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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 712 KB, 1280x720, Zamiel, Machina and Schreiber harassing school girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11427944 No.11427944 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>11407647

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.11427948
File: 596 KB, 1280x720, capture_073_18092013_044833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also finished Erena's route just now. Sadly pretty short compared to the common part.
Any suggestion for whose route I should save for last? I'd assume Fuuka would be fitting since she's the cover girl and all.

>> No.11427947 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x640, screen-namjonyeobi_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11427970

Analogue: A Hate Story is being officially released in Japan!

>> No.11427954

The filename reminded me of senshinkan, when did the trial come out again?

>> No.11427965
Quoted by: >>11428000

20th of this month according to Masada's twitter.

>> No.11427970
Quoted by: >>11427981


>> No.11427981

He posts once in every thread, then disappears. Just ignore him.

>> No.11428000

I wonder if it will also use e-mote, aside from some unnatural hair movement and too fast lips, it looked pretty neat in electroarms.
Though I'd be happy with just mouth movement.

>> No.11428012
Quoted by: >>11428018

Landmine, there hasn't been many this year so we're due.

>> No.11428018
Quoted by: >>11428294

I think last year filled the whole 'every single interesting game will be a landmine' thing.
Also there's still baldr zero.

>> No.11428178

Jesus Christ, Nitroplus, make it stop, you're already developing a new Sonico game, who needs a third one?

>> No.11428204

Shit nitro+, get it together.

When did anyone say that we needed more Sonico? No one cares about her to that extent, she isn't that popular even. They have been force feeding us with her for years now instead of making good games. I am surprised they didn't stick her into Totono.

I know they have a real deal game in the works but I don't know how many good people are left there so I can't get excited.

>> No.11428235

Sonicomi had some weird writing.

You were getting along with her, everything is happy and shining then, it's like, OPPS SOMEONE PRESSED THE DRAMA BUTTON ENJOY

>> No.11428259

>対応機種: プレイステーション3
Exactly what are they even thinking? Sure, one can still understand an eroge company making games for their HUGE breasted, airhead moeblob mascot character but why the hell make them all ages? Don't they know their core audience?

>> No.11428294
Quoted by: >>11428303

>baldr sky zero
I'm quoting you because you're probably right.

>> No.11428303

I really, REALLY don't want it to.

>> No.11428313

I'm guessing that they are trying to expand their horizons a bit and attract a larger crowd (Steins;Gate also being all ages, Lost Christmas being an all ages tie-in to the original anime series, that Phenomeno thing and they apparently are working on Attack on Titan VNs), though at the same time they recently made Totono.

And they probably want Sonico to stay as a pure idol mascot so they won't go any further than having her make lewd poses wearing extremely skimpy outfits while the boob physics engine goes bananas.

>> No.11428317
Quoted by: >>11428342

they probably expected her to become the next miku-like virtual idol for all eroge userbase to rally around
when a company insists so much on something it usually means they invested money on it and dropping it would mean huge losses

>> No.11428342
Quoted by: >>11428500

>pure idol mascot
I have seen her wear and do things that would make a hooker blush. I am pretty sure that camera man giving her the D would probably do nothing bad for her popularity or whatever pure image they could get out of it. An actual eroge with her in it that is really good would boost her popularity more.

Miku hype is mostly over, she is no where near as popular as she used to be.

>eroge userbase to rally around
That's like trying to unite all of Africa under one tribe.

>> No.11428366

oh yeah

>> No.11428500
Quoted by: >>11431142

I agree, as a "pure" company mascot like the ones Alicesoft/Eushully have is fine but it's a bit much if they're really expecting her to go any further than that.

Is there any information on how well the Sonico games performed in sales?

>> No.11428546

> Steins;Gate also being all ages
S;G was all ages because it’s SciAdv console game, just like C;H was and R;N later.
> that Phenomeno thing
That was more like an advertisement job they did for the LN.

>> No.11428572
Quoted by: >>11428646

Any visual novel that uses a lot of vocabulary about politics?

>> No.11428577
File: 736 KB, 1152x1755, 1275762523357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11428590

Surely DoguraQ will be released shortly!

>> No.11428590
File: 409 KB, 1024x768, 20100824225156b02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11428598

Not before Nubatama no Nue!

>> No.11428598

nitroplus confirmed for dead

>> No.11428601
Quoted by: >>11428616

I would love to play some good NTR vns . Currently downloading
Boku no Kanojo wa Gatenkei .. too bad my moon rune wushu is not very strong

>> No.11428616

NTR is sick and pathetic. Read something good instead.

>> No.11428646
Quoted by: >>11429100

Gunjou no Sora wo Koete
highest politics, economics and military terminology spam I've read yet

>> No.11428649

Is this "landmine" thing supposed to be a direct translation of 地雷? Kinda awkward usage, isn't it? I'd just say jirai/地雷 or use a regular english expression.

>> No.11428657
Quoted by: >>11428660

But NTR is proven to be a fetish of the most Intellectual humans.

>> No.11428660

A Jew said that so it's not valid.

>> No.11428676

what do you think they use the word for?

>> No.11428683

>a regular english expression.
>something that seems safe at first sight ends up blowing up horribly
Landmine is a good translation for this.

>> No.11428690

>Kinda awkward usage, isn't it?
How is it awkward? It's used commonly in English all the time.

>I'd just say jirai/地雷
I'm sure you would, weebcommander.

>> No.11428696

It's literally the exact same meaning.

>> No.11429100

thank you anon

>> No.11429116
Quoted by: >>11429133

EGS is up again

>> No.11429133

It's been up for a while now

>> No.11429811 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429842

I wish the NTR hating kids would stick to /vg/ and /a/.

>> No.11429842 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429855

I wish you would acknowledge your abnormality as one and keep it to yourself.

>> No.11429855 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429860

I normalfags would stick to normalfag boards.

>> No.11429860 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429903

>I normalfags
I was, of course, implying an abnormality even by /jp/ standards.

>> No.11429903 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429910

NTR games are normal on /jp/ and few people are against them. Being against NTR on any level is /a/(normalfag) behavior.

>> No.11429910 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429919

Of course you'd think that. Mental walls and all.

>> No.11429919 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>11429929

There is no need to start shitting up a VN thread with this, go tell /q/ how bad NTR is.

>> No.11429929 [DELETED] 

I don't have to, they probably know, as just about everyone does.

>> No.11430847
Quoted by: >>11430898

what is this game? looks very interesting.

>> No.11430898
File: 704 KB, 1280x720, capture_019_17092013_054338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11431797


>> No.11431020

I've just finished Totono. Such feels. This game is truly powerful. You'll probably laugh at me for this but i'll definitely not reinstall to "complete" it. I can't help but feeling even if i reinstall, Miyuki will somehow know about it.

