old post that comes a couple times a year. There was one recently, but its life got cut short just a few weeks ago. /jp/ sees more traffic towards winter because it's a sacred time for the board. Posters come here after years of absene, only to find it in a similar condition as they left it. The board is as they remember. Touhou dumps, enerals, shitposts and overall taking it easy in other threads.

This board was formed from the day it was created due to the lack of constant moderation /a/ has. This board turned out how it did prior to 2020 because the posters who frequented it molded this board. They created the culture, they made a majority of the heritage posts you see. They're the reason why you see "who are you quoting" or "die teen" every so often. That is /jp/.
If you don't want to see something, filters are there for you. The reason why nobody threw a fit THIS BAD in the past is because the status quo worked and everyone knew one another and had for 10+ years.

>> No.31259665

>/jp/ has seen several invasions, but this was the worst by far. It might be THE worst.
Because it's not a mere invasion. It's a full-fledged shift in demographics and board purpose. Invasions don't max out several threads with 1500+ posts in an hour each, there's no point telling them to "preserve /jp/ culture" or when they brought their own d*scord and tw*tch cultures.

>> No.31259778

The most pathetic thing about /jp/ is that I was only a regular in 2011-2013 but I still understand every single meme that is posted here and the entire posting style. Only the munching meme is new. It's been 8 years and there is still always an ohayou thread up. What is wrong with you fuckers? Do you never get bored of doing the same shit every day? The reason I stopped being a regular is that I developed other interests.

>> No.31259793

There are so many things you can find out if you just lurk. You can search the archives. You can see the spam of the old age. You can see the tripfags, the posts about meido. It's all there if you take the time to look.
You can see the banned threads, you can see the dangerous shit /jp/ had on there. You can see how everyone mostly kept to themselves and shared with others. You can see a majority of the posts being "sage" and you can even see how the board developed year over year in some time.
The only thing that changed is a few years, and people were content posting as they always have. There are posters that hate generals, there are others that don't care that they're there.
Unless you're willing to make a separate board for it, don't change /jp/ because it is a terrible idea. People will get angry, and you will spark another shitpost era with posters actively motivated with battling it out just as they did years ago.

That again leads to the argument of making a separate board. They want unison when they bring chaos to other threads.

>> No.31259823
File: 69 KB, 614x575, 952ba4e8f9b164c86855d44f5ead4411ed59ad4f542279ebe7205cccf1fc4c42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

important to mention when they took sage from us

>> No.31259979

>there is still always an ohayou thread up.
you can thank the japanese for that, they shit out so many new gyate edits that the thread always has new content

>> No.31260043

I'm not motivated enough to create new memes/oc. Maybe after the teen raid.

>> No.31260046
File: 439 KB, 645x582, 1607455549090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh the pepeloni, pepeloni. you know the pepeloni? the nooo one. i always, i always order the, the domino. domino pepeloni and without pepeloni. i always order the pepeloni and without pepeloni. pepeloni! i like pepeloni, yeah. i always, i always order the, the cheese- cheese pan. ahh how can i explain? i can explain by my drawing! i always order like the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, this part, the ear. ear of pizza. and then, i order- wh- when i order pepeloni, the ear- it always have a pepeloni on h- on a top, but i pick up these... away! cause i don't eat it. and then i eat the cheese pan pizza. okay? you understand? understandable! pepeloni! yes.

>> No.31260235
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>> No.31260453 [DELETED] 

I am honestly against the invasion of /jp/, especially because I'm enjoying some of the smaller communities here, but this post is just embarrassing and I'm glad that your 'culture', which basically nothing else, but shitposting, horny imagedumping and in some threads, practically RPing, is dying. The so called 'culture' of /jp/ isn't any better than the culture of /trash/, you're just shitting out the same kind of worthless spam threads since a decade. It's not a 'culture', it's just your pathetic hugbox. Time to grow up and be a bit objective instead of nostalgic.

>> No.31260568 [DELETED] 

Dangerously based post. The sheer irony of 2hufags complaining about this is that the "culture" they're trying to protect is a thousand times more cancerous and cringy than any of the hololive stuff I've ever seen posted. No one will weep for them.

>> No.31260628

holy kek. owned. put me in the screenshot
hi discord!

i've been on this sub for 12 years btw

>> No.31260640

Did Mori Calliope fart in the toilet?

>> No.31260645

>basically nothing else, but shitposting, horny imagedumping and in some threads, practically RPing
lurk more

>> No.31260704

I see, so you have no rebuttal. Understandable.

>> No.31260782

I was really pissed off at the start of this but now I've realized that it's not as bad as I thought, as long as mods stop allowing such obvious falseflagging spam (both for vtuber threads and for touhou threads) out of pure spite for the board. Every fucking thing about this entire situation feels like a fabricated fanbase war made by people who despise this board, to the point that it felt like someone was going through a list of vtubers and making one (or more) thread for each one of them just to flood the board and then someone started spamming Touhou threads in "retaliation", making the problem much worse.
Still, fuck, the genuine holofags were satisfied with only having their two chatroom generals so there was no need to change anything, this entire incident only happened because of an ill-intentioned mod (ON FUCKING CHRISTMAS, MIGHT I ADD) and his raid of /qa/ncerous drones. I wish justice was passed on him for this shit. That's all I want.
Also kill yourself.

>> No.31260866

He's correct though. You'd get the same if those threads weren't constant drama and fighting as it has been seen in one of them already.

>> No.31260904

What are the chances of them just making a new board for vtuber shit? If they did it for ponies and pokemon they can do it for this, I'd think.

>> No.31260938

That would be the best idea that solves all issues, but mods aren't interested in solving issues. They want to create more instead.

>> No.31260961 [DELETED] 

Someone suggested the feedback box. I guess that's your only option.

>> No.31260979

It's not going to happen. They don't care about this board, this is already the containment board. Welcome to the new /jp/.

