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File: 9 KB, 225x225, Moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30101895 No.30101895 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30101899

hey moona

>> No.30101901
File: 67 KB, 765x962, EoSAErnWMAA7jNj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30101905

I love Mori!

>> No.30101906

moona is fat

>> No.30101910


>> No.30101912
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1600800571154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara sounds cuter than usual tonight

>> No.30101913

Next time post a smaller picture, I can still make this one out.

>> No.30101914
File: 1.73 MB, 1763x2479, 1595449398266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30101992

Meido please abayo those fucks.
t. deadbeat

>> No.30101917

kiara is being extra cute about OCD peeling her orange and eating it

>> No.30101918

Do you know pekora?

>> No.30101919

Doesn't the white stuff have fiber or something?

>> No.30101920

Moona's even stealing chickens OP images now...

>> No.30101921
File: 723 KB, 1080x1070, waves gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gura got mf wavesssssss

>> No.30101922
File: 371 KB, 720x600, MoonaGlass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eating while streaming
Already stealing Moona gimmic i see

>> No.30101923
Quoted by: >>30102338

Seanigger hours huh?

>> No.30101926

"Omg cant believe ur on Gaia 2 ^_^"

>> No.30101934


>> No.30101935
File: 11 KB, 174x290, 1602127962565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30101937
File: 257 KB, 363x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked like she was doing something interesting for a bit there

>> No.30101940
File: 18 KB, 490x87, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30101970

>> No.30101941

>YWN bring Kiara a BLT sandwich when she is hungry and be rewarded with a loud and happy KIKKERIKI!!!!

>> No.30101942

something abut the grim reaper being the one preparing the naughty list just makes sense to me

>> No.30101943
File: 1.88 MB, 1400x1400, 1606798400857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who excessively peel oranges, removing the healthiest part
Kiara and friends, why?

>> No.30101944

Why did kiara choose the fast food gimmick, has she even eaten fast food in her life?

>> No.30101947
File: 1.48 MB, 1454x2339, 1605912752775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102094

I love Amelia!

>> No.30101946


>> No.30101950
File: 196 KB, 482x268, 1606593835886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102870

Yes but she's eating a fruit, unlike the moon over there. I doubt she even knows what a fruit is.

>> No.30101951

Damn First Moona steals Kiara's Oshi than steals Kiara's numbers and now Steals the OP image. Can anything stop the Moon?

>> No.30101952
Quoted by: >>30102018

Kiara-very calculating with her collabs, wasting a slot on someone from the ID branch that isn't in Japan and already speaks English is very unlikely
Ina-no time for any collabs, Lofi was lucky to get one in
Gura- hasn't given anyone outside of EN the time of day
Mori- super busy with her own stuff, just got around to doing a solo collab with a jp Holo, probably has multiple requests from hp Holos so Risu would go to the back of the queue
Ame-the most likely, if Risu liked FPS games she could probably get Ame to play Apex with her

>> No.30101953 [DELETED] 

You mad Dicefag? Karen sucks black dick.

>> No.30101954
File: 2 KB, 24x24, The Tiniest Ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104084

If you gonna post Moona at least post a bigger image faggot

>> No.30101955

fat bitch

>> No.30101956

>HoloEn invited to sports event
>4/5 of them sitting around awkwardly unable to speak japanese, Gura gets out a "Shaaaaak a" a few times
Yeah I'm sure that would've been a great time idk why they didn't do it.

>> No.30101957

I hate taxes.

>> No.30101962
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1601996976596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30101987

She'd have to be eating at all times for that.

>> No.30101964
File: 9 KB, 274x184, tangerine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's right, tangerines are good. Like oranges, but easier to peel and with ready-to-eat portions.

>> No.30101965

>Where on earth could it be 5pm
Haachama says hi

>> No.30101969


>> No.30101970

Time to use a pillow to suffocate the motherfucker

>> No.30101971
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, 1605164302953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one person can save this threads

>> No.30101972
File: 112 KB, 974x689, School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara learning timezones after making fun of AM/PM people is funny

>> No.30101973

She stole Kiara's wife, stealing the architects is the least she can do in revenge.

>> No.30101974 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 332x304, 1596581186129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102017

never change, youtube.

>> No.30101976

>Actually added the earpods and chinstrap
Lol I applaude your effort

>> No.30101977
Quoted by: >>30102178


>> No.30101980
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, BCD71E36-3284-40AF-BCF4-4D87B4B574EB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102031

Kiara...it’s 1am...your stream times, onegai...

>> No.30101979

>Kiara learns that timezones curve

>> No.30101982
File: 60 KB, 534x464, 1605808514184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102063

i want kiara to eat my white stuff

>> No.30101986

Bitch loves Fast Food

>> No.30101987 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 310x144, 1606976184247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102056

Baby steps, anon. But soon.

>> No.30101990

I don't think she chose that part man

>> No.30101991

>Kiara stream
>Seagulls seething and it's close to SEAnigger hours

Ame please come back and stream...

>> No.30101992

t. doxxbrap

>> No.30101997
Quoted by: >>30102051

>Doesn't understand Australia's timezones when she's moving there soon

>> No.30101999
Quoted by: >>30102037

Kiara's ass is fatter than usual today.

>> No.30102000

I like the smell of it when it's all peeled off.

>> No.30102003
Quoted by: >>30102055

Yeah, I prefer tangerines to oranges.

>> No.30102004

After reading the YouTube Recommendations posts I came to the realization that there's a lot of Jermanites on this thread. Nice.

>> No.30102009
File: 27 KB, 323x350, 1597361292512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with Melbourne?

>> No.30102010

Why doesn't Rushia ever collab with anyone?

>> No.30102011
Quoted by: >>30102230

Japanese (and pretty much every asian country's) fast food tastes a LOT better than American fast food. Relatively smaller serving sizes but more flavor and also side options like wraps/varied salads/country-exclusive options

>> No.30102012
File: 28 KB, 563x502, 1606407691443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy chicken

>> No.30102013
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1597642252558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7k viewers
chickenfags, I kneel...

>> No.30102016
File: 1.09 MB, 950x843, WatsonW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait... the white stuff is healthy?

>> No.30102017
Quoted by: >>30102103

Pictured: the archetypal deadbeat

>> No.30102018

>Kiara-very calculating with her collabs
>collabs with Nene because of a complete coincidence
You sure about that?

>> No.30102020

Excellent image

>> No.30102021

i want to nakadashi kiara!

>> No.30102023
File: 268 KB, 2048x2048, EoADb4sVoAA_shf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no takamori docking fanart and its a damn shame

>> No.30102024

Wait till KFP in Minecraft is taken over

>> No.30102025

That white stuff is bitter is you are sensitive to that.

>> No.30102027
Quoted by: >>30102302

>Kiara asking chat stuff, excepting answers and then commenting on them
I think I figured out part of why she has cult

>> No.30102029
File: 28 KB, 399x400, 1600644012403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's December fucking 2nd

>> No.30102031
Quoted by: >>30102115

Go to sleep east coast, it's west coasts time to shine

>> No.30102033
Quoted by: >>30102087

It makes me frustrated that Kiara's costume is so bad. She's zoomed in to her face and she's suddenly dangerously cute

>> No.30102036

>ywn have a complicated relationship with kiara where she loves you but also hates you

>> No.30102037
File: 428 KB, 1400x2164, 1606806793589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.30102040

>has she even eaten fast food in her life?
She said that she used to eat Burger King like 3 times a week

>> No.30102042
Quoted by: >>30102102

Does Kiara's voice sound slightly different?

>> No.30102043
File: 476 KB, 1000x416, tdkr_ame_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102044
Quoted by: >>30102242

The only thing about an orange that tastes good is the juice. If it was socially acceptable everyone would just crush that loose in your jaws and spit out the rest.

>> No.30102047

Kiara should just get a second-monitor and stop playing through OBS to avoid input-lag.

>> No.30102048

Is Kiara gonna play against her OBS delay again

>> No.30102049

Anonchama she's done plenty of collabs. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.30102050

yelling at your oshi and making her cry

>> No.30102051

She could make an excuse for living in Western Australia but we all know she has no idea Australia has many timezones

>> No.30102052
Quoted by: >>30102694

What the fuck, does the timezone change if you move latitudally?

>> No.30102053

Yes, fiber and some shits

>> No.30102055


>> No.30102056

Kiara is the feeder, not the feedee.

>> No.30102058
Quoted by: >>30102213

Wait, what? Why the fuck would you take out the white shit too? That's incredibly time consuming.

>> No.30102059

gaylight gavings (which is gay), Godland is the only correct timezone.

>> No.30102060

She doesn't want her devoted paypigs to cheat on her

>> No.30102061
Quoted by: >>30102163

it'll be summer here in 18 days, I'm actually melting right now

>> No.30102064

mutts law is universal

>> No.30102063
File: 299 KB, 1920x1080, 16E36215-54F4-4256-9C95-6267C625BFC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want eat __out Kiara!

>> No.30102067

has kiara done the pachinko level yet

>> No.30102069

afaik her family has a chicken farm

>> No.30102071

Y'see, that wasn't a coincidence. She calculated the probability that they'd both sing Connect at the same time before starting that Karaoke stream

>> No.30102075

something about the earth being 'round' according to (((globalists)))

>> No.30102074

Why doesn't Kiara stream at prime US hours? She'd double her viewers no problem.

>> No.30102076

46 more hours...

>> No.30102079
Quoted by: >>30102163

Not in her homeland of Australia

>> No.30102083

>Kiara forgot basic game mechanics

Oh this will be a long one

>> No.30102085
File: 14 KB, 240x240, 1606416263008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102163

It's summer in Australia

>> No.30102086

I feel like the costume was already designed. I've never heard her say anything about eating fast food, it's always either frozen stuff, home prepared food, or sitdown Japanese restaurants. Also fried chicken chains aren't that big of a thing in EU as they are in the US and even Asia.

>> No.30102087
File: 2.90 MB, 1096x1080, 1606207605513.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102088

She collabed with Kiara anon...

>> No.30102089
File: 1.79 MB, 1020x1188, 1604983249461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking Kiara from her cosplay model body to chubby is literally The Architect's dream. You mold her from a blank canvas, feeding her whatever you want to bring fat in the right places. Moona's sculpting has already begun by her own hand, a true architect does not work on a project that has already been started.

>> No.30102091
File: 547 KB, 1000x577, 1602519485934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sudden meido snipe at the end with an actual post!

Truthfully I want the new IDs on the EN server too, because it's just so dead. I'm assuming Cover is going to tell them "it's up to where to go" and there's also the 1-month collab embargo too, so we probably won't know for a little bit what they want. The new IDs seem very interested in the ENs that much is clear.

>> No.30102095
File: 3.70 MB, 4000x4000, 1605988576380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love you, Gura!
Pls take care yourself!

>> No.30102093

>Don't enjoy hololive streams anymore
>Browse here 6+ hours per day

>> No.30102094
File: 322 KB, 1024x683, ggg1606710941476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102138

I love Amelia too bro and I miss her already

I guess I'll just do my cycling reps and self improvement reps while she is gone

>> No.30102096

Can't wait.

>> No.30102097
File: 247 KB, 1255x1054, 1604186203792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she lives in Japan.

>> No.30102098

I love her gremlin sounds.

>> No.30102099
File: 18 KB, 300x168, foood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes gonna eat all the chicken

>> No.30102101
Quoted by: >>30102146

I thought IDs were honorary JPs? What's OP doing in /hlgg/?

>> No.30102102

she j*** w*** u*

>> No.30102103

I wish had that jawline tbhdesu

>> No.30102104
File: 5 KB, 230x215, 1606253839396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102105
Quoted by: >>30102155

>Kiara forgot basic game mechanics
starting to feel like this is a theme

>> No.30102106

Think of it this way anon, the parts of the fruit that people like eating is basically energy storage, and is stuffed with water, sugars and some miscellaneous stuff. The bits in charge of actually growing the fruit are where the other nutrients/fiber are

>> No.30102108
Quoted by: >>30102163

She's "Australian". Pretty sure they have the seasons swapped down under

>> No.30102111

Fandead vs Deadbeats who simps harder?

>> No.30102112
File: 43 KB, 741x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102113

>Karen sucks black dick.
She doesn't though. She has explicitly said that she has yellow fever.

>> No.30102115
File: 84 KB, 1064x715, 3C693FD7-858D-41DF-A32F-E7A6B7D1A01C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll leave it you, west coast KFP! o7

>> No.30102117

What did she mean by this?

>> No.30102119

That is is bitter

>> No.30102120
File: 36 KB, 640x701, crying and screaming and farting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been one since like 2014, fucking nuts how popular he is now.

>> No.30102121

>Pekora sends the architect to help Kiara's KFP franchise in minecraft
>Moona destroys the whole building and rebuilds it to some advance auto chicking frying machine,
>Puts a Giant Moon and bunny on top of it to remind Kiara who built it.
>Kiara stops playing minecraft.

>> No.30102123
Quoted by: >>30102240

Kiara's rigging is fucking hypnotising, when she looks at chat you can actually see her taking a quick glance while staying aware of the loading screen

>> No.30102124

>Why doesn't Kiara stream at prime US hours?
She just woke up, dumb fuck

>> No.30102126
Quoted by: >>30102186

>Lyrics say "Don't Break"
>Zoom in to Kiara's ass
Mori is a madwoman lmao

>> No.30102129

Why does Kiara have to make a Mario game sound stressful? I don't mind if she's not good at it, but she doesn't need to make it sound like she's playing an NES game with bullshit mechanics.

>> No.30102130


>> No.30102135 [SPOILER] 
File: 115 KB, 2160x1078, 1606976425129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102136


>> No.30102137
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102138

Don't forget your chess reps.

>> No.30102139

Language barrier sure as fuck hasn't stopped Moona, stop making excuses, you faggot.

>> No.30102141
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102145

I think I'm coming around to Kiara. I bet her pussy is really clean.

>> No.30102146

hlg is seething and went full anti on Kiara

>> No.30102147

>a fucking peace sign
do bongs really...?

>> No.30102150

I find that these anons have alright music taste, and we have someone sucked into Rushia's spell in here

>> No.30102151


>> No.30102153

that is true

>> No.30102155

Good one, Ina

>> No.30102158
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102159
Quoted by: >>30102205

I got drunk last night and superchatted my last $500 at Amelia... Do you think she'd give it back? Or like some of it? Otherwise I can't afford to eat for two weeks..

>> No.30102160

Wait games have mechanics? Like the ones who fix your car?

>> No.30102161
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102162

also typo, "it's up to you where to go"

>> No.30102163
Quoted by: >>30102222

>Australian Kiara
>Probably has no idea it's summer down under
Bros, I don't think she's really Aussie...

>> No.30102165
Quoted by: >>30102217

Seeing her suffering in games is fun, though.

>> No.30102167

I think Nene was early on before she decided on going back home. Now that her time is short and she decided on only 1 non-EN collab per week she's not gonna waste a spot on Risu. Maybe Moona but only because of the whole Pekora arc and knowing it would be highly anticipated.

>> No.30102169
Quoted by: >>30102248

bongs explain???

>> No.30102170

I can't imagine chat trying to explain baneposting to Ame

>> No.30102173
Quoted by: >>30102712

I got so used to looking at idols doing peace signs oblivious to the archer's fingers I blank it out.

>> No.30102174


>> No.30102176

Ollie already got an MC skin and seems to like TakaMori (though I might be biased because I like all three of them) so it seems promising.

>> No.30102178


>> No.30102179

I can't imagine she picked the fast food theme herself.
Management probably decided on "phoenix" together with her according to the whole Myth theming EN has, which is something that obviously fits her and she'd be super into with the whole rebirth gimmick after he first failed idol career, but I can't imagine she'd be into the fast food shit, she probably just didn't have any say on that part.
It's no secret she doesn't really like her current costume and has been gunning for a new outfit despite being barely a month old.

>> No.30102180 [SPOILER] 
File: 913 KB, 602x720, 1606976512534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /hlgg/
Blow it out your ass

>> No.30102182
Quoted by: >>30102210

The backwards peace is a fuck you in England

>> No.30102183

Not that anon. Gen 5 have no problem streaming around this time tho. Whats her excuse?

>> No.30102185

Kiara is kind of sexy...

>> No.30102186
File: 104 KB, 1445x1021, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole MV was on her ass. Mori knows that the audience is there for

>> No.30102187

>she revises it to just the middle finger up

>> No.30102188
Quoted by: >>30102210

Its like the middle finger if the palm is facing inward.

>> No.30102196

After watching Okayu and Pedomee play Sunshine, I don't think Kiara is ever going to beat this game...

>> No.30102195

It barely does. Sorry, rest of the world, for british twitterfags

>> No.30102197
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102199

thanks mori

>> No.30102201
File: 99 KB, 864x864, 1606822999757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we have an autistic list of circumstantial evidence about Ame being HERE but we don't have one for Mori?
None of them are hear anyway, what gives?

>> No.30102200

so is this closer to her character or not?

