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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 565 KB, 2048x3298, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_seicoh__ce8700e79a834f9a04910a6a20a38945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24517855 No.24517855 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24517861
File: 894 KB, 1181x1498, EbUwL9xU8AAUqZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24517960

I love Haachama!

>> No.24517864
File: 451 KB, 1545x2008, Kaichou2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

Nice early thread fag

>> No.24517865
File: 166 KB, 1000x808, 1593491355821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE KANATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.24517867
File: 448 KB, 1200x675, AZKi12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24517880

Happy birthday AZKi

>> No.24517876
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.24517879
File: 671 KB, 603x705, cola dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517880

Where's AZKibro on this day of all days

>> No.24517882


>> No.24517883
Quoted by: >>24517915


>> No.24517884

Can someone explain why so many sub channels are starting to add wacky animations to the subs? Are EOPs really incapable of reading subs normally?

>> No.24517885

bros... I think I actually like Coco...

>> No.24517886
File: 138 KB, 800x1087, 20200630_185448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517888
File: 167 KB, 1087x1754, kanatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really needs a girly outfit.

>> No.24517889
Quoted by: >>24517923


>> No.24517890

Luna is cute baby retard

>> No.24517893


>> No.24517896

sub channels want to be content creators themselves so they add visuals to try to be funny or entertaining.

>> No.24517898
File: 336 KB, 1071x1447, 467247562436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24517945


>> No.24517899

It's better that way at least they are less likely to get the main channels demonitized for "duplicate" content in case youtube's AI shits itself again.

>> No.24517901


>> No.24517902

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbmLzpbpE68 Mel starting in 36 minutes.

>> No.24517903

Channels were getting flagged for reuploading content, so they had to add wacky shit to make the youtube AI think it's 'their' content.

>> No.24517904
File: 468 KB, 2000x1415, EbhxCKsUwAIXI-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Mel

>> No.24517909


>> No.24517911

>wanting to be funny and flex your creative skills
>why are EOPS like this?
Why are you like this?

>> No.24517912

very good mel pic

>> No.24517915
File: 180 KB, 519x341, 1592154527258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517916


>> No.24517917

Do you guys think positively of JP->EN translators in chat? Feels like they have good intentions but it still comes off like spam to me

>> No.24517918
File: 247 KB, 800x764, IMG_20200202_212308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's only allowed to wear lame clothing.

>> No.24517920
File: 88 KB, 720x900, 1593400127822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has caught me off guard, I didn't realize we're actually this close now, just a few days away from the actual thing. God I can hardly wait.

>> No.24517922
File: 852 KB, 2892x4096, 1593380416402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i'm so happy my husband made it into a unit, not only is she inclining, but that means we get more of her singing, and the 200k celebration stream is right around the corner, and so should a new costume

it's s great time to be a flarebro

>> No.24517923


>> No.24517924


>> No.24517925
Quoted by: >>24518040

Does Mel prefer her roommates channel or is she better with the Holos?

>> No.24517926

Towa... so close... too cute

>> No.24517928

>posts a gorilla emoji
does she think spics look like that...?

>> No.24517930


>> No.24517931
Quoted by: >>24517971


>> No.24517934
File: 151 KB, 828x1770, 1591844773341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Towa retweeting herself.

>> No.24517936
File: 10 KB, 520x55, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24517953

Incline together or recline alone!

>> No.24517938
Quoted by: >>24517991

time to change that phone wallpaper guys

>> No.24517939
Quoted by: >>24517959

Towa is a whore

>> No.24517940

only BecauseOfReasons

>> No.24517942

no she's boring

>> No.24517943

she can't afford it

>> No.24517944

Yeah it does feel like spam, desu its kinda useless

>> No.24517945
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, 38118751a6ca3bb7657a64499b3fb9ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519564

And I can fap to her twithout a shred of guilt anymore!

>> No.24517946
File: 3.68 MB, 3258x3231, 4f1f9ae82fd41ce033950f251bd66bb7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think mel and towa do a nice pairing, discuss.

>> No.24517947
File: 931 KB, 886x503, Capture_1732020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Korone silly drawing streams like Mario Paint or Pokemon.

>> No.24517948

I want to rape mel

>> No.24517950
File: 75 KB, 675x1200, 1593109936654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed a couple threads. What new drama or narratives did I miss?

>> No.24517951
File: 1.50 MB, 4093x2894, EbrhU7qU8AA8gBW[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to fall asleep
>feel some weight on you
>open your eyes and see this
what do

>> No.24517952


Yeah, i can make pekora laugh everyday with my cock

>> No.24517953

For me?
It's Towaki of course.

Doing a VN was a great idea, they make a good voice pair.

>> No.24517954
Quoted by: >>24519006

They're attention whores. Nobody likes attention whores, unless they have a cute 2D avatar.

>> No.24517956 [SPOILER] 
File: 155 KB, 626x667, 1593570474385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24517984

anon... you idiot....

>> No.24517957

I think mel and my dick do a nice pairing, discuss.

>> No.24517958

Damn, Subaru looks like that?

>> No.24517959
Quoted by: >>24517976

Towa...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Hololive is just made to make her out as the slut, when really she's no worse than any of the 'idols' and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? She masturbated guys on stream and lied about it?
Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking masturbated guys on stream. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She just saw them doing it.
Let me ask you this. WHO IN HOLOLIVE DOESN'T WANT TO MASTURBATE MEN? You can't even name one fucking character who wouldn’t want to masturbate their small dicks! hololive Idols are the kind of bitch who will act like they don't want it when they really do. They'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Towa knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like her audience want.
And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly lied about it later.
Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious fan. Is keeping your loved ones from heartache so wrong? When Ayame does the same thing to dirty old men for money it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Towa does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect her only fan. She probably was going to study medicine to tighten those guys asses back up or cure their syphilis or something.
The whole project was made to make that slut Ayame look good. Objectively, Towa is a far better character than Ayame. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Ayame, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass personality and no plothax she probably could have fucked the entire cast.

>> No.24517960
File: 224 KB, 850x1173, 5756756756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517962

Oh subabro, you don't want to know what happened last thread

>> No.24517968

Sorry, I'm only here for the collab

>> No.24517971
File: 795 KB, 400x326, 1576489555519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518045

Bro I can't fap today. My dick needs rest

>> No.24517972
Quoted by: >>24517986

I love Roboco! And her weird feet!

>> No.24517973

To me it seems like a good way to get the EOPs to not spam the chat with useless stuff like "Damn if only I understood all this" and properly talk about the contents of the stream, initial impressions though as I only noticed them recently.

>> No.24517976

I don't recognize this copy-pasta.

>> No.24517977

I'm happy for her and for you too, it came out of nowhere but it's a golden opportunity. Everyone involved is going to benefit from that, us most of all.

>> No.24517978

I think they're attention-whores.
First of all they never have a snowball's chance in hell of keeping up with the conversation, and second of all they're mostly ESLs, so ultimately they end up shitting up the chat with barely intelligible out-of-context snippets that tend to be confusing and misleading rather than helpful.

>> No.24517979

What's AsaCoco like?
It always airs when I'm a sleep so I've never found a reason to watch it.

>> No.24517982
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1584843874708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517984
File: 269 KB, 1448x2048, IMG_20200121_191844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518001

I wonder if my daughterwife would struggle with childbirth
she's very small

>> No.24517985

Watching moona's stream with coco made me feel a strange connection to moona.
It's like i saw myself in her and i started to feel like wanting to support her.
I don't know if I like what I'm feeling...

>> No.24517986
File: 1.21 MB, 768x576, 1592491547838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518029


>> No.24517987

I can't believe anon is autistic.

>> No.24517988


>> No.24517989
File: 629 KB, 1945x1200, 1592048578878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517991
File: 944 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20200630-212830_One UI Home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24517990

It was horrible and pointless. I'd rather not remember it and just move on.

>> No.24517992

Nobody tell him.

>> No.24517994
File: 104 KB, 795x920, 1591955592855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518029

Roboco's butt!

>> No.24517995
File: 70 KB, 206x200, Ebw2ikoUYAA6d6t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you see yourself in this? https://files.catbox.moe/24jhup.mp4

>> No.24517996

now that cross gen units are actually happening, what are some other combinations we might see?

>> No.24517999
File: 781 KB, 800x717, 1590797243271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518000
File: 428 KB, 774x468, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518020


>> No.24518001

It'll be easy for her, I already stretched her out a lot!

>> No.24518002

how do you guys organize your vtuber/hololive folder?

>> No.24518006

The same way I organize my life

>> No.24518007

Has Canata acknowledged her new imouto yet?

>> No.24518008

No... please Choco no pien...

>> No.24518010

Dont worry bro it's on discord

>> No.24518012
File: 947 KB, 397x398, 1590616686940.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't post that ever gain, it physically hurts...

>> No.24518013

i don't think she could survive labor

>> No.24518014

I did it the other day.
By gens, it's the best way to deal with multiple holos in the same fanart too

>> No.24518015
Quoted by: >>24518085

Are you good enough at Apex to be Matsuri's go-to after she's done streaming for the night?


>> No.24518016

>Choco wants to play Pien
Please no... No more Pien...

>> No.24518017

It's like 10 years old and this particular version has been posted for months, please lurk moar

>> No.24518018

Luna 3D piano concert when?

>> No.24518019

Does anyone have the WebM of Moona getting dodged by Coco?

>> No.24518020

wow towa is a piece of shit
Fuck her

>> No.24518021


>> No.24518022

Death metal unit with Subaru and Luna on vocals.

>> No.24518023
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 41be2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518035


>> No.24518024


>> No.24518026
File: 45 KB, 202x128, 1593201339976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't, I have memorized thousands of images.

>> No.24518027

it's a vestige from the golden era of shonen subs

>> No.24518029


>> No.24518030
File: 677 KB, 500x697, 1593401720197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanata at +15
she's going places, including into my heart

>> No.24518032

Subaru took a shower last thread

>> No.24518033

They add wacky subs and other stuff to make sure youtube doesn't think it's a copy of the real video and demonetize the holo like what happened to Matsuri because of Lyger.

>> No.24518035

touhou fangame made up entirely of holo bosses when?

>> No.24518036
Quoted by: >>24518131

Only if they rent an actual piano for it.

>> No.24518037

i'm not autistic enough to have that sorry...

>> No.24518038
Quoted by: >>24518044

That's a very cute boy.

>> No.24518039

Why stop at fan?
Why not go official?
ZUN already met Marine and Fubuki
Surely something can come out of that

>> No.24518040

She can keep both. No sense wasting the good opportunities.

>> No.24518041
File: 837 KB, 1150x1402, EbA60VRU0AERk-h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so.

>> No.24518043

Why would Youtube demonitize the one that has an earlier upload date?

>> No.24518044
File: 46 KB, 679x393, EbgpyJpUMAAczlK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519791

if this is a boy then i'm a flaming faggot

>> No.24518045

>getting aroused by t*maki

>> No.24518047
Quoted by: >>24518070


>> No.24518048
Quoted by: >>24518087

I don't get it. He doesn't do wacky subs even now though.

>> No.24518049

Gonna make her a not lolicon when I am done with her.

>> No.24518050

People who try to translate every sentence as soon as possible come off as kind of overdoing it to me, but people that are like "oh she's talking about x topic now" every once in a while in a zatsudan or something, and don't really spam, I can appreciate that

>> No.24518051
Quoted by: >>24518061

I’d play it. What are the odds that YAGOO is the Extra stage boss?

>> No.24518058
Quoted by: >>24518063

Peko is from Osaka. Shame she doesn't have the accent... although the accent combined with the vocal tick might be too much

>> No.24518059
Quoted by: >>24518066

>Marine is the hardest fight

>> No.24518060

>aqua gained 40k subs despite the break

>> No.24518061
Quoted by: >>24518093

He's a guy so it's NG
The extra boss has to be sora

>> No.24518063
Quoted by: >>24518075


>> No.24518065

i love this clip, it's so enjoyably awkward and painful

>> No.24518066

Marine is the protagonist.

>> No.24518067

What's the worst possible combination you could have?

>> No.24518070


>> No.24518069

I think people sometimes forget they're not just streamers but also youtubers so they have hundreds of videos to watch.

>> No.24518071

Your sense of presence is very yabai anon

>> No.24518073
Quoted by: >>24518456

Korone was still gaining subs like crazy during the permissions arc and now she has her games back.

>> No.24518074

Who knows how their AI works but that was the main cause of the latest problem with Matsuri and her clippers / subbers like Lyger.

>> No.24518075

his uncle works at hololive

>> No.24518076

Towa, Risu, Ayame.

>> No.24518078
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1592221608369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Miko translator is good. The rest of them not so much.

>> No.24518079
File: 362 KB, 712x1027, 1593557202417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the longer I don't fap the more I want to fuck a fat bitch
Is there science behind this? Will gen 5 bring us a bbw hololive?

>> No.24518080

Towa and Tokoyami both in one group

>> No.24518081
File: 717 KB, 800x1130, 1591068984541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.24518082
Quoted by: >>24518103

Aqua, Flare, Towa. Triple A autism.

>> No.24518083

reminder that the more time your holo girl is streaming the less time she is slurping on cocks

>> No.24518085

is she finally going to lose her virginity?

>> No.24518087

Lyger adds a bunch of overlays and titles and a thing and the end.

>> No.24518090

Aqua... You are losing ground...

>> No.24518091
Quoted by: >>24518129

roboco, choco, and shion

>> No.24518092
Quoted by: >>24518097


>> No.24518093

The extra boss would be Lulu
And the phatasm boss would be REDACTED

>> No.24518096


>> No.24518097


>> No.24518098

I felt kind of bad for the translator in kano's chat this morning who said he didn't know longer sentences but was trying anyways
it's a nice gesture but unless you're really proficient in Japanese you really shouldn't be trying to live translate anything

>> No.24518102
Quoted by: >>24518134

Reminder that Marine sucks at singing and Sora's ability to choose people is questionable

>> No.24518101


>> No.24518103

flare isn't autistic you son of a bitch.

>> No.24518104
Quoted by: >>24518118

Why do NTR posters think like this even as a joke?

>> No.24518105
File: 5 KB, 350x35, live translations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518106
File: 293 KB, 907x643, 1592492325655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518116

Say something NICE

>> No.24518107
Quoted by: >>24518120

I haven't seen any that's come off as attention whores. Though I do remember two people trying to translate the marshmallows during Haato's black history stream and one of them's English was so poor Google Translate could've done it better

>> No.24518108

oh I see...

>> No.24518109

Calm down jouzi.

>> No.24518111
Quoted by: >>24518125

>Kanata +15
>Mio and Miko +12
>Even Haachama +6 in the uppermost tier
God damn, that's a nice incline.
I bet she'll be going even faster now.

>> No.24518113

Just when I was ready to give up on pekomiko... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWMzd-4XGXA

>> No.24518114

0/10 did not add peko at end of sentence

>> No.24518116

She gets American tax dollars as supachas!

>> No.24518118

Why can't you take a shitty joke? Why are you like this?

>> No.24518119

The longer you don't fap, the stronger your lust becomes

>> No.24518120
Quoted by: >>24518139

>Google Translating voice
Good luck with that.

>> No.24518122

I sure do love their subs on Pekora's laugh.

>> No.24518123
Quoted by: >>24518137

I wonder if I could pretend to be a translator in a zatsudan and just spout gibberish.

>> No.24518125
Quoted by: >>24518149

>haachama insanity shorts have been gaining her subs
how the fuck will she keep this act up lads

>> No.24518128

Miko once thought about making him a mod but management denied it

>> No.24518129

I'd listen to it. I love RBC and Shion's voice. Choco isn't bad too

>> No.24518130

Gen -> Holo -> Emotion conveyed

>> No.24518131

Can they modeling and tracking piano keys?

>> No.24518134
Quoted by: >>24518182

You can post it as many times as you want, it won't make it true.

>> No.24518137

You can't. You will get flamed almost immediately. It's happened before. JSLs are always waiting.

>> No.24518138
Quoted by: >>24518172

Would be funny if it was but it isn't

>> No.24518139

They were translating the text, not Haato

>> No.24518141
Quoted by: >>24519851

It's funny how close Kanata and Watame have been in subscribers for basically their entire career in hololive, they grow at almost the exact pace but Kanatan is always 4-6k ahead.

>> No.24518143

It's natural to want to breed, your mind is subconsciously reminding your body that you haven't nutted in a while

>> No.24518144
Quoted by: >>24518164

At least they let him sub her 3D streams.

If only he'd do the short Miko anime things with the hovering Kintoki

>> No.24518145
Quoted by: >>24518172

it stops being funny when it gets posted multiple times every thread with the inevitable "towa.." and "ayame..." replies

>> No.24518146

Anzu... Will he be there to congratulate Miko on reaching 350k subs...

>> No.24518147

I wish Hololive would consider getting some english speakers as volunteer mods. I would sign up in a heartbeat.

>> No.24518149

She'll just have to go deeper until she reaches HowToBasic levels of rabid chaos and then she's gonna return to Japan and drop this completely and become a seiso idol.

>> No.24518150

Alright anon, Coco will start doing 1min max meme videos too. What do you think she will come up with?

>> No.24518154
Quoted by: >>24518175

was this stream a shitshow or is it worth watching

>> No.24518155

Four of my favourites and Suisei in a unit. Wonderful.

>> No.24518157

another anon fell for the lyger narrative

>> No.24518158

softcore porn with her 3d model

>> No.24518159

I legit hope so. No need for him to donate massive amounts, I legit just hope he's okay.

>> No.24518162

helicopter dragon dick

>> No.24518163

she'll say funny swear

>> No.24518164

Speaking of 3D streams, kind of surprised we haven't gotten subs (fan or official) for Coco's 3D debut. It was Hololive's most watched stream ever and they were shilling it pretty hard to EOPs.

>> No.24518165
File: 256 KB, 540x342, jones coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yakuza already got him, anon...

>> No.24518167

coco's cock...

>> No.24518170

not him but yes it is literally unironically that retarded

>> No.24518172

why are towafags so sensitive

>> No.24518175

Complete cringefest from start to finish. Unless you really want to hear Coco say "you might want to kill yourself" and "grab my butt" don't even bother.

>> No.24518181

rape kanatan and suisei

>> No.24518182
Quoted by: >>24518197

Her technical ability is trash and you probably have no idea what I'm talking about because you can't separate bad singers from the good ones

>> No.24518185
Quoted by: >>24518200

I felt really bad for Moona because I know I've spoken to others the same way as Coco when my patience was at its end

>> No.24518186

Holohouse updates

>> No.24518187
Quoted by: >>24518199

They know towa is a whore

>> No.24518192

Why are you like this?

>> No.24518193


>> No.24518195
Quoted by: >>24518210

new narrative of why coco hate towa is because coco hate eop and towa care about them

>> No.24518197

Whatever you say, senpai. Why don't you add that to your ritual post about how Marine can't sign too?

>> No.24518198

Do we have a Pekora version of Screaming at Laughing Man Bugs Bunny?

>> No.24518199

Why are Pekofags always starting this shit?

>> No.24518200

Same here.

>> No.24518203

I don't get what's awkward or painful about this. They aren't speaking with that kind of tone at all. It seems like a standard interaction.

>> No.24518205

leeching off the popularity of other holos

>> No.24518208
File: 411 KB, 2048x1536, Ebw2pDRU4AMht1n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your breakfast, honey!

>> No.24518210

Why are Pekofags falseflaggers shitting up the thread?

>> No.24518212

I swear this clip is like an autism test, case in point >>24518203

>> No.24518213
File: 497 KB, 800x999, 1593305626062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518501

Jesus fucking christ, fuck Ayame, she grows faster than people who stream 10+ hours a day every single day.

>> No.24518215


>> No.24518216

BoR's great (eventhough he's a JSL), long time Mikochi's live translator. Dude subbed some of Miko's 3D special videos, like her birthday and new model debut. Also worked in Mikochi's birthday and anniversary fan project, guy's dedicated and knows his place, I respect him as a fellow 35P.

>> No.24518217

You have autism

>> No.24518220
Quoted by: >>24518241

there are occasional times where it's fine but when it's bad it's unbearable

>> No.24518221


>> No.24518224

Do aussies really put veggies on anything?

>> No.24518227

big Stacey energy

>> No.24518228
File: 296 KB, 480x480, ACE3F252-1035-40D0-A905-142C15E6D877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, wanna hear a myth?

Towa’s virginity

>> No.24518229

Australia's almost as obese as the US.

>> No.24518230

>Charcoal fiber rich pancake
I think Haachama is actually a /ck/ and /fit/ genius.

>> No.24518231
File: 43 KB, 507x605, images (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518252

have sex
....like towa!

>> No.24518232
Quoted by: >>24518277


>> No.24518234
File: 1.60 MB, 1467x827, tfw she sees your onigiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late okayu~n

>> No.24518235

Can I get a quick rundown on Ayame?

>> No.24518236
File: 186 KB, 928x600, Dumbfalseflagger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518237

Why are Koronefags like this?

>> No.24518238


>> No.24518239

look coco is playing an actual game but no one cares

>> No.24518240
Quoted by: >>24518281

>eventhough he's a JSL
Literally nothing wrong with that, that's what most of us are trying to be. But agreed

>> No.24518241

I guess they are reaching the point where they need to start adding their twist to attract more viewers since there are a lot more translator channels now.

>> No.24518242

im glad my holo's not very popular here to be honest

>> No.24518243
File: 85 KB, 827x1389, 1592421459931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518364

s-supacha... onegai....

>> No.24518246

It's a reference to the werewolf stream.

>> No.24518247

I think it's just a joke from the Word Wolf collab she was in.

>> No.24518248
File: 826 KB, 1920x1080, 1593227078129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518261

>> No.24518249

I understand getting the best against nijishit members, but against shion yo...

>> No.24518252
File: 850 KB, 1920x1080, 1593101786153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Towa.

>> No.24518253

i'm gonna punch the next bunny I see

>> No.24518254

My favorites are comfortably sitting in the middle, feels good.

>> No.24518255
File: 11 KB, 401x62, TLs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518297


>> No.24518257
Quoted by: >>24518280

All holos are popular here, who the hell is your favourite? Tenma?

>> No.24518259

Realistically, how long will it be until Kizuna gets dethroned, if ever?
And on that note, does anyone here even watch her?

>> No.24518260
Quoted by: >>24518264

I've talked to him and he's from mexico, he's a JTL

>> No.24518261
File: 48 KB, 139x162, Sora4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24518263
File: 367 KB, 1682x2048, EbR-bqQXsAYcHwo@Elenchan014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki's intro from her wine stream today

>> No.24518264
Quoted by: >>24518270

Yeah he was pretty pissed when that sr pelo asshole told his fans to spam chuubas.

