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File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15473773 No.15473773 [Reply] [Original]

Ayo son move over. The witch-hunters run this joint, ya dig?
Now I ain't wanna hear any of that magic bull. Logic only.
Shout out to lady Bernkastel, she's pretty dope.

>> No.15473777
File: 41 KB, 379x419, erika's bedroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15473820
File: 1.24 MB, 1180x850, nice boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your bad end.

>> No.15474417
Quoted by: >>15474502

>Jessica never noticing Yasu being multiple people, one of which is her best friend and another her falling in love with

>> No.15474502

Yasu already had several years of practice altering their appearance and behavior trying become Battler's ideal woman before Kanon was created. Plus Genji, Kumasawa, and Nanjo were all lying to cover for them. And people can be surprisingly slow to notice something unexpected.

>> No.15474594
Quoted by: >>15475828

Thanks anon. Now it all finally makes sense.

>> No.15475124
Quoted by: >>15475365

TL;DR Alert
Some anon from the last thread asked me this:

>While we're on the topic, how many episodes do you think would be needed to adapt Umineko and Chiru well? I don't know exactly how long the VN is, but the manga has 53 volumes, which is a ton.

In this case, I will break down more or less the numbers for you:

Depending of the source material and how it is presented, the number of episodes may vary.

Normally, we have a pretty general rule people in the anime industry tend to follow for your average adaptation of a manga source or novel source.

12-13 episodes = 4 manga volumes = 2 light novels

Less or more than that indicates either rushed material or slow pacing in most of the cases.

However. works like Death Note and Bakuman for example have tons and tons of text and infodumps (exposition everywhere in every single chapter too), so, that's not always the case.

The same can be said vice-versa (One Punch Man for example almost has no dialogues in many action sequences that extends for 54 pages of purely eyegasm awesomeness with double pages and all, which is why they could adapt 8 volumes in 12 episodes without any rushed moment (besides cutting a certain backstory for being kinda polemical).

In Umineko's case, the ammount of text, necessary narrative and lots of other elements in its presentation may not only be impossible to represent in an animated format without losin a lot of the content behind it, but as well impossible to adapt in a 23 minutes per episode pacing (they would need at least 45 minutes per episode to arrange things properly and give each episode an overall acceptable format (with that I mean no weird cuts, no rushed plot-devices in order to get in a stop-point, etc...).

In this case, if I were to judge...

1. Episodes 1-4

12 episodes (23 minutes each) minimum per Arc/Episode = 4-5 manga volumes per Arc/Episode = 2 books per Arc/Episode = 1 Arc/Episode in the VN (more or less 17-25 hours of reading depending of the Arc, calculating via youtube full playthrough numbers)

My Opinion:
Some Arcs might need to use a bit more of episodes since the text quantity, infodumps, narrative and monologues are just so vast and obligatory in many cases.
6-8 episodes (45-50 minutes each) = 4-5 manga volumes = 2 light novels = 1 Arc

2. Episodes 5-8

18 episodes (23 minutes each) minimum per Arc/Episode = 6-9 manga volumes per Arc/Episode = 2-3 books per Arc/Episode = 1 Arc/Episode in the VN (more or less 20-30 hours of reading depending of the Arc, calculating via youtube full playthrough numbers)

My Opinion:
Yet again. some Arcs might need to use a bit more of episodes since the text quantity, infodumps, narrative and monologues are just so vast and obligatory in many cases.

Not only that, if they were to add the extra info from the Episode 8's manga, things could get even bigger than the expected.

Also, considering the narrative structure and overall presentation becomes so complex later on, they might need some more time to present the elements properly.

8-15 episodes (45-50 minutes each) = 6-9 manga volumes = 2-3 light novels = 1 Arc

Do the math and you will get pretty much a long-running anime series or a "Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu"-like OVA series.

>> No.15475365

Wow, I didn't expect you to actually calculate it. I'm impressed

>> No.15475414
File: 652 KB, 1024x576, _0016_Alice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Website got updated with new info, some screenshots and the opening

>> No.15475423
Quoted by: >>15475432

Oh my God it's Bern.

>> No.15475432
File: 275 KB, 1024x576, Gakuen7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit!

>> No.15475440

FREDERICA BERNKASTEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.15475449

I smell a clusterfuck of a masterpiece.

>> No.15475450
Quoted by: >>15475799

They misspelled the name in the logo

>> No.15475466
Quoted by: >>15475474

Apparently her name is Takatori Fuhka

>> No.15475474

Apparently she's a mysterious girl who stands on the rooftop. She's saying the wind has stopped.

>> No.15475476

Beato in a plane?!?!?!?!??!!

>select all the images with airplanes

>> No.15475484
Quoted by: >>15475485

Platform X

>> No.15475485


>> No.15475619

Lambda when

>> No.15475643
Quoted by: >>15475689

Is it confirmed the they are "the same characters"?

>> No.15475686
File: 401 KB, 1024x576, Mirai8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the aliens in Vespio are going to look like

>> No.15475689
Quoted by: >>15475704

Depends on what you mean. If you mean same personalities, it's not guaranteed. He likes to reuse characters, but also gives them a different role and personality.

"Further questioning included such topics such as the connection between the characters of Erika Furudo and Bernkastel from Umineko and Rika from Higurashi. Ryukishi sees his characters as actors and compared using the above characters in Umineko as being similar to Harrison Ford playing both Han Solo and Indiana Jones, in that the person behind the role is the same, bu the character they are playing in each movie, or in this case game, is very different."
source: http://apgnation.com/articles/2015/05/19/17101/another-round-red-truths-ryukishi07/

>> No.15475692

2 best trolls in one brand new game. I can't wait for the new best trainwreck of the decade.

>> No.15475704

Yea, I was inspired by that. Why not reuse the same characters in a story if we do that with actors in movies and plays?

I am still curious because it seems that he always gets something crossover in his stories with the metaworld and Witches. Always understood it as actors giving opinions on the script and changing it if the author agrees etc.

>> No.15475723
File: 327 KB, 1024x576, Mirai1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476802

Glad to see Chiester 410 back

This shit is going to be so strange

>> No.15475729

So the sprites of the main characters in Country Girl and Gakuen Renai are drawn by the other artists, while the rest of the sprites are drawn by Ryukishi? Why?


>> No.15475739
File: 426 KB, 500x400, eroruu ryukishi07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15480074

Why not?

>> No.15475744
Quoted by: >>15475755

Different kakera

>> No.15475755
File: 385 KB, 1024x576, Inaka4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's drawing some of the sprites for all three stories. There are clearly two different artstyles here

>> No.15475759

Kakera fused together

>> No.15475761

This is so weird looking that I'm hyped for this now.

>> No.15475769


Jesus fuck Ryukishi.

>> No.15475775

Is this considered WTC 5?

>> No.15475777

What's interesting is that these characters are from Tonokawa's story, and not Ryukishi's

>> No.15475785

It's never been refered to as that, so probably not. The VN is releasing next month, and the manga has been running for a while, so if this was WTC5, I think they would have revealed so already

>> No.15475788

I fucking love how he even kept the troll face from Umineko. Even if the story doesn't make any sense this is still gonna be entertaining as fuck. Never change Bern. She better mess with the world really good.

>> No.15475793
Quoted by: >>15476220

Ryukishi said it was the next WtC in all but name. And then he also released an actual new WtC on the sidelines.

>> No.15475799
Quoted by: >>15477034

>you are old father william
"You Are Old, Father William" is a poem by Lewis Carroll that appears in his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

I'm really curious to know how Alice in Wonderland fits in all of this.

