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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.78 MB, 2544x1960, 313d63e3d353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31199202 No.31199202 [Reply] [Original]

hololive global

>> No.31199216
File: 1.30 MB, 700x988, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200397

God damn I look cute.

>> No.31199221

ina ina inaaaaa

>> No.31199227

This one.

>> No.31199228
File: 65 KB, 1000x670, EqA0YyGVQAAN8os.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Mori!

>> No.31199229
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1597983783929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199282


>> No.31199232


>> No.31199235
Quoted by: >>31199263

>7 seconds after the 1500th post

>> No.31199236
File: 126 KB, 654x233, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202539

the holos...

>> No.31199239

nene....don't look...

>> No.31199242
File: 84 KB, 400x400, 1607831877337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yagoo gets twitter-banned for hours until he recovered his account.
>/qa/ tranny asks furfag at discord for help after the meltdown that happened last night
>discord mild doxxes gura posting a szw tweet
>/jp/ not clever enough to actually start boosting that tweet with names while also reporting the tweet directly to Cover
>with Yagoo still healing the wounds, get Cover actually paranoic about this particular tweet, specially since they're on alert.
>make Cover actually ballistic and get the tweet deleted and discord furfag PR/twitter eventually fired or written at most
>make the tranny at /qa/ seethe with millions of light
>Set an example for discord & other companies to stop doing this bullshit "we're cool on SocMed"

It's like you guys couldn't see the opportunity even if it was on a golden plate.

>t. PsyOps

>> No.31199247

I'll like anything that is not what everyone is playing.
One stream at least

>> No.31199248
File: 188 KB, 794x368, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, the 2hus... Never mind, it's fine.

>> No.31199252
Quoted by: >>31199362

Or Kwak?

>> No.31199250
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, 1586676976527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mori thread is comfy

>> No.31199260
File: 288 KB, 1182x1526, 5AD1E5BD-2E09-418D-A288-4CE9D96CD6A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199297

>YT posting Chimken roommate in my suggestions constantly

Truly the biggest doxxers...

>> No.31199261

Polka Oruka?

>> No.31199263
File: 565 KB, 900x563, chumguts lenovo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199268
File: 321 KB, 420x420, 1596486179483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199313


>> No.31199270
Quoted by: >>31199306

calm before the storm for yab of the 25th

>> No.31199279
File: 293 KB, 501x585, 1608295145833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We wuz idols and shiet

>> No.31199280
Quoted by: >>31199299

Did youtube fix the members only streams bug?

>> No.31199282
File: 55 KB, 491x363, 1608584498638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199283
File: 432 KB, 1086x608, 1589317734530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting hella comfy watching Watame play Minecraft friends, where we at?

>> No.31199284
File: 1.26 MB, 800x800, gura2418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31199287
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x2800, 1607902438856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!

>> No.31199288
File: 2.33 MB, 970x1004, 1606615809309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas anons

>> No.31199291

So this will be the 25th huh?

>> No.31199292
File: 283 KB, 900x1234, 896AA164-8585-46A9-AE97-87EFD8E95CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuds are working right now and I’m the only one who can say I LOVE GURA SO MUCH!

>> No.31199294
File: 46 KB, 331x391, 1583123473688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody is streaming on christmas
>only the leech kiara with her garbage singing voice is streaming
what a disappointment

>> No.31199297
Quoted by: >>31199356

Don't fuck with the algorithms.
With that said, don't visit roommate accounts with your holo account, make an alt.
Because otherwise youtube will draw a connection, you know, that other users like you like these thing.

>> No.31199298
File: 288 KB, 546x618, 1608709194495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J*w*u* did the mods figure their shit out yet or is /jp/ still fucked?

>> No.31199299

If you're talking about chat then yes, the emotes autofillin still seem fucked though,

>> No.31199300

Visited the Roberu thread last night. Is it true that him and Polka are friends IRL?

>> No.31199303

Mori lo- hrrkh

>> No.31199306
Quoted by: >>31199351

Do Tia's rebirth debut stream count?

>> No.31199307
Quoted by: >>31199345

Now this is a rrat.

>> No.31199313

Zombie have mercy on my ears pls

>> No.31199315
File: 20 KB, 128x111, 1608498230353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guy hanging out in R/a/dio right? I can't believe I've missed so much shit over the years. Corona and a place of my own gave me enough time to come back here. I miss every single one of you faggots.

>> No.31199318
File: 3.70 MB, 2030x3750, ec0e10a9d25d82445d7a0955713f313a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takos, Ina is so cute. I dont know if you guys hate my boss or not but I'd love to see more collabs with them two.

>> No.31199323

What happened with Comet for her to jump 10k subs in a day?

>> No.31199324

Civil war still in progress, please stand by.

>> No.31199325

Don't falseflag with takodachi you double zhang

>> No.31199328

What's she even doing anyway?

>> No.31199330
File: 372 KB, 699x604, 1608706127407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199372


>> No.31199331

Shits still fucked. Just ignore it and enjoy the thread.

>> No.31199333
File: 498 KB, 501x501, 1608679240361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as infinite cuteness. A limit to cuteness must exist.
Amelia Watson will achieve peak cuteness on New Years Eve. From then on, if you can't go up, then you must go down. She will lose all of her cuteness as 2021 progress, until September 12, 2021, when she is not cute at all.

>> No.31199334


>> No.31199335
File: 102 KB, 242x311, IMG_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wo oh wo oh oh

>> No.31199338
File: 59 KB, 1330x531, merry christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the not-really-news:


The Rat Narrative Network has put in a lot of work these past twenty years into bringing nothing but unfiltered raw news in order to provide nothing but the truth you all deserve to know. We will continue to do so, as we are dedicated and uncompromising with our truthful, honest and to-the-point reporting. We expect only the best from our sources, specifically the demonic voices in our heads that begin to chant in unison at about exactly 3:00 AM and the really fat and hairy rats that are more than qualified to bring us the most recent and exclusive Hololive news from the comfort of their rusty dumpsters, which are conveniently located outside of the Hololive offices in Japan.

So on behalf of RNN, I'd like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!

My christmas gift was Ame vibing to the song I requested that actually made it in (Heartaches by the Number) on her superchat sunday stream. That was cool. I FUCKING MADE IT BROS.

Always wishing you all the best,


>> No.31199339

we're in the middle of the observation stage, the next 1-2 weeks or month will determine what will be the norm

>> No.31199343
Quoted by: >>31199614

I'd rather it not happen though. Every single time they 1v1 Kiara makes a nasty snide remark that goes over Ina's head and it's annoying.

>> No.31199342
Quoted by: >>31199391

Our priestess is second in command in KFP you know?

>> No.31199344
File: 634 KB, 768x760, 1582092253977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199415

Sora love!

>> No.31199345
File: 297 KB, 463x453, 1607799783220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199427

>this is a rrat

>Yagoo gets twitter-banned for hours until he recovered his account.
>/qa/ tranny asks furfag at discord for help after the meltdown that happened last night
>discord mild doxxes gura posting a szw tweet


>/jp/ not clever enough to actually start boosting that tweet with names while also reporting the tweet directly to Cover

>> No.31199347
File: 666 KB, 2490x3510, lurking now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199720

>Aki singing
>Polka ASMR
>Mori date
holy shit, this will be my favourite Christmas ever

>> No.31199350

4 hours of singing.

>> No.31199351
Quoted by: >>31199488

No, she's uninvolved with Hololive. She doesn't matter to these threads.

>> No.31199356
Quoted by: >>31199418

Youtube is going to draw a connection anyways because it tracks your entire browser not just who you're signed in as.

>> No.31199358
Quoted by: >>31199530

4 hours long utawaku with 46 songs.

>> No.31199357

Us Takobros are all-in on unity. Ina has enough tentacles for all girls. Kiara is very cute as well. I hope they collab more in the future.

>> No.31199362

Who the fuck is kwak? don't recognise that one. nah, I'm not quite on that level, but I've dropped over 1k on supers. I said relatively big, not unrepentant whale. (also some of it was on an alt account with a dumb joke name)

>> No.31199364

Merry christmas to you too, motherfucker.

>> No.31199370

They've actually just given up and said its fine.

>> No.31199371
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1584078680844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do yu?

>> No.31199372
File: 2.82 MB, 600x338, 1608670384828.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199425


>> No.31199373
Quoted by: >>31199530

She did a 4 hour karaoke stream to breach 650k. 45-46 songs.
I think she ended at around 647k or something. Then youtube nuked the archive.

>> No.31199374

Merry Christmas, Ratman

>> No.31199376 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 695x1280, IMG_0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo will make me feel the most FREE while watching?

>> No.31199378
File: 316 KB, 724x724, 1607224298307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yarp, time for the yearly tunes. Cheers m8 and merry christmas.

>> No.31199384

Merry Christmas, R. Ratman.

>> No.31199385
File: 427 KB, 629x614, 1608352890755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199459

This is super cute.

>> No.31199386

>Do my monthly dumpster dive into iwara to look for mmd stuff
>Check for Miko animations as her model got released the other day
>Discover dozens of good Holo lewds in there
Help, my dick isn't calming down anymore.

>> No.31199389
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, 1584050428158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have reddit mentality takobro
i hate kiara and her fanbase

>> No.31199391

The tentacult is just a front funded by KFP to distract people from the fact they're slowly monopolizing and brainwashing each one of their employees

>> No.31199392
File: 68 KB, 549x583, neilharder[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi7kjg4.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199412

>posting spoilers
Goddammit anon. I'm just 1.5 hours in and my sides are already sore. So fucking sorry I missed it live, chickenbros.

>> No.31199393

Merry Christmas, R.Ratman.

>> No.31199394

I stopped listening to r/a/dio when they played one more time, one more chance during New Year's and it made me want to die for real.

>> No.31199397

She went tryhard... as usual.

>> No.31199400

Are we getting UNTZ this year?

>> No.31199403
File: 56 KB, 279x279, 1608603477234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199406

I tuned into Ollie for 5 seconds and now I have tinnitus

>> No.31199408
File: 316 KB, 1451x2048, gura2424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you, I LOVE GURA SO MUCH!

>> No.31199409

i only care for Ina

>> No.31199412

>opening a vod link while you are watching it
Only yurself to blame

>> No.31199415


>> No.31199418
Quoted by: >>31199449

Doesn't ublock origin and others block trackers? Or is this right at the browser level?

>> No.31199422

>I am very much winning, yes.
That was a good stream.


>> No.31199424

Working on Christmas?

>> No.31199425
File: 2.29 MB, 600x338, 1608709649254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199427

Out, out

Also, who are you quoting?

>> No.31199430
Quoted by: >>31199546

This also says something else

>> No.31199431
Quoted by: >>31199573

Wrong. Amelia's cuteness isn't truly incremental. Her cuteness, in fact, remains constant. What is truly happening for her to be cuter than yesterday is that she is retroactively making her past self uglier. Therefore she is comparatively cuter.

>> No.31199433
File: 119 KB, 1000x773, memeri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about Mori releasing songs on a schedule, I just wish that Cover didn't force them to be that ridiculously secretive.

Do they know nothing about building hype?
Do they not know that it dies out without extra info?
Mori literally getting to mention a single name or a song title could potentially double the views on whatever shit she releases


>> No.31199434

Nah, I haven't watched much anime at all in the last few years, even less so now. Glad to hear you're having a good time though.

>> No.31199436

Thank you rratman, I can't wait for more Ame as well

>> No.31199437
File: 288 KB, 496x519, christmas gargle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199606

merry christmas, randy rodent

>> No.31199439
File: 1.16 MB, 1469x2043, tags: breast expansion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199470

Ina Sexy

>> No.31199440

What happened last night? I visit this thread and mostly during streams.

>> No.31199441

based takochads. fuck Kiara and the jannies

>> No.31199442
Quoted by: >>31199461

don't false-flag with my oshi anon

>> No.31199449
Quoted by: >>31199505

You'll also need noscript or some equivalent.

>> No.31199451
Quoted by: >>31199619

>I'd love to see more collabs
Shame its not going to happen since the takos are among the Kiara`s antis now

>> No.31199452
Quoted by: >>31199688

Cover is incompetent, this isn't anything new.

>> No.31199453

Just watched the vod of Ina's JP Minecraft tour
I wish she would have translated more of what they were saying it was really boring compared to Kiara's or GurAme since you couldn't understand shit without being NP1

>> No.31199454

Merry Christmas, R. Ratman - glad that song got in, I knew she'd love that one when I saw it on the queue o7

>> No.31199458

I’m not working I’m just too busy helping family

>> No.31199459
File: 218 KB, 666x666, 1600837074601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199460
File: 156 KB, 1297x1315, kawaiiame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199511

Same. My song got in as well and she called it a cute song.

>> No.31199461

reddit mentality

>> No.31199462
Quoted by: >>31199655

I don't hate her, I just think her voice and humour is annoying.

>> No.31199463

https://streamable.com/srve80 Amelia laughing at manlets.

>> No.31199464

Have you never been around the younger generations before? They always end up being more hip and tolerant to shit older generation would be reeeing really hard at.

>> No.31199465

Reminder that holo karaoke relay in around, 8-9 hours or so, or less.
There is English translation somewhere in the replies.

>> No.31199467

I was thinking i would tune in for new years only but i guess i'll drop by.
Love lain

>> No.31199468
File: 116 KB, 1355x963, 20201224_141533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199687


>> No.31199470

Ina cute!

>> No.31199472

Okay so besides your Oshi which holo do you think would be the best wife material?

>> No.31199473
File: 552 KB, 868x1228, 1608754739181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have never anti-posted, never will. If you have ever felt legitimate anger at a vtuber you are autistic and probably have a micropenis.

>> No.31199475

Mori Christmas, RRatman

>> No.31199478

Neither are my oshi but I like them both a lot, and hope to see more, hopefully that minecraft thing will come back once Kiaras not stressing herself out like she did with this weeks schedule.

>> No.31199479

Based and Courierpilled. Merry, you filthy animal!

>> No.31199483
File: 915 KB, 3905x4096, 1599413242505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love!

>> No.31199486

uwu happened

>> No.31199488

To be fair she did show some of her old backstory in the redebut video she posted

>> No.31199494
File: 1.23 MB, 1071x1714, 1607810085668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not real takos. Who are you two? She would be disgusted by your behavior.

>> No.31199498
File: 286 KB, 683x667, 1608351784204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas, R. Ratman.

>> No.31199499

there was a lot of [EN] in the chat. if you read spanish then nene's VOD has a little bit of [ES] too.

>> No.31199505

The standard gear then. Too bad youtube is also google and I'm not sure atm which is trackers and which is needed for it to work, though generally just allowing youtube works.

>> No.31199506
File: 2.02 MB, 1929x1263, 1592118747468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice projection chickenfag

>> No.31199507

Happy xmas rratman!

>> No.31199509

Based <3

>> No.31199511

Cute song, anon, I think I vaguely remember it.

>> No.31199513

Merry Christmas Rratboy

>> No.31199516
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1604183284211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas friend.

>> No.31199518

So basically we're being raided by lolcow trannies, incels.co, /cgl/ whores, doxxcord and /qa/, all at the same time??


>> No.31199520

Unironically none. All of them are mentally ill in some way

>> No.31199525

>no gura
>no kiara
Come on, Cover!

>> No.31199524 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 124x122, 1608837478715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199527
File: 2.26 MB, 3023x4096, Epeo8o5XEAAGdKm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199550


>> No.31199528
File: 17 KB, 393x198, 1603160472628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, brother, but falseflagging is a sin in the eyes of the tentacult. By degree of the Ancient Ones, repentance can only be found in death. May you find true comfiness in your next life.

>> No.31199529
File: 40 KB, 748x746, 1607703758143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still laughing about Kiara's Sims4 stream

>> No.31199530
Quoted by: >>31200980

>we will never get a 4 hour long karaoke from Gura to get a milestone

>> No.31199536
Quoted by: >>31201468

Mods war each other.

>> No.31199537

Merry Christmas Rratman
and the rest of you faggots too

>> No.31199539

Have a warm and nice Christmas, R. Ratman.

>> No.31199541

>fuck Kiara and the jannies
but i don't hate them

>> No.31199542

Kiara's was entertaining even without knowing Japanese unlike how boring Ina's was for EOPs.

>> No.31199543
File: 163 KB, 1447x2048, 1608507539467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry christmas R.ratman.

>> No.31199546

Not him, but Gura is early 2000s Cartoon Network tier entertainment if we go by her commentary (video game choices are another matter entirely). She knows what she's doing.

>> No.31199548

Using an EN to shit on another is indicative of falseflagging, yes. But you would know about that, wouldn't you?

>> No.31199549
Quoted by: >>31199624

Kanata. Just look at her already, she's basically Cocos wife.

>> No.31199550
File: 221 KB, 1639x2048, 1601083596785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But especially on Christmas!

>> No.31199551
File: 246 KB, 1024x649, 1608538564978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. Will be tuning in and out depending on the Holo streams tonight. Real fucking nostalgic shit.

>> No.31199553

yep. A lot of anons spreading hate and trying to pit us against each other...so the usual.

>> No.31199556
Quoted by: >>31199644

Probably to avoid disappointing the fans when things fall through due to a yab or some other shit.

>> No.31199557

Cause Gura is for kids

>> No.31199558

Merry Christmas R. Ratman

>> No.31199565
File: 88 KB, 325x500, 1608030674255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas Ratman

>> No.31199571
File: 26 KB, 665x581, 1608789083978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did we do to deserve this?

>> No.31199573

both of you don't understand
her cuteness always increases only half as much as it increased last time
that way she can become cuter than before infinitely while still having a total overall limit to her cuteness without ever reducing

>> No.31199574
File: 160 KB, 1100x1000, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never anti-posted but Mori is forcing my hand with how anti-Hololive she is.

>> No.31199572

One guy phoneposting is my guess.

>> No.31199577

I dont hate you anon. Hope you can forgive the actions of some bad eggs from the kfp.

>> No.31199581
File: 1.51 MB, 1340x1979, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199580
Quoted by: >>31199752



>> No.31199585

Happy Christmas Mr. Rratman

>> No.31199593

Modern-day antis really must hate fun.

>> No.31199597
File: 44 KB, 366x534, 6438291616181_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now introduce him to Fubuki, Suisei and Pochi and make his little boy dreams come true.

>> No.31199603
File: 180 KB, 540x540, 1608063601520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's biggest yab is about to come.

>> No.31199605
File: 565 KB, 1278x555, 1590606356268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199643

>listening to r/a/ddit
that shit is full of trannies

>> No.31199606
File: 452 KB, 692x770, chumguts blank christmas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I won't be eating this rrat. Merry Christmas, R. Ratman.
Merry Christmas, Global General.
Is this the pic they use?

>> No.31199609
File: 1.27 MB, 2900x4096, wyqjhx3o79j51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199701

FUCK, I'm checking in at a Christmas get together, please tell me someone archived Comet singing, I fucking love her karaoke

>> No.31199608

>Sheepfags are no longer just shitposters.
My god, it really is a Christmas miracle...

>> No.31199614
Quoted by: >>31199967

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.31199618

retard mentality

>> No.31199619
Quoted by: >>31199677

Yeah but I want to believe that's just falseflagging. I know the real takodachi's are kind just like their oshi.

>> No.31199621

>She would be disgusted by your behavior.
Ina is still the only one that matters

>> No.31199624

EN? Kiara, you could tell by the Sims stream how much she cares. For JP, easily>>31199549

>> No.31199625
Quoted by: >>31199693

I'm not gonna make it to ame Christmas stream bros, I'm stuck at work. Feels bad.

>> No.31199626

It was perfectly fine, Polka and Nene purposefully spoke extremely simple Japanese.
I could understand 99% of what they were saying just from watching anime every now and then, it was EOP friendly as fuck, there was zero need for Ina to stress herself into trying to livetranslate things.

