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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 119 KB, 1003x1417, EW8w2qyU4AMeLD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25392465 No.25392465 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25392467
File: 922 KB, 280x256, koro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you know what, forget it. I don't want your stinking yubis anymore. I've got enough already.

>> No.25392470
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392471
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1574049391198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392522

>> No.25392473

DAYUM look at those titties

>> No.25392474

please take them

>> No.25392475
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392476
File: 946 KB, 1000x1778, 474B7902-69A0-4700-B0FD-CEC41CC9045C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25392478

I wish I was a hololiver so I had friends to play with

>> No.25392479
Quoted by: >>25392598

I dont like haachama she is annoying and tries too hard, seems fake

>> No.25392480 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 270x270, 1597287088714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393182

My manager always tells me to smile and put on a happy face.
He told me I had a purpose, to bring laughter and joy to the world.

>> No.25392481
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1596230993224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392673

Towa is a whore

>> No.25392483
File: 43 KB, 680x383, 54364578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392569


>> No.25392482

Is it simping if I'm giving money to my son?

>> No.25392487
File: 1.26 MB, 2450x1451, 1596520153125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392489

Is.. ito simpinggu... YEAAAAAH!

>> No.25392490

As you fish.

>> No.25392491

Fuck Roberu
Fuck Astel
Fuck Kira
Fuck Oga
Fuck Shien
Fuck Miyabi
Fuck Aruran
Fuck Holostars
Fuck Rikka
Fuck Temma
Fuck Izuru

>> No.25392492

You shouldn't ask for yubis in the first place

>> No.25392494

Who cares. I will never donate to any of the girls but may donate to Roberu at some point.

>> No.25392495
File: 381 KB, 397x498, korone smok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your favorite hologirl has a boyfriend

>> No.25392496


>> No.25392497
File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1591082719450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25392498
File: 78 KB, 1400x700, Fall-Guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392499
File: 609 KB, 3840x2160, EfQxfksUwAAw_xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I'm actually excited for a 5th gen debut.

>> No.25392500


>> No.25392501

Then how will you keep us from sleeping and leaving the stream Korosan?

>> No.25392502

Haha cant wait for a week of Fall Guys stream so fun

>> No.25392503
File: 291 KB, 820x793, tower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392526


>> No.25392504

Fall Guys chads, we're winning

>> No.25392506
File: 51 KB, 526x545, Everyday until you improve yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little alien? She’s a Vtuber who does mounted archery in her free time, teaches a duck how to draw and teaches EOP Japanese to be able converse with their oshis for shit and giggles. She can fluently speak Indonesian, English and Japanese and knows German and Korean too, but that’s still not enough as she’s currently learning sign language and how to play the violin to become an even better Vtuber. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25392507
Quoted by: >>25392552

>Fuck Shien

>> No.25392509
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392545


>> No.25392510
File: 2.98 MB, 1158x1637, IMG_20200713_215244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 14 Thread #5

Mikochi is more than a girlfriend!

>> No.25392511
Quoted by: >>25392556

>Kanatan soon
>6:30 am
Well, guess I'm watching it later in the archive if it makes it there.

>> No.25392513
Quoted by: >>25392531

What is the story with Roboco anyway? Azki is kinda from a different company, Sora is the OG, Suisei and Miko got picked up by Cover, why is Roboco gen 0?

>> No.25392514

Korone pls...
Hotline Miami...

>> No.25392515
File: 873 KB, 3840x2160, EfQxfksUwAAw_xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392517


>> No.25392519
Quoted by: >>25392681


It begins.

>> No.25392521

Predict what kind of monkey paw effect was used to create the post-Holocaust environment we are currently in the middle of.

>> No.25392522
File: 179 KB, 310x310, AloeLove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392523
File: 680 KB, 2918x3664, pek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a quick rundown about the 5th gens so far

>> No.25392526
File: 1009 KB, 608x926, 1591701568567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392528
Quoted by: >>25392549

Someone post giant spinning Okayu.

>> No.25392529
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, HIPS.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my two moms and their alien friend

>> No.25392530

Polka is a slut

>> No.25392531

She applied for the position of Roboco however Roboco's character design was made and is kept by Kuromaro
Miko's also owned by cover in that way

>> No.25392532

lolo... towa...

>> No.25392533

This is extremely disrespectful, he should've at least waiting until Aqua finished streaming the game before trying to stream it as well.

>> No.25392536

So Aqua and Roberu are friends right? It's no coincidence that she played Jump King after he did and OoT too. Roberu even lives in the country too doesn't he?

>> No.25392537

"Make my oshi popular."

>> No.25392538
File: 311 KB, 267x272, 1597280331001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, did Aqua decide not to go for Diamond in Apex suddenly? She's got her OOT stream tonight and now a Fall Guys stream planned for a few hours later.

>> No.25392539
File: 363 KB, 688x500, aloe_love1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393141


>> No.25392540


>> No.25392542
File: 5 KB, 323x38, 1587669339295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392543

truly longing roberu coin was the right choice
he is going places

>> No.25392545
File: 178 KB, 1024x1024, 1596404474474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pits, they are mine.

>> No.25392546
Quoted by: >>25392610

As an idolfag I unironically hope iofi, risu and moona get gangbanged everyday

>> No.25392547
File: 615 KB, 568x3692, polka yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what they call character development?

>> No.25392549
Quoted by: >>25392575


>> No.25392550
File: 405 KB, 370x1024, 1597272555672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392551

ano sa...

>> No.25392552
Quoted by: >>25392577

Taking away Shien's virginity while he moans softly into your ear!

>> No.25392553 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 0a9d714e534853ca894a5ccb2d48f4c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392554

One of the 5th gens' first collabs when the 1 month waiting period is over will be with a Holostar.

>> No.25392555

It's allowance

>> No.25392556
Quoted by: >>25392665

That was me last night but with a different time zone, since I didn't feel like I'd be able to sleep without hearing if her voice was doing okay.

>> No.25392558

Roberu is going to prepare for 2 hours then snipe Aqua when her stream starts!

>> No.25392559

How does this relationship even work, the both seem like massive bottoms

>> No.25392560

>teach Aqua the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.25392564


>> No.25392565
File: 1022 KB, 1120x1350, 1597021459255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392567
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1597272120179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25392568

Not even mad, this game is super fun to watch and I usually don't care for BR type games.

>> No.25392569 [DELETED] 


>> No.25392571

She's doing a bon festival celebration today for us, don't worry, she's still climbing in Apex too.

>> No.25392572
File: 680 KB, 1600x900, 1597276609380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392574
Quoted by: >>25392638

Kino is on the menu this Sunday.

>> No.25392575

Thank you.

>> No.25392577

He would totally scream with an echo out of nowhere

>> No.25392578

you gay or something?

>> No.25392580
File: 194 KB, 380x337, 【#常闇トワ3D】常闇トワ様3Dお披露目!悪魔になるための一歩♥【#JointhefutureJP】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392721

Tower fangs.

>> No.25392582

no this is what they call a menhera

>> No.25392583
File: 86 KB, 278x238, 1593804413511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I be a ritualposter too?

>> No.25392585

Aqua played Jump King because of Ririmu if anything.

>> No.25392587

Sounds more like Cover gave them the go-ahead today.

>> No.25392588
Quoted by: >>25392606

anons am I the only one who finds hot that some holo may be a slut, I just want her to make it clear beforehand.

>> No.25392589
Quoted by: >>25392633

>Mio is verified
Is she going out of jail soon?

>> No.25392591

he's playing it because he saw his chicken wife play it.

>> No.25392594
File: 1.37 MB, 1436x1154, IMG_20200524_153044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392639


>> No.25392596
File: 2.16 MB, 2145x4158, 1591990144756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, A-Chan looks like THAT?!

>> No.25392595

Ok bros, we need to save watame, who is going to be her designated best friend?

>> No.25392598

she's just a zoomer. she's pretty honest and does whatever she wants.

>> No.25392597
File: 77 KB, 680x383, PolkaCool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392599

She played Jump King after watching her friend Miko struggle with it.

>> No.25392600

It looks good on her.

>> No.25392601
File: 510 KB, 560x711, No honks left to give.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392602
File: 49 KB, 287x222, wise words peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25392603

I won't be awake for any of the Fall Guy streams, what a shame.

>> No.25392604

They take turns to ride my dick.

>> No.25392605
File: 100 KB, 828x1135, 1594037896547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do they even do
less likely to get striked?

>> No.25392606

Just pretend Hoshikawa is apart of Hololive.

>> No.25392607

She's her best friend.

>> No.25392608

I really, really hope she can deliver on the hype.

>> No.25392609
File: 857 KB, 2100x2900, 1590796296050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly shy maid, just ask your sister to play already.

>> No.25392610

lets fund an /hlg/ holoID gangbang then we can have a true achievement to bring up whenever someone compares /hlg/ to reddit

>> No.25392611

I can't believe that in the end she actually won, the sister-wife is not to be underestimated

>> No.25392612
File: 298 KB, 374x436, 1595729677045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392718


>> No.25392616
File: 99 KB, 619x384, 1597272910597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugoi, I didn't know this general had a facebook page

>> No.25392617

Think you could make Miko's voice quiver like this? Have Korone melt in your palm?


>> No.25392618
File: 186 KB, 1668x759, IMG_20200528_140222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel uses her retard strength and forces Flare to have sex with her

>> No.25392622

>Lamy theme is around winter
>Doesn't do well in cold places


>> No.25392623
File: 281 KB, 717x717, honk_honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they call... Being a clown *honk*

>> No.25392627
Quoted by: >>25392640

What is Nene good at

>> No.25392630

why does aqua get priority?

>> No.25392629

Watame's best friend is us and numbers.

>> No.25392632

you are right anon

>> No.25392633

They said they got it reduced to a month, so only a couple more weeks

>> No.25392635

Narrativefags are asleep.

>> No.25392636
Quoted by: >>25392696

How is that they have yet to collab, if lolo truly was her mother you would think that they would have done something by now, either that or lolo doesn't trust towa and thinks she might call her by her real name by accident

>> No.25392637
Quoted by: >>25393068

She's a half snow-elf.

>> No.25392638
Quoted by: >>25392709


>> No.25392639

Ah, there's the tete I ordered.

>> No.25392640


>> No.25392641


>> No.25392642
File: 252 KB, 1600x1000, EfPK9srVoAA824I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu's finally up. Took 10 hours to recover from the sadness, but she's back in the saddle. Good. She was being too down on herself in that last tweet.

>> No.25392645

Just wait for Coco to finish moving out, i'm 100% sure they'll collab next week.

>> No.25392646

I came to this cesspoll of a containment thread just to see if someone posted these.

Based anon.

We are gonna have some good morning kinos tomorrow with Roberu, and Aqua too I guess.

>> No.25392648
File: 401 KB, 678x488, v7fio8v6ulg51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25392650

Why do you think she sits inside all day with the furnace blaring being a vtuber playing video games?

>> No.25392653

she likes warm winters

>> No.25392656

Gap moe

>> No.25392657

Surely Googlechama won't use this information for any bad right?

>> No.25392658

Maybe because she is actually relevant?

>> No.25392659
Quoted by: >>25392683

I want to mating press the clown

>> No.25392661

Why would you post your own facebook page?

>> No.25392663

She's a falmer.
She prefer dark and moist place.

>> No.25392664

Because she's relevant.

>> No.25392665

Luck was on her side yesterday and it was all fine. Have fun today and don't forget to download it if it has anything to do with singing.

>> No.25392667

i dont care about the dumb bear i just want to slap and suck on noel's tits all day long!

>> No.25392669
Quoted by: >>25392821

>grow up in the north
>hate snow
pretty common

>> No.25392670

>blogging about 4chan on facebook
absolutely cringe

>> No.25392672
Quoted by: >>25392827

yeah it's me

>> No.25392673

I'm sorry ayameposter, but>>25392602 is a superior version of you. You better step up your game soon or you'll be left in the dust.

>> No.25392676

I am glad she's trying out new games again to keep things interesting instead of resting on her laurels and play the same game ad infinitum.

>> No.25392679
File: 961 KB, 1008x534, 1597237093406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to mating press Lamy!

>> No.25392680

Comfy girl wants to stay warm during the winter, think about it.

>> No.25392681
Quoted by: >>25392697

onion raging about ppl grabbing her is gonna be gud, i can already hear the neeeeeee moooooooooouu

>> No.25392682

What did I miss?

>> No.25392683

she honks every time you thrust

>> No.25392685
Quoted by: >>25392713

god this is so cute

>> No.25392686
File: 3.33 MB, 1696x1448, Polka standup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY! Whats the deal with *HONKS*..

>> No.25392689 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25393131

>whozuna ai

>> No.25392691

So what?

>> No.25392693

I want to cum on the bear while noel eats it!

>> No.25392696
File: 304 KB, 1090x1440, 1596299802868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392727

She talked about it, said she would love to but she is shy.
Towa would be more than happy to though, she's just also shy.

>> No.25392697


>> No.25392698

She has split personality..

>> No.25392699
File: 58 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20200402_162631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the one month collab restrictions a good idea?

>> No.25392700
File: 167 KB, 445x523, 1597220631344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kneel to the fallchads

>> No.25392701
Quoted by: >>25392723

>Fuck Shien
But... I can’t do that to my bossu

>> No.25392703

Ask our russian fellas if they like winter, you'll know why.

>> No.25392704

Also on Instagram, but I'm not posting that.

>> No.25392705
File: 846 KB, 1305x469, watame....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392706

has towa even acknowledged lolo's existence?

>> No.25392707

Nobody truly likes winter anon. Being cold fucking sucks.

>> No.25392708

I want the clown shoe squeak instead for thrusts and honking when she climaxes.

>> No.25392709


>> No.25392710
File: 888 KB, 1070x607, 888ED25B-90C5-4D38-80E3-8DA11A65215E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392737

Is time to feel?

>> No.25392711
Quoted by: >>25392801

Sad video game moment reduced cat to tears. She ended the stream ASAP and promised to read all that day's supacha the next day.

>> No.25392712

Polka on the front paige

>> No.25392713
File: 1.35 MB, 323x455, NOEL 14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noel is very cute

>> No.25392717


>> No.25392719
Quoted by: >>25392748

>Aqua's stream delayed an hour to the exact time as Roberus

It's a declaration of war!

>> No.25392718
File: 337 KB, 804x291, dog says do your reps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angry Korone is cute

>> No.25392720

Winter > Summer

>> No.25392721
Quoted by: >>25392735

Cute fangs. Could you post more?

>> No.25392723

Yes you can anon. You gotta believe

>> No.25392726
Quoted by: >>25392742

Imagine being in a time machine and changing the past for the __________


>> No.25392727

understandable but they already collabed before

>> No.25392730
Quoted by: >>25392786

You don't have to choose between two bad things, bro.

>> No.25392734

My son and my daughter just have similar taste in games

>> No.25392735
Quoted by: >>25392751

there's been a fang shortage recently anon, you're going to need to make a good offer

>> No.25392736
File: 1.37 MB, 2856x4072, 9a75ce0cada9ac89d991b00b79709c5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are some bigass onions.

>> No.25392737
Quoted by: >>25393396


>> No.25392738

Anakin hates sand.

>> No.25392740

Someone should program a Japanese learning game. It shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.25392742

whoguya Luna..

>> No.25392744
Quoted by: >>25392766

Who the fuck cares, everyone outside Hololive is already playing it. Holos are always late to trends.

>> No.25392747
Quoted by: >>25392763

Why's Polka have such big ankles.

>> No.25392748

Her's is two hours after Roberu's, but she's playing Ocarina the same time he's playing Majora.

>> No.25392751
File: 274 KB, 570x371, 1596425873399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392817

Is tummy going to be enough?

>> No.25392753

What do you mean anon?
t. rurudo

>> No.25392754
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1590871369615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392778

Please play along with the menhera.

>> No.25392755
File: 144 KB, 1262x1235, 71vwShiqRRL._SL1262_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392861

Aqua is playing OoT because it requires less memory

>> No.25392756
File: 22 KB, 289x414, EfQYLZPWAAoZSsw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot onion

>> No.25392757

We already have the kana familiarity thing + Anki.

>> No.25392759

pretty sure there are a shit lot of games meant to little kids that tackle that topic, didn't pokemon have something about learning to type

>> No.25392761

So in vtuber scene right now what % of 50k+ subs chubbas that already play fall guys right now? 10% yet?

>> No.25392763
File: 243 KB, 655x900, Tall Honks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392777

To hide stilts

>> No.25392765

Paper Mario and the Origami King has your bomb friend blow himself up to save your other party member

>> No.25392767
File: 2.05 MB, 2039x1447, EaxBPZcUwAATOMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how much of a normal person/stacy she is
She doesn't even know FMA or most of the common pieces of animated media


>> No.25392766

>Holos are always late to trends.
>implying they don't do it on purpose to see how to best do the trend after everyone else fails and capitalize on it
You doubt Hololive.

>> No.25392768
File: 2.44 MB, 560x560, 5th Gen be like.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25392770

She is literally Emilia from Re:Zero

>Lamy's favorite anime is Re:Zero
>Emilia lived in an eternal winter forest
>Emilia has a flying familiar that follows her around
>Emilia is a half-elf
>Emilia doesn't like cold places
Lamy is an otaku, and I like her.

>> No.25392771

And that Facebook page has a discord, this really explains the shitty threads

>> No.25392772

early spring>early autumn>snowy winter>winter>late spring>late fal>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>summer

>> No.25392775

What's wrong with her?

>> No.25392776

What's wrong with Aqua's papa

>> No.25392777

Clowns are so fucking creepy.

>> No.25392778

i'll, it's very cute

>> No.25392779

They are the same person.

>> No.25392781
File: 41 KB, 659x759, EfMJAJpUEAAvzKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flare Utawaku
>Roberu Fall Guys
>Aqua Fall Guys
>Nene's debut
Back-to-back streams, this is going to be a very "busy" day for me.

>> No.25392782
Quoted by: >>25392802

Life is the Japanese learning game. You just don't want to play it.

>> No.25392786

Winter is easy. Just wear more clothes.

How about summer?

>> No.25392788

>Anything other than an entry level normalfag with shit taste

>> No.25392789


>> No.25392791

Roro, rurudo and Towa collab when? I wanna see the family together and laugh at rurudo pretending to be two people at once

>> No.25392792

Now I see the gimmick. She even mentioned that she likes time-related anime, including Re:Zero.

>> No.25392796
File: 182 KB, 922x618, pleaserememberus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You found an old picture on your attic."
"It appears to be a group of people from your past."
"You stared at the picture, but despite your best efforts, you could not recognize any of them."
"All you recognize is the date on the picture, 25th of July, 2020."
"You felt a sadness deep within you, but you're glad to have them back then."

>> No.25392797

How did she even land the job, it doesn't seem like something a regular person would be aware off, even less interested in

>> No.25392799

Wow that's crazy

>> No.25392800

My wife has gone insane...

>> No.25392801
Quoted by: >>25392838

What are the spicy narratives here, what IRL event did she relate this to?

>> No.25392802

I only play games I'm good at.

>> No.25392803

I'll just kick back and watch my good ol' Roboco Apex

>> No.25392805
File: 303 KB, 900x1044, 1597261463920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392806

I like Re:Zero and I've seen well over 1000 anime. Come at me, bro.

>> No.25392807

play pokemon in japanese, it's a kid's game and a game for kids wouldn't have difficult fucking samurai-esque sentence structure

>> No.25392809

clowns are a derivative, deal with it

>> No.25392810
File: 173 KB, 560x346, pekorasmugwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392808
Quoted by: >>25393151

>doesn't go out naked in summers
step up your game anon

>> No.25392811


>> No.25392813

just play some porn untranslated

>> No.25392814
File: 44 KB, 287x222, bunstreetsbackALRIGHT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392847


>> No.25392815
Quoted by: >>25392872

Being hot fucking sucks.
>boo hoo but I'm cold!
Just wear more clothes, retard.
>boo hoo but I'm hot!
Get naked all you want, you can't cool yourself up, ever.

Fuck Summer and fuck hotblooded niggers.

>> No.25392817 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.76 MB, 2534x3648, 1597288122258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393247


>> No.25392818
Quoted by: >>25392972

What's the difference? Is it like bees and wasps?