>> No.31261004

I joined a month ago and even I know that there's more to /jp/ than that
-Lore threads
-Gameplay threads
-Higurashi threads but good
-OC/drawfag threads

all of this will die thanks to virtual niggers

>> No.31261019

I think it might actually go in that direction. Go to /qa/ and see what it looks like at the moment.

>> No.31261023

Why would they? Vtubers are otaku culture now whether you like it or not. This isn't /2hu/, it's /jp/. 2hus are the old fading otaku fad, vtubers are the new one, but both of them are otaku fads that go on this board.

>> No.31261036

At this point saying /jp/ is better than /v/ isn't true.
This post is pretty hilarious considering the content invading has no other content to offer other than horny imagedumping.
when the fuck did /jp/sies RP?

>> No.31261047

Ah, so Vtubers are already fading? Wonderful!

>> No.31261060

Then Pokemon should be on /v/ and Ponies should be on /co/. Your logic is bullshit.

>> No.31261068

funny how they post western vtubers on /jp/ then

>> No.31261072

/qa/ncer, please go 12 years back in time and lurk more before trying to make any argument.

>> No.31261089

how is this
I imagine it tastes like Jager is that close at all?

>> No.31261096

For every one of those you listed there are a hundred of the following
-would her farts drive you crazy?
-licking cirnos feet!
-stop talking about breeding with youkai!


If your threads are so dead they can't survive, then they don't deserve to survive. That's the whole fucking point of the futaba image board style. Content that attracts attention stays afloat at the top, niche shit that no one cares about sinks to the bottom. Natural selection.

>> No.31261100

>Vtubers are otaku culture now whether you like it or not
So are anime, cosplay and Japanese vidya.

>> No.31261130

MTA, Elona, gikpoi, OC/drawfag threads, VNs, J-Music, etc.. These are just a few examples. Lurk more and you will find /jp/'s hidden treasures.

>> No.31261139

They don't, those were moved to /trash/. HoloEN don't count, they work for a japanese company, collab with their japanese senpais, follow japanese idol culture to an extent, and are all learning to/already speak some amount of nihongo.

>> No.31261148

I think he means the "I want <situation>" which often only includes exclamation marks or question marks. Never periods.
It happened in the past, but for the most part, it resurfaced for getting your thoughts down or creating an image.

"Calling Chihaya a boy even though she corrects you! Laughing internally as you continue to make the mistake intentionally as she viably becomes more and more annoyed! Referring to her as a girl when talking to everyone else!" I never took it seriously.

>> No.31261173

>natural selection
nothing natural about how mods dealt with this

>> No.31261182

It's not 12 years ago you boomer faggot. Times change.

>> No.31261189

The existence of shit threads doesn't invalidate others.
Hence why boards are separated in order to maintain those niche content, even if they technically can be in one board.
This is some Reddit-tier argument where the upvoted should be front and center because it has the most validation.

>> No.31261212


>> No.31261221

On the contrary, reddit seems more your speed. There you can make a heavily moderated 2hu subreddit that only posts the content you want to see, and live in your little echo chamber forever where you can downvote all the people who mention vtubers.

>> No.31261230

That's just a style of shitposting. RPing is something else entirely and requires multiple people to join in on the bullshit.

>> No.31261237

They don't, really. Not even the people you insist that are on your side agree with you. You're only trying to destroy everything on Christmas because you're a faggot who's incapable of enjoying anything.

>> No.31261246

The problem with the vtuber threads isn't that they exist, but that there are so many of them that it kills off our more niche threads. I don't care if people talk about vtubers, but if it destroys everything else it needs to go somewhere else.

>> No.31261257

But it is. Mods were unnaturally constraining the board before by nuking all vtuber threads except for specific ones following some unspoken, unwritten rules that didn't even make sense. Now they let things take their natural course.

>> No.31261285

>MTA, Elona, gikpoi, OC/drawfag threads, VNs, J-Music, etc.. These are just a few examples. Lurk more and you will find /jp/'s hidden treasures.
All of these threads have to get bumped several times a day just to survive the vt*ber onslaught, it wasn't like that before this month...

>> No.31261296

Nice exaggeration of my argument.

>> No.31261309

You guys killed one of your own niche threads when OP made this shitty complaining meta thread. If you just chill out for a few days it will die down, half the vtuber threads being made are just for the novelty of it or are literally /qa/ raiders. The holos will get bored and go back to their generals, most of them already have.

>> No.31261333

>You guys killed one of your own niche
I don't give a fuck what you have to say about it if you aren't from here. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.31261339
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31261371

>nooo! you can't complain!
People make these threads because they know that their threads will die anyway

>> No.31261388

But anon, I literally said that I have no problem with smaller communities, but don't even try to hide behind them, you don't consider most of those part of your pseudo elitist /jp/ culture at all. Your /jp/ 'culture' is the Touhou threads and maybe the japanese bird cooking spaghetti.
Frankly speaking if I were the admin of the side, I'd leave this board for the actually worthwhile threads and make a completely new one for the vtuber AND the touhoufags, let them kill each other. Because those threads, I mean the individual character threads, aren't that different actually. Neither has real discussion and just shit up the catalog. Being proud of that is no different than being proud of watching vtubers.

>> No.31261404

If you were actually an admin of any intellect you'd just migrate the threads to /c/ or /e/.

>> No.31261419

I've been here since September and will continue to be here as long as vtubers are, cry about it.

>> No.31261441

imagine coming to /jp/ and complaining about imagedumps
there's no helping for these newfags, at this point I'd prefer /v/fags

>> No.31261443

And he's not even an actual vtuber fan, he's just some faggot that got into it when the EOP version came out. What a joke.

>> No.31261474

Holy shit, what a disgusting hypocrisy.

>> No.31261476

I'm not sure how that makes me "not an actual vtuber fan" lmao. They are literally vtubers and I am a fan of them. You have issues.