>> No.31199627

Translators were doing an excellent job, i don't know why you need more

>> No.31199628
File: 252 KB, 490x490, 1606268136452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were having too much fun

>> No.31199636
File: 118 KB, 1010x771, 786466464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199889

>> No.31199639

Merry Christmas, my man.

>> No.31199642
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1608826191978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed it is anon. Full HoloEn, HoloID and HoloJp unity. Happy Holidays to all

>> No.31199643

Is it now? I'm still hearing some old guard songs. No wonder /a/ is so hostile to vtubers.

>> No.31199644
Quoted by: >>31199795

or maybe, just fucking maybe they could assign some of the staff that makes AZKi release an song after a song towards preventing said YABs

>> No.31199645
Quoted by: >>31199930

So when do you anons thing the EN Vsinger will debut? The audition ends late January so I'd bet like May or June

>> No.31199649
File: 475 KB, 769x739, 1606374555341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will learn to fear. I will kill every last one of the antis

>> No.31199651

a message from ya boy's roomate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyjRoetjo6A

remember to stay in the general and don't contribute to the narrative that these shitposters are trying to extract.

>> No.31199655

That's fair. Thanks for giving my chikin a shot if you did.

>> No.31199657
File: 189 KB, 367x327, 1604633171509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199660

i will support her to the end

>> No.31199663

Really good Utawaku I guess. She went for about 4hrs.

>> No.31199664
File: 289 KB, 1634x2048, Ep7LA-xUUAIKVXG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199747

what are you doing for tomorrow, anons?

>> No.31199665

Actually unironically go fuck yourself.

>> No.31199670
File: 3.22 MB, 1367x1352, 1606292540826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man, letting a bunch of incels on an Indonesian hotdog-eating forum be in charge of your opinions sounds like the smaller-dicked option to me. As long as your opinions are truly your own, and not derived from peer pressure or some other form of social brainwashing, then I can do nothing but respect you.

>> No.31199673
File: 623 KB, 3155x3801, EkboGb9VoAAbh0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just heard that klaius is discriminating you guys. why would he do that???

>> No.31199677
Quoted by: >>31199808

Every fanbase has shitty people, the takos were just silent until now. It is what it is

>> No.31199678
File: 161 KB, 1200x1254, 71E5C980-790C-4EA2-8F62-2FC249E6881A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas rrat man.

>> No.31199682
Quoted by: >>31199732

Is kilim still alive? i had to skip last year sadly

>> No.31199687


>> No.31199686

Don't care, my oshi is not there

>> No.31199689
File: 1.58 MB, 2232x1608, illust_86416939_20201221_093942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas lads!
Merry Christmas bro!

>> No.31199688
Quoted by: >>31199818

Is this stuff specific to Cover or is this also common in the general idol industry?

>> No.31199690
File: 183 KB, 1300x1514, 1583079272719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina jp collab was the most boring collab so far

>> No.31199693

Work on the 24th? That does feel bad.
I'm most likely missing at least part of the RP stream since I made last second plans with my family tonight. Hopefully poorfags don't shit up the chat for it.

>> No.31199696
Quoted by: >>31200575

I don't know and not them, but its always a default image hash. That's how I know its not you, and I never engage with them
t. Chumbud

>> No.31199698
Quoted by: >>31199819

Fuck you Zeno, that shit makes no sense.

>> No.31199699

Man, looking at the last thread. There was a post asking for pictures of posters oshis, and a large majority were Amelia. This really is /ameg/ at most hours.

>> No.31199700
File: 77 KB, 801x801, 1582653443856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick Gura's chumhole.

>> No.31199701
File: 48 KB, 254x252, 1608333331140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archive reps. It's on a mega.
Yet here we are, in this thread, enjoying Christmas. This year's been alright.

>> No.31199703


>> No.31199709

She was barely keeping up anon, have some mercy.

>> No.31199710

Merry Christmas!

>> No.31199712

Apparently /hlgg/ is that powerful, all the dox nations have to come together to even try and take us down, thing is takos regenerate, the chickens can rebirth just as their master, deadbeats are immortal since their master is death's aprentice, bubba's can turn back time and avoid their own death and the shark followers are so many that if you kill one two more appear.

>> No.31199720

I wanna try asmr but I feel I need super fancy headphones? I only have AirPods

>> No.31199723
File: 918 KB, 1070x909, 1607126192557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she happens to be my oshi but that doesn't change shit

>> No.31199724
File: 11 KB, 126x126, 1608602552847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to you too rratman, hope you have a good time.

>> No.31199729
File: 111 KB, 1692x1252, 1607142741641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only being raided but beating them back and winning back lost territory. They way over played themselves Gura Baking Energy and Unity proved to strong for them. At the same time the mods outed themselves as out of touch soijack posters which everyone on /qa/ is currently making fun of them for it.

The front is currently being pushed to /jp/ as a whole so we can reclaim 2hu territory.

>> No.31199732

Apparently, so. /a/ calling him names a few minutes ago.

>> No.31199734
File: 624 KB, 1966x2048, EqBY_vPVoAEmk4G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199825

>> No.31199735
File: 356 KB, 695x628, 1607798822056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The HoloEN Miracle - by Anon


T'was terror and doomposting all through the day
Sharkmeido was missing, what more's there to say?
Dead hours and /qa/, and rrats large as a horde
/hlgg/ shaking, "Will we get kicked off this board?"

But hark! Here comes Ina, with Nene in tow!
And Polka come follows, the two blondes will show
Their large Minecraft server, and though in moonrune
How kino their laughter, these streamers a boon!

And hark! Here comes Gura, with flour in hand
With sugar and water, and the rest of the band
Bust guts from the cookies, my lord, it's too funny!
And when she starts moaning, we yell UOH and cunny!

And hark! Here comes Watson, a movie for us
Cuter than usual, watch along you must
She pretends to be grumpy, and calls us all dummies
Then tweets back at Gura, "You crave my chumbuddies?"

And hark! Here comes Mori, again with yabai
These vague as fuck tweets, and hear Enma sigh
Another neat switchup, another trick from her shelf
And we all fight each other as she laughs at herself

And hark! Here's Kiara, dressing up in Sims 4
"Calli looks so hot!" but made her dress like a whore
And as she streams now, as I type up this text
I smile, so happy, for what's coming up next

T'was terror and doomposting all through the day
Sharmeido was missing, what's more there to say?
But through unity and love, we harmonized like a chord
/hlgg/ singing, "I'm glad I'm on this board."

>> No.31199736

Why post in individual Oshi threads when you can support the unity thread?

>> No.31199738

i want to give gura a hug _______ _______ _______ _______

>> No.31199747
File: 747 KB, 1131x1085, 1608332261843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Holo streams at home because my coworker caught the kung flu and now I have to isolate and can't visit my family.

>> No.31199750
File: 136 KB, 1125x1133, A8693C77-6C03-4E90-AA82-A09487528EC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199751

try it and she'll continue BTFOing you with her continued success
path of a Mori anti is a path of endless misery

>> No.31199752
File: 233 KB, 871x670, 1600782769653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199757

merry christmas rratboy

>> No.31199759

Nah, you can do ASMR with shitty headphones just fine.

>> No.31199760
Quoted by: >>31200575

I'm not sure, I was only talking about the posts about a Guramori collab, the malicious ones I always ignored.

>> No.31199762
Quoted by: >>31199819


>> No.31199761

Choco or Aki.

>> No.31199763
Quoted by: >>31200128

this drawing unironically looks like Princess Bubblegum

>> No.31199766

tfw only here waiting for roomates to be posted.

>> No.31199767


>> No.31199768
File: 2.12 MB, 1974x2921, 1605475082367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's almost like spending every single thread bitching about antis brings them here. Maybe you faggots should just shut up and enjoy the girls instead of trying to start a fucking flame war every single day.

>> No.31199769

you could do a lot worse. /iemg/ may have some suggestions for you.

>> No.31199771
File: 29 KB, 236x200, 1608746426651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's about to cum.

>> No.31199775

As much as I hate Chicken at least she manages to make JP collabs interesting for EOPs with her high energy. Like the Subaru collab with them making bird noises. But Ina's collab was just boring talking.

>> No.31199778
Quoted by: >>31199921

something sound isolating is best, but just having the sound be directional and close to your ear is already an improvement over just using standard speaker setup

>> No.31199786
File: 60 KB, 512x512, 1515256344267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, you guys win. I'm sick of the hololive threads and this anime season is coming to a close. Help me get started here, what's the difference between /hlg/ and /hlgg/ and which one is this? I've lurked for a bit and I don't get it.

>> No.31199789
File: 397 KB, 2310x1530, 1608569145525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199790

Do you think Amelia will even appreciate the subtleties of Blade Runner?

>> No.31199794

>Trannies hate biological women for obvious reasons
>Incels and MGTOW hate them for who they're behind the cute anime girl avatar and their retarded theory of the "blackpill"
>/cgl/ basically only hates Kiara
>official discord twitter made a shark doxxpost for unknown reasons
>/qa/ meidos hate sharkmeido in general
We're doomed aren't we?

>> No.31199795
Quoted by: >>31199880

That'd require some effort though, as opposed to simply telling the talent to keep their mouths shut.

>> No.31199800

Too pink.

>> No.31199801
File: 95 KB, 684x432, 1577773092673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200121

sure you do chickenfag
she is garbage

>> No.31199802

Have fun

>> No.31199804

No, but I'll enjoy every minute of the thread.

>> No.31199805
Quoted by: >>31199852

>But Ina's collab was just boring talking.

You literally didn't fucking watch it. You can complain that Ina didn't get to talk as much as but it wasn't fucking boring when you had the two hyperactive retards carrying it.

>> No.31199808

>until now
Stop falling for shitposters flagging.

>> No.31199812

Why won't Gura hold Mori's hand?

>> No.31199813
File: 2 KB, 240x240, 1607438194705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199818
Quoted by: >>31200006

The entire international music industry is well known to be hyper-incompetent, because the actual people running the businesses don't feel the need to do anything. They all coast on their talent without doing anything more than networking for them. When it comes to support, they tend to be worthless.
Cover's actually only minorly terrible compared to the usual idol industry or record label, to be honest. But that just means they're less bad, not that they're competent.

>> No.31199819

limit of a mathematical function, my boys!

>> No.31199825

I want to snuggle with her flat chest...

>> No.31199827

>That image
/hlg/ it is!

>> No.31199829

she's shy.

>> No.31199835
File: 1.20 MB, 1337x752, 1601814039903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199838
File: 63 KB, 691x556, basedonwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199917


>> No.31199841
File: 628 KB, 4096x1237, EqBb3QqXYAIvqvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199843
File: 1.68 MB, 570x1920, 1593533286002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199842

I just wanted to say Nyanners is really cute and I can't wait for her collab with Mori

>> No.31199844

ever heard about touch of death?
even Kiara knows better

>> No.31199846

Merry Christmas friend

>> No.31199848
Quoted by: >>31200575

I know theres been a couple but I called out this one a while ago: >>30519822

>> No.31199851

>everyone on /qa/ is currently making fun of them for it.
Isn't that just counterraiders from here, though?

>> No.31199852

They weren't even that entertaining unlike Pekora's pranks in the Kiara collab.

>> No.31199853

Merry Christmas you glorious fucker.

>> No.31199854
Quoted by: >>31199884

that's a deadbeat privilege https://streamable.com/ar88pu

>> No.31199859

I know fuck all japanese and I still understood enough to follow along and have fun

>> No.31199868

Anyone expecting a super exciting collab doesn't know my oshi well enough. I imagine this stream for EOP's was a similar experience to how most of Ina's drawing streams are to JOP's.

>> No.31199870

Maybe not but we watched her romcom so she has to suffer through an actual film.

>> No.31199879
File: 28 KB, 543x480, 1586563878467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199880

this just makes me more glad that Mori is learning how to run circles around their dumb asses apparently
I'm getting my song you cowardly, lazy, limp-dicked yellow fucks

>> No.31199884


>> No.31199886

Someone add Christmas musical backing to this.

>> No.31199887
File: 20 KB, 184x178, 1605878506793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas to you, R.Ratman, thank you for being around.
And Merry Christmas to every single one of you idiots in here too, you're the reason why I still come in this shithole nearly everyday.
I love you all.

>> No.31199888
File: 834 KB, 2560x1440, tovarish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199889

Holy fuck this is CUTE!

>> No.31199890
File: 258 KB, 1200x1144, 1608401976713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199909


>> No.31199893

fucking based

>> No.31199900

Ina did really well for not being at all fluent in Japanese imo.
They worked together really well and clearly had a lot of fun despite the communication difficulties.

>> No.31199905
Quoted by: >>31199916

>winning back lost territory
We're only powerful in /hlg/ and /hlgg/ everything outside this is basically shit now desu.

>> No.31199907

Magnificent anon

>> No.31199909
File: 999 KB, 720x697, 1604505571065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199910 [SPOILER] 
File: 211 KB, 636x454, 1608838266390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First worlders have already opened their presents. What did you get this year?

>> No.31199911

Of course not. This is payback for making us watch her shitty favorite film. The real bitchy girlfriend experience.

>> No.31199914

Merry christmas rratman!

>> No.31199915
Quoted by: >>31199938

>After a lot of resistance Mori finally agrees to wear a cute outfit for your date, but in return she insists on carrying her scythe all the time

>> No.31199916

so no change?

>> No.31199917
File: 92 KB, 475x604, 1580344082367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199919

wtf is wrong with /qa/?

>> No.31199920
Quoted by: >>31200061

Merry Christmas, I'll spoonfeed you.
/hlg/ is primarily JP holos, so go there if you want to talk about JP without the international branches.
/hlgg/ is primarily for the international branches, but the last month has seen some of the JPs getting discussed more often. Stay here if you're more interested in Hololive English or Indonesia.
Before deciding, go watch some streams/clips/archives of the girls to see if any catch your fancy.

>> No.31199921

Alright I guess I’ll try em with polkas asmr this time.

>> No.31199924

I'm glad I'm on this board

>> No.31199926

How so?

>> No.31199929
File: 857 KB, 1240x2126, 8783453354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly truly truly outrageous.

>> No.31199930

January, Gen5 3D debut
February, Bloom (Spring event) (EN VSinger debut announcement)
March, EN VSinger debut
April, ID Gen1 3D debut.
May, EN 3D debut
June, Hololive Worldwide Live (Summer event) with EN/JP/ID holos.

>> No.31199931
File: 29 KB, 560x560, 1607144283363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31199970

Did she say which cut she was gonna watch? There's like five of these things

>> No.31199935
File: 327 KB, 2048x604, 1608063906013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199938

holy shit my dick
now I imagine her in a cute sundress, a straw hat and that scythe carried as casually as a handbag
cute as fuck

>> No.31199940

This is true.

>> No.31199943
File: 1003 KB, 800x800, Ep-fncGU0AAJ4xF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199944

I think in this case, its more for a watch a long with the thread then her.

>> No.31199946
File: 690 KB, 605x737, 1607990631825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post Watame's yab clip? and Towa's too

>> No.31199949
File: 2.84 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20201224_202904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199948
File: 488 KB, 1200x1069, E908DFD6384041D8A5633516A81348E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tribalism on Christmas? Have some fucking shame you faggots. Today of all days is time for UNITY!

>> No.31199950

Literally been waiting for this all fucking year, even before I got into vtubers
Seeing some falseflaggers and/or newfags breach containment is embarrassing and I'm glad we keep to our containment

>> No.31199955

Nothing but despair.

>> No.31199959
File: 1.02 MB, 957x1133, 1608430455293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take a walk with Gura to look at all the snow and Christmas lights while we hold hands.

>> No.31199964
File: 88 KB, 946x814, 1608682216201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200131

I didn't get any gifts this year

>> No.31199966
File: 250 KB, 1448x2048, 1601779863816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31199967

Kiara called Ina's weird fat tree weird, because the tree was fucking weird

>> No.31199970

No. Someone will probably have to tell her that different cuts even exist in a SC or something. Or maybe her aunt will tell her.

>> No.31199971
File: 1.13 MB, 2700x2500, 1607617369150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing anon.

>> No.31199972

Highly based.

>> No.31199976
Quoted by: >>31200688

Now draw him holding sword loli

>> No.31199977


>> No.31199980
File: 323 KB, 719x749, blue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm glad I'm on this board.

>> No.31199981

Maybe Ina should make her JP collabs more interesting for EOPs like Kiara does if she doesn't want them to have less viewers than her solo streams.

>> No.31199982

a new SSD. NVME 500GB

>> No.31199988
Quoted by: >>31200029

It gave us a kino exchange though.

>> No.31199991
File: 35 KB, 450x297, 1603369067080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get gifts. I haven't gotten gifts since I was 12. Don't even get phone calls from family anymore and dollars to donuts if I take the initiative and call them they won't answer.

>> No.31199993

The shade that ensued was amazing

>> No.31199997
File: 14 KB, 251x215, takola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CTRL F aggie.io
>0 results


>> No.31200001
File: 2.46 MB, 1328x1862, dmklyrcnud561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her aunt is apparently a Blade Runner nut, so if she doesn't get it in the watchalong, she'll be taught very quickly

>> No.31200002
File: 2.53 MB, 518x474, 1600062819439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time for Unity yet?

>> No.31200006
Quoted by: >>31200211

For reference here, Is something like Sony and Warner Music Japan more competent given their international framework? I'm not taking shitty practices like rootkits draconian DMCA takedowns into account, just their ability to promote and support their talent.

>> No.31200007
File: 926 KB, 1016x1080, 1608065218024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised I haven't seen that much more art of Mori without her jacket/cape, It's a good look. Also, ahem... MORI LOVE.

>> No.31200013

listen along with ame when?

>> No.31200016

It's always time

>> No.31200018

Has Gura become too powerful?

>> No.31200022
File: 410 KB, 1388x2048, EpkOpeuU8AEehq-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200088


>> No.31200023

Classic meme

>> No.31200024
Quoted by: >>31200066

Both you and Kiara are fucking retards because the house clearly isn't fucking finished yet. So of course it'd be "weird"

>> No.31200025
File: 1.31 MB, 4096x2304, 20201220_121525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200102

What the fuck did I just say faggot? UNITY.

>> No.31200030
File: 111 KB, 1000x707, 1608341614316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based !

>> No.31200029

Yeah, I'm just joking too.

Ina and Kiara have this comfort with each other to talk shit and banter without issue, it's hilarious.

>> No.31200031
File: 114 KB, 936x524, 1605835694188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gunpla related stuff
I got them for myself

>> No.31200034

no tribalism
all holos equal after Ina

>> No.31200044

>Ina jp collab
How many English sentences did Ina even speak during that collab?
I feel a bit left out.

>> No.31200048

jesas, the weight of those things...

>> No.31200049
File: 3.62 MB, 2400x638, 1594185260774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200052
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x1520, Screenshot_20201224-140711_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200138

I just want to post a cute Towa and Bibi

>> No.31200061
Quoted by: >>31200100

thanks, I'll probably fuck off from here then. Can't stand bad anime dubs, don't know why I'd watch them in livestream format

>> No.31200064


Unfathomably based

>> No.31200065
File: 751 KB, 1118x300, 1601997516605.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unity is eternal, Anon

>> No.31200066

oh no no no no *bleep* tree defense force

Imagine your *bleep* oshi building a weird *bleep* tree lmao, get *bleep* takodachis

>> No.31200069

This board sure makes some awesome OC, merry christmas anon.

>> No.31200070

None that weren't loan words or translations (Coral, sea pickle). She has enough respect for her Senpai that she didn't want to interrupt them to speak to her chat, and that's fine.

>> No.31200074
File: 388 KB, 1762x1228, 1583788882646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200075
File: 691 KB, 657x738, 1608726239783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unbelievably based.

