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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19325794 No.19325794 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Previous thread: >>19317127

>> No.19326044
File: 75 KB, 1000x563, c55ca2df-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19326388
File: 184 KB, 1024x788, Genkoyoshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.19326606
Quoted by: >>19326659

>> No.19326659



>> No.19326699
File: 32 KB, 712x522, 1528460236219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This radical means cocoon
>No, it means young
>Wrong, it means slight
>Actually it means my pile of stuff

What's a good Anki deck for radicals? I don't care about it having any frills like pictures or TTS. At this point, all I want is accuracy.

>> No.19326716
Quoted by: >>19326735

There is none.

Who the hell told you to make an radical deck?
You can optionally do a Kanji study course or alternatively skip that entirely and just learn vocab. Learning radicals on their own is pointless.

>> No.19326735

Some people recommended learning them, others didn't. I decided to give radicals a shot, and I'm finding that I recall kanji significantly better when they have multiple radicals that I know.

>> No.19326755

radicals have their own japanese names, you know

>> No.19326777

youre gonna know the radicals from seeing lots of kanji try giving learning nihongo a shot it works really well

>> No.19326784
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Kyou no Asuka Show - 06_[00:02:13.174].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 姉妹
> 兄弟
> 兄姉
> 弟妹
> 兄妹
> 姉弟
Come on, I'm trying to learn Japanese, not combinatorics.

>> No.19326785

Know of any Anki decks that definitively provide their official Japanese names? The problem is that the one I'm using keeps teaching me weird radical names that I'm not finding anywhere else on the internet.

>> No.19326813

But I noticed that I recall kanji significantly better when they have multiple radicals that I know. Learning radicals is helping me learn nihongo.

>> No.19326822




>> No.19326870
Quoted by: >>19326905

If you created a mind palace with all the kanji it would be extremely easy to recall these words:

>> No.19326905

It is easy, I'm just saying it reeks of autism.
This is the answer to the question how much Chinese is too much Chinese, too bad the Japs didn't ask themselves that question a few centuries ago.

>> No.19326931

They should've changed to a latin-based alphabet or done something similar to Korea, while tossing in random vowels for certain words to manage homonyms. Please don't defend kanji when you know it's stupid.

>> No.19326956

you dont need to defend or attack kanji you just need to learn some of them

>> No.19327024
Quoted by: >>19327033

1) Radical lists from kanji-learning resources will always rename problematic radicals to things easier to use in mnemonics. Wanikani is especially bad about this, they even rename the GOOD ones (like calling 扌 nailbat).
2) Radicals don't have precise meanings.
3) Some radicals are merged versions of older ancient radicals, so they have multiple unrelated "meanings".
If you're still interested, the kangxi radicals 2017 deck is probably the least bad option. But again, radicals aren't typically meaningful components, they just happen to have meanings sometimes.

>> No.19327027
Quoted by: >>19327035

kanji, isn't stupid, the Japanese language is.
any language with this amount of homonyms and shitty conjunctions (just count how many different shitty hiragana barf ways there are to say anyhow/even still/regardless there are)

>> No.19327028

You just decribed old kana orthography.

>> No.19327033

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

>> No.19327035
Quoted by: >>19327069

anyway anyhow that being said aside from that furthermore besides conversely on the other hand putting that aside despite that regardless

>> No.19327069
Quoted by: >>19327073

these all have meanings though as in literally putting that aside = move it out of consideration, they're all understandable even if you had never seen them before, unlike 99% of Japanese conjunctions etc.

>> No.19327073
Quoted by: >>19327301

the japanese ones do too, you just don't know enough japanese to see through them yet

>> No.19327163
Quoted by: >>19327465

I was kind of disappointed in kanji when I came across shit like 家, 開く, 風, 行った, etc. Kanji resolved one kind of context dependency and replaced it with another. And not a single English speaking youtube jap I've seen so far talks about this when defending kanji.

>> No.19327243

>They should've changed to latin-based alphabet
Retarded post. Consider suicide

>> No.19327301
Quoted by: >>19327329

explain そして しかも どうせ どゆやら  まま etc

>> No.19327324
File: 35 KB, 345x278, hold the aids plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19327329

bare そ-type determiner stem plus て form of する
archaic "such" word 然《しか》 plus polarizing particle も
どう plus the imperative of す co-opted for a general irrealis sentiment
is this a typo for どうやら
どうやら is just どう plus やら

>> No.19327338


>> No.19327362

None of you know Japanese

>> No.19327368

you don't know japanese

>> No.19327381

check out my hissatuwaza

*knows nihongo*

>> No.19327437

I'll be done with my reviews of today's new cards in 30 minutes or less. See you guys then.

>> No.19327448

ill be here to ask what youve learned

>> No.19327465
Quoted by: >>19327521

Kanji weren't adopted to resolve any kind of context dependency. That's an ex post facto rationalization. Kana weren't even developed until after the adoption of kanji.

>> No.19327521

Actually most of these issues could be resolved with a bit of government intervention.
All Europeans did it, the Chinese probably did it, Koreans did it, I don't see why the Japanese can't.

>> No.19327545

inb4 cock suckers whine about how it's not necessary. Nobody said it was necessary. Just that their retarded language could be made better is all.

>> No.19327556

They did. They chose to keep kanji. Because they aren't actually a problem.

>> No.19327560
File: 536 KB, 2048x686, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 100% against making Japanese more accessible and normie-friendly

>> No.19327584

is 一つ仮名 an elaborate ruse? i'm not asking if it is used, i'm asking if it's only used as some kind of meta-commentary on linguistics

>> No.19327588

Their inaccessibility/resistance to "globalism" has to do with their genes making them less universalistic and less open than westerners. Westerners were selected for their openness via bipartite manorialism and the church banning close cousin marriage after the fall of rome. Changing their language would change nothing about that.

>> No.19327611

>Westerners were selected for their openness
what is this
>Changing their language would change nothing about that.
i agree as can be demonstrated by their fetishization of the west changing nothing about that, but i also agree because anyone who wants the language to change is an incompetent fool who should be ignored

>> No.19327625
Quoted by: >>19327637

Every shitty redditor that learns Japanese and moves there contributes to the cancer that will eventually ruin Japan. If anything, Japan needs to be made more hostile and diffiult to live in if you don't know Japanese, and all English teachers that can't pass Kanken 2 need to be deported instantly

You need only take a gander at the state of South Korea to see what damage americanization causes to oriental cultures.

>> No.19327637
Quoted by: >>19327654

you mean like how it brings prosperity? yeah what a shame

maybe japan will stop being a dilapidated rusty rundown shithole outside of the major city hotspots (and even then not always) once some white and brown people get in there and whip that country into shape

>> No.19327654
Quoted by: >>19327678

>a dilapidated rusty rundown shithole outside of the major city hotspots
i've watched a lot of comfy rural anime so i know you're lying

but i want to live in japan so i'm on your side anyway

>> No.19327678
Quoted by: >>19327707

go east of tokyo and take a shot every time you see a rusty piece of shit building or piece or infrastructure

>> No.19327692
Quoted by: >>19327721

People can point out flaws in Japan's economy but all things considered, they have a high standard of living and are the world's third largest economy. They're doing fine even with their aging population.

>> No.19327707
Quoted by: >>19327721

my local train station greets incoming visitors with several massive piles of trash outside a waste burning facility opposite the station, you have to do worse than rusty buildings

>> No.19327721

third largest economy because the world buys all their shit

not because they are self sufficient and sustaining

go to southside kawasaki and breathe in literally deadly fumes from factories in the most polluted area of japan where they actually give out medical reimbursements to the residents if they get sick from it

>> No.19327736

Japan's population is already too large. If they wanted to continue the eternal growth meme they'd have to capture

Compare Japan's topography map and population density map, the country is fucking FULL. They'd better start expanding to Manchuria and Korea soon if they want to continue the jewish world economy meme train.

>> No.19327748

nah we can still cram a few more into this railcar

we just need to use some elbow grease to get them in far enough to close the doors

>> No.19327749


>> No.19327765

just wait until we artificially expand japan
the japanese empire idea didn't work out but the future is here and instead of conquering we can just expand the landmass

>> No.19327777
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, tyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this fuckin expansion

>> No.19327787
Quoted by: >>19327791

She's missing a nipple.

>> No.19327791

she's missing two nipples and she has a tumor

>> No.19327830


>> No.19327845

tits too small

>> No.19327872

transcend...older sister...stand up...I can't read this shit at all. Is that kanji book in the resources a scam?

>> No.19327883
File: 91 KB, 447x597, 1529949669438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes!! everything in the guide is a scam!!

>> No.19327945
Quoted by: >>19328015

everytime you post this picture a siberian tiger dies
do you want to bring siberian tigers to extinction

>> No.19327980
Quoted by: >>19328034

The second one means whore.

>> No.19328015 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1530375015494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my answer

>> No.19328034
Quoted by: >>19328050

Why is yomichan lying to me?

>> No.19328050

cuz it's trash, install rikai.

>> No.19328106
Quoted by: >>19328129

I don't even want to learn Japanese but these threads are so comfy I keep coming back.

>> No.19328120
Quoted by: >>19328124

I don't even know English.

>> No.19328124

Bet you don't know your native langauge either

>> No.19328129

I know right, I keep procrastinating on anki but pretend I am making progress by coming in this thread.

>> No.19328181

Damn, why doesn't this country revamp it's entire writing system so I as a dumb foreigner have less of a perceived challenge ahead of me if I decide to learn this language? Don't they want me to learn the language, immigrate to their country, commit crimes and breed their women? Why are Japanese people so racist?

>> No.19328197
Quoted by: >>19328202

I wish kana was never invented

>> No.19328202

I wish you were never born

>> No.19328223
Quoted by: >>19328236

how did foreigners learn japanese before kana was a thing? thinking about making flashcards with jyoucho instead of じょうちょ sends shivers down my spine

>> No.19328234

And while they're at it, they should rewrite all nukige in this new and improved writing system for me.

>> No.19328236

Yeah literally how the fuck do people even learn chinese it's fucking impossible

>> No.19328261
Quoted by: >>19328358

tbf romanized chinese is kind of fucked like cao cao should be cowcow but it's actually tsaotsao, this wouldn't be an issue if there was kana that represented the sounds instead of shitty arbitrary wypipo letter approximations

hanzi only have one reading though so they're effectively alphabets themselves

>> No.19328265

yeah we already know you're retarded no need to rub it in dude

>> No.19328269
File: 16 KB, 113x134, mks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19328320
Quoted by: >>19328472

Lots of 出来ない in this thread today

>> No.19328339

You're in the right place.

>> No.19328349

welcome to djt watch the trim

>> No.19328358
Quoted by: >>19328385

why don't they create a phonetic alphabet like hangul
i'm not saying they should use it because that would be fucking ridiculous, just that it would be a better system for describing the phonetics of the other hanzi than latin
also i know there are phonetic hanzi but they seem to have more strokes than they need to which i would assume is why latin ends up being used

>> No.19328384

the whole point of modern japanese is to do as little work as possible to communicate

making a whole new alphabet kind of goes against that

>> No.19328385


>> No.19328392

you cant just tell people that chinese has kana thats against the rules

>> No.19328472


>> No.19328529
File: 37 KB, 715x257, 1517412221761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19328572

Why in the world are non-H manga scans all so damn low resolution recently?

