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File: 1.37 MB, 700x860, Bern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14504818 No.14504818 [Reply] [Original]

My dear friends, the last thread reached 335 posts ! So please join me in reliving the experience one more time.

>> No.14504840
File: 545 KB, 960x1440, Frederica.Bernkastel.full.1212111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Bern. She is my waifu.

>> No.14504882
File: 287 KB, 1920x1392, sentou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witches aren't real

>> No.14505200
File: 266 KB, 700x701, Gohda MIRAGE COORDINATOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. But not even you can deny that the witches are cute specially Auau.

>> No.14505651
File: 624 KB, 630x840, witchhouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14505657


i recognize this animation vector, its from the /jp/ blowjob flash game isnt it

speaking of which, i need to see what new things konashion is up to

last i remember they finally introduced penis/trap options along with cum

>> No.14505664
File: 566 KB, 2000x1519, 1443052283546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14505682

Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.14505682


>last blog post was 2013


>> No.14505861

Bruh what the fuck it's from the manga

>> No.14505892
File: 101 KB, 1920x1080, 1362817954215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14506249
File: 36 KB, 352x499, 51WhqMh+cLL._SX350_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So any news or scans of this yet?

>> No.14506553

>“When the Firefly Lights Burn” Story Explicitly Connected to Higurashi/Umineko


I'm much more interested now. It's just a shame it's a manga, not a vn.

>> No.14506694

God I am such a retard. I was in Akiba today and totally forget this book was released. FUCK. I hope they have it available in a bookstore near my station.

Anyone know if the publishers website lists bookstores that carry it?

>> No.14506873
File: 186 KB, 840x1188, sample2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The official website have posted the prologue of the story.


>> No.14506876
File: 203 KB, 840x1185, sample3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14506881
File: 68 KB, 539x775, CWbs-TiUkAA-nIc.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Apparently, Hotarubi no Tomoru Koro ni will be once again a Bern vs Lambda.

>> No.14507306
File: 149 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lrjqt12egh1qjugdxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14507317

I don't remember if it was /a/ or here, but in case you're here, guy who's been looking, after exhaustive internet scouring, I've found the old "scan" of the seven sisters tapestry I'd had saved before my pictures got deleted years ago. It's not the biggest, but there's no doubt it's the best quality that we're going to find online.

>> No.14507317
File: 1.48 MB, 1000x1334, f38f7787-fbf4-492b-c9b4-3f6438ad5231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and upscaled via http://waifu2x.udp.jp/

>> No.14508008

I might be retarded, but I only caught that Maria's rose was used on Gohda's sauce on my third replay.

>> No.14508009


i've been reading ps3ification rondo along with the manga and can attest that the manga medum gives better perspective in visual and storytelling department. perhaps 75% of the vn just because no UNTZ and voice

>> No.14510542

What's up? Translate it, guys

>> No.14510741 [SPOILER] 
File: 494 KB, 1203x985, 1450645377650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14516670


>> No.14517317


>> No.14517356
Quoted by: >>14517443

They are far more expressive than PS3 sprites, but dear Featherine in heaven, I can't stomach this Battler.

>> No.14517363

I got fooled into thinking translations happened.

>> No.14517443
Quoted by: >>14519769

Why? I think he looks awesome.

>> No.14517831
Quoted by: >>14518818

Battler and Beato look really weird. Others look normal, but there is something wrong about these two.

>> No.14518818

I honestly thought the same at the beginning, I was really disgusted, but now I'm starting to like. Weird.

>> No.14519075
Quoted by: >>14519697

Any more of these? I'm warming up to the style.

>> No.14519697

I bought the book simply because I liked the style. I hate Beato's nails, though. They kind of throw me off.

>> No.14519769
File: 1002 KB, 320x240, 1448552376702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14519934

He looks like a Filipino or something gross

No good reason to buy the Mangagamer release anyways, as the Umitweak patch already exists and covers all eight parts

>> No.14519934

Eh, he just looks tanned to me. Fits his character. And while I really won't be getting much out of the Mangagamer release (I prefer the PS3 sprites) I'm still gonna get it just to support the series and future localizations. I think it's pretty cool to see it get an official English release along with Higurashi even after all these years.

>> No.14519951

If the thing selling well leads to Ougon Musou Kyoku being released on Steam with Steam matchmaking then I will definitely go for it. That game doesn't get enough love.

>> No.14520004
File: 198 KB, 896x504, kbt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14520015

Oh man, that would be sick. I never played Ougon back when it was fresh and still getting new content so I missed it's prime and I regret it to this day. It's pretty fun.

>> No.14520015
File: 69 KB, 424x600, OMKCross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14523323

MG said that they would put up OMK if Umineko sold well, but nothing has been mentioned about replacing directIP only with matchmaking of some sort. It's not like GGPO costs money or anything.

>> No.14520034
Quoted by: >>14520041

I'd pay $30 for that. Like, for real.
How hard would it even be? Besides licensing shenanigans, they would just have to implement steam matchmaking, which I don't think it's hard.

>> No.14520041

They said that they might
Not sure if there would be any real licensing challenges, as that game was made and published by 07th expansion, unlike let's say Melty Blood which was made and published by different companies.

>> No.14522602

Wait, who drew the pachinko art? It looks kinda like Natsume Kei's art.

>> No.14523323

GGPO might not cost anything but it's extremely hard to implement into games that aren't built around rollback netcode.

>> No.14525202
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, Happy-Mini-Rika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14525222

Merry Christmas everyone~! I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

>> No.14525222 [SPOILER] 
File: 144 KB, 340x568, 1450972085791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure someone won't.

>> No.14526723
Quoted by: >>14527293

The guy that's doing the manga has all the way up to Confession done now. I watched Confession but I'm waiting until he's finished so I can watch the whole thing.

>> No.14527293

What the fuck.

>> No.14530403
File: 123 KB, 500x422, 1450973955639[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry Desire /jp/

>> No.14531135

I hope you all managed to enter the golden land with your waifu, even if just for a short time, this christmas.

>> No.14531364
Quoted by: >>14532227

Hotarubi scans when?

>> No.14532227

Never. And now go away.

>> No.14532550
File: 161 KB, 946x954, 0515151605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14533877

You sure about that?

>> No.14533392

>wait a minute... that bulge...

>> No.14533774
Quoted by: >>14534301

Anybody here keeping track of this?


>> No.14533877

Ew I was probably waiting in the same line as you that day.

>> No.14534301
Quoted by: >>14534728

I don't get it.

Weren't the PS3 sprites already ported over?

>> No.14534728

Yes, but this shit is way different m90, check it out. Might even reread it once they're finished.

>> No.14535691

Looks good. Looking forward to its release.

>> No.14537044

o shit thats kinda cool

I still want to prefer the old sprites though.

>> No.14537113
File: 218 KB, 850x512, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14537248
Quoted by: >>14541085


That Lambda is amazing.

>> No.14541085

Bernkastel and Erika looks great too.

>> No.14545831

They adapted the voices in my head terribly wrong. 1/10

>> No.14547883
Quoted by: >>14551713

Before reading the novels i thought Umineko was about an evil witch who kidnapped innocent families and kept them locked up inside her house, while the families tried to escape

>> No.14548284

When is this going to be released?