I chose Miyuki. I regret my betrayal .

Out of curiosity though, does anything happen if you dial kamisama or Aoi's number when you find the phone in the "restored" world?

>> No.11431142
Quoted by: >>11431181

43. ソニコミ

>> No.11431168
Quoted by: >>11431176

>Such feels. This game is truly powerful.

It is a little emotionally manipulative but it felt kinda weak. In a month from now you'll remember the glaring flaws more than a fleeting emotion. Games are best evaluated a week after playing due to how some can get to you. I felt disappointed with the game as it felt like it should have been a better game than it was.

>but i'll definitely not reinstall to "complete" it
I wouldn't because it is a pain in the ass and I have games to play. Miyuki was such a meh heroine. Aoi was probably the only interesting thing about the game and was one of a kind but they shoved boring old Miyuki down your throat for 75% of the game. The only good thing about Miyuki was her wild ride because otherwise she was run of the mill as far as characters go. Also she was a bitch and likely spread the Aoi is a slut rumors before she lost he wits.

>> No.11431176
Quoted by: >>11431191

Calm the fuck down dude.

>> No.11431181

Still did better than Tsuyokiss 3: Oh God They Made Another One edition.

>> No.11431191
Quoted by: >>11431201

Sure I ranted a bit but I don't think I said anything wrong.

>> No.11431201

There's a difference between offering your own opinion and trying to force your opinion on other people. You did the latter. Stop it. If you hate the game that much, just don't comment on it.

>> No.11431207 [DELETED] 

He can post whatever he wants, faglord.

>> No.11431220
Quoted by: >>11431243

It was something like a congratulatory message from Aoi.

Is this your first time here or something?
People has been complaining about those things for months, and not without basis either. I sure as hell won't reinstall it because it's a pain in the ass to get through.

> If you hate the game that much, just don't comment on it.
I'm sorry, but that amounts to asking /jp/ not to talk about Touhou. People have always criticize about eroge here, hence "discussion."

>> No.11431235

>I've just finished Totono. Such feels. This game is truly powerful
One fine example of the audience of Totono.
How can anyone feels anything with a text so bland and characters so annoying?

>> No.11431243
Quoted by: >>11431651

>newfag accusation

>People has been complaining about those things for months
As I said, complaining is fine. Your post basically amounted to "You didn't actually like it, because it's shit" I even agree with most of your opinion, but you're still a faggot.

>> No.11431283
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, movie1.mpg_snapshot_00.47_[2013.09.19_00.27.12].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of feels I just found this in the renai 0 kilometer OP

A nod to 4chan or engrish? You decide.

>> No.11431400

『キスアト Kiss will change,my relation with.you』



>> No.11431432


The titty gods shall bless us once again

>> No.11431566

sounds sort of unimpressive summary but maybe there's more to the setting

>> No.11431581
Quoted by: >>11431637

Finished White Album 2. I didn't really like the Coda all that much. It got a decent amount of tears out of me, but the setup seemed a little too forced and it dragged on a bit, especially Kazusa normal route with all the sex.

Intro and Closing Chapter were great though. The heroines were awesome. Except, well, Chiaki was Chiaki. And I thought the pacing was pretty good for the routes. I feel like Setsuna route in closing chapter was probably the best part of the game.

Anyway that took way too much time to finish so I may take a break from VNs for a bit, but Asairo is next on the list, and I'd probably like to read Damekoi at some point. It would be nice to get Maruto in a short/faster paced game.

>> No.11431594
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, cxzczxcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11431725

Man, this game is entertaining as fuck. I love it.

>> No.11431637
File: 769 KB, 1286x768, QQ截图20130919130729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they need to give takeya a route.

>> No.11431651

I have to agree with who you're replying to, you are getting overly frustrated. I've said near similar things about Totono here previously and no one reacted with a 'WOAH DUDE CHILL OUT'. How can you comment on something without properly criticizing it?

>> No.11431725
Quoted by: >>11431740

let me ask the source.

>> No.11431740


>> No.11431797

That sidemouth.

>> No.11431826

What does /jp/ think about C;H?

Recently finished both routes and I liked it

>> No.11432053
File: 939 KB, 1280x800, Onani ka na.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When does this git gud?
I've been reading it for hours and the amount of food talk I had to endure would put Food Stay Night to shame. I finally got my first choice, but nothing fucking happened. I'm starting to get irritated by the MC and how everything is written 3x longer than it should be. All this inane talk bores me to death.

You told me this is some hot grimdark shit /jp/, but it's worse than Da Capo. None of the bitches has any real appeal and Sakaki is like a copypaste Senjougahara. It doesn't help that the same dude was responsible for both character designs.

First 2/3 is good, last 1/3 is shit.

>> No.11432070

takumi most dame MC of all VNs no one can disagree with this

>> No.11432373 [DELETED] 

>You told me this is some hot grimdark shit /jp/
It's not.
I wonder what atrocities where committed on that translation you're reading though.

>> No.11432376
File: 1.97 MB, 1294x998, shinseimazoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that makes it quite obvious what Ruin is. I read fluent plot.
乳揉族. I died a little inside.

Still it was great fun except for most of the king candidate arc. That was mostly treading water while they filled out the rest of the sex scenes.

>> No.11432379

>Sakaki is like a copypaste Senjougahara
It only seems that way on the surface. After reading her route, you'll see that they are actually quite different characters.

>> No.11432382
Quoted by: >>11432418

>You told me this is some hot grimdark shit /jp/
It's not.
I wonder what atrocities where committed on that translation you're reading though.

>> No.11432418
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x800, Vagina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11432560

>It's not.
Why would you have an MC like that if you are not going to have some REAL DEAL action?

>I wonder what atrocities where committed on that translation you're reading though.
The vocal and the text seems to match well enough.

>> No.11432421
Quoted by: >>11432569

Speaking of recently translated VNs, how's Yumina? I hadn't paid any attention to it before, but the English-only side seems to be interested in it.

>> No.11432560

That's all just the protagonist's past. He's now a perfectly normal high school student as you can see.

The girls don't really have any disturbing secrets either, only as much as an average person around the streets would have.

All in all it's just a charage, not sure where you got the grimdark part from.

>> No.11432569

Not bad but gameplay gets terribly repetitive if you ask me. I wanted to die during Corona when they decided it would be a good idea to combine that gameplay with time looping.

I like how they're chaining together multiple stories in the same setting though (even if they're being churned out at a pace of a turtle).

>> No.11432605

this is why EOP shouldn't get any japanese VN, they just simply can't enjoy the media.