>> No.31261479

>you don't consider most of those part of your pseudo elitist /jp/ culture at all
You clearly have been here for approximately 5 minutes if you legitimately think this.
Also trying if you think making a Touhou/Holo board to "let them kill each other" would be hilarious. Not because it'd be fun to watch the arguments. but because 2hufags would just immediately leave the board because there's 20 other boards that accept 2hufaggotry and none that accept Holofaggotry.

>> No.31261486

You're a normalfag with a new meme to play with.

>> No.31261491

If you were the admin your site would be shit for pseudo-intellectuals who think themselves are very serious and mature and nobody would use it. All of /jp/'s current problems are obvious, they've been mentioned multiple times, and the solutions for them have also been mentioned multiple times. Trying to argue about changing the board won't ever do anything other than expose how you aren't familar with it so please just stop.

>> No.31261493

I am part of the gameplay and lore communities, I don't post in the imagedumps. Every good board has 90% shit and 10% gems that's how it's always been. Now you're spilling even more shit into the board and killing the gems.

You should just make an eceleb board and fix 5000 problems at once

>> No.31261509

Then might as well just go to /v/ or /vg/, considering the fact that Touhou is a videogame.

>> No.31261511

Better than being an autistic basement dweller who throws a shitfit about his mongolian basket weaving 2hu shitpost board having to share catalog space with some other nerd shit now.

>> No.31261531

Yeah how dare people who enjoy a community dislike when someone who never belonged in it tries to change it.

>> No.31261534

Can you give me one reason why I should follow that suggestion?

>> No.31261535

>All of /jp/'s current problems are obvious
Only a vocal minority of autists consider them problems. Most of us don't care. Your dead 2huthreads are worthless.

>> No.31261542

>with some other nerd shit now.
What "nerd shit"? you're just part of another normalfag fad.

>> No.31261600

>You clearly have been here for approximately 5 minutes if you legitimately think this.
The person whom I initially replied to suggested this in his wall of text because everything besides touhou was a little side note and nothing else.
>there's 20 other boards that accept 2hufaggotry
Then what's your problem? Just go there.
Again, no rebuttal at all.
>Every good board has 90% shit and 10% gems
I agree with this one. Thankfully, 1 or 2 hololive and 1 or 2 touhou thread could fit in that 10%, everything else should be purged.
Because you said you would prefer that? Than just do it.

>> No.31261608

4chan isn't your secret clubhouse anon, and the irony of you calling this place a "community" when it's a cancer containment board that was made just to stop you autists from spamming your shit on better boards is fucking delicious. You're tasting your own medicine now.

>> No.31261615
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This is just reminding me of those days in 2013-14 except a bit more hectic.
I can't wait to see what happens 2 or 3 years from now. The smug, I can already feel it in me.

>> No.31261620

>but don't even try to hide behind them
"smaller communities" are part of our culture you idiot. WE are the ones that made those threads and post in them.

>> No.31261626

You've posted this 50 times in the last 2 days anon

>> No.31261639

And this mentality is why never you ever say in your entire life will never be worth anything.
Merry Christmas.

>> No.31261645

How so

>> No.31261654

This is just straight up lying at this point.

>> No.31261668

>2 or 3 years from now
give it a few days

>> No.31261690

You're fucking retarded holy shit.

>> No.31261709
File: 200 KB, 1024x1259, reimu_and_marisa_christmas_by_dehdb_d6z1m3n-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just proved yourself as a tranny and or 12 year old. I blame ecelebs for this shit

Merry christmas

>> No.31261745

Stop replying to me if you can't say anything worthwhile. I know it would be something entirely new thing to you, but we, in the hololive threads, have real discussions sometimes unlike your spam threads. This is the new /jp/ culture, friend :)

>> No.31261755

Nah, 50 people have all posted it once, because it's true.

>> No.31261759

How is he lying if we are part of those threads?

>> No.31261789

This but unironically. What's funny is a tried to extend the olive branch to the 2hus multiple times in the past couple days, making friendship threads asking them to share culture with vtuber fans and talk about what they like about 2hu to maybe convert some new blood and allow us to coexist. And every time I just got spergs lashing out like complete faggots. So fuck em, they deserve it.

>> No.31261839

just because /f/, /m/, /v/, /vg/, /bant/, /s4s/, and more boards don't mind when 2hu threads come doesn't mean the 2hu on /jp/ should die.
/jp/ is very different as a board in comparison to any other. If you were actually part of /jp/ this is really easy to see. There's no other board where you can set up a GTA or a DOTA 2 thread for collaboration with other anons and have it run this smoothly, for example.
/jp/'s "culture" is less about 2hu or hololive but more on how people act. Holoniggers are normalfags and don't fit, henceforth they clash with everyone else. Not even just in /jp/, but 4chan in general.

>> No.31261859

We already explained it to you but you're too stupid to understand.
>This is the new /jp/ culture
You will never replace us

>> No.31261883

Because I don't believe you. You're an angry touhou fag trying to hide behind them and nothing else.
But even if you were one of those threads, what does it matter? Every smaller community could have place in this board if both the vtuberfags and the touhoufags would stop shitting out the new spam threads every moment because they think it's some fucking war. It's already started to dying down, 90% of the threads are staying alive without a problem for days anyway. Your doomposting metathreads aren't any better than the other shit what clogging up the board at the moment.

>> No.31261942

lurk at least 2 years before posting please

>> No.31261949

>making friendship threads asking them to share culture with vtuber fans and talk about what they like about 2hu to maybe convert some new blood and allow us to coexist
Can you link an example? I think I missed all of those threads

>> No.31261971

>they think it's some fucking war
That's the second time I've seen this.

>> No.31261985

You can't say the majority doesn't fit anon. Holos are like 90% of the board these days. It's the 2hu oldfags who don't fit anymore.

>> No.31262000

Not him but I think he means Marine threads.
I don't mess with those guys.

