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23260455 No.23260455 [Reply] [Original]

When they cry

>> No.23260524
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Quoted by: >>23260550

2020... I'm forgotten...

>> No.23260550
File: 124 KB, 760x250, 1581778537555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23260579

2020 is their year

>> No.23260579
Quoted by: >>23260584

What's this?

>> No.23260584

Manga that takes place in one of the three trianthology universe

>> No.23260730
File: 118 KB, 640x480, Mid_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave the three kings to me

>> No.23261273

By the way on the topic of Umineko let's players from previous thread, I never understood appeal Newt3012. I found him boring and what most important all his reasoning and theory making was of screen, we never hear him actually think and contemplate.
I personally think Narnith is so much superior, he actually give his thought on characters and plot in the end each episode, whole episode of theory making. He was amazing reader.

>> No.23261363
File: 251 KB, 498x747, 1557870028809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're strong, but so are the 3 kings, I'll help you.

>> No.23261423
File: 81 KB, 640x360, iu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe we'll see the higurashis again in ciconia. I mean, Okonogi is still around, so it isn't out of the question, right?

>> No.23261433
Quoted by: >>23261491

You think they would travel to Shirakawa-go?

>> No.23261491

Nah, but I could see K1 becoming a politician, the Yakuza might play an important role as an underground counterweight to AOU Japans government, and Rika is Rika.

>> No.23262237
File: 669 KB, 2300x3000, IMG_20200325_113012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23262629

So, the challenege is to spank Mion with just the right amount of force she likes. If it's too hard or too weak, you lose.
also new art from Hero Neisan

>> No.23262356

I want to humiliate her loli butt.

>> No.23262621
File: 219 KB, 750x750, IMG_20200325_183655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23263527

>> No.23262629
Quoted by: >>23262770

Mion would probably get pleasure out of almost anything so long as she likes the person she's doing it with, so there's no way K1 can lose this one.

>> No.23262770

The girls can use this to their advantage. They'll tell Mion to close her eyes during the challenege so she cant see who it is. They'll tell K1 to stay quiet, even tho there's no rule that they have to. Then after K1 has already gone, right before Rena slaps Mion's ass, she'll say, "Not that hard Keiichi!!" fooling Mion.

>> No.23262925

confirmed? https://youtu.be/KEHqYKzWa-8

>> No.23262957

Remember. Different timelines.

>> No.23263134
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>> No.23263483

How long would Rika last against Shaggy Blanco?

>> No.23263489

Battler Blanco

Jorge Gordo

Maria Bruja

Rena cagando

>> No.23263527

>Satoshi.... I'm already a demon

>> No.23263543
Quoted by: >>23282784

I can't take it anymore bros I need the apocalipse to stop for Phase 2

>> No.23263587
File: 170 KB, 360x450, Maurice_%281%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair Okonogi never left

>> No.23263637
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>Rena cagando

>> No.23264020
File: 49 KB, 376x650, bemariatrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will Maria be married to when she grows up?
Is she a good wife?

>> No.23264395
Quoted by: >>23264762

Rosa (Forma de Puta)

>> No.23264739
Quoted by: >>23267158

Just finished Meakashi :
>here's Satoshi but you don't learn anything about him that you didn't already know from Tatarigoroshi
>the entire first half of the arc is just going to be about how in love Shion is with him btw
>and the back half is just Watanagashi again
>ooooh but there was a switch between the twins ;) bet you didn't see THAT one coming
>you want to know how Shion stabbed K1 and fell from her balcony at the same time? fuck you

An entire arc was too much just to be told "yeah the Sonozakis aren't actually behind the curse", which isn't that surprising anyway. I enjoyed Shion's arc for what it was but it just feels like I went over a bunch of shit I already knew.
I hope Tsumihoroboshi is good, I was promised kino

>> No.23264762

Hanyuu ( El Verdadero Culpable )

>> No.23264963

>Will any VN top Umineko?
At this point for you probably not. Clannad will always be my favorite because of where I was in my life when I read it. I think Little Busters is probably the best VN though because of how well it uses every detail to tell its story. Umineko has a lot of pacing issues that keep it from being the best. Chiru also gets really pretentious, and I prefer how he structured things for the Higurashi answer arcs.
>Ciconia needed more club activities
The club activities were the weakest part of Higurashi though. Probably Ryukishi's biggest weakness as a writer is that he's really bad at pacing. Yes, the club activities did serve some sense of characterization, but without some overarching goal or (heaven forbid) silly meaningless player choices for engagement, it got stale really fast, especially Ryukishi's weird penchant for making his male characters crossdress. I guess it still would have been an upgrade from homoshit and walls of peace, though.
>The actual politics in Ciconia were good
It was a WWI rehash, right down to the walls of piss as a balance of power analogy.

>> No.23265468
Quoted by: >>23266291

I found the club activities parts in Higurashi fun and relaxing. It just didn't have a good synergy with mystery parts.

>> No.23265792
Quoted by: >>23266291

How is Chiru pretentious?

>> No.23266055
Quoted by: >>23266291

>(heaven forbid) silly meaningless player choices for engagement
I've honestly never found choices in VNs to be engaging. I'm there to read a story, not to self insert as the MC. All choices do are make me have to reload and reread the same scene multiple times to see all the outcomes.

>> No.23266291

Maybe it was the disconnect that didn't set well with me, then, but I always found them kind of annoying. The exception is in episode 6 because the water gun fight between rena and keiichi in the beginning is mirrored at the end in their duel, which is really cool. That being said, I do appreciate how they set the stage for who the "main heroine" of the episode is. Episode 1 focuses on Rena, 2 on the twins, 3 on Satoko, etc.
>without love it cannot be seen bs
>episode 6 pulls the "protagonist knows but refuses to tell the reader" card
>here's hours of berating you if you don't get that beato is a tranny schizo yet
>the entirety of episode 7 minus the tea party
>one "choice" at the end that basically shafts you if you don't choose the ending he wants you to
Higurashi handled its reveal much better, even though matsuribayashi is one of the worst arcs.
It's the fun, meaningless choices that make SoL sections for me. Otherwise it's boring because nothing is happening. My favorite SoL sections in VNs combine those fun, meaningless choices with an overarching goal for the characters. For example, in Little Busters, the SoL commom route is moving towards the baseball game at the end. Higurashi does have Watanagashi, but only Rika and Mion are doing prep work for it most of the time (and most of that is off-screen).

>> No.23266413
File: 282 KB, 852x1053, yasu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23271384

>Higurashi handled its reveal much better, even though matsuribayashi is one of the worst arcs.
>This person who's had little backstory or relevance up until now is actually the main culprit behind everything. Watch her laugh maniacally while lobotomizing the main character's mother, slaughter an entire village of innocent people, and systematically kill the main cast while taunting them. Okay, now sit through this giant ass flashback of her life to give her some last-minute characterization in the hopes that readers feel any sympathy for her.
People can bitch about Yasu and claim "tranny schizo" all they want. It doesn't change the fact that Umineko's antagonist was still 1000% more sympathetic than Higurashi's.

>> No.23266456

>one "choice" at the end that basically shafts you if you don't choose the ending he wants you to
To be fair, picking trick is basically spitting in the face of the story's whole moral message, and even then the story never outright portrays the trick ending like a bad ending officially. It's just something the readers came to treat it as of their own accord.

>> No.23266857
Quoted by: >>23267069

Ange becoming a real-life Erika isn't a promising future.

>> No.23267069
File: 574 KB, 1209x1425, 024 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23267100

It's not, but what do you expect from an outcome brought about by choosing the cynical option?

>> No.23267100

I know, but I'm using that to argue that the trick ending is truly a bad ending since it doesn't have any positive outlook for the future compared to the magic ending.

>> No.23267128
File: 569 KB, 2000x1450, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying the trick ending isn't a bad ending. Just that neither the story nor Ryukishi never treated it as one. If you act like Erika and choose to expose a childish trick that's sole purpose was to bring you happiness, then you get an ending that reflects that, simple. It's not saying that outlook is wrong, just that it could have unfortunate consequences.

>> No.23267147
File: 143 KB, 362x464, Ok_pc_ym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, would you trust this guy?

>> No.23267158
Quoted by: >>23271384

Tsumi is ryuushiki07 best work

>> No.23267167
File: 364 KB, 1363x1703, IMG_20200326_083347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23267426

It would have been nice if there had been a hidden third option desu. The idea that Ange had to choose between becoming either a weaver of lovely illusions or a loveless intellectual rapist truth-seeker is a bit silly.

>> No.23267808

She'll be married to the state and live off autism bux.

>> No.23267844

I think he fixed his pacing after Umineko. Everything he's written afterwards has perfect pacing, especially RGD and Ciconia.

But I kind of miss his poorly paced scenes. If I want to spend some time with Beato and Battler, all I have to do is read an hour long discussion between them that goes fucking nowhere (like the Hempel's raven scene). One of those scenes that is so unnecessarily long that you forget most of it, making it feel fresh and surprising when you read it again.

There are many scenes in Cicionia I really enjoyed for the atmosphere or the relationship between characters. But I wish they were longer and poorly paced so I could lose myself in that world while reading them again.

>> No.23267866

The water gun fight is fucking amazing because it's so over the top it actually uses GUNSHOT sound effects for the water guns. I love that kind of silliness.

>> No.23268272

The VN treated both options as purple truths. S both are either lies or truths.

>> No.23268481
File: 1.87 MB, 1080x1614, JUSTed Maria-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23268817

She will get pumped & dumped and turn into desperate single mother, like Rosa

>> No.23268619

>If I want to spend some time with Beato and Battler, all I have to do is read an hour long discussion between them that goes fucking nowhere (like the Hempel's raven scene). One of those scenes that is so unnecessarily long that you forget most of it, making it feel fresh and surprising when you read it again.

I had never thought about it in this way, and it makes perfect sense.

>> No.23268817

Maria is still cute even in her disillusioned adult form

>> No.23268833

>Everything he's written afterwards has perfect pacing, especially RGD and Ciconia.
That's honestly the first time I hear someone praise phase 1 for its pacing. It wasn't egregious, but the slice of life being offloaded to the end apart from the date hurt it a lot, especially since those were pretty excellent. The cast has the potential to be great when they get the same kind of spotlight as Warcats and Grave Mole.

