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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 565 KB, 3541x2508, EipmOGPWAAAcFpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28614438 No.28614438 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.28614441
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>> No.28614442
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>> No.28614443
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>> No.28614444

Who the fuck is right im N5 ahhhhhhhhhh

>> No.28614449
File: 475 KB, 2840x1760, EaAAHY6UYAUSCaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan and Suichan!

>> No.28614448 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 347x183, HA↑.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614450 [DELETED] 
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>> No.28614451


>> No.28614452 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 868x1079, E5E30B5F-4B06-4C37-9955-271179DE8121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614461

Daily Reminder that HoloEN was a mistake.

>> No.28614455 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 1542x1242, 1591359999696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love hololive.

I love the many talented people with very different personalities.
I love how they treat each other as a family and even Mel gets included for stuff like the Halloween song.
I love that there are different branches and that they're interested in each other and try to make friends, like subaru and kiara or moona and pekora.
I love that they take being idols seriously on top of not being too fake in streams.
I like that hololive is pretty much the very first community that mixed Japanese fans with overseas fans and it overall goes better than anyone could have expected.
I enjoy the concerts and singing streams a lot.
I love that they mostly hire top tier designers and allowed me to discover many great artists.
I love my oshi Gura and how she received such a fantastic welcome by everyone.

I fucking LOVE hololive.
Also congrats to Korone for being the 2nd Holo to reach 1 million subs!


>> No.28614458
File: 359 KB, 2000x2000, Elzilf2UYAA-jR-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.28614461
Quoted by: >>28614593

remember when meidos actually bothered to ban ritualposters

>> No.28614463

How the fuck do I get Towa to play Ace Combat 7?

>> No.28614464
Quoted by: >>28614515

Is towa enjoying this? Why is she playing both parts by herself?

>> No.28614467

How does Sora feel about China? I need to know whether to like or hate Sora

>> No.28614469

The Japanese themselves are having an argument over it so what makes you think we would know better?
Also nice quads.

>> No.28614471

I fucking love fapping to the shark

>> No.28614472

Unironically do your reps and stop believing the niggers here

>> No.28614473

No, not hating Ayame. In fact, I like her. But to think that there's the kind of person like Marine, Nene, Pekora, Haachama etc who puts so many hours into streaming in a week and then bam there's Ayame. Kinda hilarious and bummed out at the same time. Yeah maybe she has their own real life activities, sick, fucking her boyfriend etc etc etc or anything but still.

>> No.28614475

fuck off

>> No.28614476

>Miko had a peaked cap clipart over her avatar during her Papers Please playthrough
Pecor, please get that...

>> No.28614478
File: 285 KB, 1000x822, haachama imouto2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan, I turned on the faucet to fill a pot with water and the stove exploded.

>> No.28614479 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 797x451, notaritualpost dozo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds

>> No.28614480
Quoted by: >>28614787

Where's the Terraria stream Coco?

>> No.28614481

Spam her akasupas

>> No.28614484
Quoted by: >>28615834

Shark is a talentless hack that shouldn't have even made it past the auditions

>> No.28614486


>> No.28614487

This is actually the most likely scenario given the information available

>> No.28614489

I don't understand how anyone could hate Sora, even ironically. She's just too cute.

>> No.28614490
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, 35p35chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!

>> No.28614495

>Rushia is looking for a white fox
Why doesn't she just stalk Shirakami Fubuki?

>> No.28614496

Guys, why do jp girls call Creeper 'Takumi'

or is it just Holo thing?

>> No.28614497

this is the truth, don't let anyone make you think otherwise

>> No.28614501
File: 3.69 MB, 2573x1447, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614585

I love Marine!

>> No.28614503
File: 1.80 MB, 850x1200, 1600478503825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614508
File: 685 KB, 733x1200, sia_Job00-1265593237470736384-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614553


>> No.28614509

When is Pekor Papers Please Part 2?

>> No.28614511


>> No.28614512
Quoted by: >>28614608

Can't, Bamco. I think Friend's Ace Combat 7 series were sponsored since she mentions that it was on sale on PSN and told viewers to get it.

>> No.28614513
Quoted by: >>28614543

Wrong thread fuckhead

>> No.28614514

You hire the yakuza to pay a visit to Bandai namco's headquarters and put the president in an armlock until he agrees to give permissions to cover.

>> No.28614515
Quoted by: >>28614547

She's playing online and hoping her viewers snipe into her games instead of a rando.

>> No.28614517
File: 166 KB, 1000x822, 1604254268282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614862

Onii-chan, it's not your fault that I didn't get that heart surgery... It's been twelve years already, it's time to let go...

>> No.28614523
File: 1.03 MB, 1009x1080, okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614674

>tfw no okayu gf

>> No.28614524
File: 105 KB, 1120x720, ElzhythUcAAP_HI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614525

all me

>> No.28614526
File: 1.56 MB, 1725x2712, vD8Crww (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28614527

This is unforgivable.
I'm sending cover an official complaint.

>> No.28614531

Check her channel before posting anonchama

>> No.28614533

They use her account to attack hololive. What do you think?

>> No.28614532

Get Bamco permissions.

>> No.28614537

Cute singing.

>> No.28614540
Quoted by: >>28614565

What the fuck is this luck Towa

>> No.28614541

Why aren't more people talking about ChocoLuna they seem great together

>> No.28614542
File: 422 KB, 216x194, 1601626005360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614560

45 minutes

>> No.28614543
Quoted by: >>28614568

Fuck off faggot, he's talking about all of the Holos

>> No.28614544
File: 260 KB, 1200x1600, 904623B8-9E21-4624-913B-498AF7503ABB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HoloEN Whores
/hlg/fags sure are desperate for acceptance.

>> No.28614547
Quoted by: >>28614635

But she's not playing against a random, she's playing against herself.

>> No.28614550

Who's that m*le Ru-tan was talking about?

>> No.28614553
File: 2.20 MB, 1801x800, Edxe593WAAAjsws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614556

I'll never forgive that fucking duck.

>> No.28614559

Deepl version of the tweet.
What's going on in the mind of a person who is a complete liar...?
I was there at my last job, and you'd be surprised at all the bad language.
You're scared, so you keep your distance.

>> No.28614560

Wait it's all ogey?

>> No.28614564
File: 811 KB, 596x1005, 1604297710502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614598


>> No.28614565

Devil's luck.

>> No.28614568
Quoted by: >>28614643

yeah i didn't ask for his blog
take it back to /hlgg/ if you wanna turn threads into /soc/

>> No.28614570

I thought you ojisans were meming when you said you wanted to rape Shion. But after going through a lot of her stuff this last week I too can say that I want and need to rape Shion!!!

>> No.28614571

Dont know if you are still here or not
Haachama is very cute irl, matsuri and miko mentioned about her face that even girls could fall in love with her. I also can confirm it, I have her personal social media but not gonna share it to anyone. Anyways, even if your oshi is not cute but if you enjoy her entertain then you dont need to worry about anything.

>> No.28614574
File: 1.01 MB, 3072x4096, locrian1357 1296462180603301888_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614602

I love Aqua!

>> No.28614576
File: 242 KB, 1684x1191, ElenD-XVcAEPYNj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28614577

>No Melposter telling people not to feed the animals
>Thread goes full schizo
Really makes you think...

>> No.28614580
File: 274 KB, 1000x822, festival.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614584


>> No.28614583
Quoted by: >>28614665

I can't wait fo Aqua x Coco collab just to see chinks reaction.

>> No.28614585


>> No.28614587
Quoted by: >>28614624

>dude trust me

>> No.28614588

hlg/- wine aunts and bitter virgins general

>> No.28614589

>talking about acceptance

>> No.28614592

Rushia still plays in her shitty laptop

>> No.28614593

It was a pointless endeavor that was disingenuous from the get-go considering it can't be argued to be against the rules unless they were making the exact same post every time, yet meido kept going on about attentionwhores. From the start changing the contents of the posts prevented them getting deleted, but didn't at all change the "attentionwhore" aspect of it that meido was raving on about. (meanwhile, meidos themselves were avatarfagging with shark and haachama)

>> No.28614597

My narratives!

>> No.28614598
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1595486522107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never disprove it
Still haven't seen a post trying to disprove it.

>> No.28614601
Quoted by: >>28614696

Flare is really autistic and weird.

>> No.28614602

I love Aqua more!

>> No.28614603
Quoted by: >>28614693



>> No.28614604
Quoted by: >>28614628

You definitely fit with the wine aunt part

>> No.28614605
Quoted by: >>28614739

I think they just need more time for the yab conga line to slip out of recent memory and for the other holos to get to know them. Botan, Lamy, and even Nene to an extent, for different reasons seem pretty hard to approach and collab with, especially built on their relationships with each other.

But considering how much all 4 of them LOVE to stream, I doubt any of them are going anywhere anytime soon

>> No.28614606

Luna was talking about Artia in that tweet. She's spending a lot of time with Choco (and Subaru), and Choco told her about her time being flamed by the Chinese.

>> No.28614607

go cry to Mom again

>> No.28614609
File: 73 KB, 229x201, 1576887932211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matsuri and watame collab

>> No.28614608

Yeah, friend got invited to their HQ too right?

>> No.28614612
File: 542 KB, 850x1133, kekgfhgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the pride of Kekistan

>> No.28614613

always rrat

>> No.28614614
Quoted by: >>28615119

that doesn't show where the confusion is very well, people think the も means she was bullied at multiple places (thus implying hololive). ymmv

>> No.28614616
File: 20 KB, 220x175, 1603043566732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always has been.

>> No.28614617

You still haven't given back the last ones I lent you. You'd better not be bending their spines again.

>> No.28614618

rushia just said HoloEN suck at japanese

>> No.28614619

Sora literally welcomed Coco back via Tweet

>> No.28614620

She actually sounds better than Suisei.

>> No.28614621
File: 826 KB, 498x498, 1601863069530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he funny

>> No.28614622

But 5chan is arguing as well

>> No.28614623


>> No.28614624

Its a fact lol

>> No.28614628

takes one to know one

>> No.28614631
File: 122 KB, 955x1351, 3FFE447A-4EDB-41EF-BB6A-6394767A4694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614687

>still seething
Face it, your idols will never be respected.

>> No.28614630

fuck off

>> No.28614632

The narrative that Cover has a terrible working environment kinda scares me.

>> No.28614633

None, even Japs are arguing about it.

>> No.28614634
File: 243 KB, 1000x822, 1604254892385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa, the drink that you gave me tasted weird. Also, where's onee-chan? I can't find her anywhere

>> No.28614635

Stop being retarded anon

>> No.28614638

Did you ever read any girly stuff? Japanese is made for misunderstandings.

>> No.28614639


>> No.28614640
File: 365 KB, 1448x2048, 1604290469981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614676

not that guy but leave my oshi's pathological need for validation out of this

>> No.28614642

Towa is so mean to her family...

>> No.28614643

That's not blogposting, anonchama. Do your mental exercise reps.

>> No.28614647

t. Mori?

>> No.28614646

Towa is bullying kenzoku, devilish.

>> No.28614648

Yes. needs to have a knife hidden somewhere

>> No.28614649
Quoted by: >>28614701

What with all sudden talk about Luna?

>> No.28614651
File: 25 KB, 277x305, 1575199518429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijisanji is so fucking big, every nijishit have their own nijis they 'care' about and 'don't care' about the rest of them. the ones they 'don't care' about is an easy target to scapegoat and whitewash ichikara. this is some fucked up mentality, but it is what it is

this is the main difference between hololive and nijisanji for me, nijisanji is just a bunch of random normgroid streamers with your typical office workplace drama, backstabbing, bullying, and careerism, and hololive being a united community where holos' success is not dependent on someone's else failure in the company

in return, it created a better fan community that can unite to support a talent in need. just look at coco's return, this wouldn't have been possible without fans putting holos first before 'cover's reputation'. look at towa, she got the most loyal fan base and even began to regain JOPs now. 'muh EOP hell'. even aloe had a massive following ready to support her at her return so not a single nijishit would be noticeable in chat, sadly she chose not to stream. you will never see anything like this in nijisanji

>> No.28614654

for western standards, i can assure you they have like any other japanese company

>> No.28614655

Yes we're both being wine aunts making shitty observations

>> No.28614661

I'll stand by my reasoning of
>Luna somehow interacted with a liar recently
>Rants about it on Twitter
>Yeah these shits were in my previous workplace as well
Niji is a black company and that's that

>> No.28614662

Is that a s-shark in m-my /hlg/?
Time to buy another ad.

>> No.28614664

I know, just posting the deepl version since no one has so far.

>> No.28614665

anon can only dream, it will probably never happen

>> No.28614670


>> No.28614673

Luna.. don't look

>> No.28614675
File: 356 KB, 1000x1000, 1603201158101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa sama....

>> No.28614674

>tfw no smooth voiced okayu gf that laughs at your dumb jokes

Life is suffering

>> No.28614676

She's crying again in her members post why aren't you saving her?

>> No.28614678

Slightly surprised that people take MTLs seriously in /jp/ of all places and don't get laughed out of the thread.

>> No.28614679
Quoted by: >>28614719

It's not pointless, I don't see most of that shit anymore and there's not a fucking automatic -20 image limit on every thread. Just because the weeds grow back doesn't mean they should stop whacking them.

>> No.28614683
File: 90 KB, 483x387, towawa nenene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614700


>> No.28614684
Quoted by: >>28615186

Can you even remember the last time that 5ch wasn't retarded?

>> No.28614685

I hope Pekora does watchalongs of those english cartoons for children she's watching for her english studies.

>> No.28614686


>> No.28614687
Quoted by: >>28614759

Stop shitposting using Polka and Miko you niggers.

>> No.28614690

The reason for all the shit happened to them is because they're spoiling their talents too much.

>> No.28614691

towa's a bitch

>> No.28614692
File: 221 KB, 1600x1600, 1598018869480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614709

>> No.28614693
File: 172 KB, 343x321, 1603043406570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to add on this, this is the real 匠

>> No.28614695

holy shit a based ayamekek

>> No.28614696

Flare isn't autistic not even close, she is pretty weird tho

>> No.28614698

honestly I don't think they have it that bad, we would have seen some graduations by now if so. also yagoo letting himself get memed by the audience and girls is typically a good sign things are laid back.

>> No.28614700


>> No.28614701

She made a cryptic Tweet about bullying again

>> No.28614703

>twap (organiser)
Who would fill the last three slots for the best ever Holo Among Us collab?

>> No.28614704

Remember that this thread is filled with false flagging chinks, nijiniggers, unironic shitposters and tourists so very little of what is said here should be taken seriously.

>> No.28614707

>words words words words words
Put the name back on attention whore

>> No.28614709
File: 141 KB, 359x359, 1597758647422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614711

I think the other narrative, that she's talking about how she was also bullied in reference to the girl who just got bullied out of niji, is more likely, but I'm n1000.

>> No.28614712

Man, the whole chink spamming really was a joke and easy to ignore, but that Coco watchalong really made me feel it, watchalongs main appeal are the slow comfy chats to interact with the vtuber, but now that's impossible, will they ever leave Coco alone? Is there really no way to stop them?

>> No.28614713

Twapper is cute!

>> No.28614714

because i don't care about spaghetti eating content.

>> No.28614716

This is only possible because Holo had legit supportive senpai's like Friend. But I have a feeling that Hololive will descend to the same shitty practices by the 17th generation

>> No.28614717
Quoted by: >>28614866

Hololive run by talents not management.

>> No.28614718
File: 550 KB, 433x643, canawitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614744


>> No.28614719

half of the ritualposts now happen in the middle of the thread too

>> No.28614721

I want towa to verbally abuse me for every little mistake I make!

>> No.28614723
Quoted by: >>28614751

Nalich. Shut the fuck up and stop evading my spam filters

>> No.28614724
Quoted by: >>28614808

He's a lawyer, he talks out of his ass for a living. What did you expect?

