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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 645 KB, 1411x1926, __original_drawn_by_sako_user_ndpz5754__6ae7da195826f653d17bcf09f529771b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17711739 No.17711739 [Reply] [Original]

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Previous thread: >>17700093

>> No.17711745

How many languages do you know, anon? By knowing I mean being able to watch the news, picking up a newspaper and reading it or watching movies in said language.


>> No.17711760


>> No.17711780


>> No.17711806
File: 219 KB, 706x703, 1506080966571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17711821
File: 169 KB, 369x398, 1506388360427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17711826
Quoted by: >>17711835

I wish I could write 3, but my japanese is still only usefull for 少年 material. I plan to study the news before 2018.

>> No.17711829
Quoted by: >>17711835

I'm hoping to make that 4 with Japanese in 1-2 years.

>> No.17711835

You can do it, anons.

>> No.17711872


I'm too retarded to learn a 2nd language

>> No.17712092
File: 10 KB, 525x204, Limit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17712100

I received a 'there are more cards to review' message, increased my review limit and reviewed them. Then I got this message. I double-checked with the site in the OP and I have indeed reviewed all my new cards for today - why am I getting this message?

>> No.17712100
Quoted by: >>17712105

Because you have reached your limit for new cards for today.
If you want to go full retard, set the new cards/day limit to 9999.

>> No.17712105
Quoted by: >>17712129

Thanks, I have a limit for new cards set but this is the first time Anki has told me about it. Maybe the review limit message flagged something and is now showing me the new card limit message.

>> No.17712129

Make sure your review limit is set to 9999 and your cards per day to 20 or whatever you use. Reboot Anki or your PC. Maybe that will fix the problem.

>> No.17712193

what words should a total beginner (can read hiragana and katakana) learn? Like what are the most commonly used words that would help me understand a native speaker?

>> No.17712238
File: 2.48 MB, 500x281, VioletDazzlingIggypops-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17719296


BECAUSE I AM LEARNING KANJI ATM. Anons here helped me with my questions before, I helped other with my answers. But I don't care, I am leaving. Good luck guys.


Superior how? By admiting I wasted 2,5 years of my live studying Japanese and failing to graduate because I couldn't handle kanji? Like I said above, I am out if that's how you feel.

>> No.17712297


>> No.17712418
Quoted by: >>17712431

What the fuck do I do about my low retention rate


>> No.17712424


>> No.17712431


>> No.17712432
Quoted by: >>17712450

thank you fatal1ty very wise words

>> No.17712450

ケク that gave me a chuckle

>> No.17712659
Quoted by: >>17712688




>> No.17712662

Two, my native language and English.

>> No.17712686
Quoted by: >>17720006




>> No.17712688
Quoted by: >>17712704


>> No.17712704


>> No.17712845



>> No.17713076
File: 28 KB, 730x730, guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's have some fun.

What Japanese word is illustrated by this image?
Can you guess it?

>> No.17713087
Quoted by: >>17713092


>> No.17713092

quite close actually

>> No.17713099
Quoted by: >>17713108

ぶら下げる obviously.

>> No.17713108
File: 85 KB, 546x552, screenshot0040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713166

*ding ding ding*

Have a cute as reward.
Actually I thought of ぶら下がる but close enough.

>> No.17713152
File: 527 KB, 905x725, 2017-10-02_21-46-49-sel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713876

What's the kanji in the bottom left supposed to be?

Context: They have to do a couple quiz answering questions about each other.

>> No.17713166
Quoted by: >>17713169

What shiw is this grill from?

>> No.17713169
File: 217 KB, 1280x720, screenshot0039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17713209
File: 38 KB, 1274x811, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17713211
Quoted by: >>17713231

name your axis, faggot

>> No.17713231

VNFreqList 90% target http://wiki.wareya.moe/Stats

>> No.17713238
File: 36 KB, 1286x811, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

95% target

>> No.17713239
Quoted by: >>17713265

Three: Native tongue, English and Japanese (JLPT N1 passed some time ago)
Currently learning German

>> No.17713265
Quoted by: >>17713308

And what's the native tongue?

>> No.17713270


>> No.17713308
File: 123 KB, 960x544, ch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713380

Ce n'est pas très important

>> No.17713316

Austrian German dialect (Native Tongue), real German, English, Japanese.

Putting the dialect here because it can barely be classified as German.

I also took 4 years of Italian in school but I don't remember anything aside from ordering in a restaurant and some other phrases.

>> No.17713358
File: 21 KB, 500x388, 1506909819508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this sign really say? can someone translate pls?

>> No.17713371

Do not be human garbage when left here.

>> No.17713376
Quoted by: >>17713515

it says
or in japanese

>> No.17713380
Quoted by: >>17713447

>baguette learning jap before german
What the hell, anon?

>> No.17713413

Please don't dump trash here.

>> No.17713447
Quoted by: >>17713455

How is it surprising?
I am not exactly learning German for pure pleasure (like with Japanese), I just moved to Germany so I need to adapt

>> No.17713455
Quoted by: >>17713458

Precisely because of that. Nowadays I take it for granted that a lot of people are moving between France, Germany and the UK, since they're the ones who control the EU. (well, they were before the UK decided to leave)

>> No.17713458

I am not going to learn fucking french

>> No.17713515

>or in japanese
that's not what japanese part in the original pic says.

>> No.17713541

Is 卍 used for literally anything else?

>> No.17713562
File: 49 KB, 910x600, hakenkreuz_shirt_kadesign_c524313b365a6e1c6e0cd7bcec740e02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this, kind of.

>> No.17713569

Showing location of temples on a map.

I'm not sure about post tokyo olympics 2020 maps though.

>> No.17713658
File: 36 KB, 254x220, ksb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17713682
Quoted by: >>17713728


How is this pronounced, can't find it in a dictionary.
えんせき? ほのおいし? ひうちいし?

>> No.17713728
Quoted by: >>17715455



>> No.17713743
Quoted by: >>17726459

Today I mined the following words:


~3 years.

>> No.17713750 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 668x800, 1497416573065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First of all, the reason I'm so late in doing this is because I couldn't sleep. I laid in bed for close to 5 hours trying to fall asleep and didn't manage to sleep at all. I got up for a few hours, then tried again. This time I managed three ~1hr periods of sleep over the course of 6 hours. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with my body.

Anyhow, onto the deck. I'm leaving Ezo/Hokkaido out because, as best as I can tell, while it was settled by the Japanese and ruled by a Japanese clan, it seems to have been some sort of exceptional case where it wasn't really subject to the feudal system of the time in the same way that all the territories on Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu were.

If you're interested in the situation of Hokkaido at the time, it seems it was divided into 蝦夷地 (where the Ainu ruled) and 和人地 (where the Japanese ruled).

和人地 consisted of 渡島国, 後志国 and part of 胆振国 (山越郡). 蝦夷地 consisted of 胆振国 (except 山越郡), 日高国, 十勝国, 釧路国, 根室国, 千島国, 石狩国, 天塩国, 北見国, 北見国 and 樺太. None of those provinces (国) actually existed until 1869 though. Oh, also, it seems that the provinces of Hokkaido actually continued to exist until 1882 for some reason, when all the ones in Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu disappeared between 1869 and 1871. Also, Hokkaido was actually 3 prefecture (Hakodate Prefecture, Sapporo Prefecture and Nemuro Prefecture) between 1882 and 1886.

I might add some of this info onto the Hokkaido region card.

Anyhow, I think all I have to do now is make the region cards, and then the deck is done, but I'm contemplating changing the map cards I was using since they all include Hokkaido.

>> No.17713781

Oh, another bit of interesting info. At first, there were actually 305 different prefectures, but the number was consolidated over time until it was finally reduced to the modern number of 47 in 1888.

>> No.17713784
Quoted by: >>17713798





>> No.17713798
File: 1.18 MB, 1600x1140, 2006-10-25_Amanita_muscaria_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713846


>> No.17713817
Quoted by: >>17713852


Ideally, you should go to sleep only when you are very tired and wake up without an alarm clock.

>> No.17713824

how do i git good at reading small text, i couldn't tell that that was 嫌い because you can't really even tell it's the 女 radical on the left on a monitor

do i need to get a 4k monitor and zoom hella in?

>> No.17713826

Turn off everything that emits blue light.
Look into f.lux

>> No.17713834

>do i need to get a 4k monitor and zoom hella in?
no, make only the kanji font bigger using scripts

>> No.17713846


>ベニテングタケ Amanita muscaria(L.:Fr.)Pers.



>西洋ではFly Afaricの異名をとる


いんよう「きのこ図鑑」writtn by 本郷次雄・幼菌の会


>> No.17713850

Does anyone here use 俺?

>> No.17713852

I was tired, I just kept having all these weird thoughts rushing through my head and couldn't shut them off. I tried directing my thoughts toward a specific thing, but they just kept getting side-tracked into the stream of nonsense. I also tried concentrating just on my breathing and trying not to think about anything, but that didn't work either.

This happens to me every now and then. I don't know what causes it. I'm not a good sleeper in general, but I'm not normally this bad.

>> No.17713855

Only when I'm talking to あなたのお母さん

>> No.17713861
File: 777 B, 105x5, small text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to read more so you can recognize characters without breaking down the radicals.

>> No.17713871


>> No.17713876


>> No.17713889
File: 427 KB, 990x1400, 1506982255586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17713892

Is 気がきくねー just an alternative way of saying 気が気じゃない? I can't really figure out what it is. As usual I must be missing something really obvious.

>> No.17713892
Quoted by: >>17713907


>> No.17713907
Quoted by: >>17713917

I see. Shouldn't it be 利かない though instead of 利くない like she said? Or am I not allowed to treat this as a verb?

>> No.17713917

nvm I'm stupid disregard this

>> No.17713947

No i just use このホモ

>> No.17714075

>2017-10-01 Added Oretsuba, its prelude, and its afterstory.
Seems like reports of Oretsuba's difficulty has been greatly exaggerated. High kanji count though.

>> No.17714099

>This project covers 31.5 million lexemes with an upper bound of 37.8MB entropy (1024^2, circa 40 million bytes; upper bound; LZMA2/7z).
What's this about?

>> No.17714133
Quoted by: >>17714220

Is there any helpful method of memorizing which verbs are -う or -る? Or is it pure memorization?

>> No.17714163
Quoted by: >>17714568

whats with astelight shuushuubako then
do even natives have a rough time of that one?

>> No.17714175
Quoted by: >>17714239


>> No.17714220

If you're reading then it doesn't matter, and if you're writing or speaking and you don't know instinctively then you don't know the word well enough to use properly it anyway.

>> No.17714239


>> No.17714281
Quoted by: >>17714315

best manga reader in current year?

>> No.17714315
Quoted by: >>17715465

i like honeyview 3 on pc

>> No.17714316
File: 109 KB, 620x451, 2569304i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17716384

>tfw 80% retention rate
>tfw jap study stagnated like shit

>> No.17714534
File: 9 KB, 721x230, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17714568

Some EGS reviews of Mareni's games mention the text being too dense/hard to read.

>> No.17714643
File: 19 KB, 748x286, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17716252

>> No.17714645 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 420x236, 1479989665026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, it's finally done.


Updated list of contents:
- All Regions
map cards, name cards w/region descriptions

- 7 Sub-regions
map cards, name cards w/partial sub-region descriptions

- All Prefectures (inc. Tokyo Metropolis)
map cards, flag cards, name cards

- All Special Wards of Tokyo
map cards, flag cards, name cards w/ward descriptions

- Some notable districts in the Special Wards of Tokyo
name cards w/district descriptions

- All Prefectural Capitals
flag cards, name cards w/prefecture maps

- All Designated Cities
flag cards, name cards w/prefecture maps

- All Core Cities
flag cards, name cards w/prefecture maps

- All Special Cities
flag cards, name cards w/prefecture maps

- 12 cities big enough to be designated/core/special cities and/or which are prefectural capitals + 1 famous city
flag cards, name cards w/prefecture maps

- All ancient provinces (AD 794-1868 borders), not including Hokkaido (see previous posts for why)
map cards, name cards w/brief descriptions

- All ancient Gokishichidō regions
map cards, name cards w/brief descriptions

Would appreciate it if the CoR maintainer could update the version in the CoR to this one.