>> No.25392819

Kanata's friend strikes again

>> No.25392820

what the fuck

>> No.25392821
Quoted by: >>25392870

t. someone who didnt grow up in the north

>> No.25392822

She's a seiyuu fan.

>> No.25392825
File: 277 KB, 900x900, Ee5QbFrUYAELG9F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Polka ever collab with Joe Rikiichi

>> No.25392827
Quoted by: >>25392842

Congrats anon, who is the lucky girl?

>> No.25392832
Quoted by: >>25392995

Artia and Moona collabed? What the fuck?

>> No.25392833


>> No.25392835

That would be a piece of performance art.

>> No.25392837

she already does on twitter, on both of her accounts, rurudo is 4 people

>> No.25392838

Clearly equated to 9/11

>> No.25392839

You get used to the climate where you live. You can easily dress warm enough for any cold winter but being hot is suffering.

>> No.25392840

The hell

>> No.25392841

nijisanji takes anything and everything and sees what sticks
People like her and honestly I think she's cute and sexy
I don't watch her though, more of I check her out if she's with any other holos

>> No.25392842

It's you, Anon.
You're the lucky girl.

>> No.25392844
Quoted by: >>25393121

I'm glad haato got stranded in Australia. She would've ended up like this if she had stayed in Japan

>> No.25392843

>Winter is easy. Just wear more clothes.
Wash your hands, freeze to death. Wash your face, freeze to death. Go take a shit, freeze to death. Get naked before a shower, freeze to death. Exit the shower, freeze to death.

In summer you can just drink cold water and immediately feel great. Not to mention that your own sweat cools you down.

>> No.25392846

i love facebook! give me likes please!

>> No.25392847

Based, fuck Lamy.

>> No.25392848

>likes normalfag tier anime

>> No.25392850

>5th gen will surpass azki in a matter of weeks

>> No.25392852
Quoted by: >>25392897

I don't respect the man who has watched 1000 trash shows, i respect the man who has watched a good show 1000 times

>> No.25392854


>> No.25392855
File: 301 KB, 459x517, 1593625652739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep is for the dead.

>> No.25392857
Quoted by: >>25392892

Why is busy in quotes
Are you going to masturbate to all of them

>> No.25392858

What makes her an Otaku is what she said about Jojo combined with the fact her entire character is based on one of her favorite anime.

Also entry level otaku are still otaku.

>> No.25392861

Does Aqua even have a N64.

>> No.25392862

I'll come at you to shake your hand.

>> No.25392864

That webm made me think of this song

>> No.25392867
File: 712 KB, 2327x2151, 1597007234241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, step right up and spin the wheel!
Find out what everyone's new favorite menhera will be like today!

>> No.25392869
Quoted by: >>25392911

Yeah you've clearly never been in a cold climate dumbass

>lol just be sweaty all the time bro

>> No.25392870
Quoted by: >>25392940

you're right, I was born in florida and hate the ocean and swamp, all my relatives are from the north and they hated snow so they came here, it's not uncommon

>> No.25392872
File: 3.26 MB, 3270x2894, 1597234272719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a job and buy an air conditioner, birdbrain.

>> No.25392874

She's autistic enough to put some effort and make her voice sounds like Cocoa.

>> No.25392876

how experience is aqua in ocarina of time?
i doubt itd be her first time but that doesnt mean it wont basically be a blind run

>> No.25392877
File: 159 KB, 265x241, 1597260752569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mommy pegging

>> No.25392878

Supas... Subs... Views...
Such meaningless things...

>> No.25392880
Quoted by: >>25392952

Sora, I hope you join the Fall Guys collabs in the future

Or not like you always do....

>> No.25392882
File: 179 KB, 1240x1300, 1592411065303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392902

I love Anemachi!

>> No.25392883


>> No.25392886

i mean the only alternative is to play it on the 3DS and i don't think you can stream that "legally"

>> No.25392887 [DELETED] 

You're hardworking!

>> No.25392889
Quoted by: >>25392894

She hasn't even played FF7 before. It's not a stretch to say she's never played OoT.

>> No.25392890
Quoted by: >>25392916

>spending money to regulate temperature in the summer
I can't imagine anything more cucked.

>> No.25392892


>> No.25392894
Quoted by: >>25392924


>> No.25392895

Living in a society with Poker...

>> No.25392897
Quoted by: >>25392913

>I don't respect the man who has watched 1000 trash shows, i respect the man who has watched a good show 1000 times
Reflecting on this honestly: I don't feel right saying I respect someone based on a vague description of their media consumption habits. I wouldn't disrespect them for it, either. It is simply not important, compared to other aspects of personality and attitude.

>> No.25392900

I miss her, when was the last time we heard her on stream?

>> No.25392901
Quoted by: >>25392924

It's her first time.

>> No.25392902

why is she so perfect bros

>> No.25392903

summer is for crazy people
too hot to get any work done, can't go out half the day without suffering a heatstroke, have to shower twice a day otherwise you reek, more bugs than a bethesda game, just preparing a meal turns your house into an oven

>> No.25392904

>She like Steins;based
Buy all the coin!!!

>> No.25392905

You're hard working!

>> No.25392906

>doesn't light a fire in the bathroom for warmth
no wonder you suffer in winters anon...

>> No.25392907
File: 563 KB, 2039x1269, its shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am, but its both shit and i haven't been spending enough time on it because its more fun to watch holos

>> No.25392909
Quoted by: >>25392930


>> No.25392911

>Yeah you've clearly never been in a cold climate dumbass
Do I even have to validate this with an answer?

>> No.25392912
File: 297 KB, 720x900, 1597210267647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392913
Quoted by: >>25393044

Brother you can't reply to me on 4chan with a logical and reasonable argument

>> No.25392914
File: 629 KB, 2500x1870, Jan_Matejko,_Stańczyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.25392916
Quoted by: >>25394067

Tell me where I can get "more clothes" for free, oh non-cuck.

>> No.25392917

You have literally never lived in a cold nor hot location.

Ice cubes melt in less than 2 minutes in proper summer.

>> No.25392918

Honestly extremely excited at the possibility of her being a nutjob

>> No.25392920

The game is older than her

>> No.25392921

>ocarina of time
Was she even born yet?

>> No.25392922


>> No.25392924

You guys are the real EOPs. It's obvious they can lie. That's what anon is asking about.

>> No.25392926

Sounds about right

>> No.25392928


>> No.25392930
Quoted by: >>25393030

How long until she starts doing 30 minute runs

>> No.25392934
Quoted by: >>25392988

You don't even need a job to survive winter, just put clothes on top of you.

Once again it proves how shitty summer is.

>> No.25392935

Haha, imagine if A-chan sat on my face as a joke, haha. Wouldn't that be funny, haha?

>> No.25392936
Quoted by: >>25392985

you've never played games older than you?

>> No.25392937
File: 372 KB, 445x643, 1596819986692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392938
File: 524 KB, 3840x2160, Ee_PgZOU8AA7kbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392961

>> No.25392940
Quoted by: >>25393008

are they 70 years old? it's common for retirees.
lamy is young and it just comes off as fake, even as a completely fictional 'trait'
the way she said it too like she didn't even realize it was ironic was weird.

>> No.25392949
File: 477 KB, 667x757, 1596916689656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Childish Polka

>> No.25392950

>that video

>> No.25392952

Sora could've been the MC of Holo collabs instead of Eugene/Mio...

>> No.25392954


>> No.25392955

I've run over 150 miles outside in 120+ F heat index. I've also spent two months outdoors in the Adirondacks from February to March. I'll take the heat any day, thanks.

>> No.25392957


>> No.25392959
Quoted by: >>25392994

Do this in Japanese and tweet it at her

>> No.25392960
Quoted by: >>25393019

>You have literally never lived in a cold nor hot location.
What is this senseless denial that I'm getting? But to help you, get a 5l water container and leave it on the freezer. Drink from it.

>> No.25392961

Haachama no!

>> No.25392962
File: 348 KB, 662x837, 1596440353329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have just as much evidence that she's lying as we do that she's not.

>> No.25392963

Stop it

>> No.25392964
File: 362 KB, 778x1159, PEKORA BUILD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck are the rest of the costumes cover!!, i want hero of the children pekora

>> No.25392967

>just starts referencing anime and manga until she spergs so hard she can't function
I don't watch Niji but this guy is pretty fun.

>> No.25392966

To be fair OoT got a remaster on the 3DS.

>> No.25392970
File: 86 KB, 990x1280, 1589005353780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone has roberu based department webm? Need it for shitposting reasons

>> No.25392971
File: 13 KB, 327x263, Lamy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392990

I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.25392972

Clown is a circus act protraying a man down on his luck. Jester was a court position, they played a fool, basically acting like complete unfiltered retards.

>> No.25392974

>Aquafags are numbersfags

>> No.25392975

Sukeban holo when?

>> No.25392976


>> No.25392978
File: 234 KB, 600x600, 12213a485dfa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25392998

Maru! Maru!

>> No.25392980

pekora's stupid eyebrows trigger me

>> No.25392981
Quoted by: >>25393027

What the fuck, are you even human anon? Hololive is meant for human consumption, not aliens.

>> No.25392984

No one would be ready for such a thing

>> No.25392985

Not really, I don't think so.

Maybe some old western PC game, maybe.

>> No.25392986
File: 248 KB, 768x900, EevgepHUEAAKigG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those upcoming fall guys streams
if only Miko was able to stream...

>> No.25392987

After 5th gen and permission arc there will be outfit marathon 3rd-4th gen.

>> No.25392988
Quoted by: >>25393050

You don't even need a job to have air conditioning, just live in the first world and file disability.

>> No.25392989

Aqua probably researches a bit before playing games that interest her but why would she lie about playing an old game for the first time? Especially since aqua actually likes playing games

>> No.25392990
Quoted by: >>25393110

he's pretty good as far as mascots go, looking forward to buying him when they sell him after lamy's 3D debut

>> No.25392991
File: 1.01 MB, 1047x1500, 83635420_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25392993
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, 1586280766621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toddler Usada

>> No.25392994


>> No.25392995
Quoted by: >>25393028


>> No.25392996

the horror!

>> No.25392998

This just made me realize we haven't had a movie watch together since... Matuli... Luna please.

>> No.25393000


>> No.25393003
File: 280 KB, 501x584, 1595785769895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393004

Sora has too much boomer aura and hangs out with fellow boomers.

>> No.25393006
Quoted by: >>25393134

Polka's character seems to be a mixture of both in this case, she follows a bunch of circus stuff on Twitter but she's very likely to act like an unfiltered retard for us on stream.
Man I hope she lives up to the hype.

>> No.25393007
Quoted by: >>25393022

Girly Kanata, lewd sheep and Yakuza dragon onegai

>> No.25393009
Quoted by: >>25393027

This post was made by an automated machine.

>> No.25393008

no, most came down in their 20's-30's for business

>> No.25393014

what does eugene even do? what's like her actual job

>> No.25393015


>> No.25393017

>fps god ogre lion enters the scene ready to dominate
>meta is now fall guys

sell your botan coins

>> No.25393020
File: 945 KB, 2706x2349, EfFWIJCUwAAflvP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25393019
Quoted by: >>25393057

>just carry around a freezer with you
The stupidity of hot niggers.

>> No.25393021
Quoted by: >>25393096

Don't worry, everyone are going to race who can collab first after her return.

>> No.25393022

Sorry newyear costume first

>> No.25393023

If Polka doesn't use this in her first stream, then she is shit.

>> No.25393027
Quoted by: >>25393290

I'm just your average L*l*fag

>> No.25393028

is moona the kind of person that needs two other people to keep the awkwardness to a minimum?

>> No.25393030

Aqua performing arbitrary code execution!

>> No.25393031

Unironically tard wrangler.

>> No.25393033

Polka really has a lot of expectations to meet, I see. Imagine if she wasn't funny on her debut despite being a clown.

>> No.25393034

buy nenecoins.

>> No.25393036

I thought TowaMeru is long gone.

>> No.25393041

Employee lite

>> No.25393042
Quoted by: >>25393052

I think live 2D looks better in regular streams, and they should give the remaining gen 0 those

>> No.25393044 [SPOILER] 
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1597288936144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, my bad. Uh... let's see...

Wow, your taste is objectively bad, even for someone so obviously retarded as you. Your oshi is doesn't love you, she only loves your money. She wouldn't stop to speak with you on the street, because you radiate an aura of pathetic stasis and deep down you despise the very idea of human enjoyment!

Did I do okay? Anyway, I hope you have a good day/night/morning/whatever.

>> No.25393045

Its a forced collab week

>> No.25393046

i think the one sad thing that might come off the polka debut is that if she really is who people think she is then it means that she's not really a circusfag

>> No.25393048
Quoted by: >>25393105

>he thinks fall guys will be fun to watch more than once
Apex will be back on the menu tomorrow.

>> No.25393050

Ah, so basically
>Just live in the coldest hemisphere
Great thinking.

Specially when the job argument came from summercucks themselves.

>> No.25393051

Buenos días A-chan!

>> No.25393052

Do not dare to rob me of Roboco's 3d avatar

>> No.25393053
Quoted by: >>25393142

but also depicted as having very sharp humor and as the only one allowed to directly insult the king

>> No.25393055

I am saving my Fall Guys virginity stream for peko

>> No.25393057

Do you work on construction?

>> No.25393058

>8 hours left
>only 900 waiting
Oh nononono

>> No.25393059

Still gets me that Towa cancelled that collab then played Apex or something the day after.

>> No.25393060

Whoever translated menhera as edgey needs to be necked.

>> No.25393063
Quoted by: >>25393160

I just realize A-chan is tol

>> No.25393064
Quoted by: >>25393112

Roboco's going to be playing Apex! How exciting...

>> No.25393065
File: 350 KB, 427x415, 1593000585006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wise choice sir, wise choice.

>> No.25393066
Quoted by: >>25393089

If she really is that good, she will be the big ticket item for future apex collabs, expect everyone mildly interested in playing it to have her over, specially for tournaments and competitive

>> No.25393067
File: 3.61 MB, 1414x1004, polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there goes 2 hours of my life
Enjoy, Polkafrens!

>> No.25393068

3/4 You moron

>> No.25393069
File: 1022 KB, 4096x1971, 1597232323763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393073
Quoted by: >>25393099

She's technically Sora's support from the very beginning. Eventually it snowballed to her doing announcements of streams and even joining in as emcee

>> No.25393074

You mean week.

>> No.25393075
Quoted by: >>25393133

Same except for Aqua. Haven't seen a single second of gameplay of Fall Guys.

>> No.25393076

I try to be open minded regardless of their design.

She could be a cosplaying clown like Marine. Stop judging a book by its cover.

>> No.25393077

>Imagine if she wasn't funny on her debut despite being a clown.
Then she meet the expectation

>> No.25393079
File: 994 KB, 604x1280, H-o-n-k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poruka genki

>> No.25393081

I hope all of gen 3 plays it together

>> No.25393082

this is what I want from polka


>> No.25393085
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, 1593746085552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still friends.


>> No.25393087
File: 98 KB, 720x1015, EfD6pI8VAAASMhO_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393089

Is there even a single good female Apex Vtuber? Everyone should be collabing with that person if what you say is true.

>> No.25393091

Crying about not being funny will be a thing for her for sure.

>> No.25393092
Quoted by: >>25393321

pekocucks are disgusting, even Pekora is ashamed of her spammy fanbase.

>> No.25393096
File: 31 KB, 560x314, elite BABY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope one is with Lamy

>> No.25393098

Fall guys is only good for like a couple hours

>> No.25393099

so she's a manager who got taken advantage and given even more work?

>> No.25393102
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1590511032860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people already setting expectation based on their design

>> No.25393104
Quoted by: >>25393111


>> No.25393105

Snipers are too strong in fall guys. They can destroy you from the very beginning and they can give you a free win as easy. I guess most people don't even care, i bet fuckers in this thread are going to applaud when some moron will just let the streamer win and would call him based or something.

>> No.25393106

More like she ran out of work and they gave her a new type of work.

>> No.25393109

Chihiro, the LVG girls and Uge immediately come to mind, I'm sure there's more.

>> No.25393110
Quoted by: >>25393202

Don't fucking count on it. We still don't have Haaton plushies yet.

>> No.25393111
File: 107 KB, 573x1024, 1596730134538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393112
Quoted by: >>25394298

I hope you're not being sarcastic because I will ask the machine god to mess with your AC.

>> No.25393115
File: 36 KB, 169x190, mini honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good effort

>> No.25393116


>> No.25393117

smugrushiaposter is based for once

>> No.25393118


>> No.25393119

Yeah, it'll totally happen and they'll think it's great for at least 5 threads.

>> No.25393121

You realize that these two have already interacted for years before she went off to Australia right?

>> No.25393122

She doesn't have to be pro, as long as she is better than everyone else at hololive she's will be in a very desirable position, specially taking into account how bad some of them are despite playing so much

>> No.25393123
Quoted by: >>25393143


Kanata Clubhouse 51

>> No.25393125

im finna hoonk

>> No.25393126

She's also been building herself up on Twitter.

>> No.25393127

Ideas for Luna’s alternate outfit, go

i want her in royal armor .

>> No.25393131 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 540x540, tumblr_inline_pfgy0fdewP1sk45ta_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393132

Kanata playing party video games by herself!
Kanata losing to AIs instead of real people!

>> No.25393133

battle royal ninja warrior

>> No.25393134

Well, she is dressed like a circus performer, just not a clown specifically. The clown is usually the one man who's the most miserable in his role. I recommend you watch a performance or two from back when, they really have little in common with birthday clowns of today.

>> No.25393135
Quoted by: >>25393175

i cant believe kanata forced aqua to move her stream time back for her

>> No.25393137

Thanks anon!

>> No.25393138
File: 305 KB, 492x421, Korone ban hammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already know that but the where is Kronoe's Mother or child? can't have Oyakodon without one or the other.

>> No.25393141
File: 313 KB, 688x500, 1597083506614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394293

Fuse these 2, add the headphones and it's done

>> No.25393142

Is that why she's allowed to interact with Yagoo?

>> No.25393143

For having 51 games, they don't play all 51...

>> No.25393146

She played with Sio and Nose despite bleeding from the mouth, she really shouldn't have but it was a fun collab.
Dumb debiru.

>> No.25393147

polkafags are alright

>> No.25393148 [DELETED] 


>> No.25393149
File: 42 KB, 532x614, tpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393185

>> No.25393151

anyone who takes of his clothes in summer will still be too hot and taking shower every 2 hours
winter = wear more clothes, cuddle up and hot drinks
winter is the patrician choice

>> No.25393150
Quoted by: >>25393180

Just an oversized t-shirt.

>> No.25393152

her shtick with yagoo is probably referencing that yeah

>> No.25393153
File: 265 KB, 519x900, 1431294100570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Towa doesn't step up her game, she'll be demoted from Devil to Imp.

and her Gachikoi numbers will SKYROCKET.

>> No.25393156
Quoted by: >>25393243

Won't a Pekora Fall Guys be more like Pekora fans vs Pekora fans versus Pekora accidentally killing herself while laughing at someone else who just died?

>> No.25393157
File: 839 KB, 1240x1748, 1597246218737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393229

filling Moona's burgers with my special sauce!

>> No.25393158
File: 1.09 MB, 1282x712, 6546564654616445645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post Towombs please

>> No.25393160
File: 71 KB, 160x224, 1597172036758.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toi is smol.

>> No.25393164
File: 379 KB, 499x447, 1590966105903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You callin Korone a chicken

>> No.25393165

I'll be happy even if kanzaki papa will just draw the L2D for that hoodie pajama and the baseball outfit he drew.

>> No.25393166

why does catbox loads so fucking slow for me

>> No.25393167

Reminds me of those Ronald McDonald videos from NND.

>> No.25393171

Matching pyjamas with Matuli.

>> No.25393173
Quoted by: >>25393196

Aloe debut's is going to get spammed with HAHA ALOE MAJI TENSHI by the EOPs. Poor girl.

>> No.25393174 [DELETED] 

Who's that on your pic?

>> No.25393175

Tsundere onion letting her claim some viewers preemptively as thanks for showing up to her party?
Or is Aqua just yet another victim of big PP Tenshi?