>> No.14549955
Quoted by: >>14550147


It's a very subtle detail.

Consider this: the rose flower itself is the sexually reproducing part of the plant. A damaged rose = a damaged sexual organ, effectively. This is alluding to Yasu's damaged body and inability to have sex or bear children.

>> No.14550147
File: 62 KB, 478x362, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There are many other similar subtle details that are only obvious after re-reading. During the magical battle scenes in Episode 2, Kanon displays his 'sword' to fight against the Sisters of Purgatory. Revealing this 'sword' is said to be surprising and humiliating and Jessica is really confused by it.

This can be interpreted as follows: after Gohda left the room, Jessica in her grief got close to Kanon and possibly attempted to get intimate. At this point she noticed that Yasu has no genitals and rejected Kanon. Kanon 'lost' the roulette, and that is why he 'died' as well.

In Natsuhi's room Shannon fights the Sisters using a magical barrier, which symbolises the feminine side. The symbolism of gold butterflies and stakes penetrating the barrier is highly sexually suggestive. Jooji most likely learned the truth of Sayo in this room as well - namely that she was born a man and will never bear him the children he desires. He rejects her. He then dies.

Given that Battler has already demonstrated that he will not solve the epitaph or understand his forotten promise, at this point in the story Yasu has lost. None of the three personalities will get to experience love. In a twisted fashion, 'Shannon' asks if Jooji will say he loves her one more time before they die, most likely at gunpoint. She then kills him before he can even finish the sentence and offs herself as well.

Given that this story was written by Yasu in advance it's obviously just her putting her self-hatred out there in a cryptic form for someone to hopefully understand if fate goes against her.

The suicide is also there to serve as a huge clue towards who the culprit is. The only possibility for that room is that the culprit is on the inside. The master keys are accounted for and the room key is on the inside.

That's why at the very end in the ???? we are told that Beato made 'sub-optimal' moves throughout the game, exposing her heart to Battler in a subtle kind of way. After all, if Yasu really wanted to make the mystery nearly impossible to solve she would have written it so that Shannon died outside the room with an abundance of possible explanations as to how she died.

>> No.14550578
File: 165 KB, 701x565, Weekend at Kinzos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There has recently been a theory video series on Youtube by Infinity Stop which analyses and interprets almost every line from the VN's and manga together. I haven't watched all of it but there are many interesting points contained within it.

One of these is the following speculation: Erika is not strictly a 'piece', rather she is a representation of Beato without any 'Love'. It is after all Erika's arrival that herald's Beato's death in Ep 5, and Erika's defeat that herald's Trolltrice's return at the end of Ep 6.

During that entire time Battler is grappling with alternative interpretations to the gameboard which are patently false and yet can be made technically correct with some wilful ignorance. This represents a purely analytical solution to the mystery, ignoring the heart. Until the Manga came out Rosatrice was more or less a Blue Truth parallel solution to the story. Yes it was silly, but it wasn't exactly 100% refutable until extra Reds were introduced. The kind of thinking that would lead people towards Rosatrice or any other alternative explanation is represented by Erika. Remember back in Episode 1 ??? Bern said that Beato is a representation of the rules of the game. Well, Erika is a warped representation of the very same thing. And since Erika lacks 'love' she does not understand the game board fully. What does her defeat represent? I believe it represents Tohya coming to terms with his inability to remember his promise to Sayo and solve the epitaph in time. Had he done that, the disaster would have never happened. Upon realising this fact he has 'lost' Beato in the Meta, because he was too late. In her place we have the possibility of forcing other theories to 'fit', like Natsuhitrice and even Black Battler, anything other than Beato's true nature, because recalling her is causing Tohya to suffer psychological torment in Prime. His ultimate acceptance of Beato's nature, and his part in her creation, allows her 'rebirth'.

If you happen to believe Ikuko = Yasu, then episodes 5 and 6 can simply be interpreted as the pair of them exploring the truth via forgery writing; think of it as a kind of therapy for Tohya to understand the nature of Yasu.

One more thing: Red = Red Herring. Ryu was probably really angry that nobody really grasped this, probably because he underestimated how novel and interesting an idea it was in the first place. It truly made Umineko into a game without any player input (until ep 8 anyway).

>implying anyone read this

>> No.14551427

>implying anyone read this

I read a few lines, anon.

>> No.14551562
File: 1016 KB, 986x1530, 1451493664387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14551837

I have it way worse
It took me until part 7 to realize that Maria's porcelain rabbits were the vessels for the Chiester sisters

>> No.14551598
Quoted by: >>14552491

That brings an entirely new meaning to the term "Lightsaber dick"

>> No.14551686
Quoted by: >>14552541

>Lambda's alternate outfit is Miyo

Yet R7 insists all the connections are red-herrings despite all this.

>> No.14551713

Yeah, then you found out it was an evil family that kept an innocent witch locked up inside their island while she tries to escape.

>> No.14551837
Quoted by: >>14552691

>It took me until part 7 to realize that Maria's porcelain rabbits were the vessels for the Chiester sisters
Really? I thought that was really obvious anon. You disappoint me.

>> No.14552491
Quoted by: >>14561465


...There was meaning to this term before?

>> No.14552541


They are all red herrings. If we allow for the fact that Higurashi was his first work and that he considers it to be a lesser work, then it's clear that he intended to have the Meta be a kind of link between the various WtC games. But he only thought of this either late in the story of Higurashi or when he began to write Umineko, because the two universes don't match up.

>> No.14552691
Quoted by: >>14557435


>Chiester Sisters

They're just guns. This is why they are 'superior' furniture to the Seven Stakes, since it is revealed that the Stakes are actually just inserted into the wounds after the Winchester does its job.

>> No.14553868
Quoted by: >>14556910

>Ikuko = Yasu

That's a personal favourite of mine. Ikuko is just weird. She just happen to be here at the right moment. She just happen to be still young-ish as Battler age, which should realistically put her at the same age as Battler. She just happen to be really rich. She just happen to know far more about the truth as she should.

The Beatrice = Ikuko is really interesting.

>> No.14553943
File: 82 KB, 600x419, 103zswp.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14565115

Happy new year!

>> No.14556910


my head will be full of fuck if I start considering the entire chapters through forgery writing google instead of Ryuukishi meta narration one

>> No.14557435
File: 118 KB, 756x1376, 1379616694456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14586187

No, the stakes are a combination of a quieter pistol that leaves a small wound sized for a the stake. It can't be heard easily as long as its not too close to other people.

The Chiesters are Kinzo's Winchesters which leave multiple buckshot marks and more damaging wounds, hence the "golden thread" sewing the vicinity of their target.

They are more dangerous and powerful "furniture" which is why it becomes EVAs method of choice, since she stops caring about the maintaining Beato's style. Using the stakes takes more effort for the sake of the epitaph.

>As long as I stick the stakes in at some point, its all the same right?

Man this game had so many hints looking back, right there in the fantasy of the 3rd game.

>> No.14557563

>Got into seacats for a dark murder mystery
>Never really understood what was going on, but I guess this magic stuff is cool
>Most seacats threads with posts and theories have observations/connections that I can barely recall if not at all

I probably should reread this.

