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File: 135 KB, 410x600, Kunoichi_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19648669 No.19648669 [Reply] [Original]

Monster Girl Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UevqvF4h

Content Aggregator: Anubis.moe

Writers list: https://pastebin.com/RTLpHEmk

>> No.19648677

Shirokuto a best and it's not even close.

>> No.19648686

>Edgy Baphomet who speaks funny and dresses weird
Worst goat by far, it's hard to believe that she the sister of best goat

>> No.19648700
Quoted by: >>19648741

Look I'm not a big fan of Kuroferuru either but there's no need to be so harsh on her.

>> No.19648702
Quoted by: >>19648707

Please none of you ever try to talk about how you think quantum physics works again, your misconception-salad going to give me an aneurysm.

>> No.19648707

Gundam 00 made by brain shut of when the word quantum is brought up

>> No.19648722
File: 157 KB, 675x1097, momdbf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minicows are an adorable, hugable, carryable, package of milk and love.

>> No.19648738
Quoted by: >>19648792

That they are.
Small enough to carry but big where it counts

>> No.19648741
Quoted by: >>19648864

Kuroferuru is actively working to make the world a better place by corrupting cities and improving the art of nymphomancy
What does Shirokuto do aside from making her spells look edgy?

>> No.19648792
Quoted by: >>19648863

Oppai loli holst milk must have a very soft taste and be even easier to consume and digest than regular holst milk

>> No.19648836

The hell?
She’s the least notable of the whole lot.

>> No.19648861

>Hyper lewd black Bapho
>Stylish gyaru Bapho
>Comfy Oppai Bapho
>Jaded doctor Bapho
>Sleepy fluffy Bapho
>Iconic profile Bapho
>Kobold-looking Bapho
>No noticable traits aside from her edgy scythe Bapho
Momonika's scythe is better too. Shirokuto lovers should just go home.

>> No.19648863
Quoted by: >>19648908

I bet they help their oppai sabbath sisters get bigger breasts.

>> No.19648864
Quoted by: >>19648870

She enlisted a fucking Echidna into the loli supremacist cult, Shirokuto is VERY high tier.

>> No.19648870

>her most impressive attribute is having enlisted someone who’s much cooler than she is
You’re not helping.

>> No.19648871
Quoted by: >>19648876

Shirokuto has the cutest outfit.

>> No.19648874

I honestly think the oppai baphomet is the worst of the lot which hurts to say because I've wanted one for a long time. She wouldn't even be recognizable as a baphomet if no one told you and the adult version of the profile baphomet looks a lot better.

>> No.19648875
File: 339 KB, 781x849, 1526089420872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, which species primarily comprise the oppai loli branch of the Sabbath?

>> No.19648876
Quoted by: >>19648888

Exactly, upon seeing her picture I cared more about the adorable Echidna than about Shirokuto.

Only if you're into old hag bloomers.

>> No.19648879

She looks quite smug and has lots of soft hair to brush.

>> No.19648887

I don't know what you're talking about, she's very clearly a Baphomet what with the horns, legs, hooves, paws, ears, goat symbol, and scythe thing.

>> No.19648888

>Only if you have taste

>> No.19648889
Quoted by: >>19648893

I agree, the boob is really boring and the least interest. It kinda surprised me that everyone was so nice looking and had their traits but that one is just subpar.

>> No.19648893

I think they just need a little color added to their outfit, really.

>> No.19648894

Runya has the best witch.

>> No.19648904

>not Ruro

>> No.19648908

They're all about growing stuff so breast expansion is a given.
I bet the bigger one breasts' are, the more she is respected.

All the other Sabbaths have very striking themes and motifs, meanwhile Marune's Sabbath is all about oppai and agriculture.
The angle of the picture doesn't help either, it makes her look tall and chubby rather than the delicious oppai loli body she should have.

>> No.19648911

No, Marune is.

>> No.19648912
Quoted by: >>19649045

I want to berate her for printing Fake News.

>> No.19648923

Fluffy sabbath is just the best.

>> No.19648928

I need a picture. I won't believe she's better than Momonika's slutty JC witch otherwise.

>> No.19648939
File: 855 KB, 2722x3629, 1533051506119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively most molestable witch.

>> No.19648941

Every branch shows their witch.

>> No.19648950
File: 515 KB, 1100x1314, 1462599660304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took ages for pailoli Holsts to get official art, but KC finally delivers.

>> No.19648957

She looks like the type of secretary who comes in to her boss' office to announce the latest numbers only to end up getting fucked in half a dozen different positions and have her glasses cum on.
Pretty close but the slutty JC wins.


>> No.19648964
Quoted by: >>19649417

While we’re at it, did anyone save that picture that lists all their names?

>> No.19648967
Quoted by: >>19648988

>no clingy yandere oppai loli Holst to farm with

>> No.19648977

>that '''scientist''' clown last thread getting bootyblasted over the concept of DE's apparent infinity (a promising scientist surely)
>all the people honestly engaging and fellating his ego
It's like whenever I'm forgetting what an immature joke 4chan is, it hurries to remind me.

>> No.19648988

Yandere lolis are the best anon. I want a bunch of yandere mice sisters to kidnap me and keep me locked up in the same room they built their shrine dedicated to me!

>> No.19648996

>all the people honestly engaging and fellating his ego
They're probably a bunch of "sciency" redditors.

>> No.19649008
Quoted by: >>19649030

Stop, no more please, you'll summon them again.
This thread is for monster girls, if I hear quantum entanglement one more time I'm gonna twist a nut.

>> No.19649030

So obviously the best course of action is to dig it up and start it once more.
That’s why you brought it up, right?

>> No.19649045
Quoted by: >>19649059

>Wan Witch carries her bowl with her teeth and puts it down between your legs
>She gives you puppy eyes and asks for her meal

Runya Runya Sabbath has a lot of journalistic integrity. Don't you dare call their work fake news.

>> No.19649059
Quoted by: >>19649222

Honestly pet play is such a guilty pleasure for me doing something like that isn’t even fair. If I had a harem of a couple dog-like familiars or witches who did stuff like that I’d never complain for the rest of my life.

>> No.19649090

Just finished reading Metro 2035, which Monsters would thrive the best in the post-apocalyptic Moscow metro tunnels? Matangos, Rats and Orcs?

>> No.19649098

What’s the name of that oppai bapho?

>> No.19649104
File: 683 KB, 2163x3245, YrBFgND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Marne or Marune.

>> No.19649105
Quoted by: >>19649146

For you, mom.

>> No.19649106
Quoted by: >>19649136

>no salamander that goes obsessive to the point of searching for her "flame"

>> No.19649118

It's Marune, only retards would read that as Marne.

>> No.19649133
Quoted by: >>19649144

Marune is so much better there is no doubt that's the correct reading.
I'm confused about Ropurotto though, Loprott sounds good too.

>> No.19649136
Quoted by: >>19649184

>Oh flame, dear flame

>> No.19649137
Quoted by: >>19649156


>> No.19649144

Marune a cute
Her sabbath looks like a bunch of comfy gardeners

>> No.19649146

>My little sister is also my mom

>> No.19649156

Wurms hiding underground from bird-droppings?

>> No.19649178

>Anon getting stalked by Nosalis girls and has to take cover in his childhood home
>Almost gets raped by a spooky slime girl who probably masturbated in to his pictures as a child

>> No.19649184
Quoted by: >>19649378

Salamanders are loud and blunt about their love.
I bet when she finds him she has a dramatic speech ready

>> No.19649191
Quoted by: >>19649210

I'm looking forward to her page getting translated
They're definitely into gardening but I'm hopeful that they're the leading force behind agriculture and farming in MGE
If there is a mention of oppai lolis dairy farms then Marune will cement herself as best Baphomet

>> No.19649210

I bet she'll claim their farms are better because the lolis need less space.

>> No.19649222
Quoted by: >>19649243

Ropurotto's Sabbath is perfect for you then. Their picture features a dog bowl full of yogurt, and Ropurotto has a picture where she's soaking wet, ass up wearing a leash and producing tons of pheromones.
I find pet play shameful and embarrassing but if the wan asks for it then there is no choice. Happy canine monster girls cure depression but sad wolfus cause depression.

>> No.19649243
Quoted by: >>19649316

Even the Sabbath respect the innate power of the fluffy tail.
I bet her lab creates a breach to the mofuverse.

>> No.19649281
Quoted by: >>19649390

>Anon is currently producing about 1000 pounds of corn per year in his acre of field
>Oppai lolis take over and redo his entire farm
>When they're done his farm now produces 7000 pounds of demonic corn per year as well as milk, dairy products and other plants
>All in the same space it took him to just grow corn
This could be made into a TV show, would Marune make a good host?

>> No.19649309
Quoted by: >>19649340

How would a Mutsukabe yokai be translated to a monster girl?

>> No.19649316
Quoted by: >>19649375

There is one Sabbath that's specialised in fluff. I can't remember if it's Shirokuto's or Runya's.
Fluff is loved and feared by all living beings without discrimination.

>> No.19649340

That's the youkai that possesses people and kills themselves in front of other people to make them think they had something to do with the death, right?

I can see a monster girl version of it acting injured and preying on the kindness of strangers. And if that stranger was a human male they'd coerce him into lewder and lewder acts while being taken care of him.

>> No.19649350
Quoted by: >>19649438

*being taken care of BY him

>> No.19649375
Quoted by: >>19649471

Shiro has a snake so I doubt it's hers.

>> No.19649378

I love salamanders so much

>> No.19649383
File: 759 KB, 900x879, 1485323619390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snack time.

>> No.19649390
Quoted by: >>19649471

She’s all about compacting the unnecessary parts while keeping the rest big and useable

Oppai loli farms are more efficient

>> No.19649417
File: 3.61 MB, 7489x2302, 1534101397128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forwarding this once more.


>> No.19649425

I want to give Grelia a platonic hug.

>> No.19649438

If they’re a type of undead monster, it could actually be cute.
>Have sex with her one night
>The next morning she’s swollen like the baby could come any minute
>”Y-you did this to me! You better take responsibility! You have to take care of me now!”

>> No.19649450

>Loli Demon level draining some guy

Did he went out and grind levels without her permission?

>> No.19649458

Since every aspect of a monster's appearance is carefully crafted to draw a mate, it can only be assumed that it's a tactic.

Some girls look like dogs that desperately want to get mounted, some look like you need to force them into a good night's sleep.

>> No.19649466

Devious. It's still an uphill battle to draw me away from the tittymets, though.

>> No.19649469
File: 144 KB, 833x973, displeased_tailpussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19649488


Well, this is fucked up.

>> No.19649470
Quoted by: >>19649538

To me it looks like she's not draining him, but instead taking a shot of raw Mamano straight to the womb, and powering up. She's clearly ahegao'd.

>> No.19649471

Must be Runya then, she does look the fluffiest out of all of them too
It's disappointing that her Witch didn't get any more enchantments

I want an oppai loli Witch to proudly boast about how much space they're saving compared to other farms who have full grown workers
Even better if she has thick glasses and freckles on her breasts

Best girls.

She needs a lot more than a hug after all the cures she created and patients she treated.
Dr.Little gets no rest.

>> No.19649488

It's called Reddit spacing and I agree. Looks like we have a few poor formatters in here today.

>> No.19649520
File: 283 KB, 581x689, 0044_full_a_cropped_by_kinozaki-dcfsaqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long is too long?

>> No.19649532

Any length is fine so long as she doesn't go too far past being able to encircle the earth and eat her own tail.

>> No.19649533
Quoted by: >>19649710


>> No.19649538

Whether she's actually draining his levels or not doesn't matter, just look at how much she's enjoying it.
I'd grind levels for a full week if it meant putting this smile on my Demon imouto's face.

>More enchantments
Cursed autocorrect. I meant mofu enhancements

>> No.19649573

I can’t wait for full translations on these branches because some of them just kinda puzzle me as to what their focus will be. Runya and Shirokuto especially.

>> No.19649588
Quoted by: >>19649615

Runya is info, Shirokuto is war magic.

>> No.19649615

They're both hard to guess
The Ratatoskr gives us some hint for Runya's
The Echidna doesn't really tell us anything, I like to believe she's studying fertility magic

>War magic
That's Bapho-chan's speciality amongst many other things

>> No.19649678
Quoted by: >>19649708

7m is the standard, but how long is that practically speaking?

>> No.19649708

7m is comically short, real world pythons approach that length. Lamia would be 20m+.

>> No.19649710
File: 1.15 MB, 960x540, 0044_care_a_cropped_by_kinozaki-dcfsas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19649724

It feels like it would be cohabiting with the snake from Snake

>> No.19649751
Quoted by: >>19649896

The cutest Witch dork!
That being said, either you can do your normal production in half the space or double production in the same space!
Think of all the pai lolis!

>> No.19649896

Too long, your bed would be snake, your room would be snake, your life would be snake.

I'm sure they can optimize the space efficiency further
One half sized oppai loli who works twice as hard as a full sized adult is at least 4 times as efficient!

>> No.19649921
File: 62 KB, 600x800, bdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19649938

Is that a problem? Can you actually have too much snake?

>> No.19649958
Quoted by: >>19650013

That's crazy long anon, I don't think I've ever seen a lamia depicted that long outside of giantess art.

Long enough to put at least a few coils around someone is plenty.

>> No.19649973
File: 250 KB, 728x410, 1645780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19649975

You get much more than twenty feet and things start getting pretty inconvenient in human habitations.

>> No.19649976
Quoted by: >>19650013

Have you seen the videos of snake pits? All the slithering around and piled up snakes are scary.
Now imagine this but with Lamias who are multiple times bigger and you in the middle of it all. It's a dangerous health hazard.

>> No.19650013
Quoted by: >>19650050

The clincher is how thick the snake bits actually are. If her hips taper off into something relatively thin and manageable then it looks weird. If the girth roughly matches her hips then that's a big mass of snake.

>> No.19650038
File: 386 KB, 1450x2047, DkaR72RVAAANRtk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19650057

>> No.19650050

If you get a small snake with a cute thin waist
then would less than 10 meters of tail be reasonable?

>> No.19650057

Without the dorky smile, this could be intimidating

>> No.19650058

Such hard working, busty girls
I’m going to the oppai farm!

