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File: 70 KB, 700x979, EavCXnuUMAAXMSi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24763860 No.24763860 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24763865
File: 116 KB, 624x905, EJ3PlC5UYAAOGWq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765037

I love Haachama!

>> No.24763866
File: 531 KB, 3000x4000, 1568284696091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24763868
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24763869
File: 1.02 MB, 1488x2105, 81552076_p24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Towa

>> No.24763870

Ayame is Brazilian property.

>> No.24763871
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, KaichouEarly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.24763872


>> No.24763873
File: 612 KB, 834x1200, 1592156612026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766088

Towa fangs.

>> No.24763874
Quoted by: >>24765780

>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is fishing for gachikoi. They even get a bonus, for how many akasupas they get each month.
>3 of them have gone on record stating that they hate each other and are only in it for the money. The rest feel the same but don't say it in public
>None of them are virgins All of them have boyfriends. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend
>Deep inside they are just like all the other women who ignored you or you escaped from anon.
>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are disgusting loser trash
>Whales still give them money and buy into the Hololive dream.

>> No.24763875

Mama Noel!

>> No.24763876

Crazy girls are the best.

>> No.24763877
File: 852 KB, 2892x4096, flare01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be sure to listen to her songs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Z7mUOGEAE&list=PLBoFNGFmekcMIhlW5Z-umsS3VPnQx7tI8&index=2&t=0s
and also check out fellow flarebro Noel play GOI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCLkpxvm-mk

>> No.24763879
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boko boko nanoraaa

>> No.24763878

If Noel falls down the mountain again, she's going to start flinging shit around her bedroom

>> No.24763881
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763912

I love Suisei

>> No.24763882
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.24763883
File: 198 KB, 828x1547, orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24763884
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1590441446696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763905

Towa is a whore
thats all

>> No.24763886
File: 357 KB, 2048x1426, 20200715_010817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't love Haachama, I just want to fuck her.

>> No.24763887

Imagine a noel jump king endurance stream...

>> No.24763888

I just want to say, the suisei/anemachi drawing in last thread's aggie is amazing

>> No.24763890
Quoted by: >>24763921

Both BRs and Ayame were mistakes, no wonder you get along so well (t. Alberto Barbosa).

>> No.24763892
File: 292 KB, 1400x1400, Screen_Shot_2017_01_18_at_12.05.27_PM.0.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764992

Which Holos would be able to survive a Purge scenario?

>> No.24763893
File: 499 KB, 849x1200, 82964149_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763922

How do you support our knight-maiden?

>> No.24763894

Danchou's been stuck on this tower for the last 25 minutes.

>> No.24763896
File: 52 KB, 279x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any Holos streamed this kino yet? https://youtu.be/7onFrBK_hKE

>> No.24763897
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, New Drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're not too busy, come leave a drawing!

>> No.24763898


>> No.24763899
File: 228 KB, 990x1400, 1592497864444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can one menhera be so bad at a kusoge

>> No.24763904

Danchou should really try some other approach for the tower.

>> No.24763905

Based Ayamechad

>> No.24763906
File: 1.10 MB, 2879x4096, EaFDtuhUEAUqHWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763931

I hope Aqua will stream today...

>> No.24763908
File: 2.59 MB, 1812x2575, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_meemo__1887618eed0a29c1a781073d15b3258c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to drink Noel's milk!

>> No.24763912
File: 168 KB, 1920x1080, Ec5VNBNWoAMrqBk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute chuuni

>> No.24763914

Does any anon here think that they have a big enough dick and what it takes, to fuck the autism out of Haachama?

>> No.24763917

did any hoshiyomi or 35p pay for the VILLS tickets? i heard you need a VPN plus the cost of the ticket. do you think it's worth it since MiComet might only perform a single song?

>> No.24763916

God I want Noel to take out her frustrations on me

>> No.24763918
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1593882752733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24763919

Is the tower part that difficult or is Noel just really bad?

>> No.24763920
Quoted by: >>24764166

All the big shots from brazilian logging and food companies go get "treatment" from Ayame!

>> No.24763921
Quoted by: >>24764166

I don't mind the reasoning, as long as we are in an agreement.

>> No.24763922

i sub to her and occasionally watch her videos

>> No.24763923


>> No.24763924
File: 96 KB, 844x1000, 2FAA5D03-6AE1-487A-86B5-5E813098EC3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This duck is a good duck. I like this duck.

>> No.24763926


>> No.24763928
File: 1.37 MB, 2048x1983, Ec6mNJqWsAASPTl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.24763929
File: 419 KB, 522x545, Annotation 2020-07-14 161146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763953

God she's not even being subtle about it. I love vtubers.

>> No.24763931

I'm going to coat Aqua with my white streams today!

>> No.24763932
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1697, 1593322338742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eirian watashi eirian

>> No.24763933
File: 68 KB, 968x269, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll get there eventually.

>> No.24763936
File: 508 KB, 800x800, Luna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go noeru!

>> No.24763937
Quoted by: >>24764014

Go to New Zealand

>> No.24763938

Get ready for the menhera...

>> No.24763939

Thanks Flare for being asleep
Otherwise I won't be enjoying menhera Noel

>> No.24763941
Quoted by: >>24764047

I wish I was talented like these anons...

>> No.24763942

I have small dick but I'd try.

>> No.24763943
File: 1.44 MB, 3842x2882, 1592880361313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24763959

After watching Noel do this three times already this stream hurts

>> No.24763945
File: 843 KB, 640x360, marine.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764004

For me it's Marine

>> No.24763947


>> No.24763949

Sio mouth raping Towa!

>> No.24763952

When is the GOI rematch scheduled for anyway?

>> No.24763953

I even tuned in to hear moans. I can't hear any... I feel betrayed.

>> No.24763956
File: 636 KB, 1280x720, 1592678307827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying the ride, why would I want her to drop the autism?

>> No.24763957
File: 544 KB, 1468x898, 20200714_230759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764047

I want, but I can't draw...

>> No.24763958

>2nd place's name

>> No.24763959

She's been in the vicinity of the tower for the last 30 minutes.

>> No.24763961

When you die, don't do the respawn option. Chose spectator and stay by watame's side forever.

>> No.24763962
Quoted by: >>24763982

She's just really bad, she's gonna get smoked by the dumb usagi at this rate.

>> No.24763964

>come leave your shitty drawing so we can laugh at how terrible you are!
No thanks.

>> No.24763966

Towa pretending not to like it but loving it!

>> No.24763968

please no sio it's still sore from the last time

>> No.24763969

When australia attacks

>> No.24763971

>finally relaxes
>immediately gets it
Noeru, just stop being so impatient

>> No.24763973

she did it!

>> No.24763974
Quoted by: >>24763992

i guess the emergency flare stays in it's case

>> No.24763976
File: 78 KB, 743x1024, 982E9C59-DC78-4F48-8C84-C314B080FEFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24763978

Matsurifags....I'm gonna need you to tell me what she said about purityfags recently....
I heard it was a members only thing

>> No.24763977
Quoted by: >>24763996

sio making aki watch!

>> No.24763980

It's just a fun drawing corner.

>> No.24763982

She still has to do that bachi-game (FNaF), right.

>> No.24763986
Quoted by: >>24763993


>> No.24763988


>> No.24763991

I really enjoy Noel's mousepad noises.

>> No.24763992
File: 70 KB, 288x598, 1593953989099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764008


>> No.24763990
Quoted by: >>24764047

nah mate, you fuckers are way too talented i don't need that drop in self esteem, by all means keep the great work tho, love to see what comes out of these

>> No.24763993

Extreme S

>> No.24763996
Quoted by: >>24764035


>> No.24763997
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my harem

>> No.24764000

2nd category is literally just taking the snake first then beating the game
why do this

>> No.24764001

waiting for the live incest fuck stream

>> No.24764004

nice animation

>> No.24764005

paraphrase "don't worry I'm not dating anyone even if i collab with males sometimes, please trust me"

>> No.24764007
Quoted by: >>24764023

Pekora's the kind of girl who'd grind to the point where she gets golden pot runs consistently but never actually finish them so her opponent underestimates her peko.

>> No.24764008


>> No.24764009
File: 586 KB, 951x811, Murasaki.Shion.full.2498581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said only guys with pathetically small penis and inferiority complex are purityfags.

>> No.24764012
Quoted by: >>24764189

ASMR making out stream

>> No.24764013

Pekora did it in two tries during the head to head

>> No.24764014
Quoted by: >>24764061

There is girls like that in NZ?

>> No.24764016

i love aqua's nails

>> No.24764021
Quoted by: >>24764044

If Matsuri were dating someone she absolutely would not be able to shut the fuck up about it so I agree with her

>> No.24764023

golden pot isn't based on speed, it's just from beating it 50 times

>> No.24764027

Why didn't Noel just play like this?

>> No.24764030
Quoted by: >>24764118

kanata's newest addition to the harem

>> No.24764032 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 1058x1080, 1593113490590.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, does hlg rike Towa's m̶a̶m̶a̶ sister?

>> No.24764035

sio infecting the robo with a rootkit!

>> No.24764037

Of course nobody's dating that crazy bitch.

>> No.24764038
File: 56 KB, 500x500, Mea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watches western porn on a 4k 90 in tv with surround sound speakers at full blast while fingering herself.
How can a girl be so based?

>> No.24764040

These people play with drawing tablets/pen, right?

>> No.24764041
File: 106 KB, 632x533, 1593816969226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764043
Quoted by: >>24764063

I want her 100kg ASS ON MY FACE

>> No.24764044
Quoted by: >>24764090

Can imagine the guy going to take a shower and first thing she does is pop a stream and go GUYS I JUST FUCKED LMAO

>> No.24764047

Even just a doodle is fine! Would be happy to just get a variety of holos in here like we usually do. It's also good practice if you've been looking for a reason to.

We don't judge ability here! I like seeing everyone's drawings no matter the level.

>> No.24764049

What did Aqua mean by this?

>> No.24764053

This is just inviting a narrative cause no one watches matsuri here

>> No.24764055

I wish he would play with Pekora and bully the shit out of her...

>> No.24764054
Quoted by: >>24764168

>We don't judge ability here! I like seeing everyone's drawings no matter the level.
Because you don't know (my) level.

>> No.24764061 [SPOILER] 
File: 173 KB, 1152x768, 1594768865830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764063

>100kg in funsize
imagine the ground pressure

>> No.24764066
Quoted by: >>24764081


>> No.24764071

the Towa we need, but not the Towa we deserve

>> No.24764072

is sio really that tall? and also that anemachi is cute af

>> No.24764074


>> No.24764076
Quoted by: >>24764168

I'm fucking sorry mate I know you guys won't judge but I will.

>> No.24764080
Quoted by: >>24764092


>> No.24764081

>mea: dude trust me

>> No.24764082

Luna is her favorite gen 4

>> No.24764085
File: 456 KB, 1536x2304, 1593446113743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me pee in your butt onegai

>> No.24764086

Imagine if she does though and it leaks out after something like this....

>> No.24764088
Quoted by: >>24764184

where the fuck does this meme come from

>> No.24764090
Quoted by: >>24764117

>5 months after Matsuri does a video like this https://youtu.be/XXKOu5f64FA

>> No.24764091

It should have been んえええええ. Since it wasn't, it means Aqua/Shion is a dead ship and that she's going for Luna now.

>> No.24764092

Artia is a brosbro

>> No.24764096
Quoted by: >>24764103

Learn how to dance, unironically. She loves dancing and her boyfriend also likes dancing, thats probably how they found some common ground to build their relationship.

>> No.24764099
Quoted by: >>24764168

It's just too much pressure, anon.

>> No.24764101

Anemachi probably finger blasted Suisei at least once.

>> No.24764102
File: 271 KB, 709x771, 1591913231217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764124


>> No.24764103

why are towafags like this

>> No.24764105 [DELETED] 

does she like blacked?

>> No.24764106

I can't wait to see danchou losing to the smug rabbit again

>> No.24764108
File: 2.02 MB, 951x1500, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_lack__27e86e8eac98e5ed4411daff133396b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764111
File: 1.37 MB, 1334x758, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she trying to tell us something?

>> No.24764115

Sleeping pills...

>> No.24764117
File: 443 KB, 1993x1329, abe-sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fine with that.

>> No.24764118
Quoted by: >>24764135

Is Kanata really a shota?

>> No.24764120

please let this be her next costume, just change the kimono a bit, she would love it

>> No.24764121

damn, aqua is so desperate that she's stealing other holo's material...

>> No.24764123

Fucking 1571 wins
Holy shit, how does someone do this?

>> No.24764124

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are 9-14 years and Korone is 14...

>> No.24764126


>> No.24764127
File: 229 KB, 377x402, 1592173794308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she's perfectly fine

>> No.24764130

Could you imagine the reaction if Coco killed herself? Kanata would milk that shit for so much attention.

>> No.24764132
File: 250 KB, 315x436, 1584270231465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764146

I wonder.

>> No.24764135


>> No.24764138

i dont think there has been a single bad holomama
a couple of the papas are shit but most of them are pretty good too

>> No.24764140
File: 114 KB, 1440x720, EcKUy-BWAAgJrSE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764149

Hey, come closer

>> No.24764141 [SPOILER] 
File: 336 KB, 1000x1000, 1594769206611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to collab.

>> No.24764145

What the fuck I love Ayame now.

>> No.24764146

Black Organization...

>> No.24764148

Coco, say fuck twice if you need help!

>> No.24764149


>> No.24764150

>Is the one who provides Aqua with sexual satisfaction
Yeah she's pretty based keeping our chuubas pure

>> No.24764151

Don't joke with that

>> No.24764153

I can't believe Ayamebros are Brazilian.

>> No.24764158
File: 309 KB, 1818x2048, Ec4HqoyU0AA4ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's very cute. Hoping for holo collabs but looking for her next stream too.

>> No.24764164
Quoted by: >>24764170

>replying to off-topic
>shameless newfaggotry
It's almost like that anon had a point in that there is a connection between post quality and grammar.

>> No.24764166
File: 264 KB, 360x450, peak brazilian hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764191

Ayame é nossa!

>> No.24764167
File: 133 KB, 271x325, ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this cute ayame

>> No.24764168

We've been doing these for a while with lots of anons. But it's okay, I won't force you.

Ahh, alright. I hope one day you can join!

>> No.24764170

shut up towafag

>> No.24764177
File: 1.34 MB, 1300x1660, EaWV4UVU8AAt5d_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ayame even though I'm not Brazilian.

>> No.24764181

If I were a cute girl I'd be so interesting. I'd make for a great vtuber

>> No.24764182
Quoted by: >>24764187

Roro spanking Towa's cute butt!

>> No.24764184

From the official Hololive power level chart.

>> No.24764187

Spanking Towa for streaming at the same time as her!

>> No.24764189
File: 501 KB, 1590x1314, 04C0DCF0-09A7-4689-9357-219191A4E5AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least once.

>> No.24764190
File: 976 KB, 2000x1300, 82960500_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how Suisei feels about the incest shipping with Anemachi

>> No.24764191
Quoted by: >>24764206

Não fale macaques neste recinto.
Well, no wonder she rather be with her bf than stream.

>> No.24764193
File: 200 KB, 1217x1122, 1583945055249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros what if luna doesnt even get close to the 100k viewers...

>> No.24764194
Quoted by: >>24764234

You wouldn't. If you were a cute girl you would be too busy sucking cock.

>> No.24764195


>> No.24764196
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1593724746881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, how are you holding up 35p?

>> No.24764200

>TFW Kanata will never be your half deaf reverse trap gf that can crush your hand.
How do you do deal this feel bros?

>> No.24764201
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1594536790955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764232


>> No.24764205
Quoted by: >>24764222

>if you were a girl you wouldn't be you
unless you start taking those hormones, cause trans women are real women

>> No.24764206

>Her Brazilian* bf

>> No.24764210

archives aren't keeping me together, withdrawal is setting in
i'm never free when aki is streaming
though the HNST 2nd year anniversary was really cute and patra has a lot coming up

>> No.24764211

I'm not even a 35p and I'm starting to miss her...

>> No.24764213

Secretly into it.

>> No.24764215

knowing Coco humor is the most "on the edge" in hololive, she just jokes about death or so I want to believe

>> No.24764216
File: 27 KB, 288x426, 1593018604303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764217

She is happy she doesn't have to hide her desires anymore and can fuck her sister all day long

>> No.24764219

You crush your own hand and masturbate with it

>> No.24764220


>> No.24764222
Quoted by: >>24764276

nice joke

>> No.24764226

I love Aqua

>> No.24764227

Anon, one of the first signs of suicidal thoughts is exactly joking and talking about suicide often

>> No.24764230
Quoted by: >>24764245

where does her design come from?

>> No.24764231
Quoted by: >>24764319

I live for that shit but I'm not deluded enough to think it doesn't creep her out, hopefully she doesn't see it much

>> No.24764232
Quoted by: >>24764244

She probably likes it more than the shotacon stuff.

>> No.24764233
Quoted by: >>24764251

why are anti4thgenfags like this...

>> No.24764234
Quoted by: >>24764254

That's pretty rude

>> No.24764235

Please be true

>> No.24764236
File: 383 KB, 1280x800, pekomiko-panties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764237

What if Anemachi isn't actually her sister but was her live in girlfriend from the beginning

>> No.24764238
File: 56 KB, 359x383, 1593018330637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, this is the stuff.

>> No.24764240

why is suisei's voice so robotic?

>> No.24764244

She probably wishes anemachi was a shota

>> No.24764245

Anemachi made her own design, according to Suisei.

>> No.24764246

very true. that one twitch streamer that an hero'd recently joked about suicide all the time. it's why I never joke about it cuz its a slippery slope.

>> No.24764249

Now that she's moving in with Kanata and Coco and I'm embracing my inner weeb again music wise, Suisei isn't that bad.

>> No.24764251

The worst part is that they put 4th gens against each other but yonkiseichads won't wall for that, right?

>> No.24764252

do you think she feels dejected after pandering to EOPs like Korone but not getting the same influx of fans?

>> No.24764254
Quoted by: >>24764270

It's not rude if it's the truth, anon.

>> No.24764255

Kind of funny since she was Yukari in the 2hu album instead of Ran.

>> No.24764257

Yes Suisei we already know what you're going to your sister after the stream. Just don't brag about it.

>> No.24764263

would say more just thinking about it constantly, and that we don't know

>> No.24764264
File: 137 KB, 1000x708, 1594722782617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764266
File: 1.01 MB, 2841x2841, 1594701778967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764781

sniff... sniff...

>> No.24764268
File: 135 KB, 778x1100, 1593031575634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life just ain't fair

>> No.24764269 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 210x240, 1594769935946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764292

At least he finally found lethal.

>> No.24764270
Quoted by: >>24764296

If I'm chaste as a guy, I can be chaste as a girl

>> No.24764272
File: 791 KB, 1280x800, pekomiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764273

accurate. i used to joke about it all the time when i was depressed but now i think joking about suicide is in bad taste.

>> No.24764275

How does Hololive get more total viewership than Nijisanji even though they have 7000 vtubers?
What is Hololive doing that has things going so well for them?

>> No.24764276
Quoted by: >>24764287

only if you're actually retarded it's a slipery slope, also that streamer was fucked in the head for a long time, so everyone knew he would end himself someday

>> No.24764277
File: 220 KB, 331x307, 1592051959700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this autistic elf so much.

>> No.24764278
File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, Ec2YHsHUMAE0WM3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we get too cocky, Holobros?

>> No.24764283
Quoted by: >>24764330

You know the 3D one is written by the hololive staff, while the other one is her telling Miko that after she told Coco she wanted to jump off the statue of liberty, right?
Very edgy and funny dude haha

>> No.24764284

Memes. Also memorable designs

>> No.24764285

As a person who had suicidal thoughts for roughly half of my life I can say it is true.

>> No.24764286
File: 133 KB, 1000x1000, EcvFOxlVcAE3OM4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I'd enjoy Rat Simulator, but I'm glad I got to see it through to the end. Never would have guessed the Pest Control Leader would have mastered the 4 elements. Have some clips.


>Big-brain AI play:

>Okayu gets magic pixeled by the boss:

>Immediate Okagyaku after winning(dog abuse):

>> No.24764287

yes faggot

>> No.24764288

Plus she has Japanese genes so that raises her chances to actually go through with it. Got to keep an eye on Coco

>> No.24764290

not having 7000 vtubers
/end discussion

>> No.24764291

Compile behind the curve, sad!

>> No.24764292

Fuck you, don't joke about that stuff. Losing a game because you missed lethal feels awful.

>> No.24764293

Better she crushes your hand than your dick.

>> No.24764295
File: 270 KB, 2048x983, 1594724343236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764296

As a guy, you don't have options.
As a cute girl you would have many options.

>> No.24764299

old and busted...bring back luna or something instead

>> No.24764301
Quoted by: >>24764327

>flare didn't retweet this

>> No.24764303

Just imagine how firm that grasp would be though.

>> No.24764304

why are towafags like this

>> No.24764305
Quoted by: >>24764326

Hololive is way more accessible to non-Japanese, even the most popular nijis are either hard to understand speech-wise or their content is just unappealing to a wide audience, like streaming shinymas or something

>> No.24764307
File: 113 KB, 850x601, sample_d46bb3087c84c325b42500e38d2773c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764308
File: 216 KB, 1914x1976, EXgFLX5VcAEAudg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon put the instrumentals to Risu's acapella. Thanks anon!
>Brave Jewel

>> No.24764309
Quoted by: >>24764335

Why does she have retard's strength?

>> No.24764311
Quoted by: >>24764332

>I never thought I'd enjoy Rat Simulator
Did you not watch Korone play it?

>> No.24764318

I've seen countless anons post about wanting to kill themselves, wonder how many actually went through with it.

>> No.24764319

I've only ever seen a handful of art of them in a romantic sense. And usually it's drawn by the same two or three artists. The rest of the drawings with the sisters tend to be more wholesome.

>> No.24764322

Seriously though, Pekora is so successful now that she doesn't have passion for her job anymore. Collaborations? What a hassle. Just let me get up out of bed at 3pm and start the stream

>> No.24764323

her hand strength is high for a woman but below average for a man, better do your (exercise) reps anon

>> No.24764326

also they just have less translated clips or the algoritm just doesn't push as much as holos

>> No.24764327

she's just taking a good night's sleep

>> No.24764328
File: 390 KB, 960x1080, dragon mute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764388

Delete this.

>> No.24764330
Quoted by: >>24764369

Did I phrase it wrong? Sorry I was just hoping that those are just edgy Coco jokes.

>> No.24764332

Her's was fun. But it was short. I thought the game would be boring to see in its entirety, but the boss was the best part of it.

>> No.24764334

There's probably a few anons from these very threads that have probably killed themselves by now.

>> No.24764335

Working at the family farm as a child.

>> No.24764337

I beg to differ.

>> No.24764339
File: 1.14 MB, 1366x768, 1593045495807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764345

>Ah, my boyfriend dumped me after getting sick of my voice already but I still have to wait until the 19th to go back...

>> No.24764340


>> No.24764341

not funny

>> No.24764344

How does this make you feel?

>> No.24764345

But I am her boyfriend.

>> No.24764346

a minority I would, just being in 4chan makes you a pussy, which lowers your chances to actually commit without having people chearing you on/watch you

>> No.24764347


>> No.24764349

Because niji only has a few interesting members, they're more about quantity over quality. Even the worst holo (towa) is better than most niji's.

>> No.24764350


>> No.24764352

Did anyone catch the Shadow Corridor Sora stream?

>> No.24764354
Quoted by: >>24764358

this but with Towa lol

>> No.24764355


>> No.24764356

>talking about Flare

>> No.24764358

Don't you guys get tired of beating a dead horse

>> No.24764359

It's such a good video, especially how it sets up for the latter half of it

>> No.24764362
File: 255 KB, 1254x1771, 1594405637049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24764365
Quoted by: >>24764378

Have you ever heard the phrase "quality above quantity"?

>> No.24764369
File: 539 KB, 1000x1000, 1593224028472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you didn't, i was just retarded, sorry.

>> No.24764371
Quoted by: >>24764390

They have nothing better to do

>> No.24764372

Speaking of going hero do you think the VA for Hitomi Chris did it?

>> No.24764377
Quoted by: >>24764413

people still watch her?

>> No.24764378

No I haven't, ESLchama.

>> No.24764379

Hololive is memed on /v/ and avoid to kill unicorns.

>> No.24764382

Makes me wonder how Peko's mom deals with her screaming and crying.

>> No.24764383

the (you)s keep them going

>> No.24764384

If she didn't at first I am sure she has now.

