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19428739 No.19428739 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko Episode 9 and what appears to be WTC5 announced for this winter. What do we think of Cravat-kun?

>> No.19428755
File: 101 KB, 960x543, tumblr_p19uvxYUSz1wtsofio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally all the foreshadowing and clues will pay off. Can't believe people have believed Yasu existed all these years.

>> No.19428812
File: 144 KB, 611x829, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao rosatricefags really have 0 dignity.

>> No.19428850

Source for OP, for anyone wondering: https://twitter.com/07th_official/status/1018148111254896642

>> No.19428853

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.19428880
File: 101 KB, 800x768, 70f66591-231e-4321-9450-66cc10f89a21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19428898

>> No.19428898
File: 24 KB, 534x400, 0b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosatrice is fucking dogshit but the first image in the image (woo~) it's from a pretty fun video.

>> No.19429807
File: 724 KB, 1227x1177, happygrandpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize what this means?
This winter we'll hopefully see Beatrice's smile one more time.

>> No.19429915
File: 174 KB, 928x608, cravat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19429931

Is mayonnaise a persona?

>> No.19429950

Going by R07 trap logic, the more gentle they are, the more likely they have a feminine benis

So Cravat-kun has a masculine pussy

>> No.19429957

>When the oo cry
What did he mean by this?

>> No.19429961
Quoted by: >>19430000

Title not final

Please let it not be "humans"

>> No.19430000

It's "THE EYES".

>> No.19430032
File: 3 KB, 126x96, 1280412608435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19430052

Please explain to me how this reasoning is valid holy shit. This is NOT what ryukishi is intending at all.

>> No.19430052

What reasoning

What are you talking about

>> No.19430178
Quoted by: >>19430211

This is how Japanese tend to blank out words, I'm so excited to learn what the name is.

>> No.19430211

>when /jp/ cries

>> No.19430241

He said the title would be a spoiler in and of itself which is why hes waiting to reveal till the last moment so I doubt it'll be something vague and open like cicadas or seagulls were. Itd have to be something closely related with the story itself.

>> No.19430316

>Duncantrice thinks that his theory will be right
lmao i can't wait to laught at his bullshit again.

>> No.19430329

Satoko is an adult! what a winner!

>> No.19430441

inb4 it is and everything become a 4 years long shitstorm

muh french symbolism will now be finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed finnish-ed

>> No.19430528
Quoted by: >>19430560

Will dai and zts be back? When They Cry's biggest punch is the music.

>> No.19430560

>When They Cry's biggest punch is the music.
The OST is masterful but no, it's the metafictional setup and characters. One could arguably say world building considering the meta elements tho

>> No.19430570
Quoted by: >>19430591

More than that, his absolute domination of every single plot device in his gigantic ass story should be more recognized. My vote definitely goes for storytelling.

>> No.19430591

The pacing and overall writing is so poor that I wouldn't have even managed to read that later part of the story without the music

>> No.19430630
File: 486 KB, 800x450, 76-2535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19430638

You will need a better bait anon.

>> No.19430638

I'm not baiting, the first two hours of Umineko are such a slog that Hope ver 1.00 was the only reason I stuck with it

>> No.19430644

The writing is great, just a tad repetitive sometimes, but most of them is on purpose and it shows. Not Mareni levels of complexity or poetic prose (it doesn't need to anyway, and EP7 had its share of that, theatrically), but his dominance of his own narrative and presentation is what makes him the superior writer.

The pacing is pretty fine considering the amount of content overall too. The only badly paced Episode is most likely EP4, and only for the sudden narrative shifts here and there, which were justifiable enough.

Arguably EP1's beginning too, in a minor scale, but that's more of an overly long multi character establishment that served its purpose to get you to know the fucking enourmous cast enough to suffer in the first 20+ hours episode).

>> No.19430647

In the Facebook group he posted a part of his theory.


Duncan Sproat The shkanontrice interpretation of Ep 7 doesn't have/include love.
Love is GOD.
There are so many things to say but I'll start with this :
- a crime was commited and someone has to pay.
- everyone is put in purgatorio until they find the true culprit
-the problem is that everyone has to be saved in order to open the door to the golden land (aka Eden, aka Palace of Versailles)
- in order to solve this, they have to create a fake character who will play the role of "scapegoat" and be put in hell ----> Yasu = Jesus (sacrificing for the sinners)
-No one has to be the true culprit, Happy ending

That's what is said in Ep 7 + 8

Shannon=Kanon=Yasu was a hint toward the holy trinity and the fact that God is hidding a story.
God is sending his angels (St Bernard and Gabriel for the moment) to bring chaos and hide a fragile truth behind the several existing tales (Yasu is the culprit/ K and R are the culprit/ Eva is the culprit)

>> No.19430658
Quoted by: >>19430690

Don't reply to the obvious goat, they obviously didn't keep up with our analysis and rereads through the years. You will only attract more of them here getting baited like this.

>> No.19430666
Quoted by: >>19430694

>first two hours
Thats literally nothing? A mere fragment of the whole. Are you saying if it werent for the music you would have dropped it after that small amount of time?

>> No.19430687

That's the biggest asspull ever, but as a fanfic sounds really cool actually.

>> No.19430690

It continues to make absolutely no sense whatsoever, why do you guys still care, honestly.

Better to bring them to our side as well, most of us also were hateful goats for the longest time after the first reading until we actually read through the whole thing again after some years.

Give them a chance.

>> No.19430694

First impressions, darling. The hook is important to readers. It means "don't waste my time".

>> No.19430703
Quoted by: >>19447349

Female mc high doubt

>> No.19430710

You better not read most of the classics in literature then. Mob Dick particularly will make you study marine biology for hours before it gets anywhere for example.

Les Miserables has descriptions to a fucking wall that take 3 pages long by the beginning of it too.

They are all considered masterpieces regardless. Learn to judge something as a whole instead of nitpicking a slow burn start. You are welcomed to drop the book if you so wish, but not to criticize the content as a whole just because of the small fragment you read and didn't enjoy.

>> No.19430726
File: 356 KB, 640x480, umineko_in_one_screenshot_by_intellectualrapist-d4b0z0m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19430739

First impressions only matter for fags with a short attention span and lack any will to work towards a stort.

Ive never dropped a single vn, anime, book, or movie in my life. Once I start it, I commit.

>> No.19430741
Quoted by: >>19431085

Sometimes I forget how many people from /lit/ are avid Umineko fans in /jp/.