I remember once upon a time scanned manga resolution was almost always quite high (admittedly a long ass time ago). I mean entire tanks can be 20-30 MB, which is anemic. You can't see details for shit in some kanji, especially for hand written small phrases/text bubbles.

It wouldn't even be a huge deal if I could buy legit ebooks that were actually high quality, but Japanese manga e-books are all bullshit resolution that's usually even worse than pirated shit.

>> No.19328582
Quoted by: >>19328603

They don't have to fix their shitty inefficient writing system if they don't want to. Nobody is saying that they're racist, or that if they are racist that that's a bad thing. Calm down.

>> No.19328601

why in the world havent you learned nihongo recently

>> No.19328603

I was going to make a joke your head post but I'm not sure if you'd get it

>> No.19328604

Manga scans in general are bad. Even for popular series, sometimes your only choice is low-res scans with yellowed pages, poor cropping, etc.

>> No.19328607

They just upload ebook rips, which have low resolutions themselves unless they're from moe labels.

>> No.19328623
Quoted by: >>19328664


>> No.19328649
Quoted by: >>19328664




>> No.19328664
Quoted by: >>19328987

I've been kinda away from the scanned manga scene for about a decade now, anon. I just didn't expect quality to get this much worse over this time. I remember 1400x/1600x and bigger images were common. Now I feel like I'm forced to read dead tree manga. Hell, I bet this is what the Japanese publishers want, goddammit.
Don't you have AC? Hit that 除湿 button, anon.

>> No.19328672
Quoted by: >>19328683

袖より合うも 春の夜の
他生の縁と なつかしむなり

Can anyone help translate this?
I particularly have trouble with the first line.

>> No.19328683


>> No.19328746

i did it boys i might be the first person in the world to have finished summer pockets

i feel like shit and im fuckign retarded but i think the game actualy ended up better than expected

fuck neo key tho also im so gay

and tired

i should make a twitter you boneheads would prolly read it

good luck in the rest of the thread doin whatever yall do peace

>> No.19328748

Has anyone here done a student exchange? I can't decide whether I want to do a one-semester or year long one. Thoughts?

>> No.19328848
Quoted by: >>19328853




>> No.19328853
Quoted by: >>19328861


>> No.19328861
File: 6 KB, 261x193, 海パン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19328886

umi da

>> No.19328895


>> No.19328897

I would love to just put my face between those and *brrrrrr*

>> No.19328900
Quoted by: >>19328910

pretty cold right

>> No.19328905


>> No.19328908

I wouldn't put my self too close to those tumors

>> No.19328910
Quoted by: >>19328921

no, motorboat noises

>> No.19328921

to warm yourself up against that icy flesh, i get it

>> No.19328987
Quoted by: >>19332307

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19329054
File: 375 KB, 500x349, 482fba5e5f317bb005fa316aaa710b9e5e308b23_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19329069

I came across this video on youtube and figured some of you might consider showing it to your Japanese kanojos so that you can make the best of your relationship. Best of luck!


>> No.19329069

Is that what the average gaijin hunter looks like?

>> No.19329078

No updates to the DJT library since January. I'm really thankful of everything that's already been uploaded but I guess this place is dying ...

>> No.19329083

word of mouth is that there's more but they organized some kind of fucking discord or something out so fuck them

>> No.19329146
Quoted by: >>19329165

just go to the store and buy a fucking book it's not that hard

>> No.19329165

my neetbucks aren't sufficient to feed myself

>> No.19329173

stop being a fat fuckかな

>> No.19329263

DISGUSTING hhh nuke these jew fuckers

>> No.19329369

What forum is this (no I'm not here to start the discussion again i just wanna know what forum that is)

>> No.19329438
Quoted by: >>19329473

I notice that whenever I read, the vast majority of words I don't know and can't guess the meaning of are kunyomi Yamato Kotoba, particularly verbs, but every textbook and resource I've ever seen focuses mostly on onyomi words. Does anybody else have this problem?

>> No.19329473
Quoted by: >>19329637

what are you looking at textbooks and resources for regarding vocabulary?

>> No.19329558
File: 135 KB, 882x722, matt_anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anki is a waste of time

>> No.19329572

wtf I love anki now

>> No.19329585
File: 157 KB, 399x399, 011f443aadd782d3987d1602a0bf7991ca479a66132b85dc9045bc8fc5efe23e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19329599

I need something new to read, can anyone recommend a manga or VN with delicious ぺったんこ?

>> No.19329599

Have at it my dude

>> No.19329602

It's a waste of time for someone who only comes across new material once every 6 months because they're so advanced.

Anki is still required for all of us.

>> No.19329606

manga isn't reading

>> No.19329637

Genki at first; switched to Japanese for Everyone; Tobira right now
I just don't like how none of them ever really explain how these compound verbs work: like 合う and 追う and 付く and 付ける. They just assume that they "just make sense." I get why individual verbs work the way they do, but I don't get the concept in general and how they change verbs when they attach....

>> No.19329651

don't study, just read

>> No.19329672
Quoted by: >>19329823

There is no discord related to the DJT Library. You are thinking of the manga site.

>> No.19329686

>falling for the botnet

>> No.19329705

i want to take the n2

>> No.19329738


>> No.19329784

I'm looking at the translation of Woman in the Dunes out of curiosity and there's an error on almost every page. The guy doesn't even understand the hypothetical use of ところで and translates every usage as if it actually happened. Lots of sentences translated with the opposite meaning or the wrong subject. And this is one of the most acclaimed works of Japanese literature in the west. I'm never reading a translation of anything again.

>> No.19329803
File: 131 KB, 1000x1000, s-l1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These have just arrived

>> No.19329822
Quoted by: >>19329894

Could you post an example or two I'd like to laugh.

>> No.19329823
File: 28 KB, 508x302, fakkuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some discord kids broke off and are making the manga archive their own little secret club?
A-a-at least m-m-manga i-i-sn't r-reading ;_;

>> No.19329824

without any examples it's more likely that you're wrong

>> No.19329831
Quoted by: >>19329851

No, most translations are really bad. They're most likely right even if it's unfounded for them to say so.

>> No.19329844

Who cares about that book? Just watch the 前代未聞の傑作 that is the film adaptation.

>> No.19329851

>No, most translations are really bad
Why? And can a retard become a decent translator if he's aware of typical mistakes?

>> No.19329853

because no one actually knows japanese

>> No.19329855

Most J->E translations are bad because they're made by people with bad Japanese, bad English writing ability, or are tampered with by whoever they're working for. Usually the first one.

>> No.19329874

Most translators don't seem to be aware that their writing ability in the target language needs to be on par with or above the writing ability of the writer of the original work for the final result to be not only a good translation but also a good read.

>> No.19329894

A few samples.

Translation: "The mystery of his holiday, which would have such effect on his colleagues, would not produce any reaction from her."

Translation: "He had tried to disturb her sleep, but he had failed."

Translation: "He pushed her hands away, railing against her, carried away by an impulse to upset the washbasin and its contents."

Translation: "There was no particular need to pose unreasonable problems, to be broken through like iron bars. "

>> No.19329898
Quoted by: >>19329908

This sounds like it was written by an ESL with very good English, rather than a native.

>> No.19329899

oh look retard chat again hurdur

>> No.19329908

Nope, they're native, they were just born forever ago, so it makes sense that their English sounds funny.

>> No.19329917

Oh they were a polyglot, that explains everything.

>> No.19329957

laugh out loud you were not joking

>> No.19329958

And this is a "scholar of Japanese literature" whose work is published by major imprints. Now imagine the kind of mistake you can find in amateur translations of subculture media, and imagine being an EOP who consumes those. This should be all the motivation anyone needs to study Japanese.

>> No.19329961

i mean you can get really fucking good at a couple of languages or you can put 12 languages on your resume and have 12 times the opportunity to scam monolinguals with book translations

>> No.19329992

>> No.19330012

How does it explain everything?

>> No.19330016

Polyglots are generally not competent enough at enough of their languages to reliably translate prose between them without introducing errors or discongruities.

>> No.19330023
Quoted by: >>19330038

Polyglots are prototypical jack of all trades master of none. The majority of them don't really do more than memorize a bunch of set phrases and how to discuss the weather and then move onto the next language because it's about quantity over quality. They don't give a fuck about using the language, just about being able to convince monolinguals that they can.

>> No.19330024


>> No.19330039
Quoted by: >>19330049

I noticed that pronouncing r sounds after an n is pretty challenging

>> No.19330038

True but a polyglot from the 20s is probably going to be better than a modern "polyglot". Not good enough to translate reliably though.

>> No.19330047

Back in the day polyglots scammed people by "translating" Akutagawa Prize winners. Nowadays they just make self-help videos and beg for patreon donations.

>> No.19330049

It is if you're pronouncing ん wrong which you probably are

>> No.19330057

Becoming a good translator of fiction takes immense amounts of work. You need not only be an impeccable writer in your own language, you also need to be fluent in the language you are translating. Both of these take immense amounts of time to achieve individually and doubly so for learning a language like Japanese as opposed to German or something else that is closer related to your native language. As of now most people translating Japanese are neither fluent nor good writers, just people like you and me who have an interest in Japanese media. While not everyone can write on a professional level, most people can appreciate advanced writing regardless of how well they perform themselves.
Fan translator seem to lack the resources to consistently deliver good and timely translations while official translations might try to transform the work into something it is not and have people who are not the translators working on the script. Either way, even the best translation will transform the work into something different so learning the language is pretty important if you want to genuinely appreciate the original work. If you want to become a translator you'll have to realize that you either have a life's work ahead of you or deal with the fact that you will be ruining someone else's creative work for no good reason. Actually you'll probably be doing that either way, just don't translate. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from it.

>> No.19330092

>mfw that one video where he struggles at basic conversation with the Japanese guy and tells him he teaches Japanese

He used to impress me when I didn't know any Japanese or any of the other languages, now I see what a con man he is

>> No.19330099

>Actually you'll probably be doing that either way, just don't translate. There is absolutely nothing to be gained from it.
this. monolinguals who legitimately think media they're interested in and they can't read would benefit from being translated to their language should just keep believing google translate will be good enough in a decade and fuck off.

>> No.19330100
Quoted by: >>19330105

his mandarin is good, would be weird if it wasn't considering he's been studying it for over a decade, but he's shit at everything else
what really surprised me is that he's learning finnish for some reason, like why

>> No.19330105
Quoted by: >>19330136

he wants to marry finnie, clearly

>> No.19330136
Quoted by: >>19330139

he's engaged to a taiwanese woman though

>> No.19330139
Quoted by: >>19330155


>> No.19330154

For the record, he can't speak Finnish either

>> No.19330155

Polygamy is illegal in the US

>> No.19330158

He'll break up with her.

>> No.19330172




>> No.19330178

Should i study words in hiragana first? There are so many words I don't recognize in pure kana because I deeply tied the kanji in them.