>> No.24518265
Quoted by: >>24518275

We got it last night

>> No.24518267
Quoted by: >>24518283

Probably never, Kizuna is pretty much a celeb in Japan, no other vtubers except maybe Kaguya Luna come close, plus Kizuna has chink backing

>> No.24518270

you don't need to know spanish to be pissed about that to be honest

>> No.24518272
File: 1.93 MB, 1200x900, 1592858628511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518293

>> No.24518273

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbmLzpbpE68 Mel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxwGVrJXI4E Aki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPMD7k7RVHk Tenma and Miyabi

>> No.24518275

Coco + Moona?

>> No.24518276

I hardly watch her nowadays, but most of her subs don't either. What amazes me is her still getting sponsorship with the likes of Galaxy.

>> No.24518277

Luna will never recover from this

>> No.24518280

if your holo is streaming but no one mentions it in the threads, they're not very popular here

>> No.24518281
Quoted by: >>24518361

I'm sorry if that came out bad, but what I mean is exactly what you said, As an ESL & JSL, I too am feeling inspired by him and also trying to be what he is right now

>> No.24518282

How do you deal with the fact that everything is fake and scripted?

>> No.24518283
Quoted by: >>24518424

AI channels current growth is pretty slow compared to the top hololives though.

>> No.24518284

Who so i can talk shit and make narratives

>> No.24518287

Missed threads since risu hate
Whats this about units, like singing units?
Whos confirmed?

>> No.24518288

Let's go Melbros!

>> No.24518289

Semen demon is going to sing.

>> No.24518290

based stream poster

>> No.24518292
File: 943 KB, 1600x1280, EbxyXD6U4AEzlRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518293

me in the middle

>> No.24518294


>> No.24518295

W-where's aqua? I thought she was back from training...

>> No.24518296

Rape bunny.

>> No.24518298
File: 2.95 MB, 1920x1080, 1593432000537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518297

He's pretty good most of time, he helps EOPs get the gist of what Korone is saying.

>> No.24518300

She's THE virtual youtuber that even other vtubers first mention when asked "what is a vtuber". She'll most probably never be. dethroned.

>> No.24518301

That Americhad gonna take Choco

>> No.24518302
Quoted by: >>24518446

Aki's amazon war cry from her wine stream


>> No.24518303

be honest, how often do you copy+paste japanese messages from the nips in chat to fit in?

>> No.24518304

>aki's intro

>> No.24518305


>> No.24518306

That moona and coco stream was so awkward, I feel that moona spoke so little and didn’t entertain the stream, coco literally saved it. I think coco might be a little frustrated since moona behaves more like a twitch streamer than a vtuber idol

>> No.24518307

Matsuri was so adorable in that stream...

>> No.24518308

So that collab stream was scripted... that explains a lot

>> No.24518309

Yoisho! Konbanwa! Fubuki desu!

>> No.24518310
File: 360 KB, 429x453, aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518327

>> No.24518312

when something funny happens i say kusa then go back to being silent. i dont like shitting up chat.

>> No.24518314

You're favourite holo and my cock

>> No.24518316

the average comment is not hard to write.

>> No.24518317


>> No.24518318

My cute daughter is too retarded to follow a script so it's irrelevant.

>> No.24518319

I mean she's evolved beyond just VTuber, she's a brand ambassador for Japan. If any VTuber was going to play a part in the Olympics, it will be her. Don't know if anyone else will dethrone her, she's a household name.

>> No.24518320

Here's the source https://twitter.com/tw_0_0_/status/1277645508782067712

>> No.24518321

That's cultural appropriation...

>> No.24518322
File: 99 KB, 234x302, canata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518323
File: 195 KB, 629x431, EbX9BnYUMAI1Fw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518335

>> No.24518324

Marine, Suisei, Flare and Kanata are all great singers and seiso idols. Sora agreed, don't bother her.

>> No.24518325

Not sure what's more based. That we learn there's a script and Haachama doesn't even follow it. Or that she's probably always off-script.

>> No.24518327

Towa's wife is kinda cute...

>> No.24518328
Quoted by: >>24518354


>> No.24518329


>> No.24518330

Watch Mel!

>> No.24518331

i don't look at chat or care about it

>> No.24518333

I only have kusa on the clipboard because I use it more frequently. Everything else I just type in.

>> No.24518334

Mostly just kusa because I can't into IME

>> No.24518335
File: 83 KB, 1280x1000, EbAKMKuU4AA9D2v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518346


>> No.24518337
File: 152 KB, 500x405, 814514E6-24C8-4C6D-A5D6-F1579AADD85B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518356

Hey, wanna hear another joke?

Okayu in skinny jeans

>> No.24518338
Quoted by: >>24518485

All blonde stream. Blondes rise up

>> No.24518340

I use my member emotes and nothing else

>> No.24518345

>ywn have some wine with Aki

>> No.24518346

me on the right!

>> No.24518347

Never because you would be off timing then. Just never chat anything long so you never fuck up too hard.

>> No.24518350
Quoted by: >>24518461


>> No.24518353
Quoted by: >>24518358

Imagine being pinned down and forced into submission by Aki wouldn't that be weird haha.

>> No.24518354
File: 413 KB, 591x874, e2914a3f453e4979c7c41732fdc1bc6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518366


>> No.24518355
File: 511 KB, 925x483, 131412424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm late on this but
>Haachama buys XL sweaters but small clothes
Do all girls do this? This is cute as fuck.

>> No.24518356

based pekOU

>> No.24518358

Towa doesn't have to imagine that!

>> No.24518359
Quoted by: >>24518432

miko needs a second uniform that's more streamlined and casual

>> No.24518361

No worries 35P, I understand. It's good that even fans can inspire us to work harder, keep up the reps!

>> No.24518362

Moona is not at the same charimatic level as Coco

>> No.24518363

They do rehearsals too? That must take a ton of time and preparation. The Holos are really working hard for us.

>> No.24518364


>> No.24518367
Quoted by: >>24518461


>> No.24518366

this is too lewd

>> No.24518368
File: 162 KB, 816x812, Eap81vwUYAE7z87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518369

Is it just me or is Mel's censor bar keeps getting higher each stream.

>> No.24518370

yes, it's so you have a loose fit. Kanata bought an XL shirt of her favorite Idolmaster character so she can wear it as a dress

>> No.24518371
Quoted by: >>24518401

I just spam grass in the chat and superchat in english sometimes. With Mikos new stickers I dont even need to copy/paste anymore

>> No.24518373

Me on the left

>> No.24518374

Buying oversized clothes for fashion has been a thing for decades. Can't expect all the shut-ins to know though

>> No.24518378

it's a pretty common thing now a days, girls buy oversized clothes so they work as dresses

>> No.24518379

The flips are back at it again

>> No.24518381
Quoted by: >>24518415

Mel pls censor that doesn't fulfill it's purpose is one of my fetish...

>> No.24518383
Quoted by: >>24518402

bilibili is actually good wtf. My ip is probably in Pooh's personal hdd right now, but there is some good shit there. They even are properly tagged.

>> No.24518386

Me on the right.

>> No.24518388

>Okayu says the 'D' word
>Korone goes dead silent
>Plays it off as her teasing Okayu

>> No.24518389
File: 1.41 MB, 2389x1343, bw2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518407


>> No.24518390

me on the right

>> No.24518391

She really wants this to work

>> No.24518392
Quoted by: >>24518398

YAGOO is slowly but surely trying to censor the star of David! I fucking knew it!

>> No.24518397

guys I REALLY like Meru's background music.

>> No.24518398


>> No.24518399

I cant believe Okayu said Donald Trump

>> No.24518401

I've started to get a little brave and type in simple one or two word messages in chat (nice, good job, etc.). If I want to superchat something that I want the chuuba to actually read I use DeepL or ask for some help here.

>> No.24518402

>when google translates one of the tags as "ear pregnancy"

>> No.24518404

I do wonder too. XL seems too big even for small girls.

>> No.24518405

Yes. I know you guys are losers that never go outside but c'mon lmao

>> No.24518406

Her collarbones are too lewd.

>> No.24518407

Welp, guess I'm listening to this for the 50th time.

>> No.24518408
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, broken watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh!
looks like Watame broke, you guys know what that means, right?

>> No.24518411

>Another girl crazy for the angel manko
jesus christ

>> No.24518412

Anzu-san... we miss you brother...

>> No.24518414
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, 【Vtuber】目で惚れさせる【アキ・ローゼンタール】 (https___www.youtube.com_watch_v=UFm9KVNNifk)_snapshot_01.08.812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518461


>> No.24518415

she knows exactly what she's doing

>> No.24518416

i love these two so much, watching this makes me want to download power bomberman and open a lobby to play with /hlg/

>> No.24518417

Fucking cringe

>> No.24518418

Oversized clothes are comfy t. Ex fatty

>> No.24518420

That's some serious PTSD... Okayu absolutely destroyed her.

>> No.24518423

I just type what I have in mind in Japenese.

>> No.24518424

Using the video's numbers, if growth rates remained constant, Korone would catch up to her in about 46 months.

>> No.24518426

I do the same for lounging around the house, pants are overrated

>> No.24518428
Quoted by: >>24518516

It's so she can walk around wearing nothing below

>> No.24518429

Ever since the restructure they've been pushing hard on rebooting her and the 2 former voices (love and pii) as more contemporary vtubers who stream more than put out preplanned videos. They're like debuts except Kizuna Ai has a small base to work from already.

Their 3d is still best in class and seriously improved since her early live streams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cku-wsB6YAM&t=2271s

>> No.24518431

What narrative am I missing here?

>> No.24518432

she once talked about that during a members stream, your wish may be granted for her second anniversary

>> No.24518433

True, it wasn't that bad thanks to Coco. If you check the comments, most of them refer to what Coco did and said during the stream.

>> No.24518434

>OBS 21.1.0
Fuck the updates

>> No.24518435
Quoted by: >>24518603


>> No.24518438

Korone’s dad died.

>> No.24518440
Quoted by: >>24518473

Are you a girl? Please be London.

>> No.24518441
Quoted by: >>24518451

Okayu fucked Korone's dad

>> No.24518442
Quoted by: >>24518466

never, everybody loves her but the hipster fags from here and the /vg/ threads

>> No.24518444


>> No.24518445

Hololive motivates me to exercise for the perfect oji-san body. Fat with huge arms for ryona and strangling + stamina for marathon mating press sex

>> No.24518446

this is why i love her

>> No.24518447
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, 1592863189292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518469

I love everything about Aki, but I hate ARK.

>> No.24518448
Quoted by: >>24518467

still comfy and only gets in the way for me when i'm trying to aim in fps which just results in rolling the sleeve

>> No.24518450

>Even the Homos are playing ARK now

>> No.24518451

God I wish Okayu was my mommy

>> No.24518453

dead meme

>> No.24518456
File: 149 KB, 1080x810, gemu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518457
Quoted by: >>24518497

Careful spanking the old fart in the pirate cosplay, Matsuri.

>> No.24518460

she said dumb

>> No.24518461
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, the unbeatable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518499


>> No.24518462
File: 1.78 MB, 2480x3508, B2BECD3C-A5AC-4B2C-B8F9-A7FA25941974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pee in her butt

>> No.24518464

korone's dad died, and family means a lot to her

>> No.24518465
Quoted by: >>24518609

Mikochi! https://streamable.com/vmlofm

>> No.24518466

I like her and don't think she'll be dethroned because she's so ingrained but she wont have the explosive growths of the newer generations of chuubas. Her audience retention hasn't been great statistically.

>> No.24518467


>> No.24518468

Its over
Flips have taken over hololive

>> No.24518469

I hate Ark as well, but Aki sounds happy so I'm happy.

>> No.24518472
File: 55 KB, 372x802, ojisans_ft46c2e9m~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even need to exercise bro, I'm literally this guy irl

>> No.24518473
Quoted by: >>24518493

Straight guy, I just like being comfy and cute

>> No.24518474

So taking the general temperature of the 5ch fanthreads, the japanese lunafags are taking kindly to her newfound foreign popularity. They specifically mention that the gaijin are superchatting and that Luna is capturing foreign hearts

Rushiafags seem a lot cooler on her sudden influx, with most of them asking what the hell happened that there's so much english in the chat

And of course the family hasn't changed, japs are still astonished that Towa's chat is completely english, completely filled with members, and that they try to adhere to japanese streaming customs so much more than basically any other chat(There's even a handful of japanese family that say they like the "Towaiting" that gaijin came up with)

>> No.24518475
File: 104 KB, 1049x1126, 1592818460272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518510

>> No.24518476
File: 183 KB, 1024x768, 20200520_180219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss you rockbros...

>> No.24518478

What was her name again?

>> No.24518481

what's with all the aki praise lately?

>> No.24518482
File: 224 KB, 346x305, haramu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the body that guys on atahuta doujins have

>> No.24518483

Get in line

>> No.24518484

Are you an Oji-san?

>> No.24518485

They should add Watame as the new member already

>> No.24518486
Quoted by: >>24518505

>water pouring out
>water flowing in
It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>> No.24518490
Quoted by: >>24518518

I dont have the image because im phoneposting but

>> No.24518491
Quoted by: >>24518512

I just see retards spamming hi from phillipines what the fuck?

>> No.24518492
Quoted by: >>24518537

As a Flip I apologize for my... Brethren. I wish they would stick to anime, I don't enjoy our LCD fans of any industry, they are barely better than monkeys

>> No.24518493

You have discord?

>> No.24518495
File: 98 KB, 962x557, Eaq1XknU4AEYjNe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again Kira is coming out of hibernation to assert his dominance over all the boys

>> No.24518497

Don't worry, she likes it. Also Marine almost knocked Matsuri down with a butt attack during that stream, wish someone would clip that.

>> No.24518498

No one told me shionbros were this powerful...

>> No.24518499
Quoted by: >>24518522


>> No.24518500
Quoted by: >>24518544

>JOPs like EOPs who respect the rules and superchat
Who knew?

>> No.24518501

no fuck you. Ayame is great.
>top-tier design
>cute voice
>tells toxic assholes to fuck off
>good at games
>undoxxable so people have to resort to making up fake shit about her
only Ayamechads have high enough IQs to understand this

>> No.24518502

his smug aura arouses me

>> No.24518504

Also look at her upcoming stream's chat https://youtu.be/6EsQrPLGGTU

>> No.24518505

Ayame is a funnier character than we've ever had before

>> No.24518506

toki wo tomare...

>> No.24518509
File: 476 KB, 1000x1000, 1591284835689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518611

No. My precious Kanatan must always look like a dork!

>> No.24518510

The last film I expected for her to watch, but fun anyways

>> No.24518511


>> No.24518513

Based Kagami "H O R S E C O C K" Kira

>> No.24518512

Would you like to see "hi from /hlg/" instead

>> No.24518515
File: 36 KB, 540x511, d719329530d19386e34eadc9ea4f7f6871a08679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only an hour

>> No.24518516
Quoted by: >>24518532

Imagine haachama pantless...

>> No.24518517

unless hololive somehow sustains this growth with another corona shutdown i dont see it happening for a long time if ever
every meme channel that blows up eventually starts to slow down in growth. you saw it with fubuki, aqua stabilized and goes on long breaks, it happened to korone and is happening to pekora. none of them can just growth 100k subs every month and even if they could theyd have to do it for 2+ years to catch her

>> No.24518518

mio hoodie...

>> No.24518522

Anon, you okay?
anon? ANON?

>> No.24518524
File: 790 KB, 1000x1000, EbVupPWVAAAKGsr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not knowing JP and thinking you know your holo by just watching them play games when they actually are talking all the juicty and interesting stuff on the satsuzans.that translators only translate 5% about.

>> No.24518526
Quoted by: >>24518545

>Mel is playing APEX

>> No.24518528
File: 97 KB, 318x337, 1593220735970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China, I kneel...

>> No.24518530
Quoted by: >>24518543

Wow Mel is extremely active

>> No.24518531

No, but I don't get the whole comment section. I thought it was a language war like korone's chat or something like that

>> No.24518532

Wonder if it smells as bad as her feet does.

>> No.24518536

Who is the best enka singer in hololive?

>> No.24518537

we can't help where we're born anon, don't worry about it

>> No.24518538
File: 79 KB, 496x276, inlovewiththecocov2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry Coco!

>> No.24518539

Quality streamers attract quality fans. Luna and Towa are just better than Rushia in every way.

>> No.24518542
File: 3.58 MB, 3508x2480, 81784390_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open link

>> No.24518540

If it gets too bad she may be forced to turn off the chat while the stream is in waiting mode.

>> No.24518543

and bouncy

>> No.24518544

To be fair, Miko's chat is pretty obnoxious as of late but the 5ch 35p don't seem to be complaining too much about it.

>> No.24518545


here is a fun fact too, she actually has better aim than 80% of the holos too, watch the FPS she played years ago like BAIO HAZAADO 5 and splatoon.

>> No.24518546
File: 219 KB, 850x1204, 1593201445878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518694

Lunaitos of the world unite

>> No.24518549

Any shithole is better than flipland

>> No.24518548


>> No.24518550

No, Mel-san, not the Apex...at least we might get a collab with RBC and Towa

>> No.24518551
Quoted by: >>24518568

When is the Live2D update coming by? Watching Mel now, she seems less expressive and could use some upgrades.

>> No.24518552

holy shit, based

>> No.24518554

What other special talents does Mel have I wonder now

>> No.24518556
File: 1.74 MB, 3240x2894, 1592938551148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518557


>> No.24518559
Quoted by: >>24518687

It always baffles me when YouTube feeds me a subbed clip of a holo just making noises as shit goes wrong in a video game. It's like, why the fuck does anyone even need subs for this?

>> No.24518560

Who else has ever sing enka other than Marine and Miko?

>> No.24518561 [DELETED] 

Flip here AMA

>> No.24518562
File: 10 KB, 354x136, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with these guys

>> No.24518564
File: 151 KB, 1070x607, D4F4C0B1-4E6D-4F92-854D-3E7F289C726A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo graduating would cause a ton of sudokus?

>> No.24518565

This pain inspires me to do my reps.

>> No.24518568

Matsuri said sometime in July for hers. She's also like the only person to acknowledge it.

>> No.24518571

Which holos have sung enka? I only distinctly remember Marine and the dog doing it but I'm sure more of them did.

>> No.24518573
File: 585 KB, 3508x2480, IMG_20200630_232511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute and relaxing! Also her drunken antics are fun!

>> No.24518574
Quoted by: >>24518626

shouldn't you be playing dota 2

>> No.24518575
Quoted by: >>24518634

any more about the other girls?

>> No.24518576
File: 52 KB, 1073x229, 20200701_112638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518577

What Mel should do is weekly cooking streams.
I just want to know that she eats enough bros...

>> No.24518578


>> No.24518579

July makes sense for her. 22nd is her birthday

>> No.24518580


>> No.24518581

Any single one of them. The oshiis are strong and weak at the same time.

>> No.24518582
File: 509 KB, 668x760, haato stomp.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518620


>> No.24518584
File: 805 KB, 473x726, 1591272411297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518617

Any of them at this point, you form a bond with your chuuba.

>> No.24518585
Quoted by: >>24518626

Get the fuck out of rushias chat

>> No.24518587
Quoted by: >>24518625


>> No.24518588
Quoted by: >>24518626

Shouldn't you be eating trash?

>> No.24518590
Quoted by: >>24518614

I've heard Marine, Miko, Korone and Watame sing enka before.

>> No.24518592 [DELETED] 

In the division between flips who hate flips and flips who love flips, how do the two groups feel about one another?

>> No.24518593


>> No.24518594
Quoted by: >>24518614

Luna, Marine, Miko and Korone I think

>> No.24518595

kanata's would make me extremely depressed, the only world in which i don't kill myself after suisei's is one were she goes back to being independent rather than disappearing

>> No.24518596
Quoted by: >>24518618

>Matsuri no longer being :D at all times
not sure how to feel

>> No.24518597

Towabros are really the best.

>> No.24518599
Quoted by: >>24518615

Miko honestly. 35p are the most devoted and hardcore vtuber fanbase.

>> No.24518600

sounds like you need to do your reps more than i do

>> No.24518601

>the satsuzans.that translators only translate 5% about.
And even then that's if your holo is popular. I barely started properly learning Japanese and even I could tell there was a lot of interesting stuff in Choco's zatsudan just now, but I bet there won't be a single translated clip of it.

>> No.24518602 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24518622

>Flips who love flips
They dont exist, anon

>> No.24518603


>> No.24518609


>> No.24518611

I hope moving in with Suisei will fix Coco and Kanata's incomprehensible fashion choices.

>> No.24518612
Quoted by: >>24518628

Has to be Mio, no one comes close to competition. Korone may be older but she's actually a subculture gal. I bet she hates old school shit like that.

>> No.24518614
Quoted by: >>24518689

Katana too
She is pretty good

>> No.24518615
Quoted by: >>24518662

35P and kenzoku suicide pact.

>> No.24518616
Quoted by: >>24518637

But if I say I want to drink Matsuri's pee, then the meidos get mad at me.

>> No.24518617

This makes me happy that I'm incapable of forming lasting bonds.

>> No.24518618

I hope they leave that alone

>> No.24518620
File: 1.48 MB, 1200x901, 1586238489311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518622 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck posts all those most powerful race in the world memes

>> No.24518625

Luckily a sad day that won't be coming soon.

>> No.24518626

wc3 dota>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dota 2
I don't watch rushia, she's for low IQ paypigs
I'm eating ur moms pussy lol
I don't care, I'm my own identity before a flip, they can kill each other and I won't bat an eye

>> No.24518627

from a interview anons posted about her and upd8 some time ago, she started with a very little japanese fan base with less than 30% of her fans being japanese and she slowly grow that to more than 50% of her base

>> No.24518628
Quoted by: >>24518693

>Korone may be older but she's actually a subculture gal. I bet she hates old school shit like that.

>> No.24518629
File: 3.02 MB, 1500x2125, 1587306404984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama would defiantly cause mine

>> No.24518631

have you ever had to stop watching a holo because of their bgm?
sorry Mel

>> No.24518633

Thats who

>> No.24518634
Quoted by: >>24518650

Anyone in specific?

>> No.24518635
File: 16 KB, 401x167, 1593269335474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518643

Wordplay is fun.

>> No.24518636

What's dancho gonna do lads?

>> No.24518637
File: 550 KB, 2590x3624, Natsuiro_Matsuri_V.2_by_泉彩.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, did you do your reps? Otherwise, you don't get your reward...

>> No.24518642

mel is super entertaining to watch, she is full of energy

>> No.24518643


>> No.24518644

Those are mostly ironic

>> No.24518647

>peko peko peko peko
>stop spamming
I feel bad for Rushia, the holos really need moderators in their chat

>> No.24518648

I guess it's a feedback loop where aki posting gets more anons to check her out which leads to more aki posting.