There's a whole chunk of scenes in the middle that felt like Ryukishi spinning his wheels, too. I'm struggling to remember what goes on for the gauntlet knights in between the order being founded and the apocalypse starting. I only remember the adult players moving their pieces around.

>> No.23269499

Satoko a lewd ass cunnykid.

>> No.23270243

How do we fix italian anon?

>> No.23270302

corona-chan will do it for us

>> No.23270437

What is going to be Miyao's catchphrase?

>> No.23270459
Quoted by: >>23270464


>> No.23270462

Walls of peace

>> No.23270464

That's more like the spinning the chessboard of Ciconia, probably. Overused in phase 1 and we're not going to hear it as much in other phases because Ryuukishi realizes he overdid it.

>> No.23270675

Shion pissing herself was only in the anime right? it'd be pretty weird if the new anime had that scene haha wonder if they'll make it longer and more detailed haha

>> No.23270686
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>perfectly paced

>> No.23271384
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Quoted by: >>23274378

I never said that Higurashi's antogonist is better. I said that the structure and the way it was handled was better, even if it was still pretty weak. Having read Miotsukushi Omote now, I can definitely say it is a way better ending than Matsuribayashi.
It never says it officially, but it's clear where the effort and attention went. It would have been better to not include it at all considering how laughable it is.
This or maybe chapter 1 of Higanbana. Those are the two best for sure.
I haven't read RGD yet, but I really didn't like the pacing in Ciconia. It really felt all over the place between the zoomer discord chats and shoving all the tips to the end. Higanbana had decent pacing because it was a short story collection. Other than that, the best-paced thing I've read from him was Lucia's route in Rewrite, and who knows how much the editors at Key had to cut. Even then, there's the whole last hour of the route where Kotarou acts more retarded than he does pretty much the entire rest of the VN just to draw out the final confrontation at the mall. This isn't to say I don't like Ryukishi (I wouldn't be here if I hated the guy), but I think he really needs a good editor.

>> No.23271655

Where is my next installment in the Natsuhi fanfiction?

>> No.23272271
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>this is where it ends, wuhan-chan

>> No.23272298
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>> No.23272554
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>> No.23273162
Quoted by: >>23273498

Smelly curry loli

>> No.23273291



>> No.23273423
File: 472 KB, 643x1292, kyrie covering (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23274894

New edit.

>> No.23273498
File: 121 KB, 640x480, Mid_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23274378

>Kotarou acts retarded
Oh man that was just terrible lol

>> No.23274825

He fixed Umineko. He needs a dictionary and English lessons.

>> No.23274894
Quoted by: >>23275012

Would be cool to see one of bernkastel or cornelia

>> No.23274902

I can't believe Ryukishi did this

>> No.23275012
File: 597 KB, 800x1200, long28 bern boob rest censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind doing them eventually. Right now I'm kinda focussing on the aunts to go along with that fic from the last thread.

Question for Bern though would be how busty she should be.

>> No.23275206

Was her dress inspired by Kanna Hashimoto?

>> No.23275291
Quoted by: >>23275484

How come cute lolis have assholes? Isn't that, like, totally fucking pathetic?

>> No.23275479
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>> No.23275484

It's God's failsafe to prevent them from being 100% perfect and break the universe with their mere existence. A little humiliation to mantain the balance.

>> No.23275969
File: 129 KB, 850x582, higurashiumineko2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why might Battler end up in Hinamizawa in 1982/83 and what would his relationship with the Higurashis be like?

>> No.23276235

>Shion accidentally kills granny and ruins her own life, so she decides to take revenge and kill more people because she's fucked anyway

>Yasu kills people to ruin her life and give herself courage to commit suicide, because being a murderer destroys any chances of living a normal life

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.23276410

>ends up not killing anyone

>> No.23276524

bottom text

>> No.23276851

theres a manga about that

>> No.23276852

Like a puppet........... whose strings had been cut.

>> No.23276885

>Meow manipulates everyone to kill each other in order to start WW4 and slow down the progress of humanity leading up to the creation of bad future meat factory

>> No.23277441

The fact that Mion's armpits can get obscenely hairy if she simply gets locked up in a dungeon for a few days is just mindblowing! Shion probably didn't have time to shave either because she was busy murdering people! Lewd!

>> No.23278191
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What's her powerlevel ?

>> No.23278300
File: 264 KB, 631x472, SPOILER_EODVN2OWoAA37vX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.23278421
Quoted by: >>23278497

Hard to say. Her world is hinted to be a creation of MARIA, the witch of Origins. But at the same time, she exists in a world where magic is real and she can really harm people.

Youkai in Higanbana feel like powered-up Hanyuus. Their existence depends on the minds of humans and the rumors surrounding them, but as long as they keep killing they keep existing in at least one person's mind, feeding off their thoughts and mantaining their existence.

>> No.23278440
Quoted by: >>23278461

Why no Higanbana figures?

I want a Midori figure. No, not a normal figure. A good old Spanish CAGANER designed after midori.

>> No.23278461

If Japan ever discovers caganer figurines, it could explode in popularity. Imagine every single anime character having exclusive caganer figures based on them. Both funny and lewd for those with a humiliation fetish.

>> No.23278497

Hanyuu doesn't depend on anyone. She's her own independent being. She just gains power from human belief.

>> No.23278673
Quoted by: >>23278958

She consumes bullied loli arse to survive.

>> No.23278858

>Higanbana 3 never

>> No.23278864
File: 54 KB, 640x480, all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23278953

>now that we're all here
This killed all shkanontrice-fags

>> No.23278953
Quoted by: >>23279039

Kanon didn't exist for piece Erika, that's the whole point. She was never introduced to him and there was no Kanon as far as she knew.

>> No.23278958

You are supposed to spit out the arse when you eat a cute loli. Higanbana is an idiot.

>> No.23279039
File: 745 KB, 972x852, 6fe1a6c28384ecbd25af132bd7a4babcd1a2ecb3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279384

sorry but in the 5th game, erika is the only one who speaks with kanon

>> No.23279384

Only Shannon existed for piece Erika. She's speaking to Shannon and the narration is portraying it as Shannon and Kanon.

The episode makes it a point to have both of them together in every scene and do the same thing together every time, including numerous ""yes madam"" which they say at the same time.

It's intentional and hints at them being just a single person in Erika's mind. She was never introduced to any "Kanon". That's what she gets for cheating with meta knowledge, she never knows what exactly her piece knows. That's why she got tricked into thinking Kanon was there when her piece never even knew about him.

>> No.23279507
File: 139 KB, 1232x480, saw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look the pic there is only kanon
red truth:
>At 1:00 AM, Eva sealed Genji's waiting room, and that seal was broken by Kanon and Kumasawa in the morning when the crime was discovered.
Kanon exist for erika
then your theory must explain why erika can see kanon

>> No.23279575

Bruh moment. That was an argument for Erikantrice. However, she 'spoke' to Kanon in the study. You would show she hasn't an objective view, meaning the piece isn't a true detective or she talks to herself.

>> No.23279605

How does everyone feel about the upcoming anime? Will it suck? The designs look aight to me

>> No.23279621
File: 166 KB, 300x300, erika 117.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is simple vn will always be better no matter what

>> No.23279790

I'd rather it be good overall but I'll be fine if they just nail the kino

>> No.23280025

For all we know Battlers grandparents might even have lived in Okinomiya.

>> No.23280192
File: 179 KB, 768x898, 1583221775563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280247

best case scenario they just do 13 episodes of kamige slice of life with the gang and nothing else

>> No.23280247
File: 161 KB, 600x600, 1560067316320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282787

who's the artist for this?

>> No.23280248

The story isn't told from her perspective, which is why Shannon and Kanon appear together all the time. She is the detective but we aren't seeing the story from her point of view, so the narration can lie to us.

Shannon and Kanon appear together for narrative purposes. In the actual game board, they never switch because there is no Kanon as far as everyone is concerned.

>> No.23280253

It will suck but may bring more porn to the table. Higurashi has been forgotten and no longer gets massive amounts of porn.

>> No.23280836
Quoted by: >>23281320

Big enough

>> No.23281320
File: 1.46 MB, 1500x1700, bern tits blouse_waifu2x_art_noise1_scale_tta_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it

>> No.23281321

Wish they'd adapt RGD or Higanbana instead of Higurashi, but the upcoming anime is fine

>> No.23281962

I'm excited, even if it will probably be bad. I love Higurashi so one more reason to talk about it is welcome

>> No.23282781
File: 264 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20200328_075907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282784

It's alright anon! The Corona apocalypse is helping Ryu-chan to make much more progress in his home!

>> No.23282787


>> No.23282839
File: 279 KB, 661x965, TwilightCh18p23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god anons... I can't believe delusional people like you guys still existed. Read the fcking manga you retards.

>> No.23282901
File: 676 KB, 810x1388, IMG_20200328_085545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282944
File: 194 KB, 823x577, bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the last time
no fucking one except erika perceive kanon,

so everything that kanon says is actually said by shannon?
perfect explains why half of times people answer shannon and the other half ignore her

look the pic anon
Erika's favorite book is called 10 little indians, where on an island the doctor pretends the culprit's death with a neck injury.
Erika on an island sees 6 people dead with a neck injury and trusts the opinion of nanjo, the doctor.
Erika is the biggerst larper in history

>> No.23283198

Essence 4 goddess, with a smackering of lesser spirit charms, and one or two very good charms. A good threat for a starting exalted party.

>> No.23283291

What's your point? Not all of Erika's blue truths weren't replied. They still are theories. What you see as the answer is still an unconfirmed theory to itch peoples' brains. You're just a lazy being who brags about knowing stuff without understanding it.

>> No.23283530
Quoted by: >>23284054

People who subscribe to alternative theories always act like those who believe the canon explanation are just bandwagoning onto a spoonfed red herring. When in reality most of them came to the correct answer of their own accord as they read the series. This is basically the equivalent of getting the wrong answer on a test everyone else passed and then acting smug about it.

>> No.23283852
Quoted by: >>23283968

>You're just a lazy being who brags about knowing stuff without understanding it.
I won't force you guys to swallow it if you don't want to. But this facts had already been established a long time ago, circulating from the jp and the western discussions. Though, I won't blame you people for finishing the vn just recently and craving for some discussion no matter how nonsense it is. But I believe people here had already pointed out the exact problem you need in order to move on. Anyway, I don't really care less if you guys keep being hard-headed fools. so! good luck escaping that 'loop' you guys put yourself into.