>> No.30102203
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, 1576118814350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102251

ok this time for real

>> No.30102204
File: 180 KB, 744x1053, 1606516258149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct!

>> No.30102205

Go to bed Jordan

>> No.30102206

Its the sign English longbowman used to mock the french during the 100yrs war, the french used to remove those two fingers so theyd never be able to use the bow again

>> No.30102207
File: 160 KB, 249x395, Screenshot 2020-12-03 142242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do britbongs really?

>> No.30102210

wtf, that's retard

>> No.30102211
Quoted by: >>30102248

i cannot believe this shit

>> No.30102212

I love kiara but she usually streams when is night here and her voice volume changes really fucking quick

>> No.30102213
File: 14 KB, 299x304, 1606818140372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Most of the vitamin C is there (called the 'pith').

Some people don't like it, saying it's bitter.

>> No.30102216
Quoted by: >>30102248

Lol who the fuck got butt hurt over this? Don't you need butt hurt license, Brits?

>> No.30102217

I'm not going to deny that. At least she's having fun with the challenge.

>> No.30102222
File: 428 KB, 1552x2000, EA525BF4-1DBE-4623-B162-499862D7D23D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102316

He doesn’t know

>> No.30102223
File: 1.22 MB, 303x172, Rocket_Peace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102225
File: 531 KB, 463x503, 1606536466440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102388

V-tubers seem to have a really tough time with Mario games. See Ame's Odyssey streams and Pikamee's 64 streams

>> No.30102227
File: 111 KB, 800x1138, 1606965621668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102263


>> No.30102229
File: 283 KB, 2048x1448, 1606758781085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102957


>> No.30102228

>After CCP arc, its UKIP arc

>> No.30102230
File: 90 KB, 864x864, 1585020958425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoor here, i actually prefer american's fast food, shit like kfc and mc tasted like fish in japan

>> No.30102235
Quoted by: >>30102248


>> No.30102238
Quoted by: >>30102275

Yeah but as another Brit I would obviously interpret that as a cute peace sign. It's not pointed at the viewer and there's no hostile body language.

>> No.30102239
File: 63 KB, 771x366, 1606258755548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way I can make myself fall asleep for 45 hours and 59 minutes?

>> No.30102240

The only thing I don't like is the mouth sometimes.

>> No.30102242

I do that anyway, I can't eat oranges around other people because I don't want them seeing me spitting the membranes back out.

>> No.30102244
Quoted by: >>30102622

>It's real

wtf is wrong with twitter brits???

>> No.30102245
Quoted by: >>30102283

Is this because of the white girls fuck dogs meme or that Ame looks like a loli here?

>> No.30102247

Why are bongs so good at being pathetic?

>> No.30102248
File: 106 KB, 1061x189, 1577042968951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muhricans and their extraodinary world knowledge again

>> No.30102250
File: 265 KB, 850x1263, CE94C031-A426-4D0F-865F-89E6649E82C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kind of
Tenchou is sexy incarnate

>> No.30102251
Quoted by: >>30102549

i'm not sure if this is any good but i definitely hate it

>> No.30102252


>> No.30102253
File: 26 KB, 601x186, mooning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102254
Quoted by: >>30102377

No one is even complaining in the replies. Did someone DM her?

>> No.30102256
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-12-02-18h35m27s240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the worlds smallest professional basketballer

>> No.30102257

This, it means go fuck yourself in bongland

>> No.30102259

It tracks her actual eyebrows? I didn't know any of the ENs had that power.

>> No.30102260
Quoted by: >>30102648

Don't really care about numbers, is that bad?

>> No.30102261
File: 124 KB, 360x450, ezgif-2-b3d4f0f05a1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102772

Jerma fanbase reaches every corner of the internet and into every other fandom because he appeals to everyone. I can easily say that he is objectively funny

>> No.30102263


>> No.30102264

Wish we had an Italian holo so she could teach them to talk with hands and properly insult.

>> No.30102265
File: 71 KB, 720x1063, 127496338_193421758996565_5712827644109596519_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102337


>> No.30102266

This is very based.

>> No.30102269

Wait, do teakeks still use the longbowmen's thing from the Hundred Years War?

>> No.30102270
Quoted by: >>30102516

Collab ban doesn't prevent them from joining the server on their own.

>> No.30102271

holy fuck i didn't even know this was a thing lol

>> No.30102273


>> No.30102275
Quoted by: >>30102390

its just fan art, quite sad ngl

>> No.30102276
Quoted by: >>30102441

Mori.....you know what to do

>> No.30102279

True facts.

>> No.30102280

>Seething britfag
As I was saying, you got a license for that?

>> No.30102281
Quoted by: >>30102307

Yeah but why would anyone give a shit about what the bongs have to say about anything ever

>> No.30102282

>irrelevant countries

>> No.30102283

It's the hand gesture.

>> No.30102284

It's pretty obvious they made sure the ID2 girls are ready to go global, other than official stuff they don't tweet in Dog or Japanese at all, it's all just English.
You can bet they will speak English 99% of the time on their streams too.

>> No.30102286

Ausfag here never once seen it used

>> No.30102289

Post a JP holo as thread image and everyone laughs saying it will make HLG seethe.

Post Moona and suddenly it's not ok.

>> No.30102291

sorry even your colonies don't care about anglo bull shit

>> No.30102292

Based daisenpai

>> No.30102295
Quoted by: >>30102536

who gives a fuck

>> No.30102296

Is it me or is Kiara... cuter than usual today?

>> No.30102297

Yeah but who gives a fuck what bongs think?

>> No.30102298

This has to be a joke, right? No one actually cares about that shit in bongland, t. bong.

>> No.30102299

>Bongs seething over the fucking peace sign

>> No.30102301

that's retarded

>> No.30102302

>Gura asks chat stuff and forgets she even asked them anything
>Ame asks chat questions then scolds them for answering them
>Ina ignores chat entirely about 95% of the time while AO-chan punishes them
What does Mori do?

>> No.30102304

Its dumb, anon. You don't have to be american to think that way.

>> No.30102305

No one cares Nigel

>> No.30102306

She'd still have to compete against Gura (when she streams) and Ame. Every time she's tried to stream a non-event in US hours those two do a Minecraft collab or A Way Out and crush her.

>> No.30102307
Quoted by: >>30102414

All your music was based on Brit music, burgerfag

>> No.30102311
File: 41 KB, 1019x483, 1602053721746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been watching since the star and jerma days

>> No.30102312

People actually used as an insulting gesture or is just something for old people?

>> No.30102314
File: 861 KB, 2884x4083, EoRjciKVoAAIFPq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're also watching our oshis best friend, right deadbeats?

>> No.30102315
File: 321 KB, 1000x1000, 1603949086080.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102372

None of the English replies I see to Nabi mama's tweet mention the archer's fingers, so either someone DM'd it to her or a Jap brought it up

>> No.30102316
Quoted by: >>30102366

It's painfully obvious that she's Austrian. If she's going to pretend to be from "Australia", she should at least make it a bit more convincing.

>> No.30102318

she's suffering anon, that's not a nice thing to say

>> No.30102320

Literally no one has given a fuck about it for twenty plus years in any of those countries mate.

>> No.30102321 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x1070, 1606976788041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102323

>in the UK
>later adopted
>Signifies defiance, contempt, and derision against authority

>> No.30102325

I personally feel like she's PRETTIER than usual today

>> No.30102327

I would be extremely disappointed in her if she doesn't know what baneposting is.

>> No.30102329

Cry harder, Elizabeth II.

>> No.30102328
Quoted by: >>30102342

okay but in first world countries it's not offensive and this artist is from a first world country

>> No.30102335

It's fucking retarded, who gives a fuck?

>> No.30102336
Quoted by: >>30102468

>Kiara just trying to play her Mario game
>Everyone in chat still pestering her about Moona/Pekora and calling her a cuck
God damn give it a rest

>> No.30102337

>Korone getting pushed around
Now THAT is something that makes me laugh.

>> No.30102338
File: 102 KB, 1140x1015, seatime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get used to it

>> No.30102339

Retarded, i hope America nuke your country

>> No.30102340
File: 406 KB, 1000x1211, 1606603259290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defiance to authority is considered a bad thing
Literal cuck county

>> No.30102341

What's Gura's African name?

>> No.30102342

Amelia's lore is that she's British

>> No.30102346

so Titanfall 2 ok hand sign easter egg is hated by PC schizos and now nabi mama drawing fanart of Ame doing the peace sign makes britbongs on twitter seethe...

Ame save us from this timeline please

>> No.30102348

Thanks for superchats instead of looking at answers

>> No.30102347

No one gives a shit about your faggot signs, fuck you

>> No.30102349

I think you meant
>"Why doesn't Ina ever collab with anyone?"
Yeah? Comparatively speaking, of course.

>> No.30102350

Mori flirts with chat and makes em horny

>> No.30102351
Quoted by: >>30102452

he was the first vtuber after all

>> No.30102354
Quoted by: >>30102412

Britbong here, I saw no issue with her hand at all since there is no reason for her to be insulting the viewer?

>> No.30102352
Quoted by: >>30102498

Listens to the 5% of chat telling her to collab with "penis lol" man

>> No.30102355

Sometimes but it's really not a big deal, it's certainly not as big a deal as the middle finger is in the US, it's not even bants-tier. This looks like an overreaction or miscommunication to me.

>> No.30102356
File: 580 KB, 828x985, 1606199871221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102398

Of course

>> No.30102357

Ok anons it's almost 4 AM, I'll go to sleep when the Chicken finish this level. Wish me luck bros

>> No.30102358

I hope the artist is just being overcautious rather than actually getting shit for accidental rude gestures.

>> No.30102359

Fucking boomers

>> No.30102363

I feel like she's MORE TALENTED than usual today!

>> No.30102365

What DOES Mori do besides invite Ecelebs to shit up her genmates chat.

>> No.30102366
File: 29 KB, 225x232, 1526607152857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a joke, no need to be autistic about it.

>> No.30102367

Because it was a server festival not a hololive event. It's also why they called ID guests since they only just joined the server.

>> No.30102371

I ain't murican but I see that as retarded as the other hand signs that were banned.

>> No.30102372

I see a single quote-retweet mentioning it. She must look at all her replies.

>> No.30102374

>Hotep Gura

>> No.30102377

I bet, brit are retarded afterall

>> No.30102386

What is with the average holofan's obsession with NTR?

>> No.30102388

It's because they play it looking at their OBS output rather than the actual game screen and their inputs are horribly delayed. Same shit as when she was playing mario kart

>> No.30102391

The Bongs deserve to be rounded up and sent back to their Island and the whole world should unite to ensure there is no way for them to escape... or glass Britain.

>> No.30102390

Even sadder because it's not even fan art. That's official artwork drawn by Ame's mama.

>> No.30102393

goodnight, anonymous

>> No.30102395
File: 41 KB, 501x582, 1582001140295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102515

Am I the only one who, when starting to peel an orange, bites the outside to remove a small part of the outer peel, and then starts to peel it from there.

>> No.30102396

Kiara smashed that course, good on her

>> No.30102398
Quoted by: >>30102430

>Mfw I'm slowly membering to everything Mori likes

>> No.30102399

Gets tilted by chat laughing at her.

>> No.30102400

and why is that a bad thing?

>> No.30102402

Kiara confirmed better at Mario than Ame

>> No.30102403

Why are brits so fucking gay?

>> No.30102405
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x792, tdkr_ame_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better that way, not that I read YouTube chat though

>> No.30102404
Quoted by: >>30102431

>Over a second of delay after blocks appeared
Kiara... your OBS delay...

>> No.30102406
Quoted by: >>30102553

The problem is JP Minecraft is just way more conducive to growing your channel with all the random encounters and overlap you can have on there, the girls all feed on each other and even just something like the Zombie building something and people like Aqua or Pekora seeing it on their stream and commenting on it feeds viewers to Zombie.
That's simply not the case on EN with how dead the server is.
Obviously it has to start somewhere though, if ID2 and an eventual EN2 started playing Minecraft heavily on EN that'd already change things pretty dramatically.

>> No.30102407
File: 339 KB, 356x343, 1605555635895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102408
Quoted by: >>30102474

I'm just as surprised as Kiara is, thought she would spend like a half hour in there

>> No.30102410
Quoted by: >>30102561

Kiara is better at Mario than usual today!

>> No.30102411

how is kiara so cute, how does she do it...

>> No.30102412

I hope it's more that someone said "did you know that could be seen as rude in UK" and then over-reaction

>> No.30102414

bongs and burgers, the only two nationalities

>> No.30102416

No one cares, limey cunt.

>> No.30102417
Quoted by: >>30102465

>it takes kiara 3 tries to do this
>It took pikamee 10+ tries to do this course

>> No.30102418
File: 230 KB, 2048x1448, 1605543803886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kiara into Asian dudes? Asking for a friend.

>> No.30102419


>> No.30102420

Good luck with your sleep reps anonchama

>> No.30102424
File: 262 KB, 1750x2048, 1584809081711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara's gameplay is honestly indistinguishable from a world class speedrunner's.

>> No.30102425

>open kiara's stream
>she's talking about Ina
>close stream

>> No.30102428
Quoted by: >>30102506

Why am I getting a boner while watching this chicken? This didn't use to happen. Has the mindcontrol finally set in?

>> No.30102429
Quoted by: >>30102482

NTR is an ironic weeb meme

>> No.30102430

Embrace her good taste, anon. You've only gone too far when you start dropping akas on k's during his DJ sets.

>> No.30102431


>> No.30102436


>> No.30102437

I'll be naughty for Ms. Mori...

>> No.30102438
Quoted by: >>30102471

yeah and from this thread it's pretty clear brits don't actually use it, do better than just reading wikipedia next time

>> No.30102439

To them: It's fun to watch a bunch of people fighting over a popular person.
To 4chan and polfags: TRIGGERED!

>> No.30102440

>Maybe I like tangerines so much because I like going on tangents

Goddammit I laughed

>> No.30102441
Quoted by: >>30102477

Don't worry, she already requested Sora to sing 2019 guy

>> No.30102442
Quoted by: >>30102599

Sorry anon, she's into asian girls

>> No.30102443
File: 93 KB, 1055x716, 1606762181842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102599

>dudes of any ethnicity

>> No.30102447
Quoted by: >>30102490

Kiara streaming
/pol/ discussion

>> No.30102449

Only hapas that can bench at least 315.

>> No.30102450

>Mori is cringekino with chat

>> No.30102452

>2 years before kizuna
how does he do it

>> No.30102455

How long before Mario dabs on her again?

>> No.30102457
Quoted by: >>30102500

If this is an old English gesture I wonder when and why it fell out of common knowledge in the US and Canada?

>> No.30102458

>Ina ignores chat entirely about 95% of the time while AO-chan punishes them
I love Ina now.

>> No.30102459
File: 376 KB, 697x1197, 1606861758712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102599

>into dudes

>> No.30102461

It's a very british thing but it's far more casual than the middle finger

>> No.30102463

Baneposting is a reddit meme at this point. Anyone who lives on the internet is aware of where it's from.

>> No.30102465

Let's see Kiara try the clocktower

>> No.30102466
File: 3.33 MB, 2853x3546, 85112005_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102556


>> No.30102467

Yes, I find Kiara pretty entertaining.

>> No.30102468

>the virgin cuckposters
>the chad tangerineposters

>> No.30102469

combination of idolfags who have always loved to imagine their idols having relationship drama and redditors who think anything they learned about from hentai is epic

>> No.30102470

Imagine how fucking sticky Chicken's controller has to be
All those Tangerine juices all over her fingers and lips

>> No.30102471

And I don't know anyone who plays Fortnite. Doesn't change the fact it's the #1 popular game in the world
But sure, you go, anon

>> No.30102474

Has she done the redcoins while riding the blooper shine yet? That’ll probably take her an hour

>> No.30102476
Quoted by: >>30102512

Not really.

>> No.30102477

is she jouzu enough tho?

>> No.30102482
Quoted by: >>30102529

Can you define what's an ironic weeb?

>> No.30102483

Office internet is fucked today, but I'm trying. Had to switch to 144p, hoping things get better by the Crash stream.

>> No.30102484

She's a Stacy so hope you hit the gym at least 4 times a week

>> No.30102485

Falls in love with her chat.

>> No.30102486
Quoted by: >>30102545

New South Wales, Melbourne & Tasmania have daylight savings in Summer. so it stays daylight later into the evening.
Queensland think it confuses the cows (unironically) so they don't do it.
There's also a few small towns in South Australia that use +9:45 while some others in Western Australia use +8:45, and a few in NSW that use +9:30.

>> No.30102487

they are subconsciously aware that following a popular female streamer is close to a cuck lifestyle and they don't have idolfag defences against that realisation, so they are on high alert for anything that remotely feels like cuck shit and start shouting NTR at it.

>> No.30102490

Just get used to it, no one discusses her in this thread unless she numberfags. Even then that's not discussion.

>> No.30102491
Quoted by: >>30102531

Sounds like Ame alright.