>> No.31262004

>You're an angry touhou fag trying to hide behind them and nothing else.
Stopped reading there. 2hu is not the only thing that we /jp/sies like.

>> No.31262048
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Holo won't die down in 2 days. I'd give it a couple of years until it becomes Kancolle.
Until then, watch as the drama inside unfolds and tears it from the inside. Any theories on what they'll cry about?
It would be pretty hilarious if another chinese company made a hololive-type vtuber company and overtook them.
There's also probably going to be some seiyuu changes that'll rustle some jimmies. It's also possible that Hololive does some politically-charged move that makes people angry

Either way, I'll just be drinking tea in the veranda.

>> No.31262053

just because you treat your threads like chatrooms doesn't mean you are the majority

>> No.31262077

I used to despite vtubers in general, then one day I tried watching a stream and I enjoyed it so I've been fine with them ever since. Stop thinking that your anecdotal evidence is worth anything, everyone who's genuinely interested in /jp/ as a whole knows that this fanbase war is forced as fuck and mostly /qa/'s creation.

>> No.31262087

They don't want to coexist, the same thing happened with the boats back then. They want the entire board to themselves, because in their retarded mind this is the Touhou board. I'd bet all of my saving on that that most Touhoufags would prune every other smaller generals too from here if they'd have the chance.
>Not even just in /jp/, but 4chan in general.
Holy shit anon, 4chan is a normalfag site since 5 years ago. Including this board too.
You're already replaced and outnumbered. You're nothing.
No rebuttal again, it's start to be pathetic at this point. Stop replying if you can't say anything worthwhile because you're just embarrassing yourselves.

At this point I'm starting to think that all of you are just some underage shitposters pretending to be oldfags.

>> No.31262096

Just one of them I could find in the archives. There were others. I don't know if it was deleted by meidos or just died from lack of interest, though.

>> No.31262100

>It would be pretty hilarious if another chinese company made a hololive-type vtuber company and overtook them.
China is buying out anything they can at this point. They tried to get into anime back in like 2015 so that's not a far stretch.

>> No.31262134

>There's also probably going to be some seiyuu changes that'll rustle some jimmies.
Jesus you have no idea how hololive works if you believe this. The girls aren't seiyuus and they cannot replace the voice behind a character, it doesn't happen.

>> No.31262179

>They want the entire board to themselves
People were totally fine with a vtuber general

>> No.31262185

Kizuna Ai

>> No.31262195

It's pretty hilarious you say that when it's already happened.

>> No.31262227

>It would be pretty hilarious if another chinese company made a hololive-type vtuber company and overtook them
China basically killed their vtuber industry recently with new laws about donations, which is hilarious because it was announced right after Holo dumped their CN branch. Yagoo is a golden omniscient god and cannot stop winning.

>There's also probably going to be some seiyuu changes that'll rustle some jimmies.
They aren't seiyuus and they don't get changed. If a girl graduates she's gone.

>> No.31262254

>You're already replaced and outnumbered. You're nothing.
Then why do I still see my threads? You will never kill all of us.

>> No.31262268

Not a holo and when they did this it basically killed her. No one is making that same mistake again.

>> No.31262270

They still are and I've seen a lot of genuine posts from people saying they want things to go back to how they were, this situation is so forced that it's silly.

>> No.31262334

And back when things were the way they were before there were a lot of genuine posts saying they wanted to be able to make more vtuber threads like the 2hus without some weird double standard. Whichever side isn't getting what they want is more vocal at the time. This is how things are now and they probably aren't going back. No one will even bother arguing about it anymore a week from now.

>> No.31262338

And the vtuber generals were totally fine too. So what are we arguing about? Delete the shitposting threads including the individual holo characters and this metashit too and everything is solved. But you have to talk about the mods because spamming new offtopic threads and arguing like retards doesn't help.
NO ONE wants to kill the touhou threads, it's the opposite, they want to kill the hololive threads, but that's won't be happen anytime soon.

>> No.31262383

No it hasn't.

>> No.31262431

Funny how drama on a Japanese board stems from a big misunderstanding followed by some forced melodrama

>> No.31262586

Big Chinese companies will find a way to make money one way or another. That much is certain.
They did get changed in the past and they can get changed. They're a character. Youtubers replace their crew with someone alike of that someone that left, then survive a few weeks of controversy and normalfags will eat it up again. It's far easier to do with Vtubers.

>> No.31262754

>They did get changed in the past and they can get changed.
No they didn't and no they can't. You obviously don't watch holos. They aren't voice-acted characters written by someone else, they ARE the girls. Your level of ignorance is actually astounding, if Cover ever tried replacing and reusing the same character with someone else there would be fucking riots and it would destroy the entire company. You just don't get it.

>> No.31262797
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Imagine if Tencent or an equivalent bought out Hololive.
Imagining the anger is already funny.

>> No.31262824
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>> No.31262876

>At this point I'm starting to think that all of you are just some underage shitposters pretending to be oldfags.
When I started posting on /jp/ I wouldn't pick fights with whatever resident shitposters there were at the time
you already have your portion of the board you asked for so much. If you want to be accepted by the board so much, then at least try to fit in. If you think old /jp/ sucks and deserves to be replaced, then don't be surprised if people tell you to fuck off.

>> No.31262891

I guess some people are so bored on Christmas that they have to fling shit at each other

>> No.31262899

>They did get changed in the past and they can get changed.
This has never happened with Hololive or Nijisanji since it would kill the company.

>> No.31262905

I would die laughing if the chinks save /jp/

>> No.31262958

You reminded me again of that "if you were here back then, you wouldn't like it" post. I can't remember what else it said.

>> No.31263019

The delusion of a holofag. If the biggest Vtuber back then can get replaced anyone can. It's not their decision, it's the corporation's.
If you think the opinions they share while on their mask are of their own, you're also delusional. It's an exaggerated character with an archetype. Find someone that fits that archetype again and the quota is filled.
At this point I won't be surprised if you say that's how they really speak in real life.