>> No.17714653


>> No.17714657
File: 2.89 MB, 300x300, 1503585914922.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17714695
File: 78 KB, 960x960, 1506132362931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want one for Proper names
>Do it

>> No.17714701

Just is, because reasons. Same with the whole しか~ない pattern.
Whatever the historical reasons are, you don't really need to know as a learner, but maybe as a linguist.

>> No.17714708

What sort of proper names?

>> No.17714716


>> No.17714718
Quoted by: >>17714752

A list on Person's names.
With kanji

>> No.17714723
File: 30 KB, 429x572, HtPcLEQfQI8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away evil dogger!

>> No.17714752
Quoted by: >>17714780


>> No.17714780
File: 24 KB, 301x267, tumblr_inline_n1581sXTRW1qzcxxq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17714836


>> No.17714789

Does this で mean per? Like the で in dojg intermediate page 27?
Context is that vampires get a power by drinking blood.

>> No.17714790


>> No.17714795

Go away evil dogger.

>> No.17714830

Alright then. I was just hoping for something to make it "click" at least. A bit frustrating they don't give examples of what would be correct instead or give any other explanations, that sounds too arbitrary like that.

しかない makes sense if you think of xしか as "aside from x there is ない" though.

I feel like reading through DoJG is making arise more questions than it is answering any and makes my head hurt sometimes.

>> No.17714836
File: 12 KB, 238x156, ろぺす.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17714890

I've actually been thinking of starting a mining deck for people's names, but I haven't gotten round to doing it yet and I have no idea how long it would take before it got enough names in it to be worth uploading somewhere.

The name decks on AnkiWeb all suck since they don't tell you whether a name is male or female.

>> No.17714899

Where can I find a list of all 2000 kanji's in the Anki deck?

>> No.17714907
Quoted by: >>17714940

When do you consider having learned a language? Mine is when you can express your true personality in a langauge

>> No.17714940
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1505648784599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being able to understand porn in that language

>> No.17714964
Quoted by: >>17716404



>> No.17715125
File: 384 KB, 928x552, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17715257

I'm having issue understanding 釣り合いません in context here, is it kind of just belittling 騒がれたりするの here? Like "It isn't worth her talent to bring such affairs"?

>> No.17715134

anyone got a download link for Nakama 2 audio files?

>> No.17715164



>> No.17715204
File: 200 KB, 760x270, 十万石まんじゅう.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17715219

Okay, I've started it.

Don't expect me to upload it any time soon though. Maybe once it reaches 500 or 1000 names I'll post it, but I don't know how long that will take.

Data on the cards: name in kanji, reading(s) of that name, whether it's a family name or given name, and, if it's a given name, whether it's a male or female name.

I'm also tagging cards according to family name/given name and (when applicable) male/female.

>> No.17715226

Anon you are a power house. 頑張ってね

>> No.17715234

Oh yeah, and since this will be a mined deck, obviously it will only include readings that I have actually encountered. If I added every possible reading, I think it would just become unmanageable, and some possible readings might be really uncommon and hardly ever used.

I'm also not going to be making cards for names written with kana.

>> No.17715251
File: 334 KB, 880x720, 1490145799114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17715256

振る (ふる) [to wave/shake] is made up of 手・て [hand] and 辰・たつ [man with a hoe], representing a farmer in the field leaning on his hoe and waving to passersby.

>> No.17715256

well as long as shes happy

>> No.17715257


>> No.17715273
Quoted by: >>17716404



>> No.17715346


>> No.17715395
File: 44 KB, 833x470, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little past one month into Anki. Is this good or bad? I felt a little burned out in the last ten minutes or so but due to workfag reasons I have a pretty shitty sleeping schedule (I did this off 4 hours sleep). Overall, especially on a day with decent sleep I actually feel pretty comfortable at the pace I'm going. I think if I actually did some reading on the side it might be easier but I don't know where to read entry level easy shit that isn't VN's or manga.

Also what do you guys do with leeched cards? I just switched mine to tag only but I'm wondering if maybe it might be better to leave it as it is. The thing is I feel that I was getting the hang of a fair amount of the cards that were leeched in my deck so I'm entirely to sure. I guess I can always change the amount of times before getting leeched later on.

>> No.17715400

>so I'm entirely to sure
not entirely sure*

>> No.17715401

If you're not burying leeches you're wasting time you could be spending learning other words or reading.

>> No.17715403
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17715410
Quoted by: >>17715629

>I'm a little past one month into Anki. Is this good or bad?
its fine, get more sleep though
below 70% then things look grim, aim for above 80%

>> No.17715448
Quoted by: >>17715489

do people ever write 今日は? or do they just use kana?

>> No.17715455
Quoted by: >>17715641

You just add の?

>> No.17715465

I think MComix is better, though don't really read mango.

>> No.17715489
Quoted by: >>17715506

Why not use a good dictionary? Yomichan (and by extension all JMDict based texthookers/web dictionaries I think) tells you it's usually written with kana.

>> No.17715506

sometimes i just feel like asking people to confirm

>> No.17715610
Quoted by: >>17715635

I think you could just throw a と同じ in there to make it work.

>> No.17715626
Quoted by: >>17716942

>since they don't tell you whether a name is male or female.
A deck for first names would be pointless.

>> No.17715629

>below 70% then things look grim, aim for above 80%
This is only relevant in the context of mature cards.

>> No.17715635
Quoted by: >>17716863

Don't you also need くらい in this case?

>> No.17715641


>> No.17715651
File: 33 KB, 300x225, 6a2fbae462335167e3a0c6916ad3a9c2-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17715838
File: 13 KB, 137x291, kbat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17715847

I can't figure out what バ配症 means here. Either I got one of the kanji wrong or it's a made up term that I found no search results for.

>> No.17715847
Quoted by: >>17715855


>> No.17715855
Quoted by: >>17715901

Ah, thank you. I never would have guessed that first one was 心 even though I know バ made no sense.

>> No.17715901

The "dakuten" are the upper and right strokes of 心, you'll get used to it as you encounter more handwritten Japanese.

>> No.17715974
Quoted by: >>17716008



>> No.17716008


>> No.17716015
Quoted by: >>17716178


>> No.17716039
Quoted by: >>17716046

Has anyone ever reviewed Wanikani anyway? I know the anon who made it pushed it hard in the threads, but I haven't heard anything good or bad about it.

>> No.17716046
Quoted by: >>17716055


>> No.17716055
Quoted by: >>17716066

how embarrassing

>> No.17716066

yeah posting the same jokes over and over when you're the only one that laughs at them is really embarrassing, especially when you pretend it's "trolling" after you realize how cringe it is

>> No.17716140

What is your thought about monolingual anki cards ?
To me it seems like an unnecessary added difficulty, most of the time english definition is pretty straightforward, like chair is 椅子 or red is 赤い

>> No.17716157

Front: jap word

Eng translation/s
(optional) Jap definition
Example sentence

>> No.17716178
Quoted by: >>17716404



>> No.17716252

What site/ grammar guide is this from?

>> No.17716264
Quoted by: >>17716314

It’s Sakubi.

>> No.17716283
Quoted by: >>17716314

From your guide. You know the one you're trying to push so hard right now.

>> No.17716293

That's one of the dumbest reasons I've ever heard, hope you get cancer which leaves your family in massive debt

>> No.17716314

thx didn't know about this. Tae Kim's guide still looks friendlier for some reason.
I rarely browse the DJT since it left /a/ but anon has stepped it up.


>> No.17716349
Quoted by: >>17719479

I already have it though, so I guess your wish has been fulfilled.

>> No.17716364
Quoted by: >>17716650

boku no grammar dictionary

>> No.17716382
File: 118 KB, 361x440, its time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17716419

how to trigger retards

>> No.17716384
Quoted by: >>17716412

>tfw 68% retention rate

>> No.17716404
File: 8 KB, 229x173, dekinai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is literally unintelligible because you aren't using any kanji, come back when you can actually into 日本語

>> No.17716406
Quoted by: >>17716414

i understood it fine, have you considered learning japanese?

>> No.17716412

I used to do anki when I woke up and I couldn't pass 60-65% the first 2 weeks or so. On my third week I simply decided to wait until I was done with breakfast or lunch and my retention jumped to steady 75-85%.

>> No.17716414
Quoted by: >>17716416

nice samefag

>> No.17716416


>> No.17716419
Quoted by: >>17716425

Yeah it's fucking Nihongo time. Lol.

>> No.17716425
File: 1.09 MB, 971x753, djt1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17716431

>using romaji even ironically

>> No.17716431

I think you mean /djt/1

>> No.17716485
File: 35 KB, 686x239, fsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 6 years learning Japanese
>still reading at the speed of a senile 110 years old
Approaching native level speed is extremely difficulty with this language it seems

Any success stories on /djt/?

>> No.17716499

What is DJT's opinion on George Trombley?

>> No.17716507
Quoted by: >>17716518


>> No.17716508


>> No.17716513
Quoted by: >>17716710

Start reading 3+ hours a day.

>> No.17716514

What is "/djt/"?

>> No.17716518
Quoted by: >>17716523

Why is that? I started watching his video series, and they lack a lot of kanji. In your opinion, is he a trustable source or not and why?

>> No.17716523

he would be trustworthy as a tutor but not as a book salesman

anything that takes your focus away from getting to the point where you can read sufficiently basic stories is not worth your time

>> No.17716524


Years don't mean anything, you can study for two hours per week for 6 years and say that you "spent 6 years learning Japanese".

>> No.17716530

Not a reliable source to learn japanese because he has never taken the JLPT.

>> No.17716536
Quoted by: >>17716560

Images like these annoy me.
If you convince yourself a language is hard to learn then it becomes harder to learn than if you just treated it like any other language.
Yes, Japanese and English are about as different as languages can get, but difference does not equal difficulty.
The only reason anyone has to say "language X is the most difficult language to learn" is so they can say they speak it and brag about it or to discourage people from learning it in the first place.

>> No.17716560

Japanese and English are not actually that different linguistically speaking after you get past a short list of meaningless linguistics trivia.

- Core word order is different
- Things like inflections and figures of speech are frequently ordered "backwards" or "inside-out" compared to english
- Japanese is pro-drop, English is not
- Different type of accent system than the main dialects of English
- Effectively zero cognates except for some very convenient coincidences (ない vs nay, etc) and loans
- Japanese uses mimetic words (ぴかぴか) much more than english (gurgling)

- Nouns, pronouns, and topic context work almost exactly the same as in English, the only difference is that Japanese has an exclusive topic marker
- Adverbs can be placed almost anywhere (depending on the adverb) and its exact location slightly alters what it applies to
- There are countless multi-word grammatical constructions that have literal word by word translations (just in different order) in both directions between the two languages, that end up retaining the original nuance.
- They're both written with a mixture of phonetic and morphemic orthography.
- They both loaned extensive academic and formal vocabulary from other languages that were more powerful at the time, a lot of which entered the spoken language, dramatically changing its grammar as a result of the imbalance caused by the flood of new words.
- They both handle nested logical negatives, long inclusive/exclusive/group-based lists, strung-together nested verbal constructions, and grammatical mood in particular ways that most European languages, in addition to Chinese, do not.

>> No.17716581
Quoted by: >>17716582

>Japanese and English are not actually that different linguistically speaking after you ignore their totally different writing systems

>> No.17716582

- They're both written with a mixture of phonetic and morphemic orthography.

>> No.17716598

I think people actually refer to the amount of characters you need to learn when the 2k hour image is dropped.

>> No.17716610
Quoted by: >>17716630

Interesting. You obviously know more than me but I feel like throwing in my 5 cents anyway.

Sure, there are similarities, but are those similarities enough to "compensate" for the differences?
If you're a complete beginner and dealing with the different word order, completely different writing system, a pitch accent system, and omission of words if obvious from context, will it really help much that they both borrowed academic vocabulary from another language?
I mean, if you're Chinese, yeah, I suppose it will. But if you aren't, then I don't think saying "Japanese has plenty of borrowed Chinese vocabulary" will make it easier if you remember that English has a ton of borrowed vocabulary too.