>> No.30102497
Quoted by: >>30102534

damn she's cute without her hats

>> No.30102498
Quoted by: >>30102563

nah, thats just Mori being Mori. 10 year oshi etc

>> No.30102500

It was never in continuous use. Fucking Britbong revanchism dug that shit up from 1066.

>> No.30102503

Hatless Kiara is unsettling

>> No.30102505

Read the most recent akasupa and change the topic

>> No.30102506

We prefer the term "employee orientation"

>> No.30102507

You've killed me

>> No.30102510
Quoted by: >>30102567

Guys I don't think she's doing it cause she doesn't want to get cancelled. Maybe she just wanted to draw Ame being cute, but then to realized that she's flipping people off in her native countries hand sign and it doesn't sit well with her

>> No.30102511
File: 18 KB, 329x131, 1.23USD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102548

>less than 2 dollars
I see you and i'm laughing at you

>> No.30102512

She literally insists in every stream that she lives in the UK, anon.
Lore is lore

>> No.30102515
File: 166 KB, 600x562, 1605193203238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all. I do that when the peel is too thin or I recently cut my nails. Grabbing a tool to start an orange is for weaklings.

>> No.30102516
Quoted by: >>30102730

Pretty sure it would. Idea for the collab ban is to foster unity and friendship within the generation. Gen 5 couldn't go onto the jp MC server until their ban ended.

>> No.30102517
File: 330 KB, 804x936, 45345354534354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch a movie together.. onegai. Gura spent every Jovie scene in Elf gushing about how pretty she was... Ame is writing songs..

>> No.30102518

What the fuck is her problem?

>> No.30102520
File: 747 KB, 853x1185, 82w1abrwufv51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will they ever collab again after their cringekino first collab?

>> No.30102523

Kiara is more genocidal than usual today!

>> No.30102525
File: 105 KB, 962x308, 4w5565rf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kiara so unpopular?

>> No.30102527
Quoted by: >>30102607

You're a big poster

>> No.30102528

Isn't a tangerine literally just a small orange though?

>> No.30102529
Quoted by: >>30102606

i would tell you to fuck off but i feel good today, an ironic weeb is someone who likes weeb shit but pretends that its cringy or silly instead of leaning into it because they dont want to get made fun of

>> No.30102531

>implying Amelia knows literally anything about UK (and most other countries and things)

>> No.30102534

huke needs to give her a new outfit ASAP

>> No.30102535
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102536

Dude even the brits don't give a fuck about it, this is probably just an overreaction

>> No.30102537

God, I detest Englishmen so much.
Scots and Welsh are alright though.

>> No.30102538
Quoted by: >>30102632

>Gura spent every Jovie scene in Elf gushing about how pretty she was
She really loves blondes huh?

>> No.30102541

>he forgot the chess collab

>> No.30102545
Quoted by: >>30102739

DST is a war relic meme that the shit states fell for. Queensland stopped it because it's absolutely fucking stupid. Seethe and genuflect to dictator dan v*ccoid.

>> No.30102546

I miss hatless kiara so much bros...

>> No.30102547

Any indication that any of the Holo ID Gen 2 girls know how to speak Japanese? Have they been communicating with any of the jp holos?

>> No.30102549

Look man, lesbian discord sex only goes so far. You're going to get the sequel where Ina tentacle rapes them both and you're going to like it.

>> No.30102550

I don't like watching Mario. Please call me when it's Zatsudan time, it's more interesting.

>> No.30102548
Quoted by: >>30102570

It's all I have dude c'mon

>> No.30102552
File: 43 KB, 389x103, 1594697462777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK so maybe I ought to watch that film eventually
managed to avoid it for years

>> No.30102553

I want to know why Haachama left.

>> No.30102555
Quoted by: >>30102646

1am EST, playing a game she's bad at

>> No.30102556
File: 763 KB, 815x1600, 41ac82c03aa6027b289ea2d0e8a5dfe8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102593

Fuck you Klaius! When are you going to draw Gura wearing Luna's clothes?

>> No.30102557

Sure thing. I've liked all of their collabs so far.

>> No.30102559
File: 213 KB, 640x640, 1606833651695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I watch Calliope's stream in 50 minutes?

>> No.30102561

No that was luck

>> No.30102562
File: 295 KB, 1152x800, cinque-giornate-di-milano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austrians hates italians for dabbing on them since the 1848

>> No.30102563

Mori simps for a ten year old? Fucking based

>> No.30102564

i agree mori

>> No.30102565

Does it count as forgetting if its a repressed memory?

>> No.30102566

I can honestly see her not using an alt costume simply because she's actually somehow a fan of the current one's design.

>> No.30102567
Quoted by: >>30102624

Flipping people off is totally something ame would do

>> No.30102568

I'm ashamed to be of british ancestry.

>> No.30102569

Nice boat.

>> No.30102570

ganbate anon...

>> No.30102572

>Nice boat

>> No.30102573

No idea but it's a cancer in the community. It's totally played out.
Now it's like, Okayu says hello to someone who isn't Korone... "OMG NTR!!!!!"
Just trying to create imaginary drama

>> No.30102574

What happened today?

>> No.30102576
File: 413 KB, 1524x2048, 1606120594765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her voice and yelling probably filter a lot of people

>> No.30102577
Quoted by: >>30103877

Kiara's growth is hampered by bad stream hours for English fans but without the music subs to compensate like Mori. Also her having an accent probably puts some people off on first impression.

>> No.30102579
Quoted by: >>30102618

Tokyo Ghoul playing the rice game...

>> No.30102578

Not sure about tangerines, but mandarins have a distinct taste to them.

>> No.30102581

Zombie use jap a lot, check her twitter

>> No.30102584
File: 2.02 MB, 1362x1920, EoRFw3EXEAcBroH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight, anons. What are the chances of Mori actually getting permissions by doing a stream asking for it?

>> No.30102586

kiara has a legitimate argument for the best rigging across hololive period

>> No.30102588

Her outfit is the worst out of EN still love her though

>> No.30102590

It's 1:30 am EST. 9k isn't that bad for her playing Mario anyway

>> No.30102591

Because she's streaming at the worst possible time for an English streamer.
EU is waking up/ leaving for work/ school, NA is already sleeping or about ready to go to bed.

All that are watching her are bored Nips and SEA folk.

>> No.30102593


>> No.30102594

>hurr reddit
Reddit will never understand baneposting. I fucking doubt they know what Bankposting even is

>> No.30102597
File: 3.12 MB, 1994x966, 1584142700529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer 7k chill niggas to 30k twitch kiddies talking about e-celebs

>> No.30102598


>> No.30102599
File: 408 KB, 793x639, 1606803000714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry c/u/ckolds, but the ship's dead. Mori and Kiara haven't collabed in a month, they clearly both realize it's a forced meme kept alive purely by chicken's desperate begging.
>b-but the spa trip
Your point? We're talking about their CHARACTERS; whatever their roommates do has no effect on their in-lore sexualities.

>> No.30102601

less than 20%

>> No.30102603


>> No.30102605
Quoted by: >>30102789

That's how Ina wiggles her ears.

>> No.30102606

aka a faggot.

>> No.30102607

For you

>> No.30102609

god i wish i were him

>> No.30102610
File: 643 KB, 405x807, chicken[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsmcjf5.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope chicken goes back to SM64 at some point, those were some of my favorite streams

>> No.30102612

I just got back from hunting for video games, what are the major naRRATives form the last 18 or so hours? I don't wanna do my reps to figure out what people are making up today

>> No.30102615

Italians singlehandely destroyed their empire

>> No.30102616

If only she used her Goated voice.

>> No.30102617

0. Atlus' decision is probably already set in stone.

>> No.30102618
File: 465 KB, 760x683, 1605167153429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice game

>> No.30102619
Quoted by: >>30102715

I don't even play videogames. What's the appeal of Mario Sunshine?

>> No.30102620

I literally use YouTube's Top Chat filter now bc Gura's normal chat is way too fast to read anything

>> No.30102621


>> No.30102622

I think you can stop at wtf is wrong with twitter.

>> No.30102623

what's the joke?

>> No.30102624

I assume Nabi still wants to depict her daughter like a cute precious girl.

>> No.30102626
File: 186 KB, 327x258, 1606033622945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102781

Bold of you to assume I have a decent sleep schedule

>> No.30102627

0%, she has higher chances of pissing atlus off

>> No.30102628

It's more likely to have some weird repercussion

>> No.30102629
Quoted by: >>30102671

>he missed THAT fucking menhera post
Good for you desu

>> No.30102630

Mario 64 will do that to you.

It peels a lot easier, is a very deep and vivid orange color and has a really vibrant sweet-and-sour flavor. Also double the juiciness of an orange. I'd say it's like Hi-C Orange punch before they changed the recipe.

>> No.30102632
File: 460 KB, 1032x830, 1606869714876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute young blondes with just about shoulder length hair.

>> No.30102633

Gura is MtF tranny

>> No.30102635

1%, which is still far higher then her not doing anything.

>> No.30102634

She is playing through OBS and incurs input-lag that makes it harder.

>> No.30102639


>> No.30102642

I dont know how to break it to you... Ina is cuter than usual today

>> No.30102643

bing bing wahoo are debuff games

>> No.30102644
Quoted by: >>30102726

Ina let slip that she isn't collabing with Marine because of the same reason Kiara cancelled the Kiarine collab so there's boomer blood in the water.

>> No.30102645
Quoted by: >>30102678

Why does this sound like a post that sounds like it can be for AmeGura too, I need meds..

>> No.30102646

Both of these. She's too bad at the game to actively watch the stream, but also too loud to listen to in the background.

>> No.30102647

I wish she'd play Luigi's Mansion.

>> No.30102648
Quoted by: >>30102679

Chickenfags are notorious for being Numberfags.

>> No.30102649
Quoted by: >>30102688


>> No.30102651

How was Sora's rice autism stream?

>> No.30102653

sorry Sora-sama, just woke up, didn't see the title properly

>> No.30102656

0 unless she actually tries to summon a persona on stream

>> No.30102657
Quoted by: >>30102721

Important question /jp/. Would you let Kiara ground pound/fist you from below?

>> No.30102658

Moona is genuinely dead and sockpuppeted by Kiara

>> No.30102659
File: 298 KB, 2000x1500, EoPH2yAUYAA6BSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres your daily reaper/chicken fanart. The japs just cant stop it seems

>> No.30102663

>Ina rice game 6k view
>Kiara Mario sunshine 8k viewer
It's over...Ina will graduate next week, i'm not ready tentacultist...

>> No.30102664

/u/fags do not understand the concept that 2 girl's can be just friends.

>> No.30102665
Quoted by: >>30102781

>implying holo fans have normal schedules

>> No.30102667

Kiara's in lore sexuality is also a lesbian though

>> No.30102671

Crazy being the Indonesian equivalent of an uoohhhposter is hilarious

>> No.30102672
Quoted by: >>30103144

NTR is a meme, you see people joking about it everywhere anime-adjacent. There are some people that take it very seriously though, every hentai game thread no forums has 1-2 autistic people endlessly fighting over whether something qualifies as NTR or not.

>> No.30102673

Her planet needed her.

Australia is a planet, right?

>> No.30102677

Chicken guh?

>> No.30102678

Gura can't go 5 minutes without mentioning ame in her streams

>> No.30102679

we aren`t, tenchou numberfaggs more than enough for all of us

>> No.30102680
Quoted by: >>30102718

Do Britbongs really?

>> No.30102681

WTF Gura was Tommy Wiseau all along?

>> No.30102685


>> No.30102686

Literally an unentertaining whore. Until youtube can allow girls to reach through their screens and jerk off their audience directly, she will never make it

>> No.30102687

What's the requirement for making it into top chat?

>> No.30102688


>> No.30102690
File: 249 KB, 590x550, 1606484810854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102710


>> No.30102691

Man, sharing clothes is the best.

>> No.30102692

>your boy has a way with words

>> No.30102693

Do you bird doubters see now? It's just fun watching her play these games. It's a very distinctive kind of fun, you don't get it from other EN.

>> No.30102694

All time zones are set by the nation/state/province itself not by some universal time group so you end up with wacky time zone areas.
China uses one time zone for the entire country. Australia sets times on a state level not national level.
In the Pacific Ocean you get all sorts of wacky shit, like Kiribati pushing themselves 2 hours (UTC +14) ahead of what we'd consider the zero hour.
A decade or so ago Samoa pushed themselves from UTC -11 to UTC +13. American Samoa remained at -11. So if you took a short plane trip between the islands you forward or backway by an entire day.

>> No.30102697
Quoted by: >>30102781

Anon please, I woke up at like 7pm today I'm gonna be awake for a while unless I take something to put me down

>> No.30102698
Quoted by: >>30102902

Same, the sufferingkino of SM64 was what made chicken my favorite EN in the first place.

>> No.30102699

I remember Ame mentioning it as well. But aren't there better setups so that isn't as much of a problem?

>> No.30102700
File: 417 KB, 735x576, kureiji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102701

That airplane rollercoaster thing sounds like someone brushing their teeth.

>> No.30102704

It's a work.

>> No.30102705
Quoted by: >>30102804

>not using chat selector

>> No.30102707

Yeah, her voice filters me hard

>> No.30102708
Quoted by: >>30102824

I've seen some british shows and I don't think I've ever seen it used.

>> No.30102709

i never doubted chikin

>> No.30102710
File: 69 KB, 622x744, 1604707285698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102736


>> No.30102711
Quoted by: >>30102856

She is aware of it, but having not seen the movie yet she doesn't get it.

>> No.30102712
File: 748 KB, 1013x1600, crecylongbow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longbows are cool

>> No.30102715

bing bing wahoo in tropical environment

>> No.30102716


>> No.30102718

You got a license for that shitpost, mate?

>> No.30102719

Why is Kiara's eyes rigging so much better than Gura's

>> No.30102720

I don't really care whether something is Reddit or not. Just the mere idea of trying to see 100s of people trying to explain baneposting, a meme requiring a shitton of context to be in on the joke, to a layperson to be funny.

>> No.30102721

No I'm not into that stuff.

>> No.30102725
Quoted by: >>30102750

Didn't Huke already make her one? It's just being held up by japanese seniority autism/Cover not wanting to pay the rigger.

>> No.30102728

Anon, REEEEEEEEEE has been taken out of here for years now.

>> No.30102726
Quoted by: >>30102827

Wait, why would that cause a stir? Marine canned the offcollab but ended up doing Holotalk, its not like she blew her off forever. At least we know the JP Ban on Ina isnt a thing now if she was planning a collab with horneee lady

>> No.30102729

i cannot fucking believe she's not just using a second monitor

>> No.30102730
Quoted by: >>30102847

Gen 4 joined two weeks in. They just couldn't use discord to chat with older gens. Gen 5 doing their own thing is just them being gen 5 I guess.

>> No.30102732
Quoted by: >>30102745

Literally who?

>> No.30102733

If Calli played a game while Kiara just sat there and engaged with chat it would be the perfect collab.

>> No.30102734
File: 6 KB, 351x67, 20201203_014031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102736


>> No.30102735

When I looked Ina had like 13k or something like that. Kind of shit for 7 PM EST but that rice game is poison.

>> No.30102739

jokes on you I'm in NSW, the only state people outside Australia know or care about.
They probably already agreed to it, they just want Mori to advertise it and build hype first. It's just guerrilla marketing for a vtuber.

>> No.30102740
Quoted by: >>30102873

Why do the ENs keep on mentioning Christmas? Isn't that kind of disrespectful of other religions? They should be saying Happy Holidays.

>> No.30102741

she can make me horny so it might work

>> No.30102742

Can anyone tell me why the thread quality changes so much? People are gonna tell me it's SEA or whatever but honestly the time frame seems completely random when people shit it up.

If it's people cycling vacations then why don't meidos just permaban them after the first few offenses?

>> No.30102744

Probably 0 but I’ll still watch if she plans to gush about how much she loves the game. I love it too

>> No.30102745

Kiara's Indonesian sister

>> No.30102746

>Kiara shitting on the Wii
wtf bros...

>> No.30102747

I don't know. Did you see Ame play rainbow road track on Mario Kart?

>> No.30102749
Quoted by: >>30102786


>> No.30102750

Source on that? I've heard of nothing of the sort.

>> No.30102751

>trying to convince shitposters and antis
you new jannies need to understand that they don't care about the stream's quality, they're only here to farm (You)s or post shitty rrats

>> No.30102753

I dont know why they havent already. Amelia keeps saying shes waiting for Gura, but why the hell would you rely on the forgetful one to remind you?

>> No.30102756

That's not even the right context for the REEE meme, even if it hadn't been spread outside here long ago. Why do you think Twitch has a fucking host of Pepe memes?

>> No.30102757

Ame is so gay.

>> No.30102759
Quoted by: >>30102871


>> No.30102762

What most likely happened is that they simply told her to stop branding herself as holoEN, just for corporate reasons. So she decided to make something else out of it.

>> No.30102761
Quoted by: >>30102871

Gura wears glasses. Kiara does not.

>> No.30102763

Would Ame go as far as to say Ina is even cuter than usual today?