>> No.23283925
Quoted by: >>23283968

>no fucking one except erika perceive kanon
> Had no idea that narrative could actually lie in mystery novels
Haven't you read Bern's game?

>> No.23283968

>no argue
Anon i already deny these facts accepted by everyone.
you read umineko so stop be a goat and start to argue with logic and not with
>Muh everyone say is true so is true

>Haven't you read Bern's game?
yes and the real culprit is george

>> No.23283976

>Franchise is over a decade old now and people still doesn't understand how meta perspective and the pieces in the game board perspective works
Meta perspective are what 'us', the player see in the game board which is filled of 'illusions' or lies by the game master.
While the pieces in the game board only see the 'reality' that is going on in the game board without the illusions, but of course, we won't be able to see that 'truth' as the player.
>sorry but in the 5th game, erika is the only one who speaks with kanon
And that's what I mean by the 'lie' or 'illusions' of the game board that we can see from the players perspective.
Ryukishi is a really shrewd person.

>> No.23283994

>And that's what I mean by the 'lie' or 'illusions' of the game board that we can see from the players perspective.
Ryukishi is a really shrewd person.
the detective can't see any lies.
in the first 4 games what Battler sees are like red truth same thing for erika.
if this were not true it would not be a mystery

>> No.23284005
Quoted by: >>23284067

>And that's what I mean by the 'lie' or 'illusions' of the game board that we can see from the players perspective.
Another thing to add is that while the 'player' Erika could see Kanon and Shanon, her piece self, which is the detective could only see Kanon and Shanon as one person. Which is...You know who it is.

>> No.23284054
Quoted by: >>23284118

Why did you decide what is canon? Erika cannot exactly know what really happened. Fact. The manga tells a possible solution (blue truth). Fact. No official statement confirmed this particular scene as canon. Fact. (From here I refer to EP5) I doubt most reader came to the same answer as stated in the manga or Erika or Battler. I doubt people came to the same conclusion because everything is pretty vague. I skimmed through some theory making boards (like animesuki) and it's an agreement that this happened.

If I suppose to think "Erika's and Kanon's sprite are on the same screen and they respond to each other" is wrong I have to to be really delusional. Umineko isn't an algebra test. I accept you want to interprete it in a straight way but if you cannot accept a criticism because there are flaws in the story you should take a good look at yourself.

>> No.23284067
Quoted by: >>23284167

>Another thing to add is that while the 'player' Erika could see Kanon and Shanon, her piece self, which is the detective could only see Kanon and Shanon as one person.
I hope you also haven't forgotten that the player is not actually Erika in episode 5 but Bernkastel. This begs the question that since Bern has the detective authority, does that mean she sees what the piece Erika could see? She's probably just messing with meta Erika and meta Battler during ep5 game. That's what I believe anyway.

>> No.23284118
Quoted by: >>23284127

according with berkastle the detective can create a dimension of thought
here erika sees and speaks with kanon

>> No.23284127

>according with berkastle the detective can create a dimension of thought
lul what? Can you please elaborate on that?

>> No.23284167
File: 68 KB, 686x960, Deflowering my golden rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern already knew the truth all along. Her drive
in continuing the games is for her to expose Beatrice's true self to everyone and shit all over it. Not to solve the tale and then close the game after, like a proper gamer would do.

>> No.23284452
File: 1.37 MB, 700x860, 1583081203240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you already knew what the inside of the cat looked like, would you stay open it and tear its guts appart ?

>> No.23284856

bern is really dumb though, she and her piece couldn't even avoid miserably losing in EP6 where it literally spells the solution

>> No.23284880
Quoted by: >>23285062

I think Erikantrice main problem is that, as other certain alternative theory, it insists on deniying the perfectly plausible, "official solution". It's alright as its own thing I guess, bending a lot of things in my opinion. But in no way it's a replacement for Shkanontrice, which makes total sense in just every level, whether you personally like it or not. Erikantriers insisting on other interpretations being wrong while holding their own totally twisted interpretation is just laughable.

>> No.23284995

I think it's more that the solution is retarded because it relies on the idea of trannies passing.

>> No.23285062
File: 54 KB, 640x480, cee3447010d7468e737ce44bd88ea332e703807f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23286366

>Erikantriers insisting on other interpretations being wrong while holding their own totally twisted interpretation is just laughable.

the other solutions insult the mystery to give importance to their vision of the meta.
Erikantrice has the same culprits and accompanies them in every game and as motive they don't have the money or muh i am evil but love, as WIlliard says at the beginning of the 7th game.
ex: in shkanontrice gohda is accomplice but has no reason to kill.
All are the culprits in assassination on the orient express makes sense because everyone has the same motive but in umineko no it is only the easiest way to avoid thinking about why people have lied about seeing the magic, it is not a solution but dont think.

erikantrice is the only solution that manages to completely deny the magic and make sense of all the characters.
erika's bad detective performance, ikuko know everything, the relationship between ange and bernkastle
it's all explained with erikantrice.

Erikantrice is the choice for those who consider umineko a mystery..

>> No.23285074
Quoted by: >>23285197

There are no trannies in Umineko. An eunuch is not a tranny. And nobody would even hate trannies if the SJW cult didn't brainwash all of them into becoming disgusting authoritarian assholes.

>> No.23285197

Being an eunuch does not turn you into a girl. Much less one with giant tits. I can just imagine Kanon running off to change and stuff pillows down his shirt every ten minutes. It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.23285239
File: 164 KB, 988x1429, IMG_20200222_140341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23285246

It doesn't turn you into a tranny either.

>> No.23285305
Quoted by: >>23286399

Nah, without Bern and Lambda there was no motivation for Battler to go on. Without Erika, he hadn't a even rival to compete and overthink his understanding of Beatrice, without Dlanor there wouldn't be a helping hand in mysteries, without both witches Beatrice's old self couldn't die properly.

>> No.23285325

Is there like a list of differences between Higu's anime and VN?
Im kinda curious, I only read the first 3 chapters but it seems pretty much the same so far

>> No.23285534
Quoted by: >>23285589

its not so much about differences plot point wise as it is about execution.

>> No.23285574
Quoted by: >>23285589

The middle part is a complete mess.

>> No.23285589

Any examples?
I started reading the VN because my friend kept talking about how much better than the anime it was but I don't see how
I do kinda dig the jank art but the stock photo backgrounds and music I've probably heard in a billion other doujin games really out a damper on it

>> No.23285730
Quoted by: >>23286356

The first 4 arcs of higurashi have royalty free music
The later 4 have a great soundtrack done by mostly dai

>> No.23286356
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, cHmqu2R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first 4 arcs also have some legitimately great tracks

>> No.23286366
Quoted by: >>23286431

>the other solutions insult the mystery to give importance to their vision of the meta.
a 100% subjective view, have you actually read other mystery novels? MANY of them have really dumb solutions, if that's your problem
>Erikantrice has the same culprits and accompanies them in every game and as motive they don't have the money or muh i am evil but love, as WIlliard says at the beginning of the 7th game.
Same with Shkanontrice. Sorry but accomplice =//= culprit. Gohda doesn't kill, he's sometimes an accomplice. EP3 is the only game with another MURDERER, and the whole game literally spells you that anyways. The fact that you can pretend Evatrice's existence doesn't mean anything is way more mindblowing than Eva being the other culprit of EP3.
>erikantrice is the only solution that manages to completely deny the magic and make sense of all the characters.
Magic doesn't even need to be denied outside of gameboards or Prime dummy. See Higurashi. But if that's your fetish then you can do the same with Shkanontrice anyways.

>> No.23286395
Quoted by: >>23287839

A young eunuch being rased as a girl since birth, with girl clothes, girls manners (seriously involuntary body language is a HUGE indicator for gender) and probably even makeup passing is that hard for you to accept? We know anime traps aren't real for the most part but come on this is totally different.
>I can just imagine Kanon running off to change and stuff pillows down his shirt every ten minutes. It's fucking hilarious.
Probably it never happened, they probably were only serving during the same day in Prime, since they control schedules and all. Not to mention at least one of them always dies early.

>> No.23286399
Quoted by: >>23290076

I agree, but there's still really no reason to think Bern actually knew anything before EP7. Hell, in EP4, alone with Lambda, Bern even admits she thought most of Battler's dumb solutions were right. She is totally not good at this game.

>> No.23286406

It's fine if you can't see how a rushed anime is way worse than a more carefully written vn, anon. But it just is.

>> No.23286431
Quoted by: >>23286461

> MANY of them have really dumb solutions, if that's your problem.
so if all your friend fell from a bridge you do the same?
umineko is the greatest mystery novel ever made i can accept stupid solution to explaine the meta.
Erikantrice found great tricks as solutions for the murders if r07 really wanted kanon = shannon then he would have created great tricks by using it

>Sorry but accomplice =//= culprit. Gohda doesn't kill, he's sometimes an accomplice
an accomplice help to kill people. is the same thing. i can accept gohda do that for money.
there must be a real motive LOVE like will say.

>Magic doesn't even need to be denied outside of gameboards or Prime dummy
it is not only denying magic but showing the true form of yasu love.
umineko is the romantic version of a woman who wants to die but cannot until her beloved's memory is back.
just say magic exist kill all these feelings

>> No.23286461

>so if all your friend fell from a bridge you do the same?
No, I'm saying your views of "the mystery gender" aren't grounded in actual facts. You seem to think it has to be all 4d chess stuff. Which Umineko actually is, mind you. You just don't like the solution. But since your "argument" is that you think Umineko's solution is dumb, I just remind you of the fact that "the mystery gender" is mostly composed of stuff we know we'd think of as cliche.
>umineko is the greatest mystery novel ever made
Another 100% subjective view, sorry but this doesn't work as any kind of argument for anything.
>i can accept stupid solution to explaine the meta.
Does this mean "I can't"? What "stupid solution to explain the mean" does Shkanontrice imply?
>an accomplice help to kill people. is the same thing.
It literally isn't. I don't want to expand on this because you're just wrong, from any kind of definition to even legal estimations.
>it is not only denying magic but showing the true form of yasu love.
Shkanontrice does exactly this.