Glad to see you guys are always around to comment stuff like this and writing in general in most 07th Expansion threads. /a/ and other intruders aren't nearly as endearing to discuss with.

>> No.19430742
Quoted by: >>19430751

The Count of Monte Cristo picks up hella fast.

>> No.19430751

He did said "most".
Also, Monte Cristo is my favorite book, nice taste, anon.

>> No.19430798
Quoted by: >>19430883

I read the whole thing, anon. The pacing isn't very consistent throughout, each VN has some pretty annoying dead weight areas. I'm saying that the music made up for that.

>> No.19430883
Quoted by: >>19430920

The way you said it sounded like you just dropped at the first hours, dude. Or at the very least, stopped paying attention from there on.

Anyway, I also think the only poorly paced EP was the forth one, I didn't quite had issues with the storytelling of any other EPs outside that one.

The others got me actively thinking the whole time and trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together in quite a bombastic fashion. I admit the music is one great thing that paired up amazingly well with the presentation overall, but to say the pacing was unbearable in any way to the point of you just chosing to read through for the OST alone is kinda ridiculous.

Don't seems like we read the same thing at all. Though I'm not one to judge someone's tempo be it for music or a book's flow.

If you find it dragging to your tastes, I guess tastes are tastes in that regard. Although I do find funny you said that about the later half of it, which is the one with the most intense shit and numerous revealings and twists happening every single chapter, almost.

If anything, most of the complains I hear about Chiru is that the pacing became at times too fast to keep track of -in fact, most of the rereaders of it notice a lot of narrative traps they didn't even bat an eye in the first reading, like Erika's unreliable perspective in EP5-

>> No.19430920

>Erika's unreliable perspective in EP5-
That was a big trap in EP5, it was incredible.

>> No.19431085

Too bad /lit/ is awful.

>> No.19431504

Looks like I'll need to find my hard drive and prepare for an Umineko VN marathon again once this releases.

>> No.19431587
Quoted by: >>19431768

How long will it take for it to get translated?

>> No.19431768

five minutes

>> No.19431923
File: 499 KB, 1280x1770, IMG_20180714_235142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe Im Virgilia

>> No.19431951


>> No.19431996


Dai is working on the music!

>> No.19432009
File: 422 KB, 1617x1200, DiHJX6CU0AILVR4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19432017

Just woke up. What happened?

>> No.19432024


>> No.19432165

>tfw Maria

>> No.19432210

Every time I take those personality tests, I always get a different result. Does that mean I'm Yasu?

>> No.19432223

I started reading Umineko not that long ago because I wanted to read a good mystery story. I was enjoying Episode 1 for a while, however I got bothered about whether there might end up being actual supernatural shit in it rather than being a normal mystery, so I looked up a bunch of spoilers and honestly it all looks really ridiculous and stupid. It's a shame because I actually liked the characters and setting so far. I'm probably just going to find an actual mystery novel to read instead.

>> No.19432227

Please, there's no such thing as magic.

>> No.19432249
Quoted by: >>19432262

>I looked up a bunch of spoilers

>> No.19432254

what's up with the amount of fags lately?

>> No.19432262

It saved me from wasting who knows how much time, so it's a good thing.

>> No.19432264
Quoted by: >>19432283

Nice blog,leave the thread now.

>> No.19432266
Quoted by: >>19432283

Fucking goat.

>> No.19432271
File: 51 KB, 164x237, ALL of them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19432283

Now you're being a dumb goat. Way to disappoint me.

>> No.19432283

Will do.
I'm sure that means something, but I'll never know.

>> No.19432288

It means you actually dodge a bullet for never reading Umineko. You made the right choice.

>> No.19432289

Now you gonna miss a special good mystery where you like the characters from.

Nicely done!

>> No.19432299

I'm surprised no one else said ronove yet

>> No.19432301

>you get told explicitly to not trust Beatrice, to search for the truth, for it exists
>"ther wuz magic so i gav upp xd"

>> No.19432308
File: 49 KB, 320x320, 42240222-5110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umineko isn't for plebs and normalfags,it's no surprise.

>> No.19432320
Quoted by: >>19432336

You stopped thinking and decided to willingly ruin your first experience. You didn't have faith in the author or your own self to figure out the mystery. You didn't even try to stick through to the end, or even halfway. That's pathetic.

People like that is why Episode 3 had to be rewritten.

>> No.19432336

>You didn't have faith in the author
Why would he?

>> No.19432347


Did you come over here just to tell people you dropped Umineko for a super obvious bait reason? Or are just baiting because you're thirsty for attention? Well, nevermind, I guess it's the latter.

I'm kinda happy you dropped it, if it's true. I'd rather have a goat dropped the story immediately then reading it, skipping most of it and then claiming it's shit.

>> No.19432351
Quoted by: >>19432444

If you give a mystery a try, it probably means you have some sort of faith in the author, doesn't it?

>> No.19432353
Quoted by: >>19432444

A mystery relies on you having faith in the author.

>> No.19432357

Read EP5 again.

>> No.19432401
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, DiFTolGUcAELPE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19432410

>> No.19432410

I wish I had such a cute uncle

>> No.19432444


Faith isn't always rewarded.

>> No.19432469
File: 121 KB, 352x480, but_nakua1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the test said i was a debater! not an incompoop!

>> No.19432594

I have been Shannon, Kanon, Maria and Bern at various points in my life

This must be the key to the true identity of Beatrice

>> No.19432607
File: 415 KB, 1417x1890, IMG_20180714_184754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the amount of faggoats suddenly spike out of nowhere? They arent even the typical goats who just dont understand Umineko when they finish it, we're getting dumbasses who dont even follow the basic 101 for experiencing fucking anything.

>looking up spoilers
>quit reading after 2 hours because you got bored
>not trusting the goddamn author in a mystery novel, the very foundational rule of the mystery genre
>skipping over the first title in the series, higurashi, and reading umineko
>posting in this very thread when they havent completed the relative material

I could go on but my head just hurts thinking about iy.

>> No.19432626

My friend is on episode 3 and he still thinks Battler is mentally retarded for not believing in magic. I dont know if its that my friend is actually retarded or if hes not reading it as a mystery or thinking but just going with the flow, letting the vn spell everything out.

>> No.19432633

This must be a try-hard troll
I refuse to believe someone this stupid exists in this world.

>> No.19432639

I'ts summer in USA iirc.

That's a very nice gaap.