>> No.11432649

What's EOP?

>> No.11432650
Quoted by: >>11432658

Yeah, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the game sucking balls and being a snorefest. There are no bad VNs, just newfags and shit tastes, right?

>> No.11432658


Either the translation is terrible or you have a horrible taste if you can't appreciate the common route in Grisaia.

Anway, the grimdark stuff comes soon enough in the character routes, so you should keep reading.

>> No.11432668

English-only peas--er, person.

>> No.11432711

I’d just like to say interject and say I think ‘REAL DEAL’ guy is the same person as MILF autist.

>> No.11432714
Quoted by: >>11432721


>> No.11432721


Nah, his English is too good and he doesn't ask a question in every sentence. Milf autist is actually quite easy to spot.

>> No.11432732

He probably learned from his mistakes considering they're pointed out in every thread he appears in.

>> No.11432742

I'm probably thinking of a different poster then, as milf autist used to use REAL DEAL quite seriously when he used to appear and shit up these threads.

>> No.11432764

Erotic, Oral Palpitation.

>> No.11433053
Quoted by: >>11433183


Now try the side routes, some of them are okay but the rest are pretty good. Off the top of my head the good ones were the elf route and alternative kings candidate route.

>> No.11433097
Quoted by: >>11433104

Can you guys give me a summary of Shinonome and Shirokuma routes in Hatsuyuki Sakura ?

>> No.11433104

Shinonome's isn't very good and Shirokuma's is shit.

>> No.11433110
Quoted by: >>11433116

I finished Aya yesterday and I'm working on Yoru. Do I miss anything worth if I skip those for true end ?

>> No.11433116
Quoted by: >>11433117


>> No.11433117

What ? Can you explain ?

>> No.11433183 [DELETED] 

>alternative kings candidate route.

I'm playing elf route right now. Where is that alternative route supposed to branch off from? Looking at the list I actual have all the non elf scenes.

>> No.11433601

It feel so right playing Baldr Sky with a 360 controller. Playing with a keyboard must be horrible.

>> No.11433617
Quoted by: >>11433654

It uses three keys and arrows, pretty nice, especially since you can customize them.

>> No.11433628
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, capture_017_19092013_221248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11433851

Finished all but Sena's route. Was planning to do Fuuka's last but after accidentally forking up flags decided to just roll with it. Mostly an enjoyable ride but all the routes were way too samey and in my opinion could have done much, much better without the unnecessary recycled drama.
Ojousama heroine falls in love with the protagonist > some Serf character witnesses their date > rumors start and the heroine gets denounced publicly > both the heroine and protag go emo "I don't know what to do, why is the world so cruel" > other characters cheer them up and everything turns out okay. In ALL of the three routes I played.

Sena's could perhaps be different but it's hard to get myself pumped up after the game pushing Fuuka's main heroine status with the great "final battle", title drops, vocal insert song and all that. I think I'm mostly done with this game and must say that the common route was easily the most enjoyable part for me. I wish more eroge also had larger casts of entertaining male sides. I really smiled to myself during Erena's route when Taiga utilizes his useless chuuni knowledge to strike up a conversation about Zoroastrianism with the spriteless Serf girl.

Though I might come back later and also finish Sena's for completion's sake after Senshinkan trial since I don't really have anything urgent in my backlog. Let's just hope someone mirrors or sets up a torrent for the trial so it won't take days to download.

>> No.11433632
Quoted by: >>11433654

I hope you can use the analog fully. Because it would massively SUCK to be forced to use that dpad, dude.

>> No.11433654
Quoted by: >>11433712

Maybe it's not that bad. But I'm loving the controller.
Yes, the analog has full control. It feels like Baldr Sky was made to be played with this controller.

>> No.11433687
File: 83 KB, 750x450, Yarai.Miu.600.1051636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one route you want to play above all else will never be translated.

Worst feeling in the worst.

>> No.11433698

It was Insem anyway.

>> No.11433712
Quoted by: >>11434259

He's probably talking about Baldr Sky Zero trial. I also had problems setting up a PS3 controller and could only use the analog, x, square, circle, triangle, L1 and R1 keys for the controller set up. Having the jump in triangle and pause in L1 is really uncomfortable.

Hope they'll fix that by the full version since IIRC both Sky 1 and 2 supported all the controller keys.

>> No.11433731


Untranslated is still better than Insem's guesslation.

>> No.11433851
Quoted by: >>11433852

It seems to me that you should play your favorite flavor of ojousama and play the osananajimi's route. Sena could be a super secret ultra ojousama though.

>> No.11433852

I would laugh so hard if that were the case.

>> No.11433878
File: 229 KB, 1286x748, hzEpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11433890

But Shirokuma herself is love.

>> No.11433890
Quoted by: >>11433891

Translate it weeaboos

>> No.11433891
File: 337 KB, 800x600, cooking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11433896
File: 195 KB, 765x940, 778b3cbd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette's new game.

>> No.11433898
File: 75 KB, 480x640, b48abc8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clochette loves their massive boobs.

>> No.11433901

That red hair girl looks exactly the same as their two previous titles.

>> No.11433907
File: 398 KB, 1280x685, bYZdb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey look, Saori beat someone.

>> No.11433926

So, childhood friend, sporty senpai, genki main girl, tsundere and kuudere?

Works for me

>> No.11433930
Quoted by: >>11434047

Who’s the trap?

>> No.11433935
Quoted by: >>11434170


Original poster here. Because the execution was good. I actually agree with you about the characters. I didn't like either of them but the game successfully managed to make me compassionate to Miyuki. I never really liked her, you can say i wanted to put her out of her misery.

The text might be bland, but as a relatively new japanese speaker, i appreciated being able to read it easily. I can't see it as bad writing at my level.

>> No.11434024

This guy's sameface might be almost as bad as Nishimata's.

>> No.11434047


>> No.11434170
Quoted by: >>11434211

No matter what anyone says enjoy what you want. Everything is subjective, eroge especially so. I am glad someone likes it.

I am ok with it but I feel it is overly criticized on here.

Too small, I want them bigger.

>> No.11434211
File: 678 KB, 2560x3927, Nature has gone too far.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too small
After Prism Recollection, the only breasts that won't look comparatively small are those gigantic ones you see in niche fetish appealing nukige.

>> No.11434259
Quoted by: >>11434464

What drivers are you using? SCP, MalwareinJoy, libUSB, or something else?
Could you not map buttons to keyboard functions with JoyToKey, Xpadder, AutoHotKey, or anything else?

>> No.11434268

Silicone usually isn't considered natural.