>> No.19650078
File: 510 KB, 751x1052, 69954017_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19650854

Guess breathing warm air on her hands count as a marriage proposal

>> No.19650120
File: 157 KB, 780x497, 1511512979062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this but proportionately about 3 times as big.
This is what snekfags would have to live with.

>> No.19650132
Quoted by: >>19650144

>Not living in a large, open Japanese style home that's both comfy as fuck and easy for your wife to navigate

>> No.19650144

No need to buy futons when you can sleep on her tail
I hope snakes enjoy tatamis

>> No.19650146

That's a lot of snek to cuddle.

>> No.19650216

What happens if a Lamia gains weight? Snakes are all muscles right? I never heard of an overweight snake.

>> No.19650254
Quoted by: >>19650288

>Believing snake lies

>> No.19650272
File: 261 KB, 1190x1680, 45572352_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never heard of an overweight snake.

>> No.19650288
Quoted by: >>19650318

Nice joke. Snakes never lie.
Next you're gonna tell me that snake oil doesn't increase life expectancy and penis size.

This is not ok, she needs to go on a diet.
Both her tail and upper half look soft and pudgy.

>> No.19650307


Would a tsuchinoko just be a short, fat lamia who drinks all your booze?

>> No.19650314
File: 246 KB, 566x800, Tsuchinoko.(Kemono.Friends).full.2079404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19650423


>> No.19650318
Quoted by: >>19650423

They’re wilier than a nuki

Yes and it’s adorable

>> No.19650365
Quoted by: >>19650423

That has a lot of potential.
I've spoil a short chubby alcoholic snake.

>> No.19650401
File: 1.19 MB, 1200x1678, 1483188434729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19650421

In order to be allowed to marry the daughter of the big bad Dragon Master you have to defeat 100 opponents in hand-to-hand combat!
The final opponent is the daughter herself, have fun.

>> No.19650421
Quoted by: >>19650453

This is when you call her out on her haughty bullshit by flirting with the cute Salamander who happens to be your first opponent.

>> No.19650423


>Short, fat lamia
>Habitual liar
>Probably has those squinty eyes that don't really open fully unless she's agitated
>Talkative, smug, lazy
>Drinks all your beer and calls you 'boy' a lot
>When in danger she is not above biting the end of her tail and rolling away like chubby, yukata-clad wheel

>> No.19650453
Quoted by: >>19650539

B-but what about the childhood marriage promise you made at the sandbox that one time?!

>> No.19650460

You probably find her asleep and curled around a large bottle of alcohol slurring your name with a smile

>> No.19650539

She isn't wife material but at the same time she's too adorable not to marry.

Making a childhood promise to a Dragon is dangerous
You could beat her at video games, maybe that would appease her desire for a strong husband

>> No.19650573
Quoted by: >>19650587

>get challenged to combat
>kick her ass in Tekken or something
This might work against Lizardwomen but a Dragon can't use a controller so you're out of luck.

>> No.19650576
Quoted by: >>19651068

No real need to appease that though. Dragons will take weak husbands readily, they'll just wear the pants in the relationship.

How dragons behave with husbands more powerful than them is more or less a possible feature rather than a typical thing.

>> No.19650587
Quoted by: >>19650603

Pretty sure they can polymorph their hands.

>> No.19650603

Stop poking holes in her facade, she's afraid of losing but can't admit it.

>> No.19650661
File: 345 KB, 1000x963, Hellhound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19650743


>> No.19650696

>Chaos sabbath
does that mean theres a sabbath Shoggoth?

>> No.19650707

It's not a chaos sabbath. That, the desert sabbath and undead sabbath were sadly missing.

>> No.19650743

I'll take text with your link spam next time, thanks.

>> No.19650765

monster girl mouth pussy

>> No.19650808
Quoted by: >>19650926


>> No.19650844

The 2nd one is likely the radical faction Sabbath. They specialize in charm magic I think.

>> No.19650845

It's the radical faction's branch. The Baphomet there was involved with the fall of Lescatie.

>> No.19650854

He also appears to have fed her. You know how insects react to being fed.

It occurs to me that you have to eat a fucking lot to get that much fat over that much area. Damn, girl.

>> No.19650875
Quoted by: >>19650926

Few things are more arousing than a monster girl presenting her steaming hot mouth pussy for her lucky husband to irrumate.

>> No.19650926
Quoted by: >>19650966

>Pleasure runes in mouth.

>> No.19650929
File: 201 KB, 708x1000, rape tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She wants to tongue kiss

>> No.19650966
Quoted by: >>19651049

>Ghoul with a large pleasure rune all over her tongue
>She cums two dozens times from half an hour of kissing
>Then comes the ravenous blowjob where she nearly breaks herself on your dick

>> No.19650979

Who has the best weresheep?
Runya Runya or Marune?

>> No.19650994

Marune has oppai lolis so they win on softness

>> No.19651001
Quoted by: >>19651104

I think they all sp ak funny, at least the two we have previewed so far. Mostly to show off hownold they are

>> No.19651011
Quoted by: >>19651260

I think gyaru has to be one of the ugliest and worst fashions ever. But damn does Momonika wear it well. Being flanked by a punk rock harpy loli and a fashionable witch bitch loli just make it all the better.

>> No.19651016

Monstergirls with long tongues will rape their husband's throat when given the chance. It's also their way to tell you how much they love you.

>> No.19651049

I'm getting Fue flashbacks and I love it.

>> No.19651068

You just have to show them the power in your pants. That’ll show them!

>> No.19651097
Quoted by: >>19651129

Depend on if you value oppai or fluff more.
I'd rather a small, light and super fluffy Weresheep but compact, soft and big breasted Weresheep are fantastic too.

Dragons can't handle such a power, she'll get flustered and cover her eyes.

>> No.19651104

You're right, that was one thing noted in the preview translations. All the top Baphomets talk in a similar way.

>> No.19651120

What's these guys gig? The rest of them I can get a general vague idea from the picture, but these just seem likebewgular old dudes

>> No.19651129
Quoted by: >>19651199

Yknow, since Ropu’s Sabbath seems more “predator” beast focused than just animals in general, I wonder how that would affect a Weresheep member.
Also Weresheep beast boost?

>> No.19651136
Quoted by: >>19651173

Would Kunoichi be loyal as both a servant and a wife?

>> No.19651147
File: 278 KB, 1023x1447, tumblr_pd4gi3dqRD1u4522ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19651163
Quoted by: >>19651189

Only if it's a jabberwock.

>> No.19651173
Quoted by: >>19651183

What kind of question is that?

>> No.19651183

A rhetorical one, I hope.

>> No.19651189
File: 208 KB, 310x483, 7171c9b4-2106-4d0c-a57e-eb30d73a2e73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651205


>> No.19651199

A boosted Weresheep can have her rape mode impulses despite her fluffy wool I think.

>> No.19651205
Quoted by: >>19651307

Well sure any dragon will get horny, I thought you were talking about them getting "conquered".

>> No.19651214

Can I be let go?

>> No.19651235

Imagine a beast boost hellhound or manticore.

>> No.19651237

I wanna shear and boost her at the same time

>> No.19651247
Quoted by: >>19651289

Someone needs to give the Sabbath spellcasting researchers a talking to.
Did we really need to give the rape trains MORE RAPE?

>> No.19651260

I want to bully them by regarding them completely platonically.

>> No.19651277
File: 331 KB, 724x1024, 51354173_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a vanilla wock?

>> No.19651284

>a boosted manticore can rapid fire her spines
>her venom effects now stack

>> No.19651289

Go talk to her, I'm sure she'd let you decide whether that was a good decision through hands on experience

>> No.19651299

Damn right I would. I keep meaning to commission a girl that could be described as that.

>> No.19651307

Given how the boosted Baphomet is depicted, I hope it makes the girl using it act a bit more “feral” for the duration.
Moving on all fours, growls/roars/etc, a general loss of inhibitions or reservations they may normally have, and so on.

>> No.19651318
Quoted by: >>19651333

It probably enhances her physical strength and speed too

>> No.19651326


>> No.19651333

I mean yeah, wouldn’t be much of a boost without it.
I’m just theorizing side effects.

>> No.19651344
Quoted by: >>19651373

I want my wife to call me on her way back from "shopping" and while audibly panting over the phone, tell me she wants me to hide and when she finds me, she wants me to run. 15 minutes later my beast boosted feral wife will smash through the door having lost most of her senses by now having reverted to running on pure animal instinct.

>> No.19651346

A Hellhound might use it to finally pin down an Anon who dumped his points into agility.

>> No.19651373
Quoted by: >>19651469

>take your wife out to the woods on the night of a full moon
>she gives you a five minute head start to run/hide before she boosts and tracks you down
>once you hear her roaring in the distance you know time is up and the game has begun

>it only ever ends one way
>but the thrill of the chase makes the conclusion just that much better

>> No.19651394
Quoted by: >>19651414

Can I drizzle her in chocolate syrup?

>> No.19651414

Definitely. She'd be proud to show her beautiful body to you.

>> No.19651439
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1143, 1467738935581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think the MGE version of the United States would be like?

>> No.19651447

morbidly obese harpy that's to fat to fly

>> No.19651449
Quoted by: >>19651507

Another shithole

>> No.19651469

I like romantic weekend getaways to the woods. Reminds the waifu about how we first met

>> No.19651486


>> No.19651487

Turkey harpies might be on the round side and have trouble flying but calling them morbidly obese is going way too far.

>> No.19651488

School shootings are the same but instead they use demon silver bullets to get everyone fucking each other.

>> No.19651494

Woudn't exist. MGE america is likely going to be a mix of native northern americans and south america.

>> No.19651495

>no turkey Harpy gf who gets concerned when you start feeding her more around thanksgiving

>> No.19651501
Quoted by: >>19651594

Do all monster girls in general submit to a man who beats them in combat or are there some specific ones that have a code to do such a thing

>> No.19651507

Please, Detroit would be improved

Gonna lovingly tease those birds

>> No.19651514

I would imagine it would have regional variations with texas cowgirl holsts/southern bell wights, hippy Cali umi-osho's, tough brooklyn Oni gangs, and of course stoke-broker new york Tanuki's that just love american capitalism.

>> No.19651523

Everything as it is now, but better and with monster girl waifus.

Also >>>/int/

>> No.19651540

>tough Brooklyn Oni gangs
What about the Italian mice gangs? No one can match the Mozzerella family’s strength!

>> No.19651552
Quoted by: >>19651570

I want a beast boosted nine tailed fox.

>> No.19651555
Quoted by: >>19651612

Imagine being nervously brought in too see the mice gang mafias "Don", and discovering it's a little mouse girl in an italian suite with a withering glare.

>> No.19651556
Quoted by: >>19651618

Would definitely mention how much I want "gobble gobble her up" around then, too. And then I'd eat her out on the table after dinner and covering her with cranberry sauce and whipped cream. It's the American way and not even the president can pardon her from me.

>> No.19651563

I bet she'd be horrified when you explain to her how thanksgiving worked before the portals opened

>> No.19651564
Quoted by: >>19651778


>> No.19651570

Maybe if you beast boost a inari you can get her to break that refined composure.

>> No.19651573

Wouldn't the Oni be closer to the Cali side of things since Japan/zipangu be closer to the pacific? Although New York equivalent would be a clusterfuck of monster girls and Order immigrants.

>> No.19651575

Thanksgiving would work the same, but with more aphrodisiacs. It's not like every turkey would magically turn into a harpy.

>> No.19651576
File: 176 KB, 664x1159, momdbf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651624

This is your nurse for today.

>> No.19651590

She's a harpy, not an actual turkey anon.

>> No.19651594
Quoted by: >>19651652

Many monsters have a instinctive desire to dominate as predators against their prey. They can learn to enjoy the reverse but simply being beaten in combat is only enough if it's part of that species instinct/culture or just an aspect of that individual monster.

>> No.19651611
File: 103 KB, 640x758, paging Miiafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19651612
Quoted by: >>19651625

I want to marry the first daughters of all the mice Dons so there can finally be peace between the family’s!

>> No.19651618

I don’t like what you’re doing anon. I LOVE IT.

>> No.19651624
Quoted by: >>19651626

What a cutie, would give her sweets and headpats for helping me out.

>> No.19651625

Maybe go back to school for a bit anon, I'm pretty sure the dons wouldn't want you marrying their daughters if you don't even know it's "families"

>> No.19651626
File: 200 KB, 392x687, Unicorn3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good man.

>> No.19651652

>They can learn to enjoy the reverse
They'll probably learn fast, if it doesn't end in just being defeated and they get fucked too.

>> No.19651667

>Texas: Holsts, Chupacabra and skeletons from the undead kingdom that crosses the border constantly.
>Cali:A large number of different monster girls, the zipangu monster girls outnumbering them.
>Louisiana: A bunch of dead mobster zombie girls because of voodoo and stuff.
>Midwest: Rattlesnake lamias and the Order belt.
>The South: A fuckload of southbelle wights and vampires. Also Order towns with a 'sundown' clause.
>New York: Pretty much what one anon said, a clusterfuck of monster girls and humans.

>> No.19651678

The swamps would contain Dark Mages who live in isolation. Also lots of Vamp Mosquitoes.

>> No.19651687

Not to mention the swampy Sahuagin's and Bunyips, along with the obligatory aquatic species around areas where the tributaries drain in to the ocean.

I bet Florida would be a fun place

>> No.19651690
File: 164 KB, 700x652, 62568337_p119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651698

You mean Hawaii, right?

>> No.19651691

>Seattle: Harpies, Mermaids, Grizzlies, Anubi, All sorts of Zipangu and Mist Continent girls, Native American Amazons, and fucktons of Cheshires who buy up cheap housing to mine bitcoin like fucking assholes.

>> No.19651694

Supposedly vampires become more vampirey the longer they live so what would a thousand year old vampire act like?

>> No.19651696

>Squeal like a piggy.

>> No.19651698

Depends on which part of the state. You're looking at a mix of polynesian, south-of-the-boarder, and a surprisingly large amount of eastern european beasties significantly outnumbering the native population.

>> No.19651702

A bad Bela Lugosi impersonator.