>> No.31263100

>I can't remember what else it said.
It said "lurk more"

>> No.31263132

Azur Lane already kind of did.
AzurLive when?

>> No.31263173

You have literally never watched holos if you believe this is how it works.

>> No.31263259

>antis are this out of touch

>> No.31263267

>If you want to be accepted by the board
The only person you have to accept the current power relations here is (You). Stop replying to me.

>> No.31263313

Kizuna Ai's career has been ruined by that choice and now she has pathetic number of views. No sane person will ever repeat that mistake

>> No.31263425

I have, multiple times. I like watching Marine and Fubuki sperg about Touhou.
They're a character nonetheless. Youtubers often put on an exaggerated facade using their real face. It's beyond delusional to think someone using a Live2D avatar can't.
I'm not saying everything they say is fabricated and scripted. I'm saying that whoever you're watching isn't real, and is just a archetype and an exaggeration they conjured up to entertain their audience.

>> No.31263463

Nah, I don't have to in fact accept anything. There's no power relation, it's all in your head.

>> No.31263554

It's also hilarious if you think corpos learn from the mistakes of others.
Sometimes it's hard to forget that Hololive isn't some indie group, much less ZUN. It's a corporation meant to make buck.

>> No.31263562

No one is claiming they're 100% authentic, but vtubers are this unique thing partway between a streamer and a character, they are not just a character and the person behind them absolutely cannot be replaced. The hate that Cover would get would destroy them and they're smart enough to know it. When a girl needs to be let go they graduate the character, they never, ever replace them.

>> No.31263617

>I'm saying that whoever you're watching isn't real, and is just a archetype and an exaggeration they conjured up to entertain their audience.
Thank you for explaining what makes them better than regular e-celebs and why are they belong to this board.
You're right, you don't have to. You can cry about it as much as you want.

>> No.31263732

>I'm not saying everything they say is fabricated and scripted.
you aren't but thats probably whats happening

>> No.31263790

How is explaining that better when I just said Holos are pretty much just like your regular Youtuber personality? Both of them are filtered from a real person.

>> No.31263902
File: 91 KB, 444x391, 5d2059646f7c8acb69b216f9f338818be0a9dc659eb02080c0ef967b6939cc51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31263919

If only it was for natural causes instead of a mod forcing the board to change because he got mad at being called out.

>> No.31263959

oh you are the other day one, the one who didnt ask for opinions but keeps talking in a public board, kill yourself nigger

>> No.31264347

Before talking about something, esearch a bit faggot, it happened twice in vtuber industry, each with worse results and now is a huge taboo

>> No.31264493

You can't possibly be this retarded

>> No.31264521

I think they are right though, at this point the amount of backlash that causes has been demonstrated multiple times. The thing with someone like Kizuna AI is, she is the brand, the character is everything, without that one specific character you have 0 value. Hololive though, you could lose any one of them and as long as you present it publicly in the right way, as some kind of amicable separation, the company will go on just fine and you can just debut some new ones to make more money. The cost of making the new avatars and hiring new talent is nothing compared to the damage replacing someone would do to the image of the company.

>> No.31264525

they just need to be smarter about it

>> No.31264607

I like how say "taboo" as if the decision lies with the audience and the people and not the corporation behind.

>> No.31264648

No, it's literally something you Don't Do in this industry. Too much of the girls actual selves are in their characters. They talk about their days, their tastes in video games and movies, they have unique personality quirks and they develop a relationship with their chats. It cannot be replicated. You are actually a retarded tertiary if you think for one second it can.

>> No.31264725

Do you not understand what the word taboo means or something? It has nothing to do with who makes the decision, if the corporation did this they would be completely ruined.

>> No.31264742

>They talk about their days, their tastes in video games and movies, they have unique personality quirks and they develop a relationship with their chats.
all artificially manufactured

>> No.31264777

>as if the decision lies with the audience and the people and not the corporation behind.

In a bussiness depending of fan donations which completely depend on the talent personality and wellbeing?
Seriusly, do you have brain? Can't you see it?

>> No.31264796

It kind of does? These companies put all their content out for free and rely on maintaining the good will of fans for the support of it. Popular upcoming vtuber groups have been completely ruined by behind the scenes scandals being exposed and losing fan support.

>> No.31264801

Then vtubers are the greatest actors of all time

>> No.31264831

reading niggers like you talking about something they have never cared to understand and try to twist to fit their narrative is nothing but sad

>> No.31264850

They have absolutely no reason to try that shit. If Cover ever finds their roster lacking after a girl graduates, they can create and hire new talents for a pittance.

>> No.31264858

no their simps are SIMPly the greatest fools of all time.

>> No.31264921

I can't believe hololive managed to find 40 people able to pull a 24/7 facade in all their social media and life included private accounts holy shit, better than professional actors.

>> No.31264977

Taboo is a prohibition based on culture and not by law. The gall to say corporations care about culture, it's delusional.
If a coporation gets big enough there will come a point where small hits of reputation that last a few weeks become fairly miniscule.

>> No.31264990

who hurt you that much faggot? you keep talking with 0 knowledge and seem like a schyzo

>> No.31265110

You dont seem to know the corporate disasters that followed the change of VAs, it killed the two only companies that tried it, and already happened in others that if the VA decides to go, the vtubers is gone, never replaced, it's cheaper to just make a new one and hire a new VA

>> No.31265131

The girls aren't that good at acting anon, or they would be millionaire hollywood stars, not vtubers.

>> No.31265152

it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

>> No.31265161

You haven't seem how bad actress they all are huh, they are painfully bad.

>> No.31265185

>small hits of reputation
Jesus you're so out of touch. If they tried to replace the talent behind a character it would literally collapse the company overnight. The outrage would be incandescent.

>> No.31265209

>The girls aren't that good at acting anon
no they are not, you're just gullible.

