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File: 512 KB, 1424x2040, 1441818409669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22302161 No.22302161 [Reply] [Original]

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Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
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Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/#F!T24xwYLB!V_dXLWUSLQXqVsHqNuAwxQ

>> No.22302169

What is the biggest point of relationship friction between you and your wife?

>> No.22302172
File: 218 KB, 1260x1169, 1571611000985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302352

Freedom Thighs!

>> No.22302181
File: 1.71 MB, 1074x1077, 1571409790074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"!hatsaM ,diam siht tsurT"

>> No.22302192
File: 978 KB, 5881x9297, 77439333_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22302197

Nice abs

>> No.22302199
Quoted by: >>22302347

Looks like we need to start educating people who mindlessly spam images and post offtopic shit again.

>> No.22302206
File: 463 KB, 3000x1649, 9GkQlmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22302216
File: 494 KB, 2798x3271, 1545059299761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An ancient evil awakens...

>> No.22302221

Why this shog is so exited
Get a hold of yourself, woman

>> No.22302230
Quoted by: >>22302242

But she's still inside?

>> No.22302232

Giving too many head-pats, resulting to a balloon sticking to her hair.
> "Awawawaa!"

>> No.22302240

She's eager to pamper her mastah, whether he liked it or not.

>> No.22302242
Quoted by: >>22302285

I am very embarassed now, thank you.

>> No.22302250

It's 5 a.m., can we do that awakening thing a little later?

>> No.22302269
File: 344 KB, 2814x3036, 77424376_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucc the succ

>> No.22302285

And that's why you need a maid.

>> No.22302297
Quoted by: >>22302455

This is what happens when you find a Shoggoth still without a master to call her own.
Don't get caught.

>> No.22302308
Quoted by: >>22302327

Don't do it!

>> No.22302313
File: 379 KB, 1190x1684, 9b425a517fdaf8681d1302d55daa3d21899217a5_s2_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302349

Marry a blueberry.

>> No.22302321

What's it like having Shoggoth as a mother?

>> No.22302327
File: 538 KB, 648x1023, 77068872_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302348

You're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do.

>> No.22302332

Jinko wants to move to wonderland
Cheshire wants more public acts on stream

>> No.22302347

and creates threads too fucking early, this isn't your shitter board you faggots

>> No.22302348
File: 371 KB, 989x1280, 1541366382869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302393

>You're not my mom, you can't tell me what to do.
Things to never say to your adoptive momster.

>> No.22302349
File: 1.25 MB, 1250x1040, 1571417862128.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304316


>> No.22302352

I wanna give her my Freedom Sauce!

>> No.22302378

The fact that she indulges in too many sweets and has me join her, otherwise she gets very fussy if I do not, if a pre-monsterization vampire bit me, it would get diabetes. I do love my Titania wife, but by the demon lord, if it wasn't for mamono mana, I would probably be in an ICU from DKA.

>> No.22302387
Quoted by: >>22302419

>Jinko wants to move to wonderland

>> No.22302388

Kinda weird.

>> No.22302393
File: 231 KB, 1723x1459, EHIOLo-X0AAgXSn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are things you SHOULD say to her?

>> No.22302403

Religion. I'm Roman Catholic and she's an Egyptian goddess.

>> No.22302408
File: 521 KB, 850x1000, 1528832727363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love my mommy
>I'm a real mama's boy
>I wish I could get a girlfriend like my mom
>I'm into older women
>Inseki isn't real incest
>I literally want to fuck my mom

>> No.22302409

If I could fuck a lim I would totally say Esto es el fin succubus blanco while I cum.

>> No.22302419

She’s a bit of a pervert
Very much so

>> No.22302432
Quoted by: >>22302435

How fast would "Rental mommy" shirts sell out in MGE?

>> No.22302435

But anon, that's prostitution!

>> No.22302440

If you're going to make the thread early at least put in a line of your own like people used to and not just copy and paste the template.

>> No.22302448

She can get frustrated when her studies don’t go as well as she would like.
This gets taken out on my dick, usually.

>> No.22302455

What if her master dies? Does she just move on to the next closest available husband?

>> No.22302465
File: 472 KB, 847x846, 96eee4b682e60b1239d3e4b8a899a350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wouldn't worry about it.
With strange aeons even death may die, ya know?

>> No.22302485
Quoted by: >>22302514

>Jinko slowly transforming into a Cheshire variant from staying in Wonderland for too long
How dangerous.

>> No.22302487
Quoted by: >>22302498

She hires a lich to bring him back.

>> No.22302496

She sometimes has trouble admitting when she's wrong or needs help.

>> No.22302498

>gets neck-deep into dept to pay lich off
>now she has to deal with literal loan sharks

>> No.22302504
File: 1.37 MB, 1333x992, Wisp Barb lewd colored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302532

Sex with desperate spirits.

>> No.22302509
Quoted by: >>22302650

There's a few reasons making it incredibly difficult for her master to die before her. If he's that unlucky then she'll find a way to pay a Lich or will drag you out of the underworld herself.

>> No.22302514

I don’t know if she’d go that far but she would certainly enjoy being closer to the bedroom products she loves.

Cheshy would be miffed as wonderland has crap internet

>> No.22302520

Probably the violent video games. I can't imagine she'd share my current enjoyment of Postal 2, or the negative portrayal of magic and monsters in the Doom games.

>> No.22302528
Quoted by: >>22302536

I'm a strong independent man who needs no woman.

>> No.22302532

Wisps are pretty hot. Blue flames look good on anything.

>> No.22302536


>> No.22302543

Excuse me, I'm not gay, I'm just autistic.

>> No.22302553
Quoted by: >>22302564

He could be asexual

>> No.22302564
Quoted by: >>22302570

most people lable everything that comes under alphabetti spagetti gay and leave it at that.

Now talk about manly things techniques that make your waifu cum

>> No.22302570

>alphabetti spagetti

>> No.22302572
File: 121 KB, 480x640, img000004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to act fabulous around a Dark Priest and make her try to heal me from the gay.

>> No.22302580
Quoted by: >>22302595


>> No.22302584
Quoted by: >>22302595

He means LGBTQ+
Theres so many letters in its absurd

>> No.22302595
Quoted by: >>22302612

>had to look it up
Fucking hell

>> No.22302612
File: 56 KB, 600x347, 1523811405010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there numbers?
The fuck is the 2 for!?

>> No.22302623

You don't want to know

>> No.22302628
File: 119 KB, 717x1114, ace_by_rush__it-dcqfz6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we talk about fire mice?
I want to talk about fire mice

>> No.22302633

Are we being raided? the thread made too early is always a bad omen

>> No.22302641

Shortstack fire mice!

>> No.22302647
Quoted by: >>22302665

2 spirited
thats all i know

>> No.22302650
Quoted by: >>22302936

>There's a few reasons making it incredibly difficult for her master to die before her
Such as?

>> No.22302652

>martial arts battle between hinezumi and salamander when?

>> No.22302665

>2 spirited
I'm surprised there isn't an H for hijra in there, the fagolos love to bring those up without understanding the first thing about them

>> No.22302688
File: 516 KB, 781x1500, 1528495968177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth magic must be a bitch to clean up compared to the other elements

>> No.22302691
File: 827 KB, 1400x1351, 77437718_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302940

Massive mummy mammaries.

>> No.22302755
Quoted by: >>22302776

Lamia lovers:
Beaded, keeled, or smooth?

>> No.22302776
Quoted by: >>22302916

I don't understand this question.
I hope you're not referring to what I suspect you are

>> No.22302781

Thanks. We barely get any art of her.

>> No.22302794

Good morning honey

>> No.22302799
File: 1009 KB, 800x800, Hinezumi2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Hinezumis so much. I wish they got more attention.

>> No.22302806
File: 2.11 MB, 6614x4677, 72906108_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303272

You're welcome.

>> No.22302845
File: 732 KB, 1509x2049, m5bxnQ-TGIs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's she saying?

>> No.22302860

A nu chiki-briki i v damki!

>> No.22302868

Imagine having a unicorn as a wife. That's like broadcasting to the entire world that you're a virgin.

>> No.22302871

For the Japanese, that's a plus.

>> No.22302876
File: 2.40 MB, 3500x3600, 111h5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302890

It's not that bad.

>> No.22302879

It's a plus to me as well.

>> No.22302890

Doromes are cute girls!

>> No.22302905
Quoted by: >>22302943

No. It just means that you were a virgin before marriage, and that you're faithful to your wife

>> No.22302908

Can someone have a Houri as wife even if he don't feel as kind or good from heart as used to be?

>> No.22302916

I’m referring to their scale texture. Scales are usually either smooth, keeled, meaning there’s a central ridge, or beaded like you see on a Gila Monster. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.22302919
File: 821 KB, 300x400, yuri_eyebrows_resize.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's made you her husband, then you're not a virgin anymore.

>> No.22302923
Quoted by: >>22302943

Have you tried not being a slut?

>> No.22302933

Stop posting off topic images

>> No.22302934
File: 411 KB, 1451x957, 15413076802811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302943

Okay, and?

>> No.22302936

Husbands lifespans match their wives you goof. We've known this since WGI read the material

>> No.22302940

Mummies v Kephris
The servant wars begin.

>> No.22302943

get a succubus

>> No.22302954
File: 498 KB, 2100x1950, D9Fqm7KX4AEWYha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22302965

Begone, thot.

>> No.22302957

>They call me Julietta, and my horn - it's bone, it can't be sensitive
>Oh you... silly girl
t. not Russian, I could be missing something

>> No.22302965
Quoted by: >>22302974

>male monster
Begone shitter.

>> No.22302972
File: 860 KB, 1169x1065, 15413076932498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22302974

It's just a black guy with bad teeth, don't be insensitive

>> No.22302985

I wonder how many ugly human males were alped simply because everybody thought they were monsters.

>> No.22302986

Or a peircing

>> No.22302995
Quoted by: >>22303015

I want this but with the positions swapped and the girl being a (still Eros-aligned) hellhound

>> No.22302996

loli lamia that you can wear as an over-sized belt!

>> No.22303015

Hellhounds are severely overrated.

>> No.22303023
File: 441 KB, 1792x2048, 1518900908739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big tall Ochis who are stoic and serious and most certainly do not want to cuddle with their Aruji-dono in bed!

>> No.22303026

You will die by my hands

>> No.22303031

I want to do this with my nun wife in front of the entire congregation of Hathor, Eros, FG supporters.

>> No.22303052
File: 234 KB, 1600x1200, EBzL2tjWsAAWRqZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303062
Quoted by: >>22303184

Very long lamia

>> No.22303064

big snakes for big hugs

>> No.22303075

Gremlin that only builds juice blenders

>> No.22303098

Show her Juicero to piss her off.

