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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 185 KB, 1920x1080, erem2twuyaedaup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25055373 No.25055373 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25055383
Quoted by: >>25055873

Korone is the best HL

>> No.25055382
File: 90 KB, 1246x684, EcQe9loU8AArTGk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!!

>> No.25055395 [DELETED] 
File: 643 KB, 960x540, GenerationHololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount up, gentlemen.
We're going to war.

>> No.25055449
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1595515192524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia the /jp/ poster!

>> No.25055464
File: 183 KB, 427x381, 1590618179039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055582


>> No.25055465
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, KaichouEarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Early Kaichou

>> No.25055466
File: 424 KB, 563x544, Ayamelaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25055467
Quoted by: >>25055495

Fuck meidos

>> No.25055468
Quoted by: >>25055495


>> No.25055469

will cover make a statement or will they pretend like nothing happened?

>> No.25055470
Quoted by: >>25055495


>> No.25055471
Quoted by: >>25055538

There's a snake in hololive

>> No.25055472
File: 110 KB, 348x298, __minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_hot_kakigoori__cc541241fd5642cf6b1b23592953c592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua https://pastebin.com/ETcFQrMa

>> No.25055473
File: 276 KB, 392x408, waeaaattta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055495


>> No.25055474
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, 1595972788681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055475
Quoted by: >>25055525

Get fucked Subarufag. Stop making early threads

>> No.25055477
File: 295 KB, 379x428, 1587106493718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25055480

I wonder how the internal situation is right now over this shit fuck me

>> No.25055482

To the guy asking for towa's deleted videos

>> No.25055481


>> No.25055483
File: 194 KB, 380x337, 【#常闇トワ3D】常闇トワ様3Dお披露目!悪魔になるための一歩♥【#JointhefutureJP】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055507

Archiving Towa's fangs.

>> No.25055485
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25055487
File: 197 KB, 1244x700, 1595302355694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love choco sensei!

>> No.25055488
File: 145 KB, 1000x1018, 1595909133460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055531

>Permissionpocalypse Now

>> No.25055489

I think too big of a stink is already starting to rise. You never know with nips though.

>> No.25055490


>> No.25055491

How do I become a chad like Kaoru and get vtuber pussy?

>> No.25055492
File: 2.58 MB, 364x312, miko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dim dim dim dim dim dim dum

>> No.25055493
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055496
File: 180 KB, 1358x758, 1596038210477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055601

It's over bros. Hololive is kill

>> No.25055495

It was 10 seconds early.

>> No.25055497
File: 1.03 MB, 1850x1300, Edln843UYAEJhrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let this shit be over before their anniversary streams.. i've been looking forward to them for weeks

>> No.25055498

They're japs so probably latter

>> No.25055499
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25055500

>744.70KiB/s download speed

>> No.25055501
Quoted by: >>25055531

Post the Paint it Black webm again, shit was so good.

>> No.25055502

Is there a source for the bgms that mio uses

>> No.25055504

What if haachama is the secret Mastermind behind all of this?

>> No.25055503

Cover will cover

>> No.25055505

>That voice, she's Sally.
Not even Sallyfag but they sound completely different.

>> No.25055506
File: 306 KB, 1422x1900, ETJF0oWXYAAN8ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earlyfags are this retarded

>> No.25055507

Protect them at all costs

>> No.25055508

Anon you also saved the descriptions and jsons right..........

>> No.25055509
Quoted by: >>25055530

I just woke up what happened?

>> No.25055510

I repeat. FUCK. MEIDOS.

>> No.25055511
File: 219 KB, 432x337, 1585340524476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hopefully nothing else gets deleted from her games are all we have left of Haato

>> No.25055512
File: 259 KB, 946x2048, 1581681997027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too!

>> No.25055514
Quoted by: >>25055541

Considering the Narukami news, have a poal

>> No.25055515
File: 722 KB, 1125x1358, 1594014549511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start off as an idol company with cute girls streaming games
>everything is good
>introduce a bunch of whores*ahem*GEN3*ahem*
>everything slowly begins to decline

>> No.25055516
Quoted by: >>25055572

I had been really hesitant to follow hololive because I hated the idea of big corp vtubers. Just when I finally got hooked, this shit happens; looks like I'm going back to exclusively following indies.

>> No.25055517 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 551x578, 1572176082350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know.

Most of the information is pretty well known among vtubers and people within the vtuber industry. Those within Holo, other companies, and their managements pretty much all know. Basically if you are in the industry who's had some dealings, you would know.

Kaoru is in fact married. Despite that, he cheated on her by having sexual relations with other girl vtubers, leading to his contract termination. Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts (information withheld on who the partners were).

3 possible stories from hereon. These are unconfirmed and the story changes depending on who you ask:

Despite making a promise of secrecy between the two of them, one of the girls he had sexual relations with ended up disclosing the relationship to others; Cover eventually got ahold of the news and had him quit to take responsibility
His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign
Kaoru cheated with a Holo vtuber; and then he cheated with an niji vtuber. Both vtubers found out that he two-timed them WHILE cheating on his wife (i.e. three-timing), so they reported him, that he forced them to have sex with him, causing him to get fired

Said Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible.

One of the girls in Holo is an excessive playgirl who gets close with tubers via voice chat, then personal calls and LINE, then makes flirty calls talking about a past bad relationship to lure the guy in. But then once they get into a relationship, she toys around with the guy, and constantly changes partners this way -- she already has done it with 9 vtubers from different groups, including indies. Miraculous how the story hasn't gone out yet but she's basically a ticking time bomb. This is the girl in story #3. Currently can't find info on who it is but some people say it's Rushia (Narukami denies is Miko); others claim it's Towa.

>> No.25055518

>Resident Evil 4 GONE
>Pepsiman GONE
>Spiderman GONE
>Tokimeki 2 GONE
>Chocobo Racing GONE
>The Sniper 1 & 2 GONE

>> No.25055520

What's the narrative? Is it a massive raid by antis?

>> No.25055519
File: 281 KB, 1500x1500, EDxq7-HU0AE0Af4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They fucked?
>Delete it

>> No.25055521
File: 368 KB, 461x431, rushia_cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055618

>newfags getting mad at meidos for deleting an early thread

>> No.25055522


>> No.25055523
File: 114 KB, 830x600, melancokayu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25055525

Subarufag just wants his shit deleted so he can feel what his oshi feels

>> No.25055526
File: 538 KB, 600x450, 1596051221273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055558

>HAHAHAHAHAHAAA just burned down the whole Cover corp!
>Now blasting away with a watermelon on my head

>> No.25055527

She was in here shilling her twitch stream too. Fucking goblina bitch

>> No.25055529

Hope to see this on a torrent one day.

>> No.25055530
Quoted by: >>25055597

Kaoru's gone and videos are getting purged HL wide

>> No.25055531
File: 1.80 MB, 1360x938, 1592878074482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055532

The r*dit are all braindead and the discordfags only cares about the DOOM stream and translated clips

>> No.25055533
File: 185 KB, 1663x1023, 1566150456735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 got claimed already but none of them have been nuked yet. I'll share the playlist here after I wake up and if it's still even there

>> No.25055536
File: 27 KB, 264x362, exploding wrists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to finish Coco, I'm so close. But I have to take a break.

>> No.25055535
File: 234 KB, 1479x980, 1594553745017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056661


>> No.25055537
File: 316 KB, 1400x2000, IMG_20200708_213013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055586

Only posts about the purest holo allowed in this thread. Pic related.

>> No.25055538

>a snake
cute of you to believe chris only has one spy inside the company

>> No.25055539
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1593267828345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was holding off on watching pekora MGS because it was so long but now they just fucking nuke it

>> No.25055540
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1594561518190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is a whore~

>> No.25055541

cover will not survive in this rhythm

>> No.25055542
Quoted by: >>25055628

I prefer a dying Miko to a slutty Miko

>> No.25055543
File: 643 KB, 960x540, GenerationHololive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount up gentlemen,
We're off to war.

>> No.25055545

Please stop using my wife to shitpost

>> No.25055544
Quoted by: >>25055643

Why is Valorant deleted?

>> No.25055546
File: 538 KB, 952x1200, 1595663628582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you guys suck coco's cock to get a promotion?

>> No.25055547
Quoted by: >>25057009

Please tell me that the Japs are starting to wake up to this, it will be seriously demoralizing if we're the only ones who really care

>> No.25055548

>yfw Kaoru raped Shien

>> No.25055549


>> No.25055551
File: 431 KB, 900x684, 1594004253928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing progress on the Animal Crossing Collection, but it's going to take a while. Here's the count so far:

Korone - 3/3
Pekora - 7/7
Flare - 2/10

I went back after the fact and started getting date stamps for all the videos so they can be sorted later. Slows things down but will be helpful.

>> No.25055552
File: 556 KB, 992x1403, Ed44cCmVAAASWPf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055737

Please tweet a dumb joke or something, Okayu. I just need some reassurance.

>> No.25055553

notto disu shitto agen

>> No.25055554

Thank you. I guess the others in there were deleted before, and Undertale streams were the only ones deleted recently.

>> No.25055556

>please understand
>addressing bad things makes everyone feel bad
>gomenenesai homo domos

>> No.25055557
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, E69F6722-785E-4B10-8F93-30457A23033D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055590

/hlg/ tears will be delicious when it's revealed that the home wrecking whore was Subaru all along.

>> No.25055558

The rap is fire.

>> No.25055559

I didn't get Nian fuck you cunt

>> No.25055560

They can never take Choco's cooking, ARK and lewd member streams from us!

>> No.25055561
Quoted by: >>25055622

Has this shit calmed down yet or is everyone still panicking about narratives and archives

>> No.25055563
File: 157 KB, 512x512, 1593984788047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055564
File: 23 KB, 364x208, Korogone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055698

Damn dog

>> No.25055565
File: 136 KB, 556x159, arthas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, we're too late. These streams have all been infected! The may look fine now but it's only a matter of time before they get a copyright claim!

>> No.25055566
File: 671 KB, 603x705, 1593745590559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rushia fucked Kaoru

>> No.25055567
File: 117 KB, 1153x273, ark stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055800

Better get used to it....

>> No.25055568
Quoted by: >>25055643

At least nothing was lost, haha.

>> No.25055569
File: 185 KB, 900x900, EX1yKOZWsAIgMf6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055603

Why the fuck would they even go after something like Bepisman

>> No.25055570
Quoted by: >>25055667

So it's like Pokemon where it declines each gen?

>> No.25055572

The other identity of my medium sized corp vtuber still has everything on youtube, even though it's been more than a year. Cover just sucks ass

>> No.25055573

There's no cock there, only coke

>> No.25055574
File: 687 KB, 725x730, sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The narrativefagging has gone beyond annoying and has become so ridiculous it's hilarious.

>> No.25055575
File: 185 KB, 1051x1500, 1592017436919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's she gonna do?

>> No.25055576
File: 621 KB, 498x498, 15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055578
File: 408 KB, 2246x1100, 1593055541507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055619

Please, tell me that someone is saving Marine's karaoke...please..

>> No.25055577

If you like any of their Nintendo stuff start archiving now. It might not still be there tomorrow.

>> No.25055579

oh no........

>> No.25055580 [DELETED] 
File: 901 KB, 240x160, 1368387543669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056090

Beats to chill/watch Hololive burn to!


>> No.25055581

Why are you doing this again?

>> No.25055582
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1594737287473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

archive faster anon

>> No.25055583
File: 291 KB, 625x549, 1596058767907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the other thread https://files.catbox.moe/czr15n.mp4

>> No.25055585
File: 96 KB, 649x719, 6543579900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055609

The void...

>> No.25055586
File: 287 KB, 375x499, 1596011193842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055609

Nice Joke

>> No.25055588
File: 527 KB, 800x606, victory_by_agriculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The nation of PPT

>> No.25055589
File: 442 KB, 2756x2067, __tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_qianduan_mozhi__e235a703d4ab3999662ba7594694bdfb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055590

I feel like people wouldn't actually be surprised to find out Subaru is getting fucked on the regular, she's been collabing with guys since the beginning.

>> No.25055591

Good shit, anon.

>> No.25055592

You can just run it again when you're finished, it doesn't redownload the videos

Also fuck the GitHub anon, add the fucking metadata flags fucking nigger

>> No.25055594

I'm going to sleep now. When I wake up, All of the videos will be back.

>> No.25055596
File: 46 KB, 960x480, E504EE1F-049B-43FF-8BEF-EFCA1A1BAD10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055626

Why didn’t you save her?

>> No.25055597
Quoted by: >>25055621

I blame Matsuri

>> No.25055598

I am not a subarufag but I'm trying to give her some respect and jannyfags went shit even though I was only seconds early

>> No.25055600
File: 1.12 MB, 1231x691, Feeling of presence is Yabai!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what happens when your community is *verified* turning it from a community into a circlejerk where everyone fears being banned or thinking the wrong way, I'm sure many of them have noticed but they are too afraid to speak up in fear of being silenced.

>> No.25055601

>tfw thought this line was bullshit
>this happens
Archives were supposed to be there forever. Hololive, you were supposed to be the chosen one...

>> No.25055602
Quoted by: >>25055645

Why did cover hire a bunch of whores for gen 3? Flare is the only good one of the bunch.

>> No.25055603

The game is a copyright hell, every company that had its publishing rights has gone under

>> No.25055605

To anon asking about announcement:

Making an official statement would force them to do things properly. Right now they're rushing to the point where they hurt their own talent, streching the process out is clearly not an option for them.

>> No.25055606

I would suck her freshly shaved vagina yes

>> No.25055607
File: 22 KB, 338x233, 1596040297938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We couldn't protect his smile hlg...
>Your RE4 stream was the first stream I watched from you
>When I checked the archive a while ago I saw it's no longer there and I'm a bit down
>I think that if Korosan would say something to us in that "Weapons salesman" voice one more time both me and the listeners would be happy
>Please, somehow grant me this wish

>> No.25055608
File: 212 KB, 531x556, koron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend days in meetings to get permissions
>Cover goes retarded and ruins everything

>> No.25055610

I would suck her cock anyways, promotion or not. I've been posting sporadically about wanting her to rape my throat for some time now

>> No.25055609


>> No.25055612

Hi newfriend. She only made that channel to put in her resume applying for HoloCN.

>> No.25055613
File: 174 KB, 956x676, DISTURBANCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25055614
File: 97 KB, 272x291, mikospin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055615

I hope you guys don't forget to give her your twitch prime sub tomorrow.

>> No.25055616
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, Hololive is KILL3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055617
File: 622 KB, 621x1051, 1570755040972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well anon, you are in luck because I made a torrent for that collection since it was probably the most requested one.
I was just about to head off so here is the magnet link again for those who want to download it and watch it.

>> No.25055618

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25055619
Quoted by: >>25055629

Have any karaoke streams even been deleted during this? Marine has 3 deleted ones but all of them were gone months ago

>> No.25055620
Quoted by: >>25055649

I joined a few servers and tried to inform them but no one cared, they don't like the holos, they don't watch the holos, they're completely worthless faggots.

>> No.25055621
Quoted by: >>25055659

Matsuri's was playing APEX for like 10 hours, she would be the least responsible.

>> No.25055622

I think we moved from panic straight into actual sadness

>> No.25055624
Quoted by: >>25055651

Please tell me someone is backing up Peokora stuff.

>> No.25055625

This is how I feel about those long streams too.

>> No.25055626
File: 80 KB, 1075x608, EbYfID9WkAIgUWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't ready. It was all my fault.

>> No.25055627 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 2000x2000, 1552162797662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bunch of untranslated videos are being deleted

wow it's fucking NOTHING

>> No.25055628

Good news for you
You get both for free!

>> No.25055629
Quoted by: >>25055683

Korone had one deleted, didn't she?

>> No.25055630

Kaoru cheated with an niji vtuber
*slow clap* ange katrina does it again...nothin personnel...holocuckqueans

>> No.25055634
File: 21 KB, 234x288, 1592711814754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sleep, Cover better have sorted this nonsense by tomorrow morning, WHY HAVE YOU RUINED SOMETHING SO GOOD.

>> No.25055635
File: 671 KB, 2634x2508, 1592676645382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bless you nousagi bro I can't thank you enough
thank you so much

>> No.25055637
File: 1.40 MB, 2786x4096, 1593576347728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much paizuri do you think Noel gives on a daily basis to keep her job?

>> No.25055638
File: 1.36 MB, 1300x1771, __sakura_miko_and_35p_hololive_drawn_by_jiino__8175c9370c7f0c0a1c7113b4127eb6ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock MikoAntis. Better be prepared for your favorite holo graduation soon.

>> No.25055639
File: 47 KB, 680x531, 1592626311988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who's 100% innocent in this entire situation?

>> No.25055640
Quoted by: >>25056244

man, I cropped that image because I thought mio just about to eat cheese was funny
I didn't want her just about to eat cheese to be used in such a way

>> No.25055643

It was that one where her mic was having problems no?

>> No.25055644
File: 62 KB, 570x855, dd7dcc394e383e616b1aed97bd0143b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25055645
File: 1.11 MB, 679x786, 1595802943294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is the most pure out of hololive!

So pure she wanted to cover up those titties!

>> No.25055647

dame da ne, dame yo, dame na no yo...

>> No.25055648

Choco's Life is Strange just deleted.

>> No.25055649


>> No.25055650

Unironically graduate. All of Gen 2 being there for her call was too suspicious after all.

>> No.25055651


>> No.25055652
File: 82 KB, 876x943, lZJoJt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucked Rushia and got away right before Hololive died
How does he get away with it?

>> No.25055654

>484.10KiB/s download speed

>> No.25055656


>> No.25055657


>> No.25055658

none of them are free of sin

>> No.25055659

I'm not sure what she did, but she DEFINITELY caused this.

>> No.25055661
File: 29 KB, 305x136, 1591663727526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone save Watame's gameplay steams. I'd say Tetris 99, Kirby SDX and Mario Kart are at higher risk than the other ones she has.

>> No.25055662

>4.38mib/s ETA 32:04
bros...im not gonna make it...

>> No.25055664
File: 184 KB, 500x500, 1232412413243445134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get fucked nerds!!!

>> No.25055665
File: 39 KB, 410x388, 1595686336465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055667

Then it would peak at gen 5, anon.
Gen 4 is my favourite

>> No.25055668

Everyone fucked Rushia, bro.

>> No.25055669

i didnt think he would be a bad person... i'll never trust astolfo clones again

>> No.25055670

>More like Haachama? MORE LIKE HAACHAMA?

>> No.25055671
Quoted by: >>25055728

>The antis and nijifags are celebrating right now.
Did those retards think what would happen if the top company in the chuuba industry suddenly crash? Would pull away investors, viewers will leave. Vtubers market would die.

>> No.25055672

Great job man

>> No.25055673

What I have managed to archive so far of Korone:
>Michigan from hell
>Chocobo Racing
>Metal Slug 1
>Cho aniki (collab race with marine)

>> No.25055674
Quoted by: >>25055735

Haato cause she can't fuck vtubers when stuck in australia

>> No.25055675
Quoted by: >>25055773

Ah fuck I hope this faggot got it first
>"Archiving Choco's Life is Strange"

Also to the Suiseifag have you finished downloading the Mario franchise streams
>"9 Mario franchise related streams have been archived. Any that are missed will eventually be picked up by targeting the channel."
>"Working on 6 pokemon + pokemon collab with rushia"

>> No.25055676

I can't believe the biggest chad is a tranny

>> No.25055677

be an indie darling or join niji

>> No.25055678
File: 493 KB, 596x527, 1594688010916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know.

Most of the information is pretty well known among vtubers and people within the vtuber industry. Those within Holo, other companies, and their managements pretty much all know. Basically if you are in the industry who's had some dealings, you would know.

Kaoru is in fact married. Despite that, he cheated on her by having sexual relations with other girl vtubers, leading to his contract termination. Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts (information withheld on who the partners were).

3 possible stories from hereon. These are unconfirmed and the story changes depending on who you ask:

Despite making a promise of secrecy between the two of them, one of the girls he had sexual relations with ended up disclosing the relationship to others; Cover eventually got ahold of the news and had him quit to take responsibility
His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign
Kaoru cheated with a Holo vtuber; and then he cheated with an niji vtuber. Both vtubers found out that he two-timed them WHILE cheating on his wife (i.e. three-timing), so they reported him, that he forced them to have sex with him, causing him to get fired

Said Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible.

One of the girls in Holo is an excessive playgirl who gets close with tubers via voice chat, then personal calls and LINE, then makes flirty calls talking about a past bad relationship to lure the guy in. But then once they get into a relationship, she toys around with the guy, and constantly changes partners this way -- she already has done it with 9 vtubers from different groups, including indies. Miraculous how the story hasn't gone out yet but she's basically a ticking time bomb. This is the girl in story #3. Currently can't find info on who it is but some people say it's Kanata (Narukami denies is Miko); others claim it's Cabaya.

>> No.25055679

Where the fuck do you think you get your translated videos from

>> No.25055682
Quoted by: >>25055732

>wake up a monday from next, after a week of the girls saying absolutely nothing about this mess
>Nijisanji Project announcement: Nijisanji Holo-Girls, the newest wave of breakout talents

>> No.25055684
File: 235 KB, 592x382, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055722

What does she know

>> No.25055683
Quoted by: >>25055726

But was it today or not?

>> No.25055690

Why did he do it bros?

>> No.25055691

Here's your (You) /vyt/

>> No.25055692
Quoted by: >>25055735

Haato because she's in australia

>> No.25055693

thank you pekobro

>> No.25055694
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, 1594954722370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055695

except he didn't get away with it? that's literally why he was fired.

>> No.25055696
Quoted by: >>25055714

watermelon pattern pantsu...

>> No.25055697
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, ANY VTUBERS WOULDS GIVES THEIR LEFT NUT TO BE HERE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, thank you for that.

>> No.25055698

You can see the deleted/privated ones here
Over 100 already and it probably isn't over yet

>> No.25055699
Quoted by: >>25055718

He was hitomi Chris all along

>> No.25055701

What's going on?

>> No.25055702

I'm going to say the peak was gen 3 but my favorite holo generation is 4

>> No.25055703


>> No.25055704


>> No.25055706
Quoted by: >>25055850



>> No.25055707
File: 503 KB, 1530x2160, 1595378468778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055731

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt

>> No.25055710
Quoted by: >>25055861

(source missing)

>> No.25055711

I can't believe I said he was a cool guy.

>> No.25055713

I for one am looking forward to seeing how far this shitshow will fall

>> No.25055712
Quoted by: >>25055803

I don't really watch Subaru but what happened to her is fucking awful. How is she going to recover?

>> No.25055714
File: 614 KB, 1279x721, 1596027523420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056815


>> No.25055715
Quoted by: >>25055734

Cometfags download this already
Suisei unlisted

>> No.25055717

Those new Live2Ds were expensive...

>> No.25055718

Shit plot. Weak build-up.

>> No.25055719

Only Miko
Literally any other answer is retarded.

>> No.25055720
File: 1.38 MB, 724x1024, 16.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055721
Quoted by: >>25057702

So which holo is well known to have a very wide net of vtuber connections?

>> No.25055722

This is what you get by not subscribing to her nerds

>> No.25055723
Quoted by: >>25055756

>some people here unironically believe narukami of all people
maybe this place deserves to burn

>> No.25055724

Okay I laughed at this, fuck you anon

>> No.25055727
File: 8 KB, 799x112, anti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055772

Nice neighbors you got there, /hlg/.

>> No.25055728

you're right, when hololive falls the trash eops move to other companies and indies, polluting them

>> No.25055726

No, there were 2 or 3 that got deleted last time a few months ago

>> No.25055730
File: 317 KB, 2048x1586, 20200728_121401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Narukami know it's not Miko anyway? Is he know all this time and refusing to name the turboslut Holo? Perhaps he is the one who's shagging Miko?

>> No.25055731
Quoted by: >>25055784

Fuck thanks anon, that song is really great (the Johnny Cash version)

>> No.25055732

Never ever nijicuck

>> No.25055733
File: 449 KB, 1688x2340, 1596020620812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055742

>imagine dicking a holo
Kaoru must been a Chad damn im jealous. I want to creampie Rushia and Miko too.

>> No.25055734

I got it friend.

>> No.25055735

Haato sent him nude photos

>> No.25055737


>> No.25055738


Choco Life is Strange is completely gone, deleted not privated.

>> No.25055740


>> No.25055741
Quoted by: >>25055765

the fuck could we do?
>Capcom, please reconsider telling Cover to private all those streams the Holos purposely monetized to get money without telling you first

>> No.25055742
Quoted by: >>25055766

>fucking a bunch of menhera
sorry no I have self-respect

>> No.25055744

The kaoru chad narratives were supposed to be jokes....

>> No.25055745
Quoted by: >>25055779

Imagine the shitstorm if it was Sora. You would need a board dedicated to it.

>> No.25055747
File: 127 KB, 664x1024, 1595389825139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055892

I don't want flare to fall back into NND obscurity, nor noel to be stuck alone again with only her roommate. thing have to and will get better!!

>> No.25055750

Post what is currently downloaded

>> No.25055752
Quoted by: >>25055930

Do you think Kaoru came inside?

>> No.25055753
File: 193 KB, 850x1481, __uruha_rushia_hololive_drawn_by_litsvn__sample-8ea7f0ef9ca5017fd4c84229113809ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055778

>fucks your husband
Gomen teehee

>> No.25055755

I'm sorry Roberu but it's clear as day now that homolives were a big mistake.

>> No.25055756

Even if the narrative is fake, the Holo-caust is happening before our eyes.

>> No.25055757
File: 2.98 MB, 1158x1637, IMG_20200713_215244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only Mikochi.

>> No.25055760
Quoted by: >>25055836

Fuck they finally started on her too. I hope that anon managed to save it
PLEASE get started on the VNs, Gakuen handsome especially guys

>> No.25055762
File: 106 KB, 267x267, 1595955841775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.25055763
File: 46 KB, 426x412, 1594930715320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055810

>streams being taken down left and right
>sheep drops a shitpost based on a reddit meme
What did she mean by this?

>> No.25055764
Quoted by: >>25055786

I don't think I can watch rushia ever again...

>> No.25055765

this most likely has nothing to fucking do with capcom, and everything to do with cover being fucking awful at everything

>> No.25055766

>sorry no I have self-respect
You wouldn't be this thread is you had self-respect

>> No.25055767

Got Okayu Kirby's Adventure. Moving on to ALttP and LA

>> No.25055768
File: 1.16 MB, 1000x1502, pekoland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a hero.

>> No.25055770

Sorry for doubting you my queen, please forgive me, I will once again become your most loyal servant and drop these bunch of whores

>> No.25055772

They're irrelevant

>> No.25055773
Quoted by: >>25055846

God fucking damn it. I'm missing two Life is Strange stream I think. I have 1, 3, 4 and 6. Download speed was too slow for 5 and didn't get to set up a VPN for 2 in time (blocked in my country).