>> No.19651706
Quoted by: >>19651756

Fuck that made me think of shitty Chesshire pop-up spam. You know the kind that pops up during porn, won't let you exit and tells you you're computer is being monitored by Chesshire's but this time it really is being monitored.

>> No.19651708

Present day Cassandra Peterson?

>> No.19651711

>Southern accented swamp mage with caramel brown skin and stark white hair.
>"Y'sure do have a pretty lil' mouth there anon. Why don't you use it? Scream. Scream fer me! No-one's gonna hear 'ya. No-one's gonna save 'ya so scream and give the Skeeters a good show."

>> No.19651749

Wait, why Anubi? I'd thought gremlins would be more appropriate.

>> No.19651756

>Cheshire Pop-up appears and says that your home is now being monitored by a Cheshire
>Think it's a scam and close it.
>Seconds later feel a wetness around your dick.
>Look down and see a Mojyo Cheshire happily deepthroating your dick.
Would you be able to resist picking her up and carrying her to your bed to fuck her stupid?

>> No.19651759
Quoted by: >>19651775

Lots of office buildings here, plus an easy commute to Bellevue where there's even more office buildings.

>> No.19651775

Yea, but isn't Seattle part of silicon valley?

>> No.19651778

True genius

>> No.19651790
File: 2.33 MB, 1600x2095, manticore_patreon_reward_by_matilda_fiship-dcdjte2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manticores are alright I guess.

>> No.19651792

Where would you even find Not!Egypt girls in the states?

>> No.19651806

Silicon Valley is actually northern California; the south end of San Francisco Bay Area.

>> No.19651818
Quoted by: >>19652129

I think some people mistake it for part of that because
A: Microsoft is here

>> No.19651824
File: 541 KB, 2190x2646, No source sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651828

The Southwest, obviously.

>> No.19651828
Quoted by: >>19651844

For whatever reason, that pic put the image of a young Pharaoh braiding an Apophis' hair in my head and it's adorable.

>> No.19651839
Quoted by: >>19651907

>Comfy Michigan girls
Bring them, lovely low key life

>> No.19651844
File: 157 KB, 1158x819, aphosis_and_pharaoh_by_lutherniel-d81s1nq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19651875
Quoted by: >>19651985

Mixing the real world and 2D monstergirls is a bad idea

>> No.19651884
File: 1.70 MB, 2508x3541, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651942

How much of their body can a lamia raise before they become unbalanced?

>> No.19651907
File: 233 KB, 782x1000, Red Wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651950

I want lots of birds

>> No.19651942

Probably depends on their muscle mass.

>> No.19651950

You haven't been forgiven your attacks fire creature.

>> No.19651985 [SPOILER] 
File: 162 KB, 1200x799, 1534188244938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19651994


>> No.19651994

thats a cool cosplay idea to be honest

>> No.19651996

Remind me not to go kayaking in redneck monster girl territory

>> No.19652000

I want to go to the Zoo and see the monster girls that work here!

>> No.19652014

Makes me want a Dark mage off the north Eastern coast

>> No.19652030
Quoted by: >>19652048

If I pull her tail will I die?

>> No.19652048
File: 113 KB, 594x716, 1435679489350-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652140

No, but your virginity will.

>> No.19652061
Quoted by: >>19652074

Beast boost bunyip and kiki though.

>> No.19652069
File: 1.64 MB, 834x1200, Merse_Echidna1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652127

Best snek.

>> No.19652074

>Bunyip takes beastboost thinking it will give her the confidence to talk to the man that fishes at her local river every weekend
>Just ignites the lurking rape-train

I also like the idea of a feral kiki that still makes sure no messes are made in between raping mastah

>> No.19652077
Quoted by: >>19652113

Chapter 8 finally out.
Took forever since I was on vacation with my extended family. Hopefully I can finish the intro arc in one or two more chapters and get to the main story.

>> No.19652094

A comfy Southern MG would be nice. Could spend the days fishing and hiking/camping. Start a nice campfire and cook the catch of the day. Spend a lot of time afterwards just stargazing and cracking jokes at the others expense in good fun.

>> No.19652113

Nice anon, thanks

>> No.19652127
Quoted by: >>19652144

she looks dangerous.

>> No.19652129

Doesn't help that you also have Valve and Amazon stationed there too.

>> No.19652140

Worst Manticore design.

>> No.19652144
File: 335 KB, 452x800, 1384482540825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652218

Looks can be deceiving.

>> No.19652218

>"Local Snake Not So Tough After Being Impregnated"

>> No.19652219
File: 812 KB, 1178x1400, tumblr_p16qe3dSoy1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19652237

So is beast boost just raging mushrooms without the shitstorm causing aspect?

>> No.19652248

Don't touch it.

>> No.19652271
File: 250 KB, 874x790, 1527623070375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls would be perfect for Marune's oppai loli Sabbath branch.

>> No.19652277
Quoted by: >>19652286

I'll touch the cow however I want!

>> No.19652286
File: 679 KB, 1018x1440, tumblr_pb0boelnUe1vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652292


>> No.19652292
Quoted by: >>19652315

There's something odd about this cow.

>> No.19652294

don't touch what?

>> No.19652315
File: 599 KB, 1280x1228, tumblr_p4kyfba6F21vldipoo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652336

Nonsense, she's perfectly normal.

>> No.19652336

I dunno, there's something weird about all these cows.

>> No.19652337
File: 257 KB, 980x900, 70185668_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652358

Kurovah does it again.

>> No.19652348

Trolls would be perfect in every scenario, even as undead

>> No.19652351
Quoted by: >>19652358

But are their busts too big for their hands?

>> No.19652355

I'll rather take a loli Troll with a big soft butt.

>> No.19652358

They'd be proportioned to fit in their Trolls palms.

>> No.19652359
Quoted by: >>19652394

They'd just look weirder than usual with their small body and large hands,feet, and breasts

>> No.19652370
File: 97 KB, 872x621, DVe4HwmW4AAIXD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652382

>> No.19652382

Are contracts made from scratch or is there some sort of standard procedure? If its the former, is there competition to provide the most alluring contract?

>> No.19652394

I bet the oppai loli bodytype wouldn't be hard to pull off for a Troll. Their hands and feet would just need to be reproportioned while still being big.

>> No.19652396 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 651x1200, 263_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652412

I live underneath bridges and only pop out just to mug someone for their wallet! I also have a psychological fear of goats.

>> No.19652412

Stop RPing.

>> No.19652418
File: 153 KB, 704x704, demon_girl_commission_by_ioruko-dcg1pwx.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652479

I bet it varies from demon to demon.

>> No.19652423
Quoted by: >>19652448

>The "Must remain within 30ft of each other at all times" clause seemed so romantic until the realities of washing, shopping and chasing daughterus hit home

>> No.19652448
File: 328 KB, 1205x1722, DFL4tbfVoAATD76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad.

>> No.19652456
Quoted by: >>19652477

I'm pretty sure each contract is made from scratch since everyone is different. How many kids, how much sex daily, amount of post-sex cuddling, who works and who looks after the kids, etc. Though I would guess some things are in every contract like no cheating.

>> No.19652467
Quoted by: >>19652475

Could a demon contract change you or her?

>> No.19652475
Quoted by: >>19652493

Why not

>> No.19652477
File: 139 KB, 905x1280, 1488699868.dtalvi_ace423_stream_comm.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652494

>no cheating
Do they really need a clause for that though?

>> No.19652479

I bet this commission cost a lot of shekels.

>> No.19652493
Quoted by: >>19652498

Could be dangerous.

>> No.19652494
Quoted by: >>19652512

Well a "No Bicorn" clause couldn't hurt to show you were utterly dedicated

>> No.19652498
Quoted by: >>19652502


>> No.19652502
Quoted by: >>19652519

You could end up needing new pants, or shorter/taller than you'd like.

>> No.19652506
File: 933 KB, 720x1001, 4549a7853837f83bc2aa63286ab62c42-dac6rg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wherever you are, remember to stop and smell the flowers whenever you get the chance.

>> No.19652512
File: 182 KB, 940x720, Bicorn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bicorns don't intrude on married couples you dip.

>> No.19652519

Either she allows you to change some parts, or DE just makes you like your new body.

>> No.19652530
File: 570 KB, 857x1200, 7004eeea6d4587f063dd1934a21d799f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652619

>Uhhh, hello

>> No.19652532

Even if it's that corpse flower?

>> No.19652541
File: 174 KB, 513x790, mothman_pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652578

Mothman still best bug.

>> No.19652578 [SPOILER] 
File: 213 KB, 1731x1298, 1534194408918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652590


>> No.19652590
File: 108 KB, 500x438, Mothman3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MGE moth is better.

>> No.19652594
File: 172 KB, 669x422, stinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why does this flower smell like tuna?

>> No.19652599
Quoted by: >>19652625

Says while posting a slut

>> No.19652619

>ywn star in reverse gender tentacle rape porn

>> No.19652625
File: 296 KB, 1200x1050, tumblr_oasyieDmb21uaxebao1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow rude.

>> No.19652640

Cutest slut, buck done nothing wrong.

>> No.19652650

Does that guy knows she does exactly the same with a different guy every week?

>> No.19652651

This post reeks of soilent.

>> No.19652653
Quoted by: >>19652661

>Marune introduces her Onii-san to a new member
>It's motherfucking SHOVEL KNIGHT
>When you learn the manliest ways of gardening

>> No.19652658

An Aloe Alraune leg massage would feel mighty nice right now.

>> No.19652661

No, he's an assist trophy because indie shitters can frig off.

>> No.19652668
Quoted by: >>19652675

/monster/fag out.

>> No.19652675
Quoted by: >>19652685

I'm not even a /monster/shit, Buck sperging plus the people whiteknighting her were absolutely hilarious.

>> No.19652676
File: 615 KB, 960x987, XWOHHW0Npfo8r-9VhUahxpsGnMFoHc1cbSwcCP68pq8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652682


>> No.19652681

>ywn star in reverse gender rape porn

>> No.19652682

Are you the saddest spammer of all?

>> No.19652685
File: 531 KB, 623x846, fadb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even a /monster/shit
Then stop using /monster/speak.

>> No.19652694

He's right though, stop whiteknighting the whore.

>> No.19652701

>/monster/ invented the word onions
You just really want to avoid sperging over /pol/ again after getting you ass called out for it.
Makes sense though since your so keen on defending a filthy drug addict argie, and the Manticore image doesn't avert anyones eyes from your avatarfaggotry.

>> No.19652714
Quoted by: >>19652719

I'm not >>19652640 faggot.

>> No.19652719
Quoted by: >>19652734


>> No.19652729

He's right you know.

>> No.19652734

>Every post I don't like is made by the same guy
Fuck off.

>> No.19652754

I want to be part of the wolfu reich

>> No.19652761
File: 119 KB, 630x420, __cleo_gretel_super_robot_wars_super_robot_wars_og_saga_mugen_no_frontier_and_super_robot_wars_og_saga_mugen_no_frontier_exceed_drawn_by_haruyama_kazunori__864e9d84995ec83347f57c6613d6b8c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654821

Anyone remember this girl?

>> No.19652775
File: 26 KB, 278x253, 1457661027296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652826

>Baphomets are based on goats
>Satyros are based on goats
>There could be out there a fledgling branch of Sabbath memories who co-operate with Bacchus to corrupt men and women through wine
>When they're all oppai lolis like Marune and live a comfy, lackadaisical lifestyle in vast vineyards in the Demon Realm

>> No.19652807
Quoted by: >>19652815

s.o.y. = onions Onions ONIONS
s.o.y.l.e.n.t. = onions Onions ONIONS

>> No.19652815

Neat. that got fixed.

>> No.19652826
File: 703 KB, 1311x1170, 62568372_p62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sign me up.

>> No.19652835

It's not though
It's more like /v/ermin talk

>> No.19652858
File: 128 KB, 800x438, 62568431_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19652874

Would you trust her?

>> No.19652874

I would trust her more than you, spammer. Fuck off.

>> No.19652875

>a bunch of comfy, drunk goat pai lolis

>> No.19652891
File: 277 KB, 812x1185, BeastDominatorSFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VERY busty demons

>> No.19652899

>Laughing cows.tiff

>> No.19652965

Mature girls sitting with htier legs crossed is so fucking hot.

>> No.19652970
File: 152 KB, 1016x1313, 1524338713385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19653003

Those are miniscule.

>> No.19653006

Now we're talkin'

>> No.19653007
Quoted by: >>19653061

A good starting point for true boob rulership

>> No.19653021
Quoted by: >>19653061

I'd sign anything she put in front of me.

>> No.19653040
File: 619 KB, 733x1000, 1327615252577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19653076

You'll not tempt me away from the true Sabbath with your massive melons! At least a DFC won't give me a concussion if she turns around too fast.

>> No.19653061
Quoted by: >>19653078

Just imagine her 'ohohohoho~'-ing as you're powerless to turn away from staring at her monstrous chest
Imagine her teasing you by pulling her canyonous cleavage apart, revealing two heart pleasure-runes deep on each tit at the center of her cleavage

>> No.19653076
Quoted by: >>19653080

>Not wanting to be comically knocked out by your 7 foot Oppai-Monster as she turns quickly and boings your face

>> No.19653078

Would be nice but she better be ready.
I'm a true pervert and may add a bit more.

>> No.19653080
Quoted by: >>19653096

>A huge Nacho will never bully you with her giant breasts

>> No.19653096

>"What a fucking pervert. Look at you, powerless like a drooling dog to nothing more than some sacs of fat. What a pathetic wretch you are. I bet you even LIKE this, being suffocated by my huge breasts as you struggle to breathe! Well, do you? Say something! Or is your mouth too full of tit to even speak? What a worthless cur you are! A-Aaahn~!"

>> No.19653121
Quoted by: >>19653181

She's adorable.

>> No.19653124

I can't lie by denying this new WG filled me with ideas.