>> No.19432642
Quoted by: >>19432650

These are people from /a/, I expected nothing less from these anons I would barely call people

>> No.19432650

I hate /a/ now, it's full of shit,rage,elitits and flamewars.

>> No.19432659

Next you have to kill yourself to check if there is afterlife.

>> No.19432669
Quoted by: >>19432698

If life after death is a mystery, and god is the author, do we have to believe in him to see heaven?

>> No.19432677
Quoted by: >>19432710

I've read enough VNs to know I should never trust or give the benefit of the doubt to anyone writing one unless I have a very good reason.

>> No.19432698
Quoted by: >>19432714

God doesn't exist.

>> No.19432710
Quoted by: >>19432725

You dont trust every writer for everything, thats pointless. Where you absolutely have to trust the author though is when its a mystery, because the entire story revolves around it having a solution. If you dont trust the author of a mystery, that means youre not reading it as a mystery nor do you believe it has a solution.

If someone told you a riddle, you would automatically trust the person in its telling because you believe the riddle something to be solved. If you didnt, the riddle isnt a riddle at all, its just a random string of words that dont make sense.

>> No.19432714

God does exist, and he is signing autographs in Finland right now

>> No.19432725
Quoted by: >>19432729

Maybe it's just a shitty mystery.

>> No.19432728

>quit reading after 2 hours because you got bored
Nobody did this. Read, anon, read.

>> No.19432729
Quoted by: >>19432733

And if it isn't, you just ruined for yourself a potential great mystery. Are you retarded, why take the risk? You don't deserve to appreciate works of this genre.

>> No.19432733

It's a fucking video game. I don't really care.

>> No.19432745

Then whydafk you here for sperg.

>> No.19432747


>> No.19432776
Quoted by: >>19432784


Get the fuck out of here lol. If you don't care why are you posting here? Do you always randomly spoil yourself about certain game elements and then jump to conclusions without ever finishing the game itself?

Absolute moron.

>> No.19432784

Depends on the game. If I think I should I'll spoil everything. There have been times I've been satisfied with what I found out and continued enjoying the game. Other times it saves me from wasting a lot of time.

>> No.19432822

It is actually scientifically proven that doing this increases your enjoyment


>> No.19432863
File: 151 KB, 384x595, 57749910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19432876

>intelligent and a wicked sense of humor
Literally me

>> No.19432876


>> No.19432910


>Other times it saves me from wasting a lot of time

Just leave

>> No.19432920
File: 371 KB, 675x900, Houjou.Satoko.full.1386500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19433028


>> No.19433085
File: 21 KB, 192x262, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433109

Reminder that Gohda killed everyone woth bombs but had last minute regrets.

>> No.19433109

>I regretti the Nitroglycerin laced spaghetti

>> No.19433116
Quoted by: >>19433212

Oh, you fuckers think you're so smart by understanding Umineko and all, huh. All the meta shit and whatever, right? So if you're so damn 'good', why don't you try to understand this video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gb5Od801mFA

>> No.19433133

Umineko would've greatly benefited if Beato wore an SS uniform instead of that dress. It would clue us in on her true origins while also looking cooler.
And it's my fetish or something, but that's not as important.

>> No.19433212
Quoted by: >>19433272

This is a joke right? On some level at least?

>> No.19433243
File: 1.25 MB, 794x1123, 3dfedb1f268ae053242732e5c4f948fe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19433272

Taking a quick look all of his VN videos seem to be like that. It's sad to see so many people in the comments taking it seriously though.

>> No.19433278
Quoted by: >>19433292

Wait so the guy on the left ISN'T Battler? But he has the cape and everything!

>> No.19433292


No, it is Battler. The character on the right is from WTC5.

>> No.19433328
Quoted by: >>19433595


>> No.19433392

>comparing the slog that is the beginning of Umineko to the based biology discussion

Gain taste.

>> No.19433418

An Edgeworth to Battler's Phoenix?

>> No.19433427

>And it's my fetish or something, but that's not as important.

>> No.19433434


>> No.19433439

At least it's just his fetish. The beta version of one of my characters was an Isekai'd Nazi and I unironically thought that it was thematically appropriate.

>> No.19433595
File: 127 KB, 1200x675, DiEH5lOX4AAOoyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433694

F'ocking Finns, m8

>> No.19433611

No faggotry this time please Ryukishi
I'm here for the mystery

>> No.19433620
File: 936 KB, 644x644, wdytwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433695

>no faggotry

>> No.19433633
File: 176 KB, 400x406, 1337614122957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433695

>No faggotry

>> No.19433643
File: 30 KB, 556x527, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"female" MC

>> No.19433644
File: 174 KB, 928x608, cravat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433695

>no faggotry


>> No.19433646
Quoted by: >>19433827

What if R07 subverts our expectations and makes the MC a girl(female)

>> No.19433654

Oh no no
I just read 2nd episode

>> No.19433668

What if Episode 9 tears apart Yasu and proves Duncantrice?

>> No.19433694

The first nine rows were reserved for guests with vip tickets, they messed up when handing out tickets to the q&a leading to some people not receiving them and the convention is just generally expensive and shit

>> No.19433695

Why can't we go back to things like Higurashi?

>> No.19433697
Quoted by: >>19433706

Can someone explain me Duncantrice or link me the theory? I'm really interested

>> No.19433701

0% of the characters in Higurashi are gay
~50% of the characters in Umineko are gay

Will we see a 100% gay cast in the next installment? Is the true tale of WTC Ryukishi coming to accept his sexual orientation?

>> No.19433706
Quoted by: >>19433799

Duncan Sproat The shkanontrice interpretation of Ep 7 doesn't have/include love.
Love is GOD.
There are so many things to say but I'll start with this :
- a crime was commited and someone has to pay.
- everyone is put in purgatorio until they find the true culprit
-the problem is that everyone has to be saved in order to open the door to the golden land (aka Eden, aka Palace of Versailles)
- in order to solve this, they have to create a fake character who will play the role of "scapegoat" and be put in hell ----> Yasu = Jesus (sacrificing for the sinners)
-No one has to be the true culprit, Happy ending

That's what is said in Ep 7 + 8

Shannon=Kanon=Yasu was a hint toward the holy trinity and the fact that God is hidding a story.
God is sending his angels (St Bernard and Gabriel for the moment) to bring chaos and hide a fragile truth behind the several existing tales (Yasu is the culprit/ K and R are the culprit/ Eva is the culprit)

>> No.19433730
Quoted by: >>19433799

Battler did it all with Kyrie and Rudolph, had change of heart killing both of them and then failed at suicide which made him amnesiac at the sea.