>> No.23286554
Quoted by: >>23286639

>You just don't like the solution. But since your "argument" is that you think Umineko's solution is dumb
shkanontrice solutions arent just dumb but insult to the readers.
game 1: the eva's room door wasnt really closed
game 2: the chapel door wasnt really closed
game 3: the chapel door wasnt really closet
yasu a mystery novels lover repeats the tricks cmon.

accomplices Eva,hideyoshi,rosa,gohda ecc...
people without a real motive commit murders and help the culprit just for money.
literrally disguting this isnt an american crime drama is umineko.

everyone is the culprit isnt a solution every mystery can be resolve with everyone is the culprit,if this were possible then there would be no mystery genre all cases would be solved with all are the culprits.

shkanontrice dont care nothing about the mystery accept these insults to fit his meta.

why do so many people doubt shkanontrice even if it is official?
because we read umineko, we learned what the mystery genre is and the love relationship between us and the writer.
Ryukishi would never betray us like this.

>> No.23286632
Quoted by: >>23286685

You're being needlessly antagonistic, I think.
The argument against there being different accomplices each game is that it's a narrative clusterfuck and in many cases not believable from a character standpoint. And that's a good argument, if you believe that what Ryukishi excels at is writing character motivations.
Not that I agree with Erikantrice-anon. I think Shkannon was originally intended to be the true culprits accomplice and the final red herring willing to take the fall for the golden witch, but Ryukishi decided to let the truth die with BT instead.

>> No.23286639
Quoted by: >>23286702

>shkanontrice solutions arent just dumb but insult to the readers.
That's just your opinion buddy. The only solution to a closed room is either that it wasn't actually a closed room or that the victim is inside. Big surprise. Considering most people were unable to figure out all three cases in their first, non-spoilered runs, the trick worked just fine too.
>people without a real motive commit murders and help the culprit just for money.
False. As I said, accomplices aren't murderers. And even then, accomplices in Umineko tend NOT to know there are actual murderers being carried out even. So what's the problem with accomplices (most of the time not even knowing accomplices) being seduced by money (which isn't even always the case)? Because I don't see it.
>everyone is the culprit isnt a solution
In no game everyone is the culprit. The accomplices change, and most people are accomplices at least once, yes. But then again you're confusing terminology.
>why do so many people doubt shkanontrice even if it is official?
For the most part because Ryukishi wasn't 100% explicit about it in the VN. Like, he literally spelled it for you in EP7, but many people (and perhaps they were right to do so) were expecting EP8 to be totally clear about it. And also were expecting EP8 to be good but that's another problem.
So I don't see literally any argument in your post, just an "I don't like the official solution". Which is fine, but don't act like this somehow invalidates Shkanontrice.

>> No.23286685
Quoted by: >>23286976

Do you even know this guy? This level of antagonism is the minimum required for any kind of conversation with him to be possible.
>The argument against there being different accomplices each game is that it's a narrative clusterfuck
To be honest I agree. If we're talking about Umineko's weaknesses, then this is totally one of them. But anon isn't pointing Umineko's weaknesses. He's making a point of this weakness being a proof for Shkanontrice not being the actual solution. Which is just dumb. Umineko as we understand it not being perfect doesn't mean there's a hidden truth that makes everything automatically better. It just means that it isn't perfect.
>I think Shkannon was originally intended to be the true culprits accomplice and the final red herring willing to take the fall for the golden witch
Interesting, care to elaborate?

>> No.23286702
Quoted by: >>23286829

>the trick worked just fine too.
image read 3 different mystery novel with the same trick as solution.
no mystery novel lover can accept this.

>False. As I said, accomplices aren't murderers
eva,hideyoshi and rosa kill people in shkanontrice for money.
this for Williard is unacceptable

>In no game everyone is the culprit.
game 4th

>So I don't see literally any argument in your post, just an "I don't like the official solution".

>genji is a servant cant kill nanjo and kumasawa in ep3
>closed room circle is impossible a master key cant close the chapel
>kyrie cant kill hideyoshi in ep 3 only 2 rifle works
>according with red truth the kyrie's group is made by 5 people but kanon=shannon so there are only 4 people. the red truth is violated

ecc. shaknontrice is full of these errors but not heavy as the insult to the readers

>> No.23286828
File: 312 KB, 763x273, unkniuown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still replying to erikanon fag, like holy shit. Just ignore.

>> No.23286829

>image read 3 different mystery novel with the same trick as solution.
Not a problem since there are various tricks in each episode. Also you're oversimplifying these particular tricks.
>eva,hideyoshi and rosa kill people in shkanontrice for money.
They don't. If you're talking about EP3, the Eva side of the murders is way more complicated than "just for money". You're looking at them without love if you think so. Eva kills Rosa by accident and then kills Maria in the heat of the moment so she won't be discovered. Hideyoshi's (and possibly Eva's) discussion with Rudolf and Kyrie probably gets to the point of them even trying to exort them. We know how dirty those two are. How could Eva allow her loved family to end up ruined because of some accident, that was also probably Rosa's fault in her mind? (See EP7). Eva's drama is also just a stand in for the fact that, as we see in Prime, the murders end up happening in a way that does not really adhere to Sayo's plan, unlike EP1-2. So it's obvious EP3 would be special. Rosa never kills.
>game 4th
Again. Accomplices =/= culprits. And this is the "joke" of the EP, even - most people are accomplices. This time the difference between culprit and accomplices gets more clear, even, since in no way all this people could know they were all going to end up dead!
>genji is a servant cant kill nanjo and kumasawa in ep3
Are you talking about EP2? It's not necessary for Genji to be the killer, Sayo is enough. If he has to be though, is him being a servant what troubles you? Why, because of Van Dine? Van Dine literally says love shouldn't be a reason for crime. It's obvious his rules don't apply.
>closed room circle is impossible a master key cant close the chapel
The chapel isn't closed.
>kyrie cant kill hideyoshi in ep 3 only 2 rifle works
What? Hideyoshi has a gun, Rudolf and Kyrie have another gun. Eva comes with another gun, probably. The three guns fire. Three dead people. The fourth, not working gun is Krauss' gun. Isn't that alright?
>according with red truth the kyrie's group is made by 5 people but kanon=shannon so there are only 4 people. the red truth is violated
I've already talked with you about that red truth, I'm pretty sure. It's situational and the explanation was pretty clear to me. If you showed it to me maybe I could remember more because I don't really have it present right now.

>> No.23286839
Quoted by: >>23286928

He's back after so long, anon, be kind to him and answer his attention whoring for a bit

>> No.23286928
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> tricks in each episode
just kanon=shannon and fake closed room.
all murder are made with thse tricks.
like i just said
>Eva kills Rosa by accident and then kills Maria
this is a mystery ever dead by accident is an insult to the reader.
nothing can be made for luck or casuality
>We know how dirty those two are
rudolf can be a latin lover but really are about asumo and his childrens.
he marry Kyrie after asumo dead for made Battler stay with his real mother.
>in a way that does not really adhere to Sayo's plan
so umineko murders arent made with a mastermind plan where all the action are know from the start?
so not a real mystery but just a thriller

>Again. Accomplices =/= culprits. And this is the "joke"
like we saw in the manga, people start to kill each others like george killed jessica.
>It's not necessary for Genji to be the killer
manga show it
>The chapel isn't closed.
red truth:In short, all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms!! No key could be returned from outside the room using the crack of the door, the crack of the window, vents or any place of the sort!!
so the chapel is closet
>What? Hideyoshi has a gun, Rudolf and Kyrie have another gun. Eva comes with another gun, probably.
ep 7 bern's truth eva and yasu were shoted but survive so 2 rifles dont work.
only 2 chiester
>It's situational and the explanation was pretty clear to me. If you showed it
the manga show these 5 as kyrie's group so violate the red truth

fuck off goat no one is talking with you
first an attection whores do everything others want to get attection, i made everyone mad so i am an hate-whore
the i am not italian_anon

>> No.23286976

I think I've laid out this argument before, but basically "Yasu was waiting for Battler to come back for her on a white horse but he never did so she went crazy and killed everyone" mirrors the apparent solution for Watanagashi "because Keiichi didn't acknowledge Mion as a girl and betrayed her feelings she went crazy and killed everyone", albeit in a more apparently plausible form. But just like Shion points out in Meakashi that the justifications she gave while pretending to be Mion didn't justify or even excuse her actions, and that Keiichi was being naive in not bringing in the police immediately to take her into custody, Beatrices actions are just those of a selfish, uncaring murderer (even if you argue that the universes from ep 1-4 aren't the events of rokkenjima prime), and it's just plain implausible for Battler to cry over her grave and join her fanclub immediately after he finds out "the truth" at the end of ep5.

Just like Bernkastels game was a catbox with two possible solutions - Battler and his parents and George and his parents - Umineko in its entirety was also written so that all murders could technically have been committed by Shkannon + accomplices or another character + Shkannon AS the accomplice.
It would have made a lot of sense thematically to give readers no way to choose between these two truths, other than trying to understand the culprits heart and making a judgement based on which character motivations they deemed more plausible, and to ultimately resolve that final conflict with a message like "if both stories seem like they're possible universes to you, that's fine, you don't have to choose".
But. Episode 6-8 are clearly designed to present Shkanontrice as the single truth, especially if you take the metaworld character interactions seriously. Sadly I don't think there's any way around that.

