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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3.62 MB, 4093x2894, EZCGJ4YUcAEdgac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23991593 No.23991593 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23991596

fuck dogs

>> No.23991598
File: 1.32 MB, 686x971, Aqua! My love! My Life!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991742

I want to drink aqua's aqua!

>> No.23991599

Cute couple

>> No.23991600
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1577433419393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23991603
File: 103 KB, 288x288, maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer fucking hate this bitch

>> No.23991604
File: 61 KB, 500x276, inlovewiththecoco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry Coco!

>> No.23991602
File: 50 KB, 779x170, 1590628452289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are lunaposters like this?

>> No.23991605
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, please accept my love with these jelly donuts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991607
Quoted by: >>23991623

best couple

>> No.23991608

I want to impregnate Coco's Dragon womb

>> No.23991610
File: 242 KB, 328x442, 1587196003714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23991611
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991629

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.23991612
File: 36 KB, 576x233, firefox_GMpPZExKrA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she did it...

>> No.23991613
File: 514 KB, 2480x3508, IMG_20200527_212224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991614

Luna's original bgm.

>> No.23991615
Quoted by: >>23991735

What happened to pekora's DQ board game playthrough? Did she win it?

>> No.23991616
Quoted by: >>23991655

>ARK is finally ending
it was good while it lasted, Ragnarok was peak hololive but sadly Aberration was too much for the other girls, F

>> No.23991617
File: 359 KB, 1500x2121, EXz7mkxUwAAH84b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch!

>> No.23991619
File: 22 KB, 808x142, fucking idolfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate idolfag antis, makes my blood boil.

>> No.23991620
Quoted by: >>23991645

where do i start with towa's body of work

>> No.23991621

>spoke about how being an idol should be a happy job and you shouldn't care about numbers
>now she's stuck soullessly shilling gamer products to stay afloat
How do we save FBK?

>> No.23991622
File: 75 KB, 675x1200, 1588548666005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991623
File: 1.37 MB, 1436x1154, 1571222038124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my picture

>> No.23991628
Quoted by: >>23991659

We unironically needed a youtuber board 5 years ago how the FUCK is it still not made

>> No.23991629


>> No.23991630
File: 95 KB, 800x1000, 1590407504981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991631

Many of them have bought the DLC so It's possible that they will back again.

>> No.23991632

TowaAki collab! Towa two new song cover too! Towa is happy! I love you Towa!

>> No.23991633


>> No.23991634

Even considering youtube takes 30%, if Hololive takes another 30% they're still making bank. Wow. Any idea how much hololive actually takes?

>> No.23991637

I want to ___________________________________ Festival

>> No.23991639

Pewdiepie is reclining...

>> No.23991638

Makes me wonder how much the holos are making due to their view/sub count as well, since pdp is a millionaire from it.

>> No.23991641

Soon, Hololive moments will have more subscribers than Towa.

Fucking embarassing lmao

>> No.23991642


>> No.23991643
File: 47 KB, 422x414, 1589933639191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991644

take it easy there bro

>> No.23991645

The tummy.

>> No.23991647
Quoted by: >>23992252

Aki loves Towa so much

>> No.23991646

Become good friends and get along with Festival!

>> No.23991648

Korone tweets she'll be playing The Last of Us soon

>> No.23991650
File: 33 KB, 502x362, FUCKFROGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991651

kek, rescheduled, sasuga gaming laptop

>> No.23991652
Quoted by: >>23991664

don't forget japans high taxes to pay for all their old fucks

>> No.23991655

If the four girls do a farewell party for ARK it might be a stream worth watching

>> No.23991656

Ichikara (Nijisanji) recently came out and said they take 50%, I doubt hololive would take any more than that. I would say ~30-50.

>> No.23991657
File: 204 KB, 723x576, 1590306996516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm done with this place. I'm going to start posting fake translations of clips to YouTube to create my new narratives. Abayo nigga!

>> No.23991658

Oh no... What do we do bros?

>> No.23991659
Quoted by: >>23991721

4Channel doesn't make money, no reason to waste more cash on another board when you can just send people to /jp/

>> No.23991660

Hating frogs with AZKi!

>> No.23991662
File: 2.83 MB, 616x1080, 1583611276751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of Hololive!

>> No.23991661
Quoted by: >>23992351

What's the link to latest aggie canvas?

>> No.23991664

If hololive doesn't take care of taxes then big kusa

>> No.23991666
Quoted by: >>23991677

Towabros are evolving...

>> No.23991668

Hopefully she will never pay attention to 2.

>> No.23991669
Quoted by: >>23991718

Lyger translates like 10 minutes a week.

Listen autist, work harder and stop wasting so much time being an autist on the internet.

>> No.23991670
Quoted by: >>23994537

A game about dads and daughters, Korone is going to cry again

>> No.23991672
Quoted by: >>23991753

I have a feeling pewdiepie wanted to decline for a long time now

>> No.23991673
Quoted by: >>23991702

Wonder how she'll react to the ending

>> No.23991674

Cute Zordon!

>> No.23991677

so who gets the akasupa?

>> No.23991676

Смотрите, как она двигается!

>> No.23991678

Hope she has a whole bunch of tissue boxes around.

>> No.23991679
File: 115 KB, 1296x993, 1590579400732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Softbye, homie.

>> No.23991680

>Listen to her--!

>> No.23991681

He's not a real Lunatic. Ignore that faggot.

>> No.23991682

>Korone is going the play The Last of Us
EOPchads just can’t stop winning.

>> No.23991683
File: 43 KB, 726x496, 46x57cio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit game, but she'll probably cry anyways because of the ending.
Really wonder where she went for two days that she couldn't even retweet.

>> No.23991685

Goddammit, why is she doing it to herself.

>> No.23991687

I wish I had a tenshi watching over me

>> No.23991688
Quoted by: >>23992252

Aki? I don't think Towa is going to create a separate stream for the game.

>> No.23991689

poor Coco, she's going to be so stressed with asacoco starting again in 5 days

>> No.23991690

She's going to hurt herself again.

>> No.23991691

>daughter dies in the first 10 minutes

>> No.23991693

But TLOU is a masterpiece

>> No.23991695

she will cry in the first 10 minutes when serah dies

>> No.23991696

Won't lie it was cute

>> No.23991699

She said she would do Fallout and never did

>> No.23991700

not FBK that's for sure lmao

>> No.23991702

A father figure taking his daughter figure away from the world? yabai insues

>> No.23991701
File: 2.02 MB, 698x682, 96i3du.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the entirety of Pekora-chan's endurance stream

>> No.23991703
File: 583 KB, 220x215, suisei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Милый шотакон. Я люблю смотреть на нее иди!

>> No.23991705

Fallout bros...

>> No.23991706

if she plays the 2nd game when it comes out, she's going to lose all the eop

>> No.23991707

She should just make it twice a week talking about Ark and Haato everyday because nothing happened is taxing

>> No.23991708

another kusoge it is

>> No.23991709

Good colors.

>> No.23991710

Parts she'll probably cry at off the top of my head:

The beginning with the daughter
The ending
The part with the black brothers

>> No.23991711

She was busy working at the bakery and taking care of house chores that she's been pushing back.

>> No.23991712

The first half hour is going to hit her where it hurts.

>> No.23991713

I never noticed Fubuki had a tiny piercing on her ear
what a good eye for detail my cute drawfriend has...

>> No.23991714
File: 387 KB, 1000x605, ApresentfortheSpics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight /hlg/ see you tomorrow and may your favourite holo recieve tons of akasupachat

>> No.23991715

Who keeps telling Korone to play these games with hard-hitting sad moments what the fuck

>> No.23991717
File: 1.19 MB, 1240x1487, 1589852143336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry Pekora!

>> No.23991718

I'm doing my reps!

>> No.23991721

>waste more cash on another board
Why don't you remove the fucking origami board then. I wonder if origami is as popular as youtubers

>> No.23991724

I don't want korone to stream The Last of Us because I don't want her to cry for 12 hours. I don't want my doggy to be that miserable. Please don't do it

>> No.23991725
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1589077434185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991748

>TENSH will never watch over you

>> No.23991726

How to forget when Aki spoke Spanish

>> No.23991728

Why couldn't she just play Dark Souls

>> No.23991729


Sorabros where you at?

>> No.23991731
File: 1.01 MB, 822x836, 1589384167082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991745

your shitposting made Towa sad

>> No.23991732

>5 months
I always forget Coco and 4th gen are still considered newbies in the vtuber world. Vtuber fad made time so slow.

>> No.23991733
File: 300 KB, 1000x840, 1589612401678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 she gets bored of TLOU and just plays some random kusoge instead

>> No.23991735


>> No.23991734

>Fans tell her to play Fallout NV
>She plans to play Fallout 3 instead which involves dads
She's doing it to herself accidentally, fucking amazing.

>> No.23991736

>playing western games
Why do hololivers do this?

>> No.23991737


Why that thumbnail? Did something happen?

>> No.23991738
File: 1.37 MB, 600x338, fbk....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cooking Simulator intro graphic
>But playing Apex
She's phoning it in at this point, isn't she?

>> No.23991739
File: 1.20 MB, 2542x3673, IMG_20200526_162321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991750

I am falling in love with senchou...the way she says "Kimi" gets me Doki Doki.

>> No.23991740
Quoted by: >>23991755

I think it should be more like Asamiko where she'll release it only on fewer days. It should give her more time to prepare rather than having being stressed out by it.

>> No.23991742
Quoted by: >>23991868

If only...
At least we get adorable Aqua chuus

>> No.23991745
Quoted by: >>23991757

When isn't Towa sad?

>> No.23991747

>apex thumbnail
>go into video, cooking simulator collab

>> No.23991748

She'll be watching over us from the sky...

>> No.23991749

probably beat all the weeb games

>> No.23991750

JK Senchou makes me feel funny

>> No.23991751

They want the juicy american dollars

>> No.23991753

Dude's married, a millionaire, owns several homes and is his own boss. He could end it whenever he wanted.

>> No.23991754
File: 213 KB, 850x1215, __shiranui_flare_hololive_drawn_by_enumiyan__sample-73cd35c91320df215ea4ef67c8587df4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991762

I want to be platonically loved by Flare!

>> No.23991755
Quoted by: >>23991785

>more like Asamiko

>> No.23991757
File: 372 KB, 528x607, 1590523949665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she's hanging out with the devilfam of course!

>> No.23991758
Quoted by: >>23991768

or maybe her fans anticipated that she'd choose the opposite so they purposely recommended NV

>> No.23991761

it's not 21:00 right now

>> No.23991762
File: 245 KB, 1944x1200, EYdn4E4UYAkYQKn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991811

I want to listen to her sperg out about everything she reads on twitter!

>> No.23991763
Quoted by: >>23991773

And it's actually APEX.

>> No.23991764
Quoted by: >>23991771

It would be worse if she played Fallout 4, a game where you try to recover your child taken from you

>> No.23991768

Why are Koronebros like this? Why do they want to hurt her? Were they the ones behind the divorced/dead husband and children shit too?

>> No.23991769
Quoted by: >>23991792

What new narrative did I miss in the past 8 hours?

>> No.23991770
File: 402 KB, 642x2000, 1569746213008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I've been gone for two years, what are the new narratives? Also, what's a narrative?

>> No.23991771

And kill him or nuke boston.

>> No.23991772

her manager who gets 10% of the supachat cut

>> No.23991773

You guys aren't very smart, are you?

>> No.23991775
File: 1020 KB, 1044x1474, EY8bmpMUwAIF3GG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey men! give Mikochi a listen please!
- Sakurakaze https://youtu.be/X9zw0QF12Kc
- My Name is Elite https://youtu.be/Y8o4goeVM0o
- Ai Kotoba III (cover) https://youtu.be/IZWuK1ljlS0
- Yukitoki (cover) https://youtu.be/z4Md4zHQWJ8
- Yumeji Labyrinth (cover - short ver.) https://youtu.be/VeWlafLgrMs

>> No.23991776

She's announcing the schedule for the Cooking Simulator stream

>> No.23991778

She should reduce asacoco to once or twice a week, with some Flash Asacoco News or something if a special event occurs

>> No.23991779

Cover is moving their headquarters to California

>> No.23991782

The gameplay is simple but solid, so I hope she enjoys it.

>> No.23991784

>Whispering Apex
That's just an excuse for her to be apathetic and put in no effort.

>> No.23991785

Is it permanently gone? I thought Miko was just going to change the format from a news satire to something else?

>> No.23991786
File: 11 KB, 710x165, jparchive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.23991787


>> No.23991789
File: 42 KB, 412x277, Discord_W3Arx0Is3V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991790

I will but only if you listen to Suisei

>> No.23991792

Japanese Keemstar is moving to Hololive.

>> No.23991793

Thanks 35P

>> No.23991797

don't korone please don't !! I don't want to see you cry ever again :(

>> No.23991798

When is Asacoco and Watame No Uta coming back... i miss them...they were a part of my daily routine.

>> No.23991799

I thought people said that hololive was on the decline?!

>> No.23991801

Who's Suisei?

>> No.23991805

/jp/ threads can stay alive up to a month. Hololive threads die by the hour.

>> No.23991806

hlg is inclining...

>> No.23991808

Asamiko is gone but there will be a new thing every sunday.

>> No.23991810
File: 5 KB, 759x39, ssi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already did Suiseibro

>> No.23991811
File: 451 KB, 441x1052, EY81LQnUwAEw5AI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993330

I want to call her cute and see her blush!
Fuck, we're resonating...

>> No.23991812
Quoted by: >>23991827

yes asamiko is gone forever, she's now going to do an actual morning program instead of an asacoco parody but only on sundays

>> No.23991813

Гордость Хололива!

>> No.23991814

The pride of hololive

>> No.23991815
Quoted by: >>23991861

As a spic, I'm disgusted with the amount of spanish speakers on FBK's stream

>> No.23991816

Aqua's a power hungry monster that governs over Hololive with a tiny iron fist, she's 44.5cm tall confirmed and weights 142kg and has huge anger issues because of her Napoleon complex, to this point she has ripped carpet off the floor, broken windows, spat on YAGOO, Roboco and at least 5 more people, slaps Shion daily and made her develop Stockholm syndrome, today she broke Mel's legs and mounted a stool on her back to step on...

>> No.23991817

Just got back from taking a dump. Did Towa fuck up again?

>> No.23991818
File: 302 KB, 1280x720, 20200528053518_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP for the 100% OJ pekora mod I mentioned yesterday.

>> No.23991819

Haato vomit merch when

>> No.23991820


>> No.23991823

She vomited on stream.

>> No.23991826

damn I thought it was a real crossover for a sec

>> No.23991827

Will she still slap me at the start?

>> No.23991828
Quoted by: >>23991842

She'll probably vomit on her collab with Aki tonight.

>> No.23991830


>> No.23991831
Quoted by: >>23991847

why so many hermanos in fubuki stream?

>> No.23991832

I know My Name is Elite is her song but her cover Ai Kotoba is just so cute.

>> No.23991833

The artstyle matches. That's good.

>> No.23991839
Quoted by: >>23991850

Neat, is there a Miko mod to go with her voicepack btw?

>> No.23991841

Not another board game...Peko...

>> No.23991842
Quoted by: >>23991851

The number of vomit idols increases

>> No.23991845
File: 799 KB, 4093x2894, 1565462232217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991863

Emetophilia is a patrician fetish.

>> No.23991846

Should make the eyes bigger, looks off with how small they are. Other than that, looks good!

>> No.23991847

it's prime spic time now, no seas trolo man

>> No.23991849

>Saga Jihen

>> No.23991850
Quoted by: >>23991867

Miko is already in there. Kirko have her outfit and hairstyle.

>> No.23991851

You make an idol, she becomes popular a day. You teach an idol to become bulimic, she becomes popular for a lifetime.

>> No.23991852

Meidos made it so threads auto-archive at 2k posts

>> No.23991853
Quoted by: >>23991870

what about daydream warrior?

>> No.23991854
File: 21 KB, 375x387, towa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad is this for APEX?

>> No.23991855


>> No.23991858
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 1583227859495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991859

Haachama's scat fetish when?

>> No.23991860

HololiveSP when?

>> No.23991861


>> No.23991862

What would Haato from half year ago think if she watch her recent streams...

>> No.23991863

Especially when combined with gokkun, cumflation and all-the-way-through.

>> No.23991865
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1590421155456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one is an original song and the other is a cover, they're not comparable

>> No.23991867
Quoted by: >>23991892

Oh shit I thought it was just the voicepack, I'll have to give it a go soon

>> No.23991868

Aqua so cute bros...

>> No.23991869

God I hope soon

>> No.23991870


>> No.23991871

I can hear the back of her throat. Exquisite.

>> No.23991873

Haachama's ryona fetish when?

>> No.23991875

In 11 hours

>> No.23991877


>> No.23991878
Quoted by: >>23991897

Is Hiro watching holos? Ask him on the next stream, JOPs. We need his protection to secure our board.

>> No.23991879
File: 116 KB, 1920x1030, 1590210614211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry Matsuri and make her happy.

>> No.23991880
Quoted by: >>23991891

>they finally stop using the same image for the whole video
>instead re-uses the same models without any pose change
Can't win them all, I guess.

>> No.23991881
File: 513 KB, 710x1805, 1590549431438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20k viewers watching Peko roll dice for 9 hours
>7.5k for FBK... playing A-snooze legends

>> No.23991882
File: 1.06 MB, 874x603, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991883

It's playable if you don't plan on actually winning or carrying.

>> No.23991884

Holy shit, is this what happened with the Mio yabee?

>> No.23991885

powers been out for 5 hours, been listening to azki's originals and they are really great

>> No.23991886
File: 1.34 MB, 992x1403, 81890515_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991887

Why did Coco lose a lot of her EOP fan base? Do you think she noticed or cared about them leaving?

>> No.23991889
Quoted by: >>23991899

she'll have the urge to eat at Jollibee

>> No.23991890
Quoted by: >>23991898

Both of it are Soul

>> No.23991891

Anon it's a static image that's barely distorted to create "animation"...

>> No.23991892

It's a DLC character, she originally didn't have a voice but they added VA by Miko later on.

>> No.23991895


>> No.23991896

Damn it guys, Haachama is obviously reading our threads. How else do you explain where she gets her crazy ideas

>> No.23991897

who the fuck is this

>> No.23991898

Nah, Saga Jihen is soulless.

>> No.23991899

Fuck off monkey.

>> No.23991902
Quoted by: >>23991956

she didn't spout enough english only memes

>> No.23991903
Quoted by: >>23991943

sorry but i dont like aki. its just the truth

>> No.23991906

I think he's the creator of reddit

>> No.23991907

Coco's japanese gachikois are literally as strong as rushia's I don't think she gives a shit about her EOP base
Her whole shtick has always been gaijin trying to learn japanese anyway

>> No.23991908
Quoted by: >>23991990

they realized coco doesn't speak english at all in her streams so they just wait for the asacoco dubs

>> No.23991910
Quoted by: >>23991990

I don’t think she lost EOPs at all, you see less english on asscoco because everyone waits for the subs now.

>> No.23991909
Quoted by: >>23991972

Better than Haachama/10
It's not a twitch shooter so you'll be fine. Anything less than 200 ping is definitely in the bearable range.

>> No.23991911

It's moot, the owner of reddit

>> No.23991912

Coco's EOP fanbase only watches asacoco.

>> No.23991913
Quoted by: >>23991945

Hey nice, Noel fan here, could you guys tell me where her solo part in this is?

>> No.23991915
Quoted by: >>23991938

Hiromoot should try being a chuuba.

>> No.23991916
Quoted by: >>23991941

does rushia still tell eops to go home

>> No.23991919

hololive threads are faster than the rest of /jp/ combined
we never hit page 10 to do, we hit 2k posts

>> No.23991922
Quoted by: >>23991990

It's part of her plan
She despises EOP and westcuck in general so she's filtering them out

>> No.23991925

Which site is this?

>> No.23991928

It's hot because I imagine that it's someone elses POV!

>> No.23991929

So whats the Watame narrative? I heard some anons say something stupid like she doesnt acknowledge other singers in hololive

>> No.23991930
Quoted by: >>23991972

i play with about 120-160ping on tokyo servers, pretty stable but i swear half of my bullets go straight through people even when they stand still
i dunno what the netcode/tick rate is for it since any other shooter being over 50ms will just make you start teleporting everywhere but this shit is actually stable

>> No.23991931
Quoted by: >>23991990

Unironically, Coco's none asacoco content is the most EOP filter content of all.

>> No.23991932
Quoted by: >>23991944

I would watch more of her if she did more english streams like that one with Haachama and Senchou MONTHS ago.

>> No.23991937

I dont like Aki or Azki. theyre kind of lazy bitches

>> No.23991938

He is a chuuba, just not a vchuuba. He's been streaming for a while now

>> No.23991941

she's trying to turn them into paypigs by translating their donations like miko and korone do

>> No.23991943
File: 1.61 MB, 2720x1536, 1568661262487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991947

That's ok anon, as long as you support your favorite.

>> No.23991944

Maybe Haato should stop declining Coco's invitation to another english only collab.

>> No.23991945
File: 935 KB, 574x640, frog jump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991951

yeah, her part is really cool!

>> No.23991947

Who's that? New Hololive?

>> No.23991948

Would you watch a holoEN girl if she regularly posted in these threads?

>> No.23991951

big grass

>> No.23991952

Haha funny...

>> No.23991956

she does it all the time but it mostly for the JOP

>> No.23991957

Would you support Daisuke Tashiro if Holostars scouts him?

>> No.23991958

As long as she doesn't say pog

>> No.23991960

looks lovely anon

>> No.23991962

No honestly I would not watch holoen under any conditions if I'm being honest

>> No.23991965

kek how small

>> No.23991966

I went to bed, woke up to find the thread I was on archived, and another archived thread and this one. I wish they were 3K posts long

>> No.23991967
Quoted by: >>23991974

600k playing apex, how lame is that?

>> No.23991968
Quoted by: >>23991982

The moment something gains a name in 4ch, it's cursed to be killed by 4ch.

>> No.23991970


>> No.23991972

Alright, I'll try to catch some chuubas then.

>> No.23991974

More players than dota 2 already.

>> No.23991975


Roboco is too cute

>> No.23991976
File: 291 KB, 415x384, Mkp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991995


>> No.23991977
Quoted by: >>23992042

I've had a couple wins on the tokyo servers but yeah I usually end up being a support player to some sweaty wraith.

>> No.23991978

Her laugh bros... it's so cute...

>> No.23991982

Yeah, it's like those black rappers who say they come straight out of Compton.

>> No.23991983

I wish Fubuki disabled on screen chat, I don't want to read all these spics/indos.

>> No.23991985
File: 26 KB, 297x415, my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993325


>> No.23991986

Korone's tears are my lifeblood

>> No.23991989 [SPOILER] 
File: 122 KB, 400x400, 1590632772210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23991992

only if shes poggers

>> No.23991990
Quoted by: >>23992008

But they were there for most of her yakuza 7 and earlier Ark streams

>> No.23991992
Quoted by: >>23992016

What's wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.23991995
File: 204 KB, 1600x1309, 1589909382823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23991998
File: 3.46 MB, 2425x4285, tensh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew a Kanata.

>> No.23992000

What's the next corporate sponsorship that Cover is going snatch up?

>> No.23992002
File: 161 KB, 680x601, ArtiaPoggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already watch Artia.

>> No.23992005

Just ignore it Bro.

>> No.23992006

cute tensh anon

>> No.23992008

That was when she was still Popular. Her Jan-Feb streams were her peak popularity. When these people realized she's not as cute as the others they instantly left her and started to watch Korone who's the biggest EOP pandering member in hololive.