>> No.24518649

The family is planning a massive party when Towa leaves, I hear it's going to have free coolaid!

>> No.24518650
Quoted by: >>24518754

rest of gen 4 and gen 3 really

>> No.24518651 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 446x700, 1593574386283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518652
File: 1.44 MB, 3842x2882, noel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518666

titfuck a wiimote as a way of announcing that we got Nintendo permissions.

>> No.24518653

Not Holo, but Tomoe's bgm makes me really sad and depressed for some reason

>> No.24518654

If there's no script it would be kind of awkward like that Coco, Kanata and Ui stream.

>> No.24518655

suffocate flare with her knight cups live on stream

>> No.24518658
Quoted by: >>24518672

Didn't their gov allow open fire on civilians who didn't obey the quarantine rule or something? I'm pretty damn sure at least one was killed because of that.

>> No.24518660


>> No.24518663
Quoted by: >>24518688

I hate flips but she never mentions them in this clip anon.
Can someone explain the whole Rushia virus shit? Who the fuck made this a trend in SEA

>> No.24518662

Until the end Towafriends

>> No.24518664
Quoted by: >>24518690

They do have mods, they needs some english speaking mods to ban the spergs.

>> No.24518665

Noels getting over it stream made me fucking despise her bgm

>> No.24518666

I really, really like this image.

>> No.24518667

Yeah, Aki's BGM drives me up the wall.

>> No.24518668

don't worry anon she is still growing

>> No.24518670


>> No.24518671

Wish Hololive and voms_project would do some collaborations.

>> No.24518672
Quoted by: >>24518732

Holy fucking based.

>> No.24518675

Finally some of the holostars other than Pizza Dad and Roberu are playing Jump King.

>> No.24518678 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 500x334, 1436431557330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518711

It's a fact.

>> No.24518679
Quoted by: >>24518715

Why does cover not make anyone mods in their chats? They do realize there are tons of people willing to do it for free right?

>> No.24518680

we got a Holostar VOMS collab a few days ago

>> No.24518682

Does anyone have the banpire helltaker webm?

>> No.24518683
File: 670 KB, 640x360, zqEQrNuyNYxh0bus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518685
File: 291 KB, 480x480, のーみそー.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She should use one that loops instead of replaying every few minutes. Just not something like Aqua's recorder song

>> No.24518686

pizza dad and kaoru played valorant with them the other night

>> No.24518687

>*cute _____ noises*

>> No.24518688
Quoted by: >>24518710

Retards made the trend
They change their dp to rushia, spam nanodesu in every normie group
I have a few friends in fb that changed theirs too, without actually knowing who tf she is

>> No.24518689

Canbaya's range is insane. I swear she can sing pretty much anything.

>> No.24518690

How can you have moderators who only speak Japanese when your chat is literally 50% EOPS? Jesus Cover

>> No.24518691
Quoted by: >>24518714


>> No.24518692

She'll charge premium for that.

>> No.24518693

I'm sure she's a bad singer like everyone says but I'll never get tired of listening to her.

>> No.24518694
Quoted by: >>24518704


>> No.24518696
Quoted by: >>24518714

r-rikka played too, anon, haha...

>> No.24518697

who is this?

>> No.24518698

Rikka played it too, it's just nobody watched it...

>> No.24518699

Pikamee collabed with Risu and all of VOMS collabed with the stars.

>> No.24518701

Confessing to Aqua!

>> No.24518703

get flare out of alice so kanata doesn't steal her

>> No.24518704


>> No.24518706

that's what HoloEN is going to be forced to do when they aren't streaming.

>> No.24518707

Roberu one is pretty good. Proper [ENG] tag, and only posted when they change topic. The simple banter is easily understandable, but most EOP just need context.

>> No.24518708

Confessing my love to baqua!

>> No.24518709
Quoted by: >>24520742

Why did they all leave the Holoserver?

>> No.24518710

So how long do these trends last? A month of this shit is going to become unbearable

>> No.24518711

>Filipino's are
So this the power of ESLs...

>> No.24518713

I love her so much bros...

>> No.24518714

Sorry I only watch him for his singing streams didn't realize he played Jump King.

>> No.24518715

Agree, but its really hard to find people who will watch be there for the entire stream and every stream, without also abusing the power

>> No.24518716
File: 196 KB, 1216x623, 1592619922382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518756

In Towa streams all the EOPfriends report troublemakers.

>> No.24518717

Look at those padded hololive numbers
I wonder how much is the actual japanese (the main audience) subs in those

>> No.24518718


>> No.24518719

i also feel like most of them could use to turn the bgm down by like 50%. it should be there just enough to provide white noise to fill the gaps when theyre not speaking, but also low enough that you can tune it out

>> No.24518723
File: 222 KB, 1200x975, 20200630_203731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife...

>> No.24518724

has korone ever talked about rider?, i feel like she is a showa nerd who refuses to acknowledge that hesei is better

>> No.24518726
Quoted by: >>24518741

I think they translate for all holostar streams they can watch, I think I've seen them in other holostar streams too

>> No.24518727

Speaking of enka, I want any holo to cover this song:

>> No.24518730

This trend is like ugandan knuckles
But I think it will stop earlier since there are people spreading awareness on what will happen to Rushja if they dont stop

>> No.24518731

She played a Kamen Rider game on stream at one point

>> No.24518732
File: 707 KB, 640x532, 1593165642433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518734

I seriously unironically hate seaniggers so fucking much

>> No.24518735

everyone knows that heisei is better because Decade

>> No.24518736


>> No.24518738
File: 320 KB, 425x512, 54357553735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Korone is a daughter of an influential boss of some Yakuza?

>> No.24518739

It'll never go away lmao

>> No.24518740

based on haramu

>> No.24518741

puni puni? yeah, they translate every holostar as far as i know. i see them in almost every stream except when theres multiple streams at once

>> No.24518742
Quoted by: >>24518776

Ok boomer.

>> No.24518743

Hey now, coco can rock the Adidas

>> No.24518747

Looking at those comments, it's not just flips its also Vietnam and Indonesia. SEAniggers really are cancer.

>> No.24518749
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1589208370018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/ converted me to an aki fan since pic related happened. I've also been shilling her and I'm glad it's working

>> No.24518750
File: 312 KB, 498x704, 1585887322079.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518751

Does Suisei even have a fashion sense?

>> No.24518753

I love her wallpaper

>> No.24518754

Well the japanese tatsunoko are used to gaijin in the first place, so all I've really seen is a few of them saying that if coco is going to stream in american golden time, she might as well make it an english stream since the moment she says anything in english the chat is flooded

Watame is kind of one of the holos that 5ch usually shits on, so nobody really talks about her

Kanata is one of the holos that 5ch considers "unpopular with eigo kaigainiki", so I guess she doesn't have enough EOPs to be noteworthy

Marine is considered the most JOP-only holo that there is, so same as above

I remember a few flarefags saying that they noticed some gaijin back when she was doing dmc, but I guess they've left since I haven't heard anything since

Noelfags were complaining awhile back about an influx she got a couple weeks ago but I haven't seen anything since so I guess those EOPs must have left or calmed down

>> No.24518756

Towa has a pretty good EOP fanbase, but then you see Miko's chat, or Korone's chat where everything is a mess, I hope Cover realizes this problem and hires English speaking moderators

>> No.24518760

This screenshot makes me laugh every time I see it. That wallpaper combined with Aki's face just kills me for some reason

>> No.24518762
File: 2.22 MB, 2261x1435, 1590180784570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518763

She's very fashionable. She designed her old model and I'm pretty sure she had a lot of input on the new one.

>> No.24518764

Her latest outfit is pretty /fa/

>> No.24518766
File: 35 KB, 418x382, 1592579493070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518768
File: 432 KB, 873x1200, Ebrl8rdUEAM-2MN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe that meru (redemption arc) is actually happening, its all so surreal now compared to 3 months ago.

>> No.24518771

jesus Luna and korone seem to have so much control of their avatars
Not sure if they're really expressive or is about the model but damn.

>> No.24518772

I'm looking at it right now and it's just as bad as EOPs

>> No.24518775
File: 2.99 MB, 1620x1080, 1591637010955.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518786


>> No.24518776

This meme is nothing but a memory.

>> No.24518777
File: 101 KB, 236x233, i want to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519036

Why do they dislike Watame? And who else do they shit on?

>> No.24518780
Quoted by: >>24518790

You'd see her drawings having godawful fashion otherwise. She's pretty fashionable.

>> No.24518781
File: 91 KB, 252x252, pettan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How a flat Coco would look like? Maybe it's an upgrade.

>> No.24518782
File: 283 KB, 534x574, 1584793143180.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518791

>> No.24518785
File: 2.07 MB, 1382x2100, EbWK5lwVcAESxCx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518786
File: 3.56 MB, 498x660, 1584796440482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518787

how is her model so much more expressive than almost anyone else, her a watame are miles above coco

>> No.24518788
File: 92 KB, 680x1164, 41CA7F39-FD7B-4D49-9431-8CFB2E4E631C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518789

How do people let their desktop get this cluttered holy fuck my autism is being triggered hard

>> No.24518790
Quoted by: >>24518802

Suisei is trash.

>> No.24518791
Quoted by: >>24518818

Her sad face makes my heart stop. It's too sad.

>> No.24518795
Quoted by: >>24518816


>> No.24518796
Quoted by: >>24518822

I let mine get as many icons as possible, it's comfy.

>> No.24518797

Meru... your Line...

>> No.24518801

Watame is hated there huh
Also Coco has never ever done a English only stream expect for the Moona collab

>> No.24518802
File: 519 KB, 2625x2448, 6D766130-6589-4D22-99EF-49BAFF7DA7FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you worthless trash.

>> No.24518803
Quoted by: >>24518916

Korone's chat has been pretty good recently (not counting the prestream stuff), it's far from perfect but I've seen much, much worse.

>> No.24518804

I want Coco to hoist her up like she's baby Simba at the beginning of The Lion King

>> No.24518806

I forget to uncheck desktop every time I install something. It just builds up.

>> No.24518810

That's the average windows user for you.

>> No.24518811

A customer ojisan is calling

>> No.24518812

I would like to defend my indog country and say most of our shitposters are contained within IDs stream and the ones in the clip (which is only 1 dude) was probably doing it because the flips started it. Please blame flips and flips only.

>> No.24518815


>> No.24518816
Quoted by: >>24518830

sorry guys that was me

>> No.24518817

Are the retarded normies spamming nandoseu and Rushia gonna be the end of Holos?

>> No.24518818
File: 284 KB, 640x360, 1589319194191.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518821

Newfag, Coco first english only stream was with Haato

>> No.24518822
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1591311043143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518828

>as many icons as possible

>> No.24518823

>Marine is considered the most JOP-only holo that there is
if only they knew

>> No.24518824

We got through the SOP spam just fine, we'll get through this too.

>> No.24518826

AAAAAAAHH I forgot about that one

>> No.24518827

>Marine is considered the most JOP-only holo that there is
that's not true, but I guess there aren't many EOPs in her chat which is good
I swear to fucking god if some SOPs or flips spam womb in her chat I'm gonna lose it

>> No.24518828

It is, desktop minimalism is dumb. They gave you that space for a reason.

>> No.24518829

hello meru, I am guy jean

>> No.24518830
Quoted by: >>24518915

Pls dude be more mindful

>> No.24518831

Stream count this month
>Shion: 10
>Ayame: 8
>Baqua: 5
Fans of these three really have it hard huh? Makes you really appreciate the moments that they're actually around though I would think.

>> No.24518832
File: 45 KB, 340x428, 10097715173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember: I know.

>> No.24518836

Nah but it gonna get annoying if they spread to the other holos.

>> No.24518837
File: 1.21 MB, 1191x842, 80410786_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what a modern idol looks like

>> No.24518838
Quoted by: >>24518845

this temma miyabi stream is really comfy...its literally just two bros hanging out. 優しいな。。。

>> No.24518839
File: 156 KB, 326x388, korone dies on stream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518860


>> No.24518840
File: 355 KB, 380x501, matuli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518841


>> No.24518845
Quoted by: >>24518879

What do the bros talk about when they're together

>> No.24518846

Looks like a shotacon.

>> No.24518848
Quoted by: >>24518865

My brother unironically has 300+ chrome tabs open at the same time, one of them was from 3 months ago when i checked.

>> No.24518849

Go away!

>> No.24518850

Rushia beatitful girl...

>> No.24518851
Quoted by: >>24518881

I can't watch Rushia anymore since her chat is so obnoxious. Can't even hide it either since she has it on her screen.

>> No.24518852

I usually just forget about it, and before I know it my desktop is too cluttered to even bother doing anything about it, so I just leave it like that.

>> No.24518853
Quoted by: >>24518888

>My favorite holo has been consistently liking my Twitter posts lately
Is this how they turn you into paypigs? I feel like she has finally started acknowledging my existence and now I don’t want it to stop.

>> No.24518854

all mankind share same thing.
love for womb. through womb, unity

>> No.24518856
Quoted by: >>24518884

Yes that reason being to have a wallpaper of your waifu unobstructed

>> No.24518855

M-Mel you are at your day job, remember...

>> No.24518857

>Mel doesn't know how to whistle
I love her

>> No.24518859
File: 583 KB, 1074x1991, just end my fucking life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts the most.

>> No.24518860


>> No.24518861
Quoted by: >>24518884

I'd rather use the space to have a nice wallpaper to look at, not random clutter

>> No.24518862


>> No.24518865

How is that even possible? I regularly exceed 1000+ chrome tabs, and there's no way the browser would survive 3 months without exploding.

>> No.24518866

>I see you

>> No.24518867
Quoted by: >>24518900

>Watame is kind of one of the holos that 5ch usually shits on, so nobody really talks about her
Why the hate though? And do this thread even have Watamefags? I only see her reaction images being posted here and there and I rarely see anyone talk about her.

>> No.24518868
Quoted by: >>24518913

I love this outfit so much, it has so many good points. Though her old design was pretty cute too.

>> No.24518873

looks like she can't dance

>> No.24518876
File: 159 KB, 324x446, eternal suffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she talk like this...

>> No.24518877
File: 1.73 MB, 1754x1240, 41366fd57f205bb0bd1b56ad0db5c9d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518927


>> No.24518878
Quoted by: >>24518904

I love Peko's bgm honestly

>> No.24518879

right now theyre struggling with catching an undersea dino? so theyre just talking about the game right now
im not familiar with ark so i dont know if theyre trying to kill it or catch it.

>> No.24518880
Quoted by: >>24518952

I wish I had a Gosling for this.

>> No.24518882

Aqua hurts the most cause she was streaming so much before, what happened to her...

>> No.24518881

Try putting something to cover it up, these motherfuckers will soon get bored

>> No.24518884

How often do you have your desktop in view unobstructed?

>> No.24518885

looks like an expensive stripper

>> No.24518886

Oh fuck me I can't believe Aki goes on VRChat to ERP with Jap VRchads whenever she's feeling thirsty

>> No.24518887

Mel can't whistle huh. I hope she collabs with Suisei at some point.

>> No.24518888
Quoted by: >>24518905

Lucky anon. I kind of want to be noticed too, but I need to improve my drawing first.

>> No.24518891

That's just her being emotionally manipulative.

>> No.24518892

I'm sorry! I admit it! I made my own tribute pic for Okayu but I was too scared to send it! Forgive me squirrel for I have sinned!

>> No.24518893
File: 1.79 MB, 1254x1771, 1591242745649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NND bullied here really bad

>> No.24518894

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Miko's chat is not as bad as Korone's, just look at a few of her latest streams yourself for example and you'll see the difference and it's pretty tame. Even Miko's gaming streams were tame (e.g. ARK, Pien, The Sims 4 ) unless of course she's playing your dudebros FPS (e.g. FC5, CoD, DOOM). Now look at Korone's, whatever she streamed the chat's always been a cancer although it calmed down a little bit, and it's a good thing.

>> No.24518895

Because behind the happy dog face is a person who’s endured many hardships.

>> No.24518896


>> No.24518900

I assume they hate her because
>she actually acknowledged Kaoru
>she very clearly milks her viewers with 10 streams about the same topic
>cries all the time to get more money
>eats too much potato chips

>> No.24518903
File: 103 KB, 550x778, fd1b31b9f28c6309040205459fc2eecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


but I am already doing that.

>> No.24518904
Quoted by: >>24519077

I miss the old one shame she changed it

>> No.24518905

>I need to improve my drawing first
>tfw practicing the fundamentals and still feel like I'm not making any progress.

>> No.24518906

her dad died (not narrative posting, for real)

>> No.24518907
File: 871 KB, 640x480, 1591522459312.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518908

stop posting sad stuff
she wants us to be happy :(

>> No.24518909

I appreciate just seeing her tweet as proof that she's alive at this point. This was a good experience though. Prep for life after graduation.

>> No.24518910
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, supernova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24518911

If I didn't have Pekora and Miko to tide me over while they are away I probably would have stopped following hololive.

>> No.24518913
File: 417 KB, 626x885, 1593496623467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The old design has a lot of its elements inspired by Aikatsu but it's really cute and simple

>> No.24518915

Coco confuse me, why sing sss in english when she only talk to and care about the japanese base. also don't japs love it more when gaijin try singing jap song in japanese?

>> No.24518916

I doubt any of these are worse than Haachama EOP chats.

>> No.24518917

I really like that image

>> No.24518920

Remember, there is a ZERO percent chance this funny bunny will appear before you tomorrow morning if you neglect to say "rabbit rabbit" first thing when you wake up. Better say "rabbit rabbit" just in case.

>> No.24518919

Please don't post anymore lewd images past this point, keep things wholesome.

>> No.24518921

>she very clearly milks her viewers with 10 streams about the same topic
>cries all the time to get more money
Oh okay, these sound legit enough to dislike her.

>> No.24518923

Artia could do it too while she's fucking trapped in Leafland.

>> No.24518925
File: 454 KB, 1445x1700, 1590868464023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518933

Why are you like this

>> No.24518927


>> No.24518928
File: 192 KB, 899x1269, if i had to pick a dude 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518930

the raid?

>> No.24518931

she's pregnant

>> No.24518933

The lewd images add nothing of value to the threads though. They're just a distraction.

>> No.24518936

I feel you artbro. All that needs to be known is that if you keep going, you'll improve little by little even if it's one tiny 0.01%.

>> No.24518937
File: 663 KB, 848x1200, 1592629430318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518938


>> No.24518939

Sure it's not often but when i do at least I'm don't see a mess of icons but a cute girl

>> No.24518941

Mel's impression of Rushia is spot on

>> No.24518943

Damn, those are some pretty good impersonations.

>> No.24518944
Quoted by: >>24519042

Watame and Kaoru collab when

>> No.24518945
File: 2.56 MB, 2160x3054, 81542922_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518999


>> No.24518946

Imagine being Choco sensei and having your views blown out the water by Mel who hasn't even been streaming for many months.

>> No.24518948
File: 1.13 MB, 1241x662, aki2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518950
Quoted by: >>24518955

looks like a glazed donut

>> No.24518951

Clearly a cosplayer, those panties look way too expensive to be Kanata’s.

>> No.24518952
Quoted by: >>24518964


>> No.24518953


>> No.24518954

she became a stacy after realizing being a shut-in is boring

>> No.24518956

kira starting soon!

>> No.24518955

You're supposed to glaze it yourself, silly.

>> No.24518957

Mel's been on fire since her comeback

>> No.24518959

look like she ass slamming you from above

>> No.24518960


>> No.24518961

How did the other ASMR holos escape the shadowban but Choco's channel got tagged with it consistently?

>> No.24518962

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Txg6_XX169s Roboco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2F0H6OBlZGM Kira

>> No.24518964
File: 21 KB, 580x548, 1591273582376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518972


>> No.24518965
File: 567 KB, 2633x4096, EbWrDsqUcAEvQgY (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518976

Tummy isn't lewd.

>> No.24518967

Choco and Mel will collab and she'll leech.

>> No.24518968
File: 1.07 MB, 312x504, 1589199445111.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24518978


>> No.24518969

Chocomel is pretty good

>> No.24518971
File: 185 KB, 850x1202, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_koruse__sample-59e9e0de80ad3ff9fabbe7afab800bb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519005


>> No.24518972

Fuck it, I'm gonna watch bladerunner

>> No.24518973
File: 983 KB, 1000x1412, 1590504908896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome wolf pits!

>> No.24518974
File: 116 KB, 735x1000, 1590912130111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, Towa.

>> No.24518976

>Tummy isn't lewd

>> No.24518977
Quoted by: >>24518990

Mel did the Aqua slurp...

>> No.24518978
File: 789 KB, 1062x1505, 1590926402471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518979
Quoted by: >>24518990


>> No.24518980
Quoted by: >>24518995

Choco is perma shadowbanned literally getting bullied by youtube

>> No.24518982

Is youtube really banning streams just for cleavage

>> No.24518984
File: 1.17 MB, 2303x4096, 1592856014364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24518985

So this is what 100% cotton panties look like?...

>> No.24518987

Well fuck me Mel is cute and funny.

>> No.24518989

That slurp

>> No.24518990

It's like she was back for a moment

>> No.24518995
Quoted by: >>24519004

but her last stream form hours ago wasn't shadowbanned

>> No.24518996
Quoted by: >>24519013

Everytime I start up the computer

>> No.24518999

Towa gets to eat THAT?

>> No.24519001

Listen to this everyday now.

>> No.24519002

Lads can you tune down the lewd post s a bit, i have to go poop and leave my work pc for a while, it would be bad if someone see the shits you post here

>> No.24519004

Oh that's Nice I Hope that shit's over

>> No.24519005

Yo ho ho and a bottle of cum

>> No.24519006

Even if they are, giving them attention is a pretty small price to pay

>> No.24519008

Melbros, I'm so glad she's back

>> No.24519011

imagine kira finishing jump king before roberu...

>> No.24519013

you turn off your computer?

>> No.24519015
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 3ad22e314a5c1d4a11be6d1f5fc18b14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519016
File: 1.40 MB, 2786x4096, EXdlUUBVAAAEyU4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519017


>> No.24519018
File: 99 KB, 630x947, 1591161935646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fill Senchou's belly with my creamy cummy!!!!!

>> No.24519019
Quoted by: >>24519037

Mel can impersonate anyone?!

>> No.24519022


>> No.24519023
File: 136 KB, 680x960, 64931246842245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519024

holy fuck meru can sound like ANYTHING

>> No.24519025
File: 1.26 MB, 3508x2480, EU8ZqKVU4AAV2Nb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519027

Y...yeh... yeah?!

>> No.24519028

Reactions - Vtubers - Holo

>> No.24519029



>> No.24519030

At this rate we'll hit image limit with 500-600 posts to spare, knock it off you stupid faggots.