>> No.31200081

Zero. I think Polka had more.

>> No.31200082

I think the names of some stuff
And trhat sign at Haachamas coaster

>> No.31200088
Quoted by: >>31200232

I wonder if she'll overlap with the Mori date or actually fuck off to go watch
I'd laugh if the latter happened
the threads would be legendary

>> No.31200091
File: 134 KB, 402x486, 1599462995485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry christmas Mr Ratman

>> No.31200092

Every time I see this image posted I want to ruin Aki's mature pussy with my dick. God I fucking love hags.

>> No.31200097

Why is Mori far away from all the other ENs?

>> No.31200099

Nothing yet. Expecting money, clothes, and chocolate.

>> No.31200100

don't forget to Kys

>> No.31200102
File: 328 KB, 1800x1047, 1608242002891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200103

merry christmas, friend

>> No.31200109
Quoted by: >>31200213

A Switch and a $50 steam wallet card.
>watched chicken's Three Houses playthrough because I figured I probably wouldn't get one so who cares about spoilers
Aren't I dumb

>> No.31200111


>> No.31200112
File: 368 KB, 1390x1682, 1605928935048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy to see them and the good ayameposters reclaiming their oshis.
Based and same.

>> No.31200115

Which EN girl is the least filthy?

We know that Ame is a former hobo and that Gura lives in a pile of trash so it can't be either of them.

>> No.31200117

Merry Christmas you glorious faggot. It's still the 24th here but I'll enjoy shitposting with you guys

>> No.31200121

better than BorIna

>> No.31200122

because she's soon to be the only one in the East

>> No.31200124

It's Christmas, why are you like this?

>> No.31200128
File: 611 KB, 2500x1500, 1605034225622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200162

You think?

>> No.31200129


>> No.31200131
File: 181 KB, 436x456, gawrgoyla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200197

You can have this picture of gorbachev.

>> No.31200133
Quoted by: >>31200154

So what you're saying is that Kiara cares more about her chat than Ina does.

>> No.31200134
Quoted by: >>31200166

most likely Mori.

>> No.31200137


>> No.31200138
File: 1.08 MB, 968x693, 1603804033446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As it should be.

>> No.31200139
File: 522 KB, 1784x752, Unity4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always time for unity. Outs the falseflaggers like no other. Like>>31200074, for example.

>> No.31200140
File: 16 KB, 599x131, 24122020423913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, rrats?

>> No.31200142

uhhhh narrativebros?

>> No.31200144
File: 3.38 MB, 2047x1447, babe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates, I'll be spending Christmas Eve with my family. Please tell Amelia that I love her.

>> No.31200146

Ina, asian parents wont let their house get dirty.

>> No.31200151

Merraty Chrratistmas rratman

>> No.31200153


>> No.31200154

Sure, if you want to be a prick about it.

>> No.31200155
File: 45 KB, 414x383, 1583250397292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200190

chicken needs to fuck off already

>> No.31200156


>> No.31200162
Quoted by: >>31200194

>you are now realizing that Mori's character is a fusion of PB and Marceline.

>> No.31200163
Quoted by: >>31200200

it's between Mori and Ina
Ina is a hikki but lives with strict azn parents so some hygiene could be forced on her
Mori worked full time in a nip school, they wouldn't let her be unpresentable

Kiara lives with rats
Ame and Gura you already said

>> No.31200166

Mori is pure

>> No.31200167

Shes right though.

>> No.31200169

Finally, a vtuber that's just as schizo as we are.

>> No.31200175
File: 270 KB, 680x378, 18A6AB65-70DC-4E89-9E94-126D7BF03840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this conspiraboomer detective

>> No.31200180
Quoted by: >>31200271

Not the first time Ame drops a conspiranoic line. It grows.

>> No.31200181
File: 321 KB, 1470x2048, 87646684468486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31200183

What do you do when the chuuba is the one that needs to take her meds?

>> No.31200184

She knows too much.

>> No.31200187
File: 385 KB, 1920x1080, 23091983794847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, bros. Sorry for the fucking blog post but someone in a previous thread mentioned they were in love with Amelia but it made them actually feel lonelier and I totally get that now. You see, I've been in a situation for a while where my obligations prevent me from dating and I had convinced myself for the longest time that I was just happier by myself and happier alone. I know my feelings for Amelia are just parasocial and I'd never go beyond that, I'm well grounded in reality, but it has shown me that I can still genuinely care for a girl and it's just shown me how lonely I am. So for the first time I'm looking at my situation and hating that I'll probably never find someone.

Again, sorry for the shitty blogpost. Kinda tipsy, I've been drinking as I have family over and it makes them tolerable. You can tell me to go back now, anons. I just wanted to vent and I'll take the Fuck (You)s

>> No.31200190
Quoted by: >>31200305

why is it always sheep posters

>> No.31200191
File: 382 KB, 1434x2048, 1608642054697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200192

I will, anon. As a side note, I wish there were more serious fanart like this, I love it

>> No.31200193
File: 105 KB, 960x539, 1605915401276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always time for Unity

>> No.31200194

and so is her roommate

>> No.31200195
File: 432 KB, 2536x2415, 1608423378933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this girl.

>> No.31200197

thank you grandma granola

>> No.31200198
File: 106 KB, 800x1120, 1601144327675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200479

Mori's shoulders are too dangerous and need to be contained.

>> No.31200199

Fuck off

>> No.31200200
Quoted by: >>31200347

>Kiara lives with rats
That's not her fault.

>> No.31200201

Considering Aki's thighs could be registered as lethal weapons, you should think carefully about who will ruin who.

>> No.31200204

Do you think she ironically listens to Alex Jones?

>> No.31200209
File: 34 KB, 267x338, 1604473630095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's never time for unity. Unity is some bullshit cope. I'll never understand this sentiment that you have to like all 5 EN girls. At the end of they day there are people who are going to dislike your oshi and doing so doesn't make them antis.

>> No.31200211

Getting into the specifics like that, I can't really tell you for sure. I'm not a /mu/ guy who's into that scene. Businesseswise, I can tell you they promote their talent well and regimented, but accomplish that by forcing them into uncomfortable situations to fit their rigid schedules, or they get let go quick.

>> No.31200213
File: 772 KB, 1449x813, 1588679795192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crimson Flower is the worst route anyways and a lot of the really important stuff hasn't been spoiled yet, so you're probably fine if you want to play it yourself.

>> No.31200215
Quoted by: >>31200265

collab when?

>> No.31200217

Recall the attitude around EN before it came out. How utterly blown the fuck out everyone is right now.

End of the day, if something is fun and brings joy to someone, some seething asshole will try to find a way to ruin it

>> No.31200218
Quoted by: >>31200309

How do I buy minecraft? It's not on steam.

>> No.31200219
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 1604319117607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the seeker of the truth after all

>> No.31200225

Ame your conspiracy reps...

>> No.31200226

it's ok dude

>> No.31200227
Quoted by: >>31200252

Better question: Why aren't they all separated?

>> No.31200232

I don't think Polka has actually indicated any interest in Mori since the amon9 us collab all those months ago.

>> No.31200235
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 1607193318837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori love and deadbeat unity!

>> No.31200239
File: 48 KB, 1058x592, 1608717957266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Towa
>no Tenshi
>no IDs whatsoever
"Unity" my ass. "Unity" is just a tribalist meme to stomp out anyone not considered part of that "unity" with bigger numbers. You don't want peace. You just want more reasons to fight.

>> No.31200240

Did I expect too much?
Like maybe an introduction and that the collab is going to be in Japanese?
Or some stray English sentence here and there?
Or is it that Nene and Polka believe that their English (pronunciation) is not good enough so they decided not to use English?

>> No.31200241

Go hang out with your family and don't come back

>> No.31200246
File: 176 KB, 1200x727, 1608349260569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the enemy is at the gates there is absolutely time for unity.

>> No.31200248

Using a Holo to shit on another holo is by default anti behavior, sadcat poster.

>> No.31200249
File: 3.41 MB, 3111x2000, 1608231286003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200250
File: 429 KB, 1152x638, SCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SCP sheet

>> No.31200251

women nearing their 40s have the strongest sex drive, you'd be the one who ended up ruined

>> No.31200252


>> No.31200257

Don't everyone?

>> No.31200258
File: 85 KB, 525x525, 79019347b8e49277423285d2714ac45f0302055a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas you rrat!

>> No.31200259

KiarIna is the future

>> No.31200263
File: 701 KB, 2508x3541, EmoCahxVMAMgOz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her mama and papa knew that if she could take her cloak off we wouldn't stand a chance.

>> No.31200265

>alex jones rants about something
>"but why?"
>continues to rant some more
>this goes on for hours
fund it

>> No.31200267

Add them
I'm not a photoshop god

>> No.31200269
Quoted by: >>31200299

I mean, her brother listens to Joe Rogan. It ain't too farfetched.

>> No.31200270

Fuck off
I understand though, you'll do fine Anon

>> No.31200271

The reason she doesn't like to take off her hat is because then you may see the tin foil lining

>> No.31200272

Don't worry, I'll tell her I love her.

>> No.31200274

Fuck off and kill yourself unironically

>> No.31200277

>believing in the "government"

>> No.31200282
Quoted by: >>31200317

apparently she cut her recent stream short when it overlapped some Mori singing
might be a rrat but her mentioning her favorite vulgarities to Ina yesterday makes me think otherwise

>> No.31200283
Quoted by: >>31200375

Teamates, I think she forgot her meds

>> No.31200284

This is why I stopped goslingposting for fun, the pre-amegeddon unironic shizos are starting to come back.

>> No.31200289

Bless you, R. Ratman...

>> No.31200291
File: 1.45 MB, 2150x3035, MADNESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since (You) asked for it, here is your Christmas aggie :

>> No.31200290
File: 226 KB, 446x590, 1583416258432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200446


Mori has an amazing guh and her bread raps are great!
Kiara is a pleassure to listen to! Maybe a little too pleasureable, but just remember, KFP is one big family!
Ina has to make a pun or add a new girl to her /u/ harem every 26.1264 seconds or else she will literally die. She's also good at art too.
Gura is really cute and funny! So much so that her fans constantly scream in joy whenever she streams!
Watson is hard working and entertaining. Well, according to the people that constantly knock down their chairs at least.
Haachama is energetic and always has something new to surprise us with! She can also be lewd at times, but that's why she's so endearing!
Sora may not be fluent in English, but she's working hard on her eigo reps! Both you and I know she's going to make it because of her diligence!

They're all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of the Hololive members.

Frick tribalistfags.
Frick falseflaggers.
Frick doxposters.
Frick /qa/.

>> No.31200294

Polka and Nene are not nearly as fluent in english. Ina knows more japanese than they know english
>Did I expect too much
>Like maybe an introduction and that the collab is going to be in Japanese?
There was a pinned message.

>> No.31200298

I always love keyfabe artwork. So thanks for showing us this anon.

>> No.31200299

>She holds her brother in high esteem
There's a pretty good chance his views rub off to her. So you have a point.

>> No.31200305

Because they think it isn't their fault

>> No.31200309

assuming this isn't bait, why wouldn't you just Google this? You can only buy it from Mojang's page if you want the Java version.

>> No.31200314
Quoted by: >>31200639

This. Kiara usually has her collab partner do a short English introduction of themselves at the start of the collab and will try to get them to speak some random English during the collab.

>> No.31200316

We're superior to them in every single way

>> No.31200317
Quoted by: >>31200373

What vulgarities were they?

>> No.31200319
File: 533 KB, 1414x2000, 1608310927323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the two different sides of Ina's tentacles have different textures you think?

>> No.31200320

I don't expect Amelia to be able to sit through a five hour Blade Runner marathon.

>> No.31200321
File: 151 KB, 520x159, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't put it pass them to let her have it

>> No.31200322

Hey faggots, haven't been here in a while but I just came to congratulate takoyaki on finally getting friends for christmas.

Didn't watch the collab because 'tis the season for slacking on 日本語 reps and minecraft is a glorified zatsudan, but at least Ina finally got to collab with holos who aren't literal who indog tier. Between that, haachama #en0 finally getting to go home to glorious nippon land, and Coco not breaking down into tears on stream anymore, this looks like it'll be a good year for hololive en.

>> No.31200323
Quoted by: >>31200356

>Using a Holo to shit on another holo
You're a retard for thinking that the use of a reaction image is me shitting on a holo with another holo.

>> No.31200328 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 209x200, 1608839219677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Investimagatoring and uncovering real conspiracies and bringing them down with Ame!

>> No.31200340

Bless you R. Ratman. Merry Christmas.

>> No.31200345

>There was a pinned message.
In Japanese, kek

>> No.31200347

Mousetrap watch along and rat simulator stream when?

>> No.31200351
File: 165 KB, 526x214, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover pls

>> No.31200353
File: 31 KB, 480x401, 1607088093433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using a Holo
You mean a reaction image? God, you people are fragile. I post reaction images of every single Holo, even ones I've never watched; there's no "agenda" behind it other than which ones make the funniest faces.

>> No.31200354
Quoted by: >>31200412

would someone in EN be okay with an Original Trilogy watch-a-long?

>> No.31200355

Headphones, a jumper, a box of chocolates and sweatpants. Very nice.

>> No.31200356

Does Towa do her eigo and EN interaction reps? Is Tenshi (that isn't PPT) a Holo?
Add them onto the unity ver with Delta, then. See how long it lasts. I hate to say it, but they can't be unity by definition.

Talking about the tako falseflagger higher up in the thread, anonchama.

>> No.31200359
File: 469 KB, 2048x1452, 78676876848668786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200451

Imagine the smell.

>> No.31200361
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1606261267311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200428

She's learned too much. You know what to do.

>> No.31200364
File: 6 KB, 299x168, takodachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200710

Unity doesn't mean liking all the EN girls. Unity means not actively antiposting about them and recognizing that all the girls have their own appeals. You can not enjoy someone's content but still wish for them to succeed.

>> No.31200372

I only go to r/a/dio for New Years, but the last few years they've been massive faggots and aren't playing the usual songs anymore or don't even play Komm Susser Tod for like 5 hours after PST new years.

>> No.31200373

Definitely heard her say FUCK

>> No.31200375

She's right though. I woke up this morning and there was actually a little snow outside. I didn't think we'd have any snow for Christmas this year. It's also like 20 degrees F.

>> No.31200378
File: 107 KB, 282x339, 1608729023577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Kwap

>> No.31200384


>> No.31200397

so do i. we both know I'm her favorite though.

>> No.31200398
File: 282 KB, 690x690, 1608731140482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200643

I'm not gonna lie by pretending that I like Kiara, but I totally understand why people love her. She's just not for me, not my taste, but I really love Ina/Kiara collabs. They both work surprisingly well together and both invoke the best aspects from each other.

>> No.31200399

Source? Why is the filesize so huge?

>> No.31200401

No it was FIRE SHIT

>> No.31200405
File: 678 KB, 1800x1234, gurachristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not milk.

>> No.31200408
File: 181 KB, 1137x668, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>karaoke segment starts
>Mori sim sounds like critikal
I fucking can't.

>> No.31200409

I Just fell asleep. What did i miss?

>> No.31200410
Quoted by: >>31200489

Unity is corny as fuck. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I love all of them the same.

>> No.31200412

Ame was spitballing ideas for member movie watchalongs, it's possible but it'd probably be at least a month away

>> No.31200420
File: 3.95 MB, 2913x2691, 1608731791797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must! Right?

>> No.31200423
File: 289 KB, 1254x2007, c78cd1eff51a7289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when people were shitting on Kiara for not translating everything in JP collabs even though she translated some stuff. But when Ina does a JP collab with absolutely no English then it's suddenly perfectly fine.

>> No.31200425

Why is everyone but Gura allowed to curse?

>> No.31200428
File: 1.32 MB, 1422x1443, 1608388901322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200430

I assume people kept editing over each others, so someone took the one with all the ens except Mori, that floated around (and also repositioning guramae together), added Haachama, then people kept adding stuff in on top of it including eventually readding Mori.

>> No.31200433

it's frosting

>> No.31200435
File: 16 KB, 526x216, 786786646684846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200440
Quoted by: >>31200710

>I'll never understand this sentiment that you have to like all 5 EN girls.
You don't. Nobody says you do. It's more about not being a whiny bitch and trying to stir shit up. Unity posting is also used to push back against false-flagging.

>> No.31200446

Scared of getting hit by the MEX-NENE-MEX? Merry Christmas, anon.

>> No.31200449

gura chooses not to except on special occasions. this is a decision informed by her exceptional understanding of youtube's algorithms.

>> No.31200451

I'll just move away from Ame and it'll go away, surely.

>> No.31200456
Quoted by: >>31200511

She trying too hard to distance HERself. It's her choice but i dont really like it.

>> No.31200457
Quoted by: >>31200536

Gura can curse, it's just more fun if it's used sparingly, like anything you don't want run into the ground.

>> No.31200459

Merry Christmas!

>> No.31200460

When is she Amelia, and when is she Watson?

>> No.31200463

It's old water and powdered sugar.

>> No.31200466
Quoted by: >>31200621

>There was a pinned message.
Not in English.

>> No.31200467
Quoted by: >>31200710

It just means not indulging in consolewar-tier behavior to shit up the thread and realizing all the girls are all on the same team anonchama .

>> No.31200469
File: 248 KB, 502x576, 1608655319587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200557

My theory is that the tentacles are wrapped in a fabric. To make them look cute. In reality under the fabric they're way more monstrous, sharp and dangerous, covered in dangerous suckers, teeth like growths and acidic slime. But Ina likes to make them seem pretty and the tentacles obey. Until there's danger, then they break through the fabric.

>> No.31200472

Gura is the only one imposing that on her.

>> No.31200474
File: 279 KB, 748x227, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200476
Quoted by: >>31200516

This. There's nothing wrong pointing out and criticizing what they lack or even outright finding their behavior disgusting

>> No.31200477
File: 49 KB, 1019x480, 1604192671073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because unlike the others she will get possessed by HER if she does. Clearly she can't control herself

Adding vodka to the master baking stream was her first and surely not the last mistake.

>> No.31200479


I want to leave hickies all over her cute shoulders!

>> No.31200482

That "heh" makes shivers go down my spine, prepare for cute cringekino..

>> No.31200481

More room for me, I love coconuts

>> No.31200483

Getting really sick of these kfp falseflaggers already.

>> No.31200489
Quoted by: >>31200796

That's not what unity means anon. It's just a gentleman's agreement to treat the other girls as you would your oshi, don't shitpost with them, be toxic, etc.

>> No.31200492

She definitely brought it up in her fucked up collab with Kiara, but not for long before Kiara started getting territorial. (jokingly, obviously)

>> No.31200494

I suppose her antis are just always desperate for shitposting fuel, so usually you have to wait for the "it's ok when Nintendo does it" situation to happen, then the chicken will get a break about it.

>> No.31200495

Too bad Kiara's collabs are all shit

>> No.31200496

The more terrifying she is the more Watson or Waachama she becomes.

>> No.31200504

One of us!

>> No.31200505
File: 747 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is on the front page of /r/hololive!
glad to see we're finally getting the positive recognition we deserve.

>> No.31200512

As long as you don't accidentally get too close to Gura.

>> No.31200511

You don't think there is any chance she's happy at the fresh start and she wants to try out a different personality?

>> No.31200515
File: 51 KB, 415x433, 1608746628864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200775

Hope she knows what she's doing.
Amelia is cute and precious, Watson is cool and brutal. I default to calling her Ame most of the time but I found myself calling her Watson when she e.g. got imposter in Among Us or something. Also Polka's tweet where she goes "Ame: You're a detective, but you can also kill, Watson!"

>> No.31200516
Quoted by: >>31200552

anon stop being such a drama queen.