>> No.24764386

Which Holo sucks the most cocks?

>> No.24764387

Wasn't it her gran?

>> No.24764388
File: 2.55 MB, 390x444, 1592449687895.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764390

Hey leave Sperg-chan alone, do you know how much she loves Towa

>> No.24764391

imagine beating towa corpse lol

>> No.24764393

Considering her mom called her a gorilla, she would probably laugh at her and make her cry even more.
And that's how you get a socially introvert child

>> No.24764396
Quoted by: >>24764458

what are the chances she treats her mom like shit because she makes more money than her?

>> No.24764397

The end is so difficult to watch

>> No.24764398


>> No.24764399
Quoted by: >>24764408


>> No.24764400

Niji's spread their audience too thin so only a select few get the massive views. Think of it like how Aki got ignored in the past but on a larger scale

>> No.24764402

I had her on in the background, it was your typical shadow corridor. She didn't really sound scared when I paid attention.

>> No.24764403

Yes, she was moaning and screaming for some reason.

>> No.24764404


>> No.24764405

Well, at least he's committed

>> No.24764408
File: 24 KB, 208x246, 1593018279710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real schizo hours

>> No.24764409


>> No.24764411

At this point I unironically appreciate that Suisei is going to be living with Coco and Kanata, maybe her "take a break if you're losing it" attitude can actually help the two overworked and possibly depressed hikkis. Holohouse seemed like such a meme idea when they were just joking around discussing it, but now that we've seen that Coco wasn't nearly joking about her sleeping pill high and are reminded that Kanata can be rendered practically helpless for a whole day I find myself wishing someone was there for them at the time.

>> No.24764412

If not she's thinking about it. Imagine working so hard then get outed as a thot. Being ostracised by those you called friends for months. Then two years later see them be successful and getting international attention.

>> No.24764413
File: 493 KB, 596x527, 1594706547725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764417


>> No.24764416

when is it not

>> No.24764417
Quoted by: >>24764433


>> No.24764418

>rurudo in the chat during her debut
She's perfect

>> No.24764420

Hitomi Chris.

>> No.24764421
File: 144 KB, 828x1715, EclSK80UwAMZJdW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shhhh be quiet... Risu is sleeping...

>> No.24764428

Too many streamers with little care or attention given to them.

>> No.24764429

She's too good at the game so it wasn't all that entertaining.

>> No.24764430

>newfags falseflagging and newfags responding
it's that time of day again

>> No.24764432

post more anemachi

>> No.24764431
File: 1.01 MB, 724x835, 81665758_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764485

Reminder to give Sperg-chan some space so she can practice conversing with herself.
Don't give (you)s and just ignore every obvious tribal war baits or antiposting.

>> No.24764433


>> No.24764435
File: 236 KB, 850x1199, __shirakami_fubuki_hololive_drawn_by_sy4__sample-e230ddfdd7b3f106fc0e69899176ba95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel betrayed by fubuki, she's playing kojimbo game and she's not streaming it, I wanted to watch her first impression.

>> No.24764436

Hitomi Chris that is the reason why her character got shut down

>> No.24764439

Lots of sound proofing

>> No.24764442
File: 721 KB, 1200x800, 82981242_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually makes sense considering how she refuses to live apart from Suisei

>> No.24764444

the one you like the most anon

>> No.24764446

hololive is still small enough that I can reasonably keep track of most of what everyone is doing and its like a big happy family where i know everyone
niji is so big that i cant be fucked to pay attention to even half of them, so i just watch the one or two that interest me and dont pay attention to the rest

>> No.24764448

That is some spicy narrative there.

>> No.24764449

>she's playing kojimbo game and she's not streaming it, I wanted to watch her first impression.

>> No.24764450

Minato Aquanda was an AFRICAN KING.

>> No.24764454

Sleep tight you poorfag.

>> No.24764458

0% because peko is a good girl, I just hope she's invested enough into her sound proofing so she's not torturing her mother when she's going full pekora.

>> No.24764459
File: 58 KB, 602x313, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764460

That'd be weird since they almost look identical.

>> No.24764463

what's wrong with Noel? why does she stream at this hour?

>> No.24764464
Quoted by: >>24764518

It really is rare to see such an attached sibling. I think it's ridiculously cute

>> No.24764466

>Fubuki prefers to not stream at all than to receive another peso

>> No.24764467

Towa of course

>> No.24764468


>> No.24764473

Well she's her sister and girlfriend at the same time.

>> No.24764475

Based as fuck

>> No.24764476

She's going to kill that rabbit if it's the last thing she does.

>> No.24764477

Our knight does it to help us through the dead times.

>> No.24764478
File: 68 KB, 199x171, 1591367633127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764488

quality > quantity

>> No.24764480
File: 30 KB, 600x591, egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoshimachi edit when.

>> No.24764481

It's her daily morning training in GOI. I suppose she's going to do it until she get the golden pot.

>> No.24764483

I used to believe the holos were kind souls, now I realize they're all snakes.
At the end of the day this is just a job for them.

>> No.24764485
File: 725 KB, 653x1000, 20200714_225647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Subarubros be this based?

>> No.24764488
File: 281 KB, 500x500, 1585257925052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic unrelated?

>> No.24764490
Quoted by: >>24764529

sound like a villain origin story Kek

>> No.24764496
Quoted by: >>24764538

Based towabro

>> No.24764498

Because she is pure and a little bit of that is given to the anons that watch her

>> No.24764499

I thought she was always watch these threads?

>> No.24764500

>Obama likes Noel

>> No.24764502

Haato's membership went from the most useless one to the most worthy one

>> No.24764505
Quoted by: >>24764512

>I used to believe [headcanon], now I realize [headcanon]

>> No.24764506
Quoted by: >>24764521

You can enjoy your job anon.

>> No.24764507
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x685, F17020E9-0BB4-4337-921A-2BA116CBFF4E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764758

>This autist returns
Just what we needed

>> No.24764511
Quoted by: >>24764758


>> No.24764512
Quoted by: >>24764605

Stop giving (you)s to these shitposters. Throwing gasoline at the fire is just as bad as starting it.

>> No.24764513

Based kenzochad

>> No.24764515
File: 89 KB, 850x944, sample_0910a80dd7b0a56168871256cd9c7976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato retweeted lewds are the best lewds.

>> No.24764517

there's already a bunch of holos in that game anon

>> No.24764518
File: 702 KB, 1200x938, 82487445_p7_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the trio agreed that it's okay for Anemachi to move in with them. Suisei's streams would feel a bit lonely without her sister occasionally popping in. They're always a treat.

>> No.24764520
File: 380 KB, 800x800, 1593127522152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subarubros know their holo might die any moment and they have to enjoy the time they got left.
I hope she outlives me.

>> No.24764521
Quoted by: >>24764551

Doesn't change the fact that they're just manipulating me.

>> No.24764524

Under all the layers of desperate sexuality what is the real Marine like?

>> No.24764529

Yup that's exactly what happened.
Chris' contract was terminated and the character ceases to exist.
She was going to be first gen and no one at first gen acknowledge her.

>> No.24764530

why was pekora's latest stream deleted twice?

>> No.24764531


>> No.24764532

That's... Depressing.

>> No.24764535
File: 1.48 MB, 1190x807, 1593268566127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon works a souless job he doesn't enjoy

>> No.24764538

Replies to himself with his phone
Shamelessly replies to himself with his PC

Take your fucking meds you subhuman vermin.

>> No.24764544

stop being a schizo

>> No.24764546

There will be a hole in all our hearts on that day

>> No.24764548

Do Holos fart?

>> No.24764550
Quoted by: >>24764565

Most people don't enjoy their jobs.
In fact, I'd go so far as to say that more than 90% of people don't enjoy their jobs.

>> No.24764551

>manipulating me
I'm genuinely curious, how did they manipulate you? Only answer if you're not a Fandead.

>> No.24764554


>> No.24764555

her 3D is so fucking cute

>> No.24764556

Even more horny.

>> No.24764558

Kanata farted on Coco.

>> No.24764560

why are towafags like this

>> No.24764564

Luna does.

>> No.24764565

Laughed at this post

>> No.24764570
Quoted by: >>24764601


>> No.24764575

Why are sheepfags like this

>> No.24764577

Yeah. I really hate not knowing the answer to this question. Cause in both cases they would act like they are acting now.

>> No.24764580
Quoted by: >>24764603

How is Sperg-chan going to fight against Sio's Mahjong Yakuza

>> No.24764581
File: 8 KB, 230x220, letöltés.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually curious what will happen after the current vtuber wave. I mean there was Ai, I don't even remember when exactly, and she was insanely popular but nowadays almost no one is watching her despite the two million subscribers except maybe spics, according to her chat. Will this happen to the current chuubas too? Will they sink back to the obscurity again after the people ger bored of the interactive animegirl? What will the new generations of chuubas look like after a few years?

>> No.24764582
Quoted by: >>24764718

So apparently the legend of Kanata's grip comes from Watame playing RFA offline with Kanata

>> No.24764587

You could choke on your dinner anytime, anon.

>> No.24764588
File: 316 KB, 439x515, EbhOkX_VAAAJT3s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Anon. Dragon is facking cute.

>> No.24764589
Quoted by: >>24764593


>> No.24764590

Shouldn't you be doing your apex reps? It's like you don't even want that strip mahjong stream.

>> No.24764591
File: 113 KB, 1280x960, 4565645641115122154456389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you buy this if it had your favorite holo in it?

>> No.24764592

I hope so.

>> No.24764593
Quoted by: >>24764612

What happen anon?!?!

>> No.24764596
File: 760 KB, 2200x3650, 1591282753991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will this happen to the current chuubas too?
maybe but ill always watch the kusagi as long as shes around

>> No.24764599

It depends a lot on the individual, whether it's chuubas or any other kind of streamer. If you build from a strong foundation you will retain viewers, if you build on a house of memes like Haachama or Fubuki it's not going to last.

>> No.24764600 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 929x433, chad yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you seriously think that Yagoo's dream was to have an idol group? money is justice

>> No.24764601


>> No.24764603
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, EbfiIeQU8AUPxS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764625

It's not safe to get too close, only the strongest will survive.

>> No.24764604
Quoted by: >>24764609

even worse, you could have a brain aneurysm anytime, and it could happen to anyone
the asian guy from mythbusters just died of it

>> No.24764605

Let's all uncritically send our paychecks to those kind ladies who definitely are single.

>> No.24764606

I blame gen 3 and 4 for turning everyone into numberfags

>> No.24764608

I don't want to believe that her condition is actually that bad. She will probably outlive most of us.

>> No.24764609
Quoted by: >>24764648

>the asian guy from mythbusters just died of it

>> No.24764610

do towafags really?

>> No.24764611


>> No.24764612

Kanata grabbed it.

>> No.24764613

This, but unironically.

>> No.24764614

I'd reckon as soon as the influx of western "vtubers" hit critical mass and all of them are beefing with each other is when vtubers will become obscure again.

>> No.24764619

Ai died also cause she strayed from her roots and they tried to replace her with multiple other VA's at the same time
Also the Vtuber wave is just starting, wait until Big English Anitubers start making videos about them and even worse do collabs with them, that will be the biggest boom from the EOP's

>> No.24764620

I'm sorry for your dick, anon...

>> No.24764621

Choco or Miko probably

>> No.24764622
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 1592866574292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764623

no because my favorite holo isn't just her looks, it's her personality as well peko

>> No.24764624


>> No.24764625
Quoted by: >>24764631


>> No.24764630

>appealing to my low self esteem
>appealing to my loneliness and desire for affection
>that false sense of intimacy and understanding
>feeling like I'm spending time with a friend
Hearing Miko or Okayu tell me words of encouragement and that they cherish me, every time a holo would say "daisuki", looking back it stings.
Sure, you can say that part of being a streamer is maintaining your audiences interests with interactions, and maybe it's my fault for getting too invested in them, but it still leaves me feeling bitter all the same.

>> No.24764631
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1586276352539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764632

Would buy already as is so yes

>> No.24764633

>who definitely are single.
This but unironically.

>> No.24764634
Quoted by: >>24764661

Worst timeline

>> No.24764636

>not doing your dick reps
it's your own fault, really

>> No.24764641
Quoted by: >>24764672

>Did you seriously think that Yagoo's dream was to have an idol group?
Yes he wants or wanted a group of young hs girls he cold fuck on the regular

>> No.24764642

The big ones like kaguya luna and Ai got fucked over by management, some others like mirai or hinata kinda faded into obscurity once the vtuber fad went away, they're still going but nowhere near their top numbers

the holos will eventually lose some numbers, but not as much, they've been way better at establishing solid and loyal bases no matter their size, specially since they went after the idol crowd instead of just the regular audience, the holos produce more varied content which keeps new waves of fans incoming and prevents the content from getting stagnant, add to that the collabs, they're good no need to worry

>> No.24764643
File: 1.08 MB, 2900x4096, Ec60Ts8UcAAVIzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764645
Quoted by: >>24765082

whatever you do, don't look up the western version of this

>> No.24764646
Quoted by: >>24764671

Oh great. Now even /r9k/ is here.

>> No.24764648

Sorry you have to see the news from /hlg/ anonchama...

>> No.24764649

I don't want them to collab with westerners... But Coco will do it eventually... I fuckin hate that bitch

>> No.24764651

I love noel's voice.

>> No.24764652

Maybe I'm being autistic but it would feel really weird to see her avatar speak and animate without her soul behind it. I might buy it if it was a vtuber I like but don't take as seriously instead.

>> No.24764653

I only watch Korone and I'm pretty sure she's no snake.

>> No.24764655
Quoted by: >>24764693

Sio, Aki, and Sperg-chan in a three-way duel to the death for Towa's hand in marriage!

>> No.24764656

Next wave will be the western vtubers. We already have a few, Iron Mouse is getting pretty popular these days, for instance. So most westerners will most likely jump ship to a vtuber they can understand, but I'd say at this point Hololive is strong enough to survive that. It's likely they will also become the new standard for the industry.

>> No.24764659
File: 253 KB, 1065x2048, EbIAu74UEAUsEUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24764661

we are in it tho, it's just a about when now

>> No.24764664
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, 85AAD731-7929-4FA5-B373-BD6D66D4672C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s just talking about her heart, which I believe she’s had surgery to fix.

>> No.24764667
Quoted by: >>24764695

Damn anonchama, did you really go outside before quarantine?

>> No.24764670
Quoted by: >>24764678

Holos' character design and voice are more erotic and comedic than Nijis, that regardless of the content the earlier will attract more casual viewers than the later.

>> No.24764671
Quoted by: >>24764680

this general is also spreading to other boards so you can't complain

>> No.24764672
Quoted by: >>24764694

>young hs girls

>> No.24764674

You have 10 seconds to explain why you aren't doing your reps right NOW.

>> No.24764679

They all give you a facsimile of an interaction with a dream girl. This is what most of the watchers lack in their lives and desperately need in their opinions. And at some point if you aren't thinking straight your simping gene activates so you give her money even if she doesn't ask directly. Cause she doesn't even have to.

>> No.24764678
Quoted by: >>24764792

But the top 3 holos aren't very erotic.

>> No.24764680
Quoted by: >>24764684

It's barely from people here.

>> No.24764681

I did them already.

>> No.24764684

People from here are from other boards.

>> No.24764685

i just woke up

>> No.24764686
File: 1.31 MB, 2100x1200, 8ADF6E51-F15A-4DF9-B1CE-DC0BC4F31F3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764733

Don’t have Anki.

>> No.24764688
Quoted by: >>24764722

First of all, I'm lazy. But second of all, I switch to /hlg/ until what I'm learning is dumped out of my short term working memory so I know when I've actually learned it instead of just having it in RAM

>> No.24764689
Quoted by: >>24764708

I'm doing drawing reps instead.

>> No.24764691
File: 64 KB, 459x769, 1594422838237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because im not so stupid as to spend time learning a language in the age of translations when my favorite chuuba will graduate or i will burn out on chuubas before i finish.

>> No.24764693
File: 468 KB, 591x891, 1590725824228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764694

But that's just Yagoo, other managers might have other kinks

>> No.24764695

I went to Uni and work.

>> No.24764698

This anon is right. And he knows it cause he quoted himself in this post. Schizo overdrive activate.

>> No.24764700


>> No.24764704

i finished all the kanas, how do i kanji?

>> No.24764706
File: 193 KB, 1785x1323, Ebd9j0BUMAYYjzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her heart condition isn't chronic and if she survived this long it's gonna be fine. I'm a lot more worried about everything that happened after that like being hit by a car or her house burning down and how those things affected her coupled with her troubled childhood. I admire Subaru for her ever bright smile but her talking about her actual problems with the same smile like it's the funniest thing in the world makes me worry. Recent events like her burnout after birthday and privated utawaku kinda sour the whole picture too. I hope she outlives me too. It wouldn't be fair otherwise.

>> No.24764707

Today is cardio day

>> No.24764708

Same, except I'm just shitposting instead of doing my drawing reps

>> No.24764709

sumimasen, i just got bored and checked the thread, ill get right back to it, thanks for the encouragement anon

>> No.24764713
Quoted by: >>24764867

Anon, they physically can't love ALL their viewers but they try to. Not because it's there job but because they appreciate the time (and money) you have invested into them. Even the fakest Holos still have fun with their chat because, despite it being their job, they enjoy hanging out with their viewers.
All of them (except maybe sora) were streamers in their past lives so, they may not LOVE you personally but, they do understand their viewers and try to make them happy. Because they enjoy their job.

>> No.24764714

Ill wate for the BR 2049 emanator

>> No.24764716
Quoted by: >>24764739

Roboco is a robot but Matsuri is a turboslut.
Which do you think could service the most cocks in 2 hours?

>> No.24764717
Quoted by: >>24764727

Why is Miko the lamest vtuber?
Is it because she's all used up from her last gig?

>> No.24764718

They had a stream with Suisei too. It's not exactly a secret.

>> No.24764719

She isn't in for the long game, she just wants to steal her virginity

>> No.24764720
Quoted by: >>24764728

retardchama, if that was the case maybe he would've hired high schoolers instead of 20-30 year olds.

>> No.24764722

How did you know my secret technique?

>> No.24764723

i don't feel so good

>> No.24764727
Quoted by: >>24764753

>Why is Miko the lamest vtuber?
She's pretty lame but I think Pekora gets the honor of lamest.

>> No.24764728

Didn't he hire Shion and Haato

>> No.24764729
File: 1002 KB, 640x360, p1CqIKuSrz905Has.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764730 [SPOILER] 
File: 49 KB, 452x491, 1594772644577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764732

I can't even do my medication reps for a chronic illness.

>> No.24764733

it takes no longer than 3 minutes to install
although i have no fucking clue how to use it

>> No.24764735
Quoted by: >>24764772

Force them into your head. Unironically works better than it seems. Tricky part is you have to do it often. If you laze out about it, you may never get through it.

>> No.24764737
File: 1.91 MB, 1600x900, EcqMqQLU8AAes4P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute angels

>> No.24764738

The American.

>> No.24764739

Matsuri, and no matter what /k/ says is no good to put your dick in a cliping mechanism.

>> No.24764741

they are both 18+

>> No.24764742

Like all things, find someone else's thing and steal it then change it to your liking.

>> No.24764743
Quoted by: >>24764772

You could spend longer trying to answer that question than actually learning kanji given how much has been written on it. I drilled most of the radicals and now I'm working through the joyo, giving them each a story made of their radicals and a 'name' based on their readings

>> No.24764744
Quoted by: >>24764764

What do you mean? The same way you use flip cards. I was kinda confused too but when I actually started it became pretty clear.

>> No.24764748

Idol vtuber wave is the current fad, but unlike the previous wave this one will last more as long as Japanese culture is done with idol faggotry. Look at AKB48, especially here in /jp/ thread. That franchise start more than decade, but it never failed to continue in attracting more paypigs until now.

>> No.24764749
File: 222 KB, 512x478, 7kebkz3io6s41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if hololive is a smoke screen to hide sex trafficking?

>> No.24764750
Quoted by: >>24764767

now at least. they didnt establish the 18+ rule until gen 3

>> No.24764751
Quoted by: >>24764767

Not when they first debuted

>> No.24764754

I have exam next week being a medical student is suffering

>> No.24764753
Quoted by: >>24764886

I don't know.
Pretending to be an otaku is pretty lame, and Marine has mastered leeching from that well.

>> No.24764757

Because I'm trying to prepare a job interview. I was a NEET since months and I planned to be the same but the holos motivated me enough to be better, move from my parents and apply to a job. I'm pretty scared to be honest because this will be the first time when I try to do something with my life but I will do my best. The payment would be really good so I could drop akasupa anytime.

>> No.24764756

hit arms and shoulders today
then some anki + genki workbook

>> No.24764758
File: 364 KB, 600x584, t. Minato Aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764765

Search your feelings, you know it to be true

>> No.24764761

Haato can't even get fucked by managers, she's in another country

>> No.24764763 [DELETED] 

i wish i never found out how gross korone and matsuri are irl
i can’t watch them anymore and i used to really like korone..

>> No.24764764

i have no idea what flip cards are
t. double digit IQ

>> No.24764765

wtf i hate aqua

>> No.24764767
Quoted by: >>24764779

true but I'd hardly consider them young high school girls even then

>> No.24764768
File: 2.81 MB, 1076x720, 1588299500021.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a true aidoru

>> No.24764769

Shion's pretty depressed rn

>> No.24764772
Quoted by: >>24764885

so drilling and anki is necessary? thanks

>> No.24764773

I was getting a little bummed out about my lack of progress in doing my reps and I found watching this video helped to inspire me.

She's absolutely right that you need a purpose to learn Japanese and mine is that I cannot fully enjoy the holos unless I learn it. Getting locked out of 90% of the content and having the rest of it poorly translated is not acceptable to me.

>> No.24764777

Holo is to relationships as porn is to sex.

>> No.24764779

High School is from 14-18, so they hit the mark pretty well, Haato is still just 18 and Shion is younger anon

>> No.24764781


>> No.24764782

stop replying to yourself loser

>> No.24764784
Quoted by: >>24764832

Cure dolly is the best jap teacher on youtube and it's not even close.

>> No.24764785
Quoted by: >>24764799


>> No.24764787

Please don't be mean to her

>> No.24764788
Quoted by: >>24764798

Make sure to watch her(?) actual lessons too, it's helping me way more than any other grammar guide I've tried.

>> No.24764789


>> No.24764790

But couldn't she get fucked when she debuted, that's the point, that's why the dream is dead

>> No.24764791
Quoted by: >>24764804

/hlg/ is better than /djt/ if you actually want to learn unironically

>> No.24764792

Fubuki is prime girlfriend material.

>> No.24764793


>> No.24764797

they are fucking ugly lol

>> No.24764798

I've just started, watched the first few videos and I feel like I'm on the right track.

>> No.24764799
Quoted by: >>24764825

it's so obvious some times it's painful to see how pathetic someone can be

>> No.24764800

filtered lol

>> No.24764801

God I fucking hate this brain so much, why can't it work properly?

>> No.24764804

More people here actually want to learn jp kek

>> No.24764811
File: 58 KB, 1718x130, Screen Shot 2020-07-14 at 8.30.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish these nips would get off their asses and ship my shit already

>> No.24764816
Quoted by: >>24764827

what a superficial bitch, get fucked

>> No.24764817
Quoted by: >>24764827

you can start leaving then

>> No.24764819
Quoted by: >>24764826

Because you touch yourself

>> No.24764821

What's with the schizo posting today, why are people so ass pained about convos just cause they dont like them, then whine that there are no people talking about holos

>> No.24764822

question for N4/N3, do you guys still translate stuff in your head when reading/listening or can you just see the runes without needing to hear the english in your head?

>> No.24764824

It's grown numb from lack of use.

>> No.24764825
Quoted by: >>24764852

How many of these replies are you Sperg-chan?

>> No.24764826
Quoted by: >>24764830

Not true. My cock's been broken for years.

>> No.24764827
Quoted by: >>24764841

stop replying to yourself loser

>> No.24764830
Quoted by: >>24764848

Kanatan must be stopped.

>> No.24764832

>It's time for nama-sensei's FUCKING Japanese lessons
>drink beer

>> No.24764833
File: 354 KB, 692x626, subarudayoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764836

Yeah it's kind of retarded but I remember the meaning in English. If you asked me to transcribe back what they said, I couldn't tell you, but I remember the meaning of their words.

>> No.24764837
Quoted by: >>24764849

I don't know about all of you but, Minato Aqua? She's pretty African. And by African I mean black. Aqua's a black. Negro Aqua. Blaqua.