>> No.30102766
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1606357257655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102785

>all this Twitter shilling
>mfw she'll end up being trannyshark 2.0 in her debut

>> No.30102769
File: 2.41 MB, 1976x1257, 1606450622555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103001


>> No.30102768

>Risu's typing stream was actually her writing the different ways Mori can ask for permissions

>> No.30102767

Stop posting this CRINGE comic

>> No.30102770

Me too. I'm usually too tired or asleep at this time when Kiara is on but her streams are always enjoyable. I wish she streamed at burger primetime but I feel like if she did she'd begin inclining and the chat wouldn't be as chill anymore.

>> No.30102772

I never even heard of that person before you people started spamming the name in these threads.

>> No.30102774
Quoted by: >>30102850

>The japs just cant stop it seems
It's a "new" dynamic for them (and us).
All current Holo yuriships (Flare&Noel, Okayu&Korone, etc) have been shared by both sides, "they are such good friends" and such.
Reaper/Chick is literally a classic yuri manga: A genki girl going after a strict, reluctant, kinda-stundere one.

>> No.30102775

>third person Kiara talking
that's kinda hot

>> No.30102776
Quoted by: >>30102814

motherfucker, this is going to be worse than mori

>> No.30102778

I'm watching since some of her talk can be entertaining, but her shrieks startle me when I'm chilling and sleepy.

>> No.30102779

whos she cosplaying?

>> No.30102780
Quoted by: >>30104054

This girl is a filthy zoomer I love it.
I'm 100% sure none of the new ID girls are here. Pochi-mommy is a reddit creature.

>> No.30102781
Quoted by: >>30102809

Yes, people here have fucked up lives.
But there's a lot more people watching her than just us four.

>> No.30102782
Quoted by: >>30102833

she's just teasing us

>> No.30102783
File: 102 KB, 340x193, 1587025990360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not 0%

>> No.30102784

>6k view
More like 15k peak while staying at a constant 13.5k for 2 hours since it's Ina.

>> No.30102785

You mean Kiara 2.0?

>> No.30102786

Hey, the Wii gave us No More Heroes and ... yeah, literally any other game on the device could've been on any other console.

>> No.30102787

If I take that coat off, will you die?

>> No.30102788

Based chicken dabbing on waggle casusls

>> No.30102789
Quoted by: >>30102862

No fucking way. I was wondering how she did that so fast.

>> No.30102790

I literally hate you Calli.

>> No.30102793
File: 153 KB, 220x238, churchill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102794

>thread quality
How the fuck does anyone gauge this?

>> No.30102795

Kiara was the one with 6k views. Ina's rice had 14k.

>> No.30102798
File: 180 KB, 2048x819, 20201203_014236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's Ina and Ame.

>> No.30102803
Quoted by: >>30102949

Based, the Wii is a dogshit console and she is right to call it the trash it is. Cope and seethe, if you go back to it you'll realize the only good game was Wii Sports

>> No.30102804

Meh, can't be assed

>> No.30102805
Quoted by: >>30102871

Because Gura wears glasses

>> No.30102809

>implying I'm not watching her on 8500 IPs

>> No.30102810

Permas really don't mean much these days to be honest. Shitters who want to be shitters can do so without much consequence, 4chan is like a 24/7 round of The Purge and all things considered the fact that it holds together despite that, is a testament to the fact most people aren't actually dickwads and just wanna talk about stuff they want, even if given the keys to the kingdom of shittery. However, some small percent of people totally do abuse it.

>> No.30102811

by being in the thread

>> No.30102812

No. They dug the thing from 1066 back out again.

>> No.30102814

>Mori and Ollie double teaming /hlgg/ with their narrative controlling powers

>> No.30102815
Quoted by: >>30102846

Kiara about to genocide Isle Delfino

>> No.30102816

Wasn't the peace sign practically invented by bongs

>> No.30102818
Quoted by: >>30103045

>describing everything through a character
Why don't people understand what narrators are for?

>> No.30102819


>> No.30102820


>> No.30102823
Quoted by: >>30102888

you seriously can't tell when there's a shift in doxxes and antis that pop up?

>> No.30102822

Kiara is in Gay Baby Jail

>> No.30102824

It's not very common these days and even then no one really cares. It's the sort of thing you'd do to a friend for being a cheeky cunt or to someone driving like a twat, but it's nowhere near as severe as the middle finger.

>> No.30102827
Quoted by: >>30102921

The way Ina was talking about it, it was Kiara that cancelled the offcollab because of something a Marine did, but they put out the Marine sickness excuse to save face. It's also why Gura isn't popping up in Senchou's chat nearly as much these last two weeks.

>> No.30102829

It always seems like the kids who shit on her are asleep when she's actually streaming.

>> No.30102830
File: 356 KB, 1000x740, 1604138657616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note: This is the greatest debuff game they have played

>> No.30102832

it would be extremely bouncy

>> No.30102833

This is true!

>> No.30102834

Why is Kiara always so unhinged

>> No.30102835
Quoted by: >>30103051

Is Moona still the only foreign holo Gura has collabbed with

>> No.30102836


>> No.30102837
File: 160 KB, 850x1177, __moona_hoshinova_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kiaoekakishitai__sample-6e892bae56f34d9efd3ce0de14a79816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102895

>show Moona your latest redstone build as you try to impress her
>she giggles, and shows you how it can be done better
>you then show her some vodka you picked up as a gift
>she tells you that she had tasted better stuff, but then she's both impressed and aroused at your efforts to court her
>Moona pushes you down the floor and you can't resist the weight of the moon, thus pinning you down completely
>you realize that you can't talk nor communicate with her as she concentrates on riding you
>Moona lets you finish inside, and whispers that it had only just begun
>she keeps milking you dry for twelve hours, only for both of you to never know that you fainted in the middle
>you wake up in the ER with several fractures in your spine from handling the sheer mass the moon rode you with

>> No.30102839

There's an algorithm

>> No.30102843
File: 296 KB, 902x963, 1606877524475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain the joke behind this image? Was just playing Dark Souls and been getting more into these insane women lately so was curious of the meaning here.

>> No.30102844

God. Amelia's a damn tease. Mori namedrops 4chan in the middle of a song, while Ame drops hyperspecific phrases that mean completely innocent things to normalfag internet and only makes sense here. How does she get so smooth?

>> No.30102845
File: 11 KB, 627x102, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, bongs have become such cucks that they're offended by their own insults

>> No.30102846
File: 501 KB, 698x541, 1603422373586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102847

there may have been other reasons anon

>> No.30102848


>> No.30102850
Quoted by: >>30102890

Except that chiken has been trying to force it from day 1, she should've let it happen naturally

>> No.30102852

omega based

>> No.30102857
Quoted by: >>30102974

It would be extremely lewd

>> No.30102854

Apparently the reverse peace sign is bad. I guess symbolically it makes sense

>> No.30102855

The best case scenario is Atlus completely ignores this, there are no positive outcomes.

>> No.30102856

>but having not seen the movie yet
I beg your pardon, did I hear you right? Ame has never seen TDKR? How could anyone have such an uncultured oshi...

>> No.30102859

Actually, attaching the IDs to EN works out better for them since they won't be treated as more competition for time in the already bloated market of JP. They can pick streaming hours that fall better in line with the western markets and simply become supplemental to the EN expansion.

>> No.30102860

How to fix the chimkin:
1. lose the fake voice

>> No.30102861

Gura asks chat and often answers her own question. If she's interested in the answers she could just look into the chat log later.

>> No.30102862

They move in sync.

>> No.30102866
File: 13 KB, 189x189, 1603601668595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina rice game 6k view
She had like 13k the ENTIRE stream, fuck off.

>> No.30102870


>> No.30102871
File: 204 KB, 707x820, 1606977901625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fell for the glasses meme

>> No.30102873

ironic sjwposting is still sjwposting

>> No.30102874
File: 5 KB, 230x230, ollie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102876 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 886x778, hlgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What de fuck hlgg is that your hero?? Explain yourselves

>> No.30102879
File: 45 KB, 577x522, EnCWMt3XcAI6o2W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102880
File: 33 KB, 608x477, Sad Hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should have destroyed you instead of going for the soviets...

>> No.30102882

Very very low. Atlas is not going to change the policy they've maintained for years throughout several major releases just because some Gaijin yells at ten thousand or so people on the internet for a few hours.

>> No.30102883
File: 3.01 MB, 500x273, 1606728802236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102885
Quoted by: >>30103065

Fuck off underage

>> No.30102889

>he doesn't know

>> No.30102888

That's your job

>> No.30102890

Eh, it works

>> No.30102891

Wait, this is not a doxxpost and actually pretty good!

>> No.30102893

Like always, Kiara looks way better in different outfit

>> No.30102895
File: 166 KB, 266x266, 1606022329602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30102947

Yeah you're gonna have to delete this foul post

>> No.30102896


>> No.30102897

go back

>> No.30102898

I don't mind it for the normal streams but I wish she would remove the limiters when singing.

>> No.30102902

this guy gets it

>> No.30102903


>> No.30102905

>Namedropping 4chan
What the fuck?

>> No.30102908

>he doesn't know the Legend

>> No.30102910

well at least she will have more traffic

>> No.30102911
Quoted by: >>30102950

Interesting fact: Churchill didn't even know about the gesture and meant to do the V for victory sign (modern peace sign) but got it the wrong way around. Apparently it got a good laugh.
If that doesn't demonstrate how much of a nothingburger the Ame pic thing is, then I don't know what will.

>> No.30102912
File: 156 KB, 427x381, 1604099343652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102914
Quoted by: >>30103079

If this is real I knew it was coming. We need a >You are here copypasta for her

>> No.30102915

That is Watame's 3D model. She played Dark Souls and invaded fans worlds as GiantDad and wrecked them all. Sadly the permissions era has resulted in that video getting privated, we have only these memes to remind us of the good times

>> No.30102916
File: 1.92 MB, 1913x2835, 5643453543435345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30102917

just someone shitposting

>> No.30102919

>he thinks this is a secretclub

>> No.30102921

That is kinda strange, but nobody will probably ever know what she did, so its almost a non-issue

>> No.30102922

It's just calm before the storm, anon. The next few days are going to be fucking nuts. Hell, the next few hours, depending on how Mori's beg stream will go.

>> No.30102923

Would Kiara have to stop cursing if she streamed during the day time?

>> No.30102924
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 1604450779043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it?

>> No.30102925

Anon, you're dealing with lolcow trannies here. These people are fucked in the head, just as how mentally fucked the people they laugh at. Some of them are autistic enough to cycle through IPs and VMs just to make (you) angry

>> No.30102928


>> No.30102929

Please don't post screenshots of your posts anon.

>> No.30102930
File: 86 KB, 240x238, yagiyui-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey England

>> No.30102933

I hate you niggers so fucking much.

>> No.30102935

I like more Kiara's voice desuwa~

>> No.30102937

It's the third time she's acknowledged cuteposting this week.

>> No.30102938
Quoted by: >>30103064

I thought you guys all wanted her to distance herself from 4chan

>> No.30102939

huh, guess Kaneki didn't die after all

>> No.30102941

>kiara has the most conventional weapon
>also has the most unconventional outfit
Is it possible to skip two generations so Kiara can get a new costume soon?

>> No.30102940

Yeah I posted that so she'd get more viewers because I know you guys won't support.

>> No.30102942

Hmm, Why mention this place? we don't need even more newfags.

>> No.30102944

>our little femanon is networking
Brings a tear to my eyes.

>> No.30102945

That Ame is doing things to me

>> No.30102946
Quoted by: >>30103253

I can't believe she keeps ignoring my pleas to watch blade runner bros

>> No.30102947
File: 119 KB, 1076x1151, 1606528443409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean FOWL post?

>> No.30102949
Quoted by: >>30102989

>Twilight Princess
>Skyward Sword
>Prime Trilogy
>DKC Returns
>Epic Yarn
>No More Heroes
>Mario Kart Wii

absolutely terrible take

>> No.30102950

Well they did have to change the L4D2 box art for EU because of it

>> No.30102951
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1600638787581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if this is nothing but a stunt to reveal that they have atlus permissions all along

>> No.30102954
File: 102 KB, 400x400, kiara bogandoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moona is going live?
>clog the arteries

>> No.30102956

This doesn't bode well.

>> No.30102957


>> No.30102958
Quoted by: >>30102983

>Koopa already has her own antis

>> No.30102960

Someone posted this a while ago for her and was promptly called gay don't worry

>> No.30102962
File: 14 KB, 637x197, Offensive bongs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103019

Holy fuck, it's true

>> No.30102964

Yeah, I use a kind of facerig for testing, I wear glasses and never had a problem like that for eye tracking, it's just a dumb meme rrat.

>> No.30102966

>why would a shitposter break containment
do you really have to ask that?

>> No.30102967

She probably wears glasses but that's not why her rig is fucked. You know other Holos wear glasses too right? Download the Live2D software and try it yourself, it works with glasses on.

>> No.30102968

Nigga what?

>> No.30102970
Quoted by: >>30103100

Did any shit from the holocaust get archived or is it all lost forever?

>> No.30102974
File: 22 KB, 351x293, rises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102977
Quoted by: >>30103008

I knew you fucking retards would ruin everything.

>> No.30102978

>so cute
I fuckin love chicken

>> No.30102976

Hang yourself.

>> No.30102979
File: 121 KB, 828x996, 1597120674377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted by hlgg_tourist
>9 hours ago
imagine caring so much about (you)'s that you spend all day making shit bait

>> No.30102980
File: 1.29 MB, 1252x1252, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30102982

Wrong way around

>> No.30102983

She really is from this place.

>> No.30102985
Quoted by: >>30103003

Wait, isn't this gonna be next week? schedule says it's a members-only Space Dandy watchalong.

>> No.30102986
Quoted by: >>30103362

>no fake niggas only real niggas
what did Kiara mean by this?

>> No.30102988

>awwww I love sunflowers they're so pretty~ WAKE UP BITCH
I love chicken

>> No.30102989

extremely based post

>> No.30102990

>he thinks anonymity = secrecy

>> No.30102991


>> No.30102995

Can you download Cover's software?

>> No.30102998


>> No.30102999

thats the best case scenario

>> No.30103001

I kinda miss those days. Watching the shark race to the top was exhilarating in a way.

>> No.30103003
Quoted by: >>30103057

She forgot to put it on the schedule

>> No.30103005
File: 18 KB, 225x350, d45fdf1bf84674b71fef4cf412c44618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You heard the bird.

>> No.30103006

She wear glasses, but other members do to and have no problem with the rigging, i don't know if its Gura's set up or what but glasses are not the problem.

>> No.30103008
Quoted by: >>30103072

You should have known it was always doomed from the start

>> No.30103010
File: 217 KB, 377x510, 1606499379166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103097

>Damn Pekora isn't it SO crazy Moona died of a severe heart attack? Anyway I guess I'll collab with you instead of her

>> No.30103013

Cost them not to avoid controversy even if no one would have cared.

>> No.30103014

>Kiara will never rub your belly

>> No.30103016



>> No.30103019


It's medieval thing, archers had two of their yubis chopped so they cannot bow anymore.

>> No.30103022

I want Kiara to collab with Aqua

>> No.30103023
File: 76 KB, 576x619, 160690649196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will remind them

>> No.30103028

Tons of Holos wear glasses, it's very-probably the lighting in her room, or even the phone placement is a bit-off for an optimal reading.

>> No.30103030

That just makes it better, you stupid artslut

>> No.30103031

I can't unsee how much Kiara's faceplate looks like a mask
It completely ruined her for me

>> No.30103032
Quoted by: >>30103052

Not specifically but you can download software that supports Live2D models. It's kind of funny to mess with.

>> No.30103033


>> No.30103035
File: 1.47 MB, 1348x1624, 1605669519962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they know
Fuck, now she'll never grow. Great job, you fucking idiots

>> No.30103036

2000s UK game publishing was a whole load of faggotry, even moreso than NA standards, what Nabi-mama puts in her own artbook is her own business, you find much more offensive shit in artbooks sold in the UK and no one cares.

>> No.30103040
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, it was like she was takoing to complete garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103042

As far as I remember, no. But there are some similar ones like the one Ui mama uses.

>> No.30103043

Has Kiara ever finished a game?

>> No.30103044

fuck you for making me notice

>> No.30103045
Quoted by: >>30103099

Sometimes it's better to have exposition through the story rather than a narrator interrupt it.

>> No.30103046

thats not a reverse peace sign anon

>> No.30103048
File: 82 KB, 240x240, nikaidoumiki-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103081

Did Ina play with Takodachis/chat in her Mahjong stream?

>> No.30103047
File: 875 KB, 1458x580, 1606861379949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFPbros... We lost...

>> No.30103051

Are you not counting the 2 Among Us collabs?

>> No.30103052
Quoted by: >>30103139

Any free ones?

>> No.30103055
File: 14 KB, 348x107, 1606950086708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you see it

>> No.30103056

No one cares if your obscure hand gesture is irrelevant in your third world country

>> No.30103057

I know, she said it's going to be next week instead.