>> No.28614727
Quoted by: >>28614766


>> No.28614729

If they had a terrible working environment, they would've made Coco do a Tzuyu style apology video

>> No.28614732

Not Korone since she hates those games

Just put in Aqua, Kanata, and Nene

>> No.28614733

You're replying to a n*j*nigger right now.
The fact anyone would say this means they're either drop-dead stupid, or trying to start tribalshit again thinking n*j* is the superior company

>> No.28614734

>were avatarfagging
Sharknigger did that just yesterday.

>> No.28614737


>> No.28614738

Take out Noel and put in Marine

>> No.28614739

Are people still shitposting about how gen 5 has few collabs outside their gen? The only people who seriously think that don't watch any streams at all.

>> No.28614740

Let's settle this hlg. Serious question (fags will shit up the answers anyway). What do you think about the shark and why?

>> No.28614742

Towa's doing that thing again

>> No.28614743

still manages to be better than /vyt/, which is a anti and grooming thread

>> No.28614744
File: 8 KB, 339x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614767


>> No.28614747


>> No.28614748

i hope not.
but imagine if old gens become the managers themselves. That would be really nice since they could understand the problem.
>inb4 friend starts wearing a-chan costumes in 3D. Someday.

>> No.28614749
Quoted by: >>28614773

Mori Calliope

>> No.28614750

Could you make it pass border-guard Pekora?

>> No.28614751

i'm not a fucking namefag, retards

>> No.28614755

Isn't she talking about it because she"s seeing the shitshow happening at niji and decided to weigh in

>> No.28614756
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1600267649527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614846

the meido forgot out about it, and now you just triggered him again

>> No.28614758

that's a girls tweet, moreover in japanese, of course no one understands it

>> No.28614759
File: 428 KB, 700x990, 8124A234-D8DA-4AD1-91FF-6D18E5F0E87E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out! Anon mad that his Oshi’s are shit.

>> No.28614760
Quoted by: >>28614859

>I have her personal social media
Do you just mean her Facebook or is there more?

>> No.28614765

Wrong thread, nijinigger

>> No.28614766
File: 299 KB, 1008x1213, 739924F4-F072-4164-991E-B7C5EE8F1E97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614791

I’m not sure how Sora can pull an impostor off. Even in her show she played as a level-headed Christmas Cake office lady

>> No.28614767
File: 114 KB, 1024x1024, 1603014884246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614777


>> No.28614769
Quoted by: >>28614830

Cute but boring, only really good to fall asleep to.

>> No.28614772

temma tweeted that he feels pretty unhealthy because he has lost weight for almost 4 kilograms in 4 days.
temmabro...this has nothing to do with his 2-day break, isn't it? Damn I feel like I want to donate some stars actual foods.

>> No.28614773
Quoted by: >>28614877

Kiara and Mori didn't have presence in the previous among us collab though

>> No.28614774

>a good post attached to an Ayame image
I'm positively floored.

>> No.28614775


>> No.28614777
File: 17 KB, 340x52, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614804

She's still going, cute!

>> No.28614779

towa's voice...

>> No.28614780
File: 3.03 MB, 1448x2048, 1593202506678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615751

>> No.28614781
File: 790 KB, 1000x1000, 1604082154601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's just anxious about the Towa collab

>> No.28614782
File: 148 KB, 347x183, 1594012930627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me source image of this or I will report this thread.

>> No.28614784

I just asked who's connected to who, not dox. I get the feeling you will never say anything because I have never seen half of the things you claim.

>> No.28614785
Quoted by: >>28614941

>4kilos in 4 days
What the fuck does he have the rona?

>> No.28614786
File: 383 KB, 1157x1046, 1569829148643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that was what family's wanted

>> No.28614787

Probably resting because she's anaemic.

>> No.28614788

Her voice sounds too bratty for me and not in a good way. The only time I'd watch her is for the karaoke stream.

>> No.28614789


>> No.28614790
File: 288 KB, 1000x822, aloe imouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614816

hey Onii-chan, I need a check up from Doctor Dick!

>> No.28614791

She's been doing her stealth reps in minecraft.

>> No.28614792

Sexy voice princess.

>> No.28614793

Noel is weird, like just straight up a weird person not in any bad way there's just a certain eery feeling about her present in both Noel and her roommate, a lot of people joke around other holos being weird people but Noel is the one who genuinely strikes me as weird. i guess it's part of her charm

>> No.28614798

Luckily the chuubas have creative control over their content. Don't want management putting them on a lease.

>> No.28614799
Quoted by: >>28614941

>4 kg in 4 days

>> No.28614801

Boring as fuck run of the mill streamer

>> No.28614802
Quoted by: >>28614820

Why do I find Towa's voice and speech patterns so sexy?

>> No.28614804
File: 519 KB, 1200x1334, 1588797573098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28614911

I'm too autistic to join in...
but still, cute!

>> No.28614808

Go back to /vyt/.

>> No.28614811
File: 189 KB, 2048x1450, ElztOqMU8AAvc-D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See this.What do?

>> No.28614812

I lost 30kg in less than a month before I was diagnosed with Grave's. Could be something like that.

>> No.28614814

she's fun enough to watch, but has an absolutely insufferable fanbase

>> No.28614815

>Luna tweet out about bullying and pathological liar
>right after yesterday event where Lunaitos lying about being chad after they get exposed for being twigs and get bullied by the thread

Bros...could it be..?

>> No.28614816
Quoted by: >>28614841


>> No.28614820

Her voice is sex.

>> No.28614822
File: 378 KB, 800x800, allyouneed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover her with a blanket and go to sleep on the floor next to her

>> No.28614823

4 kilograms in 4 days? That's a dead man I've ever seen any, drop him an akasupa so his family can buy him a sick coffin

>> No.28614825

The only stream of her I've watched is her karaoke stream and their holoJP minecraft server visit, and all I can say is she's fine but I'm not really that interested in her. Would still choose any holoJP over any of the holoENs.

>> No.28614826


>> No.28614828

take my meds

>> No.28614827

Towa's real voice is slipping, nice

>> No.28614830

This >>28614769

>> No.28614831
Quoted by: >>28614886

Lucky you didn't find yourself in the grave at that rate.

>> No.28614832

This makes the most sense.

>> No.28614833


>> No.28614834

I just think she's cute, her design and voice are really compliment each other.
But I'm just as loss as anyone about how her number rises so quickly.

>> No.28614838

sniff her toes

>> No.28614839


>> No.28614841

based, i love that song, lol

>> No.28614842

You can't say that Towa!

>> No.28614843
File: 440 KB, 719x719, 1589582609495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614845

I hate her fans and numberfags here, I don't really care about her personally.

>> No.28614846

Even then, someone them weren't deleted. Is he using a script?

>> No.28614852

Cute but she is just like any western girl streamer. Boring

>> No.28614855

>a sick coffin

>> No.28614859
Quoted by: >>28615007

She doesnt have facebook, but you can find her face in facebook anyways. Im not gonna say anything more than this.

>> No.28614861

I don't really care about her, she doesn't seem to have anything special and there's too many JP holos to keep up with

>> No.28614862
File: 781 KB, 713x3969, 1604273235539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did none of the girls did a "horror special" or something of the sort? It would had been cool to see the girls reading horror stories.

>> No.28614864

Kenzoku with the choke.

>> No.28614866
Quoted by: >>28614966

Perhaps by western standards it's mediocre but pretty standard for Japan I'd imagine. The thing I respect about Cover (like >>28614717 said) and Ayamefriend waxed poetic about is that they seem to prioritize and care about supporting their individual talents/giving them a degree of creative control and helping them work towards that vision instead of shitting out 50 chuubas every few months and letting them fend for themselves until a breadwinner is found.

On the other hand though, this is why we have shit like the permissions saga/Holocaust, Mel's manager, and to some extent, some parts of the Taiwan incident: when it comes to supporting the talents in any kind of traditional/corporate bureaucratic way, they stick their foot in their mouth par excellence

>> No.28614867
Quoted by: >>28615074

>Cute design
>Can sing nicely. Not the best but up there with some heavy hitters
>Shit game choice
>Boring as shit
>Her fanbase is the worst out of all of the holos

>> No.28614868

Lunaitos disappointed their princess.

>> No.28614869

Cute design
Boring streamer
Hate the fanbase

>> No.28614870

not very interesting to me as a streamer but i don't have any reason to dislike her

>> No.28614872

cute design and bratty voice, terrible at games and seems awkward in collabs, but she's trying to find her groove
didn't deserve the 1m subs she got, but she will get better with experience and time I guess
overblown hatred towards her

>> No.28614875


>> No.28614877

Mori had presence in the wrong way. Kiara's role was unnecessary. Gura fucking disappeared. Ina didn't say anything. Did Ame do anything? Probably not. God, why does EN even exist? Polka hard carried that entire clusterfuck.

>> No.28614880

you are totally right and we don't even know if she's talking about someone in hololive or not and thus japs are making some speculations

>> No.28614881
File: 2.32 MB, 524x570, 1602666381503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the current narrative is that someone bullied her about lunaitos

>> No.28614883

Shark is okay, can be great or excellent at times
c*umniggers are somehow bottom of the barrel tier fans and pulls in a lot of number guys and other retards

>> No.28614886
Quoted by: >>28614956

I was getting really worried about it. Could barely keep myself awake and barely had any strength.

>> No.28614888

Very normal as far as a holo go. Unsure of her growth and hate her fanbase immensely.

>> No.28614890
Quoted by: >>28615083

It's seriously affecting her streaming capabilities and even her health apparently.

If anything happens to her then someone is seriously going to pay.

>> No.28614891

Take phone and post yab with her account as a prank

>> No.28614893
File: 175 KB, 386x363, 1596152654054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614895

Women crying has no effect on me and trying to be a savior is the most retarded thing a guy can do

>> No.28614897
File: 513 KB, 2048x1024, 1579043503981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614902

Pekoland border control soon bros

>> No.28614903
File: 303 KB, 680x680, 1587442316786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one of them wore a suit of armor (cardboard)
We failed her eurochads (notslavshits)

>> No.28614907


>> No.28614910


>> No.28614911

It's pretty fun kek

>> No.28614914
Quoted by: >>28614931

if Towa's outfit had something like a collar similar to Pekora's shawl that hides her grotesquely thin neck I think she would be much more popular

>> No.28614919
File: 13 KB, 408x257, 1585348614176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614922
File: 260 KB, 1760x1200, ElpoUsnVMAApXbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone talking about Okayu during her supacha thanks stream
>When she was in a real bad spot recently, got a message from Okayu asking if she could make time to hang out or talk
>When she confessed she wasn't doing well Okayu said, "I thought so. I was thinking you might be having a hard time, that's why I called."
>Whenever Korone has a fight with her mom or gets overwhelmed, she has a hard time relying on people, so she starts to isolate and get quiet.
>Every time that happens, Okayu will call her up.
>Never asks "Are you okay?". Instead, casually asks if she's free to go out for a bite or watch some anime.
>Then, while together, when Korone admits she's not doing well or starts to get upset, will give her a hug and say "That must have been rough, huh?"

God it's so warm.

>> No.28614921

She's fine i guess, I watched the Among Us collab and she was quite entertaining but still not following, if she did any other collab with JP I would watch them all for sure.

>> No.28614925
Quoted by: >>28614938

newfag here.

Can anyone elighten me what happened in the event called "Christmas miracle" and why is it significant?

>> No.28614926
Quoted by: >>28615036

Shion, Choco, Watame

>> No.28614928
Quoted by: >>28615038

Theres a limit to shitposting, anon

>> No.28614929

I already don't get the first one

>> No.28614930


>> No.28614931

please don't bully my lampshade

>> No.28614933
Quoted by: >>28614958

>noel car

>> No.28614934


Oh, more Terraria.

>> No.28614935

Nijis have Maimoto and Shiina but it seems Ichikara makes sure that their talents don't have too much pull when it comes to them vs the company

>> No.28614936


>> No.28614938

ask in the niji thread

>> No.28614941

>check his roommate's twitter
>It's true
oh no...

>> No.28614945

She is not that bad but nothing special
Her fanbase is absolutely terrible

>> No.28614946

okayish streamer, has a lot of room to improve.
don't get the hate towards her tbqh. I do get why ch*mbuds get shat on sight tho.

>> No.28614947

Towa is cutest when she is getting bullied!

>> No.28614948


>> No.28614950

I'm going with this narrative.

>> No.28614952
File: 2.14 MB, 1873x1873, ripdeskkun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614953

Towa with the classic choke

>> No.28614955
Quoted by: >>28615130

The problem with that narrative is that the (imo) biggest black mark against Cover recently, Aloe, is apparently all kinda on Aloe's insistence on managing the situation herself and doing it shittily. She forced them to suspend her, which emboldened her antis, and then she got bullied until she quit. She wasn't thrown under a bus like it seemed.
Also, chubas who came from actual black companies probably wouldn't be so quick to sign up with another. Polka came from upd8 and is in her 30s, she's not retarded and she could've just as easily gone to Nijisanji.

>> No.28614956
Quoted by: >>28614987

Oh shit, I just looked it up.
Hope you're doing better now anon.
I also want to say I told you so to the anon above who was calling out the blog posting in /hlgg/

>> No.28614957

You would be wiered if your life revolved only around streaming

>> No.28614958
File: 586 KB, 1000x667, 1601408217333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614963 [SPOILER] 
File: 610 KB, 875x974, 1604309687884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Luna does a stream that shows what her audience is like
>they're all losers that look like twink virgins
>Luna checks her discord DMs
>sees this girl pop up with a new message notification attached

>> No.28614964
Quoted by: >>28614993

Fuck I missed this, timestamp?

>> No.28614965

Elfriends, how does it make you feel knowing that your oshi's only defining trait is being a lesbian?

>> No.28614966

I spoke about this at the height of the chink drama. Cover is a good company compared to its contemporaries, what they lack is adequate public relations staff and training, there's also the typical jap autism in management but that's all.i know of that fucks them. The PR thing needs to be addressed soon because they're growing into a real player in the industry and they can't leave these girls without the resources (staff or training) to handle situations and neither can they coast by on shitty corporate pr.
>t. Final year corporate communications student

>> No.28614967

i fucking love this bitch

>> No.28614969

I wish I was into fat chicks so I could dream of marrying Okayu. Architectchads really are onto something.

>> No.28614972
Quoted by: >>28615333

>Whenever Korone has a fight with her mom or gets overwhelmed, she has a hard time relying on people, so she starts to isolate and get quiet.

surely Ko'one must be nearly a millionaire by now, you can't tell me she still lives at home...

>> No.28614975
File: 104 KB, 560x594, 1602690697597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Luna stream for today

>> No.28614976
File: 4 KB, 264x37, sui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosimati suityan

>> No.28614977
Quoted by: >>28614993

Starts at about 40 minutes in.

>> No.28614978

I am behind her, what more should I do?

>> No.28614979
Quoted by: >>28614989

Sorry bro, she's too busy cleaning my cock and asshole with my tongue. I'll tell her to stream 1h of APEX later this week.

>> No.28614980

I can't believe Maimoto got involved in the Meiro incident just for being a kind ojisan. Speaking of Maimoto, it's been some time since an Oozora Family collab, huh?

>> No.28614987

Thanks, am doing much better right now but there are plenty of side effects that turned chronic. Nothing that can be done about it.

>> No.28614988
File: 62 KB, 208x246, 1601786779795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28614989
Quoted by: >>28615011

>with my tongue.

>> No.28614991

100% behind this
all lunaitos should be mocked out of existence

>> No.28614992

I want to see them react to ISIS snuff propaganda. The one with the child soldiers shooting drugged-up captives was kino

>> No.28614993
Quoted by: >>28615028

Meant for

>> No.28614994

Maimoto was supportive, sure, but his advice to Meiro of "just ignore the management lol" wasn't what I'd call exactly helpful.

>> No.28614999
Quoted by: >>28615108

got I hate that fucking romanization

>> No.28615002

What causes a person to take up a corporate communications degree? Is it just the money?

>> No.28615007
Quoted by: >>28615282

She does have a Facebook though. It's private but the friends list is public and she's friends with the people you would expect. If you didn't mean her Facebook then I'm curious what social media you meant

>> No.28615008

I like her. I think she's cute and funny and the streams that I managed to catch are comfy.