Fuck Shkannontrice.

>> No.19433760

Sad, just sad

>> No.19433769
Quoted by: >>19440402

Satoshi was pretty gay

>> No.19433781

The fuck is there left in Umineko to tell?
Unless "lol Chiru was a ruse too faggot, enjoy Bern trolling" or something like that.

>> No.19433799

>There are so many things to say but I'll start with this
are you serious?
That sounds similar to prime, it has nothing to do with Shkannontrice i don't get your comment.

Im leaving umi threads for a month or two, too much fags and bad shitposters lately.

>> No.19433802
File: 178 KB, 376x475, 1483098925692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19433814

She will be back right?

>> No.19433813

Will umineko 9 have Ryukishi's original art? to me, umineko just isn't worth reading without his art

>> No.19433814

She and Ange will appear in One Piece as pirates

>> No.19433827
Quoted by: >>19433829

No. I'm thinking it will be a girl (male). Small difference, but worth pointing it out.

>> No.19433829

Clearly, that's a guy(female)

>> No.19433857

fuck off with your shitty bait

>> No.19433951
File: 63 KB, 1080x638, IMG-20180313-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19434030

How can I get Umineko other than from Steam?

>> No.19434030
Quoted by: >>19434173

You can buy it from MangaGamer

>> No.19434105
File: 133 KB, 1420x1272, d062120e25fcadfceb0f1943e769d11e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434173
Quoted by: >>19434225

can you buy it from mangagamer with the original ryukishi art?

>> No.19434225

Yeah the mangagamer versions allows you to switch between original art and pachinko sprites anytime. They have physical versions too if you're into that.

>> No.19434420

What will Cravat-kun be like as an MC?

>> No.19434517

Cravat as in Krawatte (Necktie)?

>> No.19434550
File: 102 KB, 350x540, 1520067553483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this take place? In a game board, or years after? Another alternate world?
Maybe this will be a Diebuster scenario where the time between 8 and 9's release will play a part.

>> No.19434625
File: 146 KB, 352x460, Rio_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19434868
Quoted by: >>19434922

Would Ryukishi just reveal the truth in EP9 like he did in the manga?

>> No.19434922

Probably make things more confusing and obtuse.

>> No.19435035

he said the story of r07 is really important so I highly doubt its just more answers, backstory, or what not. Given the timing and its apparent importants, Im heavily leaning towards the camp of though that it will tie in wtc5

>> No.19435057
Quoted by: >>19435081

r07 said the story of umineko 9*

jesus I need sleep

>> No.19435081

I mean you're probably correct either way

>> No.19435391

Colored sprites WHEN

>> No.19435515
File: 130 KB, 1017x1200, DiKm2FFUYAA0zXA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19438601

Did Ryukishi have someone to do coloring for him before? This sounds like a good compromise between keeping the unique artstyle and bringing better production quality to the work, especially considering that he seemed to improve a lot from the teaser we got.

>> No.19435690
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2018-07-15-21-13-02-827_com.google.android.youtube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ready for Ryu to fuck up the story.

>> No.19436479
File: 329 KB, 2429x1366, 1525231142875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19436572

I bet the PS3 version has a clear CG of the background that isn't obscured bby leaves and text but it will never get extracted

>> No.19436572

I have all the PS3 assets, and I haven't found it.

>> No.19437065
File: 393 KB, 550x2750, 22721282_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder how that JessicaxKanon artist felt about Yasu

>> No.19437103
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1531158484855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19437622

Natsuhi is a miracle of the universe!

>> No.19437622
Quoted by: >>19437631

Sucker merry ballers

>> No.19437631
File: 117 KB, 600x371, natsuhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19437667


>> No.19437667
Quoted by: >>19437684

Wait no don't push me off the cliff

>> No.19437684
File: 159 KB, 661x960, just_a_bad_day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late.
You are a witch now!

>> No.19437896

Reminder that there will never ever, EVER be another translated 07th expansion VN. Tri? Nope. Iwahime? Lol nope.
IT'S time to visit the ol pal noose-kun desu

>> No.19437914

Wow you just made my dream come true, based Natsuhi

>> No.19437917

Iwaihime isn't 07th Expansion
r07 did work on it tho

>> No.19437931
Quoted by: >>19438202

Tri is shit anyways. What do you expect when r07 only wrote one out of the three parts?

>> No.19438129

Does anyone have that logo that Erika has on her pirate hat? I remember it being like a cat scull with two chopsticks crossed behind it on a black background

>> No.19438202

TRT was really good
Only Ren'ai sucked ass

>> No.19438597

hold up
why does lion's world end up like all the rest

>> No.19438601
File: 121 KB, 396x622, Akagi.Alfred.full.1426037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19438626

See RGD and maaaybe his Trianthology sprites. Characters like Alfred are obvious Ryukishi illustrations with somebody else colouring.

>> No.19438626
Quoted by: >>19438732

To me this looks like another artist tried to mimic his style. Maybe I'm not giving r07 enough credit, perhaps he has improved this much!

>> No.19438682
Quoted by: >>19438803

This is fake news by someone with a meme understanding of MBTI and the functions.

The "real" Beato is an INFP like Yasu
Bern is still an INFJ like Rika even if she's a twisted cunt
Maria is too young, damaged, and autistic to type properly but I would learn towards ISFP.
Kanon is an ISTP
Shanon is the ISTJ
Virgilia is an ENFJ
Lambda is an ENTP/ENFP because her top function (Ne) recognizes and encourages latent Willpower (Ni)

I'm too lazy to go through the rest unless someone has request.

>> No.19438732
File: 725 KB, 1594x564, Academy Love Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one is from 2012. Here's some sprites from Trianthology, from the more recent 2016.

>> No.19438753

>Bern with chronic bitch-face
I wouldnt expect anything less

>> No.19438760

Will Bern have a guest appearance in Iya na Kao Sarenagara Opantsu Misete Moraitai???

I want her to look down on me in disgust while I look at her underwear.

>> No.19438796
Quoted by: >>19447006

post it

>> No.19438803
Quoted by: >>19438862

Where's the best MBTI test to you? I understand there are innumerable online and, like any other psychometric test, they vary in question quality, result assessment, strategy, trait interpretation (and combinations thereof). And, as befalls psychometrics, most people's understanding is memetic nonsense, so I'm curious what test you prefer. Despite typing differently from Lambdadelta, willpower is the kernel of my philosophy and greatest pride, which exists energetically and axiomatically before philosophy, so obviously I can't resist asking.