>> No.19330182

read more

>> No.19330187

no, it's a crutch that makes you afraid of kanji and continue to put it off for weeks, months, years

>> No.19330194

No, retard. In the first place, everyone knows that you should drop learning hiragana and katakana because it's basically the baby version of the language, and it's equivalent to learning how to read, write and speak from Tommy Pickles. Then cut straight to kanji, with the fastest way of learning the basic 3000 that you need to read a simple children's book being to print them all out and copy them by hand (pro tip: tracing them saves some time). Once you've done that, you're probably ready to practice speaking, so just go outside and use all the kanji you learned over the last 2 years (as per the above) by narrating your life as best you can out loud. Film it and review it daily to monitor your sick moon gainz. Lastly, move to Japan and teach English. Good luck, cunt.

>> No.19330196

monogamy is for chumps so that makes sense

>> No.19330198

I'm not afraid of kanji, I did RTK like a year ago. It just that whenever I mine a word I always add it in kanji so sometimes I only remember it in pure kanji

>> No.19330203

yeah read more

>> No.19330209

I was like that, then I read and listened a lot.

>> No.19330269

>Translation: "He pushed her hands away, railing against her, carried away by an impulse to upset the washbasin and its contents."
Can someone please explain what's wrong with this one?

>> No.19330285
Quoted by: >>19330318

He didn't actually do it. He just wanted to.

>> No.19330289
Quoted by: >>19330318

This one

>> No.19330292
Quoted by: >>19330318


>> No.19330318
Quoted by: >>19330325

Damn. Thank you. For some reason I always interpret ような as 'type of' or something like that. I guess I made the same mistake that guy did.

>> No.19330325
Quoted by: >>19330362

Most likely the translator just didn't read it all, skimming the string of hiragana instead of actually verbalizing it entirely.

Assuming they knew Japanese, that is.

>> No.19330362

I suppose that would make sense given he is a professional.
Thinking more about it, I think my issue is when ~たい comes before ような and not with ような. I guess I'll find out when I encounter it in the wild again.

>> No.19330430




>> No.19330435
File: 345 KB, 800x533, mango_con_chile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19330464


>> No.19330442
File: 61 KB, 1044x548, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19330464


>> No.19330463

how long have you been pretending to be learning and how much of this do you understand


>> No.19330464





>> No.19330466 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 700x1023, 01yamat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good is this site really? ejje.weblio.jp Am I fucking myself over by checking every kanji that I get in memeRTK from here too?

>> No.19330488

you cant post raw tittys here dude thats a paddlin

also weblio is fine as long as you use it responsibly and dont be a retart

>> No.19330491

That's a nice image but I have a feeling we won't be seeing you for a couple days. Have a nice vacation 私の友達

>> No.19330503



>> No.19330505
File: 967 KB, 1286x1600, 1514752965534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I'll actually try study some kanji and take full advantage of the ban. Have another one for my memory

>> No.19330513


>> No.19330515

skip the kanji and just go straight for learnin nihongo

>> No.19330516
Quoted by: >>19330531




>> No.19330518

Should i delete my sentence deck while i go through rtk or just stop adding new sentences.

>> No.19330531
Quoted by: >>19330562



>> No.19330533
Quoted by: >>19330626

don't study, just read

>> No.19330562


>> No.19330618

What will help you learn faster, 30 minutes of anki and 3 hours of reading, or just 3 and a half hours of reading?

>> No.19330623

Depends on how much time you have to spend looking up words you've already looked up once before

>> No.19330624

I can't imagine how annoying RTK would be if I were doing sentences at the same time, but that's up to you.

>> No.19330626 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 680x723, 16e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19330627

Read for 3 hours and spend 30 minutes making anki cards from the stuff you just read

>> No.19330632

>30 minutes of anki

you're better off not even doing it.
Try 1 hour at the very least.

>> No.19330635

What's better, 1 hour of anki and 3 hours of reading, or 4 hours of reading?

>> No.19330636

depends on the level you're at and what you're doing with the anki time. practicing reading individual words in kanji when you know less than 5000 is probably worth the time it cuts out of dictionary lookups. when you're more competent the benefit gradually decreases, and when you do stupider things instead of reading more it's also probably a bad idea.
either way, the important thing is don't spend more than 30 minutes on anki.

>> No.19330637

footage of the average djter when they realize flashcards isnt going to get them what they want


>> No.19330642

don't read, just study

>> No.19330672

>guide says to use anki
>thread is always full of people saying not to use anki


>> No.19330676

I know more than 5000 words. The deck is 2000 sentences from books, manga, anime, and dictionaries. But i hate learning new words like 烏滸がましい or 疚しい and not having any basis for the kanji so that's where Rtk is appealing to me. I just want to know the most efficient way. Not scared of losing 2000 cards, but wondering if i would have a better chance of powering thru rtk without another daily task (sentence reps) to do before going on to reading/watching stuff for the rest of the day

>> No.19330681

>烏滸がましい or 疚しい and not having any basis for the kanji
The basis is the word itself my dude lol, how do you think you managed to learn other words

>> No.19330695
Quoted by: >>19330771

>all words have the same level of complexity and are not used in entirely different ways depending on context

Yup, we have a PhD in linguistics here.

>> No.19330703

There does seem to be a significant disconnect between the guide and the thread. Guess the guide provides options for unmotivated newfriends.

>> No.19330707

the guide is just the required hazing before youre allowed to actually learn nihongo

>> No.19330709

Yeah true, but there's been this nagging feeling in the back of my head to do rtk for a while now. I dont have problems distinguishing stuff like 縁 and 緑 or whatever but theres something appealing about having most of the kanji in use burned into your memory with the ability then to write them.

>> No.19330711

>I just want to know the most efficient way

>> No.19330715

youre adorable

>> No.19330727
Quoted by: >>19330904

>I just want to know the most efficient way.
everyone does and no one will, it's good to try changing things up especially if you think there's a problem but don't obsess over efficiency
i would imagine rtk wouldn't be worth the time commitment from your position unless you're interested in being able to recall kanji, and even if that's something you do want to do you can skip the useless english keyword association and just make a vocab-with-furigana cloze card for each kanji you want to practice. also 滸 isn't in rtk.

>> No.19330747
Quoted by: >>19330904

I'm currently going through RTK too. I just got past the 500 kanji mark today. I already learnt how to read the daily use kanji by brute force (I learnt a lot of words that use them) but I was mixing some of them up or just not remembering some of them that well. Doing RTK is clearing all of that up and teaching me how to write the kanji from memory. I like writing down notes when thinking and I want to be able to do the same in Japanese.

What I really like about the method is that since you just go from English keyword to Kanji through a story, it's easy to remember how to write all those Kanji. You don't even need to write them tens of times to remember them (although if you want good looking handwriting you probably should, but it's not necessary if you just want to be able to write them). This means you spend a whole lot less time reviewing cards in Anki, which is motivating and gives you more time for other things. Good luck anon. DJT seems to have a really weird disdain for RTK but if you want to write and more easily distinguish Kanji, RTK is the fastest way to learn how.

>> No.19330751

y'all argue whats the most efficient way but never stop and think different ways work differently for different people.

>> No.19330756

thats all well and good but everyone acquires language exactly the same way

>> No.19330759
Quoted by: >>19330765

you're the guy who posts rap videos right? i am surprised you posted something so reasonable.

>> No.19330765
Quoted by: >>19330772

same fag

>> No.19330767
Quoted by: >>19330778

nice to see a fellow skater here. what does it mean when he finally gets it? is that flashcards finally paying off?

>> No.19330771
Quoted by: >>19330904

He said "basis for the kanji" as in his problem is remembering what they look like because he can't do something like 人 + 気 from 元気 = 人気 where he draws previous knowledge to remember a new words kanji composition. He wasn't talking about having trouble remembering meanings.

Do radicals instead

>> No.19330772
File: 20 KB, 522x458, ov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19330777


>> No.19330778

no dude the rail is nihongo and the fact that he interacted with it for days and days and busted his ass the fuck up is what resulted in the eventual make

>> No.19330814
Quoted by: >>19330821

Or I can just read 3 hours and half and then spend another half an hour on anki and still keep up with people who don't do anki.

>> No.19330821

Yea but then they could always up their reading time to get comparable hours. The point is whose use of time is more efficient.

>> No.19330859

a few hours of "reading" and some flashcardsだけでは追いつけない

>> No.19330869

thanks for the heads up, mattat.

>> No.19330904

Thanks for the advice. Perhaps it's better to come up with some personal kanji study system for my own problems. Synonymous keywords and english kind of put me off of rtk, and at this point doing water -> 水 does seem kind of like a waste of time. Maybe the solution to the frustration with not having a basis for rarer kanji is to just read more and find other words that use them...

>> No.19330912

The guide was written by beginners. Source: I helped write it and I was a beginner at the time.

>> No.19330915

read all the time and (optionally) take amphetamines

>> No.19330919

replace the guide with RATTATA please
great minds think alike

>> No.19330920

>read all the time
but what about your listening dude?

>> No.19330922

just learn nihongo.. plz

>> No.19330948

I just listen all the time.

>> No.19330951

まあ all the time

>> No.19330953


>> No.19330955

Listening And Private Reading And Stimulants aka LAPRAS

>> No.19330969


>> No.19330976
Quoted by: >>19330980

Sorry, I prefer to watch manga.

>> No.19330980

Manga is reading.

>> No.19330982

no you read from manga

>> No.19331015


>> No.19331028
File: 124 KB, 600x874, e7e1d746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331036

Why are they embarrassed it's just gasses haha

>> No.19331039


>> No.19331043
File: 70 KB, 1023x723, 1478607484945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331051
File: 97 KB, 542x508, 1473401282937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19331054
File: 87 KB, 389x382, 1472719972599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331055

R - R
E - e
A - a
D - d a fucking book already you baka fucking gaijin

>> No.19331057
File: 164 KB, 850x691, 1466872186504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331058

g e n k i?

>> No.19331061

Don't fucking call me お前 you bitch.

>> No.19331065

really sick and tired of people posting kanji i haven't gotten to in rtk

>> No.19331068
File: 36 KB, 424x600, 45955362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331072


>> No.19331075
File: 312 KB, 515x852, 1494130500173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331079
File: 297 KB, 1000x989, 456564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331082
File: 221 KB, 850x640, 1479844299304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331085
File: 129 KB, 400x1202, 5af.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331092

>> No.19331088
File: 10 KB, 400x420, 愚かな.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally everyone here

>> No.19331092


>> No.19331096

I did my own version of AJATT to get from zero Japanese to N3 in three months. Maybe this will help DJT.

Genki 1 > Genki 2 > Tae Kim > DOBJG > Tobira.

I also finished RTK during this time and listened to Japanese audio essentially in 24/7.

In short, to make AJATT work, you want a very strong basis on basic grammar to make sentence mining easier. And of course keep Japanese audio in the background all the time, preferably audio that you’ve watched before. Once you’re good, you start getting your I+1 sentences from active listening. Sentence mine from ALL NATIVE RESOURCES. I+1 is I+1. As months and years goes on, I+1 sentences become hard to find depending on what shit you’re reading/watching. Mine from news all you want Just note, you’re not going to find I+1 sentences from it for awhile, maybe until your vocab is about 3000-4000+. But that’s okay. A lot of my first couple thousand sentences were i+2 only for vocabulary for compounds I guessed the reading myself.