>> No.25055774

I knew holostars would kill hololive.... i fucking knew it.........

>> No.25055775
Quoted by: >>25055799

Will their child be half-necromancer/crossdresser?

>> No.25055776
Quoted by: >>25055814

I literally wouldn't care if my favorite holo had sex with a guy

>> No.25055777

Man, this is so close, yet so far.
Most notably, it's not a niji vtuber he possibly cheated with in story 3, but an indie.

>> No.25055778
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1596051640026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you slut

>> No.25055779

hololive really would be finished

>> No.25055782

It's not so farfetched for Vtubers offline to contact Miko and ask if she's okay. If so, then it's easy to confirm that Miko really was just taking a break with her family. Not that his story isn't farfetched in the first place.

>> No.25055783
File: 633 KB, 1200x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts (information withheld on who the partners were).
Yeah, i'm sure it was Rushia

>> No.25055784

>the Johnny Cash version
>the Johnny Cash cover

>> No.25055785
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, 1592928155370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055997


>> No.25055786


>> No.25055791
Quoted by: >>25055808

Choco's Undertale being removed too

>> No.25055793

>everyone cucking each other
NTR doujin when

>> No.25055792
Quoted by: >>25055903

A lot of shit that I can't possibly keep track of it
Videos saved:
>Suisei Hitman + Undertale
>Roboco's One Hitman Video

>Korone RE4 (HQ but not the one uploaded in the mega link)
>Okayu Paper Mario + Monster Rancher + Earthbound + SMRPG + CT(?)

>Aki all but 2 of her MHW streams
>Matsuri Undertale + Nier + GTA + Detroit + Closed Nightmares + Code Vein + Smash + Splatoon 2 + Human Fall Flat + Hamtaro (only the first ep, rest are privated) + MHW (couldn't save most of them, found one)

>Ayame "All 12 Ayame Splatoon collabs in 1080p."
>Subaru "I managed to save Subaru's LiveAlive, 7daystodie and Nier (but not the last 2 vids) Are her black flag streams in danger?"
>Choco GTA
>Aqua "Only 14/19 of the MHW playlist, RE7 vod and 1/4 of Bio2, some other anon was downloading Sekiro videos. I think most of it was reuploaded to bilibili though." + https://pastebin.com/raw/1f8jT6Tu
+ "I have Aqua's Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, Sekiro and Nier Automata. I'll share them probably tomorrow."

>Marine DS3

>Watame Fever Night + Watame no Uta
>Luna DS1
>Kanata Makai Mura + Witch's House + Ib 1&2 + Shinymas + https://pastebin.com/raw/qU4cxVj4 + "I got all of Shinymas and a bunch of other old stuff like Rhythm Heaven."
>Towa Undertale + Yoshi + Pokemon
>Coco Sims

>Astel Ib + Undertale
>Aruran Jump King

Continuing progress on the Animal Crossing Collection, but it's going to take a while. Here's the count so far:
Korone - 3/3
Pekora - 7/7
Flare - 2/10

What I have managed to archive so far of Korone:
>Michigan from hell
>Chocobo Racing
>Metal Slug 1
>Cho aniki (collab race with marine)

There's more

>> No.25055796

Oh no no no no holobros, even the AIfags are laughing at us now.

>> No.25055797
Quoted by: >>25055870

We talking about Pokemon or Holos? Because both are pretty good, even if for Pokemon Gen 4 feels a bit slower compared to 3/5

>> No.25055798

Switch your focus to archiving Choco, she's getting hit right now

>> No.25055799

Rushia verde but crossdresser would be very very powerful

>> No.25055800

This Permissions Relapse could have a small silver lining where they all do more frequent impromptu collabs on ARK and whatever other multiplayer games they can still monetize. Most of the Holos can't make solo ARK fun as they're usually doing menial busywork, but the Holos goofing around together and actually working as a team to take on some challenge, hunt or build stuff are great fun.

>> No.25055802

fuck chocos manager just woke up fuck fuck fuck

>> No.25055803

What happened?

>> No.25055807

Choco must have really hated that game.

>> No.25055808

I told anon who found her through those to save them. I hope he did

>> No.25055810

>Watame is still up
Jesus Christ, woman.

>> No.25055812

Complete archives you fags don't have to download (but you should probably archive your oshi's videos anyway):
>GEN 3
Noel *
Flare *

>GEN 2
"Add Choco's member content to this list. I also have her important collabs like the fetish and dating ones saved" you should focus on her YT content
"All the old stuff I have from the demonitesation arc is no go since she is specifically reuploading those herself. Shit like collabs and games I will happily reupload if I have them" I'm not sure if this is the same person.

>GEN 1
Haachama (this anon supposedly is missing a few that were privated before he started archiving but he's most likely up to date)

>GEN 0
Miko ("I can say that I have all Miko's archives, been downloaded it since her first day taking a break. Phoneposting right now since I'm at work, can't post screenshots.")
AZKi *
Sora *
Suisei *
Roboco *

Korone *
Mio *
Okayu *

Roberu ("YEAHHHHH")

*All are from the archivechad who said "Let me know if you need any specific stream from Roboco, AZKi, Sora, Suisei, Miko, Korone, Mio, Okayu, Noel, Flare shiz, ange, kgrnn, dola, toko, sio, chima"

>> No.25055814

Yes but the people who do care are the majority of the fanbase as well as management.

>> No.25055815
Quoted by: >>25055860

W-Wait, what happened?

>> No.25055817


>> No.25055818
File: 259 KB, 1713x573, kanatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Kanata folder so far. I am going to continue downloading what's left, starting from Minecraft and DR (since ShinyMas is already archived), then utawaku and zatsudans (probably won't be touched), and then ARK (not gonna be touched). I'll put Higurashi and GOI endurance on download when I go to sleep, if I get to them by that point.

Personal NG streams, I'll try them again later but no guarantee I'll have them:
DDLC #2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0h9wfkWjP8
CT #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZXM1ZQQR4c
CT #5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0Fazy5pOYo
Also remember to not rely on others and make your own donwloads. I'm not using youtubeDL so shit like metadata, subtitles and thumbnails aren't archived here.

>> No.25055819
Quoted by: >>25055883

even holostar fans on twitter are talking about this, didnt think they knew actually

>> No.25055820
File: 76 KB, 460x900, 20200729_162448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hu dis?

>> No.25055821
Quoted by: >>25055997


>> No.25055823
File: 546 KB, 900x1000, Ed_Df9TVAAEcJxW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone saying it was Rushia
I honestly bet he was sexting Iofi instead and his wife found out. Only a mistress would be this torn up about the man they were trying to sleep with cutting ties with them like this.

>> No.25055824

Why doesn't Cover just get permissions? You could make an argument that old streams don't generate money anymore, but I think that's definitely wrong. The reason I ever started watching Pekora was because of her Metal Gear Solid play throughs. Without them, I'd probably be on twitch watching some cam whore right now. But Cover only cares about money they can get or spend immediately.

>> No.25055826

Fubuki and Coco on ark today were great

>> No.25055827

More Ark would be kuso. The only silver lining to this would be the Minecraft arc reviving.

>> No.25055833

This is one thing I'm vaguely hopeful for. I want to see dumb shit happen in Minecraft collabs again for one thing.

>> No.25055832
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1564533798987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's fucking who hours
How fucking pathetic can you be?

>> No.25055835
File: 1.83 MB, 1032x954, 1594554864599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amidst the drama, the silence is broken by one person.

>I want to make a video for you

Hands trembling, anon clicks the link. Maybe this will reveal everything...


>> No.25055836
Quoted by: >>25055849

I can grab gakuen handsome. Is there a playlist for it?

>> No.25055839
File: 37 KB, 456x244, 1593291465533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to go back...

>> No.25055838
Quoted by: >>25056221

Only Roboco and only because she's technically and outsider

>> No.25055841

>eat that watamelon eat that watamelon eat that watmelon
>sure is good!
>cover is coming...cover is coming...
a little distasteful, but still a nice tribute

>> No.25055843
Quoted by: >>25055858


>> No.25055844

Sora's next video:

400K Special: Why I'm Leaving Hololive

>> No.25055845
Quoted by: >>25055871

There's one Holo that has been doing collabs with the boys AND gets avoided by her pals except the nicest ones.

>> No.25055846

>>God fucking damn it. I'm missing two Life is Strange stream I think. I have 1, 3, 4 and 6. Download speed was too slow for 5 and didn't get to set up a VPN for 2 in time (blocked in my country).
RIP. Is Choco's GTAV still up? There's no rhyme or reason to what they're deleting first. Bunch of fucking niggers

>> No.25055847


>> No.25055849
Quoted by: >>25056010

No but every single video will literally be listed one after another, make your own playlist and download that

>> No.25055850
Quoted by: >>25055891


>> No.25055852
Quoted by: >>25055990

>everything is falling apart
>Watame makes a shitpost video

>> No.25055853
Quoted by: >>25055884

Let's imagine Narukami's story is real, would we ever hear an of

>> No.25055854

>Rushia went pink and long hair
>insisted in using that model
>nobody taking a hint

>> No.25055858


>> No.25055860

where were u when hololive is kil

>> No.25055861

source is Narukami Sabaki
his stories are usually just fan fictions

>> No.25055862


>> No.25055863

Trannies always get away with it, it's the perfect cover

>> No.25055865

Time and again gen 3 continues to prove to be the thing that ruined hololive.

>> No.25055866

Thank You Pekora bro.

>> No.25055868
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1595832370491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have 20 mb/s download speed but holo is unaffected

>> No.25055869
File: 197 KB, 980x588, 1589859763300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055870

Both 4th gens are my favourite by far, with 3rd coming in close in both cases too

>> No.25055871


>> No.25055873


>> No.25055872

Kaoru filled the VOID in FBK's WOMB

>> No.25055875

Iofi is probably depressed right now trying to contact Kaoru but Roberu won't send her his private number
Poor girl

>> No.25055876
Quoted by: >>25055915

Maybe Miko is actually pregnant and beating a pregnant woman is too low.

>> No.25055877

This...is actually her former channel...

>> No.25055879
Quoted by: >>25055907

them being countries apart with travel bans makes this narrative hard to believe

>> No.25055878
Quoted by: >>25055909

Watame has been affected you shitposting retard

>> No.25055880
File: 311 KB, 567x593, 1592860252013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just about finally done with Shion's mario maker
Fuck my isp for being shit at this time of day
And fuck me for not starting this earlier
Should I do shion gta5 or some nintendo next
What's more likely to go down

>> No.25055881


>> No.25055883

They know, even reddit has been archiving for a few hours now

>> No.25055884
Quoted by: >>25055911


>> No.25055885
Quoted by: >>25056110


>> No.25055887
File: 1 KB, 130x65, 1595884739778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Download watamelon rap a few times just to be safe

>> No.25055890
Quoted by: >>25055927

>holostars fan discord archived all the guys streams before us
someone join and see if theyre posting it anywhere

>> No.25055891
Quoted by: >>25056030



>> No.25055892
Quoted by: >>25055964

Honestly, if Hololive goes under, I bet Noel reappears with a different avatar that happens to have a girlfriend with a nasal voice.

>> No.25055893
File: 101 KB, 338x322, 1595971226643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056223

Did anyone else think that video of Pekora and Watame rapping while wearing black face and watermelon hats was a little insensitive? That shit's not okay in 2020.

>> No.25055898
Quoted by: >>25056013

Anyone have a magnet or mega archive of Mikkorone 24hr streams?

>> No.25055900

Go with GTA 5 first

>> No.25055902
Quoted by: >>25055956

What does this even mean

>> No.25055903

I don't know if you're the one making these but I'd like to update that I've also saved all of Subaru's Utawakus and most of her horror streams.

>> No.25055904

Make your guess on what Cover's official statement on the videos taken down is gonna be. They obviously have to address it.

>> No.25055905

Rushia's new design was literally telling the world "I'm a slut!"

>> No.25055906

I know, I know I've let you down
I've been a fool to myself

>> No.25055907

Nobody has said the two have actually met up to fuck, that's just the assumption. Kaoru's wife could've just found the two sexting each other an saw Iofi's brown naked body on his phone an caused this to happen.

>> No.25055908

Cover got Rockstars permissions to stream bully, so their games should have less priority than the rest

>> No.25055910

Can't wait for marine's birthday haha..

>> No.25055911

Anon is dead

>> No.25055909

She's not my holo though

>> No.25055915

Lol cope more. Get ready to see your holo's graduation.

>> No.25055914
Quoted by: >>25058095

>FF9 gone

>> No.25055917


>> No.25055919

>They obviously have to address it.
They wont say shit.

>> No.25055921
File: 267 KB, 2116x1189, 20200728_211816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any new doompost Holo edit yet? I tried to archive while relieving myself in this hellfire

>> No.25055923

Finally it's morning in nipland.


>> No.25055924


>> No.25055925

>HololiveJP turns on each other because all Japanese girls are whorea
Final proof that HoloID is better. Moona, Risu and Lofi are purer and all around superior girls.

>> No.25055926
File: 169 KB, 850x1280, 1595702779683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the spreedsheet, please let me know if anything is missing from it
comments are enabled

>> No.25055927
Quoted by: >>25055967

>Astelbro is in there
They had Bethesda's permission for the PS2 port(of bully), not Rockstar

>> No.25055929
File: 1.22 MB, 854x1200, 4hhj7m49rds41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056143

>sexting with a married man from another country
>get attached to him while he is fucking his wife and Rushia on Japan
I thought Iofi was supposed to be smart, how did she fall for it?

>> No.25055930
Quoted by: >>25055960

He got Miko and Rushia pregnant

>> No.25055935
File: 139 KB, 593x349, 156465134866848981234154596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ĭ̷̯̭͈̟̰̤̮̮̟̙͈̤̭͋̆͐̀͌ ̶̧̨̙̺͚̗̙̦͍̇̈̊̌̕̚å̶͖͒̋̈̓͌̉͑̿̌̋͝ṃ̴̨̢̧̳̘̗̤͎̞̻̯̀͐̏̌̔̄̋ͅ ̵̧̬͋̈̌͝b̸͎̊͋̓̾̔̊̇̈́̌͋̚͝͝r̷̡̨̳̙͎̣͎̥͑̄̂̽̑͐͛̑î̸̹̼n̷̖͚̹̖̽͐̈́͛̒̓́͋̐̍̔̊͠g̵̥̩̥͚͉̠̻̣̽͆̏̏̿̾̃̉̉̒́͒̏̏͝i̴̡̗̻̬̻̝͉̎̃̽͋̈́̒̂͐͒̏̂̍̑́͘ͅǹ̵̤̰̳͎̈́̀̂̓̓͐̈́͆̔͌̚̚̚ͅg̸̡̧̼̳̯̦̑̄̋́̄̉̆̌ ̴͔͓̺͓̆̾̈̀̿̽̓̀͘d̵̢̰̤̞̩͓̻̝̃̈́̀̔̈́͘͝i̷̢͔̣̥͙͎̱̰̩͚̪̻̿̒̊̐̔̆̈́̌̾͂͘̕s̸̡̛̝̣̩͉͙͚̟̱̬̦̪̍̐̒́͂̇̏̑͜a̴͌̔̇̋̀͂͋̑̀́̚͜ś̴̯̤͖̮͋̎̓͗̋̎̾̈́̚͠t̵̻̙̄̓́͊͌̂͆͌̒̊e̸̮̭͍͙̭͚̪̫̭̺̦͖̗̕ͅr̶͉͕̭̮̪̣͚͋͑͗͒̐̏̀͒͝͠ ̴̮̭͚̪͎̗͂͌̔̋̆̂͛̈́̕͝ͅu̴̡̨̹͈̪̳͍̐͑̆̀p̷̛̘̱̻̔̇͋͗́̾͊̎̂̓̐̚͘ͅŏ̸̮̗̣͚͖̘̦̼̰̯̠̎̓̍́̕͝ͅn̴̪̺͚̺͍͕̘̖̝͔̈̀̿́͝ͅͅ ̴̛̫̯͔̳̀̿̈́̐͊̑̓͆̽̈̐̚͘͠t̵͕̠͕͎̞̥̪͖͖͒̀͌ḩ̵̩̝̱͚͔̠̖̳̜̙́͒̐̈́͋̋͑̐̎̉̀̚͝ͅe̶͖͈͎̳̝̮̬̪̾̈̌̏́̑̀̑̿͛̒͝m̸̝̠͚͎̦͖̳͍̫̳͓̪͉̬̬̾͆̿̎͒͝ ̷̢̡͓͕̗̘̳̳̝̦͌̄́͒̀̽̐͆̋͝ͅt̶̝̦̣̘͍̘̻͈̦̼̞̓̀̄̀̀̃̓͠ͅh̵͎̣̤̘͔̭̺͎͍̠͈̽͋̍̇̽͗̍̐̔͐a̸̫͑̄t̸̺͉͓̿̏̏̇͒̀̀ ̷̪̥̜̩͉̌͐̍́̍͛͗̃̆t̵̙̬̘̻̹̩͕̼̻͚͋͂̎̏́̌̾̾͑̑̐͘͝͝h̵̨̡͍̝̼̯͇͎̭̺̰̗̖̾̍̇͛̑̀̓͛͒̀͌̊̃͗ȩ̵̨̬͓̦̭̭̞͇͚̦̘͐͋̐̀͒͒ͅͅy̴̫̖̽̚̕͝͝ͅ ̴̜̭̿̎̑̎̄͘͠c̶̨̖͉͙͉͇̗̙͓̹̪̗̖̋̕͜͝a̴̢̧̬̗̭̞͈̙͕̜͚̮̳̓͛̉̓n̸̮̬̣̱̗͎̎͂̓̑̋͑̐͜͠͠n̶̩̯̪̞̭͖̻̹̣͘͘͜ͅo̵̧̪̗̪͙͓̪͛̔̈́͆̏̔̈́̋̆͐̓t̸͇̜͈̟͓̀͜ ̷̢͓̙͉̥̃̑̑̿͘e̸̦̯͗͂̀̈́̎̋̆̋͜͠ş̴̡̖̩͕̦̟͓̺͎̇̽̃͋͑̇͗́̈́̈́͗c̵̻̆͗̚͘͝ͅa̶̡̛̙̪͇̤̱̹͗̈͆͋̆̍̃͜p̸̧̧̛̬̭̭̣̖̜͔̰͉̘͓̓̀͐̌̈́̚͜͝e̵̛̤̜͖͎̠͊̌̏̂̓̎̿̍̂̀̂ͅ.̵̮̜̝̭̤̻̘́̆̆́̓͌̂͝ ̵̨̰̞͓̫̦̠̞͙̈́͠T̶̤̖̟̫͔̍̏͝h̴͇͛̀̉́͠͝͝͠o̶̻̗̗̎̓́̿̀͋̊͐̉͝ǘ̶̧̺̬͇ǵ̴̥̯̯̦̼͍̈̈́̈́̓́̑͂̓̕h̸̡̬͚̟̦̭͍͚̤̹̆̒̈͐͝ ̷̛͓̮͎̠̦̙̞̥̈́́́́̉̌̃̄̈́̏́̚͝t̵̮͔̘̺͙̯̟̗̎̑̈͊̄ͅh̴͈̼̭́̍̒̊̿̇͂̔́e̷̛͎̞̺̳̮͉͖͈̦̞̫͂͒͐̆̏̃͜ỳ̵̢͕͕͕̻͖̦͇̍̓̂͊̃̑͛̍͒͝ ̶̛̭̟͈͙̟̣̼͑͂̒̀̓͋̉̉͒́̽̉̕ͅc̸̜̤̞͓̳̟͌͜ŗ̷̖̦̮̬̇̈̐̒͑̇́͒͛͊ỹ̶̧̡̨̛̤͚̺͓̦͎̿̋̆̒̊̌͜͜͠ͅͅͅ ̸̺̩̳͚̥̞͍͎̱͈͍͈̾̒̒͂̚ť̷̼̹̖̮̟̭͖̺̭̥̝̖͉̈́́̂̈́͐͐̎̾͝ó̵̢̨̧͉̥̞͍̣̝̰̰̿͗̈́͑̌͊͛͐͜͜͝͠͝ ̸̨̣̗̪̪̬̰̮͈̟̝̤̃͂̍̑̀̐̈́̒͋͑ͅm̶̡͋̽͌̀̈́̿͊̄̚̕͠ē̵͎̪͖̺̼͙̦͖̽̊̃́͑́̔̈́̓͘͘͠͝͠,̵̨͔͔̹̤̣͚͛̈̃ͅ ̷̢̜̗̠̯̤̝̖͓̉̒̄̈́̀͒̓I̸̘͂͒͐̈̉̓͐̄̎̌́̕͘͝ ̴̢̛̫̝̙̞͕̳̭̣̘̱̱́̇̑̎̄̿͠w̷̗̓̆̇͊̓͗́͗͋̀̇̚i̷͉̿̃͛̀̑͋́̑͒̓͆͒͒͂l̴͙̓̈̈́͑͊̉̀̚͘l̵̈͛̃̑̑͆̿̀͆͛̂̉ ̴̹̣̥̤̪͒̐̆̇̏̈́ͅṉ̸̨̳̩̃̓͗̔̀͑̕̕͝ǫ̴̨̭͙̘̤͗̂͊͒̏͒͜t̸̬̗̦͚͍̙̝̃ ̶͚̍̑̒̓̌͌͒̒̑̍͝͠l̷̟̮̪̳̼̜̱̥͚̯͇̝̏͆̈́̉̄͝͝i̷̗̹͐ś̴̮̜̱̹̖͎̜̝͉̣̘̩̤́̈̒͜ͅẗ̶͇̭̼̺́͗̇͒̀͊̉͊̃̈́͌͝ẹ̶̞̗̰̝̙̞̦̪̌̃́n̸̫͇̯̫̠͆͗̋̓͛͋̑̈͗́͆̓̕͜͜͝͝ ̶͍̯̦̹͚̝̭̰̜͙̘̙̭̈́͠t̴̯̹̘͍́͒̇͑͋̏͠ờ̵̧̧͎̖̫͍̬̩̋̉̐̽͊͑͠͠ ̷̧̧̰̪̈̑̿̄͑̔̿͘t̵̡̹̫͍̝̘̒͊̿̀̏̆̌͒̉̋̿͌͘͝h̵͈͂́̑͝è̵̝̫̝̬̗̻̠̙̹̤͇̫̉͜m̶̧̡͍̱̤̤̹̠̞̣̱̓͛̿̉͆̓͆̃̔̈́̏̏̔͜ͅ.̵͉̖̳͙̝̩̝͗̈̀͂̏̕̚

>> No.25055936
File: 211 KB, 403x313, EVKWTUuUUAAsFiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25055968

>yfw it actually turns out to be "we were hacked"

>> No.25055937
File: 594 KB, 800x688, 1596060229540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good peko

>> No.25055938
File: 38 KB, 1134x526, aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Subaru, it seems like Aqua got hit the most.

>> No.25055939

they are just storage capped, and clearing out old crap streams

>> No.25055940

Have you heard of the pedophile and serial sexual harasser Natsuiro Matsuri

>> No.25055941

>2nd wave of 'rona
>2nd wave of permissions
explain this

>> No.25055942

Nothing, they will ignore it.

>> No.25055943
File: 620 KB, 470x648, 1595362252254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The following choobas have either lazy or based managers:

>> No.25055946

You've obviously never dealt with the Japanese before, they excel and sweeping things under the rug and pretending they never happened.

>> No.25055947

what makes you think they have to address it?

>> No.25055948

Negotiations failed.

>> No.25055949
Quoted by: >>25055966

anon gta has been going down left and right, it's possible shion is still up only because the kusogaki was too lazy to make a playlist

>> No.25055950

At least I have something nice to listen to as everything burns down.

>> No.25055951

>They obviously have to address it.
Anon you dont know japs

>> No.25055953

shouldnt that thread be in the vtuber board

>> No.25055955
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1591843190550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055954

Just post screenshots I can't use a vpn in the middle of all this downloading fuck me

>> No.25055956

Pink is a lewd color in japan. Long hair is a symbol of femininity almost everywhere.

>> No.25055958
File: 245 KB, 1181x1575, EI8jcGCU4AAw_zT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25055960


>> No.25055961

can you say that a bit slower?

>> No.25055962


>> No.25055963

Perfect ending

>> No.25055964

the one confort I've is that they live close by now, so at least there's something

>> No.25055966

I don't understand

>> No.25055967
Quoted by: >>25055984

im not...im the one talking to kaname about it, im not kaname but i might join if they have everyones stuff posted

>> No.25055968

that would actually be the best case scenario
at least they can recover from that..

>> No.25055971

since probably nothing is safe and i cannot DL in huge quantities, i also focused on some other non-game stuff. got ayame's 3D stream and her 3D sasaki collab f.e.
Ayame is the only onei care about, so please anyone archive her massive amount of singing streams together

>> No.25055972
File: 27 KB, 281x328, 1591754449890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up.
What did rushia do exactly?

>> No.25055973

You need game company's permission to stream games?

>> No.25055974

>most of Gen 1

>> No.25055978
Quoted by: >>25056032

some nips surely archived the whole stuff, right?

>> No.25055977
File: 66 KB, 640x640, budget aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a matter of time before she starts asking people to call her Aqua...

>> No.25055979

Aqua lost about 90 videos today. The rest were always gone. Sucks I couldn't even grab much for her.

>> No.25055981

image if this was just some shittykid doing patent trolling.

>> No.25055980

Some stuff (seemingly random, about 10% of links work for me) can be downloaded through the Internet Archive if you use this link:
and put the video ID at the end.
For example,
First episode of Korone's Raw Danger:

Marine x Hinata 3D collab:

>> No.25055983
Quoted by: >>25056016

Nintendo is safe?

>> No.25055984
Quoted by: >>25056009

I know bro, I meant in the tweets

>> No.25055985

Based Indonesian muslims for literally mob beating couples for adultery

>> No.25055989


>> No.25055990

I told you this was all a prank from Watame

>> No.25055992

Choco's undertale is gone

>> No.25055993
Quoted by: >>25056074

Nothing will be addressed, not videos, not the drama, not even kaoru's goodbye, nothing will ever com from it

the only clue that any of this was ever real, will be if the holos start being more distant towards a particular one

>> No.25055994

The narrative is that she got cream pies by Kaoru

>> No.25055995
Quoted by: >>25056054

she sued someone for defamation, which makes people think she fucked Kaoru for some reason.

>> No.25055997
File: 631 KB, 960x540, GenerationHololiveV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated it a bit for those who care about obscure Generation Kill x Hololive Shitposts

>> No.25055998


>> No.25056000

They've been planning this for weeks, not gonna say jack shit.