>> No.19438862
File: 234 KB, 600x644, types.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the best tests are only about 50% accurate. You need to either trust you know yourself honestly or get others to type you. Learning the functions narrows it down to 2-3 usually. Willpower is expressed as Ni-Ne in the top or second slot. Ne is "multiple external metaphysical threads of wills/patterns" and Ni is "Internal will narrowed and focused into a singular expression"

They are the + and - of the same concept. Lambda has a handful of threads she explores and judges as good or shit and players with her favorites. Bern (or Rika) is the person holding the other end of a single string that represents her immovable cynical worldview where everything is reduced to kakera probability and her insistence that "miracles don't exist".

>> No.19438937

I'll drop a link to a guys channel that has a good second half about typing yourself and others. Make you skip the first 16 minutes.

>> No.19438941
Quoted by: >>19438971

I usually test strongly INTJ (some of them include an assertive-turbulent scale (though it's dichotomous considering I always score 95-100 assertive) which has Ni atop the rest.

I'm actually very interested in this, and you make it out to have a satisying complexity. I agree with MBTI insofar as its utility in identifying character archetypes, which corporations do use to success (else they'd abandon it if it was unsound). I always explored the literary/philosophical and spiritual implications of Umineko, but I'm actually very attracted to what you've presented. Anyone who philosophizes needs the conviction to draw from all specimen, and not only other philosophers (this is why an astute analogy is universally intuitive). That means psychology especially. Would you discuss this more with me?

>> No.19438971

I'm no pro, and there is a lot of bad and psued info on MBTI that you have to outright ignore. Basically anything that isn't function-focused is outright wrong, except for fun stereotypes. Jung understood the delicate bridge between meta-existance and hard reality and the balance of both when he came up with his system before it was hijacked.
>Would you discuss this more with me?
Sure, but we should probably take it somewhere else to be less cancerous and off-topic. Send me some sort of chat link or something. I'm not leaving personal info in the archives.

>> No.19439015

If you have Discord you can add Fortitude#8412.

>> No.19439035
File: 187 KB, 800x600, Beatrice's_Briah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19439041

Beatrice already wears it though.

>> No.19439041

Nazitoriche being canon even in other VNs, GG

>> No.19439143
File: 155 KB, 768x256, based batora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19439259

>> No.19439161

Does anyone have the Umineko edit of the "what do you mean you don't agree with me" clip?

>> No.19439259

lmao i love damedamesubs.

>> No.19439704
File: 16 KB, 711x400, cum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucking Takano's big futa cock.

>> No.19439775
Quoted by: >>19439803

I love Takano but I wont stand for heresy. She's all woman!

>> No.19439792
Quoted by: >>19439803

Well well well, I love futas AND cock.

>> No.19439803
Quoted by: >>19439819

Yes indeed she's all woman with just a little(actually big) surprise.
Nice taste anon!

>> No.19439819

Say it in red.

>> No.19439820
Quoted by: >>19439833

>the no magic witch gf (male [raised female]) to create a universe with

Why live

>> No.19439833
Quoted by: >>19439840

There's got to be at least, 4 out there in the world. Keep looking, anon!

>> No.19439840

magic doesn't exist

>> No.19439849

the absolute state of humanity.

>> No.19439855
File: 174 KB, 928x608, cravat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19439865

Why is Cravat kun so unhappy?

>> No.19439865
Quoted by: >>19439897

no miracle Bern cucked the poor lad

>> No.19439873

why would you say that

>> No.19439897
Quoted by: >>19439915

>no miracle Bern
Feel the Bern.

>> No.19439915

I'd like to feel the Bern all over, if you know what I mean

>> No.19439922

Thanks again to the anon why suggested Death Comes As The End. It was pretty good but I agree with anons that say after Umineko almost all other mysteries become a cakewalk. Though it was still enjoyable.

>> No.19439946


Why don't you participate in some fan-made gameboards? I can guarantee they will be challenging for you.

>> No.19439954

By a miracle I happen to be here, glad you liked it. death by poisoned massage oil was a new one for me.

>> No.19440367
File: 257 KB, 1280x1024, IMG_20180716_130614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19440372

I'm glad there's a resurgence of Umineko art after the news.

>> No.19440372

>TWEWY 2 never

>> No.19440401
File: 1011 KB, 928x608, gahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19440423



>> No.19440402


Sh[M]ion doesnt have a dick tho

>> No.19440421


Natsuhi is related to Satoko given they both have fetishes for pushing people off ledges

>> No.19440423
Quoted by: >>19440427


>> No.19440427
Quoted by: >>19440820

I refuse to get Lion'd again

>> No.19440449

is it confirmed ep9, or is it wild speculation?

>> No.19440455

Left is Umineko 4+.

Right(Cravat-Kun) is WTC5. Tentatively called when the ()() cry

>> No.19440456


>> No.19440478
File: 733 KB, 500x281, sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19441197

Less cancerous place

But full of EoPs too :)

>> No.19440566
File: 130 KB, 396x622, Kurosaki.Claudia.full.1426030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn that lineart looks good. And the sprites will be colored by another artist, which worked great in RGD (just look at Claudia). I eagerly await the day people won't demand updated sprites anymore.

>> No.19440820

It's a blatant male (female)

>> No.19441197
Quoted by: >>19441259

what are EoPs?

>> No.19441259

Euthanizers of Puppies

>> No.19441584
Quoted by: >>19441639

why "cravat" anyway?
is this some kind of meme?

>> No.19441639

I mean the character is wearing a cravat, and we don't know her(his?) name. That's why.

>> No.19441744
File: 174 KB, 928x608, cravat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then I realized, I was in a WTC game
>funny thing, it was the worst possible thing I could have thought of

>> No.19441753
Quoted by: >>19441880

Are cravats considered /fa/?

>> No.19441880

If your name is Miles Edgeworth and/or you live in Victorian England

>> No.19442071

So a lot of people seem convinced the character is Virgilius. Any basis to that?

>> No.19442099
Quoted by: >>19442107

Because he looks like the virgilius concept art you dunce.

>> No.19442107
File: 84 KB, 450x600, 830180faae9b202ce88988003784b1b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're just being deceived

>> No.19442121
File: 25 KB, 500x375, virgilius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19442550

Some similarities in design, but there are differences. I had the same immediate thought when I saw the design but I'm not convinced. Ryukishi clarified that character is for the next WTC rather than the new Umineko scenario, so I think it's even more unlikely now.