>> No.24519031
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, dbupdt2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like what my desktop looked like 8 years ago

>> No.24519032

Kira beat Getting Over It in 20 minutes anon, he'll probably beat this game in an hour or something.

>> No.24519034
File: 9 KB, 447x78, capture-20200701-110615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519033
Quoted by: >>24519064

>doesn't even tune
>nails it anyways
What is this banpire's ability?

>> No.24519035

Does anyone remember the zatsudan where Matsuri said she'd be creeped out if someone in management was one of her fans? Was she trying to tell us about Mel?

>> No.24519036

Lot of the same thing she gets shit on here for: Endless kinenbi streams, crying, seeming to care too much about numbers, and there's always the boyfriend. It's not really hate per-se, but more of constant banter and the fact that as a result her fans don't really talk much.

Same thing for ayame for reasons I'm sure you already know(ayame's actually usually referred to by the derogatory nickname pakoyo)

5ch, while amazed at the family towa's managed to gather, mostly hates towa's voice and thus her nickname over there is dobubo referring to her voice. They've come around on her singing, but her talking in general always get shit on

Korone is big enough that she has a dedicated hatebase as big as her fanbase. It's easy to spot which side of korone fence someone falls on by whether they call her korosan or her real name

Shion has a sort of love-hate thing going on due to her general antics and being stupid(because she's young), she's always called kusogaki and dunked when she does dumb shit(for example almost losing a kanji test to coco)

>> No.24519037

It's actually a bit scary, just how well does she know the other holos?

>> No.24519039

>Marine is considered the most JOP-only holo that there is, so same as above
She has EOP chat always though

>> No.24519040

Risu did nothing wrong

>> No.24519041

My boss saw this and gave me a promotion, thanks bro

>> No.24519042

After the reaction she got? Never ever

>> No.24519043

Is there a holo who knows how to play the drums?

>> No.24519045

This looks too anti-gravitational. Let the boobs spread as they fight gravity. It's such a beautiful sight. I wish more artists would do it.

>> No.24519046

My little retard can't be this lewd!

>> No.24519048

I get what he's talking about, I'm worried I might die someday...

>> No.24519049

pls don't lewd my retarded daughter

>> No.24519052

Is Ayame gone again?

>> No.24519056

No shit

>> No.24519057
File: 445 KB, 3000x1976, EYPqXS3XQAAngut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519058

That's one of the first translations of lyger I saw

>> No.24519060
File: 442 KB, 638x776, C040210B-D558-41D7-BC2F-1213CCDE57F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize nothing gold can stay

>> No.24519061

You guys haven't even heard Mel's topical jokes yet. Those are wild.

>> No.24519062 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1593576530639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519143


>> No.24519063

I don't know, but Noel's got a nice set of bongos haha!

>> No.24519064
Quoted by: >>24519084

She's one of their best voice talents hands down. Always believed with more coaching she could be one of their top singers.

>> No.24519066
Quoted by: >>24519076

She's a stupid normalfag whore

>> No.24519068

Oh and of course retardchama has an equivalent over there in gaijichama, but that's not really a hate thing at all

>> No.24519069
Quoted by: >>24519117

Ojisans are not going to suck themselves you silly anon

>> No.24519072
File: 2.95 MB, 922x720, 1589346918327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519073

Except be a filthy SEA tree rat

>> No.24519076
Quoted by: >>24519103

>t. creepy otaku

>> No.24519077

It's back if you didn't know, she had to channel ponkotsu bgm power for her 13 hour minecraft stream

>> No.24519078
File: 35 KB, 344x418, 1593013974708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be helped.

>> No.24519080
Quoted by: >>24519215

she's got gastroenteritis right now

>> No.24519081
Quoted by: >>24519095

Mel's impressions are really good
Is gen 1 just full of pro voice actors

>> No.24519083
Quoted by: >>24519153

You seem to know what you are talking about? Can I get actual thoughts and impressions about Coco and her antics? I can trust the cocofags and shitposters here

>> No.24519084
Quoted by: >>24519148

She has zero stamina.

>> No.24519085

so doxfaggots get to run around unchained there
this really is sadly the best place to discuss hololive online isn't it

>> No.24519087
File: 103 KB, 768x768, 1592374176358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't like the DEEP SEXY VOICE

>> No.24519088

Risu did nothing.

>> No.24519089

kira makes the cutest noises

>> No.24519090

I thought the boyfriend thing was just one shitposter here

>> No.24519093

Aki's learning. It seems quite a number of holos know how to play instruments.

>> No.24519094

>Those thick thighs
Please understand, my penis

>> No.24519095

as the generations past they shifted from multi talented individuals to nico nico douga streamers

>> No.24519096

When are we going to get a gen 1 reunion stream?

>> No.24519097

Anyone applying for the holoEN manager position?

>> No.24519098

You guys don't show icons on your desktops right?

>> No.24519099
File: 42 KB, 295x321, rurisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519101
File: 68 KB, 548x496, EYa2uGsWAAAJJ6v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519113

Embrace the good times, archive everything, speed up your reps, you've only got the now to enjoy them and interact with them, so you have to make the best of it. Don't be sad that it'll all pass, be happy you were there to enjoy it as much as possible

>> No.24519102
File: 1000 KB, 1812x1432, 47D3E900-6417-4397-9F29-9F7DC2FEF8B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519103

Fuck off Risu, this is a creepy otaku safe space.

>> No.24519104

what do they think about Haachama

>> No.24519106

it just means shes not attracted to any of her male employers. No chads working in the company

>> No.24519107

Korone Elite Beat Agents/Ouendan Stream fucking when?
Your inspiration will be extremely sad

>> No.24519110
Quoted by: >>24519116

How does he do it?

>> No.24519113

I always enjoy these 35p posts.

>> No.24519115
File: 143 KB, 452x1200, DWfnVlTUQAACEsQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sk8ter boy

>> No.24519116

same reason dudes give the best blowjobs
they know exactly what dudes like

>> No.24519117

wtf I am unsubbing

>> No.24519122
File: 243 KB, 889x1433, EbQbc8nWAAAV5Qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519123

First time watching him, his outfit is pretty cute

>> No.24519124

Now I understand Towa's appeal.

>> No.24519128

Someone earlier said she is one of the most loved ones since it seems like most of her personality is not an act

>> No.24519131

I have no idea why banpire sounds hentai to her

>> No.24519132
Quoted by: >>24519146

the bar is not covering her cleavage...

>> No.24519134

Why do you want stupid children?

>> No.24519138

>Mel finally understands BANpire
What a dork

>> No.24519139
File: 3.48 MB, 9600x2160, dtop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.24519141
Quoted by: >>24519158

I never understood the appeal of Marine to people who aren't already deep into Japanese hobbyist stuff.

>> No.24519142
File: 129 KB, 720x900, EbrmTJDVAAACHQJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519189

comfy full SOL hololive anime when? what studio will produce it?

>> No.24519143 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 512x512, 1593577007168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519145
Quoted by: >>24519155

I'll admit it. Avril Levigne was great.

>> No.24519146

anon pls don't remember me

>> No.24519148

Her roommate needs to eat more, skeletons aren't know for their stamina without necromantic magic backing them up

>> No.24519149

>Mel already appealing to Spain
Why is Hololive like this

>> No.24519152

tambien te amo, Mel

>> No.24519153

They shit on cover for putting all the restrictions on asacoco if that's what you're asking

>> No.24519154


>> No.24519155

Really takes you back to the early 2000s

>> No.24519156

Who are the holo's favorite characters to play as in Apex? Roboco really likes Revenant. Matsuri doesn't actually play Octane often despite him being her husbando

>> No.24519157

Spainchads cant stop winning

>> No.24519158

>I never understood the appeal of Marine to people who aren't already deep into Japanese hobbyist stuff.
I'll give you a hint
it starts with W

>> No.24519159

La vampirita...

>> No.24519160


>> No.24519163
File: 826 KB, 2646x3742, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_meemo__d8ca1dcb3751b2c0742a775c042b954d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519164
File: 127 KB, 613x960, 1589516223301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519165

hide desltop icon, only rainmeter on right bottom side.

>> No.24519166


>> No.24519167
Quoted by: >>24519202

I only got into hololive back in Febuary maybe? So watching Mel is kind of like watching a new holo for me. I hadn't even watched any of her clips before.

>> No.24519168

This kills the Chat

>> No.24519169

Mel cucking JOPs with spainchads

>> No.24519173


>> No.24519174


>> No.24519175

The boyfriend narrative came from them, we just copied it

>> No.24519176

I've been icon-less and wallpaper-less for years now. Nethier are really useful in the multi-tasking era.

>> No.24519178
Quoted by: >>24519199

There's no spanish people in her chat though

>> No.24519180

Man i'm still bummed out. I actually liked Risu. Now every time i see a post of hers i liked before i just get dissapointed

>> No.24519181

Aki seems to prefer Caustic
Towa used to play Pathfinder, then Wraith. Currently she doesn't have a new main

>> No.24519183
File: 1.08 MB, 1700x1700, 1591949463294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519185
Quoted by: >>24519204

Do you have one small ass monitor between two of your big ones

>> No.24519186
File: 2.85 MB, 548x900, 1592253175984.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519188


>> No.24519189

I just watched like 2 episodes of Virtual-san wa Miteiru but did Hololive appear or at least Sora?
Also the studio who made it could do a 5-minutes mini series with Hololive.

>> No.24519190


>> No.24519191

Eyes are too far away from each other

>> No.24519192

>that background
Reminder that Wakame has her own vtuber channel.

>> No.24519193

>Lot of the same thing she gets shit on here for
Oh damn, no wonder she stroke Coco's ego so much during Coco's birthday.

>> No.24519195

There's old haatons who cry at the fact that haato's changed so much from what she used to, people that call her retarded and laugh at her, and some that are saying that her kikaku skills have vastly improved

Haachama's reception is pretty similar to here

>> No.24519196

Aqua is a Wraith metaslave

>> No.24519199
Quoted by: >>24519235

Get ready for "Vtuber Mel speaks Spanish" to debut on YouTube tomorrow and then see what happens

>> No.24519200

What an attention whore,no wonder nobody want to collab with her

>> No.24519201

i cant tell if korone or risu is the based one here

>> No.24519202

I barely see any
I tried to find clips of her and I only found

>> No.24519204

yeah its a 144hz 1080p monitor that im trying to replace with a 4k 144hz monitor when the new GPUs come out

>> No.24519206
File: 196 KB, 1040x583, 1584156521576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519226

>> No.24519207

i have 3 icons but they are temporary for the most part

>> No.24519208

Korone loves Caustic ojisan

>> No.24519209
Quoted by: >>24519236

I sort of expected it. Mel could've easily graduated and stream on her roommate's channel instead after the entire stalker thing. Pretty sure she chose to stay in Hololive to reap the benefits of the EOP/ESL audience.

>> No.24519213
Quoted by: >>24519252

Aki...what is this bgm!?

>> No.24519215
Quoted by: >>24519225

too much swallowing?

>> No.24519216

Post pic you weirdo

>> No.24519218

you should have seen my desktop 5 minutes ago before i put everything into holo folder

>> No.24519219

It's an edit of the original, the tweets never happened.
That said I agree.

>> No.24519220

kiras little squeaks...

>> No.24519222
File: 118 KB, 827x1101, EbuzbbyU0AEhTis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519238

>> No.24519224

Matsuri pre-patch: Pathfinder
Matsuri post-patch: Lifeline
(Matsuri off-hours: Giru-kun)

Fubuki: Mirage

>> No.24519225

too much anal

>> No.24519226

Look at her now

>> No.24519227

>ayame's actually usually referred to by the derogatory nickname pakoyo
Is that just banter or do they unironically think she's a prostitute?

>> No.24519228

>Roboco really likes Revenant.
Roboco just play whatever on meta which currently is Rev since his ult get buffed,I don't think she has any particular favourite

>> No.24519230

This just made me realize. All the holos only have 1080p 60hz monitors don't they?

>> No.24519231
Quoted by: >>24519242

I could never betray Mel when she speaks like that to me

>> No.24519233


>> No.24519234

If that was true she would just play Wraith since she's still by far the best character

>> No.24519235
Quoted by: >>24519244

doubt it, no one is subbing mel content

>> No.24519236

It's just the sensible thing to do, tbhdesu. If you disappeared before a big boom and got a shot at being a part of it, why wouldn't you? She's been doing great and seems motivated unlike pre-disappearance where she was pulling 1k.

>> No.24519237
Quoted by: >>24519372

I think Aqua might have 144hz, and Ayame has a 75hz, but yeah, they generally have monitors waaay underpowered for their setup.

>> No.24519238

>When she sees your piano

>> No.24519240

I think Miko splurged recently, the others I'm not sure about

>> No.24519242

I expect a few Mel posters to appear in the next month.

>> No.24519243


>> No.24519244

they already have anon

>> No.24519245
File: 58 KB, 599x546, shecantkeepgettingawaywithit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just keeps adding more and more girls.

>> No.24519246

Why does Mel's bgm sould so agressively silly?

>> No.24519247

>8 streams
>8 ranks climbed
Is Ayame actually a genius?

>> No.24519249

Revenant is not meta right now, she just likes him. She also plays a lot of Caustic.

>> No.24519250
Quoted by: >>24519258

Sora still has a CRT

>> No.24519251
Quoted by: >>24519257

Ayame literally spit on 5ch virgin like the stacy she is,of course they will hate her

>> No.24519252
Quoted by: >>24519339

sounds like trials of mana/seiken densetsu 3

>> No.24519254
Quoted by: >>24519260

damn what a Chad...

>> No.24519257

>Ayame literally spit on 5ch virgin

>> No.24519258

Sora Obaasama...

>> No.24519259
File: 2.86 MB, 808x604, 1583934984527.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519290

>> No.24519260
Quoted by: >>24519285

She's more like a dense MC.

>> No.24519263

he couldn't even muster up the courage to answer sio, she has nothing on the true CHAD of hololive canata

>> No.24519264
Quoted by: >>24519273

With her mouth, anon. It says literally.

>> No.24519265

Did Mel go to a seiyuu school? She's really good and it's like she's not even at her final form.

>> No.24519267

Tower used to spam Bangalore but now plays Caustic like her Aunty Aki

>> No.24519268


>> No.24519269

will azki not do a birthday stream?

>> No.24519272

shes building quite the harem chad towa

>> No.24519273
Quoted by: >>24519304

What's the story?

>> No.24519275

Be honest: Would you even care if she did?

>> No.24519276

Is that a niji? An indie?

>> No.24519277

Trying to compete with Kanata's harem

>> No.24519278
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1587230235948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me the stream of the year is Towa's FNAF
such a fun and cute stream

>> No.24519279

Years of ASMR practice as Mel and her roommate

>> No.24519280
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1593268310430.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519281

I think Miko also bought a new 1440p 144hz monitor, so she got 2 PC now, one she use for obs/streaming the other one's for gami- I mean ARK.

>> No.24519282
Quoted by: >>24519297

Thats a lot of EOP chat in Kira's stream...

>> No.24519285

I can't believe that this cute demon (dork angel) is so dense and gathered a harem of virtual old ladies

>> No.24519287

She's unironically the realest holo we have which is why she gets a lot of hate from jops, she has already told them to fuck off multiple times

>> No.24519290

The most punchable holo

>> No.24519291

July... Sio is forgotten...

>> No.24519292

It's Uruha from LVG. They gave already collabed before.

>> No.24519294

Towa should do more horror, even though she is too scared to!

>> No.24519295

she is so cute..

>> No.24519297

the stars have a lot of eop fans, theyre well behaved most of the time because its just a bunch of regulars mostly

>> No.24519298

Towa's loli drawing stream is still gold in my mind.

>> No.24519300
Quoted by: >>24519323

>plays VAMPIRE with google translate in many languages to enforce her BANPIRE meme
>other holo impersonations
>shinji impersonation
>talk is in english and spanish
>talks abot her childhood experiences
>goes menhera
>goes gachikoi for kanna chon


>> No.24519302

>tfw just got FNAF VR
did miko ever play it or was that FNAF 1?

>> No.24519304
Quoted by: >>24519311

5ch-kun was just chilling watching their favorite niji until ayame came outta nowhere, unzipped his pants, and spat on his dick, then forced him to watch her fuck her boyfriend (me)

>> No.24519306

Okayu went from Bloodhound to Crypto, and sometimes Revenant.

>> No.24519307

for me it's OkaKoro if we die the stream ends Cuphead.

>> No.24519308
File: 152 KB, 633x1000, EZq9Tr2WoAcs3mF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519310

one reserved for streaming, good stuff miko!

>> No.24519311


>> No.24519312

Why is an American cuter than the Japs?
Explain yourselves holofags

>> No.24519316

How does having a single PC for obs/streaming usage work anyways? Also does she cap her streams at 1080p or 1440p?

>> No.24519317

Ugh, I wish Hololive didn't force everyone to sing...

>> No.24519321

I would tune in to see who's gonna be there like all the other holos, but since she's INNK idk really

>> No.24519322

because 3d streams make everyone better since they actually have to move around

>> No.24519323

She cant and wont suck my dick

>> No.24519324
Quoted by: >>24519358

as you fish!

>> No.24519326
File: 2.65 MB, 1920x1080, 89(木)一緒にランチしませんか? - date with aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki plays Yasuhati using Marshmallow messages

Aki gets asked to speak spanish

Aki making acapellas on-stream

>> No.24519328

It's not a shitpost, Watame's switch has her past life and her boyfriend profiles on it, go check the archive.

>> No.24519330
Quoted by: >>24519502

I like the singing and dancing but I understand, some of the girls just aren't made for it

>> No.24519331

Her imouto roleplay is really good and hot

>> No.24519332


>> No.24519333
File: 101 KB, 1072x1920, yeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers /hlg/!!!

>> No.24519334

Who are the worst singers?

>> No.24519337

AZKi is a good talent wasted on shit design
Ayame has a good design but wasted on shit talent
They should swap desu

>> No.24519338

And that's Sio's cumpet... Are Sio and Towa in a harem wars?

>> No.24519339

It's most likely a "bootleg" version in the same style. You know, permissions and all that.

I wish the holos would add links to their BGM sources.

>> No.24519340
Quoted by: >>24519377

She did

>> No.24519342
Quoted by: >>24519377

Miko played both of FNAF 1 https://youtu.be/ZHoXUJCYSFw and FNAF VR https://youtu.be/DG-QaQJfJWo

>> No.24519343
File: 502 KB, 453x915, 1591819358136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo?

>> No.24519345
Quoted by: >>24519502

that's their company image though? why would you not be asked to sing

>> No.24519348
File: 128 KB, 1200x873, EbxGAJ-UYAUR2wS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the beach
>see this
what do?

>> No.24519349
File: 19 KB, 305x315, 999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Flare

>> No.24519350


>> No.24519351
Quoted by: >>24519371

Wish I could drink. I have work tomorrow, so I really shouldn't.

>> No.24519352

Thank you Aki bro

>> No.24519353

turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.24519354

Noel's coach quit on her. Until HoloEN she's keeping the crown of shame.

>> No.24519355

Singing is in the job description.

>> No.24519356
Quoted by: >>24519400

Pretty sure that's Marine's apartment but Marine actually is just a huge degen who's too happy to be a internet dweller to be depressed. She does get drunk and sleep on her futon though, t. her twitter

>> No.24519357

seriously, can't she ask for a redesign

>> No.24519358
File: 141 KB, 850x1133, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_tamasa_yamoto__sample-65fdec329083aaef90389a57fd6b143b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519383


>> No.24519361

who got the biggest harem Kanata or Towa?

>> No.24519362
File: 682 KB, 2480x3508, 1592590508888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love aki

>> No.24519363

Coco, Noel and Korone. Miko is pretty down there too, but it's mostly because of her voice rather than she's not being able to sing.

>> No.24519364

based akiposter

>> No.24519365

Slap Moona's moonas.

>> No.24519366
File: 1.22 MB, 3840x2160, __usada_pekora_inugami_korone_nekomata_okayu_and_yuujin_a_hololive_drawn_by_misaki_nonaka__8e55901ccc46e9177c3e15df09149448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519367
File: 428 KB, 1000x1538, 1592201505296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519368

Me after I watched my favorite holo.

>> No.24519369


>> No.24519370

Matsuri except her room is much more depressing.

>> No.24519371


>> No.24519372

It does make you wonder. Aqua talked about her gamer gear, but she didn't say much about her monitors. Maybe she just forgot about it. During Apex, she plays at 60 FPS anyways though.

>> No.24519373

Punch moona

>> No.24519374

"Fuck, I how did I to Indonesia, I need to leave before I get beheaded!"

>> No.24519375

Me except the streaming and being female parts

>> No.24519377

thanks, thought it might have just been a fever dream

>> No.24519378

This would be the 15,498th loop

>> No.24519380

noel and korone,

>> No.24519382

most vtuba

>> No.24519383

i'll never get how she has antis honestly
NNDfags must be the worst human beings

>> No.24519384


>> No.24519390
File: 768 KB, 3359x4093, EaUcgANUwAAChr_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn enter mixed bathhouse with noel

>> No.24519389


>> No.24519391

Who is the lolicon's chuuba of choice?

>> No.24519392

Punch the YAGOO

>> No.24519394

crack open yagoo like a watermelon

>> No.24519397
Quoted by: >>24519412

Noel, Coco. Towa is also not that great either. She's not bad, just not that good.

>> No.24519398

>that hair up

>> No.24519399
File: 829 KB, 1280x720, face.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519400
Quoted by: >>24519434

why can't I have a Marine gf

>> No.24519401

Most of them, probably
But if I had to choose Pekora, Matsuri and Miko

>> No.24519402


>> No.24519403

Kira's voice is a girl right? If so I feel bad for her being stuck in holostars

>> No.24519405
Quoted by: >>24519426

Interesting that Aki uses Audacity in english. Pretty it has had Japanese support for a long time now.

>> No.24519409

because she doesn't care and having fun

>> No.24519410

save yagoo from his nightmares

>> No.24519414
File: 3.76 MB, 2534x3648, 1592940225257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please consider: Towa's fangs

>> No.24519415

none of the holo chuubas that's for sure

>> No.24519412


>> No.24519413
Quoted by: >>24519484

Noel, Flare and Coco are all genuinely terrible

>> No.24519417

>he doesn't know

>> No.24519420
File: 226 KB, 480x480, sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519421

She was pretty big on NND. Getting a group of loud haters is pretty much a given when you're popular..

>> No.24519423


>> No.24519424

If a white holoEN girl was revealed to be a 30-40 year old divorcee everyone in here would hate on her.