I know they're just linguistic similarities, but unless borrowing academic vocabulary from another language is rare (I don't know) then that seems basically just like linguistic trivia rather than a similarity. And even if it is rare, they're borrowing from different languages, so it doesn't mean much.

Maybe I'm just thinking of Japanese and English's linguistic relations in terms of "how much information from languages I already know is also present in this language" which might be too subjective, but that's what I meant in the first place even if in retrospect I could have worded that better.

>> No.17716615
Quoted by: >>17716636

can someone post the picture that has 95% understanding word counts for newspapers and internet forums etc? i save it every time but forget what i named it

>> No.17716630

Your sentiment is exactly eight. Differences are more important than similarities. Human languages are all very deeply similar, so similar that anyone who already knows a human language will become conversational in any other language if they're stranded in a society where that language is the only one.

When we talk about difficulty in learning languages, we're talking about something else. How "annoying" or "stressful" it is to learn a language. How long it takes to reach a low level of literacy. How easy it is to acquire language features from the new language through deliberate study instead of input. All things that meaningfully differ between different pairs of native language and second language.

>> No.17716636
Quoted by: >>17716644

It's obsolete, post http://wiki.wareya.moe/Stats instead.

>> No.17716644

>all have 7000+ words
>people tell me to start "reading more" when i haven't even seen 1000 words in anki yet

>> No.17716650


>> No.17716652
Quoted by: >>17716686

Visual novels are more than just words. You need to learn the "real" flow of the language, on a word to word and sentence to sentence level, too. In fact, that's probably more important than learning another 6000 words in isolation.

1000 is too little to read anything fluidly if it doesn't have furigana, but you should consider browsing online manga stores. By the off chance that anything is interesting enough to read it despite your low vocabulary, you need to jump on it immediately. Ever having a positive experience reading a story is the #1 indicator of future success in learning a language.

>> No.17716657

Anyone JLPT 1 in December here?

>> No.17716659
Quoted by: >>17716686

There's more to reading than knowing words

>> No.17716666
Quoted by: >>17716686

So what's your plan? Keep learning vocabulary purely through words Anki shows you, some of which you'll probably never need?
Even if you learn 7000 words purely through Anki, who's to say the content you want to read or watch actually uses only words you know? You're inevitably going to run into unfamiliar vocabulary you need to look up even if you know 7000 words, so when you have a foundation of 1000 words there's no reason to keep learning vocabulary that may or may not be present or common in the content you want to read.

Furthermore, like the other two anons said, a language is more than words. Knowing all the words present won't help if you don't actually understand what the sentence is talking about because either you aren't accustomed to the grammar, the mannerisms, or the subtle nuances. And no Anki deck can teach you that.

>> No.17716686
File: 2.80 MB, 3264x2448, japan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know but is there really any point if you either have to stop every 5 words or don't understand anything because you just read furigana fast without knowing the meaning

i'm probably just going to ankidrone until at least 2k because that's supposed to be the
most useful part of core6k

i mostly judge the extent of my vocabulary by how many words i recognize when listening to japanese music i don't know the lyrics to, it's like getting a new piece in a puzzle every day and it feels very satisfying, but from this i know i don't know nearly enough to know most words so i could focus on the new words because i don't recognize the most common words, like say the 66% of words used that the 3000 most common words make up

many people say they start reading or even drop anki altogether after 2.5k so idk we'll see when i get there, i think i'm too much of a memorylet to stop doing srs ever

>> No.17716688

>>i know but is there really any point if you [...] don't understand anything because you just read furigana fast without knowing the meaning
you underestimate how overpowered the brain is when it comes to this

>> No.17716689
File: 40 KB, 355x499, 10minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17717799

I highly recommend this series called "10分で読める伝記"

"Biographies you can read in 10 minutes" or whatever.

I read the grades 1-4. I learned about the Wright brothers, Flaurence Nightingale, Ikkyu, Akira Kurasawa... etc.

Or even reading manga when you can't really make sense of it helps. Keep the translation open in another tab and compare. Depending on the theme of the manga - sports, action, art - you'll see the same words pop up over and over and that will help to solidify them in your memory.

>> No.17716703

It's anons like these that give Anki a bad rep. Come on dude. Just read.

>> No.17716710

That would be much easier if I could find interesting stuff to read.

>> No.17716749
Quoted by: >>17716779

Why not read and do anki? What the fuck is 7000 words going to do if it takes you 10 minutes to read a sentence and you don't even know where words start and end? It's stupid to delay reading, even if you have to stop and look up words often.

>> No.17716769


I listened to this song for a few episodes without JP subtitles and I couldn't really understand much. Now I found a youtube link with JP subtitles and I realized I knew most of those words and I can understand things just fine when reading.

Apparently my listening comprehension is laughably bad. Should probably not have spent so much time reading and used some of it for listening shit.

>> No.17716779
Quoted by: >>17716781

Someone who knows 7000 words will know when a word starts and ends. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.17716781
Quoted by: >>17716801

you'll also figure that out when you read for long enough even if you barely know 2000 words

>> No.17716798
File: 36 KB, 720x860, dekinai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you do your anki today, anon?

>> No.17716801
Quoted by: >>17716804

>2000 words
But you don’t know what the content is about.

>> No.17716804
Quoted by: >>17716812

you do if you're reading something interesting enough

>> No.17716812
Quoted by: >>17716818

Not with a limited vocabulary.

>> No.17716818
Quoted by: >>17716836

you vastly underestimate the power of 2000 words and a dictionary

>> No.17716822

How is that grammar deck? I am thinking of adding some grammar to my Anki, that one seems to be fairy popular.

>> No.17716836
Quoted by: >>17716850

Using a dictionary to look up words is a great way to break the flow and a waste of time. This is not what I’d call interesting.

>> No.17716845
File: 804 KB, 1195x1350, 1506635102001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had classes for a couple of years and got an N4.

I still cant write/speak for shit.

Any recommendations on how to progress?

I am considering just getting resources for N3 and just focusing on that but I am not sure if this is a good long term approach as my goal is fluency and not accumulation of Ns.

>> No.17716848

Why does 1000 cards take you that long?
I hope you're not doing this in place of actually reading.

>> No.17716850

you obviously don't read, your ideas don't reflect reality

you don't use the dictionary on every word you think you don't know, you only use it on words you realize you need to know

looking up every word in a dictionary is neither required to understand what you're reading if you know 2000 words, nor can it possibly be considered "reading". that is not reading.

>> No.17716853
Quoted by: >>17717279


Additional request:

I keep forgetting the fucken kanji so I am considering getting a phone app to recap everyday on the fly.

Any personal recommendations?

>> No.17716855

read the guide
start mining anki
read more
listen more

>> No.17716863
Quoted by: >>17716867

You shouldn't unless you drop the ほど, they serve similar functions.

>> No.17716867

Oh sorry misunderstood you.

>> No.17716942


>> No.17716974
Quoted by: >>17717016

>I don't know where to read entry level easy shit that isn't VN's or manga
There's shit like http://hukumusume.com/douwa/betu/

>> No.17717016

Doesn't get easier than converting a book in any text format (txt, epub, mobi, doesn't matter) to html and then reading it with yomichan. If you know basic grammar it will even have some info about most grammar points you don't understand (you need to know the basics though).

>> No.17717203

I add an autogenerated link to j-j dictionary on the back.

>> No.17717263
Quoted by: >>17717359


>> No.17717279

Anki app synchronizes with your PC decks. Works both ways.

>> No.17717359


>> No.17717363
Quoted by: >>17717378

So, I'm a month into Beginning Japanese at college. I saw Yotsuba is recommended reading for beginners according to the guide, but I'm wondering how long I should study before attempting it?

I'm only just now learning about verbs in Lesson 3 of Genki.

>> No.17717378
Quoted by: >>17717384

>I'm a month into Beginning Japanese
>I'm only just now learning about verbs in Lesson 3 of Genki.

>> No.17717384

If this is some kind of snide dig, which I'm sure it is because this is 4chan, I'm struggling to get the joke. I've been learning at the pace my sensei is teaching us.

>> No.17717391
Quoted by: >>17717429

Not him but if you're a month into studying the language you're learning extremely slowly.
If you wanna learn the language then self-learn in your spare time, because college courses will go at a glacial pace.

>> No.17717396

You're gonna end up like >>17716845 if you don't take control of your own learning.

>> No.17717414
Quoted by: >>17717427

Saying you are learning for a couple years doesn't really mean shit. You could be learning 2 hours every week only like someone already said or you could be going months in between study sessions.

>> No.17717427
Quoted by: >>17717447

that doesn't have anything to do with the post you responded to

>> No.17717429
Quoted by: >>17717436

Ah, I see. Thank you for your input.

I intend to do self-learning between semesters so I don't forget what I've obtained, but for now I'm struggling to find time keeping up with all my courses as a whole so I don't know if I can dedicate much more time to Japanese during school.

I intend to apply for a language intensive study-abroad and even have plans to move over there for a handful of years after college to really become fluent by way of immersion. My goal is to work in localization, so I'm dedicated to this being a long journey anyway.

Back to my original question; how much do you guys suggest I know before I start trying to read stuff from the "easy" section of the list?

>> No.17717436
Quoted by: >>17717446

>between semesters
you can't learn japanese

>> No.17717446
Quoted by: >>17717520

I currently am and will continue to. I don't understand why you guys focus so much on the speed of which it happens.

>> No.17717447
Quoted by: >>17717452

If you are incapable of using your mouse and looking at what the post is quoting and therefore talking about, then sure. Nothing to do with it.

Continue to shitpost on 4chan friend.

>> No.17717452

They weren't posting the information in that quote. They were posting about that quote. Your response is response to the information they were quoting, not the post you were responding to. Their point was completely independent of whatever the contents of the quote happened to be, so it would have nothing to do with their post to respond to them about the contents of the quote in the semantic sense rather than solely about whatever point they were making. Your response has nothing to do with the post you were responding to.

>> No.17717455

2, I know Hebrew, my native language, and English.
I know a bit of Arabic (especially the Iraqi dialect), and currently learning Japanese, But I am very much a beginner.

>> No.17717469

What Anki Deck would you guys recommend for N2 grammar study? Or should I just get some book instead? Probably both- book for learning and Anki for repetition? I studied with Minna no Nihongo so far. What do you think?

>> No.17717520
Quoted by: >>17717536

you will not learn japanese in 20 years if you study it between semesters, just the amount of vocabulary and reading practice you DON'T do for 9 months every year makes it completely futile

>> No.17717527

>I am considering just repeating what I've already been doing for years which hasn't been working.

>> No.17717536

Sorry, I must have explained poorly.

I'm in college Japanese courses during the school year. I plan on committing time daily during my winter and summer breaks to Japanese so that I don't lose what I am learning during school. Currently, I spend between 2-3 hours every weekday to class/homework. I just can't spend more than that on Japanese because I'm also enrolled in 3 other reading intensive courses.

>> No.17717548
Quoted by: >>17717582

You dont learn enough in class for 2-3 hours of work time every day. Unless you literally review the entire time.

>> No.17717563
Quoted by: >>17717582

What kind of stuff are you doing in class? I need an easy A and I’m considering taking jap 101 since I’ll have self studied for ~10 months by next semester.

>> No.17717582
Quoted by: >>17717623


My sensei assigns work from the Genki workbook most nights and additional worksheets that she's prepared herself to really hammer home specifics of each grammar lesson. And then she asks us to practice alongside the audio files that come with Genki and I do that more often than not as well. So, yes, it's a lot of review. But I'm learning alongside my girlfriend who isn't enrolled in the class so I have to explain to her things I've learned in class earlier that day.

It would probably be an easy A, but you should probably check what materials your course professor has you buy. If they follow the Genki textbook it's a lot of rudimentary grammar. My sensei quizes us on vocab twice a week, we had a hiragana quiz after two weeks and now I have a katakana quiz this Friday (4 weeks).

>> No.17717623

>My sensei quizes us on vocab twice a week, we had a hiragana quiz after two weeks and now I have a katakana quiz this Friday (4 weeks).
That does sound like an easy A. If you’re just learning kana now you’ll probably have a hard time with Yotsubato. One of the easiest ways to start reading is reading NHKEasy with a browser dictionary like yomichan/rikaisama.

