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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 223 KB, 1200x1500, EX0uJsaUMAQefZx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24757096 No.24757096 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24757101
Quoted by: >>24759411

I love Towa.

>> No.24757103
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, you are my one winged angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757104
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758090

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24757105
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 41be2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758953


>> No.24757106
Quoted by: >>24757124

Fucking Flips

>> No.24757107
File: 117 KB, 725x1024, 1590160427039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24757109
File: 88 KB, 488x637, hj9acg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757111
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1593605083246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.24757114
File: 22 KB, 463x453, peKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757115

Pekora and Miko have now seen Manila

>> No.24757116

How does it feel knowing the best cover is a homo cover?

>> No.24757117
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1594520530360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757436

Towa is a whore

>> No.24757119
Quoted by: >>24757139

/hlg/ ARK server if people missed it yesterday
pw: powerpointtenshi

>> No.24757120

I held hands with Rushia, so long faggots

>> No.24757121
File: 239 KB, 1306x1306, 1594675475287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757122


>> No.24757123

is Boi alive or not?

>> No.24757124
Quoted by: >>24757143

Ano problema mo anon

>> No.24757125
File: 171 KB, 359x401, subetta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe people would realise already that being an idol shouldn't mean that you're everyone's pure perfect girlfriend, but someone who can inspire and motivate her fans so much that they'll be able to become a better person who not just happier in general but can find they personal pure perfect girlfriend on their own strength.

>> No.24757126

Pinoys getting roasted in Peco's chat

>> No.24757127
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1566661486448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone playing 8分音符ちゃん.

>> No.24757128
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20200714_213204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757204


>> No.24757130

Towa's husband is going to have a mahjong collab with Shion and adopt her

>> No.24757131
File: 216 KB, 1000x708, 18B0D6C2-AEE4-4784-9F9E-DE17B165925C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757563

Ayame-sama let me sniff your butthole and pee in it onegai

>> No.24757133
Quoted by: >>24757372


>> No.24757134
File: 261 KB, 354x371, 1592316769596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are flips so prideful when their whole country looks like a favela?

>> No.24757135
Quoted by: >>24757158

>Pekora ended up in the Philippines
How is this not a bad end?

>> No.24757137

I don't dislike any holos, is there something wrong with me?

>> No.24757138
File: 415 KB, 1200x1135, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757185

I know of a pixiv short with the number of masturbations

>> No.24757139
Quoted by: >>24757229

Fuck, I won't be able to download it anytime soon
How lively is it?

>> No.24757140

Filipinos are the most powerful race in the world.

>> No.24757141
File: 165 KB, 1200x1000, Airani_Iofifteen_-_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little alien? She knows how to speak Indonesian, English and Japanese, and German and Korean too according to some anons. She's also currently learning sign language and how to play a violin. What about you, anon? Go do your rep to help yourself understand the chuubas better, go learn how to draw to make fan arts for your favorite chuubas, work out for a healthier life so won't be sick during an important stream, learn how to code so you can make games for the chuubas to play. Do something, be better for your favorite chuuba!

>> No.24757142

I'll talk to Tynan don't worry.

>> No.24757143
Quoted by: >>24757167

I know you Filipinos are behind the shitposts.

>> No.24757144

>Their primary goal, that is taught to them from the start, is fishing for gachikoi. They even get a bonus, for how many akasupas they get each month.
>3 of them have gone on record stating that they hate each other and are only in it for the money. The rest feel the same but don't say it in public
>None of them are virgins All of them have boyfriends. Maybe one or two has a girlfriend
>Deep inside they are just like all the other women who ignored you or you escaped from anon.
>They think that all of their audience, which includes you obviously, are disgusting loser trash
>Whales still give them money and buy into the Hololive dream.

>> No.24757145

Reminder that Towa will never have a 3d debut. Not because of Corona, but because she is going to get fired.

>> No.24757146

not hololive. fuck off

>> No.24757147

No, you're normal human being. Congrats!

>> No.24757148

No, you're somehow a normal human

>> No.24757149

This makes me wonder how many emails they've sent with the number of people they have wanting to play different games.

>> No.24757150

You're a semi-normal person

>> No.24757153

Playing with 3 on multiplayer makes the game too easy. It's fun if you like winning... but the killer would not enjoy.
Unless you do a 4-man meme perk swf

>> No.24757154

Yeah, you're here.
same tho

>> No.24757155
Quoted by: >>24757181

Anon from last thread, while you have the time, show marine this and tell her it's playable, they have used website permissions before

>> No.24757156

Yeah, you might be stable.

>> No.24757157
Quoted by: >>24757176

>mahjong collab with Shion
>not hololive

>> No.24757158

anime philippines is full of 2d cuties

>> No.24757159

Tang ina mo bobo

>> No.24757161


>> No.24757162

You're not broken enough.

>> No.24757163

no i'm gonna go play video games while watching anime people play video games

>> No.24757164

No, that's how it should be.

>> No.24757166
Quoted by: >>24757202

This is reality though. So instead hololive would be dead in a week.

>> No.24757167


>> No.24757169

I want Iofi to teaches me.

>> No.24757171

Why did she write "with" in english?

>> No.24757172

I can't believe Shion is not Hololive anymore...

>> No.24757173
File: 8 KB, 230x220, letöltés.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only everyone here would be like you, this thread wouldn't be so fucking shit.

>> No.24757174

theres a oneshot from the author of Ishuzoku Reviewers shows how many times you've fapped

>> No.24757176

post shion twitter instead of this who twitter

>> No.24757177

Will Sio cure the depresshion?

>> No.24757178

this might sound weird but sometimes I enjoy watching holos who aren't my favourites more than my favourites because I feel less invested in them

>> No.24757179
Quoted by: >>24757216

Ever talked to anybody from Detroit?

>> No.24757180
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1594666698070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is keeping Korosan so busy?
It doesn't seem to be Cover related, I hope she's ok
Tomorrow she's going to play...
...Whatever this is

>> No.24757181

More specifically
>Can I monetize videos of RimWorld?

>– Yes! Anyone can freely make videos of RimWorld gameplay and monetize them on YouTube or other sharing sites. See the game EULA for details.

>> No.24757183
File: 37 KB, 720x681, DEA9A896-3AAC-427F-BEC9-46A1AEFBB069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only hate shion for not streaming constantly

>> No.24757186
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1594215849879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757243


>> No.24757185
Quoted by: >>24757794

Our shitting on them comes from pure love.
I love the idea of blinding everyone who meets me with a counter so big it obscures their vision.

>> No.24757187
Quoted by: >>24757363

Trait acquired from their country's history just like how Japans are honorabu and shit.

>> No.24757188

Su su su su su su

>> No.24757189

shion yo...

>> No.24757191

I only hate Towa

>> No.24757194

Towa will never love you, sperg-chan

>> No.24757195
Quoted by: >>24757233

>Living in the Philippines is a good end
Who made this game?

>> No.24757196

You have a fully functional human brain.

>> No.24757198
File: 1.25 MB, 1709x1188, Ecf5DGxVAAAZudm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sio can't wait for Towa to get better.

>> No.24757199

Which has a better tasting breastmilk, mel or noel?

>> No.24757200

Each person have their own definition of an idol... to me an idol is like an entertainer who can sing

>> No.24757201
File: 37 KB, 680x383, EUGg3uVUMAAStgJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death stranding

>> No.24757202
File: 266 KB, 1451x2048, 20200707_183953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are dumb. Talking and flirting thousands of people at once is worse than not being a virgin in my opinion, so it's already fucked up

>> No.24757203
Quoted by: >>24757681

Towa, get off /jp/

>> No.24757204
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1594158593510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikochi needs to rest now...it'll be okay fellow 35P...

>> No.24757205

I like this edit.

>> No.24757206

I've only watched one Aki stream so far but it was really enjoyable, I'll tune in for this

>> No.24757207


>> No.24757210

Is subamio the new hotness? FBK....

>> No.24757211

Literally any flip who has at least one working braincell is ashamed of the shithole they live in though.
t. flip

>> No.24757213

Oi you got a permission for the PC version mate?

>> No.24757215

Meidos, I'm still here. Email me if you need a new meido for these hololive threads only. Dead hours are approaching and I'm the right man for this "job": hlgjaypee@gmail.com (legit email I swear)

>> No.24757216 [DELETED] 

yes but only from a rich gated community

>> No.24757219
Quoted by: >>24757261

what's Mel's diet like?
they say your cum tastes sweet if you eat lots of fruit and bitter if you eat lots of meat, so I can only assume it's the same for breastmilk, which means Noel's would probably be very bitter

>> No.24757220

Didnt Mio invite FBK back to Ark just the other day?

>> No.24757222
File: 173 KB, 512x512, 1593784790794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757304

Idols who promote a pure image need to uphold a pure image, many idols are married.

>> No.24757223
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1221, 1585162847405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Casual holo!

>> No.24757224
File: 67 KB, 744x613, 1563222360701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Korone...

>> No.24757225

I'm getting a job soon and I'll have enough money to become a member for one holo girl. Which holo gives the best member perks?

>> No.24757226
Quoted by: >>24759141

I would say she's gonna get bored real quick but on the flipside she sunk a stupid amount of time into ARK so who knows? Maybe she'll like it

>> No.24757227

Shion hasn't posted her schedule yet.

>> No.24757228
File: 117 KB, 639x809, 1577806232227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did say she'll be busy this week so barely any streams.

>> No.24757229

not too lively right now. had one other person join in with a few others expressing interest.

>> No.24757230

Oh shit looks like Sperg-chan is back, everyone please be nice to her

>> No.24757233

>he didn't get the message that love transcends physical reality even if it means living in the Philippines 草

>> No.24757234

Your favorite!

>> No.24757236
File: 281 KB, 500x500, 1594694067809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757252

stupid retard

>> No.24757238
Quoted by: >>24757249

Tangina mo bobo mahal ko ang pilipinas

>> No.24757239

>Go do your rep to help yourself understand the chuubas better
Already doing that, already paying off with something simple like twitter posts.
>learn how to draw to make fan arts for your favorite chuubas
That too, I appreciate Alien's drawing streams as well since I'm just learning myself. I'm making music too (not violin though).

>> No.24757241

Creaming Korosan!

>> No.24757243
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1594561575130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757244

Could you imagine the fan art Holo RimWorld would generate?

>Bionic Pekora
>Peg leg Marine
>Rushia harvesting livers
>Mental break Noel
>Flare having affairs

>> No.24757245
Quoted by: >>24757434

I hope you're not the sperg.

>> No.24757246
File: 777 KB, 2508x3541, IMG_20200706_070750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homostars ruined the ship

>> No.24757247

Pekora has the cutest superchat reading, change my mind.

>> No.24757248

+1 to Korone's body count

>> No.24757249



>> No.24757251
File: 553 KB, 775x915, 1593559085791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757329

>deciding membership based on perks

>> No.24757252

shut up towafag

>> No.24757256
Quoted by: >>24757307

>Pekora has the cutest X

>> No.24757258

>cream sister
>wet symbol


>> No.24757260

Probably had to do some health check-ups? In case anyone's got corona

>> No.24757259
Quoted by: >>24757286

I love Towa's tenQs.

>> No.24757261

Just because they're both white liquids humans produce doesn't mean they're the same...

>> No.24757262
File: 446 KB, 1451x2048, Ec2SseTUcAAsqCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24757263


>> No.24757265
Quoted by: >>24757310

Now this is a throwback to the old days of chuubas.

>> No.24757267 [DELETED] 

Big Goddo

>> No.24757269
Quoted by: >>24757434

Holy shit /hlg/ really got invaded by newfags.

>> No.24757271


>> No.24757274

MioSuba makes Ark looks so fun and cute FUCK

>> No.24757276


>> No.24757277


>> No.24757280

every single one except for ayame

>> No.24757281

Nothing will beat the TowAki double TenQ

>> No.24757282
Quoted by: >>24757289

She hasn't posted anything but she did like this for some reason

>> No.24757283

She wrote "with" in australian.

>> No.24757285
File: 89 KB, 1000x866, Ea6KJdVUwAElI7L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even that new, been getting stronger since permissions. FBK isn't collabing with Mio much anymore and Ayame isn't collabing with Subaru much. At least they still have each other.

>> No.24757286

That Towaki double tenQ session is still my top favorite

>> No.24757287

Holy autism.

>> No.24757289

That's a cool mushroom

>> No.24757291
Quoted by: >>24757321

What's with the trend of 2 pc lately?

>> No.24757292

The subtle cleavage shading near the top of her shirt awakens something fierce below my belt

>> No.24757293

Why not?

>> No.24757294

Meidos, please ban this guy

>> No.24757300

Piano stream when?

>> No.24757302
File: 184 KB, 742x941, EaTohd2VcAEkbO2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757330

Coco actually shaved her legs for that meeting?

>> No.24757304
File: 709 KB, 4093x2894, 20200705_192926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757355

I think they're uphold that image because it's a necessity for them to be successful. People don't want them to be idols, they project their own girlfriend ideas onto them and if they break that imaginery character, the fans go mad instantly. I know that these people are the pillars of the industry but still can't see them as healty minded human beings.

>> No.24757305
Quoted by: >>24757333

She literally just announced it.

>> No.24757307

based and pekopilled

>> No.24757308

Sunday, hopefully

>> No.24757309
Quoted by: >>24757361


>> No.24757311

>Do you love me?
>I love YOU

>> No.24757310

Holy shit this is NND tier old stuff

>> No.24757312
Quoted by: >>24757402

Please Korosan! Sony permission is green lit! Please play TLOU!

>> No.24757313
File: 199 KB, 2077x1461, EcQCgeCUcAIfXki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even half as cute as arigachu~

>> No.24757317
Quoted by: >>24757433

Don't forget being nearly ran over by a car, then taking pictures as insurance. Miko can be pretty good at improvising

>> No.24757318

>Adidas skirt missing
newfag artist

>> No.24757321

Pien was too much for 1 PC to handle.

>> No.24757322
File: 182 KB, 797x1003, EaSyABLUYAAqhMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this lame Tenshi!

>> No.24757325
File: 327 KB, 363x434, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757339

For me, it's arigacho

>> No.24757327
Quoted by: >>24757428

Tenk you supacha tenk you bery much

>> No.24757328
File: 679 KB, 809x900, 1594134845118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757341

This gives me the impression that Sui is a cute nerd.

>> No.24757329

Yes. What's the point of being a member if you get nothing out of it? I'd be a simp then

>> No.24757330

Isn't it kinda yabai for holos to reveal their everyday clothes?

>> No.24757332


>> No.24757333

My morning is made.

>> No.24757334


>> No.24757339
File: 62 KB, 658x585, ETB7shpUwAgFr2V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757359

tenkyu ay rab you!

>> No.24757340


>> No.24757341
Quoted by: >>24757364

Not a virgin = Not a nerd

>> No.24757342
Quoted by: >>24757366

No cause they could fucking anywhere in Japan.

>> No.24757343


>> No.24757345

why are Towafags like this

>> No.24757346

Fuck, you made me chuckle

>> No.24757350

Why are matsuri fans like this

>> No.24757349

In PPTrio's case they go for the lamest ones on purpose for their meetings.

>> No.24757351

Anon of Vtuber Cultivation.

>> No.24757352

I unironically want a v-tuber board, 250 ip's cramped in one thread is pretty aids.

>> No.24757354

all former spanish colonies have that trait

>> No.24757355
File: 874 KB, 1654x2339, 1593482526368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757424

Like I said, plenty are married or get married, if they are honest then they are fine, if that girl who shaved her head had been honest instead of lying she would have been much better off, idolfags dedicate their lives to their idol and they need to be able to trust her.

>> No.24757357
Quoted by: >>24757390

Just found out Pekora likes Filipinos, are flips still winning son?

>> No.24757358


>> No.24757359


>> No.24757360

Based (You) farmer

>> No.24757361

I identify her as a depressed generation.

>> No.24757362

A vtuber board would be based. Then we can finally get a separate holostars thread.

>> No.24757363

what history?

>> No.24757364
File: 586 KB, 951x811, Murasaki.Shion.full.2498581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a virgin because I have money for prostitutes but I'm still a nerd.

>> No.24757365
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1587552090428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757366

Even if we know they are 24/7 in Tokyo there are still thousands of people there

>> No.24757367

IF you really want to make it happen, you better get a gun and find hiromoot's place of residency.

>> No.24757368


>> No.24757372


>> No.24757374
Quoted by: >>24757398

But Coco keeps saying Kanata only has 2 sets of clothes, and they're pretty eccentric. That sounds extremely yabai to me.

>> No.24757375
File: 117 KB, 287x313, Luna28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora has the cutest superchat reading
Haha no.

>> No.24757379

Based deranged schizofaggot

>> No.24757380


>> No.24757382

study it yourself if youre that curious

>> No.24757383


>> No.24757388
Quoted by: >>24757547

I wonder if she's going to pretend she hasn't played it

>> No.24757389

Fuck off treerat you won't get me

>> No.24757391
Quoted by: >>24757415

How does that change anything? They still own those closes and wear them, and thus can be recognized.

>> No.24757390
Quoted by: >>24757430

They're going to give Peko to the Filipinos as reparations for Bataan Death March

>> No.24757392

Stop lurking here risu, get back to your twitter and ask more money

>> No.24757393


>> No.24757395

Sent :)

>> No.24757396

Paid sex doesn't count. You are still a pure virgin at heart anon.

>> No.24757397

history gone like the thousands of souls that dissapeared from the burgerbomb

>> No.24757398
File: 122 KB, 916x2000, EV-0L7dVAAAfAZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco says that on purpose to throw people off.

>> No.24757400
File: 333 KB, 566x800, Ebn0hPSU8AAi6AK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you dislike or hate any holo? If you don't like certain holos that's too bad, but can't be helped everyone has different tastes. Just find some that suit you and have fun watching and talking about them.

>> No.24757401
Quoted by: >>24758521

why do I keep worrying about her when she talks about all these meetings?

>> No.24757402

No play a good game.

>> No.24757405

You got me there, tho Sui probably doesn't need to pay for sex

>> No.24757407

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvpIlZdRI3U Aki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hf-OJ29vKfk Luna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQKeJFlpWA8 Watame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQnZQjnWmpE Risu

>> No.24757408


>> No.24757412

Just got home from work, I'm guessing the flips were spamming her chat the entire way through the game?

>> No.24757414

As long as I can post how much I want to fuck Towa and pee in Suisei's butt afterwards I am fine with that.

>> No.24757415
Quoted by: >>24757427

>and wear them
How do you know?

>> No.24757416


>> No.24757417
File: 31 KB, 331x441, 1593787563926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You see this little alien? She knows how to speak Indonesian, English and Japanese, and German and Korean too according to some anons. She's also currently learning sign language and how to play a violin.
Iofi seems to be acting as the embodiment of "if you think you can do it, then you can do it", as she said it herself
she done it once, then again and again and seems to keep trying to do
she understand that you can learn anything you want, it's all doable as long as you understand it's doable
by understanding that you can skip two of the highest hurdles: trying to learn in the first place and keep trying to learn until you get there, which really boils down to not thinking that you are incapable or that it's impossible for you to do it thus killing your motivation
and you know what, I respect that, I respect the self proclaimed alien who's actually just a dork art student

>> No.24757418

Be careful

>> No.24757419

Last thread wasn't that garbage compared to the usual though

>> No.24757420
File: 216 KB, 686x521, 1565609149178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBK Death Stranding is actually happening
Are we going to move into the "Everyone plays Death stranding" arc?

>> No.24757423
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei even if she has a crush on Lio

>> No.24757424
File: 1.72 MB, 1378x2039, 20200713_135623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I understand that, my problem is the idol as a concept itself. Because for these people, idol means perfect girlfriend, but in my worldview it's rather should mean someone inspiring enough to make you a better person. For instance, when I found out that most chuuba not that attractive irl, I just started to love them more because they're more human-like, struggling with the same obstacles as me but still managed to overcome them and reach their dreams as an idol of thousands of people. It's pretty motivating and I feel like if they could do it, I can do it too.

>> No.24757425

Anon-chan itsumo arigachuu *wink*

>> No.24757426

>luna piano with a bedtime story and subamio
shit just got comfy

>> No.24757427

Well, according to their own words, if those are to be trusted at all.

>> No.24757428


>> No.24757429

Aki already made a frame.

>> No.24757430
File: 72 KB, 272x494, 1592671106491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Japan uses Death March as a term for a busy work schedule.

>> No.24757431
Quoted by: >>24757458

I don't understand Adidas becoming a meme, is it some marketing ploy? I've always associated it with smugglers and deadbeats

>> No.24757432

great... bedtime whoring by the tree rat.

>> No.24757433

Ad-libbing god

>> No.24757434

I'm not the sperg and also not a newfag, in fact I'm just the one who's getting real tired of seeing the aforementioned anons. Every fucking time when it's dead hours, it's always the same spams, same falseflags, same doxfags, same spergs, same skizos, same shits; and no meidos who works at that hours is one of the main cause of it. Now I want to change that, for the better of this containment thread, sorry if it looks that I want to ruin your fun though.

>> No.24757436


>> No.24757439

I'll try... tranks Lofi

>> No.24757441
Quoted by: >>24757479

Towa isn't inspiring

>> No.24757445

Guess I'll wait for peko

>> No.24757447
Quoted by: >>24757742

>Still lowest ranking HoloID
work doesn't pay off I see, maybe if she did violin streams

>> No.24757446
Quoted by: >>24757496

but that's not how meidos recruitment works

>> No.24757448
Quoted by: >>24757466

>Are we going to move into the "Everyone plays Death stranding" arc?
That's a bad thing how?

>> No.24757449

If you donate enough maybe your favorite will deliver your next amazon package anon.

>> No.24757450
File: 1.54 MB, 1280x720, 1571250052722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757451


>> No.24757452


>> No.24757454

Looks like Risukino is on the menu, boys.

>> No.24757455
File: 378 KB, 800x800, allyouneed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757485

I miss mikochi bros

>> No.24757457
Quoted by: >>24757482

>Aki is building a new PC
AMDbros it's our time

>> No.24757458
Quoted by: >>24757533

nah she really wears Adidas a lot

>> No.24757459
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x704, 1587967928071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor Anemachi...

>> No.24757461

Ayame streams so rarely because she has to travel and suck off every guy that superchatted her.

>> No.24757463

Yeah, idolfaggotry is just a form of escapism in the end, it's almost a religious experience.
Personally Towa and Korone motivated me to really try and learn Japanese because they are really trying to learn English.

>> No.24757465
Quoted by: >>24757496

That's not how it works anon

>> No.24757466

Not really, tho I'm not so sure I want to get myself hyped up because I'm almost certain that 90% of them are going to drop it after one or two streams because the game is a long ass game even if you don't do the side stuff.
If I want to watch it I want to see it to the end but I suspect that most Holo's won't finish it.

>> No.24757468
Quoted by: >>24757478

Imagine saying this and using a Towa image kekekekkek

>> No.24757469

It's fine, she can just live under suisei's bed

>> No.24757471

This mindset comes with experience and knowing your own capabilities well. The more skills you learn the more that experience counts towards your next one. It's how you know she's the real deal and I appreciate her spreading this message.

>> No.24757473

That's a good point.

>> No.24757475

Why are posting an unrelated pic

>> No.24757478

yeah what a cuck

>> No.24757479
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, Towa5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's a bait but for me, she is, especially her songs. When I'm listening her singing I feel like I have a superpover and my motivation is better than ever before in my life. And no one in the world can change that. Fuck off.

>> No.24757482

Last time she tried that in a simulator it ended with literally nothing.

>> No.24757483
Quoted by: >>24757512

Is that Haachama's BGM?

>> No.24757484
Quoted by: >>24757506

It is all cool and dandy but I hope you are aware that the company is focused on what other anon called pillars of the industry. There is money to be made. And in the end idol concept is a Cover (har har) for them.

>> No.24757486
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, 1594254517862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757527

For me, it's Towa.

>> No.24757485
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x1440, 1594462072488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so lonely without my chuubas.

>> No.24757490

Speak to mods on IRC then you baka.