>> No.19442342

Left is WTC4+*
Meaning is Chiru related content as we all expected.

EP9 because it will be an actual new episode part of the main series, even if we don't know the proper number just yet.

>> No.19442367
Quoted by: >>19442388

How long do you think episode 9 will be?
Will it be short, around 10 hours?
Will it be long, around 30?
What if its extremely long, like 80???

>> No.19442388

Probably around the same length as the other episodes

>> No.19442406

What will we do when Ryu dies

>> No.19442412
File: 2.92 MB, 1680x2376, 3309219016681b51ccd50a05294e5415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19443859

Actually, the opening of Umineko is one of the best ever written for a VN, and a great piece of literature in general. I'm not joking. Reread the first two hours.

It manages to introduce 18 characters with a good snippet of their personalities without ever drowning the reader in trivia. It's almost surprising how it is good. You are introduced first to George and his family, one by one, with their quirks in little and easily digestible snippets, and then to Battler and his family, and then to Maria and Rosa, all the very first part. Then when you have assimilated them and had some moments to properly get their characters, you are introduced to the second half of the cast one-by-one.

The opening of Umineko is absolutely great. I have never seen one so tightly written in a VN. It's truly good writing, which is very surprising coming from Ryukishi (which is a good storyteller, but not a good writer usually).

>> No.19442413
Quoted by: >>19442430

We will use magic to resurrect him of course

>> No.19442414

The same thing we did while he was away, bully other VN fanbases but especially DDLC and DI

>> No.19442424

Isn't it obvious? We create an illusion of him so that he never will die

>> No.19442430
File: 323 KB, 400x400, d4d97d3fa4baeb1276a85eda8bbeda27_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19442434
Quoted by: >>19442443

prove it doesn't exist

>> No.19442443
Quoted by: >>19442469

It's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist.

>> No.19442450
File: 431 KB, 900x900, ed361fb9cdaa4c4fe3cebc9d24a1b5ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you have no love

>> No.19442469

check and mate

>> No.19442483
File: 156 KB, 500x431, Bernkastel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this cute witch! She's perfect! She's a precious miracle!

>> No.19442550
Quoted by: >>19442662


I think there are chances that the new character may be inspired by Virgilius in terms of design, but they're certainly not going to be Virgilius.

>> No.19442577
File: 495 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20180716_125410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck, how man times do we have to tell everyone that you can switch to original sprites with the new version and that you can get it on mangagamer as well.

>> No.19442662
File: 108 KB, 658x1024, tumblr_ntqlwrvcPh1s0e431o1_raw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19442700

That's very possible. He has reused his designs before.

>> No.19442685
File: 157 KB, 840x720, 6eb7527863907688ede0533cffabc5d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19442892

So where would I go to find more very comfy pieces of music such as

>> No.19442700
Quoted by: >>19442748

Who's that?

>> No.19442748
Quoted by: >>19442780

I can't remember. It might have been a submission for a Rozen Maiden contest, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.19442780

Yep, and she eventually became Alice (non bullied mode)

>> No.19442811
Quoted by: >>19442834

Umineko is a masterpiece. I feel bad for people who will never experience it.

>> No.19442834
Quoted by: >>19442840

How do you feel for those that read up to Episode 2, gave up and read spoilers, and dropped it?

>> No.19442840

I rather not have them in these threads, but alas...

>> No.19442889
Quoted by: >>19442897

I watched the anime and then played answers arc, am i a bad person?

>> No.19442892
Quoted by: >>19442918

Other Ryukishi VNs for more dai
Subahibi for more dai-like couple of songs

>> No.19442897
Quoted by: >>19442946

Very bad.

>> No.19442918
Quoted by: >>19443049

Subahibi bores the shit out of me. I've made it as far as the actual suicide in the second part but it's just got so little going on.

>> No.19442946

Anon, you words hurt, why would you say that to me?

>> No.19442998
File: 395 KB, 557x800, 0acfec1c0b17f7d2cd8615177a265c31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all these cuties!

>> No.19443034


>> No.19443049

you'd be surprised just how wild the ride gets

>> No.19443063
Quoted by: >>19443120

Wh-why is that old hag wearing such a lewd swimsuit?

>> No.19443120

Most of them are 1000 year old hags.

>> No.19443125

>Virgilia's arms
Far too faithful to the original design.

>> No.19443325

I really hope WTC5 will be a standalone story, like Umineko. Let it just have basic ideas and small references (not!Riku and not!Takano, concept of kakera, small cameo like Okonogi), but nothing actually major. I don't want an "expanded universe" with "lore", so to speak, as I feel such things often distract from actual content.

>> No.19443345

I just want more of my kitty

>> No.19443521
File: 183 KB, 640x480, 5fwSB5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better keep your promise,Lambda.

>> No.19443576

>continue to thank 07th Expansion
Google translate Ryukishi is completely full of himself

>> No.19443646
Quoted by: >>19444219

We'll meet again when something else cums.

>> No.19443859

I watched the first 7 episodes or so of the anime when it came out and liked it, and then read the VN from the beginning because I wanted the full picture (and didn't want to wait for new episodes).

I was blown away by how great the intro was and how much it fleshed out each of the characters. Hell, I kinda didn't even want the murders to actually start, I was enjoying the interactions between all the characters too much.

>> No.19443871

hello I really need this if anyone has please post it https://vgmdb.net/album/41354

>> No.19444063
File: 116 KB, 461x258, ushiromiyalion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19444150

what is Lion doing?

>> No.19444150
Quoted by: >>19444417

Incest is a common things in all kakekas

>> No.19444219

You call?

>> No.19444417

The Ushiromiyas are that fucked up

>> No.19444446

alright someone please post all the good umineko doujins I haven't fapped to anything related to the series besides beato and occasionally erika as seen through various character creators in years

>> No.19444477
File: 43 KB, 188x398, ERO ERO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19444500

>occasionally erika
That's it?

>> No.19444500

How the fuck do you expect me to get Erika's hair to look even close to right

>> No.19444502
File: 164 KB, 371x350, 1529558332111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19444812
File: 44 KB, 521x545, 1528571192431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's got Bern so agitated?

>> No.19444888

>tfw no ROSA doujins
Why even exist. The only one that she is in instead of full milf you get this weird imouto like body.