>> No.28615011
Quoted by: >>28615559

>imagine not being elastic

>> No.28615012

Like Luna ruining her internet personalties and running away isn't a thing. "but this time she will feel at home with hololive"

>> No.28615013

Rushia... what are you doing...

>> No.28615018

evidently there are companies in need of them

>> No.28615019
File: 378 KB, 949x540, 9751ea2d6110c647db43a660d705a3c8e8c6711c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose this racer

>> No.28615022
File: 48 KB, 600x600, consider the following.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether people are friendly or hostile has everything to do with competitiveness. Niji has way too many talents and is paradoxically declining. That means their employees are frustrated/stressed, and pushed into tribalizing and cannibalizing. Hololive on the other hand is booming, the majority of the girls make absolutely disgusting amounts of money and those on the lower end still easily get by. You can pretty much guarantee that all their talents are over the fucking moon and whatever troubles they have is moreso related to work/life demands than work environment social conflicts. People in their position actively prioritize good relationships because they have way more to lose by being involved with drama/losing collab opportunities than they do by not pushing down potential competition.

>> No.28615023


>> No.28615024
File: 346 KB, 1000x822, luna imouto2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAAAAAAAAA~, Onii-chan, your princess requests that you bring her some Green Tea ice cream, nanora!

>> No.28615025

I don't like the games she plays and her personality is kinda boring. She's cute I guess.

>> No.28615026


>> No.28615028

Thanks, could only watch the second hour live.

>> No.28615029
File: 199 KB, 512x512, 1593783392854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help I can't stop listening


>> No.28615030
Quoted by: >>28615059

I like her design the most before debut, really anticipating HER, but the debut made me cringe, and the first few streams afterwards are boring. So I unsubscribed and never looked back.

>> No.28615032
File: 158 KB, 1199x675, 1575993779185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615260

Damn bro.. time to get it re-wrapped.

>> No.28615033
Quoted by: >>28615077

Maybe it is about kidnap victim? No idea

>> No.28615034
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1603822130706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615036

Now this I can get behind.

>> No.28615037
Quoted by: >>28615104

Can anyone tell me what song Subaru's singing here? https://files.catbox.moe/7n5cde.webm

Also here's Holofes if anyone's bored https://pastebin.com/WFSS2XxY

>> No.28615038


>> No.28615039
Quoted by: >>28615424

hey you posted it again
you forgot your sheep avatar though?

>> No.28615040

yes. some people go into a career because it pays well and doesn't occupy their every waking moment, and then they use that money and free time to do things they actually enjoy.

>> No.28615042

This is the most accurate one.

>> No.28615043
File: 499 KB, 771x653, 1593543157607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lole towe

>> No.28615044


>> No.28615045


>> No.28615047
File: 349 KB, 550x513, 1578066264362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615049


>> No.28615050
File: 18 KB, 402x360, 1603203422076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can people stop doomposting about Luna leaving?

>> No.28615051

imagine getting the shit beaten out of you by Towa

>> No.28615053


>> No.28615052

What did she just get one shot by?

>> No.28615054


>> No.28615055


>> No.28615057

based take, surprising from an ayame poster

>> No.28615059

wait not ambivalent, indifference.

>> No.28615064

>Rushia in shock as she dies

>> No.28615066

She's not for me but I get why people enjoy her. Falseflaggers using her as a mask need a rope though.

>> No.28615069

I don't have to imagine, she's beating me right now.

>> No.28615070


>> No.28615073

I anticipated her the most at the start but I don't find her streams very engaging. If I were to rank the ENs she'd be right in the middle

>> No.28615072

Imagine the sex.

>> No.28615074

>Every time I read "her design is cute/great," I think what they really mean is, "UOOOOOOOHHHHHH CHILD EROTIC"
>She has a great voice, both talking and singing
>Extremely overrated
>C*umbuds/Zawa Runoff are, on an unprecedented level, the worst fanbase in the entirety of hololive
I think that getting turbo carried to 1m subs by the power of memes and repressed lolicon could work to her detriment.
I can tell that she really wants to improve and grow as a streamer, but having this throne as the "NEW FACE OF HOLOLIVE" and "OVERNIGHT" sensation is weighing on her and may guide her to make unwise decisions regarding the trajectory of her career.
Ultimately, I want the best for her, but first I want the FoTM normalfags and ironic weebs still stuck in 2016 to get bored of her and/or realize that she left her past life behind for a reason

>> No.28615075

>the teeth
Nice one

>> No.28615077
Quoted by: >>28615128


>> No.28615076

That complete shutdown.

>> No.28615078

Three blocks, Rushiachama.
Now scream for me.

>> No.28615079

Give it a few days and doomposters will have a new target

>> No.28615081


>> No.28615083
Quoted by: >>28615286

All she needs to do is tone down her strong character and crying on stream and it'll spawn a fuckton of support.
They'll start hunting chinks, takedown the sceipt-hosting site ,report it to youtube, twitter etc.

>> No.28615084

Chaika is cool dude(?) too

>> No.28615086

Luna-chan, your friends came to play. The panda girl and the sunflower girl, like usual. They're waiting for you at the entrance. Have fun!
They must be real tomboys though, you always come back all disheveled. Do you three play sports?

>> No.28615087


>> No.28615088

Subaru has great reactions for this game.
Nene is cool.
Ayame is good at games.

>> No.28615090
File: 196 KB, 365x297, 1603385668366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615098

I still can't figure out if that's a fucking E60 M5 or not

>> No.28615100
File: 198 KB, 339x294, 1575363563970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615103
Quoted by: >>28615165

She does this shit intentionally, right?

>> No.28615104

Kinyoubi no Ohayou

>> No.28615108
Quoted by: >>28615469

It's the prevailing method of spelling among the Japanese. You just have to get used to it. I barely ever see any alternate way of spelling things when they play minecraft.

>> No.28615109

Go bully someone else, dipshit

>> No.28615111

Fuck replied to the wrong post again. Ignore that (You) please, meant for >>28614740

>> No.28615113


That is one lewd Okayu.

>> No.28615112

Here is some bath bombs and a ziplock bag for your phone

>> No.28615115
Quoted by: >>28615126

Cover is hiring English speaking pr managers right now, go send in your resume.

>> No.28615117

Don't really care. Never watched her. I don't like her design and loli in general.

>> No.28615120


>> No.28615119

Isn't this でも though?

>> No.28615121
Quoted by: >>28615249


>> No.28615122


>> No.28615123


>> No.28615124

someone PLEASE teach this nerd hepburn

>> No.28615125
File: 2.32 MB, 1300x1837, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_shishou_doragyurosu__1d84297e5c151aab185bb955346e702b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615276

Its pretty interesting and a good paying field Before rona I was gonna apply for a position within MSC or Maersk

>> No.28615126

and move to Tokyo

>> No.28615128
File: 126 KB, 332x351, 1603893878378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615147

>for kids
>but too hard for me

>> No.28615127


>> No.28615129
File: 83 KB, 827x1110, festival.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Luna ever call her Matsuri-cha senpai again?

>> No.28615130

On the other hand, going by that particular story, Cover wasn't as accommodating of Aloe's request for a longer break as they should've been. They certainly weren't caring enough to allow her to take an indefinite time off to recover, and so they lost her.

>> No.28615132

You're in your late 30s. Grow up

>> No.28615136
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1594311180140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615137

Luna it's almost 4AM. Go to bed nanora

>> No.28615138
Quoted by: >>28615173

she didnt take food with her...

>> No.28615142
Quoted by: >>28615209

>22k watching Rushia

Niji exploded or something? She rarely pulls above 20k.

>> No.28615143
File: 314 KB, 600x600, 84065641_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 63 days since Mano Aloe "graduated"
I'm glad that she's alive but she's definitely not doing ok. I hope everything gets better for her.


>> No.28615144

Imposter Towa...

>> No.28615145
File: 52 KB, 456x477, 1584286311011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts her career off immediately memeing
>oh nyoooo it completely blew up how could I with my past experience not know this would work

>> No.28615147
File: 993 KB, 250x250, 1599912152483.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha retard. Same

>> No.28615148

jesus h christ rushia...

>> No.28615149
File: 71 KB, 640x426, 1589592877973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615150


>> No.28615151
File: 118 KB, 480x480, 1599743730224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the 3 months ago (for us). I hope you can steel yourself because they'll never let go.
Lunaito, fighto!

>> No.28615152

I like her, but I don't know why she's suppressing herself so much. I just don't get the hate for her fans, especially when it's obvious that falseflaggers are just using her to get (you)s.

>> No.28615153

toi toi toi...

>> No.28615155

Don't worry, soon your brain will die and either you won't be listening anymore or you won't be able to notice that you're still listening.

>> No.28615156
Quoted by: >>28615170

Why there 2 Towas

>> No.28615158
File: 442 KB, 563x534, 1594483825899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No after she discovered matuli is a pathological liar

>> No.28615160

Only if you sit at my lap while you read them.

>> No.28615161


I have to wonder how Niji has managed to hold on to Shiina for so long, surely she's aware that she has an open invitation to HoloLive and would probably double her sub count in two weeks if she hopped over.

>> No.28615164

I want to fuck the twins

>> No.28615165

Of course she does. It should be obvious after the RFA stunt she tried to pull with her age.

>> No.28615166


>> No.28615169

>can I have the keys
>ok I drove the car into a tree. can I have infinity time to recover
>ugh black company

>> No.28615170


>> No.28615171

Is Rushia fucked

>> No.28615172

But muh merch......

>> No.28615173

>oh no my wife Rushia is having a rough time in minecraft, I must immediately send her a superchat or her whole day will be ruined
Rushia is the smartest holo.

>> No.28615176
Quoted by: >>28615195

Rushia's going to die before she gets her items back, isn't she

>> No.28615180

I want to fuck the twins sharing one body

>> No.28615181


>> No.28615182
File: 120 KB, 714x1200, 1586342674471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615183 [SPOILER] 
File: 431 KB, 1200x1200, 1604310293107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615186
Quoted by: >>28615693

That time they doxxed the bilibili translator that turns out to be a foreign student living in Chiba.

>> No.28615188

What is with holos and getting over it? Is it that popular in Japan?

>> No.28615190

Corporate PR is booming as everything business is connected to the social media. Not only memes and social engineering, but political tension when you get backlashes from countries you don't even do business with.

>> No.28615194

>The state of Rushia

>> No.28615195


>> No.28615196

Rushia screech

>> No.28615201

It only takes explosive diarrhea to reach those numbers.

So hold your horses

>> No.28615202
File: 201 KB, 463x453, 1582989515645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615357

Why does Towa do that weird fake joker laugh anyway

>> No.28615203

>dying for the 3rd time today

>> No.28615204


>> No.28615205

Imagine Luna dropping all honorifics and calling her Matsuri
God that's hot

>> No.28615207

Rage game brings in views.

>> No.28615209

one of the holos benefiting from the minecraft buff

>> No.28615210
File: 242 KB, 855x339, stamps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615326


>> No.28615212


>> No.28615213
File: 519 KB, 517x515, hc8348928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright fuckers I recorded something for you all in front of my family I hope you like it


Fuck the police

>> No.28615214
File: 867 KB, 1076x609, towdraw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615220

Goddommot twoppy please schedule your streams I missed 40 minutes of it.

>> No.28615215


>> No.28615217

Can you, in Royal?

>> No.28615220

true Towa fags are always ready for the guerilla

>> No.28615221
File: 176 KB, 502x503, 1600932753885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615240

>only streams are 3 retards

>> No.28615225
File: 32 KB, 273x332, 1600916850476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peko's going to get the gun in this stream
This stream is going to be legendary.

>> No.28615226


>> No.28615227


>> No.28615228

same except https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrbMV64PmPU

>> No.28615230
File: 159 KB, 492x588, 1603747258041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615477


>> No.28615232

that sounded like genuine anger

>> No.28615233

To be fair, it wasn't his first time with Niji's shitty management, so he probably thought it was obvious to just ignore petty shit.

>> No.28615238


>> No.28615239


>> No.28615240

But I don't see Nene streaming?

>> No.28615242

Rushia... why are you fiddling with your inventory when you know there's a creeper about

>> No.28615244

oh my fucking god

>> No.28615245

Lots of screaming and huffing. It is also a "hard game" so lots of SCs if you complete your goal.

>> No.28615246

holy fuck rushia

>> No.28615249

Because, I dunno, you can't "just ignore" your superiors, especially when they're threatening you with collab bans and shit?

>> No.28615250


>> No.28615251


>> No.28615252

Rushia... you should have just slept...

>> No.28615253

>rushia dying for the 4th time

>> No.28615254
File: 16 KB, 387x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I just asked my Japanese female friend and things aren't looking good for hololive...

>> No.28615255
Quoted by: >>28615324

That's an F06 6 series Gran Coupe

>> No.28615256

Fucking hell Rushia. I can't take it. I can't. I'm crying

>> No.28615257

Pain nanodesu...

>> No.28615260
File: 3.64 MB, 2304x1728, 9e584858b12a6b3f5d19ad89131e88db3153d824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615416

no thanks

>> No.28615259
File: 87 KB, 488x214, narrativebros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615383

narrative bros????

>> No.28615258


>> No.28615261
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1604260067920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615302


>> No.28615265

Nene isn't a retard she is a dork.

>> No.28615266

YAGOO btfo

>> No.28615269
File: 38 KB, 679x274, 1596324576786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615274


>> No.28615275
File: 100 KB, 225x225, 1603881652499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a second
i need to process this

>> No.28615276

I always see their shipping crates on the trains here in New Zealand, alongside Hamburg Süd.

>> No.28615279
File: 226 KB, 2284x1856, Towa Bibi sleepy @RadioNEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I need sleep.

>> No.28615277

Homoshart hands typed this sentence

>> No.28615282
Quoted by: >>28615413

Anon I try to keep my daughter safe as possible. atleast let her back to jp first then we can talk abour this.

>> No.28615283
File: 89 KB, 877x1024, Q9SmZWB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this data accurate?
It says 40% of Korone viewers are14-17 years old.

>> No.28615286

Fair enough. If one needs help they have to ask first.

Coco is internalizing this harassment too much.

>> No.28615287

I know, my father is a nintendo CEO

>> No.28615289

Shiina probably wants to keep collabing with dudes. Can't really do that in hololive without the idolfags getting on your case. You can see with Polka not interacting with males despite doing so a lot as nobuhime.

>> No.28615288

Towa hates YAGOO.

>> No.28615295
Quoted by: >>28615330

Why does everyone here love towa
She is a dork

>> No.28615296

>Yahtzee on first round
Holy shit

>> No.28615297

Hi Moebro

>> No.28615298
File: 1.50 MB, 471x479, 1579850087161.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615325


>> No.28615299

Oh yeah if the Narukami leak is true Cover were absolute cunts to a 18 year old depressed and scared girl that wanted to keep her job

>> No.28615300

True Towa fans are making breakfast while she talks with her bull

Aloe Love

>> No.28615302
File: 118 KB, 300x316, 1604048076393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615303

there's a strange person in her pocket!

>> No.28615304
File: 329 KB, 1920x1080, Elq2izzU8AE1B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them so much.

>> No.28615305

>pocket Sio
She's really dead isn't she...

>> No.28615307


>> No.28615314

what the fack

>> No.28615315


>> No.28615316

Why would Shiina want to be in the same company as Korone given their history?

>> No.28615318

haha funny dog goes yubi yubi

>> No.28615319
Quoted by: >>28615347

I wish a better holo girl played it and not the worst fucking bitch.

>> No.28615324

Oh, I forgot about those. And here I was thinking it was some esoteric 1M kit on a E60. Thanx, now I won't be pissed when I see that car.