>> No.23287024
Quoted by: >>23287122

>all murder are made with thse tricks.
Now we're talking as if your theory had more variety or more complicated murders?
>this is a mystery ever dead by accident is an insult to the reader.
It "being an insult to the reader" (in your opinion) doesn't disprove anything. Functionally it's exactly the same if she killed Rosa on purpose (because Rosa was extorting her) or by accident anyways. In fact, knowing EP7, it was probably a bit of the two alternatives.
>so umineko murders arent made with a mastermind plan where all the action are know from the start?
EP3? Not exactly. For what reason would Evatrice even exist otherwise?
>like we saw in the manga, people start to kill each others like george killed jessica.
Lol this never happened in the manga or in any theory. George didn't kill Jessica, that's the magical explanation. Sayo threatened her to call Battler and then killed her.
>manga show it
Anon, give me a bit more credit, I never mentioned the manga even once in our exchange. I have my disagreements with it, just like you.
>red truth:In short, all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms!! No key could be returned from outside the room using the crack of the door, the crack of the window, vents or any place of the sort!!
Yeah. The chapel wasn't one of the linked closed rooms, because it wasn't a closed room. The red truth is referring to the other five. It's a wordplay. Now that we are talking about this, it's easy to solve it with Shkanontrice - all the keys were indeed inside the rooms, if we assume Shannon's room keys weren't in the chapel from the start, but hidden in the same room where they find her body. In this scenario, it's true all keys related to the closed rooms are locked inside them until the adults arrive and unlock the rooms. If I'm not mistaken your theory solves this by Nanjo pretending to discover some key, am I right? If that's the case, it contradicts the red truth. After all, all keys were LOCKED. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding you though.
>ep 7 bern's truth eva and yasu were shoted but survive so 2 rifles dont work.
This is headcanon. Kyrie is just a shitter who fails twice. If it was a problem of her gun then she wouldn't have been able to kill Rosa.
>the manga show these 5 as kyrie's group so violate the red truth
Again, I'm not arguing with the manga in mind. What it SHOWS is hardly a problem anyways - the narration isn't reliable. I still don't know what red truth are you talking about though.
>i am an hate-whore
hate is attention
>the i am not italian_anon
What? you're telling you aren't Italian anon? we all know you are. Glad you survived corona by the way.

>> No.23287093

I see, that sounds interesting, the Watanagashi parallels in particular. I haven't read that before.

>> No.23287103

>continues to argue in broken English

>> No.23287122

>Now we're talking as if your theory had more variety or more complicated murders?
>poison and sleeping pills in the food
>kanon fake death thanks nanjo
>fake closed room door
>multiple envelops
>george culprit
>nanjo cloed the chapel from outside
>fake rifles
>genji fake himself as the culprit.
>the detective is the accomplice
ecc...at least more than 2
>It "being an insult to the reader" (in your opinion) doesn't disprove anything
ep5 is all a big explanation about reader-writer love so yes an insult mean wrong answare
>EP3? Not exactly. For what reason would Evatrice even exist otherwise?
evatrice is just eva's culprit theory that people create after eva was the only one left alive.
>Lol this never happened in the manga or in any theory. George didn't kill Jessica, that's the magical explanation.
explanation made by Williard so true
>Anon, give me a bit more credit
ryukishi said that shkanontrice theory of the manga is the true so the manga is shkanontrice
>the chapel wasn't one of the linked closed rooms
then even the boiler room must be unclosed ecc..
> After all, all keys were LOCKED
good point, ok nanjo use kanon's master key to open the boiler room and put the chapel key then when the parents open the chapel he give back the master key to kanon.
>This is headcanon.
why there are only 2 chiester sister?
simple because there are only 2 crim weapons
>hate is attention
but normies hated by hate so i am ot an attection whore
>What? you're telling you aren't Italian anon?
yes he die of jannies-virus

>> No.23287127
Quoted by: >>23287140

>manga show it
Funny how you use the manga as a proof to some examples that benefits you, but at the same time also shoots down the facts that doesn't validate your theory. Fucking hypocrite man.

>> No.23287140

simple because half of people here say that shkanontrice is truth because manga confirm it.
if we all agree that manga is fake i will not use i would be happy of not use anymore this shit as argument.

>> No.23287147
Quoted by: >>23287163

>ryukishi said that shkanontrice theory of the manga is the true so the manga is shkanontrice
So you accept that there is no Erikatrice in the manga? Huh.. That is actually kinda hilarious. lol

>> No.23287163
Quoted by: >>23287196

remember in ep5 when lambda confirm natsuhi culprit theory?
why she confirm it even if was a fake theory?
because a truth that can be found has no rigth to be called truth so IF shkanontrice is fake then ryukishi confirm it as truth because the real truth lost his rigth to be called truth

>> No.23287196
Quoted by: >>23287209

Lambda and Bern are really twisted. I can't believe they managed to brainwashed this anon...
This is beyond just trolling! This is... Inhumane...

>> No.23287209

this is called umineko.
nothing is beyond it.
ryukishi put all his love in it and just italian_anon understand it and discover the real truth.
just 1 man on 7 billion, this is the level of ryukishi writings

>> No.23287230
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>> No.23287279

>ep5 is all a big explanation about reader-writer love so yes an insult mean wrong answare
Then I believe Kanon being a murderer of any kind is an insult to me as a reader, because he was always shown to me as such a good boy. So now Kanon culprit is the wrong answer? That you feel something is an "insult" doesn't mean Ryukishi intended it as such.
>evatrice is just eva's culprit theory that people create after eva was the only one left alive.
Yeah. And her role in EP3 in particular, as a witch acting against Beato's will, is a representation of things happening that she didn't plan at all.
>explanation made by Williard so true
But his explanation in the manga didn't say that. It says everyone was bribed and followed an escenario written for them.
>ryukishi said that shkanontrice theory of the manga is the true so the manga is shkanontrice
Now you are just being a sophist. Please put things in context. Ryukishi said the manga was the solution in the sense that EP8 was explicit about Shkanontrice being truth. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't mean each detail is the true answer and somehow the VN doesn't matter anymore. Much less means Ryukishi personally supervised every page.
And in any case "the manga is shkanontrice" doens't mean "shkanontrice is the manga", so I COULD easily say the manga isn't 100% accurate and still support Shkanontrice.
>then even the boiler room must be unclosed ecc..
Why? Sayo locked every room sans her own, which she locked last. This isn't difficult at all.
>good point, ok nanjo use kanon's master key to open the boiler room and put the chapel key then when the parents open the chapel he give back the master key to kanon.
This implies the master keys aren't related to the closed rooms. Sounds unfair to me.
>why there are only 2 chiester sister?
Because only two guns are used to kill Rudolf and Kyrie when they are killed. Why are there three in EP4?

>> No.23287319

>it's just plain implausible for Battler to cry over her grave and join her fanclub immediately after he finds out "the truth" at the end of ep5.
this is painfully true desu.

>> No.23287326
Quoted by: >>23287371

Do you understand you literally cannot pretend you aren't Italian anon, Italian anon? Your broken English is exactly the same. You have exactly the same kind of (basic) errors.

>> No.23287346
Quoted by: >>23287371

>good point, ok nanjo use kanon's master key to open the boiler room and put the chapel key then when the parents open the chapel he give back the master key to kanon.
>This implies the master keys aren't related to the closed rooms. Sounds unfair to me.
Sorry anon! I read that bad. You're right, that works just fine.

>> No.23287353
File: 15 KB, 235x235, Puck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me as such a good boy
according with van dyne good boy are the best culprits but the real meaning of insult to the reader is located on van dyne and know truth.
>is a representation of things happening that she didn't plan at all.
Nope tohya/battler discover about eva theory so ikuko wrote a game where eva seem the culprt to made battler go agaisnt apparence.
>And in any case "the manga is shkanontrice
i know that but majority of shkanontrice-fags belive in it and argue with it.
>Why? Sayo locked every room sans her own, which she locked last. This isn't difficult at all.
if chapel key is loked in any room then even the chapel become looked
>This implies the master keys aren't related to the closed rooms. Sounds unfair to me.
Nope nanjo use a master key to complete the circle and put all the room's key in their closed room.
>Because only two guns are used to kill Rudolf and Kyrie when they are killed. Why are there three in EP4?
hideoyshi killed kyrie with rosa rifle.
kyrie killed hideyoshi with rudolf rifle
eva killed battler with eva rifle
3 rifle kill 3 people but only 2 chiester sister.

>> No.23287371

devil proof
ok thanks dont worry
i am bad at english too

>> No.23287423
Quoted by: >>23287456

I have a question for you Italian anon. What do you think about the Rosatrice theory? This is a very important question btw.

>> No.23287456

erikantrice theory born only thanks rosatrice.
rosatrice made me discover george motive and george destruction of letters.
THe murder solution are meh....some solution are great other stupid like nanjo with a rifle block 10 person but at least not insult to the readers like shkanontrice.
Rosa part is Good.

So i will always thanks rosatrice, without it i would never discover erikantrice.

>> No.23287468
Quoted by: >>23287558

>Nope tohya/battler discover about eva theory so ikuko wrote a game where eva seem the culprt to made battler go agaisnt apparence.
Alright, we're obviously not going to reach an agreement with this particular point since we don't have enough evidence to disprove each other's claims. For the gameboard, as a fragment with meaning by itself and not only as a tool for Tohya/Ikuko's drama, I find it absurd that the second to sixth twilight are SO different from Beatrice's. Like, they are not even closed rooms. So Eva being a partial culprit seems transparent to me - she killing people without Sayo's involvement, Sayo just staking them afterwards. Even then, even if I thought you were right, your theory that Yasu killed all of them is totally possible for Shkanontrice too. Since, well, Kanon COULD have killed them all - him being also Shannon or not is irrelevant for these cases.
>if chapel key is loked in any room then even the chapel become looked
No? What I'm saying is the chapel was always unlocked. That the key for the chapel was inside an actual closed room has nothing to do with the red truth.
Look, I already told you a plausible scenario and you answered me with "but actually only two rifles work". You are using fantasy chiesters analogies as "proof" for this statement, even though I already gave you an answer for that too. I don't see how you're refuting my point with what you are saying. Three rifles were used in those twilights. If only two bunnies appear is because "Evatrice" (Eva/Hideyoshi for that particular case) only uses two rifles. Kyrie uses the other one. EP4 has three bunnies (so three rifles should work after all!), and EP7 literally shows us three rifles working in a non fantasy way: the one Kyrie uses (she kills Rosa with it), the one Eva uses (she kills Kyrie with it), the one Rudolf uses (she kills George with it). There, your claim that only two rifles work is false.

>> No.23287500
File: 397 KB, 640x480, You've got it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23287567

>erikantrice theory born only thanks rosatrice.
>rosatrice made me discover george motive and george destruction of letters.
hm~ hm! I see. That actually makes a lot of sense now if I think about it... I don't think anyone would realize this besides you anon... So this is the truth huh. I applause you for solving the true nature of the tale before anyone does anon. Truly... magnificent.