>> No.24519425

Those people and people here don't watch her stream though and don't actually like her content

>> No.24519426

Aki must be an immersion chad.

>> No.24519427


>> No.24519429

Oh, anon...

>> No.24519430

AZKi just seriously needs a model update. It's frankly embarassing that Cover still didn't comission it.

>> No.24519431
Quoted by: >>24519448

post the clip

>> No.24519432
File: 243 KB, 1512x1212, 1592344487997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just right.

>> No.24519433

>He's never heard Kira's actual manly deep voice

>> No.24519434
Quoted by: >>24519460

because they don't go outside

>> No.24519436

she's kinda fake

>> No.24519437


>> No.24519438

Please consider: Ravaging Towa's fertile vagina

>> No.24519439
Quoted by: >>24519459

>oniichan, oneechan ohaiyo!

>> No.24519441
File: 97 KB, 964x900, 1593435113969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519443

and they would be right to do so

>> No.24519444

roboco's dunkey ears are massive

>> No.24519445
File: 855 KB, 1280x720, 1589274202075(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri, her roomate wants to be the popular one,not her avatar

>> No.24519446

Kill the alien and the muslim, rape the squirrel to death

>> No.24519447
Quoted by: >>24519467

I doubt it
There would be shitposting
The Japanese antis seem to have true rage within them

>> No.24519448

I need to see

>> No.24519449
Quoted by: >>24519473

quite literally Noel

>> No.24519450

everyone would hate her for being holoEN regardless

>> No.24519451


>> No.24519452
Quoted by: >>24519462

Towa's buttfangs...

>> No.24519453


>> No.24519456

A holoEN girl could be literally perfect and she would get hate here. This thread has an irrational hatred of the English language.

>> No.24519457

pray that she doesn't piss herself

>> No.24519458

I wanna see this actually his range must be insane

>> No.24519459


>> No.24519460

Me neither so

>> No.24519462
File: 158 KB, 360x344, 1592097278627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519463

What happens if I pull on her tail really hard?

>> No.24519464


>> No.24519465
File: 1.87 MB, 2042x3000, EaSsBYXUEAQNhXA.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519513

My body craves more kanata x suisei musical collabs

>> No.24519466

Would the children be angels or devils?

>> No.24519467
Quoted by: >>24519498

If said hypothetical holoEN girl went on to become one of the most popular holos and making tons of money then there would be rage.

>> No.24519468

that cough gets me every fuckin time

>> No.24519469

I was gone a while, what happened?

>> No.24519470
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, 1592620176327.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519549

>> No.24519471

Mikochi's still living the introverted hikki lifestyle and always nervous when she meet people, but I bet she's happier than ever before now. I'm happy for her.

>> No.24519472

Not if he was a male

>> No.24519473

Does anyone have the Noel webm where she goes cans.wav in a moment of spergy rage?

>> No.24519474

As a lolicon i feel like vtubers aren't a good target for that simply because it's fundamentally a fetish. And most people tend to not sexualize the vtubers. Plus it's, in my opinion, too 3d to be enjoyable like that.

>> No.24519477

This desu

>> No.24519480

Risu yabee.

>> No.24519481

Oh I've seen this before, how the hell did I forget.
His range....

>> No.24519483
Quoted by: >>24519506

she's really become a happier person since we started dating

>> No.24519484
File: 213 KB, 425x352, 1591496946859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you guys forgetting someone?

>> No.24519485

More like irrational love for the Japanese language.

>> No.24519487

Towa a shit

>> No.24519488


Surprised, nonetheless.

>> No.24519490

My fucking sides, everytime

>> No.24519491

Ignore it and keep trying to sleep.

>> No.24519492
Quoted by: >>24519503

Drawfags, this is what you will ended up like if you don't practice your fundies.

>> No.24519493


>> No.24519494

Lovemaking under the sheets until we get exhausted!
Cuddling and kissing nonstop!
Falling asleep just like that!

>> No.24519496

She said that almost everyday is like a weekend for her and she has fun.

>> No.24519497
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, 89(木)一緒にランチしませんか? - mogu mogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519498

i mean korone is still my favorite holo even after learning she was probably married
you would have to be an awful person to become an anti just because she's revealed to not be a 20 year old virgin in real life, the roommate is not supposed to be an actual idol

>> No.24519499

Oh, yeah. I actually did forget. Choco is also terrible.

>> No.24519502
Quoted by: >>24519613

Because some of them suck at singing aren't made for it.
Yea, this is what happens when you try to force everyone to do everything.

>> No.24519503

Better to be able to do a finished piece than one not at all.

>> No.24519504

Is it true japs literally sleep on their floors and not a in proper bed setup

>> No.24519505

Retards mad that their pretend anime girls are actually real people.

>> No.24519506

But that's also me she's dating.
Mikochi's living the dream!

>> No.24519510
Quoted by: >>24519535

This. She's an ojitan in a young woman's body living the otaku dream of being able to make money as otaku and being 2D.

>> No.24519509

Where the fuck did you come from?

>> No.24519512

kira is cute even if his voice is deeper than mine. his hiccups...

>> No.24519513

Same, their Angelfish collab is just god tier.

>> No.24519516

What's wrong with sleeping on the floor? You get to have much more room. Fuutons are maximum comfy.

>> No.24519517
Quoted by: >>24519569

ive been on a 6 year weekend and i hate it

>> No.24519518

Holy fuck, this is awesome

>> No.24519519

She's also a normalfag who goes clubbing, had lip piercings and likes bad boys, but you like her because of your yellow fever, which Japs don't have, which is why I made the white girl analogy to try get you to understand that you only give this a pass because of your yellow fever.

>> No.24519520
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1592063697310.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519539

>> No.24519521

they sleep in my bed, anon

>> No.24519525

Gokiburi if you live the trash bag life in Asia

>> No.24519526

I think Korone fits the cute singing niche well enough. Certainly not talented like Mio mama, Okayu, THE PRIDE and the tree rat, but its cute.

>> No.24519530
Quoted by: >>24519569

>everyday is like a weekend
haha that sounds like so much fun haha..haa...

>> No.24519533

It's a sign of poverty. The higher the bed, the more important the person.

>> No.24519535
Quoted by: >>24519556

I love her but I'm also jealous

>> No.24519536
Quoted by: >>24519558

Then stop taking money from men who pay you to be an actual idol.

>> No.24519537
Quoted by: >>24519554

People realized she isn't great at JP
People realized she isn't great at collab(if she even get any)
People realized that she is lazyfuck that only stream on minimum requirement needed

>> No.24519538
Quoted by: >>24519560

you're assuming a lot
I don't care that much about what her roommate does, she's playing a character
it's really obvious from how you post you don't understand the concept of vtubers as a whole

>> No.24519539
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, 【#アキロゼ生誕祭】全身3Dでお祝いだ~!!ドコドン!【ホロライブ_アキロゼ】-fPdJfzYNKEk.mkv_snapshot_00.15.35.217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine inviting Aki back to your room then realising you left your pc on but it's too late. Aki has already seen your wallpaper and it's this haha

>> No.24519541
Quoted by: >>24519566

Anons Ik we shitpost about her here but she's an honorary Holo, in all honesty, swearing on Jesus on crackers do you dislike Lulu

>> No.24519542
File: 1.23 MB, 1777x1728, 1590432770462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519543

It was revealed that Aqua's break was so she could build a bridge to the ID holohouse out of chairs and ladders. During her stay she slapped Risu so hard her character broke.

>> No.24519544

>goes clubbing
>likes bad boys
citation needed

>> No.24519546


>> No.24519549


>> No.24519551
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 1593392428327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok ill still make her all the dino nuggets she wants while she breeds her spinos

>> No.24519552

>it's been so long since Mel streamed normally that she forgot to read superchats
I love this dork cinnamon bun

>> No.24519554

She does have some interesting stream like when she counted the coins in a piggybank

>> No.24519556
Quoted by: >>24519685

Same, my love overpowers the envy though, I want to see her continue to be happy and to be with her all the way. She deserves the success after what she went through

>> No.24519557
File: 9 KB, 177x134, smol-collection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how deep are you guys into the picture collecting rabbit hole? I don't have much of a collection at all

>> No.24519558

they don't? there's a reason they conceal their identities, it's not supposed to matter who the person is in real life. what matters is portraying a convincing image of a fictional person who is an idol, who can interact with people by stream.

>> No.24519560

So you think your supachas are going to a literal teenage dog girl?

>> No.24519562
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame hasn't streamed in 9 days.

>> No.24519564
Quoted by: >>24519606

What was stopping you before

>> No.24519565
File: 737 KB, 743x1161, 82678290_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519566

I love her design, her voice, and her choice in games, but I find her fucking boring.
The porn tho.

>> No.24519567
Quoted by: >>24519581

Read her twitter shes really ill

>> No.24519568

ting ding tee ding ding ding da ding ding ting

>> No.24519569
File: 704 KB, 800x640, Ebm6euqU4AANYzN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519570

Fuck you're stupid
Just go back to whatever board you came from
I know you don't watch Vtubers

>> No.24519571

She's also fucking fat

>> No.24519572

how does she do that pose? i tried to do it but it hurts a lot

>> No.24519573

Clubbing JRPG and retro game autist doesn't sound as bad to other people as you think

>> No.24519574

Yeah my bad, I've been bit rough with her

>> No.24519576
File: 3.78 MB, 2449x3112, 1592525088746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519575

Picture collecting is retarded unless you post them often or you find rare images.

>> No.24519577

to be 9 monhs

>> No.24519578
Quoted by: >>24519588

If we cared about the person we wouldn't be in this thread we'd be seething on NND.

>> No.24519579

Not an argument but okay, stay mad.

>> No.24519580

I'm just genuinely so happy to be able to talk about something on 4chan without having wojack strawmen every 20 posts

>> No.24519581

don't believe her narratives.

>> No.24519583
Quoted by: >>24519593

What's a Vtuber?

>> No.24519584
File: 264 KB, 1920x1080, 1580196456110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as punishment she tells you to eat her out while she suffocates you between her thighs

>> No.24519585

Reminder that Towa and Marine have exactly the same height

>> No.24519588

If /hlg/ was one person and this was true then there wouldn't be any doxxposting in here.

>> No.24519589

This is your life post/v/, enjoy it

>> No.24519590

Me too, anon. Cheers to Hololive for keeping up going.

>> No.24519591
Quoted by: >>24519617

>All the hologirls are playing Crystal Isles
>the boys are still on Genesis

>> No.24519592

>likes bad boys
Can confirm, she's dating me.

>> No.24519593

You're not the only one ITT who seems to have no clue, don't worry.

>> No.24519595
Quoted by: >>24519620

If I saved any of that garbage I'd greentext your post and post one right now

>> No.24519597

IMAGINE height.

>> No.24519600 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 326x192, aaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519634

>I'm just genuinely so happy to be able to talk about something on 4chan without having wojack strawmen every 20 posts

>> No.24519601

Don't worry, with the amount of hololive spam there is on /v/ wel'll have wojaks in less than a month.

>> No.24519602

oh and I feel like I should point since a lot of these involve boyfriends that that doesn't automatically disqualify you

I've never seen them source why but I've seen it claimed a bunch of times that Aki is supposedly married and that's why her they think her sub count is crippled. But nobody really shitposts on aki(rather they shit on towa for her first apex collab with aki being akward as fuck)

>> No.24519604

Roboko is cute, I think is she tried getting into more stuff she would be more popular.

>> No.24519605
File: 118 KB, 800x600, comfy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw watching Fubuki vods
life is good bros

>> No.24519606

My weakness as a human being.

>> No.24519607
File: 10 KB, 341x380, explorer_2020-07-01_14-52-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just my holo hentai folder, i still have a seperate one for reaction images and one for just okayu non-lewds which has about 300

>> No.24519609

I can never look at Okayu 3Ds the same way again.

>> No.24519610
Quoted by: >>24519622

Try not to frequent /v/ too much for a change. Go to /vg/ if you have to.

>> No.24519612

She also lost custody of her 3 children

>> No.24519613

terrible or not, they gotta sing if they're under the company. Its their job to get better

>> No.24519614
File: 128 KB, 1000x950, 1590908043948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small girls are the best.

>> No.24519617

The boys only play the best of games like Jump King

>> No.24519619
File: 328 KB, 1304x880, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll watch her no matter what she plays though I wish she'd play more FPS than just APEX.

>> No.24519620


>> No.24519622
Quoted by: >>24519646

not him but the only time i use /v/ now to see if theres any threads for a random game that i might be playing at the time

>> No.24519623
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1413, 74cd5541f6dd9aa8330926dbdd523b43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys what is this feeling, meru is literally perfect

>> No.24519624
File: 585 KB, 2507x3541, 82498879_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519625
Quoted by: >>24519653

She needs a proper live 2D model. Face it bros, using a full 3D model for streaming is inferior unless you are actually going to move around and do stuff.

>> No.24519627

Traditional tatami mats are comfy enough without futons. Answering your question with a question, what era of picture books did you got that impression of Japan, the 1900s?

>> No.24519629
File: 3.83 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another of Miso-mama's collabs

>> No.24519630

im tripping out. how the fuck is this even possible?

>> No.24519631


>> No.24519632

Where do you guys come up with this stuff

>> No.24519634
File: 191 KB, 391x363, 1580473589714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519635

honestly I was just horny before but she was actually funny and the impressions are definitely above average.

>> No.24519636

he was an internet slut in his golden days

>> No.24519637

It feels good, doesn't it? To think there was a time when she could have disappeared from our lives... scary

>> No.24519639

The Tamaki of Hololive...

>> No.24519640

Do you think the script will give Pekora more lines?

>> No.24519643
File: 176 KB, 342x428, luna glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the image cum tribute anon used for his "inspiration"

>> No.24519644
Quoted by: >>24519652

Oh no, the pekomikofags are going to be loud

>> No.24519645
File: 3.42 MB, 2867x1919, 1593262561503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519676


1.7GBs, 1284 files and 7 folders

>> No.24519646

I used to think maybe I was bitter about /v/ due to spending all day there, and it couldn't possibly be as bad as I thought
Now that I stopped using it, whenever I go back I realize I was totally right

>> No.24519647

they probably won't even acknowledge each other

>> No.24519649
File: 352 KB, 1520x2125, EbsBL3XUwAALCLR[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trapped in a tight space with Rushia!

>> No.24519650

Pekora... Miko... Together...

>> No.24519652


>> No.24519653

I usually agree on this except I think robo one actually looks good.

>> No.24519654

he has a voice changer that he can turn on and off at the press of a button, he's used this software for multiple years which has made him a master at it.

>> No.24519657

I haven't heard of Subaru being thrown in the thrash in a while

>> No.24519658
Quoted by: >>24519665

Kira is pretty cute... But I don't want to be gay...

>> No.24519659
File: 814 KB, 918x1200, 76608243_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519673


>> No.24519662

I'm not trapped in here with Rushia. She's trapped in here with me.

>> No.24519664
Quoted by: >>24519738

MikoCoco > PekoMiko
I hope Miko interact more with Coco in this collab.

>> No.24519665

It's current year anonymous
Go with the flow and jack off to the idea of slamming that sweet boipucci

>> No.24519666


>> No.24519667

Beating the shit out of Rushia!

>> No.24519668

Hey she look like the PinkPunkPro brat

>> No.24519669

You aren't a real Holofan if you've never jacked off to Matsuri's bathing streams

>> No.24519670
File: 609 KB, 868x1228, EZh2JscU8AACUTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why is Okayu allergic to money?

>post-Pien stream supacha reading
>saying "Arigapien" at the end of each name
>people start sending in loose rhymes that she reads out instead
>laughs and reads them all, people keep sending more and more in
>starts telling people not to throw their money around so easily
>admits defeat after 5 more minutes, says she's ending the stream and that she'll save the rest for next time

Stream only went 50 minutes. She could have gotten so much more easy money, even if she just went the full hour. Why not let people donate if they're having fun? Is it guilt? She's doing fine, but it bothers me that she seems to self-sabotage herself all the time.

>> No.24519671
File: 210 KB, 1200x1500, 1589823063901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519740

only because i actually liked this image until it happened

>> No.24519672

Yay! I get to get filtered some more!

>> No.24519673

Shes fucking nuts unironically tho

>> No.24519676

which holos?

>> No.24519678

She learned from the best. Fubuki-sama.

>> No.24519679
Quoted by: >>24519707

which one

>> No.24519680

Do you know where we are?

>> No.24519682

Is Towa's roommate also that short?

>> No.24519684

Her ringfit...

>> No.24519685

I feel that too. She's done a lot for me and I want to do anything I can to contribute to her being able to live the cushiest life possible. The おやすみDAY stream felt carthartic for me. Hearing her talk about all the stuff she bought and playing the otamatone she picked out I was thinking about how my money went there. Maybe it's not real, but I am happy. These are the only times where I really understand the daughter aspect versus the girlfriend aspect.

>> No.24519687


>> No.24519688

guilt tfw just thinking now that okayu is like a japanese vinny
maybe thats why i instantly fell in love with her

>> No.24519690
File: 520 KB, 900x1071, __oozora_subaru_hololive_drawn_by_yoshiheihe__8a2c5f7179c5bf127c8778da138bd336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519721


>> No.24519691

I'm unironically considering to turn into a Melchad.

>> No.24519693

she browses /hlg/

>> No.24519692

>one for just okayu non-lewds which has about 300
damn, chad okayubro

>> No.24519697
Quoted by: >>24519717

Give me some links anon!

>> No.24519699

>ywn cook for Shien and feed him

>> No.24519700
File: 103 KB, 300x423, yg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519702
File: 111 KB, 832x1024, EawCt8CU0AEtUwm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519740

She didn't lose to the numbers.

>> No.24519704
Quoted by: >>24520252

She's been feeling down ever since THAT happened

>> No.24519706

are holo's birthdays decided randomly?

>> No.24519707

w-was there more than one cum tribute?

>> No.24519708


>> No.24519710
Quoted by: >>24519779

Gamers are here to play games not milk donations.
Please god give us all the permissions

>> No.24519713

Probably decided by the artist partially

>> No.24519716

Your holo is next.

>> No.24519717
Quoted by: >>24519736


>> No.24519718

He should do a cooking stream with Haachama when she comes back to Japan.

>> No.24519719

Narratives anonchama, this place is full of them

>> No.24519721

For some reason this looks more like someone cosplaying as Subaru rather than Subaru herself, if that makes sense. Still nice though.

>> No.24519722
Quoted by: >>24519741

I want all the holos to be forced to enjoy a nice five course meal made by Haachama.

>> No.24519723
File: 577 KB, 1451x2048, EbsKpapUYAAnwzT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519821

What do you mean? There's nothing wrong with danchou!

>> No.24519724

They're obviously attached to special days anon...

>> No.24519725
Quoted by: >>24519860

Anyone can post that WebM with Artia cackling like a wicked witch?

>> No.24519726

shien...i'll cook for you...i can be a male housewife for you

>> No.24519728
Quoted by: >>24519755

Don't look at the last thread
Especially if you're a Subarufag

>> No.24519730

>ywn breastfeed Shien

>> No.24519731

They're gonna burn down the fucking apartment if they do that

>> No.24519733
File: 197 KB, 1326x2048, EbMvkqbVcAAjOC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519734
File: 327 KB, 2222x2175, ETD4oAiUYAESVFi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519923

>Kanata is one of the holos that 5ch considers "unpopular with eigo kaigainiki", so I guess she doesn't have enough EOPs to be noteworthy
And it is better that way.

>> No.24519735

I'm not that into her, but Okayu really seems top tier wife material.

>> No.24519736

Her voice sounds way better here.

>> No.24519738

I hope so, dumb bunny abandoned her dearly friend only for money, even though Coco is also greedy at least she won't abandon her friends.

>> No.24519740

I want to picnh this cat's cheeks.

>> No.24519741

This is of course assuming she doesn't burn the house down

>> No.24519742

Shien wasn't that bad of a cook, he was just really slow and showed off his feet.

>> No.24519743

A lot of them are number puns or references. Miko's is probably the most obvious.

>> No.24519745

that'd make some good content! and they'd get a ton of superchats to pay for the damages

>> No.24519747
File: 301 KB, 1448x2048, EbMIi_DVAAAt058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519748
Quoted by: >>24519769

Imagine being trapped in a relationship with Noel with lots of rough menhara sex, screaming, shouting, and abuse. If you ever think about leaving, she threatens to kill herself.

>> No.24519749
Quoted by: >>24519767

>Okayu really seems top tier wife material.
fat, boring and gay

>> No.24519751

>roberu /ss/
>shien autism
the boys are truly relatable as fuck

>> No.24519752

Just go to the nearest Matsuya or something, bossu...

>> No.24519754
File: 8 KB, 333x194, Folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519795

Ah I see you are a man of culture as well. I don't separate my Okayu pics though.

>> No.24519755

i told you cunts to behave when i went to bed, im glad i slept for more than 4 hours for once

>> No.24519757

>bad boys
those are the best boys tho, can you blame her, also of course she goes clubbing, she a normal social human like most holos, only marine noel and miko go deep into hiki shit

>> No.24519758
File: 430 KB, 1319x742, EYdeYRCUEAABKeQ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519838

I gotta say, Miko's new emotes are actually very nice. I don't even have to copy grass no more. There any other holos that have that?

>> No.24519759

Oh noes the Meapost is wrong...

>> No.24519760
Quoted by: >>24519788

>[Post a Reply]
>[Return] [Catalog] [Top]
>1275 / 232 / 201 / 4

>> No.24519761

Imagine the sound of a 100kg Japanese girl splashing around in the bath

>> No.24519762

Always leave them wanting more.

>> No.24519763

roboco got stolen

>> No.24519767
File: 128 KB, 1273x900, EYcgkAxUMAAbDYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike you she is only fat.

>> No.24519768
Quoted by: >>24519814


>> No.24519769
File: 219 KB, 461x461, 1584338277763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being in a relationship

>> No.24519771
File: 230 KB, 1194x1833, Ebr4qH0UMAE04YJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519820

>> No.24519772

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IE9Cg1fLz8 she is

>> No.24519773

He's bullshitting, Korone is a wierdo introvert

>> No.24519775


>> No.24519777
File: 755 KB, 823x561, Ebkgnr8UEAESLC5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519926


>> No.24519778

That Revenant is a fucking thief, I'd be so mad

>> No.24519779

I'm happy that she's like this, but I'm not against her taking some easy money. She's done well to get this kind of job, but who knows exactly how long it'll last for.

>> No.24519780
File: 432 KB, 1491x1778, MogF4fVqvjE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> goes clubbing
> normal social human
Why did you have to remind me?

>> No.24519781


>> No.24519782

she is the fixable kinda nuts tho, a good payoff for hardwork

>> No.24519785

Setting up Mario Party, even taking the HDMI out, that's true wife material.