>> No.15475828
File: 447 KB, 900x1314, the knock never happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475836

You'll notice that this answer was done with the blue truth, not the red truth. This does not confirm anything. The blue truth does not confirm anything to be accurate. It only serves as a plausible answer for the red truth. Just like small bombs truth being retarded doesn't confirm anything as well at the end of ep 4.

>> No.15475836
Quoted by: >>15475845

I think Battler would have said something against it if it was wrong. I mean, he almost got killed, it wouldn't really make sense to stay silent about it

>> No.15475845

And Beatrice would have said something if small bombs were wrong. He didn't want to reveal anything.

> I mean, he almost got killed, it wouldn't really make sense to stay silent about it
So did Beatrice in ep 4 and most of Battler's answers were all wrong, as confirmed by Lambda and Bernkastel later in that episode. Incidentally, Beatrice actually died keeping silent of the real answer, revealing only that Kinzo was dead from the start.

Erika giving blue truths is as accurate as Battler giving blue truths. Blue truths are like shotgun blasts. They're not made to be accurate, even if you shoot pointblank. The only thing that can confirm anything is your own hypothesis gold truth or a red truth which will never be given.

Do not rely on the blue truth to give you the answers, and do not accept answers which perfectly line up with your own view of things. Don't accept this as a truth unless you think it is, not because those are Erika's answers.

>> No.15475855

>Don't accept this as a truth unless you think it is, not because those are Erika's answers.
But because you have conviction that those are the answers.

>> No.15475858
File: 247 KB, 900x1314, 21_38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475882

>So did Beatrice
Yeah, but she wanted to die. You can see later that Battler is struggeling to come up with a red truth to refute Erika's blue, so if she was wrong then why wouldn't he just say so?

>> No.15475882

>Yeah, but she wanted to die.
No, she wanted someone to figure out the mystery. This is why Claire was happy Will solved it in ep 7. It was never about dying, but solving the answers.

>if she was wrong then why wouldn't he just say so?
Because he doesn't want to give up the answer. Just like Beatrice. Hell, even that red truth he gives doesn't confirm anything and is shot down by a blue truth which doesn't confirm anything as well.

>the phone call was made by no one
>it was done by trick X

Which, again, doesn't reveal anything but implies a fuckton

>You can see later that Battler is struggeling to come up with a red truth to refute Erika's blue
No he's not, he's even saying in that image that he wants to limit a red truth that doesn't harm Beatrice. A red that doesn't reveal too much but still reveals a lot that can harm her a bit.

>> No.15475913
File: 314 KB, 900x1314, 21_45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15475928

So you're saying that Battler would rather die than give up the answer to save Ange? That doesn't sound too convincing

>> No.15475927
Quoted by: >>15475941

>the phone call was made by no one
I'm curious, what's your explanation for it, if it wasn't Yasu?

>> No.15475928

>Battler would rather die than give up the answer to save Ange?
That's meta-Battler, not Battler. And yes, Tohya wanted to save Ange but also protect Beatrice's mystery, which is why he stole the diary.

>It doesn't matter if it doesn't sound convincing,
It's exactly how it happened.

Battler gave a red truth and tried to limit it so that it wouldn't hurt too much Beatrice. Meaning that it wouldn't reveal too much.
Erika gave a blue truth to counter it which may or may not be accurate.
And Battler submitted defeat to not give out more answers, because the only way to counter a blue truth is to either say nothing and take the pain or give a red truth to counter it.

It doesn't matter if it doesn't sound convincing because it's similar to how battles have been fought between Beatrice and Battler. It's just that Batler is now fighting on behalf of Beatrice at the end.

>> No.15475941
Quoted by: >>15475951

Trick X. The point I'm making isn't that the answer isn't Yasu but that other answers are possible and that the implication given is that the answer can only be Yasu.
For example, it could be a tape recording. It could be as Erika says, but with someone claiming the identity of the baby in name only to fool Natsuhi. Trick X.

The point I'm making is that the blue truth implies a fuckton Yasu but doesn't confirm it because the blue truth is not the red truth. Giving an answer in the blue truth that does not get confirmed is as likely as small bombs being the answer.

>> No.15475951
File: 364 KB, 900x1314, 21_39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could be a tape recording
But someone would still have to make the call, right? The red truth says that the 'caller' was none of the 18, and as far as I know, tape recorders couldn't make calls by themself back in 1986

I can't really think of any explanation for this, except for Yasu

>> No.15475960
Quoted by: >>15476046

Regardless, I'll cheat and just say ''I refuse to explain'' like Beatrice.

>> No.15476046
Quoted by: >>15476060


New information on TRI and you guys are seriously doing THIS? Manga was a period to the mystery of umineko, now let's talk about Bern appearing.

>> No.15476060
Quoted by: >>15476073

Okay, well, I hate Bernkastel but seeing her in a highschool body makes me want to fuck her. I'm having weird conflicting emotions about her being in TRI.

>> No.15476062
File: 268 KB, 787x1400, Fuuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck Fuhka!

>> No.15476063

>Beatrice appearing

I hope that shit gets trolled.

>> No.15476073

Need that good quality fan art right now!

>> No.15476077
File: 280 KB, 787x1400, Miho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks a bit like Shannon

>> No.15476088
Quoted by: >>15476103

I like the coloring job

>> No.15476090

We witch highschool now?

>> No.15476103
File: 295 KB, 788x1400, VpAlice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too, Ryukishi has improved a lot

>> No.15476104

Her head looks so weird on that body.

>> No.15476107
Quoted by: >>15476114

Why are their uniforms different from berns?

>> No.15476114

They're from Country Girl, NotBern is from Gakuen Renai

>> No.15476118

>that ring cunny between her legs

>> No.15476128

Any /k/ommandos know what rank she might be from the decorations?

>> No.15476141
File: 221 KB, 787x1400, Falco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big gun

>> No.15476146


>> No.15476154
Quoted by: >>15476161

Why are there two different artstyles on the characters? It looks bad.

>> No.15476155
File: 124 KB, 450x361, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck. It looks like a cross between that space marine gun from Starship Troopers and Aliens but looks like a toy gun enlarged.
What's with futuristic weapons being insanely large as fuck?

>> No.15476161
Quoted by: >>15476167

More like three. Because the game has three different artists, just like it has three different authors

>> No.15476167

>three artist
>three stories
>three authors
>When They Cry 3

>> No.15476171

That's a big famas

>> No.15476179
Quoted by: >>15476184

>No one are translating Hotarubi
>No one are translating Iwaihime
>TRianThology probably won't be translated either

Is there any chance that MangaGamer might pick this up? They do have a partership with 07th Expansion after all

>> No.15476184

Learn Japanese.
Ryukishi is too irrelevant nowadays.

>> No.15476188
Quoted by: >>15477054

>you were born just in time to create dank TRI memes before it's even out

>> No.15476195
Quoted by: >>15476212

>Ryukishi is too irrelevant nowadays.
Yeah, that's why MangaGamer are making improved translations of both Higurashi and Umineko at the moment

>> No.15476212

The west is irrelevant.

>> No.15476220

There's no evidence that states Hotarubi is the new WtC, unless the people that have read the released chapters can say otherwise. I've always thought it was just some side-story.

>> No.15476222
Quoted by: >>15476244

R07 is one of those people who actually pays some attention to his western audie6

>> No.15476230
Quoted by: >>15476244

I guess that's why he went to western cons for interviews, huh?

>> No.15476232

>Ryukishi is too irrelevant nowadays.
Yeah, that's why he has three (soon four) manga running at the moment

>> No.15476240

No one cares about them.
Just look at how few tweets there were about trianthology after the OP was released and the site was updated.