>> No.25393176

Her exes got custody

>> No.25393177
File: 1.86 MB, 1930x2601, 83017559_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393270

My holo only plays clubhouse 2 anyway

>> No.25393179

I hope today's debut will be more interesting than another ASMR thot.

>> No.25393182


>> No.25393180
File: 127 KB, 730x730, Edzy9LfU0AEzo2r.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393181

Korone is missing

>> No.25393183
File: 883 KB, 1152x648, 1595801044119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393293


>> No.25393185

Is this how knight's mate? They aggressively T-pose until you submit?

>> No.25393186
File: 541 KB, 1030x1200, 1593869660910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393293


>> No.25393187
Quoted by: >>25393214

From PPT's video description:


Should I be sad or aroused?

>> No.25393188

Why did they think it was a good idea to put "51" in the title when they could just update with even more minigames?

>> No.25393190

Towa getting bullied by her kouhai!

>> No.25393192

I cant fap to polka because I know its fucking Nobuhime inside of her.

>> No.25393194


>> No.25393195

Wait this suddenly makes a lot of sense

>> No.25393196

I honestly fear for this, it doesn't help that the Kenzoku are already comparing her to Towa instead of treating Aloe like her own character. I hope she subverts expectations though.

>> No.25393197

My order has not even started shipping to the warehouse in japan, did I just get fucking scammed?

>> No.25393198
File: 549 KB, 1440x720, ahoywtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393200

good, i knew that part would fuck her up but i didint expect it to be that bad

>> No.25393202

they made die cut cushion of flare's mascot , i think they're opening up to the idea

>> No.25393203

Picked Pocket Tenshi!

>> No.25393204

She really needs to just do that and watch the lewds and viewers rise.

>> No.25393205
File: 298 KB, 648x767, EfRPg_FU4AAbWcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393212
Quoted by: >>25393260

We can't even confirm that lamb meiji=Lamy because difference between their mic qualities.

>> No.25393211

Same. Must be insane delays. I still believe though. I hope to get it before November.

>> No.25393213

I thought Aloe was Nobuhime reincarnation?

>> No.25393214


>> No.25393215 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.30 MB, 919x1300, 1597289664041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393217

I can fap to polka because I know its fucking Nobuhime inside of her.

>> No.25393219
Quoted by: >>25393231

>EMS Japan has suspended shipping to America
Open your fucking eyes nigger

>> No.25393221
Quoted by: >>25393231

Have you checked the ship date?

>> No.25393225

what did you order and from where

>> No.25393228

Fuck that's brutal.

>> No.25393229

pounding moona's greasy snatch!

>> No.25393230
Quoted by: >>25393241

Towa not waking up!
Mel getting sweaty!

>> No.25393231
Quoted by: >>25393259

Not american
I'm a retard and bought through Buyee

>> No.25393233

Dark souls inspired armor.

>> No.25393237
Quoted by: >>25393263

Does Kanata voice sound different?

>> No.25393239

Stop Doxxing!

>> No.25393241
Quoted by: >>25393251

Towa flaking out Mel part 2

>> No.25393243

Only if we lucky and if reality would magically warp itself around Pekora for a maximum comedic effect. So it's pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.25393246

i want her in this outfit

>> No.25393247

Very cute.

>> No.25393251
File: 534 KB, 1152x2048, 1594392278767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393293


>> No.25393253
File: 1.32 MB, 4093x2894, 16689792564849625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393293

yes! more Towombs!

>> No.25393252


>> No.25393257
Quoted by: >>25393280

but why?

>> No.25393259

Some people still haven't gotten their shirts so expect whatever you ordered in the past month arriving late this November or even December.

>> No.25393260
Quoted by: >>25393289

Its Lamp's smokescreen so she doesnt get doxxed obviously. Nene's list is too concise to be wrong. Those people she followed have nothin in common whatsoever.

>> No.25393263

Sounds like she's just sitting back a bit more from her mic.

>> No.25393265


>> No.25393269

What are some things you have in common with your oshi?

>> No.25393270
Quoted by: >>25394119

skimmed through her last night's archive, hotimati "kek 2 games only among 51" suisei

>> No.25393278

I like video games

>> No.25393279
File: 52 KB, 538x600, EeYxfM7WAAEkWXW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems perfectly fine

>> No.25393280

Marine is the one aloe has talked to the most

>> No.25393282
File: 256 KB, 2000x1500, EZXJ03BU8AES78D@Rer_uwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki has survived the battle with the bat in her room.

>> No.25393285


>> No.25393287

Aloe is actually rurudo

>> No.25393288

I'm retarded

>> No.25393289
Quoted by: >>25393360

Make senses, some people even commented that she upped her pitch digitally. Is that possible for live streaming? I know they can do that with recordings.

>> No.25393290


>> No.25393293
File: 154 KB, 410x379, towa womb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393328

All of you need to calm down because Mom said it was MY TURN to coom in Towa's Womb!

>> No.25393295

I like girls

>> No.25393296

some puny bat is no match for muki muki muscle gal

>> No.25393297

we're both whores

>> No.25393299


>> No.25393301

I like touhou.

>> No.25393300

You think the gen 5 girl will be open to collabs with the stars?, or that someone from gen 3 or 4 will open up to them?

>> No.25393302

based rurudo playing 5 characters now

>> No.25393303

Where the heck does she live that has bats, what?

>> No.25393304

She's my ideal self despite how much of a mess she can be.

>> No.25393307

>Aki and Luna VSing in panel de pokemon puzzle pon later
Oh I am definitely watching that

>> No.25393309
Quoted by: >>25393325

>Lolo is not actually Rurudo after all
>Rurudo got scouted as Aloe
I like this narrative

>> No.25393311
Quoted by: >>25393344


アイ ハブ ア PP

>> No.25393312

Why does she have a massive bulge? How big is her fucking cock...

>> No.25393313


>> No.25393314

I failed big in life and had to settle for the next best thing.

>> No.25393315

It's a bizarre story:

Cover started off as a tech company for the V-tuber app and hired Sora (who wants to be an idol) for the PR stuff as the "face" of the app

So Sora and A-chan were left to their own devices and did idol stuff on NicoNico and later youtube

Then the Christmas miracle happened, Sora got a solid base, and eventually Cover became an idol company

>> No.25393316

We both want to fuck Matsuri

>> No.25393317

Feeling some big regret that I don't have this game right now, I could be failing to join games with PPT since probably hundreds are trying.

>> No.25393318

What's Rurudo's end game?

>> No.25393320

Thanks to timezone differences, our birthdays overlap.

>> No.25393321
File: 468 KB, 1451x2048, 114324234356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora is [headcanon]
You couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.25393323

She might be playing it on wii or wii u. If she plays the 3DS version then she is based af

>> No.25393324

im a fat fuck

>> No.25393325

the real narrative is that rurudo is lolo, aloe and one of the new nijis

>> No.25393326
File: 303 KB, 434x454, 45f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393327


>> No.25393328 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1072x1932, 1597290223575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393330
Quoted by: >>25393343

bob too big

>> No.25393331

Global menhera saturation.

>> No.25393333


>> No.25393335

My dick

>> No.25393337
File: 2.29 MB, 1429x2000, 4d1d09314f5c2584a653f3909bedbc11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're both horny and want to be molested by a group of men.

>> No.25393338
File: 280 KB, 1448x2048, EaQL1RkUYAMOLTq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-same I want to lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25393339
Quoted by: >>25393347

Become so many people that she can make an entire agency of just herself playing different characters

>> No.25393340
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, ETD4oAiUYAESVFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch my daughter's stream please.

>> No.25393341

I am not a virgin

>> No.25393342
Quoted by: >>25393374

>miko is one of the 5th
Your face when?

>> No.25393343

Towa has magic boobs, mama said so.

>> No.25393344
File: 279 KB, 346x427, kekle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393345

Never waver

>> No.25393346

Abolishing all panties.

>> No.25393347
Quoted by: >>25393390

Will she invite Twap?

>> No.25393348

Would & would

>> No.25393350
Quoted by: >>25393361

we're both fat

>> No.25393352
Quoted by: >>25393401

If only I could find her even half as cute as this.

>> No.25393354

Projectile Penis Tenshi

>> No.25393355

Also, Miko and Robocco were also hired around that time, as Miko mentioned training while watching Sora do her thing

>> No.25393356
File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, 【ARK ╎Crystal Isles】金髪美女!?メルちゃんにゴリゴリ教えるぞ!【ホロライブ_アキロゼ&夜空メル】 (https___www.youtube.com_watch_v=7cY71XyeWGY)_snapshot_52.38.033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Mel sneak into Aki's room?

>> No.25393358

Shion yo...

>> No.25393359
Quoted by: >>25393377

>wake up late
>miss noel ring fit
>miss ritualposting
how fap worthy is the ring fit archive?

>> No.25393360

Very possible and done all the time, and I didn't think of that but it explains a lot about how I felt listening to her.

>> No.25393361 [SPOILER] 
File: 727 KB, 900x900, 1597290402420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're both fat

>> No.25393362

bats are everywhere dude

>> No.25393363


>> No.25393366

God damn why are the blondes all so great?

>> No.25393367
Quoted by: >>25393407

>the Christmas miracle happened,
Hololive is a fucking anime

>> No.25393371


>> No.25393372

Diamonds and tears

>> No.25393373
File: 283 KB, 1024x1024, 83538059_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393409

Way ahead of you. She seems to have trouble with baseball though

>> No.25393374

One of the 5th what?

>> No.25393375

Is the 3DS version somehow better?

>> No.25393376

>tfw still 3+ hours before American borgar tiem

>> No.25393377
Quoted by: >>25393384

It's alright, she did go full ara ara during the superchats and even called us darling

>> No.25393378

i fucking hate it when things dont go my way

>> No.25393379

I don't watch Nazis sorry.

>> No.25393380
Quoted by: >>25393397

we are both lesbians under a muslim government and if anyone let them know we are going to get sudokued >>25393361

>> No.25393381

She was lonely.

>> No.25393384
File: 19 KB, 348x271, 1541753737915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393421


>> No.25393385

Might want to stick to Pikamee then

>> No.25393386

can she even play the 3DS version?, there isn't a legal method to capture 3ds

>> No.25393389
Quoted by: >>25393411

Here you go, TLclips only chad, this is what he was referencing.

>> No.25393390

I'm not sure who would be less safe, the mother who wants to lewd her daughter, or the daughter who wants to sleep with her.

>> No.25393391


>> No.25393394

This LoZ playthrough is going to ruin Aqua forever, Screencap this in a week you'll find out how real I'm being

>> No.25393395


>> No.25393396
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, beam-reverse.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the cat.

>> No.25393397
Quoted by: >>25393412

I think yuri is less of a big deal in Islam than yaoi.

>> No.25393398
File: 1.97 MB, 1771x1254, EfJJMWNU0AIiXlA@sasakumakyouta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

200 year old JK

>> No.25393401


>> No.25393403
Quoted by: >>25393432

The pekofag sharing translated clips, this really says a lot

>> No.25393405
Quoted by: >>25393425

>no evidence so it seems like you could be right or wrong either way it doesn't matter
At least try to do a good screen cap post retard

>> No.25393406
Quoted by: >>25393420

we are both gay and unrequited

>> No.25393407

Complete with rival, villains, stupid plot and ridiculous forced drama.

>> No.25393409
File: 18 KB, 184x184, 1588414975810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand that she doesn't have the best of reflexes, and is really clumsy.

>> No.25393410

What's her deal anyway? Is she a fat fujo neet leeching off her younger sister? Or a functioning human being?

>> No.25393411

Retard. It's the clip watchers falseflaggers that say peko in other streams. Nousagi don't do this.

>> No.25393412

all homosexuality is punishable by bungee jumping from a roof top without the rope

>> No.25393413

Why isn't Aqua playing Skyrim?

>> No.25393414

goddamn watame's skill yesterday was so fucking good

>> No.25393417
Quoted by: >>25393440

Anyone know if you can tell Geekjack to use DHL? I just realized it defaults to EMS.

>> No.25393420


>> No.25393421


>> No.25393422

LITERALLY everything

>> No.25393423

Why aren't you announcing Skyrim and Fallout 4 on the next gen consoles, Todd?

>> No.25393424
Quoted by: >>25393454

Why did it take them so long when there’s a freaking public statement. Goddamn retards

>> No.25393425
Quoted by: >>25393474

>Aquafags already coping
I remember when I warned Towafags...

They didn't listen...

>> No.25393427
File: 206 KB, 491x536, 1597258767925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393441


>> No.25393428

the bugs probably killed her onionborn drive

>> No.25393430


>> No.25393432
Quoted by: >>25393462

How else will can I get my point across to trash EOP narrative, cocofag? It's like you don't understand how disgusting you are.

>> No.25393433

All of my plans backfire

>> No.25393435

Too easy for her. She likes competitive games or games where she can be an autistic tryhard

>> No.25393436
Quoted by: >>25393467

I hope nene is more interesting than lamy or as i like to call her, lame

>> No.25393437

Waiting for bug fix

>> No.25393438

Company forced Nintendo permissions. Everyone has to play at least 5 Nintendo games before the month is up.

>> No.25393439

She played the true Skyrim experience, installing it years after release, playing a few hours and then forgetting about it

>> No.25393440
Quoted by: >>25393491

i don't think you can, since the shipping is already included in the price, maybe you can talk it out with costumer support when the shipping date is close by

>> No.25393442
File: 388 KB, 2048x2048, 1593947271007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393473

Please watch her regardless...

>> No.25393441
Quoted by: >>25393554

I want to cum on her beautiful eyes

>> No.25393444

>10k watching solo PPT
wth guys you lied to me you told me all she could do was leech...

>> No.25393445

Too buggy

>> No.25393447
File: 5 KB, 299x168, 1591667795021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mio is using this time away from streaming to lose weight. I want her to live forever.

>> No.25393450
Quoted by: >>25393478

>peko spam on outside streams is so bad Pekora has to bring it up
>it's falseflaggers dude
Release yourself from the delusion

>> No.25393451
Quoted by: >>25393480

How is it going to ruin her?

>> No.25393454
Quoted by: >>25393488

Cover has a ton of stuff to do, you can't fault them for each one. The place basically went up in flames three times in the past month. The fact that they can still recover with just Gen 5 debuts is saying a lot.

>> No.25393455

3DS version looks better and has Gyro aiming, which vastly improves over 1998 analogue controls.
However it speeds up the text crawl 4 times as fast, which makes some of the sadder scenes in the game seem a little silly.

Then there's Majora's mask 3D, which just ruined everything.

>> No.25393456
Quoted by: >>25393509

>true Skyrim experience
>no mods


>> No.25393459

Akigirish is the true language of gods.

>> No.25393460
Quoted by: >>25393509

so she's gonna reinstall it in another 6-8 months, claim to do a different build but go sneaky archer again and repeat?

>> No.25393462
Quoted by: >>25393578

First of all, learn English retard, second of all don’t you ever call me a cocofag again, I hate that fucking bitch.

>> No.25393464

Devil's luck.

>> No.25393465

Its all bots

>> No.25393466

Based onion realized the game sucks.

>> No.25393467

She will be interesting but you will like her even less for some reason.

>> No.25393469
Quoted by: >>25393489

What is Mio fat?

>> No.25393470
Quoted by: >>25394301

there's no one else streaming, watame get 15k alone at prime time

>> No.25393471

Cover are filled with literal retards.

You expect them to know this shit.


>> No.25393473
File: 129 KB, 340x400, 1592165024692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393534

I guess I'll make an exception for a fellow Christian.

>> No.25393474

Nah he's right. You can't just be vague as shit and then go "screencap this post!".
Say something more specific, like for instance: Aqua is going to be used as a pocket onahole and raped next week.

>> No.25393477
Quoted by: >>25393564

Is there ever a reason to pass in this card game if you have playable cards?

>> No.25393478

It is, though. I'd imagine she is talking about Rushia wanting to quit because of what the narratives and the clip watchers are doing. Those are not nousagi doing this. Those are newfags, teenagers and thirdworlders.

>> No.25393479

Yabee moment or EOP invasion?

Or Aqua kills herself in this stream?

>> No.25393480

Her boyfriend (Who plays for her in all of her FPS streams)

Will finally get fed up with her ruining his favorite game and on stream berate her on how she hasn't played this masterpiece.

>> No.25393481

>wtf where are the Nintendo streams they have permissions
>Nintendo streams 1-2 days later
>wtf where are the Fall Guys streams
>Fall Guys streams 1-2 days later

let's wait next time

>> No.25393484
Quoted by: >>25393522

I wish I could do something for my oshi, but I’m just a computer science student with no creative talents.

>> No.25393486

No one can live forever anon, better cherish them as much as you while you still can.

>> No.25393487

Nah it's EOPs/flips/spics, the same idiots who spam BOING BOING at Rushia.

>> No.25393488
Quoted by: >>25393526

All it takes is a quick check, no excuses.

Let them play the damn to game already

>> No.25393489

Her roommate is fat. Not fucking american hamplanet level, but still. She's still cute, though. Check the archives.

>> No.25393491

Oh well, it's what I get for using Geekjack. It's just Towa's stuff so hopefully EMS opens up soon probably won't for us Americans to be honest desu. Buyee is too slow sometimes and booth rejects my payment. At least I know for the future Towa's items never sell out instantly.

>> No.25393493
File: 289 KB, 1365x1000, 92k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393536


>> No.25393494
Quoted by: >>25393508

wtf where is Towa's graduation stream

>> No.25393495
File: 155 KB, 945x2048, 20200813_005315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready?

>> No.25393496
File: 242 KB, 1080x1350, Ee-jPjRU8AE4l8u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when our onion had 300+ dislikes on all her videos? Her haters are gone!

>> No.25393498
File: 36 KB, 277x284, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is....the super high quality™......JOP chat.......woah....

>> No.25393499
File: 687 KB, 1218x774, Towa ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Graphically superior, boss rush, master quest included with 1st quest, gyro aim (absolute godsend for the mini games which were a pain in the ass in the original), and Iron boots as an item rather than as an equip in the swords/tunics/shields/boots subscreen (makes the water temple much less of a hassle and actually enjoyable).

>> No.25393500
Quoted by: >>25393520

Don’t need permissions when the website it self says that it’s ok

>> No.25393501
File: 79 KB, 1000x1000, 1591775426652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready

>> No.25393502
File: 3.82 MB, 3541x2508, 20200812_235713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka toes.

>> No.25393503
File: 20 KB, 318x416, 1589450724194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute

>> No.25393504

nope. anything that I can use against holoshit, I will use against holoshit for as long as possible.

>> No.25393507

>Non-commercial - meaning you do not use our materials and gameplay footage to promote or as part of a product you sell. Monetisation of videos showing our materials and gameplay footage through advertisements is generally acceptable

>> No.25393508

Hopefully soon

>> No.25393509

Well, I don't know if youtube will allow futa mods

>> No.25393510

wtf where are the capcom, konami and sega permissions

>> No.25393512
Quoted by: >>25393576

wtf where are SEGA, CAPCOM, SQEN permissions.

>> No.25393514
File: 56 KB, 679x432, EfNgtNqVAAEPik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393603

senchou looks great in this art hnnggggg

>> No.25393516

Will Haachama do a 5th gen feet ranking?

>> No.25393517

> Monetisation of videos showing our materials and gameplay footage through advertisements is generally acceptable
>Mediatonic is entitled to change this policy at any time
Yeah, no.

>> No.25393518

If I remember correctly, she said somewhere in her 24 hour stream that she wants to finish it but can't find the right timing as there are a lot of games she wants to play and the such.

>> No.25393519
Quoted by: >>25393593

I heard one of the homostars watched Aria, dont know who he was but hes already my nigga

>> No.25393520
Quoted by: >>25393551

I think they are very cautious and always consult the legal team first even if the website says it's ok

>> No.25393521
Quoted by: >>25393569

she's fat for japanese standards, but maybe my standards are low I consider really almost all roomates from average to cute

>> No.25393522
Quoted by: >>25393635

Which fanbases have done something special (especially birthdays) to their oshi other than superchats and drawfags doing their thing?

>> No.25393525
File: 311 KB, 2048x1775, 0A013D67-99C4-4A09-94BE-011DED4B3220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being an Aquafag is truly great

>> No.25393526
Quoted by: >>25393558

It's not a quick check if you have to make 100% sure everything will go smooth. I know it's easy to be lax when you're life isn't on the line.