Also, I would lower your expectations for what you’ll get from the classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QyX9XhGX3s

>> No.17717628
Quoted by: >>17717632

Is there a way to swap the front and back of all cards in an anki deck at once?

>> No.17717632

Nevermind, figured it out

>> No.17717799

This looks interesting. I didn't see it in the guide though.

>> No.17717904
File: 1.37 MB, 1229x997, 678567685657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17717974

Lads does anyone have azw3 for Mushoku Tensei LN?

>> No.17717994

Yes, thanks for asking.

>> No.17717996
Quoted by: >>17721204

7 billion people, odds are someone does.

>> No.17718123
File: 3 KB, 326x217, jp-43.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you end up finishing the update on the prefecture, cities, etc. deck anon? I'm interested

>> No.17718147
File: 366 KB, 1286x823, light novels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can now read light novels without full furigana thanks to Nezuyomi
Who knew OCR had grown so powerful...

>> No.17718164

Good post.

>> No.17718165
Quoted by: >>17718166

What does this do that KanjiTomo didn't do years ago?

>> No.17718166

It saves.

>> No.17718169
File: 38 KB, 225x350, 223473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl learned Japanese without Anki. Why can't you?

>> No.17718170

i can

>> No.17718173

You can learn Japanese by going to Japan and just sitting around until you absorb everything by osmosis, though it'll take a solid decade. Why don't you do that? Don't ask anyone for help or for a speaking partner, by the way. You can learn without help, so why don't you?

>> No.17718174

Yeah, but some mod or janitor deleted the post:

Dunno why since they didn't take any issue with my posts in the 3 previous threads where I posted about the deck much more extensively than I did in this one.

>> No.17718181


>> No.17718187
Quoted by: >>17718195

Just open it in your browser and use yomichan, no need for that.

>> No.17718195
Quoted by: >>17718201

yomichan doesn't work on scans

>> No.17718201
Quoted by: >>17718205

>scan of text
Keep it up, anon!

>> No.17718205

yeah this might surprise you since you literally don't read but a lot of ln rips are scans and not text

>> No.17718232
Quoted by: >>17718237

Yeah, Nip and weeaboo uploaders are sometimes retarded, it can be hard to find them uploaded in a text format. You can buy almost everything in a text format though, and LNs are like 5USD, so don't be a cheap bitch. Just buy, use automatic de-DRM and upload them for others.

>> No.17718235
Quoted by: >>17718329

Thanks! Yeah I'm not sure why.
It should be updated in the cornucopia with that version indeed.

>> No.17718237
Quoted by: >>17718243

my bank blocks foreign stores lol

>> No.17718243
Quoted by: >>17718248

Please be for real. What if you want to import anything or buy anything during your holidays abroad.

>> No.17718248

i'm too poor to have holidays abroad, get a grip

>> No.17718311

>Dunno why
Take a look at the images you used.

>> No.17718329
Quoted by: >>17718623


>> No.17718382
Quoted by: >>17718388

What will I be able to do once I've learnt the fundamental 2000 kanji?

>> No.17718388

Remember actual vocabulary a little better

>> No.17718406
Quoted by: >>17718421

Eh, so that was it. I guess it was technically avatarfagging, but it's not like I was doing it for the sake of creating a personality and attentionwhoring (which the rule exists to address), it was just a temporary means of giving people an easy way of spotting my posts about the deck since there were no flags relating to the cards I was adding at that point.

The mod/janitor could've at least left the announcement post up and just deleted the image if the image was the problem. I'm not inconvenienced at all by that post being deleted, it's people like >>17718123 who were interested in the deck who were punished. It would've made more sense to just delete the images and ban me.

>> No.17718421

>but it's not like I was doing it for the sake of creating a personality and attentionwhoring
That doesn't really matter.

>> No.17718450
Quoted by: >>17718501

morning anti-ankikun, have you learned japanese yet

>> No.17718457

whats an easy to read light novel?

>> No.17718480
Quoted by: >>17718486


>> No.17718486
Quoted by: >>17718499

Already read 2 volumes, want something even easier in terms of setting, not just language. Like really generic easy as fuck.

>> No.17718499

Doesn't really get easier than キノの旅
Try a random highschool romcom.

>> No.17718501

Is that a new "sakura" as you guys call it?

>> No.17718577

I already did

>> No.17718580
File: 55 KB, 1920x972, GQw8Cs5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't understand much what comes before ため. Is it something like "for the sake of separating her interest from other people's"?

>> No.17718620

As I browsed through the books in the Library, I noticed that each book has a listing of its ten rarest kanji featured. In the rankings of a certain light novel, I found that the kanji 彊 is only featured four times across all of the books in the entire library. I don't have much of a reason for making this post, but it certainly did baffle me. Why does a kanji like this exist? And why even use it if it shows up that infrequently across a huge number of books, consisting of both trashy LNs and translations of non-Japanese works into the language? Why are there kanji like 彊? Jisho only has it in a single dictionary entry. But on the other hand, google.jp has plenty of results for it. Is it really just a coincidence that it shows up so infrequently in the DJT library? Am I just being tricked by an incomplete statistic (it's hard to imagine the stat is accurate)? Why the kanji 彊? Why are there other kanji that are also that rare? Do native speakers encounter such a rare kanji and know what to do with it? It's certainly not presented with furigana, which is weird if it really is as rare as it is. And the work itself has furigana all over the place, so it's not really the case that furigana would be out of place.

>> No.17718623


Could you also update the "Info" link to the deleted post from with this with the updated list of contents? If people follow the reply chain from there, they can find all the posts from the earlier threads about the deck, but the reverse isn't true.


>> No.17718685
Quoted by: >>17718704

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.17718704

You don't think?
I'm sure I'm not gonna.

>> No.17718751
Quoted by: >>17718877

all of them. 中学生 can read them

>> No.17718877
Quoted by: >>17719010

..and they have like 10+ years experience with the language.

>> No.17718894

What do you guys think of the forever fluent guy saying he knows Japanese?

>> No.17718922

>Any success stories on /djt/?
Me desu

>> No.17718981

>Do native speakers encounter such a rare kanji and know what to do with it?
Not a native speaker but I'm weeb enough to be Japanese. It's often for Japanese people to see kanji they don't know and just skip by assuming its meaning from context, much like we do with words we don't know.

>> No.17719010
Quoted by: >>17719020

Yet they, unlike high school students, could struggle reading material of actual literary merit!

>> No.17719020
Quoted by: >>17719029

> actual literary merit!

99% of faggots who talk like this never read more than necessary to fill out their /lit/ 3x3.

>> No.17719029

bookshelves are for showing off woodpulp and ink anyway, not books one has read

>> No.17719240
Quoted by: >>17719362

There are more kanji than stars in the universe, and all that.

Many of them were simplified while many simply naturally feel out of usage. The Japanese government has been pushing a general usage list and trying to limit the range of kanji used in various media and teaching materials, which also brings about certain biases in the memetic selection part of the language.
彊 can be found as one of the kanji tested in the second highest level of 漢検 and can be found using readings similar to 強、so while it is a much rarer kanji than others, it still isn't part of the pool of thousands of extant characters around which do not even fall into the 6000 odd characters which can be tested in the national kanji exam.

>> No.17719252

猫猫 swings the other way.

>> No.17719296

>momo will never kiss you
why the FUCK are you still alive bros

>> No.17719362

I see, I see. That's a very helpful explanation, thank you for taking the time.

>> No.17719394
Quoted by: >>17719401

Why do we have "robust", "mighty", "Herculean", and "strapping"? Why isn't just "strong" enough?

>> No.17719401
Quoted by: >>17719458

I really doubt any of those are anywhere near as rare as "single piece of a single word that only shows up four times out off hundreds and hundreds of books," though. I'm not complaining about words that ultimately mean the same thing despite having different nuance, I'm talking about the sheer rarity of this particular one.

>> No.17719458

It existed to begin with because the word "strong" existed in Chinese before they started writing, and a variety of characters with a phonetic radical something like "kang" and a semantic radical related to physical force (ironically, standard theory is that 彊's semantic radical is 弓 because drawing a bow, but 強's semantic radical is 虫 because silk or shells.)

彊 also at one point referred specifically to strong bows. So it might be used specifically for a weapon. But most likely it's just pretense, and relying on the fact that at a glance 彊 would likely be mistaken for 強.

>> No.17719479
File: 910 KB, 480x272, Untitled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the snarky-ass reply I was expecting

>> No.17719528
Quoted by: >>17719922

Thanks, I really like that it externalizes OCR so you could in principle code in whatever image pre-processing steps before tesseract does its thing

>> No.17719535
Quoted by: >>17719896

I think the bigger problem is that the scans are often too low res to read easily, let alone OCR reliably

>> No.17719614

How can I set anki to spam me my previous cards and once I'm done repeating those give me my new cards of the day

>> No.17719627
Quoted by: >>17719634

Change "Mix new cards and reviews" to "Show new cards after reviews"

>> No.17719628
Quoted by: >>17719634

Set new cards to zero, finish reviews, open deck back up, click custom study at the bottom of the screen.

>> No.17719634

Thank you very much

>> No.17719864
Quoted by: >>17719899

Is there any way to change the font size of the text-box in ITH?

>> No.17719895

Hey guys this sounds terribly autistic, but what do you think of pronouncing を as 'wo'?

Been thinking of playing around with pronounciation/accents lately, I don't want to sound too foreign so I thought "spicing" it up might make it seem like I've had practice speaking, maybe with some japanese with a regional accent

>> No.17719896

>I think the bigger problem is that the scans are often too low res to read easily
LN and novel scans tend to be great for reading. Would you mind posting an example of what you think a bad scan is?

>> No.17719899

Yes, edit the code to make the text bigger and compile the modified version yourself

>> No.17719904

>I don't want to sound too foreign
too bad

>> No.17719922

Not him but you're welcome. It's a pain to set up but it makes the program a lot more flexible and futureproof.

>> No.17719937

Rather silly, considering the meido is perfectly happy with some retard roleplaying as a little Japanese girl every thread while allowing the resident shitposter to go nuts. A bit of consistency in moderation wouldn't hurt. If they are going to enforce the rules, they really ought enforce all of them.

>> No.17719966

Today, I learned you can put a marker in whatever book you're reading in the library by pressing "B" on your keyboard, and the next time you load that book's page, it'll jump you right to that spot. The future really is now.

>> No.17720006

Why don't you guys use kanji?

>> No.17720018
File: 174 KB, 736x736, 0c8d3e4ac7588d91b6ff19a38f699b3a--gourmet-tableware.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17720021


>> No.17720027
Quoted by: >>17720300


>> No.17720283

Is there any way to learn vocabulary in a more structured setting than Anki?

Like how Genki had a list of new words every chapter
I just don't know how to get all the words I need in an efficient way

>> No.17720295
Quoted by: >>17720309

Never used genki but having fun while studying probably helps your retention.

>> No.17720297
Quoted by: >>17720309


>I just don't know how to get all the words I need in an efficient way

Find native content that interests you and then look at it. There will be plenty of words right there.

>> No.17720300




>> No.17720309
Quoted by: >>17720349

I don't have a problem with remembering words I've come across before, I have a problem with discovering new words.

I have been doing that, but there are still all sorts of common and daily words that I'm missing purely by chance, and who knows when I'll finally find them

Would it be worthwhile to invest in some vocab workbooks from Japan?

>> No.17720347
File: 75 KB, 591x355, P1000570-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17720432



>> No.17720349

>I don't have a problem with remembering words I've come across before, I have a problem with discovering new words.
My bad. Maybe try games you've played as a child and replay them in japanese. Read sadpanda or find interesting VNs. I am sure there is a lot of material out there which contain words you don't know yet.

>> No.17720352

In any language it's better to start speaking late than early. You should get a lot of input before you start pronouncing words or saying sentences. The more familiar your ear is with how a certain language sounds, the more you'll notice your mispronunciations.
My father was forced to speak Spanish to communicate with his coworkers even though he had little knowledge of the language and now his pronunciation sucks major ass even though he has no problem understanding Spanish.