>> No.24757491

Based kenzocuck

>> No.24757492

I am more curious about what will fuck up today risu in the first 10 minutes of the stream

>> No.24757494

cute towa best towa

>> No.24757495


>> No.24757496

I know, but since there's no recruitment for meidos available at the moment I just want it to be at least noticed by them whose I think also starting to get tired of this thread. So it's up to them to decide what's next.

>> No.24757497
File: 162 KB, 899x96, 464131564684651564454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you supporting the relevant holos, anon?

>> No.24757499


>> No.24757500

Now I actually want a holo house manga based on their everyday activities

>> No.24757502

Towafags are just contrarians
Change my mind

>> No.24757504


>> No.24757505
Quoted by: >>24757531

>that image
Don't you love it when women fight for your money?

>> No.24757506

Yes, I said that too, I can understand why and how this industry works, I just don't agree with it.

>> No.24757508

>Risu's japanese
Wtf I'm N1 now

>> No.24757509

I love Towa.

>> No.24757511
File: 1.43 MB, 600x338, 1589680575641.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Iofi looks like THAT?

>> No.24757512

They're both TKG

>> No.24757514

ok towacuck. you do you

>> No.24757515

They're cucks too

>> No.24757517

Just make one on an ib that allows that.

>> No.24757520

I NE'd

>> No.24757521
File: 975 KB, 801x1500, Ec3XSjcUwAAL6tX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757560


Too many cute moments to choose from, but this one stood out to me.

>> No.24757522
File: 1.32 MB, 535x620, suichan-roll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Promare was so fucking good
Godbless Suichan for the movie night didn't expect it to be that good cus a lot of the fans are fujoshits but damn

>> No.24757523
Quoted by: >>24757585

Is this more common among JP streamers? Chuubas seem pretty quick to drop campaign-centric games, when I used to watch western streamers they would usually finish anything with a main plot unless it was egregiously broken or bad.

>> No.24757524
Quoted by: >>24757539

Watching all of them except the the one who belongs in a trashcan

>> No.24757525
File: 1.18 MB, 2598x3661, 20200711_084841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757629

>Aqua editing her own highlight clips
This is what I loved haato for. Now aqua is doing it? They're my favorites for a reason I guess.

>> No.24757526
File: 89 KB, 1223x1093, 1593179678167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are 35posters so weird?

>> No.24757527

I'm sorry for your illness.

>> No.24757529

Anemachi is my favorite anime protagonist.

>> No.24757531

The fight is fixed how can anyone compete?

>> No.24757533
Quoted by: >>24757604

I mean in general, I've seen adidas described as "zoomercore", which probably means it's big with kids and teens these days

>> No.24757534
Quoted by: >>24757544

So are Azkifags

>> No.24757536
Quoted by: >>24757548

Wow I never watched Promare before and that was goddamn good stuff. Seeing it with Suisei just made it even better.

>> No.24757537
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 1594100769740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hip man is on my recommendations

>> No.24757539


>> No.24757541

Sperg chan is being early today, love is more important than sleep I guess

>> No.24757542

When a holo has a 3d stream, when do they thank the superchats??

>> No.24757543


>> No.24757544
Quoted by: >>24757552

Azki actually has talent though

>> No.24757545
File: 21 KB, 831x79, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757547

Will she do the lewd voices again? Barking is a must.

>> No.24757548

It's a great movie. Just condensed Gurren Lagann/Kill la Kill, but with enough flare of its own. Soundtrack is also great.

>> No.24757549
File: 2.20 MB, 1980x1080, Hoshimachi.Suisei.full.2749823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be sure to listen to Suisei's Kakusei to wrap up the Promare livewatch, Hoshiyomis.

>> No.24757551
Quoted by: >>24757589

Risu really need a broadcast mic, you can really tell she stream using an headphones mic

>> No.24757552
Quoted by: >>24757583


>> No.24757553
File: 771 KB, 2000x2000, Ayame4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757648

Ah, I see, the schizo just woke up, so I'll go and actually watch chuubas and do my reps. I can recommend the anons to do it too, or at least report the sperg, maybe the meido get bored once too.

>> No.24757554
File: 417 KB, 626x885, 1593496623467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an interesting movie. Suisei was really animated, even if she was just changing her facial expression to match the mood of the scene. Aside from how she reacts to Lio during most of the first part of the movie, she felt really into it. In the climax she was screaming with joy about how cool the fights and scenes were, but tense moments were also met with silence. She didn't particularly have any reaction to *that* scene with Lio and Galo near the end, but perked up when he did come back from almost being turned into ash. Simulwatches are pretty fun. I got pretty immersed to the movie so I hardly heard what she was saying even though she was pretty loud.

>> No.24757556

They don't.

>> No.24757559
Quoted by: >>24757584

I can't change your mind because you have a mental illness, please seek medical help.

>> No.24757560
File: 88 KB, 1280x1000, EY2Zdb3UEAE_uUN.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757600

bless you clipbro

>> No.24757561

Just listen to any idol talking about their goals with their work and it will always be something like "bring smiles to everybody" or "give everybody motivation." That's what idols are about, you follow them and feel a little better about your shitty life, and I unironically think it's like that for the majority of fans. The dark truth of the industry being funded by unicorns notwithstanding.

>> No.24757563
File: 1.69 MB, 1447x2046, EZgo7NDU0AEjHgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757590

You can't afford it

>> No.24757564
File: 100 KB, 800x968, 1594649031489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad schizo gives us a chance to talk about this, I guess it's the same for most of us to be inspired by them.

>> No.24757565

Hello guys, can you stop posting non-Hololive related stuff on /hlg/? thanks~!

>> No.24757566

Never. Do you see the amount of superchats they get, it's like over 2k superchats.

>> No.24757569
File: 398 KB, 395x510, 1594027238751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't really pay it any attention until she stopped for quite a while but it is pretty lonely

>> No.24757571

better than that whore of a tree rat

>> No.24757572

Guys, if there isn't another pekomiko stream by December 31st, I'm quitting hololive

>> No.24757573
File: 722 KB, 1300x986, 1581624414594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757611

Suisei has good taste in anime.

>> No.24757576

>Please read the rules...

>> No.24757577

this but unironically
we can do it family

>> No.24757581 [DELETED] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1451x1470, 1568117990257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!

>> No.24757583

You'd probably know her by her old name, she participated in the making of several anime OPs and has been in the industry for literally decades

>> No.24757584

>You have mental illness if you don't like my chuuba
Towacucks are fucking retarded

>> No.24757585

Probably more common than western streamers but then again you have Holo's like Okayu who will play long RPGs and finish them and same can be said for a lot of the Sekiro streams which went on for a lot of streams even if someone of them dropped it(Pekora).
But then Pekora has her long MGS streams, Shiren, and whatnot.

I guess it all depends on the game in the end, I think many of them don't bother picking up games they already know they won't finish so here's to hoping that by picking up Death Stranding they are going to make an earnest attempt at finishing it.

>> No.24757589

She is a very poor girl and is just doing her best.

>> No.24757590 [DELETED] 

why are towafags like this

>> No.24757592
File: 245 KB, 800x800, 1590447839625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.24757596
Quoted by: >>24757619

Did you see the towa masturbation clip?

>> No.24757597

I can only think of AT&T customer service whenever I hear Risu speak English.

>> No.24757598

>he thinks marine isn't /jp/
Go back.

>> No.24757599

When did Towa lied?

>> No.24757600
Quoted by: >>24757680

I'm just a cat content-dispenser at this point. I love it. Hope this week is full of good cat, but at least weekend ASMR means it will end on a high note.

>> No.24757602

Towafags are really that low huh?

>> No.24757604

never heard about "zoomercore" before, just know the Adidas slav meme, I guess it's just cause adidas is such a huge brand you see all the time people start associating it with shit thay like/dislike

>> No.24757605

Fuck off

>> No.24757606

Marine is most definitely 5ch

>> No.24757611

I hope she does another simulwatch, this was really fun.

>> No.24757610

do towafags really?

>> No.24757616

why are towafags like this?

>> No.24757618
File: 80 KB, 782x627, firefox_INCgmqqRar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oga commented in the chat about Risu using his squirrel

>> No.24757619

Link it, NOW

>> No.24757620
File: 410 KB, 1420x1242, 1576693276604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop replying to the sperg.

>> No.24757621

you went too far sperg chan

>> No.24757622

Her cover is actually better than the original.

>> No.24757625

At least it's something new.

>> No.24757626
File: 295 KB, 1448x2047, 81374248_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757832

why are falseflaggers like this?

>> No.24757627


>> No.24757628

Why are Fubukifags like this?

>> No.24757629
Quoted by: >>24757847

Are you sure she edited it herself? Cover was hiring clip makers not too long ago, I was kind of expecting for those to start popping up.

>> No.24757630

she is not /jp/

>> No.24757631
File: 705 KB, 554x570, 1592940180128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizoposting 13 hours a day.
Replying to yourself hundreds of times a thread.

>> No.24757632

why is risu using japanese when there are literally 0 Japs watching the stream?

>> No.24757635

Deleting it in 2 minutes

>> No.24757637
Quoted by: >>24757738

Can the meidos wordfilter "Towa" already?

>> No.24757638

Some do a dedicated name-reading stream, but no one has the time to read all those supas aloud.

>> No.24757639 [DELETED] 
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, Suisei4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757642

>this is how hitler rose up
I'm warning you holofags

>> No.24757641

Towacucks have fallen so low

>> No.24757643

>Suisei avoided the totsumachi question again

>> No.24757644

There're currently 116 posters in this thread, who the fuck is that one guy you're all taking about?

>> No.24757645

ARK is beautiful, I wish they could stop playing it with fucked up gama most of the time.

>> No.24757646
Quoted by: >>24757677

i want to impregnate fubuki

>> No.24757647

I'm still thankful for this

>> No.24757648

Sperg-chan has her own version of love anon, Towa is a cute devil after all. Also time to go grind Alatreon a bit I guess.

>> No.24757650
Quoted by: >>24757668

>Thread is shit again
Is sperg-kun back?

>> No.24757652

why are towabros so based?

>> No.24757653


>> No.24757654
Quoted by: >>24757701

If you can't spot the sperg, you need to lurk more.

>> No.24757655

Suiseibros that was fun

>> No.24757656

Wtf Towa??

>> No.24757658


>> No.24757662
Quoted by: >>24757690

Is sperg-chan also anti-Marine poster? Wouldn't be so surprising.

>> No.24757663



>> No.24757664
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, viewers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're lurkers.

>> No.24757665

As an /m/ I really enjoyed the movie. Trigger really hit the good spots in an /m/ anime.

>> No.24757668

You didn't notice? It wasn't collecting many (You)s until using a more recent image though. People need to desensitize themselves to the (You) farm

>> No.24757669
File: 72 KB, 756x427, subamio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757778

Guys I think SubaMio is liking ARK.

>> No.24757670

they are schizos who thinks there is only one schizo

>> No.24757672
File: 1.13 MB, 1200x1697, Ec5AVhJXYAAOYQY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien armpits

>> No.24757673

We're all the sperg.

>> No.24757674 [DELETED] 
File: 1.22 MB, 1451x1470, 1573744853045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24757675
File: 2.69 MB, 230x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuhh guys can we stop shitposting and watch Risu instead?

>> No.24757676
File: 158 KB, 274x356, sui (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757720

That was a very good movie night cometbros
Now I know why holos do simultaneous movie watching, it's actually fun when you're not watching movies alone

>> No.24757677
File: 891 KB, 1200x1694, 1585515396852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757680
Quoted by: >>24757719

>ASMR is on the weekend
please dont be friday

>> No.24757681
File: 412 KB, 528x568, 1593638930863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757685

She seems to be quite busy these days, maybe she's doing rehearsals for Vills and BML.

>> No.24757687

Good post anon, we should keep going as usual, for the better of both this thread and our chuuba

>> No.24757689
Quoted by: >>24757698

Please change Suisei for Coco.

>> No.24757690

Plot twist: it is the sperg-chan telling you about himself.

>> No.24757693

do towafags really?

>> No.24757694
Quoted by: >>24757703

Oga is watching her right now

>> No.24757697
File: 226 KB, 2048x1536, EYiIuskVcAAg7dQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757698

Isn't Suisei queen of Leddit?

>> No.24757701
Quoted by: >>24757740

You're all talking as if it was just one guy when it's a confirmed flip discord raid that's been going for a while now

>> No.24757702

Based kenzocuck

>> No.24757703

Oga is from another world he isn't Japanese

>> No.24757705

5 facts about marine
She likes touhou!!!
And she's a sexy mommy!!!
She has armpits!!!
She likes touhou!!!

>> No.24757708


>> No.24757707

ohnono bros she's onto me

>> No.24757710

I wouldn't know, I don't spend time there

>> No.24757709
Quoted by: >>24757749

Hoshiyomis can't stop winning
Suisui cover duet with one of the Asano sisters, singing a milimas song!

>> No.24757715
Quoted by: >>24757789

why does FBK have by far the most boner inducing fanart?

>> No.24757714

So Aki is building a PC?

>> No.24757716

Coco is a r/hololive mod tho

>> No.24757717

Marine isn't also /jp/, fuck off with your forced meme. There are like only 2 people who watches Marine seriously in here.

>> No.24757718

And coco isn't despite being the actual queen of reddit?

>> No.24757719
File: 1.19 MB, 2027x2192, EciPC0bUEAM7WXW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said Saturday or Sunday near the end of today's stream. Member-only.

>> No.24757720

I also have Towa's membership and I loved when we watched The Bucketlist

>> No.24757721
File: 838 KB, 2304x4096, IMG_20200714_124055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757762

Well anon, she just mentioned she'll do it.
Also said she'll do a stream tomorrow, probably.

This was really fun Cometbros, I hope you all had a comfy time.

>> No.24757723
File: 6 KB, 592x147, 1564864196114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757854


>> No.24757724
Quoted by: >>24757772

3D: Everyone
2D: Towa..

>> No.24757726

It's okay Sperg-chan, we all understand your feelings, love is like that sometimes

>> No.24757727


>> No.24757728

Coco shill her 3D on reddit

>> No.24757729

>trying to watch Luna, Subamio, and a niji all at once
Time to cut this thread out so I have spare brain for reps

>> No.24757731
Quoted by: >>24757752

Not yet, she's asking for input from the viewers.

>> No.24757732
File: 53 KB, 581x560, _20200714_171610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24757733
File: 234 KB, 897x1422, EZQyNscU8AAAboS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good choice

>> No.24757735
File: 92 KB, 763x425, nowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ArkChads literally can't stop winning.

>> No.24757736

sorry risu I'm an alienbro now

>> No.24757738
File: 140 KB, 320x320, Aqua2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just Towa. We should also wordfilter
and literally every other /v/ lingo. The sperg would die in a day.

>> No.24757740

I had a thought today that the world would probably not lose anything if the Philippines were to just disintegrate and it would probably remove the majority of shitposters from 4chan as a whole.

>> No.24757741
File: 163 KB, 350x340, 1592372148218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Chileanbro

>> No.24757739
Quoted by: >>24757763

I didn't realize it was a popularity contest, I guess pekora is peak /jp/ by that ape logic

>> No.24757742

it's not a matter of "It is not enough to succeed; others must fail." or anything related to numbers, things like social media growth have too many arbitrary circumstances outside your own grasp
it's a matter of understanding that learning new abilities is definitely doable and the major thing working against that is your own self doubts
that language you want to speak, that instrument you want to play, that software you want to use, that skill you want to acquire, she believes one can do it as long as they believe they can do it

>> No.24757745


>> No.24757746

Yeah she is.

>> No.24757747 [DELETED] 


>> No.24757749

>Alive Factor
Holy shit, I thought Suisei would cover Fairytale ja Irarenai first since she already sung it in her acapella utawaku, but this is great too.

>> No.24757750

Why is the schizo like this?

>> No.24757751
File: 270 KB, 2048x983, 1594724343236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24757752

Please someone recommend her Ryzen, it's way better for streaming

>> No.24757754


>> No.24757755 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24757782

Ok discordtranny

>> No.24757759

I always thought wojak posting being bannable would do the job but I was clearly mistaken

>> No.24757760

Yeah, that one too.

>> No.24757762
File: 210 KB, 990x990, ETNykGDU4AET6gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was comfy indeed. I wonder what movie she'll have us watch next.

>> No.24757763
Quoted by: >>24757771

Not even close. You don't even find real pekofags anymore because of the amount of false flagging.

>> No.24757764
File: 118 KB, 320x320, Aqua3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we should filter cope too.

>> No.24757765
File: 759 KB, 1920x1080, 1569272748617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko being taller than Pekora makes me hard as diamonds because you just know that Pekora wouldn't fight back if Miko tried to force herself on her.

>> No.24757766

This is nice.

>> No.24757767

Marine is fucking 100% /jp/ you fucking retards

>> No.24757768
Quoted by: >>24760373

I'll go remojar el cochayuyo in your honor anon, stay safe and don't let her into your house

>> No.24757771
File: 109 KB, 1079x720, 1594674577968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757806

This guy is a real pekofan

>> No.24757772
File: 451 KB, 3659x2894, Ebf0G-LVAAALWrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon Sio looking after Towa.

>> No.24757774
File: 47 KB, 212x494, 1585713218489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys wouldn't reply to him he would leave quicker, He says the most inane things for attention.

>> No.24757778

Not surprised, they're complete beginners exploring at their own pace. First journey is always fun.

>> No.24757780
Quoted by: >>24757812

>this senchou members-only zatsudan
the feels...

>> No.24757781
Quoted by: >>24757813

I don't like it, but that's the linguo of the new era. Back when I was young we also had cringy words that we'd use to shitpost. Shit was rad, it's not fair to deprive people of that.

>> No.24757782 [DELETED] 

>if you don't like these epic /v/ memes you're from discord
Tourists should neck themselves

>> No.24757785

If only I had that EOP genocide button

>> No.24757786
Quoted by: >>24757798

Oh cool a Risu is streami-
>demon language
Guess I'll just watch Luna...

>> No.24757787

She totally doesn't look autistic. And that would explain why she has so many boyfriends on each stream....

>> No.24757788

He just starts talking to himself when we try that.

>> No.24757789
File: 2.42 MB, 1415x2009, EcsMExyUwAA_F0T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a foxy lady.

>> No.24757791
Quoted by: >>24757829

thank god the cancer will be kept out

>> No.24757793

He's replying to himself, if he was rangebanned it wouldn't happen.

>> No.24757794

>I love the idea of blinding everyone who meets me with a counter so big it obscures their vision.
then start jacking that dick more, the demon queen has a counter of almost 7 million and that's from masturbating 1 to 2 times everyday for 10000 years

>> No.24757795
File: 165 KB, 538x538, 1579061472293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was fun while it lasted but the holos are just too big now
time to repeat the cycle watching some low viewer nijis and literal whos

>> No.24757797

Why does izuru have a stream scheduled for yesterday lmao?

>> No.24757798

kek, she'll read some in ENG after this.

>> No.24757802
File: 221 KB, 2259x668, 1588580351217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop staring at me nie

>> No.24757803

Recent narrative confirmed by Cover is that Miko wasn't down to fuck and it was the third date already, so Pekora stopped wasting her time and moved on.

>> No.24757806
File: 292 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200714_132919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a PekoMiko fan, which is the real patrician choice. Look at his twitter.

>> No.24757804
Quoted by: >>24757823

>Aki already has 3 aka sc
how does she do it...?

>> No.24757808
Quoted by: >>24757837

Watch VOMS

>> No.24757811
Quoted by: >>24757831

Did you miss yesterday when she had a whole thread talking to herself?

>> No.24757812
Quoted by: >>24757979

in a good or bad way? hope marine's doing alright

>> No.24757813
Quoted by: >>24757850

I don't have a problem with most of them, but overusing these words somuch that basically the whole thread is just cuck and cope is terrible.

>> No.24757815

Based blackpilled pekochad

>> No.24757822
File: 207 KB, 1427x1834, 1594615920304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive moments and Azur lane ruined Hololive's chat

>> No.24757823

Read the title.

>> No.24757826

It's just a fad. Like leafyishere. Remember that guy? No? That will be hololive in 6 months

>> No.24757827

>You'll never be able to hug a girl like Miko hugs Pekora
>Or be hugged by a girl like Miko hugs Pekora
>No one will ever love you
Holos are supposed to numb the pain, not make it worse

>> No.24757828

was there any report on Pekora and Miko's trip to an amusement park on the Tenshi's money?

>> No.24757829

Her chats usually not the worst, but I guess I've made a habit of not looking at it anymore lately. I need to think of a phrase to submit, if she's still doing that part of the ASMR.

>> No.24757831
File: 197 KB, 480x480, Choco2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She? It's a menhera?

>> No.24757832

I want to falseflag as Aqua and impregnate Zion before she graduates

>> No.24757833


>> No.24757836
File: 1.06 MB, 1600x900, Ec5XDY7UYAIMktJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Watame Link


>> No.24757837
Quoted by: >>24757873

Pikamee is too cute bros...

>> No.24757838
Quoted by: >>24757942

Clip related is proof of this

>> No.24757843


>> No.24757844

Fucking hell fat bitch

>> No.24757845

Damn, I bet she's even fatter than Korone and Okayu.

>> No.24757847

She said she made it.

>> No.24757850

I would prefer if the tourists came from different places. I'd love to see the reactions to a
>post body
when asked for evidence.

>> No.24757851
Quoted by: >>24757893

Anon, the world is still in the aftermath of the Corona scare, I doubt they'd plan that trip so close to it.

>> No.24757852

She should move to USA

>> No.24757853
File: 376 KB, 1536x2048, Ec5Ty0JWkAMQ8dy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757854

based if real

>> No.24757855

What the fuck I knew Ayamefags were autistic but what the fuck

>> No.24757857
File: 2.91 MB, 1920x1080, Ghostbuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last thread was fun while it last. Guess I'll hit the sack for today. Good night, anons. Hope sperg-chan already left when I wake up.

>> No.24757859

She's a big girl.

>> No.24757860

So I need to buy an Okayu membership too... How often she does member only content?

>> No.24757861
Quoted by: >>24757881

Sperg-chan's love for Towa is unfathomable

>> No.24757865
Quoted by: >>24757907

god damn, marine gets insane superchats in her member onlies

>> No.24757867

>ywn architect Moona
Why Allah, why?

>> No.24757870

Have a good one, anon.

>> No.24757872

Imagine her moonas...

>> No.24757873

She seems like she is depressed though.

>> No.24757874
File: 247 KB, 365x341, 1594504899022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24757908

no matter how big Mikochi gets, I'll continue to support her...

>> No.24757876
Quoted by: >>24757949

>2 double patty cheeseburgers
>2 cakes
>a bunch of fries
Jesus fucking christ, even as a fatty myself, I won't be able to finish all of that.

>> No.24757877

>implying fitcels aren't the most insecure of the bunch
homie just pick up the heavy weight why do you have to talk about it lol

>> No.24757879

The two slices of cake just solidifies the fatness, god damn she must be disgusting.

>> No.24757881
File: 212 KB, 480x480, Choco3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand than, women are always jealous to each other.

>> No.24757882
Quoted by: >>24757918

Take shahada and, in sha Allah, you will be guided by Him to her brother

>> No.24757886

it had to be maccas didint it

>> No.24757887

I actually posted my body here once

>> No.24757888

I'm hungry now.

>> No.24757889
Quoted by: >>24757909

If her backstory is true she used to be a fashion model

>> No.24757890
File: 103 KB, 324x486, IMG_20200712_150842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not yet, not in the middle of this meme virus pandemic.

>> No.24757891
Quoted by: >>24757992

this is when it all started... please be patient with our local tsundere sperg chan

>> No.24757893
Quoted by: >>24757920

ah yeah, I thought japan was already clean about that though so I asked

>> No.24757894
Quoted by: >>24757957

Member's only content are privileges not entitlements.

>> No.24757895

sleep tight fbk

>> No.24757897

Fatsuri vs Moona when

>> No.24757898

>tfw you're so hungry you could down all that in like 5 minutes
I hate this diet. Hate it so much...

>> No.24757899
File: 369 KB, 580x508, Choco02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is the first time I've seen someone this sensible outside of Twitter. Man up bitch, you are in 4chin.