>> No.19445012

no one even wrote any fanfiction, it's the weirdest fucking shit
like she was ideal for it, and fuck was there at lot of WTC fanfiction some of it mine yet there was not one doujin of Rosa fucking Battler or getting fucked by goats, or anything

>> No.19445013

>tfw no doujin where battler and rosa solve the epitaph and she 'convinces' him not to tell anyone he helped

>> No.19445220

She is too pure

>> No.19445325


>> No.19445363

Someone needs to write a fanfic where Rosa pleasures Battler after their conversation in Ep5 and someone needs to write it now!

>> No.19445416
File: 422 KB, 800x600, 51b7323b5db2e0eeca8abd6cd9260c30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19445818

so get to work

>> No.19445439

Sure anon.

>> No.19445818
File: 311 KB, 500x354, c20101208_umineko_03_cs1w1_500x354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19445987


>> No.19445944

Someone needs to create a newspaper article where Rosa gets into a scandal after being caught in an affair with a very young intern at her company.

>> No.19445987

I want to lick her feets.

>> No.19446319
Quoted by: >>19446331

Is the person who was interested in VAing Higurashi around?

>> No.19446331
Quoted by: >>19446336

Depends, is it Japanese? Im in if I can VA in Japanese.

>> No.19446336
Quoted by: >>19446352


There are already Higurashi drama CDs in japanese, there really isnt a need for japanese VAs, sorry

>> No.19446352
Quoted by: >>19446990


>> No.19446870

How do I become a witch

>> No.19446990


Although, i am kinda looking for someone that can pronounce the character and location names in a non cringey way.

>> No.19447006

Here you go!

>> No.19447023
Quoted by: >>19447079

Why on earth would you want to be one

Even Lambdadelta is a traumatized wreck beneath the sadism

>> No.19447079

the only thing I'm missing from that is being a witch now stop holding out on me

>> No.19447349

Female MC (male)

>> No.19447419

Lambda and Bern doing witch things together!

>> No.19448776

since when was hugging and kissing considered 'witch things'

>> No.19448778
Quoted by: >>19448782

Wasn't there a scene where Erika implied she masturbated with chopsticks? Or am I just remembering wrong?

>> No.19448782
File: 378 KB, 777x753, 703f7ba01bb2094bf84eaef7f2556550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember anything like that

>> No.19449144

The human condition of ushiromiya Ange,lewd!

>> No.19449233
Quoted by: >>19449240

How do I become Erika's boyfriend?

>> No.19449240
Quoted by: >>19449299

Have her chain you up in the basement to make sure you never have the opportunity to cheat on her

>> No.19449272

Rosatricechads, we're about to win.

>> No.19449299
Quoted by: >>19449497

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.19449497
File: 59 KB, 591x634, 8a1953dead4033c0f147768fa0d427a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's to say?

>> No.19449528

I have a feeling we're all gonna lose

>> No.19449713
File: 64 KB, 404x636, aoyama's warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duncan Sprout should watch Boku no Hero Academia. Lots of plot important French only clues there.

>> No.19449816
Quoted by: >>19449838

The only chads are Gohdatricers.

>> No.19449838

based magical gohda chef

>> No.19449896
File: 202 KB, 405x377, ta_si_aw_a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, any good books you recommend? I'm away on holidays and don't have much to do, since weather is horrible. Everything will do.

>> No.19449902

my diary desu

>> No.19449983
File: 33 KB, 500x295, tumblr_nqjd0kG7T31uzuutyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those with magical ambitions: everyone should eventually read this:

It's Wittgenstein's Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough, where he excoriated Frazer's barbaric views on religion while simultaneously eplicating magic as the end of metaphysics and religion, and that they are a form of magic. It's something I hark back to often in my magical studies, even in the Asian sphere. Let it be known that Remarks was originally a prelude to Philosophical Investigations, which draws from Schopenhauer's World as Will and Representation. So after Umineko, you would read Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein's Remarks then his Philosophical Investigations. They all build on and sublimate each other, and if you want a truly studied understanding of magic, these are crucial readings, especially for understanding Maria's role as an impending creator, in the production of your own grimoire (if you have an aptitude for it, in any case). The gestalt of these will guide you on its own, but you know where I took it.

>> No.19450049

>tfw didn't understand a thing
E-English isn't even my mother tongue anyway

>> No.19450115
File: 16 KB, 294x224, battler_boomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19450137

>tfw incompetent brainlet and wordlet
I know this feel, brother.

>> No.19450122
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1500, a7570290cb0b8eb8efdee4c6a21c7188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19450145

Do you ever read a post and just think how pleasurable it would be to see them suffer in their worst fragment?

>> No.19450127

tl;dr read Wittgenstein, then Subahibi

>> No.19450128
Quoted by: >>19450149

Lion is the cutest umineko girl.

>> No.19450137
Quoted by: >>19450165

Just use context clues

>> No.19450145
Quoted by: >>19450161

I am already in the worst fragment. Your wish has been granted, Anon!

>> No.19450149
File: 263 KB, 850x734, tumblr_oglnguytiy1u8df7so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19450161
File: 162 KB, 562x600, 1529864288975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's useless, it's all useless, what good is your suffering if I can't be there to watch it?

>> No.19450165
File: 240 KB, 517x393, sadtrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. Still, reading something and not understanding most of it doesn't help my already low self esteem.

>> No.19450179
Quoted by: >>19450226

If you come across something you do not understand, you should relish the opportunity that's presented to you. Learning is fun my friend!

>> No.19450187

Don't let yourself be defeated so easily. If you put the effort in, I'll help you through it until you stop trying, like the earlier anon with his Borges readings. You can't expect output without input, so express some willpower for a reward. Just say something if you ever decide to read these and undertake magical studies and I'll help you, alongside anyone else.

>> No.19450218

This sounds thought provoking, I'll be sure to give it a whirl at my earliest convenience

>> No.19450226
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Quoted by: >>19450428

Thanks, guys. You're more reliable than my real life "friends".

Magical studies sound fun, would be very grateful, if you helped me with them.

>> No.19450323
Quoted by: >>19450428

>Borges reading
Well, if I chase two birds, I'll catch none. I also am a little wary of your intent to "help."

>> No.19450413
File: 86 KB, 1240x336, Gohda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19450429

Rise and shine Gohdafags

>> No.19450428
Quoted by: >>19450481

Absolutely. We can start whenever you like. You should take some time to revise your understanding of Umineko and question even your most elemental paradigms, since that's an important essence of philosophizing, especially when we're voyaging to the outskirts of metaphysics to feel the final barrier.