>> No.22303110

>Your lamia daughteru when you tell her she can't marry you

>> No.22303144

I can see a Gremlin hosting a "Can it blend" show.

>> No.22303156

Hellhounds are just as rated as they deserve to be.
The weak should fear the strong.

>> No.22303176
File: 475 KB, 1200x1200, 1571505021252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303526

>> No.22303184
File: 1.15 MB, 960x540, dcfsas1-a20c6f9a-f073-40ff-ba03-c928816b3c9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty great.

>> No.22303197

She's cute.

>> No.22303200
File: 1.19 MB, 885x1299, 43185099_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303257

How long would a sandworm be in her shrunken form?

>> No.22303217
File: 3.00 MB, 1800x2100, commission__apep_by_sitzkrieg_chan_ddbbzm5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303234

Worship grapesnake.

>> No.22303223
Quoted by: >>22303237

What happens if a gazer and owl mage try to hypnotize the same man?

>> No.22303234
File: 186 KB, 1324x2243, Pharaoh9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303248


>> No.22303237

He gets multi personality disorder and each personality marries a girl..

>> No.22303238 [SPOILER] 
File: 400 KB, 1256x1007, 1571869338590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would a hatter react if you did this in front of her?

>> No.22303248
Quoted by: >>22303268


>> No.22303253
File: 274 KB, 800x467, I can be your angle or yuor devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303265

>> No.22303257
Quoted by: >>22303271

No more than a couple hours for a date or night out on the town

>> No.22303265
Quoted by: >>22303311

I want a harem of bicorns

>> No.22303268
File: 538 KB, 895x843, 1550373706198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay.

>> No.22303271
Quoted by: >>22303279

I was talking about size. Guess I should've been more specific.

>> No.22303272
File: 271 KB, 764x1080, 1483216409391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303289


>> No.22303279

Roughly the same length of a lamia, 30 ft

>> No.22303289

Did you draw this?

>> No.22303311

Good luck deciding which wife goes first.
Take a wild guess.

>> No.22303318

Fucking an angry dragon. That can never end well.

>> No.22303327
File: 105 KB, 482x680, EGBr2SrVAAAiJH8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bird maids

>> No.22303333

That's not true anon, it's hard to still be angry after getting a womb full of hot cum!

>> No.22303336
File: 1.47 MB, 1546x1600, 1517780480240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her anger will dissipate during the dicking, then be completely gone during the afterglow.

>> No.22303364
File: 987 KB, 2150x2535, EHZkwzZUEAAO0qv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303370

Bird love: The wholesome love of the bird

>> No.22303380
File: 1.03 MB, 845x1200, wgs3_hyousi_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my translation of all the character quotes from the new book https://pastebin.com/npHtp0yv
Saida looks most interesting to me so maybe I'll do something from that part next.

>> No.22303385

Thank you friend.

>> No.22303389

Thank you based translater anon.

>> No.22303394

Thank you. Hopefully one day we'll actually have translations for all current jap-only content.

>> No.22303397

>smells like fish

>> No.22303417
File: 310 KB, 850x1202, __cthulhu_cthulhu_mythos_and_original_drawn_by_apt__sample-d8feb2580483cbc7a349462e55cb52bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no deep one monster girl that starts out human looking but slowly turns into a fish-goddess girl

>> No.22303430
Quoted by: >>22303432

What would she transform her husband into?

>> No.22303432

I dunno. Maybe another fish person so they can dive to the bottom of Devil Reef together.

>> No.22303453
File: 116 KB, 599x458, 3_Jbimkr01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303461
Quoted by: >>22303469

I wanna fuck a fish girl. Should I go to Innsmouth to catch one?

>> No.22303469

>Innsmouth girls are super conservative and all about raising a family
>insist you move into town and go to all the festivals
>next thing you know it's 2 am and the entire town is drunk with eldritch power and only Dagon knows how many tentacles are invovled

>> No.22303526 [SPOILER] 
File: 317 KB, 770x1025, 1571875118469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303537

You think you're special?

>> No.22303556
File: 904 KB, 854x1200, 1565474380836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asura Mythra

This sea witch's name is as awesome as her appearance.

And the flow kelp sounds so lonely...

>> No.22303559
File: 76 KB, 527x644, SXexoF3q_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be special needs

>> No.22303588

Ratas like the ol twig and berries

>> No.22303589

Not at all, I'm a subhuman.

>> No.22303591
File: 561 KB, 976x1042, 15413076932515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. But I do like cute monstergirls.

>> No.22303592

No. I don't really think of myself much at all.

>> No.22303607
Quoted by: >>22303613

Eros girls are so fucking good.

>> No.22303613
Quoted by: >>22303701

We need more of them.

>> No.22303618

I wonder what her hair and fluffy ears feel like rubbing against there.

>> No.22303620

I think so. I’m one member of a group of less than 2000 people and unique within that group.

>> No.22303637

I guess so. Is it special to not have a favorite anything?

>> No.22303663
File: 173 KB, 437x844, Automaton sex machine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah hell yeah I am.

>> No.22303674
Quoted by: >>22303700

Tsurara-onna needs more love.

>> No.22303693

I want to oil her.

>> No.22303695
File: 129 KB, 1183x1183, 1568306786832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303711

Being desired is probably the best thing about monstergirls. I wouldn't be able to resist a girl ogling me and salivating over the thought of seeing me naked and getting to touch me with her hands all she wants.

>> No.22303700
File: 785 KB, 1800x2000, K2LOUopy544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22303701

I agree. We need an Eros High tier angel Seraphim now.

>> No.22303711
File: 2.52 MB, 1061x1500, 15413077021819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304286

>pretty and kind girl can't keep her hands off of you

>> No.22303719
File: 1.32 MB, 1180x1920, 88a973e15ed21a14fe0797f8b105101e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with dark matter husbands? Do they transform into the dark mass like a chaos transformation, or do they just become powerful incubi? Quoting from the profile:
>When they find a human man, they envelop him with the black orb, making it flow into the man.
>the man is instantly transformed into a powerful incubus.
>the man will end up giving in to desire, having sex with the remaining part of the dark matter, as a substitute for the black orb.

>> No.22303726
Quoted by: >>22303737

It’s the same as Khepri. You absorb the mass, get jacked up on mana, then fuck the hell out of them.
There’s no transformation involved. The last part just says that now (You) are the dickthrone for the girl (the “remaining part”), instead of an orb.

>> No.22303734

You become a powerful incubus and they lose the orb.

>> No.22303737

No powers at all then, just a superhuman man and woman being hotdogging it in a demon realm. Disapointing.

>> No.22303744
File: 298 KB, 316x300, azurlanescared.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Sadpanda
>"Error 503 Backend fetch failed"

>> No.22303747
File: 280 KB, 1600x1200, EBf8bTYXkAESIgK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presumably, the husband can summon the tentacles at will.

>> No.22303751
File: 391 KB, 814x830, 1559528822413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303819

"The 503 Service Unavailable error is an HTTP status code that means the website's server is simply not available right now. Most of the time, it occurs because the server is too busy or because there's maintenance being performed on it"

>> No.22303755
Quoted by: >>22303762

They told you that it would be online for another six months and then that was it. You did save all your favorites, right?

>> No.22303762
File: 438 KB, 1280x905, WLh1Qcr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303766

But that was three months ago.

>> No.22303766

And three months wasn't enough?

>> No.22303768
Quoted by: >>22303778

Is there anything at all that supports that?

>> No.22303771
Quoted by: >>22303780

Honestly, Dark Matters should be retconned into Chaos cultists. It'd fix this entire argument.

>> No.22303773

Being superhuman IS the power.
You get enough magical fuel that it would make a lilim blush.

>> No.22303778
Quoted by: >>22303796

Because they're elementals.

>> No.22303780
Quoted by: >>22303781

What at all do they have to do with Chaos?

>> No.22303781

The husband turned into the black goo is a chaos cultist thing.

>> No.22303785

But they don't turn into black goo.

>> No.22303791
Quoted by: >>22309308

>Happy Birthday Mom!
>I love you Mom!
>There's no other woman for me mom, so marry me!
>We need to have as many children as possible!

>> No.22303792

You have enough raw magic that you can will those tentacles/goo back into being as an extension of yourself, or any other transformation and/or "stand" that you desire.

>> No.22303796

I mean sure, but manipulating mamono mana is pretty much exactly what normal magic is.

>> No.22303800

>"But daddy, why can't I wrestle with cousin anon? We were only playing like how you and mommy were the other night!"

>> No.22303819

Looks like her backend is busy with service

>> No.22303866
File: 79 KB, 317x450, 212001053296b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22303976

Someone clearly hasn't read the elemental handbook from World Guide 2.

> And a dark matter grants her own power to the man who became her beloved husband, or rather, “covenanter”. Men who become covenanters become able to freely manipulate the black object, a mass of mamono mana which is regarded as the element of darkness, which dark matters, including the author, ride on, as if it were a part of their own body.

>> No.22303915

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, please don't laugh at the valks when they speak.
Yes, it may be a thick, swedish accent but that still doesn't mean you can laugh.

>> No.22303928
Quoted by: >>22303967

They don't turn into the orb. Like the Khepri, the Dark Matter just pumps mana into you until you're a superpowered incubus.
Any incubus or monster that reaches a certain threshold can generate demonic energy the same way Lilims, Dark Matters, and Kuroferuru's Sabbath branch do. It's becoming less special over time.

>> No.22303936
File: 1.29 MB, 707x1000, 76521752_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sadpanda is back
Thank god.

>> No.22303943

Remove chromatic aberration.

>> No.22303950

>Still nothing new

>> No.22303961
File: 303 KB, 971x701, lani_by_soup_plz_ddixa6w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304061

>> No.22303967

>Any incubus or monster that reaches a certain threshold can generate demonic energy the same way Lilims, Dark Matters, and Kuroferuru's Sabbath branch do. It's becoming less special over time.

You mean the "dark matter" spell? I wouldn't say its available to "any" incubus or monster. It takes more than just power to cast high level spells. Heck, dark matter isn't even a max cost when it comes to mana, rather it is max difficulty.

Also, covenanters using an equivalent spell of the element they have a covenant with will use a stronger version of the spell, so dark matter covenanters still have a special edge.

And lastly, its noted most men don't learn nymphomancy. They're primarily spells learned by monsters.

>> No.22303976

No, I haven't. I've mostly read WG3 spells and magic. I enjoyed reading about the magic tattoos/dark inscriptions just recently.