>> No.23287547

That's it. This anon is just a shitposter

>> No.23287558
Quoted by: >>23287603

>Alright, we're obviously not going to reach an agreement with this particular point since we don't have enough evidence to disprove each other's claims
naturally there isnt a red truth in real world
> she killing people without Sayo's involvement
this is the problem
>your theory that Yasu killed all of them is totally possible for Shkanontrice too. Since, well, Kanon COULD have killed them all - him being also Shannon or not is irrelevant for these cases.
first george killed krauss but you have rigth if we dont consider the manga then kanon could kill them but with this eva become useless as accomplice.
i think EP3 is similat to EP5
>are the best
>the gold is found
>a person seem the culprit
like in EP5 battler goal here was show that eva wasnt the culprit.
then remember the numbers on mansion parlor door, in my theory eva used them to solve the epigraph and escape in shkanontrice dont have sense.
>What I'm saying is the chapel was always unlocked
if the key is closed in a room then the chapel become a linked closed room
>You are using fantasy chiesters analogies as "proof" for this statement, even though I already gave you an answer for that to
Bernkastle confirm that chiester sister are the weapon of crime, i know is fantasy but in umineko all fantasy have a counter-part in reality
>the one Rudolf uses (she kills George with it).
OMG fucking based anon rudolf shot in head yasu but she survive so george wasnt death ahahahahhahahahahahahahhhahahah
culprit spotted

>> No.23287567
File: 40 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon
now i am very happy

>> No.23287603
Quoted by: >>23287687

>then remember the numbers on mansion parlor door, in my theory eva used them to solve the epigraph and escape in shkanontrice dont have sense.
The numbers do not have anything to do with the epitaph though. It's just a password for the card money.
>if the key is closed in a room then the chapel become a linked closed room
It doesn't. The red truth says "all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms", not "ONLY the keys related to the linked closed rooms...". Any key could be locked insides the linked closed rooms without it having to be a closed room too.
>Bernkastle confirm that chiester sister are the weapon of crime, i know is fantasy but in umineko all fantasy have a counter-part in reality
I think this too, that's why I'm giving you answers about those points. Also, her name is Bernkastel, not Bernkastle, I don't want to be rude about it but I always see you writing her name wrong.
>OMG fucking based anon rudolf shot in head yasu but she survive so george wasnt death
Anon, the one who shot Beatrice was Kyrie, not Rudolf. And literally nothing indicates George didn't die at that point. At the very least he was shot. So the gun works.

>> No.23287687
Quoted by: >>23287720

>The numbers do not have anything to do with the epitaph though. It's just a password for the card money.
is the only method to solve the epigraph without know about taiwan
>It doesn't. The red truth says "all keys related to the linked closed rooms were locked inside the linked closed rooms", not "ONLY the keys related to the linked closed rooms...". Any key could be locked insides the linked closed rooms without it having to be a closed room too.
ok i surrend but fake a closed door in front people is CRINGE
>I think this too, that's why I'm giving you answers about those points
think about it kyrie suspect about hideyoshi
how can she let him shot?
>Also, her name is Bernkastel, not Bernkastle, I don't want to be rude about it but I always see you writing her name wrong.
Bernkastle ok ok the important that you dont get mad about my english
>the one who shot Beatrice was Kyrie
are you sure i remember some i dont shot to women dialogue of rudolf
>And literally nothing indicates George didn't die at that point
rudolf thought that eva and yasu were death so is very possible

>> No.23287720
Quoted by: >>23287762

>is the only method to solve the epigraph without know about taiwan
Is it? I didn't know that. Care to elaborate?
>how can she let him shot?
Well, let's see. maybe Eva came after escaping her room, heard them threatening Hideyoshi without being seen, then she just shot Rudolf, Kyrie tried to get his gun but Hideyoshi shot her before she could, and then she shot Hideyoshi since she didn't die for that shot. The specifics are kind of a devil proof but something like this sounds plausible.
>are you sure i remember some i dont shot to women dialogue of rudolf
Yes, I'm pretty sure Kyrie shot Beatrice in the EP7 party.
>rudolf thought that eva and yasu were death so is very possible
What is possible? That he didn't kill George? I don't see how. He calls him and he shots him, twice.

>> No.23287762

>What is possible? That he didn't kill George? I don't see how. He calls him and he shots him, twice.

>Is it? I didn't know that. Care to elaborate?
11 digit number like the word for solve the epigraph
Broken rifles , shot
>ahahahha i killed him
george weak up and smug
>all according with keikaku, i cant belive these idiots could solve the epigraph but kanon think abot this possibilty and have a plan

>devil proof but something like this sounds plausible.
yes all devil proof,then if the manga is fake shkanon could kill them

>> No.23287767

sorry i mad an error i put
>Is it? I didn't know that. Care to elaborate?
11 digit number like the word for solve the epigraph

inside another answare sorry

>> No.23287839
Quoted by: >>23288193

That's still not a tranny. A tranny is supposedly born with the "wrong" brain or an autist brainwashed by the tranny cult. An eunuch raised as the wrong gender is not a tranny. Not a girl either, though.

>> No.23288015

Look, there just aren't literally any clues that only two rifles work. That's all I have to answer to this post. Since
>yes all devil proof,then if the manga is fake shkanon could kill them
they are both devil proof, I'm just giving you a plausible scenario based on clues

>> No.23288054

Spaghetti like cagando of Erikanon

>> No.23288085

Humiliation anon, where are you? We need you to help balance the thread so that it's not just erikanon fag and those who reply to him.

>> No.23288177
Quoted by: >>23288194

Erikanon, did you read Higurashi?
What do you think about Hanyuu being the real culprit

>> No.23288193

Yeah? I never said Yasu is an actual tranny. I think people who say that are either shitposting or don't understand the character at all.

>> No.23288194
Quoted by: >>23288256

Sorry anon
I am waiting italian translation but
>muh mental virus
violate knox so i am sure that there is a real solution

>> No.23288256

>violate knox so i am sure that there is a real solution
LMAO! Cool.

>> No.23288274

> can't cope with the Italian anon because he's overpowering the thread

>> No.23288307

Mourning the death of Yanagawa Rio.

>> No.23288378

Cute, hairy ass of italian anon.

>> No.23288581
File: 85 KB, 719x713, 1296789347346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase 2 never

>> No.23289599
Quoted by: >>23300964

ryukishi will die from coronavirus

>> No.23290076

I had some idea juggling here. To me, Bern also represents bad luck. Grieving about your own bad luck and don't make the best of it (which would be certainty or like they had shown in EP8: make your own miracle) is somewhat a theme in Umineko and Higurashi (Rena's case in Tsumihoroboshi). Lambda and Bern playing with Beatrice's gameboard was the right thing what Battler needed. Beatrice's approach hadn't the intended effect on Battler which is fully understandable (I kill your family and remember what is your sin). So why Bern used Battler's piece to fight Lambda? Maybe it was lucky coincidence or it was predetermined. It doesn't mean both witches are only have bad intentions ... like Beato? It's like a test for Battler and Ange to grasp the truth and happiness for themself even if there are any hardships and despair on their path. Otherwise the story would be boring and not worth to read.

>> No.23290101
Quoted by: >>23290223

well, black cats are associated with bad luck

>> No.23290168

>Rosa never kills.
Think about that: If Eva have found the Gold Room for real (some think she never had but it's an other story) and Rosa would have found it sooner if she didn't worry about Maria it's not unthinkable Rosa went crazy and killed Maria for this and realized what she had done and killed herself by throwing herself on the fence.

>> No.23290189
File: 92 KB, 343x440, Ber_niramua1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23290646

>the motive is money

>> No.23290223
Quoted by: >>23290233

Really? In my culture cats are
1)associated with witches ...
2) Luck or bad luck, what do you get is based from which side the cat cross the road/street (dunno what is what)

>> No.23290233

In the west, outside of the UK at least, theyre considered bad luck, omens, and associated with witches.
In Japan however, theyre associated woth good luck.

>> No.23290355
Quoted by: >>23290369

What did Bern said during they're departure at the end again? I think it's something like my it's pretty fun being the villain this time around or something like that. But yeah I totally agree with you about them being a huge test for Beato and Battler to overcome.

>> No.23290369

>I think it's something like my it's pretty fun
Oops. Remove the 'my' in there.

>> No.23290625

Someone have any ryukishi interview about erika during the relase of EP5 and EP6?

>> No.23290646
Quoted by: >>23290654

I wrote this because Rosa could do this, accidentally....
Maria stole Rosa the chance of her life again, Maria paid for it. Because of this, Rudolph and Kyrie suspected Eva and Hideyoshi.

>> No.23290654
Quoted by: >>23291180

In some american police-drama can works but we are in a mystery and the only valid motive is love.
Money can help your family so what is the meaning of kill your family for money?

>> No.23291180
Quoted by: >>23291354

Accidents working as fine in mysteries. Why? Because they can happen if provoked. It has nothing to do with love. The only time Battler has seen a provoked accident was Eva blinded Jessica. There was a chance Eva could have killed Jessica and the mastermind had nothing to do with it. Of course Rosa's suicide isn't true but an accidental homocide is still a homocide.

>> No.23291354
Quoted by: >>23292944

>Accidents working as fine in mysteries.
nope in a mystery the crime follow a perfect plan.
if the culprit made a mistake isnt a mystery anymore then only the culprit must be allow to commit murders

>> No.23291935
File: 883 KB, 1280x738, chug chug chug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Mion getting Keiichi to help with the festival preparations so she could have a plausible excuse for sharing a cup of barley tea and a moment of intimacy with him, and then Shion shows up, steals her idea just to mess with her, and then, when Mion does show up with two cups, she makes her drink both of them herself.
I don't know what's worse here, Keiichi being totally oblivious or Mion being too much of a beta to stand up to her sister.

>> No.23292530


>> No.23292944
Quoted by: >>23293539

Mysteries with the perfect murder aren't mysteries. It's usually random witness or a trace that makes it possible to solve the case. The culprit decided to kill Nanjo because Jessica cannot see. Otherwise Nanjo would probably have been killed by the bomb and Kanon didn't do any schenagianswith Jessica. In the end Battler thinks Eva killed everyone and this wasn't intedended.

>> No.23293531

Rosa is not THIS crazy. She's a bad mother, if she did this she would literally be insane. You're making her a caricature.

>> No.23293539
File: 25 KB, 1280x720, photo_2020-03-19_19-03-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon what mean perfect mystery?
that everything go according with the plan?
no perfect mystery means that the culprit. is prepared for any eventuality.
Kanon's plan is like water and adapt to any situation, how many parents will die in 1st twlight,what people isolate form the group,how many battler could discover these situations were calculated in advance.

this is a mystery, the culprit is omnipotent, no matter what is done, he will always accomplishing his goal the only way to stop him is to use logic and discover his plan the task of a detective.