>> No.19653136
Quoted by: >>19653181

Time for counter breast bullying

>> No.19653181
Quoted by: >>19653236

>Laying completely on her back, chest heaving up and down, arms not attempting at all to stop you as they grip the sheets below her
>"Pervert! Rapist! You degenerate Aracon! Mashing my breasts like that, y-you're as despicable as the worst of your kind! T-that's the sign of- mmmMMMmn! The sign of an inexperienced virgin, going straight for a woman's chest!"
>You start to lick and nibble at her nipples, sending her into leg-clenching, gasping overdrive, again with no attempt to physically stop you
>"Ahhn! Pervert! Pervert! B-bastard! MMnngh! Wretch! Ahhn! I love you!!!!"
>As neutralizing venom pulses through her from your clamped on tit-sucking, she sighs and clutches your head close, her legs comfortably resting on you as she rapidly cools and calms in your suspended embrace

>> No.19653236

Gonna bully and milk her till that cruel mouth can do naught but moan.

>> No.19653264

What if a anubis stacks her curse and pleasure runes all the victims body?

>> No.19653268
File: 283 KB, 900x1200, 1534098158072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why saving the princess should be a woman's job.

>> No.19653276
Quoted by: >>19653311

>I posted it again xD

>> No.19653285
Quoted by: >>19653311

Threadly spam needs to stop.

>> No.19653311

Bitch please.

>> No.19653321
Quoted by: >>19653357

I'll one-up you with someone more pathetic than the spammers.

>> No.19653322

No excuse

>> No.19653329

And he fucked off and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.19653357 [DELETED] 


>> No.19653370

>people using Warosu to track spam and other faggotry is wrong!
What are you trying to prove here?

>> No.19653375
File: 115 KB, 689x691, DeuHY86WkAAwqtR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19653386

What the fuck

>> No.19653381

>Says while he uses Warosu
Cant make this up

>> No.19653386

I think the spammer just has an actual mental disorder and repeating things is the only way he can feel like he’s involved or something.

>> No.19653422
File: 186 KB, 727x1011, Taku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19653429

>I'll be seeing you after class

>> No.19653429

gonna ask her how to corrupt smart cows into bimbos

>> No.19653512

What type of guilds would we have in this setting?
Would they be independent from the order and allow monstergirls to join?
IE: Cooking guilds accepts all monsters who wish to cook for their husbands.

>> No.19653527
File: 163 KB, 1200x1178, DQaybcwUEAAnVco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd join a necromancy guild.

>> No.19653544
File: 2.22 MB, 2000x2000, 1534029905794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19653568

Have you payed tribute to the best Egyptian deity yet?

>> No.19653548

Now that I count it, there’s 8 branches of the Sabbath. Discouting the head branch with profile-bapho, that’s one for every deadly sin.

Did KC do that on purpose?

>> No.19653562
Quoted by: >>19653654

I'm sure there would be both purely order and MG guilds. As well as both human/MG guilds.

You got the fighters guild where matches are held between the members with special matches between man and MG where the winner gets more than just prize money.

Also, the obligatory secret thieves guild full of mice, kunoichi's, and other sneaky MG that steal from the rich and occasionally steal a husband.

And of course my personal favorite, The manhunter guild, dedicated to all variety of capture and rape. Often raids order realms and is a favorite among the desert realms for their supply of slaves and more lonely MGs who frequent their auctions in search of a mate.

>> No.19653565

Deepest lore

>> No.19653568
File: 470 KB, 1650x1272, b13d3a73ffcb7b4028fd3ee2dff2ca3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.19653574

Which sin are they supposed to embody? Marune and her oppai loli branch come across as total, albeit busty, cinnamon rolls.

>> No.19653587
Quoted by: >>19653603

Huh. That's a connection I never made before, 7 deadly sins with baphos insead of lilims when?

>> No.19653593

They probably aren't supposed to embody any of them intentionally, but god knows that won't prevent shoehorning.

>> No.19653603

>7 deadly sins with baphos insead of lilims when?
That's only slightly less autistic than the 7 deadly steelims.

>> No.19653637

Are we about to enter the age of shitty BapOCs now?

>> No.19653641

Smithing guild. Decent mix of humans and monsters, mostly cyclops and other muscled gals like orges and orcs/high orcs, but with a smattering of others. They make both normal weapons, but also demon realm silver, however they refuse to supply either army themselves. They also make lots of jewelry and wedding rings for all couples, plus whatever else you need, like house fittings and horseshoes for your horse/your wife.

>> No.19653645

Runya is sloth, obviously. Shirokuto would be wrath with her edgy scythe and flames, Kuroferuru is lust (look at those tentacles), and that’s all I got for now.

>> No.19653648
Quoted by: >>19653905

Did some anon say they were planning on scanning and it's just taking a while or are we all just kind of hoping it happens and no one has actually said they will?

>> No.19653654

I guess mages guild would just be about any MG huh?
Aside from dark mages who'd probably scorn them.

>> No.19653666

>tfw had a baphoOC before the extent of the world guide was released
>not a waifu but a girl I love a lot
>this happens
I'm happy for all the Baphomet content but I'm going to look silly now.

>> No.19653667
Quoted by: >>19653695

Well, bear in mind many "simpler" species aren't capable of magic beyond unconscious charm spells.
Your average Dorome isn't going to be slinging around magic missiles anytime soon.

>> No.19653695

For some reason I like to imagine a mage guild being founded by powerful and ancient mages but the only recruits they can get are chuuni novices who can barely muster a spell or mix a potion.

>> No.19653713
Quoted by: >>19653732

My bapho is cuter than your bapho!

>> No.19653732

My bapho wears spats and has abs. She's the cutest!

>> No.19653773
Quoted by: >>19653946

I don't see how it's any more or less silly than lilim OCs.

>> No.19653777

>tfw he got run out of completing it because of others spamming the pictures

>> No.19653822
File: 67 KB, 754x1107, LOL DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19653851

Got a couple quick 5$ wife and daughter commissions from https://twitter.com/_Kiyouou !


>> No.19653890

Pretty damn cute for 5 bucks.

>> No.19653891
Quoted by: >>19653946

Are you the sod with that ugly Bapho sexdoll?

>> No.19653892

>5 dollars for that high of quality
Damn man money well spent.

>> No.19653896

Great to see you managed to get some slots. They all look really great but I haved to say the dormouse just looks lovely in her style.

>> No.19653905

Not sure if they said they were going to scan it but somebody did show they got two of the guides so it is possible. Hope it will be good quality whoever does it.

>> No.19653941

I don't know much about the branches of the Sabbath, but there is actually an unofficial eighth deadly sin.


>> No.19653944

>Mana Shot
>Difficulty: 1 out of 3
>Mana Cost: 1 out of 3
>Each caster has a different image of the vague invisible energy called mana, and these differences result in the different directions and attributes each caster specializes in. The image of the spell which is one's specialty reflects the mind state of that person himself and the environment in which he has lived, and in the case of monsters, race also has a huge influence.
>The child prodigy that Sabbath boasts of, “Momonika”, the lovely goat of the playground, uses “if it's not cute, I hate it!” as a catch phrase, and prefers conjuring magic in a heart pattern, be it flames or whatever, but when “Shirokuto”, the white goat of wisdom, one of the archmages who represents the baphomet race, uses her flame magic, rather than flames, it's horrifying hellfire that looks like a gigantic *monster clad in flames.
How would your waifu's Mana Shot be like?

>> No.19653946

I know but it's still embarrassing, luckily she's all in my head so my loli goat fantasies are safe from the sort of backlash lilims got.
Oh heavens no. Some things are meant to stay 2d.

>> No.19653973
File: 447 KB, 733x1200, Yeti131a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every monster girl looks better in a sundress.

>> No.19653987

Fuck off

>> No.19653989
Quoted by: >>19654186

Specially Trolls

>> No.19654026
Quoted by: >>19654052

A giant realistic replica of my dick.

>> No.19654039
File: 778 KB, 4000x2668, C5NiAoIXUAEB5U1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654046

Why do artist like drawing the kraken with legs so much?

>> No.19654046

>Why do artist
*do artists
Goddamn my brain hurts.

>> No.19654052
File: 395 KB, 1690x1200, 1531338339131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654062

That spell is from pic related
The full translation has been up on MGR for a few days now

Jubjubs and other overly lewd species shouldn't practice magic

>> No.19654062
File: 262 KB, 1793x2160, DarkMage24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jubjubs and other overly lewd species shouldn't practice magic
Says who?

>> No.19654077
File: 229 KB, 702x915, 1492005505123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654125

Ice Queens would look good in sun dresses

>> No.19654101
File: 375 KB, 640x689, semon_demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which species would be the most embarrassing parents?

>> No.19654125
Quoted by: >>19654259

An Ice Queen would craft her own sundress out of ice, it'd be a perfect fit. Or you could tease her by making her wear a sundress out of fabric.

Mere female lizard mother to a proud teenage Dragon.

>> No.19654141

Vampires to a Dhampir daugtheru

>> No.19654150
File: 801 KB, 636x900, 1474674160075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654173

When will KC make a girl with extra arms?

>> No.19654173

What would a girl need extra arms for?

>> No.19654183
File: 233 KB, 1024x1134, DkY3j0RU8AIOo4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19654186
Quoted by: >>19654289

too bad it won't survive her going full rape

>> No.19654188

More hugs

>> No.19654198
File: 45 KB, 320x548, __monoko_yume_nikki__e7d6a60c5ce21fb8a33b42ae97dee94b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19654200
File: 169 KB, 1000x783, MarchHare10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to teach magic incantations to a march hare

>> No.19654232

>jubjub casting charm 24/7 on her husband
>even the local succubi are fed up hearing them
don't be that poor anon

>> No.19654233 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 500x420, 1534209946850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sphinx still best kitty

>> No.19654243
Quoted by: >>19654255

Fuck, didn't mean to put the spoiler in.

>> No.19654254 [SPOILER] 
File: 399 KB, 1337x1123, 1534210114879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here take better resolution

on another note, getting images from tumblr will be shit now since they killed _raw for good now.

>> No.19654255

Nah, I think she'd appreciate the element of mystery.

>> No.19654259

I'd imagine that dragon daughter would be super tsun to her father once she hit her prideful stage

>> No.19654271

Why are you using spoilers in a situation where they aren't needed?

>> No.19654281
File: 22 KB, 395x364, Late Night 01005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the post between

I thought the first anon who posted her wanted a bit of mystery for the girl so i responded in kind

>> No.19654289
Quoted by: >>19654299

But trolls are gentle! You're thinking of ogres.

>> No.19654299
File: 644 KB, 1326x629, Troll_eng1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't read the profile

>> No.19654301

>they killed _raw for good now.
Cunts, it was the best place to get images from too. Pixiv has censorship and twitter is a mess.
Surprise boxes are for every occasion.

>> No.19654324
File: 68 KB, 500x342, #Late Saddness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654378

on top of that, rumor is that they are now pulling a twitter, and converting PNG with no transparency to JPG. although higher quality JPG than twitter.

I fucking hate JPG artifacting

>> No.19654332
File: 71 KB, 500x618, BDF130CD-44A2-4CCE-A72E-3DD57A0FC660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deviantart is now the best image host around

>> No.19654355
File: 1.02 MB, 1487x1487, if you check the post this is on at Hal's pixiv, there is a link to the full resolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does not allow the naughty
at least with pixiv you can get it censored.

>> No.19654358

That smug cat deserves a facefucking

>> No.19654359

>/monster/ nigger is so retarded he can barely read

>> No.19654361
File: 733 KB, 2704x4056, Saphirette VoS5VG0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, looking for new details in the art in the world guide I noticed something that wasn't clear from Saphirette's original art. Namely her leggings and "skirt" (and perhaps more) appear to actually be made from her dark matter goo. Meaning she can get ready for sex or masturbation with but a thought.

>> No.19654368
File: 70 KB, 480x720, extreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so there re oppai lolis in MGE world....im so happy right now.

>> No.19654372 [SPOILER] 
File: 690 KB, 2704x4056, 1534211082412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I never knew destructive earth magic could look so cute. Interesting to see what earth elementals originally looked like too.

>> No.19654376
File: 649 KB, 1367x629, Hobgoblin_eng2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19654377
File: 203 KB, 668x500, 208_gobgob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty late to realizing that anon...

>> No.19654378
Quoted by: >>19654387

Why the fuck. I swear there's one big conspiracy to make images as poor quality as possible.
It's unironically been the best place for SFW images for the longest time since there's no bullshit hoops to jump through to get the real image.
With the catch being it's deviantart. Hentai Foundry is okay for image quality but my god the site is shit.

>> No.19654379

>off-topic images
>typing like a single digit IQ mong

>> No.19654387

>does not allow the naughty
I know for a fact I've seen artists posting nudes there.
I mean maybe they don't allow actual sex but 95% of MG art is ecchi anyway.

>> No.19654404
File: 420 KB, 1084x1600, wander-614825-MGE_Demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>does not allow the naughty
That's what Hentai Foundry's for.

>> No.19654409

She better be exposing herself to her beloved. Slutty demons are shit-tier.

>> No.19654414

They limit image dimensions though so they are shit

>> No.19654468


>> No.19654483
File: 392 KB, 595x842, 57170447_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnomes are love.

>> No.19654510
File: 568 KB, 751x1052, 69495530_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654528

>I just wanted to do some shopping!

>> No.19654525

Sorry for being dumb but I can't find that pic on pixiv, think you could point me further in the right direction?

>> No.19654528
Quoted by: >>19654533

It's time to cease with the copy and paste stuff every thread buddy, provided you have any modicum of self awareness.

>> No.19654533

>copy and paste

>> No.19654544


Clever girl

>> No.19654600
Quoted by: >>19654631

>Try and do some elemental magic
>Get fucked

>> No.19654603
Quoted by: >>19654692

Does that mean...if I become her husband...I get to he her clothes?

>> No.19654631
Quoted by: >>19654650

Anon doing anything gets you fucked in mge land

>> No.19654650

Even doing nothing?

>> No.19654675
Quoted by: >>19654691

Dangerous activities include: smiling, breathing, and eye contact.

>> No.19654691
Quoted by: >>19654709

Also: not smiling, not breathing, and not making eye contact.
Being dead is no escape.

>> No.19654692
Quoted by: >>19654833

If you meant “be”, then no. You’re looking for nightgaunts. Three doors down on the right.

>> No.19654709
Quoted by: >>19654839

You could always commit mass murder for fun. That’s a sure fire way to get them to hate you. Just be sure you don’t get stopped by a monster hero before you become irredeemable.