>> No.15476244
Quoted by: >>15476254

Ryukishi's defence force is here. Start the original vs ps3 sprite discussion

>> No.15476245

Do we have a name for this OP song?

>> No.15476247

Ryukishi is out of his mind at the moment
>burns out after getting sick for almost a month while writing RGD's last season and had to both delay the release and rush the ending.
>says he's no longer sure if he can write as much as he could when he wrote Higurashi and Umineko
>almost nothing after RGD, only Higurashi Hou and Sui which is just an extention of Higurashi stories and voices
>says he's not even sure he can release two stories per year, and that he might just release one story per year
>then he releases four stories at the same time

I don't care how popular it is so long as I can read his work.
He's the only author I personally really love.

>> No.15476254
Quoted by: >>15476262

>Start the original vs ps3 sprite discussion
Pffftt, that's old argument.
The new argument will be which one of the three art styles in TRI is the best.

>> No.15476255
Quoted by: >>15476280

I too enjoy his work, but people seem to delude themselves concerning his relevance in these threads.

>> No.15476262

>3 art styles
>Each arc has a different UI
>The lead males are all basically the same guy except each drawn by a different person

he's making fun of it at this point

>> No.15476265
Quoted by: >>15476280

>then he releases four stories at the same time
He's also writing some bonus VN that's included in one of the Rewrite Blu-Rays

>> No.15476266

Makes me sad, desu.

Even if people dislike Ryukishi's works, you honestly can't deny that at least he thinks outside of the box, he doesn't just churn out the same formula over and over again. And I guess that's what I admire about him, he just does his own thing.

>> No.15476270
Quoted by: >>15476280

Writers inspiration is just like that. One moment you're in the park feeding pigeons, next moment you're putting intriguing stories on paper. The life of a writer is full of uncertainty, so lambda is definitely not a writer

>> No.15476274

Deconstruction of the art genre6

>> No.15476280

I don't care about his relevance as a measure of his worth. Ryukishi is content with working in the sub culture he's in and I get to read it. That's all that matters to me.

I wonder if he really writes like Featherine. First writing on paper then rewriting on a computer. The guy writes like a madman.

I know Ryukishi is full of brilliance, not just by reading his works but I saw it in his eyes. You know that feeling when you love something so much that you try to describe something to someone, like a game or whatever, and you start shacking uncontrollably while getting your point across that the thing is so good that they have to try it?
In 2012, when Ryukishi went to France to meet with Witch Hunt, someone asked him about Rose Guns Days. The asker incorrectly said the name of the title and Ryukishi immediately corrected him while ranting about the ideas, inspiration, stories, etc.
You could see the glow and passion in his eyes. It was beautiful.

I don't think Ryukishi is ever out of ideas. The amount of stories, plot, characters, setting and themes he makes is always new and uniques. They're never the same.
There's no other author I can think of that can jump so many different type of stories.

Ryukishi probably got sick, burned out and got his mojo back.

>> No.15476287
Quoted by: >>15476304

Trianthology has been in development for a very long time though.

>> No.15476295

>when you love something so much that you try to describe something to someone, like a game or whatever, and you start shacking uncontrollably

Every time someone asks me for tips on the mysteries in umineko

>> No.15476304
File: 2.94 MB, 3053x1216, M37 will be the next setting for WTC -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476309

It was supposed to be released in winter 2014. Written by him alone. That's when I think he completely burned out. He got other writers to help him and probably worked on other things. Romeo said that the structure of TRI was very good, probably enough to give a good direction of where to go, but enough to give writing styles to each author.

>> No.15476309
Quoted by: >>15476315

This is what I've kinda been worried about. It'd be quite weird if each of the three stories had a different feel from each other that it detracted from the entire thing, and the other writers may have gone a different direction and did different stuff than Ryukishi originally planned, but I'm sure that they cross-checked often.

>> No.15476315

The problem I had was how poorly coordinated Rewrite was. However, the way Ryukishi structures his stories is with checkpoints. You can really feel those in his short stories.
He probably has X will happen, then Y, then Z, etc. Write jokes or whatever to get to those points without breaking the direction to go there.
Reading the manga of TRI makes me feel that's what's happening.

I'm not worried at all. Plus Ryukishi wrote it and planned it years in advance, so he knows how the story will go.

>> No.15476328

Here's hoping for a problem in the story to arise, the screen going dark with the letters <good> in the middle of the screen and some unannounced zts track to start playing.

I want to believe

>> No.15476330


>> No.15476341

I want to scream as loud I did when I read the ending of ep 3, or the tea party in ep 7, or the pudding scene in RGD. I'm hoping TRI has something as emotionally shocking as that.

Art is measured by how much it can give an emotional reaction to the audience. The worst thing art can do is nothing. To have wasted your time for nothing.
I think it's the reason I love Ryukishi so much. His goal is to give emotional reactions and to make his stories as much of a rollercoaster as possible.

There's truly no one else like him.

>> No.15476361 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 343x440, ber_odorokia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476366

Goodnight, Seacats

>> No.15476366

Not yet Fuuka. Not yet

>> No.15476371

Bernkastel seems to become better the less clothes she wears.

>> No.15476373

Fuuka when?

>> No.15476379 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 343x440, ber_ikaria2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476382


>> No.15476382

>implying cats aren't the most active at night

>> No.15476387
Quoted by: >>15476398

no RP allowed.

>> No.15476398

You do realize you're in an umineko thread right?

>> No.15476504
File: 292 KB, 500x400, FErika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476529

Pirate tea party

>> No.15476529
File: 185 KB, 536x1242, Pirate E-Rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This never gets old.

>> No.15476586
Quoted by: >>15476615

Speaking of Erika, what's up with the gorilla in the gallery and why is the captain looking guy named reward?

>> No.15476605

This is some scary shit. It's like a horror movie reveal where a character takes off her mask to reveal fucking Bern underneath.

>> No.15476615
Quoted by: >>15476633

Why are two of the crew members named Blood and Goro?

>> No.15476633
Quoted by: >>15476647


HIDE YO DAUGHTERU HIDE YO WAIFU ain't nobody safe anymore

>> No.15476638

>you thought it was gonna be a happy ending? Tough luck, it's me, Bernkastel!

>> No.15476647
Quoted by: >>15476655

Is this 2011 again? Jesus.

More like if Jason Voorhees wore a pretty dress and was pretending to be a schoolgirl.
>yeah yeah, it's just an actor, totally unconnected to the horror movies, trust me

>> No.15476655

>Is this 2011 again?

You are in an umineko thread. Most people here haven't gotten past 2009 mentality

just let me shit post in peace

>> No.15476659

I want to go back

Nanjo is Nanjo's granddaughter

>> No.15476663
File: 885 KB, 826x826, smile~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not complaining though. Just, wow, an old meme. It somewhat would be fun to be back in 2011 though.

>> No.15476669

Bring back moon change. Ryukishi killed her

>> No.15476672

Chan *
Funposting on the move is difficult

>> No.15476676

Well, Nanjo is his family name, so that's technically right

>> No.15476684
File: 37 KB, 400x400, FErika_m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we're in a Funposting mood can we post more Erika? You know, for the good times

>> No.15476688

Erika pls go

>> No.15476693

>I don't care about his relevance as a measure of his worth
True, but the thing is: he is not very relevant in the west, thus the chances of we getting translations for his new stuff are small. Just look at the people here sad that no one is translating Hotarubi.

>> No.15476697
Quoted by: >>15476702

This is a Bern thread, shit detective.