>> No.25393531

>Rafael Sanchez

>> No.25393533


>> No.25393534
File: 127 KB, 645x888, danke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anon, please enjoy the stream.

>> No.25393535

thanks for reminding me, I'll get the boys back on it

>> No.25393536

Holos are too dumb for M&B

>> No.25393537
Quoted by: >>25393544

I am gonna go the streams you like in your native language and start spamming Quechua messages just for you to see how you like it.

>> No.25393539

how do i know when は is ha and when it is wa?

>> No.25393543


>> No.25393544

Jokes on you, praised be Pachamama.

>> No.25393545


>> No.25393546

They're all at pekora now, she still averages 200+ dislikes every stream

>> No.25393547
File: 34 KB, 360x203, EfRWajHU8AYfDKY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393548
Quoted by: >>25393556

Would you watch Botan plays Kamidori?

>> No.25393549

A sad truth about collabs I've come to realize is so many of these channels are massive numberfags and the bigger some of them have gotten the more they've sealed themselves away from others and stick with their cliques. This is why it was common for the girls to collab with random nijis, including niji males early on, since many of them were just starting out too and they were collabing with each other to boost both of them. You wouldn't see something like a Korone+Debiru off-collab happen today...

>> No.25393550

The spic has the spirit so it’s all good

>> No.25393551

Absolutely absurd, but I suppose cautiously slow is better than nothing at all.

>> No.25393553
Quoted by: >>25393625

>Check the archives.
Nah, I'll find it or come across it eventually. There really needs to be a place where all their identities are laid out though.

>> No.25393554

that would presumably sting

>> No.25393556

>Would you watch Botan

>> No.25393557
Quoted by: >>25393568

Can it be "wa" anywhere except as a parcticle?

>> No.25393558

When every streamer known to man is playing a battle royal with monetisation on, then you know cover is acting extra retarded

>> No.25393559
File: 3.28 MB, 1269x1493, naenae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393596

I only wish the best for all of gen 5.

>> No.25393560

This is one of the most autistic things I've ever read

>> No.25393562
File: 158 KB, 800x800, 1594984112092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25393563

wtf? towa has friends inside hololive?

>> No.25393564

It's really just luck for some cases.

The core tactic is to hold a 6/8 if you have only a 6 or 8 on that side. If you have multiple cards on one side you should play into it.

>> No.25393565

Sumimasen me, but that's Rafaeru-sama for omae.

>> No.25393566

that's some midsommar shit

>> No.25393567
Quoted by: >>25393587

>7 hours left
>only 1k waiting

>> No.25393568
Quoted by: >>25393641


>> No.25393569

I also feel that way. The only one I would say is a bit ugly is Okayu. But even then her personality compensates for that. She's a cinnamon bun.

>> No.25393573

they're also busier than ever, it only natural that they would collab with their close friends since those are easy to set up

>> No.25393574
File: 49 KB, 730x574, Ee0qgw2U4AcJxQL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Clubhouse Games without thinking because of her sudden stream but there's no way I'd be able to snipe Kanata

>> No.25393576

in 1-2 days

>> No.25393578

>First of all, learn English retard, second of all don’t you ever call me a cocofag again, I hate that fucking bitch.
Does anyone else see the irony in this? Here, let me correct it for you:
>First of all, learn English, (Comma before noun.) retard. (You needed a period there. You should never use "First of all" and "Second of all" in the same sentence.) Second of all, (Comma, anon) don't you ever call me a Cocofag (Proper name needs capitalization.) again. (Comma was incorrect there, anon. Should be a period.) I fucking hate that bitch.

>> No.25393580
File: 932 KB, 4096x2393, EfFLZCMVoAA-rD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb fucking intro

>> No.25393579

Damn, narrativefag you are becoming too powerful, now you can predict the future

>> No.25393584

Neither of them tweeted anything and it's supposed to start in six hours.

>> No.25393586
Quoted by: >>25393613

This thread is going to kneel on her debut

>> No.25393587


>> No.25393588
File: 29 KB, 860x906, 1597252040475.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393589

as thou sashimi mai doge XD

>> No.25393590


>> No.25393591
File: 19 KB, 486x322, 1593200960991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua oot
>Roberu majora
fucking communicate you fuckers

>> No.25393593
Quoted by: >>25393631

That was Roberu.

>> No.25393594
Quoted by: >>25393618

Watching Kanata for the first time. She is very boring and her nasally mannish voice grates on my ears. Watame is superior in every single way.

>> No.25393595

Yeah, just look at Fubuki... Oh wait

>> No.25393596
Quoted by: >>25393606

That head is too small and there are some perspective issues, but not bad overall

>> No.25393599
Quoted by: >>25393638

>Comma was incorrect there, anon. Should be a period

>> No.25393600


>> No.25393601

They don't have the same viewerbase, why would they? Idiot.

>> No.25393603
File: 820 KB, 4092x2602, 1597231852044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393602

They will never play any games anymore without having irrevocable streaming rights.

The Fall Guys online disclaimer is insufficient. They will have it in writing and and in state that requires them to mail notification of demonetization to Cover to revoke it.

>> No.25393604


>> No.25393606

It's not my drawing, Anon.

>> No.25393607
File: 211 KB, 436x421, 1597024192895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393608
File: 651 KB, 791x761, 1596209212904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393672

Anon, your daughterwife is having trouble. Send her help.

>> No.25393609

What the fuck, am I a footfag now?

>> No.25393610

back to facebook with you

>> No.25393611

This. Retards here don't count.

>> No.25393612
File: 2.79 MB, 2171x2980, EfOA5KyUcAApokp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393627

it's time

>> No.25393613
File: 1.41 MB, 1694x2348, 20200813_005236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393614
Quoted by: >>25394161

>Roberu MM
What the fuck do I have to watch a homo instead of my wife now?

>> No.25393616
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One fox, two fox, three fox, Fubuki~

>> No.25393617

>aqua and roberu playing zelda and fall guys at the same time
What's the narrative on this?

>> No.25393618
Quoted by: >>25393653

Cool, Watame will be streaming again in 6-10 hours for you!

>> No.25393619

AZKi, please stream.


>> No.25393621


By learning enough vocab so you don't mistake it for being part of a word. Kanji are your friend.

>> No.25393622
Quoted by: >>25393660

Who of you niggerfaggots did that?

>> No.25393625
Quoted by: >>25393669

There are several places already, but they're in Japanese. And that's a good thing. There has to be some type of barrier to get there or else any retard would find out and then cause unwanted trouble for the girls.

>> No.25393626

get a brain moran

>> No.25393627


>> No.25393628
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1592839730089(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393629


>> No.25393630

Roberu was the gigolo all along.

>> No.25393631

good to know, I will watch his stream
nice to know that Marine isnt the only one with top taste

>> No.25393632

They can't hahaha

>> No.25393633

why is PPT playing that party game alone?

>> No.25393635

Marine, miko

>> No.25393637

I love this Antarctic lynx

>> No.25393636

Roberu is going to NTR Aqua's viewers.

>> No.25393639
File: 240 KB, 1505x1210, EfNsNGbUEAE1eJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393638

I really don't think I am. If you're using the word "again" with this inflection then sentence should end there.

>> No.25393640

Roboco sounds sick...

>> No.25393641

Any onther examples not including 日? I wanna know just how spread it is.

>> No.25393644

The leech narratives were getting to her

>> No.25393645
Quoted by: >>25393668

>muh viewerbase
You know damn well that games bring in new fans, and that there's people who check out new vtubers or even vtubers in general because of games. Also I'd like to see both of those

>> No.25393646

Thanks for the corrections, autistchama.

>> No.25393649

Baqua can't count....

>> No.25393650
File: 214 KB, 1000x1000, 1591750391210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393664

In awe at Towa's confidence lately.
Or maybe they're just friends.

>> No.25393651

>wtf where is mio and miko

>> No.25393652

Which holo would be the best at sucking dick?

>> No.25393653

Cool, Kanata will be completely deaf in 6-10 months!

>> No.25393654
File: 830 KB, 3840x2160, Ee2tvYVUMAAB8fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393687


>> No.25393655
Quoted by: >>25393751

I understand your frustration, and I doubt anyone else would disagree, but nips are extra retarded about the subject. How do you think the Permission Arc started in the first place? Official lawsuits? Channel strikes? Bans? Nope, just protests on the internet from a bunch of neets because ANOTHER company decided to do the proper legwork.

>> No.25393656

most of them play ark, apex or any other game at the same time and no one cares

>> No.25393657

But anon, Korone retweeted Debi's 3D debut stream the other day

>> No.25393658

Coco Butter vs Aloe Vera....

>> No.25393659
File: 294 KB, 2048x1536, 1594978773501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393730

Imagine thinking that the homos and the holos are in separate discord servers. They talk to each other all the time, faggots. They're coworkers. Quit drinking your delusional idolfag koolaid.

>> No.25393660

holy shit

>> No.25393661
File: 49 KB, 452x491, 1593906532229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393736


>> No.25393662
File: 39 KB, 165x165, 1582015391852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393686

dumb aqua zooner

>> No.25393664

Who wouldn't want to be friends with Mel? She is cute and petite and I love her.

>> No.25393666
Quoted by: >>25393683

she's leeching viewers off her viewers by playing online

>> No.25393667
Quoted by: >>25393689


>> No.25393668
Quoted by: >>25393718

Why would old games bring in new fans? Playing fotm stuff like Fall Guys would do that. Idiot.

>> No.25393669
Quoted by: >>25393799

imagine what the rabid and uncultured EOPs and ESLs and JSLs would do considering all of the things they posted in the stream chat

don't worry l*ger, you're cool

>> No.25393670

Marine talks fast as fuck, while Kanata can sing fast as fuck and that requires very good and strong tongue muscles so one of them

>> No.25393671
File: 1.25 MB, 851x957, chrome_9EdxvUAZuU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393672
File: 748 KB, 1895x1066, 20200712_132308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393673
Quoted by: >>25393800

Unironically Luna. She's the oldest one, so there's a ton of experience there.

>> No.25393674

Is she using a scuffed emulator?

>> No.25393677

>About to go to bed
>Almost forgot about Aqua OoT
Who needs sleep anyhow

>> No.25393678
File: 3.59 MB, 450x275, ezgif-2-bd20e7edf999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this chuuba who doesn't actually do any streaming.

>> No.25393681

Roberu fucking Aqua...

>> No.25393682

My children

>> No.25393683

I find this funny somehow, thanks for the laugh, leechanon.

>> No.25393684

Both high off their tits.

>> No.25393685
Quoted by: >>25393699

do you confuse read and read? you just read them naturally after a while

>> No.25393686

What did she do now?

>> No.25393687

i'm not sure what it is supposed to be, however she already has a spade mark under her left eye.

>> No.25393688

I honesty thought these two were the same games.

>> No.25393689
File: 3.82 MB, 2898x4000, 2f9f60a179f97226911e4fc814b075ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393702

Imagine how much she'd drool on your cock.

>> No.25393690

Aqua's greenscreen filter is fucking with link KEK

>> No.25393691
File: 2.35 MB, 720x480, Watame Asacoco Dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25393693

Oh nevermind, it's because of the chroma keying

>> No.25393695

Unironically a model spic. I hope the rest of them see his name and follow his example.

>> No.25393696

I thought they weren't allowed to use emulators?

>> No.25393698

They know...

>> No.25393699

no, but i am N20

>> No.25393700
Quoted by: >>25393717

How corruptible is Aloe? I'm sure Marine wants to get her hands on and in etc. her.

>> No.25393702

Aqua only slurps when she's thinking. She'd stare at your cock and make that slurping noise while thinking "OK now what the hell do I do?"

>> No.25393703

how many streams/hours will aqua last until she drops this game?

>> No.25393704
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1584213371824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zelda is for fags. Aqua should play Soul Reaver.

>> No.25393705
File: 1.06 MB, 1230x1495, pls no bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like ASCii
Wow I'm dumb....why did that take so long for me to get that....

>> No.25393707
Quoted by: >>25393935

i fucking love this song

>> No.25393708

N69 here, how do you read this?

>> No.25393709
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1596157119005.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393726

What are the odds of Aqua actually beating this game?

>> No.25393710

>need to do my reps
>want to watch Aqua
What should I do?

>> No.25393711
Quoted by: >>25393734

Rushia: ​かなたんとあそびたいぜんしたい

>> No.25393712

Why was that elf humping that rock...

>> No.25393713

Holy shit my fucking PTSD just kicked in

>> No.25393714

So Roberu is that gigolo guy confirmed?

>> No.25393715

Basado el rafa, usando japones en el chat

>> No.25393716

I'd assume it would be fine as long as they had permission for the game first.

>> No.25393717

Marine already has her hands on her, dont worry

>> No.25393718
Quoted by: >>25393737


>> No.25393721
Quoted by: >>25393757


>> No.25393722

permission arc 3?

>> No.25393724

The fact that Aqua will have more viewers by default pisses me off to no end. Good games though.

>> No.25393726

The better question is how many streams will it take?

>> No.25393727
File: 236 KB, 638x450, 16584654165498747841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may she MC in god's noontime shows in peace.

>> No.25393729

Watching jap shit counts as reps retard, just listen.

>> No.25393730
Quoted by: >>25393752

This is partially correct. However, they have different servers for high earners and low earners so the talent does not have to associate with the trash. The holostars are on the the second server with Towa and Mel.

>> No.25393731
File: 509 KB, 1504x2048, EfPQev4VAAAewbt.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393785

>> No.25393732
Quoted by: >>25393757

That says faibu

>> No.25393733

Who needs reps anyhow

>> No.25393734

I cant believe she gave this angel performance anxiety.

>> No.25393736


>> No.25393737

Doom 64 was technically a recent release when Korosan played it

>> No.25393738

thats obvious to happen though, im just pissed because OOT will bring in more when MM is better

>> No.25393739
Quoted by: >>25393773


>> No.25393740
Quoted by: >>25393757

Horofaibu - HoloFive.

>> No.25393742

that's illegal anon just ask mio..

>> No.25393743

She deserves it for not playing Major Ass

>> No.25393744
File: 86 KB, 128x128, 1574418106010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Rafa se la rifa. Que hijo de su pinche madre mas basado. Viva Mexico!

>> No.25393745

It's weird because it looks like Aqua has the standard amount of viewers she always does anyways... Sure she has more than Roberu, but she's been around longer too.

>> No.25393746

N-finity here, what the fuck are those indecipherable squiggles that is not written in the Latin alphabet?

>> No.25393747
Quoted by: >>25393771


>> No.25393748
Quoted by: >>25393770

Is Kanata currently in her sweat-closet?

>> No.25393750


>> No.25393751
Quoted by: >>25393762

Other vtuber companies are already playing the game so it’s probably CAPCOM scaring the to the extent that their Japanese autism has increased to retarded levels

>> No.25393752

But Towa is middle of the pack in earnings...
Either way they probably mostly hang out with friends online and nobody is trash.

>> No.25393753
Quoted by: >>25393795

most likely the wiiu VC version if anything, otherwise it would look like shit

>> No.25393756

you're favorite

>> No.25393757
Quoted by: >>25393775

naruhodo, so ふぁい is fai not fuai

>> No.25393760

Are you this guy >>25386085 by any chance?
>so many of these channels are massive numberfags
I don't really think that's true. I can't really see a reasonable way to come to that conclusion unless you choose to ignore the vast array of factors and circumstances that might affect collabs and only focus on a fairly narrow interpretation with a lot of presumptive guesswork to fill in the blanks of missing information.

>> No.25393761

Bless Aqua's laugh.

>> No.25393762
Quoted by: >>25393768

Internet crowds work like that. You have no redemption.

>> No.25393764
File: 124 KB, 336x326, angle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu needs to get something the hold his phone in a different position. Whenever he plays games, half the time he's like this and it just looks really weird

>> No.25393765
Quoted by: >>25393767

Obviously Noel. Have you watched her roommate's fellatio ASMR? She's a professional.

>> No.25393766
Quoted by: >>25393819


ふあ ≠ ふぁ

>> No.25393767

Flare is a lucky woman

>> No.25393768

A damn shame really

>> No.25393769


>> No.25393770

a date in the sweat-closet!

>> No.25393772

Is this Aqua's first time playing OoT?

>> No.25393771


>> No.25393773

Please don't say that about Fubuki's future husband please

>> No.25393774

It's been a while since I've seen Rion in Aqua's chat.

>> No.25393775

it would usually be ファイ

>> No.25393776


>> No.25393777
File: 237 KB, 1280x1000, 1575657305231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393796

>FBK made a juju video
As if EOPs weren't bad enough. Now we're going to get the retarded nu-jojofags shitting up the streams. Anime was a mistake, lads.

>> No.25393778

Its in the title, EOPchama

>> No.25393779


>> No.25393780
Quoted by: >>25393827

Shut up spic

>> No.25393781
Quoted by: >>25393802

Noel just taped her phone to a water bottle, it probably has more to do with his setup as in where his screens are located

>> No.25393782

Well that's only when he's playing with a game that isn't on his PC...

>> No.25393783

Marine the old town bicycle.

>> No.25393784
Quoted by: >>25393815

lets see how long it takes aqua to get through the first filter...

>> No.25393785

AloeLamy will be the new KanaTowa!

>> No.25393787

is this game actually hard?

>> No.25393792


>> No.25393791

>Wii U

How'd I know.

>> No.25393793


>> No.25393794


>> No.25393795

cool i was right

>> No.25393796

Doompost somewhere else

>> No.25393797

I have never played a Zelda game

>> No.25393798
Quoted by: >>25393805

For me, it's Roberu on max and Aqua on half.

>> No.25393799

I once entered a spic discord and saw a dedicated roomate posting channel. They're cancer that needs to be purged

>> No.25393800

Luna can do a cute voice and satisfy a mommy fetish. She is perfect.

>> No.25393801

why is aqua's voice much higher than normal

>> No.25393802

No wonder it runs out of battery all the time. Dumb knight.

>> No.25393803
File: 178 KB, 1071x2006, 1596809770979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25393804


>> No.25393805

only if it's a 3 heart run
i need aqua on 10% to be able to hear roberu

>> No.25393806

This might be the first time I've seen it written in hiragana. Why do they do this?

>> No.25393807

She's more excited than normal

>> No.25393808
Quoted by: >>25393825

Towa is thriving. 15k viewers for Mel incoming.

>> No.25393810

>point out a spanish name in aqua's chat to show that it wasn't about all JOPs being educated
>somehow I upset spics
Go figure.

>> No.25393813
File: 275 KB, 2000x2000, 1592737420932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393823

oh it came back

>> No.25393815

>almost accidentally exits out of the game already
I've got a bad feeling about this.

>> No.25393816

she died and was replaced by some canadian who sounded similar

>> No.25393817

What's Aqua's malfunction?

>> No.25393819 [SPOILER] 
File: 679 KB, 875x1971, 1597292609785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noted, てんQ

>> No.25393818
File: 186 KB, 219x788, YOU SEE THIS SHIT KANATA BUT NOT FLIPPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393846


>> No.25393821

More like you upset the /pol/fags in this thread.

>> No.25393822

new voice actor

>> No.25393823
Quoted by: >>25393829

Would you trust this maid with your household electronics?

>> No.25393824

her real voice comes out in the 3d streams, it's much deeper.

>> No.25393825

They both have to wake up first.

>> No.25393827
Quoted by: >>25393847

First we took your country, now I took your oshi. Next stop: your pussy, some waffle fries and maybe a coke to drink or something.

>> No.25393829

I wouldn't even trust her with my dishes

>> No.25393830

>okayu retweeting Aqua's OOT stream

For Aqua's sake, or OOT's?

>> No.25393831


>> No.25393832


>> No.25393833


>> No.25393834
Quoted by: >>25393956

Does anyone have that clip of Suisei singing Hot Limit in a funny way?

>> No.25393837

Is she gonna do better or worse than Egoraptor? Place your bets.

>> No.25393838


>> No.25393839

Why not both?

>> No.25393840
Quoted by: >>25393863

It's so fun seeing someone have fun with games again like it's their first time. Thank you Aqua.

>> No.25393841

God I wish I was Komugi...