>> No.24764841

>2 seconds apart from each other
This is just sad anon

>> No.24764846

For longer sentences I need to read it in my mind, but for single words the meaning just pops into my head without having to think about it. I assume as you get more skilled the same applies to phrases and shorter sentences.

>> No.24764848

But I want her to destroy my cock too

>> No.24764849

As long as she's not a SEAnig or a spic I will love her

>> No.24764852
Quoted by: >>24764860

all me

>> No.24764856 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 329x423, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764858

I'm still starting but I usually try not to translate stuff in my head and just think it in japanese when I'm reading.

>> No.24764859

Calm down sperg-chan, you're having a relapse again.

>> No.24764860
Quoted by: >>24764898

You baited me, GJ peko

>> No.24764864
File: 488 KB, 2345x3582, 20200619_131525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope shion streams again soon. I miss her a lot

>> No.24764867

>Even the fakest Holos
I think that is the problem for that anon though. When you are lonely you can easily take everything as real and be swept away into it. Until one day you realize this is an act at least to some extent if not fully (like Ayame) and you feel betrayed.

>> No.24764872


>> No.24764873

Hoshikawa! Hoshikawa!! HOSHIKAWAAAA!!!

>> No.24764875

Starting to think, maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.24764876
Quoted by: >>24764893

The feelings I get are real, and for that reason, Miko and Kanata are more real than I am.

>> No.24764877

It's kind of surprising her machine could run Pien just fine but not Nobeta.

>> No.24764880
Quoted by: >>24764895

TowaSio offline horror game collab when...

>> No.24764884
Quoted by: >>24764903

>When you are lonely you can easily take everything as real and be swept away into it.
only if you are a fucking idiot you think the holos are real
they are fucking actors
yes part of their personality sips into the role. But at the end of the day it's still a fucking role that they play.

>> No.24764885
Quoted by: >>24764921

I don't know about anki, I started it early on but dropped it. Once you have the radicals connecting meanings and kanji is really quick, the drilling is mostly in readings. Some people recommend skipping readings and only learning vocab

>> No.24764886

Marine is definitely the most immoral exploiter in hololive

>> No.24764887

TowaSio offline gay sex when...

>> No.24764888

la goblina de hololive..

>> No.24764889

Not for $1500.
Instead, give me a voice pack from my favorite Holo with a bunch of greetings, general statements about all sorts of stuff (weather/a scheduled appointment is soon/my favorite holo has a stream coming up/a set timer just hit zero), stating the hour, day and month, some okite okite/oyasumi and whatever other stuff.
I'll make my own widget that makes use of the sound clips.

>> No.24764890

ok you faggot that is it. stop replying to yourself. i traced your IP. you can't lie to me. i see that only you are posting in this thread on a rotating IP. i will never listen to you. go away. stop posting.

>> No.24764891
File: 418 KB, 1378x1946, Ec577F6UcAA6xdB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, anon.

>> No.24764893

jesus you need some help or just kill youself

>> No.24764895

I want a horror movie watchalong with them too. And I want them to sleep together after it.

>> No.24764896
Quoted by: >>24764928

I think it's kinda easy to tell which holos are fake and which aren't.
For example, no matter what anyone says, I won't be able to see Korone as fake. Until recently when she became busy, she basically threw herself into streaming and was pretty much using every moment of her free time to stream and interact with her fans (which is why super long stream times between 10-20 hours were basically a daily occurrence for her)

Someone who doesn't love what they are doing won't do this. Coco is another who is definitely not fake. Just look at what they do and you can tell.

>> No.24764898
File: 703 KB, 571x632, ymvk4a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24764937

please call Sperg-chan by her proper name peko
nousagi are not schizo

>> No.24764900
File: 173 KB, 242x311, 1591726090355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm usually not into idols but I treat hololive more as a comedy troupe than anything else.

>> No.24764901
File: 29 KB, 99x145, harbor aquaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude I already hacked your ps4, dude
fbi is on its way, dude. Get fucked!!!!

>> No.24764903

And the business is booming right now thanks to idiots like these so it is widespread.

>> No.24764906
Quoted by: >>24764938


>> No.24764907
File: 193 KB, 1120x1728, 1594606473735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are catfags all coomers?
including myself

>> No.24764908

I am (You).

>> No.24764909 [DELETED] 

Hololive is pretty diverse and inclusive when you think about it; in just one group we have:
Aki - Slav
Aqua - Black
Ayame - Jew
Coco - "American"
Haato - White
Haachama - Flip
Miko - Downs Syndrome
Rushia - Turbojew
Suisei - Russian/Soviet
Zion - Wizard (Jew)

>> No.24764911

jokes on you, I find fatsuri qt

>> No.24764912

That is true, but my point is that the fakeness of chubbas has been ovetstated. That even the fake ones appreciate their viewers and thus anon shouldn't focus on the fake part of the girls, otherwise he'd see everything as fake.

>> No.24764917
File: 52 KB, 407x490, sad fbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think any of the holos know or love aniki?

>> No.24764919

But he is you anon...

>> No.24764920

Projecting again? Just fuck off and go see a therapist.

>> No.24764921
Quoted by: >>24764949

Honestly learning the vocab first makes more sense than drilling kanji right away. I mean think about it, pretty sure most of us learned to talk before we learned to read and write.

>> No.24764924

I'm matsuri's brother ask me anything

>> No.24764927

I want to fuck the schizo until they calm down and stop being delusional!

>> No.24764928

okay so any holo you like is not fake

>> No.24764929
File: 110 KB, 700x1000, E72BD638-56E1-4ADD-8D25-AC823EB2BF2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t believe Pekora’s bullying Noel again.

>> No.24764930

Towa is also Eastern-European

>> No.24764931

This is the best narrative in this thread right now

>> No.24764933

give me some wholesome recommendations

>> No.24764934
Quoted by: >>24764948

I love Towa! She's entertaining and endearing! I wish her happiness and success!

>> No.24764935
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, 1591902543630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizos replying to themselves, falseflaggers and dead hours? LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.24764938

I am not paranoia. you are paranoia. Aaaaaaaaaa

>> No.24764936

got ur IP and i'm checkin' all the shit on ur comp

>> No.24764937 [SPOILER] 
File: 415 KB, 981x512, 1594774128243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, sorry pekobro. I get it right next time nano desu.

>> No.24764939
Quoted by: >>24764963

Almost all of them were NND streamers back in the day, they must of at least heard of him.
Why did he have to die ;_;

>> No.24764941


>> No.24764943
File: 27 KB, 128x122, Luna07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24764947

No. I like Pekora.

>> No.24764948

I fucking hate that bitch

>> No.24764949

you can do both at the same time anonchama
how are you going to compare yourself to a literal toddler

>> No.24764950
Quoted by: >>24765202

How does she masturbate

>> No.24764953

which holo is most likely to get pregnant?

>> No.24764954
File: 204 KB, 1596x897, Ec1sphxU8AEj-vL.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she has a lewd belly.

>> No.24764958

We are all you anon. Wake up, the accident wasn't your fault

>> No.24764959

Choco, please impregnate her already.

>> No.24764960
File: 1.16 MB, 1320x743, dekairoberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed you, let's go poster
everybody watch /ourson/

>> No.24764962

Same. I don't wanna worry about it but with all the recent happenings it's hard not to.

>> No.24764963

He died for our sins, don't forget to do your reps for him.

>> No.24764964
File: 468 KB, 1131x1600, 1574478381276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trade Yogiri with Towa. Yay or Nay?

>> No.24764965
Quoted by: >>24765075

Post THAT Flare image.

>> No.24764966 [DELETED] 

One Hololive has to die in their sleep tonight. Who dies?


>> No.24764968


>> No.24764971
Quoted by: >>24765062

Luna nano

>> No.24764973
File: 189 KB, 1448x2048, Eb2Hku9U4AAmy20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I want both

>> No.24764974
Quoted by: >>24764997

hope you die for posting this shitty question

>> No.24764978

Your mom retard go fuck yourself

>> No.24764979
Quoted by: >>24765062


>> No.24764980

Miko so the 35p finally stop shitting up the thread with falseflagging.

>> No.24764981

>subscribed to almost all of hololive and equally many indis/nijis but no one is live
Thank you my son

>> No.24764982

You, for posting this shitty (You) bait that no one cares

>> No.24764983
Quoted by: >>24764988

None of them. However, anybody else who replies to this post after I make it will.

>> No.24764984
Quoted by: >>24764988


>> No.24764985
Quoted by: >>24765062


>> No.24764986
Quoted by: >>24765062

sora so idolshit is dropped, or Risu is fine 2

>> No.24764988


>> No.24764991
Quoted by: >>24765062

I don't want any of them to die but probably I'd pick Subaru because most likely she will die first anyway.

>> No.24764992


>> No.24764993
Quoted by: >>24765018

Nothing is fake in their behavior.
You only think that because you can't understand their point of view and what their core values and fears as a person are.

Ayame wants to show her best side for example, which results in having less streams and preparing for them a lot more than a person would think.
Keeping up an act is a way to create a wall to protect yourself from your mistakes and embarrassment, but ironically this wall is only a mirage as it can't hide the way you react to events which is in full view.

>> No.24764994
File: 102 KB, 682x844, EYOgkZkUEAUJXEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never have, and probably never will use her for fap material. I do love her lewd art though.

>> No.24764996

>choco because she puts literally no effort into her character or content from what ive seen

>> No.24764997
Quoted by: >>24765017

Can you hope the same for me too? I want to die in my sleep tonight

>> No.24764998
File: 23 KB, 316x331, grass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765007

I'm lost, what is even happening?

>> No.24764999
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1594206800408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dumb shit has been stuck in my head all week

>> No.24765001


>> No.24765002
File: 52 KB, 680x680, 1589912080725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving it more replies jesus fucking christ.

>> No.24765003
Quoted by: >>24765057

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP6313I4Exc Roberu

>> No.24765004

Yay at least Yogiri is not a dick sucker

>> No.24765007

Schizo being schizo.

>> No.24765008
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1593967921171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765058

i mean just look at her

>> No.24765009
Quoted by: >>24765093

>Roberu's character is barman
>but is mainly streaming at morning
Sounds conflicting to me.

>> No.24765010

What's wrong with that? What's wrong with sucking dicks?!?

>> No.24765013
Quoted by: >>24765046

Bros civia is cute....

>> No.24765015

Who should we trade out for Iofi?

>> No.24765017
Quoted by: >>24765033

dont be a pussy and do it yourself

>> No.24765018
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1592203175049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She doesn't stream because she really cares about the quality of her streams
Or maybe she's just a lazy bitch who hates her job?

>> No.24765021

haachama is weird

>> No.24765025

That's not her fault though. Blame Youtube.

>> No.24765026
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x1527, 82126049_p3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny that i havent actually fapped to okayu since the first three times, i just cant now for some reason even though i want to

>> No.24765028

JSLs I need help
Questions are in red. There's a whole bunch of stuff I can't hear properly.
This time round it's super long so I split it into 3 parts. I need the most help with part 1
EOPs can listen to part3 because it's the least problematic
Thanks in advance

>> No.24765031 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 335x409, 1594543899027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone - Dog
Mio - Nigger dog
Fubuki - cat
Okayu - blob
Aki - german (Rosenthal isn't a fucking slavic name, retards)
Mel - cock gobbler
Choco - dinosaur
Watame - Ram
Kanata - Pigeon
Coco - a criminal
Shion - nazi
Aqua - Orc queen
Ayame - antelope
Subaru - car
Haato - an organ
Miko - a tree
Suisei - a rock
AZKi - zilch
Rushia - zombie
Noel - shitty mmo npc
Flare - shitty mmo npc
Luna - babu
Towa - a man
Sora - a woman
Matsuri - a festival
Roboco - the terminator
pekora - a bitch

>> No.24765032
Quoted by: >>24765062


>> No.24765033
Quoted by: >>24765076

If I had that kind of courage I wouldn't have been a failure in the first place.

>> No.24765035

Schizo-kun take your meds please

>> No.24765036
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 1593028794167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765734

It's a mystery

>> No.24765037
File: 215 KB, 1195x677, i.imgur.com_uAeamaZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama's diarrhea soup!

>> No.24765039

Chinese Towa...

>> No.24765042
Quoted by: >>24765062


>> No.24765043
File: 740 KB, 1416x1003, Ecj8bG0UwAEGJKc[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765115

This is your present

>> No.24765046

Is she autistic?

>> No.24765048
File: 1009 KB, 1254x1771, 1591715438521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki - cat

>> No.24765049


>> No.24765055
Quoted by: >>24765068


>> No.24765056


>> No.24765057

It's amazing how Roberu has access to an unlimited supply of cocaine when Japan is so notoriously anti-drug

>> No.24765058
File: 157 KB, 1500x1300, Okayuness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765102

>Every artist draws Okayu with big tits, and a huge fucking bunda
>In reality she has a small chest, and has a small Japanese cat ass

>> No.24765060

t. underaged

>> No.24765061

Marine and Korone streamed Cho Aniki for a reason, anon.

>> No.24765062
Quoted by: >>24765084

I don't like this place anymore.

>> No.24765064

You need to stop looking in the outside world for what you are missing and instead give it to yourself.
You will never get love from anyone if you don't love yourself.
Give up your fake identity (mask) and your attempts to be an ideal person and embrace your true nature instead.

>> No.24765067
File: 625 KB, 900x772, IMG_20200714_091323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish she popped out more often in Suisei streams.

>> No.24765068


>> No.24765070
File: 162 KB, 1100x1200, 1593872572051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Chinese holos but bilibili sucks.

>> No.24765071

Looking at it transforming and floating around legit disgusted me.

>> No.24765073
Quoted by: >>24765083

>S cat man
>I S cat man
>Is cat man

>> No.24765074

>35P finally stop shitting up the thread with falseflagging.
Unbased accusation.

>> No.24765075
File: 235 KB, 578x982, 1591557211563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765076
Quoted by: >>24765098

have fun living the rest of your life as a failure then

>> No.24765079

Hitomi Chris.

>> No.24765082

why didn't I just listen to you...

>> No.24765084


>> No.24765083

Holy shit anon you fucking genius

>> No.24765085
Quoted by: >>24765119

What anemachi's day job?

>> No.24765087
Quoted by: >>24765250

>Give up your fake identity (mask) and your attempts to be an ideal person and embrace your true nature instead.
Which is?

>> No.24765092
File: 142 KB, 1000x772, FE6DE551-AE94-4F65-994D-026E9CCF7001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765093

In their virtual universe bars are open in the morning since vtubers work at nighttime until morning.

>> No.24765095


>> No.24765096

Either Sora or Fubuki, but they become the Hololive martyr

>> No.24765098
File: 26 KB, 267x410, face it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765123

You chose the words that would hurt me the most, didn't you?

>> No.24765101
Quoted by: >>24765146

だく can also mean to fuck, that should help unravel the first video for you.

>> No.24765102
File: 149 KB, 860x2160, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_kamioka_shun_ya__924e5a52e1eea69014c6c102cdac1fa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really agree with the small chest sentiment. I guess if you compare it to the rest of hololive they might seem that way. As for the ass, it's been hidden by sweatpants and shorts, so who knows?

>> No.24765106

I wanna taste it. It can't be that bad if she loves it that much

>> No.24765107

>Suisei in her original outfit
This makes me emoi.

>> No.24765108
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's actually okay to wish death to the girls like 5ch autists now? i'm not seeing any pushback

>> No.24765109
File: 731 KB, 700x1280, 4731072a537c131fdb93bb6db3c6c1b9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its mostly just that artist who does it, her tits are pretty hidden though and i reckon would be bigger than korone why has nobody made undershirt paizuri for her yet

>> No.24765110

This looks like cancer got ripped out of someone and slapped on a pizza.

>> No.24765111
File: 1.31 MB, 239x280, 1594184617813.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765115

I can see them...

>> No.24765117 [DELETED] 

Aqua supports positive social reform!
Minato Aqua donates to Black Lives Matter!
Minato Aqua of Hololive was a member of the Black Panthers in the 1960s!
Minato Aqua, Hololive's second most subscribed idol, personally helped found the Nation of Islam with Malcolm X!
Minato Aqua, Hololive's second most subscribed idol and queen of Bilibili, stood up to segregation with Rosa Parks herself and refused to give up her seat to the white man!

>> No.24765119

Being the pride's true cumpet

>> No.24765123

Well no words can motivate someone that's already given up on themself.

>> No.24765124

What did she do?

>> No.24765127

Don't act like this isn't partly your fault depressed fubuki poster.

>> No.24765129

This is the anti thread.

>> No.24765130
File: 352 KB, 600x600, 1583164074375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765131

Wtf I love Minato Aqua now

>> No.24765133


>> No.24765135

wtf i love aqua now

>> No.24765136

I wish I could have called into that stream and told her "put in the Red Bull. I'll wait."

>> No.24765137

What the actual fuck did she put on this? Is this a rock and tapeworm pizza topped with chunks of stale bread?

>> No.24765138 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24765163

Burger prime time hours

>> No.24765139

They are exploiting the vulnerable for profit

>> No.24765141
File: 360 KB, 750x750, 82857426_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765142

Reminder to wish our son a good morning!

>> No.24765145

>as for the ass
someone post that 3d gif of her hank hill ass

>> No.24765146

hugs or fugs doesn't matter to me
I'm more confused at the grammar behind つまみ食い. I don't get what tamaki was saying to Haneru and afterwards to matsuri

>> No.24765147
Quoted by: >>24765159

Guys... I think my favorite has been cheating on me...

>> No.24765148

It's all just so tiresome...

>> No.24765151

the menhera siren...

>> No.24765152
File: 1.97 MB, 2560x3600, 1565724231111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's foodposting hours now

>> No.24765154

Why are you in the hololive anti thread if you don't wish them death?

>> No.24765157

fuck off

>> No.24765158

Minato Aqua!

>> No.24765159

Sorry anon, i-i couldn't resist...

>> No.24765161
File: 67 KB, 316x331, 1593111222558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just nuke this thread already holy shit

>> No.24765162
File: 783 KB, 3069x2167, 1591607142687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765272

this place is like a box of chocolates at these hours except it just keeps escalating

>> No.24765163 [DELETED] 

more like SEAnigs

>> No.24765165

is it against the rules? because towa antis would be banned on sight

>> No.24765166

I hate how the EOPs just come out every time this is posted.

>> No.24765168
Quoted by: >>24765764

even after seeing the real version with Choco's actual dish, Towa's is still the most unappetizing looking

>> No.24765169 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1238, 1594775327748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765180

I love Flare's garbage can pizza!

>> No.24765170


>> No.24765171
Quoted by: >>24765188

Fuckin fat fuck, another reason to not subscribe to her.

>> No.24765173 [DELETED] 

Minato Aqua personally ousted Rachel Dolezal from the NAACP and took up the mantle as its rightful president!

>> No.24765177

What's wrong with giving up? It's it unrealistic to think that everyone can do anything? We all have our limitations, isn't better to accept when you've failed than to struggle in vain?

>> No.24765179
File: 672 KB, 2048x1367, 1594578273537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765211

Jesus christ the equivalent of a would you rather question is the worst thing this thread has ever seen apparently.

Never step outside you'll have a fucking heart attack.

>> No.24765180
File: 379 KB, 1149x1030, 1592850720444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765245

yes honey flare loves you too

>> No.24765181

>tfw no AZKi wife

>> No.24765183

Looks better than Pineapple and Canadian bacon.

>> No.24765184

Yeah she definitely falls into the middle tier. Not small but not huge.

>> No.24765187

I won't give up as long as I have my dick, because I'm not a pussy.

>> No.24765188

>fat fuck
How exactly is 144mm, 44.5g considered fat?

>> No.24765189
File: 142 KB, 398x443, 1584472171731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dino tendies are allowed at any time

>> No.24765191

I want choco to hand feed me nuggies

>> No.24765193

Not bad for an old woman.

>> No.24765194

but you could've ended it already but all do is bitch and whine

>> No.24765195

Good post.

>> No.24765196

What was Kanata’s old channel before she pretty much had to quit because of her ears?

>> No.24765199


>> No.24765201


holy shit matsuri

>> No.24765202

She makes me do it for her

>> No.24765207
File: 155 KB, 1280x1024, EbClbu4U8AARTFg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't ignore the schizo and don't have anything to discuss like the previous thread then it's time to post song covers, fun clips or translated streams.
Shitposts will drown if you have some actual hololive posts.

>> No.24765208
File: 3.06 MB, 1500x2400, 1565673244819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765228

>> No.24765211

i dont know how but i thought he was holding akimbo sawn-offs

>> No.24765213

god I wish I could make Towa happy...

>> No.24765215

Well I was just arguing for shitposting sake. Funny you say all that cause I actually did all that. And as it happens if you do exactly what you said you will realize you don't need the love you have been seeking from another person. So I don't want a girlfriend anymore even if I get an opportunity in the future. Also nobody will love you if you don't love yourself is complete bullshit.

>> No.24765216

She gets drunk and challenges strangers to races on the street, if she's bold enough to do that imagine the things she doesn't tell us

>> No.24765217
File: 186 KB, 630x566, 1592469219260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like she's one to talk

>> No.24765221
File: 1.61 MB, 1920x1353, 20200715_031306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765222

post someting then annoying towafag

>> No.24765223
File: 492 KB, 849x1200, 1580229661755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765225
File: 243 KB, 2029x2048, 1592852254118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765226

How do you fags organize your images? i tried doing 1 folder per gen but there's still too many images.
Should i just go with 2 folders for each girl (one being art, the other reactions)? Give me ideas.

>> No.24765228

There’s probably carrots in that omelette.

>> No.24765229

Google Translate-kun... Onegai...

>> No.24765231

Forest soil pizza?

>> No.24765233
Quoted by: >>24765242

At least she did not get caught on stream for sucking dick

>> No.24765235
File: 2.03 MB, 2510x2108, 1592111182694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765236
Quoted by: >>24765319

you're probably just ugly

>> No.24765238

>wonder who the fuck this guy is and that I can out do him
>click on tweet
>that good art
Fuck me. I can't make Towa happy.

>> No.24765240

towa is really cute, most holos would just ignore that guy just like aqua does

>> No.24765242


>> No.24765243
File: 3.54 MB, 1937x1090, 1586801977999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765245

Flare loves flaties though.

>> No.24765246
Quoted by: >>24765293

Whoa Yogiri is fast!

>> No.24765250
Quoted by: >>24765409

That will take some time.
The best way is to remember what you liked to do and your mindset as a child and what makes you really happy without someone complimenting you for it.
A way to remember is to watch children play and have fun, and to try out a lot of different things.

But first you have to get back your emotions and correct your warped view of the world.
Your mindset defines the way the world looks to you and it will only send back to you the message you chose to set as your truth.

>> No.24765253

Fucking hilarious

>> No.24765255
File: 18 KB, 738x225, gtr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, this just confirms Twitter's Google Translate is intentionally trying to sabotage the Holos at this point. They have to have been paid off.

>> No.24765257

I've been away for a few days. What's up the spike in anti posting?

>> No.24765262
File: 172 KB, 343x349, happy artia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control; even over his own will.

>> No.24765263

I'm gonna reserve my tank for a few days and make Towa a tribute.

>> No.24765265

holy shit

>> No.24765266
Quoted by: >>24765279

I'm hype for this

>> No.24765267

Towafags and towa antis being annoying

>> No.24765270
Quoted by: >>24765280

How can we compete with this giga chad

>> No.24765271

Towafags won't shut the fuck up

>> No.24765273

>hugs or fugs doesn't matter to me
I mean, it's central to the whole conversation, they're literally talking about hypothetically fucking fans. It's a pretty scummy move to try and hide that in the translation. リスナーからつまみ食いする means to pick a listener to fuck in this context. At 1:33 Matsuri says 持つかな体?, that is, "can my body take it?" when Tamaki suggests she just fucks all of her viewers in the name of fairness. I'm surprised you managed to pick such a spicy clip without even realizing it.

>> No.24765272

I read it as ejaculating and my version sounds better.

>> No.24765274

I don't mind male collabs or something but I kind of feel myself betrayed when they actually interact with randos.

>> No.24765275

Fucking real advice.

>> No.24765277


>> No.24765278

I save every picture to my desktop until my desktop fills up then dump them all into an offloading folder. I have zero organization and will resave the same image multiple times it's easier than trying to search through my folder.

>> No.24765279
Quoted by: >>24765314

its boring af

>> No.24765280
Quoted by: >>24765292

Pick up a pencil.

>> No.24765282
Quoted by: >>24765364

Nothing wrong. I stopped having suicidal thoughts after giving up on women. And holy shit does life feel truly satisfying now.