Any questions about AJATT, let me know. You can easily do what I did in a year. I did it so fast because I no-lifed Japanese for 3 months.

>> No.19331099
File: 19 KB, 500x300, ai03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336499

>> No.19331101

unironically me

>> No.19331103
File: 253 KB, 850x841, 1521112371579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331104

so basically you didn't do any japanese studying at all

probably a reddit repost btw

>> No.19331108
File: 1000 KB, 1021x575, 8767646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331130

>> No.19331111

Yep, I mined sentences from the card key at my hotel.

>> No.19331118
File: 143 KB, 1200x851, 7547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331120
File: 104 KB, 686x782, 1504615938285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331124
File: 64 KB, 394x465, 3121189_9rub3yz_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331127
File: 224 KB, 600x600, 1473566767343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331128

>> No.19331128
File: 137 KB, 600x600, 1473566863289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19331130

manga isn't reading posters on suicide watch

>> No.19331134
File: 365 KB, 968x510, エッチ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331141
File: 197 KB, 850x691, 1502341813344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331147
File: 303 KB, 972x1200, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331153 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 690x420, just good vibes all day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331168

>> No.19331156
File: 487 KB, 2448x3264, 1442917926268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19335457

>> No.19331162

now this is what I call good shitposting, thank you for helping us reach the bump limit anon

>> No.19331165
File: 665 KB, 642x898, 1526026762268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331167
File: 627 KB, 560x1500, 1526878843504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331168

wide kanji

>> No.19331172
File: 100 KB, 600x832, 1505042482958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331176
File: 86 KB, 640x480, pJyWpKKelaSbsKg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331177
Quoted by: >>19331183

The thread will just get made again though...

>> No.19331180
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 1485042833451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331201

>> No.19331183
Quoted by: >>19331470

DJT hasn't even started until it reaches the bump limit anon. Being on the front page attracts shitposters.

>> No.19331184
File: 630 KB, 700x700, 1481245465042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331189

Shitposting? These images are a thousand times more on-topic than the e-celeb trash that people have been spamming here.

>> No.19331201

deepest lore, if you really wanna die you just do it, 'shinitai' is just a call for help

>> No.19331209
File: 487 KB, 2300x2214, 1503891119763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19331281

ok I'll stop then since its not what jamal wants

>> No.19331215

i'm not jamal, also keep posting them

>> No.19331224
Quoted by: >>19331233

/sentence card/;boards:jp

This has worked well. Anything I missed?

>> No.19331232

Spamming random images with random Japanese text is not more relevant than discussing methods that have been popularized by certain e-celebs.

>> No.19331233

sentence deck
manga isn't reading
it is

>> No.19331237
Quoted by: >>19331242

Are you unironically defending e-celeb skill spam bullshit?

>> No.19331242

I don't think it's a good thing either but it's still more pertinent to a learning Japanese thread than random images.

>> No.19331251
Quoted by: >>19331265

Japanese has more to do with learning Japanese than whatever bullshit learning method some random crook pulls out their ass.

>> No.19331258

There's nothing to discuss. If you give enough of a fuck about RTK and Anki and e-celebs to constantly talk about them, you don't have enough study time (let alone knowledge of Japanese) to contribute to a Japanese learning discussion in any meaningful manner.

>> No.19331262
Quoted by: >>19331268

nah i think you've got that one wrong, even daily english thread is more on-topic than repeating empty arguments about meme learning methods

>> No.19331265

The problem is that nobody is using those images for those purposes. They might as well not exist.

>> No.19331268

yeah DET at least enlightens people to universal linguistic truths half the time it happens

>> No.19331271

I'm reading them though. It's fun.

>> No.19331272

speak for yourself, i hadn't read today and now i have, fucking gains

>> No.19331281
Quoted by: >>19331291

im jamal and what i want is for everyone to learn nihongo

anything else goes

dance muppets

>> No.19331291

If you actually wanted that you'd try to help the poor suckers instead of deriding them constantly.

>> No.19331294

where do i deride people that can objectively be helped

>> No.19331295

not him but if you try it you'll quickly learn it doesn't work

>> No.19331461 [DELETED] 

are na and i adjectives random and you just have to randomly remember which is which. not complaining.

>> No.19331463

there are only like three na-adjectives that look like i-adjectives

>> No.19331470

that's true. only on /jp/ are people actually autistic enough to use the page view instead of the catalog

>> No.19331510
File: 142 KB, 640x800, 4EghFFp[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys deal with not wanting to learn Japanese anymore? I'm just done; I don't want this -- I've already wasted over 900 hours on fucking flashcards alone and... why? What am I doing?

>> No.19331527

Just give up lmao
plus you use fucking anki what kind of faggot loser are you

>> No.19331530
Quoted by: >>19331547

English is the lingua franca of the world so obviously there won't be as much interesting content in Japanese, like controversial blog posts from infamous physicists who comment on genetics, but surely there's something in Japanese you enjoy? Also you get to brag that you know Japanese. That's the biggest reason.

>> No.19331532
Quoted by: >>19331547

how can you stop learning japanese when you never started

>> No.19331541
File: 17 KB, 383x450, 91611-004-C997AF25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want to stop? Reading manga is fun. Listening to drama cd's is fun. Watching variety shows is fun. It's a hobby that I enjoy. Sure it's a long road to get to where I want to, but I have my whole life ahead of me to do it. It's a hobby I enjoy. My only regrets are the time I've wasted when I've taken "breaks"

>> No.19331542
Quoted by: >>19331556

check this out >>19330637

>> No.19331547
Quoted by: >>19331555

>Also you get to brag that you know Japanese.
To myself? You're kind though. It's been awhile since I've watched some CGDCT so maybe I need to pick one up again.
Nah, the time spent on flashcards feels like a waste which is why I brought that up -- "on fucking flashcards _alone_"
I've spent an equal amount of time listening to podcasts and ripped anime audio as well as watching manga. I just feel like I don't have time for this shit that never ends.

>> No.19331553

sentnce minig works for the same reason reading works. never mine vocab. that is retarded.

>> No.19331555
File: 69 KB, 770x437, samurai-scroll-blinding-powder-fight-stealth_1-770x437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no ending. This language learning of the ancient language of yamato is a lifelong journey. Savor every step of the process

>> No.19331556
Quoted by: >>19331583

Already watched it -- I was the guy who replied to it in lowercase. I need to keep my personalities separate.
Thanks, dude. This is legit. I'll cool down and consume some easy stuff for a week or two to relax.

>> No.19331567

if you have time to mine sentences you should read more instead

individual sentences are worth less and less the more often you see them, there is zero reason to put sentences into an SRS

>> No.19331568

Define a sentence in the context of Japanese.

>> No.19331575

Just do anki with vocab for kanji readings and get everything else through reading. Anki is the least fun part of learning japanese, but it's effective for pairing readings to characters. Besides that, I'd rather spend my time on other, more enjoyable pursuits

>> No.19331583
Quoted by: >>19331670

if you dont want it you dont want it

better to change your route now to something you want than to spend a single second more doing something you dont

>> No.19331665
Quoted by: >>19331701

>sentnce minig works for the same reason reading works
i don't think you know why reading works

>> No.19331670

taking it easy and consuming some of the material that your progress has made easy for you is a good way to figure out if you still want it

>> No.19331682

if you wanna do that that is..

>> No.19331701

you do realize it's easier to remember something if it somehow relates to something you already know right. guess what, the mined sentence can act as that base. it is supplementary to reading. i'm not saying it replaces it. you'll still need to read to get repeated exposure to multiple contexts.

>> No.19331711
Quoted by: >>19331716

that's not why reading works. learn intermediate Japanese before giving learning advice.

>> No.19331716
Quoted by: >>19331749

shut up dumbass. you don't know shit.

>> No.19331717

i'm not denying that sentence mining can have a positive effect (though i do not consider it an efficient use of your time) but saying it works for the same reason reading does is a complete misunderstanding of the value of reading

>> No.19331731


>> No.19331733


>> No.19331749

you're the one doesn't know anything here anon

>> No.19331763

He doesn't want to help anyone here, by his own admission he hates all of us
Thats why its just a constant stream of shitposts of monkey noise and 3dpd

>> No.19331772
Quoted by: >>19331777

for those of you who prefer to hide from the truth of how shitty the place you frequent is, i offer some advice in advance
add "mia" to your filters

>> No.19331775

what does that do

>> No.19331777
Quoted by: >>19331786

there's not a single instance of "mia" in this thread
Also what is a mia even

>> No.19331786
Quoted by: >>19331791

i said in advance, you will know eventually, i'm not here to force shit down your throat but you know that others are

>> No.19331791

wtf I'm getting scared dude

>> No.19331797

mumma mia it's time to make another elaborate work-intensive trolling project for djt

>> No.19331826

mia (missing in action)

>> No.19331835
File: 63 KB, 877x394, mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19331837


>> No.19331838
Quoted by: >>19331846

oh good he's finally going to stop naming it after a scam

>> No.19331842

lmao this is like beta uprising tier
oh no matt and his AJATT minions are gonna start a revolution in DJT! stop MIA now! we have to stop them!

>> No.19331845

I decided to start calling my approach to language learning the "Just Fucking Read Approach", as it significantly differs from all these retards' ideas on how to learn a language. Please don't be cringy about it guys.

P.S. >following まあtt on Twitter

>> No.19331846
Quoted by: >>19331989

Maybe he just realized he can make more money by creating his own scam instead of using someone else's.

>> No.19331847

who fuckin cares about that guy guys

>> No.19331850


>> No.19331851


>> No.19331854
Quoted by: >>19331861

Did he name it after Missing In Action on purpose because effort and studying is nowhere to be found when you're doing his method

>> No.19331861

no he wanted to call it mattjatt but then he came up with a brilliant idea where he doesn't look so self-important as to officially put his name in it and yet his followers will for him

>> No.19331864

dont be cringy guys

>> No.19331871

Has anyone tweeted matt about how retarded his idea is
cause I'm about to do that no joke

>> No.19331873

even tkyosam is better than matt

>> No.19331877

omg Matt just made mattposting 10x better.

>> No.19331884
Quoted by: >>19331890

seriously though why does Japan attract so many cringy fucks
I think I'm just gonna obsess on chinese culture from now on, I heard they got some good cultural revolutions and martial arts

>> No.19331890

china kinda rules the world dude you better learn chinese and fast cause everyones gonna be speaking it soon

>> No.19331899

what's it like to choose your hobbies based on how cool other people interested in them are

>> No.19331903

ive personally found that everything i do i end up being the trend setter and not the trend follower ftw

>> No.19331905

before i answer that i have to ask if my peepee is considered a person cause this thing has a mind of its own i tell ya

>> No.19331909

Wtf there's two jamals

>> No.19331910

will the real jamal please tattekudasai

>> No.19331911

where have you been i have like a lil handful of mini mes itt

>> No.19331916

no you dont its actually just me lol no lol

>> No.19331924

there was also me but then i found my own way as lowercase poster and we all grew from it

>> No.19331932

if you think about it my anklebiters are like little matts

they try to bite off the good shit but they never quite make it theirs

>> No.19331934

Hopefully someone releases an MIA outline/guide and we can add it to the DJT guide.