>> No.23992009
File: 712 KB, 820x999, 1590551659670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>que significa "isho"? lo repite muhco

>> No.23992010

Don't forget her ASMR tomorrow...

>> No.23992012

Onaholes based on each girl

>> No.23992014


>> No.23992015


>> No.23992016


>> No.23992018

I don't even know what poggers is...

>> No.23992019

Subaru feat. Subaru

>> No.23992021
Quoted by: >>23992034

Based PekoMind

>> No.23992022
Quoted by: >>23992034

Wtf bro hivemind

>> No.23992023
Quoted by: >>23992034


>> No.23992024

Spam FBK's chat with supas to drown out the spics, it's the only way.

>> No.23992025


>> No.23992029


>> No.23992030

cute pp

>> No.23992031

Cute, saved.

>> No.23992034


>> No.23992036
Quoted by: >>23992040

What server are they playing in tho? There's fuck ton of tokyo servers

>> No.23992040
Quoted by: >>23992072

you know what the difference between normal and GCE is?

>> No.23992041

Cant wait for Coco to get a sponsorship from bad dragon.

>> No.23992042

Damn I guess I'll switch server. HK doesn't have decent players so far.

>> No.23992043
Quoted by: >>23992067

Are you the same one who did the canvas one? The shading feels similar.

>> No.23992047

When does the Apex phase end lads?

>> No.23992049
File: 101 KB, 405x234, muhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992050
Quoted by: >>23992066

When Valorant launches

>> No.23992052
Quoted by: >>23992065

Probably when this season ends.

>> No.23992053
Quoted by: >>23992073

DAMN Sora gets to eat that?

>> No.23992054

whats funny is when they stream apex their levels/gamepass levels show how much they play off stream as well lol

>> No.23992058

that has to be cutting the circulation

>> No.23992059

Damn Peko gets to sniff that?!

>> No.23992060
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, 1590632868616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with vtubers and throwing up?

>> No.23992061
File: 74 KB, 300x469, oh baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992128


>> No.23992062

Coco's whole appeal is a gaijin who loves (and is surprisingly clueless) japanese culture, the reverse of Korone

>> No.23992063
Quoted by: >>23992128

They're trying to capture an untapped market

>> No.23992064
File: 121 KB, 700x1073, ESh-DFdU4AAzw_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992065
Quoted by: >>23992071

but the season just started

>> No.23992066

That will only happen if they get sponsored, hopefully they don't. That fucking game still looks like is in alpha.

>> No.23992067

No. I haven't participated in one yet.

>> No.23992068
Quoted by: >>23992128

Still a pretty small minority. It'd be like asking what's up with vtubers and piss.

>> No.23992069
Quoted by: >>23992128

DRAGON DILDO, Coco's tail edition.

>> No.23992070
File: 17 KB, 826x120, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros you told me FBK was reclining...

>> No.23992071
Quoted by: >>23992214

Exactly. That said, APEX seasons aren't that long, only a month and a half left in this one.

>> No.23992072
Quoted by: >>23992076

I actually don't...

>> No.23992073

only pekora, sora and maybe coco

>> No.23992076

was hoping you would because i have no fucking clue

>> No.23992077

All me

>> No.23992079

There is no one else streaming

>> No.23992080

There's no one else streaming.

>> No.23992082


>> No.23992083


>> No.23992084

Towa is not streaming

>> No.23992087

There's a softness to this that is pleasing. Be sure to get this to her.

>> No.23992088
Quoted by: >>23992098

Yeah but the supacha...

>> No.23992091
File: 643 KB, 2048x3119, 1588112586779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23992092

This; sad but true

>> No.23992094

towa and luna get like 3k max even when they are the only ones streaming

>> No.23992098
Quoted by: >>23992120

can we start a yellow train please?

>> No.23992099

Yeah but they still get more supas than FBK...

>> No.23992101
File: 83 KB, 626x900, EVd4XfmUUAAVo8x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio sweater poster where are you?

>> No.23992102

What would even propel Towa to 10k? She would have to do some crazy endurance stream.

>> No.23992104


>> No.23992105

Our thread is starting to get to gestalt shitposting levels

>> No.23992106
Quoted by: >>23992125

It's over anons, since the same threads were repeating over and over now they are merging, and the hiveminds are proof of it.

>> No.23992107

stop diddling kids

>> No.23992108


I can't believe Aki save Towa.


This gonna be good.

>> No.23992109

Would you guys hire an oiran Suisei?

>> No.23992110
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1590275316855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992151

you weren't supposed to point that out bro...

>> No.23992113

they finally saw reason

>> No.23992114

Are there any good non-official holo goods/books being sold on booth right now?

>> No.23992115

Guys... please fund the cute fox...

>> No.23992116
File: 305 KB, 596x840, aqaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually sexy looking Aqua.

>> No.23992118


>> No.23992119

I hope fbk can collab with her mama and play APEX together.

>> No.23992120

could be fun

>> No.23992122

FBK got a big fat akasupa (actually off the measurement level - kurosupa?) from ASUS shes been saved

>> No.23992125

it will be slightly okay when there is at least 4 streams live

>> No.23992128 [DELETED] 

Promise me you won't allow Haato to become like this. PROMISE ME!


>> No.23992130

imagine being fbk and all you get is poor spics

>> No.23992133 [DELETED] 

Pls.. no... I already subscribed to her..

>> No.23992135

Cover bought him off with a one of a kind Mio hoodie if he promised never to tell us

>> No.23992137

I love those two so much. Truly elite comedians.

>> No.23992140
File: 255 KB, 1181x1748, EZDOcKBVAAAs8Do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992145

>> No.23992141
Quoted by: >>23992164

>I can't believe Aki save Towa.
Oh, so they are streaming it on both channels.

>> No.23992142 [DELETED] 

Sweet fucking jesus

>> No.23992145

Very cute

>> No.23992148
File: 251 KB, 1500x1057, 5502534A-FCD0-4EBB-81DA-72A2BE6CFD01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992162

Damn, Noel looks like THAT?

>> No.23992150 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1590394436894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992151

But aren't booth items far more beneficial than YouTube stuff?

>> No.23992155

Not even, I watched her APEX endurance and she didn't get 10k viewers at the same time.

More collabs and continuous subscriber growth. Hopefully one of her new covers gets her noticed by new people.

>> No.23992156

>Live in 11 hours

What the fuck does Towa do all day does she have a fucking baito or something?

>> No.23992158 [DELETED] 

Sorry m8 she's off the deep end already

>> No.23992159

Anons, I present to you your HoloENs!

>> No.23992160 [DELETED] 

I have a faint idea as to what I'm listening to but I don't want to be right.

>> No.23992161 [DELETED] 

I am scared of this woman

>> No.23992162

Original Flare costume...

>> No.23992163
Quoted by: >>23992169

She literally does have a side job.

>> No.23992164

Yeah, Towa just posted the corresponding stream schedule on her channel.

>> No.23992165

She is absolutely right about ROSS tho

>> No.23992168 [DELETED] 

>it's okay when japan does it

>> No.23992167 [DELETED] 

Why would they censor completely non-obvious words in the title? What does baby#### mean? Using her mic as a what?

>> No.23992169

She works at a pizza place.

>> No.23992170

stop posting

>> No.23992171
Quoted by: >>23992196

Iofi's previous collabs allowed her to shine and get noticed and Haato is always funny

>> No.23992174

>She would have to do some crazy endurance stream.
She did 13 hours of Apex for her 100 kills and 3 champion stream, and I think that didn't even hit past 5k viewers. Towa...

>> No.23992175 [DELETED] 

She... used it as a pacifier, right? ...Right...?

>> No.23992178

She's been clubbing and fucking since the lockdown was lifted.

>> No.23992179


>> No.23992180

please give FBK your yellow supas...
ASUS isint enough to save her

>> No.23992182

>there's not even one supacha in yen
FBK should just learn Spanish and be done with it.

>> No.23992183
File: 42 KB, 506x332, 1590364977974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order a pizza
>you say "send your cutest delivery girl" as a request
>this knocks on your door 10 minutes later

>> No.23992184


Hey, motherfucker, Coco's cute here.

>> No.23992185 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992207


>> No.23992187
Quoted by: >>23992206

post the fanfic

>> No.23992188 [DELETED] 

>What does baby#### mean?

>> No.23992190


>> No.23992191


>> No.23992193

Say "Towa..."

>> No.23992192
File: 880 KB, 1167x657, 1586761487829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992195

[X] Genuflect

>> No.23992196
Quoted by: >>23992236


>> No.23992198
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1590615947067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I know Spanish but not Nihongo
>can understand all the retarded Spanish spam but not my glorious FBKing

>> No.23992199 [DELETED] 
File: 319 KB, 975x687, 4e6945f92333bfd797037d2df4e6354ab8e22d2eca40bcf365981c610bce7734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you really have to make me see this

>> No.23992200

She lives and works in a konbini, that's why she keeps talking about it. The slavs and slavaboos, Aki, Suisei and Coco, hang outside and squat which is why she either doesn't get along with them or gets along with them very well.

>> No.23992202 [DELETED] 
File: 278 KB, 369x496, 1388775847560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. I can tell who this will be without having to click.

>> No.23992204 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992239

Please link me the channel or something so I can satisfy my curiosity

>> No.23992206
File: 799 KB, 1900x1343, 1590473309549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992215


>> No.23992205


>> No.23992207 [DELETED] 

Shh, don't tell him. Let him keep his innocence for a bit longer.

>> No.23992208


>> No.23992209

Blackmail her and get some sweet supacha money.

>> No.23992210

Dios mio la fubuki

>> No.23992211
File: 967 KB, 3840x2160, by ANNA @AndorraSoda - Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big fan. Thanks for the pizza. Here's tonight's super-chat.

>> No.23992212 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992213

>not playing ranked
kek aquachads win again

>> No.23992214

>only a month and a half left in this one
bros... another month and a half of THIS? nooooooo

>> No.23992215

poor towa forced to do the services while everyone is having a good time.

>> No.23992216

If we all chipped in $1 each we could give FBK an akasupa...

>> No.23992217

So learn some, you can get to a point where you can be like "oh I understood that wow" for minor things pretty easily

>> No.23992219


>> No.23992221
File: 1.84 MB, 2210x1719, yKtfYSv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not knowing moonrunes
No es tan dificil, solo tienes que encontrar una manera divertida de aprender kanji

>> No.23992222 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1589464042323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please never post this again, and kill yourself while you at it

>> No.23992224

Give her an akasupa.

>> No.23992225

normies pls go

>> No.23992229

FBK is reading 300円 supas...

>> No.23992230

>gets blues saying GG in yen
fucking cheap japs

>> No.23992231
File: 7 KB, 339x33, Screenshot_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992244


>> No.23992233 [DELETED] 

Please keep posting these

>> No.23992234

"ayame must be off today, huh?"

>> No.23992236

Risu will have her time to shine when daddy YAGOO sends her a brand new gaming laptop...right?

>> No.23992237

Korone already captured every spic's heart with 3 basic sentences, too late to ride on that train

>> No.23992239 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992249

Please support Akira.

>> No.23992240
Quoted by: >>23992247

Ask her if she wants to jam, would be fun to play music and sing with her even if she isn't my favorite

>> No.23992241
Quoted by: >>23992287

>una manera divertida de aprender kanji

existe eso?

>> No.23992242

>Nice Towa cosplay, I'm a big fan too. Have an extra tip

>> No.23992243 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992328

If you're implying she inserted her mic into her vagoo, then it doesn't make sense since her baby noises are still recorded just fine without being muffled.
She's probably just holding something wet to make those squishy sounds while beside her ASMR mic.

>> No.23992244

Hey that's me and all other spanish comments too

>> No.23992245

this brat...

>> No.23992247

It would be fun to hang out with her, smoke and shoot the shit with her while eating pizza- and I don't even smoke.

>> No.23992248

Pay for the pizza and not give her any tip because my pizza smells like cigarette smoke

>> No.23992249 [DELETED] 

>checks videos

I'm going to land in some watchlist after this aren't I

>> No.23992251

>Angry Loli Noises

>> No.23992252
File: 84 KB, 1200x623, EKT2kNNUUAEdEas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992802


>> No.23992254 [DELETED] 

Never thought i'd hear this again

>> No.23992256 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 365x375, 1590412098192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992278


>> No.23992257

>Fresh Shion anguish


>> No.23992258
Quoted by: >>23992287

>una manera divertida de aprender kanji

>> No.23992261

I hate this post so much. All it makes me think of is how much of a great friend Towa must be. You see her at your door and wouldn't even flinch since it's your childhood friend Towa. You would just be confused at the request.

>> No.23992262
Quoted by: >>23992321


>> No.23992263
File: 7 KB, 344x96, 1587898096935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people do this

>> No.23992266

Canadians aren't people

>> No.23992268

How big is the spanish market? Were all the EOPs in chat spics all along?

>> No.23992269

Fucking Chinknucks

>> No.23992270

Then you bring Towa inside to eat the pizza with you and tell her to take the rest of the day off so you can play video games.

>> No.23992271

I watch Holos but not subscribe them.

>> No.23992275

I want to get along with Towa and Festival! Having a fun night of drinking together! Reminiscing the good old times and having banter! Actually having friends!

>> No.23992276 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992305

i feel like im going to be hunted down for clicking that link

>> No.23992277
Quoted by: >>23992296

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EEQS2-h09U Choco [Life is Strange]

>> No.23992278

Literal ancient meme

thanks for reminding me of the good times bros

>> No.23992279

Give her the "tip" ask her if she also likes her pizza with "sausage"

>> No.23992280

>10k viewers
>almost at 600k subs
>still no supacha
fubuki yo...

>> No.23992282 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992283

>that one kusa pekofag is a spic

>> No.23992284

So why do people not want to supercha Fubuki, what is this narrative?

>> No.23992286

Superchatting it is at least nicer than just spamming in the chat

>> No.23992287

No se para los demás pero se me hace más fácil aprenderlos con los significados de los radicales e intentar formar una historia relacionada al significado, además de escribirlos 20 veces en un cuaderno

>> No.23992288


>> No.23992289

a fucking LEAF!

Day of the rake WHEN?

>> No.23992290

>open fubuki's stream
>0 supacha

>> No.23992292
Quoted by: >>23992390


>> No.23992296
Quoted by: >>23992306

Yay last episode!

>> No.23992299

>all the spics I know from work are massive weebs
>even the 50 year old work hombre is a weeb
I might have added 10 spics to chuuba viewer population by recommending Aqua to hem

>> No.23992300
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x810, FBK....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992309

>check FBK's stream
>10k watching
>no supacha
>no memberships

>> No.23992302
Quoted by: >>23992308

I love all the girls

>> No.23992305 [DELETED] 

It's not real you fag

>> No.23992306
Quoted by: >>23992320

Which ending do you think sensei will go for?

>> No.23992307
File: 13 KB, 277x182, crying_wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone save her...

>> No.23992308

oi... nousagi...

>> No.23992309
Quoted by: >>23992315

I'd watch her more if she provided expanded a bit more outward in her games instead of whatever is popular

>> No.23992310
File: 1.79 MB, 1000x1397, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992375


>> No.23992311
Quoted by: >>23992323

A lot of non-licensed shit get fan translated into spanish quicker than english.

>> No.23992312

she’s getting beaned. there’s no saving her anymore...

>> No.23992313

There's nothing about her that appeals to gachikois. She doesn't even have the 'poor unsuccessful chuuba' appeal like Towa because she's currently the most subbed.

>> No.23992314

>I don't speak spanish

>> No.23992315

>I'd watch her more if she provided expanded a bit more outward in her games
This is how we know you didn't even bother checking out her content at all.

>> No.23992316

She is waiting for a hero like you to send her $200

>> No.23992317

Not many gachikoi. Lots of regular fans.

>> No.23992318

I will SC her when she gets to 600k

>> No.23992319


>> No.23992320
Quoted by: >>23992361

I'm hoping she goes for the kill Chloe ending since she doesn't seem to be that fond of her.

>> No.23992321
File: 150 KB, 1200x938, 1590297200394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready Lunabro

>> No.23992322



>> No.23992323

Yeah I notice this too specially with shota manga

>> No.23992324
Quoted by: >>23992347

Fubuki just said "te amo"... spanishchads are going to rise up...

>> No.23992325
Quoted by: >>23992343

Keep looking.

>> No.23992327

how is this group called? MACC?

>> No.23992328 [DELETED] 

>without being muffled.

There is clearly muffling

>> No.23992331

Holy shit Fubuki's chat es muy mala what is going on

>> No.23992332

Horny Bitches.

>> No.23992333

Do it.

>> No.23992334
File: 665 KB, 800x999, 1573964979387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supacha onegai...

>> No.23992335

when are Towa's cover's dropping?

>> No.23992339

there’s always an excuse
>if she played longer
>if she played something other than animal crossing
>if she did some obscure thing then I’ll watch

>> No.23992340
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1010, 2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready for hololive's worldwide domination?

>> No.23992343

too bad

I dont watch archives, too much other shit to watch simultaneously

her loss really

>> No.23992346

4 Heavenly Kings of ARK

>> No.23992347

And immediately said
So... no

>> No.23992348

Big Macc...

>> No.23992351
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 2628b06bd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992352

>flare is the only one without a solo portrait in this shot
what did they mean by this?

>> No.23992353

Dejame ser feliz hermano...

>> No.23992354

I would definitely want a virtual idol cashier, yes.

>> No.23992358

Choco saying "let's get married" (with Coco moaning in the back).

>> No.23992359

>that fucking okayuzilla
10/10, what does the one above haachama say?

>> No.23992360
Quoted by: >>23992463

Chocobro... are you okay. I saw you redrawing that for an hour and then you disappeared.

>> No.23992361

Yeah me too, but I don't mind if she goes for the other ending though, just want to see her reaction and all.

>> No.23992362

suisei is a bitch and she hates flare because she's black

>> No.23992363 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1571864830908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucked but i want to see what else she does

>> No.23992367 [DELETED] 

Sounds hot. I might use this audio for babyfucking doujins.

>> No.23992368

Mi favorito vtubercula es Torre Obscura y Eterna.

>> No.23992369

The way she says it sounds like you and her are both just chilling then she decides to blurt it out of nowhere.

>> No.23992371


>> No.23992372 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 376x326, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992569

Where do you people find this shit

>> No.23992373
Quoted by: >>23992388

SOPs ruin everything

>> No.23992374

It would be so surreal to see a hololive billboard in the west

>> No.23992375
File: 528 KB, 1920x1080, cream.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992393


>> No.23992376
Quoted by: >>23992396

Boob mousepad...are you crazy??

>> No.23992377


You could have stopped it /hlg/

>> No.23992378


>> No.23992380

A titty mousepad... Are you insane?

>> No.23992382

sounds based to me

>> No.23992383

Flare is an extrovert

>> No.23992385

What do you think now?

>> No.23992386

One is on the 29th, not sure about the other one

>> No.23992387
Quoted by: >>23992419


>> No.23992388

she never has this much joy speaking English...

>> No.23992389
Quoted by: >>23992419

Bros, FBK is pandering to the spics for blue supas...

>> No.23992390
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, EYv5CfUUEAEI5Ci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992391

I can't believe Suisei wants to glass Africa, wtf.

>> No.23992393


>> No.23992394
File: 91 KB, 293x243, Dont talking in the chat please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever drew this thank you

>> No.23992395
Quoted by: >>23992430

temma is on a date! https://youtu.be/DuifL0k3V6U

>> No.23992396
Quoted by: >>23992867

i heard her talking about them but not the context, she getting one or people want to buy one of her? because i would instantly

>> No.23992398

Oh no, FBK is pandering to the spics...

>> No.23992400 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992402

What the fuck is wrong with her face

>> No.23992401
File: 304 KB, 1234x1234, EXvGYvaUYAA7_n2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992419

>hasta nyanyanya
I'm not even mad, FBK sounds too cute even pandering to spics.

>> No.23992402 [DELETED] 

She's been beaten black and blue by Noel.

>> No.23992404 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 672x504, EUETz0hUYAAGR7N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992405
Quoted by: >>23992419

>asta na na nya nya

>> No.23992407
File: 54 KB, 640x480, f5SEwzG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992419


>> No.23992408
Quoted by: >>23992419

Los únicos patriotas españoles siempre ganan al final

>> No.23992409

some spic please give FBK a akasupa with their 1 trillion taco dollars (equivalent of 5USD)

>> No.23992414 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 1069x580, god no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think "Why did she make this"
>Check her discord
>She's actually into cute baby art and toddlercon

I'm fucking done

>> No.23992415
File: 3.28 MB, 1346x4986, 1417990226694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking at /ck/ to get some ideas for Haachama's upcoming viewer cooking stream when I came across this again. Damn now I want someone else to do this so we can see this in her stream. I'd do it myself but I don't have the ingredients and I'm sure as hell not gonna waste money or leave the comfort of my home for a shitpost.

>> No.23992417
Quoted by: >>23992428


>> No.23992418 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992419


>> No.23992420

Se siente bien ganar hermanos

>> No.23992421
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 91625364_2536068733388697_2244301169847146713_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992422 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992438

Is she also furry? Need to check every box if you're really going for it

>> No.23992423
Quoted by: >>23992455

This Venezuelanons rise up.

>> No.23992424 [DELETED] 

>their Booth has a daki of them being dissected

>> No.23992425
File: 80 KB, 962x651, mogujira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saved, I love it.

>> No.23992427

Remove spics

>> No.23992429

I was gonna do something similar to this, but she never picks non japs so why even bother

>> No.23992428

actual EOPs are the best (ESLs being the worst), SOPs are the actual worst though, but JOPs are pretty bad too according to Japanese ESLs.

>> No.23992430

ze,, zehi,,,

>> No.23992432
File: 10 KB, 212x239, La Coco Argentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992471


>> No.23992433

>viewer cooking stream
Holy shit, I was just thinking about how it would be a great idea for Haachama to do this. Great minds think alke.

>> No.23992435

Bros... I thought we saved Fubuki... How did she end up in the favela...

>> No.23992438 [DELETED] 

I hope not, furry is where I draw the line.

>> No.23992439 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23992448

You are on a list now...

>> No.23992440

Whoever did that need to be put down.

>> No.23992441

choco violating coco with a bad dragon on a daily basis!

>> No.23992442

WTF is this real???

>> No.23992443


>> No.23992444

If iron dropped the "uguu" voice she would be pretty entertaining

>> No.23992446
Quoted by: >>23992458

Haato has become so entertaining that I want to watch her over girls who I like much better for any number of reason for no reason except for the laughs.

>> No.23992445
File: 18 KB, 244x350, pls come to brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese Brazilians have been a thing for quite a time now, she's there to stay my friend.

>> No.23992447

Just disguise yourself as a JOP and only utter/type moonrunes that you translated from DeepL.

>> No.23992448 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992449

i kinda want to make timtam noodles now, send it to haachama and tell her if she doesnt do a ramen timtam slam im deporting her

>> No.23992450
Quoted by: >>23992471


>> No.23992451

She got a $60 at the start

>> No.23992452

ask her to cook sinigang

>> No.23992453 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992454

As someone who spent 7 years learning this shitty island language, DeepL translations are surprisingly accurate

>> No.23992455

I changed my default youtube currency to VEF but it's still only showing USD.

>> No.23992458


>> No.23992460

The four great recliners of hololive

>> No.23992461
Quoted by: >>23992471

Fubuki (forma de blanca)

>> No.23992463
Quoted by: >>23992486

i ate and fell asleep...
I can finish it if you want

>> No.23992465

Why aren't holos ever trending in Japanese youtube... All sorts of stupid shit is trending...

>> No.23992466

Think you have to use VPN for it to not be the currency.