>> No.15476698
Quoted by: >>15476734

It's a bit strange too, considering the relative popularity of the Higurashi anime. You'd think MG's rerelease of the question arcs would at least be selling more.

>> No.15476702
Quoted by: >>15476726

Thread image would suggest otherwise lambda delta.

>> No.15476705
Quoted by: >>15476715

He looks pregnant with that belly. Must be the clothes, but damn it.

>> No.15476706
File: 387 KB, 1280x948, tumblr_o47lspeGKp1r07nppo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476719


>> No.15476708

All of his VNs have been translated though, except for Iwaihime and Okamikakushi, but noone wants that, so I still have hope that someone will do TRT

>> No.15476715

Dude for fuck sake, it takes me ages to unsee those kind of things

>> No.15476719


>> No.15476726

A true Erika fan would submit to a Bern thread.

>> No.15476729

Has anyone asked Witch Hunt about it?

>> No.15476730

MG will probably do Tri regardless of what any of the few remaining fan groups decides to do

>> No.15476734

Higurashi was pretty popular in 2006, but that was 10 years ago. It isn't that popular anymore now

>> No.15476735
Quoted by: >>15476747

Expect them to reply January next year

>> No.15476737

>he literally just copypasted berns head onto another body and updated the coloring

>> No.15476741

I assume they're busy updating the Chiru translation

>> No.15476745
Quoted by: >>15476757

MG is doing that themselves

>> No.15476746
File: 163 KB, 1871x402, hey misters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476760

>> No.15476747

I miss the old "meanwhile at Witch Hunt".

>> No.15476755


>> No.15476757

They're working with Witch Hunt

>> No.15476760

>thanks. for. listening.

OH man that is golden

>> No.15476782
File: 49 KB, 641x481, FErikaexclamationmark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15479289

However the most important question is, did moon tourism take off?

>> No.15476792
File: 415 KB, 700x950, erikass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always a good time to Erikapost!

>> No.15476795
Quoted by: >>15476801

Erika's the greatest achievement of mankind.

>> No.15476801
File: 202 KB, 600x849, c52c876de40060272ea3b743e398a140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To bad she's just the corpse of a shitty, bratty kid

>> No.15476802
Quoted by: >>15476881

Wait a minute..Is that a fucking gorilla in a business suit?

>> No.15476807
File: 164 KB, 599x696, 14201959858581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15476810

Shut up, you don't exist in prime whereas Erika actually existed.

>> No.15476826
Quoted by: >>15476834

Existed to get cucked. Whereas Bern exists to troll across the sea. :^)

>> No.15476833
File: 133 KB, 800x615, 1458180460577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476847

At least she's not immensely fucked up by her past like the two hags you posted.
Just a little.

>> No.15476834

I'll beat you up, nerd

>> No.15476840 [SPOILER] 
File: 61 KB, 325x412, 1467413862126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, Bern exists in the real world. Just look at this!

>> No.15476845
Quoted by: >>15476873

>Erika tells you she loves you in purple

Wat do

>> No.15476847
Quoted by: >>15476898

Coming from the girl who can't handle being cheated on and autistically preaches against love as a result.

>> No.15476873
Quoted by: >>15476880

She's a detective, and only a culprit can lie in purple, so I guess I fuck her

>> No.15476880
Quoted by: >>15476888

>She's a detective

It's time to wake up, Erikaaaaaaaaa

>> No.15476881

Maybe it's set in a Planet of the Apes universe?

>> No.15476888

Erika is smarter than any single mortal. God/witch entities don't count

>> No.15476898

That's small potatoes with Lambadelta being so mentally scarred she can't tell if she's still trapped in her mind or not. So much for Witch of Certainty.

>> No.15476909
Quoted by: >>15476916

It just recently came out. Give it some time.

>> No.15476910
Quoted by: >>15476930

>smarter than any mortal
>couldn't be 100% sure if she was ccuked or not
>makes errors when recalling dates of mystery book publications

So smart that she fell off a boat with hurricane weather impending.

>> No.15476916

Fuck iwahime, where's hotarubi translation

>> No.15476920
Quoted by: >>15476938

If you calm down, I might just commission someone to translate it. I'm not in any rush to read it.

>> No.15476926

Battler figured out who Beatrice was before she did, which means he's smarter and a better detective

>> No.15476930
File: 83 KB, 500x250, The AMAZING Erika.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least she was smart enough to wear a swimsuit.

>> No.15476938

I would commision someone to do it right now, but I don't know where to find anyone to do it, nor how much it would cost

>> No.15476939
Quoted by: >>15476943

Threadly reminder that if Erika was alive today, she would be a feminist

>> No.15476941
Quoted by: >>15476971

School swimsuit is not cannon

>> No.15476943

>implying that isn't the family swimsuit and Erika was floating in the water naked.

Ryukishi's a feminist in the correct sense of the word, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.15476948
Quoted by: >>15476959

>Erika was terrorizing cruise ship attendees in the nude during a storm

>> No.15476952

R07 isn't Erika, anon. Think about it:

>thirsts for Bern
>only gets along with girls
>only female furniture
>the only male she interacts with is one she wants to dominate and reverse gender roles for

She's a femanzi due to the cucking. :^)

>> No.15476953
Quoted by: >>15476981

Anyone else find the older Chinese sister from RGD to be one of the best characters of the VN?

Not too meek, not too Erika. Just the right balance

>> No.15476959
Quoted by: >>15476980

>miss why are you naked?
>I'm going to fall to my death in the water and then kill a bunch of rich people by decapitation for fun
>alright then
A meta detective is just hilarious the more you think about it

>hi I'm here for the murder and crime scene
>uh, there hasn't been a murder
>oh yeah, it always happens AFTER I arrive, I guess I'll just wait a bit

>R07 isn't Erika
I never said he was either.
Ryukishi is pure duality. He makes his women empowering so that it's great when they're broken.

>> No.15476971
File: 149 KB, 500x461, SPIDER ERIKA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476985

You can't prove that.

>> No.15476976
Quoted by: >>15476980


>> No.15476980
Quoted by: >>15476994

Don't make me say it in red, erikafags.

>> No.15476981

The best character are the villains. And I preferred her brother.
That Chinese guy who liked clocks was the best character by far. Going from goofy to deadly serious at the drop of a hat, being all whimsical and shit pretending he doesn't give a fuck about anything.

>implying you aren't crying like Battler just by listening to this theme

>> No.15476983
Quoted by: >>15477019

Talking about it, where do we find translators and are they usually expensive?

>> No.15476985
File: 449 KB, 965x1400, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476995

She doesn't even wear a school swimsuit in the manga

>> No.15476994

Bitch please.


>> No.15476995
File: 325 KB, 514x384, easyerika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15476998

You can't prove she isn't wearing another under it.

>> No.15476998
File: 499 KB, 1479x1080, smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying we should forcefully strip Erika naked to confirm the truth?

>> No.15477004

I kind of like where this thread is going

>> No.15477009

>I-idiot! P-pervert! It just feels more comfortable this way! That's all!

>> No.15477013
File: 170 KB, 400x638, ERIKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15477022

Now we're talking.

>> No.15477019

Well, WTDND translated the manga of Umineko and some of Higurashi, but I don't know if they would do Hotarubi

>> No.15477022

Someone bought that wallpaper? Rare Erika get!

>> No.15477024
File: 298 KB, 1280x832, charaAlice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's really interesting to see Ryukishi's art side by side with another artist's work. I really prefer his sprites, though.