>> No.31200522


Aw ye

>> No.31200529


>> No.31200530

>blaming /v/ and /pol/

>> No.31200534

This Kiara Sims 4 stream is absolute kino

>> No.31200536

That's weird because her occasional cursing feels like more of a gimmick than saying swear words casually. She gets such a stupid response from the audience.
>YouTube algorithm
That makes a lot of sense actually. Google's AI it horrendous.

>> No.31200548

Is this you, KJ, or is someone else creating the aggies on /hlgg/? Regardless, thanks.

>> No.31200552

not your hugbox retard

>> No.31200553

>they know
They're probably here sadly.

>> No.31200557
File: 3.23 MB, 2400x2400, 1607742578965.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200558
Quoted by: >>31200635

Not him but cursing is hardly a personality. I doubt anyone would care if she swore like other Holos do. Anyway I don't mind it.

>> No.31200560
File: 57 KB, 960x960, 1607713228141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when every JP has been on Holotalk except Ayame? What will her excuse be?

>> No.31200562

Fuck them, only we're allowed to shit on /vpol/.

>> No.31200564
Quoted by: >>31200983

At least Kiara actually cares enough about her chat to try and include some English unlike Ina who only cares about herself.

>> No.31200565

No i do think it makes her happier. I just feel like she's just giving up too much to cut any connection whereas it might serve her better if she at least tried to keep some of her old self.

>> No.31200575
File: 770 KB, 710x1038, chumguts ponder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense.
Yeah, I'm a GuraMoribro.
I recognize him from my archive reps. It happens. Not everyone else who uses my pics is bad, though.

>> No.31200580
File: 102 KB, 421x619, ripsharkmeido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200672

>> No.31200582

Unity shit is just reddit hugbox behavior.

>> No.31200583

Sounds like you should stay there since you’re reading it so much.

>> No.31200588

Call in Gen 6
"I'm shy Kiara"
Schedule it then call in sick

>> No.31200597
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x1000, 1465655919132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200599

>Gura having Algorithm controlling powers
I do not want to believe this, but somehow having three successful channels when most of the e-celeb world has to pay for views is incredibly unnerving.

>> No.31200604

Spooky Ina is kinda hot

>> No.31200609

If Ame delayed her stream by an hour I would believe in Christmas once again...

>> No.31200611


>> No.31200613

nobody wants credit for being "wholesome"
stop leaking faggots

>> No.31200618

Did everyone forget she's talked about alcohol as Gura before? Two instances I remember off the top of my head are
>asking if beer is a vegetable during Overcooked collab
>telling Mori she likes to eat chicken when she drinks during their Minecraft duo collab

>> No.31200619

the top side is super soft, like silk, the bottom is squishy and has the suction cups
the top one is the one that you do't want to let go, the bottom one is the one that doesn't let you go.

>> No.31200621

>>There was a pinned message.
>Not in English.
It's not that Ina exists. It's just that we don't exist. Who knew?

>> No.31200624

This fucking mesugaki

>> No.31200626

not true when the ones to deliver the actually constructive criticism are the fans of the girls themselves

>> No.31200627
File: 155 KB, 1440x900, Ebenezer Shuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200670

Come on, anons, don't be Ebenezer Shubas! It's Christmas Eve! No need to fight and count your numbers all day! Tonight's the night for giving love and holly!

>> No.31200633

>that one teamate downplaying Sora
Man, I don't like reddit

>> No.31200634


>> No.31200635

Perhaps personality is the wrong term, but my view and especially initial impression of someone cursing vs using other language is very different.

>> No.31200639
Quoted by: >>31200825

I honestly liked how different it felt. It's not as if they are complete strangers where they need to introduce themselves to the audience. Unlike Kiara who is "show and tell", Ina was more like a movie or reality TV in which we see the world through her eyes. It reminded me of Titanfall 2.

I watched all three POVs at the same time. It was interesting how different the tone of the stream changed depending on who you were watching.

>> No.31200643
Quoted by: >>31200711

Listen Takobro and any others as well, I don't mind if you don't like Kiara. You don't have to love her, thats my job. Don't feel obligated to do it. It's fine.

>> No.31200650
File: 104 KB, 766x974, 1608141929115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any anon's blow there loads to guras cookie stream?

Like the RFA stream

>> No.31200662


>> No.31200670

DT 2017 is ending and i'm sad.

>> No.31200672

>the thread of prophecy

>> No.31200688 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.67 MB, 4000x3000, 1608839991883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.31200687

Her overseas fanbase is the smallest across HL, not many kaigai nikis are interested in knowing about her, wich is the whole point of holotalk

>> No.31200689

My brain won’t allow me to fap to gura no matter how lewd. I instantly just think “cute”

>> No.31200692
File: 126 KB, 498x373, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP protocol on the Mod Issue is that we support the war agains lolcow trannies, /clg/, SEAniggers, /qa/faggots and doxxcords. In case the battle ends in defeat for us, we shall give a massive report to cover and not let this place alive. Better nuke this shit to turn into a place for doxxin.

>> No.31200705
Quoted by: >>31200811


>> No.31200706


>> No.31200707 [SPOILER] 
File: 11 KB, 210x210, 1608840034101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200897


>> No.31200708
File: 207 KB, 629x786, go back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200710

Doesn't change the fact that voicing any form of distaste to something a holo does just gets labeled as "antiposting". Feels like as more time passes the more these threads are becoming like some sort of hugbox. If you really want to "fight back" against falseflagging just ignore the faggots rather than making 100 unity posts

>> No.31200711
Quoted by: >>31200807

Now this is proper unity.

>> No.31200718

Can I get some context on this drawing?

>> No.31200720
File: 69 KB, 358x360, 1607034077930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to want to know more about someone that streams twice a month and they're both Apex. Her giggles are max cute though.

>> No.31200724

Thank you vergilbro

>> No.31200726

The only shit one was Polka anon. I get hating her but lets not say lies.

>> No.31200727
Quoted by: >>31200760

i hate kiara.

>> No.31200736

I got a cast iron pan and a set of german-made kitchen knives because I'm an old-fuck who enjoys things like that.

>> No.31200737

I would have tried but she was too liable to start banging pots and ruin my progress.

>> No.31200740

You need to be more fluent to live-translate something.

>> No.31200749

these new mods are actual ass.
i didn't think it was possible but this board is somehow even shittier than it was before.

>> No.31200751

>But when Ina does a JP collab with absolutely no English then it's suddenly perfectly fine.
It isn't. I thought that I missed something or that they would use some English somewhen in the collab.

Mostly Japanese collabs with Kiara aren't that watchable either.

>> No.31200752
Quoted by: >>31200908

She's a fucking genius. I doubt she even really knows how she does it.

>> No.31200757
File: 538 KB, 2048x1454, EqBSGIjVoAIlYuz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200829

Shit year but the EN have been a ray of light amid the doom and gloom, and I'm glad I can at least talk about it with you guys. Net feels so sterile lately with everyone losing their minds cause of US bullshit.

>> No.31200758

Anon’s post is just schizo Skaven behavior.

>> No.31200759
Quoted by: >>31200937

So KFP are Belkans?

>> No.31200760

I hate Ame.

>> No.31200764

Anon, your snipping tool reps...

>> No.31200765

Deadbeats, how does it feel to live in a constant state of disappointment? Do you finally understand how your parents must feel?

>> No.31200767

Reminder that these faggots along with twitter and discord niggers are in these threads right now posting along with you. I honestly wish we also went the katakana route for these threads.

>> No.31200768

First MKULTRA, now a HAARP reference?
How deep does the Wamehole go?

>> No.31200775

I noticed I used to call her Watson a lot more when I didn't like her as much but I've defaulted to Ame/Amelia more recently. Weird change.

>> No.31200785

>Kiara JP collab: mostly Japanese with some English
>Ame JP collab: random English and Japanese words
>Mori JP collab: mix of English and Japanese
>Ina JP collab: full Japanese
Ina cares the least about her English audience.

>> No.31200791
Quoted by: >>31200901

you really crying about anti anti posting

>> No.31200792

>ignoring them lets them fool newfags
>Giving them (You)s lets us post unity
I'm sorry, what's the downside of option two?

>> No.31200796

But I shitpost about my oshi all the time

>> No.31200797


>> No.31200798
Quoted by: >>31200813

J*w*u* is it fixed yet?

>> No.31200805
Quoted by: >>31201041

>YouTube algorithm
This is one of the reasons why Kiara doesn't grow as fast in spite of her producing large amounts of content. Cursing, especially in the English language, is a big debuff to your discoverability.

Mori gets away with it because she has the music buff, which YouTube likes because those are short videos (less than 10 minutes) that can be packed with ads.

>> No.31200806

Ahh that's not really true. Ayame is more well known than a decent bit of JP Holos. There are a lot of overseas fans that know her through clips of her laughs and giggles.

>> No.31200807
File: 522 KB, 1490x2145, 20201224_094230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the most real kfp on this thread anon. I just want fun content. I don't care if all of you hate my oshi. You're entitled to think what you want. I will love my dumb chimkin oshi no matter what.

>> No.31200811
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x1500, 1604657183559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to do my archive reps then.

shit made me bust a gut last time

>> No.31200813

Hahahaha no

>> No.31200815

But some people like me unironically enjoy the five as entertainers, I can't imagine a lot of people on 4channel 'falseflagging' liking them all.

>> No.31200817
Quoted by: >>31200963

Do you love your fucking station?

>> No.31200819
Quoted by: >>31200880

Nuance, senpai. In multi person collabs the point is to make it accessible for both demos, so translating is expected.

In holotalk, the point is to introduce nips to borgers and company. If western-tachi can't understand shit then it defeats the purpose of the stream.

In previous 1v1 collabs, kiara's ultimate 日本語 came with the expectation that she'd be able to competently trabslate in real time.

On the other hand, nobody expected anything from Ina because she never marketed herself as a multilingual holo. She went hard 映画 from the start, didn't do outside company collabs (like nip holos do) with even the nijisanji Korean streamers, and never talked up her Japanese skills. The collab wasn't even advertised or hyped up all that much. It was obviously just a neat thing she did to reach out to Japanese viewers in order to broaden her appeal and viewer base, and there's nothing wrong with that.

It'd be different if she did what kiara does and bragged about it to her English viewers only to translate nothing and leave them completely out of the loop. That's just a bitch move, and it's why kiara gets the flak that she does. Trying to appeal to two monolingual demos at the same time is a mistake Ina didn't make.

>> No.31200820

Anon, I'm about to change your life. Shift + Win + S is a shortcut for the snipping tool. You're welcome.

>> No.31200825

It's not as if they are completely devoid of the skill of speaking English.

>> No.31200829

>00 + Wing Zero EW

it looks majestic.

>> No.31200830

>Wants to talk shit
>Gets upset when people call him a fag and an anti for his shit opinion
Dunno man, you seem to want a hugbox of your own, just the opposite kind.

>> No.31200832
Quoted by: >>31200901

Bullshit. Deadbeats are more than willing to voice distaste toward Mori, and even Teamates at times. Don't pretend we shut down discussion and discourse is impossible here.

>> No.31200835


>> No.31200836

It was very sexual

>> No.31200838
File: 202 KB, 1200x1203, 54766435543453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31200928

>> No.31200839

Could you guys please stop requesting stuff on /a/
Shit is embarrassing to watch

>> No.31200855

No one flips their shit over constructive criticism.
Unfortunately people like you seem to think that "Ur oshi is a whore lmao" qualifies as criticism.
A hugbox is preferable to you being a shitposting asshole for no reason.

>> No.31200860
File: 19 KB, 500x376, temp_127068_32561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kyo, stop it. Mori is crying right now! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?

>> No.31200861
Quoted by: >>31200901

You can offer valid criticism, but endlessly complaining about someone you don't even watch is pretty much anti-posting, as is exaggerating or making up stuff.

>> No.31200862


>> No.31200863

I used to like Kiara, but she's just been giving off this desperate struggling personality lately. For every good stream she does, the next 2 go on for way too long to bait SCs while talking about nothing, and her cult eats it up. The constant thirst for Calli and forcing it everywhere, even if it's an act, is just too tiresome and was forced from the start. I don't care about the asspull explanation she has for how a phoenix makes babies and how she wants to try it with Calli.

Ina doesn't need to be the crutch that Kiara looks for each week. Kiara could stand on her own and really shine if she could just drop some of the act that she started and at least try to be half of the idol that she thinks she already is.

>> No.31200865

Which timezone does the curse of the 25th follow?

>> No.31200867

I also tend to instinctively assume that people calling her Watson don't like her. It's more likely that they just don't watch her much but yeah. /hlg/ also mostly kept calling her Watson for a very long time until recently-ish so perhaps that contributed to my perception.

>> No.31200870
Quoted by: >>31200901

All you have to do is is not be a retarded nigger that obviously doesn't watch streams when you talk about your complaints and people will listen. The fact most people complaining about the chuubas can't even manage that is astounding.

>> No.31200871
File: 100 KB, 1242x1230, 1607225905363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the weaponized autism squad when we need them the most.....

>> No.31200872

Fuck off already faggot.

>> No.31200880

Then Ina should have put the title of her stream in Japanese or put a pinned message saying it would be in all Japanese like how Kiara does her Japanese only streams.

>> No.31200883
File: 266 KB, 569x450, 1606497514710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200891
File: 268 KB, 1800x1800, Mikopunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201297

Then do it better. We've had plenty of discussion before about improving and helping Holos improve. Deadbeats know that very well, but it's true of all the girls. But if your post is shit and you're one of the dozen faggots who go
>X is trash and disgusting and I hate them, Y is so much better and we should band together with Z to kick X out of the threads
>I fucking hate A and wish they graduated already, fuck them and fuck their fans
Then expect to get shittalked.
At the end of the day, anons want them to improve, not stagnate in shit. And most don't want to let this place become an anti breeding ground, either. So take it as a reverse side thread than the usual: if you want to defend your negative opinion, you can, but it isn't the default and don't expect to get by on worthless shitposts.

>> No.31200893

nope, are you projecting by chance?

>> No.31200897

Oh, that reminds me. What anons thought about the collab? Because I love Kopper, but I think it was pretty meh, kusoge after kusoge.

>> No.31200898

Gonna cry? Piss your pants?

>> No.31200901

>they got metabaited for 100th time

>> No.31200904
File: 373 KB, 545x537, 1580658407243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you stop assuming that every retard using holo reaction images comes from these threads?

>> No.31200905
Quoted by: >>31201023

So what's the context behind drawing this?

>> No.31200908

i suspect the way she perceives her own cognition about youtube is similar to the experience of instinct or habit. i don't know if she could describe to you in words how to run a successful youtube channel, but she easily demonstrates it.

>> No.31200909

>Implying most of that is us
Looking at the /a/ thread, there are a lot of people trying to rile up anti-holo posting.

>> No.31200910

Can't be helped. We can only undo it slowly.
t. Not just another brick in the wall

>> No.31200912

Hugbox redditors HATE him

>> No.31200914

You do understand every thread has its own set of falseflaggers, right?
Deal with your own schizos.

>> No.31200921
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x720, 1601223791448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom knitted me some cozy socks and a scarf. My little cousin made me a a clay charm and baked some cookies with my aunt. All of those made me very happy. That's my whole gift list and it's more than enough. I buy my own things anyways, so i'm always happy to get handmade gifts, even if it's just a simple card someone drew and wrote on.

>> No.31200927
Quoted by: >>31200967

DST isn't a kusoge, but it's a bad stream game. Overall I give it a 6/10, saved by the two getting funnier by the end

>> No.31200928

I would take a bullet for any of these girls

>> No.31200929
Quoted by: >>31201094

>only pretending

>> No.31200930
Quoted by: >>31201094

>I was merely pretending to be retarded
Fuck off retard

>> No.31200934
File: 81 KB, 924x592, 1607526778072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31200937
Quoted by: >>31200985

Pretty much, /hlgg/ is by far the only place while there is clear anti-chickens, is still under control, the expansion of doxxfags might increase the amount of SEAniggers and trannies hating chicken and other girls, and some other fuckers like Truck-kun creepy fuckers. If this place fall, nuke it and don't let anything alive.

>> No.31200939

Ina had a pinned message.

>> No.31200941
Quoted by: >>31201094

Hope it made Christmas a little better, Anon

>> No.31200947

She has a lot of shit on her plate outside of hololive with her whole house situation, amongst other things. Just don't watch her for now if it bothers you a lot anon. Check back in if you'd like once she goes back home. Maybe being around her family will be the outlet she needs.

>> No.31200949

Kiara is my second favorite, I'd welcome some collabs between them especially when Kiara returns to Australia and will be on EU hours.

>> No.31200952
Quoted by: >>31201105

I still call her Watson sometimes but usually I have to think about it and it's just if I think it fits what I'm saying.

>> No.31200953
File: 131 KB, 1346x293, 1608840445328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201003

Reminder to do your part takobros.
Merry Christmas!

>> No.31200962
Quoted by: >>31201005

Apparently in Japanese.

>> No.31200963


>> No.31200964
Quoted by: >>31201016

Not gonna lie he looks like EMIYA

>> No.31200965
Quoted by: >>31201094

And at least, given no other options to take, the falseflagger defaults to the shorted possible response as to not reveal himself further. Thanks for playing.

>> No.31200966

Everyone called her Watson pre-debut. So I still save all of my images as "Watson [xyz]", but people switched over to using Ame/Amelia when we started hearing her name out loud.

>> No.31200967
Quoted by: >>31201000

> DST isn't a kusoge
Strokes, folks, etc... I agree that they saved it at the end.

>> No.31200969

Did she? I only saw AO-chans message which was a welcome to Japanese fans

>> No.31200974

Amelia is literally a low IQ conspiracy white bitch vtuber kek
you can't go any lower than this

>> No.31200978

Guys, I'm worried. Are things ever going back to be the way they were? This is so sad. No one is happy with the way things are now.

>> No.31200980
Quoted by: >>31201006

Gura can not stream for 3 days and get 30k subs.

>> No.31200983

Kiara is the one that baits retards for money using her shit numbers. She's the selfish bitch. Keep being delusional

>> No.31200985
Quoted by: >>31201215

your eigo reps...

>> No.31200989

Not in English you retard

>> No.31200993

I got a jar of weed cookies from my lil bro

>> No.31201000
File: 66 KB, 589x722, 1608740382289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's not bad....it's just a slow game.

>> No.31201003

>every single one of those perfectly describes Ina's gesture videos
How does she do it?

>> No.31201005

Telling your fans that the stream will be almost entirely in Japanese and having that message be in Japanese
Wow super helpful

>> No.31201006

I still don't understand where all these new subs are coming from.

>> No.31201010
Quoted by: >>31201091

What fucking time is it? Chicken antis? At this hour? really?

>> No.31201011

I love my station

>> No.31201012

isn't she great?

>> No.31201016

well a white-skinned EMIYA looks like a son of Sparda anyway.

>> No.31201021

i honestly think ame rejecting gura was the nail in the coffin for holoEN. we all know that gurame is what holds the gen together. now that they're both feuding with one another, its over.

>> No.31201020

Things are only going to get better when we have our own thread and can have a dedicated thread to the Trinity. I can't wait to get rid of these dumb unity niggers.

>> No.31201023 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.98 MB, 3000x4000, 1608840722534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Power and motivation

>> No.31201022
File: 1.43 MB, 990x720, We [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fggjft6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201024
Quoted by: >>31201044


>> No.31201028

I'm thinking of leaving Ina a superchat or waiting for a marshmallow to suggest a stream type. I'd like for her to go back over her collab vod with us and skip around explaining how she was feeling, what she wanted to say vs what she got out and sort of give us an inside look at things.