>> No.24519786

Those are all facts though. The clubbing thing is can be verified by looking at her roomate's instagram/tiktok and the bad boys thing she straight-up admitted to it during an apex collab with Okayu.

>> No.24519788


>> No.24519789

Why do people say this? Her screams are funny.

>> No.24519790

>ywn get teased by a smug kira because you suck at games

>> No.24519791

Congrats with leaving the closet!

>> No.24519795

i still have another folder just for reaction images/avatarfagging

>> No.24519796

Is it really just a Meafag trying to blackpill without actually doxposting and getting banned?

>> No.24519797


>> No.24519799

What can we expect from Canata's stream in 5 hours?
Is it a 3D stream or an announcement of a 3D stream?

>> No.24519800

It is doxposting though, you can still report it.

>> No.24519802
File: 800 KB, 667x1057, Capture+_2020-06-30-22-14-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519835

how can one guy be this cute

>> No.24519804
File: 117 KB, 358x360, 1584318681295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposters gonna shitpost

>> No.24519805

announcement doofus

>> No.24519806

And then you remember PPT who never had a fucking BBQ party, and her suggestion for stuff to do with the Team Alice girls in summer is eating ice cream together over online group video chat...

>> No.24519807

PP alt outfit fucking WHEN?

>> No.24519808

Anon use your brain for just a minute, I beg you

>> No.24519809
Quoted by: >>24519897

Alright Okayufags, I see the appeal

>> No.24519810

He already got in trouble with Shinove during the last cooking stream he attempted.

>> No.24519812

Yeah weirdo introverts get triple lip piercings, keep living in your delusions retard.

>> No.24519813
File: 98 KB, 291x293, akifixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the holos listen to their own BGMs for the entire stream? Wouldn't that drive you fucking bonkers after a while?

>> No.24519814

Now I want to hear Suisei covering Bohemian Rhapsody so bad.

>> No.24519815
File: 1.33 MB, 1190x669, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch chinese fish

>> No.24519818

>Doing a 3D stream without informing the whales first.
Cover might be incompetent, but they aren't that stupid.

>> No.24519820

>that cameltoe
i can fap to this 2baru

>> No.24519821

Translate weebs

>> No.24519823
File: 378 KB, 404x476, 1591213611399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when were piercings only for extroverts?

>> No.24519824

Some do because they'll react before chat if it cuts out.

>> No.24519825

Surely they have an audio setup where only the chat can actually hear their BGM

>> No.24519826
File: 9 KB, 353x91, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519828

>league of lel
Not in a million fucking years friendo

>> No.24519829

Fuckin nah, bro

>> No.24519833

I don't know ching chong language sorry

>> No.24519834

guys holy shit i love sora, she' has such a great voice how come she sings like an agel o samn you know what I mean?
God tham she's so good, her design migh be a bbit plain compared to other hololive memembers bug dodam she's so cute how can I find a girl like sore IRL? i want a girlfriend just like her she's so cute and perfect and her choreography is so good aaaaaaa i love sora!!!!

>> No.24519835
File: 707 KB, 561x980, Capture+_2020-06-30-22-17-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519848


>> No.24519837

I really like how Matsuri has a key setup to cut her bgm momentarely for comedic effect

>> No.24519838

Just checked; Mio, Shion, Flare and Towa also got one. 草

>> No.24519839

After a while their brain probably just kinda filters the BGM out.

>> No.24519840
File: 13 KB, 510x81, joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519841

Pekora was humming her own during the 13 hour speedrun.

>> No.24519844
Quoted by: >>24519911

piercings have never been an extrovert thing

>> No.24519843

>0 kills
this is why you dont play an actual support and just do bot kill lanes veigar is the best

>> No.24519845
File: 457 KB, 852x523, aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What game would you like to see the holos play but know they never will.
for me it would be Path of Exile

>> No.24519846
File: 46 KB, 142x180, 1584474938236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519873

Was it autism?

>> No.24519847
Quoted by: >>24519873


>> No.24519848

This is a good reaction image

>> No.24519851

Probably because Kanata was the 1st to debut but they basically have the same numbers, except Kanata just slightly does better in superchat and song covers.

>> No.24519852

She has good comedic timing.

>> No.24519853
File: 575 KB, 2500x1412, __shirakami_fubuki_natsuiro_matsuri_akai_haato_aki_rosenthal_and_yozora_mel_hololive_drawn_by_hoshimachi_suisei_artist__98c62176606109dba69df269e706b85f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519883

When will Suisei do another drawing stream?

>> No.24519854

Haachama does, but she also switch them around

>> No.24519856

>youtube recommendation
huh, so it's not some boards siccing people to streams?

>> No.24519855


>> No.24519857

what went wrong in your life to make you care about this
tell us anon

>> No.24519858
Quoted by: >>24519880

Korone playing Deadly Premonition is the best stream that will never happen. Fans of that game will know my suffering

>> No.24519859

Didn't hear that that leaked

>> No.24519860


>> No.24519861


Im so goddamn tired of Apex ark I might as well just watch chink fish lol anyways.

>> No.24519862

When your brain has been ruined by watching too much western pornography.

>> No.24519869
Quoted by: >>24519877

Miko, Senran Kagura.

>> No.24519871
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, Eb0Mo8LVAAAZLb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519887

Are you ready

>> No.24519873
Quoted by: >>24519885

I am very drunk

>> No.24519874

Nioh or Nioh 2. Everyone and their mother already play DS, BB and Sekiro to death, and Nioh really needs a lot more love.

>> No.24519876
File: 51 KB, 501x443, 1593506324766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's getting hard to cope with the fact that Korone will never be my wife.

>> No.24519877

I wanna see marine play estival versus

>> No.24519880
Quoted by: >>24519915

That game is hot garbage and not the kind if hot garbage that it would be enjoyable to watch Korone muddle through.

>> No.24519881

what happened to her sleeping stream it was comfy

>> No.24519882

Watame must've been seething upon learning PP3D will be released before hers.

>> No.24519883

I want a Suisei x Marine drawing stream.

>> No.24519884
Quoted by: >>24519892

She was someone elses wife already anon

>> No.24519885

Ganbare, anon-kun.

>> No.24519887

I hope Kaoru is

>> No.24519888

I like that kind of stuff, like Shien seems to have a button set to turn on echo.

>> No.24519890

WWF Smackdown

>> No.24519891

>It's easy to spot which side of korone fence someone falls on by whether they call her korosan or her real name

Why would they hate Korone though? What is there to hate her for? Even the dumb narratives here aren't really anything negative specifically.

>> No.24519892
File: 195 KB, 272x360, 1592762252558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519896
Quoted by: >>24520202

It’s tough fellow koro bro. I want to do better for her, but I know even if I do I have no way to ever meet her.

>> No.24519897

The cat is by far the best wife material even if she's a bit fat..

>> No.24519898

What if Kanata's big announcement in a few hours wasn't her saying she'll be the next 3D debut, but instead that she's retiring because of her ear condition?

>> No.24519901
Quoted by: >>24519961

music school maybe?, the general rule of thumb for finding people like that is to become equally as passionate in your own shit as they're in theirs, get yourself out there and hope for the best

>> No.24519902

Crusader Kings 2, Europa Universalis 4 or Hearts of Iron 4

>> No.24519905

Ah, the final redpill.
The NTR idol.

>> No.24519907

Delete this

>> No.24519911

Something as flashy as lip piercings are 100% for people who want attention, i.e. extroverts, you dumb shit.

>> No.24519912
File: 449 KB, 1448x2048, EZhTj7FU0AgPsO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone has been streaming for over 10 years, it's just NND autists, luckily they will never breed.

>> No.24519913
File: 210 KB, 362x378, takoyaki janai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Someone subbed this entire fucking disaster

>> No.24519915

That opinion offends me personally anon. Deadly Premonition is the most beautiful kind of garbage

>> No.24519917

I want Towa to play Skyrim, so I can call her Towahkiin.

>> No.24519918

Does anyone else think that vtubers are a little too dangerous? In the sense that many/most people's psyches aren't capable of handling them in a stable and healthy way? I think we were just barely coming to terms with regular 2d anime girls, and now this new category of entities, this new dimension, has just intruded and blown everything out of whack with a vengeance.
I had just finally become content with spending the rest of my life emotionally subsisting entirely on 2d manga/anime characters, with minimal 3d input, and then this retarded fucking trend has to barge in, crush the inchoate idyll and rip open old wounds again.
I'm honestly not handling this very well and I'm not sure what to do.
Like Korone said: the everyday life you take for granted will one day crumble.
People are saying they're worried about vtubers retiring and this period coming to an end, but I don't know, I'm kind of semi-hoping for all this to end as quickly as possible so I can forget this ever happened and go back to touhou fantasies or something.

>> No.24519919


>> No.24519920

Mahjong or UNO, which is the better collab game?

>> No.24519921
Quoted by: >>24520047

>PPT gets 3D before her
>PPT gets personally scouted by Sora to join her idol unit

>> No.24519923
Quoted by: >>24520002

Marine and Kanata are both popular with EOPs though

Do you just not look at her chat?

>> No.24519925

4v4 Empire/Napoleon Total War.

>> No.24519926
File: 103 KB, 800x968, 20200701_122022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw prolly miss tenshi's 3D stream later this week due to a trip with friends

It's not fair

>> No.24519930

HA HA, time for another crying stream.

>> No.24519931

>ice cream truck

I understand she can be austistic, but why Towa?

>> No.24519932
Quoted by: >>24519947

there are like 4 subed clips of this

>> No.24519933


>> No.24519935
File: 313 KB, 628x681, 1584185116500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24519938

I'll say uno because you can directly attack other players. Mahjong is just about getting sets, which isn't nearly as fun to watch imo.

>> No.24519939
File: 89 KB, 933x525, EbSYQ-lUMAEP2Ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24519951

Deafposters can go die.

>> No.24519941
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, foreknowledge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519942

>a trip with friends
You deserve it you fucking 陽キャ.

>> No.24519943
File: 1.80 MB, 2339x1654, EbwdTmxVcAAWYST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is nothing but Luna enjoying Canon.


>> No.24519945

Is that a pasta?

>> No.24519944
Quoted by: >>24519964

that's not how things work anon, also extroverts are not everyone but socially inept people

>> No.24519947

Did they sub the entire 45 minute stream?

>> No.24519948

>46 minutes
on behalf of all EOP fags, thank you.

>> No.24519951

why is Mel going to shoot Korone's gun, is she trying to make her miss?

>> No.24519953

just give mod powers to the most hardcore fandead gachikois
they will literally pay assassins to slay these SEAniggers

>> No.24519954

it was the best thing ive seen in a while

>> No.24519957

Okayu's fat fucking ass on my fucking face

>> No.24519959

Risu Undertale
Someone asked her the other day and she kinda shrugged it off, seemed like something she'd play too.

>> No.24519961

Ok i'l tr that that
I'll sign into a dancing school as soon as corona is over.
Maybe i'll find a girl who likes to dance and sing there maybe?
I don't now mane but I want sora i say i want a girl like sora but I want sora herself.
She's just so cute aaaa I'm crying.

>> No.24519963

i know the feeling, but at least i know our wives are already married to each other

>> No.24519964
Quoted by: >>24520031

Let me guess, you also think women wear makeup because "it empowers them" rather than them wanting people to think they look good.

>> No.24519965
Quoted by: >>24520003

Lip piercings are only flashy if you live in mom’s basement. It’s time to come out of your cave anon.

>> No.24519966
File: 177 KB, 1540x1260, b4171acb3e9c784f474367a4758e3f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519967

It's just wrestling without the wrestling anon

>> No.24519968

>How come every other vtuber plays APEX in JN but Roboco plays it in EN?

>> No.24519969

She got some hate for the face reveal because she was fat back then, according to her. Apparently she also got hate because she had several occasions where she nuked all her videos out of nowhere, and then suddenly came back after a while. I could see the latter making me want to stop being a fan, but I can't imagine being autistic enough to become an anti because of it.

>> No.24519970

>You will never watch a documentary on the life of Luna's roomate detailing how does it feel to live with a retarded baby personality taking over you and the deep artistry that goes into doing it, combined with her personal outtake on the character

>> No.24519973
Quoted by: >>24519986


>meru retweeted this


>> No.24519975

UNO, it's both easier to get into, and gives plenty of opportunities to fuck up the players for comedies.

>> No.24519976

>support player
>rakan with aery
no thanks

>> No.24519977
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1593487052820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont care if Watame is fake, I love her!

>> No.24519978
File: 254 KB, 850x1149, 65b0dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you would die!

>> No.24519979
Quoted by: >>24519991

Would fucking Luna be like fucking a legal loli?

>> No.24519980


>> No.24519981

My princess sure has a big ass.

>> No.24519982

I wish I could watch her more often but our schedules aren't compatible. I should give her archive a go.

>> No.24519983

Roboco is a chad who understands that things are best appreciated in their original language

>> No.24519985

i think the best way to get something out of it, is to use said emotions as a way for emotional and social change, i've seen a lot of anons pick up hobbies or make up their minds about finding friends or a partner, a lot of it comes from the fact that it gets you going the girls have substance and in such your brain takes it a social interaction, with appropriate care and dedication they can become a force for positive change by being a nice transition between fully isolating youself and getting out there and being more social

>> No.24519986

God damn those are some big tits.

>> No.24519987

i think she wanted to learn english a bit more so she changed it

>> No.24519988
File: 405 KB, 502x528, Screenshot_2020-06-03 HoloTools.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24519989
File: 82 KB, 500x280, 1591662374724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's a good thing!

>> No.24519991

It'd be like fucking a legal retard

>> No.24519993
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, watameapology.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe the antis made watame apologize...

>> No.24519994

And it would be entirely worth it

>> No.24519995
Quoted by: >>24520010

Flare's dmc3 but on the hardest difficulty

>> No.24519996
File: 211 KB, 800x450, ayame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was informed just now that my boss tested positive
i guess i really will die before the next ayame stream

>> No.24519997
Quoted by: >>24520007


>> No.24519998
Quoted by: >>24520005

Roboco pissing her pants!

>> No.24519999

She's using it to work on her English pronunciation, and it seems to be working.

>> No.24520000
Quoted by: >>24520022

Only applies to autistic and lonely people, anon. Think of them as pro wrestlers and you can enjoy them without the emotional distress. t. former parasocial relationshipfag

>> No.24520002

Do YOU watch Tenshi? She doesn't have many EOP retards in chat like most girls do, and her EOPs aren't as bad. They come out when she acknowledges them but they disappear immediately. The last time it was super bad was when she played DDLC and I could understand that because of the game. At most you'll get "haha cute girl don't understand her but still watching xd' every stream.

>> No.24520003
Quoted by: >>24520056

Considering people normally don't get lip piercings compared to ear piercings, yes it is actually comparatively flashy, to the point where respectable companies wouldn't hire you if you showed up to an interview with them. What next, you're going to tattoo a big black circle on your face and say it's not flashy because it's just a plain black circle?

>> No.24520004

what a based sheep

>> No.24520005

what pants?

>> No.24520007


>> No.24520009


>> No.24520010

does dmc3 have hell and hell or does it just go to dante must die?

>> No.24520011

Sue your boss for coming into work with the disease and get mad compensation bucks I know nothing about the law or whether this even makes any sense. I just want to never work again

>> No.24520012

Next guest: rika tachibana
Holy shit they're making it big

>> No.24520015
File: 1.17 MB, 1272x1494, E307E18F-874F-4688-8B9E-77CBA56BF97C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More channels like this who do full translations pop up every day.
EOPbros we fucking won

>> No.24520017

Ayamebro... you're young and healthy, you'll make it. Don't believe the hoax.

>> No.24520018

You'll be fine! Imagine all the sick time you'll get.

>> No.24520019

You have a 5% of dying and that's if you have respiratory problems, hypertension, diabetes or any inmodeficienty.

>> No.24520021
Quoted by: >>24520038

Luna is not a retarded baby. She's a cultured hime-sama.

>> No.24520022
Quoted by: >>24520039

If I think of them as pro wrestlers "X slapped Y in front of YAGOO" becomes way funnier.

>> No.24520024
Quoted by: >>24520034

guest for what?

>> No.24520026

>we won
But everyone wins, though? Idols get more views too.

>> No.24520027
File: 270 KB, 2048x1625, EYIRPazU0AAU07Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, just don't miss the real thing on Sunday...

>> No.24520028

Is it bad to use the holos for escapism?
I noticed a lot of people getting the inspiration to improve their lives because of the holos, but really I just want to forget everything and immerse myself in this illusion that they create.

>> No.24520029

this better have womb penetration

>> No.24520031
Quoted by: >>24520078

women wear makeup because they want other women to think they look good, and also well because normal people like to at least look good to the extend they can on a regular basis

>> No.24520032

I didn't realize DSP was a vtuber

>> No.24520033

It has heaven or hell

>> No.24520034

fbk and marine radio. They had ayaka ohashi on today and it was like 70% the two of them fangirling about her

>> No.24520035

What is the evidence for this claim?

>> No.24520037

Why didn't they just add the translation to the original video?

>> No.24520038

Kusohime is more like it!

>> No.24520039
Quoted by: >>24520090

Yeah, imagining Aqua going around slapping people's knees has become funnier because of it

>> No.24520040

Is this a famous /a/ seiyuu? Because I don't know her.

>> No.24520041
Quoted by: >>24520066

She already ""accidently"" leaked that her 3D will be on the weekend yesterday

>> No.24520042

now you can meet ayame

>> No.24520046
Quoted by: >>24520270

I don't think there's really any good form of escapism, anon. It isn't healthy.

>> No.24520047

I think everyone knows in the Holocircle that she numberfags too much. I won't blame her numberfagging but she was too "eager". She could've done what Luna did

>> No.24520050
File: 244 KB, 1626x2289, f0e0bd3e1cbaf43402f76865fb87658d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a shut in for the last 12 years and I love piercings. Not everything can or should be categorized into arbitrary introvert and extrovert labels. People have different tastes. This is such a stupid conversation.

>> No.24520049

Why would escapism ever be bad

>> No.24520052

kira is doing really well!

>> No.24520053

She's a fairly new seiyuu, but she recently got a pretty breakout role in Priconne.

>> No.24520054
Quoted by: >>24520067

What's wrong with Mio? Why is she so dependent of collaborating with other holo?

>> No.24520055

Original video CC would be considered official and you have to be super confident you got everything right

>> No.24520056
Quoted by: >>24520072

when was the last time you went outside, or interacted with someone your age that wasn't via internet?

>> No.24520058

is it finally time for the horolive doujin boom?
will we be fighting toe to toe with fateshitters at c99?

>> No.24520059
File: 107 KB, 991x1080, 1590813997704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520068

Nobody cares about your stupid neet opinion

>> No.24520060

Kyaru from priconne, you should at least know that

>> No.24520061

some channels block community subs because some dumbasses submit really annoyingly bad subs that try to include their own jokes and shit also people would submit meme subs full of cussing and nonsense like that.

>> No.24520062

Just to dante must die, but dmc3's dmd is so bullshit that a hell or hell would still be easier

>> No.24520063

As long as you aren't fat and autistic writing on an image board all day you can live, oh wait

>> No.24520064

FBK sure is retweeting a lot of the Ace Combat 25th anniversary stuff...

>> No.24520065

You can but it will hurt in the long run. They will all move on eventually and you are inevitably going to learn more about their roommates by osmosis if you hang here or anywhere with any meaningful discussion. Just be wise with your choice.

>> No.24520066
Quoted by: >>24520075

Coco already leaked that 4th gen's 3D would be every week and it won't be on the same day as hers so everyone already knows it'll be every Sunday.

>> No.24520067

Absolutely nothing wrong with Miso, she just shines the most interacting with others, and everyone likes her.

>> No.24520068
File: 401 KB, 1200x1600, 3E52D52D-E0A8-4F26-8C88-3D66D131DD26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop the gun doggo and nobody gets hurt

>> No.24520070

That explains that. That one trendy anime that I don't follow. Although, wonder why she's a guest for Hololive?

>> No.24520071
File: 961 KB, 1280x720, loving_idols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520072
Quoted by: >>24520089

I work in fintech and currently work from home due to corona, what about you? Cashier or NEET from the sound of it.

>> No.24520074
Quoted by: >>24520106

i wouldn't say it's something healty to be honest, unlike anime or fiction in general, there is a real side to the holos, one that is as volatile as any other human, they get sick injured, they might say something you don't like and in such things the escapism you use to cope is a fragile one

add to that the fact that due to their format it generates the allusion of a fake social interaction with an idealized persona, and i can be quite harmfull going forward, specially if you project deeper feelings into it

>> No.24520075

plus PPT's schedule has a red outline on her announcement stream and a red outline on Sunday at 20:00, which heavily implies that's when it's going to be.

>> No.24520077

It's the same guy who made the Mea post, he really wants attention and will target any holo to get it.

>> No.24520078
Quoted by: >>24520103

I really hope you're actually a woman instead of being this clueless as a guy.

>> No.24520079
File: 806 KB, 947x997, 1590449031096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520080

>Marine x shota

>> No.24520081
File: 156 KB, 258x376, 1584340145893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520119

>don't love me
>literally does everything right and is cute as fuck
Why do idols do this, bros?

>> No.24520083

It was awkward , but not as bad as I imagined it to be

>> No.24520085

Fandeads... I want to lick Rushia's cute, pink anus

>> No.24520086


>> No.24520087
Quoted by: >>24520220

You must've been too young to have lived through the goth/emo era.

>> No.24520088
File: 240 KB, 1760x1200, EaUxcIdVAAI8UGx.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520104


>> No.24520090

Is Arkua the Shawn Michaels of hololive?

>> No.24520089
Quoted by: >>24520146

uni student on vacation

>> No.24520092

>loving your idol too much is not healthy ok? now fund my new computer, I still another 2k

>> No.24520093
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1588068177838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520095

It's escapism!
Can't you see?
It's not healthy!

>> No.24520096

She's also Sae Kobayakawa from Idolmaster CG

>> No.24520097
File: 250 KB, 1564x2048, 1592777886238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody actually hates Korone, anyone who says they do secretly loves her

>> No.24520099
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1592451493556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520111


>> No.24520100
File: 315 KB, 1963x1188, EblpWsdUEAIKjpz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

care to explain womb posters?

>> No.24520101

fucking dicklets...

>> No.24520103
Quoted by: >>24520129

i really hope you aren't this much of a dick to the women in your life

>> No.24520104
File: 136 KB, 1096x781, F71EA7F2-2144-4777-8BE1-26053FA9A5BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520105
Quoted by: >>24520123

Is Haachama the only holo powerful enough to make Luna break character?

>> No.24520106

>the allusion of a fake social interaction with an idealized persona
Is this a double negative?