>> No.14558012

Didn't Ryukishi07 himself confirm that George would have accepted her if he knew though? I'm pretty sure Jessica would have as well, but Yasu was too scared to even try to tell them and kept running away.

>> No.14558332


Just in time to re play it using the ps3 port, anon

it's up to episode 3 atm

>> No.14558594
File: 146 KB, 1230x890, 07thExpansion Next Work Ryukishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to this?

>> No.14558619

It'll be coming out eventually. There's no set date. Information about it so far (scroll down past Q&A): https://seaoffragments.wordpress.com/2015/05/17/acen-2015-07th-expansion-panel-3-ryukishi07s-latest-work-trianthology-unraveled-for-the-first-time/

>> No.14558805

>Disappointement : The VN

>> No.14560280

For you maybe

>> No.14560290

For me it was the opposite.
Sorry to hear you have such shit taste.

>> No.14560296
Quoted by: >>14561451

You obviously weren't here during the Umineko craze. Most fun time I had in 4chan. I pity you.

>> No.14560416
Quoted by: >>14563190

I would consider rereading Umineko if it weren't so fucking long. It took me a whole month to finish it and I didn't do anything but read Umineko that entire month.

>> No.14561451
Quoted by: >>14564090

>Most fun time I had in 4chan.
Same. I miss it so much...

>> No.14561465


A lazy censorship technique, inferior to the black bar

>> No.14561470
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, Dlanor.A..Knox.full.938376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with RS an loli bellybuttons?

>> No.14562696

Will the MG release be split between each part like Higurashi is or will it be all 8 parts in one game?

>> No.14563190

I actually already have reread all of Umineko. I'm planning on a 3rd read too, after I retire in a few years.

>> No.14564090
File: 3 KB, 127x121, 1278262409606s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14566564

It's nostalgic looking back through the archives. Once desustorage is done importing (whenever that will be), I'm going back through /a/'s threads.

Moon-chan discussion a best

>> No.14564317
File: 512 KB, 643x458, stakeswtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are so few doujins translated?

>> No.14565115
Quoted by: >>14566573


That is one ugly art style. But Happy New Year to all.


On my first read through I went from 1 - 8 without ANY discussion or stopping to read threads so I actually didn't really 'get' what to look out for either.

Also, because each episode was SO LONG and I didn't have experience with VN's, I somehow got the idea that Episode 5 was Episode 2 and read about 2 hours of 5 before realising my error. It made things 10x as much of a mindfuck as I was basically thrown into the meta after Episode 1 Tea Party and assumed it was just weird and Japanese that none of the characters were properly introduced.

Yes I'm aware that this makes me retarded.

>> No.14566519
File: 196 KB, 405x524, IkukoHachijo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be a really frustrating thing to put so much thought and effort into your work, and have people not just misunderstanding it, but also calling you a talentless hack for it. It makes me think that Umineko was a good story published in the wrong medium. Most visual novel readers simply aren't expecting the kind of active experience that Ryukishi wanted you to have with the story. Most are just looking for a good story where they can just follow along for the ride, and have some good 'feels' at the end.

Perhaps I'm just overreacting to the backlash that Umineko received, but it seems to be quite polarizing. You either love it or you hate it.

>> No.14566564
Quoted by: >>14566622


is Seacats a good enough keyword for early anime / 1-4 Witch Hunt translation thread?

>> No.14566573


chill. even the youtube reviewer did 3 or more playthrough / readthrough of VN and manga

>> No.14566622

I don't know how many results you'll get. I mostly searched for theory specific keywords. Just work with the date filter and you'll get to some stuff. Going back to threads that happened the night the spoilers dropped is good too, and you can probably find those easily.

>> No.14567408
File: 216 KB, 922x1466, Bern 18s924m5(100).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14567489

The 100th reply is all mine now.

>> No.14567486
File: 23 KB, 640x480, cateye_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14567579

I was taking a run and there was this black cat that I ran by that kept on staring at me.

>> No.14567489


You blew it

>> No.14567579 [SPOILER] 
File: 68 KB, 552x484, 1451808618554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14567828

Bernkastel is looking for your soul tonight, anon. She's hungry, and her teeth are sharp.

>> No.14567728
Quoted by: >>14568475

Absolutely this. I never got into Umineko during the hype but when I did eventually get round to it, it was blatantly obvious there was far more going on between the lines and I was sure that others would have thought the same.

Guess I was wrong. That said, what medium would have been better? Only pure literature comes to mind, but then whilst he could convey the themes better since typically novel readers pay more attention than VN readers, he wouldn't have been able to express the character's emotions as strongly, and it likely wouldn't have been nearly as popular today due to the lack of music alone.

>> No.14567828
File: 280 KB, 580x600, beelzbyniji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She's hungry

Hungry? THIS is hungry.

>> No.14568462

Good point ruined by attaching worst girl to it.

>> No.14568475
Quoted by: >>14568532

>he wouldn't have been able to express the character's emotions as strongly
Should've upped his writing skills first.

Seeing "ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha" and "Battleeeeeeeeeeeer" was annoying as fuck. Unless that was some annoying translation thing.

>> No.14568532
File: 67 KB, 1000x862, 2488906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14568691

As far as I know it seems that he ruined the potential for characters.

I was a Higurashi fan and the conection between Higurashi and Umineko was the trigger for me to like both. Bern was a disappointment on development that almost made me go full autistic with that, some of the things I love and still love of Bern is what I saw in Rika and what immediately was separated from her in the end of Higurashi. Kinda pic related.

I also read he kinda made the story to "made fun of readers", into pretending he was doing a smart very complex story to make him look like a genius.

Maybe he just went full pottery to shoutout some /tv/ maymays,

>> No.14568691
Quoted by: >>14568784

I totally agree in regards to Bernkastel.

She came off as tremendously flat throughout the story, which hurt hr because of her status as the primary antagonist in Chiru. The biggest problem with Bernkastel's development was the introduction of her relationship to Featherine and her motivation for revenge.

Her role of being subservient to Featherine wouldn't so much be a problem if Featherine actually had some semblance of development or personality outside of (lolchild of man), though I guess that escaped R07's head when introducing her.

Bern's motivation for revenge against Beato/Battler was, tbf, not that interesting since it did't do anything for her outside of demonstrating that she was n turbo bitch, which we already knew.

If anything, she was just used to develop every other character (Erika, Lambda, etc), which sucks since she's one of the few characters to get carried over from Higurashi. It might not have been a problem if she didn't have a large role in Higurashi, but she did, so her treatment in Umineko was pitiful.

R07's biggest problem, imo, is writing multiple characters well. It's always only one or two characters that you can say are written well with the other 20+ falling into some obscurity. Something I don't think is acceptable in a work as long s Umineko.

>> No.14568784

>R07's biggest problem, imo, is writing multiple characters well.
I think he did that just fine in Higurashi

>> No.14568807
Quoted by: >>14569046

You're right. I shouldn't generalize Umineko's problems onto Higurashi.

Maybe he just placed his focus too much on Beato/Battler/flavor of the Episode characters.

Partially unrelated: I honestly found the the Beato/Battler plot to get tiresome at a certain point.