>> No.31265254

God are all 2hufags as retarded as you? Lmao

>> No.31265288

Now read what you wrote and apply it to yourself, you are being fooled by yourself, you are full of shit.

do you really think we don't know when they are acting? when they debut they all try to act to their characters lore, it's cringe af, and in a month they drop it.

>> No.31265298

>If they tried to replace the talent behind a character it would literally collapse the company overnight
and if it didn't?

>> No.31265302

All you need to do is try to watch them acting in the anime vtubers have done to know they are shit at it.

>> No.31265321

I hope he's just baiting, otherwise I wasted my time talking to a retard

>> No.31265356

I know, and none of them are as big as Hololive to fall so easily over one controversy.
All this talk is pure conjecture, anyway. I never said a seiyuu change would happen, just that it could.
Hololive is a company. It's not your friend. It's not run by Haachama or Fubuki. In a case of big controversies or emergencies, companies tend to make decisions that make people lose goodwill over them.
This is not supposed to be rocket science. This conversation really opened my eyes how Holoculture is practically 3DPD Idol culture.

>> No.31265375

No wonder why 2hu are being replaced, with IQ bellow room temperature like yours must be had to keep conversations going.

>> No.31265411

good bait, /qa/ is actually fun for once

>> No.31265465

hit a nerve?

>> No.31265522
File: 79 KB, 850x638, etarnity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you even fall for this kind of bait?

>> No.31265524

>do you really think we don't know when they are acting?
well in the same post you say
>and in a month they drop it.
so yeah clearly clearly you don't

>> No.31265575

They're tourists.

>> No.31265576

No we're just stunned at how stupid you are dude.

>> No.31265589

Successful attempt is successful.

>> No.31265624

I don't know man I don't think in bizarre hypotheticals that will never happen. What if aliens abducted all the holos tomorrow and held them hostage? What if your mother wasn't a dumb whore? Who knows.

>> No.31265640

you seem to mistake this fandom with reddit, everyone knows it's a corporation, the fanbase stays in a good faith as long as the girls are properly protected, in the China incident they did their corporate shit numbers and probably decided keeping Coco and the good faith of the general public was better than bowing to china, as long as they keep in line, as Fubuki said she will go if hololive goes to shit, and this was proven when she stood with coco despite her being the biggest vtubers in china.

>> No.31265682

>how Holoculture is practically 3DPD Idol culture.
No it is LITERALLY idol culture, that's what you don't get. And Cover knows it too.

>> No.31265684

Hololive would definitely be fucked if they tried to change seiyuu, perhaps even more so than just about any other company that has tried it so far. The talent and the company themselves go out of their way to push the idea that the talent is like a family. It would be hard for anyone to justify continuing to support the talents if they just tried to carry on like nothing changed if a seiyuu was switched out.

>> No.31265691

What nerve? don't you realize everything you are writting is just a mirror of yourself nigger?

>> No.31265789

>conjeture opened my eyes
>3dpd idol culture
Since when are idols not 3d?
You are just babling that a worse case scenario can happen and basing an opinion on that when cover is at most incompetent but not malicious.

>> No.31265811

Anon... I though you were able to think and understand concepts

>> No.31265873

"Fubuki" won't go anywhere. The person behind Fubuki will. The irony is because of how they maintain their privacy, if she does do something else she won't be recognized.
Every single personality in Hololive is owned by whoever owns Hololive, not their actresses.

>> No.31265888


>> No.31265925

>61 tuwho threads
>16 hololive threads
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hololive is killing /jp/ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

>> No.31265936

>"Fubuki" won't go anywhere. The person behind Fubuki will.
He actually believes this lmao

>> No.31265990

I can't wait for touhou shitters to die. Worst fucking fanbase in this entire anime forum

>> No.31266074

It's kind of crazy. Could they do it? For sure they could. But why would they do it? The character of Fubuki isn't worth enough compared to the damage it would do to the company. None of the members are that important that they can't just be disposed of and absolutely have to be maintained as characters.

>> No.31266102

Fubuki will go if the VA wants her to go, that's what you don't get, if the VA quits, fubuki, the face of the company and gate between good relations of company and fans is gone.

the reputation and money of the company depends completely on the wellbeing of the girls, it's not rocket science, and I don't know why the fuck are you so scared of "muh corporation" when the girls themselves are happy of being part of it, most of them have a second career in the background, and they are happy with it, I don't get you problems with it.

>> No.31266118

the fact that you think she "drops" is pretty indicative that the company has you fooled

>> No.31266132

A seiyuu change is considered a "worst-case scenario"... what the fuck?
It truly is Idol culture. Reminds of that time one vtuber was exposed to have a boyfriend and got wrecked by everyone. Truly the strongest of familial bonds in display.

>> No.31266145

He doesn't even watch holos, he's an assdamaged 2hunigger.

>> No.31266148

While this is true, Kizuna AI/upd8 showed changing voice actors is effectively a death sentence

>> No.31266241

if I don't do heroin, am I not allowed to comment on heroin addiction?

>> No.31266372

You are allowed, but there is good chance much of what you say will be glaringly obviously off base to those experienced with heroin addiction.

>> No.31266387

They aren't seiyuus. The character is created by the talent. No one else can play it. It's not like a seiyuu who reads a script written by someone else. The entire personality of the character is 70% the girl herself with 30% kayfabe that she adds in from her own creativity.

Girls even having to graduate is already considered a disaster that causes massive unrest among the fans. If they disrespected the talent and the fans by replacing a graduated talent with an impostor wearing her old face it would annihilate all of the good faith of the fans INSTANTLY and half the girls themselves would probably quit on the spot because they're mostly friends some of whom are practically like sisters they're so close.

>> No.31266403

Anon, not everyone is as retarded as you, who lives in a constant paranoid simulation thinking that birds are not real and everyone is trying to fool you.
I promise you it's not that deep, they have a character setting, they use it for support purposes and fun, then they just do as they wish, there is nothing to act about.