>> No.24520107
File: 104 KB, 720x720, 1592365857445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520108

She is definitely not new but she doesn't get that many main anime roles.

>> No.24520109
File: 37 KB, 138x141, 1593292310784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop gunposting. Someone's gonna get hurt!

>> No.24520110
File: 108 KB, 819x579, EZWhxACUMAAdV6W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520137

Mommy... Please abuse me...

>> No.24520111
File: 1.37 MB, 600x338, fbk....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520122


>> No.24520113

it's hard to hate her when she is just a very positive influence, there is nothing bad to say about her, her chat is real bad, but korone herself harmless and wholesome

>> No.24520114

That video is too Japanese for me.

>> No.24520115

>also of course she goes clubbing, she a normal social human
interesting criterion there

>> No.24520118
File: 22 KB, 274x360, 1593130512044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520119
Quoted by: >>24520145

They're perfect...

>> No.24520120

My chuuba is simultaneously a form of escapism and an inspiration to push myself harder every day. Without her, wage slaving would be unbearable.

>> No.24520121 [SPOILER] 
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1593582368820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520122
File: 1.47 MB, 946x1400, 1592798925392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone calm down

>> No.24520123

I wish Haachama would be there for Luna's 3D debut....

>> No.24520124
File: 2.20 MB, 1555x2000, __tokoyami_towa_hololive_drawn_by_chicami__cbb3a6a3484be3c1b9effaae48e09e1b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24520126

Towa... your face is already basically on the middle of the screen

>> No.24520127

My guess it's because streams longer than 2 hours need time to process. If someone uploads a clip before the vod is fully available, youtube thinks the clip is original

>> No.24520128
Quoted by: >>24520139

> and the bad boys thing she straight-up admitted to it during an apex collab with Okayu.

What does the actual expression sound like in nihongo?

>> No.24520129
Quoted by: >>24520143

How is explaining basic human nature being a dick? If I dress up in a nice suit it's because I want to make a good impression on people, not because of some retarded mental gymnastic reason like "it just makes me feel good...for some ambiguous reason lol i dunno haha". The good feeling you get when you put on makeup is from feeling that people will think you look good and treat you better, get a clue you dumb bitch.

>> No.24520131
Quoted by: >>24520157

Literally all i do is escapism, this included

>> No.24520132

>tfw choco-sensei will never hold a gun to your head while jerking you off, threatening to blow your worthless brains out if you come too quickly.

>> No.24520133
File: 171 KB, 720x720, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520332


>> No.24520137

>ywn be sexually assaulted by Korone

>> No.24520139
Quoted by: >>24520351

She said that "being treated coldly" is a turn-on, not specifically "bad boys" so no 1:1 expression

>> No.24520140
File: 1.86 MB, 2441x2441, 20200701_014605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get away from Noel you fucking SEA tree rat

>> No.24520141
File: 579 KB, 3000x2000, 1584871920682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520152

You guys better not fuck with me. I'm in the Dragon family.

>> No.24520142

Chocobros have some intense imagery...

>> No.24520143
Quoted by: >>24520156

People cross-dress in their room, alone, for years, anon.
If you had been on /jp/ before you would know this.
Go back.

>> No.24520145
File: 236 KB, 1878x2048, ESrJXvAVAAM3Gi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly imperfect.

>> No.24520146

Well feel free to prove me wrong by showing up at job interviews with lip piercings after you graduate. Also don't wear a nice shirt and tie, show up in a tracksuit, wouldn't want to be too "flashy" now would we?

>> No.24520148
File: 197 KB, 463x448, 1593106392685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tus dedos, dámelos.

>> No.24520150

Sometimes I wonder what kind of fetishes you guys have

>> No.24520152
Quoted by: >>24520162

I want these two to beat the crap out of me

>> No.24520153

Who's the Hulk Hogan of hololive?

>> No.24520156

Yeah alone in their room because deep down they realize they look absolutely pathetic and horrendous to everyone else without filters and camera angles, what's your point?

>> No.24520157
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520174

i dont even know what the opposite of escapism even is anymore

>> No.24520158


>> No.24520159

gentle mommy femdom and suicidal ideation

>> No.24520161

>no matter what happens I win
I like this setup

>> No.24520163


>> No.24520162

Oi, aniki, you've got a lot of nerve replying to me like that.

>> No.24520164
File: 336 KB, 1108x804, 1593549620380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24520165
File: 221 KB, 1545x2048, 1589249768675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Butt worship, mostly.

>> No.24520169

me in the middle

>> No.24520171


>> No.24520170

Sounds good

>> No.24520172


>> No.24520173
Quoted by: >>24520208

your experience isnt universal, just enjoy the holos and shut up

>> No.24520174
Quoted by: >>24520193

I think at a certain point, escapism from escapism... What could be more alluring than the Holos?

>> No.24520175
File: 1.58 MB, 1037x841, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24520176
Quoted by: >>24520241

you do know that you can take the piercing out right?, and that unless you're working in something like the health sectors, people will rarely give a shit if you have piercings

showing up in a track suit is a big power move to, will try it out in the future

>> No.24520177

How hard was Matuli seething when Senchou and FBK had motherfucking Hasshi on their show?

>> No.24520178
File: 102 KB, 551x820, 1593249008300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this sheep

>> No.24520179
Quoted by: >>24520208

People change their appearance for themselves just as much as they change it for others.
I'm not continuing this, it's getting off-topic.

>> No.24520181

holy based

>> No.24520183

Doubt it, translators mostly pick up videos that are easy to translate. Here you have Luna mostly saying the same "chotto mate Haachama, nani kore?" while Haachama screams all the time.

>> No.24520184
Quoted by: >>24520266

The most manipulative, scummy, backstabbing but also the most popular narcissist?

>> No.24520185
File: 222 KB, 1032x1457, 1593480262444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520186

Based taste

>> No.24520187
File: 46 KB, 865x452, Artia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24520189

the clip that saved Hololive CN

>> No.24520190

How can anyone hate her?

>> No.24520191
File: 109 KB, 454x362, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24520192
Quoted by: >>24520241

oh no, you feel for the whole dress nice hand out CVs meme, i'm sorry mate

>> No.24520193

holos are my escapism from using anime or games for escapism?

>> No.24520196
Quoted by: >>24520203

I don't think there's a girl with a more smug face. I simultaneously love her and hate.

>> No.24520198
Quoted by: >>24520336

how is that fat bastards always have stamina for days, fucker would pass out by the second nut in real life

>> No.24520199

Her smug aura mocks me

>> No.24520200

wow didn't know they got xQc for hololiveCN

>> No.24520201

how many oneshota references will be made in Roberu and Kuku's collab on Friday? How many times will Kuku put on the Misato voice?

>> No.24520202
File: 191 KB, 798x450, faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24520221

its better that she remains a fantasy brothers

>> No.24520203

Just imagine her smugly eating potato chips and playing ark while you do all the housework

>> No.24520204


>> No.24520205

I want to lick

>> No.24520206
Quoted by: >>24520803

her model is so expressive and bouncy, man coco got shafted

>> No.24520207

shes such a delicious sheep

>> No.24520208

Stay delusional, tranny.

If that was true then they would crossdress in public, because the only thing that matters is how they feel about themselves right? They crossdress alone to try live their fantasy of being a cute/sexy girl that everyone loves. The ones who actually go public while looking like shit are just delusional and don't have the self awareness to understand that they're fugly.

>> No.24520212


>> No.24520215

If someone else could, so can you. Probably.

>> No.24520216

sexy rabbit

>> No.24520219
Quoted by: >>24520226

Why is that guy just burping the whole time

>> No.24520220
Quoted by: >>24520261

You realize they were goths/emos to fit in with and get attention from their fellow goths/emos right? There were no solo introvert goth/emo aesthetic people for a reason.

>> No.24520221

now that was an entertaining stream

>> No.24520222


>> No.24520223

Do we have actual Sheepfags here? It just seems like people love to use her faces but it feels like she's no ones favorite

>> No.24520224


Heavy story-based games
Party games (in collabs)
Ancient NES Kusoge

Action/adventure games

Horror games
Meme games (cooking game duck simulator etc)
GTA-style games



>> No.24520225

Matsuri must be fun to hug

>> No.24520226

>he's never played on NA

>> No.24520228

Are there no Haachama gun edits?

>> No.24520230


>> No.24520232


>> No.24520233

Good thing my chuuba only plays god

>> No.24520234

>Yagoo shut up

>> No.24520235


>> No.24520238

Yeah, I'd say your list is pretty spot on

>> No.24520239

>ARK above Apex

>> No.24520240
Quoted by: >>24520249

gun laws prevent retards from possessing firearms!

>> No.24520241

>you do know that you can take the piercing out right?
And when you do that you admit that I'm right in saying that lip piercings are flashy and not normal, so thanks for conceding.

>generic business attire is "dressing nice"
I would say "dressing nice" would be having a fancy watch, shiny new shoes, maybe gel'd hair if it suits you, etc. But you're obviously a basement dwelling NEET who's never set foot in a corporate office.

>> No.24520242

Why Matsuri got so hysterical when Miko showed her butt?

>> No.24520243

Minecraft streams are fun though

>> No.24520244


>> No.24520245

no one is foolish enough to give her a gun

>> No.24520248
Quoted by: >>24520311

Would CS GO be shit or low tier?

>> No.24520249
Quoted by: >>24520281

>there will never be a HoloEN IRL trip to the range stream

Fucking kill me now bros

>> No.24520250

>Minecraft in low tier
minecraft's open-ended nature makes it perfect for chuuba antics

>> No.24520251

i wonder how long kira will play this for...didnt he say his fingers hurt only 30 minutes in?

>> No.24520252
Quoted by: >>24520260

What happened?

>> No.24520253
Quoted by: >>24520296

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOrQwxjzz3Y Shien

>> No.24520254

give haachama a boomerang

>> No.24520255

Because Miko is not to be tainted

>> No.24520257

Because of white pantsu.

>> No.24520258

That's pretty cool of them to get Yuisis

>> No.24520259
Quoted by: >>24520278

minecraft streams can be pretty good, specially is they do turbo autismo like pekora or astel

>> No.24520260
Quoted by: >>24520307

An anon COOMED on her picture and posted it in her art tag

>> No.24520261
Quoted by: >>24520292

Yeah and a lot of the ones I knew spent most of their time indoors playing starcraft. You realise being an introvert doesn't mean you literally want to be alone forever in the middle of the wilderness, right?

>> No.24520262
Quoted by: >>24520283

just woke up. react videos are /hlg/ related now?

>> No.24520265

Towa's next stream is going to be borderline experimental.

>> No.24520266
Quoted by: >>24520293

Pekora is just a comedian with social anxiety. What is manipulative and scummy about her?

>> No.24520269

Watching them fuck up in D:BH was hilarious.

>> No.24520270
Quoted by: >>24520375

Where does this bs come from?
Escapism is great if it helps you recharge and gives you the energy to keep living and facing challenges. Are you saying people should always be focused on problems?

>> No.24520271

3DTenshi today bros!

>> No.24520273

What about RTS games? I haven't never seen any chuuba play one.

>> No.24520274

some people will always feel weird about the whole donation thing even when it's their job

>> No.24520276


>> No.24520278


>> No.24520279

I love Sora

>> No.24520280

sounds like torture

>> No.24520281

would honestly pay to see miko yell "FAQ" while mag dumping at a range

>> No.24520283
Quoted by: >>24520295

yeah, this is why we now fucking hate that bitch, Coco.

>> No.24520284

>abareru kun
so he's got no gig from yoshimoto

>> No.24520286


>> No.24520287
Quoted by: >>24520311

Does Getting Over It fall in the meme tier?

>> No.24520289
Quoted by: >>24520373

Rushia's cute, pale feet.

>> No.24520290

No. I'm not even opposed to including a level of escapism in your life, sometimes all you need to keep other parts of your life together is a place to unwind, but not vtubers. It's a volatile industry where your favourites can vanish without a hint any day leaving you in a worse position than you started in and their real life is always going to be a part of things in a way arguably bigger than flesh idols.

>> No.24520292
Quoted by: >>24520304

You are absolutely moronic for thinking that liking indoors activities makes you an introvert. I'm guessing you've never met an extroverted "gamer girl" in your entire life (more likely never even been friends with a girl, period). Retard.

>> No.24520293

>What is manipulative and scummy about her?
Her narratives.

>> No.24520295

oh man that sperg who keeps calling react videos as shilling must be fucking mad lmao

>> No.24520296

shien bros keep us updated, im sticking with kira until he finishes

>> No.24520297

Take your meds, schizo

>> No.24520299

It's perhaps not bad, but a sub-optimal outlet for escapism in the sense that their activities are closely tied to and defined by the realities of the real world which you're trying to escape from in the first place. The fact that they're real people with real identities and personalities has a tendency to break the illusion.
You'd be much better off watching anime or something.

>> No.24520300

>no jews
>no jews
What the fuck Artia!?

>> No.24520301
Quoted by: >>24520309

They'd never play one, the only one they'd MABYE play is civ and that's a deep mabye

>> No.24520304
Quoted by: >>24520318

I guess we're all extroverts in here then because we spend all day gossiping to each other about celebrities.

>> No.24520305
Quoted by: >>24520314

everyone got mad when it showed up in Asacoco. She seriously played an entire reaction video clip and also spoiled PPT's 3D announcement like a stuck up BITCH

>> No.24520306


>> No.24520307

is it still up or did it get taken down? i have to see this

>> No.24520308

falling asleep using Mio's ample breasts as a pillow

>> No.24520309


>> No.24520311

Swap GTA games and minecraft and you'd be at 100% accuracy

Shit tier, shootan is always the worst shit for chuubas to play

Definitely meme-tier

>> No.24520314

>spoiled PPT's 3D
if you liked my reaction please (you) and subscribe

>> No.24520315

it's definitely still up

>> No.24520316

RTS games aren't fun to watch.

>> No.24520318
Quoted by: >>24520338

I literally implied that hobbies don't correlate with personality traits but whatever stay retarded.

>> No.24520319

She's my third favorite after Coco and Pekora

>> No.24520320

Excuse me but my mom's breasts are only for me to lay on

>> No.24520321

This guy gets it, might I add sniffing her armpits while doing so.

>> No.24520323

I don't like it

>> No.24520325

You know, for a dog character, she never gives the impression she'd allow herself to be pet.
She seems like she would never stay still in one place long enough, for one.

>> No.24520329

<span class="sjis">
            ./ -ω・ヽ       
            l      l       

>> No.24520330

Speak for yourself. I like the fan art of her being naked and being taken out for walks.

>> No.24520331
Quoted by: >>24520342

if you tried to pet korone she'd take your yubis...

>> No.24520332

Risu version when?

>> No.24520333
Quoted by: >>24520353

Is the pien meme dead already?

>> No.24520336
Quoted by: >>24520352

Look up strongmen, it's peak performance for strength, you can literally drag airplanes.

>> No.24520338
Quoted by: >>24520366

You're right. Having enjoying fashion has nothing to do with their personality.

>> No.24520339

Post your fave react vids bros

>> No.24520340

Yes but im just going to start filtering the links now instead

>> No.24520341

Wtf I like Artia now

>> No.24520342

She actually does always answer いいよ when people in chat ask to pet her, though.

>> No.24520348

Search the warosu archives for 'tribute' you'll find it.

>> No.24520349

Kira is using his banner as a cursor to ask where he needs to go

>> No.24520350

Watame is my favorite so yeah

>> No.24520351
Quoted by: >>24520369

but that applies to all women, regardless of whether they like bad boys. Concepts like disqualification and push-pull are just basic game theory.

>> No.24520352
Quoted by: >>24520355

Strength and stamina are two different things.

>> No.24520353

I fucking hope so.

>> No.24520355

You still need stamina to perform the feats they do. The bigger question is would their hearts give out over a prolonged period of railing girls

>> No.24520357
Quoted by: >>24520370


>> No.24520356

intensely passionate, loving tantric karezza sex

>> No.24520360


>> No.24520363
Quoted by: >>24520377


>> No.24520364

They could be dangerous if they lied to their audience and led them on, but they're pretty harmless as it is and every vtuber I've seen is pretty ethical about it

>> No.24520366
Quoted by: >>24520388

>getting piercings is a hobby
ok retard.

>> No.24520367
Quoted by: >>24520381

which holo was it who had a fetish for getting burned by cigarettes?

>> No.24520369

>game theory.

>> No.24520370
Quoted by: >>24520429


>> No.24520371

Holy Fuck I didnt know Luna was so based
>Streams for more than an hour almost every time
>Is actually interesting
>Best collabs and chemistry
>Better than Towa

>> No.24520372

Mating press towa while she berates me.

>> No.24520373

underrated post.

>> No.24520374

I want Watame to crush potato chips with her fat ass

>> No.24520375

There's people addicted to escapism. It's healthy when balanced, but a lot of people here struggle with balancing things in their lives

>> No.24520376

>>Better than Towa
The Famili will remember this...

>> No.24520377
Quoted by: >>24520403

is this Shien's stream or Kira's?

>> No.24520378
Quoted by: >>24520395

But then you have to listen to her voice.

>> No.24520379
Quoted by: >>24520452

>people who want attention, i.e. extroverts
that's not how it works

>> No.24520381
Quoted by: >>24520391


>> No.24520383

Anymore good ones?

>> No.24520384 [DELETED] 

>Watame actually had the cutest roommate in hololive
I don’t know how to feel about this.

>> No.24520386

>hollow life

>> No.24520387

Subaru, Korone and Mio have the best synergy in Hololive.

>> No.24520388
Quoted by: >>24520426

But fashion is a hobby? What did Korone do to you to make you this mad?

>> No.24520389

Same. And then she can crush me.

>> No.24520390

Yeah I like her a lot. Specially the comfy streaming stuff like Minecraft. Ark is still I don't know I haven't been able to concentrate on those stream since it's Ark.

>> No.24520392


>> No.24520391

Shotas don't smoke!

>> No.24520394

same but I want her to crush my dick instead

>> No.24520395

Her voice is cute and she can sing really well.
Her onee-sama voice sure is hot.

>> No.24520399


>> No.24520400

Cutest roomate has to go to Haachama. Hags CANNOT compete

>> No.24520402

>Haachama turns the camera back on
based baby

>> No.24520403
Quoted by: >>24520417

Probably came to gloat/offer advice but then saw Kira ahead of the farthest he's gotten.

>> No.24520404

do you feel like getting banned?

>> No.24520406

youtubeくん dont look!

>> No.24520410
Quoted by: >>24520462

sure, until she gets bored of this character and quits like she did with her previous one

>> No.24520411

Roberu don't look...

>> No.24520414

that's noel tho

>> No.24520418

Roberu... Don't look at Kira's stream...

>> No.24520417

Roberu knows Kira is a master at video games, he wouldn't come in to gloat.

>> No.24520421


>> No.24520423

She really isn't afraid of getting demonetized again huh

>> No.24520424

at least isn't that risky like the other one

>> No.24520425


>> No.24520426
Quoted by: >>24520475

That's like saying everyone's hobby is fashion because they wear clothes every day. Can't tell if you're being serious or pretending to be retarded at this point.

>> No.24520427

Almost 2m views!!!

>> No.24520429

Damn, Korone.

>> No.24520432

>They could be dangerous if they lied to their audience and led them on

Unfortunately there's always going to be that tension between ethics and business in the vtuber industry.
Leading the audience on is what generates the most profit from a business point of view.
And as the technology develops and becomes more accessible, and the industry grows and expands into the indie sphere, the relative number of professional vtubers with strict ethical boundaries is going to decrease.

>> No.24520434

I can't find it right now but Roboco reacted to all ARK trailers and ATLAS

>> No.24520436

>Cutest roomate has to go to Haachama.
Source on that claim?

>> No.24520441


>> No.24520445

Luna's squeal of despair is incredible.

>> No.24520444
Quoted by: >>24520454

Good thing hololive is not the company that hired actual scammers then

>> No.24520446

mahjong is better to play
Uno for memes

>> No.24520447

>roberu need 15 hours
>kira need less than 2 hours

>> No.24520448

>Can someone explain why so many sub channels are starting to add wacky animations to the subs?
I enjoy MMD videos and it reminds me of what you find in those.
>someone animates a dance for MMD
>it's popular
>others make camera animations for the dance
>the camera is supposed to be kinda invisible, we're here to see a dance, the camera should complement it
>instead the camera is over animated, spazzing around everywhere, moving specifically to the music which the dance of course is also doing
>the camera is directing too much attention to itself, and the dance is unintelligible
Basically it's people thinking they have an opportunity to express their creativity despite it actually smothering the creativity of the thing they're attenpting to showcase.

What's even worse with the translation videos is half the time the subtitles themselves are unreadable.

>> No.24520450


>> No.24520451
Quoted by: >>24520464

right here bro

>> No.24520452

That is literally how it works. The most extroverted people I know have literally asked me why I'm not talking to them when I'm just minding my own business.

>> No.24520454

But they already hired Coco anon.

>> No.24520457

She wouldn't be able to get a hot bf if she wasn't cute

>> No.24520462

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.24520464

Woah Luna gets to eat THAT???

>> No.24520469

That's not extraversion, that's entitlement.

>> No.24520473

fuck bros i think im falling for luna
everytime i open youtube i check if she's live

when other holos are live i just wish i was watching luna instead

i think im gonna kms myself

>> No.24520475
Quoted by: >>24520503

I have no idea where you got that idea from. You can continue to insult everyone replying to you but it's not going to make you right. Some people wear clothes out of necessity, others have fun looking at the latest trends, mix and matching outfits, exploring different styles and cultures, dressing up, buying new accessories, taking photos or drawing art. None of this has anything to do with extroversion vs introversion. We all drive cars too or are you going to imply cars can't be a hobby and only extrroverts would enjoy flashy sports cars?

>> No.24520476

More like the only ones I've watched rather than my favorites but they were both fun.

>> No.24520477


This is really funny

>> No.24520478

But how will you watch Luna when your dead?

>> No.24520480

Embrace it.

>> No.24520486



>> No.24520488

I'm gonna creampie Luna while Matsuri watches

>> No.24520489
Quoted by: >>24520529

Have they asked you why you abuse the word "literally"

>> No.24520490

Kill yourself? But, you just started living, anonchama.

>> No.24520491
Quoted by: >>24520513

Even if it's a meme game, I'm glad Pien gave me more scared cat.


>> No.24520492


>> No.24520494

Korone's メン限 Splice one was fun

>> No.24520495
Quoted by: >>24520542

Shin Gojira looks fun. Thanks anon

>> No.24520498

How does Kira do it?

>> No.24520501

Why does Luna like Matsuri when everyone else hates her? Do they have some wierd sexual relationship going on behind the scenes?