>> No.23293700

did you finish subahibi yet?

>> No.23293998

Is there any way to retain Ryukishi art sprites for umineko while installing a voice patch? What version do I even need, i tried manually installing a voice patch for the original game with the 4.4 witch hunt English translation and it didn't work

>> No.23294065

fuck off umineko is a SOUND NOVEL!!!!
voice destroy music

>> No.23294633
Quoted by: >>23297742

>original with witch hunt
what is it with people still trying to read with the old tl?
just use the steam version
the TL is based on witch hunt and it's a lot better
then use 07th-mod to apply the voice patch

>> No.23295099
Quoted by: >>23295205

u failed to solve subahibi? we trusted you

>> No.23295205
Quoted by: >>23295234

i am not italian anon
but i hear that he die for too much yuri-shit

>> No.23295234

sad. maybe he could have solved the 3rd ending of subahibi which no one ever solved

>> No.23295317
File: 163 KB, 562x600, 1573411195761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this is the most difficult thing i ever read.
there is an incel-looser as protagonist but is female, literrally self-inserting shit of a faggot who want to be an anime girl, then every 2 scene there is yuri shit.

i miss Battler,his charisma can made you read hours and hours of vn

>> No.23295399
File: 36 KB, 602x216, photo_2020-03-30_00-03-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look the pic
every fucking dialogue is sex.
i try to search the term and i found 10 page of lesbo-sexual techique on wikipedia.

This is why i hate porn-vn ruined everything for put fanservice shit.
this is why umineko and other non-porn vn are masterpiece

>> No.23295433
Quoted by: >>23296892

all fake. no one in this vn is lesbian or gay. just like in umineko battler isn't gay. you have to read all routes until the end and see no one is actually gay. all lesbian scene is just to trick you into stop thinking and lose

>> No.23295475

and remember dont give up because if you give up you lose and how can italianon who come up with the answer to umineko lose to subahibi??? impossible

>> No.23296892

battler may not be gay but ange is

>> No.23297018


>> No.23297262
Quoted by: >>23299269

>I don't know what's worse here
maybe shion being a cunt?

>> No.23297460
File: 149 KB, 224x443, Re_pc_sch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23297649

Imagine what a handjob from Rena would feel l ike

>> No.23297649
Quoted by: >>23297816

With the same hands as in pic related?

>> No.23297729
Quoted by: >>23297758

Will Ryu introduce the coronavirus in Phase 2?

How about the illuminati squeezing adrenochrome out of tortured lolis to increase their lifespan?

>> No.23297742
Quoted by: >>23299026

Steam version has no rain. Just raindrops pasted onto the backgrounds, making them blurry as shit.

>> No.23297758

Why does adrenochrome require terrifying a loli out of her mind and beyond? Why can't it just come out mixed with their sweat? Nature is cruel.

>> No.23297816

Of course

>> No.23298044
File: 127 KB, 718x800, EUSHLB1U8AAVAoM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria's birthday was yesterday.

>> No.23299026

and animated rain is somehow more important than a vastly improved tl?

>> No.23299269

Shion is like Stalin. Sure, you can ask yourself why he killed 20 million people, but the real question is why they let him get away with it.

>> No.23299298
Quoted by: >>23299402

Perfect murder means the culprit tries to hide corpses or traces. Battler's problem was he was too trusting and usually avoids suspecting someone else. See Turn after they discussed Kanon is the obvious culprit of Jessica's murder.
>Closed room
>Godha's testimony
>Kanon's dissapeareance
It's the same for Erikantrice because Erika obviously acted inefficient and gave others time to prepare the scenes.
>Doesn't arrive first at the crime scenes with 'victims'
>In the study she says "I'll notice if evidences disappear"
But I agree it was well planned to commit the murder.

>> No.23299402
Quoted by: >>23300107

>Doesn't arrive first at the crime scenes with 'victims'
in the first case dont matter because the crime was fake.
in the second erika was forced, she was in the room during the murder then escape from the bathroom window
>In the study she says "I'll notice if evidences disappear"
just a sentence to made people suspect about natsuhi, then she is the culprit why care about the disapper of evidence?

>acted inefficient and gave others time to prepare the scenes.
was her goal, if you want accuse the wrong person you cant be efficient

>> No.23299523

The voice acting is really good.

>> No.23299619
File: 538 KB, 798x634, 1560632120466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23299636

Voices are sound.

>> No.23299636

smug erika pls step on my pp

>> No.23299728
Quoted by: >>23299757

Does Knox's 5th shatter the entire gameboard since they can all be considered Chinamen.

>> No.23299757

nope in the first 4 games there was an exception for the detective cant be the culprit so there is an exception even for knox's 5th

>> No.23300107
Quoted by: >>23300744

>in the first case dont matter because the crime was fake.
It does matter because this means the farce was successful for the accomplices. Other than that, the 4 could be killed in an other guesthouse room and Battler + the others were told to pretend the victims are killed in the "cousins' room". So Erika was only hearing Battler's snoring can also mean Rosa followed a completely different script, move to a different room (empty rooms were hinted) and the mastermind killed her and the cousins as soon as possible in the first night. Of course, Genji and Krauss has to survive until morning.

>> No.23300418
Quoted by: >>23302786

I've read vanilla Umineko a couple of years back and finally found myself having the time to reread it again because of the quarantine.

Which should I get?
>PS3 port
>PS3 patch

>> No.23300744
Quoted by: >>23301375

>ther than that, the 4 could be killed in an other guesthouse
anon the problem is the red truths that confirm that no body was moved after the dead.
so rose.jessica,maria and george faked their deaths
>Rosa followed a completely different script
remember erika plan.
she made jessica and maria hate her for made them join the fake plan.
Rosa was convinced by Maria to participate.
if there were any problems then george would have warned her since she was in the next room.

>> No.23300964
Quoted by: >>23302459

We are living in Phase 2

>> No.23301375
File: 202 KB, 1310x449, guesthouse layout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23301433

You didn't understand. The victims could have moved to an other room before they got killed and the others faked the dead people setup.

>> No.23301433

yes this is the plan.
after the discovery of the bodies they moved to another part and george killed them.

sorry maybe i dont understand what you mean.
pls explain or i cant argue well.
look we mean the exact thing
>battler complice
this make useless the red light.
when he entered the room Battler saw a red light from behind his bed which allowed him to find his bed without turning on the light.

>> No.23301894
File: 876 KB, 1000x704, 52600692_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the fuck did they announce a higurashi anime remake? Am I allowed to be hyped? Should I have any hopes for this? I don't fucking know.
This is like a dream come true for me. If they adapt umineko's episode 5 aswell I could just die I guess.

>> No.23302205

No, no, no, no, and no. In that order.

>> No.23302459

Each phase will take place in a higher level of meta. We are in Phase 2 right now. 3 will be in the afterlife

>> No.23302465

They added a Mary Sue character with no personality.

>> No.23302553
Quoted by: >>23303422

Isn't that some pachinko thing? Has nothing whatsoever to do with the anime

>> No.23302629

The reason I like Erikantrice over Shkanontrice is that it solves the mystery in a logical way that is more satisfying.
Since there is no official truth, neither one can be definitively true, but I prefer that the culprits and accomplices stay the same across all games with the same motives.
Everyone is getting so heated despite both theories having evidence in their favor.
That being said, Shkanontrice is absolutely 100% bullshit and I can't be friends with a Shkanontricefag.

>> No.23302691


>> No.23302701
File: 115 KB, 533x718, artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like Erikantrice over Shkanontrice is that it solves the mystery in a logical way that is more satisfying.
Based erikantrice knigth

>> No.23302786

UmiProject is vastly better than 07th-mod.
The UI is obviously miles better.
Effects are animated.
There's lip sync, which as long as you're not autistic--isn't distracting like some people like to say.
Sprites change more frequently and are thus more expressive and match the character's mood better. (you'll be surprised when you read them side by side how big the difference is on this).
Controller support is nice. Though you can easily set up controller for any vn, umiproject's rumble support is a welcome touch.
Text display is a lot smoother.

Now, that was 07th-mod vs Umiproject. But in regards to Umiproject vs Steam? Steam's TL is better, which for a reread might not be as important for you.
I compared the TLs a couple of years ago and Steam's was a lot better, but I compared them recently and there's not much of a difference quality-wise, at least in the scenes I read sidesby-side, so they might've improved. All in all, it's up to personal taste.

>> No.23302918
Quoted by: >>23303422

What? Can you explain?

>> No.23303422

I can't find any info on a new character being added.
Seems like >>23302553 is correct here.

And couldn't it be good since it's a reboot of some ancient garbage adaption? Like, if they reboot it they probably realized the anime adaption is trash and want to make it right. The animation looks better in the PV at least.

>> No.23303729

based feeding of the troll

>> No.23303814
Quoted by: >>23303878

>muh different and multiple accomplices
How do you even explain Genji, Gohda and Shannon's testimony of Nanjo and Kumasawa disappeareances in EP2 without them being accomplices? what about Kumasawa and Gohda in EP4? what about the whole Kinzo's test fiasco (Krauss, Kyrie, Jessica)? Or are you saying Jessica and Kyrie literally saying magic is real doesn't mean they are accomplices? Come on people are literally playing dead in EP5 and EP6. Multiples accomplices and accomplices changing each game are a must. I'm not saying it isn't cheap, I'm just saying that's how Umineko works.

>> No.23303878
File: 436 KB, 738x686, Virgilius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23303972

>How do you even explain Genji, Gohda and Shannon's testimony of Nanjo and Kumasawa disappeareances in EP2 without them being accomplices?

Simple there are 2 possibility:
>kanon told to them that rosa was the culprit
>a woman with the face of kanon killed nanjo and kumasawa, shannon and gohda were confused and trust genji words

>what about Kumasawa and Gohda in EP4
gohda saw 6 people died in front his eyes, genji's threats and kumasawa's persuasive words convinced him to half-lie
in fact gohda says nothing about magic

>what about the whole Kinzo's test fiasco (Krauss, Kyrie, Jessica)? Or are you saying Jessica and Kyrie literally saying magic is real doesn't mean they are accomplices?

genji really did the jessica test and she chose the first option so genji forced her to lie as a part of the test.
From kyrie's call to battler it becomes clear that kyrie at the time had discovered that she was battler's real mother.
kanon had revealed it to her and kyrie lied because kanon had threatened to kill his battler son.