>> No.25393842

this game has terrible graphics
can't believe it was ever popular

>> No.25393844


>> No.25393845

I came because of coco, but stayed because of Aqua. She's all I watch. I should learn Japanese.

>> No.25393846
File: 182 KB, 845x900, 1589019303407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393865


>> No.25393847

>maybe a coke to drink
why would you do that when Mexican coke is objectively superior to the american one specially the glass bottle version

>> No.25393848

Her face looks cuter

>> No.25393852
Quoted by: >>25393863

>It's been over 20 minutes and Aqua is still running around the village
Just like Pekora's Mario 64 it's so weird watchin someone take their time with these games

>> No.25393853
Quoted by: >>25393880

Who? I am not sure which board you came from but please go back.

>> No.25393854
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1908, 20200813_132228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama socks arrived after I lost interest in hololive.

>> No.25393856

Why are people hating on 5th gen? Is it because they are getting very high numbers?

>> No.25393859

Prbably OOT.

Aqua's not as spatially retarded as Arin Hanson.

>> No.25393858
Quoted by: >>25393878

What kind of grass is this? It's huge, more like weeds.

>> No.25393860
File: 465 KB, 720x500, 1532554701333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell was Coco's problem, why did she just ignore marinechad and leave her hanging like that? And more importantly, why did Marine think that was a good idea to begin with

>> No.25393861


>> No.25393862
File: 766 KB, 1448x2048, A74169BC-CCEF-4C25-98E1-33B2C8810E61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...you haven’t done them, have you?

>> No.25393863

Would she and we be having fun if it were BotW?

>> No.25393865
File: 356 KB, 822x399, gen 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393867
Quoted by: >>25393886

ohnononono hide Aqua the copyright is coming for you

>> No.25393868
File: 2.28 MB, 4032x1908, 20200813_132233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393881

Other pair.

>> No.25393870

To get triggered each time she uses a bomb.

>> No.25393869

God I want to beat the shit out of Aqua..

>> No.25393871
Quoted by: >>25393900

Probably. Aqua makes every game fun for me because she's excited at everything like a child despite also being a meta player.

>> No.25393873

I still prefer the abstract artstyle.

>> No.25393875

she would have a blast, not sure about us tho

>> No.25393876


>> No.25393878

it's big 草

>> No.25393879

never have

>> No.25393880

Lurk more, newfriend.

>> No.25393881
File: 215 KB, 337x299, 1595120009432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393891

Be sure to wear them upside down, for maximum effect. (No, not inside out, upside down.)

>> No.25393882

Probably. BotW is like the highest rated game of all time.

>> No.25393883

It's a planned skit. Afterwards Marine went to Coco's place to suck on her really long tongue. She made her take the piercing out, though.

>> No.25393884

I don't see upset spics?

>> No.25393885

Does it come with her feet scent?

>> No.25393886

That's the Wii U virtual console interface you cretin.

>> No.25393889

Korone please I just woke up, I'll do my /fit/ reps in a bit.

>> No.25393890

Something about Robelru's avatar is highly uncanny valley

>> No.25393891
Quoted by: >>25393932

Wouldn't he fall from the Earth if he did that though?

>> No.25393892
Quoted by: >>25394179

Because it's funny? Both Marine's shit attempt and Coco's reaction.

>> No.25393893

YAGOO should start HoloAU so that Haachama will never be lonely again.

>> No.25393894

Noel's top must be very powerful!

>> No.25393896

aqua cant even figure out the pause menu i thought she was supposed to be a god gamer...?

>> No.25393898
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1597117193508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this princess didn't woke up in time and now has to pay the price in VR horror, cant wait for her to piss herself live

>> No.25393899

Just looked it up. This thread is about Japanese ecelebs. Go back to /v/.

>> No.25393900

As someone who hasn't played the game before. I think it is nice to watch a streamer that is equally as clueless as you are.

>> No.25393901

I like to think there’s a version of Rushia that’s a massive Titcow Amazon who flips her shit if you imply she’s anything but a Pettanko.

>> No.25393904

let's use the excuse that she's playing on the wiiu and that she's never seen an n64 controller in her life.

>> No.25393905

I'll start doing them tomorrow
I was too busy clearing Earthbound for the first time to enjoy your streams of it even more
And because it was in my backlog and it was a good excuse to finally play it

>> No.25393906
Quoted by: >>25393916

can you imagine changing luna's diapers?

>> No.25393907

he should invite her bullies

>> No.25393908

Imagine Marine taking her glove off and opening it for you to put your dick inside while she seductively encourages you to fuck it haha

>> No.25393911

So when does OOT become good

>> No.25393912
Quoted by: >>25393925

I don't think adding a new gen of HoloCN would make Haachama less lonely...

>> No.25393913

This is /jp/. GameGrumps is not ever discussed here.

>> No.25393914

Guaranteed she gets gated when she has to get Saria's song for Darunia

>> No.25393915

in 1998
it's nothing special nowadays, good game but nothing special

>> No.25393916
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1080, 1584393191449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25393917

I can already tell Aqua is going to be terrible at this game

>> No.25393918
Quoted by: >>25393934

She'll be doing wrong wraps in no time

>> No.25393919
Quoted by: >>25393950

>Marine stealing Suisei's gimmick
Fuck off bitch.

>> No.25393920

Can you just stay there and farm the boulders? Why did they respawn?

>> No.25393922
Quoted by: >>25393931

This but Suisei

>> No.25393925

sensible chuckle

>> No.25393926

ur not on /v/ fagget

>> No.25393927


>> No.25393928

When Link travels time and becomes an adult. It's pretty generic until then.

>> No.25393929

Already good game to me. This is top tier world building.

>> No.25393930
File: 1.64 MB, 1721x2435, 4910238_safe$takubon$$hololive$oozora_subaru(1girl looking_at_viewer sitting solo).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone enlighten me on Subaru initial design and current? So she went from tomboy to more girly because of why?

>> No.25393931

It's less funny when there is actually a picture of that

>> No.25393932
Quoted by: >>25393942

He'll just end up in Australia (the bottom of the earth).

>> No.25393933

Never nintendont is a shit company who makes shit games for children.

>> No.25393934

She will spend an hour trying to figure out the ocarina controls or maybe even the slignshot controls because she won't understand what the c buttons are.

>> No.25393935

Her "asmr songs" are great and surprisingly original but criminally underrated

>> No.25393936
Quoted by: >>25393957

If Australia keeps banning anime, would Haachama be forced back to Japan? Was this her plan for escape this whole time?

>> No.25393939

Is Aqua legitimately autistic? Who seriously just sits there farming green rubies under rocks?

>> No.25393940
File: 320 KB, 400x400, AkiHopeful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a new creature in ARK?

>> No.25393941

Because tomboys are shit.

>> No.25393943


>> No.25393942
Quoted by: >>25393964

Assuming he live in the northern hemisphere, then wouldn't he fall though rather than ending up in Australia?

>> No.25393947

I'd say it's not bad from the start but it really comes into its own when Link becomes an adult.

>> No.25393948

Her original outfit is embarrassingly ugly (the fuck were you thinking Ui?) so she uses the other ones

>> No.25393950

Marine has literally talked about her gloves like that though

>> No.25393952

Haha... yeah who would do that...

>> No.25393953
Quoted by: >>25393977

I feel bad about wanting Aqua to struggle and get frustrated for a long time before finally succeeding and experiencing happiness.

>> No.25393954

because of she thinks people prefer girly ones than tomboys

>> No.25393955
Quoted by: >>25393974

Tomboys tend to become more girly when they find a partner.

>> No.25393956
Quoted by: >>25393990


>> No.25393957

She will be sent to work in the mines because they will mistake her for a Chinese.

>> No.25393961
File: 394 KB, 597x1443, ENTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna say that again, chump?

>> No.25393964
Quoted by: >>25393998

The socks should keep him from slipping through.

>> No.25393965


>> No.25393967

I think she just doesn't like the tomboy design

>> No.25393970
File: 309 KB, 1200x1475, EfJG5seUMAEniJA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25393988

Are there people here watching Aqua for the first time or something?

>> No.25393969

Aqua will soon figure out that walking is the slowest way to move around

>> No.25393971


>> No.25393972
Quoted by: >>25394230

Maybe she did it intentionally to get closer to Flare, the harem protag, and make Matsuri even more jealous to her. Her absence unexpectedly helped Flare's channel yesterday, so I'm expecting the two of them to collab more in the future

>> No.25393974

This. Girls only adopt a tomboy persona to attract a man.

>> No.25393975

If you really like Aqua, please explain her appeal or why you dig her. I don't get her and I kinda enter comatose when I watch her.

>> No.25393977

Miko and Suisei already cover that

Hopefully Aki joins in one day

>> No.25393979
Quoted by: >>25393992

Go back, underage anon.

>> No.25393980

>not towa-sama

>> No.25393982
Quoted by: >>25394007

Her nails

>> No.25393983

it's been 37 minutes since she started and i felt like she's accomplished a whole lot of nothing.

>> No.25393984

Kanata has more viewers than Aqua. PPT has inclined.

>> No.25393986
File: 168 KB, 960x890, 1592930216928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394038

listen here you little shit

>> No.25393987

How many hours do you think Aqua'll take to beat it?

>> No.25393988

I am personally. I only started watching holo a few months ago and she took a long break.

>> No.25393989
Quoted by: >>25394011

Anybody got that old clip of Fubuki cooming over Roberu for wearing glasses?

>> No.25393990

>That T block slide

>> No.25393992
Quoted by: >>25394036

>knowing his real name
Follow him on the way out too.

>> No.25393991
File: 245 KB, 1500x1800, EfPV8DRU8AAMQMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394138


>> No.25393993


>> No.25393994

You blind?

>> No.25393997
Quoted by: >>25394032

Cute retarded daughter, that’s all and I lover her

>> No.25393998

No no no, hear me out
The moment he wear the sock, wouldn't he immediately fly due to the reversed gravitational direction?
If he lives in the northern hemisphere, then he would fly towards space, he would be fine if he lives in the southern hemisphere though.
The socks won't do shit if he can't get a grip on the ground.

>> No.25393999


>> No.25394000

>Already saying this when we haven't heard her sing and Towa isn't even the best singer

>> No.25394002

Nevermind, it just didn't update Aqua's viewercount for the past 30 minutes.

>> No.25394003


>> No.25394004

Shouldn't it be Sama-senpai? Sanpai?

>> No.25394005

Girls are cute when they're almost retarded

>> No.25394006


>> No.25394007

This, the way her papa draws them is really fucking good, shame they're always the same tone of blue tho

>> No.25394008

its funny that the japanese version of oot is the default one to me because of speedruns. i didn't even think about it until she was reading the mido dialogue

>> No.25394009
Quoted by: >>25394020

Why does everyone call Towa, "Towa-sama" not Towa-san?

>> No.25394010
Quoted by: >>25394033

She'll never finish it.

>> No.25394011

>search up fubuki roberu glasses
>first result
Anonchama please...

>> No.25394012

I'm so glad permissions arc is over. If not, Aqua would be playing minecraft right now.

>> No.25394013
Quoted by: >>25394057

what does gomadare mean
i only see sesame sauce

>> No.25394015
File: 283 KB, 480x480, 1592831260945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394016


>> No.25394017

She monky

>> No.25394018
Quoted by: >>25394065

She's a anime protagonist. She always started at the bottom but still wins at the end after hard work and research. Makes me want to support her.

>> No.25394020
Quoted by: >>25394081

Because they're nice and play along with her chuuni delusions.

>> No.25394022

>I kinda enter comatose when I watch her
Then don't? Having the appeal explained to you won't change that.

>> No.25394023

Ty, I’ll be back in like 5 minutes. I gotta do.....something

>> No.25394025
Quoted by: >>25394148

Because she suffers. She gets upset and makes a fuss. The slurpin, the hissing, the desk banging, it turns me on. When she finally succeeds, all that pent up frustration is released into a burst of ecstatic joy. She screams again but this time it is a joyful tone.

>> No.25394026

I miss Minecraft...

>> No.25394027


>> No.25394028

oh god what should i do, how long will she stream this for? It's almsot 1 am and i don't know if i should just go to sleep to catch her fall guys stream or what.

>> No.25394029

I like winter
t. russian fella

>> No.25394030

>tree looks bigger inside than outside

>> No.25394031


>> No.25394032

anon, you can't lover your daughter...

>> No.25394033
Quoted by: >>25394046

aqua finishes games

>> No.25394034

Her mannerisms fit my tastes in girls and she's super cute.

>> No.25394036

If you know who Ego is then you've probably heard his real name uttered in the same instance.

>> No.25394037


>> No.25394038
File: 159 KB, 960x890, 31530E32-4E47-4815-A84A-887D43A7A916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one for you to use, duckbro.

>> No.25394039

Good times...

>> No.25394040

You mean Skyrim... right before Nintendo permissions... haven't gone back since

>> No.25394041


>> No.25394044


>> No.25394043


>> No.25394045


>> No.25394046
Quoted by: >>25394068


>> No.25394047

Retardchama... learn from this failure and improve yourself, always press f5

>> No.25394048

It's kind of satisfying seeing Aqua slowly figure out extremely basic things. Like your retarded child learning how to ride a bike or something.

>> No.25394049

>died at the very first level
we're in for a long one BOIS

>> No.25394051


>> No.25394052


>> No.25394054
File: 76 KB, 1277x718, baqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25394056

Baqua this is a kids game...

>> No.25394057
File: 178 KB, 833x1102, aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394099

It is sesame sauce. It's a meme to say GO MA DA RE~ with the zelda chest opening sound

>> No.25394058


>> No.25394059

lamy revealed that both aloe and nene are singers

>> No.25394060

>Instantly died to a deku baba

Literally DSP tier.

>> No.25394061

>Miko comes back
>pekomiko right after her comeback stream
>she finally can play and finish Bully
This is going to happen, I can feel it, bros.

>> No.25394062
File: 155 KB, 501x631, 1591441020570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394063


>> No.25394064

God gamer Aqua...

>> No.25394065
File: 460 KB, 620x659, 1596111044298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't win against Sora though...

>> No.25394067

Kill an animal and wear their skin, duh

>> No.25394068

aqua finishes good games

>> No.25394069

Russian's neighbor here. I love winter. Summerfaggots should all be put into forced labor camps.

>> No.25394070

>Another Holo playing DK
Are Nintendo games the new konbini

>> No.25394071

oot confirmed harder than sekiro

>> No.25394073

Towa is great for duets. The only one who sounded shit with her out of all the fan-made collabs i heard was Risu.

>> No.25394074

Damn, now that's a game I've played before. Nostalgic.

>> No.25394075
Quoted by: >>25394092

Source pls

>> No.25394076

>slurping over being set back by literally 10 seconds

>> No.25394077
Quoted by: >>25394094


>> No.25394079

If you had to guess, about what number is Aqua's IQ?

>> No.25394080

I'm gonna kidnap her and lock her away in a tower. I'll make sure it has a gaming computer but no internet. I'll feed her hot pockets through a slit in the door and wash her laundry using my mouth. She won't ask for baths that often but on the rare occasions she does I'll periodically flood the room several inches and ask her to soak in the floor water to clean off her accumulated essence. I can then drain the flavor-enriched floor water and funnel it into a storage container where I can age it for future enjoyment.

>> No.25394081

Towa is really loved by her Holo friends.

>> No.25394083

The resistance will win

>> No.25394084

kek, I didn't think that was possible unless Aqua's stream got shadowed, even if Kanata has higher than normal viewers right now.

>> No.25394086

Give or take 2 hours. I've watched Aqua enough to know. She has another stream coming up, so she won't stream long.

>> No.25394087

Why is she so autistic?

>> No.25394088


>> No.25394089

At least those shit horror games are more inventive and interesting than played out bing bing wahoo

>> No.25394090


>> No.25394091

I'll guess it's around yes to no.

>> No.25394092


>> No.25394093

pls koro, my fingers keep getting my banned on 4chen

>> No.25394094
Quoted by: >>25394125

Do you not remember when every single fucking holo played that retarded konbini horror "game"?

>> No.25394095

because she is cute

>> No.25394096

Can’t believe Aqua is stealing Roberu’s clout

>> No.25394097


>> No.25394098

because she has autism

>> No.25394099


>> No.25394100

solid 89

>> No.25394101


>> No.25394103


>> No.25394104

MY GIRLS, this is going to be good

>> No.25394105

at least 300

>> No.25394108
Quoted by: >>25394124

Do not care for the Goron part of MM desu

>> No.25394110
Quoted by: >>25394135

>She doesnt immediately chase the Deku
Why is she having as much trouble here as Jump King

>> No.25394112
File: 71 KB, 953x737, 1590644675637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394134

So you are the enemy?

>> No.25394113

The people writing "Tensai" really made me kek

>> No.25394114


>> No.25394115

200k sub difference is something.

>> No.25394116


>> No.25394117

Watching Aqua is every bit amusing as it is frustrating

>> No.25394118

It only took one hit to kill that thing?

>> No.25394119
Quoted by: >>25394143

even when she only did 2 games and against computer she managed to keep the stream interesting enough
how does she do it

>> No.25394123
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 1594185644807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394134

>So you're the enemy

>> No.25394124

more like turning Goroff the stream

>> No.25394125

There's a difference between the Konbini, a game, and Nintendo, a company. Like they just got Nintendo permissions back recently, fucking of course they're going to play Nintendo games.

If your complaint is about too many playing DKC, then say DKC, not Nintendo.

>> No.25394130


>> No.25394132

How the fuck is she going to get past the water temple?

>> No.25394133

>pachinko is slingshot
What the fuck

>> No.25394134

I... I... I'm sorry...

>> No.25394135

Aqua is only good at streamer bait kusoge.

>> No.25394136
Quoted by: >>25394186

Subs aren't everything anon.

>> No.25394138

goddammit why do i care so much about this generic bomb

>> No.25394140

she aces it

>> No.25394141

My son has the voice of an angel

>> No.25394142

Aqua gets a huge IQ boost when she has to solve puzzles.

>> No.25394143

the triangle ball game isn't as brain dead as darts or president.

>> No.25394144


>> No.25394147

It's not that hard, just time consuming.

>> No.25394148
Quoted by: >>25394167

I still hold the smash incident against her but I'm starting to warm up and this is close enough to why >>25394025. Her voice grew on me and she's emotional and earnest.

>> No.25394149

The water temple is just tedious. What's going to filter her hard is the shadow temple.

>> No.25394150

Just right.

>> No.25394151
Quoted by: >>25394163

They obviously ERP on discord.

>> No.25394152

Roberu what the fuck
I have him near mute so I can focus on Aqua and he was still louder

>> No.25394156

Catch the vod and sleep for Nene

>> No.25394159
Quoted by: >>25394170

Why would you use the stick over the sword

>> No.25394160

>he doesn't have the protagonist buff
I'm so sorry

>> No.25394161

Not to speak ill of Aqua because I barely watch her, but Roberu is genuinely entertaining.

>> No.25394163

And she scheduled a fall guys stream after his. Roberu is confirmed the dude in the aqua webm

>> No.25394167

>I still hold the smash incident against her

>> No.25394168
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, 20200430 【オリジナルソング】猫ならばいける _ AZKi【にゃにゃにゃにゃ】 TnQgSAaGhVc.mp4_snapshot_00.55.341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394187

Then she's not really a chuuba then

>> No.25394169
Quoted by: >>25394210

I'm surprised Aqua is smarter than 9 year old me

>> No.25394170
Quoted by: >>25394178

stick is actually stronger than the kokiri sword

>> No.25394172

>r1 while falling: plunging attack

>> No.25394173
File: 291 KB, 625x549, 1596916653678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394204

I thought Aqua was good at games, what is this

>> No.25394174
File: 573 KB, 2026x1416, 1597277172439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394178

Not like we can count on her to do that intentionally

>> No.25394179
Quoted by: >>25394199

It was funny but I just don't understand why Coco literally did nothing, my poor marine was just trying her best and she left her hanging like that

>> No.25394181
Quoted by: >>25394203

You think Roberu says "YEAH" like that when he gets some nooky.

>> No.25394182

What the hell, this was supposed to be a kid's game? How was my 7 year old self supposed to solve this?

>> No.25394183

wtf is roboco's bgm?

>> No.25394185


>> No.25394186

It's something.
Fifty million yen SC difference is another something.