>> No.22303979
File: 440 KB, 2088x1724, EHjZFp1WoAE1jA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22304001
File: 136 KB, 707x1000, eli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfu butt.

>> No.22304015

I'd be more likely to drool.

>> No.22304016

Wolfu butt are for to play the bongos on.

>> No.22304022

all doggos are for doggystyle! Wolfus and Vulpines included.

>> No.22304024
File: 1.29 MB, 2026x2865, 77449445_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the succ (boat).

>> No.22304039
Quoted by: >>22304711

Who even the fuck is that supposed to be.

>> No.22304043
File: 494 KB, 775x798, Consequences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No childhood friend snek who makes it clear you belong to her.

>> No.22304059
File: 228 KB, 1200x1600, D6Oij_cXoAAwWOu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy snek!

>> No.22304061

Lilims are shit!

>> No.22304070
File: 195 KB, 1100x1554, EHjnqorU8AIxbCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22304075
Quoted by: >>22304093

Haughty shortstacks deserve being made into good house wives and cum dumps!

>> No.22304084
Quoted by: >>22304096

why so angery

>> No.22304091

what's so great about being a big tough monster girl's property?

>> No.22304093

She's almost literally asking for it with those horns.

>> No.22304094

I‘d rather hear a Finnish White Horn speak. Or rather, not speak.

>> No.22304096

you hurt her feelings by being way taller than her

>> No.22304098
Quoted by: >>22304100

You're protected and loved?

>> No.22304100

you can get that without being owned

>> No.22304104
File: 471 KB, 707x1000, 8DEEEB84-1544-4820-B5FC-12D89F5ED2EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22304109
Quoted by: >>22304130

Your life has purpose

>> No.22304112
File: 464 KB, 1700x1800, LeananSidhe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's chromatic aberration?

>> No.22304130
Quoted by: >>22304137

you're not a very tough man if you can't find a purpose without your waifu. hellhounds would assault weak boys like you easily no problem. but i'm a very self-conscious guy so i need to be a well-rounded and super chad so i can be happy and adventurous all the time.

>> No.22304137
Quoted by: >>22304153

>hellhounds would assault weak boys like you easily no problem
Yeah most of us know, that's kind of the point.

>> No.22304143
Quoted by: >>22304151

You know how those VHS effects where there’s a little green outline to one side and one red outline to the other? It’s like that. People sometimes overuse it in an effort to be spooky.

>> No.22304151
Quoted by: >>22304172

>where there’s a little green outline to one side and one red outline to the other?
Its blue-red, anon.

>> No.22304153

i can't argue with preferences but i still don't like the idea of being property or a slave. feels like a woman's position.

>> No.22304164

Scientifically speaking, it’s the result of a lens diffracting the light entering it. This causes the exit angles of the different wavelengths of light to differ and the color to “spread out”.

>> No.22304170

You're the one who asked though so if you don't like it why did you care enough to ask in the first place then mock when someone gave you an answer?

>> No.22304172


>> No.22304173

hull zero three

>> No.22304176

I adapt to that stuff pretty quickly.

>> No.22304200
File: 36 KB, 606x846, d3d46571d36a1232e6ab64cd46440b31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Order nun: those monsters won't be able to corrupt me now that I've got my anti-corruption suit

>> No.22304207

>anti-corruption suit
>bought directly from Definitely Not TanukiCorp I Swear™

>> No.22304210

I would like to corrupt this nun with my dick!

>> No.22304212
Quoted by: >>22304214

The suit is making me feel corrupt and giving me corrupt thoughts

>> No.22304214

That’s how you know it’s working! You’re getting corrupted instead of her!

>> No.22304222
Quoted by: >>22304381

If KDF's ramblings have taught me anything is that latex is the most wholesome thing in existence.

>> No.22304232
File: 1.21 MB, 1642x2412, holstaur71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no better fate than getting ganged up on by a group of desperately horny holsts. Just imagine hours upon hours of getting smothered in their tits, suckling their breasts, making out with them, getting licked all over by them, getting sucked off by them, and filling up all their holes with cum. You're gonna come out reeking of holst spit, pussy, and milk

Don't underestimate these cows. They are minotaurs after all.

>> No.22304235

how do i draw a man getting raped by a monster girl without making it look cringe-inducing? my mind is being driven wild by this fetish of mine from lack of monster-girl-on-man rape. i seek that thrill that i got from watching rape scenes from berserk, goblin slayer, and other shit. i really want to see doujins or anything of various mamono raping men so bad it's killing me, holy shit. i'm sorry if this is very weird thing to say but i just don't know how to be honest with my desire.

>> No.22304243
File: 73 KB, 532x200, Whythankyouanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can destroy fetishes by not playing into them, and ignoring them, anon.

>> No.22304244

Just have her on top, with glaring eyes and drool dripping from her mouth.

>> No.22304249

This but an Undead horde

>> No.22304250

reverse anal

>> No.22304254

Don't draw it as rape, just draw cuddle fucking

>> No.22304263

>Dragonia Immigration Bureau
1-1. Daily Life Information Section
Often human men who arrived in Dragonia for tourism, during their sightseeing, find wonderful mamono companions and decide to stay in this country on an ongoing basis. In the Empire of Dragons, we widely welcome such demonic husbands and wives, and to make the lives of a couple of new citizens in the Empire even better, we have created the Immigration Bureau. Among the visitors to this immigration bureau there are even those who come here with only what they were wearing.

>In addition, for a person who abruptly decided to live in Dragonia, that is, in a new place that he knows nothing about, it is natural to feel some anxiety. The section "Information about everyday life" was created just for those people who suffer from some anxiety, for men who were instantly fascinated by the local dragon-girls. It is also intended for young innocent monsters that came to us just a few days ago, we just talk to them about “life”

>1-2. Citizenship registration
There is no need for a complicated procedure, such as providing documents, or a detailed examination at the “Registration of Citizenship”, conducted by the Immigration Bureau! Before us, a person should only show the "form" of love for mamon and just get a sign of "sexually active consent" in response. That's all, registration is complete. The most common action for demonstrating love is still a hot kiss with Mamono Of course, if you don’t mind what we all will watch, you can do obscenities in this place A hot and passionate relationship with Mamono is the quality that we are looking for those who want to obtain the citizenship of Dragonia, a country that was built by hand-holding people and dragons For the demonic couple who completed the registration of citizenship, we provide real estate and some area of ​​land nearby - their new home in the Dragon Empire for the honeymoon of the "newlywed demonic couple."

Dragonia is really turning out to be the best place in MGEland and Dragonfags might end up being the guys who have it easiest in MGE.

You only need to show up at the immigration office and he gets a Dragon Girl to marry immediately and a home. And he likely can also describe his ideal Dragon Girl and a Dragon like that will come.

>> No.22304271
Quoted by: >>22304289

>Succubus' Key
>The power of the key effects not the door but the entire "room", it protects against all intruders from the outside, for example even if invading from the door or window, or breaking the walls or cieling etc. disturbances cannot enter the pink haze.
Sounds like it could make the ideal closed room for a series of rapes made by a mystery-obsessed sabbath!

>> No.22304286
Quoted by: >>22304320

oh my, that fox's hair and tail look so soft and warm. I wanna become her friend and have fun with her!

>> No.22304288

imagine how sweaty she must be in there

>> No.22304289
Quoted by: >>22304314

What if the building is burning down?

>> No.22304309

Tradwife orcs are for breeding!

>> No.22304314

I'd say that would count as a "disturbance" and be blocked by the pink haze.

>> No.22304316

What a happy Jiangshi

>> No.22304320
File: 161 KB, 827x580, 1532080621568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fall asleep in her fluff.

>> No.22304330
Quoted by: >>22304712

>citizenship exam is just a big sloppy makeout with your MG wife-to-be
now this is an inmmigration policy I can get behind

>> No.22304333
File: 436 KB, 800x700, [Sugar Sugar].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22304343

>winnie the pooh but they are all monstergirls, except for robin

>> No.22304344
Quoted by: >>22304356

You can't post this! Mr. Jinping will be very cross!!

>> No.22304349

>Oh bother... I'm so stuffed with fluff. I'm dummy thicc and the CLAP of my ASS CHEEKS alerted the bees...

>> No.22304356
File: 100 KB, 564x900, Ren Xiongmao 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god i like in Rencouver. I dont want to be PANDAD.

>> No.22304361

I will gladly accept any pandaning on your behalf.

>> No.22304377
File: 103 KB, 1383x885, EErKFOtXUAAiKY_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon thighs.

>> No.22304381
File: 197 KB, 1044x1122, EeZn03PT_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22304383
File: 1.50 MB, 1024x1280, 1525511503993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304387

>tfw no monstergirl to sleep with
>no lewd, just sleep
>tfw wake up and go to work once more, monstergirl-less

>> No.22304384
Quoted by: >>22304422

May I ask who the artist is? I can't seem to find him/her.

Twitter? DeviantArt?

>> No.22304387
File: 114 KB, 1074x1200, 1570517300806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like a big, strong, excessively loyal Dog Girl.

>> No.22304396
File: 141 KB, 1260x1260, 1525511509552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog girls are the goodest girls. Fluffy and cuddly, too.

>> No.22304405
Quoted by: >>22304414

What trend is he talking about?

>> No.22304414

I love this artists lips.

bubble tea.

>> No.22304422


>> No.22304425

Why is that volleyball smiling at me?

>> No.22304448

>Jun is working right now in a meaty panda monstergirl centered doujinshi

>> No.22304455

Little girls were built for wearing latex.

>> No.22304465

I agree with this 100%.

>> No.22304474
File: 153 KB, 900x1716, Headless_21d670_7360924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22304488
File: 303 KB, 860x1214, 1567033341303_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you escape when your oni gets the heart pupils?

>> No.22304494

get the legumes

>> No.22304496
Quoted by: >>22304521

offer her enough alcohol until she's too drunk to catch up to you and gets taken by another human man

>> No.22304497
Quoted by: >>22304499

Only 63 days until Christmas! Do you have any gifts in mind for your wife? How’s the time to start thinking about it.

>> No.22304499
Quoted by: >>22304514

It couldn't wait until after halloween?

>> No.22304505

she is annoyed and worried by my inability to be in the present and truly experience things. she tries very hard to help, but I'm not fixed yet. dissociative daydreaming is a bitch and a half.

>> No.22304514

Santa Nookie would have you shopping in July if she could.

>> No.22304516

tell me what the runes say

>> No.22304521
File: 51 KB, 339x298, 1530279936654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304525

>throwing your wife into another man's arms

>> No.22304525
Quoted by: >>22304528

oh shit i skipped passed that "your" part in his sentence, oops my bad

>> No.22304528

It's all daijoubu my man

>> No.22304533

Tell her to fetch her big tiddy muscluar sister.