>> No.28615325
Quoted by: >>28615500

>i would really prefer if you'd be quiet

>> No.28615326
File: 895 KB, 480x270, sexualanon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant job Anon

>> No.28615328
File: 825 KB, 800x900, 1289471158909512508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.28615329
File: 58 KB, 463x453, 1603698681103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there aren't enough layers of hell to handle this one

>> No.28615330

>Why does everyone here love towa
>She is a dork
you just posted why

>> No.28615332

Is Watame the only Holo that posts compilation clips on her channel every week? Don't really see other ones popping in my feed, although I'm only subbed to like 50% of the holos

>> No.28615333

Caring for your parents is a must as a Japanese

>> No.28615337

Sounds right, a bunch of underage epos and sops who watch her because cute wan wan videogame. Not everyone can appreciate the thinking man's holo Polka.

>> No.28615338

Oh nonononono, it's because of Lunaitos after all.

>> No.28615346


>> No.28615347

Would have been a good excuse to force some collabs too, but instead she's just going to play it solo and drop it without having killed a single boss.

>> No.28615348
Quoted by: >>28615366

Luna loves big buff guys, not twinks. She was very disappointed.

>> No.28615350
Quoted by: >>28615387

Here's my passport, Mrs. Usada
[1 free lapdance]

>> No.28615351
File: 486 KB, 500x484, 1575758313074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615384

>> No.28615354

pekora did too, last time she made joseph's documentary

>> No.28615357

She lives in a society.

>> No.28615358

In her defense, didn't all of the EN talents start off memeing?

There is no way in hell that a lowercase a was ever actually funny, dope, based, or superlit, and there's no way in hell that she expected people to flip their shit at it the way they did though that could also just be me projecting my dreams of punished Zawa having to build her empire from scratch the slow way and becoming a better streamer for it

She very much seems like she just has that natural "it-factor" that attracts people to her regardless of what she does

>> No.28615360
File: 431 KB, 872x496, 1604278372843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615361

The nationality breakdown is right there and you'll see that it's mostly Japanese

>> No.28615363
File: 278 KB, 2048x1448, Elzx_yzU0AIQqcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615365


pecor doesn't even have a category for her viewers...

>> No.28615366
Quoted by: >>28615380

Someone post the haato fan who was shredded

>> No.28615369

guys I just talked to my Japanese female friend that is also Himemori Luna and she said "Anon is faggot nnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

>> No.28615371

If shit escalated she'd be in the right

>> No.28615372


>> No.28615374

Keep Polka off your shitposts
fucking nigger

>> No.28615375

Nips don't exactly have a good perception of people quitting for a better job. Also, considering she was a part of the Nijisanji resistance, if she quits, that is a pretty bad sign that something is happening within that even she wouldn't stand, so Niji must be treating her well enough.

>> No.28615377
File: 33 KB, 408x448, 1603725755667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615378

Does anyone know the background music on Rushia's stream? Been trying the links on her description with no luck.

>> No.28615380
Quoted by: >>28615407

that was a Towafag..

>> No.28615383

>Chinks had a meltdown when Aqua unfollowed the artist who made subtle Coco death threats in their Aqua fanart
Please deliver the finishing blow with a Terraria collab, onion.

>> No.28615384
File: 412 KB, 457x544, 1589808432322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615386

[X] Detain

>> No.28615387

>sex: female
Yeah I'm gonna need you to strip down-peko

>> No.28615389
File: 354 KB, 444x444, 14523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615390
File: 605 KB, 400x222, 1313996001569.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615393
File: 2.05 MB, 193x191, existentialagony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.28615396

she doesn't care as much as you think she does.

>> No.28615399



>> No.28615401


>> No.28615402

Mamamachi, your daughter reps...

>> No.28615403

A killing blow would be an AkuCoco 3D collab

>> No.28615406


>> No.28615407

Nah there was one wearing Haato's little mascot over his head

>> No.28615408

pretty sure shark expressed wanting/expecting a smaller fan base at some point. I almost feel bad except she seems like she's having fun so far.

>> No.28615413

Understandable, this isn't a good place to talk about that stuff and I love her too. Can you name the website your referring to at least?

>> No.28615414
Quoted by: >>28615542

Nijisanji management seem to have way more say over their talents compared to Hololive management

>> No.28615415

but if she likes it she will force it on others

>> No.28615416
Quoted by: >>28615431

nice wrap but those wheels are sad

>> No.28615417

I don't know either, but it bangs

>> No.28615419


>> No.28615421

She's vastly more engaging and talented than most JPs and as a kicker I can actually understand what she's saying without having to watch clips like everyone ITT.

>> No.28615424

How do we save Polka?

>> No.28615425

No they all did pretty normal first posts in comparison she was the outlier
Then she doubled down on it with the cowboy meme scream song thumbnail in her debut video and the first thing she said in her stream was the post
She knew what she was doing and I feel 0 pity for her if she feels like shit about it

>> No.28615426

[x] scan

>> No.28615427

which Holo would be unironically putting their life at risk by collabing with a m*le?

>> No.28615431

he spent all his money on the itasha

>> No.28615432
File: 115 KB, 1468x1008, 1601614577303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615433

Astelbro pls

>> No.28615436
File: 31 KB, 227x222, painpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615442


>> No.28615443
File: 60 KB, 215x245, 1598550857289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28615444

Towa is brutal.

>> No.28615445
File: 133 KB, 265x349, 1573693963822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615447
File: 428 KB, 750x750, 1603807513460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615448


>> No.28615450
Quoted by: >>28615466

Towa has a gambling problem

>> No.28615451

she's been bullied in her school days (probably cause being fat), has no friends, and spend her times streaming on internet since middle school because she feel lonely

>> No.28615452
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1603839757287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate chad

>> No.28615454

Kino keep up the good work

>> No.28615455

good god, thanks.

>> No.28615458

Is Towa unironically playing with Yagoo in this game?

>> No.28615459

Does anybody know the source for Polka's ending BGM? The one where she's singing over it.

>> No.28615461

Miko because it's riskier to collab with Coco than a m*le

>> No.28615462
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1603887996305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in front of my family

>> No.28615464
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1603869678662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615466

She should've learned from watching Fubuki...

>> No.28615467

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rdh_zfQhOio Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gA-R4CdRaaU Haato

>> No.28615468

Devil's luck...

>> No.28615469
Quoted by: >>28615496

My issue with it is that they do switch between the standards pretty often. Like Nene is usually SUPERNENECHI but she and the others still occasionally spells it neneti in minecraft. I've also seen both Tsunomaki and Tunomaki on official stuff.

>> No.28615470


>> No.28615475
Quoted by: >>28615597


>> No.28615476

put me in the facebook screencap

>> No.28615477

>"appear to be female"
>Thumbnail is Aikawa
I... I kneel

>> No.28615480
File: 248 KB, 463x453, 1603285359717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615483
Quoted by: >>28615490


>> No.28615484

Smug Towa
I wish she'd step on me.

>> No.28615486

Fuck off will ya?

>> No.28615490


>> No.28615492


>> No.28615495

I didn't know basedball season came early.

>> No.28615496

Honestly, I also occasionally type it like that when I'm using IME because "tu" is two keypresses while "tsu" is three. It saves time.

>> No.28615497
File: 47 KB, 168x187, 1600535912353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615498
File: 2.88 MB, 1280x720, 1603605595979.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28615500
Quoted by: >>28615520

Wow thanks /v/ tourist for spelling out the obvious joke made with a /v/ reaction image.

>> No.28615507

The funny thing is Haachama is crazy enough to actually feature this on her vedeo contest

>> No.28615508
File: 2 KB, 177x72, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this shit.

>> No.28615510

smug Towa is too cute...

>> No.28615512


>> No.28615519


>> No.28615520 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 247x204, 1579792311384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615521

Honestly the hobby-holos like Ayame are living proof that the Holo environment can't possibly be all that strenuous. There might be a certain amount of pressure on the newbies in particular to grow their channel and establish themselves as proper talents in the company, but considering the amount of money they stand to make and how few talents there are total that much is the bare minimum that should be required. It almost seems like anyone over like 400k subs does whatever the fuck they want.

Mio's treatment, Miko's treatment, Aqua's treatment, Coco's treatment, hell even Towa getting a bunch of collabs lately despite her history of drama and menhera-ism show that Hololive really is a very inwardly protective environment. If anything the main issue a workspace like Hololive has to worry about isn't employee conniving, it's getting burdened by underperforming leeches. Fubuki going from the #1 holo to dedicated mess-cleaner for when less popular holos screw up is really telling about how the company operates.

>> No.28615522

Man the dumbass noises Towa makes.

>> No.28615528
File: 54 KB, 676x676, 1588353165242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow we're reaching /v/ levels never seen before.

>> No.28615531


>> No.28615533

2 sentences or less

>> No.28615535
File: 89 KB, 875x754, What.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did i just witness

>> No.28615537

My Pecker tab has finally come to life...

>> No.28615538
File: 221 KB, 1645x935, 05FE00ED-5C46-4689-98F5-8F310BDF6C7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Sora, liking to do things for fun


>> No.28615539
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1601393173755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But why?

>> No.28615540
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1596284540473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get home
>Towa is ending her stream

>> No.28615542

See here's the difference between Ichikara and Cover. For better or worse Cover is the more genuine feeling company because they let their talents do what they want

>> No.28615543

>it's been about 60 minutes, let's end it here.

>> No.28615544


>> No.28615547

She's still here.

>> No.28615549
File: 220 KB, 1135x1258, winku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615550

You're just in time for her after-stream zatsudan.

>> No.28615551

cover good, ichikara bad

>> No.28615554

Why are Haatons like this?

>> No.28615555

I'm glad she's finally interacting with her colleagues.

>> No.28615556
File: 316 KB, 415x420, 1594151297249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(bun bun cha x N)

Everyone's long awaited, PEKO RAP!
Are the preparations done? HURRY UP!

Finally made the 3D appearance,
go ahead with the self introduction!

th' Name is Usada Pekora peko!
Feels lonely easily and ET CETERA.

A BUNNY GIRL whose a entertainer?
The spirit as an IDOL!

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!
From now on as well let's carve Pekora STORY―!

(bun bun cha x N)

>> No.28615558

Nobody has as good an intro as Peko

>> No.28615559

Luffy posts on /hlg/?!

>> No.28615560


>> No.28615562
File: 164 KB, 291x282, 1597773551616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'm gonna go straight to hell just by listening to this

>> No.28615565
File: 666 KB, 800x640, ぺこちゃん寝る.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615584


>> No.28615568
File: 308 KB, 1351x2048, 85165123_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615571
File: 372 KB, 726x419, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I forgot about Towa's stream because I was grinding Accent Core +R

>> No.28615574

why is she still wearing iron armors? did she not know how to mine diamonds?

>> No.28615576

Cover doesn't want to get into an open war with nijisanji. If cover suddenly wanted to hire a niji talent, none of the girls would say no, it's literally free subs and money

>> No.28615578


>> No.28615579
File: 433 KB, 872x496, 1604310749638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615704

>> No.28615580

Ayame is a lazy cunt
∴ Hololive is a hugbox where you don't have to put in any effort

>> No.28615581
File: 790 KB, 1500x1000, Hollow Life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another episode of /v/ermin spamming on a single shitpost for le ebin redditgold screenshot collage

>> No.28615582

I found this, but I don't think it's the original source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoKtP1P-np8&t=9s

>> No.28615583

Hololive is literally too rich for their employees to be unhappy.

>> No.28615584

anon.. your katakana reps

>> No.28615588
Quoted by: >>28615614

chammers does, hers and pekos are cream of the crop.

>> No.28615591


>> No.28615595
File: 45 KB, 511x286, 1437405510499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615597
File: 150 KB, 600x1920, Ea8TVOJVcAA9AWm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ecchi sketchy amanekanatachi!

>> No.28615598
Quoted by: >>28615617

Pekkers.. your voice

>> No.28615603
Quoted by: >>28615617

Peko your throat....

>> No.28615605
Quoted by: >>28615617

your voice peko...

>> No.28615607


>> No.28615608

she's the mesugaki that people think shion is.

>> No.28615609

shut up nerd

>> No.28615610
File: 258 KB, 1280x1440, 1603730521867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-thanks i guess

>> No.28615612

I will save this image. Is that ok?

>> No.28615614
File: 94 KB, 850x601, 1603131091235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chamas was made by a fan right?

>> No.28615617

I can't tell if it's worse or the same as last stream...

>> No.28615618
File: 834 KB, 1000x933, 1600984586259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haatons will pay

>> No.28615620
File: 685 KB, 2560x1924, 85241078_p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615623

>moona is not a mod

>> No.28615625

>saying Hey moona when she isn't even there.

>> No.28615626
File: 133 KB, 303x340, 24728285646289677837382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28615627


>> No.28615628
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1604252686020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615629


>> No.28615630

>Moona just got mod status

>> No.28615631


>> No.28615633

>Complains about /v/
>Post shitty unrelated reddit comic

Look at the mirror.

>> No.28615634


>> No.28615636


Shark has the distinction of clearing the very low bar of being the EN vtuber community's most entertaining. She's not good enough to for me actively watch while she streams but not shit enough for me to turn off her stream. Shark's good background noise when you're doing something else.

>> No.28615637
File: 215 KB, 331x354, 1601627547772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate you people.

>> No.28615640
File: 60 KB, 535x560, 1601721545565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize this voice, It's the same fucker who did a voocaro of his voice from deep pitch to high pitch.

>> No.28615641

add me on a 90 degree angle for the reddit screencap thanks

>> No.28615643


>> No.28615644

Me on the right

>> No.28615645

I might be able to fap to this

>> No.28615646
File: 909 KB, 2896x4096, 1603484600228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615648


>> No.28615649
Quoted by: >>28615675

Nijis can't even accuse Hololive of being racist since the Moona saga exists.

>> No.28615651

>over 400k subs
Hell, even the ones under 400k subs do whatever they fucking want anyway. See: Flare, Choco, Mel, Aki.

>> No.28615652


>> No.28615653

Peckers, you might need a little break.

>> No.28615655
File: 40 KB, 712x375, 1600270528523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No minecraft so she has to leech somehow

>> No.28615661
Quoted by: >>28615671

What happened with Ume-tentei?

>> No.28615662
File: 835 KB, 498x280, since when were you under the impression that this is animated.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a wild moona appears

>> No.28615663

Fucking fuck

>> No.28615664
Quoted by: >>28615683

wait what is she saying about aoki ume?

>> No.28615671

Ume-tentei is drawing the illustration for Pekora's alcohol collab.

>> No.28615673
File: 353 KB, 872x496, 3578345346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615704


>> No.28615672
File: 557 KB, 478x581, 1584922051844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615675

Is this going to be the response to the "she really has it all" pasta?

>> No.28615677
File: 43 KB, 177x198, 1601874658000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28615680
File: 93 KB, 326x266, 1603378794703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615683
Quoted by: >>28615733

Her umeshu sake product will be drawn by ume-sensei

>> No.28615685
File: 226 KB, 1153x1288, scaredson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama okay r-right guys?

>> No.28615687

The only one to do it regularly yeah, though Miko and Aqua dropped some during their breaks.

>> No.28615688

Aloe shouldn't have been terminated.

>> No.28615690

I think haachamas costume is overly designed

>> No.28615691
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, [Nutbladder] Hidamari Sketch×Honeycomb 10 [FDF5EABB].mkv_snapshot_06.08_[2012.12.07_16.53.53].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615693

I saw the image of that, too bad wasnt saved.

>> No.28615692

wrong thread bud

>> No.28615695

I like Artia's 2hu music, but it doesn't have soul the way peko rap does.

>> No.28615696
Quoted by: >>28615722

I dont know how I'm gonna get my hands on a bottle but I'm going to get my hands on a fucking bottle. this is the ultimate buyfag grail

>> No.28615704

Post the real one

>> No.28615705


>> No.28615706
File: 160 KB, 1080x1235, 1599919308421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615707

Apex is releasing on Steam this week, i expect a resurgence of the Apex arc, for the joy of Mattuli

>> No.28615711

she will be back

>> No.28615712
Quoted by: >>28615781

Ok, nobody in hololive has as good an intro as Peko

>> No.28615713


>> No.28615715
Quoted by: >>28615787

It was her own choice to leave, they shouldn't have suspended her though.