>> No.19331950
File: 11 KB, 726x162, anki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by screenshots and comments from his cult followers it seems like piss jug may have come to the conclusion that Anki is a waste of time and that might be part of the MIA shit. So DJT was right and he was wrong the whole time?

>> No.19331962
Quoted by: >>19331983

Nah I'm sure it's all part of his scheme to make his own Anki clone and peddle that for a fee

>> No.19331980

im pretty sure hes just seen me saying how gay flashcards are and has finally decided to adopt it into his epic doctrine

>> No.19331983

Oh, like Adam?

>> No.19331989

Never been interested in Matt's method, but isn't the tldr "watch as much raws as possible"? How is he making any money of that?

>> No.19332004

he parrots shit that he cobbled together from all over the internet in a consistent voice that comes off as very up his own ass and because he blabbed some nonsense passed off as "reading" muramasa people listen to him because to the unknowing he sounds convincing

its like if you see the translated version of this and are completely oblivious to the original >>19330269

>> No.19332008

he posts videos on his patreon vlogging and shit or something
he makes like 2,000 dollas out of it

>> No.19332011

he tells you to do it during rtk while avoiding a grammar book and learning to meditate for 4 months, and also that when you're not watching raws you should listen to raws you've watched on repeat in the background 24/7

>> No.19332020
Quoted by: >>19332037

im gonna laugh when khatz rolls up for his piece of matts action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QKPi-FvPNM#t=28

>> No.19332027

That's pretty much the point, though. He presents himself as an authority and an innovator even though his Japanese is far from perfect and the idea of acquiring a language through a large amount of input has been around forever, and has a patreon where he charges people for things like the right to join his discord server, monthly skype chats with him and exclusive videos.

>> No.19332032

all 2000 dollars of it

>> No.19332037
Quoted by: >>19332039

Wtf is that dislike ratio

>> No.19332039
Quoted by: >>19332047

fuckin finally i posted this vid like a dozen times and youre the first person to notice

now heres your nihongo homework

figure out why

>> No.19332047
Quoted by: >>19332057

uuuh idk he had a disagreement with some rapper or something

>> No.19332057
Quoted by: >>19332073

this is homework not a fill in the blank

gonna need at least like a paragraph here with some specifics

dont even post it here do it for yourself to prove your time spent learning nihongo isnt a waste of time and a sham and that you can actually accomplish something

>> No.19332061

i prefer reading assignments to research assignments

>> No.19332067

but djt loves google and researching its absolutely their kinda shit

>> No.19332071
File: 955 KB, 937x581, yogapants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck. This is seems like exactly what I needed to read at this point in my life. Is my 守護霊 trying to tell me something?

>> No.19332073
Quoted by: >>19332078

that's what I got from skimming the comments
nonetheless I could be reading shit that actually interests me instead of wasting my time with that dumb stuff

>> No.19332078

you can post the cop out and pretend youre doing better shit i dont really care

its all about you dude

>> No.19332085
Quoted by: >>19332119

if you needed twitter to tell you that you don't have to use anki when you're fluent i don't know what to tell you brother you might not make it

>> No.19332089

Here's some more stuff you may like https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=lp_283155_nr_n_27?fst=as%3Aoff&rh=n%3A283155%2Cn%3A%211000%2Cn%3A4736&bbn=1000&ie=UTF8&qid=1530417646&rnid=1000

>> No.19332094
Quoted by: >>19332098

Too long didn't read

>> No.19332098

don't worry i summarized it for you my man

>> No.19332105
File: 499 KB, 937x581, tldr ftl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19332107


>> No.19332107
Quoted by: >>19332113

use multiply next time

>> No.19332113

im gona do whatever i want when i want biotch

>> No.19332119

how do you know when you're fluent? how do you know when you can drop anki? pls

>> No.19332122
Quoted by: >>19332133

that sounds like a question you should ask matt

>> No.19332126
Quoted by: >>19332133


>> No.19332133

i trust jamal more than matt.
i can't feel.

>> No.19332144

Jamal and matt are the same shit, neither of them know Japanese

>> No.19332145

don't study, just read

>> No.19332148


>> No.19332152

dont trust matt dont trust me

trust yourself because thats the one thats gonna decide whether or not you learn nihongo


>> No.19332204

2k a month is still poverty level. Isn't dogen pulling in like 6k+ on his patreon?

>> No.19332207

Don't trust anything Matt says post-patreon. He is distancing himself from the AJATT method that got him to the level he is at now so he can have fame and patreon money. The self-important prick.

>> No.19332210

Ya, 2k/month is pathetic. Imagine getting payed only 24k/year to release 1 video per week and talk to some people on Discord.

>> No.19332219

i should make a patreon to get some extra beer money

i can just tell people to fork over some dough and ill make you believe youre learning nihongoh

>> No.19332222

I'm tired of anki and I want to read more, but I only know around 2000 words and the words that I don't review in anki it seems I can look up twenty times and still have no clue what they are the next time I see them. How does anyone skipping anki stay motivated?

>> No.19332228

that's why you keep doing anki

>> No.19332229

By not needing anki anymore.

>> No.19332230
Quoted by: >>19332234

isn't dogen at least three times as competent and at least 67% less of a manchild
(i don't watch dogen so i could be wrong)

>> No.19332234

idk i don't follow any of these ecelebs

>> No.19332252
Quoted by: >>19333517

Your vocab is still to low for novels so I recommend you read manga. Continue looking up words, if they are common enough you will see them often enough to the point where you can't not know them. The problem is you don't know what is common and what is rare. Anki makes it more efficient to learn large amounts of vocabulary but you can still learn by just doing dictionary lookups in stuff you're reading. Also the more you learn japanese the easier it becomes to remember new words so just keep at it. The beginner stage is pretty cruel, as for motivation you either want to learn japanese or you don't... Most people don't

>> No.19332257
File: 356 KB, 549x630, 9d910ac9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more

>> No.19332275
File: 69 KB, 577x421, 2040702c81a943b889e13e463b9b21b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19332287
Quoted by: >>19333365

dogen actually teaches somewhat original and useful shit whereas matt gets 2000 fucking dollars for saying "lol guys did u know that if you have to use language a lot u will get gud at it???!?" over and over again
I honestly don't think matt's followers give him money because of his content but because they want someone to worship as their nihongo god

>> No.19332300
File: 13 KB, 360x231, AJATT BTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19332303

worship..nihongo god..*rubs hands together*

>> No.19332305
Quoted by: >>19332347


>> No.19332307


>> No.19332308
Quoted by: >>19332407

>when an enemy is spotted, shine your search light on dat bitch and then when you realize that they is your ally, kill them
am i close? how are you supposed to learn the correct interpretation just by reading? do i need to slide matt some dosh for him to confirm?

>> No.19332313

I heard people saying you should stop core after 2k, is that a good idea? and before you calling me an anki drone I'm doing 4 hours of study everyday of which 1 hour is only anki (atm 1k cards in)

>> No.19332315

just give me all of your money

for free

>> No.19332334

Stop whenever you want. You can stop at 2K and try mining for awhile. If you don't like mining then just go back and continue the Core deck for awhile. As long as you are learning new words, it doesn't really matter where you are getting them.

>> No.19332347

Based Steve would rather read histories of the warring states period than moe moe kyun garbage

>> No.19332365

What did Steve mean by this?

>> No.19332368
Quoted by: >>19332393

Depends on you. You will learn the other 4k eventually, just depends on whether you like learning words out of context like in a premade anki deck.

>> No.19332393

that's the thing, I always feel like i do mining wrong because I have no clue if the word i just mined is just some off chance word that I probably won't ever see again. Also having audio at this early stage is pretty nice.

>> No.19332400

you do mining wrong if you wonder if you will see the word again, don't mine every word you see the first time you see it

>> No.19332407
Quoted by: >>19332441

Look up 知らせる

>> No.19332414

What i did was read a lot and only put stuff i saw multiple times into anki.

>> No.19332441

That wasn't necessarily my problem. My problem was not thinking of 照らし as modifying 味方. Also, why doesn't my IME give 探照灯 as an option for たんしょうとう?

>> No.19332458
Quoted by: >>19332500

reading your translation it's clear you don't know what 知らせる means

>> No.19332489
Quoted by: >>19332500



>> No.19332500
Quoted by: >>19332571

No, I didn't realize that 知らせ was the command form (grammar terms be damned) of 知らす

>> No.19332571
Quoted by: >>19332726

It's not 知らす

>> No.19332586
File: 208 KB, 629x414, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can someone explain the specifics of this せし to me? I'm not sure I got it.

>> No.19332603



>> No.19332674
File: 22 KB, 288x380, 20101029_1459932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19332697

You will never learn Japanese

>> No.19332697
File: 124 KB, 348x201, 678456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19332726
File: 13 KB, 452x472, wakanai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>【知らす】〔下二段動詞「知らす」の四段化〕 他の知るようにする。知らせる。 「要人の死を当面-・さずにおく」

>> No.19332741

who the fuck is yogapantu?

>> No.19332752
File: 143 KB, 322x389, 465745776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19332770


>> No.19332754

Is it just するし?

>> No.19332770


>> No.19332783


>> No.19332785


>> No.19332806


>> No.19332811
File: 346 KB, 418x504, neba gibu uppu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19332818

>> No.19332814

It’s just how you link stuff together in the written language

>> No.19332818
Quoted by: >>19332828

I get that て is how you link shit and >>19332783 makes sense, but it was left off in the image which is what is confusing me.

>> No.19332828
Quoted by: >>19332834

Now I'm having vague memories of a grammar article that I read maybe a year ago... got it. I'll find it. Thanks again.

>> No.19332834

Wait. She was talking though -- that's dialogue. Fuck it. I'm going to sleep.

>> No.19332839
File: 28 KB, 351x499, 51hHSyRQkUL._SX349_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19332843

It’s written though.

>> No.19332844
File: 279 KB, 606x510, marumaru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19333057
File: 66 KB, 1271x711, yomichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19333083

Hey guys, I just started to read Kino no Tabi, so I set up Yomichan with AnkiConnect for it. However, even after reading the documentation, I couldn't really figure out how should I set things up in the Anki options part.

Right now, this is my setting which let's me add some words for my deck, but not others. The deck is empty, so duplicates aren't the problem. Could anyone share their yomichan configuration?

>> No.19333083
Quoted by: >>19333209

did you try restarting both and trying again?

>> No.19333209
Quoted by: >>19333289

I did. It didn't help unfortunately.

>> No.19333289
Quoted by: >>19333351

my settings are not so different than yours, however those fields do look like a pre-made deck, so are you sure its not hitting a duplicate?

>> No.19333339


>> No.19333351

Okay, so turns out it was my other deck which contained some of the words, and caused the problem. I exported and deleted it, since I don't plan to continue it in the near future and this was the easiest solution. Thanks for the answers!

>> No.19333365

You do realize most language learners don't actually know this, or that they know this but lie to themselves or are lied to by retards like Benny that they need to output from day one and hire a teacher? Some recommend memorizing textbooks like Genki and going to classrooms. Matt's advice might be obvious as fuck to us but it has its place.