>> No.22304563
Quoted by: >>22304575

What way do you guys think aphrodite/venus swing in the demon lord vs chief god war?

>> No.22304565
File: 748 KB, 2200x2137, 20191024_001611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really suck at fighting so I could never get a Hinezumi waifu..... but I really, REALLY want to fuck a Hinezumi with abs.

>> No.22304573

Splash one and take her while she's wet. Just keep her away from ladders or babies and be the first to say that you don't want any trouble.

>> No.22304575
Quoted by: >>22304610

Same as Eros. Technically neutral, but love often benefits the monsters more.

>> No.22304587

I don't. But I hope my wife does

>> No.22304610

You would think the chief god would give the boot to the goddess that benefits massively from monster victory and is fine with her Angels monsterizing.

>> No.22304615
File: 257 KB, 1386x1052, EHk-4LwU0AAfdbE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordinary dragons are spectacular.

>> No.22304622

She's chief in name only. Her boot has no weight at the present.

>> No.22304636
Quoted by: >>22304668

I forget, do Ryu live in Dragonia? If they do, I know where I need to go.

>> No.22304653

>And he likely can also describe his ideal Dragon Girl and a Dragon like that will come.
>I have no clue I just want one to pick me up and fly me away so I can stop thinking.
The quickest way to be picked up, followed closely by "one that can successfully take on me".

>> No.22304668

Makes sense that they would.

>> No.22304699
Quoted by: >>22305900

>Dragonfags might end up being the guys who have it easiest in MGE.
Eh, not necessarily, for a couple reasons:
1. It’s all relative. If this is how easy immigration is to a place run by prideful dragons, imagine how it is in other exotic locales that have a bias towards more naturally accommodating species.
2. The place is fantastic, but there’s only one of it. And the MGE planet is massive compared to earth. Life may be easy street once you get there, but it’s going to be one hell of a journey to get there.
In fact I’d say you kinda prove your dedication to dragons just by showing up, since it means you traveled a long, long distance without deciding to settle at any of the other locales along the way, some of which are no doubt equally fantastic in their own ways.

>> No.22304705

The Chief has been for all intents and purposes overthrown, given how quickly the moment she became incapacitated Poseidon became a helper of monsters and Eros a benefitting monsters so much, it is very likely the other gods only obeyed the chiefs because they ruled through fear.

>> No.22304711

Iirc its a character beast made for an abandoned story

>> No.22304712
Quoted by: >>22304735

>registration is a kiss with a mamono
But what if a a particularly "pushy" dragon drags you there and makes you kiss her?

>> No.22304735

You’re already married, you just don’t realize it yet.
Remember what the world guide says about monsters whose body has already begun to recognize a man as their husband.

>> No.22304748
File: 691 KB, 900x506, 132687743554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22304757

Beeg plants.

>> No.22304753
Quoted by: >>22304854

I'm a super lazy and sloppy mastah

>> No.22304757

Western shit

>> No.22304769
Quoted by: >>22304774

>Dark Matter on the other side of the world recognizes me as husband through scrying over the world
What happens?

>> No.22304774
Quoted by: >>22304784

A mile wide path of demon realm draws a straight line across half the world to your doorstep. Or she could teleport, but that's no fun.

>> No.22304784
Quoted by: >>22304802

Would I start to feel her influence beforehand?

>> No.22304793

But i just met her a minute ago!

>> No.22304802

I doubt it. You'd get whatever half a mile or so grants you at the speed she'd likely be traveling. Past that, you could romanticize it a bit and say there could be a tingle on the back of your neck, but you wouldn't be afforded the time to do anything silly like run.

>> No.22304847

it's a shame every part of her is so developed except her tail

>> No.22304854

Wouldn't Kikis like that?

>> No.22304856
Quoted by: >>22304927

Kikis would hate that, shogs would lave lazy bastards.

>> No.22304860

Kikis want to make their masters perfect

>> No.22304870
File: 182 KB, 591x893, m4yEWUJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307438

>Dragon Leia
>Affiliation: Dragon-Knight of Dragonia
>Character: Stubborn, proud (obedient, kind in certain conditions)

>She... Leia is a dragon who has lived alone for a very long time and therefore is familiar with people only by hearsay. It seems that she is trained as an guide, but it is worth talking to her and you will understand that she is the wildest of all dragon knights. After all, for her, human beings are still "creatures that need to be guarded and protected." And even during the tour, you can become the object of her overprotection, as the most valuable treasure.

Dragion warrior girl with abs that is also very protective. Yes!

>> No.22304871

And that's exactly why kiki>shog

>> No.22304873
Quoted by: >>22304881

Perfect at having sex with their maid

>> No.22304881

You're saying that as if it's not a valid dream to pursue

>> No.22304895

Kikis practice their control and tightness by clamping down on a dildo molded from their master's penis when he's off at work.

>> No.22304927
Quoted by: >>22304946

That's why I feel kind of conflicted about shogs. For me complete subservience without waifu pushing me towards being a better person doesn't feel like equal relationship, or relationship at all. On other hand, shogs have that indescribable allure that kikis don't, so there's that.

>> No.22304946
Quoted by: >>22304994

I can't do shogs because they'd be content to let you wallow in mediocrity or less. As far as I'm concerned, a nudge to be better and plenty of support (and sexual stress relief) would be ideal. And yeah, a more equal relationship is generally preferable. The eldritch ability to be whatever you want would be nice and all, but I'm willing to forego that.

>> No.22304958
File: 143 KB, 868x1228, 1567518214143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is sponsored by the International Kikimora Housekeeping Association

>> No.22304976
Quoted by: >>22304981

>Implying they're wrong

>> No.22304981
Quoted by: >>22304988

It's not about being right or wrong, it's about letting everyone know that thisisapaidadvertisement.Iamarapedspokesperson.

>> No.22304986
Quoted by: >>22304992

How much to hire a loli Kiki?

>> No.22304988
Quoted by: >>22305019

It's still not wrong, even if it is a paid advertisement

>> No.22304989

I want to repeatedly cum inside a Hellhound until her belly has cumflated and her eyes get heart pupils.

>> No.22304992
Quoted by: >>22304995

Your first daughter must join their services to make up for her mother leaving once she comes of age

>> No.22304994
Quoted by: >>22305022

>I can't do shogs because they'd be content to let you wallow in mediocrity or less
Exactly, it just doesn't feel right, at all. After all, if you really love someone, you want what's best for them, right? And allowing them to stagnate or worse, encouraging their bad habits, is as far from 'the best' as it can be. And shogs basically do that to make their masters more dependant on them, which is actually the whole point, I know looks more like an obsession than true love. Either that, or shogs don't really understand what the fuck is this love thing is supposed to be like, so you'd have to teach her that.
Perfect maid would be shog with a mindset of kiki.

>> No.22304995
File: 159 KB, 900x750, 1536919433152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22305003

>comes of age
I don't think I'll let that happen!

>> No.22305003

>Implying a cosmetic change can keep them from taking her away
You agreed to a contract. Now pay your due

>> No.22305009

>not the SKSR
You are no longer my Товарищ.

>> No.22305014
Quoted by: >>22305033

>kikis are diligent and responsible anough to organise their own association
Score one for team kiki yet again

>> No.22305019

Of course the message is still right, but our demon lawyers insist that we make sure anyone encountering our ads know that thisadwassponsoredbyTanukiCorp. Monsterpussyisknownbytheattorneygeneraltobeanaddictivesubstanceandmayleadtolove. You know, the usual stuff.

>> No.22305020
Quoted by: >>22305023

>Kikimora organised labour
The kiki union ensure that all masters end up marrying their maids

>> No.22305022

>Perfect maid would be shog with a mindset of kiki.
Hit her with a mindflayer. Wait. Would that work? You can't flay slime, can you? Can you flay a core? I assume the whole non-Euclidean thing wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.22305023
Quoted by: >>22305070

Only once she's tendicked that means once you've cum in her ten times you're contractually obligated to marry her.

>> No.22305033

And yet an organized proletariat is a blight upon society. One point from Kikidor.

>> No.22305036
Quoted by: >>22305039

>Hit her with a mindflayer
Uh, gotta help me out on that, Jimmy, what would that do, exactly?

>> No.22305037

not if they genuinely want to make the lives of their masters better

>> No.22305039
Quoted by: >>22305045

>what would that do, exactly?
Pretty much whatever the fuck you (both) want, mentally. Assuming it could be done.

>> No.22305042

Couldn't we just swap a shog core with a more tractable slime?
Like, find a dedicated maid, infect her with a pink slime, eject the shog core, shove the pink slime into the vacant hole.

>> No.22305045

Well I don't see why not. Stranger things have happened.

>> No.22305051
Quoted by: >>22305056

>an organized proletariat is a blight on society
>an organized blue collar class working to organize and elevate themselves above being nothing but the blue collar working class is a blight
Found the monopolist.

>> No.22305056
Quoted by: >>22305068

Anon, you shouldn't be attempting this level of SCIENCE without the supervision of a lich or something. For that matter, just leaving the parasite slime (I assume that's what you meant) in the maid seems like a decent middle ground. I don't recall pslimes having cores, so that'd just be weird.

Know your place, boyim.

>> No.22305057
File: 327 KB, 2048x1446, bigwife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new wife picture! Is your wife a big gal?

>> No.22305059


>> No.22305061
Quoted by: >>22305109


>> No.22305063
Quoted by: >>22305068

That's just nasty and bad.

>> No.22305068

I dunno. Just treat the maid as the core then.
The only thing nasty and bad is that that shog core ain't in the garbage bin yet.

>> No.22305070
Quoted by: >>22305077

Does anal count?

>> No.22305077

Of course! Any of a maid's four holes count. Not that it really matter; letting her bring you to orgasm once at all without marrying her will make you feel like you're kicking a Slavic chick-puppy so you'll feel obligated to marry her even if the contract doesn't dictate it.

>> No.22305078

>The only thing nasty and bad is that that shog core ain't in the garbage bin yet.
I know shogs are weird, but that's a bit excessive

>> No.22305081
Quoted by: >>22305853

I feel like you're better off imagining some insane shog who limits herself to mundane geometries wants a master who, while still silly, wants to become less so. The setting allows for that. Or you could do a hybrid of sorts, though a shog slime carrier sounds kind of terrifying.

>The only thing nasty and bad is that that shog core ain't in the garbage bin yet.
Now, now. We must be accepting.