>> No.25056001

Islam is truly based religion

>> No.25056003

We deleted because we could.
now please watch Ark!

>> No.25056002
File: 213 KB, 850x1201, 1594538004132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to celebrate sheepbros, Watame-lon is a hit


>> No.25056004

Please download that marine hinata collab bros

>> No.25056005

>Some god akibro has 99% of her archive
Guess I'll save myself the bandwidth

>> No.25056006
Quoted by: >>25056018

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xep1aX1ngDQ ?

>> No.25056008
Quoted by: >>25056462

Does someone have all of Watame's Night Fever? Including one that went private a while ago?

>> No.25056009

im really dumb anon

>> No.25056010
File: 287 KB, 873x503, 2020-07-29_19-31-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting it now.

>> No.25056012

Some dude wrote a fanfic people are trying to peddle as reality saying Rushia fucked Kaoru. Maybe, maybe not. Point is no one fuckin knows.

>> No.25056013
File: 1.91 MB, 3503x2281, 76881953_p0-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon...

>> No.25056014
Quoted by: >>25056060

But Anon, it was Lofi that forces Kira and Kaoru to record themselves having sex which leaked to the coworkers and forces one of them to quit...

>> No.25056015

Why does it keep on going...

>> No.25056016

Yes, aside from subaru's all of their nintendo videos are still up

>> No.25056017
Quoted by: >>25056044

"One of our talents received a legal takedown request from the publish of a game, to ensure the future safety for our talents, we have taken it upon ourselves to go through our video catalog and remove any videos that we did not receive explicit permission from the publisher to use."

>> No.25056018

Yeah she had 4 streams, this is the only one left/ I'm downloading it right now

>> No.25056019
Quoted by: >>25056045

I'm 80% sure Roboco and Suisei are the only ones that have access to their own channels

>> No.25056020

Nothing it's just narrativefags

>> No.25056021
File: 3.65 MB, 1761x2034, 38504je08mp31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us, Hololive...

>> No.25056024

So that's the new 2ch, huh. sneaky fuckers tryna hide from hirojewki

>> No.25056025

This only works if someone bothered archiving it through archive.org. You'll probably have to go through each of them one by one, and you'd have to know the original link

>> No.25056026

They wont unless its just to save their asses.
She just needed to stay the fuck home and do fucking nothing.

>> No.25056027
File: 145 KB, 492x492, 1595039424903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056030

JP owned IPs were the first ones to get purged.

>> No.25056031

I never used to lewd Watame but holy shit I need to shoot my goo to the sheep.

>> No.25056032

You can bet your ass that there are nips who have been keeping full archives for ages.
You can also bet on them not sharing a single thing.

>> No.25056035

Bless you anon

>> No.25056036

People keep saying Narukami is always wrong or Narukami is always right, but does anybody here know of a single story Narukami got right/wrong besides the Mel story or that niji one that came out at the same time?

>> No.25056037
File: 29 KB, 398x97, Cursed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057580

Right after she got her verfied check too

>> No.25056039

I'm downloading Roboco's GTA V playlist atm

>> No.25056041

On it

>> No.25056043

Best gen

>> No.25056044

Mio did nothing wrong.

>> No.25056045

Yeah, same. I feel like Roboco and Suisei have very different contracts/agreements with Cover compared to the other girls.

>> No.25056047

I wish this law is actually implemented here. Too bad Indonesia is secular as fuck, like 99% of muslim countries.

>> No.25056050
Quoted by: >>25056091

>Subaru wakes up and sees the state of her channel
>her condition sends her into cardiac arrest
>Mio has to tearfully announce that she passed away at age 19 surrounded by her friends and family

>> No.25056051 [DELETED] 
File: 625 KB, 960x540, GenerationHololiveV3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056085

okay last one I swear

>> No.25056052
Quoted by: >>25056096

Get your fucking reddit shot out of here and never return

>> No.25056053

I don't get it, first it seemed like it was from and capcom but now just about everything is going down. Why are they taking them down one by one instead of just nuking shit

>> No.25056054

Supposedly it's because she thought that Narukami's video is about her. Except there's two problems with that:
1. He never named her.
2. She posted it before he uploaded his video.

>> No.25056055
File: 245 KB, 671x378, errowalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Melon... or as some say... Watamelon....

>> No.25056057
File: 2.42 MB, 2480x3154, 1595980764510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056059
Quoted by: >>25056088


>> No.25056060

She was right to do so. Degeneracy must be exposed to the public eye or people will forget that it happened.

>> No.25056063

Anon's Kanata archive >>25055818

>> No.25056062

you need their permission to monetize your video

in this case the Holos monetized alot of Capcom games like Resident Evil and made money off them without asking the developer for permission and therefore the videos are being privated/deleted

as for Undertale and GTA I have no idea, probably Cover trying to be safe

>> No.25056064

The old guy from pawnstars died?

>> No.25056065
Quoted by: >>25056088

Didn't he say Niji was going to die? Or was there another one?

>> No.25056066
Quoted by: >>25056086

>Little Witch Nobeta
what the fuck why

>> No.25056067


>> No.25056069
Quoted by: >>25056100

Yeah a while ago

>> No.25056070

Fucked a married man, sue everyone for defamation.

>> No.25056072
Quoted by: >>25056127

The Detroit playthrought of Pekora is still up, someone should archive it before it's too late

>> No.25056073

Iraq having WMDs

>> No.25056074

>the only clue that any of this was ever real, will be if the holos start being more distant towards a particular one
Can't wait for narrativefags to fuck this up.

>> No.25056075

If the video is going to be monetized.

>> No.25056076


>> No.25056081

I'm pretty sure there's a mistake in the wording
It's "All of MHW streams but 2" instead of "everything except 2 MHW streams"

>> No.25056084

Imagine if we still had Asacoco for a week like this

>> No.25056085

Thank you for your service

>> No.25056086

it's still up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-qsc-0_aUQ

>> No.25056087

anonchama...he's been dead for over 2 years now

>> No.25056088
Quoted by: >>25056217

Care to elaborate?
That's the one I was referring to in my post.

>> No.25056089

Well duh, she's the one taking down the videos.

>> No.25056090

I forgot about LIL' CHEEZUS

>> No.25056091

I'd buy a Minecraft Pass and lead Creepers to Cover's house on the Holoserver.

>> No.25056092

No, she's on reddit obviously

>> No.25056093 [DELETED] 
File: 627 KB, 648x678, 1594918368332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know.

Most of the information is pretty well known among vtubers and people within the vtuber industry. Those within Holo, other companies, and their managements pretty much all know. Basically if you are in the industry who's had some dealings, you would know.

Kaoru is in fact married. Despite that, he cheated on her by having sexual relations with other girl vtubers, leading to his contract termination. Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts (information withheld on who the partners were).

3 possible stories from hereon. These are unconfirmed and the story changes depending on who you ask:

Despite making a promise of secrecy between the two of them, one of the girls he had sexual relations with ended up disclosing the relationship to others; Cover eventually got ahold of the news and had him quit to take responsibility
His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign
Kaoru cheated with a Holo vtuber; and then he cheated with an niji vtuber. Both vtubers found out that he two-timed them WHILE cheating on his wife (i.e. three-timing), so they reported him, that he forced them to have sex with him, causing him to get fired

Said Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible.

One of the girls in Holo is an excessive playgirl who gets close with tubers via voice chat, then personal calls and LINE, then makes flirty calls talking about a past bad relationship to lure the guy in. But then once they get into a relationship, she toys around with the guy, and constantly changes partners this way -- she already has done it with 9 vtubers from different groups, including indies. Miraculous how the story hasn't gone out yet but she's basically a ticking time bomb. This is the girl in story #3. Currently can't find info on who it is but some people say it's Towa (Narukami denies is Miko); others claim it's Korone.

>> No.25056094
Quoted by: >>25056121

Coco never touched actual drama. Are you fucking dumb?

>> No.25056096

>reddit shot
Phoneposter you have to go back

>> No.25056098

Wouldn't this just be fixed if they switched to twitch?

>> No.25056099

I can't fault you for archiving, but you could have used this expression
>--output %(uploader)s/%(upload_date)s.%(title)s.%(ext)s
To retain the original title as well as some nice things to have like upload date, instead of the mess you have right now.

>> No.25056100


>> No.25056101

Man shut the fuck up with the wall of text already no ones gonna fuckin read it

>> No.25056102
File: 420 KB, 674x675, 1592545476139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel twitch chad

>> No.25056105
File: 341 KB, 671x378, errormelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dab on the Tenshi!

>> No.25056106


>> No.25056107

Asacoco was just shitposting. What are you even on about?

>> No.25056109
Quoted by: >>25056358


>> No.25056110

TFW you realize this is what your fanbase looks like

>> No.25056112

That thread on reddit it also slowly making its way to the top. I know everyone hates that place but in this case it's better that as many people as possible know what's going on.

>> No.25056114

>Wouldn't this just be fixed if they switched to twitch?

>> No.25056119
Quoted by: >>25056128

He said he's not using youtube-dl unfortunately

>> No.25056120

Is it just me or Korone's Tokimeki collab with Marine has been privated? I was just in the middle of finishing the stream too...

>> No.25056121

No, he's just a newfag

>> No.25056122

>trap avatar so everyone assumes he's the most feminine
>turns out he banged miko, rushia, and had iofi in his sights as well
what a total chad.

>> No.25056125

Yes, it has

>> No.25056127
Quoted by: >>25056220

this please and thank you, I had this on my backlog list that I will probably never actually get to, yet still dream of

>> No.25056128

Oh, well then that is how it is sometimes.

>> No.25056131

They are sorted by upload date.

>> No.25056132
File: 1.90 MB, 1950x1050, 1589085624336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056169

The Age of Artia has begun.

>> No.25056133
File: 283 KB, 2048x2048, Ec4Fa27VcAAygUg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow koronefags, it's from >discord but here's a spreadsheet if you want to list what you're downloading or have downloaded already
I'll take any sort of organization at this time

>> No.25056134
Quoted by: >>25056227

Since when did powershell look like that

>> No.25056137

Yeah a while ago like an hour or so hasn't it?

>> No.25056139
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056149

I love Suisei

>> No.25056140


>> No.25056141

Why are people pretending like this is just Cover fucking up permissions to stream? Yakuza streams are being taken down and Coco got full permission for them to stream it.

>> No.25056143

Being smart doesn't stop you from being a whore

>> No.25056142

How did you know?
No seriously guys, you're overreacting.

>> No.25056144
Quoted by: >>25056187

Is her RE4 playthrough saved?

>> No.25056145


>> No.25056146

I’ve been gone for two fucking weeks

What the FUCK did I come back to?

>> No.25056147
Quoted by: >>25056163

Can't wait for Artia's Nintendo marathon tomorrow. Enjoy the Ark, youtubebros.

>> No.25056148
Quoted by: >>25056173

At the very least it's important it becomes visible there, since we know that Cover staff monitor it. We might be able to wring some sort of statement out of the community manager guy they have there, if enough of a shitstorm is raised.

>> No.25056149

Fuck off retard

>> No.25056151


>> No.25056152

>implying they are going to say somthing

>> No.25056154


>> No.25056155


>> No.25056156

Literally everyone
He is turbochad, impregnating every single hologirl

>> No.25056157

copy right exist IN ALL PLACES ITS LAW

Twitcht streamers are just waiting for ti to blow in their faces rather than do somethin en they already had 2 situations for being aware.

>> No.25056159
Quoted by: >>25056186

So YAGOO is going to jail, all the Hololive girls are going to get sued by these companies to get back all the superchat and ad money they got streaming their games and they will be forced to go into prostitution to pay it back?

>> No.25056161

I knew I had to download it too but started downloading Last Armageddon first
Surely someone has it since it was a popular stream but still god dammit

>> No.25056162

You caused this.

>> No.25056163

I'll take Apex and Ark any day.

>> No.25056164


>> No.25056165


>> No.25056166

The death of hololive

>> No.25056168
Quoted by: >>25056224

It's Cover freaking the fuck out I'd say and panicking.

>> No.25056169

it's better to keep her as our hidden gem, keep the shitters out

>> No.25056170

Coco's Yakuza 7 is still up, Miko's Yakuza 0 isn't.

>> No.25056173
Quoted by: >>25056196

They will just use their mod powers to silence any discussion. It's what reddit is best at doing after all

>> No.25056174
Quoted by: >>25056213

should we post the spreadsheet?

>> No.25056175
File: 39 KB, 564x548, EZOCTSiU0AAW2CL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hated her because she told the truth.

>> No.25056176

anyone making a pastebin of all the archived shit?

>> No.25056177
File: 1.49 MB, 1447x2047, 3CB685CC-9C2F-4015-AFF1-CEC97E043D56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056337

Ayame-sama I want to lick your butthole onegai

>> No.25056178

Reminder to spam Artia with questions about this incident in her twitch chat next time she streams there

>> No.25056180

>homostars actually destroyed hololive
I should have trusted the pekofag...

>> No.25056183
File: 91 KB, 828x812, 1594777777467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese women disappointing you again, Anon? That's too bad lol

>> No.25056184
File: 627 KB, 960x540, GenerationHOlolivev4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last version, this time with Anon

>> No.25056185

>His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat
That's such a retarded idea, is his wife just opposed to any and all professions where there's the slightest chance that he will interact with another female? Vtubers are a buch of ugly landwhales which is why they turned to vtubing in the first place. There are also very limited opportunities to meet colleagues in person as a vtuber since they work from home, even more so in Hololive's case where they keep the female and male branches mostly separate.

>> No.25056186


>> No.25056187

Some anon said he has it in high res

>> No.25056188

Spreadsheetfag you should probably ask the Aki poster to clarify because I'm 90% sure you misunderstood his wording.

>> No.25056189

You say this as you post one you fucking idiot

>> No.25056190
Quoted by: >>25056215

Never trust trannies, they are fucking you're waifu on your back

>> No.25056195

Error has now 200K views.

>> No.25056194

>stupid faggotstars ruin everything
thanks a lot you literal nobodies

>> No.25056196

That's still a response in of itself, honestly.

>> No.25056199


>> No.25056200

Nobody knows who did what. It's all speculation and rumormongering balling out of control.

>> No.25056201

>"Manager I didn't get to game!" "That fuckin sucks Subaru. Did your recruiting officer tell you you'd get to play games? "Fucking A he did!" "See Subaru asked about gaming. I asked about ASMR. Guy told me I'd get to go and do all kinds of ASMR streams. What'd you ask about Suisei? Suisei probably saw that TV commercial, the one with the Chuuba who sings at Budokan then turns into a real idol. OOOOOOH costumes with a mic! That fuckin Budokan commercial man, that got so many fuckin girls. NOW LOOK AT US. Subaru hasn't streamed any games, I am half a world away from good ASMR, and Haachama is out there rolling around fuck butt Australia hunting for content in a model that smells like 4 days of cooking and shitposts. You should have rolled into Budokan with a mic Suisei. That would have fuckin rocked!

>> No.25056202
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, GONE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, even this is gone, despite Korone adding Nyanpyo to so many pre-streams and thumbnails

>> No.25056203
File: 882 KB, 1532x1960, rt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should move to america and stream on twitch

>> No.25056204


>> No.25056205

Good for towa, really like her voice.

>> No.25056207

What does the Kaoru incident have to do with permissions?

>> No.25056208
Quoted by: >>25056290

That cumpot he's posting is Chinese and property of Xi jinping and associate anon.

>> No.25056209

I still don't know how views work, but I listened it a lot.

>> No.25056212


>> No.25056213

I'm not sure if that will really achieve anything. Anyone who is technically able is probably here already.

>> No.25056215

Higashiyama was right all along..

>> No.25056216
File: 2.46 MB, 1380x831, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056262

hell yeah

>> No.25056217
Quoted by: >>25056343

Narukami got informed that Mea sells the stuff that her fans send her and that she lives with her boyfriend or something like that I don't remember and then he DMed Mea to confirm this. Mea admitted and begged Narukami not to make a video on it or at least let her make an apology video first.


Anyways this shit is pretty old so I don't blame others for not knowing about it.

>> No.25056220

I'm working on it, I hope I'm faster than Cover

>> No.25056219

You would be beaten to death in Hunan for saying that shit

>> No.25056221

>because she's technically and outsider
Wait what

>> No.25056222

Nothing, narrativefags are just small scale conspiratards.

>> No.25056223 [SPOILER] 
File: 207 KB, 345x437, 1596066204936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056252

It was alright.

>> No.25056224

It was premeditated. But they're rushing and making a huge mess.

>> No.25056226

Is that fucking Ziggy Sobotka driving?

>> No.25056227
Quoted by: >>25056427

It's bash or some other unix style shell anon...

keep up the good work bros.

>> No.25056229

From people who are dedicated enough to have them archived for future use/translation purposes hopefully.

>> No.25056230

It will be gone along with the rest of her channel but the end of next week.

>> No.25056232
File: 27 KB, 498x452, 1591767836001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is too much.

>> No.25056233

Anon, give me some time.
I promise you, it'll might be worth it.

>> No.25056235

Do not harass artia about this on her stream. It could damage her career if she talks about stuff she's not supposed to.

>> No.25056238


>> No.25056239

Random VNs are getting deleted from Choco's channel too

>> No.25056240

>We've been hacked by the international cyberterrorist Samuil Khain

>> No.25056241
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he can save us holobros

>> No.25056244
Quoted by: >>25056494

what video is that from?

>> No.25056246

He didn't get permission from his wife to sleep with other women

>> No.25056247 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 2339x1654, 1595582215428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056267

why can't we have nice things?

>> No.25056248

You know what to do boys..

>> No.25056251

Nice, make a long version pls

>> No.25056249

He quit over them.

>> No.25056252

How did she get away with this?

>> No.25056253

Her whole brand it's talking about things she isn't supposed to.

>> No.25056254

<< It's time. >>

>> No.25056255

Turns out it wasn't Korone fucking all those game devs for permissions. Now that they're fucktoy is gone Capcom is pissed.

>> No.25056256

I knew it was coming... Fuck I hope someone saved em

>> No.25056257
File: 22 KB, 500x362, 15165165489656468484848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of discordfags...

>> No.25056259
File: 813 KB, 898x1200, 65765498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We warned you! We told you this would happen! Now look at it.. It's your fault, you know!

>> No.25056261

Got it (will do)

>> No.25056262
Quoted by: >>25056300

At least Towa's awake now and retweeted Marine's birthday...

>> No.25056263

Archivefags should probably focus on Choco right now because she's getting nuked.

>"I'm on episode 3 of Pokémon yellow for sensei. Also that playlist might not be complete since I vaguely remember some videos being privated just after they were streamed but they might have been reinstated since. What's the progress fellow Choco archivers?"
>"I'm downloading Korone's karaoke now. I'll start Yellow after this."
>"About to finish episode 6 of Pokémon Yellow (Pikachu)"
>" Chocobros, is anything left to archive? GTA V is done. Yellow is done(?), I'm downloading her Sword/Shied, and have downloaded 1,2 random streams of hers. What am I missing? Anything else to archive?"
>"Go through her main and sub and download all VN playthroughs. Gakuen Handsome included. There are also DBD collabs and stuff (get the one she did with moruru at least). Don't worry about the Kaoru stuff I have em"
>"Archiving Choco's Life is Strange"
>"I've got Pokemon Sword/Shield on download. Anyway chocobros, I don't think I'll be able to download any more that the whole Poke Sw/Sh series. I'll keep that for download tonight. I'll archive any remaining streams tomorrow morning. Atleast we have archived most of the major stuff. Good night anons."
>"Pokémon sword and shield. Someone else is saving the random games. I recommend you download the last melty kiss collab, morrur DBD collab and all the VNs she's played (some are main channel, some are sub channel)"

>> No.25056265

and knowing her, she will open her mouth

>> No.25056267
Quoted by: >>25056372

You forgot to censor the drawing in the background

>> No.25056268

You're in there, go back

>> No.25056269

He even lives in Japan, he better go to Cover's office himself looking for answers.

>> No.25056270

Thank your dogbros. we need to help one another

>> No.25056271


>> No.25056273

That's me. Correct, just the MHW stuff. When it started it was just the Capcom stuff we were worried about so I grabbed that first.

>> No.25056274
Quoted by: >>25056302

>he bought the holocoin at the top
Dump it

>> No.25056275

what if the only reason they targeted miyabi is because they though he was a woman

>> No.25056276

If they're already getting to VNs I may not make it in time for gakuen handsome -- I'm only on the 2nd video at this point. Would anyone like to split the effort?

>> No.25056277

Remember the six gorillion deleted stream hours!

Because he's fucking her, duh.

>> No.25056278

This is the first thing I'm going to do when her stream comes up

>> No.25056279
File: 131 KB, 828x1721, EdfKOhVUYAAmfBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056282

wait that Kagura Mea shit was REAL? How does she still have a career?

>> No.25056283


>> No.25056284

Go back and stay there.

>> No.25056286
File: 470 KB, 1247x567, 1592345932910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't take this shit anymore

>> No.25056287

Good, we don't need more retards posting, we're already at max capacity normally

>> No.25056288


>> No.25056289

based spreadsheetbro keep up the good work

>> No.25056290

Then why she looks like a western turbo whore?

>> No.25056291

A fusion of Towa and Rushia, carrying a baby Coco

>> No.25056293
Quoted by: >>25056346

Sure, paste the link (playlist?)
My internet is shit though but I'll try

>> No.25056294

Watame, she is just lonley which is why she is streaming so late.

>> No.25056296

Ok sure hehe

>> No.25056297

End of hololive

>> No.25056299

>Nejsem robot

>> No.25056300
Quoted by: >>25056393

awake, but at what cost...
the lack of a morning tweet makes me extremely concerned for the wellbeing of dogwa

>> No.25056301

>dont be a youtube in japan
-the trash group 2020

Even they know Japan is too rigid

>> No.25056302

>he sold
Pump eet

>> No.25056303

how the fuck do you get banned on your first day here

>> No.25056304

She's not streaming until like 24 hours from now, I'm sure we'll have SOMETHING from Cover by then, right...?

>> No.25056305

if he figures out, he qualifies.

>> No.25056306

I still see all the nyanpou streams fuck off

>> No.25056308

Fucking idiots lmao

>> No.25056309

thanks for the laugh in these trying times

>> No.25056310

She had so many good VN playthroughs too. I hope she kept a copy but I fucking doubt it. I'm sorry Choco

>> No.25056311

>Pekora's MGS streams are dead
I need to sit down for a minute

>> No.25056312

Turns out having a boyfriend doesn't ruin your career.

>> No.25056316

i'm off to sleep but I'll leave my computer on to download it all

>> No.25056317
File: 196 KB, 1200x760, 93624131_119998239664112_8088893018737737728_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is not a twitch thot like Risu
>is not an irl thot like Iofi
Is Moona the only good HoloID?

>> No.25056320
File: 46 KB, 498x460, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The line has been crossed.

>> No.25056321
File: 8 KB, 215x215, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sadly, rushia had to return to her magic kingdom to learn more necromancy or whatever. we will miss her dearly. please never mention her again.

>> No.25056322

Where were you when we needed you anon? It's too late now.

>> No.25056324


>> No.25056325

>Ayame sasaki 3D collab
Please link

>> No.25056327
File: 961 KB, 240x180, 1384210462330.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plot twist: they're privating their own videos as a form of protest, and Miko wasn't ill but leading the Hololive resistance against management.

And Subaru fucked up..

>> No.25056326

She's streaming pretty late, so her roommates will probably beat her up again if she talks too much anyways.

>> No.25056328

Remember to also archive the utawakus guys, they are also getting deleted

>> No.25056329

Glad Towabros can still play the fool in times like these. It keeps spirits up

>> No.25056330
File: 682 KB, 648x906, 1590713403371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel really bad for Subaru.

She isn't my favorite, but I wish I could be here for her during this. She's probably struggling to hold back her tears over all of her deleted videos. I would try to stifle her tears by holding her in my arms gently as she lightly sobs, her upset face buried in my chest. As she starts to calm down, I feel a grumble from her stomach. She pulls away abashedly, avoiding eye contact with me. With a smile, I walk over to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her.

I start the coffee machine, pop a couple loaves of bread in the toaster, and prepare some bacon and eggs in a frying pan. A delicious aroma fills the kitchen as everything is cooked to perfection. I plate the food and carry it over to Subaru, her eyes lighting up with anticipation. She starts wolfing down her meal, without any regard for table manners. She must have been hungrier than I thought. As she's enjoying her breakfast, I pour her a cup of coffee. "It's hot, so be careful," I warn her with a warm smile while offering the cup to her.

As she reaches out for it, I hold the cup over her head and pour out the contents. She lets out a scream akin to those rubber chicken toys you can grab at the dollar store. She tries to run to the sink to cool herself off, but I wrap my arms around her. Not in a loving embrace like before, but more like a restraining bear hug. She looks at me with betrayal in her eyes, her face reddened by the scalding coffee. Not letting go, I'd carry her to the nearest dumpster and gently put her in a trash can, right where she belongs.

>> No.25056332
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, moona200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056333
File: 55 KB, 720x900, Hitomi_Chris_-_Full_Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was she really so evil, in the end?

>> No.25056334

Maybe Cover is just privating them so they can't be shot. Can't get claimed if they can't see it logic.

>> No.25056335
Quoted by: >>25056543

Do you assure me of this?

"It'd be nice if we got some permissions for our streams and collabs. A-chan assures me they are coming. I am assured of this."
"I am assured that the privated videos will be back before dawn. I am assured of this."
"For trying to unfuck YAGOO when he's trying to drop hell on his own company. That's brilliant. Sir your archival is the only thing I have absolute confidence in."
"I am assured that Cover will address any allegations before anything is finalized. I am assured of this."

>> No.25056337
File: 463 KB, 2048x1786, 20200728_214041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056377

Tell me at least you do some archiving for
her ritualnigger

>> No.25056336

Luckily there's a pekofag who uploaded it

>> No.25056338


>> No.25056339


>> No.25056340

>they're privating their own videos as a form of protest
hell yeah black lives mater world wide

>> No.25056342

dynamic ip maybe? ive gotten banned a few times for something ive never posted because of it

>> No.25056341


>> No.25056343

>this is Aqua's best friend
I wonder what Aqua is hiding

>> No.25056344

dame da ne moment xD

>> No.25056346

These are from the middle of the list. There are 7 total videos so I''m putting 4 of them here. If we overlap then whatever:

>> No.25056345

Not today anon.. .This is the one day where I won't laugh at these

>> No.25056348
File: 166 KB, 1062x1500, 1578492721838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I hope you get some help soon anon!

>> No.25056349
File: 167 KB, 694x632, 1537556584198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never knew you needed game company's permission to get monetized. But doesn't mean that every company gets like dozen thousands requests per day? How do they choose who will get permission and who will be denied?