>> No.24765283

ruined, shit fanart

>> No.24765286
File: 1.64 MB, 2000x1427, 1592189316498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765288
Quoted by: >>24766845

Holy shit Tamaki

>> No.24765291
Quoted by: >>24765307

Meet our new mascot, Sperg-chan
She's a fragile girl who is madly in love, please treat her nice and watch her from afar, like a zoo animal.

>> No.24765292

Skill ceiling.

>> No.24765293

The fastest

>> No.24765294
Quoted by: >>24765357

You can never get the love you seek from another person.
If you still attempt to get it you will only attract toxic narcissistic persons.
If you really love yourself you won't seek another person to get love but because they are a healthy person who can share fun moments with you with no strings attached.

It's only bullshit because you chose to ignore it and you are only halfway on the path to loving yourself.

>> No.24765296

towantis being fucking stupid and obsessed, probably americans

>> No.24765297
File: 896 KB, 1200x880, 82436210_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you watch Kaoru if he used his non-crossdresser design?

>> No.24765298 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24765336

I don't even watch holos anymore, who else come here just to embarass themselves?

>> No.24765299
Quoted by: >>24765356

Will this replace Animal Crossing for Fubuki?

>> No.24765301
File: 2.38 MB, 3159x2924, 1590871748571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765306

That’s quitter talk.

>> No.24765307

but what if I've fallen in love with sperg-chan?

>> No.24765308

That's lawd.

>> No.24765309

I don't watch men.

>> No.24765310

What did anon mean by this?

>> No.24765314

FBK will make it work

>> No.24765315


>> No.24765317

kek at towa's prison food

>> No.24765318

>good art

>> No.24765319

I probably am. And I am working with what I have. I also feel like I have struck gold by being satisfied with being alone.

>> No.24765320
File: 650 KB, 2000x2000, 20200707_111655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could see the holos reaction to the ARK's dark place.

>> No.24765321
Quoted by: >>24765344


>> No.24765322

I dont watch fags

>> No.24765324

Don't worry, I'll draw worse than you and tag myself so you look better in comparison.

>> No.24765327

Holy shit why are you niggers like this

>> No.24765328
Quoted by: >>24765367

You don't have any chance obviously, she only has Towa in her heart.

>> No.24765329

it's unrealistic to believe everybody can be above average; by definition only so many people can become the rock stars of their field.
but everybody can achieve at least competence in pretty much anything. those limitations are largely self imposed, especially in purely mental tasks.

>> No.24765330
File: 38 KB, 266x452, 1590280492238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765367

Then leave. Towa is the only one for Sperg-chan.

>> No.24765332

Kaoru has a wife though?

>> No.24765334
File: 2.30 MB, 518x220, 1592116527006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765346


>> No.24765336

At this point. Pretty much.

>> No.24765339


>> No.24765340
Quoted by: >>24765390

Kaoru is married lol

>> No.24765341
File: 1.15 MB, 1802x2048, EcweXsqWkAAfeQr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765371

100 more towa drawings of this quality. What a blessing

>> No.24765343 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1152x2048, F869BFAB-CC68-4D1E-92D2-E8B078559931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765344
File: 231 KB, 2442x1376, 1588265318970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wave of kusas

>> No.24765346
Quoted by: >>24765353


>> No.24765348
Quoted by: >>24765388

Towa and Roboco flew across the entire map just to meet Mio and Subaru? Holy shit.

>> No.24765350

The fact that she said this instantly make her my favorite holo

>> No.24765353

Imagine the sex.

>> No.24765356

Maneater replaced AC, this will replace Maneater.

>> No.24765357
Quoted by: >>24765466

I could somewhat agree with saying you won't be happy with your love if you don't love yourself. But the plain statement is bullshit. World is filled with a bit more attractive guys and women who hate themselves but can easily love other people. Nothing good will come out of that love though.

>> No.24765358

Some newfags started posting with chat room grammar and it's been all downhill from there.

>> No.24765361

Would Towa (or any other holo) like my drawing if I do some shit in Paint in 10 minutes (I can't draw at all, this is all I can), and when I tag them, I pretend that I'm an autistic 11 year old?

>> No.24765363

Why does Choco play so far away from everyone else?

>> No.24765364

ironically you're probably many times more attractive as a partner now that your life doesn't hinge on people liking you. even with plain friendships, people can smell desperation from miles away.

>> No.24765365

Just take the challenge too and you can make her happy. Imagine how happy Towa would be to see her art tag being filled up to the brim.

>> No.24765367
File: 15 KB, 514x346, 1590162952032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well fuck you guys too then I'll just rape sperg-chan.

>> No.24765370

Giving up on an incorrect belief is a healthy thing to do.
You have been fed lies for most of your life and these became part of you.
Trying to live with incorrect beliefs will make you unhappy because you will have to ignore the worlds attempts to correct your beliefs.

However this does not mean that your attempts and life are worthless.
Every act you do has a small impact on the world which you can't see with a hidden meaning to it.

Learning from your mistakes and looking for a new way to reach your goals or better identifying what your true goal is won't leave you with regrets.

>> No.24765371
File: 343 KB, 418x484, 1593321076327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765383


>> No.24765378

The one on the upper right corner is basically just a teleporter

>> No.24765379
Quoted by: >>24765392

but you watch miko?

>> No.24765380

Towa is a whore

>> No.24765383
File: 398 KB, 721x599, 1586057160587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765384

its spino island, she needs the room for her army of spinos

>> No.24765385


>> No.24765387
File: 1.41 MB, 1920x1080, hlg aggie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the room, it was fun. That website is annoying as hell with touch screen + left handedness though, I need to set up my desktop tablet for next time.

>> No.24765388
File: 901 KB, 1000x1000, EcctP-EVcAAqdnU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to kill Subaru...

>> No.24765389
Quoted by: >>24765400

You don't need to pretend, you seem like one anyways.

>> No.24765390

>no married man has ever come out as gay
Being married doesn't mean shit.

>> No.24765391

The effort is what matters anon :)

>> No.24765392

My girlfriend isn't gay because I'm not gay

>> No.24765396
File: 49 KB, 541x467, 1591624696553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765429


>> No.24765397

I want to kick it and see how far it flies

>> No.24765398

that's not even her

>> No.24765399

Not necessarily, I remember seeing a lewd art that the absolute madman tagged to her that she didn't retweet.

>> No.24765400

Well I'm certainly autistic but I'm more than 20 unfortunately.

>> No.24765401
Quoted by: >>24765426

If you have the time look into the story of Sean Murray and his game No Man's Sky, a tale of not giving up even if you know there's no winning there's a good video about it from Internet Historian, it was pretty inspiring imo

>> No.24765402

Sora retweets and comments to almost every art of her she sees

>> No.24765403

It's worth to have spinos there due the black pearls spot.

>> No.24765404


>> No.24765407

Thanks for stopping by! Yeah I can imagine how hard it is with a touchscreen and making stray strokes. Glad you still enjoyed.

>> No.24765408
File: 835 KB, 1336x858, unnamed (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765409

>The best way is to remember what you liked to do and your mindset as a child and what makes you really happy without someone complimenting you for it.
>A way to remember is to watch children play and have fun, and to try out a lot of different things.
This sounds absolutely retarded... And it is also 100% true. Still I don't think it will work for most people because it sounds so retarded they will reject it from the start.

>> No.24765413

Our thread is so talented.

>> No.24765414 [SPOILER] 
File: 181 KB, 665x2160, 1594776527067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765417
File: 20 KB, 318x416, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my study abroad to japan just got canceled for the second time this year
fuck this virus man

>> No.24765416

even more cursed than that clip of her encouraging the guy to jerk off what the fuck

>> No.24765418

a... ahoy...

>> No.24765423

just dont read l*gers translation (the faggot posted right under write-up, HE DOES IT FOR FREE) he tries to whitewash the purityfag aspect of it

>> No.24765424

Can she jerk me off with those gloves on?

>> No.24765425

Why does she look like robot alien goblin demon from space in a horror movie?

>> No.24765426

you got a double digit iq if you actually take inspiration from this

>> No.24765427
Quoted by: >>24765502

>dragon mute
hahaha, i understand that reference!

>> No.24765428

I want to rape mel

>> No.24765429
File: 96 KB, 244x288, 1593459465628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765431

They would laugh at it or buy it and think it's cute
I don't see a losing scenario, just do it m8

>> No.24765435
Quoted by: >>24765463

Subaru has such a ugly voice

>> No.24765434
File: 105 KB, 2048x1440, Roberu Camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765572

based camel

>> No.24765436

another 6 months you'll have to wait to get a Matsuri gf

>> No.24765438
File: 420 KB, 1557x2048, IMG_20200711_004742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765718

New outfit when?

>> No.24765439
Quoted by: >>24765445

Women in pain turns me on

>> No.24765441
File: 767 KB, 2893x4092, 1591946018258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Korona virus is strange, obviously it's terrible but without it where would hololive be?

>> No.24765445

women causing me pain turns me on

>> No.24765448
File: 1.26 MB, 2450x1451, 1592929981316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765449

I didn't know Roberu is in this thread

>> No.24765452
File: 30 KB, 471x271, private.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened?

>> No.24765454

Marine's relation to this freak should be more talked about because she still has supporters in this thread

>> No.24765455
Quoted by: >>24765492

So is Anemachi moving to the holohouse or not?

>> No.24765457
Quoted by: >>24765667

Believe me I know that. And because I genuinely don't care about women and people... I genuinely don't care about them finding me more attractive. This fucking game was rigged from the start.

>> No.24765458

>lace up boots
pure sex

>> No.24765463

ok towafag

>> No.24765464
Quoted by: >>24765488

When will she go for another beaver hunt?

>> No.24765465 [DELETED] 

Was he right? Are all holos shit at singing?

>> No.24765466

You will only limit yourself with those beliefs.
Women who hate themselves can't really love another person for the same reason, that if you can't love yourself you are only trying to hide this problem away through the love of another person which is unhealthy.
But not all women are like this.

There are different ways to love a person, and it doesn't have to be romantic love.
You have/had friends and family that you liked for different reasons.

>> No.24765468
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 1592635922806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ice goblin back on twiitch when ?

>> No.24765469
Quoted by: >>24765520

I really love the way Suisei laughs...

>> No.24765470
File: 112 KB, 828x1792, 1591007677092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most likely copyright issues with the ending song, Its a fairly old game though.
still regret not fucking recording this one

>> No.24765471

Anon was right. The current year can't take the content from that era.

>> No.24765473

first one was a frame bug, no clue about why the full archive was removed

>> No.24765475

what should I take inspiration from then

>> No.24765474

explain the relation to me.
I want to hate marine more

>> No.24765476

Gorila moment #2

>> No.24765477
File: 381 KB, 800x704, IMG_20200715_002620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong!

>> No.24765479
Quoted by: >>24765556

>リスナーからつまみ食いする means to pick a listener to fuck in this context
ok ok, if tsumamigui means picking listeners in this context, now I'm starting to see how some of the grammar works. Now her sentence to matsuri makes sense to me. I wasn't trying to be scummy, just very clueless.
What did tamaki say at the end of her sentence with haneru though? Is it 強そう? Like it's a power move to have a reverse harem to pick from?

>> No.24765480

Fuck of E-Kon. Suck Digi's tranny dick.

>> No.24765482
File: 16 KB, 314x177, EKbebE2UUAAex8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has unironically been my best year in a long time
Maybe it's because I was born in the year of the rat...

>> No.24765483
Quoted by: >>24765495

Her and Marine are related? Guess i have to get into puke fetish now

>> No.24765484

And what's wrong with that? Not everyone can be a triple digit IQ.

>> No.24765487 [DELETED] 

Here's your HololiveEN anon. Enjoy!

>> No.24765488


>> No.24765491
Quoted by: >>24765499

they are friends or relatives

>> No.24765492

It's still speculation. But the fact that when the trio where househunting, they cancelled one of their ideas because Anemachi refused to live in a separate unit as Suisei, means that they are considering her as part of their plan.

>> No.24765494

When they find a suitable replacement

>> No.24765495

There is no fucking relation, she just watches marine

>> No.24765496
Quoted by: >>24765528

The hose design makes it look like she pissed herself and it's running down her legs.

>> No.24765499
File: 247 KB, 1255x1054, 47b3925d3356a5d5455484febbcf290619b1cf3a894b73aaa72132886eaa1449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So two horny hags are friends. Who cares

>> No.24765500
Quoted by: >>24765524

what a spoiled cunt

>> No.24765502

I did my best

>> No.24765501

I gotta wonder if Yagoo would be pissed if she tried to get partner...she obviously needs more money than just streaming on bili gives and getting partner is way easier for foreigners than it is for americans these days

>> No.24765503
File: 115 KB, 800x2000, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_hoshimachi_suisei_artist__6ef75ddf560f771a83155e96fb8febba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's still barely any art of Suisei in alternate hairstyles

>> No.24765507

That's kind of gay

>> No.24765510

Managed to get through the first five seconds before the cringe was too much.

>> No.24765517

>Kizuna Ai
Do to poor management and PR, rumors of the VA getting replace spreaded for months and with more than 40% of her fan base doesn't understand japanese and the only source of information coming from anti, hurt her brand. The PR team was so bad that some japanese fans started to believe it because of lack of information.(started growing again)
>Kaguya Luna
doesn't want to do it anymore and do the bare minimum of what remain of her contract.(losing subs)
Do to the fall out with Tama(Sio) and the management, the idolbu group lost a few members and a good chunk of their fan base. Do to covid-19 Siro was unable to travel to the .live offices to make new daily upload causing viewership to drop.( stop growing and got passed by Fubuki)
>Mirai Akari
The dead of entum, hurting her neck, and covid-19 slowing down remaining staff work, Akari got nothing but bad luck( losing subs and will get passed by Fubuki soon)
The VA got replace over a few months kill majority of the fan base and the company try to rebrand with little success(made the Ai getting replace rumors believable).

>> No.24765520
File: 581 KB, 424x705, 1594255231717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765524

Anemachi is Suisei's lesbian wife, you can't really blame her for wanting to be in the same unit as Suisei

>> No.24765526
Quoted by: >>24765589

What i don't understand is that they rented out the whole floor, Anemachi could've just treated it like a house, cause nothing's stopping her from going into Suisei's dorm at any time or sleeping with her

>> No.24765528
Quoted by: >>24765647

Obvious peebuttbaiting

>> No.24765531

Boy, this guy sounds autistic just from his intonation.

>> No.24765532
Quoted by: >>24765542

Towa is a dork.


>> No.24765535
File: 36 KB, 393x360, 1384210526521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765565

>our son is an Amifag
We raised him well.

>> No.24765539 [DELETED] 
File: 217 KB, 1237x1253, 8AE69B42-5C76-424A-9F96-871E55389C47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, it’s the okayu coomer, I took down the image since legit people from Korone’s camp asked me to do it. So I gave in and took it down like a beta. But then I imagined Korone and her management team bullying me so now I have a fetish for femdom and became a masochist for Korone. I am also very afraid of Korone and love her at the same time

>> No.24765542
Quoted by: >>24765605

I love the dork!

>> No.24765543

Punished Anemachi

A sister denied her pride...

>> No.24765546

aren't there like 5 iterations of Ai now? I remember there's regular and Ai Gaming but there's several different ones as well

>> No.24765550
Quoted by: >>24765637

>There are more live translators in Roberu's chat than in main cast chats
>still don't understand anything because it's all manga I haven't read

>> No.24765551
File: 36 KB, 540x511, d719329530d19386e34eadc9ea4f7f6871a08679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogiri original song when? she even makes Chinese songs soothing to listen too...

>> No.24765553

Seek help

>> No.24765555


>> No.24765556
Quoted by: >>24765696

I can't make out what she's saying there, but it's not that important, Tamaki's point is Haneru once told her listeners that she'd end up つまみ食いing one of them one day.

>> No.24765560
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1582113079925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765561
File: 25 KB, 105x113, 1594231478786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765564

Ai is now only the original VA, the other Ai's got new designs and their own channel.

>> No.24765565


>> No.24765568
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1594416447290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765569

Never forgive these traitors to Hololive

>> No.24765572

I love him so much.

>> No.24765574
File: 337 KB, 685x827, 1591504342555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765588

Why does the kusagi sniff so much?
Is she ok? Does she have a medical condition? Is it drugs?

>> No.24765576


>> No.24765579

How tall is Sasaki? Did Aqua get completely stood over?

>> No.24765580

I am not fucking with Korone, jesus christ

>> No.24765582
Quoted by: >>24765604

hate that nijishit bitch

>> No.24765583
Quoted by: >>24765598

Okayufags should be banned at sight

>> No.24765585

Imagine being a pr worker and dming a guy "please don't coom publicly to our property"

>> No.24765586
File: 82 KB, 804x284, 1593520166945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765588


>> No.24765589
File: 202 KB, 1280x960, 1280px-Apaato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765630

That's true. Though it was a large condo-type setup they were talking about. I think if they had a whole small apartment block to themselves. Like one of these two storey ones, maybe she would have been more willing?

>> No.24765593

Like that nijisanji bitch

>> No.24765594
Quoted by: >>24765616

korone is scary

>> No.24765596
File: 273 KB, 413x510, 1590679615580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be careful

>> No.24765598
Quoted by: >>24765615

Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.24765599

The pride of /hlg/

>> No.24765601


>> No.24765602

Miko's face is still kissable.

>> No.24765604

really? Her voice is fucking good

>> No.24765605

>this fucking dumb devil
god i love her.

>> No.24765609

This scenario gets worse every time it updates

>> No.24765610

I'll take Yogiri over T*w* any time, please YAGOO just force that slut to retire

>> No.24765611
Quoted by: >>24765623

I'm really starting to believe that Korone was once a bully..

>> No.24765614


>> No.24765615 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 658x742, Mikoti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765638

Seething incel.

>> No.24765616
Quoted by: >>24766092

>tfw Korone is scary
>Korobros have to be just as mentally crazed to like her

>> No.24765617

>luna has 198k subs
wow just wow

>> No.24765619

Are you doing it for free PR suit-kun?
The attempts to replace AI were not a misunderstanding from her antis but from her loyal fans, proved by Nozomi's own later deleted tweets.
Just look at the results, she left the company with the psychopathic management..

>> No.24765620
Quoted by: >>24765624

Yogiri looks cool unlike towa really..

>> No.24765621
File: 155 KB, 1000x967, 1565653954443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Okayufags.

>> No.24765623
Quoted by: >>24765648

It's very rare for a girl to not end up in a bully clique unless they were the class bike who only makes friend with boys.

>> No.24765624

They're both dorks.

>> No.24765627
Quoted by: >>24765650

Is Chowa really a street racing triad?

>> No.24765630
Quoted by: >>24765678

That would be fucking awful
Imagine having to go into public view every time you want to visit each other, or "outside" in general
The feeling of living together in a house just isn't there

>> No.24765632
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x3236, 1594177155442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765668

>Will this happen to the current chuubas too?
Yes, you can see se signs. But that's what happens with everything nice anyway.
Stop thinking , enjoy the ride and don't reply to obvious bait.

Btw I hope kizuna notice that all we want is to see cute girls having fun. Her livestream felt scripted as fuck with zero interaction with the few JOPs there.

>> No.24765633

What the fuck is wrong with the people here? I don't know what's worse, that you'd do that in the first place or that all it takes is one nip complaining about it for you to realize how retarded that was.

>> No.24765634

You're a fascinating one for sure. Well I'm glad you're out of our fandom, though clearly you were never part of it.

>> No.24765635
File: 95 KB, 800x688, 1590616338848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765654

what drives you?

>> No.24765636

Be careful anon

>> No.24765637

The more I see the behavior of people who need translations, the less I want to see translations.
Am I the only one?

>> No.24765638

Do you think anyone's falling for your shitty attempts?

>> No.24765647
File: 269 KB, 665x713, pissass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean come on, I can't be the only one who thinks it looks like piss streaks and splashes.

>> No.24765648

I found out my mild mannered half-nip mom used to be the biggest female bully at her school.

>> No.24765649

The guy is legitimately sick, don't bother applying logic. He's like NTR poster.

>> No.24765650
File: 91 KB, 828x812, ESWseNQUUAED4ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She liked Need for Speed, so probably

>> No.24765651
Quoted by: >>24765686

Should have doubled down and sent him a picture of you cooming on Korone.

>> No.24765652

I think 5chan is unironically better than here now.

>> No.24765654


>> No.24765656
File: 294 KB, 430x574, 1586933482407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765661


>> No.24765665
Quoted by: >>24765672

No, I'm glad such a gatekeep exists. It's even annoying to see how ignorant English comments are on my Holo's streams and videos.

>> No.24765666

how is it retarded? wtf

>> No.24765667

becoming comfortable without other people in your life isn't the same as not caring.
relationships aren't about getting the upper hand. the game isn't rigged, you're not even playing the same one as everybody else.

>> No.24765668

Is it time to feel again?

>> No.24765671

Anon... You need to stop

>> No.24765672
Quoted by: >>24765688

>my Holo

>> No.24765674

time to watch subaru and mio's ark!

>> No.24765678

It worked in Hidamari Sketch.

But yeah realistically it would be better if they were all just in one house with different rooms. Maybe their 'renting a floor of a condo with separate units' would have been a bit cheaper so they considered that? I'm not sure how much the rent is in Japan.

>> No.24765679
File: 39 KB, 399x399, 1593635348838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765691

You are fucking getting off to the people disgusted by you aren't you?

>> No.24765680

I'd still have a beer with her.

>> No.24765681

>The "Korone was a 助番" narrative was true all along

>> No.24765686

Was there ever a court case for cooming on a picture?

>> No.24765688
Quoted by: >>24765722

I'm not going to waste my time to defend Haachama's dumb shtick.

>> No.24765691


>> No.24765692

No, he can't get in trouble for doing this.

>> No.24765696

gotit thanks

>> No.24765697

>backing down
i cant believe i called you based...

>> No.24765700

Pretty soon Yagoo will hire some assassins to come and stop your sinful ways and what a great day that will be.

>> No.24765705
Quoted by: >>24765763

frankly I just want the english to stay on the translated videos, secondhand embarrassment is the best way to describe most people chatting in english
>speak english
>she doesn't speak english
>well then i'm going to continue speaking english
they needs mods that can just ban these people because its so uncomfortable to watch

>> No.24765706
Quoted by: >>24765745

Status : unbased

>> No.24765709

they can't even prove that is coom, it could easily be yogurt
fuck dogfags and fuck redditors

>> No.24765716
Quoted by: >>24765745

Pretty unbased bro, you lost my respect.

>> No.24765718

I bet Suisei regularly goes to the beach to hunt for boys, but only for ones who are very mature for their ages because she's definitely not a shotacon.

>> No.24765719

Cursed image time?

>> No.24765720
Quoted by: >>24765745

Unbased, cringe and bluepilled

>> No.24765721
Quoted by: >>24765739

Only finding Yagoo's true name in the necronomicon and summoning him will allow him to set foot on our mortal plane.

>> No.24765722

Fuck off

>> No.24765723
File: 661 KB, 720x708, Risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon he already has an assassin

>> No.24765725

REALLY cute Anemachi

>> No.24765728
Quoted by: >>24765738

2 more days to pekora's 1st anniv, and 3 more to rushia's! I wonder what endurance stream peko will be doing

>> No.24765731
File: 255 KB, 1450x2048, 1594597421496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765743

>FBK will never go kurokami, pin you down, and eat your spleen

>> No.24765734

I would snap her in two sexually that is

>> No.24765735
Quoted by: >>24765755

>already having the schizo sperg
>now the coomer is back too

>> No.24765737
File: 12 KB, 294x166, 1593715746197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared

>> No.24765738

Death Stranding

>> No.24765739

>saying his name backwards sends him back to the fifth dimension

>> No.24765740

You'll have to take a new picture that shows evidence that you appreciate that conversation now, in the same way you did to Okayu before.

>> No.24765741
Quoted by: >>24765843

>legit people from Korone’s camp
I didn't get it. Do they know korone irl or what?

>> No.24765743

I bet Kurokami likes Ojisans and wouldn't touch my spleen for another 15 years.

>> No.24765745


You don't understand, it was erotic that they were making me do this. Korone and her gang beating me up and demanding that I take down the image, I felt like cooming from that alone. You don't know that power, please understand

>> No.24765747

Redeem yourself coomfag. Coom on all of them and post pics on Twitter. It is your destiny.

>> No.24765749

fucking kek

>> No.24765750
Quoted by: >>24765768

>inb4 hololive has to release a statement regarding fucking cum tributes

>> No.24765752

its ok bro.