>> No.17720369





>> No.17720402



>> No.17720410
Quoted by: >>17720485


>> No.17720432


>> No.17720436

Can someone translate this? The UTW-Mazui subs are missing the line.


>> No.17720441


>> No.17720445

Wait for somebody more experienced than me who can verify this.

>> No.17720450

that what i heard, yeah

>> No.17720453

Thanks, that fits.

>> No.17720485

Fluency is not the same as pronouncing well.
My parents are fluent in Spanish, but their pronunciation is crap and they make lots of small grammatical mistakes because nobody ever bothered to correct them and because they only interact with Spanish during their jobs.

He sounds foreign and makes mistakes. I simply can't take this guy too seriously. He is right when he says that you must speak a lot and your interaction must be meaningful, but you shouldn't start speaking as soon as you can.

Speaking to yourself also doesn't help you with becoming fluent in a language. I've been talking to myself in English every day for the past 4-5 years, yet that has done little to help my fluency when talking to another person. I think the reason why is that, when you speak to yourself, you know what you're going to say next or where the conversation is going. However, when you speak to somebody else, you have no idea what they're going to say. That unknown is what tests your fluency.

The only thing speaking to yourself and starting to speak as soon as possible without any help does is that it embeds your errors.

>> No.17720863
Quoted by: >>17720869

"Remembering the Kana" doesn't teach about WE and WI. Why is that? Are they not used anymore?

>> No.17720869

The sounds merged into え and い hundreds of years ago (maybe even 1,000 years ago, can't remember exactly) so the characters are obsolete.

>> No.17720874

Worth noting that e was in free variation with ye in some contexts, which gives us yen and yebisu, even though Japanese never ever had a ye syllable.

>> No.17720875
Quoted by: >>17721090

Oh yeah, that said, I think they were still in use (the same way that English spellings which were once phonetic but now aren't are still in use) up until the end of WW2, and some pretentious assholes still use them in the titles of fictional works and such.

>> No.17720886
Quoted by: >>17720969


>> No.17720969

Just read more.

>> No.17721006

ため can also mark a cause or reason like 故

>> No.17721087

I drew a line as stout as my mind -- which was on the brink of being swept away by Jinshi's sheer beauty -- allowed me to, for well did I know that her interests lied in spheres most people dared not approach.

>> No.17721090
Quoted by: >>17721134

Don't forget about the hipster artists putting them in their names

>> No.17721134
Quoted by: >>17721143

In their legal names? Is that even allowed?

>> No.17721143

Their artist names

Dunno if they'd let you name your kid ヰッル or something

>> No.17721171
File: 347 KB, 500x566, 1486681943676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17721228

how does one acquire a Japanese friend?

>> No.17721204

I dare to guess that majority of these people haven't read single LN in their life so it doesn't really mean much.

>> No.17721206

How do you force Windows' Jap input to default to hiragana instead of romaji?

>> No.17721219
Quoted by: >>17721226

iirc you don't

>> No.17721226
Quoted by: >>17721263

bult alt+tab and alt+~ isn't so hard so whaterver
also it remembers on a by program basis until you reboot

>> No.17721228
Quoted by: >>17721267

Have you tried entering random Japanese discords

>> No.17721257

is it just me or is it very simple to acquire comprehensiveness in Japanese reading in relatively short period of time? the meme about it being difficult is mostly about various scripts and learning the initial kanji, right?

>> No.17721259

it's very easy to acquire a very basic reading ability in japanese

>> No.17721263

alt tab is for switching windows
windows indeed lacks some swift way to change from romaji to hiragana and back from hiragana to romaji

>> No.17721267
Quoted by: >>17721343

do you know any? how would I find them?

>> No.17721269

Sorry meant alt+shift

>> No.17721278
Quoted by: >>17721282

alt-shift switches between languages like: English - German - Japanese

but when you actually switch to Japanese IME the default script may be Romaji, so it's hardly a solution since switching between English and IME with its default 'English script' may render it useless

>> No.17721279
Quoted by: >>17721282

For switching language, alt+~ for switching from alphanumeric to hiragana
iirc there was also something for katakana, but I just cycle up (to cycle to the last entry, it's kata in most cased)

>> No.17721282
Quoted by: >>17721284


>> No.17721284
Quoted by: >>17721289


>> No.17721286

Hovering over words with Rikai is not "comprehensiveness in Japanese reading".

>> No.17721289

What's wrong, cunt?

>> No.17721291


Doesn't ctrl-caps lock and shift-caps lock do that?

>> No.17721295

On my system it does.

>> No.17721302

Is the amount of rare or really context-sensitive kanji compounds spoken by VN and anime characters indicative of how often people use them IRL? How can I improve my listening in order to pick up those words better?

>> No.17721306

Thanks man, easier to hit than alt+~

>> No.17721314

THIS works
however why would they implement such an unintuitive shortcut for christ's sake
tapping both caps and shift gives me cancer

>> No.17721343

google 「"discord.gg" "´<japanese word>"」

>> No.17721350
File: 54 KB, 483x1843, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post your grids

>> No.17721360
File: 121 KB, 483x1870, grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17721369
File: 291 KB, 879x3452, dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17721379
Quoted by: >>17721387

how much time did it take?

>> No.17721387
Quoted by: >>17721395

714 days so far for >>17721369

>> No.17721395

is 2k basic kanji enough to read light novels? you seem to have gone way beyond it

>> No.17721409
File: 131 KB, 483x2489, グリッド.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17721417


>> No.17721413
Quoted by: >>17721431

2000 kanji is enough to cover a lot of VNs, but it's not the same 2000 kanji.

That said, two things:

1) Kanji don't matter. Words do. Words are merely written with kanji.
2) Tou shouldn't worry about the last few percent points of comprehension. 95% is basically enough to read anything and only need to use a dictionary once or twice per scene.

>> No.17721417

what order are you guys following, why don't you have some kanji that even I've covered here >>17721350

>> No.17721420

That's when things start to get comfortable, but you'll still encounter new kanji pretty often. I doubt anyone could be fully satisfied with just that. Anyway kanji get easier to learn and after a while hunting new ones becomes fun.

>> No.17721429
File: 119 KB, 483x1632, gridcore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other guy here
Sadly I'm too lazy for anki these days, but I'm basically able to read web novels while understanding all but 0-3 words per chapter anyway.
Muramasa is more of a struggle than it has to be, but eh

Because I mined different stuff? idk
Here's my core deck

>> No.17721431

Do you see VNs mentioned anywhere in the post you responded to? Don't vomit out advice you don't understand if you can't even bother putting in the effort to read the posts you are responding to.

>> No.17721434

What order? What do you mean?
If you mean the grid, I sorted by None/score rather than the default, so that's why it looked different.
If you mean the new kanji, that's because I've mined some myself. That anon with over 3000 also obviously mined quite a few of his own, because I doubt even the 10k deck has 3000 unique kanji.

>> No.17721435
Quoted by: >>17721472

>Do you see VNs mentioned anywhere in the post you responded to?
No, I don't.

>Don't vomit out advice you don't understand if you can't even bother putting in the effort to read the posts you are responding to.
Apparently I understood it and the subject matter it was about better than you. There's nothing at all special about the writing in VNs or LNs except for LNs being more mainstream.

>> No.17721438

Don't bother commenting if all you have to say is dumb shit like that.

>> No.17721449
Quoted by: >>17721457

every time 毎年 comes up i read it as まいねん、 but anki says it's まいとし is this one of the cases like 四 is よん or し and it's ok if i read まいねん?

>> No.17721457

まいねん is an accepted alternative reading, so yes.

>> No.17721472
Quoted by: >>17721474

Don't listen to him. I asked the question and found the answer satisfying - as you said whether it's VNs or anything else the language is usually the same throughout the mediums.

>> No.17721474

I wouldn't say it's the same, there's just way more variation within a medium than between them.

>> No.17721506
File: 199 KB, 483x3693, 14m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17721532
File: 113 KB, 1030x504, no_elo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17721560

>> No.17721560
File: 14 KB, 231x231, 1479856220944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17721572
File: 780 KB, 1425x3276, 100days.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I reached a 100 days in Anki, finally reached the porn scene in my mining deck, and finished reviews in less than 60 minutes. Feels good.

>> No.17721612
Quoted by: >>17722287


What ecchi words have you mined, anon?

>> No.17721701
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 558428-yu-no-kono-yo-no-hate-de-koi-o-utau-shojo-windows-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese seems to have a lot of vocabulary.
I mean, they have a lot of seemingly retarded compound words like 新車 or 魔王.
Are there any articles backing up or rebbuting my claim?

>> No.17721736

this game looks spooky
is there a lot of quality Jap adventure point-n-click games?

>> No.17721760
File: 687 KB, 1280x720, 1488370659120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17721882

How many VNs to fluency?

>> No.17721769

Not that anon, but that's Yu-No. If you haven't played it, you need to before you die. It's a masterpiece that no other point n click adventure game can touch. As for other games like it, I feel like there are quite a few that have the same kind of look.

>> No.17721823

Don't forget the music:


Eve is by the same company, and has music by umemoto.


You should play Yu-No ASAP.

>> No.17721857
Quoted by: >>17721881





>> No.17721879

Good news anon: You can learn Japanese

>> No.17721881


>> No.17721882

I went from Hanahira to Flyable Heart to Dies Irae to Muramasa and I guess I'm fluent now

>> No.17721885

Isn't it also the #1 all time entry on EGS?

>> No.17721930
Quoted by: >>17722318

What're you guys thoughts on memrise?

>> No.17721936
Quoted by: >>17721969

I thought those were supposed to be really hard. Did you really just go straight from Flyable Heart? How well did you understand them?

>> No.17721969

With Dies Irae there were a lot of times where I had to look at a sentence for 10 minutes until I understood it, but the vocabulary isn't too meme. The references were fairly easy to catch on to as well, which couldn't be said of Muramasa, which is full of vocabulary you'll never see again in your life and references to fucking ancient Noh plays and shit
Still, if you put in the effort to understand them and tackle them in that order you should have gotten a good grasp on them by the time you finish their first routes

>> No.17721990



>> No.17721995
Quoted by: >>17722043

Did you mine with anki or something? Did you use any hooker for the text?

>> No.17722041


>> No.17722043
Quoted by: >>17722112

Firefox html hooker and mined with rikai into anki, yeah
I got pretty lazy with anki around the start of the third route for Dies Irae, but I recommend you stick to doing your reps and 20 new cards a day. Also, use your keyboard for the buttons, not your mouse, for fast mode.

>> No.17722053
Quoted by: >>17722172

nice im just in time for the yu-no chat
im holding all 15 flopping disks in my hand right now like playing cards thinking man they just dont make them like they used to

once youve learned your tyler kims and mastered ehons and are a shonen manga professional i also agree you should go on the epic yu-no adventure

>> No.17722112
Quoted by: >>17722174

So you stopped playing when you reached 20 cards? What hooker software do you guys use nowadays? AGTH?
Also, do you have a link for the japanese version of the game? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.17722113

>stop masturbating for 2 days
>exponential increase in study hours + very high motivation
t-the meme was real guys

>> No.17722163
Quoted by: >>17722180

When I'm reading VNs as study material, should I reread the common route as I go? I feel like it'd be a decent way to make sure I'm actually learning the vocab that I'm mining.

>> No.17722172

can u post a pic of them please i need them for.... reference

>> No.17722174
Quoted by: >>17722346

>So you stopped playing when you reached 20 cards?
Not sure what you mean
I finished all of them, but while reading Dies Irae I got lazy with anki and started only doing the reps without adding new cards, until I eventually stopped doing reps as well

ITHVNR here, never had any problems so far

Since the nyaa incident a while ago vns have gotten harder to find, but the knock-off nyaas should have them. Alternatively find your way into AnimeBytes and try there. Just make sure that you get the amantes amentes version for Dies if you plan on reading that, the older acta est fabula version lacks some of the best scenes in the story

>> No.17722180

No, you'll see whether you're actually learning the vocab you're mining as it comes up in the new text you read
If it doesn't come up then evidently it's not that important and suffering an additional lapse in anki won't be a big deal

>> No.17722277

>stopping masturbating
>not just masturbating in japanese

>> No.17722287


>> No.17722318

Haven't heard of it. Just about finished with all off Duolingo's lessons though, so I'll be looking for something fresh.