>> No.28615716
Quoted by: >>28615772

I know your phone and 3rd world internet has trouble loading images but you should still click on it before commenting it.

>> No.28615717

Are people really calling Moona a leech when Pekora literally invites her to play Minecraft

>> No.28615719

This entire time I just thought she just took it from some random 2hu game

>> No.28615718

>Haachama already thanked everyone for english week
>says that she might sometimes do stream in english
>with her graduating and moving back to japan, she will speak even less english and stream even less in english
Kill me. Just kill me now.

>> No.28615722

>only one

>> No.28615723

Her voice sounds really bad

>> No.28615725

meh Origin is fine

>> No.28615727

Fuck off judas

>> No.28615728

>moona is gonna start a shitstorm by banning hundreds of people

>> No.28615729
Quoted by: >>28615787

She left herself.

>> No.28615731

get filtered

>> No.28615732
File: 53 KB, 179x250, 1601701471598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why'd she have a members only meeting stream if she was just going to do a non-members one anyway afterward?

>> No.28615733
File: 72 KB, 960x930, 1602988122677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide pekora
Oh shit that's actually cool.
It would actually be funnier if ume-tentei draws moona wide though

>> No.28615735

Go to >>>/vyt/.

>> No.28615737
File: 562 KB, 539x720, mrkoone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615986

>Someone asked "Why dont you marry her then?"
>Instant answer of "alright"
Mr. Koro...

>> No.28615740

Cute debiru.

>> No.28615741
File: 568 KB, 2500x3500, ElxgfxhXUAEyLj2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615744

Most origin games make you go through steam and Origin btw

>> No.28615746

They didn't care about Moona before she started interacting with Pekora, they don't know how deep her autism runs

>> No.28615747
File: 144 KB, 556x500, graretaq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615748

Holy based

>> No.28615749

10/10 nationalist poem.

>> No.28615751
Quoted by: >>28615768

I have a new fetish

>> No.28615752

Moona logs in only when Pekora is in the game.

>> No.28615754
File: 226 KB, 1366x768, 1598782940423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615804

sex, vagina, tits, cum, haato

>> No.28615760

Thats one of the reasons Apex bombed in the west, people straight refuse to install origin or uplay when 99% of their game library is on steam.

>> No.28615763

7d chess

>> No.28615766

Not even sure why she bothered learning english she doesn't even browse twitter in english so she's clearly not trying to immerse herself into gaining a better grasp of it

>> No.28615768

keep us posted

>> No.28615770

So she can disregard the members' opinions like usual

>> No.28615772

A cringe comic who draws Korone as a fucking abomination is on-topic now?

>> No.28615773

its time to watch pekora be racist again.....

>> No.28615774

Don't be surprised by the brainless behavior of bugs

>> No.28615776

keep your narratives, bud
she logged in around 4 hours ago before polka ended her stream

>> No.28615777
Quoted by: >>28615802

1 hour goes way too fast... I need more Twapi in my life...

>> No.28615781
Quoted by: >>28615805

it says hololive right there

>> No.28615784
Quoted by: >>28615812

Why the fuck do you watch JP if you don't even try to learn it?

>> No.28615787
Quoted by: >>28615840

I mean she did got fucking Doxxed. Her suspension was asinine, though, it was completely the company itself mismanaging the girl's channel.

>> No.28615789

That was a fun towa stream , time for her to roomate post about how depressed she is and ruin it.

>> No.28615791

Because chama is based and cares for her fans unlike other holos that think of them as living wallets.

>> No.28615792

Moona logs into Minecraft any time she's awake

>> No.28615793

I dunno if I can listen to pekora's voice collapse, this is fucking painful

>> No.28615795
File: 26 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615835

Are ogeyposters the strongest?

>> No.28615797

apex is still going to need you to register and play through origin even from steam
pretty much all the games that have their own platform like ubisoft and rockstar do this

>> No.28615798

how isn't it

>> No.28615802
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615826

i wonder what is she gonna tweet today about her depresshion

>> No.28615804
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, 14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615805

So do many knock offs and leeches.

>> No.28615809
Quoted by: >>28615837

Just watch EN anon..

>> No.28615811

you are probably a bait poster, but there are tryhards who wanna chase those big numbers and income, and then you have Towa, Aki and Ayame who dont bother to grow their channel since they are not doing bad despite not doing awesome. Growth is great and all but then you have to deal with kids like Gura's fanbase. I preesonally think its why Fubuki dont make that much of a big attempt and just play whatever she wants since she'll get 1million anw and she is still relevant as Hololive's face and will still get that 10k viewers constantly even if her channel growth start to stagnant

>> No.28615812
Quoted by: >>28615841

I don't watch JP. I watch haachama.

>> No.28615814

>2nd country

>> No.28615815

Do your joke reps anon

>> No.28615818

does pekora has the best kayfabe in the company. she never forgets to say peko.

>> No.28615819

Haachama is a walking corruption doujin. She's literally that little girl who gets egged into doing progressively sluttier stuff on stream by old men on the internet.

>> No.28615820
Quoted by: >>28615861

>was literally crying in her taiwan stream that she wanted more fans that were dedicated and willing to spend money for her
You know nothing EN nigger

>> No.28615822

Pekora is saying humuhumu like Ina now?

>> No.28615824
File: 245 KB, 1000x1475, EjosPFAU0AAa-_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy amanekanatachi...

>> No.28615825

A-chan is so cute, I hope someone invites her to play Among Us soon.

>> No.28615826
Quoted by: >>28615847

she always looks out for the other girls when they're sad but who's looking out for twap...

>> No.28615827


>> No.28615830
File: 63 KB, 510x680, Miocunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf cunny!

>> No.28615832
File: 1.35 MB, 843x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anemo Kabaya!

>> No.28615834
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, 1603914654833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615835

ogey kneels to pardun

>> No.28615837

EN doesn't have anyone even remotely like Haachama. Anon is gonna have to do his reps

>> No.28615840

Company didn't even care in the first place and wanted her to ignore the antis though, she's the one who insisted on self-flagellating.

>> No.28615841
Quoted by: >>28615893

Very funny. She is JP dumbass.

>> No.28615842

Did the minecraft server admins increase the despawn timer for dropped items? I thought for sure Rushia's stuff would be gone by the time she returned.

>> No.28615844
Quoted by: >>28615978

I fucking hate you subhumans for killing /asp/

>> No.28615846 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1604312182944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615847


>> No.28615848


>> No.28615849

Siege did fine and it requires Uplay

>> No.28615855
Quoted by: >>28615909

she lost her shit again?

>> No.28615856
File: 258 KB, 1530x2115, Ejj6_fMUwAAJs8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615857

Protip: none of these girls care for the faceless mob that tosses words at incoherent speeds. All they want is to produce enough revenue to not get a terminated contract.

>> No.28615859
Quoted by: >>28615912

Honestly as much as Ayame might disappoint her fans, it's not like she's harming any other holos with her conduct by not streaming often. If anything her non-participation makes it easier for the newer gens to grow their channels. Just think of her as retired but still around if they want to call her into events.

>> No.28615861

Yeah, she wants people to support her but she cares for all of them. Unlike some holos that only care for money and rarely take into consideration what their fans think.

>> No.28615862

I warched en as they debuted but shes just the most the most bland and awkward of them but other that not not much wrong with her
I want to throw everyone in hlgg of a building tho

>> No.28615863

Wow this game is boring as fuck to watch.
So these are the "true" games certain people clamour for when shittalking Minecraft.

>> No.28615864

items don't despawn on unloaded chunks

>> No.28615865
Quoted by: >>28616036

Yeah right, I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.28615867

Since applications for Gen 6 already started, would you prefer brand new faces, reincarnations, or a mix of both?

>> No.28615866

At least she tweets when she's not going to stream now...

>> No.28615868
File: 528 KB, 450x600, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615869

if the items are in an unloaded chunk the timer doesn't start

>> No.28615871
File: 241 KB, 1532x740, 1599259367624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future grows stronger...

>> No.28615873
File: 101 KB, 1246x1600, 1603353169081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615874

fucking hell i cant look at this the same way ...

>> No.28615875
File: 29 KB, 125x125, 1281175644485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pekora's rolling rrrrrs

>> No.28615878


>> No.28615879


>> No.28615881

petition to boycott duck's stream

>> No.28615882

This Peko Russian is giving me a stiffy.

>> No.28615883

>early 2020
>what the difference between Hololive and Nijisanji?
>Nijisanji streams are crazy long compared to Hololive (1 hour is a relatively short video from Nijisanji streamers, half-hour and below is extremely short. Suzuhara Lulu even streamed for 18 hours in new year).
Is this still true?

>> No.28615884
File: 42 KB, 601x513, mesiahaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do they mean by this?

>> No.28615885


>> No.28615886

wtf more gens?
Yagoo stop onegai...

>> No.28615889


>> No.28615891

How is papers please so fucking good
It's both a good game and a great streamer game

>> No.28615892


>> No.28615894

>Pekora rolling her Rs when reading foreign words or names
I love it every time

>> No.28615893

She is EN 0th Gen. She told me.

>> No.28615895
Quoted by: >>28615905

17 minutes in and Pekora is already being transphobic again

>> No.28615896

the schizophrenia is taking hold

>> No.28615897
Quoted by: >>28615978

Actually now you reminded me to be fucking mad. You wiped out a whole board. I wish you were banned from this site for the rest of your life.

>> No.28615903

these streams have been a blessing for peko rolled r's

>> No.28615904

>this retard
No one gives a shit, gaben cocksucker. Apex also didn't bomb wtf are you smoking?
Go back to /v/.

>> No.28615905

rude peko

>> No.28615909
Quoted by: >>28615926

Yeah about half an hour ago she went really far away from the holomura and died to a golem in a village. Died again trying to make her way back once. I thought for sure she'd lose all her stuff but she walked back and got them back.

>> No.28615911

I think the real girl behind her is simply just as autistic as pekora herself.

>> No.28615912
Quoted by: >>28616168

She ruined the escape room collab by not showing up.........

>> No.28615913
File: 707 KB, 1280x2880, 1603617799230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Artia.

>> No.28615914

Damn, I can't believe Pekora does the bare minimum not to get fired and hates her fans so much she throws away everything they give her...

>> No.28615916
Quoted by: >>28615931

Pecor demonstrating why reading all katakana sentences is hard as fuck.

>> No.28615919


>> No.28615920

She said she wanted to play it with Marine, and IIRC Marine streamed the game before.

>> No.28615921

>It's both a good game and a great streamer game
It's neither. Minecraft overdose has apparently rotted away any standards you may have had previously.

>> No.28615922

I can only see Holos doing whatever they want and not being pressured as a good thing. I didn't watch Hololive to see a bunch of girls cutthroat each other over numbers.

I would watch niggersanjis if I wanted that

>> No.28615925

cringe Judas

>> No.28615926
Quoted by: >>28616041

thats good to hear. My heart sank when she lost her shit in pekoras slime farm

>> No.28615927

You all mocked our schizophrenics, little did you know it was psychological warfare against the chinks that were hiding in here

>> No.28615928
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, smug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time she rolls an R I get a little bit harder

>> No.28615929

>Haachama did her English homework perfectly that her teacher thought she had someone helped her

>> No.28615931

They are also pixelated

>> No.28615932
Quoted by: >>28616151

Still wondering what eceleb curved her mandarin ass for her to essentially break corporate narrative

>> No.28615936

Stop posting screenshots of your own failed bait.

>> No.28615937

>tfw my girl isn't streaming tonight
im new to this, what do i do with this feel

>> No.28615945


>> No.28615946


>> No.28615951
Quoted by: >>28615990

Why is Pekora so good at this game?

>> No.28615952
Quoted by: >>28615994

close this thread and do something else

>> No.28615956
File: 274 KB, 1000x822, subaru imouto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onii-chan, can we go get some curry meshi?

>> No.28615958

watch her friends

>> No.28615962

Our girl is Pekora so watch her

>> No.28615966

Oh no not the written english!
She still falls apart talking to anyone because she's a retarded shut in

>> No.28615967

Gun time.

>> No.28615968

Shitpost with her to drum up conversation

>> No.28615969

Japanese curry not good. Lets get some real curry.

>> No.28615970


>> No.28615971
File: 20 KB, 223x176, PekoSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616067

I rather watch an excel spreadsheet than this boring trash. Now I remember how boring it was when english speaking people streamed it.

>> No.28615972
File: 58 KB, 440x448, 1584019051819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit month for Hololive
Shit month for Nijisanji
So far
>Shionyo break
>depressed suicidal Towa
>bullied Luna
Is it our turn again?

>> No.28615973
File: 477 KB, 604x640, 2983508205395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My penis kept getting hard and flaccid repeatedly

Why are you doing this?

>> No.28615974

Does she think she will get Hololive numbers without YAGOO taking a cut by stuffing all her stuff on her super secret club?

>> No.28615976

b-but you died years ago...

>> No.28615978
Quoted by: >>28616018


>> No.28615979
File: 777 KB, 220x293, 1580227708955.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weapon unlocked.

>> No.28615982

Pekora is better than me at this game.

>> No.28615983

later shuba, pekora is streaming

>> No.28615984


>> No.28615986

Somebody also asked her to invite them to the wedding, right?

>> No.28615987

Good, maybe she'll attract less twitch retards this way.

>> No.28615988
Quoted by: >>28616016

When are we getting a hobo holo that eats cheap food and sleeps in bushes?

>> No.28615989
File: 225 KB, 1218x2030, EkSN_PFVkAIQlor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy fat cat

>> No.28615990

she's pretty slow at checking for irregularities

>> No.28615992

Peko with a gun
what will she do

>> No.28615993
File: 16 KB, 1040x172, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28615994

Not him but every time I try, I find another excuse to stay here and watch streams

>> No.28615999

Pekora Papers Please is making me want to play Imperial Gatekeeper again.

>> No.28616003

i just want to save Towa..

>> No.28616005

She said she used DeepTL to translate her homework.

>> No.28616006
Quoted by: >>28616032


>> No.28616007
File: 279 KB, 850x1198, 1603546953884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616048

Bros I just listened to last week's Polka ASMR and my dick is impossibly hard

Please help

>> No.28616008
File: 76 KB, 1080x518, 20201102_032336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrativebros. Explain this shit.

>> No.28616009

all thanks to Wikipedia

>> No.28616010

That's kind of the point yes. The two companies have different methods and different products, but the Luna "drama" being alleged here is far more likely to occur in an environment like Nijisanji that leans toward overcompetitive at worst rather than Hololive that leans toward undercompetitive at worst.

>> No.28616014
Quoted by: >>28616039

she's only saying this because everyone knows about the boyfriend that ranked up her overwatch account for her.

>> No.28616016

You mean Kanata?

>> No.28616017


>> No.28616018

Hiro is a fucking mongoloid who needs to be shot

>> No.28616025

Subaru... is that smoke I smell? Hurry, get out!

>> No.28616026
Quoted by: >>28616061

Didn't this "depressed suicidal towa" arc start weeks ago though? And she's solo streaming again so it's over
Shion also went on break in the middle of October

>> No.28616028
Quoted by: >>28616055

Pekora is probably the only one that cares about that stuff. The rest don't even mention getting any gifts so they probably threw most of them away.

>> No.28616029

what does this even mean?

>> No.28616030

How has Towa been suicidal. And why do people say the same thing about Polka?

>> No.28616031


>> No.28616032

She even rolls her L's

>> No.28616034

So the trio she was talking about for Minecraft was Haato-Towa-Nene
What do you think about this?

>> No.28616036
Quoted by: >>28616066

You don't think her English will deteriorate even further when she returns to Japan?

>> No.28616037

Ina followed the boys and still does, Watson's roommate did too. Not really a narrative.

>> No.28616038
File: 132 KB, 567x800, ElQf7EXUUAAGUab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616039
File: 142 KB, 704x750, 1600899793646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616041

It was quite funny though. Her brain froze for a minute. https://a.pomf.cat/ksegxh.mp4

>> No.28616042

squid was already big before hololive

>> No.28616043

Wrong thread.