>> No.25056350

Anyone checked how the nip community has reacted to this? I feel like they don't give a shit what we think but enough mad japs might warrant a reaction?

>> No.25056351
Quoted by: >>25056366

Nousagibro... Pekora's archive has been saved. All of it.

>> No.25056352


>> No.25056353

A lot of shit is straight up deleted

>> No.25056356


>> No.25056354


>> No.25056358

>all japanese

>> No.25056359


>> No.25056361
File: 96 KB, 767x1226, 1594579876852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to sleep
>wake up
>the fucking hololivecaust has happened
what the hell did i miss its only been like 6 hours

>> No.25056360

Subaru undertale...

>> No.25056362

i would believe it but subaru isn't that dumb

>> No.25056363

I'll grab the last two links in this post

>> No.25056364

By going into threads every time vtubers are mentioned and advertising his discord.

>> No.25056365 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 288x288, 1596066606865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056366
Quoted by: >>25056622

Really? I will stop archiving her detroit stuff then

>> No.25056367
Quoted by: >>25056534

Stop saying Miko goddammit, she is the ONLY holo confirmed to be innocent in this whole affair.

>> No.25056368
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1591688132762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed this

>> No.25056369

Yes, don't be stupid.

>> No.25056372
File: 2.43 MB, 2339x1654, 1595582215428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't get why we can't have nice things

>> No.25056373
Quoted by: >>25056385

I'm downloading the second one

>> No.25056375

go back to sleep

>> No.25056377
Quoted by: >>25056453

not the ritualnigger, but archiving some Oniberos Minecraft streams

>> No.25056376
Quoted by: >>25056422

only companies, for example Pikamee can stream and get money from nintendo shit because VOMS in not a company unlike Cover

>> No.25056378

FUCK FGO, that shit has been hoarding trending for hours and didn't allow this to take off appropriately

>> No.25056380

I can't believe hololive is going to die because cover is so incompetent.

>> No.25056382

Did anyone save the handful of deleted hologras?

>> No.25056383
Quoted by: >>25056406

It's over.

>> No.25056384

independents don't bother since they're small fries and usually protected by the law. Hololive has the unfortunate distinction of being a corporation and somehow their lawyers never stopped to think about that kind of thing

>> No.25056385
Quoted by: >>25056449

I'm downloading the first

>> No.25056387
File: 578 KB, 1139x408, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25056388

Does anyone has choco x Moruru collab I can not find it?

>> No.25056390
File: 1.29 MB, 3508x2480, d01cc5b1830ac551f7763e907243e7a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of dedication https://twitter.com/drago_00/status/1288615332114919424

>> No.25056389

By the way -- I've forgone thumbnails for now. I was encountering an error and couldn't be assed to diagnose it in lieu of getting this started as quickly as possible. I'm using these flags only:
> --add-metadata --write-info-json --write-description --embed-subs --all-subs --write-annotation

>> No.25056391
File: 386 KB, 433x493, 1593361204142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You just had to shut up and do random videos and zatsudans Miko, why didn't you listen? now Subaru had to pay the price

>> No.25056393

It's just an early morning... she's probably just getting her words together, believe.

>> No.25056394
File: 643 KB, 1204x1372, 1594052135369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too nousagi bro..

>> No.25056395

sorry bro, the OP was just too good...

>> No.25056396
Quoted by: >>25056420


>> No.25056398


>> No.25056401

at least okayu asmr is still up

>> No.25056402
File: 3.71 MB, 2048x1489, Haachama made for sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056421

Haato has the best lewds and r34 of any holo. FACT!

>> No.25056406
File: 217 KB, 884x666, 1596051170801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056407
File: 55 KB, 516x416, www.youtube.com_watch_v=mAGeyifY0Ms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056429

so they will be playing mobile games instead

>> No.25056408


>> No.25056411
File: 60 KB, 512x512, 30787A66-EC6C-4E48-A588-6AB93365A0B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko takes an unexpected long break and completely disconnects from social media
>Kaoru gets fired at the same time Miko is supposed to come back
>Iofi keeps retweeting pics of Kaoru leaving further stirring the drama
>Miko finally says she's making an announcement soon
>Rushia sues someone for defamation
>Kaoru's roommate comes out to clarify that Kaoru was fired for misbehaving but that he definitely didn't have sex with Miko but with some other holo
>videos start getting randomly deleted while everyone is sleeping in Japan

Memes aside all this is very sketchy, connect the dots /hlg/

>> No.25056410
Quoted by: >>25056417

There's a good chance it's been nuked anon. Check the websites that keep track of videos and shit

>> No.25056412


>> No.25056413
File: 59 KB, 428x391, 1595803646406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056432

>Still nothing from Cover

>> No.25056414

Being proactive, at this rate by the end of the week, we should have a solid archive of everyone content, even if not all of it is online

what should be our next move, we can't be piece of shit japs and let it die out, even autistically spamming a hastag is more than what they have done

>> No.25056416
Quoted by: >>25057063

>Akirose was killed first in the Project Winter collab
What does it MEEEEAAAANN

>> No.25056415

It's over now right? They removed everything they felt they needed to right?

>> No.25056417
Quoted by: >>25056489

There must be links in the archives

>> No.25056418

Are the nips and chinks archiving as well?

>> No.25056419
File: 2.01 MB, 1660x934, 1595785683878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us

>> No.25056420

Yes, 2-3 anons already archived his streams.

>> No.25056421

thats not marine dipshit

>> No.25056422

But they can flag her if they feel like it and get all the income a video might generate. Permissions likely stop that from happening or impose a fixed rate on revenue.

>> No.25056423


>> No.25056424

Hopefully along with our Japanese brothers we have saved most the videos.

>> No.25056425

Mikop....I kneel...

>> No.25056426

Shit is still getting removed, don't stop archiving

>> No.25056427

Actually it looks like the new windows terminal from this googling im doing

>> No.25056429

Nian just dropped so of course she's playing that today

>> No.25056432

Wait until it's at least noon. We'll get either a message today or tomorrow.

>> No.25056433

Menhera Souls getting nuked

>> No.25056435

Yes, but they're not going to share shit.

>> No.25056436

>discord screencaps
Worse than /v/ twitter screencaps, the absolute state of these threads

>> No.25056437

Post the kaoru soccer 64

>> No.25056438

Isn't this a member of THE Kanata though? between the colour of his name and pinging someone named Heimin

>> No.25056439

They're nuking Choco's channel as we speak.

>> No.25056442

If you use a mobile connection, you'll hit a banned IP about 20% of the time here in Australia. Usually for CP.

>> No.25056443

any cocobros archiving my girl?

>> No.25056445
Quoted by: >>25056530

Why the fuck would they delete Undertale? Toby doesn't strike me as an asshole that would go and claim videos just for playing their game

>> No.25056446

I didn't know Korone's capable of streaming and privating her videos at the same time

>> No.25056447
Quoted by: >>25056753

ok, so in japan brand copyright is so strict that if you take a photo of a street and the logo of a company is there they can actually ask you to take it down.
So you need to ask permission to do anything that is a brand or copyrighted to uplaod it. This is the law, most wont notice or wont care since the backslash is higher than the reward, BUT the story is different if it is a company like COVER doing it.

>> No.25056449
Quoted by: >>25056467

20 minutes to finish my download btw. Are you the anon who shared the 4 links? What should we download next? Chocobros, any input? Since we're just jacking off right now waiting for the download to finish might as well split it up in the meantime

Choco is getting nuked right now so we should probably focus on her first

>> No.25056450

>Disgusting hag

Anon, get a grip.

>> No.25056451

I stopped doing anything hololive related for two days and come back to find out kaoru is gone and videos are being deleted/becoming private....

>> No.25056452

no matter how many times I see it, that UI is just fucking hideous

>> No.25056453
File: 1.40 MB, 1300x1596, EaIxwhAVAAA4BRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056455

>doing anything
I'm sorry anon. It can't be helped. Please understand.

>> No.25056457

>not Rushia - Rider of men
update it

>> No.25056458
File: 176 KB, 512x512, 1594004115557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to sleep and I better see GOOD FUCKING NEWS for once.

>> No.25056459 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25056480

Use your discordfags to upvote the post on reddit. I guarantee the majority of them would be able to do that. If you need the link:
> https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/i03e9q/archive_everything_idiots/

>> No.25056461

>"Most people in 4chan right now probably think of Cover as an incompetent company. Now if I were to go to /hlg/, I might get trolled. But to us, in this subreddit, Cover is pretty great. So to us, Cover is a great company. Right here. I feel pretty safe, do you feel safe? Pretty safe I guess. See? It's all relative.

>> No.25056462

Is the Mononoke healing she did still up?

>> No.25056463
File: 105 KB, 320x320, 1596021865105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JPonionchads, I kneel.

>> No.25056464

Why would anyone play NA?

>> No.25056465
File: 546 KB, 1190x2000, 83314341_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of this shit, please post OkaKoro.

>> No.25056466

DBD Collab with Choco and Moruru, someone grab it

>> No.25056467

Any of the VN playthroughs you can find, check her sub channel she has more on there too. Also no I'm not that guy

>> No.25056468

today was fun, I love a shitstorm

>> No.25056470
File: 577 KB, 1448x2048, Ed21gNbVAAAA1h4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a Towa anon in previous thread https://pastebin.com/jjaSpeCK
I also got her Hollow Knight

>> No.25056472

This was archived, right? Please say yes

>> No.25056473

If I wanted to look at aging and crusty women trying to act young, I'd look outside.

>> No.25056476
Quoted by: >>25056518

>tfw Noel's manager hit 5 before 4 for some reason
It sucks seeing with each refresh the playlist disappear though.

>> No.25056477

>His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign
This is too convenient, (1) why would your main worry about vtubing be "it's an opportunity to cheat" and (2) how would anybody find out about this unless kaoru said a bunch of unnecessary shit to people who don't need to hear it

>> No.25056478


>> No.25056479
Quoted by: >>25056513

>Kaoru's roommate
Are you retarded?

>> No.25056480

Brigading like that will just get you shadowbanned.

>> No.25056482
File: 162 KB, 319x324, 1595942587909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056571

>Rushia sues someone for defamation
wait give me the rub on this. i havent heard this one yet.

>> No.25056483
File: 35 KB, 455x258, EeG0Q15U0AI-VWl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056484

Imagine "playing" a credit card debt simulator

>> No.25056485
Quoted by: >>25056526

I have sims, a friend has yakuza

>> No.25056486
Quoted by: >>25056541

>>Kaoru's roommate comes out to clarify that Kaoru was fired for misbehaving but that he definitely didn't have sex with Miko but with some other holo
this is not real, r-right?

>> No.25056487
File: 36 KB, 297x378, 1591756287699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is one of them, that's the reason she killed Akai Haato

>> No.25056489

found the link, it's PRIVATED

>> No.25056490

>>Kaoru's roommate comes out to clarify that Kaoru was fired for misbehaving but that he definitely didn't have sex with Miko but with some other holo
this didn't happen, his roommate hasn't said shit for almost a week

>> No.25056491

I assume we have full coverage on this list -- I'm going to continue downloading for as long as the videos are available but I appreciate the assistance either way.

>> No.25056492


>> No.25056494


>> No.25056495


>> No.25056496

Chocobros do you mind sharing links about what we should download next? Currently downloading these split up >>25056346

This is what I have on my list
Videos saved:
>Choco GTA + 1, 3, 4, 6 of Life is Strange (rip 2 and 5) + Undertale + some Pokemon incomplete streams that the Chocobros haven't made clear yet

>"I'm on episode 3 of Pokémon yellow for sensei. Also that playlist might not be complete since I vaguely remember some videos being privated just after they were streamed but they might have been reinstated since. What's the progress fellow Choco archivers?"
>"I'm downloading Korone's karaoke now. I'll start Yellow after this."
>"About to finish episode 6 of Pokémon Yellow (Pikachu)"
>" Chocobros, is anything left to archive? GTA V is done. Yellow is done(?), I'm downloading her Sword/Shied, and have downloaded 1,2 random streams of hers. What am I missing? Anything else to archive?"
>"Go through her main and sub and download all VN playthroughs. Gakuen Handsome included. There are also DBD collabs and stuff (get the one she did with moruru at least). Don't worry about the Kaoru stuff I have em"
>"Archiving Choco's Life is Strange"
>"I've got Pokemon Sword/Shield on download. Anyway chocobros, I don't think I'll be able to download any more that the whole Poke Sw/Sh series. I'll keep that for download tonight. I'll archive any remaining streams tomorrow morning. Atleast we have archived most of the major stuff. Good night anons."
>"Pokémon sword and shield. Someone else is saving the random games. I recommend you download the last melty kiss collab, morrur DBD collab and all the VNs she's played (some are main channel, some are sub channel)"

>> No.25056497
File: 34 KB, 112x112, y98riiyxsvd51.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

birthed vtuber group as idol agency, crashed like idol agency

good job

>> No.25056500
Quoted by: >>25056547


>> No.25056501

The vast majority of companies just have a message on their website allowing anyone to stream and monetize their shit. This is done to avoid people from asking about it all the time.
At least that's how it functions in the western world.

>> No.25056502

>That ayame at the end


>> No.25056503

This is fucking weird to watch.

>> No.25056504

Hope someone gets this.

>> No.25056505
Quoted by: >>25056516

Rushia was confirmed at least.

>> No.25056506
File: 343 KB, 2048x1938, 1595168531223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056507


>> No.25056508
Quoted by: >>25056618

Imagine being this delusional
Even Artia is smarter than these shitters

>> No.25056509
File: 101 KB, 1014x1340, EeH_gNhVAAAGxwE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056752

Post nice images to take our minds off the imminent death of hololive.

>> No.25056511

it would since they don't have to deal with monetization, but twitch isn't that popular in Japan so switching would be a very difficult transition and they'd likely lose alot of viewership and the viewership they gain will be the EOPs ramped up to 10, worse than you've seen so far

on top of that japs are very wary of anything new so chances are they wouldn't switch in the first place and would rather deal with
>oh you want to stream ghosts of tsushima?
>well you can, but we won't allow you to make money off it and if you do it anyway we'll just send a copyright strike
>ARK, Getting Over It, and Apex it is!

could some of this be fixed by them switching to Streamlabs instead of superchat? yes. Will they? No. Coco was rallying for it during the Demonetization Arc, but then that they got it back and her channel took off so she dropped it

>> No.25056512
File: 375 KB, 602x1169, The Messiah (True).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkness is just the absence of light. In fact, it is absence of everything. Ironically though, new things are born from the darkness. So you can say that darkness itself is the source of everything in this world. Fret not, my soul partners. Darkness is your friend. Hope will be born out of the darkness. The good days will come again. I will see you soon.

>> No.25056513
Quoted by: >>25056575

Honestly even though anon is retarded, it's about par for the course for anyone that thinks Narukami is a reliable source in the first place.

>> No.25056514
Quoted by: >>25056611

Aren't all streams mirrored on bilibili? Are they nuking stuff over there too?

>> No.25056516

How so?

>> No.25056515
File: 37 KB, 392x408, 1590989046639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parry this you crazy bitch

>> No.25056517

Maybe they should have used streamlabs after all.

>> No.25056518
Quoted by: >>25056561

>1, 2, 3, 5, 11 then stopped

>> No.25056519
File: 499 KB, 500x500, 1592111138528 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056558

How do we force Cover to make a statement?

>> No.25056520

This one is the health exam I think, still sucks

>> No.25056521
File: 137 KB, 1740x1080, Ec3pYwMUcAAPVFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV: you didn't leave your wife and move to Indonesia

>> No.25056522

>Wanted idols
>Invited a bunch of dudes into the picture
What was he thinking?

>> No.25056524
Quoted by: >>25056560

Your favorite holo
Would you rape Artia

>> No.25056526

The only one in danger still missing is Uncharted 1 and 2

>> No.25056527

I can't download this right now because I'm downloading the VN. Someone get this, Chocobros are busy

>> No.25056528

>>Kaoru's roommate comes out to clarify that Kaoru was fired for misbehaving but that he definitely didn't have sex with Miko but with some other holo
Oh no... I cant believe Kaoru roommate openly admitted he fucked Rushia in public.

>> No.25056529


Streams aren't stopping at least. Let's archive everything, and then it's like nothing ever happened.

>> No.25056530

Is it EXPLICITLY stated anywhere so it can be used as plausible deniablity? An official statement or somesuch? Anything less than that won't count.

>> No.25056533

Thread theme

>> No.25056534
Quoted by: >>25056837

>takes a vacation before this all goes down and then delays her return when the details start trickling in
oh yeah, for sure she's 100% innocent.

>> No.25056535

Cover is over

>> No.25056536


>> No.25056537

>It's all just to announce 5th gen
fuck you yagoo

>> No.25056539

Animal crossing streams, VN streams, anything non-ark on her sub channel

>> No.25056541

It literally isn't.

>> No.25056540

I love her design

>> No.25056543
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, Generation Hololive - Why did you sign up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless you. The ven diagram of fans who both like Hololive and GK are probably just us.
You keep doing you, this one is for you.

>> No.25056544

Fuck you retard

>> No.25056545

Korone most likely hasn't noticed anything.

>> No.25056546

>my korone smoking edit got in

>> No.25056547

thanks, also gonna save this

>> No.25056549
File: 49 KB, 300x439, 1595524113671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can she stop hitomikurisuch?

>> No.25056553

i want to fuck subaru

>> No.25056554

aki drinking her problems away with her good friend

>> No.25056556

I guess idol agencies and TI ventures don't really share a common field of knowledge.

>> No.25056558
Quoted by: >>25056625

Twitter hashtag spamming
Unironically upvote the reddit thread (there are Cover staff there, with enough attention they'll have to respond in one way or another)

>> No.25056557

Shut the fuck up Asuka.

>> No.25056559

Videos gone:
>Miko Yakuza0 + MGSV + FF7R
>Aki MHW
>Matsuri Hamtaro

>Aqua Sekiro + Makai Mura + lots of other shit (most of her streams are on bili)
>Shion RE2
>Subaru Nier + FF + Detroit + Mad Father + Ib + Infinity War (?) + Chrono Trigger + just about everything

>Mio Undertale, Ghost Trick, Yume Nikki
>Korone RE4 + Yokai Watch + The Sniper 2 + Pepsiman + Chocobo racing + Tokimeki 2 + Heavy Rain + 6 gorillion videos
>Okayu Chrono Trigger

>Marine DS3 + Hinata collab (?)
>Rushia GTA + Last of Us
>Flare Dark Souls + Sekiro + DMC
>Pekora MGS + DQ

>Kanata Ghouls and Ghosts + Makai Mura
>Watame FF9 + Yokai Watch
>Towa Undertale
>Luna MHW + Makai Mura + DBZ + RE1
>Coco Hitman + RE4

>Choco Life is Strange + Undertale + Random VNs DELETED
>Ayame PUBG DELETED (what the fuck?)
>Subaru Undertale + Hitman + GTA + Super Mario Maker + PowerPro DELETED

>> No.25056560

Stop, get some help.

>> No.25056561

>tfw checked back and he got 4 now
Maybe he's having a hard time privating such gold...

>> No.25056563

"Why didn't we do this in the first place? You're not thinking JAPANESE dude. See getting permissions is just what the Anti's expect us to do. Well if they expected us to get permissions, why did they get the videos copystriked? Because they're not PROFESSIONAL JAPANESE.

>> No.25056565

I thought she was supposed to be at Marine's 3D stream, but she might just be calling in.

>> No.25056566

he himself has said, they also nuked hollowknight and team cherry post that they are ok with that

>> No.25056567

Holy shit, is that Moruru?

>> No.25056568

keep calm, the anon with the big archive already has all of noel's channel

>> No.25056570

Aqua GTA gone

>> No.25056571

>It's all just to announce 5th gen
>Subaru's manager fucked up and deleted the videos instead of making them private

>> No.25056572

She got that akasupa with the poor dude complaining about the RE4 videos being taken down
Cover must have informed everyone by now

>> No.25056574

I have full GTAV, full Pokemon Yellow. I have one stream of Undertale, these four streams of LiS. Grabbed a couple of Gakuen streams, Untitled Goose Game, DBD collab with Moruru.

>> No.25056575
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1592943734548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056667

So you're saying Miko isn't in the clear yet?

>> No.25056576

>chilean wine

>> No.25056578

Anon, they know.

>> No.25056580
Quoted by: >>25056628


>> No.25056582

Noel DS is going as well, now.

>> No.25056585

Some videos download perfectly fine for me and some do like 2% every 5 mins, any ideas on what would cause this?

>> No.25056586

Japan is some assbackwards shit.

>> No.25056587
Quoted by: >>25056690

Explicitly stating it's allowed hasn't stopped cover from forbidding stuff before

>> No.25056588


>> No.25056589

Haachama's RE4 is gone too

>> No.25056590

the nijichads are laughing at us...

>> No.25056595

Who are you quoting

>> No.25056594

>This qt will only be able to play minecraft, ark and horro kusoge

>> No.25056596

>that Suisei burn
Damn, that got me good.

>> No.25056597

They are going to take down Miko's GTA, oh god, oh fuck

>> No.25056599


>> No.25056600

I believe the tanuki is powerful enough to save hololive

>> No.25056601
Quoted by: >>25056608

Links please to Pekora's MGS archive

>> No.25056602

>Foreigner Coco
Got a chuckle outta me

>> No.25056603

Would she really come back here after getting ignored for 3 hours and then nuked

>> No.25056607
File: 108 KB, 1140x963, 4F2027E1-5477-4BFE-B1C5-5BAA32CFF987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of those nice mages.

>> No.25056608


>> No.25056609

I feel like you could literally ask Toby Fox on twitter and he'd respond to it.

>> No.25056611

A lot of the shit is on bili thanks to random chinks
But archiving from Youtube first is better since I think bili butchers the quality

>> No.25056612

I've finished Aki's FF:Crisis core and her 5 unlisted ASMR archives. Entire channel archive is still running

>> No.25056614

Luckily, an anon said he grabbed it I think.

>> No.25056615

I can't beIieve PPTenshi kiIIed herseIf

>> No.25056616

You think they weren't told that cover was going to nuke all their content? Even if they weren't it's not like this hasn't been on-going for literally hours so they would've found out on their own by now through twitter or something.

>> No.25056617

Korone had a meeting a few days ago, along with other holos like Miko and Ayame. Maybe that was the occasion when the Cover talked about these stuff.

>> No.25056618


>> No.25056619
File: 281 KB, 720x720, VbQsa4R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Korone is married

>> No.25056620

Retarded question here: Are member streams safe?

>> No.25056621
File: 87 KB, 940x940, EaQpq9mU4AEGKO7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wine again?
Can't wait to see how it turns out with her new l2d

>> No.25056622

It's always good to have back-ups anon. You never know if the other guy might suddenly die, his HDD crash or he just doesn't feel like sharing anymore. The more, the better.

>> No.25056623

either they're being hacked or there's a spy in the staff. why would they delete videos they have permissions for?

>> No.25056624

Miko is leaving clover

>> No.25056625 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 640x522, 1592097945286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they also nuked hollowknight
made me check

>> No.25056626

I'm going to sleep, for now you guys should just focus on archiving everything most likely to get deleted
There will be plenty of time tomorrow to start sharing links and do a list of damages

>> No.25056627
File: 24 KB, 395x364, 1534210346815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based chileanbro

>> No.25056628

How do you know? You refresh each holo page every minute?

>> No.25056629

Espero que estés archivando, fellow weón.

>> No.25056630

the real protagonist of Hololive...

>> No.25056631

Completed archive should be torrented, with updates every month or something

>> No.25056632

No evidence

>> No.25056633

>those ears
What the hell...

>> No.25056635
File: 32 KB, 270x261, 1595856161864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056659

minna i dont feel so daijoubu

>> No.25056636
File: 241 KB, 391x327, kiryufamily.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco? What about you?
I'm all squared away Yagoo
Coco look, we're all aware how much the Gens look up to you. Like to know what you're thinking.
I don't think so Yagoo
Coco, this is your chance to get a little something off your chest.
Are you asking me to speak frankly Yagoo?
Yes, well like...
Well Yagoo, it's just that you're incompetent Yagoo.
I'm doing the best I can
Yagoo it's not enough.

>> No.25056637
Quoted by: >>25056699

Unless the japs rage about this we will never have an explanation

>> No.25056638

WAS married
Reminder that she lost the kids in the divorce

>> No.25056639
File: 463 KB, 488x670, 1591682054115.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056680

I just want to know why they deleted Subaru's Avengers watch alongs. Is it because of the title or something? There was absolutely no Avengers footage in there. Just a timer and Subaru's and Belmond's dumb faces.

>> No.25056640

Most members streams are shit like ASMR and zatsudans so they should be. I think Flare played Dark Souls for members though, someone should check on that

>> No.25056641

Nothing is safe or sacred

>> No.25056642

Give me a link to where he said it.
Whose Hollow Knight streams are gone? Towa's are up still, i don't know who else played it, might check them too.

>> No.25056643

Wait a minute... Haachama?

>> No.25056647
File: 822 KB, 2675x2685, 1592830759748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they also nuked hollowknight
made me check

>> No.25056649
Quoted by: >>25056673

I'm done for a while, cover is an incompetent mess. See you fags in a few weeks

>> No.25056650

at least we can celebrate senchou's birthday later...

>> No.25056651
Quoted by: >>25056677

I was only able to save the first Noel DS video, fuck my ass. I'll try to get started on DS3 but I'm probably too late for that too.

>> No.25056653


>> No.25056655
Quoted by: >>25056697

Please for the love of god understand Cover doesn't know anything about copyright laws, we went over this multiple times, they don't understand, they're not acting rationally

>> No.25056656
File: 122 KB, 1076x600, 1588773694951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my vote

>> No.25056657

Anyone been archiving Aki?????

>> No.25056658
Quoted by: >>25056684

anyone got infinity war subaru? that shit was literally in my watch later and is now gone

>> No.25056659
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1594322796104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056660
File: 1.43 MB, 772x1080, 1596027428914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056691

Watame is so cute and funny!
I love her so much!

>> No.25056661

Sheep fans never lose

>> No.25056662

For Choco's subchannel

Among the Sleep

DBZ (this is probably going to get deleted soon. I'm going to download the first 2 links if anyone's interested)

>> No.25056663
File: 380 KB, 584x1025, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25056664

lol i love this shit

>> No.25056665

And to think just a few hours ago I was laughing at the fact JOPs were using DeepL to sent Senchou english SCs just to troll her.

>> No.25056666
File: 194 KB, 320x320, 1525852045070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep them coming, anon. I don't have time to make more, but I assure you, I am saving all of them.

>> No.25056667

Then that implies that his first narrative is just a big nothingburger in the first place.

>> No.25056668

What am I looking at

>> No.25056671
File: 631 KB, 618x659, 1594554766702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting late, I've been following this shit since it went down. I have a deep fear that it's going to get worse by the time I wake up.