>> No.31201030

I call her Watson since my oshi does as well
t. deadbeat

>> No.31201035
File: 123 KB, 490x389, 1499856466186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not constant. There are highs and lows. I'd say it made me reflect on myself a bit, but it's not like I have ever thought that I was anything but a disappointment for anyone who ever cared about me.

>> No.31201041

Then why is Mori's oshi so famous? He says shit, piss, and cum every other sentence with giant dildos sitting beside him on the table. The algorithm can fuck up your monetization but I don't think it disqualifies you from growth.

>> No.31201042
File: 261 KB, 589x800, Ep_eAn6UwAI25cv.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura so much! Yesterday's Tokyo Godfathers watchalong was great, I've never seen that movie and I ended up loving it. Even better that Gura was so into it as well. And her cookie making stream was one of her best so far, instant classic. Looking forward to watching my oshi finish her trident farm today!
/jp/ being totally fucked did sour the mood somewhat though.

>> No.31201044

Whiter than you, Muhammed

>> No.31201052


>> No.31201053
Quoted by: >>31201467

Anon...your screenshot button reps...

>> No.31201059

No arguments here. Her performance on stream was fine, but she shouldn't have been as casual about the marketing. The one thing she's guilty of is setting false expectations, but aside from some disappointment there's not much harm done. The nippons wouldn't know or speak English even if she tried to do an eigo collab, so the actual stream content was always going to be what it was.

As a current eop bro, I just watched Ame suck off cave's johnson instead. No regrets.

>> No.31201060
File: 684 KB, 1754x1754, 0qajiemg4x661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its christmas eve
>There are people RIGHT NOW being miserable, anti-posting, trying to rile up others and trying to ruin holo anything

I've literally held a gun to my head but didn't do it. What on earth makes people so fucking miserable that they get like this

>> No.31201063
Quoted by: >>31201109

conspiracy shit is ultrakino though, retard-chama

>> No.31201069
File: 476 KB, 501x487, 1604550188750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201128


>> No.31201071


>> No.31201076
Quoted by: >>31201137

Ina is the selfish one who is fine with completely ignoring her chat to collab with senpais. At least Kiara tries to make her chat feel included.

>> No.31201080
Quoted by: >>31201467

win+prnt scrn or use an app anon

>> No.31201081

Same except the last part. Raiders were flooded out by other chumbuds.

>> No.31201085
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, azvRFVr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201088

>the Aggie is 1 ina, 1 busted ina, takodachis, kfp hat, and some random shit with a giant NIGGER across the canvas

Nice one

>> No.31201091

Falseflaggers pretending to be takos to railroad the KFP v tentacult war. Doesn't work, since anyone familiar with EN knows they're almost attached at the hip.

>> No.31201092


>> No.31201094

>think I'm the same guy
>still give (You)s
Anons acting dumber than usual today.
Don't you ever be replying to meta concern posts again, or I'll slap your shit and pee in your asses. Got that?

>> No.31201095


>> No.31201096

I'm having a wonderful time doing my gacha reps though

>> No.31201097
File: 359 KB, 2000x1500, 1608476066602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would people who are miserable stop being antis during Christmas? If anything, the holidays are a period where they're even more miserable and bitter than ever. So they will shitpost more than ever.

>> No.31201099
File: 74 KB, 586x2000, Ep_yankUcAE4p69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's sister is pretty good

>> No.31201100

SEAniggers staying up extra late to ruin these threads.

>> No.31201105
Quoted by: >>31201206

I called her Watson when thinking of her theoretical power set last night when we were discussing Holo power levels. I called her Ame when talking about how she would actually use those powers though. The Watson power set is OP but Ame using it is a big debuff for it.

Like, Watson is a powerful time traveler but Ame is our autistic hikki girlfriend.

>> No.31201107

>not having headphones in listening in to holos
Whats your problem?

>> No.31201110
Quoted by: >>31201203

>What on earth makes people so fucking miserable that they get like this

>> No.31201109
Quoted by: >>31201181

only americans think being stupid and contrarian is cool

>> No.31201117
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1608779616379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201387

They're the same cretins that made /lolcow/ what its known as today.

>> No.31201118
Quoted by: >>31201154

I leave for 2 weeks and you fucks are still responding to obvious bait. Never change /hlgg/

>> No.31201119

I'd love to talk about conspiracy theories with Ame

>> No.31201121
Quoted by: >>31201467

>anon doesn't know about screenshots

>> No.31201122
File: 491 KB, 1235x2000, EqBJ0wKXIAAWLMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 45 more minutes, TakoMates. Who are you watching?

>> No.31201127
File: 292 KB, 576x640, 7456456456456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nene will never walk in on you taking a huge diarrhea shit and excusing herself but then continuing standing outside.

>> No.31201128
File: 96 KB, 360x450, 1607427134706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201130

You would say that, it's your birthday.

>> No.31201134
File: 99 KB, 310x309, 1600819389869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"WE" on /a/?
"WE" on /a/?!
"WE" ON /a/?!!!

>> No.31201137

You're shitposting but I do think it's kind of humorous that Ina speaks to her chat less than the other ENs but she easily has the highest chat quality. I guess it's just her pleasant demeanor that discourages retards from posting.

>> No.31201140

Fuck I love her

>> No.31201141
Quoted by: >>31201192

Just mere hours ago she did an almost JP-only stream and nobody complained.
Clearly, earlier complaints were coming from schizos, antis and everyone else who were just getting to know that girl and having certain expectations.
Time passed, she changed, we changed. Nobody will chastise Kiara now for life translating and "ruining the flow". Even though she barely does it nowadays and it makes me kinda sorry for JP bros. I'm glad they had her all for themselves today.

>> No.31201144


>> No.31201145

Seriously how was that message supposed to be helpful at all?
The only people that a message like that could help is EOPs
But she wrote it in Japanese
So the message is worthless

>> No.31201146
Quoted by: >>31201183

Simple, she got picked up by the same algorithm that pushes those "For kids" channels because it mislabeled her as a child entertainer and now she makes bank.

>> No.31201147
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20201013_223038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wool socks and a comfy bath robe. Just what I wished for.

>> No.31201148

I guess she relied too much on people being smart enough to know that a collab between two people who speak only Japanese and one that speaks Japanese only at a low level would be entirely in Japanese.

>> No.31201149

>She's the selfish bitch
Thats Ina anon

>> No.31201153
Quoted by: >>31201237

Or maybe it's AO-chan moderating the place

>> No.31201154

it uhh... wasn't me

>> No.31201156
File: 1.52 MB, 1994x1747, 1607711736957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both, once again, both.

>> No.31201160
File: 260 KB, 733x805, 1604604122809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201176

I dont watch ina shit

>> No.31201162

I never really liked kiara. The character is kind of obnoxious, so I think she'd benefit from just a bit more of being herself.

Unless that is herself and it's not a character, in which case she could benefit from some acting classes. They do wonders for humanizing the insufferable cunts in Hollywood, so I'm sure birb could incline from them too.

>> No.31201166
Quoted by: >>31201234

>Collabing with men
in 1-2 years 5ch is going to talk about the transatlantic dong of that dog and the Turtle themed Holo "Cupa Tortuga " is going to lose half of her karaoke viewers on her second cytube stream.

>> No.31201167
Quoted by: >>31201237

Or it's Ao striking down every negative person in chat.

>> No.31201171

You realize a nigger over there linked that thread with here, /pol/ and /v/ don't you?

>> No.31201175

That’s the reason she has a pleasant chat, she doesn’t entertain retards

>> No.31201176
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1607628659617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck ina

>> No.31201178

Man this is a nice image

>> No.31201179
Quoted by: >>31201198

SEED is worst Gundam.

>> No.31201181

incredibly delusion when entire countries exist where being stupid and contrarian might as well be their national value

>> No.31201183

it is easy to see by the fact that superchat and membership are enabled on her channel that gura is conclusively and indisputable not in the "youtube kids" classification.

>> No.31201185

I was in the same tituation for about 17 years my life was perfect even if I was alone then I "met" my oshi and I can't stand being alone anymore, doing reps help so I recommend that.

>> No.31201192
Quoted by: >>31201440

Except Kiara actually put the title of the stream in Japanese not giving people the expectation that it would be in English. Not to mention she actually spoke some English in the stream unlike Ina.

>> No.31201193

some new clothes

>> No.31201198
Quoted by: >>31201256

Destiny was. I thought SEED was okay.

>> No.31201202
Quoted by: >>31201229

Why would you retards watch anything other than gurame?

>> No.31201203
Quoted by: >>31201252

I'm a 37 year old wizard. Ruining other people's funs and enjoyment is never something I'd ever do no matter how miserable I was. Rather just go to twitter and call someone a nigger or a faggot.

>> No.31201205
Quoted by: >>31201261

Whats happening in 45 minutes?

>> No.31201206

Yeah I remember.
I go archive diving sometimes to reminisce and it's funny going back now and reading out posts that would likely use the Ame moniker today, like
Brushing Watson's messy, unkempt hair!
Encouraging Watson to sleep at least 3 hours!
Closing the blinds so the 2 PM sun doesn't wake up Watson!
Congratulating Watson for standing in the shower!
Telling Watson that impostor syndrome is all in her head and she earned her spot!

Ame will prove herself worthy of her powers one day. I beleb.

>> No.31201211

Moving everything to the kitchen

>> No.31201213

It’s still the 24th in America so the first worlders haven’t opened em up yet

>> No.31201215

Sorry, not SEA but SudacANO.

>> No.31201216

He is huge on twich too anon...

>> No.31201217

Ancient ones make all her stickies, she probably never even saw it.

>> No.31201219
Quoted by: >>31201296

if only there was a way to translate text from one language to another.

>> No.31201220

Algorithm, that's why all her VODs slowly creep up towards 1M which everyone else's pretty much level out a few days after they get posted.

>> No.31201221

fuk all u depressed whiners, why would any of the members be whiny like you, they've all had a great year, you can keep making fun of the sheeps big plans but i will believe.

>> No.31201229

Because there's other content I like more than gurame

>> No.31201234

I'll be there, laughing my ass off.

>> No.31201236

I made the mistake of looking at this thread like halfway through the movie, pretty much ruined the rest of the watchalong.

>> No.31201237

This is a good thing.
I dont want my Holo to deal directly with trannies and schizos. For shitposting we already have this place, which the girls read anyway despite our constant warnings not to do so.

>> No.31201241
File: 144 KB, 1500x831, 1607822505622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some fun RUS comments I caught from Botan's Frostpunk:
>lots of "С Рождеством!" (Merry Christmas - pronounced "s rozhdestvom" if you're curious)
>I came from Mistrin's channel (Gura + Botan RUS subber) and now I'm so far in I am swearing off real women forever, keep up the good work Botan
>Is this post-apocalypse game or just wintertime?
>Botan sounds like my mother, I have Oedipus complex so it's ok
>I love when she says ara, will move to Japan for more
>My lips are chapped and body weak, but my heart is warm, my sleep schedule is broken for a good cause
>She doesn't understand much Russian but please make sure to donate, don't be like Japanese $5 squad
>She built gulag? I want to live there, warm myself by having her choke my throat with her thighs
>lots of "Russian raid! We love Botan!"
>Guys I used to only watch Botan but now I can't stop watching the others, I love Ina and Amelia
>(response to above comment) Welcome to bear den, get warm for the winter, you are not alone I love Gura and Nene
>There's so many of us because of three stripes, all hail our Gopnik Empress
>(response to above comment) If we are only here three stripes, explain why I want Rushia to piss on me then?
>I want to buy her audio book, don't cry for me Lenin
>I wish I learned Japanese instead of French, woe is me
>Love my lion woman, I will personally allow her to cook me to survive the winter of Yakutsk (one of coldest cities in Russia)
>Cannibal party, viewers get eaten by Botan, our ancestors would be proud
>Botan is cold, please use my breath, my lungs are useless with warmth

>> No.31201247

True, this place shouldn't be a hugbox. Which is why I will continue to call you a fag when you shit on my oshi or her friends.

>> No.31201249

3 year long delay for non mebers and Hitler as a mod...

>> No.31201252

Everyone is different. What's unthinkable for you, is a daily routine for others. Shitposting as a way to cope with loneliness might be disgusting for you, while for others it's the only way the person can find meaning in their life.

>> No.31201256

The worst thing about SEED is that it makes you want to watch Destiny to see what happens, and Destiy is a pile of shit.

>> No.31201261
Quoted by: >>31201321

https://teamup.com/ksgvawzp4akez27rf1 merry christmas.

>> No.31201266

Thanks for reposting, anon. It always makes me a bit happy that these are worth saving and posting again.

>> No.31201270

God I hate Russians

>> No.31201272
File: 216 KB, 795x500, 1607799476435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rrats... where are them....I am starving

>> No.31201276

Based ruskis

>> No.31201277

Sounds better than COME TO BRAZIL at least

>> No.31201279
File: 300 KB, 703x784, gura458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stop thinking about how far lolcow went to find her info, and I'm afraid some faggot from here is going to use that info, take it too far, and scare her away. It only takes 1 idiot to ruin the fun for the rest of us.

>> No.31201278
File: 346 KB, 606x534, 1608732656517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post was made by 9gag.

>> No.31201281
File: 421 KB, 1280x720, EqB2VaxVEAAboOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31201287

Didn't Gura mention new emotes soon recently?
Her members have been pretty emote crazy.

>> No.31201286

Jesas Yamato

>> No.31201291

based ruskies

>> No.31201293

>don't be like Japanese $5 squad
yellow monkey strikes again

>> No.31201296
Quoted by: >>31201351

Shame it was impossible to copy paste the text from the pinned message so that once the original message was gone there was no way to copy it

>> No.31201297

Nah, thats not it. I don't want these threads to become giant shitpost fest like /v/ and I don't want them to be a giant hugbox like reddit
Those types of posts are not what I'm referring to. I know there's an endless sea of retarded "leech, graduare, ruining hololive" posts but there's still posts that offer constructive criticism that either go unreplied or get flagged as antis. Although you guys seem to believe different, but I can't remember the last time constructive criticism was taken well in here.
Fuck off, retard

>> No.31201304

Bakeranons out there, from my knowledge of macarons they're extremely difficult to get right with a smooth shell from a circular shaped shell by slaming it against the table.
But Ina is trying to make tako shaped macarons, which means she can't use that method of getting smooth shells.
Is it possible for Ina to make tako macarons somehow? Or will it end in failure?

>> No.31201306


>> No.31201307

1. Mori hadn’t disappointed me, yet
2. You’re a faggot
3. Nothing wrong with me
4. Nothing wrong with me

>> No.31201314

I casually call her ame, Amelia or sachi. But when it comes to her as a gamer, she'll always be John Watson to me.

No matter the game, she'll never stop johning the entire way through it. Some gamers don't like johns, but Watson shields herself from criticism with every John in the book.

>> No.31201316

>don't be like Japanese $5 squad
fucking hell

>> No.31201317

Go back

>> No.31201319

Yeah, too bad there's no way to translate it. If only we had machines for that... And a service where you input a text and it pops it out with a different lexicon. Sadly, things like that do not exist. Never did, never will.

>> No.31201321
Quoted by: >>31201353

Alright, I guess ames member stream isn't available yet?

>> No.31201325


>> No.31201326
Quoted by: >>31201365

She mentioned new emote in the context of 'So this is the new emote you are trolling me with'

>> No.31201331

Is Ina's cookie stream fucked? I can see it on my home page but not my subs page.

>> No.31201332

He's been around a long time and the youtube algorithm changes a lot, he probably got big before that was the case.

>> No.31201336
File: 70 KB, 575x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain why they are the bottom 10.

>> No.31201337

Smart enough? It's not like Polka or Nene are unable to speak English at all?
The issue was that the collab was basically 100% in Japanese (which a pinned message in Japanese helpfully tells the chat). Would it have been hard to include some stray English somewhere? At the start or at least at the very end?

>> No.31201339

Imagine being a middle-aged lioness with the charisma to attract a bunch of Ruskie NEETs

>> No.31201341


>> No.31201342

Let's compare the JP stream tweets.

>Kiara uses full Japanese

>Ina uses full English even on the thumbnail

>> No.31201345

I got no problem with ruskies.

>> No.31201347

I’m sure Cover will actually do something. right?

>> No.31201349
File: 485 KB, 1880x1460, 1607131302032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy multi stream drifting when I can but I feel like a comfy Christmas zatsu with my oshi deserves my full attention. I'll give Ina a view on my other device and watch her vod though.
I really wish they just didn't overlap since I've been anticipating both streams but oh well.

>> No.31201351

See this message
When I tried to right click it to copy the message closed instead of giving me the option to copy

>> No.31201352

>I love Ina and Amelia
Ame is always in control

>> No.31201353
Quoted by: >>31201385

it's on her community tab, i am looking at it right now.

>> No.31201357
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 1608044383362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confess to the priestess
Horayo gets a annoying when korone says it a lot
Ina's single fang looks kinda dumb

>> No.31201359
Quoted by: >>31201467

Nice drawing but wouldn't it be easier if you just took a screenshot?

>> No.31201361
File: 263 KB, 1068x1359, 1607661879305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based as fuck

>> No.31201362

you're ok sometimes ivan

>> No.31201365

I could have sworn she said that new emotes and an update to shrimp icons

>> No.31201372

Nene is still in her training arc

>> No.31201376

Stop bringing it up then, people stopped meming opsec shark around that time way before j** dropped. Memoryhole it if you don't want retards to find that site.

>> No.31201378
File: 560 KB, 2310x4096, k371lj0hgy661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201458


Hacked Wii with a bunch of games.
Special edition of 3 houses(signed by Dimitri and Claude's VA
Special edition of Shadow Dragon
Links awakening for the switch
FF Zodiac Age
Mario Tennis
Fire Emblem Warriors
FF14, 2 months subs+ all expansions

Gigantic grabbag of DS and GBA games.

A dude I stopped from killing himself sent me all this even though I said he didn't owe me anything.

>> No.31201381

>I have Oedipus complex so it's ok
>don't be like Japanese $5 squad
Ох мои бока.

>> No.31201385
Quoted by: >>31201408

Well that's weird, I'd have thought it'd been on the videos tab, thanks anyway.

>> No.31201387

so... women?

>> No.31201388

ID, Stars, A-chan, YAGOO, plus whatever else we have whenever we reach that point.

>> No.31201389

Shigure- Not Holo
Nene- chink outfit
Mel-Not much streaming, boring content, held back by RL stalker issue
All the Indos- Indos
AZKi-Barely streams, mostly does music

>> No.31201391
File: 60 KB, 500x281, 1601213987593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and thx for the TL.

>> No.31201392

Incredibly based

>> No.31201394

>viewership will never be Walt Disney
>secondary shame from watching
>NNN buff expired
>no content

>> No.31201396

Disgusting falseflagging tako

>> No.31201398
File: 190 KB, 1061x1500, 1607081380068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the priestess but I'm not missing a Christmas Zatsu/Acapella stream from my Oshi.

>> No.31201400

>back at the ina doesnt care about chat rrat

this really is a timeloop huh

>> No.31201407
Quoted by: >>31201462

Why would I go out of the way to translate something from someone who is marketed as an English streamer? Not hating on Ina, I see your point, but I dont care enough to do the extra work. I simple closed the stream.

>> No.31201408

the only reliable place i find member videos is on community tabs. i've seen some people claim that they show up on the video page, but i have never once seen that happen.

>> No.31201410
File: 1.05 MB, 2600x3200, 47484864435846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it because Ame's ass is almost in the center.

>> No.31201413

>Ina going for Macarons instead of Macaroons
Stupid skilled squid doing the hardmode confection

>> No.31201418


>> No.31201419
Quoted by: >>31201453

>6 are IN
>2 don't even stream
>1 isn't even in Hololive
>poor Nene

>> No.31201421
Quoted by: >>31201477

Do people really open their presents on Christmas Eve while the sun is still up?