>> No.17722339
Quoted by: >>17722617

Well give it a try bud :)

>> No.17722346

Thanks for taking your time.
I meant to ask if you stopped your gaming sessions when you reached 20 new cards. If you called it a day when you reached that number.
Trying to download the game from Perfect Dark but it's not starting atm but can't probably get an account on animebytes due to having third world internet speeds.

>> No.17722353 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 491x490, 1486988469417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17722412


>> No.17722354

Is AB doing recruitment on their website through their application system thing still? That's how I got my account a few years ago, and they either didn't ask or didn't care that my speeds were as shit as they were then.

>> No.17722361

Just go to sukebei

>> No.17722366
Quoted by: >>17722390

This. I've never seen anything on AB that Sukebei didn't have. That's not to say that Sukebei has everything, but neither does AB.

>> No.17722376

Oh, no I mined a lot more than I could do in a single day. Like, the first week of Dies/Muramasa I mined around 300 words and even when I was still doing 20+ new cards a day I had a backlog of 500+; I just read as much as I felt like, then/before that/during reading breaks did my reps

>> No.17722387 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1920x1080, 1506460458118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17722412


>> No.17722390


Are you talking about the nyaa clone? I've been there and there was no japanese dies irae torrent.

>> No.17722400

there was no info on the torrent for some reason but it's downloading.

>> No.17722404

You have to click the "Fap" link to get to sukebei. That's where 99.9% of VNs get uploaded to, even the non-porn ones.

Also, when searching VNs there, you should search the Japanese title. Dies Irae is a bit of an exception since it has a non-Japanese title, but with most other VNs you won't find them if you don't search for the original Japanese title.

>> No.17722412 [DELETED] 

I browse /a/ too :D

>> No.17722419 [DELETED] 
File: 518 KB, 719x754, 1497235189163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17722428 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 997x781, 1502525817855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17722459

no bully

>> No.17722429 [DELETED] 

Cool "Eigo" as we call it there bro!

>> No.17722441 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 358x373, 1497234660243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17722459


>> No.17722447 [DELETED] 

something something ironic shitposting something something kill yourself

>> No.17722453 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17722459

something something couldn't get the deeper meaning something something fuckk off to /a/

>> No.17722459 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17722469

something something i don't like these posts something something >>>/int/ /bros/ something something

>> No.17722463 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17722479

かくかく おにいちゃん怒ってんの?爆笑 しかじか

>> No.17722469 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17722474


>> No.17722474 [DELETED] 


>> No.17722479 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17722495


>> No.17722495


>> No.17722539

Speaking of Dies Irae, wasn't it supposed to be untranslatable?

>> No.17722548
Quoted by: >>17722569


>> No.17722558

I just can't get the kana in my head any tips?

>> No.17722560
File: 17 KB, 229x173, 1496320776285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not listening to japanese radio and podcasts whenever you're not reading or listening to anything else in japanese

>> No.17722569
Quoted by: >>17722677

im pretty sure the movie bubble boy starring jake gyllenhaal is a line by line adaptation of dies irae


>> No.17722577

Dekinai! Laughed out loud.

>> No.17722609

>not watching anime 24/7

>> No.17722617

Tried it. Kind of hokey. Not nearly as good as Duolingo so far, and after spamming me with an ad for a 60$ a year subscription, they dropped it to 30$ 5 minutes later. Really not impressed.

>> No.17722626

I think you're probably thinking of Muramasa.

>> No.17722642
Quoted by: >>17722647

i think youre prolly thinking of hanahiraっ

>> No.17722647


>> No.17722661

It’s just ‘tsu’ tho?

>> No.17722662

well i dont see this every day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDgD-2f-zjs

>> No.17722677


>> No.17722691
Quoted by: >>17722727

I don't understand 連絡 here, but if I'm guessing, is it talking about an unchanging landscape (because of the black windows)?

>> No.17722727
Quoted by: >>17722738


hes talking about shit bein trippy as fuck
do you know what フィルムの向こう is

>> No.17722731


>> No.17722738

I'm assuming it's just talking about the other side of the film window, am I wrong? Just going by this interpretation since 黒のフィルム加工の施されたウィンドウ was described earlier.

>> No.17722756
File: 292 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20171005-084947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typo, or secret Japanese slang?

>> No.17722765



>> No.17722768

Secret Japanese slang

>> No.17722786

Why the fuck would that be a typo?

>> No.17722896

Am I retarded or are most of the manga at shinmoemanga dot neocities from the guide all corrupted

>> No.17723007
File: 151 KB, 463x381, mm77etO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17723035

Is that て the quotation mark って and they forgot the っ or something? What am I missing?

>> No.17723035
Quoted by: >>17723104

It's just an abbreviation.

>> No.17723065

do people usually write 友だち or 友達? i've seen a lot of the former and not a lot of the latter

>> No.17723068
File: 431 KB, 500x697, 1500447882787.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17723084

What's up with the default dictionary in rikaisama listing the most commong readings always last?

>> No.17723080
Quoted by: >>17723261

That's weird. I've almost never seen the former and almost only seen the latter.

>> No.17723084

It's random as far as I can tell, the dictionary doesn't contain reading frequency information.

>> No.17723097

Are there any better dictionaries in this regard? I find that really bothersome to be honest.

>> No.17723104
Quoted by: >>17723132

>someone posts a link to a full Japanese dictionary to answer a beginner level question
Did you stop to think for a second that someone with that level of question is not gonna be able to read that? That being said, considering where we are and the kind of people who frequent this place, it's likely that's the exact reason you did it.

>> No.17723130
File: 624 KB, 1289x1900, P00187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17723176

A long time ago, I waited ages and ages for new chapters of this manga. Eventually scans completely stopped. After only a few months of learning Japanese, I can get through it pretty easily without looking up many words, and the grammar is simple too. I guess it helps that a good 90% of it is just the characters running away from monsters while screaming. Anyway, it feels cool to read this easily. That's my blog post for today.

>> No.17723132

It's a source for my answer. In any case, anyone could understand the gist of

even if they just hovered every word with Rikai. There's no reason for beginners to actively avoid Japanese sources.

>> No.17723158
Quoted by: >>17723165

it's actually supposed to be ordered from most applicable to least applicable, in jmdict proper

>> No.17723165

but the first one is always the rarest reading, what do you mean by most applicable?

>> No.17723176

>A long time ago, I waited ages and ages for new chapters of this manga.
That was partly why I started learning Japanese too. Well, not for that manga specifically, but there were a bunch I was reading where the scanlators just dropped them half way through, and there were others where the scanlation was so slow that it was multiple volumes behind the original manga. I haven't actually tried reading any of them yet though.

I wonder why scanlation groups are so unreliable compared to fansub groups... not that there are many of those left anymore.

>> No.17723197
Quoted by: >>17723215

Because anime > manga. Also, some fansub groups are slacking too.

>> No.17723210
File: 2.29 MB, 2500x1900, P00030-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the way I see it, scanlation is way more work intensive than subbing. With subtitles, you just listen and translate, and then all that's left is to time the script to the audio and release it. With scanlations, you have to manually erase text off of a page with image editing software, you have to redraw stuff, and you have to make sure you can fit what you need in the word bubbles without it looking bad and without having to cut stuff out. For example, on this two page spread, a lot of scanlation groups would want the pages to be properly stitched together, which means redrawing everything in that little median. And even to remove just the んだ at the bottom there would be a lot of work. It's overall just way more work.

>> No.17723215
File: 152 KB, 736x584, old gto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you might say "hey that all sounds pretty pointless why not just do a rush job to get the manga out" but then you get scans like this that just aren't fun to read.

I think manga>anime anon.

>> No.17723231

They should keep the japanese text, add a white margin to the bottom of the page and put the translations there with keynotes referencing back to the proper spot on the page ;)

>> No.17723234
Quoted by: >>17723276

Two-page spreads like that are rare, and there's no reason you have to erase that text there. You could just create an artificial margin and put the translation of the line there.

>> No.17723261

友だち is a valid way to write it and I see it a lot, probably because me and >>17723080 read different media.

>> No.17723276
File: 3.22 MB, 2415x1900, P00200-201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They show up more often in monthly manga than in weekly manga. The first volume of ハカイジュウ alone has about 20 2-page spreads in it. Which is a lot of work for translators to bother with when all the dialogue is basically "oh shit monsters run!" "the southern exit is blocked!" "uwahhhh there's bodies everywhere!" and stuff that you basically don't even need to understand.

>> No.17723469
Quoted by: >>17723487

So after listening the music while doing some study and checking what it was all about I already feel compelled to read this. Thanks for the heads-up, guess I'm not knowledgeable at all with this kind of media yet to know all about these good stuff.

>> No.17723487

>Thanks for the heads-up, guess I'm not knowledgeable at all with this kind of media yet to know all about these good stuff.
It's one of the top results on VNDB if you sort the entire database of over 21,000 VNs by score.

>> No.17723525
File: 91 KB, 800x1244, ③.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17723595

I just installed Yomichan but I can't import dictionaries. It says "database not initialized" in a red box in the "Dictionary" section of the configuration. Restarting Firexfox and clicking the "purge the database" link has no effect.

Any suggestions? Googling doesn't help.

>> No.17723616

Does Yomichan have any J-J dictionaries?

>> No.17723666
Quoted by: >>17724647

Ask the developer:

>> No.17723691

Everywhere I look, I get the same shitty low quality raws for the manga I want to read. Is it normal for there to only be one crappy version floating around? Will Amazon.jp let me buy a digital copy that actually looks nice? I found a "set" of volumes 1-19 on amazon.jp, but it's selling for, uh, just 1000 or so yen, so I'm pretty sure that's a scam. There's no way, right?

>> No.17723694

And in fact, kindle versions are available, but from the preview it looks to be the same shitty low quality.

>> No.17723741

Try reading the site.

>> No.17723746

Rakuten doesn't have the same resolution restrictions Amazon enforces, and their 864円 volumes tend to be high quality. Stripping the Kobo DRM using Calibre is straightforward as well.

>> No.17723774
Quoted by: >>17723782

If it isn't a very popular manga then 1000 yen could be possible.

>> No.17723782

It ended up running for 21 volumes, so I feel like it had to at least be decently received. But on the other hand, there were 30+ sellers all listing that same bundle of volumes 1-19... I dunno. Maybe I'll try ordering it, if nothing else than the fact that 1000 yen isn't a very big loss in the event that it ends up being a scam.

>> No.17723784

I seem to remember hearing that MATTvsJapan guy on YouTube talk in one of his videos about buying second-hand manga for some stupidly cheap price. It might be legit.

>> No.17723829

Well, I tried looking for the video but I can't find it. Maybe it was someone else's video and I'm just getting confused, but I can't think who else's video it could've been since, as far as I remember, I haven't watched any other YouTube channels about learning Japanese.

>> No.17723848

I remember this too, but I dont remember the name of that site. I just know it was not amazon.
But hey, if it works for amazon too, might as well use it instead.

>> No.17723879
File: 205 KB, 585x775, pixel buds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you wasted your time learning Japanese.

>> No.17723900

>uses babelfish
*breathes in*

>> No.17723902
Quoted by: >>17723974

Is there any field outside of tourism where this would be useful?
Business doesn't want to deal through broken language, books and films already lose enough of their charm through regular translation and no one will let their technical manuals and legalese be translated by a machine

Where would you actually use these?

>> No.17723904

no, we really didnt

>> No.17723911
Quoted by: >>17723946

I need help, my dracu riot no longer starts. It worked just fine until a few hours ago, but I had to leave. After reopening it no longer works, someone had a similar problem?

>> No.17723946

Nevermind, fixed it by reinstalling.

>> No.17723961

That's pretty cool, I'd like to play around with a pair of those while trying out different language Youtube videos to see how it works.

>> No.17723974

Most profession translation is machine assisted and Google has gotten much more accurate with romance and germanic languages, so it could be interesting to see how this technology progresses down the line for basic on the fly communication for similar languages.