>> No.14569046
Quoted by: >>14578152



In Higurashi the overall concept was far less novel and impressive than in Umineko, especially for VN's. Anyone who has looked at Uchikoshi's work has seen time loops if we're talking about VN's. Furthermore the 'cute kids losing their fucking minds' hook gets pretty old, pretty fast.

Contrast that with Umineko where the concept is brilliant enough to draw in people way outside of the VN demographic. You've got a classic mystery where the author effectively stands in and confirms/denies theories in canon using Word of God (red truth). Mystery fans like myself found an itch that we didn't know we had getting thoroughly scratched.

However the main draw of Umineko was also its Achilles' Heel; mystery novels aren't typically known for strong characterisation and they necessarily have a sizeable enough cast to allow for suspects. As a result many of the characters are really one dimensional. Just what was Hideyoshi up to most of the time? Just seemed like a pretty reasonable guy who wouldn't be out of place in a Murakami novel.

Except in a Murakami novel he would have some really bizarre hobby or worldview or would at least have good taste in Jazz and beer to keep the reader amused. In Umineko he does....nothing. And yet this nothing character is confirmed as a co-conspirator in Episode 1. Why? Because he needs money for his restaurant chain. That's it.

>> No.14574970
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, lamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14574975
File: 224 KB, 1063x750, Stakes.of.Purgatory.full.78938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish they would all just collectively rape me.

>> No.14575725

>No Dlanor doujins
>None featuring Erika and Dlanor exploring their love
What a wasted opportunity

>> No.14575993
Quoted by: >>14575997

Where do you find the full CG rip for Chiru?

>> No.14575997




>> No.14576462

Don't we all, though?
Just imagine them all fighting over your dick, while teasing each other.

>> No.14577546
File: 101 KB, 500x500, bingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14578001

Lambda, you motherfucker. You made me like you!

>> No.14578001
File: 49 KB, 320x320, This is funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you open your heart to someone and let love in. You must pay the consequence of your decisions, anon.

>> No.14578108

The manga ruined this fucking story forever. Ryu opened up the catbox to keep the loveless Goats happy and now it's impossible to speculate or argue about pretty much anything. And the manga is definitively canon.

>> No.14578118
Quoted by: >>14578125

The manga was great though

>> No.14578125
Quoted by: >>14578128


Yes it was well done but it undermined the whole point of the fucking story. You could argue that Ep 7 of the VN did the same thing but the amount of extra Reds in the manga did much more damage to the catbox.

>> No.14578128
Quoted by: >>14578139

I don't know why you're complaining then. The VN made it very obvious what the truth was, all the manga did was confirm it.

>> No.14578139


The VN didn't have a clear and obvious answer to every single thing. It didn't 100% confirm prime, there was the possibility for different solutions to each game using the same basic idea, it didn't confirm nor deny Ikuko = Yasu, it didn't confirm nor deny if Ange's world exists in Prime or if it's a gameboard etc. etc.

By contrast the manga exhaustively answered everything instead of leaving room for some speculation and theorising which Ryukishi explicitly wanted to do with the VN. Even if it was obvious who the culprit was by Episode 7, there were many other things which were less obvious or clear.

>> No.14578148

Can't disagree with you there. I didn't mind all the questions being answered but I did find it kind of jarring with how explicit it was in doing so.

>> No.14578152
Quoted by: >>14578172

I agree with you to a point, but to be fair you chose one of the worst cases of dusty pieces in Hideyoshi. A lot of other characters, particularly the Aunts and Cousins got quite a fair shake by the time it was over. R07 Just knows his audience and there were too many attractive female characters to waste time on fat old men with fake Osaka accents. He deserves some credit for having a cast like that and working them into the story.

That aside we did learn Hideyoshi was a good husband who loved his wife and son.

The manga took forever to get to catbox stuff, and literally no one cares or talks about Umineko in Japan anymore anyway. It had only a small blip of popularity that quickly died out and now you can't even find second merch in all of Akiba.

Outside of the occasional western discussion which devolves into the usual Rosatrice shit thee is nothing worthy to debate now that its over. The guts were torn out in Ep 7 for anyone with half a brain. The manga and the new book were just the nail in the coffin.

>> No.14578172


>Outside of the occasional western discussion which devolves into the usual Rosatrice shit thee is nothing worthy to debate now that its over. The guts were torn out in Ep 7 for anyone with half a brain. The manga and the new book were just the nail in the coffin.

I disagree. See >>14578139 where I explained that some details like Ikuko = Yasu were possible but not confirmed until the manga released.

When I originally read Episode 8 I took the purple truth minigame as a clue to how Umineko was supposed to be interpreted. In that game a series of clear deductions leads to the conclusion that (Black) Battler has to be the culprit. However Erika presents a possible alternative solution which is slightly outside the box. In the end it's not possible to know which of the two solutions is 'correct' even though one has more clear support than the other.

Contrast that with what happened in the manga. Did we really need to know in excruciating detail how basically every murder or trick was done? No matter how retarded it is, Rosatrice was at least inventive and provoked a lot of great discussion on here and other places back in the day.

I guess I just miss those days.

>> No.14578206


>Did we really need to know in excruciating detail how basically every murder or trick was done?

Isn't that what people demanded from Ryukishi07 though? Didn't the fandom complain about it being too confusing and not conclusive and whatever? Either way, I don't dislike the manga because at least they made Yasu's problems and motives more understandable.

>> No.14578213
Quoted by: >>14578250

Face it, you are just butthurt because your headcanon can't exist in the catbox anymore.

Its not 2010, the story need some conclusiveness to the people who stuck with it and wanted to check the answers. Even within the narrative of the VNs higher beings couldn't help but want to see the truth.

The point of Umineko wasn't to stay in the Golden Land of ignorance to the truth, but to see the "single truth" with the right perspective (love) which took the journey of the story to fully appreciate.

I thought "our confession" was much, much worse nasty to read than the manga and it came out fairly early. Even now reading it I can't believe it to be true because it reads so crudely and does Beato a disservice.

>> No.14578250


I'm butthurt because it's not really possible to have a conversation and hear alternative interpretations. I personally never disagreed with Shkanontrice nor did I think that Ep 7 teaparty wasn't the closest truth to Prime. I just liked interesting discussions and felt that R07 wanted some level of vagueness in how to interpret the finer details.

I've stuck with it since I first read it in 2013 and I would be happier if this mystery story stood alone as technically 'unsolved' forever. I have read a LOT of mystery stories with clear and obvious answers over the years; I guess I'm just sorry that Umineko is now one of them.

>> No.14578266
File: 1.21 MB, 3130x3770, zettai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have 19 minutes of ear-sex, goats.


>> No.14578352 [DELETED] 

You're not alone, it's really a pity. Now that everything has been said and everything is solved... I'm afraid that Umineko is only going to go down and down, until it dies completely. I really don't want this to happen.
Oh my. Hehehehe~ I really like this design, I don't care what the others thing. The only only one that I don't like very much is Jessica (she looks so different), but I thought the same about the design of Battler and Beatrice before... and now I like both of them so who knows ? Although, I have to admit that the "scary" faces of the witches are now more funny and ridiculous than terrifying, but they never scared me so I'm fine with that.