>> No.23992467


>> No.23992468
Quoted by: >>23992524

Where is this from? One of their ARK collabs?

>> No.23992471
File: 1.03 MB, 1063x1172, 1590506616338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992473 [DELETED] 


>> No.23992474

no akasupas...

>> No.23992475

can someone post the terrible holoEN video

>> No.23992476
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x975, chrome_2020-05-28_13-27-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there an easier way to hide chat on screen? because i cant deal with seeing all the spics and ironic weebs spamming anymore

>> No.23992478

Find a rare Venezuelan proxy and use it.

>> No.23992479

The Four Horsemen of the Arkpocalypse

>> No.23992480

>That shion coco

>> No.23992481

At what cost anon

>> No.23992483

>only 1 aka

>> No.23992484

Dragona (Asacoco no)

>> No.23992486

You do you, bro.

>> No.23992488
Quoted by: >>23992500

she's gotten like 6 now anon

>> No.23992489
File: 786 KB, 876x999, 1590539306589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992498

>FBK starts speaking Spanish
>akasupachas finally show up

>> No.23992490

Fubuki can afford to eat...

>> No.23992491
Quoted by: >>23992500

Thats enough for her weekly gacha roll..

>> No.23992493
Quoted by: >>23992500

Anon... the narrative...

>> No.23992494

Holoestrellas when?

>> No.23992495
Quoted by: >>23992520

use mpv

>> No.23992497
Quoted by: >>23992542

Kind of funny how Suisei has the smallest chest here even though Yugiri has the biggest chest in her group

>> No.23992498

It's for the 600k subs, but you know that already.

>> No.23992499
Quoted by: >>23992506

just access your self control and don't look at it. why is that so hard?

>> No.23992500

thank you anons... fbk is saved...
for now[/spoiler,]

>> No.23992502
File: 5 KB, 210x112, kon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro thats already more than my monthly salary...

>> No.23992503

She can finally roll some gacha...

>> No.23992506

kinda hard when im trying to look at FBK as well

>> No.23992505
Quoted by: >>23992539

you make 300 dollars a month?

>> No.23992507


>> No.23992508
Quoted by: >>23992530

Same, spicbro...

>> No.23992509
Quoted by: >>23992530

3rd world bro...

>> No.23992511
Quoted by: >>23992530


>> No.23992512

Time to roll more gacha I guess...

>> No.23992513
Quoted by: >>23992531

>caps at 500
>can’t do 600 for 600k
fucc youtube

>> No.23992515

>No zorro negro
Shit chart

>> No.23992516
File: 81 KB, 288x254, 1560425753404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992517

superchats rojos...

>> No.23992520
Quoted by: >>23992535

How would that help? It's an on screen chat. Even if you crop you'll cut either half the screen or fubuki herself.

>> No.23992522
Quoted by: >>23992528

>$50 supacha for FBK
did doom posting for fubuki literally make some anons supacha her?

>> No.23992524

After they finish the trivia quiz.

>> No.23992525
File: 3 KB, 112x112, alex_valle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm in Seanigland and you make less than fucking call center workers here

>> No.23992527

Watch choco-sensei please...

>> No.23992528

She just broke 600k subs

>> No.23992530
Quoted by: >>23992559


>> No.23992531

I cap at 99.99 usd, do I need to have a history of supas before they raise the limit?

>> No.23992532
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1590511032860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600k subs
How long until she beat one of the big 4? She needs a few more meme songs and thats easy 100-200k subs

>> No.23992533

i get that much a week just from NEETbux

>> No.23992534

We saved FBK... Now she can go back to saving the Homos.

>> No.23992535

Try putting Choco's stream on top of it.

>> No.23992536

bro how do you live on that money
my rent is 1.5k USD per month.

>> No.23992538

beyblade asmr, fgo asmr, and now haato screaming asmr?

>> No.23992539

Not that anon but in mx pesos
300 dollars = around 7k pesos, which would be 3.5k pesos every 15 days. its not good but could maintain you in some places of mexico

>> No.23992540

where were you when spics saved fbk

>> No.23992541

When did this thread start anons? I only discovered holos last week, I want to understand the lore of this thread

>> No.23992542

Flat is superior to cowtits in my opinion

>> No.23992545
Quoted by: >>23992553

Obviously, the cost of living in a 3rd world shithole is a lot less than yours.

>> No.23992548

Anyone got the hasta nyanyanya clip?

>> No.23992549

Narrative the thread

>> No.23992551

Like 2 hours ago

>> No.23992553

how much do houses cost in those 3rd world places? here a small house is almost $1,000,000USD.

>> No.23992555

based wallbro

>> No.23992556
Quoted by: >>23994538

join THE Kanata

>> No.23992557

here https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm

>> No.23992558

Run while you can. I'm serious.

>> No.23992559

I'm sorry anon, I know what is like to live in a 3rd world country. Keep fighting and come to the US..

>> No.23992560

You can live comfortably in a 3rd world country with just your rent anon.

>> No.23992561
Quoted by: >>23992591

It all started with the split...

>> No.23992562
File: 197 KB, 955x995, 1590406523180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992605

What went wrong?

>> No.23992564

Sorry, I'm watching Choco. I will clip it from VOD later.

>> No.23992565

This thread is only 654 posts in there's not much lore

>> No.23992566
Quoted by: >>23992591

Well it all started with a girl named Kizuna AI who may or may not have been an actual AI

>> No.23992567

ok Rushia

>> No.23992568
Quoted by: >>23992581

A small house in a safe place around 40-70k
A small house in a not safe place you can build it yourself for the same

>> No.23992569 [DELETED] 

She's been around forever at this point, newfriend.

>> No.23992571
File: 206 KB, 210x194, 1589695988987.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep enjoying the holos and don't let this shithole get to you.

>> No.23992573
Quoted by: >>23992585

nobody likes you or flare noel
go home

>> No.23992575

Get out if you value having time or enjoy your chuuba(s). Or stay and never leave again in a downwards spiral into the abyss

>> No.23992576

Rushia is boin~ boin~ though, right?

>> No.23992578

Now save choco, please...

>> No.23992579

Fuck off, we have enough retards in here.

>> No.23992581

bro i could buy like 50 acres in some shithole and build a mansion for what it costs to buy a house here

>> No.23992582

Im rushia, how you doing

>> No.23992583
Quoted by: >>23992587

She has to save herself first

>> No.23992584
Quoted by: >>23992590

You live in cali or what?

>> No.23992585

I like flare

>> No.23992586
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1589333257894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away, please, just leave this cursed place.

>> No.23992587

ARK will be gone in a few days, don't worry.

>> No.23992590


>> No.23992591

When did hololive thread specifically got so fast and big though? How old is this thread in its current form, a few months or a year or two?

>> No.23992593


>> No.23992594

What do you mean? ARK is here to stay

>> No.23992595
File: 1.01 MB, 431x498, swaying duck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Hologra is the best?

>> No.23992597
Quoted by: >>23992604

3 months

>> No.23992600

look for the canvas to draw and enjoy your stay, also stay away while dead hours happen

>> No.23992603
Quoted by: >>23992618

Also looking at the haachama cooking tag on twitter, there's not a lot of videos, and quite a few of them are just short ~5 sec clips of the food nearly done (Though this could greatly change within the next 29 hours). Provided that you actually make a <2 minute video of your condensed down cooking process (and don't say any english) you might actually have a shot at getting in.

>> No.23992604

What happened 3 months ago that made it blow up?

>> No.23992605

That's my wife.

>> No.23992607
Quoted by: >>23992614

Gen 4 created this general

>> No.23992609

Make her speak spanish and my network of spics will flock to her

>> No.23992611

corona and reddit normies

>> No.23992614

I see...

>> No.23992616

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't the holos pull really good views, even for the standards of normal streamers? I don't know if the numbers are comparable to twitch streams, but FBK is pulling 10k right now which is comparable to relatively big streamers like Lilypichu

>> No.23992617
Quoted by: >>23992632

im trying to watch temma but hes so uninteresting. i have to support my holostars though, even if it hurts

>> No.23992618

Also use your feet

>> No.23992622

Combination of some spergs who want to split, koronevirus, english subbed videos.

>> No.23992623
File: 505 KB, 655x612, when the supatrain rolls in.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBK right now

>> No.23992625

pekora's average viewership is very similar to tyler1 so yeah, it's generally pretty big

>> No.23992626

I remember in early twitch days back when SC2 was the popular game, getting 2k viewers was a big deal.

>> No.23992628

All the supas going straight to gachas...

>> No.23992630
File: 13 KB, 443x455, 1588090263390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992638

And this one after her real 600k celebration.

>> No.23992632

Watching Temma is like watching one of your friends stream. They're not bad, but they're also not good so you kinda just sit through it to support them.

>> No.23992634
Quoted by: >>23992649

Hermanos, cual es nuestro siguiente objetivo

>> No.23992635

FBK is relatively unimpressive in terms of viewer count, Pekora pulled in 30k just a few days ago for example.

>> No.23992636 [SPOILER] 
File: 145 KB, 1241x456, 1590637627559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23992638

Bros I think Fubuki might have tricked us...

>> No.23992637
Quoted by: >>23992645

Even the lowest holostar has numbers that an independant twitch streamer would kill for. For example I follow one that on a lucky day he gets 180, numbers that Temma easily can reach.

>> No.23992641
Quoted by: >>23992672

Yeah, they're huge.
I highly doubt it'll last, but for now its one of the best streaming markets out there.

>> No.23992642

yes, the bigger holo channels get really good views for streamers. I think mainly because there is far less competition on youtube compared to a place like Twitch.

>> No.23992645

Anon's non-holo wife has < 100 when playing games

>> No.23992646
Quoted by: >>23992652

Please don't invoke that name here.

>> No.23992647

he isnt trying and hes still making shit ton, he could do streams and rake money but dont think he cares for that anymore

>> No.23992649
Quoted by: >>23992675

Salvar a la maestra chocolate.

>> No.23992650

artia is going to pave the way for twitch domination

>> No.23992651

You guys ready for tarot ASMR?

>> No.23992652
Quoted by: >>23992667

Who, one of your future HololiveEN queens?

>> No.23992654
File: 724 KB, 942x999, 1590386574895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your mouth.

>> No.23992655

I think they need a dedicated fanbase
like eventhough aki has low viewership, they are pretty loyal. same goes to Flare (3-4k) which is not bad by any means but still low compare to the rest of gen 3

>> No.23992656

You tagged her with your art from the hlg canvas?

>> No.23992657

Nice inspect element

>> No.23992659

lol no

>> No.23992661

so many asmr’s. hololive is truly blessed

>> No.23992664

I want a yabee ASMR!

>> No.23992665

I hope she'll crash and burn.

>> No.23992666
Quoted by: >>23992689

Did FBK ever do after stream superchat reading?

>> No.23992667

That would be a mistake on so many levels by Holo. Now that you've spoke of the possibility, it'll always live in the back of my mind.
Fuck you anon.

>> No.23992668 [DELETED] 

i like her pornhub stuff, RyonaXlove for the bros

>> No.23992669

Is she going to shuffle the cards next to the mic?

>> No.23992671

Of course, you know what they say about fox and tricks

>> No.23992672

I actually think it will, because I think streaming in general will last. There's clearly a market to be had on youtube now, and even once the "boom" slows down. At the end of the day they're streamers that used a gimmick to grab up an audience, and so long as they're interesting enough to keep them they'll survive. People like Flare are probably the most safe, since she has a small but religious fanbase.

I think the people most at risk are the people like Temma, who haven't really built up an independent fanbase and are surviving off the brand.

>> No.23992674


>> No.23992675

>La vida es extraña
No por hoy hermano...

>> No.23992676

Shut up artia

>> No.23992678

Will she do a solo ASMR stream or with a guest like Haato like her recent Tarot reading stream?

>> No.23992680

What if FBK actually hates making meme videos/tweets, but management makes her keep doing it for marketing purposes?

>> No.23992681
File: 4 KB, 511x86, WTF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.23992685

Real talk, why the fuck would she even want to be in holoEN? Cutting down on her time streaming on a channel with a big viewerbase for a chance at some wild hit?

All the holoENs will be literal whos, mark my words.

>> No.23992686
File: 13 KB, 404x134, chrome_jlQF7jkRH7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992697


>> No.23992687


>> No.23992688

its over for you

>> No.23992689

Dunno, but she generally doesn't.

>> No.23992691

Any well known person like that would be losing money by going to Hololive. Rest assured it wont be her. It doesn't mean it wont be someone imitating her

>> No.23992694


>> No.23992695

New here? It was already decided the shortlist is probably her, Natsumi Moe, and maybe someone tolerable like Senzawa

>> No.23992696
File: 46 KB, 1375x507, 1582815450155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992697

This one is not so bad. It almost looks like a normal reply.

>> No.23992699
File: 102 KB, 652x614, 1590418000647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those 3 + marine avg 10k-30k viewers.

>> No.23992700
File: 109 KB, 217x214, 1589555928788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullying the sheep or she will leave us...

>> No.23992703

Autism. Absolute autism.

>> No.23992704


>> No.23992706

Memes aside, this is epic

>> No.23992708

Why isn't Lu** more popular

>> No.23992710

I know what game you're talking about but this makes me wish Fubuki played Armored Core.

>> No.23992709

Nooooooooooooooo korone not the homos

>> No.23992711

the 4 kings of hololive...

>> No.23992715
Quoted by: >>23992752

I'd argue its much more due to the spamming people were doing on /v/
There's multiple korone threads over there daily. A few months ago nobody ever posted vtubers unless one happened to pop up here and there once a month or so. it was never obsessive like the korone posting is.

>> No.23992716

So it only really boomed in the past couple of months then

>> No.23992721
Quoted by: >>23992820

Honestly its more surprising that lulu is as popular as she is already. Low energy, doesn't do many collabs, mostly focuses on single player games.
She has cute moments and is pretty fun to listen to when you get to it, but she's not the type personality to pull in the numbers she regularly gets.

>> No.23992722

Corona saved holo girls from poverty..

>> No.23992723


>> No.23992724

Covidclicks isn't a narrative, it's demonstrable fact.

>> No.23992725


>> No.23992726

Is she going to vomit at the end of it again?

>> No.23992727

Suisei used to stream with only 500 viewers

>> No.23992728
Quoted by: >>23992733

im pretty sure that spike was from coco's debut. I remember /jp/ freaking out when she debuted with her ridiculous voice.

>> No.23992731

They got lucky with coronachan

>> No.23992733

I still hate her voice.
I hate Luna
I hate Coco
I hate Korone
I hate Subaru
And I ESPECIALLY hate Marine.

>> No.23992737
File: 34 KB, 1085x516, chrome_6D2HTjw9j1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened in April? Korone mentioned DOOM?

>> No.23992738
Quoted by: >>23992773

But do you like Noel's singing?

>> No.23992739
Quoted by: >>23992755

The translators are all gonna go back to work/school anyway and normies will eventually leave because EOP exists. The popular ones will drop viewers but of course the popularity they gain still holds, Korone appears in some news article like every other week. I imagine this still holds water after when this virus is all done.

>> No.23992740

Please... the BGM...

>> No.23992741
Quoted by: >>23992746

Japan lockdown

>> No.23992743

Too weak for the womb

>> No.23992744

Who do you like though?

>> No.23992745

and peko playing MGS as well

>> No.23992746

I mean to this thread.

>> No.23992748

we don't use the h-word here anon.

>> No.23992749
File: 966 KB, 1200x1600, 1587950878740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine fucking matsuri then just pissing inside her

>> No.23992750

>What the fuck happened in April?
chuuba threads spammed on /v/

>> No.23992751


>> No.23992752

It probably has more to do with youtube algorithms than anything. I'm the newfag, I just tried to look back through my history to see how exactly I got first exposed, here's my timeline of youtube suggestions on May the 17th
>I was watching Yakuza 5-6 videos
>Yakuza karaoke got suggested
>Haruka from Yakuza doing karaoke
>Idolmaster songs suggestions
>Holo stream suggestions
>Asamiko got suggested and that hooked me
So you see I wasn't looking for hololive at all but I was somewhat close to that and youtube led me to holos. Don't underestimate the power of the algorithm, it controls everything now.

>> No.23992755
Quoted by: >>23992776

Only the strong will remain

>> No.23992759

Choco is so lost lol

>> No.23992761


>> No.23992762

Thanks now I love matsuri

>> No.23992763

I bet she'd be really embarrassed from pissing while she has a toe curling orgasm.

>> No.23992767

>What the fuck happened in April?
Coco got banned from live streaming. Korone was the star of her asacoco CM jail visits for a week.

>> No.23992768
File: 283 KB, 534x574, 1590562783018.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*nasally high-pitched voice* Hello my name is Rin Nihonsuki! Your brand new Hololive English Idol! Koh ni chi waaaaaa~~~~~
>Haha thanks for the superchat Vegeta's Armpit! "Please say 'Big Chungus poggers~"
>*videos pop up like "Anime Girl sings We Are Number One" and "A man has fallen into the river in Hololive City!"*
>*pretty much just copies Peko, Korone and Coco*
>*Pretty much only plays League of Legends and Overwatch*
>"Please collaborate with me other Hololives, I don't speak japanese but it would be so much fun, Matsuri and I could talk about how totally degenerate we are for liking lolis(but she actually doesn't care about that), but UHHHH FBI DON'T KNOCK DOWN MY DOOR HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" *nobody responds*

>> No.23992770
File: 1.45 MB, 1890x1890, 96ec6a92e3af3583761ba014f1b8f8d079836c40b9e2d63ca05ee995a8dccadc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992783

i made the majority of those threads

>> No.23992771

I love how confused Choco is.

>> No.23992773


>> No.23992774

I'm legit sad that this will never happen.

>> No.23992775

Okay, but only if it's in her ass.

>> No.23992776

I think the cults will survive too, flare, aki and towa's numbers can't decrease that much can't they?

>> No.23992777
Quoted by: >>23992791

How do you look at your YouTube big brother history? I wanna see how my own progression went.

>> No.23992780
Quoted by: >>23992787

Pissing inside her pussy or in the ass?

>> No.23992782

Thanks, I cant get this image out of my head now

>> No.23992783
Quoted by: >>23992800

fuck you

>> No.23992784
Quoted by: >>23992803

...and no one is streaming
Its literally free viewers at this hour

>> No.23992785

I found hololive through this video:
Id listened to the original a couple times and at first didnt even realize it was a cover, clicked on the channel then fell down the rabbit hole.

>> No.23992786

Episode 5 soon Chocobros! Let's hope Choco doesn't get put off by the crappy forced stealth section.

>> No.23992787

Pussy, of course

>> No.23992788

Thats actually my fetish. Its so under used and hard to find though.

>> No.23992790
Quoted by: >>23992983

The ones with the smallest viewerbases are probably the safest. Their core audience is there because of them, not because of bandwagoning/fotm.

>> No.23992791
Quoted by: >>23993040

Just click on the button in the upper left corner and there's the history tab

>> No.23992792
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1588392078563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992793

She's already more popular than most nijis

>> No.23992794
File: 34 KB, 580x750, Jay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992795

I developed it after that Takemura Sesshu imas doujin

>> No.23992796

I literally never had it recommend me a vtuber. And I watched a few indie vtubers long before I came to hololive. I never even heard of korone and thought sora was another singer. First time I saw korone eben mentioned was on /v/ only a few months ago.

>> No.23992800

I put in so much effort into recruiting in those threads. I really do wonder how many people I converted, I probably converse with people I converted over there in these threads.

>> No.23992801
File: 532 KB, 1321x2007, elite wifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll stay with Mikoti until the day I die

>> No.23992802

Aki and Towa collab a lot because they’re the literal bottom tier of hololive and no one else will do likewise.

>> No.23992803

>Lunchtime just ended in nipland
>It's no earlier than 9pm in burgerstan

>> No.23992804

Do you think any of the holos are spoiled by their fame and wish they had more even though they eclipse most every other streamer just for being part of hololive?

>> No.23992808

I got it after I read a story on gurochan in middleschool

>> No.23992810

Which one

>> No.23992812

Motsuaki made some with lolis.

>> No.23992818
Quoted by: >>23992830

seriously though imagine how intoxicating it must be to be able to make a 30 second video of you making silly noises into a mic and hundreds of thousands of people will come watch it within a day

>> No.23992819
Quoted by: >>23992839


>> No.23992820
Quoted by: >>23992869

I'd liken her to a deadpan comedian, she's pretty funny depending on the games she plays, rhythm heaven is of course one of her funniest. She also has a pretty good way of creating a narrative for games, like how in DkS2 she made a pretty good story of her eventually finding vendrick and being heartbroken when he was fodder.

>> No.23992822
File: 348 KB, 2048x1536, 1563099095477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably meant this is a negative way, but I think it's pretty endearing. The little guys have to stick together!

>> No.23992824

She would make a bad lazy wife...

>> No.23992828

Anyone that's not a crying screaming tard is immediately niche appeal. She also streams late for Japan and early for the West. The fact that she's doing as well as she is says a lot. She did it!

>> No.23992830
Quoted by: >>23992863

She works hard for those views at least.

>> No.23992831

I wish Aki would stop pretending to tolerate Towa. All of the other holos are done with her for a reason.

>> No.23992832
Quoted by: >>23992836

About to make a roll on the Mostima banner, FBK please lend me your gacha energy...

>> No.23992835

So anons, what are you guys doing today, during these dead hours?

>> No.23992836

Into the trash it goes

>> No.23992839

She’s music division, doesn’t count

>> No.23992840

Unironically probably coco is the worst offender. She seems desperate. Most the other girls I see as being fine with a smaller audience, coco feels like she's trying to make it big or something.

Which would be fine, but I also hate coco.

>> No.23992841

Some of the harder workings one do for sure. Girls like Ayame, Shion, Subaru, Haato, Luna seem to be content with what they have.

>> No.23992843
Quoted by: >>23992862

Sleep after doing my reps. Don't try to guess my timezone I don't sleep at night

>> No.23992844

I'll be there for her in your stead

>> No.23992846

Learning japanese to propose to my favorite hololive!

>> No.23992849

Yes, I do think Watame exists.

>> No.23992850

I think that's more Coco feeling like she has to try and keep her early momentum going more than anything else.

>> No.23992851

>Flare/Fubuki/Watame Cooking Simulator battle
/hlg/, who do you root for?

>> No.23992852

but she's not pretending, Aki loves Towa. and Towa loves Aki!

>> No.23992853

Aki literally seeks her out for collabs

>> No.23992855

watch more translated clip to build my chuuba lores of course

>> No.23992856

Flare of course

>> No.23992858
Quoted by: >>23992885


>> No.23992859

My autistic wife Flare!

>> No.23992860
Quoted by: >>23992870

American taxation is eating up her earnings more than others so she needs to do more to survive.

>> No.23992862
Quoted by: >>23992871

Yeah my sleep schedule has honestly gone into the shitter too because of this lockdown. I used to sleep at like 11 am, after shitposting here the whole night.

>> No.23992863
Quoted by: >>23992877

>Works hard
Are you having a giggle? Like, good for her I guess, but it's the lowest effort shit.

>> No.23992864

Towafags don't deserve Aki

>> No.23992866

She really wants to move out of home but doesn't have the money, that's where all this desperation is coming from

>> No.23992867

>she was planning to release a voice pack with a mousepad as a bonus
>people in chat suggested it should be an oppai mousepad
>she asked her manager about it
No idea if it's actually going to happen yet.

>> No.23992869

Yeah its a good comparison.
I wish holo could pick up more comedians like that actually. Niji has a lot of those type people who can play more subdued humor correctly. I cant think of anyone in hololive that really pulls off subtle humor. Fubuki probably comes closest.