>> No.19333435


>> No.19333448
Quoted by: >>19333686


>> No.19333517

Manga izn't reading though.

す 未然形 = せ
and then you slap that 助動詞 き on there which turns into し

>> No.19333603


>when you're so hung up on advancing like a speed runner that you waste over 10 minutes in your speed run on a section that would probably take less than two minutes in normal play

>> No.19333653
File: 172 KB, 660x509, 1387021190352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is written on the tombstone

>> No.19333658


>> No.19333659
Quoted by: >>19333664

1836 - 1920
1844 - 1922

>> No.19333660


>> No.19333664
File: 649 KB, 954x537, 1519627266399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19333678
Quoted by: >>19333684

His famous last words

>> No.19333684
File: 162 KB, 560x555, 1374796030634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the whole thing wouldn't fit

>> No.19333686
File: 69 KB, 558x799, 226aee94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19333687


It sure was nice of the heroes to give the villain of the week his own grave.

>> No.19333696

lions can't eat gohan

>> No.19333697
File: 244 KB, 600x600, 64752464_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19333703

>wake up 2 hours early and miss all sorts of cards that should be remembered
Neck me

>> No.19333851

>want to start RTK
>don't want to cut down on new words per day

is it doable to maintain normal pace for vocab and RTK?

>> No.19333863
Quoted by: >>19333903

good luck not wanting to die having to spend hours on two decks

>> No.19333903

Eh I guess I'll do it when I'm fluent like Matt did

>> No.19333921
File: 481 KB, 344x844, 67567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to start RTK

>> No.19333942
Quoted by: >>19333985

Too many people spend months or even years reading and they still fuck up different kanji because they didn't do RTK.

>> No.19333985
Quoted by: >>19333996

I didn't do RTK, and I either know the word or I don't. Your little fixation on their orthography is kinda amusing though

>> No.19333996
Quoted by: >>19334048

Don't care. You're one person.

>> No.19334048
Quoted by: >>19334091

Okay, please cite
>spend months or even years reading and they still fuck up different kanji because they didn't do RTK.
then, and show that RTK helps.

>> No.19334060

manga isn't reading? Then what are those little pictures in the speech bubbles? Modern art?

>> No.19334091
Quoted by: >>19334095

Can't. That's just what I've observed from randos on here and elsewhere.
>and show that RTK helps
Uh you do realize the whole point of RTK is that you can write kanji from memory. To do that you have to be able to distinguish similar kanji. You can distinguish them via mnemonics with words composed of unique keywords assigned to various components.

>> No.19334095
Quoted by: >>19334114

Provide citations, not assertions.

>> No.19334114

Provide citations, not personal testimony.

>> No.19334116
Quoted by: >>19334128

I never provided a personal testimony. I'm pretty sure you're confusing me with someone else.

>> No.19334118
File: 25 KB, 400x372, topbrainz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valeant benefici
Poenas dent malefici!

>> No.19334120
Quoted by: >>19334128

Okay, so you don't have any citations that what you're saying isn't just random schizophrenic garbage. Cool.

>> No.19334128

You did.
This is a silly tactic of bar raising that nobody asserting anything about language learning in this thread could reach. Nice stop gap attempt you retard.

>> No.19334132
Quoted by: >>19334166

>You did.
I didn't. Again, you're confusing me with someone else.

>> No.19334137
Quoted by: >>19334166

No, I'm sure it's easy to find citations for what you're asserting, you're just choosing not to do so for some reason, probably because you're dishonest.

>> No.19334166

Then pretend as if that is addressed toward the guy who talked about his own experience with knowing words.
Well not really because I'd have to go back through archives to find those posts which is annoying and pointless for such an ordinary claim. If you're asking for an academic reference on fucking RTK then that's an even more absurd request.

>> No.19334170
Quoted by: >>19334180

I'm sorry that you insist on getting your panties in a knot arguing about a topic you have an incredibly narrow view on, anon.

>> No.19334178
File: 457 KB, 1023x724, 83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19334321

Thanks, I think most of the time it's various forms of す and attachments. Is there anywaywhere I can read up on it and possibly other 古語? Pereferably in English as I have trouble getting precise understanding from Japanese grammar resources.

>> No.19334180
Quoted by: >>19334185

? You just demanded something retarded and pointless and I called you on it. I don't even know why you responded to me considering you don't even understand RTK.

>> No.19334185
Quoted by: >>19334199

RTK isn't special dude. You have to get out of your bubble.

>> No.19334199

Sure it's not "special". DJT dislikes RTK so I'm definitely outside whatever bubble you're implying exists.

>> No.19334207
Quoted by: >>19334272

djt also dislikes learning nihongo thats why they do everything but that

>> No.19334236
Quoted by: >>19334247


>> No.19334247


>> No.19334267
Quoted by: >>19334277

>If you're asking for an academic reference on fucking RTK then that's an even more absurd request.
yeah no one has ever written a paper on the efficacy of approaches to learning kanji/hanzi before compadre

>> No.19334272

Only because it's literally impossible to learn Japanese. Shitposting about it is the next best thing.

>> No.19334277
Quoted by: >>19334292

Fetch me the one that's been written on RTK compadre.

>> No.19334292
Quoted by: >>19334309

i specifically didn't say "rtk" for a reason my dude, heisig isn't special and it would be very unprofessional for an academic to pretend that he is, that doesn't mean that the method hasn't ever been looked at
by the way the burden of proof is on the person making claims, i've claimed nothing

>> No.19334307
File: 2.54 MB, 1704x2584, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X desu

>> No.19334309
Quoted by: >>19334326

>heisig isn't special
Proof? Citation? Burden of proof is on the person making claims.
>by the way the burden of proof is on the person making claims
Burden of proof isn't on anyone. It's an imaginary standard, a nicety.

>> No.19334321
Quoted by: >>19334371

I don't know about english stuff but this guy's cool as hell https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2AkQ_ZoSUHo02tDTX0W4Ia0jwRXpwyQ
or google whatever you want

>> No.19334326
Quoted by: >>19334336

truly next level debate, sasuga rtk

>> No.19334336
Quoted by: >>19334342

Feels nice throwing your stop gap back in your hypocritical face in a casual thread.

>> No.19334342

nothing hypocritical about putting in the same effort as you brother

>> No.19334371

not him but thank

>> No.19334456

How would you parse this sentence?

Is it "Let's try to guess where a/the problem is", or "Let's try to solve a problem somewhere", or something else entirely?

>> No.19334509
Quoted by: >>19334533

Today, I read my second graded reader story from cover to cover. We're all going to make it!

>> No.19334532

lets figure out where it all went wrong

>> No.19334533

what's that, 15 minutes at your level? read more

>> No.19334569
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 02 [1080p].mkv_00_21_07.433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm (finally I guess) stuck in this hell where I can watch most anime with Japanese subs and read most (not too complicated) manga and VNs with occasional visits to the dictionary, but the progress basically stopped there.

Not that I expect any advice, I know I should just listen/read more and maybe get some actual grammar books instead of just googling unknown grammar, but listening especially still feels like fucking impossible hell that I'll never be able to overcome.

"You cannot learn Japanese" feeling really starts to sink in.

>> No.19334580

standard gaijin mistake is to try and force "lets" into that

very simply its "guess where the issue is"

>> No.19334588

also you shouldnt be "parsing" in english because you will suck forever

"parse" it in nihongo k and thx

>> No.19334624

>listening especially still feels like fucking impossible hell that I'll never be able to overcome.
if you can understand it with subs then all you have to do is listen without subs for many hours with your attention on it

>> No.19334707

>There is absolutely nothing to be gained from it.
Except for Internet cred and the worship of the monolinguals who are pathetically grateful you produced a half-assed translation of something they wanted to read.

>> No.19334723

Aren't you overestimating yourself? I think it's easy to dupe yourself into thinking you are better than you really are using VNs and subtitled anime.

Of course I'm not sure if this applies to you, but I think there is a big gap between being able to pass a word in Anki by remembering it's meaning and reading and actually being able to recognize it in the wild. Maybe people assume they should be better than they really are merely because they have a high word count but what is more important is building up the ability to actually recognize and understand it without really thinking about it, intuitive understanding if you know what I mean. I feel like this has improved a lot for me when I started doing more intricate flashcards with audio and screenshots from the place I mine the words from. Listening has been getting easier pretty much accordingly to the rate I am learning words since but everyone has to find their own way of doing things, maybe you should just increase the input you are getting and read more. Maybe that makes sense.

>> No.19334778

Well, people meme on MIA but there's a reason they tell you to actively listen to hours of audio every day for the duration of your learning, with some passive listening (to content you actively listened to) thrown on top.

>> No.19334824
Quoted by: >>19334848

I thought the other anon was joking when he said to filter MIA. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.19334848

you're welcome

>> No.19335032

Has the Firefox Clipboard paste plugin been ported to Chrome?

>> No.19335085

I want to try my wings without anki but if I fly too close to the sun and drop like a rock but then I'd have 7000 reviews with 40% retention ahead of me

>> No.19335128
Quoted by: >>19335244

Fact of the matter is if you are even a fair bit advanced you should easily be able to decide for yourself if you (still) need Anki.

If you're feeling frustrated about your lack of comprehension and think jumping on the newest bandwagon will help you, then you are probably too stupid to learn Japanese anyway. You are just shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.19335131

i don't really see how it's impossible to fail by not using anki. do people really think that reading isn't the ultimate driver behind improvement?

>> No.19335244
Quoted by: >>19335321

it's not about the bandwagon, I think I would read more without anki. Reading is objectively more important for learning a language than anki. I barely read at all because I don't want to read before I do my anki because the later I do my reps the more tired I get etc. and when I do my reps I keep stressing out about what words I'm going to make cards for instead of just relaxing and reading

>> No.19335274
Quoted by: >>19335317

You have 4 negatives in that first sentence so I'm not sure I even understand.
Are you sure you didn't mean to say "possible" instead of "impossible"?
>i don't really see how it's impossible to fail by not using anki
>i don't really see how it's impossible to fail by only reading

>> No.19335317
Quoted by: >>19335679

yea i meant "possible".

>> No.19335321
Quoted by: >>19335703

i'm with you there. aside from the time trade-off and distraction from reading, reps can be draining and definitely decrease my total time committed to japanese in a day. but i also find it frustrating when a word i'm not reviewing in anki isn't sticking, so i have a hard time making that decision myself.

>> No.19335457

Can someone hang me, because I can’t learn Japanese?

>> No.19335547

Off the top of their head, does anyone know if 灰と幻想のグリムガル is in any of the resources.
I really don't mind paying for it if not but I feel like it's the kind of book that would probably be in the CoR and I think I'm just being retarded.

>> No.19335564
Quoted by: >>19335600

I don't know. I could check for you, but then it wouldn't be off the top of my head. Hope this helps.

>> No.19335586
Quoted by: >>19335600

I don't know, and I can't check for you because I don't know any Japanese.

>> No.19335600

Ta luvs

>> No.19335627

How do you delete someone else's post?

>> No.19335662

Is there an optimized list of KLC/RTK based on kanji popularity? Actually sorting by grade would be cool too. I mean do you really need to know all 2300 when probably half is like used for one word?