>> No.28616044

bypassing corporate laws

>> No.28616048


>> No.28616050


>> No.28616051

Nice vocal range anon
Also thanks for confirming that haatons really also are retarded

>> No.28616052

she tweets some questionable stuff on her personal Twitter...

>> No.28616054

Luna's drama only affects Nijishits, really.

>> No.28616055

>The rest don't even mention getting any gifts
Didn't Lamy and Botan just do present opening streams within the last week? Lamy got like 70-something bottles of Sake.

>> No.28616056

Game itself isn't very interesting to watch people play, Pekora hamming it up as a nationalist immigration officer is the main draw.

>> No.28616058

Ame tried doing something like that, wasn't very effective though

>> No.28616061

Now she has to return to dealing with the fanbase she despises. Its just going to get worse from here

>> No.28616062

>there are people that think any of the girls are in pain or sad whe they get lots of money for essentially playing games
Yeah. I feel so sorry for them.

>> No.28616064


>> No.28616066

I think she'll keep milking it for attention since she's too used to it

>> No.28616067
Quoted by: >>28616422

t. adhd zoomer

>> No.28616070

Izuru wants to fuck Ina

>> No.28616071
Quoted by: >>28616170

Towa wanted to chug sleeping pills a few days ago..

>> No.28616073


>> No.28616074

Haachama's target is 800k subs. ASMR is unarchived because she doesn't want her channel image to be Haachama=ASMR

>> No.28616075

I know Ina is kind of a special case, but replying to roommate accounts with official hololive accounts is kind of yab.

>> No.28616076
Quoted by: >>28616170

weak bait

>> No.28616077

I'm hyped

>> No.28616078

Lunatwig! Post that clip. I'm feeling down today.

>> No.28616080

All of Gen 5 did.

>> No.28616081

To be honest, our turn never ended.

>> No.28616084

shes so cool....

>> No.28616085

>not playing the hentai version of papers please

>> No.28616086
Quoted by: >>28616097

God that's hot I hope he gets to offpako her.

>> No.28616089

Meanwhile Botan says she is going strong mentally and has fun in hololive on her newest member video.

>> No.28616090

come back when im not watching peko and ill feed you your bait faggot

>> No.28616091
Quoted by: >>28616356

>let give newcomer infinity holiday!

Sound like you never work in the company

>> No.28616093

cooking collab when?

>> No.28616094
Quoted by: >>28616135

What's the issue here? I've heard the story and narratives about their mutual hate but what is the truth? Reveal it upon me!

>> No.28616097

He can't even afford to leave his island

>> No.28616098

>rushia doesnt care about getting a fox anymore

>> No.28616100

Pekora accepts every bribe lmao

>> No.28616101
Quoted by: >>28616193

I doubt some members within holopro even know what the past lives of other members even are.

>> No.28616105

Yea I don’t get it. If I was one of them I would be thankful for every day alive with that much money and also all the fan support.

>> No.28616107
File: 231 KB, 463x453, 1603470826004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616165

Bros...... Isn't Pekora is a little too easy isn't she?

>> No.28616109

I don't follow gen 5 but ok sure. From gen 3 and below no one really cares about gifts

>> No.28616111


>> No.28616112

look how pecor is when she kills someone

>> No.28616113

if she keeps doing poggers daddy bullshit that'll become her image

>> No.28616115

>forgetting Polka
where did you think she got her slidewhistle from

>> No.28616116

So what's he gonna do if she starts speaking English mid-sex? Kick her out?

>> No.28616119

He wants the octopussy

>> No.28616120

I wish the girls would play a better game like titanfall 2

>> No.28616121

Her channel image is basically cumpet so not like it helps at this point.

>> No.28616122

Present streams are common, yeah. I also remember Coco being sent a lot of tea and in following streams often having it on stream and mentioning which fan had sent the specific one she was drinking.

>> No.28616123


>> No.28616124

Polka talks in member only pretty openly about her anxiety and stress and has shared that she has recurring nightmares, and specifically described dreams including being in a dressing room before a stream and having her regulars cheer her up, as well as one where she incurably lost her voice and decided to get medically assisted suicide.

>> No.28616128

What is she doing now?

>> No.28616129

Holy shit hahahaha wtf peko

>> No.28616131

Pecor should have played GTAO with Miko.

>> No.28616133

Pekora is getting cocky

>> No.28616135

Yagoo kissed Pekora infront of Aqua.

>> No.28616138

How was towers stream?
Only caught supa reading

>> No.28616139


>> No.28616141

>Usada "Blyat Blaster" Pekora

>> No.28616144


>> No.28616145

I was asleep, what is this new stupid Twitter drama about?

>> No.28616146


>> No.28616147

Yes, like most indies. She's delusion, but to be fair she is in a hospital bed.
The majority of personal crowdfunders are failures over 5 years.
For her sake, I hope she gets away from her awful family situation before the paypiggies dry up after the initial hype over her being "back".

>> No.28616148

Competition makes the streamers stronger. Niji's environment makes for more entertaining streams and more creative streamers by forcing them to pit themselves against each other. That's the good part of it.

>> No.28616150

Rushia-chan... the white fox...
she should just trap Fubuki

>> No.28616151

Breaking keyfabe or hanging on the 4th wall like that is pretty charming.

I don't think Pekora puts any more effort than most normal streamers do to retain viewer attention. A harsh reality is that most hololive idols get a humongous headsart in popularity as streamers due to being attached to the brand and due to the anonymity that the character they play provides they really don't have to own up to her actions in the real world.

It's fine to acknowledge their effort but I wouldn't glorify it either. Consider that once a girl becomes popular enough their own clout becomes self sustaining, and a powerful thing Pekora has going for her is that part of the charm of her attitude is to behave un-idol like. She can be rude, she be shit at games, she can throw tantrum and have heavy banter with her chat and she gets even more superchats because of it. That's why she's OP as a hololive member.

>> No.28616152
Quoted by: >>28616268

>as well as one where she incurably lost her voice and decided to get medically assisted suicide.


>> No.28616154
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1601000859143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616155

it's pretty fuckin dead in japan too, takes like 5+ mins to find a game
i was playing duos though i suppose that might be why

>> No.28616156

Why doesn't Coco just play Minecraft? I swear to God she does this shit on purpose, fucking contrarian bitch.

>> No.28616157

Devil's luck
smug debiru

>> No.28616160

Plenty of smug and salty debiru

>> No.28616161
Quoted by: >>28616186

bring out kakage's child first gdi

>> No.28616162
File: 367 KB, 1141x641, papers cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything should be in order here officer, glory to Arstotzka.

>> No.28616163
Quoted by: >>28616251

>noone cares about gifts
>noone besides pekora and gens 4 and 5 care about gifts
I can't wait to see where your goalposts end up next.

>> No.28616164

>changing goal posts
Sure chinko

>> No.28616165
Quoted by: >>28616191

Power is Power.
Money is Money.
Money is Power.
Simple as.

>> No.28616166

pekora is pretty good at this... way better than me

>> No.28616167

Cute, smug and unbelievable luck.

>> No.28616168

I'm pretty sure something else ruined the escape room collab more than that

>> No.28616169

She got tilted then pulled a 60 minutes and rushed through supachat reading

>> No.28616170

>have lots of fan support
>somehow sad and depressed
These girls are too pampered I tell you.

>> No.28616171

trying to capture black rabbits

>> No.28616172

Yet here I am watching Hololive

>> No.28616175

she found a black rabbit instead

>> No.28616176

Jesus christ pekora you're gonna get fucking cancelled if you go to the west.
based anyways

>> No.28616177

>why do people say the same thing about Polka?
some of her member only streams have a very melancholic tone going on.

>> No.28616178

Did she actually unfollow that loser? If that's the case I'm really happy right now. I was afraid of that faggot getting away with it because of how oblivious aqua is.

>> No.28616181 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1593770339807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minecraft is too simple for a autism building simulator

>> No.28616185

hey faggot see >>28616090
i'm not baiting you yet, come back in an hour

>> No.28616186
Quoted by: >>28616215

Kakage's child (CV: Sio)

>> No.28616187

wow, contrarian on the internet? what a novel concept.

>> No.28616188
Quoted by: >>28616233

>Niji's environment makes for more entertaining streams and more creative streamers by forcing them to pit themselves against each other.
I've actually watched Niggersanji and this is completely untrue

>> No.28616191

I want to buy this bunny

>> No.28616193
Quoted by: >>28616249

People here are paranoid as fuck and think they are all connected behind the scenes when in reality many of them did not even know each other before hololive.

>> No.28616195

is euthanasia legal in japan ?

>> No.28616197
File: 914 KB, 800x900, 38420989520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616200
Quoted by: >>28616226

Towa just needs a good dicking

>> No.28616204
Quoted by: >>28616221

I want to see Pekora play Hitman

>> No.28616205


>> No.28616207

Fuck am I actually have to learn Japanese for Haachama.

>> No.28616208
Quoted by: >>28616237

fuck off retard

>> No.28616209

Just people reading too much in to shit.
She's in two minds over being unable to do IRL stuff on Youtube because of Cover seemingly being bigger dicks than they need be.
Matsuri is/was probably in the same situation in regards to her side channel.
A simple solution in both cases is "just wear a mask and you're gold!"
The worry is they'll get shanked by some psycho stalker or something because they actively see how the person looks now rather than old(er) pictures.

>> No.28616210

>busy with dancing/singing lessons that tire her out
>taking medication with a side effect of making her sleepy all the time
>chinks every way she looks
>clearly being somewhat isolated

Let her play what she enjoys, you homo.

>> No.28616215

I'm not sure he wants his adopted daughter to get molested.

>> No.28616217

Rushia orphaning two little bunnies...

>> No.28616222

Because every other holo plays minecraft and it’s already getting repetitive. Terraria is super fresh in comparison and has way more stuff to do then in Minecraft.

>> No.28616221
Quoted by: >>28616288

The archives...

>> No.28616224
Quoted by: >>28616252

>Rushia leading stinky black rabbits
for what purpose

>> No.28616226
Quoted by: >>28616257

So stop posting about it on 4chan and go do it. She's so thirsty she probably wouldn't even resist.

>> No.28616227

I can't tell if this is menhera or chuunibyou.

>> No.28616229
Quoted by: >>28616277

My immigration permit's stuck in the mail because of covid, officer. Please, I must see my wife!

>> No.28616231


>> No.28616233

Just look at their game variety and the frequent large scale collabs they have.

>> No.28616234

expecting reincarnations from up8 and atleast one obscure fuck from NND as usual

and sugita for holostars

>> No.28616235

looks like you need to learn english too

>> No.28616237
Quoted by: >>28616297

How else are you supposed to call it?

>> No.28616238

she's streaming rn gonna send this to her thanks

>> No.28616239
Quoted by: >>28616300

Didn't Coco say that Marine was the one who pulled her to play it?

>> No.28616241

How can Pecor make this game so entertaining?

>> No.28616242

you can't just call somebody ugly like that

>> No.28616243

Might have been the after effects of Aloe.

>> No.28616247
Quoted by: >>28616315

It's also horribly slow to start if you don't know what you're doing, she really should have done some research before jumping in blind

>> No.28616249

Holospiracy theory

>> No.28616251

Well the people who talked about Pekora carrying gifts with her didn't talk about their own gifts at any point. It's like they are mocking her for it.

>> No.28616252

Grooming them so they wouldn't ended up like her enemy Pekora

>> No.28616257
File: 20 KB, 210x240, towatism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't live in Japan

>> No.28616258
Quoted by: >>28616284

Terraria is a bad game to stream

>> No.28616259

haha relatable

>> No.28616260

cover please... kasumi izumo...

>> No.28616262

More like she doesn't have enough creativity to build anything in minecraft.

>> No.28616265

Dude from Towa's utaite band makes emotes for her channel. He's not even under a different alias or anything and no one gives a shit. Squid's roommate talking to homos doesn't mean squat.

>> No.28616268

I know, she's great.
To clarify, I'm not a saviorfag. Polka's in her 30s and she's found whatever works for her to not let it set in. I'm almost 30 myself, and I'm always looking for those things. I'm not like "no dont kill yourself haha you're so sexy", I just empathize with and admire her.

I don't think so, she specifically explained that it was legal in this dream.

>> No.28616269

Pekora is a natural entertainer

>> No.28616276

The way peko flips between smug and apologetic will never get old

>> No.28616277

Byebye paco, no drug smuggling for you today. And keep your sombrero, I don't need any more trash around the office. pekopekopekopeko

>> No.28616278

There is more creativity to what you can build in Terraria because of how extensive the wiring system is and how unlimited it is by space unlike redstone in minecraft

>> No.28616280

>wow she looks like an alien
zero filter peko

>> No.28616279

>Rushia assuring her audience it's going to be fine
Time for 2 hours of losing rabbit, panicking, destroying the landscape searching for and trapping it, yelling, rinse repeat

>> No.28616281

Wasnt the narrative about Cover not letting Towa do IRL stuff disproven in the same thread it started?

>> No.28616282


>> No.28616283


>> No.28616284

how come?

>> No.28616285
Quoted by: >>28616451

Sadly he's too successful on his current career anon

>> No.28616288
Quoted by: >>28616340

...goddamnit I hate being a hololive newfag

>> No.28616289
File: 875 KB, 256x256, suiwink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616385

I can't believe we'll still be getting another stream this week! (maybe)

>> No.28616291

Miko had a gift opening stream too, anon. That's a Gen 0.

>> No.28616293

Don't speak like anything in holo village is creative

>> No.28616294
Quoted by: >>28616308

There sure are a lot of chinks today. Another raid?

>> No.28616296
Quoted by: >>28616306

are you retarded

>> No.28616297
Quoted by: >>28616342

You can start by killing yourself

>> No.28616300

I think she said Marine reached out after hearing she'd be playing it.

>> No.28616301


>> No.28616302

Did you fucks seriously think she was going to join Hololive English? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.28616303

Is this new game or continue from previous streams?

>> No.28616305
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1603530228327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616306
Quoted by: >>28616328

Maybe you are because you are talking about things you don't know about

>> No.28616308
Quoted by: >>28616332

take your meds

>> No.28616309
Quoted by: >>28616323

Haachama plans
>English improvement program (even if she does English stream, she will have a Japanese stream too)
>Haachama kensetsu major project (also recruited by Akukin and Elite)
>Haachama ero picture project
>Haaton showcase
>Weekly singchama (English and Japanese)

>> No.28616310

Chad Jorji

>> No.28616311


>> No.28616313
Quoted by: >>28616361

come clean. How many of you don't know a lick of Japanese and are still watching anyways?

>> No.28616315

Fair point. But I would argue it’s still more entertaining then watching someone build something in Minecraft. I think it’s fun watching her try to figure stuff out as well

>> No.28616316

black pekora

>> No.28616317


>> No.28616318

The wiring in Terraria is nowhere near as powerful as redstone, but I will concede that building in Terraria is far superior if you take into consideration paints
which wouldn't matter since Coco wouldn't bother building anything complex anyway

>> No.28616319
Quoted by: >>28616891

>she doesn't have enough creativity
Her first building was a fucking toilet.

>> No.28616323

how do you fucking get recruited by 2 companys how does that work?

>> No.28616324
Quoted by: >>28616337

Towa wanted to make dancing videos on her roommate account and Cover strongly advised her not to

>> No.28616325

Yes, almost everything said about that livestream was fake narratives, she didn't talk about the situation at all. The only actual reason we have from her is what she directly said in her zatsudan as Towa, she had some kind of disagreement with management about something which lead to her break because she was frustrated with the situation.

>> No.28616326
Quoted by: >>28616369

Botan is literally unshakeable. Towa could off herself and she'd probably still stream the next day

After Roberu streams through the actual announcement as usual

>> No.28616327


>> No.28616328

Minecraft is infinitely more creative because it's 3D

>> No.28616331
Quoted by: >>28616349

Yeah, I remember when someone did this in terraria

>> No.28616332

Lol, angry bugman learned another stale meme?