>> No.23992870

>American taxation
wtf but she's working in japan? do americans really...

>> No.23992871

I haven't been outside since November...

>> No.23992872
Quoted by: >>23992896

She's not a Japanese citizen, so of course she pays taxes to ameristan.

>> No.23992873
File: 780 KB, 774x1000, 1565052586028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they do!

>> No.23992874

I think it's cute that she would go and actually ask about it. I know it's for merchandise but I for some reason find this really sweet.

>> No.23992875

No one does, Aki is the best!

>> No.23992877
Quoted by: >>23992919

It's not easy being creative and shes consistently fun and usually has multiple videos a day.

I mean you try to do something that has the same appeal as what fubuki does.

>> No.23992880
File: 443 KB, 687x621, chrome_2020-05-17_19-08-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me i hope it isint japan only if that happens

>> No.23992883

Luna spouts subtly funny stuff all the time too, people just gets filtered by her voice.

>> No.23992885
Quoted by: >>23992913

What's the best deck in anki for vocab? core2k or vncore 1250?

>> No.23992886
Quoted by: >>23992910

yes america is stupid.

>> No.23992888
Quoted by: >>23992897

Her voice is the best part though...

>> No.23992890
Quoted by: >>23992895

To be a Japanese citizen you have to revoke your other citizenships so she currently is still a foreigner that lives and works in Japan.

>> No.23992891
Quoted by: >>23993442

I think that Coco falls into that. She is pretty average talentwise, but compensates with a lot of hardwork, and asacoco shows that with 16 to 20k. Thing is, when she isn't trying too hard, her numbers fall to 6k 8k, and that must make her feel really worthless, that the only way for her to reach 20k is overworking herself to death. Hopefully with this week she can find a way for herself, and also to stop abusing sleep pills.

>> No.23992893

I dont understand this trio desu
they are all tsukkomi. they need a boke to work

>> No.23992895
Quoted by: >>23992966

so she gets double fucked in taxes right?

>> No.23992896

Even with dual citizenship you have to pay burger taxes. Abandon burgerhood entirely to lose that tax burden, that's the only way

>> No.23992897
Quoted by: >>23992909

Yeah I really don't understand why people would hate her voice.

>> No.23992898
Quoted by: >>23992980

Dead hours...

>> No.23992900

Luna Matsuri in 30 minutes!

>> No.23992901

The IRS wants its cut wherever you are.

>> No.23992902

I can barely understand her when I'm not too busy trying to not go deaf from her voice.

I tried, I really did. I just can not watch her.

>> No.23992903


>> No.23992904

I'm curious. I think I only have faith that Flare can cook. The other two... we'll see...

>> No.23992905

It's a very particular style of humor that relies on the voice and disposition it just happens to fit her perfectly. the best person in holo to compare her to would probably be Aki or Roboco.

>> No.23992906

It’s pretty sad how the holos sort themselves into tiers. No one will touch Towa but Aki, and no one will touch Aki but Coco and only because of Ark addiction. Aqua doesn’t even interact with anyone but her most close friends Okayu and Shion, and I bet she’ll dump them too one day like she dumped Mea.

>> No.23992907
File: 215 KB, 1406x779, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready for the biggest event of the month

>> No.23992908
File: 387 KB, 1920x1080, 1578923402045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992929

Haha I thought this was Spades Echo during Roboco's collab I'm a retard

>> No.23992909

baby talk doesn't hold up for long viewing experiences imo

>> No.23992910

American Citizenship is the most valuable citizenship in the world, is it wrong for us to tax something so valuable?

>> No.23992912
File: 151 KB, 660x382, almost there.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's almost there, do your part. For Towa....

>> No.23992913

I'm going all the way with core 6k, I remember reaching 2k and feeling like I barely knew shit. I'm about 800 words from finishing.

>> No.23992915

Towa is doing her very best!

>> No.23992916

staring at this thread waiting for roboco to go live
i have no will to do anything else except watch vtubers at this point

>> No.23992919

I'm really not trying to hate the player but the game, but sincerely, to use a dumb metaphor, FBK has reached critical mass. She's self-sustaining. She shitposts, her usual audience shares it, "lol look at funny nip girl with cute anime avatar do silly thing!", if even one new engagement is made she's won. Even if only one in one hundred of her followers gets another hit, she wins.

So because she makes lowest-common-denominator millennial and/or zoomer humor clips that literally take her a minute or two to make, and because she has that exponential growth function, she's just benefitting off the system.

>> No.23992921

Worth nothing now that all borders are closed...

>> No.23992920

This is your brain on burger propaganda

>> No.23992922
Quoted by: >>23992991

>literally who and an annoying rabbit
no thanks

>> No.23992925

>is it wrong for us to tax something so valuable?
Founding fathers-san...

>> No.23992926
File: 1.54 MB, 2865x2110, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992927
Quoted by: >>23992938

our boss hit 10k subs!

>> No.23992929

I can only dream that CN holos would be able to stream on youtube. Civia...

>> No.23992930
Quoted by: >>23992955

oh shit I better give her apology video more views.

>> No.23992933

I dont think its that strict.
I think most of the isolation (towa and aqua) are because they're just shy people who aren't willing to ask for them and are waiting for the popular girls to make the first move.
Aqua is probably also just autistic though.

>> No.23992934

It's gonna be two onigiri instead of boobs

>> No.23992935


>> No.23992936
Quoted by: >>23992964

I just want Artia to get her twitch channel set up poggers kreygasm pepehands biblethump monkas

>> No.23992937

Nice table faggot

>> No.23992938


>> No.23992940
Quoted by: >>23992955

I already disliked the video when you posted it last week

>> No.23992943

I think Canadian is slightly better.

>> No.23992944
File: 134 KB, 2250x1594, 213-mi-brianchart-62-v1j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have much lower taxes than most first-world countries.

>> No.23992946

Does Pecora even stand a chance here? I've never seen her play. But the other girl is like literally a pro.

>> No.23992947
Quoted by: >>23992977

Was Eilene and the gang Gen 0? Abandoned by hololive

>> No.23992949

Record it so you can impress Haacahama

>> No.23992950

You can get lucky in mahjong so yes

>> No.23992951
Quoted by: >>23992954

Aren't most of them not even in Mainland China? I guess they aren't streaming on other platforms not to upset the Chinese, Well, except for Artia since she doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.23992952
Quoted by: >>23992991

Towa would kill for a Pekora collab and this literally who gets it, what the fuck....

>> No.23992954

I don't think Civia is, no idea about the others though.

>> No.23992955


>> No.23992957

Make something for us too.

>> No.23992959
File: 233 KB, 296x383, 1589331871136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23992989

Sio stop .Live is already dead peko!

>> No.23992960

She can win if she gets lucky and his hands thrown to her, but as soon as any decision making pops up she loses

>> No.23992962
Quoted by: >>23993002

Does that include all the state taxes that get slapped on?

>> No.23992963
Quoted by: >>23992982

They could always hire girls from the better china (Taiwan)

>> No.23992964

Am I the only one that likes Artia because of the irony? Like, if there were more holos that did the whole self-aware, embrace-thotdom shitposter thing like EN is gonna be, it'd be annoying, but as it stands having her by herself (and Coco I guess) in the world of being an unapologetic 30yo boomer personality is tolerable, if not entertaining.

>> No.23992965

Post your tweet here so I can bump like it

>> No.23992966

Yes because she works in Japan they want their cut and because shes an American citizen Uncle Sam will want his cut as well. On top of that Youtube and Hololive take their cut but that is pretty much expected. She just didnt expect the two taxations to fuck her so much

>> No.23992967
File: 883 KB, 750x1334, 7B0D507A-7587-4703-9CE4-CEA9A8BCCD6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23992968

>ramen with peanut butter, corn flakes and ice cream
what the fuck anon

>> No.23992970

Imagine a worldwide holographic concert happening across all continents at the same time, all shows displaying the same data being captured in some abandoned warehouse in Japan. This is the hololive ambition...

>> No.23992972

I don't think she's joking.

>> No.23992974
File: 65 KB, 1120x739, a3w54eyxutc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to watch Towa's most popular video before joining her family!

>> No.23992975


>> No.23992976
File: 20 KB, 294x410, wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992977

Gen 0 is 3D and have always been so no Eilene dumbass isn't if you're going to make that shitty joke at least put effort and say Ami Yamato

>> No.23992979

Shes going after Shiro...

>> No.23992980


>> No.23992981

I make sure to watch it every day.

>> No.23992982

if they're in HoloCN they're contractually locked to bili

>> No.23992983

I don't follow the other two, but Flare's paypigs seem to be donating less than usual. I think they're getting a bit dry, they're not yakuza like Anzu.

>> No.23992984
Quoted by: >>23993022

I can only imagine her getting a yakuman and immediately throwing it away by accident.

>> No.23992985
File: 401 KB, 1200x1600, 2dtrhy65w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23992989
File: 1.97 MB, 2047x1447, 1585021006799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993106

Watch Pekora oversleep and miss the whole thing

>> No.23992991
File: 55 KB, 854x480, 1557775467128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993011

>literally who
Make sure to sleep with one eye open tonight...

>> No.23992992

she is a Japanese citizen, only EOP believe she not because of a translation video

>> No.23992995
Quoted by: >>23993022

Looks like the rabbit's luck is about to strike through again. Last night's 9 hour rng endurance wasn't for nothing

>> No.23992996

Artia at least has the opportunity to stream during American hours when no one is streaming, That and i get to listen to toxic American overwatch chat

>> No.23992997

Don't ruin the narrative

>> No.23992999

I made sure to watch it twice since it's such a great video!

>> No.23992998
Quoted by: >>23993059

She was born in America to citizens.
Unless she specifically renounced her US citizenship, she's getting taxed.

>> No.23993000
File: 130 KB, 348x348, smug korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993002
Quoted by: >>23993016

Yes. European taxes are crazy, they take like 50% of your income in France. Worst place to be wealthy.

>> No.23993003


>> No.23993004

I watch this every time a towafag shills her music vid here.

>> No.23993006 [DELETED] 

fuck spamnigger and fuck towafags

>> No.23993007
Quoted by: >>23993017

>all those literal simps in the comments
At least idolfags have standards...

>> No.23993009
Quoted by: >>23993059

Unless she's revoked her citizenship she's an American citizen. She's American by birth, and the IRS taxes anyone they can, including dual citizens.

>> No.23993010
Quoted by: >>23993020

>yagoo actually congratulate FBK on her twitter
I thought he was a bot all along...

>> No.23993011


>> No.23993012

Oh fuck

>> No.23993013

>has no problem pronouncing Cookie Monster

>> No.23993014
Quoted by: >>23993049


>> No.23993015
File: 538 KB, 827x1576, 1570174551389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993029

It's fine if you watch it, Towa has already overcame that.

>> No.23993016

I'd say I'm glad to be in Australia but, the taxes isn't what's burning our pockets at the moment. Jesus christ, we're fucking doomed if China decides to do something.

>> No.23993017
Quoted by: >>23993036


>> No.23993018
Quoted by: >>23993067

no he's correct. a US passport is very powerful pretty much anywhere you go the world, but still i think it's idiotic that you have to pay income tax even when you're not making money in the US.

>> No.23993020

abayo! narrative...

>> No.23993022

I'm predicting the mixture of lucky rabbit and dumb rabbit. She's going to get dealt an insanely good hand, not see it, and throw it away before getting assblasted by a ron

>> No.23993024
Quoted by: >>23993041

Imagine being so contrarian you pretend to hate some because other contrarians like her.

>> No.23993026
File: 634 KB, 804x831, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993046

Wtf how did I go from a power metal parody song to Peko laugh and Pekora Quest???

jk I'm pretty sure I clicked a link from /v/ and that was the beginning of the end for me

>> No.23993027

Yeet has a meaning?

>> No.23993028
Quoted by: >>23993047

Just look at how long Pecor took to get through that board minigame in DQ5. If anything, she's got negative flow and will get shadowrealmed in East 1.

>> No.23993029
Quoted by: >>23993070

you guys clearly don't if you're still trying to cover it up artificially

>> No.23993030
File: 521 KB, 2617x3773, EZBmZ-2UwAMQbVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /hlg/ I hope you're having a wonderful day. Remember to spend time working out, doing your reps, working on your skills, hobbies and fanworks! I hope your chuubas are keeping you inspired to keep working hard! Keep up the hardwork, good luck, and be blessed, always!

>> No.23993031

>and no one will touch Aki but Coco
Watame and Choco have played Ark and Apex with Aki a couple times in the last month or so too
I keep forgetting HoloCN is a thing

>> No.23993034
File: 159 KB, 324x446, shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to watch this 35 year old single mother say stupid twitch speak. And I especially refuse to watch it through some translation channel's reupload.

>> No.23993035
File: 567 KB, 659x965, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_drawn_by_simao_x_x36131422__d3c07e4b73ec4d07713a7de5895fded8[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on her new song?

>> No.23993036
Quoted by: >>23993085

Nope it is in fact those who reject idol culture that don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.23993037


>> No.23993038

I want to pee inside Suisei's ass

>> No.23993039
File: 72 KB, 501x428, Just Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. Hololive is just made to make her out as the slut, when really she's no worse than any of the 'idols' and a better person than most of them.
What are the main complaints? She masturbated guys on stream and lied about it?
Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking masturbated guys on stream. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She just saw them doing it.
Let me ask you this. WHO IN HOLOLIVE DOESN'T WANT TO MASTURBATE MEN? You can't even name one fucking character who wouldn’t want to masturbate their small dicks! hololive Idols are the kind of bitch who will act like they don't want it when they really do. They'll say No! while having multiple orgasms. Towa knew this, she's a fucking man’s lady. She knows what filthy man-whores like her audience want.
And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly lied about it later.
Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious fan. Is keeping your loved ones from heartache so wrong? When Ayame does the same thing to dirty old men for money it's like 'oh she's so womanly', but when Towa does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect her only fan. She probably was going to study medicine to tighten those guys asses back up or cure their syphilis or something.
The whole project was made to make that slut Ayame look good. Objectively, Towa is a far better character than Ayame. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like Ayame, and if she weren't stuck with that weak ass personality and no plothax she probably could have fucked the entire cast.

>> No.23993040
File: 772 KB, 2013x977, scatman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I actually fell into the rabbit hole because of THAT video

>> No.23993041

Shes popular here though

>> No.23993042

i don't want to relive this
this was all a bad dream, it never happened

>> No.23993043

Her voice finally got good

>> No.23993044

I liked it.

>> No.23993046

Explains why this thread is trash 90% of the time I guess

>> No.23993047

I don't know if the ruleset they use has renhou as a yakuman, but it's always hilarious watching people get shadowrealm'd by that

>> No.23993049
File: 1.10 MB, 1912x792, 1584136372826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never sanpo with the holos

>> No.23993051
Quoted by: >>23993079

Sankisei+honrary sankisei is always a good combo
With the amount of ring fit and singing streams the girls are doing recently I'm almost certain we're getting another fes soon

>> No.23993055
Quoted by: >>23993069

8bitdrummer the true entrance of hololive

>> No.23993057
File: 24 KB, 570x312, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993058

Not enough Flare.

>> No.23993059
Quoted by: >>23993081

she already did because she not going back

>> No.23993060
File: 179 KB, 1590x1120, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993061
Quoted by: >>23993077

Why did you need to translate that

>> No.23993064


>> No.23993065

>still needing translation for that

>> No.23993067

You're still eligible for social security and other benefits even if you're overseas.

>> No.23993068

I fail to understand. What part of this game that makes you cry? Two of the main characters didn't die in the end. Is it the lying part?

>> No.23993069

He hadn't even done any videos of holoshit yet as far as I can tell, and I just watched him on occasion because I used to play the drums and I'm genuinely impressed at him as a musician.

>> No.23993070
Quoted by: >>23993133

I don't personally think the video is "negative", Towa herself already sees it as something in the past and has moved on from it, I personally think it would be nice to get her music video over it in views as another goal, but I don't think there's anything "artificial" about listening to a song you like. Nobody is forcing anyone to listen to it, if you don't want to, just don't, ignore the post, you don't have to shitpost and complain every single time the word "Towa" is mentioned in a thread.

>> No.23993072

Why do you still have to translate congratulations?

>> No.23993073

Anonchaama do your reps

>> No.23993074

Too much Flare.

>> No.23993075

They will be released...in the next HoloFes that is being prepared behind the scenes

>> No.23993077

Missclick it

>> No.23993079
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 1590328315795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're getting another fes soon
I'm happy the narrative I seeded is gaining traction

>> No.23993081
Quoted by: >>23993095

Where did she say she did that? I don't recall her ever mentioning revoking her citizenship, and there's no reason to believe she did since there are still a lot of benefits to having dual citizenship, despite the double taxes

>> No.23993082
Quoted by: >>23993092

>Had never realized she was supposed to be heterochromic
I mean i don't watch her unless she's in a collab with someone I actually enjoy, but still...

>> No.23993083

For me it was this
Imagine watching this out of nowhere. It certainly got my attention

>> No.23993085
Quoted by: >>23993093

>noooo!!! you can't just reject the bad parts of japanese culture and only enjoy the good stuff!! it's not fair!!

>> No.23993087

>Watches hamburgaga
>Clearly not satisfied
>Immediately watches source video afterwards
are you me

>> No.23993088

Do you think Towa would be doing better now if not for yabee? I feel like with her voice, personality, and how she always just plays Apex, she would actually be doing worse.

>> No.23993090

My weeb friends posted clips of all the girls then I saw Matsuri bandaids and got hooked

>> No.23993092
Quoted by: >>23993283

There's actually a surprising number of heterochromics, not sure why chuuba artists like it so much. I still don't get why Roberu is

>> No.23993093
Quoted by: >>23993180

>noooo!!! you can't just reject the bad parts of japanese culture
Yep you got that right faggo, now scoot

>> No.23993094
File: 653 KB, 1200x671, 81900778_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a nice cover that I find comparable to the original. It didn't try to do it the same way as the original did, but they put Sankisei and Honorary sankisei's twist onto it. Suisei was cute as always.
Sankisei truly is the best generation.

>> No.23993095

You cant be a dual japan us citizen. Iirc the US forces you to choose at 18. If not its Japan that makes you do it.

I knew a Japanese girl that had to make the decision to either be American or Japanese because they only let you be a dual citizen until you're an adult.

>> No.23993097
Quoted by: >>23993115

His viewers tend to request hololive covers every now and then. He was introduced by the scatman video. Heres one where he covers fukkireta the channel goes over all the hololive stuff he does.

>> No.23993099
Quoted by: >>23993110

I can't comprehend how that would have made her worse off.

>> No.23993104

i cant be mad at this because of those noises are giving me a big retard smile

>> No.23993105
File: 11 KB, 404x348, mat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993124

10 mintues until festival

>> No.23993106


>> No.23993110

There is no such thing as bad publicity

>> No.23993113
Quoted by: >>23993134

Which holo is best for blinded sex?

>> No.23993114

I love zombieland saga songs and I love this cover.

>> No.23993115

I mean, yeah, I know he does and watch them ofc. Also yeah, turns out he had done the Scatman video by then (around Christmas of last year when I began my descent into hell), so I guess that makes more sense now.

>> No.23993116
Quoted by: >>23993158

He's done a lot, and even has clips of the Fubuki meme ones on his channel. There's a reason why the algorithm suggests hololive when you watch him now.

>> No.23993117

Coco cannot be a Japanese citizen. Japan doesn't allow you to keep dual citizenship above the age of 18. People with two citizenships, one of which is Japan, have to choose which citizenship to revoke once they turn 18. Since Coco gets taxed by the USA despite living in Japan, that means she still has her US citizenship, and thus cannot be a Japanese citizen, until she's lived in Japan for a few years at which point she can choose to revoke her US citizenship for a Japanese one if she wishes to.

>> No.23993119


>> No.23993121
Quoted by: >>23993145

>Iirc the US forces you to choose at 18.
No it doesn't, see link

You don't have to choose, and you don't even have to give up citizenship if you apply for citizenship with another country, it's completely optional.

>> No.23993123
File: 16 KB, 314x177, EKbebE2UUAAex8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally stumbled on Hololive without knowing what Hololive was, I got recommended an Okayu cover of a song I liked and then 4 months later I actually found out about Hololive existing according to my watch history, through Haachama, which I refuse to believe.

>> No.23993124
Quoted by: >>23993135

>Translation is wrong

>> No.23993126
File: 25 KB, 726x321, Japan citizen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan is the one that forces you to chose your citizenship or at least makes it hard to keep both

>> No.23993128

our boss and our son interacting https://twitter.com/yukokuroberu/status/1265868431472996353?s=19

>> No.23993131
File: 49 KB, 142x172, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993146


>> No.23993133

>every thread shilling
>please do your part....
that's artificial as fuck retard, your idol's song didn't reach anyone but this site. even suiseifags have the decency to only link her songs when it's either premier or when her singing is brought up.

>> No.23993134

Okayu to have her guide me with her voice, preferably tied too so I don't accidentally touch her face or fat and lose my immersion

>> No.23993135

I mean those are there for very rough context, noticed a lot of those over time.

>> No.23993137

come on man even i can read that without translating, after 30 seconds

>> No.23993139

How many fetishes did you gain by watching Haachama

>> No.23993140


The chad Kaoru laughing at his boss

>> No.23993141

>used to play the drums
Pick them back up bro, it's not too late.

>> No.23993142

She is actually gaining momentum at that time with her rhythm games and Apex endurance stream. At least, she can now gain 2k+ views again.

>> No.23993143
File: 1.42 MB, 1274x681, chrome_W8I3iEXmq7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make FBI joke
>korone gets scared
is japanese humor as cringy as westerners?

>> No.23993145

Then as I said its japan that does it. As per anon saying a few posts above. Couldn't remember which one forced you.

>> No.23993146

Cutest voice in hololive.

>> No.23993148
Quoted by: >>23993164

I really dont give a fuck about this topic but I know dogen is always complaining about filling taxes for both countries.

>> No.23993149

did yagoo really have to openly shit on bossu like that?

>> No.23993151

I'd argue even more so.

>> No.23993152
File: 13 KB, 300x326, 1581766427893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your idol's song didn't reach anyone but this site
Are you unironically brain damaged? This thread has a few hundreds posters max, even if you think every single one of them clicks the link every day, we would only get a few hundred views on the video a day.
It has 330k views.
Not to mention there are a lot of other ritual song posters in these threads, not just for Towa.
I don't know why I argue with braindead Towa antis, you literally never have good arguments.

>> No.23993153 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23993162

They do the police too.

>> No.23993154


>> No.23993155

He's actually made a statement that he's never watched hololive and he isn't an actual fan of them or anything but just does it because his fans request it. Not that he dislikes them either, but just as an on the record thing.

>> No.23993156

I got taxed and I'm from Canada, literally one the first things they told me was I was going to get taxed twice, one from Japan and the other from Canada

>> No.23993157

The Japanese dislike dual citizenship and will force you to drop one after reaching 20yrs old, some people still keep both of theirs past 20 because the government not always enforce and checking citizenship status all the time

>> No.23993158
Quoted by: >>23993168

I think he said he would get a translator or something like that to caption some of his next videos in japanese after talking to the guy who made these videos, he'll probably only sub hololive or other idol and anime songs.
On the other hand he has to constantly remind some of his newfound audience that he isn't a hololive only drummer.

>> No.23993159

Technically you have to choose by 22, but they don't actually enforce it. As far as I know there has been no recorded case of the courts stripping someone of their citizenship for not revoking one or the other. There are presumably hundreds of thousands of people who are dual citizens, and have simply not revoked their citizenships

>> No.23993161

>one link every one hour
Fuck both of em.