>> No.11434464
Quoted by: >>11435225

SCP. It's been a while since I used Xpadder but I guess that in my case I'd have to remove / disable SCP first or it would just interfere with the game most likely detecting both the controller and Xpadder's keyboard input.

I'll probably end up doing that if the full game won't be able to map controller keys apart from the default 0-5.

>> No.11434882
Quoted by: >>11434995

Don't forget to download and read the bonus route, that was pretty decent too.

>> No.11434901
File: 267 KB, 1296x758, 2arufa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11434904

Based Sho. The character introduction is awesome so far.

>> No.11434904
Quoted by: >>11434917

Does he have a cute penis?

>> No.11434917
File: 255 KB, 1296x758, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11435058

Looking at her bumpers, I'm afraid not. Still, the name Sango is quite peculiar and masculine-like.

>> No.11434995
Quoted by: >>11435205


The what!?

>> No.11435058
Quoted by: >>11435170

It means coral, that's gotta be one of the least masculine names around.

>> No.11435170
Quoted by: >>11435177

Although the majority of corals are hermaphrodites, some have distinct sexes and can be either male or female. I'd say it's pretty neutral.

>> No.11435177
Quoted by: >>11435180

So it's confirmed to be a futa protagonist?

>> No.11435180

I mean heroine

>> No.11435205


>> No.11435225

Oh yeah, I did hear SCP conflicts with Xpadder. I'd try JoyToKey in that case.
And make sure SCP's dev knows about the conflict. I've been tempted to report it, but I neither feel like pirating Xpadder nor making a forum account.

Disabling SCP should be easy though. Win→Services→SCP DS3 Service→Disabled.

>> No.11435256

every single song in my iphone are from VNs that I played. Am I the only one here?

>> No.11435257
Quoted by: >>11435258

I don't have a phone.

>> No.11435258


>> No.11435259

Every single song? Yeah, you're probably the only one.

I've got quite a bit of VN music on my phone, though.

>> No.11435495
File: 69 KB, 966x216, bana_trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11435567

No Senshikan trial today, delayed to next week.

>> No.11435567
Quoted by: >>11435589

Released one day after Sen no Kiseki, I will be pretty busy

>> No.11435589

Are you getting it through PSN or pirating it? Getting the physical release I'm probably stuck having to wait for it to arrive for quite a while ;_;

>> No.11435593

Getting it from PSN, I'm getting on Vita since I don't really have time to use my PS3 these days.
I'm pretty much getting it the second it's available, already bough a 10k yens card just for it

>> No.11435611

I'll wait together with you, anon. FedEx said 2-3 days but I'm expecting my shitty country custom and postal services to fuck up everything they can and more.

>> No.11435624
Quoted by: >>11435631

It will be the first time I'll do a Kiseki game on release and without a guide, I'm a bit scared to miss shit

>> No.11435626
Quoted by: >>11435665

that fang

>> No.11435631

I was thinking the same thing. Luckily by the time it arrives here japanese users will probably have started filling the wiki already, but still. All those missable points and obligatory riddles in archaic japanese.

But yeah, looking forward to the Senshikan trial. Gotta read that Masada school life love comedy

>> No.11435665

is the only thing painfully wrong with the image, yeah. I agree.

>> No.11435715

Kiseki should be VN related, it has so much text it could as well be one, heck most of 3rd is pretty much just text.

>> No.11436551
File: 384 KB, 289x840, EcoleVsAmairoVsGleamgardenVsEtc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://www.getchu.com/granking/201307.html took them too long this month.
Didn't expect nukige to get the 3rd (and also 4th) place, also Gleamgarden is only on 7th place (while Puppies got the 1st in march).


>> No.11436565

A shame that said third place nukige turned out so disappointingly.
I really wish the Tech-Arts owned brands would either stop using that old engine already, or at least update it with modern fapping convenience features.

>> No.11436570


The frill nukige owned though. It should've gotten 3rd over GJ

>> No.11436574

Looking at that actually reminds me, how was ナマイキデレーション if anyone actually tried it?

>> No.11436587

It was pretty dull in my opinion.

>> No.11436594

Feels like some sort of Clochette reject.

I stopped around halfway through the childhood friend's route since I got distracted by new releases, but it it was fairly decent. Unremarkable, but had decent comedy (including boob jokes and puns, of course) and if you like the aggressive and clingy type of childhood friend you will probably love Shiori, who is also the main heroine. Her fellatio voice is hilariously terrible, though.

Of course, I can't comment on the rest, but my impression is that it was an average moege, not bad but not good. Play it if you like tits and/or one or more of the heroines, otherwise there's not much merit to you.

>> No.11436605

What term do the elevens use for non-adult, non-dating VNs?

>> No.11436609 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.39 MB, 1278x722, everyone but the bassist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck everything.

>> No.11436619


>> No.11436634


>> No.11436646
Quoted by: >>11436723

ADV? All the games I can think of that fit that description have other gameplay elements, though, and they usually just refer to them by whatever genre the gameplay is.

>> No.11436717

Puppies was better than Gleramgarden and March was easily the worst month this year.

>> No.11436720
Quoted by: >>11436725

>if you like the aggressive and clingy type of childhood friend you will probably love Shiori, who is also the main heroine. Her fellatio voice is hilariously terrible, though.
That is my fetish, I love childhood friends and I love bad voice acting.

>> No.11436723

Higurashi doesn't have any other game element I could think of.

>> No.11436725

So you love Ghibli?

>> No.11436728

see >>11436619

>> No.11436737

That's true. Forgot about R07's stuff. It's pretty rare, in any case.

>> No.11436979
Quoted by: >>11437053

Are there any games with a heroine that's like Yuki Nagato from Haruhi? I just watched the movie again and am in the mood for a nice kuudere.

>> No.11437053
Quoted by: >>11437069

I haven't finished it yet but I quite liked the kuudere in Imo-bilizer. Although she's more like the snarky kind of kuudere.

>> No.11437069

Isn't Yuki just dandere? Heavy on the dan part.

>> No.11437090

You're probably right.
Ignore what I said then.

>> No.11437332

Yes, dandere, not kuudere. My bad.

>> No.11437466

To read the Ikusa Megami series, where should I start, Zero ? Verita ? Just read those and ignore the rest ?

>> No.11437503

Zero, Genrin 2, Verita, wait for(ever) remakes of IM1 and IM2.

>> No.11437706
Quoted by: >>11437912

>pulltop new novel
>auto download an app that broadcast the owner thoughts

Why don't they just get another phone

>> No.11437912

For the same reason you're misusing the quote function, probably.

>> No.11438610

read the novelization of Genrin 1 after Zero, Genrin 2 is fine (basically a less polished Meister series gameplay) but there's the novelization of that one too if you just want to skip to Verita.