>> No.24520503
Quoted by: >>24520527

To use your car analogy, you're basically saying that anyone who gets a custom number plate is actually a car hobbyist. Putting in some ugly lip piercings isn't being fashionable or trendy, it's a cry for attention.

>> No.24520505

It's about fucking time.

>> No.24520506
Quoted by: >>24520542

Somebody post the godzilla okayu-n

>> No.24520507
Quoted by: >>24520530

Ohhhhhh, now that's one for the womb posters

>> No.24520508
Quoted by: >>24520554

You game better when you crossdress, same with programming.

>> No.24520509

Ahhhhh, finally..

>> No.24520510

gays are better gamers i guess

>> No.24520513

i enjoy vtuber the most when they are frighten

>> No.24520515

Thank you very much for your service

>> No.24520516


>> No.24520517

i cant help but love her

>> No.24520518

Bossu please play Punai Punai Taiso already

>> No.24520519

people don't like matsuri?

>> No.24520520


>> No.24520522

Luna has a good heart. It's her defining character trait.

>> No.24520523


>> No.24520524
Quoted by: >>24520579

Why don't you learn an instrument to play along with her when she's on the piano?

>> No.24520525

No one hates her, she’s not Towa.

>> No.24520527

introverts still want attention
why are you talking to people here if you're an introvert
fucking attention seeker

>> No.24520529

If they figuratively asked me why I'm not talking to them, like "hey you seem quiet" or something, then I wouldn't find it worth posting about. I wanted to make the distinction that they literally flat out ask me why I'm not talking to them, you stupid seamonkey.

>> No.24520530

>no xray
Not quite

>> No.24520534

I like how Aqua, Matsuri and Watame all have :D as their default face.

>> No.24520535

Don’t fall for the bait lol

>> No.24520542

Enjoy, I love that movie.

>> No.24520544

>actual child porn
kys yourselves

>> No.24520545

Listen kid, your high school bully didn't beat you up every day because he wanted your attention, he did it because you're annoying to even look at let alone speak to.

>> No.24520549


>> No.24520551

what the hell are you talking about

>> No.24520553

>it'll be a tiny dick instead of her being destroyed by a monster cock

>> No.24520554

But Kaoru isn't as good.

>> No.24520559

You got my hopes up for nothing wtf

>> No.24520560

pirate crew gangrape doujins FUCKING WHEN

>> No.24520562
Quoted by: >>24520618

they like her, they probably don't like her being overly touchy or desperate for attention, their comments are always reserved like "She's a traditional Japanese beauty"

>> No.24520561

NOT canon

>> No.24520563
Quoted by: >>24520578

how does one grow to be this bitter?, at this point it almost qualify as a skill

>> No.24520564
Quoted by: >>24520587

Fuck off George. Keep your cuck fantasy out of this

>> No.24520566


>> No.24520569

Fuck off

>> No.24520571
Quoted by: >>24520587

That's what NTR is for anonchama

>> No.24520572

bro, you've got like, 1 int

>> No.24520576

C99 is gonna be FULL of Hololive doujins.

>> No.24520577
Quoted by: >>24520610

She publically humiliates herself infront of everyone she collabs with by creeping them out and then they don't collab with her anymore

>> No.24520578
Quoted by: >>24520601

Where do you think you are, redditor?

>> No.24520579

i work too much

>> No.24520580


>> No.24520581
Quoted by: >>24520613

>Listen kid, your high school bully didn't beat you up every day because he wanted your attention
You've not really thought this through, have you?

bullying = asserting control over someone = them paying attention to you

>> No.24520582

Now THIS is projecting lumao.

>> No.24520585

You guys think senchou will schlick to this?

>> No.24520586

Not him but imageboards are the only form of social media I can use because I am petrified of saying anything while attached to a username. The fact that you people do not give me any attention is the best part of this place.

>> No.24520587
Quoted by: >>24520606

>big dick has to be NTR

>> No.24520588

i hated luna at first but now i like her

>> No.24520589

the more dicks you take, the better you get at video games, look at the best gamers in Hololive and that should prove this hypothesis correct!

>> No.24520592
Quoted by: >>24520612

No, senchou is an M, this shit is unacceptable

>> No.24520593

nah she prefers the work of Asanagi Sensei and wants a strong man to "put her in her place" so to speak.

>> No.24520594
Quoted by: >>24520626

no okayu tonight...

>> No.24520595

this face has so much meme potential.

>> No.24520597

This guy gets it.

>> No.24520601
Quoted by: >>24520621

You know your argument doesn't hold when you have to resort to ad hominems. It's also making all your posts easy to spot, you attention seeker.

>> No.24520605
Quoted by: >>24520616

I'm giving you attention by replying to your post

>> No.24520606

>I rather watch a big cock destroy my waifu than a small one
>not a cuck

>> No.24520608

>/ss/ doujin
>it’s senchou
>not suisei

You were so close...

>> No.24520609


>> No.24520610
Quoted by: >>24520640

>they don’t collab with her anymore
A quick trip to her YouTube page just shows you’re full of shit anti. Stop narrativeposting.

>> No.24520611

You get a (You).

>> No.24520612
Quoted by: >>24520623

You think she wouldn't like getting dommed by a shota?

>> No.24520613
Quoted by: >>24520633

>my bullies were actually tsundere for me
You've been reading too many VNs.

>> No.24520614

>comparing which is spicier between Korean noodles and Japanese noodles
She's gonna fucking vomit again

>> No.24520615
Quoted by: >>24520620

You saying you don't get that warm fuzzy feeling when that narrative you made up gets dozens of (you)s?

>> No.24520616

You are giving my post attention, you have no idea who I am.

>> No.24520618
Quoted by: >>24520637

>traditional Japanese beauty

>> No.24520619

god i wanna make haachama cry and not apologize for it

>> No.24520620

I still fondly look back on that one time I fooled a bunch of people on /a/ with a fake spoiler for Rokka no Yuusha.

>> No.24520621
Quoted by: >>24520636

So I was supposed to come up with a proper argument against your ad hom that just called me bitter? You can make ad hom first but when I reply back with one I'm the one who's lost? Why are brainlets like this?

>> No.24520623

you totally would, but in this she is the one dominating the shota

>> No.24520624

all the holos are shotacons...

>> No.24520625
Quoted by: >>24520648

is Choco not on the ARK grind anymore?

>> No.24520626
Quoted by: >>24520646

We knew it was coming, brother. I'll sleep well tonight, but I can't until Umiyuri hits 2 Mil. Maybe we'll get a game in the near future too...

>> No.24520627

I'm not sure you know how porn works but you self-insert as the male character
so unless you're a little boy with a small cock and feel jealous when you see a big cock in a hentai manga it's not NTR

>> No.24520629
Quoted by: >>24520650

Firstly, Marine is not my waifu
Secondly, I'm failing to see how getting fucked by a small dick is less cuckshit to you than getting fucked by a big one. Please explain your logic

>> No.24520630

I thought this was terrifying when I couldn't understand everything

>> No.24520633
Quoted by: >>24520707

And you've not been reading enough dictionaries. Attention =/= wanting someone to like you.

>> No.24520636
Quoted by: >>24520718

Wasn't me, anonchama. You realise you're the only one on your side of the argument, right?

>> No.24520637
Quoted by: >>24520663

So you'd imagine FBK is close with her right? But that's the kind of comment she gives out when describing her. Reserved comments like that are usually the kind you give out to people when you don't want to say what you really think about them publicly

>> No.24520640
Quoted by: >>24520657

No it's actually true
she creeped out fubuki and scared her off
then there's that british nijisanji girl who bullied her

>> No.24520646

oh shit i had no idea it was only 400 views off

>> No.24520647

Oh no...

>> No.24520648
Quoted by: >>24520655

She's still at the top of the ranking in terms of hours played.

>> No.24520649

>Shien: Don't try to turn eurobeat on when you're on the highway, bad idea

>> No.24520650

He is obviously very insecure Anon. He does not like it because he can only self insert if the dick is tiny.

>> No.24520651
Quoted by: >>24520669

>you self-insert
That's disgusting, I dont think you know how it works.

>> No.24520652

>Marine roommate will never make marine r18 doujin

Why live?

>> No.24520653

>square enix permissions
could it be...?

>> No.24520654
Quoted by: >>24520717

Haachama is like that annoying kid that managed to make people laugh once and just keeps doing that same thing since her tiny brain can't think of anything else. I love her but I hope she calms down a bit soon.

>> No.24520655 [DELETED] 

it's backed by know leakers, it's very likely true

>> No.24520656
Quoted by: >>24520832

I feel kind of perverted watching haato because I am 30 and it's like I should watch a holo closer to my age

>> No.24520657
Quoted by: >>24520674

>collabs with Fubuki for two years, acts completely the same if not more extreme
>collabs only start to dwindle 4 months ago
Something doesn’t add up anon.

>> No.24520658

Surprise /r9k/ hours it is.

>> No.24520660
Quoted by: >>24520708

What if tell you I'm trying to give you attention and not just your post?

>> No.24520663

>Reserved comments like that are usually the kind you give out to people when you don't want to say what you really think about them publicly
No they're not.

>> No.24520662

Have some attention, bro. I personally use it because I can speak freely here, and the only weight comes down to the logic of arguments, facts and the differences in perspective. Anywhere with usernames means reputation becomes a factor, and people will come to defend those who are above on the social strata, even if those people aren't necessarily always the best people or have a dark history. Just look at the people who defend twitch thots for an example.

>> No.24520664

how do you know she hasn't

>> No.24520665

she just knows how swole frog is PLEASE FUCKING BE TRUE

>> No.24520666

>but in this she is the one dominating the shota
I guess it's going to be like Marine instigating it, but then the shota wakes up to his sexual urges and turns the tables on her.

>> No.24520667

>streams says she will play "THAT" game
Aw shit.

>> No.24520668

I often wonder if she's at least drawn porn of herself or the other holos... she must have done, right?

>> No.24520669
Quoted by: >>24520683

No, that's exactly how it works

>> No.24520672
Quoted by: >>24520687

Didn't her roommate stream this already?

>> No.24520674
Quoted by: >>24520691

>>collabs only start to dwindle 4 months ago
because she creeped her out too much

>> No.24520676

>self-insert fags

>> No.24520677
Quoted by: >>24520715

It's when you don't have anything to say about them, PR 101, buddy. Very big in Japan with the social masking

>> No.24520679
Quoted by: >>24520685

https://streamable.com/j6b484 Marine has a strong shota fetish, view this

>> No.24520680
Quoted by: >>24520738

good, dominant shota is the worst kind of /ss/

>> No.24520682

Wasn't Suisei close with Matsuri?

>> No.24520683

I pity you and your depth of understanding anon, if that's how you've been enjoying it.

>> No.24520684
Quoted by: >>24520747


>> No.24520685

where are the shota gangbangs then, i just want marine getting plugged in every hole goddammit

>> No.24520687

Her roommate isn't part of a successful organisation, so doesn't have to worry about permissions on her channel, if that's your concern.

>> No.24520689

how do you enjoy porn then mr connoisseur?

>> No.24520691

So Matsuri, acting much more extreme for the past two years, didn’t creep her out. But something 4 months ago did? Can you point something out?

Or maybe, you know, they made different connections and friend groups and became involved in that? Dunno, just a thought.

>> No.24520692

>self-inserting as the male character
That's fucking gay, bro.

>> No.24520693

<span class="sjis">
      _,,..,,,,_. zzz...
  // ̄ ̄フ /
 / (___//

>> No.24520694
Quoted by: >>24520726

Oh shit, Korone or Peko FFVI could be happening.

>> No.24520695

Luna is a professional, she won't let her hatred of Matsuri prevent her from getting the massive boost that would come from pretending to be in better terms with someone triple your size.

>> No.24520697

t. Scholar of hentai

>> No.24520698
Quoted by: >>24520712

I'm not gonna write an essay on how to enjoy porn for you, go figure it out yourself.

>> No.24520699


>> No.24520701

i don't want to be the fat fuck

>> No.24520703
Quoted by: >>24520731


>> No.24520704
Quoted by: >>24520796

>So Matsuri, acting much more extreme for the past two years, didn’t creep her out
she did though
fubuki just had had enough
why do I need to explain basic social concepts to people

>> No.24520705

So this retard is back pushing his shitty narrative again.
Not even worth a (You).

>> No.24520706

Tell me, who's always having the most fun, the most pleasure in a doujin? It's the girl. You self-insert as the girl. If you don't you're letting someone else have the most fun and that makes you a cuck.

>> No.24520707

So if someone robs a store, they actually wanted to be noticed by the shopkeeper and police, because causing harm to someone means you want attention from them. Got it. Dumbass.

>> No.24520708

It doesn't matter, you do not know who I am. If I say something awkward or autistic I can just leave the thread for a bit, ignore your replies and pretend it never happened. This place is safe.

>> No.24520710

Pretty weird how I'm capable of getting off just to pictures of naked ladies alone. I guess I must be visualising my invisible naked dick hovering around them.

>> No.24520711

The Holos' Detroit playthroughs made me crave for an LA Noire playthrough.

>> No.24520712

I'm interested in your style dude
Is it a voyeuristic thing

>> No.24520713

Not him but you can tolerate people for a long time if you're reserved. There's a point where attention seekers grate at even your stoic demeanor. Why do you think so many people prefer this place over reddit or discord?

>> No.24520715
Quoted by: >>24520750

Nah the stock phrases are closer to "優しい" and "いい人"
I don't know what source you're talking about but describing someone as a yamato nadeshiko is definitely not a stock compliment

>> No.24520716

You can always do the same with social media. I see lots of Holo artists with random strings as their name that get abandoned after a few posts.

>> No.24520717

Spot on.

>> No.24520718
Quoted by: >>24520762

Then you're simply even more retarded for jumping into an argument without even reading the quoted post.

>> No.24520720
Quoted by: >>24520730

If you rob a store do you remain a constant lingering presence in that shopkeeper's social life? Stop trying so hard to be so retarded, you'll cause yourself harm at this rate.

>> No.24520725

Imagine not liking /ss/ wouldnt that be kinda sad haha

>> No.24520726

I think the only FF Korone's mentioned wanting to play is FFVIII.
Also, so far, game permissions haven't really seemed to spread to other games from the same publisher or even to other holos, like we assume they would, so I'm keeping my expectations low.

>> No.24520727
Quoted by: >>24520760

>If I say something awkward or autistic I can just leave the thread for a bit, ignore your replies and pretend it never happened.
Yeah but it still happened and people still remember
It still hurts, even if you pretend it doesn't
There's still a human connection here

>> No.24520728
Quoted by: >>24520748

I'm sorry to break this to you but people don't self-insert as shotas because they have small dicks.

>> No.24520729

Dude, you need to reread what you've been posting and step away from the thread for a bit. Go listen to some lullaby streams or something.

>> No.24520730
Quoted by: >>24520751

Are you implying bullies spend all their time on their victims instead of just picking on them at their convenience? Are you projecting your own experience of getting bullied?

>> No.24520731

<span class="sjis">
       ./ ・ω‐ `ヽーっ ムク...
       l   ⊃ _つ

        _,,..,,,,_ zzz...
       ./ ,' 3  `ヽーっ
       l   ⊃ _つ

>> No.24520737
Quoted by: >>24520756

i will akasupa her on the fucking spot if she plays that, she better do a no level run

>> No.24520738


>> No.24520739

/ss/ is god tier, especially when the woman dominates the boy with either no care of morals or eventually gives in to her pleasures

>> No.24520742

Because ARK

>> No.24520744

What happened to Aki's stream? The latest one isn't in her channel. Did something yabee happened again?

>> No.24520745
Quoted by: >>24520763

>They hated him because he told the truth.
/ss/ is for dicklets and manlets to self insert, it is known.

>> No.24520746
Quoted by: >>24520770

Neat. Has she ever mentioned whats her favorite FF?

>> No.24520747


>> No.24520748

Somebody said that wanting grown men in porn was NTR
I disagree, I don't want to self-insert as a kid with a small dick that can't even dominate a woman

>> No.24520749

>Complain about /ss/
>still fap to it anyway

>> No.24520750
Quoted by: >>24520773

It's not the words used specifically or semantics that matter, it's the reaction. Anyone who isn't socially numb/autistic can tell when a person is saying things lukewarmly/dismissively, rather than genuinely

>> No.24520751
Quoted by: >>24520792

How'd you come to that conclusion? It doesn't even make sense. I told you to stop being retarded anon, don't you have anything better to do?

>> No.24520752
Quoted by: >>24520776

Yesterday's drinking stream? It's there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zM_hPaWGBA

>> No.24520753
Quoted by: >>24520761

Imagine self inserting yourself in porn.
That's fuckin pathetic dude.

>> No.24520754

I would if it's a karaoke birthday stream.

>> No.24520755

I hate Shota so fucking much

>> No.24520756
Quoted by: >>24520780

Korone is not a good gamer like Aqua, anon. She'll probably have a hard time just playing the game normally.

>> No.24520757
Quoted by: >>24520785


>> No.24520758
Quoted by: >>24520789


>> No.24520760
Quoted by: >>24520768

You are correct. I can not entirely eliminate the human connection but this is close enough for me.

>> No.24520761
Quoted by: >>24520808

Imagine looking at porn.
That's fuckin pathetic dude.

>> No.24520762
Quoted by: >>24520799


>> No.24520763

But anon, I'm not a dicklet nor a manlet, I just wish I had someone to take care of me so I never have to worry about anything ever again. This world is painful to live in. Please spare me this one fantasy.

>> No.24520764
Quoted by: >>24520788

>Spike chunsoft gives permission
>Subaru and pekora play CS and shiren respectively
It's not rocket science anon

>> No.24520767

I don't see anything wrong with this post.
If you'd rather see a dicklet you can't self insert into pound your oshi rather than seeing a fatfuck huge cock similar to yourself than you might be the cuckold.

>> No.24520768

I'll remember you forever
I'll remember the conversation we had today

>> No.24520770

I think FF6 might be the only one she's played? Not sure honestly, but she talks like she's not very knowledgeable about the series. Her thing is clearly Dragon Quest.

>> No.24520773
Quoted by: >>24520809

now this is a claim that needs source
not saying you're wrong, just that you're going to need something to back up that claim

>> No.24520774
Quoted by: >>24520779

Nah dude, it's the best when an oneesan gets humiliated and used by a bunch of brats

>> No.24520776

No the one the just finished earlier.

>> No.24520778

That makes you an emotional manlet

>> No.24520779

Having more than 1 dude in your porn is straight up gay

>> No.24520780

no level is easier since the game scales, ive never tried it but apparntly ifrit is almost impossible if you try to fight him at lvl100

>> No.24520781
Quoted by: >>24520797

If it was > 2 hours there is a chance it is still being processed by youtube.

>> No.24520782
Quoted by: >>24520811

for the love of god someone stream...

>> No.24520783

There are plenty of doujins with a mommywife heroine, but you chose the dicklet/manlet self insert.

>> No.24520785
Quoted by: >>24520793

I don't even like /ss/ but I will coom to anything Regura draws

>> No.24520786

/ss/ is more for the girls than for the boys. Stealing the innocence of a boy and awakening him manly primal lust, turns some girls on. It's a lot like a deflowering and corruption fetish with girls. Artists just draw it to appeal to guys too.

I see nothing wrong with it, to be honest. I'm pretty sure Marine will really like it, even if she's an M.

>> No.24520787

I wished I got raped by a hot oneechan when I was a shota. Real world sucks.

>> No.24520788

I'm just being wary dude, I'm fragile and deception is rough.

>> No.24520789

So this is the future of FBK...

>> No.24520792
Quoted by: >>24520834

Not an argument, kid.

>> No.24520793

I like his bug girl stuff more but I'll take what I can get

>> No.24520794


>> No.24520795


>> No.24520796

just because people don't collab as often doesn't mean they don't like each other. there's nothing causal there.

>> No.24520797

>>24520744 >>24520781 >>24520776
Still processing.

>> No.24520799
Quoted by: >>24520804

You know your argument doesn't hold when you have to resort to ad hominems.

>> No.24520800

This guy gets it.

>> No.24520801

/ss/ is about fapping to delicious milfs/cakes being a slut for some young dick.
Roberu knows the score.

>> No.24520802
Quoted by: >>24520805

Can we move on to the next thread already?

>> No.24520803

Do you think Cover planned for her to be the center of gen 4?

>> No.24520804
Quoted by: >>24520831

>muh ad hominems
(1) calling you a retard is not an ad hominem
(2) go back to r*ddit

>> No.24520805

Whats the matter little boy you dont like /ss/?

>> No.24520806

Why would you ever get emotionally invested in someone who doesn't even know you exist?

>> No.24520807

more like roBROru

>> No.24520808

why the fuck wouldn't you look at porn though.

>> No.24520809

I'm drawing from memories from 3 months ago, so I'll try to find it but I won't make any promises, so consider it won unless I do find my source

>> No.24520810

/ss/ sucks but some artists are too good to pass up

>> No.24520811

Matsuri Luna in 54 minutes.

>> No.24520813

I'm a man and i like /ss/ but only when the kid's got a big dick because I can't remember the time when i still had a small dick

>> No.24520814
Quoted by: >>24520841

Kanata is now sponsored by NAD(National Association of the Deaf)

>> No.24520817

>big dick shota
Literally garbage tier taste

>> No.24520818
Quoted by: >>24520838

It's about oneesans being humiliated used as tools for sexual pleasure and curiosity by shotas

>> No.24520825

Well, yeah, that's the appeal for guys. But we're talking shota here, not some young adult. If that was the case, young dick would very well be a fully fledged dick.

No, these girls are going for the dicks that haven't experienced the carnal pleasures that they can provide. That's why it's shota and not regular milf porn.

Like all fetishes, it's pretty complex.

>> No.24520826

Just fap to horse dicks at that point my dude.

>> No.24520829
Quoted by: >>24520840

does anyone have the full image for robocos last thumbnail?

>> No.24520831


>> No.24520832

Haachama has strong zoomer energy. She's basically anime girl pewdiepie. But, uh, that's okay. You have daughter feelings for her instead of the other kind, right?

>> No.24520834
Quoted by: >>24520843

Because it's not worth it, arguing against nonsense is a fruitless effort. Get off the computer and go do something actually constructive. You're wasting your own time and your own braincells.

>> No.24520837

tsuu tsuu tsuu

>> No.24520838
Quoted by: >>24520853

>getting pushed around by a kid
That's for Ms

>> No.24520840

check twitter

>> No.24520841

I'm looking forward to her reviewing hearing aids in the near future.

>> No.24520842


>> No.24520843

ok kid

>> No.24520846

<span class="sjis">
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>> No.24520850

I see that Roberu is truly our boy.

>> No.24520852


>> No.24520853

Or Ss depending on how you look at it.