>> No.30103061

If anything this will make more normies sub to her because "4chins rabbit hole XD"

>> No.30103063
Quoted by: >>30103094

>you vs the guy she told you not to worry about

>> No.30103064

Obviously that was the plan but schizos did what they always do.

>> No.30103065

Cool thanks for clarifying, figured it was something along those lines but couldn't find anything dark souls/giant dad related with >>30102885

>> No.30103067
File: 954 KB, 3000x2486, 1588338471421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The aesthetic couple and patricians choice!

>> No.30103068

I want to like HoloEN as much as everyone here, but Marine's Ahoy song is better than everything these five girls put out in their career so far, combined.

>> No.30103069

Stop posting this faggot's clips. He's not even a translator, just pure leech

>> No.30103070
Quoted by: >>30103096

The lighting should not be a problem since they use IR, but the phone placement could since she said her monitor is in the corner of an L desk

>> No.30103071
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1594744884009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have concluded that paninis and diet coke are the ultimate hololive grub.

>> No.30103072

If she couldn't deal with this in the first place it would be doomed from the start. Making a tuber that appeals to this place isn't a good idea anyway.

>> No.30103073

Oh fuck. What have you done?

>> No.30103074
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604543788779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think it gets fucking exhausting using a silly voice all the time?

>> No.30103075

Kiara getting cucked real hard

>> No.30103077
File: 36 KB, 327x436, 1606956361641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103079
Quoted by: >>30103260

Where the hell have you been anonchama, she's been planning this for weeks.

>> No.30103080
File: 796 KB, 2668x1501, EoNfoOsUUAEaaTm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103134

Polka is going to talk to Bushi slaves in about an hour.

>> No.30103081
File: 382 KB, 515x292, Inasoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103118

Why, yes she did. Lucky to the ones who got to play

>> No.30103082
File: 407 KB, 1524x1906, 653543345534345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would instantly t3 both Ame and Gura if they did a joint members strip poker stream.

>> No.30103083

>streaming from your phone

>> No.30103084

why are you posting clips with english subtitles instead of timestamps on an english-speaking forum?

>> No.30103085

Holy fuck it does kind of look like it's glued on to the front of her head

>> No.30103086

>Mori namedrops 4chan in the middle of a song

>> No.30103091

[Twitter about a faggot that got offended by Ina thumbnail and got a anxiety attack]

>> No.30103093

Washing Bubba

>> No.30103094

*clap clap*

>> No.30103095 [SPOILER] 
File: 156 KB, 334x307, 1606978453018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103096

I do recall that one of the EN's (Mori I think?) mentioned her face bugging out slightly due to the lights being turned down but I could be wrong.

>> No.30103097
Quoted by: >>30103179

Chicken is with the Patriots?

Then don't pay attention to Shion's model.
She's flat on a completely different level

>> No.30103098

Wait for gura's song

>> No.30103099

Exposition through the story is nonsensical unless the characters themselves need it or the 4th wall is deliberately being broken.

>> No.30103100

They just privated the videos.

i.e. Coco full Yakuza play through got recently made public again since they have SEGA permissions now

>> No.30103102



>> No.30103103
File: 233 KB, 396x414, Mori [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj59aql.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103143


>> No.30103104

Why don't you relay your experience for the class?

>> No.30103106
File: 146 KB, 1438x912, 1605589611111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who should I drop a $500 supa on?

>> No.30103108


>> No.30103109

>my guardian
>laptop yoshi game

>> No.30103110

fuck you

>> No.30103111

thanks bro, I don't know english so the subs really helped me understand what was going on.

>> No.30103112

>YWN be Loli Kiara's Garden


>> No.30103113


>> No.30103116
File: 348 KB, 1448x2048, 20201201_171418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered Ame plans on playing Mario Galaxy soon! Will it be more frustrating for her than Odyssey?

>> No.30103117

>he doesn't know

>> No.30103118
File: 89 KB, 240x240, ichihime-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103290

I heard she was a noob. Did she get wrecked?

>> No.30103120

I really want Aqua to get a friend or two in Akukin Kensetsu, she's a sweet little autist girl and doesn't deserve to be spurned. Then again the same could be said of Haachama. It's just sad seeing their contributions not really bring them close friendships on MC.

The other day Lamy/Nene kept commenting how Aqua is an utter genius for making the guardian trap, yet will this ever result in them hanging with Aqua, asking her to teach them things etc? Probably not.

>> No.30103121
File: 556 KB, 668x628, Screen Shot 2020-12-03 at 00.43.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek I just made some bullshit up

>> No.30103122


>> No.30103124

Is this the greatest bait when it comes to vtubers?

>> No.30103125


>> No.30103128
Quoted by: >>30103183


>> No.30103129
File: 184 KB, 455x372, 1600220696595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103397


>> No.30103131

Yeah here's the link, I shouldn't post it but you deserve to know lurk moar__________

>> No.30103133

Papa chicken...

>> No.30103134

Are they looking to run off and join the circus?

>> No.30103137

It is and it would fuck up your vocal coords, so if you do it you should stop.

>> No.30103138
File: 140 KB, 338x450, 1606811631409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops meant to type *related with watame.

>> No.30103139
Quoted by: >>30103317

Probably, unsure which though. Try Google.

>> No.30103143

its fine, shes got spares

>> No.30103144
Quoted by: >>30103185

>fighting over whether something qualifies as NTR or not
So Amelia when she complains chat uses it incorrectly?

>> No.30103145

Here's your (You)

>> No.30103147

ask koro-san

>> No.30103148
Quoted by: >>30103183


>> No.30103149

what are you, casul?

>> No.30103152


>> No.30103153

>her first memory was of Yoshi
FUCK I'm getting cucked by a green cartoon dinousaur AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.30103155

They don't exactly get easier the further back you go.

>> No.30103156


>> No.30103157
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1599861471793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need to rub my butt against it

>> No.30103158

>Ame going after Ina now after Gura has completely ignored the song she made about her

Gura please notice this horny gremlin

>> No.30103159

You're about to have a whole lot of liabilities

>> No.30103160


>> No.30103162


>> No.30103163


>> No.30103167
Quoted by: >>30103196

>Kiara wants to rub her ass on a big egg

What is the narrative

>> No.30103170

>not investing

>> No.30103172


>> No.30103175

HoloEN Gen2 when???

>> No.30103177


>> No.30103179

>Shion's fringe/bangs are just drawn on her head

>> No.30103181
File: 174 KB, 707x1000, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do u think that kiara gets embarrassed when she poos out eggs in front of mori??? sorry if this ofends anyone but i thought it was a funny thing haha. and i would like to know if any of you have any pics of kiara pooping an egg while she looks nervous or embarrassed i just want to see it for a few laughs haha. another thing i am wondering is what do you think the eggs smell like haha im just curious for laughs haha i would like to smell them

>> No.30103183

Don't you have a guest event to prepare for?

>> No.30103184

The movement is a lot simpler and she won't get lost since the levels are mostly linear, so I think it might be easier for her other than some certain segments

>> No.30103185

Well she is correct. Faggot kids will yell NTR at anything.

>> No.30103186

Chimkin please

>> No.30103187

>I want my egg to be fertilized


>> No.30103188
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1606095404744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103189

only after Guramefags kill themselves

>> No.30103190


She's not my oshi but I like her and she needs it more

>> No.30103195


>> No.30103196
Quoted by: >>30103282

Kiara's into ovipositioning

>> No.30103199


>> No.30103200
Quoted by: >>30103230

I could see Aqua and Nene together.

>> No.30103201

Kiara talking about hatching an egg turns me on bros...

>> No.30103202

send it to kiara and ask her to show her thighs for us

>> No.30103204

ywn be yoshi

>> No.30103205

inb4 anon defaults into bankruptcy

>> No.30103210

She tried making friends with gura and ame but moona did a poor job of wrangling those tards

>> No.30103211

>riding that Yoshi's banana

>> No.30103212
File: 247 KB, 463x453, 1606802355382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want to have se- the egg
I couldn't have been the only one to hear that

>> No.30103213
Quoted by: >>30103261

I don't really give a shit about the Chicken but comparing this is kinda stupid. Moona and Pekora already somewhat know each other, it was just the first time it was an official collab.
Also you can have more than one friend. Expecting Kiara and Pekora becoming BFFs after just one hour of a servertour is delusional

>> No.30103214

>I'll be riding that Yoshi BANANA!

>> No.30103216

Kiara likes Yoshi for the tongue action

>> No.30103217

What's worse? Ame tweeting the ukulele song and not getting noticed or Matsuri tweeting the birthday song and not getting noticed?

>> No.30103218

At least she didn't delete it

>> No.30103219


>> No.30103222
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1604546380819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103223

>i'll bring you some bananas and then i'll ride you real good

>> No.30103226

Ina cucked Ame in the song so the only way for Ame to make it even is to have sex with Ina

>> No.30103227

you joke but theres an image of exactly that somewhere on the internet, try and find it

>> No.30103230

Baqua and Bimbo Nene could be great friends

>> No.30103232

cant wait for her to jump into the water and watch him disintegrate

>> No.30103235

God I wish Kiara would sit on my eggs

>> No.30103240

Matuli retweeted it multiple times...

>> No.30103243
File: 259 KB, 1314x1165, 1604897548239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103288


>> No.30103244

Keep up the saving anon, considering you're in dollars that's basically nothing

>> No.30103246
Quoted by: >>30103833

I think the image is from the Call of Chtulhu TRPG stream hosted by Fubuki on the hololive youtube channel

Not sure what the joke is tho

>> No.30103247


Ame and Kiara are falsetto when in streams

Pray for them

>> No.30103250

depends on her goals, just beating the game with 60 stars isn't too hard but some of the stars on the way to 120 are pretty rough for someone who doesn't play platformers

>> No.30103252

How come Polka rejected Kiara for an offcollab

>> No.30103253
Quoted by: >>30103305

She's teasing you hard by not doing a BR watchalong until the last minute.

>> No.30103254


>> No.30103260

Not the debut, the reddit post

>> No.30103259

I want the timeline where the trinity teases and flirts with each other equally.

>> No.30103261
Quoted by: >>30103469

>trying to reason with baiting SEAniggers
I admire the effort, but it's really quite futile.

>> No.30103262

Kiara is a yoshifucker, god damn

>> No.30103264

Kiara's getting super horny haha

>> No.30103265
Quoted by: >>30103310

I thought the luna hates matsuri rrat was dead

>> No.30103267

Do you think kiara gets embarrassed when she poos out eggs in front of cali
sorry if this offends anyone but I thought it was a funny thing haha

>> No.30103268

It's mostly for security reasons, this way you just enable the feed from the screen instead the camera, if someone tries to hack you they will receive the same feed.

>> No.30103269

messy room full of cumbottles

>> No.30103271

We need to convince someone to collab with her where the loser has to do a batsu game. Her punishment can be finishing Mario 64. Ina's can be marrying me.

>> No.30103272
Quoted by: >>30103431

>Gets 20k+ viewers
>Half of them run to Atlus USA twitter and beg for permissions
>Social Media person who was probably in Mori's stream tells his boss
>Boss laughs

Might be possible if a Steam version gets released eventually, but even then they would say "only up until this point".

>> No.30103274
Quoted by: >>30103304

>just for a few laughs
The deadbraps are breaking out of containment.

>> No.30103280

each id gen 2

>> No.30103279

You make it sound like Baneposting is just a regular meme and not something that grew so strong, it ripped a hole in reality.
Baneposting quickly "died" after that planecrash. It wasn't just a coincidence

>> No.30103281
File: 29 KB, 653x653, 1604896985859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think Kiara knows about what happens when you run and park against a wall while riding yoshi?

>> No.30103282

Anon please, think of my PTSD.

>> No.30103285

she said it was because her room was a mess and she was embarrassed

>> No.30103288

chicken if she tranny?

>> No.30103289
Quoted by: >>30103338

Amelia. She deserves it. She has worked her ass off.

>> No.30103290
File: 94 KB, 240x240, kaavi-5j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adept level at best. Doesn't know all the yaku and can get to tenpai fairly decently. But defense is lacking. At least she gets her mahjong reps here and there.

>> No.30103291

Polka lives in a hikki cave

>> No.30103292

She's embarrassed of all of the piss bottles in her house

>> No.30103293 [SPOILER] 
File: 236 KB, 800x800, 1606978812716.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls only want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.30103294

She used her real voice for a few seconds wow

>> No.30103296

She doesn't want people to see how she lives.

>> No.30103297

They just won't understand the scuff appeal...

>> No.30103299

place your bets.
Kiara dies 4 times and this takes 2 hours

>> No.30103301

there is no way in hell ame is falsetto

>> No.30103302

anon, your clown reps

>> No.30103303
File: 759 KB, 1202x663, FUCKING JUMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it fucking comes

>> No.30103304

hide you wife

>> No.30103305
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1597689326020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103357

Why is she so mean...

>> No.30103306
File: 232 KB, 345x315, 1606110939223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103309

Mori can't stop winning

>> No.30103310

Luna still hasn't acknowledged the song despite it being tweeted 9 (nine!) times.

>> No.30103311

Cool, better than nothing.

>> No.30103312

Oh God, it's THAT level.

>> No.30103314

Britbongs please confirm

>> No.30103315


>> No.30103317
Quoted by: >>30103425

Damn, I haven't digged deep enough then, thanks anon, gonna try going deeper.

>> No.30103318

Because Polka is Porka and was bullied a ton in her previous life so she's really hesitant to meet people in person now.
Took quite a while until she felt comfortable hanging out with the other Gen5 girls too.

>> No.30103320

>i can play a video game i swear
I just hate these titles. That's all.

>> No.30103321
Quoted by: >>30103381

what ptsd?
Yomelia Watshi

>> No.30103322

10/10 voice acting

>> No.30103324


>> No.30103325

chotto matte
chotto matte

>> No.30103326

This is the hottest voice

>> No.30103327
Quoted by: >>30103334


>> No.30103328
File: 708 KB, 850x1206, 1606619288917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103333

I love this level

>> No.30103334


>> No.30103335


>> No.30103336

Kiara, you can't do that. It's antisemitic...

>> No.30103337
Quoted by: >>30103367

She's more likely to piss Altus off and get EN blacklisted from permissions than succeed.

>> No.30103338


>> No.30103342

I cant believe Kiara revealed her real voice

>> No.30103343

roommate reps say otherwise

>> No.30103345

Will Kiara get filtered, /jp/? Place bets now

>> No.30103347

OH MY GOD, that voice is so cute

>> No.30103348

>Kiara mocking fat people

>> No.30103349

Give it to Ame on friday anon, she'll be even cuter than usual!

>> No.30103352
File: 9 KB, 153x330, Enter Moona [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzl37fa.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103389

I bet she imagines Moona when doing that voice

>> No.30103353

This is the most satisfying level though.

>> No.30103354


If you heard Ame's roommate, that's proof of the falsetto

>> No.30103356

>Gossamer Ghoul
Gura joke?

>> No.30103357

Because it turns her on.

>> No.30103360

no wonder polka didnt want to meet her...

>> No.30103361
File: 127 KB, 183x290, 1606361380324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103362
File: 1.53 MB, 868x1272, no fake niggas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103367
Quoted by: >>30103403

why would they do that?

>> No.30103368

Ameyoshi sugoi

>> No.30103371
File: 54 KB, 536x550, 1596400770218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103372


>> No.30103370

Ask Gura

>> No.30103374

>Kiara/Polka was the only bad collab she had
It all makes sense now...

>> No.30103378
Quoted by: >>30103448

You people act like their only means of communication is Twitter. Whenever Ame says she's going to ask Gura something she writes to her on discord. Just because she didn't interact with it there doesn't mean she didn't talk to her about it on a different platform.

>> No.30103380

Yes. I'm going to bet the pair of Azki panties that I bought to settle Tanigo's gambling debts.

>> No.30103381
Quoted by: >>30103402

The HSG type of PTSD.

>> No.30103383
Quoted by: >>30103407

Isn't she going to have a really shitty time trying to do it with the jetpack

>> No.30103389

Moona's ACTUAL entrance theme

>> No.30103390

You just made it into the next generation of HoloStars!
>your character/backstory
>your first tweet

>> No.30103391

Then you haven't done enough of them to know which are recent and which are 5 years old.

>> No.30103393
File: 86 KB, 469x545, 1603710219723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103394
File: 138 KB, 500x522, please-dont-tell-anyone-how-i-live-24509148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.30103396

fuck you bitch

>> No.30103397
Quoted by: >>30103440

Luna just sounds like a baby naturally. It's a curse.

>> No.30103399

Moona, dont look...

>> No.30103400

They have a Discord for that

>> No.30103402

fuck I was hoping it wasnt that one
Kiara is doing good at it

>> No.30103403
Quoted by: >>30103489

Because Altus are incredibly autistic and vindictive even for a Japanese publisher.

>> No.30103404


>> No.30103405


>> No.30103406


>> No.30103407

If you don't know the speed strat you are gonna have a really shitty time no matter what.
You either take it slow as fuck or just spray and pray.