>> No.24757900
Quoted by: >>24757982

How can someone eat that much? Do girls really?

>> No.24757901

this is the first time I'm hoping that a holo actually has a boyfriend
no tiny islander woman should be consuming this alone

>> No.24757902

Not frequently enough if a membership is gonna hurt you. I do it more out of support than anything. You will get access to some of her older membership content though like the Temari picture stream, nayami soudan stream, and the short heartbeat ASMR.

>> No.24757904

Now I need Moona drawn as Big Smoke

>> No.24757905

That's a nice meal she's sharing with her boyfriend!

>> No.24757907

You should've seen Coco's.

>> No.24757908

We can't support her if she fucking dies.

>> No.24757909


>> No.24757910

You are supposed to be watching the Smallos

>> No.24757912

Love me a fat bitch
might start watching her

>> No.24757913

Good lord.

>> No.24757915
Quoted by: >>24757933

Aki, no!

>> No.24757916

This is not halal at all.

>> No.24757917

Dammit you cute baby.

>> No.24757918
Quoted by: >>24757930

Brother, this is truly haram, i hope allah forgives us and her

>> No.24757920
Quoted by: >>24757965

They never really had a lockdown. It was more of a general guideline to stay at home unless you have to go out, so it is hard to say if they are safe from it or not but as far as I know they've done a good job at maintaining it.

>> No.24757921
Quoted by: >>24758210

This actually looks pretty standard outside the fatty cakes

>> No.24757922

if she dies, I will pray for her every day

>> No.24757924
Quoted by: >>24757945

/fit/ here, not even in my cheat days I would eat that...

>> No.24757925

Pekora has to stand on her tippy toes. Cute.

>> No.24757928

sweet dreams anon :)

>> No.24757929

Yamerooo I'm already worried about her, okay?

>> No.24757931

ok schizo

>> No.24757930

Astaghfirullah brother

>> No.24757933

Knowing my drunk auntie she probably needs an antivirus though, and Kaspersky isn't a bad choice

>> No.24757935
Quoted by: >>24757947

S-she isn't going to eat all of that by herself, r-right?

>> No.24757937
Quoted by: >>24758210

>tfw that's normal for me
Not even a fat fuck.

>> No.24757938
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that heartbeat ASMR made me feel things i never thought i could still feel

>> No.24757942
File: 443 KB, 1920x1080, 1589934982142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758095

I love these two and their retarded antics

>> No.24757945
Quoted by: >>24757999

Get rid of those cakes and I absolutely would on a cheat day, maybe not the fries either.

>> No.24757946

It's FSB spyware.

>> No.24757947

h-haha... you underestimate the fatty.

>> No.24757948
Quoted by: >>24757972

I would imagine she is just happy she escaped the forced labour camp and your 2 dollars you have sent have given her enough to feed herself and her family for 4 months. So she is going a bit overboard now that she skyrocketed from poverty in her 3rd world country. Which along with feeder fetish is another gachikoi niche she is trying to fill... Jesus you faggots when will you learn that everything they do is 100% calculated to achive maximum akasupa ratio

>> No.24757949

>I won't be able to finish all of that.
pathetic lower caste fatty

>> No.24757950

Abayo, homie.

>> No.24757951
File: 242 KB, 1280x720, 1592487794953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonder what Luna used to sound like
>she did the baby voice in her other life
mentally ill

>> No.24757954
Quoted by: >>24757978

I almost feel bad for Luna for being stuck with a shitty voice and her stupid nanora gimmick

>> No.24757955
Quoted by: >>24757967

Let's get Aki to buy ryzen instead of intel!

>> No.24757956
Quoted by: >>24757973

These are somewhat acceptable though. They're all prevalent across the chans and are by no means "/v/ lingo". Save for simp. It's literally Twitter lingo by niggers and wannabe niggers and is synonymous Twitchfaggotry and general normie shit.

>> No.24757957

I know anon but you have to think about it if you're can't afford too many memberships because you're a poorfag wageslave.
Thank you anon, I love Okayu's voice anyway, although I just recently started to watch her regularly, so maybe It'd worth it.

>> No.24757959

Coco being a ruthless business dragon only uses R*ddit to advertise her 3d

Artia in the otherhand...

>> No.24757962

Im not gonna lie, I was being hopeful that she wasnt actually a whale this whole time. God fucking damn bro. Please tell me that isnt cake

>> No.24757963

so how much of a chonker is she? bigger/smaller than okayu?

>> No.24757964

Is aki just going to buy a prebuilt?

>> No.24757965

alright, thanks anon
I'll wait a bit longer on that then

>> No.24757967

we need to enlighten her, but my brainlet N5 can't communicate to her at all

>> No.24757968

Yeah, I really like Superfly, but I think she outdid her this time. Suisei picked the right song to cover.

>> No.24757969

What commonly know antivirus would you recommend her so she doesn't just go and fills her hard drive with trash?

>> No.24757970
File: 280 KB, 946x2048, 20200713_134631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24757972
File: 258 KB, 2048x1311, EYP3J8wUcAAmRpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi and Moona are both from some rich family, they joined holoID for fun.

>> No.24757973

As I said, I don't really have problem with these words, I have problem with the people who overuse them as fuck.

>> No.24757974
File: 60 KB, 546x690, 1574869456973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki finally getting a new PC.
Thank god her fucking APEX stream was stuttering like mad.

>> No.24757978

she loves that

>> No.24757979

she feels like she's in a slump and is afraid ppl won't find her content interesting especially with the other holos shining brightly (in her opinion)
also as a result of this she feels that she can't afford to take a break

members then told her mio's felt this way before, senchou then said that she'll have a conversation with mio later

>> No.24757982

Indo here... burger looks bigger than it really is like 9cm diameter and flatter than Sui's chest. I can eat two burgers for lunch or I'd get hungry within 2 hours... or maybe its just me

>> No.24757983

It's all spyware, so it doesn't really matter, Kaspersky is fine.

>> No.24757986

Course. I'm all for getting support for the cat, but I recommend taking it slow when you're new to a chuuba. Take your time, it'll all still be there if you do decide to join.

>> No.24757988
Quoted by: >>24758102

She actually just sounds like that. It's not a voice she puts on.

>> No.24757989

>Dance Dance Revolution Four

>> No.24757990

>poorfag wageslave
I am so I quit smoking and redirect my spending towards my favorite chuubas instead.

>> No.24757991
Quoted by: >>24758006


>> No.24757992
Quoted by: >>24758031

I NEED a ryona sperg-chan doujin.

>> No.24757997
Quoted by: >>24758625

>Dance Dance Revolution 4.

>> No.24757999
Quoted by: >>24758037

You might as well remove the buns too.

>> No.24758004
Quoted by: >>24758088

What a precious elf. A shame that my heart is already taken by another elf.

>> No.24758006

Hello, Can you refrain from posting non-Hololive related discussion on /hlg/? thanks!

>> No.24758010

I don't really know how much it'll matter but after seeing marine talk about rimworld I sent cover an email telling them about the permissions, I hope I'll make a difference since I want to see this old hag play more types of vidya

>> No.24758011


>> No.24758012
Quoted by: >>24758025

>DDR4 2666
Tell her to get atleast 3200 mhz ram
Also tell her to just wait for RTX 3000 in 2 months at this point

>> No.24758014
File: 106 KB, 723x1024, 1576161851192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened to the bandwagoners? They fell off that fast, huh.

>> No.24758015
Quoted by: >>24758151

Isn't her worries unfounded since she still pull good numbers on pretty much anything she does? I guess she's worried that her content is on the verge of trending downwards.
I hope she chats with Mio because I think Mio would definitely be earnest with her, I can't imagine her not sympathizing.

>> No.24758016

Despite what edgy underage newfags might think, this website can also be used for civilised discussions.

>> No.24758017

Fuck off, schizo.

>> No.24758018

I want to tell Aki to wait for 3080ti, but I doubt she cares

>> No.24758019
File: 307 KB, 2048x1157, 1558099640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758083

It's clearly pekofags though.

>> No.24758023
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona Boona? More like Moona Baloona

>> No.24758024
Quoted by: >>24758151

damn that sucks dude, she sounds busy based off her twitter so i was hoping she was getting sufficient rest. hope she finds peace of mind soon

>> No.24758025
Quoted by: >>24758882

Fuck, nips choices are that bad huh.

>> No.24758027

Why are Towafags like this

>> No.24758029
Quoted by: >>24758075

>yes or no please

>> No.24758031

Stop giving me these mental images of menhera sperg-chan being harapan'd by the ojisans from this thread.

>> No.24758034

It really shows up the whole "stuck with stupid gimmick" narrative, though. Maybe she is a bit unhinged or just has a fetish, but she enjoys what she's doing. I think that's why it works for Luna while for a lot of girls it comes off cringe.

>> No.24758037

I'd get rid of one set of buns, and stack all the patties on top of each other.

>> No.24758042

>Miko bought a second PC to play ARK
>Coco followed her
>Roboco too
>now Aki
sasuga ARK addicts

>> No.24758044

I hope Aki asks Coco for some solid advice after this.

>> No.24758046

Kenzocucks are the worst

>> No.24758050

Meanwhile Risu doesn't even know how an hamburger looks like

>> No.24758051

if you have win10, the integrated windows defender is all you need

>> No.24758052
Quoted by: >>24758084

Meanwhile Choco can't because her desk is absolutely tiny and she's already knocked her PC off of it multiple times

>> No.24758053
File: 550 KB, 2590x3624, Matsuri6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So if we have Sony permissions, which holo should play Ghost of Tsushima?

>> No.24758055
Quoted by: >>24758109

Mel has never been interesting enough to keep an audience anon, she should've used her free time during her hiatus to get a gimmick or something but she's the same she was months ago and thus has the same problems she had back then

>> No.24758057

holo US transfer confirmed

>> No.24758059
Quoted by: >>24758151

That's the artist's mentality at work there, isn't it? Just means she'll keep improving as long as she doesn't give up.

>> No.24758060

Aki is gettin a new PC to play ARK or Death Stranding?

>> No.24758062
Quoted by: >>24758086

My math teacher used to say it's lonely being at the top.

It's true, that's why pekora doesn't collab with anyone anymore

>> No.24758063
Quoted by: >>24758080

Can we convince her to use a 2pc setup windows+Linux ?

>> No.24758065

She has to build a new fanbase from scratch

>> No.24758070
Quoted by: >>24758105

What happened to the one Mel fag, that kept posting every thread something like "Mel supports you, remember to support Mel too!"?

>> No.24758075

Who sent her that list? Everybody is just agreeing to her list

>> No.24758074
Quoted by: >>24758140

Imagine that face getting ready to rape you as you slowly lose consciousness because she drugged your drink

>> No.24758079

Anon.. Japan has already started to open up. There is no meme virus pandemic in Japan right now.

>> No.24758080

i think someone already did, probably one among the SC

>> No.24758082
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, 1593565304990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to always do your best anons

>> No.24758083
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x926, 1592875625550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop throwing nousagi under the bus

>> No.24758084

Perfect, an excuse for a new PC desk consultation stream before a new PC consultation stream.

>> No.24758085
File: 110 KB, 640x853, 1592015784251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck coco's cocock so bad bros....

>> No.24758086

The only problem with being faster than light is that you have to live in darkness

>> No.24758088
File: 1.62 MB, 1180x1658, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758123


>> No.24758089
Quoted by: >>24758106

Having a second PC just for OBS and recording the footage is fairly common for streamers.

>> No.24758090

Hand it over. That thing, your yubi yubi.

>> No.24758094

Japan goverment is actually considering locking down Tokyo metropolitan area again
If thar happens Towa 3D will be delayed

>> No.24758095

This is probably my most favorite moment of PekoMiko ever, just for the fact that they sings the same song they used to cover together in their past lives just makes my heart flutters you know... this song must means a lot to them. Ahh I love PekoMiko... https://streamable.com/trckgg

>> No.24758096

I'd like to see the most Japanese-looking one, Ayame, plays it, but I know the chance is next to none.

>> No.24758097

I do my best in being lazy, thanks

>> No.24758098

She doesn't have a penis anon

>> No.24758100

how are they making all this money and not using 2pc setup? Yagoo PLEASE.

>> No.24758101
File: 108 KB, 980x549, together.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's two beds and not just one.

>> No.24758102
Quoted by: >>24758121

>she's not faking it! my chuuba is genuine!
んなああああああああ *plop*

>> No.24758104

Coco was forced to mod for the subreddit. She created her reddit account literally day of the subreddit was officially advertised. Artia is the reddit Holo - she was a part of that subreddit for months before it became official.

>> No.24758105

Gone. Just like AZKiposter, "does anyone's shtick get older" poster, the original wombposter, that 40 year old poster who started his posts with "bubs" and Akai Haato.

>> No.24758106
Quoted by: >>24758202

Then they don't really need a ryzen and the cores

>> No.24758107
File: 381 KB, 800x704, Ec3M8ZYVAAAkT5C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the festival fear the dragon

>> No.24758108
File: 243 KB, 1457x1149, EbIFCn0VcAYItjZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758161

Shion knows mahjong, what a clever girl

>> No.24758109

Mel streams consistently have 3k+ until the very end since she came back, that's better than Towa or Roboco

>> No.24758110

Its a good read

>> No.24758111


>> No.24758112

pekomiko bros...

>> No.24758114

Same I want to get fucked by Coco's cocock so bad

>> No.24758116
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1592201049054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758117

All I got for that is that she sucks a lot of cock during compensated dating. Like... A LOT.

>> No.24758119

>Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's schtick get old faster than hers?

>> No.24758120

I hope they do another 3D Christmas stream together...

>> No.24758121

Anon have some compassion, she was dropped on her head as a baby. That was last week.

>> No.24758123
File: 799 KB, 1400x1700, EZ0gLz9U4AA_1Ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger stole my heart!

>> No.24758124

Towa 3D will already be delayed after Luna, Roberu and the 5th gen anon...

>> No.24758126

Aki's sweaty sideboob...

>> No.24758128
File: 140 KB, 758x424, sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Mio and Subaru sleeping together? NOO the not gay narrative!!!

>> No.24758127
Quoted by: >>24758219

you forgot the "you are here" poster

>> No.24758129

I'm sure marine's worries are nothing to worry about since she has an extremely strong niche as a vtuber-artist but it's a great idea to talk to mio anyway, i think her wisdom and just having a listening ear will help marine a lot

>> No.24758133

The best antivirus is a dedicated porn coomputer.

>> No.24758134
File: 27 KB, 720x426, 1589519509826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758136

She's always close to stealing mine

>> No.24758138
Quoted by: >>24758160

Nope, the average case in Tokyo alone is above 200 per day, and it's been on the rise.

>> No.24758139
Quoted by: >>24758206

True, though Tokyo is way over-crowded so it isn't too surprising. The girls could still do off-collab stuff though, even if Tokyo goes under again. Most of Japan is fine.

>> No.24758140
Quoted by: >>24758153

Then you wake up gagged and handcuffed to the bed while she makes you c*m over and over again

>> No.24758144
Quoted by: >>24758159

Just send Aki to logicalincrements.com and google translate it in jap

>> No.24758145

I prefer the mother and child narrative, or the big/little sister one.

>> No.24758146

What about the Suisei antis?

>> No.24758147
Quoted by: >>24758178

What song is that?

>> No.24758148

Why is Flare white here? That's culturally inappropriate.

>> No.24758150

Man, we have lost lots of fags now, Rushia cuck, the Tyrone that shilled for Subaru, Mel fag, Aki fag, the two Artia fags, Time looper....

>> No.24758151

it's not about numbers, but pretty much what >>24758059 mentioned

yea she's been pretty busy, she's been preparing stuff for her birthday amidst all the other stuff. Hopefully she'll be able to relax a bit after this

>> No.24758152

the only thing that irks me in that build is the memory sticks.

>> No.24758153


>> No.24758154

Holy shit I can feel my belly fat growing by just looking at it.

>> No.24758155
File: 24 KB, 301x247, 1568262540343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get that little of swinging Aki side boob.

>> No.24758159

It's shit though.

>> No.24758160

>Not understanding how bell curves work
Japan is more than just Tokyo anon... and you do realize that cases will naturally rise as you return things to normal. It's not going to magically decrease.

>> No.24758161
Quoted by: >>24758186

She doesn't, she wants private lessons(sex) with Sio

>> No.24758162

What a nice bitch!!!

>> No.24758163
Quoted by: >>24758218

Why the fuck is Kevin Smith on that picture

>> No.24758166

Aki shows Intel i9-9900K

Chat goes fucking nuts. AMD AMD RYZEN ZEN 3950X RYZEN 3900XT Nooooo

Aki: "Why do you hate Intel? It's good for gaming"

>> No.24758169

Reduced to ashes

>> No.24758172

I heard that boys talked on a Holo's stream once when she thought everything was muted
does anyone know who or have any more info?

>> No.24758173

I'm doing my best to avoid working

>> No.24758178


>> No.24758179

and here is Coco to help Aki.

>> No.24758180

So is 2 burgers the normal portion there?

>> No.24758181

At least we scientifically know it isn't a man with a voicechanger.

>> No.24758182
Quoted by: >>24758203

Yeah it was Coco

>> No.24758183

kek, AMDfags on suicide watch.

>> No.24758184

>Coco followed her
Coco bought her new PC 2 months ago.

>> No.24758186

mahjong sounds better

>> No.24758188

kinda out of topic but why AMD keep winning in tech community

>> No.24758189

we're into triple digits red supacha in marine's member stream, and obviously countless more smaller ones, wild

>> No.24758192

Honestly I would actually prefer it to be delayed than her trying to push through and risking her health more

>> No.24758193

yeah I'm pretty sure it was Pekora talking to her Flip boyfriend

>> No.24758194

The Suiseifans peed in their ass

>> No.24758195

>building a PC
oh no

>> No.24758196
Quoted by: >>24758267

I'm only aware of the number of cases in Tokyo so I used that specifically, and the post I responded to wrote that "There is no meme virus pandemic in Japan right now" which is false because the number of infected cases is rising again like I just posted.

>> No.24758197
File: 48 KB, 800x600, gear_69JD_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This case looks fucking awful I hope Aki doesn't pick this. Don't they have like Corsair or NZXT cases there?

>> No.24758198


>> No.24758199
File: 493 KB, 1000x1000, EbFU4-2U0AE8Rv8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758239

Mio is at least 15 years older than Subaru so it fits well. Their friendship is really heartwarming to watch.

>> No.24758202
Quoted by: >>24758322

I mean, you can also offload the burden from CPU to GPU with Nvidia's NVENC.

>> No.24758203

coco's baby was crying on stream once during a collab with tamaki, she was just better at playing it off than Towa was with her boyfriend

>> No.24758204

Aki supports fellow Rosenthals, anon.

>> No.24758206

When they were under lockdown a few months ago, there was an offcollab drought and I'd argue that it's still going on.

>> No.24758207

Watching the girls do anything computer related is like watching that clip of the two ships colliding head on. You can see the problem way early, but you can't do anything to change it so you just wait and watch the disaster.

>> No.24758208

What the fuck, looks like something from last decade.

>> No.24758210
Quoted by: >>24758495

What's your height and weight? Be honest

>> No.24758211

poorfags get the rope

>> No.24758212

I refuse to believe cases with drive bay are still sold in 2020.

>> No.24758213

but why
She didnt do anything bad like towa

>> No.24758214
Quoted by: >>24758265

She didn't plan on setting it up until Miko did so first but Miko herself got the idea when Coco talked about it.

>> No.24758216

I'm about to buy a be quiet! 600 and you fucks can't stop me!

Unless you can give me a really good option for under 150

>> No.24758218

That's Coco's male friend.

>> No.24758219

That feels like an eternity ago
I miss those days already

>> No.24758220

I don't know much about gaming PCs.... I presume intel is not worth the cost so its bad for a streamer like Aki to buy?

>> No.24758221

Why does Subaru get all the great mothers?

>> No.24758223

Spam her chart with some pcpartpicker bros....
Save Aki from buying a literal pile of trash

>> No.24758226
Quoted by: >>24758402

She needs a dvd reader for her ero games

>> No.24758229
Quoted by: >>24758332

>Not understanding how bell curves work
>bell curves
Yeah, and the SECOND one is starting, my burger friend
>Japan is more than just Tokyo
Tokyo has 1/3 of the total population. And the rest of the country also got 200+ cases

>> No.24758233

Isn't her real one a shit though

>> No.24758234

Because she's the best daughter?

>> No.24758236
File: 28 KB, 350x365, 1579349588867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758282

>caring about case looks

>> No.24758237

Are there any uncommon or unusual skills/talents you'd like to see new Holos stream (or even current holos) beyond the standard fare like games/singing/zatsudan/drawing?

>> No.24758239

Mio will always warm my heart

>> No.24758245

fl*ps own /hlg/

>> No.24758248

They don't even need a new pc, they could use the sponsored laptops as the second pc

>> No.24758249
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1594071937252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pepsicola privated the stream the only day I decided not to record it

>> No.24758257

A: 50% people that actually have use cases for amd coars
B: 49% people that just fucking hate intel for sitting on 4core/8 thread for 5 fucking years until amd suddenly got within 10% of intel's single core performance
C:1% that need performance per watt for some reason

>> No.24758258

this, not everything is about sex when it comes to interpersonal relationships

>> No.24758259

Let this be a lesson to you to always be ever-vigilant

>> No.24758260
Quoted by: >>24758343

Doesn't have enough windows and gaymer leds for kids.

>> No.24758261

I want to watch Hololive D&D

>> No.24758264

Is there no custom building services in japan?

>> No.24758265

Yes I know, She didn't want to turn her room into a sauna.

>> No.24758266
File: 67 KB, 418x524, 1593371848142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep goes...

>> No.24758267

>in Japan
>I only know about Tokyo
Anon, Japan is more than just Tokyo.
>which is false because the infected cases are rising
When you return society to normal, increasing the rate of social interactions, naturally the cases will rise. They won't decrease no matter what you do; it will ALWAYS increase. This is basic calculus and statistics. A slight increase is not indicative of a pandemic or problem. This has gone way off topic but just do me this one basic calculus problem...
Take the rough integral of a flattened curve and find the same point on a standard bell curve that has that same integral. Now look at the y point of that standard bell curve; it's obviously going to be higher. The ''pandemic'' doesn't officially end until herd immunity is acquired, which takes roughly 2/3 of the population to acquire immunity. Period.

>> No.24758268
Quoted by: >>24758290

do native Japanese normally use qwerty on mobile instead of the 12 key thing?

>> No.24758269

Wait why is it private?

>> No.24758275
Quoted by: >>24758291

The only thing I can imagine is a holo that abuses her viewers as part of her character.

>> No.24758276

I'm not usually interested in that but if it were holos I'd be down

>> No.24758280

It's not like she leaked anything I think it's just a copyright issue

>> No.24758281
File: 414 KB, 714x609, hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

open your sack mr fox

>> No.24758282
Quoted by: >>24758446

That case looks extremely outdated, the thermals are gonna be shit and also betting it has no intake filters so it will get dusty fast too

>> No.24758284
File: 984 KB, 1280x720, 1577948520614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a streamer, the more cores the better. They need to buy 2 computers because they keep handicapping themselves with 8 cores instead of buying a better Ryzen with 12-16 cores, which would be cheaper than buying 2 computers

>> No.24758283

She said the holocaust never happened, but it would have been great if it did

>> No.24758286
Quoted by: >>24758294

Kanata has been learning to play the guitar and she's teased wanting to do a singing stream with it when she's confident enough. I'm really looking forward to that.

>> No.24758288
Quoted by: >>24758308

It's a double cheeseburger, no way a normal person eats two of that.

>> No.24758290
Quoted by: >>24758400

You see the A/あ at the bottom left corner? They use qwerty for url/english, but not for japanese input.

>> No.24758291

bless haachama, she tries but it's not in her soul

comparing her to someone like mea at her best and it's so clear

>> No.24758292

Someone tell the drunk auntie to buy a Coolermaster cosmos, I want to listen to her having trouble moving it during her building stream

>> No.24758294

W-Who is teaching her?