>> No.31201422

They don't speak English. They know a few phrases and words. Just because you can say oppai and arigato doesn't mean you speak Japanese.

>> No.31201426
File: 1.01 MB, 2560x1440, 1608528984408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201429

>I can't remember the last time constructive criticism was taken well in here.
There have been some decent discussions amongst Teamates after late night Amelia streams about how she could improve stuff when she comes here to ask us.

>> No.31201430

Something's got to give

>> No.31201436

Her english fans already like her, she was trying to mend relations between all of Korea and Japan, and did a damn fine job of it I might add.

>> No.31201437


>> No.31201442

blame him

>> No.31201440

>Except Kiara actually put the title of the stream in Japanese not giving people the expectation that it would be in English. Not to mention she actually spoke some English in the stream unlike Ina.
Say. Kiara does realize that people will still feel a bit left out the less English she uses? So how much does she use in those Japanese streams?

>> No.31201444

it will always timeloop. I expect the collab ban rrat to try to be pushed again the second she stops jp collabs for a few weeks.

>> No.31201445
File: 2.91 MB, 1024x576, penguin2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this post-apocalypse game or just wintertime?

>> No.31201448
Quoted by: >>31201503

She did just go a full 3 days without a stream and then basically told chat to go fuck themselves in her first stream afterwards.

>> No.31201450

>don't be like Japanese $5 squad

>> No.31201452


How did Botan wind up becoming the RUS lightning rod

>> No.31201453

Only 5 of them are Indo

>> No.31201458

You did a good thing anon.

>> No.31201459
Quoted by: >>31201890

>I can't remember the last time constructive criticism was taken well in here.
I criticized some things Gura did as a chumbud (but forgot to mention that in my opening posts which) got me flagged by like two anons as a chickenfag, but I managed to defend my point to to where they dropped the falseflag accusations. That should count for something, at least.

>> No.31201460
File: 365 KB, 783x857, 1608775996692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan sounds like my mother, I have Oedipus complex so it's ok
>She built gulag? I want to live there, warm myself by having her choke my throat with her thighs
>If we are only here three stripes, explain why I want Rushia to piss on me then?
>Love my lion woman, I will personally allow her to cook me to survive the winter of Yakutsk
>Cannibal party, viewers get eaten by Botan, our ancestors would be proud
Guys I'm starting to think the wrong side won the Cold War.

>> No.31201462

>what do you mean a collaboration with two Japanese chuubas will be in Japanese
That's your loss. There's always next stream.

>> No.31201463

>My lips are chapped and body weak, but my heart warm
>Is it post-apocalypse or just winter?

fucking kek
They're cool.

>> No.31201464

>She built gulag? I want to live there, warm myself by having her choke my throat with her thighs
>(response to above comment) If we are only here three stripes, explain why I want Rushia to piss on me then?
a fucking mirror

>> No.31201467
File: 471 KB, 1713x901, motivation reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry chumbuds one day ill share em after i improve my motivation reps

>> No.31201468

Modern Warfare??

>> No.31201469
Quoted by: >>31201502

Ame's fat ass!

>> No.31201477

No, in my family we traditionally opened 1 present, at night, before bed, then opened everything else in the morning.

>> No.31201482

To be fair, their info seems very suspect. Contradiction upon contradictions, very flimsy connections, several photos that look nothing alike, most of it actually look like some Elite Doxxer larp at best.

>> No.31201485

She plays only FPS games which Eastern Europeans love because it's a serene reprieve from the hell that is their real life

>> No.31201490


>> No.31201491

tripaloski and fps

>> No.31201492

Saying something in Russian and play COD

>> No.31201497

They are pretty decent already. Keep at it anon!

>> No.31201498

Adidas buff

>> No.31201501
Quoted by: >>31201539

I honestly don't recall such a thing, I'd be happy to be proven wrong though as she needs some new emotes.

>> No.31201502
File: 490 KB, 1240x1754, 1608108897175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love that fat ass

>> No.31201503


>> No.31201504

These Russians are pretty based.

>> No.31201505

>top right

>> No.31201511

Russians are cute! CUTE!

>> No.31201513
Quoted by: >>31201752

Russians love FPS and Botan seems to be the only one who plays FPS other than Apex.

>> No.31201516

I like your style Anon.

>> No.31201524
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, 1607949189824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201623

Tri paloski

>> No.31201535

Depends on the stream. Today she barely spoke English, but therewere severl translators in the chat

>> No.31201538
Quoted by: >>31201838

This almost read like a 5ch thread.
All things considered, you guys are alright.
I wouldn't even dare to translate spic comments.
t. spic

>> No.31201539

Did my archive reps, seems like she did during the emperor's new groove watchalong.

>> No.31201540

>mori vergil pose

>> No.31201541

Good shit anon

>> No.31201548
Quoted by: >>31201595

I sure remember Mori's collab with Korone and Moona's collab with Pekora being in full Japanese. Even Kiara has the decency to try and include some English.

>> No.31201551

They are quite good anon, keep at it.

>> No.31201555

They are looking great anon. Keep it up!

>> No.31201558
Quoted by: >>31201577

>What anons thought about the collab?
Should I bother investing in turtle-coin?

>> No.31201563
File: 3 KB, 184x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201565
Quoted by: >>31201599


>> No.31201569

based drawfriend

>> No.31201571

Of course, I also watched a bit and Ina was happy, so its all good. Happy for her and the takos

>> No.31201574

>This isn't even Nenechi final form!

>> No.31201576
File: 314 KB, 879x876, 1607728739226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait are there really people here taking Ames weather machine tweet as anything but a joke...? She's talked about conspiracy stuff but that saying is just something normal people say...

>> No.31201577

>not going all in since day 1

>> No.31201580
Quoted by: >>31201643

Я люблю Ботан!
Who would have thought learning Russian of all things would help me shitpost on a Vietnamese carpentry board?

>> No.31201582

It's all coming together anon!

>> No.31201592

This. It's weird how anti-unity fags seethe at this like they don't understand the irony behind it. They want a hugbox of conflict.

>> No.31201593
File: 3 KB, 193x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201595

I'm glad that the self proclaimed extroverted translator of HoloEN is able to attempt live translation, while the hikki who barely talks even in her native language, let alone jumping between two, didnt.

>> No.31201599

As expected of a witch

>> No.31201603
Quoted by: >>31202058

shit mic
shit PC
shit internet
shit everything
chink design and made the CEO of sex graduate
will probably beat nene in like a month
boring SEAmonkey
boring quardilingual SEAmonkey
indonesian nationalist
barely streams
>kagura nana
literally who
known for her singing and nothing else
>shigure ui
not a real holo

>> No.31201605

I hope Botan will play STALKER 2
I also hope it will be at least decent, but I maintain low expectations.

>> No.31201610
File: 426 KB, 1830x1996, 1608790962781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka oruka?

>> No.31201619

>that saying is just something normal people say

>> No.31201621

Should there be a Hololive art thread for all the artists that want to share their OCs?
I can't start one because I'm not skilled enough of an artist to give the thread an image

>> No.31201623
Quoted by: >>31201665

I see your hard bass with some Three Stripes hard style.


>> No.31201625

Ame’s ass caused 9/11

>> No.31201627 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 300x168, 1608841994937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are taking it serious since this doxx picture of Ame leaked...

>> No.31201630

Like most faggots they can dish it out but not take it.

>> No.31201633
File: 734 KB, 3020x1072, 1607893602831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criticism is my justificacion for being a anti
Sorry nigger, you're being a fag, and even wose, your larping as a Tako and KFP only reflect how much of out your mind you get. Still upset you get your twitter account deleted?

>> No.31201634

I wonder if Amelia would even break 10k viewers, she hasn't done so for a long while now. I think her sister's Christmas celebration might even top her roleplay shit. Kinda sad and pathetic if it does happen and it confirms that most teamates moved on.

>> No.31201638
Quoted by: >>31201667

Patton thought they aided the wrong side.

>> No.31201642
File: 751 KB, 708x1152, 1541600048434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201678


>> No.31201643

>learning Russian
I still can't believe there are people doing this to themselves out there.
How're your numeral declension reps going, Anon?

>> No.31201650


>> No.31201654

they're literally the screaming minority asking for special treatment
so the same kind of shit they make fun of in /v/ or /pol/

>> No.31201655

just an artist. nothing else
just a singer. nothing else

>> No.31201656
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, 1607845372566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool and all but you gotta go back.

>> No.31201658

You got it wrong anon.
Losing a war turns you into weebs.
If they had won there would be no anime to begin with, and "corporate" holos would be unthinkable.
Same thing that happened to japan.
With defeat, degeneracy, and with degeneracy, redemption.

>> No.31201661

Imagine the amount of russians Amelia would get if she went through with playing war thunder ONCE

>> No.31201662
File: 1.15 MB, 1428x1981, 1604666196921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poruka Oruyo!

>> No.31201667
Quoted by: >>31201821

different war niggy

>> No.31201665
Quoted by: >>31201714

Forgot this exists, good stuff. Gives a more Aussie feel than slav tho, but it's great.

>> No.31201666

ame if youre in this thread please enlighten us
was 9/11 an inside job?

>> No.31201670

Literally the worst aggie I've ever seen

>> No.31201675

This fag got deleted? Thank christ, hopefully the tranny is next

>> No.31201678


>> No.31201680

Thats called twitter anon

>> No.31201685
Quoted by: >>31201708

To be fair people don't play STALKER because it good

>> No.31201689

Thank Jesas I entered the same thread as this anon!

>> No.31201690


>> No.31201692

>He is worse than an anti, he is, and may god forgive me for uttering this word, a Seanigger.

>> No.31201694

What game should a holo play to be forever infested with Russians and have them defend her ferociously?

>> No.31201698


>> No.31201702

How long will you not take it anymore until you really can't take anymore

>> No.31201707
Quoted by: >>31201859

KFP do their jp reps, so isn't a issue, we accept JPbros getting their own stream after 2 months and half.

>> No.31201708
Quoted by: >>31201735

The why do they play it?

>> No.31201712
File: 68 KB, 435x966, 1599465138129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KFPfag is retarded
nothing new

>> No.31201714

Hard style is the Aussie(and Dutch) equivalent of Russians and hard bass.

>> No.31201716


>> No.31201721
Quoted by: >>31201822

STALKER? Either Metro game?

Probably Might and Magic

>> No.31201723

>top right

>> No.31201725

Which one do you rec anon? I am craving something like that after Metro but don know were to start...

>> No.31201729

Why is it always SEA?

>> No.31201734
Quoted by: >>31201788

Investigators I'm so excited

>> No.31201735

Because of their own reasons

>> No.31201738

We have discovered certain ways to "control" the weather such as salting the clouds.

>> No.31201740

It has more to do with people sharing his videos outside of YouTube than YouTube's own algorithm. There's also the fact that his account's growth took place over the span of 13 years, which is a long time for the algorithm to have changed multiple time (and it did), so he managed to have secured a large enough following for the algorithm itself to not bump him out of recommends for people with similar tastes.

>> No.31201743

Stalker or Metro.

>> No.31201748
Quoted by: >>31201769

Literally the highest rate of schizophrenia in the world

>> No.31201752

I am suddenly glad Ame sucks at FPS games.

>> No.31201753

Stalker is the correct answer. I don't know if they need to be decent at it or not though.

>> No.31201758

takochama, your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.31201759
Quoted by: >>31201822

Heroes of Might and Magic 3

>> No.31201765

They’re all schizos

>> No.31201768

Dota, CS:GO, Stalker, HMM, and WC3.

>> No.31201769
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1607410803755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a narrative, right?

>> No.31201775

This. I'm russian, and I can't wrap my head around people who willingly decided to learn russian language. Most common reason I hear is russian classic literature.

>> No.31201782
File: 211 KB, 381x375, 1608267753937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad I'm on this board

>> No.31201785


>> No.31201788
File: 928 KB, 2508x3541, 1605166778957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202146

Same. Think she'll be cuter?

>> No.31201793

To be fair your classic literature is pretty amazing.

>> No.31201794

Based and clownpilled

>> No.31201801

Am I seriously supposed to start following like 5 threads to keep up with the discussion on here now? Fuck off with the individual threads.

>> No.31201802
Quoted by: >>31201902

I have a friend who unironically believes the canadian government fly planes and drop chemicals over the populace to control them.
Unfortunately I now know first hand a 'regular' person with a job can be bat-shit insane.

>> No.31201803
File: 266 KB, 367x597, 1600655777701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guys I used to only watch Botan but now I can't stop watching the others, I love Ina and Amelia
Based Ruskies have good taste!

>> No.31201808

Shadow of Chernobyl -> Call of Pripyat. You can skip Clear Sky, it's not really that good and it's the buggiest one out of the bunch.

>> No.31201809
File: 32 KB, 474x361, schiz-map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201810

no they even have a unique form of psychosis

>> No.31201813

No, you are not.

>> No.31201814

HoloENs, please do this too!

>> No.31201816
Quoted by: >>31201855

Haha, no.

>> No.31201817


>> No.31201818
File: 993 KB, 3308x2480, 86768746868648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31201821
Quoted by: >>31202079

Is it? Is it really?

>> No.31201822 [SPOILER] 
File: 406 KB, 500x558, 1608842389816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201901


>> No.31201829
Quoted by: >>31201861

Shadow of Chernobyl first and then Call of Pripyat.
Skip Clear Sky. It's buggiest of them all and could be considered a "side-story".

>> No.31201838
Quoted by: >>31201974

>oppen vtuber /ñ
>quiero que Marien me cague en un ojo y me diga pirata de mierda
>close vtuber /ñ

>> No.31201841
File: 128 KB, 834x508, 1608694583591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoMM3, Stalker, Dota, World of Tanks / Warships.

>> No.31201844
Quoted by: >>31201890

I criticize Amelia all the time and it's usually received well. Sometimes people counter-argue but never maliciously.
If you're getting shit on for your criticism then your post is either not as inoffensive as you think it is, or your criticism has been deemed so off-base that the fanbase of the girl in question is just going to dismiss you.
The latter scenario can be annoying and unfair occasionally, but I also know that I find it irritating when I see a critique from someone who might seem honest and mean well, but has clearly not watched the streams of the girl in question for quite some time yet has decided that they're qualified to talk about her in the present day. I keep my mouth shut about Mori most of the time for instance, because although I catch her streams sometimes I wouldn't know what the fuck I'm talking about beyond "she's not quite for me" (still like her well enough for the record).

>> No.31201845

Ill lend you my motivation because I gotta see them Gura cheeks.

>> No.31201846
Quoted by: >>31201923

How do I have this much resistance....

>> No.31201848

Egg poal

>> No.31201853
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1606090389921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31201855
File: 284 KB, 498x485, 1600108990786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought people were making this shit up. Reality is more absurd than any comedy.

>> No.31201858
File: 55 KB, 492x574, 1607204533807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201859
Quoted by: >>31201948

The question was how much English sentences she did use in recent Japanese streams.

>> No.31201861
Quoted by: >>31201982

>It's buggiest of them all
That saying a lot because all the games are bugged

>> No.31201864

WoT, Dota 2, CSGO

>> No.31201865

I had two years of russian in school. I am however from ost bloc germany and still feel a bit of post soviet solidarity.

>> No.31201868


>> No.31201870
File: 347 KB, 768x719, 1608822188712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how everytime antis justify their shitting on the oshis put the "Criticism" card like it's clear after years in the internet that people can make shit criticism and how this is made as a weapon to justify stupid positions. I could the same about SEAniggers being the low IQ monkeys pretending to be the next thing on the web while acting like spoiled kids, trannies on being the most degenerated thing and total failure of people. Both are criticism for me, so if you don't agree with me you're fags that take things too seriously and reddit tier, right? :^)

>> No.31201872
Quoted by: >>31201938

Isnt there a mod who merges the games? Is it worth it? Thanks for the rec btw

>> No.31201874

No, only circlejerkers go to those.
I haven’t set foot outside of here and won’t. If shit gets bad enough that these threads won’t exist anymore, I’ll stop coming here.

>> No.31201875
Quoted by: >>31201934

What the actual fuck. Is it the water or something?

>> No.31201879


>> No.31201880

Ame has talked about wanting to playing Metro before, god I hope she does it

>> No.31201881

you should know

>> No.31201885

Time to rangeban them off your streams Ame

>> No.31201887

>false flaggers trying so hard to shit on unity posting
Too transparent

>> No.31201889

Merry Christmas mate!

>> No.31201890
Quoted by: >>31202458

Glad to know that's the case. Whole reason I come here is for unfiltered discussion so I'm glad to see it isn't completely dead.
>your larping as a Tako and KFP
Where in my posts did I larp as a Tako/KFP?

>> No.31201892

Haha no

>> No.31201898

I think this will be more up to Ame's speed

>> No.31201901

Can you imagine the seethe if he wins a Steam Award for that game?

>> No.31201902

What if that story is just a limited hangout for distraction?

>> No.31201903

I've tried to start a couple times and keep getting filtered.

>> No.31201905

Ina is as flat as I am hard.

>> No.31201906
Quoted by: >>31201928

Seems like its all of asia in general

>> No.31201908

The shrimp icons can wait, the tiers are fixed and the first one after 2 months is 6 months.

>> No.31201911
Quoted by: >>31201942

Do be fair, weather altering devices are literally considered WMDs by the Geneva convention. So they're a thing.

>> No.31201912

Are Gura's eggs still fertilizable? She's 9000 years old.

>> No.31201919
Quoted by: >>31201979

>I came from Mistrin's channel and now I'm so far in I am swearing off real women forever, keep up the good work Botan
>Botan sounds like my mother, I have Oedipus complex so it's ok

>> No.31201921

Thank you and Merry Christmas R.Ratman!

>> No.31201923
File: 723 KB, 849x1200, 1578072967883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31201994


>> No.31201924

You only need the global thread.

>> No.31201928
Quoted by: >>31201954

Japan's pretty clean

>> No.31201930
Quoted by: >>31201986

people just think russia is cool
If someone isnt learning a language for a job, than it just being cool is often a reason why

>> No.31201933

Does this correlate to the local count of different tribes/ethnicities?

>> No.31201934

Unironically seems so
>Water supply and sanitation in Indonesia is characterized by poor levels of access and service quality. Over 40 million people lack access to an improved water source and more than 110 million of the country's 240 million population has no access to improved sanitation

>> No.31201938
Quoted by: >>31201962

Haven't tried it, but it just merges the maps of the both games, not the story iirc. If you have any interest in that, I recommend playing them separately. Check Stalker General in /vg/ for mod list.

>> No.31201940

We would both try our best.

>> No.31201942
Quoted by: >>31201984

>The Geneva convention
The best joke book ever made

>> No.31201944
File: 126 KB, 1681x952, 1608486638905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not expect Ina to be that high.

>> No.31201948

Kiara just a few, 95% of her stream today was JP, only at the end we got more EN only to said goodbye.

>> No.31201953

Hearing this makes it even funnier: since we're forced to read that shit as part of the school curriculum, most people end up anywhere from dismissive to outright hateful towards it. Pretty much the only piece I remember enjoying was Crime and Punishment, and only because I'm a fucking cringe edgelord.

>> No.31201954

That itself is pretty surprising

>> No.31201958
File: 270 KB, 1015x508, apartment fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31201962

Will do, thanks anon

>> No.31201967


>> No.31201974
Quoted by: >>31202084

Why are spics like this?

>> No.31201979

based on what

>> No.31201980
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 1608497130420.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humu humu

>> No.31201982

The fuck.
Your post appeared just as mine was processing.
I've never had major issues with SoC and CoP. Apparently they run better on older systems but who knows. Clear Sky was unplayable for me though. Main quest was fucked.