>> No.25394187

You shut your mouth when you talk about my sister

>> No.25394189

DBD with choco sensei!

>> No.25394191
File: 576 KB, 801x1061, 1597007047052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ball of excitement that stubbornly gets through games

>> No.25394192

Siro's birthday event timetable. Some hololives are going to be there

>> No.25394193

I completely forgot about this book. I wonder if it ever got scanned.

>> No.25394195

children in the 80s and 90s were more intelligent

>> No.25394197
File: 26 KB, 224x256, 1594746281071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a person in the first hour of a (honestly kind of janky) game making mistakes

>> No.25394198

Maybe your pineal gland hadn't been calcified by fluoridated water at that point.

>> No.25394199
Quoted by: >>25394216

because her being silent added to the comedy. You have marine's retarded attempt to act as kazuma and coco's retarded live2d just staring in disbelief, followed by a quiet "I'll be leaving now"

>> No.25394200

you weren't supposed to be zooming through it and as long as they can read, why couldn't they?

>> No.25394202
Quoted by: >>25394225

Aqua is being filtered by boomer games

>> No.25394203


>> No.25394204

she's using all the brain power she has please be patient

>> No.25394206
Quoted by: >>25394236

Please don't use the photo I took to reply to bait.

>> No.25394208

I want to see her reaction to the spider house.

>> No.25394209
Quoted by: >>25394226

Ironic that Aqua can't aim at all with the slingshot

>> No.25394210


>> No.25394211
Quoted by: >>25394326

Who is your favourite holo, anon?

>> No.25394212
File: 385 KB, 496x694, 1596691439527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this bitch she betrayed Sio, besides we have her replacement already

>> No.25394214
File: 244 KB, 577x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Fubuki mean by this face

>> No.25394216

nigger I understand why its funny, I'm just trying to sympathize with marine here, i felt the secondhand embarrassment hard

>> No.25394217

Does anyone know how to get the Korone digimon world videos?

>> No.25394218

Children are menacingly persistent and smarter than you think. At least they were back then.

>> No.25394219
Quoted by: >>25394239

They just keep getting bigger and bigger! Can Gaou ever be stopped?

>> No.25394220

She’s watching a Roberu stream

>> No.25394221

Your older brother would help you out and you two would bond over the experience. The kids without siblings got their parents to buy them a strategy guide.

>> No.25394223


>> No.25394224


>> No.25394225
Quoted by: >>25394245

Aqua playing Wizardry when.

>> No.25394226

I don't think she's figured out that she can aim.

>> No.25394227

aqua turn off your alarm

>> No.25394228
Quoted by: >>25394247

The pleasure of being friends inside

>> No.25394229
Quoted by: >>25394249

who are you quoting?

>> No.25394230

Yeah not only that they both had lots of fun after that and it was really wholesome to see, I want more of them

>> No.25394232
File: 35 KB, 224x256, 1597294681435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394233

I noticed some girls don't have chat displayed in the open anymore. Was there any particular reason for it? Not that I'm complaining since it's usually a distraction.

>> No.25394235

I remember when Aqua was a flattie. What the fuck happened bros?

>> No.25394236

It's public property now.

>> No.25394239

God I hope not.

>> No.25394240

she's going to FUCK Nene

>> No.25394241
Quoted by: >>25394256

So grass can heal too.

>> No.25394242


>> No.25394244
Quoted by: >>25394254

choco sensei is so happy the new girl likes DBD

>> No.25394245

aqua plays wizardry 4, takes 12 hours to get out of the first room

>> No.25394247
Quoted by: >>25394260

inside what?

>> No.25394248

While she getting more sweaty and smelly from long time gaming session her IQ will increased.

>> No.25394249

Based on my dick, retard

>> No.25394250
Quoted by: >>25394290

can't believe they referenced this famous alien hoax in the marine/noel/flare collab http://forgetomori.com/2009/aliens/die-flscher-alien/

>> No.25394252

no u korone-pan

>> No.25394254

She can finally have friends.

>> No.25394253

>spider can dodge
What the fuck

>> No.25394255


>> No.25394256

Only that one kind of grass

>> No.25394257
Quoted by: >>25394294

There's like, only one holo there

>> No.25394259
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 1586584971499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drop as much spaghetti as her

>> No.25394260

Our hearts

>> No.25394262

Hola desde México! Di culo peludo

>> No.25394263


>> No.25394264

Have they fired Towa yet?

>> No.25394265

Hasn't been a Choco cooking stream in a while... Am I the only one that likes them?

>> No.25394267

roboco has koronevirus

>> No.25394268
Quoted by: >>25394306


>> No.25394271

Why are you struggling with this...

>> No.25394272
File: 2.39 MB, 640x622, 1597252836496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394273
File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, 1596453583860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to commit a crime

>> No.25394274
File: 3.41 MB, 3000x4000, 1596297500671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never seen someone struggle with basic mechanics on oot the way aqua is

>> No.25394276

Maybe Cover made a chat filter for them and they don't want the viewers to know, but in Classic Cover form, they didn't realize they could make a normal chat to overlay on the video and a separate filtered chat for the chuuba to view.

>> No.25394277

I really hope cover fires Aqua over this pathetic display...

>> No.25394278

No and they never will, sorry to disappoint.

>> No.25394282

Aqua finally killed a spider!

>> No.25394283

She got fat

>> No.25394284
File: 1.37 MB, 2066x1152, 1596341242218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394285

>MFW when I was dumb as a rock when I was a kid and got filtered by most games and only could play mashing fighting games against npcs
Bros... Why am I so bad? i remember when I coudln't beat the 2nd level of Spyro and just gave up on it after trying all day as a kid.

>> No.25394286

Yeah, everyday. She just keeps coming back for some reason.

>> No.25394288


>> No.25394289

They still do, it just depends on the kind of stream. Singing streams for example always have them.

>> No.25394290

It's a pretty famous meme in Japan, more so than in the west

>> No.25394291

Would this be easier for Aqua if she was playing it with a proper N64 controller?

>> No.25394293
File: 361 KB, 688x500, aloe_love2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394305

use it with caution

>> No.25394292

Peanus weanus haha

>> No.25394294


>> No.25394295

the skulltula...

>> No.25394296

games are much different nowadays, she's barely using z button at some times and using it in other where she doesn't need to, there's no stick or buttons for camera besides c up.

>> No.25394297

No despite your best efforts. She just keeps inclining and your impotent rage can't stop it.

>> No.25394298

>machine god

>> No.25394301
Quoted by: >>25394322

>comparing night fever which is essentially an utawaku in disguise
why are sheep posters like this

>> No.25394302

Her mistakes have nothing to do with the controller. She just tried rolling into a spider and isn't asking Navi for tips.

>> No.25394303

FBK has great taste

>> No.25394305

thanks for the hard work, aloebro

>> No.25394306
File: 905 KB, 1272x672, 1591787716627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just stop being retarded and get mods. thats it. problem solved. thats all it would take.

>> No.25394308

I remember one of my childhood friends got stuck on Gohma for weeks. It's like a total lack of abstract reasoning skills or something.

>> No.25394309
File: 154 KB, 1127x1302, EXmB1usUYAE3ZXt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco onegai...

>> No.25394310
Quoted by: >>25394336

>my face when when

>> No.25394312

>Getting hit twice by a golden skultulla

>> No.25394317

Honestly the controller is irrelevant, played it with KB first and didn't struggle at all

>> No.25394318

how much longer will she be in this room?

>> No.25394319


>> No.25394320
Quoted by: >>25394336

>>MFW when
You're still as dumb as a rock.

>> No.25394322

Why are you watching Aqua play kiddy shit when you could be watching Roboco play Apex?

>> No.25394323

i love the way she bounces up and down dancing. it's so cute

>> No.25394325

Not every holo has their own lyger...

>> No.25394326
File: 4 KB, 223x75, dorks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these two idiots the most.

>> No.25394327

This is her home now...

>> No.25394330

bet this gamer maid is going to start picking link in smash

>> No.25394331

The way Aqua is spending so much effort only goes to show how great of game design they did with this game is. Excellent puzzles. Lighting a stick on fire.

>> No.25394332

I think it's happening, her two braincells finally bumped into each other.

>> No.25394335

because Apex is boring and OOT is fun

>> No.25394336

Can't argue against that. I am pretty retarded at a lot of things. If it makes you feel better it's late and i'm tired.

>> No.25394337

Fuck me why does Choco just simply talking arouse me so much? onion and son's autistic noises are snapping me out of it at least

>> No.25394338

It seems like this is the first time Aqua has ever played a Zelda game. Am I wrong or how the hell has she never played Zelda before?

>> No.25394339

I'm glad rbc got over her ptsd

>> No.25394342
Quoted by: >>25394353


>> No.25394345

Yes she said she only played a bit of BOTW.

>> No.25394348

inb4 Aqua some how loses to Gohma.

>> No.25394349

Noel, no contest

>> No.25394350

I was already interested in watching an OoT playthrough but doubly so if it's by a tensai zoomer who fucking blows. Excellent.

>> No.25394351

I'm not reading all that but the #1 tetris player in the world is Japanese so I'm going to say you're retarded.

>> No.25394352

>not getting aroused by son’s MM karaoke stream
Hello? Gay department?

>> No.25394353

the uuuuugh she made when she did it. Uggggggh

>> No.25394356

Talk to the goddamn fairy. The fairy is your friend.

>> No.25394358

AquOka collab where she gets mercilessly teased but still learns useful tips and manages to make some progress when

>> No.25394359

>She missed the jump

>> No.25394360


>> No.25394361
Quoted by: >>25394382

Set chats to member only. Filters out all the spics and seaniggers.

>> No.25394362

Sora never cared about subs and once warned against too much supachats over an ordinary Minecraft stream

>> No.25394363
Quoted by: >>25394374

doremy is french bro

>> No.25394364

>Choco keeps arousing me
>Onion daughter keeps everything down
>Papa's images are making me feel funny for daughter
This is a strange place I'm in

>> No.25394365
File: 2.35 MB, 292x298, 1565437970508.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394448

Roboco's coughing so much it hurts my heart.

>> No.25394369

just woke up, how has Aqua's OoT been?

>> No.25394370

It's okay Aqua, I wont judge you...

>> No.25394371
Quoted by: >>25394395

>tl;dr lol
Who's the retarded one?

>> No.25394373

I'm pretty sure she only knows Link from Smash like she knew Cloud.

>> No.25394374

He's #2.

>> No.25394375

she's really bad at it, so it's been great

>> No.25394377

Bakua kino so far.

>> No.25394378

Games nowadys have nearly universal controls. Whenever I go back and play something older it always takes an hour or two for things to click. I imagine Aqua will be flying through it after she gets used to the game

>> No.25394379

Its best if you see for yourself.

>> No.25394380

>just woke up, how has Aqua's OoT been?
She has absolutely no idea what she's doing. Spent a while breaking rocks and just took 10 minutes to figure out she could light a stick on fire.

>> No.25394381

There's only Starfox 64 where I had some brain farts because of a different controller, honestly it doesn't matter at all otherwise.
C buttons are used in Zelda like D-pad in modern games anyway. Z trigger as left shoulder.

>> No.25394382

>missing out on cyan and blue supas

>> No.25394383

That blog post is actually unironically interesting. I thought it would be bad, but it's got a click bait title.

>> No.25394384

Will she get to Gohma today...

>> No.25394386
Quoted by: >>25394403

will haachama actually cook decent food for once?

>> No.25394388


>> No.25394389


>> No.25394390

Aqua is really struggling with the N64 camera. How old is she? Did she not grow up with these games?

>> No.25394391


>> No.25394392

She missed twice...

>> No.25394393

Aqua is fucking retarded.

>> No.25394394

I felt this way out of high school, they don't teach you anything about actually critically thinking for yourself

>> No.25394395
Quoted by: >>25394469

You for posting a blogpost someone else wrote because you're too stupid to write your own argument here. You're probably that schizo who thought he was clever for spamming links for the whole thread the other day.

>> No.25394396


>> No.25394397

what the fuck is wrong with Aqua

>> No.25394398
Quoted by: >>25394479

I would watch Aqua play Paper Mario.

>> No.25394399

lol apex is the one the kids play, oot will draw all the boomer jiichans out of hiding
shion should play it when she gets back

>> No.25394401
Quoted by: >>25394426

I love Aqua's retarded inhaling laugh

>> No.25394402

They are really going to miss the collective 2 dollars.

>> No.25394403
Quoted by: >>25394413

Will hell freeze over?

>> No.25394405
File: 127 KB, 561x800, 1596544082837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mark my words

aqua will literally never touch this game again after today

>> No.25394410

>How old is she? Did she not grow up with these games?
anon you better sit down...

>> No.25394412

Aqua...your reputation..

>> No.25394413


>> No.25394414

Probably for the best. If she can't beat the fucking deku tree she is never beating the shadow temple.

>> No.25394415

It would be worth it to the holo in the long run.

>> No.25394416

i got filtered on kingdom hearts at the very beginning because i couldn't find the exit door at the beach stage.

i know that place filtered so many people. i refuse to believe others didn't struggle with that hidden away door.

>> No.25394417


>> No.25394419


>> No.25394420

She was poor, please understand...

>> No.25394421
Quoted by: >>25394445

do all of these have the uncensored version of just aqua?

>> No.25394423

>missed three times now
Well, buckle in boys. We're in for the long haul.

>> No.25394425


>> No.25394424

Are you for real

>> No.25394426

I prefer the half-laugh personally but both are great in different ways

>> No.25394427

so this... is the kamigamer... of hololive...

>> No.25394428


>> No.25394429

So this is the tensai of video games...

>> No.25394434


>> No.25394435

>4 times

>> No.25394436


>> No.25394438
Quoted by: >>25394452

Why is she treating this game like its fucking dark souls

>> No.25394440

i thought this retard was supposed to be good at games

>> No.25394441

Trying the same thing over and over again expecting different results...

>> No.25394443
Quoted by: >>25394462

Can you even imagine her at the shadow temple?

>> No.25394444
File: 111 KB, 1398x752, 1592493308711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25394445
File: 109 KB, 531x800, EZBkQ8EUMAA5Hzj-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394470

They exist somewhere, the artist deleted the original twitter account

>> No.25394446

what are the chances of her actually finishing OOT

>> No.25394448

Does Roboco have mouth or lip tracking? how can it pick up her yawns so well?

>> No.25394449

This is the first time I've seen someone mess this up twice, let alone four times

>> No.25394450

she is insane

>> No.25394451


>> No.25394452

unironically dark souls is probably the closest thing she's played to this

>> No.25394454
File: 22 KB, 481x612, 1585273818386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25394455


>> No.25394456
Quoted by: >>25394537

Lober is pretty decent at Majora, nice

>> No.25394457


>> No.25394458

I think all 3D has it, and L2D too to some degree.

>> No.25394460

Another bitter English teaching expat who thinks they're hot shit, you could fill a book with these guys

>> No.25394462

At this point I can't imagine her getting through Jabu Jabu

>> No.25394464

Aqua... I stand...

>> No.25394465

>what are the chances of her actually finishing OOT
She is never playing again after today

>> No.25394467
Quoted by: >>25394484

Please understand....aqua loves to jump and fall down. First it was ark, then it was jump king and now this.

>> No.25394469
Quoted by: >>25394605

Not even the same person, take your meds, schizo

>> No.25394470


>> No.25394471

quick someone send her a bradygames guide as a gift

>> No.25394472

Unrelated to the stream, but how many bottles of piss do you think Aqua has in her room right now?

>> No.25394473

I didn't even know that angle was possible.

>> No.25394474

So this is the fabled GOD GAMER... the NIJISANJI KILLER....

>> No.25394475

is the definition of a poorly written kusoge

>> No.25394476
Quoted by: >>25394633

If she didn't finish Skyrim with JOPs, EOPs, and SOPs begging her for another video then she probably won't finish it.

>> No.25394478
File: 79 KB, 1009x844, 1596297900108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deku tree jump rta when

>> No.25394479
Quoted by: >>25394593

https://v.ikx.me/video/rND2gz7q Enjoy.

>> No.25394480

0%, the game has a lot of intellect filters

>> No.25394481
Quoted by: >>25394490

maybe she should call in to roberu's stream for advice

>> No.25394482
Quoted by: >>25394501

0 I drank them all.

>> No.25394484

>She's going to play Fall Guys later

>> No.25394485

Imagine 18.000+ people watching you fail a jump 5 times

>> No.25394486

okayu.... pls.... aqua needs your help...

>> No.25394488
File: 221 KB, 335x404, 1596347965263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the chances of her actually making the jump
is what you meant to ask surely

>> No.25394489
File: 74 KB, 230x230, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394493

Just watch, she'll speedrun glitch everything after this dungeon and beat the game tonight!!!!

>> No.25394490

After today she is just gonna stream MM and watch his archived streams

>> No.25394491

fuck. her talking with the retard chat is the worst part. just fucking jump.

>> No.25394492
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1567902567281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a reason Subaru didn't get a 2.0 Live2D?

>> No.25394493

she's just setting up ACE

>> No.25394496

aqua seriously needs a zelda vet to collab with her here, if only as a representative for the audience and their excruciating pain

>> No.25394497
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1 violent fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394498

She's too poor, cover doesn't do it for free

>> No.25394499


>> No.25394500


>> No.25394502

Holy shit someone tell her to just use fire instead

>> No.25394501

Considering she talks about how nasty Mea is none or maybe she considers Mea more nasty than she is so possibly at least 1


>> No.25394503

I can't watch this, it's too painful.

>> No.25394504

>that autistic crying
i love her

>> No.25394505


>> No.25394506
File: 2.56 MB, 498x498, 1596301068884.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im losing my mind

>> No.25394508

Actually dumber than me as a kid who had almost no video game experience

>> No.25394510

I remember this Deku Tree jump being kinda weird, but is it really this bad, or is it just Baqua being Baqua?

>> No.25394511
File: 190 KB, 993x1241, 1590401033842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking onion

>> No.25394516

Tabbing into Roberu's stream is cleansing my soul after all this defilement.

>> No.25394518
Quoted by: >>25394565

I already did just like every other day

>> No.25394522


>> No.25394523
Quoted by: >>25394536

I want to lick the onion
Is this the 9th time she failed the jump?

>> No.25394524

Is anyone still counting?

>> No.25394525
File: 33 KB, 567x559, 1596298393406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im thinking its time to take aqua out to the pasture

>> No.25394526
Quoted by: >>25394547

do you have to do a sword attack? i don't remember it being this difficult

>> No.25394527

Is she ever going to beat this dungeon in the next hour?

>> No.25394529

how many times does this make it? 8? I legit lost track

>> No.25394530

bros i don't feel so good, she's being filtered already

>> No.25394532

A mixture.

>> No.25394533

was that 6 or 7

>> No.25394531
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1592248381493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394534

I'm literally dying

>> No.25394536


>> No.25394537

Broberus please if you mutate his name any further I won't have any idea who you're talking about

>> No.25394540
Quoted by: >>25394556

So uh
what happened to skyrim
Didn't aqua say she liked it?

>> No.25394541
Quoted by: >>25394589

I have given up learning Japanese because I will never make it. It was hopeless and chasing that impossible dream was making me miserable.

>> No.25394542

She's like a retarded daughter you want to fuck.

>> No.25394543

I have never seen anyone have this much trouble with this ever. I didn't know it was possible to fuck this jump up this much.

>> No.25394544
File: 88 KB, 488x637, 1594037888377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25394546
Quoted by: >>25394565

But I just got done my push ups and squats... Please put the gun down, Fubuki.

>> No.25394547

You just have to land near the middle

>> No.25394548
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, EbHyVzUUYAElThS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394618

I saw the number of cards waiting for me and closed the app

>> No.25394551
Quoted by: >>25394621

She's gently telling pekofags to stop being obnoxious. If you don't get that, you're autistic as fuck.

>> No.25394554

I thought Aqua was supposed to be one of the best gamers in Hololive?

>> No.25394555

Imagine when she actually succeeds this jump and chat rains her with sc
Holy shit that would be a glorious moment.

>> No.25394556


>> No.25394558
Quoted by: >>25394630

Coco big smile!

>> No.25394560

lmao all this z targeting makes it look like she's doing some speedrun strat

>> No.25394562

Today's cardio day

>> No.25394563


>> No.25394565
File: 369 KB, 769x769, smug fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394566

I have no excuse.