>> No.22305082

Fuck that noise. Commitment over ceremony
>4 holes
>Mouth, pussy, asshole
What's the fourth?

>> No.22305083
Quoted by: >>22305513

Is this officially from the Dragonia stuff of MGE?

>> No.22305090

>letting her bring you to orgasm once at all without marrying her will make you feel like you're kicking a Slavic chick-puppy so you'll feel obligated to marry her even if the contract doesn't dictate it.
True that.

>> No.22305092 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>22305096

Marriage IS the commitment to a monster.

>"What's the fourth?"
>He doesn't know

>> No.22305095

Commitment IS the marirage to a monster.

>"What's the fourth?"
>He doesn't know

>> No.22305096
Quoted by: >>22305112

Just tell me what the fourth hole is, faggot. And remember we're talking about kikis, not manticores

>> No.22305109

I laughed really hard.

>> No.22305112
Quoted by: >>22305147

Manticores have five holes. Unfortunately, I'm not able to tell you what the fourth hole is; you'll have to spend a long, long time thinking about it. You have fallen for one of the basic tenets of Mai-Do.

>> No.22305131

Actually, you're right. I wouldn't last even one round without proposing to her.
To have sex with kiki ten times and still not want to make her as wife and never let go you'd have to have a literal heart of stone.

>> No.22305147

>You have fallen for one of the basic tenets of Mai-Do
who would be a stronger practitioner of Mai-Do, shog or kiki

>> No.22305201
Quoted by: >>22305215

Suck my bigger-than-yours dick

>> No.22305215

I'll need to see some proof as that is a BOLD claim.

>> No.22305270

Based spammer.

>> No.22305303
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, 1505869927215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22305404

I wanna breed a shortstack hinezumi

>> No.22305437
File: 1.11 MB, 921x2014, 1515576125175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22305446
Quoted by: >>22305847

Oh man, it sure would be embarrassing if a little fairy managed to overpower you and rape you, hahaha!

>> No.22305513
File: 109 KB, 600x714, 1481070585724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22305583

Yes, a fair bit more has been fan translated on MGR: http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewforum.php?f=40

>> No.22305583

So from what I understand, dragon girls will leave you unmolested after beating you in a fight if you're too weak for them.

What a bunch of pretentious whores!! How dare they!!
I deserve free sex!!

>> No.22305590

You don't just get to be a dragon layer on your first try, kid.

>> No.22305597
Quoted by: >>22305619

Uh I don't think anything says that about dragons in general. Some of them have lizardman-style values, but in general if they want a guy they won't care how weak he is, but they'll be dominant over him if he is weaker than them.

>> No.22305619 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>22305678

No fair! Just because they don't want to have sex with me doesn't mean they get to not have sex with me!

Cringe blue-pilled SJW feminazi bullshit

>> No.22305678
File: 102 KB, 454x640, 1571507685470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22305683

Anon, please don't.

>> No.22305683
Quoted by: >>22305831

Shoggy sing me a song of Unknown Kadath

>> No.22305746
Quoted by: >>22305752

why are dragons so lewd?

>> No.22305752

Not many thoughts fit inside a reptile brain.

>> No.22305788

I love guided breast grabs

>> No.22305789

It's from a /tg/ drawthread from 2016.

>> No.22305794
Quoted by: >>22305805


>> No.22305797


>> No.22305805


>> No.22305809

Ah 2016
Fresh out of uni and thinking I had a bright future ahead of me

>> No.22305831
File: 17 KB, 441x387, 8879413245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22305849

There was a guy called Randolph Carter,
He searched for the Unknown Kadath.
Long was his journey and arduous.
Did he found what he searched for?
Who the fuck knows.
Such is the life in the Dreamlands.

>> No.22305847

It would be pretty amazing.

>> No.22305849

>song has no tune, no rhymes
>black water is falling off of my walls now
T-thanks Shoggy

>> No.22305853

Ah shog carrier would be the ultimate maid.:

>> No.22305900
Quoted by: >>22305912

Do you think monster friendly villages have districts designed to emulate other cultures? Like, our Chinatowns, is there a Little Zipangu in every major city where all the Yokai live?

>> No.22305912

Maybe but I doubt it's been globalized enough. That would definitely start happening after the demon lord fully wins.

>> No.22305926
File: 994 KB, 1629x2461, 77453869_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22305945

>> No.22305945
Quoted by: >>22306095

Dumb naked corpse.

>> No.22305969
File: 3.29 MB, 2581x3718, 77386504_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22305983
File: 156 KB, 1200x1129, Arachnae_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragonia is really turning out to be the best place in MGEland and Dragonfags might end up being the guys who have it easiest in MGE.

They can keep it.

I like the Romeo-and-Juliet aspect of monstergirl relations: that you're from different worlds (human town vs. live in a fucking swamp), that to start with you're terrified and disgusted by her, that you have different ideas of relationship dynamics (something normal vs. breeding slave), that if you try to cohabit human zealots will try to crucify her, that despite all this you want to protect each others' smile...

Just getting handed your comfy laifu with your selected waifu on Day 1 seems like, idk, missing the point

>> No.22305990

thick tailed mg's are to be proposed to by putting a big ring on her tail

>> No.22305997
File: 2.85 MB, 2105x1488, Hinezumi_Barb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306028

Fight with your mind, not with your fists.
Concealed bucket of water and she's your smolmaus to rape to your heart's content

>> No.22306014

>Just getting handed your comfy laifu with your selected waifu on Day 1 seems like, idk, missing the point
I worked hard enough for it by not killing myself when I was born to this world where dragons aren't available. Lasting long enough for the portals to open makes me a champion of life.

>> No.22306019
Quoted by: >>22306049

Why not have both? Dragonia can just be your eventual destination once all the early troubles you mentioned are dealt with.

>> No.22306028

Best make sure its a big bucket and that you aim well. A lot of anons seems to ignore that the profile says "a lot" of water has to be poured on them to take advantage of the weakness.

>> No.22306049
File: 513 KB, 489x1000, Toad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306065

The first critter to jump out of the swamp and rape you isn't an "early trouble" anon, she's your waifu who shows you the error of your power-fetishizing ways with her body until you realise you didn't really want a dragon girl anyway.

>> No.22306055
File: 190 KB, 493x493, 1571899472438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>portals open
>monstergirls arrive
>they're AHOBAKA's monstergirls

>> No.22306057

Just shog would be more than enough.

>> No.22306065

I was more assuming the scenario was a wild dragon passing over a town and spotting a villager she liked the look of (the profile notes this sort of thing does happen). Cue kidnapping and the various things listed by the earlier anon.

>> No.22306069

>off topic image

>> No.22306095


>> No.22306096

His vanilla doujins are fine. As long as it was only them it would be okay.

>> No.22306115

Fuck off.

>> No.22306142
File: 288 KB, 470x329, Wurmtender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me drinks

>> No.22306165
Quoted by: >>22306305

I want a succ to fuck me like this.

>> No.22306167
File: 450 KB, 992x1403, Echidna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

echidna's made mariomaker

>> No.22306173
File: 490 KB, 800x713, 1464539546980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306190

What kind do you want?

>> No.22306188
File: 554 KB, 1200x1200, Fertilizer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306270


>> No.22306190

Is that thing on the top right even a bottle?
And if yes whats in it?
Pomegranate cider

>> No.22306200

Echidnas idea of home makeover is adding a 7 floor dungeon to it

>> No.22306227
File: 176 KB, 913x626, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306237

Beware the loli cows

>> No.22306237
Quoted by: >>22306327

Why? She looks totally harmless.

>> No.22306270

I don't get it.

>> No.22306274
Quoted by: >>22306286

Because echidnas are really fertile, get it?

>> No.22306279
Quoted by: >>22307286

How does it feel to get BLUEBERRY'd?

>> No.22306286

Fertilizer is made with poop.

>> No.22306297
File: 151 KB, 860x1200, EHlAdS9VUAALVhs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22306305

God I wish a Salamander would do that to me.

>> No.22306327
File: 1.77 MB, 2150x3035, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what she wants you to think

>> No.22306329

Have you even considered shog-queen?

>> No.22306350

He might be on the right track if you consider a Kikimora Shog-carrier.

>> No.22306361
File: 124 KB, 883x1279, salamander_blocks_your_path.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306461

I wonder how happy she will get if I pulled out my sword with either of us saying a word

>> No.22306368
Quoted by: >>22306424

That's just maid overload

>> No.22306399
File: 599 KB, 835x1285, Mershark_MegaMilk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does shark milk taste like?

>> No.22306419
Quoted by: >>22306433

rancid milk but the good kind

>> No.22306424
File: 56 KB, 170x600, meidos contrasting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just how I like it.

>> No.22306427

Equally important question:
Do those funbags have the sharkskin effect?

>> No.22306432

>Meido Adventure 2: Battle

>> No.22306433
Quoted by: >>22306453

You mean buttermilk?

>> No.22306435
Quoted by: >>22306495

You fuck her heart with kindness and caring
but not with your pp because that's gross

>> No.22306450


>> No.22306453
Quoted by: >>22306472

buttermilk is the leftover fluids when churning butter. i doubt the mershark is made of butter

>> No.22306455

Argh, why do they both have to be so pretty.

>> No.22306461
File: 572 KB, 1112x1400, 1526263720537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be funny if an extremely powerful adventurer beat her and refused to marry her because she was the weak one. Her training for a rematch would make a good tv show

>> No.22306472

Sure she is. All sea creatures have blubber to keep them warm in cold water!

>> No.22306495

>You fuck her heart with kindness and caring
So basically the same thing kiki does to her master

>> No.22306539
Quoted by: >>22307127

I want to accidentally make a warrior loli harem

>> No.22306604

Not gonna lie, for all her faults I'd still pick shog over kiki.

>> No.22306658

Just a shog carrier.

This kiki shog carrier is the ultimate.

>> No.22306664

Maidpill me guys. Why would I want a maid waifu?

>> No.22306694
Quoted by: >>22306738

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.22306698

pampering mastah is the purest form of love.

>> No.22306711
File: 995 KB, 1000x1414, 39B13EB4-1239-400E-B6F9-D368D73F6F8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don’t know why you’d want a maid when the alternative is a wife.
They do have nice outfits, but nothing stops roleplay.

>> No.22306738

That was my sentiment, and part of why I asked. I wondered if I was missing something.

I'm just wondering what sets maids apart from other mamono.

But Wurms, Devils, Dryads, Nurarihyon, and Runya Familiars pamper their husbands as well.

>> No.22306740

Y’know, I only just now noticed that heart in the tails. Truly this is peak maid.