>> No.17724078
Quoted by: >>17724702



>> No.17724088 [DELETED] 

How heavy do you think the hiragana おはようおにいちゃん posters are? 300 pounds? 450 pounds?

>> No.17724111 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17724140

Imouto is cute, at least she posts in Japanese.

>> No.17724118
File: 32 KB, 400x400, 勃起.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop masturbating
>read eroge
>start masturbating

>> No.17724140 [DELETED] 

Go away roleplayer.

>> No.17724148


What is this ミューに supposed to mean?

>> No.17724158

Ah, its just a name, sorry.

>> No.17724173 [DELETED] 

It's pretty easy to find out for you since you have direct access to your body.

>> No.17724200
Quoted by: >>17724214

If this thing's speech recognition algorithm is the same one used for Youtube auto-captions, then it wouldn't be very impressive.
Youtube seems better at regognizing English, but even there you can get the occasional screwed-up nouns that throw you off the sentence's actual meaning.
It's a bit weird since Japanese pronunciation seems to be less rich than, say, English, but maybe it's just a lack of effort on Google's part to properly tackle the language (or buy out someone who did).

A real-time translation might be easier on the algorithm, though, since the people having the conversation would speak slowly and rephrase their sentences as necessary to get their meaning through.
For an EOP strolling through Europe, he would be able to communicate on the level of a medium-level speaker with a hearing impediment with no additional effort. The existence of an extensive dictionary at the algorithm's disposal may also mean that people would be able to carry out pretty high-level conversations in niche subjects that they're both familiar with.

>> No.17724214
Quoted by: >>17724287

Please discuss translations and travel at special boards meant for those things.
I recommend >>>/int/
They even have their own DJT.

>> No.17724287
Quoted by: >>17724368

Agreed. This is an anki dick sucking and bashing thread.

>> No.17724337



>> No.17724368

but not even half the posts in here are about anki

>> No.17724543


>> No.17724544
Quoted by: >>17724577


>> No.17724577

>Me creen pedófilo
No me digas. Nunca me lo hubiera imaginado.

>> No.17724582

Kinda new to learning jp, been a goal of mine for a while, only started recently. Read the djt guide, grinded kana and currently doing 2k/6k anki, tae kim and genki I for vocab/grammar. Does this sound like a decent way to learn?

>> No.17724614


>> No.17724647

Report on github.

>> No.17724702
File: 171 KB, 461x592, b cooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17724744

What matters is that you start reading native content as soon as you can and don't turn into a textbook drone.

>> No.17724809
Quoted by: >>17724837


Agreed, textbooks are reference material. If you're textbook has activities, worksheets, or questions for you to answer, throw that shit away.

>> No.17724810
Quoted by: >>17724837

in addition leaving this thread immediately is imperative
theres plenty of japanese people to talk to on the internet who can help you with lots of things to really get you enjoying those erogames the way kamisama intended
you just gotta not be afraid

>> No.17724837

should I be reading basic manga even before 2k kanji or basic grammar/vocab? I had planned to slowly slog through some manga after i got through tae kim and genki, around that point i should also know around 2k kanji, is that reasonable or should i just be throwing myself into the deep end?

>> No.17724843

I have a Twitter account that posts nude mods for a certain game, and a nip I follow invited me to join his sekrit club (which presumably shares exclusive nude mods). The problem is that he definitely assumes I'm Japanese since everything I've tweeted is in (simple) Japanese. How should I respond? I can either

1. Accept the invitation and hope my bad Japanese doesn't expose me as not being Japanese.
2. Accept the invitation but say I'm still learning Japanese.
3. Accept the invitation but say I'm mentally retarded so that's why my Japanese is bad.

Not accepting the invitation is not an option since I want those nude mods really bad.

>> No.17724857
Quoted by: >>17724894

I would personally go with 2, but I don't know anything about the workings of the underworld of nude mods.

>> No.17724868
Quoted by: >>17726113

I'm interested. Where is this from?

>> No.17724873

Honestly, I'd suggest trying Duolingo for grammar. It's a fairly basic phone app which isn't very good at explaining concepts, but has a good method for getting things to stick in your head, particularly particles and verb tenses. Much better than Taekim for actually applying concepts, although Taekim is way better at actually explaining things. I mean still read Taekim because there is a lot on contextual stuff there that Duolingo doesn't cover like polite/casual speech and what have you, but Duolibgi is fantastic for being able to tell where words start and end and what's a particle and what's part of a word.

I'd say avoid the deep end as a matter of not wanting to burn out, but you have to push yourself because otherwise you end up grinding flash cards and not figuring out what the fuck you need to actually learn.

>> No.17724881

Meant for >>17724837

>> No.17724885

Man, what happened here. I don't know if it's because the linguistics autist had a breakdown and killed himself, but the post quality has gone down to almost /int/ tier.

>> No.17724886


I've been reading ever since I was 500 words into core2k/6k.

Let me try and convince you to start reading right this very instant.

So, to read japanese in general, you need to know a bunch of words (30,000+), a bunch of kanji (2,000+ at a minimum), a bunch of grammar rules (no idea actually), and develop a general feel for it (i.e. be fluent). You might as well fucking give up at that point, it is actually impossible to learn all that shit in advance of reading unless you literally move to japan and learn japanese by trying to survive on the street.

However.... the first two pages of yotsubato only has like 30 words and 20 odd grammar rules. It sounds scary, you probably won't understand anything when you try to read, but there is no better way to understand it than actually trying to read it and looking shit up. Think about it, all those grammar rules and words are scattered throughout 4 different textbooks. But everything you need to know is right there on the fucking page with yotsuba. Studying the textbooks first is ridiculous, you don't know what you want to know yet and there is too much shit too cover all your bases beforehand.

So just start working through those first two pages, type the words you don't know into jisho, search the grammar you don't know into the dictionary of japanese grammar, google the other shit, ask dumb questions here. At first you might not even know where words begin or end, that's ok, you will get better eventually.

>> No.17724894

I'm gonna go with 1. and 2. If they do notice my Japanese is bad, I'll tell them. If that's enough to kick me out, I hope I can snag the mods quickly.

>> No.17724902

Honestly, I'd suggest trying Sakubi for grammar. It's a fairly basic website which is very good at explaining concepts, and suggests a good method for getting things to stick in your head, particularly particles and verb tenses (reading). Much better than Taekim for actually applying concepts, although Taekim is way better, because it has thousands of meme warriors defending it. I mean still read Taekim because there is a lot on contextual stuff there that Sakubi wastes less time on like polite/casual speech and what have you, but Sakzbi is fantastic for being able to tell where words start and end and what's a particle and what's part of a word.
I'd say avoid avoiding the deep end as a matter of not wanting to burn out; you have to push yourself because otherwise you end up grinding flash cards and not figuring out what the fuck you need to actually learn.

>> No.17724905

Meant for >>17724837

>> No.17724907

You should've also mentioned that reading actually takes some work off of anki since you learn common words through reading alone which is more fun than doing reps in anki (its more fun given that you read stuff you like)

>> No.17724973
File: 29 KB, 663x317, 俺の嫁.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17724984


>> No.17724983

Guys, if one wants to buy a raw manga from kobo rakuten, are there any special steps he has to take if he doesn't live in japan?

>> No.17724984
Quoted by: >>17724988

Does putting the っ there mean you have to hold the ! extra long?

>> No.17724988

>holding the !
You slut.

>> No.17725028


So. I've read quite a bit of Oyasumi Punpun and all of 20th century boys. Is Xenogears going to be on my confort zone? Should I rather read a VN to learn more?

I'm torn between starting Xenogears, playing the japanese translation of baldur's gate or Dies Irae/Kara no Shoujo/Isaku/Tokyo Twilight Busters/Hayarigami/Eve burst error.
Already played Yu-No in english (wasted oportunity as I loved the fuck out of that...)

I want to try stuff with more complex grammar.

>> No.17725033
Quoted by: >>17725056

Come on, I always wonder why they make buying things legally overseas so hard...

>> No.17725056
File: 180 KB, 600x329, IMG_1299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17725073

Doesn't anybody have e-manga version of ロクでなし魔術講師と禁忌教典/Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Kinki Kyouten

>> No.17725097
Quoted by: >>17725349


thanks, i may start that tomorrow then. how easy would you say you find it now to read raws? do you still go to jisho and look things up, or does it get more natural? how long reading did it take you to become familiar with grammar/vocab in general? sorry in advance for all the questions.

>> No.17725201 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 255x321, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god, are there any convenient guides on private Japanese message groups? I got invited to one, and everyone started saying thanks after I joined. The fuck am I supposed to say? Anki didn't prepare me for this.

>> No.17725216

With anki, is it better to bury leeches or no? I feel like it's better not to bury them so you don't ignore the building blocks for later kanji and end up snowballing shit you don't know, but I want to ask anyway.

>> No.17725242
Quoted by: >>17725249

Leeches are time and energy wasters. Bury them.

>> No.17725249

Good thing I asked, then.

>> No.17725253

I moved mine to a separate deck. Dunno how much it's gonna help.

>> No.17725254
Quoted by: >>17725270

Google fake japanese adress and get a japanese vpn (softether is free but slow).

>> No.17725270

Do not EVER buy anything through free VPNs.

>> No.17725271
Quoted by: >>17725275

Never bothered burying leeches. Don't really see the point.

>> No.17725275
Quoted by: >>17725284

I guess you don't see the point of reading either.

>> No.17725284

I don't see how reading has anything to do with burying leeches.
Its not like it makes a huge dent in your reviews or anything, and sometimes it only takes another word with similar kanji for me to really get it down.

>> No.17725306
Quoted by: >>17725384

why? with https you are encrypted end to end. its the same reason why your ISP doesn't know your credit card info though they know you visited amazon or whatever

>> No.17725336
Quoted by: >>17725359

I have a quick question on grammar as I just started learning like a week ago, and up until now I've just been focusing on memorizing words.

Would you use boku/ore to define things about yourself? Like I am Red, or I am Angry? I see them used as "I am" but I'm not sure if that is an introduction kind of thing, or just a direct literal translation of "I am"

ぼく は赤い

If I wanted to claim that I am literally red, but it is not my name, is that appropriate?

>> No.17725349
Quoted by: >>17725630

>i may start that tomorrow then
Not him, but you really should start reading as soon as possible.

My own experience for a long time was one of repeatedly trying to learn Japanese and then giving up. I always felt like I couldn't start reading until I knew everything there was to know, so I would read beginner guides, even try to read through things like the DoJG, force myself to do Core decks and so on in Anki, and every time I would quit within a month, never getting very far with any of it, because it was just so damn boring doing that stuff. And then, on those few attempts where I finally did try to start reading, I never got anywhere because I felt this need to perfectly understand every sentence and every piece of grammar before I would let myself move on, and very quickly I would get frustrated and angry at myself for not being able to understand things, and I would get demoralized and quit, having ultimately read hardly anything.

The changing point for me came when I read through the AJATT table of contents and got a new perspective on how to approach learning the language. Maybe the stuff there is just common sense for most people, but for me it totally wasn't. The things he says about just having fun and learning by doing the stuff you enjoy and so on were things that I really needed to be told. I didn't swallow the site's method wholesale (else I wouldn't be here speaking in English), but there was a lot of good advice I took away from it.

Since then, I've been reading and listening for a few months now and even from the small amount I've read so far, the difference in experience compared to before is completely different. I don't have to force myself to learn Japanese anymore because it's self-sustaining - just by reading something I want to read, I'm learning. And it's not just that I'm actually having fun now. I can tell, even though I'm still far from fluency, that the language has gotten much more natural for me. A lot of lines in what I'm reading now just intuitively make sense to me and the only work I have to do is hovering over a word I don't know with Yomichan to see what it means. I still run into lines I don't understand, of course, but most of those I can figure out pretty quickly just by re-reading them slowly once or twice. If I can't figure a line out after a minute or so though, I don't worry about it like I used to. Rather than coming to a complete halt with my reading and getting all angry and stressed out over not understanding... I just let it go and move on. And even so, I'm still getting better.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to just start reading and listening to whatever you're interested in as soon as possible. Don't be an idiot like I was and waste all that time getting stuck on beginner resources and never moving on.