>> No.23993162

Eh, I've seen them do the police joke on twitter plenty of times.

>> No.23993164
Quoted by: >>23993190

You get hit with taxes in Japan because you work there. He also is an American citizen so he gets hit with American taxes as well.

No matter what you get hit with Japan tax because you're working there, has nothing to do with citizenship

>> No.23993168
Quoted by: >>23993184

Well this one has jp subs

>> No.23993169
Quoted by: >>23993279

I'm pretty sure almost every country taxes citizens working in other countries, since you still have access to all of your home countries social systems, despite being overseas

>> No.23993172

Makes sense, Canada is pretty much a worse US.

>> No.23993173

Haato was the one who got me hooked on hololive, seeing her try to speak English was so adorable that I had to learn japanese myself.

>> No.23993176
File: 187 KB, 393x374, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like drawing a hologirl doing degenerate stuff like taking the BBC

Which hologirl should it be?

>> No.23993178
Quoted by: >>23993192

ok then, i'll continue shilling her apology video. not like there's going to be a lot of views generated anyway

>> No.23993180
Quoted by: >>23993209

move to japan and shitpost on 2ch then if you don't like it pussy.

>> No.23993184

Nono I meant on his actual channel.

>> No.23993185
Quoted by: >>23993202


>> No.23993186


>> No.23993187
File: 270 KB, 429x654, 1590171964430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993220

Was watching the Subaru archives I missed and made some clips of things I found endearing.

>> No.23993188


>> No.23993189
Quoted by: >>23993201

You towafags are literal discord autists who spam her in these threads 24/7 so I wouldn't doubt if most of the new views are from you whiteknights.

>> No.23993190
Quoted by: >>23993254

Man america never fails to find a way to screw americans out of their money

>> No.23993191


>> No.23993192
Quoted by: >>23993205

Go ahead, I already said I was fine with it, the only thing you're doing is making if obvious Towa antis are all spergs.

>> No.23993193

Have she ever said she paid american taxes or you only think she do because of that translated video?

>> No.23993197


>> No.23993199
File: 134 KB, 284x354, Luna46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993238

Get in here!

>> No.23993200

moshi moshi policeman

>> No.23993201
Quoted by: >>23993211

Another nice try to push the discord narrative, maybe this time it will stick, unlike the last 50 times you've tried it.

>> No.23993202


>> No.23993203


>> No.23993205

i don't see anything wrong with that considering towafags are bigger spergs

>> No.23993207
File: 529 KB, 1780x974, eyesontheprize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least my next videos were cultured, I guess

>> No.23993209

And you're the one calling me a tourist on /jp/, unbelievable

>> No.23993210
Quoted by: >>23993218

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFv5h158Q9k Roboco [APEX]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHHH90Nm3pU Luna and Matsuri [Chat]

>> No.23993211
Quoted by: >>23993221

You're like /pol/tards who desperately try to pretend they're not /pol/tards while posting /pol/shit, it's hilarious.

>> No.23993212

Antis are more braindead than -fags themselves.

>> No.23993213

Antis are cringe, please just support all my hololive wives.

>> No.23993214
Quoted by: >>23993247

Matsuri and Luna really are best buds.

>> No.23993215

that aqua video was the first aqua thing I had seen too...

>> No.23993217
Quoted by: >>23993233

Interesting how holos seem to stick together in the algorithm...

>> No.23993218

Roboco oversleeping again...

>> No.23993219


>> No.23993220

the third one is my favorite

>> No.23993221

I don't get polfags, they seem legitimately convinced that every other board thinks just like their containment shitpen, and always get so defensive and surprised when you call them out

>> No.23993222

based anti-antimind

>> No.23993223
File: 26 KB, 239x358, 1583108303575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First encounter was some ring fit compilation video
>Led me to seeing FBK song cover memes
>Led me to finding Korone clips
After seeing a clip from her RE4 playthrough I jumped on board fulltime and the rest was history

>> No.23993225

So what's the unholy trinity of videos that brought the wave of newfags in the last few months?

1. Scatman
2. Bandaids
3. ?

>> No.23993227

Why the FUCK does Iofi get to collab with Watame, Haato AND Subaru while our girl Risu hasn't even got her collab with Korone yet

>> No.23993229


>> No.23993231

personally I think the police makes more sense and is less annoying than FBI but the FBI became a meme because of surveillance similar to the unfunny and cringy "fbi agent watching me" memes

>> No.23993232


>> No.23993233

>Algorithm intended to promote a YouTube viewer to keep watching YouTube and hopefully bring in sweet ad revenue actually recommends videos that are on the same topic as the one the viewer is currently watching

>> No.23993234

I fell in with mikos n word watched the gta streams. Saw that there was more of these people and now I'm here.

>> No.23993235

Why isn't there a Legendary Tae Yamada in Suisei's Saga Jihen...

>> No.23993236
Quoted by: >>23993259

Can Risu speak fluent Japanese?

>> No.23993237
File: 215 KB, 1521x2048, EZE_BnqUcAYdJDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23993238

I gotta hand it to you lunabros

she has a very cute, infectious laugh

>> No.23993240

The first stream that I actually watched live is Iofi's debut stream.

>> No.23993241
File: 9 KB, 363x323, darkages[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993270

lol source: american funded propaganda outlets. Nice "progressiveness ratio" btw lmao. Brought to you by the scientiscians who made this graph

>> No.23993244
Quoted by: >>23993265

bandaids was in december along with haato's gta v playthrough

>> No.23993246

Beautiful bunny cunny

>> No.23993247
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x936, __natsuiro_matsuri_and_himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_mikan_chipstar182__de6e27959f62a892de2a5dfc140e67a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, It's wonderful~

>> No.23993248


>> No.23993251

lyger is on chat

>> No.23993252

I got into Hololive because I was browsing jaypee and wondered why these threads got so many replies. I don't even watch anyone that much, I just come here to shitpost...

>> No.23993253


>> No.23993254

Its not that bad because most of it is just social security and other national things. As an American citizen you're still eligible for social security when you retire, and if you need to use the embassy and such you're still protected by America.
If for example japan became a war zone, America is obligated to help get you out of japan.

>> No.23993255

I came from the "My parents found out I'm a VTuber" Suisei clip.

>> No.23993256

probably miko saying nigger
personally my first exposure to hololive was the video about suisei's parents figuring out she was a vtuber

>> No.23993257

Convenience Store compilation.

>> No.23993258

what the fuck

>> No.23993259

Gaming is a universal language

>> No.23993261


>> No.23993262

Sora songs.

>> No.23993265

YT Algorithm doesn't care how old videos are in case you didn't notice

>> No.23993266


>> No.23993267

I think I actually started with the original english collab with andastd and 31% hololive members sleeping around
I used to watch a lot of haato but somehow ended up oshi'ing pekora and marine
I don't even remember why I started watching pekora to begin with. vtubers really distort your timeline to be longer than it really is

>> No.23993270
Quoted by: >>23993275

European media is the most biased media in the world. I don't trust non-american media.

>> No.23993271
File: 57 KB, 173x167, 1577766590094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki is cute

>> No.23993272
Quoted by: >>23993285

i-is that broly trying to break free?

>> No.23993274
Quoted by: >>23993284

Unironically the worst holo, no contest.

>> No.23993275

You can't make this stuff up, folks.

>> No.23993276

Usada Construction

>> No.23993278

Everyone is waiting for Subaru

>> No.23993279

Pretty sure more often than not, a country only taxes people working in it. E.g. UK + Europe won't tax their citizens if they work abroad.

>> No.23993280

my shien posting continues https://twitter.com/aragamioga/status/1265872738566041600?s=19

>> No.23993283

>not sure why chuuba artists like it so much
muh special snowflake, same reason why every sonic OC donut steel is heterochromic

>> No.23993284

all holos are the best holos, anon.

>> No.23993285

yes, you can't stop her, you can only try to run.

>> No.23993287
Quoted by: >>23993559

Pekora laugh compilation

>> No.23993288


>> No.23993289

I find antis funny because while most of us are happy to enjoy Holos and chuubas in general, their hated Holos live rent free in their heads and they can't escape the seethe

>> No.23993290

if I wasn't looking at her sing this, I'd think this was Okayu, what the fuck Aki.

>> No.23993291

IIRC I was already watching AI Channel and back then it was a lot of covers. Found Aoi, Tenji Kotone and Reona through her. Naturally brought me to Holo covers and nowadays streaming is the chuuba trend as opposed to just making cover songs

>> No.23993293

Am I the only one whose first video was Matsuri losing her fortune in the turnip market? I don't even play AC.

>> No.23993294

love towa

>> No.23993296

They're literally enslaved

>> No.23993297

I honestly can't imagine what it's like to talk so much about somebody you hate. Truly rent free.

>> No.23993298
File: 225 KB, 316x324, 1590156378699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco... please....

>> No.23993299

Honestly did not expect her to sound like that while singing.

>> No.23993301


>> No.23993302

hate towa

>> No.23993304
Quoted by: >>23993337

Defend this Robocofags

>> No.23993306

Risu's PC...

>> No.23993307


>> No.23993308


maximum idolfag butthurt

>> No.23993309

Hate their fags, not the holos.

>> No.23993311

Roboco sleeping!

>> No.23993312

For me it was this one
I thought it was pathetic at first. but got hooked before I knew it

>> No.23993313
Quoted by: >>23993328

luna really good at controlling her avatar eh,, unlike some other holo

>> No.23993314

We need more ppl like you, anon.

>> No.23993315

sex with towa

>> No.23993316

This is amazing, Aki should make more songs using this voice

>> No.23993318

PEKORA quest
Hololive Office
Fukkireta Cover

>> No.23993321

Still rent free, either way. Just enjoy holos, anon.

>> No.23993322

wake the fuck up roboco i dont want to watch luna

>> No.23993324

Mines was when Haachama kept having her money stolen from Matsuri in AC

>> No.23993325


>> No.23993326

my first entry to hololive was shion's villager reroll video

>> No.23993327
File: 426 KB, 1447x2047, EY7tmF7UMAA6Q1F.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this teasing てぇてぇ BS wouldnt it be cool if they just stopped beating the bush and just made out in plain stream, like the rest of the stream should just be kiss and fondle noises and call it a day, literally everyone would be happier too.

>> No.23993328

But can she control the eyebrows

>> No.23993329
Quoted by: >>23993353

A-Anon does that mean that I live rent free in your head?
Is there something you need to tell me?

>> No.23993330

Two fu-tan bros , a…are we a trio?

>> No.23993331

The unholo trilogy is
>Miko N Word

>> No.23993332

Remind me again, what is the desired endgame of the antis?

>> No.23993333

if anyone here hated any holo then they would've done it on twitter instead of these threads, all the banters and shit flinging are between posters. your holo doesn't browse this thread

>> No.23993334

Sora's complete unflappability in horror or jumpscare games is just as, if not more, mesmerizing to watch than someone freaking out and shitting themselves

>> No.23993337
File: 934 KB, 665x683, 1590232901724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993348

I want to say it's been a while since she overslept, but she overslept a member stream last week.
still, no matter what I'll love her.

>> No.23993340

Quads spoken lads.

>> No.23993341

the destruction of hololive

>> No.23993342

>Absolute storm of comments exactly 4 months ago
Checks out

>> No.23993343

Have you never tried doing it? There's no need for an endgame, you just enjoy the moment.

>> No.23993348

I wonder if the holos have messed up sleeping schedules. Miko overslept on yesterda;s APEX collabs and Choco sensei also tends to postpone streams due to this

>> No.23993351

>your holo doesn't browse this thread
yet. just wait for HoloEN

>> No.23993352

Even though I know it's hammed up and fake as fuck, the desperation in her voice never ceases to make me want to absolutely comfort her in her sadness

>> No.23993353

Are you one of these?
>towa... spammer
>pride of hololive spammer
>doggo spammer
If no congrats, if yes, neck yourself.

>> No.23993354

Towa's sleep schedule is absolutely fucked. she gets like 4-5 good hours of sleep and wakes up for her morning stream.

>> No.23993355
Quoted by: >>23993365

That's exactly why I love Sora, she's afraid of nothing
...except worms

>> No.23993357
Quoted by: >>23993369

Korone is the only one that would cause any chaos

>> No.23993360

pekora did an all nighter. Pretty sure it's going to fuck her sleeping sched.

>> No.23993361

Imagine being able to post a single word and make another person irrationally angry.
I think you need help, anon.

>> No.23993362

She said she gets scared but her reaction to being is freezing up instead of screaming her lungs out.

>> No.23993363

>towa... spammer
I like to say Towa... oh no!!!

>> No.23993365

The juxtaposition of her after all her kouhais screeching and screaming is just the cherry on top

>> No.23993366

all me

>> No.23993369
Quoted by: >>23993394

just imagine if nyamota started drawing the holos
the shitstorm would be massive

>> No.23993370
Quoted by: >>23993379

14 minutes in and matsuri already said eromanga.

>> No.23993372

Have you heard of the pride of Hololive? Look at her go! How will this affect Towa...

Memes aside, your yubis, hand them over

>> No.23993374

zehi zzzzzz

>> No.23993376

I shitpost about any and all holos including my favourite tbdesu, it lets me laugh and have fun with and at everyone

>> No.23993377
Quoted by: >>23993415

You forgot marinefags and homostar spammer

>> No.23993378

>Roboco is sleeping so you have to watch luna now

>> No.23993379

>14 minutes in
She's holding back because of Luna.

>> No.23993380
File: 2.35 MB, 292x298, 1577358399049.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993382

It's weird that haato isn't one of the top newfag attractors. She's adorable, tries to speak english, and has hosted the big collabs of hololive like the telephone game. I see more newfags mention rushia, peko, and even suisei.

>> No.23993383

>not zzzzzzzzzzzehi

>> No.23993385
Quoted by: >>23993408

I remember watching this barely knowing who any of them were and now, months later, they all feel like longtime friends.

>> No.23993387
File: 45 KB, 459x451, chat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha lmao yagoo want pure girls funny am i rite lmao upvoted goddamn I FUCKING hate EOP trash.

>> No.23993388

let's see if Matsuri will cause Luna to break character today

>> No.23993389
Quoted by: >>23993415

That means wombposters are good right?

>> No.23993392


>> No.23993393
File: 1.35 MB, 1174x1712, 1590643628755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993400

Fubuki hit 600k. I'm happy for my cat.

>> No.23993394

>Drawing anything other than HDN
Maybe if you pay him enough, I guess.

>> No.23993396

I do too but there are some that are legitimately buttblasted like SuiseiSchizo-anti

>> No.23993398

you only hate it because you can read it. JOPs make some of the same jokes

>> No.23993399

holy shit, just close the fucking chat you absolute mong

>> No.23993400


>> No.23993402


>> No.23993403
Quoted by: >>23993434

it's not Haato specifically that gets them, it's hearing the other more broken engrish speakers that get them in if it is English clips that get them involved.

>> No.23993407
File: 100 KB, 336x249, zehi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

@everyone ze,,,zehi,,

>> No.23993408
Quoted by: >>23993421

>Looking back at my history and how I jumped from holo to holo, never appearing to stay in one place for long
>Slowly I've grown to know their characters and what was once flailing around without context is now warm memories
I wish they would be able to stick around forever...

>> No.23993409

???? is roboco stream bugged out?

>> No.23993410


>> No.23993411
File: 134 KB, 608x839, twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993427

>> No.23993412
Quoted by: >>23993429

OH SHIT this is the biggest collab this week. Sio is the hottest indie right now because of her carryover from her past life.

>> No.23993413
Quoted by: >>23993453

I do shitpost against Suisei too and sometimes post the pasta and suiseizure too, but it feels like people don't even care about her at all

>> No.23993414
File: 700 KB, 480x270, 1450116097915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993415
Quoted by: >>23993456

kek, marinefag/wombposter is dying, homostars only shilled their homos near their streaming window

>> No.23993421
File: 888 KB, 1070x607, 1590549826213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993422

anon, I recommend you take a break from vtubers.

>> No.23993423
Quoted by: >>23993452

I feel like the only ones that have legitimate antis in this thread are Suisei and Towa, maybe Coco to some degree. Everything else is just shitposting for the sake of shitposting.

>> No.23993425

no she still sleeping and the EOPs are RPing that she is playing

>> No.23993426

I almost never brought Roboco up before because I didn't want to bother with people shitposting about her. but not she's naturally drawing attention in this thread because of her birthday stuff.

>> No.23993427


>> No.23993428
Quoted by: >>23993440

You mean the chat? I think the chatters are just imagining the APEX match in their dreams now

>> No.23993429
Quoted by: >>23993512

What's her deal?

>> No.23993430
Quoted by: >>23993446

>Talking about holding in pee and how good it feels
Please, Matsuri come up with new material. I feel like I'm listening to the same things all the time.

>> No.23993431

Never paid mind to Risu but this is way too cute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiO1Jmv2FEs

>> No.23993432

maybe it's just you bro, we can all watch it

>> No.23993433

Theyre talking about how it feels good to pee after a long time holding.

>> No.23993434
Quoted by: >>23993489

Other newfag baits are more easily clippable and digested by the normie population as small chunks. Haato doing something retarded is treated as a matter of course even by her, so at most it's her just making silly noises as she realizes her mistake; other characters make a big deal about it and get over-the-top, which is a more enthralling watch.

>> No.23993435

This stream confirmed for me that Luna is only interesting when others are trying to break her purposefully or not.

>> No.23993436

Meanwhile YAGOO is busy shittalking shien

>> No.23993439

even the JOPs are RPing

>> No.23993440

turns out matsuri is the timeloop poster

>> No.23993442
File: 254 KB, 1125x2129, CA4DEED5-6084-4DCB-B9F5-291C2FEE75C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's still been one of Hololive's top paypig magnets on break

>> No.23993443
Quoted by: >>23993454

this was 4 hours ago, so she definitely tried to take a nap.

>> No.23993444
Quoted by: >>23993455

Who would win in an objective singing contest, Towa or (Alter) Risu?

>> No.23993445


>> No.23993446

even better, popping a nut when you gotta go and having the most satisfying piss after.

>> No.23993447

Kek, even the japs are RPing.

>> No.23993448

I present to you the next holostarEN

>> No.23993449
Quoted by: >>23993464

>EOPs are rping because its the ones i can read

>> No.23993450

Can't wait for her 50k celebration.

>> No.23993451

Roboco is dead!

>> No.23993452
Quoted by: >>23993471

i see one marine super hater who always goes for the not an otaku narrative and some matsuri hater that pops up when dead hours begin practically every day, though marine hater seems to have calmed down a bit

>> No.23993453

i post the pasta and suiseizure and I like suisei
I mean, I'm not particularly a huge fan, pretty low on the list for me but I do hate seeing daydreamwarrior.webm, it's a 30 second clip that's been spammed for more than a month. if she was actually bad at singing and dancing they'd surely be able to find another clip from the same stream. all antis are fucking annoying

>> No.23993454
Quoted by: >>23993462

She can't talk shit about miko now.

>> No.23993455
Quoted by: >>23993478

Can't really say until Risu releases a properly recorded cover, pretty sure she's only done karaoke up to this point.

>> No.23993456

Marinefags are dying because everyone keeps telling them to fuck off since no one here likes her

>> No.23993459

>Festival character break almost immediately
For some reason her going from cutesy voice acting to sounding like just a normal young japanese woman is so enjoyable to me.

>> No.23993460
Quoted by: >>23993465

I do.

>> No.23993461

and that one FB screenshot

>> No.23993462

Roboco wouldn't do that anyway, at least it's not a collab

>> No.23993464
Quoted by: >>23993492

everyone is an EOP once you hit the translate page button

>> No.23993465
Quoted by: >>23993476

Well fuck off then.

>> No.23993467

Not terrible, but i doubt he applied

>> No.23993468

I've seen some of his videos because of le algorithm, I actually wouldn't mind him as an EN Homostar, he can actually sing and has a pretty quick wit

>> No.23993469

I'd unironically be okay with him. He's basically keeping a Western cartoon character and he clearly has skills. Might never watch him but the ironic faggot is a classic.
Unfortunately again, overqualified. I've never heard of him before but with those numbers I really doubt he has any reason to split his check.

>> No.23993471

maybe I spoke too soon

>> No.23993473

that autist armchair psychologist who keeps arguing that marine is not an otaku is an insufferable cunt

>> No.23993475
File: 279 KB, 1448x2048, moona202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona has a message for all you antis out there: https://files.catbox.moe/fzp2wn.webm

>> No.23993476

Or what?

>> No.23993478

Karaoke is better compared to proper studio recording for judging vocal performance. Because those covers usually have some degree of tuning.

>> No.23993479

I hope itsagundam makes it. He'd be a homostar version of marine.

>> No.23993481

only JSLs pretend to like her because the autists at 5ch do. she's old, boring and don't forget she's old

>> No.23993480

moona is the only holo it's ok to be an anti of

>> No.23993482
Quoted by: >>23993531

>no armpits
one job

>> No.23993484
Quoted by: >>23993494

Why does 草 look like a syringe? Anyone else or just me?

>> No.23993485

Why is my princess hanging out with a KEK?

>> No.23993486
Quoted by: >>23993531

I'm sorry, I don't speak goblino, can you please translate?

>> No.23993488

Based Moona!

>> No.23993489
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1588747373534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what your saying is haachama is for big brains only

>> No.23993490


>> No.23993491
Quoted by: >>23993531

i'll do it after she let's me lick her sweaty pits and sideboob

>> No.23993492

>not hitting translate english to japanese for the true JOP experience

>> No.23993493
File: 274 KB, 262x480, ☀.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 minutes late...

>> No.23993494
Quoted by: >>23993502

lay off the heroin bro

>> No.23993496
Quoted by: >>23993507

>there are now 35p in Roboco's chat

>> No.23993495

Marine might be an otaku, but she is definitely a normalfag too.

>> No.23993498
File: 646 KB, 687x1100, EYYQpmeUMAEVLJ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess I haven't been posting as much marine as I should be, sorry

>> No.23993499
File: 1.60 MB, 500x281, 9res.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993500
File: 527 KB, 848x1200, EZCUguZVAAA6lnQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll kill you first.

>> No.23993501

Anon she is just old.

>> No.23993502

but they told me asacoco is good for you

>> No.23993503

holy shit is that you?

>> No.23993505

Every girl is a normalfag at heart. Some just have otaku tendencies

>> No.23993506

He's only about as bad as her fans here.
I don't see why you guys get so mad when your hag gets called a normalfag because she is one.

>> No.23993507

Miko, Roboco and Sora share a lot of fans anon this isn't new

>> No.23993508

why are you threatening me with a good time?

>> No.23993511

This is our best case scenario and there's zero chance of us getting talent this good.

>> No.23993512

lurk beyond hololive

>> No.23993513
File: 660 KB, 777x1087, EU0SAm0U4AA-k4W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one is fooled

>> No.23993514

Matsuri is such a fucking normalfag.

>> No.23993515
Quoted by: >>23993550

on what basis armchair psychologist-kun?

>> No.23993516
Quoted by: >>23993636

Melt dual voices make me horny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VMn4NHO6z4

>> No.23993517
Quoted by: >>23993566

The only holoID with talent...

>> No.23993520


>> No.23993521

no way he applied, dude just got approved to be a Twitch Affiliate pretty recently, I doubt he'd stop that to become a youtube streamer. He'd unironically be great though.

>> No.23993524

>get so mad
Correcting your sorry ass isn't getting mad anonchama.

>> No.23993525

I don't understand why Miko put Luna in the middle of the chart

>> No.23993528

By virtue of having had a normal job.