>> No.31201984
Quoted by: >>31202016

It just means that if you violate the Geneva convention that you loose its protections.

>> No.31201985


>> No.31201986

Does Russia really seem cool from the outside? I can only see garbage from the inside.

>> No.31201987
Quoted by: >>31202323

It's weird to see this considering we've been having a discussion on and off all day about whether or not Mori cares too much about what chat thinks.

>> No.31201990
File: 518 KB, 863x1200, 1601841718109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202036

Ina Ina Inaaaa

>> No.31201991

I would pity them but i hate seaniggers shitting up the thread so i wont.

>> No.31201994
Quoted by: >>31202085

I must not...I can't...self-control....

>> No.31201997
File: 110 KB, 1042x997, EfnckuNVoAIbW09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202076

It's honestly just a hobby for me. I had a teacher when I was younger that knew Russian and I've been interested in it ever since. I'm also really interested in Russian history so knowing how to read it sometimes means that I don't have to look for a translation of something.

>> No.31201998

Their shelf life is close to its end, pls andasd

>> No.31202002

You're on a board for people who think Japan is cool.

>> No.31202007

It was a hard pick between her and Gura. Gura is my oshi, but Ina is best wife candidate, imo.

>> No.31202012
Quoted by: >>31202162

>SEAnig getting absolutely shit on as usual
Why does he keep coming back

>> No.31202016

Only if someone found that you violated

>> No.31202018
File: 761 KB, 1045x610, sims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your oshi
>Favorite conspiracy you actually believe

>> No.31202020
File: 127 KB, 1600x1299, 1520098703180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since Ame's last afterparty I've been dwelling on the fact that he's gone again. It's like a wound that won't heal. Does the pain ever end?

>> No.31202022

Damn, thats cool. Funny how this works. I read almost everithing from Dostoievski and Tolstoi a few years ago and really enjoyed their works..

>> No.31202025

The same way Yakuza is cool, I guess
Just dont think too much about it

>> No.31202026

Only rich zoomers think its cool

>> No.31202027

Most people dont know anything about Russia other than stereotype shit, most of which is soviet
They view the rampant alcoholism as a joke and think its a funny stereotype
t. american

>> No.31202028

I suspect the 1st world countries have a more granular breakdown of psychological conditions and more people get lumped into schizophrenia in countries with undeveloped mental health systems.

>> No.31202034

WHEN is Space Jin drawing Ina

>> No.31202036
File: 151 KB, 640x1055, 1608342068071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31202039

The Bogdanoffs are immortal beings who secretly control the earth.

>> No.31202041


>> No.31202043

She isn't going out to get them fertilized herself with her neet lifestyle.
I'll do her the favor of fertilizing them myself.

>> No.31202044

how woud that work if Ina is 5'4 and I'm 6'2? do I sit on the floor or

>> No.31202045

Ame saw us talking about her conspiracy tarding and is leaning into it.

>> No.31202049

moot still posts among us

>> No.31202052

Pelase dont post this ever again...

>> No.31202055

Russian poetry is based though. Pushkin really deserves his fame, what a fucking legend.

>> No.31202058

Accurate except Nene will probably incline decently after she gets her new design.

>> No.31202060

>he isn't on /a/ shitting up the r/a/dio thread and making them seethe

>> No.31202062

She'll make you kneel

>> No.31202063
Quoted by: >>31202123

I don't have anything against the Russian people, my interactions with them have been good.
also t.american.

>> No.31202067

They literally need Jesus.
t. catholic

>> No.31202068

Amelia is the dere and Watson is the tsun

She's been a whole lot more dere lately though. Anyone notice how long it's been since she's called chat bozos? The last time I even remember her getting impatient with chat was with the knocking neighbors yab.

>> No.31202071

Aliens are interdimensional beings.

>> No.31202072
File: 151 KB, 242x311, 1592049312134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open Rushia stream
>She's making a Hidden Markov Model for vocal analysis
>Russian programmers throwing SCs at her to develop the HMM in Rust
>Close Rushia stream

>> No.31202073
File: 143 KB, 1440x810, 1601864694967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(They) control the financial sistem

>> No.31202076

Ah, that's pretty cool.

>> No.31202077

That’s not a theory though

>> No.31202079

from most perspectives yes
even from some highminded autistic Spenglerian civilizational perspective: cold war was a boundary act where Russian civilization failed to resist a continuing pseudomorphosis with Faustian civilizational forms which had begun with Peter the Great's pivot to the West while the World Wars were the Punic Wars but Carthage won this time instead of Rome

>> No.31202080


>> No.31202083

This explain why they like to shit on other things, because they want what we have, but they will never get, so better being a fag and act like a retard on 4chan on why he's a smug superior kid instead of the rest of their friends who most probably beat the shit out of him for being a schizo. SEAniggers have a hard life, but that's not justification for acting like retards, so get the zyklon fags

>> No.31202084


>> No.31202085
File: 149 KB, 850x1202, 1606385842158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Resistance is useless." (HGTTG)

>> No.31202088
Quoted by: >>31202141

>the fact that uto and ame have the same artist does not mean that we can ask her things like this. she is an independent vtuber
<meta name="keywords" content="VTuber, バーチャルメイド, バーチャルYoutuber, ホロライブ, 白上フブキ, 赤井はあと, ときのそら, ロボ子さん, 大神ミオ, 夜空メル, 大空スバル, 夏色まつり, さくらみこ, 百鬼あやめ, 紫咲シオン, アキ・ローゼンタール, アキロゼ, 戌神ころね, 猫又おかゆ, がおう, 兎田ぺこら, 白銀ノエル, 不知火フレア, 潤羽るしあ, 宝鐘マリン, 桐生ココ, 姫森ルーナ, 天音かなた, 角巻わため, 常闇トワ, Gawr Gura, Mori Calliope, Watson Amelia,

>> No.31202089

>since we're forced to read that shit as part of the school curriculum, most people end up anywhere from dismissive to outright hateful towards it
That's any country's literature. I know most Americans wouldn't want to touch Moby-Dick thanks to their school years but it's one of my favorite books. You can't force books on people.

>> No.31202091

She'll use her long ass legs to kabedon the wall next to your head

>> No.31202095


>> No.31202102

Wouldn't want to live there, but Russians are kind of a meme ethnicity. Putin, vodka, winter, bears, USSR stuff ect.

>> No.31202105
Quoted by: >>31202128

The government are inept on purpose to drive us into sitations where the only recourse are solutions that would never be allowed to pass by any other means.

>> No.31202106

please wake up

>> No.31202110
Quoted by: >>31202175

Moon landing was fake

>> No.31202113

The doctors are trying to kill me with my meds.

>> No.31202116

For the purposes of converastion, they're illiterate.

>> No.31202117

>World Wars were the Punic Wars but Carthage won this time instead of Rome
Now that's a rrat I'm willing to believe.

>> No.31202122 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 476x531, Yagoo Suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

48% yourself

>> No.31202123

Russians i've met have all been cool so far. I dont have a positive view of the government tho.
t.balkans if you care

>> No.31202124

She'll use her tentacles for extra height and reach.

>> No.31202125
File: 773 KB, 4096x3744, EqASL_aUYAYgui0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202177

how can ANYONE be this cute?

>> No.31202127

Covid being an unfinished biological weapon

>> No.31202128

I wish government was that competent.

>> No.31202130
File: 1.86 MB, 1750x2450, Ep5UeZOWwAIuO4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you expecting from "Roleplay practice"?

>> No.31202131

I'm in a simulation

>> No.31202135
Quoted by: >>31202174

Aliens are actually demons

>> No.31202141

How do those meta names work?

>> No.31202142


>> No.31202145

So everything between Moscow and Washington D.C. didn't matter?

>> No.31202146
File: 36 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31202147
File: 171 KB, 825x855, 20201224_145150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InAme gets such nice art.

>> No.31202149


>> No.31202155

Has it gotten that bad?

>> No.31202160
Quoted by: >>31202273

Who are these guys? Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.31202162

Remember that many people of nu-/pol/ validated IDdogs because they spammed MIGA and fuck shills on 2018-2019. So on their mind, getting ride of v-tubers and what boomers call degeneracy is ok on their mind. I want to go back to 2013, i miss /ukraine general/....
We're under a invansion of the Xenu Ayyy lmaos

>> No.31202163

Understandable, as a bong, I don't know anyone who wasn't sick to death of shakespeare after finishing high school english.

>> No.31202165

That she's actually real.

>> No.31202167

we have enough antis on our back already faggot don't stir the shit pot

>> No.31202169

The blonde destroyer....

>> No.31202171

Anon, have you heard Polka speaking English? Though her grammar isn't that bad, she's harder to understand than Haachama.

>> No.31202174

no john. you are the demons.

>> No.31202175

Auntie Watson...

>> No.31202176
File: 45 KB, 300x300, 1604364474929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31202177

God I love her

>> No.31202180

the origin of a lot gosling posting

>> No.31202181

Takos, would you risk letting Ina hold you in her tentacles if you had an 80% chance of not leaving the embrace alive?

>> No.31202183

Anyone got that image of Okayu as a representative of the Based Department?

>> No.31202185

China is buying my country.

Was a conspiracy last time this was asked, but it's not even a conspiracy anymore, the prices of food are now sky high since all the farmers and industry are selling to china while the population starves.

Meanwhile we are not allowed to create new farms because politicians care about the USA and other countries that raped the shit out of their own nature an resources and have almost nothing left are being cunts about ecology and will make the country look bad if we make space for the necessities of people.

We're fucked, but at least I have Hololive for escapism.

>> No.31202188

>Want to rewatch Suisei karaoke stream

>> No.31202194
File: 447 KB, 2016x2948, 1606936649356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InAme gets some experimental art instead of the usual cute GurAme stuff

>> No.31202195


>> No.31202196

I don't see any downsides in this question?

>> No.31202198

I would want her to kill me so sure.

>> No.31202199

merry inamas

>> No.31202201
Quoted by: >>31202869

I thought The Brothers Karamazov was the greatest shit ever.
But if you force people to do anything they will hate it by instinct, no matter how amazing it is.

>> No.31202204

covid was not done on purpose, but the US (and other world governments) purposefully lied about it to drum up hysteria in order to buy up land and further restrict freedoms

>> No.31202205

Okay, no more comments on poals, jesus.

>> No.31202207

Tell that to the japanese.

>> No.31202210

What country?

>> No.31202211
Quoted by: >>31202251

Aussie ?

>> No.31202221

>Kennedy assassination stuff. Don't believe it but Phantom Time Hypothesis is great.

>> No.31202223
Quoted by: >>31202258

Brazilians or Indonesian that wants to burn down the rainforest for farmland?

>> No.31202225
Quoted by: >>31202314

Most of what she's played recently has filtered out casuals though, so it's only teamates and investigators left. Her regular fanbase knows what annoys her and tends to avoid it, so she's had no real reason to get mad at chat.

>> No.31202226

yeah nobody cares.
gurame is better and ina's already moved on.

>> No.31202227
File: 571 KB, 800x599, 1594648523317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Christmas /hlgg/, reminder to give thanks for the day that our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ was born. May his spirit fill you with love on this blessed day.

>> No.31202229

is there supposed to be a downside

>> No.31202230

She knows too much about HAARP...
Sorry bros, but your oshi is about to graduate for unforeseen circumstances

>> No.31202233

I love it

>> No.31202237
Quoted by: >>31202338

What the fuck? Who deleted this? Mods are literally fags this time around.
Archive reps. Someone uploaded it in the mega. Look for the /hlg/ thread.

>> No.31202238
File: 9 KB, 310x34, 1608843289355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Celebrations everyone.

>> No.31202241

What if she gets sad about killing her takodachi tho?

>> No.31202246


>> No.31202251
Quoted by: >>31202293

Why would Australians be starving?

>> No.31202252
File: 12 KB, 284x96, 1608766319033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31202256

It wasn't 6 million

>> No.31202258
Quoted by: >>31202454

Doubt its Brazil, we are burning shit up anyways and food prices are okay were I live

>> No.31202259

We are in some other planet hell.

>> No.31202262

>Aliens are time travelers from the future with poor OPSEC

>> No.31202264
Quoted by: >>31202308

Chats open

>> No.31202267

Godammit why are you so fucking autistic Ao. Like all of the members posting have been saying Merry Christmas you stupid book.

>> No.31202273
File: 1.10 MB, 799x599, 1590127776274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet.
>They funded CoverCorp as a PsyOp to degrade the soul of man, Yagoo is a Bogdanoff plant

>> No.31202271

Holy kek

>> No.31202275

Thats one of the risks of the 80%, she surely wouldn't want you dead but you'd be forcing that on her.

>> No.31202277

Sounds like Canada

>> No.31202279
Quoted by: >>31202412

This is true. It seems like her whole attitude towards chat is evolving. She admitted that she just naturally sound sarcastic, so she's kind of gone out of her way to show that she really means it when she says how much she appreciates her fanbase.

Ame is a sweet girl at heart.

>> No.31202278

If it's a takodachi, they have no bones to crush so they'll be fine in her grasps.
Takodachis are the form we adopt to embrace our priestess in all her glory

>> No.31202280

Ina Ina Ina https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AKrsyMAaaI

>> No.31202281

This one's probably my favorite InAme art yet. It's just so aesthetic

>> No.31202284
Quoted by: >>31202338

There's an archive in the other thread a few hours ago. Go check the archives and for mega links.

>> No.31202288
Quoted by: >>31202393

put any of those words in a youtube search and utos streams show up.

>> No.31202289

She's gonna roleplay as a twitch fps gremlin

>> No.31202291

AO hates Christmas confirmed

>> No.31202293

More like China is buying the country

>> No.31202294

All religions are copy-paste on something older.

>> No.31202295
Quoted by: >>31202335

I fucking love this clip. But what's the context?

>> No.31202298
File: 112 KB, 594x685, 1603161675792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holos for escapism
yeah... about that

>> No.31202301


>> No.31202303

Would Botan be bold enough to do something like that?

>> No.31202304
File: 45 KB, 603x473, 1608801437886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202392

I don't know but I'll use this post as an excuse to voice my distaste for the poorfag inclusion once again.

>> No.31202306
File: 307 KB, 643x758, Catholic Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202381


>> No.31202309
Quoted by: >>31202357

Australia? Then yes, you're fucked. Xi played with you masterfully, and US is getting the same treatment, i hope you soon faggots realize how much chink money is under the republican party.

>> No.31202308

>youtube fixed the member chat bug, so now I can't get my free member content


>> No.31202314

Her non-gameplay streams are the best. It seems like every game she plays has a tendency to attract the absolute worst members of that fandom and sadly she lobs all of chat in with those losers. I hate to see it because you'll get 500 TeaMates encouraging her and one sour asshole bitching about her gameplay and that's who she singles out .

>> No.31202316
Quoted by: >>31202365

Ina is gonna fucking make perfect macarons and /ck/ is gonna seethe

>> No.31202321

Definite Leaf

>> No.31202322

Jesas, for another conspiracy theory I'm starting to believe AO is trying to be as autistic as possible.

>> No.31202320

At least say happy holidays you weirdo

>> No.31202323
Quoted by: >>31202490

It's less that she cares too much what chat thinks and more that she gives too much attention to retards acting a fool in it, which only encourages their shit behavior and eventually leaks back into her content, degrading its quality.

>> No.31202324

yes, and the fact that the joke is on them just makes it funnier. it's a really good tweet.

>> No.31202328
Quoted by: >>31202693

What's the narrative behind Gura and Church?

>> No.31202330
File: 704 KB, 1434x1284, 1607799293062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meds now

>> No.31202334

Member's chat bug is fixed at least.

>> No.31202335
Quoted by: >>31202435

He wants Aloe back

>> No.31202337

Is that not how Takos are made? I assumed we needed to sacrifice our human vessels.

>> No.31202338

Thank you

>> No.31202340

I wish I was able to find the Pikamee version of this again

>> No.31202341

Companies aren't allowed to say "Merry Christmas" in north america because acknowledging that religions and cultures other than islam exist offends the muslims.

>> No.31202344

Hitting 300 images not even halfway through the thread.

>> No.31202357

Best part about loans is that a war between them would wipe that debt away.

>> No.31202362

Look at what happened to Moona and say he isn't right in being cautious

>> No.31202365

She has some nice baking skills.

>> No.31202366

ina's sister is really retarded.

>> No.31202370

Investigators are cuter than usual in chat.

>> No.31202380
File: 150 KB, 257x368, 1604712156776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im ready

>> No.31202381
File: 131 KB, 850x954, 1608189408038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me papist scum but Gura is a proud Presbyterian

>> No.31202385

Are you watching Ina or Ame?

>> No.31202388
File: 321 KB, 1117x2048, Eny1OzXUcAA7u02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

InaAme generally have a more mature theme while GurAme generally have lighter tone

>> No.31202387

>1 minute until Ame and Ina have their conflicting Christmas streams

My brain can handle both of them, but I'm praying Ame's BGM isn't jacked up like it was last night.

>> No.31202391

Russian fans are kinda based
Korone´s chat was cancer after she spoke a little bit of spanish

>> No.31202390

That's not a conspiracy. China has been buying large stakes in companies & corporations for years now and have a much larger part in the infrastructure of other countries than they should. Their government only allows "students and professors" to leave the mainland's borders on the condition that they act as China's eyes and ears while abroad.

>> No.31202392

It's a celebration for 800k subscribers. Not for x amount of members.

>> No.31202394

>moris persona 3 begging stream is now private

>> No.31202393
File: 9 KB, 676x69, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202931

Not very well. Retards will tell you >>31202288 , but tags are really just there to provide a minor boost. What gives real boosts are title and descriptions. Youtube themselves tell you this and many channels just don't use tags at all anymore.

>> No.31202395
File: 860 KB, 1200x1297, 1608658156289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>InAme gets such nice art.
They sure do

>> No.31202399

Ame-rry Christmas!

>> No.31202401
File: 361 KB, 2024x1120, ame cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31202402

this is /ameg/ for a reason anon

>> No.31202405


>> No.31202406
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute thumbnail on the members only stream.

>> No.31202412

She has come a long way since TW3. I believe the cultivation of her loyal/sweet memberbase who're still able to joke and banter with her speak to her chat interaction/policing abilities.
She'll always have casual shitters in there when she plays certain games but that's just how it is.

>> No.31202413


>> No.31202416

Holy shit Ina's cookies are alive!

>> No.31202418
File: 263 KB, 1080x1080, Inquisition Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you accuse our loving Gura to be a non-Christian. Repent, heretic.

>> No.31202419

>that thumbnail
This will be good

>> No.31202420
Quoted by: >>31202443

>animated cookie intro
Holy shit ina

>> No.31202422


>> No.31202426


>> No.31202428

Holy shit this loading screen

>> No.31202431

Me in the middle, dancing

>> No.31202434

Just started watching the baking vod. Sharkchama....

>> No.31202435
File: 496 KB, 1131x1600, 84377725_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't we all...

>> No.31202433

Her intro is legit gold.

>> No.31202439
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1591740716252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame-rry christmas

>> No.31202440
File: 741 KB, 1000x1000, 1607344287550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31202521

Nobody is perfect.

>> No.31202442

How can other holos compete...

>> No.31202441

THe cookies are alive

>> No.31202443

Look at description, done by fan.

>> No.31202444

Based Taiwanese /u/schizos.

>> No.31202445

Anon is a cookie?!

>> No.31202451

But how, Gura ate you last night

>> No.31202452
Quoted by: >>31202472

Anybody know the artist?

>> No.31202453

Ollie came out of the gate with a bigger dick than watson's shaft. Then she privated all her streams for hours on end, cutting out the best parts that only live viewers saw. Nobody bothered uploading the original streams, which aired long before most western elite neets even got up out of bed. She also leaned into speaking more indog instead of going full moona and embracing elite eigo.