>> No.14578358
Quoted by: >>14578399

You're not alone, it's really a pity. Now that everything has been said and everything is solved... I'm afraid that Umineko is only going to go down and down, until it dies completely. I really don't want this to happen.
Oh my. Hehehehe~ I really like this design, I don't care what the others thinks. The only only one that I don't like very much is Jessica (she looks so different), but I thought the same about the design of Battler and Beatrice before... and now I like both of them so who knows ? Although, I have to admit that the "scary" faces of the witches are now more funny and ridiculous than terrifying, but they never scared me so I'm fine with that.

>> No.14578396
Quoted by: >>14578652

>I'm butthurt because it's not really possible to have a conversation and hear alternative interpretations.

No one really had discussions about it even before the manga spoiled everything.

It's better to let everything out because no one was going to talk about it for years to come anyway, especially when he moves on to the next WtC.

>> No.14578399
Quoted by: >>14578529

>I'm afraid that Umineko is only going to go down and down, until it dies completely
Just like any work of fiction, it will live on if it's good enough to do so.

It's not like he's abandoning the series either. Lots of people will read Umineko and Higurashi whenever the next WTC comes out.

>> No.14578529
Quoted by: >>14578784

>whenever the next WTC comes out.
Hopefully this will happen at all.

Tonight I dreamed that the new work of Ryukishi was actually announced to be a VN and not a manga.
Then I woke up and started crying. It was terrible.

>> No.14578652
Quoted by: >>14579493


I'm looking forward to When the Fireflies Burn or whatever it's called. I'm hoping that the inevitable megathreads here are as good as the Umineko ones were but that's probably unlikely.

>No one really had discussions about it even before the manga spoiled everything.

Nah. Just look at KnownNoMore; you can call his Rosatrice theory bullshit if you want but here's a guy who makes really intellectual philosophy and skepticism videos tackling Umineko with a 9 hour analysis, released AFTER Our Confession but before the manga episode 8. Discounting the manga, his explanations were more or less all consistent with the Red.

People HATED him for it. Most of his videos have like 1k views except for the Umineko ones, which have ~50 times that. There were true believers even after Our Confession who maintained it up until the Ep 8 manga. I'm sure there are STILL true believers.

>> No.14578784
Quoted by: >>14578818

I was pondering reading the manga, but I never read manga at all.

How canon is the manga anyway?

>> No.14578818


It's 100% canon and the official and final explanation from R07.

>> No.14578848
File: 59 KB, 500x287, tumblr_mjr11cXkfe1rn5t5xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14578875

Can you link a good source with it?

I had before I lost the link.

>> No.14578875
Quoted by: >>14578923


if you want the official Yen Press translation, you'll have to either buy it on Amazon (lel) or look for a torrent or something. The fan translation I recall is from the WTDND group:


IIRC at least some of the mangas are hosted off site and need to have a registration but it's all free.

>> No.14578923
Quoted by: >>14578957

How do I even look for the torrent?

>Yen Press Umineko

Is this enough to find it?

>> No.14578950
File: 303 KB, 509x1363, ange+stakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ange does it the other way...

>> No.14578957
Quoted by: >>14578971


Are you 12? Get a torrent client like Utorrent or similar and just do a Google search. Or look for Rapidshare. Or just go with the fan translation since the official one won't be done until 2047 at this rate.

>> No.14578971

I word it wrong, I mean, clicked the Yen Press website and it directed me into some seemingly porn site. I was confused about this.

So Yen Press is not complete then?

How good is the fan translation? Or is it a bit like a "troll sub"?

>> No.14578977
File: 262 KB, 1280x732, cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14579095


was it safe to assume that the fact about Eva as sole survivor is true?


>kind of therapy for Tohya to understand the nature of Yasu.

pic related i guess

>> No.14579086
Quoted by: >>14579109

Fan translation has some English grammatical errors (granted that different people worked o it at different times). There is some difference in word choice.

That said, I enjoy the official releases.

>> No.14579089
Quoted by: >>14579109


If you want the official Yen Press Episode 1 - 4 just go on Amazon and google 'umineko manga english'; it will be there both physical and digital copy. Each episode is in 2 volumes. It's not that expensive but if you're poor/12 then it's probably online somewhere. I've never checked since I just used a fan translation.

The fan translation is imperfect; not as good as Witch Hunt's VN translation and also has some of the same ambiguities inherent in translating from Japanese to English.

>> No.14579095
Quoted by: >>14579125


Eva is the only person who survived in body and in mind.

If you've only read the VN then it is possible for both Battler and Yasu to have survived as well. However if you read the manga it's quite clear that only Battler survived and lost his memory.

>> No.14579109
Quoted by: >>14579125


I can't find the official release anyway, so I am staying with the fan translation, besides I'm more interested in chiru.
I am having some troubles downloading the manga from WTDND episode 1-8, can someone tell me what extra chapters are there so I can download too?

>> No.14579125
Quoted by: >>14579139


thanks for confirming this. I really don't get what's what after considering the possibility of Ikuko = Yasu and eps 1-8 were their forgery writing and all shits the previous anon explained.

Try madokami. Let's just wait some really bored anon will rip YP release someday

>> No.14579139
Quoted by: >>14579146

Care to spoonfeed me this time? I am really having troubles.

>> No.14579146
Quoted by: >>14579197


visit their IRC channel and read the topic on how-to

>> No.14579197

Sorry for being a bother here.

Well I went to the WTDND website and grabbed a MEGA link, it didn't work, it had 1-8 episodes.

You asked me to try on madokami, but I was not successful with the search either.

Honestly I am only looking for the fan translation now, episodes 1-8 and any other extra chapters too.

>> No.14579206

Just sign up at Bato.to and read it online.

>> No.14579284
Quoted by: >>14579719

Yea, I had this website, the one I lost.

Question is, this has also all the extra chapters too?

>> No.14579294

We should have a seacats reread during september/october, one chapter every week, no spoilers, and ends on Halloween

>> No.14579358
Quoted by: >>14579719


bato.to got all the extra chapters up to the tea party covered

this might be a good idea just because >>14578818

>> No.14579493
Quoted by: >>14580209

Still waiting on scans of chapter 0 to dispense judgement

The focus on notTakano sounds like fun

>> No.14579587
Quoted by: >>14580209

Reading the manga? I'll probably won't read it alone so, if I have to do it for my "online friends" probably I'll be able to read it.

>> No.14579719

Quoting to lead you to >>14579358

>> No.14580209
File: 21 KB, 605x146, WAKE ME UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14581097


I've been avoiding spoilers totally but I assume you mean Lambda?


>for my "online friends"
>my "online friends"
>online friends

>> No.14580870

Just wait for the official English release and buy it. The wait won't kill you.

>> No.14580879

I was thinking of rereading one episode of Umineko each year, on the day of the family conference in October.

>> No.14581097

Yeah. The story is focused on her piece/double, trying to survive in some backwoods village.

>> No.14583543

>one chapter every week
Not one volume or one episode?

>> No.14583900

One thing still bugs me...

How did Yasu know Ange wouldn't be at the conference when she was writing the bottled letters?