>> No.19654744

Keeping your head down is actually likely the best way to keep yourself rape free, but even then sooner or later you're going to catch someone's eye likely

>> No.19654771

Maybe once monster numbers reach a breaking point, but at present at least KC says its not unusual for people in Order-controlled lands who don't travel to go their whole lives without ever even seeing a monster girl, let alone having sex with one.

>> No.19654780

>"hmm, who's that guy, he doesn't seem to try to stand out much"
>"Yeah, he's kinda unnoticeable. I think I'm gonna rape him"

>> No.19654821

I do

>> No.19654833

I know about Nightgaunts, but I thought a Dark Matters husband was the black blob.

>> No.19654839

Monsters wouldn't NTR a man from his human wife would they?

>> No.19654888

If the man had a upstanding human wife mamono magic would probably find a way to monsterize her

If she treated him like trash he's probably getting his pelvis crushed and stolen away

>> No.19654918
File: 152 KB, 600x800, _commission__jabberwock_in_casino_by_mogucho-da2828n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19654990

What happens in Wonderland, stays in Wonderland.

>> No.19654932

>If she treated him like trash he's probably getting his pelvis crushed and stolen away
That's the only kind of NTR I can get behind.

>> No.19654947

MGE volume 2 mentioned that men the Overlord's army capture who are married are later released back to their wife (or both are relocated somewhere safe), and one would expect all monsters would not want to take a man from his wife if they loved each other (making themselves his wife as well may be another matter but one would presume it'd be rare).

>> No.19654950
Quoted by: >>19655003

Why not just corrupt the woman into being more loving
Like the sort to still be controlling but not in a abusive way?

>> No.19654953

Does that mofu sabbath have more girls that have fluffy sex hair?

>> No.19654990

It probably rains chocolate in the casino.

>> No.19654991

That's when one ties you up in your apartment to see how long it takes before anyone comes looking.

>> No.19655001
Quoted by: >>19655064

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, hug the imotous, sabbath war now!

>> No.19655003
Quoted by: >>19655232

She probably doesn't deserve the luxury of being monsterized.

>> No.19655004
Quoted by: >>19655060

I mean, unless you actually atajd around in your room staring at the ceiling doing cold nothing all day then you're going to display personality traits, and some girl is going to find you to her fancy

>> No.19655041
Quoted by: >>19655070

Imagine being that guy who stood in a corner at a party or a ball.

>> No.19655060

>Anon stays in his room, stares at the roof, never leaves.
>Succubus burst threw the window
>Few shards of glass sticking out of her skin, blank stare directly at your penis
>"I-I live next door, I sensed your virginity, I have to do this anon"

Jeez, can't a guy catch a break

>> No.19655064

Fug the imouto sabbath raw now!

>> No.19655070

That's how you get nabbed by prowling oomukades.

>> No.19655069

>anon goes full recluse
>has groceries dropped off by family
>one day, he's playing games in his living room
>wurm tunnels up
>looks around
>"wow, you're cute! Let's make babies!"

I feel for those recluses.

>> No.19655073

At least the guy has a wife now unlike me.

>> No.19655075

Recluses are also prime targets for meidos looking for a mastah.

>> No.19655091
Quoted by: >>19655105

Must be pretty scary to wake up and discover your blankets, bed, and furniture are now Shog

>> No.19655094
Quoted by: >>19655106

I'm just imagining a recluse slowly opening up his door to see who's knocking to find a pair of kikimora standing there with suitcases under them arms and brooms in hand.

>we're here to help, mastah!

>> No.19655098

Celibate anons in MGE is something I think about often. Like if the portal opens somewhere far away from our waifus, and we have to walk through whole regions just to get to them while curving any monstergirls thirsting for our distinct mana. I think it would be pretty funny.

>> No.19655102
File: 154 KB, 826x754, 1512963170563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How'd you get in here?

>> No.19655105
Quoted by: >>19655110

I'd enjoy that personally, but If it's that thorough already, then she's probably already been there a while.

>> No.19655106
Quoted by: >>19655114

>Anon closes and locks the door
>Turns around to see them already in his house.

>> No.19655110
Quoted by: >>19655121

She's a shy shog

>> No.19655114
Quoted by: >>19655127

>one is already lifting the couch to sweep under it
>the other is standing on tiptoes dusting his bookshelves
>looks over at his desk and it's been completely organized
>anon slowly pinches himself

Such efficient girls. He'll be a happy mastah someday.

>> No.19655121
File: 254 KB, 800x710, shog lurking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19655160

I'd do my best to make her feel at home then because I like shy Shogs.

>> No.19655127

Will he be touched or overwhelmed once they start brainstorming all the ways he can be become a more productive member of society with their support, the best person he can be?

>> No.19655134

Most likely shitting his pants, especially once it dawns on him how persistent these good meido's really are.

>> No.19655138
Quoted by: >>19655699

I have to wonder if he'd even want that. It depends on the person of course, but one generally doesn't become a recluse because one cares for society or to better oneself.

It's healing time, boys.

>> No.19655148

>sitting there listening to the meidos talk about their plans for him while they clean the kitchen
>Suddenly hears them start talking about getting him ready to take responsibility for daughters

>> No.19655160

Don't worry she's already felt very at home watching you as well as touching you in your sleep

>> No.19655166

What if you went ultra recluse?
Live in the most remote place with zero contact with humans or MG living off the land.
I wonder what girl would find that a juicy target?

>> No.19655170
Quoted by: >>19655263

I like the idea of a Shog, skillfully oozing up against her sleeping master to just rest against him. Feeling him breathe against her just fills her with bliss, and the longer she lays against him, the more eyes begin to watch him.

>> No.19655187
Quoted by: >>19655248

I don't know how I feel about my pillow skillfully articulating my head to collect my drool throughout the night.

>> No.19655188
File: 507 KB, 832x1200, 275_will-o-wisp_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19655189

Amazon, troll, and wendigo spring to mind. That'd probably make you an easy target for slimes since they have little reason to give a damn about that anyway.

>> No.19655232
File: 31 KB, 300x200, Amazoness5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she'd probably be straight-up killed.

>> No.19655248

>Silly mastah, he drools so much in his sleep
>And if I turn his head just right
>Riiiight there, I can collect all his silly drool haha, fhtagn y-gof'nn

She's a good girl

>> No.19655263

I still wish for the reverse.
>walking in on the sleeping shog
>hearing her bubbling/cooing/whatever noises shogs make in their sleep
>feeling her twitch as I kiss her in her sleep and make sure she's nice and comfy

>> No.19655291
Quoted by: >>19655310

That would also be very pleasant. Imagine curling up behind her and pulling her close to breathe in her scent and keep her warm.

>> No.19655297

Memphis obviously

>> No.19655310

>You crawl into bed and curl up around the shog
>After nuzzling into her neck you realize she's peeking at you from at least three different places
>Oh right, shogs don't sleep
>You've been raised, but you've never been more okay with that
>And you do sleep

>> No.19655358
File: 61 KB, 700x650, 52528528_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real dead hours.

>> No.19655369
File: 861 KB, 1333x1400, 1528229603126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come sit with Auntie Winegoat. Have a drink perhaps.

>> No.19655372

Is this her limberly diving for him, or is this her stiffly falling onto him?

>> No.19655380

She must be quite the drunkard if she already has two glasses.

>> No.19655385
File: 543 KB, 997x1291, __jiangshi_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_latenight__a89115235a9935a6b8415ead15952743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19655391

>when cool wine aunt is a real thing

>> No.19655409

>Those stubs on her head she calls horns
I only drink with REAL women.

>> No.19655412
Quoted by: >>19655435

I mean just hiding isn't going to do anything, as there are monsters that are comfortable in any environment you care mention. I was more thinking being boring as an individual in plain view, but being a living statue isn't really a thing most people can pull off

>> No.19655413
File: 613 KB, 1407x1346, Satyros2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Swimsuit goat
I didn't know I needed this until know.

>> No.19655435
Quoted by: >>19655456

That guy down on the corner can pull it off pretty well. Makes a decent amount doing it too.

>> No.19655456
Quoted by: >>19655474

How much?

>> No.19655474

I’ve seen him get $50 in a day.
I wonder if he longs for a Gargoyle waifu?

>> No.19655476

Auntie Winegoat smells funny and talk weird all the time. I'd rather go play with Nana Shrinefox.

>> No.19655496
File: 1.38 MB, 1165x1144, 43370649_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19655511

Daily reminder that two legs bad, four legs good.

>> No.19655511
Quoted by: >>19655515

What about spiders and insects with more than 4? What about lamiae without legs? What about birbs with two legs, but their wings act as propulsion rather than the tools of oppression?

>> No.19655513


>> No.19655515

All are fine.

>> No.19655535
Quoted by: >>19655603

>quote from man a few months before he moved to Pandemonium

>> No.19655547
File: 609 KB, 2163x3245, amQFMwu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want cute monster girls to purify me.

>> No.19655553
File: 160 KB, 1451x957, DNg9LlRW4AAr5ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19655603

Unicorns are wonderful both big and small.

>> No.19655575
Quoted by: >>19655596

Those all-nighters are really doing a number on her, aren't they?

>> No.19655589

I want to bring that bapho home and give her a damn good cuddle session that she can catch up some sleep with

>> No.19655596

She's the one to hear a witch yelling something about a "Love Love Blast" and she just rolls her eyes so hard it's a miracle they don't fall out of their sockets.

>> No.19655603

>Anon is convinced that he will purify a Dark Priest if he cums enough times in all her holes
What a sad fate.

It'd be worth to go out of your way to get sick very often just so you can go to the hospital and get treated by the Unicorns
>Loli novice Unicorn who is extra cute and extra genki
>She keeps worrying about your poor health and offers to become your home nurse
The veteran CC Unicorn would be wonderful as well

>> No.19655604
Quoted by: >>19655634

It occurs to me that a loli bicorn attempting to recruit girls for her onii-chan's harem is probably about the lewdest thing ever.

>> No.19655608
File: 81 KB, 741x950, 7c80bc2518a31e855f20c93282a04925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware wild lolis, for they have next to no concept of tact, manners, or modesty.
And they will make a goddamn mess out of your kitchen in no time flat.

>> No.19655615

If you're going to put kneesocks on a centaur, you may as well do all 4 legs.

>> No.19655634
Quoted by: >>19655664

Is it lewder if she only recruits lolis or if she recruits monster girls of all ages?
Her bringing home an older hopeless monster girl with decades of pent up lust would be quite the scene.

How is she supposed to put them on without an onii-chan to help her? Now take responsibility.

>> No.19655639

Tell that to the Bapho. She'd probably have none of your shit.

>> No.19655650
Quoted by: >>19655662

Hold on is that bapho wearing just stockings & garterbelt underneath that coat?
I don't see any underwear.

>> No.19655662

The only thing underwear is good at is preventing husband from having easy access.

>> No.19655664
Quoted by: >>19655814

All ages, definitely. Can you imagine her coming up to the older ones?
>"Nee-chan! Nee-chan!"
>"What is it, little girl?"
>"Do ya liek big cocks?!"
>She eagerly points at her onii-chan in the distance, who waves sheepishly
>The older MG looks up, then back down at the lolitaur who is now prancing left and right make the universal 'big fish' gesture
>Due to the magic of MANGO TANGO she's not exaggerating at all

>> No.19655680
Quoted by: >>19655709

How does one tame feral lolis?

>> No.19655699

I live like that on and off. Honestly I might do it full-time if I had a wife out there with me. Sounds comfy. Being antisocial is a lot more fun with another person, ironically.

There's some damage for sure but there are a lot of different reasons to do it. For me it ties into religion but it's also very healing in its own way. It's also very romantic to be able to spend some quiet time outdoors with someone you love.

>> No.19655709
Quoted by: >>19655725

There’s a few tried and true methods, though patience is a must in any case.
>introducing them to cooking esp. for carnivores
>just use the D (may backfire with exceptionally greedy ones)
>fur grooming & brushing can make even the most shy or obstinate girls like putty in your hands
Alternatively, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

>> No.19655715

And Smokehobos

>> No.19655725
Quoted by: >>19655736

>bring home stray pups
>go feral
>Kiki has to clean up the mess

>> No.19655736

On that note, how on earth would “wild” Kikis work?
You can’t exactly clean up the clutter in the woods.

>> No.19655744

Probably something more along the lines of a nomadic tribe. They build short-term longhouses or tents, keep them in good condition and then move with the seasons.

Temporary structures can be surprisingly comfortable and sanitary if you know what you're doing.

>> No.19655745
Quoted by: >>19655749

>You can’t exactly clean up the clutter in the woods.
Bullshit, you can't. Two words: park ranger. Doesn't matter that there is no park, doesn't matter that there are no other rangers.

>> No.19655749

But the floor IS dirt!

>> No.19655759

There's clean dirt and then there's dirty dirt. Why do people have so much trouble understanding that? It's not like you can't see the difference... [Grumbling kiki noises]

>> No.19655761

Very flat, uniform dirt free of twigs and rocks, yes. Think of it like a military base camp. They're living out of tents but still have most modern amenities and keep things in good order.

>> No.19655814

That's so thoughtless that it might actually work
>Big busty Dark Mage joins the harem after Loli Bicorn simply gestures her how big your dick is
>After an entire night of sex with her you finally ask her name
>Turns out she's that one notorious Dark Mage who felled three human kingdoms
>There is a huge bounty over her head and she is considered a calamity level threat by the Order

>> No.19655914

What's the best place to find a cute undead wife?
>Undead Sabbath
>Corrupted Cemetery
>Giant haunted castle
>Creepy gothic manor
>Death infested slums

>> No.19655926
Quoted by: >>19655936

>Undead sabbath
This reminds me, I wouldn’t mind a couple zombie lolis to molest and use as pillows.

>> No.19655931
Quoted by: >>19655936

Castle, pls. You could also go for the healing route and choose an abandoned hospital.

>> No.19655936

Zombie lolis who suck on your fingers and beg for dick when they're hungry are the best.

No way, abandoned hospitals are way too scary. Think of all the undead nurses.

>> No.19655946

Zombies don’t need to sleep right? It must be nice just having them weakly dryhump you all night or just hug you tight to enjoy your warmth all night. Especially since the entire time they are just thinking of you and waiting for you to wake up.