>> No.30103408
File: 81 KB, 828x828, Somewhere, Over the Chem Trails in the Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I've been subbing to whatever indie Mori recommends
>Mfw my YT recommendations is now filled with indie chuubas and english covers of JP songs
>Mfw i don't even see my grand strat channels anymore
Deadbeats. Do you think Mori is conditioning us to be just like her?

>> No.30103409
File: 123 KB, 360x450, pikameee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is as bad as pika.

>> No.30103410
Quoted by: >>30103446

Just woke up, is it worth it hanging around these threads at SEAnigger hours or should I do my reps and come back later?

>> No.30103416

Wrong. Do you even know what falsetto sounds like?

>> No.30103420

There's no way Kiara will beat this level.

>> No.30103422

>a lion that mated with Botan and found out about Hololive through pillow talk
>a picture of me and Lamy in bed together

>> No.30103424
Quoted by: >>30103438

>Can't resource manage water
I imagine her Fire Emblem streams are more disastrous

>> No.30103425

I wouldn't be surprised if you could pirate facerig somewhere.

>> No.30103428 [DELETED] 

Is irl Polka cute?

>> No.30103429 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 160x220, 1606979111529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103431

>"only up until this point".

Probably before the summer trip, when shit starts getting real.

>> No.30103432
Quoted by: >>30103476

>Chat ruining the sufferkino

fuck chat

>> No.30103434
Quoted by: >>30103447

You could just not be autistic and just follow who you like.

>> No.30103436

speaking in a slightly higher voice than normal is not what falsetto is

also you clearly didn't do enough reps

>> No.30103438

She went a very long time without realizing you could promote units

>> No.30103440

Her real voice came out during the vr stream when she fell off a chair and sent herself to the hospital

>> No.30103441

There's no way there's someone worse than Kiara surely

>> No.30103446

do your reps anon, don waste your time talking with the indogs

>> No.30103447

...But I'm starting to like them too.

>> No.30103448
Quoted by: >>30103497

but they're supposed to interact publicly for my entertainment...

>> No.30103449
File: 754 KB, 2099x875, arurankino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103484

>chat doesn't know

>> No.30103451

But really, do you wanna be like her?

>> No.30103452
File: 433 KB, 588x989, 1601958907320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103454

Does Kiara put her FE and SMS streams close together on purpose to get her low viewership stuff out of the way all at once?

>> No.30103456

I've only subbed to Riri and Boogievox
and Shannon and K-san

>> No.30103457

>A cute blue collar construction worker girl with a big hard hat
>"Fuck Chinks"

>> No.30103461

>failure of a man who sold his humanity for a second chance at life and became a badass stick figure
>no text, just a Flash animation of me kicking ass

>> No.30103463
Quoted by: >>30103684

Exactly. I even eat lemon skin like you eat an apple. It was strange at first but you get used to it and the citrusy smell is addicting and the skin is actually kind of sweet if you ate Australian lemon.

>> No.30103469

The whole thing around the chicken is a mess.
I was called SEAnigger or tranny by stupid chickenfags too.
The whole shit with Moona/Pekora/Kiara is kinda annoying. I mean it was fun when people didn't take it so seriously but when I looked at the her chat during the Moona/Pekora collab it had a bunch of faggots mentioning that shit.

I hope there will be UsadaKen collabs (with Kiara, Coco and whoever UsadaKen headhunted) so we can past this dumb sht

>> No.30103470

Amelia pissed on the carpet.

>> No.30103474

>racing driver who goes into streaming to fund his racecar's parts
>boogity boogity boogity

>> No.30103476
Quoted by: >>30103538

That's chat's designated role now, the only case where Kiara realistically fails now are cases like the lava pit; where she fails fast enough that chat has no time to respond.

>> No.30103481

Now that im thinking about it, Kiara really is good with languages. She speaks japanese fluently, and speaks english so good that I forget that its not her first language.

>> No.30103482

>Sentient highlighter
>Jumbled gibberish because my marker stumps do not suffice as hands

>> No.30103483
File: 110 KB, 259x194, calypso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Chicken

>> No.30103484


>> No.30103486
File: 57 KB, 530x573, spookymee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103562

>fails a simple jump 20 times and then threatens to murder Mario and all his progeny

>> No.30103488

Gura pissed herself during Outlast, what's your point?

>> No.30103489
Quoted by: >>30103657

how bad can it get?

>> No.30103491
Quoted by: >>30103514

The ENs should swap models for April Fool's day.

>> No.30103492

I bet the Nazi's would have preferred that he'd just graduate.

>> No.30103494
Quoted by: >>30103562

https://youtu.be/tqzULDUQaHM this is from one level dayo

>> No.30103497
File: 477 KB, 590x591, 1603280576109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103501

where is her nipple

>> No.30103502

A skeleton with a top hat, backstory is basically just Mr Bones
I tweet the controversial shitpost that was so bad it got me a 3 day ban here

>> No.30103503

I thought they have SEGA permissions?

>> No.30103504
Quoted by: >>30103553

>not Pretty Patterns

Weak shit.

>> No.30103507
Quoted by: >>30103617

God Teamates and Cumchuds are so lucky. How do we get Ina to piss herself?

>> No.30103508

Just join the rest of the thread in being lost in a sea of chuubas. I think I probably need meds or something because I'm subbed to and regularly watch too many

>> No.30103509
Quoted by: >>30103646

My rrat is that Atlus already agreed and this is just an elaborate marketing gimmick.

>> No.30103510

>Edge samurai
>Just some samurai who want to seek revenge

>> No.30103512

>A boisterous but underfunded NASCAR driver
>just blew another tranny :(

>> No.30103513

Holy shit she did it

>> No.30103514

Would be unironically genius

>> No.30103515

I want to see Marine idol step with Gura's 3D

>> No.30103516
Quoted by: >>30103629


>> No.30103521

>1st try
the chimkib is becoming powerful

>> No.30103522

Big dick Joe, has a big dick
I have a big dick

>> No.30103523

>first try without even struggling
chicken is a better gamer than 8 year old me...

>> No.30103524
File: 407 KB, 478x598, 1606274738561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On one hand I'd say the levels in Galaxy are a bit harder on average if memory serves me, but on the other hand the game's main gimmick outside of the gravity is just the spin move and the levels are pretty linear. I feel like it'll be about the same if she skips the harder stars, though I'm not sure if Galaxy is any more forgiving towards those who refuse to long jump than Odyssey is.
Sunshine and 64 are the real kickers. I look forward to it either way, I really liked her Odyssey playthrough.

>> No.30103525
File: 381 KB, 2255x1000, 1606241411893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no not this again

>> No.30103526

"I just want you to wanna be like me!"
t. Beezlebones

>> No.30103527

Loli Ame piss art when?

>> No.30103528

She'd have gotten viewers in time.

>> No.30103531
File: 172 KB, 1000x976, 1604538801792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103629


>> No.30103532

Went the way of the pepeloni

>> No.30103533

She beat the Hotel first try... what is this fucking luck that she randomly gets?

>> No.30103534

People bullied her about it but being able to speak multiple languages as fluently as she does in addition to live translation on the fly is impressive.

>> No.30103536
File: 8 KB, 245x231, avocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103537

>1 hour
>3 shines
Is this normal?

>> No.30103538

or where it is all on Kiara's skill, the floor is lava one where you lose Flud or Corona Mountain will still have some sufferkino

>> No.30103542
Quoted by: >>30103636

A frog that inherits a ton of money and throws lavish parties. Streams to pass the time.
>*tink tink* Ahem, if I may have your attention...

>> No.30103545
Quoted by: >>30103628

It's frustrating and shits me that I often can't mention either Kiara or Moona without someone coming out of the woodwork to either shit on them or use them to shit on the other. Christ, it was a fun little storyline why can't it just be that?

>> No.30103549

I was a normal Japanese high school student like you might find anywhere, but one day I choked on a twinkie and was reincarnated as the fat ugly bastard villain from a NTR game. Now I must fight against the cruel destiny that would force me to come between happy couples and protect them behind the scenes from a world hellbent on doing the same.

>> No.30103550

Do you think Kiara gets embarassed when she poos out eggs in front of Calli
sorry if this offends anyone but I thought it was a funny thing haha

>> No.30103551
File: 235 KB, 501x711, Pikamee Crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First try

>> No.30103553
Quoted by: >>30103594

Wait, who's Shannon?
It's sad Korean Boy(Female) doesn't have a youtube.

>> No.30103552
Quoted by: >>30103581

Kiara should approach Aqua as her rebound. Aqua needs fremds so bad on MC and she'd be able to help Kiara make something far more magnificent than Usada Kensetsu has so far.

>> No.30103554
File: 834 KB, 939x498, damn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103555

no usually its much worse

>> No.30103556

Kiara revealed in her stream earlier today that the Sega permissions Cover got was apparently "different for EN as its Japan only" or some stupid context like that.

In short they can't do Yakuza and Gura can't do Project Diva

>> No.30103558


>> No.30103559

>A cowboy who got lost in time and now has to deal with modern life
> "Howdy"

>> No.30103560
Quoted by: >>30103602

Its been 1 hour, what the hell?

>> No.30103561

Based and stickmanpilled

>> No.30103562

Pikam*e's 3D Mario sufferingkino is pretty legendary, but she has yet to have a Kiara pyramid level suffer stream yet.

>> No.30103563

For chicken? It's impressive

>> No.30103566


>> No.30103568
Quoted by: >>30103604

Because Sega's retarded, only JP holos have Sega permissions. Even if ENs did have sega permissions, Atlus permissions are separate

>> No.30103569
Quoted by: >>30103616

no, they bullied her for speaking almost entirely JP for her first few streams.

>> No.30103570

usually 2 shines per stream

>> No.30103571

I wish Gura would confirm that she pissed herself. We already know she did it but I just need verbal confirmation.

>> No.30103573

No it normally takes her 3 hours to get 1.

>> No.30103574
File: 152 KB, 35x35, The_Tiniest_Miko_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103575
Quoted by: >>30103654

>gets it on the first try
>remains entertaining and positive through all of it
Tenchou I'm so proud of you, you've grown so much.

>> No.30103576
Quoted by: >>30103597

I forget sunshine, has she done the pachinko level yet?

>> No.30103578
Quoted by: >>30103604

JP has Sega permissions. Atlus isn't Sega permissions.

>> No.30103579

I would unironically watch this.

>> No.30103581

Isn't Aqua even more shy than Pekora?

>> No.30103582

>I'm here to fuck ass and herd cattle, and I'm all out of cattle

>> No.30103585

GREAT image god bless

>> No.30103587

What the fuck? That's retarded.

>> No.30103588
File: 191 KB, 828x1792, EoJmQ-fVgAMieXc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103589

0% but I expect if anything positive were to come from this is that Atlus just uses Calli and maybe Kiara or Ina to advertise Nocturne HD (and SMT V) when they're about to release. like they did with GatchmanV.
If I'm wrong I'll be pleasantly surprised.

>> No.30103590

I love when Kiara does the Tauemon voice.

>> No.30103592

This is amazing for Kiara standards
Also WHAT THE FUCK an hour has passed already!?

>> No.30103593

She's been streaming this for about 20 hours already anon.
Look at her shine counter.

>> No.30103594
Quoted by: >>30103612

Shannon x Pretty Patterns was the haunting, spooky remix she featured. Shannon was the vocalist while Pretty Patterns was the one who arranged the track.

>> No.30103597

nah, she only has like 17/120 shines

>> No.30103599


>> No.30103600
Quoted by: >>30103675

What happened to Koopa's debut stream?

>> No.30103602

First time warp, anon?

>> No.30103603
File: 280 KB, 813x1200, gigastacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103604
Quoted by: >>30103743


But I thought they Atlus belongs to Sega?

>> No.30103605
File: 107 KB, 500x500, gura242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erase 6 numbers from that and thats how much money I have total

>> No.30103607

Wheres the tweet?

>> No.30103608
File: 300 KB, 728x737, rratslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103633


>> No.30103611
File: 144 KB, 902x593, 1604416236267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103612

Holy shit. Thee are nice.

>> No.30103615

dommy mommy with big milkies!
could you imagine?

>> No.30103617

>get her to do a sake stream
>encourage her to continue streaming and not use the bathroom
>hope she listens

>> No.30103616

Yeah it was a bad idea but she kind of interpreted it the wrong way. She still seems to believe people were talking shit about her skill.

>> No.30103618

how about
>I'm here to herd ass and fuck cattle, and I'm all out of cattle

>> No.30103620

More importantly, why doesn't Kiara do offcollabs in her house?

>> No.30103622

That's probably it.

>> No.30103623

Speaking 3 fluently is an accomplishment, let alone live translations

>> No.30103624

The mommy holo better have a good voice or I am going to be extremely disappointed.

>> No.30103626

Guys Kiara is so cute.

>> No.30103627
Quoted by: >>30103656

>Ame telling a story about how she pissed herself as a kid
Do you think Ame gets off on humiliating herself in front of a large audience, sort of like how Gura gets off on being chased by large men?

>> No.30103628
Quoted by: >>30103658

blame the seaniggers spamming these threads and Kiara`s hat and vods. Also trying to doxx her on youtube

>> No.30103629
File: 2.67 MB, 300x169, kneel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never should have doubted her.. I kneel...

>> No.30103630
Quoted by: >>30103881

>no piss bottles
why even bother

>> No.30103631
File: 314 KB, 621x1200, klaius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103633

Pekora invited Moona to Akihabara and not Kiara LMAO

>> No.30103634

That's almost 4 gumballs

>> No.30103635

>Theatre director who has to pay a large debt to the mafia
>They done messed up giving me unregulated access to a twitter

>> No.30103636
File: 155 KB, 889x865, Mr. Toad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Toad is already Disney IP

>> No.30103637

when is chimkin going to stop playing these debuff kusoges?

>> No.30103639
File: 565 KB, 2216x2168, EoL0etVVkAE6JDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103777

>> No.30103642
Quoted by: >>30103672


>> No.30103643

is this some faggot from Dick Masterson's clique?

>> No.30103646

that's a pretty ogey rrat

>> No.30103647
File: 219 KB, 826x339, time to chew ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me that thanks to Randy Pitchford we'll never have Jon St. John as a Duke VTuber.

>> No.30103649
Quoted by: >>30103712

Her accent is there and her vocabulary sometimes sticks a bit going "what's the word for ___" etc. But overall she's more than sufficient enough for everyday conversation.

Also unrelated but from that Ina collab I think Iofi's also on a pretty similar scale of English to Kiara, only Iofi hasn't made jack shit of any effort in getting her name out there, so isn't well known for it. Unironically runs laps around Haachama and probably could have passed for HoloEN if it was being recruited for at the time. Risu and Moona have sort-of-ok-ish English but Iofi is on another level.

>> No.30103651

Gura could probably personally send SEGA America an email and get permissions for all ENs and ID. I can't imagine it would be as hard as it is to get JP permissions.

>> No.30103653

it was minecraft collab so no reason to

>> No.30103654

Yeah, People are missing out. Her Mario streams are great.

>> No.30103656

Peeing yourself as a kid is a pretty common kids story anon

>> No.30103657

Absolute worst case rrat scenario? Atlus gets pissed, denies permissions indefinitely (not that they'd ever grant them in any meaningful way) and bitches at SEGA who puts the word around to other jap publishers making permissions harder to get because Japanese business autism and all the top management of these companies know and socialise with each other. That's incredibly unlikely however.

>> No.30103658

chat and vods*

>> No.30103660

anything kiara plays will become a debuff kusoge

>> No.30103662

It's cute.

>> No.30103663


>> No.30103664
File: 9 KB, 283x242, 1605404810717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She still has rrats, apparently even the exterminators couldn't get rid of them and just gave up

>> No.30103665

Ame came in that soup

>> No.30103666

She's living out of her car

>> No.30103670

Never because they are her favorites. She even said herself she plays what she likes.

>> No.30103672
Quoted by: >>30103738

Anon... Your investment reps...

>> No.30103673
Quoted by: >>30103780

>gurame shit
good. let the /u/ flow through you, klaius.

>> No.30103674

How come the IDs have never been added to the EN/honorary EN lineup despite pandering to the EN audience way more than the other honorary ENs

>> No.30103675

did i miss something? i'm pretty sure it's still happening at 1:30PM EST

>> No.30103676

Should I be shocked that Klauis is a Gurame?

>> No.30103681
File: 2.57 MB, 4500x7848, feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103682

pee soup! gura's favorite!

>> No.30103683

Imagine if Gura and Ame pissed... on each other.

>> No.30103684

Watching Kiara scramble and fail is pretty painful.

I've done that a few times with oranges, but not lemons. Now I'm curious about Australian lemons.

>> No.30103685

Too many dead bodies to hide

>> No.30103694

I want to invent time travel just so I can compare the taste of Amelia's young piss and current piss. Then destroy the technology forever.

>> No.30103695


>> No.30103696

What EN/JP collab has been the best so far? I really like the Mori Korone one.

>> No.30103697

Why would Gura ack the song? It would ruin the joke.