Zombi basically derailed and obliterated her entire hype train by letting her fans get cucked by manager-san and failing to properly market herself to the west. Now she's just another literal who, on the same level as azki.

It just goes to show that while the west won't crusade for your death like ching chong bing bongs, we'll still drop your bitch ass if you do literally everything in your power to insult and alienate us as viewers.

Meanwhile, the other Gen 2 indogs just insulted us from the start by going heavy indo and/or nip. Risu just refuses to drop that obnoxious voice and use her regular ara ara voice. Lofi can't decide whether she wants the indo demo, western demo or nippon demo and her indecisiveness makes most of her streams a strong filter for any potential viewers.

As for the nips, Azki is a literal who that doesn't regularly game collab with other holos. Mel is boring, generic, and doesn't do anything to boost her profile or generate clips, which are the main form of algorithmic advertising that Hololive's been riding to success. Nene has an unappealing outfit (potentially as bad as or worse than kiara's), a wholesome but generic personality, and girly taste in games which filters out the viewers watching for entertaining outbursts and moments. Nene markets herself as an anime girl who'd make a good wife, but that comes at the cost of not being a stellar entertainer.

>> No.31202454
Quoted by: >>31202564


Chinks memed lockdown, it wanst necessary, the sanitary propaganda done in 2008 would contain this shit and the economy wouldnt need to stop.

>50 bolsonaros for 1 kg of beef that are farmed in my own country

>> No.31202456

I wish straight porn had more aesthetic stuff like this. Everything is unga bunga me fuck like gorilla

>> No.31202457

>Members vs non-members.

>> No.31202458

There's a SEAnig trying to start shit by alternating his flagging, see >>31201712 for an example. A ton of the "Why can't you guys accept that" is just raiders trying to start shit and get their "criticism" dismissed because they're parroting old-ass rrats that the schizos here have meticulously dissected and analyzed, for good or bad.

For what it's worth, I've never had a legit critical post be presented with meds. Only whenever I call out Artiaposter on their bullshit, but I dismiss any negative reactions from that fag on principle since he cannot prove any of his debunkings with links or anything substantial.

>> No.31202460

Purposefully speaking in a stilted, overly formal tone is textbook for portraying a character as foreign, alien, or otherwise incredibly old. Writing and tropes 101.

>> No.31202462

>superchat disabled

>> No.31202469

Under water but no Gura. What did the Taiwanese artist mean by this.

>> No.31202470


>> No.31202472
Quoted by: >>31202514


>> No.31202473


>> No.31202474

Ame but I'll keep Ina open

>> No.31202475


>> No.31202479


>> No.31202481

>not the abomination that is gura's cookies

>> No.31202482

Ina has a harem of blondies wtf?!?! My priestess has 'em on their knees

>> No.31202484
Quoted by: >>31202516

It's Christmas! You should be spending on your family!

>> No.31202486


>> No.31202490

Yeah, I guess you're right, I meant something along those lines, just phrased it poorly. I think I've seen teamates with similar comments about the concernfags, now that I think about it.

>> No.31202491

Ina ina ina!

>> No.31202492

Both are open but I'll focus on Ame

>> No.31202494

>Anon's cookies made it in


>> No.31202496


>> No.31202502

That was that one anon's picture!

>> No.31202501

>Aloe made it in

>> No.31202503

All your cookies of each holo made it
I´m so happy for that faggot

>> No.31202504


>> No.31202506

Oh hey the one with Aloe got in

>> No.31202507

Takos look like they're dying in every cookie on the showcase...

>> No.31202508

Merry Christmas R.Ratman thank you for making me smile.

>> No.31202510
Quoted by: >>31202543

GOD loot at how flat she is!

>> No.31202511

Oh hey, that anon from earlier made it into the showcase!

>> No.31202514


>> No.31202515


>> No.31202516

its only natural to buy a gift for the love of my life

>> No.31202517

Anon cookies made it in!!!

>> No.31202519


>> No.31202521


>> No.31202522

She didn't even finish them I guess.

>> No.31202523

the animated holoEN cookie mascots are so cute

>> No.31202529

Ina how can you get tired from standing...

>> No.31202530

Comfy bgm

>> No.31202531


>> No.31202534

>Even included late people
My priestess is too precious.

>> No.31202535

Good job Cookie-anon!

>> No.31202538

New bgm!

>> No.31202539

T-think of the 2-hus!

>> No.31202540

Cute BGM!

>> No.31202543

Void cup Priestess is erotic...

>> No.31202545

Ina always off streams her training or prep so when she's on stream its 100 percent perfect.

>> No.31202546

Feet hurt, please understand

>> No.31202550

We need an RFA stream

>> No.31202555
Quoted by: >>31202599

Ame is so cute...

>> No.31202560

>Democracy is a sham

>> No.31202561

Anon, you have to be inclusive. The old gods are older than your Christ, and the Saturnalia celebrations and sacrifice are way older than your christmas.
Please respect other people beliefs. The great Cthulhu awakening is near.

>> No.31202564

>50 bolsonaros for 1 kg of beef that are farmed in my own country
Jesas were do you live on Brazil?

>> No.31202566
Quoted by: >>31202583


Fucking got me

>> No.31202568

>Including late people
>actually looked through the tag instead of the latest 20

>> No.31202570

I want to warm up ame with my bodyheat...

>> No.31202572

My dumbass thought it read macaroni making ...

>> No.31202577

Turkey Macaron...

>> No.31202578

>Mori Pog cookie

>> No.31202579

>guardian deity of my kitcken

Mama-nis <3

>> No.31202583

You can't just add -ina to the end of every word and call it a pun... that's not how it works....

>> No.31202585
Quoted by: >>31202620

>got home just in time for Amelia
Amelia... my love...

>> No.31202590

2016 sent us into an alternate timeline.

>> No.31202592

Suck my dickINA

>> No.31202593


>> No.31202594

>Ina accidentally added a picture of her ass in the cookie slide show....
Did anyone else see that??

>> No.31202595

Sounds African...South Africa?

>> No.31202596

>Copyright free christmas singing

>> No.31202597

Ina is an adorable tryhard who will never let herself do less than her best.

>> No.31202598

This attention to HEART AND SOUL is why I love her so much

>> No.31202599

CTU you could say

>> No.31202604

Mama'nis...not like this

>> No.31202607


>> No.31202609

Investigators are cute!

>> No.31202611


>> No.31202613

You now realise that the cookies at the bottom of the screen are animated.

>> No.31202615

Whatever you say anina

>> No.31202617

I want access to Ina's oven...

>> No.31202618

I love spending Christmas with my girlfriend Amelia Watson!

>> No.31202620

I seriously walked through the door when she got started. Going to start making food to take to my get-together later. Got Ame in my headphones.

>> No.31202623

You cant just say that and dont tell us your country anon...

>> No.31202625
Quoted by: >>31202688

Aliens are actually demons

>> No.31202627


>> No.31202629

>Merry Christmas
>Not Happy Holidays

>> No.31202630

Ina got loud all of a sudden

>> No.31202636

>Amelia started her member's only stream
>I have to leave to get groceries

>> No.31202637

>McDonald's? I guess that could be a Christmas present.

>> No.31202638

whoah did you guys see that image scroll by? it had ina's full ass and balls visible

>> No.31202640

Ina Ina Inaaaaa!!!!

>> No.31202643

I love Ina so much, bros...

>> No.31202644

its so fucking hot.

>> No.31202647

Did your cookies get in?

>> No.31202648

buying new games you'll never play with Ame!

>> No.31202650
Quoted by: >>31202699

>Ame's the person that just buys a fuck ton of steam games and never plays them

>> No.31202655

is she gonna show what she is making on the screen?

>> No.31202656

Ina seems MAX nervous



>> No.31202657

Burger gonna burger

>> No.31202658

Our government are incompetent on purpose

>> No.31202659

The twin towers weren't brought down on purpose, the planes shouldn't have brought them down but did because they were built with cheaper materials and weren't up to code, and the coverup was because literally every single skyscraper in New York also wasn't built to code and they'd have to shut down the city for twenty years to rebuild

>> No.31202661


>> No.31202662


>> No.31202663

Ina is actually unironically cuter than usual today.

>> No.31202666
Quoted by: >>31202709


>> No.31202667
Quoted by: >>31202723

my ex girlfriend would get me mcdonalds gift cards...

>> No.31202668

Ame got a bunch of good new stream games.

>> No.31202669


>> No.31202670

>These sheets have been on my bed (are you guys jelly?)
this fucking takonnnnnnnnnnnggggg

>> No.31202671

Get ready for Satisfactory autism

>> No.31202672


>> No.31202675

>Doom Eternal. RDR2. Satisfactory. A Short Hike.
Oh no, she's going to get into factory autism.

>> No.31202676


>> No.31202678
Quoted by: >>31202709


>> No.31202688
Quoted by: >>31202775

>he doesn't know that angels and demons are otherworldly higher dimensional beings
Have you seen the high rank angels? Shit looks like eldritch horrors but looks divine at the same time.

>> No.31202689

I saw that haaton cookie.

>> No.31202690

Macarons are pretty hard to make, hope you're ready, /jp/.
If you have some difficulty, making your own almond flour is better than buying it pre-made.

>> No.31202693

Didn't use to stream on Sunday, so that's the day she goes to church, tends to her avacado plant, home garden, etc. One of the more innocent rrats from here.

>> No.31202694

>Using burger units

>> No.31202695

I'm jelly as fuck.

>> No.31202696


Ina needs to hit the gym and put on about 20 lbs

>> No.31202697
Quoted by: >>31202899

Just play Factorio you rrat

>> No.31202699

She's just like me...

>> No.31202700
Quoted by: >>31202899

factoriobros... we're finished...

>> No.31202702

>Doom eternal
>Yakuza series
>Danganronpa 2
>DJ Max
>Nier automata

>> No.31202705

Holy shit she knows what she's doing

>> No.31202709
Quoted by: >>31202760

This is going to be awful. So much backseating, so much complaining about backseating from Ame who then asks for backseating.

>> No.31202711

i love my dorky priestess

>> No.31202713

Honestly so far this seems like a respectable haul

>> No.31202714

>ina measuring by volume rather than by mass

>> No.31202715
Quoted by: >>31202768

Where did Ina learn to talk like this?

>> No.31202716

>she bought basically every game that was recommended to her except danganropa

>> No.31202717

ame's video game shopping spree...

>> No.31202718
Quoted by: >>31202822

The holocaust never happened

>> No.31202720

>Ame got Raft
That could be a good group collab game

>> No.31202721

>Retards thinking she's talking about Ass: Valhalla.

>> No.31202723
Quoted by: >>31202788

>Mcdonalds for christmas
Kek, that bitch was cheating on you fag, all her actuall money was spent on the other guy

>> No.31202724

Christ her arms are so fucking thin, like I could snap them in half, they look like thick twigs

>> No.31202726

Ame made gold out of her members Lead yet agin.

>> No.31202727

Ame Steam Winter Sale buy list
>Red Dead 2
>All of Yakuza
>DJ Max
>Nier Automata
>Doom Eternal
>Short Hike
>Planet Coaster
>Katana Zero

>> No.31202734

Take that you stupid fucking leaf your squishy squid kneels

>> No.31202735

>Factorio? I looked into that one, but it didn't look like my style.
Someone tell her it has trains. That should get her into it.

>> No.31202739

Good taste

>> No.31202741

KSP, nice

>> No.31202743
Quoted by: >>31202779

>danganronpa 2
cant wait for her to repeatedly ask "who is this? whats going on? I dont get it" at the final chapter

>> No.31202744

based KSP

>> No.31202746


>> No.31202748

she bought good games, based Ame

>> No.31202747


>> No.31202749

That's a great set of games, too bad a good chunk of them can't be played on stream.

>> No.31202750

she legit bought everything her members suggested

>> No.31202752

Anons are you watching Ina, Ame or both?

>> No.31202754


>> No.31202757

Seeing Ame be so open with us warms my heart.

Also Ina is so fucking cute lately.

>> No.31202760

there's not really much to get confused about in Satisfactory unless you count in efficiency math autism

>> No.31202761

Doom Eternal, RDR2, Satisfactory, A Short Hike, Fallout 1 and 2, Dag Gone Roper 2, DJ Max, Nier Automata, VA11-Hall A, Wrath (?), Planet Coaster, Katana Zero, Kerbal Space Program, lots more apparently

>> No.31202762

Canadians bake with a mix of imperial and metric. Imperial is common in baking because it comes from the french republic, which basically set the standards for baking and culinary arts still used today.

>> No.31202767
Quoted by: >>31202811

I love you

>> No.31202768

She's been hanging around Gura too much. She knows what she's doing...

>> No.31202770


>> No.31202771

Ina Mama helped!

>> No.31202773

Eating cookies in bed with Ina!

>> No.31202774

Ina is literally struggling with carrying every ingredient onto her desk
God she's so weak I love her!

>> No.31202775

>he doesn't know demons are mutilated angels trapped in a sub-dimensional prison

>> No.31202776
Quoted by: >>31202949

Does Ame have the patience for Va11halla?

>> No.31202780


>> No.31202778

>Kerbal Space Program

>> No.31202779
Quoted by: >>31202870

She won't be able to stream. Theres absolutely no way they're getting permissions.

>> No.31202781

I want Ame and 3 more to buy Vermintide so they can make a collab out of slaying rrats.

>> No.31202782

No one watching Ina you know

>> No.31202785

>Planet coaster
Missed one here, fuck
>Factorio didn't look like my type of style
>Kerbal space program

>> No.31202787

Learning orbital mechanics with Ame!

>> No.31202788

nah I just really liked mcdonalds. I was a super picky eater and thats usually where we would go to eat

>> No.31202789

>ina sifting sounds

>> No.31202792

Just Ame right now. Letting the comfy sink in.

>> No.31202794
Quoted by: >>31202899

I hope you like the thread being filled with Sseth if she play it

>> No.31202797

Trying to do both. Ame's my Oshi but why does she keep streaming at the same time as these god-tier cookie streams?

>> No.31202799
Quoted by: >>31202828

she said she bought danganronpa 2 for some reason

>> No.31202801

>Katana Zero
That would be a great stream.

>> No.31202802

She buy KSP!

>> No.31202803

FUCK I hate that I need to leave to get groceries while a member's only stream is on

>> No.31202806

I say happy holidays because the word comes from "holy day" and Christmas isn't the only Christian holy day in December

>> No.31202808

I forgot how STICC Ina's model is. Geez you could just pick her up and put her down somewhere else.

>> No.31202810



This? I've had it on my wishlist for a while, but I'm not gonna buy it until it's out of EA.

>> No.31202811

I love you too

>> No.31202813

>all over her table

Oh no

>> No.31202818

How come Coco & Haachama keep doing stuff together?

>> No.31202820

>Its all over my table
Sorry bros, I missed.

>> No.31202822

entry-level redpill conspiracy, gotta go bigger

>> No.31202826

Ina's going to blow a fuse

>> No.31202827

>your oshi
>describe a cute image of her that you would post in reply to this post

>> No.31202828

Yeah I spoke too soon, still cute.

>> No.31202829

God, I want to squeeze Ina's front hair so badly
Look how rip they are

>> No.31202830

>30 meter power cord

>> No.31202834

>except danganropa
She only got the second one for some reason

>> No.31202836
Quoted by: >>31202862

I never knew cooking streams were this comfy. Haachama you fooled me!

>> No.31202838
Quoted by: >>31202876

Ina dying of electrocution on stream...

>> No.31202841

Why wouldn't HoloEN Gen 0th do collabs together?

>> No.31202844

For switch

>> No.31202850


>> No.31202848

>My life is a mess


>> No.31202851

>Ina cooking in her room
If she spills anything we'll probably get to hear what it was like after she sold Doom or the Creeper exploded.

>> No.31202853


>> No.31202857

Became besties during their chink ban

>> No.31202858

Her eating some toast for breakfast whilst in pink pajamas. Her hair is a bit messy and she looks really happy

>> No.31202860

Ina-mama in Watame's stream RIGHT NOW

>> No.31202862

I'm waiting for when she adds the bugs or uncooked meat

>> No.31202863

Dude, pancakes lmao!

>> No.31202864
Quoted by: >>31202900

>My life is a mess
Ina no...

>> No.31202865
Quoted by: >>31202889

Is Haachama living with Coco now that she's back in Japan?

>> No.31202869

Really? I guess I'll check it out if I ever unfuck my attention span, thanks.

>> No.31202871

because they are friends ya dumb chingchong

>> No.31202870

Charity stream :^)

>> No.31202873


>> No.31202875


>> No.31202876

Ina using the Edison method to cook squid on stream!

>> No.31202880

She looks like she's riding on a rollercoaster.

>> No.31202882


>> No.31202886

reNPC's pic of her in bed

>> No.31202887
Quoted by: >>31202910

Ina calling her mom out loud while running in the corridor!

>> No.31202888

what was that noise she made as she walked away? that was so cute....

>> No.31202889

I think she's living with her parents, unless that was just temporary

>> No.31202890

It's a gif of three of her swaying side to side

>> No.31202892

I need a rest from Ame after last's night watchalong

>> No.31202891

>Ahhhhh Mama'nissssssssss

Holy shit.

>> No.31202894

That muffled call for mama when Ina left the room

>> No.31202893

Ina whispering sexually

>> No.31202896

>Ame Getting Over it

>> No.31202899


Factorio never goes on sale, even during Christmas. There is a 100% chance Ame didn't get Factorio because it wasn't on sale and that's the only reason, and "it's not my style" is just an excuse. Fucking poorfag mentality.

>> No.31202897

>Getting over it with Ame

>> No.31202900

>my life is a mess
>my goal is a mess
I feel things suddenly became too personal...

>> No.31202905

>ame getting over it

>> No.31202908


>> No.31202910

This tako is just too cute.

>> No.31202914

She's back!
She lives on the other side of the house than the kitchen!

>> No.31202916


>> No.31202919

Just Ame. I'm giving her my full attention today, though I usually try watch everyone.

>> No.31202920

>Ame Getting over it

>> No.31202922


>> No.31202923

jesus christ those are some pretty good cookies animations

>> No.31202924


>> No.31202925

maid outfit!

>> No.31202927

>so tired after walking to the kitchen and back

>> No.31202929

>Christmas Mori

>> No.31202931

I may be a retard too but i picked 4 random search terms from that list and filtered for today and she was in the results of all 4. That seems helpful.

>> No.31202934

>Cute, smug, full-tooth smile

>> No.31202938

Imagine Ina running through the house to get the spatula

>> No.31202939

>Ina out of breath running across her house
Hikki Priestess...

>> No.31202940

Pain humu

>> No.31202941

Christmas clothes. Cute!

>> No.31202942

She RAN OK!?

>> No.31202943

>getting over it
>house flipper
>cooking simulator
>talos principle

>> No.31202946

Ina your RFA reps...

>> No.31202948

>already tired from walking back and forth a house and holding two spatulas
Ina... your fit reps...

>> No.31202949

Before Outer Wilds I would have said no.

>> No.31202950

>Ina already tired

>> No.31202951

Ina your ring fit reps

>> No.31202952

Fuck, she's adorable...
I love Ina so much...

>> No.31202957


>> No.31202958


uh huh

>> No.31202953

My priestess can't be this out of shape!

Like literally she ran from one side of the house to the other....how...how unfit can one be to manage that

>> No.31202955

titanic insurance scam

>> No.31202966

Ina is dying just from walking for half a minute

>> No.31202969

I love my dorky Priestess!!

>> No.31202970

Ina, holy shit, you just ran to the kitchen! Someone sign this poor girl to a gym.

>> No.31202971

I love you Ina!

>> No.31202974

Reading her twitter in a wifebeater and pants with a bottle of pop for hydration