>> No.31266455

It's more like you not only don't do heroin but you've never even met someone who does heroin and don't know anything about what heroin is or what its effects are or how it works or even what it looks like.

>> No.31266493

I would expect a company to care about the wellbeing of their employees, and that employees are there of their own accord and bot being held hostage. That's some basic shit, nice job pointing that out.
My point is every single person here saying "it won't happen" as if we're the ones that has the authority over it and not the ones higher up.

>> No.31266503

false equivalence but I'd rather hear someone who has experimented it than someone who talks about how it tastes and affects you without having seen it ever.

>> No.31266522
File: 1.96 MB, 1630x2480, __kishin_sagume_and_doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_idaku__f4f7069567430e20819ca186e855dc37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are people still unironically falling for the bait?

>> No.31266563

It has nothing to do with who has the authority and everything to do with knowing that the people in charge of the company aren't that retarded or hololive would never have been able to make it this far in the first place.

>> No.31266603

That's what you don't get, that higher up salary depends on the donations of fans of the girl, if the girl is not happy, fans are not happy, money stops.

>> No.31266613 [DELETED] 
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>> No.31266640

you mean the rumor that Kizuna AI changed voice actors was effectively a death sentence. Nozomi never left, the entire Clone Wars saga was about them adding more personalities because they didn't want her channel to slow down while she focused on music and concerts

>> No.31266656

>/qa/ncer arguing just because hurr argue fun

>> No.31266674

>false equivalence
not really, this hololive stuff does really seem like a drug addiction to me.

>> No.31266683

That last part is pure conjecture based on observations of an outsider. Do you know how many youtube channels with "good friends" being a trait fall apart?
Many. Very very many.

>> No.31266740

Did you dimiss the rest of the other 3 answers anons gave you bevause of two words? anything else to add?

>> No.31266751

Nobody who is in good mental health would engage in petty retarded fanbase wars during Christmas. I really hope not, at least.

>> No.31266779

Those are indies, not lonely girls working closely together under the same company.

>> No.31266817

Big companies don't fall if they weren't big in the first place.
What you don't get is how volatile the entertainment industry is and how fast actions have to be taken, and how those actions can be stupid in hindsight.

>> No.31266886

Multiple girls stated if Coco was forced to graduate in the last hololive bs with china, they may or may not stay on the company, specially fubuki.

But honestly anon, I know you are an outsider to all of this, you just need a month watching to see some of them are actual good friends, some are fucking roomates and pay rent together.

don't be so paranoid

>> No.31266897

Are you saying a group of 4 close friends making a youtube channel are less tight-knit than a bunch of coworkers like 30 in size? Because... damn.

>> No.31266947

China and hololive on point, wellbeing of a talent weighted more than bowing as corporation to the chinese overlords, I'm not saying to blindly trust a corporation, but as long as they act as expected, why should we be in arms?

>> No.31267000

only someone who doesn't watch hololive would think people refers to everysingle one of them being friends when talking of them being close to each other, like in any big group, there are sub groups, seriusly, it's not that deep

>> No.31267075

Well who is still toghter?

>> No.31267114

Because the ENTIRE point of my first post was considering what kind of controversy will befall Hololive next.
Jesus christ. You people meme about 2hufags being "defensive" then I see this. 2hufags at the very least have evolved enough as a fandom to make fun of reclining posts.

>> No.31267210

I don't know, wait a few years. Hololive is young, very young.
If Roosterteeth can fall as spectacularly as it did anything can.

>> No.31267298

>If Roosterteeth can fall as spectacularly as it did anything can.
did it?whats the story there?

>> No.31267335

You talk about holofags but then talk about 2hufags like if half of the retardation they have said in this thread didn't exist.

But if all you want is the next holo controversy it can only be related to some of the girlfriend simulator girls making a yabai or another china boycott, it's not that deep either

>> No.31267363

Because you chose the most stupid example. Is more likely cover will comit tax fraud than change the girls behind the bars.

>> No.31267392

>touhoufags literally having a mental breakdown over image dump threads
ya hate to see it

>> No.31267678

Nice one, like holofags aren't enraged by far less banal things. 2hufags aren't even defending Touhou, they're defending /jp/.
Fine, fine. I concess, your stubborn ass will defend a 1 year old company that's been in 100 controversies. Whatever.

>> No.31267809

>they're defending /jp/.
Well they're pretty bad at that.

>> No.31267985

I'm surprised you don't know if you followed RT before.
2 of the 6 founders left. Burnie silently left and Joel got "fired", probably because of politics. A number of well known members have also left, like Miles. This is because of mounting controversies that happened every single week, from different sources.
Ryan from AH got ousted for cheating on his wife. Same with Adam from Funhaus. All of this in a single year.
It's possible for them to make a comeback from this next year but I doubt it.

>> No.31268031

Or you could read again this thread and realize 2hus are also pretty retarded

>> No.31268097

Honestly something like Hololive to me seems extraordinarily volatile as a business. Literally at any moment one of your talents could say the wrong thing and cause a fifth of the globes population to hate you and shut you out of those markets permanently.

>> No.31268109

Creator died, seasons dropped in quality going forwards. They should have ended it instead of dragging his hard work through the mud.

>> No.31268263

Precisely. A single mistake is all it can take, and its very easy to make a multitude of mistakes from a single one.
The entertainment business itself is very volatile, it's pretty hard to trust anything there even if they have good intentions.

>> No.31268327

Civer exist since 2017

>> No.31268418

Like any entertainment industry.
And they have always had cintroversies but they have shown to listen or at least be on the side of their talent for the most part. Cover is incompetent in many regards but not malicious. And their jump yo fame so suddenly probably help with thay instance of the talents being prioritized.