>> No.30103698

so soft...

>> No.30103701
Quoted by: >>30103855

Because EN has standards.

>> No.30103702

You are just forcing this meme on her you Norton, you are not only not helping you are actively sabotaging her, kys

>> No.30103703
File: 669 KB, 3693x4096, EmM22F_VMAE2MUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's been a guramechad.

>> No.30103704

First time watching Kiara in like a month. When did her mic get better? She's actually watchable now.

>> No.30103705

what would Gura do if Ame peed on her carpet?

>> No.30103707

>Reine's mama is friends with Iofi

pretty cute, iofi seems like one of the most social holos, i'm surprised she doesn't do more collabs

>> No.30103712

Everybody forgets words, even I forget words and its my first language. That doesn't mean her English language is any worse because she can't recall words time to time.

>> No.30103715

You could always talk about ID here so there's no reason to give them that status for these threads

>> No.30103716
File: 35 KB, 653x108, 1606979705808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie coin will crash tomorrow, Invest peacock coin now!

>> No.30103718

Let's hope it's that simple

>> No.30103720

please have a good voice....

>> No.30103722

The fact that she could use English to teach Gura Japanese while neither of those are Kiara's first language is pretty incredible.

>> No.30103726
Quoted by: >>30103747

Either late september or early october

>> No.30103728

Gura will pee on Ame

>> No.30103729

Because ID is by default part of the thread, there's no reason to.

>> No.30103730

O'riends was my personal favorite. nene and kiara both had so much fun together.

>> No.30103731

Limited collabs and the ones that have happened have been fairly scuffed. Iofi and tree rrat were pretty bad in Among Us collab and Moona tour wasn't enough. They're more than welcome here but you need solid content with HoloEN for full admission. Or to be Haachama

>> No.30103733

I thought the Kiarushi collab was pretty good because Kiara was able to hide her relentless insecurity through most of it.

>> No.30103734
File: 761 KB, 608x900, 1606808535198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103847

Does anyone have that picture comparing all the hololive girls PC specs?

>> No.30103736

Damn, Anon, you almost have a dollar? Why haven't you given it to your oshi? Don't you love her?

>> No.30103738
File: 437 KB, 1504x1000, 1586579823472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been kinda rough since I got kicked out of university.

>> No.30103739

Gets the heights correct too.

>> No.30103740

Do you think the HoloENs actually like each other and consider each other friends, or is it all kayfabe shit and they actually can't stand each other off camera?

>> No.30103741

Like 2 months ago now near late September

>> No.30103742

This is my favourite picture of the year

>> No.30103743
Quoted by: >>30103802

Sega barely managed to force Atlus to port P4G to a platform people would play it on and has had no success forcing them to commit to future ports despite P4G printing money. They have very little control over Atlus.

>> No.30103744

probably cause no one asked teamup anon

>> No.30103746

She's been getting new audio stuff every now and again so now she's pretty good. Her screams turn me on even more now.

>> No.30103747

Fuck, I guess I have a ton of vods to catch up on

>> No.30103748

Why is her whining so cute?

>> No.30103750

something tells me Zombi is going to incline, pass

>> No.30103751

>Not OMN (Oh My Nagash)
Tsk tsk

>> No.30103754

Honestly all of Kiara's JP collabs have been kino

>> No.30103757
Quoted by: >>30103778

They don't stream in peak burger time.

>> No.30103759

That, Amon9 US, and the O'riends concert are my favorite.

>> No.30103761
Quoted by: >>30103855

because no one likes them?

>> No.30103763

Mori Korone is up there but I still really like holobirds

>> No.30103764

I think it's the other way around, the other holos would rather not have to leave their homes

>> No.30103766
File: 149 KB, 665x361, 1606979813760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate her eng and jap

>> No.30103768

That pool......

>> No.30103769

they slip up on other stuff often enough that I feel we'd know by nowif there was any actual animosity between anyone

>> No.30103770

judging from their interactions yes they like each other

>> No.30103771

No they hate each other and Mori slapped Kiara in front of Yagoo

>> No.30103772

wouldn't she pee the bed given she is sleeping with her?

>> No.30103777

>the only people that draw iname are tw chinks because they can barely understand English, so they don't understand the kino that gurame is

>> No.30103778

Neither does half of EN

>> No.30103780
Quoted by: >>30103837

He's not though. He's just using Ame as a stand-in for pictures where he can't have Gura stare into his eyes.

>> No.30103781

>Catboy who got picked up by Hololive from the "shelter"
>Meow Meow, bitches

>> No.30103782
File: 342 KB, 486x481, unknown (7).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103783

Pretty damn cute, although it seems a little different from his usual style, Ame in particular.

>> No.30103786

On yourself to subscribe to lots of Holos.

>> No.30103788

It'd be hilerious if you gave it to Risu
She is the funniest and most hard working member of Hololive indonesia and I'd love it if you gave it to her
She will love it and you will love it if you watch her
Win win right?
Haha, will look forward to your donation

>> No.30103789


>> No.30103793

Reminder that my boy's suffering starts again in 2 minutes if you want to turn down the volume to avoid getting your ears blasted by the remix.

>> No.30103794

All Kiara collabs minus the first 30ish minutes of the polka collab were kino. I'm a big fan of the Ina Mario Kart collab.

>> No.30103799

I hate this post more

>> No.30103801

Thank you for giving me the great idea of Settra-posting during her debut.

>> No.30103802

Vanilla is better.
Honestly, they should try with something Atlus doesn't give a shit about.
Like a non-fucked P1 port, and P2 duology (both translated)

>> No.30103803
Quoted by: >>30103819

how many girls has Mori slapped in front of Yagoo?

>> No.30103804


>> No.30103805
File: 586 KB, 1221x453, 1605580231920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously though, it's almost kind of amazing that Kiara's the only EN who dips down to 4 digits. Ina can silently draw for 2 hours and still get past 10k viewers. The subs don't even matter anymore, since the sub gap isn't nearly as wide as the viewer gap is.

>> No.30103811

*clap* *clap*

>> No.30103812

her design has been reminding me of another anime character but I can't quite put my finger on it. something to do with the gradient hair color.

>> No.30103814

The gift that keeps on giving.

>> No.30103816

tree rrat...

>> No.30103817


>> No.30103819

at least 5

>> No.30103820

Ahh, I can't wait to being a paying member of the Cunnisours

>> No.30103824


>> No.30103823

Thanks, I hate it.

>> No.30103825

Munch her carpet

>> No.30103826
Quoted by: >>30104096

Aqua should just do a covert invasion of the HoloEN-server.

>> No.30103828


>> No.30103829
File: 205 KB, 600x600, 1606707066047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103873


>> No.30103832


>> No.30103833

That would explain the D100 then, thanks for the tip. Giant Dads don't have a 78 associated with them as far as I know. Might just be that she tanked a hit and obliterated something.

>> No.30103837
File: 451 KB, 4096x2604, En-bK0ZVEAI78Jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103908

So this is a self-portrait?

>> No.30103838

She'll start inclining once she moves out of japan

>> No.30103840

I hate that people are gonna give you (you)'s and encourage these kinds of posts

>> No.30103843
File: 34 KB, 227x222, Pekora 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103842
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1606933122317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t.ree rrat

>> No.30103845

kiara please stop fucking screaming my dick is going to burst

>> No.30103848

Any minute now...

>> No.30103850
File: 424 KB, 1447x2046, 446846834534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn you JP artist! You're stealing my native rapers through history idea for EN Gen 2!

>> No.30103847
Quoted by: >>30103928

pls anyone I need it to shitpost a friend

>> No.30103849


>> No.30103852

nobody gives a shit about who is or isn't "honorary EN", they're all holos and you're free to discuss them when they do something substantial

>> No.30103855
File: 89 KB, 600x706, 1605006794215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103856

>originally it was a zombie, but with Ollie happening, that thought is down the shitter
>"A Holostars announcement can get thousands of likes, but how many can this ham and cheese sandwich get?"

>> No.30103857

Ears are bleeding, Mori must be live.

>> No.30103858
File: 15 KB, 542x579, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Ame's friend, she told me she HATES Gura. pic is proof

>> No.30103859 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 532x494, En3g43TXcAI6zFd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103900


>> No.30103860

Why does Kiara scream in agony at the smallest sign of trouble?

>> No.30103862

Ina streams at good US timeslots. Kiara streams like this in the middle of the night or on early mornings. I'm not saying she'd having 20k+ viewers if she did like Ina but I figure consistent 10-12k, even for a debuff game like SMS.

>> No.30103863

Her voice is going to make or break her 100x over her genmates, as a hyper-genki girl a lot of people have a specific sound in mind (really high pitched etc) but it also needs to be cute and not just screechy/annoying. If she has just a normal sounding voice with that demeanor it'll sound wierd. If she has too thick an accent it'll be weird etc.

For the other two you can assume one will sound loli-ish and the other will sound mature, but that's not guaranteed given how Botan has a surprisingly meek and cute voice, so we'll see.

>> No.30103865

I think they like each other but maybe Ame went a little to far when she punched Mori in the nose after she did that podcast

>> No.30103867 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 187x206, 1606980061740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just heard rumours about the no-one, can someone elaborate on it?

>> No.30103870

Pekora...this is what you've been missing. Feel bad yet?

>> No.30103873


>> No.30103875
File: 676 KB, 755x850, ..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30103876

Zyapanessu pan puriisu andastando

>> No.30103877
Quoted by: >>30103920

Your faggotry has been tried with FE and didn't change anything fuck off with this already reddit.

>> No.30103878

>be mori
>800k subs
>1.6k viewers for a video game stream

>> No.30103880
Quoted by: >>30103952

Could you imagine being Ame's irl boyfriend and having to console her after she spend 5 hours trying to figure out how to make one part of a mob farm to work?

>> No.30103881
File: 835 KB, 939x498, forYouAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103949


>> No.30103882
File: 395 KB, 2050x1920, EoLUZS2XEAM2xqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30103883
Quoted by: >>30103939

The way kiara's expressions change is beautiful

>> No.30103887


>> No.30103888

>tune into stream
>chicken making orgasm sounds
>close stream

>> No.30103890

Chicken just had an orgasm.

>> No.30103891

Did Kiara just coom?

>> No.30103889

Big ups for that punch in the back of my head, my bird!

>> No.30103892
Quoted by: >>30103948

Are all the new IDs can speak weeb?

>> No.30103893

Is Kiara having an orgasm?

>> No.30103894

because it makes my dick hard

>> No.30103895

Aaah, the no-one... or as some say, the cheese cheese pan....

>> No.30103897

She learned well from Rushia. Soon enough she'll start feeling arm pain when losing.

>> No.30103898
File: 86 KB, 313x1136, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-guys... I thought Ina was the queen of viewer retention...

>> No.30103900

Incredibly based jellybudy

>> No.30103903
File: 1.27 MB, 3691x3472, illust_86064613_20201203_081827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go bros, its showtime !

>> No.30103901

Ah the pepeloni...

>> No.30103902
File: 81 KB, 1024x894, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103979

Wouldn't it be kinda hard to stream from the Ram Ranch?

>> No.30103907

When do the remixes end? I wanna go back to her normal intro and Live Again

>> No.30103908

Yeah, since Ame is blushing and staring longingly.

>> No.30103909

They at least come in pairs. Gurame are close friends, Takamori are somewhat-close friends, and Ina is acquaintances with everyone.

>> No.30103912

pikamee don't look

>> No.30103914


>> No.30103915

mori is my least favorite EN but holy shit dude it started 2 minutes ago

>> No.30103916

The what challenge?

>> No.30103918

gay nigger

>> No.30103919

Have a seat anon, let us speak of the tale of Pepeloni, the Pepeloni.

>> No.30103921

>not getting to sing
what a waste

>> No.30103920
Quoted by: >>30103975

FE is a debuff game

>> No.30103922

>Talk show instead of sing

>> No.30103923

Cant wait for Kiara to lose her shit when she falls off the rotating cog block again and again cause Sunshine’s physics engine cant figure out what the fuck to do with moving slopes

>> No.30103925

d-does moona even watch anime?
she never talks about it on her stream...
this is going to be a disaster, isn't it?

>> No.30103926
File: 730 KB, 813x721, bak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30103957

It honestly kinda bothers me how high her subs are, I guess music really does carry

I really don't like rap music so I guess I'll just not understand it

>> No.30103927


>> No.30103928

>plz spoonfeed me
Quit whining and do your archive reps.

>> No.30103929

The only anime she'll recognize is Food Wars

>> No.30103930

God, Moona has been inclining so exponentially

>> No.30103931
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1606797382314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT bully Polka
She deserves hugs and headpats

>> No.30103932
Quoted by: >>30104029

Someone saved hlgg OC of this girl posted last night? It was in black and white and accentuates her well endowed chest in petite body.

>> No.30103933
File: 4 KB, 125x125, Chibi Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pikamee don't look

>> No.30103936


>> No.30103938

lets fucking goooooooooooo

>> No.30103939

Yeah, they really nailed her :o expression out of the park with the model update.

>> No.30103940

What if Ollie is a super yab girl that says the nigger word hundreds of times in every one of her streams

>> No.30103941

Hello one of the future timelines Ame, Ame drops her kayfabe and calls Mori a nigger faggot after ruining the Halo collab on Sunday with bad netcode and her thanking akasupas

>> No.30103943

I don't know but I hope she realizes that's one of the reasons people don't watch her

>> No.30103944

That one guy must be really fit to be able to jump that high from a dogeza position.

>> No.30103945



>> No.30103947
File: 248 KB, 1278x1768, rjijsyqaxjn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do none of the JPs want to do collabs with her?

>> No.30103948

Zombie and loli sword use weeb a lot

>> No.30103949

While I appreciate the effort, nobody who has piss bottles arranges them that neatly

>> No.30103952

I just took her out for nuggets and a sundae and we walked Bubba and it was good

>> No.30103956


>> No.30103957

She gets similar VoD views as Ame, so if she streamed at not shit times, she'd probably get similar viewership, anon. Just because you don't like her doesn't mean that she isn't popular.

>> No.30103958
File: 2.44 MB, 1875x2467, 1601711728272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan hololive poll


1. I'll show hlg and global results separately. Based on the results so far, people have been honest
2. I will attempt some data analysis that will make us understand these threads better
3. You can suggest questions I should tackle and I will try to make graphs to answer them, like "Whose fans are the most likely to member all the ENs"

>> No.30103959

She can go lower??

>> No.30103962

>I'm not actually frozen
>We're not reading superchat
The fuck

>> No.30103965

>"We're not reading superchat, we're NOT"

>> No.30103968

voice and autistic debut (think ames debut) is filtering 80% of her potential viewerbase

>> No.30103969
Quoted by: >>30104037

my nigga do you have this in adult size

>> No.30103971


>> No.30103972

No clue. Probably not cause she's Korean. It's current year after all.

>> No.30103973

Why is she still playing the remix?

>> No.30103975

>Muh debufff.
Lmao cope harder.

>> No.30103976
Quoted by: >>30103989

W-we're not reading superchat?

>> No.30103977
File: 14 KB, 458x376, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104011

Who should I drop a $1 supa on?

>> No.30103978

>that clipfag actually dropping akas now
Okay, kinda based

>> No.30103979

Holohouse is under lockdown
Under siege

>> No.30103982
Quoted by: >>30104136

>sign in to continue
No way fag

>> No.30103984
Quoted by: >>30104095

I think some of them have problems with Kiara, and talents with insecurity issues have problems with Ina being calm and neutral.
But I'm pretty sure GurAme is a real thing.

>> No.30103986

I hope she's crazy

>> No.30103987
Quoted by: >>30104073

Is Rushia's so crazy because she does equal part gameplay and Superchat reading?

>> No.30103988

this could be us but you're straight

>> No.30103989

She was talking about the text on screen from the superchat reading

>> No.30103990

ID Mori....

>> No.30103991

Either she keeps the energy and is a peak human/crackhead or she mellows out after debut

>> No.30103993
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1604885446972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, Koro-san looks like THAT?

>> No.30103996

Falsetto is way higher.

>> No.30104000
Quoted by: >>30104136

nice try mr hackerman

>> No.30104002

Because none of them feel like getting up at 4am

>> No.30104004

It's not perfect English but is pretty good. She seems to be trying to talk like a sophisticated ojou type so really would need very-very good English to pull that off in our language to sound like someone educated/snooty.

Ollie is fucking wacky so far, like someone crossed Pekora with Mori and then gave the kid a handful of uppers, a bottle of viagra and injected ten Red Bulls into her. I don't think her English will need to be perfect as it's not critical to her thing and if anything being goofy-sounding with a funny accent might work out well for her if she's this bombastic and cartoony in her debut. Peko's Engrish is just fucking hilarious when she's all exasperated so Ollie's might be the same kind of effect.

>> No.30104006


>> No.30104008

mori literally has 740k subs but has 3k viewers right now
holy shit

takamori is literally a failure compared to trinity, and im a unitychad.