>> No.25394568


>> No.25394569


>> No.25394570

She did it! She beat OoT!

>> No.25394571


>> No.25394572


>> No.25394573

Seeing Aqua succeed after so many failures is as exciting as expected...

>> No.25394574

I'll do them tomorrow!

>> No.25394575
File: 185 KB, 320x370, 1597267185304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you know what they say anons 8th times a charm

>> No.25394576

except there's no sc

>> No.25394577

dumb onion did it

>> No.25394578

She did it! She solved the easiest Zelda puzzle!

>> No.25394579
File: 398 KB, 721x599, 1593789931352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90 minutes in

>> No.25394580


>> No.25394582
Quoted by: >>25394607

The scream of joy as she finally penetrates

>> No.25394583


>> No.25394584
Quoted by: >>25394597

>superchatting for something so trivial
Do aquafags really?

>> No.25394585

Omedetou Aqua.

>> No.25394586

I bet even a 5 year old would struggle more than that, Aqua is a genius!

>> No.25394589

>I will never make it.
not with that attitude, try, try again anon!

>> No.25394590
Quoted by: >>25394658

choco... my ears...

>> No.25394592


>> No.25394591

How many times will she die to Gohma?

>> No.25394593

Nice find. I'll check it out after this stream.

>> No.25394595

>Choco's scream

>> No.25394596

this baka has the nerve to laugh after all that pain she inflicted on her viewers

>> No.25394597

>Do aquafags really?
look at her stream and you tell me

>> No.25394598

Is Robocco's music accidentally leaking on her stream or is this usual, don't watch her too often

>> No.25394599

intentionally fail an easy jump 7 times to get pity sc when you make it

sasuga aqua

>> No.25394605

Not an argument, schizo.

>> No.25394607

the cobwed is a metaphor for her hymen

>> No.25394608
Quoted by: >>25394636

it's interesting that VR horror is the default batsu now

>> No.25394609
Quoted by: >>25394625

it's all about the journey anon, stop being a cynical bitch

>> No.25394611
File: 786 KB, 1037x988, CA1F890C-4828-4335-BDA5-57FD227B7581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know who the best gamer is

>> No.25394612

the dumber a holo acts the more success they find

>> No.25394613
File: 102 KB, 488x637, 15940378883772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25394615
Quoted by: >>25394639

She's getting smarter! She knew about the torch puzzle immediately!

>> No.25394616
Quoted by: >>25394642

But I did finished my week 1 day 2 of Nihongo Soumatome N1 this morning. I just woke up from a little nap and am preparing to do my programming reps!

>> No.25394618
Quoted by: >>25394969

there's a method to catch up easily if you amass cards.

make a filtered deck with these settings

is:due [oldest seen first] <- this is the deck you use to do cards you missed
is:due prop:due>-15 [random] <- this is the deck you use for daily reviews

just make sure you do daily reviews and then slowly do oldest seen first until you've back to parity.

>> No.25394620


>> No.25394621

She knows it's not nousagi doing it, but, has to say it anyway. If you think it is you're too stupid to live.

>> No.25394622

The only pain I'm feeling is in my jaw, from laughing.

>> No.25394623

I'm doing my FGO reps

>> No.25394626

This legitimately hurts to watch
I'm not exaggerating when I say my 6 year old niece is better at Zelda.

>> No.25394625

This really is what Hololive is about. The journey, not the result. Maybe that's why they're so successful.

>> No.25394627
File: 83 KB, 676x676, Azki326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Cover to disband INNK and let AZKi be a real streamer like Suisei did so I can see her more often, but at the same time

I think making music makes her happy, so I dont know how to feel.

>> No.25394630
File: 110 KB, 810x1200, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394632
File: 769 KB, 1079x652, dead luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394686

So is Luna gonna have to play a VR Horror punishment game? I heard something about her missing Flare's collab.

>> No.25394633

Why would anyone beg her to finish Skyrim, especially vanilla Skyrim, it's a mediocre sidequest simulator.

>> No.25394636

If only they had more than one VR horror game then maybe it could be entertaining.

>> No.25394637
File: 2.24 MB, 1748x2600, aykvuinhl3951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394652


>> No.25394639

She learned that earlier actually. She said it in Japanese though so you may have missed it.

>> No.25394640
Quoted by: >>25394652

she can't figure out how z-targeting works

>> No.25394642
File: 32 KB, 443x455, fbk smile thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>preparing to do my programming reps!
Good......Now program in Japanese!

>> No.25394643

Maybe, just maybe, AZKi doesnt really like streaming

>> No.25394644

No one said she was good at real video games.

>> No.25394646

I think Roboco has the best tracking in general. I would guess it comes down to how well the models are made in that regard.

>> No.25394647
File: 578 KB, 850x1275, 1596348600571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25394676

>implying tom actually surviving wasnt the most emotional moment of hololive 2020

>> No.25394648

she's streamed games before. i doubt cover is preventing her from streaming

>> No.25394649
Quoted by: >>25394685

Being in innk didn't stop suisei from streaming, she was just as active as a holo would be, azki just doesn't want to stream that much, and it is perfectly fine she has other priorities

>> No.25394650

They should remake OoT and make it 1:1 faithful to the concept art across the board.

>> No.25394651

>still cant into manual targetting

>> No.25394652

it's bizarre she hasn't gotten the z-targetting down at this point but she'll get it eventually grass

>> No.25394658


>> No.25394659
Quoted by: >>25394664

Didnt they try that with the 3DS remake?

>> No.25394661

she's a singer not a gamer or entertainer like peko. she just doesn't want to stream.

>> No.25394664

It only applied to Link's model

>> No.25394666

that just means the rest of hololive sucks at video games, she's just the less bad

>> No.25394667

The one thing that's actually annoying me is her ignoring the gold skulltulas

>> No.25394668
Quoted by: >>25394677

And Apex is a mediocre battle royale
And ARK is a mediocre open-world base builder
Point is, anything can be entertaining depending on the holo.

>> No.25394670

What do you mean? What was special about the Concept art?

>> No.25394671
Quoted by: >>25394687

no, REmake is the only one that ever succeeded in improving the game

>> No.25394675

>she actually missed the jump
LMAO she has to be doing it on purpose.

>> No.25394676

This is too lewd.

>> No.25394677
Quoted by: >>25394716

Then there's no need to beg for Skyrim specifically. Checkmate faggot.

>> No.25394678

the was the most beautiful jump missing a huge platform entirely

>> No.25394679

dont let it bother you because she will never play this game again let alone get far enough for that to be relevant

>> No.25394680

same, i thought she'd at least have the desire to kill everything she sees

>> No.25394683
File: 324 KB, 1000x1400, 1587208975877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa schedule

>> No.25394685

also partially because INNK basically neglected Suisei
AZKi's definitely more interested in making music than streaming but it's a bit sad she doesn't really go anywhere despite the musics she made, maybe she's just too comfortable with what INNK has provided with her

>> No.25394686

So is the KanaTowa 3D VR horror gonna turn into a triple collab?

>> No.25394687
Quoted by: >>25394712


>> No.25394690

Is Aqua playing shit because her gigolo is fucking her right now as she streams or something?

>> No.25394693

She doesnt actually like her job. A bit of snooping on 5ch and her roommates streams show that she doesnt actually like how things are going right now, but Cover doesn't wanna let her go even if they have no idea what to do with her. It's a pretty weird situation and I guess she's just making the best of the cards she has

>> No.25394694

Is that two メン限 or just one at 22:00?

>> No.25394696

I want to get excited but I know Towa's just gonna silently cancel like half those streams as she always does.

>> No.25394697

I’m pretty sure Roberu drills the “winning son” line in front of the mirror before every stream. He does it the exact same every time

>> No.25394698
Quoted by: >>25394704

I stopped doing reps several years ago and just absorb new vocab when I do translations.

>> No.25394700

I just realized Link is left handed, what the hell?

>> No.25394703

thanks for reminding me

>> No.25394704

Immersion is the true rep anyway, you only really need anki at the beginning

>> No.25394706
Quoted by: >>25394728

It's recorded and he's just hitting a button to replay it every time

>> No.25394707

choco sensei... I'll play DBD with you anytime...

>> No.25394708
Quoted by: >>25394717

Zoom zoom

>> No.25394709

how new

>> No.25394710

filtered by kamige

>> No.25394712

Really? How so?

>> No.25394713

Sometimes I wonder if Roberu likes the "winning son" line

Its been like that since forever. Except for TP wii version, Skyward Sword, and BOTW.

>> No.25394716

Please call me a faggot again.

>> No.25394717
Quoted by: >>25394722


>> No.25394718

It's intended for it to be inclusive for left handed people

>> No.25394719

all those reps paid off

>> No.25394721

roberu explaining to his 9/10 stacy gf that if he keeps saying that the dumb gaijin will pay for her lifestyle

>> No.25394720


>> No.25394722

I'm not going to go to your home board, zoomer.

>> No.25394726
Quoted by: >>25394768

Choco, Towa and Lamy playing DBD together soon.

>> No.25394727

He's German after all.

>> No.25394728

Has it saved on his stream deck for cheap ESL pops? Holy shit he can’t stop winning

>> No.25394729

Roberu does his reps, /hlg/
Why don't you?

>> No.25394730


>> No.25394731
Quoted by: >>25394742

What the fuck I can't play Zelda anymore with this degeneracy

>> No.25394734

Two streams almost every day? Has Towa gone insane?

>> No.25394735

Morning Towa!
she's going to cancel half of them

>> No.25394736


>> No.25394739

She wants to compete with gen 5.

>> No.25394740

What even is the point of Aqua anymore?

Pekora is way better than her at games and has a more comedic personality to boot!

>> No.25394741

It's Towa and Mel's collab name I think

>> No.25394742
Quoted by: >>25394757

>What the fuck I can't play Zelda anymore with this degeneracy
Dont worry he's been right handed for 8 years now

>> No.25394743
Quoted by: >>25394818


>> No.25394744

What's this?

>> No.25394745

she knows she has to step it up since gen5 is here

>> No.25394747
File: 543 KB, 2294x1947, 1596785903246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395033


>> No.25394748


>> No.25394750

She used to do two streams a day back when the quarantine first hit, but she slowly started getting more menhera and slowed down her output.

>> No.25394751
Quoted by: >>25394773


>> No.25394752

Truly our winning son

>> No.25394754


>> No.25394756

Her chuuni way of saying a singing stream late at night.

>> No.25394757

it's been so long since this game came out bros...

>> No.25394759

she at least knows how to follow a map thank god

>> No.25394760

they're both getting filtered by games i played at 8 years old.

>> No.25394761

Pretty sure she'll pick 1 out of those 2 everyday (which would still be a lot coming from her)

>> No.25394762

Having this much Towa in one week. This has to be a Monkey's Paw. I love her, but this is weird.

>> No.25394764

Post good gamers:
1. Korone

>> No.25394765
Quoted by: >>25394776

Why is it so fun to watch a Japanese anime girl play games badly?

>> No.25394768
Quoted by: >>25394772

Name their unit

>> No.25394769
Quoted by: >>25394787

Guys, if we donate even more he can afford a 7/10 side piece also

>> No.25394770

2. Astel

>> No.25394771

what are you doing aqua...

>> No.25394772

2 Goddess and a whore

>> No.25394773


Ì̸̩Ņ̷̊ ̶̱̕Ḓ̴͛A̶̧̽R̵̺͝K̶̼͌N̸̻̒Ȩ̸͑S̶̹̃S̶̘͠ ̵͙͛H̶̪̆E̴͠ ̷̻͗C̴̳͑O̴̟M̶̥͂Ȩ̷̄Ś̶̠

>> No.25394774

She must've been having menhera episode when making this.

>> No.25394775
Quoted by: >>25394783


Okayu changed the video thumbnail from yesterday to this picture. Okayu...

>> No.25394776

It's nostalgic.

>> No.25394777

Aqua's 2 braincells almost made contact when she held the torch...

>> No.25394778


>> No.25394779

aqua will become unstoppable when she learns about the z button

>> No.25394781
File: 27 KB, 326x497, 994254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394783
File: 641 KB, 1080x810, 1597252088046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bobby why....

>> No.25394784

No one has ever been good at videogames in the history of videogames, you liar

>> No.25394785

Has Aqua never played OOT before? Has she ever played a Zelda game before?

>> No.25394786

Assuming Aqua were to keep playing this, how long would it take her to beat it?

>> No.25394787
Quoted by: >>25394802

Does he deserve a 18 total

>> No.25394788

>Over an hour and she sitll hasn't made it to Gohma


>> No.25394789
Quoted by: >>25394856

>Towa streaming during Aqua's sololive
Towa... did you forget...

>> No.25394791

A bit of BOTW apparently

>> No.25394792

she's apparently played a small amount of BoTW and that's it

>> No.25394793


Towa... no...

>> No.25394794

how is aqua dying to plants? what is this shit.

>> No.25394795

7 years

>> No.25394796

She's farming WEED

>> No.25394800
Quoted by: >>25394846

Is this game even scary

>> No.25394801

This game is genuinely unsettling if I didn't already see it played. Hope Towa gets through it just fine since there's actually nothing to jump scare you.

>> No.25394802

No, he deserves more but he can’t afford that right now

>> No.25394803

what is the newest kanata narrative?

>> No.25394806

Ok almost.

>> No.25394807
Quoted by: >>25394821

She needs more popular games to incline anon. Has she played Dark Deception, too?

>> No.25394808


>> No.25394810

until she goes to youtube and watches a speedrun and copies it

>> No.25394811

Aqua.... Don't siphon Roboco's viewers........

>> No.25394812
Quoted by: >>25395059

>even Towa kneels to the kuso horror games now
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.25394813

Just 6 more tries...

>> No.25394814
Quoted by: >>25394834

>1:00 AM

I wanted to sleep tonight...

>> No.25394815

PPT stronger than ever after coming out of her hyperbolic coke oven booth

>> No.25394818


Ah right, convereted timezones wrong. It's their collab hashtag.

>> No.25394821

She got dragged into a guerrilla collab with Marine, FBK and Ayame when she was at the studio to practice for her 3D, but she only played a single round.

>> No.25394823
File: 986 KB, 1037x988, C246F545-C10D-4442-B598-C872046067D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394824

Is Aqua just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.25394827

Aquas little screams are cute

>> No.25394828

>2 gold skultulas on screen
>ignores both of them

>> No.25394829
Quoted by: >>25394847

It'll be a short stream then.

>> No.25394830

How can anyone be so bad at oot holy fuck...

>> No.25394831


>> No.25394833
Quoted by: >>25394844

does she know about 231?

>> No.25394834

Same WCmin. Might go to sleep through it though and rewatch it later.

>> No.25394837

ever since sheep posting went rampant she's been suffering, from PC issues to being robbed by a former friend

>> No.25394838
Quoted by: >>25394863

at this point i think so cause otherwise she not being able to run straight doesn't make sense. she can go grind whatever in souls and these games, but can't run in a straight line in zelda? doesn't make sense

>> No.25394839

All Japanese streamers pretend to be bad at games if they're easy games.

>> No.25394840

>memory puzzle time

>> No.25394841
File: 305 KB, 1450x2048, EdNSaN8U8AAi4Gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's actually that cute.

>> No.25394844

nevermind she said it

>> No.25394845

Was Z-targeting not part of the tutorial?

>> No.25394846

The story kind of is, although it doesn't really make much sense at the end.

>> No.25394847

Can't be shorter than the 10 minute Getting Over It.

>> No.25394851

watching aqua is like watching a middle schooler play video games for the first time.

>> No.25394852

It was, but this is Baqua after all.

>> No.25394853

Suzumomo Nene sounds better than Momosuzu Nene

>> No.25394854

can't improve perfection

>> No.25394855

does someone have that clip of ppt getting excited over some gacha game?

>> No.25394856
Quoted by: >>25394873

Do they usually not stream during paid events like that? I imagine anyone who paid for it isn't going to skip it to watch another stream just because it's at the same time, so it doesn't really matter if anyone else streams during it.

>> No.25394859

She's going to die to Gohma

>> No.25394862
File: 404 KB, 801x243, Leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me stream with you!

>> No.25394861

She was so excited to play, she skipped like half the readings.

>> No.25394863

she's played souls a fuck ton and this game doesn't use a stick for camera, theyre way different other than lock-on which is the one thing Baqua isn't doing

>> No.25394865

>She finally made it to Gohma

She's going to die on the first try.

>> No.25394866

Gotta love stupid puns

>> No.25394869

Suzunene Momo

>> No.25394871

i think aqua gets ghoma in 8 deaths at most

let's go onion

>> No.25394872

Which hololive likes chocomint and would likely watch [/spoiler]Toji no Miko

>> No.25394873

No, they usually do stream through it, but I figured Towa would go watch considering it's a big event with singing.

>> No.25394874

Aqua is a special girl

>> No.25394877


>> No.25394878


>> No.25394879
File: 1.18 MB, 498x318, 1592351279933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hologirls waiting screen

>> No.25394880

What the fuck is that? A giant hand? What kind of monster?

>> No.25394881

He needs to turn it into an opening phrase like Suisei's. The chat opens with Are you winning son? And he responds. Great self introduction with a phrase that has meaning to his community, people get their winning son fix, feels less forced than doing it mid stream.

>> No.25394882

I can't believe roboco is dead

>> No.25394883
Quoted by: >>25394899

Goddamn are the graphics good in this game

>> No.25394884

>Gohma battle lasting more than 15-20 seconds


>> No.25394885

holy shit rbc died on stream

>> No.25394887
Quoted by: >>25394893

really want to replay OoT, but setting up the N64 just for that is a pain and my 3DS is broken

>> No.25394888

she's just gonna attack the children isnt she

>> No.25394889

its been so long since I watched a non-speedrun playthrough of this game that I forgot gohma spawns adds

>> No.25394890
Quoted by: >>25394922

>Parasitic Armored Arachnid: Gohma

>> No.25394892

is she retarded? wtf

>> No.25394893
Quoted by: >>25394902

just... emulate? kusa

>> No.25394894

is this the power of modern gamers?

>> No.25394895

Some kind of spider

>> No.25394896

Her silence right after it actually cracked me up

>> No.25394897

Mosumozu Ne ne

>> No.25394898
Quoted by: >>25394913

>using deku nuts instead of the slingshot
ahahahahaha well it does work

>> No.25394899


muddy blurry textures actually work amazingly well for stuff like caves and creatures

>> No.25394900

Ok she finally remembered to lock on

>> No.25394902

have fun needing to use a TAS stick to be able to aim because the sensitivity is so fucked on anything that isint an n64 controller

>> No.25394904

how embarassed is Goma gonna be when he loses to Aqua?

>> No.25394905


>> No.25394906

made me chuckle

>> No.25394907


>> No.25394910

>still hasn't figured out the gimmick

>> No.25394911

Sunemone Zumo

>> No.25394912

Do Zelda games always have healing in the boss room?

>> No.25394913
Quoted by: >>25394928

deku nuts + deku sticks are the easy way of doing it desu

>> No.25394915


>> No.25394916
Quoted by: >>25395008

>Roberu in snowpeak
>only has like 5 masks


>> No.25394917

no, this is a tutorial boss dont forget

>> No.25394918
File: 611 KB, 757x665, 1595410847058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you guys said Aqua was supposed to be a good gamer?

>> No.25394920


>> No.25394921

I forgot since it's almost two hours, but was this The Great Deku Tree dungeon really his long?

>> No.25394922

That's a cool name.

>> No.25394923

She's a giant dork and I love it

>> No.25394924

She's played Souls games, right? How is the concept of lock-on eluding her this badly?

>> No.25394926

Nenemomo Suzu

>> No.25394927

Not all, but I do remember a couple like that in OoT

>> No.25394928

seems it was just a fluke though she stopped using them

>> No.25394930

I feel like if it's not under speedrunners to use emulation on say Oot Randomizer then it's not under you to either. But I respect it.