>> No.22306745

A loyal maid always staying by your side...
Doing her best for you...
You'll feel immense gratitude, and wish there would be something you could do for her in return.

>> No.22306756

But all mamono are loyal, and would always stay by your side. And quite a few actively do their best at anything they do.
What makes maids stand out?

>> No.22306770
Quoted by: >>22306779

kikimora pussy tastes good

>> No.22306773
Quoted by: >>22306808

I want MAMONO MANA or magical items to give a small kiki that shog's breasts. Then I want to keep going.

>> No.22306779

Wouldn't any mamono?

>> No.22306790
Quoted by: >>22306864

A wife arguably fits all of that to an even greater degree.

>> No.22306808
Quoted by: >>22306833

Big meaty kiki?

>> No.22306811

Yes, but kiki pussy is part of a balanced breakfast.

>> No.22306822

>But all mamono are loyal, and would always stay by your side.

>> No.22306833

Not necessarily, the juxtaposition there just triggered my breast expansion fetish and made me imagine a kiki that, when given a horn hair band, could easily be mistaken for a cosplaying holst.

>> No.22306840

large slug pussy tastes really sour.

>> No.22306864

I was under the impression we were talking about the maid fetish in general.
Oh yeah, of course the romance of master servant relationship and overcoming the status barrier.
For mge it's just combining two fetishes and giving your waifu some sort of a backstory.
In mge nearly anything could apply to everything if you wanted it hard enough.

>> No.22306865
Quoted by: >>22306942

I think Kikis and Shogs compliment each other so wonderfully. A Kiki to push you to be your best because she believes in you, a Shog to catch you when you can't quite make it and just need to rest. I normally feel really guilty about bigamy and harems but for whatever reason I can easily imagine a really happy family with the maids, at least after initial slice-of-life misunderstandings and rivalry.

>> No.22306942
Quoted by: >>22306979

It's not like a kiki wouldn't still comfort you if you failed. I doubt an earnest best effort would invoke stern maid mode if you just weren't quite good enough. The real difference between kiki and shog temperament is that a kiki will push you to try and rape you if you don't. Speaking strictly of profile personality defaults, if you actually want to do stuff just a kiki is all you need.

>> No.22306943
File: 153 KB, 434x600, Skel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22306991

Real dead hours


>> No.22306979
Quoted by: >>22307048

Sure, but if you told a Shog "I am going to try X, please support me without carrying me" then she would do so too. I guess I see Kikis closer to mothers, where their primary interest is "raising" you and having fun is distinctly second place, whereas Shogs are closer to big sisters, where their primary interest is having fun with you while "raising" you is distinctly second place. You kind of need both to be a better person while also being happy.

>> No.22306991
File: 425 KB, 2020x2048, 1571100771073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307023


>> No.22307023
Quoted by: >>22307054

What is that? A fish?

>> No.22307036

if i had pups, i'd hope i don't have a loli kobold humping my leg like some dogs do because it'll look weird

>> No.22307048
Quoted by: >>22307143

>she would do so too.
After being told to, if she even understands fully how to do that. Meanwhile, the kiki would always be on the lookout for ways to help better you and she would understand or proactively work to understand. That's the rub, "raising" you isn't on a shog's agenda at all, not second, third, or fourth place. I don't know how many would agree with that last sentence, either; a caring big sister is a nicety, but hardly a requirement for happiness in success. It's not like there wouldn't be plenty of fun with a kiki along the road or once you reach your destination, either.

>> No.22307054

An ascidian.

>> No.22307056

What would your kobold waifu look like?

>> No.22307061
File: 334 KB, 3000x3600, XrMXRjO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307118

I'd let my shog do the most kinky shit to me, like enveloping me whole and fucking me from inside herself

>> No.22307075
File: 117 KB, 850x458, sample-1a72b1391d0e3b4de05f45ddfebb1c10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307133

>> No.22307118
File: 2.22 MB, 1892x1500, shogv5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'd let my shog do the most kinky shit to me
You wanna get eldritch horrors?
'Cos that's how you get eldritch horrors.

>> No.22307127
Quoted by: >>22307166

>warrior loli harem
>airhead loli Salamander
>serious loli Ochimusha
>tsundere loli Amazon
All with similar bodies to that Salamander picture

>> No.22307133
Quoted by: >>22307147

>two pussies fucking a bitch.

>> No.22307135

Please Shoggy keep it 20 words or less.

>> No.22307134

>You wanna get eldritch horrors?
That's a common nickname for shoglets, so he probably does.

>> No.22307143
Quoted by: >>22307212

I don't necessarily mean a mother or big sister is required for success and happiness, but a "let's work" and "let's play/relax" balance is necessary. So in Work Mode, I imagine a Kiki acting like a secretary taking care of all your mindless busywork like printing while you do the hard stuff on your super-efficient Shogware computer, while in "Relaxation/Play Mode" you do silly things like have a Shog watergun fight while the Kiki fondly watches on and makes sure you don't injure yourselves. And even then, I imagine the Kiki teaching the Shog about "proper" maid techniques and the Shog teaching the Kiki how to loosen up sometimes. Though at that point I'm probably going to deep into developing individual waifus rather than interpreting the profile as written.

>> No.22307147


>> No.22307166

Exactly, all very bottom heavy pears after me when I beat them in battle.

>> No.22307169

I want to corrupt a hardened battle nun with my dick!

>> No.22307176

It means she’s shit

>> No.22307191

Would you rather have all your household items turn into tsukumogami (and have a harem), or have a shog assimilate everything in your house and including your whole house?
or have shog assimilating all your tsukumogami and have tsumogamicarrier/parasite-shog-queen?

>> No.22307205
Quoted by: >>22307225

I’d rather have my one (1) wife.

>> No.22307207

Y'know, growing up with shit like 'Toy Story' and 'The Christmas Toy' left me living life under the assumption of the former.

>> No.22307210
File: 602 KB, 1200x1500, 77446012_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22307212

>I'm probably going to deep into developing individual waifus rather than interpreting the profile as written.
That's it. You probably would expect more out there fun with a shog rather than a kiki, though. You know, aside from the eldritch stuff.

>> No.22307213
Quoted by: >>22307237

What about a Shog Carrier that has incorperated everything, but is not a queen. Is that a possible answer?

>> No.22307225
Quoted by: >>22307254

Who is she?

>> No.22307237


>> No.22307254

Does it matter?
I just think that most situations like that would be far too ‘busy’ to be enjoyable.
We’d already have our hands full with each other/our professions/the kids, multiplying that by several other wives just sounds excessive and takes away from her.

>> No.22307262
File: 150 KB, 1200x1380, Oc+inktober+23+necromancer+gf+trigger+medium+new+mention+list_cd7f71_7361757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22307286
File: 267 KB, 628x954, 63205020_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307331

Quite comfy, actually.

>> No.22307302
Quoted by: >>22307585

yeah wouldn’t that be super weird to want haha

>> No.22307331
Quoted by: >>22307427

I like the idea of life with a laid back demon.

>> No.22307427

I now imagined a demon with a backward cap eating crazy dips saying: Anon lets do something radical.

>> No.22307438
File: 23 KB, 250x263, i5smgLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to always mouth to mouth feed your Dragon bodyguard waifu and tell her how safe you feel with her.

>> No.22307439
File: 222 KB, 1297x1400, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307527

>> No.22307505


>> No.22307523

>When the unripe fruit picks you

>> No.22307527

Gonna get my doughragon sweets!

>> No.22307537

Going to defeat a lolimander and tell her to come back when she's got a little bit more meat to her bones.

>> No.22307585


>> No.22307593
Quoted by: >>22307600

Cursed Sword Apophis

>> No.22307599

Anon no! She may come back a pai loli or, worse, fat!

>> No.22307600

i almost read that as cursed apple

>> No.22307607

MG waifus for the enterprising conqueror?

>> No.22307641

What's the strong point of your wife/wives appearance?

>> No.22307658
Quoted by: >>22307703

Okay just to be clear, that is from the MGE World Guide about Dragonia yes?

If so, can I has source or link to that please?

>> No.22307662
File: 229 KB, 1131x1600, Manticore Headpats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody wants to cause trouble around you, because no one wants to start a fight with someone twice their size and venom to boot.

>> No.22307703


>> No.22307709
File: 275 KB, 1655x2415, Full v2 smol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure.I would say its her sllime, but at the same time it might her garb.

>> No.22307748
File: 2.70 MB, 2400x3200, Gorgopsid_Shrink_Fangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her abs.

>> No.22307778
File: 3.97 MB, 2122x2619, UnagiJoro15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unagi Joro
Exotic features that are interesting to touch but not entirely distracting most of the time, knows how to slut up normal clothes which absolutely destroys my dick.

BIG FUCKIN' TITTIES and a figure so bodacious and soft even normal clothes look hot. Some floof is also a bonus.

Blue skin, black sclera, and her demonic motif makes anything you do with her feel forbidden. There are also a good number of monster bits to feel up which also act as erogenous zones and she knows how to pick out her gear for sexy time.

>> No.22307790
File: 93 KB, 680x876, Most+likely+canon_40e153_7362891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307816

>tfw no dragon momster

>> No.22307816
Quoted by: >>22307822

Wurms make the best momsters!

>> No.22307822

>tfw you graduate high school before your Wurm momster

>> No.22307856

Umi Osho trying to help with a man's chelonaphobia would be quite an experience for both of them

>> No.22307884

Too bad I'm not into dragons.

>> No.22307912


>> No.22307929
Quoted by: >>22307982

>Be a soldier from the turn of the era
>Notice all the monsters your were supposed to fight and kill are suddenly turning into beautiful, loving women
>Ambassadors from the Royal Demon Realm are proclaiming an era of peace between man and monster
>You remember your captain told you about how his wife and children were killed by monsters long ago
>You go out to search for him, and find him kneeling in front of the grave of his deceased family in full combat gear
>He gets up and turns around, walking towards you. He says he can’t live in peace with monsters after what they did to him
>He draws his sword and asks for one final fight with you, a duel to the death to put him to rest

>> No.22307933 [SPOILER] 
File: 277 KB, 342x782, 1571950231741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22307951


>> No.22307935
Quoted by: >>22307975

The thighs. She wears stockings and heels, and always crosses her legs and sits like a Queen while she "Ohohohoho"s.

>> No.22307947

Going to defeat a lolimander, get too turned on by her athletic pear body and teach her what sex is like on the spot. And when she comes back with an another challenge like nothing happened the next day, give in to lust even further and conquer her ass too.