>> No.24765755

>implying they're not the same people

>> No.24765756

Is there anywhere I can watch the recording of the Non-Stop Story concert? I try looking at the link on Niconico but it doesn't look like it's available for viewing anymore.

>> No.24765757

Somehow cuter

>> No.24765758
Quoted by: >>24765762


>> No.24765759 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 300x400, 1594778313697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765760

Flare's pizza has already been posted.

>> No.24765761

They will abuse you more if you keep cooming.

>> No.24765762
Quoted by: >>24765831


>> No.24765763

It's a bit extreme to ban them.
This will only make a possible future fan hate you.
Isn't there an option to hide some comments instead of banning?

The viewers can block people who spam that should be good enough for now.
In the long run this should regulate itself according to the way the streamer reacts to it.

>> No.24765764

The more tits have they cook worse?
nah, it's Noel

>> No.24765765
Quoted by: >>24765820

Looks like you came short.

>> No.24765766


>> No.24765768

Get them out while you can, boys

>> No.24765772
Quoted by: >>24765789

Where is the Gurren to Yagoo’s Lagann

>> No.24765777

I finished my Haato pie.
Pleased to say it was very tasty.
I hope I make it.

>> No.24765778

this place was fun when i first came here thanks to DOOG, but ever since the coco 3d it just keeps getting fucking worse and worse, and yet its the only place to discuss holos with free speech and not censored bullshit with power tripping mods, at least here i can call someone and faggot and they will call me one back

>> No.24765779

Who’s next

>> No.24765780
File: 41 KB, 643x176, post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This autist is still using greentexts from my obvious joke post, point and laugh.

>> No.24765781
File: 317 KB, 558x444, ゴズリング88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never have your balls be crushed by those boots while she laughs haughtily.

>> No.24765782


>> No.24765783
File: 1.20 MB, 1078x1341, 1555188067559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24765784
Quoted by: >>24765828

Newsfag here... anyone have an imgur link for all the holo reaction images?

>> No.24765787
File: 663 KB, 640x1136, 1594505321944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765845

You are a disgusting waste of oxygen Okayucoomer.

>> No.24765788 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.78 MB, 2684x3978, 1594778464781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765805

You know what to do now, anon...

>> No.24765789

He attached to women's lower bodies.

>> No.24765791

You mean the holofes? It's on nyaa.

>> No.24765792
Quoted by: >>24765807

What is wrong with you?

>> No.24765795
File: 106 KB, 692x1024, 1594506847400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almosto heaben
Westo Vagineeaaaa
Bwue widgu mountain
shheeuuuh uuhhn da riibaa ah

>> No.24765796
File: 437 KB, 446x588, a happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone added an instrumental to "Hamburger Rhapsody"

>> No.24765797

Man she looks so fucking hot

>> No.24765799
Quoted by: >>24765844

I've got a really quick question what do you anons use to archive LIVE streams? does streamlink work on live Or do you just wait until it's over and use youtube-dl?

>> No.24765800

Guys, stop saying he's unbased. He did his job and it's done. We don't want a copy cat of commers assaulting our hologirls

>> No.24765803


>> No.24765804
File: 42 KB, 506x332, 1577325411699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when i first came here thanks to DOOG
why are dogfags like this

>> No.24765805

Do it, Anon. Redeem yourself.

>> No.24765807

He has good taste

>> No.24765808

Why are her gloves always so lewd?

>> No.24765811
File: 461 KB, 640x900, tv85t6rpiia51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, now stop metaposting.

>> No.24765817


Wake up sleepyhead!

>> No.24765819

Based kenzocuck

>> No.24765820


>> No.24765821

What a fucking faggot

>> No.24765824

Did we find out the reason for her missing empathy?

>> No.24765825
File: 281 KB, 572x700, 34534262435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I'm going to have to lay off the okayuposts again

>> No.24765828

make them yourself retard

>> No.24765831

When memes collide.

>> No.24765832
File: 868 KB, 900x1120, EckQBbcU0AAwL-V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look good.

>> No.24765834
File: 746 KB, 670x502, flarefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.24765836

What the fuck does "Hambuger Rhapsody" means

>> No.24765835

time to go into hiding until the ASMR stream

>> No.24765838
File: 111 KB, 832x1024, EawCt8CU0AEtUwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765916

Fuck the autists, post what you want.

>> No.24765841
Quoted by: >>24765915

this stream was fucking amazing

>> No.24765842

blush makes it lewd

>> No.24765843
Quoted by: >>24765863

In his messed up head a random nip that found that post through Korone or Okayu's tag on twitter is somehow "legit people from Korone’s camp"

>> No.24765844
Quoted by: >>24765860

youtube-dl also works for a live stream while it's live.
That's also the best way to keep a stream which is going to be removed when it ends or banned by google.

>> No.24765845
File: 247 KB, 2560x1440, sora-approved-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she were making that annoyed / disgusted face in this

>> No.24765847
Quoted by: >>24765859

Because you have a lewd brain.
All girls think gloves are fashionable.

>> No.24765849
Quoted by: >>24765871

At this point, I want to banish this place to the shadow realm.

>> No.24765856

Guys, I feel like being the next Okayucoomer


>> No.24765857

Coward. I wont stop.

>> No.24765858 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1920x1080, 1384540566141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just part of her character you fucking faggot, character interactions are a big part of the series and the reason why you have running jokes like that is because it's endearing, her interactions with Araragi are some of the best, just because of how comfortable they are with each other.
Seriously why the fuck have these threads been popping up so much? I remember when the mods would ban retards like you for making low quality posts.

>> No.24765859

>All girls think gloves are fashionable.

>> No.24765860
Quoted by: >>24765889

oh ok thanks! I wasn't sure because i had no streams to test it out on currently

>> No.24765861

Fuck off, schizo.

>> No.24765862

do it coward

>> No.24765864

I was in the thread when it was posted and at least half the replies where positive and people defending the cum tribute, don't act like you're disgusted now you fucking hypocrites, disgusting freaks.

>> No.24765863
Quoted by: >>24765919

>spooked by moonrunes

>> No.24765866


>> No.24765868
File: 631 KB, 720x719, 1594205423259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will never rip her tights and have anal intercourse with her in the full nelson position and finish by peeing in her ass.

>> No.24765869

>coomers for Okayu and Korone
You guys should do a collab

>> No.24765870
File: 1.70 MB, 1915x1080, Screenshot_20200714-220429~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you look like Pekora's ideal man?

>> No.24765871

But it feeds of it.
You will only make it stronger!

>> No.24765872


>> No.24765876
File: 308 KB, 2048x1124, EBDYRXTVAAAW93y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765933

They used to be just cute, now they're just sexy.

>> No.24765875

Roberu is getting too powerful by merely existing.

>> No.24765878

Eh... wrong thread?

>> No.24765879


>> No.24765880

>ignoring a post in hopes it go away is a bad thing
Don't group us together with samefagging faggots. Risu was right.

>> No.24765882
Quoted by: >>24765900

This. Don't act like cowards now. You were defending his cum crimes and even turned on by it. You disgusting bastards

>> No.24765883


>> No.24765885

>was raised in strict poor house
>ate grass because she's too hungry
>never played video games as a kid
>dreams of becoming an idol
>gradually loses her hearing

Why is PPTenshi suffering?

>> No.24765886

Literally me

>> No.24765889

You're welcome!
Keep in mind you have to start youtube-dl as soon as possible as it only saves the currently streaming content and not what happened before it started.

>> No.24765890


>> No.24765893

Imagine what would happen if you cum on a Korone picture next!

>> No.24765894

me on the left

>> No.24765895
Quoted by: >>24765902

I'm disgusted he caved and took it down

>> No.24765897

What a faggot
At least I've only ever made /hlg/ posts in other threads, and not the other way around

>> No.24765898
File: 1.13 MB, 2896x4096, EcL4gpOVAAIPJe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765908

I want to wake up to good news about any holo later today but especially Kanata. For now g'night anons. Have Summertime Record in the meantime https://files.catbox.moe/6bxb9a.webm

>> No.24765900

Rewriting history is not very cool.

>> No.24765902

Your disgust is turning him on, you fucker

>> No.24765904

Why do i want to fuck her hands

>> No.24765906
Quoted by: >>24766007

Thanks for the daily dose of anonchama.

>> No.24765908

She finally lost her hearing so it’s not torturing her anymore!

>> No.24765910
File: 105 KB, 838x1000, 8475D2B4-0EF6-452F-9106-50DEC15C3BB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some folks are born unlucky.

>> No.24765911


>> No.24765914
Quoted by: >>24765939

She'll start living a happy life once she moves in with her friends in Holohouse.

>> No.24765915
File: 63 KB, 511x680, EaZydQTU0AApGX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really was, I also found someone made one for "I'm Winning Son"

>> No.24765916
File: 62 KB, 1000x667, 1594653588985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765917

What the fuck, that's my uncle's face.

>> No.24765918

Why is no one streaming...

>> No.24765919

This is what happens when you don't do your reps.

>> No.24765921 [DELETED] 

real okayucoomer here, seems like Korone is gonna be next on the list, should I do it tonight or try and wait a few days for maximum dog coom

>> No.24765924
File: 970 KB, 868x1228, 1594347942344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fit luna

>> No.24765926

Do it tonight!

>> No.24765927

everyone's sick

>> No.24765928

Anyone else tired of seeing the same pity posts over and over.

>> No.24765929

I said "Solid load." ironically, motherfucker.

>> No.24765931

You better send it to the guy who DM'd you to stop.

>> No.24765930

Aren't those nails too long to be anemachi's wife's?

>> No.24765932

Why does every white man in their 20s have this haircut?

>> No.24765933
Quoted by: >>24766280

>Suisei was her own mama
>she used to draw often
>I liked how they looked
>she doesn't do drawings anymore
Take me back bros...

>> No.24765936
File: 1.16 MB, 390x560, aki internal screaming.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki overwhelmed

>> No.24765935

It's only 11am in japan

>> No.24765938
File: 82 KB, 480x680, 1592418600593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765939
File: 1.73 MB, 1600x900, Ecrm8lLUMAALmqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24765983

It will be finally, at long last, time for the healing arc for Coco

>> No.24765940


>> No.24765941
File: 82 KB, 500x280, 1591662374724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765946

I heard drinking bleach really gives your cum some depth

>> No.24765948
Quoted by: >>24765991

Just do a small bit each time bro. I dont want to lose anyone to poverty

>> No.24765950

Falseflaggers love this kind reaction.

>> No.24765951

It's not even pity posts at this point, it's bait posts.

>> No.24765952

Holy fuck Roberu is a genius

>> No.24765956


>> No.24765957

why can you idiots not contain your retardness in this thread
what the actual fuck is wrong with you

>> No.24765958

stop attention whoring, faggot. Post it whenever you damn please.

>> No.24765959

I hope you get permabanned you sick fuck.

>> No.24765960


holy shit

>> No.24765961

Cum on my screencap

>> No.24765963
File: 584 KB, 2880x1440, Koro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son of a bitch

>> No.24765965

A bunch of Coco clips in my feed recently

>> No.24765966

>harassing the holos

>> No.24765971

Wrong, I liked the tribute, but found it in bad taste that he would post it there for Okayu to see, that's just fucked, don't drag them into this shit.

>> No.24765974

Korone-san is Okayucoomer?

>> No.24765980
File: 105 KB, 850x661, 1591161716225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it tonight right after she's done streaming

>> No.24765981

>thinks it's funny
1st strike
>korone image
2nd strike
>/v/ lingo
3rd strike

>> No.24765982

and people still say we aren't an anti thread

>> No.24765983

Is this Koikatsu? Someone made a card for Kanata?

>> No.24765984

I'm still mad I missed this stream.

>> No.24765987
Quoted by: >>24766005

Why are Towafags like this

>> No.24765988
File: 179 KB, 720x413, 1592551177369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24765990

Roberu is a great but his singing isn't.

>> No.24765991
File: 228 KB, 1600x1920, 1594702813865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant do it bro, the akasupa must happen, she gives me so much life that i dont feel the pain from existing anymore

>> No.24765993

Did you expect anything from literal /v/ underages?

>> No.24765995
Quoted by: >>24766002

Fubuki called Aqua a chocoball.

>> No.24765997
File: 816 KB, 2944x4096, Ecj19CXU4AE4aOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766172


>> No.24765998

Whatever gets the most reactions will be used for falseflagging here, it's just how things are.

>> No.24765999
File: 418 KB, 2196x2928, 1584477624514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766000
File: 173 KB, 480x267, 5q069cno04451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont give the chuubas money above your means of living. they dont want that.

>> No.24766002

Based fuck that niglet

>> No.24766005

What the fuck I love Towafags now?

>> No.24766007

Rushia, onegai!

>> No.24766008

Holos playing DDR or any bemani game when?

>> No.24766009
Quoted by: >>24766037

It wouldn't bother them much, they wouldn't care if I suffer anyway.

>> No.24766011
Quoted by: >>24766019

they're joke songs that he made up on the spot were you expecting some rehearsed piece with proper phrasing and a consistent key?

>> No.24766012
File: 591 KB, 1044x578, 1594691999285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu is the best man.

>> No.24766014
File: 1022 KB, 1279x662, 1592682637737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766016
Quoted by: >>24766039

Roberu and FBK kissing....

>> No.24766017

They wouldn't want me suffering either, but I suffer every day. They would want me to have the perfect life, but that doesn't happen either.

>> No.24766019
Quoted by: >>24766041

Yes I could do that on the spot.

>> No.24766021

big happy boy...

>> No.24766022
File: 85 KB, 715x1261, D5k2EsFW4AARRoQ@momo_kimuchi008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her tits are going to slip out if she keeps jiggling them like that.

>> No.24766023

okayu is more important than my own life

>> No.24766025

Maybe Korone playing Doom was a mistake, since we get faggots like you

>> No.24766027
File: 1.11 MB, 2048x1570, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone made it

>> No.24766029

How is Konami with permissions?

>> No.24766030
File: 514 KB, 2750x2600, 1579282734759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can marine movements be so ungraceful but sexy at the same time?

>> No.24766031
File: 838 KB, 2304x4096, 1594739746982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei needs to help make this an actual costume

>> No.24766032 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 245x206, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I wanna be a Korone coomer now! Yet I thought about cooming on Towa instead. Which should I coom to?

Convince me of which one and I'll do it

>> No.24766033

he just cant stop winning!

>> No.24766034

Only pachinko permissions.

>> No.24766035

Are most female otakus naturally lolicons?
Probably autistic as fuck knowing them.

>> No.24766036

Holy fuck this is great

>> No.24766037
Quoted by: >>24766111

Anon, you suffering will weigh on their conscience. You don't want them to feel guilty of getting your money right?

>> No.24766038
File: 325 KB, 474x395, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766065

Oh right, I forgot to mention Peko MGS4 as well because I knew I wouldn't get (You)s if I mentioned her

>> No.24766039

>he was just saying that seiyuus are amazing
Wasn't Risu a seiyuu in her past life?

>> No.24766041

somehow I doubt it, especially if you're just doing it to have fun. his normal singing voice is fine, but the english songs he did and Kaze no Sakana are just random songs he'll make up to have fun, he even changes his voice to an exaggeration to make it clear it's just for fun

>> No.24766042
File: 232 KB, 2000x1414, EcTSNXHUMAYEtvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she invokes primal breeding instincts

>> No.24766045

What... is going on here

>> No.24766046

Towa. for her 3d stream

>> No.24766047

I love girls loving loli so much more than loli itself. This kind of shit hooked me in the first place.

>> No.24766048
Quoted by: >>24766059


>> No.24766049
Quoted by: >>24766083

I'd take back /v/ any day over the dumb faggots we got from Coco's 3D.

>> No.24766050
Quoted by: >>24766143

>picking breasts over Aki thighs

>> No.24766051

Towa imagine her crying lmao that would be cool as hell

>> No.24766052



>> No.24766053

i dont think its that bad

>> No.24766054

korone played guitarfreaks

>> No.24766055

He really is our winning son...

>> No.24766058

None, go being a retarded coomer somewhere else

>> No.24766057
File: 13 KB, 351x329, 1592841142331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all sicken me.

>> No.24766059

You know you can always directly message cover corp at any time right? It's right on their site.

>> No.24766061
Quoted by: >>24766102

Cat seems averse to people giving too much money. Just save it for her 400k milestone.

>> No.24766062
File: 29 KB, 318x416, 1592197212691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just nuke this shithole already

>> No.24766064

The family is ok with this
so Towa

>> No.24766065
File: 558 KB, 1064x598, 1594149164549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766077

I'm fucking sick of all these false flagging Anons shitting up the thread, peko.

>> No.24766066

permissions onegai..

>> No.24766067

Is there a way to switch youtube ai for our useless meidos? I bet youtube ai would do something about the mentally ill Twitter loser openly trolling the thread.

>> No.24766068
File: 868 KB, 1264x710, 1594689555978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe he found an irasutoya for this meme

>> No.24766071

Except Risu, she demands it

>> No.24766073 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 564x1001, 1594780011846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766076

Drink water and do some light exercise to increase load size.

>> No.24766077
Quoted by: >>24766106

Sorry anon, Had to falseflag to expose the schizo

>> No.24766078


>> No.24766079 [DELETED] 

would people forgive aqua if she was aqua irl?

>> No.24766080

wtf i love aqua now

>> No.24766082


>> No.24766083

Those two things doesn't seem mutually exclusive, you both are bandwagoning faggots should move on to the next big fad

>> No.24766084
File: 3.34 MB, 262x312, 1592145399522.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea: Don't read or look at any post for a better experience

>> No.24766085

Aqua lives matter

>> No.24766086

Fat in the right places, horny 24/7. Invokes the primal urge to pump and dump her.

>> No.24766088
File: 891 KB, 1200x1694, 1567037094856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK fangs.

>> No.24766091

Since you like being abused then Towa, she laughs at and insults coomers.

>> No.24766092
File: 1.00 MB, 242x227, 1505076410133.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766099

>calling Korone crazy
>when some nobody coomer posted such a picture

Well guys, time to abandon this shithole. Better to find a less wicked place to discuss holos

>> No.24766093

Does anyone have a clip of when he had it explained to him?

>> No.24766096
Quoted by: >>24766108

* 'ᴗ')<gorilla

>> No.24766097
File: 185 KB, 1051x1500, 1592598262502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave it alone
>it starts talking to itself
>it falseflags tribal wars
>retards replies to it
>it starts posting ranking/chart baits
>retards follows it
>it posts doxx
>it posts coom
Don't join it.

>> No.24766099

Sure. The Official Hololive Discord seems like a good place to discuss Hololive.

>> No.24766100

I'd love her even more.

>> No.24766101
File: 87 KB, 843x1024, Ead444BVAAEdBRc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good to me.

>> No.24766102

fine, at least that way i can drop a $500 akasupa instead

>> No.24766103


>> No.24766105
Quoted by: >>24766113

Heard from some anons that Noel did not have the best past, is there any truth to that or is it just schizoposting?

>> No.24766106 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 704x596, 1594780208589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>false flags
>appologies for it
>to a falseflagger
It is fine anon, peko.

>> No.24766108


>> No.24766109
Quoted by: >>24766126

This is one of my favorite gifs

>> No.24766110

There's a reason doctors don't just leave cancer alone.

>> No.24766111
Quoted by: >>24766144

>you suffering will weigh on their conscience
For all of 10 minutes maybe, you're grossly overestimating how much people value the lives of strangers. If given an offer of one million dollars, but as a result, some random person around the world would die, how many people would take the deal? You'd be surprised how low you could lower the amount and people would still take it.
Sure, no one wants to admit it, but in the end we're all selfish.

>> No.24766112

Your paranoid boogeyman manhunt aint making this thread better subarubro

>> No.24766113
Quoted by: >>24766132

her brother had it worse, imagine having Noel's past on top of a menhera stealing all your food and beating you up while the girls at school make fun of your weight...

>> No.24766116
File: 507 KB, 638x776, 1593567392614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill join you instead anon

>> No.24766115
Quoted by: >>24766129

t. schizo

>> No.24766117

I could have become a legend by deleting it without posting about, but no. You fucked up okayufags honor.

>> No.24766118
Quoted by: >>24766147

If you guys want coom on Towa then post the image to coom on

>> No.24766120

Ok towafag

>> No.24766121
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1589570200832.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766138

Where the hell just happened?

>> No.24766122

>Aki bellydancing on a DDR pad

>> No.24766123

Where should I go to discuss Hololive with people that I don't want to die painful deaths? Don't say reddit

>> No.24766124
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1593309967933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think I'm going to bed.
Abayo, losers.

>> No.24766126
File: 367 KB, 600x600, 1574330929562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this one

>> No.24766127

For everyone complaining I doubt most of you are using the report function
If all of you reported it, he would likely get banned within minutes

>> No.24766129


>> No.24766130

That's what I do with chat

>> No.24766132

What happen to Noel exactly?

>> No.24766135

Hololive isn't big enough anon, sorry

>> No.24766137
Quoted by: >>24766142

>doing their job
Funniest post itt

>> No.24766138
File: 179 KB, 287x285, 1593436204462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766152


>> No.24766141
Quoted by: >>24766199

Unironically the Holo discord

>> No.24766142

I know you came from /v/, but at least try to hide it a little.

>> No.24766143
File: 77 KB, 1280x580, EP5MSatUcAANRHk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766155

Leg-locking with Aki!

>> No.24766144
Quoted by: >>24766181

To be fair, random people around the world die every minute if not second.

>> No.24766147
File: 684 KB, 1823x1019, TOWA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766148

Last night I had this dream about being stuck on an island with some of the holos, it's kinda weird

>Kanatan stayed at around the seashore, trying to fish up something
>I and some other holos went looking for woods to make fire
>while looking for woods, I saw Coco climbing up coconuts tree to gather the fruits but she sucks at climbing
>then Aki riding on a crab-like creature came crashing on the tree, knocking down Coco and loads of coconuts fell down together with her
>campfire was pretty comfy with everyone saying that it's like playing Ark in real life
>Korone complained about not liking coconuts
>everything else is too blurry to recall

I don't even watch the Ark streams...

>> No.24766149
Quoted by: >>24766159

Iofi cover premiere in a couple hours

>> No.24766150

why does shion hate monkeys?

>> No.24766151
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>> No.24766152

Here. It's like all of a sudden the thread became 100% shittier. Is the flip discord narrative true?

>> No.24766153
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1200, othyju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766154

At least he's calling them meidos instead of "jannies"?

>> No.24766155
File: 105 KB, 1000x638, 1593746008416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766173

coming home to aki!

>> No.24766156

This retarded coomer is going to move this thread to /trash/ at this point

>> No.24766157

Shut the fuck up idiot, I've been warned for reporting off topic shit before. The meidos let this place become what it is

>> No.24766158
File: 513 KB, 1848x1542, E51D99BD-1446-4896-8346-9ED383BC1B72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can still save this place.
If you ever see a vtuber thread on /v/ please post this image to scare and stop /v/ermin from migrating here.

>> No.24766159

might as well watch

>> No.24766160
Quoted by: >>24766185

just go to discord you no fun allowed bitches

>> No.24766161
File: 2.56 MB, 1282x721, blaqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Minato Aqua is monkey
Blaqua confirmed?!

>> No.24766163 [DELETED] 
File: 624 KB, 800x800, 1594131642611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All drawbro Towa's are cute.

>> No.24766164

There was always 5
If you mean the VA there are 4 of them The OG, Ai pii(*), Love chan(#), Ai bro(chinese).

>> No.24766166

Aren't you guys overreacting a bit? These are grown, adult women. If you think they're going to be shattered by some tard cumming on an image you're mistaken, hell, they shit would probably get filtered by management before they ever have to look at some faggot's watery load.

>> No.24766167

I missed it ;_;

>> No.24766169

Are you retarded? That's just a recruitment ad for tardbabies.

>> No.24766171

Towa drew that herself.

>> No.24766172


>> No.24766173
Quoted by: >>24766178

Aki coming home drunk and beating you!

>> No.24766175
Quoted by: >>24766187

It's harassment.

>> No.24766176

man this feels wrong and sad

>> No.24766177
File: 24 KB, 569x555, towa......png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766178
Quoted by: >>24766205

With the gentlest nekoze punches!

>> No.24766179

Hope you and your ebin screenshot xd win a bunch of updoots on reddit

>> No.24766180

This literally has no salvation, this thread unironically deserves to be in /trash/

>> No.24766181
Quoted by: >>24766248

Exactly, so why would the actions of a grown adult they don't even know weigh on their conscience?

>> No.24766184
File: 99 KB, 1201x965, EbEqym_U4AE_yoW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes the apple doesn't fall too close to the tree.