>> No.25056672


>> No.25056674

>why would they delete videos they have permissions for?
Because Cover is fucking incompetent? Because they know jack shit about everything?

>> No.25056675

How does it keep getting worse? What the fuck is going on at cover?

>> No.25056673

Anon...in a few weeks nothing will be left...

>> No.25056676


>> No.25056677
Quoted by: >>25056686

I've got the first 7 ones, but apparently there's full Noel archives

>> No.25056678

upload it to usenet onegai

>> No.25056679

>SEA wake up
>doxxing hours begin

>> No.25056680
Quoted by: >>25056779

Subarus manager might be the biggest fucking brainlet retard

>> No.25056681
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1593309967933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056683
Quoted by: >>25056708

oh, she for sure doesn't know

>> No.25056684

Ah shit

>> No.25056686
Quoted by: >>25056718

First 7 of DS1 or DS3?

>> No.25056687

They deleted kaoru, so kaoru took something from them.

>> No.25056688

Watame Superstar and all the Hollow Knights are next..

>> No.25056689
File: 182 KB, 694x644, 1582549362470.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056690

They can't play allowed games without Hololive's permissions, I'm just trying to figure out if existing archives could be affected by this sort of statement.

>> No.25056691

Watame is looking different today

>> No.25056692

Mane-chan working overtime.

>> No.25056693

It can't get worse by the time you wake up if you don't sleep

>> No.25056695
Quoted by: >>25056705

Here's one I don't have to change at all.
"Can you believe that fucking retard is in charge of people?"

>> No.25056696

I knew it, Noel is the secret whore

>> No.25056697
Quoted by: >>25056718

Why don't they hire a copyright lawyer? A good one that's not old as shit.

>> No.25056699
Quoted by: >>25056729

What are the odds that the Japanese fanbase will care when they wake up though? Just seems to be a "cant be helped" attitude there

>> No.25056700
File: 777 KB, 220x293, 1595556314279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056736

i cant believe subaru is fucking dead

>> No.25056702
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, 1593306543652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we "fix" Cover?

>> No.25056703
File: 626 KB, 529x711, 1595942424084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember happier times?

>> No.25056704
Quoted by: >>25056744

Holy shit, all of this made me forget that womb is even older now

>> No.25056705

fucking lol

>> No.25056707


>> No.25056708

they know, it might be her manager tweeting this

>> No.25056709


They've started on Noel DS3

>> No.25056711

So far only Marine and Watame are completely safe.

>> No.25056712

cute feet
cute rap
cute sheep

>> No.25056716
Quoted by: >>25056765

Do you have that Berserker Pekora pic in full, by any chance?

>> No.25056717
File: 67 KB, 316x331, 1592600558054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahahah good one anon

>> No.25056718


I don't know, but it's been going on for a long time so don't expect any change

>> No.25056720

can these fucking retards STOP

>> No.25056721

I don't want to support Cover anymore...

>> No.25056723

It was a good run...

>> No.25056725


>> No.25056726


>> No.25056727


>> No.25056729

They care, but they seem to understand that Cover was in the wrong in the first place, so Cover is bowing down to the higher ups.

>> No.25056730

Aqua NieR gone, also her FF7 is getting privated

>> No.25056731
Quoted by: >>25056749

Fuck. I don't want to be there when Holopocalypse happens. I'm quitting now and going back to watching anime and manga.

>> No.25056734
File: 641 KB, 1280x1522, 1578972858182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ what the fuck is going on

>> No.25056736

What? Source?

>> No.25056738
Quoted by: >>25056772

the nips are FURIOUS

>> No.25056739

>private atleast

>> No.25056740
File: 1.58 MB, 220x220, C6398634-895A-46A3-B58A-E7FB96BE5A42.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056775

Make Coco CEO of Cover

>> No.25056741

>Korone Contra is gone
>The one where she first mentioned Doom
Fuck everything

>> No.25056742

Alright, archive bros. Torrents when?

>> No.25056743
Quoted by: >>25056774

>Subaru basically snapped out of existence at this point

>> No.25056744
Quoted by: >>25056768

It was actually pretty funny. She said her age is now 17 season 2 and this just slaps me for some reason

>> No.25056745

this is a sign from god, stop obsessing over vtubers and do something with your life

>> No.25056746


>> No.25056747

lmao what a developed narrative. you guys should write a novel

>> No.25056748

We let Coco make her own Cover, with black jack and hookers.

>> No.25056749

no one wanted you here in the first place

>> No.25056750

get that skunk out of here

>> No.25056751

Luna's mosquito is secured anons

>> No.25056752
File: 582 KB, 1000x863, Eb33mCEWoAIFGXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's forever remember what we once had and cherish things we still have.

>> No.25056753
File: 26 KB, 172x201, 1562510225745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ok, so in japan brand copyright is so strict that if you take a photo of a street and the logo of a company is there they can actually ask you to take it down.
>So you need to ask permission to do anything that is a brand or copyrighted to uplaod it. This is the law, most wont notice or wont care since the backslash is higher than the reward, BUT the story is different if it is a company like COVER doing it.
But at the same time they are okay with commercialized doujins that show their copyrighted characters rape/get raped/brutally killed etc?

>> No.25056754

Sir why'd you delete the videos?

>> No.25056755
File: 171 KB, 495x695, 1595495104606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remembering hurts too much, I just want to forget.

>> No.25056758
File: 55 KB, 640x360, Shin-Megami-Tensei-Nocturne-Ep-1_-The-Conception-screenshot-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, the world will be reborn anew and new more powerful vtubers will arise

>> No.25056759

We're not even close to done yet

>> No.25056761
Quoted by: >>25056798

Thanks for those who grabbed the Nier ones already, but I don't think her FF7 is archived.

>> No.25056762
Quoted by: >>25056791

I'm so tired, guys.

>> No.25056763

>so who's 100% innocent in this entire situation?
All the ones that rely on video games. Haato, Marine, Coco(since her roommate is free to stream whatever)

>> No.25056764
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, 1589926084197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056765
Quoted by: >>25056935

Here you go https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81438911

>> No.25056766
File: 553 KB, 767x942, 15959670442810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't believe this bitch friendzoned me

>> No.25056767
File: 991 KB, 4092x2893, 78929549_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is always darkest before the dawn, Lu-knight. Keep hope alive.

>> No.25056768

I love her so much

>> No.25056771

At this time? No, I cannot.

>> No.25056772

still not in trending, WE MUST SEETHE HARDER

>> No.25056774

poor duck, she's still sleeping thinking everything is right

>> No.25056773

I thought this was safe for staying up so long

>> No.25056775

But.. she's the one that did this. She's the one that fucked him.

>> No.25056776

I’d bring back the timeloop in a second if it means we get all the streams back

>> No.25056779

And the weirdest part is that her Iron man watch along is still there. Is her manager a fucking schizo or something?

>> No.25056781

It may be, or it may be a sign to stop talking and start archiving

>> No.25056780
File: 168 KB, 818x1157, EcGqCKqUwAAv2C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056803

I hope cover is at least smart enough to back up their footage before nuking it

>> No.25056782
Quoted by: >>25056808

What if the translators are the real unsung heroes? They had to download the streams to sub them.

>> No.25056784

Why are they hitting aqua so hard....

>> No.25056783

It's probably a distraction at this point, give it a week or something

>> No.25056785

I literally can't because of the fucking chink virus.

>> No.25056786
File: 1.07 MB, 2755x2343, EW_akB2UEAIDE18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056897

He's gonna win bros, no matter what

>> No.25056787
File: 275 KB, 1500x968, yagoo abayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover? More like Cower!

>> No.25056788
Quoted by: >>25056920

that falls under aprody

>> No.25056790
Quoted by: >>25056950

NijiCHADS dealt with this as they slowly become popular. HoloSHITS who went the easy way and leeched of everyone in the industry then got explosive growth shows their incompetence and is now taking the burnt.


>> No.25056792

pizza dad...

>> No.25056791

Get ready to sleep tonight when everyone is gone.

>> No.25056793

Downloaded some of Choco's Gakuen, downloading Choco's Outlast now

>> No.25056794
Quoted by: >>25056812

Sora was the one who fucked Kaoru. In response Cover has prematurely started to enact their plan to reboot Hololive this time focused on Suisei. The other members of Gen Neo-0 are going to be Korone, Pekora, Coco and Kanata. The others are going to have to reapply for their jobs.

>> No.25056795

Capturing 6 and upward now. Someone start from the end and go down. Hopefully the beginning few were already captured.

>> No.25056797

I will save the last 5

>> No.25056798

It is.

>> No.25056799


>> No.25056801
Quoted by: >>25056822

I hope Flare jumps ship ASAP

>> No.25056802
File: 579 KB, 824x555, 1592635297430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056803

Yes of course they fucked up everything but for some reason will make a very smart and out of character move

>> No.25056804

Doujins are self published and sold in small quantities.

>> No.25056805

Now would be a good time to switch to another timeline.

>> No.25056806

I want to fucking burn cover, the kyoani arsonist probably felt the same

>> No.25056807
File: 497 KB, 800x999, 1596051234965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056824


>> No.25056808

Translators would never risk their life giving it out.

>> No.25056809
File: 67 KB, 701x387, 1583786476595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056810
Quoted by: >>25056821

poo poo pee pee

>> No.25056812
Quoted by: >>25056830

Why do you post shit like this

>> No.25056813

there's such a thing as parody anon, even western companies are fine with it which is why there are porn parodies of things like spongebob and avengers

>> No.25056814
Quoted by: >>25056843

No podemos dejar de ganar

>> No.25056815

add some lines on the hair were the leg openings

>> No.25056816 [DELETED] 





>> No.25056818

You think we'll at least get more Rushia porn?

>> No.25056819

Did Fubuki get a new model

>> No.25056821


>> No.25056822

She deserves way better than this shit, she's just having fun and was clearly very exited for the sekiro update

>> No.25056823

Would any of the Holos at this point just stream without superchat?

>> No.25056825

Now that Hololive is kill, what is your all-time favorite moment/stream?

>> No.25056824

She looks pretty happy though.

>> No.25056826
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25056827

Everything will be fire

>> No.25056828

i fucked your mom lmao

>> No.25056829
File: 1.12 MB, 1765x2497, Robobutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just woke from midday nap
>Everyone calling Rushia a whore

Quick rundown?

>> No.25056830

Because it is the truth

>> No.25056831
File: 27 KB, 640x480, sugita-tomokazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He plays a vtuber doesnt he?

>> No.25056832
File: 142 KB, 1200x696, CHARMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056946

Anyone wanna stream Mario Kart?
What are you an idiot?!!
NEVER EVER LET NINTENDO INTO THIS CHANNEL AGAIN. Nobody lets Nintendo into the channel of the whole fucking Hololive corporation. It's bad luck.

>> No.25056833

Marine's 3D debut

>> No.25056835
File: 191 KB, 866x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck are they doing it in this order

>> No.25056836

noooo not Mio :(

>> No.25056837

Well even the narrative-giver confirmed it, whether you trust him or not in the first place. Though, I would say that it's all just nothingburger, Kaoru quit holostar because of his own personal reason, and no hologirls were involved in this whole situation, not even Rushia and Miko.

>> No.25056839

No you didnt nigger

>> No.25056841

I need a doujin of Kaoru cucking Iofi

>> No.25056842

>Quick rundown?
Rushia is a whore

>> No.25056843
Quoted by: >>25056864

>streams being deleted left and right

>> No.25056844
Quoted by: >>25056874

They're monitoring these threads and making specific moves to frustrate archivers.

>> No.25056845
Quoted by: >>25056860

Noel's manager is some weird spaz who doesn't go in order. It's like he's mocking us.

>> No.25056846


>> No.25056847
Quoted by: >>25056889


>> No.25056849

Has any roommate done any vague tweet since the holo caust started?

>> No.25056850
Quoted by: >>25056872

Are they removing member only streams too?

>> No.25056851

>They destroyed Kaoru just because of Copyright shit.
Quoting in-denial Mikofags BTW

>> No.25056852

Korone and Marine Cho Aniki endurance

>> No.25056853

quick leave a comment and tell them to stopppp

>> No.25056854
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my harem
also, to the Aquabro that has been archiving her stuff. You are my fucking nigger

>> No.25056855
File: 865 KB, 3000x1688, 1593349214352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25056856

To spite you

>> No.25056857
Quoted by: >>25056886


>> No.25056859

Anti-archivefag maneuvers

>> No.25056860

fuck that faggot, I'm gonna go beat him up

>> No.25056861
File: 942 KB, 1104x544, Haacama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056908

>think about going to sleep
>more shit gets deleted
Let me off the ride

>> No.25056863

That or her ex-fans would make mindbreak/ryona if it ended up being true. I doubt its this batshit though.

>> No.25056862

nothing at all

>> No.25056864

I just wanted to be happy for a second goddamit

>> No.25056866
Quoted by: >>25056883

Your favorite holo is very cute

>> No.25056865

it's just homos forced meme

>> No.25056867


i was literally going to buy a 6 disk nas to back up videos today

>> No.25056868

Fuck, they might hit Aki's powerful Crisis Core run soon.

>> No.25056870

She suing some fucker for slander, they want to be bullied by her in court too.

>> No.25056869

They know people are archiving in order.

>> No.25056871
File: 310 KB, 1280x530, 1594325142615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe hololive is fucking dead

>> No.25056872

Hopefully not. They're a pain to get.

>> No.25056874
File: 30 KB, 500x500, bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're downloading?
>private it

>> No.25056876
File: 1.21 MB, 2893x4092, EeBLBBZUwAM0Ojg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what are the odds the holohouse is actually a new studio where the three of them will start their own studio?

>> No.25056878
File: 40 KB, 328x541, 1593827362696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit really went down after Towa 3D
But different from what was expected.

>> No.25056880
Quoted by: >>25056931

We need pewds or the quartering again to save us.

>> No.25056883

Thanks anon, yours is very cute too. Almost made me cry

>> No.25056885

Turns out it was all because she swapped the Halo

>> No.25056886
Quoted by: >>25056923

He's going to steal all the good holos for his own agency.

>> No.25056889

yet there are still parodies being made of their characters, especially Overwatch

>> No.25056890

Our last happy moment...

>> No.25056891
Quoted by: >>25056905

Will they take out Chocos Jurassic Park stream? I haven't got to watch it yet...

>> No.25056892
File: 468 KB, 1400x2000, EcaI8dvUEAcJPa3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056963


>> No.25056895
File: 297 KB, 388x355, Moona01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level nineteeeeeen!

>> No.25056894


>> No.25056896

Yagoo OD on sleeping pills

>> No.25056897

>everyone in despair while roberu performs his cicada mating-call
what a weird timeline

>> No.25056898
File: 196 KB, 700x471, 1595855581294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw towa will never sit on my face

>> No.25056899
Quoted by: >>25056982

Rushia is very tight.
t. kaoru

>> No.25056900
File: 66 KB, 736x550, 1594218477302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056921

its pretty much becoming an everyday thread theme at this point

>> No.25056902

This is just another one of her devilish deeds right?

>> No.25056903

Over 900 videos have now been privated or deleted.

>> No.25056904

What are the odds the holohouse is actually a place where Coco will hold me tightly, pat my head and tell me everything is going to be okay?

>> No.25056905

It's on twitcast, it's fine.

>> No.25056908

You might as well just assume anything that involves video games in anyway will be deleted if they were before the permissions arc.

>> No.25056911
Quoted by: >>25056976

Towa was too perfect. It was a huge monkey paw. We got Towa 3D 10/10, but now we lose the rest of Hololive.

>> No.25056910
File: 195 KB, 338x322, 1584558820283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056979

bros i'm scared to go to sleep what if i wake up and there's more retirements/contract terminations i'm literally shaking bors...

>> No.25056912
Quoted by: >>25056927

I need to take a shit but I'm scared that while doing so more videos will disappear

>> No.25056913

These are videos not yet downloaded from Choco's subchannel. It's not comprehensive, I didn't include APEX, Ark streams, and many others because I can't crack the fucking moonrunes. It's still a lot though


>> No.25056914
File: 30 KB, 600x600, panty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 month from now the only trace of hololive on youtube will be the subbed videos

>> No.25056915


>> No.25056916

>miko is actually taking more time off to organize the hololive union
thank you miko

>> No.25056918

its been about 66 minutes since this thread started...

>> No.25056920

Doujins are not legal as parody or anything thats not how nip copyright works.
The doujin scene thrives because of unwritten rules older than you are but every now and then we still get cases where a company decides to be gay and prohibit doujins.

>> No.25056921
File: 349 KB, 281x281, 1576369245332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056936


>> No.25056922
File: 59 KB, 650x673, a499c5d4004e79386259f41b86c41ef3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056951


a last horrah for old times


>> No.25056923

But ALL the holos are good holos

>> No.25056924

OVER 900?!?!?!?!

>> No.25056925
File: 1.08 MB, 878x1116, 1595427094330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subaru basically doesnt have a channel anymore

>> No.25056927

They will. Take the shit, theres nothing you can do.

>> No.25056930

How can a company that's about qt girls streaming games have so many fucking problems holy shit. I'm gonna go to sleep and wake up into the holopocalypse. Will genuinely be kind of bothered if Miko gets caught up though, she was my entry point into this several month hole.

>> No.25056931

quarter pounder can't save us this time

>> No.25056932
File: 871 KB, 936x912, towafast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25056971

Let's remember the last day of Hololive.

>> No.25056933


>> No.25056934
Quoted by: >>25057012

>Subaru and Choco are fucking DEAD

>> No.25056935


>> No.25056936
File: 449 KB, 498x498, towacube.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057053


>> No.25056938
File: 355 KB, 680x370, 86e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japan unleashes a sudden, en masse, pre-emptive strike with no warning whatsoever while the Americans run around scared and confused.

>> No.25056940

In this times i wish coco actually was the bitch we think she is

>> No.25056943

Probably Towa 3D. I don't watch her because I don't like Apex and in general I liked Watame's 3D more, but that moment in the end had everything why I love Hololive. When she sung the ERROR on that virtual stage, a real dream come true. I'm glad I witnessed it I'll never forget that feeling.

>> No.25056941

>tfw people who were never here to see it may never know about those videos

>> No.25056944

I don't even care why, but I need to know WHY

>> No.25056945

No, This shit literally came out of nowhere.

>> No.25056946

Manager, have you gotten any word about-
I only get what's passed on to me from A-Chan and the only word she gets is from Yagoo. If we're lucky, the Antis will back down, let the Holos play games, and we can go home. The important thing is we are doing our jobs by being here. All of you should be proud.
Sir that's not the word I was asking about. I was- we wanted to know if you knew anything about Rushia being a slut.
Anon the company manager offered no sitrep as to Rushia's status

>> No.25056947
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1594422762559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25056948

Who the fuck submitted "Remove everyone's videos" as a deed even she can do?

>> No.25056950

now they got sony, bandai, konami and fucking nintendo on their sides.

slow and steady bros

>> No.25056951

Lmao what was the context for the first one

>> No.25056952
Quoted by: >>25056997

I'm glad to witness the end with all of you glorious faggots.
it was a fun ride.

>> No.25056953
Quoted by: >>25056978

What does 5ch say about this? Do they know?

>> No.25056954

>theres nothing you can do
except archive

>> No.25056956
Quoted by: >>25056996

Did they ever disclose the reason why they killed Mikoti?

>> No.25056957
Quoted by: >>25056986

Where were you when hololive was kill?

>> No.25056958
Quoted by: >>25057003

Holohouse is just a code for worker's union!

>> No.25056959

This is all Miko's fault.
Remember this.

>> No.25056962


>> No.25056963

>When no one said anything, one little shy Miko spoke up and became their warrior

>> No.25056964

Im so sad for the genuine duckbros out there

>> No.25056965
Quoted by: >>25057015

>it's against themselves
What did they mean by this?

>> No.25056967

Do we have a damage report on Choco and Noel so far? What are the casualties?

>> No.25056966

that girl is cute, who is she? seems almost familiar somehow

>> No.25056969

Sounds more like Miko tried to negotiate for them to not wipe every thing and failed in negotiations. She said we'll never find out what their discussion is about, but this is clear.

>> No.25056971
File: 226 KB, 2048x1151, 1595766019396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057166

It would have made for a great finale.

>> No.25056973

Miko's gonna save us from this
Remember this

>> No.25056975
Quoted by: >>25057014


>> No.25056976
Quoted by: >>25057016

>antis and shitposters got their wish of Towa graduating... along with the rest of Hololives
Every wish has its price.

>> No.25056978

I know that this is literally all 2ch are discussing, for what it's worth.


>> No.25056979

Their roommates are going to adopt different personas and make the hololive resistance a reality. Expect Miko and Aquas' new debuts any day now.

>> No.25056980
Quoted by: >>25057018

Soon we will see people uploading full playthroughs to nyaa.
>[Coalgirls] Usada Pekora - Metal Gear Solid 4 [1920x1080 WEBRIP FLAC] [92137123]

>> No.25056981

she clearly failed
she probably won't come back after this

>> No.25056982

inside her info:
indeed it is

>> No.25056983


>> No.25056984
File: 1.84 MB, 1458x1504, 1571428173803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never see Pato Final (12 horas Sans) ever again

>> No.25056985
File: 779 KB, 800x1119, 1572903327625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a reminder; it's Marine's birthday

>> No.25056986

I was fighting to keep it alive

>> No.25056988

just got back from surgery, the patient died early so I got to go home, any new updates?

>> No.25056987

not sure about Choco, but they're in the process of taking down Noel's DS3 playthrough

>> No.25056991

Noel's DS is going downs as we speak, same for choco's VNs

>> No.25056992
Quoted by: >>25057038

>Noel DS1 + DS3
>Choco Life is Strange + Undertale + Random VNs DELETED

What's saved from Choco
>Choco GTA + 1, 3, 4, 6 of Life is Strange (rip 2 and 5) + Undertale + some Pokemon Yellow + Pokemon Sword/Shield (complete?) + Gakuen Handsome + Untitled Goose Game + DBD Moruru Collab

>> No.25056995

Is this the famed timeloop everyone here keeps talking about?

>> No.25056996

Gomenasai, it can't be helped.

>> No.25056997

Don't act like it's the end already... we were supposed to be here for the 2nd fes. The 4th Gen group song, all of it...

>> No.25056998


she reacted to her demonetization by youtube mid-play-through.

>> No.25056999

Why can't they just move to bilibili? HL is already a Chinese company anyway.

>> No.25057001
Quoted by: >>25057048

how many of these were killed in action today

>> No.25057003


>> No.25057005

ever since i found out about fatcat, i can't watch her anymore. Mio as well

>> No.25057006


>> No.25057007

I'm literally crying right now

>> No.25057008

And you'd never know if you don't scroll down since nothing post-permissions have been touched...

>> No.25057009

antis had started shitposting on twitter a few hours ago

>> No.25057011
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x799, 1595955043215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057161

we've done all we could anon...its time to let go

>> No.25057010
Quoted by: >>25057036

how long until this is gone?

>> No.25057012

Choco wasn't hit that hard, mainly Undertale (which was unfinished) and LiS

>> No.25057014


>> No.25057015
Quoted by: >>25057100

Well it turned out that provoking the Americans turned out to be against their best interests in the end. I guess allegorically the nukes could be otaku deepfaking new idol content with the stashes and putting the real girls out of a job, then become comfort women for the occupying G.I

>> No.25057016

Thank you monkey paw

>> No.25057017
Quoted by: >>25057055

Insider info here:
Yagoo is currently on a plane to the Philippines with all the money

>> No.25057018
Quoted by: >>25057092


>> No.25057021

>Was she really so evil, in the end?
Literally the Femtoh of Hololive

>> No.25057023

All this video deletion is a part of her plan to suck the money out of all the sad hololive fans today

>> No.25057026

and ARK streams

>> No.25057028

>4th gen finish their 3D debuts
>Miko leaves
>Hololive dies

>> No.25057030
File: 512 KB, 1448x2048, 1595517494209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't really spend ALL DAY refreshing these threads and posting, did you Anon? I hope not...

>> No.25057032

Is this the most civilized time of /hlg/?

>> No.25057034
Quoted by: >>25057068

Your favorite holo
What does her wet farts smell like

>> No.25057036

how about you download the stream instead of wondering about what if, you dumb fuck

>> No.25057038

Choco's Pokemon Yellow is complete, downloading Outlast right now

>> No.25057039

no i just woke up but i plan to do it for the next 15 hours

>> No.25057040
Quoted by: >>25057127

I'm on 6/7 for gakuen handsome (again, just getting it all) and will continue from the 3rd dbz link onward. If no one gets Among the Sleep I can probably get that too, but it'll take some time.

>> No.25057042

They didn't hit the decoy channels this time

>> No.25057043
Quoted by: >>25057145

So which Korone streams are privated? Her videos are down to about 300~ now

>> No.25057041

What's this?

>> No.25057044

Turns out all we really need is an outside enemy.

>> No.25057046

Nah just for a couple hours

>> No.25057047

Somebody needs to add bootleg Suisei.

>> No.25057048

>Tetas Dark Souls...
>El Trapo Beyblade...

>> No.25057049

>the rebirth of hololive
>no more videogames
>it's all zatsudan, singing, 3d dancing, and gameshow format collabs
are you ready for the real idol group?

>> No.25057050

I went to the gym and did my reps
let me shitpost in peace you dog

>> No.25057053

>Ey nigga get me outta this whack ass prison.

>> No.25057055


>> No.25057056
File: 333 KB, 670x490, 1587394620187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover here. There is current company take over. The videos that are being privatized will be further reviewed. Loose ends are being tied. Thank you for your support.

>> No.25057058

No, I had to go pick up a wifi adapter and got Wendys

>> No.25057063

It MEEEEAAAANNs Aki is a cute clumsy sweetheart who couldn't hurt a fly even if she tried despite her super strength.

>> No.25057064
Quoted by: >>25057079


>> No.25057065

>June 5th

>> No.25057066
Quoted by: >>25057089

[Hololive FUNNY MOMENTS] Hololive dies

>> No.25057067

I got to go there for work every 6 months until COVID happened (well actually until the protests in late 2019, then followed by COVID). I miss some of the folks there. I have heard the Santiago quarantines aren't ending until September? I hope everything is going okay for you Chileno-san.

>> No.25057068


>> No.25057069

Actual company suicide

>> No.25057070

Just drinking and the thread auto refreshes
The drinking is normal so there's no correlation

>> No.25057071

That's just the translation of the Cover message about permissions.

>> No.25057073
File: 1.52 MB, 1320x1080, 1572196945998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who don't care about videos being yeeted?