>> No.24758298
File: 595 KB, 1200x675, 20190316231750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try 2 decades.

>> No.24758299
Quoted by: >>24758349

thanks dr.anon I'll be sure to trust your advice over official statements

>> No.24758300
Quoted by: >>24759273

2 computahs is a streamer meme

>> No.24758301
Quoted by: >>24758402

Japan is literally the entire reason any case brand still makes cases with drive bays. They fucking love disk-media

>> No.24758303
Quoted by: >>24758320

Korone's english teacher, he's very talented

>> No.24758305

A guy
Its over...

>> No.24758306
Quoted by: >>24758316


>> No.24758307
File: 3.70 MB, 2500x2600, Ec4NJJuU8AIH2D-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's not in the corner anymore

>> No.24758308

This, only americans can do it

>> No.24758309

Suisei had falseflaggers and maybe some fans who'd prop her up as the best singer, best idol, etc. compared to Sora and AZki. So, then there was debate and shitflinging. Now it's hololive thread history.

>> No.24758310

Is Aki gonna buy a prebuilt or try to build it herself?

>> No.24758312

>Pekora stream gone
Sony is STILL not on the permissions list!

>> No.24758313
File: 643 KB, 1204x1372, 1563709991844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God fucking dammit, I was at work and literally couldn't watch it AAAAAAHHHHHH.
When I've finished archiving her god damn channel I swear I am going to get an auto-archiving function working.

>> No.24758314
Quoted by: >>24758336


>> No.24758315

They don't need a threadripper, they just need a top end consumer Ryzen

>> No.24758316

Hi Rikka I didn't know you could speak English. Always a fan of your work

>> No.24758318
Quoted by: >>24758347

She never mentioned having a tutor. Maybe she's just learning by herself or maybe she's avoiding mentioning it because it's a guy.

>> No.24758319

Even if she didn't do anything, people always find a way to hate her, especially if she is more successful than them

>> No.24758320


>> No.24758322

That's a terrible idea since ARK is unoptimized as fuck and they still need to stream with live2D on

>> No.24758324

Justin Sandercoe

>> No.24758327

Someone with dexterous fingers

>> No.24758330


>> No.24758331

I see... thanks will keep this in mind when I decide to build a PC :D

>> No.24758332
Quoted by: >>24758440

>the SECOND one is starting
That's not how bell curves work, my anonchama friend.
>And the rest of the country also got 200+ cases
The total new cases in Japan ranges from 200 to 400. Gee, how unusual for the densest area to have 1/2 or more of the cases? Please learn calculus anonchama.

>> No.24758333

>Shion in the cuck shed again

>> No.24758334
Quoted by: >>24758368

Why is intel so garbage at streaming?

>> No.24758335

delet this post

>> No.24758336
Quoted by: >>24758381

what a thumbnail, I'm glad his handwriting is as bad as mine

>> No.24758341


It's not that Intel is bad, its just that its pretty much only the best at things relegated to high FPS gaming (think comptetive CS GO or LOL where you need 250+ FPS) or heavy avx workloads right now. Aki & any almost any other Holo would be better served getting an equivalent Ryzen at the price point because the equivalently priced Ryzen would be measurably faster at video rendering (tile based stuff likes threads) and other productivity tasks with pretty much zero performance impact in day to day gaming stuff. Time is money.

Also, the 9900K she has is literally a dead platform. There's no upgrade path there, as the 10000 series uses a different chipset. she'll have to gut the mobo and CPU to upgrade, though that doesn't matter too much I think its not like they build their own systems.

>> No.24758343

why are all
products so ugly

>> No.24758344

It's front and centre for everyone to see and laugh at

>> No.24758345

Aren't those just the McDonalds double cheeseburgers? Those things are tiny. Granted the cake is a bit much...

>> No.24758346
Quoted by: >>24758373

People with basic knowledge of statistics but no knowledge of epidemiology are the ones I trust the least.

>> No.24758347

I wouldn't pay anyone to physically teach me a musical instrument, it's a waste of money. Kanata used to be a poorfag, she'd understand that.

>> No.24758348

I wonder if they'll put the hololive channel in the cuck square if they don't hit a 10k milestone, not that it'll ever happen

>> No.24758349
Quoted by: >>24758392

>official statements
If you're taking your advice from WHO, the UN, or politicians pretending to be doctors, you're welcome to fear monger. I prefer sticking to the actual science and science journals instead of politicians.

>> No.24758350
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, ETD4oAiUYAESVFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758398

No one. She's known for being bocchi in everything for a reason.

>> No.24758352

>Towa and AZKi off by 1k subs
That's a bit sad.

>> No.24758359

I want to see Miko move her fingers like they have a mind of their own...

>> No.24758362

Because her real one isn't all that good

>> No.24758364

They hated Aki for telling the truth
AMD cheaper with more cores, basically you get more value for your bucks, but still cannot beat intel CPUs in gaming. If you want a rig for the sole purpose of gaming intel is superior, even if not as much cost efficient. If you use shit like video editing, blender, multitask and as a workstation AMD is better. Also if I remember correctly in japan intel is a lot more dominant, not to mention the obvious prebuilt systems, since I doubt holos actually built their pcs themselves.

>> No.24758365

I feel like Azki will be the last one there

>> No.24758368

Less threads, better at doing single tasks at times but gets shittier the more multitasking you do and these girls do a lot of multi tasking between playing performance heavy games while streaming AND streaming with a live2d.
They really need to use Ryzen

>> No.24758370
Quoted by: >>24758387

But why is 3900x faster than 10900k in streaming? Same amount of cores but Intel gets higher clocks

>> No.24758372
Quoted by: >>24758421

>buying a new pc now when new gpus are coming out in november


>> No.24758373

I prefer trusting countries who have had the smallest amount of cases and deaths (East Asia) or Westernfags who fucked all of their countries up, economically AND in terms of the virus.
Funny how only the West is still crying about the virus.

>> No.24758375

I can not believe the crazy shit Marine is saying this stream, there's surely no way she's leaving the archive for this

>> No.24758377
File: 27 KB, 168x183, 1593808866142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what Aki is doing but it's making my peepee very hard.

>> No.24758381
Quoted by: >>24758414

Consider buying a drawing tablet. Using a stylus on a touchpad will also be better than drawing kanjis with a mouse.

>> No.24758382

Towa graduation soon

>> No.24758383

Real talk, why is holoEN so obsessed with numberfaggotry? The Japanese account doesn't do that.

>> No.24758384

It's crazy to think that as the 4th gen was having its debut, Pekora was just breaking 100k subscribers.

>> No.24758385
Quoted by: >>24758402

I want to believe. Fuck digital-only cucks.

>> No.24758387
Quoted by: >>24758489

>Same amount of cores
The 3900x has 12 cores, the 10900k has 10 cores

>> No.24758392

ok, I guess I'll take your advice mr. smart man. I guess I was listening to fake science up until now

>> No.24758398
File: 1.79 MB, 1280x720, 1594000793648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon, playing cards, chess and catch on your own is perfectly normal. I did that too as a kid and it was fine.

>> No.24758399
File: 40 KB, 1000x1000, EaxtgYYVcAA1HrC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see holos do physical stuff like try to attempt a kickflip or shoot a gun for the first time. but that's a fucking pipe dream and a half so I'll settle for >>24758261 with Mio as DM of course

>> No.24758400

oh ok I see

>> No.24758402
Quoted by: >>24758431

Do you know USB plug and play disk readers exist and cost like $15?

>> No.24758403

bro you're scaring me...

>> No.24758404

I think everyone in hololive is spec illiterate maybe except for Coco.

>> No.24758406
Quoted by: >>24758464

AMD was the underdog that had a niche in low-mid range value recently overtook Intel in most applications. also made headway in laptop integrated graphics that Intel had mostly left as an afterthought.
but Japan has a relatively small custom PC market. might not be the business case for AMD to make a strong marketing push.

>> No.24758407
File: 57 KB, 443x511, 1564640567511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758520

Don't tell me Peko didn't have Sony permission.

>> No.24758408

Shion yo...

>> No.24758409

Westerners get riled up by numberfaggotry

>> No.24758411

Iofi violin. Also this >>24758261

>> No.24758412

God I wish we could trade Shion for Nui...

>> No.24758414
Quoted by: >>24758437

i don't think a stylus will fix my shit handwriting anon, i've been told that my handwriting is worse than a doctor's handwriting.

>> No.24758416
Quoted by: >>24758447

konbanwa /hlg/! Came from some videos about Hololive hips. These v-tubers are very interesting! Why aren't they using 3D normally? the 3D streams feel like a big event or something...

>> No.24758417
Quoted by: >>24758434

jokes on you I was gonna member anyway nerd

>> No.24758421
Quoted by: >>24758518

I will never build a new PC because my friends keep telling me to wait for the next GPUs

>> No.24758422

FBK... finish lobotomy corp...

>> No.24758425

cause math is absolute fucking you brainlet fuck

>> No.24758432
Quoted by: >>24758455

What did he mean by this

>> No.24758431

Do you know that japan doesn't give a shit? I'm actually literally serious. If japan didn't exist, there wouldn't be any cases with drive bays on the market at all.

>> No.24758434

if she doesn't leave the archive you might have missed it

>> No.24758436

Is it OK to cry while watching vtuber girls?
Their streams remind me how desperately alone I am.

>> No.24758437

Look up stroke orders. Even the roman alphabet has stroke orders.

>> No.24758440

>That's not how bell curves work
The pic is not a bell curve anonchama
>The total new cases in Japan ranges from 200 to 400. Gee, how unusual for the densest area to have 1/2 or more of the cases? Please learn calculus anonchama.
Wow, what a fucking retard. Talking about calculus but not even knowing the concept of exponential growth

>> No.24758442 [DELETED] 

Every day we move closer to this and it's just a fact you're gonna have to accept.

>> No.24758445

Yeah. Absolute SHIT

>> No.24758446

That's not even the biggest problem. It's Aki so those holes in the side will have beer directly spilled into them

>> No.24758447

3D need special tools and only the main building has it, so the girls need to go to the office and do it there.
Still, you can see 3D Vtuber, like Miko or Sora, if we talk about Hololive

>> No.24758448
File: 65 KB, 913x213, 1594742674471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time

>> No.24758450
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will all going to be daijoubu anon

>> No.24758451

have you seen how many stats the nba, for example, keeps track of, burgrs love numbers

>> No.24758455

the absolute fucking, the most important math principle
The more the holos get fucked the more they grow in numbers

>> No.24758458

3D tracked game streaming. I saw Ange's stream of some horror game and it was very cool to see her throw up her hand when a monster spooked her. Also I think 3d holos are cuter

>> No.24758464
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, amd_ryzen_anime_mouse_pad__gaming_pad_1539180269_e82b09060_progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Missed opportunity

>> No.24758465

Back to your containment faggot

>> No.24758466

Marine just admitted she’s aroused by the smell of sea weed.

>> No.24758471

Will she make it to 200k before the 3D bros

>> No.24758473

>Bossu singing カルマ
hell yeah

>> No.24758475

Sorry Anon but this is the Hololive thread.

>> No.24758478

>streaming with a live2d.
They literally just mirror whatever the iphone is showing with airserver then key out the green background. It doesn't really require much in terms of computing.

>> No.24758479

Its well known that when a holo takes a break its because she wants to spend more time with her boyfriend.

>> No.24758480

Coco tweeted more than 3 hours ago, but she’s still not sleeping...

>> No.24758481

Can't blame her tbdesu

>> No.24758482
File: 133 KB, 990x722, 1594228199869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody needs to accept it, the moment it happens some anon's gonna fly to Tokyo, search for her and stab her gut like it always happens to idols

>> No.24758483
File: 3.21 MB, 3507x2480, IMG_20200714_230407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lonely without Mikochi...

>> No.24758486

wtf I love AMD now!

>> No.24758488
File: 328 KB, 800x800, paripari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare might want to start eating a different type of snack.

>> No.24758489

Oh god, stupid me. I thought for some reason it had 10 and 3950x had 12. Thanks.

>> No.24758490
File: 1012 KB, 336x498, 1594559218332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758630

She is a pirate after all

>> No.24758491

Do Nijifags really? Do they actually like this shit?

>> No.24758494
File: 122 KB, 500x1500, 1593838541672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it a sign that need to stop and go make some friend?

>> No.24758495

5'11. Haven't weighted myself lately because I'm stuck in my house with no weighing scale.

>> No.24758497

AMD chuuba when?

>> No.24758499

>No mikoti bully
>No pecor monster rancher
>No senchou rimworld

this is the wrong timeline..

>> No.24758500

What does it smell like?

>> No.24758501

god damn it Shien
I forgot the last time that I heard that song

>> No.24758502

Guess I'll wait until november to use the trumpbux then...

>> No.24758504
File: 54 KB, 344x680, 1588124347033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new outfits > 3D
I said what I said.

>> No.24758506

you're the absolute fucking anon

>> No.24758509
File: 293 KB, 1920x1080, 1570881497183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit voice

>> No.24758511

Nijisanji is about virtual youtubers, unlike hololive which is about virtual idols, aka. supacha hungry fakes.

>> No.24758512

I would love to see Miko and Roberu flirting and having fun talking.

>> No.24758513


>> No.24758514
Quoted by: >>24758572

Is that anon who talked about creating your own mining deck around right now? Or rather anyone else who have created their own deck.
I would like to get some tips about a card making and if there is anything I can add or should remove.

>> No.24758517
File: 45 KB, 202x128, 1593201339976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is on 170k subs today too.

>> No.24758518

Wait for x to build your pc is usually a meme but it's literally not in this case because of the new consoles. AMD's putting out their unhandicapped versions of the hardware that's going to be in the next-gen consoles, so nvidia's stopped sandbanging so they can continue to keep smoking amd

Even ignoring that, bad time to buy right now cause of the 'rona fucking up pricing

>> No.24758519
Quoted by: >>24758533

>brayan on Risu's sc

>> No.24758520

Peko stream caught voice of Miko saying "FAQ Firipinos,sugoi janai yo" in the background so she had to edit the archive.

>> No.24758521
File: 1.18 MB, 1856x1462, 1583218614480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758543

>She wants to get out because Cover won't let her play whatever she wants anymore, so they are discussing what to do
>She's busy helping Towa with her 3D debut
>She's riding her english teacher everyday
Pick one

>> No.24758523

I like new outfits but they're usually inferior to the original and will either never get used again after a while, or will completely replace the original. 3D lets you see more of the chuubas personality, its just unfortunate it can't get used much either.

>> No.24758525

based towabro!

>> No.24758527

The ones that don't just don't watch it, there's hundreds of them.

>> No.24758528

New chuubas > new outfits > 3D debut

>> No.24758529


>> No.24758533

That's Bryan.

>> No.24758535

>Luna at 5.8k
>Fucking around most of this stream

>> No.24758536

The guy Aki superchated thanked her in her chat.

>> No.24758538

the family wants to see Towa and Roberu flirting and having fun talking.

>> No.24758539

what the fuck is going with Risu's mic jesus christ

>> No.24758541
Quoted by: >>24758600

really dude? the gayest one?

>> No.24758542
File: 287 KB, 1449x2048, EZWGOZ6U4AAzIDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the perfect world we'd have both because different people can do it at the same time. But this is not the perfect world and we won't get any new outift until Ney Year, or in Gen1-2 case MAYBE they'll get one with updated Live2D rig.

>> No.24758543

>She wants to get out because Cover won't let her play whatever she wants anymore, so they are discussing what to do
Is Korone the new sasaki saku?

>> No.24758545


>> No.24758547

>Roberu flirting
Don't ever accuse my son of such depraved shit ever again you fucking heathen

>> No.24758549

I miss her so much. But I also want her to get back to top form, focus on taking care of herself, and make it to VILLS like she wants.

>> No.24758550
File: 3.21 MB, 3507x2480, IMG_20200714_230412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If by shit you mean sweet, then you're absolutely right anon! Mikochi has the sweetest voice!

>> No.24758551

I'm glad he figured out she wasn't some random chinese guy, kek

>> No.24758552

why are you watching that whore when we all agreed to shun her

>> No.24758553

Risu.. your mic...

>> No.24758554

I think I'm dying.

>> No.24758555

do towafags really?

>> No.24758556
Quoted by: >>24759919

How long until FBK beats out one of the old kings?

>> No.24758557


>> No.24758558

Chinese auntie getting recognized!

>> No.24758559

How does the rain manage to screw with Risu stream?

>> No.24758561

I wish Shien was doing an acapella stream so I can have Luna as bgm while he sings

>> No.24758562

Fuck me, it's literally the noise of the rain
What the hell, is she streaming outside?

>> No.24758565
File: 51 KB, 583x584, 43EE7C52-D952-451E-9648-93E9FEF5D4BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m worried about Aki’s morale regarding her channel growth, she’s so good and puts so much effort and yet can’t seem to get the recognition and numbers she deserves, every day i’m slightly more worried about her just saying “fuck it”.
I’m terrified about the sleeping pills situation even if Coco laughs about it.
Kanatan’s recent hospital trip affected me more than the last time for some reason, i don’t know it just feels more and more serious every time it happens.
I miss the early days of me discovering this and just laughing at the funny clips now i care too much about all of them, i think the start of that was during the Aqua smash thing and it’s been all downhill since then.

>> No.24758567

Roberu has high quality girls like Pochi in his back pocket, you really think he would waste his time with a shitty menhera cunt like Towa?

>> No.24758568

greatest love story ever told

>> No.24758570


>> No.24758571
Quoted by: >>24758583

What'd he say?

>> No.24758572

try /djt/

>> No.24758575
Quoted by: >>24758586


>> No.24758581
File: 154 KB, 600x330, 1591790534058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't just post that!
without thinking the repercussions!

>> No.24758583

Thanking her for watching his stream.

>> No.24758585
File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1591082719450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robobros are really lucky.

>> No.24758586

She just spent all her savings on a computer that will come in 2 weeks, please andastd....

>> No.24758588 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 256 KB, 1265x2097, 1594743297911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24758590

Looks like Luna's going to break 200K the same day as her 3D reveal

>> No.24758591

How Risu got this job?
She doesn't even have a proper streaming set up

>> No.24758592

I was watching a singing stream of hers and it would have been really good if not for her terrible mic, and she was in complete denial about it. She really needs to fix that shit

>> No.24758593

>What the hell, is she streaming outside?
Well she is a squirell. Maybe her room is the only one that isn't soundproof, or they keep her locked up in the attic

>> No.24758596

She's a professional and will deal with it accordingly. All the actresses have been in the market for a long time and they know how look for a job elsewhere.

>> No.24758599

Alright cunt, off to the sin bin

>> No.24758600
Quoted by: >>24758622

>the gayest one
I still wonder about Miko. That collab stream with Marine and Luna is really suggestive, but as a fan I guess I'll never know.

>> No.24758603

cute roommate

>> No.24758604
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1583918130362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is okay to insult risu and not towa again?
towa has that yabee moment and risu only has narratives

>> No.24758605
Quoted by: >>24758620

... Aki superchatted a guy?

>> No.24758607
File: 70 KB, 331x409, 1590394436894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again.

>> No.24758608 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 1425x1425, konlulu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you like this

>> No.24758612
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1590085780407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub grow in the context of Hololive doesn't really man THAT much.
Like Marine is behind a lot of other streamers but she gets 20k viewers guaranteed every stream same with Pekora.
She has a solid fanbase of like 2-5k.

>> No.24758616

Moona doesn't even have a personality and she got the job

>> No.24758619

neat, wanna see that

>> No.24758620
Quoted by: >>24758676


>> No.24758621

doxxfags in this hour??

>> No.24758622
Quoted by: >>24758656

It's all speculation, people forget that there's a character they have to play and they also have to appeal and entertain
We will not know because it's not our bussiness inb4 holoEN talks about sexuality

>> No.24758624

Aki doesn't worry about the numbers anymore.

>> No.24758625

Aki stays in great shape!

>> No.24758626

She's too dumb to install RTX voice.

>> No.24758629

!!! Someone asked for ASMR PC Building and Aki said "Oh no I not building. I destroy new PC ohmaigosh"

>> No.24758630

She isn't though. She's just a cosplayer.

>> No.24758632

This is what I mean by dead hours, just accept me as one of the meidos, please: hlgjaypee@gmail.com

>> No.24758633

>why is okay to insult risu
she started it

>> No.24758635

Cute boy

>> No.24758636

Who's this supposed to be?

>> No.24758644


>> No.24758645
Quoted by: >>24758729

lurk more than a week

>> No.24758646
File: 45 KB, 498x306, 1581683168229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>face filters and drawings

>> No.24758649
Quoted by: >>24758660

>PIEN changed to Coffee Talk

>> No.24758650
Quoted by: >>24758729

Learn to read Japanese I guess and you will find out

>> No.24758653

I'll make sure to add this to the real image

>> No.24758654

It’s a fake image just forget about it

>> No.24758656

For sure. I'd rather let them keep that info private.

>> No.24758657

Don't bother Risu, your laptop won't handle Pien

>> No.24758659

>leave it alone
>it starts talking to itself
>then it posts doxx
Like fucking clockwork.

>> No.24758660

who could have expected this?

>> No.24758661

>desperate to work for free just because of anonymous posts

>> No.24758663

>cute anime girl voice
not that hard to understand

>> No.24758664
File: 387 KB, 625x598, 1568803918546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758665 [DELETED] 

Nice edit fag.

>> No.24758666

>that haircut
Is that on purpose?

>> No.24758669
Quoted by: >>24758679


>> No.24758670

The level of mental illness astounds me.

>> No.24758672

This general has like 200ish posters in any given fucking thread, why do you think there's only 1 fucking autismo in 200?

>> No.24758673


>> No.24758675
Quoted by: >>24758723

why are towafags like this

>> No.24758676

What the fuck????

>> No.24758677
File: 531 KB, 546x690, 1593057636946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if I can't falseflag I will doxxfag

>> No.24758679

her >>24758669

>> No.24758681
Quoted by: >>24758719


>> No.24758685


>> No.24758687
File: 950 KB, 866x1080, 1594373337578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's fake and some autist tried to pass it off as real.
I mean I hope this retard got this from 5ch and didn't actually spend time doing all that for a few replies, Jesus that is actually mentally ill.

>> No.24758688
File: 350 KB, 1374x2048, miko cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is my wifu!

>> No.24758689

my girlfriend

>> No.24758691
File: 152 KB, 434x434, 10_shien_202007_chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My autistic boss!

>> No.24758692
Quoted by: >>24758722

wtf shien this is pretty good

>> No.24758693

Damn, I didn't think anyone would call me out so quickly.

>> No.24758695

It follows a pattern

>> No.24758696

>there are no mods in dead hours

>> No.24758697
Quoted by: >>24758726


Aww, you should have let it pass. That shit was a 5ch meme for 3 months; I still laugh at inori for FBK when one of those doxx retards shows up.

>> No.24758698

Why would Canada have two different accounts?

>> No.24758700

Photoshop is amazing...

>> No.24758702
File: 18 KB, 413x374, 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shien animal noices

>> No.24758703
Quoted by: >>24758716

Post any average asians and people will believe it.
Because that's what the holos look like, normal people.

>> No.24758704
Quoted by: >>24758785

Luna trying to play the godfather soundtrack
Now this is some good shit.

>> No.24758706

YAGOO takes the 10% of the supacha, Risu just said it.
She also said to use streamlab if you can because that way you cuck both

>> No.24758710


>> No.24758712

I have an overwhelming urge to rewatch FBK's recent muse dash stream

>> No.24758713
File: 24 KB, 228x260, 1583402056891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only real schizos think there is only 1 schizo

>> No.24758714

>not a single reply to that tweet on record when her fans always replied to everything she twitted
Cool, but fake.

>> No.24758716

The Aqua one always cracks me up

>> No.24758718

Wew bossu

>> No.24758719
File: 30 KB, 461x461, 1590750332676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bitch for real???
She just asked people not to superchat because youtube takes a bigger cut instead of streamlabs

>> No.24758721
File: 446 KB, 476x628, 1592446693049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bossu the worst singer in Homostars?