>> No.19335669

>I mean do you really need to know all 2300
Yes, plus another few hundred.

>> No.19335676
Quoted by: >>19335689

You need to "know" something like 2500~3000 kanji to be literate in Japanese, but this indeed does not mean that you need to intentionally study them. Past the 500 or 1000 most common kanji it does indeed stop making sense to drill them in isolation. For very many reasons.

>> No.19335679
Quoted by: >>19335703

I actually can't do either. When I read it never feels like enough for things to stick, and anki reps tend to grow out of hand.
I've gone back and forth between the different methods several times until I finally just said fuck it and decided to do it my own way. So now I just dynamically control the rate of new cards introduced to anki, setting it to 0 when the reps get too high and increasing it when it goes down to a more reasonable amount. And that frees up a lot of time for me to do more reading too.
I really think all I've done is cut out the fat from anki by doing it that way. Maybe it just takes longer for shit to sink in for me or something, but it always kind of felt like bullshit to move on to new cards before the new ones from yesterday even managed to sink in just a little bit, and I think all that ends up happening is you waste a tremendous amount of time just to barely "familiarize" yourself with something new. I don't think that's the best way to do it.

I'm happy with the way I'm doing it now. I'm sure there's some memory research that'll show my why it's wrong to do it the way I'm doing but I don't care, they can shove that research up their ass. If I don't do it this way I'll never learn, so it works for me.

>> No.19335689
Quoted by: >>19335694

Yeah, I think I need to rephrase a bit. I was going to study them all anyway, but since I'm not doing this in isolation I want to get the most value of my studying right away so studying the popular ones first makes more sense to me ( for raw reading and stuff)

>> No.19335694
Quoted by: >>19335718

That makes sense. I can make a frequency list for you. Do you want it from kanji-in-text or kanji-in-unique-words? The former will be unbalanced in favor of kanji that appear in common words.

>> No.19335703

I think I'm just going to halt new anki words, read more and start doing RTK and when I'm done with RTK I'll decide whether I want to go back to being an ankidrone.

>> No.19335718
Quoted by: >>19335787

the latter would be better, thanks a lot anon.

>> No.19335725
File: 100 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180701-122441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19335912

Tomorrow I'll be a free man

>> No.19335762

Why is djt so tsun for matt?
Reddit hates him so you should all love him no?

>> No.19335787
Quoted by: >>19335847

I did my best to keep it clean.

>> No.19335798
Quoted by: >>19335876

reddit hates him because they hate anybody who puts in more than one hour a day of effort

>> No.19335826

If you did not read any of these books - you don't know Japanese.

>> No.19335838

Phew, I'm safe.

>> No.19335847

That's fantastic anon, thanks a lot!

>> No.19335853

Nice thinly veiled blog post

>> No.19335876

>they hate anybody who puts in more than one hour a day of effort
I think that's true and I don't get why.

>> No.19335883


>> No.19335887

Too many people brainwashed by academic language instruction.

>> No.19335912

how many fucking cards did you delete and how many hours did you put into deciding which ones to keep instead of just fucking dropping core and mining
by the way you're not free with 1200 young+learn

>> No.19335915
Quoted by: >>19335946

I thought reddit was supposed to love him though
All of his patreon backers are redditors

>> No.19335919
Quoted by: >>19336018

The moment you stop adding cards reviews drop off on a power law curve (1/x).

>> No.19335921

What is wrong with this sentence except for the obvious part?

>> No.19335923

They want to believe that putting in the bare minimum of effort is the best and most efficient way to go to justify being dekinai shitters.

>> No.19335930
Quoted by: >>19335937

、 is in the wrong place
the wrong word is being used for "people"
やろ should be 野郎 (やろう)
the last が should be a は

>> No.19335937

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19335945
Quoted by: >>19335965

i know enough to identify problems caused by people forcing production as a sub-n3

>> No.19335946

no they're ex-redditors and that's why they're creating a pay-to-learn-japanese discord for red-pilled perapera gaijin please don't be cringy

>> No.19335952
Quoted by: >>19335965

What's wrong with those corrections? They seem like obvious mistakes to me.

>> No.19335954

You don't even know English.

>> No.19335957

A lot.

>> No.19335965

You're a sub-n3 yourself. Stop trying to give advice and go learn some more Japanese, boy.
There's nothing wrong with the comma, that is indeed the right word for "people", やろ is a real word but sub-n3-kun wasn't able to detect it as one since he has the vocabulary of a 3 year old. Only his last correction is true, が should be は. Also, he forgot to point out the けど which should be だけど.

>> No.19335978
Quoted by: >>19336280

>There's nothing wrong with the comma
Yes there is.
>やろ is a real word
クソやろ means "fucker", not クソ+やろう(だろう).
>Also, he forgot to point out the けど which should be だけど.
That's not true. You can absolutely drop だ before けど in a lot of cases. You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19335981

you don't know japanese

>> No.19335986
Quoted by: >>19336020

>the けど which should be だけど
the actual state of people who learn from textbooks
you're from reddit trying to feel better about djt shitting on reddit aren't you

>> No.19335987

you don't know japanese

>> No.19335991
File: 3.63 MB, 4032x3024, 3E41ECA5-FFBF-435A-98B7-ECD2D89D1526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does って mean directly after I’m name like in picrelated.

inb4 you can’t learn Japanese

>> No.19335993

For the record けど should only used on the start of the sentence without だ if there is a verb before it.

>> No.19336002

This is not true. It's absolutely normal to follow a noun directly with けど.

>> No.19336005

Also that's not the start of a sentence. It's a dependent conjunction, not an interjection.

>> No.19336009

i can't tell what you're saying but it's totally okay to start a sentence with either だけど or けど

the only thing you really can't do is attach だけど to verb

>> No.19336012

This is covered by any basic grammar resource. Same as the quoting particle と.

>> No.19336017
Quoted by: >>19336060

that's not "i'm name", that's basically "name is what i'm called" with the standard quoting って

>> No.19336018

I don't know how the android version of Anki shows stats, but that looks like it is showing "Card Types" and it looks like the total is 2358 Mature + 1167 Young+Learn + 20 Unseen = 3545.

>> No.19336020

>the actual state of people who learn from textbooks
>Signals that the thing that will be stated next is the opposite of what could be expected from the thing previously stated. Not usually used in formal writing. Also not used in the middle of a sentence.

>> No.19336025
Quoted by: >>19336038

i can't tell what you're trying to convey here

>> No.19336027

Battle of the N3s round 69420

>> No.19336030
Quoted by: >>19336038

i think what you just quoted disagrees with what you're trying to argue so try reading it or clarify what you're saying

>> No.19336035

by the way, just a side note, using grammar dictionaries to grade or guide the correctness of casual speech is a spectacularly bad idea

>> No.19336038

The textbook agrees with だけど not being used in the middle of a sentence. It's not textbooks that are wrong, anon just doesn't know his grammar.

>> No.19336039


>> No.19336042
Quoted by: >>19336047

by the way, just a side note, using your shitty sub-n3 japanese to grade or guide the correctness of casual speech is a spectacularly bad idea

>> No.19336047

hjgp isn't a textbook, textbooks are like genki, minna no nihongo, and tobira
people who learn from textbooks internalize slightly incorrect versions of what the textbooks tell them because they don't have enough exposure to learn the nuances that prevent them from misunderstanding them
i'm self-assessed n2 :^)

>> No.19336049

but we're talking about けど

>> No.19336050

That's amazing. There's not a single person in this thread who knows japanese

>> No.19336054


>> No.19336055
Quoted by: >>19336062

Why don't you guys try having this argument in Japanese?

>> No.19336057

i'm doing my part to keep it that way

>> No.19336060

The “I’m” was autocorrect’s fault (I’m phone posting), and thank you

>> No.19336062

Obviously because I'd wreck everyone in this thread without a single speck of mercy. It just wouldn't be fun.

>> No.19336069

After how many years or learning you can tell people "you don't know japanese" in djt?

>> No.19336071
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336082


>> No.19336073

Less than 6 months, apparently

>> No.19336074

about 0.5

>> No.19336075

once you have completed at least one (1) eroge or visual novel in japanese, or one (1) long-running series of manga (8+ volumes), or read at least four (4) full-length novels
all without using machine translation or parsers

>> No.19336077

what? there's no requirement

>> No.19336082


>> No.19336086

What the fuck makes you think 8 volumes of manga or one porn game is equal to 4 novels?

>> No.19336092
Quoted by: >>19336099

You have no idea how long eroge are.

>> No.19336094

you know the answer, all you had to say was "you don't know japanese"

>> No.19336097

What manga are you reading that 8 volumes contain 50,000+ sentences?

>> No.19336099
Quoted by: >>19336109

length isn't the problem with that comparison sir

>> No.19336103


>> No.19336109
Quoted by: >>19336117

there is no other issue to be had; porn is high art

>> No.19336112

None. Manga 1sn't reading.

>> No.19336117
Quoted by: >>19336122

it absolutely is, but your first eroge will probably be easier in substance than your first novel, unless we're talking about lns

>> No.19336118

global rule 10 "No intentionally evading spam or post filters."

>> No.19336122

not at all, most eroge have completely normal japanese, just like most novels

>> No.19336129

manga isn't reading

>> No.19336132
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consuming manga is reading

>> No.19336135


>> No.19336139

manga is eating

>> No.19336170
Quoted by: >>19336178

Why the fuck would anyone come here if they knew Japanese?

>> No.19336178
Quoted by: >>19336185

To help those unfortunate who can't of course.

>> No.19336185

They don't want to be helped, trust me

>> No.19336202

you rub my ass, i rub your ass

>> No.19336214

In what world are normal full-length novels over 12.5k sentences long?

>> No.19336246

Also the inter-media length of Japanese text is typically measured in characters not sentences.

>> No.19336267

There is nothing wrong in the sentence. やろ is the Kaisai dialect's counterpart to だろ.

>> No.19336280

>クソやろ means "fucker", not クソ+やろう(だろう).

>> No.19336295

It's futile. They'll never learn.

>> No.19336297

if he intended 友達がクソだろ he knows even less japanese

>> No.19336299


>> No.19336307

人達がクソ野郎 is the only similar phrase that has any organic hits on google. And it has multiple.

>> No.19336308

Are you the same guy who said he gives bad advice on DJT on purpose

>> No.19336310

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19336312
Quoted by: >>19336316

How come porn is easier to read then everything else
Did I fuck up somewhere

>> No.19336316

All dialogue.

>> No.19336337
File: 11 KB, 1274x198, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19336341
Quoted by: >>19336347

you don't know what は does

>> No.19336346
Quoted by: >>19336420

what the fuck are you noobs doin

>> No.19336347
Quoted by: >>19336349

You don't know Japanese.

>> No.19336349
Quoted by: >>19336354

yes i do

>> No.19336354

Saying that you do won't magically make you better at Japanese.

>> No.19336356
Quoted by: >>19336359

Why is が wrong here?

>> No.19336359

the statement is contrasting two things in serial, the second of which is related to the first. は is more natural.