>Come on people are literally playing dead in EP5 and EP6
in the 5th and 6th games Erika is hated by some people for participating in a fake murder.
but it is all premeditated by erika who will have them killed by george

different accomplices is a hack to find an easy solution to not think.
if you read erikantrice manifesto you will see the ligth

>> No.23303972

>kanon told to them that rosa was the culprit
I guess that's something that kind of works, I don't see why did they think it was a good strategy to act like idiots afterwards though
>a woman with the face of kanon killed nanjo and kumasawa, shannon and gohda were confused and trust genji words
this is dumber, in particular because Gohda would not believe in magic
>gohda saw 6 people died in front his eyes, genji's threats and kumasawa's persuasive words convinced him to half-lie
so accomplices
>genji really did the jessica test and she chose the first option so genji forced her to lie as a part of the test.
>kanon had revealed it to her and kyrie lied because kanon had threatened to kill his battler son.
so accomplices
>in the 5th and 6th games Erika is hated by some people for participating in a fake murder.
they are still being accomplices, even if they don't know what's truly happening

if you don't count not knowing what's really going on nor being threatened as being an accomplice, then Genji (and maybe Nanjo) is the only one in Shkanontrice

>> No.23303992
Quoted by: >>23304039

Characters who lie because they're being threatened aren't accomplices, any more than someone who's unwittingly doing the culprits bidding could be considered one. An accomplice is someone who agrees to play along with a culprits plan of their on volition.

>> No.23304017
Quoted by: >>23304050

>so accomplices
for me acomplice are only genji,nanjo and kumasawa.
trick people is a part of the plan.
force victim to take place in the plan is a part of the trick.
a culprit can put victim body in a place to confuse the detective same thing of a culprit who force a victim to speak to confuse the detective
>this is dumber, in particular because Gohda would not believe in magic
gohda said that he wasnt kanon
so gohda saw someone who look like kanon , kill nanjo and kumasawa.
he said nothing about magic

>> No.23304039

Eva and Hideyoshi can't be real accomplices in EP1 then, because they didn't know the murders were real. Same with Kumasawa. Rosa in EP2 was probably threatened, same with Krauss and Natsuhi in EP3, Gohda was either threatened or convinced it was all a prank in both EP2 and EP4 (along with Kumasawa), in which Krauss, Kyrie and Jessica were also most likely threatened.

>> No.23304048

yes because the culprits are kanon and george in all the games.
with genji.kumasawa and nanjo as accomplices

>> No.23304050
Quoted by: >>23304069

that's cool to me, but then the "everyone is the culprit in Shkanontrice" point becames void

>> No.23304069
Quoted by: >>23304097

>everyone is the culprit in Shkanontrice
like we saw in the manga, yasu explain the situation to everyone and everyone accept to take place in the murder.

the difference between accomplice and forced victims is consense

>> No.23304096

You're just arguing semantics, really. Whether or not Eva and Hideyoshi should be included in the category of "accomplice to murder" isn't relevant. The problem here is that Umineko expects the reader to believe that in each episode Shkanon deceives a different person or persons into helping her with her plan. They may not be accomplices to murder, but they sure as hell are accomplices to a dubious plot, under circumstances that really should cause them to re-think their actions, even if THEY NEED A LOT OF MONEY RIGHT NOW.

>> No.23304097
Quoted by: >>23304139

>like we saw in the manga, yasu explain the situation to everyone and everyone accept to take place in the murder.
Then you didn't read the manga, because it didn't say this at any point. Only in EP4 does it say they were all accomplices - but because of your poor understanding of the word you probably thought this means they killed each other or something. But this is NOT what is implied, nor what it was shown at all. Look at the pages again if you think otherwise. It's just that they either followed a script while not knowing there were actual murders, or that they were all being threatened by the bomb. In any point the manga even remotely shows this "everyone is the culprit" stuff you keep on talking about.
the difference between accomplice and forced victims is consense
Then again, in Shkanontrice the only accomplice is Genji (and maybe Nanjo).

>> No.23304139
Quoted by: >>23304171

> that they were all being threatened by the bomb
o yes i am eva,kyrie,krauss and belive in a bomb
cmon anon we speak about the most cynical piece of shit ever born.
> In any point the manga even remotely shows this "everyone is the culprit" stuff you keep on talking about.
ep 7 Willard requiem
>Then again, in Shkanontrice the only accomplice is Genji (and maybe Nanjo).
genji,kumasawa and nanjo faked the closed room and kanon's death
so these 3 know the plan accomplice
eva and hideyoshi fake shannon's death
so know about the plan
rosa and the servants fake the closed chapel
nanjo made george go outside by the window

an accomplice know the plan a forced victim not

>> No.23304171
Quoted by: >>23304274

>o yes i am eva,kyrie,krauss and belive in a bomb
Yeah? It's pretty easy to convince them in EP7's tea party just by talking to them about the destroyed shrine. I don't see the difference.
>ep 7 Willard requiem
We already talked about this. I just looked to make sure. You're not remembering it right. Either that or you don't understand it.

>> No.23304190
File: 341 KB, 1355x631, No.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23304196

This kills the spaghetti anon.

>> No.23304196
File: 413 KB, 1355x686, 1585604921147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23304314


>> No.23304274
File: 126 KB, 771x530, photo_2020-03-31_00-11-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah? It's pretty easy to convince them in EP7's tea party just by talking to them about the destroyed shrine. I don't see the difference.
they saw the bomb in ep7
>We already talked about this. I just looked to make sure. You're not remembering it right. Either that or you don't understand it.
look the pic

>> No.23304314
File: 285 KB, 1355x631, 1585604921147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23304338

*sorry, I upload the wrong picture by accident
this is the truth one

>> No.23304338
File: 2.15 MB, 5328x2286, 1585607260045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry, I upload the wrong picture by accident

>> No.23304696
Quoted by: >>23304740

Didn't the Confession of the Golden Witch explained all the murders or something? Well? Is it EriKanontrice?

>> No.23304740
Quoted by: >>23305803

Everything outside the Vn dont count as argument.
A thoery that need external force to be confirmed is wrong

>> No.23305056
Quoted by: >>23305066

When are they gonna release the new higurashi anime?

>> No.23305066


>> No.23305304

Italian faggot why haven't you died of corona yet?

>> No.23305803

>outside the Vn
Wtf are you smoking? You don't know Umineko Saku?

>> No.23305831
Quoted by: >>23305898

Now I feel sorta bad for Ryukishi writing an extra chapter to further solidify ShKanontrice just for this losers to deny it.
Not really. lol

>> No.23305898
Quoted by: >>23305934

I wonder if the new ep is just gonna be him trying to shove his answer down our throats.

>> No.23305934
Quoted by: >>23305962

>his answer down our throats
His answer? lol
Brainlets treating Umineko like it's the bible or something. You can't be that retarded that you've forgotten that HE IS the author right?

>> No.23305962

An artist is just a puppet for the greater forces of creativity. By desperately trying to force his answer instead of leaving the genius unconstrained Ryu overstepped his bounds and has lost his way. Like a pope who, instead of conveying the words of god, lays down his own words as if they were the same.

>> No.23305973

based shitpost

>> No.23305998
Quoted by: >>23306073

Beggin ya to seek coitus with the a female.

>> No.23306073

Sorry but I'm a vestal virgin.

>> No.23306532
File: 390 KB, 778x800, 1558870218941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23306835

I'd prefer mediun size

>> No.23306835
File: 955 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are actually closer to large I'd say. It's just that the standard gets skewed with so many huge tits around. Though I've gathered all sorts of reference sprites, so I'm sure I can come up with something. In the meantime, here's some non-lewd stuff I made.
collages for each Episode of Umineko

>> No.23306840
File: 838 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306848
File: 959 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306853
File: 984 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306857
File: 1.06 MB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306866
File: 1.08 MB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306879
File: 966 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23306889
File: 875 KB, 825x1275, Umineko collage 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23307156

nope i dont read it.
but if shkanontrice fags belives that the duel of ep6 and all ep7 are proofs for shkanontrice then saku will be my weapon against shkanontrice

>> No.23307179
Quoted by: >>23307364

this is really well made

>> No.23307193
File: 213 KB, 1000x1237, 1572856147715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23307397

Well technically pretty big for her body but not unrealistically too big looks the best for Bern

>> No.23307364

Thanks. It was fun figuring out what to include and coming up with all the different layouts.

>> No.23307397
File: 65 KB, 355x933, 00532_MAI_A801AK_00000 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23307434

Somewhere around a large C to a small D
Something like this perhaps?

>> No.23307411
Quoted by: >>23307421

I'm offended by the lack of Bernkastel in this one

>> No.23307421
Quoted by: >>23307451

Fair point, but she wasn't really the main focus for a lot of it until the end. As you may have noticed, I went a bit light on the number of parts for 7's collage after 6's got a little cluttered.

>> No.23307434
File: 328 KB, 688x1440, kyrie-covering.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can also make minor adjustments to body proportions, so things like head-to-body ratio shouldn't be much of an issue.

>> No.23307451
Quoted by: >>23307483

I like this ones. Fairly simple but effective.
Yeah. Just as you've said, the other ones got a little too cluttered. I can't blame you though, There are a lot of great moments in every episodes. Especially ep 4 and so on.

>> No.23307459
Quoted by: >>23307483

overall pretty good compositions
I'm proud of you anon

>> No.23307483

I think 6 was the worst in terms of clutter, particularly the big chunk of characters in the top right. I like the arrangement of them, but they don't feel as natural a part of the image's whole as, say, the ones in Episode 1 did. Might've looked better if I spaced them out more.

Thanks! I also liked 4's setup with the radial symmetry between Ange at the top left in cool colors and Battler/Beato at the bottom right in warm ones. Along with the trail of the episode's events flashing by on the way down like her life flashing before her eyes.

>> No.23310851
File: 376 KB, 639x504, guiding humanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phase 2 when

>> No.23310956

>PS3 sprites
good job nonetheless! I'm really fond of the Twilight one.

>> No.23311068

last post