>> No.25394933

Its been eons since they have touched anything nintendo please understand

>> No.25394935


>> No.25394937
File: 215 KB, 1039x1600, Pekora1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ Hololive OFFICIAL Tier List:

>Minecraft Arsonist
>Thugs Bunny
>Shitbull Oujosama
>Motherfucking Dragon
>Crack Smoker
>Hololive Host Club [Rucifer/ Jack Sparrow/ Bekora]

"Still Really Fun"-Tier
>Stock Market Pedophile
>Pedophile Pirate

>Everyone else


"This is unbearable to watch"-Tier

Outer God's Shit-Tier

>> No.25394939
Quoted by: >>25394949

gamecube, retard

>> No.25394940

No, this is a tutorial. Aqua should probably not keep playing after this.

>> No.25394941

No, she's retarded.

>> No.25394943

No, Aqua is just dumb as fuck

>> No.25394944
Quoted by: >>25395177


>> No.25394945

She powered through apartment incident.
To Anon's dismay, she didn't even milk the incident nor get any notable extra amount of SCs.
Though she puts on a good face, she didn't really fully recover from it yet and is putting off SC reading a bit longer again because she just wants to do things that can distract her and force herself to relax.
And finally, in a stunning move she found a new way to leech: she was caught in real-time leeching viewers off her viewers by playing online with them. This insidious act didn't go unnoticed by Watame, who 5ch says woke up in the middle of the night (noon) screaming about rags.

>> No.25394947

The great deku tree should only take 15 to 20 minutes for regular a player.

>> No.25394949
Quoted by: >>25394964

still just as bad with the aiming

>> No.25394952

OoT is outside the wheelhouse of the average Dark Souls speedrunner

>> No.25394954

>aqua will die to gohma
kneel right now

>> No.25394953

>first time kill
Aqua is the best.

>> No.25394955


>> No.25394958

i have a feeling she's just going to bruteforce the entire game

>> No.25394959


>> No.25394960

No, she's just really bad as fuck.

>> No.25394962

After a long hard struggle and immense effort Aqua has successfully cleared the tutorial!

>> No.25394963

s-she won didn't she???

>> No.25394964
Quoted by: >>25394978

dolphin has native gamecube controller support

>> No.25394966
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1596335938481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25394968

You ever just seen someone so desperately try to fit in and by result not have an actual opinion?
That's (You)

>> No.25394969

Thanks for the tip

>> No.25394970
Quoted by: >>25394979

Aqua is really good at marketing games to seem really fun. I want to buy and play myself now.

>> No.25394971
Quoted by: >>25394987

>Aqua can barely use first person mode to hit anything
oh boy

>> No.25394972

Bets on her getting spooked by the overworld encounters?

>> No.25394977
Quoted by: >>25394985

lets see you beat her on fy_pool_day/aim_map scrub

>> No.25394978

and im saying aiming is still dogshit in that version
unless the wii VC used the n64 version unlike MM using the gamecube one for VC

>> No.25394979

You can emulate this on any computer or a wii

>> No.25394980

oh dear. it's one of those listfags. have a (you) and i hope you jack off to it.

>> No.25394981

>Smashbro ojii-san

>> No.25394985
Quoted by: >>25395040

i'd destroy her

>> No.25394986

My smart baby is bad at old games ok...

>> No.25394987

Forget that, she can't even run in a straight-ish line.

>> No.25394988
Quoted by: >>25395031

Aqua being smug for knowing the triforce was cute

>> No.25394989

Roberu can’t stop winning, what a chad

>> No.25394991


>> No.25394992
Quoted by: >>25395014

>Can't read Megami

Wut now?

>> No.25394994

So Aqua is really gonna keep playing this huh
Gotta be honest I expected her to quit

>> No.25394996

meanwhile loble handled goht like a champ

>> No.25394997
Quoted by: >>25395014

Aqua can't read the font...

>> No.25394998
Quoted by: >>25395010

>Okayu said it wasn't that scary, so I think it will be fine

>> No.25395000
File: 3.89 MB, 2046x2823, 81070458_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395001
File: 79 KB, 296x234, chrome_ckQYlhAxXv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she changed the thumbnail

>> No.25395002

She doesn't want to be overtaken by gen 5, that would be humiliating.

>> No.25395003
Quoted by: >>25395024

Gotta be real brave to play adventure games on stream and broadcast to the world that you're a brainlet. Though I guess that was never a question here.

>> No.25395005
File: 16 KB, 564x171, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395008
File: 107 KB, 900x608, EYd86HrU4AAmk17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's just going for a normal clear rather than a Fierce Deity run. He'll probably detour to do the Cremia side quest.

>> No.25395009

I cant believe I forgot how eerie some of OoT's music was. This is great stuff.

>> No.25395010

God I love the cat.

>> No.25395012

Fuck bros, I don't think I've done enough reps

>> No.25395014
Quoted by: >>25395035

I feel less bad about my reps now

>> No.25395015
Quoted by: >>25395030

Can't watch aqua play this. It's triggering how really bad she is.

>> No.25395016


>> No.25395017


>> No.25395021

Truly devilish.

>> No.25395022

can't play oot, can't even read japanese. is cover taking advantaged of the mentally disabled by forcing aqua to stream?

>> No.25395023
File: 2.76 MB, 180x200, what about... eyebrows.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395236

Does anyone have the clip of the Coco zatsudan where a supacha said something like "I'm new to watching hololive!" and she responded "New to hololive? Welcome to hell!"

I'm 2x speed watching the last fews weeks of hers but I can't seem to locate it.

>> No.25395024

she just doesn't understand the z button for locking on and changing camera. as soon as she does, this will snowball...right?

>> No.25395025
Quoted by: >>25395041

Night time stalfos

>> No.25395027

Okayu's such a sweetheart that it hurts sometimes. Hope she's feeling as good as she says she is.

>> No.25395030

we havent even gotten to the fun stealth part yet!

>> No.25395031

Probably only knows about it through the Mario kart level

>> No.25395033
File: 624 KB, 1272x2880, 1568611337541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395043

I hope she does the rest of the series, though they're not as hard as 1.

>> No.25395035

you quickly realize they can't read extremely common words. they lack education

>> No.25395036

I need it in my life

>> No.25395037

Actually based.

>> No.25395038

shien yo...

>> No.25395040

you wish

>> No.25395041
Quoted by: >>25395068

the peahats always scared the shit out of me as a kid

>> No.25395042
File: 23 KB, 290x300, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did it! She got the thing!

>> No.25395043

>third pic
the pleasure of being cummed inside...

>> No.25395044

If she manages to get into Hyrule Castle, I will be very impressed.

>> No.25395047

if she learns how to run in a straight line she'll be unbeatable

>> No.25395048

What will the goal for the viewer games this time be.

>> No.25395049
File: 2.04 MB, 3840x2160, EfR28iwUwAEvjlv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395051
Quoted by: >>25395071

>low iq Holo streams
>thread goes to shit
every time

>> No.25395052

Who the fuck eats up Aqua's 'merely pretending' a fucking singleplayer game.

>> No.25395053

What did Rushia mean by this?

>> No.25395055

Oh that's why she's not in my friend list anymore.

>> No.25395056

Aqua's chat is moving so fast no one realized I donated 100 ARS

>> No.25395057

the jolly music after the Deku Tree dries up and dies lmao

>> No.25395059

She already played the konbini game.

>> No.25395060
Quoted by: >>25395160

I have never managed to catch a Marine stream, what am I missing?

>> No.25395062

i can't believe aqua took so long that the deku tree died

>> No.25395065

Objectively true

>> No.25395066

>new family is going to join now
Don't mess it up.

>> No.25395068
Quoted by: >>25395083

Those and redeads made me close the game sometimes

>> No.25395069
Quoted by: >>25395087

the weather is insanely hot in japan right now
have we ever seen YAGOO and kmr in the same room

>> No.25395071


>> No.25395073

What kind of stupid shop sells arrows but no bows?

>> No.25395074

Its not THAT bad, you get used to it. I respect your choice though.

>> No.25395075


>> No.25395077
Quoted by: >>25395102

Ayame is also dying

>> No.25395078

It's ~93 degrees in Japan right now

>> No.25395079

Towasama... I've done my Valorant reps...

>> No.25395081

An arrow only shop.

>> No.25395082

>try to fit in
but most fags on this thread have shit taste and actually like luna?
how new?

>> No.25395083
Quoted by: >>25395119

I had real dread every time I had to run through Castle Town after the timeskip. I had to mentally steel myself each time.

>> No.25395086

is Seria even important, she's kind of cute.

>> No.25395087

>the weather is insanely hot in japan right now
Why doesn't she just turn on the AC?

>> No.25395088

A fletcher shop?

>> No.25395090

>live2d hands are so shit, you have to shoop stock images

>> No.25395091
File: 897 KB, 842x1191, ca8424d82c8f114ed72737290f1f4ec7b32d3bdc71cd2efc1484013d4baabe78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395108

Sweaty summer Rushia!

>> No.25395094

Yeah kind of

>> No.25395095

get ready for her to stay out in hyrule field until night and die to stalchildren!

>> No.25395098
Quoted by: >>25395157

keep digging yourself deeper friend
maybe a couple of weeks and you won't give yourself away so easily

>> No.25395100

bye bye osananajimi

>> No.25395102

Too poor to afford ac, how sad.

>> No.25395103
Quoted by: >>25395136

Japan doesn't have AC

>> No.25395106
Quoted by: >>25395126

Sadly thats the only time you will see Saria
She is very important to the plot later though

>> No.25395108

sweet cola

>> No.25395110


>> No.25395112
Quoted by: >>25395130

Only burgers have AC everywhere.

>> No.25395114

rushia is going to stream naked and sweaty

>> No.25395115
Quoted by: >>25395136

most apartments in japan don't have AC

>> No.25395116

Are there people who don't emulate? holy shit

>> No.25395117
Quoted by: >>25395127

Is she gonna get OWLED?

>> No.25395119

It sucked but it did help me mentally prepare for the shadow temple

>> No.25395120

She's a big shitposter alright, fuck I want her to be nobuhime but I know I'll just disappoint myself if it isn't

>> No.25395121
Quoted by: >>25395131

This game is too hard for Baqua
Please go back to Skyrim...

>> No.25395122

>33 C

>> No.25395125

>almost all holos will be sweaty today
>kanata is probably super sweaty right now

>> No.25395126

Still have to learn her song for Darunia's dance party.

>> No.25395127

no but he'll get her next time

oh shit

>> No.25395128
File: 55 KB, 750x500, holocomic8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395156


>> No.25395129

god i want to lick her sweaty body so badly

>> No.25395130

do fans not exist? they're not Korean they can just leave that shit running

>> No.25395131

who could be behind this post

>> No.25395132 [DELETED] 

Take your meds

>> No.25395133
Quoted by: >>25395187

Sweaty hot sex with Rushia wearing a sundress on the porch!

>> No.25395136
Quoted by: >>25395161

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.25395137

Aqua's gonna get BONED tonight

>> No.25395138
File: 182 KB, 850x815, 812E8BCC-6A7B-42CF-8D01-0A9182EDEB7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holohouse but it’s SunTempo

>> No.25395140

isn't that at the exact same time as Nene's debut? lmao

>> No.25395144
Quoted by: >>25395150

gooks don't have fans, just stans

>> No.25395145

93 celcius? damn that's pretty hot

>> No.25395147
File: 207 KB, 605x321, 64F47FEE-50A4-42B0-B725-4D25365B5D6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all have logos?!

>> No.25395149
Quoted by: >>25395153

Holy shit, it is. Why does Polka hate Nene?

>> No.25395150

Made me chuckle.

>> No.25395153
Quoted by: >>25395247

that's the joke you idiots

>> No.25395154

fuck is wrong with her

>> No.25395156
Quoted by: >>25395164

>right to left

>> No.25395157

Are you implying I was that anon samefagging, that luna is actually hated or that I'm new?
None of them are true, by the way

>> No.25395160

if you're not EOP, you're missing a lot
her zatsudan streams are easily one of the best

>> No.25395161

dont believe everything people say my eop friend

>> No.25395162

Aqua calm the fuck down

>> No.25395164

Are you pretending to be retarded?

>> No.25395165

That's why she should move to Holohouse, so she can using AC all day.

>> No.25395168
Quoted by: >>25395176

Stress reliefing Aqua is cute...

>> No.25395171
Quoted by: >>25395203

Luna using her STR.

>> No.25395177
File: 1.39 MB, 700x1000, Marine5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395207


Yeah Leddit Dragon is really hit or miss for some people and I'll admit she probably belongs in "Still Really Fun"-Tier instead of God-Tier. I kind of hated her voice at first, but I got used to it over time.


That is my actual opinion-- The girls that stand out are really good, and the other girls are super basic. Not really hating on any of them, they just don't stand out to me. Don't really have a lot else to say.

I like Fakkubuki and Penis Peddler Tenshi slightly more than the other girls in okay-tier, but I don't love them either. Noel, Suisei, Flare, and the other hologamers practically scream "I'm not like the other girls and I'm kind of lewd, teehee!" but the former two at least have some unique talents and funny moments.

I really hate Subaru's voice and mic-quality, which both make me want to punch her... but she doesn't seem like an obnoxious fake person like Luna, and her tomboy-loving fanartists are God-tier.

I only come to these threads once in a blue moon to post my updated takes and continue shitting on Lunaniggers... who are mostly pedos... for watching a washed-up former vtuber pretend to be a baby yandere idol princess thing that's in love with a pedophile and spouts character lines ad-nauseam. It's such a forced gimmick. Her design is cute but that's literally all she has going for her.

>> No.25395176

Is she rubbing one off?

>> No.25395184
Quoted by: >>25395240

I'm sure I'll still have Coco as my oshi, but if Nobuhime became a Holo with her sense of humor, it's tough.

>> No.25395186
Quoted by: >>25395195

You aren't?

>> No.25395187
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1435, EdXrti2UwAAhLhR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't do this to me, anon. Not now.

>> No.25395193

she skipped malon....

>> No.25395194
File: 328 KB, 567x421, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the worst 罰ゲーfor each holo? I know Noel and peko hate VR horror and Luna would die with Ring Fit, but what about the others?

>> No.25395195

I am, but I’m watching Roberu’s stream

>> No.25395196
Quoted by: >>25395291

Filtered by the based baby

>> No.25395197

She was having a little pot break

>> No.25395198
File: 27 KB, 400x246, Screenshot_2020-08-13 【Dead by Daylight】へなちょこ悪魔のゲリラ逃走中?!【ホロライブ 癒月ちょこ】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga Choco-sensei

>> No.25395199

based pricunnyCHAD

>> No.25395203

literally every holo that played the bowling game failed to throw the ball
what the hell was nintendo thinking

>> No.25395205

>Do you not want me not repeat what I just said

>> No.25395206


>> No.25395207

cool bro, now please return to your niji containment thread

>> No.25395208
Quoted by: >>25395237

Choco being noticed!

>> No.25395209


>> No.25395213


>> No.25395214

She made it bros!

>> No.25395215

Did she notice?

>> No.25395216

Stealth Aqua time

>> No.25395218


>> No.25395219
File: 408 KB, 1400x1271, 789E4121-0D27-40D7-A86D-AA57B9BDB02D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora collab arc after Gen 5? What’s the betting line?

>> No.25395220

for aqua would be hosting a collab with anyone that's not bankai symbol.

>> No.25395221


>> No.25395222
Quoted by: >>25395254

why does she have a bunny tail

>> No.25395223

Any of the serious APEX players having to do an endurance stream with the kenzoku

>> No.25395225

>Guards only look straight
My sides

>> No.25395224

pekora's worst batsuge is actually a totsumachi, she would rather die than do one

>> No.25395227


>> No.25395230
Quoted by: >>25395244

she attacks every inanimate object she sees but not the enemies

>> No.25395232

Towa will absolutely hate the VR horror.

>> No.25395234
Quoted by: >>25395252

DBD knows Japanese?...

>> No.25395235

These chat snippets, like KojiPros, don't do anything for me, it's just some social media manager

>> No.25395236

Never mind, finally found it:

>> No.25395237
Quoted by: >>25395243

official DBD channel noticing my choco sensei and she didn't even notice lol

>> No.25395240

Polka sounds like my kind of shitposter anyway. With some finesse and subtlety while being cultured. Coco is just a niwaka american bitch whose favorite anime is fucking Naruto.

>> No.25395241
Quoted by: >>25395250

>Gets caught doing something bad
>Starts slurping

Is this a pavlovs dog situation?

>> No.25395243

DBD about to Gosling post

>> No.25395244

The enemies actually attack back and don't give easy rupees

>> No.25395245

Towa's VR Loli Horror ASMR!

>> No.25395246

milk girl's here

>> No.25395247

Honestly if even one person saw that and chose the princess connect stream over Nene because they didn't know about it then it's a failure of a joke.

>> No.25395248
File: 579 KB, 1000x1000, 1597070078022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395255

Won't be able to watch Towa horage
Please watch it and bully Towa in my absence onegai.

>> No.25395250

Sucking dick as an apology!

>> No.25395252
Quoted by: >>25395261

Even DBD is doing their reps

>> No.25395254

She breeds like rabbit with me

>> No.25395255

It's okay kenzoku, we have a whole week of Towa! >>25394683

>> No.25395256

it's still nice choco sensei loves dbd and they could easily ignore her let alone send a message in japanese

>> No.25395257

I feel like unless she's looking at chat and getting help she's definitely played this before, gunning straight for the vine and stone wall was pretty suspect

>> No.25395259

Kojima follows Pekora on his personal twitter though.

>> No.25395261
File: 194 KB, 800x517, REPSMACHTFREI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to post it.

>> No.25395262

pekora just spams eggplants and squirt emojis in her members only youtube tab

>> No.25395263

Is this stupid onion mashing A when she is on a fucking branch????????

>> No.25395288

Why is it a chicken from such a big egg...

>> No.25395289
Quoted by: >>25395313

>at least a decade to learn
lol brainlet

>> No.25395291
File: 123 KB, 1600x900, Based Baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I just called based baby and he told me that people who use the word "filtered" unironically are trannies who can't handle the truth.

>> No.25395290
Quoted by: >>25395330


>> No.25395292
Quoted by: >>25395321

Dead lore

>> No.25395305

Personally I always tell people try to learn like 15-20 words a day at least or don't waste your time.

>> No.25395306


>> No.25395307

I fucking wish they sing more Key songs

>> No.25395309

get to checking those archives

>> No.25395313


>> No.25395315
Quoted by: >>25395350

Brehs if Polka really is Nobuhime then her debut stream is going to break the viewer count record for sure

>> No.25395318
Quoted by: >>25395341

i could eventually learn japanese if i was interested in something that had me trying to read japanese every day

>> No.25395319

When the fuck will Suisei ask Sora to do a Tetris collab? She already got her to install Ensemble Stars.

>> No.25395321

silly baka, dragons can't die

>> No.25395327
Quoted by: >>25395351

I learnt english in a year
Japanese is a completely different thing tard

>> No.25395328

How does this man make jobbing so entertaining? I can listen to this for hours

>> No.25395329

This BGM and Aqua not hiding at all is top notch material.

>> No.25395330

So, is she IRL friends with Towa or Choco? It would be weird to have that line about getting a recommendation from a friend unless she knew one of the demon-themed Holos.

>> No.25395331

>took so long it's night time again

>> No.25395339

This nurse is literally blind

>> No.25395341

That should be Hololive.

>> No.25395343


>> No.25395344

But she is one

>> No.25395345

I mean, is it really a narrative at this point?

>> No.25395350

Live viewers? Probably not. Rumors of it aren't picking up as hard compared to hero. Archive viewers sure.

>> No.25395351

You probably did it by going full autismo too and speaking English every day.
Granted you still messed up by saying Learnt just now.

>> No.25395353

A fighting game holo!

>> No.25395354

Towa yo...

>> No.25395355

lmao retard

>> No.25395358

Just got up, did she notice in the end?
How good was the squeak of joy"?

>> No.25395360

>Learnt and learned are both used as the past participle and past tense of the verb to learn.

>> No.25395361

Coco pls play fall guys...

>> No.25395362


>> No.25395364
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395375

>can still post images

>> No.25395375
File: 1.44 MB, 1447x2046, EeqWjnRVAAAcZpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395376

She's still on my friends list but she changed her name to something weird again.

>> No.25395377


>singing dead angel song

oh no mokibtfos.. we got too cocky

>> No.25395378

If the air is really hot, the fan will just be blowing hot air like a heater

>> No.25395379

It's a British thing. It does sound a bit retarded to Americans.