>> No.19336360

everything its written by someone that doesnt know nihongo

>> No.19336371

i tell the truth when i lowercase post

>> No.19336376
Quoted by: >>19336402

For the beginners browsing this thread: don't take anything here seriously, all of these posts are made by people who don't know Japanese even on a basic level as evidenced above

>> No.19336379

same but only from the posts before and after mine

>> No.19336395
File: 76 KB, 705x388, mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336406

Remember when you criticized him for trying to steal the label? Well now he's not. He's made his own. There's literally nothing else to criticize. He's perfected learning.

>> No.19336402

that's funny, you don't know japanese

>> No.19336406

now he just has to learn nihongo and hes set

>> No.19336412

it's adorable how n4s get so heated when they're wrong

>> No.19336417

Same here

>> No.19336418
Quoted by: >>19336458

is n4s referring to the guy who listed what was wrong or the guy who said he didn't know japanese

>> No.19336420

i didnt show up till this post >>19336346 because someone youd me

what happened

>> No.19336458
Quoted by: >>19336459

it's referring to the guy who has been insisting that it's 関西弁 because he found a result in jisho when he looked it up

>> No.19336459
Quoted by: >>19336464


>> No.19336464

up top my man

>> No.19336474

down low

*pulls hand away and slicks back hair*

too slow

>> No.19336477


>> No.19336481
Quoted by: >>19336503


>> No.19336499
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, 1520172063493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If used with the kanji this is referring to the flower or not?

>> No.19336501
File: 91 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180701-143533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None, the other 6000 are in a separate deck because I couldn't be assed to merge the two. I dunno what happened to the other 456 cards though, they were never in the decks to begin with but I'm sure I'll mine them eventually, they might even be in my mining deck which is a thousand cards at the moment.

>> No.19336503


>> No.19336504


>> No.19336510

Also I think it's hilarious how assblasted you are over my stats.

>> No.19336515

In this context, its not referring to the flower. Many media will use 百合 to refer to lesbians

>> No.19336518
Quoted by: >>19336532

i can't believe someone actually completed core10k

>> No.19336523

take me down to paradykes city

>> No.19336532
File: 1.32 MB, 280x420, 1525122486799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336542

Big brains only beyond this point

>> No.19336542
Quoted by: >>19336550


>> No.19336544 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19336550

brains only big because of that giant tumor full of aids you got growin out of it

>> No.19336550
Quoted by: >>19336559

Stay jealous of my でっかい語彙 kiddos

>> No.19336559 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19336570

do you even realize where you are

im the old man sitting on the bench at the park watching the younguns play wishing i was at bingo instead and also thinking about repainting my garage

now run along sport

>> No.19336563

What game/system?

>> No.19336566
Quoted by: >>19336577

Do you all think this thread would be better if we range banned all lowercase posters

>> No.19336570 [DELETED] 

I should have known.

>> No.19336576
File: 925 KB, 2048x1813, 21C7D8F2-C828-463F-A12D-9CF293CE3017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336589

Sega Saturn is pretty good for Japanese imports, cheap too.

>> No.19336577
Quoted by: >>19336620

no because i make up for all the bad ones and then some

>> No.19336579
Quoted by: >>19336597

woah how did i miss this fuckin good ass post

unfortunately it seems like youre yet another boy who hasnt put in any work or time into nihongo yet so theres nothing to do for you sorry but otherwise good fuckin choices are being made!!!

its dokyusei and it better be on the pc98 and he better be swapping out disks from that fat stack of floppys constantly or hes fuckin gay

>> No.19336589
Quoted by: >>19336623

youre the saturn guy did you beat hentai hospital or whatever you got some good games there mate

>> No.19336597

I wish I had a PC98 to play it on. Emulators for it are ass, so I’m playing the Saturn port

>> No.19336613

>I dunno what happened to the other 456 cards though
I think I've read that 10k aren't actually 10k so nothing is missing probably.

The last 4k have no example sentences right?
Do you think the last 4k words were worth it?

>> No.19336620

i read that as "i make up for all the bad ones and some" and was nodding sagely but thats not what you wrote and it should have been

saturn was a really dope console just not outside of japan unfortunately!!

>> No.19336623
Quoted by: >>19336639

I haven’t finished it yet, I recently imported like 10ish Saturn games and I’m just enjoying myself while slowly becoming literate

>> No.19336625
Quoted by: >>19336640

I actually recently figured out where to get the one build of neko project that doesn't suck.

>> No.19336639

i hope you enjoy your time with 夏子 dude

>> No.19336640
Quoted by: >>19336681

Where? I’ve been meaning to get into touhou and some retro VNs

>> No.19336681


>> No.19336691

Thanks, I tried to play 河原崎家の一族 a while ago but couldn't bear the awful sound emulation.

>> No.19336692
Quoted by: >>19336698

pc98 emulators are fuckin gay because you just click some shit to swap your disks you need the actual physicality of it or youre a fuckin piece of shit

>> No.19336698

Trust me, I'd love to own a real PC98 and physical games, but I don't live in Japan.

>> No.19336718
File: 355 KB, 2125x1505, img034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19336720


>> No.19336721
Quoted by: >>19336739


look at this shit its what you need right now

bonus points if you get what the guys talking about

>> No.19336724

please don't ever post black-on-white pages here, I refuse to read anything on a light background

>> No.19336739
Quoted by: >>19336748

How do I redeem my bonus points?

>> No.19336742
Quoted by: >>19336787

wtf is this even

>> No.19336748

theyre like the points on whose line is it anyway

they dont matter

>> No.19336752

how many pages per day do I need to read to feel like I've read enough for one day

>> No.19336760

Read an entire novel per day just to be safe.

>> No.19336774

about tree fiddy

>> No.19336782

if you get a pc98 computer you can read more pages per day with the improved scrolling speed over ibm computer

>> No.19336787
File: 667 KB, 2326x1527, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19336800


>> No.19336800

I meant why are you posting this in this thread

>> No.19336803
File: 24 KB, 240x320, 1528332658904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm doing the core 2k/6k should I be writing and memorizing how to write all of the kanji or would that fuck me up if I'm doing 20 cards a day

>> No.19336816


>> No.19336819
Quoted by: >>19336864

roided out riker cant learn nihongo

>> No.19336864
Quoted by: >>19336873


>> No.19336873

the classic

>> No.19336929

How many months until I can understand this? Currently halfway through RTK.

>> No.19336943

tree fiddyだよ

>> No.19336961
Quoted by: >>19336963

depends how soon you start learning japanese

>> No.19336963

I start in about 2 months.

>> No.19336983
File: 54 KB, 339x500, 51M930K7BDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19337005

>> No.19337003




>> No.19337005


>> No.19337104
Quoted by: >>19337114


butt と assはなにがちがうのですか

>> No.19337114


>> No.19337121
Quoted by: >>19337126

any opinions on bunpro?
I need a way for grammar to stick beside reading (since I don't encounter some of it for days sometimes.) and the 30 bucks deal seems okay.

>> No.19337126

you think you need that but you don't
don't study, just read

>> No.19337157
Quoted by: >>19337201

RWC (rare word count)

>> No.19337187

This is probably a retarded question since I'm a beginner and have little perspective on my native language but is there such thing as grammar points that you'd go several days without encountering in the wild if you read several hours a day?

>> No.19337197

Sure, it all depends on what you read.

>> No.19337201

Real Women's Clothes Made In America

>> No.19337212

by the time it's even reasonable for you to learn rarer shit instead of just looking it up each time and moving on, you'll be better at picking it up with less exposure similar to how picking up stuff in your native language is easy

>> No.19337245

Is Japanese Wikipedia a decent place to sentence mine?

>> No.19337251
Quoted by: >>19337252


>> No.19337252

Why not?

>> No.19337256

What are you even learning Japanese for?

>> No.19337259
Quoted by: >>19337270

you can mine all the mineral and ores you want but if you dont smelt them they are just rocks at the end of the day that you still cant do anything with but kick

>> No.19337270

cold hard truth

>> No.19337279
Quoted by: >>19337290

Actually literally every N3 retard with a patreon proved you can sell those minerals and ores to other retards

>> No.19337290
Quoted by: >>19337297

nukemarine is the only n3 retard with a patreon that isn't completely destitute don't hyperbolize

>> No.19337291

money cant buy nihongo

>> No.19337297

What other N3 retards with a Patreon are there though?

>> No.19337298
Quoted by: >>19337311

reddit will fight you to the death over that claim

>> No.19337306
Quoted by: >>19337321

It had them on the deck I used, and yes, it was totally worth it. There were tons of useful words, and I felt like my abilities grew a lot during the last 4,000, but that's certainly not entirely due to Anki. But anyway, yes, would recommend.

>> No.19337311
Quoted by: >>19337327

and this would be the result https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVm2ld4f08I&t=77

>> No.19337321

Oh and they all had audio for the word and the sentence

>> No.19337326

it can, will cost fuck ton to get daily 1 on 1 sessions, but it can. Well assuming you actually want to learn at putting at least SOME effort.

>> No.19337327

who's the baby screaming in the background

>> No.19337338

youre only buying instructional services not the nihongo itself

>> No.19337340

i rate this the most adorable post of the day so far, i can offer you some advice if you'd like to hear it

>> No.19337351

Do it for as long as you can, and stop doing it when it becomes unmanageable with the number of cards you have. I did it for 6 months or so before I stopped, and it really helped me.

>> No.19337354
Quoted by: >>19337358

>He isn't a rich tycoon that can pay a bunch of ギャルs to translate their 抜きゲー for them

>> No.19337358

that's buying english, brother

>> No.19337467

Beginner question: How would I know if 触れる is stated as ふれる or さわる? Can it be interchangeably used and it would still hold the same sense/meaning?

>> No.19337481
Quoted by: >>19337490

okurigana is different and they conjugate differently

>> No.19337490
Quoted by: >>19337500


>> No.19337500
Quoted by: >>19337502

well those don't mean the same thing now do they, context helps

>> No.19337502
Quoted by: >>19337505

yes but also anon is asking how to tell them apart

>> No.19337505
Quoted by: >>19337508

>context helps

>> No.19337508
Quoted by: >>19337514

okay now can you respond to them saying so

>> No.19337514
Quoted by: >>19337519

no, you can if you'd like, i wont get mad at you for stealing my glory

>> No.19337519

context helps

>> No.19337547
File: 9 KB, 400x311, 1490049556735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19337801

I've been eating manga for 3-4 hours and drinking unsubbed anime for 1-2 hours a day for like 3 months and I'm pretty sure I'm not any better than before I started learning Japanese and only picked out 先輩 and 何言ってんだ and guessed what was going on. Vocab in anki does nothing but make lack of furigana less of an inconvenience. Does this really work? Is it because I don't review sentences and eat cake with chopsticks? Can anyone truly learn Japanese?

>> No.19337810

Fun post anon.

>> No.19337818

>I've been eating manga for 3-4 hours and drinking unsubbed anime
please let this catch on

>> No.19337877

Please don't post here ever again.

>> No.19337890

Check out mat't's new method called m'ia.

>> No.19337910

Eat more manga. Find I + 1 sentences. Listen to stuff with a transcript. Download anime subs and open them in a text editor. Slow down anime audio. Srs anime dialogue. Listen passively to stuff you've already seen.

>> No.19337927
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