>> No.24766185
Quoted by: >>24766188

I hate you with every fiber of my being

>> No.24766186
Quoted by: >>24766303

Supposedly, she was bullied as early as middle school due to not-so-subtle "growth", leading her to seclude herself away from everyone and seeks attention from the internet instead. When she first started her streaming activities, she would even get happy from hateful comments because that means at least she's getting attention. Take this with a grain of salt and treat it like your usual narrative though.

>> No.24766187

Their management is more than capable of dealing with harassment and can take legal actions if necessary.

>> No.24766188

why are Towafags like this

>> No.24766190
File: 25 KB, 569x555, 1594424421561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766191
File: 232 KB, 1280x720, 【ARK ╎Extinction】超有能雪フクロウ厳選!?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki in 20 minutes!

>> No.24766194

Why'd you delete it Anon it wasn't that embarrassing and you had a cute pic too.

>> No.24766196

We are an anti thread

>> No.24766199
Quoted by: >>24766230

So why are you here? Fuck off back there.

>> No.24766200

Help me /hlg/, what is the best alcoholic drink to watch aki's ark?

>> No.24766201
Quoted by: >>24766364

For the 2nd part
I can't be fucking bothered to type in moonrunes but it should get you the idea cross anyway
1st question
>shoujo ka douka wakaranakute, de shoujo janai wakattara korosu, korosurashii
If it(the unicorn) isn't sure whether you're a virgin, but then finds out you're not, it will kill you, or something like that
2nd question
>sensa ha toku ni iu otaku-kun tachi ga iwareteru unicorn to onaji kurai no sensa datte
I can't even read the kanji you put up but what I hear is
>きしょー toka iwaratendakedo
They're calling me things like きしょー though
Had to look up the word to see what it meant and it does fit into the context, maybe you can check the stream's chat at that time to confirm
First time I hear it so eh, translate as you see fit I guess
4th is correct
>keiken shiteta douka nandayone
As in wondering has she fucked or not in reality
Can't really tell but my best guess would be "aidoru oshi" since it sounds like she just went real fast with the o and fits the context
7th, yeah I guess non-canon is a good way
>datte, 嬢 jyane? sono te ga kono tsuito
Cuz, she's unmarried isn't she? when it comes to that regard
>matsuri ha, sono- matsuri mo aidoru oshitetani dakara
The pause is her just rethinking how she was going to express herself with her words, nothing really big about it
You got it right but it's more of a "The kind that would surely get hated by the idol"
As in, they don't straight up get hated by the idols but they're the most likely to be

But let me disclaim that at best I'm a N4/3.5 JTL, I think my hearing is pretty good but a lot of the times I just don't know what the fuck the word they uttered means so I just look up what I hear on the dictionary and most of the time I get it right unless it's fucking slang terms
Hope it helps
Now fess up, you're from the discord aren't you, I've seen them do the same kind of set up for helping review subs in their TL help channel, because I tried to TL some myself and went there too

>> No.24766203
File: 69 KB, 527x438, 1577889277352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766202
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1591234233303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it fun harassing the girls, hlg?

>> No.24766205

drunk aki jumping on you!

>> No.24766206


>> No.24766207
Quoted by: >>24766220

just post the results you coward

>> No.24766208

no one actually cares its just deadhours

>> No.24766209
File: 900 KB, 1200x2004, Ec60p2vVcAAo8kZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L cup

>> No.24766210

I'm just waiting for /v/ to be disillusioned and realize this whole culture is about the girls and their personalities rather than what games they play. The permissions arc is a blessing in disguise to stop Korone attracting these kinds of misguided tourist into this hellhole. I really hope they keep on playing Ark, Apex and Minecraft along with some jap streamer meme game like Pien for months until the /v/ problem dies out.

>> No.24766212

Cheap $5 wine. The real wine aunt experience.

>> No.24766213

Aki's pee!

>> No.24766214
File: 17 KB, 600x269, 1594702846947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone takes your falseflagging seriously.
Nano desu

>> No.24766215
Quoted by: >>24766242

Holy shit, even fucking Towa draws better than me.
Someone please put me out of my misery already.

>> No.24766216
File: 90 KB, 720x784, 1594107420036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watame and ui mama will never pin you down and bully you while each one whispers lewd things in your left and right ears respectively

>> No.24766217

Dead hours

>> No.24766218

The same thing she's drinking

>> No.24766220

I still need a good Towa Pic to coom to.

>> No.24766221

God I want to do unspeakable evil to those milk cans

>> No.24766228
File: 314 KB, 1699x2192, Ec61zYtVcAAiG6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D(ragon) cup

>> No.24766229
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>> No.24766230
Quoted by: >>24766243

He said a serious place to discuss the holos, and that place is the Hololive Discord.

>> No.24766231

i just want her to be happy she deserves it

>> No.24766232

I don't know how but american hours are worse than sea hours now.

>> No.24766235

>Coomable pic

>> No.24766242
Quoted by: >>24766260

Start learning today then, anon. It's still not too late for you to start your journey to become an artist who can get his fan art featured as a chuuba's thumbnail. You can do it if you're determined enough!

>> No.24766243

So it's true that discordfags come here solely to shitpost then, good to know.

>> No.24766244 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 600x600, D2W2Xs_U8AAPAp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766245
File: 39 KB, 185x284, 1589042105285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766327

>retards still replying to baits and eating shit up like dinner
And you still wonder why it's bad.
If you don't have anything actually on-topic to post then just close this fucking website and fuck off.

>> No.24766248

Because at that point they're no longer random people they have no connection with whatsoever, they actually have influence and an impact on their lives. Also because it's sacrificing long term profit for short term gain.

>> No.24766249
File: 210 KB, 1000x1000, Dk2RHPQU4AEQZL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766250
File: 1.18 MB, 1097x1480, 1590022915053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24766253

>Coco in Aki's prechat

>> No.24766254

Long term profit is a meme. The end justifies the means kind of bullshit.

>> No.24766255

>the seanigs migrated to burger hours
>burger hours are now shit
>no timeslot is safe.
/hlg/ was a mistske nano desu

>> No.24766257

Knight Cup
-Lord Cup-
Magnate Cup
Noble Cup
Overlord Cup
Paladin Cup
How many Classes will Noel level up through?

>> No.24766258


>> No.24766259


>> No.24766260
Quoted by: >>24766329

You don't get it anon, I've been at it for a whole year now, yet everything I produce is garbage

>> No.24766263

I love Aki!

>> No.24766265

this is the best thing /hlg/ has produced

>> No.24766266

Wait until she reached Z cup, which is Zion yo cup

>> No.24766267

I don't even remember what was so bad about them anymore.

>> No.24766270
File: 456 KB, 2048x1536, EcKXOmzU8AIhK3U@Rehe_Neusu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's been drinking a lot of Coke Zero lately.

>> No.24766271

Anon, the holos have way too many subscribers/members to them at this point that each sucscriber/member matters little more than just faceless texts to the chuuba.

>> No.24766273

/hlg/ itself.

>> No.24766274

The one with L cup is Canan, not Noel.

>> No.24766276

Noel resting her hands above her 3d model breasts is so fucking hot
Can't wait for 3D VR horror if covid doesn't fuck us over

>> No.24766277

Pregnancy will put her into Teutonic Cup

>> No.24766279
Quoted by: >>24766301

every cup just puts her further away from flare

>> No.24766280

Suisei said the artist talk collab on Tamaki's channel made her want to draw again and she's looking forward to the eventual actual drawing collab of them 4, so you can anticipate she'll draw something in the future.
I still can't believe how small Suisei's tablet is since she likes drawing quite elaborate pieces.

>> No.24766281
File: 36 KB, 297x376, chama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24766286
Quoted by: >>24766304

Ah yes, just what we needed, doxxfaggotry now.

>> No.24766287 [DELETED] 


>> No.24766288

When even are american hours anymore? It seems to be SEA hours all the time.

>> No.24766290
File: 647 KB, 1920x1080, hlgdraws0714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766302

Gonna call it a night for the canvas here! Thanks to everyone who stopped by.

>> No.24766292

I agree

>> No.24766293
File: 101 KB, 591x800, D5os9RzUYAEUXrG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24766307


>> No.24766294
Quoted by: >>24766314

what tablet does suisei use?

>> No.24766295

What's the source of this?

>> No.24766296

aqua's own kirinuki

>> No.24766297

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24766301

Noel loli conversion when

>> No.24766302

My talented brothers!

>> No.24766303
Quoted by: >>24766359

Is there any source for what you just said? Even if it's a narrative, there must be some kind of an origin, right?

>> No.24766304


>> No.24766307

I feel like I've seen this guy's work before, and he leaves the majority of it censored then baits people by saying it'll be uncensored soon. He made one of Haato a while back IIRC

>> No.24766308

That's good news. At least now Suisei can have one of her strengths back.

>> No.24766310
Quoted by: >>24766330

>oppai loli Noel

>> No.24766311

>not lead

>> No.24766312

Wonder if 5ch knows about it.

>> No.24766313

Fucking ye-

>> No.24766314

This one https://www.amazon.co.jp/wacom-Intuos-Touch-CTH-480-S0/dp/B00EL8HM0I, she kind of stood out like a sore thumb in the stream because she was the only one not using a fuckhuge cintiq.

>> No.24766315

Immersion chad, nice.

>> No.24766319

that's going to be her alt costume, young danchou

>> No.24766320

Aki is a literal wine aunt.

>> No.24766326
Quoted by: >>24766377

>He made one of Haato a while back IIRC
He made one for everyone before 4th gen debuted.

>> No.24766327

Haachama please do more non-member only streams. I need something besides just the endless shitposting you do.

>> No.24766328

Nice, but I suppose that means no stream today either.

>> No.24766329

Everything takes time to master, anon. All those incredible fan arts you see posted on twitter? Those artists must have spent years, even decades to hone their craft. Maybe try to find some kind of drawings you've made since you first started, redraw it and compare the products, you'd see the result of your improvement more clearly. Don't be so down anon, do it for your favorite chuuba!

>> No.24766330

But if it's an oppai loli it still wouldn't appeal to flare

>> No.24766331

when are we getting a delicious chocolate holo?
no, flare doesn't count she's ugly. fuck off flarefags

>> No.24766334


>> No.24766336

Oh shit we have the same one, that's a nice detail. still really weird she hasn't upgraded she clearly has the bank to do

>> No.24766338

Hmmm? We already have Choco sensei

>> No.24766340

when they replace towa with someone good

>> No.24766341

Fuck off, congocoomer.

>> No.24766344

rot in hell bitch

>> No.24766346
Quoted by: >>24766392

Coco waiting in Aki's chat!

>> No.24766348

>comfy minecraft is dead

>> No.24766352

reminder that under her disgusting creepy pedo molesters matsuri is one of the best singers in hololive

>> No.24766353
Quoted by: >>24766367

>still replying
like fucking clockwork
you deserved it retards

>> No.24766354

The 4 person drawing collab is pretty much confirmed

>> No.24766355 [DELETED] 

I have a big surprise for everyone in the next thread.

>> No.24766357

haha no bitch

>> No.24766359

An anon said so in one of the previous threads, but he also said that origin came from Noel's roommate instead, I think. I don't wanna go to deep so I didn't ask for the source.

>> No.24766363

Based towabro..

>> No.24766364
Quoted by: >>24766547

>datte, 嬢 jyane? sono te ga kono tsuito
How confident are you of this one? because I'm going to need a bit more help breaking down そのてがこのついと.
Don't know what you're talking about. Is it good? If so, I want in

>> No.24766365
Quoted by: >>24766375

when Holo EN is released you'll probably get a chocolate holo played by a black weeb the catch is her avatar will likely be ugly or drawn very poorly

>> No.24766367

The schizo actually has higher IQ than the faggots who give him (you)s

>> No.24766371


>> No.24766370

Which holo are you going to post a cum tribute to this time?

>> No.24766372

We already have one, and her name is Minato Aqua.

>> No.24766375

Imagine the backlash if we ever got a black avatar and they had big lips

>> No.24766376

I personally still use a non-display tablet (though slightly bigger) even after all this time. Just something you get used so used to that it's more comfortable.

She should get one of the bluetooth intuos pros at least. More convenient.

>> No.24766377

Then he deleted his account. I never did save them all.

>> No.24766381

Is the honeymoon period starting to wear off for anyone else? I'm beginning to come to terms with the fact that they're all just entertainers/actresses at the end of the day, and most if not all do insufferable 3DPD shit off-screen (Korone tik-tok really did a number on me). I'll probably be graduating from this scene soon, hopefully for the best.

>> No.24766382
Quoted by: >>24766391

What is aqua thinking killing all her momentum like this, she has both apex and minecraft to play

>> No.24766383

Cute I'm glad she's still working on stuff even though she's sick

>> No.24766384

Okay, bye.

>> No.24766390

you should have known better if a woman doing a harmless tik tok ruins your perception of her whole character

>> No.24766391

She has a Concert coming up thats way more important than playing videogames

>> No.24766392


>> No.24766393


>> No.24766395

I agree
Korone looks disgusting

>> No.24766396

They are 3D girls projecting themselves into 2D. The fact you didn't realize this when you started is your own fault.

>> No.24766397

Good lord, I forgot I had Aki's stream waiting and it scared the shit out of me

>> No.24766398

Put mosaic on that chat then show your "Feeling" again.

>> No.24766402
Quoted by: >>24766418

>narratives changing how you feel about your holo
>you were never gonna make it

>> No.24766403
Quoted by: >>24766691

he deleted his account? well shit, never even got the uncensored versions...

>> No.24766404

Moreso than that, I'm beginning to realize that I'm not surrounded by people who enjoy hololive the way I do, just hateful beings.

>> No.24766405
Quoted by: >>24766430

>a harmless tik tok
If she did that on stream using her avatar then her numbers would tank, and it doesn't take a genius to understand why.

>> No.24766406

I wonder if these kind of people also believed Kizuna Ai was a real AI.

>> No.24766407

You should go back to anime, at least there VAs have to pretend to be anime characters in real life instead of being real people like you and me, thing that apparently just disgust you

>> No.24766408

holy shit the clipping in iofi's archive...

>> No.24766409
Quoted by: >>24766438

the burnout is pretty bad, i'll probably leave until they introduce 5 gen

>> No.24766412

it's literally not even her in that webm
fuck you guys are stupid

>> No.24766414


>> No.24766416

What's the best Japanese whiskey to drink when enjoying holos?

>> No.24766417

I still get filtered by her normal talking voice

>> No.24766418

How can you clowns be so retarded that you're now misusing this word? Literal video evidence isn't a "narrative", tard.

>> No.24766420
Quoted by: >>24766441

Yeah, I'm kind of into it casually, but it feels like 80% of /hlg/ are unmedicated mentals who need the constant distraction of hololives as one more thing they can obsess about until they burn out and latch onto yet another distraction from their lives.

>> No.24766422

I love my Holo more than ever.

>> No.24766424
Quoted by: >>24766440

Guess I'll stop posting so the next thread gets here just that small bit later. Other anons might want to do the same.

>> No.24766425
Quoted by: >>24766439

Not sure what you're getting at. Real people are disgusting, that's part of why we're here and not watching 3DPD streamers.

>> No.24766428
Quoted by: >>24766432

Matsuri's piss

>> No.24766429
Quoted by: >>24766517

It didn't use to be this way, recently threads have really taken a nosedive. I mean, they were always getting worse by the day, but things really changed in the past few weeks.

>> No.24766430
Quoted by: >>24766459

it's not something she intended you to see, it's something you chose to go out of your way to see it, i don't know what were you expecting going in if the girls having real lives outside of this shit, bothers you this much

>> No.24766432

Disgusting. I prefer Haato's spit

>> No.24766433

Their whole appeal is that they don't act like "real people", dumbass. Go to niji if you like that shit.

>> No.24766437
Quoted by: >>24766448



>> No.24766438

Yeah, you guys should stop when you feel burnt out. Ultimately, chuubas are just here for your entertainment and money, not starting a cult. No need to force yourself to follow the chuubas if you don't feel like it.

>> No.24766439
Quoted by: >>24766460

oh you're on those, no clue at what you saw in hololive since you know, they're real people get into vocaloid or something then

>> No.24766440

Dont tell me what to do towafag

>> No.24766441

Mental illness is the fact that you people can't stop posting here when you aren't even into the subject matter anymore. These threads are the worst part of the hobby and you're stuck here instead of putting a stream on the background and shutting the fuck up? Is that healthy?

>> No.24766443

Based and winepilled

>> No.24766445

Is that why you criticize certain holos for being fake? Is that why you stop watching certain ones when you find their VA unattractive? Be honest with yourself.

>> No.24766446

Well, she said she's not really a pro artist but more of a hobbyist, plus she doesn't need to draw herself that much anymore so there's really not much need for her to upgrade when her current one is still working.

>> No.24766447

dude you are just broken
most peeps here dont even care about that and we are like the worst people

>> No.24766448

where does she keep the bun when shes not using it?

>> No.24766450

are they really ok with her showing her face, doesn't that kind of hurt sub numbers because it breaks the illusion or whatever

>> No.24766452

Pekora's tears

>> No.24766454
Quoted by: >>24766477

There's a reason only 10% of us use any money on them and know Japanese.

>> No.24766455

I can't tell what that emoji is supposed to mean anymore. I thought it meant angry.

>> No.24766456
Quoted by: >>24766468

Aki is drinking again...

>> No.24766459

The point is that it's contradictory to their character, so it just makes them look fake and therefore unenjoyable. At least with anime I know it's a scripted story and I can enjoy it for that, but vtubers are live people and fakeness like this tells me I'm watching a liar.

>> No.24766460

Why are you pretending as if you're any different? You wouldn't care about any of these girls if not for their avatars, many of them were streamers before they became vtubers, but guess what, they only picked up traction once they were put behind a cute avatar.

>> No.24766462
Quoted by: >>24766470

not him but yes

>> No.24766464
Quoted by: >>24766483

Bun? Do you mean the egg shell?

>> No.24766467

Matsuri is angry.

>> No.24766468

thats our drunk auntie!

>> No.24766470
Quoted by: >>24766490

In that case you're a hypocrite.

>> No.24766471

What are you talking about? Norio and Tamaki are 2 completely different entities.

>> No.24766472
Quoted by: >>24766520

if it bother you that much the fact that they're real people why did you watch the korone tik tok, no one was forcing you to do so, you chose to engage with something you knew you actively hated, you fucked it up for yourself no one did that you, not korone, not her roommate not us

>> No.24766477

It's closer to 40% spend money on them, if polls are to be believed.

>> No.24766483
Quoted by: >>24766514

her hair bun what even
i do miss the egg shell tho it was cute

>> No.24766487
Quoted by: >>24766543

What the fuck even is Korone tiktok

>> No.24766489
Quoted by: >>24766526

Well, then leave. Stop watching it if you don't enjoy it.

>> No.24766490

*a hypercrit.

>> No.24766491
Quoted by: >>24766511

But they do act like normal people, aside from exaggurated noises and voices. They literally just talk about what happens in their lives and what interests them. It's just streaming but with a mask on

>> No.24766492

No I watch them for the personality, so when I think about how their personalities are faked it puts me off.

>> No.24766495

What is the supernatural power that keeps Aki Rosenthal's hair afloat?

>> No.24766497
Quoted by: >>24766512

Is it even possible for a normal man to satisfy a woman who's been drawing big dick traps for a living.

>> No.24766502

drunk sex with Aki!

>> No.24766504
Quoted by: >>24766524

Explain to me WHY you faggots complained about "HURR THREAD BAD" while you keep replying to some obvious fucking baits and let a literal schizo lead your nose like fucking animals

>> No.24766505

its powered by alcohol

>> No.24766506
Quoted by: >>24766538

Guys, what's the hashtag for towa's fanart in twitter?

>> No.24766507

I don't understand, doesn't Norio voice Tamaki?

>> No.24766510
Quoted by: >>24766518

She never hid it to begin with. https://files.catbox.moe/zxwj2l.jpg

>> No.24766511

They act like idols with normal lives. If they acted like normal people then they'd be talking about how their latest date sucked and the guy wasn't as hot as they wished.

>> No.24766512

Are the traps big dicked?

>> No.24766514

Aki's New Years outfit only has one Twin because the other stayed home.

>> No.24766516

How do we stop Korone from overtaking Aqua?

>> No.24766517

I've gone from making 20+ posts a thread to barely making 5 now. The worst part is that it used to be for a couple of hours a day, but now it's constant because some retards took up the mantle and are constantly shitposting for the (You)s.

>> No.24766518

I'm just surprised Niji are ok with this

>> No.24766519

Her twintails are setient though.

>> No.24766520
Quoted by: >>24766607

He doesn't really care that she made a Tik Tok, he just is butthurt that Korone's kind of ugly IRL and he can't dissociate her ugly face with her model now.

>> No.24766521
Quoted by: >>24766537

you had the power to stop at any stage, yet you chose not to and ruined something you liked because of your own mistakes, don't act like they that to you

>> No.24766524
Quoted by: >>24766583

Supposedly there's 225 unique posters in this thread but it honestly feels like the same 15 shitposts repeated 1500 times.

>> No.24766523

Space Elf technology and the power of never giving up.

>> No.24766525

They're off having their own adventures https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1jdGILjPw

>> No.24766526

>I'm burning out and will probably leave

>> No.24766529
Quoted by: >>24766552

She's not from Nijisanji dumbass.

>> No.24766530
Quoted by: >>24766551

Yes, go on. What are you waiting for?

>> No.24766531

I don't save only holo's pics, so I do it like this:
1. Several folders with reaction or just meme-ish pictures for shitposting and other issues.
2. One folder named "Cute" for all the nice art.
3. In that folder, I have several folder per series, and then per character, in this case I also have one for Vtubers, then one for Holos, and then one per Gen and per specific chuba.

>> No.24766532

Her husband's cum

>> No.24766533
Quoted by: >>24766551

What part of "leave" involves you replying to more posts you stupid fuck?

>> No.24766535

Cover will sub bot it. Right now the top 5 channels are Fubuki (gen1), Aqua (gen2), Korone (gamers), Pekora (gen3) and Coco (gen4). It's too perfect.

>> No.24766537
Quoted by: >>24766609

Willingly ignoring facts just means I'm lying to myself though, which I can't stand as much as people lying to me.

>> No.24766538

You better not post a cum tribute

>> No.24766539
Quoted by: >>24766552

She's not a part of Niji. She was an independent and now runs her own agency.

>> No.24766540

Only numberfags see it like that. Each Holo grows on their own as individuals.

>> No.24766543
Quoted by: >>24766708

Literally nothing. If you know what Korone looks like IRL already then it's literally like a 10 clip of nothing. If you don't, she's kind of ugly but who gives a shit. /v/tards who can't separate the entertainer's 3D appearance from the character they play got their boners hurt that she wasn't a perfect 10/10 and now are "past the honeymoon" or whatever.

>> No.24766545
Quoted by: >>24766565

so choco?, or literally any holo, because outside of their dating life and periods they pretty much talk about everything else from their stomach pains to fun thing that happen in their day, if you're going to be an idolfag that seethes at the fact that they aren't pure be honest and just say it

>> No.24766546


>> No.24766547
Quoted by: >>24766588

The そのてがこのついと is an expression isn't it? I hear them say it every now and then, but yeah I've got no real means of proving you that it means that
It's alright for inquiries I guess, there are like 2 or 3 fucks that help consistently
Just look for Hololive Fan Server discord in google or some shit for an invite

>> No.24766551

I didn't say I was going to leave immediately, I wouldn't have made that post inciting discussion if I was going to, just that it will probably happen soon, but soon is not now. You sound upset, am I hitting a nerve with this topic?

>> No.24766552
Quoted by: >>24766559

Alright I get it now. Could have sworn she was part of Niji for some reason.

>> No.24766553

How does /hlg/ do it? Despite all of it's flaws, it still remains one of the best among the generals.

>> No.24766555

Gen Zero...

>> No.24766558

What do you think he'll do?

>> No.24766559
Quoted by: >>24766568

You're fucking retarded

>> No.24766560

make aqua play a real game again

>> No.24766562


>> No.24766563

We should do bets on who the gen five girl on that list will be

>> No.24766565
Quoted by: >>24766581

One of the least popular holos, what's your point?

>> No.24766568

Calm down anon it was an honest mistake, no need to make a fuss.

>> No.24766569

i didnt know you could have a platform on the bronto

>> No.24766570

This used to be true. I miss it.

>> No.24766572
Quoted by: >>24766597

What are you gonna do, pack your things? I just don't understand the point of being here. These threads suck even if you actually like holos.