>> No.19655968
Quoted by: >>19656030

>Think of all the undead nurses.
Oh, I am.

>> No.19655977
Quoted by: >>19656030

>Show up to giant haunted castle with the express intent of getting swept up by an undead cutie
>As you walk up to the front door, you hear the sound of castlevania music playing over a shitty boombox
>you ignore it, but then hear a slightly awkward 'uh, ahem! Up here!'
>You look up, and standing on top of a rampart is a Dhampir, with her not-so-well-hidden witch friend holding the boombox behind her
>"Human! Beware! This castle is filled with haunted creatures and dangerous monsters of the night! It's a good thing you happened upon here when you did, for I am a master of defeating these defilers of deee... dee... uh, well, I'm good at beating them!"
>She dramatically leaps down, kinda stumbling the landing, but then rises up in a dramatic pose
>"Let me be your guide to protect you from the evils of this place! For I am ALUCARD!"
>"That's probably a made up name", you deadpan
>She blushes and stammers awkwardly
>"N-no! It's not! A-anyway, whatdya say?"
>before you can answer, the music suddenly cuts out, and a nerdy voice you can only assume belongs to the witch pipes up
>"The 1 minute thirty second sample is over Erika! Do you want me to just put it on repeat or can I go home now?"

>> No.19655989

You know it's true love when your zombies are more than happy to spend all night just watching over and cuddling you while you're sleeping. It's even more romantic if they spend the night listening to your heartbeat.
Waking up everyday to a group eager undead lolis who are overjoyed to see you open your eyes would make any man the happiest on Earth.

>> No.19655998
Quoted by: >>19656055

Gosh dang. I'm imagining a pair of zombie girls just silently exploring your sleeping body, but every minute or so worriedly bringing their heads back to your chest to make sure you're still making the thump thump noise, and smiling and groaning in satisfaction when they confirm that you are.

>> No.19656003

It’s nice to know others can appreciate a Loli zombie harem. Truly high tier girls!

>> No.19656023
Quoted by: >>19656055

It’s made even better when you consider that every morning half of the group would flock to your face to pepper you with the kisses they’ve been wanting to give you the entire night, and the other half that gather towards your dick while moaning about how hungry they are.

>> No.19656029
Quoted by: >>19656085

Where the warrior girls at?
A harem of strong ladies to rip the battlefield asunder would be great.

>> No.19656030

You won't have the stamina to endure all the injections.

Dhampirs are for being fucked silly. I bet she thinks she looks cool defeating her mom's skeletons and mummy maids.

>> No.19656047
Quoted by: >>19656156

Don't be silly, the injections are so I have the stamina to give them injections.

>> No.19656055

>Loli Zombies who're afraid for your life and can only be reassured by your heartbeat
They more than anyone else would understand how valuable life is. Especially yours.

Breakfast would be quite the busy meal.

>> No.19656081
Quoted by: >>19656151

>"Oh... N-now now Erika, you're really getting too old for this..."
>"Look out Anon! It's a skeleton! Take this! Hiiiiiya!"
>"Erika... Please don't tear up my dress..."
>"...just play along, I gotta impress him...!"

>> No.19656085
Quoted by: >>19656236

Can you really handle a harem of strong ladies?
I'd be overwhelmed by a single one of them even more so if her strength training involves crushing boulders between her thighs.

>> No.19656151
Quoted by: >>19656198

Erika seems like the kind of girl who would forget that she can't actually change directions in the air mid-jump and accidentally fall into one of the many pits in her mother's house. Anon would have to get really good at pulling her out from those.

>> No.19656156

What the hell do scary undead nurses even inject into their patient?
I'm picturing a dozen of them holding him down while the head nurse injects him with a fluorescent green liquid.

>> No.19656198

>Anon sighs as he hears another loud "Uwaaaaah!" as Erika falls into a slime pit for the fifth time that night.
>He can only sheepishly thank the dark slimes lurking within for helping him get his girlfriend out.
>Every night she worries that she'll slip up and dump her because she's just not cool enough and can't protect him from her mother.
>No matter how many times he tells her, she just doesn't seem to get that he honestly loves her for her, goofy slip-ups and all.

>> No.19656219
File: 371 KB, 712x904, c6959e0df50ac8f5c6908b1e8416024f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19656279

Various experiments aren't going to run themselves. Pesky and silly things like "human rights" and "ethical treatment" has to be put aside for the greater good.

>> No.19656232
Quoted by: >>19656279

Aside from the brain dead "aphrodisiacs" answer? I'd imagine some kind of Lamentation Mushroom concoction. Not neon green, but black like tar.

They'd pin you down and cover your mouth so you can't scream then slowly push the fluid into your veins. Maybe you see your blood vessels discolor and turn purple under your skin as the poison runs through them. Not knowing what you've just been given, your heart pounds in your chest, only to beat harder as the euphoria kicks in.

Your screams into their palms turn to moans amd your struggling turns to orgasmic thrashing. Even as you lose consciousness and you feel your body heat being sapped by the ground and the cold, dead hands pinning you, you cum over and over again until death takes you.

Then you wake up, your dullahan nursewife tells you that you were a fantastic patient, then gives you a lollipop and a blowjob. The end.

>> No.19656236
Quoted by: >>19656352

Then you become strong
Train your heart out and rise to the challenge

>> No.19656279

That's a very cute nurse, would trust her with my health even if her morals are questionable.

First fearboner I've had in a while. That's a bit too much but I'm sold if they cover my mouth by sitting on my face, that way I don't lose my mind upon seeing my veins change colors too.

>> No.19656352
Quoted by: >>19656534

Words are nice and all but they won't help when one of them got you in an armbar while the other has your head between her thighs
You'd have no choice but to give up and become their fucktoy

>> No.19656534

Were you expecting an easy win?
You have to keep at it, victory is earned, not given.

>> No.19656806
Quoted by: >>19656887

From the thumbnail I thought she was throwing the blonde one at me.

>> No.19656887

A devious military tactic used by many monsters indeed, and god help you if you attract the attention of more than one loli-thrower or a bigger species such as an Ushi who can throw bigger girls.

>> No.19656898
Quoted by: >>19657181

>Ushi-Oni throws Holsts at you
Knocking your opponent out with breasts is a valid option.

>> No.19657095
Quoted by: >>19657181

>Loli thrower
You know what sucks? Even if I did managed to dodge I wouldn't just let a loli fall flat on her face, I'd need to pick her up in a princess carry.

>> No.19657107
File: 269 KB, 600x720, 53bee1a77e93a71c992c963808b1662a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19657181

>Oni carries around a sack filled with lolis across her shoulder
>Oni spots a target and begins hurling lolis with deadly accuracy
>target only hears brief squeals of excitement before getting pummeled by lolis of various breeds
>each loli clings tightly to the target, his cries of fear drowned out by a growing chorus of giggles
>after being pinned down by a half dozen lolis, the oni closes on her prey
>the lolis and oni proceed to have their way with the target for the next 12 hours
Notice the symbiotic relationship between Oni and loli. Where each individual loli may have trouble taking down their prey, they form a colony and attach themselves to the willing host Oni. Of course, the Oni would rarely have trouble in assaulting a single prey. But with the addition of this loli colony, success is all but guaranteed. Ahhh, the wonders of nature.

>> No.19657181
Quoted by: >>19657203

I kind of really want to be tackled breast first ny a Holstaur.
Exactly, any man not completely consumed by evil would be helpless, they couldn’t just let a poor loli hurt herself by hitting the ground so they’d try to catch them or at least lower their guard and by then the trap is sprung.
Truly life always finds a way, and with monster scientists hard at work they will always be some new tactic for them to deploy.

>> No.19657203
Quoted by: >>19657276

I wouldn't be beaten though. I'd use magic to fling pocket shotas at the monsters she'd be throwing.

>> No.19657276

>Anon and a monster girl rapid fire shotas and lolis at each other
>Dozens of couples were born that day

>> No.19657351
File: 77 KB, 1157x1200, DCkKTr2XYAAarSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there an actual oppai lolification potion, or can any species have oppai lolis as a result of mutation like Hobgoblins?

>> No.19657371
Quoted by: >>19657398

I imagine both.
That being said, I don't think certain girls, like a strong, buff as hell salamander, would enjoy being made into an oppai loli.

>> No.19657398
Quoted by: >>19657406

There is an oppai Loli Sabbath so an oppai lolification potion or spell has to exist.
As for flat Loli species oppai mutations I don't see why they couldn't exist but they'd be extremely rare.

A big buff Salamander being turned into a small soft oppai loli sounds great.
I hope she retains some muscles under the softness, oppai lolis proudly showing off their biceps are just too adorable.

>> No.19657406
Quoted by: >>19657462

>Gets turned into an oppai loli
>Turns on anon and jumps at him
>Starts snuggling him because she always wanted to be small and cute.

>> No.19657408
Quoted by: >>19659170

Did you check halphelts tumblr?

>> No.19657420
Quoted by: >>19659170

also lol i ment to put tumblr in the file name not pixiv

>> No.19657462
Quoted by: >>19657501

>She used to keep a proud warrior facade
>She now wants to dress in very girly outfits
>She also wants him to give her a cute nickname

>> No.19657501

And thus a new member of the oppai sabbath was born

>> No.19657675

I want to make an oppai loli mouse forget how it feels not to be pregnant.

>> No.19657721
Quoted by: >>19657762

>What's the best place to find a cute undead wife?
Wherever in the undead city the young daughters of the nobles spend time, of course. Keep in mind most of the lolis at the Sabbath are just pretending, though.

>> No.19657762
Quoted by: >>19657969

Does age matter with undeads though?
You could take twenty Loli Wights at random and changes are a few of them would legally be centuries old even if they're the same as the other loli daughters.

>> No.19657883
File: 744 KB, 966x1331, chunlip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19657900
File: 346 KB, 819x916, 8CC06728-3D80-4091-837D-05A5886C6BED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19657941

>When she sees your coupon book

>> No.19657904

>turning a kick orientated martial artist into a lamia
Jinko or hinezumi would of been better

>> No.19657941

>You tell her that you have a coupon for 50% off as well as a coupon for $20 off
>She gets visibly aroused
>You tell her that both can be used for the same purchase
>She cums uncontrollably

>> No.19657951
Quoted by: >>19658013

What I hate most about fanart that turns fictional humans into monstergirls is that the artists never give the human halves definable traits like pointed ears and the like.
They also neglect to modify the characters outfit into something that species would totally wear.

>> No.19657969
Quoted by: >>19658091

With undead there's three types, I think. Biological children of undead who will grow up normally, those who died young and came back from the dead, and adults who've turned into lolis with magic like living species can do. I assume humans and monstergirls who die young and get turned into undead work like you'd expect and don't physically age, but I can't remember any direct canon citation so that could be wrong.

>> No.19658004
File: 2.74 MB, 3004x3303, 1534088259626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

>> No.19658013
Quoted by: >>19658059

You gotta have the costume the same as half the time it defines the character

>> No.19658021
Quoted by: >>19658035

I hate lolis with a passion

>> No.19658024


>> No.19658034

Left. I like lolis but if I have a choice I'll always go for the big girl.

>> No.19658035
File: 693 KB, 1142x1560, 62176147_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But girls don't pop out of the womb as bombshells you know.

>> No.19658047

I just dont want to fuck childlike bodies anon
I prefer my women mature, aged like fine wine

>> No.19658056

Left. I’ve tried and I can’t even get it up to lolis.

>> No.19658057
File: 288 KB, 991x1096, 1531427764085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19658091

>Undead Sabbath exists
>KC didn't draw an Undead Baphomet dressed like Castlevania's Death or some shit
Baphomets seem to universally wield scythes too, so designing one for an Undead Kingdom should've been ezpz.

>> No.19658059
Quoted by: >>19658085

Which is why lamia chun li doesnt work

>> No.19658066

You know anon, most people don’t eat strawberries as soon as they turn produce fruit. They wait until they’re fully ripe.

>> No.19658067
Quoted by: >>19658083

That dark priest loli is about to ride that man to kingdom come.

>> No.19658083
File: 151 KB, 800x1300, DarkPriest17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that what they call Pandemonium these days?

>> No.19658085

So here's a question
What character from games would you like to see as an MG?
Not asking you, Beast. We don't need a roster full of salamanders.

>> No.19658087
Quoted by: >>19658097

But the lolis and JCs are the ripe strawberries, after that you're going overtime.

>> No.19658091

That sounds about right.
I guess age matters when a Loli Wight who is actually 12 years old acts the part, while the 1000 years old one would be haughty and mature despite her looks.

Hel, the Death goddess, is said to be a Loli as well. The undead Sabbath definitely has her blessings.

>> No.19658097

Enjoy your green fruit.

>> No.19658105
File: 118 KB, 689x1109, Shoggoth7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belfast from Azur Lane as a shoggoth.

>> No.19658114
File: 757 KB, 1300x1300, 1506965759028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19658164

I'll have you know that Salamanders aren't the only monster I like
Have a leona griffon

>> No.19658152
File: 1.04 MB, 1000x1000, 39dbbff0a94f0e33f091aeaeec2b191d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can dragons be soft?

>> No.19658158
Quoted by: >>19658167

Yes, the softest.

>> No.19658164

Why are the the heads of ralf and clark there?

>> No.19658167
Quoted by: >>19658203

Never underestimate doughragons.

>> No.19658169
File: 528 KB, 837x1000, ne0QrON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19658249

Very soft.

>> No.19658203

The cutest and the snuggest!

>> No.19658249
File: 1.96 MB, 1200x1697, 1534107211089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the evolutionary purpose of having such a meaty tail? she cant wear pants

>> No.19658258

Easy access

>> No.19658260

>No group of dark priest lolis who all worship you and your body over their old gods.

>> No.19658304
File: 160 KB, 491x991, 1479348835586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19658610

I like bananas a bit green though.

>> No.19658622

Left is for a comfy familial life somewhere in a demon realm
Right is for an absolutely debauched life in Pandemonium
>She's tip-toeing to reach kiss his dick
Right is too lewd not to choose.

Sometimes you need a nice small refreshing glass of newly harvested grape juice.

>> No.19658653
Quoted by: >>19658676

Sounds to me like sour grapes.