>> No.23993529
File: 3.72 MB, 2887x2054, sailor womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565


>> No.23993527


>> No.23993530
File: 40 KB, 666x367, EYjeWV9UEAA1ByK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565

Me got ye mate

>> No.23993531
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1576475744719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993532
File: 206 KB, 850x897, sample_e6d44484e62d6b1500b7f38c7d15038b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565


>> No.23993533
File: 407 KB, 505x683, EYfeqvmXsAMUwS8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993534
Quoted by: >>23993543

Roboco sleeps through her APEX stream and still gets superchats.

>> No.23993535
File: 177 KB, 827x1289, EX-CuuBUYAEswVT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565

>the autist is a /v/tard
and no one should be surprised

>> No.23993536

Failed normalfag*

>> No.23993537

Make that 237 thumbs ups!

>> No.23993538
File: 192 KB, 866x1220, EXY_tOjVAAEItt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565


>> No.23993539

calling yourself an otaku is cringe, you'll never be nippon, you're a weeb at best

>> No.23993540

I can tell this is a SEAnigger because they're the only ones who would do this shit, especially on facebook of all places.

>> No.23993541
File: 2.74 MB, 2480x3508, __natsuiro_matsuri_hololive_drawn_by_choumi_wuti_xueye_fanmang_zhong__c8f0ffc322c6ef59e492e263d3c0aad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993542
File: 248 KB, 850x1506, kabe-choron_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565

This is her womb before it started aging.

>> No.23993543

She's a nice girl, I'm membered with a bunch of them but she was the only one to read my name on membership. If I didn't already have a favorite I would probably choose her

>> No.23993545

unironically based

>> No.23993546
Quoted by: >>23993555


>> No.23993547

THE CHART is based on how they are outside the streams, something we'll never know of

>> No.23993548
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 1586355886563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565


>> No.23993549
Quoted by: >>23993560

You should be hoping your favorite hololives are normalfags.
This is where's where non-normalfags end up

>> No.23993550

On what basis is she not one? She goes outside to socialize regularly.

>> No.23993552
File: 2.91 MB, 1600x1300, 1582666034858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565


>> No.23993553

How does Nui's roommate compare to Noel's roommate? I need to know for scientific purposes.

>> No.23993554
File: 212 KB, 886x1200, EZBSj4sU0AA8Prc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why is anti-Senchou poster so mad. Was Marine really mean to some Holo or what?

>> No.23993555
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, 1589849938679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the shion ones are my favorite, I think it's her facial expressions, they're just perfect

>> No.23993556
File: 322 KB, 1383x2047, EVjtzMBUMAArzju (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993565

You wouldn't bully this womb, would you?

>> No.23993557

A nap is 20-30 minutes at most. Anything more than that and it's called SLEEP

>> No.23993558

You have no idea how much I want to masturbate using Miko's AV.

>> No.23993559
File: 1.62 MB, 2642x807, holohistory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a deep dive on my history. This checks out

>> No.23993560

kigu is based

>> No.23993561

The surefire way to tell if a girl is a normie or not is if they know how to put on makeup.
Has Marine talked about doing makeup?

>> No.23993563
Quoted by: >>23993589

>he thinks hikineet is the same as otaku
you also think otakus don't have a job or something?

>> No.23993564

She made her makeup run from crying over Jojo.

>> No.23993565 [DELETED] 


>> No.23993566
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, EZB8eqeVAAEcBwz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993702

*blocks your path*

>> No.23993569

God I want to protect kanata so badly

>> No.23993568


>> No.23993570

>Honto wa?
>And your real age is...?
Sometimes I think translators think so low of their audience. It's well deserve but still.

>> No.23993571

I don't hate marine at all.
It's just that she's a normalfag.

>> No.23993572
Quoted by: >>23993580

every girl knows how to put on makeup

>> No.23993573

Everyone please watch Choco...

>> No.23993574
Quoted by: >>23993628

But otaku are regularly socializing you dolt.

>> No.23993578
Quoted by: >>23993590

Let's just use the term riajuu, it works far better than normalfag as the opposite to otaku.

>> No.23993580

My sister doesn't and she's writes shota fanfiction.

>> No.23993581
File: 2.43 MB, 1290x1821, 1000000 hours of waiting for new pc and collabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993582

What the fuck this is almost utaite tier

>> No.23993583


>> No.23993585

this is a personal favourite of mine https://youtu.be/T6EOxFv-TQU

>> No.23993587

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhnt-cBqeK8 Choco [ARK]

>> No.23993586

Can I get a quick rundown on Subaru?

>> No.23993589

There are normalfag otaku, anon... Your hag is one.

>> No.23993590

Go away /a/

>> No.23993591

I'm glad Hololive has made Moruru/Luna genuinely much more happier.

>> No.23993592


>> No.23993593
Quoted by: >>23993649


>> No.23993594

Quack quack.

>> No.23993596

Somebody please stop Matsuri talkin...

>> No.23993597

Shes a duck

>> No.23993598

once you get used to the quacking shes funny

>> No.23993599


>> No.23993600
Quoted by: >>23993649

Someone save her already!

>> No.23993601
Quoted by: >>23993620

Brace for supacha

>> No.23993603
File: 108 KB, 900x1200, EXzdkchUEAASGSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for you

>> No.23993604

Marine is an ex OL of course she know how to put on makeup.

>> No.23993605

Going upstairs to put her on just for you Chocobro, I am on my run

>> No.23993606

Her real voice is so cute I'm confused why she pretends to have throat cancer.

>> No.23993607

oh wow look at all those thousands of "normalfags" going to comiket every year that have their own circle of "normalfag" friends who they hang out with and have jobs to buy all those "normalfag" merch

>> No.23993608
Quoted by: >>23993665

She's an Aru reskin i assume?

>> No.23993609

To be perfectly fair some veteran RPers who's now primarily dwelling on VRchat is a better candidate for holoEN than the actual twitchthot ironic weeb applicants, at least they keep in character

>> No.23993611

They make good quality automobiles, consider visiting a dealership today!

>> No.23993613


>> No.23993614

Her mom is hot.

>> No.23993615
File: 104 KB, 1080x1270, USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orca-image--868367266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOoo I will be the BANNED
Then I fell into it.

>> No.23993616

How does this man have the same ping to tokyo and sao paulo?

>> No.23993617

Haato never try to speak english outside of her english only streams

>> No.23993620
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x900, Screenshot_20200527-161122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993762

I'll bless her rolls

>> No.23993621

I wonder if they'd relax the content history requirements for a decent enough person from there. It does sound more promising than either the Twitch scene or the western independent scene.

>> No.23993623
Quoted by: >>23993638

Thanks, this did not appear in my notifications for some reason.

>> No.23993624

I made my desktop background a big Kanata face and it has been startling me.

>> No.23993626

VNs are literally viewer killers what the fuck kanatan

>> No.23993628

Only among each other, and only online or events.
Marine goes to bars and shit.

Comiket is not a normalfag hookup spot.

>> No.23993631

nobody is saying this guy wouldn't be good. but everyone here pretty much knows the VRchat people didn't apply. their circle is too tight knit to move to Hololive, they're doing well enough on their own to where they won't need it, and since their shticks are very reliant on the 3D model, they won't be picked since Hololive won't give the non-JP characters 3D models

>> No.23993632
File: 49 KB, 263x244, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ze,,, zehi,,?

>> No.23993634
Quoted by: >>23993667

This Matsuri-Luna streams shows how Luna barely knows about make up and how she's barely going outside. In previous date report stream she showed
that she has no idea about pokemon too.

>> No.23993635
File: 48 KB, 640x448, 7gwqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kamige time

>> No.23993636

her magnet solo duet was pretty nice.

>> No.23993638
Quoted by: >>23993664

it's better than apex for the millionth stream

>> No.23993639
Quoted by: >>23993720

you missed the point autist-kun

>> No.23993641
Quoted by: >>23993652

Roboco, it's 3PM already.

>> No.23993642


>> No.23993643
Quoted by: >>23993664

The adventures of Oyashiro-sama is kino

>> No.23993645
Quoted by: >>23993655

Most of comiket is for normies now. Though the true spirit of comiket still persists in the men's bathroom gloryholes.

>> No.23993648


>> No.23993649
Quoted by: >>23993662

Can someone give me a quick rundown
Is indonesia that much of a shithole for her to not be able to afford a laptop?

>> No.23993651

She enjoys books so VNs are perfect for her. I hope she keeps doing it and maybe picks up stuff like Dies Irae someday.

>> No.23993652
Quoted by: >>23993666

sorry bro i had to charge my wife she was on 2%

>> No.23993653

I found out about hololive/vtubers through twitter. Some guy on my TL posted an out of context vtuber tweet and it all happened from there.

>> No.23993655

sounds like cope to me

>> No.23993660

the real labtop probably got a cracked screen and a sticky keyboard covered in food

>> No.23993662

1. Yes
2. The Indonesian mail service is holding all internationally shipped packages for 2 weeks because of Covid restrictions, so that's why she probably hasn't been sent any/been unable to import.

>> No.23993663
Quoted by: >>23993723

What really gets me is that /hlg/ is ready to calmly admit to the quality of the guy when faced with it. I guess all the concern over EN is really about how grim the talent pool looks rather than hate that it's a thing at all. Kind of pleasant to think since I'd assumed we were consumed by /v/ attitude.

>> No.23993664

But viewers are more important. Just read those in your free time Kanatan. I want you to succeed

>> No.23993665

No, Repa

>> No.23993666

who are all these newfags trying to claim the throne? Roboco is MY wife.

>> No.23993667

Is it all an act or something? I mean I get how she could have no idea about makeup, but pokemon too? If she's not into pokemon and doesn't know about makeup, then what IS she into?

>> No.23993668
Quoted by: >>23993676

Is Risu really a granny?

>> No.23993669

The natural progression here would be to stream seacats wouldn't it?

>> No.23993672

Viewer don't care what the game is unless it's ark.

>> No.23993673

i just want kanatan to be happy

>> No.23993674

I want her to cover this when she's done

>> No.23993676

No, she lives with her parents and has to use the family laptop to stream.

>> No.23993678


>> No.23993680
Quoted by: >>23993693

she played a lot of games
she's just surprisingly not into the things a lot of people are into, but she's fond of FF and draque

>> No.23993682


>> No.23993688

>Is it all an act or something?

>> No.23993689

When did Choco get her new OP?

>> No.23993690

Nice Hivemind.

>> No.23993691

Fuck i just forgot about that fact

>> No.23993692
Quoted by: >>23993706

i love risu so much i cant even describe it

>> No.23993693

She must've gone Sony when Square and Nintendo split and not come back until they reunited.

>> No.23993694
Quoted by: >>23993719

Honestly, I think she's made so much more without Asacoco than with it. This week has been full of Coco streams, rather than her having to recover from Asacoco which barely makes anything.
I'm not saying it would have been better if she never did it, just that it's overstayed it's usefulness. Its job is done.

>> No.23993697
File: 2.11 MB, 1500x2342, 1590646033808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993700

Womb posters are the most powerful race in the world.

>> No.23993699


Luna middle aged lady confirmed

>> No.23993700

Wombposters confirmed Flipfags.

>> No.23993702

>lower subs than Mo*na

>> No.23993703
Quoted by: >>23993712

Another day, another non-embed Choco subCh. stream...

>> No.23993704
File: 262 KB, 900x803, 78324203_p0_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right

>> No.23993705

she grew up without a mum for most of her childhood, so when she got her first proper job she was garbage at it and had to get taught how to do it properly by a kind senior coworker, who would take time out of her lunch break to teach Marine to use makeup without embarrassing herself.

Marine mentioned she was annoyed about how expectations for women flip so suddenly, because when going to school it's absolutely banned to have any makeup, but then when you go out into the workforce it's wholly expected of women to be wearing makeup, even though before that since it's banned you would get no opportunity to practice.

>> No.23993706
File: 513 KB, 900x900, EVMrF9fUUAAVcLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooo... Arigato...

>> No.23993707

She pretend to know what Matsuri said awkwardly when she was spouting shit about make ups.
As for things she likes : she played all of DQ except 9 and 10. And she's more of a digimon person. She also prefer to read manga over watching Anime.

>> No.23993709

My level is still too low. From matsuri and luna I only got that they wanted to do some trips to the zoo and eat on some places.

>> No.23993710

not for long, she can actually interact with HoloJP

>> No.23993712

You will go to youtube, watch Choco, and like her video!

>> No.23993713

Playboard is shit right now, she got much more this week with her non stop SC reading.

>> No.23993714

>finds Noel
>immediately checks Canan

big kusa

>> No.23993715

Luna is honestly hard to understand. I can gather pretty much everything Matsuri is saying but I feel like I'm only hearing half the conversation properly.

>> No.23993717
File: 359 KB, 1000x1415, EZDnz81VcAEUBiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993719

Coco is on her way to become Rushia 2.0 with average viewership and high paying paypigs if you take away Asacoco from her.

>> No.23993720
Quoted by: >>23993747

What point, retard? I addressed whatever shitty point you were making.

>> No.23993723
Quoted by: >>23993813

if someone clearly has talent, there's nothing wrong with them existing. the reason people are weary about HoloEN is because this guy, is not the type of person who would go to Hololive for a lot of reasons that people have talked about in the past and the types of people who actually ARE interested in Hololive are more like that anituber's gf/bf who posted their audition publicly...

>> No.23993724

and i love her for that, fuck subaru and her sandwich

>> No.23993725
Quoted by: >>23993766


>> No.23993726

Luna still talks in-character for a few moments after finishing the stream. It just saved her since she thought she had ended the stream but pressd the wrong key. As expected of a princess, she will not be caught off-guard.

>> No.23993731

Roboco 1k...

>> No.23993733
File: 179 KB, 1965x1107, EY4F3-CUEAMTlfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one cares but Miko, Marine and Matsuri will be part of the next potato chips gacha

>> No.23993734
File: 49 KB, 160x158, Luna82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga our princess.

>> No.23993735

Yeah I got scared that she was going to mess up.

>> No.23993737


>> No.23993740

What was Moruru like? I never watched her but Poko sounds close to Luna.

>> No.23993744

I think the Luna persona has completely taken over by now. She has perfectly immersed herself in her character 24/7 like a method actor

>> No.23993745
Quoted by: >>23993791

>potato chips gacha

>> No.23993747
Quoted by: >>23993783

>marine is a normie because she goes out to socialize and had a job
>those people in comiket who go out to socialize and have their own jobs are not normalfags because comiket is not for normalfags
yes, you addressed your own shitty arguments

>> No.23993748
Quoted by: >>23993758

What the...

>> No.23993749

Luna isn't a character, the actress is just a freak that was wandering around for years until she stumbled into herself.

>> No.23993750
Quoted by: >>23993770

>baked-in subs
>official channel
wait, does any other Holo do this?

>> No.23993752
Quoted by: >>23993923

Luna doesn't do normal things with her friends so matsuri teased her as not having any while telling her the places she goes with her friends. This lead to the zoo where matsuri talked about the mating habits of otters. I wasn't paying full attention but it was something about how the male fucks the shit out of the female then dies. Then I stopped paying attention again and they got on to luna having a thin appearance and she said her stomach was pudgy which matsuri said she wanted to touch it. Then they got on to sleep over which lead to a trip. They decided on hokkaido because of foxes and them wanting to see a real one. There was also some reference I didn't get but matsuri said luna likes minions so they should go see X.

I wouldn't even pass N5 but have no issue understanding luna or miko for whatever reason.

>> No.23993753
File: 1.10 MB, 1227x834, 1569007305879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993755


>> No.23993758

Got a problem?

>> No.23993757

matsuri is lewding my wife again and I don't like it

>> No.23993759

good job risuOCfag. we need more OC in these threads

>> No.23993762

>Haven't gotten a 6-star in like two weeks
fuck this gay earth

>> No.23993765
File: 36 KB, 748x278, 1581450748392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23993766


>> No.23993768

Kek nice

>> No.23993769


>> No.23993770
Quoted by: >>23993786

Main Hololive channel has EN subs for most vids, but this is the first time I've seen in on a regular chuuba video.

>> No.23993771 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23993789

Maybe her goal is to not live in a 3rd world country. Indonesia is 3rd world right?

>> No.23993772


>> No.23993774

why do i get the feeling that luna is the most dangerous holo? noel is crazy, but luna...she hides a darkness deep inside that no one can fathom.

>> No.23993775
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>> No.23993776
File: 298 KB, 1200x630, IMG_20200528_021904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993815

More gacha chips.

>> No.23993778
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>> No.23993782
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>> No.23993783

I never said shit about her having a job because there's nothing wrong with that. Socializing with coworkers that have no similar niche interests is normalfag shit though.

>> No.23993784
File: 42 KB, 536x281, 1590642043884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are japanese and overseas viewers gonna realize that chuubas are inherently more cringe when you're watching them in your language?
I shudder at the idea of ENholos but there's a chance some elevens will eat that shit right up

>> No.23993786

Watame has subs for her Watauta videos, probably done by Coco.

>> No.23993787
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, angryelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chart? What chart are you talking about?

>> No.23993788

I dunno man, Risu is pretty cute even when she's speaking English most of the time.

>> No.23993789 [DELETED] 

It has the highest concentration of Muslims in the world. You tell me.

>> No.23993790
Quoted by: >>23993821

>My duckposter can't be this cute

>> No.23993791
Quoted by: >>23993801

each bag comes with a different card, the point is that you continue to buy more and more bags until you get your favorite so it's basically a gacha

>> No.23993792

>socializing with coworkers that have no similar niche interests is normalfag shit though
No that's literally Japanese work culture.

>> No.23993794
Quoted by: >>23993807

The conclussion is that english sounds good when it's spoken by anyone except americans

>> No.23993795

you think all those other people with jobs that attend comiket stay in the corner of the office and eat alone? are you some kind of an otaku expert from watching anime or something?

>> No.23993799


>> No.23993800

Risu sounds cute in all three language

>> No.23993801
Quoted by: >>23993828

are the cards just collectible bonuses or are they part of a collectible card game franchise?

>> No.23993804

I'm watching Noel's RFA stream, are the Holos just shilling asus laptops now?

>> No.23993806

Rushia, Noel and FBK

>> No.23993807

It's just a matter of finding the diamonds between the trash, ID succeeded despite the country itself being the worst of SEA, now it's up to holoEN's management to do the same with a much bigger scope
very pessimistic desu

>> No.23993808


>> No.23993809

So far Noel, Rushia and Fubuki have had sponsored streams.

>> No.23993811

yes, they've all sold out
wtf i hate hololive now

>> No.23993813

It's weird to think about what a ridiculous amount of stuff has to come together for a viable EN. The requirements are one thing, but they can't be doing well on their own, they need to be prepared to abandon their existing content, need to be prepared for the 3 day a week minimum when a ton of content creators just cash in once a month and call it a day, and so on without even considering who meets the requirements in the first place.

Merchandise and concerts must be hella good for JP to have found so many people assuming similar requirements.

>> No.23993815

look at all those honeystrap and animare picks

the other additions feel so perfunctory by comparison

>> No.23993818

Wait since when there's gif of Marine punching people (Peko, Rushia and Luna) in the womb in Luna's waiting screen?

>> No.23993819


>> No.23993820

Have you actually seen normal youtubers? Vtubers are tame when compared to them.

>> No.23993821

my dick hard

>> No.23993824
File: 407 KB, 540x682, 1590475625032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993834

>"Asus-san... please sponsor Risu with a laptop..."

>> No.23993827

A lot of low to mid popularity streamers have a 5 day schedule. That's pretty much expected at this point. I don't think a 3 times per week requirement is going to be an issue for the unknowns they would be hiring.

>> No.23993828

just collectables, like pogs used to be back then

>> No.23993829

it's so weird to me that the VRChat community surprisingly has no crossover with Hololive shit at all, out of curiosity I did some looking around through this guy and some people within the larger VRchat community and next to none of them show any interest in Hololive or anything similar to it at all, almost like they are their own isolated thing from Vtubers despite being so similar.

>> No.23993830

This is Risu's chance...

>> No.23993831

>peko droppin her ears
big grass

>> No.23993832
Quoted by: >>23993847

>Most known roommates were low- to middling-success nicoposters
>Even the weakest and earliest HL metrics blew their old content out of the water
I can MAYBE buy that for gen 1, but none of gen 1 had any particularly significant presence (that we know of).

>> No.23993834

>they sponsor her with one of the most budgeted model, sub-$300, because that's all they expect SEA to be able to afford.

>> No.23993839

Excuse me, but Pogs were a game as well as collectible. You get the right slammer and you'd be flipping Pogs like there's no tomorrow!

>> No.23993840
File: 518 KB, 1338x529, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23993846

>Roboco fans are pretending that she's streaming to entertain themselves

>> No.23993841

The only similarity is that they use an anime avatar, I imagine the difference is that since they're 3D they do things besides stream themselves playing games.

>> No.23993842

It depends more on the tuber themselves and your taste. Luna for example, I can barely stand listening to her. I cannot fathom the kind of nips that make up her audience.

>> No.23993843
Quoted by: >>23993854

I've wandered around in VRC in various Holo avatars, never once have I gotten any sort of response suggesting they recognized it

>> No.23993845

Didn't POG had a game where you try to flip them over by slamming them with a slammer disc?

>> No.23993846

it's been going on for the full hour and a half wait time, shocked they haven't gotten bored

>> No.23993847

most of Gen 1 consisted of beginner voice actors and shit like that. Same is true for a lot of early vtubers, they were mostly C-tier VAs who got picked up by companies for some CRAZY experiment that just happened to take off.

>> No.23993848

I can't believe roboco is fucking dead

>> No.23993849

You fags are the reason why.

>> No.23993852

Does anyone take Coco's "Hololive house" idea seriously?
Does anyone think there's any way that would end in anything except disaster and most of the girls hating each other?

>> No.23993853

It baffled me too, especially considering the nips aren't all too unfamiliar with VRchat itself for this to be a thing
Maybe there's no dedicated content creator for it over there? There's a few names like matsix, heyimbee etc who's already vtuber-lite in behavior but only in vrchat

>> No.23993854

which holo did you play as?

>> No.23993855

You also collected more pogs by winning them from other kids until they cried to their parents and you had to give them back

>> No.23993858

>do this as well
>have seen clips for months now
>turns out coffin dance is when i started falling down the hole
even with the AL event im surprised all i watched after that was just FBKs minecraft speedruns, got all of them and didint even know ayame existed until last week

>> No.23993859

>Does anyone take Coco's "Hololive house" idea seriously?
Coco does. She is still talking about it like just yesterday.

>> No.23993861
Quoted by: >>23993886

yes and yes, most of the girls already get along and would be spending time together offline if it wasn't for corona.

>> No.23993862

I hear Aqua dropped her monocle into a cup of tea when she heard the suggestion. The nerve!

>> No.23993864

marine's more the type to get hara punched, but whatever it's still cool

>> No.23993866
Quoted by: >>23993876

Kanata also talks positively about the idea

>> No.23993867

yes but nobody's stopping you from doing it with the those cards

>> No.23993868

Shion's knees...

>> No.23993871
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1589333257894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23993872

Waiting for hololive to get on weiss Schwarz so I can buy their card and never actually play the game

>> No.23993873

Everyone's going along with it for now because they don't think it's going to happen. I wanna see her succeed or at least get close so we can see the true colors of people come out.

She talked about this the other day, Kanata is probably the only one that's going to be willing to go through with the plan. Everyone else was like, uhh yeah sure I'll live in it. And Coco said on stream, yeah they're absolutely not going to do it. I fucking love these nastier sides of people.

>> No.23993874

Yes, PPT is interested in living full time and a lot of them are happy with the idea of having a place to do 3D collabs, and also sleep over so they aren't limited to the studio.

>> No.23993875

la supa...

>> No.23993876

Coco and Kanata really are the cutest Holo couple.