>> No.24758722

His range is amazing, if you watch him play fujo wonderland, he's able to do so many voices

>> No.24758723
Quoted by: >>24758732

I'm a hololivefag, not a specificgirlfag.

>> No.24758726

That makes me laugh too, still gets posted

>> No.24758727
Quoted by: >>24758766


>> No.24758729

I'm asking for the real person in the image, retards.
Found out.
Why is this place like this?

>> No.24758730

>YAGOO takes the 10% of the supacha, Risu just said it.
How many times we gotta explain that different Holos and Gens have different contracts?

>> No.24758731

They hated her because she told the truth.

>> No.24758732
Quoted by: >>24758753


>> No.24758733
Quoted by: >>24758766

She's not even hiding that she only wants your money. Sasuga twitch treerat

>> No.24758734
File: 179 KB, 650x580, towarobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roboco mentioned playing Hyper Scape on her Zatsudan
>Now Towa is mentioning it too https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1283020596712845312

Are you ready for the APEX replacement?

>> No.24758737
Quoted by: >>24758791

Aki doesn't have a specific thing about her. Its like Choco, they are just uninteresting for the mass because they don't have a specific stuff going for them. Also ARK is an incredibly shitty boring game to watch.
I think if she wasn't so easily smashed she could just go full booze mode while gaming. That would be fun to watch.

>> No.24758739

>all the hololivers are getting 2 PCs

>> No.24758740
File: 31 KB, 720x404, 1593269805949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if we're all schizos and we've just been replying to ourselves

>> No.24758741
Quoted by: >>24758779

welcome to /jp/ ?

>> No.24758742

Who does she think she is, some sort of Coco?

>> No.24758746
Quoted by: >>24758779

Then you ask 'Who is this?' not 'Who is this supposed to be?' you fucking mouth breather

>> No.24758747

t. autismo

>> No.24758748

Smart move.
>donate to streamlabs
>see the leaderboard
>don't want to lose to some indog
>donate harder

>> No.24758752

You must not have heard Kaoru or Oga

>> No.24758753
Quoted by: >>24758765

Nobody uses that term anymore

>> No.24758754

How fucking dare you. Bossu is top 5 in homostars for sure you tasteless fuck.

>> No.24758755

Risu is such a bad employee, HoloEN will all just be japanese imigrants who happen to live in America and know English, mark my words

>> No.24758756
File: 671 KB, 500x667, be careful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't supacha you cunt, use streamlab

>> No.24758757

>10% of the supacha
Because they are another branch. See them as a franchise

>> No.24758759

Towa can't defend herself.
Risu is a hardened streetrat that sees the world for what it is: A zero sum game where she has to fleece creepy otaku that she hates. That's why she said that she's watching this thread and will have anyone she doesn't like dealt with

>> No.24758760
File: 292 KB, 900x713, 1593263782687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758803


>> No.24758762 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1241x1457, 1580049919171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758788

doxxchads are welcome here

>> No.24758763
File: 234 KB, 774x434, 1584762625599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758847

What's wrong with that? The donator too wants his money to go to the chuuba, not to Youtube.

>> No.24758765

I do

... and Aki does

>> No.24758766
Quoted by: >>24758798

I thought you wanted your holos to get the money you give them?

>> No.24758768
Quoted by: >>24758790

>playing godfather
>godzilla pops in for a few bars

>> No.24758769

Here's your 20 ARS supacha

>> No.24758770
File: 1.67 MB, 228x498, squirrel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you like Risu's stream /hlg/?

>> No.24758771


>> No.24758772
Quoted by: >>24758818


>> No.24758773

He's actually one of the good ones if he tries.

Oga and Kaoru is the genuine bad ones
Unless Oga is good at enka

>> No.24758776

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkebsQgYrO0 Iofi

>> No.24758779
Quoted by: >>24758796

/hlg/ is a special case of mental retardation.
Fuck you and your autistic knee-jerk responses.

>> No.24758780
Quoted by: >>24758847

She's right though, I would use streamlabs if that was an option for my holo.
I'd prefer her to get more instead of Youtube.

>> No.24758781

Hyper Scape is much more interesting than Apex but I wonder if they'll be any good at it with constant combat.

>> No.24758782
Quoted by: >>24758828

Will Cover have anything to say about that? That seems like it should go against some sort of company policy. Regardless, what a fucking shekelstein.

>> No.24758785
Quoted by: >>24758830

Luna is so fucking old

>> No.24758786

you mean best

>> No.24758787
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, ayrame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the ones posted in the newfag bait one are fakes
people still think FBK is that one seiyuu

Fuck ayame. replace her with her mama.

>> No.24758788


>> No.24758790

she can't help it

>> No.24758791
Quoted by: >>24758826

Aki doesn't get easily smashed she just drinks a ton. When you listen to her fills when she's drinking wine she fills it to the TOP. Then a few minutes later you hear it again...

>> No.24758794

Look at the bright side, she wont be there next week

>> No.24758795

Risu is unironically going to get Yezhoved

>> No.24758796
Quoted by: >>24758812

>Fuck you and your autistic knee-jerk responses.
Do you mean 'Fuck you and your basic English comprehension', retard-kun?

>> No.24758798

Yes but no one likes Risu, if Towa said it it would be fine

>> No.24758801
Quoted by: >>24758901

she probably calculated the numbers, and her being poor gave her a realization.

>> No.24758803

Can't think of a more fitting song for Bossu

>> No.24758804
Quoted by: >>24758825

No, because it's fucking garbage. Don't get me wrong the whole BR genre is dogshit but Apex is the least stinky shit.

>> No.24758805
File: 357 KB, 450x676, Behead-those-who-insult-risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758806


>> No.24758807
File: 350 KB, 849x1200, 1585862824988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hollow Knight *cough* *cough*
Even another VN will do

>> No.24758808
File: 571 KB, 1200x700, 1593338566921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like this.

>> No.24758810

no one likes Towa too

>> No.24758813


>> No.24758812

Keep responding retard. I'll nurture your autism.

>> No.24758814

Sio and Uruha picking it up too,but I don't think there many that will pick it aside from FPS addict due to the movement system.

>> No.24758815
File: 137 KB, 1740x1080, Ec3pYwMUcAAPVFI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

POV: you're too lazy to learn another language

>> No.24758816


>> No.24758818


>> No.24758820


>> No.24758821 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 225x350, 53871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If FBK is this cute IRL she should just quit being a vtuber

>> No.24758824
Quoted by: >>24758841

Can I be in this POV even if I'm not too lazy to learn another language?

>> No.24758825
Quoted by: >>24759070

What's so bad about it?

>> No.24758826
Quoted by: >>24758921

>smashed from beer and wine

>> No.24758828
Quoted by: >>24758870

Why would Cover care tho? Its not like they are aware of CN does

>> No.24758829

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkebsQgYrO0 Iofi

>> No.24758830

age play hag

>> No.24758833

wtf towabro calm down

>> No.24758834
Quoted by: >>24758890

HoloEN will be the cheapest furries Yagoo can afford.

>> No.24758835


>> No.24758839

No, it looks like shit. It's like the bastard child of Apex and Overwatch. It'll probably be the next Valorant.

>> No.24758840

Akibros, it's over...

>> No.24758841
Quoted by: >>24758865

unless you know 4 languages you are included

>> No.24758845
File: 174 KB, 907x608, wallaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758883

>> No.24758846

So this is the new FOTM BR?

>> No.24758847

When people give you something, you're not supposed to complain and suggest alternatives, be glad that you got anything in the first place. Youtube won't be happy if they catch wind of this, and hololive might suffer since she represents them. While I agree that youtube sucks and their cut is too big asking your audience to go to an external site to make donations is a dick move

>> No.24758848
Quoted by: >>24759020

If Towa said it, everyone would just shit on her and call her a jew. Stop false flagging you tryhard retard

>> No.24758850

S-shut up i alnost have the hiragana chart memorized fuck katakana

>> No.24758851

>Luna plays the same fucking songs ad infinitum and lunafags eat it up
>ask Lunafags why they like her
>uhhh she's cute
140 IQ my ass. Lunafags are so fucking braindead trying to pretend they have taste.

>> No.24758855

She should try being a seiyuu!

>> No.24758854

I kneel Lunachads...

>> No.24758856

That's too bad, Alice had a good 3 streams of content building her 3900x

>> No.24758858

Honestly luna really has some good songs to play for the 3d.

>> No.24758863

What makes you think that goblin in your picture is cute anon? I'm curious

>> No.24758864


>> No.24758865


>> No.24758867



>> No.24758868
File: 2.42 MB, 1555x2350, akai haato (hololive) drawn by nekoshoko - 93bdc5fa12669618fe46b73711bf6c76.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're getting our own board soon boys!

>> No.24758870
Quoted by: >>24758910

Give me an example, cause neither do I

>> No.24758871
Quoted by: >>24758885

>>Luna plays the same fucking songs ad infinitum and lunafags eat it up
Honestly this, every piano stream is the same songs

>> No.24758872
Quoted by: >>24758885

>Luna plays the same fucking songs ad infinitum
What do you think practise is?

>> No.24758873
Quoted by: >>24758991

>self admitted fake voice
>streams the bare minimum
>doesn't care about her coworkers
>tries to leech off other JP holos, especially Korone
>didn't say anything during her first international collab with Miko and Roboco, was completely uninterested despite begging for it at first

>> No.24758874
Quoted by: >>24758885


>> No.24758876
Quoted by: >>24758885

The point is she is practicing anon

>> No.24758877

Luna and Paul McCartney collab when

>> No.24758882

PC Gaming Culture was pretty dead in Japan until I wanna say 2016-17.
Of course they are generally going to be behind on the times.

>> No.24758883


>> No.24758885

I did not know we had this many Lunafags

>> No.24758886

>plays the same fucking songs
she's obviously practising for her 3D just like how watame was practising certain songs

>> No.24758887

>Board where everyone hides in their favorite Holo's general thread
Fuck that.

>> No.24758889

Filtered Nnnaaaa

>> No.24758891

>5ch's antithread morphs into a genuine fanthread over time
>/hlg/ morphs into an antithread

Really makes you think

>> No.24758890

Also possible, but hope Yagoo's racism wins in the end

>> No.24758892


>> No.24758894

Goodbye anons, it's been fun

>> No.24758893

I fart on you nanora

>> No.24758896
File: 212 KB, 1632x1647, 1590216654251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

containment board for the containment thread

>> No.24758897


>> No.24758898

Iofi and Moona said the same thing, and told their fans to donate from streamlabs.

>> No.24758899

Anon, that's how practice is. Have you ever tried learning music?

>> No.24758900
Quoted by: >>24758939

What's wrong with that?

>> No.24758901

Coco probably received only 3M from her 11M superchat back in Feb.

>> No.24758902
File: 508 KB, 800x800, Luna2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ fanbases ranked by intelligence – the objective list:
>140+ IQ
Miko, Towa, Subaru, Luna
>120-140 IQ
Marine, Kanata, Flare, Suisei, Ayame
>100-119 IQ
Sora, Roboco, Fubuki, Shion, Aqua, Okayu, Watame, AZKi, Sora, the homos
>80-99 IQ
Pekora, Rushia, Choco, Aki, Roboco, Fubuki, Mio, Korone, Noel, the chinks
>below 79 IQ
Haato, Mel, Matsuri, Choco, Coco, the indos

>> No.24758903
File: 115 KB, 287x342, Luna32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be bait

>> No.24758904

I love her piano streams even if I'm not a Lunaito.

>> No.24758905

She's at 6k right now bruh. The piano streams are popular.

>> No.24758906


>Pekora as the baby in the thumbnail
What does it mean

>> No.24758910
Quoted by: >>24759044

Artia is known to go behind the staff's back and do whatever she wants

>> No.24758912
Quoted by: >>24758948

Yes, perhaps a tweet would be a better idea. Link that recent Enthusiast AMD Build Guide, that's an okay one.
Not like a translation is really needed, just the part list is enough to work with what would be a good choice.
>I’m worried about Aki’s morale regarding her channel growth
This issue was already solved last year. Aki had her breakdown and depressive period. She's recovered and is completely fine with the slow growth rate (which has been inclining). The numbers are no longer an issue. Aki truly enjoys what she is doing and appreciates the fans she has.

>> No.24758913


>> No.24758914

Dumb usagi

>> No.24758915

Remember to wish Iofi a happy birthday!

>> No.24758917
Quoted by: >>24758978

and we thought ritual posting was bad before
i can't wait for a board full of 2 month old threads with half a dozen replies and the same stock images and OPs posted infinitely

>> No.24758916
File: 158 KB, 1195x669, 1592905539199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism was too much for the meidos.

>> No.24758920


>> No.24758921
Quoted by: >>24758985

When they're 9% yeah. It's not like she's drinking Keystone Light

>> No.24758922
File: 72 KB, 222x264, Luna14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24758931


>> No.24758923

That artist is huge pekofag.

>> No.24758924
Quoted by: >>24758931

You forgot your Pekora avatar.

>> No.24758927

>some literal whos talking about what ifs
uhh based?

>> No.24758928

>that TOWATOWA post
I'd bet that actually the sperg.

>> No.24758929

>complaining about greentexting on 4ch

>> No.24758930

>autists say we shouldn't be part of them
Well I guess that settles it, it's official.

>> No.24758931
Quoted by: >>24758943

ok schizo

>> No.24758934
Quoted by: >>24758951

Why haven't anybody make a new board on 8kun or wherever yet?

>> No.24758935
File: 41 KB, 500x691, 1594659475038_4997305092115467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg so tru!!!

>> No.24758937
Quoted by: >>24758967

>one general thread for shitposting
>slower threads for individual chuuba discussion
Sounds pretty great to me.

>> No.24758938


>> No.24758939
Quoted by: >>24758959

Not him but i dont want to have to have 5 threads open during prime hours

>> No.24758941

Shut up and watch Iofi birthday stream

>> No.24758943

Nice cope retard.

>> No.24758944

how do I dl members only videos? youtube-dl is giving me errors when I try to use their authenticiation methods

>> No.24758946

Sounds good to me.

>> No.24758948

>Aki had her breakdown and depressive period
about what time was that?
not like I want to see Aki sad or anything...

>> No.24758949
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, 1588768857235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759040

That's the price you have to pay for getting personally attached to them. MaiDragon was pretty eye-opening for a lot of new people me included, but for me the actualy realization that I'm too deep into this was actually this moment. I never even noticed it before that day.

>> No.24758951
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1804, 1586300600681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758952

I am trying eeofee, please not the red paint
it's such an ugly color

>> No.24758953
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758954

What do we think?

>> No.24758959
Quoted by: >>24758988

So then don't, just follow whichever you're most interested in.

>> No.24758961
File: 219 KB, 461x461, 1593033320371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24758962

/hlg/ board might not be a dream after all! Someone paste the general pasta on the next thread.

>> No.24758963

I want to go back to pre 2000 post per thread days...

>> No.24758964

>a board specifically for Holos
Thank God they don't manage this shithole

>> No.24758965

>Interacting with chat using 3 languages
Sasuga Ms. Worldwide

>> No.24758966
Quoted by: >>24758998

Because fuck you, stop trying to leak member only streams, you cunt.

>> No.24758967
Quoted by: >>24758996

And what makes you think that shitposters also won't visit those slower threads.

>> No.24758968

God, i miss the Mea narratives, atleast the narratives can prove some point.

>> No.24758969

I wonder what an actual board just for Hololive would be like though.

>> No.24758971
File: 293 KB, 1061x1181, EcVvY7NU8AA85c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiro doing anything
Ayame will stream daily before that happens

>> No.24758972

This just proves the towa autist is a retarded schizo from /vyt/

>> No.24758973


>> No.24758974

I think the Wow oh! Wow oh! oh! is too repetitive

>> No.24758976

Best original so far

>> No.24758978

I think getting a containment board would kill /hlg/ though.
There's not much point to holos in isolation, it's their interactions with each others that flesh them out.
What would I write on a Flare-only thread? That I love her a lot and I want to hold her hand?

>> No.24758979
Quoted by: >>24758998

marine very specifically gave permission to clip a part

>> No.24758980
Quoted by: >>24759024

Reminds when a butthurt anti pushing for a vtuber board but used kpop for a reason why it needs another board.

>> No.24758981

Like /jp/ but with holos.

>> No.24758982
File: 265 KB, 1920x1080, unnamed2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use cookie authentification, it works

>> No.24758983

I generally like BRs but from what I played Hyperscape is really not good in its current state. I don't see them sticking to it.

>> No.24758984

Iofi.... you're the only hope of HoloID don't mess shit up.....

>> No.24758985
Quoted by: >>24759000

What's her favorite booze anyway? I also remember her doing a collab with another vtuber who is also a heavy drinker but I forgot her name.

>> No.24758986
Quoted by: >>24759160

export your cookies to a text file
in ytdlg options, add
--cookies X:\wherever_you_saved_it\cookies.txt

>> No.24758987


>> No.24758988
Quoted by: >>24759034

Fuck that i like talking about multiple streams in the one thread

>> No.24758990

based song from based sheep

>> No.24758991
Quoted by: >>24759170

>>didn't say anything during her first international collab with Miko and Roboco, was completely uninterested despite begging for it at first
looks like a pretty cringy colab since one half of the group can't talk to the other half and not even Roboco knows who the ID branch is, moona was also there btw

>> No.24758992
Quoted by: >>24759004

goddamn shien that was fucking amazing

>> No.24758994
Quoted by: >>24759013

You mean like /v/ but with holos.

>> No.24758995 [DELETED] 

To join the #4chan IRC channel (irc://irc.rizon.net/4chan):
Choose your nickname and click "Connect."
Type this to register your nickname:
/msg nickserv register YOUR_PASSWORD YOUR_EMAIL
Wait for an email from Rizon and type what it tells you to complete registration.
Type this to join the #4chan IRC channel:
/join #4chan

Let's all get on IRC and demand a new board so we can leave this shitty board behind and let these 40 year old virgins circlejerk about reimu and cirno in peace.

>> No.24758996

I never tried to imply that, it's easier to single out and ignore shitposters just wanting to start shit when your thread isn't even 10% the size of this one.

>> No.24758997
File: 10 KB, 633x81, 1569676111286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides

>> No.24758998


>> No.24759000

It was with better Matsuri.

>> No.24759003

Stupid and itd kill the community

>> No.24759004

I need more Shien utawaku/acapella in my life

>> No.24759005


>> No.24759007

>getting a containment board would kill /hlg/ though
That's the best thing about it.

>> No.24759008

So the most boring shit ever with zero discussion unless it's an event?

>> No.24759009

TowaChads, I kneel

>> No.24759011


>> No.24759013

I mean it will just be the same with 2hus replaced, it will have a speedy general and a bunch of slow chuuba threads.

>> No.24759014

Not your personal army, and an entire board would kill the fun of /hlg/

>> No.24759017

Fuck off.

>> No.24759020

Just switch Towa with a holo you and most people like then

>> No.24759022

Based. I don't want JewTube to take $150 from a whale's $500 akasupa, hopefully YAGOO can figure this one out.

>> No.24759023

why are towafags like this

>> No.24759024
File: 532 KB, 1085x1525, Ayame14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could imagine that the schizo-chan, the /vyt/ sperg and the kpopfag is actually the same person.

>> No.24759026


>> No.24759027

god I hope so

>> No.24759029

Neck yourself on the way out.

>> No.24759030 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 1080x1275, 1594744772620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759047

how can this WOMB make me horny when she's just reading supachas?

>> No.24759031

Holy fuck I love Shien's song choices

>> No.24759032

I want to go drinking and karaoke with Shien. The dude is so into it, it doesn't matter what song he's singing or is he any good at it

>> No.24759033
Quoted by: >>24759115

>Shien is a bleach chad

>> No.24759034

But that doesn't happen. At most you'll get people making posts about a concurrent stream, most of which gets lost in a sea of shitposting. Separate threads would at least keep things in order so people can actually have discussions without some retards spamming.

>> No.24759035

Luna is lagging
Not the stream, just herself.

>> No.24759036

Youtube is so fucking shit. Any messages I send in the live chat do not appear if I send them from my pc. But they appear perfectly if I send them from my phone.

>> No.24759037
Quoted by: >>24759084

Luna still can't pronounce the lyrics. Atleast her piano skill is developing

>> No.24759038


>> No.24759040
Quoted by: >>24759154

Was that from the other time she went to the hospital? I only remember that she couldn't stream for whatever reason when she posted that.

>> No.24759041

why are pekofags like this

>> No.24759042
File: 1.54 MB, 1273x714, every day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759043

Please don't be harsh on Sperg-chan, let's just treat her like a zoo animal and watch from afar

>> No.24759044

but does that give her more subs on bilibili, cause haachama also did that ecchi stream the other day and no one seemed to care as long as they get the views

>> No.24759047

she's a very experienced woman

>> No.24759048

>everyone is one person
Are you sure you're not a schizo, anon?

>> No.24759050

I usually don't think much of the holo original songs but I really enjoy this one.

>> No.24759051
File: 200 KB, 1240x1754, EYXG0O4UYAEAjSj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759069

Nice voices, Bossu!

>> No.24759052
Quoted by: >>24759066

If atleast 5 people from here are watching Shien's Karaoke stream, then we're directly contributing 1% of the views to the homos.

>> No.24759057

It fits her really well, surpass the last cover.
It reminds me also of the OP and ED of Girls Last Tour

>> No.24759058

That would explain a lot

>> No.24759060
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1583737041345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ayamefaggots are pathetic

>> No.24759061

A vtuber board means any newfags that get filtered by not knowing /jp/ exists will start coming to /hlg/. It also means constant shitposting telling people to go back to their chuuba's general. /hlg/ isn't great as it is but it's so much better than a board would be.

>> No.24759062
File: 307 KB, 500x500, Ayame1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.24759063

Why is the sperg from /vyt/ posting here again?

>> No.24759065

I'm curious, why are you guise afraid of a /chuuba/ board?

>> No.24759066

Depends on the homo, really. Roberu is getting closer and closer to 2k average views at this point, for example.

>> No.24759069
File: 1.60 MB, 1204x1920, Boss aesthetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759070

Scuffed movement from Apex (which is already a watered down version of titanfall's movement), weapons feel like they're BB guns, bunch of meme abilities copied from other games. It's like a hodgepodge of other games without any identity of its own.

>> No.24759071

Mental illness.

>> No.24759075

Watame is talking about Iofi's birthday. Has she interacted with her?

>> No.24759076

containment board would be for e-celebs or just chuubas, so we could have /hlg/, niji, indie and a few wild dead threads

>> No.24759077

based towabro

>> No.24759078

I like it, but some people are overrating it a bit here. Probably because it came out right as everybody was still high on her great 3D stream.

>> No.24759080

The family would become an actual cult.

>> No.24759081

Don't you have a thread to shit up? >>24751798

>> No.24759083

I don't want to open 5+ threads.

>> No.24759084

The day she learns to pronounce any language I stop watching

>> No.24759085

anon, did you not watch their overcook collabo?

>> No.24759087
Quoted by: >>24759103

Iofi you are out of tune...

>> No.24759088


>> No.24759090

yes they are good friends

>> No.24759092

Based kenzocuck

>> No.24759095

This, fuck that.

>> No.24759096

what the fuck Iofi...

>> No.24759098

because there's no point to it, this thread is all we need

>> No.24759100

Yes, overcooked 2 and drawing streams.

>> No.24759101
Quoted by: >>24759116

/asp/ taught me how bad boards made out of spammers are.

>> No.24759103

Out of all the things she cant do, she cant fucking sing.

>> No.24759104

at least here they have to behave

>> No.24759106
File: 52 KB, 343x444, 1593373450067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is Iofi's mic terrible?

>> No.24759107
Quoted by: >>24759133

maybe you don't have anything to say about your holo, but I could talk about mine forever

>> No.24759108

She's one of Iofi's first collab. I think they even greet Roboco on the same Totsumachi after their collab, maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.24759111

played overcooked to bully moona
Send a drawing to watames birthday
Drawed together

>> No.24759112
Quoted by: >>24759172

Most are supportive of the idea though. These threads keep getting worse because of the constant culture clash, this is a good day relatively speaking.