>> No.14584622

Natsuhi knew that Angie would be sick, hence her surprise when she showed up in the seventh game. Yasu probably fished the letter out of the trash or tapped the phone line to figure out. Still not more ridiculous than the island having a self destruct switch.

>> No.14584664

Not him, but I remember them saying that Ange got a tummy-ache on the day before the conference. I don't think that it had the time to send a letter in advance.

>> No.14584939 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 539x720, yui.pc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.14586187

>the stakes are a combination of a quieter pistol that leaves a small wound sized for a the stake
About that, have we ever seen those pistols anywhere in the story?

I always thought it was something like a crossbow (which makes sense, they are quite easy to get), since no character ever mentioned something like silenced pistols.

>> No.14587299



Ange had a tendency to get sick but two of the original letters Yasu put in bottles were reasonably detailed closed room murder mysteries. I think it's unlikely that she quickly removed any Ange references from those stories at the last minute.

It's more likely that she either guessed Ange wouldn't be present or that Kyrie and Rudolf were accomplices to begin with.

There are a lot of details from ep1 and 2 that happened in Prime even though technically speaking Yasu was 'predicting' them in her letters before they happened. The sick rose is an example; she told Maria which rose was 'hers' months or even a year earlier, but that whole scene depends on there being one sickly rose and also Yasu would've had to predict that George would be the one to put a marker on it to keep Maria happy.

This kind of thing is imo the biggest cheap shot from R07; it would've been fairly possible to deduce that 1-2 and 3-8 had different authors based on the knowledge each author SHOULD have; but Yasu setting up or 'guessing' actual Prime events in advance makes such deduction highly unlikely.

>> No.14588152
File: 739 KB, 1200x674, Umineko.no.Naku.Koro.ni.full.81887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14588169


>> No.14590095


>> No.14590755
File: 2.34 MB, 2830x1564, 02abf29cb886489dc67964215874a866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the MILFs never got enough attention and that is a tragedy

>> No.14592369
File: 92 KB, 757x1024, learnEnglishwithRosa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, let Rosa help you with your language.

>> No.14594352


>> No.14594360
File: 265 KB, 1518x1075, 456456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14595050

>> No.14595050
File: 433 KB, 814x880, 781b1aa5d62331c3255b86ff80055e0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aunties were hot af but siblings art wasn't bad.

also you can't kraut the krauss

>> No.14595317
File: 100 KB, 850x546, beatolamb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595889
File: 268 KB, 880x1300, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Episode 3 v03 c10 - 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why Natsuhi so pure? Doesn't Krauss taught her things during their honeymoon trip in SEA countries

>> No.14595910
File: 245 KB, 333x660, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595913
File: 783 KB, 725x1047, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595915
File: 346 KB, 714x437, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595916
File: 530 KB, 728x685, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14595945

>> No.14595918
File: 754 KB, 718x1027, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595920
File: 816 KB, 726x1001, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595925
File: 915 KB, 727x1045, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595930
File: 773 KB, 725x1043, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595932
File: 921 KB, 728x1040, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595935
File: 732 KB, 727x1041, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14595937
File: 511 KB, 726x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14596250

>> No.14595945
File: 236 KB, 535x812, 39d6916ead6c0484571a430378d4b888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14595947


doujin's name? there's nothing like this on sadpanda

>> No.14595947

It's from the actual Umineko Tsubasa manga

>> No.14595977
Quoted by: >>14596005

How does the manga compare to the VN? I read the VN 2 years ago, but quit halfways through Chiru, and now I want to refresh my memory on the plot up to that point before resuming.

>> No.14595991
File: 70 KB, 500x338, goddamnitbeato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14596005
File: 367 KB, 1053x1500, Umineko no Naku Koro Ni Episode 3 v02 c08 - 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The manga enhances and adds what the VN have to offer. I'm currently reading episode 3 along with the manga

>> No.14596225

Which witch would you fuq?

>> No.14596232
File: 91 KB, 850x1163, sample_3d0021ba19c5ff316d3fa3acfaaae697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bern for sure.

>> No.14596237
Quoted by: >>14596251

Woah! Cute pic dudebro

>> No.14596238



Get the fuq out of this thread.

>> No.14596250

Post the aunts!

>> No.14596251

I'm not your bro, dude.

>> No.14596274
File: 1.31 MB, 1454x1009, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14596282


>> No.14596299

I need lewd Lambda, /jp/.

>> No.14596316
File: 242 KB, 1069x1196, 80127f6b08957fd4f047cfa4775b6724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14596362


Take a hike nerd

This is an aunt thread now

>> No.14596362
File: 43 KB, 450x463, 5e2790f70022f04e019c776015e0e61c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


such a bully Eva is. Who's older between the two?

>> No.14596412
Quoted by: >>14596414


For the longest time, I wondered why I found Natsuhi the most sympathetic aunt even though she does a lot of heinous stuff. It's because I secretly want a submissive woman with huge tits who does whatever I say, inside and outside the bedroom.

>> No.14596414
Quoted by: >>14596455

>It's because I secretly want a submissive woman with huge tits who does whatever I say, inside and outside the bedroom.
why is that a secret

>> No.14596455


Because it's no longer a politically correct or acceptable desire for a man to have in this day and age, and women now have too much power for this to be the case even if the desire were acceptable.

This is why so many older men in the UK with money are buying brides from Russia and Thailand.

>> No.14596537
File: 679 KB, 1000x1399, 0613bf700a2ba09be8a3c194a202e23e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14596614

Do you think Bern is a capable witch-sensei? I want to learn to become an incredibly cruel Sorcerer of Miracles.

>> No.14596617
Quoted by: >>14596659

>I want to learn to become an incredibly cruel Sorcerer of Miracles
She will just trap you in a fragment and let you escape by yourself.

>> No.14596659
Quoted by: >>14596736

First-hand experience is the best method for earning desu tbf

Bern's teaching is flawless

>> No.14596736


It's people like you who make me think the inclusion of the Voyager Witches was the worst fucking aspect of Umineko. They bring next to nothing to the table and have helped propagate the most autistic corner of the fanbase to absurd levels.

>> No.14596780

>3/6 posts made by me

>> No.14596896
File: 202 KB, 627x520, three_great_witches_by_bernkastelofmiracle-d495kn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14596913

Yes. Pre-Chiru Bern (If I am not mistaken) is the best teacher, until she goes full downhill with her character. Bern-sensei is my fetish, intellectually wise.

No. You are using fanbase as an argument. Voyager Witches are important for "pottery" reasons with other novels, in this case it is just Higurashi.

>> No.14596913
File: 52 KB, 373x303, Beato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14596934


>disagrees with my assessment
>"Bern-sensei is my fetish, intellectually wise"

Opinion discarded.

>> No.14596934
Quoted by: >>14596996

What do you mean by discarding my opinion? I just like Bern-sensei idea and it comes since Higurashi. Rika->Bern transition was something I liked a lot and I was honestly sad with the downhill of Umineko characters.

>> No.14596996
Quoted by: >>14597013


Nigga I just said here >>14596736 that I don't like the voyager witches because they contribute little to Umineko and lead to endless fantard posts about how kawaii or fuckable Bern and Lambda are. See: every Umineko thread ever.