>> No.17725359

Dirty Gaijin don't get to use 僕 nor 俺. You need to use わちき to refer to yourself. Other than that those sentences are okay.

>> No.17725373

So If I wanted to describe something about myself, would I use a pronoun? Or should I just use my own name?

>> No.17725375
Quoted by: >>17725452

Should I bother decrypting messy handwritten pages/parts in manga? I'm really not sure whether that'd be beneficial.

>> No.17725379

If they actually cared they would require a nip debit card.

>> No.17725384

Old versions of TLS are not secure, and some shops still use them.

>> No.17725386

Both is okay.

>> No.17725413

Unless you are close friends with someone, use 私. It's a meme here but that's actually the most normal and polite for 99% of situations you'll encounter until you get good enough to know the difference anyway.

>> No.17725427

>Dirty Gaijin don't get to use 僕 nor 俺
is this a real thing

>> No.17725452
Quoted by: >>17725515

Do you want to learn to read handwritten Nipponese?

>> No.17725515
Quoted by: >>17725550

Yeah, but as I see the problem, it's mostly just about painfully inputting the unknown kanji to various search engines and hoping to get it right that I'm doing right now. I can read most of the words I've already learnt, but it's hard to deal with stuff that is both new AND handwritten.

>> No.17725550 [DELETED] 

The one that started it.

>> No.17725570
Quoted by: >>17725587

Can I update ff or will it kill rikai?

>> No.17725587
Quoted by: >>17727136

I think there's still a month left before Rikaisama is kill.

>> No.17725614
File: 61 KB, 756x715, 1497596207100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we have a site like http://wiki.wareya.moe/Stats for LNs?

I'm curious how LNs compare with VNs in terms of amount of words, kanji, and so on.

>> No.17725627
File: 1.56 MB, 4160x3120, poem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17725765


I don't get that プリズム part at all... How is a prism related to blowing this guy's sin away?

This is 悪の華 and this is the protag writing a poem to his crush whose PE clothes he stole.

>> No.17725630

Really appreciate this, thanks a lot for sharing your experience. I think I would have probably fallen into the same rut that you describe too.

>> No.17725636
File: 598 KB, 1237x622, jfdshkjfhsdkhfsdhfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why say "言ってた" and not "言った"?

Am I missing something basic here?

>> No.17725645
Quoted by: >>17725666

have been saying vs said

>> No.17725666
File: 48 KB, 680x578, Generally disappointed 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's right, ~ている=~てる
fucking hell, gotta practice

>> No.17725673

I think the DJT library includes a few stats, but not as comprehensive.

>> No.17725678

I think you could use the same tools.

>> No.17725691

100 kanji down in three weeks. how long until i turn japanese, lads?

>> No.17725695
Quoted by: >>17725732

do you even know any grammar?

>> No.17725697


Twelve minutes or so.

>> No.17725732

yes, i know particles and relevant verbs

>> No.17725759


>> No.17725765
File: 34 KB, 900x900, lol come onnnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17725777
Quoted by: >>17725801




>> No.17725801


>> No.17726113

Dracu riot

>> No.17726125

If you don't understand this speech you don't know Japanese

>> No.17726203
Quoted by: >>17726410

Want to have sex with Ena.

>> No.17726410
File: 173 KB, 311x841, hmmuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17726459
Quoted by: >>17726468

Today I mined the following words:



>> No.17726468

no1 give fuck

>> No.17726481
File: 16 KB, 500x375, 1507210805659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17726488

Anyone know what that first kanji is? I can read the rest but I can barely see that one.

>> No.17726488
Quoted by: >>17726494


>> No.17726494
Quoted by: >>17726497

shit, arigathanks gozaimuch

>> No.17726497

Kill yourself

>> No.17726499

Is it possible that the な of な adjectives comes from なる or なり, or is it already identified as something else?

>> No.17726554

It allegedly comes from an "archaic" copula which was more or less like なり

>> No.17726560

It comes from the copula なり, which is a contraction of にあり. whether that に is a case marker or a surviving instance of the proto-japonic copula is another question entirely. It does not come from the "become" word なる; there was no use of なる as in "become" in the places where な was first used.



>> No.17726620
Quoted by: >>17726905


>> No.17726899
File: 497 KB, 500x280, 1491659451711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17726954

I assume there are at least a couple of people here who use LNs are their reading material. Are there any good ones you'd recommend?

Looking through the DJT Library, there are so many there that I don't know where to start, and I don't know of any site like VNDB for LNs which would let me sort by different tags and such to find one that I think would be interesting.

>> No.17726905
Quoted by: >>17726926

for a second i thought you were going for "sexual harassment" written in ateji

>> No.17726926
File: 71 KB, 1000x900, 1_000000007340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would never do such a thing

>> No.17726954

haruchika is the only ln i could stand reading for more than 5 mins
oh i guess i did read ken to maho no fantasy on the toilet over a handful of defecations

>> No.17726977

According to DJT libary, most LNs lie around 1500 ~ 1900 kanji. Most VNs seem to be 1700 ~ 2000, which makes sense if you consider the fact that a lot of VNs, unlike LNs, are rated 18+

>> No.17726998

Or just say you don't know Japanese.

>> No.17727033

I'm at 1755 kanji, and imo reading comprehension is far more important in LNs

>> No.17727136

What's going to happen with rikaisama? Firefox forcibly removes mods that are too old?

>> No.17727150
Quoted by: >>17727153

Firefox is moving to a new add-on API and the Rikaisama devs aren't going to port Rikaisama over to work on it. Starting from version 57 (i.e. the next stable release), the legacy add-on API will be completely excised from Firefox.

The new API lets add-on developers do less things than the old one, so some add-ons are simply impossible to port to the new API, but given that Yomichan works fine with the new API I don't think this applies to Rikaisama. I think the Rikaisama devs most likely just couldn't be bothered to rewrite their entire add-on from scratch.

I'd switch to Yomichan and start getting used to it now if I were you. Rikaisama has less than a month of life left in it.

>> No.17727153
Quoted by: >>17727184

Well shit.

>> No.17727154
Quoted by: >>17727160

Just disable the firefox updates and you can keep using it

>> No.17727160

the pleasure of russian botnet membership

>> No.17727184
Quoted by: >>17727193

Yomichan recently got some updates which allow you to make it behave much like Rikaisama. There's not really any reason to keep using Rikaisama anymore.

>> No.17727193
Quoted by: >>17727221

Is there a way to change the white color?

>> No.17727221

Right now, I don't think so, but maybe if you bug the dev he'll start work on making the appearance customisable. He seems to be quite responsive to user requests.

>> No.17727291

I've restarted learning Japanese, Currently working on this deck so I could have an easier time with genki again: https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/1188123894, Is it okay to hit good on a new card that I can only read if I mouse over the furigana or if I just saw it a minute ago? I'm worried about not retaining any of the kanji, this seems impossible

>> No.17727299
Quoted by: >>17727456

You're worrying about trivial things, there are only two important things you need to keep in mind:

i)If your retention is shit, consider lowering the amount of words you learn per day
ii)If you keep doing your reps every day you will eventually learn them. The only way you won't learn is if you stop.

>> No.17727302

>I've restarted learning Japanese
But you've barely started. Forget that deck, use Core 2k/6k for vocabulary.

If you have trouble recognizing kanji use KKLC or RTK (with https://github.com/kanji-koohii/kanji-koohii))

>> No.17727307

Fuck, meant to post https://hochanh.github.io/rtk/

>> No.17727324
Quoted by: >>17727456

You don't need to memorize the vocab from Genki. Just get through it as quickly as possible.


>> No.17727338
Quoted by: >>17727346




>> No.17727346


>> No.17727362
Quoted by: >>17727374

i've decided to start reading, what's a good babbys first VN? i know less than 1000 words so far i'll probably drop it soon anyway and come back when i'm more prepared but it can't hurt to try

>> No.17727374
File: 114 KB, 640x480, UyKOwt0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can read this, then you can read this

>> No.17727377
File: 79 KB, 320x405, ans-166895675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17727419
File: 375 KB, 400x224, 1g2gxbeCL32v11smsxKaf7Vo_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17727420

I understand kanji and words, but what the fuck does this mean? There was so much loud voices since morning, someone seems to be lost?

>> No.17727432
Quoted by: >>17727467

>but what the fuck does this mean?
Like you, I don't know Japanese, but going by context and what I expect, I would assume it means something like:
>Amane, speaking with such a loud voice in the morning is a nuisance to those in the neighborhood, right? (You know better; don't talk so loud)

>> No.17727434

amane is one slick チンピラ

>> No.17727437

i dont understand this language

why does naru have so many fucking definitions, why is "寒くなりたい” grammatically correct with adverb? do I not understand what an adverb is?

>> No.17727441

"oi u dumb lezzo slut, ur gonna piss the fuckin neighbours off if u keep shoutin like that this early in the mornin innit"

>> No.17727444

who cares, just deal with it

>> No.17727451
Quoted by: >>17727612

you mean adjective?
is it strange to want something to become an adjective?
is it strange to want something to become cold?

>> No.17727456

Got it, just stop worrying and keep going.

I was planning on finishing that deck asap and then switching to core 6k/10k, is that a bad idea?

>> No.17727467

Where the fuck was I supposed to look up 迷感?

>> No.17727472

>寒い - cold
>なる - to become
>たい ending - to want x to happen
>なる+たい = なりたい - to want to become
>寒くなりたい - to want (something, someone) to become cold
folks, did i suss this out properly? respond if you're not scared

>> No.17727473


I had trouble with those in the start too.

>> No.17727475
Quoted by: >>17727481

Just fuck my shit up senpai. Thanks.

>> No.17727474

is this kaori's chav twin spirit

>> No.17727481

I find it helps to learn other words that use the kanji -- here are some example that I can think
of off the top of my head: 誘惑, 疑惑.

>> No.17727493
Quoted by: >>17727503






>> No.17727501

Hmm, well, seems they don't ship overseas anyway when it's a big set of books like that. I guess that figures. So if I want a huge bundle of books to be sent, I guess I'll need to use one of those services where someone over there buys it, I give them money, and they ship it to me?

Has anybody got experience using services like that?

>> No.17727503
Quoted by: >>17727516

Fugg -- I'm not ready to produce japanese yet.
The problem, I feel, is noticing the difference between the two kanji and learning words that use the trouble-kanji helps associate the reading and the kanji.
...to be honest though, if I saw 迷感, I would probably read it was めいわく without skipping a beat unless it didn't make sense within the context of the sentence.

>> No.17727516

迷感じゃあ めーかん でしょ?


>> No.17727555
File: 492 KB, 1038x1700, P00031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17727574


>> No.17727574
Quoted by: >>17727578

How do you read

>> No.17727578

I don't even know, when syllables that don't usually have voicing marks on em receive them anyway I just kind of think it's supposed to be really rough and guttural. Kind of groaned more than said.

>> No.17727612

>is it strange to want something to become an adjective?
If you're an ESL don't talk about English grammar.

>> No.17727615

>fell for the "you only need to know about kana and tae kim to start reading" meme
fuck you guys i spent 2 weeks doing nothing but reading VNs and its nothing but pure fucking torture. i spend 3 mins on normal length sentences on average and it gained me absolutely nothing but slightly faster kana recognition. fuck all of you

>> No.17727621
Quoted by: >>17727676

Watch anime until you are fluent

>> No.17727634

Should've gone with Imabi

>> No.17727655


>> No.17727659

What EXACTLY is the problem you're having? Is it just looking up all the vocab? If this thread tricked you out of using anki and drilling core, you only have yourself to blame for not following the guide.

>> No.17727661


You need a healthy mix of everything early on, of course doing nothing but reading when you barely know anything is retarded. Gotta work on grammar, kanji and vocab as well and accept that any reading you attempt is going to be very slow at first.

>> No.17727676

FF外から失礼するゾ~(謝罪) このツイート面白スギィ!!!!!自分、RTいいっすか? 淫夢知ってそうだから淫夢のリストにぶち込んでやるぜー いきなりリプしてすみません!許してください!なんでもしますから!(なんでもするとは言ってない)

>> No.17727703

At least learn radicals, nigga.