>> No.22307951
Quoted by: >>22307964


>> No.22307960

The song more than a feeling

>> No.22307964 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1419x829, 1571950601564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22307975
Quoted by: >>22307996


>> No.22307982

>before you can even pull your sword a hand burst from the ground.
>Suddenly a few more
>before you even know it his wife and children come back to life.
>seeing this miracle causes him to break down.
>crying into his newly revived wifes bosom.
>The love is so great a houri pops into existence as a result.
>Can do nothing but watch the entire family reunite.

>> No.22307984

She's very tall.

>> No.22307987
File: 1.25 MB, 2392x2224, 6QDd4QgZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22308060

>> No.22307996

Dark Slime, but I wouldn't mind if she cosplayed a Vamp for me.

>> No.22308048
File: 1.17 MB, 953x1100, 1569490076216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F___ ratas?

>> No.22308056
Quoted by: >>22308240


>> No.22308058
Quoted by: >>22308240


>> No.22308060
Quoted by: >>22308594

I do not like this picture its smug aura mocks me and lilims are SHIT!

>> No.22308063
Quoted by: >>22308240


>> No.22308087
File: 64 KB, 600x977, 1552768681510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which youkais are shrine maidens cool with and which youkais are shrine maidens hateful towards?

>> No.22308107
Quoted by: >>22308240


>> No.22308108
File: 177 KB, 569x601, 1502998825209.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22308200


>> No.22308115
Quoted by: >>22308135

if my waifu dies and comes back as an undead do I get to keep the insurance money?

>> No.22308125

I don't care, I just want to hang with the soft librarian.

>> No.22308135

I don't think that insurance companies would cover monsters that can come back from the dead

>> No.22308141
Quoted by: >>22308214

Pesky Tanuki. Someone should show them who's boss!

>> No.22308154

Her big black wings.

>> No.22308166
File: 64 KB, 718x644, Hmmm_d7a622_7363025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22308184

Wouldn’t that include humans to, at least females? As almost all undead are made from human females. And how would life insurance companies even still get money when your loved ones can just be raised?

>> No.22308199 [SPOILER] 
File: 117 KB, 264x261, 1571953363307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22308233

>> No.22308200
Quoted by: >>22308223

is aun a lion-dog?

>> No.22308206

I want a pai loli remmy!

>> No.22308214

What benefits are there for a permanent mutual partnership with a Tanuki?

>> No.22308223
File: 63 KB, 361x408, Ceiling Aunn is always watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is indeed a very cute komainu.

>> No.22308228
File: 858 KB, 1185x1400, 77070227_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mofu queen!

>> No.22308233

Why is she looking at me like that? I haven't done anything wrong.

>> No.22308234

When growing more corrupted there should be; yes, gaining perks BUT also drawbacks from the gradual loss of their humanity would be cool. Corruption never gets the proper representation on my opinion.

>> No.22308235

More like soft queen.

>> No.22308237

She is the mofu queen!
Hot is she!
Only seventeen!

>> No.22308240
File: 140 KB, 680x558, EFW5pbFX4AAk4Ph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All correct.

>> No.22308246
File: 209 KB, 1548x2048, 1565397269134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullying my hellhound wife by repeatedly calling her a "Good girl"

>> No.22308259
File: 459 KB, 595x842, 1542810246894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I'd be a target for a Cheshire. What monsters do you think you'd attract?

>> No.22308264
File: 322 KB, 1190x1684, 1563291492702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22308268

Probably nerds or weebs.

>> No.22308274

Desperate ones

>> No.22308280

>Like telling stories, so Sylph and Titania
>Like performing and writing music, so Leanan Sidhe, Apsara, and Gandharva
>Like reverse traps, so Alp
>Protective of people around me, so Valkyrie, Living Armor, and Alice
>Fascinated by the occult, so Chaos and Sabbath mamono
>Incredibly curious, so Hakutaku
>Indecisive, so Bicorn, Dryad, and Nurarihyon
>Too many kinks and fetishes and fantasies to reasonably list, so Diamond Trumpart

>> No.22308290
Quoted by: >>22308561

What happens if you call her a bad girl?

>> No.22308342

>Teacher, Fighter, somewhat okay with science, well-versed in old cinema, fantastic memory/learning ability
>Introverted/schizoid as fuck

The heart has an idea of what it wants, but can't seem to settle or express it (maids, dragons, lizards/salamanders, sharks, any of the Eros girls). Meanwhile, the mind just doesn't care.

>> No.22308371

But anon, that's my wife!

>> No.22308406

>Nerdy, submissive but have a few kinks I want to be on the giving end off, willing to bend my morals for knowledge.

If I don't end up captured by a Dark Elf or a Manticore first I would probably join the Sabbath.

>> No.22308433
File: 327 KB, 891x900, Skeleton8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skeletons native to zipangu are hone-onna monster girls

>> No.22308448

Funfact, the detachable limbs make them excellent onaholes.

>> No.22308465

meaty tail

>> No.22308475

skeletons are bad

>> No.22308478
Quoted by: >>22308530

Oversized bust for one and the chub on the other

>> No.22308498

You're on point about Demons, and it's also what would make a loli Demon extra alluring.

>Blue skin, black sclera, and her demonic motif makes anything you do with her feel forbidden. There are also a good number of monster bits to feel up which also act as erogenous zones
The demonic look on a lewd loli that acts confident despite being young, inexperienced and sensitive certainly has a slightly different kind of invitation reading between the lines. Adding the tail, ears, wings and horns as additional erogenous zones makes it so she's definitely meant to get every inch of her sexually bullied and dominated as a reward for her seduction efforts.

>and she knows how to pick out her gear for sexy time
Imagine a little fat-bottomed blueberry succ in high heels, a garter belt and thighhighs

>> No.22308529

I'm not particularly noteworthy in any way. I don't see any mamono being drawn to me in particular. If I were in MGE world, if I got a mamono wife at all, it would likely be one who goes after any man who passes by.

>> No.22308530
Quoted by: >>22308534

Which species are them?

>> No.22308534

Jinko/cheshire respectively.

>> No.22308561

Pinned between a wall and huge Hellhound breasts.

>> No.22308578

Aggressive/strong girls with massive breasts are the best.

>> No.22308586
File: 1.02 MB, 992x1403, Buttdontbejellythatwehavethesamepicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid wife picks Anon.
Also Unagi Joro is the best Lami-- Mermaid!

>> No.22308594
File: 138 KB, 714x605, fuk_u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally kys you'reselve

>> No.22308597

It doesn't say that at all. Among all the profiles in Dragonia there is ONE profile that talks about a paritcularily strong Dragon champion that has Salamander-like appearance and values and it only says that she once beat a guy in an arena and left him untouched. The same profile implies that if your "love" is stronger than her "fighting spirit" you can defeat her, and there is also another fighting Champion where you are adviced on how to waifu her and you are outright told that if you suck at fighting just stalk her home and fuck her a lot of times before the fight so that she takes you after that. Aside from that there is no mention of Dragons leaving you unmolested, on the contrary there are tons of mentions of Dragons raping you and taking you as their husband for the simplest shit possible. There is also mentioned to be a quite large faction of serious Dragon girls that call themselves "protectors" and will just become bodyguard waifus of guys because they are so weak.

>> No.22308602

>Pinned between a wall and huge Hellhound knot.

>> No.22308604

I have the sudden urge to shove various appendages of mine into that barometz's mouth, ass, and pussy

>> No.22308620

Viccy should say kys while looking into a mirror.

>> No.22308643
File: 212 KB, 1261x1111, 4123a7036487b9297abe1b42aa308c57e86d3f20f2af5bb685816748e1307caa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22308704

>various appendages of mine

>> No.22308646

Don't need to hold yourself Anon.
Because as my experience says Barometz wives have the best ass you will ever eat!

>> No.22308688

I want to say they're underappreciated, but Joros have been getting a decent amount of love recently. It's nice.

>> No.22308695

I'll stare at a Gorgon.

>> No.22308700
Quoted by: >>22308702

That's small time. Real men stare at medusas. Dumb snakes don't know what to d

>> No.22308702
Quoted by: >>22308708

Medusa is a gorgon

>> No.22308704
Quoted by: >>22309027

Underrated girl. Tentacles are comfy as fuck.

>> No.22308706

>There is also mentioned to be a quite large faction of serious Dragon girls that call themselves "protectors" and will just become bodyguard waifus of guys because they are so weak.

So what would happen if I go to dragonia's immigration office and say "I want a strong muscular Dragon to protect me and keep me safe"?

>> No.22308708

Right. Somehow I did a mental substitution for gazer.

>> No.22308736
Quoted by: >>22308739

So how do I find a gentle, lithe, waifish wyvern?

>> No.22308739
Quoted by: >>22308762

Wander the highest levels of the Romance section in the Dragonia library.

>> No.22308762
Quoted by: >>22308785

I'd need some damn good armor to get me there unmolested.

>> No.22308785
Quoted by: >>22308800

Just ask one of the "protector" Dragons to escort you there and you will get unmolested.

>> No.22308800

Even by the "protector"?

>> No.22308829

Of course, you just tell her that being a nice person and protecting you doesn't entitle her to your body.

>> No.22308878
Quoted by: >>22308896

Do dragons accept that? I know a lot of mamono wouldn't.

>> No.22308879
Quoted by: >>22308888

You could just ask a married dragon to protect you until you find the one you want.

>> No.22308888

A married one will likely charge you though.

>> No.22308890

Viccy probably spends 20-30 minutes just trying to get her hat on each day. Not because its stupid or looks bad but because Lilims are SHIT!

>> No.22308896
Quoted by: >>22308933

Of course not.

>> No.22308932

You could try talking to "protector" Dragon's husband, so that he can tell his wife that you remind him of himself when he was young and would really like her to help you find happiness like he did with her. If that doesn't work, then yeah, the cost should probably be worth it though.

>> No.22308933
Quoted by: >>22309030

Then my initial plan of finding an amazing suit of armor, and making my way to the pinnacle of Dragonia to sweep an elegant flower of a wyvern off her feet is likely the best.

Nice digits, mate.

>> No.22309016
Quoted by: >>22309035

I honestly don't think cu siths are that bad. They're sweet girls. I would honestly befriend them and perhaps marry them, not out of any attraction as there really isn't any, but just out of pure love for their fantastic characters and personalities.

>> No.22309020
File: 61 KB, 620x591, 1541313302057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309038

>Want Cow waifu for squishy body and milk from the tap, big tap.
>They aren't dominant
>Minotaur is dominant and can defend me
>But she is /fit/, (and while /fit/ girls are as good as chubby girls,) she isn't as squishy and her lactation caskets are smaller.
life is suffering

>> No.22309027
File: 198 KB, 970x1200, 1515613893008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309050

The initial shock of her tentacles on my back would nearly scare me off, but so long as she's quick to wrap me up tight, I should calm down after a few seconds.