>> No.24759113

just learn it you fag

>> No.24759115

Imagine the SuiShien duet stream of purely bleach OPs and trying to out maneuver each other with Kidou

>> No.24759116

I wish we never left /sp/... things were so much better back then...

>> No.24759117
File: 5 KB, 241x83, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you like this? No this isn't me.

>> No.24759118

>iofi's singing

>> No.24759119

I wonder how long until he suffers a stroke from spreging too hard

>> No.24759122

Afraid that rather we have Towalive general we'll have a /Towa/ board?

>> No.24759125

OK Gugulu

>> No.24759127
Quoted by: >>24759138

somehow I feel like that's not an actual EOP, just a jap in disguise

>> No.24759129

>Shien ignored it
My sides

>> No.24759130
Quoted by: >>24759168

I don't want to read 20 threads at the same time

>> No.24759131

>would become

>> No.24759132
File: 770 KB, 1016x1020, Coco4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759147

We don't need a new board but stricter moderation and more meido. More than half of the posts are worthless shitpost anyway.

>> No.24759133
Quoted by: >>24759153

I can see it, it would be very interesting to have a subaru in a garbage thread, dedicated entirely to why subaru should go in the trash, where she belongs.

>> No.24759135

Why did no one tell me Iofi was doing Karaoke

>> No.24759134

I seriously don't know if the song is just delayed or Iofi is out of tempo. You can't make this shit up.

>> No.24759137

>moved to /qa/
>still bitching about it
B-But my 2hu boooooooooooard!!!!!!!

>> No.24759138

read the name

>> No.24759139

Watching the ID's really puts you in the EOP's shoes huh? I really only watch Moona but she speaks a lot in English so it's fine. But the moment she speaks her mother tongue it's just "cute girl noises" for me.

>> No.24759141

>>24757226 >>24757161
If anything, Aki could actually thrive in long term Death Stranding play. When you get to the point where you're building infrastructure, maintaining roads and supplies, building a bunch of tools and gear, Aki is pretty great at that.
Add on the multiplayer aspect to indirectly assist others, maybe even chance upon other Holos' handiwork, and Aki could really be in her element.

>> No.24759143
File: 184 KB, 517x481, 1594298097586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having korone withdrawal symptoms

>> No.24759144
File: 153 KB, 411x440, 1593712571695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759147
File: 496 KB, 1080x1080, 1581296363183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude people are complaining because we make too many threads everywhere from /v/ to /a/
we are becoming too powerful and they want to contain us

>> No.24759148

>it's cringe when spics and flips do it
>but based when eops do it haha
what is wrong with amerimutts?

>> No.24759149
Quoted by: >>24759199

I don't think I would have fallen in love with my favourite holos if not for these threads, I probably would have never given them a chance...

>> No.24759150
Quoted by: >>24759196

Because I don't wanna keep preaching to the choir about my favorite chuuba.

>> No.24759153
Quoted by: >>24759184

>a thread dedicated to cum tributes
Maybe the board isint such a bad idea

>> No.24759154
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, EcKTFfMUcAAcZId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759252

That's the thing, it wasn't anything bad or special. She just couldn't stream for some time and made a post with just this
I really did feel lonely on that day and seeing this was heartwarming. That was my "Wait, I actually do care about them" moment.

>> No.24759156

I forgot about jaypee

>> No.24759157
Quoted by: >>24759171

It's cringe when jaypee does it too, don't act like he represents us.

>> No.24759159

based as fuck

>> No.24759160

thanks mate, worked a treat

>> No.24759161

>come back
>barely miss Asterisk and Shien's humming my favourite ED
Goddamit, guess I'll have to rewatch this from the start.

>> No.24759166

We don't make threads anywhere, those are the shitposters who should be banned on sight.

>> No.24759167
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1564979743020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know jaypee

>> No.24759168

Fucking casuals. I have 16 threads open right now.

>> No.24759170
Quoted by: >>24759205

and ironically Moona had more collabs with the JP branch than Risu

>> No.24759171

There are fags in here saying it's based though.

>> No.24759172
Quoted by: >>24759200

>Most are supportive of the idea though
I think it's time to drink your meds.

>> No.24759174

Iofi switching between languages so quick reminds me of that other vtuber

>> No.24759175

I like how Fubuki couldn't wait for the stream to start to play Death Stranding and is now blogposting the fuck out of it on Twitter.

>> No.24759176

It is a USB mic, yes.

>> No.24759177
File: 183 KB, 750x503, 1587924130305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello jaypee

>> No.24759178
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This harem is my harem

>> No.24759181

Just like Risu she use an headphone mic instead of proper broadcast

>> No.24759184

That's just inviting tripfags
>hey dude, nice texture today, looking thick

>> No.24759186

Whats the problem with making too many posts?

>> No.24759187
Quoted by: >>24759224

Honestly I'd rather just get moved to /trash/ than have to deal with a new board.

>> No.24759188

Iofi's singing is so cute.

>> No.24759190

It should be contained. On /jp/. If you post holo shit elsewhere, leave 4chan.

>> No.24759191
Quoted by: >>24759223

selfcest is wrong

>> No.24759194
File: 78 KB, 585x974, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24759195

I would watch a /gsg/ vtuber

>> No.24759196
Quoted by: >>24759296

I feel like there's so much to talk about but the speed of the thread and all the shitposting and dilution across the board makes it less possible

I really think high quality discussion would flourish if we weren't all confined into the same thread like this

>> No.24759197
Quoted by: >>24759213

I never knew lunaitos were so cringe, I'll remember this.

>> No.24759198
Quoted by: >>24759225

This guy also made a tweet to Haato's father

>> No.24759199

this, i think i would only be watching peko and korone if it wasnt for these threads

>> No.24759200
Quoted by: >>24759217

You know this isn't the first time it's been brought up, right? Usually it's this place suggesting it in the first place.

>> No.24759201

I like Luna's piano practices but the chat is getting worst with every day.

>> No.24759202

Oh man that is based

>> No.24759203

I only remember jaypee from that time he bet an akasupa Luna wouldnt be able to beat 4 Kings within the hour and she did and he ended up delivering. He's okay in my book. That playthrough was awesome. One of Luna's best.

>> No.24759204

What a fucking virgin

>> No.24759205

her name is purple hair my robot friend

>> No.24759206

I would need to open 20+ threads plus the ones I already have opened from other threads

>> No.24759207
File: 222 KB, 1443x2048, 1591894596764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do mikochi!

>> No.24759208

>we make too many threads everywhere from /v/ to /a/
I never made a single holo thread, here or elsewhere. And I only posted them here
Are you not the same?

>> No.24759209

It sure would be nice to help care for Aqua. I hope the weather isn't too harsh on her.

>> No.24759213

shut up towafag.

>> No.24759216
Quoted by: >>24759253

Why are you so upset, Pablo?

>> No.24759217
Quoted by: >>24759221

I suggest you really take those meds.

>> No.24759219

Yes, Coco can do that too.

>> No.24759221

Kill yourself.

>> No.24759222

Then they need to make their Janitors on the respective boards do their work and ban any threads outside of /jp/ as it should be.

>> No.24759223

I'm gonna give myself a handjob later and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.24759224

Have you ever used /trash/? The moderation is so lax someone can spam the thread to image limit with furry porn and nothing will be done about it.

>> No.24759225
Quoted by: >>24759257

Heh, I remember a few Koreans from the Korean 4chan also did it. I forgot what Korean 4chan is called.

>> No.24759227

fuck off towafag

>> No.24759230

Why are towafags like this?

>> No.24759233
File: 112 KB, 1271x948, 中の人korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>divide and destroy strategy
Newfags, listen, this is spergkun. Once again he is shitting up hololive and it's shitposters just because his chuuba is not popular.

>> No.24759234
File: 149 KB, 1363x635, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact of the matter is that, even in these dead hours, we're still fast enough to fill a board with middling population. And posting would only get faster if people didn't feel they needed to worry about image posting/spamming too much about any one particular holo.

I'm not particularly fussed whether we move or not, but filling a board with discussion wouldn't be an issue, especially if it's a general vtuber board, not just /holo/.

>> No.24759236

>The moderation is so lax someone can spam the thread to image limit with furry porn and nothing will be done about it
No one does that though.

>> No.24759237


>> No.24759238
File: 263 KB, 2048x1450, EZWv64pUcAMCIQO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759286


>> No.24759239
File: 529 KB, 510x518, 1588009923962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she don't like monky

>> No.24759246

If I was in HoloEN I would want my avatar to be that fat, old bald guy.

>> No.24759249
File: 248 KB, 1451x2048, 1594606280944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how could i forget my cute girlfriend?

>> No.24759252

Right, I had a feeling that was the case. Kanata is really diligent at signaling to her fans that she cares. Must come naturally with having grown up as an idolfag.

>> No.24759253

Because you're all acting like literal double digit IQ third worlders. Well you're amerisharts so that'd redundant.

>> No.24759255
File: 44 KB, 594x461, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759257

Was it about comfort women again? Fuck those koreans and their comfort women. And that dilapidated rock.

>> No.24759258

I still dont get how posting is bad

>> No.24759263
File: 919 KB, 840x980, 1583427868525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759265

The name sounds familiar...

>> No.24759268

Is something wrong with Miko?

>> No.24759269

It's almost the same in here if all meidos are asleep and usually that's half a day

>> No.24759271
Quoted by: >>24759294

I doubt anyone in the industry is too happy about YT taking a 30% cut, but I don't think they really have an alternative. Superchats don't work in Indonesia, right? Only HoloID can use that excuse to tell people to donate through Streamlabs. If HoloJP tries to do the same thing they might get assfucked by YT.

>> No.24759273

Professional streamers have two PCs if only for being able to fuck around with the stream without having to tab out of the game.

Not having to capture and composite the stream on the same computer also gives them 5-10% higher FPS on the game because Nvidia doesn't give OBS lower level access to the frame buffer capture API used by GFE. This is independent of the CPU being used.

For an OBS/encoding box I'd go with a 3700X. It should be enough for 1080p60 x264 medium preset. Youtube re-encodes to some slop so beyond a certain quality it's pointless.

>> No.24759276
File: 69 KB, 224x256, Luna20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759390

Don't lump me together with IQposter.

>> No.24759278

Nice Canon time, my favorite.

>> No.24759280
Quoted by: >>24759305

you should look up some articles about suicide and schizophrenia, get help before it's too late

>> No.24759281
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, 1593748226620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759286 [SPOILER] 
File: 27 KB, 600x210, 1594745814083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759350


>> No.24759287

Is this actually a plan by YAGOO? Too much exposure to Holos so now the plan is to deprive us of Holos and make us feel lonely again? Then when they return, we give back ten fold? Genius plan.

>> No.24759294

YT also has the platform. See Shroud on Mixer vs Shroud on Twitch for how important the right platform is regardless of the streamer.

>> No.24759296
Quoted by: >>24759458

For me, /hlg/ is still the best hub for discussing Hololive stuff. It's been on a real decline since the 3Ds started again though. I doubt making different threads would lead to better discussions, if anything it'll be more like Discord or reddit unironically.

>> No.24759300

>Endurance stream coming soon
Oh boy I wonder what it's gonna be.

>> No.24759301

I want a centralized place to hangout with you guys and talk about Holos. I don't want to have 50 tabs open to read each individual chuuba thread that would suck.

>> No.24759302
File: 539 KB, 1000x1000, 1592549393886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama's recent stream
>switching back and forth from serene peaceful singing and crazy shitpost like a fever dream
She is some kind of abstract artist

>> No.24759303


>> No.24759304
File: 2.48 MB, 1920x1080, IMAGINE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I M A G I N E

>> No.24759305

When is it too late? I'm already here watching Hololive and reliant on my holo. Is this the end?

>> No.24759308

>The fact of the matter is that, even in these dead hours, we're still fast enough to fill a board with middling population. And posting would only get faster if people didn't feel they needed to worry about image posting/spamming too much about any one particular holo.
That's not how it works. A board would slow down everything. This general is fast because everybody can read everything that is posted easily, follow what happened to certain streams or get interested int a certain airing stream by reading the thread. A board would have hundreds of different threads and discussions would be split between all of them. Then you would have shitposters shitting the board by spamming new offtopic threads and sliding the existing threads. People would stop replying to most of the posts, which would then slow down activity, etc. Until you end up with a dead board

>> No.24759310
File: 239 KB, 2048x1663, 16546544489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759314
Quoted by: >>24759366

Another Minecraft?

>> No.24759313
File: 280 KB, 438x500, 1591790093325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759325

say yeah

>> No.24759315
Quoted by: >>24759423

She probably caught the corona.

>> No.24759316
File: 131 KB, 828x1747, 1568639980649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759366


>> No.24759317

Mikochi, I miss you!

>> No.24759320

how do you counter this argument? luna's piano streams are getting boring tbqh

>> No.24759322

Getting over ender dragon RTA

>> No.24759325


>> No.24759326
File: 1.04 MB, 866x1080, 1592840474509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is some kind of abstract artist
No anon, she's fully transformed into an australian

>> No.24759327

Your post and implications makes no fucking sense, if you don't want people to talk about something just close the tab.

>> No.24759329

>i'm glad it isn't a ban

>> No.24759330

Real lunaitos have written posts about it before.

>> No.24759331

Sh's a ghost haunting the hololive streams now.

>> No.24759332

how to basic collab when?

>> No.24759334

Happy birthday alien

>> No.24759337

why are towafags like this

>> No.24759338
Quoted by: >>24759348

>Tomoe in Shien's chat
Fuck I love Shien

>> No.24759341
File: 238 KB, 459x368, 1570129973964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always support you Miko!

>> No.24759342
Quoted by: >>24759352

Based watame

>> No.24759343
Quoted by: >>24759352

Why are you still awake at this hour Watame... Happy birthday though Iofi!

>> No.24759348

But I thought she hated men...

>> No.24759350

Peak performance

>> No.24759352

Chat's so fast, I hope someone screenshotted it

>> No.24759355

I love all holos. Even Towa.

>> No.24759357
File: 328 KB, 1334x2048, D193F71D-02BD-4868-B8C6-DF936FBD2FEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759380

Best original song, click click keep clicking on it.

>> No.24759363
File: 392 KB, 2200x1545, EbXpezrU4AEWe_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui-chan wa...

>> No.24759364
File: 90 KB, 950x628, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shien being supported by his big sis

>> No.24759366
Quoted by: >>24759413

Those are RTAs and not endurance streams, completely different.

>> No.24759365

I love all holos, especially Towa.

>> No.24759368
Quoted by: >>24759422

Surprisingly a lot of Iofi's supacha look like yen. I guess she's got some leverage there after all.

>> No.24759369
File: 407 KB, 540x682, 1568629996045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759370

Shien just called ME his AMIGO

>> No.24759371

I still think Tenkyuu has the most soul.

>> No.24759373
Quoted by: >>24759409

I love all holos. Except Towa.

>> No.24759374
Quoted by: >>24759381

Alien is about to cry

>> No.24759376

Pretty based desu, fuck monkeys

>> No.24759378

As I read the thread on /qa/, the autists BTFO'd again.

>> No.24759380

Don't get too cocky sheepfag. Tenkyuu blows Ai-Mai Chocolate out the fucking water so hard it's not even close.

>> No.24759381

She's adorable trying to hold it in.

>> No.24759382

Iofi is so cute trying not to cry.

>> No.24759383
File: 313 KB, 650x650, 1590692909271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See Risu, this is the difference between being a good girl and a jewie bitch
Also, do you reps or you aren't getting Watame and other Holos singing happy birthday to you

>> No.24759387

im not against a vtuber board but it depends on how popular holoen is tbdesu, i'd have no problems with a jp/id/en split

>> No.24759388

Risu go do your reps and finish what you started.

>> No.24759390
File: 26 KB, 224x256, 1594745774717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759393

does this mean it was a false flag? Or is this her screenshott?

>> No.24759396
Quoted by: >>24759416

I don't love any holos. Except Towa.

>> No.24759400

She still does different streams every day, which is more than what you can say for some other holos, the piano streams are just a bonus.

>> No.24759404

I love all holos. Towa.

>> No.24759403
Quoted by: >>24759410

>tfw Risu in her chat

>> No.24759405

Thanks, Doc

>> No.24759408

Of all holos, I love Towa the most.

>> No.24759409

Based fuck that whore

>> No.24759410
File: 33 KB, 400x400, _zHtUSLe_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759411

Towa loves me

>> No.24759412

Why did Miko stop being an AV actress?? Both she and Hololive would be better off without her

>> No.24759413

theres a point where a 12 hour run stops being a RTA and becomes an endurance

>> No.24759414


>> No.24759416

why are towafags like this...

>> No.24759417

Which hololive has the saddest backstory?

I personally think PPTenshi's is the saddest.

>> No.24759418
File: 233 KB, 435x375, 1578241261666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Iofi's mic is crystal clear

>> No.24759421
Quoted by: >>24759442

You guys did supacha Iofi right?

>> No.24759422

True but a good number of those are probably sent there from Watame's stream too.

>> No.24759423
Quoted by: >>24759905

We all can speculate, but the real proof will be there when that MiComet duo concert's going to get canceled or not (their segment). But I'm sure she's just feeling tired from overworking and doing rehearsal so that affected her physical condition.

>> No.24759425

You just don't understand the deep world of RTA.

>> No.24759428 [DELETED] 

Haachamabros... He's moving onto /ourgirl/

>> No.24759429

Why is Iofi crying?

>> No.24759430

Wtf I thought the Shion x ojii-san is just a meme....

>> No.24759431

ofc it's aki screenshot, can't you see the JP keyboard layout?

>> No.24759432
Quoted by: >>24759453

She has a good senpai

>> No.24759433
File: 101 KB, 849x998, 1594746231425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24759434

Subaru almost died twice.

>> No.24759436

It just means playing it as fast as you possibly can, it doesn't matter how pathetic you are

>> No.24759438
Quoted by: >>24759466

>Iofi has an akasupa from Kiryukai
Uhm based or what?

>> No.24759439
Quoted by: >>24759453

She's got people who care for her now.

>> No.24759440

Not Mito, oh god pls no

>> No.24759441
File: 350 KB, 427x415, 1593000585006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOI training?
maybe getting all the endings in that kusoge flip game
I really hope she gets smacked by noel and her golden pot so we get a 凸待ち

>> No.24759442
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1587552090428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supacha instead of streamlab
You don't fucking understand shithead?

>> No.24759443

It's her birthday and people flooded her with messages and SC thanks to Watame.

>> No.24759447
Quoted by: >>24759475

Wait, did Watame send her viewers over to Iofi's stream? That's really cute.

>> No.24759449

Terimakasih dokter

>> No.24759450

That was nice of that guy. Making Shion happy in such a simple way

>> No.24759451
Quoted by: >>24759504

Mixed RTA where she has to switch to the other game every time she reaches a predetermined checkpoint in each run before switching to the other game
I'd watch it.

>> No.24759452
Quoted by: >>24759469

It's her screenshot. The streamer thought she was Chinese

>> No.24759453
Quoted by: >>24759476

Wait wdym? Did one of the jp Holos call her?

>> No.24759454

Iofi is quite emotional, she was crying during her last celebrations too.

>> No.24759455
Quoted by: >>24759479

Aki tweeted it herself. She was thanking the youtuber for his informative building guides for making more structurally sound and aesthetic buildings in ARK, using them to build her beach house that she's been working on for the past several streams.

>> No.24759456
File: 5 KB, 283x37, rs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759457

>timestamp points to Hoshikawa
I chuckled at least, but yeah he can have that gigastacy

>> No.24759458
Quoted by: >>24759547

I don't know. The individual threads on 5ch can have really good discussions and more insight on their specific chuuba. They definitely have better discussion compared to here, but obviously, they're fucking Japanese and speak the language. Granted, they each can have that elitist/gatekeeping attitude and unhinged rambling at times. That's why you go to ホロファン and have your favorite holo's thread open.

>> No.24759462

Iofi is the strongest holoID and I'm glad I invested in ioficoin.

>> No.24759463
Quoted by: >>24759482

So when is luna 3d going to be?

>> No.24759466
Quoted by: >>24759788

Did Coco advertise her?

>> No.24759468

It's going to be Death Stranding

>> No.24759469

Classic Geordie tbhdesu, surprised he didn't call her a chinky

>> No.24759470
File: 193 KB, 396x384, 1560463776850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759493

She isn't even streaming in Japanese

>> No.24759471

do we have la cabrona (forma TRES DIMENSIONALES) on the chart yet?

>> No.24759475

Nice, well done sheep

>> No.24759476
Quoted by: >>24759570

Watame sent her viewers to her
Also a video
And a comment in chat

>> No.24759478

They will make eceleb board and throw holos there.

>> No.24759479

Oh okay. I don't have any problem with it, it just seemed like someone was falseflagging her a few threads ago.

>> No.24759482
Quoted by: >>24759498

sunday like always

>> No.24759483

>jaypee americajin arigatou

>> No.24759488

I thought Lofi was holding a totsu?

>> No.24759489

Someone get this girl a decent pc. She can't even do a karaoke stream properly because of sound delays.

>> No.24759490

sheep is actually her mother, that's why she cries all the time, she got the crying sheep genes...

>> No.24759491
File: 373 KB, 1000x1000, Habemus Watamem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759492

Damn,I can't believe Watame just told Iofi the secret to get supacha

>> No.24759493

Are you surprised that these threads are full of SEAmonkeys?

>> No.24759494
Quoted by: >>24759517

Finally I can have a genuine fruitful discussion about Coco and her streams on the upcoming vtuber board! Now I don't have to deal with other shitposting about her.

>> No.24759497
Quoted by: >>24759513

>la cabrona
who? there are many cabrona

>> No.24759498
Quoted by: >>24759532

shouldn't we have a tease like the other ones?

>> No.24759500

She's not, we get a karaoke stream instead.

>> No.24759504
Quoted by: >>24759640

Yep, something like that super metroid/a link to the past 2 in 1 randomizer, still so fucked how that can actually work, same with OOT having an online rando where if you get the ocarina it actually goes to the other Persons game instead

>> No.24759507

Her trying to aggressively deny that she didn't have any friends and didn't only eat grass is too wholesome

>> No.24759510
Quoted by: >>24759522

Well Watame was done anyways, she is just thanking the supachas

>> No.24759511


>> No.24759513

La Cabrona
La Borrega Negra
La Cabrona Black (Edicion Torre...)

>> No.24759514

Noel has the same backstory as PPT but worse

>> No.24759517

I fucking love that bvitch.

>> No.24759518

(forma boob physics)

>> No.24759519

Based, I believe in you anon.
Have my (You).

>> No.24759520


cute that Luna just comes up with that on the spot

>> No.24759521

They take more than that. The youtube channel gets between 45%-60% depending on whether they used the youtube app from the apple appstore or not. And if that is split 50/50 between the holo and cover, the holo gets 23-30% of the original supacha

>> No.24759522
Quoted by: >>24759768

>she is just thanking the supachas
Still? Well i mean i'm not surprised since it's sheep. But still?

>> No.24759526
Quoted by: >>24759589

Noel, btw the biggest drama queen is Matsuri

>> No.24759527


>> No.24759530


>> No.24759531

>subaru heart defect and hit and run
>noel has the same disease and poor as fuck

>> No.24759532
File: 235 KB, 1298x730, (1) 【#角巻わため3D】角巻わため3Dお披露目!はじまるよ~!【#JointhefutureJP】 - YouTube - 60 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which is today

>> No.24759535
File: 22 KB, 253x281, 1582280477288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759551

>Which Holo

>> No.24759536

It can't possibly be boring when 6k people are still watching her during the arigachu segment,

>> No.24759537

>I want a centralized place
So Discord?

>> No.24759545

wtf I love alien now

>> No.24759546

Don't we all but we also don't want to deal with constant shit posting/false flagging/off topic/dox cancer.

>> No.24759547

If I knew enough Japanese I would go to 5ch or Twitter or actually talk in chat but I'm just a filthy N5 so I'm stuck here. Also you can't really expect an English-speaking community to have the same level of discussions as them since a lot can't even understand Japanese and watch mostly through clips.