>> No.23993877
Quoted by: >>23993897

Aqua and korone would have a fist fight since it's confirmed that they hate each other and the house would pick sides for the aftermath.

>> No.23993878

whats the latest narrative

>> No.23993879

>Roboco overslept and there's no stream
>People are still donating and roleplaying that she's actually streaming while liking the stream

This is kinda fun to watch

>> No.23993882

you got supacha today and 4 monitors, stop being depressed

>> No.23993883

>tfw paypig still fund you for your gacha but you can't get what you want

>> No.23993885
File: 212 KB, 800x450, risucouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So Risu-chan, you said you'd do ANYTHING for a sponsorship?..."

>> No.23993886

>Getting along together in occasional work meetings or out-of-work get-togethers = living together compatibility
Navyfag here, you can be absolute best friends with people but despise their guts if you have to see them day in and day out. Also applied to having your gf move in or something, but I'm keeping it topical to co-workers.

>> No.23993890
Quoted by: >>23993903

it'd be a little weird for the younger Holos to be living with women that aren't related to them that are nearing their 30s and 40s...

>> No.23993891

too far

>> No.23993892

there's a big difference between "hanging out together", even a lot, and "having to see that stupid bitch's face every day when i wake up"

>> No.23993894

dios mio....

>> No.23993897

What's your narrative here? Elaborate please.

>> No.23993896

I could see Matsuri and Haato being down too, maybe roboco too.

>> No.23993899

What are Aki's best thumbnails for her videos?

>> No.23993901
Quoted by: >>23993912

Samefag, refer to the annual YouTuber e-celeb drama when a bunch of thots and streamers all get a mansion together and are making super best friend IRL vids for the first month or two, and then before too long someone gets kicked out or starts drama or some shit.

>> No.23993903

But that's not what the idea is. Only some would live there full time (Coco and Kanatan are the only two who have expressed interest in doing this), others will just stay over occasionally for more collab potential

>> No.23993904
Quoted by: >>23993920

Didn't Coco come up with the idea when she was streaming that raft game with Aqua? In fact she brought it up as a way that the holos could support each other (in the context of Aqua being depressed about the whole Smash and ARK debacles).

>> No.23993905
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>> No.23993907
File: 71 KB, 462x800, usoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994077

Kanata's stream kicking off

>> No.23993909
Quoted by: >>23993966

that's a recipe for disaster:
>stalker fan harasses idol IRL for a while
>finds her IRL and follows her home
>now knows where every Holo lives and YAGOO has to pay to relocate all of them or else every Holo is now trapped in this one stalker fans blackmail trap.

>> No.23993911

true, but I feel like things like that work out better for jp people than americans.

>> No.23993912
Quoted by: >>23993926

isn't better instead buy an apartment building and each holo living in their own apartment? even then the chances for it to succeed are low

>> No.23993916
File: 220 KB, 461x461, EVTKx_tUcAAwjxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too far...

>> No.23993917

>just need to go BRRRRRRRR on deez nuts?

>> No.23993918

has he done any of the holos yet>
asking for a friend

>> No.23993920

>the holos could support each other
I see terrible things coming from that
Aren't they free to move in together? It would make sense to get roomates that you get along really well with but the full idea of a house sounds like too much.

>> No.23993921

>Wow, those bitches in the Holo House get to just roll out of bed and do 3D streams whenever they want, meanwhile I'm stuck spending an hour going into corporate or going to their place
It won't work Coco, stop trying to push for it

>> No.23993923

they were also talking about what sort of real live events they would want
matsuri wants a handshake event so when the guy puts his hand into the hole matsuri can prick his hand with a needle or use ice cubes to freak them out.
she was also talking about a solo event where the performer asks the audience to shake the hand of the person next to them and some people were even giving out hugs instead. I couldn't catch if this was an event she knew about, attended, or she would want to do that for her event. Can someone help me out around 40:00?
the male rapes the female but even if the female dies from the male being too violent, the male still keeps going

matsuri was also reviewing sea aquariums. The dolphin show at the shinagawa aquarium is really good. The kyoto aquarium has lots of places to rest so you can just chill and watch the fish slowly. For the week when she went back to aichi she visited the nagoya aquarium twice with her annual pass. A sunfish she swears was there the previous day disappeared when she went back again. "Ah. It was swimming here just yesterday."
She likes going to the zoo and sea aquarium and living creatures in general because it lets her really feel the sanctity of life.

I also remember hearing something about staring at pandas at the zoo all day. Not sure who or what or where.

>> No.23993924
Quoted by: >>23993930

why is choco getting angry at chat? what did you faggots do?

>> No.23993925

When will nanohana do another holo...

>> No.23993926

Not him, but isn't one aspect the ability to live under one roof?

>> No.23993928

The holohouse won't work because it will feel too much like a brothel.

>> No.23993929
File: 298 KB, 2048x1152, ET3PAakUwAATlsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for me.

>> No.23993930

they told her to stop blocking embeds on 3rd party sites...

>> No.23993931
Quoted by: >>23993942

this, while making THE CHART Coco said the hololive house would be a place where they can hang out and stay for a couple of days if they're feeling down or something, not their new home

>> No.23993933
Quoted by: >>23993936

Somebody please save Risu from the ID shithole, she deserves better

>> No.23993934

Okay, new idea. Holohouse co-ed with the Holostars.

>> No.23993936
Quoted by: >>23993943

it's ok
she can live at the holohouse

>> No.23993939

the ed in co-ed stands for education

>> No.23993942

still not a great idea given the creepiness of idolfags. After the Mel situation, I think Cover would block any attempts of something like this from happening since it literally would take one stalker to fuck up everything and cost them possibly tens of thousands of dollars in legal and relocation fees.

>> No.23993943

this is the best case scenario

>> No.23993944
Quoted by: >>23993966

holohouse is good because doxxfags will be able to identify every single one of them in one doxxing attempt. also easier to set-up rape dungeons

>> No.23993946

kek, the hardcore idolfags will go after Coco nonstop if that happens

>> No.23993950

>t. American poster
But in all seriousness, it sounds super cliche but nips really do have different cultural standards. They aren't nearly as touchy about the idea of having their home be their impregnable castle where no one is welcome except on specific occasions.

>> No.23993951
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>> No.23993954
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Quoted by: >>23993968

Imagine being so cute and sexy that your talent manager literally goes insane

>> No.23993955

how is that worse than how they currently do it? is a universally positive idea.

>> No.23993956

>Supachas for skipping her own stream

>> No.23993957


>> No.23993960
Quoted by: >>23993967

>robocucks are so deprived that a two hour stream is reason to celebrate

>> No.23993961
Quoted by: >>23994125

The only one who is really willing to be in that is Kanata because of specific reasons mentioned in Coco's latest membership stream. Even Coco recently got the hint that the others aren't serious about it and thats why she's planning to move on a apartment for herself now.

>> No.23993962

From my perspective at least, I would say that only really applies to those trying to do cute voices. There are plenty of Japanese vtuber females that just speak like normal japanese females. Perhaps some of the EN Hololive girls will just talk normally rather than doing some bad anime dub sounding voice.

>> No.23993964

Were there always so many EOPs watching Roboco?

>> No.23993966
Quoted by: >>23993985

See >>23993944

>> No.23993967

stop trying to shitpost with roboco, faggot.

>> No.23993968

She ain't coming back bros...

>> No.23993970

Alternatively it means they can concentrate security efforts in a single area, potentially saving them those tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.23993974

Geez if Kanata and Coco want to live together that much why don't they just get married already?

>> No.23993975

pretty much, everyone knows it's never going to happen because they can do the same at the studio, Kanata might be the only one who still believes in making the holohouse a reality because she wants to be with Coco

>> No.23993978

Shion yo...

>> No.23993979
Quoted by: >>23994009

it's convenient on paper, but it's a terrible idea outside of that. Sure, if the world was ideal and stalkers didn't exist, and everyone got along perfectly, it could work. But the fact of the matter is, the situation they live in as idols and just how people function in general makes it so a concept like this is extremely stupid and could even be considered dangerous.

>> No.23993980
Quoted by: >>23993987

Why doesn't /mu/'s sticky have any guides on playing an instrument or singing, what a piece of shit. I want to git gud by the time holostarsEN gen 2 auditions open up.

>> No.23993982

just imagine the sex scandal with the holohouse
muh dick

>> No.23993984
Quoted by: >>23993992

Ah, yes, Cover will no doubt contract out a private security firm to provide a patrol and personal bodyguards for whenever one of the girls wants to leave the Official Hololive Residence Building which is totally optional but not really!

>> No.23993985

someone can do that now, the difference is that at some kind of community house there are other people that can help you instead of them just getting raped at their own home.

>> No.23993987

Just go back in time and join the choir/chorus in school.

>> No.23993988
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>> No.23993989
File: 49 KB, 595x847, 1590648813287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holohouse sounds like a terrible idea. There is a reason why work and private life should be kept separate. Still want it to happen though.

>> No.23993992

>private security firm to provide a patrol and personal bodyguards
where do I apply

>> No.23993995

>Implying they all don't fuck each other already.
The only food on menu is tuna 24/7

>> No.23993997

they'd still would be walking on a tightrope, the rope would just be made of a stronger material

>> No.23993998

This. Easy case of safety in numbers. Coco will wrestle some ugly bastard while everyone else runs away.

>> No.23993999
Quoted by: >>23994016

Are those the same voices of the Higurashi anime?

>> No.23994000

wrong use of co-ed
also coco is one of the girls who actively ignores the homos, she made a bunch of excuses on her membership stream as to why she interacted with Kaoru on that day like getting high in sleeping pills

>> No.23994001

i'm not talking about lesbian sex tho

>> No.23994003
Quoted by: >>23994039

and okayu is eating all of it

>> No.23994005

imagine pekomiko completely naked in the middle of the living room after having hardcore lesbian sex the night before haha imagine how surprised the other holos would be haha

>> No.23994010

Anyone have a link to this website I can't find it

>> No.23994009

unless her stalkers are organizing a fucking raid, no, it's definitely better to have multiple people around.

>> No.23994014

haha yeah bro funny i was thinking the same except elite watersport. wouldnt that be something haha.

>> No.23994016
Quoted by: >>23994045

Yes they've never been different

>> No.23994017
Quoted by: >>23994097

why hasn't anyone ever talked about this suisei collab cover?

>> No.23994019

>still forcing the yuri
you faggots need to stop being insecure, holostars should be allowed in the holohouse and they should collab regularly
idolfags are literally the worst

>> No.23994022

>Braindead fantasizing about Holohouse
I really don't think any of you stupid fucks have ever dealt with women who, in turn, lived with a bunch of other women. You want them to burn out, lose interest, and graduate faster? You want them to get pissy and "take a few days off" just to get away from everyone else? Fine, keep shilling for Holohouse.

But this fucking fantasy that they're gonna be like a bunch of 12 year old girls having a perpetual sleepover MUST be ironic. As has been pointed out, you have women across like 2 decades of age range, with completely different personalities, habits, and idiosyncrasies that would probably annoy the fuck out of you if you had to live with it for more than a week, there's the creepy idolfag stalker thing... It's time to stop posting.

>> No.23994023

They barely even collab anymore but they always say they are watching each other streams on the side while streaming.

Watame does this with Coco too but it only goes one way though.

>> No.23994024
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1401884476274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passerby here with no exposure to hololive other than my Japanese friend constantly sending me Fubuki and Colo shitposts and having experienced the AL crossover event. Is it usual for hololive threads to reach 1500 posts? Was there a sticky, and if yes, what for? If not, is /jp/ really that slow of a board?

>> No.23994026
Quoted by: >>23994050


>> No.23994027
Quoted by: >>23994056

didn't ask

>> No.23994028

So this is where Cocos Bad Dragon sponsorship kicks in

>> No.23994030

man luna is way worse at hosting collabs than she is participating in them

I definitely get the feeling she's more of a follower than a leader

>> No.23994031

stop trying to make the idea sound good, it's not a good idea. Just because there's more people there doesn't mean the situation is somehow safer, people react differently in times of crisis, just because they theoretically have the strength in numbers, it doesn't mean they all somehow would have the mental fortitude to stop a crazy idol fan from assaulting them if they attempted.

>> No.23994033

it was a joke you fucking autist

>> No.23994037
Quoted by: >>23994061

Nah normally the thread reaches 4k

>> No.23994038 [DELETED] 
File: 1.88 MB, 827x1289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994055

Start a beautiful family

>> No.23994039
Quoted by: >>23994075

>Okayu will never go from girl to girl and systematically eat them out til they squirt all over her face.
>She won't do this all in a single day and will not clean herself up afterwards.
>She'll save the best girl for last when she's practically mind broken and drench in the girlcum of over a dozen and a half orgasms
>Best girl being Korone.

>> No.23994040
Quoted by: >>23994061


>> No.23994042
Quoted by: >>23994054

Why do Choco always look and sound sad in her streams?

>> No.23994041

>holostars should be allowed in the holohouse

>> No.23994044

Maybe they never live together with other people other than their parents and siblings.

>> No.23994045
Quoted by: >>23994083

All in all, i never played the VNs, sorry; read the manga and watched the anime though

>> No.23994047

any anon have the link of miko singing 創聖のアクエリオン?

>> No.23994048


>> No.23994049
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Quoted by: >>23994073


>> No.23994050

I would, but I asked because it's 3 AM and my tired, swiss-cheese brain will probably forget to follow up when I arise from my sleep.

>> No.23994051

the people that want to live in a holohouse can, the ones that don't won't. You're never going to force the ones who aren't interested and know they're not suited to it to move in.

>> No.23994052

Fly you fool!! Once you step foot in here there is no escape.

>> No.23994053

why are towafags like this?

>> No.23994054

She sounds really relaxed and chill in her streams imo.

>> No.23994055
Quoted by: >>23994104

I always pronounce her name as マリネ because it's written as marine a lot.

>> No.23994056
Quoted by: >>23994067

>they'll be best friends 4ever and will have wholesome te te moments every morning (because they're all morning people!) and will never have arguments about chores and will never...
Literally what you sound like right now 6:23 if the timestamp link doesn't work right

>> No.23994058

every one in /jp/ is sticky

>> No.23994059
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>> No.23994061

I see. Thanks, I can sleep soundly now. Goodnight, kind people of /jp/.

>> No.23994062
Quoted by: >>23994118

as opposed to the alternative of, "oh I guess I just get fucking murdered"

>> No.23994063

When the house happens and burns immediately, the only survivor is Haachama.

>> No.23994067
Quoted by: >>23994093

why are you posting this, I already said I didn't ask, aka I don't care.

>> No.23994071

Kanata and Coco being gay is one of the most forced narratives here and twitter. Friendship between women is normal. Go out.

>> No.23994073


>> No.23994074

>call it "holo"house
>somehow HOLOstars are not allowed
they'll never be your girlfriends, stop obsessing idolfags

>> No.23994075
Quoted by: >>23994155

well of course she would save her wife for last
i wish you didint add the mind broken part, now i need to fap

>> No.23994076

Then they should install smoke detectors in the kitchen before haachama burns it down.

>> No.23994077

NOW it's getting to the good parts

>> No.23994078
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>> No.23994079
Quoted by: >>23994150

It's already been clarified that most of them wouldn't live there permanently.

>> No.23994081


>> No.23994082
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1587543682109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the holohouse will never happen
>everyone knows and here's why
>let's imagine it did happen as a joke
why are you so autistic?

>> No.23994083

Well that's fine, though the VNs are easily the best because of the time it takes to build emotion and betray emotions (over hours).
I read the version without voices and was really surprised when I heard the anime, it was completely off from what I thought.

>> No.23994084

>They'll defend themselves against a rapist trying to break in!
To be desu, the real danger is that everything in the crazy stalker scenario laid out above happens, and then it's just a creeper sitting outside their house, taking pictures/videos of them through their windows

>> No.23994085

You can't escape them

>> No.23994088


>> No.23994089

ok suisei

>> No.23994090


>> No.23994093

>I'm gonna keep posting my retarded fantasy and pretend you didn't point out why it's just that, a fantasy
I mean so long as you acknowledge that you're the retard here, cool I guess

>> No.23994094

And how is that any safer than them being alone if some crazy fan attacks them? I don't understand the logic here.

>> No.23994097
Quoted by: >>23994119

Because its an old cover.
Also the illustrator is Anemachi while Suisei made the MV

>> No.23994098

It would be nice for them to have a common place to hang out. But to live there together? Ah fuck no! Most of them are fujo femcels that litter their room with Red Bull cans and used tampons. CoverCorp would need to send a cleaning company every other day to contain all the shit from leaking outside.

Not to mention the drama.

>> No.23994101
Quoted by: >>23994132

it would be safer if there are men like holostars protecting them there

>> No.23994104

I sometimes do that too. Marine herself, when she writes her name in English, often forgets the e.

>> No.23994103
Quoted by: >>23994121

I still didn't ask.

>> No.23994106

>As a joke
>"Guys it'll be so wholesome and sweet"
If literally every post were about yuri and lesbo sex, sure, I'd buy what you're selling, but there seem to be a lot of autists here who don't understand how human beings actually interact.

>> No.23994108

No one cares you autist.

>> No.23994109

Instead of a holohouse it should be a holo village

>> No.23994110

Coco has a boyfriend

>> No.23994111

I would honestly be a lot more worried over a psychopath anti that decides to repeat kyoani.

>> No.23994112
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Quoted by: >>23994144

Imagine the smell.

>> No.23994113

Based colofag.

>> No.23994118

that's not the alternative anon, there are tons of alternatives. it's not "Let's put all the hololive members in the same place" or "get murdered alone in your house" there's far more options. And it's not like "we're all together, but none of us are mentally stable enough to operate in a crisis" is the best situation either, unless you really think a group that consists of mostly neets and lazy autists somehow would become a group of action heroes if someone actually managed to break in...

>> No.23994119
Quoted by: >>23994164

it's newer than a lot of the covers posted pretty regularly. pretty solid too.

>> No.23994121

What didn't you ask, tardo? Clarify that for me.

>> No.23994122
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>> No.23994123
Quoted by: >>23994150

Amazing, the sperg who can't understand people joking about something calling other people autistic.

>> No.23994125

She's been saying it from the beginning that she thinks only PP actually means it. It's not actually some kind of a pipe dream, above all else it's really just a new home for herself.

>> No.23994128

and the fans can move in while the holos live in a castle

>> No.23994131

>flat screen

>> No.23994132

Yeah, exactly. Having them not be alone in general would make them safer.

>> No.23994134

Anon, she's talking about Kiryu.

>> No.23994137

I just hope Coco is applying proper thought into the idea and not simply chasing this dream for the novelty. Not thinking things through is how you end up as Haachama, who thought the Australian metropolis is a zoo with kangaroos and koalas roaming freely all over the place. Unfortunately, the only animal that roams the street are Abos. Still better than Britain though.

>> No.23994138

Okay Festicuck

>> No.23994139
Quoted by: >>23994146

it's like they were a joke and not serious posts :o

>> No.23994140

Hoodie! Sell!!

>> No.23994141

It would be nothing but lesbian sex though considering how many of them are gay

>> No.23994143

If you really want it that bad you should get a sewing machine and start learning.

>> No.23994144

Imagine if Mea visits

>> No.23994145
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1589414837767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All part of the plan

>> No.23994146


>> No.23994147

Coco is just a lonely bitch. A quick fuck from Kanata would make her satisfied.

>> No.23994150
Quoted by: >>23994180

>Every post is a joke post and not taking it seriously you sperg XDDD

>> No.23994151

Man it's always great to remember how good Higurashi is. Thanks Kanatan.

>> No.23994155
Quoted by: >>23994168

Imagine all those pheromones she would be soaked in, turning her brain into mush. By the end she'll be sprinting at Korone with a permanent ahegao

>> No.23994156

I think I'd be a lot happier if I had chosen to invest myself in a more obsure chuuba. Instead of one with "competitive numbers". When I wake up in the morning I like to check supacha numbers for their streams while I was asleep. And if they did well I get relieved as if the world is as it should be. But if they didn't, hoo boy. I'm glad I'm not invested in Fubuki.

>> No.23994157

you don't need to be a fucking action hero, what? you just need someone that can call the fucking cops if something happens to one of them. and just the fact that there's more than one of them in a single location is a deterrent on it's own. people are far more confident in a 1v1 versus a 1v2+

>> No.23994158
Quoted by: >>23994214

There is a reason why most women end up rooming with someone or staying in a dorm when they go to college. I'm not saying they'd be action heroes. Safety in numbers as a principle exists for a reason.

>> No.23994160

You think humans can win against Dragon, Sheep, Angel, Princess, Devil, Rabbit, Pirate, Knight, Necromancer, Dark Elf, Fox, Cat, Dog, Succubus, Vampire, Isekai Elf, Duck, Maid, Magician, Oni, Pig, Miko, Robot and JK?

>> No.23994161
Quoted by: >>23994176

Listening to Luna sound out Marine's song on piano is too cute

>> No.23994164
Quoted by: >>23994172

not many holofans know honeytrap aside from patra, especially with alot newbies here

>> No.23994166
Quoted by: >>23994179

Nothing can beat the cock.

>> No.23994168
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>> No.23994171

i'm going to spam coco's twitter to fuck off from the holohouse idea

>> No.23994172

that's fair

>> No.23994177

Stressed out after a long day of streaming you go to the holohouse to unwind, and find Haato cooking dinner for everyone.

>> No.23994176

That sounds nice. Salsa please.

>> No.23994179
Quoted by: >>23994189

My right hand says otherwise.

>> No.23994180
Quoted by: >>23994213

All me

>> No.23994181
Quoted by: >>23994188

*grabs you by the throat*
Back the fuck off?!

>> No.23994182

going in reverse generation order huh

>> No.23994183

>implying she didn't just read this post here

>> No.23994186

It just Coco's house. Naming it Holohouse was for gathering sympathy and it's working.

>> No.23994187
Quoted by: >>23994199

why the fuck would Coco of all people give a fuck what you have to say?

>> No.23994188

*puts dick inside your ass*
i'm fucking your back hole bro

>> No.23994189

>not fapping with your non dominant hand
You're missing out.

>> No.23994191
Quoted by: >>23994237

I think she's more than thought it out, except way farther into the future than you're probably expecting. Hololive as a career probably can't last forever. Having ownership of an apartment or something that you rent out though, there's long term value in that. When she cuts off ties with Hololive or vise versa, she won't have to go back to being poor.

>> No.23994192

Is that a challenge? Who would be the hardest to beat in a fight?
My money's on the duck, vicious creatures those are.

>> No.23994193
Quoted by: >>23994211

Roboco is up now, lmao

>> No.23994195


>> No.23994197

Hmm... sock stew seasoned with ramen barf...

>> No.23994198

This but ARK

>> No.23994199
Quoted by: >>23994209

i don't know, seems to work on watame
there's no harm in trying

>> No.23994200
File: 909 KB, 649x767, 1501658083373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haato's special puke ramen

>> No.23994201

Will it be like the Precure theme park?

>> No.23994203
File: 265 KB, 1000x1333, 6ba3dbdd6b9c8077b764a1529c1cef30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama cooking with her feet, yum!

>> No.23994205
Quoted by: >>23994210

jokes on you bro, im ambidextrous

>> No.23994208
Quoted by: >>23994215

>the absolute state of Roboco

>> No.23994209
Quoted by: >>23994216

Coco's the last person to take advice from random people on the internet, there's a reason why she was the one to talk to Aqua when the smash incident happened.

>> No.23994210
Quoted by: >>23994223

My condolences then.