>> No.28616333
Quoted by: >>28616477

ask AZKi

>> No.28616334

I don't really mind the shark but I wish Fubuki took the million subscribers first, I guess I like Fubuki because she is supportive of every girls there while shark rode that popularity wave by embracing meme and extra hype by the jealous thot.

>> No.28616335
Quoted by: >>28616455

Not just paints
Terraria has many more block types and decoration types than Minecraft which has been very limited in choice for over 10 years now

>> No.28616337

That's just a narrative someone made up, she never said anything like that in her stream.

>> No.28616340
Quoted by: >>28616458

She played Hawke's Bay, Miami and Santa Fortuna in TM 2. You could check the chinese archive site or /t/.

>> No.28616342

Are you honestly getting offended by the idea of the real people behind the caricatures?

>> No.28616343
Quoted by: >>28616376

>pekora wants do take down a corrupt pekoland

>> No.28616345

Redpill me: What's up with Korone and Shiina?

>> No.28616347

She's a freelancer

>> No.28616349


>> No.28616348


>> No.28616350

Pekora mad at journos.

>> No.28616351
Quoted by: >>28616364

It's redstones you retard. If you knew logic gates than you know you can build anything. Terraria is the game with more fun things to do but don't talk shit about things you don't know.

>> No.28616352

Continuing from where she failed to let an EZIC agent through and got gulag'd.

>> No.28616355

She's japanese. She knows she gotta keep those war crimes denied.

>> No.28616356

It's VTubing, just let her go on break for a while ala L*l* or even another 3 weeks like how they did to Haachama and Coco.

They dropped the ball not letting her break until she calmed down.

>> No.28616357

>can't find the Ina roommate dinner image

>> No.28616358

Fucking based pekora

>> No.28616360
File: 79 KB, 185x180, 1593013902478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how

>> No.28616361

I'm learning by watching. here are the words I know so far: kusa, yabai, chotto matte, arigatou, minna

>> No.28616363

Fucking journo's even Peko hates them...

>> No.28616364
Quoted by: >>28616479

Talking about building something not programming something you fucking idiot
And what do you mean by "redstones", you don't seriously think that's what you're supposed to call it right?

>> No.28616365

Oh no dont post this in /hlgg/

>> No.28616367

Why is Suisei's minecraft stream from yesterday still privated? Kanata's archive is normal

>> No.28616369

Doot doot Roberu always makes me laugh.

>> No.28616370
Quoted by: >>28616443

I love when newfags like this talk like they know everything about vtubers

>> No.28616371

>the nijicuck is here again
it's ok when the senpai do nepotism and mob newbies into graduation

>> No.28616373
File: 208 KB, 1200x1531, EloP_XdUcAEdUUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more kissable Holo than MOMOSUZU NENE?

>> No.28616374
Quoted by: >>28616398

How fast would Pekora be canceled if she spoke English?

>> No.28616375

there's real people behind the anime avatars

>> No.28616376

She should be a princess, not a fucking gatekeeper. Of course it's corrupted, glory to the Royal Family!

>> No.28616385
File: 105 KB, 1500x1095, gomikuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reps for 2 days huh. At least we got 10+ hours of Suisei yesterday.

>> No.28616386

people are always talking about degeneracy in the holos, like with ame hinting at drugs, or haachama showing lewds on stream, or coco doing the shit she does, but at least we don't have females clipping their nipples with clothesline clips on stream

>> No.28616390


>> No.28616391

They're friends.

>> No.28616392

holy shit rushia my ears

>> No.28616393
Quoted by: >>28616434


>> No.28616394
Quoted by: >>28616434


>> No.28616395
Quoted by: >>28616434


>> No.28616396

holy fuck

>> No.28616398

3 days

>> No.28616399

Now we need that anon to make blue stamp as "Pardun?"

>> No.28616400
File: 282 KB, 1000x1482, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616401


>> No.28616402
Quoted by: >>28616433

On Asacoco she said she's traumatized because she didn't realize it when she get into pranks set up by the others

>> No.28616404

That doesn't actually make them good

>> No.28616405
File: 237 KB, 850x1201, 1603286514079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course not!

>> No.28616407

Imagine being a cute 20somthing girl and make money while playing vidya all day yet they are still depressed
Meanwhile botan exists and keeps herself together while having way less luck
I really respect botan for that given the cards she was handed out

>> No.28616411

fuck im too busy for rushias stream what happened again?

>> No.28616413

Flare looks like an ayy lmao, I can't watch her

>> No.28616417
File: 78 KB, 960x320, 59D60B23-2460-4D4B-8D7A-AFAC184A71F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll get used to it

But checking her Twitter helps since they are actually active

>> No.28616416
File: 725 KB, 240x180, 1604249538172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616418
Quoted by: >>28616438

rabbit ran into a berry bush and died

>> No.28616421
Quoted by: >>28616500

I'm gonna play Imperial Gatekeeper tonight in honour of Comrade Pekorski and glorious Arstozka.

>> No.28616420
Quoted by: >>28616438

rabbit she was trying to tame died

>> No.28616422

Stop getting triggered at old people not praising your flash game and go back to /v/.

>> No.28616423
File: 338 KB, 900x900, 1601721428978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616570

quite amazing that there is a lot of fandead in here that doesn't need to talk about every single waking moment of the stream.

>> No.28616426

Does rushia died again?
I'm not watch her right now.

>> No.28616427
File: 184 KB, 869x1366, togata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a dedicated series about teaching the idols all sorts of english profanity.

>> No.28616433

Aqua's fake tree...

>> No.28616434


>> No.28616435
Quoted by: >>28616461


>> No.28616436

This terrorist....couldn't have found documents more fake than that

>> No.28616437
File: 150 KB, 828x1407, EluaF2fU8AEu-VJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616438

reminds me of the foxes she tried to tame.

>> No.28616441

it takes me <15s for plat ranked or trios on JP, seems pretty active to me

>> No.28616443

They're just streamers dude. Same shit, but cute anime girls instead and more corporative.

>> No.28616446

Me second from the right

>> No.28616447
Quoted by: >>28616488

Wrong image?

>> No.28616451
Quoted by: >>28616493

not that unlikely considering actual seiyuu debut as vtuber under NoriPro

>> No.28616453

Seems like Risufags NEED some reminder

>> No.28616455
Quoted by: >>28616487

2D is a huge restriction though. While you can make really pretty towns in Terraria, you're pretty much restricted to pixel art for a lot of things. Stuff like the Pekodam wouldn't be as impressive in Terraria compared to Minecraft.

>> No.28616458
File: 622 KB, 621x1051, 1601325063324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it in /t/, thank you!

>> No.28616459

>nobody talking about Haachama
What's wrong EOPs? Japanese too hard for you?

>> No.28616460
File: 70 KB, 228x221, 4262342342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616461

Ave Maria...

>> No.28616463

You mean every coco collab?

>> No.28616462

Oh boy it's definitely gonna be another one of those Rushia streams

>> No.28616466


>> No.28616467

In cold fucking blood...
I can't support this...

>> No.28616468
File: 77 KB, 421x157, 1604176559146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apex apex apex apex
>minecraft minecraft minecraft
>nintendo shit
>game variety

>> No.28616469

Pekora sure loves shooting people...

>> No.28616472


>> No.28616473

>missed 2 shots

>> No.28616476

can she get any more based

>> No.28616477

She was created and still is owned by Cover. Upd8 was only brought in to support with events, publishing etc.

>> No.28616479

How do you keep being so wrong. Vanilla minecraft you can mix and match or glitch a bunch of things to make it look like an object/furniture. Vanilla Terraria everything is made for you and most of the selection is just different colours.

Nothing to say about modded because nothing in Terraria comes close.

>> No.28616481

motherfucker no

>> No.28616485

I'd have Pekora in charge of my borders too.

>> No.28616487

Thats what kills Terraria for me. 2D exploration is gay. 2D is only for platformers and jrpgs.

>> No.28616488

>he doesn't know

>> No.28616489

He shouln't have tried to jump the border after being found out

>> No.28616490

>watching haato when rushia is streaming
terrible taste

>> No.28616491

the squirrel who was cucked to death

>> No.28616492
File: 160 KB, 975x953, chuuni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my retarded daughter

>> No.28616493
Quoted by: >>28616552

That's because Norio herself are friends with those vtubers

>> No.28616494

I don't know what she expects. Outside of here, the occasional youtube or twitter retard giving away who she is, I don't know how she expects to get anyone to follow her beyond whoever she had before.

Does 5ch shill her any?

>> No.28616495
File: 8 KB, 275x183, 1590913791924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trepassing should be killed on sight.

>> No.28616499


>> No.28616500

>imperial gatekeeper
Did it get anything else or is it the same as around two months ago?

>> No.28616502

If anything, the fact they pronounce what they do know so wonkily is saving their skin

>> No.28616507

So you're EOP, okay.

>> No.28616508


>> No.28616510

If i made tiwa preggo would i have to pay child support when i fly back home before she gives birth?

>> No.28616513

fuck around and find out

>> No.28616519

What does Pekora's breath smell like?

>> No.28616520

He's just a cuck, bro

>> No.28616522

Rushia should bring back two so they can breed it at home

>> No.28616525

>he looks like an obaa-san
fuck my sides

>> No.28616526

I dream about Nenechi every night

>> No.28616527
Quoted by: >>28616763

Please tell me that isn't her

>> No.28616529


>> No.28616530

Didn't she already do that?

>> No.28616531

there's already a rabbit running around the village ready to be bred

>> No.28616532

Every hour that miko isn't online is suffering

>> No.28616534
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, Cheese with wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Rabbit, first she takes my wings, then she takes away my passport, and then my dignity! I'm gonna make her pay...

>> No.28616535

dude's sus as fuck

>> No.28616537


>> No.28616538

She's just talking about her plans, nothing really interesting.

>> No.28616540
File: 537 KB, 635x900, ElhQoHdU4AADGk9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog paizuri

>> No.28616543


>> No.28616542

What else would she do with the boogers

>> No.28616546


>> No.28616549

Are you gonna watch homophobia later?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdIG-lZMPN0 Roberu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3wT_qXIOmI Aruran
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsbK5iqzRf4 Miyabi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsbK5iqzRf4 Izuru

>> No.28616552

tell yagoo to make some friends then

>> No.28616553


>> No.28616556

>I will kill Pekora and eat her tasty thighs

>> No.28616557

my poor man only has 3 months to live and he wants to spend it in arstotzska...

>> No.28616559

Like my dick.

>> No.28616560
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1604221573690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the pekoland gulag with you

>> No.28616561

>Towa's confidence is rapidly falling with her colleagues reaching subscriber counts much higher than hers
Towa ganbare...

>> No.28616562

pure comedy gold considering that nijishits are the ones to blame for the permission arc

>> No.28616563

Sorry, I don't watch pogger zoomer.

>> No.28616564

Do they use the homos to test out new collab games?

>> No.28616565

Nah ill wait until neporabo

>> No.28616566
File: 444 KB, 672x550, 1598857646145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute. Weren't you here like 2 months ago giving voice acting advices.

>> No.28616567

alright, I'll give them a watch just for you

>> No.28616568

Pekora is much better at this game than I thought she would be

>> No.28616570

It's no surprise the thread is filled with spam about a /pol/ magnet game

>> No.28616571


>> No.28616572


>> No.28616573
File: 148 KB, 1200x660, rock and roll!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616574

Jorji is back in town.

>> No.28616576


>> No.28616578

She's talking about plans she will change in few weeks, not much point in watching.

>> No.28616579


>> No.28616580

No, Rushia is just better than a literal zoomer with twitch tier humor but I guess you're very poggers.

>> No.28616582


>> No.28616583

He's too busy begging investors to spend money on his totally-still-real tech company

>> No.28616587


>> No.28616588

She just overtook Aki again though...

>> No.28616589

pekora sounds extra smug today

>> No.28616590


>> No.28616591
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-11-02_11-54-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616592

sorry Jorji, but you've got to go ;_;

>> No.28616594


>> No.28616595


>> No.28616597
File: 1.41 MB, 2039x1378, 1604170376312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara collab
>risu collab
i fucking love tihs dog

>> No.28616598
Quoted by: >>28616667

Do you ever find yourself just marvelling at how good Pekora is at this? Vtubing I mean, not Papers Please. She's by far the closest there is to embodying a cartoon character, I'm surprised it doesn't exhaust her.

>> No.28616599


>> No.28616601


>> No.28616602


>> No.28616603


>> No.28616604


>> No.28616605


>> No.28616608

baka jorji....

>> No.28616611

Stupid Jorji

>> No.28616612

Jorji why....

>> No.28616613


>> No.28616615

Pulling the trigger with tears.

>> No.28616617


>> No.28616618

A rabbit can just die like that ... ?

>> No.28616619


>> No.28616620

Jorji you silly sod...

>> No.28616622

>rabbits have strong legs and can jump
>can die a 3 meter fall

>> No.28616624

>Jorji had drugs on him
wow didn't recall that ever happening in my playtroughs

>> No.28616625
Quoted by: >>28616679

I think i reached the point im towas vod where she dropped the fake voice for a bit
Wish she did that more

>> No.28616626


>> No.28616627
Quoted by: >>28616650

rabbits are by far the dumbest mobs in the game, they kill themselves with fall damage just running away from the player

>> No.28616628

is jorji dead?
couldn't pekor just denied his entry instead of detaining him

>> No.28616629
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, ElzM4GUVMAAzI5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's perspective should I watch for the among us collab on the 4th

>> No.28616630

Jorji...why you did it?

>> No.28616632

A lot of this stuff was already covered in her member stream the other day. She's not getting many usable ideas today either.

>> No.28616634

they only have like 2 hearts of hp

>> No.28616633

>let spies in
>doesnt let drug pushers
pekora please

>> No.28616635

IT guy never had a friends anon

>> No.28616638

That's it
She snapped

>> No.28616642


>> No.28616643
Quoted by: >>28616703

She's really smart and has a good analytical mind.

>> No.28616646

>rabbit dies
>Rushia murders everything in sight

>> No.28616647

Nah, it's implied that he bribes himself out. He reappears even you detain him

>> No.28616649
File: 63 KB, 660x444, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616650
Quoted by: >>28616782

Rabbits die from fear when predators chase them so it's kind of realistic

>> No.28616653
Quoted by: >>28616683

>only got mentioned once
You aren't getting your collab risu

>> No.28616657
Quoted by: >>28616699

Are you sure you beat the game? Because he's a contrabandist
Don't worry, he'll ALWAYS come back

>> No.28616661


>> No.28616663


>> No.28616664
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>> No.28616667

Botan, Polka and Watame as well.
She's amazing at it.

>> No.28616669

He has his own company now.

>> No.28616674
Quoted by: >>28616737

Yes. Mojang are retarded and never fixed their fall damage thresholds, so they can die just at random. They've had ages to fix it.

>> No.28616678

pretty sure he always tries it once, I typically just turn him away.

>> No.28616679
Quoted by: >>28616697

Mature Towa design next please.

>> No.28616680

All POV should be good with different strength and appeal. I don't know about Kanata and Rushia though.

>> No.28616681

I love how Pekora pronounces Arstotzka

>> No.28616683
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>> No.28616685
File: 4 KB, 126x99, firefox_vQN9V0e6oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616687

Treerrat... That was fucking painful. How did she handle that after? Did she just ignore it?

>> No.28616693
Quoted by: >>28616711

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4toBde6WJGs Kanata
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L62E3ec-Wcc Watame

>> No.28616692

Ayame is good without being tryhard and she's also fun and cute.

>> No.28616695


>> No.28616697
Quoted by: >>28616716

Rurudo promised me Towa's next outfit is a white sundress.

>> No.28616698

Pekora's RRRR's give me joy

>> No.28616699
Quoted by: >>28616727

I remember letting him in and got a cheevo or some shit. It's been years since the last time I touched the game

>> No.28616700

Most of them are either good or hilarious players, you can't go wrong.

>> No.28616701


>> No.28616702


>> No.28616703
Quoted by: >>28616754

I'm actually surprised at how good she is at remembering what to check and where. I remember I used to be pretty shitty at checking everything in time.