>> No.25057074

I can imagine Aqua quitting the same way Sasaki did

>> No.25057075

Imagine them having to accept sponsorships to actually play any video game

>> No.25057077
File: 64 KB, 451x553, 1591989085624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are hoarding streams? Just to say that you have them? What, are you really gonna watch all of them again?

>> No.25057079

Yes, everyone's helping eachother instead of shitposting and falseflagging lol

>> No.25057081
Quoted by: >>25057131

I hope whoever archived her shit did it in high quality. Even if hololive were to die, if there was just one stream I got to save, it'd be her 3d debut.

>> No.25057084

Kind of interesting moment that even if we hate each other most of the times, most people, way more than any other platform like reddit or discord, genuinely like hololive and trying to help archive it.

>> No.25057087

you cracked it anon, they are going family friendly. they chose miko for the first intervention since she is open about it and encourages her fans. marine, aki and matsuli are up next

>> No.25057088

this is old news, also only nintendo nuked contetn was subarus mario maker videos.

>> No.25057089


>> No.25057090

The first permissions arc.
The ride wasn't over.

>> No.25057092
File: 7 KB, 1017x56, 1577841983410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only 126GB

>> No.25057093

Haachama this is Haachama 2. Be advised enemy Antis to our east. Have optics on us, appear to be armed with copyright strikes how copy?
Haachama 2 this is Haachama. You are approved to engage those targets.

>> No.25057099
Quoted by: >>25057123

Me neither, it's mostly /v/ shit I don't care about.

>> No.25057100
Quoted by: >>25057130

The aspects of Japanese culture that we fetishize are a direct result of the occupation. Anybody who likes anime, videogames or idols needs to thank the Americans for provoking war with and then destroying imperial Japan.

>> No.25057103

Isn't she full idol now?

>> No.25057105
Quoted by: >>25057149

does /hlg/ really?

>> No.25057106

*quits because they can't play things that they enjoy*
*quits because Cover is being retarded (as usual) and they are now big enough to make it on their own*
Both have happened before. Both will happen in the future, if things keep going like this.

>> No.25057108
File: 33 KB, 1080x353, mion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25057110

>Muh 6 gorillion videos

>> No.25057112
File: 193 KB, 1754x1240, Ecpri8jUMAAFUcA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057161

It was like a fever dream, but even that passes away, leaving only coldness inside. Reaching the top, completing their rite of passage into 3D, becoming the proper part of Hololive... Of Hololive which isn't anymore...

>> No.25057113
Quoted by: >>25057139

Please try to get the joke next time anon.

>> No.25057114

Why are they taking down videos again?

>> No.25057116


>> No.25057117

To my understanding she was already quite frustrated due to, well ,playing dark souls

>> No.25057118

I stored one complete stream of my favorite game by one of my favorite chuubas. If it gets taken down I'll be able to watch it someday, and/or share it with someone who loves that chuuba's content.

>> No.25057119
Quoted by: >>25057139

It's a joke about Coalgirls bloating the size of their stuff.

>> No.25057120

Refreshing it? I thought everyone do the autorefreshing thing

>> No.25057121

Noel's roommate is doing some test stream on her main channel around noon, is hololive really going down?

>> No.25057123

>tons of videos removed
>holos lose motivation
>you come running in screaming about no new content

>> No.25057124
File: 43 KB, 680x383, 54364578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of the nousagi today.

>> No.25057125
File: 96 KB, 700x950, 1592508469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her solo live is her last tearful send off

>> No.25057127
Quoted by: >>25057165

Didn't we split Gakuen Handsome?
Well, regardless, this one's (IueuMff05pg) about to finish in 10 minutes and then I'll start with DBZ 1 and 2

>> No.25057128

I'm mostly focused on my reps now, I promise

>> No.25057129

It's amazing how similar 5ch is to this place.
They falseflag, doxxpost, shitpost the same way we do.

>> No.25057130

A shame american culture had to be sacrificed for Japan to flourish

>> No.25057131
File: 31 KB, 300x211, 1590577598774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057242

I know Apex is safe but someone please archive her post yabee endurance stream. Thanks,

>> No.25057133
File: 274 KB, 262x480, 1595810633506.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to take the Suisei and Roboco pills, anons.

>> No.25057136

IDOLCHADS CAN'T STOP WINNING!!! Sadly it would be too good to be true...
t. Idolfag

>> No.25057137

I'll be honest I dive through the old archives sometimes and it's like 4k views max on average. The majority of people are getting angry purely because it's gone but I feel like most also never gave a shit before.

>> No.25057138

Anon if you keep talking to your Chuuba like it's real, everybody's gonna know you're a total psycho.

>> No.25057139
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1565328445067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please forgive my autism.

>> No.25057141

This just came in from 5ch guys, apparently Sora and Yagoo have been detained after attempting to flee the country with a bunch of undeclared iPhones

>> No.25057142

You can't be this retarded and think this place as a camaraderie. Stop being a newfag

>> No.25057143


>> No.25057144

>gets banned for viewbotting
>doxxes herself
>acts like a retard and pretends she knows more than everyone else
dumb bitch unironically deserves to be fired. if she was really so confident she'd go indie, oh wait, she never will because literally 0 people would watch her if she didn't have the Hololive brand attached to her name.

>> No.25057145

Around 120+ was privated. there was a comment on Reddit which are what are removed though I don't know how updated are those.

>> No.25057148
File: 162 KB, 1202x838, 63F00754-A6C8-4EAC-A86A-8DD841BFCDDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end she will remain and then finally move on

>> No.25057149
Quoted by: >>25057177

Yes, I hate (You) but if you can archive a few streams I will suck your cock.

>> No.25057151

I'm ready for Korone and Okayu to ditch this sinking ship and start a new channel where they don't have to be tied down

>> No.25057152

That's pretty much how it was for me already. Fuck ark, minecraft, apex and whatever shitty horror game that comes out.

>> No.25057154

Business as normal she always does random streams like this

>> No.25057153
File: 3 KB, 224x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to let my guard down

>> No.25057155
Quoted by: >>25057296

A bunch of recent and popular stuff is down though. Quit being ignorant.

>> No.25057156

Not really, she has already been doing games on the side for while, she might do a zatsusan or something

>> No.25057158

Great minds think alike.

>> No.25057160
Quoted by: >>25057175

What are you talking about?

>> No.25057161
File: 210 KB, 406x525, 1592203119223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only gonna get worse, i can't take it.

>> No.25057162

are they archiving

>> No.25057164

That almost makes too much sense... hopefully not though.

>> No.25057165
Quoted by: >>25057185

We did. I had to step away for a bit so I just let it keep going. The overlap is fine -- ultimately it's better that as much of the content is distributed to as many people as possible.

>> No.25057166

In a way, I suppose it was.
それでも涙 イタイ 痛い
君に届いたの? 歌う声に最後の
言葉並べても 重なる色滲んで

>> No.25057169


>> No.25057171

Uploading to youtube unlisted for others. Some idiots say that's morally wrong but since the originals are gone who fucking cares.

>> No.25057172

I haven't watched some of them yet because I'm not fluent enough and discovered Hololive just this spring. I want to be able to do watch those videos some day.

>> No.25057175

they fugly

>> No.25057176

because one day in the future in a lonely day, i want to be able to dust off an old hard drive, and at least for a while be able to hear her laugh again, wonder were i lost her acrylic stand, check her roommate's twitter which has been inactive for years, and remember that while it's over the memories of it will never leave me, just like and old internet friend who's email i lost, and the vague memories of a schooltrip. Think of the fact that i got to be there for what might have been the happiest period of her life, think about how even for a split second while reading my name she knew i existed, how she pushed me to learn a leguage, to improve my drawing, to go out an most and important of all, to be happy
to wonder if she keeps up with her old friends, if she has fanart still saved on her phone for when nostalgia hits her, if she still sings like back in the day, and just for the that day allow myself to cry thinking about her very last goodbye

and maybe to wish that wherever she is, married to a man or a woman, maybe even single, that above all she is happy. and that someone be it to my children, partner, friends or even a stranger that i can make someone as happy as she made me back in the days, because that might have been a fake persona, on a badly rigged avatar, but she really did make me happy

>> No.25057177

I can't. I just woke up.
All I can say is goodluck to those archivefags

>> No.25057178
Quoted by: >>25057387

I will fall into a deep depression without aqua

>> No.25057179

I hope this happens bro hololive can go die in a fire for all i care

>> No.25057180
Quoted by: >>25057256

But I'm here since the thread split, when will I graduate from newfag to oldfag

>> No.25057182

Rushia is the Pokimane of vtubers
Miko is the Pewdiepie

>> No.25057183

no, fuckers live on 20kb internet

>> No.25057184
Quoted by: >>25057228

I'm so tired of everything, I just want to give up

>> No.25057185

Oh, I guess you were downloading off of the playlist instead of individual links. Yeah it's no big deal

>> No.25057188

Skeletons are cool.

>> No.25057189
Quoted by: >>25057458

Reminder that Cover isn't even going to attempt to get permissions for anything. Expect meme kusoges, ARK, and Minecraft streams until Hololive eventually goes bankrupt from mismanagement.

>> No.25057190

Thanks for this anon, it was really good

>> No.25057191

no yes...

>> No.25057193

Couldn't you tell?

>> No.25057194
Quoted by: >>25057217

Okayu's roommate is cute and Mio's roommate is a milf

>> No.25057195

>last night's stream
comfy english covers

>> No.25057196

I also looked up Generation Kill videos.

>> No.25057197

>tfw this post is already reality
Time loop is also apparently time acceleration.

>> No.25057198
Quoted by: >>25057227

I guess its easy to not appreciate what you have till its gone. How many people thought that'd today would be the day so many videos are privated or removed?

>> No.25057199
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1583635101786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I am.
and you're not gonna get any nerd

>> No.25057201
Quoted by: >>25057306

Yeah! Skeletons are cool!

>> No.25057202

God I wish

>> No.25057203
Quoted by: >>25057236

this feels like the apocalypse....

>> No.25057204

not really, they're just gossiping and arguing with each other.

>> No.25057205

Videos saved:
>Roboco's One Hitman Video + Detroit + GTAV + Pokemon + Splatoon 2

>> No.25057207

This is just outright incorrect

>> No.25057208

You download the videos and then what?

>> No.25057209
Quoted by: >>25057306

Yeah! Skeletons are cool!

>> No.25057210
Quoted by: >>25057245

>permission arc didn't get better
>it actually got much horribly worse
Why does everything I like turn to shit, is it my fault?

>> No.25057211
File: 821 KB, 1083x609, ripsubaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057238

feel really bad for subaru. does anyone have any of her archives even?

>> No.25057212
Quoted by: >>25057260


>> No.25057213

Some holos are gonna start waking up soon...

>> No.25057214

Doing God's work, I still haven't watched RBC's Detroit.

>> No.25057217
Quoted by: >>25057240

Based fellow archichad.

>> No.25057219
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1590173324986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a funny way of spelling Risu

>> No.25057220

H-haha yeah, of course not, who would do that h-haha

>> No.25057221

>Why do people record history?

>> No.25057223
File: 67 KB, 850x850, 1596057234695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25057226
Quoted by: >>25057270

I imagine they had a day or two heads up before this happened

>> No.25057228
Quoted by: >>25057265

simple, just download your favorite streams or moment and move on. i've watched every stream live and of course i miss things but there are tons of good stops if you aren't an EOP. for EOPs they can enjoy subbed clips like they have been. people are panicking for no reason. archiving everything is good but not everyone should be doing it, focus on your favorite moments and streams far before everything else and just wait until it blows over because cover won't address it properly

>> No.25057227

That one anon joking about how if you woke up and everything disappeared haha... Can't believe it actually happened.

>> No.25057230

I love fatcat even more now

>> No.25057231
Quoted by: >>25057271

I work outside Cover Corp office. Kaoru was sexting Iofi with a side of Marine. Kanata being on reddit drove antis insane leading them to
false copyright claims.

>> No.25057233
Quoted by: >>25057276

Meanwhile fucking Watame hasn't slept and wonders why she'll be out cold for a whole day.

>> No.25057234
Quoted by: >>25057332

hit me up with aqua, korone and Pekora torrents/mega.... onegai

>> No.25057235

I wouldn’t be opposed to this if this shit is really this bad. Also aren’t there rumors that they were some indie vtubers before hololive?

>> No.25057236
Quoted by: >>25057310

HOLOcaust... remember 6 million videos

>> No.25057237
Quoted by: >>25057314

Aqua nier is gone
Aqua pubg is missing two videos
Aqua titanfall 2 is still up

>> No.25057238

Someone grabbed some of her vods before it was too late.

>> No.25057239
Quoted by: >>25057285

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time

It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life.../hlg/...

>> No.25057240

If you build it, they will come

>> No.25057242
Quoted by: >>25057290

I'm on it.

>> No.25057246

Mio is pretty cute tho

>> No.25057245

You are a black void of emptiness and despair. Everything you touch rots away. Begone.

>> No.25057247

I'm more confused on how management is going about nuking everything. Kanata's Chrono Trigger videos are still up but other CT streams are dead. Are management only looking through playlists?

>> No.25057248
File: 312 KB, 642x591, angry okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube throttling my downloads

>> No.25057249

If a holo will be brave enough to leave Cover and start a carrier as independent, I will akasupa her anytime I can, even if I don't like her.

>> No.25057254
File: 139 KB, 581x581, 06ztfl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057279

all the problems with copyright started with britbongs getting pissy over music

>> No.25057256

2 years minimum

>> No.25057255

Not really rumors when you can go and watch some of them on YT and NND.

>> No.25057257

When the girls leave hololive they're gonna want their old videos back and youtube won't help them, but I will.

>> No.25057261

I like Rikka please spare him. He just wants to jam with his guitar

>> No.25057260

>She played bloodborne

>> No.25057262
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 1595764399789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't learn Japanese in time to fully enjoy Hololive
>it actually fucking died
bros...I'm not gonna make it...

>> No.25057264

Imagine being so FAT that you won't let your cat have a single calorie from the 900000 you ingest every day.

>> No.25057265

This. I'm an EOP, and while the loss of these videos makes it so theres less potential translated content, theres already tons out there, and hopefully they'll be creating a lot more.

>> No.25057267
Quoted by: >>25057468

Just move to fucking Nicovideo.
No more gaijin. No more regulations. No more bothering.

>> No.25057268

haha it's coco

>> No.25057270

What if it really was sanctioned and that's why Tuesday was the meeting day? Subaru had to move her day off from Monday to Tuesday too.

>> No.25057271

It only just occurred to me, but no one is pointing the finger at Marine.

>> No.25057276

How do you know she's still awake?

>> No.25057278

>being this indifferent to archiving
>he isn't haunted by the thoughts of the mountain of books/music/videos/games/data lost when sites like megaupload and mediafire went down

>> No.25057279

Why do they always ruin everything?

>> No.25057282

I was already in the process of downloading mine to use as an aid in learning Japanese (attempting to transcribe the videos from verbal into written japanese for practice). This just kicked it into overdrive.

But today, I don't think I'll even do my reps.

>> No.25057284
Quoted by: >>25057318

Korone's going to go independent soon to escape this permission hell, I can feel it.

>> No.25057285
File: 307 KB, 578x878, ゴズリング46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25057287

Please don't hit Izuru, jump king already destroyed his soul.

>> No.25057288
File: 89 KB, 700x467, 1588572955285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worth it?

>> No.25057289

When you start asking
>what happened to Mio's 7 Days to Die stream?
archivers will laugh at you for not grabbing it while you had the chance and likely not feel compelled to share

>> No.25057290

Please prioritize the last part. 10Q

>> No.25057291
Quoted by: >>25057319

i wonder if they know we're downloading their archives. I would mention it but I'm not confident in my japanese to relay it.

>> No.25057292

You guys better not re-upload Noel's deleted videos.

>> No.25057294


>> No.25057296

>Quit being ignorant.
Relax, it's just a fact that most people just watch the translated EOP clips. And those are guaranteed to exist for the popular VODs too.

I'm not saying I don't personally care, because it hurts way more when it's the obscure stuff getting taken down.

But I also usually watch live knowing that YT can always bomb the stream before it gets in the archive too.

>> No.25057297

A good number of them are

>> No.25057301
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1593438579626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057339

it was real hard to get motivated for reps today
I was basically autopiloting it

>> No.25057302
File: 302 KB, 498x452, 1592387833451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to sleep
>woke up
>hoped that everything is just a bad dream
>they're not
It's all so tiresome...

>> No.25057303

this was one of the last things that still brought me joy in this world

>> No.25057304

Some tenshifag download these already, please
These aren't downloaded yet
DDLC (#2)

>> No.25057305

let's take a collective breath for a moment and calm our senses

>> No.25057306

Anyone got the image? It makes me smile.

>> No.25057307

vtubers are worse than the jews

>> No.25057309

History should be preserved as much as we can

>> No.25057310

Can't wait for Cover to deny the Holocaust.

>> No.25057313

Yeah. What are you going to do? Watch your thirty second poorly subbed clip on YouTube and think about how it would have been nice if the third-world uploader had at least subbed half of the stream?

>> No.25057314

Hopefully that one guy is still archiving. He disappeared.

>> No.25057317

Your relationship with your pet is mostly about respect.

Because we'd all be happy for her if she got knocked up.

>> No.25057318

I wonder what the best way for her to signpost her new channel/content would be, considering she probably won't be able to say anything. Or any of the other holos for that matter. Word of mouth, I guess.

>> No.25057319

>I would mention it

>> No.25057320
Quoted by: >>25057342


>> No.25057322

/t/chads are on the case, you can't win this one

>> No.25057324

5ch has

>> No.25057325
File: 39 KB, 399x399, XlRHCSnL_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check Subrau's channel
>still has over 500 videos
holy shit you people are exaggerating this shit so hard

>> No.25057327

>Not knowing the cat has been dieting for a while

Also I know you're playing, but she was worried about Temanyan.

>> No.25057329

Oh no guys a bunch of videos no one ever watched after the stream happened are gone. <---- said so deadpan sarcastic even the retards who populate this place can get it

>> No.25057331

Just so you all know, I'm going Nijisanji if Aqua moves to her real friends. Sayonara Okayu.

>> No.25057332

Try looking at the last 3 threads few ones are posted. Archivefags are still downloading their stuff right now.

>> No.25057333

How do we even know that Rushia sued someone?

>> No.25057334
Quoted by: >>25057357

Hopefully it stays up for a bit longer, I'm getting there.

2020-05-10 04:36 AM 3,598,768,958 【天音かなた】【20200510】【クロノ・トリガー】平成最高の1本といわれた名作ゲーム 、初見で楽しむっっ!!!【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - FZXM1ZQQR4c.mkv
2020-05-12 05:01 AM 4,278,251,175 【天音かなた】【20200512】【クロノ・トリガー】お弁当盗んで裁判有罪!?波乱万丈な 冒険・・・【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - 8ChSjLOaoLY.mkv
2020-05-13 06:21 AM 7,012,742,150 【天音かなた】【20200513】【クロノ・トリガー】廃工場の研究所へ・・・時空の歪みの 大冒険!!!【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - 7HP8XRUfqBM.mkv
2020-07-29 08:20 PM 0 【天音かなた】【20200514】【クロノ・トリガー】神ゲー続き!!ボス恐竜人と戦うぞお おお!!!【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - xkq2uBxlSAk.f299.mp4.part
2020-05-17 01:49 PM 10,083,742,153 【天音かなた】【20200517】【クロノ・トリガー】3人の賢者を探せ!神BGMの名作ゲーム を楽しむのだ!!【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - w0Fazy5pOYo.mkv
2020-05-22 10:37 AM 13,951,753,840 【天音かなた】【20200522】【クロノ・トリガー】ラスボス倒すまでラストスパート!! 【天音かなた_ホロライブ4期生】 - LpDafvTyARY.mkv

>> No.25057335

now go to playlists

>> No.25057336

You can tell that the SEAniggers have started waking up.

>> No.25057337

Management isn't done yet, so expect those to be gone. Just like how they're working through Aqua's channel right now. FF7, Nier, GTA, Pretty sure even JS Sekiro is gone.

>> No.25057338

Fuck you anon, this post really hit hard today

>> No.25057339

Same, I got through them somehow but my thoughts weren't with that.

>> No.25057341

Check the playlists.

>> No.25057342

Damn, shitty. The way she reacted though, I imagined her just flailing about kicking her legs throwing a little tantrum, looked very cute

>> No.25057343
File: 31 KB, 500x566, AAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, only started japanese for real after hololive.

>> No.25057344
Quoted by: >>25057529

do you know how many thousand videos it had before?

>> No.25057345

Fubuki Five Nights at Freddy's is gone

>> No.25057346

>entertainer makes money and free advertising
>doesn’t even shit on your game
>copystrike anyway

It’s all tiresome

>> No.25057347

>Managers receive vague and unclear instructions from superiors regarding removing unpermitted content
>It's Jap culture, they can't question superiors or ask them to be more clear
>They're given a strict deadline and don't have time to discuss
>It's every salaryman for themselves

>> No.25057348

I fucking hope Suisei quit this shithole, hire another live2D artist, and go full independent. With how much connection she has right now and the fact that she has the right to her character, I think it's very possible to do that. Then I can finally get my comfy tetris streams again

>> No.25057350

>Miko got fired so she made a phone call to capcom
lmao based shrine maiden taking the whole company down with her and her boyfriend.

>> No.25057353
Quoted by: >>25057403

Why? What’s wrong with em?

>> No.25057354

At least we enjoyed it with the Japanese we did know.

>> No.25057357
Quoted by: >>25057394

Are you formatting the filename a particular way? The dates seem useful.

>> No.25057361

I always knew doomposting fubuki avatar faggot was a piece of shit retard

>> No.25057362
File: 124 KB, 1359x507, Shubau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It counts the deleted ones too

>> No.25057363

You are not going to watch the videos

You are not going translate the videos

You don't even understand Japanese

>> No.25057364

Miko sugoroku collab, I laughed for 2 hours straight

>> No.25057365
File: 103 KB, 640x357, ti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First impact was the beginning of hololive
>Second impact is happening right now
What's the third impact going to look like, boys?

>> No.25057366
File: 472 KB, 630x717, 1595970910636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't want to lose fuu-tan, please i'm still not good enough to tell her how much she has helped me :__:

>> No.25057367

just got here wtf happened

>> No.25057368

Me in a thread yesterday: I wish Watame would go back to releasing those cute little songs she would do
Monkey paw: your wish is granted senpai https://youtu.be/MvlgyKTSSEA

>> No.25057369

since when does Scott care...this deleting makes no sense at all, there's no pattern to it

>> No.25057370
Quoted by: >>25057403


>> No.25057372
File: 1.07 MB, 548x422, 1592507612455.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this Towa sending a message to the family that she will be transferring to another company

>> No.25057374
File: 269 KB, 472x483, just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck anon

>> No.25057376
Quoted by: >>25057416

Unfortunately no one gives a shit about archiving FBK. Everyone's too busy with everyone else.

>> No.25057377

End yourself, moron.

>> No.25057378

the actual videos that have playlists even before everything started getting deleted didn't even make up half of her channel you dummies.

>> No.25057380

Noel Dark Souls 1 to 7 https://pastebin.com/6n5YrDaq

>> No.25057382
File: 688 KB, 1318x560, that&#039;s it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057436

>FBKfag is a fucking idiot

>> No.25057383 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25057466


>> No.25057385

third impact will be the massive graduation wave and it's coming real soon

>> No.25057386



>> No.25057387
File: 344 KB, 1112x834, 1594419045248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same....those weeks without her were rough enough
I can definitely empathize with what the 35p are going through

>> No.25057388

Feels good when you're wrong on all 3 accounts.

>> No.25057390
File: 15 KB, 138x156, explorer_U6jkg1KY0u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057423

Already downloaded DDLC a while back (4.72GB)
I'll plug in the other two.

>> No.25057391

imagine being this bitter and jaded that seeing people care about something makes you angry

>> No.25057392

>tfw no one saved FBK's channel at all still after all these hours

>> No.25057393

How many videos of Tamaki have been deleted?

>> No.25057394
Quoted by: >>25057400

I'm using
--output 'd:/youtube/【天音かなた】【%(upload_date)s】%(title)s - %(id)s.%(ext)s'

>> No.25057395

I hope Copyrights laws get shit on by the time boomers die

>> No.25057399

Gen 1 graduation collab

>> No.25057400


>> No.25057403
Quoted by: >>25057439

Just don't do it.

>> No.25057404

there's still way more videos than what's inside playlists you dumbass

>> No.25057405

I haven't gone through the thread archives yesterday. I know about the kaoru stuff but how bad is permissions 2.0 so far.

>> No.25057406

Miko's Sugoroku

>> No.25057407

yep SEAniggers definitely waking up not realizing what's going on

>> No.25057408

Nice. Thank you archiveanon

>> No.25057409

Thank you dude

>> No.25057410

Rona taking the holos after they go indie

>> No.25057411
File: 458 KB, 680x680, 1594520560305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third impact is gonna be holoEN and gen5

>> No.25057413

Imagine being unable to enjoy your favorite live, lmao. Poor Paco.

>> No.25057415
Quoted by: >>25057628

I could stay awake just to hear you breathin'
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Cause every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

Don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing

>> No.25057416
File: 174 KB, 789x843, abayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do anon. She got me here, it's the least I can do for her. Any requests?

>> No.25057419
Quoted by: >>25057457

there were some other commands we were supposed to run with youtube-dl right? something about metadata and some json

>> No.25057421

that was the first full stream I watched of her...

>> No.25057422
Quoted by: >>25057475



>> No.25057423

Videos saved:
>Kanata Makai Mura + Witch's House + Ib 1&2 + Shinymas + https://pastebin.com/raw/qU4cxVj4 + "I got all of Shinymas and a bunch of other old stuff like Rhythm Heaven." + DDLC + CT

>> No.25057424

Thanks man

>> No.25057426

Anon... the EOPs are winning... clips are still up, untranslated streams are not...

>> No.25057427

Now learn what happens to youtube channels that delete a bunch of videos and millions of view counts. Subaru is fucked trying to grow her channel without endless shilling from other holos now.

>> No.25057428
Quoted by: >>25057480

Some 10 million minutes of video footage is gone

>> No.25057431

I want to say no, but after the scandal today. I'm skeptic Hololive may not be here tomorrow.

>> No.25057432
Quoted by: >>25057480

We might go full corporate sponsors for permissions

>> No.25057433

Please don't...

>> No.25057434
File: 513 KB, 710x1805, 1593253959363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we are all fucked, anon.

>> No.25057436

don't tell me you actually think this

>> No.25057438

In case you narrativefags missed it, Japanese Keemstar (Narukami) confirmed that Miko is innocent and it was not her who Kaoru has an affair with, read more on his blog: https://note.com/narukamisabaki/n/n4c94fda73e0c

All that being said, now it could be your holo though, so you better be prepared for your holo's graduation soon...