Given, I would have a massive fear boner.

>> No.22309030
Quoted by: >>22309044

Snd that's how Anon managed to end up married to a living armor in Dragonia of all places. At least it had dragon scales on it.

>> No.22309035

I could probably reciprocate anything with a monsters earnest feelings over a long enough time scale.

>> No.22309038
Quoted by: >>22309073

You can just upgrade a minotaur's calcium cannons and thiccen her up some. Shouldn't even be hard. Finding a more aggressive holst isn't out of the range of possibility either, but a bit of body modification might be easier.

>> No.22309044
Quoted by: >>22309071

Who said I wasn't planning on also marrying a Living Armor? Two wives is the optimal number - few enough to avoid overextending time or encountering logistical issues, but capable of filling separate roles and satisfying FFM-related desires.

>> No.22309047
File: 165 KB, 1280x722, 64235995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309058

i want a big gorgon to bully my penis and finger my butthole

>> No.22309050
Quoted by: >>22309074

I wouldn't have a fear boner. She wouldn't be able to rape me because I'd already have my tongue in her mouth and my cock against her thighs.

>> No.22309054
File: 956 KB, 1026x1199, DPKfPEHW0AA5Ry5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22309058

Go away faggot

>> No.22309071
Quoted by: >>22309094

Neither one of those seems like the type predisposed for harem life, not that it'd be impossible anyway. I'm wondering now, though: would girls like bicorns or smoke hobos encourage other girls to form harems? Like, if your married bicorn neighbor came over for tea with your wife, would she (subtly) encourage your wife to form a harem of her own with you at the center?

>> No.22309073
File: 33 KB, 486x512, 1564076737136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then no one will know she is a minotaur and think she is an angry holst and I don't want to be on the receiving end of that if her wounded pride ends up a murderous blood rage. Guess you can't win them all...

>> No.22309074
Quoted by: >>22309085

We'll see how confident you are once she slips those tentacles into your drawers

>> No.22309085
Quoted by: >>22309120

That's exactly what I want, though. I want to feel her squirming and "licking" and "sucking" all over my body. I want her to milk me dry while I leave her moaning and twitching and drooling and screaming.

>> No.22309086

>No minotaur with massively cumbersome milktanks

>> No.22309094

Even if neither is necessarily predisposed doesn't mean it wouldn't work, especially with such a small harem.
And I think a Bicorn definitely would. A Nurarihyon might once she's pretty sure she's gotten every girl she wants on her husband's dick already in her parade. A Dryad would definitely encourage it - especially if said harem ends up including another Dryad, so that her husband can have some friends to visit.

>> No.22309100

Get her an extra shiny nose ring or something, maybe then the retards that confuse a strongfat presumably brown minotaur with curvy horns for a normal holst will figure it out.

There's always option three, though: hakutaku. Find one that studies whatever the Mist Continent equivalent of Kung Fu is. Large if not quiiiiite as big as a holst, soft, and still more than strong enough to protecc. I'm sure sensei would be dominant if your Kung Fu is weak.

>> No.22309113

extra thicc _____

>> No.22309120
Quoted by: >>22309144

>squirming and "licking" and "sucking" all over my body
If that's what you want
>moaning and twitching and drooling and screaming
Oh you will be

>> No.22309121
File: 240 KB, 636x900, 1562703936185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309238

In pants!

>> No.22309133
Quoted by: >>22309136

Alright, my Hellhound girlfriend is dressed as a Eversor Assassin for Halloween. Now she's downed some energy drinks and has gone hyperactive about wanting to fuck me. Help.

>> No.22309135
File: 158 KB, 848x1200, 1568229105135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309325


>> No.22309136

Halloween isn't for a few days. What are you talking about?

>> No.22309140

By some unknowable force, you awaken in the MGE world!
But you already have a wife, determined by your western Zodiac (sun) sign!

Aries - Barometz
Taurus - Minotaur
Cancer - Cancer
Gemini - Liliraune
Leo - Jinko
Virgo - Alice
Libra - Valkyrie
Scorpio - Girtablilu
Sagittarius - Centaur
Capricorn - Sea Bishop
Aquarius - Undine
Pisces - Merrow

What do you do now?

>> No.22309144
Quoted by: >>22309152

We'll both be. After a while, I think it might be nice for her to drag another girl in for the two of us to share, as well.

>> No.22309148

I'm gonna get very strong hugs

>> No.22309149

Mana reserves gushing from my Khepri harem!

>> No.22309151

I hate crabs

>> No.22309152
Quoted by: >>22309164

Not sure what the other girl will do, since all your holes will be taken by then.

>> No.22309154

>Taurus - Minotaur
Sounds good to me. I love minos

>> No.22309163

>Sagittarius - Centaur
Balls. If I dunk a normal horse into a dark matter or something, can I turn her into a bicorn or nightmare? I want a reroll.

>> No.22309164

Not everyone is as submissive as you.

>> No.22309168

Merrow is a good girl, but I wouldn't like living in the water.

>> No.22309174

Give her a piggy-back ride, and wonder if those dreams from long ago were visions of the future.

>> No.22309177

So anon, what is a subject your monstergirl waifu could rant about for hours?

>> No.22309185
File: 1.23 MB, 3666x4096, YDeV6PZL_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309371

>> No.22309186

Jinko would grumble about, of all things, people who don't properly file accounting paperwork.

Cheshire would be scrubs in high tier matches.

>> No.22309197

Milk and it's utilities.

>> No.22309207

I don't think she'd ever rant about things that frustrate her if that's what your talking about, she's a little too chill for that. She could go on and on about her big brain science nerd work things though!

>> No.22309224
File: 79 KB, 172x200, 1571966571296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smug snek.

>> No.22309238
Quoted by: >>22309254

I wanna drink her nectar.

>> No.22309245
Quoted by: >>22309309

So, what's the difference in harem dynamics of harems assembled by dryads, bicorns, and nurarihyon?

>> No.22309254
Quoted by: >>22309285

Similar sentiment, but I'd prefer a smaller plant.

>> No.22309275
File: 73 KB, 819x975, Mermaid144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22309285
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1197, Tumblr_ogza16t8Fa1vdwcbco1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309298

I'd prefer TWO plants.

>> No.22309292

place a cork on my new girtabliliu wife's stinger so she doesn't injure me with it

>> No.22309296
Quoted by: >>22309297

Friendly reminder that a loli's virginity belongs to her papa.

>> No.22309297

good thing i'm not a papa since i'm not interested in having kids

>> No.22309298
Quoted by: >>22309315

I want a JK liliraune!

>> No.22309308

Yeah. There are those little boys who tell their mom they want to marry her. Even I did that when I was little. The MGE puts a spin on that because monster girls don't care about age so if a little boy told his momster he wants to marry her I don't see why she wouldn't readily accept.

>> No.22309309
File: 260 KB, 550x693, Shirorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309426

Who cares, harems are shit.

>> No.22309315
Quoted by: >>22309333

I want a pair of pai loli liliraunes with huge sap sacks!

>> No.22309324
File: 226 KB, 1400x1607, EHkU__KU0AIutlZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309334

>> No.22309325
File: 439 KB, 1337x1123, nyah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes.
God I love sphinxes.

>> No.22309333
Quoted by: >>22309354

Medium breasts on teenage plants are best.

>> No.22309334

What a cute ancient evil.

>> No.22309354
Quoted by: >>22309360

Nah, gotta go huge and short.
Or huge and big.

>> No.22309356
Quoted by: >>22309605

Operating with Monster Girls!

>> No.22309360

But I don't like huge.

>> No.22309371

hey please stop posting this thanks

>> No.22309413

I want a Demon Realm where every monster that enters becomes a Hellhound variant for the duration of their stay.

>> No.22309416
File: 43 KB, 473x349, 1540406470746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wake up

>> No.22309426
Quoted by: >>22309461

The best harem dynamic is
>Central girl is romantic partner
>Other girls - girls who don't care much for romantic stuff - are permanent friends with benefits to central girl and husband

So you have one wife who is a wife, and the rest who just like hanging out and doing lewd things on occasion.

>> No.22309428
File: 90 KB, 855x727, 1525423968104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I was just about to visit the marshmallow king.

>> No.22309435
File: 298 KB, 1023x1920, 1554850833732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds pretty chaotic even for Hell.

>> No.22309444

I'd visit the local sabbath branch.

>> No.22309451

>Warning: There are a LOT of dogs in this realm

>> No.22309456

Can I have this, but it's a bunch of ratas curled up around me, with their big tail mofu on my face

>> No.22309461
Quoted by: >>22309484

I believe the term you're looking for is, friends with benefits? probably. it just so happens that monster girl mechanics mean that those friends dont wanna fuck anyone else but you

>> No.22309467
Quoted by: >>22309480

Can mamano mana fix stupid small stuff like my seasonal allergies and my numerous little cosmetic things I'm worried/annoyed about? These are the real problems

>> No.22309480
Quoted by: >>22309491

Mamono seasonal allergies just make you horny, but monsters do not give a shit about small cosmetic things. They probably won't change just by mana.
You could probably get rid of em with potions/alchemy if it bugs you that much.

>> No.22309481
Quoted by: >>22309494

I want a Demon Realm where every girl becomes a slime carrier for the duration of her stay.

>> No.22309484

I specifically used that term, yes.

>> No.22309491
Quoted by: >>22309509

eh, some are more "cosmetic" than others, mostly just shit like my eyesight being bad, or my teeth needing work done, would be nice to magic hand wave it away painlessly

>> No.22309494

Sounds like heaven. Would be better if it could be made permanent if the mamano so chooses.

>> No.22309509
Quoted by: >>22309523

Oh, actual health stuff like that would get mana-cured sooner or later. Probably faster if you visit a healer.
I thought you meant something like, I dunno, a birthmark.

>> No.22309523

>my bad hearing fixed by the lurid moans and sweet voice of a cute mamono

>> No.22309542
File: 355 KB, 1937x1757, EHf3zDrWkAAyw48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22309579
File: 372 KB, 650x860, mTKgIeBI_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse.

>> No.22309585
Quoted by: >>22309607


>> No.22309588

How much do Alices like being eaten out?
What mamono would most enjoy a threesome with an Alice?

>> No.22309604
File: 254 KB, 2000x2000, rLLLrh7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22309611

Pat the doggo.

>> No.22309605

No operating heavy machinery while under the effects of Mamano mana.

>> No.22309607

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who heard that.

>> No.22309611
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Hound pats you.