Then you unironically use the words 'Bern-sensei' and 'fetish' in the same sentence and expect me to reply as though your opinion is worth a fuck.

>> No.14597013
File: 384 KB, 800x1132, 5499304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically I said, fetish.
That is why I said intellectually wise.

R34 Bern is just as shit as the character development she had in Umineko.

This was just a misunderstanding between us, move along bruh.

>> No.14597086
File: 8 KB, 179x181, 11116471_1402476836738411_9105664824671915041_n_zpsr2rfrxmf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14597129

Kill yourself

>> No.14597124
Quoted by: >>14597129

I like Umineko for the story and the atmosphere, but that doesn't stop Bern from being sexy and cute.

>> No.14597129
Quoted by: >>14597141


Get smothered under your Bern hug pillow, faggot.


Seek mental help

>> No.14597141
Quoted by: >>14597170

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14597170


>4chan super sekrit club no normies allowed.

Meanwhile the majority of posters are Umineko fans discussing theories and giving their opinions on the story, while a ragtag band of closeted paedophiles derail every thread with their degenerate obsession over the objectively worst and least important characters in the story.

And when they - that is to say, when you - are called out on it they act as though their behaviour is the norm.

>> No.14597174

Where do you think you are?

>> No.14597191
File: 207 KB, 500x431, Ber_a24_akuwarai3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14597225

Kill yourself

>> No.14597198
File: 39 KB, 511x382, weekend at bernies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you ready for a Weekend at Bernies?

>> No.14597208
Quoted by: >>14597221

>least important characters in the story.
>Bern was literally the most important character in episodes 7/8

>> No.14597221
Quoted by: >>14597240


Right because Yasu/Clair's confession as well as Kinzo's weren't more important in Episode 7

And any argument based on Episode 8 is totally pointless. Not only is 8 a failure as an episode, it is a failure precisely because it went too far up its own ass about the meta and magic. Fanservice of all the magical characters is a huge reason for this but Bern is just one aspect of it.

Please give me your argument for how Bern can be considered more important than Battler, Ange, Yasu, or Kinzo.

>> No.14597225

Oh boy, the roleplayer's back. Reminder to report this asshole and his buddy.

>> No.14597234
Quoted by: >>14597241

There are maybe four, max five people in this thread. And you want to have two banned? Why not talk to a wall to begin with?

>> No.14597240
Quoted by: >>14597262

>Not only is 8 a failure as an episode
Your bait was so good up to this point.

>> No.14597241
Quoted by: >>14597262

>four, max five people
>76 posters

If you think those morons add anything to Umineko thread discussions, you are a fucking retard. They shit up every thread they touch.

>> No.14597262
Quoted by: >>14598136


This guy gets it.


Except it isn't even bait. These faggots will literally derail any interesting discussion with their waifu pandering. Replace Bern with an equivalent character based on Keiichi and nobody would fucking talk about him. He'd be considered a weird anomaly that seems like an awkward carry over from Higurashi, and an edgefaggot to boot.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.14597420
Quoted by: >>14597451

>Bern being a child.
This is just bait honestly, not even caring about this anymore.

>> No.14597434

>Rebirth is just a remix of Thanks For Being Born
How did I not know this until now?

>> No.14597451
Quoted by: >>14597523


>S-She's not a child! S-She just has the BODY of an eight year old girl but the mind of a 1000 year old witch! So it doesn't count!

>This is what paedophiles actually believe.

>> No.14597488
File: 562 KB, 670x661, 1106829d28e5745fd5ee49903c1f05e7d0cc2c69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the Voyagers in a platonic fashion. I wish I could become a Voyager myself and drink tea with them or something like in my autistic fantasies but I would never even consider sexualizing them. My brain is far too wired towards loving tall women with long hair and big breasts to allow me to become a fucking pedoshit.

>> No.14597494
Quoted by: >>14597517

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are not lolis

PS3 sprite user detected

>> No.14597500

dai reuses a lot of motifs in his songs

>> No.14597517
File: 148 KB, 349x480, lam_waraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, I read through everything with the classic (and not to mention superior) sprites.

>> No.14597518

Discolor is also a remix of another music, which I can't remember right now.

>> No.14597523
File: 501 KB, 1059x1500, 21415099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frederica shows up in the end of Higurashi Kai, green dress etc.

Or you are just a stubborn troll or you are not understanding what I am saying.

Loli Bern was just DEEN being a shit, but they did animate Bern as she should be on Higurashi.

Picture kinda related, its just grown up Rika.

I like this anon, if I have to say it, it would be platonic too. Mister troll guy just doesn't see past the loli looks, besides, that look isn't even canon.

>> No.14597572
File: 156 KB, 500x431, Bern 18s924m5(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, that's not me. It's just another anon using the same pic that I use, and with a different file name too. So leave that kid alone, she/he hasn't done anything wrong.

>> No.14597608

Bern will always be a flat-chested semi-loli in my heart.

>> No.14597932
File: 104 KB, 1280x710, shkannontrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14597936


>> No.14597939
File: 124 KB, 850x543, 1403606062950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14597957


>> No.14597948

The gold of the witch is yours, anon.

>> No.14597953

I cackle'd. Great job.

>> No.14597957
Quoted by: >>14598052

>Eva not using Fat George suit
Though the fact that not even in her daughter clothes, Natsuhi gets to wear the One Winged Eagle is great.

>> No.14597980



>> No.14598002
File: 500 KB, 600x1800, KanonsolvedUmineko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14598015



Heeeeeeere we go again!

>> No.14598036
File: 435 KB, 1000x1450, 37_22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14598065

Shut up fag

>> No.14598052
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>> No.14598065
File: 105 KB, 707x559, KINZOFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he thinks the manga is canon

>> No.14598071
Quoted by: >>14598101

Nice meme

>> No.14598078
Quoted by: >>14598101

Nice delusion.

>> No.14598101
Quoted by: >>14598115


What's the matter with you guys? Do you really think that R07 would use the obvious dummy solution as the one true answer?

>> No.14598113


>> No.14598115
Quoted by: >>14598130

Yes, because he wasn't trying to write a top tier fucking mystery. I don't care if you're trying to be ironic, kill yourself. Yeah I'm mad.

>> No.14598130
Quoted by: >>14598268


>R07, the most famous VN mystery writer since Uchikoshi, isn't trying to write a top tier mystery
>mentions Agatha Christie, the queen of mystery, repeatedly
>Two of the characters are literally magic forms of other famous mystery authors
>the VN is left deliberately unsolved so that readers can solve the mystery themselves

It's like you didn't even use your brain to write that comment.

>> No.14598136
File: 158 KB, 648x648, bernkastel_derp_face_by_redroseneko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14598162

Killed yourself yet?