>> No.15477025
File: 281 KB, 540x656, Rika eating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use http://tigoristranslates.com/
For my doujins that I want translated.

>> No.15477030
Quoted by: >>15477043

It's an edit an anon did, but still way better than SAMPLE SAMPLE SAMPLE.

>> No.15477031
Quoted by: >>15477043

No, some anon removed the SAMPLE text in Photoshop a while back

>> No.15477034
Quoted by: >>15477041

The twintail girl's name is Alice and the rabbit girl has a pocket watch motif, so I think theyre connected possibly like how Umineko and The Divine Comedy are

>> No.15477041
Quoted by: >>15479988

I wonder if they're witches. It's obvious they're connected to the meta.

>> No.15477043
File: 187 KB, 431x415, 1459322027948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha! You fell for it. It was me who did the edit, I was just praising myself and you dim witted goats fell for it

>> No.15477050

for you

>> No.15477054

This makes me happy because I missed out on Higurashi and Umineko when they were released

>> No.15477055

>$1.8 per page
>first chapter is 62 pages
>$111 for the first chapter alone

That would get pretty expensive after a while. We don't really know how long it will be either

>> No.15477065
Quoted by: >>15477077

This is proof that the crowd around here doesn't change

>> No.15477069
Quoted by: >>15477107

We could split the cost. Start a Kickstarter maybe

>> No.15477077
Quoted by: >>15479992

I'll pay for it whenever I feel like it.

>implying it isn't all a ruse and anon didn't do shit but is reverse trolling people into being trolled

>> No.15477085
File: 107 KB, 551x600, smug erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, you got me. I sure do feel stupid now.
Thanks again. Unless you're messing with me both ways, in which case I hope a goat bites your dick off.

>> No.15477107

I don't think Kickstarter would allow it, since it isn't an official translation. Could probably be done on some other site though

Or we could just wait for Rikafag to commission it, but who knows how long that will take

>> No.15477118

Just get a novice to translate it for free. Eventually someone more fluent will get so frustrated that they'll make corrections and we'll end up with a free quality translation.

>> No.15477125

Sounds like a job for /jp/-man!

>> No.15477137

>Just get a novice to translate it for free
But where do we find one of those?

>> No.15477152
Quoted by: >>15477321

>Include the full work to be translated
Does that mean you need to give them the raws? Because there aren't any online, except for chapter 1

>> No.15477161
Quoted by: >>15479997

Anyone else feel like R07's Characters are like ongoing jokes? Bern, beato lambda. You're sure to see some parody of a character with every new work that R07 puts out

>> No.15477181
Quoted by: >>15477199

Relistening some of my old songs that I used to listen to, I stumbled upon avenged sevenfold - fiction
Maybe it's just my chubby out speaking but I had forgotten how well I could immerse myself in the seacat world with this song

>> No.15477184

Has anyone read the 'Country Girl' manga? After hearing the news about Trianthorogy I read some of the chapters today, and to be honest, I wasn't really impressed by it. It has the typical Ryukishi tropes of bullying and suffering, but it all just seems too rushed. It jumps and shifts tone way too quickly and it makes all the drama that the story is presenting feel disjointed and impassionate, and I can't really invest in it.

Is it supposed to be an actual 1:1 adaptation of the story, or is the manga just supposed to be the VN story in summary?

>> No.15477196
Quoted by: >>15477200

you have to keep believing anon

>> No.15477197
Quoted by: >>15477319

We won't really know until the VN is out. I would guess that the manga probably leaves some stuff from the VN out though, especially since it's kind of like a commercial for the main product

>> No.15477199
Quoted by: >>15477223

I used to spend hours reading theories to AFX's Analord.

>> No.15477200
Quoted by: >>15477222

>there were people that atcually liked jessica

>> No.15477222

t. Shannon is best """"""girl""""" fag

>> No.15477223

Good times

>> No.15477266
Quoted by: >>15480003

Good night seacats. Snug tight.
May lady lambdadelta-sama grant you certainly cute dreams tonight

>> No.15477304
Quoted by: >>15486230

What was the deal with the doll in Watanagashi-hen anyway? So, Mion got sad because Keiichi didn't see her as a woman, then she talked to Shion, and why did Shion just decide to kill everyone after that?

>> No.15477319
Quoted by: >>15477322

I can definitely see a really good story underneath, but I guess the manga just feels too rushed for me. I'm gonna reserve my judgments for later, however, since I don't really know where the story is going to go.

>> No.15477321

There are some scans in korean, so maybe we should hire a korean translator?

>> No.15477322
Quoted by: >>15477666

The VN will definitely be of a higher quality than the manga. Just look at Higanbana.

>> No.15477368
Quoted by: >>15477382

Why is R07 so shit at endings? It's like he has all these good ideas but no closure.

>> No.15477382
Quoted by: >>15477470

Indeed. Some people think Umineko's ending is even worse than Higurashi, specially right after EP8 was released.

>> No.15477470

I've never understood why people hated Umineko's ending. It gave a reasonable explanation for why the story was written the way it was, and caused you to think about the entire story in a different way, underneath another layer.
I'm not sure what ending people were expecting.

>> No.15477493

The same thing people were expecting from MGS2, and didn't get for pretty much the exact same reasons

>> No.15477502

From what I've heard, a lot of people disliked how the ending didn't give all the answers straight up. I guess they were expecting everything to be solved by the end, like in a proper mystery story

Of course, that doesn't really matter anymore, after the manga was finished

>> No.15477518
Quoted by: >>15477536


Bern is a fucking troll in this VN as well confirmed.

>> No.15477522 [SPOILER] 
File: 422 KB, 1920x1080, 1467424533399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a lovely story

>> No.15477536

I hope we'll get to choose which girl the protagonist fucks before they all get killed by the Jabberwock

>> No.15477547
Quoted by: >>15477560

Knowing Ryukishi, it's possible this is some kind of a certain element deconstruction.

>> No.15477560
Quoted by: >>15477574

In RGD there was a mix of sprite art due to money issues

>> No.15477574
Quoted by: >>15477615

>due to money issues
Wouldn't it be cheaper to hire one artist instead of three?

>> No.15477575

Or maybe they just expected the story was something more epic than some delusional maid with identity issues who got a broken heart.

>> No.15477590

Ookami Kakushi was a very good VN.
The anime was an adaptation as terrible as 11Eyes though.

>> No.15477596
File: 274 KB, 787x1400, berndance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15477599
Quoted by: >>15478020

It doesn't stop there. Rural Bullies has the usual Ryukishi filters for the background, Galge has more typical higher quality anime backgrounds, while Planet of the Apes has early '00s CG backgrounds.

>> No.15477615
Quoted by: >>15477635

But it's not just his work. the other artists could have some long term contracts with the writers. That would make a bit of sense monetary wise and theme wise since R07 probably does his sprites of background characters for peanuts

>> No.15477619
File: 114 KB, 1200x900, fever dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15480013


>> No.15477623
Quoted by: >>15480001

Very few people buy Monthly Action, and much less people publish dem RAWs of it on the internet either. The translators are probably waiting for the tankobon version to be released, so just wait a little more, anon.

>> No.15477635
Quoted by: >>15477667

I'm talking about Rose Guns Days, which also had three artists

>> No.15477666


>> No.15477667
Quoted by: >>15477702

>three artists
Rose Guns Days had 7 artists. Not sure why though

>> No.15477702

Not actually sure about R07 having monetary issues then. In fact, he has many different people illustrating his works for him in manga format (even though it's more of a contract with Square Enix in that case).