>> No.31268607

I think its even more pronounced with vtubers though. The fundamental media itself consists of talking to an audience of people on the spot and not letting anything offensive slip out when you are trying to cater to nowdays a global audience. At least with more traditional forms of media there is usually some kind of editorial process or PR spin to filter the talent in most circumstances.

>> No.31269202

And just for that made a Chuba thread to kill off a Remilia thread.

>> No.31271648

>they're defending /jp/
From what?

>> No.31283257

Holo-retardation, you holo-retard.

>> No.31283901

you losers deserve it

>> No.31284574
File: 772 KB, 504x760, 1592054987124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we just be friends

>> No.31285203

2013-2014 were eras of rampant shitposting though

>> No.31285242

We tried, 2hufags are too autistic. I felt bad for them before I realized they're a bunch of shitty people.

>> No.31285465

was that before or after you slid the board
i never touched the alliance threads since they were made in peak hours of arguing

>> No.31285570

Holo-niggers are not welcome here

>> No.31286250

Because regardless of your real intentions, there's a group whose only interest is ruining the entire board for both Touhou and vtubers and they're the most active ones in this whole thing.

>> No.31286261
File: 1.27 MB, 934x983, 1606607376891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uohhhh you sound frustrated

>> No.31286478

I think there is a resurgence of anti-neurotypicalism because at this point in time /jp/ has not yet learned how to be multi-chuubathreaded. And I think /qa/ are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /jp/ is not going to be the monolithic board they once were in the last decades. /qa/posters are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for /jp/ to make. They are now going into a multi-chuubathread mode and /qa/posters will be resented because of their leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, /jp/ will not survive.

>> No.31286569

This, touhoufags use literal jewish tricks to justify their pathetic existence and "right" to their own board

>> No.31286898

I'm starting to hate Touhoufags. I was in their side so far and I thought preserving the board culture is important but at this point they're look like screeching and crying children and I cannot feel the slightest sympathy towards them. They're the aggressors in this 'war'.

>> No.31287028

When someone complains, it's 2hufag.
When someone talks about the obvious problems, it's a
2hufag. When someone says something you disagree with, it's a 2hufag whining.
It's not even amusing when you consider the falseflagging just to spark conflict. It sounds more like a scapegoat than anything. If you can't find a reason to justify it, you blame 2hufags. It's nonsensical.

>> No.31287262

>claim to be the chosen people of 4chan
>shit up every other board but demand a hypocritical purity of their own exile ghetto
>simultaneously claim to be superior and victims
are 2hufags jews

>> No.31287329

whose schizo is this?

>> No.31287333

You the guy behind the 'friendship threads'? If you actually made with genuine intentions you're one supremely gullible man

>> No.31287449

>you're one supremely gullible man
How so.

If they claim to be /qa/ then hold them as /qa/ posters. They have no real intent of actual discussion, just taking whatever side gets the most replies if not just for shitposting. One worked.>>31264742.

>> No.31287501

I'm not gullible enough to think all of the hate posts were genuine, but it IS telling when there's a complete and utter lack of non-hate posts.

>> No.31287584

Most of offensive and obvious bait posting is done by /qa/ faggots trying to start shit.

>> No.31287796

>everything is /qa/
Pathetic boogieman. It's the holotards.

>> No.31287804

wasn't /qa/ a /jp/ colony a few years ago? what happened?

>> No.31287884

They went to /qa/ to make it a secret club since it's an unlisted board.
I ignored them but apparently mods or someone else did something and it what you see today.
It's like the little pockets you see in the spinoffs, but not as dead and constantly evolving.
I don't know why /qa/ had a hatred for this board but they surely haven't dropped it.

>> No.31288062

/qa/ has like 30 people but surely they're raiding this board lmao. The delusion.

>> No.31288110


>> No.31288368

/qa/ is basically a general nonsensical shitposting today, with a slight 2D tendency, which since it's technically the official 4chan feedback board, is full of people who think they have the right to opine on how other boards should work. And then unfortunately, because mods are all retarded, they listen to them far more often than they should.

>> No.31288723

What's the proof that it's /qa/ and not just rabid holoturds?

>> No.31288783

Because you faggots tried to raid us first to get the vtuber generals off /jp/

>> No.31288810

none. old /jp/ is coping with the fact that they're losing the culture war against /v/

>> No.31289081 [DELETED] 


>> No.31289109


>> No.31289186 [DELETED] 

What the fuck
You know what, this battle isn't worth fighting

Election tourists finally managed to turn the whole place into their bunker of schizophrenic anger

>> No.31289262

how i see it its just shitposting central and they take any opportunity to shit on other boards.

>> No.31289307

if you look at the actual board. it looks like there's a power struggle between hololive posters and other posters much like this board.

>> No.31289357

You mean people using the shitposting material of the month (this time it's hololive thanks to that mod) spamming the board while a few people try to discuss 4chan's issues, another group tries to pretend that it's a real board, and the vast majority of people spams wojaks?

>> No.31289458

They are just flinging shit at eachother, i doubt anyone from /jp/ actually visits that place, maybe more recent hololive tourists, but not /jp/ regulars.

>> No.31290375

I don't know if it's /qa/, /pol/, /b/, discord trannies or some other entity, but it's not the "locals". /hlg/ is equally as elitist as rest of this board, if changing their general's name to katakana in order to not come up when people search for 'hololive' was not enough of a clue. The Global thread has more idiots, but overall it has zero interest on ruining the board it was able to stay on when the alternative is the den of mentally ill bottom tier fetishists known as /trash/.

>> No.31290750

they should get their own board though, if not for anything else but to address the whole "doxxing" issue by being in a board where posting images of irl people would be explicitly banned.

>> No.31290999
File: 13 KB, 472x357, sweet dreams prince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not reading any of this thread after skimming the first 30 or so posts that are exactly the kinda shit I expected, but I'm sad this shits still going on during Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the day after. At least let this happen after the new years...

>> No.31292750

Oh it's this retard again.