>> No.25057439

I'm doing it right now and won't stop unless you tell me why

>> No.25057441

God bless you

>> No.25057442

I've been away for a bit...

Jesus Christ, it's a massacre.

>> No.25057444

Don't use my wife to shitpost you brainless retard.

>> No.25057445

>people actually think this is the end of hololive
are you guys retarded?

>> No.25057446

Do you guys really watch archives? I don't have enough time to watch live streams as it is.

>> No.25057447
Quoted by: >>25057557

It's unironically old fucking retarded stuck in their ways boomers that don't see the value in the free advertisement streamers offer.

>> No.25057448
Quoted by: >>25057480

Hundreds of archives gone, most privated, some outright deleted

>> No.25057449

But only untranslated videos are getting axed? From official channels to boot.

>> No.25057450

Void, and that SSS Pien stream

>> No.25057451
File: 285 KB, 1234x890, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they so inconsistent, though?

>> No.25057453
File: 590 KB, 1075x1079, 1591649020691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The everyday life we took for granted finally crumbled.

>> No.25057454
File: 332 KB, 216x550, ppt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25057455


>> No.25057456

I'm voting for Rushia.

>> No.25057457

The shit about to get nuked. I don't know what exactly. Sorry, I'm too busy with Choco. Might as well download anything and everything you can

--write-info-json --write-description --all-subs

>> No.25057458

I really don't like this narrative.

>> No.25057459

Korone's WHOLE doom playthrough is translated and will not and will never get taken down.

>> No.25057460

Well, how credible is this dude?

>> No.25057463
Quoted by: >>25057484

>SEAnigger still doesn't get it
color me surprised

>> No.25057464
File: 945 KB, 561x561, 1580406877740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[Deleted Video]

>> No.25057465

Miko died

>> No.25057466
Quoted by: >>25057833

I downloaded and could upload it somewhere but I'm not going to LOL

>> No.25057467

Bless you anon

>> No.25057468

Oh, you mean the site that has tons of antis waiting to eat most of them alive and literally kill Korone? You Godless, fucking inbred weeaboo.

>> No.25057469

It's rushia

>> No.25057470

They are a bunch of fucking retards

>> No.25057472

>Japanese Keemstar
Why should I listen to anything he says?

>> No.25057473

Your reaction when a 3D debut gets deleted?

>> No.25057475
File: 1.01 MB, 2606x1853, 1595111528664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woohoo haha look at me everybody I'm a fucking retard xD
I thought people usually grow out of this attitude in grade school.

>> No.25057477

If he's Japanese Keemstar then he is not credible at all.

>> No.25057479

Thankfully Watame already had her yabee moment and nowadays she's so broken she only streams, eats and sleeps.

>> No.25057480

That fucking sucks.

>> No.25057481

are you dorks still posting about your wacky conspiracy theories

>> No.25057483
Quoted by: >>25057501

I'm currently downloading #1 of the 7 Choco DBZ links I posted. Another anon is downloading 3 to 7. I'm going to download #1 and #2 because my internet is shit.

>> No.25057484
Quoted by: >>25057508

a lot of hours were deleted, but don't pretend her entire channel was wiped. That's being extremely dishonest.

>> No.25057485

because it's funny

>> No.25057486

This post actually make me tear up a bit today

>> No.25057487

Thank you for your hardwork anon, I've watched her AC5 stream twice but I never got around to watching the AC7 stream.

>> No.25057489

2020 will have destroyed my soul

>> No.25057490

and the clips just keep rolling

>> No.25057491

Please save hololive KSON

>> No.25057492

It's the holocaust, but real.

>> No.25057493

we all know it's Rushia, retard

>> No.25057495

Seriously, if streams clash or I'm too busy to watch, I just say "I'll watch that one later" but then never do...

>> No.25057496
Quoted by: >>25057534

whats the purpose of allsubs?

>> No.25057497

There's no way it's Suisei, Flare or somebody from the 4th gen .

>> No.25057499
Quoted by: >>25057516

He actually had an affair?

>> No.25057500

>holos lose motivation
implying playing video games requires motivation

>> No.25057501

>#1 is 7.5GB
Well, that's an hour and a half

>> No.25057503

Except, no, you don't know lol

>> No.25057504
Quoted by: >>25057608

Some random retard wrote some 5ch-tier narrative shit, thanks for the update.

>> No.25057508

no one's pretending the entire channel was deleted, we're upset that most of Subaru's playlists are either entirely gone or are now missing parts that were outright deleted while most Holos just got their vids privated

>> No.25057509

Just wait for it..

>> No.25057511
Quoted by: >>25057571

Sad to see Mikoti go. But she deserved it. She can still work in JAV industry so it's all fine.

>> No.25057513


>> No.25057514

How credible did you think about his first narrative about Kaoru?

>> No.25057515

definitely rushia

>> No.25057516

Cover had to completely wipe the slate clean for Kaoru because if word got out it would be really bad for everyone involved. Cover's vtubers all already know the real reason why he was removed because there was internal communication from management, but they all have to pretend they don't know.

Most of the information is pretty well known among vtubers and people within the vtuber industry. Those within Holo, other companies, and their managements pretty much all know. Basically if you are in the industry who's had some dealings, you would know.

Kaoru is in fact married. Despite that, he cheated on her by having sexual relations with other girl vtubers, leading to his contract termination. Also a lot of cases of having phone sex and other similar acts (information withheld on who the partners were).

3 possible stories from hereon. These are unconfirmed and the story changes depending on who you ask:

Despite making a promise of secrecy between the two of them, one of the girls he had sexual relations with ended up disclosing the relationship to others; Cover eventually got ahold of the news and had him quit to take responsibility
His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber, but relented on the promise that he not doesn't cheat. Except he did, and his wife found out, so she demanded Cover have him resign
Kaoru cheated with a Holo vtuber; and then he cheated with an niji vtuber. Both vtubers found out that he two-timed them WHILE cheating on his wife (i.e. three-timing), so they reported him, that he forced them to have sex with him, causing him to get fired

Said Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible.

One of the girls in Holo is an excessive playgirl who gets close with tubers via voice chat, then personal calls and LINE, then makes flirty calls talking about a past bad relationship to lure the guy in. But then once they get into a relationship, she toys around with the guy, and constantly changes partners this way -- she already has done it with 9 vtubers from different groups, including indies. Miraculous how the story hasn't gone out yet but she's basically a ticking time bomb. This is the girl in story #3. Currently can't find info on who it is but some people say it's Rushia (Narukami denies is Miko); others claim it's Towa.

>> No.25057517


>> No.25057518

Not at all. Anyone that does is actually retarded or a shitposter.

>> No.25057520
Quoted by: >>25057549

I'm downloading all of 4th gen right now

>> No.25057522
File: 145 KB, 800x688, 1590616338848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057548

>> No.25057523


>> No.25057525

I watch archives BECAUSE I don't have time to watch live streams dude, sometimes I catch weekend streams for one-offs or non-series stuff

>> No.25057527

5ch assumes that Festival is the most likely candidate to have messed around.
I don't see much mention of Rushia there.

>> No.25057528
File: 294 KB, 554x489, 1579834786897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057556

I regret joining so late... I will never see Watame playing my 2nd favorite Final Fantasy.

>> No.25057529

It had 553 million videos, only 143 thousand of them were deleted.

>> No.25057530

Gotta add a new word to my filter, thanks!

>> No.25057531

Keemstar has only been wrong a few times over the years.
He exegerates stuff for views, but he's right most of the time.

>> No.25057532

>Cover [headcanon]
Nice anon

>> No.25057533

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.25057534

I forgot --embed-subs
--write-info-json --write-description --embed-subs --all-subs
>purpose of allsubs
Some videos have subs. Check the Fukkireta vid for example, or whatever official shit L*ger does. Adding those flags attaches them to the video

>> No.25057535

Movie watch alongs, bunch of horror games and other game streams got deleted too.

>> No.25057539

10/10 sliding that last bit in

>> No.25057543

Currently no, but at this rate there will be no hololive in a few weeks

>> No.25057545

Ohh nooo guys!! It... It's starting to spread! Tell my family I lo[DELETED MESSAGE]

>> No.25057546
File: 635 KB, 524x1047, 64563453959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VOD apocalypse happening right now
>All mahjong soul VODs are still up
>Majsoul official twitter still RTing all hololive streams


>> No.25057547
Quoted by: >>25057595

Gotcha thanks so im guessing the extra shit from the archive or the previous posts arent required then?
>--add-metadata --write-info-json --write-description --embed-subs --all-subs --write-annotation

>> No.25057548
Quoted by: >>25057647

Why did she do it?

>> No.25057549

I already have all of Gen 4, I'm willing to upload this shit if it gets taken down. Get the other gens

>> No.25057552

I love how you just reposted it without the peko this time

>> No.25057555

End of Hololive: You Can (Not) Archive Everything

>> No.25057556
Quoted by: >>25057579

An anon archived it, thankfully.

>> No.25057557

No a single human being has ever watched a stream and then gone "ok time to buy the game." You've already gotten everything you were going to experience out of the stream.

>> No.25057559
File: 84 KB, 611x632, DBEB99F3-0C87-4D57-BBF5-AC0BEBF595F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the face that may have brought destruction.

>> No.25057560
File: 1.48 MB, 1693x912, 1592508765778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25057615

ARKbros...how does it feel to win?

>> No.25057561

>Oh no, they deleted my Five Nights at Freddy's playthrough and my Dark Souls playthrough... I can't go on anymore.... abayo, chocoballs....

>> No.25057563

Yes, that would be the most logical assumption

>> No.25057564
File: 36 KB, 297x376, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25057565
File: 2.94 MB, 2025x2500, be7bee381893f2cd3350edc96ca71c9f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25057566

I'm going to laugh when it turns out to be Fubuki.

>> No.25057568
Quoted by: >>25057735

based chink company yostar

>> No.25057570

earthquake in Japan, possible tsunami soon.

>> No.25057571

Cope more lmao, feeling nervous (your favorite holo)fag?

>> No.25057573


>> No.25057574

>he's still trying to convince people to stop archiving
what's his end goal?

>> No.25057576

>302 images

>> No.25057577
Quoted by: >>25057602

God it will hurt if that's the case. I don't want to see her gone But if she did disapear, and suddenly a new Niji girl or something appeared that happened to have a certain deep sexy voice? Of course I'd follow her.

>> No.25057578


>> No.25057579

Really? from what I read the anon that did it only got 2 videos downloaded before it was too late.

>> No.25057580

Is Aqua the only verified account Holo? I never noticed anyone having it before this. Why don't they all?

>> No.25057584
Quoted by: >>25057749

Like seriously, they aren't considering Rushia at all over there, despite her roommate drama. So all you Rushiabros can rest easy.

>> No.25057585

not true, I've done so many time

>> No.25057586




>> No.25057589
Quoted by: >>25057607

rushia doesn't even know what a boy is

>> No.25057588

I have, watching monster rancher makes me want to buy it but they wont fucking release it worldwide

>> No.25057590


>> No.25057592

>5ch assumes that Festival is the most likely candidate to have messed around
They only say that because their last collab triggered the waifufags. Again.

>> No.25057593
Quoted by: >>25057626

Im watching jp television via an app rn anf they said that there's no possibilty of a tsunami but they're still warning people to stay away from the see

>> No.25057595

Feel free to add them, the write info json and write description flags are probably the most important. Thumbnails too I guess but apparently those cause errors sometimes so just remove them if it gets in the way
--add-metadata --write-all-thumbnails --embed-thumbnail --write-info-json --write-description --embed-subs --all-subs --write-annotations

>> No.25057596

I have :)

>> No.25057598

I'm torn, I mean I would follow my favorite holos if the reincarnated but it would suck for them not being able to collab with all their friends who stayed behind.

>> No.25057601
Quoted by: >>25057738

The reason why Kaoru left holostar us not because he had an affair or scandal, but because he knows about this whole permission 2.0 shit and cover is on the brink of destruction

>> No.25057600

>Said Holo vtuber has gone through an army of guys so though it sounds weird, it also is plausible.

>> No.25057602

>Towa gets her 3D debut only to leave right after
Hololive can't be that bad right?...

>> No.25057604
Quoted by: >>25057640

Are you seeding it bro?

>> No.25057606

Her goal is the destruction of hololive!

>> No.25057607


>> No.25057608

He's been right about many things tho, including Mea and also Mel's story, he is an insider.

>> No.25057610

Yea, that's why companies pay streamers boat loads of cash to play their game, it just doesn't work!
Fucking idiot

>> No.25057613

They're taking down Haachamas english only videos

>> No.25057615

it's not a victory. we all lost something today.

>> No.25057616
Quoted by: >>25057674

Hey guys, 5ch tourist here.
Can someone direct me to the non-anti thread?

>> No.25057617

you faggots need to back the fuck off and stay in this fucking thread because you shitheads are ruining djt.

>> No.25057618

its literally discord who don't want us to archive

they pretty much confirmed (thanks to posters here) that even if they archive everything they won't make it public nor share it outside of the discord

>> No.25057619
Quoted by: >>25057670

>5.8 magnitude.
As a chileanbro this is fucking nothing.

>> No.25057620

I thought the girls were all going to be immediately retiring because management removed their playthrough of an RPG from a year ago? were the doomposters wrong????

>> No.25057621

There's light, after all.

>> No.25057623

> Just chilling and watching archived stream early in the morning
>Suddenly the stream is privated after refreshing
>go to 4chan
>Learns about all this scandal shits

My morning is ruined bros...

>> No.25057625

what r u gonna do about it nerd???

>> No.25057626
Quoted by: >>25057690

>Im watching jp television via an app rn
please teach me

>> No.25057627

never trust cover

>> No.25057628
Quoted by: >>25057701


>> No.25057631

Any chance this isn't related to the chuubas and is actually the whole of COVER closing down?

>> No.25057632

Good joke.

>> No.25057633
Quoted by: >>25057650

Korone convinced me to buy DOOM 2016 and Eternal

>> No.25057637

Always kezoku

>> No.25057638

I want to see Okayu devour 400k onigiris.

>> No.25057639

yeah what you gonna do? huh nerd

>> No.25057640

I am, but nothing is uploading. Maybe I fucked up something. Should I add trackers? If so, is there a list somewhere?

>> No.25057642

Not true, I wanted to buy tetris 99 but permission changed my mind

>> No.25057643

>I don't see much mention of Rushia there.
That's because there's one or two seaniggers on here that absolutetly hate Rushia and Ayame for some reason and always to show them in a bad light. So they make up stuff and shitpost about them. At the end of the day a few retards might bleive it, but any anon that's been in here longer than a week know that it's bullshit.

>> No.25057644
Quoted by: >>25057668

No ones even talking about it over there, shut the fuck up

>> No.25057646

She's gonna cry

>> No.25057645

Her playlist was always like that

>> No.25057647

Only the strong (purest) can survive.

>> No.25057648

welcome to the past...about 10 hours or so we've been at this watching everything get destroyed

>> No.25057650

Her and Miko did for me too

>> No.25057651

That thread is full of retarded faggots they should fit right in

>> No.25057654

You're a brainless shitter

>> No.25057655

That's enough to revive my happiness and optimism, but admittedly I'm a newfag so this hell is all I knew to begin with

>> No.25057656

being a faggot

>> No.25057657

>His wife opposed his becoming a vtuber
Didn't have my glasses on, misread this as his wife opposed him by becoming a vtuber
that would've been tight

>> No.25057658
Quoted by: >>25057769

He was right about Mel because either she leaked it to him or he got a leaked press briefing right before Cover released it themselves.
All he did with Mea was bully her into making a video because she knows she's a skank and since she's independent she doesn't have a company to protect her from retards like him who hunt for fake drama clicks.

>> No.25057659

Brace yourself, anon. The archivepocalypse is coming.

>> No.25057660


Aw, bud

>> No.25057661

anyone thats ever mentioned djt in these threads have explicitly said "dont read the thread just the op" so youre dealing with someone from the main thread

>> No.25057665
Quoted by: >>25057696

anon tetris 99 is free

>> No.25057666
Quoted by: >>25057756

I fucking bought GOI because of Noel. I still cant beat it this day

>> No.25057667

djt's already shit how bad can it get

>> No.25057668

you shut the fuck up you retarded piece of fucking shit. what does it matter if they're "talking" about it? fact is fans of this absolute garbage media have flooded /jp/ the past few weeks and you're shitting up every fucking thread on this board. fuck you.

>> No.25057669

makes sense
the timeline would be all wrong

>> No.25057670
Quoted by: >>25057695

>earthquake mentioned literally anywhere
>"as a chilean"
like clockwork

>> No.25057672
Quoted by: >>25057703

all the actual vtubers are continuing like nothing is happening, so clearly nobody is actually leaving or shutting down.

>> No.25057673

>ruining djt
So nothing of value was lost

>> No.25057674

Welcome newfren
>non-anti thread
hahahaahahaahh kusa wwwww

>> No.25057676

I bought Project Winter and started playing APEX because of hololive

>> No.25057679

Are you the guy who claimed to own his own business?

>> No.25057681

djt has been circlejerk for a few years already newfriend

>> No.25057682
Quoted by: >>25057739

Who cares? Literally the worst thread on /jp/

>> No.25057684

>blackmail Mea

>> No.25057685

Vtubers are probably the single biggest reason why that game got as big as it did in Japan. Even causing a ton of professional players like ASAPIN to switch over from Tenhou. Sio probably only streams Tenhou like once a month now. They frequently have vtubers make content for the official channel as well as retweeting any that play it on twitter. Yo-star even fucking gives some v-tubers special verified accounts (They have a paw icon at the end of their name, see Fubuki's streams for what it looks like).

>> No.25057689

You say this but you keep bringing up the same 2 cases that were already explained. It's sad. Just stop.

>> No.25057690

Isakura tv but it's paid

>> No.25057692

>Tetris 99
fucking dumbass

>> No.25057693

my reps will beat the SHIT of your reps, dolly

>> No.25057694

Ooooh I fuckin triggered you hard to pussy ass bitch. Go fucking cry about it some more, go fuck off and find your own little safety bubble and let us have the rest of this shithole

>> No.25057695

rent free

>> No.25057696

I meant to buy the switch

>> No.25057697
Quoted by: >>25057716

I bought ARK

>> No.25057698

I bought DSR and DS3 because of them though.

>> No.25057699

The fuck is your problem, anon?

>> No.25057701
Quoted by: >>25057746

she's getting better

>> No.25057702
Quoted by: >>25057939

Like I said -- >>25055721

Matsuri's my favorite to watch, and she can do whatever she wants as far as I'm concerned, but if she is the person in question and there are consequences it's 100% on her.

>> No.25057703
Quoted by: >>25057720

>saying this when Kaoru acted like everything was okay then disappeared the very next day

>> No.25057707

>/djt/ declaring war on /hlg/
so this is it huh.....

>> No.25057708

She's barely affected by the holocaust and is inclining nicely.
She's donezo.

>> No.25057709

Every person that has ever mentioned going to /djt/ in this thread has been told not to read the thread, just the op.

>> No.25057711

Not him, but you do get more content.

>> No.25057712

Watching them play GOI is making me want to try it myself, so this is clearly wrong. Your statement only works if story is all you care about in a game.

>> No.25057715

You can unlock the entire game for 10 bucks.

>> No.25057716

Sorry for your loss

>> No.25057719


>> No.25057718

Will good times come again, holobros?

>> No.25057720

Kaoru literally was not acting like everything was okay, everyone watching his stream pointed out how weird he was acting.

>> No.25057721
Quoted by: >>25057816



>> No.25057722


subaru played HITMAN so fucking bad it made me curious what the game was about and bought it then realized it was a masterpiece, and she also convinced me to get nier on steam.

>> No.25057724

>5ch says [no proofs]
I will believe your post and suck your dick.

>> No.25057725

I bought MuseDash
it's a pretty fun timekiller

>> No.25057727

Yeah, and the switch is not. I honestly should've specified in my first post

>> No.25057730


Check this page tomorrow, anon

>> No.25057732

Why are people angry at this thing dying? I checked it out earlier and it seemed like your average 2014 lowbrain youtuber play-acting with a lazy l2d rig.

>> No.25057733

Someone archive Miko-chi's streams please

>> No.25057734

The autism is very strong with this anon, get some help

>> No.25057735

If there is one thing good I can say about the Chinese is that their love of ripping off popular stuff means they give less fucks about copyrights

>> No.25057737

I've bought games after watching streams, you're just a retard if you believe watching somebody play a game is a replacement for actually playing it.

>> No.25057738

kaoru time traveler theory confirmed

>> No.25057739

cope, 80% of this board's traffic is /hlg/. 4chan has changed old man

>> No.25057743

how good was the project winter collab?

>> No.25057742

Narukami is just an attention whore mixing up shit together from 5ch

>> No.25057744

Yeah haha, EA paid Ninja 1 million bucks just for fun haha

>> No.25057746


>> No.25057747

Not all are fine with it, nintendo wasnt a big fan of faithful tepig or whatsicalled

>> No.25057749
Quoted by: >>25057770

Tell me about the roommate drama, I usually don't pay attention

>> No.25057752
Quoted by: >>25057817

That's it, I'm investing in Animare and HNST instead.

>> No.25057753

So, was it all shitposting?

>> No.25057754

ur moms dying too

>> No.25057756

Saddest thing I've read in my whole life.

>> No.25057757

I've finished downloading Aruran's FireRed streams if anyone else cares about that

>> No.25057758

I got Doom, GOI and Sekiro

>> No.25057759
Quoted by: >>25057839

why are you here?

>> No.25057761
Quoted by: >>25057784

Holos are so shit at video games I bought GOT to beat it before they did.

>> No.25057764
Quoted by: >>25057805

it always was

>> No.25057766

Because it makes me happy.

>> No.25057767

stupid faggot little cocksucker

>> No.25057769

Wait, so what happened with Mea?

>> No.25057770

something about a slander lawsuit going forward in court. not really sure about the context.

>> No.25057774
Quoted by: >>25057801

djt being trash doesn't mean the rest of jp isn't trash too, just as hlg is trash. They're different flavors of trash for different people

>> No.25057775

I've bought a fuckton of games because of Sseth

>> No.25057776

Would anyone like to talk about Maine? I like her singing a lot.

>> No.25057777


>> No.25057778

All three rounds were great. I watched Choco, Aki, Suisei and Matsuri.

>> No.25057779

that's all these threads have been for weeks now

>> No.25057780

Norio... please save our girls...

>> No.25057782

It was fun, Suisei did her thing, watch it before it gets PRIVATED

>> No.25057784

Game of Thrones????

>> No.25057786

I do
>Aruran Jump King + FireRed
Is this all? I assume you're the only one downloading his streams

>> No.25057789
Quoted by: >>25057895

>actually look at /djt/ for the first time since the first day I ever checked /jp/
>no one from /hlg/ even posted they just worked themselves into a spergrage
It's exactly what I expected

>> No.25057790

Are thumbnails not downloading properly for anyone else?

>> No.25057791

because it makes me happy

>> No.25057792

Go back to djt old man

>> No.25057795

Always has been.

>> No.25057796
Quoted by: >>25057814

>Yostar allows monetization to all third party members including cooperation. This statement was announced just after the Nintendo incident.

>> No.25057801

I get that but as a /v/ermin taking a break from /v/ i just thought it was funny seeing someone complain about this thread of all things

>> No.25057802

I don't watch him but still nice work homobro, we can't let any holo to die

>> No.25057803

I remember just last night people were saying things couldn’t possibly get worse than June 25th

>> No.25057804

Someone said they were downloading his Death Stranding, Touhou and Jump King

>> No.25057805

Alright then, I'm not going to bother myself reading a bunch of nonsense on those past archives. You guys left like 4 threads to be read

>> No.25057807

The first stream of the day

>> No.25057808
Quoted by: >>25057818

Anons I'm going to sleep if I wake up and the morning and it gets worse the I dont know what I'll do

>> No.25057811

Cover should just sell character rights to holos and go their seperate ways.

>> No.25057814

The fact that Yostar is owned by a woman really rubs further salt in the wound.

>> No.25057815

Why would you ever come to this shithole for anything else than shitposting?

>> No.25057816
Quoted by: >>25057854

>hey guys check out my essay on twitch I wrote it for collage :)

>> No.25057817

Leave my wife Mary out of this.

>> No.25057818

Just don't wake up man, it'll get worse

>> No.25057820

>"Archiving Aruran's Death Stranding, Jump King and Touhou."
>"Finished Pizzadad's Jump King. Touhou on 2 vid, DS still on 1st. Also will download Luna's Papers Please tomorrow^W today after I'll wake up if it's not gone. Good night, anons."

He hasn't followed it up though so I'm not sure what to add to the "Videos Saved"

>> No.25057822

we will win, we spend more time lifting weights

>> No.25057821
Quoted by: >>25057866

go back

>> No.25057823

Where are we at Choco? I've almost downloaded all the GTA streams myself now, those 4 gakuen links and stuff I already had downloaded. How is the progress on her other content?

>> No.25057824
Quoted by: >>25057886

The guy downloading his Death Stranding, Touhou and Jump King streams isn't me, I've only been downloading some of his smaller streams like Pien

>> No.25057825

totally worked out for Mea who now has to suck off Chinese businessmen while her 3D debut doesn't even break 10k live viewers...

>> No.25057827

then how would they do another 3D stream?

>> No.25057829
Quoted by: >>25057855

>Would anyone like to talk about Maine?
Maine, the northeasternmost U.S. state, is known for its rocky coastline, maritime history and nature areas like the granite and spruce islands of Acadia National Park. Moose are plentiful in Baxter State Park, home to Mt. Katahdin, endpoint of the Appalachian Trail. Lighthouses such as the candy-striped beacon at West Quoddy Head, dot the coast, as do lobster shacks and sandy beaches like Ogunquit and Old Orchard.

>> No.25057830

I don't even know anon

>> No.25057831

the only thing you need to know is that a bunch of streams are getting privated so people are archiving what they can. everything else is just narratives

>> No.25057833
Quoted by: >>25057849

I got the wrong name, I also have all the streams archived. Get fucked.

>> No.25057837

Anon isn't very smart.

>> No.25057838

No, it's literally nothing, stop giving retards attention.

>> No.25057839

because this is the anti-thread?

>> No.25057840

Imagine being this retarded to think suits actually care for the vtubers and the fans.
Imagine being this retarded to think that Holos actually have money to buy their personas that Cover can use as a marketing tool.

>> No.25057841

We win by sheer numbers I think, DJT has 28 ips right now so 10 people, 10 phones and a schizo

>> No.25057842

How does Sio do 3D streams? With a higher quality model than Cover has ever produced?

>> No.25057844

two scandals at the same, this is fucking ridiculous lmao.