Even though he is not as popular since he stopped otaku-pandering like he did in Higurashi, I'm pretty sure he is full of contacts and people that would do the art for him for a reasonable prize.

7 different artists for a VN indicates they are much likely friends of him, in my opinion.

>> No.15477723
Quoted by: >>15477917

>Even though he is not as popular since he stopped otaku-pandering like he did in Higurashi

This gold truth hurts my soul...

>> No.15477739

>much likely friends of him
Some of them were people who has drawn manga adaptations for him previously, so that's very possible

>> No.15477917

What do you mean? Umineko still had fanservice, it had cowtits, lolis, maids, a boring dude surrounded by girls (sure, there were other men, but Battler interacted the most with girls, specially in the meta world), stupid shounen fights, etc.

>> No.15478020

>early '00s CG backgrounds.
What are those?

>> No.15478026
Quoted by: >>15478041

I think he meant "not as much".
It's pretty clear the "fanservice" we have in Umineko is not even 5% of the content. Higurashi in other hand...

>> No.15478041

Huh? 5% is a lot, considering just how big Umineko already is. I would give less than 2%.

>> No.15478048

Play the Muv Luv Trilogy. Nuff said.

>> No.15478060
File: 318 KB, 1024x576, _0013_Mirai4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he means that the backgrounds in Vespio look like a PS1 game

>> No.15478114

I already have but I have terrible memory and can't remember it. The UI does look a lot like Muv Luv's though.

>> No.15478143
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, 489924F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15478189

Even Muv-Luv's backgrounds don't look as bad as Vespio's. And at least Muv-Luv has the excuse of being 10 years old

>> No.15478189

What are you saying, it's looking pretty good

In my opinion is the best kind of background for this specific setting. It's not like I'm "offending" Muv Luv's art style lmao

Is this tumblr yet? Why trigger about that. Vespio is looking pretty neat exactly because it reminds people of Muv Luv Alternative.

>> No.15478209

To be honest, the background for Vespio is more like Silent Hill and MLA altogether (I mean, damn, this reminds me a lot of that place with the destroyed street at night, only without the fog).

>> No.15478245

I wasn't really complaining, I just meant that Vespio's backgrounds look really dated, especially compared to Country Girl and Gakuen Renai's. But in the end the story is more important anyway, so it doesn't really matter

>> No.15479067
File: 806 KB, 968x1041, 1464835491240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first teipu dess

then reipu dess!

>> No.15479073 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 343x440, ber_waraia2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, Seacats.

>> No.15479082

You mean <teipu> and <reipu>

>> No.15479243
Quoted by: >>15479258

Those small black dots above Erika make me really angry.

>> No.15479258
File: 244 KB, 625x469, ocd_trig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15479274
File: 62 KB, 446x647, alpha redpill bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15479280
File: 296 KB, 540x405, 1454979301978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best meme waifu

>> No.15479287
File: 273 KB, 428x600, athiesm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have the shop of this that adds 'atheism incarnate'?

>> No.15479289

I love this image

>> No.15479290
File: 140 KB, 403x323, 1455578768094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your favorite FErika goods and services at your door step

>> No.15479733

>a boring dude surrounded by girls
Battler is boring? He's a handsome motherfucker. I'd fuck him.

>> No.15479772
Quoted by: >>15479804

I thought he was referring to George.

>> No.15479804
Quoted by: >>15480032

>a boring dude surrounded by girls (sure, there were other men, but Battler interacted the most with girls
I'm pretty sure he meant Battler

>> No.15479985

Fair enough, you did a great job.

>> No.15479988

I hope so. Other Voyager witches maybe?

>> No.15479992
File: 399 KB, 628x477, same1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't all a ruse and anon didn't do shit but is reverse trolling people into being trolled
Dont fucking do this to me, Anon. I'm already so paranoid.

>> No.15479997
File: 1002 KB, 500x281, 1460240395761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like his thing, though. He said in an interview that his characters are like actors and I feel like he casts the same people but theyre in different stories.It's intentional.

>> No.15479999

I felt the same way with Higanbana.

>> No.15480001

What's strange is that chapter 0-2 were uploaded on the Korean Umaru site, but not chapter 3 and 4. Maybe instrest was too low so they stopped scanning it or something, I don't know

>> No.15480003

These posts always warm me heart

>> No.15480008


>> No.15480013
File: 445 KB, 480x364, same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beato is cute

>> No.15480020
File: 221 KB, 800x800, ffca338c96a0131705cf565e5b4d9329158525e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What friendly service! Thank you!

>> No.15480029
File: 133 KB, 403x323, 1462463201990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15480055


>> No.15480032

Battler is hot as hell fampai
I disagree with them, but I can see where this person is coming from.
Battler got a little boring when he matured in the 5th game. He had character development and it was necessary for the story but he seemed a little bland from then on in contrast to his spicy ways of the beginning.

>> No.15480033 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 1338347520603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15480052

>implying I wasn't the person who was amazed that there existed an edit of that image
>implying I wasn't the person who laughed at you for not noticing that I was the person who did the edit,
>implying I also wasn't the same person who laughed at you for not noticing I was the both those people tricking you by playing both side in a ploy to undermine your sense of by reminding you that you are being tricked on both sides, increasing your level of paranoia.
A reverse-reverse-reverse-reverse trolling attempt.

>> No.15480046
File: 146 KB, 600x600, 1338347520603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I wasn't the person who was amazed that there existed an edit of that image
>implying I wasn't the person who laughed at you for not noticing that I was the person who did the edit,
>implying I also wasn't the same person who laughed at you for not noticing I was the both those people tricking you by playing both side in a ploy to undermine your senses by reminding you that you are being tricked on both sides, thereby increasing your level of paranoia.
A reverse-reverse-reverse-reverse trolling attempt.

>> No.15480052
Quoted by: >>15480059


>> No.15480055

< G O O D ! >

>> No.15480059

I made a mistake.

>> No.15480061
File: 3 KB, 148x125, kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you're not actually me posting from my phone and computer at the same time

>> No.15480065
Quoted by: >>15480084

Get a hobby, Yasu.

>> No.15480074
File: 273 KB, 605x500, leaf fight1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy Ryu's lewd works.

>> No.15480084

You mean like killing my family? Or maybe writing tons of stories about the various ways in which I will kill my family?
That sounds like a wonderful hobby!

>> No.15480088
Quoted by: >>15480092


>> No.15480092
File: 102 KB, 575x500, 1364990625827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryukishi is a master at lewd. I would pay him to write a lewd story and pay someone to draw it. He hits every single one of my fetishes perfectly.

>> No.15480094
File: 57 KB, 539x420, 1378810414495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There needs to be more women with collars around their necks! Naked beautiful women wearing only collars and stockings.

>> No.15480098

I thought this was some sort of strange fan art at first, but after doing some searching, I found out that Ryukishi really did draw it. I didn't know he used to be so lewd

>> No.15480114

>I didn't know he used to be so lewd
Are you sure that you read Ryukishi's stories? Because they're insanely full of lewd.

>> No.15480119

In all of my time here this information always dodged me. I never fucking knew of Ryu's 'dark' past.
Suddenly I don't feel so bad for fapping to Bern.

>> No.15480124

You should feel bad.

>> No.15480128
File: 10 KB, 300x64, expand 7th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15480131
Quoted by: >>15480140

Where did you find these in such high quality?

>> No.15480140
File: 70 KB, 570x500, Sayuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some website a long long time ago had them.
I have an entire folder of the leaf fight lewd images.

>> No.15480153
File: 72 KB, 533x600, 1411693426806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason he made three drawings of Rena
>he drew his waifu holding an item from his favorite show

>> No.15480165

>I never fucking knew of Ryu's 'dark' past.