>> No.11439038
File: 986 KB, 500x210, fuck me.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11439092

Is the Dangan Ronpa VN good or should I just watch the anime?

>> No.11439092
Quoted by: >>11439095

please play the game. the anime is only for people who had played it.

>> No.11439095

>the anime is only for people who had played it.
So why do so many people praise the anime?

>> No.11439101


>> No.11439105

They do? It's a very genuine adaptation unlike many game to anime adaptations over the years, but what fun is a mystery game if you can't solve the mysteries yourself? The sense of catharsis is gone from the decisions you're supposed to make.

>> No.11439118
Quoted by: >>11439124

How can you call it "very genuine" if they're cutting too much and most of characterization?

>> No.11439124

Genuine in that it follows the source material and doesn't veer into subplots that were never relevant to the game itself. Adaptations are bound to suffer heaps of distillation because of all the pacing problems and scheduling to 12 episodes of 23 minutes each.

>> No.11439183
Quoted by: >>11439196

So it's all right if we get our plot being moved and our characters being killed while absolutely not caring about them?
Also do you consider his Devil Survivor 2 adaptation also being "very genuine"?

>> No.11439196

Did you only read the first ten words or what?

I have not seen Devil Survivor 2 myself because I didn't even care about it, so I can't comment on it myself. Even if I had, that's outside the scope of this thread.

>> No.11439205

because of le quirky designs they can rally around

>> No.11439211

I played the game for an hour today, her Shiori's voice actor is bad all around. I don't know who she is either.

>> No.11439231

>I don't know who she is either.
I am replaying to myself.

I feel like an idiot, I just read her body of work and I have played tons of games with her in them, she's like the village bicycle.

>> No.11439233
File: 675 KB, 721x540, お○んこ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god what

I almost spat my drink

>> No.11439356

I didn't have any problem with her regular voice myself. I liked that tone of voice she does whenever she jumps on the protagonist or tries to get him to sexually ravage her, but hearing her gobble spaghetti during H scenes is just silly.

>> No.11439711

New nitroplus will be written by the guy who did Young Guns Carnaval
Young Guns Carnaval was about guns and badass lesbians despite the male protag, hopefully this will be good

>> No.11439754

did you mean that Necromancer project or some other undisclosed game?
as long as it's badass action and not mindblowing meta wannabe or super sonico (who got an anime apparently) should be interesting

>> No.11439755


>> No.11439758

What the heck is the anime even going to be about? Sonico posing lewdly for 24 minutes straight?

>> No.11439759
Quoted by: >>11439778

>super sonico (who got an anime apparently)
That wasn't an Aprils fools joke?

>> No.11439778
File: 141 KB, 1071x752, supersoniko_anime_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless today is some sort of traditional japanese april fools day in Japan it should be true

>> No.11439788
Quoted by: >>11439791

Will they give her the D

>> No.11439791

it's not an ero anime, super sonico has always been a huge dicktease

>> No.11439801
Quoted by: >>11439866

Well, I'm too lazy to check it myself. I'll swear they did that as a joke some years ago.

>> No.11439809

That character design is pretty bad. Doesn't look like Tsuji Santa at all...

>> No.11439866
File: 267 KB, 592x861, 1270142868014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11440087

>they animate Sonico shit instead of this other April Fool
Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.11439905

He apparently also worked on Psycho-Pass with Gen. I'm cautiously optimistic about this (which will totally bite me in the ass later).

It's also nice that they got the Hanachirasu/Gekkou no Carnevale artist back, I was getting tired of seeing Tsuji Santa everywhere.

>> No.11439942

Where's Dogura Q?

>> No.11440087
Quoted by: >>11440110

茶々丸 is one of the cutest names I've come across.

>> No.11440110

Yeah, is pretty cute, I'll use it for my first boat if I have one someday.

>> No.11440121
File: 25 KB, 854x163, eyerape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11440270

Sometimes I ponder why they don't just do a VN based on this - an alien MC goes to eye-rape (not figuratively, literally) all the girls he fancies with his ability.

>> No.11440254
Quoted by: >>11440702

Girls be ambitious is funnier than I expected, now I fear common route is all fun and individual routes are no fun.

>> No.11440270

I forgot the name but there was an MBS eroge like that.

Also there's a doujin eroge where the MC can do partial teleportation of his dick.

>> No.11440702
Quoted by: >>11441333

I have to reboot my PC everytime before I start this game for it to work.

>> No.11441333
Quoted by: >>11441702

Don't know if this will help but I also had some problems launching the game with a crack. Instead of just having to apply it once I had to manually drag the "gba.exe" on top of "AlphaROMdiE.exe" every time in order for it to launch, otherwise it would just give the "Please insert disc" error. At least that would be faster than having to restart your PC.

>> No.11441414
Quoted by: >>11441426

What's the address of that site where you can help translate VNs? I can't seem to find the bookmark

>> No.11441426

http://tlwiki.org/ or what?

>> No.11441702

>I had to manually drag the "gba.exe" on top of "AlphaROMdiE.exe" every time in order for it to launch
isnt it automatically create a shortcut that emulate what you do? look in the folder carefully

>> No.11441767

Fuck yes, someone finally uploaded the Phantom remake.

>> No.11442201

Ive only played Katawa Shoujo, great VN though.

>> No.11442793

So, I'm trying to get through Grisaia no Kajitsu but god damn am I ever bored. It's like 4 hours in and they're just talking about food.

>> No.11442930

Speaking of Grisaia, I wonder how many players have had at least a taste of army life, so as to identify with Yuuji.

>> No.11442939

I am trying to play yumia the ethereal but the combat is horrifically bad. Almost beyond description.

I wanted to get through the kirara route but I am done with this shit. The "dungeon" portion of the game is literally punishment and must have been designed by a sadistic retarded 5 year old.

>> No.11443068 [SPOILER] 
File: 199 KB, 1025x574, ss (2013-09-21 at 08.50.31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I have brain problems but I'm not finding it boring at all, the character design inconsistency makes me feel a little bit uneasy though.
Yuuji, however, seems a little too perfect to be true, it's kind of annoying. But overall I'm finding all the characters particularly charming.

>> No.11443086
Quoted by: >>11443164

Even so there’s a difference between army life and being a broken child soldier.

>> No.11443089
Quoted by: >>11443092

The common route of Grisaia is amazing, fucking english only faggots only have to have the worst taste possible

>> No.11443092
Quoted by: >>11443448

If you haven’t noticed, that’s most likely the same guy as >>11432053

>> No.11443100
Quoted by: >>11443105

Planning on preordering Steins;Gate in English. Anyone getting the physical CE?