>> No.24766573

>you can make a moving platform for a mobile base on top of a bro to like what aki is doing right now
Man Ark is fucking cool, in concept

>> No.24766575

I only have a folder for my favorite holo which has subfolders for archived music, videos, webms and membership stuff that I never show to anyone.

>> No.24766577
Quoted by: >>24766597

If being annoyed at seeing the same retarded discussion about how "fake" it all is for the millionth time is hitting a nerve, sure, call it that. Are you ready to leave now? I assure you, it won't get any better for you if you're bothered by a fucking tik tok.

>> No.24766578
Quoted by: >>24766620

Why do you want to hear about their dates? Are you a cuck that thinks woman can't have fun on their own? You chose the one thing they don't talk about but that one thing is the least interesting thing they could talk about.

>> No.24766581

its not her fault youtubekun likes to bully her

>> No.24766583

Have you fucks ever noticed that most "questions" with new IP literally have the same fucking writings as some posts in the thread?

>> No.24766584

Man, imagine being Noel, coming home after dunked on hard by Pekora, having wet yourself from terror playing FNAF only to find Flare plowing Rushia Rosé In the bed you share with her.

>> No.24766585

If I see your cum pop up on the hashtag I'm going to fucking cum on you.

>> No.24766588

I plugged it into google but couldn't get anything so I'm not sure how else to figure it out
Thanks for the rest of the questions, it helps.

>> No.24766589

i folder for each in gen, and inside a folder for each girl with the files named in case i need to get them quick, if not jut flare05 and such, i usually take an hour or 2 to name and organize everything on the weekend after saving through the week on a offload folder

>> No.24766592 [DELETED] 

Thank you


Thank you!


I did it. I DID IT


Sounds kinky, family~

>> No.24766593
Quoted by: >>24766622

Shame about the... most of it

>> No.24766597

To be quite honest, you ordering me to leave because I'm making your butt hurt just makes me want to stay around a little while longer.

>> No.24766596

Ark is pretty cool if you have the time for it. I can't fathom using so much of my time for a game though.

>> No.24766600


>> No.24766607

you are so superficial anonchama, if you want to see only for the cuteness, so go to see twitch e-girls

>> No.24766608


>> No.24766609
Quoted by: >>24766636

Why do you care that Korone's a 6/10 in real life? Why do I have to share a hobby with people who can't dissociate reality from fiction? Do you think that playing GTA makes murderers? Do you think that obscene drawings are just as bad as the real thing? I feel like I'm going crazy.

>> No.24766610
Quoted by: >>24766656

>hurr you pointing out how retarded I am made me even more retarded

>> No.24766611

Oh lord

>> No.24766615


>> No.24766616


>> No.24766618

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24766620
Quoted by: >>24766766

>Are you a cuck that thinks woman can't have fun on their own?
But that's the thing, they give the impression that they're pure and having fun on their own when they're probably not in all honesty. That's what I mean by fakeness. I obviously would not be calling them fake if they owned the fact that they're basic 3DPD bitches with an anime avatar, but I would also obviously not be here just like I'm not in the niji thread.

>> No.24766621

Hm, nice load

>> No.24766622

Is it? I like the setting, giant world where most things can be broken and animals just roam constantly. It's almost an ideal game for fantasy escapists.

>> No.24766623

theres so much broken english in the comment section of every translated clip
i really think the overseas fan base is 70% sea nig or higher

>> No.24766624

What is wrong with you?

>> No.24766626


>> No.24766628


>> No.24766629
Quoted by: >>24766640

Well then I'm jumping to the Discord. This place is irredeemable

>> No.24766630
Quoted by: >>24766655

>open up /hlg/
>close /hlg/

>> No.24766631

Towafags hahahahahah

>> No.24766633

Hang yourself.

>> No.24766635

Stop giving him replies you stupid fucks.

>> No.24766636

When did I ever say I was upset by her physical appearance? You're literally projecting.

>> No.24766637

Does that still count if they're in another country as an immigrant? They may not have the best English, but they seem somewhat dedicated to fan bases.

>> No.24766640

Good riddance

>> No.24766644


>> No.24766645

>liked by an /alter/fag
no wonder these threads are so shitty lately

>> No.24766647


>> No.24766649

Towa is a whore Lmao

>> No.24766652

Is cum tribute the only thing this cesspool of a general can do?

>> No.24766654

Those countries do have an older and larger weeb culture after all.

>> No.24766655
Quoted by: >>24766685

i just wanted to talk about our holos..
i dont have anywhere else to talk about them

>> No.24766656

You're the one who's so retarded that he ended up making someone he wants to leave actually end up staying.

>> No.24766657

Do one for Pekora next

>> No.24766659

Holy shit based kek

>> No.24766660

Towa actually looks cuter with cum..

>> No.24766661


>> No.24766662

For anyone willing to do cum tributes, remember to take vitamin D, Zinc, and Ashwagandha for the thickest cums

>> No.24766666
Quoted by: >>24766690

SPERG-CHAN you fucking did it!
You pasted your dad's cum on a drawing of your love!

>> No.24766664

Yogiri is such a dork. I love her. Whatever she's looking at is really cute too.

>> No.24766665


>> No.24766667

What the fuck man, delete this before she sees it

>> No.24766668

The family approve this
Good. Job.

>> No.24766671

cooking with choco sensei soon!

>> No.24766672
Quoted by: >>24766686

He was going to stay anyway. The retard is just seeking atention, he never meant to leave. How new are you?

>> No.24766673

Now do one for a homostar

>> No.24766674

Nice general /b/

>> No.24766676
Quoted by: >>24766688

It's her natural state, the whore likes having two cocks at one time afterall.

>> No.24766677

It fits her whore persona

>> No.24766678

I won't lie, this looks actually good. It's a big load too

>> No.24766680

Someone cum on the Matsuri shirt and tweet it at you-know-who

>> No.24766681

youre a piece of shit but honestly pretty based if discord and reddit start leaving in the dozens

>> No.24766682


>> No.24766684


>> No.24766685

Did you watch Iofi's karaoke today? It wasn't the best, but she did a SSS cover. If not, what did you catch up?

>> No.24766686

>He was going to [headcanon]

>> No.24766690

why are you like this satan

>> No.24766688

This lol

>> No.24766691

Didn't he get serialized? Artists tend to clean house when that happens.

>> No.24766692


>> No.24766693

This...looks sorta good. Is something wrong with me?

>> No.24766695

Yeah, you really showed me by sticking around hololive fucking cum tribute general when you don't even have watch hololive anymore, genius. That's really going to enrich your life and have any affect whatsoever on mine.

>> No.24766696
Quoted by: >>24766733

Has Choco been doing these every single day now? I never watch aside from that one time she did a 4 hour zatsudan.

>> No.24766697

why are towafags like this...

>> No.24766701

This is actually tasteful and much better than that Okayu pic.

>> No.24766704

fuck me, do you happen to have suisei's at hand?

>> No.24766706
Quoted by: >>24766724

Can you link me to where I said I don't watch hololive anymore?

Are you that schizo shitposter I've been hearing about lately?

>> No.24766708
Quoted by: >>24766729

you got a clip? kinda want to see what she looks like

>> No.24766709

Seriously though, fuck of you degenerate fuckwit.

>> No.24766711

Yeah seriously, I was gonna get mad but the cumshot actually improves the original pic.

>> No.24766712

I wish it had been posted closer to the end of the thread, I don't like this atmosphere.

>> No.24766713

You are true family towabro

>> No.24766714

Please try to understand that being le ebin trolemaster is the most life enriching thing on this planet for underages.

>> No.24766717
Quoted by: >>24766744

not yet i did see her on roberu bar tho she was cute! she inspires me to continue my reps.

>> No.24766720
Quoted by: >>24766745

I kind of miss Lunaposter.

>> No.24766723

This is the thread from now on, welcome to the hololive anti general

>> No.24766724
Quoted by: >>24766732

So what, you keep watching while not actually wanting to anymore? Is that better?

>> No.24766728
Quoted by: >>24766873

Not that anon, but yesterday some anon here shilled some of Rosalyn's singing clip and I thought she sounds really nice so I decided to check out more of her singing and found this.

She sang a lot of things, from hymn to even Kamen Rider and mecha's songs. Rosalyn sounds like a pretty cool chuuba, but too bad I don't understand Chinese. And it's been a while since I got back the feeling of not knowing what the fuck is being said but I'm still entertained regardless, it's kinda nice.

>> No.24766729


>> No.24766730
Quoted by: >>24766762

I miss when people made good OC and didn't just cum on jpgs for (you)s.

>> No.24766731

It’s all so tiresome...

>> No.24766732
Quoted by: >>24766741

I'm watching but burning out, I thought that was pretty obvious from the beginning but I guess you're a schizo phoneposter or something.

>> No.24766733
Quoted by: >>24766906

pretty much kinda random times like the 3am one compared to the afternoon one shes doing now

>> No.24766734
Quoted by: >>24766779

I still have my ctl480 buried away somewhere. appearently it's still the best tablet for osu! and they stopped making them so they're a commodity.

>> No.24766735

well there goes any chance of getting towa to join the /hlg/craft server

>> No.24766736

Towa like this

>> No.24766739

Not this thread though. This thread wasn't that bad at first, but something happened and it's now complete shit

>> No.24766741
Quoted by: >>24766752

That's what I said, you're mentally ill.

>> No.24766742

same, or at least early into the next thread so it would be buried in ritual post

>> No.24766744
Quoted by: >>24766811

I completely forgot to watch that stream, thanks for the reminder. She really is cute. I hope she continues studying Japanese too so she can further reach those who will also see how great she is.

>> No.24766745
Quoted by: >>24766897


>> No.24766746
Quoted by: >>24766767

Did ryan gosling do a cum tribute in blade runner

>> No.24766748


>> No.24766751

These threads are straight up uninhabitable during non prime hours, it didn't use to be like this

>> No.24766752
Quoted by: >>24766764

You said I'm not watching anymore. That's not the same thing as saying I'm still watching. Oh man I really have been talking to the schizo this whole time haven't I?

>> No.24766753

it's all so tiresome...

>> No.24766756

Life goes on, I'm assuming the shitposters are just constantly replying to it to add more (you)s

>> No.24766759

The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.24766760

why havent any of the holos tried hyperscape? Im fucking tired of apex and it looks better than valorant.

>> No.24766761

I sometimes forget /jp/ is plagued with autistic manchildren.
I should stay in /sp/.

>> No.24766762

There's a reason why I don't post any of my drawings here anymore. Thread quality is so bad.

>> No.24766764
Quoted by: >>24766827

Jesus christ.

>> No.24766765

>all these positive replies
I can't believe Towacucks actually got bullied into being literal cuckolds.

>> No.24766766
Quoted by: >>24766786

If you think that just by being real woman makes them bitches well that's your own insecurity talking.

>> No.24766767 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24766778

no instead he had sex with a prostitute while his waifu was projecting her image over her

>> No.24766770


>> No.24766772


>> No.24766776

Towa will soon, if she can recover from the mental anguish from the cumtribute

>> No.24766777

It actually looks good though

>> No.24766778

what a fucking chad

>> No.24766779
Quoted by: >>24766830

>tfw have this tablet
It's always cool to find out when other people have it too. It feels like a rare one. I would have preferred the Intuos Pro Med, but I didn't have enough bank at the time, so now I've been stuck with this time surprisingly for a few years now.

>> No.24766780

the only time these threads are good are prime hours, flare's morning arc and noel's afternoon GOI, fuck everything else specially now that asacoco is in hiatus

>> No.24766782 [DELETED] 

Post this on her twitter or someone screenshot this tweet and post it

>> No.24766783

iirc Towa's gonna give it a try

>> No.24766785

Bro they literally call themselves the kenzocuck what did you expect

>> No.24766786

I didn't think so at the beginning but after everything that's been revealed/shown I'm naturally having doubts. Basically the illusion is crumbling for me. Good for you I guess if you can maintain the delusion.

>> No.24766787

There are no kenzoku posting here, only falseflaggers. The real towafags stopped posting here long ago

>> No.24766789
Quoted by: >>24766793

well, at least pikamee is live

>> No.24766792

Roboco and Towa, it's still shit though

>> No.24766793

a shame she isint a holo though

>> No.24766794

Haachama collab when?

>> No.24766795
Quoted by: >>24766805

If anyone here is actually in the Hololive discord, please post it there and ask them to report it

>> No.24766796

Roboco said she tried it yesterday, but something like it's difficult. I forgot exactly. I think Towa said did a tweet about it, but that doesn't entail much. From the trailer I saw in these threads a few weeks ago, it looks just like an alright game. I don't see how it's better than APEX yet.

>> No.24766798
Quoted by: >>24766857

The holos were posted on so many boards I wouldn't be surprised if some fags started coming here just to continuously piss people off out of their own spite for the hololive trend. 4chan breeds these types of people.

>> No.24766799

The cum works nicely on the pic, I can't hate on that

>> No.24766801

what went so fucking wrong?

>> No.24766802

/trash/ here we go

>> No.24766803


>> No.24766804

If anyone that posts here is a genuine Towafag, they should off themselves. At least then she won't have to deal with one more stupid fucking flip.

>> No.24766805

mad towafag

>> No.24766806

Any ideas on what luna's announcement stream will be about, I can't possibly think of something

>> No.24766808

At least Pekora is awake.

>> No.24766811
Quoted by: >>24766951

her original song premiers soon too so that should be fun i dont catch much of her singing so it'll be nice to see

>> No.24766812

3D obviously

>> No.24766813
Quoted by: >>24766823

Yeah I'm sure the fag who posts brilliant ever day is a falseflagger who wants to shit on towa by giving her more views.

>> No.24766814

Gonna announce a sick leave.

>> No.24766815
Quoted by: >>24767203

I'm surprised you didn't get the sexual connotation of the conversation even after listening to everything they've said. There is no way you can interpret 抱く in any way other than "fuck" after listening to all that. You're either way too innocent or you've got a looong way to go when it comes to Japanese.

>> No.24766816

She's going to announce that she's really CUTE!

>> No.24766817

Pregnancy announcement. Matsuri is the father.

>> No.24766820
Quoted by: >>24766831

Y'all really mad at this huh

>> No.24766822

Anon hosting the ark server, what type of settings are you using? Never played on another persons server and never had it online 24/7 so don't know what to do for dinos food and what not for that kind of stuff.

>> No.24766823
Quoted by: >>24767038

Well he said he doesn't post here anymore because you all suck

>> No.24766824

I can't believe a /vyt/ anti schizo's samefagging actually destroy the hololive thread

>> No.24766825
Quoted by: >>24766872

I'm starting to regret being on today. The canvas was fun but I think I should stop posting here as much too.

>> No.24766826

Do you think Marine would be happy or disgusted or just not bothered about cum tribute to her?

>> No.24766827
Quoted by: >>24766833

take your meds

>> No.24766828

she is gonna announce towa's 3D debut

>> No.24766830
Quoted by: >>24766976

no idea why they stopped making them, it was pretty much their most well-regarded tablet and then they introduced the 490 which was a total piece of shit, now they have the 4100 which isn't as bad but is still inferior to the 480.

>> No.24766831

no just me grrrr

>> No.24766833

No you, but genuinely.

>> No.24766835

My guess is hitting the table

>> No.24766836


>> No.24766838

>Oh my gosh
Adorable Aki

>> No.24766841

Live2D to fix her face maybe. Or an original song? Luna could make a cute original song with her theme. I don't listen to her sing, but she's got one of the cutest themes of the Hololive members. Maybe it's merchandise since there's not much Luna merchandise. Hopefully a Lunabro can pitch in.

>> No.24766842

You just can't stop projecting, can you?

>> No.24766844
Quoted by: >>24766851

disgusted 100% but probably won't admit it

>> No.24766845
Quoted by: >>24766863

Tamaki wasn't even the one who started it. Matsuri said at 0:54 that she loves her fans so much that she would have sex with them.

You hear that Matsuri fans? She's totally okay with having sex with all you losers.

>> No.24766846

I used to have an ounce of respect left for Towafags because I didn't want to believe they're all pieces of shit, but now I'm not so sure.

>> No.24766847

It's not a delusion to think these people are literally just having fun playing games/singing/doing comedy routines for whoever tunes in. No doxxes or anything have proved otherwise. Korone did a cringy TikTok video? How does that affect her love for old games?

>> No.24766851

I'm pretty sure she has frequently made allusions to viewers masturbating to her

>> No.24766852

What do you all gain from overreacting to everything and giving shitposters (You)s? I'm genuinely curious. If you didn't go on your mass-reply spree the post would've gone ignored, meidos would've deleted it, and that would've been the end of it. Instead you let shitposters figure out an easy way to farm attention.

>> No.24766857

Someone keep creating hololive thread on /v/ and other board just like >>24766798 said. And sure enough it's attracting shit posters. Not to mention average posters in here do not know how to report and with this thread is fastest thread on /jp/ it's free shit posting for troll.

>> No.24766858

Recline yourself to bed please.

>> No.24766859

She’s gonna announce that she was Roberu all along!

>> No.24766861

She's an illustrator first before she's a chuuba.

>> No.24766862

Cat fight collab with Sasaki to reclaim her honor.

>> No.24766863
Quoted by: >>24766938

What'd you think she did when she met up with lyger and his friends?

>> No.24766866
Quoted by: >>24767096

抱いちゃ駄目やん? is correct
つまみ食い part is solved
そういう目で見られるの恥ずかしいIt's embarassing to be seen that way
抱いてくれそう is correct
体的 should be 性的, it would contrast with 一番
たまきがまつりに変な事を吹き込まんといて(~ないで)[you should probably check the comments]
My best guess for this part: リアル = humans, 動物 = folklore
リアルのユニコーン can't tell virgins from non-virgins.
僕は判るよ Eh, I can tell though
動物の方 this kind can't distinguish between virgin and not, and will kill the woman only after finding out (when it's too late)
センサーはまぁ…よっ(she was about to say よく)…その、俗に言うオタク君たちが言われてるユニコーンと同じくらいのセンサー
きっしょ sounds right (check comments), apparently it's a dialect speech
その件に就いて is correct
probably アイドル氏してるVtuber, 推し wouldn't make sense
Don't know, sorry

Looks like it
軽率 not 警察
And the opposite ナシ is closer to 'no way he likes older women'
Sounds to me like she was doubting herself, like 'whoa whoa wait'

>> No.24766871

I wonder when did we get so full of shitposters and newfags, was it the /v/ threads?

>> No.24766872

Maybe I should close the thread now and try to practice drawing more, you guys should do something else instead of paying attention to the shitposters too. See you guys again later when the thread hopefully calm down.

>> No.24766873

This is neat, I'll check it out. I liked her voice when she was on Mio's World collab. It's a shame we don't get to see her all that often though. I was actually surprised we could see HoloCN with Holos at all on Youtube. I also like Rosalyn's design although her movement is a bit whack.

>> No.24766877

Suicide jokes with Coco!

>> No.24766878

I just want to be in the compilation pic, anon.

>> No.24766880

I can only imagine what would happen if you sent a tribute to Haato
>she has no idea what it is
>shows it on her next stream
>viewers tell her she shouldn't show that live
>proceeds to freak out before asking what it is then being even more confused as her audience tries to explain what semen is

>> No.24766885

See you anon, usually the thread is decent during prime hours

>> No.24766886

dont fucking give him anymore ideas

>> No.24766887

Have a good one anon, hope to see your art posted on the tags.

>> No.24766888
Quoted by: >>24767130

But I thought Korone was in it for the money to pay her lawyers that are still trying to get her custody of the kids?
There's no way she's not fake after being confirmed a school bully cig smoking sukeban who dated bad guys and wore piercings with dyed hair

>> No.24766891

It was literally the anti Towa schizo samefagging more than half the replies you fucking dumb cunt. Do you even read?

>> No.24766892
Quoted by: >>24766949

Now imagine Marine. She'll see one and next stream will start begging for more

>> No.24766894

I still hate Pekora and Korone for opening the gate for /v/ermins.

>> No.24766896

just replying to make that one anon mad.

>> No.24766897
Quoted by: >>24766907

Well at least one came.

>> No.24766899
Quoted by: >>24766926

It's modern social media culture. Everyone has forgotten to not feed the trolls. Instead everyone just has to dunk on any bad take they see. Boy, wouldn't they feel smug when they do. It doesn't matter that it was obviously bait, they have to show everyone how superior they are.

>> No.24766902

I don't reply much, thankfully. Take care drawanon! I'll take your advice and head out too.

>> No.24766906

Is sensei okay? I remember a month or so ago, she had trouble sleeping, but it sounds like a relapse.

>> No.24766907
Quoted by: >>24766942

Sorry for the false hope, in actuality i want to strangle Luna

>> No.24766909


>> No.24766912

It was bound to happen eventually. Constant threads on /v/ being deleted with spammers redirecting them here combined with Korone playing games like Doom and learning english could only end in disaster.

>> No.24766913

If that were true the replies would've been deleted when they got banned

>> No.24766914

Hopefully Towa gets better before her 3D debut.

>> No.24766916


>> No.24766918

>wait, its all falseflagging?
>pekorastache pointing gun at homoson

>> No.24766920



>> No.24766921

Matsuri would unironically like the tweet if she got one

>> No.24766922
Quoted by: >>24766981

Coco for pandering to the lowest low iq trash with her vulgar "humor"
Pekora for being entertaining enough to transcend languages
Korone for playing retro games, be endearing and have a mass appeal
FBK and Haato for meme videos

>> No.24766923

<span class="sjis">
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>> No.24766926

Reverse virtue signaling, huh. The more things change the more they stay the same.

>> No.24766927

Hope she dies

>> No.24766928
Quoted by: >>24767027

YAY Towa is up and running :D

>> No.24766930

Wrong, I got banned yesterday and only one of my posts got deleted.

>> No.24766931

Towa deserves better fans than she has

>> No.24766932

>welcome to hell
i'll follow you anywhere aki

>> No.24766934


>> No.24766935
Quoted by: >>24767027

glad to hear she is doing better, get well soon Towa!

>> No.24766937
Quoted by: >>24766996

are you that new?

>> No.24766938
Quoted by: >>24767289

Well it hasn't happened yet but if it did I imagine it'd go like one of those JAVs where the girl walks into a room full of naked guys and gets railed by every single one of them.

>> No.24766939
Quoted by: >>24767027

Glad to see Towa is recovering. I don't know what Choco BB is or what it does, but if it works, it works. I'm sure Towa is in more anguish than we are for her. She probably hasn't even been able to sing the past few days.

>> No.24766940

If Towa died then who would you waste your life shitposting about anon? Try to think before you post.

>> No.24766941
Quoted by: >>24766971

Nothing i swear pls dont kill me

>> No.24766942
Quoted by: >>24766953

Don't we all? I thought that was part of the appeal.

>> No.24766943

The thread quality nosedived since Pekora's MGS and Korone promised to play DOOM.

>> No.24766948

everyone run the oldfags are here to wipe us out desu

>> No.24766949

Marine isn't even that kinky on stream tbdesu, she's just tastefully vocal about it. What he's doing is the equivalent of a deadbeat dad sending dick pics to random instagram models.

>> No.24766951

It's always nice to see Holos get original song premieres. You can see they put a lot of effort into it. Hopefully everyone's able to see it later today.

>> No.24766953
Quoted by: >>24766973

But I want to be strangled by Luna...
and whipped by her

>> No.24766954

>threads still manage to get worse and worse

>> No.24766955


>> No.24766956

first luna now kanata can no one stop her

>> No.24766962

Imagine that

>> No.24766963

I have an idea, /hlg/...

I hope Matsuri likes it

>> No.24766964
Quoted by: >>24766992

Ban the bitch and bunny from /hlg/

>> No.24766965
Quoted by: >>24766975

While that is true, It's fallen into a fucking crater since Coco 3D

>> No.24766968
Quoted by: >>24766994

Roboco is back.
>More ARK

>> No.24766970
Quoted by: >>24767059


>> No.24766971

<span class="sjis">
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         (^く                   //                  ヽ
          ``ー=‐tニニゝ、,,,,,___,,,,, .. z=ニシ                    `ー-―[/spoiler]

>> No.24766972

Nothing can go wrong from cooking curry rice right....? right..?

>> No.24766973

i love angry luna

>> No.24766974

She will :)

>> No.24766975

no return from there

>> No.24766976

To be fair, the tablet does look kind of out dated in comparison to more modern designs. Although the new one looks kind of too far out there and it also feels weird. Not sure if they upgraded the specs such as sensors and all that either, but if they did, that was a factor too.

>> No.24766977


>> No.24766981

>Complaining about the quality of the thread while shitposting
Literally braindead

>> No.24766985

Anyone have the Holo playtime for the Extinction server?