>> No.15480171

>he doesn't know

>> No.15480176
Quoted by: >>15480179

How many cards did they make? It's really hard to find any info about Leaf Fight at all

>> No.15480179
File: 73 KB, 571x550, Akane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 37 images.

>> No.15480182
File: 80 KB, 572x550, 1365346638489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15480191
File: 70 KB, 539x500, 1411868103602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Though I'm not going to post them all.

>> No.15480197
File: 118 KB, 600x500, 1409269180089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was his favorite show again? I can't seem to remember.

>> No.15480371

Well his I inspiration was natural and tsukihime

>> No.15480414
File: 13 KB, 138x156, 1433517205098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have an entire folder of the leaf fight lewd images
Well then upload it my man

>> No.15480445

This one looks like Lion cosplaying as Sakura

>> No.15480480

>Without love it cannot be seen
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15480489

Blind people are virgins

>> No.15480538
Quoted by: >>15480584

If you only see the bad in people and nothing else, you'll never be able to understand them.

>> No.15480584
File: 428 KB, 700x700, DUCT TAPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15480678

Can you ever understand Erika?

>> No.15480678

She and Kinzo are the only people whos actions I understand in this mess of fucked up characters

>> No.15480698
File: 365 KB, 940x1498, 022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15481327

Kinzo was a nice guy, and he did nothing wrong

>> No.15480773

He was a witch

>> No.15480775

I just want more Dai

>> No.15480875
Quoted by: >>15480986


>> No.15480913

Eva can be sympathized with more than Kinzo. Erika's just a whiny kid.

>> No.15480986
Quoted by: >>15481015

I can understand Erika's reasoning because I have an inferiority complex myself and the feel when people acknowledge that you are right is something I can't quite explain. Acknowledgement of one's efforts taken forcibly feels a lot better than when you're praised if that makes any sense

What's wrong with using your gift to suit your emotions and to do everything to win, even if it means that you're wrong? Winning is half of what is important in life. And if it means cheating then so be it.

>> No.15481015
Quoted by: >>15481243

I don't think that is inferiority complex.

>> No.15481243
Quoted by: >>15481289

She just has no sense of self-worth except for getting praised from Bernkastel.

>> No.15481289
Quoted by: >>15481297

Because Bern made her like that. Bern also has some stupid complexes like that. I wish Ryushiki worked on that but I think it's not his style to do it, this is why we say he is a troll.

>> No.15481297
Quoted by: >>15481312

>Bern also has some stupid complexes like that
She does? What makes you say that?

>> No.15481312

It was discussed some time ago, I don't remember details for the argumentation. It could be roleplaying or really her honest self.

>> No.15481318
Quoted by: >>15481329

Seems really uncharacteristic of him to draw something like this. Weird to see.

>> No.15481327
File: 176 KB, 894x894, 1456139433968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no he's hot

>> No.15481329
Quoted by: >>15481343



You must think people really are just what they show to others. I bet he approves r34 of his works.

>> No.15481343

It's more so the fact that it's loli abuse, given the themes of his work and his past as a social worker. Of course, I don't know the context of that art other than that's it's part of a card game.

>> No.15481360
Quoted by: >>15482112

Let's hope Ryukishi hasn't lost his charm. I've heard that Iwaihime was garbage.

>> No.15481365
Quoted by: >>15481386

Haven't seen one of these threads reach bump limit this fast in a while.

>> No.15481386
File: 440 KB, 716x499, 1460912207530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know who to blame.

>> No.15481397
Quoted by: >>15481404

I love Erika!

>> No.15481404
Quoted by: >>15481410

She's a bitch!

>> No.15481410
File: 150 KB, 567x333, cheesy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15481420


>> No.15481420

What's the best way to intellectually rape the intellectual rapist?

>> No.15481424
File: 26 KB, 960x540, Bernkastell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15481509


>> No.15481435
Quoted by: >>15481445

You tell her that mysteries don't matter and to get a life.
That way even if she tries to use some logic trick on you, just say I don't care.

Guaranteed way to make her go red from frustration

>> No.15481445
Quoted by: >>15481532

Just imagine the sniffling and squeaking when you flat out ignore her tantrum.

>> No.15481462 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>15481506

Post a couple of your favourite BMGs. Umineko's soundtrack is so great, I still regularly listen to the tunes.


>> No.15481472
Quoted by: >>15481477

Post a couple of your favourite BMGs. Umineko's soundtrack is so great, I still regularly listen to the tunes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8uddlTg7AE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiUjogfu2Kw [Embed]

>> No.15481477
Quoted by: >>15481486








Infinitely too many to choose from

>> No.15481486

And how can I forget


>> No.15481506
Quoted by: >>15481543

>Would I Lie To You?
That fits in a strange way.

>> No.15481509
File: 106 KB, 1000x1080, sadistic smile-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.15481532

I can just imagine her going "khiiiiiiii!"

>> No.15481543

Accidentally linked a thing I was watching. It's a very funny panel show

>> No.15481674

Get back here from the Rewrite thread, folks.

>> No.15481698

You can't make me.

>> No.15481881

We don´t want the rika fag here either

>> No.15482112

Hm, I've heard the exact opposite, people were telling me Iwaihime is pretty much on pair with Okamikakushi (and, besides having a terribad anime, the VN was an 8/10).

>> No.15482130
Quoted by: >>15482140

>I've heard the exact opposite, people were telling me Iwaihime is pretty much on pair with Okamikakushi
>on par with his worst work
>opposite of bad

>> No.15482133

There's some blind R07 hate in there (the /a/ one), I'm out.

Just read through a whole discussion about a guy talking shit on Umineko and ending his argument saying something like "I didn't read all of it yet". And the guy replying to him was way more polite that what I would be in that situation desu

Oh well, that's why I only trust /jp/ for proper Seacats threads and actual constructive criticism.

>> No.15482135
Quoted by: >>15482158

Can't you just read Iwaihime yourself if you're read Okamikakushi already? I assume that means you know Japanese

>> No.15482140
Quoted by: >>15482185

Did you even read Okamikakushi? It may be his worst work, but it still was pretty good overall.

The anime was complete shit though, that's pretty much undeniable at this point (sucked as much as 11Eyes adaptation).

>> No.15482158

I don't have the time to do so at the moment (it's a 30-40 hours long VN, from what I've heard, and I have IRL problems to take care of right now).

In fact, I think I shouldn't even be in here really (but my hype for Trianthology spoke louder).

Time to go then, later anons.

>> No.15482185
Quoted by: >>15482231

>Did you even read Okamikakushi?
No. I'm just saying what I heard and being on par with his worst isn't really a glowing review. I'll rate it once I'll read it if it gets translated. I'm usually very accurate in explaining what was good and bad about something.

>> No.15482231

Don't expect a Umineko, a Higurashi or a Rose Guns Days (his best works so far in my opinion).

It's some levels bellow those (and slightly bellow Higanbana as well, in my opinion).

The presentation and execution of many plot devices are pretty amazing, and the overarching of the whole thing is done very well too (besides overlooking certain little details from some points from other routes, that aren't really that much of a big deal, but it's just not as consistent as you would expect it to be, if reading the story after finishing Umineko). The same can be said about some character interactions and developments (a certain plot point can be used as a loophole to justify some things however).

Kinda want to read Iwaihime now...

Any nihonjin R07-fag in here who could provide us some info about it?

>> No.15482242

>Don't expect a Umineko, a Higurashi or a Rose Guns Days
I'm not really expecting that, I'm more expecting a Higanbana level work? TRI is likely going to be something as big as Higurashi, Umineko and RGD.