>> No.11443105

Nope. After all I'm not an EOP

>> No.11443164
Quoted by: >>11443172

Sure, but I'm mostly referring to things like living in cramped spaces with other men, being woken up by yelling officers, having to adhere to protocol, zero privacy etc.

>> No.11443172
Quoted by: >>11443181

This doesn’t compare, but I’ve been to boy scouts camp when I was little.

>> No.11443181

It doesn't, and unless I'm wrong you can leave if you want.

>> No.11443222

The closest thing to army experience was in Meikyuu when Yuuji was at america and it was decently accurate based on my experience in army. Atleast it wasn't nearly as insulting towards army as Muv-Luv was

>> No.11443235
Quoted by: >>11443281

>Atleast it wasn't nearly as insulting towards army as Muv-Luv was
I haven't read it, and I guess I'm not going to now.
Did you volunteer, or was it compulsory?

>> No.11443276
File: 990 KB, 1280x1440, rtjmtyuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11443368

Wow that's so fun, even the song is performed by Ono Masatoshi:

>> No.11443281

Army? It's compulsory for males here in finland, sure our army isn't the strictest place when compared to some other countries but its still an army experience and "crazy" stuff did happen to me too. Which was probably the reason why the army part in Meikyuu was my favorite part of Grisaia as it reminded me of my time in army even though it was far more extreme than what I went through.

>> No.11443315

I never read Muv Luv. How was it insulting to army?
The writing staff of Grisaia does seem to have done their homework though.

>> No.11443368
Quoted by: >>11443397

All of my hype.
Waiting warmly for animated not-Hikaru.

>> No.11443397


It would be funny if the boy is not-kageaki without the looks and the complicated relationship with female mc, the op video does seem to hint he walks the path of blood without problem.

>> No.11443415
Quoted by: >>11443437

It's more in unlimited than in alternative, but there was stuff there that would never ever pass in real army and that annoyed me to no end. So it made feel like they were just playing being in army rather than being in army, and when fiction uses army as setting I except certain kind army like atmosphere from it which unlimited lacked to me atleast. So if someone uses army as setting I sure as hell don't want it to feel like I'm on somekind of highschool fieldtrip that unlimited felt like.

>> No.11443437
Quoted by: >>11443494

Same as me, then.

>highschool fieldtrip
Exactly this, it annoys me when they treat army like some sort of "we gonna fire guns like Rambo, so cool XD" pastime. It's not fun, it's not cool, and you can't quit in the middle.

>> No.11443448

Nah, we aren't the same guy. I ended up holding ctrl for the next hour or so until I hit the first compelling decision: whether or not to accept a huge wad of cash. I feel like the visual novel takes way too long to sell itself despite having some really interesting elements, but that's just me.

>> No.11443494


The discrepancies in Meikyuu annoyed me way more than they did in Muv Luv. At least Muv Luv has the excuse of being pure sci-fi.

>> No.11443577

I liked the war part of Meikyuu a lot mostly because it was about strange people doing strange things, reminded me of Catch-22

>> No.11443956

Oh god, the phantom remake is out, great.
Now I just need shining night and my august will be complete.

>> No.11444835

The main writer of Grisaia seemed like a massive military otaku. I don't think he had to do any research at all.

>> No.11444844

Kind of new to VNs, started in January with Devil on the G-String which I absolutely loved. I moved onto Katawa Shoujo since I saw how popular it was and was pretty impressed. Then decided to try Fate/Stay Night but ended up just watching the anime instead. Looking for a new one, preferably something sad and less than 15hours if possible. I've heard that there is an Angel Beats! VN coming out "soon" and absolutely pumped for that. What is the consensus on DotGS? I haven't seen anyone talk about it on /a/ or any other website.

>> No.11444862
Quoted by: >>11444877

Planetarian or Kana Imouto

>> No.11444866

Watching fate/stay anime instead of reading the visual novel,If you can read the source of a anime ALWAYS DO SO, the anime is a joke compared the visual novel, also try Planetarian

>> No.11444873

>also try Planetarian
Planetarian was boring as fuck for me.

>> No.11444877
Quoted by: >>11444889

Planetarian it is, thanks. Well, I figured the anime would have good action scenes and so far it hasn't had more than one and I'm almost done so yeah I fucked up.

>> No.11444883
Quoted by: >>11444886


>> No.11444886

Also a good rec.

>> No.11444889

In the case of Fate/stay night, in the fate route there really isn't any decent scenes, in unlimited blade works there is plenty of them and they released a movie that was "ok" which should stratify the desire to see the fights animated, no luck with heaven's feel unfortunately

>> No.11445123
File: 1.02 MB, 1286x745, gba_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, I regret not starting this earlier.

>> No.11445140
Quoted by: >>11445384

Is there any recent news about the Angel Beats! VN?
I'm really looking forward for it.

>> No.11445160
Quoted by: >>11445751

Does /jp/ have any recommendation chart for novels after 2010 ?

>> No.11445180
File: 106 KB, 404x640, 3aff5e6ac8e9093814f281233d02e665869e08bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking forward to Cannonball.

I'm a fan of the Steampunk Series, so now I wanna see what some of Liar-Soft's other, older work is like.

A shame most of it isn't translated, it sounds like it would appeal to western audiences.

I should probably get back to learning the Language.

>> No.11445309
File: 1.05 MB, 1040x614, guardian place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abusive, a maid, AND she's your half sister?

Oh god. You guys encouraged me not to play this? Damn you all!

>> No.11445313
Quoted by: >>11445346

There is only one good trait in those 3 you listed

>> No.11445346
File: 167 KB, 351x351, guardian place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not wanting an abusive tsundere half-imouto maid.

What is wrong with you?

>> No.11445358

Thats like mixing steak, ice cream, and and your laptop in a blender.

Sure each of them are good on their own, but you don't want all that shit mixed up.

>> No.11445366


Half sister is the same a normal sister Tbh (i have both of them IRL), the maid aspect is nice, but I'm not a M so the abusive side is unwanted
this is a good way of putting it aswell

>> No.11445372
Quoted by: >>11445387

IIRC she's not a even half sister and doesn't do what a maid does,so two tags are out. if you're ドエム you might like to hear her talking for every single action you do, this game as a whole is still trash regardless.

>> No.11445382

Dear /jp/ I have a question when it comes to reading VN and LNs in Japanese: what is the best way to figure out the meaning of colloquial and slang words? Googling them + 意味 doesn't work all the time so I was wondering if there was a site or something that provides definitions.

>> No.11445384
Quoted by: >>11445472

It's going to be awful unless Maeda writes all of it, or at least the bulk of it.

>> No.11445387
File: 1.06 MB, 1040x614, guardian place.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what then, this line is a lie or something?