I don't understand why you would be wary. In such a passionate fanbase around an almost literary work with many initially esoteric influences, people have an innate desire to integrate what the story teaches them better, and to learn best from any story requires too a skilled reader. This is for those impassioned students who found a draw to the universal and celestial where there was once nothing. And for those students, who've found something special in Umineko, I reward their willpower through some literary and philosophical guidance, because a lot of this is lost in history and because I love seeing people exact their will to catalyze immense personal and material shifts out of zero. There's nothing more heartful than the will.

>> No.19450429

I always knew this day would come

>> No.19450481

The implications of the origins Beltane Festival - and as Wittgenstein says, the probability of the origins - disturb me.

It makes me think that those who are genuinely into the occult do do such things that /pol/ memes about. Human sacrifice, blood sacrifice, etc. For if one is has convinced one's self that magic exists - or perhaps even only partly convinced one's self - then the temptation to "escalate" a ceremony must be high.

Or perhaps to put it in layman's terms: Fuck off, Satan.

>> No.19450538
Quoted by: >>19450559

Nothing wrong with human sacrifices though

>> No.19450559
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>> No.19450597
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Quoted by: >>19450630

I don't know /pol/ memes, and it's not about occultism anyway. Regardless of your philosophical position, there is no justification for human sacrifices or any other criminal act. Also, that's low magic/thaumaturgy, which is a far cry from the actual magic we find in these philosophers and their sage predecessors. It's in line with metaphysics first, but some occult principles are useful analogues for understanding the real magic. In fact, between philosophy, spirituality, literature, and occultism, occultism was always much more peripheral than the others, but it's useful for understanding the magic in Umineko. What you're afraid of isn't even related. Magic exists, but not as people, and especially purist occultists, think. But these are still all pivotal to a wholesome understanding of Umineko.

>> No.19450630
Quoted by: >>19450687

If that's what you truly believe, then fine, I apologize for speaking out of turn. Reading between the lines of Frazer, however, I can't help but feel the centerpiece is the cruelty of the "betrayal with a kiss" that the oatmeal cake ordeal involves.

Extending that further, it feels like cruelty itself is the point, which is something I simply can't tolerate, nor is it something I wish to understand further.

>> No.19450687
Quoted by: >>19450738

Don't worry about it, really. It's good to scrutinize what you read, but what I do here is out of compassion, since I used to be very literarily ignorant before changing that revolutionized my life in ways I'll never forget. It's for the posterity, and because I genuinely love willpower and fortitude (that's part of why I like Lambdadelta so much). This is actually a strong passion for me.

As for Wittgenstein, it's important to read Schopenhauer first. Wittgenstein makes clear his importance; he's not ancillary.

>> No.19450738

If it's anything to ya, I believe in magic. So far it's been nothing but a big pain in the ass, so I'm stuck between wanting absolutely nothing to do with it, and reading more into it as a form of control.

Which might in fact be an obvious trap

>> No.19450792

I wont say you aren't incorrect in theory, but in practice humans are pretty hard-wired to avoid causing harm or doing things with negative repercussion, even if only from a karmic standpoint.

Elevating ceremony to the levels you are imagining can and I supposed does happen but its incredibly rare considering the billions of people who study and practice the occult. I would also argue that someone ready to transcend the limits of humanity is prepared to use the taking of life and sacrifice as a tool of elevation even without the occult (which can provide structure and decorum). Something as crude as a spree shooting + a manifesto from the Supreme Gentleman is tapping into the kinds of forces you are shitting on occultism for.

>> No.19450794
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Aren't they just so cute together?

>> No.19450833

Speaking of Borges I'm also an anon that bought Ficciones because of you, I haven't posted about it here but I loved it (especially Tlon uqbar orbis tertius, circular ruins, the lottery in Babylon and an examination of the work of Herbert Quain)
I hadn't read any real book in a while and now I'm back at it, I bought Vladimir Nabokov's Pale Fire and Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves last week because I heard they were good meta/postmodern books (and House of Leaves premise seemed inspired by Borges' fictional critics) have you read those? (nospoilersplease)
In any case, thanks lambdanon.

>> No.19450837

and to expand further, if you are thinking of untouchable politicians and wealthy elite and their "spirit cooking" and secret grove meetings or whatever pizzagate stuff you think might be going on, just remember these people are responsible for having people killed on a regular basis and had no value for human life in the first place. They aren't eating children because the occult, they are into occult stuff that has you eating children because they were already those kinds of creatures.

>> No.19450849
Quoted by: >>19450898

I suppose I’m approaching it from a blunt perspective. If there is power in sacrifice, then the greater the sacrifice, the greater the power.

If occult believes the first axiom - that there is power derived from sacrifice - I just think deeper sacrifice is an inevitability.

Of course this is also the entire basis of Christianity, since what sacrifice is greater than God himself?

But I’m not into sacrifice of life. Of time and of effort, sure. Anything else seems distorted - unnecessary at best and flat out malicious at worst

And I view the Supreme Gentleman as a meaner, less successful Yasu, so no arguments from me there

>> No.19450898

>If there is power in sacrifice, then the greater the sacrifice, the greater the power.
Magical truths reflect universal ones. There is undoubtedly power in sacrifice, just look at how our world is set up? Powerful ripples are released from sacrificing life no matter the convention, its just how things are. The satanism scare of the 80s turned out to be a lot more about degenerate drug addicts who liked drawing edgy pentacles rather than any authentic type of occultist ritual.

I won't be disingenuous and pretend like things like O.N.A. don't exist, but even they have all sorts of rules and conditions for their extreme stuff like not targeting "innocents"and ritual murders are incredibly personal and secretive and are not self-perpetuating unlike someone who see an incel mow down his school and transcend the level of mere mortals after death thanks to the media and scale of the massacre.

>> No.19451367

haha hello my friends please direct your attention here for just a moment!


>> No.19451980
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>> No.19452046

I wonder what Maria's daddy thought of the Rokkenjima incident.

>> No.19452113

What if the next chapter focuses on him and how he's captured by the witches too!

>> No.19452239

Hes probably glad that he didnt divorce because he gets all of Rosa's money.

>> No.19452362
Quoted by: >>19452368

I wanna marry Rosa! Then I'll kill her and marry Maria once she's old enough! Then I'll repeat the same process with Maria's children!

>> No.19452368

k-kinzo stop