>> No.24759548

Anyone else wish they were Japanese? When you look at Nippon society and culture and how amazing it it, doesn't it make your own culture feel like garbage?

>> No.24759549

>start singing
>lose 500 viewers

>> No.24759551
File: 879 KB, 1378x1378, 1589858987802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759560

which holo would fuck me?
uhh depends
I personally think subaru and Marine

>> No.24759553
Quoted by: >>24759569

There are a lot of discords, lyger's,, Holo resistance, hlg, translators, Hololive, Aria's, etc.

>> No.24759554
Quoted by: >>24759569

discord is anything but that

>> No.24759556

i hate that this seems to be acceptable now

>> No.24759558
File: 489 KB, 1443x2048, Ec5azNCU4AEfRKL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24759559
Quoted by: >>24759607

N5 or N7?

>> No.24759560
Quoted by: >>24759602

No holo would look at you, let alone fuck you.

>> No.24759561

Haha no!

>> No.24759564
Quoted by: >>24759635

she starts to feel lonely when she can't stream, same thing happened when she hit her head

>> No.24759565

That would happen in a board too. The schizo would instantly attack any /Towa/ general.

>> No.24759568
Quoted by: >>24759573

iofi singing is proof you can't be good at everything

>> No.24759569
File: 96 KB, 247x231, 1590597536661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759624

why do you know that

>> No.24759570

Based perfect sheep

>> No.24759571

Lonely Mikochi...

>> No.24759572

Anything is better than being a flip at this point.

>> No.24759573
Quoted by: >>24759603

No one is good at everything in Hololive anyways. That's just a meme.

>> No.24759574

It would be less effective on a board than 250+ posters contained to one thread.

>> No.24759575

It'd only get worse with a board

>> No.24759576

Do I wish I learned the language earlier yes, do I wish I was born there god no, I don't even want to go there

>> No.24759581

Iofi please stop...

>> No.24759583

The schizos would falseflag in half the threads.

>> No.24759584
Quoted by: >>24759604

What a weab. You are only looking at the good side of japanese culture.

>> No.24759586

I'm not a flip, but I do wish I had started learning jap 15 years ago when I first started watching anime

>> No.24759587

Haachama please jerk off my cock with your feet!

>> No.24759589

But that's the charm of Festival
She awakens the bully inside you

>> No.24759595


>> No.24759596
File: 5 KB, 340x51, shiene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759610

Based jackalbro.

>> No.24759598

no thanks, I don't suck dicks

>> No.24759599

Based Shien

>> No.24759601
File: 1.48 MB, 1067x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion, you can't just say that!

>> No.24759602
File: 533 KB, 651x705, baqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well if we count your mom that's at least one holo lole

>> No.24759603


>> No.24759604
Quoted by: >>24759678

I like how they shit on the western leftist racists. That is a very good thing in my eyes.

>> No.24759605
Quoted by: >>24759713

Actually it would be more effective.

>> No.24759606

It's a shitpost, not an argument. Luna's piano streams getting old for you isn't on her; she's just going to keep doing her thing especially while it's obviously working for her.

>> No.24759607
Quoted by: >>24759611

I'm not even memeing, I've just been exploring through google maps and it all looks so much nicer and more interesting than the shitty rundown buildings and gang infested streets of my country.

>> No.24759609

Good. A schizo containment thread.
i doubt about it tho. Those spergs crave attention so she will most likely shit on the fastest thread on there

>> No.24759610

based bossu

>> No.24759611
Quoted by: >>24759651

You can still go live there anon, what's stopping you aside from yourself

>> No.24759612

Shut the fuck up cuck

>> No.24759614
Quoted by: >>24759713

I think it would be the opposite, even one dedicated shitposter could kill literally any thread because there would be 10 posters per each chuuba. At least /hlg/ somewhat can deal with them.

>> No.24759616
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1593708998349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759627

Towa is bad at training the family in fps.

>> No.24759619

That's not a holo, but it is 3 holes

>> No.24759624
Quoted by: >>24759650

I have lurked enough

>> No.24759625


>> No.24759626

I really just salivate at the idea of giving them their own containment. If half the posts are going to be astroturfed pro/anti Towa posts like it is during dead hours they can have their own /jp/ general instead for all it matters

>> No.24759627
Quoted by: >>24759647

At least she's good at sucking cock

>> No.24759629

AZKi can't dance for shit

>> No.24759632

>Anyone else wish they were Japanese?
I love being 6'2, I wouldn't trade it for a 5'3 nipponese

>> No.24759635

Any blood rituals I can do to have her healthy again so she doesn't feel lonely?

>> No.24759636

Based Aqua "if fucking your mom paid, I'd be rich" Minato

>> No.24759638


>> No.24759640

Apparently that's because of some weird coincidence where there's literally no crossover between the RAM addresses used for both games, I've heard speculation it's because they might have at some point been planned to be bundled together in a 2-in-1 cart but I don't why that means they'd both have to be loaded into RAM at the same time.

>> No.24759641

I wish I didn't exist

>> No.24759643

No, Discord is the epitome of self-segregating bullshit as people quickly end up making their own channels. Even within a would-be centralized Discord channel, people make sub-channels and shit, fragmenting into tribal bullshit one thousand times worse than what some retards in this thread try to instigate.

>> No.24759644

They will post in the main thread anyway, I would rather just have more meidos here.

>> No.24759647
Quoted by: >>24759675

You're doing it better than her schizo-chan

>> No.24759648
File: 157 KB, 770x1200, Ec5VEEMXoAAf4vp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759676

Thank you mitsuki-mama!

>> No.24759650

sure thing

>> No.24759651
Quoted by: >>24759661

I wouldn't fit in

>> No.24759652
File: 60 KB, 291x272, 1594675760707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.24759653

>When you look at Nippon society and culture and how amazing it it
No, sorry

>> No.24759655

none of those are any good at video games
in fact non of the hololivers or even any vtuber is.

>> No.24759658
File: 149 KB, 1200x822, 1592895674991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759726


>> No.24759659

Calm down Thomas Rillo

>> No.24759661
Quoted by: >>24759703

Maybe if you don't believe anon. Build yourself up and you'll be able to fit in anywhere you want.

>> No.24759663

https://twitter.com/7216_2nd/status/1283017849670299649 Matsuri... you aren't planning on asking out one of the Homos out on stream, right?

>> No.24759666
Quoted by: >>24759682

Sorry anon too late. Someone else already did and she loved every second of it.

>> No.24759669

elite at getting bullied for having a short tongue!

>> No.24759670

No thanks, it's pretty comfy in the Eastern Europe

>> No.24759675
Quoted by: >>24759714

I'm not that bitch Imagine being female fuck that shit

>> No.24759676

Cute Iofi!

>> No.24759678

If anything that im proud of being a seanigger, it's that my country is not full of literal faggots and muh racism SJW bullshit going on there

>> No.24759679

oh yeah I love the rigorous work culture that runs people to death and discards them like a garbage bag

>> No.24759681


>> No.24759682

More Kanata lewds after her 3D debut! More want to manhandle THE Kanata!

>> No.24759687

No. If I'm unhappy with my life in my current country, there's no guarantee that I won't be the same if I was Japanese living in Japan. Don't take what you have for granted.

>> No.24759688

She is an elite of course

>> No.24759692
File: 922 KB, 724x1023, Ec4hWcPUMAIZkG_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759705

>> No.24759698

>tfw can't into grammar so don't understand this despite being to read every word
Intermediate hell...

>> No.24759699

Get away from her you creep.

>> No.24759703

I wish I could believe this.

>> No.24759705

She is so pure... I love those idyllic pure images. I adore the whole concept of a pure idol. And how they are in the top 0.1% of women who get coomed to the most.

>> No.24759711
File: 127 KB, 640x640, 1591621967212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nonono l*ger on suicide watch for real this time

>> No.24759713

And the posters in the certain chuuba threads would ignore him because they aren't full of morons like this place who reply to shit posters.

>> No.24759714

You're in your period?

>> No.24759720

First Love is a nice song, It's nice to see Iofi trying her best even if she's not great.

>> No.24759721
Quoted by: >>24759750

I wonder if shion even has friends if she reacts like that to some rando saying that to her.

>> No.24759724

inb4 Matsuri will ask out lyger

>> No.24759726

please don't post my wife's butt

>> No.24759733
File: 329 KB, 711x423, 1582379357921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feel like pure shit

>> No.24759737
Quoted by: >>24759751

n-nice permissions

>> No.24759743

why isn't she streaming this?

>> No.24759744
File: 143 KB, 670x1192, EU6V64TUwAA2_v9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's still Next Color Planet

>> No.24759745

Wasn't she supposed to be streaming the game?

>> No.24759749

I hope whatever ricenigger started this permission bullshit fucking dies

>> No.24759750

>I wonder if shion even has friends
Doubtful, she has depression.

>> No.24759751

I thought Sony’s permission where in, why didn’t she wait a little?

>> No.24759753

He's a flip anon, he's been on SW since birth

>> No.24759756

YAGOO... the permissions...

>> No.24759755 [SPOILER] 
File: 310 KB, 1451x2048, 1594748054236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24759757

She has a stream window for tomorrow

>> No.24759758

What makes you think that the schizo wouldn't bring his towaposts to attack other holo threads instead of just towa thread? He's basically doing the same thing here. At least the shitposts can be somewhat ignored in a big thread. Also there are hardly any "pro towa" posts, people got bored and tired so it's just that schizo talking to himself now.

>> No.24759760

The PC port wasn't published by sony

>> No.24759765

Because she is streaming it tomorrow

>> No.24759768
Quoted by: >>24759807

She hasn't thanked people since her 3d stream. There's a lot of people that needs thanking.

>> No.24759770
Quoted by: >>24759796

>iofi gets to butcher SSS too

>> No.24759772

>Chat is disabled for this live stream.

>> No.24759775

I live in an equally nice country, so I don't wish that.
But their entertainment is definitely the best.
Anime, manga, novel, VN, variety show, game, music, fap material, and now Vtuber are all top-notch.
I'm still very happy about that I decided to learn Japanese years ago.

>> No.24759776
File: 130 KB, 348x348, 8FF1C616-B1D8-4DFC-9454-616ED039FBD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just play the PS4 version?

>> No.24759778

Not a problem.

>> No.24759779
Quoted by: >>24759803

She's obviously testing it to get ready for the stream but can't stop herself from tweeting about naked Norman Reedus

>> No.24759782

YAGOO... Iofi is shining now.

>> No.24759783
Quoted by: >>24759835

>"Is that fucking Pek.."
This fucking guy, not even in other Holo's fanart can he pull himself from his Oshi.

>> No.24759785
File: 475 KB, 1080x1080, 1593533303312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759815

is there a more pleasant and wholesome fanbase than 35P?

some of the fandoms for other holos can get downright nasty...

>> No.24759786 [SPOILER] 
File: 167 KB, 479x612, 1594748193677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759800

yeah but it's published by kojima who shills his shit constantly so he wouldn't live up a chance for free publicity

>> No.24759788
Quoted by: >>24759816

No, but they asked Coco if they could donate to other Holos using this message.

>> No.24759791
Quoted by: >>24759821

Iofi... The Pride of HoloID..

>> No.24759792

Iofi SSS let's GO!

>> No.24759793

>That autistic laugh

>> No.24759796
Quoted by: >>24759809

It's cute. Hope we get HoloID SSS one day.

>> No.24759797

My Risucoins...

>> No.24759798

If Pekora doesn't play Death Stranding i swear
Metal Gear Rising when Peko?

>> No.24759800
Quoted by: >>24759804

>but it's published by kojima
no it's not

>> No.24759803

Y'all had me worried bout those permissions for a minute, I'm don't watch FBK but I hope to see Aki stream it

>> No.24759804

well I'm retarded so yeah.

>> No.24759805

>half the holos are sick
>Senchou feeling down
>Korone busy and barely streaming
>second wave might cancel 3D again
This is not a great week for Hololive.

>> No.24759807

It's just an excuse to eat potato chips isn't it

>> No.24759808

>there are people on Iofi's chat seriously asking what song is she singing

>> No.24759809
Quoted by: >>24759820

Turned out way better than expected, I think her being off beat with the music made it worse

>> No.24759810
Quoted by: >>24759824

She's the BB in FBK's thumbnail, if the art was commissioned maybe that means she's going to also play it

>> No.24759814
Quoted by: >>24759826

Iofi... stay in the beat...

>> No.24759815

Towa has the most dedicated community. You must be very dedicated when there isn't a doubt in your mind that she has a boyfriend.

>> No.24759816

Why are they like that?

>> No.24759817
Quoted by: >>24759857

>barely anyone streaming
>fall back into loneliness and despair

>> No.24759818

What song she is singing?

>> No.24759820

She has problems with obs delay

>> No.24759821

this but unironically

>> No.24759822

I just want Pekora to play MGS5 and get devastated when she has to kill her nousagis

>> No.24759823

Don't be too hard on them... only Coco has singed the English version after all.

>> No.24759824
Quoted by: >>24759852

I'm 100% sure she will play it, the question is rather if she'll stick with it.

>> No.24759826

She cant sing...

>> No.24759827

Towa's fanbase is certainly dedicated...to shitposting

>> No.24759833

Which hololives would understand how based Armstrong is?

>> No.24759834

Happy Birthday dear Iofi...

>> No.24759835


>> No.24759836

The antis are the dedicated ones.

>> No.24759837

Now this is also something I want to see. All that build up will give us the sweetest despair.

>> No.24759838

Pekora made her Sampaguita video private
Sony permissions are still not on the table

>> No.24759840


>> No.24759841

They have a cuckolding fetish of course they're dedicated

>> No.24759842
Quoted by: >>24759855

Pekora, without questions

>> No.24759843

Is Towa the Dom of Hololive?

>> No.24759844

>name is literally Lofi
>doesn't try to sing more chill songs

>> No.24759845
File: 26 KB, 287x409, 1593926483187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want MGR so BAD

>> No.24759847

>start to understand a bit of Japanese
>able to appreciate how unintelligible Miko's Japanese is

>> No.24759849


>> No.24759850

I can't believe Iofi is fucking dead

>> No.24759852
Quoted by: >>24759880

What is the longest game she has streamed? It took me almost 40 hours to beat it

>> No.24759853


>> No.24759854
Quoted by: >>24759872

Towa is a sub though.

>> No.24759855

There is no way Peko would. She'd think he was dumb.

>> No.24759856

Iofi better graduate from Kusokazo

>> No.24759857

>get addicted to hololive and start watching everything
>get burned out and start gradually losing interest
>suddenly, all of them get sick
>withdraway symptoms kick in
>they come back
>ask for a loan so you can send more akasupas

>> No.24759858
Quoted by: >>24759873

Iofi... your internet...

>> No.24759859

Korone would like him just because he's an ojisan

>> No.24759860

>Literally Lofi

>> No.24759862


>> No.24759865

What the fuck, I was listening to her singing SSS on my phone, went to my computer to listen to her there and now she's offline

>> No.24759866


>> No.24759869
Quoted by: >>24759903

I want to believe that those are mostly shitposting antis. They used to ironically shill Pekora and now they want to ruin Towa, the only difference is Pekora's fanbase is much bigger and could withstand the shitposting.

>> No.24759870

Time will repeat itself. The person who will do the last 3D stream before everything gets locked down again will be Miko. The timing is about the same too. I hope I'm wrong. I want to see Towa in 3D.

>> No.24759872
Quoted by: >>24759924

Dom as in dominic toretto

>> No.24759873

lofi is the Watame of ID

>> No.24759874


>> No.24759880
Quoted by: >>24759909

Not counting the infinite games like Ark and Minecraft she spent roughly 51 hours playing Dragon quest 5 over 12 videos.
So it isn't like she doesn't have it in her but she really, really liked DQ5 and Death Stranding is a hit or miss game if there ever was one.
I liked it a lot just to be clear.

>> No.24759881
File: 303 KB, 574x387, 1591112012062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24759963

>Korone'd be genuine sad when Raiden tricks Armstrong to sucker punch him
It's a shame she'd most likely play with the japanese dub

>> No.24759883

I'm going to learn Indonesian for HoloID!!

>> No.24759885
File: 3.20 MB, 2331x3311, 1593055065649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day she's going to wake up and realize she can't hear anything anymore

>> No.24759891

>random scream in the background

>> No.24759893

jesus fucking christ the sheep is still thanking supachats

>> No.24759894

wait did someone get fucking stabbed in the background of Iofi's stream?

Indonesia is a wild place

>> No.24759896

If the sheep joins the holohouse will the boyfriend narrative die?

>> No.24759898

Peko... Do you remember...

>> No.24759899 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 249x66, cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24759901

The first lockdown was great for Hololive though.

>> No.24759903

Even most of the pekorafans disappeared at that time. Barely any family here nowadays. These people are roleplaying as anti and fan too.

>> No.24759905

Given her age, she's almost certainly going to shake it off like a normal cold even if it were the new corona.

>> No.24759906

Haachama you beast

>> No.24759907

What’s exactly the point of this post?

>> No.24759908

Iofi's gonna get stabbed...

>> No.24759909

>Death Stranding is a hit or miss game if there ever was one.
My first couple of hours were "Oh no, this IS the game, right? This is going to be the ENTIRE game, right? Oh no"
Then I started to relax a little and I ended up loving it
The ending was shit tho

>> No.24759910

don't be new, it's 3D spacha readings as well.

>> No.24759912

I know Marine will be fine

>> No.24759915

It's hard making so much money

>> No.24759916
Quoted by: >>24759924

Unpopular opinion: all of them are fin dommes

>> No.24759919

in about a year and a half

>> No.24759922

Iofi and Moona deserve their incline. Risu should just quit, a graduated Holo aint new look at that Homo who quit.

>> No.24759923

>Miko getting corona
Oh come she doesn’t leave her house, you’re all retarded.

>> No.24759924


>> No.24759925

you gotta put in those hours if you want that cash

>> No.24759926

>I didn't hear anything
Uh oh

>> No.24759929
Quoted by: >>24759949

I feel like the first chapter or arc or whatever gives you the wrong impression of the game. Yeah it is pretty much only being a courier but it becomes so fucking gamey after the third act where you start getting all kinds of fun shit to play with that it doesn't feel bad to play at all.
If the Holo's get through the early game slog and start unlocking the fun shit then I can definitely see them finishing it at least.

>> No.24759932

She went to the studio for collabs

>> No.24759933
Quoted by: >>24759939

You might be right on this one anon. Although Miko 3D stream would be on August 2 (will be the last 3D in a while), but I think Towa will get her 3D debut first, which is next week.

>> No.24759934

Then her servant will bring her the breakfast. And she will go swimming in her indoor swimming pool for an hour before meeting another hot guy from Tinder.

>> No.24759935
Quoted by: >>24759954

Give me one good reason why I should care about a non-japanese hololive.

>> No.24759937
Quoted by: >>24759943

Are you dumb? She's been practicing with Suisei.

>> No.24759938

One day you'll hopefully wake up and stop being an edgy teen

>> No.24759939

Getting both would be great before no more 3D streams again

>> No.24759940
Quoted by: >>24759968

The indos have more viewers than 99% of all chuubas in the world and yet cover can't afford to give them a decent internet connection.

>> No.24759941

Same, the first 3 chapter are horribly boring but after that it's starting to get interesting and fun.

>> No.24759943

She's been practicing getting Korone with suisei?

>> No.24759944

>2 PC!

Lads, Roboco finally got a hardware update.

>> No.24759946
Quoted by: >>24759976

It won't happen. Aqua's concert is a month out from now. Towa's 3D debut is before it so it'll without a doubt happen.

>> No.24759947

One day, hopefully soon, I don't wake up.

>> No.24759949
Quoted by: >>24759982

It'd be amazing if there were some way to create a private server just for the holos and watch them work together to improve their roads and help each other

>> No.24759954
Quoted by: >>24760016


>> No.24759955


>> No.24759956
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, the face of holo idol group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no full subs, you lied to me.

>> No.24759957

High spec robot!

>> No.24759962
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1585661130506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly if my favorite ends up getting Corona I'd actually be fucking terrified. Matsuki Miyu died from fucking pneumonia so I don't have any faith in the constitution of Japanese hikki's.

>> No.24759963
Quoted by: >>24759988

Korone's type is more like dorky ojisans. Stuff like hard boiled detective with a soft heart or tsundere dad or pot-bellied goofball. Not so much Megalomaniac Musclechad.
She would absolutely love almost all the characters in the franchise though.

>> No.24759964
Quoted by: >>24759980

How did Iofi go from 3.5k to 1.6?

>> No.24759966
File: 255 KB, 331x297, pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm yes, two high spec PCs

>> No.24759968

They probably already have the best internet in that shithole country.

>> No.24759969

Why the fuck do you need 2 PCs for?

>> No.24759970
Quoted by: >>24759984

>Check Death stranding summary
>It's basically what is happening right now
Kojima really is a genius. I would try it after the holos play it.

>> No.24759973

Where's those posters who say you have an extremely high chance of survival?

>> No.24759976

I forgot about Aqua's concert, but it's important to note that Niji ended up cancelling big events for their chuubas like Sasaki back then too. I would like it if it can hold out after Aqua's concert too then. Aqua has been prepping hard for it.

>> No.24759977

>11 am PST

Oh boy time for the Coronazone to awaken

>> No.24759980

Stream went down.

>> No.24759982

That would be some damn nice shit but I doubt it is even possible, maybe on some dev build or something.

>> No.24759983
File: 53 KB, 407x490, 1592754038404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuki Miyu
Why'd you have to make me remember that anon

>> No.24759984

Have fun with a walking sim, faggot
Honestly, you are better off just watching the Holos play it, it works better as a movie

>> No.24759988

>Stuff like hard boiled detective with a soft heart or tsundere dad or pot-bellied goofball
I laughed my ass off when she started to warm towards the old detective guy in heavy rain

>> No.24759990

One pc to play ark and another to stream it.

>> No.24759991
Quoted by: >>24759999

Iofi... motorbike...

>> No.24759992

One for streaming, one for playing. ARK is a horribly optimized piece of shit, so if you stream it on the PC you're playing it on, you can't really get any decent performance out of it.

>> No.24759995

So now they will finally play Ark on ultra settings? I wonder why Choco has not done the same, she could look at her spinos in HD

>> No.24759997 [SPOILER] 
File: 530 KB, 970x1345, 1594749311199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry. Know that it pains me as well every time I remember. Fuck this world.

>> No.24759999
Quoted by: >>24760022

>ufo at this hour
What the fuck?

>> No.24760001

The second wave is coming.

Towa 3D...

>> No.24760002

One day she won't wake up. And so will you.

>> No.24760003

Do I post the image or save it for next thread?

>> No.24760007

I'm evidently very new. What happened to this Miyu person?

>> No.24760014
Quoted by: >>24760031

She just want to get married...

>> No.24760015

google dot com
Is that so hard?

>> No.24760016
Quoted by: >>24760025

Coco is Japanese.

>> No.24760017

Died to the deadliest disease on Earth - Japanese common cold.

>> No.24760018

She graduated from life. Google exists anonchama

>> No.24760020

>ARK is a horribly optimized piece of shit
Brainlet here, what do you mean by this? Why holos struggle to stream it when I can play it on a potato and browse 4chan even when it was 4k thread?

>> No.24760022

Maybe some teenager.

>> No.24760023
File: 493 KB, 562x468, 1594641010093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's my dream to see Mikochi live and sing along with this song


>> No.24760025
Quoted by: >>24760055

Ethnically? Yes, but she was born in america.

>> No.24760027

To be fair, Heavy Rain was a clusterfuck of ex machinas and clumsy story points that built up to Ethan being the killer and then WHAT A TWISTED it

>> No.24760028
Quoted by: >>24760142

>I can play it on a potato
On what settings?

>> No.24760029

What the fuck, maybe it's really corona and Cover's HQ is dangerous

>> No.24760031

Sounds a lot like Choco. I'm kind of worried, bros.

>> No.24760033
Quoted by: >>24760084

Seiyuu that died from pneumonia and her last blog entry was about celebrating her birthday at the hospital and saying that she wanted to get better and get married. She died shortly after.