>> No.14598162


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little witch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Pendragon Army, and I’ve been involved in secret gameboards against demons, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gold truth warfare and I’m the top Chiester in the entire Pendragon armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will deny the fuck out of you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Kakera, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the metaverse? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Goats across the fragments and your fragment is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The web of red truth that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can deny you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with Episodes 1 - 4. Not only am I extensively trained in red truth, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Pendragon Blue Truth Core and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the gameboard, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.14598175
File: 947 KB, 1000x1437, bernkastel_by_tomiokajiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14598178
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>> No.14598268
File: 102 KB, 450x443, 1447878329686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>R07, the most famous VN mystery writer since Uchikoshi, isn't trying to write a top tier mystery
>>mentions Agatha Christie, the queen of mystery, repeatedly

>> No.14598279
File: 201 KB, 426x580, worst detective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14598415

I didn't want to do this, but

*unsheathes katana*
*teleports behind u*
heart of the story
*denies your theories*

>> No.14598415
Quoted by: >>14598698


The true heart of the story can be interpreted in multiple ways.

For example, it is entirely possible to accept Shkannon without accepting Shkannontrice. I agree that Shkannontrice is a solution but until the manga it was far from the only solution. Multiple solutions exist where Shkannon is involved but not the true mastermind, for example. It was all moot before the manga, and in any case we know that Ep7 tea party is, with slight modifications, the Single Truth.

There is nothing worse than the sect of the fanbase who proclaim that the mystery is 'solved' now that we have the Ep8 manga.

>> No.14598698
File: 28 KB, 369x389, Will-Diana NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14600571


>> No.14600562
File: 81 KB, 600x568, 1247958853780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14600571


>posting worst character

Faggot didn't even solve Natsuhi's death in Ep 1 and he's supposed to be the best detective. He didn't even figure out Shkannon.

>> No.14600684
File: 110 KB, 400x946, 7ede97709b6fb12eb0d063a0ea70c50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck this remind me of tsubasa manga


>> No.14600688
File: 209 KB, 1600x1200, 1245c25111075d251cebba02832e60d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14600710
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>> No.14600714
File: 2.38 MB, 2000x2850, 70e6ad1e414c5ca70e1eca75ab025bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14601311

>> No.14600734


I've never read any of them and I'm just about to do so. Onwards!

>> No.14600738


godspeed, Sheeple. You might want to start with the ps3 port up until eps 3

>> No.14600750
Quoted by: >>14600817

could someone refresh my mind and remind me exactly which episodes were written by yasu and which episodes were written by Toya? And also maybe remind me how this was proven/discovered/mentioned?

>> No.14600817
Quoted by: >>14601019


Get the fuuuuck out of this thread before you get spoiled, seriously.


Episode 1 and 2 were written in advance by Yasu. Episode 3 onwards were written by some combination of Tohya and Ikuko. There is some speculation about this but we know from Chiru that everything after 2 is a forgery.

Most people agree that Tohya comes up with the general scenarios and details only 'Battler' could know and Ikuko does the writing.

>> No.14600943

The Voyagers saved Umineko desu tbf

>> No.14601019
Quoted by: >>14601029


what's the basis for 1 and 2?

>> No.14601029
Quoted by: >>14601077


Found by the police during the investigation of the incident; same handwriting.

>> No.14601041

Land of the Golden Witch when?

>> No.14601077
File: 131 KB, 749x800, f838e81ca44ba7ab919a6bede6604be6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


care to point me at what chapter did this happen? I've finished Chiru without the forgery writing clue at all

>> No.14601256
Quoted by: >>14601753

I don't remember exactly which chapter, I think it was 4, but they mention fishermen finding the bottles and giving them to the police.

>> No.14601289
Quoted by: >>14601753


All of the stuff about the online 'Witch Hunter' community and the stories Ikuko posted under a pseudonym online have been around since Ep 5 or possibly 6. It's been a while.

Episode 1 being a message bottle is in the credits of the Tea Party. I forget where the evidence for 2 being the same was but it might've been Episode 4 in Future Ange's story.

>> No.14601308
Quoted by: >>14601319

Who's looking forward to the live action Higurashi drama starring idols?

>> No.14601311
File: 80 KB, 700x700, 9012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14601319


Not me. I didn't even know this was a thing. I shudder to think what an Umineko one would look like

I'd still see it though.

>> No.14601337
File: 338 KB, 541x754, Umineko.no.Naku.Koro.ni.full.323267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>14601753

>> No.14601350
File: 491 KB, 840x1200, you're gonna carry that weight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eva did literally nothing wrong.

>> No.14601367


Her and Hideyoshi 'accidentally' shot Krauss and Natsuhi, which kicked off the whole incident.

She then lied 'to protect Ange' - nah, that was only part of it. She was also protecting herself from taking responsibility. Telling Ange the truth of what her parents did would've been a much better option in the long run.

Let's not forget that she was an emotionally abusive bitch due to her upbringing.

>> No.14601376
Quoted by: >>14601417

>telling her her family are psychopathic murderers
>better option

>> No.14601417
Quoted by: >>14601436


>forcing her to live not knowing what happened to her family, resulting in her developing obvious signs of mental illness including delusional fantasies about her dead cousin and witches
>better option

Psychologists uniformly agree that the children of convicted murderers should be informed that their parents 'did a terrible thing' as soon as they are old enough to comprehend it.

Deceiving them or misinforming them does more harm in the long run as they will find out about it in one way or another at some point and will be further damaged by the deception.

Neither option is good but not telling them is the easy and selfish option and the one Eva took.

>> No.14601436
Quoted by: >>14601467

Do you think she'd even believe Eva?
Ange's mental illness is more due to her being outcast because of everyone else thinking Eva was the killer. Do you seriously believe things would be better if everyone knew her parents were killers?

>Neither option is good but not telling them is the easy and selfish option and the one Eva took.
Pretty sure you have no way of knowing what her reasoning was.

>> No.14601438
Quoted by: >>14601467

It's not easy to tell a kid that her parents killed everyone for money and that you were the one to kill them.

>> No.14601467
Quoted by: >>14601516


She would have believed Eva is Eva told her about it when she was old enough to comprehend but not old enough to be a moody rebellious teenager.

>Do you seriously believe things would be better if everyone knew her parents were killers?

I said 'tell Ange' not 'tell everyone'.

>Pretty sure you have no way of knowing what her reasoning was.



This guy is correct; it is not an easy thing to tell the truth in this situation. But by NOT telling the truth Eva was 'protecting' Ange and this conveniently allowed her to gloss over the fact that her and her husband were responsible for the deaths of 4 people between them.

For fuck's sake, trauma counsellors exist. They deal with kids who were forced into being child soldiers or sold into sex slavery. Compared to that dealing with a kid whose parents went on a mad one is trivial.

>> No.14601516
Quoted by: >>14601532

But you are forgetting to consider the mental state of Eva back then. She lost her husband and her son, not to mentions all of her family, and the whole world thinks she was the one that did it just for cash.

>> No.14601532


Well yes, from the point of view of storytelling what happened is much more interesting. It's also probably closer to what would happen in real life as well, assuming such a massacre/explosion combo could even happen.

My position was not that Eva behaved unrealistically, but rather that she did a terrible thing by not telling Ange. There's a large contingent of Umineko fans who think that not telling Ange made her sympathetic for some reason and it makes no sense.

>> No.14601753
File: 179 KB, 750x750, a2c888cbbf05b187e75da85353e6197b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no wonder that flew over my radar, I've been saving the the party for later while beta testing the ps3 port.

gonna confirm that with SS later


maybe in another gameboard, Eva-kaasan