>> No.23994211


>> No.23994212

>Luna stream ends and some guy brings up the idea from holohouse
>Most guys think wouldn't work
>Leave thread to fap to some lolis
>come back and this dumb idea is seriously getting discussed and getting people angry as if it wasn't like any of the other nonsense this girls say every day

>> No.23994213

Weird, because one of them was actually mine that I quoted by accident. I didn't know I was actually you, or is it that you're me?

Anyways quit deflecting, some retards (including you?) actually were sincere about this shit, and now that people who actually have interacted with adult human women pointed out how it would actually go, you're all "i-it was just a joke bro"

>> No.23994214
Quoted by: >>23994230

you don't need to group ALL of them together to feel safer. Really what Coco should've been aiming for rather than this "holohouse" is just moving the farther away holos closer to the existing Cover studio to make collabing easier. Heck, most youtubers who have already tried the "Youtuber House" idea basically have proven that shit is retarded and they end up just buying an office space instead, which is not something they have to worry about since Hololive already has that. You don't need to all be living together to achieve the premise of what Coco said

>> No.23994215
File: 18 KB, 306x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loyal fanbase, no one is even mad

>> No.23994216

she cried when a literal who said something to her on stream, maybe she's extremely vulnerable right now
there's no harm in trying bro

>> No.23994217

Done it before, thought it was overrated.
Fapping while fingering your own ass is bretty gud though

>> No.23994219

hololive space station

>> No.23994220

Sounds like heaven...

>> No.23994222

someone complimenting you and someone trying to discourage and idea you're driven to accomplish are 2 separate things.

>> No.23994223

Just a good time to meet the Stranger

>> No.23994224
Quoted by: >>23994229

>incoming robo morning voice

>> No.23994225
File: 70 KB, 331x409, 1590392250143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fubuki's first stream after reaching 600k is arknights gacha

>> No.23994227

Nigga I was being nuanced in arguing about safety and numbers. I know it's going to end up evolving into IRL drama. Develop better reading comprehension.
t. wamen

>> No.23994228

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFv5h158Q9k Roboco [APEX Real Ver.]

>> No.23994229
File: 40 KB, 552x920, 1568523124510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994230
Quoted by: >>23994240

D-dude don't bring up the myriad examples of "streamer mansions" that all inevitably fail, j-japanese culture is totally different!?

>> No.23994233
Quoted by: >>23994256

Holohouse wouldn't work since there'd be no space for Korone's kids when she has them for the weekend...

>> No.23994234

Hey Artia i know youre reading this thread, What do you think about the idea of holohouse?

>> No.23994235


>> No.23994236
Quoted by: >>23994247

I hope she gets no one but Kroos

>> No.23994237

Or think of it this way, if she gets the place and it becomes a near essential collaborative place. No one lives there but Coco, she pretty much ties herself to Hololive. Even if just a handful of people start using the place for off collabs, it becomes the go to meet up spot. They lose the ability to simply fire Coco, or they'll have a really strong incentive not to.

>> No.23994239
Quoted by: >>23994264

>people who actually have interacted with adult human women pointed out how it would actually go
I didn't realize there are no women living together, that's pretty interesting bro.

>> No.23994240

It's a retarded fucking idea regardless of what country you do it in and I have no idea why people discuss it seriously

>> No.23994241

this is fbk's audience now. feels good.

>> No.23994242

I think it's pepega as fuck dude

>> No.23994243
File: 225 KB, 390x392, 1590473128763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i care about is pog and cocks

>> No.23994244

She was drinking and it caught her off guard, she's not normally like this.

>> No.23994247

Actually scratch that, Kroos has le epic maymay value.
Make that perpetual Melanthas.

>> No.23994248

That's a major pepeW family

>> No.23994251


>> No.23994252


>> No.23994253



>> No.23994254
File: 217 KB, 809x502, 1589889719829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking sleepy voice

>> No.23994256
Quoted by: >>23994271

Anon, she has to let go, the children can't have a mom playing video games all night and neglecting them

>> No.23994259



>> No.23994260
File: 125 KB, 900x1245, 1588083611330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's too sleepy to switch scenes from her fucking intro

>> No.23994262
File: 101 KB, 1883x869, Screenshot_2020-05-23-18-55-35-25.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994264
Quoted by: >>23994280

>Durr false equivalence
Literally living where you work, or vice versa, with the people who you work with, is a recipe for hate and discord. Add catty female drama and it escalates tenfold.

guess whether it was male or female berthings on my ship that had the most fistfights?

>> No.23994266


>> No.23994268
File: 520 KB, 1920x1080, 1574689709380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994271
Quoted by: >>23994293

doesnt mean much considering the kaoru also streams

>> No.23994272

The way Robocco sometimes sounds like she's about to cry makes my dick so fucking hard

>> No.23994273

lol I bet It's just Coco house and the place to hang out with, that's all.

>> No.23994275

That freaking yawn
I'm sold on Roboco

>> No.23994276

my heart boner is going to burst

>> No.23994279

that mouth looks like it's asking for huge, brothers

>> No.23994280

nice anecdotal evidence from an entirely different culture with people of entirely different dispositions.

>> No.23994281

Coco here, please keep seriously discussing my idea so I can read all your feedback and take it into consideration.

>> No.23994282

Man, roboco's sleepy voice did something with me

>> No.23994284

take my akasupa

>> No.23994285

>clearly says if, it's even subbed

>> No.23994286
File: 257 KB, 1200x630, EZFoCekU0AAnKEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23994287

i will rape you in your holohouse coco

>> No.23994290
File: 29 KB, 274x344, 1580835758699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994305

>Korone bought the last of us and wants to do it soon.

>> No.23994291
File: 355 KB, 1079x1707, 1590651126529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf towa???

>> No.23994292

huge poggers

>> No.23994293

Kaoru is an ultra chad that has his life together, he doesn't do 20 hour kusoge streams

>> No.23994295
File: 232 KB, 484x468, korone....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holohouse happens
>Korone gets her kids for the weekend
>girl tries streaming
>Korone's kids are in earshot of that girl's stream
>Hololive shuts down because idolfags assume that those kids belong to the girl, meaning she isn't pure anymore.
How could Coco do this....

>> No.23994297

Please tell Miko that I would like to go out with her.

>> No.23994298


>> No.23994300
Quoted by: >>23994329

Is that a yes or no towards the holohouse?

>> No.23994302
File: 2.54 MB, 1290x1821, 1000000 hours of hearing dog barking endlessly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made some tweaks and made it slightly better

>> No.23994304

fucking kson with the coco cosplay on? hot

>> No.23994305

n-no /ourretroqueen/ koronebros....

>> No.23994306

god Roboco is so fucking cute man.

>> No.23994308

When they say wassapu what does that mean?

>> No.23994309

At what point specifically did Kanata become Coco's cumpet

>> No.23994313
Quoted by: >>23994325

They'd just think it was Luna in the background.

>> No.23994314


>> No.23994315
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 1483754079513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994362

Alcoholism is not healthy Coco.

>> No.23994316

What would Marine flavored chips taste like?

>> No.23994317
File: 275 KB, 294x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad all my roboco shilling is finally paying off

>> No.23994318


>> No.23994321
File: 85 KB, 252x195, 1590583133560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994322

The remaining people who care about ARK.

>> No.23994323

taste like her W O M B, i bet you never taste it

>> No.23994325
File: 744 KB, 880x704, suichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994342

but what if it's a little boy? will they think Suisei lured him into her lair....

>> No.23994326
File: 2.37 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_1828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros she has done it.....

>> No.23994328

Dust mostly

>> No.23994327

Are there chips with seafood flavour?

>> No.23994329

depends, do you want to get raped?

>> No.23994331
File: 93 KB, 1200x839, 1589983049331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBK 600k
>Aqua 500k soon
>Korone 400k soon.

>> No.23994332

>Miko trying to escape her past
>it's just shoved in her face everywhere she goes

>> No.23994333

Stale, flavorless, and requiring an ungodly amount of dip to be edible but you still finish the whole bag.

>> No.23994334
File: 469 KB, 700x800, EYyZz42VcAE9p5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come at me, kiddo.

>> No.23994337


>> No.23994338

>fubuki cant even get onto a packet of gamer fuel
ASUS i hope you saved her

>> No.23994339

>Acer nitro 5
>Not Asus Zephyrus G14

>> No.23994340

Unironically started watching after ze,,zehi,,, posting got to me, haven't regretted it

>> No.23994341

Are these a Japan only thing? I will gacha the fuck out of them (then give the chips to poor kids because I'm dieting) and by bulk boxes to get my chuuba

>> No.23994342

that or its Flare's shota voice

>> No.23994344
Quoted by: >>23994592

Why does she write like that?

>> No.23994345

Please God tell me that's what she has now and not what she is getting.

>> No.23994346

Based Korone. Truly the best girl

>> No.23994348
File: 266 KB, 1200x630, EZFoENUU8AAt6dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994350

I got instantly hooked after her spell bubble streams. her voice and comfy nature catapulted her to the top of my favorites.

>> No.23994352
Quoted by: >>23994375

>noooooo they can't live together according to my armchair psychology theory

>> No.23994356
File: 1014 KB, 290x189, 1586592606148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994357

Unironically the best holomeme in recent memory.

>> No.23994358
Quoted by: >>23994377

If only she plays literally any other game than Apex

>> No.23994359

based, fuck suisei

>> No.23994361

yea there's no way that's what she's getting, if it is, then someone needs to tell her how to fix her mistake.

>> No.23994362

Coco is probably the type that would beat up Kanata in a drunk rage.

>> No.23994363
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1589008361670.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994596

based random anon posting this webm make me want to watch roboco

>> No.23994364

It's cursed.

>> No.23994367


>> No.23994370


>> No.23994372


>> No.23994375

I don't know about you, but if I was Haato, I wouldn't want to live with Korone after seeing how she groomed Okayu...

>> No.23994374
Quoted by: >>23994391

i dont know why but i keep watching apex, that and zehi posting helped as well

>> No.23994376

This is the old laptop right?

>> No.23994377

I don't care what she plays as long as she's having fun, I've even warmed up to apex because of her. also it's better than fortnite

>> No.23994380

I want to seethe Holos play The Forest together with friendly fire on

>> No.23994381

She probably already act abusive towards her when she's high on sleeping pills.

>> No.23994382

Those card designs are pretty dull.

>> No.23994383
Quoted by: >>23994389

why would you want to seethe holos?

>> No.23994385

Our son is playing with some strange toy robots today

>> No.23994386
File: 29 KB, 256x256, 13542312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994388 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 496x276, 1590651799537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't need the holohouse since i'm going to work hard and get us a house for when we get married!

>> No.23994389

see the*

>> No.23994391
Quoted by: >>23994422

listen to how much fun she's having, it's contagious

>> No.23994394

Is Eileen actually going to make it?

>> No.23994395
Quoted by: >>23994398

How late was Roboco? 2 hours?

>> No.23994398
Quoted by: >>23994404

2.5 yea

>> No.23994400


>> No.23994404


>> No.23994406

Watame better do chips gacha if she's not a poser

>> No.23994412

I hope this is a joke.

>> No.23994415


>> No.23994416

stayed because of her nyans and fakyu

>> No.23994418


>> No.23994419
Quoted by: >>23994424

What's that about Noel and Kanata having some kind of hearing problem? Is that just a narrative or is it real?

>> No.23994420
File: 214 KB, 707x581, Jondisgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being an unironic numberfag

>> No.23994422
Quoted by: >>23994426

that goes for half the holos though

>> No.23994424


>> No.23994426
Quoted by: >>23994441

yea but they don't have Roboco's voice

>> No.23994435

I guess you would be going crazy right now because Playboard is shitting itself and ain't recording the earnings correctly.

>> No.23994436

Raping Coco while she sleeps!

>> No.23994439

Where is zorro blanco (zorro negro)?

>> No.23994441
Quoted by: >>23994479

good point, i just swapped to headphones for the first time just to hear her better

>> No.23994446
File: 644 KB, 2894x4093, EZFbS07U0AUTWgF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994511

What do you love the most about your chuuba, anons?

I love her dorky laughs, her energy and her singing

>> No.23994450

Shion yo...

>> No.23994452

The kind of taste everyone pretends to like but is actually fucking awful.

>> No.23994457
File: 111 KB, 528x960, 12d1advWefsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23994466
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not while streaming

>> No.23994467
Quoted by: >>23994564

>Klonoa: Door to Phantomile director tweeted about Korone playing the game.

>> No.23994468

The dog can't stop winning https://twitter.com/inugamikorone/status/1265908652361146368?s=19

>> No.23994470

>tfw I realize that Yagoo was the one who released corona chan to boost his stonks

>> No.23994473

This is true and it's because all the top holos are trash

>> No.23994474
File: 2.61 MB, 1290x1821, 1000000 hours of under 60 fps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994491


>> No.23994478
Quoted by: >>23994485

Fubuki x Flare x Watame incoming

>> No.23994479

truly an immersive experience

>> No.23994482
File: 52 KB, 680x554, EZFvKiEUEAAu1J5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994489

>> No.23994483

not incorrect

>> No.23994484
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 15905656524326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994496

Yes and?

>> No.23994485

>3 hours away

>> No.23994488

>coco playing half life and portal with #half life #cocoportal
>no attention
>meanwhile Korone gets the spotlight 24/7
laughing at coco's desperate attempts at being relevant beyond Asacoco being a try hard while korone and pekora can get into trending with ease just by being themselves

>> No.23994489

Very cute

>> No.23994490

go back to your thread fag

>> No.23994491

It would be nice if anyone will acually put effort to use the multiplayer mod and do a collab with it but I doubt it will ever happen.

>> No.23994496

You are incredibly immature and should stop shitting up vtuber discissions

>> No.23994497

Flare... http://otakomu.jp/archives/23112201.html

>> No.23994500

coco is inching closer and closer to becoming a fully fledged cuckqueen.

>> No.23994501
File: 456 KB, 1273x683, pekomiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994503
Quoted by: >>23994513

I don't care to read that shit.

>> No.23994505

go back to your thread fag, you're the one trying to start shit

>> No.23994506

people still talk about those other vtubers?

>> No.23994508


>> No.23994510

What exactly does a "civilized discussion" pertaining to vtubers look like anyway?

>> No.23994511
File: 2.87 MB, 796x960, 1590471611621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994599

Unironically it's looking at her go, such an awkward dancer, it's very cute and endearing.

>> No.23994512


>> No.23994513


>> No.23994514
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 434235345353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.23994515
Quoted by: >>23994584

If anything it discouraged her to try classic games and stick to trends now while doubling down on zatsudans and utawakus because thats where she gets most of her money. She's just another vtuber and its kinda sad.

>> No.23994517

Don't you think this spec is actually pretty okay? I mean, it's definitely not a high end, but i think she could step her game up a little bit with this spec, maybe add more RAM. But idk though, i have only tried stream a couple of times.

>> No.23994518


>> No.23994522

even if it would happen it would be really limited in use because they are all virtual and everything else they can do it just as well at home.

>> No.23994526
File: 286 KB, 1416x2006, EYykAMjUEAA74DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good art Tenshibro. I hope you show this to Kanata.

>> No.23994528


>> No.23994530

How new are you to not know about the 3D streams and offcollabs?

>> No.23994533
File: 10 KB, 170x99, 1589198033504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the split was months ago anon, you need to let it go

>> No.23994534

She needs a better processor and RAM, tbhdesu

>> No.23994535

the only thing they can't already do is 3D streams, which wouldn't really be changed if they lived together due to the setup.

>> No.23994537
Quoted by: >>23994548

Again? LINK me

>> No.23994538
File: 841 KB, 1600x900, EXp5eoJU0AMBqoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23994539

which chuuba wud u fugg

>> No.23994544
Quoted by: >>23994553

that spec will shit itself when running a game, l2d, and OBS all at the same time
just look at haachama's streams

>> No.23994546
File: 64 KB, 800x800, IMG_20200528_150748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like there's no Mikoti for today.

>> No.23994548


>> No.23994552

sick commentary by roboco

>> No.23994553

Optimized for viewer enjoyment

>> No.23994556
Quoted by: >>23994653

thank god, maybe obnoxious 35p can shut up once in a while

>> No.23994557

Sleep tight, Mikochi
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ

>> No.23994558
Quoted by: >>23994590

Shitting on holofags

>> No.23994559

Slow news day huh

>> No.23994561


>> No.23994563

nice ppt anon!

>> No.23994564

Damn, what a nice comment.

Yuzo Koshiro becoming her fan after she played ActRaiser is still the most impressive to me. For all the talk of EOPs inflating her popularity, it's clear her popullarity in Japan is also growing.

>> No.23994565

Doxxing, gossiping like housewife, drama, japanese keemstar.

>> No.23994566

no cat either, they sleeping together

>> No.23994567

Uh, are you me?

>> No.23994569
Quoted by: >>23994575

AsaCoco is a mistake in a first place. She should've just quit when it was still early. Now everyone who subscribed to her are recognize as that dragon vtuber who do news segment and not about her playing games.

>> No.23994570

when is fubuki going to organize the hololive apex tournament?

>> No.23994574
Quoted by: >>23994615

none who uses "simps" would be partaking in a civilized discussion

>> No.23994575

Fake news doragon.

>> No.23994579

she hasn't announced anything yet so it's better to not come with conclusions yet

>> No.23994581

everyone needs to have the asus laptop first

>> No.23994582
Quoted by: >>23994587

It will happen in celebration of the opening of Holohouse

>> No.23994583
File: 310 KB, 359x494, happy Kanatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks amazing anon, very nice.

>> No.23994584

I'm ok with this. Singing aside, Zatsudans have easily been her strongest streams since the beginning of time. Why the fuck would I watch her play some games I don't give a shit about to hear her grunt every now and then. Some anon explained it real good a while ago, she isn't Pekora who makes reactions fun.

>> No.23994585
File: 114 KB, 1200x926, EYt-m6jVcAAg9z-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dog got noticed again!

>> No.23994587
Quoted by: >>23994614

fuck off coco i'll rape you

>> No.23994589

When Towa goes into a hiatus so she doesn't have to invite her.

>> No.23994590
File: 106 KB, 230x267, 1590111384594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to shit upwards is a surefire way to make a mess all over yourself

>> No.23994591

Pekora and Korone are pretty unique and the only ones capable of pulling that kind of thing off without trying.

>> No.23994592

It's supposed to imitate a crying voice

>> No.23994593
File: 148 KB, 833x1200, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_nekoume__85421067d404f1f9cbcbf386f4c20244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994605

Who has bigger tits, Noel or Coco?

>> No.23994595
Quoted by: >>23994630

It would have to involve a lot more than just hololive to be viable. Big cross company collab. But even then the skill gap between the best and the worst is so huge that its kind of hard.

>> No.23994596
File: 427 KB, 2480x3508, EOFpNnjUEAIdA-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994604

That short, high, ponytail cannot be denied...

>> No.23994597
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ark collab later today on Coco channel

>> No.23994599

I want her to lick my asshole!

>> No.23994600


>> No.23994602

I've been getting the feeling of "Matsuri is cute, huh?" more often than usual lately and I want it to stop.

>> No.23994603

What planet are you on anon?

>> No.23994604

same with kanata, my heart just can't take it

>> No.23994605

noels roommate

>> No.23994607
Quoted by: >>23994653

look at the date 35p retard

>> No.23994609

The four great recliners of hololive...

>> No.23994610

Back to Kanata

>> No.23994611
Quoted by: >>23994624

I want to recline on Aki.

>> No.23994614
Quoted by: >>23994621

Try it tiny SEAnigger I am big strong American woman

>> No.23994615

Brave of you to out yourself as a simp, anon. I support you!

>> No.23994616

Can't fool me, I know it's in 2 days.

>> No.23994617

i can proudly say I like matsuri and think she's cute

>> No.23994618

Nobody wants to play Ark anymore do they? Only 4 people in the collab.

>> No.23994621

>implying anything can beat the cock

>> No.23994622

I do wonder if this was always the way it had to turn out or if there was something she could've done otherwise to maintain her massive start.

>> No.23994623

ARK wins again, baby!

>> No.23994624
Quoted by: >>23994631

I want Aki to recline on me

>> No.23994625
Quoted by: >>23994632

>that wan wan
my heart and dick boners cant handle this

>> No.23994630
Quoted by: >>23994638

>big vtuber tournament in apex

unironically not a bad idea desu

>> No.23994631

That's like DP'ing Aki...

>> No.23994632
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>> No.23994636

The bottom four

>> No.23994637

What is this warm feeling in my chest swirling around whenever i watch dog?

>> No.23994638
Quoted by: >>23994642

It has been done for PUBG before.

>> No.23994640
Quoted by: >>23994679

Would you watch a Kuudere chuuba?

>> No.23994641


>> No.23994642

PUBG has ingame custom lobbies though

>> No.23994645
Quoted by: >>23994657

I know matsuri is cute but there's no need to false flag anon.
Everyone will notice in due time.

>> No.23994649

Wait, you mean APEX doesn't have those?

>> No.23994650
Quoted by: >>23994675

Heart disease

>> No.23994651


>> No.23994652
File: 140 KB, 279x502, 1573004309591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994673

>> No.23994653

boo hoo

>> No.23994654
Quoted by: >>23994675


>> No.23994655
Quoted by: >>23994675

Lungs filling with fluid

>> No.23994657

I'm sorry Anon, the first part is truthful but I thought I'd get made fun of if I said I liked it.

>> No.23994658

>implying Aki ever inclined

>> No.23994661
Quoted by: >>23994675

Blood filling your lungs.

>> No.23994662

dont think so since people have mentioned that they would have to get EA to let them do it

>> No.23994663

FBK received access from EA to organize a match

>> No.23994665
Quoted by: >>23994685

told you

>> No.23994666
File: 297 KB, 2400x2500, 1588476348174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994677

together ever

>> No.23994668

You have to get EA approval for them.

>> No.23994669

I diagnose you with die.

>> No.23994673


>> No.23994675

what the fuck lads

>> No.23994676

Quick, post your rare holos.

>> No.23994677


depression sucks

>> No.23994678


>> No.23994679
Quoted by: >>23994691

What's the point if there's going to be barely any reaction.

>> No.23994682

Sasuga EA

>> No.23994684

I just heard Suisei's new drop. Didn't know it released. That shit was impressive

>> No.23994683 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 480x472, 1590654609475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okayu being physically abused by her husband

>> No.23994685
Quoted by: >>23994703

Yayyy so that means we 35P can get to be as obnoxious as usual.

>> No.23994688

Holy shit anon, are you TIMELOOPING backwards?

>> No.23994690
Quoted by: >>23994708

FBK already had permission, check her twitter

>> No.23994691

Well that's what I thought too. It seems pretty pointless but then I thought of an English Streamer who actually has a pretty similar shtick only it's his real personality. Crazy stuff happening and him just going "Cool," is oddly entertaining.

>> No.23994692

This bloodhound is an absolute champion

>> No.23994694
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1589273159796.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23994712

>> No.23994696
Quoted by: >>23994705

Rare miko boat


>> No.23994697

Even if they do get permission,they aren't allowed to gain profit from it.

>> No.23994700

I think you mean my post. That's not exactly what I meant, it's more that she's at her best when she has time to talk about things which limits the kind of games best for her when they require too much concentration. The Yakuza streams are always gold.

>> No.23994701
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>> No.23994703
File: 283 KB, 890x890, EX_XJsBUYAAaK24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free

>> No.23994704

This Bloodhound is pretty sick though

>> No.23994705

thanks doc

>> No.23994708

Requesting isn't the same as receiving

>> No.23994709

She's very cute... I can't resist that aspect of her, makes me want to help her find happiness more.

>> No.23994711


>> No.23994712


>> No.23994713
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>> No.23994714
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>> No.23994715

Last for Miko

>> No.23994717
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>> No.23994718


>> No.23994719