>> No.19658674
File: 134 KB, 1200x863, DdHwFabXcAYRCem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she cant wear pants

>> No.19658676

Sounds to me like food analogies are retarded, lazy, and inaccurate and you should all rethink your lives.

>> No.19658678
Quoted by: >>19658685

Fuck you I do what I want

>> No.19658685
Quoted by: >>19658698

And I will call you a dumbass when you act like it.

>> No.19658690
Quoted by: >>19658721

What analogies should we use then?

>> No.19658698
Quoted by: >>19658725

You know, getting angry over something like food analogies feels wrong
It's been a part of language for ages, I honestly don't see the problem with it

>> No.19658721

You could always try making a coherent argument instead of “Druella is like Jello pudding.”
Shit, why not go for literary comparisons, I don’t think we see those being abused too much.

>> No.19658725
Quoted by: >>19658785

You're not allowed to have freedom anon, even with words.

>> No.19658734

>hurr durr only use plain language
You're not in fucking kindergarten anymore.

>> No.19658785


>> No.19658786
File: 982 KB, 972x1102, 58404198_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19658792

At least post the good vtuber monster girls.

>> No.19658797
File: 237 KB, 724x771, BF68192C-26FE-42F0-A013-B8F1E0173FAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yo onions violador. ¿te gustaría bailar?

>> No.19658814
File: 168 KB, 848x1200, bunyip_shitposting_w_flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19658884

>having a chuckle there mate?

>> No.19658842

>rapist onion

>> No.19658848

I don't speak taco ma'am.

>> No.19658855

>Ushi Oni-on

>> No.19658883
Quoted by: >>19658979

Word filter

>> No.19658884
Quoted by: >>19659108

Bunyips would shitpost and derail threads but they's do it unvoluntarily
>Anons are talking about how wonderful and heavily Wight thighs are
>The discussion makes her feel insecure and she feels the need to defend herself
>She makes a lengthy post about how thighs are clearly inferior to lamia tails
>The next 300 posts are lamias and bipedal monster girls shit flinging
>She's shaking behind her monitor wondering what has she done

>> No.19658918
Quoted by: >>19658949

tfw no gilf kitsune gf

>> No.19658949
Quoted by: >>19658951

Big old fox with slightly saggy tits and mature curves, or one of these old fox who look 7?

>> No.19658951
Quoted by: >>19658970


First one.

>> No.19658970

Good luck making her feel young again.

>> No.19658979

>word filter extends to other languages
For fuck's sake.

>> No.19658980
Quoted by: >>19659052

>Right is for an absolutely debauched life in Pandemonium
You got it the wrong way around, monstergirl loli wives or adopted daughters sliding into the wife role are for the carefree life in a calm non-supercorrupted demon realm.

>> No.19658985
Quoted by: >>19659015

>grrr analogy bad
Okay /v/

>> No.19659015

Be gentle, it's obviously his first day on the Internet.

>> No.19659052

What's the daily life of a lewd loli if not constant sex?
Housekeeping, quiet time with husband, going on dates and other fun activities?

>> No.19659066
File: 268 KB, 765x612, Bratphomet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19659078
Quoted by: >>19659133

I want to talk to an 1000 year old demon chained up and unable to leave her old dungeon

>> No.19659108
File: 97 KB, 543x587, 1492815465035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659204

Still better than Cheshires.

>> No.19659123

I'm guilty of hugging a loli who I don't know

>> No.19659128
File: 49 KB, 500x1090, a88774be6dcad7bcf3f87416a6e4d974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morrigan looks good in anything

>> No.19659133
Quoted by: >>19659190

I bed she's sealed in stone beneath the floor of an ancient manor. Just imagine stumbling through a hole while exploring the abandoned house only to end up in a dungeon with a marble statue of a bombshell Demon lady psychically communicating with you, trying to get you to cum in the statue's pussy to free her.

>> No.19659139
Quoted by: >>19659183

Morrigan is overrated

>> No.19659141
File: 558 KB, 1062x1500, 60962114_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659183

Overrated succ.

>> No.19659143

Lolis should not have to work unless it is to help out with her husband/onii-chan's business. Their daily life should be all fun and no work
This Baphomet is so pouty that she probably sentences all the accuse to a lifetime of Sabbath jail no matter their crime

>> No.19659170

Thanks man

>> No.19659183
Quoted by: >>19659189

Ah don't be like that guys
Not many succs in fighting games to be happy about

>> No.19659184

Best succ.

>> No.19659189
Quoted by: >>19659230

>Not many succs in fighting games
Maybe you should use a bigger pool of sources then.

>> No.19659190

Sounds more like a Gargoyle. They need the love.

>> No.19659204
Quoted by: >>19659233

Cheshires wouldn't be that bad, they'd care more about teasing male anons and making them reveal their address than about shitposting

Her flat alter-ego deserves more love
Fighting game monster girls all look good in anything

>> No.19659209
Quoted by: >>19659236

>ywn be a gargoyles pedestal

>> No.19659230
Quoted by: >>19659354

To be fair theres not many succbi in anime and manga either, and the rest is just western stuff you cant post here
Morrigan and lilith are okay as a go-to

>> No.19659233
File: 468 KB, 1075x1518, 1529306186760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659286


>> No.19659236
Quoted by: >>19659551

Only a wholesome pedestal is acceptable.

>> No.19659251
File: 340 KB, 1003x1417, tumblr_ozyfx0WNmV1u4522ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659359

Black dragon when?

>> No.19659258

The difference between a sealed Demon and a Gargoyle is a Demon is freed after you unseal her. A Gargoyle is stuck with her stone curse forever.

>> No.19659286

That's some high quality succubutt.
I wish she got a new game, her and Felicia deserve better. The jiangshi is cute too.

>> No.19659321
Quoted by: >>19659337

NEVER ever.

>> No.19659337

You just have to believe.

>> No.19659341

Gimme more succ while you are at it guys.
The blue succ is also welcome.

>> No.19659354

I'm sure there are other succs in games
Where's that nutcase Beast when you need him?

>> No.19659359

Soon, fellow dragonfag.

>> No.19659371
File: 247 KB, 1207x875, DfOPC07XcAAoGua-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659399

MGE Succubi are the best Succubi.

>> No.19659372
File: 168 KB, 500x608, __succubus_disgaea_and_makai_senki_disgaea_2_drawn_by_yamaura_tamaki__dc69957150f93a12f1dd0b7765fef22e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659394


>> No.19659394

This succ is kinda cute, but her tits are way too big.

>> No.19659399
Quoted by: >>19659642

Latenight succs maybe.

>> No.19659400
Quoted by: >>19659417

>Too big
>Laughing holsts

>> No.19659404

I want death by succ.

>> No.19659410
Quoted by: >>19659456

Those are optimal

>> No.19659417
Quoted by: >>19659436

It’s funny because KC’s holsts have thoroughly average tits.

>> No.19659424
File: 171 KB, 294x510, 68717005_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You alright there?

>> No.19659429

>You'll never pound Hsien-ko from behind and cum in her fat Jiangshi ass until she's an ahegaoing wreck while Mei-Ling watches, quivering because she knows she's next.
>You'll never mating press Lilith's mouth while at the same time eating out Morrigan.
>You'll never be Q-Bee's private mating slave
>You'll never get gangbanged by Felicia and her catgirl friends.

>> No.19659434

stop being gay

>> No.19659436
File: 276 KB, 725x856, HolstarusMilk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659473

>thoroughly average

>> No.19659442

>The blue succ is also welcome.
Do succ really come in inhuman colors? I always viewed them as coming in human skin colors only, while other demonic species came in blue, black, red, etc...
Their Wikipedia page doesn't help though I did learn about Qarinahs and now I want KC to make them a profile

Death by succ is the ultimate taboo fetish, I honestly wouldn't mind becoming Succubus Prison's MC

>> No.19659443
File: 527 KB, 1100x760, Lilica_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659530

I was the one to post the morrigan pic in the first place anon
As far as fighting games go, outside of morrigan and lilith there is the two demons from arcana heart, but I don't remember the lore enough to know if they are true succubi
Theres also that one that follows testament in guilty gear, but it usually stays in the form of a crow and testament its technically a monster boy
And theres theres that one in deamon bride, but dont ask me about that.

>> No.19659456
File: 59 KB, 175x400, buffcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659482

Incorrect, B-cups with big-ass hips are optimal.

>> No.19659469
Quoted by: >>19659512

I'm just joking about demons, I bet they would be pissed off if I called them blue succubi.

>> No.19659473

If they aren’t head-sized is she really even trying?

>> No.19659482
Quoted by: >>19659494

I’d pat that cat alright.

>> No.19659494

I'd spats intercrural her sitting in my lap, while sniffing her ears and fondling her over the clothes.

>> No.19659495
File: 2.67 MB, 823x1200, Deruella_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do succ really come in inhuman colors?

>> No.19659512

They'd be annoyed but if you really want to make a MG mad, call a oni red ogre or a inari a youko.

>> No.19659529
Quoted by: >>19659555

Hey it's pinkie!

>> No.19659530
Quoted by: >>19659564

>Theres also that one that follows testament in guilty gear, but it usually stays in the form of a crow
Thats crow is actually a succubus?

>> No.19659542
Quoted by: >>19659740

Humans can have pale skin too.

>Inari politely yet aggressively asking you to not mistake her for her perverted uncivilized cousin

>> No.19659543

Inari would probably be the most understanding of all of them. They’d just assume you didn’t know there was a division.
They’d probably take it upon themselves to carefully “teach” you the difference. Which may involve a hands-on demonstration of their DE flooding ability.

>> No.19659549
Quoted by: >>19659574

I would mind
But I cant deny it gave me a fear boner

>> No.19659551
Quoted by: >>19659582

How wholesome? Bridal carry?

>> No.19659555

>extremely confused doomguy

>> No.19659564
File: 5 KB, 281x280, Oe6p6kg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The attacks that use here are rarely used by the AI and most people don't care about instant kills, so few people know she's even there.

>> No.19659574

You could enjoy a sustainable life with one of these dangerous succubi.
>She succ you within an inch of your life
>Nurses you back to health
>Succ you brutally again
Probably not a safe lifestyle but definitely an enjoyable one

>> No.19659581
Quoted by: >>19659626

I like the gentle caring succs more.

>> No.19659582

Christian side hug

>> No.19659587
File: 369 KB, 712x740, Succubus25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that how MGE succs rolled before the current Demon Lord took over?

>> No.19659595

>Anon's succubus girlfriend tells him that she could kill him if she sucks too much of his cum
>Always stops short of doing do, leaving him exhausted and on the verge of death.
>She's lying through her teeth, he's at no risk of dying. She just loves seeing him squirm as she sucks him dry.

>> No.19659602


>> No.19659618
File: 295 KB, 607x3650, 1523889417428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659631


>> No.19659626
Quoted by: >>19659641

It's just not the same if you don't pass out during sex, though gently going to sleep together with her after sex sounds good too

I guess it took them a while to go from draining to death all the way to draining 100% safely

>> No.19659631

Did he died?

>> No.19659636
File: 63 KB, 631x434, 24A8E26A-69D2-4D8B-9D6D-576F3E859DE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not excessively grinding so you can give your wife the best level drains the world has ever seen

>> No.19659641
Quoted by: >>19659701

jokes on you, gentleness makes me harder and more enduring.

>> No.19659642
Quoted by: >>19659650

Latenight succs are MGE succs.

>> No.19659650

But not all MGE succs are Latenight succs.

>> No.19659661

Not really, the vampires where the first ones to "develop" slave keeping habits, if i had to bet you would just be drained once to death. But you might be one of the lucky ones, idk.

>> No.19659677
File: 841 KB, 1200x1120, 1518558623448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a progressive pervy Vampire mistress back in the old days
You're getting double drained, if you know what I mean.

>> No.19659689
File: 782 KB, 1409x2000, Succubus_Extra5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the succubi alone achieved a unique evolution, and began adopting behaviors and thought patterns that were unseen in other races, such as keeping humans as livestock instead of outright killing them.

>> No.19659695

After watching cells at work I decided I wouldn't let anyone take away my cute and sexy cells.

>> No.19659701

Every man should work hard to ensure his monster girl wife gets to experience this joy

>Succubus gently drains you
>5 hours later she can't comprehend why you're harder than ever
I'm not sure if she'd be proud of her prowess or ashamed it takes her this long to succ you

>> No.19659729

>I can taste onii-chan's strength!

>> No.19659730

Is it gay if the girl is voiced by Jouji Nakata?

>> No.19659731

Succubus and demons immediately felt guilty about the humans they captive and tried to heal them, but what about vampires? they still show disdain towards humies.
What if you were one of a vampires "bloodbags" when the DL took over?

>> No.19659735
Quoted by: >>19659867

In addition to having fun and going on dates and stuff, learning both practical and academical new things, and practicing her special craft if she's a warrior or mage type. And of course lots of sex.

>> No.19659740
File: 365 KB, 1175x1920, tumblr_otke5qIBsM1v2gw9ko1_r1_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Druella's not pale, she's mauve.

>> No.19659747
Quoted by: >>19659764

With a shit taste in fashion.

>> No.19659764
File: 381 KB, 1200x600, Druella13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeating something over and over won't make it true.

>> No.19659779

How are bloodshot red eyes supposed to be appealing?

>> No.19659784

To keep an extra eye on her husbando.

>> No.19659787
File: 1.39 MB, 1749x2490, hat demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19659803

they are appealing to me.

>> No.19659802

Bloodshot is one thing, but those are gleaming rubies.

>> No.19659803

I'd sign her contract.

>> No.19659813
File: 1.37 MB, 1300x1000, demon41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black sclera doesn't go well with lilims' pale skin color. It's better suited for girls with unnatural skin colors like demons, apophises, mersharks, etc.

>> No.19659824

this, its a pretty nice touch
also please stop posting this image it legit makes my heart ache.

>> No.19659832
Quoted by: >>19659843

No thanks. I don't like almost dying.

>> No.19659839
File: 108 KB, 425x425, yuu despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a demon will never give you headpats

>> No.19659843

You don't have a choice, anon.

>> No.19659852

I want to force Druella to wear a frilly dress

>> No.19659856

This sounds like a fun idea to get headpatted, but those long nails/claws are unnerving.