>> No.11445397

>Thats like mixing steak, ice cream, and and your laptop in a blender.
So I have a meal of champions, comfort food, and 1TB of porn ingested into my body? Sounds great.

>> No.11445472
Quoted by: >>11445493

> Kashida Leo and Kai were also said to be working with Maeda on the project.

>> No.11445493
Quoted by: >>11445522

Ugh, Kashida Leo? Not a good sign.

Not sure about Kai, I guess he worked on Clannad but I don't know what parts exactly, and I haven't read any of his other stuff.

>> No.11445522
Quoted by: >>11445565

藤林杏 / 藤林椋 / 柊勝平 / 宮沢有紀寧の後半部分 担当 in Clannad according to EGS. I haven't watched anime nor read the original so I can't tell.

>> No.11445565

I didn't really care for those routes, so that's kind of unfortunate. Oh well, I'll still probably play the game just for whatever parts Maeda is doing.

>> No.11445751
File: 113 KB, 1815x2154, 2ch eroge rankings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11445776


>> No.11445776
Quoted by: >>11445819

I have quite a few bones to pick with that list. I was about to list them then I realized that eroge taste is one of the most subjective things I have ever seen.

>> No.11445796
File: 119 KB, 728x900, imgimgimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo' I'm playin' Grisaia for the first time and I've melted a whole fucking day to it and haven't reached any choices yet.

I wanna see some tits apart from Amane's, god fucking damn son.

>> No.11445799

Did someone redirect the /vg/ crowd here or something?

>> No.11445802
Quoted by: >>11445816

I think it's the same guy, personally.

>> No.11445803
Quoted by: >>11445816

Appears so, generally the best way to get them out is talk about a VN they can't read

>> No.11445816

There ain't no reason to hate, love for VNs is a good thing no matter who holds it, it helps break the monotony of talking to the same 20 people all the time. Also this thread is always dead a week before glorious releases.

>> No.11445819

>eroge taste is one of the most subjective things I have ever seen.
I've noticed this too. I can't think of any other medium where I've seen such staggering disparity in taste. I wonder why that is? I mean sure everyone has their own fetishes, but even VNs that are primarily plot-driven seem to get rated wildly differently depending on the person.

>> No.11445821
Quoted by: >>11445825

>20 people

>> No.11445825

I doubt there are more than that. English only peasants don't count.

>> No.11445835

because different people focus on lots of different things like individual sentence writing, plot flow, twists, themes of the story, characterization, likeability of a heroine as a character, likeability of a heroine as waifu, art and even games that are both "lot-focused" will have vastly different combinations of these
it's like literature taste, only with more visual taste attached to it, expecting people to agree on something is laughable

>> No.11445838
Quoted by: >>11445841

No hate coming from me just making a statement of fact,
Expecting people to agree on something isn't laughable, Expecting a majority of people to agree on something is laughable

>> No.11445841
Quoted by: >>11445846

yah that's what I meant, I just worded it badly

>> No.11445842

I see it more that almost every game has flaws and how much you enjoy any particular games depends on how much you're willing to forgive. I do have my fetishes, and my extremely disliked archtypes too but it really comes down to what you say, tons of different factors balanced out. Hell, I'll forgive writing if I like the seiyuu cast.

>> No.11445846

OK fair enough

>> No.11445862
Quoted by: >>11445873

I'd say it's because eroge have a big focus on two entirely subjective things: girls and, naturally, ero content. There's no "moege" or "nukige" equivalent in other games because there aren't enough (if any) examples to justify a whole subgenre. Even eroge that are plot-driven follow the "X number of heroines" routine, and in the end, eroge are mostly escapism and that's what a lot of people judge it on. Hell, EGS has that "serviceability" voting system.

VNs (I'm specifically referring to VNs to avoid grouping RPG/Strategy/etc. eroge together) also have very little input from the player. In the case of, say, an action game in the vein of Devil May Cry, most people can agree if the combat is very clunky or very fluid because there's many factors that aren't subjective (responsive controls, hitboxes, etc.), but VNs have a very simple interface and it's hard to mess that up really bad, so you're left with plot, art/graphics (art style is also subjective, but if we were speaking about 3D games we can clearly see things like low resolution textures) music (which is also very subjective aside from cases like a track totally not fitting a certain scene), heroines and ero.

The fact that there's also a lot of exposition also allows VNs to show more of what the characters are thinking than most other media, barring extremely dialogue heavy RPGs like Planet Escape: Tournament and books, which also means there's more chances of you changing your opinion of a character.

>> No.11445873
File: 10 KB, 226x81, PlanescapeLogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11445900

It's Planescape.

>VNs (I'm specifically referring to VNs to avoid grouping RPG/Strategy/etc. eroge together) also have very little input from the player.

How would that be different from the numerous other mediums that lack significant interactivity?

>> No.11445900

The Planet Escape thing was a joke.

Though, yeah, it's not completely different, but in that paragraph I was specifically comparing them to other games to illustrate a point as to why there's such a big disparity in tastes.

>> No.11445907
File: 519 KB, 639x275, Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_Chiru_Shinjitsu_to_Gensō_no_Yasōkyoku_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Umineko Chiru (in Japanese) yesterday. Feel so empty, not sure if I will ever find another VN that is so well written and epic.

>> No.11445920
Quoted by: >>11445929

>so well written
First you would need to learn what good writing is

>> No.11445929

I don't know, I read quite a few VNs and LNs, Umineko Chiru (especially ep8) has to be the best written one of the bunch. If you're criticising my writing, well english isn't my mother tongue, I am from Germany.

>> No.11446348

So I've read that the guilty crown vn is decent, is that true ?

>> No.11446380
File: 160 KB, 900x600, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is quite a lot of people here who dislike Umineko because their favorite VNs are, frankly, inferior in almost all aspect to Umineko. Nasufags, Keyfags, they all wish they had something as good as Umineko in their respective fandom. That generates a lot of hate.

Stay calm and don't listen to the haters. They are the one to be pitied anyway.

>> No.11446378

It's a very short ride with excellent production values and a lot of crazy action that provides insight into the Lost Christmas event that happened during the anime. It's a fun way to kill about 2 or 3 hours, both endings included.

>> No.11446405

Yes. Better than the series anyway.

>> No.11446406

>There is quite a lot of people here who dislike Umineko because their favorite VNs are, frankly, inferior in almost all aspect to Umineko.

That doesn't even makes sense.

>> No.11446444

I'm actually playing Hitomi my stepsister. I'm just going to say one thing: "WTF is this shit"

Seriously, am I the only one who think it?

>> No.11446455

Oh wow.