>> No.24766986

From my actual personal experience I think the reason she got the stomatitis might be because of the stress from the upcoming event lol, exams and project deadlines can really fuck you up.
At least it's nothing too serious, hope she recovers soon.

>> No.24766988
Quoted by: >>24767047

On a scale of 0.00001 to 1, how hetero was the PekoMiko Xmas collaboration?

>> No.24766990

>You're a candy princess, so I put chocolate in it Luna-tan~!

>> No.24766992

Nobody's getting banned from, /hlg/ especially not Korone, Pekora, Coco, Towa, Watame, or Miko

>> No.24766994
Quoted by: >>24767006

Roboco ARK is pretty comfy. She's still sniffling though. I wouldn't mind if she took a longer rest.

>> No.24766995

Do you really need 2 PC for streaming ARK on ultra?
Can't you just set affinity of ARK to like 8~12 threads, then set OBS for the rest of the unused threads?

>> No.24766996
Quoted by: >>24767013

Mods would have no reason to keep a samefagging shitposter's replies up.

>> No.24766997
Quoted by: >>24767076

She's more perceptive of these things than you might think. The very first time she did one of those fan video submission streams she wondered if (and was worried about the possibility that) someone would send her a video of their dick since she didn't screen any of the videos before showing them on stream.

Then again, she had experience of being twitcaster for years where she'd talk to other men (a lot of them real scummy sort, judging from the videos you can still find of twitcaster totsumachis, nothing specifically for Haato's previous personality though) would naturally make her a bit apprehensive of these.

>> No.24766998
Quoted by: >>24767005

i'll cut your dick off and feed it to an ugly man

>> No.24767000 [DELETED] 

you joke but some curries actually have chocolate in themdoesn't make it right though

>> No.24767002
Quoted by: >>24767052


>> No.24767003
Quoted by: >>24767050

If you mess up the balance, it can turn out really watery or thick. The taste could also be ruined easily. Depends on how you do it all though I guess.

>> No.24767005
Quoted by: >>24767031


>> No.24767006

She is extra mucusy and congested because she started smoking again

>> No.24767008


>> No.24767010

Yogiri imouto...

>> No.24767011

>kanata's too nice to say anything bad about haato's cooking
she knows what she's doing

>> No.24767013

Only the post that violated the rules gets deleted and you are banned because of it, not the other posts.

>> No.24767018

Towa does seem like the type of person to stress out that much. She always seem so bright and happy that it's difficult to tell if she's going through rough times. At least she reassures us with her posts and how it's getting better.

>> No.24767023
Quoted by: >>24767043

I miss when haatos cooking fuckups were cute and not forced

>> No.24767025

Chowa is so cute... why is she chinese...?

>> No.24767026
Quoted by: >>24767046

I have been 3 day banned twice for replying to a banned poster, one time saying not to post that here. They absolutely do ban people for replying.

>> No.24767027
Quoted by: >>24767058

Yeah, I'm super happy too. I've been enjoying her covers so much so I really want those who haven't given Towa a chance yet to appreciate her singing. Hopefully she's at 100% in her 3D debut.

Yeah I experienced that too. Some people think that stress just affects you mentally but it also affects you so much physically.

>> No.24767030
Quoted by: >>24767122

That's not always the case, mods can choose to delete all your posts as well, even posts in different boards/threads. They can even shadowban, leaving your post up, and of course, there's also public bans.

>> No.24767031
Quoted by: >>24767054

In all honesty, that guy might actually do something. He's a good fan to Matsuri and all of Hololive. I'm glad to have him around. He's always supporting them with his best and keeps translating good clips for us to watch and discuss. If we could have a person like him for each Hololive member, that would be ideal.

>> No.24767032
Quoted by: >>24767067

Too bad she focuses on the meme videos when her actual humor is pretty good

>> No.24767038
Quoted by: >>24767085

And then a bunch of towafags came out and told him to keep posting and he posted, yes I was there for it faggot.

>> No.24767040

my heart...that was too cute

why did they have to stick her in Holo CN...

>> No.24767043
Quoted by: >>24767349

Yeah it started as, Haato is trying her best and can't cook with the burning the dumplings. But now it's just shitty How to basic acting.

>> No.24767044
Quoted by: >>24767065


>> No.24767046

>replying to a banned poster
That's your problem.

>> No.24767047

They kissed kind of. Miko did a kabedon on Pekora. So it was pretty not hetero.

>> No.24767049

It's a good thing /hlg/ is civilized enough to not do tributes to mikochi
Especially while she's on break

>> No.24767050

Since there's no way she's making curry from scratch it's just going to be the same microwaved curry she showed the other time. I'm thinking the only way she'll fuck it up is by whatever she decides to add to the curry rice, like the fucking natto she did. Then again I don't see how that's any worse than the FUCKING APPLES, HONEY AND CHOCOLATE the Japanese absolutely do add to their curry. Just typing that made me gag.

>> No.24767052

the stream that broke Luna...

>> No.24767054

>In all honesty, that guy might actually do something.
Well you're right about that part at least. One l*ger is too many.

>> No.24767057
Quoted by: >>24767093

>this thread

>> No.24767058

hopefully she'll feel better physically and mentally for her debut

>> No.24767059
Quoted by: >>24767080

Truly out of context. I can't even begin to imagine what Shion was talking about. Although really it shouldn't be taken for granted that the Earth is round because it's not round in the sense that most people think it is.

>> No.24767061

Thank god 35p are actually civilized unlike Towafags kek

>> No.24767063

Not going to have time later to watch Fubuki's Death Stranding, please enjoy it for me.

>> No.24767064

Why would I want to watch some slut play old games when there are probably a thousand underappreciated indies out there who do the same? The fact is that a large amount of her appeal, and the holo's appeal overall, is that they play the role of cute pure idols. Again, Korone's numbers would dive if she started flirting with guys on stream like a niji and her "love for old games" won't matter for shit.

>> No.24767065
Quoted by: >>24767083

Setup 2 PC setup streaming
Mikoti succeeded
Coco failed
Roboco failed

Mikoti is a truly elite

>> No.24767066

We got Power Pro Baseball permissions bros!

>> No.24767067

I lost my shit when she sneezed mid song and just played a CM instead of carrying on.

>> No.24767068
Quoted by: >>24767089

Give me a minute

>> No.24767069

ill watch it for you but i wont enjoy it

>> No.24767070

Thats nasty af wtf.

>> No.24767071
Quoted by: >>24767081

>tfw favorite holo is on break
Guess there's no other choice FBK... I have to watch you now.

>> No.24767072
Quoted by: >>24767097

wow that vocal delay in iofi's birthday karaoke is painful
how do streamers usually setup karaoke stream to sync their voice and the music?

>> No.24767074


>> No.24767076

>where she'd talk to other men
wtf I hate Haato now

>> No.24767078
Quoted by: >>24767095

>samefagging 5 posts per minute

>> No.24767080

I think that was her being fascetious saying "I've just learned this". But I believe that was when she was complaining that it was too hot, and that we have the technology that we should just build a big roof on the entire Earth and then air condition the planet... Chat said but the Earth is round and she said "Yes I've just learned this. The earth is round. Well make a circular roof. Duh"

>> No.24767081
Quoted by: >>24767199

do you actually dislike her? why?

>> No.24767082
Quoted by: >>24767106

I don't know what she was thinking...some actually do add a little bit of dark chocolate or even coffee to it, but it takes some serious skill to mask that harsh flavor

>> No.24767083
Quoted by: >>24767112

Miko failed then succeeded though...

>> No.24767084


>> No.24767085

Yes and as you can see this thread continues to suck so most towafags refrain from posting

>> No.24767088

Nuke this fucking general one tribute at a time, anon.

>> No.24767089

Why are Towafags like this

>> No.24767093
Quoted by: >>24767117

i fucking HATE when mikoti uses this song

>> No.24767095
Quoted by: >>24767104

5 phones

>> No.24767096

ah ok ok
nice catch on 軽率
thanks for the help!

>> No.24767097
Quoted by: >>24767115

Iofi's case is weird. Usually the other Hololive members set it up so they can hear themselves, but I don't think Iofi can actually hear herself which is why she doesn't hear what the listeners do sometimes.

>> No.24767104


>> No.24767106

Here I found it. I wonder if Indians would view this as sacrilege.

>> No.24767107
Quoted by: >>24767131

What a fucking brat

>> No.24767108

They don't add all three, is the thing. The apples/honey/chocolate is just supposed to add a hint of sweetness to the curry. Just like adding a bit of brewed coffee into the mix adds a different flavor. Of course if you add all three disproportionately it's going to taste terrible.

>> No.24767109

ouch bro easy on the redpills...

>> No.24767112

tomaranai update

>> No.24767115

If only she bought proper mic and interface instead of meme USB mic...

>> No.24767117

why? i kinda like it

>> No.24767116
Quoted by: >>24767137

I don't get it. Apples and honey seems fine to me for curry. I don't know about Chocolate, but I've had cheese in ramen so it can't be that much different. Is it perhaps that you don't like sweet curry?

>> No.24767122

Seriously even mods from like /vg/ are more competent than this board, that cunt who samefagged in this thread would be range banned long ago otherwise. Every fucking time you see a new IP popup with literally the same shit and mods just leave it up.

>> No.24767125

How hard is it to make curry anyway?
I kinda want to learn how to cook

>> No.24767123

I'm not saying you add all 3 but adding any ONE of them is enough to make me question your sanity. Only the nips are stupid enough to make curry sweet. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.24767128

Everyone's cumming and having retarded conversations, meanwhile Roberu is streaming and no one gives him attention.

>> No.24767130

what a chad Korone

>> No.24767131


>> No.24767132

It also dulls the spice

>> No.24767133

Shion is a tensai. Wonder if anyone told her that a circular roof already exists.

>> No.24767134

I managed to contact meidos through irc, it's only a matter of time til I get to be this thread's meido, yay!

>> No.24767135

nothing like talking baseball with your son

>> No.24767136

>can't ctrl-z to erase everything
>uses the MS paint eraser instead of ctrl-a + delete

>> No.24767137

>Apples and honey seems fine to me for curry
It's a fucking abomination.
Try that shit in front of an Indian and I bet they'd lynch you.

>> No.24767138

It's better that way roberubro...

>> No.24767139

Not hard at all

>> No.24767140
Quoted by: >>24767145

This has been the worst thread in a while. Good night.

>> No.24767141

Instant curry is as easy as throwing a chocolate bar into a pot.

>> No.24767143

So what happened with Watame and Haato being a thing?

>> No.24767145

mad towafag

>> No.24767146

yea but indians also make cookies from lentils

>> No.24767147

Most people buy the curry mix pre-made and you just boil it in water (though I even fucked that up the first time, I misread the instructions). Add chopped onions, potatoes, carrots etc. and bam, curry.

>> No.24767148

I feel kind of sick tonight so I took a break watching streams
Keep supporting our son anon

>> No.24767149
Quoted by: >>24767154

cook your niku and yasai for like 5-10 minutes chuck in water boil it then simmer for 15 and put the chocolate bar of curry in and stir
t. shit cook

>> No.24767150

Indians aren't known for having great taste.
I'd trust a japanese person to make me a tasty meal over an indian.

>> No.24767151

Apparently not too difficult. The hardest part seems to be getting カレールー. https://www.kurashiru.com/recipes/7ebf6849-4961-48e4-8fd1-3ff54ad1d5f5 for example is short and to the point. Not many steps either.

>> No.24767152

>there are probably a thousand underappreciated indies out there who do the same
Probably the biggest reason I can't get into Korone. I've got an indie who is a lot more interesting and doesn't just default to making cute noises and doesn't like every game they touch.

>> No.24767153
Quoted by: >>24767218

Roboco is so happy... That 2 PC setup is worth.

>> No.24767154
Quoted by: >>24767194

The secret is to right as it's done cooking, you turn the heat off and add in a bit of milk. Don't add the milk with the heat on though or bad times.

>> No.24767155
Quoted by: >>24767192


>> No.24767156

Haato needs to increase her cooking level before she can cook lamb chops.

>> No.24767158

I miss pekomiko...

>> No.24767159

Nothing happened, for months now.

>> No.24767163

Its HoloLIVE not HoloSTAR general

>> No.24767164

This is fucking curry we're talking about. If you prefer Japanese curry to true original Indian curry then you objectively have shit taste.

>> No.24767165

Dead, just like the rest of Haachama's pairings and groups.

>> No.24767166

Indians also think Japanese curry is an abomination but I love it anyway.

>> No.24767169
Quoted by: >>24767187

Then make a Holostars thread, come on, do it

>> No.24767171

Was their last interaction the vomit stream?
Do you think Watame actually got angry?

>> No.24767172
Quoted by: >>24767185

Just don't be like anon and try to boil the curry mix without putting any water

>> No.24767173

I just buy premade curry. Just throw it in with some veggies and a meat of your choice then pour over rice


what I usually buy, only thing that's available here

>> No.24767174

she specifically has said she doesn't want people who draw porn of her to block her, which is apparently a courtesy thing that some artists do to make sure that the targets of their drawings don't have to see them because many of them don't want to see any of it

In fact she has said she really wants to like and retweet it but can't due to her position and asked people to understand and that she really does appreciate it all and wants to see it.

cum tributes though...I mean it's lower effort and I think for the most part it wouldn't ellicit much of a reaction, I don't think she would be disgusted but she wouldn't necessarily be particularly happy either, there's just not much to it. She knows her viewers see her sexually so it's not exactly surprising or novel for her, you know?

>> No.24767175
Quoted by: >>24767187

a simple (you) for a simple bait

>> No.24767176

This is the best guide to making curry I've found.

>> No.24767177
Quoted by: >>24767190

Can we have a civilized thread next?

>> No.24767181
Quoted by: >>24767211

Spicy Asian-style Curry trumps Indian Curry every time.

>> No.24767182

Is it just Power Pro Baseball or did they manage to get Konami's permission? Because that would get Holos access to a ton more games.

>> No.24767183

Do you want everyone cum on Roberu?

>> No.24767184
Quoted by: >>24767232

>those stuttering mess shadow

>> No.24767185

or worse the anon that boiled eggs without water

>> No.24767187

Fuck off faggots

>> No.24767188

Before or after they try to tech support scam you?

>> No.24767189

Roberu tribute?

>> No.24767191

Holy shit that's expensive.

>> No.24767190

You ask as everyone is talking about cooking streams and how to make Japanese food and being civilized as hell.

>> No.24767192

It's not really the last episode. That's just the dumb episode preview narration thing Haato likes to do for her videos.

>> No.24767193

This. I want to like Japanese curry but it's just not as good as others.

Although I like Thai curry myself

>> No.24767194
Quoted by: >>24767206

to thicken it up while stiring?

>> No.24767197
Quoted by: >>24767210

keep posting fags i want to post images

>> No.24767198


>> No.24767199
Quoted by: >>24767215

I don't dislike FBK. I just wouldn't tune in for her unless it's something really special or I just wanted a casual background stream. I tune in for her ASMR streams and used to for her AC streams too. But lately, there's been so many streams and reps to do that I would prefer to not watch a stream at certain times of the day so I pass up on Fubuki pretty often.

>> No.24767200
Quoted by: >>24767223

He's just drawing it in paint like FBK's recent ARK stream.

>> No.24767202
Quoted by: >>24767223

it's a joke anon, he's doing a stream where he's making a power pro game in MS paint and seeing how long he can pretend this is a real game until he manages to cave in and buy the actual game.

>> No.24767203
Quoted by: >>24767260

I had never heard daku used explicitly in that sense before so it was a mix of "are they really going there?" and writing it off as me misunderstanding them.
At least assuming innocence causes less problems but yeah, now my ears will be open to both meanings.

>> No.24767206

Yeah and make it a little bit creamier. Like I said after the heat is off you put just a bit in, not much as you do the final stir.

>> No.24767207

Ew homos copying Kuzuha's successful streams

>> No.24767209

S&B's good stuff.
Fuck, I want curry now. Should have ordered some box roux earlier.

>> No.24767210

I'm trying, I was meant to go out at 1400 posts and now know I could have been back in time

>> No.24767211
Quoted by: >>24767233

>Asian style
Where do you think India is?

>> No.24767212
Quoted by: >>24767235

why I only have it on special occasions...Indian curry is dirt cheap and you can get it anywhere, but Japanese curry is rare as fuck apparently

>> No.24767214

Well then go to your indies and talk about how many dicks they suck in their chat. No one cares if you stay here

>> No.24767215
Quoted by: >>24767231

Is 700k special enough?

>> No.24767218
Quoted by: >>24767333

True, Cover should have been setting up this shit for all them months ago. Aqua’s past few streams have looked like shit too.

>> No.24767219

Cover can you get your shit together so my boy Roberu doesn't have to pretend to play a videogame in MS Paint

>> No.24767220

The cubes are really concentrated and you can get a decent amount of curry from a single box.

>> No.24767222

This makes me wonder. Do the Japanese even make curry from scratch? Or do they always use premade curry? Every recipe I look at has the premade curry so it confuses me.

>> No.24767223

Fuck! Well hopefully he gets to play the actual game soon.

>> No.24767224

Whoa what is this voice out of Luna? Also I love that song.

>> No.24767226

Go to your local grocery store that Amazon one is overpriced

>> No.24767229
Quoted by: >>24767253

all this gosling spam makes me want to watch bladerunner, is it good?

>> No.24767231

She doesn't like to do celebration streams

>> No.24767232

It's actually pretty good when you realize all the other effects going on at the same time. Proud of my rig to keep it up.

>> No.24767233

Distinctly different than Japanese, Thai or Chinese. The Indian equal Asian thing when the clearly talking about East Asia is purely semantics.

>> No.24767234

99.99% of Japanese curries eaten in Japan are made with pre-made curry roux, that's not an exaggeration by the way, almost literally no-one makes Japanese curry from scratch from flour + fat + spices.

This means it's just about the easiest thing possible to make if you can get the pre-made roux because all you do is cook the meat and veggies and chuck a block in, takes absolutely no effort at all.

>> No.24767235
Quoted by: >>24767291

Around here (Small Town Midwestern US) they have S&B Golden Curry at Walmart and it's not expensive. You used to have to go to the asian grocery to get it but a few years back they started carrying it.

>> No.24767236

at least this is showing how much he knows about the players on the Baystars since he's managing to perfectly guess their stats based on his own knowledge of the players.

>> No.24767237

What the hell is Robel doing?

>> No.24767242

I love Luna's voice now?! Which stream was this from though. I want to hear the full song now.

>> No.24767245

Towa hit 170k!

>> No.24767246

Pretending to play a baseball videogame on Paint

>> No.24767248

demonstrating his baseball knowledge.

>> No.24767249

They do. Just that the box stuff is pretty much the same thing and readily available to them.


>> No.24767250


in Japan it's basically unheard of to make a Japanese curry from scratch, if you meet a Japanese person it is extremely unlikely they or anyone they know will have ever done it

>> No.24767253

ive watched it twice, still have no idea what the fuck it was even about
pretty cool but dont expect an action movie like i did

>> No.24767258


>> No.24767259

and she likes cum lol

>> No.24767260
Quoted by: >>24767361

It started out as a euphemism because there's no way the Japanese would straight out say セックス but it's gotten to the point now where it's far more common now for 抱く to mean fuck than hug. 抱きしめる is more appropriate when you ACTUALLY mean to say you hugged someone.

>> No.24767264

Cover still hasn't solved their copyright trademark bullshit or whatever so instead of being able to play PowerPro baseball Roberu has to pretend in MS Paint

>> No.24767265

India is a huge subcontinent with hundreds of cultures and thousands of years of history. I might not trust the average dirt-poor motherfucker but some of them gotta know what they're doing.

>> No.24767267

Towa...the cuckbox deadline was yesterday...

>> No.24767268

This is why real kenzoku don't use this general

>> No.24767269

So this is the power of cum tributes

>> No.24767270

I've had both and honestly, making it from scratch tastes a lot better.

>> No.24767271

in Japan if you go to a Gyomu Super or a Hanamasa or something like that you can get proper brand name curry roux in bulk and it's insanely cheap, I really wish it was available overseas

>> No.24767274

Indians just use excessive spice to mask bad ingredients so I think they're equally retarded.

>> No.24767276
Quoted by: >>24767332


>> No.24767277

Towafags are discordfags?

>> No.24767279

This is why real fans of hololive don't use this general


>> No.24767280

Congrats Towa almost at 200k.

>> No.24767282

You've never had indian curry before then.

>> No.24767283

>a FUCKING FISH plays pokemon japanese stream had more active viewers than choco does now
the absolute fucking state

>> No.24767288

Nah just ignore it, what can it really do anyway, masturbate and cum until its cock fall off?

>> No.24767289
Quoted by: >>24767299

imagine the smell

>> No.24767291
Quoted by: >>24767306

You're lucky, the Publix (I live in the south) around me rarely have it these days, it's on the very bottom shelf of the "international foods" aisle which is basically walls of Indian Curry and spices along with maybe 1 or 2 asian items

>> No.24767292

Weird, but interesting. Though I guess if it's just flour, fat, and spices making it from scratch doesn't really change much.

>> No.24767293

I haven't tried this... is the difference in taste worth the effort?

>> No.24767294

I'm the realest fucking kenzoku and I love this general.

>> No.24767298

I think they're comparable in terms of how tasty they are, but I find it really hard to make the from scratch curry taste like the box roux curry though even if you use all the same ingredients down to the MSG and the spice ratios and everything else, so if you make it from scratch and people are expecting the box roux taste you'll end up disappointing

>> No.24767299


>> No.24767302

Her fanbase is loyal still. I wish Youtube didn't fuck her with the shadowbans and the now deleted ASMR.

>> No.24767304
Quoted by: >>24767336


>> No.24767306

Hey at least you got those amazing chicken tendie subs I am always hearing about

>> No.24767308
Quoted by: >>24767351

Do you reckon Choco making all this cooking stream recently to drown the memory of every Haachama cooking video she seen?

>> No.24767309
Quoted by: >>24767346

How is it even possible to fuck up Curry if it's never from scratch anyway. The flavor base is already there

>> No.24767310

>Monosodium Glutamate

>> No.24767314

this thread has been more cancer than usual today anon...

>> No.24767315

And she still has more than twice the amount Robel currently has, so it could always be worse

>> No.24767320

PPT is alive!

>> No.24767324

MSG is fine though.

>> No.24767328

I'm the one who usually posts the songs, I left the thread a few hours ago because it was slowly getting shittier, then I came back a few minutes ago because Towa tweeted that she was geting better and I saw this shitshow, so yeah...

>> No.24767330
Quoted by: >>24767352

Are we being invaded by /ck/?

>> No.24767333

I think Aqua said something about how she's streaming on her old PC. I have to rewatch the archive and refresh my memory on that.

>> No.24767332

I love how Luna always looks confused

>> No.24767335

You fell for the narrative?

>> No.24767336

Looked at the rest of the twitter. Nicely painted stuff.

MSG being bad for you is a myth.

>> No.24767338

fucking retad

>> No.24767341

Fish? Who?

>> No.24767343

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>> No.24767344

>he believes the MSG is bad meme

>> No.24767346

you basically can't, I've never heard of that happening

at most you could undercook the meat or something, raw chicken would be a fuck up

>> No.24767349

She started way before the gyoza. Try last year.

>> No.24767351

maybe she's trying to get Haachama's attention and wants to collab maybe her mommy instincts will kick in and she'll give Haato the talking to she desperately needs

>> No.24767352

/fit/chads are also /ck/

>> No.24767353

Now we just wait for the thread to die and prepare for the rush of the early next thread.

>> No.24767355



>> No.24767356


>> No.24767357

these are all GKs right? or completely custom from nothing?

>> No.24767360

MSG being bad for you is true if you eat too much of it... I ate like street food for 3 days while travelling and I got a cough so bad my throat hurts (or maybe its the oil not the msg idk)

>> No.24767361


>> No.24767362

>The real towafags stopped posting here long ago
>except they still post just not when the thread is shit
Make up your mind, towafag.

>> No.24767363

Glad that PPT is fine.

>> No.24767364

Man this thread sucks

>> No.24767365

Fuck yeah, Aki caught the birb.

>> No.24767366

glad she's feeling better, stream soon hopefully

>> No.24767368

I wish i understood what the fuck was going on. Guess I'll go do reps for Roberu

>> No.24767370


>> No.24767371

I love Choco and am going to marry her!

>> No.24767375

<span class="sjis">         \  /:.:/:.:.:/:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.l:.:\ ヽ \
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.           |l:.:.:.:.N r‐ァ-、` ̄  メ/‐-ヽ|、:.:|:.:.:.:|   _」 That sucked!
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