>> No.15482245

There's weird non-nude porn in it

>> No.15482263
Quoted by: >>15482269

>There's weird non-nude porn in it
Par from the course I guess.

>> No.15482267
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1451703452773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I'm not here in time to make it, the next thread better be dedicated to Dlanor or ELSE

>> No.15482269 [SPOILER] 
File: 538 KB, 1920x1080, 1467508211155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15482289

He wasn't kidding around.
Damn, Ryukishi, that's lewd af!!

>> No.15482274
File: 94 KB, 678x537, 1455789619338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of curious on what that ELSE holds.

The more I look at that post the more I see it as a challenge

>> No.15482288

I read somewhere that it has a rape scene, but I'm not sure if it's true or not

>> No.15482289

>legs open
>smirking and telling sweet things of how he's 'using' her

Still par from the course with Higanbana starting with a teaching leaving a toilet from a student who was only wearing socks and a schoolbag. Which is totally not rape either.

Ryukishi is such a master at almost lewd erotic moments.

>> No.15482291

What does /jp/ think of this?


>> No.15482311
File: 207 KB, 500x500, 1364176503444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think of it.

>> No.15482317

Umineko's FB group got lots of post on this when the video was released.

>> No.15482349
File: 134 KB, 1366x768, Image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>15482374

I really wonder how the fuck this even happened

>> No.15482360
Quoted by: >>15482364

Yasu IRL?

>> No.15482364

>Her disguise is perfect.

It's just that everyone felt too sorry for the mentally handicapped servant to point it out

>> No.15482370

Rena or Reina?

>> No.15482374

Oh, it's fake. Nevermind then. I feel pretty stupid now

>> No.15482375

What's with the 3d toy plane in the background

>> No.15482395
File: 2.18 MB, 1070x1600, dlanor_a_lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go ANON.

>> No.15482405


>> No.15482410

Please remove the rest

>> No.15482414

and add blush

>> No.15482419
Quoted by: >>15482430

Would it be alright to post that?

>> No.15482430
Quoted by: >>15482654

Post a censored one and upload the rest elsewhere

>> No.15482457

I already have that ONE

>> No.15482465
Quoted by: >>15482479

Why are you guys sexualizing a Christian loli?
That's fucked up!

>> No.15482479
Quoted by: >>15482494

I'll sexualize the personification of the rules of mystery as much as I damn well please!

>> No.15482494
File: 78 KB, 384x477, 1464305298321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but she is pure! (Aaaand you guys prob gonna attack her in your fantasies even more because of that, though, am I wrong?)

>> No.15482523
File: 1.06 MB, 667x1585, 083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Close, but I'm not the one who attacks her in my fantasies.

>> No.15482538
File: 979 KB, 1850x2550, 1464528764237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure girls want love too

>> No.15482549

Might need to take a rain check on this one for now. Her pussy's proving particularly problematic.

>> No.15482581
Quoted by: >>15482602

You do the craziest shit when I'm not here, Seacats. It's no fair.

>> No.15482602

I'm sorry...

>> No.15482654
File: 1.45 MB, 1070x1600, dlanor_a_lewd2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I tried. Sorry if it looks like crap. I'm not sure where to post the uncensored version.

>> No.15482690
Quoted by: >>15482705


>> No.15482705
Quoted by: >>15482711

Nice, thanks anon

>> No.15482711


>> No.15483313
Quoted by: >>15483317

Been did speed this thread up with the TRI reveal.

>> No.15483317

Bern, obviously.

>> No.15483697
Quoted by: >>15483912

Damn this thread went fast.


>> No.15483912
Quoted by: >>15483915

You're being delusional again.

>> No.15483915
Quoted by: >>15483958

Maybe that's what Bern wants you to think.

>> No.15483923

I wonder if someone get their hands on the RAWs for Hotarubi, people from /jp/ would actually be kind enough to translate, even if poorly.

I kinda don't wanna wait until the tankobon, too hyped for that thing right now.

>> No.15483958

Or maybe I'm Bernkastel, testing if you can tell if anything around you is even real.

>> No.15483972
Quoted by: >>15483976

We don't really have another option (unless you are planning to take some moonrunes lessons... which will take you a long while, specially considering Ryukishi's prose difficulty overall).

>> No.15483976

It's a manga, it can't be that hard to translate.

>> No.15483994
Quoted by: >>15484051

Tell that to all the titles I've had to drop because of no translation

>> No.15484051

I think you're confusing things that are hard to translate and people spending time translating something.
There's always the option of commissioning someone to translate something for you.

>> No.15484077

Some manga are more complicated to translate than actual japanese books, just saying.

>> No.15484101
Quoted by: >>15484182

I already sent the raws of chapter 1 to the commission guy yesterday, I'm waiting for him to give me a price now

Can't do much about the rest of the chapters though, since there aren't any raws of them as far as I know

>> No.15484104

Inb4 "Never forget, you gonna be translating this forever and ever."
Good luck to anyone who dare to give a try on that project. Fuck, that manga is as difficult as Shinsekai Yori (book) in terms of writing.

>> No.15484129
Quoted by: >>15484145

COF COF Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei COF COF

Talk about a title nobody will ever be able to translate properly (including myself, having being part of one of the 7+ translation groups who dropped the series for being so impossible to translate).

Rumors say the official publication also got stopped because of this (not to mention the sales, but those were never really revealed either).

Not even half of its japanese readers could understand most of the actual content being presented in form of socio-political commentary, let alone the ridiculous ammount of historical, literary, cultural and pop references, not to mention several real life news during the time it was being published.

Wanna something complicated to translate 100% from japanese? Try anything by Kumeta really.

>> No.15484145

At least all of it got translated though, even if it wasn't perfect

>> No.15484182
Quoted by: >>15484203

Neat, hit us up with any news on this matter.

Meanwhile I will try to get raws from some japanese friends of mine... though they are not very found of the idea of being pirates, so I can't guarantee they will scan me those Monthly Action volumes

And there's always Amazon, if anyone have money and patience to buy'em.

>> No.15484203

It's a shame that Monthly Action doesn't have a digital edition, like some magazines do. It would have made everything so much easier

>> No.15484239

What about the cryptic works from Kaneko-sensei?
Soil reminds me a bit of Umineko on that matter.

>> No.15484664
File: 96 KB, 1004x300, Ryukishi&#039;s Art Got Really Good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just me, or Ryukishi did a nice job in the character design for the characters he drawn in Rose Guns Days?

>> No.15484681

Shopkeeper girl is cute as a button

>> No.15484895

Wang is like a certain badass chinese character from Terra Formars. I just cannot unsee that.

>> No.15485275

Having myself a pizza 'Reina'

>> No.15485758
Quoted by: >>15485854


>> No.15485823
Quoted by: >>15485870

Are you sure?
I saw a lot of tweets about TRT in my timeline. TRT was probably TT for a short span of time here in Spain at least.

>> No.15485854
File: 135 KB, 399x462, Kinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15485870
Quoted by: >>15485905

There doesn't seem to be very many, unless there are other hashtags for it or something



>> No.15485905
Quoted by: >>15485917

You have to take the west in count tho

>> No.15485917
Quoted by: >>15485923


>> No.15485923
Quoted by: >>15485953

Not all tweets about TRT have the word Trianthology in it...

>> No.15485953

Of course, but it's the easiest way to estimate it. There are more tweets without the hashtag though


>> No.15485973



>> No.15486230

Did you not read The Eye Opening Arc?