>> No.11446459
File: 44 KB, 888x535, 1359162933958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11446539


>> No.11446509

Haganeya wrote it, so I'd assume it's worth reading.

>> No.11446539
Quoted by: >>11446547

Epic re/a/ction image.

>> No.11446547
Quoted by: >>11446550

I was being ironic.

>> No.11446550
Quoted by: >>11446562

So was I!

>> No.11446562
File: 269 KB, 600x845, marisa traffic cone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case post your favourite 2hu.

>> No.11446591
File: 391 KB, 1007x555, marisa eating dog food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will just keep posting mine then.

>> No.11446657
Quoted by: >>11449531

I wish Higanbana was an eight-parter, its two games were better than most of Umineko.

>> No.11446721
Quoted by: >>11446736

Where do you get a hold of older VNs?

I can't seem to find a torrent for a Japanese ver planetarian that isn't dead.Just English and psp isos.

>> No.11446736
Quoted by: >>11446751


I think most DLs aren't prepatched. At least erogedownload.com has a seperate dl link for the game and the patch.

>> No.11446751
Quoted by: >>11446759

Yeah, I realized that soon after posting that. Sorry.

The file is tiny, though. I wasn't sure it was real real.

>> No.11446759


Well, there are no voices, that's why it's so small. Be sure to grab the voice patch.

>> No.11446766

>There is quite a lot of people here who dislike Umineko
>Nasufags, Keyfags

>> No.11446769

Should I read grisaia in Japanese or is the translation better

>> No.11446775
Quoted by: >>11446786

The translation is better than the original game, obviously

>> No.11446777
Quoted by: >>11446786


A translation is never better.

>> No.11446786

I am confused

It is said the translation made the dialogue funnier

>> No.11446803
Quoted by: >>11446808

The translation of Recettear was very funny too, right?

>> No.11446804
Quoted by: >>11447963


Ask yourself who said that. Most probably people who read the translation and have limited to no knowledge of Japanese, because why should they read the translation otherwise?

I'm not going to bash the translation (rather, localization, which is yet another breed) since it looks fine from what I've seen. Just saying it would probably the first time in history that a translation is better than the original work and that sounds pretty unlikely to me.

>> No.11446808


>> No.11446821

Given how long Grisaia is, if your level of reading comprehension in Japanese isn't very good, you may as well go with the translation. Be prepared to see the phrase "Is that a fact?" used very frequently.

>> No.11446828

Playing Baldr Force made me realize that all the heroines in ZERO are from the same faction.
I really liked how Force and Sky gave the reader a different perspective of the conflict with each route, and it's a damn shame that ZERO is unlikely to have that.

>> No.11446832
Quoted by: >>11446933

There's obviously the spy route/family belongs to other organizations.
It'd be like Ryang had entered the game as part of the 'police' only to run away by the start of her route, it wouldn't have changed much.

>> No.11446851
Quoted by: >>11447780


look at him and laugh at this faggot!

>> No.11446933
File: 448 KB, 749x421, 4c0f13c4b18016ffc19e3fdc997403e1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that'll have the same charm, though.

Also, the writer really seems to like life-threatening 1-on-1 face-offs.
I've seen 3 of them from just reading the trial and looking at the promotional material.

>> No.11446977

I dislike touhou but i like vns what should I do

>> No.11446997
Quoted by: >>11447037

I just hope it isn't a landmine.

>> No.11447037
Quoted by: >>11447053

I do believe it will be a decent game, at the very least, I just feel like it might not be a good Baldr game.
You know what I mean - a couple world and character building routes that are good enough to keep you reading followed by a final route where shit goes down harder than in the rest of them combined.

>> No.11447053

I personally feel it's going to wind up being like Material Brave or something. Just can't really see it being good.

>> No.11447065

If it's really on that level, then it's gonna be the most powerful GIGAmine I've ever stepped on.

>> No.11447096

I hope that the h-scenes are fappable at least.

>> No.11447739

So I've gone through Yume Miru Kusuri, Katawa shoujou, Let's Meow Meow, and something else. I'm thinking about trying out some other stuff. Where's the recommendation chart? I'm thinking of trying something more serious.

>> No.11447742

Yo, is there a place where I can find My girlfriend is the president? I can't into moonspeak yet.

>> No.11447744
File: 622 KB, 1293x1905, 1379303214897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11447746
Quoted by: >>11447765


>> No.11447748
Quoted by: >>11447765


Wouldn't /vg/ be a better place for you? I think you would get more replies over there.

>> No.11447765
Quoted by: >>11447782

Sorry about that. Figured I'd ask the Experts.

>> No.11447780

go home

>> No.11447782

What good would asking the "Experts" do you if you can't read what they recommend to you anyway?

>> No.11447963

Aroduc claims he improved Kamidori with the translation and I'm tempted to believe him.

>> No.11448231
Quoted by: >>11448243


I call that "advertising".

>> No.11448243
Quoted by: >>11448857

Well to be fair, it couldn't really have gotten much worse.

>> No.11448261
Quoted by: >>11449223

That's funny. I actually tried to do something back then and I kind of helped him edit/QC it out-- it really wasn't that stellar and there were some oversights here and there that made me chuckle, the most blatant one I remember being "don't lick me" / なめんなよ

To be fair, Kamidori was rather disappointing while attempting any route beyond the main heroine anyways.

>> No.11448857


>> No.11449223

>main heroine

>> No.11449463
File: 492 KB, 460x345, 1373782982779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't into moon runes and no lessons available

>> No.11449467

I'm willing to bet that like, 75%+ of the moonreaders here are self-taught.

>> No.11449503

That's my case anyways, never took a japanese class in my life.
I don't think classes really work for languages, I took German for 6 year and can barely understand it, even english I mostly learned playing games and browsing internet.

>> No.11449509
Quoted by: >>11449533

It's really difficult for me for some reason, which is pissing me off because I learned French, German, Russian and English without breaking a sweat.
It's those fucking runes, man. If it was all romaji I would have learned it by now.

>> No.11449513

Read through Tae Kim grammar. Download Anki and start grinding kanji and/or words. Start reading moege with a text hooker and an online dictionary.
You'll learn faster than any university student I've ever met in my life.
And by the way, they won't teach you the "runes" during the lessons. You'll have to study them by yourself anyways.

>> No.11449531
Quoted by: >>11449820

I'm sure Umineko would have been good if it was a two-parter as well.

Or at least, not completely terrible.

>> No.11449533

>If it was all romaji I would have learned it by now.
So would half of the western hemisphere

>> No.11449820


>> No.11449874

new thread:


>> No.11450868
File: 55 KB, 823x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a 4gb torrent for learning from scratch.