>> No.25057847

What the fuck happened? We were all helping each other not even one hour ago

>> No.25057849

Nice anon. Please share at some point when this shit stops, I'll open up my files too

>> No.25057850

I like her song choices. all the other chuubas sing zoomer-pop songs that don't really tickle my fancy.

>> No.25057852

it's only 1 scandal

>> No.25057854

>Authored by professor with over 9k citations

>> No.25057855

based Stephen King is from there

>> No.25057857


>> No.25057858

And risk them getting CHINKED.

>> No.25057859

Depending on how certain chips fall, it could very easily become 3.

>> No.25057860
Quoted by: >>25057915

Started on the dbz links, there are 7 total. An anon is getting the first two and I'm getting the last 5. Not sure if anyone has picked up Among the Sleep yet: >>25056662

>> No.25057862

The discordfags have managed to sow the seeds of discord.

>> No.25057863

Americans are going to bed, Euros are waking up

>> No.25057864
Quoted by: >>25057889

I'm currently downloading this (wlvvnfVeZMc)

From this list:

I assume DBZ is about to get nuked next which is why I'm doing it first. It'll take 1 hour and 30 mins though, and that's just the first video. Another anon is going to download 3 to 7. I don't know his current progress.

>Choco GTA + 1, 3, 4, 6 of Life is Strange (rip 2 and 5) + Undertale + Pokemon Yellow + Pokemon Sword/Shield (complete?) + Gakuen Handsome + Untitled Goose Game + DBD Moruru Collab

>> No.25057865

It's 9 AM in the Philippines.

>> No.25057866

Nah, cope

>> No.25057867

SEAMonkey time

>> No.25057869

The clown probably doesn't even know how to navigate a journal anon just ignore him

>> No.25057870

The only thing you can do is wait for your archive to finish anon...

>> No.25057872

One thing actually happening and one mountain of gossip and conjecture is not two scandals

>> No.25057874

Anyone realized it's fucking stupid to download a bunch of videos they already didn't watch once and were never going to watch if downloaded. Especially if they were EOPs.

>> No.25057876

5ch is talking about the potential cheating scandal more than they are the permissions

>> No.25057877

1st round is hilarious how Luna won by doing absolutely nothing
2nd round Suisei 1v3 wiped the floor with them. A bear KS'd Suisei'd last prey
3rd round Aki killed herself by drinking poison. Honestly disappointed that Suisei died from 4 wolves instead of a showdown with Matsuri

>> No.25057878

You don't need to reply to them. It's obvious who gives a shit, just talk to those people and try to help/contribute

>> No.25057879

>No a single human being has ever watched a stream and then gone "ok time to buy the game."
I can't believe I'm not a human

>> No.25057880
Quoted by: >>25057916

Death Stranding is safe if Kojima retweeting Pekora and Fubuki is anything to go by.

>> No.25057881

Aqua's GTAV streams are gone...

>> No.25057882

Narrative fags got bored of archiving

>> No.25057883


>> No.25057884

seaNIGs waking up to shitpost

>> No.25057886
Quoted by: >>25057908

If they delete fucking touhou they are literally just deleting at complete random without discrimination. Why would they remove indie game by local japanese game dev who explicity lets people do whatever the fuck they want

>> No.25057889
Quoted by: >>25057915

I have all the Sword and Shield videos now and I swear another anon said he had them too. I'll start on among the sleep bros

>> No.25057890

Unironically a new set of countries woke up. You can tell if you read the thread.

>> No.25057891

Yeah waking up at 3 am you fucking retard, euros are starting to lack sleep if anything

>> No.25057892

>hey guys i'm an assistant professor check out my essay on twitch for collage :)

>> No.25057893

It's 0 scandals.
One issue is a vtuber retiring for undisclosed reasons while drama stirs up around it as it inevitably would.
The other issue is a copyright troll going to town on Holos for whatever reason because Youtube's system is fucking broken and always has been.

>> No.25057895

It's a /vyt/ sperg trying to make a war, ignore it, these are the same people
Ignore it

>> No.25057902

because every other English community is useless, the only people on the subreddit talking about this are people from this general and discord is, well, you know

>> No.25057903

Yeah because there's so much proof about it

>> No.25057904


>> No.25057905
Quoted by: >>25057938

5ch always talking about who fuck with who, they're really like the burgers

>> No.25057907

here's a quick rundown
>Capcom start striking all the Holo's videos of their games
>then it expands further to non Capcom games like Dark Souls
>some anons think its just a mistake and start archiving Capcom games
>then Life is Strange starts getting hit
>then other games like Pepsiman, the Sniper, FNAF, Spiderman, and the list is on-going
>now we're archiving everything possible besides things like ARK, Apex, and Getting Over It

>> No.25057908

if they delete Touhou videos, it pretty much confirms this wasn't actually a permissions thing and likely just some dude hacking and messing with holo channels.

>> No.25057909

>video private
Welp, guess i was too late

>> No.25057912

I have :
-Pokemon Yellow
-Goose game
-Mario Maker 2
-2 DBD collabs with Moruru
-Life is Strange (uncomplete)
-Undertale (uncomplete)
-Pokemon Sw/Sh (still downloading)

>> No.25057914

They're Japanese.

>> No.25057915

>I have all the Sword and Shield videos now

>I'll start on Among the Sleep
Among the Sleep

>> No.25057916

How the devs actually feel is irrelevant with the way shit is being taken down seemingly randomly anon. Better safe than sorry

>> No.25057917

too busy deleting videos

>> No.25057918

Maybe they were hoping nobody would notice if they did it during the night.

>> No.25057919

People here still believe Cover understand anything about copyrights

>> No.25057921

why soulless corps would care about the feelings of their cattle?

>> No.25057925
Quoted by: >>25057941

it's only 10 AM. I'm betting most people at Cover don't even know this happened.

>> No.25057927

It's 3am here, insomniac euros are go to sleep soon. This is prime SEAhours and the thread won't get any better for at least 6 hours.

>> No.25057928

I counted, and she seems to have 411 videos, so they've deleted like 131 videos.

>> No.25057931

How are you guys downloading the videos?

>> No.25057933
Quoted by: >>25057958

What the fuck

>> No.25057936

this "traffic" being 99% spam that you could fit in a twitch chat doesn't equate to traffic that you couldn't reproduce with a chat bot programmed by a high schooler

>> No.25057937

>Choco GTA + 1, 3, 4, 6 of Life is Strange (rip 2 and 5) + Undertale + Pokemon Yellow + Pokemon Sword/Shield + Gakuen Handsome + Untitled Goose Game + 2 DBD Moruru Collabs + Outlast + Mario Maker 2

>> No.25057938

Makes sense, their civilization as a whole is built upon the scraps after WWII and americanization to the extreme.

>> No.25057939

>falling for the narratives
You clearly don't.

>> No.25057941
Quoted by: >>25057983

I'm wondering if even the holos know about it. Especially Subaru. I don't think she would be fine with her videos being outright fucking deleted.

>> No.25057942
Quoted by: >>25058072

So the hololive reddit account posted 10 minutes ago and didn’t comment about what’s going on. Don’t expect anything to be said unless yagoo does it himself.

>> No.25057943

They hoped nobody would notice. The whole Kaoru thing is just a distraction from the bomb that they dropped on us today

>> No.25057945

>Americans are going to bed, Euros are waking up
You might want to refamiliarise yourself with the timezones.

>> No.25057946
Quoted by: >>25057956

if it was a hacker the holos themselves would bring it up I'm sure. So this is definitely just Cover incompetence

>> No.25057947

Can i talk about Towa here while i wait for her to come back?

>> No.25057948

Great, so what can he tell us about the cause of the current permissions apocalypse?

>> No.25057949

>Pekora Mordhau still up

>> No.25057952

But I thought capcom only striked one of Mio's videos?
The privating and deleting of the rest is on the holos/managers

>> No.25057954

The only video that was taken down for copyright before Cover started deleting everything was a single Mio video. There might have been a few others but I haven't seen any evidence for it. All of the rest regardless of which company the game is from were taken down on purpose not by a claim.

>> No.25057955
Quoted by: >>25058036

I'm going to say this now. I honestly want Ichikara to buy Hololive. I feel more secure with them because they don't give a shit even if Nijisanji dies because they have other stuff to get money from. This means they won't care about Hololive's copyright shits and stuff.

>> No.25057956
Quoted by: >>25057984

most of the holos haven't even woke up yet...

>> No.25057957

>-Life is Strange (uncomplete)
>-Undertale (uncomplete)
Shit. I really hope that anon who said he found her through undertale managed to save them. Sucks about life is strange too
I have:
Sword and Shield
Already existing shit I can't list cause it's too much
I'll start on the sleep one

>> No.25057958

that's where we are now

>> No.25057960


>> No.25057963

Faggots aren't getting as much attention as they were getting before because people are focusing on broader things, so they start to shitpost and falseflag more aggressively. Mostly 2 autists talking to themselves. Ignore it.

>> No.25057965

If you don't know what CLI is just use JDownloader.

>> No.25057967

The earth goes the other way around

>> No.25057968
Quoted by: >>25058119

Isn't her entire shtick being as obnoxious as possible?

>> No.25057969
Quoted by: >>25058005

this is a tutorial but there are other things you should add if you want to download some of their streams, just look through the thread for it though

>> No.25057971
Quoted by: >>25057990

I got Nobeta because of Holos.

>> No.25057973
Quoted by: >>25058033

Sure bro, what do you wanna talk about?
all this video deletion stuff made me want to rewatch some of her archives but I'm not sure my nip's good enough to understand more than 10% of it

>> No.25057977

>woke up 3 hours ago
I am not enjoying this.

>> No.25057979
Quoted by: >>25058007

It was good, though the end of the 3rd round was disappointing. We didn't get Suisei vs Matsuri as 4 wolves just wrecked the comet. Watch Choco and Haato's adventures in it too.

>> No.25057980

Watching this thing die is literally making me hard.

>> No.25057981

angery phase

>> No.25057983
Quoted by: >>25058018

They all know, more people than just Kaoru would quit if something like this was done behind their backs.

>> No.25057985

I bought Rimworld and Darkest Dungeon because Sovietwomble and Baron Rivalcastmedia

>> No.25057984
Quoted by: >>25058015

Choco is awake and there's no way she wouldn't notice her videos being privated left and right. This is definitel Cover's work

>> No.25057989
Quoted by: >>25058094


>> No.25057990
Quoted by: >>25058045

Is it fun?

>> No.25057997
Quoted by: >>25058057

How flaccid will you get when it rises from the ashes stronger and better than ever

>> No.25057998

Due to legal reasons, Cover Corp can only officially explain the situation after the purge ends to not allow more people to make personal archives.

>> No.25058001
Quoted by: >>25058048

What did she mean by this?

>> No.25058003
Quoted by: >>25058038

>SEA hours
SEACHADS are the chaddest of chads.

>> No.25058004

I'm genuinely considering taking the nijisanji pill. I really don't want to but Cover is something else.

>> No.25058005

lurk moar >>25057969

>> No.25058006

Because nobody but this thread cares about streamings.

It's quite scary and sad.

>> No.25058007

Aki barely surviving thanks to those wolves and then killing herself was fucking hilarious

>> No.25058011

I play APEX because of holos and I have spent money on it.

>> No.25058012

I beg your pardon?

>> No.25058013
Quoted by: >>25058043


>> No.25058014

That's what I'm gonna say when I kill your mom you fucking cunt.

>> No.25058015

Here's a hard pill some of you might have to swallow...
Perhaps the holos don't actually care about their old videos getting deleted and it's literally only people here freaking out about it...

>> No.25058018
Quoted by: >>25058089

Then they well and truly fucked up in the case of Subaru. I mean there probably isn't a chance of the privated videos resurfacing but.... outright deleting them is different.

>> No.25058020
Quoted by: >>25058066

Are the 2chan holofags also archiving vids?

>> No.25058021

Is it just me or does Roberu keep buffering

>> No.25058023

I want to go back to last year where everything was ok...

>> No.25058022

>Roboco still untouched
everything okay in the world

>> No.25058025

what do we still need? was going to start Choco's DBZ but other anons are on that

>> No.25058024
Quoted by: >>25058065

The only Nijisanji I liked was Ange. But I hate the fact the she wants to get NTR'd though

>> No.25058026
Quoted by: >>25058060

I just want her to be happy already, bit it seems the whole world is against her sometimes.

>> No.25058028

Hololive and Nijisanji go well together https://files.catbox.moe/bpz757.png

>> No.25058029

Just you

>> No.25058032

They care. They just aren't allowed to bring attention to it.

>> No.25058033
Quoted by: >>25058080

Just normal conversations for hell's sake. Like how much i would like her to play a hack n' slash given how mcuh i like those myself.

>> No.25058034

The japanese news said that there's a girl with no ass and a short tongue, a girl that looks life Tifa wearing Adidas clothes and a girl cosplaying as Hestia protesting outside of Cover...

>> No.25058035
Quoted by: >>25058067

You're aware Choco already went through this and made sure to back everything up before it happened right? Your newfriend is pungent

>> No.25058036

Just wait for them to get Aqua's VA. It's already planned.

>> No.25058038

I don't like very, very monkey.
SEA is monkey.

>> No.25058039
Quoted by: >>25058064

>little to no antis until the SEAniggers woke up
>now there are plenty
what a coincidence

>> No.25058040


>> No.25058041

Pekora's DQV...


>> No.25058042

Exceptionally cursed.

>> No.25058043

Greatest thing I’ve ever seen

>> No.25058044

I'm on 4/5 for the choco dbz videos I was going to get, so I'll have spare bandwidth as well soon.

>> No.25058045

I don't know. I've recently gotten addicted to GOI. Also because of Holos. On my way to golden pot.

>> No.25058046

Mentally ill data hoarders like me are already used to no one else caring about trying to preserve shit

>> No.25058048

Good morning

>> No.25058049

How the fuck do you think minecraft got to most sold game of all time? Good gameplay, good graphics? notch already once said why.

>> No.25058050
Quoted by: >>25058090

they forgot roboco existed

>> No.25058052

youtube algorithm is fucked though, deleting the videos can negatively impact the algorithm

>> No.25058054

Is stuff still getting removed?

>> No.25058056

sugoi nee SEAniggers

>> No.25058057
Quoted by: >>25058096

Anon.... Nips are prudent when it comes to this. They're gone from Youtube at the very least after this. Probably changing the format as well, no more playthroughs.

>> No.25058058

Turn off your torrents dumb nousagi

>> No.25058060

Don't worry family, she'll be back and strong in no time.

>> No.25058062

She pretty much only plays Apex

>> No.25058064
Quoted by: >>25058092

Shit's been doing down since narratives started at least 6 hours ago.

>> No.25058065
Quoted by: >>25058116

>not liking NTR
Imagine being in /jp/ with this logic.

>> No.25058066

Don't expect anything good from those retards, 5ch might be doing it tho

>> No.25058067

Perhaps Choco, after getting beaten down so many times, has decided to stop fighting that stuff and just do whatever she wants to do and keep moving forward with the things she likes like cooking an ARK.

>> No.25058069

There's no way. Stop hoping for it.

>> No.25058070

Here's the (approximate) casualties so far:
<span class="sjis">129 Subaru Ch. 大空スバル
121 Korone Ch. 戌神ころね
101 Aqua Ch. 湊あくあ
73 Mio Channel 大神ミオ
58 フブキCh。白上フブキ
53 Okayu Ch. 猫又おかゆ
49 Pekora Ch. 兎田ぺこら
46 Flare Ch. 不知火フレア
45 Miko Ch. さくらみこ
37 アキロゼCh。Vtuber/ホロライブ所属
35 Noel Ch. 白銀ノエル
27 Rushia Ch. 潤羽るしあ
21 Nakiri Ayame Ch. 百鬼あやめ
21 Luna Ch. 姫森ルーナ
16 Watame Ch. 角巻わため
13 Matsuri Channel 夏色まつり
11 Coco Ch. 桐生ココ
11 Choco Ch. 癒月ちょこ
9 Shion Ch. 紫咲シオン
7 Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン
6 Kanata Ch. 天音かなた
3 hololive ホロライブ - VTuber Group
3 Towa Ch. 常闇トワ
3 Roboco Ch. - ロボ子
3 Mel Channel 夜空メルチャンネル
2 Haato Channel 赤井はあと[/spoiler]

>> No.25058072

They do acknowledge the current events though, it seems. As they do direct towards the main thread for discussing the panic. I don't fully know what the official account's purpose is. They might not be a community manager, but just a janitor.

>> No.25058074

>Aqua becomes Chinese

>> No.25058076

Download #2 on Choco's DBZ because the #1 I'm downloading is still going to take an hour. Sorry my internet is shit Chocofags. Here's #2

Here's a list of her videos from her subchannel
Hello Neighbor

Identity V


THE タクシー

>> No.25058079
Quoted by: >>25058181

>Exactly 1/4 of Subaru's channel wiped out overnight, and they're not even done
Jesus fucking christ

>> No.25058080

I'd give a lot to see holos play diablo 3 together, but I feel like towa's autism makes it really hard to branch into other genres
hollow knight was promising but we still don't know if she's ever finishing it due to permissions

>> No.25058081
Quoted by: >>25058125

give me the basic gestalt on the panda please
is she really a bully?

>> No.25058083

Oh shit that just reminded me. Are her katamari damaci videos still up? We need to download those

>> No.25058084

Dear god 129

>> No.25058085
Quoted by: >>25058112

>Haato only 2 videos
What the fuck? Delete all her kusoge.

>> No.25058089

I noticed all of Undertale on every channel is deleted, not privated. They likely had sections for different publishers to either private or delete. I might be wrong about this, as there are also abnormalities on which content was pulled and how.

>> No.25058090


>> No.25058092
Quoted by: >>25058127

it was only banter and anger towards Cover's management while making fun of what could have possibly happened

now there are people who genuinely wish Hololive died itt

>> No.25058093

Subaru Ch.....

>> No.25058094

Is a dirty whore

>> No.25058095
Quoted by: >>25058198

FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK did anyone archive watame's stuff?

>> No.25058096

We don't even know what officially happened, all we have is speculation. It might not even be that bad, and it might be, but at this point everythings in the air right now

>> No.25058097

The holocaust... Remember the 6 million deleted videos, anons.

>> No.25058099

why the hell is there a scroll bar

>> No.25058102

Why is the list of streams deleted/privated in parentheses? Are those S-expressions?

>> No.25058106


>> No.25058107

what did subaru do?

>> No.25058110

They don't want to mess with kuromaru I hope

>> No.25058111
Quoted by: >>25058147

Why do they hit their biggest Holos the most?

>> No.25058112

Can't get purged if you purge yourself.

>> No.25058113

Search hololive in japanese on twitter and search by latest, the majority of stuff if not about permissions is going to be about ofupako.

>> No.25058115

It's a fucking massacre.

>> No.25058116

I will NEVER like NTR.

>> No.25058117


>> No.25058118

A sheet that contains all of Aqua's archives and their availability.

>> No.25058119

Yeah unapologetically. Not crying and apologizing

>> No.25058120

Robocco's contract is different

>> No.25058122

Isn't that the same mod that claimed to write the english rules in every holo's description? I guess it's good to see someone on the other side actually acknowledge it.

>> No.25058123


>> No.25058124
Quoted by: >>25058155

Hoshiyomi, are we safe...?

>> No.25058125

I don't know and don't care. I knew here before getting into Hololive, and got into Luna before hearing about the bullying. I love both

>> No.25058127

I'm talking about the R*shia trash. When it was first posted it was mostly ignored though, so you're right, it got noticeably worse as it got reposted.

>> No.25058128


>> No.25058130

>Posting anything with Narukami is always iffy. You say he was right about Nobuhime's cases but wrong with only NIJISANJI's. That seems off for someone who is "known to have insider information."
Damn I love T-chan now.

>> No.25058133


>> No.25058135

I bought Death Stranding because Pekora looked like she was having fun playing it. Streamers can introduce you to games you never would've considered otherwise. That's why in the West they'll pay to have their games streamed. Not sure why Japan's so ass backwards about it.

>> No.25058137
Quoted by: >>25058153

What did Mio lose?

>> No.25058138


>> No.25058140

>girl with no ass
I'm no longer 35p

>> No.25058141

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.25058145

JFC wtf

>> No.25058147
Quoted by: >>25058196

the conspiracy: Nijis have hacked into the channels and are taking down the Niji killer, the girl who steals the kaigainikis away from Nijisanji, and the girl who makes their Nijis betray their company and hang out with them!!!

>> No.25058149

Why is Subaru always bullied?

>> No.25058153

Undertale, all her playlists

>> No.25058155

I assume Suisei is the one controlling her channel, so yeah we're safe for now

>> No.25058156

Rule of Nature.
Tomboys must always suffer the most.

>> No.25058157

Which one of you faggots is this?

>> No.25058159

reminder that Cover and all the holos will pretend that nothing happened
they will ignore any chat message that mentions it
just watch

>> No.25058162
Quoted by: >>25058204

is subaru the only one who got her videos deleted instead of privated?

>> No.25058164
Quoted by: >>25058205

I don't know what it looks like just by judging from the thumbnails since I can't into nip, sorry anon

Here's AC

>> No.25058172

Artia and the Indos won't.

>> No.25058173


>> No.25058175

>a girl cosplaying as Hestia protesting outside
yeah like she would go out outside hah!

>> No.25058177


>> No.25058178
Quoted by: >>25058245

subamio ark is so fucking wholesome what the fuck

>> No.25058179

never thought I'd unironically miss 2019

>> No.25058180

>just found out okayu played rune factory 4
>it's gone now

>> No.25058181

>2 percent overseas viewership
Luckily no one cares.

>> No.25058182
Quoted by: >>25058214

the based man just created this account today to post it there because no fucking body was talking about anywhere but here

>> No.25058183

just started these

>> No.25058184

Why would you want to hound your holo with something she doesn't want to talk about?

>> No.25058185

Subaru almost lost her gaming life

>> No.25058190

Why does Kaoru have a roommate if he was married and had a child? Shouldn't he be living with his wife?

>> No.25058191

I still can't believe Artia was right. She warned us and we didn't listen.

>> No.25058193

Artia will pretend like twitch is the best streaming site and then her channel will get banned for viewbots again

>> No.25058195

i want to go back too, but my oshi didn't exist until the end of the year....

>> No.25058196

Stop shilling this shit and go back to your dead thread.

>> No.25058197
Quoted by: >>25058213

I was doing my reps are they done or are they still purging stuff?

>> No.25058198

Watame isn't missing much besides that, YW, and a few private song videos.

>> No.25058199


>> No.25058202
Quoted by: >>25058239

Alright, I'm switching off to linux, will start helping with archiving.

>> No.25058203

youre late anon, some anon made an account today to see if people helped with archiving, from what i've seen we did got a few streams out of it

>> No.25058204
Quoted by: >>25058276

A few of the others got some of theirs deleted, all of Ayame's PUBG videos were deleted, Towa's Undertale was deleted, I saw a few of Korone's videos were deleted. The MAJORITY of Subaru's were deleted though, not privated.

>> No.25058205
Quoted by: >>25058254

Look for 癒月ちょこ塊魂 With the search bar. Sorry I can’t post links my PC can’t keep up with downloads and browsing. Please post if you find them

>> No.25058207

>Account made today and only posts are on this topic
Ok thats pretty based

>> No.25058209
Quoted by: >>25058220

Why do you think she reportedly didn't want him to do it?

>> No.25058210


>> No.25058212

Presumably she avoided childhood death thanks to a monkey's paw scenario

>> No.25058213

Done? they barely started anon...

>> No.25058214
Quoted by: >>25058252

Seems like it, hopefully at least some of them do a bit of archiving to lighten the load a little.

>> No.25058215


>> No.25058216
Quoted by: >>25058233

>pretend like twitch is the best streaming site
she's right though

>> No.25058218
Quoted by: >>25058253

if you can find the links and post them either here or in the next thread i'll queue em up

>> No.25058219

This is still funny no matter how many times it happens

>> No.25058220


>> No.25058221

Artia never got banned, just hidden from the directory. Holos have been shadowbanned on YouTube plenty of times.

>> No.25058224

2020 is unironically the worst year

>> No.25058229

roommate is code for mistress.

>> No.25058231

The contract stipulated he had to be live as a homo

>> No.25058232

Anonchama yo...

>> No.25058233
Quoted by: >>25058244

the absolute state of twitchfags. would rather use Steam as a streaming platform than go on twitch.

>> No.25058234


>> No.25058235

>Subaru lost 2 years worth of content.

>> No.25058237

its over
hololive is crumbling

>> No.25058239

you can do it on windows, just download all the .exe's and put them in the same directory.
Install Gentoo

>> No.25058241

she was shadowbanned, its happened to multiple Holos before

>> No.25058243


>> No.25058244

nobody uses Steam
none of this would have happened if they used Twitch instead of Youtube

>> No.25058245

Mio adopted Subaru as her little sister and Subaru finally found a stable pillar in her life. Unfortunately, Subaru is a punching bag for misfortune.

>> No.25058246

Theme of this thread

>> No.25058248

I will make sure my children will know of this tragedy.

>> No.25058249

welcome to 4chan, newfriend

>> No.25058250

But she's only been around for less than 2 years...

>> No.25058251

Did the nips antis figured out how to copyright strike a video? Goddamn this is sick

>> No.25058252

I saw someone in the thread upload a Korone karaoke stream, I even watched some of it. Probably not as important as the other stuff e.g. Capcom but still better than nothing

>> No.25058253
Quoted by: >>25058262

I found this sorry but I’m phone posting so finding them is hard

>> No.25058254
Quoted by: >>25058262

Did she play it a lot? Because if not it's pretty much just this

>> No.25058256

You're right because they would've be dead in the water on twitch

>> No.25058258
Quoted by: >>25058273

Twitch would've banned them for doing singing streams.

>> No.25058259

you are retarded

>> No.25058260
Quoted by: >>25058277

Where did you get that data, I counted my oshi's privated streams and it doesn't match with your data.

>> No.25058262

The Chocord...

>> No.25058263

How should Subaru's manager atone for these transgressions?

>> No.25058265
Quoted by: >>25058281

I'm off to sleep. I swear if this gets worse by the time I wake up, I'll make Hiroshima and Nakadashi look like a fucking joke.

>> No.25058266

She had like what, two weeks to prepare backups? I'm not sure if they were archiving on their end too.

>> No.25058267


>> No.25058269

> 7 Marine Ch. 宝鐘マリン
MarineChads win again

>> No.25058271

anonchamas never fail me

>> No.25058272

2 years worth of content gone forever made no sound as they left Subaru's channel

>> No.25058273

you're allowed to do that on twitch

>> No.25058275

Mikochi is dead 35p...

>> No.25058276

damn, the duck got hit hard

>> No.25058277

What was the error? Cause the numbers are slowly growing

>> No.25058279


>> No.25058281


>> No.25058282