>> No.30104009


>> No.30104011


>> No.30104012

Moei is scaring me bros

>> No.30104014
File: 43 KB, 400x400, cVJubI7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine fucking mori in the ass and punching her in the back of the head when she struggles, unf

>> No.30104015
File: 172 KB, 454x374, kiara raff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104018


>> No.30104016
Quoted by: >>30104073

Azki has 6k average viewers?

>> No.30104017

Kiara no

>> No.30104020


>> No.30104019

Now this is the sufferkino I came for!

>> No.30104022


>> No.30104023

These levels made my head hurt for some reason and are why I dropped mario games altogether. Even watching is mildly annoying.

>> No.30104025

Most japs are shy shut in and ina is also a shy shut in. In order for collabs to happen at least one person needs to be outgoing

>> No.30104027


>> No.30104026


>> No.30104029
File: 686 KB, 1200x1150, 1606967944167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104203


>> No.30104030


>> No.30104031
File: 7 KB, 478x53, kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104033

Fucking hell Kiara
How did you manage that??

>> No.30104034


>> No.30104036
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1606880809347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these stream numbers
I thought Mario was a buff game?

Everyone always says every game is a debuff game, what's a buff game besides minecraft?

>> No.30104037
File: 73 KB, 260x260, borb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104038
File: 81 KB, 603x613, Choke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30104040


>> No.30104041
Quoted by: >>30104058

Holy shit I just died, Kiara please

>> No.30104044

Its more of a Japanese law anon. Since cover is stationed in Japan, they follow Japan law.

>> No.30104045

based Treerrat

>> No.30104049
File: 48 KB, 327x147, r.rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Calli won't wait until Kiara finishes her stream, while Kiara would totally do that for Calli

>> No.30104048

You forgot your unity image anon, you have to posts images in order to prove who your oshi/s are

>> No.30104051
File: 47 KB, 445x488, 1522555557924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Majority of day full of deadhours outside of Ina's single stream
>Somehow both of the JP-Ens are overlapping

>> No.30104052

holy shit im just imagining fucking kiara right now and im getting diamonds

>> No.30104053
Quoted by: >>30104090

Evidence of a debuff game-
>Kiara has 11k+ likes but 8k viewers
>this means 30%+(probably more since not everyone likes) people like her video but can't be fucked to watch mario

am i coping

>> No.30104054

I think I've seen her previous life graduation streem (she ended with like 4000 as an indie so not too bad) and she was pretty good, fluent in eigo for a native indog and pretty low key sexually frustrated if I remember right.

>> No.30104056

feed suisei's gacha addiction please

>> No.30104058

It will be ok Mario

>> No.30104060
Quoted by: >>30104202

why isn't aruran's STD fucking massive

>> No.30104061 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 625x700, 1606980470990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104063
File: 274 KB, 1280x1314, 1606632401071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104064

fuck off wojack

>> No.30104067
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1604970878706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's a buff game besides minecraft?
Ark and Terraria

>> No.30104068


>> No.30104070
Quoted by: >>30104118

Mori is much busier if anything the Chicken should stop streaming and then do antoher stream later.

>> No.30104073

Her 48h stream had decent viewership throughout. Which is about the only thing she streamed.

>> No.30104074

God and that wooden gear is so janky, we're gonna be here until game over, guaranteed

>> No.30104075

Ring Fit Adventure

>> No.30104076


>> No.30104077

Don't care. I Have fun. Kiara and Mario are made for each other.
Don't you have some rabbit thighs to eat or something?
Bun bun cha, motherfucker.

>> No.30104078
Quoted by: >>30104239

Drop a $500 on the new IDs as a welcome gift.

>> No.30104079

it's woahjack, dude.

>> No.30104081

holy fuck

>> No.30104082

Can someone explain the appeal of gacha games? it just seems like gambling but with cute girls.

>> No.30104083

>buff game
can you just shut the fuck up for one thread

>> No.30104084
Quoted by: >>30104130

Can you post the tiniest Miko?

>> No.30104085

who cares about numbers even Kiara isn't bringing them up

>> No.30104088

>falls into abyss
imagine not watching bird streams.

>> No.30104089

>what's a buff game besides minecraft?
among us, mario kart, smash

>> No.30104090

That literally means every game played by every Holo is a fucking debuff, retard. Some people watch a little and go to bed / do something else, but leave a like as others tune in and do the same.

>> No.30104092

>This bitch isn't around to begin the Terraria Arc
I miss her

>> No.30104093

How could a stick-figure convey emotion?

>> No.30104094
File: 78 KB, 742x584, 769690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104095

None of them have a problem with each other, they're all friends and help each other behind the scenes. They're planning to watch the IDs debut together on discord.

>> No.30104096

>Gura logs in one day to lazily half-work more on her hat house or start the fruits village or some shit
>There's a giant fucking tower in the distance with some kind of farm on top
>there are suddenly a couple beacons around the main HoloEN area giving speed boosts

I can literally hear Gura going "wait wat? what is THAT?" and running around bewildered.

>> No.30104098


>> No.30104099

>"Oh, you're going to betray your boss? I kinda fuck hard with that."

>> No.30104101
Quoted by: >>30104153

>You're trying to be sneaky, you're gunna betray your boss. I kinda fuck hard with that

>> No.30104102

because she works with chinks

>> No.30104104
File: 393 KB, 1500x1080, 1606916520493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN Polka
Nice nice nice

>> No.30104105

more like JACK off wojack

>> No.30104106

Zomrade is kinda cute

>> No.30104107

Risu you dirty little rrat.

>> No.30104110

it's worse than gambling, you can't win money

>> No.30104112

Ollience chads ww@

>> No.30104116
File: 78 KB, 1000x800, 1595437085869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small indie
Only send supas to indies or to your Oshi to send a single message of thanks for the influence they have on your life, you buy their merch outside that to support them

>> No.30104117
File: 12 KB, 1005x188, 1580973949248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104142


>> No.30104118

>Mori is much more busy
And whose fault is that?

>> No.30104119

>that is bait

>> No.30104121

>you're going to betray your boss, I kinda fuck hard with that.

>> No.30104122
Quoted by: >>30104159

>Chat backseating

Fun is over guys

>> No.30104120

So mad lmao

>> No.30104123

More like Cuhrayzee Commie amirite?

>> No.30104124
Quoted by: >>30104156

>Kiara lost 1k viewers
>Mori gained 1k
I wonder

>> No.30104126
Quoted by: >>30104150

asian culture loves pay to win and throwing away money.

>> No.30104130


>> No.30104131

The KFC is small but dedicated

>> No.30104133

mori ditching hololive for greener pastures at the first opportunity is already a well-established narrative

>> No.30104135

The thrill of gambling.

>> No.30104136

I don't see your email

>> No.30104137
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1605911227639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep forgetting how big Koro-san's tits are

>> No.30104138

zomrade has my vote
t, kickflip anon

>> No.30104139
File: 35 KB, 474x562, smiley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Middle of the night
>Spend an hour or two fapping and lost in porn
>Everything feels quiet and it puts me in a weird lonely mood
>Coom, things feel even quieter and lonelier now, don't know what to do
>Remember that Mori is gonna be on really soon
>Get to watch her and have fun posting in /hlgg/ and things won't feel so quiet anymore

>> No.30104141

Kiara unironically getting good at movement in sunshine makes me super happy

>> No.30104142

>Zombie is dead
Found the best name holy shit

>> No.30104143

jesus christ what the fuck is that disgusting language

>> No.30104145

>Mori got a Cover VISA

>> No.30104144
Quoted by: >>30104275


>> No.30104146
File: 466 KB, 635x635, 1604935625891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104147
Quoted by: >>30104220

>the two ENs that stream almost exclusively at awful times for English speakers don't get tons of views
Whoa...what a revelation...

>> No.30104148

I like Zomrade and she'd look good in inevitable commie outfit fanart

>> No.30104149

hey don't bring taka into this she's doing pretty well for herself at this point

>> No.30104150

Gambling is a disease for all cultures.

>> No.30104152


>> No.30104153


>> No.30104155
Quoted by: >>30104180

I opened Kiara's stream and got my ears blasted by her scream holy shit

>> No.30104156

People are rude, I just mute one and watch the one I'm more interested in.

>> No.30104159

Chat never not backseats, but at least this backseat prolongs the suffering by giving her infinite lives to try so this ones a good backseat.

>> No.30104160

Just in case it wasn't confirmed before, Mori is quitting teaching soon.

>> No.30104161
File: 727 KB, 1445x1051, EnLrXIeVcAIuPsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone tier stream lengths with Mori
oh fuck my sleep reps....

>> No.30104163

stupid fucking r*ddit bitch is nerf too hololive when she leave finally millions more people watch hololive

>> No.30104164

>Korone namedrop before any Critical namedrop
Good stream so far.

>> No.30104168

Why do the JPs hate EN so much? They were never this active toward them, especially not on twitter.

>> No.30104169
File: 168 KB, 327x365, 1605744364422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say that whoever that indie was is her, how thick was her accent?

>> No.30104171
Quoted by: >>30104218

did she actually manage to make Cover act competently?

>> No.30104172

>Kiara has more viewers than Mori
Brapbros... We must kneel....

>> No.30104175
Quoted by: >>30104340

Zomrade is the better name, but it will result in really annoying commie memes so I voted Ollience

>> No.30104179

2:30 in the morning

>> No.30104180
File: 85 KB, 1078x1135, MKFPUltra Activation Phrase[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9yadr1.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104221

Good, the indoctrination has begun.

>> No.30104181
Quoted by: >>30104260

>Persona 3 unmonetized
But I thought she was a jew??

>> No.30104182


>> No.30104184

I hate how the standards have fallen this much.

>> No.30104185
File: 8 KB, 259x194, Camarada Stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30104186

has she even brought him up?

>> No.30104187
File: 110 KB, 257x215, 1606629898984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Mori so deadpan tonight and why are my sides cracking up?

>> No.30104189

It's like gambling, but you win cute girls.

>> No.30104191

Trying to set this kind of thing in stone before even the debut stream isn't a good idea.

>> No.30104192
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1606886748499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>udah liat dan semuanya bagus

>> No.30104195
Quoted by: >>30104255

isn't this measuring variance in viewers between streams, not retention of views over the course of a stream which is what people actually praise ina for? also, notice how all the ENs have high variance because Thanksgiving is a major holiday and they all took a hit to viewer #'s that week?
Fuck numberfagging, but if you're going to do it, at least do it right, retard.

>> No.30104196
Quoted by: >>30104224

>Who is your oshi?
>can select multiple

>> No.30104197

Chang... Your eigo reps....

>> No.30104199

Now what? Mario or Crash?

>> No.30104200

>That's a nice way to get wet


>> No.30104202
Quoted by: >>30104241

Because it's proportional to the change in viewers.

>> No.30104203
File: 714 KB, 2729x2012, 1603550204335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.30104205

mori literally gets less viewers on her gameplay streams than moona does, even though she has 2x+ the subs
holoID 2nd gen is going to kill holoEN except for trinity.

>> No.30104207

Kiara won't finish for like 5 hours. She's gonna play this for maybe another 30 minutes then read SCs for 3-4 hours

>> No.30104210
File: 185 KB, 2048x2048, 1595179374605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104287

Whats the T-minus on the first ID stream?

>> No.30104212

watched some of her oshi today i guess

>> No.30104213

Focusing on Crash, but also we're in the depression arc

>> No.30104214

Ow my collarbone

>> No.30104216

Please no, the muslim conservative Indonesians hate commies. It's gonna be another yab

>> No.30104217

>She thinks the Atlus begging stream will be archived
Someone better save it because that shit won't last.

>> No.30104218

It's pretty clear that Mori's been managing to make Cover do a lot of things. Whether you see it as good or bad.

>> No.30104220

Eh, thir VOds get pretty good views at the end of the day so their views aren't really a problem, you can safely ignore numberfags

>> No.30104221

Fucking hell I wasn't expecting to hear the warmind when I clicked that

>> No.30104223

Zomrade better win

>> No.30104224

you're not really unity if every holo isn't your oshi

>> No.30104225


>> No.30104227

Mori seems weird tonight. Low energy and deadpan

>> No.30104230
File: 80 KB, 550x655, 1606629903476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's getting ready for the lifeless begging stream

>> No.30104232

maximum suffering

>> No.30104233


>> No.30104236


>> No.30104237
Quoted by: >>30104271

>Mori has leagues more SCs than Kiara
KFPbros... We must kneel...

>> No.30104238

>she failed the stage

>> No.30104239

I like this idea

>> No.30104240

Hey Chiara stop

>> No.30104242

>its a warm up match
God I love you mori

>> No.30104241

exactly, he goes from 300 on his vidya streams to several thousand when he's doing JP/EN culture exchange stuff

>> No.30104248
Quoted by: >>30104296

I don't watch mori, does she really suck critical's cock every stream?

>> No.30104249

Pretty normal mistakes for an ESL. Should have used 'are' instead of 'is' in the second sentence and put an 'a' before fan-name.

The imperfect English combined with her sophisticated personality has the potential to create a kind of gap moe. I hope she has a good voice since I really like her design.

>> No.30104250

>losing the last life like that

>> No.30104251

Moona gets the pekor boost, cant say the safe for Lofi and rrat

>> No.30104253

Oh no the coof

>> No.30104254

They have SEGA permissions for all SEGA games published by SEGA of Japan. So COVER would have to make a deal with SEGA of America which publishes English localizations.

>> No.30104255

Nope. Calculates StD per stream, then averages.

>> No.30104257

Mori called me cute......

>> No.30104259

y-you too

>> No.30104260

Superchats are a bad source of income anyway, cultivating members and shilling her music is better for money long term.

>> No.30104261

sufferkino is back on the menu

>> No.30104263

Shes learning from Ame.

>> No.30104264
File: 200 KB, 1431x1594, 68474845334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This little erogaki is currently leaving snail trails all over her bed sheets that she doesn't change often enough.
What do you say in her defense?

>> No.30104267
File: 835 KB, 3830x1218, takimori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104327

who here /takamori/?

>> No.30104266
Quoted by: >>30104304

Why does Mori talk like that

>> No.30104270
Quoted by: >>30104314

>get my ears blown out at the slightest provocation
>listen to an insecure memefag ironically bitch and moan
These two are so bad

>> No.30104271

I kneel to every EN member

>> No.30104275

I'm fucking cranking up zoviet coupons soon lmao

>> No.30104276
Quoted by: >>30104295

N Brio sounds like Jerma

>> No.30104277

Pikamee... you can look

>> No.30104279

Where did you hear that?

>> No.30104282

looks like cock is back on the menu boys

>> No.30104285
File: 102 KB, 240x240, 1579931074114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long until Koopas first and only graduation stream disaster?

>> No.30104286

Is it just me or is Mori speaking more normally/less stilted lately?

>> No.30104287

9pm UTC + 8

>> No.30104288

crawl back into your hole, bugman

>> No.30104289
Quoted by: >>30104336

>she didn't even have to practice the MCR songs

>> No.30104290

i fuck

>> No.30104292

I wonder if there are literally people in this thread who watch JPs but haven't done their kana reps

>> No.30104295

Can you guys stop jerking off to this e-celeb thanks

>> No.30104296

no, she probably would never bring him up at all if chat didnt ask about him every waking moment

>> No.30104298
Quoted by: >>30104345

more like the ENs didn't engage as much, they're autistic introverts

>> No.30104300

Yeah she seems different

>> No.30104302

>stars, EN and ID dominating the charts
/hlg/... don't look...

>> No.30104303


>> No.30104304

she has the tism, just like you!

>> No.30104308

10 hours or so

>> No.30104309

My oshi can't stop jerking off to e-celebs, can't help it

>> No.30104310

>communist references
>in Indo
She'll graduate really fucking soon

>> No.30104312

If you haven't listened to her in a while, sure. This is her default voice for a month, though.

>> No.30104314

Why is Kiara still peaking so hard? I can listen to Pekora's and Polka's screams all day and they sound like music to my ears. What is wrong with Kiara's setup?

>> No.30104315


>> No.30104316

5 minutes in when she accidentally fires a gun in her house while showing off

>> No.30104318

Mori is the first holo ever to read one of my non superchat comments...

>> No.30104319

Almost eleven hours, I think

>> No.30104321

That's how it should be. Koopa should be a debut and a graduation all at once.

>> No.30104325

Fucking underage newfag neck yourself.

>> No.30104327


>> No.30104329
File: 70 KB, 197x218, 1602388819895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, those are both actually pretty fucking good.

But Zomrade is better.

>> No.30104336
Quoted by: >>30104354

shes bullshitting, theres no fucking way

>> No.30104339

burgers are gonna get filtered by the language so they have to diversify their audience

>> No.30104340

>Commie memes

>> No.30104343
File: 610 KB, 1106x1677, 1605106528945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104351

Mori is the highest EN superchat earner, she'll be fine

>> No.30104345


>> No.30104350

When Mori stops suckin Critikals cock

>> No.30104351

Gura makes more in membershrimps though

>> No.30104354


>> No.30104357

>*lie is covered up bu the LIVE on the thumbnail
Coincidence, or did she borrow that from Ina?