>> No.24760041
File: 251 KB, 1435x824, 00B2C61F-4E86-4DE9-A017-4FCAC9DC52A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760050

Who is the biggest psychopath in Holos

>> No.24760042


>> No.24760044

Any other matsurisu here? I only became a member recently -- is her fan base really so bad that she has to make these kinds of posts to reassure them?

The whole thing reads like a relationship with a toxic untrusting partner.

>> No.24760049
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1592600069086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760142

not that anon but it's a game that takes 330gb and also runs at 50 fps on higher end machines that means its a unoptimized piece of shit but that's off-topic
oh boy I can't wait for deadhours.

>> No.24760050

All of them are out for your money and only care about you as long as you donate. The killing each other in minecraft is just kayfabe.

>> No.24760053

Mine too.

>> No.24760054

It's a common thing for streamers to have a side-system exclusively for all of the streaming elements, while the main PC can dedicate all resources to the game. Having it all going on the same CPU leads to common conflicts where OBS and the game basically fight over resources.

>>24759992 >>24760020
ARK is actually pretty light on the CPU, all things considered. However, its open world design means a highly variable amount of CPU usage. Spikes in processing demand result in those very frequent spikes and frame freezes you see a lot of the tubers get whenever they're in a dense area or combat situation.

>> No.24760055

So? She still had Japanese parents, so she'd still be somewhat familiar with Japanese culture.

>> No.24760058
File: 745 KB, 1422x1563, 1592706796281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24760066
Quoted by: >>24760234

She's a very sweet girl. Don't worry about it

>> No.24760067

>does not know a veteran anime seiyuu

This is the current state of /jp/.

>> No.24760069
Quoted by: >>24760170

>It's a common thing for streamers to have a side-system exclusively for all of the streaming elements, while the main PC can dedicate all resources to the game. Having it all going on the same CPU leads to common conflicts where OBS and the game basically fight over resources.

Set process core affinity?

>> No.24760070
File: 31 KB, 320x304, 1592768023910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24760071
File: 683 KB, 2048x858, 1593961901694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't feel so good.

>> No.24760072

Matsuri killing all the competence so her marshmallow can finally be accepted!

>> No.24760077

I need to know. I can't rest if I don't.

>> No.24760079

Remembering this has made me extra paranoid about Mikochi

>> No.24760080

Towa will die before she gets her 3D

>> No.24760082

I'm really close to becoming a haato member but I know there's no turning back. I'm not ready for this commitment

>> No.24760084

oh god

>> No.24760085

I'm scared for Mikochi

she seems too fragile to beat a bad case of coronavirus...

>> No.24760091
File: 465 KB, 1634x1648, 1589325691152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora's anniversary is in 2 days
Pekora, please cancel it, don't go and get infected.

>> No.24760094
File: 428 KB, 750x750, 1594168980394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me remenber.

>> No.24760098

Eh? I thought we were only making fun of towafags wtf nigga

>> No.24760100
Quoted by: >>24760138

Oh God, I just found proof that pekora has seen a penis before. Shit shit shit what should I do now. Pekora was the only one I could count on being pure

>> No.24760101
Quoted by: >>24760150


>> No.24760104
File: 18 KB, 584x229, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24760107

Ayame's laugh is so good.

>> No.24760108

I hadn't played Heavy Rain so I just found it endearing until the reveal. I kinda feel like I missed out on a lot incidental humor.

>> No.24760110

Fuck I recognize that thumbnail.

>> No.24760115

Dude, make fun of towafags all you want but don't joke with that.

>> No.24760116


>> No.24760119
Quoted by: >>24760150

Stop right there and dont post anymore.
Go to sleep, do your reps, take a walk outside.

>> No.24760120

Fuck you, dude.

>> No.24760126
Quoted by: >>24760196

Are you there, God? It’s me, Listener-san. Please guide Koro-san through her troubles so she can return to streaming, and please plague the homes of anyone who insults Koro-san. In return I promise to do my reps. Thank you.

>> No.24760128

The scariest thing is that we wouldn't ever know if some of them were to suddenly die
Someone from the staff'd take over the twitter account and then they'd announce the chuuba's graduation
And that'd be it

>> No.24760130

No no no, please. It is painful enough playing through Persona 5 Royal and hearing her character be voiced by someone else.

>> No.24760133

I wish someday Mikochi would get to do her dream offline sololive! I'm going to book a ticket to Japan from the moment I heard that information asap! (and also I wish to meet you fellow 35Ps there)

>> No.24760138

Yeah Pekora did see a guy's penis, but her reaction was laughter so the guy got embarrassed and ran away.

>> No.24760142
File: 2.87 MB, 1583x732, poteito potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760274

dual core, 1gb video, 8gb ram = low
I changed it recently to
i5, 4gb video, still 8gb ram = medium/high
both 30~40fps

>runs at 50 fps on higher end machines
Wth I'll ask to my rich friend about that
>frame freezes
I thought it was their internet upload being shit, I didn't had it on my potatos, and the graphics were less ugly than miko's early ark streams.
Maybe their live2d is messing up something too.

>> No.24760144

Everyone needs love

>> No.24760145


>> No.24760148
File: 131 KB, 276x196, 1594096426448.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760166

>Ha ha [vtuber] is going to die xD
What is wrong with you people, seriously

>> No.24760150

This gives me an idea

>> No.24760151


>> No.24760152


>> No.24760153
Quoted by: >>24760187

>this hour
>this doomposting
You just can't make this up.

>> No.24760154

I'll see you there, fellow 35p

>> No.24760161


>> No.24760166
Quoted by: >>24760182

Just when you thought nothing could beat cuckposting here comes deathposting.

>> No.24760168

I wouldn't be surprised if they reveal that she's half-Jew.

>> No.24760170
Quoted by: >>24760238

That can help, but not all the time with certain intense / horribly optimized games
Other things that can help is SSDs, more RAM and making a RAM Drive for the game or your streaming software (if you are recording it too for other reasons, this also helps).
The latter is a bit harder since it requires some setup per-game, but drive thrashing and bandwidth limits aren't as big an issue there.

>> No.24760174


>> No.24760177


>> No.24760179

Gradually, I grew to hate it.

>> No.24760181
Quoted by: >>24760242

I can't believe Iofi is fucking dead...

>> No.24760182

The sad thing is most fans would rather see their favorite die rather than get a boyfriend

>> No.24760184


>> No.24760187

>Coco overdoses on sleeping pills after Kanata falls victim to the china flu

>> No.24760193
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20200713_173803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760217

Nothing bad will happen to Mikochi! She's just feels tired from overworking! She's a strong girl and a power gorilla! believe in Mikochi who believes in you!

>> No.24760196

What are even her problems?
Not enough supas for the viewership she gets?
Getting too famous?
The only real one would be the fucking licences for streaming games

>> No.24760202
Quoted by: >>24760213

Did aqua and pekora know each other before hololive?

>> No.24760203
File: 391 KB, 1536x2048, EcW5kdmUEAATleI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rain stops,

>> No.24760208
Quoted by: >>24760224

Imagine if Kanata died but Coco and Sui have to pretend that she just graduated.

Yet one stream, when someone talks about missing Kanata, Coco just breaks down and yells in sorrow while she's unable to stay in character and just ends stream after 5 minutes of crying

>> No.24760211
Quoted by: >>24760270

I get worried every time I open a Kanata webm, thinking it might be THAT one.

>> No.24760213

How could we possibly know that anon?

>> No.24760217

She said it herself. She's a power gorilla. I just have to put my faith in her.

>> No.24760219

How is that sad?

>> No.24760222

don't let shitposters influence your interpretation of fans like that

>> No.24760223
File: 11 KB, 314x103, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24760224

Shut the fuck up, go back to falseflagging i’d rather have that cancer.

>> No.24760225

see you in Japan, fellow 35P

>> No.24760227

sheep feet

>> No.24760229
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1594144756928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24760257


>> No.24760232

I'm worried about Kanatan too

>> No.24760233
Quoted by: >>24760251

>Risu's mic is broken
>Iofi connection is utter shit
>Moona is fat

>> No.24760234

She's being way more accommodating than she needs to be. I know it's all rooted in idol culture and the boyfriend thing has been discussed here ad infinitum, but it's annoying to see that the rumor mill is bad enough for her to feel so apologetic and post something like this.

At least some of the commenters are being sensible.

>> No.24760237

Top Kek

>> No.24760238

Didn't try it but I would assume ram drive is indistinguishable from SSD.

>> No.24760239
Quoted by: >>24760254


what the fuck is wrong with Brazilians always posting this

>> No.24760241
Quoted by: >>24760256

At least she's aware they only keep her around for that reason alone.

>> No.24760242

The only dead holo is Artia and kurisu

>> No.24760243

why are the Japanese so weak to colds

>> No.24760244
Quoted by: >>24760255

Are they sheepfuckers?

>> No.24760245

I miss her...

>> No.24760247
Quoted by: >>24760334

I want to belive Korone is working more with Cover because of her rising popularity and trying to make more proyects with her, like the Channel 5 collab or the Bitsummit.
Hell, I won't be suprised if Cover used Korone to deal with those permissions.

>> No.24760248

I just discorvered this world and I'm fucking adicted

>> No.24760249

I can't believe Iofi has risen from the dead twice.

>> No.24760250
Quoted by: >>24760262

That's only for the first 5 years of fandom, after that everyone will shout "someone please marry her"

>> No.24760251

I think Iofi had someone come into her room last stream, could be her boyfriend.

>> No.24760253


>> No.24760254

>what the fuck is wrong with Brazilians
They're Brazilians.

>> No.24760255

No that's the Welsh.

>> No.24760256

That whole conversation is just a reference to her half-asleep babbling from the 7DtD video.

>> No.24760257
Quoted by: >>24760321

>POV: You’re Coco and Sui just barged into your room while you were having sex with Anemachi.

>> No.24760262

That is currently happening with Choco

>> No.24760263

I know you're shitposting but unironically nobody would give a fuck if she had a boyfriend
nobody has the IDs as their oshi
except maybe kevin and his $500

>> No.24760267

Your favorite hololive has tried anal before. But she won't try it with you

>> No.24760270

You're not that that far off, it's from the same stream.

>> No.24760272

Do you guys think it's actually Iofi's birthday or just her avatar's birthday?

>> No.24760274
Quoted by: >>24760310

>Maybe their live2d is messing up something too.
That shit is probably way more demanding than one would expect, especially since they're often rendering their entire figure (even if we only see the shoulders and up) and those images are very very high resolution.
The holos and other vtubers do occasionally disable their Live2D or 3D models when they suddenly start suffering from frame stuttering.

>> No.24760276

I worry about the wellbeing of holos way more than I should

>> No.24760277
Quoted by: >>24760293

The simplest reason I could see is that she keeps on reassuring her fans so visibly because she's the one who needs reassurance the most and reassuring her fans is one way of convincing herself that everything is alright. Some people are loud because they want to make themselves believe the things they're saying.

>> No.24760279

Or Moona or Risu

>> No.24760281


>> No.24760282

This started off a bit sketchy, but it gradually got better and better. Beautiful.

>> No.24760284


>> No.24760288
Quoted by: >>24760372

I get you. My holo worries about my well-being too so (even if it's fake) it's a bit reciprocal in a way, but I'm truly worried about all of them.

>> No.24760289

Don't know, don't care.
IDs are irrelevant.

>> No.24760291
Quoted by: >>24760325

How is either relevant?

>> No.24760292

Pekora has seen a penis before. That slut. I don't know what to do with my life now.

>> No.24760293
Quoted by: >>24760314

So that's why I keep posting here.

>> No.24760294

I admit it, I was the boyfriend who came into her room.

>> No.24760295

we uh "know" Iofi's birthday and it isn't her boyfriend.

>> No.24760301

Did she pekolaugh at it?

>> No.24760302

I can understand Suibros but not Kanatafags, what's the appeal? She just worse Suisei

>> No.24760305

I wish

>> No.24760306

As a person who espouses the only objective truth here which is that they all have at least one boyfriend each. I would be inclined to believe that her desperation and simping is to real to be faked and as such she doesn't have anyone. Therefore Matsuri fanbase gets the first and only "non cucked" seal of approval

>> No.24760308
Quoted by: >>24760353

She freaked out, can't believe Miko would show it like that

>> No.24760309
Quoted by: >>24760322

Yes anon, we saw your post just 20 minutes ago, you don't have to repost it just because you didn't get enough (you)'s

>> No.24760310
Quoted by: >>24760481

Iphone does all the rendering, brainlet-kun.

>> No.24760311


>> No.24760314

Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.24760316

The difference is that suisei is the shotacon and kanata is the shota

>> No.24760315

Same, the only thing I can keep doing is my reps so maybe I can one day post to her on Twitter to cheer her up in different ways. It's tough.

>> No.24760321
Quoted by: >>24760352

>implying Anemachi would fuck anyone but her beloved sister

>> No.24760322

Why are ayamefags like this?

>> No.24760324

>sheep stuffing herself again
no wonder her tits are fuckin huge

>> No.24760325
Quoted by: >>24760336

>How is either relevant?
because she's doing a birthday stream

>> No.24760326

Nah I'm here and still posting from time to time, I'm sure there're a few other anons too. Fuck that sperg faggot, although seeing him having entire conversations to himself is kinda hilarious. Luckily Towa never streams during these hours so there's not much to talk anyway. I only see actual towa posters when there is a stream nowadays

>> No.24760330
Quoted by: >>24760350

>Finally make it
>Date with Peko
>Goes really well, you both go to a hotel for the night
>You start kissing, she grabs your crotch
>You take off your pants

>> No.24760331

Don't kid yourself, you'd never be able to do something she'd consider meaningful.

>> No.24760333
Quoted by: >>24760346

Watch more.

>> No.24760334

She didn't really take many off days before the Bitsummit event that would indicate that she got very busy preparing for it, I think it was 2 or 3 days in a span of 2 weeks before the event that she took off, same for the space channel thing but that was just her taking time to practice the song's dance and going to the studio to record it, just something she wanted to do for a while and she finally managed to
Meanwhile these past 2 weeks she's been taking like 3 days off in each of them, a real big difference for her usual
She has had to plan the Ikki online thing, apparently she's going to do something with her koromon creations, and a surprise she's been teasing
Who the fuck knows but almost all of the occasions when she seems to get busy are mostly something out of her own accord

>> No.24760336

So? Stop trying to justify your stalker behavior faggot

>> No.24760339

You saw a penis too, therefore you are a slut too.

>> No.24760342
Quoted by: >>24760358

Please do not bait with my shounencon wife

>> No.24760344
File: 622 KB, 621x1051, 1569460788823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think most of us are still here, I just don't post Pekora images with every post and I also try not to be too blatant about who my favorite is whenever I talk about her.
I'd rather not have the autists back on her again.

>> No.24760345
Quoted by: >>24760372

I do too they're human in the end and probably have some issues they don't ever bring to light. I always hope they're ok

>> No.24760346
Quoted by: >>24760377

Not interested, ty :)

>> No.24760347

>Aki getting a new high end pc

>> No.24760350

>then she leans in and starts to PEKO PEKO PEKO PEKO PEKO at your little weiner for maximum humilation

>> No.24760352

She was doing it to wake up Suisei and make her stop running away from the inevitable, hot incest lesbian sex.

>> No.24760353

>Miko is actually a cute boy
I am going to go along with this narrative because it makes my peepee hard.

>> No.24760355

I hate to see my flag right there. Fuck this gay world

>> No.24760358
Quoted by: >>24760383

Im ded serious anon

>> No.24760360
Quoted by: >>24760425

Thank you for the encouragement.

>> No.24760363
Quoted by: >>24760533


Was he right?

>> No.24760364

The only one who'd know is the holo herself and therefore if the possibility exists, it is worth a try.

>> No.24760365
Quoted by: >>24760404

>eating potechi at 3am

>> No.24760366

There are enough family to have a decent discussion and talk about streams.

>> No.24760367

Dw, everyone here hates you too

>> No.24760368
Quoted by: >>24760381

Everyone getting new high-end PC,except Risu of course.She will buy some bargain bin shit she found on some shithole.

>> No.24760372

>caring about someone who doesn't even know you exist
Now that's embarrassing.

>> No.24760373

>remojando el cochayuyo de alguna forma

Stop lying in this Vietnamese imageboard, chilebro

>> No.24760377

Then why do you wanna know her appeal? If you actually watched for even a single stream, you'd know that she's nothing like Suisei.

>> No.24760380

I don't care about her knowing me. I care about her and that's all that matters desu.

>> No.24760381

Poor treerat

>> No.24760383

Sure you are

>> No.24760386

t. Psychopath

>> No.24760387

Would you marry your holo, even if her roommate turned out ugly?

>> No.24760388

JOPs btfo

>> No.24760389

>proud of being a sociopath

>> No.24760390

Epic lmao based based seething
Go back, /v/ermin

>> No.24760391

are you ashamed of your nationality?

>> No.24760394

Hopefully this AverMedia that propositioned Aki regarding building a PC actually helps put together something solid.

>> No.24760396

She's watching us... cuidadito...

>> No.24760397
Quoted by: >>24760440


>> No.24760400

>Okayu trying to dodge talking about why they didn't see each other for 4 months
Is the covid some kind of taboo in Japan? are they not allowed to talk about it because cover considers it to be too political?

>> No.24760401

Iofi?! Your throat too?! No...

>> No.24760402

>to play more fucking ARK

>> No.24760403

Watame is pure comfy stream.

>> No.24760404

Cute as fuck
She should do streams about tasting potechis from different countries

>> No.24760411

Don't use words you do not understand the meaning of, it just makes you look dumb.

>> No.24760412

Yes but it would be a miserable existence because I would never be a good enough husband to deserve her.

>> No.24760414
Quoted by: >>24760436

akasupas are a meaningful way to build YAGOO's and by proxy your favorite's fortune. still it would be better if you started digging around for her info. then you can stalk her. and finally one fateful night you can find her in a dark alleyway... she would reach for the phone to call the police when you would give her an envelope with money and a short note inside "i wanted 100% of it to go to you. keep it up you woman of my dreams you". and then you would tip your fedora and teleport away.

>> No.24760415

She's loaded. I'd marry her just so I can get out of poverty

>> No.24760417

Potentially, but youtube was also fucking weird with demonetizing videos for even mentioning it for a long while.

>> No.24760418

Yeah. I'm ugly too.

>> No.24760419

They gave her Mel’s manager and now she’s always trapped in “meetings”.

>> No.24760420
Quoted by: >>24760470

Holo streams are for happy thinking only. We don't need to be reminded.

>> No.24760421
Quoted by: >>24760434

youtube demonetizes anything related to corona

>> No.24760422
Quoted by: >>24760435

Kill yourself, schizo.

>> No.24760425


>> No.24760428

t.simp who still hasn't learned from people trampling over his niceness

>> No.24760430

Being unable to empathize with someone simply because they don't know about you is definitely a trait of psychopathy.
Do you think people can't empathize with characters from books simply because they don't know about you, the reader?

>> No.24760431

>a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.
It fits you perfectly.

>> No.24760434


>> No.24760435

Even if I did, you wouldn't notice.

>> No.24760436


>> No.24760437

Majority of the nousagi are just vocal about other things now, I still avatarfag and will continue to do it though.

>> No.24760440

I don't like Peko but i love her laugh. I could watch an hour long compilation of it and not get tired

>> No.24760447

Like other anons already said, the taboo is more on the side of western social media, Youtube included.
Nearly all of Korone's videos in the past several months have that "COVID-19" disclaimer under the video, probably because the retarded AI conflates "korone" as being close enough to "corona".

>> No.24760450

Which hololive is actually lesbian? I don't want to become a member for a cock loving whore.

>> No.24760451

If wanting Korone/Suisei to have a good life while not knowing them personally or they don't know me personally makes me a loser then SO BE IT.

>> No.24760456

Eh... Sorry anon...

>> No.24760458


>> No.24760459

based loserbro

>> No.24760460


>> No.24760461

HAha look at this loser

>> No.24760465

The only cock loving whore is your mother.

>> No.24760466

Holy shit you guys are pathetic. Not caring about people who don't know exist is absolutely normal and in no means sign of being a psychopath. Now your way of thinking is why you are here and why you can't find a real girlfriend. It is also why real psychopaths put you down.

>> No.24760468

>ywn have Watame in front of you slapping her thighs in protest to ask you for more potechi

>> No.24760470
Quoted by: >>24760515

This. I think back during the KyoAni thing, there was no mention of it at all. I think Miko's piano stream happened near that time and she was playing some Key stuff but never brought it up. Don't quote me on that. I don't remember too well.

>> No.24760474

why are lunafags like this?

>> No.24760478

Your mom is a lesbian and she's having hot lesbian sex with me right now (I'm a fem anon) also you're adopted

>> No.24760481
Quoted by: >>24760510

Then why do they become extremely choppy when a game is taking up too much resources, to the point where they sometimes switch for a picture?

>> No.24760482

It's not normal. Seek psychiatric help.

>> No.24760484
Quoted by: >>24760501

Why are Sorafags like this?

>> No.24760486

Why are "why are .. fags like this" like this?

>> No.24760488

They are all contractually obligated lesbians. And even real lesbians just didn't get a good enough cock yet. You have a good enough cock don't you anon? Yes you do. Now make go out there and make them your girlfriends.

>> No.24760489


>> No.24760491

at least make it less obvious that you're replying to yourself schizo-chan

>> No.24760494

Please... It's already bad knowing I won't have Watame

>> No.24760495

>You'll never watch Watame no Uta and AsaCoco with her and then give her a morning cunnilingus to relax and make her go to sleep again because you're worried about her overworking and not getting enough rest.

>> No.24760496
Quoted by: >>24760519

>Not caring about people who don't know exist is absolutely normal and in no means sign of being a psychopath.
You are correct retard, but being unable to understand why someone COULD care about someone who doesn't know about you is an inability to understand such a basic thing as empathy.
Plenty of people don't care about people they have no connection towards, but you must be both autistic and a psychopath if you think nobody here has a connection to the Holo's, and yes a one-way connection still applies in this regard.

>> No.24760498
Quoted by: >>24760532

I love aqua she makes me smile every time

>> No.24760499

what should i say to the doctor

>> No.24760500

You don't care about any of the people in these threads, do you? It's the same thing.

>> No.24760501
Quoted by: >>24760514

Nice try. I am the last of the Azkifags.

>> No.24760502

There are no lesbians. Some just haven't been dicked yet. There is no way to beat the cock.

>> No.24760503

I would be glad if Aki or Towa had / got a boy friend (or just accepted yuri into their hearts and formed the holopile with Sio) because I want them to be happy. I'm already married and I know how great it is.

>> No.24760508

Imagine arguing empathy and caring of others with an anglo or a burger.

>> No.24760510

The software they're using for screen mirroring is trash. Also, they're inept with computer related shit

>> No.24760511

You have nothing to offer, they do.

>> No.24760512

is it better to watch promare beforhard and should i watch for the first time with suisei?

>> No.24760513

I love Sora

>> No.24760514

Why is Azkifag like this?

>> No.24760515

Fuck me, I still can't believe that happened

>> No.24760519

Thank you anon. You are also a somewhat correct retard. Because I can feel empathy for people I don't know. But it really is a weakness in this world that gets you exploited. Even your holo is exploiting that.

>> No.24760522

Sorry I just can't hate Risu, her singing makes me cum

>> No.24760525

If you can't understand what she's saying then no point if you can then watching it with Queen Sui.

>> No.24760526

If I found out one of you fucking died I would be sad.

>> No.24760528

I watched it the first time with her, it's like watching it with a friend.

>> No.24760530

How would you know? You don't know me.

>> No.24760531
Quoted by: >>24760535

I don't care

>> No.24760532

Me too

>> No.24760533

Fuck off.

>> No.24760534

You are a sad person anon, I hope you can crawl out of whatever permanent cynical perspective you've conjured up, it is no way to live a life.

>> No.24760535

Suit yourself you correct retard.

>> No.24760536


>> No.24760537

next thread will be better...

>> No.24760538

When's she watching it I don't see on her channel

>> No.24760540

the discussion is about whether the holos care about us, not whether we care about the holos retard

>> No.24760541