>> No.28616704

Luna please stay safe. One day I will marry you and keep all the liars and cheats away.

>> No.28616707

pekor read faster, times ticking

>> No.28616710

The loudest ones :
Haachama, Aqua, Rushia, Polka

>> No.28616711
File: 14 KB, 291x245, 1603688621786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616732

IS Watame even decent at APEX?

>> No.28616715

Polka saves every among us collab
4th your oshi.

>> No.28616716

I wish Rurudo would acknowledge Towa again

>> No.28616718
File: 48 KB, 418x382, 1593180267393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead to AZIC.

>> No.28616721

Highly recommend Polka, otherwise Pekora, Towa and Miko are good choices. Haachama, Rushia, Aqua and Subaru usually do things everybody notices. PPT is a mystery, Ayame is just a good player and a bit of try-hard.
I usually stick with Noel in these, but she is not here

>> No.28616723

uh oh, Peko poison.

>> No.28616727

Might be the one day he brings the proper documents

>> No.28616729

>Holo whose face you want to cover in your hot semen the most

>> No.28616730

Polka or Ayame.

>> No.28616732
File: 93 KB, 906x921, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616873

It's a pre-recorded clip of her becoming championsheep.

>> No.28616734

Whatever people tell you, do the opposite.

>> No.28616736


>> No.28616737
Quoted by: >>28616801

Calm your autism it's intended.

>> No.28616741

Peko throw that away

>> No.28616742

>Haachama finally invited
Finally... she needs someone to teach her how to play.

>> No.28616744


>> No.28616747

>my retardedd daughter-wife haato

>> No.28616754

what's more impressive is her doing all this while talking and keeping character. I play this in complete silence and still manage to fuck up every few days.

>> No.28616756

>Today's wanted criminals are JFK and sam hyde

>> No.28616757

Your oshi.

>> No.28616758


>> No.28616759

starting off with NCP...

>> No.28616761

Japanese is hard for JOPs too, anon.

>> No.28616763

sry anon that's her

>> No.28616764

You have to cut toxic people out of your life.

>> No.28616765
Quoted by: >>28616776

Haachama's ping is going to fuck her over again, isn't it?

>> No.28616766


>> No.28616768

I want to fill kusogaki's womb

>> No.28616769

>starting with NCP
Thank you amanekabayach!!!

>> No.28616772

>literally their most recent twitter activity is retweeting something with towa's art tag

>> No.28616773

I don't wanna do that to any Holo but if I had to I guess Ayame

>> No.28616775

What if your daughter grows up to be a vtuber?

>> No.28616776
Quoted by: >>28616810

It's not an FPS

>> No.28616778
File: 496 KB, 1700x2311, 1601797323260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amane Kanata ch....

>> No.28616780

I like all holos
None, because semen is really fucking annoying to clean up and it's fucking disgusting frankly speaking, cum on the back or belly instead

>> No.28616782
Quoted by: >>28616814

Actual real life rabbits died from being chased by predators then rabbits would be extinct.

>> No.28616783
File: 102 KB, 363x371, 1542710699531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another utawaku

>> No.28616786

depends on how good she is

>> No.28616787

going with my usual choice- the cute clown

>> No.28616789

did pekora just laugh at the journo calling her a fascist? based.

>> No.28616790
File: 827 KB, 3445x4093, EfHoNyMU8AAj95y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan so much

>> No.28616791

supachatto taimu

>> No.28616798

She almost got in

>> No.28616799

Pekora doing pekoland immigration has potential to be the best steam ever.

>> No.28616801
Quoted by: >>28616904

It isn't intended. You can use rabbits to make potions to jump higher sans fall damage. It isn't consistent.

>> No.28616808

she's busy roleplaying as towa's sister maid

>> No.28616809

Kanata is already a vtuber

>> No.28616810
Quoted by: >>28616838

Senchou got wrongly killed because of desync shit last time, haachama's gonna either abort games or sow chaos

>> No.28616812

how to get Towa gf?

>> No.28616814

are you dumb
they breed fast enough to make up for it

>> No.28616815
File: 210 KB, 319x297, 1603644945186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616857

>rushia dragging around what looked like a dead fox for a few seconds

>> No.28616817

who's on the server with Rushia?
her model's blocking the chat

>> No.28616818

I hope nobody who posts here reproduces.

>> No.28616822

I don't have a daughter

>> No.28616826

Vtubing is a fad. I want my daughter to become a businesswoman so she can become rich.

>> No.28616830

Same thing papamacchia does

>> No.28616835
File: 169 KB, 850x1280, KANATA 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already one and I love her

>> No.28616837
Quoted by: >>28616882

Learn guitar and date the singer in your emo band.

>> No.28616838

desync isn't high ping

>> No.28616841


>> No.28616840
Quoted by: >>28616872

hopefully i'd be as good as macchia papa

>> No.28616845

I will marry her.

>> No.28616844 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28616914


>> No.28616849

I like how we are witnessing Rushia becoming fox lady except in Minecraft instead of real life.

>> No.28616851

nice joke. I've given up on any hope to pass my genes.

>> No.28616852
Quoted by: >>28616914

anon...do you really believe

>> No.28616854

For some reason, NCP makes me want to sing-along with it regardless of who sings it, it's such a neat party song.

>> No.28616855

peko fidgeting with the poison is cute

>> No.28616857
Quoted by: >>28616901

She is a necromancer, after all.

>> No.28616860
File: 325 KB, 1000x822, DONTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy me 12 packs a day

>> No.28616863

Imagine Rushia's painal screams.

>> No.28616872

He's fake anon...

>> No.28616873

Why does Cover's translator keep doing this

>> No.28616874

well, you did it pecor

>> No.28616876


>> No.28616879


>> No.28616880
File: 462 KB, 2048x1536, 1596024218207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616910

Do your reps.

>> No.28616882

you could also learn drums, but don't learn bass

>> No.28616883

Pekora holy shit
Just kills a man and complains she got paid too little for it.

>> No.28616885
Quoted by: >>28616968

i will convince my Towa gf to stop smoking

>> No.28616886

Last part is definitely the best part to sing along

>> No.28616887


>> No.28616889

Pekora working for the KGB

>> No.28616890

>i killed a person and you only give me 20 bucks!?

>> No.28616891

that was a dank joke, i liked it,
meme worthy,

>> No.28616896

I'm a fucking idiot and tuned in right at the ending screen.

>> No.28616897

>20 rubbel for killing a person

>> No.28616898

No smoking. Smoking bad.

>> No.28616901
Quoted by: >>28616944

She is the worst fucking necromancer ever, she never fucking revives anyone or does any necromancy. I bet she paid for her necromancy diploma and never studied

>> No.28616903

I want to imagine loving missionary sex with Rushia.

>> No.28616904


>> No.28616905

Glory to Pekoland, Painful deaths to all dissenters!

>> No.28616906

Jesus fucking christ Rushia learn how to take at least two of every important item

>> No.28616907

but that isn't Ahoy!

>> No.28616908

N-No he's her real father... she said so...

>> No.28616909

>gets a man killed
>complains the pay was low
Brutal, that's pecons for you

>> No.28616911


>> No.28616910

i stand no chance against this kenzoku

>> No.28616912


>> No.28616914
Quoted by: >>28616932

Yes, but I'd be real.
Not like I'll ever have kids

>> No.28616917

I wonder if Lucas Pope is watching this, and what he thinks. He lives in Japan now so I wonder...

>> No.28616923

Oh nooo! diversity in game choice, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.28616926

I guess I'm a hochiyomi now, thanks Kanatan

>> No.28616927

didn't suisei once said that when she sings it she wants people to sing along the 'la la la' part or something?

>> No.28616930

Man, imagine all the doujinshi...

>> No.28616931
Quoted by: >>28616955

i will name my first child Towa
if i ever reproduce

>> No.28616932

I'd like to have kids one day.

>> No.28616935

Kind of amazing the amount of views she can pull for a game like Papers Please.

>> No.28616938

yeah, she did

>> No.28616939

bullshit I don't believe you

>> No.28616943

>Hamtaro song

>> No.28616944

She's still a student, cut her some slack.

>> No.28616945

Yeah, that's why she wrote that part in.

>> No.28616950


>> No.28616951

all vtubers are fake too, he's good at playing as one

>> No.28616952

everyone's a nousagi

>> No.28616953

worst 5th gen

>> No.28616955


>> No.28616957


>> No.28616958
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>> No.28616960
File: 141 KB, 282x305, 01-151350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are not woman

>> No.28616963

This game is amazing in the right hands. Dunno what you nigs on about

>> No.28616964
Quoted by: >>28617021

>Miko streaming at the same time as Homo collabs

>> No.28616966

How was Matsuri's Apex thing last night?

>> No.28616968

>all that Japanese

>> No.28616969

The game's not bad but Pekora's commentary can even make watching paint dry funny

>> No.28616975

Hamutaro Kanatachi....

>> No.28616978

I cant tell if I like this playthrough or lunas one more

>> No.28616981
Quoted by: >>28617018

When will Towa make a similar stream than Luna yesterday? I'm curious what the kenzoku actually looks like.

>> No.28616984 [SPOILER] 
File: 419 KB, 854x480, 1604315537606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28617046


>> No.28616987
Quoted by: >>28617055

>Pekora took every single bribes

>> No.28616988


>> No.28616989

pekora is an entertainer and a natural comedian, this game there's a bunch of material for comedy in the right hands

>> No.28616990
File: 182 KB, 341x443, 1597488323205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look after my clown ok

>> No.28616992
File: 636 KB, 857x1200, tesg34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28616994

>Asking the dykes for opinions

>> No.28616995

It doesn't seem like it spawned any clipable moments, so it can't have been that bad.

>> No.28616999

it's not shark so i will take a while. pls understand.

>> No.28617001


>> No.28617006

The deleted Watame Fubuki Aqua stream that I missed. Damn. Anybody save this stream?

>> No.28617007

where are her nipples?

>> No.28617008

All is saw that there was some super tryhard wraith in a turney

>> No.28617010

sry i'm looking after Towa
she is giving us some yab signs on twitter

>> No.28617014

>take off the corset but don't adjust the breasts to not be pushed up and together
If you're not going to do it right, why do it?

>> No.28617016
Quoted by: >>28617030

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnPSPV6iVTY Choco

>> No.28617017

That's just Marisa

>> No.28617018
File: 44 KB, 600x900, 1592587598938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she does.

>> No.28617021

How is it ever a dilemma, of course they're right choice is miko

>> No.28617022
Quoted by: >>28617041

>take the bribes AND get him arrested
Holy fuck lmao

>> No.28617024

>took the bribe
>still kick him out

>> No.28617027
Quoted by: >>28617041

>took the watch and the bribe
>sends him to gulag anyway
Pekora is ruthless

>> No.28617028

kek poor fucking guy

>> No.28617030

will she play with temma?

>> No.28617032


>> No.28617033

This fucking rabbit, lmao.

>> No.28617034

Wait come back. Is she supposed to be nippleless?

>> No.28617035

She just fucking scammed the dude holy shit.

>> No.28617037
File: 306 KB, 280x487, 1573214820534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking the bribe
>But not let them in

>> No.28617039


>> No.28617040
Quoted by: >>28617080

>Pekora telling that guy to "go home" while stealing his watch
Good lord

>> No.28617041

the best course of action

>> No.28617043

Thank you, Kanata.

>> No.28617046

>Sang this the day after she hang out with the one who made the video for this
Deepest lore

>> No.28617047

https://youtu.be/EnPSPV6iVTY Choco DBD Endurance

>> No.28617048

Lesson learned: never bribe pekora

>> No.28617050

>got the bribe
>still reported him anyway
lmao, classical pekora

>> No.28617053

My fucking sides. Truly a hero of children

>> No.28617054

>you can now spell POG with Kanata's member stamps
t-tthanks kanatach

>> No.28617055

Isn't it the right play? I was in Russia for like 7 years and that is pretty much what we did there.

>> No.28617057


>> No.28617059

she takes them off with the rest of her makeup

>> No.28617067

Kanata is singing.

>> No.28617069
File: 162 KB, 850x1301, 1604260203506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind reminder that Rushia's asshole is all slimy and smooth inside so she can poop easier, not so you can rub your dick against her sensitive anal walls until you fill it with your fresh semen. Only degenerates would want to cum inside her warm and soft butt while her head is down in a pillow. The same degenerates who would enjoy going balls deep inside her poop chute, the most private and intimate part of her body, before slowly and gently sliding out so Rushia can enjoy the faux sensation of taking a long and satisfying dump while her anal muscles twitch and coil lovingly around their penis. And when they get close to cumming, they would do unimaginable things like fully taking their dick out with a loud and wet plop before resting it on her soft butt cheek, admiring the lewd gaping of her messy and wet shit hole and the slimy juices oozing out of it as she squeals in embarrassment. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.28617073

Matsuri's team placed 16th out of 20, but the tourney was very stacked so I'd say she did fine.

>> No.28617075

Thank god no faggot has done it yet, maybe Heimins are good

>> No.28617076
Quoted by: >>28617099

damn, tryharding in a tournament?

>> No.28617077

I know

>> No.28617080

she's like a real corrupt bureaucrat

>> No.28617081


>> No.28617082

Don't jinx it.

>> No.28617084
Quoted by: >>28617100



>> No.28617085

I hope she will play Obra Dinn too, although that might not be as fun to watch.

>> No.28617088

>refuses to dirt tower herself to safety

>> No.28617089

>there's a fucking house
>not go there
what the fuck rushia

>> No.28617093
Quoted by: >>28617110

You really made me want to do it! But I'll resist.

>> No.28617095

>Kanata's practicing singing by singing Enka to be like Mizuki Nana
Based and Nanapilled

>> No.28617096

I know and I'm watching her

>> No.28617097


>> No.28617098

she constantly reads chat so someone would probably spoil all the game for her

>> No.28617099

By tryhard i meant more very good, 100 times better Matuli ever will be

>> No.28617100

i agree stop allowing americans in

>> No.28617101

What the fuck I love her now

>> No.28617106
File: 339 KB, 800x800, J9WrXrmrGJCQ_APl1ICgCg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck did you mention this in the first place

>> No.28617107
Quoted by: >>28617116

How was Chiichan's team and Nose's?

>> No.28617110

Good anon

>> No.28617112

Incredibly based

>> No.28617115

Could be very good

>> No.28617116


>> No.28617119

It's a good game, but I don't think it's a good game to stream

>> No.28617127
Quoted by: >>28617157

She got abit of that during the Bilibili Macro concert yea?

>> No.28617132
Quoted by: >>28617144

If you're talking about CR Ras, he was actually limited to playing wraith only 2 times out of the 5 games.

>> No.28617136
Quoted by: >>28617154

I would have said that about Papers Please before a couple days ago

>> No.28617139

This and Senchou's original song too.

>> No.28617144

Yeah him, still the game i saw with him was very good, he solo made it to top 3 with dead team

>> No.28617145

I would choose Ayame aka whore, she rarely streams

>> No.28617146

Does Pekora even know what Arsekickers mean?

>> No.28617148

>Jorji's final appearance is on day 31. He shows up just to tell the inspector that he recently "make big score." He then gives the inspector 40 credits as a thank you for helping him and walks away.
>This happens even if the inspector has not helped Jorji at all.

>> No.28617150

Was this the tournament the reason Matsuri spammed Apex so much or is she spamming for any tournament since she likes Apex? Are we still going to get more Apex from festival?

>> No.28617151

just build one rushia.... you have string and slime ball

>> No.28617154

anyone who said that about PP has never watched luna's old playthrough

>> No.28617157

Bilibili World, yeah. She said made her happy when she heard the audience shouting kyou mo kawaii and singing along with her during NCP.

>> No.28617158
File: 347 KB, 489x436, womb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28617160

I'd say pekora would have good reactions, but she could have them with anything

>> No.28617161

Peko is corrupt as fuck

>> No.28617162

Mio's playthrough is still privated...

>> No.28617165