>> No.19659867

>Loli is an eternal student
>You get to fuck her in all her different schools/uniforms
Fetish aside I don't think a loli monster girl who loves to learn that much would be a good wife for most people, only for a few who share that same passion
>practicing her special craft
I'd marry the hell out of a Arachne who spins cute outfits or even a Succubus magical tattoo artist, passion for a craft is much more relatable than for learning

>> No.19659901
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, okappa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19660050

Black sclera goes well with everything.
see also: that bully elf who needs a long, gentle dicking

>> No.19659909

>Arachne who spins cute outfits
I want to collaborate with my spiderwaifu on this. She makes the materials, I do the sewing.

>> No.19659918
File: 20 KB, 461x500, Sahuagin_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware the fish

>> No.19659935

I will not. I will go swimming with a whole school of loli piranhas!

>> No.19660050

It needs light-colored irises. It'd look terrible with brown eyes, but yellow, gray and blue really make a black sclera pop.

>> No.19660052
Quoted by: >>19660086

>Came back to writing
>Ended up writing hellhound smut
Why does this keep happening?

>> No.19660069

I want to give the flatfish sweets so they become not-so flatfish!

>> No.19660086

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19660115

Fishman-type girls are so much better than boring mermaids

>> No.19660123

The learning stuff wouldn't be necessary if she was a lolibaba of course, that post was going more on the assumption she's an actually young loli. You wouldn't want your wife/daughterwife to grow up uneducated and illiterate because she was too busy riding your dick.

>> No.19660139
File: 148 KB, 975x1200, DexFhvuU0AA3KJM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you dance anons?

>> No.19660152

No, and anyone who says I can is a liar

>> No.19660182
Quoted by: >>19660192

Only if she's taller than me.

>> No.19660186
File: 436 KB, 2500x2500, DhlRxWpU8AEbUwf-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist is based.

>> No.19660187

that depends on the music.
>tfw no mg to dance to hardbass with.

>> No.19660192
File: 818 KB, 2000x2601, DhrX5uqUEAIfQl_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent taste.

>> No.19660238

I hope I can get a print of this someday to put on my wall because it's such a perfect drawing of me and wife, I love her so much I want to dance with her like that!

>> No.19660249
Quoted by: >>19660361

>He's standing on his tip toes
hahaha i just noticed this.

>> No.19660261

How do you turn on a hakutaku?
I mean they know everything, theres no way to truly surprise them.

>> No.19660268

Why you dont ask her yourself? That might work

>> No.19660269

Holy smokes, her legs are twice as long as her upper half.

>> No.19660274
Quoted by: >>19660294

Manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.19660276

Think outside the box anon
She can read info but she cant read your thoughts or intent
Sure she may know about oranges, rope and knives but she won't understand why you're bringing such things to the bedroom.

>> No.19660294
Quoted by: >>19660401

Some monsters love manlets.

>> No.19660316
Quoted by: >>19660504

If you're suggesting what I think you're suggesting, wouldn't the juice get on her fur?

>> No.19660361

Because any lower and he'd be at breast level.

>> No.19660377


>> No.19660390

this is by far the best reason why tall girls are good.

>> No.19660401


>> No.19660420
File: 719 KB, 960x960, 4pUG7nV_zVL__K3kqqsrir-dmpJt-X_Ou3sTUy1JMpU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eros Sabbath when?

>> No.19660470
Quoted by: >>19660478

how does an ushi become pink?

>> No.19660478
File: 480 KB, 734x900, 68740270_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By converting to the Church of Eros.

>> No.19660480

How's sex with a eros ushi different from a regular ushi?

>> No.19660493

It isn't.

>> No.19660501
Quoted by: >>19660657

She’s got heart pupils during the rape

>> No.19660504
Quoted by: >>19660525

What are you doing? Tying her up and feeding her orange slices?

>> No.19660525

I assumed it was tying her up, squeezing the juice onto her and licking it off.

>> No.19660555

I thought she was tying you up and feeding you orange slices.

>> No.19660572

Would you make small pools on her belly button and pussy to give it extra attention?

>> No.19660576

It's harder and she's more fertile.

>> No.19660612

How much?

>> No.19660626

Three harder

>> No.19660632

Enough to make a normal Ushi worried.
Your bed's gonna have to be frameless because she'd just break the frame every time you fuck.
At least the Church of Eros would probably offer you a nice comfy bed made for breeding on.

>> No.19660644
File: 446 KB, 1200x900, 70185892_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19660652

>still no scans of mge 2 english on sadpanda

>> No.19660657

>However, the goddess seems to mostly embody the virtues of classical, romantic, chivalrous love, as opposed to the crazed rape and hedonistic debauchery of the succubi--

>> No.19660669

Anon, it's because she's so lost in her love for her husband and desire for a baby she forgets to hold back.

>> No.19660680
File: 1.39 MB, 1493x1460, taste_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw she makes you taste her fluids

>> No.19660683
Quoted by: >>19660711

WARNING: do not let dr. Girtablilu touch your genitals. She is not a real doctor.

>> No.19660701

That makes me think of their followers trying to win you over with cheesy and big romantic gestures.
Like a satyros standing outside your balcony with you're name written in flame on the lawn while shes playing a song she written for you.
All while completely hammered of course.

>> No.19660710

She’s ruining my grass

>> No.19660711
File: 232 KB, 1200x900, tumblr_p8297m2YKl1unb8t4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense, her credentials are genuine.

>> No.19660717
Quoted by: >>19660718

Reminder that the only way to resist a monster girl's charms are to have a crippling sense of self hatred. Their love can and should conquer everyone else, though.

>> No.19660718


>> No.19660719

>The flames were fed with vodka
>When she belches during the song there's a small jet of flame from her mouth
>Also, she's not really in control of any of this
>You might want to get out of the house and call the fire department.

>> No.19660732
Quoted by: >>19660736

I'd fucking kick her ass for setting fire to my lawn and possibly my house.

>> No.19660736

Enjoy your curse.

>> No.19660739
Quoted by: >>19660742

But I don't follow Eros and I'm not destroying a relationship or anything.

>> No.19660742
Quoted by: >>19660749

You don't have to be a follower to get cursed anon.

>> No.19660748
Quoted by: >>19660811

I envy lolifags, they just got so much good content.

>> No.19660749

Yeah you do.

>> No.19660759
Quoted by: >>19660775

>But, it is said she is also strict with those who betray love, and she sometimes punishes those who were unfaithful to their lovers in certain ways such as by cursing them so that “they will no longer be loved by anyone.”
Note that it says nothing about her only cursing followers.

>> No.19660767

Of course you don’t. Anybody who follows Eros would never even find themselves in a position that would call for a Black Arrow or any kind of supernatural punishment.

>> No.19660775
Quoted by: >>19660790

>It is said that if one of her adherents performs infidelity, etc. not only will they lose her protection on the spot, they'll suffer her divine wrath and become unable to be loved by anyone for eternity.
Says right there.

>> No.19660790

Anon there's nothing there that says she ONLY does it to her followers.

>> No.19660798
File: 665 KB, 1070x1065, D01D5148-4472-4CC0-B28E-D214838D701A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19660839

Such a beautiful horse

>> No.19660803

It explicitly states that when followers do it, they're punished in that manner. Nothing states that Eros goes out of her way to punish random cunts when she can let other girls handle it.

>> No.19660811
Quoted by: >>19661168

Hey, only the sabbath parts of the book are really loli stuff. The magic shit we'll get later on will apply to everyone.

>> No.19660832
Quoted by: >>19660853

Nah. Given that we have a canon story of the fallen goddess reaching out to an adherent of the chief god it's pretty clear deities don't give a shit about staying in their lane

>> No.19660839

Not in that art style.

>> No.19660853

Fallen God is a fucking whore, not really the same as a somewhat nice person like Eros

>> No.19660868
Quoted by: >>19660897

But anon did nothing wrong

>> No.19660885
Quoted by: >>19660891

Posiden also apparently creates storms solely for the purpose of hooking of sailors and monsters, and Ares seems to pass out blessings to monsters finding love in combat indiscriminately as well. I don't see a lot of reason to assume Eros would just keep her hands to herself in specific.

>> No.19660890

If she did, wouldn't that mean anyone with a bicorn waifu would end up cursed?

>> No.19660891

Because Eros is a nice person.

>> No.19660897
Quoted by: >>19660905

>Beats up a monster girl for no reason
>nothing wrong

>> No.19660905
Quoted by: >>19660927

Reads to me like his lawn was set ablaze.

>> No.19660915

How do gyaru monsters feel about nerds?

>> No.19660927
Quoted by: >>19660959

It's romantic.

>> No.19660933

You know that feeling you get when you step in something gross and squishy? That's how they view nerds.

>> No.19660937
Quoted by: >>19661019

>Soon there's going to be three whole books of stuff that have no plans on being translated
God I wish this was a bit more popular. Then maybe we'd get someone doing bootleg illegal translations at least

>> No.19660948

They can step on me all they want

>> No.19660959

A drunk idiot destroying parts of where you live isn't romantic, Anon.

>> No.19660970

Pretty sure you have to fuck up REALLY bad for it to happen. Even then, a degenerate will still probably be able to pick you up because MAMANO MANA or some other super shady shit like that.

>> No.19660985
Quoted by: >>19660990

I think they'd like them.

>> No.19660990
Quoted by: >>19660992

No they wouldn't.

>> No.19660992
Quoted by: >>19661001

Why not?

>> No.19661000

No she curses people who like fuck around while still supposedly being dedicated to one partner. Polyamory is apparently okay

>> No.19661001

Nobody likes nerds, especially nerds themselves.

>> No.19661011

The worst part of being a nerd is cringing when you meet other nerds.

>> No.19661019
Quoted by: >>19661054

What do you mean?
WG3 is going to be translated by MGR
Dragonia and fallen knight is half-translated into rus/eng

>> No.19661026
File: 690 KB, 2163x3245, Z6AaFWh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Onii-chan turn off your computer and come play with us!

>> No.19661028
Quoted by: >>19661044

Monsters would.

>> No.19661034
Quoted by: >>19661065

No, I like my computer!

>> No.19661036
Quoted by: >>19661065

Ew, gimmie some cakes.

>> No.19661044

Nah, they'd be too busy fucking the more popular boys or fucking the entire all of the sport teams.

>> No.19661054

Drgaonia, fallen night, and the upcoming sea people book, thats the third one I was talking about
And those translations over on MGR are all kind of shit. Didn't the fallen knight stuff stop after we got the girl profiles, dark knight stuff, and dark musketeer stuff?

>> No.19661063
File: 66 KB, 570x591, smug levels critical.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>projecting 3DPD values on monsters

>> No.19661064

I want to become the Fallen Goddess's Husband!

>> No.19661065
Quoted by: >>19661075

Then at least let them take turns sitting on your dick while you do your thing
They'll call you a nerd whenever you cum though

>He thinks he can handle gyaru cakes

>> No.19661075
Quoted by: >>19661083

What about the nerdy monsters?
I bet I can. What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.19661083
Quoted by: >>19661090

Not even nerdy girls would want a shit tier guy like a nerd.

>> No.19661090
Quoted by: >>19661095

What's your problem Anon?

>> No.19661095

You can never be hurt if you never have hope.

>> No.19661096
Quoted by: >>19661123

Sounds like you need a monster to heal you.

>> No.19661102


>> No.19661105

It's a shame that we won't get proper translations for these side books but keep it mind that the current translator is being commissioned by a single person at a rate of 5 cents per word, it adds up surprisingly quickly ($150 for the WG3 preview pages alone).

We at least got scans and rough translations of Fallen Knight http://monstergirlsredux.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1546&start=50
For Dragonia we got pictures and a few bits of translation posted in this thread at the time

>> No.19661107
Quoted by: >>19661179

I can't get it up to gyaru's since they're so tacky.

>> No.19661123

You don't need to be healed if there's nothing wrong with you, anon.

>> No.19661133

>Didn't the fallen knight stuff stop
That translation is still ongoing

>> No.19661134

Take your pity party elsewhere.

>> No.19661138

Jesus christ you depressed faggot fuck off already, you clearly don't understand the setting at all, stop shitting up the thread with your 'boohoo feel sorry for me' bullshit and either kill yourself already or shut the hell up.

>> No.19661145
File: 227 KB, 900x800, 58155934_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big do you like your breasts?

>> No.19661154

>Friendless anon wakes up in the middle of the night after finally managing to cry himself to sleep for the third time that week
>Decides to get into contact with one of his only friends from high school
>Loads up Monsterbook on his phone and finds him
>Has a wife, two kids and is already the CEO of a small business.
>Smashes his phone and goes back to bed.
Don't be an asshole to monster girls, anons. Or you'll end up just like this.

>> No.19661161
File: 404 KB, 1280x960, 1522901819765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the absolute limit.

>> No.19661164


>> No.19661168

We already got some things like the beast boost.

>> No.19661169

Enough to smother someone to death.

>> No.19661174

Around a G-cup

>> No.19661179
Quoted by: >>19661216

>Slutty tan lines
>Speech that makes you want to hate fuck them
>Lewd clothing
>Lewd mannerisms
They'll get you to prone bone them don't worry

Small breasts, just enough there to get a nice handful
Monster girl big titties are too distracting, you wouldn't be able to appreciate her whole body when her H cup breasts are constantly getting all your attention

>> No.19661180

Generally? Anywhere from around a handful to slightly over head size. Exceptions exist in plenty and both proportions and art style are important.

>> No.19661187
File: 267 KB, 900x800, tumblr_ogiw9rT2Tp1uq10vyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' huge, but with enough sag to give them a sense of weight.

>> No.19661208

If I’m going big, that’s just about perfect.

>> No.19661216

>Monster girl big titties are too distracting, you wouldn't be able to appreciate her whole body when her H cup breasts are constantly getting all your attention
You can’t get your MG wife to optimal mom status without big hooters.

>> No.19661218

Basketball sized at most fist sized at least.

>> No.19661229
File: 451 KB, 960x1024, monster-psychiatric-help-mindflayer-960x1024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Flayer's treatment methods may be unconventional, but nobody can dispute the results.

>> No.19661230

What monster girl would step on my back?
